#i don't always remember dumb facts from this book but when i do it's always for something silly like sunburn probability
frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
For the writing ask could you do "sunshine" "autumn" and "childhood"? And I don't mind at all if you answer them separately lol 😁
Pippin always used to get terrible sunburns.
Some hobbits, especially those of the Harfoot strain, were blessed with the ability to tan. Come summer, many of the working-class hobbits around the Shire would be tinted a few shades darker around the face and arms (with hilariously, starkly paler skin under the collars and rolled-up sleeves). Unsightly as a “farmer’s tan” might be, it protected them from the sun as they worked, and therefore was tolerated in favor of its benefits.
Tooks, by and large, didn’t even have this luxury. Hailing from the Fallowhide strain, they had inherited fair hair and fairer skin, and that meant the sun was their enemy. Pippin in particular never tanned; his skin simply produced more freckles, adding to the multitude of them that already probably made up half the total number of freckles in the Shire.
And then he burned.
Adventurous as he was, his delicate complexion had never actually discouraged him from gallivanting about outside. Summer days in his childhood were long and full of adventure, and when he returned home—usually guided by his stomach announcing mealtimes—he’d often bring in tow bugs and sticks and flowers and funny-looking mushrooms and rocks and more bugs and a terrible sunburn.
Of course he sat and sulked through the scolding from his mother, and whined and moaned through the painful process of his skin peeling afterwards, but given that he was a spectacularly short-sighted little ninny it probably shouldn’t be a surprise that he was well into his tweens before his mind grasped the concept of Cause and Effect and realized, “Oh! If I try not to burn first, then I won’t peel later! Amazing!”
From the moment of this revelation onward, Pippin’s relationship with the sun turned into one of fierce animosity. Come summertime, he suddenly transformed into a near recluse, restricting himself to the indoors during the day and refusing any excursions until after nightfall. If he had absolutely no choice but to go outside while the sun was shining, he would take every precaution possible—hats and pastes and long sleeves and riding in covered wagons rather than walking places—to avoid a sunburn.
He still failed, of course. The world is a cruel and unforgiving place, and some tragedies can never be avoided.
A few years into his vigilant war on the sun, he was forced to accept a ceasefire; his efforts were garnering diminishing returns, and the endeavor had proven unsustainable. He and the sun reached a truce: he would do what he could, within reason, to avoid this discomfort.
And the sun would burn him anyway.
Fast forward a few years, and the Quest concerning Frodo and his Ring had forced Pippin to surrender a great deal of his usual comforts and luxuries; including his options for avoiding sunburn. Even in cold, cloudy October, he somehow managed to gain a thin line of pink on his nose and cheeks on the road from Bree to Rivendell.
He didn’t complain much, however, even when it started to itch and sting. That was the other interesting development. Somehow, Frodo’s injury and failing health had sucked dry any desire Pippin had had to fuss or whine about himself, and he kept his mouth quite tightly shut until after the race to Rivendell.
(Now of course, once Frodo had recovered and was out of bed and looking more like himself again, Pippin ceased to have any reservations about airing his grievances to anyone and everyone who would listen, but we won’t talk about that.)
But as the Quest continued and Pippin spent more time outdoors than he had since his childhood—under skies overcast or snowing or shaded by tall trees—something interesting began to happen.
He started to darken.
Not by much, of course—not as much as Sam—and his skin still seemed to prefer production of freckles to actual tanning, but he darkened nonetheless. The march across the plains of Rohan, jostled between ranks of orcs, was brutal under the pounding sun, but when he sat on Treebeard’s table and drank the Ent-draught, his face was a full shade browner than it had been when they set off for Crickhollow all those months ago, and he hadn’t gotten a sunburn any worse than some redness on his nose.
Slow exposure, over time, had taught his skin to protect itself, even as he began to get thicker skin metaphorically. War was coming. He couldn’t be the lily-fair gentlehobbit hiding in his room for the sake of his complexion anymore.
It was in the wake of the fiercest battle he’d ever seen—and he was wearing different clothes and a different title and new responsibilities—when he found Merry wearing foreign armor and slumped on a doorstep in Minas Tirith.
Pippin eased the helmet off of Merry’s head—brushing the frayed horse hairs out of his face—and set it on the flagstones nearby. He looked so pale…so weak. That wasn’t like Merry. Merry was brave and strong and smart and indefatigable, and here he was, lying in Pippin’s lap and looking very still.
Pippin gently reached for his hands, and held them between his own. The right hand was cold…so cold.
He’d been sitting there for a moment—long enough to watch Merry’s chest rise and fall as he breathed, but not long enough for his legs to go numb and tingly—when he began to discern a soft touch of warmth on his cheek. He looked up. Far up in the sky, above the stone roofs of the city, the sun was beaming down, filling this patch of abandoned road with warmth and light.
And as Pippin sat there, he smiled. The touch brought him back to those carefree summers he’d known when he was a child—to a time before all this animosity and strife—a time before everything.
Keep him warm for me, he thought, and I can forgive everything else. I don’t mind it anymore.
So they sat there, waiting for the sound of footsteps, and rested in a patch of sunshine.
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Hi! It's me again ;)
Now I have two, maybe obvious, thoughts...
1. How will Hua Cheng and Xie Lian react if the reader (assuming that the reader is a demon... Or demon and a god at the same time, for example) presents them with a paired jewelry with his ashes inside, as Hua Cheng did for Xie Lian, and reader not gonna say that the ashes are in there... Reader is just like "yes it's yours now" (personally, i see it as earrings... One is more modest for Xie Lian, and the other is brighter for Hua Cheng)
and 2. About the statues... Did Hua Cheng make statues for the reader as he did for Xie Lian? Or would he have expressed his love for him in some other way? 🤔
if you like ideas if you like the ideas, choose any of them and it doesn't matter it would be as headcannons or you write it as a story.
With love 💙💙💙
Ashes and Statues
Hua Cheng x gn!reader x Xie Lian
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Ajsjsjsjns I have rabies. Are you in my head? I've been thinking about this a bunch! So I hope you like my thoughts on it. I'm sorry if the earrings one isn't exactly what you were thinking because I'm slow 😔🙏
I'm using small details of my OC simply for the fact that Xie Lian and reader are very close and always have been close
When Xie Lian receives your ashes it's kind of like how he received Hua Cheng's. One day he woke up and there was an earring dangling from his ear
It was only one earring
The earring wasn't gaudy or flashy. Just a clear gem hanging from his ear. It was still beautiful though
When Xie Lian asks you about it, you only say "it's yours now"
Xie Lian has known you for a long time so of course even though you're a god he knows you're a ghost too even if you don't mention it often
So he's not dumb he knows it's your ashes
Just like Hua Cheng's ring, he keeps the earring fastened in his ear and keeps it safe all the time.
Most of the time the earring is hidden behind his long hair, but he keeps the earring in anyways.
The next time he sees San Lang he isn't expecting for him to have a new earring in his ear either.
That explains why Xie Lian only has one, Hua Cheng has the other one.
While Xie Lian's earring is simple, Hua Cheng's earring is bright and has red gems.
They look similar in shape so it's obvious they're a matching set.
Apparently you said the same thing to Hua Cheng, "It's yours now, do whatever with it"
And of course like Xie Lian, Hua Cheng keeps it fastened in his ear.
They didn't know ashes could be split up, they've never seen it before until now
Now Hua Cheng is trying to figure out how to split up his ashes too, he doesn't want to leave you out after all.
All in all they love the meaning of the earrings you've given them and they're glad you trust them enough to handle them.
I definitely think Hua Cheng has made statues and art of the reader too!
There are a lot of things Hua Cheng does that has to do with art so I would imagine he would include reader in that too.
I think different readers also call for different circumstances but I definitely think Hua Cheng would make statues of the reader regardless out of admiration and love
Statues have been made of you before of course, so you're no stranger to seeing them. This many though all in one place?
When you guys find the hundreds if not thousands of statues of Xie Lian. Mu Qing isn't happy when they start finding statues of you too.
The deeper you all go the more you all find.
Some statues are you by themselves, some are paired with Xie Lian.
There are many statues that depict you throughout your life.
So while Mu Qing and Feng Xin are freaking out calling out stalker stalker
You and Xie Lian are really liking these statues. They're done so well...
You guys can't help but admire them.
I know it's short but I hope you like it😭🖤
I haven't read the book in a long time so I don't quite remember the statue arc details.
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novthewolf · 4 months
hello can give crush edward cullen x fem reader headcanons please 🙏 😊
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Edward Cullen having a crush on you :
- The moment you cross that damn classroom door, Edward felt a incredible pull toward you.
- The rapidity of it would be ridiculous. But we all know our melodramatic vampire, he loves to make things complicated.
- He would be in a huge denial. Absolutly disregard any possible feeling for you.
- Edward would actually be scared, 'cause he thinks what he feels for you was plain bloodlust.
- So obviously, he distances himself from you even before your first official interaction.
- You didn't know how to react to this, wondering what you did wrong but tried your best to not let it get to you.
- You two were almost forced together by fate, since you have to work on a history project together.
- His incredible knowledge of history surprised you and intrigued, asking him all the questions you might had and always receiving an answer.
- Edward actually really enjoy your curiousity and got more and more eager to answer you.
- Still, you don’t instantly get closer from that. But slowly, he warms up to you.
- You spend more time together, especially in the library.
- His family doesn't quite understand why he hangs around you. And if you asked him at that moment, he wouldn't know either.
- What he does know is that it's getting harder and harder for him to stay away from you.
- Your presence, the way you smile when he explains something to you, the movements of your hands when you turn the pages of your new book.
- The way your eyes met his...
- Edward made a huge effort to never focus on your mind and read it but sometimes he wanted to know what you were thinking.
- He'd spent a lot of nights laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling, replaying your conversations and moments spent with you, a smile grazing his lips unconsciously.
- Alice will get tired of his rambling about you but especially of his denial.
- Edward just couldn't bring himself to admit it, but the crush was there. And he was falling hard.
- As you grow closer, he becomes quite protective of you, as one could expect.
- When you hang out of Forks he is clued to your side, only leaving once he brings you back to your doorstep.
- Edward would be smiling and laughing way more often around you than with anybody else.
- Your whole relationship is really soft and slow but the feelings are there, and raising to the top.
- He would be showing signs of courting. Like, sometimes, out of nowhere he would come by to your house, to drive you to school and a tiny hand-picked bouquet flower will be waiting for you.
- Lifting your bag or books for you, holding the door open, glaring other 'suitors' away...
- "Let me get that for you..." He'd say and grab the book of the top of the shelf you couldn't reach, trapping you against his body.
- You would be constantly on his mind, almost driving him to madness. You managed to settle yourself in his head, but he would be a damn fool if he ever try to erase you.
- Now, everyday when he went off to school, he would arrive with a dumb little lovestruck smile on his face.
- But days aren't enough anymore and he regurlaly come through your window at night and observe you sleep peacefuly.
- He sometimes even clean up your room for you. And it's alway a nice surprise to find a tidy room, despite the fact it was certainly how you remembered it looked like when you went off to sleep.
- However, I don't think he would really act on his crush right away, but eventually... heh...
- No, it's better if you at least do the first step, just to reassure him.
- If you're too shy to explecitly confess your attraction toward him, don't worry you can be subtle, he notices the small details.
- When he notices your attraction, he isn't surprised by it (he is ecstatic don't get me wrong) but rather of his feelings for you.
- Edward would be in shock and need some time away from you, to clear his head.
- But like during the months since he met you, you kept coming back to him. He missed your shy warm fingers grazing against his, your oh so sweet scent, your words and smiles...
- You two had build such strong bound, you trusted him so much and so did he. He wanted to be truthful.
- To do so, Edward guides you through the woods, holding your hand in need be and brushing off leaves from your hair.
- He softly pushed you inside the beautiful clearing that laid in front of you, as he stayed put in the outlooks of the forest.
- So many doubts came whirlwinding in front of him but that caring smile you offered him, to invite him in... God, how could he saw no to you ?
- The vampire felt a deep rumbling in his chest as he took step forward, exposing his darkest self and feelings to you.
- "Don't crush my heart..." He muttered, knowing you wouldn't hear him, but all he needed know, was for you to see him.
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zeestarfishalien · 2 months
My Graveyard Song Ch. 14
(Totally got distracted and forgot to post this to tumblr. It's been up on ao3 for a few days now)
Jason looked at the two empty bowls and one empty plate of food Danny had polished off and promptly decides to take him to Rosa Lee’s Diner. They always serve extra large portions of food that stands up to even Alfred’s high standards.
As he urges Spooky into one of the jackets left by his siblings, he shoots a text off to Cass.
[BCC plz 4 Spooky u wel 2 IOU 1 🏠🍝 ur chc]
By the time Cass gets there, Danny is starting on his third plate. Mind you, she got here in under half an hour and Danny is not in fact a speedster, but at the rate Danny is going, Bruce is certainly going to think someone fed a speedster.
Jason is really not sure where all this food is going. By all rights, his spooky friend should be on the verge of exploding from eating more than his body weight in food.
Even the waitstaff are watching this little meta-looking kid down pounds and pounds of food.
Cass passes Jason an unmarked black credit card and sits next to him in order to better watch Danny scarf down his waffles.
Five minutes later when their waiter swings by, Jason orders a platter of beignets and Danny orders Rosa Lee’s own personal special, a breakfast that comes with four slices of ham, a mountain of cheesy scrambled eggs, two pancakes, four breakfast sausage links, two biscuits, and an apple turnover.
At this point, the waiter doesn’t even blink, just asks if he’d like anything to add or substitute.
He asks for 3 extra pancakes.
By the time he's halfway through his stack of pancakes -the last thing left of his Rosa Lee Special- it dawns on Jason, that maybe Danny shouldn't be eating this much when he hasn't eaten regular human food in a long time.
But then again, what does he know? The world is a great big mysterious place and you cannot treat every humanoid looking being by the limitations of humans.
Danny is watching him now, an openly curious look on his face. There's a question in the air between them, even Cass picks up on it.
Carefully slow, Danny sets down his fork and finishes chewing the bite in his mouth.
"You're worried," he croaks, tapping his index finger on the table to emphasize his words.
He pauses, distracted, and looks down at his hand, repeating the motion of tapping his finger on the table while studying it closely. Jason almost breaks into laughter when Danny’s head tilts in an oddly animal like fashion.
If he needed any other proof that Spooky the dog is Danny the spirit sitting before him, this would do it.
His glowing eyes flick back up to Jason.
"Amused," he rasps out barely above a whisper. There's still that unspoken question in the air.
It finally clicks. The emotions Danny is naming are Jason’s. The question he wants to know is 'why'.
"I wasn't sure if you could get sick from overeating. Humans need to ease back into eating normal amounts but you're not human so I don't know what standard to hold you to."
Danny nods absently, his finger tap tap tapping away on the table.
"Hard to say," he says finally. His voice still sounds like gravel, not unlike Cass' own voice.
"Ecto fills in gaps. A temporary fix. Rebuilding with the right stuff now." He gestures vaguely to the empty plates stacked on their table. "Ecto is fast. I'm probably fine."
"Sorry," Jason half mumbles. "I just worry."
All movement from Danny freezes, like someone pressed pause on the TV. His eyes go wide in realization and alarm.
Jason blinks and then it hits him with the speed and force of a freight train.
"Oh shit! Jazz!" He scrambles for his phone. "Do you remember anything else about her that might help?!"
Bill would like everyone to know that he works very hard to be a good hench person.
He's not dumb. Now he may not be book smart like half the big baddies in Gotham, but he's not dumb.
He would have died long ago if that were the case. He's worked for the Red Hood for a couple years now —it's one of the best decisions he's ever made; the guy knows how to treat his hench people. What more can Bill say?— and he's avoided asking questions just like with all his hench jobs before this.
But he'd really like to ask one now that he's stuck watching years worth of security footage...
What even constitutes suspicious activity in a cemetery?
Now most people would automatically say, graverobbing, but Big Red is a Gotham native. In Gotham, no one is buried with their valuables, not unless your grave is in a super secret spot. Gothamites can smell money and anytime there's a possibility of it, people will dig up the grave in question.
Hell, the cops don't even stop for it anymore, they just keep on rollin' even if it's happening right before their eyes.
Point is, graverobbing can't be the suspicious behavior he's supposed to look for, but Bill really isn't sure what exactly does quantify as suspicious behavior to Big Red.
Everything here has been run of the mill, graverobbing, teen/young adult vandalism, or drug deals.
Yes, he considers goth teens/young adults having sex in a cemetery as vandalism too. Vandalism on his eyes, if nothing else.
He hits pause on a big white van and rubs his eyes tiredly. Perhaps it's time to call it a night. He's losing focus, getting caught up in his own thoughts.
His hand hovers over the mouse about to drag it over to close out of the program when his brain catches up to what his eyes are seeing.
The van, big, white, armored...
Now that IS unusual. Black or gray vans are the favored colors in Gotham and anyone, who knows anything about Gotham, knows that you NEVER armor up a suspicious color and type of vehicle. Not if you don't want the cops and vigilantes breaking down your door.
He can just make out two people in bright colors inside the van. They're grainy but not grainy enough for Bill to doubt the color of their outfits.
It's too bright for any regular gothamite. The only people in this city who dress like that are the big shot villains and their cronies.
The two disappear into the cemetery, out of sight of the camera with tools in hand. He scans forward a few hours (less time than he expected honestly) and slows back to normal speed just in time to watch them unload what seems to be some sort of coffin, except it's metal with glowing lines and patterns on it.
He pauses the video again and with elbows resting upon the desk he presses clasped hands against his mouth to muffle his sigh.
Well, if that doesn't constitute suspicious activity then Bill will hand in a letter of resignation and go flip burgers.
Well...time to let the boss know.
Yall thought I made up the part where Bill the Henchman comes in, but I definitely, absolutely had this planned from the beginning. [Lying]
Okay, gonna be honest, I may have had a plan for Bill, but it either was lost in the shuffle or there never actually was a plan for scenes with Bill. Considering I can only sometimes keep my dream memories from mixing with my awake memories, any hope of recovering any potential memories is nigh on impossible.
I can always make new plans. AND I HAVE! So yes, we have Bill now and I'm going to pretend like this was planned all along.
Oh yeah! So Jason’s text at the beginning says: Black credit card please, for Spooky. You are welcome too. I owe you one homemade meal, your choice.
Also can you imagine being a vigilante? Bc you have at least 10 very important things you have to juggle on just an average Tuesday. This is not including sudden family disasters like a family member getting trapped in a burning building and having to go save them, plus more wild revelations about your funky supernatural roomie. So like, cut a guy some slack, I know I'd be floundering some days. Attempting to prioritize must really be a bitch some days. Just...oof...
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atimeofyourlife · 8 months
Whumptober day 19
rated: t | wc: 1113 | prompt: Floral Bouquet | Psychological | “I’m not as stupid as you think I am.” Steve gets sick of the kids constantly insulting his intelligence
The words were starting to really drain Steve. It was making him want to pull away, to isolate himself. To avoid the people he thought cared about him.
The thing is, he knew he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. He'd never claimed to be a genius, to have anything on Dustin, or Robin, or Nancy when it came to intelligence, especially book smarts. His grades were never great, he passed and kept his grades at a level that allowed him to keep his place on the sports teams, but anything above a C on a report card was almost unheard of in any class other than PE. Then the whole college issue was a whole other beast, but he felt he should be allowed some grace there considering he'd been recovering from a severe concussion through the back half of his senior year. It took two weeks for him to return to school, and then was only attending for half days until winter break started.
But he wasn't stupid either. He'd managed to graduate on time despite the concussion in the last few months, only failing one class in the four years he was in high school, that being freshman Spanish. His memory when it came to something that interested him was second to none, able to recall baseball and basketball facts and statistics in an instant. He was good in the kitchen, able to remember recipes, and come up with new ones on the fly, always knowing what would work together, even being able to recreate recipes from something he'd eaten. His experience in first aid could probably rival that of an EMR, maybe even that of an EMT. He'd even taught himself how to fix things, he could do most of the repairs in the house that didn't involve electrics, and rarely needed anyone else to look at his car.
But it wasn't anything the kids were interested in, so they considered him stupid. They would throw jabs at Steve's intelligence because he'd failed to get into college, but then turn around and fawn over how smart Eddie was, him getting held back twice not mattering because he read Tolkein and played DnD. All of them execpt Lucas calling him a dumb jock any time he referenced a sports statistic or used a sports metaphor. He was half convinced they only called him dumb about that because they were projecting over not fully understanding what he was talking about. They acted like cooking wasn't a real skill, that he didn't have to do anything other than shove something in the oven and then put it on the table once it was done. Sometimes the boys, especially Mike, acted like it was women's work to be cooking, and that it was somehow demeaning to their masculinity to see Steve so at home in the kitchen. Any of his other skills were just treated as a given, as if they were something that everyone knew, even though the majority of the party wouldn't know where to start with treating even the most minor of injuries, or how to fix a leaky faucet, or how to troubleshoot what was making that noise in a car. Hell, he didn't think some of them would be able to change a light bulb or a tire even with direct step-by-step instruction.
It all exploded one day, the kids talking over each other about something Steve couldn't quite follow. Between the speed they were talking, how their voices blended together into an indistinguishable mumble and the topic just being something DnD related that Steve really wasn't interested in, it made it impossible for him to understand what they were talking about.
Lucas asked Steve's opinion on something as Dustin and Mike were starting to get heated in their disagreement. Steve asked for clarification, as he'd lost track of what, exactly, they were arguing about.
"Come on, this is why we don't ask Steve anything important. You know he's too dumb to understand." Mike sneered.
"You guys know that I'm not as stupid as you seem to think I am, right?" Steve snapped, sick and tired of the way the kids would talk down to him, as if they perceived him as lesser.
"Sure you're not, Steve." Dustin replied, his tone condescending, as if he was speaking to a child much younger than him rather than a grown adult four years his senior.
"Just because I'm not some child prodigy genius doesn't make me stupid. I graduated on time with a head injury that made class really fucking difficult." Steve tried to keep his voice under control, but it was hard to keep his volume at a reasonable level.
"Anyone can graduate on time, it doesn't make them smart." Dustin said, still talking like he was explaining it to someone who had difficulty understanding anything.
"Munson didn't." Steve spat out. "And somehow you dipshits believe he's the smartest guy alive at times. He got held back twice, but apparently he's a genius because he plays that game you do."
"He's just smart in a different way."
"And I can't be?" Steve asked, his tone getting harsh. "Who figured out that the Russians were broadcasting their message from Starcourt? Or how about some stuff you guys don't understand? How do you put someone who's unconscious into the recovery position? How do you change the oil or a spark plug in a car? What is the correct way to prepare meat so there is no cross contamination?"
"Yeah, but none of that stuff is actually important." Mike replied.
"So you're telling me that DnD is more important than knowing how to take care of someone in a medical emergency? Or fixing a car? Or making sure you don't give someone food poisoning? I'm not stupid. But I know you guys will never see me as anything but stupid. As the dumb jock." Steve pinched at the bridge of his nose, trying to hold back his emotion. Not wanting to let it show how much it affected him.
"Steve, it's not like that. We didn't mean-" Dustin started, but Steve cut him off.
"No, it is like that. You genuinely think I'm stupid. Maybe I am. If I'm so stupid, I must be too dumb to be able to keep driving you everywhere, or to keep hosting your game whenever you want to use my house. But I guess you little geniuses are smart enough to figure that out." Steve turned and left the room. The kids could find their own way home, he was done letting them take advantage of his generosity when they wouldn't give him any respect.
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tio-trile · 9 months
Obligatory sorry if you're fed up with GO2 asks!
I'm a new fan of the show (like, a few weeks after season 2 came out a friend lent me their Prime acc to binge watch everything) and haven't read the book at all but!
It's like in S1 Crowley and Aziraphale exist in the world and in S2 the world exists for them kind of,, in S1 the point of view shifted almost constantly and at the end the plotlines converged together in a cathartic moment for all of our beloved characters, but in S2 it's just,, present Aziracrow and past Aziracrow,, which is fine, I liked that they showcased the way they were and are with each other but it would've been better if there were less of these moments.
Talking about these, I saw that a lot of people on Tumblr were excited to see Crowley as an angel and it could've been good but. I don't get why Aziraphale HAD to be here, or more like HAD to interact with him and remember/recognize him later, and I'm not really thrilled about the fact that Crowley is implied to be someone important! It just feels like Crowley and Aziraphale aren't equals anymore ; Crowley Always Knows Best he admittedly was someone pretty important in heaven before and he feels more Holier Than Thou than the literal angel he's with?? I get that he Fell so he already knows for sure that Heaven is corrupt but,, I don't know, I feel like Aziraphale lost agency and just Can't Do Anything Right anymore! (And Crowley Can't Do Anything Wrong anymore either??)
I found the flashbacks for ineffable bureaucracy quite adorable but it was all too sudden! It feels the Gabriel mystery just wasn't progressing at all during the season and at the last minute, ta-dahh here's an exposition dumb on what happened, no build-up for the now canon pairing. Not a big fan of amnesia in general but even less when the amnesic character just gets everything back for a dramatic reveal scene, maybe I would have felt like things actually happened in this season if Gabriel was slowly able to access some memories. We could have had the build-up of him and Beelzebub planning on escaping together in the flashbacks! (And I mean, I get that there was the fly and the song but,, It didn't really affect Gabriel/Jim so it doesn't feel,,, enough?)
I was completely indifferent to Maggie and Nina. Also could've worked better as a separate POV from Aziracrow. I just didn't get enough scenes to care for them or feel any chemistry. Nina was already in a relationship, and Maggie was just crushing on her. They didn't really get together at the end but they're involved enough in the idea of them getting together in the future to give Crowley love advice and for Maggie to wait for Nina. I just don't really get it? If the goal was Maggie and Nina getting together, then they needed more time and scenes. If the goal was that they would not get together because Aziraphale and Crowley were trying to force them to be, then why saying that they "only needed a little push," that Maggie is "willing to wait for Nina," why both give love advice to a guy they barely know when they barely know each other too?
Anyways, I really liked the show (and am still eager for a potential S3)! But I feel like Neil Gaiman's writing is missing a similar style to Terry's (though obviously I wouldn't know what his writing is like since I. Haven't read the book nor other books from this/both of these actually authors), and important reoccurring characters besides Aziraphale and Crowley.
Yes, I agree with a lot of your points! And it's very interesting for me to hear that we share a lot of the same opinions although coming from different places -- being an older book fan and being a newer show-only fan. "S1 Crowley and Aziraphale exist in the world and in S2 the world exists for them" is exactly right, and similar to what I complained about not liking them "being the main characters". And I completely agree with that even if we see Angel!Crowley, Aziraphale doesn't have to be there, and also not liking that Crowley was somebody important before. And yeah, I've said it before but the Gabriel mystery and even the Nina/Maggie romance have potential, but ends up falling flat. Thank you for the ask! Apology accepted.
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yuugen-benni · 1 year
HELLOOOO may i request childe diluc and thoma with reader that has adhd and dyslexia? Thank youu
Hi! Thank you for the follow and request
Note: Always with requests like this i research a lot as I can, but If I said something wrong about ADHD or Dyslexia please tell me!
Thoma, Diluc and Childe + ADHD/Dyslexic!Reader
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Thoma has a big heart and naturally cares about his partner, no matter the circumstances. Another point is: Him. He is. Helpful. You can count on him for literally EVERYTHING
Forgot something important, keys or wallet? He knows exactly where they are
Anxiety or restlessness that is affecting everyday life? He has his arms open with a drink (of your choice) on the counter.
Want to express something but having difficulty? Say it any way you can, he'll be there to listen!
Thoma discreetly makes you take little breaks during the day: he suddenly appears and says ''Oh..I didn't know you were here!'' and asks if you want some Boba or his best way to spend the time: read to you :)
(And when I say he likes to read to you, HE LIKES A LOT. It helps him understand Inazuman literature and helps you read)
''[...] By the way! Is there anything i can do for you ? or rather...do with you ?''
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He is not very ''present'' like Thoma, who can always help you. BUT this does not mean that he doesn't care
From the moment you tell Diluc about the ADHD and Dyslexia, he is visible more patient with you than with other peoples;
He ''adapted'' his own mansion for you, putting important day-to-day things in a specific dresser and even a "routine board", or simply: a board full of post-it notes with your activities to help you remember ( And at the same time write);
(Speaking of writing… imagine taking short reading and writing classes with Lisa! She would be so sweet ;3)
Also, Diluc loves to hear everything you have to say. Any random facts, weird thoughts, your favorite things or just dumb questions. Listening to you makes him understand how adorable and smart you really are. Fills lonely nights in the Winery. it Makes him smile…
''Don't be late for dinner this time, I know you and Lisa love to talk but.... sigh….I can't wait to hear how your day goes''
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We know how Childe is, and if you want a boyfriend who motivates you: he is perfect The compliments never end. I'm not talking about fake or unrealistic compliments, I'm saying about words that can be simple like ''I'm proud of you'' but…can make your day so much better. Compliments can be helpful for everyone, especially those with mental, physical or emotional problems.
Childe is the type of guy who always looks up to you with pride because he knows it's hard for you to just do an easy thing, and being tough is not the right way.
He guarantees he'll help you with ''his way''….aka money. He traveled ALL over Teyvat, if you want he can easily find a doctor, a teacher, a therapist, buy objects that help with focus and anxiety. EVERYTHING.
Now, talking about family: Childe's family is amazing. imagine your siblings accidentally asking you to read a book to them but you're a little embarrassed because of your dyslexia but then Childe comes along and offers to read it to you all and-.........
Let's finish here
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Reblogs and feedbacks are greatly appreciated!
resquest OPEN (for now only for BSD and GI)
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phenomenalgirl9 · 9 months
Namjoon x Reader: Fast Forward
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Summary: How many lovers do I go through to find you, how many heartbreaks do I take just to get to you.. If I could just... Fast Forward.
A/n: Happy Birthday 🎂 to the man who has been my motivation and inspiration. Happy birthday Kim Namjoon 🎉.
W/c: 704
The moment your eyes had made all those years ago you knew this wasn't just a friendship. You couldn't be just friends with Kim Namjoon. However you fooled yourself into believing that you could. You tried your best to be friends with him for a long time. Truthfully speaking, so did he, and it was difficult for him. But the two of you were too dumb to take the risk to take the first step. 
You both stood there watching the other date, and eventually got hurt. It would keep happening, one would start dating, get hurt and the other would be there to pick the pieces. You were always there to pick the other up. Namjoom was always there when you needed him. When you felt lonely, it was like he just knew. He could read you like an open book, one look at your face and he'd know you're hurting. Whereas, you were the one who kept Namjoon grounded, when he over worked himself, your voice of reason pulled him back to reality. 
However, you were tired of dating and meeting people. Yes, overhearing your other "friends" talk about your inability to hold on to a partner, had nothing to do with it. You simply didn't want to have to go through this process again and again. And you didn't want to end up alone ( of course it also had nothing to do with the fact that you thought that Namjoon would never feel anything for you). So you tried to hold on even if it left you scars. Even if Namjoon begged you multiple times to leave that toxic sorry ass of a person. 
But you couldn't change the fact that he never tried the way Namjoon did. He never made you feel the way Namjoon did. Like when you were down and he took you out on a bicycle ride by the river. Or when you both had free time so decided to visit the skating rink and he held your hand as you wobbled around. The feeling of Namjoon tightly securing his arms around you and his smell fills your senses and numbs your bad thoughts and doubts. Nobody could make your heart flutter the way Namjoon did by just remembering your drinks orders down to details, minding what you're allergic to or what you like. Nobody offered to exchange the plate if you liked the other's dish a bit too much. And so Namjoon is just Namjoon. 
"How long will you watch her be broken time and again?" Yoongi's question came straight and sharp when Namjoon sat on his couch. 
"I don't know hyung? What can I do?" He said, shrugging helplessly. Like every time you held that asshole's hand his heart didn't die a little. Like he never felt like ripping you away from that guy's side and kissing the hell out of you. Did he really pretend to be okay when he hugged you, nonchalant to the way you fitted into his arms so right? 
"You can't let her suffer, especially when you're suffering equally. Even I feel pain at the misery of you two" the older said "isn't it worth it if it makes you two happy?".
Those words thus rang inside his head when he set off for your apartment a few evenings later. "Y/n I-" "I broke up with him" you said interrupting him. And he doesn't know if it was the look in your eyes or the way your lip quivered or Yoongi's word but all his dams broke. He pulled you by your waist and crashed his lips onto yours. He poured every feeling he had, every word he could say to you all these years into this kiss. And you kissed him back, receiving every word reciprocating every feeling and desire. 
"You're so worth it," he replied against your mouth.
"We're so dumb" you mumbled to him that night as you traced imaginary lines on his bare chest. "All this time, we could have just fast forwarded to each other and saved ourselves the heartbreaks" you pouted.
"We're here now, right? We're here to stay" he mumbled as he played with your hair, lulling you to sleep. 
Other Works
Taglist: @bbl32 @back2bluesidex @cherryblossom-2004
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letoscrawls · 7 months
How would you rate each version of Duncan from the Dune series and of his love/shipping interests whom do you think he had the best and worst compatibility/chemistry with?
Oh i love you for this question because i've been making silly little rankings in my head for YEARS and you just gave me a reason to unleash them in the wild
So, when it comes to Duncan i think the first thing you gotta take in mind is that his original version had a thing for lady jessica (love or whatever), and it's implied in some of his other relationships that she's always there in the back of his mind somehow.
Duncan and Alia: okay let's start with the one that irks me the most. Alia is my daughter, my beloved, my everything and i hate that she had to be overshadowed by her mother even during her marriage. but it's not jessica's fault, it's stupid duncan that saw jessica in alia, and someone even told him at some point. i don't remember who, i think it was jessica herself??? also you're a psychic living computer whatever HOW can you not see that your wife is being possessed by an evil presence. GOD. i'm obsessed with the tragedy of alia and i loved those scenes when duncan realized she was gone and he started crying ugh. chef kiss. very shakespearean if you will, but yeah Alia deserved a better companion so i'd rate this a 4/10 at best. four points for the tragedy and nothing more
Duncan and Hwi: 0/10. -1183948/10. this is the worst. not even tragedy can save this mess of a ship. hell it wasn't even a ship it was just wrong. poor hwi was paired with the worst men ever and then died??? wtf!! that was terrible for women in general. Not to mention god-emperor duncan is the worst duncan of them all i hate him so much you have no idea. he was a sexist homophobic dumb piece of shit and i hate that he survived and probably died peacefully with siona. also something tells me his encounter with hwi wasn't very consensual you know? maybe the way it was written was ambiguous, but i got the feeling she wasn't really sure of it and it did nothing for the plot, it made no sense. just a bad vibe in general
Duncan and Siona: meh, we don't see much of them, we just know eventually they got together and had a lot of babies and saved the atreides. i've always felt like siona was a half written character, we saw her in the beginning and she's a fearless rebel with a mind of her own, but then in the end she succumbs to the insanity of leto II's grand scheme of things and she seems more like a puppet in his hands. i don't know i'd rate this a 3/10 just because we don't see much and i think they were forced by the events and nothing more. P.S: i would have to look on the dune encyclopedia for more details, maybe they actually liked eachother like ghani and farad'n but i'm not sure
Duncan and that Jessica pseudo clone: they are mentioned briefly in god-emperor i think and it proves once again that this man had un unhealthy obsession for jessica (an assumption based on the fact i don't like him and jessica didn't either. stay with me you know i'm right). but yeah they were happy i guess??? i'm sure if some guy resembling duke leto showed up that jessica lookalike would have dropped duncan's ass in one millisecond though. 6/10
Duncan and Murbella: oh we really are in it aren't we. now THIS is a fucked up relationship. they get a higher score because she's as fucked up as him, and i appreciate equality. But hell duncan and murbella are insanity at the highest level. She imprinted on him when he was a teen and he reverse imprinted on her and they got stuck in a weird sexual curse???? peak madness i just. i don't even know what to say, if i didn't read god-emperor before heretics i would have said this is the most insane thing frank herbert did in these books. but anyway, we actually get to see a little more of their relationship (or maybe situationship, i don't even know what to call that thing they had) in chapterhouse, they are addicted to eachother and made a ton of babies for the bene gesserit. i would say there's tragedy in them as well and even though i know they dynamics that got them stuck together is not healthy and ok and they are by far the weirdest pairing in the entire six books, i'll be honest i was saddened when murbella eventually choose the bene gesserit over him. the scene when she's going through the ritual to become a bg and he's desperate to lose her might have moved something in me. idk. i give them a pass because they are fictional and weird, but overall they are a solid 8/10 to me. and i appreciate the fact that duncan was finally able to have feelings for someone who didn't have 95% of lady jessica's genotype
Duncan and Sheeana: meh. they were meant to be according to the bene gesserit plan, and they did seem to have some sort of bond in chapterhouse. but i don't know, i feel like they were two kids manipulated by the bene gesserit in different ways, and nothing more. But since the saga is incomplete, i'm sure the final book was supposed to explore their dynamic as well. i would say 5.5/10 for the potential (sheeana was super cool on her own and i like to think they could have joined forces to take down the bene gesserit and fall in love while they were at that. but it's all in my head so idk.)
i'm at the end of this long ask and i realized you asked me to rate Duncans and not his relationships. oh well (i had a drawing planned for that years ago). my apologies
Original Duncan: 10/10. bestest boy. gone too soon. he was one respectful king
Messiah Duncan: you know what despite everything I DO LIKE THIS DUNCAN. 9/10 bc he has cool metal eyes and he's very similar to the original Duncan in a lot of ways. should have treated alia better though.
God-Emperor Duncan: get this fucker out of my sight. 0/10.
Heretics baby Duncan: just a baby. an innocent soul. my son. you deserved to live a happy life with your adoptive dad Miles. 8.5/10
Chapterhouse Duncan: a pathetic loser trapped in a toxic situationship with a computer inside his head. he did try his best let's be honest. also a skinny legend. 8/10
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drewexe · 2 years
Like The Stars Pt. 2
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pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4
Pairing: jaemin x fem!reader
Genre: smut, fluff, sex lessons au, friends to lovers
Word Count: ~8,8k
Includes: high school seniors (everyone is legal of age); canon bisexual mc; side characters donghyuck, renjun, and karina; profanities; obviously, sex lessons; kind of a slow burn?; mc being oblivious and kind of innocent but hopefully not in an annoying way; a blowjob + fingering (going slow and steady, yes)
Summary: you'd had a crush on renjun for as long as you could remember, but your lack of experience always stopped you from taking the first step; it's a good thing you have your trusted friend jaemin to help you out
Author's note: okay so here is the part 2 of this little story ! once again, thank you all so much for all the love you've given to pt1, i appreciate all of you so much ! i hope you'll enjoy this part just as much ^^ disclaimer, time moves weirdly in this, please close your eyes and pretend it makes sense ehe-
Despite your genuine intention, it took more than a couple of weeks before your lessons went further. It’d been in fact almost two months now. Not that you didn't have… sessions, during that period. No, it was just that every time you tried to go on, you got anxious again and instead, just repeated what you already had tried. At least you could say you were getting better at handjobs by now, as Jaemin had given you more tips and advice, as well as simply letting you get more practice.
Yet you were getting frustrated with yourself - why were you so scared by the idea of a blowjob? It was dumb. Especially since the whole point was that you could have a safe environment and someone you trust who would guide you and not mock you if you messed up. So you figured that it was about damn time.
Jaemin had invited you over to his place as he needed help with English and you had happily agreed - as someone who traveled a lot, it was safe to say that you were more than able to help. Currently, the two of you were sitting on the floor in his room, notebooks spread between you two as you did your best to explain to him the different forms of past tense and their proper uses. 
You were in the middle of explaining how past perfect tense worked when he suddenly let out a loud huff and plopped down to lay on his back.
“This is so annoying!” he whined, kicking up one of his legs slightly. “I don't wanna study anymore, who cares if I fail the class!”
You raised your eyebrows at him and reached over, slapping his knee. 
“Stop acting like a spoiled child, Nana” you scolded, yet a small smile curved your lips in endearment. 
“Y/N, I am a spoiled child,” he said, raising his head to look at you. Upon noticing your smile, he grinned back immediately and stood up. “Come on, don't tell me you actually wanna just keep your nose buried in these notebooks the whole afternoon,” he raised his eyebrows. Your only response was shaking your head slightly in disappointment. 
He huffed again and pouted, picking up his pen again as you once again started explaining. Unfortunately, it wasn't even 5 minutes later when he interrupted you again: “Okay, I can't focus for real, I'm sorry.”
“Alright, enough for today,” you hummed. Truth be told, you too weren't in the mood to go on, especially if it wouldn't help at all. The two of you quickly discarded the now unneeded books and you looked at him. “So what should we do then?”
Jaemin shrugged, leaning his back on the bed behind him.
“Anything you wanna do specifically?” he turned the question to you, a soft smile on his lips. 
Your mind spiraled away through what options you had, until the lesson you had just finished reminded you of the lessons you had yet to go through. Biting your lips, you looked at him. 
“I think I'm ready to go further,” you said quietly, hoping he would understand. When he looked at you with confusion, you clarified: “With my own lessons. If you're okay with that, of course.”
He looked at you for a long moment and you were almost getting anxious when he chuckled.
“I never would have expected that you'd be so excited to learn about sex, princess.” His tone held no objection or mockery though, simply amusement, so you rolled your eyes in response.
“I don't remember you disagreeing even once,” you pointed out and he scoffed slightly, leaning closer to you.
“Would you talk back like that if I was Renjun?” he asked quietly and for a second, you felt like there was something more behind those words. Yet his usual grin was back again in a blink as he got up off his spot and made his way to sit on the bed again.
Seeing him get comfortable, you lifted yourself slightly and crawled over to him, plopping down on your knees. When you looked up at him, you found him staring at you, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Way to set the mood,” he chuckled a bit awkwardly, reaching over to cup your chin gently. “Don't push yourself too hard, okay?” 
You nodded slightly in confirmation, gently pressing your palm over his crotch. You started rubbing slow circles over his length and he let go of your face in favor of resting his arms on his sides for balance. It didn't take long before you felt him get hard under your touch so you pulled your hand away and reached up to undo his pants, pulling them down along with his underwear. By now you had grown used to seeing his dick, yet now that you were planning on putting it in your mouth, the anxiousness from the first time was back. To distract yourself, you looked up at him again.
“Say, would you mind taking your t-shirt off for me this time?” you asked, fluttering your eyelashes at him fakely. 
“You're gonna be the death of me,” he laughed, yet obliged quickly, the fabric thrown somewhere to the side and quickly forgotten about. 
You took a moment just to admire his upper body. He wasn't really buff, yet his muscles were well defined. You couldn't help but reach up and gently trace the outline of his abs, feeling the muscles tense slightly under your touch.
“Sorry, I-” you pulled your hand away quickly.
“No, it's okay,” he reassured you quickly with a short exhale. “That's nice”. You smiled at him in appreciation and your hand was back at its spot, gently touching his stomach. 
Slowly, you dragged it down his skin until it reached his half-hard length and you wrapped your hand around him as your other one came to rest on his thigh. You started stroking him slowly, your main goal right now was to work him up enough. You had come to learn that teasing slow touches and occasionally tightening your grip around him worked great for this so it didn't take you long to have him fully hard. 
“Remember, take it slow, okay?” he made sure to say, though his voice was already a bit strained. “Don't go all in at once and you don't have to right away take it in your mouth. You can just use your tongue at first.” 
You hummed and leaned down, dragging your tongue up the underside of his length, drawing a curse out of him. You couldn't help but smile as you repeated the action and he squirmed slightly. You pressed an open-mouthed kiss to the side, squeezing your hand around him gently, then moved your lips up to the tip. That was it, you were finally doing it. Inhaling through your nose, you wrapped your lips around the head and your tongue licked at the slit. 
You looked up to see how he would react and found him staring at you intensely, body tensed up as if he was trying to hold back from reacting. When his eyes met yours, he cursed quietly under his breath and one of his hands moved to curl into your hair. His touch was surprisingly gentle as he rubbed your scalp reassuringly.
“You're doing great so far, princess,” he praised quietly. 
Suppressing your smile, you twirled your tongue around his tip and at the same time started stroking him with your hand again. Okay, truth be told, you had done a little bit of research on your own - not that you didn't trust that Jaemin would be a good enough teacher, you just wanted to make him proud and you couldn't do that without any real idea of how blowjobs worked. Judging by the way his hips twitched, it was worth it. You did want to make him feel as good as possible though, so finally mustering up the courage, you opened your lips wider and started moving down, trying to take as much as you could of him.
Obviously, though, you had overestimated yourself as not even halfway down, you started feeling uncomfortable and you had to slow down. You felt a tug at your hair, which you took as a sign to go on so you forced yourself to go further, yet a new one, a bit harder came.
“Stop- fuck, Y/N, stop,” Jaemin groaned out and you immediately pulled away, scared you'd fucked up everything.
“What did I do wrong?” you asked immediately after you took a proper breath, looking up at him with a sense of panic filling you up. 
“You didn't-” he started, pausing as if to rearrange his thoughts or to find the proper words. “You haven't done anything wrong, princess,” Jaemin said finally, looking at you with gentle eyes. “Trust me, you are doing really well.”
“Then why did you want me to stop?” your voice was quiet and you bit your lips. 
“You're focusing too much on what you think you should do next,” he responded, gently stroking your hair, which soothed the slight sting from the pull earlier. “Relax, okay? If these things are done the way they should be, both you and your partner should be enjoying it. You have the upper hand, you're the one in control right now, don't rush through it just to cover everything.” You blinked up at him, confused at what he meant exactly. “You tried to go all the way down, didn't you?” he asked and you nodded slightly. “Don't. I mean, do it if you want to, obviously, but do it when you feel ready, not just because you think that's what's supposed to happen next. You're doing so well, just go with what feels comfortable for you.”
“Okay,” you hummed quietly and the smile that curved his lips was so endearing that you felt fluttering in your chest. You leaned down again, yet he spoke up again, pulling your attention.
“Go slow and have fun. And if you're not having fun, stop, okay?” He was staring at you intensely so you nodded in confirmation, a silent reassurance that you wanted to do this.
Back on track, you took the tip back between your lips, sucking gently as your hand was once again moving along his shaft at a moderate pace. Then you thought about his words - have fun. You slowed down your hand, having just the tips of your fingers press against his skin. You started pressing open-mouthed kisses against his length, occasionally licking gently. Jaemin's hand moved back into your hair.
“Do you really have to be a fucking tease?” he whined out, though you thought whining wasn't what he was going for. “I've been waiting for this for so long and you…”
“I'm having fun,” you said innocently, licking your lips as you pulled away and looked up at him, brushing your thumb down the underside of his dick. The slight twitch of his body made you smile slightly and you tightened your grip around him again, this time a little harder.
“Shouldn't have said that,” he groaned out, leaning his head back and exposing his neck to you. You laughed in amusement, yet you couldn't help but think about marking him up again. He was right, it was best not to do it to avoid someone catching up. Yet maybe if they weren't visible… 
Still having your hand stroke him at a slow pace, you moved your lips on his inner thigh. You kissed the skin gently, and you could see in the corner of your eye his head shooting up to look at you. You decided to give it a try and started sucking lightly. When he didn't try to stop you, you took on the job more seriously, nibbling on his skin and sucking harder. His thigh shivered slightly under your lips. You pulled away only when you were sure a mark would be left and you were not disappointed. 
You looked up again at him and found him biting his lips. He seemed so tense and you realized that you'd forgotten about your initial task, your hand only loosely wrapped around the base of his dick. You mumbled an apology and brought your lips back to his tip. This time you felt a little better, you were pretty sure you could do this. Wrapping your lips around him, you slowly started taking him in again. You felt the same pressure from before, yet this time you were better prepared for it. Relaxing your jaw, you pulled out to the tip and then went back down as much as you could. 
Your mouth was working slowly, your tongue helping here and there. You looked up for a reaction but you were not prepared for the groan that left Jaemin's lips as your eyes met his.
“You look so sinfully beautiful like this, fuck-” he gasped out, his hips twitching up slightly.
You felt pride fill you up again and that alone was enough to motivate you to go lower. The pressure increased and you couldn't help but choke slightly. What you didn't expect was to hear Jaemin moan out your name at that. Your eyes widened slightly and you felt a shiver run down your spine. Up until now, he had been giving positive reactions to whatever you did to him, but this was the first time you had heard something as vocal as that. In all honesty, you loved it. So you wanted to try it again. Yet as you once again started taking more of him in your mouth, you felt Jaemin's grip on your hair tighten. His self-control seemed to not be enough for this as he bucked his hips up. The movement wasn't big, but it was sharp and you couldn't help but choke again.
Jaemin groaned lowly, eyes closed as if he was trying to focus on you and your mouth only. His fingers loosened their hold on your hair gently again and you were relieved to be able to pull away a bit. Maybe with a little more practice, you'd be able to do this for longer. Now was not that moment so instead, you focused on the amount of him that you were comfortable with in your mouth. You kept your hand on the part that you couldn't cover. 
You were starting to feel a little overwhelmed already. It felt like you'd been doing this for quite some time and you considered pulling away for a breath and asking if you were not doing something right. But with one harder squeeze of your fingers around his length, you felt him tense up in that way that you knew indicated he would cum soon. 
“I'm close, princess,” he breathed out heavily, opening his eyes to look at you. You noticed how dilated his pupils were. “You don't have to- you can pull away and finish up with just your hands, otherwise it might be a bit too much for a first time,” he advised. The effort he put into making sure to be considerate and helpful was touching. So you decided to give it a shot.
Instead of pulling away, you focused on sucking harder and speeding up your movements as much as you could, bringing him over to the edge quicker than you'd expected. Suddenly, you felt a warm liquid fill your mouth and you pulled away a little so you could swallow comfortably. At first, it was okay, his cum felt a little too thick but you could manage. But quickly it did indeed get too much and you felt some of it escape the corners of your mouth. You swallowed as much as you could before finally pulling away. 
You looked up at him once again. He was breathing heavily, sweat glistening on his skin and his eyes were frozen on your mouth. You quickly wiped away the cum that was still on your chin, imagining you probably looked kinda disgusting, looking away embarrassed. He had specifically told you not to try that yet, but you had overestimated yourself and ended up making a mess of yourself. 
“So fucking gorgeous,” you heard him mumble and your eyes widened slightly, looking back at him in surprise. He chuckled quietly, leaning down to brush your hair away from your face and carefully wiping the corners of your lips. “I wanna scold you for not listening to me, yet I also wanna kiss you so much right now because you look so damn hot.”
You blinked in confusion, your brain not fully understanding how you could have possibly looked hot with cum dribbling down your chin.
“Did you really… find that attractive?” you asked doubtfully and he laughed. 
“Come here,” he said, tapping his thighs and you carefully stood up, sitting in his lap. Well almost stumbling in it as your knees nearly gave out when you stood up. “Can I kiss you?” 
“But I just-” you started, but he shushed you and cupped your cheek. He leaned closer but didn't press his lips against yours just yet. You realized he was waiting for confirmation. “Well, if it doesn't disturb you at all, yes,” you said quietly. 
He was kissing you before you even had time to process it. His lips were moving against yours, a hint of almost desperation in the way he pushed his tongue in your mouth. You had a second to question how he didn't feel gross about kissing you while the taste of him was still in your mouth before thoughts left your mind completely and you kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing closer to him. When you pulled away, he licked his lips and pressed them against your neck gently in a soft peck, making you shiver. 
“You did so well, princess,” he mumbled against your skin and you felt yourself heating up. His arms wrapped around your waist as if to pull you closer, yet he didn't do that. “You're always doing your best, I am so proud of you.”
“Nana?” It's not that you didn't appreciate the praise, on the contrary, you loved hearing it. But his voice was so soft and full of appreciation, that you were a little confused. 
As if the sound of his name pulled him from a trance, he pulled away from your skin and unwrapped his arms from you.
“Anyways, I'm sorry to ask you to move again but I should get dressed again, so…” he chuckled and you got up from him. He pulled his pants back on, dug out a new t-shirt, and returned to the bed, getting in it as he offered his arm to you. “Cuddles?”
You weren't one to say no so with a smile you quickly got on the bed as well, laying down next to him. You curled up on his side, one of his arms wrapping around your waist gently.  Sighing quietly, you got comfortable and closed your eyes. Not that you wanted to sleep at the moment, but it was just peaceful enough that you felt like you could. Yet your mind was still a little bit stuck on what you had been doing just a few minutes ago. 
“Nana… were you- holding back earlier?” you asked, eyes focused on the ceiling above your heads instead of the boy.
“I'm always holding back when I'm with you, princess,” he chuckled and you felt like there was something more in that confession that you should have caught onto, yet you weren't sure what it was exactly. “By the way, I was thinking…” You hummed, looking at him in expectation. “I know this is technically to help you and all, but… well, obviously I get quite a lot from it so…”
“Come on, what is it?” you pushed, the pauses in his sentences making it obvious to you that he was stalling. You weren't even sure what to expect from him in this situation.
“Well, as I said, I won't do anything to you that you haven't asked me for, but…” he sighed, looking at you finally. “I was thinking that it's not fair that only you do all the work so… if you ever, like, need me to return the favor or something, I'd be happy to help.”
You raised your eyebrows at him, and suddenly the image of him going down on you came back to your mind. 
“So if I asked you to get me off right now, you'd agree?” you asked to confirm if you'd really understood him. Yet he seemed to take it as an invitation, or maybe it was just blatantly obvious that you were in fact quite needy as a small smirk curved his lips and the hand that was wrapped around your waist subtly moved lower down your stomach.
“I like to think that I'm quite skilled in this so I promise you won't be disappointed, princess,” he said and you almost wanted to smack him just to wipe the confidence off his face. Almost. Except that it sent a tingle down your spine and your breath caught in your throat when you felt his fingers press gently against the wetness between your legs. He raised his eyebrows slightly. “Shit, you do seem like you need it quite a lot right now.”
You opened your mouth to say something - defend yourself or remind him about how easily he got worked up every time you touched him. But you didn't get a chance to voice out anything as at that moment someone rang the doorbell. Jaemin froze, a curse escaping him a second later and he pulled away. 
“I completely forgot I promised Renjun we'd play today,” he sighed as he got up off the bed. It took you a moment to realize then your eyes widened. 
“Wait, that's Renjun at the door?!” you asked, your voice rising slightly as you sat up immediately. Jaemin nodded and you felt like this had to be some cruel joke. 
You got off the bed and rushed over to the mirror in his room. As you suspected, your hair was a mess and your lips were still puffy from earlier. You cursed under your nose, reaching for Jaemin's hairbrush to at least get your hair to look normal. Once you deemed yourself presentable enough, the two of you made your way downstairs and Jaemin went to open. 
“Hey, man, come in,” he greeted, grinning at the slightly older boy and stepping to the side so he could enter. “Sorry I took a while, Y/N is here, she was helping me with English,” he explained and you were glad that there was a normal reason for you to be at his place initially.
“Oh, hey, Y/N!” Renjun beamed at you when his eyes met yours and you smiled back, waving at him. “Sorry to interrupt your study session,” he said and the irony of it almost made you laugh.
“It's okay,” you reassured, fingers playing with the bracelet on your wrist nervously. “Do you two want me to leave you or something?”
“Oh, no, we'd love you to stay,” Jaemin was the first one to reply, grinning. “If you don't mind watching us play, of course.”
You shook your head to confirm you didn't in fact mind just watching and so the three of you moved to the living room where Jaemin's gaming console was situated. 
Jaemin wasn't known for having a strong competitive spirit, yet for some reason, at the moment he seemed determined to not allow Renjun to win. Renjun, on the other side, was always competitive. Legs thrown over Jaemin's lap on the couch, you watched the most intense gameplay you'd ever seen. Your eyes moved to Renjun who had chosen to take a spot cross-legged on the floor next to the couch, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he pressed buttons on his joystick furiously. You chuckled quietly, looking up at Jaemin instead. There was determination in his eyes that you were not used to seeing. His jaw was clenched tightly and you couldn't help but admire his side profile for a second. He was an extremely good-looking boy, no wonder girls in school were so whipped for him. Well, obviously you had always known that but in the light of the most recent events between you two, you felt like you were seeing him in a new light.
Then you looked back at Renjun again. You had been in love with him almost as long as you could remember knowing him. Obviously, he was attractive, although it was in a different way from Jaemin. Renjun was somehow softer to look at, largely due to the fact that he was shorter and more petite. You knew that below the softness he was fiery and not to be messed with, but you had always been, well, soft for him. Thinking about it, you weren't sure if you had ever thought about him in a sexual way. You didn't think that was a bad thing. But you couldn't really bring yourself to imagine being intimate with him even right now, nervousness filling you as you attempted that, unlike how comfortable you felt with Jaemin. 
Caught up in your head, you had forgotten about the game the two boys were playing and you were pretty startled when Jaemin suddenly jumped up with a victorious shout, making your legs fall to the side and causing you to lose your balance as you nearly fell off the couch. 
“You don't usually care this much about winning, Jaemin,” Renjun laughed, shaking his head slightly, although you could see on his face the disappointment and frustration of losing. 
“We don't usually have an audience,” Jaemin pointed out, turning his shining eyes to you as a grin spread his lips. “I dedicate this win to you, princess. And I also believe I deserve a congratulatory kiss for it.”
He was joking, obviously, he had to be. He couldn't have just asked you to kiss him in front of Renjun. You stared at him wide-eyed, your legs still dangling awkwardly from the couch. Yet no laugh came and no ‘just kidding’ so you had to assume he really meant it. Glancing shortly at Renjun, you stood up and told yourself to relax, smiling at him. 
"Oh, my brave knight in shining armor, you have made me the happiest person in this room by winning for me a game that I don’t even know the name of," you said dramatically as you leaned over and pressed a peck against his cheek, his smile widening even more. 
Renjun's eyes moved between you two, his eyebrows raised as if he was trying to piece everything together and make sense of it.
“You two have gotten closer recently,” he remarked and for a second you were scared he'd assume something which would not be true at all. You were ready to say something to distract him, yet he spoke up first. "I'm happy to see it, though. I always thought you’re a bit too distant." 
You felt relief wash over you - he thought you were simply better friends. Well, you guessed he was right about that. But at least he hadn't caught up that there could be more behind that.
“This boy is tragic in English, I have to come to help him quite often,” you chuckled. 
Jaemin shot you a quick upset look that appeared as if feeling betrayed that you'd called him out on his English skills (which weren't even that bad, to begin with), yet you felt bad for lying like that, even though you knew that you couldn't possibly tell Renjun the truth.
The school cafeteria was emptier than usual as one of the teachers had called in sick today and everyone who had classes with her had had a free period. As a result, some of the students who had classes with her before or after lunch break had decided to go for a meal somewhere outside. Well, your friend group wasn't among those people so you were, as usual, sitting on one of the tables in the back of the room, each munching on something. 
“Oh, Jaemin, how did your English test go?” you asked suddenly, remembering that his English class had been one of his first. 
“I think I've got it,” he grinned proudly, winking at you and you rolled your eyes, yet smiled at him. 
“Well, no wonder, if Y/N has been helping you out and you still manage to fail, you must be a complete idiot,” Renjun noted, taking a bite of his sandwich. At the questioning look on the other two of your friends' faces, he blinked. “You guys didn't know as well? Turns out these two have been having English lessons together for a while now.”
“Oh, makes sense why you suddenly got so much closer with him then," Karina commented, a piece of chicken forgotten on her fork as she looked between you two. “I was starting to wonder since you never really said anything,” she grinned almost knowingly, setting her fork down and taking a sip of her drink instead. 
“I know, right?” Renjun laughed. “Yesterday when I was over, they seemed so comfortable together, she even played along with his dumb flirting.”
“Yep, I just didn't think that's really something worth mentioning,” you nodded quickly. 
Were you really going to get away so easily? Karina and Renjun didn't seem to really suspect anything, it seemed. But then your eyes moved to Hyuck and you found him looking at you with a calculating look on his face. You looked away, pretending you hadn't noticed. Hopefully, he wouldn't figure it out in the end. Hopefully, he wouldn't mention it. 
Yet hope was a dangerous thing, you realized when you walked out of your next class and found Donghyuck waiting for you, arms crossed in front of his chest. 
“You're having sex, aren't you?” he asked bluntly and you looked around frantically. No one seemed to pay you two attention. 
“No!” you tried to deny quickly, but the look on his face told you he wasn't buying it. “Okay, yeah, I ended up asking him for real,” you admitted, fidgeting with your bracelet. 
“Are you sure it's a good idea?” the boy asked and you felt a little bit better when you realized there was no judgment in his question, it was more like he was concerned. So you nodded, smiling. 
“He's a great teacher and he's careful with me, plus I really do enjoy spending time with him even without that so it's pretty much a win-win situation,” you reassured, yet Hyuck seemed like he had something else in mind. 
“Well, I hope you're right,” he said simply. “Such arrangements don't usually end well.” 
But before you could ask for clarification, you saw Jaemin appear from the corner of the corridor as if he had heard you talking. In a blink, the serious expression on Hyuck's face was gone, replaced with a grin. 
“Hey, lover boy,” he greeted the slightly younger boy and Jaemin slowed down in his steps, glancing at you. 
“You told him...?” he asked in confusion.
“Tell me what?” Hyuck faked surprise, raising his eyebrows. “Something going on between you two aside from those English lessons?”
“He figured it out,” you sighed, smacking Donghyuck on the arm lightly. “I told you, I was on the phone with him when I was trying to remember things from the party. Unfortunately.”
“You truly amaze me,” Donghyuck laughed, patting Jaemin on the back. “I don't know what's funnier, the fact that your excuse for the others was English lessons or the fact that they bought it.”
“Don't jinx it,” you rolled your eyes. “And please don't tell them. I'd prefer Renjun not to know about this. And Karina… well, she’s my best friend, I'll tell her myself at some point.”
You were relieved when he nodded in agreement. You were startled by his arm suddenly wrapping around your shoulders and you looked to the side to find him grinning at you. 
“You know, Y/N, I’ve heard rumors that Jaemin never sleeps with the same girl twice,” Hyuck whispered way too loudly. “Can you imagine? High school heartthrob, the most wanted boy that no one can truly have, is breaking his principles for you, Y/N,” he said dramatically and you rolled your eyes.
“Shut up, Hyuck, the two are completely different,” Jaemin scoffed and you could hear the cutting annoyance in his tone. 
“I also heard,” Hyuck ignored him, widening his eyes for the sake of being dramatic. “That he’s not had a hook-up in a while now. Hmmm, maybe since around the beginning of the new school year. Why could that be?”
“Stop rambling nonsense,” Jaemin snapped, hitting him on the back of the head and Donghyuck laughed cheerfully, running away before Jaemin had the chance to use any more violence. 
He didn’t miss the chance to send you a dramatic wink though before he was out of sight. As Jaemin walked you to your next class in comfortable silence, you couldn’t help but wonder why Donghyuck had mentioned both of those ‘rumors’. And the thought haunted you for a while after as well.
It wasn’t one of your best days, you could admit that. You had overslept and arrived late for school, mid-class realized you had forgotten both your history books (which meant that the teacher wouldn’t let you stay in class unless you could find someone to borrow from and, unlucky you, you couldn’t) and your lunch (which wasn’t as bad but still upsetting). On top of that, your mom had texted you that both she and your dad wouldn’t make it home today due to work. You were upset and slightly stressed out and your mind couldn’t focus on anything. So instead of going home once classes ended, you hid in the library. 
“Oh, thank you, I wouldn’t have thought to check here,” a familiar voice said and you lifted your head from the table to see a familiar head. The librarian walked away as Jaemin took a book from one of the shelves and turned around. His eyes stopped on you and he raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Oh, Y/N, what are you doing here?”
“Oh, you know, soaking up some of the smart vibes,” you tried to joke, but you failed to make it sound humorous. 
Jaemin seemed to catch on quickly that you weren’t your usual self and he made his way over to you, taking the seat across from yours. 
“What’s wrong, princess?” he asked, eyebrows furrowing with concern. 
“Oh, nothing really, just having an off day,” you reassured, managing a smile. 
To be honest, seeing him lifted your mood. How hadn’t you thought about reaching out to him before for company? With your different class schedules, you often had a hard time seeing your friends at school, sometimes even during the lunch break you couldn’t all be together and it had slipped your mind that the other four of your friend group were actually in the same building as you.
“Wanna talk about it?” he asked carefully and didn't push when you shook your head no. “Alright then, is there anything I can do to make it better?” 
“Already did, Jaem,” you smiled, reaching over to ruffle his hair and he chuckled. “I don't know why I didn't think of texting you for company or something.”
“Oh, that could happen,” he waved his hand. “I'm here now. Although I must admit, the school library is not my location of choice.”
“Well, if you want you can come over,” you offered. “My parents won't be home today so I would appreciate some company.” You couldn't help the bitterness in your tone.
The look on his face showed you that he understood what you weren't telling him - how much their absence affected you, how much you hated being alone in your home. Yet he didn't say anything about it, instead just smiled and agreed. 
About 20 minutes and a bus ride later, the two of you walked into your house. The big empty space and the thought that there wouldn't be anyone else in here tonight overwhelmed you and you didn't feel like using the common rooms so you led the way to your bedroom. 
“You know, I've been thinking about redecorating here,” you said, humming to yourself as you looked around. “Wanna help me?” you turned to him, smiling with sudden excitement. 
“Sure,” he grinned. “What’cha thinking of doing?”
“Hmmm, I think it's time I take off some of those posters over there,” you pointed, “and I have a box of photos that I wanna put up but was always too lazy to do that.”
As you spoke, you walked over to your desk and pulled out the box in question. You shuffled through the things inside it - photos of you and your friends at random places and times plus a few with your parents - and were surprised to find an unopened pack of glow-in-the-dark stars. You had also wanted to put some of those on your walls but the thought had slipped your mind and now, looking at them, a smile curved your lips. Jaemin leaned over your shoulder, surprising you as you had not realized he was behind you, and chuckled. 
“Sounds great, let's do it.”
Taking off the old things was easy, although a bit annoying. The real challenge came when it was time to put up the new stuff. The photos had a designated space on a corkboard that the two of you put up easily, but the arrangement seemed to be a living hell. No matter what you tried, you weren't satisfied. 
“Maybe if you put Karina and Hyuck over here and below them the photo with me?” Jaemin was doing his best to help you, holding up the pins whenever you tried some new configuration. You hummed and tried what he had offered. “I think it looks nice.”
“Yes, but what about this one? It's from the same day as Karina and Hyuck but it doesn't work well in the space that's left,” you huffed, pouting. If only you weren't such a perfectionist at the most random of times…
“Well you could put it across and use them as some sort of frame?” he offered and you followed through, observing the way it looked like that. 
“Yeah, that can work,” you thought about it for a moment, taking a few other photos and filling up the space. Then rearranged some of them. Then once again rearranged them. Finally, things were starting to look satisfying enough. 
Little by little, with small suggestions from Jaemin and a lot of rearranging, you were pleased with what you had accomplished. The faces of your favorite people were looking back at you, smiling as if congratulating you for a job well done. A smile grew on your face as well. 
The next step was putting up the stars. And yes, it was just as hard. You wanted them to make up actual constellations which meant that you had like ten tabs open on your phone as you guided Jaemin on where to put each star. Putting up your star sign's constellation had been the first step, followed by the dragon, which took way too much time, and by the end, you were feeling bad about making Jaemin do all this with you, but he reassured you with a bright smile that he didn't mind. 
“Put that big one as Sirius,” you pointed, currently making the big dog. You had just finished up with Orion. 
“You'll have to be a little more precise, what the fuck is Sirius?” Jaemin laughed awkwardly, looking at you in confusion.
“The brightest star visible in our sky,” you rolled your eyes, chuckling. “And also part of the dog. Take, like, eight times Orion's belt following its line.”
“I know you live in a mansion but I don't think your wall is big enough for that, love,” he rolled his eyes and you huffed.
“Then just follow the line and put it somewhere,” you said, tone slightly bratty, but he obliged without protesting. “Now, put another one above it and to the left kinda, and then kinda make a triangle.”
“God, just show me what it should look like,” Jaemin sighed, turning to you. “This is so far the worst explanation you've given me.”
You exaggerated an exasperated groan and turned your screen towards him, letting him take in the image. Nodding to himself, he got back to work, sticking little glowing stars on your wall and the constellation slowly came to life.
“Alright, there are not enough stars for anything else so that should be all,” you checked the box while Jaemin got off the chair the two of you had set up instead of a ladder. 
“Thank all gods!” he sighed dramatically and you chuckled, walking over to him.
You weren't sure what took over you, yet the next thing you knew was that you were tiptoeing to press your lips, still curved in a small smile, on his in a gentle peck. When you pulled away, his eyebrows were raised in surprise.
“I just-” you started, biting your lips. “Thank you. For helping me and for keeping me company.”
“Of course, princess,” he smiled gently. “Anything you need, I am here to help.”
You bit your lips, thinking for a moment. You were so used to doing something sexual whenever the two of you got together and your mind was already drifting away in that direction. But you didn't want to ruin the pure and soft energy that the two of you had established for now. 
“Nana, can we cuddle?” you asked instead and he chuckled.
“I didn't know you still need to ask about that,” he teased, “given what else that we have done.”
“Yeah, but… it’s always nice to ask, y’know. Plus, I wanna sit in your lap or something like that,” you pouted.
Shaking his head slightly, Jaemin took your hand and pulled you to the bed, getting up on it and pulling you sideways in his lap. He looked at you as if for confirmation that that's what you had meant and you nodded, leaning your head on his shoulder and wrapping your arm around his waist. One of his arms wrapped around you to hold you closer and his fingers started drawing small figures on your side as his other hand rested on your knee. A small smile curved your lips. It was at times like this when you appreciated how clingy this boy was. It felt perfect, it felt safe. And it felt like home more than the empty house you were in.
For a while it was quiet. Your mind started drifting away and suddenly you remembered the things Donghyuck had said the other day. It wasn’t as much about why he hadn’t made this a one-time thing, instead what kept you thinking was the idea that he had stopped seeing other people. And even more so the fact that you were unexplainably pleased by that.
“Nana?” you said quietly and he hummed. "Have you really not been with anyone else since we started this lessons thing?” 
You felt his fingers stop moving and you looked up at him. He was looking at you, lips pressed together and an unreadable expression on his face. 
“Yeah,” he nodded in the end. “I thought that it would be unfair to you. Plus, I don’t really need to see anyone else.”
“But what we do here is not something official,” you pointed out, your chest clenching as the words left your lips. You weren't sure why. “You’ve never really been one to settle down. I never intended to stop you from hooking up with other people. Or even dating someone, if you have found someone.”
“You're not stopping me, princess,” he said, sighing as he rubbed your back gently. “I am not interested in anyone else at the moment, that's the reason. And you're doing quite well in satisfying my needs, so why would I be?”
He chuckled slightly at the end and smiled at you as if trying to reassure you that you had nothing to worry about. Yet his smile didn't reach his eyes and you couldn't help but worry that he was hiding something from you.
“Do you… ever feel like I'm just using you?” you asked, biting your lips. This had been something you worried about for a while actually - sure, he only seemed uncomfortable the first time, but what if he just didn't want to hurt you by backing out after he had already agreed? 
“Love, what's with these questions all of a sudden?” he raised his eyebrows, taking your chin between his fingers and lifting your head slightly to make sure you were looking at him. “Of course you're not ‘just using’ me. I agreed to it and, trust me, I enjoy every moment of it. If you're anxious because I wait for you to initiate things, we agreed on that at the beginning and it’s for you to feel comfortable, right?” 
You nodded slightly, a small pout curving your lips. It seemed like he wasn't sure whether you believed him or not, so he hummed and leaned closer, pecking your lips softly. You blinked in surprise. 
“Is this enough to convince you that I am happy with the way things are or would you need me to fuck you to prove it?” he grinned and you rolled your eyes. You were well aware it was just a joke yet your body seemed to react to the suggestion as you felt yourself heating up. 
“I don't-” you started, but you weren't sure what you wanted to say. As much as the idea of having sex with Jaemin seemed appealing, you didn't feel that the time was right. But then again, it did seem appealing… and he had offered…
“What are you thinking about, princess?” he asked, his voice so close to your ear that it startled you. “You can be honest with me.” 
“I'm not… ready to go all the way,” you admitted. “But now thanks to you I'm also needy.” You childishly whined out that one, rolling your eyes. 
“My offer still stands,” he said with a small smirk on his lips as his fingers on your knee started gently moving up and down your skin. “All you have to do is ask if you want me to take care of that for you.”
“Since when are you into teasing?” you scoffed, looking away as you couldn't stand looking at the knowing curve of his lips and his eyes looking at you intensely. 
“I've always been like this, you know,” he responded, tilting his head to the side. “And just because I haven't commented on it, doesn't mean I don't notice the way you move uncomfortably when you try to hide how turned on you are. You look adorable, by the way, the way you squirm around and get all shy without even realizing it. Makes me want to ravish you every time.”
“Oh my god, Jaemin, shut up!” you whined out. You'd be lying though if you said his words didn't affect you. You couldn't help but feel embarrassed that he had seen through you that easily. Yet the fact that he claimed to get turned on by that made the heat between your legs spread. So you took his hand on your knee, moved it up to your thigh, and after a deep breath said: “If you really mean that, now's your time to shine.” 
A soft laugh left his lips but he didn't wait for a second invitation to let his hand slip under your uniform skirt along your sensitive skin. 
“Should I take revenge for all the teasing you put me through and edge you on until you're begging me to finally make you come?” he asked, voice low as his thumb brushed against your clothed clit, making your thighs twitch. 
“I never meant to tease you!” you defended yourself, although if you had to be honest, you did enjoy it a lot of the time. 
“I know, princess,” he assured you, despite the knowing smirk on his lips. “And since you've been such a diligent student… you deserve a little reward.”
And true to his word, he carefully pushed your panties to the side and one of his fingers moved up your slit, drawing a whimper out of you. His thumb pressed against your clit and rubbed carefully and you let your head fall back on his shoulder. 
There was something different about Jaemin at the moment. Yes, he'd always been confident and even though you were usually the one in control, that didn't change. But this time his energy was different - he was dominating the situation with nothing more than a couple of soft touches. 
One of his fingers started pushing inside you slowly and you bit your lips to hold back a whimper. His free hand moved to your head and gently stroked your hair as he started pumping his finger in and out carefully. Occasionally, his thumb would rub over your clit. And as good as it felt… it was nowhere near enough.
“Jaemin, please,” you pleaded quietly. “You said you wouldn’t tease.”
“I’m just making the most of my time,” he chuckled. “You’re just too soft and wet, princess, I’m sorry.” You wined out and he smiled a little wider. “Give me a kiss and I’ll think about it.”
“I’m starting to think you really meant that part about the begging,” you muttered as you hooked your fingers in his shirt and tugged him closer to press your lips against his.
“Don’t mind if you do,” he whispered against your lips when you pulled away, the corner of his mouth tugging upwards.
Yet he didn’t wait for you to say anything else. His movements sped up almost immediately after a second finger made its way inside you. This time you couldn’t fight your moan as a shiver ran down your spine. Jaemin’s fingers worked quickly inside you, spreading you out and curling, pressing against your walls until he found that spot that made you shake with pleasure. And then it was like a whole new world opened its doors for you.
Jaemin pressed his lips gently against your neck, kissing along your skin. You could feel how careful he was to not spend too much time on any one spot in case your skin bruised and it saddened you a bit, but fuck, it still felt so good. Then he moved up your throat to a spot below your ear. That’s where he started sucking on your skin harder. All the while, his fingers kept up their sweet torture, making your body twist in his hold as moans fell from your lips one after another.
“That’s my good girl,” Jaemin whispered against your ear and you whimpered. “I’ve imagined this so many times, you know? How receptive you’d be, how loud you’d get when I’m touching you. I’d also love to know how you taste, to see what you look like when you cum. Will you show me, princess?”
“Nana, please,” you whimpered again and the sharp exhale that you felt against your skin reminded you that he seemed to have a thing for begging. “I’m close, please, don’t stop.”
“As long as you promise to moan as loud as you can for me, princess,” he said with a low tone, his hot breath hitting your sensitive skin. “Tell me how good I’m making you feel, let me hear you.”
And who were you to say no, really? Not with the way his fingers were moving, not with the way his thumb was pressing against your clit, and definitely not with the way he was making you see stars. Every moan you let out seemed to make him even more determined until finally you couldn’t take it anymore and came with a whine of his name.
When you opened your eyes again, Jaemin was looking at you with the softest star-struck expression you’d ever seen. Your heart skipped a beat at the warmth in his eyes.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said softly and you felt bubbling in your chest. If you weren’t in a daze from your orgasm, you’d probably think about that. But you didn’t. 
“And you’re hard,” you chuckled instead and earned yourself an eye-roll in response. 
“I believe I have a pretty valid reason for that, while you didn’t have one for completely ignoring my compliment.”
“No, listen,” you hummed and pecked his cheek. “Thank you. But I just thought that it would be unfair to just leave you like this. I should return the favor, no?”
“Not this time, love,” he shook his head. “I’ll be okay. I’d prefer to just stay like this for a little longer.”
taglist: @multihoe-net @jaeymark @bythe8 @jaemboi64 @okokoksblog @paintandwine @fairypothos @sweetjaemss @magnificentjudgemoneyhands @jsjcue @sunshinedhyuck @luvdroids @wanlore @marklexleaf @back2jisung @taehyungmami @the-midnight-arthouse @multifandombtvh @chichhihaa @nctevia @thiccfullsun @hwanunjin @dinochocochip @keemburley @jaemints
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amberrskiies · 2 years
When they are reminded of your 'death'
A/N - decided to write angst with a dash of fluff cause I have done two fluff headcanons so time for pain! As you can see I woke up today and chose violence!
Warnings - spoilers for Lesson 16 and possibly a few other lessons but mostly the specific lesson mentioned!
Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Beelzebub, Belphegor x gender neutral reader | Established Relationship | Separate headcanons
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He's the most affected one out of his brothers cause he was the first one to witness you looking lifeless under Belphegor's grip
It still haunts him till this day, remembering how he cradled your dead body in his arms asking you to hold on to your life
He feels terrible most of his time for being rude with you when you have been nothing but kind to him and the kindness coming fro you was a foreign feeling cause of how he is treated by his brothers
He isn't greedy for money but greedy for love from his brothers and people who is close to
Nearly losing you was one of his biggest fears cause he didn't want to lose the one person who actually cared
He has frequent nightmares that involved you and would quietly rush out of his room to check on you to see if you're still breathing
He would be filled with relief when he sees that you're okay but one day he actually woke you up by accident
"Mams? Is everything alright...?" You'd ask him sleepily as he shook his head.
"Ya don't have ta worry 'bout me human. Just came ta check up on ya. Ya go back ta sleep now." He whispered to you as he kissed your forehead and left your room, feeling more relieved.
Needless to say, he tries to get over this
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When he saw you looking still and lifeless in Mammon's arms, he didn't know how to feel other than being scared and upset
It's still a nagging thing on one side of head and it makes him filled with regret
He very much regrets nearly killing you just because of a dumb quiz show and his jealousy and the fact that he hasn't been the best with you on your first days either but it's all in the past now but it just didn't leave him fully
Whenever he is reminded of this, he can never focus on the games he plays or the anime he is watching and he isn't able to sleep well either
One day he mustered the courage to check up on you late at night to see if you were doing okay and he found you sitting on your bed with your D.D.D in your hand as you turned your attention from it to him
"Oh hey Levi! You okay?" You asked with worry as he nodded slowly
"Yeah just couldn't sleep." he confessed, putting a hand on the back of his neck
"Me neither. Do you wanna play games or watch anime together?" You asked as he looked at you before nodding
"Sure." He said, smiling a little
For once, he felt relief wash over him
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He may have not looked like he was affected but deep down he wanted to scream and cry when he saw you laying dead in the avatar of greed's arms
This makes him feel terrible about how he threatened you, tried to blackmail you and nearly killed you in the past just cause he wanted to spite Lucifer and because of his wrath
Yet after everything he has done, you still forgave him and always looked past his wrath and consoled him that he's nothing like the avatar of pride
He basically rages inside his room, knocking over his tower of books while trying to cal himself down whenever he remembers this moment
There are times he can never focus on the book he is reading whenever he is reminded of this and would throw his book at the far end of his room, making a loud noise and in the process one of his book towers falling
One time, you basically heard the noise and knocked on his room to check, which he opened to see that it was you
"Tan Tan? Is everything alright?" You asked as he didn't make eye contact with you
Instead he hugged you without saying a word, making you surprised yet confused but you decided to hug him back and comfort him
"I'm alright now that you're here." You heard him answer your question as you smiled
He'll gradually recover from all of this
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Beel just felt like he lost another family member when he saw you dead in Mammon's arms
To make it worse, it was his twin that had killed you on the spot and this made him believe he failed once more
Your supposed 'death' makes him remember how he nearly unpurposely killed you when you ate his custard without even getting to know you better
Whenever he is reminded of that day, he locks himself up in his room and just feels guilty and there were times he couldn't get himself to eat
Your death reminds him of how he lost Lilith so losing you is like losing someone important to him
One day, he headed to the kitchen to eat something even is his heart felt heavy with the memory and there he saw you restocking the fridge with food and once he entered you noticed his presence
"Oh! Good to see you Beel! I just restocked the fridge with food for dinner tonight. I also got the custard that you like to eat so you can help yourself to it. I put a label on them so nobody will eat it!" You told him as he stared at you before smiling
He liked how you always thought of him and how you never said anything about him eating most of the day so this warmed his heart a lot
"We can share if you like? I don't really mind sharing with you." He said, leaving you shocked but who are you to deny his offer.
Your smile is enough for him to forget the bad things
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When I said Mammon was the most affected, Belphie was a bigger mess compared to him
He will never forget how he had used you while you only just showed him kindness and in return, he betrays you and kills you with his bare hands
You should be hating him, he wants you to hate him but you forgave him even after everything he has done to you
It's hard for him to fall asleep because of him being reminded and this finally lead him to walk over to your room with his cow printed pillow in hand
He slowly opened the door to see you sitting up on your bed with your D.D.D in your hand as he slowly made his way to you, making you aware of his presence and before you could say anything, he sat down beside you and embraced you on the side as he nuzzled on the top of your head, making you worried
"Belphie are you alright?" You asked the avatar of sloth who stayed silent before he spoke
"... What did I do to deserve you and your forgiveness...?" he asked, his voice breaking slightly as your eyes widened at his words before you hugged him back
"Belphie... It's okay. It's all in the past now. You deserve forgiveness. You deserve me too so please don't think think that you don't." You told him reassuringly
"..." He didn't say anything other than silently breaking down beside you as tears rolled down his cheek, still holding you while muttering 'I'm sorry' a couple of times as you reassured him that everything is fine now while holding him close
It's hard for him to forgive himself like this but he's willing to do it for you
A/N - I nearly teared up at Belphie's part :'D
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merakiui · 11 months
Mera, I need to get this off my chest omggggg At first, I didn't like the octatrio at alllll I was a mf fish hater 😭 but then i started reading your Azul writings and I realised the error in my ways. Mera you literally showed me the light and I fell head over heals for him. Now I cannot believe it took me so damn long to see what was right in front of me 😭 I needed him so carnally, but at the time I still didn't get what the big deal was with the tweels.
Thennnn for the harveston event, watching how excited ja
Jade was about Mount moln, which made me soooo soft, and I just wanted him so badlyyyy and now this camp??? He's so enthusiastic, and it makes tears run down my thighs. I want him I want him I want him I will die if I don't get him over me 😭
Now recently I started using one of my friends' Floyd cards in my battles, and it's happening again. I'm falling in love with a fish *again*. Everytime I use his spell and I hear his dumb cute little laugh, my brain just melts and leaks out of my ears a little bit. I want the fish mafia to kidnap me so badddd 😭😭😭
AAAAA YES YES!!!! I can relate to this!!! I was also an Octavinelle disliker when I first saw the characters long ago. There wasn't a single part of their trio that appealed to me. I thought they were unattractive and I also wasn't very fond of the business formal aesthetic (although it's amusing because now that's one of my favorite fashion styles hehe). I actually started appreciating Octavinelle around the time twst was released in English because it gave me the opportunity to study more of Azul's character. Also, I didn't know much about book 3 when I went in playing it, aside from the main facts of: Azul inevitably overblots, Azul is an octo-mer, the twins are moray eels, and Azul's backstory had something to do with bullying. I remember thinking to myself when I was playing it: time to see what's so great about this sushi buffet!
And omg were they great. <3 I summoned on Azul and Floyd's banners because I was so charmed by them, but Jade was still a hard pass for me. >_< I wish I could have loved Jade back then because now his dorm ssr evades me. T_T but during that time I felt as if I didn't know how to write him properly or characterize him because I was more interested in Floyd and Azul. Now I've become his dedicated simp, so there is plenty of Jade appreciation now.
Harveston and Vargas Camp Jade always makes me so soft!!! He's so cute when he's excited to partake in his hobbies. >v< I think that's another appeal to Jade. He's scary, but then he's also so sweet at times????? He has effectively won me over!!! :D and Floyd's laughs and giggles!!!! Omg it always makes me smile because it's so cute to hear him so enthusiastic, even if it's a malicious giggle during a magic battle. ^^;;; aaaaaa I'm really happy my Azul writings could help you appreciate tako!!! It may have taken us too long to love the fish, but they caught up to us. orz
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Trigun Bookclub: Trigun Vol.1, Chapter #02
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Continuation of my Trigun annotation for the book club. I'm doing a deep-read of the Japanese original print (reread) and Overhaul 1.0 (first read) side-by-side, and writing down everything I notice from small details, version differences, translation differences, etc. (and being gay about the characters <3 always important)
Here are the beloved non-analysis sillies...
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And the rest is under the cut. read my notes boy!!
[link for if the images aren't in horizontal rows]
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The second page has an error - 悪夢 was probably misread as 悪魔 ("happen" and "awaken" are also the same kanji). It should be "Then, the nightmare occurred." It's really cool that this still works really well considering...y'know (not saying for the first-time readers ;) )
I just love how that drawing of Vash is so cool and serious...
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...and then you turn the page and he's in the most pathetic cunty pussy-out pose you've ever seen. Easily one of my favorite panels. Also made a math question for funsies. sorry to anyone who got high school flashbacks, but I absolutely loved trigonometry lmao. I could do this forever.
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A little pun(?) that may or may not be intentional - In Japanese, someone with a bounty on their head is called 賞金首, lit. "bounty neck" ("neck" sometimes signifies the entire head). The locals call out for the bounty-neck right as Vash hurt his neck lol
I love how creepy Vash moves sometimes. absolute cryptid
This is entirely a Japanese-only detail, but I really loved how Vash said バヤイ (bayai) in the sobbing in French line, because my mom also says that instead of 場合 (baai) when she's being silly lmao. Also, it's notable that in Japanese, Vash says フランセ語 ("Francé-go," where "go" is the suffix for languages) which may be either another miles->iles/double-dollar situation, or just him speaking silly like バヤイ.
Also, the line after that would more accurately be "How am I supposed to deal with all these locals?"
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Here, the "Really?" is actually Meryl saying something like "I'll give you a hint."
Meryl tends to be the one responsible for the braincell in fanworks but it's important to remember that she absolutely is dumb too (affectionate).
I'm so glad I wrote that reminder about Meryl's speech, but I don't think I'll be able to do it justice here when I have so much more to talk about. I'll have to write another post later, so I'll link it when it's done. The gist is that she talks like a stereotypical high-class anime girl, and the trope is from how a similar demographic in Meiji-era Japan actually spoke.
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The boy's pussy faces the world yet again. I love all the faces he makes!! look at him!!!!!!!!!!! he's so cute
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The text on the board here was very messy and squished, but it says something like "Vash the Stampede Absolute Capture Task Force Headquarters." Honestly don't know how to fit all that into the board though so uh good luck on that for 2.0... Also dear god Vash has so much energy... He's just been running for 3 hours straight...!!
Fun fact: the equivalent idiom to "fight fire with fire" in Japanese is "use poison on poison."
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Love how Nebraska is just like "no we didn't jailbreak, we just let ourselves out :/"
Translation error for Milly and the chairman - Milly is saying "Why do things keep getting worse and worse!?" and the chairman is mumbling "What's the deal with you two..."
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Showing some love for his pretty pretty eyes..........(gives him so many smooches in my head)("i can imagine anything" image)(can't add it because i reached the 30 image limit)
The "Freeze!" is actually untranslated, just re-typed to match the surrounding font. Also, that panel is the first time Vash's antennae is shown bent!! It goes back up immediately after that though.
Fun fact #2. Vash says ara ara. if you even care.
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This line never fails to hit me hard. They're all desperate mothers and sisters, and they're taking on the bad role because nothing's more important than their dear children. (reminds me of a certain someone...)
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I've seen someone mention this before, but Trimax definitely adjusted the number of plants. Fifty!?!? Also, in Japanese, "plants" and "died" were in quotations.
I love the gun pull in the right panel. Vash obviously definitely doesn't intend on shooting, but is rather showing off his skill and resolve as an intimidation tactic to throw the girls off-guard.
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God this entire spread is just so RAW.... (here's the post that's mentioned in blue. it just reminded me)
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Some more hypes and sillies. The impact that "KISS MY ASS!!" had on my first read was phenomenal!! It's so silly!! and cool!!!
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And then there's this!! Another favorite part of mine. Vash's antennae are bent again! They kind of alternate between straight and bent from here.
The green writing about the onomatopoea are more of just a translation note rather than a suggestion. I can't think of any good beckoning noises in English :V
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And finally, Milly calls "Mr. Bomb" "Bomb-kun" in Japanese which I think yall would enjoy lol. And happy strangling her saturday tuesday.
The Japanese version of the annotations are in the reblogs, if anyone wants them.
I have Chapter #03 mostly ready, so I'll probably post it tomorrow morning and try to speedrun the rest of the chapters because this is taking longer than I expected!! God there's just so much to say!! (Also gotta remember to write about Meryl's speech!!)
And thank yall so much for the feedback on the Chapters #00-01 post!! I didn't know so many people were interested in such small details!! Love (and peace) yall 🫶🤞
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duhragonball · 5 months
Dragon Ball Super Manga Ch.100
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Yes, Cheelai, we have finally reached the end of the 2023 Dragon Ball Apocrypha Liveblog, but in particular, we've also finally reached the end of the seemingly endless manga adaptation of the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie.
And yeah, this seems like an anticlimactic place to close out the year, but that's kind of how this entire liveblog has been, when you get down to it. I've had fun going through all this stuff, but there's a reason I'm referring to it all as "apocryphal". The Tournament of Power is a lot of fun, and the two DBS feature films are instant classics, but none of it really feels essential to Dragon Ball. From the OAVs to GT to Super, the main theme here is "Hey, remember Dragon Ball? Let's make more of that!" Everything ends up being a sequel or a callback or an easter-eggy kind of deal. And that's not the worst thing that can happen to a franchise, but it's probably fitting that we're closing out on the final chapter of a comic book adaptation of a movie that serves as a sequel to the Android arc that was a continuation of the Red Ribbon Army arc.
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Chapter 100 just retells the last several minutes of the Super Hero movie, and I already went over the film, so let's just concentrate on how the manga depicts it differently. We'll start with Gohan's right arm, which got some heat a few days ago when the previews came out.
I refuse to dogpile on Toyotaro, since he's a far better artist than I'll ever be, and I've genuinely enjoyed his art through this entire read-through, even when the writing has been bad. That said... yeah, Gohan's arm looks kind of weird. Maybe while Gohan was teaching himself the Special Beam Cannon, he learned how to do Piccolo's stretchy arm thing too.
I do think it's pretty dumb how chuds on Twitter will nitpick Toyotaro's art as though the original Dragon Ball manga was some kind of showcase of photorealistic anatomy. I've been a fan of this thing for a quarter-century now, and the key to loving Dragon Ball is to make peace with the fact that it's fundamentally goofy and stupid. Sometimes a guy's arm gets drawn longer than his other arm. Sometimes characters scream so loud that their jaws unhinge like when a snake swallows an egg whole. Bulma wasted a wish on the Dragon Balls to make her ass look hotter, because if she didn't, then Frieza would come back and use the wish to make himself taller. Goku grew his tail back by having a guy tug on his ass with a pair of pliers. This show was always a hot mess, so don't blame Toyotaro. It was like this when he got here.
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Anyway, Cell Max tries to block the Special Beam Cannon like he did in the movie, but Gohan has a harder time punching through, so in this version Goten and Trunks jump in to distract Cell and give Gohan a boost. In the movie, they were still Gotenks until after the fight ended, but in this version the battle must have taken a little longer, since they de-fused a little earlier.
Of course, this is just a way for Toyotaro to show off the Great Saiyaman X-1 and X-2 costumes one more time. It's kind of pointless, because all of the added Goten and Trunks scenes in this arc have been pointless. Also, Trunks' pose looks really awkward here. He looks like he got sawed in half, and both halves are still kind of flying forward in the same direction, but he's no longer connected.
I will say that I'm grateful for this final appearance of X-1 and X-2, because it gives me a chance to critique their outfits one last time. I hate the superhero undies they wear over their tights. They look baggy and puffy for some reason, which make it look like Goten and Trunks are wearing diapers. I'm pretty sure that's the exact opposite of what the boys were going for.
I mean, the outfits aren't that bad, but what irritates me is how Toyotaro keeps showing them off like this is the coolest thing going on in this story. The designs are presented like they somehow connect all these different things. Goten and Trunks were inspired by Cleangod, and they named their personas after Great Siayaman, and then Dr. Hedo saw them and supposedly based the Gammas' costumes off their look. Except X-1 and X-2 don't actually look anything like Great Saiyaman, or Cleangod, or the Gammas. It's just frustrating.
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Anyway, we get the same bit about cosmetic skin alteration from the movie, except Gotenks has already separated in this version, so Bulma can address Goten and Trunks separately.
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I also like this part after Pan shows off her flying ability. This segued into the credits of the movie, but here we see Gohan calling out for her to stay closer to the ground. It's pretty cute, since it kind of calls back to when Gohan was a timid child way back in the early days of DBZ. Now he's older and braver, but I bet when he sees Pan up so high in the air he thinks about how scared he was whenever he was up really high.
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Meanwhile, some Red Ribbon goons have survived the battle and appear to be slowly getting away. This is nice because I noticed these guys escorting Carmine to safety in one of the previous chapters, and I've always wondered if any of the Red Ribbon guys made it out of the base alive. Pan knocked Carmine out, so it seemed reasonable to assume that he was vaporized during the Cell Max battle. Actually, in the movie, it looked like the entire crater was flattened, but here it looks like the destruction stayed confined to that area.
Anyway, the implication is that Carmine will return to Red Pharmaceutical and try to figure out his next move, but it seems unlikely that he could be much of a threat. Magenta's dead, the base is destroyed, and a bunch of their soldiers either died or deserted in this battle. Remember, even with the base and all those soldiers, Magenta still wasn't ready to make a big move. Dr. Hedo's androids were supposed to be his game-changing weapon, and now Hedo's turned against the Red Ribbon, so what can Carmine possibly do from here?
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We get some additional material of the Goku/Vegeta fight in the movie. In the post-credits scene, they were practically moving in slow-motion and we only got to see the final blow. Here, we see Goku and Vegeta each land one last punch before the one that ends it all. These boys look all rowdy and badass and it's great.
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When Whis finally responds to Bulma's messages, we get this cute shot of everyone sleeping in the back of her aircraft. Gohan talks about taking her to the amusement park, which seems kind of random, but it occurred to me that this might be setting up some filler story for Chapter 101. Like Gohan and Pan go to the amusement park for the day, and Carmine tries to kill them or something to avenge the Red Ribbon Army. That probably wouldn't be a bad idea, although I really don't want that to happen, because it sounds similar to the "Hedo vs. Goten and Trunks" stuff we had in Chapters 88-90. Everyone thinks Toyotaro has been champing at the bit to get done with this arc so he can return to his Black Frieza business, but for all we know he's been enjoying this whole bit, and he'll blow the next six months on filler stories with Goten and Trunks goofing around with Sgt. Nutz.
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Anyway, this is the last page and this was the last little bit of the movie too, so Toyotaro has definitely run out of movie to adapt. Also, Bulma looks really cute on this page, so I wanted to add that to the record.
So that pretty much wraps things up, except for one minor detail. Where's the big twist?
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I ran across this last month when I was checking to see if Chapter 99 would wrap up the arc or not. CBR.com did an article entitled "Dragon Ball Super Chapter 100's 'Unbelievable' Twist to Lead to "'Crazy Developments'" The story stems from comments made by V-Jump editor Victory Uchida, who was hyping DBS chapters 99 and 100 while appearing in an unboxing video for some reason.
The video is in Japanese, so I can't just pull out direct quotes from the man, so maybe this was all some big misunderstanding. Maybe it was a mistranslation, maybe Uchida got confused and was referring to material that wouldn't see print until Chapter 101. Or maybe he was just doing a standard hype job for his publication without thinking about what was actually in the magazine. After all, how can Chapter 100 have an "unbelievable twist" when it's doing a shot-for-shot repeat of a year-old movie?
So I assumed this meant there would be some sort of epilogue scene in the final pages, designed to set up the next arc. Sort of like how the last chapter of the Tournament of Power arc had the scene where the Galactic Patrol kidnaps Majin Buu. But Chapter 100 had no such thing. No Black Frieza, no Cell Max suddenly turning the tables on Gohan to win the movie, no mysterious appearance from Purple Turles or Red Bojack. Not even a lousy cameo from Platinum Cooler.
Does this make Victory Uchida an unreliable source of information? Or has he simply been misunderstood? I feel like his ridiculous yellow wig/hat thing kind of holds the answer to that question.
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Anyway, the ultimate fate of Dragon Ball Super lies in Chapter 101 and beyond, but those stories will be printed in 2024, which means they fall outside the scope of this liveblog. So unless Toei or Shueisha has a new movie or anime coming out in the next eleven days, I'm done. This has been the 2023 Dragon Ball Apocrypha Liveblog. Good night, everybody!
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micheya · 1 year
General Al Haitham x f!reader | Acquaintances
Modern high school Au.
A bit of background that won't have any affect on this individual part (I may make more parts to this):
You're a friend of Tighnari's, Only heard of Cyno through hearsay and Kaveh is someone you've bumped into once when you were both entering and exiting the same room.
Al haitham is a classmate you're occasionally seated next to in some lessons. The two of you aren't close but you've always found the way he talks funny at times, occasionally hearing his witty chatter had you really wanting to be friends with him, while also finding him cute. You'd commonly wave that second thought away though.
 The two of you eventually hit it off as good acquaintances, with the general small talk and him running through things when needing to work together. The small jokes you two had and the occasional knowing glances that were shared when remembering something silly or smiling in satisfaction at a job well done began to become common
until the next year when the two of you didn't really share classes
you didn't know where you stood with him in terms of friendship, and while you would smile and greet him in hallways, eventually his naturally cooler expressions and nods accompanied with a "She was a former seatmate" to someone who was popularly known as Kaveh had your last few interactions awkwardly dwindling into nothing
you didn't mean to be awkward. In fact you were generally open and happy to talk when accompanied with someone you knew in a group.
You often wondered how you made friends before the ones that would act like social life support when meeting new faces.
You chuckled to yourself half-heartedly, overhearing an argument - or a one-sided complaint - between Alhaitham and Kaveh. Something about architecture and Kaveh falling behind in physics, "Spend any more time with your head in the clouds you'll miss when your buildings reach anything but that destination." He would comment referring to the aspiring architect's books on roman mythology, specifically on the fantasy themes of romance. 
"You needn't concern yourself with me, you antisocial neek!"  you fight the quivering of your lips as you walk by them to get into your classroom, "Hey, Y/n, right?" 
Your head swishes round quickly to reply with a smile, the pretence of friendliness hiding your amusement at his former insult, "Yeah, what's up?"
"Al Haitham is a pretty tactless guy, isn't he?"
you cough, a hand gently covering your mouth
The man in question sighs, folding his arms, "Don't mistake my bluntness with you for being tactless. When it comes to someone like you, I have no choice but to dumb things down in a way that may seem a bit emotionless"
"Hey! You-" there's a small growl of frustration before Kaveh turns back to you, "Wait- are you laughing?" he breathes out in disbelief 
There's no attempt to hide your smile, though you do try to wave off any offence the blond may feel, "I'm not- I'm not laughing at you specifically...The way the two of you interact is funny is all." you pick up some snacks from your bag before leaving the classroom, "Though to be honest, he was pretty funny to me...at least back then. Not exactly tactless but I do get what you mean" with that final enthusiastic answer and a goodbye smile, you left the two of them to their own devices.
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fantomette22 · 23 hours
2, 4, and 13 for Maria!!
3 for Gehrman!
1 for your smol KH boy, the mini Gehrman…BRAIN! I remembered!
Ask game from here
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Euh oh boy hmm I guess I have severals ones but I will say the fact that she really respected and had huge admiration for Gehrman. I really wanna know what happened in their goddamn life to have such a strong bond (whatever the interprets just platonically have a strong connection at least).
And I will add that I headcanon she could really do blood pyromancy for real if she really wanted to or loose control. And that's why she almost never did from her living, it terrifyed her.
4. Favorite line
Well she basically have 3 sentences of dialogue 💀 so if cut content don't count I guess so all of them? Maybe the first one.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
AH interesting! Well if the more dramatic dumb things don't count (like idk getting into fight with your family of running away!) she did a couple of very dumb things when she was younger for sure 😂 Hm I guess trying to cook something for the first times and failing. Oh Maria it's not gonna boil & get cook if you don't put it on the fire XD
Also I supposed tons of lil jokes to her family & cousins. Oh I could tell you the time she had enough of freaking raw meat and said she didn't want to eat some anymore. Oh boy... (that's your fault for the inspo) but they give her a whole ass salad 💀 with all the leaf maybe not wash. And all. And afterwards whole ass vegetables like carrot who weren't cut or peeled! She last 1-2 weeks before apologising XD
Oh and of course my fav dumb & dangerous Byrgenwerth shenanigans! (it's not just her but the entire students squad, who are like around 20y) : Hey, what if we decided to go in a restricted and forbidden area that was surprisingly open during prom night to discover dark secrets about the college! No one will know, or we'll play dumb to not get into trouble! I'm sure nothing will go wrong and we will not almost die because a werewolf show up! :)
A miracle some of them managed to live 15 more years 😑😭
3. Obscure headcanon  for Gehrman
Hmmmm... ok I got it thanks XD Well while hc about him being neurodivergent aren't unique, me projecting all my knowledge in geology into him is XD I imagined even with his very modest childhood he liked reading books, to discover and learn things about nature and the world around him.
Seeing a lil meteorite crash in the field and recovering it changed him as well! So yes besides being a strong fighter with good survival skills, having the ability to make weapons, know the materials' characteristics etc I like to imagine he did learn more on geology, geography, cartography, how to built mines and underground tunnels, and a bit of astronomy as well! Always useful on the field! He can easily recognize the 3 different irons ore as well! Everyone is confuse but it feel very easy to him to differentiate hematite from magnetite from siderite x)
1. Canon I outright reject for Brain. (we literally have another character/hero who literally have a red scarf lmao. This one is a goth with a fedora who really like data and informatics and screw up fate xD )
Euhhhhhh. Well it's still not sure if it's canon and you'll probably don't understand shit but anyway spoiler
I refuse to believe Luxu just stole Brain's body and yet his heart & soul idk where and basically kills him. I wanna believe maybe it wasn't Luxu but Brain after a time skip? Or maybe he did took Brain's body but still send his heart/souls in Scala? And so he got a new body/his body back?? Idk this game & series is making me crazy.
Like I am still so confuse. 3 YEARS AFTERWARDS huzdabdbkefz
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