#i didn't even edit this. it felt wrong to “perfect” this piece
sugarskies · 1 year
absolutely begging for a funny theta/koschei crackfic or one shot. love ur deca series btw!! 🖤
hi anon sorry it took me a week to get back to u! beg and u shall receive. i was going to give context here but i can't. there is none. i don't know what this is. i had fun writing it ? and thank you!! 💖💖
without further ado... whatever this is!
“I need to tell you something.”
There was an intensity to Theta’s voice that Koschei barely recognized. He wasn’t about to reveal that he’d painted a new masterpiece or blown up another classroom, it was serious. Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait for the news to come.
“I cheated on you,” said Theta, his tone blunt but filled with guilt. Koschei’s jaw dropped, all coherent thoughts fading in favor of deep disappointment and unbridled rage. “I’m so sorry, Kos. If you never forgive me, I’ll und—”
Koschei didn’t wait to hear Theta’s excuses. He turned around and stormed out the door, his destination already in mind. There was no way that Theta would willingly cheat on him. They were so in love, how could he? He had to have been tricked, enchanted even, and there was only one person who could be responsible.
The moment he reached the door, he pounded on it. There was no response from inside but he refused to give up. He pounded until his hands hurt, until the hinges became so weak they broke right off the wall. The door collapsed and he collapsed on top of it, panting his exhaustion as he looked around the room in bewilderment.
“What the hell did you do to my door?”
The realization that Vansell was behind him hit hard. Koschei really spent hours busting down the door for nothing. He took a second to stare at the ground in shock before he rose to his feet. He put one foot behind him, bent his knees, and braced his hands in position, ready to fight. The confusion on Vansell’s face only increased.
“Oh, don’t look so surprised,” Koschei sneered. “You might be a piece of shit but Theta has a conscience. He told me. I know what you guys did.”
Vansell didn’t have time to so much as open his mouth before Koschei’s fist flew into his jaw. He stumbled backward into the hallway, into Theta. Theta blinked twice, briefly catching Vansell before letting go and allowing him to fall to the floor. Rather than going around or staying put since he was literally right outside the door, Theta stepped on Vansell’s stomach, ignoring the crack of his ribs and his pained groans as he approached Koschei.
“Hey.” Theta kicked Vansell’s legs out of the way when he stumbled. What an inconsiderate place to collapse. “I didn’t cheat on you with Nosebung. Do you really think I’d fuck a guy named Nosebung?”
“Haven’t you fucked him before?”
“Hate-fucking doesn’t count. We’ve been over this.”
If only because he was desperate for answers, Koschei let out a defeated sigh. “Then who?”
“It’s… come on.”
Theta took Koschei’s hand and led him out of the room. Together, they stepped on Vansell, chuckling at the quiet crack from inside his chest. Neither looked back as they walked down the hall, Vansell’s pained groans echoing behind them. Koschei didn’t have the faintest idea where Theta was taking him or who he was going to meet but it didn’t matter. The element of surprise might even work in his favor.
Because it didn’t matter who Theta cheated on him with. Not really. He was going to kill them regardless.
The further they walked, the more confused Koschei became. He’d assumed that Theta would take him to another dorm but they left that building entirely. Theta led him to the science center, past every classroom he was familiar with, to a strange door. Theta took a deep breath before he unlocked it. He reached for the doorknob with one hand, still squeezing Koschei’s hand with the other.
“You’re never going to look at me the same way after this,” said Theta, his voice barely above a whisper. Koschei gripped Theta’s hand tighter, giving him a reassuring look. It was okay. While Theta had a doorknob in his spare hand, Koschei had a knife. He was ready for anyone. At least, that was what he thought until Theta opened the door.
Of all the people he was prepared to stab—which was just about anyone in the universe—somehow, Theta managed to find the one that caught him off guard. Because, of course, the only person he could never have prepared to stab was himself. Koschei.
Koschei was standing in front of… himself?
“Hi Koschei,” said Koschei with a wave.
“Who the hell are you?” Koschei gaped. “What the hell are you?”
“No, no, I’m Koschei. You’re like… Fauxschi.”
“Okay.” His cheery shrug was the most frightening thing about him.
“Theta, what the hell is this?!”
“It’s kind of a long story. I don’t know if I really feel like— okay! Okay.” The look on Koschei’s face must’ve been murderous for the way Theta threw his hands in the air. “So, I was trying to clone a squirrel because I thought it would be really funny if there were like a thousand squirrels in here—”
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard,” said Koschei.
“Me too,” said Fauxchei.
“—but one of your hairs must’ve fallen off my shirt or something because I left for one night and I came back ready to clone the squirrels and there you were. He was. And I know he’s not you but he looks like you and yeah, something in his brain is definitely wonky but he’s still really hot and I was powerless.”
“So you’re telling me…” Koschei cut himself off and blinked several times. He rubbed his eyes twice to be sure what he was seeing was real. There was no way. It was like something out of a stupid B-movie. “You’re telling me that you cheated on me with me?”
“But it wasn’t you.”
“Yeah, I know that. I meant— shit. I am pretty hot, aren’t I?”
Theta nodded enthusiastically but Fauxchei spoke first. “I am, thank you.”
“I wasn’t talking to you.”
“You were looking at me.”
“Because you look like me. Like a poor imitation of me but still like me. I was using you as a mirror to admire my own beauty.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Can I kill him?” Koschei turned to Theta abruptly, his expression dark and his tone serious. He pulled the knife from his sleeve and held it up for Theta to see. “I know exactly where to stab him. It’ll only take me one—”
He didn’t get the chance to finish his thought, cut off by Theta’s lips smashing into his. Theta’s hands grabbed each side of Koschei’s face, pulling his skin, his ears, holding him tightly as their bodies pressed together. Koschei kissed him back, one hand squeezing Theta’s waist and the other still gripping his knife.
“You’re so hot when you’re about to commit murder,” Theta breathed, his lips still almost touching Koschei’s.
“I’m even hotter when I’m doing it,” whispered Koschei as he grazed the back of his knife along Theta’s arm.
“Then do it.”
If there was any hesitation in the back of Koschei’s mind, it disappeared the moment Theta’s eyes met his, the moment Theta’s hand curled around his own and his knife. It didn’t matter who he had to kill, even if it was a clone of himself. Theta was his.
Or maybe he was Theta’s but he didn’t mind it that way.
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beyondspaceandstars · 5 months
Date Night
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: slight frustration but mainly fluff Summary: Nothing seemed to go right with your date night plans... A/N: This is an older one shot (from 2020, omg) that I published on ao3 but never on here! (At least, I hope I didn't! I can't find it if I did, haha) so I edited it a bit and decided to release it into the wild here. it's really short and simple but I think it's sweet :)
You wanted one nice night in with your fiancé. Just one. A simple dinner with a fresh, home-cooked meal, couple glasses of wine, some shitty romantic comedy, all follow by bedtime at 10 p.m. It was all you wanted. It should've been so simple.
But your dream was crumbling to pieces as the minutes, the seconds, went on. 
It started with Bucky calling to say he was running a bit late and wouldn’t be home until later than expected. You wanted to scream and remind him that you’d had this date night planned for weeks but you, luckily, kept your cool and just asked him to come home safely. This was just one little fluke, you could manage that.
So, you started the meal later than you had originally planned. You just really wanted everything to be ready and on the table for when Bucky got home. He deserved that and it should be manageable, right? You could still have a nice dinner together but the movie might have to be skipped.
Everything seemed to be going swimmingly until you got to cooking the main entree: steak. You hadn’t always been the best at cooking much above pasta but hours of watching cooking shows and a couple of YouTube videos gave you just a little bit of confidence... But confidence doesn't always equal skill and next thing you knew, the steaks were burnt. Completely charred and horrendously burnt. Smoke filled the kitchen and the smell was overwhelming. Both pieces of meat were well past saving and it made you wanna rip out your hair. You didn’t even know how it got to this point. The mashed potatoes needed your attention for one second and it all went to hell. 
The only thing you could successfully salvage were the side dishes which consisted of a salad and mashed potatoes. But even those had turned out slightly wrong. Your salad was somehow bitter and the mashed potatoes were runny. Although, yes, they were both edible… But it just wasn’t right. 
Nothing was right.
You groaned as you tried fanning out the smoke from the kitchen, praying the smoke alarm wouldn’t go off. It was literally the last thing you needed on top of how everything else was going tonight. 
You threw the burnt steaks into the trash and filled the greasy, darkened pan with hot water for it to soak in the sink. Scrubbing that was just gonna be the perfect ending, you thought as you ran your hands down your face in frustration. 
You scourged through your pantry, praying you had something to replace the meal as quick as possible when you heard the front door open and shut. You stood at the pantry, staring angrily at your dry goods. You felt a presence creep up behind you and your eyes began to water. You didn’t want to turn around.
"Doll?" Bucky muttered, confusion evident in his voice. 
"Hi, honey," You replied, trying to fight back any tears. "How was the mission?"
"Um, fine." He said. "Are you okay, sweetheart?"
You sighed and closed the pantry door. You turned to face him, folding your arms around yourself in the process, trying to find some comfort. You couldn't help but feel a bit ashamed. A night you had been looking forward to seemed completely ridiculous now. You bit your lip, still trying to fight back the tears as best as you could but it was turning out to be useless.
Bucky’s eyes filled with concern when he saw the state you were in. He reached out and caressed your cheek. The metal of his hand contrasted pleasantly with your warmth. It was a familiar comfort you leaned into. He fully welcomed you in and wrapped his arms firmly around your shoulders. You buried your face into his chest as you wept.
Bucky was silent as you let your emotions finally run through you. He learned that was the best way for you to eventually calm down so he never seemed to mind just holding you when you were upset — so long as it made you feel better.
When you seemed to be slightly settling down, he broke the silence. "Can you tell me what’s wrong?"
You pulled yourself out of his grasp and let your eyes meet his. "I ruined date night."
Your fiancé’s expression morphed into shock. Without saying anything, you knew he completely forgot about the date night. You didn’t know whether to be relieved or upset.
"Date night… Oh, crap, I..."
"Don’t even worry about it," You sighed and walked over to sit at the kitchen island. The area still reeked of burnt meat which just made you wish you were in bed and finished with the day. 
"No, honey, I didn’t mean to I just got caught up-," Bucky fumbled over his words as he raced to follow you. 
"Seriously, can we forget about it?" You pleaded as tears threatened to come back. "I ruined it all anyways."
Bucky sighed. "What do you mean?"
You sniffled as you averted your eyes to the counter top. You traced the marble pattern as you spoke, "I burnt the steaks. Like completely black, charcoal, killed-the-cow-again burnt. Then the mashed potatoes were too creamy and the salad turned out bitter, however the hell that can happen-,"
"Doll…" Bucky cut you off when he saw you begin to ramble. You looked up at him, actually thankful that he cut you off this one time. You could take a breath.
"I just wanted to make a nice meal for you. Like a real meal. Meat, potatoes, the whole nine-yards," you explained. "But I couldn’t do it. I couldn't do something so simple. Are you sure you wanna marry me?"
He let out a low laugh at your question. "Honey, I’d still wanna marry you even if the only thing you could make was cereal."
You sniffled but managed a smile, feeling a bit better at his stance on the situation. He didn't appear to be upset and you were so grateful for that.
"Look," Bucky began, "how about we reschedule date night? I’ll mark it on every calendar and we’ll cook together, okay? Does that sound better? It'll be a real date."
Your heart warmed at the suggestion. You reached out and took his hands in yours. He gladly accepted the gesture as his eyes wandered over you, looking for some sign of approval. 
"That sounds perfect," you replied, your voice getting caught in your throat. Tears were making a comeback but this time, it was happy crying. Your whole body warmed with love for your fiancé and you couldn’t get enough.
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echantedtoon · 10 months
What If: Kokushibo Edition
WARNINGS: One innuendo and mentions of pregnancy.
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The world was a quiet place today. Just alone with his thoughts and own work. 
Widdle. Widdle. Widdle.
It was a rarity that nothing was planned for him today. No work. No responsibilities. No training. No plans. Just whatever he wanted to do today. Which again was rare but not unwelcome. He never did like being left unoccupied for too long however so it would be the perfect time to get the project he wanted to do done. Everything shall go precisely as planned.
Widdle. Widdle. Widdle.
No sounds except for the light bird chiros and the small movements of his hand held knife against the wood. The calloused hands continued their own work pushing the carving tool against the wood slicing off piece after piece little by little with precise knowing strokes. The small pieces falling onto his lap or bouncing off his legs to join the others on the floor. 
Widdle. Widdle-
...Ah. There she was.
He didn't even bother looking up as the angry footsteps approached. He knew she was coming towards him long before he even heard her. The force behind the angry footfalls for told the approaching woman's anger but again he was expecting that from the start. He felt no fear as the floor thuds stopped directly behind him. Not even bothering to stop his woodworking.
"You have arrived...I was honestly expecting you..sooner." A hand brought up the tiny wooden piece to a maw holding a jawful of fangs. A breath blowing away any small pieces of wood splinters.
"Do you want to explain a few things going on?"
He finally bothered to turn his head slightly. Standing above him was a woman. Purple eyes staring down at him. Her pretty face brought a fragrance of hydrangeas with her, a familiar scent that calmed his senses. Her expression was one of annoyance which he had been expecting. 
"What ever do you mean?"
"Oh don't play games with me." She frowned more before pointing at his face. "I wanted something specific from the kitchen for breakfast today and I was denied but I was given options. Options from a diet plan I was told YOU put into place for me."
"Oh yes. That. ...You are correct." His eyes turned back to the work in his hands-
"Kokushibo, don't you ignore me!" You marched around to stand in front of him as he continued working on whatever it is he was doing. "That's not the only thing you've decided to go out and do! I also found out from Akaza that you ordered him to stop training me for the next ten months!"
"Correct...Hand to hand combat is dangerous...for your body right now...It could put stress on you...or you could get struck in the stomach ...and I won't allow that."
"THAT MAKES NO SENSE!! I also found out that you placed Kaigaku in charge of guarding me?!"
"I'd prefer you to have ..extra protection during this time."
"You scheduled me a doctor appointment for tomorrow without asking me?!"
"I need to be able to.. monitor your health."
"You assigned nannies to 'help me with the boy's?!"
"You'll need the extra help for them."
"...When did you stop trusting me?" You gave a desperate ask making the top pair of eyes turn to you but he didn't pause his work. "If I gave you a reason to doubt I can take care of myself let alone the boys then just...Tell me what I did wrong?" Your arms flopped to your sides. "What did I do to make you lose faith in me?"
"Nothing...You haven't done anything...to make me have that opinion of you... You're capable."
You again held your arms up with a major look of disbelief. "Then why all the sudden changes without telling me first? I'm not hurt and you just said I'm capable. If you think I'm pushing myself too hard, I'll try to fix it but you have to tell me why first."
"Hm... You're certain?"
"You're my husband. I didn't think there'd be secrets between us. Koku..." Hands  reached out to grab his cheeks making him pause his work and turn up to your worried look. "You promised me no secrets or lies on your vows. Honor that."
There was was from him before he sighed through his nose. "As you wish..You would have found out...from the doctor tomorrow...anyways."
"Find out what?"
"You're two weeks pregnant."
Silence. He stared as your body just... paused as if you were in a picture perfectly frozen in time. Your eyes staring ahead of you at him. Mouth closed in a small line. His bottom eyes peeked down as he continued his woodworking unsurprised by your reaction. There was silence still as you remained still... eventually you opened your mouth slightly-
"Twins", he answered matter of factly, "Both male."
You just sat there..your brain spaced out and there was a ringing in your ears as you blanked.  Your thousand mile stare finally slowly refocused. You only managed to yell out one word. "WHAT?!"
"You're two weeks pregnant..Twin boys. I just...told you that."
"I-I JUST-...YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" Your hands pulled back as your eyes shot down to your middle. It didn't even look like anything changed. You didn't even feel any different or...or... ANYTHING!!! "YOU'VE GOT TO BE JOKING WITH ME?!"
"I never jest... Especially with something so serious."
"I have explained how my transparent world...vision works...Have I not?" You froze as finally all his eyes looked at you seriously. Oh..You forgot about that. "I took the proper... precautions early..to avoid any headaches or danger...later. I was serious when I said...I would take care of my remaining..family."
You only stared.. before you slowly looked back to your middle and a hand shakily pressed against your stomach...still didn't feel any different. "...How did this even happen?"
"Three weeks ago...we celebrated our anniversary by-"
A hand quickly pressed against his mouth as your face went beat red. "IT W-WAS A RETORICAL QUESTION!!"
He only made your face burnt hotter by reaching up to hold the hand over his face and press a kiss to the palm. "Yes ...But the end results are welcome."
You sputtered like a fish before just groaning and resting on your knees. For a moment neither person spoke as you rubbed your face and he held your hand to his cheek. "..... How long have you known?"
"Three days...I had a hunch and confirmed...it. I figured you didn't know and wanted...to make preparations first."
"Does anyone ELSE know?!"
"Only you and I...I've told no one else yet."
That relieved you at least but then a wave of dread hit you as a thought popped up. "Oh good gods...What are the boys going to think?"
"Our children will no doubt be quite...happy... Yuichiro however will be stubborn in the beginning...but with time he will come..to terms."
Rui and Muichiro would be excited for this especially with Rui bouncing off the walls becoming a big brother...But..You gave him a slightly worried look with narrowed eyes. He seemed to instantly know what you were thinking about.
"I will not favor these children...over the previous three," he spoke with assurance. "As someone who has..had a childhood plagued with... segregation I will not subject any..of them to that."
You sighed in relief instantly turning your head down..but paused noticing something that you didn't see before. There was four cylinder shaped pieces of carved wood on the opposite side of Kokushibo's lap. All perfectly aligned in a row. Except these weren't just ordinary sticks. The tops were widdled to a semi point and there was a series of holes carved in a series down their spines revealing the hollowed insides. You stared at them before turning your head and finding a dagger and the makings of a fifth hollowed stick in his lap. Slowly you blinked before pointing them out.
"Kokushibo. Are you making...flutes?"
"Yes. I am...nearly finished with the set."
You looked back to him bewildered. "Why?"
"Gifts for our children." He finally released your hand to reach down and remove the dagger and almost finished flute From his lap despite your surprised look. "I had one...as a child..I intend to pass that tradition on."
You stared at him more .. before smiling. "Aw.~ Really? That's so sweet of you...But all of this aside.." You gave him a stern look. "I'm going to continue what I've been doing so far."
"You will not stress..your body."
You made to stand pulling one knee up. "I won't stress myself out but you can't just stop me-" A hand grabbed your wrist and yanked before you could even blink. "EEP!!"
You gasped out as you were pulled forward, and in a second you found yourself placed in Kokushibo's lap with his strong arms cradling you to his chest. The redness in your cheeks was back instantly as he chuckled.
"Just did."
"Y-YOU CHEATED!!" You casted a glare up at his smile. "I wish you would S-S-Stop doing things without telling me you know!"
"Agreed. ...That is why I did not make... arrangements for a nursery yet..That will be a joint decision."
"Well thank you for that." You deadpanned looked at him despite the red in your face and crossed your arms. "Is there anything else you did I should know about?"
"I have thought of names ...for the boys." You blinked and would've shouted at him again if he didn't suddenly gently touch the right side of your stomach staring at it as if he could see something you couldn't. You blinked at jumped slightly at the gentle touch. "Michi." You blinked as his hand moved to the other side. "Yori."
"Michi and...Yori?" Your rose a brow before looking back at him. "You named one of our sons after you and didn't ask me first? I don't dislike it but you could've at least.." You paused..."Wait.." You narrowed your eyes. "Yori??...As in-"
"Do not say it-"
Kokushibo visibly paused...and his eyes looked away. ".... Perhaps we should rethink the names-"
"Nope! Too late!" You smirked. "Mama's decided she likes those names. Their nicknames can be Mi-Mi and Yor-Yor.~"
"Aw. Don't tell me Mi-Mi senior is mad. I think it's cute.~"
"I regret not waiting."
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charlewiss · 2 years
dare / mick schumacher
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
summary: he has had a crush on you for the longest time. what happens when someone challenges him to do something about it?
word count: 957 words.
warnings: reuploaded cause it wasn't reaching anyone lmao I really liked this one and wanted it to go well :( also, italic parts are supposed to be said in french
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even though the challenge was relatively easy to explain (after all, they just had to taste different kitcats and guess the flavours), it was getting progressively harder to keep focus when a certain german boy was looking at you with the most attentive eyes you've ever seen.
you had been working with haas for a few months now, as part of the social media team. your job was to create new fun challenges for the youtube channel that could show the personalities of the drivers while also maintain them entertained during the free time they sporadically had at the race weekends.
but since you came to the first race of the season, you just couldn't keep your eyes away from mick. you knew that it was wrong, so you never dared to say or do anything about it. just keep your safe distance and try to not blush every time his ocean blue eyes stared directly into your caramel brown ones. which, today, was proving to be harder than you expected.
'so, just eat it and say what flavor they are?' kevin asked, already seated in his place while putting away his phone. 'while blindfolded' you replied, handing them both the black piece of cloth. with mick's help, kevin put on the mask. when he had finished, the blonde boy shifted his gaze to you, and raised his eyebrows while signaling at the small piece on his hand. 'can you help me?'
you made your way towards him, and standing behind his back, helped him tie the mask. you tried to ignore how red mick got when you accidentally caressed his hair when you had secured the mask in its place. his demeanor changed almost immediately, but there was no time to ask questions, as the camera started rolling.
it was a couple of hours later, and you were in the little cafeteria that was placed inside the hospitality, working to get the video done to post it the next day. it was getting kinda late so everybody that had finished their tasks for the day was leaving, but you still needed to check the last part of the footage and edit it correctly.
mick was outside with esteban, his best friend at alpine, with whom he did the track walks every race weekend. the two of them approached the door, with the french boy about to leave before nodding at you and asking mick. 'you still haven't asked her out?'. the blonde one could feel his cheeks reddening instantly. 'what are you talking about?'
esteban laughed. he couldn't believe that his best friend thought he was being discreet. 'i don't know, maybe about your crush with the new media girl? you've been throwing puppy love eyes at her since the season started'.
they were used to switch between french and english without a problem, but they didn't notice that kevin was right behind them, and the piece of information reached his ears in the perfect language for him to understand. 'oh, you're talking about y/n?' he said, now making his presence known. mick's eyes widened instantly, and he felt like if looks could kill, his best friend would be dead on the floor. 'he wouldn't dare to tell her anything. hell, i don't think he's even capable of speaking to her' kevin joked, which made esteban laugh. the german boy couldn't believe that they were laughing at his face and his cheeks reddened again, now accompanied with a frown.
'i've talked to her before. I just don't want to bother her when she's busy' he said angrily, while peeping with his eyes inside the hospitality to see you looking at the notebook screen frustrated. it had been hours since you started editing and you were growing tired.
kevin and esteban noticed his lingering stare instantly, and smiled at eachother. 'i dare you to buy her a coffee' said his teammate, and mick's eyes returned to the two guys in front of him. 'i think she would gladly appreciate it' esteban added, and then he left, rather fast, to avoid being punched by his friend. but kevin stayed, and his smirk was only growing with the passing seconds. 'i knew you wouldn't dare'.
'watch me' said mick, and regretted it instantly when he crossed the doors and entered the hospitality. of course, the german wasn't one to be scared of anything, and being the competitive guy that he was, he just couldn't refuse the challenge. but he did it without giving it a second thought, and now was in too deep to go back. would you prefer coffee or tea? what was your order? would you think he was awkward?
so he went with something he was sure you would like: a rather simple vainilla latte and a cookie. of course, he asked for the same for him, and once the order was done, he made a beeline to your table.
'hey, sorry to bother, saw you were working for a while and thought that you may need something to eat' mick said, and even though normally he wasn't a shy guy, you noticed that he was acting quiet and avoiding your stare. 'not bothering at all. thank you! you can sit here if you like'. he nodded and proceeded to sit next to you, sipping his coffee.
you two sat there and talked until the video was finally exported and ready to upload. after watching it again to be sure that it was good to go, and laughing about the different faces that mick did when he didn't like a certain flavour, you scheduled it to be posted at the right time.
it was getting late, so mick offered to take you back to the hotel. after all, you two were staying at the same place, just different floors. while you two were walking side by side to his car, you didn't notice the driver watching you from afar, smiling. 'just took a stupid dare' said kevin laughing to himself.
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no longer mine. [g.w. x reader]
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a/n: sorry i just felt really angsty and needed an outlet and sorry again for the slight angelina slander but it's not really slander is it?
dressed in a black suit and tie, he looked as beautiful as the night he claimed himself to be yours. his once-long hair was now trimmed neatly, slicked back with gel.
he was waiting down the aisle, eyes shimmering expectantly.
but not for you.
you, who was seated amidst the crowd of wedding guests, a mere name in the guest list. a whisper of his past, a bygone age. he was once yours to love, to hold, to kiss, to cuddle and just, be.
that beautiful boy who grew up to be an even more beautiful man written by the finest littérateurs, in the finest ink.
you once counted down for the day you'd see him in a suit and tie, where he'd wait for you who'd be dressed in all white.
the gods gave you what you wished for; he was delectable in that ensemble, really. even as the nervousness he tried to keep at bay slowly seeped through, he still has this air of composure to him; a coolness you once had the privilege of calling yours.
and so, as the quartet played the wedding piece, you wondered where you'd gone wrong; why you weren't the one wearing the white gown. you continued to observe as he straightened his suit for the umpteenth time that evening, leaning over to his father, arthur and whispering a few things in the man's ear.
then, the doors flew open. songbirds that had been conjured up by precise spell work flew into the room, then coalesced with the bouquets of flowers, disappearing into thin air. their twitters and chirps that sounded like glockenspiels being struck still remained, echoing and harmonising with the quartet.
she walked in.
she who must be the luckiest woman in the world.
in all white, she put the moon to shame. even as the candelabrums stood dignified, burning with importance and decorum, she outdid them.
with a gown dotted with rhinestones that glimmered without needing a light source, and silky hair that flowed in the evening breeze, she spelled out perfection without having to use any vowels and consonants; all she needed was to flash a smile and laugh.
angelina johnson cascaded down the aisle with her train of periwinkle behind her. eyes were all on her, and hers peered through the veil at the man whose last name would soon be hers.
that last name you'd sworn was going to be yours.
bitterness soon bubbled inside you, as she finally reach him. good for her.
"do you, angelina johnson, take george fabian weasley to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
i object.
"and do you, george fabian wealey, take angelina johnson to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"i do."
think of the nights we'd spent at the astronomy tower, poring over the endless revised editions of this and that. think of the candles we'd burnt through, the wax seeping into our robes, but we didn't care.
think of the nights we'd spent running away from the awful squib, just to dance in the corridors without a care in the world. think of the afternoons by the great lake trying to dry ourselves off the muggle way, but we ended up smelling like the giant squid instead.
think of all the beautiful hogsmeade weekends we'd wasted away in the common room because you just wanted to be in my arms.
think of the evenings we spent at the matron's dabbing away at quidditch wounds and naming all your scars and bruises. this one "billy", that one "fred" because it really did look like him.
where had it all gone? where had that boy gone; washed away by the war and found by the shore of the light side, earless and cold but still so painfully wonderful.
were you not mine? were you not mine to vow separation only by death to? was i not the one you'd promise to marry after the war?
and as you felt your breath hitch in your throat, the crowd cheered.
and that was it, as they wrapped their arms hungrily around each other, lips meeting, tying their bonds and changing her last name to his. that was the very second you knew he flipped over your chapter and burnt the pages. he rewrote over your stanzas written in fourth year that stretched all the way to the seventh and doused them in kerosene, setting it all ablaze.
and it was at that moment you swore you saw his eyes meet with yours from behind her; serving as a reminder of the distance between the two of you as he stood in the aisle, and you seated on the benches.
that man was no longer yours to call "mine".
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finniestoncrane · 2 months
I’m replaying Arkham knight and I cannot get JOHNNY CHARISMA OFF MY MIND, so if possibly could, could you pretty pretty please write a fic about him, on or off of Joker venom either way!! (but preferably on cause that’ll make things more exciting😋)
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Arkham!Johnny Charisma x GN!Reader, word count: 800 anon i think the first time i saw johnny charisma i had to pause the game he looks like such a complete tool and that is 100% my type lmao so this was fun to write for you!! 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: flirtation, coercion, licking, sniffing, restraints (handcuffs)
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There was something different about the show. For the most part, you could chalk it up to the difference between watching at home and seeing it live. An electricity filled the air of the venue, the screams, the heat, the atmosphere. But that wasn't what was strange. No, it was Johnny that seemed off...
And not even in a way you could complain about. His usual stage persona was there, just tripled in energy and intensity. There was something feral, almost unhinged about the way he was behaving. But a crush is a crush, and regardless of how you felt now, you knew you would regret not following through with your plan.
A well placed bribe and a few good connections could get you anywhere in Gotham, and that included any backstage areas that were usually off limits. So there you stood, a significant amount of money down and owing a favour to the second cousin once removed of your uncle's brother-in-law's colleague's best friend.
"Worth it, though."
You took a deep breath and raised your hand to the door, knocking quietly against it, letting your eyes memorise the star attached to it. His name, Johnny Charisma.
And then, there he was, right there in front of you. Object of your desires, leading man of your fantasies.
Except... it wasn't quite him. You'd prepared yourself for that. No one looked that perfect, makeup, cameras, filters, lights, editing, they all changed someone's appearance. Johnny didn't just look worse though. He looked like a different person. His skin was pale, almost white, his hair taking on a greenish hue that you assumed was due to the overhead lights, and there was a red rash developing on his cheeks and forehead, and the back of his palms.
He was still handsome, though. He was still Johnny Charisma. And after an awkward silence, you managed to stutter out some words.
"I... M-mister... Charisma... I'm a h-huge fan..."
"Well, WHY didn't you SAY so! Come on in!"
In the few moments it took you to close the door, he had shed his shirt and now, as you turned, was standing in front of you, close enough for you to bump into him.
"So, are you here for the same reason as all the other groupies?"
"I'm... I'm not a groupie, I just-"
He took a step foward and leaned in, pushing you back a little.
"Oh come on! When does an opportunity like this come knocking? Are you telling me that you don't want a piece of Johnny?"
He crept forward still, encroaching on your personal space until you were up against the door, nowhere to escape to. It felt so surreal to be there with him, to have him coming on to you. Wrong, in a way. But so strangely right in another. He wasn't how you thought he would be at all, but there was a part of you that actually liked this Johnny Charisma, even if you were raising your hands in an attempt to stave off his advances, just for a second or two until you gathered your thoughts.
But there was no reprieve, not even a split second for you to collect your wits, before his hand was holding your wrists above your head. And with your defenses restrained, he leaned into you, a quick, sharp movement that made your breath hitch, shuddering on the exhale as he sniffed your neck. Protruding from his chapped lips, his tongue pointed firmly, the tip of it dragging along your skin as he increased the pressure in his grip on your wrists. It was tight, almost too tight. A little bit painful, but in a way that had sparked a thrum of excitement in the pit of your stomach.
A knock at the door had the grip loosening, however. Just a little. The interruption from a stage hand, you couldn't quite make out the words as your ears were still defeaned by the rushing of your blood. He pulled his face away from your neckk, giggling as you sighed.
"Aw, disappointed? I don't blame you. I have that affect on people. It's the fame, you know?"
His words distracted you as he reached behind him, producing a pair of handcuffs and clasping one around your wrist, the other to the pipe that was fitted to the wall before you'd even realised what he was doing.
"I gotta go, late night recording. You stay here and look pretty. I want you just as desperate when I get back. You'll be my after-show treat."
Another loud giggle, warping into a laugh that was completely unfamiliar to both you, as a long time fan, and to himself.
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anyseany · 1 year
Hiiiiii May I request threesome couples between Ateez and SKZ?
I don't know if I understood your request correctly, please contact me and let me know if I did the right thing, I don't know if you said trisal between skz and ateez, I mean yaoi, or if you spoke to y/n together. Anyway, here it is, I'll do it again if I did it wrong.
🩰this is my first ask, so excited, hope you like it, took me three days to write and edit, didn't post before because of work, sorry 🩰
words: less than 3k
Hongjoong × Y/n × Bangchan
minors do not interact.
mentions: corruption, explicit sex, nicknames (babe, girl, doll, kitty…etc), polyamory, established relationship, threesome, mentions of other idols, (I don't remember more things)
There you were, leaving your ballet class, and as always the luxurious black car was waiting for you, and smiling like never before, you entered it, spotting chan at the wheel, impartial and serious, but your face lit up when you entered in your sight.
" Babe, how was today? " he asked calmly, watching you close the car door.
"Great, oppa, great! I got that jump I was practicing, you know if I did it I'd be cast in Odette next month! And I did it!" You were radiant, and chan loved to see you happy doing what you like, just like he did.
" My princess is so hardworking. " He stroked her head and her heart warmed completely. "You deserve gifts, love." You smiled sheepishly, putting on your belt and finally getting your hair out of that tight bun.
" I'll call Hong to meet us at the mall. " he said changing the entire course of your normal route.
" Bae, it doesn't have to be today, Hong-oppa had a work to present, right? " You said worried, but chan didn't care much, starting the car after texting her boyfriend and starting the engine.
" And the girls in your class? " chan knew your difficulty with your classmates, they all looked at you the wrong way and you didn't have any friendship, and well, they didn't like you.
"You know, they hated it, they gave me the dirty look, and some complained about being a sidekick, the swans on the lake."
" I'll be in the front row, to applaud you love. " You blushed and felt the weight of words, you had to be perfect. " Did you warn Woony?"
"as soon as I found out I was cast." He nodded.
Woony, or wooyoung, her best friend since high school, one of the only ones who understood and supported her relationship with men.
You didn't take long to enter the mall and the major left dragging you to any store he knew you liked.
You loved getting gifts, but sometimes the older ones took the joke too hard and you felt bad, even though you knew it was one of their forms of love.
"that skirt would look great on you babe." Chan pointed to a light blue plaid skirt, it was really beautiful.
" It's really beautiful. " You said appreciating the fabric.
Little did you know, there was an attendant behind Chan, as succinctly as he asked, picking up any and all pieces you showed interest in. - the purchases would only arrive later, so as not to arouse suspicion.-
"those leg warmers, don't you need new ones?" He said looking at his already worn ones.
"Oh, these are so comfortable, and I'm already attached to them." You said rolling your calf to look at your worn warmers.
Chan agreed, but motioned to the attendant without you seeing, implying that he wanted two pairs of space heaters.
After leaving you seeing Langeris, he claimed to be taking a call from Changbin, and walked around the store talking on the phone, but in fact he went to the cashier to pay for the purchase and delivery.
Chan was a music producer, extremely renowned and well known, so he had a great income. Hongjoong graduated in music production, but you met chan first, through mutual friends, you were taking Korean classes when you met felix, and he introduced you to the class, chan caught your attention right away, it didn't take a few months for you to be leaving and falling for him. When you entered college, you met san and mingi, the three got lost on campus on the first day of class, and finally, after meeting the whole class, you found yourself in love with the music production veteran.
You had never been through something like this, two men similar and at the same time different, Hong had youth in his veins, he took you to the beach at night on his motorcycle, you had that youthful and eternal romance, something that would never end, a romance that would go through everything and everyone.
Chan completed you like a kindred spirit that was born for you. He completed you and made you sigh like no other guy, you wanted to marry him, and you wanted to be the most perfect wife possible.
But they both had a problem -or solution- they had the same, same fetish. Daddy kink, with a dose of pet nicknames and love gifts, as long as you're a good girl.
Sex is a gift, if a guy, calling you princess, girl, honey, love, bebe, babygirl, is a paradise, imagine two fucking guys talking, eating and touching at the same time. You don't have good durability with them, not with the two together. Especially when Hongjoong would make you reach super stimulation and chan would fit that wonderful biceps around his neck or big hand, making you come instantly.
The deal was, a couple like any other but with one more member, no jealousy or "You spent more time with him than with me." The three of them were mature and well-resolved adults, in two years they never had a single fight, except when you were jealous of whores hitting on your men, then you argued with them, it was a torment in the boys' lives. Hong enjoyed it while laughing, and chan always broke up the fight.
" Yes, number 127, seventh floor. " chan confirmed the address of his apartment, and all the attendants stopped to see the strange movement of the handsome man.
"Hyung!" Chan turned around seeing Kim at the door of the store, with a black backpack on one shoulder and with the outfit completely stylish. " Where is she? "
" I'm fine hongjoong, thanks for asking. " chan joked and kim laughed. " I left her at the Langeris cession, but I'm going to call her. Oh, you didn't see anything. " he said while pointing to the cashier, and the smaller one made an ok with his fingers, while both went out to meet him.
" Babe! " You let go of the pink Langeri when you heard Kim's voice, and going towards him, you threw yourself into the man's arms. "Congratulations, love."
"Let's eat to celebrate, shall we?" Chan said and you all nodded.
"Y/n, that miumiu skirt that you want so much to be at home." You just fell off your restaurant chair when you heard that.
" hong, it's too expensive, I said I'd wait for it to come down. " You complained but he shrugged.
" You know it's not a problem. " You sighed and went back to eating.
This conversation had already been broached by you, who had made it more than clear that you didn't want to be benched or floated in gifts from the boys. They understand, but they can't help it, spoiling you is a pleasure for them, and they know you're not that well off.
You work at night, study in the morning and dance in the afternoon. She shares an apartment with two other friends, and before meeting the boys, she only bought new clothes twice a year. This makes them want to take care of you, give you what you can't, you work so hard but earn so little, you deserve to live in as much comfort as possible. That's why they agree to give you things during your birthday period, since it's a plausible excuse, or when you do something they're proud of, so they can use the "You deserve it" tactic.
"It was for your birthday, but since you got the part, I'll buy you something else you want." Hong concluded. He wasn't as well off as chan, but he lived with Seonghwa, worked at a game company as a creator, and didn't earn that badly.
Chan came back humming all the way, kim fiddled with his cell phone and sent audios to mingi. And you looked out the window at the landscape, thinking about how tired you were from the afternoon.
It was already night when you left the bathroom at Bang's house, both of them in the living room waiting for you to do something the trio likes.
"Are we going to watch a movie?" You asked innocently, seeing them on the couch as lazily as possible, not taking long to sit between the two.
"Actually, princess, we wanted to show you something." Hong started by gaining his attention. " we will show you that you must accept everything we have and want to give." His tone of voice wasn't so friendly anymore which made you shiver slightly.
"From now on, it's Daddy. That's if you want to come, of course." Chan spoke getting up and stopping in front of her, smiling "room, now."
You promptly got up and went to the guest room of the place, you could mess up as much as you wanted and you wouldn't be in such a hurry to clean it.
You climbed into the big bed feeling men's gazes burning into you, you feel tiny whenever that happens.
" Look at her, so obedient, and she still thinks she doesn't deserve to win things. " Chan said walking towards you, running his hand through your hair and caressing your face, he didn't beat around the bush as he took his hand over your intimacy of the pink pajamas, making you jump slightly. "So sensitive. And already incredibly wet." He began circular motions as he bent down a bit to look at her face closely. The furrowed brow and slightly open mouth was what he expected to find. " Your little face, fucking baby. " He felt his cock come to life inside his sweatshorts, his hand held the man's wrist, his nails dug into his skin, and the audible moans began to appear. "Already girl? So stupidly weak." He released her pussy in a throbbing fashion, the interrupted near-orgasm made you whimper aloud, watching the man pull away every second.
"Daddy…" you called, but chan just pulled his own shirt off his body and took off his shorts, leaving only his boxers.
" shhhh princess… papa hong is here. " hong spoke in your ear while hugging you from behind, already in the same state as chan. " so beautiful, my sensitive princess. " he said while you rested your torso on his thin chest, kisses down your neck, kim's big hand going towards your breasts over your blouse and caressing them. It didn't take long for you to be without your blouse feeling your nipples being hotly squeezed by the bigger one, making you whimper even more. By the time Kim was sure you were even wetter -reaching down your shorts- you knew what was coming.
" Y/n, here. " Chan said and you felt the other's arms release your body, and quickly you went towards chan who was sitting at one end of the bed. "You already know what to do, don't you? My girl is not only a pretty head, she's smart too." You hit on the compliments, didn't know you were so lacking in them until you met the boys. Chan pulled the dick out of the black fabric, and encouraged you to put it in your mouth. "Fuck…that" he growled when he felt the tip being sucked, and his face reddened with his innocent expression finished him off. "The way we train, love." He encouraged and you took it further into your mouth, returning to the base feeling the man tremble with the movement, your hands holding while you had fun doing it.
You weren't the biggest fan of oral sex, so much so that you didn't know much, but chan made you particularly enjoy doing it on him.
Chan moaned as you swiped just the tip of your tongue like a kitten.
Feeling two other hands on your ass, you lifted yourself up slightly, feeling something between your legs and hong's hands pulling your shorts to the side.
It was inevitable not to moan when the bigger one's tongue hit you full on, if his grooves were on your thighs he licked, if they were concentrated on your pussy he sucked as if it depended on it. You and chan were in sync with the moans, your tears streaming down your face, making you even more adorable.
It wasn't long before the three of them were in bed, chan between your legs sucking you once more in the night and hong giving you his dick to suck while lying down. "You shouldn't look that way while you suck me, that's not something a princess does love." He said raising an eyebrow. " Oh, I forgot that when it comes to dick you become a whore, don't you? " He drew her lips with the tip of his cock and buried himself in her again. " Hyung, I want to fuck her." Hong spoke and you squeezed chan's fingers that were inside you.
Hong switched places with the older one, getting between your legs and pulling you closer. Your broken face and the marks around your neck were charming just like you, but when kim thought about opening the condom you whimpered.
"Daddy, cum in, in!" Hong smiled being accompanied by chan. " inside is it?" You nodded desperately
"The little bitch wants to get full? I bet you drool lasts five minutes." He laughed at you discarding the condom and entered with everything in your intimacy thrusting roughly, surely your belly was already pulling even when chan was eating you, so you wouldn't take long.
"Daddy…" you called, but chan just pulled his own shirt off his body and took off his shorts, leaving only his boxers.
" shhhh princess… papa hong is here. " hong spoke in your ear while hugging you from behind, already in the same state as chan. " so beautiful, my sensitive princess. " he said while you rested your torso on his thin chest, kisses down your neck, kim's big hand going towards your breasts over your blouse and caressing them. It didn't take long for you to be without your blouse feeling your nipples being hotly squeezed by the bigger one, making you whimper even more. By the time Kim was sure you were even wetter -reaching down your shorts- you knew what was coming.
" Y/n, here. " Chan said and you felt the other's arms release your body, and quickly you went towards chan who was sitting at one end of the bed. "You already know what to do, don't you? My girl is not only a pretty head, she's smart too." You hit on the compliments, didn't know you were so lacking in them until you met the boys. Chan pulled the dick out of the black fabric, and encouraged you to put it in your mouth. "Fuck…that" he growled when he felt the tip being sucked, and his face reddened with his innocent expression finished him off. "The way we train, love." He encouraged and you took it further into your mouth, returning to the base feeling the man tremble with the movement, your hands holding while you had fun doing it.
You weren't the biggest fan of oral sex, so much so that you didn't know much, but chan made you particularly enjoy doing it on him.
Chan moaned as you swiped just the tip of your tongue like a kitten.
Feeling two other hands on your ass, you lifted yourself up slightly, feeling something between your legs and hong's hands pulling your shorts to the side.
It was inevitable not to moan when the bigger one's tongue hit you full on, if his grooves were on your thighs he licked, if they were concentrated on your pussy he sucked as if it depended on it. You and chan were in sync with the moans, your tears streaming down your face, making you even more adorable.
It wasn't long before the three of them were in bed, chan between your legs sucking you once more in the night and hong giving you his dick to suck while lying down. "You shouldn't look that way while you suck me, that's not something a princess does love." He said raising an eyebrow. " Oh, I forgot that when it comes to dick you become a whore, don't you? " He drew her lips with the tip of his cock and buried himself in her again. " Hyung, I want to fuck her." Hong spoke and you squeezed chan's fingers that were inside you.
Hong switched places with the older one, getting between your legs and pulling you closer. Your broken face and the marks around your neck were charming just like you, but when kim thought about opening the condom you whimpered.
"Daddy, cum in, in!" Hong smiled being accompanied by chan. " inside is it?" You nodded desperately
"The little bitch wants to get full? I bet you drool lasts five minutes." He laughed at you discarding the condom and entered with everything in your intimacy thrusting roughly, surely your belly was already pulling even when chan was eating you, so you wouldn't take long.
" Pa-papa, more.." you held Hongjoong's arms that squeezed your waist, digging your nails into it. "Didn't I say you couldn't handle love? Why did you insist?" he joked, pretending to be sad.
It doesn't take long for your body to tense and you cum hard over kim. The same didn't stop with the penetration even with his spasms and his clear overstimulation "once again love, why do you have to accept everything, like a good kitten, do you hear?" No, you didn't hear it, in fact it had been a while since your head was just empty, when your insides began to tug more often you had no doubt that you were on your high again. "fuck, the more you come the more you squeeze, such a good kitty." And taking his hand to make circular movements on your clitoris, you reached your orgasm even stronger, feeling Hong come along with you. " Damn baby, so good… you want the whole collection from miumiu? I'll buy the fucking store for you. " chan laughed, listening to the older one burying his face in his neck and filling him with kisses, while sticking all the sperm that thought about coming out of your interior.
" Ah Hong, so you left little to enjoy. " chan pretended to be upset, while he saw the smaller one come out of you and hear you whimpering for being empty. "You know how sensitive she is after her second orgasm."
" Sorry Hyung, it was stronger than me. " kim smiled, putting his underwear back on and leaning down to kiss his lips calmly while whispering several promises of love. " all yours."
Chan got up from the chair he was sitting on and walked towards her. " he's so rough, isn't he love?" You didn't answer, still absorbed in the feeling of relaxation, and chan found it adorable. "don't worry, you know i'm affectionate." He removed her pajama shorts carefully, but left the blouse short, lowering the front and exposing her breasts that he loved so much. " Hmmm, how about some cockwarming after that round of bae?" he asked and you whimpered, this time pulling him close by the chain he wore around his neck. " inside, daddy. " chan couldn't smile more with his words, his little cloudy eyes meant everything to him. " ok, daddy will be inside, don't worry love. " kissing you in the most affectionate way possible " turn over, kitten." Getting off of you, you got up getting on all fours in front of the biggest one, who circled your waist with an arm keeping you in place, after all you couldn't stay because you were limp and without strength. "So love…" chan instructed bringing his torso up pasting his back on his chest, taking his time to fit his penis in you and starting with slow and deep thrusts, making you sigh beautifully, chan's dick extended like never before and it left you completely filled."my doll is tired even to moan, isn't it?" You mumbled a "yes daddy…" which Chan so heard because he was close to your face.
Passing his forearm around your neck, like a lion choke - which didn't squeeze at all, just held you - he started to fuck you harder, making you sway and try to lean on the big biceps wrapped around his neck, your moans came back, and chan vocalizes shamelessly, making you even wetter. Ignoring the youngest who mocked by saying "then ask me to take it easy"
"Daddy" the moan woke chan to realize that you were close, circling his free arm around your waist, he kept the pace, you felt so tiny with him holding you like that, so vulnerable. Turning your face towards him, you can see the clenched jaw, the deep breath and the vein in his neck bulging, but when he turned his attention to you it was the end, just with his steady gaze, you came, shaking strong and squeezing him inside you, chan kissed you smothering his own and your moans as he came together, holding their bodies so they wouldn't collapse.
Some time later, you were clean, in new pajamas, sleeping like never before in the oldest's king size bed, while your two boyfriends stared at you like it was nothing.
"What are you going to do with the gifts?" Hongjoong asked staring at the older one.
"Give some now, some later." He shrugged. " I don't want her to feel uncomfortable. " Kim nodded in agreement. "Oh, why don't you try to take it easy on her? You know, sometimes I want to go hard but I feel sorry that you've already done so much." The youngest smiled guiltily, scratching the back of his neck.
" I can try, but I don't promise much. " chan nodded, accepting that their moments alone are more conducive to this.
But the conversation was interrupted by you, who screeched in agony, not feeling any of the men at your side.
" Daddy!" She called sleepily without even opening her eyes, hearing both men reply in unison "Lie down, now… chan encircle his waist and Hongjoong's legs entwined with his.
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blu-ish · 8 months
Hi! Hope you’re doing well! I was wondering, what advice would you give to someone who’s trying to build the confidence to start posting their art online?
The only thing that’s stopping me is that I over think it too much, to the point where I convince myself out of it (I’m working on it lol). Thank you, I love your style.
I didn't post any of my art online until like, maybe mid 2023 tbh. I'm not a rlly big social media person but I had a friend at a college camp in 2021 (I was still in highschool at this point, but I got into this rlly cool camp where I got to live in the dorms for a week) she looked at my art and told me I should post it on tumblr xD. She was a huge videogame nerd just like me lmao.
Honestly, I was scared, I didn't think my art was all that radical compared to others I've seen online. Or that my ideas rlly mattered since so many other SUPER TALENTED AND AMAZING peeps were already making stuff.
It took me a while to realize that NONE OF THAT MATTERS, I didn't have to sit there and clutched what I loved to do just for myself. (Don't get me wrong, sometimes that's perfectly fine.) But I'm a social person, on a good day lmao, you wouldn't believe how much of an introvert I am.
I realized the only thing stopping me from getting that experience, was myself. I was stopping myself with stupid little doubts and reasons as to why I shouldn't. Instead of why I wanted to. Sure the internet can be fuggin NUTS, but, here on Tumblr dot com. I've never felt HAPPIER to post my art or silly edits and wait for my new friends to see it. For it to INSPIRE someone, for getting to write my thoughts down (like im doing now lmao) and to make others happy. I LOVE that about here.
Art does NOT in ANYWAY need or have to be perfect, it's a piece of yourself, something you sat down and CREATED just because you CAN, because you COULD. You enjoy it and desire to share it, that's reason enough. Don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise, because they are not you, you are.
Create to your hearts content! You have to be your own number one fan before anything after all. Don't let those voices inside your head tell you that your not worthy enough. Because I will personally go in there with a nerf gun and tell them no! LMAO HSJSHSJ ;)
But of course, don't let ME tell ya what to do after all. There's nothing wrong from dipping ur toes in that tumblr water first before you dive in. But you'll never know until you try <3 Just remember that I'm backing u up 100% AND I WILL BE THE FIRST TO RUSH OVER THERE AND SEEING YOUR AMAZING ARTWORK DONT EVEN TEST ME >:)
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softpine · 1 year
holy shit that was incredible 🧎 as usual right after reading one of ur posts i'm craving a LOT of bts info. how did u decide who would be the closest to which until dawn character? were there any choices u went back and forth on? how are u so talented? are there any hidden easter eggs? how do u think their relationships would change in the following months?
the edits are beyond stunning, i've been staring at the portraits for so long and i'm gonna reread the whole thing tmrw in case i missed smtn <3
ahhh thank you!!! i'm so happy you liked it 🥺💖
so the thing is, i'm like. wildly hyperfixating on until dawn right now and i decided to platinum the game, which involves replaying it at least 3 times (in my case it took 6 because i'm bad at gaming lol) so i had a ton of time to think about this AU while i was watching the same unskippable cut-scenes over and over. the first thing i thought was "haha i also have a character named matt who's kind of a pushover" and the rest is history :')
Josh = Finn: i knew i couldn't have an actual josh in this case because none of my characters would do exactly what he did, but the core elements of josh are already in finn: he was wronged by the people in his life he trusted the most, he lashes out when he feels strong emotions, and he's really just scared and lonely underneath it all. so then i thought, what if josh's fake ghost antics were an actual ghost? and who's better for that role than finn? however, his parents are definitely not rich, so the lodge couldn't belong to his family. that's why i decided to make it a larger hunting lodge where all kinds of hunters would come together. also did you notice how i didn't even tell you who killed finn in the AU because no spoilers :P
Sam = Asa: i actually don't care for sam tbh but she's the obvious leader of the group, the level-headed one, the angel on your shoulder. asa can be impulsive at times (especially in regards to finn) but he's still the person i would choose to be at my my side during a crisis. his parents are the only ones with money, so it makes sense for danny to purchase the lodge without visiting it himself. sam is also compassionate to josh and has somewhat of a romantic thing going on with him if you read it that way, so that fits for asa and finn.
Jessica = Elaine: jess (best girl!!!!!) is the first person with the possibility of dying, and her death/injury is the catalyst for multiple characters future decisions, so her equivalent had to be someone who's also strongly connected to numerous others. so elaine is perfect! she's also the only person of my group who i can imagine storming outside in the snow in her underwear to give her friends a piece of her mind fjskjds but she also has enough strength of character & resilience to make it realistic that she might survive so many injuries.
Mike = Austin: this felt like a no-brainer because austin already has knowledge about guns, he's fearless, and if elaine got hurt, austin would go fucking ballistic. he stops caring about his own survival and starts making brash, unwise choices. but that's where the similarities end, because i actually really hate mike and i feel bad comparing austin to him lmao. say what you will about austin, but he would never try to talk his way into having sex with a girl who literally says "i'm just not feeling it". i hate mike 😒
Chris = Stevie: now hear me out!! at first glance you might think stevie would be ashley. they cry a lot, they look to others for guidance, and they even look alike. but stevie strikes me as much more of a chris type, being that chris was never meant to be the hero. he's a goofy nerd who tells jokes when he's nervous and screams his head off any time he has to do something brave. and that's exactly what stevie's role in this AU is. despite her nature, she's making brave decisions for the benefit of her friends. (but this pic did remind me of ashley)
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Matt = Matt: he's kinda just..... here. he cracks some jokes, he can either diffuse or encourage arguments, he plays second fiddle to his girlfriend most of the time. he tries to be the hero but fails miserably. but he has a good heart and he almost never does anything controversial.
Alisa = Ashley: alisa is WAY less outwardly emotional than ashley, but she has the same chaotic, contradictory nature. she cares about people, but she's also capable of coldly letting others die to save herself. she's good at making others feel protective of her even if she doesn't need protecting. she's VERY curious.
Jada = Emily: listen emily just doesn't fit with any of my characters even though i love her so much. but jada does share her determination in the face of fear, her will to survive at any cost, and the way she has the capability to soften up and be really sweet under the right circumstances. they're both much more resourceful and capable than you would initially think. but jada is more likely to follow others' guidance than make plans herself.
other stuff!
for the safe room scene, i thought it would be more interesting if it was the archetypal heroic boyfriend who was bitten and the archetypal damsel in distress who holds his fate in her hands. but there is no way in hell that austin would just sit there and let someone shoot him. when he takes alisa hostage, it almost makes it easier to shoot him; if he were pleading for his life, jada would never pull the trigger, no matter how much alisa told her to. but since he puts himself in the position of the aggressor (the exact thing they feared he would do) it becomes a more believable dilemma. of course, we learn later that the bite is not infectious and austin never would've turned, but none of them know that yet. even austin doesn't know. this scene in the game is extremely horrifying to me so i hope i did it justice in my AU too!
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i said this in the replies too, but: the playthrough i envisioned with the stats and pictures makes these major choices: elaine initially survives the mine, matt dies by the rope, stevie's leg is fine, jada shoots austin (why she's covered in blood in her portrait), jada & alisa die in the explosion, stevie rescues elaine, and finn saves asa!
imagine the lantern is doing this shit the whole time LMAOO
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the swiss army knife in my AU basically has the same function as the flare gun in until dawn. if matt doesn't have it, he'll die. but if emily doesn't have it, she'll only be bitten. but getting the flare gun into the right hands is sooo convoluted so i had to simplify it for our purposes.
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butterfly effects
i didn't include these because i was trying to keep things brief, but here's some of the other ideas i had:
if elaine & austin's relationship drops too low before they arrive at the guest cabin, then elaine won't kiss him and will go outside to look for her phone against his wishes. that's where she would be taken by the creature instead.
if jada and alisa don't find enough clues about finn's disappearance, then they will not recognize finn when they find his remains. this makes finn less likely to protect them later in the night.
if jada shot austin and her relationship with alisa is HIGH, then alisa will give herself injuries on her face to help corroborate their self defense story. if jada shot austin and her relationship with alisa is LOW, then alisa will be fascinated and say "i didn't know you had it in you..." but will not offer to corroborate the story. in both scenarios, alisa will then say she doesn't want to sit around with austin's body. jada will have the option of leaving with alisa or staying inside the safe room. jada can say no (alisa might survive, jada dies), or yes (they both might survive). or if they have a high relationship, she can convince alisa to stay too (they both die).
if matt survives the attack in the mines, then stevie's leg will be injured because she didn't have the knife, meaning she arrives much later to rescue elaine/matt. so if elaine is still alive, matt can find her in the mines and they have a conversation. they will both be impressed by each other's survival, and elaine will feel bad that matt is only in the mines because of her. she asks where austin is, but matt has no idea. then stevie shows up and the rest plays out as described!
after dawn
so obviously their relationships would vary wildly depending on who survives and what choices they made to get there.
in an everyone survives playthrough, austin and elaine would break up soon after the events of the game. if you notice, elaine's perception of austin went down a lot because austin didn't try to save her after she fell down the elevator. she felt abandoned by him when he was the most physically capable & experienced person who could have saved her, but instead it was her injured best friend who never gave up on her. so they're done lol. stevie and matt would break up amicably (for reasons unrelated to the night in question) and remain friends, because how could they not? as for alisa, she doesn't talk to any of them anymore. she was only ever close with jada in the first place, but after jada refused to shoot austin, she lost all trust in her. after finn's remains are found, his spirit is no longer chained to the lodge and he's able to join asa at home. this version of finn is like a normal ghost in that he can appear to anyone he wants. he becomes close friends with all of asa's friends, especially stevie. and then... a few years later... a family called the washingtons purchases the property for their kids (josh, beth, and hannah) to throw parties in. just kidding sjfkjsd sole survivor playthrough: with the outline i laid out, there's actually no way for each of them to be the sole survivor because i had to cut so much out for brevity (i know it doesn't seem like it lol). but it's possible for asa, stevie, elaine, or matt to be sole survivors. the most heartbreaking is probably stevie, who would've had to see matt's decapitated head, heard the lodge blow up with asa, jada, alisa, and austin inside, then watch elaine die right in front of her. so that's super fucked and i don't want to think about that anymore!! asa being the sole survivor makes the most sense logically, because he has finn to protect him for most of it. elaine or matt being the sole survivor would be if one of them dies early in the game and then stevie dies trying to help elaine/matt escape. in any case, i don't think all the therapy in the world could cure that amount of survivor's guilt... everyone dies playthrough: the group become ghosts who haunt the mountain. finn's body is never recovered because no one is alive to report it to the police, so he is never at peace either. danny still owns the property, so he destroys the cable car and builds a giant electrified fence so that, hopefully, no human will ever return to the cursed mountain. i can't even / don't want to imagine how any of their parents would be able to move on after such a tragedy, it makes me genuinely sad to think about :( everybody dies playthroughs are all fun and games until you think about what comes after 😭
ANYWAY THAT'S ALL!! thank you so much for indulging my frankly rabid brain fjskdjs i know i keep saying it, but until dawn is my most confusing obsession because i first played the game in 2015 and i wasn't a fan; i thought the characters were annoying and the gameplay was lacking. but a few months ago i randomly decided to watch a playthrough of the quarry and that made me want to give until dawn another chance, and now...... yeah. idk what happened here but now it's all i can think about lmao. but being able to talk about the game with other people is sooo fun and i'm really happy i did this!! 💖
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gurugirl · 2 years
Halloween / Super Dark - BEWARE
Summary: This one shot contains the edited out parts for the ghost!Harry piece I wrote. It's a sort of behind the scenes with extra bits you didn't get to read the first time. I tried to make this as cohesive as possible so if seems anything feels out of order or is repetitive, just know I tried - these bits were pulled from the original one-shot and this is the result. 2.1k words
A/n & Warning: This is just debauchery and twisted sickness. Please do not read this if you don’t like or are bothered by descriptions of non-con smut, blood, descriptions of murder, sacrificial ritual murder, evil spirits and possession - and generally, I’d suggest not reading at all bc this is super dark and contains all the edited out parts of the Halloween One Shot that I felt were going to be too much for most readers - but for those who asked - good fucking luck 🖤☠️🖤
Note: If you're tagged in this it's because you wanted to be tagged in everything (and/or specifically asked to be tagged in my Halloween one shot) - don't feel obligated to read it or share it if you aren't into this kind of thing. It won't hurt my feelings one bit. Proceed with caution.
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Harry had called on darkness in exchange for eternal life as a spirit of the night, evil and powerful enough to continue bringing harm and terror to people even in death. He didn’t care if that meant he would need to murder himself and his entire family. To spend an eternity as an evil spirit who could manipulate humans and bring their souls with him was to him, the perfect way to spend perpetuity. He just didn’t realize that the catch was that his eternity would be spent in his childhood home. He would not be able to leave the perimeter of the property.
Luckily for him, humans would still come to the house to visit the supposed evil spirits that haunted it. The house was quite the attraction. Especially during Halloween. Sometimes Harry would appear to them before killing them. Other times he’d just stop their hearts or snap their necks to make it clean. Now, if they ventured into the basement, well, that was another thing altogether and Harry wasn’t liable for the way they died at the hands of the vengeful ghosts that lived down there. Most of the time Harry would let them leave. Many people who broke into the house weren’t worth keeping around. Though, it turned out, that murdering a person and capturing their soul to keep in the house with him for all time wasn’t the best way to make friends. None of the spirits really wanted much to do with him. He had to force encounters with them if he wanted company.
It also didn’t help that Harry would occasionally have sex with his victims before killing them, or even after death once their being had turned into a spirit. They rarely consented and this usually just made them retreat further into the shadows. But how else would he get laid if he didn’t force a few people to have sex with him? He always tried to make sure they enjoyed it at least. But he did love the struggle. Humans tended to be easier to coerce than ghosts.
Harry just didn’t care. When Harry was alive, he was obsessed with murder, the dead, demonic sacrifice, sexual deviancy, and he longed to live forever. Ever since he was young there was something wrong with him. His parents couldn’t understand why he was so different from his sister and brother but Harry thinks it’s just because he was born evil. Which is why his pact with Angra was his logical next step. Angra is like the Holy Spirit, but opposite. The evil version of the Holy Spirit that would answer the call of those wanting to be filled with his presence.
Harry had killed countless stray animals and murdered four people before finally killing his family and himself on the morning of Halloween 54 years earlier. The murdering of his family and himself was a sacrifice to Angra in exchange for his eternal life. And Angra gave him exactly what he wanted, well, except for the part where he was bound to his home. But it wasn’t so bad. Harry still got what he wanted. Plenty of humans came his way with whom he could do as he pleased.
However, Harry did become lonely. He longed for a little companionship. Someone who wouldn’t be able to hide from him. Someone that would be his. So he began the ritual of calling on an eternal mate. He didn’t know who Angra would choose for him but he knew to trust Angra no matter what.
And when she arrived to his home the evening before Halloween it was perfect. Harry knew she was the one Angra had sent. A beautiful young woman, someone who would be dearly missed by loved ones. She was perfect.
He watched her look around the house, set up a small area to sit and perhaps sleep the night. He stood behind her as she took a picture of herself. He found it curious that she snacked on crackers and read a book. Normally people entering the house would search through everything until they got spooked enough to leave. Usually they were free to go but often enough Harry would take their life, or lure them into his bed and then take their life.
But she sat on cushions and read a book on the eve of Halloween. A curious girl, he thought. And when she pulled out her dildo (which she sadly never got to use that night) and turned on a porno he felt himself draw closer. She was more than perfect. Coming to a haunted house to masturbate, when most would already be running for the hills (or try to).
He watched her remove her pants and listened to her soft moans and when she removed her panties Harry could no longer wait to make contact.
When he appeared in his physical form, startling her, he noted right away her hesitance to run away from him. She waited a moment longer than was normal. She found him alluring as well and Harry was so excited to get her into his bed and make her his for all time.
The chase was more for Harry’s amusement than anything. He enjoyed watching her struggle and the fear that poured out of her essence fed his spirit and he was able to use that to take control of her. She wasn’t that hard. She didn’t put up much of a fight if he’s honest. And the way she so easily let him put his tongue on her pussy made him even stronger. Her humanity was slowly seeping away and his spirit dined on hers. The more he drank her down, the more her life force slipped into the ether.
The ritual of creating an eternal mate consisted of more than just murder. It was required that the ghost come inside of her during sex. That the death of the sacrifice happen on the anniversary of his own death.
The spirit would need the blood of the sacrifice in his system and then as the sacrifice was breathing her last breath, his essence would be released into hers. He bit her twice and ingested her blood, once on the neck and once on her labia. After her death he used the broken skin on her neck to drink more and to secure her strength into his soul.
The blood of the sacrifice would enter the spirit’s ghostly body and allow the ritual to commence. She had no choice. He had called to her. He didn’t know who Angra would choose, but he was quite happy with the selection.
She was soft and warm. Her throat was delicate around his thick cock and he held himself back from choking her to death on his length. He knew he needed to follow protocol so he had to pull her off of him before he got carried away. Maybe he'd try that with a different human another time, one that would be fed to the spirits below the house after he was done.
And when he finally impaled the tender flesh of her cunt with his engorged cock he knew she was his then. His purposeful plunge was sharp and painful. He needed his cockhead to get as deep inside of her as possible. He wanted to punch into her cervix and damage her insides. But just a little. Only because he was absolutely depraved and loved the idea of fucking her as she was in pain but also making her moan with the feel of his cock splitting her down the middle and bruising her insides.
And she liked it, so he went harder and increased the pressure on her neck. Her lovely cries and attempts at gasps for air made him smile. She couldn't get enough oxygen to her lungs but it only intensified her pleasure. Sure she felt the ache and they way her insides were being wrecked and torn, but she was going to come around his big dick because he was rubbing into everything inside of her walls that mattered, stuffing her full of himself, all the while, pressing into her clit at each stiff thrust.
Her slick walls were coating his long dick and when he backed away just enough to get a look at himself submerging into her he saw the blood from her labia, and probably blood from her insides getting rearranged. He was large, and especially as a ghost he could outdo any living being in size and stamina. He dipped back in and grunted at the sight of her pussy lips parting, red and swollen, aching, dripping. The sound of slick around his dick and the creak of the old box spring underneath could be heard throughout the house.
When she began to clench around him and tremble, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her lips had began to turn purple from the lack of oxygen and she came around his dick in a gushing burst. She couldn't cry out or moan like she normally would from such an intense orgasm, not with Harry choking her, crushing her throat. But she cracked a smile as her mouth hung open in ecstasy. She was done for.
Harry moaned at the feeling of his cock getting squeezed as she pulsed in her orgasm. Her tight hole getting utterly destroyed by his cock hammering away into her. And when she stilled as her life began to falter, he could no longer hold back from pouring himself into her. The time had come.
When he released himself into her as he held her down by the neck and drew her life into his being she rattled and grunted her last breath just as her orgasm was completed.
And now she was his. She would wake in her new form and be confused at first, which was normal, but this time, she would realize she belonged to him and she’d make a good companion.
As was always the case after taking a human’s life, there was the obligatory cleanup. The basement was where all the human remains and leftover items were hidden. Behind a damp wall, in the dark, so the other spirits could nourish themselves on human flesh. It would only take a few days, but all that would be left of her would be bones and hair.
The dark, bricked basement was a place of chaos. Harry didn’t need to worry for himself going down there. Spirits would flee once they realized he was descending the stairs. They’d hide in walls and corners, behind beams and columns. It was the living that needed to be concerned.
Sometimes a person would sneak into the house and make the unfortunate decision to go into the basement. Harry could not be responsible for what happened to any being that chose to go down there. He let them do as they pleased in the basement, as a way to have some control, seeing that the whole house was Harry’s domain. The souls he took over the years had little say or freewill, except when it came to haunting the basement. A soul that was brutally murdered in life tends to be very angry in death. So the sprits that dwelled below the house were out for revenge. Destruction.
Putting her lifeless body into the wall, Harry turned to see only a few souls peeking out of their hiding spots, “Her body is all yours. Her soul is mine, though, and she’ll be with me on the upper levels once she is reborn.”
Harry set up her pallet and placed her necklace down on the spot he found her. Now it would only take a day for her spirit to come back to him. He couldn’t wait for her to be his once and for all.
Waking up, she felt off. Felt a bit spacy. The house looked different to her but her rational sense told her that she was just waking from a deep sleep. Her attempt to leave the house was unsuccessful. She immediately looked for another way to leave but deep down she knew something else was at play. And when she saw him her spirit knew she belonged to him.
She was a ghost like him. A spirit that would dwell in this house for eternity, bonded to Harry and forever his companion. Her sudden trust and understanding went beyond her own logic. But she accepted her fate to be with the man who called for her soul and desired her presence with him. The pair sunk into the shadows of the house together and haunted the living that came into their domain. Y/n and Harry would now work as a team and anyone that entered would be lucky to exit with their life.
If you made it this far and enjoyed - you're a trooper. Thank you for sticking with it. Happy Halloween!
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nedjemetsenen · 11 months
Why do Fanfic writers generally hate “constructive” criticism?
This is a topic that comes across my dash a couple times a month, but those posts generally focus on how unsolicited criticism is rude. Today, I wanted to take a moment to talk about the ways that it’s also generally useless even if you’re trying to be helpful. To do this, I will be using examples from my own comment section, but please do not seek those comments out. This post is about informing, not about creating a hate mob.
Issue One: You don't know if your criticism is already known
No story is perfect. There will always be flaws. Sometimes you find a flaw that the author can improve on. Sometimes you pick up on something that the author accepted as a flaw during the writing process for whatever reason. It may have been because they're writing for fun. It may have been because they liked the flawed version of the story better than the story without the flaw. It may be because they genuinely didn't know how to fix it, but still wanted to tell the story flaw and all.
To give an example of this, here’s an excerpt from a truly lovely comment where the person also tried to give some helpful feedback:
you did a fantastic job with the characters you altered to fit the story. They were mostly rounded and felt like whole people instead of cardboard cut-outs. However, this made the characters that you didn't change feel very flat. [List of characters] often felt like window dressing, like they were included solely because they were part of the original show.
This is exactly why those characters showed up in that fic and the issue of them being window dressing isn’t something that I introduced. It’s a flaw in the original work. To fix this issue, I would have cut these characters or merged them into one character. But this wasn’t original fiction. It was fanfiction, so I decided to sacrifice quality for the sake of honoring the source as it felt wrong to remove these guys when they’re a classic part of the roster. I also actively chose to not develop them more as it would have killed the pacing and added nothing to the story I was trying to tell. There are characters that I arguably should have given more screen time to in that fic, but these were not those characters.
Issue Two: Timeliness
Unless the story is newly published, you have no idea if your criticism is still useful. Even if it is newly published, how long has the fic been going for? Are you critiquing a chapter from 3 years ago or last week? Unless it’s the latest chapter, you don’t know. Even if it is the latest chapter, you don’t know when it was written. Sometimes people find an old work of theirs and just post it without editing because they don’t want to edit and they know people will enjoy the story as-is. Sometimes people write the whole fic and then post it week by week while they work on the next one.
I recently had someone ask me for some feedback on a section of dialogue and I pointed out an area for potential improvement. The person who asked for the feedback has read some of my stuff and pointed out that I’d used a similar technique in a fic and they were absolutely correct. I had. But the fic was a few years old and I simply haven’t yet taken the time to go back and edit all 100k+ of it. I write at least a quarter of a million words every year and that means that I’m always learning. It’s incredibly rare for me to reread an old piece of mine without finding something to edit. It won’t always be something major, but it’s there. Waiting. Taunting me.
Along similar lines, if you're pointing out a flaw that's specific to the story, I'm not sure what you're expecting to happen next. While some writers go back and edit old works (I certainly have), a lot of writers consider older works done and prefer to focus on new ones.
Issue Three: Most people are shockingly bad at giving good constructive criticism.
Constructive criticism is a skill that you have to learn and practice. It’s also genuinely difficult to learn as it's the difference between helping a person tell the story that you want to read and helping them tell the best version of the story that they want to tell. The first is not good crit, but it is the crit that most people give.
There are times when I’ll beta for a fic and think “that character would never do that”, but that’s terrible feedback because I’m imposing my version of the character over the author’s take on the character and they’re not trying to tell a story with my headcanons. They’re using theirs and my job as an editor/beta is to accept that and help them tell their story as best they can.
I've also been given feedback like this. Here’s an excerpt from a comment where someone pointed out something that they didn’t like in one of my fics:
it's cute to see him like this once in a while but he's a grown man and "adorable" feels a little out of place in this situation
This is utterly useless feedback and I will die on that hill. In my opinion, I wrote this character perfectly because this is how I see him. It’s my headcanon and the version of him that you'll see in all of my fics. What’s funny is that I actually think that I got the female lead in this story a bit wrong. I should have toned her down, but this was early in my journey to learn these characters and then we’re back to issue two.
Final Thoughts
If an author asks for constructive criticism, then absolutely feel free to give it to them, but if you've ever wondered why most authors don't, the above is probably why. It's why I only welcome grammatical corrections and historical/cultural accuracy corrections on my own fics. Those are the only comments that I've ever found useful.
There are times when I seek out other types of feedback. I just don't get it from random readers after the story is already published. I get it from select individuals during the writing process and that's the feedback process favored by most writers as it's the one that's most likely to lead to improvement.
If you ever come across a fic that you love, but you feel like it could use an editor, my advice is to leave a comment saying how much you love the story and then offer to beta read (the fandom word for an editor. No I don't know why fandom has a different definition for that word than the definition used in the publishing industry. It just is what it is.) And if you don't want to take the time to beta for someone, that's okay! But if you don't want to make the massive time commitment to truly help the person improve, then maybe don't give unsolicited feedback that's more likely to make them stop writing altogether? I promise you, that person will improve on their own just by writing more. I certainly did! If you read the fanfic that I wrote when I was 13, you'd be shocked by how bad it is compared to my current stuff.
I personally consider that fact a source of pride.
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summercourtship · 7 months
Um… hi Kyra! Be prepared bcs this will be a long one…
So, I finished KCU about four months ago, and let me just say that I think it’s a masterpiece, everything about it is perfect, one part in particular that I loved was how relatable the reader was (Believe it when I say it, it is HARD to do that, especially when you don’t know WHO is reading) I could definitely see myself doing exactly what she was doing! I loved how possessive Kylo Ren was and how he as also extremely conflicted about the reader herself, you managed to portray his turmoil really well! A part that BROKE me was when Leia was talking about how he got his soulmate phrase… Damn… you’re telling me this kid, that already thought of himself as a monster, was super happy that he HAD a soulmate, because that was a confirmation that he could be good and be loved unconditionally by someone, only to have his hopes CRUSHED when HIS MOTHER read to him what it said???!!!! DAAAANNGGG GIRL!!! You woke up and chose violence!!!!
But anyway, let’s get to the point that I wanted to get… ahem… if you’re comfortable… AND ONLY IF YOU’RE COMFORTABLE… (if not, ignore this part all together) I wanted to know if you have plans to continue it, i have been searching in your profile (stalking) for a reason why you stopped(not that i am obligated to have one!!) and the only thing i could find was that you stoped writing for KCU was bcs you felt that people wanted to end in a certain way and you didn’t (I could be wrong btw it has been a long time since I saw it) and that’s so sad! BUT I am really happy with the chapters we have! I love re-reading them! In the end you should put yourself first, if it’s not making you happy then you should not stress about it!
Also… if you don’t have any plans for it… I think it would be really cool if showed some BTS! I saw the other ask saying the same thing about STBOTDI (amazing fic btw) and i thought “hey it would be pretty neat if she did it for KCU too!” so if you’re feeling generous, feed this starving woman?
Anyway! thanks for listening to my rant! Thats all Folks
oh, kingdom come undone, my beloved. thank you so much for your kind words- it's been a while since I've looked back on KCU. I'm pretty sure I cackled when planning the part with Kylo's soulmark and the revelation about how it appeared because it's so sad lmao.
I do have plans to continue it, eventually. I want to go back and edit earlier chapters (and truly EDIT them, like overhaul level of editing) because I want to put it back on track to the vision I had for it originally. A big part of why I kinda fell out of love with writing it is because I felt like there was going to be a lot of people upset that I didn't make "Ben Solo" happen because fuck that shit, I like Kylo Ren bc he's a piece of shit who is sad sometimes not because he's an uwu soft baby who made a lil mistake.
But also, I started writing it in a really hard time- I had been dealing with extreme isolation due to both COVID and some things that happened with my friend group that ended up separating me from them (I had my family and I'm very grateful but there were months before I returned home from my college apartment because I wanted to be independent and believed it wasn't that bad and ended up just... not coping well with that, I'm afraid). I started planning KCU when I was in Pennsylvania for my grandmother's funeral and was writing it while dealing with extreme anxiety and depression combined with the struggles of being on different medications. So, while I do hold KCU in my heart and I love it, I do view it as a time capsule and know that I was writing it to distract myself from and cope with the shit I was dealing with. All of that makes it hard for me to go back to it because it feels very vulnerable, even if it doesn't come through in the text. I don't know if that makes sense.
BUT yes, I would love to one day go back, give it some TLC, and finally finish it for you all. I don't know if I have any BTS I could share right now because I really want to sit down with it and fix it, but once I'm comfortable with the state it is in, I will share.
Thank you so much. <3
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charlewiss · 2 years
dare / mick schumacher
characters: mick schumacher x reader
summary: he has had a crush on you for the longest time. what happens when someone dares him to do something about it?
word count: 957 words.
warnings: not proofread. also just the cutest shy mick. the text that's in italic it's supposed to be said in french (?
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(gif by @userhamilton)
even though the challenge was relatively easy to explain (after all, they just had to taste different kitcats and guess the flavours), it was getting progressively harder to keep focus when a certain german boy was looking at you with the most attentive eyes you've ever seen.
you had been working with haas for a few months now, as part of the social media team. your job was to create new fun challenges for the youtube channel that could show the personalities of the drivers while also maintain them entertained during the free time they sporadically had at the race weekends.
but since you came to the first race of the season, you just couldn't keep your eyes away from mick. you knew that it was wrong, so you never dared to say or do anything about it. just keep your safe distance and try to not blush every time his ocean blue eyes stared directly into your caramel brown ones. which, today, was proving to be harder than you expected.
'so, just eat it and say what flavor they are?' kevin asked, already seated in his place while putting away his phone. 'while blindfolded' you replied, handing them both the black piece of cloth. with mick's help, kevin put on the mask. when he had finished, the blonde boy shifted his gaze to you, and raised his eyebrows while signaling at the small piece on his hand. 'can you help me?'
you made your way towards him, and standing behind his back, helped him tie the mask. you tried to ignore how red mick got when you accidentally caressed his hair when you had secured the mask in its place. his demeanor changed almost immediately, but there was no time to ask questions, as the camera started rolling.
it was a couple of hours later, and you were in the little cafeteria that was placed inside the hospitality, working to get the video done to post it the next day. it was getting kinda late so everybody that had finished their tasks for the day was leaving, but you still needed to check the last part of the footage and edit it correctly.
mick was outside with esteban, his best friend at alpine, with whom he did the track walks every race weekend. the two of them approached the door, with the french boy about to leave before nodding at you and asking mick. 'you still haven't asked her out?'. the blonde one could feel his cheeks reddening instantly. 'what are you talking about?'
esteban laughed. he couldn't believe that his best friend thought he was being discreet. 'i don't know, maybe about your crush with the new media girl? you've been throwing puppy love eyes at her since the season started'.
they were used to switch between french and english without a problem, but they didn't notice that kevin was right behind them, and the piece of information reached his ears in the perfect language for him to understand. 'oh, you're talking about y/n?' he said, now making his presence known. mick's eyes widened instantly, and he felt like if looks could kill, his best friend would be dead on the floor. 'he wouldn't dare to tell her anything. hell, i don't think he's even capable of speaking to her' kevin joked, which made esteban laugh. the german boy couldn't believe that they were laughing at his face and his cheeks reddened again, now accompanied with a frown.
'i've talked to her before. I just don't want to bother her when she's busy' he said angrily, while peeping with his eyes inside the hospitality to see you looking at the notebook screen frustrated. it had been hours since you started editing and you were growing tired.
kevin and esteban noticed his lingering stare instantly, and smiled at eachother. 'i dare you to buy her a coffee' said his teammate, and mick's eyes returned to the two guys in front of him. 'i think she would gladly appreciate it' esteban added, and then he left, rather fast, to avoid being punched by his friend. but kevin stayed, and his smirk was only growing with the passing seconds. 'i knew you wouldn't dare'.
'watch me' said mick, and regretted it instantly when he crossed the doors and entered the hospitality. of course, the german wasn't one to be scared of anything, and being the competitive guy that he was, he just couldn't refuse the challenge. but he did it without giving it a second thought, and now was in too deep to go back. would you prefer coffee or tea? what was your order? would you think he was awkward?
so he went with something he was sure you would like: a rather simple vainilla latte and a cookie. of course, he asked for the same for him, and once the order was done, he made a beeline to your table.
'hey, sorry to bother, saw you were working for a while and thought that you may need something to eat' mick said, and even though normally he wasn't a shy guy, you noticed that he was acting quiet and avoiding your stare. 'not bothering at all. thank you! you can sit here if you like'. he nodded and proceeded to sit next to you, sipping his coffee.
you two sat there and talked until the video was finally exported and ready to upload. after watching it again to be sure that it was good to go, and laughing about the different faces that mick did when he didn't like a certain flavour, you scheduled it to be posted at the right time.
it was getting late, so mick offered to take you back to the hotel. after all, you two were staying at the same place, just different floors. while you two were walking side by side to his car, you didn't notice the driver watching you from afar, smiling. 'just took a stupid dare' said kevin laughing to himself.
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galacticexevt · 10 months
OC Prompt/Ask
Hi guys! I have another short writing piece to share with you all! I am so proud how this one turned out. I enjoyed writing this so much that I decided to make another version in a different POV. I should be able to share that one within the next week or so as I still need to make a few edits and corrections.
Just as a small heads up, this mini story alludes to chapter three of Galactic's lore- which is still a work in progress. There might be a few spoilers or a couple of things that might be a little confusing without context. Hopefully, this should still be an easy read and make sense within the prompt itself. Prompt: Who was/is your OC's first enemy? What was/is that relationship like? Do they still consider that person an enemy? Or have they moved past that? (Galactic regarding Bishop)
Uhm, I think I might have to give that award to Bishop. She and I don't go around holdin' hands, frolicking through flowers and making friendship bracelets. Nah, nah, nah; it's that on-sight, anywhere and everywhere kinda of relationship. 
So, lemme back it up a bit; this all started with me fallin' for one of Maelstrom's traps set up by Bishop. Honestly, I should've seen it comin'; it was a pretty...blatant setup thinkin' back on it; be we don't talk about my terrible perception, Kohren still gives me shit for it. 
It was just supposed to be a simple shipment heist, nothin' I ain't familiar with. Just grab the goods and bounce back to Kohren's shop. Easy peasy, right? Wrong. When I arrived at the shipment site, the next thing I knew, I was surrounded by at least twelve armed mercs, and a buncha red dots were aimed at my body. 
No biggie, I've dealt with Maelstrom's mercenaries before when I pulled off smaller heists, and they usually aren't hell-bent on catching just one person; more like they don't get paid enough to do so. Anyways, they typically aren't hard to take down; most of them don't know how to operate their own weapons- poor fuckers. So, you'd think this fight would go off without a hitch, right? Wrong again!
I don't know if they sent out some new special forces or some shit, but these guys were armed to the teeth. They had weaponry that I had never seen before- and should know what kinda weapons they have! I steal them all the time! And don't get me started on their armor. My funky-fun-gun was no match for it. Not even halfway into the ambush, the power cells in my gun ran out, and Kohren hates it when I use my more...volatile methods of fighting, but in my defense, I was being ganged up on by Maelstrom merc's! I had no other choice! 
And besides, it was a solo mission; what a perfect excuse to let off some steam without the old man baggerin' me. So ya boy let loose, and oh fuck was it a rush, alright. I finally got to break out the new explosives I have been fucking with, and while they are definitely still in the testing phase, I also didn't bother labeling which is which, so each time one went off, it was like a bit of surprise gift for me and those poor Maelstrom mercs. 
I was damn near able to grab the shipment and make my way out until I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck. A dart. A mother-fucking dart. It felt like I got a direct injection of the most potent drugs in the slums; I swear to fucking god, everything was moving in slow motion. I tried to kick on my hover shoes, but it felt like there were weights tied to me, and I couldn't get them to kick start. In a damn near shroom-induced state, I threw one last grenade I had in my jacket pocket...and...the last thing I remember hearing was a blood-curdling scream. And the last thing I felt was another dart in my side. 
I had no fucking clue how long I had been out, but when I woke up, it felt like I got resurrected from the dead; I had cold sweats in places I never knew could sweat. And I was greeted with the most angry-lookin' women I've ever seen in my whole 200 years of existence. She was coated with blood and nasty gashes; judging by the singed Maelstrom uniform, she must've been one of the lucky motherfuckers who survived the fight...and definitely wasn't happy to see my face, but she was more than happy to take her aggression out on it. 
She...she straight up tortured me- for what felt like fuckin' hours. That woman packs a severe punch- I swear I didn't have a snoring problem until her fist had VIP access to my nose. She damn near beat me 'till I turned purple; shit was brutal. But it didn't stop there; she had some of her science nerds whip up some kinda injection, and whatever it was...fucked my body up. It felt like I was burning from the inside out, I was coughing up blood, and my mouth was fucking foaming...just...awful...fucking awful...
Kohren managed to track down my current location, usin' one of his funky lil' drones, knocked out the building's primary power source, and blew up an exit for me. Despite being beaten to a pulp, I managed to get my lick back on her. I wasn't about to leave the scene, not having the last laugh. 
Despite being drugged to hell and back, I managed to knock her out to make my escape. She was already pretty banged up from the earlier fight, and her murderous adrenaline rush ran out. 
I reckon the takeaway from all of this is that we both struck a deep nerve within each other. I took the lives of some of Bishop's colleagues...she is within her right to want me dead. And the fucking torture she put me through...I wish the same upon her, too, I suppose...  
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
This week's episode of the Mandalorian was really good. I kinda loved all of it. And I shall rant about it ad nauseam beneath the cut.
I loved the political nightmare that is Plazir-15 and it's a seemingly egalitarian and rarified society that is quite literally run on the backs of droids near enough to slave labor to be moralistically icky. And where apparently all the people who actually do all the work are sorta relegated to the underworld or out of sight which....that's a lot to unpack. Droids might not be 'slaves' but with the threat of literal destruction unless they work for the humans and do all the heavy lifting like their continued existence some kind of reward is.... -chef kiss- I'm also going to link to one of my FAVORITE Pop Culture Detective episodes about Star Wars droids and the inherent tragedy of them. I am not kidding when I say this one video completely changed my worldview on droids in Star Wars. Watch it here. Though really, all of their videos are insightful and interesting. You could not go wrong with any of their videos.
And the whole idle rich thing was about as subtle as a punch to the face but I loved it and the continued tension between Lizzo and Jack Blacks' characters. They are like that seemingly happy couple who puts on a good face when in public but behind closed doors, it's a shitshow. All the subtle digs they made at one another, I can't not believe that wasn't deliberate. So yeah they live in this bright and colorful seemingly perfect egalitarian society where no one has to work because their droid slave labor does all the hard work for them. And they can just while away their days doing whatever it is that the idle rich do. It definitely reads like an experimental poly-sci project that went horribly wrong and somehow morphed into an entire society. And since it's Bryce Dallas Howard I am 100% certain all of it was deliberate because she is a smart cookie and makes thoughtful and very deliberate choices in how she approaches her projects.
So yeah that was delightful.
EDIT: Also I love that I'm seeing completely different takes on Lizzo and Jack Black's characters and people are in love with them being the ooey-gooey lovebirds living in marital bliss. Which is completely valid and I can totally get behind that thinking as well. I love how people in this fandom can come up with a dozen different takes on one piece of canon and they can be so disparate. So yeah, feel free to change my mind on that couple, I'm down.
I just know Star Wars and happily ever after pairings are....yeaaaah not a thing for the most part. Thus my rather cynical take on things.
Uhhhh Axe Woves was very much giving me Jaster vibes at the beginning of the episode and I was so there for it at first. Though they kinda crash landed his character by having him go all only warriors of pure blood are allowed in my clique. Because Mandalorians have a GIANT tradition of adopting non-Mandalorians across ALL CANON. Both Legends and new canon.
Foundlings have been a huge part of their society pretty much since Mandalorians started getting canon so that was such a dissonate brown note for me. Also definitely felt very Death Watch-y and like he might as well have been Pre Vizsla pontificating.
So yeah, didn't love that. I did love that he and Bo threw down hard and that yes he will not hold back because she is a woman. Mandalorians respecting that women are just as capable as men and all genders are equal is what makes them so cool. I love that their very language is gender-neutral.
Of course, it kinda makes the fact that they have like gendered helmet styles for men and women a little weird in my book and I kinda lowkey hate that even though I know it's just for the aesthetics and it's not that deep. But I still hate it. LOL
The continued adventures of Din and Bo-Katan are fun, I enjoy they have vastly different worldviews and approach things from such different angles. Din with his suddenly remembered hate boner for droids was a little odd considering he was advocating for getting his bestie droid IG repaired and brought back online. Also did they COMPLETELY just forget about that entire plot point?
I mean I guess it could be viewed as Separatist droids malfunctioning triggering his childhood trauma and that's why he's suddenly back on the anti-droid wagon but it definitely felt very inconsistent with his character.
I know some people are shipping the hell out of Din and Bo-Katan, and I can totally see their POV. So this episode they feasted well and I'm happy for them. I'm kinda meh on the pairing myself but I would not turn down a good fanfic or fanart if it came across my path.
I also hope some glorious writer makes a 90K manifesto of Bo-Katan/Axe Woves, the trusted lieutenant turned bitter enemy because he thought he knew better than Bo with lots of streamy hate sex and other things. Cause I can definitely see that as well.
Even though I am still lowkey in the arguments can be made Bo is a lesbian and or bisexual and a hell of a wlw hot bisexual mess camp myself. Yes, she was with Pre Vizsla but if that work of a man isn't enough to make anyone swear off the entire gender, I don't know what to tell you.
I also kinda disliked the rather lazy-ass way they have Din hand over the darksaber to Bo. Like she earned it cause she got the drop on the person who got the drop on Din? Uhhhh okay. Maybe I, like the rest of us, was just excited for a Din goes through his Mand'alor arc and now feel cheated at such a lazy hand-wavey way they side-stepped that whole plot.
Though I can totally see him being all 'nope skip' to the idea of power. He just wants to bum around the galaxy with his Jedi son and who the fuck would WANT to try and run herd on a bunch of Mandalorians.? The most hard-headed, stubborn people perhaps in the galaxy who are prone to just splintering off and saying 'fuck you I'm taking my toys and going home' at the first sign of conflict.
Yeah Din is definitely too smart to want to get caught up in that goat fuck rodeo and would very much be all "'Nope, SKIP, fuck this shit I'm out"
I still don't think Bo-Katan has any right or ability to wield the darksaber or lead Mandalore is the problem. My trash queen has legitimately screwed that pooch what? Three times?
One last thing I will rant about.
If they can cast Christopher Lloyd as a geriatric Separatist sympathizer then gods damnit you can give us Fenn Rau.
Okay I had a lot of thoughts and feelings about this week's episode. Sorry not sorry.
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sennqu · 2 years
Mike's Cali Storyline Retrospective
"And I feel like maybe I was worrying too much about El, and I don't know, maybe I feel like I lost you or something."
foreshadowing for Mike's arc in S4
a.k.a I think Byler Tumblr has been interpreting Mike's actions so completely wrong in Vol. 1 and that is why we were blindsided by his monologue and I'm going to explain exactly how
a.a.k.a Mike isn't suffering from "internalized homophobia". What he is suffering from is a simple case of "warm of heart, but dumb of ass"
Alright. I think!! I have enough pieces to finally explain why Mike's monologue makes sense, why it is the natural culmination of his arc, and what this exposes about how he truly thinks and feels. (spoiler alert: he's not in love with El; he just thinks he is)
This post is going to include a Lot of Links. Mostly because this analysis has been a piecemeal work in the making as I stumble into epiphanies about our favorite puzzle box Michael Wheeler. The Links are going to be Underlined like so: This link for example links to how I think Mike felt about Will before leaving for Cali. Summary: Because El wrote a lot and Will called so little, Mike thought that if he felt like he missed his best friend more than his girlfriend, it's just because they had less contact.
Second, I am going to have to link you to my separate Mike analysis post concerning his behavior in the airport and the roller rink. It's very long but worth the read imo. I worked very hard on it. but if tl;dr: Mike was worrying that Will pulled away from him but believes his worries are founded on platonic grounds. (spoiler alert: it isn't)
Now, onto the main part of what Byler Tumblr got wrong: the junkyard heart to heart.
I believe that Mike wasn't -- at least not consciously -- thinking of himself (edit: himself and Will) during this conversation as a lot of byler shippers were interpreting. He was thinking of El and came away from this heart to heart believing that she sincerely wanted to get her powers back.
You remember how his and El's fight ended? He told her she was a superhero and El told him, "not anymore." Then El gets intercepted by Owen's team and decides to go to the Nina Base alone. She then writes Mike, "I am going to become a superhero again. From El".
Mike has been worrying about El's words since their fight and came away with the wrong conclusion.
He thinks that El wants to be a superhero. To Mike, El wasn't sad he couldn't say ILY to her as a regular girl. El was sad that Mike couldn't say ILY because she thought that deep inside Mike thought she was a monster. And because Mike loves El the Superhero, this makes perfect sense to him and explains away all of El's behavior.
And you know what? Mike could have very well been right about this take before El went to Nina Base. But El came out of her journey understanding that superheros and monsters are myths. She came out of her journey knowing she wasn't a superhero (or a monster). What she was was a girl who happened to have powers and a huge amount responsibility she didn't ask for but needed to claim anyway. Because she had to.
But Mike has no way of knowing that or even begin understanding that. That is why his anxieties in the van were about just being that lame nerd who found Superman on his doorstep. That is why his monologue is so centered on El's superheroism because that is what he believes she was asking from him.
quick edit: it's also highly likely that the truth Mike didn't want to tell El was that he was afraid she wasn't going to need him anymore
He believes that the thing he couldn't explain to her was that he did love her (as a superhero) but that it made him feel unnecessary and unneeded. that if El just truly realized she was a superhero, she wouldn't need him anymore. Will's words in the van got through to Mike because he wanted to think that maybe El needed him around after all (spoiler alert: she does not, not in the way he thinks) (sidenote: after the van scene, i'm pretty sure Mike now thinks that the painting Will brought to the airport was supposed to be a surprise gift from El (and Will) that they were going to give to him at the roller rink before all the chaos. He probably thinks now that Will was just trying to keep it a secret)
Mike's monologue is the natural conclusion of what he was going through in his arc. And El's arc was learning that, essentially, what Mike and she believed about herself was wrong.
Mike ends S4 not knowing he isn't loving El the way she needs to be loved. El ends S4 realizing this too. That is why she isn't talking to him in the timeskip; that is why she is standing alone. That is why I believe she is going to break up with him in S5.
And why is this a good thing for byler? I'm glad you asked! Here is another link to a post where I posit that Mike's obliviousness to Will's feelings is a good thing and is why I think this means definite endgame Byler is on the horizon.
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