#i don't usually post full fics to tumblr just ao3 links
errorryx · 2 years
the synonym of companion
read on ao3 | 3rd life/double life, grian & scar, 2.5k words
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a while ago, i took an english vocabulary test that was circling on tumblr, and this question stuck out to me a lot. i finally got around to writing the fic it deserves. grian and scar's relationship is up to personal interpretation.
Scar wants to take control of the entire desert, and for some reason, he’s chosen Grian to help him. Grian has to drag him all the way across the seed to get his point across: the desert is far too large for them to defend it. They’d be better off going after dark oak. Smaller, he’s sure, and easier to defend.
“What if we just mine it all?” Scar asks.
Grian just laughs at him. When he gets back to the village to meet with the group that’s settled there, he recounts Scar’s hair-brained scheme to them. They all have a good laugh at his antics.
It’s what Bdubs says before that, though, that sticks with him. “Is Scar your jester?” he asks, and Grian looks behind him to see Scar perched on top of his chair. Smiling widely, just waiting for Grian to turn around and notice him.
It’s easy to laugh at Scar when he never stops smiling. Every insult thrown his way is water off a duck’s back. Nothing sticks to him, and nothing can dissuade him from a bad idea if he’s got his heart set on it. It’s what makes him fun to be around at the best of times, and it’s what makes him dangerous at the worst.
In a game like this, Scar is a very dangerous friend to have.
“Scar!” Grian shouts. “I think you’re my soulmate and you’re too busy chasing fairies!”
If Scar hears him, he doesn’t show it. He keeps swimming after his allay, not a care in the world. Joel listens, at least—he hits Scar again, the final nail in the coffin. Grian screams in frustration as he takes damage in perfect tandem with Scar, knowing he’s doomed.
Somehow, Scar misses all of it. Too focused on his stupid allay to pay attention to his real soulmate right in front of him.
It’s second nature to tell Joel and Etho not to clue him in. It’s a great joke, watching Scar run around without a clue that his soulmate is right beside him the whole time. But as time drags on and Scar misses hint after obvious hint, Grian’s irritation keeps growing. Finally, he gives in and goes to find Scar in the jungle, surrounded by pandas.
The first time he tries the trick with the dripstone, Scar turns his head away at the last second. Even though it takes a good chunk of their shared health, he doesn’t move from his spot, waiting patiently for Grian to get to the point.
How can you be this stupid? Grian wants to yell at him. If Scar doesn’t think Grian’s his soulmate, why would he stand where Grian asks him and let his guard down so completely? What does it say about Scar that he would trust Grian with his life when Grian’s already demonstrated his willingness to hurt him?
What does it say about Grian that Scar will do all this, but won’t even look at him?
“Look at me,” he says, and breaks the dripstone again. Scar looks.
“Oh my gosh,” he says, and Grian laughs, mainly out of relief. They’re more than half dead now, but at least Scar finally knows they’re together.
In the morning, Scar stares at him with green eyes.
Grian stares back, feeling sick. This can’t be a repeat of the desert, he reminds himself, not when they’re a matched pair. They’ll kill and die together.
Grian’s spent all this time chasing after Scar that he doesn’t know what to do with him now that he has him. Put him in an obsidian box with stacks and stacks of food, maybe. Throw some pandas in there and he’ll even be content with it. That way, Grian can go about his business without having to worry about Scar’s wellbeing.
He doesn’t need the trouble that Scar brings with him in spades. Even if it makes his heart rush, even if the adrenaline is addicting and it worms its way inside his head until he can’t think about anything except blood. The bloodlust is Scar’s thing, and this time around, Grian is above such notions. He wants to build a house. He wants to get his gear enchanted and build up defenses and keep them nice and safe. He wants to win.
He doesn’t want to look at Scar and see everything Grian’s trying to hide written all over his face.
Grian’s on green and Scar’s on red and there should be an ocean between them, but the deal isn’t off. Grian’s just thankful that it hasn’t occurred yet to Scar that he could satiate his bloodlust right here, right now, on someone who’s contractually obligated not to fight back. He watches Scar pace around the site of his second death, muttering to himself.
“Scar, I won’t kill for you,” Grian says.
Scar looks up. “Well, of course not, silly. You’re not red. You don’t need to.”
Need? Is it really a need? Judging by Scar’s frantic movements, he might just be telling the truth.
But killing was one of the first things Grian did in this game. It’s what got him here. He feels it even now, an urge he ignores most of the time, but not always. Grian kills when it pleases him because it’s what he knows, and there’s no room for that in a place where lives count for so much. He ought to know better. He ought to be able to stop.
Grian is a green life, and Scar is red. They have far too much in common.
They kill together, of course. It comes as no surprise when they die the same way.
Scar keeps all his pandas in a tiny hole in the ground. While building the walls of their keep, Grian peeks over at them sometimes. They're always moving, twisting and writhing in their tight enclosure as if it’ll help them break free.
He’s constantly tempted to jump down there and break a block so they can escape. It’s not as if they’ll have enough time to wander away before Scar gets done with the panda sanctuary, and Grian can always blame an enderman or another player for releasing them.
He doesn’t free the pandas. He shouldn’t be wasting his time feeling sympathy for a bunch of mindless animals.
He builds his layered walls up higher and higher. Once he’s at the top, he looks up at the sun, no closer than it was before he started. At his freedom, no closer than it was in the desert. At Scar in the distance, hard at work constructing a much nicer prison for his pandas to live out their days. Soon Scar’s enclosure will be finished, and he’ll lure his stupid animals over with the promise of bamboo, and they'll follow him helplessly. They don’t have a choice.
Grian wonders which part of this is supposed to be the bamboo.
He misses his wings. He suspects it wouldn't make a difference if he had them. He could fly up and up and up, and never get any closer to the sun.
It's his fault.
Scar dies and it's his fault. Grian can repeat until he’s blue in the face that he didn't do it on purpose, but it's still his fault and there's no getting around it. Scar looks at him with yellow eyes and Grian looks back and feels nothing but fear.
He's not afraid of Scar. He's afraid of being stuck with Scar. It's that fear that pushes him to accept the duty of keeping Scar alive, despite the fact that no one, not even Scar, seems to expect him to take it.
That's why he's here, isn't it? To confront his worst fears? He's been running from things he can't face for years now. Pledging himself to Scar is hardly the worst fate he can imagine, as much as he likes to pretend otherwise.
“I’m legally obliged to be with him,” Grian says to anyone who will listen. The rest of the greens laugh like they don’t believe him. But Scar, with his yellow eyes and his unshakable smile, accepts Grian’s word at face value, and that makes it much easier for Grian to accept it too.
This alliance lasts as long as the green in Grian’s eyes, and no longer. He could fling himself from the top of this sand dune right now and it would be over. That knowledge ought to comfort him, if it were true.
The longer Grian survives, the less he believes his mantra that he’s here because he has to be.
He owes so much more than a life in a death game. He will owe more than he's worth for as long as he continues to hide among normal players. His debtors want his satisfaction, and they want his pride.
It's his fault. Scar is yellow, and undeserving of the debt of scrutiny Grian carries with him.
Grian’s pledge to try to keep him alive is not motivated by kindness. It's the height of selfishness. At the cost of Scar’s safety, he doesn't want to be trapped alone.
It’s him and Scar against the world.
It always has been, even when it isn’t. Now that they’re red, all their enemies are temporary allies, but that lasts as long as the yellow names do. Soon it will be Grian and Scar against everyone else.
Scar antagonizes people, especially on red. He puts himself in danger and only ever makes it out through sheer luck. His violent tendencies don’t stop when he’s green or yellow, but he’s worse when he’s red, reckless and paranoid at once, a dangerous combination. Grian is never safe with Scar on his side.
Scar reaches for his hand, and Grian lets him. He’s never been safe with Scar, but somehow, on red, feeling two pulses in perfect unison, he’s never felt safer in his life.
It’s him and Scar against the world.
It’s been this way since Scar first became red and maybe even earlier. Maybe as early as when Grian stood in the ashes of that godforsaken creeper crater, unwittingly hatching a plot to tie the two of them together. 
It's far from the first misguided scheme to blow up in his face.
Regardless of his many failings, with Scott’s death, there's no one else left in which Grian can put any confidence. Just him and Scar against everyone else. The thought should sober him; instead, it fills him with a sick excitement. Scar has nowhere else to turn. He's dependent on Grian to keep him safe.
He thinks the rush of battle might be the best feeling in the world. But he's proven wrong when Scar kills him and he wakes up red, when he gathers his things and goes right back to Scar’s side. It's him and Scar against the world, of course, and when the world is just Bdubs, it's an easy victory. The red rage is so strong, and he's so weak. He could burn himself to ash so easily this way. He could kill and die without remembering to care about any of it.
It’s just him and Scar at the end of the world, and Grian isn’t ready for the world to end.
Grian’s world ends abruptly, anticlimactically.
At first he's furious, robbed of the ability to see his feverish plans come to fruition. There's no joy in dying to another one of his own half-baked murder plots. His red life is gone, and with it, all of his delight, all of his righteous anger, all of his strange priorities and stranger dreams.
Scar's heartbeat is gone from his chest. Grian didn’t want it in the first place, but its absence is a thousand times more painful than its presence ever was. He's never wanted anything more in his life than the very thing from which he spent the whole game running.
Scar is dead and it’s Grian’s fault.
Scar is not an idiot. He's not some living reminder of every mistake Grian’s ever made. He's not a punishment from the powers that be. And while he may call himself Grian’s from time to time, he is not Grian’s to keep.
Grian has been denying Scar personhood for as long as they've been playing this game, in an effort to relieve him of the guilt from which Grian suffers. He's kept Scar in the dark, and worse, he's used Scar’s obliviousness to his benefit, all under the guise of protecting him. Never once considering that Scar, given the choice, might not choose Grian’s idea of salvation.
It paints him in a deeply unflattering light. The soul bond itself wasn't enough, apparently. It took this cataclysmic loneliness for him to come to the realization that Scar is just as deserving of autonomy as Grian. It seems he’s incapable of learning his lesson until it's been thoroughly beaten into him.
He's preparing to throw himself a pity party when Scar finds him. Two ghosts meet each other's gazes, and Grian finds nothing that he deserves in Scar’s colorless eyes.
“Well,” Scar says breezily, as if the heart Grian craves doesn't lie still in his translucent chest. “Not a very fun ending, but we gave it our best, didn't we?”
Grian did not give it his best. Grian hasn't given anyone his best in a long, long time.
“Scar,” Grian says, “if you knew something so terrible that just knowing about it hurt, and it affected someone else too, would you tell them?”
Scar’s unshakable smile slips. Just for a moment it slips, and in that moment, Grian swears he can feel Scar’s pulse as his own. But it's too fast to be sure, and Scar goes right back to smiling like he’ll never stop, not even for the end of the world.
He never stops smiling. Not when Grian lands the last blow, and not when his eyes roll up behind his sockets and the back of his head hits the sand with a miserable finality. Scar is dead and it's Grian’s fault and he never stops smiling.
“Maybe you should ask them whether they want to know or not,” Scar suggests. His smile is audible in every word he speaks. It's never felt like such a slap in the face.
He's right, of course. Grian despises how right he is. “Do you want to know something that will hurt?”
Scar tilts his head and fixes Grian with a very genuine expression. Like he knows already. Like he doesn't know, but it won't hurt him to find out, any more than it hurts him to stay in the dark. “It's you and me against the world, right?” he asks. “If that's true, I think we're better off both knowing what we're up against.”
He can almost feel his wings on his back again. When he jumps, it's like flying.
“Let's get out of here,” Grian says. It’s like falling from a cliff when he takes Scar’s hand, in the way that it’s like flying. “Let’s get out of here, and I’ll tell you everything.”
psst if you read all the way through and enjoyed, consider reblogging!
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reds-skull · 6 months
Fanfic Recommendations: Writers
I thought of making this kind of list for a while now, since in my notes I save writers when I like most/all their fics (instead of saving each work individually)
This list is going to be very long, I'm gonna try to add to each writer a little description of the type of work they usually write.
Should leave this as a disclaimer for all my fic rec posts, but always look at the tags and CW on each fic before reading!
As always, if a link doesn't work, you're welcome to reach out!
[This list will include both SFW and NSFW writers, since a lot of them do both]
thirteenbullets - Writer of Anytime You Need Me, basically the ultimate hurt/comfort series. [fun fact, part 6 was the first fic I read in this fandom, and I partially blame how good it was for how fast I got obsessed with cod lol]
mothbeast - Writer of Pattern Breaker, one of the more well known fics for ghostsoap (for a good reason!). Love their other fics as well [some are NSFW]
glaciers (Hayfever_Street) - Non AU fics, where they put ghost and soap and various situations for angst! [some NSFW]
Red_Clegane - non AU and AU fics, some of the best non-military AUs I've read. All of their fics share a similar taste, but they're all equally good, so if you like that style you'll enjoy most of them [some NSFW]
sauceboss_yahoo - AUs with supernatural elements, and non-military AUs. Some a/b/o if that's your style [which obviously means there's some NSFW]
yourvaliants - AO3 account of valiants on Tumblr, I'll expand more when I get to Tumblr users, but this is just their place to post NSFW comics since Tumblr doesn't allow that.
wayfaredsoldier - non-military AUs, AUs with supernatural elements, and in canon universe [some NSFW]
MildLimerence - If you want smut with good plot, this is the writer for you haha. They have several soulmate AUs and fantasy/supernatural AUs, as well as canon universe [mostly NSFW]
Arodana - supernatural AUs and non-military AUs, very enjoyable long works [some NSFW]
crown_twist - a mix of NSFW and hurt/comfort oneshots, if you're in the mood for something short and good this is the writer for you [some NSFW]
ElizaStyx - mostly oneshots for a variety of pairings, a mix of NSFW and fluff [some NSFW]
Sillililli - Canon and non-military AUs, with just a pinch of NSFW [little NSFW]
Louffox - Canon and non-military AUs, a lot of angst and hurt/comfort. A few longer works and a good amount of oneshots [some NSFW]
kcisbroken [previously artbykc0001] - Historical AUs, sometimes MCD, some non AU oneshots and NSFW [some NSFW]
Hochseeperle - non AUs, angst and hurt/comfort, with NSFW [some NSFW]
eggtimelads - Supernatural AUs, non AUs, oneshots that literally changed my brain chemistry (not clickbait) [some NSFW]
blackbird_flyaway - supernatural and non AUs, recently started a zombie AU (that I just discovered and go read it after finishing this lmao) [Some NSFW]
TheLastTheosaurus - hurt/comfort oneshots. Good ol' reliable [no NSFW]
Nuria123 - absolutely amazing non AU, non-military AUs, and fics so emotional they made me full on sob. A mix of oneshots and longer works [some NSFW]
AvaLoren - non-military, non AU, and a little bit of fantasy, and medieval AUs, mostly oneshots with some longer fics [some NSFW]
WhisperedWords12 - non-military, non AU, and a little bit of fun shifter AU, many oneshots that are mostly NSFW [a lot of NSFW]
Wheezing_Joe - non AU, oneshots with some onehsot series, hurt/comfort and angst galore. Very nice stuff [no NSFW]
coderaven - non-military AUs and non AUs, emotional hurt/comfort, a little supernatural AUs [some NSFW]
oh_ellie - non AUs, hurt/comfort, and a whole lot of smut [mostly NSFW]
headlocket - author of all that's said in the low light. I don't need to say anything else, if you didn't read it yet, you really REALLY should! [little NSFW]
Grangers_apprentice - [note: majority of works locked for users with no AO3 accounts] non-AU, supernatural AUs, some oneshots and some longer works with series. A bit of a/b/o if that's your style [some NSFW]
DarkMoonMaiden - non AU, hurt/comfort and smut. Mostly oneshot, some series [mostly NSFW]
merikai - non AU and non-military AUs, hurt/comfort and angst oneshots [no NSFW]
simcoehole - supernatural but military and non AUs, mostly smut [mostly NSFW]
Epifauna - non AU oneshots, a lot of fluff with some angst [little NSFW]
prettyunhinged - non AU oneshots (some as long as multi chapter works though), angst, fluff and smut [some NSFW]
oshikiri_toru - non-military and non AUs, with some supernatural elements. Very long oneshots with angst and smut. Very underrated writer imo! [some NSFW]
xEclipse - non AU, fluff and smut oneshots that can get very sweet [some NSFW]
unravelledorfrayed - non AU, misunderstanding hurt/comfort (the good kind) [no NSFW]
lkst - very unique AUs, as well as non AUs. A bit of smut and a lot of angst [little NSFW]
now, there are some blogs here that write a lot of little drabbles that are always a treat to read, so I'm also gonna add some of them.
cod-dump - mostly non AU, with the exception of the Teen!Ghost AU.
forestshadow-wolf - AU and non-AU, also has many downloaded fics for you to read (they're a lifesaver when AO3 is down)
valiants - as mentioned above, comic artist and occasional writer, honestly a huge inspiration for me, it terms of storytelling and art style.
ghcstao3 - also has an AO3, wanted to put them here because they post a lot of drabbles here that don't get posted on AO3.
captain-mj - also has an AO3, like ghcst posts a lot of fics here that don't get posted on AO3. Many are NSFW, as a heads-up.
That's all for now, in the future if I make fic recs for longer works, you will probably see some from these writers.
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sailormoonrarepairweek · 11 months
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Welcome to the third annual Sailor Moon Rare Pair Week! The event will take place from March 24th - March 30th, 2024, but I'm announcing the themes early to give everyone plenty of time to create their fanworks.
What counts as a rare pair for this event, you ask? Any pairing that isn't Usagi/Mamoru (or any of their incarnations), pretty much! (Don’t get too hung up on the word “rare”. Just roll with it, okay?) They usually have their own week, so this event is a chance for fans to show their love for pairings other than the Miracle Romance, canon or not. You can even include poly, platonic, and cross-over ships, if you'd like! Almost anything goes, as long as you follow some simple guidelines.
Fanworks should somehow incorporate the one of the day's themes. (You can pick just one; you don't have to use both.) How you choose the interpret the theme is up to you!
A non-UsaMamo pair must be the MAIN focus of the work (although Usagi/Mamoru can appear as a side pairing or as part of a polycule).
All ratings allowed.
No smut involving underage characters, which I'm defining as under 18 years old. Otherwise, as long as the characters are portrayed as adults in the fanwork, go wild! Just please make sure to properly tag.
Pairings of all sexual/romantic orientations welcome.
Fanfics should be a minimum of 500 words. Poetry may be shorter, though. (If you would prefer to write drabbles instead, you can write five separate 100-word drabbles about the day's themes, but a day's entry should still be at least 500 words long. You have over four months until the week begins and plenty of time afterward if you don't finish in time. That's plenty of time to write 500 words. I don't think that's too much to ask.) If you're writing fanfic, I REALLY would prefer you post your fics on AO3 or Fanfiction.net and provide a link to your story, but if you must post on Tumblr itself, please make use of the "Read More" option.
Fanart should be a completed drawing. (Any fanart portraying nudity or anything of an R/NC-17 nature should be cropped if immediately visible on your Tumblr post and/or posted with the appropriate community label. You can post the full image under a "Read More" or provide a link to the image on another site.)
Graphics, image boards, playlists, cosplay photos, crafts, meta/essays, etc. are also welcome!
Comments, kudos, and reblogs are encouraged, but don't be a jerk! If you're not a fan of a pairing, please just ignore and move on.
On Tumblr, if you tag #smrarepairweek2024, I will reblog your post. I'll tag explict art and fics reblogs as #nsfw, so feel free to block that tag if you'd rather not see those posts.
Please do not post your works anywhere until the day dedicated to your chosen theme. An AO3 collection has now been set up for this year's event. (Adding your work to the collection will not be required.) If you'd like to look back at the last event's works, the 2023 collection can be found here.
And here is the 2022 collection.
Day 1: Magic/Mundane Day 2: Hugs/Kisses Day 3: Fire/Ice Day 4: Music/Silence Day 5: Birth/Death Day 6: Break-Up/Make-Up Day 7: Free
(Event Organizer: @kaleidodreams)
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tswaney17 · 1 year
Accidental Chemistry - Part 1: New Beginnings
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This is dedicated to the incredible @duskwhisperer. Thank you, love, for sending me the idea for this fic and letting me run with it. 💜 I'm very excited to finally share this story with you all. I don't have set posting dates, but I'm hoping to dedicate more time to this fic after I finalize IDBTWY. Until then, I hope you enjoy this first part! 💕
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Credit to @featherymalignancy for Cassian’s nickname, Cash. 😘
Trigger warnings: language
Word Count: 4,982
This fic will be posted on AO3 only. Read the beginning below or click here to head to AO3.
Azriel was sitting at Rhys and Feyre’s dining room table, feeling particularly suspicious as to why he had been invited over for dinner. It wasn’t that he never had dinner with them. It’s that usually, it wasn’t just him.
“How’s work, Az?” Feyre asked, spearing the asparagus on her plate.
He took a sip of his wine. “It’s good. I’ve finally filled the last tech position that’s been open so I have a full team now. She’s fitting in well and is super quick in picking up new information.”
“Does she have prior experience?”
“Not really. She’s a recent graduate and was looking for entry-level in the industry. To be honest, most places would’ve passed on her for the lack of experience, but I thought she could be molded into what we need while growing her skillset.”
Rhys smirked. “You put in the work and you get a long-term employee.”
He tipped his glass towards his brother. “Exactly.”
Feyre pushed her chair back. “Let me grab dessert,” she announced, noticing both men were finished with their main courses. She returned a few minutes later holding three plates with small, pastry-like cups filled with cream and covered in blueberries.
“What is it?” he asked.
“Lemon and blueberry verbena tarts,” she said like he had any idea what the fuck that meant.
Az eyed the dessert, taking a bite and letting the tartness from the lemon slide across his tongue before settling with the blueberry’s sweetness. His brows raised in surprise. It was good. Like really good. He glanced at the female sitting across from him. “Did you make this, Fey?”
She laughed, head tipping back. “Oh heavens no. My sister made it. Elain. You remember Elain, right?”
He shot her a puzzled look at the turn of questions. “Yeah, vaguely.” Lie.
Read More
Remember, sharing is caring! Please reblog if you liked the fic. It helps spread my work and I truly appreciate it. 💕
While I have moved these fics to AO3 only, I am still going to utilize a tag list here on Tumblr. This as a permanent solution and may change in the future. For notifications, you can follow and subscribe to my fanfic account where I will be reblogging updates and snippets only. You can also find me on ao3. If you would like to be added to my tag list, please leave a comment on this post.
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Some tags seem to not want to link, which could be related to your visibility settings. Sorry about that!
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admirxation · 1 month
˗ˏˋ 𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐱𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧’𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ´ˎ˗
🍙 — I usually do free requests, however, I've been put in a bad financial situation where extra money on the side would be a massive help so I'm opening this up. Content will still be free on my blog and my ao3, however, these commissions are for specific requests people are looking for and something personalised for them. Please read this page before contacting me for a commission *kiss kiss*
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★ — 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬
You must be 18+ and have your age in your bio or simply 'adult' before messaging me, if not I will just ignore/block you.
If you are rude/disrespectful/harassing I will block you.
If you want a commission, we privately message on Tumblr. We communicate about what you're looking for (please keep in mind I might have a different time zone and/or busy so there might be delay now and again), if given the okay I will ask for the payment to be made to my kofi. Then your email address OR discord so when the commission is done I can attach a PDF file.
Commissions usually take two weeks, any delay will be communicated through open and honest dialogue with you.
I might post some of these commissions, but of course, I will not tag you in it merely that it was just a "commission".
★ — 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
Short drabble (under 1k) - £3
1k - £5
3k - £10
5k - £15
kofi link: here
I accept money through kofi, when giving payment just put the character you wished for and commission, e.g. 'Levi Ackerman commission' so I have a reference. AND PLEASE DO NOT GIVE MONEY UNTIL I GAVE THE OKAY.
I ask for payment upfront after we've discussed.
I have a no refund's policy. You do not get a refund because you simply "didn't like it" However if you want tweaks and small edits these can happen free of charge but if you want a full rewrite I ask for an additional £2. Refunds will be given if I backed out since that's on me.
★ — 𝐝𝐨𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐬
hard nos: underaged, grooming, scat/faeces/flatulence, vomit, race play, neco, cannibalism, self harm... These are just off the top of my head but if you give me something I am uncomfortable with I will politely decline.
I can write a lot, feel free to check my account to see what kind of stuff I write and even engage with; just speak to me and we can sort out if I wanna write it or not, chances are if it’s not in the hard no’s I will probably just write it.
I mainly write smut NSFW content but I am open to fluff, angst, as well as suggestive tension filled flirting not just full on sex.
I don't write ship fics, only character x reader, but I am open to threesomes with character x character x reader, or more such as gang bangs.
I can also write for OC's not just readers, but you must give me references so I can obvi write them in.
I write afab, but for commissions, I am open for amab.
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marty-parties · 10 days
Happy September 15th! Which, if you didn't know, is 'leave a comment day.' I could be wrong though, since my source is a poll i took on my other blog - either way, i've come up with a fun idea.
In honour of ‘leave a comment day’ i’ve made a list of all of my favourite fanfics/authors that I can think of atm, and I wanna leave a nice little note about them and their work! This isn’t in any particular order, tbh it’s mostly me going through my AO3 bookmarks and re-reading all of my fav fanfic, haha. 
I honestly had no idea 'leave a comment day’ was a thing, and if you didn’t either, show your favourite authors that you appreciate them! Anything from a heart emoji, or a key smash, or an insightful/heartfelt comment will do wonders in terms of showing/being appreciated.
A lot of these fics below have influenced me in some way, big or small, into how/what I write today. I guess I wanted to give thanks where I could. (It’s also just really sick to make a doc full of your favourite things,and I highly implore you to do it too, even if you don’t wanna post it. (That's totally fair, no pressure.) I keep going over in my mind what I like about each fic and ‘oh, this fic is different from that, but it’s still fantastic, oh and this fic, too,’ etc. it’s such a fun little snowball effect of positivity, i definitely recommend you do this if you have time and need a pick me up, haha.)
Little note, here, If you’ve seen that I’ve read your fic, but found you’re not on the list - it’s not that I don’t like you/or work! I probably very well did enjoy it! I found as I was making this list it was taking a lot of my free time. (Free time that i’d rather like to use writing or reading more, haha.) And, I feel like this list is already so wickedly long ‘cause I can't shut my mouth to save my life, to add more might be a little bit much to read all in one go. 😅
So, please don’t be upset if that’s the case! ily *mwah* 
Also, there’s a few nsfw fics mention at the end, so if you’re a minor, pls buzz off,  that content isn’t for you! I also recommend you check the links on some of these fics. I think I’ve included warnings where I think they’re due, but you know yourself better than i do. And, who knows, I might’ve accidentally missed a tag or two - So, please take care of yourself out there! 
You’ll notice i’ve either included a source for either the authors tumbr, or AO3. I originally was going to try and do both, but i lost steam. Each story is linked to their author, on some site, promise. 
Last thing, most of these fics are in the undertale fandom, tbh. It’s been my ride or die since highschool, so i’ve got a lot of love and things to say. You won’t find any frans or foncest here, i’m a reader insert girlie, simply put, and I don't care much for those tags on the fics i read. 
Quick legend here:
Complete = complete work
Ongoing = still updating / i think they’re still update
Incomplete = either hiatus, or just incomplete
So, without further ado- 
 Road Side Attraction (Ongoing, teen+ rating) and Dirty Laundry (Complete, teen+ rating)
By Popatochisp  (AO3) / popattochisp (Tumbr)
I’m going to be grouping together fics by author. Usually when I find one I really like, i really lurk around their tumblr/AO3 for others, haha.
–AND because I can’t think of one fic without the other. I find myself going back to read them both quite frequently, usually on rotation,  they’re my little bedtime stories i keep on repeat in my mind, lol. 
I mean, if you’re in the undertale fandom how can you not know about pop? For me, them (and luluwrites, among a few others i can’t remember rn,) –were really impactful to me growing up, as I think it was to a lot of people. (Tbh they’re still impactful, actually. I find myself going back even pretty often to read the same fics I read in high school.) They’re like the one piece of media you read in English class in high school that sticks with you throughout your adult life. (Looking at you, monkey’s paw.)
Pop has like 1,000 different au’s to choose from, all with fantastic and deep characterizations and lore.( I don’t know how they do it, i’m only writing a/b ONE skeleton rn, and i feel like a hamster on a wheel trying to get his characterization right.  I couldn’t imagine doing that for every single au they have. God damn.) 
I especially love Roadside Attraction, because of how easily i can relate to it? I’m deep in the sticks, a town more populated by livestock and people. When I read this, I can really put myself i MC’s shoes - b/c i’ve been there! (Hah, maybe not the dating skeletons part, granted, lol.) But it’s such a fantastic read, I love any and all media that has a vibe that it could take place in like a   rural Montana. (think scenes in Twilight. Tall spruce/pine trees, misty morning, the possibility of seeing bigfoot, that sorta thing.) 
And Dirty Laundry? Come on, dude. What a love letter to the swapfell universe, truly. If you haven't read it, you gotta. The world building, and the changing POV’s are so damn good, that every chapter feels crisp, and like you’ve got a really good inside scoop of each character. You can’t knock the characterization in this one, fellas. All the dynamics are so dead on - how Sans and Papyrus interact, how Sans and Alphys – dude, even how Sans and Toriel interact read so deeply in character. Everyone’s motives and ideas make sense to each character and the conflict that it  brings. Big fan. 10/10, will definitely read again and again. (There’s also a ‘Menswear addition, where the reader has he/him pronouns if that’s your cup of tea!) 
Bones Picked Clean (Incomplete, teen+ rating) and) Apéritifs (Ongoing, Mature rating)
By Skelezbian (tumblr) / luluwrites (on AO3)
Woof, where do I start?? I think Bones Picked Clean is another one of the first fics I remember being a really impactful piece of undertale fanwork that stuck with me. I know they’re not the one who created the whole ‘lodge’ scenario, (if you know, you know. Thank you @Tyrant_Tortoise, we’ll be seeing you next,) but they put a spin on it that is so interesting to see. The problems feel very realistic, like something that can easily happen in a house full of busy bodies with not enough communication. And, ohmygod the MC. My first love, truly. You get to see each set of skeleton brother’s, and watch how MC’s befriends them all. Granted, they have a track record of putting themselves in dangerous situations, for reasons revealed in the fic, but they’ve got a heart of gold, and a PHD in being a sweetheart.
The horrortale boys really shine here. I haven’t read much horrortale centric fanfics, but I really like the soft horrorale’ spin. The healing after the damage, the sunshine after the storm, watching the fauna overgrow, etc. I love watching characters grow when love is shown, and here, you can really see it here. I love domesticity, and using food as a love language– which is something this fic has in spades!
(I also love love swapfell characterization in this fic, chapter 13 does a REALLY good job of walking you through the mindspace of sf pap. But in terms of favourties, i’d have to say that would be Chapter 18. You get to see sf pap’s relationship with his brother!  You really see/understand their dynamic, and how they really act as brothers behind closed doors. The other reason it’s a favourite is the inherit domesticity! Maybe I’m a sucker for the normie, slice of life, but how MC and sans chit chat at the start of the chapter is so cute! )
Warning: mention of past cannibalism, past murder, past abuse? I think that’s it, maybe check the tags to be sure. They sound scary, but I promise it’s a very sweet story. 
Ohh, Apéritifs. First of all, what a clever name! I’m a sucker for word play, and this title alone really did it for me, haha. (if you don’t get it, please google ‘define Apéritifs’, and you’ll be just as jazzed as me.)  They’re three stand alone one-shots featuring a  different skeleton each chapter. I will say, I think chapter 3 is my fav. It’s actually heavily inspired me to make one of my one shots - it’s that good! I love the world building in it, as well. Really, you can’t go wrong. (Lulu really knows how to nail flirty dialogue, in very funny ways. ‘“so, you a fan of spare ribs, or just mine?”’ (ch. 3 – Apéritifs) KILLS ME, oh my god, what a funny flirty little one-liner. 
Skeleton Squatters and The LandLady (Incomplete, teen+ rating)
By Tyrant_Tortoise (AO3) tyranttortoise (Tumblr)
Man– SSLL walked so we all could run. The amount of ‘lodge’ type fanfic dynamic i’ve seen, BECAUSE of this fic is wild. I might be wrong in saying this, but I think they were the one who came up with the whole ‘lodge’ type scenario, like all the reverse harems with all the au’s. 
I haven’t read anything of theirs in a long time, but I wanna pay my respects where respects are due. Tyrant made one hell of an influential fanfic, enough so, that I’m pretty sure if I had a timeline of fandom evolution on undertale alone– I think there would be a noticeable difference in the before and after SSLL.  Which, is so sick!! To have influenced a whole fandom with a concept that we’re still seeing it years later? (I get that trends sorta tend to last longer in fandoms than they do irl, but isn’t that such a neat thing to think about?) 
I’m going to age myself (and maybe you, reading this a bit, but–) the first chapter was posted in 2017. 2017! Isn’t that nuts to think about? I was literally 17 at the time. No WONDER it stuck with me, my teenage brain was looking for all the  serotonin it could get from fandoms.  (wow. Things haven't changed all that much for me, haha. 
Skeleton Ex Machina (Incomplete, teen+ rating)
By Cryptid_jack (AO3)
Ohh, okay, for all the SSLL fans out there, you probably already know who cryptid_jack is. And if not, I'll gladly tell you!
They’ve made this cool ass AI AU (it’s a LOT cooler than it sounds, I promise!) in their words, ‘a fanfic of a fanfic’ that’s actually in Skeleton Squatters and The LandLady (see above.) I’d recommend reading SSLL to fully understand this - although, if you’re good at picking up context clues, or maybe don’t mind missing some context, I don’t necessarily think you’d have to, since jack does a really good job of showing the reader everything that’s going on. (although, i really  recommend you do.)
I think this au is so cool, it’s literally tagged as ‘Quarantine Sans’ (which, i’ll be the first to say, that maybe that name didn’t hold up too well, with recent 2020 events, an’ all that. Pandemic aside, it’s a cool name for an AU!) 
It’s also really fun to see two friends in the fandom interact with each other's works like this. Even reading the note at the start of the fic, you can just feel the camaraderie and care that went into paying each other's proper respects. 
Big big ups, hats off to proper manners and friendship!
All’s Fair In Love and (Prank) War (Incomplete, teen+ rating)
By torrikor (AO3)
Ohh, this is a short and sweet 2 chapter read. I don’t the author is going to circle back to it, but i suggest you read it anyways! the idea is so so good! In essence, MC and sf sans are roommates, and MC starts a prank war. I love love love their dynamic, their bickering is a real treat to read, that, coupled with their size difference? Sign me up!
My Favorite Thing (Complete, teen+ rating) and A Conversation Starter ( Complete, teen+ rating) 
By peachwhimzy (AO3) peachwhimzy-things (Tumblr)
I’m a slut for their characterization of sf pap here, oh my god. Both are so so good, and i know  i must sound like a broken record by saying I love how this author interpreted his character - but i can’t help it! So many people have good ideas and ways to showcase a character! Sue me.  
A Conversation Starter is another one that’s inspired me to write a little one-shot. It’s so fantastically written, sf Papyrus and MC are at a bus station, both the first human and monster either have met. The world building is subtle, but wonderfully done. MC is so damn cute in this, and so is Papyrus, who’s really just trying to keep the conversation going, lol. There’s a delightful slice of life aspect to this. 
Honestly, a lot of of Peach’s work feel very domestic, and sweet, and romantic. Sorta like i’m reading a studio Ghibli movie. Do yourself a favour and go check em out!
Late Night Shift Romance (Complete, teen+ rating)
By Inumaru12 (AO3)
The one fic on here that’s not a romance,how about that. (I guess that’s not technically true. There's possibly something budding, if you squint. I always read it as platonic friendship- it’s fanfic! Read it with whatever context you’d like!)
Burgerpants and MC are at the same convenient store late at night, and there’s a robbery. Friendship ensues. I love seeing the background character of undertale, and honestly, who doesn't relate to Burgerpants? Perpetually working shitty minimum wage jobs, trying to chase his dreams - that’s rough. I appreciate a character who can give a nod to class solidarity.. I think Inmuaru12 did so well writing his character, it feels like he was plucked out of the game himself, haha. 
My Dearly Detested Delivery Man, (Complete, teen+ rating) and Black Coffee (Complete, general audiences rating) 
By Little_old_lady (AO3)
Lol yet another set of swap fics, haha. (Yet another great example of different interpretations of the swapfell au!)
My Dearly Detested Delivery man is so  fun, I love an ‘enemies to friends to lovers’ type of fic. I love the dialogue, it’s so funny! Like almost sitcom-esk with how good the one liners are. I think my favourite thing about writing fanfic is the dialogue- but reading what other authors have cooked up is such a treat, too. I love seeing authors with a certain brand of wit/cleverness they think the character would have, and seeing their own comedy bleed through, too sometimes. Little_old_lady does a good job showing the reader what you can gleam from the characters with how they talk to each other, in a way that sets the tone for their relationship. (whether it’s platonic, romantic, etc.)  There’s so many ways you can show friendship, but I think the “passion” (lmao I don’t know what else to call it!)  that’s at the heart of any argument is what can create the difference between friends arguing, vs two people who could be more. (Better put, I think what I like about two characters arguing is the sorta obvious chemistry it can create.) 
Black Coffee does a good job about that too! I’ll be the first and last to say that I love any characters whose love language is ‘argue’ (lol even though irl I wouldn’t last long in any relationship like that, haha. ) I can be hit or miss with a soulmate au, but there’s another layer that I think undertale adds another level to in a soulmate au-since the game established that monsters and magic are real— that it almost feels a little more plausible of an au, than say, a soulmate AU of parks and rec? (no hate on the au or parks and rec, haha. I guess it just feels more “realistic” being that undertale is already a world made of magic, that magical soulmates, is one more step into weird that also makes sense?) I also love the bro-ship mc has with pap, in this one. Coming from someone who’s constantly worked retail/with customers one-on-one, somedays you want to go ape shit, so it’s nice to see an MC who can.
Half Your Age Plus Seven (Complete, teen+ rating) 
By KassyKins
Ohhh, what a little treat this was to read. Tragedy! Romance! Love-rivalry! (NOT a love triangle!) People just Trying to do their best, they’ve got it all! This is another MC i’m in love with. They know what they love, and what they’re passionate about, but when push comes to shove, they’ll choose their family over themselves every single time. I think it’s a very admirable trait to have, integrity, and the ability to self-sacrifice.  I think those two tropes/characteristics can really lead a story in so many interesting directions - weather it be an MC who’s too self-sacrificing, giving parts of themselves to everyone, leaving nothing for themselves, or an MC who’s pushing themselves through the ringer trying to do what they think is right according to their integrity, burning them up in the process.  In this particular case, it’s maybe a little bit of both, coupled with (sad) a slice of life meet cute, with a healthy dose of growing pains. 
There’s something about it that always hits extra hard to me, the ‘thrust into the lime light, or power, or a position they have no business being in. But, they’ve got people on the line, their people to take care of, so by god they’ll try.’ There’s something so tragic and poetic about it – but who knows, maybe I'm waxing poetic about the eldest daughter trope. 
This fic really nicely written, and there’s so many fun hijinks and shenanigans in there to make you chuckle. Featuring another MC who’s able to shout at their boss and get away with it- big ups from me, lets goooooo working class!
Fair warning, this is a notable age gap from MC and swapfell gold sans. It is talked about in the story as well. I personally don’t mind it too much, but if that’s a no-go from you, you’ve been warned. (Maybe just check the tags on this one, (spoilers!) I know someone gets pregnant later. But, I know that can freak some folks out, so, heads up.) 
There’s some smut mentioned, but it doesn’t go into detail about it, so i’ll leave it above the NSFW section. Just fair warning! (Maybe not a story for minors? I don’t know, read at your own discretion if you are?) 
For the smut mention, be warned that I couldn’t find any age in their bio, do with that what you will. 
And Now It’s Crystal Clear(Complete, teen+ rating)
By nighttimelights (AO3)
Oh, man. What another banger read. 
Fun fact- i read this in . . . highschool? But i forgot the name of the fic,and it took me FOREVER, im talking YEARS before I found it again. I actually gave up the hunt, and just found it again one day– what an utter joy that was for me to rediscover it. I felt like I ran into my highschool sweetheart at the grocery store after not thinking about them in years. 
It’s really cool concept on the whole ‘machine gaster’ situation. I respect someone so damn much who incorporates a bit of sci-sfi in their fics, I have no idea how to write it, but I love to read it/see it in media. So to see it, and understand it, and how it’s relevant to the plot is a real treat!
I also love the ending.  :)
Wish Bone (Ongoing, Explicit rating)
By timeofjuly
I could not, in good conscience make this list without including my bestie, the OG and probably the reason why I'm actually posting what I'm writing today. I really can’t sing their praises high enough – but for the sake of comment day, I sure can try, haha.
July really does a good job of creating a wicked atmosphere in her works. The stark difference between Wish Bone (a political romance drama) and Resisting the Currents (reverse harem, but the gf likes you too. It's linked in the nsfw section, please check it out if you can.) is so incredible – they’re really an author that can do both, haha. Even though both fics are so different, what they have in common is their ability to get you right in your feelings, in whichever way the story calls for. 
In Wishbone  – Flint (the MC) has a bad case of being a massive asshole, that’s verging on becoming chronic. Their paranoia has caused their head to permanently be a swivel, and they’ve developed a taste for their own brand of Justice (however malicious as it is.)  That sounds like the start of a vigilante story, but in all truth, Flint is a dick. Which, is another thing July is great at! Writing MC’s who are assholes! You love to hate them, you hate that you love them! 
This is a MC x sf Pap, and later X sf Sans as well, If you’re hoping for a sappy romance, you’ve come to the wrong place. This is a reluctant soulmate AU fic, a fantastic spin on the traditionally very romantic au, a meet ugly, sort of vibe. If you love arguing, political drama, fantastic world building, and a very, sad, broken MC – you’re going to love this. Hell, even if how I described it doesn’t sound appealing to you – I implore you to check it out anyways. July will absolutely knock you on your ass with her writing. By god, there’s themes, motifs and symbolism that I'm not smart enough to analyse, let alone talk about. Whether July intentionally put them there or not, I have no idea, but they’re there and it adds another layer of depth in a delightfully, painful soul crushing way. 
Go, see what I mean for yourself! 
Tbh, i feel like I could go on forever about what I love about their fics, and my little personal theories on them – but I feel like I already look pretty unhinged. For the sake of my ego, i’ve gotta move on. 
In terms of warnings, I think I sorta covered them? There's Plenty of anger, and hatred, ummm monster phobia? There might be some sorta nsfw stuff down the line, thus the rating, but as it stands now it’s smut free! Just a heads up, I suppose. 
 In Two weeks time and Red is my favorite color
By who_wants_a_muffin (AO3) 
My other current ongoing fav, in two weeks time! Another swapfell sans one, to the surprise of absolute of no one, haha. 
This MC is a dude! A man! Which is a refreshing change up, I don’t think there’s many many fics out there with a male leaning/male dominant MC’s. The characterization of MC is very good, 
is so so good, it’s and X sf sans, and he’s got the exact right amount of snark and sass to keep you coming back, haha. (Or, I guess in this case, he keeps coming back. MC works at the pool he frequents.) Their banter is really fun to read, bordering on bickering, really. They’re almost like a little old married couple, haha. Which is to say, you can really feel the chemistry they have even though they’re basically strangers. 
sf Papyrus is such a little shit in this one, i love it. He’s perpetually the youngest brother, and how Muffin writes him is so snarky and funny, and very endearing. 
The chapters are short and sweet, enough so that you can read it a few times in the same day and still enjoy it, even though his updating schedule is crazy fast! I don’t know how he does it, but they’re just motoring along, haha. I get excited whenever I get an email saying Muffin updated. It’s like a little treat to brighten your week.
I’ve been reading a bit of his other stuff, and he just gets it! Like the dynamic between MC and fell sans in Red in my favorite color, is just perfect. I love the soft!underfell au, and he does a really good job of capturing how underfell sans straddles the line between being a bad boy, and a boy that's not all that bad.
I also love the notes he writes, ‘Hello gays and other assorted sillies!’ (from Chapter 2 in Red in my favorite color,) Like COME ON, that’s so funny! 
– Undertale related 
Bonley Hearts Club (Demo available, Ongoing, teen+ rating) 
Bonely Hearts Club (tumblr) 
owl-bones (tumblr) is the Developer and Director and (self proclaimed! I’m not being mean!) Lead Nerd.  Here is a link to their cast, although it might not be fully updated. (It’s  \a big one, so I'm going to leave it as a link.) 
I don’t even know how to begin to explain my love for Bonely Hearts Club. It’s a fanmade game, made entirely of love, which you can tell, even before you play it. The sprites are so cute, and fantastic, and the writing is so in character and on point, do not get me started on the voice acting - which is also incredible. I’m not kidding, when I first played the demo, I immediately followed the voice actors on tumblr after, haha. 
This is the kinda piece of art that you just stand back and look at it, and just go ‘wow’. It’s such a big undertaking! I know very little about game development, but from what i vault remember from my comp sci class - is that is’s hard. Mad respect from me to Owl, and everyone a part of the team/process. 
This is off topic, but I wonder if Toby Fox has read any of these fics, or played the demo of this dating sim, like in the same way Alex Hursh has played a bit of Swooning Over Stans: A Grunkle Dating Sim. I’d pay serious money to have Toby play the dating sim demo. God, could you imagine the energy in that livestream? It would be goddamn electric.
[ Soul Redacted ] (Completed, teen rating) and The Great Noodle Jape (Completed, teen rating) 
By nighttimepixels (game jolt) nighttimepixels (tumblr) 
// active twitter lethalhoopla  
//active tumblr lethalhoopla
Good god, talk about a . . .what, triple, quadruple threat? There’s nothing nighttimepixels can’t do. They write, they make art, they’ve made two complete games, (and the beginning of another,) and they animate!! Like oh my god! Another love letter to the fandom, everything they do is so so good. 
[Soul Redacted] is a very cool rpg sidescroller explorer/mystery, and i’d say a touche of sci-fi in there, too. It has fantastic writing, and features Q! (from Cryptid_jack au, in Skeleton Squatters and The LandLady fromTyrant_Tortoise  fic! see above for all!) Truth be told, I got a little scared playing this. Granted, I played it at like 2 am in the dark - and I am a coward lol. I don’t think the average person will get scared, but fair warning anyways, haha. 
They’re not into the undertale fandom anymore, I don't think. Which is sad to hear, but also understandable. It’s not fun making art and other creations if you’ve lost that spark there. However, if you’re a mass effect fan, they’re making a bunch of art on their other bog. I personally really love their art style, so i’ll gladly keep checking back. Also, there’s so much undertale content on their blog that you’ll be good for a long while. And if not, you can always go back and look again! If you can’t experience it for the first time, the next best thing is to experience it again. 
Warning: I think there’s some flashing lights at some point? Maybe double check the tags on that one if that’s a concern for you. 
The Great Noodle Jape is so damn cute. As night put it, ‘a visnov style silly whodunit’, which I think it captures it perfectly. The writing is so fun, all the characters feel very well written/in character, and i love how they all interact with each other. As well, the sprites are so fantastic! Night has that kind of art style where you just know it's theirs without needing to confirm. 
No warnings that I could think of, other than you’ll be wishing for the experience of playing it for the first time once you’re done.
– non-Undertale related fics - 
Cult of the Lamb—
The Rehabilitation of Death 
By bamsara (AO3) / bamsara (Tumblr)
WOOF. I am an ‘happy ending angst’ lover, and a ‘energies to lovers slow burn,’ and this fic takes the cake on both regards. Truly, who could pine better than a god, who’s named literally ‘The One Who Waits’? What an aptly named character for one of the major troupes in the fic, haha.
But for all you freaks out there (lol me) who don’t mind horror some of the time, I recommend reading it! Even if you’re not into CoTL, the pining is so goddamn good! (Considering it’s about gods, they’ve been pining for hundreds of years without even knowing it–  the slowest of burns, like oh my GOD.) Bam also is known to post longer chapters- so if you like a read that lasts a couple days, PLEASE do yourself a favour and check it out. I don’t wanna spoil anything, but they’re getting to the part where the main couple is starting to be nice to each other, plus, the subplot B couple is starting to sorta shack up too. There are so many good, funny dynamics that are in this fic, that I don’t have enough words to properly explain them. 
They also make fantastic artwork and sketches for just about each scene in their fics - which for all you visual girlies out there (myself, haha.) I think you’d appreciate it! I wish I was that type of triple threat, but I think i’d burn out too quickly if I was also drawing scenes of my fics – which is why I think it’s so impressive when other authors/artists do it! 
 They do art streams pretty frequently, too, and they make stickers too! A true triple threat, 
Just, fair warning-  like Cult of the Lamb (the game the fic is based off,)  this fic mentions a lot about gore, and death, and mention of cults and religion. So if any of that is a turn off, or something you don’t like to read about, this might not be your cup of tea. 
Non-fanfic Undertale fandom related material– 
Solar Lunacy (Incomplete, Mature)
By BamSara
(I kept these two separate on the account they’re different fandoms, lol) 
I was very briefly into the FNAF fandom, I only read a handful of fics— but Solar Lunacy really stuck with me!
Robots with trauma! An overly curious MC! I think what I like most about this, is how driven mc is? Usually it gets them into trouble, haha, but I love that troupe where the MC really puts themselves through the wringer looking for answers. (I.e like ford and bill from gravity falls.)  
What’s not to love? For all you robot fans out there, it’s pretty sick! I’m sure if you dig deep enough on Bam’s tumblr you’ll find all their old DCA fanart, and draw parts from this fic. 
Fair warning! Scary robots, the regular tags of the fnaf fandom (past child abuse/past child murder), robots don’t understand boundaries, maybe check the tags on this one, just in case. 
Sleuth Jesters (Series!) (Complete, teen+ and mature ratings, depending on which fic in the series you’re reading.)
By naffeclipse (AO3)
This was the other FNAF fanfic that really stuck with me when I had the robot bug. (lol)  I’ll be the first one to admit that I’m not overly into the whole ‘mafia boss’ side of self-ships, but if I had to choose one to read for the rest of time –  it would definitely be this one. It’s like a detective noir, where mc is the vigilante who’s only law they follow is their grey moral code - but usually it’s for the good! So you can’t really feel to bad about that, haha. 
Tbh it’s almost hard to verbalise what I like about it, it’s one of those fics that give you a feeling you can’t name, and it’s so frustrating to have this unnamed feeling you can’t quite pinpoint! (PLEASE tell me some of ya’ll know what i’m talking about!)
I feel so tragically for the MC, if that makes sense? They’re constantly putting themselves in harm's way for answers, and for others.  They’re selfless, yet selfish, and they never let anyone too close, except for when they do. There’s some heavy themes and very toxic relationships, but there’s a happy ending! 
Ahh warning for a very possessive, toxic robot, and kidnapping in later fics - i suggest you read the tags just in case! Bam is really good at tagging triggers accordingly, 
Fair warning: blood and injury, very possessive character, toxic relationships (one sided), mention of injury, violence, kidnapping, guns, gunshot  wounds, shootouts, broken bone- probably some more. I recommend checking the tags on this one as well, just to be on the safe side. 
NSFW Below – Minors get out of here pls!
A quick mention, before I get into this–
I tried to check and make sure all the authors below are all well over 18, i’ve indicated which link has their age posted in their bio’s if you’d like to check for yourself. If I couldn’t find it, I made sure to be clear that I don't know. 
Just doing some light housekeeping, here. You should also check the tags on each fic for what kinda . . . stuff it has, lol. 
Play With Me (Incomplete, explicit rating) 
By grimrester (AO3) / grimrester  (tumblr/ age in bio here.) 
Oh my god. Oh my god! For all you queers on the ace/aromatic spectrum just like me, this is the fic for you!
I could easily go back and read this again and again - tbh I already do. It’s plot with porn, and then it turns into porn with plot, but emotional!  love the relationship between MC and Sans. There's something about their intimacy that’s so casual (maybe not the right word for what I mean,) but vulnerable, and realistic, but very enthusiastic and personal? I don’t think I even have the right words to properly and fully describe what all I like about this fic, but what I do know is that I like it a lot, haha. 
I like that it shows sex and intimacy in a different way. I know it’s pretty common for undertale smut to have some kind of ecto junk involved - this one doesn’t. I personally, like the creativity involved in thinking different ways a person can get off that isn’t just penetration. (Don’t get me wrong, that’s in here too, but that comes a little bit later.) 
I’m also s Big Fan of the sf sans interpretation here. It’s like a soft swapfell, one of my favourite version of him. I said it already, but there’s so many ways a person can go with his character, and I really really like the worldbuilding. It’s a nice subtle nod told through the characters. I love his relationship he has with Alphys, it all feels so incredibly in line with the character, even though he’s a swapfell version, he still does have some sort of friendship with her – even if to him it’s under a guise. To me, it’s one of those things that you can see the core traits that make him a sans, and that’s a hard needle to thread! Just an all around great character study. 
ALSO, I think I have a particular penchant for MC’s with oddly specific niche jobs?? In my heart of hearts, Pixy’s (the name of the arcade MC owns in Play with Me) is like right next door to Faunas (the name of the pot store my MC owns in Into The Weeds.) 
Warnings: i’m pretty sure this one is tagged accordingly on AO3, so i’m not going to tag it all here, just know there’s smut. 
Something Good (Ongoing, Mature) 
By skeletonlvr22 (AO3)
WARNING: No age in bio that I could find. This fic isn’t at the smut yet - but becuase of the 'eventual smut' tag, and for the sake of transparency, i’m letting you know. (I’m like 90% sure this person is an adult though, since there’s a tag thanking their husband for their help.) Do what you will with this info, you’ve been warned. 
This is another one of my current reading obsessions lately! 
I think i’m realizing I have a particular penchant for some of the lesser known au’s? (niche, I suppose?) Fellswap Gold Pap sets out on his own in only his trusty bus, to explore the surface above, away from the (over-) protective eyes of his brother. 
This is the escape fantasy of my dreams. A stray skeleton on the adventure of his lifetime, seeing the sights and the city lights. The romance portion in the later chapters is so damn cute too, it’s very much the ‘first love’, type of romance that’s very sweet and charming. (also, c’mon, who doesn't love a coming of age story?) Love love seeing a Fellswap Gold fic, and a Papyrus based one, too! People are so damn creative, I never would've ever thought of this plot for a fic, but now that I know it’s real, I love it!I I’m really not kidding when I say it’s prime escape fantasy material -  I think it would be the cats ass to have a van and travel across north america, thanks skeletonlv22 for letting me vicariously live through Pap in your fic. :) 
Warning: Only the ones i’ve given at the top! It’s a very cute story. I put it in the NSFW section b/c of the eventual smut, there’s none in it now – although, they certainly are starting to get flirty. 
Resisting the Currents (Ongoing, Explicit) 
By timeofjuly (AO3) timeofjuly (Tumblr) 
WARNING: No age in bio that I could find, but I’ve been chit-chatting with July for months now and i’m 99.99% sure they’re well above 18. It’s not my info to give out, and i’m trying to be transparent on my end, do with this info what you will! 
Edit: age confirmed in the tags!
This is easily another fav of mine for sure. 
Resisting the Currents is a reverse harem fic (with all the au’s!) but with a twist - the gf likes you too! It’s a refreshing take on the ‘reverse harem’ tag you see often in the undertale fandom - and holy shit, truly ‘only love can hurt like this.’ The relationship they have with the MC is so painful, verging on devastating. There’s love there! There is! But there’s also hurt, and a lot of it, the kind that doesn’t just go away, not on its own, anyway. I’m trying not to spoil too much, because I truly think you should read it for yourself. 
But, Oh My God, their MC? Holyshit- I have a(n aforementioned) weakness for impressionable MC’s, oftentimes, I end up loving them more than the love interest in the fics.  I can’t help it! The electrician is personable, relatable, and funny! They’re a lovable goofball with a rough past, with a history of doing the wrong things.They're recovering/recovered? (I’m not too sure which is the correct term, here,) drug addict, and they’ve come a long way! They’ve changed a lot, and I love love love to see that kind of realism in an MC. 
If you’re reading RtC (which you should be,) you can 100% see me going apeshit in the comments trying to figure out what the elections and Quinn’s deal is. (ESPECIALLY chapter 11!
(Sorry if they’re not coherent, at one point, those theories made sense in my head, but looking back on them, I think they’re more so like the crazed ramblings of a conspiracy theorist, haha.) 
This fic is in the NSFW section b/c it does have a chapter where two characters get it on, but i can’t say that’s what the whole story is about. I put it down here to be safe rather than sorry, haha. 
Ahh, fair warning, there is past drug mention, and past abuse child abuse I think? Plus, a bit of mention of religion and the negative effects that can have on a person. Read the tags just to be safe!
Shark Teeth (Complete, Mature rating)
By luluwrites (AO3) skelezbian (Tumblr)
Warning: No age in bio that I could find. If it makes you feel any better, they joined AO3 in 2012, while I joined in 2016 and i’m 24 currently. I’m not good at math, but I think we’re all in the clear here. But like always, do with this info what you will! 
I will say, this isn’t full on smut - it’s saucy, but I’m trying to keep anything suggestive, kinda together? 
Not to divulge myself too furiously here, but uh–There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about Shark teeth. C’mon. Y'all get it, right? It’s just a funny, saucy little number! A funny moment that happens between couples that we get to see. There’s so many different interpretations on the fellswaps, (I know i’ve said it a lot,) but Lulu’s just happens to be one of my favourites interpretations!! Sf Sans is a very precarious character, and I think Lulu does a good job showing that the swaps can be written in a multitude of ways, he doesn’t just have to be the dickhead all the time, lmao. They really do a good job showing how he shines, y’know?
Warning: teeth and/or biting? Not full on smut, or anything, but it is saucy. So, take that into consideration. 
The Fulfilling Ordeal of Being Known (Complete, explicit) 
By nighttimepixels (tumblr) / // active on twitter lethalhoopla (age mention in bio here) 
Ohhh, for all my sapphics out there – you’re going to love this. 
Blade (fem  horrortale sans, who’s apart of her ‘Lillytale’ au, a sapphic take on all the au’s,) and MC settling down for a nice night in, MC playing breath of the wild (BIG UPPS, great game, lol) while Blade plays some games of their own - hopefully you get the picture. 
Just some great lady-lovin’ smut! Size difference! If you love the pillow princess treatment, this is the fic for you.
Warnings: (Lesbians? Queers?) really going to town on each other, def NSFW. Check the tags before reading, it’s nothing Dead Dove, or anything - just want you to be aware. 
mothiepixie (tumblr / age in bio here)
mothiepixie (twitter, age in bio here too) 
No fic to tag, but their art? AHHHHH. They’re more active on twitter than tumblr since The Ban, but ohhh their art is very, very good. Very great if you like fictional hunky men, and beautiful shapely ladies. 
Warnings: tasteful (shameless) smut, you’ve been warned, lol
Woof. That was a lot of typing. If you made it this far, circle back to one of the recommendations above and get to reading!
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twotangledsisters · 10 months
You’re awesome for posting fic updates not only consistently, but daily! Any tips for keeping up with writing?
Thank you so much! I love updates and writing being a part of my routine and I'm glad other people enjoy it too!
And sure, I can think of some tips:
First, there's a mixture of inspiration and forcefulness. I remember when I was really little I read a post somewhere about how if you want to take something seriously, you have to take it seriously on the days when you're inspired and on the days you're not. That changed how I treat art forever!
But years and years later I learnt a more important lesson, to never overlook the power of inspiration.
It's through a mixture of both that I can really keep up with writing. If I only wrote when inspired, sooner or later I'd get a loooong writing block that would leave me simply paralysed. But I'll often do the 'just one chapter' method, and often writing just a few paragraphs will get me back into the flow. But if I'm still very blocked after a chapter, that's fine.
But if I am inspired, I will follow that. Even if it takes my story in weird directions that weren't planned! A good example is that Caine rescuing Cass in the final S1 fic wasn't planned, she wasn't planned to come along in S2 and certainly did not expect her to fall in love... A lot of their scenes came from me writing while inspired.
Now, stuff such as Eugene's near death in S1 finale, the way Koto framed him, the way Cass had to deal with accusations of witchcraft, those stuff were planned way ahead of time!
It's really important to keep that balance, to have plans and also leave room for inspiration to run wild!
An added bonus, if you feel an intense desire to go write a fic that's completely different to the one you're trying to work on, just let inspiration win. I was struggling a bit with the 'Day of Animals' arc in tangled sisters the other day, then I got the urge to do a little Cass oneshot, so I wrote the oneshot in one sitting and have had zero issues writing since.
Sometimes you can unblock writing block with MORE writing! As long as you're letting inspiration guide you.
Second is to take breaks! I update every day but I do not write every day. I write a few times a week and usually have at least one really long session!
One of my currently updating fics 'Always By Your Side' I wrote half of it in like a week, took a few months break, then wrote the rest and started publishing!
Sometimes long breaks can really help. I've taken several long breaks with Tangled Sisters.
Third is stay ahead. With 'Always By Your Side' I have it completely written so I just proof read on the day of upload. Tangled Sisters I keep track of in Notion:
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Look how cute my fanfic section is!
I'm usually at least 30 chapters ahead but I did take a writing break recently. Soon as I get the next arc done I expect to be well ahead again.
Fourth, motivation! This one isn't entirely your control, but a huge factor for keeping up is just that I'm super motivated! I can thank the amazing people who comment every day, those who comment occasionally, those who leave kudos or send nice asks like this one!
It does sooo much to make me smile and excited for the stories I'm telling.
And if you look at my fanfic section of notion, I have that little box titled kind words, the content actually changed every time I reload the page, it's linked to a little table where I keep track of all the kind words regarding my fics that I've gotten on Ao3 and tumblr! (I also have several bits of fanart by the amazing @rebecagpfs in that page who I cannot thank enough!!!)
So, although you don't have full control over motivation, having a notebook to collect those kind words can help!
Fifth would be talk to people. Have at least one person who's cool with spoilers cause brainstorming is just easier with somebody else! For me @the-writer1988 has got me through sooo many writer's blocks! Often times I just ramble at her until the problem resolves itself, other times it'd be a more active back and forth. But writing friends supporting each other, always great!
And hey, to anybody who wants to ramble about their fics to me I'm always open! I love hearing about people's fics and am huge on the writer supporting writers sorta mentality!
Sixth is just have fun! If you enjoy what you're writing it's going to be sooo much easier than if you don't.
I do want to point out though, every writer's different! I can sit down and write 10k words in one sitting, but a lot of people can't, just like I need five hour to do a drawing many artists can do in an hour.
Writing is an art and you get faster with experience.
Also, I do daily updates because I adore consistency! Having that routine is amazing for me and I think it's lovely for some readers. But I also accomplish that via very short chapters! Sometimes as short as just 600-700 words. Many authors opt for longer chapters that upload weekly but there still writing the same amount!
So yeah, I do hope this helped!
Thank you so much for the ask :D And if anything didn't make sense, please tell me, it's almost 1am here I just noticed but I really wanted to answer this before bed!
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Fic Writing on Tumblr - Tips
Hello friends! I'm sure there's a million of these style posts floating around the good ole hellsite, but I thought I'd make a little post to tape up on our corner of the internet for any of the writers (old and new) that are interested in some tips for posting fic on tumblr 💕
Tip #1 - Always Use a Read More
This is crucial if you actually want people to reblog your fic. People don't generally want to subject their followers to scrolling through an entire chapter. I know it may seem like you're more likely to "hook" readers by putting all the story up front, but people who may have ordinarily read your fic may be disinclined simply because you decided not to follow this curtesy. As a general rule, I always put a "read more" on any fic that exceeds 500 words.
Tip #2 - Be Mindful of Using Art
Fandom is a community and people who read fanfic are part of that community. A lot of times, readers on tumblr will know fandom artists and their reposting rules. Always use credit if you will be using fanart as a header for your fic and always double check the artist allows this. Usually their reposting rules are stated very clearly on their instagram bios.
Additionally, you need to be aware that the art you're using is setting a first impression for your fic. For example, if you use AI art as a header, many users will decide not to reblog your fic simply because they do not support AI. The same goes for using art of whitewashed characters.
I would personally recommend creating a banner or moodboard for your fic, which will give you much more creative license to give the impression you feel is truest to your story! I use canva for all of my banners and moodboards, though you may find other apps that work better for you!
Tip #3 - Taglists
It is common curtesy to only tag people if they have requested to be on the tag list. There are some exceptions to this, where you may tag friends that you know don't mind or users who have openly encouraged their followers to add them to taglists (like me), but as a general rule of thumb, you should avoid tagging people unless they explicitly ask.
If you want to use a taglist but don't know where to start, I would recommend posting a (small) teaser or a synopsis of your fic in the appropriate tag and simply ask people to interact if they'd like to be added to the taglist.
Tip #4 - Use a Masterlist and hyperlink, hyperlink, hyperlink!
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People are more likely to read your work if you make it easy for them to find. Generally, people won't spend time scrolling through your archive trying to find chapter 1 of a multi-chaptered fic you just posted. Making a masterlist that you link to each chapter will help new readers start at the beginning. And if they like your writing, a masterlist will also help them do a full binge of your works!
My friend @ofduskanddreams also recently did a poll here that suggested most users (at least in our corner of the internet) prefer to read fic on AO3. If you'll be cross posting to AO3, I definitely recommend adding a link on each chapter as well as linking your AO3 in your bio or main masterlist.
Tip #5 - Use appropiate tags and content warnings
Foremost, be respectful. While it may be tempting to use the ship tags for any background relationships that appear in the fic, I advise only tagging the ships that are central to the story. You may think using tags for background ships will give your fic a wider reach, but really you're just going to clog those tags with content that isn't really related to the ship. People, generally, don't appreciate this! Fandom is a community and our community is fairly small, so you definitely don't want to set off on the wrong foot by trying to "game" the tag system. People go into those tags because they want to see content for their ship and seeing an improperly tagged fic will certainly turn them off reading it and possibly reading anything from you in the future!
Additionally, if there is anything in your fic that might warrant a content warning (e.g. graphic violence, non-con or dub-con, blood, torture, etc.), then you will want to ensure you label this upfront. Both in the tags (with the format tw: blood or cw: blood) and stated clearly at the top of the fic (E.g. "Content warning: this fic contains graphic depictions of sexual violence). As a curtesy, all potentially triggering or NSFW content should be put beneath a read more.
Tip #6 - Fanfic Is a Community
I really can't express this enough! If you are not experiencing the engagement that you want on your fic, try engaging more with the wider community! Reblog and leave comments on other people's fics, send other people asks, reblog art and headcanons, participate in event weeks.
And lastly, because this is a community, be concious of the posts you make outside of fic. Your writing may be good, but if you make unlikeable posts about other characters, ships, etc., people may decide they don't want to support your works on principle. While it's impossible to please everyone and it's important to be true to you, it's important to understand that your blog represents your writing just as much as your writing represents your blog.
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nostalgia-tblr · 7 months
A poll! I usually post links to AO3 for my fics but do you think I should be posting entire fics here (under a Read More cut, obvs) even if just for Archiving reasons? (I don't think AO3 is likely to die before tumblr but you never know.)
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liketwoswansinbalance · 8 months
The Brothers' and the School Masters' Futures & Trivia
I would suggest reading my role reversal fic, "Masters of None," featuring an AU in which Rhian and Rafal are young, kidnapped, Reader students and Sophie and Agatha are the School Masters, before reading this post as this post may be confusing if you haven't.
Here are links to the fic on:
A Q&A about the characters' futures.
When I posted this fic to another site, I got some questions about the brothers' and the School Masters' futures, and since I have no plans to write a sequel to this fic at the moment, I offered answers about their and other characters' futures. So, if you're interested, that bonus content is ahead!
Also, thank you to everyone who asked questions! If anyone has further questions, feel free to comment them below.
Fun fact: Sophie says hydrangeas nauseated her in QFG because they resembled brains, so these ones are part of Agatha's interrogation technique.
Q: So if they're immortal (Sophie and Agatha) can they just eat belladonna berries or poison without effects?
A: Probably, they'd suffer mild side effects from poison, like an upset stomach, nothing major.
For instance, the undiluted scream of a mandrake root is supposed to kill a mortal man instantly when heard. Sophie just gets an aching, throbbing, pounding headache of massive proportions. In the moat, the root's properties are interfered with, and it's sort of waterlogged, so it doesn't kill Rafal, a mortal, when he hears it, luckily.
Considering how Rafal was capable of feeling temporary, mortal pain in the prequels, even when his magic was at full strength, it would only make sense to not make Sophie and Agatha 100% invulnerable in this context.
Q: What do the Good students think of Agatha? And does anyone have a teacher crush on Sophie, rather than Sophie flirting with them?
A: The Good students are fond of Agatha, but they see her as the exception, not the rule. She's still very unconventional to them as an Ever, but they hold a certain reverence for her anyway, like she's a respectable Lady of the Lake-figure. (There are Camelot letters on Agatha's desk. For a few years, the king of Camelot (Tedros) has been attempting to court Agatha, and Camelot itself, despite its traditionalism, approves of the match, if only Agatha would agree to it, because her status as Good School Master would elevate Camelot even further.)
Yes, Everboys generally have a crush on Sophie from afar, for the first few weeks of school, until they realize she really is as Evil/fatal as they've been told, and stop viewing her as some kind of damsel to be saved. It's a reasonable mistake to be made. Usually, this happens when they hear the screams from the Doom Room, and arrive at the conclusion that the Evil School Master is kind of psychotic, even if she seems perfectly coy, polite, and demure on the outside. They rarely act on their crushes though. The dimmer few that do quickly find out she's Evil the hard way. If they manage to scale the School Masters' tower, and reach the catwalk, they are caught by Sophie's high-security magical wards. The glitter on the walkway, which looks perfectly harmless, adheres to any exposed skin, and causes horrid blisters. The Everboys usually end up sobbing wrecks at that point, and are taken back to their side by Sophie's Stymphs.
The Evergirls in Beautification (which she teaches in Agatha's stead) look up to her, but they don't entirely approve of her either.
The Nevers don't care about how attractive their School Master is. Some of them secretly don't like her because of how un-Never-like she is.
Q: Would you say Agatha is the type of teacher that can be strict but is also really good? Like people actually learn a lot by being taught by her.
A: Yes! As a teacher, she's kind of like August Sader. She tries to get her students to figure things out for themselves, teach them critical thinking along the way. Though, she does answer questions as she isn't a Seer.
(Also, the Nevers have a point. Sophie's not exactly representative of them as a whole. At the very least, Woods leaders respect Sophie because they're kind of obligated to, even if she seems silly to them, and they're very afraid of her.
Eventually, Agatha reluctantly goes on a date with Tedros. But, she can't be queen and School Master at the same time. (Both are demanding jobs.) So, if she ever were to marry Tedros, she'd take on the position ceremonially, and she'd have to delegate to the household in Camelot from a distance through some kind of correspondence because she's constantly busy at the School.)
Q: What kind of questions is she asked?
A: Two common dilemmas:
Ever: School Master Agatha, my Ball date left me! What should I do?!
Agatha: First, take a deep breathe and take my handkerchief. Do you have any reason to believe they indeed left you? [First, to make sure they aren't exaggerating when they explain themselves.] Why do you think they left you? [After listening to their response, she'd either re-direct them to fix things, apologize, or tell them it wasn't their fault but the date's. And lastly:] What do you think you should do?
Ever: What's the answer to this question I got wrong on my Good Deeds Quiz?
Agatha: Why don't you read it over again and tell me? If you really can't come up with any answers, come back and I'll explain it to you. And remember: there may only be one entrance to the kingdom of Putsi, but there are many, many ways to be Good!
Q: That sounds like a smart way to handle things. How does Tedros feel about that?
A: Tedros tries to be ok with it, but he's clingy, and sometimes, is at the School to see his wife more than he should be. Often, Camelot has to send multiple envoys to the School, to get him to come back and rule!
Q: Aww poor Tedros. So how does the wedding work? Was school canceled for the day?
A: The wedding takes place on a School holiday, and Agatha takes a leave of absence for their honeymoon.
Sophie is thrilled to have the Schools all to herself, and would've wreaked havoc, if Agatha hadn't given her Dean precise instructions before she left on how to defuse Sophie. The Dean doesn't manage to interfere with all of Sophie's plans however and was tricked into running errands (a wild goose chase, to get rid of him). When Agatha gets back, all the uniforms (including the Evers') have been redesigned, Evil's front lawn has been filled with man-eating yet beautiful rose bushes, the Blue Forest has been turned pink, and Sophie had a new bathtub and chandelier installed in their tower.
Q: And how does Agatha react to the.. ahem, renovations?
A: She's not too happy, and gives Sophie a lecture about over-spending. Sophie reasons that Camelot can pay for it all, and Agatha is just... at a loss for words.
Agatha permits most of the changes to stay (The Evers like their new uniforms. The Nevers don't, but Agatha can't do anything for them.), except the Blue Forest is changed back, and the roses have to go because they're a safety hazard.
Q: Aww the roses actually seemed oddly.. cute?
A: I guess they were cute, to Sophie. But, they were relocated to the Blue Forest, to be part of that year's Trial. And, Sophie replaced the empty patches with lavender and honeysuckle instead, to use for her beauty routines. The honeysuckle attracted a lot of hummingbirds, and Reaper loves them too, for that reason. Only the Nevers themselves hate the new gardens.
Q: Maybe the insomniac Nevers can use lavender to help them sleep..
A: They could... if only they would listen to their School Master. But they don't, and largely continue to be insomniacs.
Q: Is Sophie Tedros' ex in this?
A: No, she's not.
I guess Sophie and Agatha would have to be from the Woods, not Readers originally, and I'm not sure if they would've attended the Schools themselves. Plus, Tedros is centuries younger than Agatha, even if he's an adult, so they didn't really all know each other during Sophie's prince-chasing phase.
And, it was Sophie who started the Reader-kidnapping tradition (she flew to Gavaldon while looking for a new tailor), soo actually, yeah, they can't really be Readers themselves. Agatha couldn't have found Gavaldon because, as an Ever, she refuses to use blood magic for flight.
Q: Like Rafal starting it in the og!
A: Yep! In this AU, Sophie is basically him but with her own typical personality. Hence how she was a shadow at the beginning of this fic.
Q: So what happens with Kyma and all?
A: She's part of a class in the much more far future, long after Rhian and Rafal's class. She's the only Evergirl known to rival the Good School Master's Goodness, and eventually takes the position of Dean of Good under Agatha. No stupid boys like Aladdin for her!
Q: WILL Rafal eventually kill the School Masters?
A: No. Agatha got through to him, mostly. Well, it takes him a while to change his mind and turn over a new leaf. By second year, he has other goals.
It's hard to picture him in a job other than School Master, so I think, when he graduates, he either goes off and does his own thing, extorting money, gaining power, assassinating important dignitaries in his way, and maybe, taking a fortress for himself, or he works at the national Bank of Putsi, or becomes a member of the Kingdom Council. Something else that affords him power.
I don't have any plans for a part two at all, but if inspiration ever strikes, I might write some kind of follow-up. However, if you'd like to know anything about the characters' futures, I can just tell you what I have in mind!
Q: I can imagine! Do tell me what you have in mind. :D
A: Sophie and Agatha continue on as School Masters for the rest of time. No wars are fought. The Woods remain in balance.
By the time the brothers' fourth year rolls around, Sophie is harboring a bit of a petty grudge against Rafal because they had a platonic, student-mentor friendship for a bit, and then he rejected her very outrightly in a no-nonsense, undramatic way, so like any prodigious witch or woman scorned, she sets him up to fail and with luck, end up in a watery grave. So, their dynamic is closer to Tedros' and Sophie's in canon, like friendly-enemies, not even "frenemies" but worse.
Agatha is a little miffed by this turn of events as Rafal had always been such a promising student for his side, and she thinks it's such a waste for Sophie to squander her best student. What on earth was her sister thinking? (Hint: She wasn't. She'd rather settle a score than lead Evil as a whole to greater victory on the shoulders on a boy she "despises." And that small-scale pettiness is probably the greatest Evil of all, denying her side that chance to win.) Nevertheless, Evil students are not within Agatha's sphere of influence, so she can't truly do anything about Rafal's fourth-year questing assignment, which is to parlay with the infamous Night Crawlers that have already killed many a man for centuries. How her sister expects Rafal to confer with inhuman creatures that cannot talk is beyond her. Then again, that must be the point: a roundabout death sentence over Rafal's head, engineered to be a no-win situation for a mortal.
Meanwhile, Rhian is frantic over Rafal's unfair questing assignment and doesn't pay much attention to his own. He literally throws himself at Sophie's feet, but she will not yield. Even Agatha tries to bribe Sophie with jewelry to re-assign Rafal's quest considering that it's causing one of her students severe emotional distress, but Sophie will not reconsider. At all. She does take the diamond earrings though.
Rafal is less worried than Rhian, but everyone (including his own Never classmates) suspects it's a facade, some kind of false bravado, or sheer overconfidence as Class Captain. He's more mad than afraid, actually. Because, he's devised an ingenious way to game the system against all odds. While teaching him sorcery, Sophie had shown him the flesh-over spell (from TLEA), good for mild blemishes and pimples and such. However, he adapted that spell into a regeneration spell, so he would continually have more blood to give and could manually "heal" (temporarily patch up) his wounds so he wouldn't bleed out, meaning, that if he couldn't secure an unfortunate stranger as a decent hostage to trade to the Night Crawlers, he'd be able to use himself as bait/part of the exchange in a controlled manner and still live to tell the tale.
Eventually, tales of his regeneration spell, as the best-known substitute for immortality, are bandied throughout the Woods for decades, but no one ever manages to replicate it. And since he's the only one known to cast it successfully, having withheld the knowledge for his own gain, only a few intrepid souls approach him every year with requests, often, veteran soldiers to gain back a limb, who bring him their weight in gold that they scraped together. So, Rafal is mythologized and becomes a Baba Yaga-type figure because he passes his judgments on the people that seek an audience with him, and either murders them instantly or helps them. The decision always seems sporadic on the outside, but Rafal has his reasons/intuition around who he sees as fit to live.
Anyway, somehow, Rafal negotiates incredibly well, and in return, agrees to help the Night Crawlers reach their lightless paradise at the bottom of the sea, probably below the seafloor. And he does it so well (partly by tricking them/using "exact words") that he is crowned The Sorcerer King of the Night Crawlers and Master of the Inagrotten. Of course, when this news reaches Sophie, it infuriates her, but she finally decides to leave him alone.
She also takes some of the credit for teaching her best student, saying she knew he'd succeed all along and had faith in his talents, but not everyone believes her. The Rot eats up the story when they interview her though. And hers is the only version of the story they have. Rafal doesn't care and flat-out refuses to be interviewed. His refusal does make headlines though. He encased a very talkative reporter in solid ice for his troubles.
With his new, hard-earned, fearsome reputation, Rafal has enough leverage to take up a fight with the Kingdom Council now because no Ever kingdom in the Woods is willing to utter his name for fear of summoning him (an urban myth that's cropped up). So, they call him "Rothbart the Second" as a pseudonym, or refer to him by his illustrious title. Rhian finds all this very funny, but he goes along with the bit whilst in polite company, so no one makes him throw salt over his shoulder.
And, Rafal does Rhian a favor after Rhian wraps up with his more typical fourth-year quest: campaigning for equal marriage rights for all in Pifflepaff Hills (the pink and blue kingdom). More on that later.
Rafal pays off Seers to be one step ahead on rare occasions, extorts money from various emperors, kings, and regents, and doesn't have a permanent fortress/address because that would be too vulnerable to attack, an unchanging place. Soon enough, everyone would figure out where he is and bother him, and he can't have that. (The only person who is aware where Rafal is at any given time, or who knows where he "lives" is Rhian because they post each other letters on the regular.) Rafal lives inside his own Celestium, in a black cloak he enchanted, which is only accessible to him. It's also the only place in the Woods where he's not paranoid because several Ever kingdoms have put a bounty on his head. No one ever manages to kill him though, which is a fact he's extremely smug about. He learns blood magic, and can fly off from any threats, if he has to. And, he takes a life-extension elixir of blood-and-gold to prolong his life even further. He still ages mortally a bit slowly, but Rhian worries that he's cheating death too much and that it might catch up to him one day.
As for Rhian, he never does find the perfect, imaginary True Love that lives up to his ideals, but finds that he's contented by Rafal's monthly visits, especially considering how after his quest reached a successful end, Rafal got him a position on the Kingdom Council (the favor), as a biased "in" for him to exploit (the cover story), but secretly also so he'd know Rhian would have a relatively safe job for the rest of his life, so he wouldn't have to worry about Rhian dying while he's away.
Eventually, Rhian rises in the ranks and becomes a judge of some kind of inter-kingdom court, at Four Point, which is funny because his brother is technically an outlaw, not that Rhian would ever pass a verdict against Rafal, because he can't oversee a trial where someone he knows personally is involved anyway (it's against the rules), but still, it's really strange to see the strait-laced, gold-robed judge have tea with his brother in black. Without fail, the foreign Ever dignitaries scatter from the courtroom when they spot the Inagrotten docked at the nearest port because they know exactly who's arrived.
The END.
Q: Very curious! What were Rafal's reasons for rejecting Sophie?
A: Like Rafal in Rise, this Rafal has no interest in romance, and probably, still has part of his original impression of this Sophie in his mind, which is "annoying" and "too fussy/difficult/high-maintenance" for him to deal with. He's got enough on his plate with Rhian already, so he doesn't want another "Rhian." He doesn't tell her his reasons though. But, he would like his life to be drama-free, for once.
Q: That's what I thought! Honestly, I'm not a fan of Rafal x Sophie in general, but I can see how TLEA's Rafal works with her.
A: Yes, they're my favorite ship, but wouldn't have worked well in this context, so they couldn't end up together. Personally, I think they balance each other well, but not in all circumstances. (Probably, because I view Rafal and Agatha as similar, and Agatha and Sophie also balance each other well (platonically).) And TLEA Rafal and Sophie I like because they're in love and in pain, which is just... entertaining and devastating, kind of. They have chemistry there too, I think. The TLEA banter is basically some of my favorite dialogue in the whole series. You can really see contrast in Sophie's line about tea parties and sunlight. Though, I'm just kind of attached to the idea of the ship, haha.
Q: What happens with Agatha and Sophie after the twins have their own careers and so forth? Hopefully they don't kill each other..
A: Well, like usual, they get another class of students, and the cycle repeats. It's less tumultuous this time around because Sophie is not infatuated with the students. She's probably learned her lesson, but in a couple of centuries, it may just happen again...
And, no, they don't kill each other. There are some close calls, like the time Agatha broke a mirror, the time Agatha fed one of Sophie's leather handbags to a Stymph in retaliation for Sophie's flower arrangements aggravating her hay fever, and the time that she accidentally let Reaper into Sophie's closet (resulting in torn hems and clawed curtains). But, luckily, Sophie does fundamentally love Agatha, so Agatha is never actually murdered. Sophie just screams at her, and gives her the silent treatment for a couple days. Then, Agatha brings her a lavish present, and all is well again.
Q: What does Rafal's Celestium look like?
A: In this AU, Rafal's Celestium has a deep, velvety, black, midnight sky, and spangles of "stars," white pinpricks of lights, like holes in a swath of fabric, so he can breathe. There are dark, stormy clouds, but all is silent, like he's in a vacuum, like he's safely tucked in the eye of a major storm or within an inkblot. If he wants to, he can adjust the lighting, so it's not too dark. The second light source is these beautiful, phantom flowers that grow from vines that encircle the clouds. They're not real, physical things, just offshoots of magic, ghostly and golden, like some kind of residual effect from spending time around Rhian. There are often more of them when Rafal's close to Rhian, during his visits. And, he likes to watch their constant glow, like nightlights. It's a comforting reminder that Rhian is alive after all. Though, he never touches them or prunes them, just lets them continually take over, or wither in their own time frame because he once found that when he touched one himself, to attempt to pick it and bring it to Rhian, it instantly crumpled to ash in his hand. They're inaccessible to him, the way Good is figuratively inaccessible to him, like a symbol of what he cannot be, but can only do.
(In the universe of TOTSMOV41, his Celestium has more movement/clutter, and a different appearance, but that will be revealed a while later. It does come up in one of the sequels I have planned to TOTSMOV41, if I ever manage to finish it.)
Q: If Rafal has a Celestium, does Rhian have one too or did he not take up magic as seriously as Rafal? If he does have one, what does it look like? I would imagine he would have something associated with Rafal in there as well.
A: Rhian wouldn't practice his sorcery as frequently as Rafal would. As an Ever, he doesn't have as much cause to, except when he needs to discern the truth at trials, or judge the souls of the convicted. Otherwise, he uses his sorcery for frivolous things, like manifesting clothes, or levitating his luggage and books through the air.
Rhian's Celestium would be found in his gold, judicial robes, or when he's in a pinch, he can access it via his heavily-embroidered cravats.
The robes have mesh-like embroidery embossed on them, with some dimension and real heft to the needlework, from thread of pure spun gold, mostly at the sleeve cuffs and about the wide borders at the bottom hem. This would translate to a fragile-seeming, mesh-like, geodesic dome in his Celestium, that looks as if it could be toppled by a strong wind, as part of its "sky," with very intricate lattice-work done, wrought in twisted gold, the way palace gates often are, with hammered gold leaves and flowers, to match the embroidery work. The space wouldn't exactly have a ceiling, considering how the whole thing is a dome, but a paneled atrium ceiling would also be a similar image to what I have in mind.
Usually, his Celestium would be sunlit and warm, and the voluminous folds of his robes would make up the sky, usually reflecting a sky at sunrise through the gold wire structure, in pale blues and oranges, which would carry over from the deep blue and orangish, bronze-colored, brocade inner lining of his robes. The lighting within the dome mimics the Golden Hour at all times unless he were to tamper with it.
Some of the panels of his sky-dome are just mirrors, like shimmering fish-scales embedded in the sky, so he gets a good view of himself from many angles. Typical Ever vanity and hubris.
Rhian's sign of Rafal in his Celestium are soft, slick feathers, black swan feathers that rain down slowly, floating in the atmosphere, like wisps of smoke. Some just hang there, suspended in the air or blown about by airstreams. They brush Rhian on their way down, and at times, tickle him when they fall past.
If all the feathers were to drop to the ground at once, he'd probably have true cause to worry, believing that Rafal is gravely wounded or even dead. It hasn't happened yet though.
Here are some images, of a geodesic dome and of the gold wrought quality it would have, if you're at all curious:
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Once again, if anyone else has other questions, concerns, or thoughts, I'm perfectly willing to answer them in the comments section!
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Daily Blog June 29, 2023
So I had to stop my writing today because of bills. :( Paying them and being on the phone for hours with insurance companies. And then son called from SoCal (living down there for college) and wanted to FaceTime so we could search for his old DS games from years ago. We found about 1/2 but at least he got to see the kitties scampering about.
I will get back to writing after this post. The solution to my earlier problem, my Alpha helped get my unstuck. My muse perked right up! Now I'm anxious to get to that scene! LOL
What I'm reading:
I'm still reading The Ordeal of Being Known and only on Chapter 6. Usually I'd have it read and onto the sequel by now. It's not the fic, which I'm enjoying very much but its me doing my writing. :)
Tumblr Drarry Fic/Art Resource:
So I've mentioned @drarryspecificrecs and @drarryspecificrecsdaily for posting Daily Drarry completed fics on AO3 and then a monthly compilation for the longest fics and more. But there's more! So much more! On @drarryspecificrecs home page you will find much goodness. First there's a Theme link, which has some themes I usually don't see listed like Breaking the Statute of Secrecy or FrenchSpeaking!Draco!
But the most awesome thing is what comes next, a full on archive of all the fests that there is still access to since 2005. First a 2 part listing of fests is available. Part 1 is all the Drarry fests in alphabetical order (old and new) and the years that fest was held. Part 2 is the listing for all HP fests. If you click on the year next to a fest name, it will take you right to it. Or if you want to see all the fests held in a certain year, that is available too. This took some serious work to archive all of this. Just one note, that some years are covered on multiple pages so check the bottom for a next arrow!
Also you'll see 2023, listed and that link will bring you to the Drarry posts for 2023. Just scroll down a bit and you'll find the post for the Drarry Fest Calendar for 2023.
This Drarry Fest archive is a thing of beauty!
Note: We did discuss the category of Most Popular fics for the older fics. As it is listed it was done using Kudos, which is a good method but for older fics before AO3 and those that where the author didn't post their stories on AO3 but were brought over in The Hex Files transfer (2017), those fics started with Zero kudos, even though they might have been highly popular on other sites. It's unfortunate that so many HP and Drarry posting sites have disappeared so we don't have those stats. But, for now, we can only use the data we have. And we're all thankful that there is an AO3 archive and archivists like @drarryspecificrecs
So go play on @drarryspecificrecs and I'm sure you'll find many many hidden gems!
It's HP canon not HP cannon
It's Ginevra not Ginerva (um....I might have made that error on my first fic. *blush*).
It's Lose if you've lost something and Loose if something like clothing is too large.
And in case anyone missed this amazing piece of artwork....Draco receiving the Dark Mark.
Okay, go forth and enjoy the last day(s) of June,
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tookishcombeferre · 6 months
So, I need to rant about something.
I am a parent. I need parents to parent their damn kids. I do not have time to parent teenagers in the comments section of my fanfictions nor do I want to. I've had to get real firm with someone in my comments section twice now, and I think this time it finally landed.
However, if things persist, I may have to turn off anon comments on my AO3 permanently. I will be doing this with all future fics.
(If you want to comment on my AO3 fics, but do not have an account, I usually post the links here. Feel free to comment/ message on tumblr. I love engagement. I just have to keep myself and this kid safe, and I'm out of ideas to do both.)
But, like, seriously, I have my hands full enough with my own kid! I do not need to, nor do I want to, deal with more kids. I feel bad, but like, someone has to teach safe online behavior. Thankfully, like I said, I think my message finally stuck because I haven't gotten another weird comment from them (or a comment at all) in a few weeks. But, fuck it! It shouldn't have to come to this!!
PLEASE, for the love of all that is holy, parent your damn children! Have relationships with your kids! Learn their interests! Like, I get not all parents do it. I had parents that didn't. I'm trying not to be a parent like mine. I'm trying to figure out my Bean's interests and teach them how to communicate their interests to me ASAP - we do sign and pointing, as well as verbal speech. And, my LORD, is it taxing. But, my GOD, IT'S what I signed up for! And, like, it's so DAMN worth it! When, Bean finally gets something and the lights finally come on and things click it's so worth it. AND ... AND ... even if they NEVER did? It would still be worth it! Like, as squish gets older, I expect to have conversations about things that I don't fully understand but I mean I have Google. Google's trillions of dollars have gotta be good for something? (God help me if Bean likes math. My pea brain can't conceive of a number larger than 5, but I'll still try. Can't promise much, but I'll try!)
TL;DR: I'm frustrated on behalf of, not at, a commenter, but I'm trying to do my due diligence for myself/ as a responsible adult online and parents these days are not helping my cause (I say as a parent these days).
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Welcome to the second annual Sailor Moon Rare Pair Week! The event will take place from March 12th - March 18th, 2023, but I'm announcing the themes early to give everyone plenty of time to create their fanworks.
What counts as a rare pair for this event, you ask? Any pairing that isn't Usagi/Mamoru (or any of their incarnations), pretty much! (Don’t get too hung up on the word “rare”. Just roll with it, okay?) They usually have their own week, so this event is a chance for fans to show their love for pairings other than the Miracle Romance, canon or not. You can even include poly, platonic, and cross-over ships, if you'd like! Almost anything goes, as long as you follow some simple guidelines.
Fanworks should somehow incorporate the one of the day's themes. (You can pick just one; you don't have to use both.) How you choose the interpret the theme is up to you!
A non-UsaMamo pair must be the focus of the fic (although Usagi/Mamoru can appear as a side pairing or as part of a polycule).
All ratings allowed.
No smut involving underage characters, which I'm defining as under 18 years old. Otherwise, as long as the characters are portrayed as adults in the fanwork, go wild! Just please make sure to properly tag.
Pairings of all sexual/romantic orientations welcome.
Fanfics should be a minimum of 500 words. Poetry may be shorter, though. (If you're writing fanfic, I REALLY would prefer you post your fics on AO3 or Fanfiction.net and provide a link to your story, but if you must post on Tumblr itself, please make use of the "Read More" option. If you don't have an AO3 account and would like an invitation to create one, I recently remembered I have some old invites I can give out. Just message me with the email you would like to use for your account, and I will be happy to send you one!)
Fanart should be a completed drawing. (Any fanart portraying nudity or anything of an R/NC-17 nature should be cropped if immediately visible on your Tumblr post. You can post the full image under a "Read More" (if you think it'll get past the sensors) or provide a link to the image on another site.)
Graphics, image boards, playlists, cosplay photos, crafts, meta/essays, etc. are also welcome!
Comments, kudos, and reblogs are encouraged, but don't be a jerk! If you're not a fan of a pairing, please just ignore and move on.
On Tumblr, if you tag #smrarepairweek2023, I will reblog your post. I'll tag explict art and fics reblogs as #nsfw, so feel free to block that tag if you'd rather not see those posts.
Do not post your works anywhere until the day dedicated to your chosen theme. I have created a collection at AO3 where you can submit your entries if you'd like. (Adding your work to the collection will not be required.)
Day 1: Past/Future Day 2: Sweet/Spicy Day 3: Friend/Enemy Day 4: Dream/Nightmare Day 5: Fake/True Day 6: Hot/Cold Day 7: Free
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
Hello friend! First off... LOVE LOVE LOVE your work. You're everything I want to be in a writer holy shit 🫠You've actually inspired me to start my own writing blog here, and I just got page all set up and pretty but I have NO IDEA how to start. Do you have any suggestions/ tips for a writer just starting out here on Tumblr? How to get your work seen, best tagging practices, should I introduce myself as a first post, stuff like that? I have a few works that I'll be posting soon, but I wanted to ask a few pros (aka you ❤️) how I should get started! Anywho, you're amazing, ilysm, hope you have a day full of sunshine and good thoughts 😘
Hey and thank you so very much, what a compliment! I’m so happy to hear that I’ve inspired you to share your writing 🩷
I started from scratch here this year myself and got more “traffic” only after like… 3-4 months of persistent, consistent writing and tumblring? So I’m not sure if my tips are of any help but here they come (such a cute ask!) 💕
Put your work up on Ao3 too if you haven’t done that already. Encourage people to come and talk to you on Tumblr, and share the link in the author's notes of your stories or at least in your profile. It helps if you have the same username, I made the mistake of choosing a different username here and people are sometimes surprised that I’m the same author they’ve read stories from on Ao3... So it's a wise move to keep your usernames consistent! :D
To get your work seen is sometimes only a game of luck, and it might take months before people start to identify you and your works. So don't get discouraged even if there’s not much going on at first, you will find your audience eventually. Just keep creating (and please create what you want and enjoy, not what you think others want to see) ❤️
Tagging is an art on its own but I think it’s also an etiquette thing: as long as you don't use tags that are unnecessary for your post, such as other character tags if they don't make an appearance/have dialogue in your story, you're good! I rarely if ever tag my fics with a simple #cod or #könig tags because I think people are usually searching for other content like pictures with these tags. I might be wrong! But I usually use a set of very specific tags when I share a fic: for example, if it’s a König story featuring x (fem) reader, the tags start with a simple: könig fanfiction, könig x reader, könig x you, könig x female reader, könig x fem reader. People use different tags to find fics, others follow the character x reader tag and others might prefer the character x fem reader tag. So include all the tags that are relevant to your fic/post, that way more people can find your fics. Then after those tags you can include what the fic is about: #historical au if it’s a historical au, or #könig angst if it’s clearly angst. You can try and see which tags work best for you!
Tumblr is a very visual place, so I encourage you to use pictures when you share your fics. I used other people’s gifs at first, but lately I’ve liked to create a 3-6 pic collage/moodboard that I include at the top of every fic. Visuals spark the interest of readers & you can create your own aesthetic and play around with this as much as you like, the more “personalized” and creative you get, the more likely it is that people start to take note of you and notice your content as specifically yours.
Make friends with other people, especially other writers! This takes time also. When I started I knew nobody here, but now I’ve made many new friends (and precious ones too!) Of course you can't just go and *make* friends but it can happen if you talk to people and participate in the fandom by gushing in the tags or asks. Not everyone appreciates it but usually people are ok with or even like it that you talk to them in asks and dms, so no need to be shy! For example I don't bite (if people are nice to me :)
I wish you all the best with your writing and hope you have a lovely time here!
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sylusheart · 7 months
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hi there <3 welcome to my blog! :3 i write for shits and giggles and i post all of my works on ao3, you can find the link to my acc here.
but i also post some of my one-shots here on tumblr too (i only post the ones that are 'one part' long directly on tumblr - sometimes i tend to write one-shots that end up getting split into two/three parts because it becomes too long or i just do it for easier access to specific bits of the story) ♡
in my masterlist below you can find the direct links to my fics; if the fic is uploaded on tumblr (meaning if it's a one-shot) the link will take you to the tumblr post for it first but the ao3 link will still be accessible and shown on that page if you'd like to read it on there instead!┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️
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this is my one and only blog because i'm not too used to the idea of having multiple blogs idk that sorta overwhelms me atm lmao (i'm not so familliar with tumblr but hopefully overtime i'll get more comfier on here and how things work...) but usually all my posts are just devil may cry :D though i tend to write/shitpost abt other stuff too such as call of duty, final fantasy vii/xv, resident evil, k-pop, love and deepspace + more! but yeah that's basically me summed up :p
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here's a masterlist of my current works and wips for ao3! i've included a key at the bottom of this section with a detailed explanation on the labels i attach to my titles :3
-------˖⁺. ༶ ❤︎ ⋆˙⊹ 𐦍 ˖⁺. ༶ ❤︎ ⋆˙⊹-------
devil may cry
╰┈➤ ❝ serenity (on-going) vergil x fem!reader ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ cowboy like me (2 part one-shot) dante x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ made for me (one-shot) nico x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ heavy chain (one-shot) vergil x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ awakened (on-going) vergil x fem!reader ❞ WIP
love and deepspace
╰┈➤ ❝ candles for caleb (one-shot) caleb x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ mile high club (one-shot) xavier x fem!reader ❞ WIP
call of duty
╰┈➤ ❝ king of it all (one-shot) könig x fem!reader ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ barracks bunny (2 part one-shot) ghost x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ a little jealousy (one-shot) shownu x fem!reader ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ heartstopper (one-shot) nayeon x fem!reader ❞ WIP
resident evil
╰┈➤ ❝ revival (one-shot) wesker x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ cabin fever (one-shot) leon kennedy x ashley graham ❞ WIP
vicious/villains duology
╰┈➤ ❝ elevating desires (one-shot) victor vale x eli ever ❞
star wars
╰┈➤ ❝ restless nights (discontinued) anakin x fem!reader ❞
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ key:
(on-going): this means it’s a fic that has depth to it, in other words: a long fic! it's something i'm continously writing and it has a thick enough plot to divide into multiple chapters. i try to update as regularly as i can. you can subscribe to the fic on ao3 so you'll get email updates whenever i post!
(discontinued): this means it's a long fic that i've abandonned and won't ever be going back to. this can be due to multiple reasons but i don't tend to drop my fics if i have a good story lying underneath them, so if you do see a discontinued fic on my page it probably wasn't something i was willing to remaster/extend on in the first place.
(completed): this means it's a long fic that has multiple chapters and has been edited a couple of times but probabably not edited to perfection. you won't have to wait for me to update as the entire story is available.
(one-shot): a quick fic that is only one chapter long, these are usually unedited and raw - they're just undeveloped quick bursts of ideas i try to write down asap, but i don't usually stretch them out into full-blown fics.
(2/3 part one-shot): i aim to make my one-shot fics just one chapter long but sometimes they get a little lengthy; it just feels wiser to just seperate the whole thing into a few parts. i never go over 3 parts, because if i do i would classify that as one of my 'long fics'.
(editing): if one of my fics has 'editing' beside the title that probably means i'm primarily focusing on updating that particular fic and i won't be working on other fics for the time being until i have completed editing, i usually go into an editing phase after every 10 chapters i upload on that specific fic, meaning i don't re-edit my one-shots no matter how many parts they are - my one-shots are always going to be raw first drafts and will most likely have mistakes.
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i'm open for requests, if you'd like me to drop some headcannons or if you want to ask me if i could write up any possible fic ideas i will be more than happy to consider your suggestions! just drop me a dm or ask me anonymously <3
anyway thanks for reading this far, i'm super excited to make more works and share them with everyone :3 kudos and comments are so very appreciated (they motivate me fr) and in general i just love interacting with others so please don't hesitate to!
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sea-owl · 2 years
You know I just realized I didn't really say anything about Spring's Rebirth until I posted the first chapter. That's not how I work and we all know it. It's probably fair I give an overview like all my other aus.
For those curious here is the first two chapters on Tumblr: Part 1, Part 2
And the link for AO3: Link
So for anyone who hasn't seen it Spring's Rebirth is my polin hades and persephone au. This is my the fic that I am actually flushing out into a full story, don't ask me how it happened. I was reading the homeric hymn to Demeter then the writing bug bit me one day and now I am two chapters posted with others already written/being written. This is probably going to be my most ambitious au yet, so we'll see how it goes.
For those not familiar with the myth in it Hades kidnaps and marries Persephone under the permission of her father Zeus but no one told her mother Demeter who basically has full custody. Demeter goes looking for daughter only to be finally told after a period of weeks to months that she was kidnaped and taken to the Underworld. Demeter begs Zeus to bring her back but he refused saying that she now essentially belongs to Hades. In response Demeter in her grief stops doing her job as the goddess of agriculture, letting the harvests die and creating a famine. This turns into the mortals begging the gods for help overwhelming them, and in a sense weakening them since no sacrifices were being made to the gods. This is what finally gets Zeus to send for Persephone to be reunited with her mother.
Meanwhile down in the Underworld Persephone is in this between state almost. In some versions she is called Kore before being taken which commonly is translated to mean maiden. She goes back in forth between Kore, her mother's daughter, and Persephone, Hades wife and Queen of the Underworld. I personally saw it partially as the adjustment period someone usually has when they are first married, especially during a time where dating wasn't really a thing. Hades who wants Persephone to stay with him is promising her that not only will she be his wife, but she will be his equal as his queen. That means hell of a lot back then, especially since the idea of kleos, what you are remembered for, the fame and glory that lives on after you, is huge thing that even the poets call for it when they are reciting the myths. I can see why girlie was so conflicted.
By the time someone is sent to get Persephone, usually Hermes, it is too late. By that point in time Persephone has eaten six pomegranate seeds that were grown in the underworld, and or she consummated the marriage with Hades. One retelling has Hermes basically catching Hades and Persephone in bed. Demeter is still not backing down though so a new deal is made. Because Persephone ate six pomegranate seeds she is to stay six months of the year with Hades in the Underworld, and six months of the year with her mother Demeter in the world above.
Now obviously in this fic we have our major players of Colin as Hades, Penelope as Persephone, and Portia as Demeter. There will be two main line stories as there is of the originally myth which is the one told in the underworld of Hades and Persephone's story as the love story/rise to power and the one told in the mortal world of Demeter's maternal grief. Some things will changed and expanded upon, either to better flow the story, and incorporate aspects from the Bridgerton universe. One of these changes will be the Zeus in my universe will not be Persephone's father. My Zeus is Anthony and while I ship Portia and Violet I ain't touching the idea of Portia and Anthony sleeping together with a ten foot pole.
Another change will be that Colin is an active Olympian. I know in the myths Hades is kinda doing his own thing in the Underworld but my Olympians will be the Bridgerton family and eventually adding the spouses when they decide to get married. Which honestly makes sense as the Olympians are just generally Zeus, his wife, his siblings, and his kids with maybe Aphrodite being the exception depending which version she is.
Also if you don't think I am not throwing in besties Phillip and Penelope you don't know me very well. I will be making sure this can be added to the Phillip & Penelope tag on AO3. Phillip does kinda have a godly counterpart I'm working off of for his position. Kudos to you if you can guess it.
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