#i dont think he would have gotten himself into this situation in the first place but go off ig
cubeberries · 1 month
one of the worst experiences of my life is reading 230k+ words of a 270k+ word fic just to realise i literally hate everything about it
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captainpulisic · 1 year
woke up just in time, now I wake up by your side - c. pulisic
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authors note : dedicated to all my girlies who went against gender norms and dont know how to cook for shit. you are SEEN and you are LOVED <3 gif credits to owner word count : 1.8 k
christian had always hated mornings. waking him up was the worst thing you could do. don't get him wrong, he had always prided himself with being punctual and motivated for hours spent out on the pitch but unscheduled mornings were his own time. after long days and endless weeks of training, hiding away in his sleep was the only chance he got to truly rest. no expectations to meet, no obligations to fulfill. back before he had gotten his own place, every teammate turned roommate was tasked with the pointless battle of trying to get him out of bed. it was futile trying to shake him awake or yelling at him to get a start on his day, they’d just be met with snores or a shoe lazily thrown at them. 
if only any of those roommates could see him these days, they’d have a stroke.
the current christian, the one waking up at ungodly hours, was not the one they had come to be weary around. he was different, he was happy. he wasn’t cursing the person waking him up anymore. how could he, when it was you waking him up?
you being an early bird, tried to always wake up at 6 am. a jam packed schedule and uni had you itching to start your days earlier than others, wanting to be out the door by 8 am, and not a moment later. yet, you made sure to always set a few moments aside for the grumpy, sleeping beauty on the other side of the bed. you’d trace the curves on his face, a feather like touch sweeping his furrowed brows and over his lips. sometimes seeing him so peaceful, so beautiful- you couldn't help your urges to kiss him silly.  
and that was christians favorite way to wake up. the trail of kisses you’d leave on him was intoxicating. he felt them everywhere. his lips, cheek, jaw, neck and chest. and when he’d hear your soft ‘good morning’, it was over for him. no, he didn’t hate mornings anymore. he loved them and he wished he could always wake up this early, if this was the way it would happen. 
a typical morning would have the rays of shine having your eyes flutter open. the light illuminates the room, casting a pretty glow on christians sleeping face. it gives you a few seconds to fully wake up, a peaceful prelude before your hectic day begins. the cold london air is still present outside of your little bubble. you don’t even feel it, christians insane body warmth keeping you as toasty as possible. with his arm secured around your waist and your body pulled flush against his, you’re sure you’d survive antarctica in this position.
and while christian might say he despises mornings, you absolutely loved them. and its become your mission to make him love them, too. thus, you’ve created a little game of seeing how many kisses it takes to get him awake and happy. you pepper them all over his face and neck, watching him stir a little. you start this little show by a gentle kiss on each cheek, making sure to leave one on his nose. soon after, you reach his chest. there, gentle kisses to his collarbones and wet brushes where his neck meets his shoulders. they grow a little faster and frustrated as you realize they aren’t working, trying to lure him out of his sleep in the sweetest way possible. 
it took you a week of this charade to realize that he cheats. that he usually wakes up after the first kiss to his nose and cheek, but lays perfectly still. that while his eyes remain shut and face unchanged, he’s praying that your touches don’t stop. he thinks he’s so clever, not realizing you figured out the moment he’s awake. you’ve figured out what areas to kiss, that causes his breathing to stagger. the slight tint in his cheeks betrays him every single time, alerting you that he's conscious. 
lucky for both of you, this is a win-win situation. he likes being kissed awake by you and you like being the one to kiss him all the time. therefore, you’ll gladly keep this pretense up, pretending to desperately cover him in soft kisses until he’s ‘finally awake’.
usually, after you shower him with affection with one final kiss on his lips, he’ll decide to be nice and miraculously wake up (as if on cue). other times, he’ll be a bit more stubborn and keep up his sleeping beauty act. on those days, you’re practically straddling him and messily kissing him. neither of you wanting to be the first to fold. damn right strong headed, the both of you. 
yet, usually, you end up winning with your secret move. the final act that has him waving the white flag and you claiming victory once again. after kisses on neck and cheeks and lips and tattooed chests, you drag your lips to his ear. capturing his earlobe, you tug it gently in between your teeth. 
and that just about does it for christian. game over, no argument. he lets out a sigh and his eyes flutter open. 
“morning, handsome.”
he feigns grogginess, eyes awake and tired. the bastard even has the audacity to fake a yawn. returning a kiss to your forehead, he slides his hands to rest on your hips. a smile plays on his lips, “morning, pretty girl.”
yeah, christian loves these types of mornings with you.
but today was not one of those mornings. he had woken up to an empty space and cold sheets. with tired eyes and still in a sleepy haze, he unlocks his phone to see it’s already 10:15 am. his horrible mood is at the point of returning because you’d usually be in class by this hour. yet,his frown only grows deeper when he remembers it was supposed to be a peaceful sunday morning between the two of you. no class, no training, no plans. 
he could go back to sleep, it’s tempting. he could roll over right now and hide his body further into the blankets. he could do it, but he doesn’t. it just doesn’t seem worth it if you’re not there to keep him warm. hoping to find you somewhere in the house and coax you back into bed, he gets up with a huff. 
he checks the living room, knowing you retreat there to read when you want to be alone. nothing. he checks the backyard, the living room. nothing, again. this house is too fucking big, why does he need all these rooms when they’re just here to make it harder for him to find you?
its when he hears the pots and pans clanking that he nearly trips over himself rushing to get to the kitchen. he doesn’t care how pathetic he seems. frankly, waking up without you and spending these 5 minutes without you, he’s decided they’re the worst 5 minutes he’s ever lived. 
finally, reaching the kitchen, his feet and heart stop at the sight of you. there you were, back turned to him and in his shirt from the night before. he can’t see your face but he hears your smile in the way you were humming along to whatever song is stuck in your head. it’s very endearing to him the way you’re too caught up in your mind that you don’t even notice the eggs burning on the stove. no, making sure the kettle was filled with water seemed more important to supervise. he doesn’t blame you, not really. back when you had first moved in with him, you wanted to make a celebratory pasta for dinner. lets just say, a pot of water caught on fire and some pieces of clothes earned scorch marks. to this day, neither of you can explain how that happened. it was just mutually agreed upon that christian would be the one to do the cooking for the both of you. 
when he fears that the smoke detector will go off any second, he lets his presence be known by stepping up to turn the stove off. your head whips around, finally noticing the burnt state of the eggs. you let out a shy laugh, hiding your face behind your hands. 
“i’m sorry, i know i’m banned from using the stove” you rambled, flushed and starting to regret the romantic idea of bringing him breakfast in bed. “it’s just that you were asleep and you looked so peaceful and pretty- you alway look pretty. and i wanted to do something nice for you and have food ready for when you woke up and uber eats would’ve taken too long and eggs seemed easy. why aren’t eggs easier to make?”
he steps in front of you, taking your hands from your face and kissing each one. his voice is still raspy from sleep, “mornin’ baby.”
“hi, good morning.” you kiss his lips in return. shaking your head once more, “and I really am sorry.”
“it’s okay, we can make something else.”
“wait! I did make you something else.” he sees your eyes brighten, “I also made you toast, no one can mess that up! it’s just bread!”
without wasting a second, you turn to the toaster that’s on the other side of the island counter. you freeze when you see the black smoke emitting out of it. as if on cue, two slices of charred bread pop out. yeah, you both should’ve seen that one coming. 
christian, bless his soul, just smiles and says ‘yum’. he tries, he really does to scrape off some of the darker bits of it. its hopeless. he lathers some butter on it and doesn’t break his smile when he takes a bite of it. you notice how he tries not to wince. you can see him struggle to chew it and swallow, you’d be laughing at his horrible poker face if your heart wasn’t about to burst over how sweet he is. 
he notices your awestruck expression, “what?”
“nothing,” you muse. wrapping your arms around him and burying your face into him, “I just love you, ‘s all.”
“i love you, too.” you feel him squeeze you a little tighter, “and i’ll finish this toast but no amount of love will make me eat those eggs.”
your laugh is music to his ears and he feels a sense of pride for being the cause of it. he feels a kiss on his exposed arm, “sorry I wasn’t there when you woke up.”
“it’s okay,” he kisses the top of your head. hoping to make you laugh some more, “you made me a 5 star meal, so i’ll let it slide just this once.”
yeah, mornings might just be christians favorite part of the day now. 
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cringelordofchaos · 4 months
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Ultra Chaos Knuckles
A fan-design for an imaginary form of Knuckles, where he uses the power of the Master Emerald - made by me!
Already posted about him before; here and here , hadn't gotten much better lol
I dont think he would almost ever, in any situation, use the master emerald for himself, or even for others! His sworn duty is protecting it, and not using it. He can't trust others with it, including him, he would probably think no one would even deserve to wield it's powers in the first place, it shall only be guarded from those who may abuse it. He wouldn't think he would have any more privilege or trust with it than others.
...but, in a hypothetical situation where the potential of the master emerald being the only choice, the only chance of salvation for everyone; would he ever consider?
In any case if it ever would come down to it, I have already said this before; but he would probably be extremely, extremely guilty about it, and ask the master emerald itself first. And would swear in everything, that this is the first and last time he or anyone is every going to use it. And that he would accept any form of punishment that would come with using it's powers, or making a mistake.
Nevertheless, for the right purposes, the master emerald would let him wield it's powers, and oh BOY are they powerful.
As you can see he is GIGANTIC. I was gonna make him more gigantic but then you wouldn't even see the sonic he's holding in his hands everso gently.
Holding many celestial powers at once, I swear in a fanfic concept I had at the back of my mind this makes sense.
Many cracks and veins visibly running through his celestial body, alongside the enourmous scars, are supposed to show that in this state, despite how powerful he really is, it is disgustingly painful to bear.
All the colours of the chaos emeralds are also intended to be visible in the ultra Chaos Knuckles design.
(I apologize for the bad name - it was the first thing I came up with on the spot lmao. And now I'm just used to it)
The moon on his chest is based off of the fact that knuckles' canon design thingy on his chest is based off of the moon crest, to parallel sonics Sun belly or whatever.
Also - rings ! Just thought they'd be a nice addition, also in sonic lore you COULD say they symbolize life in some way.
Feel free to ask me anything Abt him !!! Or the AU I'm thinking of !!!
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kumezyzo · 10 months
hellooo! can you write something about breaking up w bf!sapnap?
im not joking when i say i got two seperate asks for this. and im all for it. i made sap seem like a huge asshole in this btw. like, so insanely shitty that its almost out of character/it probably is.
anyway, enjoy! or dont :) m.list
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it built up slowly over time. once the honeymoon phase had passed, you two were comfortable. and then you two needed a break. he needed breathing room and you need to reevaluate where you wanted this relationship to go. when before you could see yourself marrying him, growing old with him, having a family with him, now you just saw his flaws.
he didnt know why but he felt bored. it hurt him to admit to himself. and it hurt even more having to tell his friends about it. the same friends that had grown to love you and you had grown to love aswell.
"you're... bored?" dream asked his best friend, looking at him like he was crazy. "of a person?"
nick winced as he heard it out loud for the first time. he looked at george who looked at him in complete concern.
"it sounds worse when you put it like that..." nick responded. he rubbed at his eyes.
"it was that bad to begin with," george said shaking his head.
during the break, you felt as if you two had broken up. and the longer it went on, the more he acted like you two actually had. and it really solidified it when he started talking to other people.
you didnt think he was doing it seriously. maybe it was just to make you jealous, maybe he did stoop that low. but then you saw how how george and dream were just as confused as you.
he really did try to hide it from you. from everyone. but no ones perfect.
"nick, who are you texting?" dream asked over his shoulder, startling him. he looked at dream with wide eyes.
"what the fuck are you doing?" he asked defensively. you looked up from where you were sitting at the kitchen island to the other two on the couch. he glanced at you before looking back at his best friend.
"i was just trying to scare you..." dream said walking towards you in the kitchen confused. he had gone upstairs to get his laptop to show you something. "but really, who were you texting?"
"your mom, thats who,"
when you found it he was talking to someone, you couldnt help but feel terrible at the idea that he had already gotten over you.
you walked into your old shared bedroom, nervously avoiding eye contact with your ex-boyfriend. he looked at you blankly as you stood there with your arms crossed, trying to find words to say.
he was sat up in bed, looking up from his phone at you. "...whats up?"
"we can agree we're not together anymore? like... this isnt gonna work out, right?" you continued to stare at your socks as you waited for the heart breaking answer. but you couldn't hold it in and looked up to see his face.
he looked small and deep in thought. he glanced down at his phone screen and back up at you.
"why are you thinking about it?" you ask offendedly. "im asking to make sure we're on the same page here. it wasnt an actual fucking question."
your words rang through the air. he sat there, hearing them play over in his head. it was like he was suddenly understanding the situation. he replayed your relationship, remembering how much he loved you. how happy he was.
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im sorry if this seems all over the place. this idea was a lot more elaborate in my mind. but i didnt wanna make it longer. sorry...
if you want a longer version, it would take a while for me to get it out. im gonna be super busy for a while so domt expect as frequent uploads. im also in a lowkey bad mood rn so... im sorry if this is kinda dry. -nony
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Reality Check
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Chapter Eight of the Through the Scope series | Chapter Nine
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 5.2K
Chapter Overview: The morning after & the days that follow your and Frankie's hookup are joyful, but not everyone is joining in on the love
TW: Brief mentions of sexual assault & Brunson (iykyk)
Notes: i got it done by the hair of my chinny chin chin LMAOO ,, honestly i usually ramble in my notes but i dont have a lot to say today (': thank you to everyone who has liked and/or reblogged my story so far ! it means so much !! let me know if you want to be added to the tag list as well !! as usual...my asks are always open & happy reading <3
*no use of y/n & female presenting reader*
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Frankie’s alarm blares earlier than either of you want it too. Maybe it wouldn’t have felt so early if you had gone to bed sooner. You jump a little when you hear it going off and feel the man holding you stir behind you. The arm that he had wrapped around your waist detaches slowly to silence the unwelcome sound. You smile to yourself as you hear him breathe out deeply and snuggle his body closer to yours under the duvet.
“I sent it to snooze.” He yawns. “We only have a few more minutes of this.” 
He is clearly more awake than he sounds as his lips quickly find your shoulder. You stretch your neck out to allow him access and he greedily accepts your invitation. 
“I don’t want to go back to reality.” You can feel your heart rate already accelerating as he continues to adorn your skin. 
“Let’s stay here, in bed, all day. I have vacation hours, remember?”
“But I don’t.” You sigh and shift your body to where you can look at him. “And Benny can’t manage the gym all by himself anymore.” 
As you wait for him to say something, you allow your eyes to wander all over his face. His hair looks so curly and soft against the pillow. His eyes don’t look as sad as they do during the daytime. They appear youthful and doe-like.
“What are you doing?” He smiles.
“I’m trying to memorize what you look like first thing in the morning.” You bring your hand out from under the covers and caress his beard. “Does it always grow like this?” You gingerly brush your thumb over the sparse patch.
“Ever since I can remember. It made shaving easier, but it isn’t the most manly, huh?”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“Oh? What would you say then?” He pokes at your ribs hidden beneath the sheets.
“I would say that any woman would love their very own special spot to kiss you.” 
You lean forward and kiss him softly. Your lips fit perfectly in the patch just like you thought they would. 
“But I don’t want any woman to kiss me. I just want one.”
He swallows your mouth with his and you willingly let him. Before you know it, he has you situated on top of him as the two of you kiss. His scent is huskier in the morning. It hasn’t been tainted by a long day of work. You break apart so you can look at him. He doesn’t fight with you as he has a particularly good view of your breasts from how you are sitting. Since he was laying on the left side of his body before, you weren’t able to see how the red flowers you left on his neck have grown this morning. But now you have a clear view.
“Don’t be mad at me, but I think you’re going to have a hard time covering these up.” You reach your hand down and trace each one with your finger. “I might have gotten a little carried away.” 
“You weren’t the only one.” His own hand comes up and brushes against your collar bone. The slight pain you feel makes you realize that you didn’t end the night blemish free. “Let’s call it even, hmm?” 
You’re leaning down to kiss him when the alarm goes off again. “Guess it’s time to get moving.” Not one to leave a task unfinished, you place your lips sweetly on the edge of his nose before sliding off his torso to land where you slept. You throw your legs over the side of the bed and stretch your arms high above your head. A soreness in your abs and in between your legs demands to be felt as you use your muscles for the first time since last night. That delicious ache serves as a physical reminder that what happened in this bed is real. That the man lying next to you is real. That this moment is so very real.
It also serves as a reminder that he didn’t pull out. While you knew it was safe, he didn’t. You turn your head over your shoulder and falter at what you see. He’s just staring at you. A childish grin on his face as he holds his head up with his hand. The covers have fallen just above his waist to give you a teasing view of that tummy you have grown so fond of. 
“Hey, about last night…” You worry when you see his smile flicker ever so slightly. “I just wanted to let you know that I have the implant. So, we are completely safe since we clearly weren’t safe last night.” 
“God bless modern medicine.” He laughs lightly. 
“I was going to say something before hand, but some guy fucked the thought right out of my head.” You give him a cheeky look.
“He sounds like quite the catch.” 
“Biggest fish I ever saw.” 
A comfortable laughter engulfs the two of you as you each search for the clothes that were discarded the night prior. You realize, a little grossed out, that you hadn’t showered since Saturday morning. 
“Do you mind if I use your shower before we leave? I promise I’ll be quick.” 
He nods and leads you into the bathroom. He shows you where the shampoo and conditioner are and even takes two towels. One for your body and one for your hair. Then he starts the water for you and makes a comment about how other people’s showers are always weirdly difficult to operate. While you were sure you could have managed on your own, you graciously stand back and allow him to take care of you. It’s nice to not have to be in control all the time.
“I think you’re all set. I’ll go get started on some coffee.” He taps the screen of his phone that he set down on the counter. “It’s not even 6:30 yet, you can take some extra time in here if you’d like.” 
He closes the door behind him as he leaves the bathroom. Instead of heading straight for the kitchen like he said he would, he sits down on your side of the bed and buries his head in his hands. When he heard you say Hey, about last night… he was sure you were going to tell him it was a one time thing, a simple fling. Now that you had gotten it out of your system, you didn’t want to be around him anymore. He tried to keep his emotions under lock and key, but he could tell by your hesitation that you had seen something flash across his face. When you revealed that you were only referring to your birth control he was more relieved than he would like to admit. Then the guilt crept in. He scolded himself for acting like a boy fumbling around in the dark and forgetting protection like that. He was always so good with it. He could barely keep himself afloat, but a kid too? How could he have been so careless?
Your playful remark had kept him from totally spinning out. I was going to say something before hand, but some guy fucked the thought right out of my head. He knew that you told him about it because you didn’t want him to worry. He had never had a partner that brought up the events of the night during the day to soothe him. Whenever Rochelle brought it up, it was to criticize something he did or didn’t do. It registered in his brain that he was subconsciously waiting for you to do the same because it is all he has ever known. But, you didn’t. You talked to him without annoyance and without contempt. You made him feel good about himself. He only hoped that he made you feel the exact same way. With a smile on his face, he treks to the kitchen.
You stare at the bruise on your collar bone in the mirror. You don’t think you have ever seen anything so lovely in your entire life. He had given you a small piece of him to carry around. While you knew it would fade, that made you cherish it all the more. The bathroom mirror starts to fog up and you know it's time to get in. You pick up the towels that are on the counter so you can drape them over the shower curtain and find something that peaks your interest. His dog tags lay haphazardly on the countertop. You pick up the cool metal and inspect it. There are random numbers debossed into it, you assume it related to his military group, and his name indented underneath them.
“Francisco Morales.” The name feels like velvet on your tongue. “That’s going to be fun to use.” 
Not wanting to waste anymore time, you lay your towels out, and hop into the embrace of the warm water.
“It’s going to be so nice to change into the extra set of clothes that I keep in my trunk.” You say walking into the kitchen. 
“You keep a change of clothes in your trunk?” He doesn’t turn around to face you as he is pouring coffee, but you can tell by his back shaking that he's laughing to himself. 
“Luck favors the prepared,” You walk up beside him and hop up on the counter. “Francisco.” 
That got his attention. He looks at you, completely shocked, as he sets the coffee pot down. 
“How did you-?”
“You really shouldn’t leave your dog tags lying about.” He moves his body in between your legs and grips your thighs. “Strangers might read them and find out all your secrets.” 
“Or maybe,” His lips brush against yours. “I should tie these strangers to the headboard so they don’t go wandering off.” 
Try as you might to stop it, goosebumps litter your skin at his words. You know he feels them against his palms when he smiles against you and bites at your lower lip. 
“Come on,” He whispers. “As much as I want to stay here with you, we have to get to work.” 
“Tease.” You taunt as you scoot off your ledge. 
You watch patiently as he puts lids on two to-go cups and plucks an orange from his fruit basket. 
“I know you don’t like to eat first thing in the morning, but you should still have something in your stomach.”
“Thank you.” You take the items from him. “Thank you for the whole weekend actually. You really saved me after the bar.”
“You never have to thank me. Anything that I do for you, I do because I want to.”
The two of you pull into Brass Knuckles’ parking lot before Benny. Your tote sat balanced on your right leg the whole car ride. Frankie had claimed the left one for himself the second he started driving. Even though you haven't touched your phone the entire weekend, you still had no desire to with Frankie sitting next to you. 
“When can I see you again?” He says as he puts his truck in park.
“As much as I want to see you tonight, I have to visit my dad. He’s going to be wondering who I have been choosing to spend my nights with over him. What about Tuesday?”
You notice the color drains out of his face when you mention that day.
“I actually have a…a meeting on Tuesday. It's for work. They like to have weekly progress meetings to keep us all on track.” 
“Oh, is that why you had to leave around 5 o’clock on Tuesday when you helped me with my car?” 
“Yeah, exactly.” He sounds like he is trying to convince himself more than you at this point, but you decide not to say anything. “What about Wednesday?”
“Third times the charm. Wednesday sounds perfect.” You smile.
He leans over the center console to kiss you before you get out. He tells you that he will wait until you’re inside the shop before he leaves, but you encourage him to go anyway. After a bit of coaxing he finally gives in. You wait and wave by your car as he drives off into the early morning air. You could feel it in your heart that you were in way deeper than you anticipated.
“Okay,” You dig the gym keys out of your tote. “First things first: time to change.” 
You unlock the door to the gym and find your house keys right where you left them so many days ago. Who knew that one simple mistake would lead to the events of this past weekend. After retrieving them, you jog out to your car, pop the trunk, and grab your spare clothes. Finally, you lock your car and head back inside to the safety of the gym. You opt to lock it just in case, plus Benny has a key so he can let himself in. 
As you make your way to the locker room, you pull out your phone to see what you missed. There was one text from your dad. He knew that you had plans Saturday night, so there weren't any messages from that day. However, the text you did receive from him was late Sunday evening, presumably after his group poker tournament, that asked about your next visit.
Dad: Coming to see your old man on Monday?
You heart the message and tell him that you are going to swing by after work like usual so he better be prepared to show you all the work he has been doing. Next, you check on Robbie.
“Oh God, I’m so fucking dead.”
There were 30 unread messages and 6 missed calls from your best friend. You never told her that you were going out that night. The texts weren’t about your absence at first though. The earlier ones ranged from updates on tests she took, her saying she would have to miss your usual Sunday evening call so she could study, and her conferming dates for when she was going to drive down to see you. As the evening went on, they started to get a little more specific. She asked where you were because you weren’t answering, then she said that she knew because she tracked your location. When you still didn’t respond, most likely due to inebriation, she said she was getting worried. Guilt racked your body to know she was concerned and you weren’t there to reassure her. She texted again after you made it to Frankie’s house and correctly guessed where you were. Robbie said that she hopped that you finally grew some balls and fucked him. God, you can’t wait to tell her. The last text she sent was very late Sunday night, or technically early Monday morning, saying that if she didn’t hear from you by the end of the day she was going to call the Florida police and file a missing persons report.
You decide that the best plan of action is to call her. She is more than likely awake at this time anyway. Texas was only an hour behind Florida and it was already 7:15 am. Setting your fresh clothes on a shelf in the locker room you press ‘call’ and select speaker mode while you start to undress. She answers on the third ring.
“You better have a really fucking good explanation as to why you went completely ghost on me this weekend! I was so worried! You never do that!”
“Robbie, I’m so so sorry that I didn’t call or text you back.” You toss your old shirt into your tote. “Truth be told, I didn’t get on my phone at all this weekend. You could say I was a bit preoccupied.”
“You didn’t…”
“I did!” You yell into the speaker.
You’re sure that all of the dogs in the surrounding area can hear both you and Robbie’s high pitched celebratory shrieks. She sounds even happier than you do if you’re being honest.
“I want to know everything! Don’t you dare skimp on the details! Oh my God I’m so glad this finally fucking happened!”
You try your best to recount everything that went down while you continue changing. She sounds like she’s going to go into cardiac arrest when you tell her about the saved bottle cap and sticky note. When you finally get to the part where you had sex she is having a full blown conniption on the other end of the phone. 
“Robbie, I’ve never been with a man that was so eager to eat me out like that. He was, holy shit, he was relentless like…”
Her loud and incoherent rambling through the speaker cuts you off and sends you into a fit of laughter. 
“I had no idea it could feel that amazing! Oh God and when he fucked me? I didn’t think it was possible for me to feel …safe.” You take a shaky breath and push down memories that threaten to bubble to the surface. “I really didn’t think I could feel safe doing that again after what happened.”
She’s quiet, for the first time in the conversation, while she processes what you said. 
“I’m so happy that he was able to provide that for you, babe. And I’m sorry that you had that feeling of safety stolen from you regarding sex. That wasn’t fair and it wasn’t your fault.”
“I guess I just kinda closed myself off from the possibilities of letting another man in like that again.” You clear your throat to chase away the feeling of being choked up. “I’m sorry again for disappearing on you.”
“It better not happen again!” She says with false seriousness. “Ugh, I need a man that will fuck me like that. I’m in a serious drought right now.”
“Well,” You say in a sing-songy manner. “Like I said a while back, I have a guy here that could treat you the way you deserve.”
“I’ll be the judge of that. What was his name again? Will?” 
You hear the faint sound of keys jingling and a lock opening and are shocked at how time has gotten away from you.
“Hey, I hear Benny coming into the gym so that means I’m gonna have to help him prep for the day. Call you later?”
“Yes, please!”
You hang up and toss the rest of your discarded clothes into your tote. Before you leave you look at your face in the mirror. Honestly, with the lack of sleep coupled with the absence of makeup, you don’t look half bad today. 
“Morning, Benny!” You shout as you exit the locker room. 
“Ahh! What the fuck?” You have to stifle laughter after seeing him jump nearly a foot in the air. “I didn’t know you were here?!”
“I was back there changing.” You swing your very full bag over your shoulder in confirmation. “I figured it would be weird if I was still wearing Saturday’s clothes on Monday.”
“I thought Fish was goin’ to take you to pick up your car after we left?”
All you can do is stand there and try to suppress a devious smile that you feel forming on your lips.
“No fucking way! You two never left that house did you?!”
“In my defense,” You say, walking to the lobby. “He made a very compelling argument not to leave.”
“I knew he had it in him to seal the deal! Come on,” He wraps his arm around your shoulder and walks with you. “Tell me everything while we open up. I need to make sure he treated you well.”
“Everything.” You raise one of your eyebrows.
“Well skip the sex stuff.”
You’re blown away with how far your dad has come in his physical therapy in only a little over a month. He can actually walk on his own now. Technically, it's only short distances and with a cane for support, but he’s walking by himself nonetheless. You watch peacefully as Miss. Maggie walks next to him and sweetly utters quiet encouragement. When he finally makes it back to his chair, Miss. Maggie lets the two of you know that she’s going to take her break and will be back in about 20 minutes.
“So,” He props his cane up against the arm of the chair. “What did you get up to this weekend? I was a little shocked that you texted me saying that you had plans.”
“What? I can’t have plans now?” You joke.
“No, no. I just didn’t know you had made any friends that you cared enough about to make plans with.”
“Remember that guy who hired me? Benny? I’ve gotten pretty close with him and his group of friends. They actually surprised me on Saturday by taking me to a bar they frequent to celebrate my ‘one month anniversary’ working at the gym.” 
“That’s mighty kind of them, sweet pea. I’m proud you have stuck it out this long. Did you have fun?”
“I did! It was nice to get out and do something.”
“Because spending your weekends with your dad is such a drag, right?”
“You know that's not what I mean.” You cock your head to the side.
“I know it wasn’t, but I hope it made you realize that. I don’t want you to spend the short time that you have here tethered to me. I want you to still have a life.”
“I’m literally here for you.” You counter.
“And I’m grateful for that, but you worry about everyone else around you before you worry about yourself. You can’t fully help people until you help yourself. Plus, you ditching me on Saturday gave me an opportunity.” He winks.
“I asked Maggie to coffee on Wednesday after her shift. It will be here in the cafeteria we have, so it won’t be in a fancy place or even particularly good coffee, but that won’t matter. The location is irrelevant as long as you’re with the right person. Remember that.” 
“I’m really happy for you, dad.” You reach out your hand and squeeze his. “I’ll remember. I promise.”
Ever since Frankie dropped you off Monday morning, the two of you have been texting like two middle school girls who have just gotten phones. Granted it's only Tuesday now, but you didn’t even text Robbie this much. They weren’t anything particularly deep, yet it was sweet to know that he wanted to share what he was doing during the day with you. He sent you a picture of the sun when he got to work yesterday, then a photo of the sandwich he picked up for lunch with a ‘6/10’ texted below it, and later on during the evening he sent you a picture of the moon and said ‘I thought you would like this’. Today you were a little bit surprised to see his name pop up with ‘good morning!’ next to it. Surely this meant y’all were more than just a one night stand. You spin yourself around in your desk chair as you let hundreds of ‘what if’ scenarios play out in your head. You didn’t want to assume anything, but this felt special to you. It felt really, really good. Your spinning comes to a halt when you hear your phone chime.
Frankie: I’m sorry that I can’t see you tonight because of my stupid meeting, but maybe I can make it up to you?
You: How do you plan on doing that?
Frankie: Since I can’t be there in person to make it up to you the way I really want too…I have something else up my sleeve.
You: You’re not going to tell me what it is, are you?
Frankie: Where’s the fun in that? Trust me, you’ll know it when you see it.
Before you have a chance to respond, the doorbell announces that a customer has walked in. A little part of you hoped it was the man behind the screen, but you were sorely mistaken. 
“Good afternoon to my favorite receptionist in the whole gym!”
“I’m the only receptionist in the whole gym, Brunson.” Your fingers are itching to text Frankie back, but instead you direct them to your computer keys.
“That doesn’t matter, darlin’. You’d still be my favorite even if you weren’t.” 
You could tell he thought that was a real winner of a line by the smug grin on his face.
“Oh, wow. Lucky me.” You yawn as you shift your gaze to the computer screen.
“So, are you going to come see me fight this Friday? I’m sure you’ve seen me in here training for it.”
“Well, since I work here I’ll be there by default.” You say without looking up at him. “And believe it or not, I’m not actually the one training you so I have no idea what goes on behind that brick wall.”
“I need a sweet little thing like you in my corner.” He either doesn’t pick up on your annoyance or chooses to ignore it. “Waiting on me with a fresh towel to wipe my face and some water for me to drink in between rounds.”
“Would you look at that? You’re all checked in for your session! I’m sure Benny would be more than happy to see you now.” You smile sickeningly sweet. “Enjoy your workout.”
“See you soon, darlin’.” He says as he heads back.
“Not if I can help it.” You mutter under your breath.
The doorbell’s cheery jingle rings out again as soon as Brunson has thankfully left your line of sight. When you turn to face the guest, you recognize her. It’s the woman who unfortunately walked in on you telling Benny that you would kick his ass last Thursday. Her hair is a golden color and is as straight as an arrow while her eyebrows were as dark as the night sky. She was about your height and dawned what looked like very expensive workout gear. 
“Good afternoon, Ma’am! How may I help you today?”
She looks a little uncomfortable as she approaches your desk. “I’m just here to sign up for a membership actually. My friend originally recommended that I come to this gym and I liked it so much the last time I was here that I figured I would make it official.”
“That’s wonderful to hear!” You chalk her awkwardness up to this being a male dominated gym. “Let me get the paperwork for you to fill out.” You grab a pen out of your holder and then the membership document out of your desk’s filing basket and hand it to her. “Once you finish this, your physical copy of the membership card should be mailed to you in about a week's time. If you decide to pay us a visit before then, I can just check you in manually through our computer system.” 
You gesture to a few chairs placed against the front glass wall of the building for her to sit in while she works on the form. Movement from out in the parking lot catches your eye and you see a delivery man approaching the gym with an enormous vase of flowers. You watch, confused, as he walks inside. 
“I have a delivery for uhhh…” He looks down at his work tablet and looks back up as he says your name.
“That’s me. You can set them down right here if you’d like.” You wave your hand to the open left corner of your desk.
He tips his hat to you and walks out the door before you even get a chance to ask who sent them. Lucky for you, you already had a feeling who the culprit is. You stand up so you can inspect them closer. The flowers were massive lilies, but not at all like the ones you used to have on your kitchen table. These had petals that were a striking deep pink in the center that were encircled by a lighter shade of pink that eventually faded into white at the edges. Each petal also had a beautiful freckled pattern on them that was an almost mauve in color. Their scent was intoxicating. Within only a few seconds, the entire lobby smelled like a field of them. You see a small note attached to the neck of the vase by some string. 
Stargazer lilies for my estrella -Frankie
“Wow, someone must really like you.” 
“Do you really think so?” You poke your head around the bouquet to look at the woman seated across from you. “It’s still the early stage, the very early stage, for me and this guy.” Your cheeks already hurt from how hard you’re smiling. 
“By the looks of that arrangement I would definitely say so. What’s the occasion? Anniversary? Birthday?”
“Nothing like that.” You feel a mix of bashfulness and pride talking about Frankie. “We weren’t able to see each other this evening because of a work meeting he has to go to every Tuesday. He sent these to make up for it.”
“That’s so sweet! Who’s the lucky guy?”
Before you have a chance to answer, Benny walks into the lobby, but is stopped in his tracks by the newest addition to your desk.
“Did Fish send those?!”
“Yeah, he did.” You blush under his surprise. 
“I’ve never seen him act like this over someone before and I’ve known him for a long time.” Benny looks at you with genuine gratefulness in his eyes as he comes around to grab a water bottle from the mini fridge. “I fully support whatever is going on between the two of you.” He gives the top of your head a quick kiss before he rounds the brick wall again. 
“Fish?” The woman has a strange look on her face.
“Oh! It’s just a nickname of sorts that his friends have for him.”
“Interesting.” She beams as she comes up to hand you her finished paperwork.
“It was nice to talk with you,” You glance down at what she wrote. “Georgina!”
“I enjoyed it too! I’m sure I’ll see you around!”
You sit back down in your chair and, unfortunately, you miss her pulling out her phone and dialing a number because you’re busy sending Frankie a thank you text for sending you flowers that look like he plucked them out of the night sky. 
“You will never guess what just happened!” Georgina squeals into her speaker.
“Spit it out, George!” A woman barks on the other end.
“I was just at Brass Knuckles, right? Getting a membership like you asked to do? When I was signing up this delivery guy came in holding this gigantic vase of flowers for the new receptionist.” 
“Why the fuck would that concern me?”
“It should concern you because they were from Frankie, Rochelle.” 
“Did she say that explicitly?” Her tone has gone from mild annoyance to full blown anger.
“That guy Benny did. The one that runs the gym? He called him ‘fish’. That’s Frankie, right?” When Rochelle doesn’t answer right away, she presses on. “I thought the two of you were going to rekindle the relationship or something?”
“He never gave me a straightforward answer.” She grumbles. “Now I know why. George, I think it’s time that I had a little heart-to-heart with Frankie.”
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
{tag list: @cutesyscreenname @rsquared31 @smol-beb @bitchwitch1981 @avastrasposts @hoeslingz @saltybutteredtoast @javicstories @c-justhere @pimosworld @modernperplexity @beboldbebravethings @mxtokko @moonliqhtszn @tanzthompson @megcads @myloveistoolittle @casa-boiardi @jitterbugs927 @partyofone3413 @pedrit0-pascalit0 @golden-library @pati-et-vivere @mashomasho @lilmizmoz @angstylittlepascal @sofiparallel @selflcontrol @adriennemichelle98 @painitemoondust @pedritosgirl2000 @tpwkmera }
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
can i req jax x reader angst? o-(-( been brainrotting on this idea for so long now; jax goes a little overboard with his joke or prank and reader gets upset by it.. but he doesnt really approach reader to say sorry for a while because he doesnt really know how to? so it worsens the situation? thank uuu!!!!
Severed ties (jax x reader)
There will be NO!!!! Comfort here!!! I want pain!!
Written this as platonic !!
Not proof read and written on mobile!! Yahoo!!
Honestly I love writing angstier stuff, like
Idk I like exploring the topic and the feelings
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Jac in general does not seem like the type of person to apologize. It hurts his pride and ego, and really in his eyes everything he does is "all in good fun", or as a means to entertain... himself, mostly
What, is he supposed to apologize because his little joke made someone upset? That's his thought process, I think. Like unless there are huge consequences or he is actively trying to better himself I really don't think he would give a sincere apology, you know?
Like imma be so real here, I know I usually portray jax as a prankster but so far he's worse than that. He has pushed gangle at least twice (in the pilot, and in her tailer), he stepped on her mask and knowing him I wouldnt be surprised if it was on purpose. He just. Ripped zoobles arm off (like yeah sure it doesnt look like it hurts and it can be reattached, but its the idea that he just disrespects them like that), throwing a bowling ball at kinger, ect ect ect
Like I think I down play how mean jax can be
I think a lot of this is caused by the digital world; given that hes probably gotten way too comfortable with the fact you cant get severely injured in the digital world or hahe any long lasting physical damage, you know?
Anyways onto the actual request
I think it's less likely to happen if this is a romantic relationship because I think at that point in time you guys respect each other enough to not be goofy and communicate stuff. As well as this, this prompts jax to try to tone it down.. can also see this happening if you guys are close friends
So really this can only happen if you guys are only like. Normal level friends, because otherwise jax at least learns remorse and tries to be less. Uehdjcf.. you know?
Like I love jax as a character and I enjoy writing him but I'm realizing just how assholish he is based on the pilot
Honestly to be friends with jax you're going to have to be able to have some kind of tolerance to his more tame everyday stuff... imma be nice and assuming the stuff he does above isnt in his usual league of asshole-ness... or maybe it is? I dunno
But some prank he pulls goes too far, and he laughs at you. Probably takes to down play it if you're actually upset, trying to dismiss it as a good ol fashion joke
If he gives an apology it's a half assed one
This leads to you not talking to him as much anymore, if at all
In fact, you may even go as far as to avoiding him during IHAs
And you know what
At first he thinks you're just being sour over his little practical joke
But overtime as you continue to bold your ground he starts to... actually feel bad
And if he does ever sincerely apologize, its likely two late
That's also assuming you dont abstract before then
God can you imagine that, I mean what's worse? Never being able to apologize because the person is effectively dead, or apologizing and not being forgiven?
I think this would push jax to try to tone down his antics
Like he wont totally stop, but it will definitely go back to the light hearted fun I like to headcannon it being when he first joined the circus.. before it got all.. meaner..
Boredom does terrible things to someone and given that the consequences of losing your mind in this place are huge.. I can't help but understand jax a little, assuming my headcannon is correct
Though again he might just be an asshole
While your friendship may be dead and buried now, at least jax learned a lesson that actions do in fact have consequences
And hopefully it sticks
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zstargalaxy · 2 years
Heard you're new to Tumblr, welcome!
I love the Twst x Pokemon MC crossover so much.
So, take your time with this one. How would the Heartslabyul boys react to finding a Flabebe for a first time. As in they have no idea what it is and thought it was some kind of fairy?
I think plenty of cute moments could happen in that situation but I wanna know what you think.
Me too! I have a perfect few scenarios in mind, though i might make them short, i will try to make them pleasable and full of fluff! :)
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Believe it or not, Riddle was the first one who had found you.
You were still a young bloomer fairy type and was kinda hungry when you were wandering and admiring the lovely rose maze that had surrounded the Red Dorm.
You didnt know how you got there in the first place but you didnt seem to care for hunger had taken over your senses, which had lead you to the window of the kitchen in the Heartslabyul dorm.
At the time, Riddle wasnt Dorm Leader yet so he had meet you through he's time of duty to paint the roses according to the rules of the dorm.
The then first-year was taken back at your sudden appearance at the rose maze.
He had heard and are aware that there are fairies that roam around Night Raven College but dont exactly approach students directly.
So imagine he's suprise when he had saw you.
You didnt look like any fairy he had seen or heard.
He might probably think that your a some kind of garden fairy with how your so drawn to the roses.
But some how, one thing led to the next with you two becoming quite inseparable after you were curiously looking at him as he work.He couldnt stop himself from thinking how cute you are when you tried to copy him in painting the roses red.
Especially on trying to carry a paint brush that is to big for you.
Heck, you even follow him like how little ducklings would do with their mom.
Of course, Riddle wasnt very comfortable at first but he quickly gotten use to your presence which is kinda unlike him.
He already knew the consequences of slacking off on he's studies but...He couldnt force himself from being apart from for some reason.
Along with the rest of the members of the Heartslabyul Dorm.
Many were in shock to see the first year being followed by some kind of fairy, especially how fae can tend to act around humans but your cuteness is just to much to resist!
You found this place very wierd to be honest but in a fun way!
You love how big the space is for you to fly around.
The garden outside with all it's red and white roses were beautiful.
And the tea parties and unbirthday parties were the best!
The previous prefect and vice even decided to secratly made you an honorary little garden fairy of the Heartslabyul dorm.
Even after Riddle became Prefect, he still let you kept your title seeing as it fits your helpfulness around the dorm.
Though, still young as you are, didnt understand what does that mean but you knew that you are gonna show them that you are a big girl!
You celebrated by letting out sparkles around Riddle and soon the whole tea part participants with smiles and laughter around the area.
Of course, Cater and Trey were also among the suprise Heartslabyul students.
You reminded Trey of he's little siblings back at home, especielly when you help him with the food for the tea parties and trying to sneakily eat a piece of dessert without him knowing.
He soon learn that you somehow like honey when he was using some for some pastries and when you gotten yourself coated in it when you try to open the jar.
But he also appreciates your determined helpfulness around the dorm despite your small stature.
Perhaps thats what makes you and Riddle relate.
Trey cant help but let out a bittersweet smile at the thought, but nonetheless, he is happy to see he's friend happy once more.
Cater found you so adorable! Instantly taking pics of ya in Magicam that soon have hundreds of views and likes from how cute you were in the shots.
He even taken videos of you using your "magic"/moves around the garden.
You love how cheerful Cater isn especially when the two of you play togather when painting the roses, he is one of your favorite best friends! (Along side Trey and Riddle).
Oh how he wish that you were he's little sister.
You view Riddle as your Mommy/Big brother.
You two are always togather and everyone in the dorm knows that.
Of course, Riddle will not neglect in teaching you the 810 rules of the Queen of Heart's dorm so that you wont broke them.
You didnt understand most of them nor remember all of them but you tried your very best to make Riddle happy.
And it paid off with some of the dorm residents calling you as the 2nd vice prefect with you are always by he's side and always report him about someone who is breaking the rules.
This was during he's first year so he wasnt exactly that hard core in the main story.
But you also didnt always tell him who had broken the rules.
You made sure to remind the person about the rule that they had or about to break by circling around them with some kind of sparkles or pollen since they cant understand you.
By doing this, they knew the message right away.
And whenever a Heartslabyul students are gonna brawl it out and that Riddle isnt gonna use he's UM on them, its you with your "magical" pollen that makes them instantly and made them calm and relax.
When summer came, you cried a river when Riddle told you that you had to stay.
It breaks both of your hearts but Riddle cant let he's mom knew of you, he cant lose you too.
Many of the residents let out bittersweet bye and you giving out a "Flabebe!" as a goodbye to them as they left for summer break.
Cater made one last pic before promising you with the other residents that you all will come back soon.
Trey even left a cake for you before he left for home.
As soon as they left, the dorm was empty.
Of course, you continue watching over the garden but it wasnt the same.
You always eat Trey's cake alone during late nights, even crying out a river with fat sad tears as you wonder why they didnt bring you.
You asked Arcerus above why they didnt bring you.
Soon, curioisty gotten the best of you as you pull your white fairy flower to go explore the campus that you barely got to see.
Due to this exploration of yours, you had meet the other fairies in NRC that were all doing their thing when you had approach them.
The fairies were suprise to see such a young of their kind in such place.
This place is too dangerous for someone as young as you.
But they cant help but wonder what type of fea are you.
They can feel that you are a fea but dont what kind.
Yet nonetheless, the fairies quickly took you in as they kept you company through out the summer.
Some even were disgusted and horrified that the studnets of your dorm had left you, a fea toddler, on her own.
They made a promise to lecture them about it.
Riddle, Trey and Cater happily beam at the sigh of you happily flying towards them in your flower as you joyfully dance around them and the new students with your pollen as to welcome them (back) to the dorm.
Riddle indulge himself, for once since he's return to him, to finally relax from such a tiring and troublesome day had during the ceremony earlier with a certain cat and magicless character.
The older dorm members smiled and greeted you as they had missed you during the summer break but the 1st years had expressions if shock and bewilderment at the sight of a fea-like creature greeting them upon entry at to their new dorm.
They had the same expressions and thoughts like Riddle and the other students like him had when they first see you for the first time last year.
During Riddle's introduction to the new members about Heartslabyul and that they should be obligated to the rules of the Queen of Hearts, he gastured towards you as he tell the 1st years that you are the dorm's personal garden fairy and that they shall treat you with respect aswell.
Many of the 1st years who are aware about the nature of feas were shock, considering how feas dont exactly approach or even like humans to the point of becoming their personal helper but the whispers were quickly shut with a single glare from the housewarden as they all were now disperse for now.
During that night ,when it was bedtime, Riddle rock you to sleep just like he did last year as he made sure to keep you comfortably cozy on the pillow that you always sleep on, with both of you content during your slumbers.
A soft smile grace your little mouth.
Oh how you had missed this and you hope he will never leave you alone again.
During one night, you had spotted a student with a heart on he's face light at night with a fridge wide open, allowing lighg through the dark late evening as he was about to eat one of the tarts that you helped Trey with for the upcoming Unbirthday party.
Alarmed, you quickly float towards him and made gastures to make him stop eating the tart before he would get into any trouble with Riddle.
Ace, the one who is eating the tart, was suprise like among he's fellow first years when he had first saw you but currently, he is hungry so he tried to shoo you away or tell you that he was hungry, in which you understand but Riddle would get mad!
Yet Riddle found out upon entering the kitchen and collared Ace right on the spot.
You let out a sighed at your failed attempts to stop him, feeling quite sad that you failed as you tried to follow the first year until Riddle had stop you, telling you that you no longer have to worry about Ace any longer and that it was he's problem and he's alone but Riddle quickly brighten your mood by offering some honey since you did caught Ace on the act.
He quickly pulled you and him back to bed as he did he's usually routine with you before going to sleep, but this time he allowed you to sleep on the same bed togather, cuddling away into the night.
You officially meet him, Deuce, Yuu and Grim was when you stubbornly follow Trey to the kitchen, considering that you wanted to go out of the dorm and finally take a small break from your little work.
And made sure to keep he's not gonna prank the noobies like he had done to ya with the oyster sauce.
Deuce had seen and heard about you so he was very excited to meet such a cute fea, especielly how you kinda act like small child or sibling that wants to help in doing big jobs like he had with he's mom.
He enjoy he's time of decorating the tart with you, especielly on the whip cream part where you have cream all over you as you lick it all up from your tiny hands with happy squeaks and giggles and when you helped in calming him down by spreading your pollen all over him to relax he's anger over the delinquents.
Grim were shock to see a fea, a baby/kid one nonetheless, but didnt think anything special about ya but did ended up having a small competition with you on the chestnuts.
Yuu thought you were adorable, liking how you helped around in making the apology tart for Ace to give.
Ace thought you were like Riddle, since he had seen you always by he's side but he cant deny the help (and reassurance) you gave for him to apologise to Riddle.
You had sent out Fairy wind when Trey had done the joke.
The sight of several collared students in the lounge area was horror to behold, as you tried to chear them up with some of your small party tricks and spread some pollen to help them relax abit...
But if only it had worked on you aswell.
When the day had finally come....lets just say it there were alot has happened and it was just the beginning.
You never had seen Riddle act like this before, never in your life have you had seen such rage and anger that he had displayed right before your eyes as you hide behind Trey and Cater in fear.
As the Adeuce and Ramshackle duo had been kicked out, you tried to follow them to only be stopped by Riddle to just let them be and after what you had seen him, you hesitantly oblifge but decided to stay abit away from him out of fear.
And soon after that, Riddle and you have been very distant with the former no fool to the situation yet didnt seem to try to explain to you as you two started to drift away more and more with you even started to sleep more with Trey to avoid him.
Your friendship with Riddle strained even more after he had insulted Ace and Deuce during their tournament for the Housewarden position and to overthrow him.
Was this the Riddle you know? Why was he acting like a meanie? Why was he so...so.... Was he just...pretending?
Despite the tears spilling out 9f your eyes, you quickly stood against him and used all your attacks against him.
Riddle was taken by surprise, along with everyone else, as he was knocked over and hit by your attacks but he was able to collar ya aswell after he had lift up he's pen through the attacks.
It was hurting.
Your prickled tears finally spilled into full on waterfalls as Riddle even insluted as to why he even let you be in the dorm with how you are acting like them aswell.
That was the final straw for Ace to hit a punch.
After the whole Overblot mess, Cater quickly had came to you with your still intact flower in hand as he soothed you through your frighten state as you hiccup here and there with tears.
Riddle quickly apologise to you after he had remembered of what he had said to you.
He apogise and apologise with tears at how he had insulted you, the first perso who had gave the same feeling that he had with Trey and Chenya in a long time.
You two hug it out in a tender embrace as Ace kept on rambling that he's crying wasnt enough for an apologise with the others watching you and Riddle but you both ignore it for now, enjoying the needed hug to your hearts contents.
"Catch him! CATCH HIM!!!"
Che'nya giggled as he carried you away to go off to RSA with very angry Heartslabyul students chasing you two down throughout the whole dorm.
"Nya~ Riddle need CATch up, hihihihihi~" the purple cat beastman chuckled, making you look up in confusion of what does he mean by that "What do you mean mister kitty???" You asked, floating your way up to he's face to level up againsg him. He only giggled as he hold you and your flower gently in he's hands to get both of you away even further to continue your little game of chase that he had started when he had "kidnapped" ya away from the revenge unbirthday party.
"You will learn soon, little Alice. You will learn soon~ ;3 "
Sorry that itvwas pretty long. I got carried away and had so much ideas that i wanted to put and limited into this work so I am sorry for the lengthy writing but I do hope that you enjoy it :)
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peachywritesstuff · 1 year
Imma say my thoughts/opinions on the situation and then imma bounce off of tumblr for a hot minute.
First thing I would like to say is that I am staying NEUTRAL. GRAY.SWITZERLAND. IN.THE.MIDDLE. and my thoughts will explain WHY I am remaing neutral. I am not someone who is faking just so I can secretly defend Percy.THAT IS NOT THE CASE!!!
#1. The slur
It's pretty obvious that he said it's clear as a blue sky. I frankly don't know the c-word or know what it means but I have learned that is somthing revolving around Canada and how it's very normalized to say which is sad.
#2. The r- /sa allegations
I am going to try my best to be sensitive as possible with my words with this part.This is where I am very lost. 1. I saw someone say (dont remember who) that dates don't matter when they come to victims coming out with sa or r- but they do. Especially if its a celebrity. This isn't just regular twitter drama this is something very serious that has a lot of 'evidence' (I will explain why I put that in air quotes) And at this rate authorites have(or will) already gotten involved and if this goes into to court they will ask for dates this occurred and if they can't be properly backed up that lead to something else like defamation. No amount of times I re-read all the tweets with all the pictures and text messages will make me feel any less lost. Yes everything is there and it makes Percy look like a very bad person but at the same time....it's all so blended together?? Idk how to explain it. Some of the text messages that i have seen is to fumbled and mushed together like I'm lost with all the ages this happened and apparently Canada has the 5 year law relating to minors???
#3. The nudes
Some of them honestly look like he took them when he himself was a minor which kinda sucks for everybody else who had been spreading his nudes (actual nudes) everywhere on Twitter. Still doesn't make it ok for him to send them to minors ( allegedly)it ALSO doesnt make it ok to release his all over the internet. Because that looks bad for the people spreading them becuase 1. Someone from Percy's team is watching. Do yall not think they are ignoring this? With so much out already I highly doubt they are. They will find people spreading his nudes around just because no words have been spoken to us doesn't mean nothing is happening. And if I wanna butt in this part the ones with him on the toilet and bed honestly look like some teenage boy doing something stupid. However we don't know the context behind those nudes just one where he took a shit at his new apartment (which that one really looks like he was being really stupid but who uses the bathroom naked?????)
#4. Him staying silent is guilt.
This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. He isn't saying anything until he has a lawyer and his team can make up a proper statement. That situation is out of his hands now he no longer has control over his social media.
#5. The 'Evidence'
I will explain why i put evidence in quotations. Half of the evidence is coming from anonymous,and faceless accounts which will be useless in court becuase they cannot verify if they already have them printed out they cannot know who wrote those allegations. If they find the person who wrote those allegations this is a chance they dont want to testify and if those people are real or not. Being a faceless account in a situation like this is kind of iffy but I can get why you don't want people to know you said that stuff. The evidence keeps changing every hour and one minute is this but then actually it's this or wait it's that.
I am trying to think from the pov of the victims and I would honestly be terrified of thousands of people coming at me asking all types of questions but everything is all over the place. The right thing for the victims to do is to step away from social media, sit down and organize everything and make sure everything they have can fall back on something. What is on Twitter is just..... evidence thrown up together.
#6.the vicims
I have been looking on Twitter and learned the victims are acting....odd? Not all of them. One of them made a tiktok about how they canceled a Netflix star in 9 days into 2023 and another one commented "yeah we did that". Idk about yall but that's weird. Sounds like their flexing??? You don't flex about a rapist. Especially with what they did to you.
Next, one of them threaten another person saying she will find where she live and for her saftey she better leave her alone. But then she tweets how she was going to (legally) do it but they messages she sent to the girl was coming off very threatening. She wasn't threatening to kill idk why people are thinking that but she was threatening the girl and she was obviously going to do something. She claims the person was spaming her but the person supposedly spaming her said she was just saying Percy was innocent. Idk if she said that in one text or multiple. I get how she was angry I really do but the way she pharsed it only made herself look more bad.
Third, the same girl(victim) from the pervious paragraph has tweeted in the past about Wednesday and has talked about it not about Percy,but about Wednesday and her mothers relationship. What confuses me is that he has (allegedly) r-/sa this girl but she proceeds to watch the show he has a decent amount of scenes in? Then, according to one of the tweets,20h before the allegations rose she was tweeting about how she gets told she looks like a lot like Wednesday. Idk could be a coincidence, could not be. WE DO NOT KNOW.
#7. Time
It has not been a fully 47 hours since this stuff came out. People are automatically expecting a response from Percy is beyond delusional. I think we all woke up to this so and had a chaotic morning (ik I did) he can not defend himself yet because of his legal team possibly taking over his socials. It will be awhile until we hear something which is why the good half of people are waiting for his side to come out before deciding futher of their place on the situation. I know everybody is waiting impatiently but it's gonna be a while.
#8. Throwing the r word around.
I don't like how everyone is throwing that word around. Calling people who try to remain neutral apologist r- and saying that to basically anyone who wants to think logically. First off nothing has been proved he done anything. Don't be fooled I am equally as disgusted as you are but this is all coming from Twitter. Yes the victims had no where else to go because they went to the police and they did nothing but this is all coming from twitter. No spare videos of anything but him saying the slur,just screenshots and words. We don't even know if the evidence can be used in court guys.
I'm trying to be logical about the whole thing,and I am pointing out stuff that has stook out to me. After this I am keeping my mouth shut and watching from the sidelines.
There is so much more I want to say but it's almost 1am where I am at and I'm tired. If the allegations are true my heart goes out to the victims. If it's not,then even more hell is gonna break loose. Until we can see Percy's side there is nothing else we can do but wait. I am just so sad about this whole thing and wish that everything isn't true but it's really not looking good for him. Only time will tell with this. I hope my way of saying things did not offend any of you and if they did I am truly sorry. I'm taking a risk and leaving my messages opened but please tell me your opinions kindly. I have told mine with minimal to no violence I would like to have the same option when expressing yalls with me.
The last thing I will say is that Twitter is a mess. Idk what to believe anymore. Stuff keeps changing and it gets more confusing. This all just needs to be settled outside of Twitter. I'm sad the victims had to resort to this route but everything is a mess and it's too confusing and I won't believe or side with anyone until an official statement is out. Not something from Twitter.
Hope yall have a good day or night guys :) make sure yall eat well and drank some water. To my followers, idk if I will be back to posting maybe I will maybe I won't ,Xavier Thorpe was quite the reason I started back writing and with him gone all of that motivation is just gone now. I'm sorry to yall becuas I feel like I disappointed yall cuz all fo you were looking forward to my stuff but until futher notice, I will be off of Twitter,and semi off of Tumblr.
Peaches Out ✌🏽❤️
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kit-williams · 4 months
Barn Anon. Made it not-sad. Disappears to grumble but is actually happy.
You didn't think you would ever see the Alpha Legionary again. Yet he's continuously shown up at the street where you first approached him. Every evening he now walks you home, making sure no one else tries anything. You don't expect this, Alpha Legion typically only accompanies people of importance, that is if any of them even show themselves.
You find that you enjoy his company though, even if he's a little unsure at times. You had to fight back a giggle when he enters your apartment and sits awkwardly on the sofa you had gotten specially for him. He's awkward in a cute way. Like a kid not sure how they ought to act in front of a stranger. He surprises you with his fluency in English. Something he merely passes off as a must know given his legion.
The Alpha Legion on his part feels like he's dreaming. He has a human? That's what you are right? His human? He never dares ask you though. What if you reject him and cut him out of your life? No, this is enough for him. It will be enough for him. His heart flutters when you pull a scrapbook out to show him something you've been working on. If this is a dream then he hopes he never wakes up.
He knows that something had deemed his legion unworthy of bonds. He knows nothing he does will capture the true beauty and devotion a bond brings. Still, he knows better than to argue and bargain when he's given a chance he shouldn't have had in the first place. How the stars must have aligned for the two of you to meet, for him to be able to call himself your Space Marine, even if it's only in the secret depths of his heart and mind.
Okay thank you for allowing the boy to be somewhat happy. I dont know why ya'll want someone in this setting to suffer. Human killers already suffer the most as well as the space marines whose bonds die in horrible ways.
You feel safer having him around. He tells you his name is Alpharius but looking at the internet boards about Alpha legionary marines... they use this name often though eventually when they warm up they'll say their real name. They are slow to trust it seems.
You smile at your on again off again visitor. "Hey I'm making supper you want something?" You just ask as he has been staying longer and longer and it's almost dinner time and this is the longest he has stayed. You can feel him hesitate before he nods.
You just casually mention how you have a spare room set up, not for a space marine mind you, but you can't help but offer before quickly changing the subject not wanting to scare him off. You're not sure if you're fostering him or not... but sometimes it takes an Astartes awhile to warm up or not... they're odd in that way always in control of their situation.
Alpharius muses... he probably won't stay tonight but maybe another night when he is willing to give it more of a chance but he'll gladly stay for a meal and some affection.
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oh-lordy-lord-save-me · 6 months
Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I am really fascinated by your version of Usagi and wanted to know more about him. What are the similarities and differences between your version and the comic version of Usagi? And well the other characters of Usagi Yojimbo appear as well, like Kitsune, Gen, and Tomoe, and if so how are they like in your version?
hi!!! thank you for taking interest in my iteration, its means a lot. in my au usagi is a teen(around 16-17) who traveled from japan to new york because he “wanted to travel more.” in reality he is trying to avoid another encounter with jei, as the last one kinda scarred him a bit. the thought of jei being in any town he’s visiting took away the possibility of a peaceful night for him. 
gonna cut it off here since i just noticed how long this is haha
ayway, he definitely still sticks his nose into other people’s business and gets involved into things that were 100% avoidable.He would still be incredibly good with kids as well as helping anyone who needs it no matter how difficult the task is. Either way he still has a shit ton of warrants on his head!!!
Another thing that is absolutely vital to him is his inability to commit to anything🙏 he likes his life of wandering and it feels wrong to him to stay put in one place. he does not want his life to change and that doesn’t really help if he ever wants a relationship. to make it worse he will not speak about his feelings, i think he’d rather be struck by lightning.
the way he acted before moving to the hidden city was very different. he was much more carefree and always got into situations without much of a plan. he’d throw in some jokes in the middle of fights and hype himself up sometimes. i based off this phase of his life off of his younger self in the comics. but after this he tries to take things more seriously, keeping to himself and not breaking rules as often and acts like a dick sometimes . he gets better tho after hating leo for a while and gets to know him better.
i did change some characters a bit like katsuichi. he still lives as a hermit but took usagi in when he was much younger due to his dad passing. he takes on a more fatherly role than just a sensei for usagi. i dont see him calling him a cockroach or a head lice knowing this poor kid just lost his dad😭
kitsune, gen, and tomoe are living their lives back in japan. kitsune still lives as a street performer and a thief and shes having a good life rn honestly. shes knowledgeable in some mystic items as they’re usually a part of her performances. she’d be active on social media platforms, she’d have very organized posts. she’s also the one who reaches out the most to usagi; she pokes fun at him but she does it as a way to check in on him since the last time she really saw him he wasn’t in the best shape. i haven’t really gotten to gen yet, but he’s still a bounty hunter. he’d still be a bit of an ass when it comes to money or usagi. 
dont have much on tomoe, which is honestly a crime, but i have the idea that she is a student at her father’s school. i think she’d be entirely dedicated to her skills and wouldn’t have much time for anything else. she’d only ever see usagi if he’s visiting the geishu province. i plan on them leaving eachother on strained terms when he left japan, they’d eventually sort it out in the future though. there’s also chizu, who usagi has worked with in the past but eventually stopped. She’s completely dedicated to the neko ninja, willing to do everything she has to for their cause. she ended their friendship by deceiving him since “friendship is a weapon that is used by the ninja, but it can be much worse if the ninja develops feelings of friendship.”
 chizu is honestly a big reason who usagi heavily distrusted leo at first; his experience with ninja isn’t very pleasant 
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onlyplatonicirl · 8 months
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@lightyearssurrogatedaddy i saw your tags lol. cue incoming characterization essay because i dont want to do my homework:
I've actually attributed the sunk-cost fallacy to Error's mindset on multiple occasions, and it's something I'm going to be referencing in my writing when it comes up.
The sunk-cost fallacy is the core principle in regards to Error's character and why he does the things he does in TCOTI. You have this character (error) who has spent his entire life dedicated to an impossible goal: complete annihilation. At first it didn't really seem to matter whether or not it was pheasable - it was just something he felt that needed to happen. He made it his life's goal, he became the villian of the entire multiverse to see his plan through for what he thought would right the mess and clutter of a chaotic world that shouldn't have even existed. Of course, it's a stupid plan, and he has that plan because he's literally insane. Error's spent an untold amount of time in a white void, both his mind and body warping to an unrecognizable degree. His view of the world is skewed, and he sees things different than others - while being stubborn and refusing to listen to anyone's thoughts but himself.
My story (but you can apply this to potentially any story involving Error because I personally feel like it's on par with his character) takes place at least a century in the future. Time does not matter to world-walking immortals. He is no closer to his goal than when he first started. Why would he? Error is essentially trying to stop an immutable force of nature - the deviance of timelines and branching pathways of the multiverse. (And if we're taking the canon route in regards to creators, then he's attempting to stop people from creating.) It's a completely impossible task. Universes are created at a much quicker rate than he can destroy them.
Even in a hypothetical situation where he achieves his goal and nothing but the original universe remains, it's going to branch off again eventually. His goal of "killing everything and then himself" would never last because once he's gone, there won't be anyone else left to "take out the trash" that will once again branch off and spread through the entire multiverse. Not that it's ever even gotten to that point though.
And like a said - He's crazy. These aren't really concerns of his, nor is he following sound logic or reason to his plan. But while he is crazy, he is not stupid.
How long do you think it would take him before he realizes he isn't getting anywhere? That everything he destroys just ends up replacing itself in one form or another? My story is a hypothetical century later. He may be able to stall the growth by killing off a main universe, or potentially backtracking the progress, but it's not the same as permanently making a dent in the net growth. And perhaps he's eased himself into that routine, into being content with just keeping things at an even level of creation and destruction. But it's not the goal he has centered his entire existence around- and eventually in the very subconscious of his mind, after an uncountable amount of time doing the same thing his whole life -running on a treadmill towards nowhere - does he begin to wonder why he's still doing this.
It wouldn't even register to him as a fully formed thought. It would be a nagging feeling in his gut, a general unease. It would take him years to even recognize that something is wrong, to try and think about things that go against his ideology and his reason to be, as stubborn and narcissistic as he is. But eventually it surfaces as a fully formed thought:
Why is he still doing this?
He had a reason back then, but it's going no where. It's been ages. decades. Almost nothing has changed.
But the simple fact is, he can never really answer that thought. Because he has been on this path for so long, there is nothing else left for him outside of it.
Sunk-cost fallacy.
If he stops, if he tries to seek out an alternate path, than what was EVERYTHING he worked for for YEARS and YEARS even for?? He went through so much pain, he's isolated from the rest of the multiverse as a villain, he has solidified his place in the world. If he ever stopped, it would be admitting to himself that every second of his long existence so far has been a waste. That he has done nothing with himself, and that he worked for nothing but the insane whims of a corrupted mind, towards an unachievable goal.
The world continues to move on. The multiverse continues to grow and change. And he remains, destroying, and convincing himself that he's fine with forever keeping balence.
Because what else does he have left?
And the question he doesn't even think to consider: What of the future?
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as-i-watch · 1 year
Would you dare to rank the parental figures?
Bellemere, Dadan, Zeff, Hiruluk and Kureha, Kokoro and Tom.
Not sure if Saul enters the category; maybe Clover?
Include Shimotsuki just to put him at the bottom.
Anon sent me other ask to add Genzo to the list and it so shall be
Im gonna rank them from worst to best parent figure imo, considering thei actions, the circunstances and their kids
[Also my sources tell me i havent gotten to Shimotsuki yet so i can rank him]
Just to be clear there's no bad parent figure here they are all good and i appreciate them all
Kokoro - she is amazing, but Chimney was exposed to some dangerous situations. Tho that kid is insane so i get it. And i dont have that much of a register of her dealing with Franky and Iceburg, ofc she loves them but i leave it at that.
Clover - he looked after Robin and he def cared for her, tho i think any decent adult could've done the same
Genzo - i think that for a long time Nami never knew how much he cared for her really, and i think any parent-child relationship has to be two ways. But he does care a lot.
Saul - he tought Robin to cope and to seek hope. Thats priceless. He was there for a short time but he did sacrifice himself for her so...
Hiruluk / Kureha - i cannot separate these two. Hiruluk tought Chopper love and kidness and gave him hope and dream. And Kureha took care of him and always tries to do best for him, tho in her own way which can be a bit ...intense. But they both love Chopper so much in and have such radically different ways of showing it
Dadan - not placing her first it hard for me considering she had to deal with those three gremlins and all the trouble they got into. She's not first bc Garp forced her to take care of the kids and was not like 'ok im a parent now' unlike all the ones that comes next
Bellemere / Tom / Cora-san (yes im adding him bc he's my blorbo) - they all saw their kids and went into full parent mode, they all care for them and did right by them and ultimately sacrificed themself so their kids could live
Zeff - he was built to be Sanji's dad. And to be tasked to be Sanji's dad, jesus the boy is troubled. And his parenting techniques might not be right for someone else but just right for Sanji. But any parent that displays his kid's wanted poster and rebuilts his ship to look like him deserves first place.
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carrotssssssss · 1 year
A cream of mushroom soup and a chicken noodle soup
With a mushroom pizza please?
Can the character be scaramouche?
sincerely, yours
a/n: dont be like me procrastination is not healthy!!
you had never gotten along with scaramouche. that arrogant attitude, as if he was better than everyone! the nerve! the amount of arguments you had gotten into with him shocked even you. but, he still seemed to tolerate you at the very least. you actually kind of liked him when he wasn't up in your face, dropping snarky comments whenever he could. but archons, you just hated everything about him at this very moment. he had somehow started probably one of the largest arguments you had ever had with him, you tried your best to defuse the situation, but his childish remarks were too much to handle. you snapped, yelling in his face about how annoying he was, and how he couldn't just drop the topic and be done. he had scoffed and yelled back in the same tone, but you didn't hear a word he said, already grabbing your coat and storming out into the freezing cold land of snezhnaya. which brought you to this moment, reflecting about everything you had said to him. you kind of wished that you had just stopped talking about it in the first place, but what could you do now? you dragged yourself back in tiredly the next day, hoping to in some way, apologize. but scaramouche had disappeared, his office left in the same state as the argument. you had searched all over, but one of the fatui soldiers had told you that he had stepped out for a break. you eventually left the safe haven of the tsaritsa's castle, finding scaramouche in the city. you sat down next to him, he narrowed his eyes at you, but said nothing.
"i wanted to apologize..i didn't mean to snap at you like that. i guess it was just too much." you didn't say anything further, fearful of his response. he spoke, to your surprise, "i have to go for a mission. a long one. i won't be here to revel in my victory of your apology." he stood up, brushed himself off, and left. you sat there, still taking in what he had said. you eventually just decided you would send him a letter.
he had left about a day ago, and after pacing around your room for a while, you worked up the courage to finally send him a letter.
i wish you safety on your travels. how is inazuma? i've never been before, as i was birthed in the land of snezhnaya. have you accepted my apology yet? i'm not rushing you, albeit the curiosity is gnawing away at me. let's change the topic. where are you right now? perhaps at the dock of liyue, preparing to board? or already in the thunder-filled lands of inazuma? i wonder how the delicacies of inazuma would compare to those of snezhnaya. perhaps i will one day travel to a different region, not for a mission, but simply to see how the culture compares to ours. that's really all i have to say here, but my main point was simply "will you accept my apology?".
sincerely, [name]
there. that should do it. dropping off the letter at one of the many mail station of the castle. it was getting late. you should probably sleep. as you drifted off to sleep, you realized, you kind of missed his snarky comments and personality.
it's been quite a while since you've sent that letter, you wonder whether he got it or not, but quickly shake that thought out of your head, opting to focus on the various papers strewn out on your desk. not long after, you heard word that the balladeer had returned from his mission. you slowly dragged yourself to meet him, dreading the answer to your letter. but when you arrived, he simply inclined his head, and mouthed "we'll talk later.". you didn't know whether that was a good thing or not.
now seemed to be later, as the fact that scaramouche had walked over to your office a couple hours after. "so." he mused, "i saw your letter, if i didn't know better, i'd think your quite desperate to get on my good side. let's go for a walk." you stood up reluctantly, and joined him as he walked briskly. "i guess i just feel bad for lashing out like that, although you sometimes deserve it." you said. and you had to admit, scaramouche was quite attractive if he wasn't all up in your face. "same could be said to you." he stopped abruptly. "what..are your thoughts of me?" he said, to your surprise. "...what are you getting at?" you asked. "just answer my question." "fine. i guess, you are... tolerable, if you aren't acting like a brat." he snorted at the last sentence. you looked at him, bemused. "i guess i missed you a little, even if your presence is that of an annoyance." you said after a while. "well, glad to know that. one more question. do you. return the feelings i have for you?" you stared at him, shocked at his tone, it wasn't usually this..soft. "give me some time to think about it. this.. is a lot." he nodded and walked off.
you tossed and turned in bed. did you..like him like that? yeah. yeah you did. no need to deny it at this point. the next day, you walked yourself to his office, and as you opened the door, he stood up suddenly, and beckoned you in. "so... i thought about it for a while. and yeah, i do return your feelings, but.. what does that make us?" you said slowly. he frowned and said "whatever you want to be."
you were off at a mission, in the lush greens of sumeru. and one of your guards handed you a letter, with a purple electro stamp on it.
dearest [name],
how are you? i miss your presence, as much as it pains me to say. is sumeru treating you well? i hope so. anyways, things here are going well, yet childe still seems to somehow be a bother. that dense idiot somehow seems to be able to annoy me no matter what. i don't say this often but, i love you. i hope that your travels are safe and enjoyable.
scaramouche ♡
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i-like-giving-orders · 9 months
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[ID: 2 dialogue bubbles. The first one on the left says "If you didn't have your body..." The second one picks it up where the last one left off. It says "...you would definitely be like me." /End ID.]
i know that daniel will probably be haunted by these words and wonder whether there's some truth to them but imo while jiho is right that daniel only got better as a consequence of having 2 bodies, jiho and daniel are very different people
jiho is right that they suffered similarly by being bullied for their looks and he is also right that daniel was able to escape that when he switched, but the things that sets them apart are 2 things imo: kindness and a fighting spirit.
you see, when given the opportunity, daniel chooses kindness. jiho has to be grudgingly coaxed into it. when daniel got his second body, he decided to use his privilege to stop jiho and duke from being bullied. he gave duke a nudge and duke ran with it. he tried to do the same with jiho and jiho got entitled. truthfully, if jiho had gotten a second body, i cannot imagine he would have done similarly. he simply would not have become the handsome and strong saviour of the weak. if anything, he probably would have cozied up to vin jin and become a bully himself.
i dont think daniel would have improved without the confidence his second body gave him and the opportunities it opened to him, but the thing with people is that most don't improve without some kind of support. while his mom tried his best, we see him hiding stuff from her since the beginning as to not worry her, so there's only so much she can do. once he got support tho, just a little, he thrived. jiho, well, is not the same way. he got it, but he focused on the wrong things, and, as the last chapter of his arc pointed out, his schizophrenia didn't help his situation and overall personality.
now, im not sure fighting spirit is the correct term, but english is not my first language so i hope i will be able to make clear what i mean.
so at the beginning of the story neither daniel nor jiho fight. they don't have the confidence, the strength, the technique, etc. they both learn to fight in different parts of their lives: daniel with his friends in an attempt to become better and jiho in prison in an attempt to survive. since they are in such different places for this, we cannot compare them. however, we can compare their spirit.
at every opportunity, daniel is trying to do good. when daniel has to make a tough choice, he doesn't shy away from it. he's making mistakes, and he doesn't let people stop him, but because he cannot conceive giving up now that he knows what he is capable of. on the other hand, jiho fought, sure, and we see he is taking decisive action, but all with the intention of getting a second body so he can escape. daniel even offers him a second chance, despite everything he did, which includes but it is not limited to trying to kill him, and he turns him away to try to kill him again. why? perhaps because it's difficult. it's easier to think you can't change. that way, you can't disappoint yourself. despite what he said, we know it's not because he actually thinks people dont change. his mind didn't conjure an image of his past self trailing after him like a spectre, like a whole ass different person, for nothing. in the end, when refused the chance to escape and fearing betrayal from jake, he committed suicide. jiho didn't sit on the edge the building by mistake. although he didn't know it yet, the moment he had stepped foot on the roof, he had given up.
tldr: despite their similarities, when given a little help, daniel chooses to be better, helps others, and offers second chances. jiho, on the other hand, doesn't.
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how do the creeps (ej, toby, and jeff) react to you bringing home random animals or children?
i dont know if this has been asked before but please and thank you <3
I went with animals because I don't think anyone would be fond of a partner randomly bringing back kids
Dear god, pray for the rest of the residents inside the mansion because they're going to need help. I've mentioned before in previous posts that Toby has had a knack for sneaking in random animals and just keeping them in the mansion, which he's always gotten in trouble for, but now he has you with him, encouraging it and bringing home random animals of your own, and it's just a complete and total disaster because there's no way this can end well. The two of you are constantly getting in trouble with Tim and Slender, and it gets to the point where you both have to be body searched before you come inside the mansion because they're tired of finding random animals just running around all over the place and it seems to be the only way to stop the two of you from doing it. 
Eyeless Jack:
Oh, dear. Jack himself has had a couple run ins with hoarding animals in the mansion (mostly when his demonic instincts are high and it's the winter months as he wants to protect them from the cold), but in general, Jack is not the type of person to just be okay with hoarding a bunch of animals inside the mansion for no reason. Jack thinks it's cute at first, that you just want to keep the little guys housed and taken care of, but eventually, the two of you are going to end up having a little competition as he tries to put an end to it. You can never win. You can't hide the animals from him. His sense of smell is far too strong, he's far too aware of your habits and hiding places, and he always ends up finding out and making you return the animals back outside. 
See this is a tricky situation. On one hand, Jeff finds it absolutely fucking hilarious that you keep sneaking animals into the mansion and that it's always different ones every time. On the other hand, he's a team leader and he's supposed to be in control and stop people from doing things like this. Needless to say, you have a 50/50 chance of succeeding when it comes to Jeff. Some days, he'll give you a smile and a laugh, tell you that you have a certain amount of time to run away and hide it and that he didn't see anything at all, and he'll leave it to be someone else's problem. On other days, maybe his ass is on the line or the animal would be too obvious, and he'll sigh and give you a little head pat before telling you it's not gonna fly today. Either way, he loves you and finds it incredibly amusing.
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quixot1sm · 10 months
can you. talk about nate hilbertverse
yes GOD this poor guy.
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first off: nate is hilbert's little brother- 6 years his junior. he'd always looked up to hilbert as a role model, idolizing him especially after his ascension to hero of ideals. keep in mind that nate was only 10 when bw happened, so his understanding of the situation was surface-level and admittedly naïve. even when hilbert had been hospitalized for his injuries, he'd put on a brave face for nate, so the latter didn't grasp the severity of what happened/was happening.... it wouldn't be until later that the reality of how scary this was would sink in.
freshly 11 yrs old when hilbert left unova, nate was then sent off to aspertia to live with the other half of the family (hilda, rosa, and their mom) so he could enroll in cheren's trainer's school with rosa and earn his permit. the idea was also a way to provide him with a distraction from hilbert's absence since nate was a lonely kid... but anyway, this permit allowed them to participate in the junior division of the pokemon league challenge, meaning if either of them won, they'd be a champion in name only. that didnt happen but i'll get to why in a second.
when he was 12, despite setting out with the intention of collecting gym badges, hugh and nate quickly veered off course when team neo-plasma began showing its face around the region, urging the two of them to give chase in a bid to get some answers out of them. in the process, nate came across and befriended keldeo, and then, upon meeting colress, was dubbed something akin to his protégé.
this of course all came to a head in giant chasm. there... something happened that left nate almost a completely different person. not only had he been told, to his face, that his big brother was gone for good, but his right arm was caught in the line of kyurem's glaciate.
like his brother before him, nate was then hospitalized for a considerable amount of time, and like theyd done for his brother before him, interpol came swooping in make use of nate at his lowest. because, technically, hilbert had been working with them when he disappeared, so they had to take some accountability in his case... and what better way that to employ his little brother, i guess.
before his journey, nate was a sweet, excitable kid, although he struggled with tone. afterwards... it's like he struggles to recognize any emotion at all. he's blunt, does not have time for distractions, he gets unreal tunnel vision and dedicates years working on tying up loose ends regarding hilbert- such as the whereabouts of the dark stone and anything he might have left behind that nate can bring back home... rosa thinks its a pointless obsession and would rather forget about it all, and this resulted in a fight that drove a wedge between the two of them. :(
this was supposed to be a brief summary and its already gotten this long LOL... i had to skip over some details that i'll revisit in other posts later. like n's zorua. theres a lot going on with a lot of the hilbertverse cast and nate is no exception.
some more trivia, though:
reshiram would have accepted him as a hero of truth if he'd agreed to it... but hes very different from n. his pursuit of truth is one devoid of idealism- he has no hope, no optimism, he only wants to get the facts to provide some sense of closure.
his full name is nathaniel tobias black. do not ever call him this
his birthday is may 4
he has two shinies, those being his emboar and his galvantula. lucky bastard
we really dont know what gender his emboar is? most just assume its a male, but it responds to whatever. really it does what it wants. its name is samson and its parents are bianca and hilda's emboars.
his prosthetic arm was designed and built by colress. the guy likes to think of himself as nate's mentor, even though he's one of the main factors behind why nate's even going through what he is in the first place...
and finally, although it's currently only 3 songs long, heres his playlist!
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