#i feel important whenever i get tagged in a game haha
atwhughesversion · 3 days
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welcome to atwhughesversion ♡
making a true intro to this blog now that hockey season is nearing!
about me ✩
my name is hannah
i go by she/her pronouns
i live on vancouver island in bc, canada
i recently graduated w a bsc in biology and want to go back for a masters in public health once i’ve worked for a bit
this is a new blog, but i’ve been on tumblr on-and-off since the superwholock days haha
what i’ll post about ☾
this is mainly a canucks blog :) i’ve been a fan for my whole life and was practically raised by sedins hockey
in no particular order my fav canucks are demko, petey, quinn, and brock (i love the whole team tho)
some of my fav players from other teams are leon draisaitl, nico hischier, and matthew tkachuk!
may occasionally talk about other interests/hobbies/sports, especially if there’s team canada stuff happening :) the pwhl team i root for the most is montreal, but i’m hoping they expand to the west in the future!
hobbies/interests ✩
reading (especially fantasy)
bullet journaling
music, especially taylor swift, lorde, and isak danielson
tags ☾
i’ll use canucks lb for blogging during games! i watch almost every game live aside from the ones that occur at odd hours thus during my work day (and i do get migraines which sometimes flare up when i watch a lot of tv)
i’ll use hockey lb for live-blogging any other games — the canucks are the only team i follow in-depth so i won’t do this for every game, but i like to watch what i can!
and finally, i’ll use hannah talks for any non-hockey text posts that i make :)
get to know me further ✩
i’m not like super important or anything haha and this isn’t a submission-based blog but still feel free so send me asks and/or messages!! i love talking to people and getting to know mutuals <3
i don’t have a sportsnet radio host level of knowledge about the canucks, but i do have a firm grasp of the team since i’ve followed them for so long!! i also know nhl rules really well by this point (which is made extra clear to me whenever i try to watch football and have no clue wtf is going on 😭), so if u have any questions/comments abt any of that stuff i’m happy to chat/rant!
— hannah 💓
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rontra · 5 months
i know yr abt the girlfailure teachers rn but do u perchance have any more thots on that rhea and edelgard comic from a bit ago where Edie said she needed a healer and woke up rhea??
are you ready for a long ass post? because this is a VERY! LONG! POST!
tl;dr yes i have a fair amount of thots, and theyre all serial-numbers-filed-off chop-and-screw-it final fantasy fourteen thots. i will recap that first, and then the AU itself (final warning for Long Post)
enjoy (or avert thine eyes. it's up to you)
oh, yeah! so that au (tagged "SETR" because they can't resist an unreadable acronym tag*) began with mostly just riffing on the Scholar job quests from final fantasy 14 before veering off in order to separate from "being in ff14" (<- i simply don't feel like keeping up with all that) (<- he's just now getting to stormblood). so it's pretty much a crossover where one half of the cross had its serial numbers filed off HAHA
so obviously people who are familiar with ff14 SCH lore have a head start on this one, but let's see…from the top, let's TL;DR the stuff from the game proper:
in ff14, Scholar is a type of healer you can play. lorewise, the original scholars belonged to an ancient civilization that fell centuries before the game begins, so their art is completely extinct and lost. but back in the day, their like, marine city-state nation was at Big Magic War with a couple others (bigger nations with stronger/more plentiful mages). their smaller nation's sorcerers, too precious and few in number to risk putting on the front lines, took up dual duty to serve as both healers and tacticians/commanders. to that end, they learned to form pacts with faeries; relying on these familiars to act as their co-healers, the casters were able to give more of their focus to Studying The Art Of War (and were given the new title of Scholar for their big brain tactical caster schemes)
however, this nation and their brilliant military tacticians were wiped out by calamities (the Big Mage War they were involved in ended in huge colossal devastating floods and stuff) and their arts lay forgotten……until centuries later as [PLAYER CHARACTER] gets involved…. because of course you do <3 that's not really important though
what IS important is that at the tail end of this civilization's existence, they also had to juggle a Fucked Up Arcane Plague that one of their enemies strategically infected them with. the plague ("green death", or simply the "sickness from the sea") transformed the people into monsters and more or less demolished the standing army. the mutant plague was contained by quarantining the infected behind magical wards, but attempts to find an actual cure were unsuccessful. tormented by their prolonged isolation and the outside world's rejection of them, the plague's victims gradually became consumed with resentment, eventually depriving them of all reason. after the calamitous floods, the sealed temple--protected by its warding spells--has remained intact, but lays submerged. its transformed population has been trapped inside, alive, for centuries. yikes!
(gameplay wise, what this means is basically you have a fairy pet from the bygone era who automatically casts a basic healing spell called Embrace whenever you or anyone in your party is missing HP (<- in easy content she can sometimes do your job by herself which is very funny) and also, there's a dungeon full of monsters you feel kinda bad about killing)
the main important materials here for us are the "ancient civilization" aspect, the familiar/caster bond, and the simultaneous war/plague problem . <- list of ingredients to add some 3H sauce on
*here's the connecting tissue that got us from A (ffxiv) to B (fe3h)
my funny NPC retainer in the game is an au'ra woman named au'rhea (here is a pic of her). she does my banking and sells wares for me. beautiful dragon woman
while dicking around with glamourer i accidentally disguised my character as au'rhea. it was rly funny to see her running around doing stuff for once (because retainer NPCs normally Just Stand There)
i (scholar main) started glamouring my fairy to look like au'rhea so i could drag her with me on adventures (she does not get paid for this extra work)
scholar fairies can't be glamoured in this way so i had to use the ingame petglamour function to change mine into a carbuncle first. i chose topaz carbuncle because yellow is cool
somehow in the intersection between everything that's going on with my game at this point, the log window begins referring to this entity as "Topaz Au'rhea"
the groupchat starts making jokes about topaz au'rhea and scholar edelgard (apropos basically nothing). because it would be funny for rhea to run around getting super busy and stressed about keeping edie's health up while edie is aggroing every enemy on the map or whatever. you get it
Scholar Edelgard + Topaz Rhea. "SETR". incomprehensible? absolutely
so with all of that context out of the way,
this story is not set in the normal fodlan setting, so it's unclear what everyone's up to / what the current societal climate (and international relationships) of each country is (<- this would probably be ironed out if the AU was more fleshed out than it is)
adrestia and hresvelg's shared history is also a bit different, namely due to incredibly heavy losses suffered during the war of heroes. after barely surviving the war with a devastating pyrrhic victory, the newborn adrestian empire was probably uh not powerful enough to rise up and control all of fódlan lmao
without the support of either seiros OR any big Ws to pick them back up, they're probably still a smaller country (and . maybe not really an "empire" since…idk if they have the means to take and control several territories unless they 1) made a Huge Recovery since then and 2) nobody else on the continent minded that sudden expansion enough to corral them back into their pen HSBHFDF)
^im spitballing here, obviously this would also get ironed out more thoughtfully if i did more work. but that's kind of the vibe it has atm. like idk how big they would be without any strong Ws, without seiros, and without the church
it would also be an AU where there is no empire-church war to fuss around with (due to the absence of. well. the church of seiros--at least in its canon form) and rhea is not a figure in anyone's lives at all, so edie's list of priorities is much different
however because she is still an edelgard and it's important to her swag, her predicted life span is incredibly short due to an Evil Blood Curse(TM) woven in her childhood by the ancient enemies of her family (the nefarious slitherers…)
her condition is unheard of and utterly arcane to adrestia's mages and healers, and attempts to reverse its effects have been futile
after finishing up whatever other shit she had going on in this AU (<-???) (again, would be fleshed out if i had more than 1 post in the SETR tag lol), with no big wars or anything on her docket, she's already free to pursue leads on how to remedy her situation and possibly brighten her prognosis
in a handful of surviving archives private to the hresvelg family, wilhelm I wrote about the old pre-"adrestia" hresvelg territory, the war of heroes, and the allies that shored up the first army's faltering strength
he also made notes about their enemy's tactics, which included sending Curséd Plagues Most Foul, a tactic that all but demolished the pre-adrestian forces
it's not much but it's the best lead anyone's got at this point
wilhelm occasionally referenced his contemporaries' progress in combating these arcane plagues
this and the war combined take up more than 100% of their resources. they are working at a noticeable deficit, war is going rapidly downhill, and wilhelm's notes become more fragmented as the situation becomes increasingly unsustainable and dire
around this time, he also writes about mages forming pacts with "[word untranslatable to modern fódlan languages]" (but edie uses context clues to figure out it's some kind of magic familiar or something) to aid them, primarily in healing
while much of his text is either obliquely phrased or just straight up faded by time, he does pass down a swaggy amulet to his descendants, which is now in edie's possession (the "crest of seiros", if you can believe it)
edie starts investigating, referencing the texts for Important Places To Search For More Clues. starting with a place wilhelm wrote about very often: the last standing stronghold of the first hresvelg army and their allies
the red canyon.
the ruins there are thousands of years old and entirely forgotten by time. but one stubborn emperor (or whatever her title would be) is determined to search every inch of Old Fódlan for Curse Clues
deep in the lost ruins of zanado is a warded sanctum, still protected by an ancient spell. according to wilhelm the first, this was the very last and most hidden warded zone in the red canyon, erected in absolute secrecy just before their forces left the canyon for the final battle at the tailtean plains
the warded zone was left behind to protect the victims of the plague and keep the curse quarantined while the few remaining mages continued working on a remedy
despite the ward still being active, it has grown quite weak and allows edelgard to pass through (likely due to her blood connection to big wilhelm)
exploring deep into the warded zone, she finds it pristinely safe but utterly untouched for god knows how long. eerily quiet, preserved in time but abandoned by it…
at the heart of the warding spell is its caster, who edelgard initially mistakes for a human mage but quickly realized is the "familiar" wilhelm wrote about. she is Not in fact a funny heehoo imp of some kind, but in fact, a tall as fuck , Whole Ass Woman
(the untranslatable word in wilhelm's writing on the topic was obviously nabatean, a proper noun, the long-forgotten name of a people who once lived alongside humanity but were wiped out)
(the nabateans, few in number but possessing astonishing magicks, invited the battered army to take shelter in what remained of the nabateans' home in zanado. wanting to help beat the agarthans back, they offered to join their own power with humans in "pacts"--special contracts between a human mage and a nabatean caster that was beneficial for both partners and allowed them to work in great synergy)
(the pact magic, innovated by the nabateans, greatly enhances the human mage's capabilities, and imparts a certain degree of mutual mind-to-mind awareness of their partner, which the two can use to strategically coordinate their movements. although very few were left alive at this stage of the war, the nabateans were extremely powerful and could flex into any role on the battlefield--but they were also greatly prized in the sick bays and quarantine zones for their potent healing magic)
(the tactical advantage of pairing a war mage and a nabatean caster is credited by wilhelm as the key to many victories that would otherwise have been crushing defeats. also, the remaining nabateans had a vested interest in allying up to beat the agarthans down, as this was their ancient enemy who recently laid waste to the red canyon and decimated most of their population--and was about to conquer humanity as dessert)
wilhelm, the leader of the hresvelg army, formed a pact with the leader of the nabateans . the two of them combined were a force to be reckoned with (excelling in both tactics and raw force, but also defensive maneuvers), but due to how thinly stretched their manpower and resources were, the two commanders were forced to part ways at the very end. one commander was to depart with their army and finish the war, and the other was entrusted with staying back to defend zanado and keep their most vulnerable people safe
for thousands of years, rhea has been casting the same spell, maintaining the final barrier around the sanctum. the plan was for wilhelm and his (hopefully victorious) army to return here, but that uh, did not happen, due to him and his forces being annihilated in the massive effort it took to bring the war to an end
and it did end. only barely. wilhelm's descendants and whoever was left of their supporters founded adrestia proper and continued the hresvelg line into the future, but big wilhelm was absolutely dead and never came back and neither did anyone else sorry
edelgard knows that this woman is one of the healers who were working directly on the Curse Problems back in ancient times, and is hoping she will know a solution to the "wretched curse is killing me" problem
the crest of seiros edie carries breaks the centuries-long casting trance and wakes rhea up
the first words out of her mouth are, in essence, WILHELM THANK FUCK YOU'RE BACK, DID WE DO IT? DID WE WIN?
(edelgard voice) erm about that
she basically has to explain to rhea that the last thing she remembers before beginning her Long Watch was, in fact, thousands of years ago, and that wilhelm and everybody else she knew is dead (on top of all the nabateans and allies rhea already knew were dead ofc). the world did manage to survive the war thanks to their efforts, but that's like, the one positive note in all this, lol
rhea understandably distraught and more than a little bit overwhelmed
also quite at a loss for what to do, being a magic guy from an era that in its entirety doesn't exist anymore (and hasn't existed for a very long time)
for all she or edie knows, she might be the very last of her kind (since all records are lost, wilhelm's notes obviously stop kind of abruptly, and no one's heard anything in the millennia since then)
obviously the amount of time that has passed means the people she was holding the ward for are also long gone. she's pretty devastated about that too as they're going through the sanctum and quarantined zone
edelgard trying to tactfully rummage around for clues for her own problem while the big lady spirals
i straight up feel like one of those plants that evolved for a type of bee that doesn't exist anymore
however rhea sadly must return the favor when edelgard is like. so you guys had this curse problem. and you were a very prominent commander/healer at the time. it so happens that i have curse problem. what is the solution to curse problem. i need it badly
and rhea is forced to be like . well we very much did not solve curse problem in my time. sorry. i don't know it. i don't have the solution. we didn't find it in time before our whole shit collapsed
so it's really bad news all around
but because edelgard is wilhelm's blood descendant and has used the crest of seiros (which marks the pact between wilhelm('s blood) and the nabatean rhea), they are pact-partners now, Just Like Old Fódlan Used To Make
rhea can't crack Terminal Blood Curse right now, but she does have a lot of knowledge about it and its course/symptoms (and she can confirm edelgard's problem as being The Very Same Indeed)
she feels pretty strongly about finishing her work, and is suddenly edelgard's funny pact partner, and third of all has Nowhere Else To Go And Everything She Knew Is Gone--so she says she'll help lmao
edelgard is more or less used to not finding concrete answers to her curse problem at this point given the difficulty level of this investigation. so she p much just moves on to the next lead on her checklist. gotta keep it moving if she's gonna crack this thing in time
road trip!
rhea basically provides her with palliative care while they look for ways to break the curse. she does feel noticeably better with a more specialized healer (<- kind of an understatement) and it is buying her more time to work with which is good
strangers separated by millennia of history but slowly bonding!
maybe on the way they'll also root out the bitches who put the curse on her to begin with
if you are out there slithering in the dark. you better not be
edelgard is a big axe guy. she does not do healing magic. she is basically face-tanking everything and rhea is so busy casting heals and shields she barely has time to do any DPS of her own
im sure they run into other characters n stuff on their funny road trip too but that all is the basic concept
(rhea voice) i'll Embrace but christ alive
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
hello there, how's your day going :)
i know you've talked about this before, i've seen your answer myself but i just have to say this one to let out some frustration in me lol
i've been scrolling down on tiktok for some eagleone content and whenever i see a video slightly about them there's like "siblings fr" / "brother-sister" captions and it's making me almost fume LMFAOO
what the HELL are these people talking about seriously.
and the comments are even worse, saying "so glad everyone is thinking of them as siblings" kinda shit
i have this urge....urge to puke bc whAT 🗣️🗣️❗❗
like, say something normal like "good friends" or "platonic" at least if you can't see them as a ship, since NOTHING in RE4make between Leon and Ashley are sibling-like to me and im sure many people who know smt little about body language can tell that
i just think this is some kinda propaganda to stop ppl shipping eagleone at this point lol some new ppl could indeed feel bad about shipping them if the majority of the ppl they see on social media see them as... siblings *pukes*
however it makes me wanna write some juicy, intense smut with the ship just to rile these ppl up haha
(thanks for reading this nonsense babbling)
I know it's frustrating, anon. It's easy to ignore one person being dumb and wrong, because your brain can more easily go "ha ha look at what the jackass said" and move on. But to see people being stupid and wrong en masse over and over and over again is a little soul-crushing.
I'm personally going through this with the goddamn mafia background shit. I've kind of reached a point where I'd rather be trapped in a room with the entirety of Aeon fandom than have to bear witness to even just one more motherfucker who actually thinks that Leon is actually legitimately meant to be seen as Italian by Capcom -- ESPECIALLY after seeing what he looks like in Remake -- because apparently half of the people in RE fandom have never actually seen an Italian person in their fucking life. And, as someone from New Jersey, I take that shit personally. My stepdad's last name is Renzulli. Don't fucking tell me that Leon Scott fucking Kennedy is meant to be the son of Italian immigrants.
But I think what's important to bear in mind is that nothing that dumbasses say in this fandom -- no matter how many they are or how many times they say their stupid bullshit -- changes what the canon actually is or says. Twitter/Tumblr/TikTok dumbasses especially have no power over RE canon. When game devs look for fan response, they look for actual fan response to their official tweets and blog posts, as well as some forums (hello ResetEra), prominent content creators on Twitch and Youtube and what their audiences are saying, and game reviews (as well as comments posted on game reivews). No one at Capcom gives a singular flying fuck what the deeper fandom side of fandom is doing or saying, because they know that most of us are certifiable.
So, as rage-inducing as it is, we gotta just let some things go, man.
Leon/Ashley is a canonical romance, intended to be viewed as romantic by Capcom, and that's not going to change no matter how many thinly-veiled misogynists try to bad-faith morality police their way around fandom otherwise.
Leon Kennedy has no official backstory per canon and has never, in any way, shape, or form, been modeled or portrayed in a way that's meant to be viewed as Italian or in a way that makes sense with the idea he has mafia ties in his family or background.
Anyone who ever tries to tell you otherwise is selling something.
Remember: if it's not in the games, it's not canon. And what is in the games is a romance. Full stop.
So, if you can channel that rage into something productive like smut, please, for the love of god, do. It's a way better response than getting yourself all riled up. And this ship needs more creators putting stuff in the tag, besides.
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strayslost · 8 months
Fill out the info sheet below & tag your friends to do the same ! Repost , don’t reblog !
🌊 🐇
Name / Pen-name : Meri!
Pronouns : She/her (okay with they/them too!)
Country / Region : England.
Timezone : GMT
Age / Age group : 25, as of this month!
Favourite colours : Pink, turquoise/teal, yellow, cream & brown, and maybe green too???
Favourite foods : How can you expect me to choose!! if I listed them all I'd be here all day ;~; I suppose a couple are cheesecake, custard (and sweets/cakes generally tbh), spaghetti bolognese, salmon... I've gone too braindead to think of more, sorry :')
Non - RP Hobbies ? : Watching/reading anime, manga and visual novels (when I've got the executive function for it), music, video games, decoration/design, and working on my own stories/songs! I'd love to stream someday, but I'm a bit too nervous to start atm, haha. Same with blogging about some of the things that are important to me - I'd love to do more in that regard, but I'm not really sure where to start.
Favourite animal : BUNNIES and sea creatures in general!! In particular, octopi, sea otters and sea turtles have my whole heart <33
Any allergies ? : I actually have had an allergic reaction to something like. once in my life, but unfortunately I have no idea what it was to, otl ;w; so uhhh. I guess my answer is a "not really"??
Favourite Season : Ooooh, I can't choose. Aesthetically, maybe summer or winter, with autumn close behind. In practice, I'm terrible with temperatures that are too hot or too cold, though!
Scents you like : Vanilla and coffee! Though my sense of smell is pretty bad generally, I'd say these are my favorites.
Coffee / tea / hot cocoa : Tea (with a bit of sugar!). Hot cocoa can be great too, and I don't like the taste of coffee, but I do benefit from the effects of caffeine, so I tend to drink lattes instead.
How long have you been in your current fandom ? : for BSD, it's only been about a year! Actually, I'm pretty sure I got into the series sometime around December 2022, since that's when I first made my Chuuya blog?? It's pretty quickly risen to the spot of my favourite piece of media ever though, at least currently, so congrats to BSD are in order, I think!
Do you prefer to ‘ wing ’ your threads or discuss plots with your partner during or ahead of time ? : I enjoy both! I think my favourite thing to do is to have or discuss a general idea for the starter/thread, for example like... "my muse is time traveling from the future to meet yours", or "my muse discovers a secret yours is hiding," so like basic plotting, and then just seeing where things go from there. But I absolutely enjoy winging it too/just seeing what happens, and I love just as much when my partners have something they particularly want to explore and let me know, so I'm pretty flexible in that regard, I think! (aka send me your wishlists >:) )
Are you okay with getting to know your RP partners outside of writing / becoming good online friends or even offline friends ? : 100000%, honestly I would love this so much! But full warning in advance, I am... very bad at being active and replying to messages quickly in general, otl. I don't have many friends irl as a result of this, even though I really would really like to make more... unfortunately my functioning issues in most areas of my life are pretty bad and this extends to maintaining conversations too. HOWEVER, you're absolutely always welcome to message me whenever you'd like, even if I haven't replied to your last message yet! I find that this can help prompt me to reply to my old messages as well, and I can promise you that my slow replies are absolutely not an indication that I don't want to talk with you or of how I feel about you - I'm just very awkward and find socializing hard, but that doesn't stop me from really enjoying talking with you nonetheless!! (This applies to my RP reply speeds too, tbh) There's way more I could say on this but I might make it it's own post tbh, this section is already getting too long. tl;dr i love you all, let's be friends!! <33
Finally , what are your favourite genres of RP ?: I'm not so good at defining genres, so instead I'll say - I love angst and conflict between characters but also resolving conflicts too, seeing characters get to know and relate to each other better... I'm a big fan of threads with supernatural elements, in particular those that are shocking to the characters, and of secrets being revealed generally too! Exploring character's insecurities and beliefs and having them change their perspective is great as well... basically, I'd say I enjoy "meaty" threads with lots of emotions or action over like slice-of-life, casual interactions, but even those can be fun if they're well done, honestly!
Tagged by : @chaosbled ( thank you so much!!! ;w;)
Tagging : I haven't been logged in enough to know who's done this already if I'm honest so I'm just gonna say anyone who wants to and hasn't done it yet - say I tagged you! <3
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aseplant · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers!
I was not tagged,,, but I felt like doing it anyway haha
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 12! I'm not sure when that happened, whoa.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 55,540.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Primarily the Ember Knight, and probably Hand Jumper once it comes off hiatus. I'll branch out if/when the urge strikes, I think.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the price of divinity - Genshin Impact, Jean & Venti (121 kudos)
walk these shorelines with me - The Ember Knight, Nagyunn & Najin (83 kudos)
Mind Games - The Ember Knight, Nagyunn & Zius (72 kudos)
heavenbound laughter, hellbound lies - the Ember Knight, Waron/Zius (57 kudos)
nagyunn’s treatise on scamming important people - the Ember Knight, ostensibly Nagyunn/Tyr; mostly, it's crack (55 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try my best to reply to every comment I get! It makes me really happy when authors take the time to respond, so I try to make an effort to reciprocate from the other end. Plus: I write primarily for obscure-ass fandoms, and I want it to feel like people can talk to me, not just consume from me, so.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I have been reliably informed that I am SHIT at gauging the angst levels in my own writing. Having said that, I'd vote for the price of divinity, since it's a combination of bittersweet ending + major character death + the cycle continues. (I like cycles, what can I say. That's probably how I ended up in the revenge cycle fandom.)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? morning dew is fluff all the way through!
8. Do you get hate on fics? I have not, probably because I inhabit my own cozy little corner of the internet. I'm glad the fandoms I'm in are so chill.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I used to write insane crack rpf smut fics of my friends in high school whenever they did something stupid (I distinctly recall writing something involving my friend climbing a ladder in heels in order to give another anal?? It was written in response to one of them going dumpster diving for an LED buttplug). I stopped doing this in college, but recently, I have met two idiots dear friends who have been eager to revive this old hobby of mine. Hence, blood red camellia. Among other things.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I do not. They've never really been my cup of tea, and also I'm lucky to have even one thought rattling around in my head at any given moment, never mind two.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of! It'd be extremely unlikely, all considered.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope. I might translate some on my own at some point for practice, but that's far down the backlog for now.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? If you know, you know.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? I'm not that pressed about ships in general tbh. I just like dissecting characters, and if someone dies in the process, all the better <3
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Ember Knight high school AU... I actually have a pretty cohesive outline, but for various reasons it's been a difficult fic to write, and many of the main themes are no longer as dear to me as they once were. Still, I hold out hope that I'll get back around to it someday.
16. What are your writing strengths? I want to say characterization? And I guess grammar LOL. I had some stickler-ass teachers growing up, and this is probably the only thing I can thank them for.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Hnrhg plot. Thank god I can write all the character studies I want when it comes to fandom, so I'm sure no one has noticed this tiny little weakness yet.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'd do it in a heartbeat if it was (1) in character and (2) I knew the language/had a friend who could translate for me, because there is nothing more embarrassing than having clearly machine-translated lines. But those conditions are so difficult to fulfill that it's never happened yet.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I wrote like... a chapter and a half of a Harry Potter fic when I was in, like, 4th grade? We don't talk about it. It's gone. I hope. I did not seriously try my hand at writing again until I got into Genshin Impact back in 2021, which is what I generally consider the first fandom I wrote for.
20. Favorite fic you've written? This one is hard... I think walk these shorelines with me is the best-executed, but I'm partial to Parallel Lines despite it not being executed quite as well as I would have liked.
It's late and I don't remember which of my mutuals write off the top of my head... I'm gonna tag @quiets-cradle, but if anyone else sees this and wants to join, feel free to! In fact, I am begging you to.
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saturnskyline · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
tagged by @braceletofteeth!! thanks bestieee 🤗🤗
i did this around a month ago, but i'm curious to see if anything has changed (i know some things definitely won't)
Three Ships
thought way too hard about this question even though it's not a final decision or anything lol. vegaspete is definitely there bc they are still wreaking havoc in my brain at all times :D monsam too, for changing the game and my life 🥲 and last but not least, winteam for becoming my new obsession due to their cathartic power. all quite different, but all very important to me <333
First Ever Ship
i'm still not completely sure, but going off of the previous answer, i did really ship katniss and peeta haha. not to be saying all of this in 2023... but i was team gale initially, until he basically got sidelined and then there wasn't really even a competition imo. and everlark really really grew on me! like i would be lying if i said "if it weren't for the baby" didn't have me in a chokehold bahaha
Last Song
psycho by mareux, from my vegaspete playlist (which is entirely too long but that's beside the point). it's mostly there for vibes, plus "psycho" is in the title, so there you go
Last Movie
had to think for a minute but when i remembered, all the horrors came flooding back 😭😭 i don't even want to say the name bc it's straight up embarrassing dfhsdfsh. suffice it to say that it was a bad jane austen adaptation that physically hurt me to watch :]
Currently Reading
a bunch of kp fics, since there so many talented and cool authors in the fandom! i go back and forth, but overall, it has weirdly helped me cope with all of the recent craziness. i've been reading a few lita fics as well, since i apparently can't get enough of those weather boys. dipping a toe in the rarepair pool of possibilities for both fandoms, which has actually been really fun
Currently Watching
between us (crying happy tears), gap (am woefully behind, sorry sapphics), and until we meet again (finally!!). i'm also in the middle of my kinnporsche rewatch, whenever i come back around to that. started rewatching don't say no the other day too for some reason, but i don't think i'm gonna be able to commit to the whole show for a second time lol
Currently Consuming
a ridiculous amount of ao3 and youtube fanworks/memes to boost my silly serotonin levels :)) mostly kp stuff, but i've been trying to branch out lately. expanding my resume of interests, as it were
Currently Craving
sigh... still one good movie kiss, unfortunately. that would probably involve me going out to meet people though, so maybe i'll stay on the yearning side of things for now 🫠🫠
feel free to ignore if you've already been tagged or if you're not interested: @capikun @damnslippyplanet @hidden-joy @negrowhat @stardustvx @fandork @mcnonblackbeak @lesbianiconsteveharrington @davincsoo 💌
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thesixthstar · 1 year
Ughhhhh posting this here because I have a tumblr tag instead of a dream journal and usually that’s fine and I’m good posting incredibly personal shit online for various levels of strangers/friends etc but uhhh if we hang out IRL please don’t read this one.
Fucking DEEPLY upsetting and stressful dream today that I’m hoping the details of it don’t mean anything specific.
In the dream I lived in an apartment building instead of my house, but still lived with my partner and one of our actual housemates, just like irl. I think we had a fourth housemate who isn’t our Actual IRL 4th housemate but it wasn’t important for the dream.
What WAS important for the dream is that my existing housemate J kept acting like a creep to me, and then would find excuses to get everyone else out of the house and rape me. Luckily for me this dream was fade-to-black before things Overtly Happened, which is USUALLY but not always the case when I dream things with sexual content. But as dreams do you get the info without the experience and it’s some emotional fuckery either way. But anyhow he would rape me and then after the cut-to-black would taunt me about how no one would believe me, and he threatened me against doing anything to stop him, and the dream kept going through scenarios where I would try to be alone with anyone but him but he would find a way to show up whenever I tried to find someone to help me. And every time someone’s back was turned he’d give me a Look, either evil grin like “haha you thought you could end this” or threatening like “don’t you dare” and idk what was stopping me from telling someone when I was around him from the Logic of the dream but I was just really scared, and when they left and we were alone again he’d cut-to-black rape me again. These scenes were presented back-to-back in the dream but I think they were meant to be spread out over some amount of time. He would let me be totally alone by myself but any time someone showed up or I got someone to come over he’d show up and I’d just have to pretend to be fine and then he’d punish me for trying to get help. He was also making sure I never had my phone when he wasn’t around so I couldn’t call or text anyone about it. At some point in the dream I managed to get my phone somehow and texted my partner “help me” and then J caught me with my phone and that’s around where I woke up.
There was no resolution to the dream and it’s upsetting even writing it down again. I haven’t been particularly extra stressed or depressed or anything lately and in fact have been having a pretty nice week, so I don’t get why I’m having such an awful dream rn. This housemate has never been creepy or threatening to me in ANY way irl and nor has anyone else been that he might have been a stand in for. I’m hoping the reason my brain cast him as the rapist in my dream is just because he’s really good at acting villainous (he’s the DM for one of our dnd games and plays some delightfully fucked up villains and is very good at it), because I don’t know anyone else who has ever given me Evil Grins before so perhaps my brain just needed anyone who I had seen giving an Evil Grin (as most of my dreams are pretty unexpressive when ot comes to people showing emotions)
Ugh and I feel gross and I wish I didn’t remember some of this dream so vividly because even if there was no visual sexual imagery, the whole thing was tinged with power and control and helplessness. I can see his face fucking grinning at me and feel how frozen-in-fear I was in the dream. I am DEEPLY hoping that either the dream will fade by the time I get dressed and go downstairs, or that my expert skills in being Casually At Arms Length will help me not have to Be Weird around J until I can forget all about it.
ETA: god fucking damnit I just remembered I have to go ask him opinions about Craigslist furniture today hope I can look him in the face fml 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
On the bright side I’m sleeping over at my moms tonight so hopefully by the time we get to dnd on Sunday I’ll be Normal again
Update: went grocery shopping with partner before he came home so i Became Normal during that time - can apparently continue this Being Normal despite still remembering the dream.
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shirazlane-blog · 8 years
I was tagged a really long time ago by @hopelessmusicaddict​ and @it-doesnt-make-a-difference sorry I’ve only just got round to it, college makes me sad :’)
A - Age: 17
B - Biggest fear: Heights and any insect that has 6 legs or more
C - Current Time: 19:45
D - Drink you last had: Tea...not helping British stereotypes am i haha
E - Every day starts with: Getting out of bed at 6 to get ready for college nooooo.
F - Favorite song: Look no matter how hard I think about this, I can’t decide on one. At the moment it’s Hashtag Your Life by Kissin’ Dynamite. 
G - Ghosts are they real: Who knows man
I - In love with: Every band ever
K - Killed someone: ....Obviously?....
L - Last time you cried: Like a week ago when I failed my assigment
M - Middle name: Jayne
N - Number of siblings: 3
O - One wish: My one wish is to go to Japan
P - Person you last called/texted: My sister and about Santa Cruz as we both love them so.
Q - Questions you are always asked: "Are you okay?” and most of the time it’s probably a no but i’ll lie anyway.
R - Reasons to smile: Music will always be here for me
S - Song last sang: Bohemian Rhapsody (sang it with all my friends, we were playing heads up lmao)
T - Time you woke up: 6 of course
U - Underwear color: Pink......this is not me usually wth
V - Vacation destination: Japan as previously stated
W - Worst habit: I always seem to have negative outlook on life
X - X-Rays you’ve had: Do ones at the dentist count?
Y - Your favorite food: idk probably pizza or something
Z - Zodiac sign: Leo
Lmao I haven’t really been on so idk who’s done this, just ignore me if you have.
I tag: @wastednwounded, @wejustneedcruzboys, @b0nafide-her0es, @headbanger98tv and @betheslaveorbethechange xoxo
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agape-bakery · 3 years
ah, may i please request the brothers with an MC who was summoned without their glasses, but just? didnt say anything?? and after an absurd amount of time (like a month or two) they're just like "oh, yeah i need glasses i cant rlly see anything lmao"
with a GN or male mc please :)
thank you, have a wonderful day! -🐱
Me in about 3 years- This was pretty difficult to do so it took me so long to finish and it still ended up shorter than I wanted it to be, so sorry about that anon!
Would like to give a small reminder that this is not how the brothers would react canonically, especially for Belphie's scenario!
The Brothers with an MC who needs glasses
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He thought you were making a poor attempt to be intimidating in the beginning by how hard you were squinting whenever you look around
He then thought that you needed glasses but by the way you didn't say anything, he assumed that was not the case
During the month, Lucifer is CONVINCED that you needed glasses
He's the Avatar of Pride but he's not that prideful about glasses....kind of-
After weeks of watching you rub your eyes and squint, he finally decided to ask if you needed glasses
Your eyes light up and you quickly nod and then go, "I actually forgot to told you I need glasses lol-"
Lucifer would stare down at you with the most wide-eyed confused look he has ever given someone in his whole life
"MC, what do you mean you forgot?"
"I just forgot!"
Lucifer would take a long sigh before shaking his head, while he's exasperated, it's better late than never
Even if he acts annoyed, he'd still buy you some glasses as a gift
He now has more reasons to believe his gut, especially when it comes to you
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He most likely wears those sunglasses not because he thought it was cool but because his eyes are blurry from staring at his phone all the time-
As he was a demon, he didn't need to use it all the time
But when he saw you squinting, he was already in front of you with his hand up, smirking like he didn't experience the same thing in the past
"I saw you squinting, MC, how many fingers am I holding up?"
"Haha, real funny."
You completely forgot to tell him that you actually did need glasses and moved on with your day
The longer you did that, the more Mammon grew concerned, is this a habit??? Are you fucking with him just because he asked you how many fingers he was holding up??
When he finally confronted you after psyching himself in front of his mirror:
"MC, do you really need glasses??"
"Oh yeah, I was supposed to tell you that a month ago but I forgot."
Don't worry, if you mention wanting the same glasses as his but with your prescription, Mammon would leave it aside to look for a matching pair-
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This guy NEEDS the high prescription glasses with blue light filter 24/7
He stares at the screen all day, tell me he doesn't need it-
Anyway, he might have noticed that you need one in the beginning but didn't think too much of it and left it alone
He found out while he was playing a game with you and you weren't doing too good unless you lean closer/back
He doesn't mind carrying but while his eyes were focused on the screen, he asked if you were alright
You were his lover, after all, he didn't want you to get a headache or something because of him
You nod your head and tell him that it's because you need the glasses to fully see
As soon as the game was over, he was like, "Legit???" and couldn't believe his ears when you confirmed it
Dealing with glasses was difficult enough but he couldn't imagine playing while not wearing contacts or glasses
The day after that, you now have matching glasses with your boyfriend, now the both of you can act like the smart people in anime :D
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Most likely wears reading glasses but that's it
He instantly knows that you need it because who squints like that?
But he doesn't have your medical files so he couldn't say for sure
It didn't hurt to ask though
"MC? Forgive me if this sounds offensive, but do you always squint like that?"
"Oh! I didn't tell you? I need glasses!"
"Have you not been wearing contacts or glasses this past month??"
"I forgot..."
Satan thinks of a solution, not wearing glasses when you need it, especially with bad vision might further harm the eyes so he tags along with you to get one
Frankly, he doesn't mind if his lover has glasses, he thinks it's endearing!
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Cares a lot about all of his body and makes sure to take care of them all the time so he didn't really need glasses, well, the ones with prescription that is
Honestly could have been one of the brothers to let you remember much earlier
Because he also spends time on his eyes, making sure it gets its needed rest, he might know something about glasses
And he noticed how you seemed to need one whenever you look at something close/far away
He hugs your arm, looking at you with a worried pout, "Hey MC, you've been staring in space and squinting for a long while, are you okay?"
As you reassured him and tell him that you just forgot your glasses, he laughs it off, until he realized that you weren't wearing one for MONTHS
He's a little worried, what if your vision got worse?
As soon as school ends, he's taking you to the doctor! No buts!
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The brother who didn't notice until at least 4 months or longer (while the others took a few weeks or a month)
Another one who cares about his body to keep it healthy, eyes are very important and even if it was an annoying task, he isn't planning on making it worse
Might have seen you squinting and staring off in space with a mean look, but that's what Belphie and Lucifer do sometimes, so he thought it was nothing
Until you say it outright to him or someone tells him, or if your vision's getting worse, he wouldn't notice-
"Ugh...I can't believe I forgot my glasses of all things.."
"You needed glasses??"
He feels bad for not noticing sooner, so he vows to help find you if ever your glasses get lost or ruined
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Would be fast asleep to notice your struggles
And if we're going the original route and the two of you just met, he wouldn't even care-
When he finds out that you forgot them and had to walk around with no glasses, he snickered
"Who forgets their glasses?" He flicks your forehead with a small smile before yawning
Would bully you lightly tease you for having glasses in the first place
"You need glasses to see? Too bad."
But if you really do feel sad about what he's saying, he'll feel a little bad and stops it, apologizing quietly
Even if it's a difficult task for him to stay awake, he wants to at least try one time for you and remind you where your glasses are and that you should wear it
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
i don't know if this counts as a request but just makeup sex!! the way you wrote smut in curiosity was so good!
This definitely counts as a request haha! Thank you so much, I hope you like it!
2.8k of (a little) plot and more smut :)
Tag List: @jinxqsu @cakesarecute @naps-and-lemons @mainlynonsense @riddles-wifey 
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Game Theory
“Don’t make a scene,” Tom whispers in your ear and you’re still shivering but it’s not only from the cold anymore. He leads you away from the ruckus, his hand never leaving your back, his gaze focused determinedly on the castle. Any thought you had about finding Frasier is replaced by the desperate need you suddenly feel to make sure that Tom never stops touching you again.
Hogwarts is hosting a festival for a comet. You’re not sure why a comet deserves a festival - something to do with an ancient prophecy allegedly made by Rowena Ravenclaw. The night shall bow to fire and the school shall stand strong. It’s all very poetic. Regardless, Hogwarts is celebrating the passing of the comet over the school and you have to admit that the grounds look beautiful. Tiny replica comets made of bluebell flames dance above your head, marble statues of famous astronomers and seers stand proud in the tall grass, and garlands of lotus flowers, yellow jasmine, and, more strangely, parsley are strewn everywhere. Further down, there is a sectioned off area for dancing where tinkling music can be heard drifting over the light breeze. The small rowing boats that usually carry the first years over to Hogwarts are adorned with tiny glowing lights, ready to take you and the rest of the school across the lake to see the comet blaze across the dark sky when the time comes.
You feel like you’ve walked into a fairy circle, not the grounds that you’ve come to know so well over the years. You stand there, at the doors to the castle surveying the scene before you with a sense of excitement and anticipation. Students are milling around, enjoying the music and the food. You can spy a few of your friends drifting about and you make a note to say hello when you get the opportunity. If you get the opportunity.
Because… because you’ve done something pretty stupid. You’ve gone and found yourself a date and as it turns out, Frasier Rowle is… well he’s handsome. Which was why you’d started dropping hints a few weeks ago. But he’s also brimming with undeserved arrogance and entitlement. He’s possessive too, and petulant. You’d found that out the hard way when you’d apparently hugged Charlie a little too tightly for Frasier’s liking and he’d sulked for a week straight. No, Frasier doesn’t like other people playing with his toys and in any other circumstance, you would have rolled your eyes and dumped him for his childishness.
These are not normal circumstances though. You'd needed a date for the festival because if you didn’t then you’d have lost. Well. Sort of. There’s no game being played, certainly not officially at any rate. But still, you don’t lose games official or unofficial. It’s a rule you have for yourself. You like winning. Simple.
So, you smile demurely at Frasier and ignore the way his black dress robes wash out his pale eyes and pale hair (you wished he’d opted for the blue as you’d suggested) and offer him your hand. He takes it, holding it a little too tightly as you descend the steps to the party below. You feel the weight of his gaze even though you can’t see him. You ignore it. You pretend you don’t know you’re being watched as you twist your arm through Frasier’s and when he kisses your cheek, you pretend you don’t care that Frasier’s breath is a little sour from whatever he ate at dinner.
Charming. You’re charming and funny and flirty and Frasier is proud to have you as a date. You can see it in the way that he all but parades you around in front of his friends. The tell-tale prickling on the back of your neck tells you that he’s still watching. Which means you’re still winning. So you smile and laugh and stay close to Frasier even when he and his friends start talking about the internships and jobs their wealthy and connected parents have secured them. Frasier is apparently going straight into the DMLE even though his grades suggest a role as shop assistant would be far more suited to his capabilities.
“-like I always say, it’s not a bad thing to be better than other people.” Frasier’s voice cuts through your thoughts and your smile turns slightly strained. Because it isn’t a bad thing to be better. But Frasier Rowle simply isn’t. He reminds you of one of those expensive eclairs that your mother sometimes brings home when you have cause for celebration: beautifully decorated and full of air. “Isn’t that right?” His elbow digs into your ribs and for a second you stop smiling. He frowns expectantly.
“Of course. You’re completely right.” You say and carefully extricate yourself from his arms. Deciding to date Frasier had been a stupid decision on your part. In all honesty, you find him incredibly distasteful but… But he serves a purpose. And you’ll be damned if you don’t see this through. “If you’ll excuse me for just a moment, I’ll get us some drinks?” He nods and you make a hasty (but not too hasty, you wouldn’t want anyone watching to get the impression that you’re eager to leave) departure.
You’re standing at the drinks table, pretending to decide between a flute of sparkling apple juice or pumpkin juice (why wasn’t wine an option?) when he slides in next to you. Tom looks horribly good. His dark hair is parted neatly, falling in delicate waves across his forehead and the soft glow from the bluebell flames throw his aristocratic features into sharp relief. You note, with no small amount of irritation, that Tom, unlike Frasier, looks devastatingly good in black. His robes are perfectly cut and look soft and inviting in the way that expensive things often do. You imagine that they’re a gift from Malfoy or one of his other cronies.
“Rowle then. That’s who you’ve decided to degrade yourself with.” Straight to the point then. Well, good. This is the only reason you’ve been putting up with Frasier for all these weeks, after all. You cast a sideways glance in Tom’s direction and are aggravated to see that, despite the jealousy lacing his words, he looks entirely at ease. Like he’s just asked you about the decor or the weather or last week’s arithmancy test.
“I’d hardly call dating Frasier degrading myself. He’s been offered a very important position in the DMLE, don’t you know?” You reply archly. He raises an eyebrow in response and you purse your lips primly, as though you don’t share his exact thoughts on Frasier’s future Ministry job. You turn to him then, taking in the darkness of his eyes, the hollows of his cheeks, the almost imperceptible clench of his jaw. Something that feels like it could be triumph settles in your stomach. Tom is a master of controlling his emotions, but even he has his tells. “More to the point, why do you care?”
He doesn’t answer right away and really, you don’t expect him to. Why does he care? You aren’t sure he even knows the answer to that himself. All you know is that after a year of meeting him in alcoves and abandoned classrooms, you can’t stand to be a secret anymore. And he can’t seem to stand the idea of holding your hand in public. “I’m merely surprised. You’re reasonably intelligent and he is... Well, let’s just say it’s a good thing his family is so well connected.”
“Reasonably intelligent? If it weren’t for you, I’d be top of the year,” You say indignantly. He smirks that you realise that maybe you should probably be defending Frasier’s intellect. “And I find mine and Frasier’s conversations incredibly... stimulating, if you must know. It’s really quite nice to get such a fresh perspective on certain issues. No pointless arguments because he’s too stubborn to realise what he could lose.” You smile innocently as his posture grows taught and his lips thin.
“Oh look, your security troll is coming to collect you,” Tom says dispassionately, eyeing Frasier who has spotted you and now making his way steadily over. You scoff.
“Oh please, Frasier is hardly a troll. He’s much too-” whiny, self-important, weak “-small.” Something dangerously close to a laugh escapes Tom’s lips and a pang of sadness and anger and longing twists in your gut. It’s far too easy to fall into your regular routine of barbed comments and sly humour with Tom. It reminds you of the other conversations too, the secrets and confessions that seem to spill from you both whenever you let your guard down for long enough. Whatever. He doesn’t want that. Doesn’t want you. Not enough for you to be satisfied anymore. You shoot him a smile, insincere and caustic, “Besides, maybe I like having someone who cares enough about me to see who I’m spending time with.”
He frowns, only for a second, and that’s the only sign you get that your words have affected him before his expression clears and he looks as impassive and impenetrable as ever. Frasier appears and it doesn’t take a genius to realise that he’s unhappy. He looks between you and Tom with a suspicious sneer distorting his features. “I was wondering what was taking you so long. But I should have known, it’s so sweet of you, darling, to be so charitable with your time.” You tense at the thinly veiled insult about Tom’s humble beginnings before you mechanically pass your date his drink. He wraps an arm around your shoulders in a, quite frankly, terribly insecure show of machismo. You smile up at him and refuse to look back at Tom as he leads you away.
Night has well and truly fallen and you’re silently bemoaning the fact that your dress robes have short sleeves whilst you try futilely not to shiver. Frasier hasn’t noticed; he’s busy talking about his future or quidditch or the funny thing his house-elf did last summer or some other entirely inane thing with his friends. His hand is curved around your waist and you’re fairly sure it’s for Tom’s benefit. This, at least, makes you somewhat pleased. But still, you’re cold, you’re bored, you haven’t been able to talk to your friends at all, and you’re wishing desperately that it was Tom’s arms around you.
It seems as though your scheming has not gone to plan. Well, no. The plan had been to make Tom jealous and you’re fairly sure you’ve accomplished that. But still, you somehow feel as though you’ve lost. At the sound of a loud chime, a hush falls across the festival and the Headmaster announces that you have thirty minutes before the comet is scheduled to pass overhead. Immediately, the professors begin to coral students towards the lake and a crowd of eager teenagers starts to form around you, pushing forwards to get to the boats. Frasier’s hand slips from your waist and you get separated in the rush. You’re about to reach forward to try and grab him when a large, warm hand touches your lower back. You freeze because you know that touch. Know those hands. Intimately.
“Don’t make a scene,” Tom whispers in your ear and you’re still shivering but it’s not only from the cold anymore. He leads you away from the ruckus, his hand never leaving your back, his gaze focused determinedly on the castle. Any thought you had about finding Frasier is replaced by the desperate need you suddenly feel to make sure that Tom never stops touching you again.
You’re not that easy though. You’ve been denying yourself what you want for weeks at this point. You can carry on for another few minutes. “Where are you taking me?” You ask and you’re quite proud that you sound demanding, maybe a little petulant. As though you wouldn’t follow him wherever he decided to take you. Judging by the shrewd glance Tom sends your way, he can see right through the protests forming on your tongue.
“You’ll see soon enough.” He pushes you inside the castle and suddenly the noise and commotion of the festival feel very far away. The quietness of the empty castle seems to envelop the two of you, creating an almost stifling atmosphere that you somehow can’t quite bring yourself to break. Tom drags his gaze over you, drinking in every change in your expression, every shift of your body. You feel vulnerable and raw and seen. Slowly, he raises his hands and runs them up your arms. You’re skin, still cold from the night suddenly feels like it's on fire. “You’re cold.” You nod. “I would have expected better from someone of your date’s impeccable breeding,” Tom murmurs it like it’s an insult. You frown and are about to ask what he means when he shrugs out of his robes and drapes the heavy fabric across your shoulders. He smiles then, slow and possessive and pleased.
The errant embers of desire that have been burning in your chest since he first touched you spark brighter and fiercer. He takes you by the shoulders and holds you close as he leads you further into the castle, the press of his chest against your back, the pressure of his fingers on your skin a tantalising promise of more to come. “You know, I was rather looking forward to the comet. A once in a lifetime event, I’m told.” And well… You still sound petulant, maybe even a little bratty but also breathy and excited and oh, oh, Tom’s humming deep and low in your ear, maybe a little amused, maybe a little endeared and his fingers press a little harder and he quickens his pace as though he wants - needs - this just as badly as you do.
He carries you the last few steps up to the astronomy tower. No sooner have you made it to your destination than he is pressing you against the wall of the tower, one hand gripping your waist tightly the other moving to cup your jaw, his fingers spread across your throat and you gasp and-
Wrap your arms around his neck, pull him closer, moan into his mouth when he finally kisses you. There isn’t a metaphor or simile that describes the fervour he kisses you with. He’s demanding and desperate in the way his lips slant across yours, tasting and searching and you yield. You yield so quickly it would be embarrassing if you weren’t so hot with want and need and desire. You angle your body more closely to his and relish in the hard press of his chest, the way his hand slides from your waist to your hips then back to your waist like he can’t quite decide where he wants to touch you. You can feel the unmistakable hard outline of his cock against your hip and you grind upwards, unthinking, lost in a haze of pleasure and the feeling of his lips biting kisses along your jaw.
You unwind your arms from his neck and reach his belt but are stopped when he takes a step back, his hands moving to grip your wrists before you can continue. You feel unmoored and can’t quite help the whine that escapes your lips. When your gaze finally focuses, you see him watching you, his already dark eyes are practically black, pupils blown, his lips are swollen and wet, and his breathing is ragged. “Does he do this to you?” He asks, his usually smooth voice rough with emotion.
When you don’t say anything, he smirks, and, holding both your wrists in one hand, slowly, teasingly drags his other up the inside of your thigh. You’re helpless to stop him as he dips his fingers down into your underwear and curls two inside you. He teases you with long strokes, using his thumb to brush against your clit until you’re trembling and gasping and pleading. “Can he make you lose control like I can?” His voice is dangerously low and he’s watching you closely, never quite giving you what you want.
It’s torture.
It’s bliss.
“Please, please, please,” You chant under your breath, a steady stream of words and preyers that aren’t all decipherable. “Please, Tom, you know he can’t. You know it’s only you, please, please.” His face goes slack with desire and just as quickly as he’d pulled away he’s pressing closer to you again, kissing you hard.
His thigh nudges your legs wider apart and you hook one leg around his waist relishing in the pressure and friction this new angle affords you. You hear the zip of his trousers and then the tip of his cock against your folds as he aligns himself and, “Ohh, please, Tom, I need-”
Your senses are overwhelmed by his smell, his touch, his quiet grunts of exertion as he sets a rather punishing pace. He’s mumbling promises and praise and curses into the crook of your neck and you squeeze your eyes shut as his fingers move in sloppy rhythm against your clit, adding just the right amount of friction that has you gasping obscenities into his ear.
The pressure in your lower stomach builds and builds until finally your orgasm crests over you. He’s holding you tighter still, riding you through it until you collapse against him, shuddering through the aftershocks. He follows you soon after, his body growing tense, his grip on your hip so tight it’s almost painful, your name on his tongue.
Afterwards, you curl up against him, his robes (you were right: they’re soft and warm and expensive) wrapped around you both. Tom strokes your hair almost absently as you watch the sky as Ravenclaw’s comet streaks past, bright and bold and so beautiful that it almost takes your breath away. Almost. “I want you to take me on a date. And hold my hand in public.” You say. Request. Demand.
He laughs and pulls you closer, “If that’s what it takes to keep you from embarrassing yourself with the likes of Rowle, I’d be happy to oblige.”
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Just wanted to let you know your writing is AMAZING. dunno if you take requests or not but if you do I'd love one of protective kuroo, kind of like the akaashi fic you did! I know you just did a kuroo one (which was also amazing, I loved it) but I'm a kuroo girl so i can't get enough haha
Thank you so much for the kind words! I am taking requests on top of the other stuff I’m writing:) everyone is low key a Kuroo girl and if someone disagrees with that they can fight me lmao just kidding! But here you go! I hope you enjoy the story:)
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You hummed softly to yourself as you watched your legs swing back and forth, the bench you were sitting on kept your feet off the ground.
 You looked around and sighed softly, Kuroo was running late. 
 It had been a long time since you guys had gone on a date, he was busy preparing for the Spring Tournament, and you were busy with your extra college prep courses.
 So when he had suggested going to the amusement park that recently opened up, you definitely couldn’t refuse. 
 You were waiting in front of the entrance for Kuroo to arrive, considering he was the one who had bought the tickets.
 “Y/n!” you heard the familiar voice of your boyfriend call out. You looked up to see him waving an arm in the air, smiling at you. Behind him you saw Kenma grumbling to himself as he stuffed his hands further into the hoodie he was wearing.
 Your lips twitched in amusement. That was probably why he was late.
 “Hi Kenma!” you said brightly once they reached you, wrapping the second year in a tight hug.
 “Hi Y/n.” he mumbled quietly, softly returning the hug. 
 “Oi! Why does Kenma get a hug before your boyfriend?” Kuroo grumbled, an annoyed expression taking over his features.
 “Because Kenma wasn’t the one who was late.” you retorted, sticking out your tongue. 
 He huffed angrily and reached a hand out to grab you away from the setter, only for you to slap his hand away, continuing to cling to the pudding haired male.
 “Damn you Kenma!” 
 “Be quiet Kuroo.” Kenma sighed. “I didn’t even want to go. You dragged me out of the house.”
 “That’s because if I didn’t you’d be stuck inside all day playing video games. It’s good to have fun once in a while.” Kuroo stated simply, finally pulling you away from his teammate and into his arms.
 “Playing video games is fun Kuroo.” Kenma shot back, taking out his phone. “Besides, isn’t this supposed to be a date? Why would you have me tag along? You and Y/n haven’t spent much time together recently.” he glanced up looking between the two of you.
 You had forgotten about your annoyance towards Kuroo for being late now that you were wrapped up in his arms. Right now you were incredibly content as you leaned against his tall form.
 “It’ll be fun Kenma! I haven’t seen you much either. Let’s go enjoy the park together!” You said happily.
 You had known the two boys since you were in middle school, and quite frankly once you had started dating Kuroo you kind of expected Kenma to be there half the time. They were a package deal, and you honestly didn’t mind, sometimes preferring the quiet second year’s presence more than your boyfriend’s.
 Kenma sighed in defeat and trailed after you guys as you made the way to the counter to hand in your tickets.
 Once you guys were actually inside the park Kenma seemed to have perked up just a bit.
 You talked animatedly towards Kuroo about what you wanted to do for the day. Your hands intertwined together as you spoke.
 You hadn’t noticed the soft gaze that came over the tall third year. Kuroo couldn’t help but to stare at you. It had definitely been too long since the last time you guys got to be together. He missed you terribly. He missed the ridiculous facial expressions that came over your face when you were talking, he missed the way you pouted whenever he teased you, he missed the way you would play with your long hair whenever you were nervous. 
 Fuck, he just missed you entirely. He felt guilty about how busy he was with the volleyball club, feeling like he was being a terrible boyfriend for neglecting you for so long.
 But you understood completely, you knew how important volleyball was to him and you just wanted to be able to give him unconditional love and support. 
 Plus, those extra courses were brutal. While you loved spending time with Kuroo, you also knew how incredibly distracting he was during homework. So you were grateful for the time apart to get everything done.
 “Do you guys want food?” Kuroo asked, staring at the food stalls. You guys had finished riding the thrill rides, and playing most of the game stalls at the park. 
 You were having a wonderful time, and there were those rare moments where you saw Kenma smiling to himself, he had the most fun playing the stall games, and he was actually pretty good at it. He had won the majority of the prices that were now in your grasp. Much to Kuroo’s distaste. 
 But Kuroo had won you a black cat plushy. Despite the frustration he felt at only being able to win you the small stuffed animal, the look on your face was worth it. 
 He had never seen anything more beautiful; the way your eyes lit up and the wide smile that stretched across your face. It was definitely worth it. Especially when you declared that the cat’s name was going to be Tetsu. 
 While Kuroo went off to go get food, you and Kenma found a place to sit. “You’re really good at those shooting games Kenma.” You stated, sitting across from the quiet male.
 He looked up at you from his phone and smiled slightly. “It’s not that hard, it’s just like some of the video games I play.”
 “I suck at video games.” you sighed, frowning slightly. “Tetsuro always makes fun of me because of it.”
 “I know.”
 “Don’t be mean.” you pouted. Kenma laughed slightly at your expression before closing his phone and standing up. 
“I’m going to the restroom real quick, are you going to be okay by yourself?” Kenma asked.
 You waved him off as you settled down into your seat. You would be fine, this was an amusement park afterall. Nothing bad ever happened at these kinds of places right?
 You were wrong.
 You were definitely wrong about that statement. 
 It had only been a couple of minutes of being alone before an arm draped over your shoulders. 
 You stiffened and looked to see a guy around your age sitting next to you. His friend sitting  across from you.
 “What’s a cute girl like you sitting all alone for? Did your boyfriend leave you?” he teased. 
 You frowned, shifting your body away from the male. “No. He went to go get us food.” 
 “Where? I don’t see him.” his friend said looking around halfheartedly. “Why don’t you come hang out with us?”
 You glanced around to see that people weren’t paying attention to the uncomfortable situation you were in. 
 And Kuroo and Kenma were still gone…
 “No thanks. I suggest you leave before my boyfriend gets here.” you said dryly, crossing your arms over your chest. A hard expression covering your face.
 “Oh come on, don’t be like that.” the one that was sitting next to you cooed, shifting closer to you and grabbing your chin. “We can show you a real good time…”
 You flinched away from his touch, fear and annoyance overtaking your body. 
 While you didn’t tolerate being talked to this way, it was still incredibly scary considering that you were outmatched right now.
You ignored the feeling of dread sinking deep within your stomach and was about to start telling off the two males when a tray full of food was slammed down in front of you, causing you to jump in fright.
 “What the fuck do you think you’re doing to my girlfriend?” 
 You had never seen Kuroo so pissed before. His cat-like eyes were piercing as they glared down at the unwelcomed males. His expression was dark and angry. 
 It was a frightening image to behold.
 Behind the angry and towering male was Kenma. His eyes watching the two males with a calculating expression before flickering over to you, walking from around Kuroo he stood next to you, carefully pressing his hand against your elbow and tugging you gently away from the table. 
 Kuroo’s eyes briefly moved to yours checking to make sure you were okay and not hurt before moving back to the males that were beginning to look frightened.
 Kuroo’s confrontation finally brought other eyes to your area, the people around you looking on which made the harassers even more nervous.
 “Do you two losers usually go around touching girls that don’t want to be touched?” Kuroo asked coldly, this caused an eruption of whispers to take place around you guys, older adults getting ready to step into the situation.
 “How about I show you guys a good time…” he said darkly, cracking the knuckles of his right hand.
 You have never seen boys run away as fast as they just did. 
 You released the breath you had apparently been holding during that encounter. You watched Kuroo’s expression go from dark and cold to loving and worried as he turned his attention to you.
 “You okay doll?” he asked gently cupping your face. 
 You nodded softly. “Y-Yeah. Let’s eat. I don’t want this to ruin our day.” you smiled slightly.
Kuroo stared at you for a moment before nodding slowly. He shared a pointed look with Kenma but didn’t press the matter further.
 You were definitely not okay.
 All too soon the day had ended. You and Kuroo found yourselves outside of your house.
 “Do you want to come in? My parents won’t be home until later tonight.” you said quietly.
 “Oya? Are you trying to seduce me Y/n-chan?” Kuroo smirked leaning down towards you.
 You flushed brightly, slapping his chest. “Shut up Tetsuro. Do you want to come in or not?”
 He laughed loudly at your embarrassed face. “Fine. Fine.”
 You rolled your eyes as you guys stepped into your house. It wasn’t the first time Kuroo had been to your home, he immediately made himself comfortable as he went upstairs to your bedroom.
 “I feel gross. Will you be fine out here if I go shower?” you asked, setting down the prizes you had gotten at the park.
 Kuroo dismissed you as he picked up one of your comics you had laying around, making himself comfortable on top of your bed. You rolled your eyes as you left to the bathroom after grabbing a change of clothes.
 Kuroo felt his phone buzz in his pocket. 
 Don’t leave Y/n alone tonight. She definitely wasn’t okay after what had happened. Kenma texted.
 Kuroo frowned and glanced towards the closed bedroom door, he knew that you weren’t okay. If he was being honest, the rest of the day he was waiting for you to break down crying.
 Kuroo knew that you were a strong person, that was one of the many things he loved about you. But a situation like that, would leave anyone frightened. He noticed that too, the way you would jump slightly at his sudden touch, and the way that you would glance around worriedly.
 Of course he wasn’t going to leave you alone tonight. Before that had happened he had planned on coming over anyway, he wanted to spend as much time with you as possible, and considering that tomorrow was the weekend, he thought it was the perfect time. 
 Kuroo didn’t notice you walk in until you plopped yourself on the bed, drying your damp hair.
 He smirked slightly as he took in your clothes, your soft legs were exposed due to the shorts you opted to wear to bed, and his familiar volleyball shirt hung down your body.
 “Did you steal that?” he teased, setting down the comic book. “I was wondering where that shirt went.”
 “Nooo…” you said, averting your eyes. “You left it here.”
 “Lying doesn’t suit your sweet face doll,” Kuroo drawled out, sitting up from the many pillows on your bed and clasping warm fingers around your wrist. “Who knew that my girlfriend was a thief.” he smirked and yanked you into his lap.
 You fell into him with a loud ‘oomph,’ your face squishing against his hard chest, and then you melted against him.
 Sighing softly to yourself, you shifted against him comfortably, straddling his hips as you wrapped your arms around his muscular shoulders, your head laying against his chest.
 Kuroo’s hands rested on your upper thighs carefully, thumbs rubbing gentle circles into the skin.
 You both were quiet for a moment, just appreciating the comfort and warmth of being in each other’s arms.
 “You know, you don’t have to act tough around me right?” he said suddenly. “I know what happened earlier freaked you out.”
You stiffened and relaxed against his chest. Kuroo just knew you too well.
 “Yeah.” you said quietly. “I just didn’t want you to worry… and I didn’t want to ruin the day…”
 You remembered the way that guy had touched you so casually, and despite the shower you had taken, and the way you had all but scrubbed your skin raw, you still felt gross.
 Kuroo sighed, pushing you back slightly so he could stare at your face. “I already know that you’re a crybaby. Kenma does too. You’re forgetting that we’ve known each other since we were kids.” he said bluntly.
 You huffed angrily at his statement and whacked his chest with your palm, causing a wide smirk to appear on his face. “I’m not a crybaby!”
 “If you’re not feeling okay, it’s okay to tell us,” he finished, ignoring you completely. “It’s okay to tell me, because I’m always going to take care of you. Yeah?”
 The sincerity in his voice and the gentle expression on his handsome face caused you to blush. Your eyes moved away from his and settled on staring at his chin as you tried to get your racing heart under control.
 Your fingers played with his hair at the nape of his neck. The way you felt about Kuroo was indescribable, the admiration and adoration you had for the third year volleyball captain was too much. It felt like your heart was about to explode from how much you just loved him.
 “Thank you Tetsuro.” You said finally meeting his gaze. “I love you a lot.” you confessed.
 He smiled gently at you, pressing a warm kiss to your forehead. “I love you too.”
 It was quiet for a moment as you rested your head against his shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent.
 “If you want to thank me properly, you should take off your shirt. Well actually it’s my shirt.”
 “Shut up Tetsuro or I’ll tell Kenma."
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chasseuses · 4 years
reasons why i love jade leech pt.2
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so i guess I'm doing this again.
this is more of a repeat of everything I said in part one but with more sobbing and coherent words.
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Jade Leech, Octavinelle's vice dorm leader and the twin brother of Floyd. Many might say that Jade is better than Floyd, although that may seem true to people who don't know him well enough, some people were smart enough to know that Jade was just as bad.
Despite being so fucking shady and nasty, I couldn't help but slowly learn how to love his character. His shadiness is only a part of his charm ❤️ I mean— don't you want that? Don't you just want to look at him and wonder what the fuck is going through his mind right now?
He could be either plotting murder or thinking about tonight's dinner and I would still find his shady expression 🥺 oddly attractive to say the least. I'm being weirdly serious here and typing in lowercase so in a few bullets, expect me to go feral once again.
His eyes are gorgeous. I don't know about you but I get mesmerized everytime I look at them, I swear I could drown in them and never want air ever again. His mismatched eyes,, absolutely beautiful sir please shock my heart eheheh 👉👈 haha jk !!! he doesn't have to use his unique magic to shock my heart bfjfkfjfkfjkffk
His smile is breathtaking, my sun— my light in this dark world of mine. Even if his smile is practiced and insincere, I can't help but go crazy over it. Imagine if he smiled genuinely, no restraints at all as he let out a hearty laugh and a genuine smile took over his expression. I would cry on the spot, I am cryimyfjrkfjkffk.
SPEAKING OF TEETH, MAN I REALLY AM CURIOUS AS TO HOW SHARP THEY ARE. A PART OF ME WANTS TO SHOVE MY HAND INTO HIS MOUTH AND JUST TOUCH THOSE TEETH AND SEE HOW SHARP THEY ARE 🤡 haha imagine if he suddenly bit down tho hahshhhshsdrijfrknfkrgntknffknflfnflffnkfnfkjfkdjfofjddlifjf ok I'll shut up.
I don't think I mentioned it here (i already did) but I am telling you that the idea of someone as composed and reserved as Jade starts pining, IT'S GUARANTEED TO BE SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE 🗿 OH GOD THE THOUGHT OF JADE PINING?? ABSOLUTELY *CHEFS KISS* MAN THAT IS SOME GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE IF YOU SEE ANY PINING JADE PLEASE TAG ME I WILL START CRYIMG
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Oh my god. Have I told you how beautiful Jade's lips are? Please please please please look at them they look so nice ahahahha so irresistible and kissable UEEEEEEEEEE
The way his lips are like that 🗿his fucking smile/smirk. GOD GIEV EME THE ABILITY TO KITH THIS MAN JUST ONCE PLEASE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I'M FUCKING CRYING.
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I'm ashamed to admit that the earliest reason why I liked Jade Leech was because of his hands. Please forgive me, Lilia-sama. I cannot help but get attracted to such beautiful hands- it was if it was sculpted by the god of sculpting himself! It's such a shame that his gloves cover up its blinding beauty- though my eyes can see through the deceit, I know that his fingers are glorious beneath that piece of cloth. My one and only wish in life is to be able to hold his hand- without the gloves, and that's all for my confession.
I'M SORRY BUT I JUST REALLY LIKE HIS HANDS OK. LIKE 😳 haha...!! what if we held hands,, without the gloves 😳 haha jk...! unless ...?9£4(_8 UE UE UE UE UE MR. LEECH LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND PLEASE I'M GONNA BEG
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st a rts sobbing
pouting jade.
pouting jade.
pouting jade.
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I'm fucking crying why the fuck is he so cute gof forbid this man from being so fuvking cute i cannot.
People be telling me: cute?? jade is terrifying.
and I go like: that's cute.
UE UE UE EU UEHFHRJFJJDJF HAVE U GUYS HEARD OF WHAT HE DOES TO PEOPLE HE BETRAY HIM???? I LITERALLY WENT 😳 "ahahahh mr leech i will personally betray you just to make you do that to me" you know. like a simp.
U know what I'm going back to lowercase
His extreme love for mushrooms is probably his comic relief so it doesn't completely make him seem like a shady bitch in the game- it's a surprise as to how cute and vulnerable he can get when he talks about or does something related to his precious fungi. It even goes as far as to make him completely lose his sense of surroundings, which is really rare for someone as observant as him- and usually dangerous sjfbjdbf. It's also EXTREMELY CUTE as to how they made Jade someone who really likes mountains- he even goes as far as to found his own club to appreciate them!!
He has pretty deft hands, being able to create a terrarium and care for it as a hobby is applaudable- not everyone has the ability to do just that, you'd have to be able to be extremely precise and careful, and add a little bit of extreme determination to the mix. He would probably smell like mud from all the time he spends in the greenhouse, and stays up late because of creating terrariums. It shows us that he isn't completely a shitty eel who collects dirt on people as his job and I think that's pretty fucking cute not gonna lie!
There was one voice line of him mentioning that he likes gazing at stars, which was completely unexpected for me! He didn't seem like the type to gaze up at the stars and just- watch! Though I expect him to be always alone whenever he does that- he isn't exactly the most approachable person in NRC, people tend to avoid the Leech twins because of Floyd- mostly. People are just scared of them and I don't think Jade has any friends aside from Azul and Floyd. And I don't think either of them would be willing to stay with him to do just that, Floyd's excuse would be because "it's boring~!" and Azul's would be "I have much more important things to do." And I think that's pretty fucking sad.
God please send me to their world I will watch the stars with him please i love him so much I'm—
Look. No amount of words can actually describe my feelings for Jade Leech no words can do my love justice UE UE UE UE which is why I do the second best thing— keysmash.
Please please please I could give him the whole world and it wouldn't do my love for him justice 🗿 UE UE UE UEJFBRKFBTKNFRKFBFKFHJFHFDKHFKDBFKDHFKRBFRKBFRKBRKFBFKFNFKFJFKFJDKFK
I also uh, want him to step on me! Y',)!92+_)£_+ Y'know... He would stomp on my back and dig his heel into my back and probably hurl insults towards me 😳 man. I'd be hIS FUCKING DOORMAT IN A HEARTBEAT.
Omg this is getting long
The first part was much more 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 but I still do this anyways.
Anyways. Please stan Jade Leech I love him so much 💕
i would've included my brainrot but ppl would just go 🗿 "taku you really are a jade simp huh" and NO I DON'T WANT THATTTTTTTTT
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r-ene · 3 years
Hi, I came across your blog and saw that you took a gap year. College has drained me mentally and emotionally so I talked to my parents and finally decided to drop from my courses and take a gap year. I was wondering how you self studied while you had yours and how did you make the most of it? Do you have any advice or tips for people like me who want to take a gap year? Thank you 🤍🤍
hey!! sorry it's just now that I got back to you, I just had my examinations and I've been trying to type up an answer but I don't think I've been making sense😅
anyways, it's good you're taking a gap year !!
hmm, first, you're taking a gap year to rest from academics for awhile, so I feel it's alright if you don't really dive into advance/self-studying yet - give yourself some months to breathe, do things you aren't able to do while you have classes even if it's just catching up on sleep, catching up with tv series', kdramas, etc haha.
i said that ^^ but I actually started to self study after summer break, mid-August/September, with the help of my college friends who sent me lecture notes, their quizlet sets and their love and support, hahaha. with that, I study at least 2 hours a day, with a schedule of which subject to study for the day. then I did that until November, I guess then I took a break to watch most of the films/anime/kdramas/series' that I wanted to watch, started to play video games (I don't really do these unless it's a summer break so why not, right? haha), caught up on sleep and exercise, focus on myself, my family, plants and pets.
aside from those, here are 10 things I did that might be helpful with making the most of your gap year :)
make a list of things you wanted to do that you didn't have time for while there were classes ongoing (I mentioned some that I did above and with that was learning new languages - Korean and Japanese!)
this one's my favorite, I hope you'll like this too !! wake up at dawn to watch the sky change as the moon and stars go to rest and the sun gently rises up. It's difficult to wake that early, so I don't often wake up at dawn but just 10-20 minutes before the sun rises and that's the highlight of my day :) very calming, please enjoy this with a cup of coffee/tea and a book
I reset my biological clock mid-gap year, so me and my cat now usually wake at 5:30am and are both very sleepy by 11pm and this increased my overall productivity + I feel more energized throughout the day? + power naps at 1-3pm, sometimes 8-10am, haha.
adapted habits, routines I'd like to keep up even when classes are ongoing - until now I start my day really early most days, fix my bed, organize my room and our kitchen then I have a fixed schedule for cleaning and all :)
catch up with books, series' ++ as I've been saying earlier, haha (really satisfying to finally have read and watched those on my growing list from the past years)
catch up with yourself. how have you been? what do you think you need to de-stress? (for this I tried journaling but wasn't so consistent, listened to podcasts and read self-help books and often resort to de-stressing with cleaning and moving my body)
catch up with your family :) I have 3 siblings and I feel I wasn't so close to 2 and with the gap year I was able to be more open and bond more with everyone + parents and grandma (until now me and mommy (grandma) still chats about random stuff, more of dogs and Luna most times), this was really nice.
in relation to self-studying: keep a google drive with compiled notes, learning materials per subject you'll be taking once you get back to uni so during maybe the last 2-3 months before you go back, you've already read/studied at least prelims-worth of lessons or even just 2-4 lessons per subject. this one's really helpful as well with ongoing classes if your professor doesn't give their lecture presentations beforehand but you know the topic to be discussed as per syllabus, you could whip out your notes from google drive during lecture and just annotate during class instead of typing/writing lots of notes during classes (I do this with my cardiorespiratory anatomy and physiology subject, helps me focus more on the lecture)
learn skills + new recipes - I've been a very curious kid until now, so during my gap year I learned skills I would need for when I move out... how to manage a family of 6.... it lead to that, and I'm in awe of how patient and how much energy mama has to manage everything here at home. I also tried out new recipes and experimented a bit with some dishes that combined ingredients I crave for and resulted very very well 👌🏻
working out and taking care of myself better :) - I was diagnosed with folate deficiency anemia during my medical examination for college (May, 2019) as it was mandatory but I kept forgetting it and didn't take supplements, get enough sleep and eat well. so I took the time to finally start taking my iron-folate supplements religiously and with my body clock reset, I started sleeping early and cooking + eating healthier and working out - I challenged myself with planks, pilates and yoga. I've also been tagging along my parents whenever they go to get their blood tests, urinalysis ++ to monitor my health + also started monitoring my blood pressure everyday. This one's really important to do for the gap year, okay? monitor your health well, it's the most important thing for us to go on daily tasks (not limited to physiological health - mental, emotional, spiritual health is also very, very important. I'm still struggling to stabilize and keep those 3 in check but I try to keep those in check whenever possible)
this one's really lengthy, I'm sorry hehe but I hope it's of help for you and your gap year !!! Just enjoy and relax for this time, you've worked really hard, you deserve to rest as much as you've worked 🤍.
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personasintro · 3 years
Do you have any tips for new writers. I really wanna start writing but I just don’t know so I decided to ask the baddest in the game (you) if you have any tips for new writers.
Haha, you're sweet! I'm not sure if any of my tips will be helpful, but I hope so!
🌸 Don't be scared, just go for it! I've mentioned this a couple of times but it's so much true! You've nothing to lose if you'll just try to write and see how you feel about it. You can always delete your work whenever you feel like this is not it.
🌸 Don't compare yourself to other writers. Every writer has a different style of writing and everyone has started somewhere. Just because there are writers with thousands of votes/comments/notes etc... and you're not in that stage, doesn't mean your writing and work is not good enough.
🌸 It's good to plan your story, like taking notes of specific scenes/moments you want to happen there! I find this so helpful, especially when you've too many ideas or the opposite; not having enough ideas. Sitting down and planning your story/chapter helps you to get at least the slightest idea of it and you've a better overview of it.
🌸 This is not a must-have but I think it could help. Try to see which genres are popular but write something you like!! I think if it's a popular genre which people enjoy reading, there is a higher chance more people will read your work! At the same time, be original with your story and the plot.
🌸 Good graphic//Overview of your story. This might not be important to some writers but I think if readers search through the tags, a nice header and info of the story makes them more interested in your story! That's the first thing that catches their eyes after all.
🌸 Just keep writing. Feedback is very important for writers, it gives you that spark of inspiration and motivation. But be aware that the feedback doesn't have to come right away and not in a big amount! Don't let that discourage you, if you'll just do your thing and you'll be good at it, people will find you and enjoy your stories :)
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lillupon · 4 years
I've always seen Wonwoo as a dense person when it comes to interest. So I imagine a scene with bigger impact for him to realize that Mingyu is indeed attracted to him - his very own student desires him. Like Mingyu being hit by his rut during school hours, on livid riot whenever someone comes close to the omega. Eventually, teachers came to haul his ass out (with great struggle), only to walk away calmly at Wonwoo's behest. And before whisks the alpha away, he sneaks a peck over Wonwoo's lips.
** This Ask was sent in prior to chapter 8 **
Oh! I love the idea of Mingyu being the one to go into rut. It honestly never occured to me. That would be a delicious alternative because I imagine that omegas are affected by rut pheromones the same way alphas are affected by heat pheromones. Wonwoo probably doesn't realise that Mingyu's rut pheromones are interfering with his scent blockers until it's too late.
As usual, this is way too long because I'm procrastinating on my main works, haha.
Maybe Wonwoo picks up on the difference in Mingyu during first block. Most of the time teenagers are sleepy during their morning classes. But Mingyu is especially friendly and needy that day. Always putting up his hand to ask for help, calling out "Mr. Jeon!" from across the classroom while Wonwoo is occupied with another student.
Wonwoo finds it endearing. He kneels beside Mingyu's desk and says, "Alright, Mingyu. What can I help you with?"
Mingyu turns the worksheet towards Wonwoo and taps a problem. "I'm not sure how to do this one."
So Wonwoo explains that Mingyu used the wrong equation to calculate the total resistance. "Whenever we add resistors in parallel, the total resistance actually has to decrease. This can be a little strange, because the total resistance can decrease even when the second pathway has a higher resistance than the first..." He trails off when he realises that Mingyu's gaze is fixed on him, rather than the worksheet. Wonwoo swallows and adjusts his glasses with a middle finger. "Mingyu?" he asks, peeking up from overtop his glasses.
Mingyu's got his elbow on his desk, cheek resting on a fist. "Hmm?" he hums, giving Wonwoo a lush-lipped smile.
"Are you paying attention?"
"Yeah. I always pay attention to you, Mr. Jeon," Mingyu says. Bold, as if those words could not be misconstrued by the twenty-nine other students in the class.
I meant the question, Wonwoo doesn't know how to clarify. But surely that's what Mingyu had meant? Paying attention to the problem, paying attention to the teacher--aren't those the same thing? So he clears his throat and resumes his explanation.
At the end of class, Wonwoo stands near the doorway and waves to his students as they file out of the room. Mingyu is the last one to leave, trailing a few feet behind Junhui and Seungcheol.
"Thanks for your help today, Mr. Jeon. This stuff makes a lot more sense to me now," Mingyu says. As he thanks Wonwoo, he reaches out to brush his fingers against Wonwoo's arm.
Even through the cotton of his dress shirt, the touch leaves sparks of electricity jumping across Wonwoo's skin. Barring that day in the classroom when Wonwoo had entered pre-heat, Mingyu has never touched him. Wonwoo wonders what has gotten into Mingyu, and what has changed that Mingyu is now breaking down the touch-barrier that stands between them.
Wonwoo gets his answer at lunch. He, Jeonghan, and Joshua make their way  down to the staffroom for a luncheon. They are sidetracked by a crowd of students in the hallway.
Joshua pauses. He tips his nose to the air and sniffs. Makes a face. "Oh, Jesus. We got an alpha about to go into rut." He strides down the hall, Jeonghan at his heels. Wonwoo, curiosity piqued, tags along behind them.
"Excuse me, coming through," Joshua says, wedging his way between the students. He has cleared a path through the students, allowing Wonwoo to follow behind him.
The alpha in question is Mingyu, and he looks pissed off. He's looming over another student, lats flared in alpha posturing. His face looks as though it has been carved from marble: jaw clenched tight and brows drawn into a furious vee.
"Alright, Mingyu," Joshua says. "We better get you home."
"What? I didn't even do anything," Mingyu says. He tilts his head in the other student's direction. "If anything, you should be sending him home."
"I believe you," Joshua says. He hovers a hand over Mingyu's elbow, trying to guide away--not touching, but it's still the wrong move.
Mingyu smacks Joshua's hand aside. "Don't touch me," he snarls.
Joshua does a remarkable job of staying calm, though Wonwoo knows it must be difficult for an alpha to deal with another alpha in rut without the whole situation deteriorating into aggression. Jeonghan has gotten the students to leave the area, although a few wait in watch at the end of the hall.
"I'm not telling you to go home because of whatever conflict you were having," Joshua says. "I'm telling you to go home because you're about to enter rut."
"I'm not leaving. I have an important hockey game after lunch," Mingyu says.
"Your team will just have to make-do without you," Joshua responds.
"I'll get him checked out at the office and escort him out," Jeonghan says. He's a beta, so he has a better chance of getting Mingyu out of the school without butting heads.
Mingyu is growling now, hackles raised. "I said: I'm not leaving."
There's a funny feeling twisting up Wonwoo's stomach. He hates that it does something to him: the knowledge that Mingyu is on the brink of rut. And while Wonwoo doesn't want to be caught on the wrong side of Mingyu's anger, neither can he deny that Mingyu looks hot when he's pissed off. Wonwoo can feel his cheeks warm as he admits this to himself.
Mingyu sidesteps Joshua, only to be blocked by an arm coming down in front of his body. Mingyu narrows his eyes at the arm. Turns to fix Joshua with a cold and flinty stare, his expression going tight with anger. "Move."
Joshua is starting to grow agitated, too. Wonwoo can tell from the way his nostrils flare and the way his lips are pressed together in a white slash. That's when Wonwoo steps out from behind Joshua and Jeonghan, putting himself between Mingyu and the two teachers.
"Please try to understand, Mingyu," Wonwoo says. He holds up open palms in a placating gesture. Tentatively, he reaches out to rest his fingertips on Mingyu's arm. The muscles there tense, and then relax. "It's for your own safety, and the safety of others."
Mingyu exhales sharply out of his nose.
Wonwoo offers Mingyu a small smile. Then, he says to Jeonghan and Joshua over his shoulder, "I can sign him out. I'll make sure he leaves the school grounds."
"Want me to come with you?" Jeonghan asks.
Wonwoo shakes his head. "It's okay. Can you save me a plate of food?"
"Yes, of course," Jeonghan says. "We'll save a seat for you, too. Come join us when you're done." He and Joshua leave.
Wonwoo gives Mingyu's elbow a squeeze, and then lets his hand drop. "Okay, let's go."
They make the trek to the office. Mingyu walks at Wonwoo's side, a silent guard. He's close enough that at one point, their knuckles brush. Wonwoo pulls away, clasps his hands together in front of his body and wrings them. Had that been him? Or was it Mingyu who had closed that small distance between them?
Wonwoo calls Mingyu's home. No one answers. "My parents are working," Mingyu says. "I'll text my mom to let her know I'm going home. I'll tell Chaeyoung to catch a ride with Nayeon."
Wonwoo walks Mingyu out to the student parking lot, which is located at the back of the school. At this time of day, the sun is on the other side of the building, throwing the lot into shadow. The parking lot is devoid of people and filled with luxury cars.
The two of them stop by the dumpsters. Mingyu stands mere inches from him. It feels strangely intimate, being out here alone with Mingyu. Wonwoo curls his shoulders in slightly, fiddles with the hem of his sleeves. The fluttering sensation in his stomach grows. Why in the hells is he so nervous? And why must Mingyu stand so close? It makes it hard to think.
"My car is over there," Mingyu says, nodding in the general direction of his car.
"Will you be alright getting home by yourself?" Wonwoo asks.
Mingyu cracks a smile. "You worried about me, Mr. Jeon?" he asks. "That's cute."
Wonwoo ducks his head. And then it slips out of him unbidden, tugged forth by an alpha's praise: he lets out a tiny whine. He clamps his lips shut and puts an abrupt stop to it, flushing a violent shade of red. But Mingyu heard it, and he croons softly in response.
Before Wonwoo can stammer out an excuse to leave, Mingyu dips forward to kiss him. Wonwoo's eyes widen as their lips meet, slightly off alignment.
It takes a moment for Wonwoo to regain himself. When he does, he puts both hands on Mingyu's chest and shoves. He turns on his heel and flees, face burning, skin burning, every inch of him burning.
They talk about it when Mingyu returns two days later. It's after school and awkward (for Wonwoo, more than Mingyu) and reminiscent of the time Wonwoo apologised to Mingyu for going to heat in front of him.
Mingyu peers at him from beneath lowered lashes. "Mr. Jeon, maybe I imagined this... I don't think I did. But when I kissed you that day..." He pauses here for a strained moment. "Can I ask why you kissed me back?"
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misterewrites · 3 years
Intro Casey 101 (Mirror’s Edge)
Hello everyone, E hoping you are all doing good! Here it is! The next chapter of the side project that's now my second major one. Because I have a problem and cannot be stopped! Haha stay safe, wash your hands, wear your masks, keep yourself, your loved ones and each other safe, get the vaccine if you can and remember to take care of yourselves.
Feel free to share this with your friends, leave me comments, feedback, reblogs. every bit makes me happy and helps! Have a great week and stay safe! E is out!
If you want an easier time to read it or to read it from the beginning you can follow the link below. Tumblr hates links and will probably shadow block my tags but you know what? Tumblr hates me in general so oh well
Summary:  Casey is the head of the local Neighborhood Watch (and by head, he means only employee) Whenever not helping his best friend take down corrupted, evil jerkbutts, he spends his time running, maintaining and helping the magical/supernatural residents of Willow's Brook. Life is never static but Casey sometimes wishes it was a little less hectic. Just because he can handle it doesn't mean he wants to.
Willow Rook was a peaceful neighborhood suburb located on the outskirts of Newton Haven, just within the city’s boundaries. Rows of mismatched houses and apartments spread out across the maddening maze that was suburbia. Fernspeaker Drift park was nestled in the heart of the neighborhood, its magical and mundane flora bringing a peaceful harmonic nature to the urban sprawl of man. The towering skyscrapers of downtown could be seen far into the distance, a reminder to the residents the city was never too far away.
The sounds of children screaming and shouting is what awoke Casey. He let out an unhappy groan as he rose from the hard wooden desk he accidentally fell asleep on. He rubbed his aching jaw, trying to loosen it from the rough night he had.
“Fuck” He yawned groggily “I really need to have a pillow here or something.”
He ran his hand through his normally wavy dark brown hair as his sea green eyes glanced about his “office”.
Office was much too generous a word for what he worked out of: It was tiny bungalow with barely enough room for a desk and chair, a case file drawer and the tv that sat ontop of it. Casey mentally prepared himself as he pulled open the curtains and allowed natural light to hit his face.
“Ugggggggh” Casey shielded his eyes from the harsh gleam of the morning “Why must the sun punish me?”
Casey stretched the crick in his neck while keeping an eye on the outside world: The neighborhood was particularly lively today with people out and about. The elderly elf Mr. Thistlebush was complaining about something or another to his dwarfish neighbor Mrs. Boulderfist who politely nodded and humored the old elf. Evan Starsunder, a muscular orc with dark green skin, tipped his mail cap tiredly to everyone he passed as he made his way into his cozy abode for a well earned rest. The newly married halfing (similiar but legally distinct from hobbits) couple Mr. and Mrs. Tealeaf took a stroll across the grassy field where Casey’s office stood, hand in hand and very much the picturesque ideal of young love.
Casey opened the window to let everyone know he was open for business.
“Good morning Mister Remington!” Mr. Tealeaf waved with a smile.
“How are you doing this morning?” Mrs. Tealeaf asked, half curious and half cheerfully.
“Great!” Casey lied, trying to stifle a yawn “Just great. Keeping on eye on the neighborhood, same as usual.”
“Keep up the good work!”
“We appreciate everything you do for all of us!”
“You’re welcome!” he gave a halfhearted wave after the retreating couple.
He sighed, mindlessly fiddling with the engagement ring on his finger.
“I should take it off” Casey spoke to no one in particular “She probably isn’t wearing hers anymore. I shouldn’t give people the wrong idea. I should just take it off and that’ll be it. That’ll be it. Yep. One slip and….yeah.”
His voice trailed off as he was unable to finish the thought.
“CASE!” A voice shouted.
Casey leaned out and squinted, trying to see through the glare of the sunlight to find the person who demanded his attention.
“CASE!” The voice called out again, the blurry far off figure slowly shifting into a more recognizable shape.
Casey rolled his eyes “What is it Kay? I’m working!”
Kasey Remington or, as most people called her, Kay was Casey’s twin sister. Nearly identical face with the same wavy dark brown hair and sea green eyes except Kay had gotten their mother’s button nose out of the deal. Growing up, the twins often questioned why their parents had named them Casey with a C and Kasey with the K but the only response they ever gave was it was funny.
Well not to the twins but they were used to it by now.
Kasey, in her mommy cardigan and white blouse, flagged down her brother to come outside.
“Yeah I’m good up here.” Casey smiled from his slightly elevated position.
“You’re tall for like 5 minutes and you’re already being unbearable about it.” Kasey huffed, shooting her twin a stink eye.
Casey chuckled “Mad with power. Classic story troupes.”
“Cliche you mean.” Kasey laughed “Sorry to bother you but….did you sleep in your office again?”
Casey rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as he realized he was still wearing his purple tank top and black basketball shorts from the other day.
“Umm well you see….”
“Is your office still a mess?”
Casey glanced at the half crumpled burger wrappers and scattered papers that littered every inch of desk.
“Pfft, no.”
“That’s a yes” Kasey replied with a knowing smirk “Case….”
Casey fiercely pointed at his twin “Don’t.”
“Case, you can’t keep…”
“Yes I can. Watch me.”
Kasey rolled her eyes “I have better things to do.”
Casey scrunched up his face with false hurt “Better than hanging out with your brother? Alright I see how it is. See if I get you anything for Christmas.”
“No! Not my possible Christmas presents!” Kasey fell to her knees dramatically “You monster! How could you do to this to me?”
“Like this.” Casey spoke with a grin, closing the window without another word.
And made his way out of the building a moment later. He offered a hand to his sister and the twins burst out with laughter as Casey helped Kasey to her feet.
“So what’s up Kay?” Casey asked with genuine interest “Where’s Chester?”
Kasey scratched her chin thoughtfully “He’s...got...a….little league game today.”
“Wooooow took you a full five seconds to remember what your kid’s up today.” Casey snickered “Finally stop signing him up for everything?”
“Ha flipping ha.” Kasey shook her head mockingly “It’s not my fault he wants to do any and everything. Besides it’s not the worst thing in the world to enable my son’s interests. I just wish he slowed down a bit.”
“True. Did you thank him for the house he made for me?”
“Yes and he said you’re welcome. Still got it?”
Casey scoffed as he pulled out his necklace: The simple shape of home clasped carefully onto his chain.
“As a cleric of the hearth nothing is more important than a family’s love.”
“Except” Kasey murmured softly “Maybe your fiancée?”
“Nope!” Casey threw his hands in the air and turned away from his sister “Not having this conversation. Byeeeee.”
“Case! Casey you’re acting like a child!”
“Would a child do this? Hey Seth!”
A gawky human teenager with dark black clothing and every skull accessory imaginable flinched uncomfortably at the sudden attention.
Casey nodded his head in confirmation “Yeah you! Curfew’s 2:30 A.M. The Hallow spell won’t work during the witching hour so I want you back here before 3. Got it?”
Seth gave a low mumble and wandered off as quickly as his legs could take him.
“Casey.” Kasey laced her voice with a firmness only a mother could muster.
“Whaaaaaat?” Casey whirled around irritated “Look I made my choice and she made hers and that’s it.”
Kasey raised an eyebrow “You two have been in love with each other since we were kids.”
“Don’t you…!”
“Case, why don’t you ask her again?”
Casey said nothing, opting to gesture to his office to answer his question. Written in bright white letters across the walls of the building were the words “Neighborhood Watch.”
Kasey rubbed her arm guiltily “Case…”
“You gonna take over?” Casey questioned, his voice soft but controlled “You gonna take over for mom? Cuz she retired and unless there’s someone running the watch, all of this...”
He motions to the families walking, playing, living their lives together in harmony. A magical community at peace.
“All this goes away. We’re going to have to move everyone into other magical neighborhoods and under their Neighborhood Watches. And that’s not fair to them.”
Kasey let out a sad sigh “It’s not fair to you.”
“I’m fine” Casey lied “I’m okay I promise. It’s for the best.”
Kasey shook her head “You can lie to yourself but you can’t lie to me. See you for dinner?”
Casey hugged his twin tightly, pouring as much love as he could into the gesture.
“Of course. I’ll bring fries.”
Kasey made a face, playfully pushing him away “Would you bring something else, please?”
“Fine, mashed potatoes.”
“Ugh. Bye Case.”
“Bye Kay!”
Kasey eyed the engagement ring for a moment before taking her leave.
Casey ran his hands through his hair, wondering how much worse today could get.
He turned to make his way back to his office when he spotted a familiar face nearby.
His heart began to thunder loudly in his ears, the phantom sensation of lips pressed against his own ran chills down his spine while his cheeks flushed a bright red. His legs felt weak and butterflies filled his stomach as he took in the sight of Jaime casually walking down the street.
Jaime looked as beautiful as ever: Her long dark red hair was tied into a single braid that hung over her shoulder and shimmered in the soft glow of the morning. Her light brown eyes gleamed with a thoughtfully gaze as she looked at her phone. She was wearing his dark purple hoodie with dark blue jeans and sneakers. Her glasses were cutely askew and Casey felt the overwhelming urge to run over and fix them for her.
The engagement ring on his finger felt impossibly heavy yet light all at once.
He should talk to her. That was okay, right? To talk to someone he’s in love with and desperately wanted to be with. Did she want to talk to him? They left on decent terms. Well maybe. Hopefully. God what if she was mad at him? Or worse, hated him? She could never hate him that was silly. But perhaps she wasn’t ready to speak to him.
He knew he wasn’t ready.
Casey turned to Jaime’s direction then pulled away. He pivoted on his feet to face her again before glancing downwards towards the grass. His hands fidgeted uneasily as a shout threatened to spill out of his mouth.
Casey returned quickly to his office and shut close the window. Resisting the urge to stare at Jaime, he opted instead to reach for a crumpled piece of paper. He smoothed it out and began mindlessly scrawling upon its surface, drawing nothing in particular.
It was comical how automatic Casey’s responses became while he worked in this building: Upon hearing the knock at his door, he rose to his feet and opened it without a second thought.
Casey’s heart leapt to his throat at the sight of Jaime standing at the base of the steps from the bungalow. She smiled shyly, pushing up her glasses further up on the bridge of nose before giving a friendly wave. Her other hand was tucked deeply in the hoodie’s pocket.
“Hey sweetie” Jaime paused, pursing her lips for a moment “Case. How are you Case? Doing good Case? Can I stop now?”
Casey let out a genuine laugh “Hey swe….Jaime. You can stop. I’m good. I’m good. Good.”
He caught sight of his engagement ring gleaming in the sunlight. He quickly shoved it inside his pocket.
“That’s good. That’s good.” Jaime nodded “I’m glad to hear that.”
Casey caught her wandering glance across the office and quickly shifted his weight to block the view.
“So how’s the new job?” He crossed his arms in an clumsy fashion “Everything okay at the Grimoire?”
Jaime dug at the grass with her shoe “It’s good. Chaotic as usual but hey what do you expect for a magical library, right?”
The two chuckled together and locked eyes for a moment. As one they broke off their gaze, their cheeks slowly turning a pinkish hue.
Casey recovered first “How’s your brother? We talk but ever since last month he hasn’t recruited me to topple any corrupt bosses lately. I’m getting bored.”
“You sure you bored?” Jaime rolled her eyes “There’s no way the Neighborhood Watch is getting that soft.” “Haha I wish.”
An awkward silence fell over the couple as the realization of what subject they landed on washed over them.
“Finn’s good. Busy but good.” Jaime spoke with a fragile softness in her voice “You know my bro, always trying to save the world.”
Casey couldn’t help but noticed Jaime’s body language: She tucked both of her hands into the pockets, her frame shrunk like she was mentally kicking herself as she gawkily fidgeted back and forth.
Jaime glanced upwards towards Casey, her light brown eyes shining brightly in the sun’s glow.
Casey could feel his heart ache with love and longing as he spoke simply “Don’t worry about it beautiful.”
Jaime said nothing. Instead, she closed the distance between them, gently cupping his cheek in her hand.
“Take care of yourself sweetie. Please. For me?”
Casey could feel his ache worsen but he just nodded, murmuring softly “For you.”
Jaime’s smile was sad but lovely. She pulled away slowly, allowing her fingers to linger for a moment.
“Bye for now Casey.”
“Bye Jaime.”
She left without another word and Casey felt exhaustion rush into every fiber of his body. He closed the door reluctantly and took a seat. He stared unhappily at the drawing of Jaime he hadn’t realized he’d be sketching.
“Fucking hell.”
He slumped deeper into his chair, feeling much too drained to face the rest of the day.
“Shit, shit, shit” Seth muttered to himself as he raced through the night. The normally inviting, homely suburb was cold and distant: The shadows moved in eerie unnatural ways and once or twice Seth could soft pattering of paws follow closely behind. The modest homes and apartments were silent, basked in the darkness as they towered over him in silence.
“Just a cat” He mumbled to himself, glancing at his phone and wincing at the 3:30 AM it showed in a white font.
Seth entered Willow Rook proper and paled at the lack of comfort he normally felt in the air. Casey had warned him the Hallow spell, a powerful ward of holy magic that protected the neighborhood and hid it away from the world, would not work between 3 and 4 AM. Seth assumed he was merely attempting to scare him to return early. It never occurred to him that Casey was telling the truth.
Seth fumed silently “It’s fine. I’m late, it’s fine nothing followed me here and it’s fine.”
A chill ran down his spine as something rustled nearby. He whirled around in time to see something lunge straight for his chest.
He was ashamed how quickly he flinched, closing his eyes shut while raise his hands in a poor attempt to defend himself. He made quick prayer to whatever deity who happened to be on duty at the moment.
Something thudded against his chest. It didn’t stay long, instead quickly making its way up his shirt and tucked itself comfortably on his shoulder. It wasn’t too heavy but it was big whatever it was. Seth was surprised how warm and fluffy it was and swore it was purring in his ear.
He cracked open his eyes and found himself staring at an orange tabby cat: it was a fat cat with stripes of white and orange running down its body. Its dark green eyes stared curiously at him. If he didn’t know better, he would’ve thought it was asking him a question.
“Hey buddy” Seth breathed a sigh of relief, scratching the cat’s chin “What are you doing out here? Scaring the shit out of me?”
The cat pawed at his face rather roughly and with enough force to actually make him turn his head.
Seth felt the blood drain as he saw something approach in the shifting shadows: A monstrous thing, thin and skeletal. Its skin was a dark shade, almost as black as the darkness it blended in with. It crawled forward slowly on all fours, thick talons digging up and cutting through the pavement with ease. A bloody wrap covered its eyes and two thick, elongated fangs protruded from its lower jaw. The rest of its face was smooth and featureless.
The words died in Seth’s throat. The best he could do was a pathetic croaking noise he was grateful no one could hear in the dead night.
The creature tilted its head as if listening for any sign of its prey.
Seth couldn’t move, the fear gripping him tightly in its thrall. His breathing hitched and he could feel his body shake beyond his control as the creature inched closer and closer.
The cat leapt off his shoulder, silently landing onto the grass and bolting into the night.
Seth’s stomach churned and twisted anxiously as the creature stared in his direction, a growling rumble escaping its mouth. It let loose a maddening shriek, one that shook Seth’s very bones. It stood on its hind legs and grew to an inhuman height. Its mouth lowered, stretching impossibly wide as it leapt forward.
Seth felt cold and empty as the sight of the monster filled his sight. The fight ebbed out of him and left only an overwhelming sense of dread and finality.
This is how it ended.
It was an odd sensation to feel at the end: the warmth and glow of the sun at his back. Perhaps some higher being was taking mercy on him in his last moments on this plane of existence.
Wait, no the warmth was getting brighter and hotter. An unbearably stuffy and blazing with an intensity of a summer day that grew each passing moment.
Seth groaned, wincing in pain as a sudden flash of light zoomed past with incredible speed. It burned brightly, dispelling the silhouetted shadows with a burning flame despite it being no bigger than a baseball.
The creature reared back and thrashed about, too caught off guard by the sudden glow to realize it was coming straight for it. The orb collided with the creature’s chest and sunk deeply into its chest. The creature howled and buckled in pain, bending and twisting at unnatural angles.
The light faded and the orb with it but Seth could see the fist sized hole it had burned through the chest of the creature.
The creature weakly swayed, seemingly weakened by whatever hit it.
“Not in my neighborhood you punkass bitch.”
Seth weakly turned to find Casey standing there, the fat orange tabby at his feet. The head of the Neighborhood Watch finally changed his clothes: He wore a purple jacket with a black shirt that read “Neighborhood Watch” in faded white lettering. His gray sweats were wrinkled and his feet were adorned with two different sneakers. Outstretched in his hand like he had taken a swing at something was a glowing metal baseball bat that pulsed with radiant power.
“Casey, I…” Seth mumbled out but Casey motioned with his head.
“Go home kid. This ain’t the minor leagues.”
Seth was ashamed to say he ran, frantically and as fast as his sore legs could take him. Whatever just attacked him was out of his weight class.
Luckily Casey was in a league of his own.
The creature clicked its tongue unhappily as it moved uneasily on its hind legs. It bent and twisted its neck in a way that would’ve broken it if the creature had been human.
Casey rolled his eyes as he gripped the bat tightly in his hand “Drama queen much, aren’t you?
The creature said nothing. Instead it threw itself forward full force towards the cleric.
“Here we go.” Casey murmured tiredly as he drew his bat back.
The creature took a swipe at him but Casey already moved out of the way, dodging to the side and allowing the creature sail past him. It twisted its head around only to get a face full of metal: Casey’s swing caught the creature in the cheek and sent it reeling backwards.
The creature shrieked in pain as smoke curled off its face, the cheek swollen and charred an ashy black. It didn’t hesitate to attack once more: It stood up and tried to crush Casey under its full weight.
Casey just shoved the bat directly into the hole he made earlier.
The creature hissed and retreated away from the holy infused weapon. More smoke bellowed from the now enlarged hole.
Casey raised his bat threateningly “Go back to wherever the hell you came from or I will beat you out of existence you flipping abomination.”
If the creature understood the threat, it made no indication. Instead it doubled down on its poor choices.
It sat back on the balls of its feet, tensing its legs in preparation for a mighty leap.
Between helping the inhabitants of the neighborhood with their requests, talking to Jaime and frankly being awoken to a fucking demon attack at 3 am, Casey was just done with all yesterday and evidently today.
Casey’s hand glowed with a dazzling radiant light as he spokes the words of faith. Magic formed and condensed into a single ball of pure sun in his palm.
The creature sprinted forward, tearing up the grass underneath its feet while it desperately made one final dash towards the cleric.
Casey lobbed the ball high in the air and fell into a batter’s stance.
The orb hung in the air for a moment like a blazing sun then fell back to earth.
The creature leapt, talons aimed for Casey’s neck.
Casey let out a mighty swing. There was a loud crack as the bat made contact with the orb. The ball of light sped off and shoved itself down the creature’s throat. The bat follow through connected with the head of the creature and knocked it cleaned off.
The ball gleamed bright in the beast’s stomach before exploding outward like a supernova. The creature flaked away into blacken ash, head and all.
The gleam of light vanished and Casey found himself under the cover of night once more.
He wiped at his eyes tiredly as his phone beeped. He glanced at it to see it was now 4 in the morning.
There was a soft hum as the Hallow reactivated: the air shimmered with an unseen power and grew warm with comfort.
The ashes vanished without warning, the unholy remains cleansed by the sanctity of the neighborhood.
The cat drew closer to Casey, its eyes peering at him thoughtfully.
“Hey Julius” Casey greeted the cat politely “Long night?”
Orange Julius meowed in response.
“Thanks for keeping an eye on him. I knew he’d stay out late but hopefully he understands why we have a rather generous curfew.”
Orange Julius nodded.
“That’s been like what? The third demonic hell beast/ abomination this month. That’s a lot for a month.”
Orange Julius meowed in agreement.
Casey pursed his lips thoughtfully “Hey, did you see Finn?”
The cat tilted his head quizzically.
“I mean all this time you. He. Well you aren’t around whenever he comes by” Casey scratched his neck sheepish “You are his dad’s cat. You sure Fernspeaker wouldn’t want you to be with him?”
The cat paused for a moment before shaking his head.
“It’s not because Jaime’s folks adopted him after…..well that happened, is it?”
The cat pawed the grass below him.
“Right.” Casey nodded in understanding “Neighborhood’s your responsibility. I get that.”
Orange Julius meowed then vanished into the darkness.
Casey glanced at the statue of Fernspeaker that stood tall in the center of park. It had been erected the same time the park was named after him, both shortly after his and his wife’s death 22 years ago.
Fernspeaker Drift, Finnrick’s biological father, was once a powerful druid, deeply in tune with nature and a firm believer in helping others. This neighborhood was his passion project. The Neighborhood Watch was formed after his passing.
The Neighborhood Watch was created because of his passing. Nobody wanted a repeat of what happened all those years ago.
Finnrick told him it was okay for Casey to not to take the job but it felt like such a disrespect to let this whole place dissolve and scatter its residents.
Casey sighed and wandered back to his office. Office hours were closed but the Neighborhood Watch’s job was never done.
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