#i don't know what it IS
ohhcinnybuns · 1 month
I don't know what it is about today, but I'm thinking about Chuuya's and Dazai's bolo ties. Like, that's it. No extra thoughts. Just ties.
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The ties are a fashion statement.
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starknesskenobi · 10 months
Literally all of my favorite Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean are...
Absolute goddess that could kill me....
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or silly goof ball bearded man that could kill me...
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aphrogeneias · 8 months
You stare at the payphone in front of you, wondering if it's a good idea to call him at this time.
It isn't late, but it is a Saturday night. He could be doing anything — could be with his friends, could be on a date of his own, which would make your heart drop if it wasn't already laying at your feet.
Rationally, you know those things are not true. Eddie didn't mention he was doing anything tonight, you'd be invited if he was. You also know that the closest he does from going on a date is flirting his way into a one night stand on the weekends.
Remembering that would also make your heart break, again, if it wasn't already broken and in pieces all around you, all over the sidewalk in front of The Hawk.
A movie date, it was what you'd been promised. The cute boy from your chemistry class you'd been eyeing all semester — distracting yourself from your attraction to Eddie, the ever unattainable one — had told you to meet him there. When he showed up, he had another girl on his arm.
His excuse was, "I talk to a lot of girls. Sorry, hun."
Of course he did. Of course you, in your desperate attempt to feel wanted, believed him.
Your hand is slightly shaking when you pick up the receiver, and dial the number you've memorized a long time ago. It doesn't take long for him to answer.
"Munson residence, this is Edward speaking."
You sniffle, snorting through the tears you didn't even notice falling. "Who the fuck is Edward?"
"Sweetheart? Is that you?"
"Yeah, um…", sighing, you steel yourself to no e forward with the real reason you were calling, "I need a favor, but it's okay if you're busy…"
"I'm not busy. Never busy for you." He remarks.
You take a moment to imagine him right now, standing next to the phone in his kitchen. Wearing a ratty band shirt from whatever concert he attended in the last couple of years, wearing those sweatpants he always wears at home, long hair in disarray. Cozy, warm, safe. All things you weren't feeling at that same moment.
"Can you come pick me up?" You ask, voice small. If you weren't talking so closely to the phone, he might not have heard you. "I'm at The Hawk and I walked here, don't wanna go home right now."
You hear shuffling on the other side of the phone, and the sound of keys rattling in the background. "Are you okay? Did something happen? What are you doing there alone?"
"I'll tell you when you're here. Please? I just don't wanna be alone right now." The sniffles come back, but this time because of the obvious affection in Eddie's voice. If you closed your eyes, you could almost see the crease in forehead, the pout on his full lips that made the lines around his mouth more prominent. You've always wanted to kiss them.
"I'll be there in fifteen. Ten, even! Don't move, okay?"
If you closed your eyes, you could almost feel one of his hugs, arms that loved to lift you off your feet, even though you protested each and every time. Arms that squeeze you tight, and refuse to let go until they have their fill. The boy you wished was the one taking you on dates and holding your hand in the dark of the movie theater.
You close your eyes, you feel it anyway.
"Hey, sweetheart." He calls, drawing your attention, "whatever it is, it's gonna be okay. I'll make it okay, yeah? I promise."
"I know."
You close your eyes, the line goes dead. You know.
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invalidstories · 3 months
Enemies at the Café
Warnings: suicide mentions, dark themes
The moon hung low in the night sky casting a soft glow casting over the rooftop where Hero and Villain always found themselves locked in conflict. Each breath they took was visible in the cold foggy night.
Villain's eyes gleamed with malice as they observed Hero's approach, every step deliberate, every movement calculated. They had spent their whole night planning and preparing to show of their newest device to Hero.
But as Hero drew nearer, Villain couldn't help but notice the weariness etched into their features, their shoulders slumped with the burden of their endless battles, and the dark circles under their eyes from sleepless nights.
"You're late," Villain taunted, their voice dripping with contempt as they walked towards their nemesis.
Hero rolled their eyes, a wry smile playing at their lips. "Oh, please," they retorted. "Like I have anything better to do than deal with you."
Villain bristled, their grip tightening on their weapon. But before they could act, Hero held up a hand, resigned.
"Save it," Hero sighed. "I'm done playing this game. Just shoot me and get it over with."
Caught off guard by Hero's surrender, Villain hesitated, their weapon hovering in midair as they stared at their enemy in disbelief. Never had they imagined Hero would surrender so easily.
"There's no fun in fighting a hero who doesn't want to fight," Villain replied softly, their voice gentle as they lowered their weapon and took a step forward. "Come on, let's get you out of here."
Hero said nothing as they allowed Villain to hold their hand and lead them away, their footsteps echoing in the stillness of the night.
As they disappeared into the darkness, Villain couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over them. At that moment, they realized that victory meant nothing without a worthy adversary to challenge them.
As they reached the end of the street, the Villain hesitated, turning to face Hero.
"Hey," they said softly, "I know this might seem like an odd question, but... do you want to grab a coffee with me?"
Hero blinked in surprise, the weariness momentarily forgotten as they met Villain's gaze. And for the first time in a long while, a small smile tugged at the corners of their lips.
"Yeah," Hero replied, "Sure."
Entering the cozy coffee shop, the atmosphere shifted from the chill of the night to the warm embrace of coffee and soft murmurs. Hero couldn't help but chuckle at one of Villain's jokes, the tension of their earlier encounter slowly easing.
Sitting across from each other, Villain couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in Hero's demeanor. The weariness that had weighed them down moments before had been replaced by a spark of life in their eyes.
"You seem a bit better," Villain remarked, a teasing grin playing on their lips as they took a sip of their coffee.
Hero chuckled, a faint blush dusting their cheeks. "Yeah, well, you're surprisingly good company," they admitted, their voice soft.
"Told you," Villain smirked taking another sip of their drink.
But as the laughter faded, Villain's expression softened as concern crept into their features. "Hey, Hero," they began, their voice serious. "I know we've had our differences, but... I think you could benefit from some help."
Hero's smile faltered, their gaze dropping to the table as they considered Villain's words. It wasn't often that they heard genuine concern from their nemesis.
"I'll think about it," Hero replied, their voice soft but resolute. "Thanks though, Villain. For everything."
Villain grinned, reaching across the table to give Hero's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Anytime, Hero," they said, "Just don't forget to bring your sense of humor next time."
The hero couldn't help but smile at the playful jab, the weight of their troubles momentarily lifted by the simple act of having an unlikely but nice companion. As they walked home, Hero felt a glimmer of hope that maybe they didn't have to face their struggles alone anymore.
"In the end, we're all just humans, trying to find our way in this chaotic world."
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italoniponic · 10 months
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I spent a day with Ian Hecox - aka Ian Hecox being stupidly pretty, part 2.
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simplywrong · 4 months
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obaabauba-fish · 5 months
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shriggy-the-rat-king · 5 months
Bug fan art timelapse 💙
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bisquitly · 6 months
Joker out edits with finnish songs just gives me whole new level of giddy feeling
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fire-bay · 2 years
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It's very late and I'm having a small moment
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skyarly · 2 months
only character I've ever had any semblance of romantic attraction to for some reason
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loving-elvis · 2 years
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This man has me feeling some kind of way...
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absolutebl · 1 year
gets on BL tumblr
I guess stray kids has a comback?
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blistering-typhoons · 9 months
ghosts is a show that make me tear up pretty consistently, but i swear to god kitty's flashbacks get to me so deeply every single time.
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verecunda · 28 days
With a great effort Frodo sat upright and brandished his sword. ‘Go back!’ he cried. ‘Go back to the Land of Mordor, and follow me no more!’ His voice sounded thin and shrill in his own ears. The Riders halted, but Frodo had not the power of Bombadil. His enemies laughed at him with a harsh and chilling laughter. ‘Come back! Come back!’ they called. ‘To Mordor we will take you!’
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