#i don't know don't reblog or whatever
farawayfromdryland · 2 years
i think just about everyone said it would be hard, i just didn't have any reference for it yet
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
So, just curious how many writers and creators will have to be forcibly outed by relentless harassment before we acknowledge that "This queer characters was written by a cishet person and that's why they're bad" is not good criticism.
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measuringbliss · 2 years
People are acting so weird and possessive of Markiplier for the whole OnlyFans situation. He's an adult. He's an adult who's been a celebrity for years. He knows people thirst on him. That's why he had this idea in the first place. He's not some naive kid you must protect. He's not some innocent soul that the evil sluts of Tumblr and Twitter will corrupt. He knows the Internet, he knows his fans and he knows his job.
He's an adult and he can make his own choices.
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I gotta be honest if some random guy approached me in the street and asked me to tell him my paranormal trauma I'd literally just tell him? Like he wouldn't have to compel me I'd like to share. Free therapy for me, free story for him! Not my problem if it feeds an otherworldly overlord.
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tophthedaydreamer · 4 months
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my human versions of oswald and ortensia for valentine's day!
i hope everyone has a good day with their loved ones, and to all my singles out there, enjoy the candy!!
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superbug06 · 26 days
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Why so catcore /lh /pos
Little thing for @sun-ea-sports!!
Claws' design is literally so cool, I really used to be really invested in the whole 'object head' thing so your design just spoke to my past heheh..
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kedreeva · 7 months
If I could kill the reply feature on this webbed site, I would.
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lemonduckisnowawake · 29 days
You know what. I'm gonna use this place as an accountability checker. Aka, any story idea I put on here, I HAVE to write something for. Also, instead of doing an "every day, post something creative for May," I'll do it every week (I'll still DO something every day, but not post).
So first thing that I've really wanted to write for a while now? A Cinderella story where the prince is blind.
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liquidstar · 9 months
This is such a tangent btw but on the topic of guilt tripping and reblogs... I remember a few years back there were some terrible fires in Greece (and again this year, entire island villages are gone now) and at that time I had family who were caught in them. I can't describe the desperation I felt with these horrible things happening to my family and loved ones in my country. And I remember being frustrated and desperate with how no one around me in America really seemed to give a shit. I remember blogging asking people to PLEASE care please share something please reblog this link for mutual aid please think about the stories and fires etc etc etc. And the thing is I was very much in a state of grief myself, maybe not every word or action was perfectly reasonable, because I don't realistically expect everyone everywhere to care about every tragedy in the world. You can't. Emotionally it's just not possible, especially with all the stuff going on in the states rn too. Yeah it's a lot. It's not like I blog about every tragedy that ever happens either. I understand.
HOWEVER what I also remember was at this time there were a couple mutuals very clearly making vagueposts along the lines of "remember not everyone has the energy to care about everything in the world uwu" while I was posting about family who died and family who were drifting in the ocean for hours as their homes and loved ones burned. Listen. You have to understand sometimes that when a person in grief and frustration with things going on in their countries and communities impacts them very personally beg you to care... It's coming from a place of needing to see that care in the world in general. They're not holding a gun to your head Specifically saying you have to reblog the posts, if you don't have the energy just ignore it.
You don't have to go out of your way saying "um actually I can't care about the horrible stuff you and your family and your country are experiencing rn. I'm too busy focusing on my own stuff so can you be quiet or more reasonable with your grief thanks." Like. Just keep it to yourself then??? Have some fucking sympathy for other people and understand that maybe it's not always logical. The same way you don't have the emotional energy to think about every tragedy in the world, people who've been impacted by them often don't have the emotional energy to handle that alone and may seek somekinda community or solidarity. Idk. It's not about forcing shit on you sometimes it's not about you
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sammisafetypin · 6 months
the crazy fucking thing is that i know none of the "supporting palestine is antisemitic!! 'from the river to the sea' is antisemitic!!!" crowd gave a singular solitary shit about jewish people or antisemitism until they could claim that protesting genocide is antisemitic . like i know you motherfuckers were looking away when synagogues were vandalized and shot up , when shitheads with a following on their podcasts went on about "the global elite" , when holocaust denial made its rounds for the hundredth time . but oh , now that you can use "it's antisemitism" to support a genocide , suddenly you have such a vested interest in the jewish people's plight that you never had before . never mind how many jewish people , including people IN israel (who are being arrested and killed for speaking out against their government!) , are actively calling for a ceasefire and for palestine to be freed . those don't exist , because that would challenge the use of the word antisemitism as a 'justify firing people for hating genocide' button and not what it actually fucking means . because that would require actually acknowledging the real antisemitism that pervades the world and that its not just a cool new word to shut up protestors .
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rogersstevie · 4 months
saw a post about "reviving" the stucky fandom like having a special day which is all well and good but i'm just like i mean is the fandom dead or did you just stop engaging like people are still very much making edits and fanart and writing fic like in fairness there IS a lot of fanwork that maintains canon and i understand not wanting any of that bc i am absolutely not interested in engaging with any of that bc well. i'm not interested in that kind of angst for this ship or in the belief that you can justify or make endgame logical lol BUT there are also people who remained invested in the ship without any of the nonsense like is it less than it was in 2014 sure but that's not even just bc people abandoned ship it's also bc when the thing is no longer getting new canon content there's simply not gonna be as much fan content churned out either like it is very natural but the content is still there if you actually go into the tags
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coquelicoq · 1 year
gurathin, thiago, indah...starting to get the sense that if murderbot didn't have any specific person playing the role of "someone i deep down respect who i'm convinced hates me" at any given time, presaux would have to assign someone, for enrichment purposes
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storytellering · 4 months
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pa-pa-plasma · 2 years
bro you are on the FANDOM WEBSITE why are you NOT supporting your fandom creators????? do you WANT us to stop??? do you want there to be no more art & fic?? because that’s what happens when you don’t reblog our stuff. this isn’t a threat, this is a reality. if there is no one here wanting to see our stuff we won’t post it. I’m not trying to guilt trip here, none of us are, we’re literally just saying that if there is no motivation to spend 10+ hours making fanart or 5 years writing a multichapter fic for free then we won’t fucking do it
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^this shit? ridiculous. I LOVE EVERYONE WHO REBLOGGED & INTERACTED WITH MY ART! I LOVE EVERYONE WHO ASKED QUESTIONS & COMMENTED!! but so many of these people just liked it & left. this has been getting worse over the years, too. the reblogs to likes ratio has been getting crazier. I create because I love it, but if I have no reason to post, I won’t. fandoms dry up because of this. creators quit because of this.
we just need to stop acting like this is instagram, or that anyone cares what your blog looks like. people don’t see your likes, they see your reblogs. you want that favourite content creator to post more art? you want that writer to post the next chapter of your fav fic?? reblog it. share it. show them you care, because otherwise they won’t. this is a hobby we do for free. you consume our stuff for free. you aren’t entitled to it, so please just reblog, it isn’t hard.
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flowering-darkness · 18 days
okay actually these can go here as well (picrew linked here)
My selfship with Clio (using Lorenza):
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..versus my selfship with Zero (again, using Lorenza):
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..Suffice it to say I have quite the range of vibes =P
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
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