#i didn’t but i keep hoping we’ll get celine!dark
shrinkthisviolet · 3 years
So much to talk about in that trailer!! Let’s get into some of it:
ISWM Mark is definitely the same one from Heist, and may also be (read: definitely is, but more on that in a sec) Actor Mark. By his designation, the ship is “our ship” when responsibility is being evaluated, and “his ship” when he takes offense to the damage being done.
The reason I think he’s Actor Mark is first of all, it’s been my running theory for all of these interactive projects—ADWM confirmed that its Mark was Actor Mark, and I consider that Mark to be the same as the one in Heist and ISWM. There’s a reason (other than Darkiplier’s presence) why all of these projects are often catalogued under the “WKM-verse” 😂
The second is because of his line “I’m gone, and then I come back, and I always come back!” Actor Mark’s running gag is that it’s basically impossible to kill him because of the influence of his mansion (called The House in WKM)’s Entity on him. No matter how much he or anyone else tries, he can’t die. It could be argued that he could’ve been killed if he was away from the House...but I would argue that since the House poisoned his mind for so long and corrupted him, he has the curse of immortality. It’s unclear whether Celine even killed him in DAMIEN at all.
(I also wonder if this line from Mark is a threat or him confessing his true nature to us...or maybe it’s just a commentary on how every project has multiple endings, some of which result in his or Y/N’s death, so “always come back” could be talking about that too. Much to think about!)
I also want to talk about the line “Everything has to end, and everything has to begin.” I have no idea if this is being said to Actor/ISWM Mark, but it does seem like something he needs to hear. Or a threat that could be issued to him from Damien, Celine, or someone sympathetic to to their plight.
They’d be saying that the era of Actor Mark’s grudge and reign is over, a new era has to begin. This new era might be the introduction of a Mark closer to ours—not quite ours, but inching ever closer with each project, since my ideal ending for all of this would be Actor/Heist/ISWM Mark having some reflection time, realizing what an awful person he’s been, and resolving to change. And the ultimate ending would be him sitting down at in front of a camera, smiling, and saying, “Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier...”
(That last part is speculation/wish-fulfillment 😂 but!! A girl can dream!!)
Oh also...Darkiplier is definitely doing something. “Captain! Something is very wro—!” *glitch* “Glad to see you have it all under control :)” Actor Mark can’t do glitches, that’s Dark’s thing, so I wonder how he plays into this 🤔
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angelivily · 3 years
I just R E A L I Z E D something!! (And no it isn’t that I suck, I’ve known that for a while)
Remember that one scene in “Who Killed Markiplier” when we were all teleported to the table after Celine told us that we’d been “oddly quiet” ?
And than EVERYONE told us that maybe they shouldn’t have trusted us because of what we wore or how gorgeous we were??
Where was Damien’s input on that one? Everyone else commented on us. The Chef, Benjamin, and even Abe.
I mean we all knew that the Colonel obviously wouldn’t comment on us because he’s in love with Celine and he definitely doesn’t think of us like that. He respects us enough not to comment on us in a negative way, but he doesn’t think of us as the most gorgeous person in the room.
But Damien didn’t even get a chance to comment on us.
Why did everyone else get to comment? Why couldn’t Damien? Heck, even Celine proposed something.
Who knows, it may just be me overthinking it, but if my observations are correct, I think that it’s because Damien may like us more than just friends.
@statictay told me that it’s canon that the DA and Damien are good friends, but just because you’re good friends with someone doesn’t mean there isn’t any attraction between the two of you.
If any of you have searched up the signs of a crush, which I assume ALL of you have, you’ll know and realize all of them add up to Damien!
1. Mutual Eye Contact
When we talk to Damien he always averts his eyes from us before returning them back.
You can see that when he talks to anyone else, if it’s Abe or even the Colonel, he keeps eye contact with them. But when it comes to us, he looks at us, averts his eyes, and than returns them back not even a second later.
It’s like he knows he shouldn’t stare, but he does.
2. Mirroring/Body Language
We see this a lot with Damien. Whenever he talks to us especially is when he does this.
When he sees us, he IMMEDIATELY ignores everyone else around us and turns towards us. He stands directly towards us, mirroring us.
He also fidgets a lot when we come around. Usually with his cane. When he’s talking to everyone else, we immediately see that he’s leaning against his cane. But when he sees us, he starts to fidget with it.
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3. Inward Leaning
We ALWAYS see this with Damien.
He may not directly lean in towards us, but he moves around a lot, something you don’t see him do with any of the other guests.
With us, you see him move around, lift his cane up, talk with his hands. And you also see him stepping towards us a little bit each time.
4. Barriers
When you’re at a party with someone and they’re holding a magazine, a book, a purse, or even a jacket between you two, that can be a sign of attraction at its lowest. But when we see Damien, you can see he usually lifts his cane up to his side. Away from in front of the DA.
You can see he’s comfortable around us.
5. He’ll make an effort to talk to you
Ahem ahem? Did you know that Damien is the person we talk to the most besides Abe??
And it’s also usually him who talks to us first! I mean, of course we don’t talk. We’re possibly mute even, but he is always the one who strikes it first.
When we walked in for the first time he immediately started talking to us. When we walked out of our room he was there waiting for us. Come on, you CAN’T tell me he was just there by coincidence. When we were on the balcony, he turned around to talk to us. When he was looking for the Colonel by the golf course, he pulled us aside to talk to us.
And he ALWAYS said “we’ll catch up later.” Like he WANTED to talk to us, or at least so we could talk.
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6. Touching
You may be asking “But angelixily Damien didn’t touch us!” AHA falsehood! I can prove thou false.
Remember when we got really drunk and Abe punched us? Who was immediately there to help us out?
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He placed his hand on our cheek and carried us off to bed. He could have just let us lay there. He could have just asked the Butler to get us to bed, but no, he did. He carried us to bed.
7. Teasing
Yes this man is a teaser. When we first walked in and had that mini conversation with him.
Before he walked away from us, telling us he hoped we would catch up with us later he said, “Try not to rob me blind again.”
This idiom could mean that our loving DA is a sneaky one. Maybe she’s better than him at Poker and she ended up with all his money. Or it’s an idiom for a whole other thing.
Maybe he’s trying to simplify “robbing me blind” as with beauty. Or maybe my batshit insane ass if overthinking it ;)
And who can forget Dark in this scenario? Dark teases us through thick and thin! If it’s “or maybe you just mis my pretty face.” From AHWM, or “did you miss me? I missed you... very much.” From ADWM. He’s a teaser.
So I truly do believe Damien fancies us. But my question is still left unanswered. Why didn’t he compliment us at the table?
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Heart by Heart | Chapter X | Raul Mendes
                                               *secret agent AU*
Y/N and Raul have been friends ever since they could remember. And falling in love with your best friend can be pretty tricky and messy 99% of the times, add that to the fact they're constantly risking their lives side by side on the field since they're both secret agents, and the best team that's ever existed. Perfect recipe for disaster.
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Hi, this chapter is finally here, it's a bit shorter, but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting for that long anymore and on the cliffhanger, and this was also important for the story development. Anyway, this is the tenth chapter of this series, you can find the first ones here. Please read the warnings on this one, if you don’t feel comfortable with the contents listed on the “warnings” section, please read something else, there are a lot of other works on my masterlist and on the “fic rec” hashtag on my blog. Please give me some feedback and I hope you guys like. Happy Reading! 
                                                previous chapter | masterpost | next chapter
*Word Count: 2K+
*Warnings: cursing, violence towards the reader, blood, kidnapping, hostage situation, angst.
Please don’t read it if any of this subjects make you uncomfortable, feel free to check my masterlist for other writings.
*Posted: September 16th, 2021.
Raul was a mess as soon as he was able to get into an empty room. 
He allowed himself to finally let the severity of the situation hit him. He had no idea where Y/N and Tom were, if they were alright or what could Geonoff could possibly win with this. He certainly would’ve tried blackmailing them to get something in return of the two agents he had in his hands. 
He’s been pacing back and forth in the tiny room as he tried to remain calm enough to keep his rationality so he could still be helpful. Raul just wanted to punch his way into that base and get the kid and his girl back, but he knew that was completely stupid, even for him. He could practically see the frown on Y/N’s face if she ever heard his brilliant idea, and the vision alone was almost enough to bring him to tears. Instead he shook his head, knowing that letting his feelings take control would only be a waste of time in this situation, and that’s something he learned a long time ago when he first started working with his best friend. 
She was a really rational, and maybe even a bit cold on the field. Always with a sharp remark on the tip of her tongue and a thousand of extra plans in case something failed, she could easily slip into the role of the Professor in Money Heist. Constantly analyzing and thinking. And while she was clearly the brain of their duo, Raul was clearly the heart, not thinking twice before jumping head first to save someone or get and intel. And that’s why they worked so well, he pushed her to be more spontaneous while she kept him in his place (and alive) most of the time. 
He needed her more than ever right now. 
The sound of hushed whispers and two pairs of shoes approaching him, made Raul sharply move in the direction of the door, still on edge, and waiting for it to reveal his visitors. As soon as the handle turned, he was met with his triplet and Celine wearing the same saddened and worried expressions. He might’ve come down to help with the investigation as fast as he learned about his best friend. 
Peter sighed taking in the sight of his brother. Raul looked like a lost puppy in distress, eyes on his face but his mind was clearly somewhere else, shoulders sagged and curls a mess from the constant nervous tugging habit he had. One look was enough for him to know he was carrying all the guilt and having no clue how to fix it. It’s the same look he gave his younger self when he accidentally broke his brand knew camera. 
“We’re going to find them” was the first thing he said and Raul nodded, looking unconvinced “It’s not your fault” he then added and at that, his gaze finally seemed to snap into place as he stared his brother dead in the eye. 
“Whose fault is it then?” his voice sounded a lot smaller and less threatening than he pictured. 
“Geonoff’s” Celine mumbled “but not yours, you did what was best, what was right”
Raul shook his head in response, mumbling a quiet ‘yeah, right’ under his breath, but Celine was quick to take three steps closing the distance between them and placing both hands on his shoulders. 
“Cut this shit right now” she snapped, catching both him and Peter by surprise “you and I both know I’m not your biggest fan and never truly got what everyone else saw in you, but this past months changed my perspective of things and you’re actually a decent person, a great friend and an amazing agent, and you did the right thing” she said squeezing his shoulder for great measure “and you and I both know Y/N would’ve wanted you to do the same thing, she’d be proud of you”
Raul nodded slowly and Celine let him go at that, as he was still processing her words. Peter finally reached his brother, placing his hand on his shoulder as he turned to face him “I know you’re going through a lot right now, but we need you to help us find her, we need you to hold on a bit and try to think of the places they could possibly take her, everything you heard  or saw on the past month is useful”
He nodded again “yeah, okay, I can do that”
“Good, come with me then” Peter said patting his brother’s back “she’ll come back to us, you and I know her enough to know she’s probably making their life a living hell”
Raul snorted a little laugh, that didn’t quite reach his eyes and nodded along, as they dragged him back into the main room. He needed to do what Y/N would in his place, shut his feelings off and analyze every every they took.
Y/N starts slowing coming back into her senses, feeling her muscles burning, her arms stiff and head hurting, the dark place she was situated doing little to help her regain her memories. She tried looking around to see if she could find something useful to recognize the place, only noticing a slim frame still unconscious close to her. The person had its back to her, but from their clothes and body type, she was able to recognize them as Tommy.
Tommy who was still breathing and almost at arms reach.
That was a good sign, or as good as it could be in this situation. But he was there, breathing and no signs of big blood loss around them, so no external wounds that needed to be taken care of urgently. She tried to reach for him, but the heavy chains attaching her wrists to the cobblestone floor kept her in place.
She tried locating their belongings, or anything that could help them get out of there, but it was all missing. Raul was also nowhere in sight, which probably meant he wasn’t there and probably the info was delivered safely. At least that’s what she hopped with no signs of him around them. 
There? Where the hell was there?
That’s when it finally clicked to her, she had no idea where they were or how long was she out. They could be across the ocean as far as she was concerned. She had to get them out of there. But before she could start planning their way out with absolutely nothing and Tommy still out, she heard the grating of the old and rusty hinges coming from the only way in and out of that room, a heavy iron door. 
Coming from the source of noise that snatched her attention was the man responsible for all of this. Geonoff Reyes himself. Wearing a button up shirt, with the sleeves rolled back, and a pair of dress pants, and a smug look on his face. He took lazy long strides getting close to her, crouching down in front of her. 
Geonoff smirked at her “You know, it’s pretty hard to fool me and you almost got away with it, if it weren’t for your stupid boss you’d be home by now”
Y/N just blinked at him, a completely neutral facial expression on as she stared up at him, making him tsk.
“By the way, how is your little boyfriend? Does he know this relationship is just an act or you manipulate him as well?” he asked and she didn’t even flinch at his statement, noticing that her silence was doing more at getting him upset than clapping back “it must be sad, being such a pathetic agent and letting his little girl and friend get caught as he fled, and in the end discovering this was one sided”
Her gaze shifted quickly to Tommy and then back to Geonoff’s face, that was too close to hers for her taste “don’t worry, he’ll live for now, need him to get you to cooperate” and Y/N felt a little lighter knowing that, taking all the self control she had to not let that show on her face “you know they’ll never find you, right? Thought about sending a little photo as a gift for them, but might do it whenever we move to our next location, better lighting and stuff”
“What do you want?” her voice was hoarse, but she was able to keep her tone steady enough to not seem frightened.
“Oh, sugar, missed that sweet voice of yours, it matches your pretty face, just wish I could see that beautiful smile again, but we’ll get to that” he said patting her cheek with his long fingers, making her insides turn in disgust and she had to swallow the sudden wave of nausea down “I want something simple, just know all the info you’ve been feeding your precious little team for the past weeks, you’re smart enough knowing I wouldn’t mind hurting you to get what I want”
Y/N only stared back at him watching his brow twitch in annoyance “don’t want to hurt your pretty face, so cooperate with me and I might even let you go safely”
But her silent response seemed to be enough for him to loose it, because he took a deep breath before slapping his hand across her face for the first time. The pure shock of the action almost made her react, but she held her face up as she kept staring at him, her face burning but she wouldn’t give him the little taste of a small victory at breaking her neutral mask of indifference. 
“This could be so easy” he mumbled slapping the other side a little harder “you didn’t have to do this, you could be free by now” the third one was stronger than she was expecting, making her face turn with the pure force of it, the loud sound coming from the aggression echoing on the empty room and down the large corridor, the echo making her realize there wasn’t much down where they were, mostly just blank empty walls without doors to divide the sound. 
“What is it? Anything you’d like to say?” he asked grabbing her chin and yanking her face to look up at him, but her mouth remained closed “well, your choice”
After a few consecutive hits, one being so strong making her face collide with the wall when it turned, and she felt the sticky liquid running down her face. Her skin probably breaking with the brisk contact with the stone wall, cutting her cheek in the process. The seemed to please him, since he let out a loud boisterous laugh, making her lean her head so he could see it better mumbling a quiet “vicious bitch” under his breath “stop fighting back” before going back to it. 
After a couple more minutes, her right cheek numb already, Geonoff said grabbing her face roughly in his hands, forcing her to look up at him “Come on, sugar, you’re really stressing me out here”
“I’m truly sorry you had to kidnap and keep two agents hostage to try and prove you’re better than your sister” she said blinking at him monotonously and that seemed to hit a nerve, because Geonoff squeezed her face harder in his palms before pushing her head against the wall. 
Y/N felt her limbs giving out as her vision got blurry, her vision going dark before she felt her body leaning to her side and hitting the floor with a dull thud. The sound of shoes hitting against the rocks and the door being shut closed again a sign that the man lost his patience and left them behind. She tried fighting the numbness getting ahold of her body, but ended up succumbing at the end. 
The sounds of waves breaking somewhere near them and the constant throbbing of her head dragging her back into unconsciousness. 
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
What a Beautiful Wedding Ch. 5: For the Dancing and the Dreaming
Summary: Dark and his family try and get out of their little reality bubble.
A/N: I should have had this out yesterday, but someone *glares at Chase* were being difficult.
Title comes from the song “For the Dancing and the Dreaming” from How to Train your Dragon 2.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Channel 2
The instant Dark mentally came back to himself he pulled everyone back into the Manor. But he also found that Anti and Henrik were within the same bubble as well and grabbed them as well.
The instant he started explaining things everyone started waking up.
“Who knows how long we’ll be here,” Dark finished.
“At least ve’re avake,”[1] Henrik decided from where he was standing with Chase.
Illinois, who had only been away for the past couple of minutes, was trying to remember where he’d been before this before remembering he’d been at his wedding and flying into an immediate panic.
“Eric!” Illinois realized with horror.
He got up and raced through the front door, he planned on running all the way to the park but the instant his feet were outside the door he was already reaching the chain link fence to Eric’s backyard.
But Illinois was not deterred, he was getting his fiancé back if it was the last thing he did. Illinois practically vaulted himself over the chain link fence.
“Eric, dulcito[2],” Illinois called up outside his window before thinking: “screw it!” and used his lock picks to break in and start creeping towards Eric’s room. He’d save punching this fake Derek until he was sure Eric was safe.
Just because he wasn’t real, and more importantly dead, that didn’t mean he could cause Eric a lot of pain.
Eric was asleep when Illinois walked up to his bed and shook him away.
“Dulcito,[2] we’re going home.”
Eric screamed in surprise, and Illinois held his hands up.
“It’s me, it’s me,” Illinois said, already starting to cry in relief. “We need to get home, we got dragged in and . . . please forgive me.”
Eric flinched before letting out a quiet gasp, “Illy?”
He practically threw himself into Illinois’s arms, starting to sob profusely as Illinois held him.
“I’m so sorry, I should have rescheduled the wedding, it should have been the happiest day of your life,” Illinois apologized.
“I wanna go home,” Eric told him, and went to move before he felt a sharp pain stab through his legs, mostly from stress, mostly from not having his actual good prosthetics all day and having to make do with bad ones.
“Eric?” Illinois asked in distress.
“My legs,” Eric sobbed in pain.
“I got you,” Illinois promised, picking him up in his arms.
Eric clung tightly to Illinois’s shirt, and then coiled up when a pounding came from the other side of the door.
The timid young man let out a terrified whimper.
“Eric what’s going on in there?” Derek yelled, trying to break down the door. “Who’s voice is that? Open this door!”
“Shit,” Illinois hissed, prepared to fight Derek.
“Illinois should start walking, quickly before Derek can enter,” the Host spoke up.
Illinois and Eric startled but out of reflex, Illinois began to start walking. He took two steps and suddenly he wasn’t in Eric’s home, he was running into his own. And the whiplash just about made him go unconscious. If he hadn’t been aware he was in a sitcom from hell, he wouldn’t have felt a thing.
“What was that?” Illinois looked around wildly. They were walking into the living room of the Manor.
“The Host used a screen wipe,” the Host smiled.
“This whole place is a shithole,” Illinois snarled as he rushed to carefully set Eric down on the comfiest-looking couch. “The laugh tracks were already giving me a migraine, thanks for stopping them.”
“The Host was not a fan of them either,” the Host agreed.
The instant he realized they were back in the house, Dark checked them over briefly when they came over and then Illinois set Eric on the couch and the two of them almost immediately fell asleep, wrapped up together. Dark stretched a blanket over them and then walked into the kitchen.
Mostly to collect his thoughts and figure out some kind of plan of attack. If it was just himself, Dark would worm his way out and hunt the Actor down. But he wasn’t alone. There was Lunky and Eric to consider, along with the triplets. All of them had no hope of standing against the Actor on their own. He couldn’t see what was out there, and didn’t want to take his chances.
“How yeh holdin’ up?”[3] Chase asked.
Dark was sitting at the large dinner table, he had a coffee in front of him. He wasn’t sure where or when he’d gotten the coffee from but he had it.
The sooner he was out of here, the better. He didn’t like how easily it was for the anomaly to pull him around.
“I’d think you’d want out as soon as possible,” Dark told him.
“Well nothin’s[4] happened yet,” Chase told him and walked over. “Sides,[5] at this point we should prolly[6] stick together.”
“You can do that perfectly fine in any other room,” Dark told him, trying to sound uncaring but he could still remember waking up with Chase in the morning.
“Yeah, but I was worried about yeh,” Chase told him, not taking a seat yet and just leaning against the table. “Sides,[5] Bim was growlin’[7] at me, so I decided ta[8] give him his space.”
“I’m fine,” Dark told him sharply.
“Kay,”[9] Chase agreed, not wanting to push him. The two of them were quiet for a bit.
“What do you want?” Dark growled.
“I told yeh[10],” Chase started.
“No, you’ve given me some thinly veiled plot,” Dark glared, “but not what you actually want. Is it the triplets? Is it boredom? Everyone wants something.”
“What if I just want you? Have yeh[10] thought about that?” Chase asked.
“Don’t play with me, Brody,” Dark scoffed angrily. “What do you want?”
Something in Chase just snapped, something that was always compelling him to take care of Dark. “I’m not fookin’ jokin’. I actually wanna be with yeh. Yeh frustratin’, self-absorbed piece ‘a shite. If I was gonna lead yeh on, I’d be actin’ like Wilf.”[11]
Dark’s jaws clicked shut and he glared at Chase.
Sighing, Dark tried to tune out the anomaly, which was whispering to him. The most tempting of whispers. To just push everyone else out and the anomaly could give Dark what he wanted. Could give him the power he wanted. Could give him a version of Wilford that would never look away from him. Children who would always need him.
It was so tempting, but Dark knew better. The anomaly couldn’t give him that infinitely. It would falter, it just wanted a living battery to feed off of.
“Dark?” Chase whispered, taking a seat next to the Entity. His tone gentler as his anger was fading.
“I can open a portal to let you through, but I don’t know how long I can keep it open,” Dark told him. “I also don’t know what’s out there. We’ll have to be careful. We need to make sure the weaker spawnlings do not go out first.”
“Sounds good ta[8] me, but heads up, Illinois isn’t goin’[12] anywhere without yah[10],” Chase chuckled. “Kid’s a little needy when it comes ta[8] yah[10].”
“Illinois has Eric now, he doesn’t need me,” Dark corrected. “I was safe in here, he was a child again. Once we go back out I have to prepare his territory, I have all these arrangements to make and—”
“Dark, Dark,” Chase urged. “Listen ta yerself. Yer Illinois’s dad.”[13]
“Wilford is his father,” Dark reinforced.
“Bubbles didn’t raise him, you did,” Chase reminded sharply. “Wilf went off an’[14] did whate’er[15] the hell he wanted. You made sure the kids were safe. Granted he didn’t have a choice sometimes but the point stands.”
“I can’t have children,” Dark said, but it was his blue soul that put the words there. “I’m not allowed near them. Demons don’t feel things like love or joy, they just exist.”
“We both know that’s not true,” Chase told him, desperately trying to get through to him. “Yeh[10] adore those kids. E’eryone[16] in this whole fookin’[17] town knows that.”
Dark went quiet, hanging his head, he didn’t have a firm rebuttal for that. “I . . . I’m not . . .”
“Those kids are yers[18] as much as they are his. Our boys an’[14] Tempus are just as much yers[18] as they are mine,” Chase told him. “Yeh can have ‘em an’ see ‘em just ‘cause yeh want ta. Not because yeh need ta pay fer ‘em.”[19]
Chase mentally froze because that last part had just slipped out, he’d never considered . . . He mentally thought about Memento and Mori and how the two of them would show him knives and things Dark had just given them. Of Illinois and his adventurers and power within the city. Or Bim and how Dark just let him literally eat people. “Dark yeh know yeh don’t have ta buy yer own kids’ attention, right? They fookin’ love yeh.”[20]
Dark made a disbelieving scoff.
“Dark, they compete fer yer attention whene’er yer in the room,”[21] Chase told him. “Why do yeh[10] think Bim an’[14] Illinois are fightin’[22] all the time?”
“Siblings just do that,” Dark dismissed.
Chase looked up, “Oh my how are yeh[10] this fookin’[17] dense? Dark, yer[23] lucky yer[23] cute.”
A slightly darker grey blush briefly spread across Dark’s cheeks, he looked away from Chase for a second.
“If that’s how yeh[10] think siblings are supposed ta[8] act, did Damien an’[14] Celine participated in death matches or somethin’[24]?” Chase commented, trying to lighten the mood.
“Something to that effect,” Dark admitted. “Celine was always the favorite because she was able to perform magic. Their father was very harsh with Damien because he was a null. If he hadn’t died the way he did, he would have surely become a demon.”
“Yer[25] old man was a fooker[26],” Chase told him. “Maybe I should have Host use the anomaly ta[8] brin’[27] him back so I can kick him in the dick.”
“Only if I can kill him for keeping me prisoner in his house for decades,” Dark promised.
Chase smiled, before really looking at Dark. “I was serious early.”
“About which topic?” Dark asked.
“I’m exactly where I want ta[8] be,” Chase promised, finally saying when he’d been trying to remember to tell the Entity for months now. “There’s no one else I want ta[8] be with.”
“You’ll get bored,” Dark told him.
“Yeh[10] managed ta[8] keep stuff interestin’[28] in all the years I’ve known yeh[10],” Chase smiled.
“You’re human,” Dark reminded.
“Depends on who yeh[10] ask these days, don’t think I’ve got many ‘a[29] those years left,” Chase confessed. “Henz an’ Marv prolly don’t either. ‘Sides, if someone does manage ta kill me, I’ll make sure my ghost comes back an’ haunts yeh. I’ll bang some pots an’ shite. Make sure yeh know it’s me.”[30]
Dark’s brow furrowed, he was still looking for something. Then, “You’re with the heroes, if you wanted to be with me, you wouldn’t have turned me down when I asked.”
“That wasn’t me turnin’ yeh down, that was me sayin’ no ta bein’ yer hired gun,”[31] Chase told him in exasperation. “I don’t mind the dates, but I’m not killin’ fer yeh.”[32]
Dark wasn’t looking at him, Chase inched a little closer.
“Here, I’ll use my regular equipment, we can make it look howe’er realistic an’ fancy yeh want, an’ I’m there. But I’m not killin’ on yer order. Defending yeh or the kids is one thing. But becomin’ yer private hitman is off the table.”[33]
“That sounds reasonable,” Dark told him.
Chase just about had the urge to lean in all the way and kiss him. But he felt it was all going too fast. This was still so new. So he didn’t.
Instead, Wil broke the silence.
“Awww,” Wilford suddenly appeared next to them, smiling and wrapping his arms around the two of them. “Look at the two of you.”
“Don’t push yer[25] luck, Bubbles,” Chase snapped at him.
Wilford just hugged them tighter, pressing his face closer to Chase’s until the marksman pushed Wil away and kicked him in the shins, cursing at him as he did so. Dark rolled his eyes as he watched them.
Outside the bubbles, the heroes were busy popping the next one they’d jumped into. Freeing Nate, Mare, Marvin, and Quackity among the other heroes, villains, and civilians they’d pulled free.
Phantom was a bit disoriented and started looking around, trying to find an easy escape.
“I had awesome power, this better be worth it,” Quackity rolled his eyes as he looked around. “Where’s Dream?”
“Still in one of the bubbles,” Punz answered.
Quackity stared at Punz for a little bit before smiling, “Hey Punz, how much would I have to pay you to have us just leave Dream in there?”
“Twice what you pay Purpled,” Punz told him, checking his guns.
“Fuck!” Quackity hissed, kicking some rubble. “Come on, dude!”
Another rumble passed through the area as one of the bubbles began to ripple violently and two tendrils snapped out of it, one shot out like lightning and attached itself to the bubble Dark was in while the other snatched up Phantom and pulled him in.
When the first tendril latched on it dragged Dark away from Chase and Wil and before anyone had any time to think it yanked him in and Dark’s bubble popped. The bubble started rapidly growing in size, and it yanked the smallest bubble into it and consumed it. It stopped swelling when it was twice its former size.
“The fuck was that?” Illinois shouted from where he’d dropped to the ground, looking around wildly. “Was that the Actor?”
“No, the Actor does not have the anomaly,” the Host said as he began inspecting the area with his own aura. “That bubble contains Techno and Phil and with the absence of other stories, the anomaly is desperately trying to keep what it does have. Its hold is weakening. Which means the Host will not be able to keep the Actor at bay for much longer.”
“Do you know who are in the other bubbles?” Ponk asked. “Be really nice to have fucking Skeppy right now.”
“I’m right here,” Marvin shot at him.
“I give you one of these books and Skeppy will kill me,” Ponk told him.
“Hey, wait a second, is that one ‘a[29] the,” Marvin recognized the spell book he had as one of the cursed tomnes he’d been trying to get from the Server for months now.
Ponk held the book to their chest, backing up, “Uh . . .”
Sam shouldered his way in-between, shoving Marvin back as he summoned his trident. “We don’t have time to wait around.”
Ponk just stared up at Sam, leaning into him before they looked back at the Host. “So who’s where? Where’s Skeppy and Bad?”
“That one,” the Host gestured to the bubble higher up, “however it needs to be loosened by another two bubbles before it pops. There are too many powerful demons in there powering it.”
“Okay,” Ponk sighed in frustration.
“Techno, Philza, Big Man, and Ghostbur,” the Host pointed with his aura to the largest bubble that Dark and Phantom had been dragged into.
He continued to the farthest one, “That one has the Actor and all of Silver’s friends.”
“Fucker,” Silver spat, trying to fly towards that bubble at top speed but bounced off. “Give me my friends back!”
“And the last one’s got the Sides in it?” Bing asked from where the Google androids were encircled around him.
“That’s the strongest one,” Nate grumbled in frustration. “Why’s he in that one?”
“Because the entire legate is in there, it is likely it will be one of the last to pop for that reason. On its own it’s indefinitely sustainable.”
“Shit, he’s like a living battery,” Nate hissed.
“I’m going in,” Illinois decided, looking at the bubble Dark was in.
“Stay here with Explosion Boy,” Chase told Illinois, gesturing to Eric.
“My dad’s—” Illinois started to shout.
“Let us handle it, we can’t have all ‘a[29] our magically powerful people in one easy ta[8] capture area, stay with yer[25] fiancé,” Chase told him. “I’ll make sure nothin’[34] happens ta[8] him.”
“If I see there are any problems, I’m going in,” Illinois told him.
“Fine, that’s fine,” Chase told him, then he looked back at Jackie. “Jackie, come on.”
The Host lowered the bubble Dark had been dragged into and then ripped a hole in the bubble long enough for Jackie and Chase to go in.
Channel 6
Jackie and Chase walked in and a wave passed over them as their outfits changed. Snow buffeted them as they stood in thick warming fur coats and wool clothes.
Jackie was still in his mask but their clothes colors had changed to deep purples and dark reds
“Let’s go,” Chase yelled over the snow as they followed the road and hoped it would lead to a town.
Accessibility Translations:
1. At least we’re awake.
2. sweetheart
3. How are you holding up?
4. nothing’s
5. Besides
6. probably
7. growling
8. to
9. Okay
10. you
11. I’m not fucking joking. I actually want to be with you. You frustrating, self-absorbed piece of shit. If I was going to lead you on, I’d be acting like Wilf.
12. going
13. Listen to yourself. You’re Illinois’s dad.
14. and
15. whatever
16. everyone
17. fucking
18. yours
19. You can have them and see them just because you want to. Not because you need to pay for them.
20. Dark, you know that you don’t have to buy your own kids’ attention, right? They fucking love you.
21. Dark, they compete for your attention whenever you’re in the room,
22. fighting
23. you’re
24. something?
25. your
26. fucker
27. bring
28. interesting
29. of
30. Henz and Marv probably don’t either. Besides, if someone does manage to kill me, I’ll make sure my ghost comes back and haunts you. I’ll bang some pots and shit. Make sure you know it’s me.
31. That wasn’t me turning you down, that was me saying no to being your hired gun
32. I don’t mind the dates, but I’m not killing for you.
33. Here, I’ll use my regular equipment, we can make it look however realistic and fancy you want, and I’m there. But I’m not killing on yer order. Defending you or the kids is one thing. But becoming your private hitman is off the table.
34. nothing
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Achilles Come Down-- Damien (WKM) x Reader
Prompt; Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
Warnings; slight swearing, bit of angst, nothing too bad
Word Count; 1.8k
Notes; not my best work because i have a ~brain injury~ but i couldn’t get this idea out of my head so i went ahead and wrote it lol
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Your eyes fluttered at the sudden bright light shining from above. A gasping breath racked your chest as you instinctively grabbed the fabric covering your abdomen. It was dry, no trace of the hot, sticky liquid that it held mere moments before. With a moment of hesitation, you sat up to survey your surroundings. Your brows knitted together. You were sitting in an open field, surrounded by tall grass, but weren't you just at Markiplier Manor? A flock of birds startled you from your thoughts as they flew overhead. You watched them dip in twirl with the wind until your eyes landed on a more captivating subject. "Damien?" He faced the opposite direction, sitting quite a distance away. His head turned when he heard your voice. A smile crept across Damien's features, and he was quick to wave you over. You pushed yourself off the ground and made your way towards him. There was something... off. He was sitting on the edge of a cliff, legs dangling over the side. His hair was ruffled, and his shoulders were slumped. But you found your gaze returning to his face. His warm, loving eyes and his soft smile made you fall in love all over again every time you looked at him. He gently bumped his shoulder into yours when you took a seat beside him. 
"I'm glad to see you here. Well, I'm not glad that you're here, but I'm happy to have you with me again." You raised a brow, and Damien pursed his lips. "What I mean is, I'm glad you're safe now. That's what matters."
"Where are we?" You glanced down at the dark waters splashing below. It appeared nearly as dark as ink, making its depths undetectable. Something about it unnerved you. You wanted to move somewhere else, but Damien appeared to enjoy sitting on the cliffside, where he could see the water. His jaw tensed at your question. He stared into the water. You placed a hand on top of his, hoping to calm some of the thoughts running rampant in his mind, but he stayed silent. "We're dead, aren't we?" A joking tone laced your words, but there was truth in them. You thought back to your last moments in the manor. You could have survived the gunshot alone if taken straight to the hospital, but you had little to no chance once you stumbled over the banister. Damien chuckled, finally returning his focus to you.
"You're not too far from the truth. We're sort of in-between realities at the moment. We're certainly not alive, but we're not quite dead either. It doesn't make sense. Hell, I'm still wrapping my head around it too, and I've been waiting here for you for a long time now."
"How long has it been for you? It was hardly an hour that I..." you faltered, struggling to find the right word, "appeared here after you vanished." Damien shook his head. 
"Time passes much differently here. An hour out there could easily be a decade here." Guilt hit your chest like a bag of bricks. He truly waited all that time, just for you? Damien caught the sadness welling up in your eyes. He cupped your face in his hands, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead. "But that doesn't matter. I wouldn't trade a second of it because it means I now get to be here with you. Don't tell me you forgot our vows?" You couldn't help the laugh that escaped your lips. 
"We'd always be there for each other, and if one of us died first, they would accompany the reaper until it was time to escort the other to the other side. Quite ironic, given our current circumstances."
"And everyone thought we were just being dramatic!" His comment brought about another round of laughter, easing the guilt from your heart. Damien got to his feet and pulled you up with him. He stared down into the water once more. "Why don't we enjoy the time we have here before we brave the other side? Let's go for a swim. " You followed his gaze with a grimace. The waves below were calm, but the water still seemed unwelcoming. Something in the back of your mind warned you not to trust it. Damien wrapped his arms around you, laughing. "Don't tell me you're scared! Nothing can hurt us here. We're finally safe." Your eyes widened as you heard footsteps approaching. Damien went rigid. Neither of you moved until the newcomer made a dramatic gagging sound.
"Look at you two so in love. It's so sweet it almost makes me sick," he deadpanned. Your jaw dropped. Mark was here too? Damien squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, biting back all of the words he truly wanted to say. You tried to move away from Damien to get a better look, but his grip around you tightened.
"Don't. He's not real," Damien whispered in your ear. There was a sense of urgency in his voice that made you freeze. 
"Sharing secrets now, are we? That's not a very nice thing to do to a friend, especially when said friend was murdered," Mark whined. "Since we're in a secretive mood, I feel inclined to tell you that Damien is lying to you, (Y/N)." You glanced over at your partner, whose face had darkened. You could practically sense the smug smile on Mark's face. He took his time walking closer to the two of you, wanting to make sure that he held the spotlight. "You're not safe. There is no 'other side.' He's using you to revive himself and Celine." Damien cupped your face, forcing you to look at him rather than Mark. 
"Don't listen to him. I love you, (Y/N). I'd do anything to keep you safe. You know that." Damien glanced behind you into the open water. He opened his mouth, but Mark interrupted him. 
"How many times have you sought my counsel? How many times have I given you my thoughts? And when have I ever steered you wrong?"
"(Y/N), love, listen to me. I know you're scared, but we need to go. We're going to have to jump."
"Don't be dense, (Y/N)!" Mark shouted. "I know you hear those warning bells in your head. If you go into that water, you'll never come out again."
"It's safe, I promise. I'd never do anything to hurt you. We'll be in a better place." Damien's voice was filled with desperation. His eyes searched yours, urging you to trust him. You swallowed thickly.
"You'll be with me?" Damien offered you a comforting smile as he stroked your cheek with his thumb. 
"Of course. Do you think I'd let you go alone? If you jump, I'm jumping. There is no me without you." You slowly nodded, and Damien released his hold on you. You finally caught sight of Mark. He was in his signature red bathrobe, and he was shaking in anger. What caught you off guard were his eyes. They were inky black and unforgiving, much like the water below.
"He's offering you acclaim and the taste of a new life, but he can't deliver. Don't waste yourself on this cliff, (Y/N). You'll be trapped in your own personal hell if you jump." You shook your head, standing by Damien's side. He took one of your hands into his own.
"I'm sorry, Mark, but I trust him. Even if you're right in the end, I have to stand by him. Love is a dangerous thing. I have to accept that." You looked at Damien and nodded. He counted down, and the two of you stepped off the cliff's edge. Mark stood above, watching as you both sank into the dark water. He shook his head, knowing what was to come.
The water seemed to suck all of the warmth from your bones as soon as you touched its surface. On instinct, you thrashed you get back to the surface, but you continued to sink. Panic settled into your mind. You couldn't get back up, and you couldn't find Damien. He let go of your hand once you both hit the water. Now, it was rushing into your lungs with a fiery burn in its wake. Your mind felt heavy and muddled. You could form a coherent thought. The last thing that filled your mind was regret. 
You hit the tiled floor with a loud thud. Your eyes snapped open as a violent cough shook your whole body. You rolled over onto your hands and knees, coughing. You could practically feel the water all around you, but you were completely dry. You blinked, slowly becoming aware of your surroundings. You were in the manor's foyer, except everything looked a little dimmer. Sitting back on your heels, you inspected your hands. They had a slight translucency to them. Is this what the 'other side' was? Were you a ghost? "Damien?" you called out, getting back to your feet. 
"Oh, good, you're awake. I should apologize. I didn't realize the process would be so... painful." You furrowed your brows, glancing around. It sounded as if he was standing right beside you, but he was nowhere to be found. You finally caught sight of the old mirror hanging on the wall Instead of showing your reflection, it showed Damien standing with an apologetic look on his face. You carefully approached. "I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you too, Damien, but what's going on?" He sighed, avoiding your gaze.
"I'm protecting you. With Celine's help, I created a sort of pocket dimension inside this mirror, and we put your soul inside." You put a hand on your forehead, struggling to grasp the situation. "Don't worry! I'll be able to visit you, just as I'm doing now."
"Okay, but when can I leave?" Damien's face fell. He stuttered for a moment before finally going quiet. "Am I trapped here, alone?" your voice was barely above a whisper. Damien's eyes widened. 
"No, no! Of course, not. You're not alone. As I said before, I'll be able to visit you through the mirror."
"Am I trapped in here?" 
"I don't understand. I'm only trying to protect you-"
"Damien!" you shouted, tears flowing freely down your face. "Please, answer me." Your voice cracked along with Damien's heart at the sight of you. He nodded, looking away. You grit your teeth, suddenly overcome with anger. "You had no right! You didn't tell me this would happen. You told me that we would face the unknown together, but instead, you fabricated your own little birdcage for me to sit in for the rest of eternity."
"(Y/N), please-"
"No, Damien." Your sad laugh echoed in the empty foyer. You ran a hand through your hair, pacing. "What happened to always staying by each other's side?" you scoffed, "I should've listened to Mark. I shouldn't have jumped with you."
"I did this because I love you."
"Well, maybe you should have loved me a little less." 
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The DA Y/N OC Hunger Games Part 2
Part 1 || Part 3 | Part 10 | Part 11
Sorry it's taken me a hot sec to get back to this. Been busy. Hopefully the pace will quicken from here on out, so long as I get my peace and quiet. In any case, BACK TO THE COMPETITION!
What an exhilarating round 1, am I right!? Some survived. Some perished. Some just uselessly moped around in the corner for the entire round. Exciting stuff! Are you ready for more action!? (Well, I'd hardly call this action, but still.) You had better be! Because it’s time for round 2!
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Bethany ( @ask-bethany-and-dark) does something really cute. Celine is looking for an easy out. ??? ( @youraverageauprocrastinator ) wants this to be over already.
Alright, alright! Solid start. These three just chillin'. HEY! ???, I thought that you were starting to like this place. You changed your mind? GOOD! Go and suffer with everyone else like a good contestant!
Seth ( @who-killed-the-da ) finds a lovely bikini and puts it on! It's quite revealing.
Okay, that is actually rather adorable. I'm having a hard time seeing them in a bikini... But I’m certain that it's perfect. Leaves them pretty exposed though, don't you think...? All those precious guts exposed! Even if the tiddy is protected.
Veridia ( @ask-the-femaleda ) looks for her next victim...
Veridia! Calm the fuck down! Even your mun thinks that you need to chill! At this rate you're going to give yourself a heart attack! And if you have a heart attack, how are you going to keep up with Damien’s kill count!? HUH!?
Y/N ( @purple-anxiety-blog ) twitches uncontrollably. Y/N ( @ask-the-mirror-da ) twiddles their thumbs.
Fidgety Y/N buddies? Yes. Fidgety Y/N buddies indeeeeed. I'm just imagining them. Sitting on a log. In silence. Y/N (ask-the-mirror-attorney) hoping that Y/N (purple-anxiety-blog) doesn't just snap and kill them on the spot. ... You know what? There are so many Y/Ns in this competition and typing out each of their usernames is a lot of work... So fuck it! You guys are getting nicknames! Y/N (purple-anxiety-blog), you're now Braid... Braids? Braidy...? Eh, I’ll figure out what sounds/feels best later. (Purple would be another option, but I wanted something different so that one can easily differentiate the character from the mun.) And Y/N (ask-the-mirror-attorney), you're now Nakey.
Wilford Warfstache seems unshaken by any of this.
Yeah... That may just be a little TOO in character for ol’ Warfy here! God this man is terrifying...
Damien feels protected by his wealth.
And by the fact that he just murdered someone! Just like he should. u.u Though seriously. What the hell is money going to do to help you out of this situation, Damien? HUH!?
Athena (Post-WKM) ( @withjust-a-bite ) sets down a trap.
Uh oh! That's going to be bad news for someone! Who's gonna get their leg stuck in a bear trap? We'll just have to wait and.
Mike ( @ask-mike-the-da​ ) eats something he shouldn't have and dies of horrible stomach pains.
Oh Mike. Poor, sweet Mike. Taken away from us so soon. You were the first one to die this round. An unfortunate fate, but one that someone had to fulfill. You didn’t even know what was coming for you! ... Though I feel like this is oddly in character for him. Mike just running off into the woods like, "I don't need Mark! I don't need anybody! I can survive all on my own! Ooooh! Berries!" And then he just fuckin' dies.
Dylan ( @the-mirror-realm​ ) gathers ammo for their slingshot.
As one of the few people with an item, good luck with that one! Maybe you can David and Goliath someone up in here!
Darkiplier thinks of a dark, dark poem.
And the edgelord continues to be useless! How is it that the more sane and less violent version of Dark manages to be more bloodthirsty and seemingly competent than this asshole...?
Alice ( @chelseareferenced​ ) finally snaps! Alice is now frenzied!
Uh oh! You better watch out. You better watch out! YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! We got another crazy murder lady on the run now!
Lillian ( @indic0lite​ ) gets caught in one of Athena (Post-WKM) ( @withjust-a-bite​ )'s traps... What a stupid mistake! They should have known better. All they can do now is hope to be freed...
Ah! So that's what happened with that trap. Unfortunate. Hopefully someone can save you before it's too late! Maybe Dylan can save you. Who knows?
Y/N ( @the-tragic-hero-and-you​ ) fails to grasp the gravity of the situation. Daffodil wearing leather scraps is a sight to behold.
Sounds about right. These two beans just chilling all sweet and innocent in the corner just like, "Nice caveman outfit!" "Thanks! Nice turtleneck!"
(Actor) Mark wants to end things once and for all with Bethany ( @ask-bethany-and-dark​ ). Bethany bites the dust!
Ouch! It seems that the Actor absolutely refuses to tolerate anyone who stans anyone except for him! Very sorry Bethany. The fact that you hold some level of affection for Damien/Dark means that he just had to kill you! Because Mark is a terrible, terrible person. The jealous fuck! Not even your cuteness factor could save you, sadly.
Y/N ( @dormats-town​ ) looks around for stuff to scrounge.
After brutally murdering Abe and finding nothing on his body but a LOT of photos of all of his old, dead partners, they move on to scrounge around for more supplies. (And for more lives to take!)
Gray ( @without-celine​ ) isn't sure whether to cry, laugh, or tear their hair out.
I mean... A place like this will do that to you. But you two should probably calm down for both of your sakes. You’ve done this for the second round in a row...
William sizes his muscles. Rosie ( @lostanddrowned​ ) doesn't care much for this place.
You know what? These two can be buff buddies... Who both don’t like this place very much. Which I mean... Understandable.
Eerie ( @eerietheda​ ) tries to kill Damien, but Damien retaliates and kills them instead.
Me: Tells everyone that Damien can take care of himself. Everyone: Doesn’t believe me. Damien:
Also Damien, what the fuck? Why are you of all people so quickly racking up the highest body count!? At least this one was clearly a case of self-defense. So... Like... Fair. And congrats on taking out one of the scariest competitors in this game! Very sorry to see you go, Eerie. Better luck next time. Hopefully next time Damien won't be as bloodthirsty!
Dee is looking for an easy out.
And that's the end of round 2! Stay tuned for more DA on DA action, right here! On this blog! When? Sometime! I'm not really certain when. Whenever I get around to it, really!
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saviwrites · 4 years
Morning Memory
First off, I want to thank @givethispromptatry for striking me with inspiration. Secondly, just a quick reminder that I do accept writing prompts, so don’t be scared to send them in! Anyway, hope you enjoy! 
The party had died down hours ago. Those too drunk to drive home had been shown the guest rooms by Ben, who was now holding a large bag and throwing various bottles and other trash away. The Chef had long since gone home, complaining about needing to come in early to cook breakfast for all the party-goers in the morning. The only guests still awake were four friends all laughing and sharing a bottle of alcohol. 
“And then I said to the man, ‘Am I lion about it now?’” said the man holding the bottle, his red suspenders falling off his shoulders. The other three laughed uproariously, more under the influence of alcohol than the quality of the joke. William smiled, taking another sip of the bottle. 
Damien reached over to grab it, slapping Will on the shoulder. “I swear, old friend, your stories get more and more outlandish every time I hear them.” 
“It’s all part of my charm,” he responded, “Everyone loves a good story.” 
“Especially the ladies, am I right?” Mark said, his arm wrapped around Celine’s shoulders, “If I recall, you had, what, half a dozen in your company tonight?” 
William shrugged, taking the bottle back. 
"That red-head especially was eyeing you up. I'm surprised you didn't take her to bed." 
"Mark, please," Celine said, placing a hand on his cheek, "Let's enjoy the company we have now." 
Mark immediately turned and began kissing her on the cheek, which made her laugh and try to pull away. “I already have the beauty of the ball right here, of course.” 
While the couple playfully wrestled with each other, William forced his attention to Damien. 
“So, how is your university friend? It’s a shame we never got to meet them tonight.” 
“Well, you know. Family business and all,” Damien said, a slight flush to his cheeks, “I’m sure they would’ve loved to come by. Maybe next time.” 
Will nodded in agreement. Celine suddenly pulled away from her husband and stood up. 
“What time is it?” 
“Almost six, I think.” 
Celine smiled and pulled Damien up to his feet. “Come on, brother, we’ll miss it!”
“Miss what?” 
“The sunrise, of course! How often will we have this chance? All of us together like this?” She smiled at Mark and William. “When was the last time you saw the sunrise?” 
Mark chuckled and stood up, taking the bottle from Will’s hands. “Well, as the lady says. We don’t have all day!” 
William shook his head as he stood up. He took a step forward before stumbling over the coffee table. Damien reached over to help him, wrapping their arms around each other.
“Don’t tell me you’ve lost your sea legs already!” 
William laughed as the four made their way up through the manor, trying to determine the highest point. By the time they reached the tower, the first rays of sunlight were just peeking over the horizon. The four friends stood side by side as they watched the morning light. William couldn’t help but peek over at the others, smiling softly. It had been so long since they had spent time like this together. It was nice. 
“Something on your mind?” Celine glanced over at her friend. “You’ve been staring a lot.” 
“I’m just trying to make sure I’ll remember this.” 
She smiled at him. He felt his heart skip a beat. Celine turned back to the sky, closing her eyes and breathing in the fresh morning air. Will glanced down and saw her hand placed on the stone. He reached over slowly and gently covered her hand with his own. William closed his eyes, relishing the peacefulness of the moment.
“Will… Wil… Wilford!” 
He opened his eyes again, staring out into the dark night. He blinked a few times, getting his bearings back. Where was Celine? Where were Damien and- It was then that he took notice of the ringing in his ears. Wil turned to look behind him and found a man standing there, dressed in black trousers and a white dress shirt. 
"What are you doing up here?" He asked, "It's the middle of the night." 
It took a second for Wil to respond. "I'm waiting for the sunrise." He mumbled, looking back out at the horizon. He closed his eyes, trying to go back to the already fleeting memory. 
He was waiting for something. He wasn't alone. Three, no, two? How many were there? Why couldn't he remember? 
He felt something grab his arm and spun around, pulling out his gun. The man pulled away, holding his hands up. 
"Wilford, it's me." He said, his image distorting ever so slightly, "Your friend?"
Wil tilted his head. A few tense moments passed as the two stared at each other. The man kept glancing nervously at the gun. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Wilford pointed the barrel down. 
A flicker of relief crossed the monochrome man's face before schooling himself back to indifference. Wilford looked around. 
"Why are we on the roof? Did you bring us here?" 
"I'll explain later. How about we go back inside for now?" 
"But…" Wilford looked out over the horizon again. He was up here for a reason, right? He looked back at Dark, who was holding out his hand towards him. Wilford slowly took the hand and stepped down. When had he gotten so close to the edge? Dark led Wilford away from the ledge, towards the door that led back inside. 
"Yes, Wil?" 
"When was the last time we watched the dawn?" 
Dark stopped. "I… I don't recall." 
Wilford looked behind him. The sky was just beginning to change color to welcome the new day. 
"Can we stay here?" Wilford asked, "Just for a bit?" 
Dark frowned. “I don’t want you going out there again.” 
“I won’t be that far,” Wilford countered, “You can keep holding my hand if you want.” 
At that, Dark’s cheeks darkened, the greying skin hiding the worst of the blush. Wilford put on his best pouting face. 
“Pwease Darki-poo?” he said in a cutesy tone. 
Dark groaned. “Fine, fine. Just never, ever talk like that again.” 
He looked over at Dark, who was staring right at him. 
Wilford started to run back to the ledge, but Dark managed to hold him back. They stayed several feet away from the edge, watching the sun rise over the hills. Wilford took a deep breath of the crisp morning air. 
“Mornings are my favorite,” he said, mostly to himself. “A new day filled with new possibilities.” 
“What are you looking at? Something on my face?” 
Dark looked startled to have been caught and quickly turned his face away. “N-Nothing. I just… wanted to remember this moment.” 
He risked a glance at Wilford’s face and found his expression to be thoughtful. He nodded solemnly as he turned back to the horizon. “Me too.” 
He squeezed his hand as they watched the sky light up.
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iamvegorott · 4 years
Salt Of The Sea Ch. 19
“Go ahead and prepare the ship, I’m going to visit…a friend of ours,” Dark said to Wilford after stepping out of Celine and Damian’s house. 
“I was hoping you’d visit him,” Wilford said with a chuckle. “Alright, boys, let’s get the crew and find our fish.” Wilford laughed as he lead CJ and RJ away. 
“Don’t call them...whatever.” Dark sighed and started walking the other way. “Good morning, Ms. Applegate.” 
“Morning, dear.” Ms. Applegate gave Dark a bright smile. “How have we been?” 
“I’ve been good.” 
“Oh, Dark, you know you can’t lie to me. You’re troubled, I can tell.” Ms. Applegate went up to Dark and placed a hand on the pendent of his necklace. “You’re seeing him today, right?” 
“Yes. I have some questions.” Dark said. “I don’t really believe but-”
“Again with the lying.” Ms. Applegate giggled. “Make sure you do what’s best for you, Dark, don’t let others get in the way.” 
“Maybe I should be paying you instead of him,” Dark said.
“I make jewelry dear, nothing more.” Ms. Applegate gave Dark’s chest a pat before moving away. 
“I’m sure Celine says the same.” Dark hummed before continuing on. 
“Was there a festival or holiday or something yesterday?” Dark overheard a merchant say. 
“Why are you asking?” Another merchant said. 
“There were fellas walkin’ around covered in paint. Little drawings on ‘em.” 
“That��s strange, maybe we missed something.” Dark waited and watched until the two changed the subject and were now discussing prices. Dark was thankful he didn’t have to step in, he didn’t need to waste any more time. Dark went up to a large, tan-colored tent. A teenage girl was sitting at a little homemade desk, perking up when she saw Dark.
“Perfect timing Dark.” The teenager giggled. “He currently doesn’t have clients in there. But I bet you already knew dad would have that planned.” 
“Thank you, Annalise,” Dark said. “I’ll try to be quick.” 
“Quick? Take your time, why does everyone always want to rush things?” Annalise propped her feet up and started filing her nails. “Nothing wrong with being sure.” 
“Not at all.” Dark slipped into the tent. 
“Hello, Dark.” The greeting came from a man with a blindfold over his eyes, and an almost black coat, three-sizes too large, shrouded his body’s form as he sat at a small circular table. 
“Hello, Host.” Dark greeted back. “I assumed you were expecting me?”
“Your energy is strong and it has grown.” Host’s face was towards a crystal ball, hands resting on it and moving ever so slightly as he spoke. 
“It’s grown?” Dark went to the chair on the other side and sat. 
“Grown or changed.” Host said. “Something new is happening in your life and it’s affected you deeply.” 
“It’s causing me annoyance.” Dark adjusted himself so that he was comfortable, slouching even. 
“Then why keep the change? You’re not one to let a burden stay in your life, not after the ones you’ve already had.” 
“Gold?” Host repeated with a chuckle. “If that’s the tale you want to tell.” Host lowered his hands from the ball and crossed them on the table. “Do you wish to go through your usual checklist?” 
“Always to the point, but, yes, how’s Wilford?” 
“His energy has grown as well, similar to how it’s been two times before. Is his new addition part of the burden on you?” 
“Is he happy?”
“His energy is positive.”
“Then it’s not.” Dark chewed on his lip for a moment, hesitating and knowing that Host wouldn’t continue without the question. “How is the other?” 
“He’s alive.” Host said in a flat tone.
“Of course he is.” Dark sighed.
“He’s alive and his energy grows with curiosity and grows near as well.” Host’s hands went back to his crystal ball. “But first you need to deal with a new energy that will be joining you all soon.” 
“Again?” Dark groaned. “Any tell on who or at least what they are?” 
“All I can see is that the energy is similar to the new happenings of your life.” Host’s brows scrunched. “It’s more inclined towards the new happenings. It’ll affect them more than you.” 
“What does that mean?” 
“I can not tell, I’m sorry.”
“Any guess on when?”
“Very soon, very very soon. You need to get to the ship. You need to go now. I am trying to look beyond but it’s fighting back.” 
“Don’t hurt yourself.” Dark stood up and placed his hands over Host’s. “Thank you.” 
“I’m sorry.” Host allowed Dark to move his hands away from the crystal ball. 
“Don’t apologize, you always do more than expected.” 
“You should go. Tell me daughter I need rest.” 
“Of course, I’ll see you again Host and hopefully it won’t be as long of a break and I’ll get to stay longer.” 
“I look forward to your visit.”
“Goodbye.” Dark tapped the top of Host’s hands twice before leaving the tent, waving down Annalise. “Host needs rest.”
“Did you make him push himself again?” Annalise asked, shoulders going tense and looking ready to fight. 
“He’s fine, I promise. I’m just relaying the message.” Dark held his hands up and moved away, hearing Annalise going to the tent and scolding her father. Dark went towards the ship, flashing Ms. Applegate a quick smile as he passed and was soon stopped by an, out of breath, Bim. 
“We gotta...we gotta...the ship…”
“Let’s go then.” Dark took off first. Bim groaned and took a few quick breaths before taking off as well. 
“Dark! There you are!” Wilford called from the top of the ship. “We have an emergency!” 
“Who’s hurt?” Dark asked, boarding the ship with Bim. 
“None of us but-”
“It’s Mad,” Google said, coming out from the navigation room. 
“What about him?” Dark asked, seeing that the others were getting the ship ready to sail. 
“He sent us a message.” Google glanced over his shoulder and saw Bing coming out of the room as well. 
“We need to get there as soon as we can, he says it’s getting worse,” Bing said.
“What’s getting worse?” Dark snapped his fingers to get everyone to look at him. 
“Mad said they found a Siren trapped in one of his fishnets,” Google said.
“Okay? And that affects us because?” 
“He says he looks like one of our Sirens and speaking of them, they already left without us.” 
“They left?” Dark scoffed, ignoring the strange pang in the pit of his stomach at hearing the Sirens having abandoned them. 
“We’re going to follow them, right?”
“I don’t-”
“Aren’t you the one that said you wanted Mad on our side?” Bing’s sudden interruption threw everyone off. “Mad needs help and if we ignore him, he’ll never help us again. He’s the one that gave us this communication and this map, we owe him.” 
“Fine. We’ll go.” Dark pointed at Bing. “And if you speak to me like that again, you’ll be sleeping below deck.”
“Yes, Captain.” Bing saluted before going back inside. 
“As soon as the ship is ready, set sail,” Dark called out his order as he went up to the second floor. 
“Yes, Captain!” The crew called back. 
“A new energy similar to the new happenings…” Dark said to himself as he watched the others below. “I hope they’re at least helpful.”
Tag List: (let me know if you want added)
@takethepainawaybae @shadowkitten0321 @adverseflyer909 @constantgaycrisis @m0th-goo @rainymae523 @rukus-kiss-my-lips-platonically @robot-intestines @phonenix @vociferous-chaos @batsam19 @bapbee @walking-mess25 @voonespelle @madallice329 @grnpurplgrmln @graveyardlettuce @aoimatsurika @nightwillow18 @the-writing-from-space-world @teenwithaphone @hakuna-matata-666-13 @a-star-with-a-human-name
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onegayastronaut · 5 years
Dark Hero (Hope Mikaelson x Reader)
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Requested by anon:   Hi, I’m new to your tumblr but I’ve literally binged every hope Mikaelson fic you’ve wrote bcz I’m Danielle Rose Russell’s bitch 😂. Could we get a hope/reader where you get kidnapped and hopes dark side comes out to find and save you?
Words: 2131
Hope smiled as she looked down at your sleeping form. Being in a relationship with you was something that she never saw coming. Everything from your nerdy rants about your new favorite book to sitting on the couch watching movies together, you gave her a semblance of what “normal” teenagers would spend their time doing. It has been over a year since you’ve helped her turn her humanity switch back on, and she couldn’t be happier with how her life has turned out so far. Hope kissed your head before making her way towards the kitchen to get you your favorite food. Today was going to be a great day because there were no monsters to hunt, and she could spend all day with you.
The smell of freshly baked cookies was what initially woke you up. That, along with the thought of having the entire day with Hope made you so excited that you nearly sat straight up.
“Someone’s excited to wake up today.”
“Wait, did you get all this food for me?”
“Well, some of the food is for me also. Don’t be silly.” Hope sat down next to you and put the food on the bed. “What were you thinking of doing today?”
“Since we have the day to ourselves, I was thinking about going to Mystic Falls for the day and hanging out. Then when we’re tired, we’ll just come back here and watch Netflix until one or both of us pass out in front of the computer.”
“Sounds good to me. Now take the rest of the food with you, I want to get a head start on going to town.”
Driving anywhere with Hope was fun for you because not only did you get to spend time with your favorite person in the world, but you also got to bug her with singing along to your favorite songs. There were more than enough hopeless romantic songs for you to sing along to, and the sight of Hope pretending to be irritated by you only served to egg you on. You were on a heartfelt rendition of Celine Dion’s “Because You Loved Me” when you saw Hope frown at something on the car.
“What is it?”
“Shit, I forgot to put gas in the car last week. We’re going to have to pull in on a gas station along the way if we’re going to make it to Mystic Falls.”
“That’s cool, we can also grab snacks to eat before we make it in town.”
“Are you sure about that? Don’t want you aspirating on a peanut while you’re singing.”
“Play nice babe. You know you love the sound of me singing these love songs.”
“You know I do. Now don’t talk to strangers, I’m going to get some gas for our car.”
“Don’t forget about the snacks!” You settled back down in your seat and thought about the next song you wanted to sing. Hearing the car door close behind you made you turn around, and you saw a man in a suit and tie sit down. “Hey man, I think you’re in the wrong car.”
“No, as a matter of fact, you are exactly the person I hoped to see.”
“What the hell?” You didn’t get a chance to ask anything else as the man pressed a cloth against your face.
“Well, I got your favorite chips, some soda for the road, and even some of these weird dried fruits. I never know if they’re any good or..not.” Hope looked around for you, which was strange because you never wandered off without telling her where you were going. What made this more alarming was when she saw your phone sticking out from the edge of the seat because you never went anywhere without it in your hand.“(Y/N)? (Y/N), where are you?” Hope got out of the car to look for you. “(Y/N)!”
Ric sighed as his phone rang. This was his one day off, and it seemed as if he just couldn’t catch a break. However, when he saw that it was Hope, his back straightened off his chair. She never called him unless there was a real emergency. 
“Hope? What is it?”
“(Y/N)’s missing! She’s missing and I can’t find her! I’ve tried casting a locator spell but nothing’s showing up.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll talk to Emma to see if she can help with locating (Y/N). Where are you now? I’ll come to get you and figure out our next step.”
“There’s no ti--” Before Hope could finish her sentence, a bright light seemed to flash in her eyes, causing her to close them tightly. Random images of you passed out in the back of a car caused her heartbeat to quicken as the headache increased in intensity. The necklace that she gave you for your birthday was glowing, which not only gave her a sense of which direction you were going in but also told her that you were in danger.
“Hope? Hope? Are you still there?” 
“Dr. Saltzman, she’s in trouble. I don’t know who took her but I know which direction she’s headed in. I have to go now.” 
“No, Hope! Wait for everyone else to get to where you are before you do anything!”
“There’s no time. I have to go get my girlfriend.” Hope’s heart seemed to jump out of her chest, and she had to take a minute to get her mind in order. She might as well be useless to you if she couldn’t think clearly and save you from whoever had taken you. Waiting for Dr. Saltzman and the other students would not be the best choice as they might stop her from going through whoever she needed to in order to make sure you were safe.
Driving down a long stretch of road was lonelier than she ever thought possible. Not having you singing in the car next to her made everything seem too quiet, and it only filled her with more urgency to find you. The person who took you away from her was going to be very sorry for putting you in danger.
Knowing the direction that you were in is not an exact science, but Hope already knew that. The first place that she stopped at was a dingy motel that was situated in the middle of nowhere. It seemed as if the place wasn’t even open for business, but it was where the spell led her. After peeping through several windows, Hope finally came across a woman sitting on her own in the main courtyard.
“Ma’am? Excuse me, but have you seen anyone come in and out of here recently?”
When the lady turned around, it was obvious to Hope that she had been compelled. “A gentleman handed this to me earlier today. He told me that you would know what to do with it when you saw it.” The lady handed Hope a white envelope and walked away. 
Hope frowned but opened the envelope anyway, knowing it might lead to finding (Y/N). Inside, she found a picture of you and a note saying “You know what you must do to get her back. Come when you’re ready, my location is on the back of the picture.” Hope closed her eyes and opened them to read the note again. She knew that whoever wrote this note knew about the period of time when her humanity switch was turned off, and apparently, she had to do it again if she wanted to see you again. Hope didn’t want to disappoint you, but she knew she didn’t have another way of seeing you again.
Hope didn’t remember much about the drive to the location written on the picture, but that was what happens when you turn your humanity switch off. She knew that at the moment, there was no other choice, so she just had to go along with it. The location turned out to be a derelict building that has definitely seen better days, but she knew from your scent that you were definitely there. Hope could also identify the scent of another person there, but she couldn’t quite place who it was. The door slammed open as soon as Hope uttered a spell, and she walked into an empty warehouse. It didn’t take long for her eyes to fall on you, and she immediately ran over to untie you from the chair.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” A man stepped out into the light. “Those ropes have a special spell attached to them that only I can break. If you try to break them, they’ll strangle her.”
“Let her go.” Hope’s eyes brightened as her fists tightened. The only reason why she hesitated was the fact that you seemed somewhat aware of the situation that you were in. If you weren’t there, she would have snapped this man’s neck without hesitation, but she didn’t want you to see her that way. “Please just let her go.”
“Not until you tell me what you did to my family. Not until you confess the things that you did to me and all the other families while you were running around taking lives.”
“Don’t do anything he says, Hope. Don’t listen to him.”
“I’m going to get you out of this, (Y/N), don’t worry.” Hope turned to the man as she wracked her brain for a spell to get both of you out of this situation. “Honestly, I don’t remember you or your family. I don’t know what happened to them, and I can’t give you an honest answer as to whether or not I killed them. My humanity switch was off then, so chances are that I might have hurt them and not even remembered it afterward.”
“You’ll remember, I’ll make you remember!” You could hear the man gritting his teeth from where you were sitting, and you struggled to get yourself out of the knots that he had tied around you. However, it seemed like every time you tried to move your arms the ropes pulled tighter, making it hard to breathe. Before long, it seemed as if there was a thin mist coming from the ropes, causing them to burn your arms. “Your girlfriend over there is going to lose her arms if you don’t start talking!” He didn’t get any further as Hope muttered something unintelligible and the ropes fell off from your arms. All you saw was a blur as Hope ran up to the platform and held the man up by his throat.
“Hope, no! Don’t do it!”
“He threatened to harm you. If I don’t kill him now, he’ll just keep coming until he gets what he wants. I can’t let him do that.”
“If you kill him, you’re never going to forgive yourself. Please don’t do it, Hope.”
“No, what he did is unforgivable.” Hope tightened her grip on the man’s throat, and you knew you had to do something before she did something that she couldn’t take back. The only thing that you could think of when she was in this state was to get in front of Hope in an attempt to make her come back to you.
“Hope, Hope, look at me.” You tilted her face to look at you. Hope had always hated the fact that you were taller than her, but you loved kissing her forehead whenever you had a chance to. “Hope, please let him go. I know you’re angry right now, but I need you to be here with me.” Much to your relief, Hope let the man down and turned to you.
“I’ll let Dr. Saltzman deal with him.” Hope’s hands traced the burn marks that the ropes had left on your arms. “Though right now I think killing him will make me feel good.”
“You know you don’t really want to do that. How about taking me back to school so you don’t feel like killing everyone in sight?”
“There are some people at school that make me think that keeping my switch off might not be such a bad idea.” Hope held onto your hand tight enough to stop the blood flow to it, and she let go as soon as she saw you wince. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. I know what you mean, but I still think it’s best if we go back before you get in trouble with Dr. Saltzman.”
“Okay, but what about me?” The man in front of you now seemed a lot smaller now that he was on the floor.
Hope marched over and gave him a kick strong enough to send him into the wall. “I think that should keep him there until Dr. Saltzman gets here.”
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obsidiancreates · 5 years
You May Not Like What You See
(Okay so Celine in the Vampire AU can’t actually see into the future so this fic isn’t canon but I just- I got an idea and I had to write it because it was such a good idea it made my hands shaky coming up with it and like... you don’t ignore shaky hands ideas.)
“Are you sure about this?” asks her assistant as Celine sets up the table. “Peering into the future... that’s a magic none of us have delved into. All the books, all your old teachers-”
“I have to!” Celine snaps. “I... I have to.” Her voice goes soft, and she pauses in setting up the table. “Damien... something’s been wrong. Something more than just being turned. I’ve tried looking into the past, but everything that happened inside of that manor is... shrouded, by another power. So I’m looking to the future, to see if maybe that can help figure out what’s wrong.”
Her assistant watches, wringing her hands. “But it’s so easy to get lost! What if you peer too far? What if you see too much? It can drive you mad!”
“I’ll risk it! I’d risk anything for my brother! I’m just going to look a little ways, a few months or so, see if it gets any worse, or if it gets fixed. I just want some reassurance that he’ll be okay.”
“And if he isn’t?”
Celine sets her jaw. “Then I can try to change things. The future isn’t set in stone.”
Her assistant gulps as Celine finishes, sitting down at the table. “Do you want me to leave?”
Celine thinks. “No. No, I’d like you to stay.” She hesitates. “Please.”
Her assistant nods, sitting down on the other side of the table. “Good luck, Celine.”
“Thank you.” She looks into the crystal ball and focuses, clearing her mind, channeling her magic to show her what might come to be...
She blinks, the sun shining into her eyes, a stark contrast to the dimly-lit room she’d been in moments ago.
It worked!
The world around her is fuzzy at the edges of her vision, slightly blurred, but she can still see well enough.
She stands by the cabin where Damien is staying until they found the cure. It seems to be springtime.
Perfect. It was winter, back in the present. A few months ahead, just as she’d hoped.
She allows herself a small sigh of relief. Seer magic is... temperamental, to say the least. It could go awry easily, killing your control and sweeping you away.
She walks into the cabin, going right through the closed door. She isn’t truly there, after all, and this isn’t yet reality.
She enters the cabin and finds Damien, sitting across from the door. Staring at it.
She looks around the room. She, or, her future self, is no-where to be seen.
Drat. She must have landed on a day where she wasn’t visiting. Well, it’s still close enough. I’ll just watch him. See how he acts.
She walks closer to her brother. He runs a hand through his hair and shuts his eyes.
“Can’t go out. Can’t go out,” he mutters to himself. “Can’t go find them. Not yet.”
Celine frowns, concerned.
Damien squeezes his eye shut tighter, putting both hands to his head. “Just... don’t think about it,” he says, his voice slightly strained. “Don’t think about it...”
About... what? Is he hungry? Maybe I need to start bringing him more blood. Celine shudders at the thought. 
The door opens, and Damien’s head snaps up.
The future Celine walks in, and present Celine gasps.
She’s old.
Well, not old-old. But old enough that Celine realizes that she’s gone much, much further into the future than she meant to.
Her hair is littered with streaks of gray. Her hands are worn for years of magic usage. When she smiles at Damien, the corners of her eyes crinkle much more than Celine’s do in the present.
And... Damien is still a vampire. 
Will it... really take so long to cure him?
“Hi Dames,” future Celine greets. “Are you doing okay?”
Damien has his hands clasped together in his lap, squeezing so hard that his too-long nails almost pierce the skin. “Fine,” he says, trying to smile back.
Future Celine’s smile fades. “No, you’re not.”
Damien sighs. “It’s just... getting more difficult. The nagging is...”
“Getting worse?”
Damien nods. “It’s hard to ignore.”
Future Celine goes to sit beside her brother. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. You’ve been working tirelessly for years. I’m the one who should apologize.”
“We’ve been over this-”
“I should have listened to you. Stayed away from Mark. It’s my fault you’re wasting your life like this.”
“Hey!” Future Celine pushes him playfully. “It’s not a waste! I’m proud of the work we’ve done! And it could end up helping hundreds of other people, too! Besides, I was doing this before you were turned, anyway.”
They go quiet for a moment.
“Where’s William?” she finally asks.
“Sleeping,” Damien says. “I’m worried about him. I think the ends of his mustache are... well, I think they’ve started to turn pink.”
Both Celines wrinkle their brows. “Pink?” they say in unison.
“That’s... not a normal side effect of being turned,” Future Celine mumbles to herself, thinking.
“I have a feeling it’s less to do with that, and more to do with that... thing in The Manor.”
Present Celine watches Damien’s hands.
He’s squeezing in pulses, like a heartbeat. His nails break the skin, and it heals over. Then again. Then again.
He doesn’t seem to notice.
Okay... okay. I can fix this. We’ll just find more people to help with our research. Speed things up by a few years. Celine looks away, feeling sick. It’s not going to take this long. I... I can’t let him be like this for this long.
She tries to focus on going back to her body, sitting at the table in the dimly lit room, but her worries are swirling in her head. How long will it take? Will he be stuck in this cabin, isolated, for decades? What did he mean by “nagging”? Did he mean his hunger? Or something else?
She tries to calm down the torrent of questions. Tires to maintain her focus. Her control.
But then one thought comes in.
What if we don’t find a cure?
Her control is killed.
She gasps as the storm of doubts seems to create a physical storm around her, the scene of the cabin being blown away by raging winds that whisper her own thoughts back to her. 
What if we don’t find a cure? What if we don’t find a cure? What if we don’t find a cure?
It’s like a tornado, pulling scenes of the possible futures in and bombarding her with them. It’s too much to comprehend all at once, conversations overlapping as the winds pull at her, trying to drag her into these memories of what hasn’t yet happened.
He tries to focus again, but she’s losing her ground, the winds howling as the noise of the future gets louder and louder-
She stumbles.
She is swept away.
When she opens her eyes again, she’s still not back in the room. She has no idea where she is, in fact.
She’s standing on a street, somewhere she doesn’t recognize. It’s night, and there’s no people to be seen. 
She looks at the buildings around her. She squints, trying to make out the signs.
Star... bucks? What the hell is that?
When am I?
She looks around. 
And where is Damien?
She’s meant to be looking into his future, so the lack of Damien is somewhat confusing.
She strains, trying to focus on getting home.
And then she hears voices.
She turns to look behind her. There’s two figures, walking side by side, chatting.
“Wow. Sounds like you’ve got a big family,” says one of the figures, who becomes clearing as they get closer. 
It’s a man, maybe late twenties, wearing what seems to be a doctor’s uniform. He’s holding a takeout box lazily in his grip, and he’s stumbling a little as he walks. There are dark circles and bags under his eyes, and he holds his hand up to his mouth to stifle a yawn.
“Yes, but honestly, I prefer it that way. A good thing, too, because we’re expecting another member to move in soon.” 
The second figure is a man in a suit. He has his hands folded behind his back, and he walks with elegance and confidence. His eyes are bright, awake, and...
And there’s something familiar about him.
“Really? Yikes.”
“No, no, it’s quite welcome. The more, merrier, in my opinion.”
“Hmm. You’re a more optimistic man than me, Dark.”
Dark? The man in the suit’s name is Dark? 
“Anyway, thanks for reminding me to get dinner after my shift. I probably would’ve forgotten if you hadn’t.”
“My pleasure. I’m in charge of making sure everyone is fed at home, so it’s become a bit of an instinct.”
“You are? Wow. That must be a handful.”
“Oh, you have no idea.” Dark grins, but there’s something malicious to it. The doctor doesn’t seem to notice.
Celine peers closer at Dark. Why does he look so...
Her hands fly up to her mouth and she stumbles back.
Damien. It’s Damien.
Except... it isn’t.
All of the friendliness, the inviting warmth that her brother has always had, is gone. His eyes have a cold glint to them, almost predatory. His smile doesn’t reach his eyes, making it look almost like he’s baring his teeth. His fangs and eyes are disguised, but she can tell he’s still not been cured. His skin is snow-white, and his eyes keep drifting down to the doctor’s neck, clear hunger behind them.
And there’s an... an aura.
Not the kind that everyone is born with naturally. She’s met only one or two vampires in her time searching for a cure with this type of aura. It’s an aura of power, signifying some kind of... supernatural ability. 
Damien doesn’t have one in the present. He didn’t have one in the last scene, in the cabin.
She watches in horror, waiting for the inevitable attack.
But it doesn’t come.
“Well, goodnight. See you later.”
Goodnight, Doc.” 
The two part ways, and Celine lowers her hands. What?
She watches the doctor walk farther away, then turn to an apartment building and go inside.
Damien- or, as he’s apparently known in this future, Dark- watches. And then he disappears.
Celine has no time to question where he’s gone before she’s pulled into a different setting.
She’s standing in a small bedroom, the doctor from before asleep in front of her. He’s laying on his side, in the deep sleep of one who’s been in desperate need of rest and unfortunately won’t get nearly enough before having to wake again.
And Dark is standing by the bed, silently looking over the bookcase next to it.
What in the world is he doing?! 
Celine stands still, watching in shock as her brother- her sweet, pure, almost angelic brother- rifles through a sleeping man’s possessions, his presence clearly unknown to the doctor.
Dark picks up a book and read the synopsis. Then he picks up a small trinket and looks it over, as though examining it. He puts it back, and then grabs another book. He flips it open, and a bookmark falls out.
He picks it up, examines it, and puts it in his pocket.
Is he... stealing? Stealing a bookmark, of all things?
He goes over to the closet. It’s wide open, the clothes mostly heaped on the ground, with a few shirts on hangers. Dark picks one up and checks the size.
What the fuck is he doing?
He moves back over to the bookcase and, after careful consideration, grabs a trinket off of it. He puts that in his pocket as well.
Then he looks down at the doctor.
His eyes linger in the man’s neck. Celine stares at him, silently begging him not to bite him.
He doesn’t.
Instead he brushes his fingers over the sleeping man’s neck, hunger glinting his bright red eyes, along with something else. Anticipation? For what?
Dark pulls his hand away. The setting changes again.
Celine is standing in an entryway to a house. The door is just closing, Dark standing in front of it. Someone, another man in a suit (though this man’s is black, whereas Dark’s is a dark gray), comes up to him. He’s also a vampire, his red eyes and sharp fangs on proud display.
“Still not time?”
“No, not yet.”
“Well, I’m excited for when it is! Been a while since we’ve had any-” the other man pauses to laugh, “-new blood around here.”
Dark looks at the other man, un-amused. The other man’s grin turns into an embarrassed frown. 
“Heh. Sorry. Bing laughed at it earlier, so I thought I’d try it again.”
Dark still doesn’t react. “If you’ll excuse me now, Bim?”
“Oh, right, right.” Bim steps out of the way, and Dark strides out of the room.
Celine follows, though not quite bu her own will. She doesn’t walk, but instead is just... pulled along, trailing after Dark.
How could this possibly be her brother? How could this possibly be Damien, in any future?
He opens the door to a bedroom.
It’s bigger than the one in the doctor’s apartment. It’s a bit bland, with little decoration besides a bed, a chair, a desk, and a bookcase.
There’s only two books on the case. Dark grabs one, opens it, and puts the stolen bookmark inside. Then he places the stolen trinket on it, the same shelf as it was on in the doctor’s room.
What is...
“...we’re expecting another member to move in soon.”
“...new blood...”
No. No, that can’t be it.
Damien had told her about how Mark had gone on about wanting them all to be together, after the actor had turned him. How he’d wanted them to all live in the manor, like a... 
But... why would Damien be doing the same? He’d detested the idea. He was determined to be cured, and this all seemed as though he’d embraced his curse.
What had lead to this?
And then she had a sickening realization.
Damien had left the cabin. He still wasn’t cured. And she seemed to be many, many years into the future.
And she hadn’t seen herself anywhere yet.
Date. I need to find something with a date on it.
She left the room, leaving Dark behind as well.
She searched for a room with a newspaper, a calendar, anything! She came across bedroom after bedroom, some decorated and lived in, most bare and unused. The thought of why there were so many made her feel even more sick.
One was filled with boards with wheels on them, posters of bands she’d never heard of, technology that she didn’t recognize. 
One was filled with posters of the man who’d greeted Dark at the door, Bim. There were mirrors on all four walls, and the closet is filled with nice, pressed suits. There’s papers all over the desk, reading things like “New Segment Ideas” and “Hire My Ass Marketing Suggestions”.
One was filled with books, and bookshelves, and another vampire hiding amongst them who was murmuring to himself non-stop.
“The Seer realizes that The Host is speaking about her and she freezes. She looks over at him and sees that where his eyes should be, there’s a bandage, bloodied by his sockets. She leaves quickly, trying to convince herself that this is only one possible future, that her doubts simply took her to the worst one, that she can prevent it...”
One room is painted bright pink, with glitter absolutely everywhere. Suspenders of various patterns and colors are strewn about, along with many bow-ties. There’s knives on the floor, and guns on the desk and shelves.
And on the bed, splayed out and snoring, wearing only a hair of heart underwear and a yellow shirt with pink suspenders...
Oh god, William...
There’s a gun, his favorite one, gripped in one hand as he sleeps, and a teddy bear held in the other. His mustache is fully pink, comically curled, and his fangs poke out into view below it as his mouth hangs open, drooling slightly.
The years have been just as cruel and changing to him as they have to Damien, though clearly in a vastly different way.
There’s a poster on the wall, framed, that says “Warfstache Tonight!” with a picture of William below it. For some reason, it’s splattered with very, very old blood.
And in that room, she finds a calendar.
She can’t make out the last number of the year, but she can make out the first three. 201... something.
Her eyes go wide.
She’s ninety years into the future, at the very least. Nearly a century.
And Damien is still a vampire.
No. More than that. Now he’s some kind of... monster.
She collapses to her knees and shakes her head.
No. No, no, no! This can’t be the future! This can’t be what will happen to them!
She hears William yawn behind her. “Oh, hello Celine,” he mumbles sleepily. “Glad to see you’ve stopped playing dead finally. You should go say hi to Dark. He’s been very upset without you around.”
She hears him start to snore again seconds later.
She shuts her eyes, feeling a tear run down her cheek. I have to get back. I have to change this, I can’t let this happen!
She focuses all her willpower, all her magic, all her everything, into getting home.
She’s pulled back to reality, to the present, to her own body, with a flash of searing pain in her skull and the breath being dragged out of her lungs. She bends over, coughing, and her assistant leaps out of her chair and rushes to her side. 
“What happened? Are you okay? You started twitching and whimpering, but I couldn’t wake you up by speaking and I was afraid of what would happen if I tried any other ways-”
Celine takes in a trembling breath. “I... I’m...”
She’s not fine. Not in the slightest.
“We need to get more people to help us. A lot more.”
Her assistant nods, realizing that now isn’t the time for questions. “Of course. I’ll go send some recruiters out right away.”
“Good, good, thank you.” Celine stands up. “I need to go see Damien, immediately. Let everyone know that I’ll be absent for a little while.”
“Of course.”
With that Celine leaves, hurrying to her car.
She drives as fast as she dares on the main roads, and then as fast as possible once out of civilization. When she arrives at the long path up to the cabin she hops out and sprints.
She reaches the cabin, panting, wheezing, and knocks on the door with more force than intended.
Damien opens it up and she launches herself at her twin, holding him in the tightest hug she can.
He hugs her back, careful not to squeeze too hard. “Celine? Are you okay? Did something happen?”
She doesn’t realize that she’s started crying into his shoulder until she hears herself begin to sob.
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talpup · 5 years
Light In the Darkness:
So I got what I consider good news from my Doctor today.  He wants to make a case study of me.  Yes, I might being a boring introvert that might one day be a bionic woman with all my joints replaced; but at least doctors find me interesting.  LOL.  The study might not mean much for me directly; but it might help other doctors better understand and treat patients with both hEDS and RA, and other illnesses caused by what I call the two big bads. Considering I’ve seen doctors who literally had to look up what hEDS is, this is something I see as a BIG win.  So here I am wanting to celebrate with you all but updating my three main fics.  Apologies to Erase the Shadow readers, I don’t have a lot for you; I promise I’m not drawing out the AizawaxReaderxMic smut scene to tease.  Anyway, here you all go.  I hope these updates can share a portion of my happiness with you.
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, eventual sexual behavior, and other possible triggers.
***If you prefer reading off AO3 here’s the link for that: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887595/chapters/55633552
Thank you to those who have left hearts.  And a special THANK YOU to those who have recently left comments or re-blogged. They really mean a lot.
Taglist: @captncappuccino
Teris awoke the morning before her birthday to the maids pulling open the drapes and letting in the cursed sunlight.  Squinting, she looked around for Mistress Kleen then remember that the woman had left yesterday afternoon ill.
Just to be certain that the hateful woman hadn’t recovered and returned, Teris questioned trying to keep her hope in check.  “Where’s Mistress?”
“Ill.” A maid said.
“Convalescing in her own home, bed bound.  Another told.
“Yes!” Teris cheered jumping out of bed with an energy she hadn’t felt a second ago.  At the maids startled expressions she sobered, dropping her raised arms.  “I mean, I’m sorry and wish her a full recovery after my departure.”
The maid that had seen to her hair the previous morning fought a smile.
Teris clapped her hands once.  “Thank you ladies, but you are no longer needed.  Accept you.”  She pointed at the tress maid.  “I’d like you to stay if you’re willing.”
With a quick look back at her fellows she turned to Teris pointing to herself.  “Me, my Lady?”
“That’s right.  Unless you don’t wish to stay and help me appear presentable.”
“I’d be honored, my Lady.”
“Teris.” Teris said.
“My Lady Teris.”
“We’ll work on it.  What’s your name?”  Teris asked.
“Celine, my Lady Teris.”
“Everyone out.  Celine and I have work to do.”  She looked at the maid and told in all seriousness.  “I need you to be bold and forceful with me, Celine.  I must show that I am giving my maximum effort these next two days.  It won’t be even half as good as Mistress Kleen could accomplish in me.  But hopefully it will be enough to prove to my brother that I can be relied upon to make the attempt so he won’t ever call upon that horrid woman again.”  She made her way to the vanity and sat.  “Here’s hoping I’m never forced to wear a corset again.”
Joining the Silva’s and her brothers at the breakfast table in the morning room the four men rose from their seats.
“You’re late.”  Fyntch told.
“I’m glad to see you encouraged our guest to begin without me brother.” Teris smiled lightly as she sat in the chair Julius pulled out for her.  She turned to the Silva’s.  “Lord Nathyn, I hope you and your family can forgive my tardiness.  In all honestly, I couldn’t decide what to wear.”
Nozel smiled at her cheery mood and hoped that their time in the wee hours of the morning had played a part in her joy.  While they hadn’t found anything of use, they had looked through quite a bit.  Three of the five remaining shelves.  They probably could have done a fourth shelf if they hadn’t taken the time to get a late night snack and tallied so in the kitchens talking.  It had pleased him greatly to find that not only did they worked well together but when alone, and without a sense of familial pressure, Teris and he got along well and were comfortable just being who they were with each other.
“Your delay is acceptable.”  Nathyn said inclining his head wondering at the change in the girl, but pleased nonetheless.  “You are most becoming in our family’s colors.  Wouldn’t you agree, Nozel? Lady Teris looks lovely this morning.”
“I have yet to find a color the Lady Teris is incapable of making look good, father.”  Nozel told mindful of Teris’ feelings, turned his eyes to his father instead of her; an act, followed by such words would have undoubtedly upset her and ruined what they had achieved last night.
“You gentlemen and your fine words.  You’ll make me blush.”  Teris teased.
Julius’ quirked curiously as he looked at his sister out of the corner of his eye.  While the conversation between Fyntch and Nathyn picked back up, Julius whispered to her.  “You’re in a fine mood.  I take it you found something.”
“Not a even a hint to a clue.”  Teris whispered back keeping her smile in place.
“Then what’s with the proper lady act?”  Julius wondered almost inquiring in jest if the zealots made another attempt at abducting her last night and replaced her with a transformation mage.
“You wound me brother.”  Teris softly said over the rim of her glass of pear cider.  “I am capable of such an act that rivals the finest ladies society has to offer.  I just hate having to preform and so rarely choose to.”
“Very well.”  Julius allowed.  “Then why now?”
“Because,” she said giving Nebra the sweetest smile, “I refuse to have my ribs bruised and knuckles bloodied ever again.”
Julius scowled not understanding her meaning and wanting to demand who hurt her, his eyes flicking over to their brother.  Even if Fyntch hadn’t been the one to harm their sister he would likely have known about it, if not ordered it.
Setting down the glass of cider Teris said.  “Nebra, I know my expulsion and words against the Ladies League won me no favors with you but given that we will one day be sisters I was hoping you would do me the favor of teaching me a dance or two this afternoon.  It doesn’t have to take overly long.  Just enough to get me by so I don’t appear a complete fool during my birthday ball tomorrow.”
Lord Silva stopped speaking with Fyntch and looked over to his daughter. “Nebra.”  He encouraged when she didn’t answer right away.
“But of course.”  Nebra blinked her voice sounding strained.  “I would love to.  Anything for my future sister.”  She turned to her brothers.  “Nozel.  Solid.  You can join us.”
Nozel’s eyes slid to his sister wondering what she was up to.  Whatever it was, he wasn’t going to let her ruin his returned closeness with Teris.  “I would be happy to partner with you, Nebra.”
“You won’t be partnering with me silly.  You are far too proficient to require my guidance.  Where as Solid needs whatever help I can give him.  No.”  Nebra said.  “You shall be partnering with your future bride.”  She smiled violet eyes turning to Teris.  “Think of it as practice for the big day.”
Teris’ smile tightened around the edges.  “Lovely.”
After breakfast Julius, Fyntch, and Lord Silva retired to the study while the other four made their way to the ballroom.
Taking a seat Nathyn said to Julius.  “I hope your father will be well enough to join us for lunch.  He has gotten so thin.”
“He has.”  Julius nodded and looked to his younger brother for answer.
“That’s right,” Nathyn said.  “Forgive me, Julius.  I sometimes forget you left your fathers care to your younger brother along with your heir ship.
“It was a difficult decision.”  Julius said stiffly.  “And though Fyntch undoubtedly faced his share of problems because of my decision, my efforts to become the next Wizard King has certainly afforded him and the family name a significant rise in power and esteem.  I wonder Lord Silva.  Have you noted any benefits due my accomplishments and your name being tied to ours with this intent to see Nozel and Teris wed?”
Choosing not to remind the younger man that he was head of House Silva, the second family of the kingdom, Nathyn smiled coolly.  “None that your sisters actions haven’t undone.”
“If Teris is such an embarrassment why maintain the intent for your heir to be yoked to her?”  Julius asked.
Fyntch glanced quickly at Nathyn.
Nathyn sat back and crossed his legs.  “If I didn’t know better I’d think you were attempting to imply something there Julius. Thankfully, for the both of us and your poor sister who’d be hard pressed to find a suitable husband if I wasn’t a man of my word, I do know better.  Since you have a history of showing little care for your family's troubles and well being when pitted against your own it may come as a surprise to you to find not everyone is like that.  I stood by your family after Lady Resa died.  Even when countless other noble and royal family's distanced themselves.  It wasn’t that I never heard the rumors about Lord Jaxon attempting to follow his wife to her death.  I simply chose not to believe them or care about the stigma even a mere rumor of such an act brought with it.  A man such as yourself would, and practically did, cut ties with your family then and there.  But as I said, I am a man of my word.  After you abandoned your family to pursue your dreams I often visited and wrote Fyntch, offering my advice and ear to his troubles.  It may sound strange given the age and general differences in life, him unwed and me a widowed father of four, but your brother and I became friends after a time.  He was there for me during my own strife after Acier died giving us Noelle.”  He soured at the thought of his youngest child.  “Still, even without the bonds that life's trails forged between our families, Jaxon and I made a pledge to unite our houses in wedding his beloved and only daughter to my heir.  In all my life, I have never failed to keep a vow I’ve made.  As aberrant and difficult as your sister may be, I’m not about to let a girl make me start--”
A tinkling, like that of a small wind chime, sounded interrupting Nathyn.  The three men looked about.
“Oh!” Julius cried feeling a warmth in the breast pocket of his jerkin. “It’s me.  Sorry.”  He pulled out a communication crystal. “Magic Knights duties.”  He told Fyntch and Nathyn standing up. “Excuse me.”  Outside the room he answered the call with a short. “Give me a moment.”  With everyone on the first floor he ran up to the second taking two stairs at a time.  Satisfied this would afford him enough privacy he entered his father’s personal receiving room and walked on back to Lord Jaxon’s study.
“Go ahead.”
“Captain,” Jon’s voice sounded from the crystal, “are you alright?  You sound out of breath.”
“Fine.” Julius assured.  “Did Jax get in touch with you?  What did he have to say?  Have Bronn, Yami, and the others returned from their mission?  What did they find?”
“According to Captain Jax’s letter, they returned the same day you left for home.”  Jon informed.
“The same day?  Why are you only now contacting me now?”
“I only today received Captain Jax’s letter,” Jon said.
Julius sighed.  He would have to speak to both his fellow Captain and his Vice Captain about communicating better with one another.  Granted this wasn’t an urgent matter, at least he hoped the news wasn’t, but still with his interest and concern for Teris and Yami’s welfare he wanted to know any and all information as soon as possible.
He paced the room ordering.  “Summarize their report for me.”  He was quickly distracted by the changes to his fathers study that only Fyntch and his style for the ostentatious would make.  So, he thought with distaste, Fyntch had already taken over their father’s seat of power, so to speak, and made it his own.  Shaking his head he focused again on Jon’s voice asking him to repeat what he last said.
When the Vice Captain was finished Julius rubbed his forehead.  “So they managed to make it appear as if the Wild Fire had been another attempt by outlaws to instigate a war between the Clover and Spade kingdoms.”
“Despite Bronn’s adamant words of disbelief in his full report, even he couldn’t skew the evidence they found that pointed to such a conclusion.”  Jon affirmed.
“And Sir Jorah is content to believe that roving bands of criminals suddenly smartened up and began working together?”
“I cannot speak to the Wizard Kings private musing but that is what he has told the other Magic Knight Captains and Head Sentries.”
“Any Captains other then Jax and possibly Pyter find such a quick and seemingly seamless transition from in fighting gangs to formidable force curious?”  Julius asked.
“Curious? Sure.  Curious enough to question the Wizard King or Commander Greywright?  Not in the slightest.”
Julius sighed pushing his ire at the situation aside.  “How’s the squad? Everything well at base?”
“We’re managing without you, Captain.”
“You sure?”
“I think we’ll survive till you return on the fourth.”  Jon said his smile evident in his voice.
“I can return if you need me to.”  Julius offered.
“And leave your sister alone at the mercy of your brother and the Silva’s?”
Julius sighed again, knowing his Vice Captain was right.
“I know it’s not much of a vacation, Sir, but enjoy your time away. You take so little of it.”
Yami faced Jax in the Captains office and waited for the older man to speak.  As he stood before the Captains desk he wondered if he should take Pilfer out for a run again tonight.  While the ride and hunt only partially succeed in clearing his mind of Teris it had exhausted him enough to the point that after returning to base, he fell into his bed and slept.
“Bronn told me what happened with Iban Halvor and you.”  Jax finally said.
Yami watched and waited.
“Well?” Jax urged after a moment.
“I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t hear a question in there.”
Jax gave a throaty growl of irritation.  “Iban’s attack on you wasn’t in your report.  Why?”
Yami put his hands in his pockets.  “From my understanding, it wasn’t an attack.  Merely a misunderstanding on his part of where certain lines, that shouldn’t be crossed, were.”
“That’s a rather magnanimous view.  Especially since when Iban previously used his blood magic on your comrades Bronn or I heard about it straight away.  And Iban never demanded they break free of his hold or made them choke themselves to provide encouragement.”
Yami’s eyes narrowed.  He didn’t see Iban providing such details.  He hadn’t even told Olsen all that when he had confronted the Water Mage about his pet friend.  The bastard had been awake, Yami realized cursing Bronn for his inaction if that had, indeed, been the case. Yami shrugged.  “You were a young man once.  We play rough.”
“Iban is twenty-six, five years younger than me.  Far passed the age for such careless rough housing.”
“Are we speaking about the same man?” Yami asked.  “He might be twenty-six but his sense of right and wrong or when to stop is that of a child.”
“So you have no problem with him using his magic on you to make you choke yourself while demanding you break his hold on you?”
“I made it clear that is wasn’t something I found fun and wouldn't enjoy doing again.”  Yami told.  “And so far he has respected that.  As long as he continues to do so.  No.  I don’t have a problem with him.”
“Very well.”  Jax dismissed.
He watched Yami turn and exit the office.  When Bronn had told him that Yami had broken free for Iban’s hold he hadn’t believed it, certain his Vice Captain had seen wrong in the caves darkness.  But now that Yami had confirmed he had Jax was amazed.  Granted the will to live and thinking you would be forced to kill yourself if you didn’t succeed were great motivators, but Jax had seen Iban control Magic Knight Captains with his magic and barely break a sweat.  It wasn’t just Yami’s magical power that made the young man formidable.  It was his physical might and strength of will.  And the boy had only begun to stretch and grow.  Jax found the boys possibilities both exciting and fearsome.
The music began again, Nozel and Teris bumping into one another.
“Sorry.” Teris apologized again for stepping on his foot.
It had gotten to the point where Nozel was seriously considering cloaking his toes in mana.  It wasn’t that Teris weighed too much, but that her steps were far from light.  If they hadn’t made peace last night he would have thought she was purposely trying to flatten his toes with her heavy tread.
“You’re not trying to kill a bug.”  Nozel said, once again lifting her head up with a finger beneath her chin.  “Looking at your feet won’t help.”
“I’m not looking at my feet.”  Teris said.  “I’m trying to figure out where yours are going so I can follow.”  It was well past lunch and they had been at it since shortly after breakfast.
“That is what the hold is for.”  Nozel told pressing her lower back with one hand and tapping his fingers on the hand he held, grateful Nebra and Solid were long gone.  Nebra had been full of criticism and nothing else making Teris stiff, and if possible worse then she already was at following his lead.  After their departure, Teris had relaxed considerably making instructing her that much easier.  “My feet may move me but it’s my arms that will tell you where we’re headed.”
Teris stepped away frustrated.  “I’m never going to get this.  I’ll fail miserably and my knuckles will pay the price.”
Nozel puzzled at her last words a bit before stepping to her and turning her to face him.  “You will get this.”  He assured.
“At least one of us can still fake such certainty.”  She laughed humorlessly.
“There’s nothing for me to fake.  You forget how well I know you.”
“And what’s that got to do with my succeeding at this?  Other then the fact that you should know better then to have any faith in my success.”
“Because, I’ve never known you to fail at something you put your mind to,” he said.  He was loathed to lower his arms and release her but forced himself to do so when he felt her muscles begin to tense ever so slightly.  Teris wasn’t so unlike a nervous animal you tried to put at ease as you tried to coax it out of it’s den and accept your ministering hand.  Push too hard.  Touch her at the wrong time, in the wrong way, or for too long and you were back to square one.
“Thanks.” She said feeling self conscious.
“You’re putting too much pressure on yourself is all,” Nozel said.  “Leave us.”  He ordered over his shoulder at the violinist.
“Wait. What.  Nozel.  We need him.”
“No we don’t.”  Nozel said stopping her from following the musician.
“Uh, we kinda do—and now he’s gone.”  Teris said letting an arm fall as the ballroom door closed.
“Trust me.”  Nozel said looking at her.
“Trust isn’t easy for me.”  Teris confessed.
“But we’re friends.”  Nozel reminded.  “You should trust your friends.”
“I knew I would rue the day I admitted that to you.  I just never thought that day would come so soon.”
“Turn around.”  Nozel ordered giving a small smile.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”  Teris played.
Nozel grasped her hand and spun her around in a somewhat dance move. “Right now I am your instructor and can tell you to do as I please.”  It was his turn to tense as the desire and implications of his words struck him.
“Very well.”  She laughed.  “But I must warn you.  I can sometimes be an unruly and awful student.”
He forced a smile trying to shake the battling emotions within him. “Just relax, and trust me to lead you where you need to go.”  He said taking her into his arms in a dance hold.
“Do you think I can look even a quarter as fine as Nebra?”  Teris asked seriously.  She forced a teasing smile and continued.  “Or are you not that great an instructor.”
Nozel stared into her eyes and confessed.  “Even when you think you’re at your worst, you out shine every lady there is.”
Teris pulled away and shook her head.  “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?”  Nozel asked feeling the blood drain from his face in fear.
“Don’t flirt.  There’s no reason to.  Even the musician is gone.  Don’t do something neither of us enjoy because your family expects it when they aren’t even present to benefit.”
“I wasn’t flirting.”
“Don’t lie to me, Nozel.  I’m not stupid.”
You certainly are if you think I only do it because it’s expect, Nozel thought.  “Sorry.”
“For flirting or lying?”  She asked.
Nozel closed his eyes pressing his teeth together as he checked his temper. “For both.”  He said opening them.  “It’s a habit I have trouble turning off.”
Teris tilted her head.
“How else am I to convince my father?  He’s a hard man to fool and keeps a keen eye on me.”
Teris’ expression turned sympathetic.  “I’m sorry.”
Nozel shook his head.  “I don’t want to focus on it.”  He looked at her and continued.  “Not when we got our work cut out making it appear as if you’re dancing and not marching through the mud.”
“That’s just cruel.”
“You want cruel?  Step on my toes one more time and I’ll show you cruel.”
It was nearing time to get ready for dinner when Nozel announced.  “It will suffice.”
“That’s all?”  Teris expressed.  “We spent all day at this and my efforts will suffice?”
He gave her the cool gaze the Silva’s were known for.  “If you wanted your ego petted you should have said so sooner.”  It felt wrong to disparage her so, even if it was in jest, but she seemed to enjoy it.  If all it took for her to relax around him was some good old fashioned razing he should have done it years ago.  Who knows where they would be in their relationship if he had.
“Thank you,” Teris said.
“For not petting your ego or--”
“For taking the time to teach me.”  She told him.  “I still don’t like following but I think I can manage for a dance of two.”
“Just remember to keep your feet light.  A gentleman can gracefully ignore a toe or foot being stepping on, so long as his toe is not flattened or bones crushed.”
Teris couldn’t help but grimace at that as she promised.  “I’ll try.”
“You never told me why the sudden interest.”  Nozel said casually as they made their way to the doors.
“Yes I did.  For my knuckles.”
“You may have mentioned your knuckles in passing.  A rather confusing statement I might add, but didn’t say how they figured into your wanting to learn how to dance.”
“It’s probably best if I don’t,” Teris said.  “Let’s just say.  In the hopes of never seeing someone again I decided to try to prove to my brother that I can and will make an effort.”
“I hope this someone isn’t me,” Nozel said.  “You’ll be bitterly disappointed when next we have to work together on a mission.”
“It’s not you.”  Teris smiled purposefully bumping him with a shoulder. “You’re not half bad.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re certainly not as bad as Mistress.”
“I don’t know who this Mistress is but I’ll take the praise,” he said.
“You shouldn’t.  It’s not very high praise.  Anyone would be a preference to her.”
“Are you going back to the library tonight?”  Nozel questioned.
Teris stopped the change in subject taking her aback a moment.  “Why?” She asked cautiously.
“If I find I have trouble sleeping again I thought I would assist you.” Nozel said trying to sound nonchalant.
“You don’t have to,” Teris said.  “While I appreciate your help, more then I can say, you don’t have to.”
“What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t help you finish looking? What if something’s there and we just haven’t come across it yet?”
“Alright.” Teris allowed.  “But only if you can’t sleep.”
“Of course,” Nozel nodded.  “I wouldn’t keep myself up just to help you.”
Teris entered the library to find Nozel had already searched half a shelf's worth of books.  “No luck.”  He told her frustrated.
“What are you doing here?”
“I couldn’t sleep.”  He said turning a page.
“Did you even try?”
He stopped and looked up at her blinking.  “What do you think?  I got into my night clothes and slipped on a robe to make it appear as if I had made an attempt should you ask.”
Feeling silly Teris came around beside him.  “Sorry.  I just don’t want to be a burden.”
Nozel released the breath he had been holding grateful his sarcastic tone had convinced her his truthful words were a jest.  Looking at her sideways he muttered.  “You are not a burden.”
“There should be no doubt in your mind that you will never be a burden to me.”  He told turning to her.
“Nozel.” Teris shook her head her expression becoming distant and impatient.
Feel him loosing her again he quickly asked, “If Fuegoleon were here instead of me would you worry he felt you were a burden?”
“No,” she said.  “And if he did I’d kick his butt.”
“Then why question if I do?”
“Cause he’s family.”  Teris answered.  “Distant family but family. Besides, we’ve known each other all our lives.  Grew up together.”
“We’ve known each other for all of our lives.  And practically grew up together.”
“It’s not the same,” Teris said.
“Why? Because of our families plans for our future?  Forget about that. You say it’s never going to happen so it should be easy for you to do so.  I’m tired of fighting you, Teris.  I’m tired of trying to have to prove to you time and again that I am indeed your friend. Can you just forget about the rest and accept me as whatever you want me?  If that is, as you said last night, a friend then let’s be friends in truth.  If it is not.  Tell me.  All I ask is that you stop jerking me from friend to enemy to acquaintance or anywhere else.  It’s tiring.  And I don’t like it.”
Teris stared.  She had never seen Nozel angry at her.  Annoyed.  Yes. Displeased.  Certainly.  A whole host of emotions directed at her had crossed his face and echoed in his tone over the years.  But not once had there been anger.
“I’m sorry, Nozel.”  Teris whispered, her mouth feeling dry.  Fuegoleon, Julius, and Mereoleona had been right.  She was too hard on him.  And now, in his moment of anger she found herself afraid to loose his friendship.  “I’ll try to do better.  It’s just that--”  She shook her head firmly.  “No.  I won’t make excuses.  I’m sorry. I’ll do better.  I promise.”
Nozel swallowed, shocked.  Before she had spoken, in that moment of silence, he had been near breaking and was about to apologize to her for his outburst.  He had never been so glad for not doing something before in his life.
Clearing his throat Nozel gave a firm nod.  “That is all I ask.  Thank you.”
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banditthewriter · 6 years
Vigilante Date Night - Matt Murdock - 2
Prompt: More telepathic soulmate stuff— just a lazy, fluffy day in? Prompter: @rachaelmhill
I figured this makes a pretty good part 2 to Vigilante Date Night. Hope you don’t mind me piggy backing on another fic for this one! 
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The blanket you were currently wrapped in was one of your favorites. It was soft and thick, big enough to wrap around two people easily. Currently you were burrito-ed in the middle of the bed, but it was only a matter of time before you balled the blanket up and relocated to the couch.
The couch was where your boyfriend was sitting, feet up on the coffee table as he ran his fingers over a screen reader. You could see him from your place in the middle of the bed and it made you smile.
Are you staring at a blind man?
You made sure your gasp was over dramatic and loud enough to carry over the distance. A smirk was pulling on the corner of Matt’s lips as he continued to move his fingers over the tablet device that he used to study his cases.
“Maaaaatt,” you called as you started to try to find a way out of your cocoon, “I think I’m stuck.”
He laughed outright at that. With a put upon sigh, he put his reader down and stood up. You watched him walk over while shaking his head. With a smirk he put his hands on his hips as he reached the edge of the bed.
“You’re hopeless,” he said as he started to help you figure a way out of the blanket.
It was a trap. The moment your hand was free, you wrapped it around his and tugged until he fell onto the bed with you. Of course he would have been more than capable to stay standing if he had wanted to, but you knew that he probably knew what you were up to before you even said anything.
“Mm, snuggle time,” you said with a happy sigh as you used your telekinesis to curl the blanket around the two of you.
I thought you wanted to cuddle on the couch?
You frowned and shook your head, stretching your legs out a little bit and letting them get tangled with his. His feet were cold and you jerked your legs away from the feeling.
“Why cuddle on the couch when we can cuddle in a nice warm bed?”
Matt laughed and rolled over so that he was spooned behind you. You felt his lips brush against the side of your neck before he tucked his face into the crook of your neck.
“You should have told me if you were cold. I would have turned the heat on.”
You tugged his arm around your waist a little more snugly, your eyes already closing.
But then we wouldn’t need to snuggle for warmth.
His laughter was the last thing you heard as you fell back to sleep.
“Do you want pasta or burgers? I could probably be convinced to try that Thai place you love so much if you’re feeling like it.”
You tapped on your chin as you thought about your options. Matt was in the kitchen and you couldn’t see him from your position, but you could track his movements by sound.
Was this how he felt every day? You smiled and leaned backwards so that you could see him. It meant he was upside down to you, but you didn’t mind.
He looked good whichever direction he was in.
“I heard that,” he said with a laugh as he moved over to the couch, bending down to give you a quick kiss. “You haven’t had much control over your thoughts lately. You feeling okay?”
He pressed a hand against your forehead and you hummed as you leaned into the touch.
“Just not as many walls up lately,” you said as you tugged him back down for another kiss. “And I’m feeling pizza. Gio’s is the place that has garlic knots, right? Or is that Armani’s?”
“I think it’s Gio’s. I’ll call and see.”
You snuggled into your blanket as you listened to Matt moving around the apartment. The two of you probably ordered out more than you should, but it wasn’t easy to cook when you both worked weird hours and then would go out into the city as vigilantes at night.
That made you frown. As much as you loved going out and keeping the city safe, you didn’t think you wanted to do that tonight.
We’ll stay in, he thought in your direction as he ordered extra sauce for you.
You smiled and blew him a kiss from the couch, crossing your arms around your legs as you smiled at him.
How did you get to be so lucky as to get a man like Matt?
“I’m the lucky one,” Matt said as he joined you on the couch, wrapping you up in your arms. “Also I ordered some of their cinnamon bread for dessert. I know how much you love it.”
You squealed happily because you had forgotten about that. And you were pretty sure you had ice cream in the freezer to go with it. You snuggled into his hold and kissed his cheek.
“I love you almost as much as I love their cinnamon bread,” you teased as you brushed your nose against his cheek.
“Highest honors,” he joked as he held you tighter.
It had been a long day of just being lazy and you’d loved every minute of it. It’d been a while since the two of you could just relax together. Usually you both had work or needed to suit up at night. You were glad that you had the chance to just be together and be normal.
Or as normal as the two of you got. He had enhanced senses and you were telepathic and telekinetic but hey, it worked for you.
You wouldn’t change a thing.
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Let me know if you want to be added to my Matt Murdock Tag List @bluebird214 @hownottodie101 @fadetouchedcookies @colddecember-night @katieswinforddiaries @rachaelmhill @glowstick-lesbian @serafae @fireboltrose7559 @marveliskindacool @murasaki42 @jobean12-blog @omg-i-am-lord-voldemort @teamfreeavocados @blissfulreaper @figlia--della--luna 
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
A Demon’s Son
Summary: Dark likes to protect what belongs to him, something that gets hard when one of the people close to has an appetite that needs to be sated.
Warnings: Bim is a cannibal, and this is his first real meal. I don’t go into gory detail,  but it is here. Bim is also young, since it makes sense to me that his carvings start young because that’s how the character rolls.
This story came about because of a suggestion @chatmeow9 on tumblr made a while ago and I had a follow-up idea to that prompt.
~::~ Fifteen Years Ago ~::~
Dark was a being of simple needs, most of his humanity had been ruthlessly tugged out of his soul so he was left to find his shallow happiness in the little things in life. Things like Wilford’s company, Bim when he was sleeping peacefully . . . and torturing those that had tried to destroy him.
The latter of which Dark was currently engaged in.
The man in front of him, who had kidnapped Bim and tried to ransom him directly to Dark, was lying on the ground, chained by the ankle to a metal stake in the center of the Manor’s former-wine cellar. When Dark had returned to the Manor all those decades ago he’d initially prepared it for whenever he would capture Marc so he could inflict the same torture that now held Dark and the twins in the hellish existence they were trapped in.
But over the past couple of decades, other unfortunate degenerates had met violent ends in the cellar in Marc’s place, and now Dark was using his torture chamber again.
“We should cut another finger off,” Celine offered.
“Let’s feed his leg to a hellhound,” Damien advised.
Dark chuckled a bit. Celine was normally more in control in their little torture chamber, but Damien could be enticed into the same violence, especially when Bim’s capture was so fresh in Dark’ mind.
Taking his sweet time in walking over to his victim, Dark grinned. He was on day two, and honestly he didn’t know how much longer he could fight the urge to just kill the human permanently. Harold, Dark’s newest victim, had long since lost his voice screaming and begging. He gave just broken sobs and whimpers.
His face somewhere in-between a furious snarl and a murderous smile, Dark picked the man’s head off the ground. “All you had to do was keep your filthy fingers to yourself. You would be safe in bed, instead of bleeding out on my floor.”
Celine suggested the idea of rats, something that Dark was inclined to try out, but he heard a knock at the bottom of the stairs.
“Darky? You busy?” Wil asked.
“Yes,” Dark ground his teeth together, but when he turned he saw Bim standing behind the reporter. The small boy was shaking. “What’s he doing here?”
Dark dropped his victim’s head to stomp over to Wil. “Bim, you’re not—”
The Entity was cut off mid sentence when Bim practically threw himself at Dark. He was sobbing desperately, his little body shaking.
His distress startled Dark, usually Bim went to Wil for this. Dark ran at a much colder temperature, and while Bim had never developed a fear of him, Dark always knew Bim had a preference.
“Bim? Sunshine?” Dark’s tone softened considerably. “What’s wrong?”
Dark looked over at Wil, but the reporter shrugged, clearly concerned as well.
“I’m hungry,” Bim sobbed, his voice hoarse from crying.
“Didn’t you already eat?” Dark asked in concern before looking up at Wilford. “It’s past dinner time.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Wilford spat back, clearly frustrated. “By Joe, I haven’t lost all my marbles. He ate everything you left for him, even the asparagus and you know how he feels about that.”
Dark knelt down, gently trying to check Bim’s teeth, he believed Wil but he just wanted to check. Not that Bim was letting him and Dark had to use his aura to help keep him still. Dark saw evidence of food, but he shelved the reprimand to tell Bim to brush his teeth better for later. There was a more pressing issue, Bim’ teeth looked just a little sharper, at least his incisors and eyeteeth did. His back teeth were as flat as ever.
Bim’s increasingly angry struggles were matched with Harold’s moans and groans of pain.
Finally fed up with all the distractions that were keeping him from thinking, Dark took his aura off of Bim and slashed it into Harold. “Shut up! I’m busy.”
The aura cut across Harold’s side, making the man scream and whimper in pain. Dark was feeling vindictive, and feeding that dark urge for violence and to protect Bim from whatever was ailing him.
Bim let out a slight gasp, trying to stand on his tiptoes to peer over Dark’s shoulder to look at Harold.
Internally kicking and cursing at himself, Dark turned to look at Bim, “Let’s get you something to eat.
Looking back at Bim, however, Dark knew something was terribly wrong with the boy. Bim was trying to see past Dark, his nostrils flaring a little, the young boy’s entire irises had turned black.
“Sunshine?” Dark tried to lightly shake him but Bim didn’t seem to respond. “What’s wrong?”
Bim began to move past Dark, trying to take a couple steps towards the dying mobster. He was letting out a little sound that seemed far more animalistic. Dark was reacting before he could think, powered by his blue soul’s urgency to flee with Bim, but Dark just grabbed Bim with his aura, pulling him up.
“Wil,” Dark called over to the reporter, Wilford seemingly in some type of uneasy trance. “Get him out of here.”
Bim began struggling, trying to get to Harold, the noises he was making becoming more desperate.
“Here, Bim, let’s,” Wil tried to take him from Dark’s aura, but the struggles only became more violent. He turned his head and almost bit Wil’s hand.
“No,” Dark’s entire being was panicking, he began to hold tighter onto Bim, further preventing Wilford from taking Bim. “No. No. Why?”
“Dark, do you want me to take him or not?” Wil demanded in frustration.
Dark looked back at Harold and his mind went back to Bim eating human flesh in the warehouse. The Void had finally gotten it’s hooks into Bim, Dark’s worst fears had finally happened.
Pulling Bim away from Wil, Dark loosened his iron grip and Bim half spilled, half fell out of Dark’s arms.
“Wil,” Dark tried to control his voice. “Go and run Bim a bath, we’ll be up shortly.”
“Dark, what the devil‽” Wil demanded.
“Wil,” Dark softened his tone, he was already feeling drained, watching Bim walk over to Harold. “I’ll get him calmed down and grab him something to eat. Please run Bim a bath.”
The reporter glanced from Bim to Dark, then drew in a long sigh, “Fine, but I expect you to explain to me what’s going on afterward.”
“Of course, Wil,” Dark replied, secretly hoping in vain that Wil would forget that the conversation even happened by the time that rolled around.
With another begrudging final check that Bim was still okay, he stomped up the stairs.
Dark watched him go, a part of him wanting to hold onto Wil, to explain everything in the hopes that Wil wouldn’t be furious with Dark. That he’d understand that he still cared about Bim, even though his life had flown so far out of control that his head was still spinning. But Dark needed time to wordsmith the conversation out. He still was insanely attached to the madman and Bim wasn’t old enough to survive without Dark, Wil had proven that time and time again.
Now that Wil was gone, Dark pulled himself together and walked over to Bim, who heard his shoes step on the stone of the cellar and turned to literally growl at him.
“Bim, quite being so aggressive, I don’t want your quarry,” Dark huffed, trying to pretend he was colder to the situation than he was, instead of a ball of self-directed anger and panic about what he was about to let Bim do.
After a while, and Dark reluctantly taking a step back to give Bim some space, the boy seemed to calm down. He stopped growling and was just studying Harold. Dark could see the wild fear in the human’s eyes.
It was at this point, Bim seemed to not know what to do anymore, purely acting more on untrained instinct, than as if he actually knew what he was doing. Bim reminded Dark of a little tiger cub, pawing at a nearly dead bird, or a gazelle that had the last ounces of life. His little body was confused about what he was supposed to do, and so he just started pushing the gangster.
After Bim’s second uncertain push, Harold punched at him, his actions sluggish and weak. The Bim that would be hunting two months from now would be fast enough to react and push back, but Bim as he was now was just bowled over.
Dark heard a rather inhuman growl rumble out of him as he used his aura to pin the dying human down. Walking over, Dark checked over Bim. The boy seemed more surprised than anything else.
He glared at Dark, hands on Harold as if Dark was going to take him away again. It took some gentle coaxing, costing what felt like all of Dark’s soul to help him because Bim was becoming increasingly frustrated and angry.
Bim didn’t really eat much, probably because of how small Bim was, and Harold died of shock before he finished. Bim had eaten meat a third the size of an average steak, and the man’s liver, before he stopped making animalistic noise and just leaned over, clearly drowsy. Dark was worried at first, especially when Bim let him pick him up without squirming or complaining.
“Bim?” Dark urged, Bim was getting blood on the front of Dark’s suit, but Dark’s apparel had suffered worse. The Entity started to walk away, leaving Harold to clean up some other time.
“Hmmm?” Bim hummed, blinking tiredly at Dark.
“You tired?” Dark asked, trying to check him over. Which Bim did complain about, a good sign in Dark’s book.
“Dark?” Wil asked, watching Dark walk up the stairs to the cellar, clearly still worried. The reporter was staring at the blood on both of them. “Is he hurt?”
“Not physically,” Dark answered reluctantly. “He’s been appeased.”
“What happened?” Wil demanded, scrutinizing Bim.
For a bit, Dark’s voice seemed stuck in his throat. He was . . . Dark could almost see Wilford ripping Bim from his arms and taking him away, blaming Dark for corrupting Bim.
While he panicked, Wil’s tone seemed to lighten up, “Darky, what happened down there.”
“Bim ate his liver,” Dark admitted, deciding to rip the band-aid off and get the fiasco over with. “He ate that man’s liver”
Wilford frowned, looking from Dark to Bim, and then back again. Dark just  waited for the screaming to start, for Wil to leave.
The reporter’s mustache and upper lip twitched, reminding Dark of the Colonel in an achingly familiar way. “Well,” he finally said. “That’s certainly a strange thing, does that usually happen to kids?”
Dark stayed braced. “No, it’s because he’s mine.”
Wilford smiled, his mood becoming instantly cheerful, “Of course he is, Darkling. Whose else’s would he be? He got all his good looks from you.”
“Wil,” Dark hissed in frustration. “Your son’s cannibal.”
Wil tapped Dark on the nose affectionately, “No, he’s ours. See, I can do this all day too.”
“Wil,” Dark reprimanded. “Be serious.”
Wil chuckled a bit, gently taking the sleeping Bim from his arms. “I’ll get him cleaned up, he tends to fight you in the bath. Seems like he was quite the rambunctious handful for you.”
“He was just tired,” Dark defended, falling back into the old rhythm they had about Bim. “Make him take a shower, he’s too tired for a bath.”
Wil was already walking up the stairs, the Manor warping around them to suit Wil’s needs. “What kind of father do you take me for? Mine?” Wil jabbed back, rolling his eyes.
“I just don’t want to throw away the bed because there was blood on it, bag it all and send it to me,” Dark ordered, he could see the echoes of his blue soul trying to follow Wil, anxiety bubbling up in his throat.
“I’ve got this,” Wil boasted proudly, already heading towards the bathroom with, what was to Dark, exceedingly precious and delicate cargo.
Dark watched over Wil, too anxious or worried to leave Bim alone, guilt clawing at him. When Bim was in a fresh change of clothes, Dark with Bim’s blood blemished clothes bagged in hand.
Wil stayed with Bim at Dark’s request as the Entity went to clean up Bim’s meal. The little underworld prince was too new, too young to effectively clean up after himself. Another thing to add to the list of Dark’s growing concerns. Not only was Bim going to have to hunt other humans, but he was going to have to learn to clean up after himself or he’d be found by the police.
Dark sat in the cellar, death and gore still where he and Bim had left it, and another cigarette between his lips. The act of smoking soothing him even though the nicotine couldn’t. The Entity sat and thought about everything, staring at the lighter in his hands.
After what felt like not enough time Dark started to get back to work. He had an image to uphold and it wasn’t doing him any good to sulk in his own home. Using his phone, Dark located Google. Wanting to track him down for a myriad of reasons. To his great fortune the android seemed to be digging a shallow pit to hide his newest victim.
“Dark,” Google’s fans whirled a bit, “I’m a bit busy right now.”
Using his aura, the Entity copied the hole Google was digging and extended out his hand down into the hole, “Need a hand?”
The android paused in his digging before accepting the help and climbing out so Dark could finish his hole. “What happened?”
Wordless, Dark opened up a portal to silently dump the messy remains of Bim’s kill.
“Ah,” Google commented. “Usually you’re much cleaner than this.”
“It wasn’t my kill,” Dark commented, starting to drag Google’s victim towards the android’s pit.
Google seemed to be processing that, “Warfstache doesn’t chew holes in his victims.” His tone seemed more suspicious.
Dark didn’t answer him.
The two of them just stood there in silence for a while, Dark staring at the shallow graves, and Google staring at Dark.
The two of them stepped back, Dark shrouding them from view as they watched for over an hour, still quiet. Eventually wild animals took interest in the graves, aided by Google’s bait and Dark’s energy.
“It was Bim, wasn’t it?” Google finally commented.
Dark stayed quiet, his silence answering for him.
“So he takes more after your kind than Wil’s,” Google’s eyes finally returned to the graves.
“I had hoped he would take after Wil,” Dark admitted, trying to cover up his trepidation with boredom. “I was not planning on his appetite.”
Dark could feel Google staring at him again, and Dark tried not to look at whatever expression the android had on his face. “His appetite,” Google repeated, it was clear by his voice that he didn’t expect Dark’s admission. “Astounding, is his reaction common, or is it his partial-inhuman genetic makeup that causes a dietary change of this magnitude? Or do you—”
Judgement. Dark could practically feel it in the air. It finally got too much. “I don’t eat humans! Their body is made of filth and garbage, and I want no part of them inside me!”
Dark glared at Google, the android seemed to be watching him with the kind of stare he often gave a new subject, hungry for more knowledge and information. “Fascinating, so it’s uncommon then? And only after two days, I saw him tasting human flesh at the warehouse, but for such a small dose to trigger a reaction like this.”
Google was already bringing up his hologram screens, clearly trying to research Bim’s newly formed appetite. “Would Bim’s inhuman aspects still make this cannibalism? Or simply a predator and prey dynamic?”
“He’s too warm-blooded to not be human, he breathes and eats, and desires others’ company,” Dark sighed, leaning over to look at the screens now devouring Google’s attention.
“I comprehend,” Google decided, glancing over at Dark.
“I want whatever information you find on the matter, on my desk, I’ve heard that humans can carry parasites, I want a full list of those,” Dark ordered
Google’s left eyebrow shot up, “And you cannot use your computer because?”
“Because I don’t trust you not to look into my search history again,” Dark answered. “Besides, you’re right here, why use my work computer for that type of research when you are more thorough.”
“And if I refuse?” Google challenged, but Dark could see it was just for show. Google was ready too eager for information, Dark didn’t need much to convince him.
“Well then I don’t need to share information with you,” Dark grinned, flashing his teeth a little. “Bim’s appetite will grow with or without your documentation.”
Google’s expression furrowed, “Fine, give me time to compile the information, and I expect to watch him feed.”
“Only if your information is useful,” Dark felt the itch to smoke again, he was going to have to do more to restrain himself. He couldn’t appear so vulnerable and exposed. It was bad enough that Google seemed to know he had an addiction, he didn’t need Ed or one of his lieutenants realizing that his cigarettes were more for show.
Dark was only powerful if he was the scariest thing in the room, and he had to be that to protect what he cared about. Marc had taken everything that the twins had once cared about, but it wasn’t going to happen again.
Once everything was taken care of, Dark returned Google to his workshop and Dark returned to work, cleaning up the cellar and then returning to his desk. Dark kept a close ear on Bim to make sure he was actually sleeping and not in danger.
Occasionally Dark would just watch Bim sleep, the little boy peacefully drooling, lightly snoring as he curled around a large teddy bear that Wil had gotten for him. The sight brought a smile to Dark’s face, wanting the world for the little boy, and if Dark wouldn’t give Bim the world he would force it to bend.
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writingmilo · 5 years
Losing Maya
@honestlyitsjustkenna, @goldenoceanaart, @thelunarmasquerade, @theluckoftheclaws, @ashphoenix06, @jackandmarksavedme88, @samariah-keeper
Maya had been in the coma for three months. She had missed so much, her birthday, Kenna’s birthday, Damien and Celine’s return, the addition of Marin to the family. She had been able to hear people talking to her though, and somewhere everything she was told got stored.
While she had been asleep, Anti had visited her subconscious frequently, making sure that she couldn’t forget him or escape his clutches, but the strings did loosen, and slowly his visits started to bring the fear they were supposed to.
It was one particular visit, it had caused her so much distress that her body was twitching wildly, and Henrik was certain she was having some sort of seizure. After he had made himself certain that everything was okay, and he had calmed Kenna down by going over everything with her, they left her alone, Kenna distressed and needing the company. It was then that Maya sat up, Anti materialising next to her and helping her remove all of the IVs and monitors. The heart rate monitor was the final one they removed, and by the time it showed her flatlining, they had gone.
“You saved me. Thank you.”
“It’s nothing Stray.” They continued walking for a while, even though Stray couldn’t see any end they were walking towards. “Oh, we are going to have some fun you and me Stray.” His grin spread over his face, morphing to become sinister.
“What are we going to do master?” She looked at him questioning.
“Nothing, not yet anyway. For now, you are going to stay here, and wait for me to come back.” Her face dropped, she had been so excited to spend time with him, she only wanted to help him however she could. But no, she couldn’t let herself be disappointed, he would have a reason for doing this.
“Okay.” Immediately, he disappeared, and Stray stood in place for a few minutes, swinging her arms when she started to get restless. A further few minutes later she decided to sit down, it would help her stay still better; she didn’t want to disobey him.
Eventually Anti returned, and she stood up instinctively. The thought never even crossed her mind that she shouldn’t be able to move her legs. “Master?” He looked pissed. “Are you okay?”
“No, I’m pissed. They’ve already noticed that you’re gone. It should’ve taken at least another few minutes. They’re really trying to get you back, they’re scared you’ll hurt them, or someone else. They still think you are dangerous.”
“But master, I am dangerous. You want me to be dangerous, don’t you?” He smirked.
“Now you’re getting it!” Placing a hand on her shoulder, her pajamas changed into tight black dungarees with a black t-shirt underneath. “And now you look fit to be my sidekick.”
“Your- your sidekick?!” Slowly, he nodded, and her face lit up with joy. “Oh master! I promise I won’t let you down!” Watching her with a smug look on his face, he started walking after she calmed down, and she scurried along next to him.
“And as my right-hand girl, I have a very important job for you.” Eagerly, she stared at him.
“Anything master, just say the word.”
“If you insist,” his sinister grin returned, “I want you to pay a visit to Doll.” Never flinching, she nodded, and started to ask when he wanted her to. It seemed that Maya was completely suppressed, but Anti had to be sure that she wasn’t going to appear when faced with her beloved. God, humans disgusted him, with their love and affection, but it did give him good bargaining chips if he ever needed one.
“Good. You should be able to teleport there yourself, if you concentrate hard enough.”
Nodding her head, she scrunched up her eyes and slowly she evaporated from the room in a cloud of deep pink pixels.
As she re-appeared into her bedroom, everything was exactly the same as it had been all those months ago, but this time a stack of birthday cards lay on the desk. Some of them were unopened, and addressed to her, one from Rowan and a few from old friends that had barely kept in touch. Nothing mattered though, they had nothing to do with her task.
Slowly, she ventured out into the hall, looking into each room. She presumed that Kenna would be in the theatre or the kitchen, either way, she hoped that she was alone: having to explain to someone else what had happened would be much more difficult than just an emotional Kenna.
“Maya?!” Kenna’s voice sounded through the hallway, as she stopped dead in her tracks.
“I missed you so much!” Kenna ran at her, and jumped up giving her a tight hug. When Maya didn’t reciprocate, she let go, only keeping their hands together. She looked Maya up and down, taking in her changed appearance. “Baby, don’t you need your wheelchair?”
“Oh, no, you see I got the doc to heal me. He really helped.” Hearing the name Anti used to call Henrik caused Kenna to realise what was happening.
“Maya, why did you disappear?” Squeezing her hand slightly, Kenna led her through to the living room and sat down with her on the sofa.
“I-it’s not important. There was something I had to tell you, actually that’s the reason I’m here. Umm, there’s no easy way to say this, but… I think we should break up.”
“Wh-what?” Kenna couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Now she knew it wasn’t Maya talking, what with her name for Hen, the dark aesthetic and the lack of wheelchair, she knew that Anti had a hand in it. “Baby, this isn't you. You don’t want to break up with me, I know you don’t.” Stray simply looked blankly ahead. “Maya?” Still, Stray stared ahead, not registering the foreign name. “Stray.” Her head instinctively turned to her master, only to find Kenna. Tears started to run down Kenna’s cheeks, and she threw Maya’s hands down. “You… what have you done to my Maya?” Stray’s eyes darkened slightly, and she smiled.
“Nothing. She’s still here, in fact I would say that I am still her… just better.”
“No, no you’re not better than Maya. You would happily hurt people. You are just like Chaos.” Kenna reached to rest a hand on Stray’s cheek. “God, what has he done to you?”
“Don’t you see? He’s made me twice the person I could ever have been with you.” Brushing
Kenna’s hand away, her hands started to glow deep pink. “I have powers now, I can walk. I can be strong with him. With you I was nothing but weak.”
“No...” Kenna stood up, wiping the tears from her cheeks, and ran out of the room. Foolishly, Stray believed that her task was done, that Kenna would just give up on her like that. Oh, how wrong she was. When Kenna returned, Stray’s eyes were almost completely blacked out to match her outfit, and her head was bowed slightly. Jackie pushed Kenna behind him, unsure of how dangerous this stranger would be.
“Maya? It’s Jackie.” She looked up, her eyes returning to normal. Noting Jackie’s defensive stance, she stood, balling pixels on her hand.
“I am not Maya. I. Am. Stray.” Jackie’s face fell, and he reflexively pulled his mask down, preparing to fight.
“Kenna, go. Get everyone into a room upstairs and lock the door. Don’t leave, no matter what you hear, and keep Marvin with you.”
“Jackie, please, don’t hurt her!”
“I’ll try kid, I promise.” He turned back towards Stray. “Now go before you get hurt!” Kenna ran off up the stairs, grabbing Jamie on the way.
“Well then, Stray is it? I guess it’s just us.” He blasted a ball of magic at her, taking her off-guard and hitting her in the chest. Doubling over, she tried to regain her breath as Jackie stalked towards her. “This doesn’t have to be this difficult Ma- Stray.” Jackie said, pooling more magic into his hands incase she tried to attack him with the pixels she was now flooding into her chest.
Soon, she straightened back out, and reached out towards Jackie. “Jackie?” Fear pooled in her once black eyes.
“Maya, are you back?” Not letting his guard down, Jackie kept an attack readied in case this was a trick, but as he took another step towards her; her face painted with fear.
“Jackie, what’s happening?! Why does everything hurt?” Panic mixed with her fear, and Jackie came closer still.
“It’s okay Maya, we’re going to help you. We’ll get you out of this, I promise.” With a final step, he lowered his attack and pulled Maya into a tight hug. She clung to him, a hidden grin spreading across her face. Unable to conjure her magic without him noticing, she lifted her head slightly, opening her mouth and chomping down on his shoulder. Jackie let out a sharp yell, and magic flowed through her body from his hands on her back.
Not realising what had just happened, Stray pulled away, trying to throw pixels at him, only to be met with the cold wooden floor as she passed out.
She woke up in the same bed she had awoken in only hours ago, but this time there were no wires or IVs, just ropes keeping her from moving. And instead of being alone, the faces of Jackie, Marvin and Jack stared back at her. They had insisted that Chase and Jamie stayed to comfort the girls, and in case Anti decided to make an appearance.
“So, I take it you’re still going by Stray, you little shit.” Jackie was the first to speak, and he earned a harsh glare from Jack. “What, she bit me! Like literally took a chunk out of my shoulder!”
“And I would do it again in a heartbeat if any of you laid your filthy hands on me.” Stray spat in retaliation.
“Yep, definitely still Stray.” Jack laughed awkwardly. “Anyone want to remind me how we got Jackie back from Chaos?”
“That’s not going to work, she’s not under a curse. She’s caught in strings, badly by the looks of things as well.” Marvin answered, as he cast the spell to reveal the strings. She looked almost mummified beneath the layers of red twine. “Well, we can’t rip them out, she’d die of blood loss.”
“Yeah no shit.”
“Yeah, I can still hear you guys you know, just because I can’t move doesn’t mean I can’t hear.” Stray interrupted, receiving only a small smirk from Jackie.
“So what can we do? We can’t just leave her here, Anti will come back for her. We need to get rid of him.”
“Or you could just let me go back to my master. Don’t you want me to be happy?”
“Nope, we want Maya to be fucking happy. Not you.” Marvin growled, green glowing around his hands.
“You know, I have one idea about how to get rid of Stray,” Jack added, his tone much too light. “A full out attack. She has to give up eventually, what does Anti want a broken body for?”
“No. No no no, Kenna will murder us all. And what if we go too far and we can’t fix the damage? We can’t just half murder her in the hope that it drives him away!”
“I’m sorry to say this Marv, but I think it’s our only option right now.” Mouth dropping open, Marvin deflated slightly.
“Well do we tell her? Kenna will not be happy, it’s still her girlfriend in there. We need to talk this through with her.” Rubbing his face, Jack sighed in compliance.
“Yeah, you’re probably right. Let’s go, the sooner we get a yes, the sooner we get this over with.”
“You’re what?!” Kenna hugged the stuffed animal Maya had won her tightly, rocking back and forth a little as she tried to comprehend what she had just been told. “I- you- but... ” she exhaled, trying to calm her thoughts. “Will it help her?” The three nodded in unison. “And she’ll definitely be okay?” Once again they nodded, this time with less certainty. “Okay, but please don’t hurt her.” The look on everyone’s faces told her everything. “Don’t hurt her more than you need to.”
They re-entered Stray’s room all looking anxious about the task at hand. Under his breath, Jack mumbled an apology to Maya.
“You’re really going to do this? Attack a poor, innocent kid? You’re sick, all of you.” Stray made one last attempt at escape before Jack threw his green pixels at her, knocking all air for protest out of her lungs.
That started the assault. The three men bombarded her with magic until they were too drained to continue, at which point they allowed Henrik in just to make sure she wasn't going to die.
Whilst they recovered their powers for round two, Kenna snuck into the room, shocked by the unconscious Stray lying in the bed. She looked so strange in the black outfit, and with her skin paler and colder from lack of food. Nothing about her looked healthy. Neither did anything about Kenna when Stray shot towards her, the restraints the only thing holding her back as she growled and snarled at her. It was then that Kenna realised how truly important it was that the guys were successful, and all the anger at them for coming up with the plan dispersed.
She reached to touch Stray, but she only snarled and snapped her teeth at her. “I’m sorry Maya, but we need to do this so I don’t lose you forever.”
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firegrilled · 5 years
Momma’s Boys - Part 1
@erejeanweek2k19​ Prompt: Single Parents
Summary: Carla Jaeger and Celine Kirschtein are two very different moms who have one thing in common: unconditional love for their sons. This is a story told from their perspectives as their boys grow up and grow much closer than they ever thought possible.
Lots of inspiration from @aymmichurros​‘s momma comic :D
Stay tuned for more parts during erejean week
Part 2
Sunlight glinted off the rearview before a slender hand readjusted the angle. A pair of sharp eyes stared into the mirror at a brown haired toddler snoozing in his car seat in the back. She smiled at her son as she flicked the turn signal, gently pulling into her destination. A few moments later the Honda Civic was parked and she was carrying her dozing son over to the quaint, off-colored building.
“Hello, welcome to Shinganshina Daycare where we nurture, teach, and herd the next generation,” a bubbly woman greeted the mother. “You must be Mrs. Kirschtein, yes?”
“Its Ms. But please call me Celine,” Ms. Kirschtein returned the friendly greeting.
“Alright Celine, I’m guessing this is lil’ Jean?”
“Yes, my cute little Jeanbo,” Celine confirmed, her smile widening when her son yawned.
Jean rubbed the sleep away from his eyes.
“According to my papers he’s to be here until the afternoon, yes?”
Celine nodded, setting her son down. “Yes, today I’m starting a new job and I hope it’ll end early but you never know.”
“Of course, I wish you the best.”
The bubbly receptionist squatted down so she was at Jean’s level. Giving a wide smile she held out her hand.
“Momma?” Jean questioned, scampering behind his mother’s leg. He peeked around to stare at the stranger.
“It’s okay Jeanbo, she’s going to watch you for mommy while I’m at work. Will you be a good boy for… I don’t believe I got your name?” Celine realized, a pink blush rising to her cheek. She softly nudged her son forward.
“Mrs. Bodt,” the woman smiled. “Come Jean, I’ll introduce you to the others. I even have a son your age.”
Placing a thumb in his mouth, Jean took the woman’s hand with his free hand and walked with her inside.
“Mommy will be back later. Be a good boy!” Celine waved to her son, keeping a smile on her face despite the guilt creeping up her neck. As much as she wanted to be there for her baby boy she also needed to provide for him.
Shoving her guilt down, Ms. Kirschtein spun on her heels to leave. Before she could exit, she noticed another woman leading two other toddlers to the entrance. Celine opened the door for her.
“Ah thank you,” the woman muttered as the two tiny kids practically lead her inside.
“Mommy, mommy!” The boy with wide green eyes called out, brimming with energy. “Is ‘Min here?”
“No problem, miss,” Celine chuckled at the cute display. The tiny boy still couldn’t pronounce his r’s.
The other child, a girl in a red scarf, remained silent.
“We’ll just have to wait and see, let’s go,” the mother replied.
Celine glanced back at the woman dressed in blue jeans and a loose fitting white shirt as she left for her car. The unkempt brown hair and disheveled clothes were the opposite of Ms. Kirschtein’s business attire and straightened hair. Not everyone needed to make a striking first impression at the city’s biggest bank.
“Hello? Jaeger residence?”
“Is this Carla Jaeger?”
“Speaking,” Carla confirmed, nestling the phone between her ear and shoulder. She waddled over to the sink as the phone cable pulled back. Three steps and she already maximized the full distance of the cord.
“This is Trost Prep’s office. Your son Eren is currently sitting with the vice principal,” the matter-of-fact voice explained. “We’re going to need you to come down and pick your son up as he’s suspended for the rest of the day.”
A bubbly dish slipped between Carla’s fingers and landed with a mighty splash in the sink.
“Suspension? For a first grader? What happened?”
Carla reached into the sink and pulled the plug, allowing the water to swirl down the drain.
“We can explain when you get here but he got in a fight with another boy. Please come as soon as possible.”
With a heavy sigh she hung up the phone. What did her son do to get suspended in his first week of school?
“Don’t worry Mrs. Jaeger, we’ll take care of the dishes,” a cool voice reassured her.
Carla turned to face a small contingent of maids.
“Thanks Levi, I’ll entrust the rest of the house to your care. At least Eren picked cleaning day,” she laughed. “I can’t wait to tell his father about this later.”
Levi and his companions nodded, returning to their duties.
A few missed turns and one angry car horn later Carla pulled into the prep school her husband insisted their children enroll in. She was already a ball of nerves as she tried to navigate the hallways, embarrassed to have to ask for directions multiple times from staff until she arrived at the office. Inside she found a receptionist with tortoiseshell glasses clacking away at an absurdly large computer.
Clearing her throat, Carla made her presence known. “H-Hello? I’m here for Eren.”
Without making eye contact, the receptionist pointed with her thumb over her shoulder towards an office.
“Please go right in.”
Mrs. Jaeger walked around the desk towards the office, noticing another boy sitting in a blue hard plastic chair just outside the office.
The boy had light brown hair at his tips but it grew dark the closer it got to his head. He kicked his feet back and forth in the hair, squeezing his hands into fists on his knees. He had a few scratches and bruises on his arms. Dirt covered most of what should’ve been his pristine white uniform.
Wordlessly Carla entered and clicked the door shut behind her. In another blue plastic chair in front of the desk with his back to her sat the familiar silhouette of her son. At the desk stood a tall and blond man with well-kept hair and a stern face. The wooden nameplate on his desk had Erwin Smith etched into it.
“Mr. Smith I presume?” Carla greeted, earning a glance from the man. She didn’t miss her son suddenly straighten up.
He turned and offered a tiny smile. “Mrs. Jaeger, please sit down.”
Erwin gesture to a larger more plush chair next to her son.
“Thank you,” Carla replied, taking the seat. She wore a frown as she scanned her son. Like the boy outside dirt and grime covered his uniform, while a bruise colored his cheek with a fresh Band-Aid just below an eye. “Can you please tell me what happened?”
“Your son got in a fight with another student though we don’t know who started it-”
“It was horseface!” Eren interrupted, huffing and crossing his arms.
“Eren, don’t interrupt others when they’re talking! Especially Mr. Smith,” Carla narrowed her eyes, instantly silencing her son.
Eren’s face paled and his gaze fell to the crème colored carpet.
“Eren and Jean got into an altercation over this new phenomena called pocket monsters. As a result of the fight we’re suspending both students until the end of the day to set an example for others as well as themselves,” Mr. Smith explained. “Since they’re so young nothing will go on their permanent records of course, but we have a strict policy here at Trost Prep that we must maintain as we raise the next generation of leaders.”
“Of course. I’ll see to it that Eren learns his lesson and this won’t happen again.” Standing up, Carla glared at her son. “For starters, no more Pokemon until he learns to behave himself.”
“But mom! He tried to be Charmander when I called him!” Eren pouted, his shoulders falling.
“I don’t know what this Charred salamander is but I don’t think it’d want you fighting others, Eren.”
As Mrs. Jaeger chided her son, a knock at the door drew the attention of those in the room. The receptionist popped her head in and looked straight at the vice principal.
“Mr. Smith, I was able to get ahold of Mrs. Kirschtein but she’ll be unable to get her son before the end of the day. What would you like me to do?” She asked.
“Take him to the empty gymnasium so he can think about the mistake he made. I’ll speak with his mother when she gets in.”
Mrs. Jaeger frowned at the thought of leaving a child so young alone but punishment is punishment.
“Come, Eren. Your dad returns from his conference today so you can explain why you’re suspended and your uniform is a mess.
“Yes, sure. I’ll have to call you later, Shannon, I have another meeting right now,” Celine spoke as she navigated the hallways of Trost Prep with ease. How many times had she followed this same path over the years? She turned the corner as she clamped her cellphone shut, almost jumping from surprise when a familiar shocked face appeared.
“Ms. Kirschtein!” Carla Jaeger greeted, dressed in a relaxed crème colored sweater and blue jeans.
“Mrs. Jaeger!” Celine replied. 
Carla smiled nervously, “Oh I really hope this doesn’t become a habit of theirs…”
“Ugh yes, I hope so to… I mean-” Celine instantly agreed, adjusting her suit jacket. How many lunches had she sacrificed to her son’s shenanigans at this point? “I’m tired of grounding Jean for the same reason over and over again. It’s really stressful!”
Celine pressed her fingers to her temple before continuing.
“’Why can’t you just get along with this kid? Why?’ ‘Cause he’s the DEVIL ITSELF’- And I’m like Jeanbo that’s not possible!”
Celine waved her arms around as she recounted her son’s ridiculous claim. Much to her relief, Carla laughed her mockery of Jean. The two walked to the office together as they continued their discussion.
“It’s the same for my Eren. No matter how many times I punish him he continues to come up with lame excuses. ‘He’s mean to Armin, he always starts it, he likes broccoli!’ and I’m like ‘Honey, no. You’re not even trying.’” Carla recounted, earning a chuckle from Celine. “And of course he now does this right before his birthday. I might just have to take away the party we promised him.”
Ms. Kirschtein paused right as they reached the door to the office. “Eren’s birthday is coming up? Jean’s is next week.”
“Yes, Eren’s is in two days. He only had to be good for two more days but boys will be boys,” Carla sighed as she rolled her eyes.
Celine rubbed her chin as a new idea formed in her mind. The more she thought of it the wider the smile on her face got.
“I might have a solution,” Celine stated.
Carla cocked her head, gesturing for her to continue.
“Well if grounding them isn’t going anywhere they clearly need to learn to cooperate with each other. They can have their birthdays still, but celebrate with each other,” Celine elaborated.
Furrowing her brow, Carla thought about the proposal. “Well it would be a punishment and we’d be there to monitor them… let’s do it! And we can do it at our house, we have more than enough space. Do you know where the Mithras district is?
”Mithras?! O-of course. You live there?” Celine barely caught her jaw from dropping.
“Perks of a famous researcher who moonlights as a physician,” Carla shrugged as she opened the door to the office.
The receptionist barely glanced up as the two women entered.
“Hey Carla and Celina. You know the drill,” the skinny woman waved them over to the principal’s office.
“Happy to see you too, Hanji.”
The cheery appearance faded as the two put on their best angry mom expressions. Carla turned the knob and let the door creak open, opting to place her hands on her hips and glower. Celine crossed her arms and mimicked her expression.
The door opened to reveal the two boys sitting next to each other with their backs to the entrance, talking to the principal. Their sons slowly turned their heads, already wide-eyed and sweating. Unlike most office visits, both boys were relatively unharmed and their uniforms were thankfully clean.
“Celine, Carla, please have a seat,” Erwin greeted the pair of mothers with a tiny smile. “How familiar are you two with the concept of Yu-gi-oh?”
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emilightniing · 6 years
You Can Fix This (Part 8A)
(Ayyyy, I return. Did you guys think I forgot?
I definitely want to apologize for putting this off for months. I've been busy with other projects, college, and mental health stuff. I'm not abandoning this story, I swear! Anyway, hope y'all enjoy this LONG overdue--albeit kinda short -- chapter.
Expect part 8B soon; once I can get a new laptop charger, we'll be good to go! ...Yeah, I'm writing this on my phone.
I'd recommend a re-read of the previous parts as a refresher, haha.)
Shit. Shit. What were you thinking?
Why didn't you stop and think before you spilled the entire story-- the entire truth-- to them? You never even considered that it could cause any more damage than has already been done... yet if you're to believe Mark (and you do, at least for now; you can't afford not to), you've now put the one person you need to save in mortal danger.
These thoughts speed through your mind as you rush down the stairs once again.
“Damien?” you call out, hoping he’ll answer from nearby. But you don’t hear anything. You hurry from room to room, your heart racing wildly.
He could have just gone outside, you tell yourself. That’s where you found him earlier, after all; it’s quiet out there. If you were looking to be alone, you’d probably go out there too.
Abe catches you just before you’re about to exit through the back door. “Y/N, what’s going on here?”
“I…” You aren’t sure how to explain yourself without giving anything else away. It's hardly the time to let anyone else in on what's going on.
You get the feeling you don’t have much time, so you give a rushed answer. “I’m looking for Damien. Did you see where he went?”
The dectective shakes his head. “No, I haven’t seen him since he went upstairs with you and Celine.”
"Oh, well, I can just --"
His brow creases as he frowns thoughtfully, halting your attempt to dismiss yourself from the conversation. “What happened in there, anyway?" he asks. "I haven’t seen her either, but I’m going to need to talk to her at some point. She was Mark's wife, after all. And for her to just show up like this out of the blue?” He's deep in thought now, you can tell.
You rest your hand on the doorknob, your mind screaming that you don’t have time for this.
“I think she’s still upstairs.” A blatant lie; you in fact have no idea where she went. But you figure Abe will find her eventually. You push the door open, and the sudden gust of cold night air stings your skin. “I’m sorry, but I really have to find Damien now.” Before the detective can say anything else, you let the door swing closed behind you and dash outside.
It’s just getting dark,. Thankfully, the area directly around the house is still well-lit, but you have to squint to see beyond that.
“Damien?” you call loudly. It’s a huge house, after all. He could be anywhere, and you don’t have time to search everywhere. But he wasn't inside; he must be out here. That’s what you keep telling yourself. He has to be.
An odd noise grabs your attention. You start to follow it, hesitantly, knowing it could just be a distraction to throw you off guard. But it sounds like footsteps. Except they're heavier than normal footsteps, and they're echoing, as if someone's stepping on metal.
Which is undoubtedly strange. And you don’t like it. 
You force yourself to move faster, not entirely sure where you’re going. The noise leads you to a section at the far end of the house, a section where you haven't been before. The echo of the footsteps stops just as the source of the sound comes into view: a metal, spiral staircase which you can only assume goes to one place. 
You’re sprinting up it, scrambling as you nearly stumble on the stairs— in daylight, you’d probably be able to tell exactly how rickety and unsafe they are, but right now you don’t care. Even moving at full speed, it seems to take you forever to reach the top.
But you do. Gripping the railing for support as you catch your breath, you open your mouth to say something.
Your words catch in your throat as you take in the sight of Damien, standing to your right, facing away from you. Looking out from the top of the house, the edge of nothing. You don’t know why he doesn’t turn around as you approach, but it doesn’t matter. In that moment, nothing at all matters.
“Damien!” You reach out to him and grab his arm, pulling him back towards you, away from the darkness beyond the rooftop. He stumbles backwards, as if your presence is a complete surprise to him.
You don’t let go; you wouldn't dare. Not as long as this house is still standing.
He blinks for a moment, as if trying to remember where he is. “Y/N?” As he looks around at the surroundings, taking in the terrified look on your face, your hand still digging into his arm, it seems to sink in what’s happening. “What—” He slowly sits down, disbelief clouding his face.
You join him. "What are you doing up here?" you force yourself to ask, already knowing the answer.
“I didn’t— I don’t know how I got here…” He just continues to shake his head as you finally release your grip on his arm and pull him close to you, burying your face in his shoulder.
"I'm sorry," you manage to choke out. "I should never have told you about this house, what it can do. It's too powerful, it's going to try to..."
You're afraid your words just sound like babbling nonsense, but he understands. Both of you are shaking, and it’s still so cold out, especially up here, on the roof of the house. The edge of the abyss.
“It's all right now,” he says, pulling himself together-- though he still looks somewhat shaken from those several minutes where he no longer had control of himself. “We should get back inside.”
Shaking your head vigorously, you plead, “No. God, no. We can’t. Are you crazy?” If the house is exerting this much control even out here, you don’t even want to imagine what it will do to you— or to Damien— inside.
He smooths down your hair, wild from the wind, and speaks in his most calm, rational voice. “Y/N. Listen to me, all right?” You look him directly in the eye and wait for him to continue. “It's safer down in there than it is up here. Everyone else is inside, and we’re all going to figure things out. And then after that’s settled, we’re going to leave. Together. And we’ll never have to think about this again.” The intensity in his eyes makes you want more than anything to accept his words, but you know better.
You give a hollow laugh. “You make it sounds so simple, Damien. As if the house didn’t just try to kill you without you even knowing.” Even saying the words leaves a dry, fearful taste in your mouth.
“And you were here,” he points out, as if that makes everything better.
And in some way, it does. But the fear in your mind doesn't abate. "If I hadn't realized in time..."
He takes your hand, and you intertwine your fingers in his despite yourself. Neither of you look away; your eyes are locked in a silent promise. “We’ll stay together,” he says. "This time around -- if this really is the second time-- then..." He closes his eyes momentarily. There's a pained look on his face. "Then we'll make sure it ends differently. We'll watch out for each other."
“Just like always," you affirm quietly. "Nobody falls, not this time." In the moment, you truly believe what you're saying-- each of you has always kept the other from going over the edge, ever since you met.
Have you, though?
Another bitter, horrid thought that you're certain isn't your own surfaces without warning.
Perhaps in a metaphorical sense. But was anybody there to catch you when you fell?
Maybe not, you admit. But he will this time.
You keep that thought firmly in your mind as you make your way back down, together.
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