#i do like this meme tho it's fun!
marcmorrigan · 3 months
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i made this joke while i was watching episode 13 and he immediately actually started drowning :o\
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bisexualbuckleyy · 9 months
teen wolf memes part 17: i’m gay and mentally ill and made these while procrastinating homework
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truly i’m having so much fun with these. there are so many more coming i’m never gonna stop. thank you @burnthatbridgewhenwecometoit you’re the best 🩷
teen wolf memes part 17
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marsbotz · 1 year
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shout out to whatever the hell these two had going on
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og images from pinterest tee hee
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
Hello!! Question about clone^2, what are the styles of Danny and Damian? Like day to day stuff for example. Does Danny buy Damian the traditional 8 yr old clothes (dinosaurs with sunglasses tees, stuff like that) or does Damian already have a style he likes? And Danny! I know that Sam gives Danny various punk hairstyles and that he prefers gender neutral stuff but outside of that what would Danny wear in general?
You don’t have to answer of course, but I’ll give you a thank you in advance!
- kindest regards, Gas Can
And I love this question, this is a good one!! If damian's 8 then he's been around the fenton house for about a year or so. I can't see baby dames ever willingly wearing traditional child-like clothes, at least not in the beginning when he first arrives at the Fenton house. Which he'd be around 6-7.
Danny tells him (with the help of google translate) that he's going shopping to buy him new clothes sometime during Damian's early stay since the little man had been wearing the same clothes he arrived in for a while (which you can find here with the reblog of the colored version) and honestly he probably asks damian if he wants to come along to pick something out. he doesn't know the kid's style and it might be a bad idea because damian might make a run for it, but danny's caught him before at this point.
(plus he'll need help carrying bags - his hands are freshly injured and still smarting. they're not as bad as they will be in the future, but hand injuries hurt. consider it repayment for being the cause of it, damian)
And early Damian would choose clothes that remind him most of the league - so dark colors, more formal styles, think like how you'd imagine his original template to dress like, if you will. Danny is side-eyeing him in judgy bewilderment, but says nothing other than to complain about the price tag. Of which Damian has no idea what he's saying. He'd stick with those clothes until he has his little moment with Danny in the OPS Center where he finally tells him he's a clone (even though Danny already knows) and that he doesn't want to go back. After that he'd reluctantly and steadily start branching out.
So eight year old Damian, whose begun to chill out more and act more like a child his age would? I don't think he'd ever wear graphic t-shirts about kids shows, but I can see him wearing graphic tees of like, animal facts on it, animals, stars, etc etc, and then plain shirts in a variety of increasing color. I have this mental image that Danny buys Damian one of those joke shirts that says "bro I'm 8" / "this is what an awesome eight year old looks like" (with two thumbs pointing at itself) and Damian wears it to school a week later. Damian's variety of shirts increases the more comfortable he gets and the more he comes into his own identity.
Damian also, steadily, keeps stealing Danny's flannels even if they're almost comically large on him. They're comfy and he's embracing his role as baby brother (and also he really looks up to him because he understands, to an extent, of what danny's done for him). Danny and the Fentons start buying Damian his own after a while because, well, he can't keep taking Danny's.
And Danny! I'm so glad you mentioned Danny, my favorite GNC boy. I keep forgetting myself sometimes that I gave him long hair, even if it is my favorite thing about him. And honestly? Danny doesn't really do much with his hair if Sam isn't styling it. He usually lets it stay down on his head, and then pulls it back into a ponytail or a half-ponytail at school depending on what he's doing (gym vs a test).
He keeps it in a ponytail as phantom to keep it out of his face, and then when he's working on a Ghost Case he sometimes has it up in a (messy™) bun because the feeling of having his hair on his neck when its in a ponytail drives him nuts, especially when sleep deprived. Sam teaches him how to braid it back into a simple braid and its become a new fidget for him to braid his hair and then unbraid it. It's easier to keep off his face than a ponytail, so he sometimes braids it back when he's sneaking out as phantom. It happens more often once he gets skilled at it.
And danny's style! I know you probably only meant his hairstyle, but I also wanna talk about his aesthetic! He doesn't really put much into his appearance. Very teenager-y boy 'threw on the first thing i saw on a hanger/floor' type, but he kinda has a bit more of a casual, soft grungy-like look as an older teen. Just some hints of Sam's influence - and you know what, some of Tucker's as well because that's his best friend too.
(Off topic but 19yo Danny from my Childhood Friends Dead On Main au has a similar style that's a bit soft punk as well, and that is somewhat more intentional on CFAU Danny's part. Why make an au if I can't play dress up with my favorite character? :))
Mostly because I read a Spider-Man x DP fic that described Danny (from an outsider's pov) as looking kinda like a skater boy who listens to alt rock music and it's been my personal interpretation of him ever since. So he has band tees, flannels, graphic tees with jokes on them, shirts with astronomy facts on them, and idk if he'd ever buy ripped jeans but Sam has certainly bought him some and they fit so *shrugs* he wears them. And he has one or two of those denim jackets with the hoodie sewn inside it. And from Tucker he has a few turtlenecks because Tucker reads as a turtleneck-kinda guy, geek chic-ish.
#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#dpdc#clone^2#danny fenton is a clone#danny fenton is not the ghost king#damian wayne has a clone#the quickest way to starry's heart is through her ask box#its not a starry post unless its long#srsly tho i love getting asks even if i haven't answered them. so anyone who sends me an ask: i see them!! i love them!!! if i havent-#answered it its because I can't think of anything *to* say to it that i think would make a fulfilling ask. but i see it and i love it#unmentioned in the post but danny also has a few black croptops of the rave-variety from when he needs to pull what he likes to call a#'brucie wayne moment' and its my favorite part of the clone danny au bc youre gonna look me in the eye and say that there's a-#non-malicious TEENAGE bruce wayne clone running around and he DOESNT have a brucie wayne impression? brucie wayne is a#walking meme in of himself. absolutely a teenage clone of him would pretend to be him sometimes even if its a joke. he wouldnt get away wit#being bruce wayne considering the 30 year age gap BUT acting like him? he can do that AND make someone (or a dozen) swoon at the same time#danny has his identity crisis issues but that doesnt mean he can't have FUN with it. he shares a face with the biggest himbo alive yes he#will use that to his advantage when he's aware of it.#gas can anon#i love that signoff btw#brucie wayne is half the reason i made the clone danny au for a reason - the pure shenanigans of having his face#could potentially cause#like yeah he’s batman’s clone blah blah blah but BRUCIE WAYNE. THE BIMBO HIMSELF
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1driedpersimmon · 2 years
Oh... Maybe Light in can't cheat karma and L in southern snow? :0
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Only had the energy for L 🥴
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lunarharp · 1 year
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things =.=
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judasisgayriot · 2 months
sorry but I bravely refuse to pick a side in the worlds dumbest rpf slapfight, i am a top patrick AND bottom patrick enjoyer and i won't be swayed
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 1 year
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??????? original post by @/morgutio-benvolio and others
full (still censored) pic of roadhog under the cut
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this was the real reason i drew this post
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 months
The thing about "love is a sacrament that should be taken kneeling" is that it really doesn't fit marriage proposals because it is actually a sad and very catholic coded tbh sentence about humility and worthiness from someone who was at their lowest and it ressonates with me for the parts I agree but also for the parts that I don't and that make me think of an anxious teen on his knees doing one ot the most important rituals (the Confirmation) for a religion he doesn't really believe and that doesn't really accept or believe in him because he wants to make his mom proud and happy (De Profundis was hard for a lot of reasons but I was not expecting my catholic upbriging to be one of them).
The other thing about "love is a scrament that should be taken kneeling" is that everytime someone points out it's not actually about romance they complete it with "is tots about bjs" and like I can see why better than I can see romance but previous perfomance does not equal future results Wilde can write things that aren't puns nor inuendos (shocker I know). So it's not about blowjobs. But like if you want to use it as so, go wild, have fun. Just don't spread it as if it was intencional.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
For your wrong answer trans post: I’m trans because I was tired of girls jeans not having pockets
Traded in those jeans that were so skinny they'd cut off circulation with cargo shorts and life has been a dream since
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happygochi · 1 year
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Saw this draw fanart meme on twitter by TAGASAING and wanted to do my usual trio :)
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Dropping the sketch and line wips too bc it seems I post my art once a month now :((
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sysig · 6 days
expression meme: pink A10 for the capt maybe
or yellow b2 zex, i love to see his condescending and cold side 🥰
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Uh oh, lover's tiff (From he/re, meme still open ♥)
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incorrect-web-novels · 11 months
I really enjoy criticizing media, but I need you to know that stories like Scum Villain, DPA, and other "cringe" novels are actually SUPER good - so good that it's a lot of fun to deconstruct and joke about them. Same with characters I tease or make fun of - we're psychically connected
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[Image ID - a photo of a woman putting a box on a high shelf while an upset child looks at her. The box is labeled, "my favorite characters and stories." The woman is labeled, "Me, who criticizes them constantly." The pouting child is labeled, "Ppl who actually hate/misunderstand the story/character (and are dicks about it)." End ID]
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another-clive-blog · 5 months
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The robots. They're summoning the robots watch out-
I posted this meme redraw on Discord and we immediately started making crossovers :]
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sheepie-self-ships · 3 months
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Them in a nutshell tbh.
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festivalofthe12 · 29 days
God but ngl it took me. WAY too long to rememebr that Kakeru doesnt like Tohru for some complicated backstory reason I don't even slightly remember anymore hahaha
Like cmon dude. You're both Sohma in-laws!!!!! How can you be having beef with the 1 person who a) is inevitably going to break the curse FOREVER, and b) is like the one person EVER to treat your borfriend with unconditional kindness. Absolute madness I truly cannot remember his reasoning at all.
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