#i don’t even know it’s a canon run???
moronkyne · 24 hours
More Random Redacted Headcanons
Also I love y’all’s feedback, so
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-> Angel likes to go “….Im telling a trusted adult” to David whenever he says (or used to say) questionable things. Or, to anyone in general.
-> Darlin’ is everyone’s ride. Specifically for the mates. They’ll all be walking out of the mall and Darlin’ would come up in their car, hollerin “Hey pretty (boy/girl/baby), you singleeeeee?”
-> Morgan is a selfless person. Honestly, this is more canon than not, but, here’s my little input. Ask him to go down to the nearest cafe for a coffee run? It doesn’t matter if he just placed his bag down. He’ll make sure people are at their feet and feeling the best he can get them.
-> Porter owns a ridiculous amount of sunglasses. I don’t even know how to elaborate on this. Mr. Dimples + His non-polarized shades.
-> On the topic of dimples, has anyone pointed out how Asher’s icon has a dimple on the right side (technically his left) ? YEAH!! Asher and his left-dimple
-> Guy has/had a longer mullet with a middle part. Simply because he hadn’t gotten a haircut in so long. Also—Honey does his hair. These two and their lil’ intimate money saving habits.
-> Sweetheart and Milo have insane Gaydars. They’ll know that you’re LGBTQIA+ before you do. You are not safe. Run.
-> Seer Obscura will laugh at anything and everything. Funny, awkward, embarrassing—They just laugh. Covering their mouth with their hands and chuckling.
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arcadia-of-pluto · 3 days
Twist of Fate; Eighteen
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Pairings; LADS OT4 x reader
Word count; 2,239
Themes; isekai, slow burn (eventual smut), canon divergence
Rating; 18+ for swearing and mature themes
Notes; Finally it's Friday! I swear, all of my notes for ToF practically look the same, at this point. Anyway, this is Rafayel's last chapter, I swear! His myth ends next chappy, we get some real world time with Sylus, and then we're onto the next myth– which is Zayne.
Also, if Sylus's myth set comes out soon, you best believe I will write it here if it fits the story! Annnnd also, the main story branches. To add on to that, Zayne's up-coming free 5 star on the 30th of this month will possibly be added if I can work it into the story. I know I definitely want to add a tiny sprinkle of Dawnbreaker to this story– and make him happy. Everyone gets a happy ending in this story!!
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Also, make sure you check out the summary (and poll) for a new series called Divisa! I'm excited with what I've got so far and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
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“Are you upset I was distracted?”
A small laugh slips from your lips as you head back over to Rafayel, who had his arms crossed over his chest and a small pout on his pretty lips. “Don’t be angry! I returned, didn’t I? I even brought back some pomegranate wine. We can take it back for Algie and Konche–”
“I’m not upset, but…” Though Rafayel is cut off by the sound of arguing behind us.
“Someone stole the pearl eyes from the Sea God statue in the temple. You must be the thief!” You hear a guard say to the storyteller.
“You must be mistaken. The person who gave these to me is…over there! I would never dare to touch the Sea God’s treasures,” The storyteller yells and points at…you and Rafayel.
 That mother fu—
“There! Seize them!” The guard yells and you groan, clearly annoyed. “Will they imprison us?” Rafayel asks, nonchalantly before adding,“Ah, well...We should start running.”
“We were careless,” You sigh, running a hand through your hair, “Commoners would use coins to pay. Not pearls from the deep sea!” 
“I just found them in the sand before we– ouch!” You grab Rafayel’s hand in a panic, probably too tightly, as you both take off. You drag him into a deserted alleyway. “We’re no longer safe here. We need to find a way back,” You sigh, peering around the corner. 
“Don’t you want to stay?” Rafayel asks, almost sounding a bit melancholic.
 “If that’s your wish, I can distract them for you,” He says as he rolls his shoulder, getting ready for a fight. “In the Tome of the Sea God, it states I must never go against your wishes. If I did, it would mean we cannot be bound.” He looks down and lightly kicks a pebble.
“I need only one follower, it doesn’t have to be you.”
Ouch...That somehow didn’t feel right to you. The thought of someone else being by his side, romantically or not, didn’t sit well with you. 
“Aren’t…you afraid of me telling others about Lemuria?” You ask, softly as you wrap your arms around yourself and look down at the ground.
“...but you always wanted to live on the surface world, right?” He talks with his hands and you can’t help but sigh.
You shake your head and grab his hand since he seemed a bit confused. “I don’t have a wish…besides this celebration isn’t about me.”
 Rafayel is startled for a moment but then, under the realistic statues of the sea god, he smiles, “This event has nothing to do with me either.”
“The thieves are over here! Capture them!”  You both can hear the guards moving closer, the sound of boots thumping against the pavement. “Damn it– They found us—”
 As you panic on what your next move is, Rafayel pushes you into the shadows and walks out into the street. “Do you all want eyes from the God of the Sea?” He asks, his voice filled with authority. “I have tons. Have at it.” With a flick of his wrist, countless pearls of various sizes soar through the air and cascade onto the ground. The surrounding merchants are stunned before they start to fight one another, picking up as many pearls as they can.
Then the guards start yelling at the pearls are for the emissaries.
“Sir…I don’t want the Sea God’s eyes, but can I have the Sea God puppet instead?” The little girl from earlier is back once more as she looks up at Rafayel who chuckles, “Sure but make sure you keep them together.” He hands her the two puppets before he takes your hand and pulls you into the night.
After this, the guards start closing off the city. You and Rafayel make it out, but now you stand at a cliff side, the ocean churning down below.
Huh– What?
Sharp, jagged coral and rock lie at the bottom. A single mistake would be disastrous.
“Surely…You jest, right? If we jump, we’ll di— Ah!” You let out a shout as Rafayel kicked you off the cliff. 
“Not with me here.” He chuckles to himself and you hit the water with a loud splash. Rushing water separates you from Rafayel and the horror of drowning washes over you once more. You flail your arms, helpless, desperate to reach the surface. “Rafayel..!”
Beneath the surging waves, you can barely see. In your mind, you had returned to that fateful day when you were tossed overboard. Maybe you had trauma that you didn’t even know you had. Either way, you were full on floundering– almost to the point of having a panic attack.
Maybe your destiny is to die in the ocean and Lemuria was but a mirage– a dream made to cope in your final moments because you still clung to a sliver of hope that you’d make it out alive. 
Frigid, briny water floods your throat, the salt burning your lungs. No matter how many gods are in this world, whether legendary or figments of imagination, you couldn’t place your faith in them.
Even if they are real, why have your prayers gone unanswered? 
Even now, as you edge closer and closer to death’s door…You are alone.
“Breathe and hold on tight.” A voice speaks beside your ear. You open your firmly shut eyes and see a familiar, yet blurry figure. He tightly holds your hand and uses all of his strength. “Rafayel..” You murmur. 
Now, you remember.
Although you hoped for gods to exist, someone has already answered you. Though, he says nothing. His warm hands cup your cheeks as his head moves closer. His lips gently press against yours, a clear contrast to the way you kissed him on the first day you both met.
 “You..! I..!”
“You… you should’ve at least said something before that..!” You hold a hand over your mouth as your whole face turns blood red, your heart beating faster than it was in your earlier panic. 
“If I did…Your last kiss would’ve been given to this generation’s Sea God...Also, watch what your arms and legs are doing.” Only then did you notice that you were in Rafayel’s embrace, like a hermit crab who’s found a new shell. Your legs around his waist and your arms on his shoulder to stay afloat in the water. 
You notice a few scratches on his shoulder and you sigh, “I’m sorry..I left marks on your arms again.”
“I don’t mind,” He says as you unwrap your legs from his waist, “Give me your hand.” He tosses your mask into the ocean, takes your hand, and helps you stand. Your body suddenly felt light, your feet landing on the water’s rippling surface.
You were…standing on the ocean, as steady as you would on land!
As you make your way further out to sea and over the horizon, Rafayel makes a motion with his hand. Waves bloom under your feet, sea foam appearing with your every step. Countless species of fish swim by and seagulls circle overhead and sing as they land on your shoulder.
You’re in awe, your hand being gently held by Rafayel as you can’t even begin to say anything. You couldn’t say anything– or else you’d probably cry.
“We went through a lot of effort to see the sunrise. Why are you so quiet?” He asks, glancing toward you as you turn your head to look up at him.
“No…It’s– I’ve never seen anything this beautiful in my life,” You say, almost breathlessly. You motion for Rafayel to sit down next to you on the ocean’s surface, your feet touching the lapping waves as fish circle around under you both curiously. He raises an eyebrow and pokes a fish that leapt out of the water.
“As a young boy, my life was no different from yours.” Rafayel says and you can’t help but turn to look at him, surprised he’s willing to talk about his past with you. “The prophecy stated that Lemuria was to only have one God of the Sea left. My predecessor passed away and they found me years later, bathed in the flames under the union of dusk and dawn. The deep sea is dangerous…Only the strong survive. ‘Tis why I can only go as far as the surface of the sea.”
“Were you…happy? Have you ever thought about traveling to another place?” You ask, keeping your voice soft to match his low timbre. Your fingers lightly brush against one another as your gaze meets his.
“Who do you think made that hole you swam through in the past?” Rafayel crosses his arms over his chest with a raised eyebrow and a small chuckle.
“Oh– The sun’s rising!” The sun breaks through layers and layers of clouds and Rafayel looks up, observing the glittering sea under its rays. “So it is.”
And like that, many moons have passed since your last rendezvous on the surface. You honestly almost forgot you were in a memory since you could act more freely than in the past. You couldn’t say anything too detrimental, but you could at least change the phrasing of your words.
But with the reminder that you were in a memory in your dreams, you realize the ending has to be coming eventually. Whether it was a good or a bad ending, you can’t tell just yet.
On the night before the Sea God’s ceremony with everyone else asleep, Rafayel takes you to the temple. Pulsating in a steady rhythm behind you, the flame on the pedestal burns.
“When the fire goes out tomorrow, a new lemurian prophecy will appear in the Tome of the Sea God,” Rafayel says as he looks off to the side, turning his body to rest his arms on the stone railing on the second floor. “And when the fire is reignited, the ceremony will end.” 
You tap his shoulder to get his attention and he looks at you out of the corner of his eye. “Hey, describe to me what’s done in the real Sea God’s ceremony.” You prop your elbow up on the railing and rest your cheek on your hand as you look at him. 
Rafayel sets his chin on his hand as he thinks of what to say before he speaks, “We sit on my divine throne adorned with shells and pearls. A hundred golden crab will carry us on a journey to every part of the deep sea.” As he finishes his sentence, he stands up straight to look over at you with a smile.
“That sounds lovely, but wouldn’t everyone be annoyed?” You ask, your head cocking to the side and the purple-haired Lemurian nods his head, “Indeed. I’ll skip the first part of the ceremony. ‘Twas only make-believe nonsense.” 
You go silent for a moment, looking around at the scenery of the temple before Rafayel lifts his hand up and runs it down your hair, fingers lightly gliding down your cheek.
“I don’t know the details of the ceremony,” He says as his hand cups your cheek, “but it won’t be anything like the celebration on the surface world. Every participant will be blessed by the ocean.”
“Will...I receive your blessing?” You ask, meeting his gaze as you lean your face against his palm– almost nuzzling into it. Rafayel pauses, moving his hand as if to grab something from behind your ear. 
When he pulls his hand back, the familiar blue fish swirls around in his palm. 
“Tomorrow’s blessing will be for everyone but ‘tis only yours at this moment.” He closes his hand around the fish and when he reopens it, the same scale you saw before hovers in his palm. “‘Tis a true emissary of the god of the sea. With it in your company, you need not be afraid of the danger that lies ahead.” 
As he says this, he flips his hand over and suddenly the scale is now a necklace. He dangles it in-between his fingers for a moment, before he moves closer to clasp the necklace behind your neck.
He smiles down at you, fingertips dancing along the skin of your neck before he tilts his chin up, “I also have a question. ‘Tis a very, very important one.” He leans his face closer and keeps eye contact with you as he asks, “Are you willing to be my follower?” 
“Hmm...Desiring the sincerest worship of mortals…Thou must offer an irreplaceable object,” You tease, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
Rafayel pouts for a moment before he grabs your hand to rest your palm flat against his chest. You feel the warmth of his bare skin beneath your hand, the beats coming from his heart.
“The Sea God’s heart, my heart. Dost thou want it?” His hand slightly squeezes around yours. 
Without another word, you both lean closer to each other, the flame flickers behind you and seemingly startles awake as your lips connect. 
Shadows on the wall tremble and shudder as you wrap your arms around his neck. Your head tilting to the side as the kiss deepens, the both of you seemingly unwilling to pull away. The flame on the pedestal burns brighter the longer the kiss goes on.
Sparkles flying both metaphorically and physically in the dimly lit room. 
Only when you felt Rafayel’s fingers brush against your chin and his tongue touch your lips, did you pull away and the flame returned back to normal.
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In case you guys didn't see it on my last post, I wanted to thank you all for enjoying my writing! I'm not going anywhere, I just sincerely wanted to thank you all 🩷 especially with my drabbles, I really didn't think they'd kick off the way that they did, but I'm happy regardless!
I'm glad that something I decided to write in-between my ToF schedule is being enjoyed, and I'll continue to write them until I run out of ideas!
Also I haven't forgotten about the one-shot teasers I posted a little while ago! Last week I felt really out of it and didn't want to write anything, so I'm going to try to write in them a bit more this weekend alongside writing for my newer ideas.
let me add, HAVE YALL SEEN THE NEW FIVE STAR SERIES COMING OUT ON THE 23RD??? Rafayel's card has me in a chokehold AND new outfits for the male leads and MC?? I'm 14 away from a guaranteed 5 star, so you best hope I get rafayel because if I don't— I will cry. It was 100% expecting Sylus's myths to drop, but I don't mind because we're getting a spicy rafayel card! 🥺
Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist! 🩷
Taglist; @orphicmeliora , @yoongi-tunes , @mitzkooni , @hiqhkey, @tanspostsblog
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Silent Hearts // [Part III]
Pairing | Cowbell x reader
Word count | 3.1k
⚠️ Warnings | Canon divergence, f!reader, Y/N is used. Should be okay otherwise? Nothing really happens in this one, you just have a chat with Mountain.
Chapter Summary: It's your turn to struggle with complicated feelings. You turn to Mountain to find some closure and understanding, but he opens your eyes to something completely different about this mystery ghoul than you ever could have imagined...
A/N: This one is less intense but gives y'all some more background on Felix. I wonder what will happen when you finally see him again... stay tuned for the next one~ xoxo
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Once you got back to your dorm that night, you had a chance to finally process what just happened as you laid out on your bed; the group of Brothers who were hellbent on terrorizing you, the strange ghoul that seemingly came out of nowhere to your rescue. 
Where did those Siblings run off to anyway?
This was all feeling so overwhelming and strange. You had a very limited knowledge of the ghouls and their species in general. You really only talked to Mountain, who was very intimidating at first due to his enormous size, but you two could talk about plants and fauna for hours. Quickly it became apparent he was quite soft spoken and very respectful. He never made any sudden moves and was generally very calm. Nothing like what you had imagined ghouls would be. He taught you a lot about greenery but almost nothing about him or his kind. You never wanted to push either, knowing that the Clergy always said to leave ghouls alone and to stay out of their way. 
They were workhorses and nothing more in the eyes of the Clergy and it made you sick. From your few interactions with Mountain, you knew they were capable of so much more. They were intelligent and emotionally complex creatures who had so much to teach us. They all seemed overall pretty content and happy with their roles though, so who were you to try and understand the intricacies of human/ghoul relations? That was a job for the Liaison Unit.
Those were siblings specifically chosen to help keep the peace between our very different species and for the most part, they do a very good job. The members of the ‘Human-Ghoul Liaison Unit’ know the ghouls very well, they help create rules in the best interest of both parties to keep everyone safe. They also are in charge of educating the new members of the Ministry on our otherworldly counterparts.
You had heard there were talks of a ‘Unified Security Division’ in the works too; a joint-species task force to monitor, protect, and prevent Ministry members from both human and ghoul related incidents. You thought it was a great idea! Humans and ghouls working together as a team, utilizing both of our unique characteristics and skills for the greater good of the Ministry.
Would probably never happen though. That would give the ghouls too much authority, the Clergy would finally have to accept they were a higher life form.
The next morning you walked out to the greenhouse to see if the only ghoul you knew would be able to give you some answers on who you met last night.
You waved hello to a few Sisters on your way down the steps exiting the Ministry. You weren’t really sure how you were going to even start, or what to even say. Did Mountain even know who this ghoul was? He seemed to have been out there a while, maybe they never spoke?
“You seem terribly lost in thought.” Mountain's warm voice came from low beside you.
“Mountain!” You shouted, a hand gripping your chest. “Belial, don’t scare me like that!” You had just about jumped out of your skin, not realizing how detached from reality you were in that moment. Mountain was crouched between rows of tomato vines so it was no wonder you didn’t see him, even if he was gigantic.
“Sorry, sorry.” He laughs and stands to his full height. “Anything I can help with?”
You let out a heavy sigh, the thoughts of yesterday returning with a vengeance. “Actually yeah. I hope you can. I came out here to ask you some questions about… ghouls?”
Mountain’s confused expression was noticeable even through his mask, his head tilt said more than words ever could. “Why are you suddenly interested in ghouls?”
You looked down to where your feet squished the well-kept grass. “I’m not! I mean– yes, I am.” You took a breath. “Something happened.”
Mountain gestured to walk with him so he could sit with you and chat properly. There was a large octagonal gazebo just a few feet from where you were standing. He stepped over the row of tomatoes with ease and guided you towards it.
The gazebo was a perfect addition to the garden if you did say so yourself. It was wood but painted black. The hanging candles that lined the outside were brushed silver which must’ve looked picturesque at night. There were 4 steps up to the main platform, lined with an iron railing. The thick pillars each had a weeping angel attached that faced outwards, water droplets from the morning rain made them cry over the flowers below.
Once the two of you got up to the main platform, there was a black deck couch directly in front, decorated with blood red cushions and golden accent pillows. In front of the couch was a rounded glass coffee table with matching chairs on either side. There were lush green plants that sat on either side of the large couch to bring some colour. It was such a nice spot, you didn’t know why you haven’t come out here more. It was peaceful. Exactly what you needed white you talked through your troubled thoughts.
With a soft, gentle hand on your back, Mountain offered for you to take a seat on the couch. You realized the cushions were just as plush as they looked when you eventually sat, taking a moment to just sit and take in the smells of the nature around you.
Mountain stood awkwardly by the other end of the couch with his hands clasped behind his back before you noticed he hadn’t sat down.
“You can sit beside me, I’ll allow it.” You joked and patted the middle cushion.
Mountain simply nodded and took a seat at the opposite end. 
“I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
 It was a full sized couch so there was plenty of room, but of course he was a gentleman. Gentle-ghoul? Whatever you were supposed to say. Mountain was always so polite and considerate.
“Mountain, you are the only ghoul around here that hasn’t made me feel uncomfortable or awkward.” You smiled, knowing that every word you said was completely true.
Being a ghoul of few words he just hummed in understanding and nodded. “So, what did you want to know about ghouls? You… didn’t get hurt by one, did you?”
His eyes flicked to yours, gauging your reaction. He knew that his kind could be a little out of control and unpredictable by nature. He’d be lying if he didn’t admit you were slowly becoming a soft spot for him. So if one of his packmates did anything to harm you…
“Oh! No, nothing like that.” Your hands waved in front of you, trying to brush away any thoughts that you had been hurt. You noticed how Mountain had already begun looking with a slight hint of worry for any injuries he must’ve missed when you had been walking together.
He let out a sigh of relief when he realized that wasn’t the case and unclenched his glamoured hands. “That’s good. Really good.”
A faint look of worry crossed your face as you saw Mountain relax. Were ghouls really so dangerous that they just attack Siblings out of nowhere? Were you safe with Mountain sitting 2 feet away from you on the other end of the couch? Questions started to stir but you forced them down. Mountain has never once made you feel afraid, or that he was capable of anything but kindness. Sometimes, you'd admit, you tended to forget he was a ghoul and not just a Sibling in a mask.
“I was up at the cemetery last night and those Brothers came to bother me again,” you started.
Mountain let out a low, very annoyed grumble. He knew who you were talking about, they had been bothering you for a little while, sometimes even when he was around. They thought they were invincible within the walls of the Ministry, that their faith would protect them from any harm.
“What did they want this time?”
“I’ve never seen them in the cemetery before so I don’t even know how they knew to find me there, but anyways. I was just finishing up placing the last of the tulips - which were very pretty by the way, thank you.” You smiled, remembering how nice they looked at the base of the headstones. The colours were perfect for this time of year.
“I thought you’d enjoy those.” Mountain said softly, returning with his own smile knowing he was already planning which ones to give you next week.
“Anyway, they came up and were a lot more forward than usual. Getting brave I guess,” you recalled, voice lowering as you continued. “I thought they were going to actually try something this time so I warned them, like you said to, but I guess I must’ve closed my eyes because by the time I opened them, they were gone. Just vanished.”
Mountain nodded in intrigue as he followed along, moving to face more towards you as he let you continue.
“Then from over the hill I see this half glamoured ghoul, I think? At first I thought he was you because he was so tall.” You explained, watching Mountain's eyes squint through the mask, trying to imagine who it could’ve been way out there. “He was covered in blood so I offered to clean him up a bit, but he was so strange.”
Mountain's eyes flashed an angry green as he suddenly got a good idea of who you had run into, his expression twisting into a glare as he took a frustrated breath. “This, ghoul. What did he look like, did he say anything to you?”
“He was blind, that I remember for sure. He had white smoke like a mask over his eyes, said he lived in the woods or something? He was kind of off-putting at first if I’m being honest–”
You didn’t even get to finish your sentence before Mountain let out a very displeased growl. “Don’t go back to the cemetery.”
You were unexpectedly taken aback, eyes wide with shock at Mountain's sudden shift in demeanour. This wasn’t like him, normally he was very soft-spoken.
“What? Why?” You asked nervously. “Mountain, what happened?”
“I don’t want you going back there now he knows your scent.” He said very abruptly, looking around like the two of you were suddenly being watched.
Your breath hitched, Mountain’s anxious body language radiating danger. If one of the largest ghouls in the Abbey was afraid, you were absolutely terrified.
“My scent? What’s going on? Who was that? Who are you so afraid of?” You asked hurriedly, starting to breathe heavy.
“Not afraid.” He said in almost a whisper, turning back to look at you. “Angry. He’s not allowed to come anywhere near members of the Ministry, especially the Siblings.”
“Who is he, Mountain?” You asked sternly, starting to get tired of his cryptic secrets.
“A very, very distant cousin.”
Now it made sense why the strange ghoul was so tall, they were related.
“Felix is your cousin?” You questioned, trying to make sense of it all.
“He told you his name?”
Mountain’s surprise made your brow furrow. “Uh– yeah. Why? Is he not allowed to do that either?”
The earth ghoul shook his head. “No, that was never part of the agreement. Plus ghouls take great pride in their name, they were given to us by the Dark One himself.” Mountain let out a pained yet amused huff. “He’s never told anyone his real name before.”
It was your turn to act surprised. Never? You knew you didn’t know that much about the ghouls but this was beyond what you imagined.
“What does that mean? Is he going to hunt me for sport now? Should I be afraid?” You asked.
Mountain took a breath. “I don’t know, Y/N. I really don’t. All I can say is avoid him at all costs, he’s not a ghoul you want to know.” He looked at you with a serious expression. “He’s dangerous.”
“Dangerous?” You echoed.
Suddenly the entire night snapped together like a puzzle. The blood, the vanishing Brothers. He had killed them. Why didn’t you realize that before?! You literally helped clean blood off a killer, standing inches away from him.
Your body shook involuntarily as you realized how close you stood to death himself.
“He didn’t seem that bad…” you trailed off in a horrified whisper, your fingers nervously brushing over your drying lips.
“He’s out there for a reason.” Mountain said, his voice slowly returning to his more comforting tone. “Just promise me you won’t go looking for him? If you want to continue going to the cemetery I can’t stop you, but at least bring me along… so I can protect you.” He trailed off quietly at the end, now speaking with a different kind of nervousness.
Unfortunately for Mountain, you hardly paid attention to anything he said. Your mind still reeling with thoughts of Felix. You lowered a hand to your chest, trying to steady your racing heart when you suddenly looked up at Mountain. 
“He couldn’t hear my heartbeat.”
Mountain's head tilted much like his cousins did as he looked at you in confusion. “What do you mean? Not at all?”
You shook your head. “He said it was quiet. Told me that normally he could hear everyones but he couldn’t hear mine.”
Mountain slowly got up to pace around the side of the gazebo, deep in thought. “What else happened?”
You looked at the ground, trying to remember any important details. “He said he was given a choice? To live in the catacombs or the woods, that’s why he was out there. When I told him he was covered in blood he said that was common? I thought he meant because ghouls have to hunt, not because he had just killed three people.”
“He lied.” Mountain said abruptly. “We can eat human food just fine, but he can’t. Ever since he was summoned he was never able to eat anything on the surface, so he started eating like we do in the Pit.”
“Which means?”
“Blood, Y/N. Up here Felix needs blood to survive or he dies.” Mountain stopped pacing and gripped the back of the chair in front of him, his claws peaking through in flickers as his emotions started tearing through his concentration. 
“The Clergy thought it was strange but allowed him to hunt in the forest once a month, he ate raw the rest of the time but never in the dining hall with the rest of us. They had a special room in the kitchen where they threw him slabs of meat like a feral dog.” Mountain hung his head remembering how poorly he was treated. “Normally the longer we’re up here, the less of our demonic nature hangs around, we become “domesticated”, as Copia now likes to say. I guess because he was still hunting, his instincts were kept razor sharp. Deadly.”
You couldn’t help the way your mouth hung open as you took in everything you were hearing. This couldn’t have been the same ghoul that stopped you from falling on your ass when you slipped, or the ghoul that joked and teased. The ghoul that looked like a kicked puppy so starved for affection that he all but begged you to stay.
“I don’t know what his lack of ability to hear your heart means, but it can’t be anything good. He uses it to hunt and track his prey, amongst his other abilities. He’s not like the rest of us, Y/N. He never will be. He’s too far gone.”
“You said he knows my scent now too,” your voice laced with worry.
“Normally that’s not an issue, I got to know yours as soon as we met. It just happens,” Mountain explains. “Ghouls tend to use scent for a lot of things, it’s like a silent language.”
You nodded. “But why can’t he live in the Abbey? You said he did before?”
Mountain tensed once again as he grumbled. “He will have to tell you that, we don’t like to speak of it.”
Sensing that was still a sore topic you dropped it, watching Mountain make his way back over to the couch and sit back down. He rested his elbows on his knees as he leaned in towards you. You could see the intense look in his moss coloured eyes like he was silently pleading with you through the slits in his mask. 
“I’m serious, Y/N. Promise me you wont go back on your own. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
You admired how protective he was. It was comforting to know that if anything happened, Mountain would be there. But there was still something clawing at the back of your mind, like a string begging to be unravelled that was pulling you back to Felix.
“I promise.” You smiled.
“Good. Now, what were you thinking for next week’s arrangements? I’ve got some roses just about ready–”
You nodded along mindlessly as you discussed the next batch of flowers, chipping in a few words now and again but you were far, far away. Talking about it only brought you right back, and Mountain failed to notice your 100 yard stare once he got talking about his new batch of hydrangeas.
You couldn’t help but get lost in your memories. The invisible string pulling you right back to him. The way he looked at you, the fanged grin that made your heart skip in excitement and curiosity. Remembering the way his tail felt, pressed against your back as he pulled you closer. You could almost swear you still felt it rubbing gently along your spine, or his breath along your ear whispering, ‘What's the matter, Kitten?’
You shivered at the phantom touches which earned an odd look from Mountain before he continued explaining some different colour combinations for next week. You told yourself it was just your mind playing tricks, he wasn’t really here. You were safe, you were with Mountain. Yet, there was so much about him your soul still craved to understand. A feeling that was so foreign. You felt betrayed by your own mind after everything you learnt. You were supposed to be afraid and never want to leave the safety of the Abbey ever again.
But as much as you wanted to uphold your promise to Mountain, you had those cemetery eyes…
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ciderjacks · 3 months
despite Laios low self esteem making him think that if he’d been eaten, Chilchuck and Marcille wouldn’t have helped Falin,
theres a small part of me that thinks the reason Chilchuck stayed with the party and went back in the dungeon in the first place was because he didn’t want to leave Laios alone. That Laios was moreso the reason he stayed.
#dungeon meshi#chilaios#OK SORRY. THE DEMONS. I REALLY DID NOT WANT TO LIKE THIS PAIRING. I DIDNT. BUT. HHH. FHFHJFJV. I FEEL CRAZY. LET ME EXPLAIN.#Pre canon it seems Laios is the person Chilchuck is really the closest to#He gets along with Namari and they are probably way better as buddies than he and Laios but#He and Laios seem *closer*#If that makes sense#Laios calls him his first name enough and without any issue or hesitation from Chilchuck#That I sort of inagine its not like. A misunderstanding. Laios is on a first name basis with him for a reason.#He also worries probably more than anyone about Laios#And his biggest criticism of him is that hes “reckless”#he’s comfortable around Laios in a very specific way and so is Laios around him#and in the series he shows many times that he’ll risk his life to protect Laios#Like staying with him to confront the elves because he was worried Laios would say something stupid#Hes the first one to run up to him when Falin punches him#I mean I think he was also going back for Falin like its not like I think he doesn’t care about her or anything#He clearly does#But I don’t know if he’d have gone back if Laios hadn’t#And if Laios had been eaten I think he wouldn’t have even had to be convinced by Falin#I also think Marcille would’ve gone back for him but probably more bc Falin was going back#Like sort of a reversed thing#AGAIN not that I don’t think she cared about Laios at the beginning either#But she before the story she was mostly Falin’s friend who knew Laios through Falin#She only really got to know him when Falin got eaten and they had to do a team building exercise#Though now I sort of want to see an actually reversed scenario#Bc we also know that Chilchuck is sort of uncomfortable around Falin (said in relationship chart)#So I would love to see them be forced into a team building exercise to find a person they both love the way Laios and Marcille were
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warlenys · 2 months
the glenn macdennis comment hurt obviously but also so necessarily cause i’d gotten too delusional i was too obsessed with the potential final prize instead of fully enjoying what i love about what macden is rn which is the saddest awfulest gay tragedy ever written this is such a good catalyst for lowering my expectations and just living laughing loving in the doomed queerbait this is what shipping’s about what fandom’s about what life is about let us rest peacefully knowing that we absolutely will still get shit and it’ll be crazy and funny and sad but ultimately the power to make it beautiful lies with us. as the queerbait gods intended
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tongues--and--teeth · 3 months
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What if just this once, things worked out?
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
you can’t talk about implications of sexual assault in scenes with billy without talking about the times it is actually implied, accidental or not (this whole sequence + s3 in general) or acknowledging the fact that he was the victim and not the perpetrator
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unboundbnha · 4 months
I’m writing a Jason Todd fic that has everything I want. The foundation of the fic is love: it’s Bruce’s love for his long-lost son. But it’s love that’s gone wrong. It’s love, but it’s love for someone who’s gone (or never existed in the first place). It’s Bruce’s fear — of losing the people he loves, of losing what makes him feel like he’s making the right choices, of feeling completely lost, because admitting that he’s making a mistake, making MANY mistakes, well. That means he’s failed. He can’t fail. Not in this. Not again.
This fic is about love: one person begging the other to see them, to love them as they are, to help them in the way they need. The other person is suffocating the first because they love them. They love them so much and just want them to be happy, but happiness to them has a certain look. Happiness can only be achieved in the right way. It’s horrible and painful and frightening and sad. It’s a story about love. It’s a horror. It’s a ghost story. Don’t you see? In the end, it’s all about love. And how sometimes the people who love us are the ones who kill us.
#jason Todd#bruce wayne#red hood#batman#Zilla’s things#guys you don’t even know I’ve had this fic rotating in my head for YEARS now#I love horror. I love love. I love love that’s horror and horror that’s love#Bruce loves his son. he loves him enough to hurt him.#jason loves his father. he wishes bruce loved him back.#they’re two lines that no longer run parallel to each other#but bruce is willing to Fix That.#he loves his son. he loves his son so much that he’s willing to force him to fit his ideals#the tree grew crooked in his eyes. so he will go in and fix it. regardless of jason begging him not to.#jason begs bruce to accept him as he is and bruce says ‘’but I can fix you. I can make you as you were.’’#jason has fundamentally changed and bruce wants to scrape him out and mold him into what HE wants#because BRUCE thinks he knows best. he HAS to know best. if he doesn’t know best than maybe he’s wrong.#and if bruce is wrong? what else is he wrong about. was he wrong about the batarang?#he can’t think about it. physically can’t. if he lets that doubt in it’s the end of everything#so instead he just. slowly destroys his son. in the name of love.#(this is a gen story with no shipping and no canonical LGBT+ themes but it’s also a VERY queer-coded story)#(and 100% not at all a parallel to my life NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE)#(being suffocated by people who love you? who think they know the best for you regardless of what you say?#loving those people even though they hurt you? begging for them to see you as you are? BEGGING for them to accept you?#and instead being met with ‘’let me fix you until you fit the idealized version I project over your childhood.’’#‘’let me fix you so you can be happy in a way I can accept.’’#‘’let me fix you. we can be happy again. at the cost of you.’’#HAHAHAHHHAHAHAAHAHAHA. anyway.)
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sirofreak · 4 months
(Additional SCP context is in the tags since a lot of this is kinda hard to understand without it)
A first look into the Uncontained Anomalies Canon; starting with a few members of the O5 Council!
O5-4: “The Marketer”
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Male. African descent, European origin. Appears to be mid-40s, most likely around 100 years old. Always seen wearing designer suits and carrying a wooden cane with a bird skull. Often seen with other forms of skull imagery, significance is unknown, if any.
Previously a part of Marshall, Carter, and Dark, said he left MC&D on neutral terms but rumored to still be part of the organization. How he joined the Foundation is unknown, but most likely joined as a high level researcher or site director.
O5-4 is in charge of handling relationships with other organizations such as the Global Occult Coalition and world leaders as a form of ambassador for the Foundation. Also known to help with many of the Foundation’s bigger financial decisions.
Friendly but condescending personality, secretive in nature. One of the 05s more commonly seen in public.
O5-6: “The Pirate”
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Male. European descent, American origin. Appears to be late-30s, most likely about 50 years old. Heavily scarred face from days as a field agent. Almost always seen wearing a cowboy hat and carrying a pearl revolver and matching cane with the head of a wolf, given to him by 05-4, significance unknown, if any.
Formerly a member of the Global Occult Coalition before it joined forces with the Stork Brigade, then joined the Foundation as a field agent. Quickly rose in the ranks before joining the Council.
O5-6 is in charge of the Foundation’s Defense Department and has created many Mobile Task Force units including MTF-Alpha-1, Red Right Hand, which reports directly to the O5 Council. Also serves as the Council’s weapons expert and battle strategist.
Highly competent but aggressive and somewhat violent in nature, known to get into fights with members of the Ethics Committee when his ideologies and methods are considered unethical.
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starlooove · 5 months
“There is no fanfic on Stephs treatment I have checked” that’s like the whole point.
#I’m not saying ur wrong bc it’s not canon#I’m saying ur wrong bc ur perpetuating the misogyny that got u there in the first place#and yeah imma take it there it IS that deep to me sorry#like this isn’t like a diff in opinion on an arc or smth#this is quite literally the bigotry that fandoms supposed to be an escape from manifesting itself again with a rainbow flag over it it’s so#like first of all not that serious but concerning to me is getting into smth without knowing the source material#u don’t need to know the exact timeline of events and which specific Batmobile Bruce had in every era duh#that’d be hypocritical to say I read character to character screw the timeline lmao#but it’s like. ur telling me u adore Dick Grayson and have never picked up NTT?#u wanna analyze the queer coding in Tim’s character but you’ve never read his og robin run?#u wanna talk about Damian’s character growth but you’ve only read Batman and Robin 2020s?#u ADORRRRE steph and cass and you haven’t even read batgirls#and that’s like nonissues#my issues are u wanna discuss how Barbara is actually so cold and cruel to dick for how she handled Catalina and you’ve never read birds of#prey and actually dick never cheated so (this isn’t me being hypocritical if you’ve seen that post I just lowk changed my mind)#or if he did it was justified or whatever#you wanna talk about how Jason and Roy are soulmates and you can’t tell me a single thing besides he’s an archer a father and an addict#it’s like ur putting shit out there about these characters and their relationships and you don’t know them#and more people who don’t know them see ur shit and do the same thing#and that’s mid level issue#the BIG issue is that y’all have not unpacked ur racism misogyny or classism enough to do this and then turn around and say ur fixing dc or#whatever. u have not done enough work to speak on Jason or Damian and say they deserve better whilst u water down their anger into smth#palatable and sweet on ur white faves. u don’t get to complain about how there’s not enough about steph and all u do is spread more made up#shit to infantilize tim. and I’m not saying I’ll never read a tim centric fic that’s ooc and stupid and have fun#I do that and I don’t talk about it bc that shit should not be the main writing you find when you look for BATMAN lmao#and even then they HIGHEST problem is that even when people make more content centering the woc poc and yes even WW it still doesn’t get any#traction bc y’all haven’t unpacked as much of ur racism and misogyny as u think u have#making hcs about tim being a Barbie and Jason being a feminist and dick painting his nails is not progressive when Steph and cass are#cardboard cutouts or the vehicles through which the white men discover feminity is ok actually and nothing else#and then Duke and Damian are the token straights or allies. like y’all are so sick lmao
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thirsty-4-ghouls · 1 year
“Hancock is bad with kids” “Hancock is bad with Shaun” no, well, maybe, but where I was getting at was, the objectively funniest dynamic there that I can think of is that Hancock does, indeed, not know what to do around kids BUT Shaun is super curious because of that and will not leave him alone. Hancock will be looking at sole like “I can’t handle this, i don’t know what to do, get your kid” and Shaun is just like “why do you dress like that? Do you still get sunburnt? Do you like lazer rifles? I like lazer rifles.” Like a cat that sees the person ignoring them and goes up to them for attention. And the funniest response from sole is something like “the sunburn question is rude, Shaun” and then they continue doing whatever they were before saying that.
#emma posts#fallout 4 oc#this is their dynamic. i have decided that#especially because his mom did something similar when acquiring a new dad#and also curiosity obviously runs in the family#I am building on these characters where canon left gaps#especially synth Shaun. obviously#I am not ignoring my youngest child 😤#or my eldest but he’s dead now and it’s complicated#wait. is codsworth her kid? she made him and sees him as family#that feels different though#the mathison way is just pestering someone (especially with questions) until they at least tolerate you#well. not with EVERYONE. just people they find interesting enough#sort of. i don’t actually know how to explain who his mom decides to befriend/adopt#or reverse adopt. nick is her new dad and it’s not optional#she imprinted like a duckling. she’s in her 20s? doesn’t matter#Hancock is like ‘you’re a parent though and I’m not good with kids. should you really settle for me?’ and she’s like#Shaun will be great with you! the question is will you adapt’#‘shouldn’t it be the other way around?’ ‘no. you’ve seen me with nick. this family adopts. even when adopted’#he possibly feels some dread and she continues with ‘we’re family when we decide we are. But can the people we declare family handle us?’#she is of course saying this increasingly ominously because she finds it funny. it is true though. everything she said. it’s true.#and it’s okay if he doesn’t see you as a dad. just that he accepts you as my partner. at least it’s that way to him and i. I know my kid.’#her knowing her kid also makes her constantly concerned about him getting into something for having questions. She knows she has.#that’s how she met Hancock in the first place. Piper. I found something crazy. Piper I want answers#and piper was probably like ‘wtf is this blue?’ and sole was like ‘a story’#so they got in over their heads trying to solve a mystery… sort of?#those two get into all sorts of shit that way#her imprinting was probably part (mostly) trauma. but it happened regardless#I’m making this reblog able now because people find it funny apparently and if that’s all i don’t mind
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quibbs126 · 11 months
Hellooo, can I request a Pure Vanilla and Premier Custard fankid? I love imagining PV as Custard III's grandfather, but don't feel pressured to adhere to that hc if you don't want to!
Hmm, I mean, I usually interpret Pure Vanilla to be the ancestor of the entire House Custard, given we know Custard III is descended from PV but we don’t actually know how far back it is, and when Clotted Cream is introduced and says he’s from House Custard, Crunchy Chip remarks that he’s probably not just here to see his ancestor, implying that Clotted Cream is also his descendant simply because he’s from that family (though it could also be interpreted as him saying that simply because he’s from the old Vanilla Kingdom, since I don’t think Crunchy Chip would have the specific knowledge of House Custard being the direct descendants of Pure Vanilla)
And while you could say it’s not explicitly confirmed whether it’s all of House Custard that’s descended from Pure Vanilla or just Custard III, there’s enough of a grey area that I’m not really sure I should do this one, since Premier Custard Cream could end up being Pure Vanilla’s descendant as well. Sorry
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toxicrevolver · 9 months
Tagged by @serendipminie thanks for the tag!!!
1) Make yourself as a villain
2) Write a simple origin story if you want (etc. what happened to drive you into becoming this way)
Have 2 pics bcs l couldn’t decide if I liked the top layer filter thingy or not. The concept was inspired by the fact I don’t sleep enough. (Heads up my pronouns are it/they hence the use of ‘it’ so often)
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After suffering from so many sleepless nights, it finally gave in. It allowed the darkness to overtake them, hoping to finally end its sleepless suffering. But instead, the darkness consumed their soul, turning them into the thing everyone feared. It just wanted sleep, but alas, now they never will.
Now, instead of being tortured, tormented, and ridiculed by the monsters that go bump in the night, it became that very thing. Suffering more and more. Sleep now evading them for all eternity. Its red eyes pierce the darkness, shrouding those who see it in fear. Inky claws reach forward, yet they grasp at nothing, eventually scraping along the walls and floors.
It just wanted to sleep for fucks sake. But now. Now they’re the monster everyone will be raised to fear.
Tagging (no pressure!): @haahka @boysbeloving @loveable-sea-lemon @we-survive-endlessly @rainknow and anyone who wants to participate can blame me if they’d like!
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villainsidestep · 6 months
got sad abt fawn’s little motel room again 😞
#gideon shut the hell up challenge#we were thinking abt it in canon but then thought abt it in v3/v3au so. now we have to talk abt those#themmy who gets to be the first to get invited over. it takes a bit to build up to it and then even after they all think they’re ready#it takes another few days to actually Work Up To It. themmy gets first pick bc they’re the least intrusive of the group#the ortegas are close to the group ofc but they are nosy and pushy but this is The Becker’s space. so they get told no when they ask#if they can tag along. (they ofc get approval later after a few times of themmy getting to visit#bc 1. they won’t stop asking but 2. they’re more comfortable w the permitted intrusion that they get a test run)#honestly I feel like one of the ortegas would offhandedly ask Whose room it is (bc they expect them each to have their own)#and the siblings are like no it’s Ours. plural. and then the topic gets dropped bc they’re skittish enough already they won’t push more rn#ohhh the besties giving them little house warming gifts to help spruce the place up but next time they go over it still looks just as plain#except u ask ‘hey what happened to [xyz]?’ and they retrieve it from wherever it’s squirreled away#solo!survivor au…. imagine having to go back to the motel room alone for the first time#you know where the traces of your siblings are hidden. but they aren’t in immediate sight so it feels so Empty.#digging out all of their belongings just to have them closer to you even if it goes against everything you’ve all done this whole time#maybe you don’t stay alone. maybe you invite an ortega over. maybe you invite both.#maybe they show up with a bottle of wine each and none of you say anything bc you don’t know what you even would#maybe they help you pack up everything to move apartments. maybe you don’t let them touch anything. maybe them just being there is enough
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collegeoflore · 11 months
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filing these under “lines that make xarrai feel extremely normal” as well.
#this whole conversation is a lot for them. LMAO.#i have actually fully rewritten this one as a dialogue study too bc it’s like. a very important moment for them but#idk man. i wish u could argue with him more in game LOL#this convo makes me and xarrai both batshit insane tho LOL#the inbuilt banite ambition they run from but cannot shake (let him take this power and then take it from him)#vs the love for him they refuse to admit is love (this will ruin him)#they don’t WANT this power and they don’t want him to have it but they can’t shake the part of them that plots out how to get it.#but they have to be better than what made them or none of it was worth it etc etc etc i am rambling. anyway. bye#oc. xarrai#r. hold me like a knife#(for durge!xar they r much more like ‘idk if this is a good idea but i will maybe help u??’)#(canon!xar is (after they get over their knee jerk reaction of Oooh I Want It) is very directly to his face like ‘this is an awful idea.’)#realized these tags r not even about the lines in the screenshots. lol.#the whole ‘what cazador did was only wrong because it happened to *me*’ cuts them like a fucking knife tho LOL#it’s such a flagrant rejection of everything xarrai has said to him by this point. and he doesn’t even recognize it as one LOL#but xar hears that as ‘every bit of genuine emotion you’ve shown me and the trust u put in me with ur past meant nothing :) sowwie’#‘it was only bad bc it happened to me and that means it’s not bad when ppl like cazador do things to ppl like u either :)’#and they Know that’s not what he means. but instead of communicating like an adult they just seethe abt it LOL#okay sorry now i’m done.#lord only knows why i exclusively drop lore in the tags.
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sintreaties · 2 years
Miroslava Honebami and Itsuki Sumeragi: what is their dynamic?
Sumeragi is the shaking chihuahua that keeps whining “Pleaaaaseeee, teach me how to kill a grown man with my bare hands, pretty pleaseeeee!” and Mirsolava just lets out a very large sigh while looking at the camera.
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