#i do not believe they became a teacher because they like teaching
There's (idiotic, possibly sadistic, but definitely miserable) people in this world that have an intense hatred for children and teenagers and then choose being a school teacher as their career.
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ashdreams2023 · 5 months
Hello again! I was wondering if you still do requests and if so, can I request a Severus x reader but platonic? Like we've all read Sev being like a guardian of sorts to students but what if reader is like the prof that cares for Sev when he was a student? Like Severus' favorite teacher is reader cause not only is she smart and teaches well but she has a soft spot for Sevy and is one of the profs that punishes the marauders every time she catches them bothering Snape. Snape can see her as a mother figure that even up to the point that Sev actually became a teacher he still goes to her for his problems and she just babies him lol. (Reader was once the youngest teacher to teach in Hogwarts before Snape took that role)
Alright alright gonna do this now!
Platonic Severus snape x fem reader
All my respect
Severus had a rocky relationship with adults from a very young age that’s for sure, his home life and neighborhood left little in his faith for grown ups.
It was a rocky two first years when he couldn’t even trust his head of house let alone another professor, he felt uncomfortable if he had to seek his head of house for help, he preferred to suffer in silence, even if it meant having to sit in aching bruises from his bullies until he learned how to brew a cooling balm.
No one did a thing to genuinely help him, no one, he hated how everyone overlooked him, how They saw him just as a weird kid who others avoid for no reason but that they didn’t understand him.
That continued until his third year, after a brutal beating from Sirius and his wand almost snapping in half, he remembers it very clearly he was sitting in the hall feeling the entire world was against him.
Then you came, young looking and worried, at the time you were only 28 years of age, he knew you were the new hired substitute professor for charms.
He expected to be scolded and sent to his dorm but instead you kneeled down and without even asking a question tended to his injuries self, he flinched when you first touched his face but that didn’t stop you from applying some healing balm and checking his medical chart with your wand.
He was speechless to say the least, no one ever cared this much about him…even his mother…
"Tell me who did this to you and I don’t want any lies little boy" you tried to sound firm but he could tell you were still panicked about his state and what you saw on his medical charm, he was a scrawny malnourished boy "you can tell me, you’re not gonna be in trouble I promise"
Next thing he knows points have been deducted from the lions and he’s all healed up. Although that still didn’t make him trust you that easily.
But it kept happening, you stopped whoever was bothering him, looked out for him when he seemed a little off and much more, you didn’t rest until you got the marauders suspended from hogwarts for a whole semester because of that idiot and deadly prank.
You scolded him still but always with a gentle hand checking if he’s hurt or hiding an injury like he sometimes did.
"One of these days you will kill me with a heart attack!"
"They started it!"
Heck you even helped him get some rare plants for his potion making and recommended him to higher education, even after he messed up and used that awful name, you believed him, you saw the good in him and stood by his side.
He can thank you a million times but he still feels like it isn’t enough, even now at 35 of age, you’re 50 and still working in the same school.
He comes to you for guidance, he has tea with you every other day and you sit there smiling fondly as he complains and rants about his day, just like the little boy you once knew.
"With all my respect to you mother but these kids are insufferable" it takes him a minute to realize what he just said and he blushes crazily but you chuckle.
"Oh please, you’re the son I never birthed"
Severus sighs still blushing slightly from embarrassment "Isn’t it too late for me to call my professor mum?" He used sarcasm to hide his embarrassment.
You sipped your tea and leaned back on your chair "I remember when you were just a little lad, sneaking around to brew your outrageous potions and getting burned then coming back to me with a pout and tear stained eyes demanding I give you my cooling balm"
He smirked crossing his arms "I can make it myself now, I don’t need to be babied anymore"
"Oh? So you don’t your favorite tea cup?" She laughed softly.
Severus frowned dropping his arms, his tea cup, the one you bought specially for him because the design reminded you of a cauldron, it was childish and looked out of place in your neatly organized cabin with all the good China sets.
But he still went for it, he wouldn’t pick that one round tea cup and take it for himself, you would tease him about needing a grown up one but he would defend himself saying he would do just fine with this one.
"Well, good to know some things just don’t change sevy"
"Don’t call me that I’m a grown adult! I’m taller than you!"
"Whatever helps you sleep at night sevy" fighting you was useless, he should’ve known better but he always felt light, he breathed out and let a small smile creep on his lips.
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lunajay33 · 5 months
Summary: You and Daryl got separated at the started and now you’ve just been wandering hoping to find a secure place will you find Daryl again?
Pairing: Season 2 Daryl Dixon x f!reader
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You and Daryl have known eachother since you were kids, growing up right next to eachother, along the way feelings grew and you got together right before graduation, you became a teacher and he worked at a mechanic shop, life was nice and simple together, you were even thinking about having a family but then things change, the world ended when you were teaching and you haven’t seen Daryl since, you search everywhere for him until eventually you had to leave down because of the walkers and venture out on your own, hoping you meet him again
Along the way you came across a barn, you scavenged for food finding some cans and as you looked out the window a horse was grazing the field, you packed up the rest of the food and ventured out finding a saddle approaching the horse steadily trying not to spook it away, thankfully it was friendly and approached you with ease letting, you strapped the saddle around her and hopped up, leading the horse as it trotted north
You’d be alone on your own for about 5 weeks now and it’s been lonely, you just wanted to see Daryl again just needed for him to hold you, you were on the horse walking through trees when a clearing opened up showing a farm house with people walking around, you were a bit wary since you’ve run into some shady people along the way but for some reason you were drawn to this farm, you lead the horse, you named Pixie, slowly as to not scare the people
As you and Pixie walked up the dirt road people started to gather, you hopped off Pixie holding her rope and waiting for the others to do or say anything and not just ogle you
“Who are you?” A man in a police outfit asked
“I’m y/n, I’ve been alone since the start, until I found pixie here” you said as you pet her shiny black hair
“Where’d you come from, who’d you find this place?” Another man asked he seemed a little crazy
“I’m from outside of Atlanta, I’ve just been wandering until I found something, I lost someone at the start and I’ve just been looking for him”
“Sorry to break it to you, he’s probably dead”
“Shane!” The officer glared at the man
“I still have hope, but do you guys have room for one more, I know how to hunt and I can help out”
“Of course, we could use another hunter, got one out hunting right now”
“Thank you”
The officer who introduced himself as Rick, showed you around introduced you to everyone even the owner of the farm, the sun was setting by the time all that was done
“We don’t have anymore tents we’ll have to go out tomorrow and get you one”
“Oh that’s no problem I can sleep out with Pixie” it was the normal for you now
“You sure?”
“Yeah it’s no problem…….shouldn’t your hunter be back by now?”
“Yeah oh there he is now” he said looking over you shoulder at the dirt road
A man with a crossbow and plaid shirt with ripped sleeves, you’d recognize that silhouette anywhere, you sprinted off towards him your heart racing, tears streaming down your face
“DARYL” you screamed as he looked up dropping his crossbow just in time to open his arms and wrap himself around you as you threw yourself into his arms
“Is it really you peach?” He asked in such disbelief it broke your heart
“It’s me, I can’t believe I found you I thought I’d never see you again, I looked everywhere for you I waited at our house hoping you’d come back but……I had to leave I had to find you” you said quickly your eyes not believing you found him having to tell him everything you’ve been thinking these 5 weeks without him
5 weeks may not seem like a lot but in the apocalypse there was no guarantee about anything so everything was precious
You held his biceps as he traced his fingers over ever features on your face completely forgetting others were around you both
“So I’m guessing you two know eachother?” Glenn asked
“She’s my girl” Daryl stated not taking his eyes off of you
“Thee Daryl Dixon got a girl?” Andrea laughed, you turned and glared at her
“You bet your ass I’m his”
“And ya ain’t ever leaving my side again”
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morgana-larkin · 6 months
hi, I think I have a crazy and [loooong] prompt baskdjskkaka. From Melissa's line 'no women? nobody else?ever?'
The staff is reminiscing the little bickering a year ago or two about Janine's love life, only then the staff realize what has Mel said, that she's like into women too. Barb knows tho and Mr. J because ofc he knows everything what has happened in those hallways. So Ava, Janine and Jacob being themselves + Greg surprisingly, began to interrogate Mel about it and in some point she got tired of the constant questioning so she just admitted that she had a relationship with a woman before, particularly a teacher too at Abbott few years before the new teaching staff and principal arrived at the said school. She goes to describe the woman with a little smile on her face without realizing it, did not mention what happened saying they should take what she offers about her private life,the truth is, she still feel guilty of what has happened realizing she's wrong and it's too late. At that, she thought the staff will finally leave her alone but no, since she's single again after the failed proposal, they're like encouraging her to date and maybe try again with a woman. Ofc she declines, then one day Ava burst into the break room grinning, saying a new member of the district is around to help the school, but the top of the icing, as she quote, is she had finally found a match for Melissa not knowing who's r really is, then introduces r to the crew. And man, best believe Melissa almost threw herself out of the window when she sees the very woman she had a relationship before and apparently who she had managed to hurt that still haunts her at night, r is no different from the redhead as she is aslo shocked to see the woman, still there and stunning as ever, because last time they saw each other, the woman cursed that she doesn't think she can stay in a place where she knows r had lingered or stepped a foot with. So basically it's the queue for r to left Philly and never go back, but she's God's favorite and he decided to send her back to the very place she avoids the most. [The breakup is ugly, as it is a big misunderstanding, the redhead saw the other woman kissing, or rather being kissed by a man, against her will which she doesn't know since she became real irrational that point and didn't even listen to the plea of the other woman]
And bc of the weird and awkward reactions + interactions from the two women when they're in a room together, the staff slowly put 2 and 2 together that the new district member that has been sent to the school is the very woman who Mel had a past with.
That is so long I'm so sorry, I just need to let it all out or else I'm gonna combust
Anon it’s perfectly alright, let it all out. This took me so much longer to write and it’s just under 5,000 words😅. There’s so much fucking angst and as someone who hates seeing Melissa upset, I was literally glaring at myself for writing that Melissa is going through it. So I hope you enjoy it! As always not edited in the slightest!
As a side note I wanted to thank @janeyseymour for helping me out, I had no idea what former teachers do at all and she let me know a bunch of them!
Want You Back
Warnings: swearing, Melissa crying, smut
Words: 4.95k
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“No women? Nobody else? Ever?” Melissa said 2 years ago.
“Wait, what did Melissa mean by that?” Janine asked Gregory and Jacob one day when they were walking into work and talking about the conversation they had in the library a couple years ago.
“I don’t know, but it is weird that her first instinct was to immediately ask about women first instead of men.” Jacob says, contributing to the conversation.
“Do I even want to know what you nerds are talking about?” Ava asked them.
“It’s about Melissa, from something she said 2 years ago.” Gregory said and Ava looked at them.
“Melissa has said a lot of things 2 years ago.” Ava said.
“It’s when we were in the library and I said that I’ve been dating my boyfriend since 8th grade and you all questioned it and Melissa said ‘no women’.” Janine explained to Ava and this caught her interest.
“Oh ya, I remember that. I say we question her.” Ava said but the trio stopped her.
“No, this is Melissa we’re talking about. She won’t tell us something about her life so easily.” Janine says.
“Good point, we could annoy her until she gives in.” Ava suggested.
“Maybe another plan where we don’t put our lives at risk.” Jacob says.
“Oh come on. Melissa likes us too much now to kill us.” Ava says proudly and they all look at her like she hit her head. “I did say now, 2 years ago she definitely would have killed us.”
“That’s true, but we can’t ask her multiple times in one go, it’ll have to be a couple to a few times a day.” Jacob says.
“Ok let’s start now.” Ava says, excited about this plan and heads towards the break room. Ava enters, drawing attention as usual with the trio in tow behind her. “Melissa, question.” Ava asks as she pours some coffee in a mug. Melissa glances up at her from her phone.
“What do you want Coleman?” Melissa asks and looks back to her phone, typing something.
Ava smiles at her as she pours an unnecessary amount of sugar in her coffee. “Have you ever dated a woman?” Ava asks and Melissa freezes.
She looks up from her phone, “what?” She asks.
“Have you ever dated a woman?” Ava repeats. Melissa looks at her and sees the trio looking at her waiting for a reply.
“It’s none of youse business who I have or haven’t dated.” She says and goes back to her phone.
The trio and Ava look at each other and smile a little. They have a feeling that Melissa actually might have dated a woman due to her freezing.
*At lunch*
“So you have dated a woman haven’t you?” Janine asks her at her table.
“I thought I told you this morning it’s none of your business.” She glares at her. Janine gets the hint and goes to her own table.
*after school*
“Melissa, we just want to know if you’ve dated a woman before.” Jacob tells her as they all leave the building together.
“Why do you want to know so badly?” Melissa asks them, annoyed.
“Because you never tell us anything about you.” Janine says.
“Ya we just want to get to know you better.” Gregory says.
Melissa rolls her eyes. “What brought this up all of a sudden?” She asks them.
“Well remember when Janine made us play that annoying game and write something about ourselves on a card and then we guess who it was.” Ava asks, earning a ‘heeeey’ from Janine for calling her game annoying.
“Vaguely.” Melissa says, very short with them right now.
“Well, after Janine said he’s only ever dated one guy since grade 8, your immediate response was ‘no women?’.” Ava says and Melissa looks at them.
Melissa then proceeds to walk to her car. “Like I said , none of youse business.” She says and reaches her car and turns to look at them. “So stop asking.” She says and gets in her car.
*the next morning*
The trio keep glancing over at Melissa. They want to ask but wondering if it’ll be dangerous to ask her.
“I feel you guys looking at me.” Melissa says looking at her phone, unimpressed by them. And at that Ava comes in.
“We just want to know the answer.” Jacob tells her.
Melissa sighs and turns around and glares at them. “Ok fine. Yes, I’ve dated a woman before, last one was a few years ago before youse started working here.” She told them and they all beam.
“Omg this is so exciting!” Janine squeals.
“I can’t believe you never told us you were bisexual.” Jacob says.
“What was she like?” Gregory says, and they all look at him then back to Melissa.
Melissa immediately starts thinking about you and she smiles. “She was a teacher here, she taught 3rd grade and left 4 years before you guys started.” She says pointing to Janine, Jacob and Ava. “She was beautiful and smart and brave. She was funny and sarcastic as well and able to keep up with my wit.” Melissa continues. And they all listen as Melissa describes you. And unknown to Melissa, she was smiling the entire time. The only thing Melissa refused to say was your name and why you broke up.
“Why don’t you want to say her name or why you broke up?” Ava says.
“How about youse people take what I give about my life and shut it.” Melissa says and turns back around to go on her phone. Barb looks at her concerned. Of course she knows what happened since she was there and knows how guilty Melissa feels about how it ended.
“Have you ever thought about dating again, specifically a woman?” Jacob says.
Melissa turns to look at him. “No, I’m not going through it again.” She says with a slight voice crack.
Of course none of them listen to her and keep on the lookout for a woman that’s Melissa’s type. And then one day, Ava does. She bursts into the break room, full grin on her face and immediately looks at Melissa then back to the full group, she thinks she found a match for Melissa. Melissa gets up to get herself a coffee and pours it into her mug.
“Hey nerds listen up! The school district sent us a vice principal to help out around the school and they’re paying for it.”
“Really?” Janine says.
“Yep, oh here she comes.” Ava says “and her name is y/n y/l/n.” She says as you enter.
Before anyone can say anything, the sound of a mug breaking is heard near the coffee machine. They all turn to see Melissa with her hand out, as she just dropped her favourite coffee mug full of coffee and it broke on the floor. She’s standing there looking at the new woman who entered in complete shock, completely unaware that she just dropped her mug. They all look towards you who’s looking at Melissa with an expression that can mirror Melissa’s.
“Melissa, r u ok?” Jacob says, and Melissa glances at him briefly before looking down at the floor.
“Uh, u-um y-ya ya, I’m fine, I’m just gonna let Mr Johnson know about the mess.” Melissa says and books it out of the room. A minute later Mr. Johnson appears and sees you , then shakes his head, muttering ‘this will be interesting’.
They all introduce themselves to you , except for Barb. Once the trio and Ava leave, you look at Barb then at your feet, not knowing what to say to her.
“It’s nice to see you again dear.” Barb says and you look up at her.
“I had no idea that Melissa was still working here. I also didn’t really have a choice, the district sent me saying this school needs a vice principal and I needed a job.” You tell her.
“It’s alright, I understand.” Is all she says.
“I-I’ll avoid Melissa as much as possible while I’m here, to avoid any drama as I’m sure she’ll do with me. So you don’t have to worry about that.” You tell her then leave.
After that Barb leaves the break room and goes to check on Melissa. And sure enough, just like she thought, Melissa is having a full on crisis in her classroom. Melissa is at her desk writing something harshly, then gets angry at her pen for not working properly then throws it across the room.
“You’re handling it better than I thought.” Barb says after she sees Melissa throw the pen. Melissa whips her head at Barb and looks at her with anger in her eyes that quickly turns to tears. Barb immediately goes and comforts her the best she could.
“I can’t believe after all these years, she’s here again.” Melissa says, crying into Barb’s shoulder during a hug.
“I know dear, I know.” Barb says, patting her back.
“I thought I’d never see her again, after 6 years I still feel guilty about what happened.” Melissa says, still crying.
*6 years ago*
You and Melissa were at a club, drinking. Celebrating the end of another school year.
“Hey Amore, can you go get us some more drinks?” Melissa asks you, as she got the previous ones.
“Of course beautiful.” You tell her and give her a quick kiss on the lips with a smile. You then get up and go to the bar to get some drinks. You order a drink for you and Melissa’s favourite drink, then a man comes up next to you as you're waiting, and starts chatting you up.
“Hey there pretty lady.” He says and you glance at him and sigh, you just ignore him.
After your drinks are done, the guy is still trying to talk to you. Before you can reach for your drinks, he gets up and goes behind you and kisses you, blocking any possible exit. The guy is twice your side, you try pushing him off but he wouldn’t budge.
Melissa is wondering what’s taking you so long as it’s been 5 minutes. She gets up and goes to the bar and sees you with a man’s tongue down your throat, pressed up against the bar and Melissa sees red. As soon as the guy gets away from you, you see Melissa standing there about 10 feet away, looking pissed. Melissa stomps over to you, grabs your wrist and drags you out of the club.
“WHAT THE HELL Y/N!!! WHY WERE YOU KISSING HIM!” She yells at you and you’re taken aback.
“Did you think I wanted him to kiss me?” You ask.
“Well it sure as hell didn’t look like you weren’t enjoying it!!!” She yells at you.
“Melissa I didn’t…” You try to explain what happened but she cuts you off.
“I don’t fucking care what lame ass excuse you’re about to give!!! I want you and your shit out of my house and nowhere near me again!!! In fact!! Why don’t you leave the fucking city! I don’t want to see you and your cheating face ever again!!!” She yells at you and then turns around to go to her car. You run up and grab her arm to try and get her to listen to you. She shoves your hand off of her and you try again. “Let go of my y/n!” She tries to shove your hand off of her again but you hold on.
“Please Melissa! Just listen to me!” You tell her with tears in your eyes. “He kissed me! I didn’t…” she doesn’t want to listen to you anymore and pushes you off of her and you stumble and fall back on the ground. You look at her full of hurt and tears. She just turns back around and walks to her car and drives away.
You end up staying at a friend's house for a few weeks. You end up telling the principal of Abbott Elementary that you quit and won’t be coming back, you get all your stuff from Melissa’s house when she told you she won’t be there so you can come pick it up. And after 2 months, you end up finding a place out of Philly and get a job at the school district. You feel hurt and abandoned by Melissa. Your friend told you to forget about her if she wasn’t willing to listen to what happened and fight for you. You left a note at her place, explaining what happened at the bar as she blocked your number after telling you when she won’t be there for a whole weekend to come get your stuff. You left her place with your things, completely heartbroken, you thought Melissa would be it for you but you guess you were wrong
Melissa on the other end wasn’t any better, when she got back from her weekend trip, she saw your note and read it. Full of tears in her eyes as she realised her mistake. She immediately unblocks your number and a bunch of messages you tried to send her appear. She read them all, she wanted to send you a message, saying she got your note and wanted to talk, and then she saw your last message.
You: I know you won’t get this Melissa but I’m really sorry about what happened. I’ll be changing my number today and moving out of Philly soon so you won’t see or hear from me again. Love, y/n.
She saw that the message was sent yesterday, she was too late. She has no idea where you are and no way of contacting you.
*back to present day*
“Melissa, what if this is your chance to fix that mistake?” Barb says. “You told me that if you got a chance to apologise then you would take it.”
“It’s been 6 years Barb, she’s probably moved on and doesn’t care about me anymore.” She tells her. Barb doesn’t push her anymore, knowing she needs time and space right now.
At lunch time, you finish talking to Janine in the break room and go to leave. At the same time Melissa is coming in and you walk into each other. You both stare at each other for a few seconds, not knowing what to do or say. You then walk around her and leave the break room. Melissa stands there for a few more seconds in shock. She then looks over at everyone and they’re staring at her confused about what just happened. Melissa doesn’t say anything, she just gets her lunch and eats in silence.
The second period after lunch, Melissa has a prep period as her kids are in art class. She’s marking some tests when you knock on her door. Melissa doesn’t look up as she’s finishing up marking a question.
“Just a sec.” She says.
“That’s fine, I can wait.” You say and Melissa freezes and looks up. “I’ll just sit in one of the students' chairs. I’m sure they won’t mind.” You say with a chuckle.
Melissa quickly finishes marking the question and then looks up at you. “Hi y/n” she says and you look at her.
“Hi Melissa, long time no see.” You tell her.
“Ya, 6 years.” She says, embarrassed.
“Barb told me what happened with the vending machine guy, sorry about that.” You tell her and she nods.
“Y/n was there something you wanted?” She says.
“I wanted to make sure that me being the vice principal here won’t cause any…conflicts.” You tell her.
Melissa freezes, she’s caught in between, she wants to say yes so that you’ll leave and she won’t have to feel guilty every time she sees you but a bigger part of her wants to say no, she missed you and it was nice seeing your face and smile again. Melissa knows what she has to do, she can’t be selfish but she can be careful.
“No I don’t see why it would.” And you look at her and Melissa feels the need to get it over with. “I mean I moved on and you moved on, the past is the past right?” She says and if she’s honest, it hurt her to say that to you.
You were in a similar spot. It hurt to hear her say that she’s moved on from you but what would you expect. It’s been 6 years and you guys ended badly and you assumed that more than likely she didn’t read your note, probably threw it out.
“Ya, we’ll keep it professional.”
“Ya professional, exactly.” She agreed and you got up.
“Oh I’m supposed to introduce myself to all the teachers and ask if there’s anything they need.” You tell. “I got to know the principal more and while she’s nicer than the one that was here when I was a teacher, this one also doesn’t do anything.” You say and she chuckles.
“Ya I have a feeling you’ll be doing most of the principal duties as well.” She says.
“Yep, more than likely. So was there anything you need? Paper? Glue sticks? Pens?” You ask her.
“No no, I think I’m good for now but I’ll let you know if that changes.” She says and you nod.
“Alright.” You say and go to leave then turn back around. “Btw love the rugs. Am I correct to assume you had something to do with that?”
Melissa smiles and puts her index finger over her lips “shh” she says and you smile and mime zipping your mouth. After you leave , Melissa looks at the doorway and sighs. “What I need is you.” She says quietly.
Over the next month, the trio and Ava slowly start to figure it out. You and Melissa barely are in the same room together, barely speak to each other, and when you do, it’s very awkward and uncomfortable. Then they see Melissa’s face when she sees you, full of guilt and sadness. And when you see Melissa, your face is full of hurt.
“Melissa, how do you know y/n?” Janine asks Melissa after a month of watching the awkwardness.
“She’s the vice principal, so we all know her.” Melissa says to them, the trio not convinced for a second and she doesn’t even believe it herself.
“Come on Melissa, it’s obvious you knew her before she got here.” Jacob says. “I mean you’re interactions with her are awkward and tense. And when she first got here you dropped your favourite mug. I mean the only reason I would act that way is if…’’ Jacob doesn’t finish it as he put it all together and he gasps. “Omg y/n is the woman you dated!” He squeals out and Melissa whips her head around in shock since he figured it out.
“How the hell did you figure it out!” Melissa says and immediately her eyes go wide and covers her mouth with her hand for accidentally confirming what he said.
“So wait he’s right? She’s the one you told us about?” Janine says and Melissa rubs her temple with her hands.
“Ok fine, yes he’s right. Y/n is the woman I dated 6 years ago. But it ended badly and I don’t want to talk about it any further.” Melissa says and then walks out of the break room.
“What’s the matter with Melissa?” Ava says as she enters. “She seems grumpier than usual, I just said hi to her and she told me to go to hell.”
“Y/n is the woman that Melissa dated 6 years ago.” Jacob says and Ava has a shocked expression.
“Omg really?” She says. “Barb, why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because Ava, it’s not my secret to tell, it’s Melissa and y/n’s.” Barb says to her. “What I will tell you is Melissa feels guilty and is too afraid to apologise and y/n is too busy thinking that Melissa hates her. I’ve been trying to tell each of them to talk to each other but they’re both so stubborn.”
“Maybe we can trap them somewhere together and force them to talk to each other.” Ava suggests and they all agree, including Barb, that it’s not a bad idea.
“Ok but that requires a door that can lock from the outside and you can’t unlock it without a key from the inside.” Gregory says.
“I know just the place.” Mr Johnson says and they all turn to look at him on the other side of the room, not knowing he was there.
“You’re willing to help us with this?” Janine asks him.
“I was rooting for them 6 years ago when y/n was a teacher here.” He says and they look at him. Of course he knew, they honestly are not surprised at this point.
They put their plan into play, the next day during lunch they were gonna lock you two in the janitorial closet and Janine was gonna take Melissa’s kids with hers and go to the gym and then do a big art project in her classroom.
So when Melissa was going to get her kids, Janine asks Melissa if she could help her reach something from the Janitor closet and Mr Johnson went to ask you if you could help him with something in the closet. Melissa was grabbing the item when you walked in and then the door shut. You ran to it and tried to open it but it was locked.
“Did they just lock us in here?” You ask her. Melissa was too stunned to see you that she didn’t even realise what happened until you spoke.
“Ya I think they did.” She said.
“Why would they do that?” You ask her, annoyed.
“Probably for us to talk.” She says and you look at her.
“What is there for us to talk about? There’s absolutely nothing for us to talk about” You say and cross your arms.
“Actually there’s something. ” Melissa says and sits on one of the chairs that’s in there, while you sit on the other.
“What is it then?” You ask her and she takes a deep breath.
“6 years ago.” Is all she says but you understood.
“There’s nothing for us to talk about. You said it yourself, it’s in the past and we’ve both moved on.” You said and you look at her and she looks hurt. “What?”
“Have you really moved on?” She asked and you look at her.
“It doesn't matter, I know you moved on though. ”
“Ya a failed proposal is definitely not moving on.” she says.
“But you were in a serious enough relationship with him for him to propose.” You tell her and she looks down.
“Ya I guess so.” She gets her phone out to text Barb to come let them out and gets a reply back.
Barb: not until you talk to her.
Melissa: no, it’s too painful, please let us out.
Barb: I’m sorry Melissa but I know this was hurting you. Seeing her everyday is hurting you.
“They’re not gonna let us out anytime soon are they?” You ask her.
“I don’t think so.” She says and then looks at you. “I’m sorry.” She says.
“It’s not your fault, you didn’t lock us in here.” You say, totally missing what she was apologising for.
“That’s not what I’m apologising for.” She says and you look at her.
“Then what are you apologising for?”
“For 6 years ago, making a big mistake.”
“I read your note.” She says, cutting you off. “I should have listened to you but I was just so angry that I couldn’t think.” She tells you and looks at you with guilt. “The real reason I said no to Gary is because I didn’t want to be with him because I still have feelings for you. And I felt so guilty about how I reacted and I unblocked your number when I got home after reading your note and read all the texts and I wanted to find you or contact you but I had no way of doing that.” And a few tears slip down her cheeks.
“I haven’t moved on, you know. I’ve forgiven you for that night but I haven’t gotten over you.” You say and Melissa is looking at you with wide puffy eyes. “I tried, I ended up living with a girlfriend for a year. But then she broke up with me when she wanted more and I didn’t. Said I was emotionally unavailable. Which I guess is true, you can’t develop big feelings for someone if your heart belongs to someone else.” You said and the look on Melissa’s face said it all.
“Who does your heart belong too?”
“You.” Melissa sucked in a breath. “When I saw you standing there in the break room after 6 years, I couldn’t believe it, and you still look beautiful and stunning.” She let out an airy laugh.
“You as well, you still look so damn beautiful. My heart belongs to you too.” Melissa then gets up and walks over to you and crouches next to you and holds your hand and you look down at her. “I want to be with you again, if you’ll have me.” She says and you tuck a lock of hair behind her ear and smile at her.
“Of course, I want to be with you again too.” You said and Melissa beams. Then she gets up and leans in and kisses you. After 6 years Melissa finally felt back home again, like her lips are supposed to be on yours and no one else’s. You pull back after needing to breathe and you look at Melissa who’s smiling at you.
“You know I don’t think they’ll let us out until it’s the end of the day. So we still got… 2 and a half hours.” Melissa says, looking at her phone. You then get up and make her walk backwards and get her to sit on her chair and then straddle her lap.
“I think I want to know how to spend that time.” You tell her with a smile then go to kiss her again.
Melissa kisses you back passionately with her hands in your hair and yours are on her hips. Melissa’s hands travel down your body and land on your chest. She then puts her hands under your shirt and cups your boobs and you moan into the kiss. She then moves her lips down to your neck and starts sucking on it and you gasp before placing your mouth on her shoulder to muffle your sounds. Melissa giggles at your actions before unclipping your bra and lifts your shirt so she can put her lips around your nipples. You try to move your body so you can grind her leg but Melissa keeps you where you are and you whine.
“Patience, I don’t want to waste you on my leg.” She tells you and flips you both so you’re the one on the chair and removes your pants and underwear. She then immediately dives down and licks your pussy and you cover your mouth with your arm to muffle your moan. Melissa then puts her tongue in your entrance and begins tongue fucking you and you bite down on your arm as it feels so good.
Melissa tastes you again after years and thinks of how you still taste so good. She moans and it vibrates on your entrance and you gasp. She moves her tongue out of your entrance and goes for your clit and sucks on it. You’re moaning into your arm like crazy right now as Melissa is fucking magical with her tongue.
Melissa looks at you trying your best to muffle your sounds and gets up and kisses you. While kissing you, she slips a finger into your entrance and a thumb to your clit and you clutch her hair. She slips another finger in and pushes them in and out of you quickly while rubbing your clit. It doesn’t take long until you’re shaking and Melissa knows you’re about to come.
“Go on Tesoro, come for me.” Melissa whispers into your ear and then goes right back to kissing you just in time for you to come. “As soon as they let us out of this closet, I’m taking you to my place. I’ll cook us something and then it’s to my bed. How does that sound?” Melissa asks you after removing her fingers out of you.
“I like the sound of that.” You tell her, trying to catch your breath. “I honestly miss your cooking, and your body.” You say and she smiles as she kisses you again. She helps you get dressed after kissing you and then she sits down on the floor with you curled up on her.
And that’s how the Abbott crew finds them after they go to unlock the door after the students leave. They unlock it and see you on Melissa with her hands wrapped protectively around you and they all have their mouths open in shock.
“Oh finally.” Melissa says and you get off of her and help her up. “Come on.” She tells you and grabs your hand and begins sprinting out of there and you’re both giggling.
“Was that a hickey on y/n’s neck?” Janine says and they all look at her then back at you two running out of the building.
And when the two of you get to her place, Melissa keeps her word of making a meal then spending the rest of the evening in her bed.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
If you want to be added then let me know!
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nofingjustaninchident · 6 months
hi, I’m not great at requesting things but if this makes sense could you write a high school au where Jason is a football player. I think it would be cute cause he’s definitely tall enough and strong enough but then add in him being kind and wow he would make the BEST high school football player boyfriend. Thank you
⛧° Jason Grace x Nerdy! Reader hcs °⛧
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content: jason grace x reader, college au!
warnings: cursing, allusions to sexual stuff (not much tho), stupidtly fluffy and corny.
a/n: bby if i tell you i dreamt about this, would you believe me? like, i swear to all the gods, i dreamt with this and woke up thinking about writing it… well, here ya go. oh, and i also made her a brazilian, i hope you don’t mind? if you do, just ignore it, please 🫡
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
Of course, he’s a great football player.
Like, i know no shit about football, i’m a soccer girly, but he’s the best quarterback in the city. like, he’s really really good.
And obviously everyone believes he’s such an asshole and a womanizer.
But in reality he’s so so nice
Sure, he sleeps with some girls and all, but not as much as his teammates.
He’s also the only jock that sticks with a girlfriend. Not for long, but still more than the other guys ig
So when he was having trouble with maths, he needed a tutor, cause he had to have a back up plan of he didn’t went for the pros
Such a nice boy, fr.
And he went talk with the teacher to ask who could teach him.
And that’s when he found you.
You weren’t exactly a super nerd. You just liked to study.
But you had a lot of friends, since being the only exchange student did bring this sort of popularity around the university.
And when he first came to you, you were kinda bitchy.
You know, you had a bit of hatred towards football players. No idea why, it was just there.
Even with that, you were too kind-hearted to don’t tutor him.
And when you got to know each other… you kinda started liking him.
On your first study session, the library was too full, so you went to the outside
Which was really working out, till Jason found a little bird that probably fell from his nest
The guy was so worried that he almost took the bird home
He would’ve done it if you didn’t stop him
But he found the nest and put the little bird back there
And you just stood there, like “what the fuck? isn’t he supposed to be a douche?”
It happens that he’s not.
And you became pretty good friends with the frequent study sessions and all.
Not to mention he was pretty offended when you told him you didn’t like football.
And you were very offended when he asked if the spoke Spanish in Brazil.
He knew it didn’t, he just did it to piss you off.
He really wanted you to go to one of his games, but you never said you were really going.
So, one day, when his team was having a match against Harvard University, he was more than surprised to see you at the stands, right in the front.
With his jersey. With his number and name on your back.
He honestly felt he was gonna cry right then and there.
He got so happy he made a touchdown. They won.
And you were there, cheering for him and pretending like you understand anything that was going on there.
When the game ended, he came rushing towards you.
“Congrats, Gra-“ Before you could even finish your sentence, he kissed you.
Oh, and it was heaven.
After this, you started dating and it was the best thing you ever experienced.
He was such a gentleman.
Doors? Don’t even touch that. Dates? He’s paying, duh. You’re tired? He’ll carry you, bridal style.
You get the point.
You started liking football because of him. And he started liking soccer because of you.
a/n: i don’t know what to feel about this lol. idk what you’ll think of the brazilian thing, but if you don’t like it, i’ll remake it, promise!
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tossawary · 1 month
Having finished the first "Jedi Apprentice" book... some thoughts based purely on that one book and the movies...
On one hand, I do think that no one should have ever let Qui-Gon Jinn be responsible for a child. Like, yeah, the Jedi Council keeps sending children into horribly dangerous situations all the time (because it's kids media, this is how kids media works), so I will not put Obi-Wan repeatedly being in lethal physical danger entirely on Qui-Gon (it's a little bit on him); there's an institutional issue here. But, for the love of goodness, that aside, Qui-Gon is obviously just not currently equipped to take responsibility for and help a child's emotional and mental wellbeing.
On the other hand, I do think that this was... decently written? The characterization is clear. I do understand why Qui-Gon Jinn thinks the way that he does even if I find a lot of his thoughts infuriating and strongly disagree with his conclusions. His past experiences with a padawan fucked him up and it's coloring all of his current choices, and he knows it but doesn't want to examine exactly how. PLUS there is the cultural / institutional element of even Jedi initiates being deadly little killing machines and padawans regularly being sent into danger. Qui-Gon grew up this way, he evidently views some element of this as normal and acceptable. This is along the lines of what happened to HIM as a child.
And that's interesting. Obi-Wan Kenobi will later turn around and make some of the exact same mistakes with Anakin Skywalker.
PLUS there's the knowledge that Qui-Gon was trained by Dooku and... I have to believe that Dooku was probably worse, honestly. Like, I have not read the additional materials that might show off that master-apprentice relationship, but Dooku became a damn Sith Lord who waged war against the galaxy because he thought that accelerationalism would fix shit, which suggests to me that he was probably a strict and demanding master, probably not especially emotionally available, especially emotionally intelligent, and/or especially respectful of, like, other people's opinions or feelings. I won't assume at the moment that it was intentionally abusive or that there wasn't some affection there; I AM going to assume that the Dooku & Qui-Gon dynamic was in some way dysfunctional as all get out, though.
Qui-Gon is actively refusing to take a padawan because he knows that he's not in a good place for one and doubts his own teaching abilities! He really does not want to be responsible for a child! (And Yoda is going, "Fix him, I can," and by "I", Yoda means "12-year-old Obi-Wan Kenobi".) Unfortunately, Qui-Gon is so desperate to avoid Xanatos happening again that he shies away from taking even temporary guardianship of Obi-Wan Kenobi for the duration of a transport flight.
So, while knowing that Qui-Gon Jinn is going to fuck up even harder in later books, my current vibes for him are... He's like one of those unintentionally toxic parents who is doing their best most of the time but honestly can't see what exactly is fucked up about their behavior, because THEIR parents were WAY worse and even more abusive, and also general society generally agrees that "not starving your child" / "not beating your child with a belt" / "not causing any physical harm" is the peak of "good" parenting. I would bet that Dooku's expectations for Qui-Gon's skills and behavior as a 12/13-year-old were extremely high.
So, Qui-Gon means well, and is probably internally holding himself up against Dooku and correctly seeing that he is WAY better with kids than Dooku, but unfortunately, Dooku REALLY sucked as a teacher and guardian. (Like, Dooku may have successfully passed on skills, but the whole experience was generally volatile and unpleasant for Qui-Gon.) So "way better than Count Fucking Dooku" still lands us all firmly on: "Oh, shit, Qui-Gon fucking sucks at this, actually."
And Qui-Gon KNOWS he sucks at this! He knows he's not good with Obi-Wan, even if he doesn't fully grip his own position and impact. He's busy risking his own life and nearly dying multiple times fighting pirates and mining overseers right now in this first book, so he doesn't exactly have the time or the tools to fix his shit right now, even if he knew where to get started and actually wanted to rip open those old wounds. (And he does not.)
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heeseung-min · 7 months
Cause you could be the beauty
And I could be the monster
Beauty and Monster. That's what people have been described about you and Riki. The first time the got to know about you and Riki date, they couldn't believe it because both of you are so different. Riki's image is cold and grumpy, he often being alone because not many people are brave to talk to him. Meanwhile, you are the bubbly person. People described you as the sunshine not only because of your cheerful personality but also because of your beauty. So, it doesn't make sense to them that you and Riki could be dating each other.
But that's what people said. In reality, Riki is not that grumpy. His personality is introvert and he is comfortable on his own. You were the first one talk to him and that's what made both of you became closer and finally date each other.
Some people won't agree with your relationship. Despite Riki having cold image, his handsome face still gather some fans from other classes and those became your haters when they get to know their favourite guy got a girlfriend.
You were in a toilet when you heard some students murmuring about something.
"Erghh, I hate Y/n so much. You guys saw how she tried so hard to be cute in front of people, right? I bet she's the one who begged Riki to date her just to make herself more popular."
"Yeah, she's so fucking annoying. If I get a chance I will pour boiling water to her face. Bitch. I guess we need to teach her some lesson."
You hate it.
You hate those people who think they can easily do what they want in your life.
If they want to teach you a lesson so you should do the same too.
"Yah, you two. You guys really think you can do something huh?"
Both of them looked shocked and didn't expect you to come out from the stall but then they smirked and went closer to you.
"Well, you heard everything we said. Might as well we teach you huh?"
Beside his introvert personality, Riki also an observant person. Even though he didn't really interact with people but he can knows what is happening to his classmates or the teachers.
That means he also can see what happened to you although you didn't talk anything. It's obvious to him. The way your hair is a bit messy like someone had pulled it and your clothes. The button on the top was missing and there was a wrinkle on the collar. He immediately knew someone was messing with you.
"Who did it, Y/n?"
"Huh?! Do-do what?"
Your doe eyes staring at him confusedly. But, your boyfriend can see through your lie. He went closer and started to caressed your hair so it's finally went back to good position.
"Your hair is messy although I know you will not let that happen."
He took a small brooch and pin it on the top of the buttons. You felt scared knowing that your boyfriend figured out what had happened to you.
"One of the buttons is gone. It looks like someone ripped it off you."
You shockingly looked at Riki. Did he really figured that out from just looking at you?
"So tell me baby. Who did this to you? I really hate when someone hurt my love."
Because I'm the devil who's searching for redemption
And I'm a lawyer who's searching for redemption
And I'm a killer who's searching for redemption
A motherfucking monster who's searching for redemption
And I'm a bad guy who's searching for redemption
"Please! Please! Forgive us!! We won't disturb Y/n anymore!!"
The girls were crying and begging to Riki who was sitting in front of them. After successfully kidnapped both of them, he made the girls watched how he killed their parents. He even shove the meat to their mouth forcing them to swallow it.
"Huh, why are you guys being coward now?"
Riki giggled when the girls became silent. He stood up after few seconds and went closer to them while playing the knife on his hand.
"You guys can only do that to Y/n because she was alone. If it was at the public place, you won't even dare to lay a finger on her."
Riki light the lighter and let the fire went through the blade for few times. The girls were screaming and tried to back away from him.
"One thing I really hate about people is how nosy they are. Just like both of you and that's why you guys should die."
Cause you can be the beauty and I could be the monster
Hello everyone 🤓im back with yandere story!!! What do you guys think about this?😏😏 grrrr i really love when niki is the yandere
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @obsessed1with1straykids @huggyuvita @eeunoia @rowretro
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tinydefector · 5 months
Till all are one
The fic I did for the poll I did a few days ago because I wanted to make some angst for optimus.
I will do another poll in the future, and my poll fics are mainly going to be my own ideas for characters outside of the request.
Word count: 3k
Warning: fluffy, angst, death of reader
Optimus Prime x Human
Optimus prime Masterlist
Soft eyes watch Optimus from a distance as he sits outside helm tilted towards the stars, blue optics glowing in the darkness of night, the deep whirl and clicking of his mechanic can be heard.
Optimus' optical sensors slowly dimmed offline as weighted thoughts drifted through his mind. The stars above shone as they had on that distant world so long ago, yet their familiar patterns could not dull the ache in his spark. 
Their steps crunch the dirt and grass as they walk to join him, not wanting to alarm him they call out. "Can't sleep?" His audials detected soft footfalls nearby, Turning. He was unsurprised to find his small human friend joined him under the night sky. The human ask while moving to sit on the bolder beside Optimus, and they shoot him a soft smile. "What's on your mind, Optimus?" The familiar face drew the faintest smile across his own face as he rumbled softly, "Rest eludes me, it seems."
Gazing once more to the glittering heavens, he vented slowly. "Cybertron. My home. So much has changed since last I walked her metallic plains and gazed upon the gleaming Towers of Iacon. I never thought such little time on earth would make me miss home so much. I miss my mentor. " Memories flickered of mentors, friends, comrades, all lost to vorns of conflict. 
"Codexa," he said quietly, almost to himself. "My teacher, my guide. I find myself wondering if I honour her teachings as I should or have strayed too far down my own path." His optics glowed faintly as ages-old lessons warred with the grim demands of war. Some burdens, it seemed, even starlight could not lift, nor ease his aching spark.
Their eyes linger on him for a moment. "Your mentor? I don't think I've ever heard you talk about a mentor, I thought you bots were just kinda built ready to fight, " they state while watching him. They watch the way his optics flicker to different stars. He looks tired, almost sad.
Optimus glanced down at his companion, realizing he'd never spoken to them of his earlier life. "It is true most Cybertronians are functionally programmed from the moment of sparking," he rumbled quietly. "But for those who aspired to roles beyond the norm, mentorship was invaluable." 
Memories of those long-ago days surfaced once more as he spoke. "Codexa was an archivist, one who chronicled our world's history and shared knowledge with all who sought it. When I expressed interest in governance and diplomacy, she took me as her protégé and taught me much of what it means to lead. She taught me so much"
A smile ghosted his faceplates as small details came back to him. "She had a way with words. She believed the surest path to peace was understanding other perspectives. Some days, i wonder if that's the reason she became one with Cybertron. " His tone grew distant. 
"Without her guidance, i wouldn't be who I am today, I fear many mistakes were made during the war, made by my own hands . All I can do now is try to follow the wisdom she instilled." His optics rose once more to the stars, as if searching for answers among their eternal patterns.
"What was she like?, she sounds rather sweet if your her protege."
Optimus vented softly at the memory of her. "Codexa possessed a kind and patient spark. Nothing gave her greater joy than helping others, whether through sharing knowledge or lending an audio in times of need."
A faint smile warmed his stoic features. "She was taller than most Archivists, with plating the shining silver-blue of circuitry filaments. And her optics... like pools of molten mercury, taking in all yet revealing little of her own depths. She had a way of listening with her entire being."
"She was taller than you?" They ask with a tilted head.
"She was much taller than me. I only reached the top of her chassis." he chuckles softly. His gaze grew distant as scenes from long ago played across his memory files. "Codexa saw value in all. It grieved her to see our world so divide." 
Slowly, Optimus turned to them. Venting softly, "I miss her a lot. But taking her teachings to spark helps, but i miss her voice. However dark it may sometimes seem, she always knew how to solve things."
They move slowly, hoping from the rock to his knee plating, pulling themself up as they stand there, hands moving to press softly against his faceplate. "You can't change the past Optimus, learn from it, don't repeat it. Humans sadly haven't learnt that, we are on the verge of another war between ourselves too. So all I can say is, once the war for your planet is over, help others learn from the mistakes you made. You can't grow without mistakes" they state while smiling at him softly. It makes Optimus spark clench, they reminded him to much of so many their wisdom of Codexa, love for what they did reminded him of senator Shockwave and their spirit and drive reminded him of Megatron from before the war.
Optimus' optics glowed warmly as small hands offered what comfort they could against the ache of loss and regret. He lifted a great servo, cradling their slight form with utmost care.
"You speak wisdom far beyond your years, little one. My kind would do well to heed such counsel one day." His rumbling voice held an edge of solemn promise. "When at last this long war ends, i would be honoured to show you Cybertron as you have earth." He states softly, Gazing down at their upturned face, Optimus saw reflections of dear ones lost but never forgotten Codexa's compassion, Shockwave's vision of unity, Megatron's original desire to lift all from oppression. And he took comfort, knowing such virtues lived on through those who carried them in spark, no matter the shell. 
"Thank you," he said softly. The two lay together on the dry grass as they looked up at the stars together. "You see that cluster of stars, that's the southern Cross, and that one there is Leo major, and Leo minor," they state while slowly pointing out different consolations. Optimus listened intently as small fingers traced constellations across the sweeping tapestry above. Though his database contained information on Earth's night skies, somehow, the guided tour felt different, more intimate.
"Fascinating," he rumbled softly. "The patterns you organics can discern amongst them is similar to our own." Slowly, his arm rose, a single digit extended to gently point. "And that collection there - if I am not mistaken, you call it Orion. Its placement near your winter skies is fitting."  His voice, though deep, held a gentle warmth matched in the faint bluish glow emanating from his massive frame. Looking down at his small companion, he vented softly.
"Yea, that Orion belt didn't think you would know that one," they giggle as they lay their head against his chassis. Listening to the soft lure of his spark, a soft rumble of laughter emanated from Optimus' chest as he looked down at their silly delight. "Indeed, that particular constellation carries significance beyond mere astronomical fact," he said, tone warming with fond memory.
"When first I underwent the Ceremony of Namegiving as an initiate in the Halls of Iacon, Codexa guided my attention there, to the mighty hunter eternally aiming bow across the galaxy." One massive finger drew graceful lines to connect the three bright stars. 
His optics dimmed briefly in solemn remembrance of his dear mentor and the young innocence of those long-ago days. But gazing once more to the stars, he continued gently, "So in a sense I know the great hunter well, Orion was my namesake and guide, my first gift from Codexa.” Their eyes widen, and their mouth opens slightly in shock before they utter lightly. "She named you, Orion?" They ask ever so softly while looking up into his optics.
Optimus gazed down at the small form nestled against his chestplates, surprise and gentle understanding in his optics. "Indeed, Orion Pax was the name given me by Codexa on the orn of my emergence, as is Cybertronian tradition," he replied in a quiet rumble. 
His massive digits moved to tenderly cradle their slighter form, radiating comfort. "It has been many stellar cycles since I walked under that designation. But some part of that young archivist's spark remains within this frame, however changed by war and duty."
"Hunter of peace, how fitting," they hum softly, listening to the gentle pulse of his spark.
"Indeed," he rumbled softly. "Codexa saw potential where others did not." Optics gazing skyward once more, he traced with one finger the outline of that eternal hunter taking aim. "Perhaps in naming me Orion, she sensed her teachings would carry through the stellar cycles - that I would become not only a warrior, but a guardian of peace, a seeker of understanding among all peoples."  
Venting softly, his field radiated quietly. "It is a legacy I strive to honour through each choice and action. However, the tides of war may seem to turn."
"Orion, I believe in you, I know its not much from a human, but I know some day you'll get to see Cybertron in her glory once again, maybe not the same but you'll get to go home one day I can feel it in my bones" they hum softly.
Optimus' optics glowed with gratitude at the simple yet earnest words of support from his dear friend. "Your faith means more to this old warrior than you can know," he rumbled softly. 
Massive fingers traced gentle patterns against their back as his field radiated warmth. "Through vorns of conflict, it has often been the courage and compassion of smaller souls." he leans down and presses a soft kiss to their forehead. Gazing once more to the starry sky stretching peacefully and eternal above, he vented quietly. "Some stellar cycles, the dream of Cybertron healed, seem remote as those distant lights. But you give me hope."
Slowly, a hint of smile tipped his stoic faceplates. "And perhaps, when that orn comes to pass swiftly, you and yours shall witness its splendour of my own planet”
their prediction was true. He had made it back to Cybertron. New Cybertron. Yet it left him feeling hollow. That memory plays over in his mind often. Their smile, eyes filled with so much hope, hope for a world they never got to see. So close yet so far away. He holds their cold body as he walks the long trails to the heart of Cybertron. To where Codexa and the shines of others he had lost.
Each silent footfall fell heavy as the aged mechanism whined as they carried Optimus through the gleaming, unfamiliar canyons of New Cybertron. Though his optics beheld grandeur rebuilt from eons of ruin, within only emptiness echoed. 
He reached the sanctuary composed of monument and memorial. Gently, with infinite care and sorrow, Optimus laid his precious burden at the base beside so many others given in sacrifice. Small fingers, long since stilled.
He knelt beside the slight form, optics dimming as memory files surged forth - of shared worlds beneath starlight, and dreams of a peace finally wrested from madness and conflict. His digits gently trace their face.
"Orion, you have come to visit me"
Codexa's voice echoes glitchy but her form doesn't move from its spot.
Orion started gently at the familiar voice resonating through the crystalline sanctuary. Turning, he beheld Codexa's shimmering form slowly coalescing from the connecting filaments, her energy signature merging into a luminous projection.
"Codexa," he replied softly, optics glowing with warmth and ache of remembered joys mingled with the vorns past. Slowly, he knelt before her luminous presence, great head bowed in respect and sorrowful remembrance.
"It has been long indeed since last we spoke," he continued gently. Lifting his gaze once more, hints of bittersweet smile ghosted his stoic faceplates. "I come only to pay respects to you and those whose lights have rejoined the Allspark, leaving this someone dear to me."
"Who do you lay with me?"
She asked softly over the figure being laid before her, the human who had passed before getting to see Cybertron in her glory.
"A dear friend who saw me through darkness you could not imagine, they mean more to me than i can put into words," rumbled Optimus gently. "One whose brief spark brought light to this weary warrior when all seemed lost, i wish they got to see Cybertron, but now this is the best i can offer them."
With infinite care and sorrow, he reached to cradle the small still form in massive servos, gazing upon stilled features. Turning optics of fading glow upward once more, he continued softly, "This one gave hope in hours where none seemed possible, helped this old soldier recall why your lessons must never fade, you would have enjoyed talking with them."
Venting softly, memory files surged of innocence resting secure in his palm so long ago. " their heart was young, within a beat of courage to out shine stars. Now decay has claimed what war and time could not. But their light, as yours, have been a gift to me"
Optimus bowed his head. His mentor's tall frame was barely more than flickering lines of code now, held intact solely by the crystal lattice connecting aged components. But through the still-functioning optics' dim glow, he sensed her familiar soothing energy fields reach out to envelop his own in quiet solace. 
"I will guard them as I have many before"
Beside Codexa's resting place, the severed halves of Senator Shockwave plating also lay shrouded by millennia, their vibrancy lost to the eons but memory intact within Optimus' archives.
Reaching out briefly to caress a crumbling digit in farewell, Optimus turned last to the slight form now cradled into eternal recharge among these guardians of his spark. Small and fragile in death as in life. Venting softly, he spoke words meant for audials long since fallen silent. "Until all are one. Rest now, beloved friends" 
His optics glowed with promise as he finished his solemn duty, then rose and turned to walk on, as always, beneath the stars shining endlessly on.
"Thank you, Carrier," he calls softly.
Taglist: @angelxcvxc
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cowgurrrl · 9 months
It Ain't Me Babe
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Author’s note: A holiday present from me to you ❣️
Summary: Ellie’s first art club meeting [2.8k]
Warnings: creative insecurity, mentions of financial instability, teacher things, Ellie talking about Sarah, more flirty flirt, I think that’s it??
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Nothing has ever been as annoying or guilt-inducing as an unfinished piece of art. Sure, every artist— no matter the medium— has felt like an uncreative, unoriginal hack, but it still feels just as new as it did the first time. Moonlight streams through your window as you glare at the canvas, hoping for an idea or stroke of genius. It's late. You should be in bed, especially since it's a Sunday night and you spent your weekend working at the bar down the street. But you're holding a paintbrush between stained fingers and praying for a miracle. It's been eight months since you last sold a piece for a whopping $200, chump change when it comes to living in Austin these days. Even with two jobs and doing commission work, you're living paycheck to paycheck. Maybe that's why it's so hard to create? That has to be the reason. You don't remember it being this hard when you were younger.
Creating art was the only thing that brought you solace during your teenage years. It didn't matter if it was drawing, pottery, painting, sculpting. All that mattered was that you were doing it and you were good. You won awards, scholarships, and attention. Your art teacher, Ms. Henry, was a godsend. Grey-haired, glasses-wearing, colorful Ms. Henry glided through lessons and projects like it was second nature. She always had pencils in her hair, a mug in her hands, and a kind word on her lips when you entered her classroom. She's the one who pushed you to go to your artsy liberal arts college full of people richer and better than you. Even with her love and support, you struggled and almost dropped out after that first semester. 
"There's always someone better," she told you when you ended up crying across from her in a coffee shop. "But there's nobody in the world who can make what you will because there is and never will be another you. I mean, God, what a gift. I'd hate to see you waste it." That sobered you enough to keep going and eventually pursue a teaching certification. Ms. Henry has since retired to the Pacific Northwest with her wife, Mable, and sends you a postcard every once in a while because she believes smartphones will be the downfall of civilization. After so many years in education, you're ready to agree with her. 
You sigh, feeling your motivation fluttering away with your breath, and plop your paintbrush down in the cup engraved with the words "DO NOT DRINK" in bold. The canvas doesn't look like much of anything right now— just a mass of colors and shapes that could potentially pass as an abstract version of a landscape. It looks like the other painting you left at the school to work on when you have time. And the painting before that. And the one before that. You curse at exactly the same time your phone buzzes with a text. 
You awake?
You don't bother responding and go straight to FaceTiming her. She picks up on the second ring, her beautiful, round face greeting you with a smile. You met Andie during high school, and her effortlessly cool attitude and bulky violin kit quickly became a part of your heart. You two were inseparable all four years of high school, dividing your time between rehearsals and time spent in the studio, but college took you to art school and her to a prestigious orchestra program in Vienna. She's been there ever since graduation, playing for diplomats and royals alike, but she comes home for holidays, and you've been trying to save money to go see her. Being so far from her is hard, but you make it work. 
"Why are you awake?" You ask by way of a greeting, more than accustomed to your seven-hour time difference and her early riser habits. She laughs, and you hear a tea kettle whistle in the background. 
"Well, hello to you, too," she says. "I have rehearsals all day today, so I got an early start. Why are you awake?"
"I'm staring at my waking nightmare." 
"Oh, God, are you having another spiral?" 
"I'm a hack."
"You're an artist."
"I got rejected again this weekend," you say as if to prove your point, and she sucks her teeth. "They said my art didn't fit their vision for their exhibition, but to feel free and submit another time."
"Well, they must not know great art when they see it. There will be another exhibition and another chance for you to show off your amazing skills. And when you get accepted, which I know you will, I'll fly in, and we'll drink fancy champagne and talk shit the entire opening night." She says, and you sigh. Her persistent optimism is one of the things you love about her, but sometimes, all you want to do is sulk. 
"Or I could fly to you when your first composition gets performed, and we could do all those things in Austria instead of this shithole."
"Hey, some of us like that shithole."
"Some of us haven't lived in the shithole in ten years." 
"Touche," she concedes. "But I'm serious about what I said. You're a good artist, just going through a little bump in the road. One day, we'll be really sexy and successful, and we'll look back at this and laugh with our rich spouses while drinking expensive wine."
"One day," you say, smiling. "How are rehearsals going?" She groans at the question, and you laugh. Whenever you talk to her, she's working on a new show or with a new conductor and always has something to say. There are many things you could call your best friend, but lazy is not one of them.
"I feel like we're stuck on this one part, but the conductor won't listen to me. He says he knows better than I do, which might be true, but also, if he just listened to me, then we can move on. I don't know. I'm sure if I poke him enough, he'll have to listen to me."
"Sounds reasonable." 
"That's what I'm saying," she says as she shuffles her coffee mug and breakfast to her dining room table before checking the time. "It's midnight there. Don't you have school tomorrow?" She asks, and you sigh.
"And an early morning staff meeting and art club after school." 
"Sometimes, I worry about your mental health." She says, and you laugh a little too deliriously to prove her wrong. You stay up talking with her for a while before finally getting hit with a wave of fatigue and crashing into bed. 
The next day is not any less hectic than your weekend was. The staff meeting early in the morning is mind-numbing and completely unnecessary. The printer in the teacher's lounge breaks halfway through a heavy-duty print job, and you're left scrambling for new activities and lessons. Not only that, but your students were more out of control than usual, prompting a veteran teacher to come in and scold your class on your behalf. It would be kind if it didn't make you feel two inches tall and your students didn't look at you like you betrayed them. You spend your planning period indulging in the silence of your empty classroom and fighting off a migraine. 
The second the final bell sounds, your art club kids are knocking down your door, more than ready to work on their projects for the winter showcase. The winter showcase is hosted by a local art gallery that opens for submissions from students every fall. If a student's work is taken, it gets shown in the gallery, and they get entered into a prize to win money and a chance to paint a mural downtown. It's a big deal. So far, you haven't had a student win first place, but you've had them get very close. You always assure them you're proud of them no matter what, which is especially true when Ellie slinks into your classroom with a shy smile.
"Hey! We're just setting up supplies to work on stuff for the showcase. Do you have something to work on?" You ask, gesturing to the students working around the room in a buzz. 
"I think so. Are you gonna play music?" 
"Who do you think I am?" You make a face, and she laughs. "Why don't you find a spot and get comfortable while I queue up a playlist?" She hesitates for a second before she takes a deep breath and musters up the courage to approach another student to ask if she can sit with them. They start chatting easily, and her shoulders relax as she gets more and more comfortable with all the new people. You put on a random playlist and move around the room to answer any questions about colors or give an opinion when asked for one. Over the course of an hour, Ellie makes her own little group of friends, and they all talk as if they've known each other forever as they work. She seems so in her own element, and you can't fight the pride beaming in your chest. Okay, so maybe your job can be pretty cool sometimes. Not fame and fortune cool or traveling overseas cool, but cool nevertheless.
Students gradually start packing up their things and leaving when they get texts from impatient parents in the parking lot or close to dinner time, but Ellie stays behind, bobbing her head to a beat or bouncing her knee under the table. She's the only one left in the classroom when you start packing your stuff and preparing the room for the next day. "You've got a ride home, honey?" You ask, and she glances nervously between you and her phone.
"Yeah. My dad should be here soon." She says. 
"Alright, well, I've gotta lock up here, but I'll wait outside with you until he gets here."
"Oh, you don't have to do that."
"It'd make me feel better knowing you weren't left behind. Plus, I'm the adult responsible for you until he picks you up, so it's kinda illegal for me to just leave you here." You say, and she looks hesitant again but nods. Together, you walk out of the classroom and through the empty hallways until you get out to the scorching September afternoon. You stand outside in silence for a few seconds, taking in the sunset, before you turn to look at her.
"How'd you like the club?" You ask. 
"It was fun! I met lots of cool people."
"I told you, kid. You just needed to give it a chance."
"I know, I know," she rolls her eyes, and you smile. "Thank you for pushing me to go. I don't think I would've gone without you." She's so genuine and kind in her tone that it throws you off-kilter. You're used to being berated by students, staff, and parents. To be told you actually had an impact on someone is not commonplace, to say the least. 
"I'm sure you would've found your way there without me." 
"Maybe, but you helped me get there a lot sooner than I would've on my own." She says, and you take a deep breath. It feels nice to be acknowledged, especially after the day you've had, and Ellie seems to sense it. You're looking for something to say when she looks down at her shoes and kicks a stray rock. "Just take the compliment and move on. Don't make it a thing." 
"Alright." You say, laughing, and she cracks a smile, too. Traffic will be horrible on the way home, and you have nothing to eat for dinner, but it's okay. You did one good thing today. That's all you need. 
"Sorry, my dad is taking so long." She changes the subject, a touch of anxiety creeping in, and you shake your head. 
"Does he always work late?" You ask, and she shrugs.
"Sometimes. Dad and Uncle Tommy have been picking up jobs to send money to my sister in Boston. "
"What's in Boston for your sister?"
"Medical school. She's about to go into her internship at a hospital there."
"That's a big deal." You say, and she hums. 
"Yeah. She'll probably save the world or something one day." There's a hint of something nostalgic in her voice, and you decide to push just a little. 
"Do you miss her?"
"A lot," she says. "She's my best friend."
"She's lucky to have you." You say. She smiles but doesn't say anything. You want to ask more about her family, but a rickety, greenish pickup truck comes rumbling through the parking lot before you can. Ellie shifts her backpack on her shoulder as her dad and uncle come into view, and you smile at them. Joel, however, looks frantic. 
He's unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the driver's side door before the car can even finish moving. There's dirt on his pants and a little bit of a sunburn across his arms, the muscles straining across the black fabric. He politely pulls the ball cap off his head to reveal sweaty curls as he approaches you, jerking his head toward the truck at Ellie. "Why don't you wait in the truck with Uncle Tommy? He's got a snack for you." He says, and Ellie lights up at the mention of food. When you're alone, he tucks his hands in his pockets and gives you an apologetic look. 
"'M so sorry. We got caught up at work and lost track of time. It won't happen again." He says, wringing his hands like he's waiting to be scolded, but you wave him off. 
"It's okay. Things happen, and I'm just glad she's got someone picking her up." You say. 
"How'd she do today?"
"Really good. I think she fits right in."
"She make some friends?"
"I can't give away all my secrets. What else are y'all gonna talk about at the dinner table?" You tease. 
"I guess that's right," he says as he stares at you, a muscle in his jaw jumping. "Thanks for waitin' with her."
"It was my pleasure." You say. You stand awkwardly for a few seconds, rocking back and forth on your feet. His eyes are locked in yours, and there's a silent competition to see who's gonna blink first. "Well, I should let you get home. Have a good night." 
"Uh," he starts, stopping you before you can even fully take a step. "I wanted to apologize for the other night. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"You didn't make me uncomfortable," you say a little too quickly, and he smirks. "I was very flattered. Besides, it's not the first time."
"Beautiful woman like you, I'm sure you've got 'em linin' the block for a chance with you." He says. You're dancing a delicate dance here. You're not not flirting, and you're not not interested in him, but if your principal finds out, it could cause a whole new world of problems. Still, it's nice to be wanted after so long of being on your own. You're not a saint, but you're also not doing anything inherently wrong, right?
"The teacher thing usually freaks 'em out before they can get very far."
"That's a damn shame." He's quick with it, and you have to resist the urge to roll your eyes at the line. A buzz in your bag reminds you of the time and why you're still at school, and you find your footing again. 
"Uh, I usually give out my contact information to the parents of my art club kids in case they need anything or need to contact me quickly. Since Ellie's an official part of that, I figured I should give you my phone number in case anything comes up. If that's alright?" You say, and he pulls his cracked phone from his back pocket. 
"Yeah, yeah. That's more than alright." He says, handing it to you to punch in your information. 
"It's for emergency purposes only."
"What d'you consider an emergency?"
"Mr. Miller-"
"Joel." He corrects, and you give him a look as you pass his phone back. 
"Don't abuse it. I'd hate to have to put you in a group chat with all the PTA moms."
"You're evil." He groans, and you laugh. Tommy, leaning over and honking the truck horn, interrupts your conversation, and he shoots daggers through the back window. 
"I'll see you next week, Joel." You say, dismissing him, and he hesitates for another second before nodding.
"See you next week." He says and turns on his heels to get back in his truck. You think you vaguely catch Joel scolding Tommy for being impatient, but you ignore his deep voice and the engine sputtering as you walk to your own car with a little more pep in your step than this morning.
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3 (look at how many of you there are!)
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asegunda · 8 months
Luke with a 'Older sibling' figure depending of where he met them
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In Camp Half-Blood...
• He was the new kid and you were the one to make the tour to him
• After all the things that happened he just wanted Annabeth to be safe, and the memory of Thalia to be forever in their hearts
• While you were doing the tour he just zoned out, the things his mom suffered, the things he suffered, all because of that greddy Gods
• After the tour you got to him and you two talked across the strawberry field
• You were one of the oldest at the camp at the time, and also the sword fighting teacher at camp
• After he got there you had chosen him and Annabeth for your team in Capture the Flag, wich he was gratefull, the kids from the other team kinda freaked him out
• And you protected him and Annie all the game and with that he got the flag
• You did a little party afterwards with your team, including them
• After that Luke became more relaxed with you,
• And some weeks later you started teaching him and doing spars, you also helped Annie a bit with her fighting skills
• When Luke was feeling sad you would come with some plate of cookies and watch one of Chiron old dvd's
• It wasn't perfect but Luke loved it
• You three would climb the lava wall and see who got first, Annabeth always writing the results, wich you always won
• After some years, you had to go to college, but of course you would still visit
• Luke, Annabeth and you would have a sleepover and talk about random things
• In the past few months Luke suprassed you, and you couldn't be happier, he was like your little brother and across the years he and Annabeth became comfortable to call you they're sibling
• You did go to college and visited one time every month
• And you couldn't hide your suprise when an forbidden kid (a Poseidon one) got to camp and Luke was teaching him and making him comfortable
• You got a lot of flashbacks and Luke presented you to Percy, Annabeth didn't seem to like him very much and talked to you how stupid he was, you just nodded in agreement to bot make her mad
• In your next visit the surroundings weren't happy like the last one
• Luke betrayed the camp
• You couldn't believe it
• 'I should had talked to him more...' You always thought
• After the news you were like Annie, always trying to believe that there was still good on him and at the same time helping Percy, who reminded you so much of Luke...
• In the big battle you had put an sabatic year in college to fight against Kronos
• The boy you protected, your little brother was right in front of you...
• "So this is your 'older sibling'." Luke said, but it didn't sound like Luke, it was Kronos.
• After Luke's death you were on Annabeth and Thalia side always
• "He wasn't the Son of Hermes, not the hero of Olympus just our brother Luke." You always said to them.
In Kronos army...
• Luke was new with that whole traitor and being with Kronos thing
• You were one of the people who explained it to him
• Your despise for the Gods made Luke like you
• And you were kind to him
• You planned battle strategies together when the two of you could (sometimes Ethan came along)
• And you talked about your life
• You learned about his family situation and your anger for the Gods suprassed limits
• You also learned about Thalia, the daughter of Zeus and her noble sacrifice and the daughter of Athena, Annabeth
• You would also train the new recruits together
• Luke didn't admit it but without the camp you were the closest thing of a family he ever had
• When Luke learned that Thalia survived you hugged hugged him as he cried
• You were also a judge to when Luke and Ethan had spars
• In your minds Kronos plan was perfect: a new world where everyone can be happy without that damn Gods and just in general happiness
• Of course every plan had flaws
• And you learned it the hard way and it caused your everything
• You didn't know Kronos plan of using Luke's body as a hostage
• When you knew you tried everything to make Kronos change his mind
• 'You had some vote on the subject', was what you thought
• Well you thought wrong, not even being one of Kronos reliable followers and great warrior granted you an opinion in the matter
• You told Luke about the matter
• He became suprised but said: 'I'll do anything, if it means the Gods will know how much we demigods suffered.'
• 'What?' You thought at the time
• You tried to make him run away with you
• He was suprised again
• "The reason we are doing this isn't important if we are not alive to see the new world Luke." You said
• Luke thought about it and accepted to run away
• But they caught the two of you.
• "Traitors!"
• They made a fatal blow on you and chained Luke
• They took him to Kronos (problaly to start the possession)
• "No!" You cried to them.
• But it didn't matter, they made another blow and you closed your eyes almost a minute after
• "I'm sorry..." You whispered before closing your eyes, you hoped you atleast could meet Luke in the Underworld, likely not but a person could just hope...
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lescraze · 1 year
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In this oil on canvas painting by Criselda Vasquez, she uses her parents to reinterpret and contemporize the iconic 1930 painting by Grant Wood, American Gothic.
My parents were young migrant workers, my dad was brought into migrant work at a very young age, he dropped out of school when he was in middle high to do so. He was brought into migrant work by his mom and his moms mom, and so on. Migrant work is all my dad knew, on the other hand, my mom finished school, and attended university prior to getting pregnant, which pushed her into working in such conditions. Still was very interested in continuing to educate herself in any way possible. In the early 2000’s my parents officially decided to stay in Colorado, even though they could have chosen from California, New Mexico, Arizona, or Colorado, my parents were set on Colorado. My mom, still wanting to expand her knowledge , began taking English classes at our local Migrant Head Start, a head start that was for migrant families in the summer to provide child care services and early childhood education. My mom has no ESL (English as a second language) degree whatsoever, but, my mom took time out of her day and energy to not only teach herself English, but to help her 5 year old daughter with her english. My dad on the other hand didn't bother learning the language, and soon after getting basic knowledge on the language, I became my dads personal interpreter. 
Now growing up in a strictly spanish speaking household, even after learning english. My parents made it more of a priority to speak Spanish at home as much as possible, because they believed that in not doing so, we would lose our spanish my dad would go off and yell, “No no no en esta casa se abla Espanol, nada de ese engl-eesh” or “Na nada de eso, espanol por favor”, Making it hard to practice my english at times outside of school, but still very much grateful for this decision now. In school I strictly spoke english, because besides being the only place I could practice, my teachers would make it a priority we only spoke english as school, especially those in the ESL program. This is what always confused me about the situation. I wasn't allowed to speak Spanish at school, but I became my school's interpreter on almost every occasion, so you know, I kinda had to speak Spanish for that. Same at home, I was not allowed to speak English to or around my parents inside the house or outside, but yet I was always told "Mija diles esto…” and I went off speaking english. At the time, it made it hard to be encouraged in being the bilingual student or the interpreter everywhere I go, but now thinking back, I wouldn't have it any other way. Boy was that annoying, but no one else would do it.  Even though there were times where I wished I only knew one language and cried, because other children and peers would make fun of my accent, in which now, I am extremely thankful. Everytime I felt like not wanting to speak because I said ‘Cinnamon’ instead of ‘synonym’ (say it out loud and tell me it doesn't sound the same) I always had my momma cheering me on. Times where I felt frustrated because  I couldn't understand a concept, my mom was also there reminding me that being bilingual is an honor, and should be embraced and would tell me, “Nunca te avergüences por tu lenguaje! Puedes conquistar el mundo sabiendo dos lenguajes , nunca te avergüences mija” (Never be ashamed for your language. You can rule the world knowing 2 languages). Boy, my mama couldn't be more right…
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Kawaii Sensei
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part two
paring: Student Gojo (18) x sensei reader (22)
Summary: You are their new teacher. You are young, and they consider you very loving and kind. You're considered cute by one student. You are his kawaii sensei. And he loves you...
Warnings: short NSFW
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"Good morning everyone. My name is (y/n) (l/n). From today I am your new teacher." You said with a nice smile, looking at the three people in front of you.
Were you expecting a little more enthusiasm...
At least a little smile...
Meanwhile, you were standing there looking at the short-haired brunette who looked like she hadn't slept at all. On the other hand, they were dark haired in a bun with a neutral looking face (at least he looked nice), his face was neither serious nor smiling, so you consider it a good sign. The other boy with white hair looked like he wanted to leave here. As if he didn't want to be in this class at all...
"So..." You started clasping your hands together.
You're not much older than them... This is your first day as a teacher at this school.
You graduated from this school some time ago, but your skills weren't very high, so you couldn't count on being higher in the hierarchy. And since you like children, you chose to teach at the Jujutsu school.
Besides, teachers are very much needed in such a school.
Few people can teach in a school like this, and you were a sorcerer, so you had the opportunity. So you chose to teach kids instead of doing missions all the time.
"...Want to know something about me? Or tell me something about yourself?" You gave them a nice smile.
But the principal of the place came to the room. The man who just a few days ago became the principal.
He was the man you took over teaching this class. And you still did not expect what adventure awaits you while you teach this one white-haired boy.
He was practically your teacher a few years ago.
You even remember him well.
And he agreed to let you teach at least one class so that he would have a little less work.
He ran for the position of principal and succeeded.
Therefore, he will have a little more responsibilities. Now at least you'll do it for him a bit.
He's always liked you, that's why he let you go, and he believed you could do everything and look good.
However, you don't understand why he finds these three students troublesome...
Okay, even before you came here, you heard that the white-haired one is sometimes a problem. And sometimes with him his best friend.
You wish you had come here as their teacher now and not from their first day of school.
They are now in their second year. So they know more than the basics.
Besides, these two are already a higher grade than you...
It doesn't bother you because you don't care where you are on the level that much. Sometimes these divisions don't make sense...
You're semi-grade 1 and they're grade 1. And Yaga told you that their skill is still increasing so he's sure they're capable of going into special grade.
Therefore, you are not to save them.
You probably wouldn't be able to murder them in training... You don't want them to experience the same as you in training...
But they still look like well-built young men. So you can guess that Yaga has exhausted them already.
You're not a fan of 24/7 non-stop training.
Poor guys... You don't want to know what they went through before you were their teacher.
Now you're going to make sure they don't hate classes with you.
As far as you know, the white-haired one is Gojo Satoru, who possesses both of his bloodline's powerful techniques. Character description by Yaga: conceited, selfish, inconsiderate, irritating, but very capable and trustworthy. Addicted to sugar and sometimes childish.
The dark-haired boy is Geto Suguru. They both are best friends. He comes from a family of non-sorcerers and possesses the technique of manipulating curses. You are not to be nervous when you sense curse energy, because his cursed energy is just like curses. Character description by Yaga: more composed and calm. He can be like Satoru sometimes. A talented boy who will always get used to the situation.
And the girl is Ieiri Shoko. She's not often included in teddy bears because she's here learning to master the reverse cursed technique.
So far you've only received them. I guess you should make it.
"This is your new teacher. I have more responsibilities than looking after you, so I'm assigning you to her. Don't embarrass me in front of my former student." You looked at the man with a small smile and nodded that he might leave you.
As you stood in front of them, you began to get more nervous.
"I don't know where to start... I know you're training outside today... Sorry, but it's my first day as a teacher..." you said nervously. "The only thing I know about you is something from Yaga-san...your names as well as your skills. I'd like to get to know you more since we spend the next few years together. And who knows, maybe one of you will want to become a teacher later?"
You met the eyes of the white haired man.
You blush with shame. It must have been a bit visible, right? Since none of them even responded...
You hoped that someday you would be able to get close to them and start working with them normally.
It used to be. Half a year ago.
It was completely different now.
You were like a real teacher to them.
They did not expect that they would be able to be so close to the teacher.
They felt like you were their friend and not their teacher, even if you were giving them assignments or teaching them in class.
And there was something no one expected either.
According to one of them, you were adorable.
Cute sensei.
Of course you blushed when you found out. Because no one ever thought you were cute before.
But well, you didn't expect such a comment from anyone...
You were very protective of them.
You knew that your students liked you very much.
You got chocolates from Satoru on Valentine's Day. You don't know if it was a coincidence because he also ate his, or if he gave it to you on purpose.
You couldn't feel anything for the student... It was probably forbidden... You didn't want to take it badly.
So you stood on tiptoe and stroked his soft hair, enjoying the white stripes under your fingers.
You saw his blue eyes widen slightly as you did, and his cheeks flushed a nice pink.
You smiled at him, thanking him with all your heart.
It was the first time you got something for Valentine's Day from someone.
And you felt so good about it. Even if he was your student.
You didn't know that right after that he went to his friend with a big smile.
"Why are you smiling like that? And why don't you ever knock when you enter my room..." he muttered seeing the white haired boy sit down quickly on his bed and lay down with a big smile like an idiot.
It was as if he had overdosed on sugar even more than ever.
"Something happened to make you so happy?"
"She took the chocolates from me!" He said happily.
"Wait... Did you really give it to her?" he asked, his eyes widening slightly.
"Yeah! And she smiled! It was so cute! And you know what she did then?!"
"She's probably touched you somehow or said something nice... But there's no way she's kissed you... You'll have to wait until the grave with that fantasy...
"She stroked my head!"
"He often does this to us..." he replied.
He didn't want his best friend to get overexcited that you might let him in.
Geto knew very well that his best friend fell in love with you.
First they talked about you, and then he started to think you were cool. Until the end, he thought you were pretty and charming.
You never did anything they didn't want. You were still their teacher, but your teaching was so much better.
You weren't that strict, and you asked what they wanted.
You were kind and so soft.
It was cute.
And Geto might have expected Gojo to be attracted to you.
Someone who likes your behavior and enjoys your company.
Until one day he told him that he must have fallen in love with you.
He couldn't stop thinking about you.
He didn't like to see you walking next to anyone other than him.
He was even jealous that you gave him less attention than usual. Then he would come to you asking for an explanation of something he knew very well or wanted to ask for help with a non-existent problem. Those were his excuses to meet you to give him more attention than others.
"But she did it to me with such a cute smile!"
Geto didn't want him to be disappointed by unrequited love...
You were older than them. Perhaps you already had a boyfriend or husband. It would be very difficult for him to dissuade Gojo from loving you. But for the sake of his psyche, he wanted to do it.
He didn't want his friend to be heartbroken.
"What if (y/n)-sensei got other chocolates, like from her boyfriend?" He asked.
He preferred to gently show him that it may turn out that there is already someone in your life.
They didn't know exactly how old you were, and they didn't know much about your private life either.
There was no wedding ring on your finger, and you didn't talk on the phone often, which you basically would if you had a boyfriend or a husband.
It might also be surprising that you had a house near the school and when they were there because you invited them to dinner, they didn't see anyone but you there.
It's like there's no one else in your life.
Sure, Geto doesn't prohibit Gojo from having a happy relationship. However, he didn't want his heart to break if it turned out otherwise.
"I've never heard that she has anyone."
"Satoru, we don't even know how old she is."
"She's a little older than us. She's only just qualified to become a real teacher."
The dark-haired sighed.
"I don't want you to react badly, but we don't know what she thinks of you. She might as well consider you a nice student. I'm sure she would never play with your feelings, but I don't want you to be disappointed with your feelings." He said calmly. "This is probably the first time you fell in love with. You're happy, I get it. But..."
"I know. What do you say we ask tomorrow how old she is? I doubt she'll refuse to answer us."
That's how you ended up walking between them as you headed to the field to practice.
You felt more and more squeezed by them. Why did they have to be so tall?
You felt Satoru getting closer and closer to you.
Until you finally heard the first question you didn't expect.
"(y/n)-sensei, may we know how old are you?" he asked suddenly coming very close to you.
You looked at him questioningly. But you felt so small and intimidated by his eyes.
"I'm just asking out of curiosity... I've heard more than once that you're only a little older than us, so it's just curiosity."
"...Um... Satoru-kun... I'm actually 22 years old. Soon 23." You said calmly.
You couldn't stop thinking about the warmth of his touching your skin.
Satoru-kun is handsome, but you can't think of him other than as a student. It is true that your young mind is speaking here, telling you that you are of similar age and you could at least try. Because he seems to be interested in you somehow.
You like him a lot. Maybe if you weren't as a teacher...
He's 18. I'm sure he'll find someone better than you.
You were snapped out of your trance of thoughts by his next personal question.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked looking at you.
You blushed and jumped back slightly at the question.
"S-Satoru-kun, I-I don't think it should matter, right...?" You said nervously.
Suguru didn't answer.
"I just wanted to know. A cool sensei like you doesn't deserve any asshole."
Your distraction made you really careless.
That's why you didn't even notice that you were about to come down the stairs. You were all red because of his words. And you didn't notice the dip under your leg.
"Wah! Be careful!"
You heard just that and felt him pull your arm back, wrapping his arms around you.
When you realized that you had almost fallen down the stairs, you were pressed against your student's chest.
If only you were older, he wouldn't even want to be so close to you!
You could have skipped a few more years until you were in your thirties!
Maybe then your mind wouldn't rather take vengeance to heaven when you look at your student you could practically say you love...!
You wanted to burn yourself with shame...
You were supposed to look after them, not them you.
"Wow, be careful, kawaii sensei." He said, pushing you away gently.
What did he call you?!
"Umm... What?"
"Um..." you murmured.
"What "What?", Sensei?"
You tried to leave to join Suguru at the bottom of the stairs.
But he grabbed your hand.
"Is it what I called you, sensei?" He smiled.
It was a cute but slightly cocky smile.
But with something like this on his face.
Maybe you can quit your job here before your face catches fire from the heat?
This was your second such situation.
First chocolates, then you hear a student call you cute, then he practically asks you to pat his head like you always did and now he hugs you, asks if you have a boyfriend and also calls you "kawaii sensei"?
What is this?!
You were nice to them because you wanted to. But you didn't expect that someone who didn't seem to mind having another teacher at first would suddenly start to be so close to you.
You are friends???
Are you any closer than you should be???
You are four years older than him!
And he is already an adult! You didn't expect him to act like that, he should be doing that to his girlfriend, not to the teacher!
He suddenly leaned lower to your face.
"You are kawaii sensei. My favorite teacher I've ever had." He chuckled and his lips curved into a kind smile.
Teachers can be close to students. And there is nothing strange about it.
But should it be that you feel butterflies in your stomach when he does something like that?
Should it be that he feels butterflies in his stomach when you're next to him? 
You tried to forget about this situation.
But he didn't know how long he would last.
You gave them a completely different job than usual. It was an art class.
You didn't feel like doing anything, neither did they.
So you wanted to teach them to do some origami. It can be very relaxing if you have to talk about it.
A change from those activities that even you get tired of sometimes.
You're also fed up with the fact that you feel so warm in this classroom, and your bed at home is often cold and empty.
Their energy here is nice. And there's only you in your house.
It would be a nice change if you ever had any visitors there.
Why don't you invite them to dinner sometime?
You practically didn't answer Satoru's question he asked earlier. What could you say? You don't have and have never had a boyfriend.
When you went to school here, you were alone in the class. Turns out your year didn't have that many sorcerers. However, there were more people in classes older than you and younger.
You tried your best to be a warm and kind senpai to the younger ones.
That's why you liked the idea of ​​becoming a teacher.
You calmly ran Suguru's fingers over the paper, showing him how to fold the paper properly.
Satoru wondered how nice your hands felt...
He wanted you to show him that too. And she touched his hand.
He was jealous of his best friend.
"Sensei! Can you also show me? I think I ruined it." He said, raising his hand to get your attention.
Honestly, you didn't expect them to be interested in doing this at all.
You walked over to the white haired boy.
He showed you a piece of paper in front of him.
"How do I start?" He asked looking at you.
"Bend the corners of the paper inwards." You said pointing to the right and left corners.
"How?" He asked.
He knew, but he wanted you to guide his hands.
You took your piece of paper and showed him how to fold it.
"Sensei, from what I can see, you folded the bottom corners of the paper."
"You have to do it with the upper ones." you said.
"will you show me I don't want to spoil it."
"What kind of origami do you even do?"
"I wanted from a heart template. It looks nice." He said calmly.
You also tried to stay calm.
"Fine, so bend like in the template I gave you, what to do step by step."
"Will you show me like you showed Suguru?" he asked with puppy dog ​​eyes.
Until you finally gave in.
You stood behind him, grabbing the piece of paper in front of him. And you folded the paper.
You gave him a list of how to perish the paper.
"How am I supposed to hold it?" He asked.
You felt like you were with a child.
But you grabbed his hands and fingers, guiding them.
You smiled slightly. You were curious how big his hands are compared to yours. And that really was the difference.
And he smiled at the feeling of your warm hands.
He tilted his head back, looking at you.
Sending you a warm smile.
"How about I bring you cookies tomorrow?" You asked pleasantly.
You could somehow distract yourself from how cold it was in your house sometimes.
You were smiling all the time at school for them. But you really wish you had the same at home.
I think you need to find yourself a boyfriend...
Because it's probably impossible for Satoru-kun to be so interested in you.
I was making cookie dough when he came home. Until suddenly you heard a knock on the door.
You quickly went to see who it was.
You saw Gojo who said earlier that he can help you prepare the cookies.
You appreciated his help.
But he came with other intentions.
Either you reject it or you accept it.
You either you reject him , push him away, or hit him back.
The moment he kicked off his shoes and the door closed, you felt his lips on yours.
When his body pressed you against the wall in your house.
He wanted to at least enjoy this one moment. Even if you could have rejected him.
However, you never behave the same at home as you do at school.
You are such a nice and sweet person. And such people who care for someone else cannot be neglected by being home alone. With no one around.
You could have pushed him away, punched him in the face.
But you didn't.
Especially after he mumbled into his declaration of love.
You didn't push him away. You didn't hit. You didn't reject his feelings.
You just accepted it.
He's young, but his heart doesn't lie.
He loves you and doesn't want it any other way.
He wants you to be together.
That's why...
That's why you didn't reject him. Because you started feeling the same.
Especially by his behavior.
The warmth he gave you.
You finished the cookies with him. With his arms around you.
With his mouth on your face or neck while you had your back to him.
Your house has become pleasantly warm. Thanks to him.
You waited for the cookies to bake, kissing without saying a word.
Was it really okay?
It was fine...
You weren't much older than him. He's an adult and he's decided he wants it.
Your bed hasn't been this warm in a while.
It got hot as you lay underneath him, your legs spread wide for him, as his oversized cock for a young man rammed into your virgin pussy. By ridding you of any illusions that he loves you.
His hands held you tight as he moved faster and faster, hitting your wet walls.
Your first was your apprentice. And you don't regret it. Because he is someone you love.
You're 22, and now you've found happiness.
You might not even have left Jujutsu High. You could have stayed there and watched him first appear there.
It would leave you a little more room for imagination.
You could see his whole body now. When naked, he hovered above you.
His muscles rippled with his every move.
And you can't stop thinking about how handsome he is.
Your back arched as he made you moan for him.
He beat against your body at a steady, hard pace as you got used to the new feeling of his cock stretching.
"Several times I've thought how nice it would be to have you like this..." he groaned. And his words mixed with his breaths and your soft moans as well as the sounds of skin slapping against skin.
Dirty scenes flashed through your mind as your student jerks around in his room saying something he would say to you.
And so it was.
He did it by imagining you underneath him.
That he was cumming on you instead of the sheets.
And now his erotic dreams have come true.
Because he could bury his cock in your tight pussy and touch your body. See you whole.
Hear you moan his name.
So your red face that contorts in pleasure.
After all, he had his kawaii sensei the way he wanted.
And he will no longer share your attention.
Because he is your warmth at home.
You are his happiness.
You could spend as much time with him as he wanted. You didn't have to worry about the cookies burning.
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newtthetranswriter · 11 months
Delayed Mark
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Word count: 5539
Paring: Choso x Gn! Reader
Summary: In a world with soulmates you were the only one born without a mark. After 25 years thinking you will never have a soulmate, your mark randomly appears. Only a few weeks later you find your soulmate during one of the worst curse attacks Jujutsu Sorcerers have seen since the Night parade of a hundred Demons.
Warnings: Spoilers for Choso’s character and history in general, slight spoilers for Kenjaku, Mentions of blood and death, if i missed anything let me know.
A/n: Hello people this has been in the works for a long time but finally got inspiration to finish it. The end might seem a bit rushed but I wanted to finally post it. So you aren’t surprised one satosugu is canon, Shoko x Haibara is real and you can fight me on it. Anyway I hope you enjoy and Remember to Hydrate or Diedrate, I’m looking at you @ness-iness . Also requests are open. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
    I had to be the least lucky person alive. In a world where everyone has a mark on their body to tell them who their soulmate is, I was born without one. It's extremely rare for something like this to happen. No one knows why or how it happened. But when I was born it was evident that I was unmarked, destined to spend forever alone.
When I was younger it wasn't that bad because I didn't fully understand what it meant. Then when I reached middle school and all my friends started meeting their soulmates, I felt left out. My parents tried to tell me that 'maybe it will show up later' or that 'there is someone out there for you even if you don't have a mark.' They even went as far as to say I didn't need a soulmate to be happy. I wanted to believe them but in our world it can be hard, with happy soulmates everywhere you look.
    It became even more apparent when I entered highschool and transferred to Jujutsu Tech. Though the number of people around was small, it was clear that everyone had a soulmate. It felt like fate was rubbing it in my face that I was to be forever alone. And I accepted that I didn't need a soulmate to be happy. Even though I had accepted it, there were still people trying to tell me that having a soulmate was the best thing. I was growing tired of it, until I got to know two fellow sorcerers who had lost their soulmates and believed that even without them they can find a way to be happy.
    There's Saturo Gojo, a special grade sorcerer who's soulmate turned his back on sorcerers and set out to wipe out all non-sorcerers. During an attack on Tokyo and Kyoto, his soulmate was killed trying to attack the first years at Jujutsu Tech. Gojo viewed soulmates as pointless because even though he had one and lost him he was still able to be happy with his life. 
    Then there's Shoko, she was a third year at Jujutsu Tech when her soulmate was killed on a mission he was sent on. It hurt her greatly when she couldn't save him, especially because she is known for using reverse curse technique. She thought while soulmates could be an amazing thing, it was also painful when you lost them and thought maybe things would be better without them.
    Don't get me wrong, Gojo and Shoko both loved their soulmates and wouldn't change having met them. They just thought it could be more painful than what it's worth. I agree, having a soulmate must be wonderful but I don't have one so all I've experienced is the pain of watching others be happy with something I can't have. And so Me, Gojo, and Shoko all tried to make the best of everything. We focused on exercising curses and teaching the next generations of Jujutsu Sorcerers.
    I'm like an assistant teacher to Gojo, helping out the first years when he's out on missions and just helping with training in general. I would also sometimes help the second years if they needed it. 
    Right now I am accompanying the first years on a mission to investigate strange deaths. Three people were found dead just inside their homes or apartment buildings, after having reported odd happenings with the locks or door mechanisms. This fact led the higher ups to believe that it was the work of a cursed spirit and sent the first years to figure it out. I was there to make sure none of them died, instructions from Gojo after what happened with the curse womb at the juvenile detention center.
    We were currently at Megumi's old middle school, talking with faculty about the men who had died, as they had also attended the school in their youth. I wasn't really focused on the conversation as I was there as more of a body guard then an actual assistant for the first years. I felt it best to let them take care of the questions and figure everything out so they could learn for future experiences.
    While Kugisaki and Itadori were poking fun at Megumi for how he used to act in middle school, I started to feel a weird tingling sensation on my left wrist. It was strange, almost like pins and needles. I tried rubbing my wrist to get the feeling to go away but it wasn't working, when I looked at it there was nothing there. 
    After a few minutes of the weird feeling it went away. I was confused as nothing like this had ever happened before. But seeing as there was no evidence that it happened I brushed it off, if it was important there would be evidence that it happened.
    The three students had found out that all of the victims had gone to the same bridge together back when they were in middle school. So they decided to go try and investigate, to see if they could lure out the cursed spirit.
    I had joined them at the bridge as I didn't want to risk the curse showing up without me there. As the three tried different things like walking under the bridge, and even throwing Itadori over the side tied to a string (this nearly gave me a heart attack), to lure out the curse, I stood watch. I was completely focused on watching Kugisaki and Megumi pulling Itadori up, so it startled me that my wrist started to feel weird again.
    At first it was just pins and needles like before, but then it started to burn a little bit. I lifted my wrist to investigate and was shocked to see a small picture forming on the inside of my wrist. It looked like a drop of water based on the outline. I watched as it became more visible, slowly turning to a blood red color. I was extremely perplexed, what the hell is happening, I thought to myself. I was so focused on the mark that I didn't notice the three teenagers walking up to me.
    "Hey Y/n, nothing's happening. Maybe there's another connection or we missed something." Itadori said nearly bouncing over to me. As he got closer he noticed I wasn't paying attention to him. "What are you looking at? Get a scratch or something?" He asked, drawing the attention of the other two.
    Megumi leaned over to take a look at my wrist, also confused as to what had me so distracted. "Holy shit" I heard him mutter as he came to the same conclusion that I was still trying to wrap my head around. "When did that show up?" He asked, confusing his classmates.
    "I-it just showed up. I was just standing here watching you three to make sure nothing happened and my wrist started to tingle and then burn. After that it just slowly appeared." I explained what little I knew about the situation. "Why would this show up now, I've gone my whole life without it being there why is it here now. I was fine and happy without having to worry about it." I started ranting.
    Kegusaki looked at me confused before finally asking the question that perplexed her and Itadori. "What are you talking about and why does Fushiguro know about it?" 
    Knowing I was probably feeling too many emotions to explain anything, Megumi spoke up. "It's complicated and right here probably isn't the best place to explain it." We then met up with our diver at a small convenience store. I had almost completely shut down from the sudden appearance of my soul mark.
    While we were at the convenience store the first years were still trying to figure out what to do to trigger the curse. After a few minutes of getting nowhere Kugesaki got tired of the topic of conversation.
    "We are getting nowhere with this. Let's change the topic for a second." The redhead said, turning to me. "What's up with you? What happened while we were on the bridge?" She was confused yet curious as to what happened. Sure she was being a little pushy about it but that's how she is.
    Megumi moved in front of me to try and deflect the questions, and get back to the assignment. "Let's focus on the curse that's killing people, Kugesaki." As he said this Kugesaki rolled her eyes.
    "Come on Fushiguro, they're here to supervise and make sure none of us die. If their so thrown off by what ever happened, we all need to be made aware." She said making a valid point.
    As Megumi tried to say something else I put my hand on his shoulder and stepped forward. He looked at me concerned but he knew that I wouldn't say anything I didn't want to. "What happened on the bridge that threw me off is, my soul mark appeared. I've lived 25 years without one and was fully prepared to live without it. I don't know what caused it to suddenly appear because if I had a soulmate it would have been there when I was born. I'm still able to watch over you guys, it just startled me." I explained hopefully calming their nerves. "I'm not worried about it, it's probably nothing. Let's just focus on figuring out what's going on with this cursed spirit." Itadori nodded but still looked confused and Kugesaki looked pleased with the explanation.
    As I finished explaining what happened, one of the students from the middle school pulled up on a bike with a young woman asking to talk to Megumi about the weird deaths. The young woman explained that there was a sort of ritual to go out to the bridge. She had also informed Megumi that his sister had done the test of courage as well. Being even more determined to stop this curse, with his sister’s life at stake, we all headed back to the bridge.
    After doing the steps to summon the curse, it seemed we had entered the curse’s domain. As the students began to fight the curse a strange green round curse appeared behind us. When the initial confusion wore off, Itadori offered to take the hideous curse on by himself while the other two delta with bridges curse.
    While the two fights occurred Kugisaki was forced close to the edge of the barrier. I watched in shock as two hands reached through and pulled her out of the barrier. The green curse exclaimed something about his brother being there and rushed out of the barrier. Megumi took charge of the situation and ordered Itadori to go after the curse and assist Kugisaki. I would have stepped in but I had an odd feeling about the curses outside of the barrier. Like in some distant way they weren’t normal curses. I couldn’t react. 
    I was only able to watch as Megumi was able to finish off the cursed spirit that was cursing people. The only problem was the barrier didn’t dissipate. As I was about to ask if he was sure he finished exercising the curse, a more humanoid curse fell from the ceiling. Taking a defensive stance ready to take on the curse, as it appeared to be a much higher grade than the previous curse. Megumi stepped in front of me.
    “I’ll handle this, You were only sent here to keep us from dying. You just wait, if it looks like I’m done, go ahead and step in. It’s not a good idea for you to be using your cursed energy for battle right now.” He said summoning Demon Dog: Totality to help him in the fight. He made a good point, my cursed technique was better for defense and recovery. I could create a simple barrier around myself or someone else that was similar to Gojo’s infinity, but could still be broken with enough force. I am also able to use the reversed curse technique on others, not as efficiently as Shoko but still enough to keep someone on death's door from dying while waiting for Shoko. It made sense for me to wait, my techniques took a lot of energy, and the few offensive abilities I had were not suited for close combat. So I watched waiting for a moment that I would be needed.
    The fight between the special grade and Megumi went on for a while. There were a few points where I almost jumped into the fight but was stopped by the admittedly over confident teenager. Eventually he was able to exercise the curse and retrieve Sukana’s finger. He collapsed shortly after as the barrier disappeared around us. I immediately went to work healing his more major injuries, as he eventually passed out on the ground.
    A few minutes after the dark haired teen passed out the other two students hobbled on to the scene. “Oh my god, is he dead?” Itadori asked, looking at his friend passed out on the ground. This comment received a smack to the back of his head from Kugisaki as she quickly explained he was probably passed out and that I wouldn’t have let him die. He then noticed the cursed object sitting on the ground not far from Megumi and went to pick it up. “Do you want me to carry this since you’re busy healing Fushiguro?” He asked. As I was about to tell him he could as long as he didn’t eat it, a mouth formed on the palm of his hand consuming the finger. 
    I rolled my eyes as he started to defend himself, trying to explain it was Sukana who did that and he didn’t mean too. “It’s fine, Itadori. Next time I’ll just carry it. Now help me get Megumi up and back to the road.” I said moving to stand up, deciding it was time we head back to Jujutsu tech.
    It’s been about a month since the incident at the bridge, and since the mark on my arm appeared. For the most part I’ve ignored it, but when I see it I struggle not to spiral into a long train of questions as to why it randomly appeared, and what triggered it. Shoko proposed that it may have something to do with the two cursed wombs Itadori and Kugisaki killed. She suspected after performing autopsies on the corpses, that they were somehow two of the death paintings that were stolen during the sister school exchange event. She told me that it was possible that the third one was also fused with a human and incarnated into a living being, and it happened to be my soulmate. This thought concerned me, My soulmate was possibly a deformed human corpse fused with a cursed object, great. 
    Though it wasn’t any worse than the idea Saturo had. He had told me with a straight face that it took 25 years for my soulmark to appear because my soulmate hadn’t been born yet and they were probably a couple weeks old at this point. I know he was joking because one, many soulmate pairings had massive age gaps and the older party still had their mark at birth, and secondly because as soon as he saw the look of disgust on my face he burst out laughing his ass off. 
    I was glad that even though jokes were being made, Gojo and Shoko weren’t pushing me away for getting my soulmark. They treated me no differently, after all they had once had their own soulmates with them, even if it was far too short of a time for their liking. And don’t get me wrong I still have a distaste for the thought of soulmates, but for the first time in my life there is actual hope. Maybe it was just a mistake in the universe and whatever gave soulmarks was like shit missed one and fixed it, or maybe Shoko is right and my soulmate is an incarnated cursed object. Who knows but hopefully I find them soon and can experience the joy I’ve witnessed so many times over, even if it’s only for a short moment.
Timeskip to shibuya arc
    It’s been a few weeks since my soulmark appeared and I can’t help but feel anxious. Part of it is the excitement of finally having a soulmate but the other part is things have been getting worse in the Jujutsu community. With suspicion of a traitor at the kyoto school, the first years were requested to investigate. The problem with that was the suspected traitor was nowhere to be found and the trail went cold.
    Just over a week later all hell broke loose at a transit station in Shibuya. Many sorcerers were dispatched to wait as back up in case Gojo was unable to handle the citation. I had been waiting with Nanami, Ino and Megum when we were told to enter the barrier. Not long after entering, the shouts of Yuji Itadori could be heard throughout the veil.  Deciding a change of plans, we met with Itadori and were informed that Saturo had been sealed by the special grade curses that had organized the attack.
    While Nanami went to speak with Ijichi, the rest of us went to look for a way to dismantle the barriers. Currently Megumi and Itadori are fighting the curse user who had the objects creating the barrier, and me and Ino are trying to fight the other two on top of the building. We were given a shock when the man Ino was battling turned into Toji Fushiguro, gaining all the power of the dead sorcerer killer. When we thought things couldn’t get worse Ino was taken out and thrown off the side of the building, knowing I didn’t stand a chance in a fight against Toji I jumped hoping Megumi or Itadori would think of a way to save both of us.
    My prediction was right as one of Megumi’s shikigami caught me and Itadori managed to catch the unconscious Ino. When we landed, the boys told me that the barrier keeping sorcerers out was dismantled. Assessing the situation I came up with a plan that should help us greatly.
    “Ok here’s what’s gonna happen. Megumi and I are going to stay here while I heal Ino enough that he can be moved safely. Itadori you are gonna go try and find wherever Gojo is sealed in Shibuya station. Once I’m sure Ino is safe to move, I’ll follow after itadori to help him out, and Megumi will take Ino to Shoko so she can finish healing him.” I said, causing both boys to look at me in shock. It was a rarity that I would take charge of a situation but there was no time to freeze up right now. Becoming focused on the task of healing my coworker I ignored the boys trusting they will follow instructions.
     After about ten minutes I was confident that Ino would be fine to move, so I sent Megumi off to find Shoko while I went after Itadori. On my way to the station I passed Inumaki using his speech to help control the crowds and protect them from the mutated humans. I stopped for a few minutes to offer help in restoring his throat so it wasn’t too damaged from his technique and then went back to going after Itadori.
     A few minutes after entering the train station, I started to hear the sound of running water. I also noticed that the area I was in was completely destroyed, thinking the two things may be connected to Itadori. I followed the sound and path of destruction. As I got closer to the bathroom I noticed a large amount of water on the floor that was tinted pink from what I’m guessing is someone’s blood. Turning towards the men’s restroom I saw a familiar head of pink hair slumped against the wall.
     “Shit, Itadori are you alright?” I received no response. I kneeled down not caring that my pants would become soaking wet, I checked his pulse with a sigh of relief that he was still alive. Assessing the damage I knew that I would have to get the bleeding in his abdomen to stop or at least slow down a bit, before I could go after the fuck who hurt my student. I began using my reversed curse technique on the boy, focused on hopefully healing him enough that Sukana doesn't see a need to make an appearance.
     As I finished healing what I could, I noticed a strange feeling in my gut. It was almost like I was anxious or scared of something. It made no sense, sure I was worried for my friends and students, and the safety of all the non sorcerer's around during this horrible attack, but this feeling was weird. The feeling was almost like it was coming from someone else. Brushing it off, not having time to deal with this, I moved to follow the wet bloody footprints leading away from the bathrooms, assuming they belonged to whoever or whatever did this to Itadori.
    Rounding the corner as the footprints became harder to follow, the feeling in my gut got worse and an emotion I could only describe as self loathing joined the anxiety and worry. I was even more confused, I had heard before that when close to your soulmate there is a chance to feel their emotions but why on earth would my soulmate be in a place like this hating themself. Once again hoping it was just my imagination I continued my search. I stopped for a second as I started to hear mumbling coming from a little alcove just in front of me along the wall.
     “I almost killed him.” I heard the voice say. I could tell whoever it was, was distressed. “How could I almost kill my own brother?” The voice kept ranting, now I was concerned, this person almost killed their own brother and was now sitting in the deepest reaches of a train station overrun with curses and mutated humans, what was wrong with them.
     I approached the alcove with caution, if this person nearly killed someone they could be extremely dangerous. “Hey, sorry to bother you, but are you Ok?” I asked as I got close enough to see a man, probably in his early to mid twenties curled up on himself. He had medium length hair pulled up in two messy buns at the back of his head, he was also wearing a white robe with a purple vest. I couldn’t quite make out his face as it was buried in his knees but as I got closer to him I could feel the copious amounts of cursed energy flowing off him. It wasn’t as intense as Gojo or Okkotsu, but he was definitely special grade.
     After a few seconds, he jumped slightly looking up at me for only a moment before going back to his rambling. It’s like he didn’t even register that I asked a question. When he looked at me I could see the long black line across his face, to some it may have been an odd feature but to me it made him look more handsome. It may be weird to say but looking at this person curled in on himself with messy hair mumbling about almost killing someone, I couldn’t help but notice he was attractive. It also didn’t help that the longer I kneeled in front of him the more I felt emotions of anxiety and doubt.
      I tried speaking to him again. “Are you ok? Is there anything I can do to help?” The anxious feelings were becoming almost too much for me to handle. If they were coming from this man infront of me I needed to calm him down soon or we would both be having a breakdown. “Just talk to me for a second, I want to make sure you’re not hurt.” That comment seemed to reach him as he stopped mumbling, looking at me and making eye contact.
      He stayed frozen looking at me with those beautiful hazel eyes, it was like he was in a trance. I was about to speak again when I decided that a good way to calm him down if I really was feeling his emotions would be doing the opposite, projecting my emotions to my soulmate. If he is the reason behind the blood drop mark on my wrist, sending positive feelings should help him relax. To my surprise as soon as I started to calm myself to a relaxed point, I could see his face settle, he no longer looked like a kicked puppy but more a confused child.
      “What did you do to me?” Was the first not mumbled sentence out of his mouth. I looked at him for a moment trying to decide how to explain what I had just figured out. 
      I settled for smiling at him before explaining gently what just happened between us. “We are soulmates, two people destined to be together. We both have a mark to represent each other somewhere on our body, like this” I showed him my wrist as I explained it all. He looked at the blood drop for a second before he moved his arm to show me his wrist. In the exact same spot was a sphere that looked fairly similar to the barriers I can create around myself.
      “So that’s what this weird mark is, Mahito tried to tell me it was nothing and to ignore it.” He spoke explaining his knowledge of the mark. I was unsure of who this Mahito was but it seemed whoever it was, was trying to hide soulmates from him. I was slightly confused how a man in his twenties didn’t know about soulmates, but that was a question for later.
      Smiling at him I continued my explanation. “In addition to the marks, when soulmates are close to each other they can feel each other's emotions and strong emotions can influence the other. That's what I did, your feelings of anxiety and doubt were becoming too strong for me to stay focused so I calmed down my own feelings enough to help calm you down.” He nodded at the explanation, looking to the side for a moment before looking back. I could tell he was still a little anxious, whether that was because of finding out about soulmate, or what happened before I found him. I was unsure but I was going to figure it out. “Now that you’ve calmed down a bit do you mind telling me what happened? Why are you hiding in this alcove?” I asked as gently as possible not wanting to send him into another panic attack.
      He paused for a second before he started to explain. “I almost killed my little brother. I didn’t know he was my brother when we started fighting but when I was about to deliver the final blow I just knew he was my brother. It was the same feeling I got when my other brothers were killed. I can’t kill my brother even if he was the one to kill our other brothers. I hurt my brother and I have to make up for that. I have to protect him.” He started rambling again, not in the mumbling manner I found him in but it was hard to follow what he was saying. “He almost died because of me, and now he’s probably bleeding out because I hurt him,  because I didn't realize who he was sooner.” That sentence caught my attention.
      I remembered what led me to this spot, to finding him. Placing my hand on his shoulder to get his attention. “Slow down for a second, who and where is your brother?” I asked hoping to not get the answer I assumed was coming.
      “Yuji Itadori is my little brother. He's in the men’s bathroom.” He answered the question and I could tell he was about to start rambling again. Squeezing his shoulder again I drew his focus back to me.
      Pushing away my concern for the fact my soulmate was working with the curse’s that organized the attack. “He’s okay, I was actually looking for him earlier and found him in the bathroom. I was able to use my reverse cursed technique to stop the bleeding and keep him from dying. But what did you mean by he’s your brother, he never talked about having any siblings? Also he killed your other brothers?” I tried to reassure that Itadori was okay, but also asked for clarification. As far as I knew Itadori’s only family was his grandfather who passed away shortly before he became a sorcerer.
      He looked at me shocked that I knew who he was talking about. “Thank you. And I don’t know how to explain how he’s my brother, I just know he is. I have such a strong connection with my brothers. I felt when Yuji and Nobara Kugisaki ended the lives of my brothers Eso and Kechizu a few weeks ago, and I felt that same feeling when I was about to kill Yuji for revenge.” He explained in the best way he could.
     I nodded in understanding, he attacked Itadori in order to get revenge for his brothers, who I’m assuming were the two curses Itadori and Nobara fought at the bridge. Thinking about it they did say that when they finished off the curses they didn’t disintegrate like a normal curse and were just bodies as if they had killed humans. If that thing was this person's brother then what are they and why does he look so normal. “I can tell you’re confused, I’m assuming you probably were there when Yuji fought my brothers and are wondering what I am.” He was right, but how could he read me so well? I just nodded at him to continue. He went on to explain that he was a cursed object for 150 years until the attack on Jujutsu tech when he and two of his brothers were stolen. He explained that Mahito the patch faced curse, used his technique to give them bodies and use them as tools to fight sorcerers. He briefly explained that they sided with the curses because his brothers wouldn’t have been accepted by humans for the way they looked and he would have rather not had to help the curse who created him.
     “What do you mean by helping the curse that created you? Didn’t you say you were a cursed object for 150 years, wouldn’t the curse who made you be exercised by now?” I asked, interrupting his explanation.
     “The curse that made me is called Kenjaku, he was once a normal human who used his innate technique to transfer his brain to others to control them. 150 years ago he took over Noritoshi Kamo, using him to experiment on my mother who was able to carry the child of a curse. He tried nine times to get a living specimen but only received nine cursed objects that received the name Death paintings, I was the first one.” He explained his creation. As he was about to continue and explain how he was supposed to be helping Kenjaku in this day and age there was loud rumbling around us.
     I stood up quickly pulling him from the alcove looking around. The building looked like it was shaking. “As much as I’d love to keep chatting, I think we should probably get out of here.” I turned to him before I started to pull him in the direction of the exit. 
     “Wait, we have to get Yuji, we can’t leave him down here.” I heard behind me.
     “Look if Yuji is still down here than Sukana has probably taken over and if that’s the case he'll be fine.” i tried to explain, but the look on his face showed he was still concerned. “Listen, I know you want to make it up to him but you can't do that if we get crushed by a collapsing train station. As soon as we get out of this we will go find him I promise. You can trust me, I'm your soulmate after all, I’ll support you through this…” I wanted to address him by name but I realized in all of his explanations he never once told me his name, then again I never told him mine so it wouldn’t have been a fair trade. Continuing to pull him out of the station I decide it’s better late than never. “By the way I’m Y/n Y/l/n, and what can I call my handsome soulmate?” I asked him, feeling him stumble at the compliment.
     “Uh Choso. My name is Choso Kamo.” He said as we exited the train station. Finally knowing my soulmate's name felt amazing for some reason. It was probably due to the years of thinking it would never happen but I knew that no matter what this crazy world throws at us next we will handle it together.
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theillusionofpants · 1 year
One day in class this week we were talking about intellectuals. I had the kids write down who they considered to be intellectual in order to break down what is actually considered intellectual vs what is pedantic.
I had this one male student raise his hand and gave two names. The first was general and anticipated. He said Oppenheimer because the movie was out and he knew a new guy. Cool, put him on the board no problem. The next though, I thought we were done with.
"Andrew Tate"
Now here's a thing about teaching. It can be crushing to not validate kids. It's always a risk to raise your hand and volunteer information. Because it is early in the school year, I don't have as strong of an understanding with students and they don't know me yet. One wrong answer, one invalidation might make the difference for the rest of the year. So I'm in a spot here. I took a deep breath and answered
I don't think the kid was quite expecting so simple a reaction and so had had the "I don't agree with everything but I agree with some of his philosophy" ready and in the chamber.
And then I started explaining that philosophy or not, Tate and all the Tate wannabes out there don't believe in philosophies a single bit. Their sole purpose is to spread misogyny and puff themselves up by subjugating women (and other men, if I am being honest). We do not give lip service to people whose goal is domination and so his name does not go up on my board.
There wasn't a round of applause or a standing ovation or anything like that. 12th graders are waaay too cool for any of that. But I noticed an easing of tension in some of my students. My class became a little safer for them. Those that were laughing at first about the Tate suggestion were no longer laughing. They knew where I stood and knew not to push it. They knew that the jokes wouldn't fly.
I thanked the kid for the opportunity for a teachable moment and suggested he find better heroes. And honestly? Honestly he apologized. That's it right there. He's going to remember this moment next time. He thinks twice about it. He knows that there are some areas where he has to watch what he says. It isn't a lot. But it is what I have to make a small change. Kids hear their teachers calling out misogyny and it gives them license to do the same. It halts the behavior. Maybe it is only in my class and maybe it doesn't stick forever. But they will remember. And it gets a little harder to be sexist.
I have a lot to learn and I know I make mistakes, but I hope I can apologize when I fuck up too just like this kid. Lord knows I was once a teenage asshole as well. Shit, hopefully by posting this I haven't made some error in my reasoning. But if I have, maybe that'll be a teachable moment as well.
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hard--headed--woman · 4 months
Sorry for the very late post! I had to change my plans, because I wanted to talk about someone else but changed my mind for some reasons ; so I had to find another story and rewrite everything.
This time, the post isn’t going to be about one woman, but two. Last year, I had already made a post about these two women, but I couldn't just not talk about them this month given how amazing their story is.
Here is the story of :
Elisa and Marcela !
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Marcela Gracia Ibeas and Elisa Sánchez Loriga got married on June 8, 1901, in A Coruña, at Galicia, in Spain. Their marriage was the first homosexual marriage in Spain since the Roman imperial era and happened more than 100 years before the country legalized homosexual marriages !
To achieve this, Elisa disguised herself as a man, and adopted a male identity, Mario Sánchez, which is the name on their marriage certificate. Their lie was later discovered, but their marriage was never annulled, and they remained married for the rest of their lives.
There is a Netflix movie about them if you want to see it. Though it has it flaws, I personally enjoyed it a lot, and from what I know, it is not too bad historically speaking. There's just one thing that happens in the movie that we are far from sure happened in real life. (I personally do not believe it did) Here's the trailer if you are interested! It's a very good movie in my opinion!
(But if you plan to watch it, maybe you shouldn't read the rest of the post as it's gonna spoil you everything lol)
The two young women met at the teacher training college in La Coruña. Marcela, 18, is a student there, while Elisa, 23, works there after completing the same course. They become friends, then lovers. Marcela's parents, fearing a scandal, send their daughter to study in Madrid, but this is not enough to put an end to their romance. Marcela is appointed teacher in Vimianzo, in the village of Calo, while Elisa, not far from there, works as a temporary replacement in Couso. They decided to live together in Calo until 1889, when Marcela left to teach in Dumbría, while Elisa remained in Calo. They kept in touch, writing to each other, until Elisa joined Marcela.
They live their love for years, hiding their relationship, until they get fed up and decide to hatch a plan to get married.
In 1901, Elisa adopted a masculine appearance. She created a past for herself based on a cousin who died in a shipwreck, and claimed to have spent her childhood in London with an atheist father. She was baptized as Mario on May 26, 1901, and made her First Communion under the same identity.
The couple married on June 8, 1901. A brief wedding ceremony was performed before witnesses, and the couple spent their wedding night in the Corcubión inn on Calle de San Andrés - Elisa and Marcela were officially the first Spanish homosexual couple to marry. Their plan was a success.
Unfortunately, the villagers began to have doubts and realized that this marriage was what they called "a marriage without a man".
The Galician and Madrid press reported the affair, and the two women lost their jobs, were excommunicated and placed under arrest.
Here's a picture of them after their arrest :
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Despite this, and attempts by the Guardia Civil to prosecute them, their marriage was never annulled, and the two lovers managed to run away. Their story became famous in Spain and many other European countries.
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(Un matrimonio sin hombre = a marriage without a man)
After that, we don't know what happened to them. The last thing we know fore sure about them is that they embarked on a ship bound for South America - perhaps Argentina, like so many other Spaniards of the time, where they spent their honeymoon and settled.
A book published in 2008 tries to tell their story after they left Spain for Argentina, but this books seems suspicious to a lot of people, including me, and I don't trust it so I am not going to talk about it but finding informations about it is easy if you are interested !
Anyway, this story is just incredible!!! It is so so important in lesbian history (though we do not really know if they were lesbian or bisexual. Elisa was probably a lesbian, but the book, based on some rumours, claimed that Marcela slept with a man in order to have a child, so she might have been bi if it is true) and so, so interesting. I can't believe it's not like 100× more famous. The fact that two women got married in 1901!!! Whith one of them dressed as a guy! I love it.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months
"gave Snape a stable job....despite being abusive to children (though he probably didn't perceive himself as such)"
I am a tad confused about this. How could Severus not possibly understand that he was being abusive to the kids under his care- especially Harry? Did he feel threatened by the children under his care to the point of viewing them as equals and thus justifying his behaviour to himself (why didn't the other teachers call him out on his shit)
Anonymous: am curious. You mentioned Snape likely doesn't realise that he is abusing the children under his care and mimicking his father. Does he actually feel powerless enough to justify his behaviours to himself? When he sees James in Harry and blames Neville does he see the boys as his equals/ someone above him in power that needs to be put down- thus allowing himself to continue acting the way he does? It's ironic all things considered. For all that Harry looks like James, he takes more after Lily.
Okay, so, I just wrote a post about Snape, but I'll cover here what I'm thinking about this specifically in more detail.
I'm not sure where the quote you mentioned is from, but I can say what I think about the way Snape treats Harry and his students and how he sees it.
So, Severus was abused by his father. From his behavior, what I guess is that a lot of his treatment of his students is him mimicking what he saw from his father.
Like, Severus became a professor at 21. It means his older students knew him as a student. Not to mention he was a terrorist, known Death Eater, who was saved by Dumbledore from being sent to Azkaban. And his students knew this.
So Severus felt like he needed a way to make sure his students would take him seriously. The main example he decided to draw from — his father, Tobias.
We don't know what exactly Tobias Snape did, he was a poor, working-class man who abused his wife and son. And I think when Tobias wanted to be taken seriously, he used fear, insults, and force. So this is what Severus knows.
Severus sees what he does as the only way students would treat him seriously, he doesn't really see it as abuse, as I believe he doesn't really see his father's mistreatment of him as abuse.
Severus always struck me as a character who doesn't want to get better.
I think Severus is one of the abused kids who rationalized his own abuse as something he deserved. He clearly wants to beat himself up about his mistakes. He wants to feel the guilt over pushing Lily away and then over killing her (in his mind). So, to him, in his mind, it's not abuse, it's what they deserve.
Is it good that's what he thinks? No, not at all, it actually sucks. Snape needed therapy.
Now, with Harry specifically, his treatment is different. With Harry, he really does see him as an equal and he needs Harry to treat him seriously. Like, Snape projects James on Harry way more than Sirius does. And Snape can't show anything resembling weakness to Mini-James Potter, so he goes back to his father's methods to be taken seriously. It's about Harry not seeing him as weak like James did.
And revenge, a little bit. Snape is very petty.
He still doesn't see his vengeance as abuse, because, as much as Severus wants to believe he's the one in power, he's scared of Harry more than he's willing to confess. He doesn't see a power imbalance between him and Harry, he doesn't actually see himself in a position of power, because he sees James in Harry. Harry doesn't treat Severus with the respect usually given to professors, which strengthens the way Severus doesn't really see him as a student.
Like, the fact Severus felt the need to remove memories he didn't want Harry to see when teaching him Occlumancy shows how much he fears Harry. Fears the possibility of Harry getting this information and using it against him.
Harry sat there staring at Snape as the lesson began, picturing horrific things happening to him. . . . If only he knew how to do the Cruciatus Curse . . . he’d have Snape flat on his back like that spider, jerking and twitching. . . . “Antidotes!” said Snape, looking around at them all, his cold black eyes glittering unpleasantly. “You should all have prepared your recipes now. I want you to brew them carefully, and then, we will be selecting someone on whom to test one. . . .” Snape’s eyes met Harry’s, and Harry knew what was coming. Snape was going to poison him. Harry imagined picking up his cauldron, and sprinting to the front of the class, and bringing it down on Snape’s greasy head —
(GoF, 300-301)
In the above quote, Harry has these thoughts while Snape is reading his mind — there's eye contact. So Severus sees these thoughts from Harry and doesn't separate this from James, he sees it and thinks that Harry very much might actually spill his entire cauldron on him — like James might've done. So, Severus is taking every instance like this to justify his fear of Harry and his need to keep him down.
With Neville it's different. He doesn't fear Neville the way he fears Harry, I think he does see Neville as someone weaker. In the case of Neville, Severus is, I think, doing what a lot of bullies do, picking on a weaker link to feel better about himself. More in control, more capable. Neville being next to Harry is kinda part of it, I don't think Snape would've been as harsh with Neville if he wasn't near Harry, who makes Snape kinda lose it and feel unbalanced and insecure in his position because he sees him as James more than as Harry.
And I agree with you second Anon, personality-wise, I think Harry isn't very similar to James at all. And he definitely has some of Lily's traits in him, but he's not her either, he's his own person. Something Snape willfully chooses not to see. It's easier for him not to see it, so he chooses not to, so he can keep up with his petty vengeance towards a dead man.
As for why other teachers didn't call him out, well, I think the Wizarding World has a very different approach to child care than the modern western world does.
We know corporal punishment was allowed at Hogwarts and the Wizarding World at large. One of the good things Dumbledore did as a headmaster was stop the use of it at the castle, but it was socially acceptable in the WW even in the 1990s. Actually, even in the muggle UK in the 1990s caning was still allowed in private schools, and Harry is clearly aware of this fact:
“Excuse me, Professor Flitwick, could I borrow Wood for a moment?” Wood? thought Harry, bewildered; was Wood a cane she was going to use on him? But Wood turned out to be a person, a burly fifth-year boy who came out of Flitwick’s class looking confused.
(PS, 109)
Because this is something that was still practiced in the UK. Harry actually had to lie to Aunt Marge that he was getting canned at St. Brutus school since that's something that happened there.
And it also happened in the Wizarding World until very recently, Molly says Arthur still has marks from what was most likely a caning when he was at Hogwarts:
Mrs. Weasley grinned, her eyes twinkling. “Your father and I had been for a nighttime stroll,” she said. “He got caught by Apollyon Pringle — he was the caretaker in those days — your father’s still got the marks.”
(GoF, 616)
Umbridge (and the Carrows) later returns corporeal punishment to Hogwarts, and it's quite clear there is no law against it in the WW:
“Approval for Whipping . . . Approval for Whipping . . . I can do it at last. . . . They’ve had it coming to them for years. . . .” He [Filch] pulled out a piece of parchment, kissed it, then shuffled rapidly back out of the door, clutching it to his chest.
(OotP, 673)
Molly actually beat Fred with a broom (or at least attempted to) and it's considered fine and legal and not abuse:
“Seen the Fizzing Whizbees, Harry?” said Ron, grabbing him and leading him over to their barrel. “And the Jelly Slugs? And the Acid Pops? Fred gave me one of those when I was seven — it burnt a hole right through my tongue. I remember Mum walloping him with her broomstick.” Ron stared broodingly into the Acid Pop box.
(PoA, 200)
Because the Wizarding World (and the UK) in the 1990s had a very different view on abuse and domestic violence. So, yeah, I don't think Severus considered what he did abuse, he considered it harsh discipline, like he himself received as a child. The way everyone ignores Harry's (and Snape's as a child) very clear signs of being abused is also telling. A rough hand and insults with disobedient children is just considered what you do, and not horrifyingly gross behavior like we see it today.
And the other teachers don't step in, because they consider it just as legal and acceptable as Snape. Because it is in the Wizarding World.
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