#i don't have better words for this today i'm sorry
patscorner · 3 days
Hey, idk if your taking requests rn but could you do an Emily Engstler x chubby reader fic where reader is in her feelings about a personal subject of your choice and they end up arguing over it? Idk just some angst and fluff please?
I don't really like how this turned out, but here you gooo
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Summary: When you receive hate, instead of getting the calm, gentle response from your girlfriend, you get a big ball of anger.
wc: 1,099
Contains: talks of insecurities, two kisses, that's all
You sigh as you put your car in park. Finally, after a day in hell(at work), you were home. For some reason, everyone and their mom decided to test you today. Ranging from customers cussing you out, to Emily being cranky before you left for work, the day seemed to be giving you a break.
Even though you and your girlfriend had bickered all morning, right now, you wanted nothing more than to be in her arms. But before you do, you decide to open instagram. Bad idea. There were multiple hate comments on your post about how you looked in a bathing suit. You weren't the biggest person in the world, but you also weren't the skinniest. You've never been skinny, and you were often judged for that rather than your cheerful personality. So, like most bigger kids, you were bullied when you were younger, causing you to have low self confidence and self esteem.
Eventually, you grow to love your body, and it only gets better when you start to date Emily. She thought you were the most gorgeous person in the world, and she made sure you knew that.
Of course, it wasn't always smooth, and you had your days. Like now.
The post was from a month ago, when Emily surprised you with a trip to Mexico. Normally, they wouldn't affect you, but after the day you had, the words displayed on your screen found cracks in your armor and buried itself there, finding its way under your skin and into your heart.
You sigh heavily, blinking back tears as you get out of the car and locking it behind you. You take a deep breath as you unlock the door to your shared apartment with Emily.
You hear her yelling from the bedroom as you place your keys on the counter. You make your way into the room and see she's on the game with a couple of her teammates. “Hi, baby.” She mumbles, glancing at you before she draws her attention to the screen.
You don't say anything back, just grab your clothes and go to the bathroom to change. This sets alarms off in Emily's head, but unfortunately, the game she's playing has already put her emotions on ten and her patience on zero.
“What the fuck?” You hear her mumble. You roll your eyes, before changing and walking back out into the room. She's not on the game anymore, instead, she's sat on the end of the bed, with her arms crossed. You close your eyes and sigh when you see her, you truly don't have the patience.
“What the fuck is your problem? You came home pissed, and didn't even say hi to me.” She squinted her eyes at you.
You don't say anything, and just sit down next to her, hoping she'd relax at the sight of your need for comfort. She doesn't.
“I'm sorry. I’m not feeling the best, I was on Instagram and there were comments an-” Emily cuts you off with a laugh as she stands up.
“Are you serious? I told you to stay out of the comment sections. You're asking for it at this point.” She scoffs.
The statement takes you by surprise. Your normally gentle girlfriend was standing in front of you, her anger directed at you. “I'm ‘asking for it’?”
Then it clicks for Emily, as her eyes soften and she tries to take her statement back. “That's not what I me-”
Now it's your turn to cut her off. “Bullshit, you meant it. I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to look like this, and I didn't ask to be treated like this either.” You stand up, a move towards the door, tears streaming down your face. You stop before you close the door and lock eyes with Emily.
Her eyes are guilty, looking down at her feet. “I'm sleeping on the couch.” You sigh. She looks up like she wants to say something, but closes her mouth instead.
“I love you.” She whispers. “I love you too.” You respond before going into the living room.
You stir in your sleep, feeling yourself being lifted from the couch. You open your eyes and look up to see Emily carrying you bridal style back to your room. “Shh, go back to sleep, ma.” She whispers, kissing your head.
You groan as she gently puts you down on your side of the bed. She mimics your actions, laying down next to you, wrapping her arms around you, so you're facing her. Sleep has left you now, and you're both just staring at each other.
“What're you doing?” You whisper. Emily's heart breaks as she takes in your features. Your eyes are red and puffy, and your hair is disheveled from the amount of times you ran your hand through it.
“Couldn't sleep.” She mumbled, pulling you closer. You melt into her arms, finally getting the embrace you needed earlier.
“I'm so sorry, baby. What I said was fucked up. I was still hype from the game, and I shouldn't have spoken to you like that.” She places an apologetic kiss on your lips, so light it was almost ghostlike.
“ ‘s okay.” You mutter.
“No it's not. I'll do better, I promise. It'll never happen again.” She said, forcing your eyes on hers. The words you read earlier flash through your mind, and your breathing hitches as you close your eyes, attempting to stop the tears, but it's no use.
She sighs as she watches you break down, and she can't help but feel like she caused some of it. She pulls you closer, her tattooed hand rubbing circles up and down your back.
“They're wrong. You are the most beautiful woman in the entire world, and I'm not gonna stop telling you, not until you believe it. And even then, I'll continue to tell you. Because it's true. Those motherfuckers don't know you. Not like I do, and they never will. “
She pauses to wipe your tears, kissing your cheeks gently. “I love you so much, and no matter what they say, I always will. D’you understand?” her eyes locked with yours, waiting for your response.
You sniffle, nodding slowly. Emily shakes her head. “Words, baby.” She whispers.
You feel your cheeks heat up, and by the way Emily tries to bite back a smirk, you know she did it on purpose. “I understand. I love you too.”
With that she pulls you into a passionate kiss, lips interlocking as she takes your insecurities away, replacing them with butterflies.
taglist: @wintersstan @bueckerslover @lilia22hicks @fake-intelligences @girlokwhatever @pbloverr @breeloveschris
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lazyjellyfish300 · 23 hours
Letters from Nanami 🖋️💘
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CW: ANGST, x FEM!READER, SUGGESTIVE- MINORS DNI, FLUFF, kinda self indulgent I'm sorry!!! Word count: around 1k
@1-900-venusluvs @thatone-writer
Postcard letters to you from Kento Nanami while he's on his missions would probably sound a little something like this:
Waking up to another letter from you was the highlight of my day. Thank you for sending the coffee grounds. Reminds me of home and saved my life since where I am now is lovely but their coffee...leaves a lot to be desired.
Anyway, I hope you're taking care of yourself. Enjoy a cup for me and know that I'm doing the very same thing with you, even miles away. Hot for me and iced for you, just how you like it. 
Couldn't stop thinking about you. I adored the pictures you sent me of the tulip festival. You look beautiful and the flowers are lovely. I love how despite being away, you write to me and speak to me as if I never left. Don't worry about finishing that show without me, honey. Watch it and enjoy it and tell me all about it when I get home. 
My love, 
We saw Lake Como today for the first time. It was absolutely breathtaking, just as you described. I suppose I did tease you a little much about "Anidala" and your adorable thoughts on why it was the perfect date location, because it absolutely is. 
I only wish you could've been here to see it with me. I'll bring you back one day, but only after I show you Malaysia. 
Be good for me sweetheart. 
My dearest, 
I'm so sorry you had a tough week. It's moments like these that pain me the most, that I cannot be there when you need me so. You are so patient and you inspire me every day with your strength. Please hold on a little longer and I'll be back home with you in my arms before you know it. 
My love for you is unending. If nothing else brings you comfort, I hope that does. 
Passionately yours, 
You can't even begin to understand how needy I'm feeling right now after reading that. When you say those things it causes my mind to think about all kinds of scenarios I probably shouldn't write for fear of this letter finding someone else by mistake. 
Just know that I feel the same. God, you don't know how badly... 
Knowing your body craves me even when I'm not there does things to me you can't even imagine.
When I get home, the first thing I plan to do is demonstrate just how much. 
Always yours, 
Yesterday was a good day. It's been raining all morning, which makes me think of you. I had a chance to go into town for a moment. I visited the gardens, saw some brand new ducklings and had a chance to admire the bridge. I think you would like it here a lot. 
They have a bakery which I made sure to stop by. They have this sort of house dressing they put on their sandwiches with fresh honey mustard mixed with mayonnaise adding just the right amount of tang balanced with sweetness. It's absolutely amazing. 
As always, I hate being away from you. But your letters never fail to cheer me up. Thank you for taking the time to write them and send them to me.
I'm sorry to hear you're struggling still, my love. I don't like seeing you upset, especially if I'm not there to help you get through it. 
Well darling, I hope you have a better week. Please don't forget to take care of yourself just as I would do if I was there. 
Don't worry too much about things love, that's my job. 
Faithfully yours, 
My sweetest darling, 
It's been harder than normal for me to be here without you. 
Part of me hates admitting that to you because the last thing I want is for you to feel responsible for how I'm feeling when you have more than enough on your plate. But it's the truth. I would be doing you a disservice if I wasn't honest. I miss you and the sound of your voice like hell. 
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I think it's time for us to plan for the future. If the things we talked about before I left are still true, then I think we shouldn't wait any longer. 
I want to marry you, have a family with you, have all of the things that I've always told you that I wanted but was too big of a coward to seize it with both hands, all because of fear. This silly fear that I would push you away over time or you'd grow to resent me because of my profession. It's about time that you and I resign to the quiet life, so we can have this together. I want to stop dreaming and start doing. If you'd still have an old man like me, then I'd be the happiest man on Earth. I want to give you my mother's ring and my last name. 
Darling, as I write this I can't help but feel extraordinary sadness that you're not with me. I'm trying to hold back these overwhelming feelings and from spilling every last confession on these pages, because as I said before, this is not your burden to bear. It's mine alone to shoulder, and I need to be the strong one for both of us.
Just long enough until I can have you in my arms. Just long enough until I can love you so deeply until the morning. Just long enough until we can go to that chapel on the edge of town that you pointed out when we went on that drive last Autumn, and I can bring you to all of these places that I'm seeing and experiencing without you, only this time I can experience it fully and properly with a fresh set of eyes because I have my love rightfully beside me where she belongs.  
I'll be dreaming of that moment. It's simply the only thing I can hold onto for now, my darling. You, the promise of you, and your gorgeous smile and those eyes that drive me wild. From now, until the edge of time, I'm all yours, and you're all mine.
I'll see you very soon darling, as always, be good for me. 
No other fitting way to end this letter besides just
Shibuya, Japan
Postmarked 2018年10月30日
A/N: sorry if I messed up the Japanese, pls correct me if I did 🖤
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pantheresssy · 2 days
In The News (Art Donaldson/Reader)
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Hi there!
First fic and also first smut in a long time! I didn’t remembered that it was so complicated to write, but I think that’s pretty good (not in the end tho). Hope u guys enjoy.
Summary: You make an article not very favorable to Tashi and Art's marriage, and he just has to show you how well they are; by fucking you while talking about how much he loves her.
warnings: smut, +18 only, kind of dom!art (even when it doesn’t look like that, power play, r is a smart bitch, quick fuck, and art talks about tashi less times than I expected.
The marriage of the two biggest tennis stars is on the verge of collapse! Art and Tashi Donaldson share only two things in common: their profession and a daughter, since love is not equal.
Tashi seems very unhappy with where she lives and, to escape, she hangs out in the middle of the night with a loser named Patrick Zweig to have something more.
May be Art losing his so loved wife?
And just like that his morning was ruined.
This article was the first of many that would come, Art was sure. With those words, he would become even more the center of attention, this time bringing the worst part of his marriage to the surface. Nothing but perfection was what Tashi taught him to show when it came to that union, with that matter, everything she took care of, even the smallest detail, fell apart. Everything would turn into a snowball because of a few words and a photo of her leaving in the middle of the night.
Even though he didn't want to see anything else, Art picked up his phone and quickly looked for the name signed. Y/n Y/l. The first to really bother him. He just had to take matters into his own hands.
That's how he ended up in front of the door of your house, ringing the bell without stopping.
When you opened it, the look of surprise on your face almost made him smile. You were prettier in person than in the photos on the internet, not that he would really care about that. "Sir. Donaldson, what a surprise."
He rested his shoulder on the hinge of the door and looked at you. He had a serious expression, but his eyes sparkled with something that you guessed was amusement. "I can say the same. The news earlier today were quite a shock to me, you know,"
"Oh, you read it." The shock weighed on your face. You were using it to confuse him and play innocent, and it might actually be working, if the way he moved was any indication. "I'm sorry you find out this way, but a good story just need to published."
He clenched his jaw and gave you a tight-lipped smile. "I understand that, but you might have misunderstood the real situation. And I would like to clarify things to you."
Your smile brightened. "An exclusive interview? This would be wonderful, Mr. Donaldson. Come in, please." He hummed and passed by you when you took a step back.
Art sat in an armchair facing you, with the coffee table being the only thing separating the two of you. "Tashi was trying to convince Patrick to let her be his trainer, no date's like you said."
"But she was trying to convince him at 2 am? It's quite a anormal time for a job meeting, don't you think?"
He wanted to rip out all the quick answers you had and throw them away before it led to a more tragic ending. You weren't worried about anything other than having something fresh to say and you would wrap him in a web until you pulled the answers out of his mouth. "She didn't want me to know about it. Him and I have a hard past."
You nodded understandably and looked at him with sad eyes. What is she doing. "I know. You took his girl, but not before he took her from you."
Frozen in place. That's how he was. Frozen and looking at with quite scared. Nobody knew about what happened in Stanford, he didn't have anyone to tell, nobody was paying attention to Art Donaldson. "And how you assume this?"
Your eyes shone as if he had made the one million question. "Nothing better than have a history from the ones who experienced everything." And when your smile became more malicious, he finally realized.
"Patrick were never good on telling things," He affirmed, trying to put the control back on his lap. "But the lies he tell must be pretty convincing."
You agreed. "They were, if you being here is an indication."
Art felt fucked. He didn't know how to convince you. You were a journalist, even when publishing those things. It was your job to check the facts and not being fooled easily.
So he appealed for his best quality; his seduction.
He wasn't by far the ultimate guy on flirting, but he could do one thing or other. And, if he was being honest, it wouldn't be the worst thing trying to do it with you. After all, you're a pretty, fucking bastard woman, who he just wanted to make take back your own words.
Art rested his elbows on his knees and placed his hands in fists under his chin. This way, he would look at you underneath. "You know how to do a pretty number out of people,"
Again, your smile. "I would be worried if I don't. This is my job, Mr. Donaldson."
"You're good at it," He corresponded your amusement and ran his eyes on you. The way you're sitting didn't let much to look for, but it was enough to make him flinch.
You got silent for a little, waiting for him to take the lead. When it didn't happen, you took the ball back. "Well, you never told me how you felt about you ex best friend going out with your wife."
He dismissed the question. "I didn’t because there's nothing to feel." It wasn't as convincing as he thought, but it was a will-do answer.
You got up and went to a table behind the couch you were sitting, giving him the opportunity to drop his shoulders and close his eyes. "I could be more convinced if you had told me that you already know and didn't care. Tashi doesn't love you, does she?"
And again, he was fucked. "Of course she does. She wouldn't be with me if she didn't." And he wanted to believe his own words.
"She can't play anymore, Mr. Donaldson, but you can."
A glass of whiskey is given to him and he took without thinking twice. The first sip burned his throat, but the second seemed softer than the look you're throwing in his direction. "She's not with me for it, Y/n. Trust me." The amount of times he had justified himself was getting out of his math.
You sit on the center table, mirroring his position so you would be closer to his face. "If she's not then why she didn't let you retire? To live the the peaceful and easy life you desire?"
Art blinked and took a deep breath while thinking about what you asked. It was a hard question since he knew the reason why, but he wouldn't let you win. "She wants to see me go higher,"
The laugh came out of you easily, so much that you didn't even made any effort to put it out. "You know I'm right, Mr. Donaldson. Just say it." His eyes locked with yours and he stopped breathing.
No second passed before he putted his lips on yours, letting the cup on the floor to wrap his hands on your neck. And for the first time he was happy to have something from your mouth.
You were pulling him by his shirt, bringing him up so you could take off his clothes without success. His breathing was hot against your check and he was devouring you as if you were the last meal he would have. Maybe you were, who knows.
The steps you took backward led you to the drinks table, where he pressed you back with his pelvis, making you feel how hard he was just for that little moment. "Mr. Donaldson,"
Art tangled his fingers in your hair and pulled your head back. You sucked on his lip as you were forced away from his mouth and he groaned. It was something low and hoarse that made you grin.
"I don't wanna waist no time." He whispered.
You pushed him away, not too much, and took your clothes off. First the shirt, the jeans, your bra and underwear. All of this under his eyes. "Won't take yours off?"
He quickly got as naked as you, giving you a pretty view of his trobbing cock. Art pushed you on the table, your ass beating against the tray with the drink bottles and shaking everything out of the place. You loved the silverware but at that moment your mind was running with the idea of him.
His lips were making their way to your breasts, his tongue flicking your nipple sending a shiver to your back. Your hands were os his shoulder, your nails digging into his skin leaving red trails on it's way. "I I underestimated you."
He squeezed your thighs, his thumb rubbing against the Inside. "Why?" His lips kissed your belly and he kept his way down.
"I thought you were Tashi's pretty doll, that she could control and play anytime." You pulled his hair when you felt his tongue close to your pussy. "But here you are, about to fuck me against my table,"
He only shaked his head in agreement, still more focused on what his mouth was doing. His arms went around your knees and opened your legs wider. "I love Tashi," He said and licked a line in your slit.
You closed your eyes and dropped you head behind, smiling. "You do?" A hum.
"I fuck her every day. Not him. She carries my ring, we have a daughter."
His fingers caressed your clit, his tongue now going inside your opening. The moan that came out of your mouth were the most pornographic you ever gave. "Then why you're here, Mr. Donaldson?"
Art left his spot making your hips clench with a sharp spasm. His lips quickly went to your neck, letting small kisses that burned like fire in each part of your body. "To tell how much we love each other."
Your hands went for his cock, "Do it then, tell me."
Art stepped between your legs and he let your hands guide him. Reaching your entrance, his cock twitched as he felt the heat, and his hips went forward with a impulse. He was against your g spot.
His noises were the best thing you've ever heard. "We've been together for years, no fights, never breaking up. But you just had to put something to make us fight, don’t you?”
Art's hips moved away and came back, knocking against yours making a loud noise. The table became unstable beneath you. "I have to give people a good run for their money, Donaldson."
You clenched around him, pulling him tigh. Art looked to were you both were together and stared to go faster. Your smell was in the air between you. "Tashi is my wife," He whispered in your ear. "The one I put a ring on."
Your hands went down to his ass, squeezing and help him with his moves. "And look were you are now."
He could feel the angry again. Not even when he was pounding on you hard you stopped the smart mouth. The way you always knew what to say to let him lost.
Trying to put you into silence, he grabbed your knees. Now, your back was against the wall.
“When I end with you, I’ll be back to her. I might fuck her just like i’m doing to you.” The pleasure in your face made him go harder.
You placed your hands in the table and stretched your back, giving him a better view of your breasts. You could feel him everywhere inside you. “Same position too, Mr. Donaldson?”
Art didn’t respond, just kept his rhythmic, feeling he could cum anytime soon. But he won’t do it before you, he wanted to see you underneath him looking well fucked and sweating. And he would.
Everything was becoming too much. His touch, his smell, the way he pounded on you, his moans. Art was a sign for the eyes, and him being so concentrated on not coming just did it all better. His frowned eyebrows gave him a tougher expression, ruined only by his blue shiny eyes. How good he looked that way.
Tashi was a lucky mother fucker.
Your teeth pulled his lips, chin and cheek. You were biting all the places you could reach, digging hard when you got into his neck. Art’s moans were full of pain, but they were also carried by lust. The sensations were getting stronger as the time goes, you could feel that you would come anytime, so you took your fingers to your clit. The moves were fast and tight, following his owns.
You were lost.
“Cum for me,” He said in your ear and you felt your body shiver. So you did it. You were higher than you expected, feeling the waves of your orgasm hit hard on you. The sensation got stronger when he came deeper inside you.
Art didn’t take long for get out of you, stepping back and watching you squirm with barely disguised satisfaction. Being mother fuckers was a couple thing, as you could see. “I was hoping to have an exclusive interview.”
Art smiled and helped you get down, “Wasn’t that better?”
You raised you eyebrows and shook your shoulders. Your clothes were everywhere on the floor, so you took them and started to get dressed again. “It might have been.”
And he was convinced that nothing would come out about his marriage again.
After stealing his best friend’s girl and being cheated on, Art Donaldson wants to have the word time!
Not happy about Tashi sneaking in the middle of the night, he decided to give the pay back but in a different way: in the middle of the day! This time, who could possibly be this girl? Her best friend from Stanford time?
This was a ride!! Hope it all went good! My english isn’t the best but I tried to do it without google translate every word since I really don’t trust it’s ways of doing it. Please I’m sorry if it all went a mess.
See u in the next one!
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echobx · 2 days
author's note: this is something I wrote for my oc!fic but I hit a writer's block and I have to redo it all to combat that, but I didn't wanna lose this entirely to the bin, so I'm posting it bc my brain also won't let me put it into a one shot somewhere. and how's your day going bc this is also the third time of me trying to post this...
warnings: pet names, making out, talk of sex, 1st person pov!!
word count: ≈900
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“Tell me what you want,” JJ demanded with a whisper and my breath hitched at his hand harshly squeezing my hip.
“You. I want you, J,” I whispered and he kissed me.
“Want me to make you feel better?” he rasped, running his hands up and taking my shirt with them.
“Pretty please,” I begged and he leaned up and pulled me with him so he could take my shirt off. He was basically gawking at my boobs, which gave me enough time to open his shorts, diverting his focus.
“What are you doing?”
“I thought-” I looked at him with puppy eyes and he smiled.
“I'm not gonna fuck you, not yet.” Then he got up and I decided to do the same. It had been a bad idea anyway. Things were happening too fast and I wasn't-
“What are you doing?” JJ repeated, standing on the opposite side of the bed and looking at me, as I was holding onto my shirt, but his shorts were off. And his boxers really didn't do the best job at concealing his erection.
“I thought you didn't-” the words got stuck in my throat.
“Put the shirt down,” he ordered and I let the fabric fall to the floor. Then he pointed at the bed and I quickly opened my shorts and let them fall to the floor too.
“What was that now?” JJ chuckled.
“I thought, because you did and- Equality, you know?” I mumbled.
“Yeah, but I wanted to take those off,” JJ laughed lightly and I bent down to pull my shorts back up.
“You don't have to put them on again, princess,” he ran his hand through his hair and I furrowed my brows.
“This is very confusing to me.”
JJ stepped around the bed and cupped my face with his large hands. “I'm sorry, I didn't think- Should I explain?” I nodded and he continued speaking. “I'm not gonna have sex with you, today, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun. And if you want me to strip for you, just say the word. Also, taking your clothes off of you is part of my job from now on. All right?”
“I understand,” I whispered and he smiled boyishly.
“Good. ‘Cause I love you.”
“Love you too, J.”
He took a step back, looking me up and down as a guttural groan left him. “How do I even deserve you?”
“I didn't plan this,” I shook my head and looked down at myself. It had been a total coincidence that I had decided to wear one of the new sets that morning; the peach one. “I promise, I didn't plan it.”
“I don't care if you did or not, you look hot as fuck, baby,” he bit his lip and shook his head slowly, admiring every last inch of my body. “Turn around for a sec,” he asked and I did.
“Do you like it?” I asked and in response he pulled my flush to his chest, his hard cock pressing into my ass.
“Fucking love it, baby,” he quietly growled into my ear before biting down on my earlobe. “You make me crazy, darling.”
I sighed as his hands roamed my body, squeezing and grabbing, while his lips were leaving wet kisses on my neck and shoulders. And when his hand slipped between my legs, running over my wet slip and softly pressing into me, I bit my lip to not moan as loudly as I wanted to. My mind was completely blank, nothing but the pure pleasure he was giving me filled it up. JJ wanted to pull his hand away again, but I held onto it. Turning my head to look at him over my shoulder, I looked into his lust drunken eyes and he kissed me. Drawing soft circles on my clothed clit with his thumb.
“I want to try again,” I whispered, his forehead leaning against mine as he nodded.
“C’mon.” With that he let go of me and pulled me into bed with him.
“Do you wanna try like last time?” JJ asked as we sat on the bed and it felt a little awkward.
“I wanna not think about it,” I whispered and he smiled.
“I'm good when it comes to not thinking, maybe even the best,” JJ murmured while leaning over and pressing a kiss to my lips. His kisses had the ability to make me forget the world around us, so it just felt natural when he laid me down underneath him, groping at my tits and pressing his knee in between my legs and-
“J,” I moaned and he looked at me a little concerned.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” I smiled and played with the hair in the nape of his neck. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” he hushed and went back to kissing me, his leg still pressed against my wet cunt.
His kisses traveled down my neck over my shoulder, pushing the bra strap down and letting me free my arm. He kissed my throat and I threw my head back, moaning softly before he went to my left shoulder and pulled the strap down there, too.
Rolling down the lace of my bra he started kissing the swell of my breasts, moaning against my skin as soon as his lips closed around my nipple.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
only tagging moots bc this doesn't really count as a standalone blurb/fic to my brain || @redhead1180 @maybankskiss @princessmaybank
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Transcript under cut : )
Birchwood Hall, July 7th, 1818
Bute: You idiot!
Arthur: Father, please-
Bute: *slaps* YOU ARE AN IMBECILE!
Arthur: I'm sorry, but you know I cannot marry her.
Arthur: Sir, none of the women I keep are like her.
Arthur: She can't be and she won't be. I'll not have children the color of mahogany.
Bute: You better be glad I didn't specify to her or her big broad of a brother which of my sons was inheriting Birchwood when I croak. NOW WHERE IS GEORGE?!
George: I am here sir…
Bute: CAPITAL! Georgie boy, you'll never believe the gift I’ve got for you!
George: Sir..?
Bute: Miss Aimée Sinclair! She's here from Icubina to find her a husband as her folks want her to marry a man of Isturian heritage, and I don't blame them. Your idiot brother ruined his chances so now you shall try to woo her!
George: Sir I can’t possibly do that…
Bute: Why can’t you boy? You’re just as good looking as Arthur!
George: Well, I am the second son...surely she'd prefer Arthur?
Arthur: I won’t have her.
Bute: Well, yes, but she doesn't know who was born first, and you'll never believe her dowry! 20,000 Isturos, can't beat that now can you boy?
George: You ask me to deceive her..?
Bute: No, *softly chuckling* no that's not what I ask. Who knows, Arthur may never marry and so therefore this will be all yours! It's not deception.
George: Father, I appreciate your efforts, but I cannot lie to her...
Bute: Is it because she's black George? Really? Believe me, I did try and find a half bred one but my efforts failed. But she's very pretty for an Incubinian!
George: No, sir, that's not the case at all. If it was the case, I dare say you raised us to believe we are superior to other races, but I don't follow your beliefs. I simply do not like lying.
George: I won’t sir.
George: Papa..
George: I do not mean to sir, but it's not the truth. I cannot pretend to be something I'm not. What would mama say?
Arthur: George…
Aimée: *gasp* Are they arguing? I don't like yelling that much. Do they do this often?
Villoria: Oh! *nervously laughing* No, not often at all. *fidgeting with hands* Men you know can sometimes be a bit rowdy...
Jacques: Je t'avais dit que c'était une mauvaise idée.. (I told you this was a bad idea...)
Aimée: Non, pas du tout. Leur façon de vivre me fascine! (No, not at all. Their way of living fascinates me!)
Villoria: Oh...I beg you not to speak Orleanian here. Papa doesn't like the language that much...
Jacques: Au diable les Isturish... (To hell with the Isturish...)
Aimée: Jacques, enough!
George: Father, please.
*Arthur giggling*
George: *launching at* WHAT'S FUNNY ARTHUR?
Arthur: Your predicament little brother.
*candelabra shakes*
*girls giggling*
*door opens*
Bute: Ahem. Mr. Sinclair, Miss Sinclair, allow me to introduce to you my son and heir George Thorpe!
Jacques: Hello, Mr. Thorpe. Jacques Sinclair.
George: A pleasure to meet you Mr. Sinclair. George Thorpe.
Villoria: *in head* HEIR?!
George: Hello, Miss Sinclair. You look lovely...
Aimée: Oh, thank you! You may call me Aimée.
George: *gulping* And you may call me George. *nervously* Now shall we go eat..?
*Bute loudly clears throat*
George: Will you allow me to escort you to the dining room, Aimée?
Aimée: Oh, yes thank you! I am honored.
George: *hands sweating* M-my pleasure.
Bute: Ah yes, fine lad my boy is.
*Jacques murmuring under breath*
Aimée: Yes, very fine indeed! I quite like his looks, your other son was most rude!
George: Madam I believe myself to be rather plain....
Aimée: Oh goodness! You're humble, an excellent trait for a man to have. I think we shall get along well, don't you?
*George gulps*
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wrightingdungeon · 3 days
Happy Endings
I felt bad leaving Alex all fucked up like that, but this is the Happy End so yay
Fluff, Angst, tears, and fears all lay ahead
"Dear Diary"
2. "The Past Reborn"
Alex was a mess. If he wasn't lying at your bedside, he was curled up in his own bed, unable to function. He didn't know what to do—he felt numb, he felt scared. It had been weeks, and you still hadn't woken up. Your burns and other injuries weren't serious enough to send you to the city, but Harvey hadn't left the clinic, dedicating all his time to caring for you. The sight of you lying motionless on the hospital bed, bandages wrapped around your wounds, was etched into Alex's mind, fueling his fears and anxieties.
Haley stepped up and cared for Alex the way you and his grandparents would have wanted. She made sure he was clean and fed, pulled him out of bed, and made him walk around. She knew that physical movement, no matter how small, was important for his mental health. "Alex, they are going to be fine," she said as she brushed his hair, her voice calm and soothing.
"How do you know..." he replied dully, his voice reduced to a whisper for a while now. He avoided looking at his reflection, feeling a profound sense of hopelessness. "Harvey has them, you know how good he is," she said, looking into the mirror and styling his hair. She paused, ensuring her words would sink in. "He's the best in town. He's been taking care of them day and night."
"But what if..." Alex started, his voice cracking as he began to sniffle, his mind stuck on all the what-ifs that ran wild through his head. He couldn't shake the thoughts of losing you, the fear of facing a future without you. "What if they walk out of the clinic today, Alex!" Haley huffed, moving to kneel in front of her best friend. "What about that? They could walk out just fine. Harvey said they would be okay, it just takes time, baby," she said, rubbing his face and flicking away the tears.
Alex looked at her, his eyes red and puffy from crying, searching for any glimmer of hope. "O-Ok..." he sobbed as he pulled Haley into a hug, feeling lucky to have her as a friend. He clung to her, drawing strength from her unwavering support. "Thank you, Haley," he whispered, his voice trembling. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
Haley held him tightly, her own heart aching for both Alex and you. "We'll get through this together, Alex. Just one day at a time," she said softly. She knew it would be a long road to recovery, but she was determined to be there every step of the way, for both Alex and you.
Sitting at your head, he carefully brushed your hair out of your face. “Hey babe… You are looking better…” He said, trying not to cry as he talked to you. “I… I think I need to apologize to Sam, huh?” He asked, a small, weak laugh escaping his lips. “He was the one who tried to kick the bomb away…” He said dully as tears fell down his cheeks. Laying down on the bed, he looked up at your sleeping face. “You're gonna be okay, Farmer…” He said, kissing your hand and avoiding the IV lines. “I’ll be here making sure you’re okay…”
Alex stood in front of Sam’s house, frozen in fear and guilt. He had attacked Sam and hadn't seen him since that day. Knocking on the front door, he bit his lip, wondering if he should just go. The door opened a moment later, and Kent stared at Alex. ‘Shit,’ Alex thought, having preferred Jodi answer the door. “Alex,” Kent said, his eyebrows raising slightly. “Come in,” Kent said, motioning for him to come in. Walking into the home, Alex breathed in deeply, trying to calm his heart from beating out of his chest. “Sir…. I wanted to say I'm sorry…” He said, looking up at Kent fully expecting to be decked back. “Don't,” Kent said bluntly, placing his hand on Alex’s shoulder. “I have explained to Sam that explosives are not toys over and over; he knows how dangerous they are,” Kent said, staring into Alex’s eyes. “He failed in placing the bomb so close to a ladder, thinking no one would come into the mines with them.” He said, his tone one of a soldier mid-war. “I am sorry Farmer had to take that failure.” He said, releasing Alex’s shoulder.
Kent sighed, his expression softening slightly as he continued, “But Sam has to learn from his mistakes. It's a harsh lesson, but it’s necessary.” He paused, glancing towards the door where Sam’s room was. “He’s been beating himself up over it too,” Kent said his face reflecting a worried father under the soldier facade. “Sam, get in here!” Kent called. A moment later, Sam appeared, still lightly wrapped in bandages himself. “Yeah, da-” His eyes fell on Alex before dropping to the ground, looking like a hurt puppy. “Hey, Alex…” he said softly.
“Get over here,” Kent said, watching his son. Sam dragged his feet moving in front of Alex, holding one of his arms for comfort, his eyes having trouble meeting Alex’s gaze. “Sam… I’m sorry,” Alex said softly, rubbing the back of his head. “What? No, I’m sorry, dude!” Sam said, looking at Alex in surprise.
“It was an accident, Sam… You got hurt trying to stop it…” Alex said, motioning to his still-hurt leg, the limp not gone yet. “I set the bomb off as well!” Sam said, tears welling up in his eyes and falling down his cheeks. “I hurt Farmer, Alex. It’s my fault…” He sobbed, his hands coming up to his face.
“Sam…” Alex whispered before gently grabbing him and pulling him into a hug, his own tears rolling down his cheeks. Alex clung to Sam, their tears raining down onto the rug as they both trembled with the weight of their emotions.
“It’s not your fault, Sam,” Alex murmured, his voice choked with emotion. “I didn't want to sell them to you guys, I should have said no, I didn't want you guys getting hurt either,” he admitted, holding Sam tightly as he cried. “Alex…” Sam sniffled as he wrapped his arms around him. The pair cried into each other, both giving apologies and reasons why they themselves were at fault. The dam broke and all the feelings and emotions flooded out. 
Once the two pulled apart, they couldn't help but laugh at each other, both eyes red and puffy, their noses a mess. “Thank you, Sam…” Alex said, hugging him tight again. “Thank you for trying.” He said, carefully squeezing him. “Thank you for not killing me.” Sam laughed as he held his friend back.
“I thought I’d lost you all for good,” Alex whispered, his voice trembling. “I was so scared,” Alex said softly.  “Me too,” Sam replied, his voice breaking. “Farmer will be okay,” Alex whispered softly trying to reassure both himself and Sam. Sam nodded, sniffling as he buried his face in Alex’s shoulder.
Kent watched the scene unfold, a mixture of sadness and pride in his eyes. “You boys are stronger than you think,” he said quietly, stepping forward and placing a hand on each of their shoulders. “We’ll get through this.”
It had been another few weeks, but Alex was starting to bounce back to himself. Eating and kind of working out again, he thought he would need to get back into shape so he could carry you around if needed. A quick knocking at the front door rang through the house. “One moment!” He heard Evelyn call out. Walking out of his room, he looked down the hall at the front door. The door opened to Maru, she had a wide smile on her face and was practically hopping up and down with excitement. “Oh hello dear, do you need something?” Evelyn asked sweetly as she stepped to the side to allow her inside. Maru shook her head no in response. “No, Ma’am, Farmer’s awake!” She cried out happily.
“Farmer…” Alex said, a smile splitting his face in two. He yelled an apology back to Maru and Evelyn as he almost ran them both over in his haste to get out of the house. His heart pounded with a mix of relief and exhilaration. He sprinted down the familiar path, Dusty's barks cheering him on, his mind racing with thoughts of seeing You again, awake and hopefully well. The weeks of worry and anticipation had weighed heavily on him, but now, with each step, he felt lighter, as if the burden was lifting. He couldn’t wait to see your face, to hear your voice, and to be reassured that everything would be alright.
As Alex rounded the final corner, the clinic came into view. He didn't feel his feet hitting the ground as he ran, barreling into Harvey's clinic nearly out of breath but fueled by pure adrenaline, making the older man jump out of his chair. “Sorry, Doc” he said softly, slowing down as he made his way back to you, his chest heaving slightly.
Pushing the curtain to the side, his eyes landed on yours, weakly open but open, a small smile on your face as you noticed him. “Alex…” Your voice was a bit hoarse, but it was your voice. You lifted a hand towards him, it shaking with the movement. Sitting on your bedside, he took your hand, kissing the palm. “Hi, babe…” he said into your palm before gently leaning down, hover-hugging you, not wanting to hurt you. “Harvey told me what happened.” You said as your hands felt Alex’s back, a small sob leaving your lips. “I’m sorry, Alex.”
He looked down at you like you were insane. “What are you apologizing for?” He chuckled as he wiped a tear of his that threatened to fall on you. “For worrying you,” you whispered, your voice trembling. “I know how scared you must have been.” Alex shook his head, his eyes glistening. “Hey, don’t even think about that. I’m just glad you’re okay. That’s all that matters.” He squeezed your hand gently, his touch warm and reassuring
“I… I…” You began, tears streaming down your cheeks, your body trembling with emotion. “I must have worried you so much.” Your trembling hands reached out, cupping his cheeks tenderly, feeling the warmth of his skin against your fingertips. “Farmer…” Your name escaped his lips in a choked whisper, reflecting the pain he felt seeing you in distress. Leaning in closer, he pressed his lips gently against yours, a silent reassurance in his touch.
“You're okay, that's all that matters to me,” he murmured softly, his eyes locked with yours, conveying his deep concern and affection. “You’re okay,” he repeated, his voice filled with sincerity as he tried to reassure himself as much as you. Brushing a stray lock of hair from your face, he pressed a tender kiss against it. “We are okay,” he affirmed, his smile offering solace amidst the turmoil of emotions. “We are okay,” you echoed, a faint smile gracing your lips, finding comfort in his words and presence.
He stood behind you, delicately brushing your hair, a gentle smile playing on his lips as he observed your reflection in the mirror. “There we go, almost perfect,” he murmured, his voice soft and tender as he leaned down to plant a kiss on the crown of your head. Catching Alex's eye, you looked up at him questioningly, sensing a hint of secrecy in his demeanor. “What do you mean almost, sir?” you teased, “It's just one thing…” You felt a slight weight being placed on your chest, causing you to turn back towards the mirror.
A gasp escaped your lips, and your eyes widened in surprise, as Alex beheld you, with the utmost care, adorning you with a mermaid pendant. “There, I think you look perfect now,” Alex said, a shy smile gracing his features as he looked down at you. Overwhelmed with emotion, you couldn't help but respond, “Oh, Alex, yes it is,” turning back to embrace him tightly. 
Time marched on, and you did heal, the scars left on your body a vivid reminder of how close you had come to death. That drove you two closer though, the reminder of how fleeting life is and that you never know what will happen, the reminder you should hold your loved ones close to yourself.
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bornagainmurdock · 21 hours
to pay the price
author's note: brat tamer matt is insatiable and i'm losing my mind
contents: 18+ ONLY, smut, matt murdock x reader, gender neutral reader, bratty!reader & masochist!reader, impact play, spanking, choking, face slapping, check-in, use of 'pup' & 'pet,' degradation
work count: 1.4k
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Matt had had enough of your brattiness. From pouncing on him this morning to wake him up, rearranging the bathroom making it take him 20 extra minutes getting ready, and hiding his left shoe, he had enough.
Matt had attempted to correct you with each bratty decision you made. He was gentle and kind until right now. You had just gotten home from work, and jumped right back into the bratty act: offering to bring him an iced cold glass of tea, but instead bringing him a glass of luke warm water.
You passed him the glass, Matt already able to tell by the temperature of the glass in his hand. He took a sip. His special look of dissappointment spread across his face and then contorted to a bit of anger. Out of everything you could have done, this was the final straw.
"Sit. Now." Matt pointed at the ground in front of him, unwavering.
"No." You stood where you were, rocking back and forth on your feet. You knew you were pushing it. You knew you had pushed it when you brought him the water instead of tea, but you didn't expect that to be the straw that broke the camel's back.
"I'm not asking. I'm telling. Sit." Matt's posture was perfect, his back not touching the back of the couch, arms at his side now and stiff.
You didn't move.
"I'm going to give you one more chance to listen. I've had enough of your bratty attitude today." Matt's body language remained the same: still, composed, and ready to pounce.
It's not like you were bad. You liked listening to Matt. Being Matt's sweet good pup. But perhaps you liked bratting a bit more, at least today you did. Pushing Matt to his limit. Sometimes you chose to psychoanalyze why you were bratty. The answer always being wanting more attention. Today, this time, it was for the rush, you thought.
Matt taking control of you, forcing you to submit under him. Being so fed up with your attitude that he pins you in place and has his way with you until you couldn't take anymore. Maybe you did want attention. No matter, you were already commited to the bit.
"Now, pet." He lifted his hands to his tie, loosening it around his neck, pulling at his collar and then undoing the first two buttons of his dress shirt.
You walked to sit at his feet.
He leaned over your body, your eyes looking up at him. "Good. Now, I think you need to be taug—"
You interrupt by taking his glasses off his face and putting them on your own.
"I'm Matt Murdock. I go to my job and do law. I know the DA. I am cool and hot and everyones in love with me." Your impression was vibrant. Your arms thrown around you to exaggerate your speech.
"That's it." Matt was slow to stand up. He hoovered aboce you still, focus on your body there under him. Matt reached towards your face, you expected to be slapped, or have your hair pulled, but all he did was take his glasses off your face and set them on the arm of the couch.
It was peaceful for a second, until Matt stretched his fingers over your hips, lifting you, and throwing you over his shoulder with a slap to your ass.
"Hmph." You struggled to escape his grip on you, kicking and pulling at his clothes to get some leverage.
He spanked you again and again until you where flinching and gasping with each hint.
"What a dumb bratty pup, hmm? Don't know how to behave. Especially when I've been so kind and gentle with you all day, guiding you to make better decisions, here we are." His voice was even and paced.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean it." Your words slurred together through tears, Matt still landing hit after his on your ass.
He eventually made his way to the bedroom, throwing you on top of the conforter and crawling over your body until you were face to face.
"I gave you dozens of chances to be good. Apologize all you want, you deserve what's coming."
You slammed your eyes shut, unable to handle the intensity of Matt above you, entire focus on you and the way you were reacting to his words.
He leaned in closer, and you turned your head to look away, cheek flat against the bed.
Matt gripped your chin with force, realigning your face with his.
"You look at me. Your eyes stay here," he gestured towards his face, "And they do not move or you're going to regret it, you understand?"
You remained in that position for a few seconds before testing your luck again, turning to the opposite side.
Matt's hand snaked around your throat this time, pulsing at the sides with his finger tips. It was dizzying in the best way possible.
"What did I say, brat?"
"Look at you." You were coy, faking a sense of innocence.
"And what did you do?" He was spitting at the consonates with vigor.
"Looked away."
"When are you gonna learn your lesson?" His body was suddenly gone, across on the other side of the room. Matt's breathing still steady.
"I don't know. When are you gonna teach it to me?" You spat in response. It was daring, but abbsolutely worth it after what would come next.
Matt dropped whatever was in his hands onto the floor, when you attempted to look, Matt was above you again holding your chin in his direction.
He clicked his tongue against his teeth, making you wait for it. His own special brand of torture: testing your patience.
And then, when Matt himself couldn't wait any longer. fireworks. His palm contacted your cheek, burning a handprint into your skin there. The pain flushing your face, sending chills down your spin. Glorious. Magnificent. Truly a reward for a brat like you.
He was panting, hand coming down again at your face, reinforcing the bruise that would be formed by tomorrow. He knew his power, how much force to put in for you to enjoy.
"So fucking naughty for me," each thought was articulated with a slap, "My messy brat just wanted attention, hmm? Desparate and pathetic. So needy you couldn't control yourself."
You were breathless, trying to catch up with your lungs and choking on your own spit drowning your lungs. Eyes rolled back and shivering under lids. Almost unreponsive. Your heartrate soared, and Matt coule hear it beat inconsistently, and without any real drive. It was intoxicating, just like the whimpers you spoke into existence every once in a while.
"Fucking pathetic brat." He moved his hand back down to choke you, forcing a whine from you when he finally his the right spot on your neck. "Haven't even kissed you yet and you're already this messy for me."
You were gone and lost in your own head, Matt's name on repeat in your brain but never leaving your mouth. You opened your lips to speak and lost the words.
"Pet? Have anything to say for yourself?" Matt could be brutal and he knew it. He also knew you liked when he was rough with you, physically and verbally.
He also knew that sometimes it was too much, so when you didn't respond a bit of fear entered his radar. He removed his hands from your body and instead listened for your heart and your breathing to pick back up to a regular tempo.
"Hey," His tone was clear and gentle now, careful with each letter, "Color?"
Matt waited patiently. He lowered his body just enough to put some grounding weight onto you, something concrete to cling onto to focus outside of the scene.
It took a minute before the world reappeared around you. Too lost in space when he asked originally.
When you started blinking again, Matt repeated, "Color?"
"Green. Please hit me again."
He waited until you looked more alive before raising his hand to slap your face again.
"Fuck Matt." You whimpered, Matt holding his hand to your cheek to feel the heat radiate off you.
"Think you've learned your lesson now?" He raised an eyebrow at you.
You giggled, "I'm not sure, could probably use some reinforcement."
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
Dark Wizard of OZ AU.
Technoblade is a bright young man. He helps run his family's farm. He's a little bit of a daydreamer, but he works hard. He has a little dog he loves, but the mean neighbor keeps picking at it and trying to get it to bite. Which, of course, it does. And they send out the pound to get the dog taken.
Technoblade's family doesn't do much to stop it, but luckily Apollo is well trained and escapes his prison and makes his way back to Techno. Techno knows his family will make him give up Apollo, so he runs away.
He meets a strange traveler in a very strange caravan. Dressed in normal clothes, but his sharp blue eyes seem to know something strange. He offers a meal and offers to read Techno's fortune. They talk, they have a bit of fun.
Here's where it differs from thr Original Oz.
When the strange traveler offers Techno to stay and travel with him, he is not trying to reverse psychology Techno into going home. He is very interested in keeping Techno close.
But Techno is already regretting running and decides to turn him down. The blond haired man frowns, before smiling only a little strained before warning Technoblade to be quick. That the weather doesn't look so good. Which Technoblade is confused about. Its sunny outside.
Except, by the time he gets home, it is storming in earnest. He can see the twister forming in the distance. The storm celler won't open, why won't it open??? He knocks and knocks but it remains shut, so he hurries inside the house and tries to find shelter.
The twister hits, and Technoblade is knocked unconscious by a random item falling off a shelf. When he wakes, he sees that his is high up in the center of the storm.
The house lands, and Technoblade cautiously exits the house to find an impossibly colorful town. The town is ecstatic to see him because his house landed on a tyranical witch, a man who professed himself their king but did nothing to help them, who would rather spend all his time napping.
The Good Witch Philza, a man who looks somehow familiar, appears and congratulates Technoblade. Technoblade never knew that people could have wings like a bird or dress in such strange robes.
The Wicked Witch Dream appears, furious that someone could murder his best friend, George. Technoblade gets flustered trying to explain that he didn't mean to. Furious, Dream turns to at least retrieve his friend's crown, a thing of power. But it isn't there? Where?
Good Witch Philza places it gently on Technoblade's head, right where it is supposed to be :). Dream is enraged and tries to attack Technoblade. But the crown was made to KEEP George safe from attack, it does nothing to Technoblade.
Technoblade just wants to go home, and tells the Good Witch Philza so. Philza gives him a knowing smile, and points him toward the Emerald City, saying that maybe the Wizard could help.
Technoblade goes on his journey, and runs into a strange trio. An incredibly clever kid named Tubbo who thinks he doesn't have a brain. A very emotional boy named Tommy who claims he doesn't have a heart. And a kid named Ranboo who claims to be not so courageous...which, yeah, that one tracks.
As Technoblade travels with them, they ask him about his life before. And more and more the answers are harder. When Tubbo asks about what his life was like, Techno's memory grows foggy. When Tommy asks about his family, he flubs the names and begins to forget faces. When Ranboo talks, he gets less and less confident in what he remembers.
They make it to the Emerald City, but the Wizard won't help unless they kill Dream. Which is so disheartening. Technoblade is starting to doubt...doubt that its even worth it. Maybe...maybe he should just stay here?
No. No, he's got to at least try. So he goes, and you get all the benchtrio + Techno action stopping the witch. But as Dream falls, he says something. About how he can't trust Philza. And a guy named Sapnap takes charge after the reigh of terror ends, leading Technoblade and the trio back to the Emerald City as heros.
Technoblade confronts the wizard, who starts to backtrack on what he said about helping until Bench Trio rip away the curtains. A brunette theater guy stands there.
His name is Wilbur and he really isn't magical. He comes from a place quite similar to Techno. He came to Oz some years ago and made a place for himself.
"How did you get here?"
"I...honestly, I can't quite remember? But Philza helped me out once I got here."
Apollo, good boy, wanders off and pulls out the hot air balloon. And it jogs Wilbur's memory enough to remember THAT'S HOW he got here. So they start setting jt up so they can both get home.
Of course Good Witch Philza shows up to see them off. Look he is even smiling he is so happy. The twitch in his eyebrow isn't actually there.
However, once everything is set up, a crow swoops down and tears the tether away before Wilbur OR Technoblade can get in. Wilbur accepts it pretty quickly, not all that bothered.
Techno is...les thrilled. But the Good Witch Philza comforts him, tells him he will help in anyway he can. And its not much, but he gives Technoblade an emerald earring, a small token of his appreciation.
Technoblade accepts it, puts the earring in and its like a weight is lifted from his heart. This isn't so bad, is it? It's just like his daydreams.
Good Witch Philza smiles happily at him, and guides him further into the Emerald City, already prepared his home.
Anyways, have a good day.
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This one is so unique and interesting, I'm just.... hmmmmm
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herrmit · 2 months
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not to start shit but. tell me you didn't understand princess jellyfish without telling me you didn't understand princess jellyfish
#idk idk something about the lines we draw to divide women being ultimately useless as they degrade both sides#something something bridging gaps between people with different interests#something something literal actual sisterhood and solidarity between women#i'm never one to defend tiktok i'm not even on there and it surprises me that princess jellyfish is being brought up#but like. what is this supposed to mean. to 'tiktokify' something#girlboss narrative what hello? what? you're throwing words at me and i don't know what they mean#but it's hilarious that this post comes off as something the sisterhood would have posted before all their character development#because this is a story about empowerment not through appearance- but that inner change is what beauty is made of#the development tsumiki and the other members of the sisterhood get is not that now they dress well#but that their often self-imposed isolation is not an antidote to os being ostracized in high school and having social anxiety#and that they've dehumanized other women in the process of defending themselves#and it's not that they have to change who they are of their interests but that they full accept themselves and can therefore#be comfort with who they are#and better navigate the world. and form friendships . and human connection and FUCK#like what are you talking about#sorry i know no one here follows me for princess jellyfish takes but that's what we're gonna get today#i think when you have a fandom / readership as small as pj (in the west at least) every bad take hits that much harder lmao#anyway. kuranosuke princess rights. we are all princesses. etc etc#princess jellyfish#kuragehime#screeds#screeds fR FR#txt#i didn't want to tag this person or show their name bc it ain't personal i just want to address takes like these .#“girl's girls are toxic” “not like other girls are toxic” what if we were all princesses idk. what if we loved each other
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vulpinesaint · 9 months
did 90 pages of my reading for three different classes is everyone proud of me :) finished the chapter on judaism for my sacred texts class, read "an apology for poetry" by sir philip sidney for my lit theory class, and did my two chapters of reading from the truth about stories by thomas king for my folklore and mythology class. and wrote a summary paper on that sacred texts chapter. and did my little writing assignment for my french class. all while sick. who is going to kiss me on the forehead and tell me i did a good job
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squidyyy23 · 2 years
galladrabbles: hold
little 3x7 for this weeks @galladrabbles from @ardent-fox. because ian being all sad in his bed wasn't enough. we need to see it on the flip side too. 😭
Front door slams. Terry hollers. Mickey’s fading bruises ache. Double checks the bedroom door. Locked. Good.
But he can’t help it. The fuckin’ fear. Hates it.
He curls further around his pillow. Still smells like him. Like that night. Best one of Mickey’s life. Before everything went to shit.
He wishes it was him. Wishes he was here. Whispers the words he couldn’t—can never—say. “I’m sorry.” “I’m fucked up.” “Can you ever forgive me?”
Except he knows the answer. Never. Mickey doesn’t deserve forgiveness. So he clings tighter. Clutches the cherished photo. Holds tight to the shreds he has left.
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seagullcharmer · 7 months
hhhhrrraaurgh wound care
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daz4i · 3 months
a bit insane to know there's people out there who think i'm hot shit tbh. you know i'm a pathetic cringefail loser who literally can't do anything, right?? please raise your standards 😔💔
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noxtivagus · 1 year
i'm so sleepy
#🌙.rambles#really wanted to do so much more today but. i did a lot#i'm really happy w yk yeah bio n literature earlier n then#earlier hehe me n apollo were chilling in our parents' room bcs our dad was playing the 1975 music out loud. bonding over music c:#n then. talking w my friends a bit but.. specifically i'm really happy i managed to. hmm. hopefully those words reached her#i know my friends well i think. more than it seems on the outside#so i really want to do things for them n i know how to convey it in such a way that it wld at least resonate with them more#but i really do hesitate that i'll do it wrong yk? or i'm low on energy myself#but. i'm just. personally proud that tonight at least i managed to tell help her a bit. i really had a feeling she hasn't been doing well#for. the past months. i'm so sick of hesitating i just want to reach out but i really get afraid sometimes n i'm sorry#sincerity n authenticity n honesty mean a lot to me but. my friends aren't usually. as Open yk#goddamn i can't write it well enough bcs i cld write how i perceive it specifically for each n every single close friend of mine#n i really just want to help in any way i can bcs i really do care#i'm. also just really for the friend i said earlier. i really just.. know how it feels to have that hope crushes n for it to#ah. i don't know how to write it but the words are in my head. i really wish i cld just call or hug my friends anytime to just reassure#them or listen or just be company. bcs i know how it feels all too well n when i'm managing a bit better like i am right now i just#want to make the most of it but.. sigh#i'm more. yk more of a writer than your average person. but#writing is just so hard at times isn't it? but i really want to do as much as i can#n then. i don't know i think i need to cry i think. i want to do so much#yk that horoscope.co thing. i'm not too big on astrology i just find it interesting but w scorpio sun & capricorn moon (bcs that's me)#read it again n it a bunch of not rlly resonated with me :^) ffs i just want to do so much n it hurts#bcs i want to be kind to myself but i'm in a constant battle of. yeah really trying not to push myself but it's so hard#when people are put in the picture. humans are social beings. it's inevitable n. it's just so.. it just feels so helpless for me i think.#bcs there's so much in me that wants to just be freed like. i want to be who i am with no restraint but.#there's just.. a lot too but.#thinking of earlier today n how i overcame my anxiety. n we. we bought the tickets. for the 1975. doesn't feel real but my motivation rlly#yeah. n then. fuck the pain i'm channeling that energy to my motivation instead but#i really.. need to sleep. i'm sorry i can't do more right now. i really want to. tomorrow. i hope. i will do more. but i'll rest now.#..n tonight somehow maybe telling you to rest wld reach you somehow. probably not but i'll just leave this here.
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chloeseyeliner · 2 months
and here i thought miscommunication trope was never going to happen irl again and stay in fanfiction forever.
i was so wrong.
#like girl i am twenty by 2.5-3 days. i cannot keep doing this middle school stuff. i am sorry.#vent post#kind of??#haven't made one of these in a while#oversharing on the internet#once again#anyway#long story short#we were almost great friends exactly a week ago okay?#and then nothing happened#and she just. stopped acknowledging my presence????#like i am not playing the victim here i have made many mistakes in the past but as i am growing up i realise how wrong i was#and put effort in being better every day#and like everyone who knows me that well irl knows i am a very sincere person so i would never hide it if i actually hurt her here#i just. it's been such a long time since a person won't even talk to me??? while i am standing next to them??? out of freaking nowhere???#while i am trying to communicate???#like i won't speak with any details but the only words she has uttered directly at me these past seven days were 'bye' with her back-#-facing me today.#and i tried. i really tried. i am tired.#i'll give it another week because i cannot think clearly with all the anxiety surrounding the situation + sciatica (yes i know how?)#my best friend got really mad ngl lol#so i am just venting here because she is the calmest person i know and she was ready to put troy on fire when i told here everything lol-#i don't even know#i mean. we literally study human psychology inter alia at uni girl. please.#and what makes me the saddest is how our other friend is sad regarding the whole situation and she is trying for them both-#-while not knowing what the fuck is going on- not that i do but you know.#and it's all so sad.#*sighs*#i'd rather have her screaming at me if i did something wrong than completely ignoring me and behaving normally around everyone else...#last week we were literally talking of going to the kyoshi movie together. the 2025 MOVIE. i'm shattered.
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ribbonprincess · 3 months
"Do a lil twirl for me,yeah...your ass looks so good baby." Rafe chuckles,fixing his pants as they tightened around his crotch,the sight of you in a tiny white mini skirt the reason.
"You like it rafey? I bought It thinking of you" "yeah,no shit- you used my credit card" he chuckles. Moving from his spot on the bed,he walks over you,laying his hands on your hips as he squishes the skin. "You should wear it today while I go golfing,you can look pretty in the cart and if you're good enough daddy will buy you a drink."
He smiles before tilting his head down to press his lips against yours as you whine almost immediately,slapping his chest "my lipgloss! you just smeared it all over,daddy." Turning around to face the mirror as you try to deescalate the situation of your almost ruined makeup,dabbing at the area around your lips with a beauty blender.
"Yeah yeah,'s just lip gloss,it's nothing serious." Gasping dramatically you turn around,hand on your chest as if you've been shot as you point a finger at his chest "'s not just lipgloss.."
Chuckling to himself Rafe presses a kiss against your shoulder "I'm sorry cupcake, daddy's being mean yeah?" Nodding as you run your manicured fingers over his jawline,pressing your chest against his,making your tits more visible as you smile softly- a tragic contrast to your action.
As you sit prettily in the golf cart,sipping at your drink while watching rafe play with his friends,you can't help but feel lonely,so you decide to approach as he stands a few feet behind the others. "rayray?"
Turning around almost immediately Rafe's expression softens a bit before turning hard. "What are you doing here,told you to sit in the cart" "Yeah... I know,but I missed you" Emphasizing your words you run a hand over his chest,playing with the button of his slacks.
"Missed me huh?" Looking over his shoulder he shouts a quick "Little lady is feeling sick!" Before dragging you over the Golf cart and driving over a more secluded area of the field,covered by trees and bushes.
"Since you've been missing me sooo much,might as well show it. C'mon get on your knees" Taking one last look around you move to your knees on the moist grass,quickly unbuckling his belt as you pull down his pants and boxer just as much needed. Wrapping a hand around the base of his shaft you kiss the vein that runs on the underside of it, resulting in a harsh tug of your hair. "Don't fucking tease me."
Wrapping your lips around his tip before slowly moving down,twisting your hand around what you couldn't fit "Deeper...I've trained you better than this,kid" Rafe mumble from above you,shoving your head down until you gag harshly,tears already pooling at your lash line. "Yeah,there you go...nice and warm for me." Looking up through your clamped wispy lashes you start to move your head again,twirling your tongue around his length like a popsicle as Rafe groans from above you "Got myself the best girl,right? Sucking my dick like this where everyone can pass by"
Nodding as best as you can,you pull off him with a loud "pop". "Wanna make you feel good,daddy." Smiling to himself, Rafe wipes at your saliva coated lower lip before bringing your mouth back on him with a satisfied moan,brushing some strand of hair that have fallen over your face away. "Fuck,keep doing that and I'm gonna cum. You want daddy to cum in your mouth? Yeah,you do."
Meeting you midway as he thrust into your mouth,giving you no time to react or even understand. "shit- 'm cumming" As his rhythm gets sloppier,you suck around his tip holding onto his thigh as you feel a milky substance flood your mouth. Breathing loudly he pulls you away from him as he smirks "Show me your tongue,angel" showcasing your tongue with a proud smile you look up at him in search of praise. "good girl,what do we say now?" "thank you daddy!"
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