#i did warn you xD
pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
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Yuma Month: Day 20: Truth
The truth…is uglier than you could have ever expected.
tw // vomit (spoilers too)
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...happens only if he ate a meat bun prior to this
(all vomit in rain code is censored in pink glitter ✨)
based on this post I made long back
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officially-other · 3 months
Loki: god of foreshadowing
Bold can be skipped if you know me from my main since you likely already know this: My mom and I are both witches. We work with Loki, amongst other deities, and most of our deities prefer what I call "direct communication." AKA we get thoughts that aren't our own, words, images, that sort of thing, and we know it's them. This is important context.
So, Loki has been emphasizing a theme of shapeshifting in my + my mother's life lately. Like, we'll be talking about something, and whenever they can one of us will get this quiet "shapeshiftiiiiiiiing" stage whisper in our heads. Sometimes we'll both pick it up, but usually it's whoever it's relevant to most at the moment.
The thing about this is... uh... we figured out why.
Long story short, turns out my mom is otherkin too. She's a polymorph, but specifically a gryphon. (Not sure if she's more of a gryphon who shapeshifts, or a polymorph who's got a few favorite forms and one of them is a gryphon. I keep forgetting to clarify.)
But wait, there's more! /ref I don't have a single draconic form. In fact, whereas I thought I had one and then maybe two (one for land and one for the ocean) I... probably basically had a bunch of traits to pick and choose from as I so pleased. Mix and match. Also, mimicry. Like a cuddlefish or octopus. The reason that I have (privately, I haven't posted about it) been struggling to figure out what my draconic form looked like is because... well, there's no one answer. It looked like whatever the fuck I wanted it to look like.
So yeah. UPG, Loki is now the god of foreshadowing to me.
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turbo-tsundere · 5 months
Kokichi kokiching part 2 out of 2, where the violence against carts continues, and the mystery behind his name displaying either as "K okichi" or "Ouma" is finally revealed. All the while the game trolls us about it.
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lieutenantselnia · 3 months
Besides numerous other drawing ideas I now already have 2 (maybe even 3?) self ships that I want to redraw this meme with😂
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Please I need more time and motivation for art again😭
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meiloorunsmoothie · 1 month
y'all should guess how many times i've watched this video
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talesofourworlds · 6 months
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And that's the last open!
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 7 months
dw dw bud!! im takin care of myself as best as a lil rat can :] pretty excited for the 18th!!
and OUGH i hope you’re able to relax soon D: that’s so much stuff, good gracious
im rootin for ya tho, and sending you all the good vibes :]
as for paper’d! i’m keepin an eye on them! makin sure she takes care of herself n all, seein if she’s ight, and as far as i know, they’re doin ok!! im hopin everythin is okay still, tho, im worried too ngl
but WAGAAGH SQUEEZES YOU it’s so good to hear from you again!
THANK YOUU SM BROO both for checking on me and for making sure paper'd's doing great!! You're such a cool goose man muah muah 😔<3333
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fanficmustread · 7 months
Ive seen so many arguments for the shipping things in poppys playtime. I kinda get where all of you are coming from, but let me lay down some facts that we know from chapter 1,2, 3 and all the lore we've as a whole collected. So yes toys were made but the people in them didnt technically die, lived bc poppys typically contain opium, and then their memories were mostly wiped as they were immortalized as toys. Their organs? Intact and growing, as well as bones as we can clearly see with catnap. Not to mention we know they lived because if they died it would be a failed experiment. We see this when dead mice dont live in a failed experiment before. (Or at least from what i can remember i will probably go on a deep dive soon to find all of the lore once more.) The death dates are so the playtime co doesnt get idk sued or something. Better to say "We couldn't save him/her/them 🥺👉👈" then to say "We turned this kid from a kid to A CAT TOY!! 😎😎😎" 😭😭😭 Things we dont know are if their brains develop more as time goes by, personally i think they do because they went insane. (Dont stop reading here it gets better) Thats also why they can eat, and they need protein to grow probably, which is why i think catnap is also the way he is and dogday and poppy didnt get much, if any, substance. Now what we really should be thinking of isnt what age are they so we can ship them but more is it morally okay to ship the monsters?
Personally no, no its not. I agree that theyre 10 years older sure but i dont think they have the mental processing for a deep romantic relationship. Im not trying to be rude but they were stuck in a factory underground for practically their whole lifes. I just want them to be free and happy or to die peacefully because they obviously didnt get either no matter how you read the games. Not to mention the lack of health lessons for any of those things. Heck the lack of any real teachings and all, they dont know how to mow a lawn. Or how to fly a kite, these guys never experienced a soda called a surge yet they lived in that sodas life time. Stop judging people for what they do but like also think about what you're shipping and how you can make stuff not problematic. Also if you're looking for a human au i made one on my art account @artmustdraw anyones welcome to use it like a base for most any ship with the critters. Or even a base for their own au idc just give me a like and reblog if you use it at all lol. (Kissy and huggy are already married it it and i havent decided on what im doing with Mommy longlegs yet)
One last thing, the cartoon versions of the critters arent the monster versions. Think about it like this, the bigger bodies toys didnt have any part of making the cartoon except maybe inspiring it to be made and maybe watched some of the episodes. If the experiments were done pre cartoon. In the cartoon its safe to assume that theyre all adults due to having their own houses with no parents in sight. Rather then like an orphanage where a bunch of scientists are looking at you like youre a prime rib. (Do yall get my point? I hope so anyway thats the end of my rant lol)
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bigbrainbiology · 2 years
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20) Mew Ichigo <3
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mushroom-for-art · 2 years
Lmao I was inspired, I'm meant to be writing the horrors and yet the movie au dorks are at the helm, featuring the wonderful @oogaboogaspookyman s monochromatic actor
April fools
May casually walked down a hallway within the studio before sliding into broom closet to her left with efficient quiet her back bumping into the monochrome two already hiding in said broom closet who made a slightly startled squeak at their close proximity though May didn't care much keeping her back to him but tilting her head up slightly to look at him.
"You got the goods?" She asked though in a hushed tone.
"Why do you say it like this is some mafia trade?"
He sighed softly at her antics as she turned to face him properly.
"Because you're trading your goods, for my services," she cast a wink as she poked his chest lightly, unable to see his embarrassed expression for the dark of the closet. "And if you don't got my goods well buddy boy this deal is gonna fall through and you may like me so much because I can be real dangerous when I don't get what I'm owed," though she threatened her voice was entirely playful.
"This mafia movie you're shooting is getting to your nogging. But yes I have 'the goods'."
He exaggerated with quotation marks finally turning the closet light on earning a hiss and what the fuck from May at the sudden light as he pulled out a large carry on bag, he unzipped it slowly for emphasis opening it to reveal it loaded with different kinds of treats.
"Hersheys, Moreos of varying delightful flavors for your enjoyment, aero bars, dairy milks, milky way buttons large, caramac, Pokey sticks, reeses pieces, m&ms and many other delightful treats await."
He quickly closed it, zipping it up closed.
"If you can hold up your end of the deal."
"Darlin' you were just speaking my language, don't you worry toots, I'll treat you right." She grinned playfully doing some sort of accent as she booped his nose, "though, surely you could part with something, for my troubles, call it a down payment hmm, keep me sweet? Gonna treat me well Shugs?" She put her hands on his chest as though fiddling with an invisible tie.
"You're enjoying this too much."
He snorted softly but chuckled finding her demeanor somewhat amusing as he pulled out a random thing he paused ripping off the packaging with his teeth before holding the chocolate bar out for her watching her just bite the chocolate and hold it in her teeth with a grin, she gave him a wink and slipped out of the closet as he sighed zipping up the carry bag and hiding it for later.
It was in honesty a difficult job, he wanted her to complete many tasks in advance for April fools, he was always the butt of jokes, but not this year! This year he had help.
It started when everyone had left to go home, she put her plan into motion, firstly the put all the cameras on loop to cover her tracks, secondly she hit the bathrooms carrying carrier bags of jeans and shoes she set them up matching up shoes and trousers in the mens to make every stall appear occupied locking them all from the inside and putting out of order signs on all the doors to cause frustration and the reasonable idea that all of them were full due to the previous closures.
Next she booby trapped different doors and chairs, taping Foghorns so when the door was slammed open or chair sat in it would honk loudly and startle people, she hid them all over some obvious to throw them off the tracks some very expertly hidden. She also took this time to sneak Rubber chickens and whoopee cushions under seats and cushions. On Marie's desk she put a paper cup with "Spinarak inside! Very big! Only lift cup if you're ready to get rid of it!" She'd asked a local Spinarak to make an exit hole in the cup so it looked as though a large spider escaped and it looked authentic.
She removed the bottom of Derricks keyboard carefully, in honesty this one was personal as he has been incredibly rude and quite mean to her for no reason for quite some time, she carefully placed down tissue paper and super fast growing seeds, watering them generously and offering a little psychic help and replacing the keyboard top, and did the same to his work station so when he came tomorrow it would be taken over by nature.
She hit Kathleen's office next, this one was personal to her monochrome friend as she'd not been doing her job properly and fucked up his appointments, she looped a ziptie around a Febreze spray bottle trigger, "fire in the hole!" She pulled it tight and threw it into her office, closing the door as it hissed letting out all its content. In all honesty she would've used a fake fart spray herself but she figured monochrome just wasn't that evil.
Finally, her magnus opus, she spilled hundred upon hundreds of sticky pads and concentrating her psychic energy they flew everywhere sticking to everything along halls window chairs plants set pieces everything! It was a whirlwind of color and chaos.
When she finished she kisses her fingers in an exaggerated mwah of her brilliance before setting the cameras to start recording live footage seconds before the new work day began leaving no trace of her crimes. With that she slipped away into the night to her movie trailer, she preferably would've been enjoying her prize but he's clearly hidden or taken it with him because she couldn't find it.
The next day was complete and utter chaos, there was accusatory yelling frustrated screams, loud HONKS of Foghorns and Kathleen came running out her office coughing and gagging at the overwhelming Febreze scent while Derrick yelled and raged over his computer. He smashed it into a wall and punched a hole into a door before higher management called him into their office. In all honesty probably would've been easy to remove the plants but he was a hot headed asshole anyways.
A worker pointed an accusing finger at ??? Shouting that it must have been him. The boss quickly told them that no it couldn't be because the monochrome one was with him. Another pointed at May, "then her then! She used her powers to do it!" They cried.
"Me? I, I mean I don't know how to break it to you but I'm not the most gifted with psychic abilities," she frowned a sad frown managing a very sad voice that was pitiful without it being obvious that was the intention. Monochrome was impressed by her acting as another worker snapped at them saying that May wasn't capable of such a thing, stop being an asshole.
It halted all work and filming that day as everyone worked to clean up the unexplained mess of pranks with more yelling as hidden jumping snake pranks leapt out from places at cleaning workers. May effectively bumbled along as though just as unsure as everyone else despite knowing where they all were leaping in fright with a squeal at the peanut spring snakes and getting shocked by hidden shockers to really strengthen the image of innocence.
May collapsed onto her bed in her trailer exhausted, setting it up and taking it down was tiresome stuff. She grumbled to herself that her supposed friend hadn't looked at her once or made any indication of trade off, angrily thumping her tail into her bed at his betrayal. She'd get him for that as she snuggled her cushion.
She groaned as someone knocked on her trailer door dragging herself out of her comfy bed.
"Imma coming Imma coming it better be worth it," she emptily threatened as she opened the door to the monochrome bastard she was just thinking about. "You." He smiles at her unaware of his supposed treachery.
"Yes? Me-eh!"
She yanked him into her trailer with one hand holding him against a counter, "you got a lot of nerve showing up you slippery snake." His mouth hand open in confusion as he awkwardly ah'ed? Before making an oh holding up the carry on bag of sweets.
"I didn't want to give it to you where people could see in case they suspected anything. Honest!"
She eyed him taking the carry on with one hand keeping the other holding him to the counter using her teeth to open the zip and stick her nose in sniffing, yup, smelt like sweets in there and it was heavy.
"Hm." She removed her hand to stop pinning him, "you're forgiven, could've been mighty bad for you otherwise pardner"
"Western mafia huh?"
She nodded as she pulled out some Pokey sticks, nodding firmly as she popped one in her mouth confirming around the biscuit, "Western mafia." He chuckled as he watched her nibble the Pokey slowly making it disappear into her mouth seemingly satisfied with the trade off.
"Am I free to leave unharmed?"
May chuckled, stepping aside so he could get to the door, popping another Pokey in her mouth with a "suppose." He grinned putting his hand on the door he paused and leant over close biting the pokey and snapping it before rushing out the door as she stood there in confusion.
"The fuck??" She finished chewing what was left of her Pokey. "What a bastard."
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lil-melody-moon · 2 years
Year summary #1
Oh God, I should start the year summary XD A loooong summary - I like to talk ^u^
Okay, so firstly I wanted to talk about changes, right? Right! *plays Led Zeppelin's "Coda" in the background for a good vibe*
This blog went through a major change. From the look and URL to posts - including the personal ones and creation of "talking corner" tag where I babble about everything.
I have this blog since December 2013 I believe and until July this year it was a fandom blog, believe it or not. Mainly anime fandoms and some game's ones. There are some old blogs which are following me since the beginning - you impress me people - and they probably remember what a miserable shit I was, especially between 2019 - 2021. Those were the years when I was mostly engaging with the fandoms, not living in real world at all, thanks to my shitty friends I had back then - I won't name them here, this post is not for it, but I ceased any contact with them and since the beginning of this year I started to feel a lot lot better.
Changes started at the end of 2021, but kicked in for real in this year. I had to finish my first degree and think what to do with myself and you know. Before changing the URL from "palamecian-melody" to "lil-melody" I was still writing fanfiction (I still am, but it's more of a thing for fun, not for publishing), publishing it, making it a bigger part of my life, but then in June I started feeling that this thing bothers me.
You see, writing takes a LOT of time. You want to seem professional when you publish something and you are focusing on it more and more. But the degree was more important and I started to realize it, but then again, coming out of fandoms and writing when you did it for most of your teenage years is not an easy thing. It's almost like an addiction. So here we are in this summary, at the end of June.
I was literally sitting in my room, wondering what to do with my life and how to get rid of engaging in fandom things. I figured out that I want to make a second degree pretty quickly. Three years ago I signed for two degrees, choosing only one and that was polish philology. It helped me grow up, make up my mind and finally have my own opinion - I was a very quiet girl back a few years ago. So I thought that the second degree should be library and I'm not regretting this decision. There's a shit ton to do, but I'm having fun!
Then there was the habit of engaging in fandoms. I can call it even a toxic one, because there were days I only thought about fiction, how to make it so I could write things for it - creating ocs is another thing, I'm doing it basically since I was very little and like the writing which stayed with me, it's for fun, I'm not focusing on it. And so, I figured that perhaps spending more time with my family would do. And it did! OH MY FUCKING GOD IT DID!
So now we're in July, when my bachelor degree was almost done in half, I was still angry at my promoter, but it was the time of the year, like in each one, when mom was starting to search for new music to download and to listen to, so I just sat with her in the living room, watching some playlists. I was starting to feel the old love for music, heck it was a time when I already started digging in the music theory and I actually started thinking about an instrument to play on - I got a classic guitar, the guitar is my darling now <3
And then that one day happened when I came back to heavy metal entirely. Why? Because on one playlist there was a fragment of System of A Down's "Chop Suey!" being played. I heard them for the first time, saw Serj for the first time, heard Daron playing on guitar for the first time and then I started searching for their music. I fell in love with them, literally. And ironically enough! The fragment which was played was at the exact time when the verse starts with "Wake up! Wake up! Grab a brush and put on a little make up!" ending with "Here you go, create another fable". It was the day everything started changing.
The URL change was done, I decided to unfollow every fandom blog - leaving one or two because of how amazingly talented the artists are - change my entire blog and start digging in the bands's tags. And then, with my first System's post, showing - of course - smiling Serj and with small description which actually is a silent "thank you" to him, I started be more active here. I started to be more open to people, had some moments where I learned from my mistakes, I started going on strolls - which I always loved - came back to old bands - Metallica and Led Zeppelin my beloved babies, I'll talk about them tomorrow - and generally I wanted to be a better person. Plus, I started caring about my health, I came back to living in real world and I never want to leave it again, no matter how shitty it can be sometimes.
Sure, I still watch anime, play games, read books, but I don't feel like changing the entire work, just because I didn't like one thing or two. It took a few months, but I finally grew up - not entirely, but I did and I want to move in this direction.
Personally, I thank Serj for the change which happened in my life. I will be forever grateful to him, his music and the fact that I can live in the same time period as him, even if he doesn't know about it. If his music didn't come into my life, there probably would be someone else who would make the change happen, but I'm happy it was him <3 My parents played a big role in this as well, allowing me to study more while not going to work, but I still think of getting one, but ya know. Time will tell.
The rest is history - as in, the blog stands for the change, I'm in this point in time, having amazing mutuals because of all that happened. And I'm glad that it could happen, I'm feeling more confident and most of all I'm happy for my life and I like who I am.
There's this mask that fell off my face, which I wore for many years. I will let it rot in the place that it fell, I don't have a need for it anymore. And hey, maybe I'm really creating another fable, but ya know, it can be finally my personal fable, without anyone's' "good advice".
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sinvulkt · 1 year
Angstpril:16. "YOU HAVE TO LET ME GO" - evil au
@whumpril- 16. Guilt | Shock | "I'm so sorry." (Yes it fit all three)
Binders coupled with a magnetic field held me upward, while various bounds ensured I could barely shift. Force-suppressing restraints kept me away from my gift, the Dark far away from my reach. Pat circled my chained body, making some last minute adjustments to—
No. It won’t happen.
I lunged at him, to no avail. Held as I was, I could barely shift. I snarled instead, but it did nothing more than make Pat brush my captive mind in reassurance.
“Don’t worry, Master. You won’t feel anything.”
That was the issue, wasn’t it? Not feeling what I should feel.
“You’ll regret this,” I growled between gritted teeth.
I flapped my wings, but they were too bound to move. They strained against the chains, doing little more than gathering a headache-inducing cacophony of clinks. I tensed and relaxed the muscle nevertheless, testing the leeway the restraints allowed them. It was too tight, too little- not even enough to throw the Togorian near me away, but it was something.
Soon, I wouldn’t even have that.
A long needle appeared in Pat’s hand.
Local anesthesia, my brain provided.
A strange kind of emptiness filled my chest. I struggled more, uncaring of the irritated skin that threatened to tear apart under the striction. It was negligible, compared to what my so-called Flock threatened to do.
Pain meant power.
None of the restraints gave, however, and I stayed trapped. A beautiful bird held in a golden cage, cared for but deprived of its most basic right.
Do you know what happens to little house birds? the Dark whispered in my ears.
I shuddered and pulled on the binders, wings shaking.  No matter how strongly I bid it, the Force remained silent to my calls. Despair dimmed my vision, until only a vague blur remained.
“You have to let me go,” I pleaded to Pat.
Perhaps the bond we once shared would appeal to him?
"I'm so sorry, but it must be done." His face was mournful, but determined. My stomach flopped.
I heard the words, but they felt empty, meaningless.
I should have known. Hope had always only held me back
I clenched my fist, hooks sinking deep into skin. Drops of blood fell on the well polished floor. For once, no one would scold me for dirtying it. A glance at Pat taught me he hadn’t noticed, and I reveled in this small rebellion. Not that it mattered. Soon, the whole room would be painted crimson.
I couldn’t stop it.
Pat stepped closer, and my panic increased tenfold.
“Let’s begin the surgery.”
The long needle edge was sank into my spine, and I screamed. I screamed as tough leather was placed into my mouth, and I screamed as my whole backside was rendered numb. I screamed until my throat gave out and I could scream no more, because I knew that, were I too stop, everything would become real.
The noise stopped.
I sagged in the restraints, mind rendered dizzy by the drugs now running through my system. Pat was behind me, touching the appendages I couldn’t feel anymore, and I couldn’t help but wonder… Were they still there? Were they gone?
It didn’t matter anyway.
No matter how much they removed in the surgery… They had warned me enough that the remnants would never allow me to fly again.
I turned away from the thought, folding my sense of self deep within my mind. Without the Force, it was harder. My core was lost amidst wild instinctual fear, and even my Siegrind memories remained closed to me. But I pushed further and further, sinking into lives I lived and lives others did. Sometimes, fear pushed my mind to bubble back, but I resisted. Again and again, helped by whatever cursed meditations poisoned me, I coralled my self further away from reality. I didn’t want to be here. 
Here had nothing to give me. 
Nothing but weakness I would drown in, pain I couldn’t use, and chains I had proved unable to break down. 
What a joke of a Darksider I was, I mocked, in between the sound of scalpel cleanly cutting skin and the mournful cry of a broken bone.
What use was living, when none of your life was your own?
Back in the room I refused to be in, held down by those it should have never feared from… a single tear rolled down a Siegrind’s cheek.
It was fun while it lasted.
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weaselmcdiesel · 2 years
just realized i was following your spam blog and not your main... uh anyway hi you make cool art
Pahaha welcome aboard! over here it’s a lot more calm ^^
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peapod20001 · 2 years
The only Mario and/or Sonic game I actually LEGITIMATELY played and enjoyed was Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games
I knew NO lore or story for either of those franchises except the names of the characters you could play as
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krysmcscience · 12 days
Did somebody say Bill shouldn't be allowed to swear? I think somebody said Bill shouldn't be allowed to swear. Thanks to that, have these retooled The Good Place jokes:
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The "powers that be" can refer to either the Theraprism staff, the Axolotl, or just. Ya know. Disney in general. Or all three! Whichever you think is funniest. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The "party" Bill's referring to is Weirdmageddon, of course. He was quite the ashhole to everyone back then.
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Ford has probably gotten pretty good at the 'tune out your psychopathic ex with dank memes' challenge.
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It must be very cathartic to be able to make Bill shut up whenever you want with just the press of a button. I'm sure Ford doesn't abuse this ability at all.
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Oh, sure, 'Not now,' he says, before he immediately backs out of the newly-made hole in the Theraprism wall. 🙄
Don't worry, Bill doesn't get far.
also yeah i know this one doesn't have an attempted swear - i just wanted to use the joke because of the massive stink-eye involved in it because it makes me laugh
⬇️ More goofs beneath the brief ramble if you wanna skip it lmao⬇️
Why is Ford even there, you might ask? Well, he either decided he preferred to watch Bill suffer in person over being distantly and repeatedly harassed with the same evil desperation book for the rest of his life, or he got roped into some kind of contrived community service for 1.) all his many counts of interdimensional thievery, and 2.) his ignoring all the very clear warnings to NOT summon Bill in the first place (which I like to imagine is also illegal). Theraprism staff were just like, 'Wait, this guy matters to Bill? Ooh, we can USE that! It might be the only thing that can help him want to get better!' It is not considered that throwing Ford at Bill so soon after Weirdmageddon could instead make them both WORSE - in new and altogether special ways! :D
Anyway, I'm calling it the Community Service AU, and I am most likely not going to do anything else with it beyond appropriating these silly Good Place jokes. So, feel free to adopt the concept if y'all wanna??? Just make sure that Bill is still not allowed to swear, no matter what, full stop. It's gotta be a real linguistic corkblork of a situation for him, is all I'm sayin'.
Finally, have these bonus Good Place jokes, but with Handyman!Bill this time:
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'Opposite tortures' doesn't sound so bad...at least until it's an all-powerful chaos entity known for torture saying it.
you may think i forgot mabel's cute pink cheeks but the truth is that i did in fact forget but then immediately stopped caring which makes it okay, SHHHHHHH
And, finally:
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lmao this is shit
True facts, if you cram Season 1 Eleanor Shellstrop and Michael into a singular triangle shape, they turn into Bill Cipher. This is science, look it up. Or don't, and just trust the source that is me, bro.
Anyway, I should be in bed, y'all have fun with these, I guess. Tune in after like a week or so and maybe I'll have an addendum to my comic about how Bill was drawn naked for karaoke night. Because him actually being naked was not the only thing I considered as a plausible explanation. XD
Also if you see any inconsistencies or errors in any of these comics, No You Do Not :D
Also also, reblogs are rad as hell and I appreciate every single one, just don't repost, please and thanks. Every time a repost is made, an artist somewhere cries. :,)
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phoenixcatch7 · 9 months
The Legend of Zelda - Hero's Diaries masterpost
(Don't expect this to be continued, this is just for my own organisation lol)
If you've seen posts like my Project Sky, Earth Heart, or Bleach Maths, you know I like my overly grand dedications and oversized projects. Outside of a few personal ones, this is probably my longest and most researched one yet - my Hero's Diaries.
Zelda, to me, is one of those franchises I just sort of slipped into, my parents bought the games because we had the appropriate consoles and they were consistently good, you know? I loved them individually, but didn't piece them together as parts of a larger world until I was a little older, and then sought them out on my own.
Possibly one of the best parts of tloz is its silent protagonist, Mx-link-between-the-player-and-the-game. As a child, and even really as an adult, I could get so engrossed in the games, choosing my every action wisely, playing little games I made up myself in the world, taking in the scenery, frothing when I died to some smug looking boss, standing in front of animals to pretend I was petting them (mostly Epona) XD.
So between that, my love of documenting and researching, and my writing hobby, it was only natural that I keep little records of my own playthroughs. Funny little details and accidents, dramatically or comedically timed moments, bosses I defeated first try, npcs I did or didn't like.
It turned out, when I sat and thought about it, I'd actually played a lot of Zelda games, throughout the years.
Zelda 1 - ongoing
Zelda 2 - in possession
Link's awakening - FIN
Four swords - N/A
Triforce heroes - in possession
Minish cap - N/A
Oracle of seasons - FIN
Oracle of ages - ongoing
Link between worlds - FIN
Link to the past - in possession
Hyrule warriors - ongoing
Ocarina of time - FIN
Majoras Mask - FIN
Wind waker - N/A
Phantom hourglass - N/A
Spirit tracks - N/A
Twilight princess - FIN
Skyward sword - FIN
Cadence of hyrule (lmao) - FIN
Breath of the wild - FIN
Age of calamity - FIN
Tears of the kingdom - FIN
Echo of wisdom - TBD
If I actually succeed in this, it'll be my biggest dedication ever. This is a project over a decade in the making, full of love for the games I've been playing since I was seven years old and getting nightmares from sneaking the ds under my covers and seeing the Majora's Mask aliens too late on a school night.
I'm really excited.
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