#i don't want it to get lost on a silly little meme
julesnichols · 3 months
One day (when I've slept enough to both remember enough to make all of my points and be coherent) I'll explain what I meant when I joked about Sophie being worse
#about me#bc i do have Thoughts. and also i did Not mean that negatively lmfao#i love women who are worse! she is not even the worst character i've stanned#arguably that award goes to melanie cavill#but it's not Negative and it sure as hell does NOT mean that i think that nate isn't also deeply deeply flawed#or that she corrupted him somehow#enabled him sometimes? yeah. but he was already either Like That or on the path to being Like That#but like i said that meme works both ways and that's why they work#i will also elaborate on what i mean by that when i'm not so exhausted#she's his compass. she didn't intend to make him worse nor did she#she made him better. he made her better. they balance each other as much as they clash with one another#anyways all of my reasoning for why i felt like i could say she's worse for that meme#do not even have to do with nate lmfao#when i make this post tho i will be Open to civil debate for people to share their povs of why they don't think the same way#that's kinda the other reason why i'll make it though#bc i did Not spend enough time on that meme to be more than mildly irritated by some of the commentary#but i also don't want it totally derailed when i think it's def smth that could be an interesting discussion to be had#and i'll gladly host that discussion when i'm not dying of sleep deprivation#i just wanna give it its own platform y'know?#i don't want it to get lost on a silly little meme#but anyways it's also like#his influence did make her better and hers made him somewhat better too#but in his case her influence more like. balanced him. than anything else#bc he got worse and worse and it had Nothing to do with her#but she was still the one yanking him back from the edge of no return#and i suppose in a way that does inherently make her better#but again when i made that meme and said she was worse i was not even thinking in terms of her actual relationship to nate#as what made her worse lmfao#more along the lines of the collateral damage mostly done by charlotte prentice#and specifically to william and astrid
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2d-reality · 2 months
Little Things (The Prince of Demons)
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characters: Diavolo, GN!MC navigation: Diavolo | Barbatos | Simeon | Solomon | Luke | Thirteen content/warnings: little things you do, out of love. dateables edition! fluff. could be read as platonic but why would u word count: 862 notes: Alas, Dia is the only one I have finished as of now on account of how my work/life balance has been absolutely wacked recently. I'll get around to the rest eventually, I promise! I have bits and pieces here and there but the dateables don't flow as easy as the boys. Mephis will likely not be included bc I'm not even vaguely familiar with his character, and because we are both horse girls and he is my bitter rival on principle. I stared at this piece a lot but did I edit it? no
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Diavolo was a lonely man. He knew a lonely childhood, tucked away in the Demon King’s palace with only the grounds staff as company. He attended lessons alone as he grew up learning what it would take to shoulder his father’s throne once he came of age. When the reigning monarch fell into his dreamless slumber, Diavolo had effectively lost yet another lifeline to anything resembling a normal existence-- a parent. As a young man (or, rather, the demon equivalent of a young man), surrounded by nobility of all kinds vying for his attention, he knew they only saw Diavolo, the Crown Prince. Even the brothers, who were the closest to being considered his friends, played along with his antics out of duty. No doubt Lucifer drilled it into them to be accommodating. 
Sometimes he felt as though he was cursed-- paying for his original sin by bearing his existence, at the end of the day, alone. 
That was, at least, until you came along. You, so small and fierce and human. You, who upon meeting him at the beginning of your tenure as an exchange student, held his gaze squarely and didn’t back down, even when he could practically smell your fear.
You, who for whatever reason, be it ignorance or sheer, unmitigated gall or something else entirely, didn’t for a moment treat him any differently than any other demon you met. Once you were comfortable living among magical beings, it was as if the floodgates opened. Despite horrified reactions from Lucifer and gentle chiding from Barbatos, you told him when his jokes were stupid (even if you still laughed), slapped his arm companionably when greeting him, and called him by a myriad of silly nicknames. 
Your friendship is the most precious thing Diavolo has ever received in his long life. You aren’t one of his subjects, born to defer to him whether you wanted to or not. You aren’t an angel, who gave him a cautious respect for the good of your realms’ relations. You didn’t even know he existed before you came to the Devildom. You chose not to see the heir to the throne, and instead saw Diavolo-- a gentle giant with more love in his heart than he was born to carry. Diavolo, who would go to the ends of all three realms for those he cared for. Diavolo, who was loud and boisterous and always wanted to be involved. Diavolo, who liked cigar cookies and video games and could be a bit of a goofball. 
He cherishes every aspect of your relationship. He loves when you send him blurry photos of various pairs of objects or animals you see when out and about, with the caption "us fr <3”. He loves getting links to dumb memes in the middle of the night, followed by laughing emojis or “this u??” You poke fun at him, bite back with quips when he makes jokes at your expense, and play silly little pranks on him. His favorite is when you gesture to something on his coat, only to flick the tip of his nose when he looks down to investigate. He’d long since caught on to that ruse, among others, but your bright smile and chirping laughter when you teased him for falling for it yet again are too precious to him to not play along.
He even appreciates the times that you turn down his invitations to spend the weekend at the palace with him, citing exhaustion from the brothers’ antics or pressing schoolwork from RAD. You’re not automatically agreeing simply because you have no choice-- you spend your limited, precious time on him because you want to. More often than not you made up for declining by showing up entirely unannounced some time later, cloaked beneath a spell to shield you from Barbatos’ sixth sense for his Lord getting up to shenanigans, beckoning him to sneak out with you to suck on thick milkshakes in some cramped corner booth and giggle conspiratorially like a couple of misbehaving teenagers. 
When he’s around you, Diavolo feels like he can breathe. He doesn’t have to worry about keeping up appearances. You aren’t looking for political sway, or funding, or an elevated social status. For the first time in his life, he can set aside his heavy burden and feel... normal. He can ruffle your hair, and only half-heartedly hold you back from practically climbing him to dig your knuckles into his scalp and return the favor. He can laugh when you swat at his hand as he reaches across your plate to steal a few of your fries. He wears the friendship bracelet you braided for him at all times. He considered charming it to never fade or fray, but when it finally falls apart from wear, your mock exasperation when you tell him you’ll make him another makes him feel so real. 
Diavolo was a lonely man. But now, he has a friend. A genuine, honest-to-goodness friend. You have matching contact photos, and inside jokes. You don’t call him my lord when he comes up in conversation; it’s always my friend. Now, thanks to you, he isn’t lonely anymore.
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sad-leon · 3 months
Doe + Change
Doe expected things to change, but not this much.
She'd always felt more feminine than her brothers, but didn't really have a name for it until Donnie confirmed that she was, in fact, female. Her genius brother had helped her search it up. Transgender. There was a whole community out there like her.
Except, they weren't really like her. She was lucky enough to be born in the right body, just raised differently. She didn't have to worry about hormones or surgery or other surface issues like jobs or school. She has her lovely supportive family.
So, fine. Maybe she didn't have a community, but she had her brothers and that was fine!
Until wrestling matches disappeared. And she was given first choice on movie nights even when she lost the arm wrestles or whatever silly little game they decided to play. And when she lost a game and was met with compassion instead of teasing.
It was starting to get annoying.
She already had a rough night, but the thought of Dad letting them go up to the surfact to patrol gave her hope. She could run with her brothers again! They could race! And things would finally be normal again when they realized that nothing actually changed.
A gentle knock on the wall caught her attention. "Hey, Doe? You up?" Mikey asked. Doe frowned. Usually her little brother wouldn't hesitate to barge into her room.
Taking a breath, she plastered a smile on her face and sat up. "Yup! We're going to the surface, right?"
Mikey lit up. He nodded aggressively. "Yup! Yup! Raphie told me to come get you while he gets Donnie!"
Standing up, Doe grabbed her jacket, tugging it loosely over her shoulders. "Was he in his lab late again?"
Shrugging, Mikey stepped to the sided, gesturing for Doe to leave the room while he closed the curtain behind her. "Raphie just said that he'd going to 'drag donnie out of that lab and barricade the door' if he keeps ignoring Raphie's knocks." Mikey lowered his voice to immitate the cadence of their oldest brother.
Trying to ignore the flare of annoyance at not even being allowed to close her own curtain, she chuckled. "Donnie will get back into his lab if it's the last thing he does."
The two youngest turtles made their way into the common area where Raph was tugging a beanie onto a very disgruntled Donnie.
Doe sidled up to the side of her twin and elbowed his side. "Someone wasn't sleeping, huh?"
Donnie just gave her a huff. "Scoff. I was just trying to finish up my newest battle shell."
Raph grumbled and pulled the beanie down over the softshell's eyes. "You went to bed two hours ago. I told you to stop doing that. You need to sleep!"
Fixing his beanie, Donnie glared at Doe. "Well atleast I slept."
Raph gawked and turned to Doe. "You didn't sleep? Why? Are you feeling okay?"
Doe rolled her eyes at the gentle tone her oldest brother adopted. "I slept fine."
"You were sending me memes until about an hour ago," Donnie grumbed. "I have the timestamps."
Trying to lunge at Donnie proved futile when Raph gentley intercepted Doe, setting her down a few feet away from her smug twin. His face was nothing but concern and he gently put a beanie on her head as well. No teasing. No pulling the beanie down. Just concern and gentleness.
Doe just huffed, stuffing her hands in her jacket pockets and pouting.
Raph looked like he wanted to say something, but stopped and turned around, leading the way to the entrance of the lair. "Okay, you all know the rules. Stay close to me and don't run off. Again. Or Raph will be very upset. Again."
"Yes Raph," the three younger turtles agreed and followed Raph out the door and through the tunnels.
The surface was much colder than Doe had though. Her jacket was not thick enough at all, and she had also worn her thinest pair of sweats. Repressing her shivering, she pushed forward. It was fine, she'd be able to warm up once they got moving.
The beginning of the patrol was normal. They bantered. They raced. They jumped around. Then Doe slipped.
She was running to make a leap, slipped on a puddle near the edge of the roof and totally missed the next roof. She grabbed onto a windowsill and hauled herself up, climbing onto the next roof.
"Doe!" Raph had yelled. And even when she pulled herself up, he was looking at her with nothing but concern. He stepped back, getting some momentum to leap onto the rooftop next to Doe. "Are you okay?"
Doe shrugged away from his hands, fixing her coat and beanie herself. The annoyance was turning into irritation. It made her blood itch. "I'm fine Raph."
"Are you sure?"
Mikey and Donnie landed onto the rooftop next to them only a moment later.
Expecting some sort of jab or tease, she turned toward her twin only to be met with concern. "Are your shoulders sore? Do you feel any tension when you move them?"
They were a little sore, but Doe wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of having an actual cause for concern. "What are you, Don? The medic?"
"No. But that looked like it could have potentially hurt."
Doe just rolled her eyes and turned away, planning to continue the patrol.
Raph put a hand on her shoulder, stopping her. "I think we should go home."
"What?" Doe hissed. The itching was become unbearable. Her hands twitched, as did her tail.
"You're tired and you're also probably sore, even if you don't feel it."
"I'm fine!"
Raph just groaned and starting to walk back the way they had just come. "Let's go."
Doe fumed. "No! We just go out here. Yeah, sure, fine. I slipped, but I'm fine!" She turned to Mikey and Donnie for support, but they were both angled toward Raph, frowning at her. "Really? Really?! I make one little mistake and suddenly we have to go home?!"
"You got hurt-" Mikey started.
"I'm not hurt! I'm fine! I slipped, I biffed it, took an L -- whatever you wanna call it -- and I'm flattered you guys are concerned about lil ol' me, but really? No teasing? No nothing?" Venom was starting to lace Doe's tone but she couldn't care less. "Gah! Ever since I came out you guys have changed! I just want what we used to have back!"
Raph looked stunned, but took a breath and said in the most annoying calm voice, "I know you're tired, but we're just concerned."
"Gahh!" Doe yelled, throwing her hands in the air. "Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up! I'm sick of this!" She sent a glare at her oldest brother before turning around and running.
Threw this one up on Ao3 :D
it was much longer than i meant it to be... oops
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yen-sids-tournament · 3 months
Animated 9: Cinderella III: A Twist In Time v Return To Never Land
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Cinderella III {original-Cinderella (1950)}
It is in the words of Seamus Gorman 'A Masterpiece'. In his series reviewing the Disney Sequels it was considered the benchmark to measure all other Disney Sequels by. I don't remember which sequel got the damning 'It was good but it was no Cinderella III: A Twist in Time.' This movie has it all: time travel, characters with 3d personalities, that one iconic meme where the king says 'I forbid you to take another step' and the prince jumps out the window. Its so silly, its so fun, it is a masterpiece. Link to the Seamus Review:
~Anastasia redemption arc and character development ~The cat, lucifer, gets more screen time ~The king has a backstory
Time travel, and the prince. "But the talking mice say she's the wrong girl" " I forbid you to take another step down these stairs!" "Ok!*jumps out the window*"
Return to Never Land {originial-Peter Pan (1953)} *spoilers?*
It follows Wendy's canonical daughter Jane, in every version of the story where Peter returns to the Darling's window, he meets Jane, and this story gives her her own adventure. with Wendy as a turn of the century child, it isn't too much of a stretch to assume Jane would be growing up in the middle of a deeply contentious time in British History, that being the London bombings of World War 2, and Unlike Wendy, whom needed to understand that she didn't WANT to never grow up and embrace her coming maturity as it arrives, Jane had been thrown into a position in her family where she had needed to grow up too fast, and in her trip to Neverland understand the importance of that child-like wonder she had nearly lost.As such, she starts out deeply skeptical and frustrated by the nonsensical nature of Neverland, and being more trusting of adults than of children whose attempts of 'playing with her' were little more than bullying with the thin veneer of 'just a game', which ultimately allows her to be manipulated by Hook. But even then manages to grow attached to the lost boys and connect with Peter and due to her inability to fly for most of the movie had almost fully integrated into the world of Neverland and became the first Lost Girl by the time of the third act.While it's held back by the painfully early 00's music it's ultimately a very compelling story about a child in a deeply traumatizing situation finding temporary haven in a place untouched by the war that had so deeply distorted her worldview and ultimately reclaiming her right to have a childhood after constant danger of death and destruction had nearly wrenched it from her entirely.(also there's no racist Native American stereotypes that exist just for the sake of themselves and could have easily been some sort of fantasy species but nahhh it was the 50s so native americans were SUPER okay to be racist about/s)
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dollcherray · 16 days
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✮⋆˙ Smg3 x reader who didnt go back to normal after meme rehab
✮⋆˙ Request: Hello! can i request smg3 x reader who wasnt able to get back to normal when they were back from the meme rehab?
✮⋆˙ Notes: lost the request:( but here ya go anon who requested me! (if your even seeing this), reader was sent to the meme rehab along with smg4, also, this is just a funsie little thing i was doing before the hiatus and i got some time to finish some quick writing, requests are still not open, sorry little sillies 😭🫶🏼 this is short and not proofread.
✮⋆˙ Type: Angst/comfort, Headcanons, romantic.
✮⋆˙ Song: Army dreamers - Kate Bush
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♡ First things first: he felt guilty to send you to the meme rehab with SMG4, i mean, he loves you so much but your obnoxious "memeing" was starting to annoy and disrupt the others and his works, so he hesitantly throwed you into the back of the bus with SMG4, even if his gut feeling was saying not to.
♡ He felt so guilty for sending you into the rehab, he greatly regrets it, he wished he never made his decision and that he listened to his gut feeling, because you would have been okay, but no, of course he had to make the stupid decision to send you to that godforsaken place.
♡ SMG3 blames himself so much for how you are now, he cant forgive himself for 'destroying your happiness', the worst part to him is that the last time he saw your normal self was when he was 'mad" at you, SMG3 just wants everything to go back to normal, this boy is so so sad please someone give him a hug </3
♡ He would try to get you back to normal with his meme powers with SMG4 (who was forced to) but when that doesn't work, he tries to re-teach you about memes and etc to see if you can get back to normal.
♡ Talkin' about SMG4 he is secretly mad that the "degenerate" could get back to normal and you didnt, SMG3 probably contemplated either to steal the blue boy's meme lobe to put in your brain.
♡ It was so weird to him, and horrible at the same time, your sweet and caring touch suddenly turned into a robotic and cold one, no display of emotions other than cold ones, like you were truly a robot.
♡ Although you are this monotone robotic self, he still loves you, he has hopes one day you'll go back to your "normally fun" self, so you can make him smile again, so he can finally take the guilt off his chest.
♡ We dont talk about the doctor... let's say he is at another location... 5 different locations to be more precise, how lucky.
♡ SMG3 would sometimes try to get Mario to do his weird shit to see if it can actually pop something in your mind, but he stops doing it since he finally sees how stupid it sounds, he's just desperate, he wants to get you back to normal!!!
♡ The crew tries helping him by trying to show some memories of you before going to rehab, videos, photos, anything, but sadly, it was another failed attempt.
♡ The crew sometimes tries to comfort him by trying to tell and show him that it wasn't really his fault, and if anything it was more the crew's fault for bringing that idea in the first place, but no matter how much they would try to prove he's innocent, he always mentally judges himself.
♡ Well, seems like he'll have to try and re-teach everything to you, but don't worry, he'll be patient for you, oh god how he wishes he would have yanked you off that bus the moment his gut feeling told him to.
♡ "tell your baby, that i'm your baby"
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mister-christmas · 5 months
hello guy who acts like a 12yr old who just discovered reddit and atheism and thinks he's hot shit. You have two choices before you: 1 Become a normal, well adjusted human being 2 keep shitting your fucking pants screaming "HERESY!! BURN THE HERETIC!! GET ME THE HEAVY FLAMER!!" whenever you see other people minding their business and enjoying the same hobby as you
Alas. Did you know warhammer 40k originally intended the Empire of Man, and all it's silly "muh human superiority all xenos must die" to be a satire? That aspect, of course, has sort of lost a lot of it's value over the years, due to the ludicrous amount of writers that the franchise has had over the years, but it is still rather apparent. I mean take a look at the ordo chronos wars, with people getting executed because getting the date wrong is heresy. Or take a look at, fuck, i don't know - the Thunder Warriors, who were all killed by the Emperor of Man because they 'outlived their usefulness'. Did you know that before he began the holocaust, Hitler ordered the deaths of mentally and physically disabled Germans? Many of whom were veterans of the first world war, whom he was supposedly aiming to avenge in his campaign of 'retribution' and bringing the Reich back to it's former glory. Eugenics, as the idea that 'genetically imperfect' humans don't deserve to live (note: the first human right is the right to live, ya doofus. Yes even awulf, wretched wastes of air like pedophiles and rapists have this right, as it is unalienable. It is also there so that people falsely accused of rape do not immediately get killed for a crime they did not commit) is called nowadays, was also surprisingly popular in the USA before and during the war. The shining bastion of democracy and justice lobotomized people it found too hard to deal with so that they would become easier to manage. It also banned interracial marriage. Something I also found curious, did you know that antifa means antifascist? Sorry to break it to you bud, but if you're antiantifascist you stand with the fascist. And if you are, sincerely, a fascist then i hope you do like Hitler and shoot yourself in the head <3
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Man, you wrote an entire essay and managed to say nothing of value. But I've got time to kill so let's go through this.
It's interesting you think I, a Christian man, act like a reddit atheist
"Burn the heretic" is a meme, you clod. It's a joke. And when people are minding their own damn business I don't care about their little nonsense headcannons. But quite often they want to change the whole hobby to suite them.
Of course the Imperium is evil! It's fucking called the Imperium! Every faction in 40k is evil, that's the point! It's grimdark! It invented grimdark!
I see we're just completely going off the reservation today. No shit nazis, eugenics, lobotomization, and racism are bad. Is there a point to your ramblings?
Ah, well that makes the rest of this meandering tirade make a little more sense. You're stupid enough to think antifa has a monopoly on being against fascism. I can disdain both fascists and antifa. Being the enemy of my enemy doesn't make them my friend. Moreover just because they call themselves antifa doesn't mean they're actually fighting fascism or doing anything worthwhile.
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sleepyhead-poll · 3 months
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Mod's Propaganda Under the Cut:
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a Yu-Gi-Oh fan. For whatever reason, this series imprinted on me when I was a child and I just never let it go. I've watched the original series, season 0, GX, 5Ds, and Arc V, as well as read the original manga, the GX manga, and the Arc V manga, as well as watched all the movies. The point is: I like Yu-Gi-Oh. There are people who like it more than me, that have watched all the series and what not, but I think I still like it an absurd amount. And out of all the protagonists I know, Judai is my favorite. He's just so lovable, you can't help but like him! He's goofy, he's reliable, he's fun, he has a descent into madness, he's gay, what more could you want in a shounen protagonist? Though being sleepy isn't a major part of him, it's more of a gag of him slacking in class and always going to sleep, it's still super funny and I'm a little sad that he lost in Round 1, though I do like Sonic as well (who he lost to). Give the Slifer Slacker a chance!
Considering Linhardt is my profile picture at the moment, I don't think I need to justify this too much. But I will anyway. Linhardt is the sleepy crest scholar. Although I will be the first to admit that I am not actually a Fire Emblem fan (and tbh I find the writing in Three Houses kind of bad) (sorry to those who enjoy it) I love Linhardt so much anyway. He's probably my favorite in that very large cost. I love that he's so unapologetically sleepy, like he doesn't care if you scold him to do work, he will do work on his own time. Not only that, but he's actually really smart and dedicated when he wants to be. Linny's friendship with Caspar is really nice, especially since I think someone needs to save Caspar from his awful dad & self-destructive tendencies. Plus, I really like his supports. Especially with Marianne, Hubert, and Edelgard. His supports with Dorothea in Three Hopes is also really nice.
It's Garfield. He's a classic comic. He's a classic meme. Little orange kitty. What more could you possibly want? I love Snoopy, but to be perfectly honest I think Garfield should have gotten as far as Snoopy.
Sleepytime Tea Bear:
Again. He's just a classic. What more would you want but a sleepy bear in pajamas on a chair?
I'm a big Witch Hat Atelier fan and I love Olruggio. Like yes, I like Orufrey like everyone else, but I also just like Olruggio on his own. I like his scruffy little look and I love the fact that at first he is so intimating but almost immediately he's revealed to be a big softie. I love his light magic motif and I really think it's sweet that he made the thing to keep you warm when you sleep and gave it to the kids-- he's a FATHER. This man needs a nap fr though. Man I need to catch up with this manga.
IT'S OSAKA. Like!!! I don't even know how many clips and comics from Azumanga Daioh make the rounds around Tumblr, but specifically the ones about Osaka are amazing!!! She has the most autistic anime girl swag I love her so much. She's so sweet and earnest and silly... I always lose my mind at "OH MAH GOD!" and she has so many other classics. Like when she makes the Osaka stamp with her eraser or when she struggles to cross the street because she keeps zoning out when the light gets green or when she's distressed about Americans wearing shoes inside... I love her. And to her sleepyheadness, she's always falling asleep in class and whenever she's studying she just starts falling asleep. She's just like me fr...
Back in the day I really liked Kagerou Project and so as tribute to my old obsession from middle/high school I have to give a spot to Takane. My favorite part of the series was when we saw flashbacks to the Yuukei quartet and Headphone Actor is still a bop.
THE REASON WHY I STARTED THIS TOURNAMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE??? Last December during finals I decided to read something light and fun while working and I chose Tanaka-kun is Always Listless because I remember the title from a few years ago when the anime came out and like I loved it SOOOOOO much. He's the ultimate sleepyboy and he's just so funny and relatable. He needs to be carried around by his best friend Ohta and his ultimate goal in life is to minimize as much effort as possible and he's always nodding off and he dislikes being a main character, instead wishing he was a background character... my favorite guy for real.
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hayatheauthor · 4 months
Update Regarding My Sudden Hiatus + Author/Publishing News
Guess who's back from the dead!
Jokes aside, I truly do feel terrible for going on hiatus without saying anything, and then I come back and see that I've hit 2k (which btw is absolutely amazing and left me shell-shocked) and that just made me feel worse for leaving unannounced. So, here's everything that's been going on:
(click read more if you want to learn about my experience at my first writer's workshop & pitching to an agent ++ publishing updates for The Traitor's Throne)
If you DON'T want to read more: long story short I'm back and will revamp this blog Monday onwards.
Would you look at that I'm finally getting the hang of Tumblr etiquette!
Anyways, I know if I took the liberty of casually explaining everything we would just be here all day and I would ramble endlessly SO, I'm going to summarise everything into a list:
One of the biggest reasons for my departure was because *insert drum roll* I graduated! That's right, your girl is officially a diploma holder and ready to conquer college! Although I've seen the 'finals week or my final week' meme enough times to start questioning what I signed up for.
My writing life has been a little...disappointing. There's no other way to break it to you folks, but when I started this blog, I was knee-deep in the query trenches, and now, I'm still there. Does that suck? Yes. Am I going to give up? Absolutely not! BUT I do have some changes planned:
I've officially decided if this final shot at traditional publishing doesn't do well, I'm going to give in and self-publish The Traitor's Throne in May-June 2024. Which means you might potentially be able to purchase my baby pretty soon!
BUT I decided to give querying one last shot and actually joined a writer's workshop (which is going on as we speak btw). I joined the online Boston Writing Workshop, I'll drop a review on that on Sunday, but so far I've actually learned A LOT from it, and have decided to give querying another go while implementing what I've learned. Dw I'll also be putting out a review about the workshop on Sunday.
So, here's a summary: I've created a self-publishing deadline for my current project while also giving traditional publishing a final shot. I also joined my first ever writer's workshop this weekend and will be pitching to agents for the first time.
Overall, I think my lack of success in the querying scene kind of made me feel like a fraud when giving writing advice. I'm the type of author who does A LOT of research when I write, which is why I have so many tips on so many topics, but that doesn't make me an expert.
This workshop especially made me realise I've been making some rookie mistakes and focused so much on my story that I forgot the query and synopsis are just as important. Maybe this realisation came too late and I've lost my chance of traditionally publishing The Traitor's Throne, but I am grateful for everything it's taught me.
ANYWAYS—see what I meant by we'd be here the whole day if I didn't use a list??
Let's get back to the important stuff; yes, I will start putting out blogs again, and answering my asks. I'm also thinking of launching a beta reader project where I'll beta read some of your works for free! Stay tuned to see that announcement since it'll come soon.
Thank you so much for supporting this silly little blog of mine, and I hope you have a good weekend! As always, I'll see you on Monday! 💕✨
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dino-boyo-agere · 2 years
Hai 🦈
I'm Nathan, but u can call me Nate or Dino 💖
I'm a 25 year old trans guy from Germany and this is my age regression blog. 🏳️‍⚧️💞 My little age mainly moves between 3 to 6. Lately I feel like I'm permanently slipping or at around age 10 or 12 mentally.
My birthday is on August 15th!!
I love Dinosaurs, coloring and crafting! 🦕🖍️
╰→ klick here to find out what my favorite dinos are!!
I'm a primary colors enthusiast!! 💛💙❤️ My favorite colors are green & blue. 💚💙
I have several disabilities & disorders (ADHD, Dyslexia, birth defects, other stuff) ♿🧠
I'm incontinent, so I have to wear diapers. 🚼
I'm in lots of fandoms (Stranger Things, Criminal Minds, Supernatural, etc.) 💫📺
My CG blog: @silly-baba
I have an AgeRe YouTube channel btw!!
I made a Spotify playlist with my favorite songs!! - it is not agere themed tho lol
I only have nine fingers, if you're interested in knowing why, → here ← is the story of how I lost one of them. (!cw! obv. It's a little bloody!)
╰→ someone uploaded my story to YouTube, if you would like to listen to it, instead of reading! <3
DNI: nsfw, ddlg & variants, ABDl & variants, kink of any form... 🚫
Indicator if I'm:
big → 🦖
slipping → ☁️
small → 🧸
I'm a flip, heavily leaning little!
DMs are open, but I hate smalltalk. So, please just get right to the point when u wanna message me for/ about something. (It's completely fine if you just wanna chat, obviously!) Same goes for questions, no need to ask "Can I ask you a question?" Yes, you can! Just go and ask ahead right away!! <3 - Thank you for understanding!!
Also, lil tipp: every time a colored text in my posts has a white underline, it has a link in it. It's a little harder to see now, since Tumblr also ads underlines to each colored text, but it's still visible if you know what ur looking for! They changed it back, yayy!!
I have memory issues, so I'll probably reblogg some things multiple times or forget to answer questions/ do requests. Don't hesitate to remind me, but please be patient & don't pressure me, thank you! <3
If you're interested, → here ← is my cg application doc form, I'd absolutely love to have an online cg!! 💕
I made a list of YouTube channels to watch when regressed, some are themed around regression and some are just fun!!
I also made a little list for people who want to educate themselves about regression, what it is, why people do it ant what it's for!!
.゚.*・。゚��゚。・*.゚☆↓ My AgeRe ID ↓☆ ゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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If you want to make ur own ID → here ← is a link to imgur!
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・.゚»・⁠°✧↓This is me!↓✧°・«゚.・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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.゚.* 。×゚。・* ゚☆↓My Tummy-Puppy↓☆ ゚*・。゚× 。*.゚.
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.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚✧↓My doggo, Miles↓✧゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚☆↓I like crafting!↓☆ ゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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・。゚×゚。・゚»・⁠°✧↓My little sona, Spots↓✧°・«゚・。゚×゚。・
You can learn more about him → here, ← if you want to.
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。. ×゚・.»・⁠°☆↓My AgeRe Sona, Toggy↓☆°・«.・ ゚× . 。
You can learn more about them → here, ← if you want to.
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・.。゚×゚。・゚»・⁠°✧↓My cg sona, Loo↓✧°・«゚・。゚×゚。.・
You can learn more about them → here, ← if you want to.
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I have a furry blog but it's not super active <3
.*.・。゚×゚。・.*.゚☆ ↓My hashtags!↓ ☆ ゚.*.・。゚×゚。・.*.
Fanfics: #nates fanfictions
Head Canons: #nates headcanons
When I'm in my CG headspace: #baba space
AgeRe OC's: #nates little ocs
Arts & crafts: #nates drawings & #nates crafts
Sewing: #nates sewing
YouTube Videos/ Channel: #nates youtube
Other stuff I created: #nate makes
Banners: #nates banners
AgeRe outfits: #nates outfits
Answers to asks: #nates answers
Asks of mine that got answered: #nates questions
Textposts: #nates babbling
Memes I made: #nates memes
Ranting/ venting: #nates vents & #tw: vent
Anything dinosaur related: #nate loves dinos
Anything Tummy-Puppy related: #tuppy
Recommendations: #nates recommendations
╰→recommendations for YouTube, Music, TV, Movies..
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚✧ ↓ Info & DNI ↓ ✧ ゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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I created this blog on November 9th 2022.
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dduane · 1 year
Hello and I hope you are well. I don't send asks much to famous folks online, simply because I know they're probably very busy and I only really want to message someone if I feel I really have something to say. This is why I have messaged you, because I have always wanted to thank the author that changed forever the way I thought about things. So You Want To Be A Wizard was a book that I had come across when I was still learning my hunger for reading and had been charmed by the first Harry Potter book, and thus wanted more modern fantasy stories with kids my age. Nothing I have read since has ever quite struck me with such a sense of tangibility and relativity except perhaps A Wrinkle In Time. Ever since then, whenever I write something with a fantastical edge, whether it's a short story for myself or a D&D campaign I'm running for my friends, I think of that moment when a child politely asked the air to become a little firmer for them to walk across, and think of how I can use this as an example to get others to think a little differently about the world and its possibilities around them. It was a book I read to near-tatters, and I was devastated when I lost it. Finding out that its author was on my fav silly meme site was just too serendipitous for me to not send an ask and tell you a most heartfelt "Thank You" for sharing your imagination with us. Much Love and Care to you and yours, Charlie
I'm delighted that the book was there for you, and that it meant so much. Thanks for letting me know! :)
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jonathanbiers · 2 years
For the prompt meme, how about 20 and 34? Looking forward to reading whatever you come up with, I love your stuff 🥰
send me a pairing + a number and i'll write a mini-fic! 20. things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear  34. things you whispered in my ear  assuming you meant this for steddie! also full warning, i got carried away with this one. it's a lil angsty
Steve's running late; it's not his fault, really, even if it kind of is. He promised Dustin he'd take him to the nearest bigger city that morning, one with an exotic pet shop. Somehow, even after Mews, Dustin's enthusiasm for reptiles hadn't waned. He wanted a bearded dragon, and his birthday is coming up...
He didn't anticipate that he'd fall in love with the beast, too. He lost track of time, letting the little baby reptile — "Her name is Skurge, Steve!" he can hear Dustin's exasperated voice still — crawl all over him, cling to his shirt.
He didn't forget. He's just running late. This is what he tells himself as he parks in the street in front of Gareth's house, the open garage revealing all four members of Corroded Coffin inside, practicing. None of them notice him, the music is too loud for the engine of his car to be noteworthy. The song ends just as he's getting out of the car.
Ever since Eddie got out of the hospital, him and Steve are pretty close friends. Steve let him and Wayne stay at his house for a while, while they looked for a place after their trailer was torn to shreds. He didn't mind the company, welcomed it in fact. He thinks Eddie knows this, he still stays over from time to time. They take turns picking movies, listening to each other's music. Eddie visits Steve at work. Steve comes to Eddie's band practices. None of it is helping the silly little crush Steve has. It's making it worse, actually, having to watch the effortless way Eddie sings into the mic, eyes closed and skilled hands dancing along the fretboard of his guitar. It's not fucking fair.
The logical solution should be that Steve stops going, but he can't lie to himself. He loves the torture of it. Loves when Eddie turns to him when they're done, a little sweaty, breathing a little hard, his smile a little wild as he asks what Steve thinks. Steve just says it was good, never tells him what he's actually thinking. He can't very well say that he thinks he wants to kiss him until he's that breathless. He can't.
Because hanging out with Steve, being his friend, that's one thing. Steve's different than he was when they went to school together, he's a good person now, nice. Easygoing when he's not in babysitter mode. Even the rest of Corroded Coffin has come around to him, even if he had to bribe them with cold beer for a few weeks first.
He's not delusional enough to think he's Eddie's type, though. Eddie's never mentioned it, but Steve knows him — he likes metal, fantasy books, imaginative games. Steve, only half-jokingly, tried to help Dustin come up with a character for one of their D&D campaigns and got laughed at. He tried to start reading Lord of the Rings once while he was over at Eddie's, and felt like he was drowning in the words more than he was reading them. They're not from the same world, and that's okay. Being friends is enough.
Eddie's back is to the driveway, and none of the rest of Corroded Coffin notices Steve either as he walks up, weaving between the few cars parked there. He's just passing Gareth's dad's truck when he's able to hear the back half of their conversation.
Jeff and Eddie seem to be bickering, "...only sounds shit 'cause you're sulking 'cause your boyfriend isn't here."
"Wha—" Eddie sputters, "okay, first, he's not my boyfriend, what—"
"But you wish he was," Jeff goes on, monotone as he adjusts dials on an amp, as if he's discussing something as matter-of-fact as the weather.
"No, I don't," Eddie insists, and if Steve wasn't already frozen in place he would be now. "I don't— he's not even my type, come on."
"No?" Gareth asks, muffled as his head is bowed to adjust something on his drum kit. "Is that why you've spent the last thirty minutes going on about where's Steve, Steve is usually here by now, have any of you heard from Steve?"
Eddie's sputtering again, and Steve tries to ignore how his heart sinks when he begins to speak. "That's not— We're just friends, alright? Close friends, but I definitely don't like him like that— He's— he's a jock, for fucks' sake. He wears polos and spends an hour on his hair every day—"
"He's also nice and a good guy, you spent a full week convincing us yourself..." Gareth trails off as he lifts his head, must be satisfied with whatever he was messing with. He locks eyes with Steve, and there must be hurt evident on his face, because Gareth's brows draw together. "Eddie."
"Yeah, Steve's cool," Dan, their bassist cuts in, and Jeff nods in agreement.
Eddie keeps going, though. "Cool, sure. Doesn't mean I want to date him, and I'd really appreciate it if you guys stopped pestering me about it—"
"Eddie," Gareth says again, his voice insistent. Jeff notices, turns to follow Gareth's eyes. Steve is still frozen to the spot. Eddie is still going on.
"—Like, it's getting really fucking old and— ow, Jeff, what the fuck?" Jeff smacks Eddie on the arm to get him to stop, and gestures toward where Steve is standing.
Almost in slow motion, Eddie turns. So does Steve, though, finally snaps out of whatever has kept him rooted to the spot. It's one thing that now Gareth and Jeff know, but he doesn't want Eddie to see just how hurt he is by his words. Doesn't think he could take it, the look of pity. He's trying not to think, letting his feet take him back toward his car. Distantly, muffled behind Eddie's voice in his mind repeating all the reasons Steve isn't good enough, he hears Eddie calling his name. He ignores it, he doesn't want to hear whatever apology Eddie has for him.
"Steve, fuck— please, look at me." Steve feels a hand on his forearm, Eddie isn't grabbing him, just trying to get his attention.
Despite thinking better of it, Steve still turns, faces Eddie. He doesn't see pity, not exactly — guilt, sure, and something else. "It's alright," he says, feeling the opposite, "you don't have to apologize, it's— I get it, y'know? You don't have to...explain, or whatever. You don't like me back, it's fine, it's whatever—"
"I didn't mean it," Eddie blurts, eyes wide and looking everywhere but Steve's face. "I don't hate your hair or your shirts, I— wait," Eddie stops short, meets Steve's eyes, squints a little. "Back?"
Shit. "Um. I didn't..." Steve doesn't know what to say at this point, doesn't know how he can backtrack that. He thinks it's obvious considering his reaction to the conversation he walked into, but now it seems like Eddie had no idea.
Steve is still floundering when Eddie says, his voice soft and tinged with something like disbelief and wonder, "You like me?"
Steve just shrugs, and his voice sounds small to his own ears. "Yeah, but it's— You don't feel the same, and that's okay, so I'll...I'm just gonna go."
This time, when Steve turns, Eddie does grab his arm. He brings them face to face once again, and Steve's just about to open his mouth to say something when Eddie's hand moves to his cheek. All thoughts leave his head immediately, because now they're just...standing there, and Eddie's holding his face, looking at Steve like he's not sure he's real.
The moment feels like forever, but Steve knows it's only been a second, because he doesn't even have time to take a breath before Eddie's lips are on his. Thinks that might be for the best because it would've just been knocked out of him anyway. Eddie's a good kisser, and his hands are warm on Steve's cheek and his lower back. It takes a few seconds for his brain to catch up that this is reality, it's not a daydream and he finally kisses Eddie back, lets his arms wrap around Eddie's shoulders. He hears the other three quarters of Corroded Coffin cheering, hollering, Gareth banging on his drums. He thinks they're assholes, he thinks he loves them.
It's over too soon, but finally Steve can breathe. "You..." he starts, his brows furrowing in confusion. "You said—"
"I lied," Eddie interrupts him, presses their foreheads together. "I just wanted them off my back about it. Steve, I've been kinda crazy about you for— Too fucking long."
That brings a laugh out of Steve, because the feeling is mutual. "Since when, huh? Tell me."
Eddie just pulls Steve close, and Steve thinks he's leaning in for another kiss, but instead his lips graze against the shell of his ear as he whispers, "Ever since you took a bite out of that bat."
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wonderinc-sonic · 1 month
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Part 2! @primeministerofantarctica
👍 What do you like about this dynamic?
I mean everything? The sincerity, and the sarcasm. The fact that they're not saccharine in such a wholesome cast makes them feel really really genuine to me. I like how different they are, I like that their dedication to eachother is mutually beneficial. I like that they're so unlikely, and they love eachother so much anyway.
I like that they're going to end in tragedy. I like that they're forged in tragedy, experiencing a brief sunlight, and then it's going to end. And it's going to hurt so bad. I like that it'll have been worth the pain.
I like that neither Rouge nor Omega is some hacked on call to Maria. They had their appeal on their own. I like that Shadow and Omega are nothing like Rouge, and they make her shine for being unique in a way she could have been lost had Sega done the other plan of put her in Team Rose. I like that Omega has never been made to change from who he is to be loved in Team Dark.
���� What do you read in them that you wish more people thought/ knew?
I don't think they have to be sibling coded. So often I see them written as Big Sister Rouge, Dramatic Middle Child Shadow, Chaos Gremlin Baby Omega. And that's okay, but it undersells all of them: Omega is actually pretty wise, both in first instance and now. Rouge is perfectly welcome to be chaotic and silly, Team Dark doesn't rob her of that in canon. And Shadow has both innocence and wisdom that we shouldn't forget about. They are more complicated than the roles we try to fit them in.
🔄What would you change about them, if anything
Bring them back :( but also on their own solo adventures. I want to see more of these characters in settings they don't normally go to. IDW has given us a few, get them outta their box more!
🐜 What's your smallest headcanon for them?
Omega involuntarily plays a few little tunes. They think it's adorable, but they've helped him turn most of them off because they embarrass him. Some examples:
Happy Birthday on Eggman's birthday. He was at Sonic's party when it happened, and it's a cutesy little jingle. He was mortified.
When starting up. He doesn't actually hear this one, as it's before the aural processor is booted. But Rouge often parrots it back (dun! Dun-da-da-dun, ding!) And he doesn't love that.
When he's surprised he bings. He mostly overrides it but sometimes they sneak through
When he's done something well sometimes the little *baba bing!* comes out. Shadow and Rouge also copy this one when he does it.
And there's a free space in here, so have a random headcanon:
Once a month, they have a scheduled day off from eachother to do their own thing, a tradition set up by Rouge when they had the teething problems of being a new team. This gets logistically awkward when they're on a mission together, and they often fail, but its become a meme. They'll spend their whole day off - on which rhey might be stuck on a rocket together - saying things like 'if I were speaking to you today, I'd ask you to pass the salt' 'UNIT IS NOT SPEAKING TO YOU. UNIT IS SLIDING SALT FOR PERSONAL GOALS.'
Thank you for the ask!! Prompt game is here!
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shmowder · 24 days
Hello! Firstly id like to say how much I enjoy your writings. And I was wondering your opinions on Stanislav Rubin, and if you have written anything about him yet?
Thank you very much. I'm glad that even though I post a lot of memes and silly things, people still remember that this is a writing blog at its core.
Ah Stakh, the man, the myth, the legend Rubin himself. I absolutely adore him. He's like what happens if you drop the soul of a 90' anime tsundere into a survival horror middle age man.
Rip Stanislav, you would've loved going Hmp >:/. You would've loved posting blank black screens on your snapchat with a single dot in the text bracket. You would've loved getting away with throwing heavy-duty physical objects at Artemy in the name of comedic effect during fillter beach episodes.
What's so interesting about him is how much the narrative is out there to get him. How much his story tells a complicated relationship about bline love, trust, and abuse.
At times, it seems like Rubin loved Isidor more than his own son ever did from the amount of faith he held in him. Especially when that said person took advantage of his willingness to serve in order to do the dirty work.
That's probably why Rubin is acting extremely difficult during the game. He's grieving deeply. He seems lost and devoid of purpose, so he clings to whatever new problem he can find to give himself purpose. He works himself to an early grave just so he doesn't have time to think, and if you don't interfer as Artemy, he's successful.
Rubin's extremely devoted to his own set of morality, even when it contradicts itself and hurts him in the process. It's like he's willing to dig himself further into a mess even if he knew the chances of him solving it alone are very slim.
He'd rather do it himself than ask for help.
But it doesn't feel like pride, more like spite. That's the thing him and the bachelor have in common. They're both moved in spite of the universe and not because of.
Meanwhile, Artemy does things out of love for the universe. It explains why Rubin was described by the developers as being Artemy's rival.
Stakh was the best student Isidor ever had, the most diligent and quickest to learn, even a better student than his own son.
But that's exactly the problem. That's all he was great at, being an excellent student. Isidor didn't want a student for life. He wanted a new Menkhu to replace him, to pave the way for the future. How could he let someone who always looks to others for guidance ever take the lead?
Rubin decided to follow the bachelor when it came to curing the plague. In P1, Rubin used to be a soldier and an extremely good one at following orders too before he had to come back hom from a head injury.
In P2, when Rubin is devoid of purpose again, he doesn't try to be his own person and pave his own path. No, instead he sticks with the familiar and goes to join the army.
In the marble nest where Artemy is dead, Daniil says that Rubin has already joined the army and he could be behind any of those soldiers' masks.
What's the alternative future for him? Remaining a student. But for Artemy this time, who successfully took his father's place in p2.
Rubin and Bad Grief were the first ever people to fall out from the friend group after Artemy left, and it makes sense with how opposite they are in nature.
Grief saw how good he was at doing what he is, how excellent he is at being a gang leader and how easily this life came into his hands with very little work. He almost seems perfect for the job of being a glorified sketchy shopkeeper with a dangerous front as a gang leader.
He saw that, and he hated it. He wanted out. He wanted freedom and to break from the narrative. He acted out of script and went to the Inquisitor with his own two legs, closed shop, and threw away that perfect life, which was designed especially for him.
Meanwhile, Rubin longs back for that life. For Isidor to crawl out of the grave and tell him what to do next, even if it meant he will be mistreated and forced to bear the sins of his master just so Isidor keeps his own hands clean. He wants someone more knowledgeable to direct him again, tell him what to do, where to go and what to say.
Grief adored freedom, but Rubin loathed how terrifying it was. Grief understood the way of the world, how everyone is masquerading as their roles, how the whole of humanity is a game of pretend we play with each other, a mere facade. He understood that, and he climbed up as a result of playing his cards well. Or at least, life handed him the perfect hand for his role.
Rubin's black and white view of the world was his doom. Isidor was right and could never do anything wrong in his eyes, even when it was Rubin suffering because of him. Grief was bad. Therefore, he could never do anything right no matter what explanation he gives.
Artemy abandoned his father, therefore he is forever responsible for Isidor's murder in Rubin's eyes.
It's almost funny how throughout the whole game, as Artemy, you keep getting reminded of how much Rubin hates you and wants you dead.
Yet when he invents the panacea after you neglect your job, he fully credits it to you as your invention. The inquisitor even says so.
Love and hate are like dusk and dawn, different angles, but still the same sun.
Rubin's hate for Grief and Artemy proves that he still cares about them above all.
Even then, it doesn't take much convincing for him to abandon that hate. Almost as if he wants to be rid of it himself but can't do it on his own, he requires you to talk to him and give him that one final push. Aware of it or not, he has always looked to others for help despite him trying his best to handle things alone.
Now, as for writing something about him, I haven't yet. I would love to, he seems very fun to write. Emotionally constipated characters usually are.
But do you mean as a ship or x reader?
If it's a ship, something with Artemy is my first thought.
I know Isidor was in the process of adopting Rubin and that he refers to him as father sometimes. But all of that happened after Artemy left the town and not before.
So while Rubin and Isidor saw themselves as found family, Rubin and Artemy never did. Their last time together was spent as childhood best friends, and not once do they refer to each other as siblings or imply it.
To me they will always be just childhood friends. Artemy was estranged from his own father for 10-5 years depending on the game and Rubin filled that spot in the meanwhile. The sole reason for the adopting thing was just to get Rubin the right to cut bodies and nothing more in Isidor's case.
Rubin might have seen him as a father figure, but I doubt Isidor saw him as anything but a student, let alone a son.
In his dairy during his last days before death, Isidor only speaks of Artemy. Wishing his son was by his side.
And in Artemy's case, he immediately forgives Rubin for so many things during their first meeting in P1. And in P2, he still attempts to talk and have a resemblance of a friendship with him.
Artemy literally follows him like a kicked puppy, wanting his best friend back and desperately attempting to mend things with Rubin. The fics practically write themselves at this point. Stakh clearly likes Artemy but he won't let himself easily give into the temptation because he is just angsty like that.
Maybe that "rivally" was extremely one-sided in Rubin's case.
But for x reader, you're not Artemy so you'll get very favourable treatment.
He's already willing to let himself burn at the stake for someone else. Rubin and Eva both share the passion to sacrifice themselves for the sake of someone else, ironically enough.
The only difference is that Eva took the hopeless romantic path whole Rubin took the selfless devotion one.
He'd do well with someone who is soft and caring, that man requires a hug that lasts a century. He needs someone to be patient with him, someone wise who understands him better than he understands himself. Someone be there for him to fall back on.
Stakh is the type of person who will mould himself to your expectations and needs rather than just let himself...be himself. He will think the way he is just isn't enough to get you to stay in love, and so he will try to adapt what you deem impressive and love-able.
Breaking himself in the process.
A reader who gets him out of that cycle would be perfect. Someone who reassures him that he is enough. That he doesn't need to set himself ablaze just to keep you warm.
He will be extremely awkward in love. He doesn't have a single romantic bone in his body. But he's nothing if not a fast learner.
it's clumsy attempts at the start, but eventually, he learns to speak his feelings more. Words of sincerity and promises of devotion acting as his flirting.
He stares at you a lot with his big round, lovely brown eyes. Across the room? he's looking at you until you come talk to him. Suddenly, he's not slouching so much. It's endearingly embarrassing how honest his eyes can be when his lips won't admit that he needs you.
He will cling to you as time goes on. Why exactly can't he go out with you when you're hanging out with your friends? Listen he knows this is just a grocery trip but he wants to walk there with you and carry the bags.
One time, you took too long in the bathroom at night, and he woke up from sleep just to knock at the bathroom door and ask when you were going back to bed. You found him half-asleep sitting on the ground near the door when you opened it.
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actiasteeth · 1 month
All prompts taken from season one of Arcane (2021). Adjust as needed.
"I knew it was a mistake trusting you."
"I told you the truth."
"Get your hands off me!"
"You look good for a dead girl."
"What do you know about this?"
"What the hell is this all about?"
"What were you doing with _____?"
"That was a long time ago. People change."
"Are you working for _____?"
"Fuck. You."
"I thought you were dead."
"I didn't know if I could trust you."
"Gee, I wonder who I learned that from."
"You still punch like a little boy."
"Nature has made us intolerant to change, but fortunately, we have the capacity to change our nature."
"I know the look of a doomed man."
"I must warn you—if you take this path, they will despise you."
"Love and legacy are the sacrifices we make for progress."
"How'd you find me?"
"Is that what's really bothering you?"
"I've had enough headaches."
"She'll come to you when she's ready."
"I should have been there. For you. For everyone."
"That's a good way to drive yourself crazy."
"If I just went with you that day, maybe none of this would have happened."
"You're wrong. She's still in there. I can reach her."
"Do you have any idea how this looks?"
"Have you forgotten where we came from?"
"Let me help you with that."
"Don't move, silly. I might hurt you."
"I wanted to protect you."
"I am your family. Everyone else betrays us."
"I need you. Now more than ever."
"You got a plan?"
"The peace is already broken, _____."
"Ridiculous. You cannot be considering this."
"There is always a choice."
"I'm worried I have to do something I never thought I would."
"I can't leave her again."
"You can't change her."
"Don't get yourself killed."
"I told you to leave this alone."
"Oh, look who it is—the boy savior."
"Mark me, _____, if you want to last in this world, you must learn to be both the fox and the wolf."
"I will give you the world, _____, if you prove you can take it."
"Kill her now and only one must die. Let her live and you may need to kill thousands."
"A wolf has no mercy."
"It was all for nothing."
"You understand you've broken several laws?"
"Sometimes death is a mercy."
"Are you prepared to lose her?"
"Please understand, this is for your own sanity."
"Gotta hand it to you, _____. Every time I think you can't get dumber, you dig a new low."
"Ego is one thing; brain's another."
"Don't try to ingratiate yourself with me."
"That's a mistake I can't take back."
"Weapons can't be unmade, and they are always used."
"What happened to her—it's not your fault."
"I understand this must be painful. I'm afraid it will only get worse."
"I have to get home. It isn't safe for me here."
"We need to act. Before anyone else gets killed."
"When do we say enough is enough?"
"This is how things are, how they've always been. I was so stupid to think it could change."
"Oil and water. Wasn't meant to be."
"Do yourself a favor, _____. Go back to that big, shiny house of yours and just... forget me, okay?"
"You wanna make _____ pay for what he's done?"
"I could have you arrested."
"You said you were tired of doing nothing. That's the only sensible thing that came out of anyone's mouth tonight."
"We got a deal, pretty boy?"
"You've always been a part of this. You just never had to look it in the eye."
"Get ahold of yourself. I taught you better."
"I've only accelerated a process you started."
"I would set the world ablaze to protect our family."
"You weakened me."
"I couldn't endure the look in your eyes whenever I made the decisions—the necessary decisions—to keep us safe."
"We lost ourselves—lost our dream."
"In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good."
"Today's the day you die, _____."
"You really think you're in a position to demand all this?"
"You want peace—this is the price."
"We can't make a deal with a snake and cut off its head. We both have our shitty parts to play."
"You'd be surprised what you can pull off when your life depends on it."
"It's not enough to give people what they need to survive. You have to give them what they need to live."
"A thousand times I've imagined this moment. Never like this."
"And what do I lose but problems?"
"I wish I could say it gets easier, _____. But I'd be lying."
"They're right not to trust us."
"You're walking a fine line, _____."
"With respect, I don't give a shit what any of you think of me anymore."
"Nothing ever stays dead."
"The only thing that kept me going was the thought of getting back to you."
"Are we still sisters?"
"I always knew you'd come back."
"You wouldn't lie to me. Not again."
"I'm on your side. I promise."
"They can all burn. Everyone betrays us, _____."
"_____, she's too far gone."
"I never would have given you to them. Not for anything."
"Don't cry. You're perfect."
"I thought maybe you could love me like you used to. Even though I'm different. But you changed, too."
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jannwrites · 9 months
film ask meme : SAINT MAUD (2019) directed by ROSE GLASS.
a selection of lines from the 2019 film saint maud. modified slightly for rp purposes.
forgive me my impatience but i hope you will reveal your plan for me soon.
can you feel that?
i daresay you'll be seeing this one soon.
who's your saint?
you're prettier than the last one.
you can't just lock yourself up here. you should be around people.
don't be petulant. you're getting dangerously norma desmond.
sorry to call you back early.
things are different now.
take care of yourself, darling.
no one sees what they don't want to.
stay with me. i don't want to be alone.
have you seen a lot of death?
when you pray, do you get a response?
nothing feels real anymore.
i keep thinking about that last moment and wondering what it will be like.
tell me I'm wrong.
my little savior.
to save a soul, that's quite something.
i can see you.
don't let her drink too much.
honey, come back to me.
no hard feelings. i'm sure you're great in bed.
it's not right that she spends her last days getting worked up over a silly girl that doesn't care about her.
i am reminded of myself in the first flushes of your love.
it's no fun if you cheat.
i wasn't expecting to hear from you.
i will go to bed when i damn well like.
don't run away. i'm talking to you.
you got a little carried away, didn't you?
no. you're lost.
there's my little saint.
you know you shouldn't take anything i say serious.
you should have some fun while you still can.
i've got more important things on my mind.
how could mere human frivolity possibly complete with the heavenly father's warm heart?
[name] expressed other concerns.
all i feel of you now is this pain.
if you're trying to teach me something, i can't see what it is.
quite frankly, it all just seems such a waste.
i was ready and open and alive, and this is my reward.
perhaps you aren't as wise as i thought.
i can't help but feel an act of spite has occurred.
i shudder to think what awaits those who shun you.
you never seemed to like me that much.
you owe me a drink.
i thought i did what you told me to do.
please don't let me fall again.
i should have expected resistance. nothing worthwhile comes easy.
never waste your pain.
what if you are smirking or indifferent or think me a clueless idiot?
how will i know what to do?
it was sweet of you to come but you mustn't worry.
you're right. back then, i was so lost.
i was unkind to you.
you made me think of things i didn't want to.
you must be the loneliest girl i've ever seen.
snap out of it, honey.
you have no idea how dull it is to be dying.
i hate to be the one to break it to you but it's just you and me here.
nothing you do matters.
take some responsibility for your actions.
it's clear now you are as weak as your faith.
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katyspersonal · 3 months
3, 18, 24, 29, 32 for Mico :3
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
3) What first drew you to this character?
Like I said, my first introduction to Micolash was his theme song, paired with a concept art image of him since it was on Youtube. And I already was instantly captivated! My initial impression was that for some reason he was a helpless puppet, and I wanted to know of what exactly! So I've caught up on his lore.... and was sorely disappointed, because back then Fromsoft barely giving information was a novelty for me XD Still, I appreciated the madness, and the mystery. I was really impressed as he felt like someone on much higher level of knowledge, in NO way I felt like he was "silly" or "a joke" x)
18) Do you prefer to see this character suffer or know peace? Angst or comfort? Both?
Both! Imagining him laugh genuinely, not in madness, is one of my most comforting fantasies... ;-; I love seeing him peaceful, happy and, of course, loved! At the same time, I enjoy depictions of him recollecting his humanity only to collapse in tears and horror. Reflecting on how far everything has gone, on the people he had lost (usually Rom), on having lost himself..
24) Do you ever dream about this character? If so, describe a dream you once had about them.
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This is... a heavy question. Micolash used to frequent my dreams. There is a whole saga about it, in a way, ahaha! I think my very first dream about him truly bound us. I dreamed about being Rom (even before I knew or created anything about her), walking on the water surface of the lake but it had water lilies, and seeing Micolash's back turned as he was praying. I tried to reach out to him and call him, but got absolutely ignored, then I looked down in the water and realised that although "I" perceived myself as a girl, I in reality became a spider. Realisation made me wake up, strangely with extreme nausea and thirst, even if I was not sick or poisoned.
But there were many other dreams a while later after that one. In this order: he invaded my average nightmare about my stepdad saying 'she is ours now' to him; him pulling me down into the sea to drown; him deceiving me with "loving me back" whereas he was hypnotising me to follow into apparently a trap (sort of an attic full of dust, books and mirrors) and I woke up when I snapped out of trance; the dream where he kept tormenting me by putting me through death by Frenzy over and over yet I kept respawning and unable to change my situation, and once I found a Sedative that was my only chance to get out of the 'loop' I've given it to a mother whose child kept suffering the same fate. When he saw it, he spared me and teleported me into a bed to have a rest... while he was very, very harshly scolding me for being "too obsessive" and weirding HIM out, that I was too much for HIM, and that he'd never love me and I was nobody for him?
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And the last one in this 'line' was when I was little again, in my room, in the time where a very particular trauma happened to me. Except, it was full of the same fog as Nightmare of Mensis, and Micolash was there, offering to undo it...? Unfortunately, it didn't happen, but I appreciated the offer. Ironic that THE nightmare man would offer to stop my nightmares (or rather, take control over them, as "lesser evil"). And, of course, don't forget semi-regular Micolaurence dreams!
29) Do you get defensive about this character? If yes, then why?
I DO! And sometimes not for a good reason. It is like an instinct! xD Like, at times I am unable to take the joke about him being "just silly unwashed unhinged failure wet cat" fsdhfhds I am dead serious, I actually sometimes pout and want to write a long essay on how WELL AKTUALY he is very complicated and deep and messed up character! This is why other simps don't like talking to me anymore fhshdfshfs
The most defensive I've ever gotten about him was when an anon complimented an artist that (deliberately) prettified Micolash because they liked "aesthetic" or whatever. Anon praised the artist for "fixing" the "ugly" character, without exaggeration, and for making him "actually attractive" :/ But you've been there with me, you've gotten mad at that anon with me, you remember. Saying that someone made the non-conventionally attractive character aKtUaLLy lOoK GuD by replacing him with idealised version true to one's own preferences in appearance.. You know how Gehrman haters say that 'Doll is prettyfied idealised version of Maria crafted to his tastes that in no way reflects Maria's actual vibe'? I think as hard as I cringed at that moment, but in the end, I am able to understand how Gehrman haters feel when gamerbros simp for Doll!
So yeah, after realising that I have this problem of getting too defensive over integrity of my favs, including appearance, I have to restrain myself and rationalise. For example, 'maybe he used to look much prettier and healthier in Byrgenwerth times!' is reasonable! I just... won that trait in 'unlikeable' autistic fan traits lottery. You know, that one. That, if left unattended, will surely one day make the fan completely alone. As anyone is scared of telling them anything in fear of being "corrected". With only the characters they so-much-cherished to keep them company now. What a sad fate. I am sure there will be a better use for it one day than acting as though fictional characters have human rights sighhhhh....
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32) If you could make this character a meal, what would you make them?
Well, look at this man, he never eats anything anymore because he's too focused on his research, so ANY meal would be good for him x) But greenish skin tone instantly makes me think of iron deficiency, so I would offer him chickpea spinach curry!
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Thank you for asking!!
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