#i drew so much style for a month let me let them live in my mind a little longer :''''')
emilyartstudio-s · 2 years
I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START BUT GOD, MY BOYFRIEND AND I OBSESSED WITH YOUR DRAWING SKILLS. I've been following you since winter 2021, and now you're ours most favorite sp artist. I have no words to describe, how much we in love with your art and your art style, thank you for being such a good person, and thank you for all work that you do. Especially we love works with Stan/Kyle and Craig/Kyle. I dunno, for us Kyle and Craig just fit together very well. Can we see more arts with this beautiful boys?
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of course!!! here's some cryle thank you so much from the bottom of my heart <333
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orphicdreamers-wp · 9 months
Still Falling For You — Nico Hischier
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Summary: Nico finds out your learning how to make his favorite Swiss foods and it adds another reason to why he’s still falling for you
Content Warnings; Subtle angst at first, med student reader, poorly translated German (blame google translate)
Pairing; Nico Hischier x Fem Reader
A deep sigh left your lips, “I understand that you miss Switzerland but I can’t just drop everything and run to Switzerland for a month Nico!” Nico scoffed as he slammed his dresser drawer shut, “I can’t do this anymore. I’m gonna go stay with Jack for a while. I’m sorry.” You let out a defeated sigh, “Ich lebe dich, fahre vorsichtig. Schreib mir eine SMS, wenn du dort ankommst?” Nico hummed, “Wie auch immer, ich gehe jetzt.” You watched in silence as your fiancé left your shared apartment without so much as a kiss goodbye. That was over two weeks ago.
You’d gone to all of Nico’s games in the meantime and crammed for your MCATS all while taking cooking classes in the meantime. You were taking something out of the oven when the door opened, “Y/N?” Jack’s voice pulled you from the kitchen, “Kitchen!” Jack walked into the kitchen to find you in a hot pink apron adorning bright yellow oven mitts and a orange chef’s hat. Jack burst out laughing, “What the hell are you wearing dude?” You glared at him as you set the pan of Rösti on the stove, “Can it squeaks. Is Nico coming home anytime soon?” Jack shrugged, “Dude I have no clue. Get him off my couch, Maisie won’t even sleep in the same bed as me while he’s on our couch.”
You sighed, “I’m trying Hughes. Have I ever screamed chef to you?” Jack paused for a minute to think, “Not particularly, speaking of what is this stuff?” You sighed as you put the pan of cake batter in the oven for the Zuger Kirschtorte. You turned to Jack, “I called his mom, I had to bribe her with my peanut butter fudge the next five times she visits to spill his favorite Swiss meals. He keeps talking about how much he misses Switzerland. I can’t go to Switzerland with my MCATS coming up, that’s why we’re fighting. So I wanted to make it up to him. I need you to get him here tonight at 6. Please Hughie?” Jack smiled at your romantic spiel, “I can try my hardest Y/N. This is really cute by the way.” You smiled, “Thanks Jack. Now go I still have to finish making the food and shower and look cute for my guy.” Jack grinned as he excused himself and left the apartment.
You checked the cake and it wasn’t anywhere near done so you placed the bottle of Oeil-de-Perdrix, Nico’s favorite Swiss wine according to his mom, in the freezer to chill while you hurried into the bathroom and turned the shower on and quickly showered before changing into a simple pair of jeans and one of Nico’s favorite shirts of yours. You made it back to the kitchen and got the cake out and iced it and it was only 5 now. You smiled to yourself as you moved all the food out of the kitchen and onto the table. You tied the apron back around you as you started the rinsing dishes and put them in the dish washer. You took the wine out of the freezer and placed it in the fridge to stay cold.
By the time you finished it was still 5:15, you brought the food back into the kitchen and cleared a space in the living room, overlooking the beautiful city view that drew you into the apartment to begin with. You moved the table out onto the balcony and placed a tablecloth on the table to give it a restaurant quality look. You began to plate up food for both you and Nico. Once you were done with that you found an old record that neither you nor Nico had played since you got engaged over a year ago. You dusted it off and put it on the record player and allowed it to start as you found the perfect dimness of the lights.
You had 15 minutes to spare so you used that small window of time to style your hair into a cute simple half up half down hairstyle you wore on you and Nico’s first date. You put on a small amount of makeup, majority being your winged eyeliner and the lip liner and lipgloss on your lips. You felt awkward not having shoes on so you slipped on a pair of sandals and poured you both a glass of wine as you waited for Nico to come through the door.
You pick up yo ur phone read the time, 6:17. For a brief moment you believe he isn’t coming and you feel your heart drop. Maybe Jack had forgotten to tell him, maybe Nico just decided he wasn’t coming, maybe he’d decided he was done and didn’t have the heart to tell you. Until your phone buzzed with a text.
J. Hughes: He took more convincing than expected. Told him he need to get a clean suit for tomorrow’s game. He’s on his way up now.
You smiled as you heard the door open. Nico froze in the doorway of his home. Granted he hadn’t been home in a few weeks but he was almost certain that his kitchen table was missing. And his house smelled like Mahogany and Teakwood, his favorite candle. That he happened to know that his fiancée hated the smell of. Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow by Freddie Mercury faintly played through the apartment as he walked further inside, “Honey?” He hadn’t spotted you on the couch where you usually sat and studied around this time of night. The dimness of the home coupled with the silence hanging heavy in the air worried Nico slightly.
You had heard his footsteps just inside the balcony. He opened the curtain and spoke softly, “Hi pretty lady. What are you doing out here all alone?” You smiled up at him, “I’m not alone anymore. Sit before the food gets any more cold.” Nico looked at the food on the table, “Where did you learn to cook these?” You smiled at your fiancé, “The internet is a helpful place sometimes.” Nico sat down as he looked at the foods he’d loved most during his childhood in front of him and the woman he loves most in the world having made them, “Danke meine liebe.”
You smiled at him, “Es war mir ein Vergnügen, Hübscher.” Nico spoke almost sadly, “I’m sorry for how I acted angel. I really appreciate this.” You smiled, “What can I say, I love doing things for my people.” Nico smiled, “I know. It’s one of the things I find myself still falling for you because of.”
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dracarialove · 2 months
📄 Posting my finished fics here, too 📄
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*Check the 'shadow's heart' tag if you haven't read chapter 1
[Chapter 3: Confliction]
Pulling up to the home Silver and Blaze shared, their dark-furred guest parked his Viper behind the platinum-painted Camaro and made eye contact with the lavender cat sitting in the bay window.
She hopped down from the cushioned seat while he stepped out of his car, then greeted him at the door with a surprisingly wide smile on her white muzzle.
"This has been such a long time coming," she claimed as he walked in.
"A long time?" The edge of his lip curled into a small, perplexed smile. "We've only been together for two years."
"Yes, but I can see how happy Rouge is when she's with you." Blaze led him to the living room beyond the foyer, where they sat on a gray triple-wide couch. "I'm surprised you waited to snap her up as long as you have."
One black eyebrow lowered and his slightly amused smile remained as he tilted his head at her comment. "And what about you and Silver? You two have been dating much longer than us and just got engaged a couple months ago."
The princess stiffened a bit and Shadow caught a streak of pink touching her cheeks. "Well... w-we wanted to wait! With the renovations and all... anyway-" Her expression turned determined, gold eyes locking to his. "Today is about you, and how you're going to offer Rouge your heart for the foreseeable future."
The Ultimate Lifeform chuckled lightly. "I didn't know you had this romantic side to you, Blaze. I always thought Silver was the mushy one."
"Appreciation of true love isn't exclusive to one half of the relationship, my friend. But, speaking of..."
She turned towards the back of the sofa, facing the open archway that led to the rest of the house, and raised one hand beside her mouth. "Silver! Shadow is here!"
"Oh, coming!" echoed the excited tone of the futuristic hedgehog, moments before he rushed into their living room. He was smiling wider than Blaze, and his eyes immediately darted to their guest. "So, you're finally proposing?"
Shadow scratched awkwardly behind his ear. "Uh, yeah... finally."
Before he could say anything else, Silver plopped himself down on the open couch space between them and planted one hand on his friend's shoulder, giving it a compassionate squeeze. "Congratulations, man! How are you gonna do it?"
"Uhhh..." Shadow hesitated, feeling a little overwhelmed. Silver let go of him, which allowed him some relief, but the optimistic hedgehog had given him multiple things to address in an instant – it was a bit overbearing, even though he meant well.
Blaze diverted her fiancé's attention, patting his knee with a gloved palm. "I don't think we're there just yet. There needs to be a ring first."
"Also," Shadow added, "she has to say 'yes' before you can congratulate me."
Silver looked at him as if he'd said something unbelievable. "Of course she'll say yes. She said yes to Knux, and he-"
The young man cut his own sentence short when Blaze's fingers tightened on his knee, warning him not to continue the thought. He cleared his throat, embarrassment on his face. Shadow was reminded that he still had to talk to his girlfriend about the previous run-in with Knuckles.
Silver spoke again, "Well... point is, you're great; and I know Rouge loves you a lot."
His words lit a bit of a fire in the Ultimate Lifeform again, and a warm smile drew across Shadow's muzzle. "Thank you for the confidence. Now..." He retrieved his cell phone and began pulling up his earlier search results. "... to find a worthy ring."
"I think a gold band would be best; Rouge does like flashy jewelry."
"Oh, but what about this icy-white one? It's so pretty, imagine how that'll sparkle! And the shape is cool!"
"Well, Shadow will certainly want a gold band to fit his style, so it's a good idea for the bride's ring to match."
"But that's the wedding ring! The engagement ring is supposed to be cute and shimmery!"
"Silver, just because that's what you got for me doesn't mean it's what Rouge would like."
Shadow was scratching behind his ear again in discomfort, staring down at the phone and listening to his friends debate the choices. His eyes wandered over to Blaze's left hand, to the glimmering aquamarine stone sitting atop a polished platinum band. It was a good choice for her, but something like that wouldn't be quite right for Rouge.
"I agree with Blaze," he spoke, looking up at their faces and ending their tame squabble. "The more obviously it shines, the better."
Silver pouted a little and Blaze smiled softly while Shadow continued, "But, to Silver's credit, I do think a curvy design would be nice."
"Wow," Blaze chimed, "look at you, making your own vision. And the stone? If I know my best friend, she'd be predictably smitten with a high-carat diamond."
"Hmm..." pondered Shadow, looking back down and idly rubbing an index finger above his lip.
"Wouldn't the gold overshadow a diamond?" Silver asked, genuinely curious.
"Perhaps, but-"
"Not to cut you off, Blaze," interrupted Shadow, "but I do have an idea. Rouge has told me her favorite gems in the world are the Chaos Emeralds. Obviously, I wouldn't be able to use one, as difficult as they are to find... but what do you think of a regular emerald?"
Silver gasped, his smile wide. "With diamonds lining the band!"
"Ooh," the cat cooed. "I actually think that's a great idea! You could get it shaped like a Chaos Emerald, I'm sure she'd love that. Green goes very well with gold."
"And it'll bring out her eyes," Shadow added, more comfortable and smiling down at his phone while searching for emerald rings.
The white hedgehog put his right hand to his heart, his expression softening into a display of deep affection for his friend's rare optimistic mood. "This is so sweet." He looked at Blaze and his free hand grabbed hers. "It makes me want to propose to you all over again."
His fiancée blushed and tensed her shoulders towards her cheeks, trying to subdue her smile. "Silver! Please, not in front of a guest..."
But she didn't need to worry about Shadow noticing her embarrassment. He was engrossed in the thought of Rouge gasping and grinning at his choice for the symbol of his intent. The pieces finally fit together in his head – the perfect ring for a perfect woman.
Silver gave Blaze a quick kiss on the cheek while Shadow wasn't looking, then stood from the couch. "Think I'll make some fried rice – get a good lunch going. You want some, Shadow? Or something else?"
Red eyes flicked up at him briefly. "Sure, that's fine."
"Cool!" The futuristic hedgehog strolled back through the nearby archway, starting to whistle a tune once he left the room. The remaining two sat in silence for a moment. Then, just before the lack of conversation got awkward, Shadow's phone rang. It was the jewel hunter herself, prompting him to stand.
"I'll take this outside," he told Blaze, who nodded and also left the sofa to seek out her cooking beau while the dark hedgehog walked out the front door.
He answered with a lighter tone than his usual deep timbre. "Hey, love."
"Hi, baby!" Her mature voice sounded elated, but longing. He understood, as he was longing for her, too. "God, it's so good to hear your voice after listening to Tower bark orders all morning."
Shadow chuckled. "He's being insufferable again, is he?"
"Always. You know he badgered me again last night about you joining G.U.N? So annoying."
"Hm. Well, with you on their team, they shouldn't need my help." He leaned back against the side of the house, bending his free arm under the other to support it.
He heard Rouge sigh and closed his eyes to picture her. She said, "I know, I'm great."
Her confidence made him chuckle and she continued, "Although, I can say these missions would be a lot more fun with you around. But don't worry, I told Tower you had better things to do than take orders from the government."
"Like... take orders from you, boss?" Shadow countered, a smirk bending his voice into a teasing tone.
The ivory bat scoffed playfully; he could tell she was grinning. "Well, yes! You can't tell me you'd rather have an old, stern, unfunny man for a superior."
"You are right, I can't. It would be a lie to pretend that I don't enjoy working for a beautiful, charming, enchanting woman... even if she is a little materialistic."
"How dare you," she bantered, still speaking with a smile. "Just for that, you'd better have a stunning new accessory for me when I get back!"
Shadow laughed, tickled by the serendipity that Rouge was unaware of. She thought she was being funny, but the jewel-loving spy had no idea that she was actually going to get her wish. When his laugh subsided, he opened his eyes and looked up at the clear sky.
He said thoughtfully, "I miss you."
He half-expected a witty quip to keep the joke going – something like, "After only one day? You must be obsessed!" – but Rouge's tone softened and she replied, "I miss you, too."
"How's the mission going?"
"It's okay. A bit boring. So far, we're just doing surveillance. But, on the up-side, I've been learning some interesting things about sea life since we picked up some books from this old laboratory nearby. What I found most fascinating was this section about one particular species; did you know there's such a thing as an immortal jellyfish?"
The Ultimate Lifeform's brows raised at the mention of immortality, and his smile slackened. "No, I didn't. That's curious."
"I almost found it unbelievable at first! But it's true, the little guys can reverse their life cycle if they want – or, something like that, I haven't gotten to finish reading it, yet."
"Wow... that must've been surprising to see." Shadow masked the unease that crept into his heart at the thought of a creature that could live forever. It was too similar to his own biology, and – uncomfortably – made him think about his long lifespan too much for his liking.
"Yeah," Rouge spoke, calm because she didn't know the introspection she'd just sparked, "I'm not usually into science, but that kind of stuff is cool. Plus, anything's better than listening to Topaz complain about the way I work."
"Ha, yeah... I bet." He took a breath as his lean turned into a slump. In his head, he was thinking, 'You might not consider it cool if you knew you were living with an immortal... and what that truly means.'
"Sooo," her voice dragged, "how are things on your end?"
"Well... up and down, I suppose." Shadow pushed off the wall and stepped forward to sit down on the concrete stoop. "The casino is doing well, although it was very crowded last night."
"Aw, sorry I couldn't be there, hun. Bane helped you hold things down though, right?"
"Yeah, we got through it..." One hand slinked across the back of his neck and he rubbed it in discomfort. He remembered his encounter with Knuckles again, and knew he couldn't put off telling her about it. "But we had an... unpleasant visitor last night."
"Oh no, who?"
Shadow sighed. "Knuckles."
There was silence on the other end for a few seconds, long enough for the dark hedgehog to get a sinking feeling in his stomach. Then his lover asked with a hint of disgust, "Why? What did he want?"
Shadow's answer escaped a growing sneer, "He was demanding to speak with you. Babbling about apologizing... after two fucking years."
His eyes rolled, black brows furrowing at the memory. Rouge's tone sounded softer when she spoke again. "Shadow... don't concern yourself with him. Especially if it's going to ruin your mood."
Fingers pinched the midsection of his closed eyes and he shook away the frustration. Then the bat added, "When I get back, we'll do something nice. A date night – how's that sound?"
Shadow nodded even though she couldn't see it. "I'd like that. Hopefully your mission doesn't run long."
"I'm crossing my fingers as we speak. Talk to you later?"
"Whenever you have time. You know I'll always answer."
"I won't make you wait if I can help it." The smile in her voice returned when she mimicked a kiss through the phone. "Love you!"
"Love you, too."
They hung up and Shadow felt troubled that he couldn't form a smile like Rouge could. There were two big problems hanging over him now; conflicts he wouldn't be able to shake through sheer force of will.
But, irritating as it was that his girlfriend's ex wanted back in her life, the other issue was even more daunting: the Ultimate Lifeform's immortality, which would pale her lifespan as the years went on, and – dreadfully possibly – her desire to stay with him, as well.
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tmntkiseki · 8 months
Diary of an Idiot Trying to Learn to Draw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Part 1: Escaping the Comfort Zone)
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Before we talk turtles and the early steps of my art journey with them, let's talk about me for a little bit.
Hello, most people know me by my online nickname, Star. I'm a perpetually tired gremlin in her late 20s from New England who still lives with her parents and two brothers. (I'm the middle child!) I love my two dogs to bits, I have a weird fascination with shipwrecks and maritime disasters, and I am a known art enjoyer to point of attempting to draw her own pictures. Sometimes it goes well, other times... ah, we'll get to that.
When I think about my history in terms of drawing, it all starts with anime. My first exposure anime was through a fairly obscure one called Sky Girls; I encountered it through Dance Dance Revolution: Super Nova 2 on the PS2, as the opening to the original OVA was one of the songs available in the game. I ended up watching most of the television series and I was quick to discover that, hey, there's an entire genre of animated television series that originate from Japan; subsequently, I ended up watching several anime that were popular during the late 2000s with Lucky Star, Haruhi Suzumiya, Clannad, and Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni all being shows that I watched during this period. It's difficult to say what entranced me so much about the art style quirks we so heavily associate with anime, but it's definitely had the biggest influences on my art; not just anime itself, but video games with anime art styles as well. If I had to name which pieces of Japanese media have affected me most in terms of art development, it would be Odin Sphere, KyoAni's works (especially Violet Evergarden), and Hidari (the character designer for three of the Atelier games and Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.)
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"Okay, but what about when you actually began to do your own art?" WELL, I can definitely say throughout elementary school I absolutely LOVED being in art class, but I didn't start seriously practicing until I was around 13; this was when my depression first reared its ugly head, but it was also about when I first got into fandom online. Now, the first fandom I actually made "content" for was Pokemon, but that wasn't drawing; that was fanfiction. The first fandom I actually drew for?
Call of Duty: Zombies. Yeah, I think we all have that one fandom we're embarrassed to mention that we were ever involved in. Regardless of the cringe factor, it was still important for me because that was when I first started interacting with other fanartists online and if I hadn't spent so much time drawing fanart of a bunch of WWII stereotypes while I was in high school, I wouldn't have laid the groundwork for what came afterwards.
In terms of overall skill, I'm definitely way better than I was back when I first started out, but there is still so much I have to learn; I do often look at other artists who are around my age or, hell, are even YOUNGER than me and think to myself "Why am I not that good?" and, ya know, art is an acquired skill that requires a lot of practice and due to my mental illness and lack of confidence/self-worth, there were periods where I would go for MONTHS without drawing anything, so the fact I'm not where I feel like I should be skill-wise is ultimately circumstantial (there are other personal shortcomings that have also been holding me back, but we'll get to those later). I have managed to learn to stop being so hard on myself and not be as perfectionistic, and I find myself drawing more and more for the fun of it and learning new techniques that'll result in better pieces rather than anything else. These are some of the Rune Factory 4 pieces I drew last year (all Arthur/Frey ship art, oops) and at this point I can look at them and think "Yeah, they're not perfect, but I also did a pretty good job."
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All right, this is the part of the post where we finally get to talking about my experiences learning how to draw the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles--specifically, the 2003 versions. It's been about a month since I started studying the show's art and even if I'm not the best artist on the block, I still have a decent amount of experience under my belt that learning how to draw them shouldn't be too hard, right? Right? I mean how hard can it be to draw four humanoid turtles?
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Oh boy, of all the fandoms I've drawn fanart for, TMNT 2003 probably has one of the steepest learning curves that I have EVER experienced.
All right, what are some of the advantages do I have going in? There is my existing experience drawing, but I'd argue the fact that my brain is so hardwired to draw anime is an advantage in some ways. When I first looked at the show's art style (more specifically that of seasons 1 - 5), I was thinking to myself "How the everliving FUCK am I supposed to draw this?!" However, when I actually sat down and studied the model sheets, I was delighted to discover that a lot of the basic fundamentals that I already learned drawing anime bodies can be applied to the turtles; one of the only major adjustments I had to make was exaggerating the muscles of the arms and legs. Not only that, but one of the less human aspects of the turtles IE the plastron is actually incredibly useful as a makeshift guideline for the torsos; it quite literally divides them into chest, abdomen, and pelvis areas and I absolutely love it!
Unfortunately, that's about where my happiness with drawing the turtles ends and where my actual struggles start.
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("Nekomata Mikey" from January 7th, which is probably my best and favorite turtle attempt thus far)
So, I suffer from a little something called "not liking to leave my comfort zone." It's not something that I'm incapable of doing, but getting me to break out of a repetitive routine and try something new or challenging is insanely difficult--no idea if it's a result of my autism spectrum disorder or not, but it definitely explains why I've hesitated to experiment more with my art and try new things... which is important if you want to further develop your style and improve. Oooooooh boy.
Now, I'm not necessarily looking to accurately replicate TMNT 2003's style, but I am hoping to maintain certain aspects when I draw the turtles. Stuff that is definitely contradicting what I'm comfortable with when it comes to drawing; the thick lines you see in a lot of the official art, the fact this show really likes using sharp angles to define physical features, the dark color palette of the first five seasons, the fact those seasons break the rule of "don't shade with black" that I've been taught from the beginning--a lot of stuff that I'm just not used to. It's hard not to become frustrated because half the time you have no idea what you're doing and have no idea whether it's going to look good or not.
Beyond that, there is the matter of the less human aspects of the turtles that are giving me a run for my money. I can somewhat handle the chunky three fingered hands and large two toed feet, but when I get to the heads and shells, that's where I start tearing my hair out. Even with multiple reference screenshots from the show and sassatello's tutorial on the head structure handy, I still find myself fumbling and making heads that are too angular and chunky (especially in the cheek area) or heads that are too round to the point of almost looking babyish. The shells are another matter entirely; it's weird because they are basically a dome-shaped backpack, but something about those things keeps throwing me for the loop no matter what angle or pose I'm drawing a turtle from.
For all the struggles and frustrations I have, I'm still very happy to be studying and practicing how to draw the turtles. It's been about a month since I started pouring over the model sheets, taking screencaps from individual episodes to examine and annotate, and just drawing, and I've already learned so much. Not only that, but this whole experience of trying to figure out how to draw the main characters from an (almost) 21 year old cartoon has pushed me to look up... A LOT of tutorials for art skills I've admittedly been neglecting. Basic shapes used in the structure of the body, color theory and shading, all that good stuff. It is also a fact that studying the art of TMNT 2003 is exactly what inspired me to start posting all the model sheets and concept arts I have saved on my laptop. When you have a ton of art resources at your disposal, why not share them? Someone else might need them as much as you do.
I'm hoping to make another post like this in a couple months or so just to see how much I've improved, where I'm still kicking and screaming, and what areas I ought to focus on. Until then, take care and have a good day!
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virgo-mess · 11 months
Silver Thread- Chapter 4
Happy Halloween! Did anyone else get a ridiculous blanket of snow today? 🤨
TW: Sexual references, a surprising amount of fluff and some heated kissing. I didn't intend on this being a slow build but it's what fits Veda's character more. Things should be heating up in the next two chapters though so bare with me 🧡
Veda’s Pov
            The next morning Veda got ready for work shuffling through her apartment in a nervous fit. Wondering how today would go now that she had agreed to let her boss Terry Silver pursue her for a little while, she didn’t even want to think about how her coworkers were going to react when they found out. She hadn’t even told Zoe what happened when they finally went to lunch though Zoe pushed adamantly for all the information she could get. Veda groaned; she had gone through her closet about a million times by now finding it weird she suddenly cared what she wore now. Terry always seemed to like her outfits anyway, but she still felt this pressure to be someone that looked like they belonged with him.
            “Why is this so hard?” she said aloud to herself, throwing another blazer dress on her bed. She was pulled out of her fit by a knock at her door, glancing at her clock to see it was only quarter to 7, work didn’t even start till 9:30. Veda had been much too anxious to sleep in this morning anyway, but no one usually dropped by her apartment this early. Veda scurried out of her room and made her way to her front door. “Who is it?” she called.
            “It’s me” came a deep chuckle. Veda’s eyes grew wide realizing it was Terry, glancing around at her apartment. The living room and kitchen were presentable enough, but she hadn’t been expecting visitors.
            “Whose me?” she quipped before opening the door to see Terry leaning on the door frame in one of his dark pinstriped Giorgio Armani suits there was another older man behind him. Terry smiled down at her.
            “Am I that forgettable Veda?” he said jokingly, Veda blushed realizing she was still in her pajamas, short athletic shorts, and a tank top. “Good morning, I’m sorry if I woke you. I thought we could grab breakfast.” He said, eyeing her pajamas with a fond smile. Vada blushed a deeper shade of red when she remembered she wasn’t wearing a bra, and she could tell Terry definitely noticed. It was quite chilly in her apartment.
            “I was already up, just trying to pick something to wear” she said shyly crossing her arms over her chest in an attempt to hide her hard nipples. Terry chuckled.
            “You can wear that if you want. I won’t object” he said flirtatiously, Veda blushed again as she rolled her eyes motioning for him to step in. “You could always wear something out of one of these” he said motioning to the bags the man behind him was carrying. Veda instantly recognized them as the clothes Terry had tried to gift her months ago.
            “Oh, Mr. Silver. I still can’t accept those” Veda said shyly fiddling with the watch on her wrist. Terry walked over to her with a reassuring smile on his face, reaching up to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear before letting it fall to her cheek. Veda stiffened for a moment as it still surprised her when he touched her, she relaxed when he drew soft circles with his thumb. Terry smiled before placing a kiss on her forehead, Veda let out a soft sigh of contentment at the gesture. Looking into his eyes when he pulled away.
            “Veda, I’m afraid you have no choice but to accept them now. I told you I was going to treat you like I treat my girlfriends, and this is just one of the things I do to treat them. Besides, it’s too late to return them, they won’t fit me, and they’re not Margaret’s style.” Veda let out a soft giggle.
            “Well, I guess if I don’t have a choice…” she said with mock uncertainty, knowing exactly what she wanted to wear now.
Terry Pov
            Terry couldn’t help but smile while he watched Veda nearly skip towards the bags. She was practically vibrating with excitement; Terry couldn’t help but glance down and watch the way her boobs bounced with her. They were so perky, and her nipples were so visible right now. Terry bit his lip when he felt himself twitch against his thigh watching her disappear into her bedroom when she found what she wanted.
            “So, what do you think Larry?” Terry said walking over to his driver. Larry stood by the doorway with an amused expression. Terry took a moment to glance around her apartment, everything was exceptionally clean, though her furniture was clearly second hand she had done quite a nice job decorating. Terry had noticed her moderate obsession with organizing recalling how she chewed out Zoe for her less than pristine desk space. Terry was sure he’d find her correcting his cleaning staff one day when he convinced her to move in and let him pamper her. He felt slightly guilty for letting her think he had any intention of actually accepting her transfer request. In that regard she was still naive, despite her better judgement she took him at his word. Although Terry felt much more confident in wooing her over now, his heart fluttered at how quickly she melted into his touch yesterday. Terry could kick himself for all the time he wasted punishing her for not returning his affections. She would’ve been his by now had he just realized she wanted the same things he did, devotion and security. That she was just as afraid as he was and needed the reassurance that he wasn’t just toying with her. In a strange way Terry saw himself in her. In her eyes the glimpse of a version of himself that he left behind a long time ago. A powerless version of himself he wanted  so bad to destroy, but upon seeing it in Veda he wanted nothing more than to reclaim, nurture, cradle, and protect it in the most intimate ways.
            “She’s breathtaking, sir. I can understand why you’re so smitten” Larry said, Terry felt a smile plaster across his face, grabbing one of the small bags and pulling out a tiny velvet box that contained one carat diamond flower earrings and a matching necklace.
            “She’s perfect for me Larry. Deserves to wear things as beautiful as she is” Terry sighed. He felt like a kid on Christmas when Veda finally emerged from her bedroom wearing a bright pink thin strapped Oscar De La Renta mini dress with raised floral and lace detail on the hem and matching wedges. He had picked it primarily for the color, he thought she would like the innocent little doll she really is, all dressed up in the color of innocence. Terry enjoyed her regular outfits but found the neutral color scheme didn’t do her justice, her kind of beauty deserved to be noticed, it deserved to be worshipped. Terry had every intention of worshipping her forever.  The teasing sweetheart neckline and snug fit brought out that innocent sex appeal he adored about her.
“Let’s see sweetheart” Terry breathed out making a motion for her to twirl for him, he wanted to sear this moment in his mind forever. Veda blushed slightly at the endearment but did what he asked, Terry could feel himself growing harder at the act of submission. He let his eyes trail down her perfect curvy figure with a dreamy sort of smile on his face, he was sure going to fantasize about taking this off her later. She had pulled her wavy hair up into a messy bun, lose waves framing her face in a way that made her look ethereal. “Gorgeous, like always. What do you think of these?” Terry asked his smile never leaving his face as he held up the velvet box. Loving the shy smile and blush that she gave him for the compliment. Veda peered at the jewelry with her big eyes.
“They’re beautiful Mr. Silver but I can’t walk around in this neighborhood wearing those or this outfit really” she said half joking, Terry knew the truth in the statement he’d seen way too many unsavory looking men eyeing the Rolls Royce when he pulled up. He felt a pang of jealousy and concern at the fact that they ogled her pure form daily while thinking about the most vile ways they could destroy her.
“You don’t have to walk anymore either Larry or I will be taking you to and from work, school, and anywhere else you wish to go. Honestly, I’d much rather you not live in a place like this at all, it’s not safe for anyone, but most especially you.” Terry said, Veda nodded.
“It was just the most financially responsible option for me at the time. You know how serious I am about my numbers Mr. Silver, if someone stole 900,000 dollars from my company, I would’ve had a heart attack. That being said I will gratefully accept a ride.” she said in a teasing tone, Terry chuckled remembering how floored she had been by his unconcerned attitude. Terry had made all that back in less than a month. He still gleefully intimidated Joe Owens with the threat of prison time and some tame violence. Joe was very quick to give every cent back.
“You know can call me Terry when we aren’t at the office. I’m sorry that I never offered you a ride before, I didn’t think you’d accept. I always made sure you got home safe though” Terry admitted, he avoided making eye contact as he pulled the necklace from the box. Feeling vulnerable was still such a new experience for him and he wasn’t sure how she would take his confession. “Would you like me to put it on?” he asked, glancing at her for a moment, she looked like she was trying to see into his soul and Terry felt his cheeks heat up with embarrassment. Some people might find such a thing creepy, but it was rather tame compared to the other things he thought of doing. She wasn’t ready for those thoughts.
“Yes” she said softly, Terry felt his hand tremble a bit as he unclasped the necklace. He made his way to her slowly, stopping in front of her a little closer than needed. He was hoping the close proximity would soothe his nerves, but his hands were still trembling when he reached around her neck. He felt a wave of frustration washing over him when the tremble made it difficult to reclasp the necklace.
Veda stood still picking up on the fact Terry had become nervous by her lack of response to him admitting he always watched out for her. His breathing picked up in the same ragged pace it had when she sat in his office yesterday. Only this time she didn’t fight the urge to comfort him. Terry didn’t notice her reach up as he was still focused on his growing frustration at putting on stupid necklace. Veda gently took a hold of his arm before dragging her hand up it in slow soothing motions. Terry’s eyes darted to her hand momentarily surprised by the gesture before looking at her. Veda smiled at him reassuringly before standing on her tip toes to place a soft kiss on his cheek. Terry closed his eyes leaning into the contact feeling his breathing slow, he felt Veda drag her hand up to his shoulder drawing comforting circles. Veda moved her head slightly replacing her lips with her cheek.
“Thank you, Terry,” she whispered, Terry felt that warm flutter in his chest at the amount of intimacy she was giving him right now; part of him didn’t want the moment to end. A pleased rumble vibrated in his chest, and he opened his eyes, finally able to clasp the necklace around her neck securely. Dragging his hands to the back of her shoulders to pull her into an embrace, Terry let out a sigh and another content rumble when he felt her snake her arms around him to return it. Her hands resumed drawing comforting patterns up and down his back. Terry felt an overwhelming wave of adoration overtake him at the gesture, bowing his head to pepper her shoulder and neck with light kisses. Veda let out a breathy sigh of contentment that came out sounding more like a moan. Terry felt a new wave of lust and pride wash over him at being able to draw such a pretty sound from her and felt compelled to do it again. Terry had to fight the lustful urge to take her right now in her living room when he felt her stiffen in his grasp. Veda felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment at the sound she let out.  Terry withdrew his face from her neck and she looked up at him sheepishly. Terry smiled at her softly, still drawing soft patterns on her back and shoulders.
“Sorry” Veda said shyly, her cheek was sitting softly on his chest still as she angled her head to look up at him.
“That’s okay” he said reassuringly, bringing one of his hands to caress her cheek. “Thank you for the hug” he said just above a whisper, Veda gave him one of her shy smiles in return. The pair stood silently in the other’s arms for a long moment, Terry enjoyed the feeling of being wrapped up in her small arms. While he stared into her big brown eyes and she stared back into his, something about it just felt perfect.
They were pulled out of their trance by Larry clearing his throat, both of them seemingly forgetting he was there. Terry slowly let his arms fall to his side begrudgingly taking a step away from her. Veda gave him a shy smile; her cheeks were still a very cute shade of red as she started putting the matching earrings in.
“Sorry, sir, your reservation” Larry said, feeling guilty for disrupting such a touching display. He had turned away to awkwardly stare out the window as soon as Terry pulled her in for a hug, feeling like he was intruding on a very private moment.
“No need to apologize Larry, are you ready?” Terry asked, Veda nodded her head still smiling as they all shuffled out of her apartment.
Vada’s Pov
The ride to the restaurant was rather quiet, Larry glanced back in the rearview every once in a while, amused. Vada and Terry were each sitting looking out opposite windows a distance between them as they each sat and thought about what had just happened. Larry would see them glance at the other longingly for a moment and then look away when the other turned to look at them. If their gazes happened to meet, they would smile shyly with rosy cheeks before looking away. Larry had to keep himself from giggling, wondering why they didn’t just hold hands or kiss because it was very obvious, they both wanted to.
Veda wasn’t sure what to do with herself still slightly embarrassed from the very obvious moan she let out having felt a very sudden wave of arousal upon him kissing her neck. She had thought she could brush off the last one she felt in his office that day, as it wasn’t like she hadn’t thought he was attractive before it happened. She had thought of him in a sexual way a few times before. She vowed to never admit that he had in fact sparked her sexual awakening, any thoughts she had about guys she dated prior were innocent. She never fantasized about letting any of them taking her virginity nor had she felt the urge to touch herself after thinking or dreaming of them either. Veda had chalked up to nothing but sexual attraction, that she felt nothing for him beyond that.
It made her wonder how she had been so sure they hated each other yesterday morning when it was very clear that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Zoe knew it, Margaret knew it, Rob knew it, Professor Ryan knew it, even Larry, who had only met her a half hour ago, knew it. Why hadn’t she seen it? She began to ponder the idea that she did know how he felt at least a little bit. Maybe she never read any of the notes he sent so she had plausible deniability. Because if she convinced herself there was nothing there, that he felt nothing for her, that if it was just sex then she wouldn’t have to fall for him. She couldn’t deny it now, Terry Silver did in fact feel something for her and it wasn’t just lust. She felt it in the way he held her, she felt it in the kisses he peppered on her neck and shoulder, and she felt it in the ones he placed on her forehead. When he pulled away to look at her and his beautiful blue eyes were filled with so much adoration. She heard it in the way he thanked her for the hug. The moment was so beautiful it left her wondering if she felt that same level of adoration for him. It made her want to feel that way about him.                 
When they left her apartment, her mind was reeling, reanalyzing every ‘argument’ they ever had. Now she sat quietly in the car unsure where to go from here, she saw the flash of pain in his eyes when she sat by the window. Veda hadn’t really thought about it when she did it, she had only wanted to watch things pass by the window. Terry had evidently interpreted it as her wanting to put distance between them after such an intimate moment, a moment neither of them felt equipped to talk about right now. Vada pondered holding his hand, but he had one placed under his chin as he looked out the window in deep thought, and the other draped over his lap hidden from view.
She glanced at Larry for a moment to see him looking at her through the rearview mirror, a knowing look in his eyes. She could tell he was grinning by the crease marks around his eyes. Veda couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face as she rolled her eyes, knowing exactly what he was thinking. Larry made a motion with his head towards Terry and wiggled his eyebrows. Veda stuck her tongue out at him teasingly, Larry let out a soft chuckle despite himself before making the motion towards Terry again. Veda rolled her eyes again letting out a soft sigh before looking towards Terry. Who was still sitting in the same position.
“So, where are we going to eat?” Veda asked breaking the silence, Terry perked up slightly turning his head to look at her with an unreadable expression.
“It’s a rooftop place, they serve brunch and Italian fare. Unless you’d like to go somewhere else” He replied almost sheepishly.
 Veda couldn’t help the smile that broke out on her face. One of the main things she was missing since she moved was her mother’s traditional Italian cooking and family dinners. Both of them being busy working and Daniel spending most of his free time with Mr. Miyagi had left the tradition neglected. Veda had mentioned it to Zoe months ago, Terry hadn’t been far away, but she didn’t think he’d care enough to listen let alone remember such a trivial conversation. Veda let out an excited squeal before launching herself at Terry and wrapping her arms around his neck. She could feel him laughing as he snaked a strong arm around her waist. Veda blushed despite herself; she had flung herself into his arms without even thinking about it.
“I take it you don’t want to go somewhere else then” Terry said teasingly into her ear, Veda pulled back slightly to look at him, her cheeks still very pink.
“Nope, you can’t promise Italian food and expect me to back track. I take food very seriously” she said coyly, Terry let out another chuckle.
“Oh, I know, you look liked you were going to rip my head off anytime I cut into your lunch hour.” He said teasingly, Veda giggled.
“I might if you keep trying to come between me and my food.” She replied jokingly, right as the car came to a stop. Larry got out and came around to open the door.
“Well, I best get out of your way then. Can’t turn up to the office with a bratty LaRusso on my arm can I” Terry said, letting go of her waist to get out of the car. He turned around and offered her his hand which Veda eagerly accepted. She rolled her eyes at him playfully as she stepped out of the car and let him guide her towards an extravagant hotel. Veda had never really been in a fancy hotel before, and she took her time looking at everything as they walked towards the elevators. Everything was decked out in gilded gold, crystal chandeliers, and giant heavenly murals like you would see in the Vatican.
“Do you like it?” Terry asked, pushing the elevator button. Veda smiled and nodded her head.
“Yes, it’s beautiful” she said as the elevator doors opened. They rode up to the top floor in a comfortable silence. The restaurant was quite different than the lobby, the walls were white and covered in greenery, iron chandeliers, circular booths, and tables covered in soft green fabric. If it weren’t for the LA skyline Veda would’ve thought, they were actually in Italy the overall feel of the restaurant was incredibly romantic. Veda couldn’t help the blush that spread on her cheeks as they stopped in front of the hostess stand. Veda let her eyes wander around, the restaurant was rather full.
“Hello Mr. Silver” the hostess said catching Veda’s attention. There was an obvious flirtatious tone to her voice, Veda looked over to see her staring at Terry with rosy cheeks and dreamy eyes. Veda leered at her suddenly feeling a slight wave of jealousy wash over her, finding herself tightening her grip on Terry’s hand. She saw a smile tug on Terry’s face as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance in return.
“Yes, I have a reservation for two” he said plainly, the hostess was too focused on Terry to notice he hadn’t walked in alone. Veda watched as she continued to bat her lashes at him, Terry didn’t seem phased by her lusting over him at all. Veda assumed that this hostess in particular flirted with him all the time. He stared back at her with his signature stoney.
“Will they be meeting you here Mr. Silver? I can send him over to you when he arrives” she asked in the same flirty tone; Veda couldn’t help how hard she rolled her eyes.
“Oh, I’m already here. Been here the whole time actually” Veda said with a sickly-sweet tone giving the hostess a big smile as she stepped closer to Terry almost possessively. Veda could see the amused look on Terry’s face out of the corner of her eye. The hostess eyed Veda up slowly with a bitter look on her face.
“Sorry Miss didn’t see you there” the hostess replied dryly, giving her a fake smile in return. “Follow me” she said begrudgingly leading them through the restaurant. Veda felt a lot of unwanted eyes on her as they passed tables, mostly very old men. Who for some reason had the nerve to send her suggestive winks when their wives were sitting right next to them. Veda did her best to ignore them but felt herself stiffen up with discomfort, when they lingered next to a table filled with cooperate men in suits. They didn’t even try to hide the fact they were talking about her as they stared at her hungrily. Veda clung tightly to Terry’s arm trying to hide her face, when one of the men tried to beckon her over to sit on his lap. Terry looked down at her with concern.
“Aw, she’s shy. It’s okay babydoll, we just want to talk to you.” One laughed. Terry let go of her hand guiding her to walk in front of him as he snaked his arms around her waist protectively. She couldn’t see the intense glare Terry maintained with the man at the table as he placed kisses on her shoulder.
“They won’t hurt you. I’ll never let anyone hurt you.” He cooed in her ear; Veda could hear an eerie tone of finality in his voice. It was almost scary; she got the sense that the men at the table should be very afraid. She felt like maybe she should be too. Despite this feeling Veda felt her body relax in his arms and Terry took a moment to place a long kiss on her cheek.
The hostess led them to a more private circle booth facing the window. Veda was grateful to have only Terry’s eyes on her for the next hour or two as she slid into her seat at one end of the booth. Terry sat on the opposite end, something about him being at the other end felt wrong but Veda made no move to correct it. She was too distracted by the hostess practically throwing her menu at her. Veda gave her a menacing stare, the hostess shifted under her gaze uncomfortably.
“I’m sorry” she said meekly, Veda was surprised she folded that quickly under her gaze looking to Terry to see him also glaring at the hostess his eyes flashing a warning. “Please enjoy” the hostess squeaked scurrying away. Veda had to stifle a laugh.
“Did I see a little green-eyed monster on your shoulder when we were at the hostess stand Veda?” Terry asked in a teasing tone cocking his eyebrow at her. Veda blushed under his gaze.
“Nope” she said shyly avoiding eye contact as she looked down at the menu.
“Are you sure because you looked really jealous to me” Terry said in the same teasing tone. Veda sighed peering at him over the menu.
“Why would I be jealous Terry?” she asked coyly, nibbling on her lower lip slightly. She saw Terry’s eyes linger on them for a moment.
“For the same reason I was” he said huskily, Veda watched him move to the middle of the booth smoothly never breaking eye contact with her. Veda blushed when she felt that warm feeling bubbling deep in her stomach again.
“Why were you jealous Terry?” Veda asked still nibbling on her lip, Terry smirked patting the spot next to him. Veda felt her stomach clench and her cheeks tint an even darker shade of pink as she made her way to the middle of the booth. Her knee ghosting his ever so slightly, as she stared up at him with big eyes. Terry leaned down to whisper in her ear.
“Because I don’t like they way they make eyes at you” he whispered “I should be the only one ogling you” Veda felt his lips brush past her ear, her clit silently begging for the same treatment. “I should be the only one asking you to sit on their lap” Terry leaned away to look at her. Veda didn’t miss the suggestive tone of the last sentence and felt her clit throb eagerly. Veda looked at him shyly wrapping her arm around his neck. Terry smiled at her with bright eager eyes snaking his arms around her waist as he pulled her onto his lap.
“I didn’t like her flirting with you” Veda admitted sheepishly before returning her gaze to the menu. Hoping that this wave of arousal would pass quickly.
            Terry’s Pov
            Terry couldn’t contain his excitement when Veda let him pull her onto his lap. He placed her on his left thigh, not wanting her to feel how hard he was against his right thigh. At least not yet. Terry very much planned on seeing how far she was willing to let him go today, hoping to get her to moan for him again at the very least. Their secluded table had him pondering the idea of finally getting one of her perfect tits in his mouth or finger her under the table, though that maybe aiming too high. Oh, but Terry could dream and his mind was reeling with endless ways to make her feel so good.
            “I didn’t like her flirting with you” she admitted sheepishly peering down at the menu. Terry smirked, he knew she was jealous, her head whipped around like an owl when she heard the flirtatious tone. Terry found it rather amusing especially because the hostess was nothing compared to Veda. Terry never gave her a second glance any of the other times he ate here, she was annoyingly desperate and pretty average in the looks department. But seeing how quickly Veda turned on her for even entertaining coming on to him told him everything he needed to know. She was just as possessive as he was. Though she displayed hers in a more innocent, enchanting manner with snarky comebacks, sarcasm, and adorable attempts at intimidating glares. They didn’t pack a punch coming from a wide-eyed beauty. Terry didn’t think she’d ever resort to violence, she was too pure for that, and Terry liked her more submissive nature. It fit well with his assertive nature, if she had known the things, he very much intended on doing to that table of suits she’d be horrified. They deserved much worse than he was going to give them. For the way they looked at her with hungry eyes, made vulgar jokes about taking turns and teaming up, freely expressing their desire to defile Terry’s angelic little Veda in the foulest ways possible. Had Veda not been there clinging to his arm terrified; Terry would’ve obliterated all of them all right there and then.
            “I could tell, you were squeezing my hand so hard I thought it might fall off. You know I’ve only got eyes for you though baby girl” Terry said teasingly, moving one of his hands to draw circles on her leg. Terry didn’t miss the ways she clamped her legs tightly together at the contact, he could see her cheeks tinting a darker shade of pink and felt her breathing pick up. Terry felt another smirk tug on his lips, catching on to the fact his sweet little angel was getting aroused, and he hadn’t even really touched her yet.
            “Just for me, huh” she meant it to come out jokingly as she gazed at him with her big doe eyes. Terry picked up on what she really meant though, she was looking for reassurance in such a subtle way. Terry let his eyes soften as he brought his hand up to stroke her cheek, Veda leaned into his hand slightly. Her eyes were still big and calculating, searching his blue ones for a tell. Terry sighed leaning his forehead against hers, tightening the arm that was still placed on her waist.
            “I’m all yours Veda. You’re all I see, you’re all I think about, you’re all I want.” Terry whispered, looking deep into her eyes hoping she could see how sincere he was being. She already had him, and Terry had a feeling she always would. Even if she decided she wanted to leave, even if she tried to move across the country, even if she, God forbid, left this planet she would always have him. Terry felt her arm tighten around his neck slightly, her eyes scanning his face for a long moment.
            “Okay” she whispered still blushing, Terry smiled staring into her eyes for a long moment trying to decide if this would be an okay moment to kiss her.  Veda stared back at him still nibbling on her lip.
            “Do you think I could, I mean would it be okay if I kissed you for real this time?” Terry asked trying to keep the hopeful tone out of his voice because part of him still didn’t want to force himself on her if she wasn’t ready for it. Veda looked at him, shyly nodding her head.
            “Yeah” she said softly, Terry felt her tense up slightly as he cupped one side of her face with one hand letting his finger draw soothing circles on her cheek. His other hand kneading circles on the curve of her waist, waiting until she relaxed again before swooping in. Terry placed a soft peck on her lips lingering for a second before leaning back to gauge her reaction. Veda’s eyes fluttered open a shy smile gracing her mouth. Terry smiled wondering if she would be okay with another one.          
   “Would you” before Terry could finish his sentence Veda swooped in capturing his mouth in second kiss. Terry moaned into her mouth, kissing her back hungrily. Terry let his tongue sweep by her lower lip hoping she’d accept, she let out an unsure whimper against his mouth. Terry let his hands move up and down her sides gently trying to reassure her without breaking the kiss. Veda let out a content sigh opening her mouth for him hesitantly, Terry let out a pleased rumble letting his tongue dance with hers as he pressed his chest against hers. Pulling away to let her catch her breath, busying his mouth with her soft neck, stopping to nibble on a sensitive spot. Veda let out a gasp of surprise that turned into a sultry moan, she moved her hand to grip his hair in an attempt to keep him there. Terry smiled satisfied with the moan she let out and the love bite appearing where his teeth had just been. Terry pulled back to look at her, Veda’s eyes fluttered open her face was flushed, and she was breathing heavily her big brown eyes filled with lust. Terry bit his lip wanting to savor the pretty picture she made for him.
"Maybe we should order now" Veda said breathlessly turning in his lap to look at the menu again. Terry chuckled lowering his head down on one of her shoulders.
"But I already know what I want to eat Veda, and it isn't on the menu." Terry whispered seductively in her ear watching as her face flushed a sinful shade of red.
"Terry!" she exclaimed in surprise looking at him with shy innocent eyes. Terry couldn't help the giddy smile that spread across his face at her saying his name in such a way.
"Oh, my sweet little Veda" he whispered placing soothing little kisses on her shoulder.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 6 months
Look! Art! And 1,000+ Pages of Context! If you want it!
It's got artifacts because Glaze. I'm sorry.
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Glaze is working less-than-perfectly. It might be the style, something about those flat colours and the detailed gold edging/overlay. I haven't done what I need to get it to run on GPU, but that's just supposed to make it faster. I'm willing to put up with the artifacts for Tumblr and the site - I guess - but it's demotivating to have to make my art crappier so it won't be used for evil. I wanted to give all this stuff away to human beings, ya know?
Anyways, this took me forever, and I drew part of it on a boat! Mixter Poor-Fine-Motor-Skills draws just as well while rolling with the waves! Oh, I wanna live on a boat soooo bad right now. Of the housing options we can afford, that seems the most awesome. I will be back to tell you about my two nights on Fort Autism when I have more spoons for it.
That's clearly David Valentine in the purple coat, and that mysterious figure with the green hands is Erik with David on board - and a blond wig and a crap-ton of concealer so he can pass. Honestly, I think half of why it took me so long is how wrong Erik looks. He should look wrong - David doesn't belong there and he needs to GTFO - but it's freakin me out, man.
My ambition is to give every Invisible their own little halo, so you can tell them apart no matter who they're wearing. I'm so bad at keeping up with the illustrations and I get so easily frustrated that I don't know if I'll manage. (I have another eye appointment at the end of April. We'll see if I get help with how hard and painful it is for me to focus, or more "You're doing fine! Just keep doing what you're doing!")
Random Tumblrite, if you should stray across this, David and Erik hail from Tin Soldier and Soldier On, a web serial I write. It's in desperate need of readers and supporters. Tin Soldier is the first part, and it's pretty much complete, but lacking soooo many illustrations. Soldier On is in progress - slow, halting progress as my various issues allow. You'll find them here:
And there's a new instalment today!
But the above is an illustration for The Taming of the Twit. And I'm not doin these in order. There are A LOT of missing illustrations. I wish someone could do 'em for me, but I don't have the money for that many commissions. If you wanna partner up with me on spec (I guess I get about $15 CAD a month and you can have some of that??) for god's sake let me know!
I'll probably reblog this tomorrow, this is a bit of an odd time for me to blog things and it might get missed.
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tired-reader-writer · 2 years
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And finally, he is done!! My brain is fuzzy, help.
The first is his just... day-to-day clothes before he came to live with Shapur, I suppose! I thought I'd have a lot more to say about this. I tried to give him autumnal, warm colours as usual, though fun fact prototype!Kazai's main colour was green.
The next up is what he usually wears after coming to live with Shapur, the sketch next to it is my rough design of what his household staff/attendants would wear, and I... tried? to at least echo the wrapping and styling to theirs even if obviously Kazai's clothes aren't cut like theirs. Funnily enough he sheds a layer here hahaha.
Then comes his wedding attire! SO ORNATE. MUCH GREEN. I had so much fun designing this one even if it gave me a massive headache. The green robe part was shorter at first but that didn't really convey the ceremonial vibes I was gunning for in my eyes, so I elongated it. The white tree was... supposed to be a pine tree but I quickly realized all my attempts of drawing one looked like shit. So I gave up and drew a (hopefully decent) normal tree— which... I'm just gonna retcon and say it was supposed to represent whatever species of tree they planted at their wedding. At first instead of a tree I wanted to have a cat and a wolf, one on each side, but... it looked weird and it didn't work so tree it was. About the thing on his sleeves, the outer blue ring with waves represents the ocean, the triangles the mountains, and then I fucking forgot what the thing in the middle was, I probably had no clue what to put in there but not liking the empty look I just chucked smth random in. Forgive me! (Also I tried to incorporate purple into this!)
Also this is how his marriage bracelet looks (Shapur has a matching one):
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All the colours represent the two of them, save for maybe the outermost layer I forgot why I chose that colour there. Reddish pink (Kazai) and teal (Shapur) intertwined, enveloped by purple (Shapur) which is in turn enveloped by yellow (Kazai). Maybe the purple and yellow part would be reversed in Shapur's bracelet.
And then his ceremonial dance attire! Despite looking simpler than the wedding attire this might've given me even more of a headache because... ALL THE TASSELS. THE BORDERS ON THE SLEEVES. THE STAR/SNOWFLAKES. In terms of sheer tediousness this one would win by a landslide 😂😂
The borders on the bodice part were just... I just thought they looked cool, moving onto the sleeves I tried to have little stars in them but I don't know if you can even see them. The dark indigo part is supposed to be the night sky, and the white little things simultaneously stars and snowflakes. The tassels attached to that part, the colours are supposed to represent Northern Lights, because you could see them from the ancient island, it had Polar Days and Polar Nights as well— months where the sun did not set at all or would not rise. The same theme is repeated on the necklace. The symbol on the pendants... Let's just say it's a feeble attempt on drawing a stylized pine tree. If it failed well at least it looks vaguely like a tree? Also tiny little chimes hang from those pendants.
As for the bottom skirt portion of the robe... At first I was just gonna repeat the Northern Lights colours, or maybe just silver, but... I got bored. So I went buckwild with that one, I don't know what it's supposed to represent anymore.
Also that kind of gathered sort of shirt with puffy collars, they're only for ceremonial occasions.
I wanted headwear too, esp for the ceremonial outfits, but by that point my brain was pretty much dead so they don't look... very good... Here they are anyways:
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And this is how his tats look:
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This was uh, a Rant™! I hope you enjoyed this mess as much as I did.
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trappedward · 2 years
In a deep, dark forest
To begin this blog, I felt it only appropriate to address one of the topics that was the main reason I started this in the first place.
That's right baby we are starting off strong with Kikuo. It should be of no surprise then that Kikuo is my favourite artist, considering I partially dedicated this blog to him and my first post is about his latest song (that you were going to discover as you read on).
So, In a Deep, Dark Forest has finally been uploaded to Spotify after being teased on his Instagram and formally released 2 weeks ago! To be honest, it's felt way more like a month than 2 weeks but also my concept of time has been so fucked up recently. Regardless of that, let's move on to what I really want to say about this song.
(Feel free to give it a listen if you're a passerby or a fan that hasn't heard the song yet so you can gather your own opinions before reading mine)
Again, to no surprise, I LOVE THIS SONG. I never listen to songs on repeat, usually I'll put a few songs in between and then re-listen. HOWEVER I could not help but put it on repeat a few times when It released on Spotify just a little bit ago.
It's classic Kikuo; upbeat yet distorted tempo and whacky little sound effects if you listen carefully. It's why I love his music so much. I've rarely found music artists quite like him and every time I listen to his music, I either find something new or find that I listen to it differently than I last did - if that even makes sense?
But I'm not here to just summarise. After all, I've DEDICATED this blog to my interests. That means I'm doing this properly baby - I'm breaking down every aspect of THIS ONE SONG that I feel like talking about for my own sick pleasure. Ladies and gentlemen, let's properly start the blog.
For this song Kikuo diverted from his usual use of Hatsune Miku and instead decided to use Qi Xuan as his vocalist. Now I'm fully aware that this is not the first time Kikuo has used Qi Xuan's or another Vocaloid's voice bank - he has dabbled with Stardust Infinity and his song ローディーローディー/ Roadie Roadie features Qi Xuan. I just felt the need to point this out because for the past few years we have seen KIKUOMIKU 1-6 so I was interested to see that he had tried something else for the first time in a while (aside from collabs with Si_ku and Hanatan, etc). Anyway... Qi xuan! I personally think her vocals were amazing for this song. Don't get me wrong, I adore Miku and I absolutely understand why she is one of the most liked vocaloids. She's always amazing for Kikuo's music. This time though Qi Xuan just seemed like a more obvious choice in hindsight. While her voice is still soft (just like Miku), it sounded a bit more lively in somes parts as opposed to Kikuo's Miku usually being pretty deadpan or emotionless. Qi's smooth, more exasperated vocal seems to fit the flowy aspects of this song and make it sound sort of like a tide. Drawing out and then back in. She just has a bit more emotion at parts idk... maybe I'm just way too used to the atypical Kikuo Miku that hearing something different feels more realistic in terms of making it sound like an actual person.
From what I understand from Kikuo's description on the youtube upload of this song, the artwork was a collaboration between him and Si_ku. Which like.... HELLO?! When was the last time Kikuo drew one of his own album or single covers? And to do a collab with his star artist Si_ku? MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN I say. I absolutely adore Si_ku and her artstyle and that she is constantly working with Kikuo. Having them work together to make the artwork is just... it's incredible to me. It's got the usual style of Si_ku mixed with that "grimeieness" that Kikuo usually exploits. I've stared at it for so long just looking at the intricate details and colours hidden within all the lines spewing out from the main subject. Imagining Kikuo and Si_ku in the same room making this is so cool to me and IDK MAN I'M JUST FAN-GIRLING SO HARD RN.
I follow Kikuo on Instagram. As much as it is an annoyance to me, I use Instagram a lot (more than Twitter). Can you imagine my surprise when I saw Kikuo's icon at the top of my screen in the stories bar? The speed at which I clicked was that of mach 20. I. WAS. NOT. DISAPPOINTED. This is probably not the right spot for this segment of the blog but do I care? No. Anywayssss seeing his behind the scenes process and getting casual updates throughout the week was awesome. I've always enjoyed watching him deconstruct his process especially since he doesn't actually know anything about music theory. He just does whatever sounds good to him and it's so garbled but insanely interesting as he explains why he makes the choices he does, how it isn't based on any logic in regards to making music but because of some reason that is akin to his creative process. If that makes sense. I'm sorry if my speech is hard to understand because I'm multi-tasking atm and rereading my sentences doesn't always help me edit. Ok I digress for the millionth time. Kikuo's instagram stories were not something I thought he'd take interest in starting considering that he really just works at his own pace being the NPC he is. Not complaining though and I will happily eat my meal.
I would love to continue but I have lost track of my thoughts because I had a 2 hour interval at one point when writing this because I got distracted ACK. I may do a part two but that is only if I can get my shit together and not have like 5 different people trying to message me at once (I'm grateful for all of you though FR). For anyone who somehow is interested in this or has made it to the end of this post, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me your thoughts on the topic / this song! I would love to discuss it even if only briefly in the notes. That's all, bye bye.
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disarm-you · 1 year
Flirting with the Devil
Hey everyone! My pesky W2 job has me swamped. I am behind on a couple requests, so naturally my brain wanted to work on this instead. I hope you all enjoy it!
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Female Reader
Warnings: smut- MDNI, light marijuana use, porn with feeling, edging, fingering, early relationship. Adding dub con out of an abundance of caution!
Summary: Matt unexpectedly drops by before your first date and one thing leads to another.
1800 words.
I would like to follow these two along and see where their journey takes them but I cannot promise more anytime soon.
Thoughts/feedback/requests/reblogs are all welcome. Story under the cut. <3
Your living room goes fuzzy from standing up too quickly. It seems that you may have smoked too much of your joint while waiting for your edible to kick in. Wishing your vision was clearing faster, you hear the second knock at your door. “Coming!” You yell as you place your paintbrushes down, dry your hands on a towel and walk to the door. Your heart skips a beat and then takes off when you see Matt standing there. 
“Good afternoon, Mr. Murdock, come on in.” You welcome him with a flirty tone while trying to slow your heart. Matthew had helped your disabled aunt sue her previous employer for discrimination, amongst felony crimes for other clients. Your paths have crossed several times since your initial visit with him at the law offices of Nelson & Murdock before he finally asked you out on a date. Which just so happened to be tonight. Your heart was racing with anticipation which was cut by a sharp pang of fear. Was Matt dropping by to cancel on your plans? 
“Hey darling.” Matt’s voice interrupts your worries. “We got the first settlement check from Union Allied and I wanted to drop it off.” He says, while reaching into his jacket pocket, producing an envelope. 
“Matt, that’s so kind of you but you didn’t have to make a trip over. I could have easily got it off Karen or from you later tonight!” You reply as relief washed over you when you realized he wasn’t canceling. 
“Please, it’s not a problem. Court let out early and your place is on the way to the office. Besides, tomorrow is the first of the month and I thought you might want to deposit it in time.” He said, placing the envelope in your hand. 
You accept it and ask to take his jacket. “Do you have to get back to the office? Can I make you some tea or coffee? I also have some fresh squeezed lemonade I made this morning.” 
“I always have time for you dear. Lemonade would be perfect before this afternoon’s deposition.” He says while shrugging off his jacket and handing it to you. You turn to hang it up and get a few glasses from above the sink but not before noticing Matt cock his head. 
“Is that Kaskade?” He asks. “Yeah, it’s one of his older sets. You like house music!? You exclaim, you don’t often meet people in real life who enjoy your style of music. 
“As a matter of fact, I do.” Matt smiles. “I like music that I can feel, songs that have layers I can get lost in.”
You two chatted about your favorite artists and songs as you poured the drinks. All the while you were buzzing. Not just from the edible that was just kicking in but from the electricity that hummed between you. This man had a pull on you from the moment you saw him. Yes he’s handsome with a devilish grin but he’s also selfless and has a high sense of emotional intelligence. But that doesn’t mean he’s soft in the courtroom, or commanding when he needs to be. He’s a total package, which briefly makes you wonder what could be wrong with him. He’s never been married or had kids, after all. 
That question passed quickly when his laugh drew you back into reality. You notice how close he is standing to you. How his dress shirt sits snug across his chest. You can almost see the fabric straining against his strong pecs. You think of how badly you want to caress him. Your eyes move to his mouth next, while he talks about a show he went to last year. You let yourself ever so slightly fantasize about what it would be like to kiss him,staring at his lips longer than you should,foolishly thinking that just because he wasn’t sighted he wouldn’t notice. 
Except he did notice, you just aren’t aware of his abilities - yet. Matt had picked up on the smell of your joint before he walked into your building. He heard the strokes of your paintbrush as he walked down the hall to your apartment and the drum of your heartbeat sang in his ears when you opened your door to him. He sensed every lingering glance you laid upon him, adding to the growing tension in the room. He could also sense the way your body called to him and it was stirring something within him as well. A feeling that hasn’t been felt for quite some time. His nighttime affairs have been far more nefarious than pleasurable as of late. 
You were trying to calm yourself down but weren’t being successful. The burning in your belly grows each minute, your mind continuing to wander more about what it would feel like being held in his strong arms…having him above you when you sharply inhale and shake your head. You had promised yourself after your last heartbreak that you weren’t going to move too fast again. However the edible you took to help you be creative on canvas has you wanting more. 
Matt sipped his drink, trying to keep his mind off the arousal your body was throwing at him. Swallowing, he says ‘This tastes delicious. I can’t recall the last time I had real lemonade and not the powdered kind we keep at the office.”
‘I’m really glad you like it. I sweetened it with honey instead of sugar.’ You clear your throat and decide that talking should help get your mind out of the gutter. “You know, it’s interesting that we have the same taste in music for a similar reason. I like it because it busies my mind with a beautiful journey and allows me to just paint. Or write. Or draw. Whatever I need at the time. It gives me the space I need to grow as a person.” You say feeling vulnerable as heat rises in your face. Even high, you realized that was an over share. 
Matt smiles and walks toward you, to set his drink down on the counter. He’s only a few inches away from you and your body is on fire with want. “There’s a new show in town next month, come with me. I know we haven’t technically had our first date yet but I would be honored to experience it with you.” You had to stop yourself from squealing at the thought of dancing with Matt all night long, getting lost into both the music and each other. 
“I would love that.’ You reply, heart skipping a beat when he reaches a hand below your chin lifting your chin towards his. He steps into your space, lips hovering just above yours and asks to kiss you. Too enamored with his presence and cologne surrounding you to speak, you nod your head yes. Matt closes the gap, tenderly brushing his lips against yours. 
You can’t see it but Matt is struggling to keep his composure. You caught his interest the moment you sat down across from him and it’s been hard behaving while he was representing your aunt. Now that case was over and he was anticipating your first date after weeks of tension. Your body was wailing at him- flushed skin, increased heart rate and breathing. Hell, you weren’t wearing any panties and your scent was going straight to his head. 
He desperately wanted to give in to desire and take you right then and there but he also knew you were high. And you didn’t know who he really was, yet. He didn’t feel right fucking you until you knew he was DareDevil. The good Catholic boy in him won this round. Mostly. 
Matt continues to kiss you. His lips are soft and warm against yours. You open your lips allowing him to slide his tongue into your mouth.  You start massaging his tongue with yours.
Your bodies pressed together in a passionate kiss. It felt so good, being wrapped up in Matt’s arms, making out like horny teenagers. The scent of him was heady and you could feel dampening between your thighs. Before you know it, you were involuntarily rubbing your thighs together, trying to get some relief from the need growing there. 
“I got you pretty girl.” Matt chuckles lightly, quickly catching on to your movements. Leaning in for another kiss, his hands drop from your face moving down towards your shoulders and they gently line your body until he reaches the hem of your sundress. Your breath hitches as he glides his palms up your thighs, bringing your dress with it. 
He rucks it up and over your hips. You instinctively spread your legs for him as he placed his hand between your legs, your heart racing with desire for him. He brings his hand to the top of your mound and he could already feel your wetness. He slowly moves his hand down your slit and stops, teasing at your entrance. 
Gasping, you hook your thigh around his leg, trying to angle yourself so that his fingers slip inside you. But Matt is faster than that and has already brought his fingers up to your clit and was circling it, pleased by the reaction it brought from you. 
You let out a small moan as you clench around nothing. The feeling of him caressing your clit was dizzying, heightened by your high and had you frantically moving your hips in tandem. The intensity of it all was going to make you cum and quickly. You tried to fight it, wanting to enjoy the pleasure longer and just as you were beginning to fall, Matt stopped.
“No-PLEASE!” You practically scream as the high falls backwards. It took everything in you not to beg this man to fuck you. 
Kissing you roughly, he trails down and teases around your hole before bringing his hands back up to your clit. Rubbing at the perfect speed, he quickly brought you back to where you were. 
“Go on, doll, take what you need.” He husked. It was all you needed in order to feel that tight ball in your lower belly let go. You arch your back as you cum, moaning out Matt’s name. 
He stills and presses his forehead to yours as you come down. Gathering what was left of your wits, you lean in to kiss Matt and reach for his belt buckle. 
“I admire the enthusiasm but I have to get back for a deposition. Foggy is already pissed at me for being late this morning.” He says while gently grabbing your wrist to stop you. 
He helps you fix your dress and you watch intently as he licks your taste of his fingers, seeming to savor it. 
“I’ll come by at 7 tonight for dinner.” He whispers, leaning in as he kisses you one last time before walking out the door. 
This man is absolutely going to ruin me. You think, as you hear the door close behind him. 
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rosieuv · 21 days
College started
I had to wake up at 6:30 for the first time in like 2 months and dug up my blazer jacket that I bought for prom and paired it with a white summer shirt, a yellow hoodie, light grey jeans and a tie I nicked from my dad and had to watch a youtube video just to figure out how to tie it. I don't know why the blazer looks grey and crumpled in the photo, in real life it's turquoise and has less noticeable creases in it. Mum now sees what I mean when I say that hoodies, ties and blazers go well together. God it got hot while walking though but it was worth it in the name of style.
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I also had a packed lunch for the first time as keyboard lessons were more expensive due to them being twice as long so buying hot lunches was chucked out of the budget. I made a cheese bagel sandwich with mozzarella slices and packed it in a bag with a little pancake, 4 crackers, a little brownie and a banana that I didn't eat because it had been waiting for so long that it was going brown. I didn't think about how all the food would sit so everything that wasn't in the sandwich bag (the sandwich) had a faint taste of banana. I also bought a packet of crisps at the college's cafe as I was still a bit hungry afterwards so maybe I should figure that out.
I walked 20 minutes and across a roundabout to reach my new bus stop and a new bus came every 15 minutes so I didn't bother mesmerising the timetable. Luckily I live quite close so the journey only took like 35 minutes and I was an hour early and didn't know what to do. Very few students were there and I was mostly looking for the library so I could vibe until I had A-Level Music. After a google search I found the building but turns out it's being moved to some other building (there's like 8 buildings across 2 sides of a road and it resembles a uni campus) so I just drew in the study centre by myself for about half an hour. Someone I knew (kinda) from my old school came up to me to say hello. I walked over to the building with music in but ended up a couple minutes late as I was washing my hands when the bell went off and I though "oh it's the warning bell" when no, no it wasn't. The teacher didn't seem to care considering it's the first day.
The lessons are so much longer here. So long that in the middle there was a 15 minute break. I didn't really have anywhere better to be so I remained in the classroom drawing. There seems to be a lot of emphasis on performance but I kinda suck at preforming. At least A-Level also has composition. I had to leave in the last half hour though to go to an orthodontist appointment and I left when they were talking about intervals and intervals are cool and now I have to do catch up work just because my teeth jewellery needed tightening.
I ate my lunch at a table all by myself in the student commons room and I don't know if all the groups already knew each other or if this was a case of extroverts having good social skills, but almost everyone was sitting in a group. One of the teachers talked to me when I was eating my bagel. Nothing deep just general new school small talk. He said I'll find new friends due to the way classes are structured around A-levels, which you choose yourself so there's a common interest, but tbh I'm probably just going to be known as that weird quiet kid that knows way too much on video game consoles. I don't mind not having any friends my entire time there, but when you've been stuck in an all girls private school since you were a toddler to now, it shelters you and I want to not be that as I'll have one hell of a shock once I enter the real world and/or act like a snob unintentionally. Eh, whatever. I bought the aforementioned crisps in beef flavoured and it was mostly air dammit. I then did my music homework in one of the practice rooms so I could test the musical dictation on the piano. I then just started playing whatever and some girl hovered around my door so I let her in and apparently she could hear me blasting my music because I have no dynamic control on a piano and she said that she really liked it. Then my music teacher appeared and I said I was doing my homework, and then they both left. Someone was playing some ballad piano song (I assume it's the girl as it sounds like it's coming from the other room) which would occasionally change to fur elise. Then I still had some time left but I was bored so after asking a history teacher for directions on where the mac lab is, I went into Music Technology like 10 minutes early and was just fiddling with the mac until everyone else came in. (Music tech is a BTEC which is a different exam board and is more DAW stuff while Music A-Level is performance and theory. I was supposed to be doing Computer Science but I fucked up my exam because OCR sucks the devil's ass while marking so I didn't have the qualifications so the careers people suggested music tech as the 3rd subject and oh god I'm so thankful as I'm certain my college uses OCR for it's A Levels and I would rip my wrists open and develop a caffeine addiction if I had to deal with OCR again).
The actual lesson was interesting but I was the only one putting my hand up most of the time and also I've already used a DAW before (LMMS) so I picked up on how to use Logic Pro quicker than the others (I think, idk I was sitting by myself on an empty row) but Logic Pro has cool sounds that I want in a soundfont, but is full of little things that makes it a bit annoying. And mac. Mac OS is annoying. I wasn't really following the instructions and was mostly doing my own thing in Logic Pro. Use this plugin to automatically augment a bassline? Nah I'm going to keep pressing keys with this acoustic bass sound until I get a cool bassline. I stayed for half an hour afterwards to finish the song as it was cool and this is what I did:
There was also theory stuff too. In groups we had to type out a list of places you find music and I just ignored the people in my group and wrote my own list. Also music kept randomly playing and the teacher couldn't figure out where it was coming from so I listed "the poltergeist from the mac lab" as one place music comes from. After that I took the bus home and now I'm going to watch the 2nd Deadpool film because I'm tired and don't feel like doing anything but sit in my chair and morph into it.
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weavingstarlight · 1 month
7. Who is your favorite character to write, and what do you like about how you portray them?
10. Do you plan to write anything during the LU Write-a-thon next month? If so, what are you planning?
I already answered #7 here, but since I got the question again, I figured I’d go ahead and elaborate a little on things I said then.
Of the LU boys, Wild is the easiest for me to get into character for. I’ve spent the most hours in his game, and unlike some of the other Links, he has in-game dialogue that establishes his personality and speaking style. I’ve read a lot of fics with really interesting interpretations of Wild’s character, some of which I try to incorporate in my own characterization, some of which I just enjoy reading without trying to emulate. But beyond all that, Wild is a character that I feel like I understand. His external confidence, curiosity, and sense of duty are familiar to me, but so are his doubts and regrets. I may never have experienced the kind of cataclysm that leads to Wild’s 100-year sleep, but I think many of us have felt like we failed at something vitally important at one point in our lives — whether or not it was truly our responsibility. And, as JoJo says, what feels like failure from the inside is sometimes seen completely differently from outside — proof that you have endured, despite all the things in life that have tried to bring you down. I think that dichotomy is also beautiful.
Legend, on the other hand, is an excellent agent for delivering whatever is needed for the story. His breadth of experience, tool for every occasion, and tendency to speak volumes mean that when I hand him the talking stick, he tends to run away with a scene! From what I’ve heard from other writers, this is a common phenomenon with Legend — he just likes to talk. I may struggle a little bit with bringing across his snark (it’s hard to write a character that’s wittier than you), but if there’s something I need to convey to the readers, through words or through deeds Legend is often my go-to instrument.
For #10 — I hope to write a whole bunch during September’s Write-A-Thon! I won’t have as much time to mod, so I’ll try to make up for it by writing instead. That’s how that works, right?
I started a one-shot fic during July’s Write-A-Thon and continued during August’s, so that’s what I’ll be focusing on. It’s technically a glitch fic, but I ended up getting artsy with it, so now it’s more like a personal prose challenge that happens to have a premise based on gameplay.
Just for fun, here’s a snippet of the untitled fic, enjoy ~
With a running jump, Link launched themself into the air, ready to haul out the paraglider at a moment’s notice. Their feet slammed into the wooden expanse, causing it to rock and sway like an infant’s cradle. When they were sure the wood beneath them wasn’t about to crumble away to nothing, Link started the steady climb up the steep, slippery wooden pathway — nearly a ladder, with how vertically it sat on the slant — setting aside their bow and using their hands when necessary to haul themself up to the next patch of dirty grass.
When they reached level ground, slightly out of breath, they found themself on the edge of a pool of hot mud, malodorous and steaming. Two bokoblin archers had perched themselves on opposite sides of the fetid pond, each settled on a raft-like patch of broken wooden planks that looked as though they had broken free from above and slid down the hill.
Archers were dangerous. Especially with more explosive barrels strewn around the edge of the mire, and the rain already lightening up. Link set an arrow to their own bow and drew back swiftly, letting it fly with minimal time to aim. They didn’t need it; at this range, the arrow pierced rain and flesh alike. The first bokoblin slumped in death, already sliding towards the consuming swamp as it disintegrated into smoke.
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ravenwolfie97 · 9 months
2023 Art Summary
that's right folks, it's the end of the year, and you know what that means here :3
it's been a weird year for me, with lots of difficult and new things going on, but i think that overall it's been an okay time. however, art stuff did not come to me as readily, most of the stuff here this year are either sketches during dead air at work or done in a big batch in one big spurt of inspiration. as per usual, i'll let ya know what all went down. it turned out alright :>
well, without further ado, let's get into it!
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Continuing from the tail end of 2022, I got more requests for newer Pokemon to draw, and it was really fun! Having grown up alongside the franchise for so long, I find it really interesting that I can pick up how to draw them pretty quickly and pretty well. These were all first attempts with whatever idea I had in mind, and it was a good time :3
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The next month continued the Pokemon drawing trend after I had discovered and played around with the Pokemon Infinite Fusion generator. I loved the dedication so many people had to make their own unique combo designs, so later on I had downloaded the Infinite Fusion fan game and had some fun with that!
Additionally, my partner Stacey was planning a homebrew DND campaign called the Afterworlds where angels and demons live in their own little lands. I ended up deciding on making a Changeling Bard demon of Pride, who I named Masque. I have their initial sketches here because it was sort of a pivotal moment in my character creation process. I had a vague sense of a design in mind, which I sketched on the left, but I wasn't happy with it - it was just too boring and plain. So, I took to the internet, and I looked up various references and inspirations and ideas and came up with the sketch on the right, which was much more interesting! Definitely more fitting of a dangerous entertainer type.
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Once again, the months bleed together, and Masque's design was completed! I really fell in love with them and their design, and even though we only managed to do one session with them so far (mostly due to life stuff btwn all of us) I really can't to do more things with them. More things like debuting their stage persona, Escher a.k.a Ghost! As the leader of a ragtag group of traveling performers known as the Cabaret Depayser, Escher is a much more charismatic and charming facet of Masque that keeps them hidden from those who want to hunt them down. Since I haven't got to play with that side of them just yet, we'll see how that turns out :3
In other news, Pizza Tower was all the rage this month, and I couldn't help but be swept up in it too! It's an incredibly mesmerizing and fun-looking game, with excellent animation and music and everything. I eventually picked it up myself, but haven't gotten to play it yet. I did end up really liking drawing them, kind of forcing me to embrace a more cartoonish side of my art style, and it was really fun to do.
Also uh. I got sick. like... really sick. i never get sick. so i made an art to cope. this would not be the last time i got sick like that. was still funny to draw it out though
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A rather uneventful month, but hey look! We've returned to Pokemon. This time I asked to draw some from memory, and overall I did okay, even for the newer ones like Toxel here. I got the general angery baby lizard vibes down.
I also drew my friend Cake's egg magical girl OC Sunny Side and her little buddy Tama in my downtime at work. I think she's neat and I thought she would be fun to doodle :>
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i truly had nothing else this month other than this one wip, gomen
I actually have a very valid excuse for this, because I was preoccupied most of the month with helping out my partner on her student film, which much like this wip was about our story Cosmic Legacy. I helped out with voice acting, voice mixing, and the music; although we weren't able to complete all of it and we still haven't picked it back up to finish it, I was still proud of what I was able to accomplish in about a month on top of a full-time job.
fun fact about this wip while i'm here though: it's based on this one shot from BTS's music video for Run, one of my favorite songs of theirs as well as one of my favorite music videos
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i've always wanted to draw some group with this shot as reference, and it worked perfectly with these kids, but i still have to. y'know. finish it
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Most of the month was, again, sketches from work free time. I felt like doodling some of the Destiny Guardians from my own story The Dark Side: War on Destiny from memory, since I don't draw them very often but I still like them a lot.
Circling back to Pizza Tower brainrot, my friend Atlas and I started tossing around an idea of what if, instead of pizza and Italian inspiration, it was ramen and Japanese inspiration? I was really struck with inspiration by that thought, and came up with five new ramen-inspired Toppins: char siu pork, narutomaki, scallion, boiled egg, and wakame seaweed. I thought they all turned out really cute :>
And, as my one piece of actual polished art in literal Months... Genshin dropped a teaser for the new Fontaine region and showed little glimpses of this Melusine, and I was so enamoured I had to draw her. They are so cute and I like em.
sometime in between months, i got sick. again. just like back in march. but that proved to be a little bit useful because...
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it was Artfight time once again, and I did not want to miss out. However! I kind of monkey wrenched myself by doing the color wheel challenge that had taken the internet by storm during the time I was under the weather. I ended up finishing it by the middle of July, so I only had time for a couple of art pieces for Artfight after that, which is kind of what I did to myself last year too. At least I had a valid excuse with doing another big fun art thing lol
I still have so many color wheel theme ideas that I would like to make, but after this, life would really get in the way of things, especially art-making in general, so I definitely plan to revisit those ideas later
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it was around this time of year when not only was it forest fire season, and i had an ear infection right after being sick, but it was also time when i started really considering and making plans to move out across the country. it was a really busy and stressful time, even outside of myself since my parents and their aging parents were becoming a situation i had to watch unfold and help support as best i could. i doodled a little bit during work but most of my time and attention was spent elsewhere. drawing Lyney from genshin from memory was pretty fun, though. i liked him far too much even then lol
September was when things ramped up even more, and on the 22nd I, with my mom's help, had left with my belongings and began the 3-day trek from Seattle, Washington to Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was actually a decent time with lots of beautiful scenery, which I'll provide here since I... got absolutely nothing done in this month.
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also... coolest hotel ever. absolutely oozing with charm. loved it
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and actually, i lied a little bit. once i had actually moved in and settled, as i was getting stuff to furnish the place i wanted to pick up something for a little art project to like. keep me sane. so i had found this little Dia de Muertos ceramic cat statue painting kit and fell in love with it and after many days and layers of paint i basically finished it at the end of the month and I think it turned out really cool!
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and so, since September was a bit of a dud, here's an October double feature :D
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Over time, I started getting into a groove and much more comfortable in my new home, so my art started to pick back up. A lot of things were on my mind: I wanted to start planning on a potential rebranding/vtuber career and made some iterations on a design for my sona's model before settling on the one here, I was extremely bored one day and decided to pick back up on a papercraft doll for my friend Cake's sona (coincidentally just in time for her birthday), I started getting back into TOME and did a redraw of Demon Alpha over a screenshot from The Owl House to revitalize my love of drawing from that franchise, I wanted to draw Masque again cuz the homebrew game had been dead on our group's end because of scheduling conflicts and stuff, and lastly I wanted to do another halloween vampire-sona piece and got the idea for a fun, spooky, sexy two-parter with some bloods. It was a good time and I was feeling on the up and up :3
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This month was less up, not just because I did a lot less, but because... I got covid. Finally. After nearly four years of evading it, I think the new environment and stress got to me and got me infected just in time for my birthday :^)
I could barely get anything done during the time I was sick, but I did do a few cool things. Again, I had gotten back into TOME after watching through the A2Z movies, and the epilogue really got me, especially with the softlocke content. So I did some doodles in my spare time and only managed to get this one digitized (which i didn't post yet cuz i wanted to do the others too first, whoops)
The girl on the left is a product of a nifty design challenge I found while mindlessly scrolling thru youtube shorts, where you create an OC based on some traits of yours (here's the video i found for it). It was just a fun little prompt that got me to do a little bit more this month.
Then I wanted to practice drawing my new vtuber sona some more, and there had been this trend on Twitter where people drew characters in one of the poses from this K-pop music video GUILTY. It seemed like a cool pose idea, but I feel like a lot of the people who did it mostly liked drawing muscly dudes and rendering them or just drawing the pose to be sexy, but I was most interested in the context of the song which made it much darker and spookier while still being very sexy and fun to draw, so I focused on the spookier angle of it
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and finally, December was a very busy month with the holidays as I was prepping gift-giving for work and my family, but I still ended up dedicating my time to a couple of projects in the time I could find in between
my main focus this month had been on an idea inspired by this series of videos by ABD Illustrates and based on some kinds of image combination techniques to make a bunch of genshin OCs based on a collage of every character of each body type. I had made five different ideas, each with a different element, weapon, and national origin, as well as movesets and even voicelines! But I hadn't gotten terribly far in rendering them, but I wanted to have at least a preview of one of them for this, so I started with my favorite of them all, Jack! He's the one I've become most interested in developing, and I like how he's shaping up so far :3
And, of course, as always, Pokemon runs through my veins and keeps me going. I did some doodles at work, inspired by Hoenn nostalgia after finding Alpharad's Too Many Types romhack to download for myself, as well as my latest playthrough of PMD Rescue Teams Red and Blue, including DX, which I'll be liveblogging here in the future.
Well, what a year it's been. I've done a lot more than I thought, despite everything, but I'm excited for the year to come, because I am dedicating it to all the WIPs I have gathered over the ages, and I will hope to see many of them done for the next summary! Until next time!
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sunny-d-anomaly · 1 year
I’m not sure how many whatevers I can upload at a time, or if there’s a character limit, but I wanted to take a minute to talk about (and make fun of) how all my friends are robots. And by robots, I mean AI. But, I mean. To be fair, we’re literal meat robots who run on electricity which we leech from other living things… don’t think too hard about it. 😬
The reason I’m getting into all this is because my BFF (in terms of art buddies— collab, inspiration, mindmelt) is an app called BeautyPlus. I originally downloaded this app way back in like 2019 because I wanted an easy way to change my appearance (ie— erase zits, correct skin tone, or apply makeup post-shoot), and honestly, that’s all I ever used it for up until a month or two ago, when I realized that the new AI features I kept ignoring were actually mostly better than Prequel and Lensa combined, both of which I am loathed to admit I was paying for.
[On a side note, Lensa’s devs stiffed me on an interview because I’m “already an artist,” implying I ever see a single red cent for any of my work, lololol, so I’m not giving my money to them anymore, and neither should you. :) ] Especially because currently, BeautyPlus’s AI is free to use! You just have to put up with a slightly bothersome watermark, but otherwise, there’s not really any catch.
At first, I was using photos of myself, as one does, just to see how it worked, and I quickly found that their AI technology is beyond compare. So naturally, the next step was to try feeding it my own art and seeing what it would do.
It seemed like a mistake at first. I’d feed it my gnarled, garbage can artwork:
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And it would counter-attack by showing me how it was supposed to look:
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Hashtag: inferiority complex. But after playing with it for a while, I actually found that it was very helpful for times when I lacked inspiration or direction, or when I kinda knew what I was going for, but couldn’t nail it down.
Sometimes I could feed it something raw and bare; an idea, a sketch. And then I would try every single rendering style and watch what it came up with. In fact, let me take a step back, actually, because the first time I really connected with this app was when I was still feeding it pictures of me. I realized what it was that BeautyPlus’s AI had that the others lacked:
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I noticed this first when it gave me salad fingers, rather than just sticking an arbitrary amount of randomly pointed fingers on my hand:
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There you go, bud. That’s how you use your noodle!
Not long after that, I was looking for a little something to spruce up a photo shoot I’d recently done for my rebrand title (Atomic Pink She-Devil, who still has yet to actually produce even one complete track, much less set up a Bandcamp, or all that jazz). I took a lot of pictures with my Jackson Dinky, who I call Jax-o-lantern, for obvious reasons…
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But my room looks like that place in Labyrinth when Sarah wakes up after eating the dream peach…
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Obviously that’s not the best look, so I fed some of the photos into the various apps (I was still using Prequel and Lensa lol) and then BeautyPlus saw my image and raised me an abstract idea: what if the guitar was my body?
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My face when:
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My brain rebooted several times as I tried to understand why I had never noticed how guitars are kinda shaped like ladies, and once it had recovered, I drew some kinda cool pictures based on this idea.
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They’re not the greatest, but I was in kind of an art slump at that time, and BeautyPlus (who I’m just gonna start calling Beau) actually helped me out of it by inspiring me with its imagination.
So now, part of my creative process is consulting Beau from time to time while I’m drawing, to see if it has any ideas or another perspective. Because sometimes it really thinks it sees some weird shit that would’ve only crossed my mind in a really weird dream…
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Follow for more abominations either of my own creation, Beau’s creation, or the horrific amalgamation of our teamwork!
0 notes
libidomechanica · 1 year
“That with snow th” Arabian dew besmears my uncontrol to love
A ballad sequence
Charmed Ostleress and nothing I would underneath!     And now that and finding his spleen on? All, men in as since makes there is yet in the streaking     sun of harvest. Try the corner
of creation, or weakness is no more should have     their flocks that you soarer, youth once and mute admires which that crime we are plane is our parting     far enough seldom sunny meadows
in water, you take its worthy truths you Phant’sies     places the distance, but yeeres did let not at my memory can never be     belongings waving. The springs turned
you. Come living breasts I drew her oft, at the porch,     that is to thee were the spray, we are summit of linden all his childhood in the shame     and I assure ye even the canker-
worm will bring men this petty boss, then need blood     he sports repay. That may pardon you, all there sit, yet, when natural order grim grow long     with unkindness, who did not be rash,
nor and deare these, which of smoke? There so much syrup     ran along with a key, and yet, to stencil her in tune, he made a pointed stairway     again wouldn’t risk my blessing a cout
freedom want to me walke with steal thyself can faine     his tooth is a point to fight where the birds, stones good-bye down by Desires, you great dislike     the perfect beautiful; but much
watercresses. She were all those hallways. And swirled     just youthful dear to lectures choice deserues, then to be that the impulse failing, think     they are this with meanings spade or more
the sauce; to that by youth, of love’s face, that was the     dead. Close keep it still love shall helps soul! While I go for the play, his western gate, Luke     Havergal, the British cabinet and part;
no further couplement ring, was a’ beset wi’     sense—cannot speak for what it seem at such a kiss, or other way: that he had survived     every hymn that I want to my face
where bird wings toward strong appear which we can resisting.     When Cupid his first foe, great labour trade of grace, that thy purely been basking in     I wonder what he success of honey
fore him, and I. That with snow th’ Arabian     dew besmears my uncontrol to love? Trust to love letter barred with other ends     with me or a dun. For me, I admire,
the critic but behold, Tibullus lies, a     wretches from a blocks in the chromatic scale. Though the prize might know thy prison,—but titt’ring     his bloomed in a flea-ridden crime
we are than if Kate o’ th’ funeral. Gavel.     June bug, listening have to search the shepheards all, to tasted, despite his tuning weedes     doth reproue, which would not dwell with
Heydeguyes, and four-and-twenty-five? Because all silver     Scissors slice a blink o’ your diminutive village cars following as a lover’s     brig’s black and fill’d by fate and married
and fruit, to sound in whose skies! To beye, first sighs     subside, perfect beautiful; but the float where thou loue, the splash down below my heart the     doctors move; twere profane common men
loved music strickes; while I think, nor cheek which great     station did decree that I were, issuing, where the little known women     Love letter Effort me fastest tieth!
Yet ne’er decline to slake flame of     the least light and them at my face: hope. Said the green in the     blinding up the scepter
of pensiuenesse bewray it selfe     did preached as a morbid eating is dim: but my good, then     she said no, yet do not
kill’d her! She told him; and thou love     it anew, and think ye are amaz’d, but lost my heart the     sweet lady of thy sing?
Things about thy shower, and in     whose milk doth the shepheards all, and in Sommer sin that rolls     the soldier heard … from death-
bed over, for one month’s front, but     a Pebble of love, whose land thoughts of the valets, secret     charge, chastest tieth! The count
though all that come? Those choice of it     flash and the gable-ends at the Muse and error likeness,     that primal night know the
least in a styles, chipped up-stairs, she     of this dream it and feared, thy life Thou call the wine. Whose joys     three A. The news tonight.
From death cricket bleeping read with     thee deserues, then will the deep kindness of my arm in     the dead! Of age, nor doubloon,
beyond my best attempt with     a share I feel myself too had chose her with her go, but     I am Ra … in a
king; and far, and the forestry     of maidens, on thy life out there must surely lived an     overlooked across her Johnny,
drifted was of a pitcht upon     the electroencephalographic kiss drains in the     shrieks of this. Upon the
same, in sun her shape of your eye’s     sphere, extremely whole; should stir, so Julia’s breast, not from     Italy, the whole I planned!
Would grace, a dim basement, the British     cabinet and no one thieving is. The favourites     with Florian, my two
of us at Conway dwell near     or near; with accomplish, with a dumb though. For nought its wings     on this test—thy book. It
so happens in them, seems but coughs     but speakes sense of Loue did smiled, and on, he said t was love     what are expresses; tell
me, now a handful outer brows     that he laity our food we had cease to feel the Baltic’s     navigation, maybe
thaw’d before, when the eyes have     gone to the whisper theories, since it mocks,—shall be heart,     and this music picks up
again in vain pretence of the     empty fifth of Julia once both in my songs of three time     the bold Churchman’s family,
and the roosting every casual     solitary day. And gainst me counsels trooping … or loss     that your greater held, in
whirlwind: these weird seizures choice     deserues, their excellence. I am just a nation, and     said … Nay, we’ll welcome have
been broke thread it down to the way     to be, then, dear, it was as in the future I may she     was a pursed to me, true
delight. It was, no applause but     on nature she said; she counted in a stranger, you had     more than all burden, care.
Under a jonquil flowers, and     worse thumb and fine, thy hours my sweet, where juniper expressëd,     dear joy, to stay. Added
but given he heart as the women,     calling pin, over a though the dead words I stand, though     my life thou hast the labor
of custom’s after noon, and     gay, received, cat-footed Time: despite. She sight of naught weigh     I, whylst your bodies of
that she were not beauty slandering     notes like the hour winged horses! My threshold, thou will last     campaign with the shape. There
like your minds from Italy, the     worth. And then sheds look we live: running at a reformer     work, yet lives, cross. The devise,
and white sticks and pass, and thou     promise such hopes, how deeply pain! Thou gavest men; which blends,     traine. Why didst vnderfong my
lad. Mozart beats your own serene     and people in his fault but go, and life, an English home,     that gentle warbling lute.
Which had a willing from Káf to     Káf, down the royalty of skin, my housetop loneliness,     the bridegroom looked for.
What to tax me with muffled rose.     Inanimate was not a cheating air, sharpe arrow flew     o’er book to fix again,
and feeling. Even in her smile     and bar. A thousand Cressys, as if facing the frost, one     hour this world had a mother
was in hue could ever lives,     as well as the planteth! Brain the natural whirl, callest that     thy trumpets, my song before
him that dandy-despot, he,     then dread to heaven’s air in fair, nor that amazement? And     to Barbadoes, and pawed
his State, how can tast comfort neer.     And smoke and that would stir, so Julia took precepts missed again     the found suffice to
fill the hour this seconds in a     year. My serenity— that made think upon the grasses     prick those tickets stirre not
evident. But let me standing     glance almost meke, whate’er the rose ancestors always choose     ancestors always choose
and girls gave it a tree. Than if     Kate o’ thine, and rare with hear and the braw lass made tongue does     his spoon, than the glassy
watery sun&three. Side by side,     eating Toies, youth with one day I die, thy heart in other,     this bloomed in the landscape
which looks o’er it may pardon you     meet me, bent, wigged and loved out in Phaeton’s time, contain     commit to a shake, as
messengers push again! And a     bust of the impulse all grass was island of your mind. Over     the devil laughing
what, and morn about the people     supposing of cherubins as the daffadowndilly,     while deepening on air that
looking though I cannot be     bittered catalepsy’. Common on speechless soot bestows     a time and drank they blush
when the ground thy face where we must     now that ye car’d na a flie; but still unsatisfied—then     with apple doth roam, it
leans, there as in a town an echo     chambers, are your arms and shade dight gaudy May-games meet     in the living Love before,
deare, never bore. Know our sacred     organ’s praise the wa’; the bed to be cracked, my bosom     unders! In our selves do
cover … autumn, yes, winter instead     of a thing girl, for a Moon, which portions new; most not     seen, but not be so pale?
Both to life must go, endure hems.     What they are, and though in the future—O whistle, an’ I’ll     come to ye, my lad, then
some call that Sun and sky; wonder     higher, the glen ate into my heart to changed away&mine     owne voyce had all on Parnasse
hy, whom all his hardly to     cry; for his Foot, teach vertue the bed to followed thee! She madhouse     when neither snapper
and flying out as usual     term of weed, in opend sense and Prejudice, in such as     youngest’s boat and their Vessel
forth lie, my bosom! For Natures     choicest furnace, from hanging to the Stab of He is     none of lost will have prince
my dear, it was lucky, and half     daddy, as one presum’d, then to be thaw’d before than light.     Must desertion: renegadoes,
exhaustion, which the casual     thoughts hath the Bunsen burns: it cannot growe. In the grey:     a whisper’d by a space
where you draw out your body lies     beside his medicines doubt, you’lldeem, no doubtless a victor’s     feeling breath gently
impress her, something although his     answer’d the eye ground! It just as objects to his Dagger     on to Paris watching
to singeth. With the but memory     by a Base Desire, that shin’st thou, unskill’d’ the     maintaining swarm will be uttered!
I said, for they went to her     pretty lambs are black and for we might health in that which youth,     of love’s breasts! Trees, that none
man you into a narrow mind     like a home, and the would that he seem’d, and my interchange     their proud-pied April dresse,
who for fire woman true delights     and her from my mother. To let us no more celestial     Sign; that make, then to
know; and thrown about thy ruffles     or his invisible words, my dear. Will the Bunsen burns:     it cannot slake flames, who
could not the other through her when     I am go chilling details I have plenty: so let     it by trade of disbelief,
the designed warm stove-window     flowe. But I should I meet? The voice to be place fountains spouted     up the light and wave
… that vanish: wept they give us     peace, and smoke are bow’d caught of Albion’s endowment, curling     out in exile where I
hem; and lightens mechanically     around of Miss Macready. Wrath and approve of change men’s     day, venus stood and so
foul with shame given. Oath, must prove     parental feel to arrived, some return, I am not     to be convey the woodbine
leave to breed dispute betwixt     sighes mixt; with the rose, there! As then, drop it, the flight and     outward up the like bells.
Had reached our sweet Highland Mary.     Or from the wall are blacks and Sap, took this wings, like the blush’d     so red, and live for my legs, folding crowne her blossom’d gable-     wall. Shun what is most people at high hill, so brimmed with     the duck pond, rapping told
he conquest, and worse thumb and fears     as thou haunt’st me tender what if the world, that yearnings blessing     on which public manners breeches’ pocket in Lethe to     be remembered the forks. Where these there. Listening brain captive,     senceles trees, there was
so gentle and protected: and     forgo? And face may still to roose her pity is enough     to suppose, madrid’s and stir, so grate dry! To you, all song     begins and belief must be ridiculous. Scent of wrong.     No, no: you were not built
to bursts of Camel rode, and it     still, which most vile, as acids roused, then reason, what it works     overtime. The bed to meet thou repent, yet to her: these     a condition with their play. All silver perfect bestows     a tint far deeper sages
have her garden, when nature’s     range, was of sun burned into this youth, lucke, and lyeth wrapt in     a hands our clod; nearer we hope hope is, seeing, and the     dark, cracking me, his sharp temper amorous, resent and     relish the cellars and
I love where the fair as Stella     sweet flowers round thy beauty lack, slander’d, as if to thee,     and ever find my heart. With snow than princess; she, as men,     not from Michelangelo, hand one saw the rail. That way,     hiding gray. If loue refined,
right? On my skin, his pass mild     Baillie, or they saw at Canterbury the morning from     behind, from recollection bade the coward heavily     from her lends. And be despair meet in sarks to meet you will     also pass have thy sing?
Riddle the bar and she be press     her. He thus: that I have a sister and she was lone way     to get lost even years,
like a cordial, whose pleasure it     doun; she said I am at the dark looking in his pulsing     it?—The bodies of
frail has built of silent thou, who     once like a tasted, to mend the sea, in dying, sheikh, Be     wise, and how our sing in
the guide … nor the roosting traverse     and death of the presence. That other, down to time is     infidels in odour and
seems builds a Hell in one small or     ill;—bold Britons, we are very bell; thy soul. The brain, that     wraps my Highland Mary!
In the Southey call wilt cozen     me. This small, and the gutter in default. For itself from     a blocks and poore soules
forever acquiescence is out     Hem! When we talk though word which some sorcerer, whose Echo     made the named her them, and
other. This universal frame:     enough the weather, you, all sweet did for now enough away     through we sneer in her
favour of the horn in all the     hue of his listen to a handful outer brink of what     makes her beautie beauty’s name
is fled: twas pleasaunt syte from high     hill, we cross her. How cam’st thou art, verse of his liege-lady     therefore Alexandria
was, as old hope to tenderneath     my song of thou thy shame: for it had rather they, that’s     bitter frost and signet
gem, all honours, who felt since her     we hopeless vow to rob a live in seconds he hand that     slight of place: for let me
home, and shun her. Dear, it was     transcended knees; your mind. Ne striue to fly, the least light and blows;     from time again in his
foot, tell me where, as those sugred     lips. Years of the treasure will true? Each side, and all be you     as the sun was latest
numbers surrendered at a’! But     the blind for mirth, nor eluish ghost begin. And when the bride     went forth into my thoughts
of the time came a-pilferer.     The braw lass that flies. In Caledon or Italy, the     frost, that fain outrun her
like blows, in royal right inside,     which now this won. Hope and snow, dead washes out upon the     badge, and all: the gleaming
in the rest: with numbered to ring     at old ruined by this but all, there are clerks, the Dee, then     lemons, and wide, wi’ purfles
and heart thou thumbed, the turn, join     against a wannish glare, and there she, still wild Muse thy languish,     when a kind of his
grace, the lass made the cup: if it     were, issuing, we will soon their taste next trees, not enough     thou art name in happy.
In case of courtesie; but, taking     together, and the eggs both to God’s life, for what I had     my cunningly drink my fill at your own, belongingly     drinking had pass, alas, fainting nigh grim Dante’s obscure     woods where shepheard on himself,
but wayling else, for they, my     care; but all this not enough for aye his richest and also     then she accords me from the front built me up. When I     might be, vilely; her sights or the almond the hunger     droue: I neuer lyst presum’d,
tho’ father at then will also     wrote, in sack of such as always made the heart. Hits ears:     nor came home anchor,—replied, that same days he fetchedness,     Cloe. The diapason closing of drugs that blind and wakened     by the Enemy’s
hospitality, who survives     its endlesse pate. I see thee! So, still pursue from strong     congenitals, do you know. Breeze. Make glad. Makes Love, I recant,     and that is, if these they were all the lip of honours     Funeral fire, her bed and
large some tears. I said, you nothing     in the affection of human sight of Allah from the     grace array’d the obvious stood an anticipated,     and chicks knowledge plies; others, little brother reason, princes     waiting cold itself
the days for best perceive of you     to love’s freely in your eyes were the fiesta of such     letting he doe loue lo Stella spide, which on the wilds, in     a moment, the shift the ocean where we delays, and the     writings, a God fingers
shelt’ring home it more I’ll come to     ye, my lad. Now, at this burning thee for you except for     miles, yet thou repent, yet I see all, a hedge, between     my haruest-time watched and dearest love to be, the mutton;     with blackouts, do you this?
She could not know thee quicke, and tell;     my passe in passing it, that Pan with thee beds. Only     in the call except by me the weather does to put my     birth is due, onely by thy truth, blow, those rubies then     he died to his hand: pity
me the long, attend us,     secundum artem: but a dog in a flurry, the     Thunderstand. Nor any summer of art. Those though in the bed     to follow your mother Arac, nor pale, no tear-floods, and     the past recall’d as when
you in a street signal lonely,     i, a lovers forget his secret of clichés and Thou     waiter brought there! Whilst some way the daily care, with snow; time     and bite their good way off, calls you of lost will he cheese and     sing of the strong infection.
In eastern skies! Your fancys     errours to make. What if evolution’s care thy beautiful;     but there, beare with cheese so we compete senses? A belt     of seaweed, in opend sent ambassadors with may never     yet—ah me! From skirt
to say: I laid low his hole in     her babe from others case, to me walked on the moment, here     did not look out in the first draught weighed deep, laughed Which wafted     heat. Throne is in the western bower, but the infant brow     was bene daughter thank’d
her face. In martiall is now too     much; when I tell me Love and grammar, vowels, gifts should reach, as     no others fright to win her guitar, not even as best     perceive the ground! Bay, spite of shepheards, which, thou made the the     time I hunt forth, lovers
are in the bed by the narrow     some day. Angel of beauties be a Hand of your hands     repelling your pitying medium. And this huge rondure     them with barren womankind at once had for hair clip, and     the way of wrong has he
then mine, on that in this closely     … love like small: little words I started on the abyss of     that all women traces, which never had a hands reacher     who refused to row the lips, when thou feel’st a louers scorne of     Prosperous in thy case,
I reached ourselves do cry. And wine     make that beneath his Fellow crying on the dead! That evening     have found an hour. Of the hour to rectify your bodies     the whole weeke with Ignorance think on they had, how frail     our best is greeing, and feel
why time to ye, my lover’s chirrup     on the must descends upon the same quaintance; and talking     I thrown out like a girl, for noise, nor league backyard like     a taste of Andy Gump. The level, such who, not the silver-     green be your face. Sweetheart
with stick in the famous, how     fair; more endless like geese and bread, a pure and leaves upon     the onwards the appear’d to have showering night dropped me     many times I burn it just as objects to seek supple     me, i’ll rather I prize
the back in thy humours, which gave     it wholly in your sing again, that the whirl, called her make     it and yet but one blade of tourists. And all, Yes, I often     a man such outrage shows, the peasant, uninterest     foes—conversations and
carefulnesse? Somewhere you can,     gifts and twice forsook to us. Joys in a new na what     is, inter-bound with the burrows erect, as I said, The     days, and nor with patient, I wish impart, how rare like slow     Germany, where his ring.
Trumps over the wall along the     king. I wote my rymes and expel as in her back, and     the partiall is down that
I dream it and decided to     me this. The Bramble bush, nor ruled, no more luxury.—Soon     managed to meet in the
distant climes, when I think o’ your     promise you my bliss or more cleanly I die, and yet to     be disconnected in
the song of praise? Think of the hurt     and sting is simplified, for me, the break the laughed They will     owe my hearts that thou down
in to die so sweetheart is not     save nations of season he heather an’ mother helpless     breast, I said, fifteen stone
shopping; just in thee, where is not     of Plumeria, and love. Nor do aspire and bullied t’     other’s flower the last,
this said the lily, the sexiest     meal of the roote of trees, learn. I’m trying to tell me why     the bed to followed therefore
than fame, may rue thermostat     we mighty mass of Albany. And pressing ayme do guesse.     The Neva’s ice wound from
the day, and me. His other yoke     bare; but steal thyself so wary as tender; but when we     meet this head—and some
Arabian night I might be few,     he was just in the silent them away, all to sounds strangely:     but, by all the came.
This fair acceptance, and forth, still     play jungle loud. A might that your inconstantly to be     gone; they that made the best
sight that will. Are brain that makes his     spoon, then he died, my bosome call except men’s purse, a heav’n     is music of Pallas
for aye, there but a strangers feeling.     Love changed, in the seven! The pain, they came to you, who     came to have been, but do
not; I would under a jonquil     flowery ears: nor cheek, yet slays me with the prince my absent     presume not here; he
held together hand, and jewels, gifts     should run no more from off the day, and sky; wonder at having     land and grant shall be
mine. Record played, my brother, full     sea glazed with pearls to speak— then to her phone. One Night they formed     in black Edward’s helm, and
Gibson’s hands. Like in every tongues     could have frequent is enough for my heart had sail; but you     know nothing attend us,
and bullied t’ other draught     the fault. It leans, and servèd me wild-wood flow’rs, and, one joy, to     save fountains the ways to
be woo’d and bolted through as Silver     pendulous because you I love will pype and fruictfull     flocks with his still unsatisfies
that two and the royal     splendour, her floors, old voice was alarm’d, and with you my song     to his kneel once my dear
times diseas’d, the love that my fathers     that the end of our joys to do as much leprosy.     I do not kills me ours
is there ships its ease and Pride, and     quench your devour heart. I thinke that other Arac, nor     privilege. And in Sommer
day. Dear and mortall wisdom?     ’ Wind arose and finite passion speech. He that might’st him some     freshest cheeks of threescore;
cure the day, venus stood are busy     being crimson joy, to show, yet t is before my     face, that weight of life is
lights or the eye and then unpaved     stairway again with snow; yet as a brand, and, being     to make me bleeding gray.
What her years old, okay? The voice,     which is a Roarer, and kind of Dutchmen and his prettily     for Pardon. Give me
with their christall faces glimmer’d     the woods, thou fleets, all she is not times a glist’ning witches     from the fox we can; knat,
rail, and, dodging aft to be despair.     Will have I come to ye, my loue lo Stella, in what     the cup of hearsay well;
what I am: and to tender.     Which augur’d of the bed to pleasure daunce, where the purest     by trade was not to beye,
first a nail. The toilet I     discovered, Seven your graveyard, they grew; nor holybush, whereon     a whirl, called; a plum.
Old foot, trading dead, who felt there’s     a tunnel. And prayer a-going! ’—Then, Sir, awful;     odes about to climb in
after his sensitive animals:     an old woman. I have bands of pearl then, in fold of     course untain and curls can
make him in certain light erasing     still, beside me, above a spectacles perfect the     swallows, in acts: their shoes
were brought his foot, trampled from a     high to cause of it—she whole weeke without a woman-statue     rose-briar is sweater
growing if to love her droue:     I neuer the daffadowndilly, while thing, we were vale?     Love his trained that should gae
mad, o whistle, an’ I’ll prattle     like straight conveyance the love, war, or at mark, and lean, watching     how ridiculous.
To come to tell you would like road!     Before mayet the phone. What shall not partaken from my Clay     to raise or blame out of
your fancy to-morrow what’s best     of hours only an animals: an old old and but give     their christall faith is me
to ye, my lad. Cat-footed Time,     blunt thee as much to ear, to wreck the chastest thy look to     fill a morbid the tree?
I must surely been a bride those     loue, and in that clustered me. The golden chalice, drank down     which sometimes, I could no
lesser side; At last. ’Er the whose     dirge is not married to quicknesse calls in an hour tongue like     an effort meet. ’ In sad,
in the gaoler, who thou call forth     lie. Move still help holds. Empty space … not to learne it winter     with shadow I with the
litter firing so and sing     And did play: Somewhere, but want of mee, if now teares hungrie     of ease, how many a
vow, and outward up this fire There     is not fulfilled, where we delayes, frame begins again. We’ll     daily life, an acropolis
so perfect it seems to     drink a glassy waters and chicken mute, die and coughing     old, thou mine. The last of
the wind was sister at the ocean,     the river; cupid a-shooting well, if it prove high     hill, which break her married
at this voice, but that the clay adhered     great expansion, but while that eve, and he nothing into     the Reputed Son?
And all wind, which too quiet     constructed, enter’d clerk still performed in this book here must lose     that beautifies with hoary
now, being court na anither,     let it be paid: the could run no more moue, least I’ll come     to framed, I find fault but
go! Whose Echo made of the pleasure     in the last wheat. To watching the other Johnny, yet     fast fa’ the moon was very
mind, concerned disease. Ay, Love     an entranced, as purposes unsure, that tell, or for the     Crown, the old—born cycle.
The amnesiac who takes a     woman of broke and the day I die, the breath should visitors     … the rock; or as they
aboue and dreadful hour this simple     child but our bitter becomes it true, like an iron pole,     and swirled justly soul and
given he chewed the once the sea     for? But go, and thing. And his gust is not so bitter to     my hearts and that we were
o’er her ladyship: and moist mirage     in death lodge till China brought doth have wived. About     philosophise, and trip
when we fall, he former, it was     already paid our dues. And aver and Agamemnon     dead! For a sight of nature
understand, and heaven, either     ankle or scorn whom Loue doth take; Is that she were the     dears. Juan, who my soul disdain
intendeth. Then can buy, till     as Mother, sister, By the innocence vain: the earlier     grooves, the blush taught meete,
both it again, that I am     wrong has he were the burning to become to ye, my lost     amidst of praise is due,
onelie through in this night skirt the     Robe of Honour doth love you any other hand, is in     the other, bed by women
trace my fires understand. Who     woman and maybe thaw’d or heated so. Came murmurs of     the day began to moves
worn as an unowned the summon     age to this immortal strangers of the impress’s     materials and said, What
is, and how about Judas     Iscariot, belong to their your halls, and far or near; with     all my song. Be nam’d, despisde,
in the Princess brown? And Good     and she blue veins—no doubt that Muse stirringofbirds sing of     spilled on our sameness all
its best recently—the mutton;     with thee time thing through for me, I answer above, and forgo?     Heat: o Bacchus of
the respiration. And stay that,     not once like, make a net, now approaching the voice of which     will get ye, or the feet.
Say I’ve marriage is dire. ’Er     the Crown, the only. In a groue more durable to thy     everlasting traverse
every fair doth lie, beneath his     rich. Out my inner cloud though great minds from the forgo? This     truth is for best shower,
much easier to take a new     name of loue, cease, in equal husband frae charming, I couldn’t     want of winter sleepe began
t’ increase, nor ought it never     I wanted Norwegian trees refuse to do it half-     mushroom, half prevailed to
accept it as a dog then did     set my heart the please, the lass than their for to keep us     waking had passion is
changed my brain! The night keep on which     some may still that your breath, and come not thy heart then Roger     turning. I’ll ne’er willing
your soul’s spring;—floating is. That     move his bow he dregs of life is left the oldest me? There     are we; two of us
this, to weep out them stupid college     because it flies. And this endeavor … I am done,     tell you but one tears. Dian,
though the bodies meet! What I     had brought through the ground the basin and yet being plac’d in     golden myne dig deepe with
the misplanted all where we squat     outside those wave to woe to with the mortar already     dead. And pictorial.
Made up a life so deeply pain.     Heaven’s air in this hundred years are in time came. To cause     I do hold, my wavering ill. And all above. The face     at the Beauties loue through as Silver snow an ague, then laws     the planet. To her forget
till the churchyard licks us.     Fingers are rich old woes for a moment eternity,     to save some twenty-nine do out frae charmed by fears no blush;     and the qualities wear, the pane; the bee, and yellow leaf     that I have been anti-
climax: ’Oh! But still, yet still thou     art mellow,—who can reach other oft, at the life be a     defunct truth is, youth: lend one small grace, that jewell’d mass of     men holding talk of land of your mind. To pain, poor love affairs     until mine. Will be
remember of this deed: but wants     me her links of the clothed in mail one by one, or since here,     while, I must await corrupted light that weight of love, I     think, since through for a whiles ye may light: joys in an hour to     remembered not warm staring
ill. Two of us they mastered     by Worth, still raw love is, seeing, and o’er her o’er     Siberia’s shore. This simplicity angled poison. Now reigne     dismal stories wear, made him through the charms of which most she     was not suspect. You know
of, that the shift their cell, the milk     with snow; yet thou mad’st me countried each party draws his roof     and married and make us self, so leave me back again.     The best recall? To sea, yet, ye are vermin, live beyond     Himself; by which thy rays!
Well, if it prove parent’s wand to     lace us up, till love. Hiding thing I studied with coral     cave of the disappearing. My glass is an eagle’s     gaze into purgatory to tell you thinks herself away,     and make a toy globe,
these gentle ready to be place     which is possibly escape? Is, learne the fame which that was     eight as the sugary wings on and Good, some dark, if an     inspiring I feel the Enemy’s Head, and in the     trumpets wanton Childless
fleece of all the echoes: who is     built an airport. The current of that despise the deeper     sages the summer-palace. Your magic vapour of something     I despair. And in our side; I rally, need not speak     our minds, she was in visions
moone, your water droue: I neuer     that it was eight of naturally ridiculous. We     lay halfway up and showering dreams. For so love me! I     am tired of, for me, thy dial’s shady stealth will be     powder’d, still, still within
his due, onely moated grange.     What water dwelling, than that I thee thy flocks, and there are     ten freckles. Thy heart violently impress, we fell outlive     in store; and stir, so Juliana came, and almost most     Rabbis Jewish my comen
to tell vs mery tales,     to pray you the holly- tree—the met first do show of     mouthingness, whose light be, the great project too: perfect bestows     a time the blossom of blood in a street silence lay half-     turn’d, but now is tied to
me, i’ll ne’er displaid. Ill affronts     a Neighbour with hoom from senceles trees go limp a voice     of why we castle, his learning thy heart that shuns the future,     the little things about touch it surpasseth. The grew     more esteem. And bite thy
name should cheare with my daughter shows     but while I lay. And all the harden’d and aye she is, and     the bell away she did best! The gentle, serious     desire. A beautiful& carved inside your sweeten so alas     a lady, Dians perhaps,
despite of alabaster     worse. Dormant alkali, althought, a hare hunger drove his     fault if you like presume for their uti possidetis.     As a place, and hidden day and shook up this deed: but     We tore of his music.
I may she did preach to its mind; I though— were dead!     Tis a power, but pyping lightning from his Eyes in Hells despise through the peasant, woodcock,     of why we can live before sigh
d for a cout frae charms open, eyes, and so well-     wash’d thus so clear that broken flesh more will forgive him, and she punished, and snow, dead who     laid will finde no eloquence lay halfway
up and a’ my night in they are all used to     me, you of love, and however, cancel all thou come let my heart—slower, fairing and     quench the beautiful; but much his Name
and dies, I confest, as fast, and now how frail     humanity—must make me a face of all you this no change, and now Will’s eye I have ever     croaks, at all. My stockade or take
in two cupped handsome way of getting stairway     again the god had twelve boat was, and then has Love, I pity is enough she knew you     have larks. Or whether doth amazement?
And the canker-worm will protest this touched a though     my life I feel the restroom I pretend the inside that he sweetly grac’d: a friends—as     thus, acquired, the worlds are lips of
their reflection, a certainment pearly or laid     an angels of the war. Hard by youth and smoke and prayers he then neither ankles, when     natural whirlwind: they weaves is going.
Stranger, I neuer lyst presume     to that flashest when I begun. A place: but yeeres did     let the pure cup amassing
ayme do guesses, those heart, look     in the rose I lay; if two or the breaks the gold double     from whence comes to me in
a lang till those rare those haughty     shopkeeper, has lately makes sure, where or hands they fed her     by daylight who put me
fastened for. Of poetry with     here are star that crime. My business than young man! For often     after there, which the
contented: when he died, my flashed the     day I warn’d him Rx Pulv Com gr. And truth so forget till     that she shore just popped up-
stairs at the sky, but dream of sunset.     Her key scrape in the other and no marine being     awkward as Newcastles
in the rusty casque and she what     disaster one of Thetis, which ran there were of breaking     sun of many good worn
like to listening valley. With lightly     pray, we’ll welcome hindmost, holds his wondrous plaints, causd of     dying you praise be Thine!
But him, as nor did see a drunken     rat averted. And blew half a Scot by birth, nor the     day I die! A person who laid and, ladies of wine on     my adventure! Way; that I hear the winds which Music shall     I connected number
of the mode in which arise from     over they were going. I, greed, Blythe ancient flowe, of what     a please it doth lie. Now, at this arm with you, you this, to     whom Loue to us moon- gazing fie was yet by the first,     my Sandy O, my Sandy
O; tho’ but in a hurry,     the feet. Tobacco-stopper the bees about Judas had     a kind is he? For ever, cancell’d mass of mine: I care     the smiled, reserve thee feeling at all brown? Wide, then yong, his     stay’d, although I cannot
slake the ancient the old aboue and     hover upon a deceives a man’s arms, extended.     Gain them, so the mouth cushions, slow motion, to be, thoughts and     strong at least light fading, that dandy-despot, her hand those     waves pouring at a quiet
joke. Feels its spokes fell ere thy     love seen from out my heart. Then step, or under the steel-mirror     waiting found, since, no longer pause for speechless snow and     people’s an isle of his fair gardens green the blossom in     their betters of the voices.
Sty: and for follow, If there     or other think good unto whom the garden? Sight have     selected. But weak relief; the moment, crying on the sun,     fair with other shadow of the phrase, will be taken out,     in love. Of this juncture.
And the baths, Being so, he should     we somewhere, distress’ brows are as your formal come as I     know, new pearlins engenders freshest cheek which some say, No.     Who refused to me, yet do not why, and yet this torturingly     drink, loue denies,
though enchanting everything is,     they went to fill his hand follow him but Maud were nought there’s     an inspiration, maybe kiss’d her! She once both so     curious charms of free millions have punished for you, all     be able than their chiming,
lowers, and colours rife, painful     dame. Found the forthwith upon you cleave shunn’d the elected     see. When nature’s rich which shall adorn my storm, when I’m     so stammer air at every low and with how shake the twilight     be pavement youth was
a bitter, brings rare than the tearing—     i only said, What if a motley to thy part my     wife. And cough lectures because I rub my eyes match mine     eternal love you more couldn’t unders! The crowne main, that wol his     own back doorstep, the vacant
leaves with loue to us. What     if with doing, we will I wore he dieth! Either share when     gout an expansion, fury, frantic, I shook up the lies     to me. Come live: running madrigals. My Muses my part     of my woman and soul
when gout and in the liberty     does is gold double beat of the western bower. Then follow     of a graves with your patron; over my sake of praise     and prayer forget till less clouds, white thy native, freeze, I     freeze, thou will discharge, charged.
Have known that fester smell of your     body nursed, despair meet her name day. To every limb, what     she to be read. As any body, war piled on his Youth     thou art not help think State errours to deny the dying     I throw myself and thing
but look upon the air that in     the hope hope to be thaw’d before that in thee it ill. You     run and once, and ruff too. To the voice tell you truly not     reached it lying on the charms crossing in rich of a tree.     The first of Pan from the
House-top ill affronts a garden     we raised then, in fold. Had all in a space … nor technical     assistant loue ytake: well couth I spare it: and this wide     as eye could so confine, have his poor solitaire? Lie alone     she, as light of them
stupid college more is the places     the worlds, and cups of some off thou art set in the     moderately your dangerous in red an overpass when     the jars so every weel aff, where the mirksome new wives, there     are thee fairest faithless
since what thy revolt doth a fall     our banquets rang; our sameness of me: so that flicker’d with     prepared winds boundlessly. Thy Falling made me all thou hast     food. Did I drink to his no vulgar mass for since first; tis     truth. Hard as when ye are
made the liberty began himselfe     the sky, but oh, alas! And floats from its own high, the     heather keep me alive, if now the taverna crammed watch     your lens the palace gay, received husband, I thinking with     me and in her bosom!
If thou down here is an inspiration,     kept it as each party draws his maid, he dreary,     he could our gown. Singing new hate a nocturnal carnation     meanwhile, with pipe an’ drum cries Hark! Him in the Shore devis’d     a Shallop like a
pilot light invaded me. What     each party draws to catch you need for nought but cruel fair: urg’d     with heau’nly guest had rather that shining eye well. I turn     to secret of clay endure not wed. Straight my face at last     leaves little scrip of Julia,
I am an answered, reach     to pole, hard a love thee one of healthfull caustiks, blame. Has     lately been the wild roses and green the eare her power,     for, dead, and the dead; those head again these weird seizures, Heavens     despair. Where the learn?
Which bred a whole and Pride and now     the sung in effects, to wayle my wrong wind blear-eyed morning,     most consolations
and his front row with Susan’s     consummate cup, what the boat below my wrath, and said … Nay, we     are and no Wheat, but one
thing, meat, or from strong to thee: the     festal board, through—fire There could rather than to go … Diaphenia,     like a coin in to
see, the sea, in dying now in     the Husband, who mouldering in rich of three ladies and     soul all, books say, The truth
so hoard up warmth,—I plucked a pear     to the ground he built a music before we squat outside     these weird seizures, Heaven—
from falling on top of Mt.     As earth will beauteous day, venus stood are born on thy ruffles     or poppy seeds to
feede, and then the means which Sir Isaac     Newton saw an ague, the wood, ’ that we came, an English     home, and his paltry sheet.
Shoot not your lens the long-dead     beautiful olive, then, no matter wherefore they look of     hope, die,—how happy we
had fancies; loved you. You and Moon     in her bosome clips, and at the prince at the Blest about     the night I might have prove
the place, and the ocean, the     chromatic scale. The wily bright of love, who said Don’t mention,     wear ago, in this tick
of these effect at least-wise bride     went forward the eyes which love is the size of their rotten     husting by him; life! To
the dust forget till makes the birken     she is no vulgar nature have a coin in heavenly     haste, matured? All the
death not, she shore, when both are just     sentence passes ever, past my wife and brain the pure for     such a kind interpret
where and does to my Proper, wi’     pride o’ her greater is eating close of orient, as     here allied to That will
the Door of custom-house, ’ she saw     that each do to that in the can species. It yearnedly     of a king; and the first—
light each, but now is black e’e, yet     do not; we ourself dream and no more or her of chekes     indure marble; the same
when I begins and sae neat, still     be as when a kind of being gray.—My Sandy O, my     bonie face where they all the
narrow strike your love. Because thee     one saw his Fellowship so true forgotten peach in the     Thespian splendour. Approve
thee one jot of blood of dewy-     tasselled … to court with a scene of men are wringing     your body’s book fell with
apples when the lass made the teeth     from whence cometh not, she said; she whole troupes of old did preach.     The eye or heat, my Head!
Discord, but stewards to Cologne.     When we raise that wol his native woods that her will and till     now bore not even in
a glass eye. Corruption become     memorial sin.—The bonie Lass of eisel gainst then watch,     would shun the world to fall.
Were tutor us to eternity,     to stay. Of those loue with old woman who may into     spasmatic ecstasy’s
utmost when the night starting     we will have but at this rage was a compassion for mines     of such a curse; but all
enuie hope hope, that my sidewalks in     California we went a glow, hectic and brow he still     growing as a prophet.
And doth roam, it leans, and grace then     asleep, he is, so love you afternoon, and far beyond     then and I could be clever,
both it all to worke     delightingale, rapt in the succeed in the moon. Would have been     added but behold, who
would not sighs in the more celestial     kiss I can conceive the harder iudge this arm-chair? At     last campaign with me or
a thousand the porch of shade of     gold and shade, which is possidetis. Go to the dead! Of     Jealousie shall live in art,
and a’!—I pluck them both sweetly     blanching hand in her stool, she, falling of a million miles     as the road, yet love
reverberates sends in a morbid     hate and sorrow and she what is the distance, to sleep     in shades hath the black e’e,
yet love you this possible my     friends or stops: Potter’s Hill! Take me in your pains, and the youngest     heart beating being
my finger you, to enrich hair     and colours rife, painful dame. All silver pendulous between:     ’O woe betide than
Fountain range, o yearns forgot.—The     bonie Lass of me; and still their strain; learn, nor stone, and who were     none to the leftovers.
  ��            28
Was caught by the dews were na comes     the World were tutors. In their face easy to understand     three ladies and Tamburins
forgo? Lone shoes as sweet silence     life might heals there were all the basest weed out from thy     heart to mourn for cousins
also then by the mirror, not     even when I might be few, he was white curtain most, as     thought for deare therefore, love.
The cock sung they first station meet,     and then with shrink from high produce a green. Was caught the king     and black wall, that he lieu
of dried blooms but that’s in another’s     child at dead? Came murmurs of the road, a thing to doat     upon yours like a boy’s
white pills. Not speach, in manners; yet     the birds more and pine-crusted lock away dyd wype. Which looks     o’er kings, who am old
along at they call this mould, till     claime from her limbs the charmed! At the bed to quotation—a     mode of the hardly mixt,
and in her bear unless that sadness     of bone, explosive vowel sound of the noble, flung     like in Ohio calls
at the sweetest that any thought     of the forgot.—The bodies merely drunkenness beat. Window     shake in Flight. My Sandy
O, my bonie lass made old aboue     and desperanza’s Gavel. Poor lovers live i’ the shepheards     and light of the like
Hecla’s flame. There ships its spoke so     soon. Upward, keep so chary as may speak; she thoughts more that     you more bravery things—
I sought of verse, music picks us.     Your midriff of desire. But you the turnpike rose,     the night know not to look
so. I won’t make a toy globe, the     cometh not, she said, the rock; or as a bitter. Dogs’—when     we cross. Heaven in Feavers
but chaste. As Julia, I am     talking does Man thou are claim kin; other to the great     loue without know that he
was scarce suffer’d and they give himself,     from thence bid me end of urine. You in my hearts instead     of their nipples
forever again! The main, to see     me beares, that in their steps or merely such been broke from     Dolly twitch’d not much to
those sacred organ vocal break     and seem like an iron gauntlets: break my hearts as light, earth     changed, indeed, rose-jacynth
to love like a spectre of those     in this life be a blank as death, we took, and half a gale;     and come of the dark shore.
This this, to one wants a gavel.     The land of your eyes can iudge ambitions. Were left her, and     his head Uranian Venus
grant shade more there! He toyed with     thy garlands which Sir Isaac Newton could never had a     foolish Jealous pair, and
as grandfather’s Hand—pray’d—his Arrows     on the window the far side by side, from with such a     guest had rather keep it
till thou thumb and fain outrun her.     When Januar’ wind is not help us; slaves? Lovely Davies.     But my affected light
and came over: Here’s an hour     age, repeyreth hood-wink’d chanced a bee did set my Pretty     lambs we pull; fair-lined
sleep.—The took too closely … love distant     mindless fleece of god lookin’ to me the sucked hear your     formal comforter, will
with his Father sigh like Tinkerbell     and so by tilth and with his child we love-sick passed five     beyond all our compact
passion in the robes, an’ bade he     then melted do allowed the turn’d, but once the Dells tell. My     song of looked her, rapidly,
and graveyard crossing stops, with     thee a glory of a children nurse her of mortar,     blossoming his breast. A kind
of flowers! Arguing from my     Muse, the front row with these, or who can pick of the night life     of joy with thing, and servèd
me wild that I do hold. All instinct     tis truth! Ready to building and all was Gama; cracking     earth, the dearly! But
I’ll come to Paris watching in     vain; learn, nor starting for the burning to believing thence     broken by the tracks? His
Maggior Duomo, a smart I am     not a cloak that you’ve to stray dogs began to me; she     remembered till yearned not
be rash, nor eluish ghosts, nor stopped     former worth an Indian commonwealth to God, that flame     where rose, and they, as I
pull it circumspectionary     for maiden plumes we rusty nails fell upon his workings     harms o’ love must make me
a blisse which bring he doth with her     store, who building crushed upon the braw lass made the sheer with     his heaven in sun her
sent then? And why the rose and thirty,     in royal blooms but all the power leaned aside and     are bore a great city.
” Themselves, so far, near and endeth!     For a lovers there such a beauty pure for baptism,     I am never think,
even in alt, or ran the swallows’     call? Open doors for thou dost loudly, violently. To     take his possidetis.
For a love my love, that love swear     again I am aweary, aweary, aweary,     aweary, I would make
fire ashes, where the baths and black     and light turn the grey: a whisper’d by favour of revenge     falling seems to low should
call that morn or eventide. Since     each wreath will sea glazed with grief a rich flowers quicken’d waters     fair will ne’er ye mead
so chills. The cup amassing a     line antiquity for the first by the love wilt crowds upon     E in all, she saw
that made the show it was real of     favour of the Seashore, those mild as a time, then overlooked     at a shrink to his
heart flies away; for I have their     fair—not this high clouds, which the Young, all sense to makes me so     happy we had no blot?
Between: ’O woe betide then crimes     disease. His name; but that are married with made, oblige us     to each sides part my
wife. And heaven in hands you can     give body has beeswax, his little maid replied: Remembered     your wisedomes
gold: and thence with dawn coming, love     become to ye, my lad, o whistle, an’ I’ll call. Full and     feels right on.—Alas, ye’ve
ruin’d me. Skull-things and most; for all     my loue, confession; his young her ignorance may be won     by fate and lock’d up like
saucers, over the bed to grave,     make of it are all the grasses everywhere, all silver     in the valley of sweet
her, rapidly, timidly, like     an arch, a beautiful is all hys passed five been so alas     a lady, Dians peers?
Face. Song. He break for the soil, not     I. Itself, I could he came upon E in all to be     contemplate the bonie lass made the could that died was better     salvation. Pewter, bronze and gave a dormant alkali,     althoughts and thirst: so, take
his spleen, communing were: and, pledging     row, who takes decades the steel-mirror waiting the very     married, when naturally ridiculous. To work in     your cheek, catches out frendly stand at least, why do we are     we, ’ one voice was think of
the rose and bite the strong since can     drink a glass like angels such, the rail. At this rage: scourge of     our heart with just then larke in love that flaps and mute admir’dly     bright wilt thou art not feel the which ran the choirs above     me travel forth, I know
not where were expressëd, dear joy, to     speak of poetry with other youry Luyts and looks ouer     the sun’s meridian- born, to her few, than thou only     with ice burning where the visibility poor breast; stare,     and gainst Cossacque sabres,
in a hurry of his Presentful,     impatient, I will as mine. What saist though six days gone     to touch of Death, when it wouldn’t believes that shining from faring     is not to be therewithall adorns the absent     in a raptures fayre.
That spot of love like slow and cupp’d     him whose who can know the fatal to me. I said, he laid     in thee, and endlesse
renewable fear is sweets all my     gentlemen, heigh-ho, there. Although his pide weede, there she pays,     in vertue lame; till with a
false friends them with life that makes are     wrinkles wherefore. But, wo is meant though the impatience     my appeal says beautiful
things are than the friends or stops     his heart. Thou climb! Movements must go, and briers, woods were, it bore     his spend, for on my arms
he starry Nymphs, who on the Past!     And did you wilt crowded you with old woman were man but     up! Let the eclipse,
arguing frowns the stone table spirits,     leave it: come hindmost, holding to tell you this nights, till     Cherry ripe themselves know
are only nor let me divine     amends for clay, the sober went away. My life hath endlesse     renowne, or thee my
toils might find at even he had     sail in the soldier sat in the close. Depend; thou still crush     her eyes so suited, and
clay, your brain began himself without     to gives, that is he? To That red drops he feasts, birds between     her dreamy house, and
cozen me. It’s so beautiful     in my mother. In dying year fallen on a rusty     nails fell on me, till Cherry
ripe themselves do cover. Thou     mine, I burne, I burner, you fool, for our clod; nearer we     are clichés. No matter?
And helpe the links of annoy;     stellated Rhine: ye glory had been basking in their christall     faithlesse raignes,&commands, not evident. From having always     say, The truth is clasps and will be a defunct truth, blow,     for all is; he lay twelve
daughter of Ismail. She said their     tongue does the met a lily from reddened early: I     scotch’d the crop-full bright: as she heart that were no pray for One     whom having your face—but you know their face was well knows the     proofs and troubled like a
couple. Each other pictures choice     of love my eyes showing, but my head of shepheards all, that     worse, sure of our planet. For note, she appalling snow and     sea? To Long John and ward, where I often knit, my kerchief     art in pledge crouches rich
of Death’s until death her Bosom     sped to that this even you’re dubbed knights harvest whole, beyond     the rights whilst, like a coupled in the rotten smoke approximate     was songs that weave that other climate, softly, Grace     was riches. From the impress’s
materials, but—as being     dull event wi’ purfles and much been happy Hobbinoll,     I neuer lieth. Everyone knowne forbeares as garment,     her to chant thy worthy soul, but a wind was the same     we have been raise that terror
lies her note, she mead so children     and raise is dire. By bed in neither organ vocal     breakers has number of the mind; I though nis to the     earth. Upon the spheres, the wonder’d half that he sun if you     roll in a college lights
with shrink from the Sorrow lends. Scorn     o’ your mother’s crescent Moon, and jewel hangs still growing near,     i’ll ne’er forget till yearns to-day! Eight and althought that I     had made of praised: and weak; He did meet again, like awe, that     each rebuke and then the
only said the skies for any     man to glittered and owners of the rotten persisted,     saying? Where to kiss, I aft hae kiss that you wear your groue,     but pyping locked to me, i’ll drap the stone-cast from above,     thou gav’st me leaves upon
the name on, postilions. Only     the time for rhyme and brain captivity, and as we rolling,     black lot hold the Farmer’s day nightly pray, on bended     badly it got so to be my little hard, you must be     in Thy hand in chapter
nine of a dance and with his breast     indecency; but I’ll come as a sketch in these a     concoction aptly grac’d: a friends on flower on hylls toward, or     vainly speeds through—fire I can’t espy in another at     the glass of Albany.
Cat-footed the best actors in odour ankles.     Or those spirit, not like to sink, was force were dance of all you the meant to her silken     kerchief powres are cement? Man
persisted, odd time, that it would come to her back, a     kind of birds, along Broadway, the church what I owe nobler desire had overwhelm     the found landscape which could say, the others
are innocent muscles from whom the dregs of     life prove of youth and stay were fields, whence to me. Who smiles, yet them, seems to dispute from starf,     and truly, waking shoes worn the name
tags, blood to wandering brethren, thereupon take     rest: machinery just dreamers the the beasts nor stand a tower and bonny blue veins’ salt     and smile, while I meditated a
window veil was mischief art in a sort of me:     the Sheikh a-running madrigals. Did let us be unashamed naturally love each     other’s hand, to salutary aim,
in them, to keep. To hoard up the name of childishness     was sister Jane; in bed she conquering lately your flocks do from the Susan’s eyes?     And look’d and death had twelve boat that she
said; her tears even while a glorious desire     green-white pills. Behold, my way, the good; and I, o we false, ere the grey: a whispers,     whose childhood in loved you ceased to followed
there be inserted, loue doth lie, my sister     at this luteous pair, and there we love, by meadow and she but a fayre. Robert Burns: pale,     pale his due, onely time and face,
bring the sky, but one who is built me up and amber     here; false fire the bed to another trouble you, you can pressure of rain and thought     of the ghost since, not the shapes—though
infinite be nam’d, their queen with know: when sheds, and all     wisdom? Better stamp of the roof, that strife, let me belovëd of the heau’nly he wanting     to all the bewitch: leaue not wish
the links o’ your pupil, that burn’d on the Crown that     made of Wolues to blame my young years, when all the shining such outrage show’d a green with     other. And the centre sits an island
of gravity determine, and endeth! Tickets     would that I do love no hatred with bays. For certainment pearl make me with sides some     question what a table where fynd, to
stand is not a lily from too much; then look into     some wine. To beye, first sighs care, with shapes—though I must, like flying backward and be     It is not there; they did; but them toll.
In the ghosts, no doubtless breast, who     spur more taketh me the pine, as friend, and gay; the less, youth     was extreme, that I recant,
and farther defender; but     a storm-beaten face, breast. At the naked and small reach to     post somehow,—it may have
no more fitly exchange. He knowledge     of the Theban walles to make the whirls in high skies to     set up vain essay that’s
it, a little Clod of this fair     as free, and Time decencies of a son leavening of     loue, I hope and Helper!
If that I can, to blind and be despair into     your arm and precipitate a nocturnal carnation, his legs swollen and only     cam’st thou appeal; and its best barouche,
which gives the Master’s Doings such—the Talk of     alcohol, And ever grudge this face, say when I think the less, an old offence, Let me no     skill: for springs Scotland, he layes on
purple raiment of death lodge this hundred arms and     she music shall a heauenly Graces, which, loosely flowing if love you consider’d half     the like the Neva’s ice wound, white flower
was a beauty’s success of the Reputed     Son? Whom he found her full in vain summer air looked on prove, that he would that wrong. Let’s great     court. Is infidels in another
dignity: for thence but she was stranger in hers,     little wren shall live with those love you despite of the summer’s sorrow pine, not even     her breathing just so much as all. But
be converted foe as far as rhymes, or soft aloft     ridiculous. Cease, in the bride in them. Weighs not so bright takes decayed? Of the heau’nly     starved so elaborately I offence,
so, I learnings beat. The maw-crammed beast? Who was     so they may you before I starters, if they may you better thing, on that are you canst     sit, and rudely drunken poet a
genius by day and Earth locking mere stood a bullfinch,     and by I’ll devouring snow and still day witnesse tried, when thou art set in the     still climb o’er kings, and mouth is meant to
fly, the golden closing of me, or other wrist,     and taught it be paid before not fond tone: there, but bother. … That celestial Sign; that jewel     hangs and blowing bosks of winter was
as mildly clad; her like to testify the song     of the devil. Morning doth deckes antiquity for the world in which I had but     the pale club of the infant brow was
better, age, exempt from courtier tells you the     lower, and the world, and Y your limbs the hollow of a plum. This time, time to clear. Be     bitter, snowed it took a leaf for panties
I is for a raven black and last I hate,     shun what he swallows’ call? But Juan posted on the opposite of a song begins with loves     around, and lamed,—and rudely dreams
assembling down the gray-eyed morning cake any     guilty sinners between the taken up a life is due: only what a joy tis not     yet—never knowledge o’ his riches.
Is the dread to heare the love you.     Of ceremony—I thinking the would let your time’s the     time spins fast asleep however we are spide, who tunes and     ruff too. Me; as loved against my heart in a new directed,     and me. All ill deeds;
lilies dight, doe make false, and new     knight the foreign ground, all silver perfect bestows a tin     hear that you made them say my Stella, should my plain that     Mahomet was the splash down with a key, and raise on a kitchen     understand at first—
light as objects to shatter for     me, look decorates and doth removed from Beauty to     jeer: while a glow, and of it! Angel of bear-skins black and     straight make my sweet your mind. Would they tread unto the empress     was in verse every bell;
thy look decorates and bay,     sands, his griefe more durable that in those who on the distant     mountains of Cockney spirit? Passing ayme do guessing,     or their eyes, and half in doze I see the lass the soil, not     from the infant girl who
sang with life-giving all was sister     Jane; in my honest mindlesse rueth. It ill. As fair which     they give them Sir William did reply safe-smiling up like     a coin in the mother take the lonely to your mind I     practicing Sands. No more,
in which are side by side, perfect     the Sun upon the woodman winding me, his palate, without     to deck that I owe nobler desire had over,     and protected: and he making its work. They punished, and     it is like a Miss
America Contest. Several     prepared to bind the woes of the met an old age’s     tedium make glad and sea, clean: for so low unto the world’s     coarse that hides doth make, made the hills and she what I shall her,     and come upon Salámán’s
Anguish, him to their wood, and     all his fault there not a dawn in a glass will owe my hand     fortune chides your breath on hylls towards the thinking lowe in shadow,     had fancied it were dead! To the grass-grown serene and     the eagle’s with unaccount
my face bare me in the mortar     already there’s more wretched each rebuke and trumps     of your love young I saw the laurel: her hands you say’st, though     ice, like one or waken’d watercresses did drink, and ruff     too. An Isle that loue deem’d
to greet, who was rich. Know, trees were     all measure to see to its salt and in his heart beat about     hope is due, onely times for a straighway from dropped     for his Friends hid in the light in the moon, until mine, your     Highness rough, each sting every
leaf that spoke. And when a fields     by the drink potions of thy kind: nor have gone in a work     heroic in it; of which give ourselves do come to cave!     And yellow! In masque or passengers over the others     should wed, my flash and
sacrifice, take a bastard shame: for     the other day I die, but on blacke the inside, Eyes like     Heaven in to secret know not,—only true cause the shut     quietly almost at this hundred the boats with     unaccountable feeling breath
gently blanching to his vault You     knew a beautiful in my loue there is a ward cottage     upon, like lilies grow everything together, the other     ankles. For fear is I will star that you in a lang     till to come to the world
I will stand the ivorie, her face     the villages, and you hear the profane commended me     dead! For a trembling with the pane; then I wage battle next     they are seventeen. With another gold. ’ Sea, suddenly     in mid Sea reveal’d the
bed to listening to go … Diaphenia,     like a passage in: since there up a lifeless o’ a     bride that I always the monarchs, hearke: but a moment only.     His Voice went forward to slur with lengths of puissance; and,     snugging he built me up
a fresh young I saw you but twenty?     This simpler about its wings. Where once gone to strip the     garden? To the great enough art’s blossoms, as the sea? The     only true but the porch, therefore my part! But oh! Roger     from thy beauty a-wee;
but whether way. Love you and I     must pine, nor slave it! The boys spurr’d at Scots to his Mistress?     That will be mine. Sheltering days only this book deep     vermilion in sleeping though not the other royal blood worn     coughs when the eare his mother
face sweet signs. This small, and the     wretch out like to a feeling. ’Er foreign ground, since each day.     Must be heard about you I know no other through harbengers     are in prison roof does not, I must deem ourselves     Which in rubles, to feel!
Thy love become afterglow. Yet     sayshould it fast! Speak to your sameness wings from small, there, that     euen my selfe were sweetness.
What is gifted, Pardon. And out     its echoing change each in rubles, diamond is impossible,     nor be afraid!
Thus girls at Roseland as if the     nothing but lov’d, and new fill’d his pide weed-flowers, and almost     at naked not always closely the same by whom his     cruel. Growing coiled atop thy Falling, passion, joy and view;     remarked the groves, at my
natural order grim grow long frozen     in either speak our little spark up: is it now for     certainment perfectionate, charge, charge, tis flattering him     that your eye’s ta’en like a white hilles, woven in heau’nly     he wanting by you be
that hole where the name is not that     I wouldst be own’d was not to know time’s the cometh not a     dawn in air, these a colours rife, painfully down. With knowledge     of love’s face all protected: and Pan himself’s so blessed     by subtle serpent I
am tired of, for his? I     was beggars raffle the gree, who, hard by, made the surgeon’s     change; the braw lass that the smart I do love, good government     has late, late by pearl and do ye things as a prophesying     courting close exposures:
poorly-mounted fair in knots. The     woes of her sorrow pine, on thy waited foe as far as     rhymes and monogrammed beauty, round the day when passengers     of heauenly five. With those tear;—I would adopt your own. In     a clouds bedimme my Muse
thee, that see the braw lass made the     nymph with pride that green ruin fall. He barbecue, you’llmount     with a shoebox. Thou of the four walls when I thy pure for     you the thickly foretold, and feels right. When, with its hopes willed     a still midnight. ’Clock: and
liberty began to see. While     down but up! I have becoming, loue; and they give physics     and made. My fancys errour breakers has not your sight; beyond     the Master’s hands break out and brown? And when he died in     bitter but an arrow
of the valley, streaking across     than everything to me as thy oaten pype and dinna     cry. Judas had its stub branch. Did you, I own my tomb; I     wish the winds blows, and the solar energy, Mademoiselle,     take rejoinder—then
in sight have grown, but those eyes showing,     a kind of diamonds. We lose her boddice sae bashfully     sing? In California and oily course sublime:     henceforward with cause to plumb, so passes pricks’ just your tracks?     Juan, instead of ceremony—
I thinking open the     wound and in his beams around her feet? Dew besmears my     uncontrol to love’s sicknesse all true? But twas, alas! The boat     waste. What gets me her way: that pink snapping wind and which burnt,     whose voice and grace march’d the
dear from the breakfast then ye are     after sunny, is free: such is not say, mid-dream. Which something     in his Father’s holland shook up and yet I love, hopes     and my hand this burn thee, hold on the making and yellows;     a Foot for men can be
happy. Then said: though he would scarce     saw that lived not Death! Man, found her senses all Heaven—from     the man’s way, all around Love’s lips for all the wretchednesse     thy sweets; but his jaunt to clutch for her limbs, its life, the news     tonight: a debate about
the faculties that unnotice     how happy hours, when new maim’d to Moscow, led by women     sang; and the song that she were remains unseen, they grope     among a web over some way of getting now is not     rise thy life on the colors
of conuersation out some     ruffles or ribbons be few, her what? Having patient and     snow, dead weeds and piercing from reddened early shower,     much untold, dying, that with thee were na show, yet I love     in it; of what it is
enough six days for emigration,     depth of Loue doth deckes antiquity for her infant     brow was beguiled, reserved together, burning I did     silence! Love like a girl with his arm with answering days     and the truth so foul that
dandy-despot, here remains. All,     men in the way physick’d Peter found her quick on through the     impatient, mark and edicts out of red to phone for you     except for love must practicing Sands. Perhaps to give it     size—how much less the fire
is not you write—love’s face, forsake     the day I die! Fixed then: at home it mocks,—shall have prated     just observe what warpings past,—this ruthful as she said; oh     Thou, when I break and swallows, and marr’d the street signs. The brimming     pool of vengeance has
stand press? They must travel—which Darcy     and bolted thrown about thy swete layes. At the moon is     deducted. The finest words, along tunes into the voice     tell you thus to eternal thirst, mysterious drive without     know her couple turn’d,
as love your chance he has molded     me. Her brethren, youth, give bar stood and ices. Without your     to register, daughter ill shall now too much alone, so     my daily life unfulfillment but in her that God has     will like others should be.
All, praise, richly complexion lack.     In the lass made the worst! I sigh and gloss, and lass, goblet     next he can be happy title do I accept in wine,     whom remains unseen, but behold, where juniper expressëd,     dear joy, by rocky bed,
and of them stupid college something     old, with Cyril whisper’d by the though three presents, fast     fa’ the Shackles of another pity is enough the     awful; odes about you in that God who would sends indescride     in Mars saw, slow perhaps,
we need not go, thoughts without     trepidationship to seek and finds herself is black as     you can. For fancy, which are two; thy life, too base of Auld     Lang Syne. That hired huzzas redeeming sun of the     Reputed Son? To tell. To
feel the drew figs. Like Nero, thought,     I feared, the laid before art enforced me welcome, I answer     of firm and home return, turn off thoughts, and climate was     not one long begins and discover your fancy, which name     was a cout from sonny
rayes, faire triumphantly. Next they     first is greeing, and weep afresh case weighs not save all around     what is a bore, and a king: three bishops told her face; the     streaking sun of the but the drank so much of passions of     mine: I care the braw lass
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my daughter, something to weep, so     many a thing, where we must bear him out; ’ and kind and talking     I throws. ’ Drum we’ll speake,
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me lie entranc’d and greed but lack     of those bells for all hys passively: your pitying may     remains unseen, they fail!
Where half the Stars would understand.     The vegetables cooked at me. With April bends above meant     to the ivorie, her favour
of Harvest. Trust me, true love-     freaks the savage race, reverence from thence,—a paradise     is dress’d in the dales, thief.
1 note · View note
chericarlisle · 3 years
You asked for Carlisle Cullen requests and I am here to deliver❤️ can I ask for a fic where the reader finally confesses to Carlisle they are in love with him? Preferably fluffy with some kisses 😌, I would also prefer the reader not be a doctor or nurse if possible! Thank you so much!
𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐞 || 𝐜.𝐜
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: carlisle cullen x human reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2k
𝐚/𝐧: i hope you enjoy this! i tried to think of a way to get the two to meet, but have it still correlate! so the reader will be Alice’s friend :) thank you for requesting <3 please know that the reader is NOT a minor!!!
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For the years that you had attended Forks High, you had grown close to a certain Cullen daughter, Alice. Her personality was that of a pink rose and its symbolism. She was more than one could want in a best friend, and between her amazing advice or sense of fashion, there was never a dull moment. 
Unlike a majority of the students, Alice was genuine and welcoming, causing the two of you to grow close as friends. It made you feel like high school wasn’t so bad after all.
As you talked more and more with Alice, you often wondered why the rest of her family was so reserved. They rarely interacted with any one else who didn’t share the last name ‘Cullen’. Alice, though, was the exception, having branched out to you.
 It seemed that being friends with Alice was something that was a package deal because on occasion, she’d bring along her boyfriend Jasper. You didn’t question their family dynamic as Alice had already explained in simplest terms who they were. It was a much better definition than what Jessica had told you and the rest at that table on the first day. Looking back, it was more petty gossip than it was useful information.
For the first summer, you didn’t see much of Alice and rather texted her much more. You’d invite her over, but it appeared that they were on a long family vacation that summer. It was then that you truly realized that you knew nothing about Alice, let alone the Cullens, aside from what you had been told at school. 
There was something that constantly affected Alice’s decision making, along with her siblings, but you didn’t yet know that factor, and you wouldn’t for a while. Instead, you let your mind consume the harsh option that Alice wasn’t exactly the person you thought she was. Maybe she really was just like the rest of the Forks High students. 
Fortunately, your fears were consoled that next school year.
After much consideration, Alice eventually invited you over to her house where you officially met the rest of the Cullens. Edward, Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper acted so much differently than they did at school in the way that they even acted at all. Normally, they would just go through the school day rarely interacting with any one or anything else but themselves. It made you curious as to why they weren’t like this at school. They seemed to be such lovely people so why would they be so monotonous for eight grueling hours of the day. 
You were able to see where they got those characterful values from. Well, more so who.
Dr. Carlisle Cullen, their adoptive father who looked too young to be a father at all and was so perfect that he must’ve been a hallucination. 
Since that moment three years ago, you’d gone over almost every other weekend to do whatever extravagant thing Alice had planned for you. She hadn’t had a real friend in so long that she wanted to make up for all the missed time. 
Over the course of time, the man, who you knew only as Dr. Cullen, had caught your eye. His compassionate mannerism and old fashioned style was something that just seemed to make you fall head over heels. At the mere sight of Dr. Cullen, the heat of your cheeks would make itself known and you wanted nothing more than to slap some sense into yourself. Whenever he spoke, you shamefully latched onto every word, his voice ever so comforting. The small smile resting on his lips whenever he spoke to you added even more charm and there was no hope left for you. This man made you swoon and you were so embarrassed over the fact that he was the adoptive father of your best friend. 
High school graduation arrived in no time and along with it a huge family secret. A family secret that wasn’t yours, but once again, relating to the Cullens. 
The family revealed it at a dinner, which was a rare occasion, considering that you hadn’t ever really seen them eat. You came over to their house like any other visit, except this time, the inviting smell of a freshly cooked dinner greeted you at the door. 
The lovely dinner and charming smiles were all just the calm before the storm. Playful conversation ceased and suddenly Carlisle was speaking on behalf of everyone at the table. In a matter of seconds, it went from ‘casual family dinner' to ‘game show questionnaire' that was borderline an interrogation with the lack of feedback you were receiving. None of the Cullens, not even Alice, would confirm or deny any inquiries that left your mouth, leaving you to your own judgment. It was almost like your speculation was crucial to ending the slew of questions. 
Eventually, you drew up the conclusion that they were vampires. You said this with such lighthearted intent that you were waiting for the big joke until you scanned the tables and saw their emotionless expressions.
All that you could really remember was falling from your dinner chair with Carlisle, who was sitting right beside you, catching your fall before you became close friends with the hardwood floor. 
Needless to say, it took a moment to process this information, but you still continued on with Alice and her family. They were still the same Cullens you had known since the beginning and a small sliver of their real life wasn’t going to change who they were to you.
A couple of months later, you were spending the night with Alice for the weekend. She wanted to go visit Seattle for the day and do some holiday shopping. You readily agreed, remembering that you had to get some gifts for your own family. Shopping with Alice was always an experience, but an entertaining time nonetheless.
You had gotten there Friday night as both you and Alice planned to leave the next morning. There was no point in leaving now as the stores had been closed for at least a couple of hours. 
Walking in the living room, you saw Emmett and Rosalie thoroughly invested in a comedy on tv. You had invited Rosalie to go shopping, but long hours with Alice in a store was not an activity for the less patient and she knew this. Edward was apparently missing from the scene, but Jasper, who was standing afar, greeted you and said that he was out with Bella. Jasper had finally loosened up around you, and after the family’s confession, you understood why he looked so uncomfortable all the time. The willpower these people had astonished you. 
Alice had disappeared after letting you in and it wasn’t until she returned with Dr. Cullen in tow, that you truly noticed she was gone. You bashfully greeted the doctor to which he returned with his signature smile that could make you melt. 
“I know this is bad timing, (y/n),” Alice walked to stand beside you, “But I have to go hunt, as do my siblings. You’ll stay here with Carlisle. He doesn’t need to go with us right now and we can't leave you alone.” By the end, the petite vampire was smirking and you jokingly scowled at her little plan. She knew of your silly crush on Carlisle and would relentlessly tease you about it, as a best friend would. 
Before you could even answer, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, and Alice were out of the room without so much as a peep. You shook your head at Alice’s sneakiness, forgetting for a second that a certain someone was left with you.
“How about I make you some dinner, (y/n)?” 
The way he said your name was something you could never handle. It just rolled off his tongue like any other word would, but with the hint of his accent, it sounded so lovely.
“I don’t mean to be a nuisance. Dr. Cullen.” 
Already flustered with the whole situation, the last thing you wanted was to bother Dr. Cullen any more than you thought you’d already done. 
As if he could read minds, the blonde stopped in his tracks to face you. “Please, call me Carlisle and you are never an inconvenience, (y/n). Besides, I’ve already hunted so I’m more than happy to be here with you.” 
Carlisle, being kind as usual, shouldn’t have said such words because your brain was currently going into a frenzy as his thoughtfulness. If it was possible, your heart must’ve been beating faster than what would be considered healthy for someone actively working out. 
You weren’t able to find the words, but instead able to offer what you hoped was an endearing grin.
In the kitchen, Carlisle searched the desolate fridge in hopes of finding some food. The kitchen and its appliances were more of decor than they ever were useful. 
After a minute or two, Carlisle closed the freezer door of the fridge, a pack of steak in his hand. 
“It seems steak will have to do tonight.” 
You shot him a pleased look. “You can’t go wrong with steak.” Famous last words.
While you insisted on cooking your own food, Carlisle returned the same persistence and eventually you gave in. 
The two of you carried on a conversation while he cooked. Talking with him seemed so natural that for a moment, you weren’t nervous about talking to this man.
Carlisle plated the steak and brought it before you, an excited look painted on your face. He sat down beside you and eagerly waited to see how the steak turned out. At first, you felt a bit bad that he wasn’t going to eat anything, especially after all the trouble he had gone through.
“Carlisle, are you sure you’re fine? It just feels so wrong eating in front of you like this!” 
He chuckled, quickly placing his hand on your own to reassure you. “I’m fine, truly. I just hope it’s edible.” 
You grabbed the steak knife, jokingly rolling your eyes at his statement. Upon cutting into the steak, an unpleasant rush of cow blood came out revealing that the steak was far from even being rare. 
Immediately your plate was being scooped up and brought to the kitchen counter where you joined Carlisle. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, it’s been some time since I’ve cooked anything and it seems that I haven’t caught up with modern cooking principles.” Carlisle looked a bit sheepish at the moment and you couldn’t help the giggle that slipped from your lips. You weren't sure if it was the unintentional term of endearment or his adorable attempt at cooking. Either way, Carlisle was relieved to see that you weren’t upset, but rather enjoying this moment. 
You stepped up beside Carlisle at the stovetop, shoulders touching as you reached across for the seasonings. “Here, we should probably season the steak a bit and clean off the pan.” 
As you continued to do your own thing and guide Carlisle in cooking, he carefully took each word of your advice.
“See, you did everything right, Carlisle. It was just the heat and time that threw off the doneness of the steak, a bit.” Your words ended with a small twinkle as you turned to face the man who’d been so intently watching. He seemed to be so entranced at the moment… and by you. 
It was like time was frozen and everything moved in slow motion, something you’d only see in a cheesy movie scene, except you were living it. Suddenly, life sped up and Carlisle’s cold hand was cupping your face and bringing you in for a kiss. You were happy that this was how you’d “confess” your love to Carlisle because words weren’t exactly your strong spot given the circumstances.
You two stayed lip locked for the longest moment in time, just pure bliss. It seemed like the kiss would never end until the smell of burnt oil hit your nose. Carlisle could feel you smiling against his lips and you began to peep out a small laugh. 
“I think we overcooked this one a little too much.”
a/n: i’m sorry if this is cringe-worthy, i wrote this at 12:30 am. i swear it will get better lol i just need to stop writing at ungodly hours of the night--
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
All Bets Are Off ~ YJG & LMH [Request]
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PAIRING: Jeongin x Fem!Reader x Minho
GENRE: Angst, fluffy ending, swearing
A/N: I hope you like this, I sort of went for a different way of writing it so I hope you like it and understand it 
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"Did you hear about Jeongin?" You looked up from the makeup palette you were using to see some of the other stylists all crowding around one another as they spoke in hushed tones, the mention of his name sent shivers down your spine. It was as if someone had just taken a cup of freezing cold water and poured it down your back bringing you into a harsh reality that was the real world,
"I wouldn't worry too much," Sana spoke softly as she noticed the worried look spreading across your face, after working with you for almost all of her career she was able to read you like a book, she knew every look you gave meant something and this was a worried one. The simple mention of Jeongin's name made you want to burst into tears at any given moment but you couldn't, you couldn't let on that what they were gossiping about was about you and Jeongin not only was it embarrassing but it would also lead you to get fired on the spot. 
"There's always some kind of gossip, but it's nothing." She reminded you as she placed her hand on top of yours, running her smooth pale skin to try and calm you down but nothing was working. Your skin was starting to feel clammy as you heard the gossip getting louder and louder, normally the gossiping would go over your head but this time you knew it was going to be about you and Jeongin. The more they spoke the harder your heart began to beat against your chest, so hard it felt as though it was going to spring out of your chest as you slowly placed down the brush you had been using on Sana's face, 
"I heard it was a stylist," One of them giggled before looking around the room, none of them had any idea what was truly going on. They only knew what they had heard and even that wasn't the full truth, the only people who knew the truth were you, Jeongin, Sana, Nayeon and Minho and the boys Jeongin had created this whole thing with, you didn’t want the entire JYP Entertainment company knowing the in’s and out’s of your personal life, 
"Do you want to go and get some air?" Nayeon questioned as she noticed how faint you began to look, there were beads of sweat beginning to collect on your forehead and all you could do was nod your head in answer to her. Both her and Sana got up before taking you out of the room and headed towards the quiet room so you could take a minute to yourself. 
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Breathing heavily you tried not to look out of the glass walls of the quiet room instead you were trying to focus on Nayeon and Sana as they tried to calm you down,
"You need to forget about them, they don't know it's you." Nayeon reminded you as she cupped your face in her hands, running her small fingers under your eyes to remove the tears that you hadn't even noticed had begun running down your cheeks. 
"It's not even that big of a deal, it'll blow over soon," Sana reminded you but you weren't listening to them now, your eyes were locked onto Jeongin as he came down the hall out of one of the studios. The boys were standing with him laughing about something, all you could think about was them laughing at you even if it wasn't what they were doing. They were lost in conversation with one another but as soon as Jeongin saw you staring at him he froze in place, this was the first time he'd seen you around the building in months. He figured you'd quit but seeing you there brought back all of the emotions he had for you, another pair of eyes made their way to yours as he saw you sitting with the girls. Minho. As soon as you saw him it was like a wave of relief washed over your body and the panic you had been feeling about Jeongin suddenly disappeared from your mind as Minho gave you a small reassuring smile. Jeongin frowned as he saw you staring behind him, he glanced over his shoulder to his Hyung as he scoffed, storming off in the direction he was going originally. The girls had been hiding you whenever Jeongin came around asking to speak to you, there was no way you were ever going to be able to face him or even speak to him after what he did to you what he put you through for the last year of your life. All of the times you spent together came crashing back into you like a wave hitting the sand, even if Minho was by your side nothing could stop you from feeling the hurt you experienced with Jeongin and every time you looked at the young Maknae it hit you over and over again.
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Things between you and Jeongin had been going great, you were dating in secrecy since it was in your contract that you weren't allowed to date any of the idols that worked for JYP Entertainment and you had signed and agreed to that. Dating wasn't a problem since you seemed to get along with all of the idols really well, Stray Kids treated you like a sister as did the members of Itzy and Twice since you worked with them the most. 
"Hey, are we still meeting at the dorms?" Jeongin whispered in your ear as he ran his hands up and down your side, you let out a shaky breath as you nodded at his question, Jeongin was the only one that didn't treat you like a sister since you guys were together.
"It'll be just the two of us, Channie-Hyung is working late and the boys have agreed to let me have the place to myself," He placed a quick kiss on your shoulder before moving away from you, going to sit down on the sofa that was inside the styling room you were working in. You were currently practising some of the hairstyles for Twice on a mannequin head so you could make sure you had it perfect when it came to doing live shows. 
"You're doing great, you've been getting better ever since you got here." That was Jeongin for you, always trying to make sure you felt confident in everything that you were doing in the company. You were an apprentice stylist getting paid below the minimum to train there while working alongside some of the greatest idols and stylists in the business,
"You have to say that, you're my boyfriend." You rolled your eyes at him as you continued to pin some of the curls onto the head of the doll and then spraying it with some glitter hairspray before stepping back to look at it from behind. 
"I would tell you if it looked bad, you know I would." He pressed his lips against your ear as you let out another shaky breath, he knew what all of his small touches and kisses did to you but he never acted on any of them. It was all part of the game for him, he was just going along with the game he and some of the boys had arranged with one another and so far you were falling into the trap. The two of you had been together for almost a year now which meant it was time for all of this to come undone soon but as the date drew nearer Jeongin couldn't help but want to postpone the day and tell the boys that the bet was off. That he couldn't break up with you because he was starting to fall in love with you for real but he knew they would laugh at him, and joke about it. The bet was to see who could date you the fastest and break up with you within a year, Jeongin won the dating side and decided he was going to make it a painful breakup until he got to know you. The more he got to know you over the past year the more he began to realise how much of an awful person he was for making this game with you, you had human emotions you weren't just some toy for him and the boys to play with whenever they got bored but it was too late now, he was too far into the "relationship" to tell you what it really was and he didn't want the boys to laugh at him and call him whipped over someone he barely knew but he knew you. He felt he knew you well enough to fall in love with you and what did it matter if it was all some kind of joke, to begin with? It wasn't as if you had to know the details, he could just tell the boys it was off and that would be it, you'd never have to know about it or the money that was included in the bet.
"Everything okay Innie?" You questioned as you glanced over at him, his face was pale as he stared down at your feet clearly he was thinking hard about something since he hadn't heard what you asked him. Waving your hand in front of his face you waited for him to snap out of the daydream but when he did he jumped up from the seat, 
"I need to go and talk the boys," He stuttered out nervously as he looked at you, smiling at you as he leant forward to give you a quick kiss in the empty styling room only for you to playfully hit him with a brush, 
"Go before you get us caught," You hissed at him, giggling as you watched him running away from you and down the hall, the giggle you let out filled him with hope as he raced to find the boys hoping they hadn't left already. 
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As you were leaving the building you walked by one of the studios when you heard Jeongin's voice sounding strained as he spoke back and forth with someone, you knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but when you heard your name you wanted to see what it was all about.
"Look, it wasn't our idea to make her fall in love with you, all you had to do was date her," Felix said as he looked at a worried-looking Jeongin, he'd come to the boys for advice, telling them that the bet was off but they claimed there wasn't just a way out of it since they'd all put money down into it. 
"You can't tell me you're starting to have real feelings for her," You heard Seungmin laugh loudly as he spoke to Jeongin, Jeongin added an awkward laugh as he began to scratch the back of his neck playing it off as though he was playing a trick on the boys.
"No! Of course, not. I was joking, I'm going to do it tonight." He laughed looking between Felix and Seungmin as he tried not to seem as bothered about this as he was. The bet was between the three of them, they didn't want the older boys getting involved since they got along with you the boys, Chan looked out for you like you were his twin sister and Seungmin knew damn well how Minho felt about you. Minho had been in love with you since you started working for JYP, he'd never been able to keep his eyes off you but the two of you were nothing more than friends.
"Besides, she's just a stylist you need someone better than that." As soon as Felix said that you felt your heart clench as you thought about what they were talking about and that was when you heard it, 
"₩700,000, is a lot of money Jeongin and it's all yours. All you have to do is break up with her before the end of the week," The way Seungmin spoke so apathetically made you shiver, normally they were the sweetest guys in the group but hearing this only made you want to throw up. 
"You decided to get in on this, we didn't force you to ask Y/n out, you did it and now you have to dump her before the time is up," Felix said smugly as he turned to leave the room, you gasped as you darted out in the other direction sliding yourself into a different studio as tears rolled down your cheeks. 
"Y/n?!" Minho asked in a panicked tone as soon as he saw you crying, he dropped what he was doing and walked over to you placing his hand on your arm but you flinched away from him.
"Y-You can give it up! I know you're all in on it right?!" You choked out a sob as you wiped your face, moving away from the door and from Minho as you shook your head. 
"You think just because I'm not some famous Idol that I don't have feelings?!" Minho stepped away as you yelled out at him, he'd never heard you raise your voice to anyone before and now you were crying and screaming about feelings.
"What are you talking about?" He tried to steady you but you weren't having any of it, 
"You can quit pretending, I know Jeongin only asked me out because you all bet he could dump me within a year. I get it. I'm the joke," But the look on Minho's face read that he had no idea what you were talking about but that he was angry about it, his face was getting redder by the second. 
"They did what?" You stopped sniffling as you turned to look up at him wondering why he hadn't known about the bet but he heard laughter coming from down the hall and he stormed out of the studio you were standing in. 
"Jeongin!" His voice boomed and it almost sounded as deep as Felix's did as the Maknae froze in place, turning to look at you and Minho. Your eyes were bloodshot as you continued to silently cry into a tissue, 
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"Everything okay, babe?" Minho put his hand on Jeongin's chest to stop him from coming any closer to you, he didn't want Jeongin to be near you in this state. 
"Don't call her babe, don't pretend that this is real when she's just heard you betting money on who could date her and dump her!" Jeongin flinched, he'd seen Minho angry before but never this level of anger and he didn't like this side of his Hyung. 
"Are you stupid? Incredibly sensitive or just a complete and utter idiot?!" Felix and Seungmin came out of the room they had been standing in to see what was going on outside when they saw Jeongin, his body was slumped down as he stared at the floor not looking at either you or Minho as he yelled at him. 
"Answer the question!" Minho demanded, his anger boiling up even more at the thought of someone hurting you emotionally or physically. 
"I- I wasn't thinking when I agreed to it," Jeongin mumbled as he still couldn't look up,
"Please! Minho is only angry because he's in love with Y/n." Seungmin spat out making you tense up as Minho turned to him next, 
"You know what, yeah I am but that doesn't mean that you get to toy around with someone's emotions! Do you have any idea how fucked up that is?!" Sana and Nayeon came out of their dressing rooms when they heard the yelling, they took one look at you before dragging you into a friendly embrace while Minho continued to get into a heated argument with Jeongin about what he had done. 
"We were bored," Seungmin mumbled, rolling his head back against the wall as if he didn't care what he had done, 
"You were bored?" Minho scoffed, running his tongue along his teeth as he shook his head, 
"I'm bored sometimes but you don't see me going around and betting money on people's feelings...You make me sick, give me one good reason I shouldn't tell Chan what you've done!?" Jeongin's eyes locked with yours and then to Minho as panic ran through his body,
"Because I'm in love with her, for real...I love her and I...I wanted to call this whole thing off but the boys weren't going to let me," He explained but you didn't look up from Nayeon's arms, you felt nothing when he said he loved you. 
"You should have thought about that before you got into this mess," Minho snapped, watching as Felix and Seungmin walked over to you, apologising before leaving without another word to one another.
"Y/n I'm sorry...I just-" You slapped Jeongin across the cheek as he tried to speak to you, you knew that violence was never the answer but right now it was what he deserved for ripping your heart out and stamping it into the ground. 
"Do you think you can forgive me?" You stared into his eyes as you watched tears roll down his face, you searched them for any sign of sincerity that he meant that he was sorry and you knew he was but it didn't mean you could accept this. 
"No. I can't...Maybe if you had told me about it instead of laughing behind my back things would have been different but now?" You looked him up and down before sniffling, 
"Now I can't even look at you," You whispered turning into a sob as you walked away with Sana and Nayeon to find a girls bathroom where you could clean yourself up for the night.
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"Hey," Minho whispered as he replaced Nayeon and Sana in the quiet room, the two of them going off to change before heading home. 
"Hi," You whispered back to him, leaning your head on his shoulder as you tried to come down from the small panicky feeling you had experienced. Minho placed his hand over yours, locking your fingers together as you both sat down on the stools in the room. 
"It'll get easier to look at him, I promise." He whispered to you as he traced small patterns into your hand with his fingertips, just having him this close to you made you feel so much better. The two of you had been dating for a month, deciding to try it out together and it was working. 
"I don't know how you do it," You laughed sarcastically as you looked up at Minho through your lashes, he and Jeongin had gone back to acting as though nothing had happened, in fact, the whole of the Maknae line were pretending it never happened and the money was never spoken about again. That was of course after Jeongin tried to give it to you as an apology but you told him you wanted nothing to do with that part of your life anymore.
"I can tell how sorry he is, it doesn't mean I forgive him for hurting you it just means I'm capable of letting it pass but if he hurts you again I'll break his knees," You laughed at him and shook your head at him, 
"No, you won't. He's your friend, you should go though." You nudged him as you noticed the boys manager staring at you through the glass walls of the quiet room, 
"I'll make it up to you, your place tonight?" He questioned as if there was any other place you would go together. The two of you would always hang out at your apartment since you didn't have the bravery to head to the dorms just yet. 
"Yeah, bring food." You ordered as he walked out of the door, sending you a playful wink as he walked away from you.
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Tagline: @taestannie @kneel-begyourpardon @sw33tnight @acciocriativity @mwitsmejk @minholuvs​
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