#i dunno if im already mourning things or not
ikkan · 6 months
from everything that's happened this past week. i think i'm so dissociated at this point.
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bil-daddy · 10 months
bil-daddy (platonic) i jus confessed to my crush and i need sum supportive words cause im really scared
I dunno if I'm the right person to go to for this (*flashbacks to when I first confessed to my crush and the worst they could say wasn't no*) but I'll do my best, kid (human)
Let me start off by saying it's going to be okay.
No matter what your crush says, it's going to be okay. (Even if they say "I forgive you" it's going to be okay)
Maybe they like you back. Maybe they don't. Maybe they're not sure and want to go on a date and see where it goes.
Whatever the outcome is, it's going to be okay.
You're going to be okay.
If your crush likes you, great! Start slow, build on what you already have--I'm making the assumption that you are already friends--but if you're not, get to know them as a friend and a person, as well as love interest, and figure out what being together means to the two of you. It's different for every couple (and relationship that includes more than two people).
It's tempting to wanna jump in headfirst to full blown relationship, but pace yourself. Aziraphale always reminds me not to go too fast and he's right. Go too fast, you might crash and burn. But go slow and steady, and you'll have a strong foundation for a healthy relationship.
Now, if your crush doesn't like you back, I'm really sorry. That seriously hurts, and it'll hurt for a while. It'll be awkward for a while, too. You'll probably have to take a step back from the friendship for both your comforts, and that's fine and normal. Maybe things will eventually go back to the way they were, but maybe they won't. And if they don't, it's alright to mourn the friendship you once had along with the relationship you never did.
It will take time, but you will pick up and pieces, put yourself back together, and move on. You'll find a new crush--or someone else might even confess a crush they have on you, and you'll have to decide if you're into them or not. And it's okay if you're not.
But whatever happens, you're going to be okay. I repeat, you're going to be okay. So take a deep breath, drink a glass of water, and have an ox rib (platonic)
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Good luck!
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ratcandy · 7 months
hi im here to ramble speculative nonsense in your askbox again do you ever wonder about how long sozonius must have been missing? we have little frame of reference for just how long he was sozo for. several months? a year? several years? ..a decade? several decades? considering the mushroom somehow was able to,, negate his age. (...somehow.) and sozonius just shrivels up like a raisin when the mushroom pops off his head. so i guess it can just do that idk.
i'd imagine he was gone at least long enough for his family to presume him dead. he did just up and go to do research in a bizarre fungus forest full of violent cultists after all. probably had their grief and then eventually moved on from it. and yet. he's alive.
YES I DO WONDER THIS... Because yeah we have No frame of reference whatsoever. He could've entered that forest as an old man already (my headcanon just because I Can) or he could've been a young and spritely thing before the Horrors happened. We have no idea. And we have no way of knowing.
All we do know is that he's been there long enough to get the Mushroomos to do his bidding and somewhat revere him (considering they refer to him as "glorious Sozo" and "our great leader;" even when not around him for him to hear them they call him "great Sozo," so I don't know how much of that fronted . "worship?" is actually fear. because a sizable amount of it does seem to be fear ("Sozo grows cruel and unpredictable, I fear for our fate here!") but to what extent? I dunno).
He could've gone into that forest at age 65 and came out 100. We don't know and it's FUCKED UP
And what's worse is I'm sure this bothers the hell out of HIM, too. He feels older, even if the time difference isn't as dramatic as a decade. He can feel the weight of months or years bearing down on him, but he has no idea how long it's been. For all he knows, he might have outlived his family.
(And he most certainly will regardless under the Lamb's care)
And he's just left with that forever unanswered question for the rest of time. How long did they mourn him? Did they search for him? Are they even still alive? Did they have children, grandchildren, great grandchildren,,, that maybe, just maybe, he could still meet someday?
Just. Oug. All around
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wickedpact · 3 years
your regularly scheduled ttt Thots
first main thought: sad. sad sad sad. poor achilles
second main thought: i was thinking abt this as i went to sleep but the difference in 'what an author wants to communicate with a piece of media' and 'what an audience wishes to take from a piece of media' are two different things that ive never thought of much before.
i mean when i read ttt issues, what i want is Lore. i want to learn about the characters, i want to see what makes them tick, i want to learn about their relationships with each other and see how they grow over the years. but thats not necessarily what the authors want to explore with their stories-- like, the nicky story tells you actually very little about nicky as a person or nicky and joe's relationship (at least it doesnt tell you anything we dont already know), and thats not really seemingly the point of the story itself.
but anyways.
i was honestly expecting smth very different from this one, primarily bc the blurb mentioned andy 'returning' after leaving achilles and i thought that meant her returning to the squad. and bc booker became immortal around the time andy was with achilles, i thought this story would be about them meeting and the obvious clash they would have over andy mourning her relationship (that ended due to her immortality, that she had to let go of due to her immortality) and booker refusing to end his relationships bc he doesnt have the experience there that andy had.
but 'returning' meant returning to her and achilles' house and her finding out how she died, which. rip. i just kind of assumed he died of old age.
AND IT SUCKS bc she left specifically so he wouldnt get hurt, and all she ended up rlly doing is leaving him to die violently alone
i was kind of upset we didnt rlly learned much abt their relationship (what did andy love abt achilles? what did he love abt her? what did they spend their days doing after they retired?) i did love the little bits showing how the two were different, especially in regards to how his life as a runaway slave affected him (and didnt affect andy)
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something something andy's immortality granted her the confidence to set aside her weapons so thoroughly for so long, while achilles' past as a slave and respective mortality didnt allow him to be so hasty
but anyways the fact that andy wanted peace so bad-- i mean, like ive said before, we kind of see some of the worst of andy (well, maybe not the worst worst of her) even within the movie. but regardless of how much andy is tired of humanity's shit and how much she likes to swing her axe, she's still a person who wants peace and quiet and safety at the end of the day like anyone else.
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its one of a million things i like abt andy. she can be a vengeful god and a doting mother and a thousands-year-long mourning daughter and a tired mercenary & on top of all of those Layers(TM) she can be Just A Person Who Wants Peace. her multitudes are wild to think abt sometimes, how many lives she's led
'but the older she gets the harder she finds conjuring their love in her memory when she comes here. all thats left is the hate and rage that destroyed this place. and that will last forever' 😭
tbh this issue is kind of a monument to how much the immortals lose to bigotry & hatred
and speaking of, the nicky one was alright. like i said you dont really... . learn much abt nicky or joeandnicky. i mean
1. nicky misses joe when hes gone. shocker
2. nicky kills violent racists. double shocker
3. all the violence and hatred nicky witnesses over this period bothers him. huge shocker!
i mean nothing it goes over is a surprise and (unpopular opinion here) im not usually a fan of shmoopy romantic stuff. joe's speech is a huge exception to me and i think its bc the speech is Romance With A Point. that speech isnt just a bunch of flowery sentiments, but it actually tells the viewer quite a bit about joe and nicky's relationship.
(i remember in one of luca's interviews he mentioned that, while reading the tog script, he wondered what a 900 year long relationship would be like, but the answer to his question was pretty much all in the van speech.)
also i think ive mentioned this before, but i tend not to like joenicky fics where joe or nicky have a Big Speech for the other bc pretty much all other romantic sentiment pales in comparison to the van speech for me. and nicky's letter in this story is the same way for me. you can read the whole thing here if you want (the rest of the dialogue within this story is mostly just confederates being racist and nicky being like 'thats nice' before he kills them lmao)
i dunno the whole thing is like. im so sad and lonely. and im killing a bunch of people and that sucks. and im so lonely. and sad. did i mention i was killing people. the sun is mocking me. these clouds symbolize the storm in my heart. im so lonely. and also sad.
i dunno, it didnt unzip me. tho i like how the wine was spiked with that sweet 'joe as the sun' symbolism, love that for us
its also kind of ironically Another TTT Story dealing with 'nicky is killing a bunch of people and hes having a crisis over it'. ive said before, im not a big fan of nicky angst personally + the fact that there isnt much here to actually learn abt nicky + the fact i wasnt huge for nicky's Poetic Liberties + the lack of a solo joe to match this solo nicky kind of made me 'eh' abt it. it wasnt poorly written or anything! i just wasnt ham for it
like with the other ones (moon landing one for instance) even when there was stuff i wasnt huge for, there was other stuff i liked, like most of us didnt care for the depiction of joe and nicky's argument in that story, but the stuff with andy and joe arguing about the moon was cute, and the stuff with nicky and Booker's Relationship Advice was cute. but for this one it was mostly just the letter. and i wasnt huge for the letter, haha
also. mutton chop man
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god did this to me bc i bitched too much abut the goatee. he saw my weakness and punished me for it
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janegrey9 · 4 years
you said forever
ok so for the first jatp fic i am EVER POSTING ON THIS WEBSITE ofc it had to be something angsty 😈 and after listening to olivia rodrigo’s new song drivers license i was feeling mega inspired so… here we go i guess! also its kinda short but oh well im pretty proud of it so you can deal with its length
summary: the boys crossed over more than a year ago, but julie’s still mourning. she just got her driver’s license, and a memory comes flooding back (i’m not exaggerating when i say i legitimately listened to drivers license on repeat while writing this).
word count: 1,257
Julie wanted to cry. No, not wanted - needed. She needed to cry, to show some kind of emotion, to stop bottling it up, but she just couldn't. She needed to be strong more than she needed to cry, and what would her dad think if he walked in on her in her room, crying? He didn’t know what had happened. No one did but her and Flynn, and Julie had already spent too many hours crying on Flynn’s shoulder. 
It was a good thing, she reminded herself, a good thing that the boys crossed over after the Orpheum performance. They could be at peace now. They were with her mom now.
But, God, did she want them back. When they left, Alex, Luke, and Reggie had left behind a cosmic ache in her chest, a hole that could never be filled. Alex, with his dry comments and comforting words and dance moves. Reggie, with his honesty and loyalty and joy. And Luke, oh God, Luke. Luke with his passion and his love and his stupid, stupid smile. Some days, Julie missed her boys so much she wanted to just curl up in bed with Flynn and not move. 
Going into her mom’s studio had become a whole new level of hard. Seeing their instruments and clothes on top of her mom’s things? The mere thought of doing that made her want to cry. Julie was strong, but even she couldn't bear losing four people in less than two years. She had barely known them, time-wise, at least, but she loved them. Julie loved her boys with everything she had, and now they were gone.
Of course, it’s not like she could show it.
It’s not like she could just stop playing music again.
Not that they'd want that, anyway.
So Julie had kept going. She had gone on with regular life, acting like everything was normal when in actuality, she felt like she had shattered into a thousand pieces.
She had continued on with her life, and as most teenagers do, Julie had just gotten her driver’s license. The glossy card had a picture of her, wearing Alex’s pink shirt and Reggie’s leather jacket and Luke’s wallet chain. And as the seventeen year old looked at her name printed on the license, she couldn't help slipping into a memory.
Julie and Luke sat next to each other on the sidewalk. It was growing dark, the sun disappearing over the tops of the palm trees, and Julie was getting nervous. In a few minutes, Flynn would get there and they’d have to go inside to perform their song, Finally Free, for a café of record execs. Reggie and Alex were already inside, watching the other bands, but Julie couldn’t bring herself to go in and Luke stayed with her.
As a car sped past the two of them, a question popped into Julie’s mind.
“Did you ever get your driver’s license?” She asked the boy next to her. “While you were alive, I mean.”
“Yeah. Me an’ Reggie got ours on the same day.” Luke responded, a smile on his face as he remembered the day. “Why?”
“Just curious. I’ve had my permit for a couple of months.”
“You like driving?”
“I’m not sure yet. It’s kind of stressful.”
“Yeah, I get that. Alex is the same way with it.”
“Do you?”
“Do I what?”
“Like driving.”
“Oh. Yeah, I love it. My parents could never afford to get me my own car, so I usually drove my dad’s or Bobby’s car.”
“What do you like about it?”
“I dunno. The freedom, mostly, I guess. And you're stalling, by the way.”
Julie blinked innocently at Luke, finally tearing her gaze away from the road. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She said.
“It’s okay, Jules. I got you. Me an’ the boys, we've got you. You’re a star, you’ll do great out there.” Luke said, looking as if he wished desperately to be able to reach out to her.
“You got me?”
“I got you. Forever.”
Julie smiled slightly at her new band mate, before looking back out at the road and spotting Flynn walking towards her. She hauled herself to her feet, whispering a small “thanks” that Luke just barely caught, and walked over to meet Flynn.
“I got my driver’s license today, Luke. Just like we talked about.” Julie said softly, leaning back onto the headboard of her bed. A tear rolled down her cheek, followed by another one, and another one, until they were flowing freely.
“I drove through the suburbs, and I pictured I was driving home to you.” She said, hoping he could hear her somehow. “I saw the sidewalks we crossed. I still hear your voice in the traffic.” 
She could still see the boys in her room, poking around in her dream box and looking at all her pictures. She could still hear Reggie’s laugh, still see Alex’s pacing, still feel Luke’s hands on her cheeks that last moment before he left her.
“Forever, Luke. You said forever.”
Julie let her head fall to the side as the tears slowed and spotted a familiar notebook next to her dream box. She wiped the last of her tears away, got up off her bed, standing on shaky legs, and got up on her toes to reach it. As Julie walked back to her bed, she opened it, almost scared of what she would see in it.
The songbook was filled to the brim; songs, poems, and miscellaneous thoughts, lyrics, and melody snippets. Julie’s smile grew every time she came across a Julie and the Phantoms song or Trevor Wilson song, but when she got to the most recent page, her smile fell.
It wasn’t a full song. It was just a title, melody, and a few lyrics, but she swore her heart stopped when she read what was scrawled across the top of the page in what was unmistakably Luke’s handwriting.
My Star.
It’s what he used to call her. A star. His star.
She sat there, holding that journal in shock, for what felt like centuries, before her brother’s voice sliced through her thoughts.
“Julie!” Carlos called from downstairs.
“Yeah?” Julie yelled back after a moment.
“Dinner!” Her little brother responded.
“Okay! Be there in a sec’!” Julie said before going back to the songbook.
She looked at that title again, needing to know it was real. Once Julie could confirm she wasn’t seeing what she wanted, she scrambled to read the few lyrics he had written, desperate to feel like he was still there. “I know we’re not perfect but I’ve never felt this way for no one. And I just can’t imagine how I’ll be okay once I’m gone.” Twenty-six words. He had written a measly twenty-six words, but it was more than she needed. Julie fumbled around on her bedside table for a pencil, the lyrics flowing from her like water in a stream. All she had to do was imagine his face, his eyes, his smile, the way he acted with the other boys, and she was filled with inspiration. Julie remembered the looks they shared while performing, the way she felt after he came to visit her at school, the way she felt that night outside the café and soon she had a new song. 
It was a sad song, a heartbroken song, but it was the last song she’d ever write with Luke. Her Luke.
Even when he was gone they made each other better.
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selkiesbittybonanza · 3 years
Hey, sorry if im bugging ya, i just wanted to check up on you. See if your feeling alright, or at least better than your last update (this is probably weird to see from someone you dunno, my bad about that, normally im a bit of a lurker cause im afraid of bothering people n such) if your not feeling well enough to answer then thats fine, do whatever you can to help yourself get through everything (and if need be i can send ya some get well doodles or pics of some dogs n cats in my family to wish you and the rest of your family well health and healing from your dearly departed) holy heck i made this long, sorry! Have a lovely day!
I want to say how flattered I am to receive an ask like this... I’m touched that people still think of me despite my lack of original content.
I’ve taken a few days to come up with a response, how much information is too much? How much detail do I want to share vs how much I feel my followers are entitled to? (Don’t worry, I know I don’t have to share anything I don’t want to.)
I’m sure many of my followers have noticed that I still reblog UT art and other media to this blog and my personal blog because I still LOVE this fandom, LOVE bittys, and love being the person behind this blog.
My health this year has been a cascade of diagnosis which have affected me mentally, physically and emotionally. I’m happy to say that as of now I think we’ve hit on the right balance of medication that will keep me healthy. But that doesn’t mean the damage that has already been done will just disappear. I’ve got multiple organ damage including (minor) brain damage. This damage is all reversible; all I have to do is take my new course of medication and let it build up.
I’ve been lucky that none of this has made me miss much work - but work... is it’s own kind of stress. My workplace has made huge changes to adapt to the pandemic and it’s a continuous balance of learning and relearning protocols and applying what I know TODAY to helping my clients while keeping everything straight. It hasn’t been easy. And it’s hard to be the face/voice to represent a lot of anxiety and resentment while feeling those same emotions myself.
Emotionally? Well my health issues have taken a toll there, too. I’ve also lost 3 important family members since the pandemic started, none of them to COVID but it certainly affected HOW they died and HOW my family and I could mourn them.  Same with my pets, I had to say good bye to my 3 year cat this weekend. Cancer. Too far gone to fight. AND I WOULD HAVE FOUGHT FOR HIM. I had enough savings to fight HARD... but all the money in the world wouldn’t have been enough. I couldn’t be with him at the end, COVID protocols and I’ll carry that regret and anguish with me forever. 
So now me and his brother cat are... adjusting.... to the new normal of our home. I keep wanting to come back to this blog and every time I feel the courage enough to come back something ELSE slaps me down. The brain damage has taken a toll on my concentration, it’s harder for me to come up with stories than it used to be. I don’t have a timeline for any of this. Things could still get worse. But things could get better - and I’m trying to keep that hope going. Take care of your Blood Pressure, kids! 
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cross-d-a · 3 years
if you're doing those characters then please give me more amazing takes on princess mute 🥺💕
Also omgg thank you SOSOSO much for asking me about Princess Mute?? THE LOVE OF MY LIFE??? You know me so well, vish!! I love and adore you so much!! Thank you for giving me the chance to blabber on about the woman I love!! ⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾
ALSO! I’m gonna do my best to like- not spoil all my plans for whispers, haha
The rest is under the cut bc I just have a lot of FEELINGS~ about our resident zombie girl 
❤⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )
How I feel about this character
OH BOY OK I JUST??? LOVE HER??? A LOT???? I wasn’t expecting to get quite so immediately and intensely attached to her?? But from the second I heard about her in the legend I was just gone. Completely done for. I’m generally a sucker for mythology, and there’s just SO MUCH that’s fascinating about the tale behind the Princess Mute and the South Sea King? 
Even though Princess Mute is so central to the myth, the South Sea King is deemed as the most important? I mean- duh it is his tomb, but Princess Mute is the catalyst? None of this would have happened without her? She’s main character material and yet she isn’t the main character of her own story?? She has practically no agency? It’s so? Fucking? Fascinating?? And there is so fucking much left unanswered? The myth says she turns into a goddamn monster?? Is this- figuratively? Or literally? Is she a monster for breaking gender norms and committing the ultimate taboo by killing the Emperor??? Like- holy FUCK? Like- LOOK at this pic from Ershu’s Expensive Powerpoint:
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and a close-up for good measure:
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(note the HORNS/HELMET?? the LIGHTNING STRIKE!!! 👀👀👀 how she’s dressed as a SOLDIER?? that SPEAR??? also she’s depicted as much bigger than the emperor!! which, of course, means she’s more important!!!!)
and, HELLO!! She’s called the PRINCESS MUTE. She is only known/named in association to someone else. Her name has been erased from history. It isn’t important to anyone. Which is so fucking ironic. She’s Princess Mute. Her voice has been stripped from her, just like her agency. This tale is the Mute Emperor’s and not her own. Her suffering means nothing to anyone. Her life means nothing other than for the Emperor to desire and the South Sea King to mourn over (and WOW!! ISN’T THIS JUST!! SO perfectly encapsulating Nanpai Sanshu’s female characters and their relevance to the story/male characters)
(so what is her goddamn name???? I mean, I know what I’ve named her, but sorry dudes. Again. I don’t wanna spoil too much :) )
also, WHY is the South Sea King covering her eyes when she’s sent off to sea in the origami boat?
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What actually happens to her after this? The body we see of the South Sea King has long white hair so I assume he died pretty old? So why does she look so goddamn young? 
And- the million dollar question here (WHICH I HAVE A LOT OF HEADCANONS FOR BUT I DON’T WANNA SPOIL WHISPERS): What happened to her after she killed the Emperor????
ALSO!! WHY IS SHE HOLDING A DINGLAN RULER WHEN SANSHU FINDS HER IN THAT FIRST EXPEDITION?? (internet says it’s a “special ruler used for making shrines, carving wood statues and making tablets of gods. Later used in measurement of architectural scale; measuring instrument for the netherworld, wishes best for tomb owner) did she design her own father’s tomb?? is there more to her becoming a leather figurine than filial loyalty/sacrifice?? 
Why does she have a tattoo?? I go a bit into this in my fic, but from my understanding it was unusual for people (women especially!) to have tattoos during this time! (this is just from my research! if I am wrong please correct me!) 
For anyone who hasn’t read whispers, there were a a few tribes (minorities!) during this time who tattooed themselves (and to this day, they continue this tradition :) ). The Li were often attacked by invaders who assaulted the women and sold them as slaves. The women ended up tattooing their faces and bodies to make them less appealing, and it ended up becoming a tradition. When a girl came of age she’d get tattooed. Then we’ve got the Dai, who (from what I understand!) got tattoos of animals with characteristics they wished to embody, such as to show their virility and strength! So they’d tattoo tigers and dragons, etc.
So why does Princess Mute have one? Who gave it to her? WHAT ACTUALLY IS IT!!!!!! (eternal frustration that we never see a clear shot of the whole thing!!) It kinda looks like a heavily stylized fish? With some waves. But I am unsure! But it would make sense, considering the ongoing theme of snakes and fish throughout dmbj.
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Also, her scars seem very strange. Like- if someone skinned her (YIKES!) then- her scars don’t really seem like they’re a result of skinning (double yikes!!). You’d think that for a woman who was the daughter of the King, they’d take more care to preserve her face?? So why does it seem like someone has done their utter best to ruin it? Did the Emperor do it himself? Did her father? Or did someone else do it?? Did she do it herself????
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Also, I just wanna cut the bullshit with the creepy hand clam thing. A hand clam isn’t gonna wrap their fingers around Wu Xie’s hand to stop him from blowing himself up. Like. I get that it’s the censorship. I get it. But- you can’t tell me it wasn’t actually the Princess Mute who saved him. I just?? This moment is so powerful? It literally knocked the breath from my chest.
Princess Mute’s story is just so fascinating and tragic and I am just a mess over how she isn’t in control of her own story? She never is. Except for when she kills the Emperor. (AND when she saves Wu Xie) And I think that’s fucking telling. 
Of course, it felt like they had more of a storyline planned for her which never happened, but I’ll get more into that later.
Basically, I just have SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!
It’s like- I dunno. Seeing a gorgeous woman flip an obnoxious man over her shoulder and slam him to the ground without breaking a sweat and watching her walk away with stars in your eyes. You barely know anything about her but you’re already half in love and you just want to know more.
I’m super Gay for her, if you couldn’t already tell.
Honestly, she just perfectly represents all the female characters and their treatment in dmbj with all the extra PIZAZZ of the mysterious supernatural/mythological elements. She just makes me go feral and I adore her with my entire heart.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
They are my two favourite (okay and my wife Su Nan!) female characters in dmbj. I think their stories parallel each other pretty beautifully? They’re both women in a powerful position, though with limited agency. They both defy gender norms and accomplish things (I’m counting killing the Emperor as Accomplishing Something) in a very male-dominated world. And- okay. I know the Princess Mute is technically dead. But she also?? is someone still doing stuff?? and pushing along the storyline?? as a zombie?? So I’m just gonna say that both of them aren’t truly killed off for the Man Pain like all the other female dmbj characters (except for Xiu Xiu, and I guess Chuchu but ChuChu’s situation is kinda....Iffy. At best.)
Also both of them are linked pretty heavily with Wu Xie? They both have an interesting relationship with him. And Princess Mute leads Wu Xie to Xiao Bai!!!
And okay this is spoiling a bit of whispers, BUT!!! Warehouse 11 was built atop the South Sea King’s temple. Isn’t that fucking important??? I stand by my headcanon that Xiao Bai is a Warehouse kid (descended from the Founders) and so she grew up there. And like- ignoring censorship bc I can AND because Reboot leaves a lot of supernatural stuff up in the air anyway- wouldn’t growing up atop an insanely powerful temple do something to you? Wouldn’t it affect you in some way?? There’s just!!! SO much potential between Princess Mute and Xiao Bai!! Plus!! I think it’d be great for Xiao Bai to form a relationship with another woman. She needs some female solidarity in her life.
And- well. I just ship Princess Mute with all the dmbj women, really. Princess Mute has two hands, why can she use them both?? I’ve got a couple Princess Mute modern au’s going and in one of them she just- sweeps A’Ning and Su Nan off their feet :)
I really can’t ship Princess Mute with any male characters, I think. There’s just- so much underlying trauma surrounding her agency and how she’s been used by the men in her life. Also, I like wlw & mlm solidarity. Let Princess Mute and Wu Xie wallow over their Stupid Crushes. Or Princess Mute & Xiao Ge. I’m not picky.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Purely bc of my own au, I am very much invested in Princess Mute & Li Cu (& spirit snake). As I mentioned before, there’s a running theme of loss of agency in their own lives and suffering the consequences of others’ actions. Plus, there’s a lot of supernatural happenings surrounding the both of them. Why wouldn’t they find a connection?
And, obviously, I adore Princess Mute & Wu Xie. Princess Mute saved Wu Xie and then Wu Xie was promptly obsessed (can’t say I blame him). They had such an interesting relationship in Reboot that was just- so fucking tragically dropped. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
SHE SHOULD BE MORE POPULAR!!!!!!!!!! She is so goddamn fascinating and gorgeous and I just!! Want!! Everyone to adore her as much as I do!!!!!!!! At least I feel a bit accomplished for swinging some readers over to her side in whispers!! That’s something!!! 
I’ve got like- a million au ideas with her. I’m going to be the creator of the content I wish to read!!!!!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
She just gets completely dropped after she leads Wu Xie to Warehouse 11. So once more, she is a plot device and not. And actual. Person. Her importance is tied irrevocably to the male leads. Her agency is not her own. Wu Xie cares so much about her, and okay, he’s trying to figure out a mystery and we all know how he gets when he’s trying to puzzle out a mystery-- but you can’t tell me he just- stops caring after he encounters Warehouse 11??? What happens to her after that?? Does she rot away in a box in Wushanju?? Does Ershu take her back?? I’m just?? WHAT????
I want to know her side of the story and not what everyone else has said. I want her to actually properly communicate with Wu Xie. I want her saving the day again and I want her being fucking badass and I want her and Xiao Ge being soft together and I want her and Xiao Bai to bond fall in love and I want everyone to just- fall in love with her? And care about her? And I want to to find herself caring about these fucking idiots too???? Can you imagine her and Liu Sang bonding over shitty fathers and lack of agency and Trauma?? Can you imagine Princess Mute getting her life back and the freckles returning to her slowly darkening skin and her being silly with Hei-ye bc he keeps shoving increasingly ridiculous sunglasses at her. And can you imagine her trying on jeans for the first time and picking out a cute bomber jacket and shoving a baseball cap on her head and dipping her feet back in the sea and befriending shibie bc she’s just?? that?? cool?? while Iron Triangle is off on the side fretting like she isn’t befriending some very dangerous creatures but it’s okay bc she’s a dangerous creature too and she understands fear and desire and hunger. 
I want her returning to Thunder City. I want her getting closure. I want her story to get closure. Period.
And I know it didn’t happen bc censorship and Nanpai Sanshu and just- a host of Other Things. But I want it, and she deserves it.
AAAHH VISH!!!! Thank you so much for letting me yell about Princess Mute!! Sorry I couldn’t go more in depth with headcanons but!! Like I said, I don’t want to completely spoil you for whispers, so I’ll keep those close to my chest for now 
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
So, I’m planning to add this to the Modern, Highschool AU fic/hc that I’m going to do (i already have it in the Google Docs-), SO
We all know that Venti is a wine-loving guy, right?? Since its a characteristic of his, I want him to retain that trait even in the modern au-
So I thought of it, and I have a story behind it- im just gonna undercut it for those ppl who wants to read it- 🤧
Since alcohol and wine are similar- i’m just gonna say Venti is an alcoholic of sort-
So, since alcohol (or wine-) is a stimulant of sort (yes, this is the only time i listened to my teacher-). It sends the user in a peaceful bliss right? They do something to the brain. I think they shut it down or something- i dunno. It’s just does something.
And since ppl often resort to drinking alcohol bc of something, often some event they want to forget.
So,, Venti drinks bc of something. This is where my idea came in. Since there’s no archon in our world, i decided to make him an ordinary boy with wisdom (like zhongli-) and many talents.
His backstory consist of him losing his parents first, at an accident or something. So he’s forced to leave with his other relatives. The thing is, his relatives doesn’t like him so they pass him around. It isn’t until he was forced to leave with his aunt.
This aunt wasn’t abusive, no no. She was just neglectful. She doesn’t care if Venti ate or not. She just took him in for the sake of taking him in, not out of pity or love. Venti grew up not being close with his aunt.
During his childhood, he met someone. So,, this where Dvalin and the other dragon come in. Except they are humans in this- at first, the three of them were close and Venti was actually happy.
But the other dragon (i really can’t remember its name— 😭😭) changed. He started taunting Venti, bullying him, basically made his life miserable. Dvalin stood up for Venti and saved him in multiple occasions. It isn’t until the other dragon died of an illness, maybe cancer or something. His reason for bullying Venti is so that he won’t miss him. So that Venti’ll hate him and won’t mourn for him when he dies.
Ofc, Venti being Venti, never hated him. He always see that humanoid dragon (DURAN?? WAS IT DURAN?? WAIT- WHOS DURAN— 😭😭) as a close friend of his. So he kept a part of him with him, a shard made out of glass (kinda similar to a ice shard-). Venti brings it everywhere with him, in reminder of the one he lost.
Venti thought his life was going alright, no more losing people and no more sadness. But the day came and Dvalin had to move away. Venti couldn’t do anything but watch as his only friend left in this world leave him behind-
Once again alone, Venti continued his life. This is where his alcoholism comes in. He started drinking alcohol in nearby bars and getting drunk. Even tho he’s still underage, he quickly became an alcoholic. Alcohol is the only thing that made him sane. The thing that takes away all of his pain and burden.
When he reached highschool, this is where his life would get better. He will meet ppl like Jean, Diluc, Kaeya, Lumine, Aether, Paimon (yes, paimon is here—), Zhongli and others.
Aaanndd this is where it ends :pp wow- i did this all in one take-
Share ur thoughts abt this 🤧 did u like it? Hate it? Which part do u want me to change? AND CAN SOMEOEN TELL ME THE OTHER DRAGONS NAME— ;;w;;
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uh--nope · 5 years
October Faction: First Impressions
I dont understand how Im so fixated on a show that has my birth month in the title, but somehow I am and this is my first look at the show after two episodes.
You can skip down to VERDICT to know whether its worth it
First impression:
I'll be honest, when I first saw this show, I was thinking, "I need something to fuel my Umbrella Academy withdrawal and I cannot wait 2 years for another season, this show will have to do."
That was becauuse I saw the show was based on a comic with Netflix doing well with comic/YA novel adaptations I have it a shot.
The show really hits with drawing you in first episode. Like Umbrella Academy, it starts with the death of a kranky old man that everyone hates. Some people mourn others dont but monster dies so thats cool. According to the trailer, the monsters are Octobers and from what I have gathered, they smell like rotten eggs and copper and theyre normal people at first, until they go monster-mode. But Ive yet to know what makes them like this and why they do this HOWEVER instead of getting a mystery about beings Im getting creepy ish AND I LOVE IT.
I love the characters. Especially the older people. Gosh, its sort of wierd to hear an 50+ years old man swearing like a teenager. Its actually kind of hilarious. The kids are kinda cringe but a lovable cringe?
Like I love Viv, but some of her dialouge is wierd to me? Like as a fellow teen, I dont mind when 20 year old act as teenagers. Some the teenagers I have seen around my school have full grown beards already. (Me, holding Hollywood at arrowpoint: GIVE ME BEARDED TEENS, COWARDS.) So with Viv looking like a full hrown adult I understand, but there was one line she said that nearly ticked me off like "MAJOR GROSS." CAN WE PLEASE STOP TALKING LIKE THIS?
Or maybe Im too much of a weird normie to be picky about that sort of stuff, I dunno.
Geoff is a charaismatic boy. I dont have too much insight in him, but I know the relationship he has with his sis is cute, especially when they speak to each other in Japanese. It feels super wholesome and like their secret code among the racist, close-minded twicks. Also its nice to see a homophobic brown person. Negitivity doesn't see color when it manifests in people, my dudes, but neither does positivity.
I don't know why or how but seeing that man get HIGH AND DRUNK IN THE SAME EPISODE was golden.
I don't think he's outgrown his 70s life style, and homestly, I hope he doesnt. Despite looking like a slightly younger Uncle Gambi, that dude obviously is not the mature one of the family. More like the baby of the family. Or the harden teen? I dunno I stan this man.
Theres nothing out there that I dont particually like about the show, YET. Theres alot of mystery happening, plot wise so Im digging that. The tone of the show is very creepy, but it seriously cool and has a tint of edgy. I love the yellow coloring when it does flashbacks inside a building, and when the flashbacks occur outside there is no tint on it.
After reading through all of this I just remembered something I forgot the plot reminded me of. Remember Spy kids? Remember how furious and comfused the kids were when they found out their parents are spys and work for a secret company? Yeah, that sort of thing is getting a bit old for me, but I love the aspect of the parents hiding something from their kids, even though desperately wished that this show didnt have that and the kids are aware of their parent being monster hunters.
But alas we have OCTOBER FACTION.
Worth the watch, alot of things we dont know yet
Fred Allen, just FRED ALLEN
Racist homophobic ppl beware
Good sibling bond
Colors are on point
Plot mystery i love
Characters are fun
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blookmallow · 5 years
trial time... im finally getting into the bits of the game i dont remember like at all so this is exciting 
i remember like. who dies, but thats about it at this point 
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i like how she says this as if naegi wasnt the main person who figured out like everything else thats happened so far (with some help from kirigiri, but still) 
its also kind of hilarious how blatantly suspicious celeste acts through this whole thing too like. for someone whose entire Thing is being really good at lying and deception she’s being pretty obviously “WELL CLEARLY WE ALREADY KNOW WHAT HAPPENED SO THERES NO NEED TO ASK ANY MORE QUESTIONS. HAGAKURE DID IT THE END GOODBYE CANT POSSIBLY BE ANY OTHER OPTIONS” 
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a series of unfortunate events, you say 
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naegg swooning over kirigiri in the middle of a trial 
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i know it was like, stored blood for blood transfusions which we can probably assume was donated voluntarily but its still real fucking blood yamada drenched himself and everything else in, 
also do schools generally just have blood on hand to do fucking blood transfusions. i mean i know this was like. a really elite school but wouldn’t you go to a hospital for that. that seems like a weird thing for junko to have placed there 
come to think of it i dont know what they would have done if someone got badly injured/sick outside of a murder context, like. would it just be “fend for yourselves, if you can’t figure it out, Too Bad” probably i guess
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obsessed with this image of yamada’s blood hurricane 
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on the other hand, i hate this one entirely
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ok this is a screenshot so you can’t hear it obviously but she DOES drop the fake japanese accent here and starts talking casually/sounds american like everyone else, so im gonna guess that was probably how the localization team handled... im guessing probably the reverse? since “celestia ludenberg” sounds european and everyone would obviously be japanese maybe she’s putting on a british accent or something in the japanese version. ill have to listen to her voice closer next time, ive been playing with the english voices on for so long i dont remember how the originals sounded anymore except for monokuma 
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im so dumb lmao i was baffled by her giant hair spirals for so long trying to figure out how the hell she manages those on a day to day basis and we literally see her without them here and i didnt even notice. they’re just extensions/a wig/something 
also god im so sad about how this whole thing turned out, if she hadn’t pulled the whole... “ishimaru sexually assaulted me :(” thing she probably woulda been my favorite character
im still super gay but like. he didnt deserve that shit 
i dunno there’s a different kind of insidiousness to “i manipulated someone into killing a guy who did nothing to anyone and was still in mourning, and then i also tried to frame him for sexually assaulting me, a thing which he would absolutely never have done” vs just “yea i killed people for money” i dont know why that specifically kills it for me so bad. like you couldn’t just murder him you had to try to destroy his memory too
i mean she didnt bring that up to anyone else she only did it to make yamada feel like he’s being A Hero but she didnt even need to do that?? just telling him he’s gotta kill him because he’s gonna take alter ego for himself probably woulda been enough. yamada already had a “celeste is my princess and i must obey her” complex before this anyway he probably woulda done it 
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Sleepless Encounters
Summary: Failing to get a decent nights sleep isn’t really helping Thomas when he’s a senior in high school
Word Count: 1,540
Thomas laid in bed late at night wanting to go to sleep. He had school the next morning and he couldn’t find it in himself to make himself tired, he just couldn’t. It was stressing him out.
Perhaps it’d be easier if he didn’t have his phone with him and the lowest brightness possible even with it shining his entire face. It probably didn’t help with his current problem. Even so he refused to set the device down. (He honestly did try everything, though his body seemed to refused him.)
After a long while of scrolling through media, Thomas began to get a headache from the brightness. Lazily tossing the phone nearby, he turned to the side and tried to sleep. His mind was still active though and it seems like it’d take a while by just laying there.
Stupid technology.
Various scenarios popped up in the students brain, thoughts about his plans for the next day, how much free time he’d get, and what Thomas wanted to do during the weekend. Normal stuff really. However he didn’t realize after checking his phone he was wondering through his mind for twenty minutes and nothing.
Thomas groaned and turned to lie on his back, looking up at the ceiling. It’s actually the first time he’d been up this late and he knows that if he doesn’t get to sleep now he’d regret it in the morning. Sighing, he figured he could go through his phone again until he eventually burned himself out when an idea struck him.
“Sleep!” He calls out, squinting at the persona near him to view Remy better when he rises.
“What do you want now? I was kinda in the middle of something.” Remy complains, huffing out with a hand on his hip. He summons his phone as a light source and turns it on, setting it against one of Thomas’ textbooks on his dresser.
Remys stance was hunched over, his glasses askew on his head, his clothes looked more ragged, and Thomas could’ve sworn he saw a few sweat bullets run down his head. Regardless, he looked almost exhausted.
“What could you possibly be doing at almost twelve?”
“Long story. Now, did you want something or did I waste my time?”
“Someone’s grumpy today.” Thomas comments, noticing the attitude in Remys tone sounding more forceful than usual. The man in front of him only scoffs in response, looking to the side for a moment.
“I can’t sleep. You know, more so than usual.” The student continuess.
Sleeps expression immediately changes to one of a smugness when he focuses back at the fatigued man.
“Yea, I can see that girl.” He adjusts his glasses on his head.
“I’m being serious.” Thomas deadpans.
“So am I!” Remy raises his arms up dramatically.
The students eyes narrow at him before rolling his eyes and moving his back to Remy. He felt the bed dipping behind him Sleep sits at the edge.
“So, why’d you call me?”
Thomas turns around, blankets wrapped around him and gives him a questioning stare. He loosens when he sees the hint of sincerity in Remys eyes.
“Since I cant sleep later than usual, I was thinking if you had any ideas.”
“If I did I’d tell you by now.”
Aaaand it was gone as soon as it happened. Thomas rolls over on his stomach and presses his face against the soft fabric of his pillow.
“Your being insufferable.” He groans out, his voice being muffled as he spoke.
“Ok fine! Here’s one. How about not using your phone til one am.” His helpful advice didn’t work unfortunately. The student practically gave him the your-not-helping look over those growing dark bags.
It was then that Remy lowers his head and let’s out a remorseful sigh.
“Basically how this works is if you’re choosing not to physically sleep, by like staying up all night or something, then I’m just as useless here as you are. It’s your choice on whether you want to sleep or not. I’m here so I can get the gears moving, you know?”
Thomas hums and rests a finger to his chin in thought, when he turns back.
“I mean- I dunno what you want me to do about it. It’s not like I can just stay with you all night.” Remy continues.
“Why don’t you?” Thomas suggests, cutting off Remys train of thought. “Maybe if we’re closer, since you live inside my head and all, it could help.”
“What do you mean?” The persona asks, his brows furrowed and arms crossed.
“What I mean is, you can sleep next next me for tonight. It makes sense right? You’re the literal embodiment of sleep.”
“I mean- I guess but,” He looks beside Thomas and shuffles, unknowingly putting distance between himself and his host. “We’ve never really done this before.”
He nods, maintaining eye contact. “Y-yeah I know, but it’s the only thing I got so far but we could at least try?” Thomas’ face falls when he thinks about what he said sounded too forward. “Unless you don’t want to of course.” Thomas chuckles awkwardly.
The persona was tempted to back out, however it wasn’t hard to miss the look of pure honesty and timidness that shone in Thomas’ eyes and posture despite the dimly lit room.
He knew the student would be perfectly content if he said no, not wanting to cross any boundaries, but Thomas was also genuinely asking for help as he looked directly at Remy to await his answer.
“Chill, Im fine with it, Thomathy. I’m just checking to see if you are.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think your idea wasn’t worth trying.” He had no idea if what he’s saying was true or not.
Thomas’ body eased at Remys words. He forms a kind grin as he scoots over to leave some empty space for the persona.
“C’mon it’s worth a shot.” He encourages Remy with a wave of his hand towards himself. He took this as a sign of consent to come next to his host.
He bit the inside of his cheek when he turns off his phone and goes underneath the covers next to Thomas. Remy laid on his back as Thomas took to sleeping on his side facing away from the persona, leaving room between the two.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly at first. However Thomas didn’t feel as satisfied as he hoped for some unknown reason, like something was missing.
Soon his body was moving before he could think. Thomas subconsciously turns over and wraps an arm around Sleeps torso. Regret filled his mind when he quickly felt the body next to him go rigid.
Remy looks into Thomas’ mournful expression, his eyes fixated and frozen on the student with his eyes blown wide.
Thomas pulls away.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean-“
“No, no! It’s fine. Just didn’t expect it is all.” Sleep stammers sitting up, offering his arm to Thomas as a peace gesture, who nods in agreement. Remy awkwardly puts it around the students shoulders and lays him against his shoulder, shifting comfortingly back into bed. “Is this ok?” Sleep asks.
After about a minute Thomas slowly starts to relax in Remys embrace. He moves his head against Sleeps upper body, wrapping his arm around his torso once again. The student didn’t realize he’d ever do this.
Oh god, Remy can already feel his blush rising when Thomas nuzzles into his chest.
“You know this isn’t really normal, right?” The persona asks.
Thomas already knows this. What he doesn’t know is how many people in the world would cuddle up next to their personas as an attempt to ask for help. He doesn’t know the standards of how close you can be with them and what the borderline is. He doesn’t know.
What he didn’t realize sooner is the feeling of Remys arm is around him, keeping him safe and secure. There’s a beating in Sleeps chest that’s oddly soothing against his ear, and the scent of peach tea lightly radiated around him that was slowly dissipating.
Regret began to seep into the personas mind, feeling stupid for asking such a question at a time like this. Before he could say anything, Remys breath hitched oh so lightly when he could feel the students form slouch in his arms and hears him yawn. He didn’t expect this to actually work.
“Who cares?” The student lets out another harsh yawn. “I’m actually starting to feel tired now, thanks.” Thomas could already feel his eyes dropping.
Well, he didn’t expect that response.
It was was already morning in the blink of an eye. The persona didn’t expect the night the pass that quickly. The next thing he knew, he looked down to suddenly feel the warm solid weight against his side and tucked into his shoulder. The memories of the previous night returned to him.
In just a few minutes Thomas’ alarm would ring and he would groggily wake up for school and try to make it through the day without passing out. Plus seeing Thomas this content was almost pleasing, almost. Don’t get ahead of yourself.
Sleep believes he could get used to this.
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sulevinblade · 6 years
(Talesfromthefade) things you said when you were drunk, for the DWC?
OH MY GOD this was a little idea that got away from me in a big big way but I’m still pretty happy with it. For this and for “cafune - the act of running your fingers through the hair of someone you love,” from @contreparry! For @dadrunkwriting!!
Alistair/Leohta Aeducan, T for language, dumb suggestive jokes, and alcohol use, 4k+ words (awaaaay from me, I wish I had time to edit it but uh I spent the entire time writing it instead). 
On the cusp of the party’s visit to Orzammar, Alistair learns what kind of drunk Leohta can be, and shares a little lesson of his own. Light angst, serious fluff.
He finds her standing on the rocky beach, well away from the dim glow provided by the Spoiled Princess’s small windows. It takes a moment for Alistair’s eyes to adjust to the complete dark–the night watch Templar doused all the torches at the dock, as clear an indication as anything that no one else would cross Lake Calenhad tonight–but even if he’d had to follow her blind he could’ve found her by the sound.
Normally finding Leohta by sound means the clank or grind of armour, the grunts or barks of Leon, or even her rare laughter at something Zevran said (it was always Zevran making her laugh), but tonight the sound is completely unfamiliar. It’s still enough to guide him, though.
Last he’d seen her, she was swapping some of the coin they’d made selling things to the Templar quartermaster for three large bottles of deep pink liquid. It seemed a bit of a racket to Alistair, that they should collect the mages’ items as they cleared the Tower only to sell them to the Templars who would then in turn sell them back to the Mages, but surely if that wasn’t how the economy of the Circle usually worked, Wynne would’ve said something. That was Alistair’s hope, anyway, as he’d watched Leohta count the coins before they left, then again at the tavern’s bar. She’d tossed the bag back to him before collecting the bottles and heading outside, and he in turn had left it with Zevran.
“You have known our illustrious leader the longest among any of us. Has this always been a habit of hers?” Alistair squinted across the table, trying to determine Zevran’s game, but succeeded only in giving up his own. “You think I see this as a weakness I can exploit, but I would think even you would see that if I were going to do so, I would have done it by now and certainly would not draw attention to my plans by involving you.” His eyes only narrowed further–how does Zevran make talking down to him still seem so seductive?–but Alistair did sit back in his chair.
“I haven’t known her all that long, really, but I don’t think so. Why d'you ask?”
“My Antiva makes the finest wines in Thedas, so it is not uncommon to see those there who overindulge, but there are many types. Leohta, she is young and exploring her limits, yes, but she is also trying to drown things she does not want to feel. Her limits are low and the things she seeks to kill are very large. It is a dangerous combination.”
Alistair glanced again toward the door. Of course she hadn’t come back inside, that’d be too much to ask for, but what was he supposed to do?
“If it is too much for you, I will go after her, but she should not be alone.” Both of their chairs scraped back at the same time but Alistair was the first to stand, something that for some reason brought a sad smile to Zevran’s face. Alistair could only look at it for a moment before looking away.  "I know you do not think much of me, Alistair, and while that is entirely your loss, I do know that one thing we have in common is how much we care for her. Go see to her, my friend, before her sorrows are not all she drowns. It is probably for the best; I am not much of a swimmer myself.“
So now here he is, approaching carefully, pretending to be taking in the constellations while Leohta hurls rocks at the water like she’s trying to knock the waves down before they can reach the shore. The night is perfectly clear; Kinloch Hold is merely a dark space in the sky where the stars are missing, but everything else is black sky and white twinkles. He clears his throat in case she somehow hasn’t noticed since he doesn’t fancy getting one of those stones thrown at him, but she only pauses for a moment before bending to search the area around her feet for another suitable candidate. One bottle is already empty, stuffed mouth down among the pebbles and into the sand underneath them, and as Alistair finishes closing the distance Leohta gives up her search and instead tips to land on her backside, legs out in front of her and a second bottle in her hand. He knows they’re not small but her stature makes them seem even larger; it makes the sight of her lifting one to her lips almost comical but the effect is spoiled by how long it stays there. Maker’s breath, Zevran was right when he talked about drowning.
"You planning on coming up for air any time soon?”
There’s a pop as she breaks the vacuum she’s created, then a dry laugh. She still isn’t looking at him. It makes his chest hurt, how badly he wants her to turn her head. “Breathe through your nose and you can use your mouth for whatever you want.”
“You’re spending too much time with Zevran, saying things like that.” Sighing, Alistair drops down crosslegged at her side and extends a hand. “What are you even drinking? I’ve never seen anything that color in a tavern before.”
“One of the Templars told me about it. I guess–” there’s a pause and she bunches up her eyebrows, apparently trying to put the pieces back together, “I guess the mother started making it as a tribute to her daughter and now of course it’s all very sad but the owner still makes it as a specialty. Sweet mead made with roses.” She passes over the open bottle, not bothering to wipe the top, and the expression on her face, like she’s sharing a secret, distracts him so much he can’t be bothered either. She wasn’t kidding when she said it was sweet but the roses are strong too, floral and delicate. He passes the bottle back after just one mouthful.
“I’ve never had a mead like that before. It’s very… different.” Leohta seems to accept that answer, nodding before lifting the bottle to her lips again.
“There’s nothing like this in Orzammar. Not even in the palace. Not even to make it. No honey, no roses, and when there is if you said you wanted to make something like this with it, you’d be laughed out of the kitchen.” She holds the bottle in front of her contemplatively, swishing the contents back and forth gently and tilting her head in time with the motion. Alistair’d almost think it was a contented sort of gesture but then she sighs and drops her head back, hair falling over her shoulders as she lifts the bottle skyward. “Nothing like that, either. No stars, no sky. Some of the caverns are so high the ceilings are invisible, but you still know they’re up there.” Slowly, she lowers the bottle but keeps her gaze fixed upward.
“Do you miss that?” It’s not something he’s given a lot of thought to but it’s hard to imagine. Even within the walls of the Chantry there were windows. The sky was always there, or not-there maybe, when compared to a ceiling of stone. Trying to imagine life without it or everything it held–the sun, the moons, the clouds and stars and birds–was virtually impossible, but here was Leohta not just imagining the opposite but living it.
“Dunno. I still don’t understand all this. What keeps it up there?” Her hand waves up at the stars but only briefly; even sitting down she’s unsteady without both hands to support her. “With the stone, you know that even if you can’t see the ceiling, it’s still held there by the stone. Nothing floats, nothing rises or sets.” Watching her profile, he can see the way it hardens as her train of thought jumps the track. “Nothing changes.”
He shifts a little, the pebbles grinding softly underneath him as he leans to try to catch her eye. “You changed.”
This time when she looks over at him, it gives him a chill. The stone she’s been so contemplative about has found a home in her eyes, the set of her mouth. They seem cold and stiff and almost lifeless, soft evening blue turned to lapis lazuli. Still beautiful but hard. “I left, and not by choice. You wouldn’t know how much I’ve changed, Alistair. You have no idea what I was like before we met.”
“I suppose not, but I do know you’ve changed in the time I’ve known you.” He keeps his voice softer now, speaking carefully to avoid that stony shift becoming somehow permanent. He hasn’t seen her look like that since before Ostagar, and to lose all the little ways she’s softened since then would be the greatest waste. “Do you miss that? Or her, I guess. Do you miss who you were before?”
Her laugh is a single humorless sound that moves her entire body, shaking her shoulders and flexing her stomach. “What does that matter? She’s dead. Worse than dead.” There’s venom in her voice but Alistair doesn’t flinch since for once he’s certain it’s not directed at him. He watches as Leohta stands, a wobbly process that involves repeated planting of hands and feet before she can push herself vertical. There’s a powerful temptation to offer her help but the set of her jaw makes him stay his hand, even if whatever effect she might be going for is already ruined by her own unsteadiness. “Nobody mourned her, nobody misses her, but it doesn’t change the fact that she’s dead. Bhelen killed her as sure as he killed Trian. The prince is dead, the princess is dead. Princess Aeducan is dead.” Her voice is raising, getting louder and more raw the longer she speaks, until finally she’s yelling out at the water. “Princess Leohta Aeducan, second born and best beloved daughter of House Aeducan, is dead!” She punctuates the last word by throwing the empty bottle into the water but it’s a bad throw, short and shallow. The bottle makes only a small splash then floats, reflecting the moonlight as it bobs its way back toward the shore.
Alistair rises, brushing at the back of his breeches, and makes his way up to stand beside her. He’s well within punching range, possibly a dangerous gamble, but if the way she’s carrying herself is any indication, it wouldn’t hurt very much right now. Plus, if she punched him, at least it’d prove she was feeling something. “I’d mourn her but like you said, I never did get to meet her. I’ve met Warden Aeducan, though, and I think she’s pretty great. Accomplished a lot, too.”
She’s bent back down and is sorting through the stones at her feet, tucking some in the bend of her other arm. Standing back up is a careful process but she’s shaking her head the entire time. “They’re not gonna think so.” Her voice is normal again but her profile is still stony.
Was this was he was like heading into Redcliffe? Of course, he hadn’t gotten drunk on sickly sweet mead to deal with it, but he’d had his turn as the prodigal royal-but-not-really. The main difference was he never wanted it, but she spoke so little of her life before the Grey Wardens. Was the crown of Orzammar what she’d really wanted? Not that it really mattered now. “Seems to me they had their chance to appreciate you and they blew it.”
“Oh, no. That’s the thing. Up until the end, they loved Princess Aeducan. That was the whole problem. She was too well-loved. Luckily, I’m not.” Leohta stares out at the ripples from her last throw but the fight’s going out of her. It ought to be a comfort, less risk of being punched, but instead it just hurts more. He curls his hands into fists at his sides to keep from reaching out, swallows the words that’d tell her just how deeply loved she is and not only by him, as much as he might wish it were so.
“We could go back to Denerim without going to Orzammar.” Aaaaaaaalistair, what’re you doooooooing? He ignores the voice in the back of his head, prepared to make an argument for mounting their assault without the help of the dwarves, but Leohta shakes her head. She’s drunk and she’s still got better sense than you.
“Just because I don’t want to go back doesn’t mean we don’t have to. Being a Grey Warden isn’t supposed to be fun, hasn’t been so far, why start now?” She seems to consider the matter closed as she turns her attention back to the rocks she’s holding, sorting through them as though looking for a particular one. They start to slip away and clack into the pebbles below and with a frustrated sigh she picks one, letting the remainder drop. “This is supposed to be, though. How the fuck do you do this?” Another windup, another bloop.
“Wait. What are you trying to do?”
“Make it…” She shakes her head, the word apparently lost, and instead makes a bouncing motion with her hand.
“You’re trying to skip stones… by heaving them at the surface of the water with all your might?” And there’s the punch he was waiting for, exactly as painless as expected. It’s not even hard enough to stop him laughing.
“I saw you and Zevran do it in Redcliffe before we left and it seemed to calm you down so I thought I’d try. You made it look easy, but if you’re just gonna laugh then forg–”
Alistair intercepts her before she can start to walk away. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just that I never would have guessed that’s what you were trying to do. I thought you were mad at the lake or something.” She’s looking up at him, wary, so he holds his hands up in innocence. “If you still want to try, I can show you.”
“No more laughing?”
“No more laughing. Warden’s honor.” When Leohta seems satisfied with his intentions, Alistair finally looks away from her, crouching down. “The first thing you need is the right kind of rock. It needs to be pretty flat and you want a triangle shape if you can find one, but flat will do for now.”
She’s crouching as well. “I thought it would be better with a round rock, like a ball.” She’s quiet, almost chastized, and Alistair has to duck his head and cough into his fist to hide the grin it conjures.
“No, that’ll break through the water and sink. A flat rock will bounce better. Something like these.” He shows her the three he’s found, all rounder still than he’d like but they should do the trick. She holds up a couple of her own and really, they’re no better, but they’re only for learning. “Yes, those will do. Now.” Alistair drops to his knees and crooks his fingers around one of the stones. “You have to hold it like this, because the important part is that you get it to spin. That’s what makes it skip.”
Leohta’s squinting at his hand, then she tries it out herself. Her hands are smaller so she can’t quite circle it the way he does, but Alistair hopes it’ll work out. “Like this?”
“Just like that. Now, the other trick is not to throw it up but to flick it. You want it to stay flat so you have to kind of–” He turns his arm out at the elbow and flicks the rock out onto the water. Four hops, not his best work but not bad.
When he looks back at Leohta, though, she’s entranced. She watches the ripples so long he has to clear his throat to get her attention back, but this time every trace of the stone is gone from her face. She looks eager, determined, but also a little embarrassed. Surprised to have been caught, probably, but it’s a charming expression nonetheless. She turns to face the water again, weighing the rock in her hand, then moves her arm and throws.
It splashes and sinks just like all her other attempts. Leohta curses softly and starts to turn away but Alistair catches her wrist.
“Hey, no way. You’re not giving up after one attempt. C'mon. We’ve got two more rocks, so two more tries, then I guess I can let you give up.” He starts to move before she can start to argue.
“It’s not giving up, Alistair, it’s accepting the inedible. Inedibibble. Ined… remind me to compliment the tavernkeeper tomorrow. His stuff is good.” Her voice gradually gets softer, a delayed reaction to where Alistair has taken up a position just behind her. It’s extremely convenient for him: she can’t see how his face is burning up from the presumptuousness of being so close to her, but it’s also the best position to show her how to move her arm. He wraps his hand around hers and lifts her arm into position.
“From here, you have to flick your hand out. Try to imagine the rock spinning out from the inside of your thumb and taking all that energy with it. The harder you can flick it, the more it’ll bounce and the more hops you’ll–all right, that’s it, you and Zevran are officially being separated because that’s not even dirty and now you’ve made it dirty. I hope you’re happy.” The woman in front of him is struggling to contain her laughter, he can tell, and as much as he wants to keep her focus on him, it’s hard to be genuinely upset. She doesn’t laugh nearly enough and especially not around him. The fact that whatever is so funny is lost on him is a far distant concern.
Alistair waits for her to compose herself then takes a moment to compose himself in turn when she settles back into a proper posture that puts her in contact with him from shoulder to hip. She’s nearly as tall as he is when he’s on his knees like this, a fact he’s thought about many times but never quite in this situation. Leohta gives herself a little shake, tossing her hair in his face as she does. He tries to blow it out of the way but there’s just too much. All right then, one thing at a time.
“Now. Just remember, angle your hand back and then flick. That word is ruined for me now, I think. You’ve ruined flicking.” In front of him Leohta snorts and Alistair make a private vow to forbid Zevran from using that word. He wants it to be their joke even if he doesn’t understand it. “Do you think you can manage?”
“To flick? I’ve done all right for the last few years anyway.” She giggles and clears her throat. “All right. Angle my hand back,” and her hand is moving inside of his so he loosens his grip, “then forward and flick!”
Alistair peers over her shoulder and sure enough. Blip, blip. One hop, but it’s one more than she’d managed before. He puts his hands on her shoulders and squeezes. “There you go! Well done, Warden Aeducan.” She lifts one hand to pat his but he can tell she’s still looking at the ripples.
After a moment, he releases her shoulders and, feeling a little bolder by the fact that she hasn’t elbowed him away yet, reaches forward to comb his fingers through her hair. It’s a practical gesture–even as he’s speaking, her hair is getting in his mouth–but hardly exclusively practical. Her hair is thick and her scalp surprisingly warm underneath it. In front of him she’s gone very still; he thinks she might even be holding her breath but then again, so is he. He focuses on his own hands until he’s gathered her hair at the back of her neck, but then the tension in it changes and oh.
Alistair looks up and she’s right there, her head turned to look at him. Maker’s breath but she’s close, her mouth gently open and her eyes searching his face. Her breath smells like honey and roses and his hand is still in her hair, it’d be so easy and it might be perfect but she’s been drinking and that’s not right. Or might it be OK, with her looking at him like that? The motion of her lips is so mesmerizing that it takes him a moment to realize she’s speaking to him.
“Alistair.” And like that, the moment is over, or at least set aside. “Would you do that again?”
“Of course.” She could ask him to fetch the moons from the sky right now and he’d say yes, but… “Wait, do what?” He didn’t do anything other than have a whole lot of thoughts in a very short span of time.
“Touch my hair. That was nice.” She’s leaning more of her weight against him now and it’s nice but also just starting to make him concerned. Still, he already said yes, so Alistair releases her hair from where he’s holding it and threads his fingers through it again, starting at her temple, mindful of and parallel to the little braid she’s so meticulous about. As he does it, her eyes drift closed but her face is relaxed. It’s not quite a smile but he’ll take it. “Again,” she murmurs as his hand comes to rest on the back of her neck.
Alistair laughs softly but he complies with her request, stroking his fingers through her hair again. And again, and once more, until she leans forward completely and drops her head onto his shoulder. Her breath is warm on his neck as he gives her one last stroke, then stops to reach out away from her. She grumbles softly in protest but he hushes her. “I’m just getting your other bottle. It’s bought and paid for, no sense leaving it here.”
“Why, where’re we going?”
“I don’t know yet about myself but you are doing to bed. Sleeping standing up is only good for horses and probably Sten, and sleeping on your knees is good for no one. Now, come on, up you get.” He hooks the hand holding the unopened bottle of rhodomel under Leohta’s knees, his other arm coming up behind her shoulders. She grumbles again as he starts to stand and he pauses before beginning to walk.
“You’re carrying me like a princess.” The humor in her voice warms him but now he feels a little more confident about deflecting it.
“I’m a Warden carrying another Warden like a Warden. No princesses here. Well, except for the tavern but I’m certainly not trying to pick that up. I could throw you over my shoulder if you wanted, but you have to promise not to throw up on my back.”
“No promises.” She slumps against his shoulder as he starts to walk. It’s only a few steps from the beach to the door but he takes his time. Who knows what Orzammar will do to her, or what she might do to Orzammar? The answer is liable to be complicated but this, for as unexpected as it is, feels strangely simple. She might not even remember it in the morning, but it’s not a feeling Alistair’s going to forget any time soon. “Alistair.”
“I don’t have a free hand to pet you, but if you can stay awake until we get inside, maybe I’ll give you scritches once I get you upstairs.” He’s trying to figure out how he’s going to open the door when she shakes her head and answers.
“Thank you for coming out tonight. I’m sorry I’m–”
“None of that now. You have nothing to be sorry for, and if anything I should say thank you for having me.” Alistair manages to hook the latch with his pinkie then wedge his foot into the gap, kicking the door open as he maneuvers her inside. “You may not have found it so, but I think being a Warden can be a little bit fun, if you’re with the right person. Or people,” he continues, scrambling to cover for himself while trying to ease the door’s closing with his foot. Once he’s got both feet back on the ground, he looks down at the woman in his arms. Fast asleep, looking as young as he’s ever seen her and more peaceful than she has possibly the entire time he’s known her. The inn’s main room is empty, the fire doused, and he’s almost loathe to speak again and interrupt the silence, but he does.
“Or person. Just the right person.”
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silverskye13 · 6 years
Maybeee, when casting rain is over, you could tell us the ideas that didnt make it into the plot? Im really curious about what almost happened :3
Ahaha I mean, most of the original ideas made it in? Just in a different way than they were originally intended.
I think the only Big Big scene that didn’t make the cut [ because I was dumb and didn’t reread my own notes, so I forgot to write it ] was a bonding moment between Gaster and Thistle, that I think would’ve added a lot of depth to both of their characters, as well as help explain Gaster’s dramatic character shift between before and after his capture. I mean, it was already explained a decent amount anyway, it doesn’t seem jarring that he had a character shift, and a lot of it was because of Rowan, all of whose scenes made it.
I dunno, I just thought that one scene would’ve been good.
And it would’ve hearkened back to a conversation Ammy and Grillby had once, which I think would’ve been a good thematic tie in. 
Ah well.
You win some, you lose some.
Maybe I’ll write it as a short later!
I mean there were a couple other little things that didn’t make it. A lot of dumb jokes lol. But yeah not too many Important Scenes didn’t make the cut I don’t think. I mean, if ya’ll still wanted to hear about small stuff i’d totally share that too. I will probably mourn CR ending for eons after it’s done and will want to talk about it to cope lol.
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felidfavs · 6 years
my dogs probs gettin put down this week so thats. pretty shit. but knew it was coming. mum scheduled an appt the other day for in february and i told her that was way too long, lo and behold, he can barely stand today and looks like absolute shit. but my mom straight up DOESNT deal with grief, and refuses to acknowledge death, and is just bad about it in general, and has already been prolonging this dogs life more than is strictly necessary; and like. im not complaining overly much cause she has to sleep with him shitting the bed and stuff and its nice to still have my dog around and he’s mostly still his happy self but like. he hasnt been doing great for a long time, she’s had the time to get used to it. im used to it. i dont have the healthiest emotive way of handelling death tho? so idk. but like. he’s dying. he has been dying. its not a crime to speed that up so he’s not a literal husk before he goes. he’s clearly weak and uncomfortable, the fat deposit on his shoulder is LITERALLY without exaggeration the size of a watermelon and cant be helping with his balance and breathing. so yea anyways. thats probably happening. dunno how its gunna effect me and if theres gunna be a delayed mourning thing or what but yep. 
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literaila · 3 years
okay, listen, darling. i am so very very sorry. it’s been like forever- sure felt like it- since i’ve even talked to you. i’ve missed you terribly :( i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to just.. ignore you! i haven’t. it’s hard to y’know, type out a response. it would be different if we were texting nd having a conversation but. whatever, point is, i’m very sorry!!
i’ve actually finished squid game. i may or may not have a crush on the front man. i dunno why. i assume you’ve also finished it? i didn’t really like the ending.. or sang-woo. fuck him.
yeah!! i loved it. not the dance, but the actual ending and all. where he pretends to bite her, and it’s twilight. the book was pretty decent, waiting for the second one. but i’m watching the movie and.. although it’s 2 hours, i still feel like it’s going too fast. and it’s definitely weird- toxic, the book was much better. seriously?? maybe it’s because i have no motivation for anything but you finished twilight in a day? and pride & prejudice in a month?? hah. i haven’t read any more pages since like a month or two.
wow. you’re so rude. i thought that was hilarious. you can’t just give yourself points like that! that’s cheating.
brain stuff. complicated. bleh. i dislike complicated stuff.
oh, darling. trust me, it’s driving me insane. can’t stop thinking about it. on wednesday- the 13th, i got pulled over 3 times. wow. sooo, uh, in the morning, i asked my teacher how she gets up in the morning and her reason to live. the first thing i told her is not to take it the wrong way. now listen, i was just curious about adult lives. guess what! she took it the wrong way :) and uhh, when we were walking back from lunch, my english teacher (for the millionth time) pulled me over cause she was concerned. i guess she heard me talking about funerals? with my friend. eavesdropper. ugh, she said some stupid stuff about asking for help and saying some other things i don’t want to remember. so after that obviously i got more depressed?? we were watching a movie for history class, a reward or something, and i was still trying to think straight so i didn’t watch it. my teacher (same one from morning) pulled up coraline for me. it was very sweet, but i still didn’t watch it. then she pulled me over and all i did was laugh because it was genuinely funny. i helped with with school stuff though, and felt a bit better. so i asked my english teacher yesterday what would happen if a student died, with context! said i saw it in a movie or something. finally i got a casual response. well, a student died last year. i guess they mourn and go to their funeral. she was wearing a bracelet in memory of him. anyways im sorry for ranting but holy fuck. ignore it, really. it's too long. i think next time i get asked that i’ll just be honest.
oo! yeah, i do wear rings and necklaces. i don’t think i’ve said before. i fidget with my chain necklace, when i wear it. i’ve actually ordered some necklaces. it’ll be here soon! it’s this n that. aw, that’s nice. you’re a good person, it’s very obvious, y’know? you’re kind and like nice people, you’re sweet.. and all that.
that’s all i can remember, honestly. i wanted to tell you so much more but i forgot :[ what about you? how have your days been? again, very sorry for not keeping up
— 🐢
yes i finished it as well. the ending was pretty standard for Netflix— setting it up for another season —but yeah. it was dumb. i liked the plot though, maybe not the staging.
if you ever read midnight sun, you’ll find that scene funny. it is. they left out so many key things! the blood typing scene, the meadow, the jeep. all my favorite parts. it does feel weird, especially when you’re already familiar with the characters. i read really fast (clinically) and i have a lot of time. also the spacing of twilight allows a good pace. i read pretty much all my books in a day (except for six of crows, i don’t know what it is about that book but i just can’t).
i said the wink was good. i can give myself points whenever i want. i have 50 now.
brain stuff is interesting! not too complicated once you get it. i find its helpful to know how my mind words to understand what actions i’m making.
it sounds like everyone is making an effort to show that they’re there for you. i know it seems annoying— but it’s really sweet. they’re worried. that’s normal. but again, i know it can be overwhelming and fill you with anxiety.
those are very pretty. i just wear rings (mostly because all of my jewelry got lost in the move). eh, i just remember that old thing adults used to say as a kid “treat others how you want to be treated” and roll with it.
well, i signed up for a social psychology course. i go to school and work… uhh that’s it. just boring old days.
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willreadforbooze · 5 years
Here’s our weekly wrap up from the WRFB crew =)
Sam’s Updates
I had such a good (but busy) week. It’s going to be crazy few weeks but I’m excited. If I do this right, it’ll be really good for me. I also got to see my two best friends from college this weekend and it was THE BEST.
What I read this week:
Grace and Fury by Tracy Banghart: This is a YA story about a world where women have like… zero rights. Our main character has been selected to be a “Grace” which I’m assuming is like a harem for the heir to the throne. Linz wrote a review for this when it came out. This book was ok. I predicted how it would end for the most part. I’ll keep going with the series but yeah.
Radical Candor: Be a Kickass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by Kim Malone Scott: This is a leadership book that my boss recommended for me. I’m the type of person that always says what I mean and I never lie. You can see how being a boss with this quality can be sensitive. This book helps harness that honesty into providing the best feedback for your team and how to help them (and you) be your best selves.
What I’m currently reading:
  Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore: So this is a story of a family that always has 5 girls, 5 cousins. The men that spawn these women disappear, so it’s always the women. 5 ladies, 5 mothers, 5 Grandmas (abuelas), when suddenly a boy appears. He has no memories. So look, I’m reading this on my phone and I was worried that I wouldn’t reach for it. I WAS WRONG. I am loving this.
Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern: So this is where I would normally tell you what this book is about, but IM NOT GONNA. It’s so much better to go into Erin’s books blind and I’m not going to ruin that. What I WILL say is it’s got a giant (as in world size) library. I am loving this so much.
The Broken Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin: This is the second book in the Inheritance series. Parker wrote a hilarious review. I didn’t love the first one as much as Broken Kingdoms but this story is about a different character and I’m enjoying that. Listening on audio.
Linz’s Updates
I’ve spent all week trying to shake Oktoberfest jet lag and also there was work gross. BUT it’s a holiday weekend for moi, so I’m gonna do nothing but read Monday. And meal prep. And laundry. And maybe finally celebrate my wedding anniversary?
What Linz read:
The Book of Lost Saints by Daniel Jose Older: An advanced copy of this contemporary adult novel fell into my lap at ALA and ummmmmmmm IT’S AMAZING. I’ve never actually read anything by Older (I can’t with urban fantasy), so this was my first time reading his work and I adored it. Will be writing a review soon, book comes out Nov. 5 (so not long to wait!).
A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer: I mostly read this because we got a copy of book 2 from ALA…but I’m not sure if I’m gonna read it. This kind-of retelling of Beauty and the Beast is…fine? There are some aspects I really liked, and Kemmerer’s writing is pretty good, but I dunno, there were some issues I couldn’t get past. (BTW Sam’s review here.)
What Linz didn’t finish:
Five Dark Fates by Kendare Blake: The fourth and dear god hopefully last book in the Three Dark Crowns series. Technically this hit my DNF list while coming back from Munich, but I needed a way to bring this up–LET A TRILOGY BE A TRILOGY. Adding more books completely ruins the flow and now I’m completely turned off on a series that I would have been ride or die for. (I’m gonna assume it was an editorial staff decision and direct all my rage at the publisher.)  It didn’t work here, and I’ll say it, it reaaaaaally didn’t work for the Throne of Glass series. You want authors to write more books in the universe? LET THEM DO THAT. Look at Cinda Williams Chima. (Editor’s Note: GIRL, I HEAR YOU)
What Linz is currently reading:
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Sisters of Shadow and Light by Sara B. Larson: Thanks to Netgalley for the advanced copy! This also comes out Nov. 5. Two sisters have been trapped inside the Citadel of the Paladins with their mom for 15 years (hold, this isn’t a horror story), until a stranger manages to get in and change everything. I’m saving all thoughts for the review.
Minda’s Updates
I’ve been in Columbus (my hometown) all weekend, with my wonderful mother hosting our family baby shower. So, you know, feeling incredibly grateful with a small heaping of guilt that I don’t see them more.
What Minda finished:
Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia – This is our book club read for next month. The story is set in 1920’s Mexico following Casiopea, a Cinderella-type person. Her life changes when she finds her fate tied to that of the Mayan god of death. 3/5 shots, review to come!
What Minda is reading now:
These Divided Shores (Stream Raiders #2) by Sara Raasch – From the author of Snow Like Ashes, this new series focuses on the island nation of Grace Loray as it is attempted to be taken over by the pious mainland. The magic of the series is plant-based, which I just find fascinating. I’m about 60% of the way done. So far so good, except for the small child I complained about in my review of the first one, These Rebel Waves (link), too.
HEIST by Kezzy Sparks – A debut magic-based paranormal suspense novel, out Oct 31. To my understanding, the story focuses on witch-hunter and wizardess Mel who is on the case for a genital-stealing witch. Sounds bonkers, right? I can’t wait.
Ginny’s Updates:
Whatsup. This has been a fucking exciting week and I am emotionally exhausted so now lets talk about the emotionless topic of books (hahahaha I have so many feelings about books). I am so very tired if that wasn’t obvious.
Currently Reading:
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Laughter at the Academy by Seanan McGuire: Get ready for this, this was a week of a lot of Seanan McGuire. This is a book of short stories McGuire has written of the course of her career. there are some things from early on and some more recent, but they’re all pretty darn spooky or hit you right in the feels which makes this perfect for it Halloween release (I think?). I find myself taking a few minutes at least between stories so that I can process which is not a normal thing for me.
Tempest by Beverly Jenkins: Third book in the Old West series, and I think it’s pretty safe to say this was my favorite of the series. Regan is a ton of fun (also a more modern thinker than most of hte people in her times) but this book features an adorable daughter, a father who would do anything for said daughter, a few obviously evil characters but a really intriguing sense of place. 5/5
Ashes of Honor by Seanan McGuire: This is book six of the Toby Daye series. Toby is asked to do a favor for a friend which is never as simple as could be expected. This book is wild and there will be a review. So deal with a one line summary.
Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson: It was lovingly suggested that I write a review for this so now that is the plan. This is the third book in the Wax and Wayne series in which Wax is supposed to get married except there’s an interruption and then he needs to hunt down an object of major power because given his track record clearly that will go smoothly… review to come.
Branded by Fire by Nalini Singh: As soon as these books come up from the library I’m going to read them. That’s not a question. #6 in the Psy-Changeling series, this book follows characters introduced in earlier books, Dorian (a changeling that cannot actually transform) and Ashaya (a Medical Psy who works on DNA level) are both snarky and sharp edged where need be and have amazing chemistry, need to find a way to stop the experiment the Psy had been running inadvertently putting Ashaya’s son in trouble while her psychotic twin sister hunts here down. Pretty exciting stuff. The characters in this book were more fully realized than in previous books and I’m really enjoying the way the plots build the world and already existing characters. 5/5
Until next time, we main forever drunkenly yours,
Sam, Ginny, Linz, and Minda
Weekly Wrap Up: Oct 6- 13, 2019 Hello! Here’s our weekly wrap up from the WRFB crew =) Sam's Updates I had such a good (but busy) week.
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