#i didnt check in which houses his planets would be in
maddyshome · 2 years
Yuji’s big cat eyes make me think he’s a leo rising. That would make sun in pisces his chart ruler and frankly it suits him better. 
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scwheeler · 1 year
🍒💋🍒 ˖ ࣪⊹ — ‘CHERRY FLAVORED’
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pairing: ethan landry x reader
summary: at a halloween party you and ethan get to talking and drinking, both of you only focused on each other’s cherry flavored lips
author’s note: thank you so much for the appreciation in my last two ethan fics!! also what the fuck was ethan even dressed up as… (this was originally gonna be based off of the nbhd song ‘cherry flavored’ but i got lazy) 👋👋
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you licked your lips before coating your lips with another layer of cherry-flavored lip gloss. “are you ready yet?” tara asked from the other room. you grabbed your just-finished charged phone and checked your reflection in the mirror before getting up from your vanity and meeting tara by the front door.
“ok im all good,” your eyes traveled up to tara’s costume. she was dressed up as a pirate and honestly best choice of the year.
“you look really good what the fuck,” you expressed and gave her a few up and down looks. a smile crept up her face and you could tell she appreciated your comment, “oh shut up, you’re pretending that you dont look like the hottest babe on the planet!”
she put her hands up and presented you in your costume. you were dressed up as an angel because you had a white dress lying around and got this last minute invite by chad a few hours ago.
everyone knew chad’s crush on tara so you had to force her to come with you. you liked acting like a little matchmaker for your friends and no one could disagree that they would look so cute together.
mindy and anika picked you two up and in around fifteen minutes, the party was in sight.
“ok so we’re totally getting wasted tonight,” tara mentioned as she looked around the light up house surrounded by blasting music. you rolled your eyes and grabbed her arm before running straight into the house.
mindy and anika followed briefly, holding each other’s hands. every corner of the house was filled with drunk teenagers shouting and hollering. both of you tried your best not getting run down by a frat guy chasing his friends without a shirt.
speaking of a guy without a shirt, chad walked up dressed up as a cowboy. “hey you guys made it!” he exclaimed and put his hands in the air.
“i would never refused free booze,” you sarcastically remarked and slightly pushed tara into chad.
they started making awkward conversation about each other’s costumes. “so you’re a naked cowboy?” tara asked and pointed to his bare chest. which only led to chad nervously laughing, “well i mean i do have pants on.”
you headed to the kitchen to follow up on your free booze comment.
however you had some company. “ethan you’re here!” you tried not sounding so surprised but ethan landry was not the type of guy to be at a halloween party with loud music and alcohol. if anything he was the one saying that everyone should stay home.
you were shocked to found out that he wasn’t at home studying for econ as he has for every past friday night since school started. “sorry that came out wrong, i just meant that i didnt expect you to be here,” you attempted to make up for your past sentence. luckily he cracked a small smile, “yeah i know, chad just insisted that i come since its halloween and everything.”
“well i’m glad you’re here and im digging your costume,” you said and indicated to the horned helmet on his head.
he slightly laughed, “yeah its homemade if you couldn’t tell” he sarcastically replied. you laughed with him at the cardboard covering his body head to toe.
“y’know i like your costume too,” he complimented and was about to say something else but stopped himself.
he bit his lip and contemplated for a second before talking again, “did it hurt?” you got confused and had to further question him, “wait what—what do you mean?”
“did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” he tried not to laugh and you spotted the shy blush creeping on his face. if it weren’t for the dim lighting and colorful strobe lights covering the room, you could’ve easily saw his bright red face.
his body tensed up at the lack of response from you until you burst out laughing. “oh god that was terrible but in a good way, that was perfect though because i’m an angel!” you exclaimed and playfully slapped his arm.
while you were practically dying at the stupid joke, you missed ethan’s eyes which remained on your hand on his arm.
“hey do you want a drink?” ethan changed the subject and tried hiding his embarrassed face from his failed pickup line and your body being so close to his. “oh yeah that would be great, mindy was complaining in the car sooo much about this new movie coming out next week. so i definitely need a drink,” you chuckled and followed him further into the party to a bunch of bottles lined up on the counter.
“you want me to make you the best thing you’ll ever drink?” you asked and swiftly turned to face ethan. he was flustered and took a step back before replying, “oh um im the designated driver so i cant really drink…”
“—wait you room with chad though right? how about mindy just gives you a ride after the party? if i beg her, she will probably say yes!” you smiled and took one of his hands with both of yours.
if only you saw how pretty you looked in ethan’s eyes. your eyes lit up and your red lips was the only thing ethan was focused on.
“so? can you? please say yes, i promise you i’ll make it extra special!” you begged and shook the two bottles in your hands. and what was ethan supposed to do? how could he say no to that face?
dismissing the fact his car was literally parked down the street from the house, he answered, “ok fine i’ll try it.” your face immediately smiled and you jumped into his arms out of excitement and thanks to a little pregaming with tara earlier.
ethan caught you but didn’t know whether to push you away or hold you. you hugged him tight and then stepped back before turning to make his drink. ethan stood there yet again starstuck at how eager you seemed to hang out with him.
it was the first time he felt this way. why were so nice to him? why did you like him?
while ethan was off thinking about the list of possibilities you were making a damn drink for him right now, with trying to kill him secretly being his top choice, you spun around and had two red solo cups. one you kept close to yourself and the other outstretched towards him.
“it’s a surprise but you have to give me your honest opinion whether you like it or not,” you handed the cup to his right hand and nervously waited for his reaction. ethan carefully took a sip of the mysterious concoction and gulped.
it was cherry flavored. the flavor was evident and so was the color. as soon as ethan put the cup down, his lips and tongue were painted in red. he looked like a vampire after eating a whole ass meal.
the drink was fizzy and bubbly therefore ethan felt it moving it’s way to his stomach. it was sweet and quite bitter because of the vodka but he couldn’t deny that he was good. even better that you made it specially for him.
you stood in front of him, eyes wide and awaiting his opinion while sipping on your own cup. “i’m not gonna lie, that was the best drink i’ve ever had,” ethan admitted and started gulping the rest down.
you laughed in relief, “oh thank god! it’s pretty easy to make. i like to call it a cherry bomb because it kind of explodes in your mouth and all the way to your stomach.” you winked and chugged the rest of your cup.
after a couple more drinks, you were wasted but ethan decided to stop after two. he felt like he needed to keep a serious eye on you so you didn’t get into reckless behavior.
without your full knowledge, you danced with him, hugged him, held his hand, and even almost kissed him but ethan stopped you because if you did ever kiss him, he wanted you to remember it. so you pulled back and let you lay back on the couch for a little while to get some rest.
the party was dying down and some people started to leave, including your friends. mindy and anika approached the pair on the couch whilst moving to the beat of the high tempo music. “hey lovebirds, ready to go?” mindy asked and held anika close by her.
ethan looked away once mindy said ‘lovebirds.’ his ears started burning and his face clearly was flustered. you suddenly gained consciousness and stood up, “yes yes let’s go!” you almost raced to the door with ethan shortly following you, to make sure you didn’t run straight into a wall.
mindy and anika laughed at how cute you two looked. they also watched how ethan followed you around like a little lost puppy even though you didn’t even realize it.
thanks to a little bribing from anika of having candy at home, you finally got into the car in the back alongside tara and ethan. tara sat in the left, you in the middle, and ethan on the right. anika sat in the passenger seat and mindy was driving.
tara was passed out after partying way too hard and doing who knows what with chad all night. mindy was going on and on about this new film theory she read online while anika responded with short replies of ‘mhm’ and ‘ohhhh’ since she was way too wasted to say anything else.
your head felt heavy and naturally fell upon ethan’s shoulder. to his surprise, he found you peacefully napping practically on him! throughout the car ride, he tried to keep as still as possible to not wake you.
there were a million bumps and sharp turns because mindy could not work the GPS in the car and refused to use google maps. but ethan kept you close and occasionally tucked your hair behind your ear or held onto the side of your face so you didn’t fall and wake up.
your body jerked awake once the car came to a harsh stop though. “we’re here!” mindy announced. you slowly lifted your head on ethan’s now numb shoulder and groggily opened your eyes. luckily ethan and chad’s dorm was right next to tara and your’s so the there were no stops to be made.
also mindy and anika were sleeping over since it was too exhausting to drive all the way to their place. anika opened tara’s side door and gently shook her awake while ethan was almost carrying you out of the car.
“god you guys are wasted,” mindy commented. you groaned at a pounding headache approaching and tried walking on your own but found yourself almost crashing onto the pavement.
thank the gods for ethan’s existence. all ethan was thinking of was how glad he was that he went to the gym often because with you practically leaning your entire body of him, he had to carry you.
the group eventually got to the dorm door and this is where ethan would retire to his own dorm. “thank you so much ethan,” anika said and pulled your body off of him with the help of mindy.
“yeah no problem, it’s my pleasure,” he replied and took a sigh of relief once he knew you were safe and in good hands. but before he turned to go home, you walked away from your friends and back for he doorway where he stood.
“w-wait—ethan wait,” you called after him and fell into his arms since your legs didn’t properly work at the moment.
again, he caught you.
“what is it y/n?” he asked and looked down at those dazzling eyes for the second time. you smiled before speaking, staring into his left then right eye. you looked at his curly brown hair and how it had tangles in it due to the constant jumping and dancing you made him do early.
then your eyes drifted down to his lips.
there were still faintly coated in cherry vodka. without answering his question, you jumped up and held his face close. you put your lips on his and kissed him. for a split second, you felt yourself waking up and sobering up.
ethan was surprised and taken so aback but he didn’t complain. your lips felt right on his and he leaned forward more into the kiss. he wrapped his arms around your waist. after a minute the two of you pulled back to breathe some air.
“wow,” you muttered and smiled at the fluttery feeling growing inside of you. the feeling ethan had the entire night. he licked his lips before responding, “your lips are cherry flavored.”
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acesofspadess · 1 year
Tag You're It
a/n: couldn't help myself with these pictures
summary: you give harry a nice place to be... Harry
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It was a fairly nice day in London, you took a walk or run everyday and you were glad today was a nice day. You changed into your running outfit and sneakers and headed out of your house and down the main street. The streets were busier than normal and you knew why. Harry Styles was playing Wembley. Of Course tourists were out on the streets in hopes to run into him before their show. You lived in a private neighbourhood and always thanked the gods above that you found this place. You were definitely the youngest person in your neighbourhood as a 27 year old. Most of your neighbours were empty nesters or young grandparents.
You had reached your first break of your run around a fairly empty park compared to the busy street the way you came. You checked your watch to see your vitals which were still good. You were getting ready to take off again when you saw two people running towards your direction. You had never seen any other runners around this time so your attention was drawn to them.
And who else would it be other than the most important human on planet earth. You had a good assumption that his personal trainer was with him and while he was English he clearly did not know where he was going if he was headed the way you came. Your anxiety bubbles in your chest when getting ready to go talk to someone who probably did not want to talk to you. You jogged over to them slipping off your headphones and seeing the way both of their faces put up some sort of guard. It made your anxiety all more present. 
“Um i know you probably don't want to be bothered right now, but the way your headed has swarms of people and guessing by the way you put a front up as soon as you saw me you probably dont want this encounter again but with 100x the people.” you managed to get that out in one breathe and saw their faces change as you called them out. “But I never address a problem without a solution, so I live in that direction in a very quiet neighbourhood that would be perfect for your little outings, no one there would know anything about either of you. There is a back road if you take the little outing over there,” you pointed to a dirt trail that led to the park behind your neighbourhood. “It will take you to this small park and you can just run around that and the houses. It's about 10k from the park around the houses and back. And your shoes are untied.” you pointed to Harry’s shoes.
He looked at you confused as he had never seen you look down to even notice that his shoe would untie. You smiled politely and slipped your headphones back on and started a light jog. While waiting for your music to play, the men say. ‘She seems nice.’
Two days later you had decided to run around the park as you had just come back from yoga with your best friend. You put on a random playlist and started your jog. When you turned the corner you were not expecting to see the person you ran into two days prior. He was sitting on a bench facing your direction and you were glad you didnt take out the extra water bottles in your bag. You continued your jog while manoeuvring your bag around to grab the water.
You adjusted the headphone so one of your ears were void of music before tossing the tiny bottles at his laps with a ‘think fast’ before you laughed at his surprised faces adjusting your headphones back on before taking off again. What you weren't aware of was the boys following you until a song changed and you heard footsteps. You stopped abruptly and felt a body collide into yours sending you down into the grass. It didn't hurt so you just laid there laughing. 
“If you wanted me to fall for you, you could've just shown off the dimples.” you propped yourself up on your hand deciding the grass was more comfortable than standing. Harry looked down in shyness and embarrassment. “Can I join you?” You realised this was the first time you'd heard him talk in your past two meetings. You patted  the grass as a welcome and he sat down next to you.
“Y/N. '' you offered out looking at him quizzically. “I'm sure you know who I am, but I'm harry.”
You shook your head with a small smile before adjusting your bag to lay on. You took off your headphones to adjust your head to look at the boy.
you watched him look down at you after some time and you both held contact. “I'm sorry.” you whispered. “For what?”
“I just realised how hard it must be for you sometimes. And I'm sorry that your so-called ‘fans’ can't respect that you are just like us. With a little more musical talent and 3 grammys. No major difference.” you could never stay  too serious. He let out a small laugh accompanied with a shrug. “I've gotten better with learning how to say no. it's all a part of the job though.” he seemed to close off a bit and the phycology major in you wanted to break it all into tiny pieces. But you remember him saying he tried to keep his personal life separate from his musician side.
“Why did you decide to trust me?”
It was a loaded question.
“I didnt. I wasn't here yesterday. Had my manager send some people out to make sure it wasn't set up. When he said you were right, I trusted him. Just now, when you came past, I saw you turn the corner and spot me. I wasn't planning on following you and putting you on the floor, but I saw you listening to one of my songs. It was me telling me to get up and do something. I would've said thank you no matter what- please don't let that pass.” he turned off realising he had gone on.
“Do you trust me now?”
“I have no reason not to anymore don't i? 
“A philosophy like that will get you hurt. I want you to trust me because you believe I wont cause you harm. Not because you have no reason to not trust me.”
He looked at you for a moment before his phone started ringing. He answered and you tuned it out knowing you would have to sign some NDA if you listened in. “I'm sorry but I have to go.”
You looked back at his solemn eyes. “Pop star things and what not right?” you wished this could continue. He stood up first before offering a hand out to you. You walked in silence in the direction of your place before there was a car honk and Harry looked up. “That's me then.” you smiled before realising you had never let go of his hand. He seemed to notice as he brought it to his lips. “Thank you.”
“This is gonna be like a tag isn't it?” he looked at you confused. “I'll see you then you'll see me so on, but never will the game end. Because one of us will always be chasing.”
He looked down at your entwined hands. “I-”
“It's okay. Here's my address if you ever need some water on a run.” you slipped him a piece of paper you wrote when he was on the phone. You unlink your hands and begin to walk away. “Oh Harry,” you turned back around. “I'll see you tonight.” you turned back around as you saw a smile begin to form on his face. 
The next day as you were heading out to go on your run you saw flowers and a card on your doorstep. You opened the card and read the handwritten letter.
‘I hope you enjoyed the show last night. I'm sure you're probably going on a run right now so do make sure to stay hydrated. I want to see you tonight. Here is the pass. Be there at 3 and give anyone your name they'll know what to do. Let's end this chase before it begins.
-H. Xx
P.S. Tag, you're it.
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shameboree · 2 years
YEAH SO when we moved in there was like this wadded up pair of pink panties in the basement that hadnt been there a few days before when we did our final walkthrough or whatever right. and then my fuzzy socks would go missing and some leggings and then our fucking FORKS which were DISCONTINUED so we cant even replace them!!!!! also the toilet paper would run out like super fast and i drink A Lot of diet dr pepper so i DO pee a lot but this was just fucken ridiculous!!!!! anyway so our one old roommate suggested ghost but me n polks were like fuck off this is OUR house!!
anyway so one day im slumped down on the couch w earbuds in having a good time and my friend kos comes downstairs to brew his sleepy ass some fresh shit tier coffee at like 5pm on a weekday. tbh i was talking about one of my homebrew blorbos being harassed and having just a great time with it so i didnt want to speak to anyone and just EXTREMELY avoided eye contact n sank as deep as i could into the bigass pillows of our honestly very nice goodwill upper middle class grandma couch. the point of that is when you walk downstairs and turn into the kitchen you cant really see me at this angle and i am DEAD SILENT bc my keyboard was apparently made of marshmallows or smth AND im metal gear box stealth mode trying to not be noticed here so i can talk about my barbies being menaced uninterrupted.
SO because of all that when kos came back downstairs for his coffee which had been brewing for probably not very long but i was in the Blorbo Zone where time is fake so i couldnt in good faith give an estimate he did NOT see me. well while hes in the kitchen puttering around i just start losing my shit on account of my blorbarbies in agonies brings me Such Joys and i think this startled him so bad he has to take a stress shower because i heard the bathroom door SLAM and the water start running. at some point after this polks comes home from work and starts pissed off nagging us over WHO MADE THIS COFFEE MESS IN MY KITCHEN!! kos comes downstairs for the Commotions and apparently the coffee pot was sitting on the counter with some fresh coffees while the rest of it fresh waterfalled all into our silverware and pots n pans spaces HOWEVER!! MYSTERY TIME!! he has not been downstairs since he started brewing his trash sludge.
INTERMISSION: THINGS TO NOTE ABOUT OUR HOUSE: the back door is literally INCHES from the downstairs bathroom. the attic is not a panel or ceiling access its just a door right by all our bedroom doors and it wont latch which was So Annoying bc the cats were UNREASONABLE THIRSTY to get up there so we had to install a loop n hook latch to keep it shut but whichever one of us did that goofed it up pretty bad bc the door is still perpetually cracked open like probably a full inch and a half. id love to take the credit for this but i think it was polks who is absolutely phenomenal at fucking up installations of things. OTHER NOTABLE THINGS ABOUT POLKS: her single biggest fear on this planet is shit like Crawlspace Man. just Some Guy living in your home without you knowing. also we have a dark little crawlspace down in the basement, for ambience
MOVING ON at this point i still dont give a shit about anything happening around me because i am inflicting sufferings upon my from scratch blorbo BUT my brain is putting the pieces together which i then immediately do a toddler vs 1000 piece puzzle it took you a year to assemble and just totally waste that shit from my thinkspace bc i wanna play DOLLS instead. polks and kos are also putting their little pieces together but they are Not braindead dipstick idiots like yours truly so they decide to check the whole haus bottom up, starting with the crawlspace. great news! the crawlspace is empty!! other older news: i def heard the cabinet ruining coffee fuckuper come down from upstairs.
i forgot to mention that for this househunt polks armed herself with our fucking broom and was wielding it handle side out because It Has Reach and a knife would Escalate The Situation. anyway they make their way upstairs and i am doing absolute jackshit nothing to help because, again, i am fucking brain poisoned to prioritize oc cummies over every single thing on this planet. its in my fucking genetic code. so while im fuckin useless theyre up there talking about how fucking weird this is and scuffling around or whatever but the second they go into the attic its dead silent and NOT because they go silent but because the attic is some fucked up sound void and past the first 3 steps you can hear total fuck all from outside. at this point my little toddler brain realizes this puzzle is actually indestructible so when kos and polkie are out of the void audible again i Already Knew i had to start being a fucking adult instead of playing barbies which DID feel like a personal affront.
tbh i dont even remember how polks reacted bc i was so CMON MAN!! at our attic dweller for cucking me bc now i gotta call the fuckin cops AND change the locks AND i still gotta get up at 420 in the mother blessed am for work, so basically this entire stunt was a hate crime against me specifically.
we dont really go in our attic much and never even bothered fetching the cats when they went up there but we HAD been up there before so when i went up there and saw fuckin blankets and takeout containers and also some clothes stuffed into drafty holes it was like, kind of Obvious that yeah some bitch was stealing my forks and not paying rent and eating all my toilet paper and FOR SOME REASON had the audacity to ALSO go ahead and pour out a cup of coffee in BROAD DAYLIGHT while we were OBVIOUSLY HOME. the fucking NERVE!!
so!! thats our Event that i honestly forget happened most of the time. we actually refer to them as Attic Dobby i think on account of my THIEVED socks but then of course attic dobby became sexy dobby as is the natural progression of things. we have many big tity dobbie drawings around the house and we love to show them to guests. i may have lost some forks i cant fucking replace so ill never have a matching set again BUT now my house has so many slutty big tit thong and louboutin adorned dobbys that kos and i have bonded so much over drawing that it all evens out in the end and i definitely dont get mad about the forks ever. less important than dobbys big naturals but still notable: exposure therapy works as polks no longer has the Crawlspace Man Terrors!
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Davesprite, John Egbert, Dave Strider
Act 4, page 1692
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] --
TG: wow ok
TG: youre a little early
TG: but thats fine i guess
TG: also you suck at rockets
TG: what
EB: she tricked me again.
TG: who
EB: she told me how to get to the 2nd gate.
EB: so i went through, but it took me to rose's house instead.
EB: another prank!
TG: dude you did go through the second gate
TG: i mean i dont know why you would listen to her again
TG: kind of moronic but thats a whole other issue
TG: she didnt trick you this time
EB: oh...
EB: then, i don't really get this.
TG: what were you expecting
TG: this is how it works
TG: the progression of gates is like this whole round robin thing
TG: cycling through each planet
TG: gate 2 on your planet leads to gate 2 on roses
TG: then you build up to gate 3 above her house which leads somewhere else on her planet
TG: you look for gate 4 somewhere there
TG: which leads to gate 4 above my house
TG: and so on
EB: wow, ok.
TG: ordinarily rose would have already gone through her gate 1
TG: but shes sleeping pretty hard obviously
TG: and ordinarily you wouldnt have gone through gate 2 until her house was built up
TG: so you wouldnt fall to your death
TG: but you got your cheat rocket so thats fine
TG: see we all got to coordinate on this thing
EB: ok...
EB: how do you know all this?
TG: fuck
TG: come on dude
EB: oh yeah...
EB: you're the orange dave.
EB: hey no offense, but do you think i could talk to the real dave for a second?
TG: god dammit
TG: i am the real dave
TG: you know the one who saved your life
TG: im more real actually cause ive been through some heavy shit already hopping around on red hot gears and i-beams for like a year
TG: and grinding shit out for your ungrateful ass
TG: here look check out this code from the future not that you deserve it WIin189Q
TG: youre fucking welcome
EB: wow, calm down!
EB: i'm sorry, that's not really what i meant...
EB: i mean, of course you're a real dave, but what i mean is...
EB: the dave from my time is also my friend, and i guess he's in the same boat i'm in, not knowing stuff and all.
EB: and i'd feel bad keeping him out of the loop!
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] --
TG: yo
EB: oh, hey.
EB: i think i pissed off your future self.
TG: what did you do
EB: i said he wasn't the real dave.
TG: ahahahahaha
EB: i think i might have really hurt his feelings though!
TG: pff
TG: dont worry about it
EB: why not?
TG: cause i wouldnt give a shit
TG: and hes me
EB: ok.
EB: i'm in rose's room by the way.
TG: what
TG: really
EB: yeah, but she's asleep!
TG: ok
TG: dont go anywhere
TG: im coming down to the computer
EB: ok.
TG: dave is here he wants to use the computer
TG: probably to help you scope out roses room and snoop and stuff
TG: i mean thats what i would have done
TG: if you were alive
TG: so im gonna go
TG: use these flappy ghost wings and tear shit up in space or something
EB: sure!
EB: hey dave...
TG: what
EB: in case i forgot to say so before...
EB: thanks for saving my life!
TG: yeah
-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering ectoBiologist [EB] --
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minahoeshi · 3 years
you were loved the most of all.
Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader | break-up angst
summary: You should've known that when Ushijima Wakatoshi found it easy to fall in love with you, it might be even easier for him to fall out of it. But who expects the worst when it comes to loving someone as seemingly perfect as him, anyway?
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Chapter 1 of 2
Chapter 2 of 2
He said it was easy to fall in love with you. He said he didn’t know when exactly, at which place, nor for what reason. Simply one day, Ushijima Wakatoshi found himself looking at you with the epiphany that maybe there’s something more meant to happen between you and him. There you stood before him that day, the person he could promise love to. (And there he stood before you that moment, the boy whose promises you found yourself believing in no matter what.)
So maybe that’s why it was even easier for him to fall out of love. When he told you he was no longer in love with you, it didn’t matter to you to ask when exactly, at which place, or for what reason. Even the universe itself is meant to fizzle out one day along with the death of the stars. Just one more person drifting away from you like a lone planet with no real orbit shouldn’t leave you broken. You are used to this. You won’t fall apart.
But you break anyway.
It was snowing outside when he decided to tell you to end things now before it hurts both of you even further. Not that the snow has anything to do with the coldness creeping up your chest threatening to spill out of you in endless sobs. You were glad, though. That at the very least, he remained honest with his feelings. He never left you guessing. Every time, he never forgets to tell you what’s on his mind. His honesty is something he thought was necessary.
“I understand, don’t worry. Thank you for telling me right away. I know you’re also considering me–” you tell him and choke up. There are tears running down your face but you’re not worried about that. Wakatoshi never let you mask your emotions around him. For the longest time, he reminded you to feel free to be completely bare with him. All the good and the bad, he said. Don’t be afraid to show them to me. I will always understand.
He steps closer and puts you between his arms. You feel his chin on top of your head as you lean your face into his chest. You’re sobbing now. “I’ll be fine, Toshi. We’ll be fine.”
He kisses the top of your head and lets you stay in his arms for minutes. “I loved you then, and I love you still. It’s just that they’re no longer the same kind. I will stay if you ask me to, okay? Anything you want.”
This only makes you cry harder. He’s always been too good. And even in breaking your heart, he’s too good. You want him to hold on. You want to ask him to stay with you for years and years. Even with a different kind of love, you’ll let him be as long he’s close by. But someone like him who has dreams beyond yourself shouldn’t ever be with someone like you who still lacks certainty toward anything.
“Just for tonight,” you ask, still crying. “Can I stay?”
“of course,” he replies. Anytime you want. Anything you want. It has always been this way.
Because humans are creatures of routines and familiarity, you spend that night the way you usually do when you’re at his place. You cook dinner with him and eat on the dining table, sharing stories and laughter. You keep adding food to his plate and he smiles as you giggle at everything you find funny.
It’s okay, it’s okay. You’ll be okay. You’ll be fine.
You clean the kitchen and stay in the living room. He leans on the couch as you lay down with your head on his lap. You keep talking and laughing. He goes along, sometimes adding things to make you laugh even more, sometimes simply agreeing, sometimes asking questions. You keep it loud and light, afraid of the silence. Inside you, it’s so heavy, your heart might just fall off. This will be the last, you tell yourself. You want to be happy for now. While he’s still here.
"Do me a favor, okay?" You tell him as you're nearing slumber. "Let me leave first tomorrow. Maybe stay in bed, maybe pretend you're asleep. But tomorrow, don't get out of the room until I've left the house." Your voice shakes, feeling yourself wanting to sob.
"I don't want to wake up to another empty bed but I don't want to see your face when I wake up too," you curl into him even further. "I'm sorry for being selfish. I'm sorry I still don't really know what to do. And I know you wake up pretty early and you know, do stuff, but just for tomorrow, please?"
Wakatoshi didn't really understand why. He originally planned on cooking breakfast for you and taking you to the train station. He would watch you board the train and he'd make sure to smile at you as he waves. You always waved back. That's how it works. Even after fights, and even after especially bad nights, you'd still do the same. Watching you leave with a smile was how you both knew you'd still be fine the days after. That nothing much can affect your relationship. For years, this has been the routine.
But tomorrow, he knows he has to give way. He knows what he said hurt you. It would be wrong of him to do what he wants simply because he's used to.
Tomorrow's the last, he realises. And then if you want, he'd never see you again.
You wake up pretty early. The sky is a calm shade of blue, the world outside still waking up. You check the time on your phone and find it's 6 AM. Last night, you slept with your back on him. The sight before you is the other end of his bedroom and you notice just how much of yourself you've managed to leave around his place. Pieces of just one other person in his life, scattered in places around his world pretending that’s just where they belong. You didn't mind leaving things behind back then. You never really thought of the day that you might’ve to take back all of them. Just how does one pick up parts of themselves when they thought they’ve finally found a place for them to stay?
But as you stand up, you conclude that when things end, traces shouldn’t be left behind. He didn’t decide to break up only to be reminded of you even after you’re no longer close to him. So you go and pick every little thing that's yours. Even your jacket and sweaters and a few pairs pyjamas in his closet. You'll just take his things from your place too and hand it to Tendou's shop. Coming back here won’t do you any good. Him coming to your place instead wouldn’t either.
Collecting all your things, even the ones you can't use anymore, you leave the bedroom and enter the living room. You don't have many belongings here aside from some DVDs and books. You only take the books and leave the rest for him. You've always preferred reading anyway.
Setting your bag and things aside on the sofa, you go ahead and wash yourself in the bathroom and bring your toothbrush and some other products with you when you're done. You then head to the kitchen to cook him something light to eat for breakfast . You knew you didn't have to. He knows how to cook. It has always been him cooking breakfast for you. When you could, you’d rather stay in bed until the very moment you must start preparing to go to uni or work. But you did anyway. He's probably in his bed, awake. He has never been a heavy sleeper. With all the moving you did around his room, he was bound to wake up if he wasn't already.
You make him a simple omelette and write a small message on top of it with ketchup. "Good luck with practice today!"
You've already cleaned everything you used, preferring to wash and set utensils as soon as you're done with them. That way, when you're sitting down to eat, there won't be any cluster around to distract you.
You put the ketchup down and decide that should be enough. You'll stop here. You should go now.
Ushijima is sitting on his bed. He's been awake since 5 AM when he usually goes on his run. It isn't the first time he chose to stay with you instead of going out, but he can't help but feel heavy this time. He stayed in for you. But as the minutes pass by, it seems that he simply cannot find the courage to sit up and face you.
He wants to sink into his bed.
There's knock on the door followed by sentences uttered softly. "Toshi, I'm going now. There's breakfast on the table. Make sure to eat before you go."
There goes the heavy feeling again. Maybe if this keeps up, he might just actually sink and never get back up.
You've done that a few times. Leaving while he's still in the room. You don't even open the door. You simply knock and tell him you're about to go, always reminding him to eat before he goes too.
But this will be the last, he thinks. If you leave now, will he never see you again?
chapter 2 will be up soon not rly sure when tho. (it's up now the link is at the top)
also, im not entirely sure but i think i didnt use any pronouns or gendered nouns for this except "girl" in the 1st paragraph which i erased just now? if i'm right, then i hope everyone reading this get to feel as though theyre rly the person in the story. unless ofc u dont want that bc this isnt the happiest ushitoshi x reader fic u can find🥲. but thanks for reading!!!! m so sorry for typos nd other errors as well. i kinda cant read my own writings bc sometimes doing so makes me wanna smack myself in the head and never write again nd i hate that so now im leaving my mistakes to the gods nd hope they love me enough or smth. but yes thank u sm again for reading!!!!
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ashisstrange · 3 years
Tumblr media
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Its late in the night, far too late for your liking. The moon is glistening in the sky with it's stars, providing a small sheen of light in your dark room, passing through the curtains. It's not unusual for Tartaglia to get home late considering his occupation, but you never got used to the worry pooling in ur gut each hour that passes without him by your side.
What if he's gotten incredibly hurt and you're not there to help? What if one day he doesn't return home? Nontheless you always prepare extra dinner and make the bed, even on nights he doesn't return. You never had the idea of coming home to loving arms and warm dinner as a kid, so it felt as if it's your duty to make sure Tartaglia never suffers that feeling.
The feeling of a stab in the chest as you enter the dark house, eerily silent. You'd always pad your way to the kitchen silently and snag a sandwich before going to bed in your room. Your living situation had never been inherently bad, but the people you lived with, the people any other person would've called their parents, seemed to make everything unbearable.
That is why when you turned 18 you moved out to Liyue harbor, and your close friend Zhongli was there every step of the way. You had run into him once during a trip at the age of 16, and you had kept contact through letters ever since.
The man, at the time, told you he was 23, but he never really seemed to age. You brushed it off, probably overthinking it. That is the same person that introduced you to Childe, it was quite a sudden occurence, but you'll be forever grateful.
You needed a place to stay and your friend told you that his friend wouldnt mind a roommate, and that he was rarely found home anyways. You took up the offer, not knowing that your roommate would be one of the fatui harbingers.
You were off to a rocky start, the man refusing to talk to you the very few times he was at the appartment. Later though, he seemed to warm up to you, ever so slowly.
You don't remember how your relationship ever came to be, it's not like you've ever explicitly put a label to it. There was just a moment where you felt as if everything changed. What you had wasn't just merely a romantic relationship, it was more than that. To provide each other comfort and love like no one else had ever done before. Unconditional love that didnt seem to falter, even during the moments where you parted ways.
You smile to yourself, remeniscing the days you barely talked, and the days you spent helping him when he was wounded. There was one particular night he just crashed into your bed in the middle of the night, even though he usually only used the couch.
He had clung to you as if you were his only lifeline, sleeping soundlessly as you laid in shock. The shock died down after a few seconds though, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Not long after you fell asleep too, and since that night Tartaglia had never slept on the couch ever again.
You check th clock. 4:37 Am, way too late to be up, but it's not like you'd sleep regardless. You'd probably get an ear full from Zhongli during your scheduled lunch the next day, but that, folks, is something for future you to deal with.
Suddenly you heard the turning of keys in a lock, and a door opening and slamming shut. That can only be one person. Then you heard a crash coming from the living room, making you shoot up. You slipped on your slippers as you quickly shuffled your way across the room and out into the living room.
You flicked on the light and were met by Tartaglia, slumped against the back of the couch. His bow was discarded to the side and he was breathing heavily. Sluggishly, his eyes opened to meet yours, his gaze seemed distant, almost empty.
You snapped out of your trance, rushing to pull his arm over your shoulder. You managed to drag him across the living room, over to the bathroom, settling him down on the closed lid of the toilet. You held up your hands, as if to say 'wait here'. You didn't dare break the silence that hung over you, scared that you'd set him off or something.
He didn't seem to protest, so you left to go get the med kit from the kitchen, and a clean rag to clean off the blood splattered across his skin. Was it his? That was a question that, regardless if you could guess the answer, would be left unanswered. As always.
He met your eyes when you returned, seeking for some contact. He knew how much you hated blood. The stickyness, the sickening smell and the thought of what must have happened that involved getting covered in blood. You always helped him regardless, and he thanked you dearly for that. After a long day he simply could not do it himself.
It makes him feel helpless, but you're always right by his side to make him feel better. You wet the rag, cleaning off his calloused hands. His face too had some traces of blood, but those were easily wiped away as well.
After some emergency stitches and a bandage around his bicep you motioned for him to stand up, letting him know that the treatment was done. He was still quite weak, but not as much as before.
"Thanks," he croaked, the first words you shared in 2 days. His voice sounded devoid of any confidence. He seemed very fragile, but you didn't comment it.
"No worries," You send him a reassuring smile, helping him get up and over to the bedroom. You see him visibly relax once he's in bed, snuggling into the sheets. He immediately rolls over towards you when he feels the matress dip, wrapping his arms around your waist.
His face is buried in between your shoulder blades, and it's nearly impossible for you to turn over and look at him. He only does that when he's in a bad mood, and you stop putting in effort to try and face him.
"Bad day?" He hums, the vibrations thrumming against your back. He seems tense, but you're careful not to trigger him too much. The last thing you want is to stress him out even more, knowing he has a lot on his plate already.
After a while, when you've started nodding away assuming he fell asleep you suddenly feel movement behind you. You open your eyes as you hear a small sniffle. It's almost as if you could hear your hart shatter from beneath your ribs. He probably thought you were asleep too.
His arms had relaxed, allowing you to turn around easily. His ocean blue eyes met yours, big with surprise, even though they seemed almost grey-ish in the faint moonlight. All you could do is smile at him as you opened his arms, for him to rely on you.
And that's exactly what he did. qHe fell into your chest, sniffling and crying freely as you drew patterns on his back, your other hand running through his hair. You could almost feel his clogged nose by the way he was having trouble breathing. After a bit his sobbing eased down to mere sniffles as you handed him a handkerchief to blow out his nose.
He used to have a lot of trouble with that, relying on people. Upon meeting him he imediately sparked you as the type of person that didnt bother anyone with his personal feelings, bottling them up for only him to experience. You could see how it physically and mentally ate away at him
That's why one day you faced him, and opened your arms. He had quirked up a brow, confused at what you were insinuating. "Rely on me." You said, and he chuckled, assuming it was a joke.
When you didn't move he realised you weren't kidding. Eventually you wrapped your arms around him, the man tense in your grip. "You don't seem to want to bug anyone else with your problems, so you can rely on me instead,"
You had no idea ho much those words had meant to him, they stuck by him like gum under a shoe. It felt good, he admitted, to have someone to rely on.
"I'm so sorry," He croaks, and he sounds nearly as small as he did in the bathroom half an hour ago, his eyes red with tears. Seeing him like that made your chest clench in pain, knowing the pain the world has caused him.
"There's nothing for you to apologise for," he seems to be taken aback by your comment, maybe even... offended?
"N-no way, i'm clearly a burden to you and a waste of yo-" you shut him up by pressing a kiss to his lips, making his eyes widen.
"You have nothing to apologize for because i am here for you, willingly. I promised to help you with whatever you're going through didn't i," He nods in defeat, leaning back into you. The way he cuddles up to you almost seems domestic, forgetting the fact that he kills people for a living.
"You need to take a break sweetie, otherwise you'll just keep eating yourself up," You stroke a lock of hair out of his face that nearly seemed glued by the stickyness of his tears. He furrows his brows, creating deep creases in between them.
"You know i can't, there's way too much for me to do," He looks up at you, as if he's offended you brought it up in the first place. You press your thumb in between his brows, easing up the crease and stopping him from furrowing.
"We both know it isn't a crime to take a week off, considering you've never used your days off," He tries to butt in, but you shush him before he can start. "And before you start about 'your duties', there's enough harbingers at the fatui, it's not like they can't send Scaramouche to deal with your business for a bit,"
He frowns again, but you resume in stroking his hair. "Besides, if they don't allow you to take off, which i highly doubt, they'll have me to deal with," You smirk. His eyes crinkle up as he musters a small smile. You're not the most intimidating person on the planet, but it's the sentiment that matters.
"What would i even do in that week though," he huffs, fiddling with the back of your shirt as he seems deep in thought.
"Well i had just the idea," you chuckle as he looks at you in disbelief. His eyes are still a bleary red, but you can tell he's a lot less tense than earlier. "And that is..." He continues, his tone ever so curious.
"Say, how long has it been since you've been back home," he visibly tenses up, not meeting your eyes. You know its a sensetive topic, but it'd really do him good to go back home to see his family.
"I dont know, nearly two years," his voice is merely above a whisper, bless the fact that the room is so silent you'd be able to hear a pin drop. You adjust your position so that he's laying against you more comfortably, going back to stroking through his hair.
"Well i thought we could book it to shnezhynaiya for a week or two, spend some time with your family," He lays still against you, as if he'd break if he moved. "After all, they've only heard about me through letters," you chuckle.
You hold him a little tighter, leaning into the warmth. "Wouldn't you like that?" You say in his ear, just above a whisper. That seems to break him, the realisation dawning on him that he'd get to see his family again.  Tears run down his face once again, only this time they're not caused by distress. He nods as he buries his face back into your shoulder.
You stroke his back as you continue talking about your trip, soothing him. Later, when he's stopped crying, he talks along. He tells you about his parents, about how his mother used to be there for him through everything. About how he used to go ice fishing with his father in the winters, and proudly mention he caught a very big fish once.
He also tells you about his siblings, about how he cares for every single one of them very dearly. He also tells you about the spots he wants to visit with you he used to hang out at.
He tells you all about it, and for the first time in a while you see him smile. Really, genuinely smile. The kind of smile where his eyes crinkle up and he bares his teeth. It's an incredibly endearing sight, and u make a mental note to never forget it.
Suddenly he yawns. "You must be exhausted," you chuckle as you both adjust your positions, ready to fall asleep. He only hums as he keeps his eyes shut, pulling up his blanket. His breathing evens out as he falls asleep.
You smile as you look at his resting face, snuggling closer to him as you think; god, how did i get this lucky
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lesbian-sai · 3 years
as one of the biggest kara fangirls on the planet i felt it was important to compile this list of the most entertaining and compelling facts about what i consider to be the most entertaining team of anime villains i have ever encountered. it is extremely long
-they have matching facial tattoos of roman numerals but like in no apparent order. like jigen is 4 but hes the leader and delta is 1 but shes a girl.  
-and they all hang out in this house. 
-theres a mini bar. obviously a kitchen. 
-they snipe at each other. 
-they have a blimp and ipads.
-i have no idea what they even do day to day or feel like they have to raise money for. like rent. more ipads. goo jars to put children in.
-how does making kawaki the vessel benefit anybody else or at least how do they think it does. maybe im stupid but im super unclear on this.
-like jigen kept talking about how theyre all working to achieve everyones goals through kara he had a specific phrase im forgetting but anyway we never went into that? like anybodys individual motivation to join kara
-like what does boro or delta even think they are doing
-maybe im hindered by the fact that again i dont know what theyre doing
-they sit in those egg chairs and amado gives them check ups. 
-they have a legion of robots. 
-jigen is like chill and playful and apparently commands very little respect since delta kicked a table at him. 
-literally his abusive mother moment flashback whatever
-code was just napping on the ground last week but he was supposed to be on ten tails duty which apparently just means crawling over to stare at it every now and then.
-that scene where amado was just cupping jigens head and then he was like hm the calibrations (or some similar word) seem fine calibrations on what his round fucking head what are we talking about
-why does jigen even think its necessary to scientifically facilitate the karma extraction like momoshiki seems to have gotten much farther than him in less than a quarter of the time and no tech at all.
-my fan theory is that isshiki is just an idiot who never had to do the karma before and doesnt know anything about it so amado keeps making shit up 
-hes like ‘were almost in phase three’ and jigen is like ah yes. phase three. um should we put him on a blimp with robots now?
-where was that blimp even going???? did i imiss that
-what is phase three of the karma and why does it involve sending kawaki in a coffin in a blimp
-dont they have that teleportation thing why not use that if you need to move him somewhere idk i feel like there are better ways to do that but maybe jigen really likes like airships idk 
-why was kawaki in that coffin thing like literally for what purpose what does amado think hes doing what does jigen think amados doing
-for that matter why did isshiki choose to be referred to as jigen when hes in idk jigen form like this has just confused me now
-when code kicked that pillar at delta bc he was mad she made fun of him for wanting to impress jigen
-i just loved that stretch of episodes of boring ass ao stuff interspersed with five minute scenes of code and delta bitching at each other and everyone walking around going ‘theres a traitor. we have to investigate the traitor’ and jigen daydrinking. 
-also amazing performance from amado those episodes hes such a great actor but i love the idea of him going yea im going to investigate everybody now and then just looking at everyones stats on his pc how does that hel
-like they said he did scans or something to investigate who was the traitor and the results didnt incriminate anyone but why would they how does putting delta and code in those chairs and typing things into the pc at ALL indicate whether or not they hacked into the airship and exploded that 
-im just dying to know why kara even formed why did jigen think he needed a team to accomplish the karma and then the ten tails was that his only goal i dont understand anything at all but most importantly 
-how did amado and jigen meet. 
-how did everyone else come to join. 
-were they cyborgs already? 
-how did amado think of deltas rocket heels. was it a collaborative effort? 
-why is code so adorable and precious with the little outfit
-if i understand the timeline they got kawaki when he was like 5 and hes maybe 15 now im actually guessstimating all these numbers bc idc but like amado and jign have been hanging out for at least 10 years is that not hilarious
-amado is such a weird character also im warming up to him despite that fucking cream jumpsuit with the bright green collar and gloves oh god just thinking about it im actually losing fondness nvm
-kashin koji is so nothing i love it why was it even necessary for him to be a jiraiya clone
-on that subject why the hell would amado even think to make a jiraiya clone first of all isnt clone technology still supposed to be at least a little bit difficult in canon wasnt mitsuki a whole thing idk
-but like why jiraiya how does this at all help you he didnt even use sage mode not that i would think he would have a genetic predisposition to but still
-i wished we had had more about boros cult thing actually that was fun i really liked that bit
-why the slug thing though
-ok im talking about amado again because im actually very entertained by him this weeks episode bc he completely dominated that scientist guy like hes been here for maybe two days and hes already got this bitch asking the hokage to make him his advisor. and hes like impatient about it hes so bossy what
-and his assistant is this twelve year old girl now WHY that is so funny 
-i wish they had been more accurate to the manga though bc kawaki was way more bitchy to him and he was way more feminist i liked it
-i miss jigen though he was so funny i love the way he sits with the hand on his face and literally how he was just chilling and teasing people
-i just fucking remembered in the scene where delta kicked the table he was like ‘whats the matter delta are you not eating (bc he was eating dinner and she was crankily sitting like 10 feet across from him at their ridiculously long kara dinner table) are you on a diet? dont worry about that your beautiful’ WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT THATS AMAZING
-that other amado and jigen scene was so funny too bc he just held out his hand wordleslly and did like a grabby motion bc amado had coffee and amado went over to their kara coffee cart thing and gave him a cup WHY
-im driving myself crazy
-kara is so funny please be a fangirl with me
-the end
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knullanon · 3 years
damian sneaks into a fortress and kicks down a door
this is the batman who laughs works i have written! the first part! hope yall like it!
words: 239
warnings: kidnapping, lmk if there are any others!
sneaking into a heavily guarded fortress was never easy, but especially one made by his father (technically his father) was damn near impossible.
whatever was in this fortress must be extremely important to the batman who laughs, because damian has yet to have seen this much security and back up plans for a fortress.
he was with the rest of the bat kids, and their missing was weird to say the least.
the planet he was on was actually one that the evil batman didnt completely destroy, and he was surprised to see this fortress in a beautiful forest jungle area, where the trees grew taller then he had ever seen.
however, he couldn't look at the scenery forever. he eventually had to focus on the mission: find whatever was in the fortress, get it out, and run. this object was apparently extremely important to th evil batman and it was their job to try and get it.
the plan was that if they were able to get whatever was inside, it might be a bargaining chip for them to use so they could try and lure this batman into a trap.
currently, damian's own father was fighting the evil batman so they could get this chance.
of course, it took a while to even get into the fortress but that didn't matter.
the guards were everywhere, they even saw some zombie robins walking around the place, usually carrying random every day items. from books, clothes, and even food and water. strange considering they only ate people, but fortunately for them, the robins usually were too busy at whatever task they had to even try and pay attention to the batkids.
they eventually had to split up, damian going with cassandra, tim and duke while dick took every one else.
it was probable never a good idea to even try to go in a big group, but it was the only chance they had.
trying to find whatever was there that was so important to this evil batman was probably going to change the tides of this "war".
dick had told him to keep on looking when they weren't able to find anything important of value. they had come to a standstill, where they were hidden in a darkly lit hallway with so alcoves with strange plants and other decorative objects.
damian was about ready to lose his mind. there was absolutely nothing here that would say anything about where this important item was.
the rest of his group was probably thinking the same, considering how they looks and stood.
however, he forgot about his exhaustion when he heard footsteps approach from one end of the hallway. he motioned for them to leave the hallway when duke motioned back that there were more people coming from the other end of the hallway.
trapped, damian stepped back, looking around to see if there was anything to help them. but he stepped back to quickly and lost his footing, having to hold on to a potted plant in one of the alcoves.
which set off a door system.
the four batkids watches as a door appeared on the opposite side of the hallway, and when it fully opened it revealed a stairway leading downward.
not having any choice, he motioned for the others to follow, and together, they headed downward, towards whatever was being kept hidden by a potted plant.
either you were hearing things or the Robin's decided to play tag, because you remembered what their footsteps sounded like every time they came down to check on you. great entertainment but only when you stayed in the house.
and now as the footsteps became more louder, you were curious on who it was. getting up out of your overly plush bed, you walked over to your door and put your ear up against the door. the footsteps seemed to stop as you heard a familiar voice say "where to now?"
hold on... is that... damian wayne?
"damian?" you called out, confused. wasn't he a part of the attack of that new earth that popped up? and he never spoke unless told to.
the speaking stopped as you heard the voices speak to you.
"who are you, and how did you know my name?"
you wanted to laugh, you're the bitch who never let's me leave whenever you're "babysitting" me. but you decided to play it cool.
"um, I'm the kid who is supposed to stay down here for like, the rest of my life? besides, why are you here? aren't you supposed to be with my "dad" while he fights that new earth and their batman?"
you stood there waiting for an answer when you heard a new voice, one that was kind of familiar but not as familiar as damians.
"you know the batman who laughs?" you yourself almost laughed, before responding "of course I know him, he keeps me here saying that I'm a extremely important person to him, and he makes me call him dad when hes around. actually, wait, who are you?"
silence was heard and before you could try and ask another question, you heard "get away from the door"
taking a couple steps back, you narrowly missed the door that just exploded to reveal the oh so dreaded hallway.
however, you forgot about memories from earlier when you saw who was standing in to doorway. 4 kids, 4 batkids, all from whatever earth they came from.
damian reached for his comm and said "dick, we found the important object. its gonna be harder to get out, though."
ok so the first part is here! i just need to get the second part and I should be done with this little series!
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klugpuuo · 3 years
hi so i wrote a lemschez fic like. two months ago and i'm posting it now. warnings for mention of food, way too many innuendos (including some i didnt intentionally make, which prolly means something..), mentions of violence, and near-shirtlessness near the end (which isnt sexual but still)
uh. Enjoy fgnhj
Lemres was shocked, to say the least. This odd, slightly giddy feeling they experienced every four years came in not four, but simply one. They were already beginning to shake as he was walking down the street, even! Alright, Lemres, just a bit further now, they thought to reassure themself. Soon you'll be home, and you'll be able to siphon and battle to your heart's content.
Then there was a problem. More than that, a roadblock.
Schezo stood there, begging random passerby and yelling what just barely wasn't obscenities. “Please! I just need someone to point me in the direction of the desert!" He said desperately, "I have something important I need to do there. I promise it won’t bother any of you!” Just as he was about to begin ranting again, Schezo saw Lemres staring at him with a very strange expression. Lemres waved to him, and he hesitantly waved back. “Hey, Dark Mage~! Need any help?” Lemres called cheerfully. “In fact, I do, Comet mage!” Schezo responded, not surprised at Lemres knowing but rather at Lemres asking. “I need to get to the desert immediately, as there is something I need to do there, but I cannot find my way by myself.” Lemres smiled a strange smile that made Schezo feel a bit concerned. “Alright, I can bring you there.. But for a price.” The comet mage said, their slightly loopy grin widening at the end of his sentence.
Schezo was confused, but nodded slowly to his companion, and then they were off. Before reaching the desert, they ended up getting caught in quite a few Puyo battles. Something the now half-lucid Lemres thought was concerning was that their rush didn't halt even slightly during any of the battles, and something the fully lucid Schezo thought was concerning was the fact that Lemres kept giggling and was doing a fairly bad job at the games they played.
When the two reached the desert, Schezo stole a look at the now very clearly loopy Lemres and felt well and truly concerned. “Are you-“ He began. “Alright?” Lemres answered with a chuckle. “Yes, I’m ju~st fine, no worries~" This did nothing to calm Schezo, especially after he realized how odd Lemres sounded. Just as Schezo opened his mouth to say something, Lemres began to speak. "..However, I still want my payment." They said. “You never told me what it is you wanted!” Schezo exclaimed, worry now partially replaced with indignation. “Yes, yes, that’s true, isn’t it…?” Lemres said, faking being deep in the thoughts they didn’t have. “Well.. how about this - once you’re done with whatever you’re gonna do here, you’ll come to my house and I’ll show you what I wanted, deal?”
Just as Schezo said “Deal”, Lemres nodded and walked off into the desert, leaving Schezo completely alone. “How odd!” Schezo remarked, trying and failing to find his companion in the wastes all around him. “They seem to have completely disappeared. And what exactly was wrong with their attitude? Something entirely strange is afoot here.."
After Schezo was confident that the ritual worked, he checked the time. The sun was setting now, and he knew if he didn’t hurry it would get too cold; the crystals he used in the ritual tended to break when introduced to anything too far below room temperature, but not before turning a deep blue. “I don’t want to have blue balls,” Schezo announced to himself. “So I better head to Lemres’s house before the night comes.”
As Schezo walked to Lemres's house, he was surprised to see there were very few people around, and none offered to battle him. Although he was thankful for this, as he had to bring the crystal balls somewhere warm soon, he was also just as confused. Had a strong enemy beaten them all already?.. It was unlike the people of this world and many others to just.. not offer to battle on sight. He shook his head as he continued on. There were very few people that were strong enough to beat people so hard they'd not battle again. Sure, one of those people had definitely come through here, but..
Schezo, lost in thought and unaware of where he was going, nearly walked straight into Lemres's house before regaining his senses right in front of the door. After more gently shaking his head, the dark mage knocked on the door. He didn't have to wait for too long before Lemres opened the door, bouncing slightly on their toes. "Hey, dark mage." Said Lemres, sounding incredibly hyper. "Hello, comet mage," Replied Schezo, carefully hiding his concern for his friend. "I am here to put my crystal balls somewhere safe, and to repay the supposed debt I owe you." At this, Lemres grinned. "Alrighty, come in before it gets too cold." They said, stepping out of the way to let the concerned mage inside. "Why don't you join me for dinner first? Meat and potatoes, plus pineapple ice-cream for dessert~!"
The dark mage shook his head as he entered the home, crossing his arms. "The most I am right now is thirsty- thirsty for knowledge! What exactly did you want me to do for you, and why were you so intent on avoiding all mention of it?!" Lemres didn't flinch as their friend's voice rose to a yell, knowing that he wasn't angry at all, just overdramatic. "Good things come to those who wait, and both of us have waited quite some time now.." Lemres started, shutting the door behind Schezo. "Alright. Come upstairs with me, and I'll show you want I need from you." Schezo nodded to Lemres before heading upstairs fairly quickly, leaving the comet mage behind for just a few seconds. The comet mage shook themself a bit before heading upstairs to meet with him.
As Schezo entered the bedroom, the first thing he thought was how nice it looked. On a desk were several candles that burned softly with magical fire; there was small bookshelf with many books about herbs, cooking, magic, and assorted battle types lining the shelves and sorted by size and color; and several small model planets floated above it all. It felt like a home. After Lemres entered the room, Schezo snapped out of his trance and suddenly felt very awkward. At this moment he had also realized that this was the first time he had ever been in someone else's bedroom, which caused him to feel even more awkward. "S-so." Schezo started, unable to hide how embarrassed he felt. "What do you want me to do to- for, you?" Lemres chuckled softly. "Just take off your armor and get comfortable." They said, gently leading Schezo to the bed. Schezo, shocked and flustered, stuttered a bit and refused to sit down. Upon noticing this, Lemres attempted to make their expression a bit softer. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." They said, trying their hardest to calm both themself and Schezo down. "I just need you to take your armor off for a bit. You can keep your sword, if you want." At this, Schezo definitely calmed down. Recalling that Lemres couldn't really see unless they wanted to use a lot of extra energy, he felt slightly more comfortable as he slowly took his armor off until he was only wearing his undershirt and pants. After he finished and sat down on the bed, Lemres followed suit, taking off their clothes until they were only wearing their binder and own slightly longer pants.
Schezo opened his mouth to speak, but Lemres put a hand on his shoulder and he realized that now was simply not the time for words. He laid down on the bed, and Lemres laid down next to him, putting one of their hands on his chest. Well this was... interesting, Schezo thought as he felt the quite literal magic in the air. Understanding flowed through him as the planet models shimmered above the resting couple. So that was why they avoided me, and that was why they were cryptic toward me, and that.. He snapped back to reality as he felt their other hand move onto his shoulder, and against everything he had ever thought before he moved his hand to meet theirs and held it. Even Lemres themself seemed surprised by this reality, but accepted it happily and gratefully.
So Lemres got to siphon their energy out in a safe way, and Schezo experienced something new. And, for now, it seemed like things were alright.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years
ok so inspiration hit me like a truck and this is what I got also just imagine that one of the multiverse survived batman who laughs bs and tries to rescue reader pls again havent read that much of it so yeah, oh also I got bored of writing "the batman who laugh" over and over again so imma just write evil batman - knull anon
sneaking into a heavily guarded fortress was never easy, but especially one made by his father (technically his father) was damn near impossible.
whatever was in this fortress must be extremely important to the batman who laughs, because damian has yet to have seen this much security and back up plans for a fortress.
he was with the rest of the bat kids, and their missing was weird to say the least.
the planet he was on was actually one that the evil batman didnt completely destroy, and he was surprised to see this fortress in a beautiful forest jungle area, where the trees grew taller then he had ever seen.
however, he couldnt look at the scenery forever. he eventually had to focus on the mission: find whatever was in the fortress, get it out, and run. this object was apparently extremely important to th evil batman and it was their job to try and get it.
the plan was that if they were able to get whatever was inside, it might be a bargaining chip for them to use so they could try and lure this batman into a trap.
currently, damians own father was fighting the evil batman so they could get this chance.
of course, it took a while to even get into the fortress but that didnt matter.
the guards were everywhere, they even saw some zombie robins walking around the place, usually carrying random every day items. from books, clothes, and even food and water. strange considering they only ate people, but fortunately for them, the robins usually were too busy at whatever task they had to even try and pay attention to the batkids.
they eventually had to split up, damian going with cassandra, tim and duke while dick took every one else.
it was probable never a good idea to even try to go in a big group, but it was the only chance they had.
trying to find whatever was there that was so important to this evil batman was probably going to change the tides of this "war".
dick had told him to keep on looking when they werent able to find anything important of value. they had come to a standstill, where they were hidden in a darkly lit hallway with so alcoves with strange plants and other decorative objects.
damian was about ready to lose his mind. there was absolutely nothing here that would say anything about where this important item was.
the rest of his group was probably thinking the same, considering how they looks and stood.
however, he forgot about his exhaustion when he heard footsteps approach from one end of the hallway. he motioned for them to leave the hallway when duke motioned back that there were more people coming from the other end of the hallway.
trapped, damian stepped back, looking around to see if there was anything to help them. but he stepped back to quickly and lost his footing, having to hold on to a potted plant in one of the alcoves.
which set off a door system.
the four batkids watches as a door appeared on the opposite side of the hallway, and when it fully opened it revealed a stairway leading downward.
not having any choice, he motioned for the others to follow, and together, they headed downward, towards whatever was being kept hidden by a potted plant.
either you were hearing things or the Robin's decided to play tag, becuase you remembered what their footsteps sounded like every time they came down to check on you. great entertainment but only when you stayed in the house.
and now as the footsteps became more louder, you were curious on who it was. getting up out of your overly plush bed, you walked over to your door and put your ear up against the door. the footsteps seemed to stop as you heard a familiar voice say "where to now?"
hold on... is that... damian wayne?
"damian?" you called out, confused. wasnt he a part of the attack of that new earth that popped up? and he never spoke unless told to.
the speaking stopped as you heard the voices speak to you.
"who are you, and how did you know my name?"
you wanted to laugh, you're the bitch who never let's me leave whenever you're "babysitting" me. but you decided to play it cool.
"um, I'm the kid who is supposed to stay down here for like, the rest of my life? besides, why are you here? arent you supposed to be with my "dad" while he fights that new earth and their batman?"
you stood there waiting for an answer when you heard a new voice, one that was kind of familiar but not as familiar as damians.
"you know the batman who laughs?" you yourself almost laughed, before responding "of course I know him, he keeps me here saying that I'm a extremely important person to him, and he makes me call him dad when hes around. actually, wait, who are you?"
silence was heard and before you could try and ask another question, you heard "get away from the door"
taking a couple steps back, you narrowly missed the door that just exploded to reveal the oh so dreaded hallway.
however, you forgot about memories from earlier when you saw who was standing in to doorway. 4 kids, 4 batkids, all from whatever earth they came from.
damian reached for his comm and said "dick, we found the important object. its gonna be harder to get out, though."
ok 1, I rediscovered a bunch of fandoms I was in when I was younger and all I can think of is all the new possibilities for dads, and 2 I'm starting to count all the fictiknla father figures I have and I'm thinking of creating a list for them, and 3, I like how this turned out. I wanna continue this but it was getting to long so ye. anyway imma probably just write something tonight so yay to that see yall later bye - knull anon
You’re giving me inspiration to start writing for the Bat Who Laughs now!! You’re doing a real good job by the way with everything you’ve been sending in!!💕💕 Much love to you, Knull anon!
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rowaning · 3 years
The Complete Fiction of HP Lovecraft rated by me, someone who read them all* but has a terrible memory
The Beast in The Cave: uh a guy goes on a cave tour and finds a creature that was like a human that got lost and adapted to its surroundings. 0/10 just because im pretty sure there was another one with this exact premise and neither of them were memorable at all.
The Alchemist: dude achieves immortality and lives in the narrators basement and has pledged to murder his entire lineage or something. 4/10 the alchemy stuff was actually kind of interesting
The Tomb: im pretty sure this is the one where a guy starts hanging out in a tomb and like travels back in time/becomes one of his ancestors? 5/10 if its the one im thinking of i did enjoy reading it
Dagon: guy lands on a mysterious island with signs of a long dead civilization. 1/10 i do not remember what happened in it
A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson: 0/10 i have no memory of this
Polaris: also 0/10 i forgot all about it
Beyond the Wall of Sleep: could be any of the dream focused ones. if its the one about the dude sailing into the void or whatever than 4/10 not too bad
Memory: ironically, i dont remember it. 0/10
Old Bugs: 1/10 for the title god i wish i remembered this one
The Transition of Juan Romero: i got nothing. 0/10
The White Ship: this might also be the one about the dude sailing into the void? i liked that one he lived in a lighthouse and boarded a dream ship and just fucking left it was fun. 4/10
The Street: uh i think really steep street that didnt actually exist. 3/10
The Doom that Came to Sarnath: i wanna say another one of the dream centered ones where a town discovers some old relics and blatantly disrespects them and gets exactly whats coming to it. 5/10 they deserved what they got
The Statement of Randolph Carter: ok this dude shows up several times. i think this one is about how he returns to his childhood home then travels back in time and creates a time loop paradox thing. 1/10 meh
The Terrible Old Man: uh some thieves harrass a weird old guy and get got. 5/10
The Cats of Ulthar: someone is mean to a cat in a dream city, all of the rest of the cats get revenge and are revered for the rest of time. 2/10 (-3 because lovecraft has a specific name he gives to apparently every fictional and real cat he encounters and wow i wish he hadn't)
The Tree: i feel like this is something to do with a person becoming a tree but i cant actually remember. 0/10
Celephais: yeah no i got nothing 0/10
The Picture in the House: also nothing 0/10
The Temple: nope 0/10
Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and his Family: is this the one where the dude's great grandfather married an ape? i dont think so but im not sure. 0/10, -5/10 if it is that one cause that one was especially shitty
From Beyond: nope 0/10
Nyarlathotep: charismatic dude shows up and is like get in bitches we're going to the void. i love nyarlathotep cause hes the one who directly interacts with humanity and like wears a human suit or whatever so hes just some dude whos like hey im gonna feed you to azathoth 5/0
The Quest of Iranon: got nothing 0/10
The Music of Erich Zann: narrator makes friends with an old musician whos being hunted by supernatural forces. 2/10 because i remember it but it was just ok
Ex Oblivione: 1/10 for the title but i have no clue what it was about
Sweet Ermengarde: lovecraft's sole attempt at comedy. not to my taste like at all 0/10
The Nameless city: nope 0/10
The Outsider: also nope 0/10
The Moon-Bog: sounds cool, dont remember it. 0/10
The Other Gods: dude tries to find the gods of humanity where they live on a big mountain, actually finds them, is immediately smited by the Other Gods who protect the gods of humanity. 3/10 he deserved it
Azathoth: dont recall, 0/10
Herbert West- Reanimator: Arkham man Herbert West and his assistant ressurect the dead with little thought to the consequences, then get murdered by a band of said resurrected dead. 5/10
Hypnos: nope 0/10
What the Moon Brings: also nope 0/10
The Hound: still nope 0/10
The Lurking Fear: again, nope 0/10
The Rats in the Walls: dude returns to his ancestral home, hears rats, excavates the basement and finds out that his ancestors ate human flesh, eats his friend. 1/10 it was an interesting read but can lovecraft please stop calling cats that.
The Unnameable: no clue 0/10
The Festival: nope 0/10
*Under the Pyramids: ok im pretty sure this is the one with houdini which is the only one i could not read. i went into this mentally prepared for lovecraft's bigotry but i was not mentally prepared for him dropping harry houdini, avid skeptic who absolutely would have beat the shit out of him for this, into the middle of his super racist paranormal horror. -1000/10
The Shunned House: nope 0/10
The Horror at Red Hook: also nope 0/10
He: cool title, no memory of the story. 0/10
In the Vault: wow im bad at this. 0/10
Cool Air: still no 0/10
The Call of Cthulhu: kind of all over the place, there was a thing about artists and then a thing about a cop investigating a cult. 3/10 meh but ill give it a bonus for being a staple of horror fiction.
Pickman's Model: uh artist sees some wild shit and draws it and then it eats him. 2/10 i forget the details
The Strange High House in the Mist: if this is the one im thinking of, dude does a dangerous climb to find a mysterious house and meet the inhabitant who is kind of interdimensional and also being hunted by interdimensional things. also maybe the house eats people? 2/10
The Silver Key: another Randolph Carter one, and i think this is actually the one about him travelling back in time so idk what the other one was. 3/10
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath: randolph carter goes on a quest in the dream world to find the gods of humanity and ask why they wont let him check out this cool city he can see from his window. lots of action and very wordy and went a lot of different places. 4/10 good read but extremely xenophobic
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward: guy investigates his ancestor who looks disturbingly like him, ancestor comes back to life and kills him and takes his place and a bunch of other stuff happens. mostly a dramatized genealogical study. 3/10 not bad, very suspenseful
The Colour Out Of Space: meteor lands on a farm, scientists get weirded out by it, everything in the area gets weird then dead, alien thing gets enough power from draining nearby life-forms to escape earth. fun twist ending. 4/10 bonus for being one of the better ones, detraction for writing out a 'rural accent'
The Descendant: nope, 0/10
The Very Old Folk: nope again, 0/10
History of the Necronomicon: very dry. fake history of lovecraft's fake book thats super important to a lot of the stories. 0/10
The Dunwich Horror: isolated witchy family has a kid who no one likes that grows up real fast. graphic descriptions of renovation. a horror gets unleashed on the area and the local folklore scholars have to deal with it. 1/10 nothing good enough to counter the xenophobia
Ibid: i remember this one. no idea what it's deal was. pseudo-bibliography? it was weird. 0/10
The Whisperer in Darkness: guy has a correspondance with another guy about local folk legends based on evil crab things. other guy gets straight up replaced by an evil crab thing and first guy doesnt even notice. imagine if you followed up on a scam email and didnt realize anything was up until you saw that the face of the dude you were talking to in person was a mask. 4/10 for the comedy this guy would not last in the internet age at all
At The Mountains of Madness: guy whines about penguins and how awful it would be if there were civilizations that predated humanity. also commits grave desecration. i get hit by the realization that if lovecraft was less of a racist coward he wouldve made a great speculative sci fi author. 3/10 i would love to watch that old asshole get absolutely torn to shreds by the monster fucker community
The Shadow over Innsmouth: Fish People! Leave Them Alone! Or Else! 5/10 the protagonist gets to live the dream by escaping human society and becoming an immortal fish person
The Dreams in the Witch House: dude rents an objectively haunted room, doesnt listen to people trying to help him, gets murdered by a weird rat. later they find a shit ton of bones in the attic. 2/10 meh
Through The Gates of the Silver Key: Randolph Carter transcends time and space, then de-transcends time and space and immediately gets stuck on another planet in the distant past, makes a long and difficult journey back to earth to find that his estate is being divided amongst his heirs. the comedy potential of a man stuck in an alien body dealing with a legal system that has declared him dead is not examined. 2/10
The Thing on the Doorstep: narrator's good friend marries a fish person witch who steals his body. thats basically it. 3/10. at this point im like wow these narrators really refuse to believe the heavily foreshadowed supernatural explanations that turn out to be correct huh.
The Evil Clergyman: dude is in a room. some ghosts (?) show up. dude has a UV light for some reason. Gets his face stolen i guess and just has to live with it. 5/10 for being absolutely buck wild and refusing to explain anything
The Book: nope 0/10
The Shadow Out Of Time: dude gets his body stolen by ancient scholar species. agonizes about it for a while. finds archaeological evidence of said species. finds a book he wrote while living with said species. almost gets eaten by something. 3/10 more cool speculative sci fi but lame protagonist
The Haunter of the Dark: you'd think id remember it bc this was the last one and i read it last night. oh wait, nvm i do remember it. dude finds an old box in a run down culty church and unleashes a horror that then comes and fucks him up. 1/10 meh.
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jessiebanethedragon · 4 years
Scuttle (7/?) Crosshair x reader
“How did you know?” Tech asks Wrecker the second they make it back to the Havoc Marauder and crosshair is out of earshot. He’s been replaying the events back and it makes so much sense, but how was it that both him and Hunter had not clued in?
“Mostly the way he looked at her.” Wrecker says quietly, afraid of his brother overhearing this conversation. “He wasn’t very subtle.” He adds thoughtfully. Tech scrunches his eyebrows together and thinks about all the small smiles the sniper gave you, and yes this was normal behavior for him around the other batchers, but thinking about it now, crosshair should've been much more cold to an outsider. Perhaps you just blended in so well into their little family he never stopped to notice.  
“There's a republic planet not too far from here, we restock there.” Hunter calls to the cockpit, usually maybe he’d poke his head in and check on Tech and Wrecker, but right now, he’s got someone else to check on. 
Crosshair is in his room, having collected his blanket from your bunk he sits with it by his bed while wondering how long it’ll smell like you. He’d be angry if he didnt feel so empty. And because he feels so empty, there's not much he can do but tinker mindlessly with his rifle. 
“Cross?” it's phrased like a question but Hunter isn't exactly asking for permission into Crosshairs room. He strides  right through the door like he owns the place, (which he kind of does.) 
“Sarge!” Crosshair jumps to attention. It’s funny how when your brain does into overdrive it reverts to its base settings and you fall into old habits, and or a clone, habits are kamino training.
“At ease.” Hunter states with a raised eyebrow, when was the last time he asked his crew to stand to attention? He shakes it off. “Cross we gotta talk.” 
“We aren't together, you can’t court marshall me.” He snaps, Crosshair has already had this conversation in his head, and he knows that in clone force 99 is where he needs to be. So he’s got every rebuttal and reason stacked in his mind ready to go. 
“That wasn’t what I was asking…” Hunter states, and he knows he has to be careful, crosshair is a live wire at the best of times and this, well this is something else entirely. 
“What are you asking me then?” Crosshair stands up, coming toe to toe with Hunter, and you don’t need enhanced sense to know cross feels threatened. So Hunter takes a step back, a sign of non-agression. 
“I am asking why you would push something like that away.” Hunter says, choosing his words carefully. Not ‘why push her away’ because he knows the answer to that. It’s not allowed, I have to keep her safe, she doesn't feel the same, ect, ect. But in reality Hunter wants to know why he would push away the unspoken feelings they both have for the other. Why would Crosshair throw away something every clone dreamed about? Crosshair doesn't respond at first, but when he does, he explains everything to simply. 
“You can’t heal trauma on a battlefield.” and for the first time in  his life Hunter sees one of his men shed a tear. It’s gone the second it appears, lost to a face worn down by violence. Gone so quickly Hunter isn't even sure if it’s really there.
“But Crosshair.” He tells him gently “that isnt your call. It’s hers.” he receives a small nod in return. And Hunter stands in front of him awkwardly, not sure what he is supposed to do next. 
“Well.” he clears his throat. “I’ll leave you to it then, because you best start working on your apology.” Crosshair smiles softly at that, and nods with more confidence this time. 
“You know sarge, if i didn't know better i’d say you’ve gone soft.”  The classic crosshair sarcasm is lacking a tad, but it’s progress. 
“Yeah, that Fairywren’s a bad influence.” He says smiling over his shoulder as he leaves the snipers room. 
Time has no meaning while they're gone. You decide with an over dramatic sigh while you dig up and plant this strange dessert food. Except it’s not really food, it’s just kind of a thick stemmed thing that oozes out goo that the locals use for a variety of things, including a snack.  But you like plants, and you’re more than happy to be left on your own for a bit. Leeya is in the center of town with her son, selling and buying goods for the week. 
“Yona!” You hear her shouting from the house, frantic, and worried. “Yona!” she’s sprinting toward you fast as she can with the baby in her arms. You run to meet her halfway, tripping as you scramble to get up. 
“What, what is it?” You ask as she collides into you, careful not to squish the infant. 
“He’s coming, he’s coming here. Yona he’s coming here.” Leeya pants, terrified. Through the time of your stay you learn her life has also been altered by the trandoshan that hunts you, the kind twi’lek confessed to you one night when you asked why she agreed to help you. And being kind, you didn't press. Her life was her life, and neither of you seemed keen on talking about either of your lives.
“Leeya” You say trying to keep a level head. “Breathe I need you to breathe.”  she takes shallow breaths but nods to your suggestion. 
“They were talking about it at the market, said someone overheard a transmission.” You look up at the sky for a ship, praying to see one you recognize. But  it’s clear skies today and there's nothing in sight. So you can only wrap your arm around Leeya, coo to her son, head inside and pretend not to be scared.
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xmalereader · 5 years
Kylo Ren X Modern! Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Summary: Reader lives on earth and is force senstive. Kylo Ren lives far away from earth and doesn’t know how to get there, the two communicate through a force bond and get to know each other.
Warning: Fluff, singing, light sabers, Pets, history learning.
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“What’s it like?”
“What’s what like?
“The galaxy?”
“It’s a large place to rule.”
The other snorts and rolls his eyes. He was laying on the grass with his back to it, staring up at the clouds with a small smile while Kylo Ren sat next to him. Now he wasn’t exactly there In person, he was mainly in his head but he could see him. Ever since he was a child he had this strange ability that he had kept hidden from his parents he didn’t want them to freak out and send him away to some strange place, so as he grew and matured he find out ways to keep it in control on his own.
During those years he started hearing a voice, suddenly calling out to him. It didn’t take him long to notice Kylo the first few couple of times that he visited, the two grew fond of each other and spoke everyday whenever y/n was Available. He would sometimes go outside, far away from home and lay on a grassy field as he spoke to Kylo, he didn’t want his parents to think that he was talking to hismelf in a weird manner if he were to do it at home. So instead he did it far away in an open field where he could see someone coming to him.
The two learned about each other’s history and how Kylo Ren wasn’t anywhere located on earth, instead he lived far away into space. Galaxies and galaxies away from earth where no other human being could reach. Kylo also learned about y/n’s world and how cruel it was but also how beautiful it was at the right moments.
“Come on, give me details!” Y/n sat up and sits cross legged in front of Kylo, smiling widely. Kylo would stare at his expression and sigh, adjusting his own sitting position as he began to explain the galaxy to y/n.
“Like I said it’s big, bigger than anyone can imagine.” He began to say as y/n bites his lip and listens. “How far have earthlings gone into space?” He suddenly asks as y/n sighs. “The farthest that we’ve gotten would be up to mars but nothing else from there.” He shrugs.
Kylo hums. “The galaxy is bigger than what your people know, I’ve been to several plants and there are many life forms too. Different kinds of species live in different planets and they each have their own purpose. There are some plants that are just peaceful and others dangerous; some are full of rich and snotty people while other contain the poor.”
Y/n at frowns at that, it all sounded unfair to him. How each planet was titled that way but it also brought him curiosity of wanting to learn more. “Is there one full of green trees and grass?” He mumbled shyly as he curls his legs up to his chest and smiled as Kylo chuckled and nods. “There is, but the most beautiful one would have to be Naboo.”
“Naboo?” Y/n tilts his head to the side and laughs. “Screw that I want to go see that planet full of green life form!!” He says and laughs out loudly. Kylo shakes his head as he watched the others excitement, “Maybe one day we can go. That’s if I’ll ever be able to locate your planet.” His smile slowly falls. “Wherever you are, I’ll find you and take you away from this place.”
Y/n grins at him. “You make it sound like your my knight in shinning armor.” He teases and reached up to poke at kylos cheek with his index finger. A childish manner that he still contained. Even though Kylo wasn’t there physically they still had the ability to touch for short periods of time which he sometimes enjoyed.
The two turn around to see y/n’s mother approaching him, a glare on her face as the other male groans and stands up. “What is it this time?” He asks as he dusts off the dead dry grass that stuck to his pants, Kylo stood next to him as he examined his bonds mother.
“Titus won’t stop screaming and your father and I are leaving, we don’t want him to be alone and cause havoc.” She says.
Titus was y/n’s Fox, he rescued him from a fire and took care of him until he healed up. He tried to relase him back into the wild but Titus refused and stayed next to y/n’s side causing him to move out into the country side where Titus could roam freely. He wasn’t exactly a pet but a roommate.
“Thanks mom, hope you and dad drive back home safe.” Y/n had given his mother a kiss on the head as he escorts her towards the car. His father waiting for his wife and son.
Y/n got along well with his mother but him and his father had some issues. When he first came out to his parents he had his mother’s full support but of course his father loathed him, he’s forced him into dating women before but y/n always refused the dates causing a huge fight to break off between the two. Their was shouting and hitting which caused y/n to move out in an early age, he lived with his friends parents for a short period of time until he finally found a place of his own and moved away from the city.
He was happy now, and having this new ability that Kylo called “the force” only brought him closer to happiness. With Kylo around he laughs able to learn so many new things that not many people knew.
“Dad.” Y/n says softly as he gets a small nod and huff in return before his father gets inside the car. Slamming the door shut as his mother frowns at her own husband. Y/n was used to this treatment so it didn’t affect him at all.
“Nice family.” He hears Kylo say.
“Not really.” The other responds back and makes his way inside the house to see Titus sitting on the couch, licking his muzzle as he looks out the window. “Hello little one.” He cooed out and gently pats his head and turns to the kitchen to see a huge mess. “I’m guessing that you caused this mess to drive my parents away, huh?” He questions.
The Adult fox lets out a small squeak, answering his question as y/n laughs and began to clean up the mess. He noticed that Kylo had disappeared which meant that he had cut off their force timing together which gave y/n some alone time to clean his own mess and blast some music. Mouthing the words to the songs he sweeps up the kitchen and counters, making sure that everything was inside a trash bag and thrown out immediately before Titus would dig through it and cause another mess.
Washing his hands he grabs a dry rag to dry them off. He sighs deeply and checks the time, Y/n usually worked during during the mornings but since his parents were visiting he had to change his timing and come in at a later time. “Okay Titus, I’m going out so don’t cause any trouble and please stay out of the kitchen.” He tells the fox and bends down to scratch it under its chin. It purrs softly and nuzzled his hand which amused him a little since Titus usually avoided afffection.
“Tell me more about earth.”
He suddenly hears kylo say as he stands behind him, y/n was working a late night shift at work. He was working at a bar and usually worked as a bartender but since it was the last night shift he was in charge of counting up the bottles of alcohol and making sure that they have enough for the next day.
“You really like scaring me don’t you?” He raised a brow and laughs.
Kylo leans agaisnt the wall as he watched y/n wpork, “Maybe.”
He held a clipboard and wrote down the different bottles that they had left. “What do you want know about earth? There isnt much about it.” He answers back and sighs, glancing over to kylo as he thinks of a topic or a question about y/n’s kind. “Your people, what are they like?”
“That depends really.” Y/n bends down to move some things around. “Everyone is different here, some are mean other are happy while some wish the world would just burn and get it over with.”
“I can do that—“
“You aren’t blowing it up.” Y/n glares at him while kylo smirked at him evilly which only caused y/n to chuckle a little. He’s learned a thing or two about the first order and what they do. He didnt like the idea of Kylo blowing up planets full of innocent people and proving a point that he was powerful than others. He remembers telling kylo that what he was doing wasn’t right but yet again, it wasn’t his problem. This is how Kylo’s world worked and he had his own to worry about.
“Earth has done nothing do you and your people Kylo so if I notice you try and blow up this planet then I wont hesitate to kill you myself.” He half joked out before standing up from his postion.
“anything else you want to know?”
“No, I think I’m fine for now.” Said kylo, he reached out to gently brush his fingers against y/n’s cheek. Smiling a little as he speaks, “I can’t destroy it if you’re still on it.” He whispered out as y/n blushed deeply and looks away. “Cheesy.” He mumbled out and chuckled, once kylo removed his hand from his cheek and lowered it back down.
“You and I have a bond y/n, the force brought me to you...I still don’t know why.” He finally says. Y/n’s lips press together into a thin line as he looks down a little, “I wish I knew too.”
“You can’t do that!!”
“Why not?”
The two force users were dueling, kylo had given y/n his own light saber awhile back during their first few times together. Y/n has practice to use it on his own, learning a few tricks here and there. Every time they practice it felt like kylo was actually here, he could feel their sabers clash against each other, feeling the force vibrate between the two as they fought. Right now y/n was winning the duel, smirking at kylo.
When the two were fighting he managed to brush his hand against Kylo’s whiched caused him to lose concentration and get pinned down by y/n. Kylo didn’t hate y/n’s touch he just couldn’t function well whenever they other made physical contact, which caused him to get angry. Y/n wasnt afraid of Kylo’s anger anymore since he’s gotten used to it, he actually found it adorable each time he got anger.
“you make me lose focus!!”
Kylo growls and charged towards y/n, swinging his saber as y/n used his own to block it. Grunting as he steps forward to back him up, he could feel kylo adding more strength into his hold which causes y/n to panic, darting his eyes around he looks down at Kylo’s legs and reacts quickly. He gave a harsh shove and crouched down to swing his leg on Kylo’s, causing him to fall back and grunt in pain.
“Oh god.” Y/n mumbled out and turns off his saber as he approached Kylo. “Kylo? Are you okay? I’m sorry I didnt mean to do that, you just suddenly acted and I just did what my instincts were suddenly telling me and I—“
Kylo sits up and rubs the back of his head, he landed pretty hard on his back but his head had also made contact with the ground. But it wasnt bad enough to knock him out. He was impressed by the others tactics, usually he would fight with his saber since it made him stronger but of course y/n was different. He was stilll learning on how to use his own saber and the only way to defend himself is by using the rest of hsi body parts, just like he did with kylo. He had swung his leg hard enough to knock down kylo, maybe bruising him a little.
“Its fine.” Kylo suddenly blurts out as y/n stares at him in shock. The last time he was this nice was around the first few days they met but after that he went back to his cold self which y/n was okay with. “You sure?” He asks again and tries to help him up. Kylo reached up to take y/n’s hand but gasps as it suddenly went through, heh looks up to see y/n with wide eyes. Usually they are able to touch but somehow it wasn’t allowing them now.
Y/n looks at kylo and bites his lip. “What’s happening?” He suddenly asks.
Kylo reaches out again to try and grab him again bit fails too, his eyes widen as he noticed y/n slowly fading away from him. “Y/n!” He shouts, “Kylo!” He hears y/n and watches him disappear. Kylo pants heavily as he tries to connect back to him but doesn’t feel anything, he can’t feel y/n’s force not anymore.
Rage suddenly fills kylo as he throws his saber agaisnt the training room wall, storming out he passes by several stormtroopers and generals until he reaches the bridge. “I need a course to earth, now!” He shouts at the others and sees Hux approaching him. “Ren, earth is not in our system. Its not found anywhere.”
Kylo stands in front of Hux and hissed out. “Find us a way to get there.” His once was full of venom as he storms out of the bridge. “I want a report back on earth.” He adds once he leaves.
Y/n couldn’t feel kylo anymore, he was panicking and was trying hard not to break down. He clips his saber back onto his belt and begins to head back home, maybe he can try and mediate like Kylo taught him, try and relax. He nods to hismelf at the reminder, entering his home he sets the saber on the couch and sits in the middle of the living room, sitting Indian style as he tries to concentrate. He closes his eyes and lets out a deep breath that he was suddenly holding in. He’s trying to reach Kylo but nothing seems to appear which causes panic to rise in y/n.
His eyes snap open as he pants and slowly stands up. “Why can’t I reach you?” He whispered out and turns to Titus who was able to sense his emotions, walking over to him as he cuddled up his side. Y/n wraps his arms around the fox and gently ran its fingers through his fur as he tries to keep himself calm. “It’ll be okay, he’s gonna come back right?” He questions hismelf and pulls away from the animal in front of him.
He stares at the animal for a few seconds, hoping to get a response but of course he got nothing in return. Biting his lip nervously he leans his head against Titus forehead and breaths softly. “Kylo...” he whispered out in hopes of him hearing.
A familiar faint voice was heard as y/n gasps and looks up. “Kylo?” He says again and looks around his room. Not spotting Kylo anywhere. “Kylo?” He Said again and began to circle around the room in panic, he couldn’t hear him anymore and he was scared.
He feels a sudden like feather touch against his hand, gasping he pulls his hand away from whatever was touching him and looks around. He grips his hand close and feels the earth moving, was their an earthquake?!
Y/n stands back on his feet and looks out the window, expecting to see the trees shaking and the sky becoming cloudy but he doesn’t see any of that, instead he sees a large ship landing close to his house. He steps away from the window and quickly grabs his own lightsaber, he makes sure that Titus was inside before he steps out into his balcony. “Stay inside.” He instructs the creature as he hears it growl behind him. Titus was growling at the stranger that was approaching them, Y/n glanced over to Titus before turning his gaze back to the ship to see a dark figure approaching them.
Without thinking y/n turns on his light saber, glaring at the man that was approaching them. He felt something dark in the stranger but also light at the same time. As he moves closer towards the field he squints his eyes to try and get a better look.
Y/n grips the light saber closer, his eyes widen as he sees Kylo approaching him. He didnt know how to react or what to do so instead he stared at him, gaped that he was seeing him in the flesh. He didnt know if he was dreaming or not. “Kylo, is this real? Are you really here?” He whispers and turns off his saber.
Kylo was standing in front of Y/n, he looked a little taller everytime they used the force to connect but now that he was here in person he noticed that he was actually a bit shorter than he expected. Hearing y/n ask that question he frowns, “Of course I’m here.” He reached out to take his hand into his letting him feel his hand as y/n takes it all in. Y/n holds Kylo’s hand and shakes his head, “I thought you couldn’t locate earth?”
“I forced my people to search for you—once our connection broke I panicked.” he admits and looks away from y/n. “I did too.” He hears Y/n say with a small sad smile. Kylo couldn’t help but chuckle as he pulls y/n into a hug who quickly wraps his arms around him. The two remained hugging for a while, taking in everything.
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antihero-writings · 4 years
His Butler, and the Problem with Magic (Ch2)
Fandom: Black Butler | Kuroshitsuji x Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Crossover
Fic Synopsis: Life at Hogwarts isn’t all bad…usually. But when Valentine’s Day rolls around, and Lockhart throws an extravagant ball, the number of couples at school the next day skyrockets, and Sebastian finds himself a new object of devotion…Can Ciel save his butler from the spell on his own?
Character Focus:  Ciel (Edward Midford, Grell, Lizzie, Snape)
Notes: I bet you all thought I forgot about this fic didnt you? SIKE! I forget nothing.
(By the way, I'll definitely repost chapter 1 of this as well, in case you guys forgot about it XD)
I was informed that Valentines day with this coming Sunday and I couldn't believe it. I had been wanting to work on multiple valentines fics and I thought I had weeks left to write them XD So in light of that, I knew I had been slowly chipping away at a chapter 2 of this over time, so I decided to check it out and see how much work I had to do to make it postable in time for valentines day. To my surprise, the chapter was pretty much ready to go! So at long last, here it is!!
I really hope you enjoy it!! If you do, I implore you to consider commenting and/or reblogging!! I assure you its much much more likely this fic will get a chapter 3 if I know that people are interested in reading more <3
@elegantkittycat Tagging you in case you’re still interested in reading more!!
Chapter 2:
Ciel jerked his hand away as the cauldron sizzled, muttering curses under his breath—(the normal kind, not the magic kind). Usually Sebastian managed their clandestine dealings and he didn’t have to worry about burning his fingers off.
His conversation with Tom Riddle had left him with a list of ingredients, and a method of combining them into a potion that would allegedly cure Sebastian and others of this ailment.
He was fully aware trusting strange voices in diaries wasn’t the best decision he could make on the career path of life, but considering he had found no other options, and a whole lot of annoyance, he didn’t have much to lose. Besides, Sebastian was a demon, so even if it was supposed to make your eyes pop out or something, he’d probably be okay.
Ciel looked down the instructions and grimaced, reaching over for the next ingredient, trying not to look directly at it.
Despite the potions classroom being the main place to get potions, and potion making materials, he was not in the potions classroom. This late in the evening, Snape probably would have killed him. He was in a room on the seventh floor which Sebastian had found last May. It seemed to hold within it whatever the person walking by it required.
He dropped the last ingredient in, raised his wand, muttered a very complicated spell and sighed.
The only thing left to do was wait. It had to brew for twenty-four hours, which meant it wouldn’t be ready until six o’clock the next evening. Twenty-four hours was too much time with a love infested school to deal with.
Ciel packed up his stuff and headed out into the hall—making sure to check for Filch first. He was almost back to his common room when—
He nearly tripped and toppled to the ground taking all his supplies and homework with him.
As he righted himself, he jerked his head up to observe the source of the disturbance: a tall, blonde boy, a few years older than Ciel, sporting his Gryffindor robes as if he was the reincarnation of Godric goddamn Gryffindor himself.
Ciel had the displeasure of knowing this boy.
“Edward?!” he growled, recovering his dignity and dusting himself off. “Are you trying to kill me?!”
“That depends,” he said in a low murmur that seemed to hide waves of anger.
He marched up to his future-brother-in-law, stopped far too close, and stared into Ciel’s eyes like he could bore into his brain with his gaze.
“What. Did you do. To my sister?”
“What did I— ?” Ciel blinked, rivalling anger disappearing in the face of concern. “What?”
Edward was the son of the proud, and not to mention handy-with-swords Marquess Midford, and all this noble, virtue-loving, God-fearing, paladin energy was often channeled into being protective of his younger sister Lizzie…who also happened to be Ciel’s fiancé.
“Lizzie. What did you do to her?!”
“Yes, I’m familiar with to whom you’re referring!” He pushed him back, “What’s wrong with her?!”
It was Edward’s turn to blink. “You don’t know?”
“You may or may not have noticed I am otherwise occupied! I’ve been running around trying to save my butler from this hell, thank you very much!”
“Oh,” his eyes flickered.
Ciel looked up at him, then blinked. “You think I caused this?!”
“Well you don’t exactly foster an atmosphere of peace and calm, now do you?”
“I’d thank you to have more confidence in me in the future! For your information, Undertaker caused this!”
“Undertaker?! Oh that slimy bloke hasn’t seen the last of me!” He turned, putting his fist into his palm, beginning to march out of the room.
Ciel lazily grabbed the sleeve of his robe, pulling him back. “Hunting him down isn’t going to get you any answers—and will likely make you more frustrated. Believe me, I’ve already tried. Now, if you’d be so kind, I’d like to know what’s wrong with my fiancé.”
Edward rubbed the back of his head. “Well…”
“Tell me, Edward.” It was Ciel’s turn to stare him down. Apparently it was effective, because Edward couldn’t meet his gaze.
“Well…” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I went to go say hi, and I found her sitting in the common room, staring out the window. She barely took any notice of me. And when she did she started spitting prattling nonsense about this man she met,” he said the last words like men were the most revolting things in the planet. “Naturally I assumed this was a newfound appreciation for you, or she simply was admiring Lockhart like she usually does.”—Ciel made a face at this—“But apparently…not.”
Ciel blanched. He was about to speak, but Edward continued:
“When I learned it wasn’t you, I told her to have some decency, but it was as if she couldn’t even hear me!” His air of forced calm broke. “Apparently she’s madly in love with some—some—some idiot!”
“She’s… what?” The words were soft.
“I said—”
“I heard what you said!” He grabbed his robes.
Some third years walked by at that exact moment and stared at them. Ciel released him, and he and Edward paused and waved awkwardly. After they passed, Ciel continued in a shout-whisper.
“How the hell did this happen?! I specifically made sure she stayed away from the punch at that party!”
“The punch? What punch?”
“The punch Undertaker spiked!”
“Undertaker spiked—?! Oh…Maybe she drank some when you weren’t looking? You can’t have been keeping her under constant surveillance, can you?”
“I was watching her very closely, she couldn’t have!” He said, realizing his usually-more-than-adept butler was quite possibly compromised at the time. “When did these symptoms start? The morning after Valentines Day?”
“Um,” Edward put a hand to his chin, thinking, “I…I’m not sure.”
“Oh you’re just useless aren’t you?”
“More useful than you! If you knew it was spiked at the party, why didn’t you tell everyone?! Or try to stop him?!”
“It seemed like a harmless prank!”
“What are we up to?” Snape’s greasy form appeared, cutting the scene.
“Nothing, Professor Snape,” Edward said quickly. “We were just—”
“I wasn’t talking to you.” He folded his arms and stared down his hooked nose at Ciel. “Your detention is to take place tomorrow evening at six o’clock. Meet me in my office. Try not to earn yourself another one before then.”
“Yes, Sir.” Ciel said softly.
Snape’s black robes swished passed them.
“So Lizzie—? Wait, did he just say six o’clock?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Damn it!” Ciel groaned, leaning against the bannister.
“What’s wrong?”
He waved him off. “It’s none of your concern.”
Edward folded his arms and glared at him.
“I’m working on a potion to try to neutralize this whole…love mess.”
“I’d say that’s very much of my concern! You have the antidote?!”
“I said I’m working on it. It’ll be ready at six o’clock tomorrow evening—six o’clockexactly.”
“I guess you’ll have to get it after you get back.” Edward shrugged.
“It’s a very delicate potion I have to—Ugh Nevermind.”
After a pause Edward asked, “…And you’re sure this antidote will work?”
“I’m not sure of much of anything. The only thing I am sure about is if the potion doesn’t kill me, if I’m late to his detention, Snape just might.”
As Ciel sat down to breakfast he made the silent resolve to quickly finish the potion at six o’clock, then speed to the dungeon as fast as possible, taking the bottle with him to his detention, and hurry to Sebastian right afterwards. Snape wouldn’t be happy, but, despite what he said to Edward earlier, the worst he’d do was give him another detention, or take a large sum of house points. And he wasn’t so strict he’d make students empty their pockets, so he shouldn’t notice while he sat sitting for a few hours cleaning viper guts off potion bottles. There was no telling what this potion would do if he left it for however long detention was, so it took priority. And even if his detention went into the night, that would be the perfect time to test it—the demon wouldn’t be asleep anyways.
Ciel was currently trying to make his seat in the great hall a little corner of peace and calm, and block out the chaos in the rest of the hall, setting down his knife properly, trying to ignore the food flying across the hall, when—
“Oh, Brat~!”
Ciel sighed resignedly as his least favorite redhead came swinging into his vision.
“What are you doing back here so soon?” Ciel grumbled, holding his scowling face in one hand, sticking his fork aimlessly into his eggs with the other.
“And when I came all this way to see you, too?!” He turned up his nose in disgust. “I couldn’t possibly get my beauty sleep after I saw my Sebas-chan in such dire straits.” He pulled a scroll out of his jacket pocket, “So I was up all night thinking of ways to get him back to his sexy self!” He unrolled its impressive length, the end landing in Ciel’s eggs.
Ciel couldn’t help but skim through some his ideas, if nothing else for a good laugh.
They ranged from the more simple and reasonable Find the spell, and make a counter curse, and Bash his head in, to the not-so-reasonable Maybe true loves kiss will work~?
“What’s this?” Ciel squinted at a particular line. “‘Put that brat he calls “master” in mortal danger’?”
It was starred and underlined several times.
“Oh you noticed that one did you?” He said in fake innocence. “That’s one of my personal favorites!”
Ciel’s eyes lidded.
“And how exactly would putting me in mortal danger solve the problem of my butler being in love with you?”
“For some reason—can’t see why—Sebas-chan is very attached to you—”
“Sure, it has nothing to do with the contract we made.”
“Yes, yes.” He waved him off. “Well he’s very against you being in any sort of danger. See the idea,”—He put a nail on the table— “is that if we put you in mortal danger his primal demonic—”—he said the word in a way Ciel was not fond of—“inclinations will override the spell and snap him out of it.”
Ciel blinked, staring down at the line of text.
The worst thing was…that actually made some smidgen of sense. You know, in a sadistic kind of way.
“And how would you propose we do that? You know, without actually killing me?”
“Oh all part of the fun. I have a number of ideas as to how we could push you riiight up to the edge! It’ll be delightfully diabolical. Of course, if it doeskill you, well…” he turned away and muttered, “All’s well that ends well, as they say.”
“Not that that doesn’t sound fun…” Ciel stood, pushing the list away. “I’ve found my own way of breaking the spell thank you very much.”
“Oh?” Grell blinked, intrigued. “Have you now?”
“Not that its any of your business, yes.” He brushed himself off, gathering his stuff, “If you’ll excuse me, I have my own business to attend to.”
“Well when that fails don’t hesitate to come crawling back to your favorite reaper Grellypoo ~!” He rolled up the scroll.
“You’re not even my fifth favorite reaper!” He threw over his shoulder.
“But at least I’m on the list!”
Due to the fact that little real learning was happening on either side—unless you count learning too much about various students and teacher’s romantic habits—they had decided to cancel classes for the time being. This gave the teachers more time to devote to finding the cure as well.
Ciel decided to take this time to ascertain the validity of Edward’s statement the night previous and visit Lizzie.
She was a Gryffindor like her brother. Visiting the Gryffindor common room wouldn’t be first, or even last, in a list of things he wanted to do…but he’d half to bear it.
As he walked up the stairs he bumped into someone. At first they apologized and continued walking but soon the other person called back:
“Hey, I ran into yesterday didn’t I?”
Ciel turned to see none other than Harry Potter.
“Did you happen to see a diary? Like when you were helping me pick up my stuff?”
“The great Harry Potter keeps a diary?”
Harry rolled his eyes. “It’s not my diary. Just a diary.”
“A diary that just so happened to find its way into your bag?”
“Sorry to say, I haven’t seen it.”
“Hmm…Alright. Thanks anyways.” He waved as he continued down the stairs.
As another Gryffindor left, he slipped into the common room.
Lizzie was sitting in a chair against the window, just like Edward said she would be. She rested her hand on her chin, her elbow on the table, and watched the rain fall.
“Lizzie!” he ran up to her.
“Oh…Ciel…it’s you,” she said in a dreamy, nonplussed tone.
“Yes it’s me. What happened? Have you completely lost your senses?!”
“No I’d say my senses are in tact thank you. And I’d thank you not to ask a lady such an impolite question.”
“Sorry but…what happened? Why are you—?”
“I don’t know. I just, of a sudden, found him to very attractive one morning, and I’m having trouble thinking of much else.”
“Who?” He sat in the chair across from her.
“That’s not really of your concern, is it?”
“It is when I’m your fiancé!” He said a little too loudly, making Gryffindors turn towards him.
“Mm…” She muttered like it wasn’t an issue.
“Lizzie, I tried to make sure you didn’t drink that punch at the party! How did this happen?!”
“Party?” She paused, and for a moment he wasn’t sure she was even going to continue the conversation. “…Oh I don’t know. I seem to faintly recall the most beautiful man I’d ever met saying I simply must try it.”
His eyes widened. “Someone gave it to you directly?! Who?! Why?!”
“I’ve already tried that, I don’t think you’ll get much luck. She won’t tell me either.” Edward arrived at his side, then leaned over and whispered, “I think she knows we’ll come after him.”
“I was going to opt for slow psychological torture,” he muttered back, “but I’d like to hear more about your method.”
Edward tried to suppress a smile.
“And you really love this man?” Ciel asked Lizzie.
“Oh, with all my heart!�� She seemed to gain a rush of energy.
He sighed, realizing more questions would be futile, and getting up.
“Alright well…” He ran his hand gently over Lizzie’s fingers. “I-I’ll see you soon.”
“You’ll give me the potion as soon as you can, right?” Edward demanded.
“I’m going to use Sebastian as a test subject, but, if it works, then this will be my next stop.”
“The password is ‘chocolate frog.’ Feel free to wake me up. I can’t stand another minute knowing Lizzie is in love with some-some lunatic!”
“We’ll figure it out, don’t worry.”
Ciel carefully held the porcupine quills, and gingko leaves over the cauldron, dripping them in one at a time, stirring counterclockwise with his other hand, glancing continually back to the instructions.
Finishing off the potion was proving no easier than making the rest of it, but at last, it gave a final sigh, and turned a foggy white.
Ciel gave his own sigh of relief, before using tongs to dip and fill the bottle beside him, making sure to clean off the sides of it—(it was a good thing he used a towel to do so, because the stray drops burned through the fabric).
He held up the bottle, staring at the potion. At long last. Finally, after three days of slow torture, he’d finally be rid of this curse, and the world could return to its normal state—demon butlers included.
He slipped one into his robe pocket and the moment he stepped out of the room, he sped off towards Snape’s dungeon for his detention without a moment to clean up the rest.
He hadn’t intended to burst through the door, but he found himself doing that a lot over these past few days.
Snape’s black eyes narrowed upon his panting form as if he were a worm to bottle. Then they flicked to the clock.
“You’re late.”
“I’m sorry, Professor, I—”
Snape held up a hand to stop him. “The last three days have been longer than the past few months, and am not interested in feeble excuses, Mr. Phantomhive.” He glided around his desk, but instead of setting him up at a desk, he marched past him, swung open, and exited the classroom.
Ciel paused a moment, leaning over to the side, watching him exit, a quizzical look on his face, before deciding he wanted him to follow him.
“Where are we going, Professor?” He asked as he caught up—(not altogether happy that he’d have to do more walking after the run he just made).
“Your detention is to take place in the Forbidden Forest tonight.”
Ciel’s eyes widened.
Snape raised an eyebrow. “Is our dear Mister Phantomhive afraid of the dark?”
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “I’m just a little surprised, that’s all…due to it being forbidden and all.”
Snape smirked. “Most of the time, yes. But on some extra special detentions we may take students inside.”
He was right: The Forbidden Forest wasn’t exactly a common detention spot, though it wasn’t unheard of either. What was more surprising was that Snape taking him there. Usually Snape’s detentions consisted of pickling rat brains, or cleaning octopi suckers off desks. Not that he’d been to very many of his detentions—he’d always been pretty good at potions. It was this godforsaken spell that had reduced him to a less-than-model student.
“Professor, may I ask what exactly will we be doing?” He asked as they traversed the grounds, the trees growing ever closer.
“You will be coming with me to gather a rare flower that lives in these woods.”
Ciel gave a curt nod. It was a moment or two before he asked, “May I ask what it’s for?”
“I am a potions master, Mister Phantomhive. I encourage you to use your brain.”
“I understand that. But what potion is it for, Sir?”
“I am attempting to remedy the spell that has plagued the school.”
Ciel fell silent at that, resisting the urge to tell him he already had the solution in his pocket.
They arrived at the edge of the forest, the trees reaching towards them with gnarled claws, the darkness like curtains for a stage set.
“Lumos.” Snape spoke, and Ciel drew his wand and did the same as they ventured into the shadows.
The trees seemed to taunt them, to whisper about them, to dare them to come any closer, any phantom sound at home here.
After more than a few minutes walk in silence—quite possibly half an hour—Snape stopped and spoke: “They should be around here, nor should they be difficult to spot. Look for a glowing blue flower.”
Ciel made a move to venture off in search of them, but Snape grabbed his arm, warning:
“Don’t wander off where you can’t see me.”
Ciel nodded before venturing into the trees, scanning the ground for anything glowing, or blue, continually glancing back to make sure he could still make out the figure of his teacher.
It wasn’t long before he saw something glowing, and ran up to it. …It turned out just to be a mushroom.
As he sighed disappointedly, and stood back up, he saw two beady eyes staring at him from the darkness.
His heart began to pound as he stared, unsure if he should back up, stand his ground, play dead, or attack, the ghost of a certain name forming on his tongue.
He never had to fear beady eyes, bandits, or bullets with Sebastian around. This was the first time he felt real fear in a long while.
A black spectral horse reared out of the bushes, its eyes aglow with more than just a reflection of the dark.
It stepped towards him in slow, calculated hoofbeats, flaring its nostrils a little too frequently for his liking.
He’d read about these before.
He continued backing up, as the thestral didn’t seem like it planned on stopping its pursuit anytime soon.
“Mister Phantomhive,”—Snape’s voice was low, warning—“I am aware you likely don’t see anything but—”
“I can see it.” He continued his reverse walk.
Snape gave him a short glance like he had a newfound respect for him.
These creatures only appeared to people who had seen death, and he was sure the look in his parents’ eyes that night sufficed. But they didn’t commonly act like this.
Snape lifted his wand, casting a nonverbal spell, and the thestral fell to the ground with a bloodcurdling whinny too much like a scream, ropes binding its legs.
Ciel let out a relieved exhale as Snape joined him.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine…Thestrals…they aren’t commonly…aggressive, are they?”
“No.” Snape muttered softly, gazing for a moment at the now-helpless creature, then turned sharply to Ciel, pointing his wand at him. “Empty your pockets.”
Ciel jerked his head to the professor, saying a little too loudly, “What?!”
The thestral fought against the binds, and Ciel took a step back.
“I said, ‘empty your pockets.’”
Snape flicked his wand, and his pockets’ contents excavated themselves of their own volition.
Snape grabbed the potion from the air, and let the rest of spare quills and things fall helplessly to the forest floor. He held it up and stared at it, observing the contents, his emotion as imperceptible as always. Then he lifted the cork, sniffing it. His eyes widened and he jerked to look at Ciel, his eyes almost more terrifying than those of the thestral, and definitely not holding a look his eyes had ever contained for him before.
“Where did you get this?” He whispered.
“Excuse me?”
He lifted the potion up, and violently smashed it on the ground, the contents breaking out with a puff of smoke, spilling helplessly onto the forest floor.
Snape grabbed his arm as Ciel made to reach for it, as if to save the unsalvageable.
“I said—” he grabbed both his arms, forcing him to look at him. “Where. Did you get that?”
“Sir…. I don’t understand…”
Snape’s face was far too close to him for comfort.
“Listen to me and listen to me very carefully. That potion is more than dangerous—it’s banned in every major country. It’s not something I could easily mistake. If you were to use it, you wouldn’t just die an excruciating death, it would rot you from the inside, and leave you open to the possession of any vile spirit in the vicinity. A fourteen-year-old boy such as yourself shouldn’t be carrying it around in his pocket,” he spat. “And I’d like to think that you didn’t know what it was when you gained possession of it. Now.” His grip tightened on one of his arms, his nails digging in, as he put his wand to his throat with the other enunciating each word, “WHERE. DID. YOU. GET. IT?!”
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: A Poor Bird
Also on AO3! (if you recognise the au it might be because I started a full fic which i abandoned because i realised a full canon retelling is l o n g. i’ll still probably write bits and pieces like the other AUs) 
TL;DR:  Izuku isn't quirkless. Not that Inko would ever let you know that.
AKA: Good dad Enji, bad mum Inko
TW: Child Abuse
Inko Quirk: Attraction of small objects Issues:
Soooooooo many
Hisashi  Quirk: All for one
Izuku Quirk: Push and Pull
Allows him to push objects away from him, or pull objects towards him.
If the object is heavier than him, the force acts on him instead
Crush injures on the hand, never healed correctly
Limited range of movement + tremors
Feels horrifically ill if he uses his quirk, has flashbacks. Cant use it at all until he is trained by allmight
Can't remember his mother hurting him outside of flashbacks and nightmares. Only knows it happened bc katsuki can remind him
Dislikes: Being called "cute" or being implied to be helpless but he can suck it up if hes not feeling too shitty.
Enji 47
First-year in All Might's final year.
Met Rei when he first reached the top ten, aged 22 and married her a year later, with fuyumi on the way just a quickly
Knows ab. All Mights other form
Rei 48
Does ballet!
Shouto 15
No scar
Yet, anyway. We can fix that.
Touya 19 Changes
A little less crispy fried, still scarred by his own quirk. Wears gold contacts undercover as Dabi
Studying Medicine
She's a teacher!
Mushy Stuff feat. The Todoroki’s
enji is still number 2 hero. hes actually really nice? he just has a major case of resting bitch face. hes from a rich family, he got dragged out to a ballet to celebrate his becoming number 2 and he was whining we hes like, 21 and doesnt wanna see a ballet he just wants to go to work, or get drinks with his sidekicks. hes being a bit of a grump and his parents are living for their grumpy son bc he still has Round cheeks and hes adorable
anyway its been like, 20 minutes and the show finally starts and enji is like "god i can go home after this and s l e e p" but like, the lady comes out on stage and hes in love. tall, white hair and incredibly graceful. his mum has to hit him bc hes blushing so hard hes getting uncomfortably warm
after the show he like, breaks into her dressing room. hes got his hands clamped over his eye and he like "oh my god im so sorry if you are changing i promise im not looking i just have somewhere to be after this but please what do i have to do to get you to agree to go to dinner with me"
and rei is r e d bc the grouchy number 2 hero has burst into her dressing room and hes bright red and his hair is smouldering slightly and she just laughs and pulls his hands away from his eyes and tells him she'd love to. enji just walks out, faintly dazed with rei's number on his phone and hes so ridiculously happy he cant stop his hair from smoking
anyway, they date, they get married etc
but rei's ballet company is threatening to drop her if she has kids bc she wont be "perfect" anymore and she's torn up about it bc enji started dating her because of ballet and what if he hates her? but enji is like ",,, i kinda,,, love you? plus you and our hypothetical kids with be gods gift to this earth. i will buy you a whole ballet company if i have to"and shes crying and everything is soft
she has fuyumi and she is the worlds most perfect baby and enji is the most protective dad on this planet
then she has dabi bc she wanted fuyumi to have a sibling and dabi is born w his quirk and sneezes embers and enji is crying because his son is perfect
and then they have another kid bc they are sickeningly in love and their children are all wonderful and they have natsuo who likes to eat not food things and rei loves her chunky toddler. enji is crying because "hes gonna be such a big strong man" and also because natsuo keeps trying to eat his flaming beard
and then they have shouto bc "fuck it more children” hes born and rei is crying bc "look he looks just like you enji!" and enji is crying because "rei he looks just like you,,," and fuyumi is crying bc she has another little brother, dabi is trying not to cry bc hes a big strong 5 yearold and natsuo is like,,, 3 and hes trying to est his baby brothers hair and hes perfect
also!!! dabi is a double agent. he loves his dad v much and is pretending to be a villain to keep him and the rest of his family safe
enjis that dad that’s so fucking embarrassing and he does it on purpose?? during the sports festival he’s in his seat and he’s just “sHOUTOOOO” everyone turns and they’re just ???? todoroki s bright red but he’s yelling back
endeavour, making a lil heart with his hands: “i love you and i’m very proud of you ♥️”
hi please enji sending photos of his kids to allmight all the time. all might fucking adores these little children and sends them so much random merch bc they are so fucking cute. he holds natsuo who’s trying to eat his weird bunny ear hair and he’s just
i love,,,these kids,,,
natsuo is a Chunky Boy. hes a toddler with the density of lead, hes so fucking heavy and round and allmight adores him. shouto looks at you judgingly even as a baby and allmight feels personally attacked
Pre canon + Training arc
in this au, izuku has a stronger version of his mothers quirk. like, really good telekinesis and he wants to be a hero! she hits him if he uses his quirk, makes him say hes quirkless and weak, says she just wants to protect him. she withholds food to keep him "perfect" because
"your father ruined me, now im all covered in ugly stretch marks and im disgusting, but ill make you perfect"
inko makes izuku wear feminine clothes and keep his hair long bc shes kinda trying to make him into like, the perfect version of her? and she always threatens to scrub izukus "fathers" freckles off his face with steel wool
shes ,,, conflicted about Katsuki
(katsuki knows something is up w inko and izuku so hes not terrible)
because she doesnt want her "perfect" sweet son to become brash like Katsuki but she kinda,,, likes her son being the damsel in distress that has to be saved by his stronger friend? and thinks that if izuku has a guard he won't need to be strong himself if they play in her house, inko is the villain, katsuki is the hero and izuku has to be the hostage that needs to be saved.
izuku tells katsuki about his quirk one day and he mentions it in front of inko. katsuki is almost thrown out of the house and he can hear izuku screaming from inside, and hes trying to get through the door bc his friend his crying and its not his fault. he stays there with this ear pressed against the door for hours. izuku stops crying after 45 minutes, inko starts saying shes sorry after 3 hours
inko crushed her son's hands
inko needs her hands for her quirk to work and assumes izuku does too? So she methodically crushes every finger and his wrists to try to ruin his ability to use his quirk. izukus hands heal but he cant write without it hurting and that makes him really upset bc he loves to draw. its the only thing that his mum lets him do that he enjoys. inko says sorry but she still blames him
"im sorry it hurt honey but mummy had to do it, you understand right?"
from that day forward katsuki starts training to be a hero bc he doesnt want anyone getting hurt like izuku ever again. he helps izuku train too in secret, they work together to lie because izuku wants to he a hero, and if he can survive his mother? he can do anything.
after that time w inko he cant use his quirk. like, physically? he can, but he has panic attacks and freezes up if he tries. basically izuku gets bullied for being quirkless, but not by Katsuki
ep 1 happen kind like normal. izuku asks "can i be a hero without a quirk?" allmight says no but he manages to use his quirk to save katsuki and katsuki hugs him as he cries, izuku pulls katsuki from the sludge villain w his quirk, allmight saves the day
the heroes are like, 2 secs from scolding izuku for using his quirk but the boy is having a horrific panic attack and they would feel bad ab it. also katsuki looks like hes gonna commit real actual murder if someone so much as touches izuku so they awkwardly walk away
allmight confronts izuku ab. the whole "i though you were quirkless" thing and izuku has another panic attack and all might feels terrible izuku is basically apologising for having a quirk??? that that sits really badly w toshi so he asks izuku if he can help him and katsuki train to be heroes and izuku cries and says yes
izuku looks at the time and starts crying again and allmight is like??? did i do something wrong???
izuku is sobbing that he doesnt wanna go home because "she'll be so angry" and toshi is like,,, holy shit im just gonna steal this child i guess but izuku convinces him hes overacting and izuku runs home, after toshi gives him his phone number and stresses that izuku is allowed to call even for "stupid" reasons
mitsuki is confused that katsuki looks so worried hes like,, pacing and he keeps sticking his head outside to look over the balcony to the street and checking his phone bc izuku hasnt told him what happened yet and hes scared that inko finally snapped and hurt him too badly to recover from
inko??? wasnt happy
shes beating izuku with heavy stuff and asking him if he thinks shes a terrible mother or something. izuku is crying because hes sorry and he didnt mean to use his quirk he was just scared. inko starts crying and is patching him up and says that she only hurts him because she loves him and wants him to be happy and perfect . izuku doesnt get food for 2 days after that, he has to sneak out to train w katsuki and all might. all might actually asks katsuki ab. it
"his mother is fucking crazy. my mum doesnt believe me but shes batty. lost it when her husband left and is trying to keep izuku like a fucking doll, its creepy"
izuku tends to wear gloves of long sleeves, or draws over his hands bc they are c o v e r e d in scares. on a particularly bad training day izuku cant hold his water bottle and he cant stop himself tearing up so katsuki holds the bottom for it and izuku is so embarrased and gratful and all might wants to cry because who hurt this kid???
like,, three? months into the training izuku comes up to all might and the kid is shaking and pale but he looks so determined and he says in the softest voice "i want to start training my quirk" and all might smiles like the sun
Entrance Exam
So allmight has already given his quirk to Mirio, he and nighteye made up. Hes out heroing, saves izuku from the sludge villain, Izuku doesn’t cling on but there is something ab the way Izuku looks at him that worries allmight so he stays to answer his question and runs out of time. Izuku asks if he can be a hero w/o a quirk, allmight hesitates. Izuku just quietly says "its ok, thank you for your time" and leaves. All might feels terrible.
He realises the sludge villain is gone, curses and runs towards the explosions. Izuku is wandering around trying to find Katsuki and sees the sludge villain has him. W/o wasting a moment he runs towards him, trying to pull him free. He uses his quirk to pull him out by the shirt and stands infront of katsuki to try to keep him safe. Allmgiht rushes in to help.
The heroes try to tell Izuku off but katsuki just yells at them and they hurry away. They run into Yagi and he tries to talk to Izuku but katsuki just yells at him. Allmight explains his form thing and tells izuku he can totally be a hero but oh hey werent you quirkless?
Katsuki is ab. To rip Allmights head off, izuku just explains he doesn’t much like his quirk. All might asks if he can help train the two of them to be heroes and they agree 100%. Izuku has to run home and leaves Katsuki w allmight. Katsuki tells him he'll need to look after Izuku and walks off in the same direction. Allmight is l o s t
Izuku gets beaten byhis mother for using his quirk, sneaks out to train with yagi and katsuki. Yagi is worried but there isnt much he can do. Mirio and Sir show up sometimes to chat w allmight and help training, All might admits hes going into teaching bc hes going to have to retire soon and Izuku tells him he'll be amazing at it, katsuki just roasts allmight
Day of the entrance exam mirio wishes them both good luck .
Izuku has told his mother hes taking the gen-ed written exam and has permission to go get food with katsuki afterwards. He has applied for gen-ed and the hero course and honestly doesn’t believe he'll get into heroics but he has to try.
Someone pushes him, Occhako catches him, they all say hello and enter the written exam hall. Izuku finds it easy as pie so hes honestly kinda worried that hes missing something (hes not, hes just smart). There is a moral dilema at the end of the test and he answers it in a way that concerns the markers (in a self esteem kinda way)
So they enter the auditorium and and izuku finds out he isnt in katsukis arena which makes im panic, but he tells him to suck it up because hes a grown as teenager and can handle himself which cheers izuku up. Iida calls them out for talking.
At the arena hes having a quiet breakdown, sees ochako and lights up, goes to talk to her but Iida tells him off for being a trouble maker. Someone in the crowd snidly asks "when did they start letting 12-year-old girls take the exam" and izuku feels like dirt. Mic calls start and his fight/flight is so overreactive he throws himself straight into the exam
Pulling rubble and crap w great force through the robots, he gets around 20 points? But after a while he just shuts down. He feels sick and he hates his quirk and his mother and his hnds ache and he just c a n t do it anymore.
Aizawa watches this kid in arena 4 crumple to the ground and he spares a moment to be sad for the kid. He looked promising, but its not the first time someone has cracked under the pressure durring the entrance exam. He sees allmgiht looking saddened out of the corner of his eye, locked on the screen, and thinks maybe this kid is why he asked to be excluded from the judging team.
Izuku sees the zero pointer and cant even bring himself to run away. But then he hears ochako cry out and instantly sprints towards her.
He pulls himself into the air and pulls as many shards of scrap metal and rebar as he can, and pulls them with all his might through the 0 pointer, turning into a giant pincusion. He runs out of energy, and just lets himself fall.
Aizawa feels his heart sink bc the kid is smiling.
Ochako saves him at the last moment, and hes miraculously uninjured but so out of energy he can barely stand. Recovery girl hands him gummies which he gratefully accepts and drags himself out of the exam. He meets katsuki by the entrance. He sees his tiny mess of a friend, pale and shakey but smiles and he picks him up and hugs him even though he will deny it till the day he dies. izuku is sure he failed but for one moment, using his quirk? he just felt so complete and free that he doesnt mind if he fails, just because he got to enjoy that one moment. bakugo tells izuku that hes gonna drag him into the hero course by his hair and izuku giggles
They go get food bc they need some relief.
Izuku doesn’t think he's in the heroics department but is hopeful anyway.
he and bakugo spend the week waiting for their letters "studying" for ua (aka, designing hero costumes, coming up with names, planning the fuck out of everything bc they are both crazy nervous and will never admit it)
inko hands izuku his mail and izuku is so nervous because if she looked? its game over but she just smiles happily and tells him to tell her if he got into gen ed. or not so they can invite the bakugo's over to celebrate
izuku walks calmly until his mum is out of sight, then he tears down the hall, stuffs a towel under the door and opens his letter under his blankets so she cant hear it. its allmgiht on the screen and he cries.
and he got in and he cries some more
and then he has a quick panic attack becuase holy shit this is a lot of lies hes going to have to spin because he came first in the entrance exam. his mum asks him if he got in and hes so grateful that his voice doesnt shake when he cries, as he says back "i got into gen. ed mum!!"
He finds out he got in and he starts to panic bc what is he going to tell his mum? Some point later Inko yells at him for just sitting around so he runs out of the house and to a cat café, and hes just sobbing because his face hurts from where she slapped him and he just wants to get out of the rain.
Shinso sees this kid, curses his heroic instincts and pays for 2 hours for him and the mystery kid. He just wanted to wallow in self pity for failing the exam he knew he was going to fail, but now hes got a crying kid to deal with
So turns out the kid is his age and is called Midoriya. As only izuku can do, hes shinso spilling his guts ab the hero course and his quirk in around 20 minutes. Izuku explains a bit about what his mother did to him, and that he got into the hero course but if his mother finds out hes scared shitless of what she'll do.
Shinsou’s family before Aizawa was shit, he gets it. And he sees this cute green-haired sobbing kid gently kiss a fat tabby on the top of its little head and decides he'd die for him.
They plot that they'll change shirts at the start of the day so inko doesn’t see the hero course shirt, and shinso will quickly tell him what they were doing in gen ed on the train home. Shinso does urge izuku to get help but izuku declines. His mother is sick and she's trying her best. She still loves him. Izuku is scared of who his dad is.
And it's not like anyone ever believed his soft, kind-looking mother could hurt her own son.
First day + Quirk Apprehension Test
Inasa is a recommendation student, along with Momo and Todoroki, was placed in Aizawa class bc his quirk is kinda wack.
Class does not contain Hagekure, Mineta is expelled
like, first day of school shinso is waiting down the road for izuku and bakugo is like,,, ha????? and shinso is like "oK So i have the hero course shirt, change behind a tree like a bunch of weirdos or wait for school" and izuku is like,,, “as much as my anxiety wants to change now so we wont be late i think kacchan might murder us if we change behind a tree" and bakugo is like??? "YeaH and WHO ARE YOU EXACTLY"
anyway! they take the bus and shinso explains that the bonded over a chubby tabby and that hes agreed to be izuku alibi and katsuki looks him up and down like ",,, you pass" and izuku giggles and shinso feels happy bc he didnt know the boy could giggle and its such a soft noise
anyway, izuku and shinso sprint into school to find a bathroom to change in, izuku tries not to cry on his hero shirt. they then proceed to speed walk to the correct class bc the other students have shown up and they dont wanna get yelled at. katsuki told izuku he could walk himself to class because "youre a big boy now" and izuku laughs again
izukus anxiety vs trauma is a continuous war bc anxiety says "hide behind friends" but trauma says "dont be weak and pathetic like inko says you are or shes been right the whole time"
izuku gets into class, bakugo is busy trying to scare iida bc iida is Really Getting On His Nerves. iida says hi to izuku and izuku almost cries before iida says that he was sorry for being a dick and then izuku almost cries again but bc hes happy
ochako bursts in like "OH MY GOD THE CUTE ONE GOT IN" and izuku is Red and like (a lil trauma but he shoves that way deep down) and says hi. aizawa crawls in and scares the actual shit out of everyone but izuku finds him super calming? bc hes just so fucking blunt and he doesnt have to look for double meanings
anyway, izuku gets called up to do the throw bc he came first and hearing aizawa say "use your quirk" made a cold sweat run through him but bakugo gave him a thumbs up so he felt a little better. The boy gets a crazy score. izuku gets a great score on all the stuff he can use his quirk for, but hes got terrible stamina/strength bc hes just so thin. hes placing like, first quarter of the class
so they finish, mineta gets kicked out
allmight is watching from behind a bush bc look at his boys go!!! his yelly boy and his crying boy!!. aizawa holds izuku back at the end of class, bakugo doesnt wanna leave him but tenya pushes him to the locker room
"so kid. thats a great quirk youve got there"
and izuku,,, really doesnt like talking about his quirk. he doesn't like using it. he and bakugo drew vines on his hands this morning to cover up the scars and hes tracing his fingers along them to keep himself from shaking.
aizawa looks him dead in the eye
"mind telling me why you are registered as quirkless?"
and izuku freezes. he cant breathe.
aizawa is waiting and his irritation turns to alarm when he realizes the kid i s n t m o v i n g. all might has seen izuku freak out before so he swoops in and sits izuku down on the ground and tries to get the kid to breath. he does but hes still shaking and all he'll stay is "im sorry" and "not again"
aizawa is very much shaken because izuku seemed pretty normal? then he remembered the kid shinso was talking about. allmight calls bakugo who runs back out onto the field, half in uniform and half in costume and hes trying to calm izuku down and he looks like,,, 2 seconds away from ripping aizawa head off and aizawa honestly thinks hes kinda deserves it lmao
its nearing the end of school and izuku isnt even down from his panic attack yet but bakugo n e e d s shinso to get over here so they can swap shirts or izuku is going to be in even more trouble than he already is. so bakugo is trying to get izuku to respond to anything, allmight has his hand on his not sons shoulder, aizawa feels like a piece of shit, and bakugo is trying to find shinso's contact number in izuku's phone
some of class a goes to look outside and aizawa lays into the and tells them to hurry up to class or he'll expell them all with mineta
anyway shinso comes running out bc his teacher is mic and is willing to let him do dumb stuff and shinso is like??? dad its been 1 day what did you do to the cat kiss boy?? shinso allmight and bakugo get izuku responsive enough that bakugo takes him to swap his shirts in the changing rooms and helps izuku clean up so its not obvious he was crying. shinso gets izukus stuff from his classroom. aizawa just turns to all might
“ok so what the fuck was that"
all might honestly shrugs "i barely know myself. kid has serious quirk trauma and is scared of his mother, thats all i can tell you" and aizawa is both concerned and annoyed bc ofcourse thsi si in his class
izuku and bakugo get home, alls good
Battle Trial
battle trial! its,,a ride
basically! izuku has his lil costume and ochako tells him he looks really cute and hes grateful + trauma. bakugo tells him he looks like hes ready to bust some heads which makes him feel better. todoroki is with iida on the villain team
they are chatting happily about have hero families and being melodramatic about being evil
Izuku is paired with inasa!
so izuku cant directly use his quirk on himself, but he can "push" against the ground, which sends him up. its useful for dodging but not sustainable
anyway, they work out that inasa's wind doesnt effect izukus telekinesis
izuku makes some dust, they roll in, todoroki is out and looking for them. he torches the dust but gets hit by a pebble to the temple. inasa is like, 100% impressed. they wrap todoroki up and inasa says sorry to his half/half bro. todoroki shrugs. bakugo is like, internally cheering and he has the most murderous smile
anyway, iida is melodramatic, inasa looses it laughing bc hes so funny and takes a big ol kick to the face. hes down, probs concussed but iida cant get in to tie him up because he almost gets squished by the currently moving bomb bc its paper mache its light and easy for izuku to pull on
iida decides he should probably take down izuku before anything happens, but at the last moment izuku pushes off the ground, dodging over iida and lightly tapping the bomb
hero team wins!!!
inasa and todoroki are both concussed which is awkward but its all g. izuku gets MVP but iida was a close second. bakugo like, friendly punches izuku in the arm and hes hiding behind bakugo bc people are looking at him but hes very happy
someone says "wow, your quirk is amazing" and hes like,,, "oh there goes my good mood." allmight and bakugo are about to tell this kid to shut the fuck up but get beaten to it by a concussed todoroki of all people
"its not the quirk its how he uses it you overipe melon"
izuku giggles until he cant breathe and bakugo is cackling. concussed todoroki looks so pleased with himsel
bakugo and kiri are teams up and they kick actual ass as the villains. like, crazy good, they take out the heroes and dont even have to let it run over time
because "if we win? we do it right."
izuku is like doing these little happy bounces and inasa is crying bc his partner is so pure
izuku and shinso meet up, change, go home
Happens like 3 weeks in, not 3 days in. They need time to bond ok. Before the trip we get some general hyjinks.
the next day, its field trip time baby!!!
inasa makes izuku sit with him and todoroki and its a tight fucking fit bc they are sharing 2 seats. inasa has like,,, claimed this boy because he was so soft and izuku has a friend!! and hes very happy. hes like,, a little scared of todoroki but also kinda loves him for the overripe melon comment so
Kurogiri yeets the villains into the usj. allmight is out of time, aizawa runs in like normal. inasa, izuku and tsuyu get sent to the shipwreck zone. they do some cool shit honestly. inasa holds the 3 of them in the air, tsuyu hold the villains together as izuku yeets them into the hull of the ship and seals the hold and hopes the villains dont really care enough to break a hole in the ship. Inasa gets them all to shore
then they get to witness the nomu and izuku sees the punch thrown? and he moves without thinking, using all of his quirk he can to hold to nomus fist back. after he moves, inasa joins in, pushing the nomu back as much as the can. aizawa punches shigiraki and he gets m a d. shigiraki breaks the capture weapon and sends the nomu after tsuyu. inasa, who was closer, pushes her out of the way and takes the hit. its just like, 1 blow? but hes down to the count. aizawa tells tsuyu to take him and run
izuku wants to throw up
aizawa tries to get him to run but the nomu charges again and izuku has to pull aizawa out of the way. all they can do is play keep-away and aizawa is frustrated because no matter the training he has, he can't stand up to this thing. all he can do is rely on izuku's quirk, because the quirk can move faster than a human can. shigiraki gets sick of this, kurogiri uses momentum to send aizawa to the other side of the usj with kiri and Bakugo. they begin to run back to the plaza. izuku is scared, slips up, takes a hit. hes down, with broken ribs and his quirk is nearing overuse
shigiraki sees this kid's broken hands, laughs and makes the nomu crush them again
bakugo blasts in, grabs izuku. todoroki has the nomu trapped in ice, aizawa wraps izukus hands with what he was left of his capture weapon
all might bursts in. he has more of his quirk left bc he hasnt passed it on yet, takes out the nomu and has enough strength to still be standing. shigiraki goes to attack, and izuku basically uses the last of his strength to pull allmight towards him, then he collapses
the other heroes arrive with endeavour! because he was patrolling nearby and got the alert. is his agency in hosu? Yep! do i care? nope hes here to see his son!
aizawa is like, moossttlylyy ok? shigiraki got to his arm and he's got scrapes and sprains from being yeeted around by izuku's quirk but he's pretty ok. inasa has a punctured lung but is stabilized quickly. izukus bones arent fractured? but hes got a pretty bad crush injury to both hands + cracked ribs and low blood sugar. bakugo rides w him back to ua
shinso is there and hes a little panicky bc his dad and bro were in a villain attack. nezu comes into recovery girls office and is like "oh its ok! ive contacted everyone’s parents and they should be here soon" and bakugo is like "YOU DID WHAT"
nezu sweating ",,, what do you mean this is what im ment to do"
and allmight cringes; aizawa, on painkillers, is like, pretty concerned; bakugo is enraged. izuku isnt breathing. hes frozen, crying silently and hes perfectly still and it breaks recovery girls heart
hes got a big bruise of the side of his face, fyi
bakugo doesnt want to leave but recovery girl orders him out, all might gets made to leave as well. soon the only people left are inasa (unconscious) izuku (catatonic) and aizawa (guilty)
inko walks in. shes smiling. she grabs izuku by the hand, "its ok honey, mummy's here now!"and aizawa?? hes trying not to judge but he gets a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach. inko pulls izuku from the bed by his crushed hand and izuku is silent. she has a hand wrapped around the back of his neck as she leads him out of the school
bakugo is at home and hes begging his mother to let him see izuku bur his mother wont let him because inko has been through something stressful and doesnt need you yelling! and bakugo is angry because shes never believed him about inko. he throws his plate against the wall and looks mitsuki dead in the eyes
"you'll regret that tomorrow. you'll regret that when you see what shes done to him"
his door slams
the day after the usj zuku isnt in school. shinso is waiting at the end of his street but only bakugo shows up. he looks defeated
"lets just go"
shinso spends the whole day in the hero course shirt
aizawa isnt surprized, loads of kids didnt show up to school the day after the usj, even non-hero kids, but then izuku isnt there the next day. bakugo is pacing, tugging at his hair as he waits for aizawa to show up. inasa looks lost, todoroki looks faintly confused, shinso is in the classroom, didnt leave to go to his own because bakugo doesnt know where midoriya is and hes waiting for aizawa
aizawa walks in with the bell. no izuku. his heart sinks. He looks around, and walks straight back out of class, sends mic to cover for him. he tells nezu. nezu has a terrible feeling and asks him and allmight to perform a wellness check. allmight uses his hero form, even though he doesnt have much time to waste, because this isnt a waste
they arrive at inkos house, they knock and she opens the door. shes smiling and asks if they would like to sit down, if they want some tea. there is blood under her fingernails
aizawa aks to use the bathroom, sneaks into midoriyas room. the kid is locked to the bed in the dark and aizawa wants to throw up bc he can smell blood and infection
inko took steel wool and scrubbed "off" every bruise on midoriya's skin to make him "clean" again
every mark
every cut
his hands are, oddly, untouched with their horrible crush marks healed by recovery girl as priority, but the side of his face, his ribs cage, the cuts on his arms and legs and back are raw. no skin, sticky blood dripping onto the sheets. aizawa goes over to izuku and he honestly smells like rotting meat because his room is hot and he has massive open injuries that are super infected. he tries to shake izuku awake and realizes the kid is burning. izuku fliches and is trying to pull away from aizawa, opening cuts and pulling at his wounds. hes so quiet aizawa wants to cry. he gently pats izukus hair and tells him he'll be safe now
hes walks out of the room and throws inko from the couch onto the floor, cuffing her. allmight is shocked, inko is screaming. aizawa cuffs inko to a couch and drags all might into izukus room and all might wants to cry
because, something aizawa hadn't noticed, every single piece of hero merch izuku owned has been ripped from its hiding place and crushed and torn on the floor. all might oh so gently breaks the cuffs holding into down and gently, gently picks him up. he cant stop the tears
izuku lets out the softest "im so sorry sensei" and aizawa has to leave the room. he sucker punches inko, calls nezu and an ambulance. inko is, thank god, unconscious now and the house is so quiet
so quiet aizawa can hear all might crying
mitsuki runs in bc she thinks her tiny friend is getting hurt and she sees her sons teacher sitting with his head between his legs on the floor like hes trying not to cry. he just points and she sees the number 1 hero holding this red and broken boy and she screams. she has to run back out to throw up into the kitchen sink
she calls Katsuki. hes sitting in class, most of the class is pacing or doodling, or chatting. mic doesn't have the heart to try and teach them but he also isn't cleared to tell them whats going on because he doesnt know
bakugos phone rings and the kid tears open his bag. all mistuki says it "im so sorry" and bakugo throws his phone into the wall so hard it shatters
mic like, yells bc a kid just shattered his phone and bakugo leaps over his desk to get to the door. mic grabs him by the collar
"hey listener? what do you think you're doing?"
bakugo is white and clammy
"let go." "listener?" "let. go."
mic drops him and bakugo tears down the hall, he kicks open shinsou's door and hauls him out of the room. midnight tries to stop him but bakugo is basically already off school grounds. shinso doesn't even need to ask, he can guess
they are running as fast as the can, faster than either of them have ever run. they don't even bother with the stairs, bakugo uses his quirk to haul them both up the side. bakugo and shinsou try to run in but aizawa just grabs them and pulls them close, he won't let them pass. aizawa isn't even angry but he won't let go of them, like hes scared someone will hurt another of his students, mitsuki drags Bakugo to her side and just holds him like she used to when he got hurt them he was little. the house is silent other than random crying, sirens in the distance
the ambulance comes and they come to take izuku but all might doesn't want to let go of this kid he's failed so badly, so he gently carries him all the way down and lays him on the stretcher. there is blood caked on his suit jacket
ok so as an fyi? izukus injuries arent terrible but hes missing a lot of skin. still has cracked ribs, has a serious infection and is critically dehydrated from fluid loss due to lost skin, plus the fact he hasn't been given food or water for 2 days
it's not the injuries that are the problem, its the dehydration/fever
1A is shaken. mic is shaken and 20 minutes after bakugo runs out? nezu announces that classes have been cancelled for the day and that students may remain on campus if they have no other way home and mic??? the guy is shaken. his husband is missing, all might left, nemuri says bakugo took shinso too
mic has to tell the class school is cancelled, 1 hour into the day but he can't tell them why because he doesn't know. momo, uraraka and kouda just kinda, start to cry bc they can feel something terrible has happened
todoroki invites everyone over to his house until school would have normally ended. they get over to shoutos house and hes like "so,,, you all wanna know whats happened right?" and he gets a bunch of silent nods. he just kinda, says a preemptive sorry to the pic of his dad on the wall and breaks open his hero office door. 1A is crowded around the computer as shouto, momo and tenya are scanning for anything in alerts and shouto stops and points
"minimal security transport and medical assistance to mustutafu, rapid response requested."
they click on it
Heroes Responding: Eraserhead (underground), All Might Civilian Involvement: 2 Adults (stable, no medical response) 3 Children (2 stable, 1 unknown. medical response requested) Villain: N/A Alert Type: Domestic Violence
tenya has to walk away. so does inasa and todoroki
Endeavour storms in bc "shouto, why did you break into my personal office-" and he sees these kids and they looks broken and his son just clings to him. he feels his heart drop, because he doesnt know whats happened, but its not fucking good
w recovery girl + iv fluids and antibiotics, izuku heals up pretty quick but hes got some big scars. shallow but red and angry looking
school doesnt start again until next Wednesday, 7 days after the usj and the dorms have been built
bakugo and shinso wouldn't leave izuku. like, aizawa threatened to expel Bakugo and he still wouldn't go. when izuku wakes up, his two brothers are holding his hands and he cries because hes alive and they are there
so, dorms
everyone swarms izuku bc that's the soft man who they love who saved them in the usj and also they thought he was dead for a hot minute and izuku is crying and there are hugs. aizawa is very fond of his dumb children and they train for the sports festival
U.A. Sports Festival
Event 1 : Battle Royal
so like, battle royal w a shrinking perimeter. 3 hits and you’re out. A hit is contact with another person, thrown object or quirk.
they all wear like these rly uncomfortable body suits that register touches anywhere bc nezu is a nightmare. they all fucking hate these things and nezu is cackling be he had them made but no one would let him use them
during the event, bakugo yells "MAKE IT THROUGH AND SHOW THOSE CHUCKLE FUCKS WHAT 1A IS MADE OF” a resounding yell of “FUCK YEAH” echos through the examinees
no matter what nezu does, not a single member of 1A lands a hit on another. like, bakugo trips and izuku uses his quirk to get him out of the range f kirishima
all of 1A makes it through. all of them. every single one, followed by half of 1B, plus 10ish mixed gen ed and support kids
gen ed, absolutely disgusted: “it’s clear ua favours 1a”
inasa, outraged and very loud: “sAY THAT TO MY FACe”
please, during the fight izuku goes to throw a punch at the person in front of him, they turn around and all he can see its purple hair and eyes and he cant. he uses his quirk to push himself away from shinso
izuku like,,, takes out most of the people bc he yeets people at eachother. he and inasa protect everyon from 1A! todoroki and bakugou team up, double the fire power. ochako is sad bc she cant help bc she cant touch her class mates so she yeets rocks at people. sato / kiri / bakugo make a sit tone of rubble for her, inasa makes a wind vortex above 1A, then she drops it. thats how they take out almost everyone
Event 2: Blind Tag
after the event their costumes light up. half red, half white. the anouncment is just "red is it. if you are still it in 10 minutes you dont move on. good luck" the area turns pitch b l a c k. all natural light is gone so all you can see is the glowing suits (the audience can see bc they have heat cams) and cementoss adds some varying terrain.
-        not gonna lie? it wasnt going to be blind tag but nezu didnt want the last fight to be just 1A
izuku is it he tags someone then avoids being tagged again
inasa is not it. he floats in a corner for like, the whole game but gets hit by ibara near the end
bakugo and todoroki are both not it and team up to make a firey circle of hell, they make it through
shinso does too and hes a really cool fight that no one but him and the audience get to see. he ends up choking this guy out, tags him and sprints away
Event 3: Tournament
momo/monoma, shinso/shoji, tsuyu/kendo, jiro/kuroiro, todoroki/hatsume, iida/awase, bakugo/kirishima, izuku/ochako
momo/iida, todoroki/shinso, izuku/tsuyu, bakugo/jiro
iida/izuku, shinso/bakugo
bakugo/izuku > Izuku wins
Vs. Hero Killer
Interns with Nighteye and Mirio as they do special training w gran. Working with Endeavours agency to find herokiller. Nomu attack, Nighteye tells Mirio to get Izuku to safety, Izuku tells Mirio ab. Iida. Another Nomu corners them, after internal deliberation Mirio tells izuku to go after Iida. Finds Iida, sends location.
Two Heroes
For one, Mirio and Nighteye are there, along with Izuku.
Forest Training Camp
They take Izuku too, because he was holding Bakugo's hand
Nighteye asks to see Allmight's future and allmight declines. Hes going to do it no matter what the future says, and he refuses to set it in stone by seeing it
Mirio is part of the rescue squad, 50% bc he's the one who will take the fall for the whole thing with his license. Besides, he knows about All for One, and it's his duty as a wielder of One for All to at least try to help his mentor.
"I mean, I could have just taken the boy's arm. But those nasty scars tell me hes very much seen the worst humanity has to offer. Perhaps he'd like to join as well."
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