#i did ballet for a year when i was 5 years old so i definitely qualify for this position
mmmairon · 2 years
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every year Diluc get’s volunteered for the role of the Nutcracker, but is it really against his will when he’s so good at it? 🤭
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lavender-at-heart · 4 months
Hello!! Can you please make "Dating Carlisle would include" like you did with other Cullens? I saw you wanted Twilight request, and I really want more Carlisle content, so. Thank you in advance!
Dating Carlise HCs:
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Pairing: Carlisle Cullen x GN!reader (but fem in mind)
Warnings: none
So the whole "I've waited a hundred years for this" is kind of applicable to all the Cullens, but-
It's different! Carlisle has waited like 300 years. He's honestly given up hope in ever finding a mate, thought it wasn't in the cards for him
And despite having a loving family, seeing all of them and his friends find a life partner made him lonley. He was happy, but a lonley person.
So when you come into his life it's like a million fireworks go off at once!
He may be very rusty and old-fashioned, but that doesn't mean he doesn't sweep you off your feet!
You would be seriously head over heels within the first 5 mins of talking
Wether you were one of the Cullen kids' friends or you were in need of medical attention, you were hooked the minute you met
You definitely thought there has to be a catch
He can't be handsome, rich, kind, smart, respectful, AND sane
I'm not sure how it would work with his super self control, but he would probably feel at least a little bit of a thirst for your blood
He'd probably freak out a bit and be overall shocked
Maybe a bit repulsed with himself for even slightly wanting to indulge in human blood
Nevertheless he overcomes this and quickly works on spending time with you
Obviously he wants to come across as normal as possible but he can't help but be overly enthusiastic
Dates would include dinners to expensive restaurants, way too expensive in your opinion
Long walks by the beach or in the forest near his house
Reading by the fireplace
Loves reading you to sleep
Ballet, Opera, or classical music shows are probably a must
But he's down to more casual things too
Being with you makes him feel human, so late night 7-11 trips, or binge watching a show gives him a new, fresh, taste of a cosy life
He loves loves loves to cook for you
Puts on the cooking channel and gets to work
Will try different recipes and cuisines and have you rate each meal
Will go with Alice to the mall so he can buy you all sorts of gifts
Will teach you how to properly dance, none of that jumping up and down business
Would love the idea of getting married soon, he knows you both will never want anyone else
But he would also love to support you in your future in normal society, while you have it
Wether that be post-seccondary or a career
Speaking of weddings, probably a big one
He would invite his long list of friends of course, maybe even the volturi
But simple. He never wants to be showy, but he's just so proud and exited!
Definitely nothing extravagant, keep things classy and nice
He would always be there during difficult times
Obviously if your going through physical difficulties he's the man
You get the best, at home treatment
Top quality soup, tea, and medicine
Due to his super hearing and even smell he can tell if there's a tickle in your throat or a bug in your stomach
But if your feeling down or going through a rough patch he's there
He knows better than anyone that life is full of highs and lows, and he sticks around for the lows
Thanks for reading, I welcome any feedback!
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roseauthor · 7 months
Yuri Plisetsky,
Synopsis: Headcanons with a prodigy ballerina reader whose serious during ballet but is actually so sweet. When they see Yuri again in the Bolshoi Ballet Studio the reader turns from their serious self to a little fluff ball.
Gender neutral.
Recommended Song: Waltz of the Flowers
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You and Yuri are probably 100% fans of each other.
You are very much surprised by seeing your cat-like boyfriend in front of the private studio glass. Almost losing strength during spinning you ended your private session quickly.
The moment Yuri saw you through the glass he lost complete focus of the conversation he had with his new ballet coach, Lilia Baranovskaya.
"Hey, miss Lillia is that..?" "Their one if not my most talented and serious student." She cut him off.
Not moments after that the door opened and closed softly and in a flash Yuri was on the floor with the exquisite ballerina on top of him.
"[Name]! Get off! You're hurting my everything!" He said while struggling to breath, though deep down he was smiling. Also he was hugging you back, even Lillia was a little in shock. Her normally, graceful, serious, ravishing dancer was on the floor. Hugging her newest 'student'. (She was probably also shocked because of how, and i quote, 'unattractive' you both were behaving.)
"Yuri what are you doing here? Came to visit me?" "No I'm here to become a ballarina. To win the Grand-Prix." "Huh..? As in here, here? Under MY coach??"
In the end you both trained under Lillia, she still had to coach you for a couple lessons seeing as you were the lead roll in the Nut Cracker. Living with her under Yuri's request. saying that 'having a experienced ballerina round would help'. It didn't though It did help Yuri figure out his Agape.
His unconditional love, It was, is, and shall always be for you.
Of course you're used to the painfull training Lillia gave but Yuri wasn't and his sore feet, hands, thighs and rest of his body would HURT and i mean hurt.
So OF COURSE cuddles.
After a few months when Yuri was allowed back on the Ice, and when you weren't practising for the Nut Cracker you would join him on the Ice. And you would goof off a bit, with Yuri teaching you how to skate, some spins, maybe even a scratch spin. God- maybe even a little waltz jump.
You would definitely hold competitions, like sitting longest in a split. Spin longest, maybe even standing in a plie for longest.
Yuri would probably not be a big fan of PDA, but in public It'll be just some pinky holding, maybe if someone tries hitting on you he'd wrap his arm around your waist. Little kisses on the forehead.
Kisses would be soft and sweet on the lips, maybe if he's feeling like It he'll make a make out session out of it. In PRIVATE of course.
SPEAKING of kisses.
One of your student's from the younger classes you gave saw you and Yuri's little goodbye kiss. And pointed it out loud. "Instructor [Name] are you and Yuri Plisetsky DATING?!" The children in the class both female and male turned to you. And they started asking questions. Mind you these kids are 4 to 5 year old.
You could hear Yuri smirking.
Yuri had to walk back since he got the studio wrong, when he stood in front of your studio glass he saw your serious look while you teached, "No Arisha, keep your back straight. Amalia turn out more."
He never experienced you being so serious but he guessed that's what Lillia meant by 'serious'. He found it hot.
"I never knew you were so serious." "YOU WERE STALKING MY BALLET CLASS?"
Yuri's grandpa 100% likes you, the way you make his grandson happy. He's never seen grandson so happy.
"Okay Yuri if you have 10 piroshki's and someone stole half, how many do you have left?" "A broken hand." "Yuri NO!"
"Give me a kiss If I make this quad."
Yuri 100% looking at your performance and definitely brags about you. Totally falls even more for you when you're performing.
His anger issues die down significantly with you around.
He's not the best partner, he has his flaws but he tries his best.
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fangirlanxiety74 · 2 months
TELL ME ABOUT TED. Headcanons you have for him, anything... Can be silly or serious.
In actuality, I did genuinely make a google doc. But it's not ready to be shared yet, so I'll share the highlights.
First off, the game manual lies. He is NOT 44. He's 33 at OLDEST. I kind of consider him more like 29/30. Just barely.
He grew up in South Carolina hehe, farm boy
Bisexual disaster but I think this is kinda just obvious.
He is the oldest between him and his 5 siblings!!! And adding onto this, he is SUCH a good older brother. I don't care if everyone else disagrees, he could be the worst man alive but the one good thing someone could say was that he took care of his siblings.
If you know Ayano from Kagerou Project, I think he's a lot like her when he's younger. Like 8/9 years old. He tried so hard to protect them all from their parents and keep them happy. He'd sacrifice so much for them, it's why he kinda,, went into the extreme of being so,, entitled as a grown up. Ykwim???
Just imagine. With the ice caves, moving without thinking to save the others before himself? His brain subconsciously doing what he knows best; sacrificing what he has for others.
Selflessness as a core trait for Ted, please.
Another thing relating to his siblings: He knows how to do ballet!! And he's REALLY good at it. He actually has a lot of fun doing it. One of his sisters wanted to, but she was too afraid to take lessons alone, so he went along with her in secret. Didn't get caught for years. (She stopped lessons once he got forced out of them)
He talks a little like a New-Yorker, or at the very least, that transAtlantic accent (yk like from the old movies?) to try and play off as that kind of guy like Great Gatsby.
His actual accent is Southern. Sometimes it slips out when he's like, extremely flustered/angry, but it's such a rare thing.
He can't stand the sound of someone crying, it immediately makes him angry. Take that, and yk, Ellen or Benny constantly crying... Yeaaaah. (This is also due to his siblings).
This is obvious, he forces himself into doing a lot of masculine things that he doesn't like to appear older/wiser/better, insert whatever word you wanna use that translates to "I am insecure about myself" lol
Okay this last one is really important to me and like. It. Needs its own special paragraph. He is a creative person in his soul. He loves to learn, he loves to write, he loves to read and dance and sing and draw and he has such a huge imagination and love for creativity. You can see it in his psychodrama with how it plays out like a full-blown Grimms Fairytale, the monster he imagined that no one else could see, the line in the radio drama "Am I the last storyteller, telling the last story...?"
He's a storyteller. He has so much to say and share, and he would've done something creative with his life if he had the option, but the abuse he faced and the societal expectations placed on him forced him to,, give it all up. Made him realize he could never have that. Which is why, at least in the game, AM chose him. Ted had so much potential to create, and just... gave it up. For seemingly nothing. Why wouldn't that make AM mad, who can't create, can't even imagine or wonder?
AKA Theatre Kid Ted canon, let it be known
I have like, also. I have a somewhat-AU of Omori for the ihnm cast, and Ted takes the role of Basil. I think Dream Basil vs RW Basil fit a lot of what he is as a kid vs an adult, or at least aspects of both due.
I also have a Hadestown AU of him with my self-insert where he takes the role of Eurydiceeee.... Like. Guys, Hadestown fans, hear me out. Ted singing "Flowers." AM singing "Hey Little Songbird" to Ted. PLEASE HEAR ME CAN YOU HEAR ME??? ARE YOU LISTENING??? /J
There's so much more I can say but this is getting so long I will definitely share more if people want nfjkdc bUT THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!
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youremyheaven · 4 months
hey! kind of off topic but i'm about to finish my rahu mahadasha that i've been in for almost my whole ass life and i'd like to share some of the things i experienced during it. it's not all bad of course, but i personally have found it very hard and if i had seen more people talk about the ugly side of the transit, i think it would've given me a lot of comfort!
(small disclaimer i'm like Pretty Sure these things are caused by the transit based off what i know about rahu, but of course they could be from something else, i'm not an expert at astrology so this stuff is mostly anecdotal. also, my rahu is in pisces in the 11th)
1. Moving and travelling a LOT. not necessarily a bad thing, but as i went into this transit at 3 years old, i never really had a "childhood home" because we moved genuinely every year and sometimes multiple times a year. i think i've moved 12 times since 2020 across cities and countries. on the more positive side, i have gotten to travel a LOT in my life, all across europe and south america, as well as every corner of my home country.
2. TREMENDOUS issues in schooling. i've heard rahu can cause issues with schooling, but oh my gosh i didn't think it would be THAT hard. from the very day i started preschool i hated every second of schooling, the teachers, other kids, the work itself, just absolutely everything about the schooling experience. it got so bad that i started homeschooling in grade 7 due to the anxiety about just... everything. it's almost hard to explain, but just the thought of merely being in a school makes me sick.
3. excelling at foreign languages. not to toot my own horn, but i have always had a knack for learning languages. since i was homeschooled, i had lots of freedom to learn what i wanted at my own pace (which is the silver lining with my school issues), and i always gravitate towards language learning! i'm fluent in two languages, and proficient in 2 more. for a while, my main hobby was learning/decoding other alphabets.
4. social isolation/difficulty . now i'm aware rahu isn't typically associated with isolation like ketu is, so this is mostly anecdotal. since it's in my 11th house, i feel like it's hindered my ability to make friends. however, the friends i do have are foreign to me and majority live in a different country. so again, double edged sword. i definitely had major social isolation issues from ages 12-17. like borderline agoraphobia. and after that when i did make friends, i often found they turned out to be somehow not what i thought (rahu and his love for deception 🙃)
5. mental issues. from what i've read, rahu is associated with obsessive behaviour and delusions. i have ocd, autism, and struggle with anxiety. as a child, i also had frequent nightmares and would have inexplicable paranoia at night as well as a fear of the dark (which i still have at 21 lol)
6. things just not working out. kind of a vague statement i know, but as rahu can decieve you about what you want, i've found so much of my time being wasted by trying new hobbies or meeting new people or trying new lifestyles just for them to straight up fail or turn out to be way worse than what i thought. an example of this would be when i was ~12 i started ballet thinking i was gonna love it and it would be so awesome, but it gave me an eating disorder (obsessive tendencies yk) and i was also ostracized by the teachers and other kids.
those are some of the things i experienced, again it hasn't been the worst per se (especially compared to what certain dashas can do to you lorddd) but as i said i was really confused for a while about what the heck was going on with my life since my rahu dasha was allegedly supposed to be so good, and knowing the darker side of it would've definitely given me some understanding <3
tysm for sharing your experiences, i hope it helps others who are going through similar times <333
people remark on how 'critical' i am of planets/nakshatras or how 'dark' the things i talk about are but truth be told, wouldn't you rather know? i think i trigger the shadow of many people because they want to believe darkness does not reside within every single planet and nak and no one is exempt from behaving a certain way.
to anybody reading, dont be afraid of difficulties and darkness, its a part of life, certain dashas can be vv tough but true purification of that planet's energies is achieved through overcoming challenges associated with it. ride the waves that come your way.
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sebaztianlovesgeek · 8 months
I am annoyed with parents of gen alpha kids
So, shocker, gen alpha kids are basically being raised by the internet, this is just me gonna be ranting about it.
(keep in mind not all parents of gen alpha children do this or have bad intentions so please don't get upset with me)
So I began realising the state of gen alpha back in late 2022, when my then 7 and 8 year old sisters (who are not gen alpha but are very late gen z kids) were joking about sex, I was a bit concerned so I asked them how they knew what it was and who/what told them, I wasn't being intimidating or angry at them because I understand kids accidentally find out about sex all the time, wether that be from another kid telling them or them accidentally seeing a video about it, or simply hearing a joke about sex and not understanding it but repeating it because it sounds funny.
My sisters did nothing but laugh at me for asking. A few months later they were talking about sex again, so I asked them "What is sex?" Trying to see what they knew about it, my then 7 year old sister who we'll call G (we'll call the other F) said "Its when 2 people get naked, rub up against each other in bed and make funny noises" I'm grateful they didn't know the actual definition but its still concerning how they know what the word means.
My 2 sisters, mainly G as she's younger have been getting more out of control these past few years since covid. They have been OBSESSED with youtube shorts to the point where they barely watch actual full length youtube videos unless its a compilation of TikTok POVs, I've overheard some of the things said on the TikTok POV videos and surprise surprise, it talks about subjects that are not for kids like sex, drugs and the people in these POV videos often swear.
My sisters ALSO watch a lot of elsagate crap, you're probably wondering "but elsagate died down back in the late 2010's?" Well in recent years its resurfaced, instead of popular kids cartoon and movie characters like spiderman, mickey mouse, joker, peppa pig and of course, Elsa, they now use popular video game/internet characters like Huggy Wuggy, Skibidi Toilets, Freddy Fazbear and characters from the Amazing Digital Circus.
I was also a victim of elsagate as I was on youtube when the first wave hit, you will not believe the amount of "Elsa and Spiderman inject Joker with a needle and eat bugs" type videos I watched when I was young, and now that I know them videos probably did harm to me during my childhood I don't want it to happen to my siblings, majority of the authority figures in my life don't really care, most of them are millennials or even older, they don't really understand how the internet works and don't pay attention to the seemingly kid friendly elsagate videos my siblings watch on youtube long enough to see all of the innapropriate stuff happening in them, all they know is "G and F are watching a funny cartoon with that blue poppy playtime character"
Most of these new wave elsagate videos are fastly paced and overstimulating, I have heard this can have bad psychological effects on young kids, this is what causes them to have low attention spans and behaviour issues, I mean G literally got bored watching renaissance Disney movies like the Hunchback of Notre Dame and the Lion King, I would understand a kid getting bored watching Hunchback as it touches on more mature subjects which may be hard for them to understand, but she also got bored during the LION KING, which is also a mature film but is more kid friendly with brighter colours, upbeat songs and funny characters like Timon and Pumba, SHE COULDN'T EVEN GET THROUGH THAT.
I have seen countless videos on TikTok of preschool teachers going mad because younger kids are not focusing or behaving and keep talking about sex. Apparently one time a 5 year old said that his teacher had a "nice gyatt" which is basically slang for "nice butt".
I've also heard stories of ballet teachers getting requests from 6-8 year olds requesting to twerk to inappropriate music like WAP, CPR, Squidwards Nose, basically any Cupcakke song (which no hate to Cupcakke or anyone involved with these songs, I actually think grilling n**gas by Cupcakke is a fun listen as well as Squidwards Nose but it obviously shouldn't be listened to or danced to by little kids)
Now, I have seen many people online making fun of gen alpha kids/late gen z kids for having brainrot from watching stuff like this, but its not exactly their fault. When I was young it wasn't my fault I was watching all of those Elsa and Spiderman get pregnant and get an injection videos, nor is it the gen alpha kids fault they watch Skibidi Toilet and Pomni from Digital Circus has an "awesome gyatt" videos.
I think its more to blame on the parents who give an ipad to a 4 year old and pretend its a robotic babysitter, because its not, on the internet in general, not just youtube, its easy to come across some harmful content and people. For example I was watching My Little Pony vore videos (because yes I used to be a huge brony when I was young) not knowing what it was or how I was basically watching a fetish take place because all I knew my favourite character Rainbow Dash was about to be eaten by Rarity or Pinkie Pie (and speaking of Pinkie Pie I will not get started on Smile or Cupcakes HD)
Throughout this rant I have forgotten to mention I have a 2 year old baby brother (my family is complicated so thats why I have a lot of siblings younger than me) who thank god doesn't have an ipad yet but he watches Cocomelon, I have seen countless articles by parents talking about their toddlers getting addicted to Cocomelon like a drug and crying and screaming when they can't watch it.
I hope one day one of our authority figures like my Mum or grandparents can talk to my siblings about why this stuff is not for them, why watching "Skibidi toilet sniff Huggy Wuggy's gyatt while moaning" is just wrong, whenever I try to talk to them about it they just laugh at me, because I'm their "dumb older brother"
I don't want to seem like those old boomers everyone makes fun of who say "YOU DARN KIDS WITH YOUR BRAINFRYING INTERWEB!!!!!!!!" But I do want to be an older sibling who cares, the internet causes major mental and psychological issues if one uses it at a young age and becomes addicted especially if they consume harmful content like elsagate, I of all people know that, I experienced elsagate, I was bullied and told to KMS on amino multiple times because my fanarts were cringe, I watched scary jumpscare videos that gave me nightmares, I of course, saw all of them violent and sexual my little pony fan animations, I till this day still have mental health issues, and while these experiences online are not the only cause as I have been through a lot on the internet and real life, I simply worry for my younger family members and just the younger generation overall.
If you're a parent or older sibling of a young child, please make sure they are staying safe online, make sure to check on them and only let them watch content appropriate for their age, of course I'm not saying sugar coat everything, its okay to introduce your child to mature subjects every once in a while, but unlike these gross elsagate videos do it in a mature and understanding way, maybe when introducing the concept of death show them movies like Coco, Puss In Boots: The Last Wish or Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, or when discussing things like growing up show them Inside Out or Toy Story 3
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pvtchurch · 9 months
15 people 15 questions
thanks to @simmyfrobby and @sergeifyodorov for the tags. my fandom mom and dad (affectionate)
sorry this got long (also sorry for that joke, joy and cody, I regretted it as soon as I typed it)
1. are you named after anyone? short answer, no. long answer, I'm named after a goddess, but it wasn't with the goddess in mind that I was named, it just sort of ended up that way. and I chose aleksandar because of the protagonist of a book.
2. when was the last time you cried? ok this one was funny. I was watching one of the tsn(?) promo vids they did for the pwhl. there was a girl, I don't even know who she is, but I had the most intense thought like "WHY AM I SO OBSESSED WITH HER" and I was TEARING UP!!!! so the tl;dr is that I am a lesbian and I like girls
3. do you have kids? no but I think about it a fair amount like... that's definitely not something that is possible for me but I love kids!!!
4. what sports have you played/do you play? as a kid I did a bit of soccer, ballet, contemporary dance and nothing really stuck... then in high school I discovered endurance running and it actually Changed My Life. then I got an injury before running my first 10k. which was a shame. and now I've not really picked it up again, but I do freestyle wrestling!! which is a TON OF FUN & I hope to keep at it for a long time
(I do still find soccer fun to this day I'm just terribly unskilled at it and sometimes get the urge to join 12 year olds playing it in the park)
5. do you use sarcasm? yes
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? if they look friendly. I don't know.
7. what's your eye colour? brown AF
8. scary movies or happy endings? and what if I want my horror movie to end well??
9. any talents? I can sing... I like drawing when I can set my mind to it. I don't write enough but I really like my writing style : )
10. where were you born? montréal, québec BABY!!!!
11. what are your hobbies? doing nothing on the computer. listening to obscure music. making mashups. watching sports (obviously). PHYSICAL ACTIVITY!! language learning and uhh, reading and drawing on occasion
12. do you have any pets? four! dog. cat. two rats (chucky and freddy. I talk about them sometimes)
13. how tall are you? an unfortunate 5 feet and 3 inches tall
14. favourite subject in school? history or english. or french, honestly depends. english I didn't have to put any work in (ESL is deeply unserious (we were learning verb conjugations in TENTH GRADE!!!???)). history was fun when we talked about something I liked (war history. and also I liked the teacher). french I could also get away with not doing anything because I was the best student in the class. Um. math was fun honestly? did a bit of html & js in college before dropping out, loved it also,.
15. dream job? so re: question 3 & question 4. my dream job would be to coach kids at wrestling, honestly. I love teaching & I love kids but I won't be going back to school to become a teacher, but being able to teach a sport would be, I think, the most fun I could have in a job... as of right now my current job plan is to go become what is essentially a handyman. it pays and I would like doing it!
I won't tag 15 people but @one4theoverlypassionate, @nicohischier, @dacchamp, @pink-car, @nastybastian, @ineffag-swag, @glitchcel, @jimothystu... if you haven't done this! (and sorry if you have. I'm not as online as I used to be 😭)
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anneimaginesundertale · 9 months
Skeleton Children
There are currently six babybones hanging around in The Best of All Timelines, with a seventh one on the way. All the kiddos have fonts but we didn't use their entire font name for their names. (Covered By Your Grace Gaster is just a little bit of a mouthful...)
The kids are:
Randy Bistroke Gaster (@pureangleda and Blue) -- 5 years old
Cherry Swash Gaster (@pureangleda and Blue) -- 2 years old
Someday Joy Gaster (mine with Sweets) -- 4 years old
Grace Optima Gaster (mine with Sweets) -- 2 years old (twin)
Gideon Roman Gaster (mine with Sweets) -- 2 years old (twin)
Poppy Osseus (Boss and Trashy) -- 2 years old
More details under the cut about all these cuties!
Feel free to send asks for the kiddos! I'd love to write more about them! They're so cute!!!!
Blue and Ray (@pureangleda) have two kids: Randy Bistroke and Cherry Swash.
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Randy Bistroke Gaster is 5 years old. He just had his Pokemon birthday party back in December. He's in kindergarten (or maybe junior kindergarten based on his age). Randy has a round skull similar to his dad's and big blue eyelights. He's got his mom's curly brown hair, which he doesn't like having cut. (It's getting a little floppy lately.)
He loves Pokemon and generally anything that lets him run around and pretend he's great at battles like Dad and some of his uncles. He also loves to give hugs. His standard greeting is a big hug and "I'm Randy! I love you!" even to people he hasn't met. (His parents are working with him on that.) Right now Randy wants to be a Pokemon trainer when he grows up. Or a detective like Uncle G. He's not sure yet. He adores his baby sister Cherry. She's the best baby sister in the world!
Cherry Swash Gaster is 2 years old and the oldest of the Two Crew. She loves to move and recently started a baby ballet/gymnastics class to help her get all her energy out. She's also moving out of a "No Clothes!" phase. (That was partially solved by getting her ballerina outfits, but now the girl is a glitter bomb...) She tries very hard to keep up with her big brother and her older cousin Someday, but she's also besties with her twin and her cousin Poppy. She is absolutely fearless, something which causes Ray near heart attacks almost daily.
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Sweets and I (Anne) have three kids: Someday, and our twins Grace and Gideon.
Someday Joy Gaster — My little sunshine girl. Sometimes we call her Sundae instead of Someday because Randy couldn't say her name right when she came along. She's full of joy and has a big, beautiful smile like her daddy's (but, Sweets notes, without the need for orthodontia). She's a little blondie right now but that might change as she gets older. (My hair did.) She likes to have her hair in pigtails or braids. She wears glasses (currently pink ones). Her favorite phrase is "Me too!" She's jealous that Randy gets to be in big kid school when she's still in pre-k but she loves her teachers.
(Covered By Your) Grace Optima Gaster — Twins with Gideon. They're the youngest of the Two Crew. Gracie is my wild, headstrong girl. She looks a lot like her Uncle Sansy. She's got just enough brown hair for a couple of little floofer pigtails, and very expressive golden eyelights. Her favorite phrase is "Not fair!" Out of the twins, Grace is the chatty one. She never has an unexpressed thought and her vocab is impressive for a two year old! (Don't ask which uncle taught her some of those words. No one has confessed.) She adores her twin but will often run ahead of him and then remember and run back.
Gideon Roman Gaster — My sweet serious boy. He was born a few minutes after Grace and is much quieter than her. (There are trees quieter than Gracie, but that's beside the point.) Gideon looks a lot like his daddy with about the same amount of brown hair as his twin. He's got deep blue eyes. Gideon is very shy and tends to look pretty solemn. He's definitely a little bit of a mama's boy right now, which is absolutely fine by me. While his sisters are running around, Gideon likes to go at his own pace and observe everything. He also loves to be read to. If there is a grownup with an unoccupied lap, Gideon will wander over with a book and ask, "Read?" No one can resist those big eyes!
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Boss and Trashy have one daughter, Poppy, and one baby on the way.
Poppy Osseus is our final member of the Two Crew, but she was actually the second one born. She is already proving to be a spunky, energetic little thing and she absolutely loves the outdoors. She would spend every moment of her life outside if she could. Poppy alternates between insisting on pretty princess dresses (especially if she can wear her fairy wings with them) and overalls with "cool shirt". (The current "cool shirt" has a black cat under a mushroom and has been deemed the "Doofmanger" shirt.) She has a cute little curly brown pixie cut at the moment and insists on accessorizing with bows and barrettes and hats. (Sometimes all at once.) Whatever she's wearing, it better have pockets, because Poppy will put every rock, flower, bug, cool bit of moss, or mudball she can find into her pockets. She likes to share her collection. More than one uncle has been shocked to hear "Lookit!" and be handed a roly poly bug/caterpillar/dandelion. When she's not outside, Poppy hosts very fancy tea parties with Daddy. Boss keeps a picture of the two of them looking very fancy on his desk at work.
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annbourbon · 11 months
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Well hello folks! It's that time of the year again! And here's my 2023 movie list, keep on mind I actually made the effort to watch movies I have never seen before, even though they're old... so even if you already watched them because they're classics, I didn't until now.
I actually need to get some books to read but for now binged all these days to watch 31 movies & series in a couple of days.
1. Mask Girl (K-Drama, series)✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay this series was amazing. I've been a fan of Orange Caramel even though they're now disbanded, so seeing Nana back on the scene was so cool. But that's not all, honestly:
* Insane plot, made me gasp a couple of times and I've been into K-Drama for a while now so...
* I was actually rooting for Kim Mo-mi the whole time, but also I couldn't find myself to hate the other characters because the actors are so good<3
* Did I mention Nana is there?
* It has so many layers and many points of view which makes it so interesting to watch
I'm not saying anything else because I highly recommend this one.
2. The Platform (movie) ✅⭐⭐
A bit boring at times but quite interesting too. I watched it because someone recommended it to me. I was so disappointed with the ending but at the same time I understood why it finished the way it did. I'm not going to watch it again though. Definitely hated it.
3. Scream (movie, 2023 ver.) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Since I already watched the original one. This one was awesome. I loved the original cast coming back, and also, Jenna Ortega 😍😚
4. Suspiria (remake)✅⭐⭐⭐
I got bored lol it is aesthetic but not a lot. I prefer the school on the original movie. Like, it's so pretty...
Actually I got, really bored at some parts. I wanted the whole ballet concept to be more... macabre and beautiful. They could have put anything else and the idea would have been the same.
I enjoyed the dance. But it's not classical ballet. I'm giving it an extra star because of the aesthetics. It's not creepy or scary. Just another film. Some parts are awesome but mostly... bland.
5. The Deep House ✅⭐⭐
I think, I was disappointed. It's one of those old school movies, you either love it or hate it. I ended up disliking it a lot because it felt kind of lazy. There was no message behind, there was no reason for me to actually care about them as characters, and BTW, the dude there, he was sooooo toxic. I ended up hating him the whole movie except for his last moments. I really don't recommend this one lol but here you have me, trying to find something different.
Well, sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.
6. Doctor Sleep ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
I need to be honest, he's still one of my first celebrity crushes. So I might be a bit biased. But I loved the movie. Before you say anything to me, I have watched The Shinning already.
7. Gothika ✅⭐⭐
I might as well be honest. I saw this movie when I was a kiddo. But I had a lot of nightmares about it. Still, now I got to watch it fully. And I realized that it's not as intense as I thought it was. I mean, yes. It has some scenes. But I'm a Hannibal Lecter and Criminal Minds fan now lol it's kind of difficult to get past that.
8. Dreamcatcher ✅⭐⭐⭐
It started pretty average and I was expecting nothing from it. But it got better. And really scary. I hated the bathroom scene but also loved the whole movie.
9. Only Mine ✅⭐⭐⭐
Scary but because it's based on a real story. The movie is pretty decent.
10. Train to Busan ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Was so cool 💕 😢 more than scary it was inspiring me a lot. IDK how to explain it. But I'll be watching it again because *feelings*
I think it's becoming one of my favorite horror movies.
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11. Annihilation ✅⭐⭐
Mmmmm I fell asleep. Had to watch it again. And it was not that interesting. I loved the colors though. If I have to say anything about it lol 💤😴
12. Psycho (1960) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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I can't believe it took me so long to watch this one!!! I love this movie I swear. It's such a good one. It's not as scary as I thought it would be but I think that's a "me" problem lol since it seems like I'm so used to scary things nothing really scares me anymore.
However, the suspense was so in point and I can't even believe that I was holding my breath. Like, how? This movie is so old no? It should be boring and all that uh? Well it doesn't matter. Hitchcock definitely knew his way around. It caught my interest and hold me captive till the end of the movie. I didn't even start scrolling my phone or got bored!
Sure there are a couple of plots that can be "fixed" because we now have better phones and technology, but the whole movie it's timeless. It definitely holds. I loved it. A lot. That can't be said of several other movies and tv shows.
13. Constantine ✅⭐⭐⭐
Not really scary. But really cool. I was having a crush over Tilda Swinton the whole time lol sadly she doesn't get to have a lot of screentime but I repeated her scenes for a while before going to the next movie.
14. Beowulf ✅⭐⭐
By now I'm getting tired AF of bloodbaths. Like it's not even scary. It's disgusting and tiresome. I want to see something else. I really did not enjoy the movie. I'm starting to realize that binging on a certain genre can desensitize a person and it certainly feels like I'm way over it. I remember the movie but I can't remember anything that is worth of comment. Except, maybe... that Beowulf is an asshole, so is the king, and apparently the next king will do the same thing and everyone there deserved what happened to them except ofc the people in town and kids. I don't think I liked the story or movie at all. 💀
15. Disturbing Behavior ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay so James Marsden and Katie Holmes are so cute together. And they're literally kids here. It was a bit awkward lol but I enjoyed the movie. It's kind of interesting and definitely talks about how society pressures you on behaving in a certain way. All that while making a scary movie. Which is why I might've ended up liking it a bit more than the others. Interesting how parents were so on board with this behavior too. Anyway, since I'm on a marathon I don't really have a lot of time to analyze it as much as I usually do. I probably won't be watching it again, but it's a good movie to analyze and enjoy for a while. For real.
16. The Exorcist (original) ✅⭐⭐⭐
Now we're getting serious lol or not...
Honest reaction
Before the movie>> I'm so scared of it 😭😿😱
During and after the movie>>> wow... It's so... meh 😑
I was a bit distracted during the whole movie. And it's not that scary. Just sad, long, boring and disappointing. Nothing else to comment.
My brother said that I needed to appreciate it a bit more since it's an old movie, but honestly... I prefer Psycho to the Exorcist. Like, I get it. Old movie. Different type of special effects and all that. But still, the whole thing, even the characters feels kinda flat? Nvm the spoilers. I received a similar amount of spoilers from both movies and I still enjoyed Psycho more. I did laughed a lot. But it's not supposed to be a comedy movie 😭🤣
17. 12 Monkeys ✅⭐⭐⭐
TT~TT okay? I really cried for a while. And I had to take some days off because of this one. I started watching other series, kdramas and stuff that made me laugh and forget about this one.
18. Ghost Ship ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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I remember seeing this one everywhere when I was a kid and my parents trying to make sure I didn't watch it. One of the reasons I finally got my hands on it and watch it lol
I really enjoyed it. I was so sad about the girl on the ship. And I usually do not like slashers but somehow I ended up loving this one. Definitely is going to be one of my favorite movies from now on.
19. The exorcism of Emily Rose ✅ ⭐⭐
Boring at the beginning but interesting after 30 minutes into the movie. Which in a way, it's not good lol but let it be. I was thinking to call the Winchesters all the time.
Mmmm I think these two are one of the reasons I stopped disliking horror movies.
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The other one would be Fi from So Weird
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Which TBH is the original reason I stopped disliking ghosts and monsters. I joined Fi team first before Supernatural. Supernatural was me being edgy and sarcastic all the way, especially on my worse days. But Fiona, she's the one I truly aspired to be. Now I think I'm a mix of both and it's okay. I still prefer Fi over the Winchesters because she gives everyone a chance to be. I mean, I love the brothers a lot... okay not the point of this lol sorry... Ummmm I think you can see I got distracted while watching the movie. 💀🤣
Interesting though, a mix of lawyer-ish fight with "medical terms" and all that in a demonic possession case. Different P.O.V. sure. It definitely makes more sense than the Exorcist where the story ends without anyone (no cops, no lawyers, no other authorities) involved despite several people dying.
"Touched by the hand of God" they said. And believe me when I said "ew" during that part 😭🤣 I wasn't even trying to be funny. Seriously though... there's only one thing I despise more than movie slashers. Religion, especially inside movies. And inside books too. I was so disappointed by Susan's problem when I found out what it was about. I also spent almost my entire childhood inside several Catholic and Christian schools. Most of the time being bullied by everyone there. Please lol I can't stand them (I do realize that not everyone is like that but it left a huge trauma on me so I can't stand those things.) The fun part is, I don't have anything against religions. Just against hypocrisy and lack of comprehension. Still, it's okay for a movie. One or two hours of it won't be bothering me so much. Didn't scare me. But made me uncomfortable. I wish I could hear more about Dr. Adani (?) P.O.V. though.... I believe I will have to watch Heroes (series) for a similar take on that.
20. The Barcelona Vamp ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
This was... triggering. And not about vampires. But about CP and apparently a real case. Obviously Hollywood has its own take on this so I can't say anything about it until I do my research on the real deal. But the whole movie was interesting and also very, very triggering. Really scary. Some scenes were too uncomfortable to watch so I had to pause it several times. Why? These things are so so close to us and people, sometimes people we know, keep hiding these things from us. Maybe the Barcelona Vamp was innocent. Maybe it wasn't. The only thing that it is true is that nothing like this happens without another one getting involved too. Another one keeping silence. Someone refusing to act. That's how bad it is. Not the movie ofc.
I love the use of color and the use of black and white too. It's definitely a good film. The dialogues... they were too realistic. Sadly. I have known people that say things like that. That keep blaming it onto the victims no matter if they're 40 or 6 years old. Don't watch this movie if child abuse triggers you. While it is not graphic it definitely makes you uncomfortable. And it should. Another thing to say about this movie: the original language is in Spanish. And when I saw it on HBO the English subtitles were lacking. So were the subtitles in Spanish. So either you learn/practice your Spanish or you'll need to find CC and the mp4 file too. To make sure you get it otherwise you'll be missing half of the story.
21. Dracula (1979)✅ ⭐⭐⭐
Okay the whole time I was so into the aesthetics. But sometimes I found it funny. Mmmm but I decided to give it a go because it was an old movie. Honestly it wasn't that bad. A bit cringe but kinda okay. The aesthetics were really pleasing tho.
22. Army of the Dead ✅⭐⭐
I started watching it because... it looked fun. Zombieland type of fun.
The OST is awesome. I'm not taking this movie seriously. I don't know why... oh yeah okay... now I kind of understand why.
Okay it has a lot of tits and a lot of blood in the very beginning. If this is how's gonna be... or not. Oh... it gets better after the first minutes 😜 A bit of character development...
I like this idea of zombies being strong and somewhat more fast. Like Korean zombies.
I fell asleep. Again... *sighs* this is ridiculous. I'll have to rewatch just... I'm not sure...
I'll be back. Let me do a quick rewatch.
Zombie tiger Valentine was awesome. Smart zombies? Cool!!
I think I'm bored...
I mean, it's a cool movie. But I prefer Zombieland.
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They're supposed to be great at shooting, so why do they spend so many bullets on killing one zombie if they already know to aim for the head?
I'm rooting for the king. He actually seems decent.
Ohh no they killed his baby 😭
They should pay for it.
Okay... okay, wait a second lol I'm getting an idea...
Why there are no movies with zombies as main characters where the humans are the bad ones?
I mean, we have all what it takes: Usually someone, a doctor, trying to play God, and making a human turn into zombie. The whole zombie apocalypse goes on because they kill the family of subject Zero and all that.
This movie deserves another star just cause the OST is really awesome. Seriously. I'm not going to give it one more though lol the whole thing was quite disappointing.
23. The Fall of the Usher House (Netflix series) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay I saw this whole series in what? Two days? The adaptation was incredibly well done. I'm aware that the story on the book is different but I quite enjoyed the show. Although it's quite graphic. So there's my trigger warning ⚠️ if anything lol honest question, do we need trigger warnings for horror movies?
Carla Gugino's still one of my unexplained crushes, she is still as beautiful as the day I saw her for the first time, does she have a fountain of eternal youth hidden somewhere? Anyway, it surprised me how good she's within the horror genre. To be honest I haven't followed her in years but now she captured my attention so I definitely will be paying attention from now on.💕
I actually screamed during Tammy's death. Her acting is truly on point. It made me feel everything that the rest of the Ushers couldn't. Considering how tired and how much I've disassociated these weeks to be able to watch horror movies every day, I think you can say she's the best of the best.
Ironically, she wasn't even my favorite character but Aunt Madeleine and Camille who I felt they were so alike. And in a way I kept admiring them. And also Lenore but for different reasons. Still I felt captivated by the whole series. Aunt Madeleine monologue is wow! But Tammy's death and the way it was presented to us, I truly felt like I was inside with her. Grieving and feeling all that. I couldn't stop watching despite how much I wanted to.
24. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein✅⭐⭐⭐
It made me jump several times 😭🤣 but I can't quite put my finger on why... maybe because it was raining while I was watching the movie. Maybe because the timing was so on point every time the lightening strikes inside the movie, the same thing happened here...
Anyway this is my first time watching Frankestein and the aesthetics are so good 😍💖 also.. Helena Bonham Carter is there!? And considering how good Kenneth Branagh was playing Gilderoy Lockhart I really found hilarious and on point sawing him play Victor Frankenstein too.
25. #Alive✅⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐
What a movie! I wonder if this is tied to Train to Busan and All of us are Dead. I mean, technically it's not. But the fandom can always take upon it and make it a thing. It has happened before lol right?? Please someone needs to make it a thing 😭 even if it's just a fanfic or something. I'll be so happy.
It keeps reminding me of coronavirus 😭
The guy is a good person but... why is he eating such a big ramen? He should be breaking it into small portions lol he really does not know anything about survival. Poor thing 😕 I shouldn't be laughing so much about it but... he's really stupid at times. If he survives it'll be a miracle lol
Oh... she's cute 🥺 kind and smart. She's going to die lol
They are so lucky to have each other. 🥺😭
Okay... let's start counting how many times he actually screwed it off lol
Every time I think he's about to screw it off, he saves her lol and I like their dynamic so much 🥺😭 like, not really shipping them. Just, rooting for them and loving their friendship. That's a friendship right?
OMG she's so cool...
No way... see? This is why I enjoy Korean movies so much... their plot twists are insane...
26. Freaky✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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O.M.G. it's definitely one of the best movies I've seen in a while. Scary but original. And funny. I loved it. Great characters. Awesome development. Good acting. Made me laugh a lot and I was rooting for the heroine. But also... aw 🥺🤧 that ending... And the beginning! 😱💕
27. A nightmare on Elm Street ✅⭐⭐⭐
It's a great movie. Seriously. But I had to pause it several times because I felt sleepy... really sleepy. Which is so weird because I usually don't feel like that while watching a horror movie.
Anyway I found odd watching Johnny Depp as a kid 🤣 but I was rooting for Nancy's character all the way.
28. The Wizard of Oz ✅ ⭐⭐
Aw... cute singing...
Toto what!? 😱 Well...
I'm not sure I liked the movie lol it felt like.... why are they singing so merrily about the death of the witch!? I feel like they're so mean 😭💀
.... Did Glinda just decided to make Dorothy part of her beef against Elephie? (Ignoring the musical plot ofc) they're so mean lololol
Pretty sure lions and tigers are not part of the forest 😭🤣 okay maybe there are tigers on the rainforests. But pretty sure you won't find one... in middle of the forest. Nvm. I realize it's supposed to be a movie... sorry about that lol
Ohhh that last part when they are all together, facing their worse fears together. It's so cute.
I love the hourglass. It's red!! 😍 so pretty.... the movie is cringy lol but the songs are catchy. The red shoes are marvelous too 😍
And that's it. I don't like this movie lol but the songs are awesome.
29. Cirque du Freak ✅⭐⭐
Ken Watanabe!? Josh Hutcherson, John C. Reilly, Salma Hayek and William Dafoe!? How come I didn't watch this first!? 😭😱 looks so cool...
The intro is so long... but kind of interesting lol
I was eating... lucky me, I don't really get nauseous or sick of watching gross things. I used to watch Dr House or Hannibal when I was a kid while I was eating. That's how strong my stomach is lol
... Is it just me or Evra looks a bit like Ross Lynch here? I love Ross Lynch.... maybe that's why lol
Being honest it was below average. But I also liked it. So... the stars do not say how much, because then it'd be a 3 or 4 but the movie deserves only two.
30. Suspiria (original)✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
The aesthetics are so 😍💕
Did I mention I'm a Dario Argento fan? Okay, I'm a new fan lol like, I'm barely starting with his movies and all that, but still, he's the only one who has actually made me feel so excited and terrified at the same time. Like actually screaming and keep me horrified for several minutes. I loved Phenomena with Jennifer Connelly. Suspiria seems like a dream and a nightmare at the same time.
She looks like Lily Collins 😳
God... the aesthetics... that blue, and those walls... 😍💖
It's actually ballet! 😭😚
The music gives you an actual headache...
Are they trying to drown her!? That diet seems so... lol still... I wish there was a school like that. Minus the bloodbath ofc
lol I like how Susy prefers to sleep before spying on the teachers. I'd be pissed irl because there's nothing better than a mystery but... the movie's making me laugh a little with that. I think they're putting something on her food though.
Okay Susie's definitely taking pills to sleep, you do recognize the signs after a while... I'm surprised I didn't notice before... but Sara keeps shaking her so much it's impossible for her not to be awake unless she's on drugs 😭
Okay... the ending was a bit disappointing. But also good? Still, that makes me like the remake a bit more. Ummm... I think I like both movies now. I'm keeping this on first place because the aesthetics and music. Some parts are dark but nothing big if you're into horror movies. Still... I think I want to watch it again because of the aesthetics. *sigh*
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31. (No title. I'll be watching a movie with a friend 😚💕)
🦇✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🦇
My take: I'm usually a person who likes horror movies. A lot. But... I'm so tired of them RN so I definitely took some horror movies out to make it a bit more light and that's why I ended up watching The Wizard of Oz and Cirque du Freak. And I still ended up hating them lol that's how tired I am. I'm about to puke already. Seriously. Someone please get me something else to watch lololol
I am now looking for the original books of Oz after watching Return to Oz and The Wizard of Oz (which tbh I never saw the original one until now, but several animated ones, and I always found them so creepy I could not even.)
I'm definitely not going to watch horror movies in a while. I'm so done with it. Also, this is why I was struggling so much and couldn't find another movie to make it 31 to the point I almost fall asleep with most of them. I can't feel a thing with most of them. And I love Suspiria. I'm not going to watch anything else after this movie. Not right now at least.
I did enjoy the movie with my friend. I think it's one of the best things. Just because I spent almost 2 hours with that person. That already makes everything 1000% better.
Things that I've learned:
* I hate slashers, unless they're really good or do not have so many gory details. Or it's a bit more "elegant" lol idk how to explain it, except for me liking more Hannibal than a random freak with a knife. You guys get it no?
* My favorite Halloween movies are with ghosts, but I prefer psychological thriller movies.
* I can endure religions on movies but I hate them with passion.
* Monsters are not my thing because they usually are so brainless and so are the people around them trying to kill or run away from them. Use your brain! (This is why I'm a Ravenclaw -.-)
* American zombies suck. They're slow and boring. Please do not mention to me War Z. Korean zombies are awesome and they're the only reason I started watching zombie movies 💀 I like them fast.
* I will root for the brainy and most sassiest person in the room. If this one is killed I will root for the killer.
* I don't think I'll be celebrating Halloween with horror movies next year lol but who knows right?
* The winner of this list would be: Psycho. And in second place I'd be picking Freaky cause I really enjoyed that movie.
* I'm growing less and less fond of Halloween the more time it passes (not the idea itself, death and undead will never scare me but the whole horror show puts me a bit.... off now. I'm starting to understand my own roots a bit more too like being fond of this time of the year because it ends but not because of the horror, ya know what I mean? I'm getting old I think. Or maybe I'm coming back to the person I used to be.)
* Most horror movies and series lack of character development or something that makes it attractive and lets the audience feel compelled to root for them. That's why many people started rooting for the monster. It lacks humanity. They're just bloodbaths. It's boring.
* It took me so many hours to think of my costumes, design something somewhat decent, pull all the pics and watch movies at the same time 😭 🤣 it was fun but I won't be doing this again.
* I love autumn 🍂🍁🍂
* Somehow I'm more in touch with my feelings right now.
* Some movies and series actually made me feel inspired to go back and write!
* I really, really love autumn 🍂 it's just this cozy, nostalgic feeling. I'm trying not to cry whenever I see the sunlight through the leaves. 🍁
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noratilney · 10 months
OC Questions Tag
tagged by @wordspin-shares and @bluebell-winter literal ages ago, thank you!
I did two of my ocs as well.
MAIA SMITH (my Riverdale oc)
5 words to physically describe your OC (do you have a drawing? even better!)
Maia's fancast is Isabel Durant. But lemme do the words too because I almost never find that a fancast is an exactly perfect match for what I imagine in my head.
Slender, delicate, blonde, short, and dancer.
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Who inspired your OC? (Can be your mum to a very famous fungi.)
Not really anyone or anything, I guess? I knew I wanted her to be a dancer from the beginning so possibly any and all ballet/dance media I've consumed over the years.
Give me a song to define your OC (I will listen to it to enter in your WIP mood!)
I only recently found one for Maia.
these lyrics in particular:
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here (via lyricallymnded)
If I met your OC on the street, how would they greet me?
Maia is polite and friendly so I think she would probably give you a polite smile and maybe a wave if you were just an acquaintance.
As a friend, she's a lot more physically affectionate so presuming you weren't in a hurry, she would call you by your name and give you a hug and start chatting.
Can your OC be your best friend? Why?
Yes, definitely but I'm going to have to be the one to make the first move. We're similarly introverted but ballet takes up such a large chunk of Maia's life, she doesn't really go out of her way to make new friends.
1 adjective and 1 noun to describe your OC
hmm, maybe 'quiet dissident'?
5 words to physically describe your OC (do you have a drawing? even better!)
So Emma looks like Millie Brady (particularly in her Last Kingdom looks). However, she's not how Emma looked in her original body!
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Who inspired your OC? (Can be your mum to a very famous fungi.)
She was partially inspired by @sunlitscribe's Nova Bennett in that I've never before enjoyed or been interested in reading a reincarnation/si type oc before reading Supernova, which I ended up loving.
Emma was created by a combination of me wanting to try my hand at a reincarnation/si type oc and wanting to make things difficult for her. She thinks she knows what's going to happen at all times but just the presence of Sophia and Ingrid is a surprise to her and throws her for a loop. (This also lets me change some Originals backstory/timeline stuff that irks me.)
Give me a song to define your OC (I will listen to it to enter in your WIP mood!)
Most of the songs I have for Emma so far are ship ones but I do have this one.
Most of the lyrics work with Emma's pre-death life and her early days in the unfamiliar world of 990 AD Mystic Falls, in particular these lyrics really strike me for her:
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here (via lyricallymnded)
If I met your OC on the street, how would they greet me?
Modern times? Not sure she would acknowledge you at all unless you're her family or she wants you to do something for her.
Mystic Falls in Viking times? I think she would be polite and pretend she knew who you were to hide her ignorance.
Can your OC be your best friend? Why?
I think it really depends on when. A 1000 year old vampire isn't going to be interesting in befriending just anyone and Emma is no exception. In fact she’s less friendly than say Rebekah.
Let's see, if you're some random village person in 990, I would tentatively say yes but because of her situation, Emma is going to remain somewhat aloof and be hard to get really close to.
1 adjective and 1 noun to describe your OC
unpredictable and tender
since i'm super late on this, I don't know who might want to do this again but tagging: @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @asirensrage, @kendelias, and anyone who wants to join!
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ravenatural · 8 months
15 Questions tag game
The rules are: Answer the 15 questions and tag 15 of your mutuals.
Tagged by @echoghost1 , ty Echo!! :D
1. Are you named after anyone? 
Ohh okay so this one is kinda fun because I technically am on four counts! My legal first and middle names both came from two different people ( one a famous author, the other my great great great ( great? I think it’s 4 ) aunt. The other two counts come from chosen names! while I’m not positive how much raven counts ( chosen at 13 because of raven teen titans haha ), Alva is another name I chose for myself that came from an ancestor on my moms side
2. When was the last time you cried? 
Last week? I think? Shit’s been kinda stressful all of a sudden
3. Do you have kids?
I babysat a couple of kids for a few months when I was like 18-ish and worked a job that had a daycare room, and I absolutely adored them to the point my mom started referring to them as my kids, but I am neither a legal guardian nor still in contact since the place went out of business so I’m gonna have to answer no to that one
4. What sports do you play/have played? 
Ohh man okay i don’t think I’ve done any sports since I was like. 10 years old, max. I briefly did soccer, and then basic ballet and tap lessons; I had a couple group recitals, but never advanced past flats, and honestly did not retain even muscle memory on anything
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I can’t because I’m the kind of awkward that struggles with tone inflection and quick wit so when I try people always think I’m serious 😔 
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? 
Something that can be complimented, generally.
Like, one of the things I do as someone with a customer facing job, is actively look for things to complement people on, for a multitude of reasons. It’s def not some kind of a requirement for my position, but more just that I like to break up the basic check-out process a little by finding something that I can genuinely appreciate ( which, the more I’ve done this the wider an appreciation of people’s personal style preferences I’ve had in general ) and communicating to them I like it, which never fails to brighten up an interaction.
It’s honestly really great too, because people often like to share the story behind the things I compliment, and I love to hear those stories, so it’s a good balance I think!
7. What's your eye color? 
I’ve always been told they’re brown but I’m like 98% certain they’re actually hazel? But the definitions of hazel I see are very, well, hazy tbh, and I’m afraid to commit to being 100% certain lmao
8. Scary movies or Happy endings? 
I like both BUT the happy endings I’d really like to have a lot of toil and angst and maybe a lil tragedy first—I want that happy ending to have blood stains that are over time bleached away by sunlight, but forever imprinted onto the fabric
9. Any talents? 
Idk if I’d describe myself as talented in any manner, but that’s mostly because I prefer to think in terms of skill-set over natural talent
That said, I have never formally—or informally really, for that matter—studied gemstones, but I can recognize and name a decent number of them on sight relatively easily, and have ID’d multiple pieces of tanzanite jewelry first try ( something where every individual, all unrelated, who was wearing said jewelry have said I’m the first person to not only think it was something other than sapphire, but to also know instantly. All I can really offer as to how I know is “its just the way it is” because ig the color and shine differences aren’t as easily noticeable to everyone else? ). It’s a side effect of having a detail focused mind that I’m honestly really proud of
10. Where were you born? 
Nice try sucker you’re not getting the answer to my online account security question THAT easily
11. What are your hobbies? 
opening new tabs from my YouTube recommendations side bar for every song title that looks interesting and seeing how much new music I can find in one sitting before I get bored
finding hyper specific and sometimes rare things people I know haven’t been able to find and then buying it for them
googling the fuck out of some random ass thing that just came up in conversation until I have a bunch of new fun facts on the subject
and more!
12. Do you have any pets? 
context: my family runs a small hobby farm, + we have our indoor pets ( only cats for indoor now ), we’ve had a variety of livestock over the years, but currently it’s just sheep and chickens for outdoor
13. How tall are you?
Just a lil over 5’5” but not quite 5’6” ( no I don’t need to be that specific but the doctor commented on it last time she took my height and damn if I won’t take the small win )
14. Favourite subject in school?
Mmmmm I’m gonna automatically disqualify art just to make this slightly more challenging for myself.. probably Astronomy? Tbh I’ve never been able to wrap my head around enough math concepts to understand a lot of science formulas, so that whole portion of it didn’t quite work out for me, but I enjoyed the fuck outta reading the textbook
15. Dream Job? 
Oh okay this one is actually really specific, but. Making an anime / cartoon style comic and / or illustrations and maybe a variety of other artwork for NASA, no this position does not exist but I want it IMMENSELY
Hooooo this got a LOT longer than I expected lmao
trying to avoid tagging mutuals I’ve already seen tagged in this one, obvi feel free to ignore if you don’t wanna do it ( we’re low stakes tagging in this household )
@ukiinas ( I silently salute you for being my longest standing mutual 🫡 )
…and anyone else who’d like to! ( I don’t feel like digging through my followers to fill the list to max shajsisoa have at it fellas )
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bobawitch · 2 years
His Favorite Case
(this is a fem reader x late season 5 reid)
warnings: this story does contain talk of murder, stalking, and overall some triggering topics, please read at your own risk.
A/N: i am more than willing to take requests for upcoming chapters but i will also write smaller fics on the side if anyone has specific requests! <3
Chapter one
You had never known an easy life. It seems fate just didn’t have that out for you. You were made to be in and out of therapy throughout childhood and the early stages of your adulthood. It was when you were around 6 years old that your parents were killed. The killer had locked you in your room and left you with a music box that played the swan lake. It wasn’t loud enough to block out the sounds of your parents but it was definitely calming. Police had arrived as fast as they could but they couldn’t save your mother. Your father was in critical care for a few years but eventually died which left you under the supervision of your aunt. She moved you to her townhouse in Russia where you grew up but once you were at 18 you found yourself wishing to come back to America and so you did. It had been easy since you had excelled as a ballerina and just about any dance studio was just about dying to get you. You finally found one you liked in Virginia, Quantico to be more exact. Your aunt made sure you were comfortable in your new apartment before she left you again. Now you were on your own, enjoying your own life. 
Now for Reid, there was a new case and Garcia was at the end of filling them in on it and Reid was extra interested. It was obvious that the unsub had a type and a very specific surrogate he was looking for but how long it would take before he was ready to confront that surrogate was too soon to speculate on. 
“He seems to like ballerinas, specifically ballerinas with h/c’s hair and e/c eyes.” Reid spoke and Morgan nodded, his brows still firm in thought. 
“It’s local so we should start by looking into how many ballerinas in the area have a history with a stalker.” Hotch looked at Garcia, making it clear she was to look at that immediately.
“Morgan and Rossi, you go to the first dump site, Reid and Prentiss start visiting ballet studios, see if we can find anyone that might know this guy.” Hotch finished his orders, standing as Garcia scrambled off to her computer room. 
It didn’t take long for Reid and Prentiss to get to the well known studio you worked at. The manager of the studio came and grabbed you to speak with the FBI and you hurriedly pulled on your hoodie over your leotard. You scurried to the man and woman, looking over the woman quickly before resting your eyes on Spencer. He gave you a half smile in his awkward manner.
“Uh hi, I’m Dr. Spencer Reid and this is Agent Emily Prentiss. We’re from the FBI.” Reid nodded and gave a hand for you to shake. You took it and gave a kind but firm shake, then doing the same to agent Prentiss.
“We’re sorry to bother you but we were hoping we could ask you some questions?” Prentiss had a kind and very understanding voice that soothed you and your nerves. 
“Yeah of course, here we can go sit.” You smiled at the two before leading them to the various seats in the audience.
“Thank you, we were wondering if you’ve been stalked before?”
You looked at Reid with a blank but anxious look, swallowing hard and nodding slightly.
“Nothing confirmed but I used to get these letters that never had a return address. They always asked how my life was, what I was doing.” You felt your voice shake as you spoke. You had of course brought this up in therapy but nothing was ever done about it, instead you just kept throwing them away and getting stronger security at each letter. You felt a bit safer but about 2 months ago you stopped receiving any letters. 
“How long have you been getting these letters?” Prentiss continued the questioning but you could feel Reid staring at you, a thoughtful expression upon his face. 
“Uh, ever since I moved here about 6 months ago..”
Prentiss and Reid exchanged looks.
“Thank you, uh, what’s your name?” Reid asked.
You gave him your name before you watched them leave, now more nervous than ever. Reid had given you his number so that you could get in touch easily if you got another letter. 
“Garcia I need you to run a background check on someone, her name is y/n l/n.” Reid spoke into the phone outside of your studio, Emily was now in the car, updating Hotch.
“Alright, give me just a moment… aaaaand done! Ok she seems like your average 25 year old, moved here 6 months ago, lives in a studio apartment outside of downtown. She was born in a small town in New York and.. Oh…. oh my god. Her parents were killed in her old house, she was the only survivor..” Garcia’s voice shook enough through the call that Reid frowned, still deep in thought.
“Ok, thanks Garcia.” The call ended and he climbed into the car, updating Prentiss and Hotch before heading back to the office. 
That night you found it hard to sleep, which wasn’t super uncommon but it still wasn’t comfortable for you. You blink at your ceiling before sighing and pushing yourself up and out of your bed, walking through the hall and grabbing a glass of water from the fridge. As you shut the fridge door you heard a hard thump which spiked your adrenaline. You reached for your phone, dialing Reid’s number and making your way to the front door of your apartment. It couldn’t have been later than maybe 11:30 so you were near confident that a neighbor would be awake enough to let you in. When you got to the front door you quickly unlocked all the pieces you had installed to ensure your safety then swung the door open. Reid picked up as you ran down the hall.
“Reid he’s here. He was in my apartment, I’m getting in the elevator now, please send help.” You were rushed in your words, cutting off his confused tone and the beginnings of “who is this?”
You could hear some scrambling in the background as the elevator doors closed before Reid spoke.
“Ok, I just told my team we’ll be there soon, where are you gonna go?”
“Uh, I didn’t think about that, maybe the lobby?”
“Ok, that’s smart, just go to the lobby and hide behind the front desk we’re on our way.”
Tears were flooding down your cheeks now and you could feel your breathing deep in your head.
“Ok.. will you stay on the phone with me please?” You felt your voice crack but your ears weren’t pierced with the noise as they usually would be.
“Of course, yes I’ll stay on the call until we get there.”
You mumbled a soft thank you before sitting behind the front desk, crouching with your knees hugged tight to your chest. You were shaking as you tried to calm your breathing so the man couldn’t hear you when he eventually got down to the lobby. You snapped out of your pure fear when you heard Reid’s voice again. 
“How long have you been a ballerina?”
You were a little stunned at his question because it really didn’t make sense in the situation.
“I uh- I’m sorry what?”
“Oh, sorry just trying to distract you, try and calm you down. This guy feeds on fear so if we can keep you as calm as possible it will make him more likely to just leave.”
You nodded although Reid really couldn’t see that.
“I’ve been doing ballet since I was 10. So 16 years.” You were still crying but your voice wasn’t as shaky.
“Good good, that’s super cool. I never understood dancing, it’s not like math so I’m a bit lost at it.”
You giggled at his words, still hearing dead silence in the lobby until you heard faint sirens. You perked up with a smile, wanting to look around the lobby but it was then you heard the elevator doors open and a heavy step walking around the lobby. 
“Alright y/n we are almost to your building, are you still safe?”
You would have whispered but the man was close enough that you couldn’t even try it. You shut your eyes tight and kept repeating that you were ok, hoping that maybe by some miracle that Reid would get your thoughts.
The line stayed quiet for a few more seconds as the sirens became blaring. You heard various hurried footsteps until the doors swung open and you heard deep voices yelling for the unsub to drop his weapon. Your eyes opened and you looked around until Spencer came into view, he kneeled by you and set his hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N! Are you ok?” He spoke in a worried tone as the other agents made the arrest.
You nodded and took his other hand that was telling you it was safe to stand but when you did you saw the man and he was not the man that killed your parents.
“Todd? What the fuck!” You spoke angrily, starting to walk towards him though Reid was holding you back very confused.
“Y/N who are these people? What do they mean murder?!” Todd spoke confused and also angry.
You turned to Hotch, bowing your head gently, “I’m so sorry sir, this is just Todd, my ex boyfriend.”
You heard a scoff from behind you and turned to look at Reid who looked a bit embarrassed at how unprofessional that was. Hotch sighed and nodded, “We’ll still need to take him in for questioning.”
“He also now has breaking and entering, even if it's not murder we can hold him.” Spencer chimed and you looked at him again, smiling. 
Reid took you back to your room as of Hotch’s orders, telling him to stay for the night. You were a bit embarrassed since your apartment wasn’t the most clean place on Earth but you let him in nonetheless.
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zergula · 1 year
15 Questions For 15 Mutuals
I finally got tagged in one of these fun things so I decided to do it. Thanks @oasislandingresident I love learning new things about my friends <3 Anyone who would like to do this as well, I officially tag you! Dooooo itttttttttttttttt
Are you named after anyone? My grandfather's sister who died during the Spanish Flu. Yes, I freaked ALL THE WAY OUT when the pandemic started because of that. So far, I have escaped that fate!
When was the last time you cried? I think the better question would be when was the last time I *didn't* cry. Stupid sappy commercials, dumb songs on the radio, etc yep, I'm a big baby!
Do you have any kids? I have 2 adult children AND a granddaughter! I'm old yall and I am just as surprised as you are that I am still here, lol
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Sarcasm is my love language.
What sports do you play/have you played? I trained in ballet from 18 months old until I broke both of my ankles on a skateboard when I was 15 sooo no more ballet or anything really after that. I did play soccer and was a cheerleader for a brief time in my teens (until I got kicked off the squad because I got caught smoking a cigarette in my uniform on school grounds oopsie!).
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Their sense of humor or their kindness (or lack thereof of both).
Scary movies or happy endings? SCARY MOVIES!!! Horror is my favorite genre, love love love horror movies!
Any special talents? I have a magical talent of never stfu when I should. It's awesome(no it is NOT).
Where were you born? Virginia Beach, VA AND I MISS IT VERY MUCH
What are your hobbies? Sims, reading, painting...typical boring old lady stuff, I guess lol
Do you have any pets? Yes, a siamese terror named Pete and in February I had an all black cat show up at my window meowing for his life. I brought him to the emergency vet and he has fought a severe respiratory infection, gained a bunch of weight back, and is now healthy enough for his dental surgery in June. His name is Huxley, he is only 2 years old, and he is my special boy that the void sent to me exactly when I needed him.
How tall are you? I am 5 ft even exactly. Or as my husband likes to say, 5 feet of evil lol
Fave subject in school? History, definitely! You would think it would be English considering I'm a writer but nope, I am a huge history nerd!
Dream job? You know what, I don't even know. Maybe an art buyer? History professor? Something where I could travel? I really don't have a dream job because eventually all jobs become...a job lol so meh *shrug*
Eye colour? Green eyed monster RaWr
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redleavesinthewind · 2 years
writing version / click here for the reading version
i originally wanted to keep track of the amount of words i wrote this year, but that kinda fell apart after a few months. i do know that i didn’t write as much this year as i did the years previous, but hey, i also know i’ve published a total of 110,538 words across 14 fics in 2022, and that’s gotta count for something
so, here’s the list of fics i wrote this year and some thoughts on them (continues under the cut):
dean winchester’s guide to grieving an angel | spn | After Cas dies, Dean feels lost | 1.4k words
this one’s the first fic in my supernatural guides series, and when i wrote this i didn’t even know it would become a series. i’ve tried some new things in this one, specifically how to write about grief and playing around with cas’ trueform. i’ve never called this fic a fix-it, but i guess that’s what it is
the birthday present | spn | Dean’s family surprises him on his birthday | 507 words
this is just a soft little birthday ficlet and another excuse for me to give dean tattoos
time will bring him back to you | spn | After a knee injury, Dean Winchester’s ballet career could very well be over. Refusing to think about it too much, Dean returns to his hometown to take some time off and relax. However, when his old ballet teacher Rowena gets sick he has to take over teaching, and he keeps seeing his ex-boyfriend around town. An ex who he definitely doesn’t have any feelings for anymore… right? Castiel Novak has a good life. He loves his two adopted children, Jack and Claire, and he’s happy with his job as a paramedic. There’s nothing more he needs. Least of all having his ex from back when he was a teenager show up suddenly and distract him from what’s important. Which shouldn’t even be a problem because Cas is totally over him… right? With some meddling from Charlie, Dean and Cas find themselves confronted with feelings they thought were left in the past. | 24k words
okay so while i published this fic in 2022, it was mainly written in 2021. it’s the first time i participated in a big bang type event (deancas pinefest!) and it was such a fun experience. i have done ballet pretty much all my life, so i make ballet aus for pretty much every fandom i’m in, but this is the first one i’ve actually written out! it is very dear to me, and i have more ballet fics in my drafts
castiel’s guide to loving a human | spn | After being rescued from the Empty, Cas is finally allowed to love Dean with all his heart | 2.3k words
here it is, the second part of the supernatural guides series. i never planned for this fic to exist, but i worked off a creator celebration’s prompts and it worked out perfectly! this might be the least angsty fic i have ever written in my life btw
proper pirates have tattoos | ofmd | Before the crew sets sail to follow Blackbeard, Stede gets a tattoo | 720 words
aaand another excuse for me to write about tattoos! funnily enough, i don’t have as much of a desire to write ofmd fic than i do for other fandoms, but this little moment got stuck in my head and i had to get it out
canvas | spn | Claire Novak is a canvas | 1.2k words
a fic about the love of my life claire novak. she is my absolute favourite and i will always jump on any opportunity to a) mess with her gender and b) give her tattoos. this might me my favourite fic i wrote this year, it’s simple, but means so much to me
healing | 911 | Eddie is healing | 100 words
A DRABBLE do you know how hard it is to keep a fic to exactly 100 words?? not easy, especially when you have so much to say about a specific topic (like, eddie’s journey in season 5!!)
the dream goes as follows | spn | dean dreams and he bleeds | 641 words
i’m kinda playing around with imagery in this one, it was fun to write, even though dean is very much not having a good time
home | spn | dean and his home | 100 words
sometimes i look back on my writing and wonder how i did it. i have no idea. i don’t even remember sitting down and writing this. it was just suddenly there. and somehow at perfectly 100 words
cas and dean’s guide to making a home | spn | Cas and Dean buy a house. Now they’re making it their home. | 3.3k words
after writing the previous two guides, i realised that i really liked this universe i’ve created and when another creator celebration with the right prompts came along, the third installment of the guides series was born. it’s a story told through painting walls and i think that’s neat. also, i wrote parts of this while visiting a friend in amsterdam
thread | spn | The thread with which Sam holds himself together | 649 words
ohhh boy okay. a sam character study i came up with after a morning of sewing. i’m very proud of it, however i do think it’s a little cursed
hunting contact | spn | After Hibbing, Jody becomes Donna’s first contact concerning everything supernatural. What starts as professional calls slowly develops into something much more personal, and Jody has to juggle with her job, keeping Donna up-to-date with information on monsters, making a home for Alex and Claire, and realising that there’s more to the blossoming friendship between her and Donna. | 11k words
a jodydonna fic! i’ve wanted to write this one for years, it’s just a comfortable little fic about donna becoming a permanent part of jody’s life. also claire and alex are there and i love them
[insert mamma mia quote here] | spn | Claire Winchester has long resigned to not knowing who their second parent is, but when they find their dad's journal from the summer they were conceived, there's suddenly three possible other fathers. Claire decides to invite them all to their upcoming wedding, convinced that they are going to recognise their father on sight. What could go wrong? Dean Winchester may not understand why his child wants to get married at twenty-two, but he wants to give Claire and Krissy the perfect wedding nonetheless. Now, that would be much easier if there weren't those three guys from his past running around on the island, who cannot under any circumstances find out about Claire. And no, Dean does not still have feelings for one of them. At least that's what he keeps telling himself. | currently at 33k words
BIG SIGH okay. okay. i was supposed to finish this fic within the year but hey, here we are, the last day of 2022, and we’re only slightly over the midway point. i’m a little sad about that actually, cause this fic is so fun! it’s a mix of my favourite things (mamma mia and transnatural) and it is the best thing i have ever come up with. but i am still working on it, so it’s not abandoned! i would never abandon it it’s much too important to me, i’m just inconsistent and can’t stick to schedules
Fire in the Dark | spn | With his brother Sam out of town, Dean and the other forest rangers in his small town in West Virginia must figure out why the forest has become disorienting to those that know it best and, with Cas’ help, concoct a plan that will set it back to normal. | 32k words
okay, first off only around half of the words in this fic were written by me, the other are from ely @/juliept who agreed to try and write a horror fic with me! which was a very fun process. it’s not the first time we’ve co-written, but this one felt different, because i was the one who came up with the concept, and i love how it came to life with our words
eyyyy and that’s it! here’s to many more stories in 2023!!
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rappaccini · 1 year
arachnophobia notes; chapter 2
chapter title:
from 'spiderwebs' by no doubt.
1) ... it's got 'spiderwebs' in the title. hello?
2) no doubt. ska-punk band from the 1990s fronted by a blonde woman named gwen.
3) relevant to the fic: 'spiderwebs' is about being creeped out by an unwanted male admirer who just won't stop, and the trust issues that result. and this chapter discusses how miles is taking the place of peter in gwen's canon, as the spider-man who... well, won't stop sucking her into a story that will only hurt her. and how that destroys her friendship with him.
preface quote:
from james m. barrie's peter pan. hobie's nickname for her being both a ref to her nickname from peter in the main comics (... a pet name used by her boyfriend. which 👀), and a ref to wendy of peter pan-- also a girl who flees her home to avoid dealing with a difficult situation, who is the only girl among a group of flying mischievous boys, who is connected romantically to a peter who she does not end up with because she's capable of growing up and going home to face her responsibilities and he isn't.
the peter could be peter parker, miles, maybe even miguel. all three, in my book. none of them want her to grow up.
it's clear that the movies see miles as her peter pan. makes you wonder if the writers remembered how peter pan ends. or if they think that changing the ending so wendy and peter end up together will improve the story instead of fucking up its purpose.
the quote in question refers to wendy after her return home. it's okay that she outgrew peter, just as it's okay for gwen to have outgrown miles in their time apart.
timeline notes: we've synced up with where gwen is chronologically in atsv. seventeen months after itsv, five-ish months into her stay with the society.
stages of grief: this one's about denial, in both definitions of the word. gwen is in denial about how angry and upset she is, and that she doesn't want to solve her death problem by being miles's girlfriend... then she denies miles when he tries to start that relationship.
it seems like noir and ham don't get invited into the society in atsv, since they don't appear until gwen's assembling her band at the end.
had to make some mention of gwen and peni seemingly having no strong relationship, which i guess follows since peni's a bit young to hang out with her. peni only turns up for miles in both her appearances in atsv.
tiny divergence here: in atsv, gwen isn't actually keeping hobie's shoes, even though external material for the film calls them a gift from him. based on their dialogue in mumbattan it seems like she threw them on in a hurry when she was leaving his place that morning (which has very 👀 implications regarding why exactly she was sleeping over, in need of a quick redress, and why their clothes were mixed up together). in this fic, presumably that still happened, but she just kept them afterwards. the chucks are great and i'm so happy 65b gwen finally gets to have them.
gwen's age is a bit hard to pin down. we know she's fifteen months older than miles in the movies (and 3-5 years older than him in the comics, but the writers are being slippery with both their ages to try and hide that), but since we're not sure how old miles is, we can't pin gwen's age down any further. my best guess was if miles is a little into fourteen in itsv, gwen's about 15 and a half. plus seventeen months is sixteen-and-ten-ish-months (further supported by rio thinking gwen looks old enough to vote, so if she's 16, she's going on 17). and gwen would be counting those months, because birthdays would mean a lot to someone who knows they'll likely die at nineteen.
time did canonically keep moving in gwen's world. so on 65b she was a missing person for months.
ballet academy: idk if 65b gwen's at a formal ballet school or just does it as a hobby, but it felt relevant to include.
in the comics, when gwen goes missing, the mary janes do actually put up missing persons posters for her. however in the comics gwen and the janes are friends. in the movie that doesn't seem to be the case; maybe they wouldn't.
in the comics, gwen's identity is guessed by the janes well before she reveals it. because it is quite obvious. probably even more so in the movies, because on top of the captain stacy connection, she's literally running around wearing a distinctive set of ballet shoes they'd probably see in gwen's bag all the time, and both disappear at the same time.
as in the film, by this point gwen is regularly crashing at hobie's. since hobie lives in a fascist dystopia, is involved in the resistance movement there, and has a history of squatting, he probably doesn't have a reliable address and it isn't always a good idea for him to invite someone over.
also, i needed a reason for gwen to have late nights with miguel. that felt like a good excuse.
gwen's creep-o-meter deja-vu goes off because she has been here before, actually. 65a and 65b gwen both get pressed into joining shadowy organizations led by a conflicted-but-antagonistic older man (with the first initial m) who has a, uh, vibe with her. it's an interesting constant in their narrative.
in case it isn't clear, miguel hit gwen with his mug. if he was throwing shit at her in atsv in full view of hobie and miles and she was unfazed, then 1) he does that a lot and she's used to it. and 2) he probably does worse when they're alone together. (with that in mind, hobie not wanting to leave gwen alone at the society, and specifically hanging around in the background as she speaks to miguel, probably has something to do with that. he knows she's in a situation where physical abuse is likely and wants to get in the way to deter it before it happens, or at least be there to comfort her afterwards.)
for the purposes of this fic, miles had to be able to join the spider-society. trying to skirt canon here by playing up gwen's own anomalous status-- if she's one, yet miguel let her in, he should be willing to do the same for miles.
anyway the moment gwen gets to reunite with miles in the film is roughly what happens in the fic, except she is allowed to see miles, and is here to recruit him.
(maybe the spot exists at this point, maybe he doesn't. idk. he can't be here for this fic due to the timeline so i guess he just fell through a hole in the universe and hasn't found his way back yet.)
miles arrives
gwen knew miles for literally three days. that isn't brought up enough. she knew him for three days, and hung out with him for one of them. then she spent seventeen months apart from him, and five of those months were spent hanging out with other spiders, two of whom she becomes closer with than she ever was with miles in the first place. she and miles don't actually know each other well. if anything, they're more interested in the idea of each other than the actual person.
(so gwen having a crush on him so strong that she risks her life to see him again even after spending far more time with other guys who are her type and clearly interested in her... makes no sense. gwen would not do that. nor would any teenage girl.)
and to gwen, the idea of miles does matter a lot to her: he's the first other spider-person she met, his world's the first other one she explored, and hanging out with him (and peter b) made her want friends again. he opened that door for her.
and she does sincerely respect and admire his abilities as a hero and find his personality appealing. also important to acknowledge.
... she just ultimately does not know him that well, and has more history and bonding experience with pav and hobie. so in this fic, we're actually gonna acknowledge that and explore the implications.
which means when gwen reunites with miles, she's over her crush on him.
and her opinions about him throughout this story are going to often be completely wrong because if she barely knows him, she has no idea what he's actually doing or thinking.
miles morales is spider-man. that's marvel editorial's stance on him, that was his creator's stance on him. he is, unquestionably, a spider-man who is/will be peter parker's equal. he is the next bearer of that mantle and is the friendly neighborhood teen spider-man of anyone under 25. as much as atsv implies that miles is unwanted, that simply isn't entirely true, and has to be taken more as meta about the fandom perception of him, because right from the start, miles had editorial's support and at this point his momentum is undeniable.
... and, gwen has rose-colored glasses about miles fitting in at the society. he DOES have an easier time navigating it than her, being that he's a straight boy and not the communal dead girlfriend.
but he is actually not having a good time and his acceptance is full of caveats she is unaware of, that she wouldn't know to look for because she's a white girl.
miles and margo's 10-second interaction in atsv was fantastic. in this fic, since he gets to actually join the society, he gets to befriend her. in my mind they get together in the end, but i don't think that'll be mentioned in the fic since gwen and margo barely interact.
gwen being incapable of telling miles important information that could hurt him (that he's an anomaly, that his dad will die, that something's Going On with her and hobie; she even skirts around going into detail about her death) is an aspect of her atsv characterization i like a lot. keeping it.
and for the purposes of this fic needing miles to remain in the society, he can't flip out and go on his canon-destroying mission yet. ergo, he can't be told his dad will die right away, and he can't be given a specific time for it either. so here, he just finds out after a few weeks, and it's still unclear when it'll occur. ergo, bullshit dead dad math is the excuse to buy us a few extra months of time for the plot to play out before miles flips his shit. that's still coming.
it makes perfect sense that miles would fixate on gwen for seventeen months. (... just not that she'd be as attached by the time they reunite. she friendzoned him at the end of itsv. maybe she reevaluated her feelings and thought 'well, if it's him or being alone, i pick him,' but after a year that crush would fade. after seventeen months, she'd be done.)
and if miles is so fixated on gwen, why wouldn't he look her up in his world sometime after itsv? that's the first thing any modern teenage boy would do with a girl he likes: google her.
miles is a smart kid. even if he isn't told the truth early on, like in atsv, he would have figured it out.
another important thing about miles and gwen's connection: he saw her for her. most other spider-men see someone else first.
miles honey, not-like-other-girlsing gwen isn't gonna help
miles is spider-man. spider-man is optimistic, scrappy, and determined to beat the odds. of course he thinks he'll be the exception.
miles is miles. he wants to save his dad. he'd want to save gwen too. this conversation takes place under uncle aaron's memorial wall to give miles an emotional trigger for that promise.
miles is a teenage boy who's never been in a relationship or had his heart broken before. he's gonna go about this in a very earnest, but very flawed way.
and really, how on earth does atsv gwen, who knows that being spider-man's love interest gets her killed, not get worried or nervous when she realizes miles, a spider-man, sees her as his love interest?
(...because she's being written by straight guys who want Being The Male Character's High School Girlfriend to be such an overwhelming pressing need for gwen that she'd overlook her own life for it. no thanks.)
perfect gwen
earth-803 is the steampunk-inspired world of lady spider.
it's atsv canon that gwen and hobie hang out when not on missions. incorporating that here.
jess is the person handling gwen day-to-day, so miguel being the one calling on her means shit's real.
the vibe with gwen and miguel's relationship i'm going for here is that he's her abusive foster dad. not too far off what's going on in canon-- notice how gwen's dad was redesigned to look a lot like miguel?
i can't imagine that miguel likes hobie, or that gwen is hanging around him. he doesn't respect hobie enough to think he's a threat, but he does regard him as a nuisance with some uses.
and he doesn't fully perceive what's happening between gwen and hobie. he doesn't see anything he doesn't want to. and he does not want gwen fucking around with spider-punk, because that's not the spider-man the society wants her to pair up with and the spider-society has a thing about gwen not being able to have any intimate experience with someone they don't approve of, because the fandom does (i can't describe how icky it is to browse the spider-gwen reddit and find guys-- it's always men-- fixating on how ~gwen's still a virgin~).
miguel's reasonings for his fixation on saving gwen will be explored in chapter 4.
earth-8 gwen, in the comics, is 38 years old. if we're assuming she became spider-woman at the same age as 65b gwen, at around 13, then she's been swinging for 25 years.
"the sensation surging through gwen" is a feeling of belonging.
recontextualizing canon is a thing made up for this fic. but it's gotta be in play somehow in atsv; how else do you explain how 'there's only one spider-man' is a rule, yet the insomniac spider duo of miles and peter are literally walking around in the background? how else do you explain gwen's foundational death being her crush instead of a relative? clearly canon can be stretched as needed.
miguel's presumably a single dad, given how his wife is mentioned nowhere in the film. he and gwen share that dynamic in common.
celebubration is the gwen 65a equivalent of instagram.
the challenge for miguel that he's been wrestling with is figuring out if spider-gwen is a spider, or a gwen.
'gwen stacy will always fall in love with spider-man, but can live as long as it's miles' is the conclusion i'm afraid the movies will come to. (which misses the point, probably intentionally, to make sure they get together.)
miguel does want gwen to survive. he's just going about it in a really shitty way.
gwen-8 comes from the comics. specifically, the miles-gwen shipping miniseries of sitting in a tree. my feelings on it are... negative. essentially, miles and gwen go looking for his missing dad in her dimension, and despite barely knowing each other, having an inappropriate age gap (he's in hs, she's in college) they're weirdly touchy-feely every time miles's writer has control of the story but whenever gwen's writer gets control of her back he immediately says "she's not into him". oh, and the watcher/basically god swoops in out of nowhere to inform them that there's a utopian world where everything works out perfect for them, and they just so happen to be a power couple with a nuclear family, and come meet your sweet super-special kids, don't you wanna get together and have them, wouldn't you feel bad if you didn't? and that's the context in which those kissing panels exist. it's the worst story spider-gwen's ever been in. it is beyond creepy that a 16yo boy and a 20yo woman who barely know each other and are in a high-stakes stressful situation are being told they can only have a happy ending in a world that loves them if they make out and procreate right away.
so this entire section is sitting in a tree hate. that issue singlehandedly ruined comic gwiles forever. it doesn't matter if they get together as adults after the age gap problem becomes irrelevant, bc the basis of their relationship will always be 'we feel obligated to be together' and not 'we are acting on feelings we developed without any coercion or entrapment'
and full stop: it's worse for gwen. she's being told, in siat, and in this fic, that she still has to be spider-man's girlfriend (and wife, and babymaker) if she wants to live, and to be accepted by people. it very much feels like an arranged marriage miles's creator sprung on gwen for his character's benefit.
funnily enough, in siat, gwen-8 never actually appears. nor does her miles. their kids do. in the fic, i wanted gwen-8 to actually get to weigh in on the frankly gross situation she's being asked to take part in. (that's coming later.) thus, we meet her.
earth-8 gwen is everything people in-fic and irl want gwen to be. she's gorgeous, she's one half of a power couple with miles, the mother of a son and daughter who are both superheroes, she's the leader of a superteam and a beloved celebrity by her world. all that is from the comics. rant time! it was deeply shitty of the writers to dangle that version of her in front of 65b gwen and say 'this is what we wish you were. don't you want to be that? better get with miles'
earth-8 gwen being an interdimensional genius is a creation for the fic. there had to be a way for her and her miles to have met and settled on earth-8. thus, they did it themselves long before miguel. (which also blasts a hole in his own importance, necessary for later)
"we're the ultimate crossover" is what max and charlotte call themselves. bleeeeeeh. (also, 'ultimate' as in 'ultimate spider-man'-- aka who miles is in the comics)
in the comics, gwen curses a lot. she starts cussing in the fic when she starts following in her 65a self's footsteps-- when she's being pressured towards gwen-8. before that point, there are no expletives. after, gwen's got a sailor's mouth.
once more with feeling, it is unbelievably creepy that gwen had her potential future kids thrown at her and was forced to hang out with them. it felt very much like she was being pressured into wanting to have them. which she didn't.
something's wrong: fuck yeah it is.
a "brighter tomorrow" is how earth-8 is referred to. we get it bendis you really think you did something special there.
miles chatting with perfect miles will come back later.
in the comics, earth-8 gwiles aren't around because they're on that second honeymoon. here, they skip it to come meet their alt selves.
just as miles's story can be read as an allegory for how black and brown boys are treated by society and in fiction, the same's true for gwen and (specifically white) girls. comics gwen being lured in with promises of safety and protection from a big terrible outside world, and then told the only way she'll ever be accepted is if she marries the right sort of guy and reproduces with him very much plays into that narrative. that allegory is at play a lot in this fic.
earth-8 gwen can still see gwen clearer than anyone else here. that's coming back.
the unbreakup
jess is a bad mentor, but she's not as bad as miguel. she at least lets them have privacy.
the conversation happens on the clock tower miles takes gwen to in atsv. within the bounds of this fic, they went here when she asked him to join the society.
"they streamed their wedding to 300 billion people" literally happened in earth-8. ridiculous. and shady as hell: why would anyone do that, unless the wedding's more about attention than love?
when drafting this fic i debated if i was going to go with gwen being trans. i like the coding, but it's also not the same as clear representation, and i knew i wanted to explore the earth-8 situation; which, for a girl who can get pregnant, is a much more visceral and immediate kind of horror, because it feels possible. trans gwen can't get pregnant, so the horror had to be different. the angle i went with instead is 'she instantly knows that this isn't her' and we spin the anxiety from there.
('even if i could i wouldn't' needed to be here. spider-gwen is an ambiguously-queer punk drummer with no interest in domesticity. having kids is deeply out of step with her personality and her wants for her life.)
the more important test for a spider-person seeing gwen stacy isn't actually 'do they see her for her.' it's 'can they change their behavior so they can appreciate her as her own person even if they DO know.' miles didn't pass the test-- he never took it in the first place.
gwen being drawn to visions, now that we know that the gwen stacy death curse is in effect, is kinda horrifying. she literally cannot get away from the spider-man who's going to swallow up her life, even when they aren't on the same plane of existence. a 'soulmate' can be a terrifying thing.
"the universe is bringing them together. It’s cupping the backs of their heads and mashing their mouths together like dolls" .... did i mention i hate sitting in a tree?
in the comics, even the best case scenario for gwen means her homeworld rejects her and she gives up on ever returning to it.
for this portion of the conversation, miles is distracted by how excited he is about that future. he's a teenage boy with a crush who just had that crush validated by everyone he admires, and he's a boy in love with a girl he's afraid might die, who knows it's possible to save her.
he is also a boy who has spent as of this fic, one whole month hanging out with this girl (and again, three days in canon). he doesn't know her well enough to be able to tell she's unhappy.
he is capable of picking up on it. just not quite fast enough.
important to note that even though miles is a sweet kid who wants gwen to be safe, his crush is entitled. he does want things from her that she doesn't want to give him and he takes it as a given that he'll get them even when she's telling him no.
refs to 65a: gwen's dad sleeps through his favorite show, dadcop. the mary janes are constantly bickering. the art style has a watercolor shine to it (... but only on the covers. not so much in the actual page art). the yancy street gang like to cause minor trouble with gwen. vulture kicked her ass and threw her on a trash boat once. and there are billboards everywhere advocating for her arrest and deifying peter parker.
even the crappier parts of gwen's world are worth missing, because they belong to her.
at this point gwen wants agency so badly that she's looking back at peter's death as a positive, because at least she was able to make that happen.
what's wrong, what's been plaguing gwen this chapter, what she's been in denial about, is that she doesn't want a relationship with miles. she likes him, but not enough to be with him romantically. and never enough to give up her personhood.
to reiterate: miles is a good kid who wants gwen to be happy. he just hasn't considered that to be happy, she can't be with him.
gwenandmiles: fandom salt. i hate how overnight, the gwen discourse shifted from 'i hope she gets her solo series back! can't wait for her to travel the multiverse and meet other gwens, or have more sexual tension with em jay, or play with her band, or fight jackal or man-wolf. how are harry and her dad? is the bodega bandit okay? when's cindy moon coming back, would love for them to face off! how's she going to defeat the storm siblings and be able to come home from exile again?' to 'gwen is soooo in love with miles! look at her pining after miles! sure do love how her arc in atsv is all about falling for miles and becoming worthy of him! miles miles miles! all gwen thinks about is miles!'
thanks i hate it! the fandom proved all my fears right! if gwen and miles get together, she'll never be her own person!
'gwen's going to end up in miles's world' is my big fear for the comics. if gwiles get together there, because he's vastly more popular than her, she's gonna be the one who has to move to his world and join his supporting cast, and abandon her own stories where she's the lead, to be a side character in his. it doesn't matter how sweet miles is to her; the imbalance is impossible to avoid.
(it's that kataang flavoring: it doesn't matter how sweet the boy is; the relationship will still unravel her because the writers pulling their strings will never treat her as anything more than his girlfriend. and the audience will follow suit.)
(plus some makorra: they look good together, and the concept of them is great, but in practice this relationship brings out the worst in them)
the arrangement also sucks for miles. i can't imagine a kid as kind as him being okay with her losing that much of herself to be with him, or being treated as an extension of him.
and yet he's letting it happen. he might be sorry about what's happening to her, but he won't stop it.
however he also doesn't realize those are the consequences yet. he doesn't realize that gwen doesn't want those things for her life. and he's afraid that if they don't get together, she will die.
gwen stacy hated spider-man. but because she loved peter, that's what everyone remembers. which means she can never hate him for how he fails her. isn't that horrifying?
'miles cares so much' -- this is the gwiles ship assassination chapter. i didn't want it to be the miles character assassination chapter. gwiles is bad for gwen, but miles isn't.
however, there's no way she realizes that yet.
'break his heart'-- a motif from the comics. that's how harry refers to gwen killing peter. physically, and metaphorically.
hobie. naturally, miles is gonna jump to that conclusion. it's easier to assume a girl is rejecting you because she's with someone else than because she just doesn't want you. and he's still considering another guy's feelings over the autonomy of the girl in question.
also to be clear, she and hobie do have an intimate relationship at this point in the fic. we'll get into that more later.
in the amazing spider-man movies, gwen dies when she falls from a clock tower. very eerie that gwen and miles's convo in atsv is at one too. and that she's discussing this death and how scared of it she is, and he's dismissing it.
miles did catch gwen. but that's not the point. the point is he never should have needed to.
it does not matter if miles isn't peter parker. he's still spider-man. even if she lives and is his girlfriend, she's still His Girlfriend. she still isn't her own person.
the seventeen month gap. again, so much happens in that time, especially for teens. miles and gwen do not know each other that well. they're more attached to the idea of the other, instead of the actual person. which means when that idea is threatened, they aren't going to respond well.
the autonomy issue isn't just exclusive to miles. it's everyone. gwen gets her first taste of that realization here, but she's trying to dump a boy; she's kinda busy. she'll get there though.
a general note on gwen's breakdown
there's a lot going on here. layers of upsetting realizations. to go through it step by step:
1) "are you fucking kidding me. that's the solution?" -- she's spent months with the society being promised that they're working on a way for her to escape her fate... and this is the solution they've spent weeks preparing. 'fall in love with boy #2 instead of boy #1.' which means they have no idea how to help her.
2) "they want me to be cishet." gwen's spent months transitioning at the society and thought up until now that they genuinely supported her. now that she's being told that the perfect version of her is a straight woman with a functioning uterus, she's realizing they never actually wanted her as she is.
3) "they want me to get married and have kids." which is a future gwen doesn't want. how would it feel to be told that the only life you can lead that won't end in a terrible death isn't even going to make you happy?
4) "they want me to have sex." more on this later, but logically that's the next step, given that's how the kids would exist. and gwen is a teenage girl surrounded by grown men who she can't say no to, who she now realizes are attracted to her and want to do something about it. not a good realization to have.
5) "they never actually saw me as a person and only want me as a trophy." personally devastating for gwen, who thought she was recruited for her value as a superhero, to learn that she's only ever been a trophy girlfriend to them.
6) "they want this relationship between me and miles," -- and she isn't interested in miles romantically. she's been trying to resurrect that crush, but it's just not happening. she's going to be forced into a relationship dynamic that she'd hate with someone she doesn't even want.
7) "and miles wants this too." gwen's rose-colored glasses view of miles as the boy who'll swoop in and make things easier for her has shattered; the society sees him as the reason why she can't be recognized as her own person... and he agrees with them and wants this arrangement. now she realizes he never valued their friendship in comparison to the idea of a hypothetical romance with her, and he cannot help her escape her canon because he can only have that romance with her if it stays intact.
8) which means she can't trust him anymore and their friendship has to end.
9) and that she is choosing her own early, violent death over a future with him.
10) and given that she doesn't regret it, gwen now understands she would rather die.
end quote
from the 'sitting in a tree' miniseries of jason latour's radioactive spider-gwen. specifically, this is the moment gwen rejects a relationship with miles. sideeyeing the atsv writers hard for borrowing so heavily from siat, but seemingly missing the point: that this relationship is shallow and forced and should not happen.
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
I loved the ori facts. I was wondering if we could get some val and hiyam facts as well pls. 🥰
Val Montemer
1) Their middle name is Ariel.
2) I think I've said before that they are really into cars and tinker in a garage. Nothing official, a hobby and they let them have their own spot.
3) Val's closet is filled with leather jackets. Which is fine because the rest of their clothing is rather cheap, mostly just white shirts and jeans. Though they have a few polos, like those weirdly colored and patterned one teenage boys wear. Like some weird puce green and maroon stripped thing. It hurts Nate's eyes and soul.
4) Despite dressing like a greaser and a 19 year old college skater as well just styling their hair the same, Val went to cosmetology school. Did well in it. Their focus is in hair. Tina and Felix are the only ones who make use of their skills these days.
5) Their favorite films are the Rush Hour ones [to Adam's exasperation and fondness. Val is one step away from saying "Do you understand the words coming outta my mouth?" To the wrong person. It really is a miracle they haven't yet.] And they love anything Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew related -- well they haven't seen the CW show yet.
6) Val is allergic to latex. They found out yhe first time they tried a kiwi in middle school.
7) Val has phasmophobia. It isn't severe but yeah they have a fear of ghosts. Which is funny because they would sometimes follow conspiracy theorists on YouTube and stuff.
8) Surprisjng to most: Val is a big tea drinker. They don't hate coffee but it isn't something they seek. They have 0 tattoos. And only two piercings; they did to prefer black studs.
9) Nate and Val don't like each other. But they're doing better. They're so different. Nate TRIES, of course, but Nate is Nate. However, for Val -- has pushed too many buttons. Still they make an effort for the team.
10) ooc fact: Val is my shortest (5'1") and youngest (24 at start of book 1) detective. Val might be one of my shortest IF characters, period.
Hiyam Vinke
1) In another life, I could maybe see Hiyam doing something corporate. She gave a go at pre-law and they took business classes. (Her parents definitely would have preferred it) But music was always her heart. And she always wanted to see her name in lights. Maybe she could have been an entertainment lawyer but I don't think she would have been happy.
2) Hiyam has this ... lowkey obsession for anything with wings and a stronger one for anything that can fly. I don't even fully know why zjhshshe. I mean I do but -- It sounds weird because she is just so brash but I think sometimes she does feel a bit caged. Maybe it is expectations, maybe it is preconceptions. I will figure it out yhe more I ponder her, I'm sure. I'm not sure how much of it is actual people caging her or how she just sees things. [I kind of feel like it is a mix]
But when she and Seven broke up, she replaced Seven"s initials with a butterfly.
3) Hiyam is an acts of service kind of love/friend. Less in the 'makes breakfast for you' [though she might] and more in the you're stranded, half drunk, and don't want Orion to know. You know you can call Hiyam at 2am and she will show up. Some complaints but she will show up with water and a blanket. She is not yhe little things friend but she is there when needed.
4) Recently learned that Hiyam has a soft spot for Rowan. And she is more fond of her fans [as a whole] than expected.
5) She is 6'0".
6) She did ballet from kindergarten [maybe earlier) well into HS. It was one of the few things her parents consistently showed up for. But music needed her focus, so she gave up performing but she still occasionally practices [no one knows]
7) She used to play chess with Devyn before Orion showed. And of course read up on it because she was so bad. She couldn't stand losing and I think that was around yhe time she had to let ballet go, so in her mind she refused to "quit" on something else. But she never got into it into it until the crush peaked.
8) Hiyam has two dogs. A French Bulldog and a Rottweiler.
9) She has her tongue and belly button pierced, on top of her ears.
10) ooc fact: She is my one of two glasses wearer [Val being the other] and my only other smoker outside of Andy. [Gonna get more glasses folks]
Ty for the ask!!
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