#i feel like he wouldn't let the kids do this to Billy though
thevoidstaredback · 6 months
It's always graveyards. Why is it always graveyards? They're creepy as hell and, well... that's it. On the bright side, the Protection Spirits watching the gates recognize him and realize the danger he's in. Well, maybe he wasn't in real danger because the Bats and Birds don't really do the whole purposefully harming civilians things, but they are scary as hell! Chasing him down like a bat straight outta hell- obviously he was gonna run! They cornered him! Maybe he'll invest in getting them lessons in how to interact with people in and out of costume?
Honestly, Nightwing, Danny expected better of you. At least Red Hood and Signal know how to treat innocents.
Here's the thing about Protection and Guardian Spirits, though. They don't like intruders. If you're running from something and you don't have time to ask permission to enter, you best say "thank you" and bring them shiny things on your next visit. If you do have time to ask permission, you ask permission. If they think you're a threat or rude, they won't let you enter whatever they're guarding.
"Thank you," Danny said as he slowed to a walk further into the graveyard, the sound of the gates slamming closed behind him confirmation that the Bat and his gaggle wouldn't be following him in.
Wasting no time, Danny pulled a piece of chalk from his pocket. It was a handy little thing he'd picked up during his stay in the House of Mysteries. Draw and door, tell it where you wanna go, open it, and go through! Beetlejuice style. Though, unlike what the Handbook for the Recently Deceased says, these doors won't actually open a door to the afterlife. He fixed that tiny glitch a while ago.
Anyway, a quick few chalk lines on the side of a mausoleum later, and Danny was opening a door to Fawcett, Philadelphia. Probably not the best choice, considering that he was trying to stay away from the Justice League, but it's better than Metropolis.
"Whoa." Damn it! He should've stayed home. "What was that, mister?"
Danny made sure the door closed behind him, praying for strength. Why did he feel like several deities were laughing at him? "Hey, kid. Can you, um, maybe not say anything about that?"
The kid, short brown hair and a red jacket stood out the most to Danny for some reason, seemed very amused. "You're gonna have to buy my silence."
Again, Danny let out a quiet, long suffering sigh. "Coffee is so not worth it." Looking at the kid, he said, "Alright, fine. I was getting coffee anyway, I'll buy ya lunch. Know any good places?"
Grinning, the kid cheered, "Hell yeah! Follow me!"
Resigned, Danny followed after the kid, easily keeping pace. About a block later, he figured he should probably get the kid's name. "I'm Danny."
"No last name?"
"Fae rules, dude. What's your excuse?"
He had to give it to him. "Touché."
Another three blocks of walking, Billy finally stopped at a cafe. It was a quaint place with stained white brick and a dark grey roof. There were metal chairs and tables outside the building surrounded by a wrought iron fence. The table umbrellas and the awning over the black door were light blue, matching the curtains in the inside.
The inside walls were painted baby blue with a white ceiling and a pinewood floor. The tables and chairs were all stained black with light pink cushions and table cloths. The curtains, as observed before, were all baby blue, tied back with baby pink ribbons. The lights were barely yellow, giving the room a warm feel. The counters were white with black paneling on the outside and white granite as the tops.
"Welcome in," the young man at the register greeted with a smile, "What can I get you two started with today?"
Danny envied the man. He'd obviously not been doing this long enough to gain the veteran's shine to his eye. He turned to look at the menu after telling Billy to get whatever he wanted. A mistake he'll probably pay for. "I'd like a large Red Eye, equal parts coffee and espresso, with cinnamon, honey, chocolate syrup, mint, and vodka, please."
The 'newbie' light in the man's eyes dimmed a little bit. "Um, we don't carry vodka." Glad that's the only thing he's worried about. Priorities.
Danny clicked his tongue. "Oh, well, it was worth a shot. I'd like everything else, though, please. Mix it at your own discretion."
"Alright," he was very valiant to go back to grinning, "Anything else?"
Danny motioned for Billy and the kid stepped up. "Can I get a large mocha, three chocolate chip cookies, and two sandwiches?"
The blond entered the order. "Of course! That'll be $25.37." A quick card swipe from Danny. "Thank you very much, we'll have your order out to you soon!"
The two didn't say a word as they chose a table in the corner. Danny let Billy take the seat that was open to the rest of the cafe so he wouldn't feel cornered. He had a good view of the door, though, so he wasn't complaining.
"So, how'd you do that?" Billy asked after they'd gotten their orders.
"How'd I do what?" Danny sipped his drink.
"How'd you walk outta that wall? It's solid!"
"I guessed that much."
"Then why'd you ask?"
"Will you teach me?"
"You didn't even think about it!"
"Okay," He paused. "No."
"Not fair." he pouted.
Putting his drink on the table, Danny summed as much fake-it-till-you-make-it energy as he could. "Magic isn't a toy and takes years of practice to get a handle on, not to mention you have to actually have an aptitude for it before you can even try. Besides, I don't know you nearly well enough to trust you with anything else."
Billy finished the cookie he was eating. "I can do it! You just gotta teach me!"
Another sigh that Danny had stopped counting. "Look, you seem like a good kid, but I'm not gonna teach you magic."
"Why not!"
"However," he continued, ignoring the demand, "I'm not gonna leave ya fully defenselessness."
"What do you mean?" Billy backed away slightly, his eyes narrowing as he moved to be able to run quickly.
Another sip. "Based off of the dirt you're covered in, the grease in your hair, and the overall poor condition of your clothes, I'm gonna bet that you're a street kid. So," he pulled a small card from his pocket, very aware that Billy was watching his hand aptly, "I'm going to leave you with this."
Slowly, the brunet took it and turned it over. "What it is?"
The white card had the initials DP in the middle, circled by an Ouroboros. The initials were completely solid, but the snake of the Ouroboros was made up of tiny runes of protection and health and healing and good fortune.
"My calling card. If you're ever in danger, hold that to your chest and ask for help. I'll be there."
Still obviously suspicious, Billy took a moment to scrutinize the card. It was cute to watch the kid act like he knew what he was looking at or for. When he seemed satisfied, he shoved the card into the inner pocket sewn into his jacket. "Thanks."
"No problem, kid," Pulling out his phone, Danny saw the time and stood, "I've gotta go now. I assume I've sufficiently bought your silence on the whole magic thing?"
Billy grinned, "I guess, but you gotta come visit me, okay?"
He chuckled, "Sure thing. See ya."
Part 2 Part 4
(I don't drink coffee, so Idk how that shit works)
Tag list: @zaiothe4th
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bigfootsboytoy · 1 year
Steve ends up heartbroken, lonely and depressed after season 2. Nancy called him bullshit, even after he ditched all his old friends for her. Billy Hargrove took his spot at the top of the food chain. He can have it, Steve doesn't really want it anymore. But Steve does want to find some sort of connection. Someone to have in his life who isn't an 11 year old kid he barely knows. He tries to go on a date one night, take a nice-seeming girl to a party. He wants to find connection, to kill the loneliness that's been building for months, but just as he's feeling kind of good about things, his date ditches him.
So. He decides to drink his feelings. He gets majorly fucked up, and ends up laying on the ground in the backyard, contemplating how much life seems to hate him.
Only to literally get tripped over by Eddie Munson, who was at this party selling pot and is very confused as to why Steve Harrington is alone on the ground with a bottle of vodka clenched in one hand.
Eddie ends up chatting a little with Steve, nothing substantial, but enough to know that Steve is very very drunk, and also very very sad.
He asks if Steve wants to go back to the party, and Steve staunchly refuses. He doesn't want to be around a bunch of annoyingly happy people.
He asks if Steve needs a ride home, and Steve just kind of shrugs. His parents just left for another trip, so home is kind of depressing right now too. But he doesn't exactly have any other friends he can stay with so. Home it'll have to be.
Only Eddie can *tell* he doesn't really want to go home, though he has no idea why Steve wouldn't want to return to his veritable mansion after a shitty night. The reason doesn't matter much. He offers to let Steve crash at his place. Steve can take the couch, or hell he can stay in Eddie's room if he doesn't mind sharing, that way he wouldn't risk being woken up when Wayne comes home that morning.
And well, Steve agrees. Can't think of any reason not too. Munson has been nice so far, he's got a good easy-going energy that Steve likes. Why not stay the night.
By the time they get to Eddie's, Steve is *slightly* more sober. Not much, but he's slurring his words a little less, and he can walk with only a little help.
Eddie grabs them each a little plate of leftovers, because he has no idea if Steve's eaten at all. It's quiet while they eat, Eddie doesn't push Steve to talk, and Steve isn't sure what to say. Eventually Eddie sets the plates aside and give Steve an easy grin.
"So, do you want the couch, or are you crashing with me?"
Steve thinks about it for a while. He hasn't shared a bed with a guy-friend since he was a kid, and he's heard rumors about Eddie, whispers in the hall about the way he looks at other guys. But...Steve can't really bring himself to care. He's tired, and he really doesn't want to be alone.
"I don't mind sharing."
Eddie sets them both up in his room, letting Steve choose which side of the bed he wants, and they both settle in. There's a respectable distance between the two of them, and Eddie says a quick goodnight to Steve, figures they won't talk and just go right to bed.
Except Steve isn't sober, and he really isn't in a good headspace, so he can't stop himself from blurting things out into the quiet of the dark room.
"Are you really gay?"
Eddie stiffens next to him, he can feel it, he can hear the way that the other boys breath cuts off and he seems to stop breathing all-together.
"It's okay if you are, I'm not going to be an asshole about it, I'm trying not to be that guy anymore. I guess I was just curious."
It's quiet for another beat before Eddie seems to loosen just a little. He starts breathing again at least.
"Yeah I uh- I am. Gay. And if that's weird the couch is still open, I can-"
"It's not weird."
Steve let's himself mull over this confirmation, and then his mouth starts moving again, without his permission.
"Is it lonely? Cause I mean, it's got to be hard to date in Hawkins. People here are shitty. Unless you've got like, a secret boyfriend or something."
"No...no secret boyfriend. It does get a little lonely sometimes. I'm lucky though, I've got my uncle, and my friends are pretty great. That's enough most days."
"What do you do when it's not enough?"
"When your uncle and friends aren't enough, what do you do? To try and...make it better?"
Eddie is quiet again for a long stretch before he shrugs.
"I try to focus on something else. I'll play my guitar or work on a new campaign, read a book. Something to take my mind off it."
Now Steve is the one who seems tense, his jaw is tight and he's got his arms wrapped around himself. His next words come out as a whisper, but Eddie manages to catch them.
"I don't know how to do any of that."
He sounds almost choked, and Eddie is caught off guard. He's never seen Steve Harrington as anything other than solid, as happy. He's the king, after all. He's supposed to be all smiles and great hair. Only...Eddie's noticed that he hasn't hung out with his old friends lately, that he's eaten alone at lunch too many times to be anything other than strange.
"Steve...are you lonely?"
Eddie expects a denial, for Steve to laugh it off and tell Eddie that he's perfectly fine and fulfilled. Or maybe he expects a shrug, a non-answer. What he doesn't expect is the gut-wrenching sob that seems to tear past the other boys lips.
He doesn't expect to turn and see Steve Harrington's face, a scant foot from his, shining with tears.
He panics a little at the sight.
"Fuck- I'm so sorry-"
"Don't be." Steve tries to wipe his eyes, to hide the tremble in his voice. "Not your fault there's something wrong with me."
"What do you mean?"
"It's like I'm broken man, like nobody can stand to be around me. Tommy and Carol hate me now, Nancy- hell even my own parents hate being at home with me for more than a week. It's like I'm repellent or something. Couldn't even get a date to stick around for a whole night."
And Eddie's pretty sure *he* might start crying now. He'd never have expected this much from Steve, all that sadness to come pouring out. It wouldn't have happened if Steve was completely sober. Without thinking, he reaches out.
Eddie puts a hand on Steve's shoulder and waits to see if the touch gets rejected, but Steve seems to lean into him, so he lets his hand linger.
"This probably won't help, but I don't think you're repellent. And that's coming from somebody who your whole group used to torture. I don't know much about you, but I kind of liked having you around tonight."
Steve gives him a tiny smile. His eyes are still wet with tears, and the smile doesn't come close to reaching them. He seems impossibly small here in Eddie's bed.
"I don't know man. I just wish-"
He cuts himself off, apparently deciding his words are too far, but Eddie urges him to keep talking.
"What do you wish Steve?"
"I just wish that... there was somebody out there I could have a future with. Somebody who actually loved me, you know?"
It might be the saddest thing Eddie's ever heard, and he blames that fact for what he does next.
He takes his hand off Steve's shoulders and instead hauls Steve closer to him, fitting the other boy against his chest and wrapping his arms around him. It's a move that might get him decked, but he doesn't think it will. And he'll be damned if he doesn't hug Steve right that second.
He doesn't get hit. Steve tenses for a second, but it's just that one instant before he's melting into the embrace.
Eddie feels more tears falling against his shirt, and he couldn't care less. He keeps Steve close, let's him cry into his chest, runs a hand through that famous mop of hair.
He isn't sure how long it takes for Steve to calm down, but eventually he does. His breathing evens out, and he shivers a little before speaking.
"Thanks man."
And Eddie takes another leap of faith.
"I could be that person, you know."
"I mean. You know Im... not straight. It may not be exactly what you're wanting but. I think I could picture a future with you. If you want to, just for tonight...I could be that someone who loves you."
Steve looks at Eddie, like he's a puzzle that he needs to solve, before a other shiver seems to wrack his body.
"Just for tonight?"
It comes out as a whisper, but Eddie hears it all the same.
"Yeah. For tonight Steve."
"I think...I think I'd like that."
Eddie gives him the sweetest smile he can muster, and nods.
"Alright sweetheart."
Eddie isn't exactly sure what it means, to love Steve for the night. After all, Steve is straight. He figures it doesn't matter much though, it's only for a night.
He keeps a hold on Steve, let's him get comfortable tucked against Eddie, and he does what feels natural. He runs a hand up and down Steve's spine, traces shapes into the soft fabric of his shirt. He tangles their legs together, and in a moment of insane bravery he presses a kiss to the top of Steve's head.
He's met with a sigh, full of relief, and figures he's on the right track.
"Just close your eyes Stevie, I've got you."
"Can you tell me about it?"
"The future. You said you could see one. Can you tell me?"
And he asks so carefully, he sounds almost afraid, Eddie can't say no to that.
"Do you want the fantasy future, or the realistic future?"
"The real one."
"Alright then. Well, if I'm not going to be a rich and famous rockstar...I'll probably graduate and get a job somewhere in town. A real job, maybe working on cars or something. I'm good with cars. You'd come over all the time, have dinners with me and with Wayne. You'd have to meet Wayne. And we'd have more nights like this, sleeping close."
Steve let's out a pleased sounding hum, and shifts his face so it's buried even closer in Eddie's neck. He can feel Steve's breath on him.
"We could save up money and get a little place together, somewhere outside Hawkins. I have to stay kind of close, for my uncle, but maybe Indy?"
Steve nods, mutters something about staying close 'just in case'. He sounds like he might fall asleep, so Eddie keeps going.
"We could get an apartment, nothing too fancy. We would get two rooms, so nobody gets suspicious, but we would share a bed most nights. I'd play with my band on weekends, just for fun, and you'd join some little local sports team. I'd make sure to schedule DND nights so that I never miss a single game, even though I don't understand a damn thing about sports. We would come home for holidays, but most of the time it would just be us. I'd take good care of you, make sure you never go more than a few hours without me telling you I love you. I'll show up wherever you're working just to give you a hug and a kiss, and make sure you don't forget it. And I'll annoy the hell out of, but you won't mind too much, because I'll make you happy too."
Eddie can think of more. He can think about so many things. How he could give Steve one of his rings, even if they couldn't legally get married, even if Steve would never want that. Just as another reminder that he's loved. They could take trips together and go out to parties where Steve will never have to worry about getting ditched. Eddie doesn't do things halfway, and he has a hell of an imagination. He could picture them growing old together, if he tried, if he let himself. But this is just for tonight, so he doesn't. Instead he runs a hand through Steve's hair again, and listens to his quiet breathing. He thinks he may have fallen asleep, but he's wrong.
"That sounds nice."
It comes out muffled, spoken into Eddie's neck, but he manages to make it out, and he let's the vibration of it sink into his skin.
*It's only for tonight.*
He has to remind himself, because Steve is just feeling lonely. He doesn't want that future with Eddie, he just wants to feel loved.
But even if it's just pretend, just to help Steve for a few hours, he's okay with that.
Steve may think he's broken, but Eddie thinks he would be easy to love for a long time. Loving him for one night is nothing. He doesn't even have to try.
Tomorrow Steve will wake up sober, and he'll thank Eddie for letting him stay over, and they won't talk about it. Eddie will drive Steve back to his car in silence, and they'll say their goodbyes. They may not talk ever again, they never had before.
But for tonight? Eddie Munson will love Steve Harrington, and Steve? He'll let himself be loved, let himself beleive it. And he'll love Eddie right back.
Just for one night.
And if Steve ever needs it again? Eddie will love him for another night. And Steve will give that love right back. He's got plenty to spare, after all. And there's far worse people he could share it with.
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eclectickss · 5 months
Taste the Tango
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Wanda x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SoftTop(switch if you squint)!Reader, age gap (reader is of age), reader's best friend is Wanda's son, Tommy is graduating high school? (a choice that I don't think I've seen before, so let me know if you like?), Wanda is reader's former teacher, slight alcohol use, smut (fingering, oral)... I think that's everything?
Summary: You are in your hometown the summer before your senior year of college hanging out with your best friend. Unexpectedly, you also get some quality with his mom (and your former teacher).
WC: 10,350 words?!?! (a record for me)
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"Hey Y/N!" Your gaze shot up from the pavement to the open door ahead, smiling as you saw your best friend standing in the frame.
"Hey Tommy!" You jogged up to hug him, seeing as he and his twin brother just returned from a week long beach trip. You normally wouldn't be this excited to see him, but with complicated summer schedules and school across the country, it had been almost 6 months since the two of you had spent time together.
"This is crazy, I missed you so much!" He backs up and you immediately spot the sparkle in his eye that is easily recognized in the rest of his family.
"I know, me too!" You shook his shoulders and hugged him one more time. "So, you said you had something planned for today?" The two of you walked into the house and towards the kitchen. Your eyes secretly darted around the space for a certain someone, but you are slightly disappointed when you don't see the person you're looking for.
You feel guilty for hoping she would be there, since you were there to spend time with her son, but you couldn't silence your thoughts, no matter how hard you tried.
"Well I know it's kind of silly, but I picked up some rocks we could paint?" He scrunched up his face. "I don't know, I just wanted something mindless we could do while we caught up."
"Are you kidding, that sounds great!" You smiled.
"Alright, awesome! I've gotta head out by six so I can meet Ruby for dinner, but we have plenty of time," he said as you followed him back to his room. Ruby was his girlfriend of six months, so it prided you to know that hanging out with you was his priority.
The two of you made it to his room and he encouraged you to sit down as he left to get art supplies. Just before you were able to sit though, a voice reached into the depths of your mind.
"I knew I heard a familiar voice!" You turned around and there she was, as breathtaking as ever. Wanda Maximoff. The way her soft eyes met yours and her red wavy hair sat just above her shoulders made you melt. You prayed the moment would last forever, but the passing seconds were inevitable.
"Hi!" You excitedly walked over to your former teacher to give her a hug, painfully ignoring all other emotions you were feeling.
"How are you, Y/N?" She moved out of the hug, cheeks grazing, making you briefly look away.
"I'm absolutely wonderful, how about you?"
"I'm alright," she spoke as she softly smiled. "Are you excited for your last year of college?" She leaned up against the doorframe.
"I guess so? I love California, but I can hardly wait until I'm done with school already so that I can come home. Are you ready to become an empty nester?"
Billy and Tommy were three years younger than you, so they were just about to begin their college journey as you were ready to bring yours to a close. Tommy was only going to university an hour away and Billy five hours, but you imagined it would still be a lot for both boys to be leaving the house at once.
"Oh hush, dear." Ms. Maximoff playfully shoved your shoulder, a gesture you struggled to not linger on. "I don't wanna hear that talk. Let me soak in my boys being home while I can. And you being here while I can." She smiled with a small glint in her eye, but you knew she was dreading the boys' absence.
"Oh well, two more semesters and you won't be able to get rid of me."
"Perhaps it's selfish to say that we can't wait to have you back either, but I know you'll accomplish wonderful things in your last year there." She placed a hand on your shoulder and instinctively you placed your own on top of hers.
You internally panicked, worried that you were being too affectionate for a teacher/student/best friend's mother relationship, but she just moved to gently caress your cheek and proceeded to walk away.
You could hardly process your thoughts as your brain replayed the previous moment over and over, but this torturous habit is nothing you weren't unfamiliar with.
Every day that went by with Ms. Maximoff in your presence was a day to strenuously remember. You mentally recorded her words, her movements and her reactions. Time slowed with her around as you soaked in every detail about her possible.
Every day that went by without her was filled with daydreaming and guilt. You always wondered how she would react to something, or how she would respond in a private conversation. You tried to picture her thoughts and envision her smile before you. You hated how much you thought about her, yet craved to dream of her.
She was your high school english teacher, your best friend's mother, and your go-to mentor in any sticky situation.
She has already given you so much, and you despised the fact that you wanted more. You knew it was wrong, but she was your addiction.
"Earth to Y/N," A hand waved in front of your face and you quickly realized that Tommy had returned with the rocks and art supplies.
"Oh, hey Tommy!" You rubbed your eyes in shock.
"Where'd you go there?" He laughed and sat down on the floor.
"I uhh... can't remember." You lied, joining him on the floor, not letting him see the guilty emotions written across your face.
Hours pass as the two of you work on your rocks and talk.
You tell him all about your travels while he fills you in on everything that happened at the beach and on his trips prior.
You love listening to all his little stories, especially those where his mom is involved. One of your favorite stories was when he talked about her affliction with the terrible kitchen at the beach house. She wouldn't stop complaining about the quality of the stove, which you ended up finding rather funny.
You asked him if she even actually used the stove, and he said no, which made you laugh out loud. Supposedly she apologized at the end of the trip for making such a big deal out of it.
He thought it was stupid, but you found it cute.
Of course that was something that she would do.
"What else crazy did she do on the trip?" You couldn't stop yourself from inquiring about her. Tommy never caught onto your special interest as he laughed it off and launched into the next story.
"So it was movie time, right?" He starts and you nod. "Well mom and I were advocating for She's Funny That Way since we're both madly in love with Kathryn Hahn."
You cackle and quickly agree with their side. "Of course."
"But Billy and Auntie Nat wanted to watch Knives Out!"
"I thought you liked that movie..."
"Ok yes, but Kathryn Hahn or Chris Evans?"
You thought about it for a moment. "Fair Enough." This made you wonder though about Ms. Maximoff's interest in Kathryn Hahn. There's no way she's.... attracted to her, right?
If Ms. Maximoff actually liked women, the hole you've dug for yourself would become infinitely deeper.
"Anyways, so mom, out of nowhere, says, 'You wanna watch Knives Out? Well guess what, Chris Evans is the villain and Ana de Armas gets the estate and money,' and Nat and Billy were furious."
"Oh my gosh!" You laughed with your hand over your mouth in disbelief. "So did you guys end up watching She's Funny That Way?"
"Well mom and I did. Billy and Nat went off to watch something else."
"Wow! That was vile!"
"It really was intense." He laughed and the conversation paused as both of you returned your attention to your rocks. Right before your paintbrush hit the surface though, his phone alarm went off.
"Aw, shoot. That's my timer for Ruby. We gotta clean up."
"That's alright." You gave him a soft smile. "We do have the last two weeks to hang out before I go, and I understand I'm not the only important person in your life."
He looked at you and smiled. "I love you, you know?"
"I love you too, you dork. Now let's clean these brushes and get these rocks outside to dry."
The two of you were cutting it real close to six once everything was cleaned, but before you knew it, you were saying goodbye to Tommy in the driveway just as Ruby had pulled in to pick him up.
"Alright, Y/N, we'll hang out soon!" He hugged you and stepped back.
"Oh you know it."
He followed you to your car, but you quickly realized you had left your keys inside.
"You know, I think I left my keys on your floor, but don't bother waiting for me to drive away. Go have fun with Ruby."
"Alright. My mom will let you in if it's locked." He hugged you one more time and joined his girlfriend in her car. You released a breath of air and headed back to the house, happy to see that the kitchen door was still unlocked.
Ms. Maximoff was standing in the room though when you walked in.
"Oh, hey Y/N/N! Did you forget something?" She looked up from the cutting board and veggies on the counter.
"Yeah. My keys are somewhere in Tommy's room," you said as you headed in that direction.
"Oh, so you're not back because you forgot to say 'goodbye' to me?" She teased.
"You read my mind!" You yelled from down the hall, embarrassed by how quickly you turned red.
Your keys were rather easy to find, but you took a bit longer to collect yourself before exiting Tommy's room.
"So," she said as you re-entered the kitchen. "What are you doing with your last two weeks before heading back to California?"
You were caught off guard with her conversation starter, but you were overjoyed that she wanted to talk. You leaned back onto the counter to face her.
"Well, it's all just trying to hang out with friends, even though most of them are off doing internships or traveling. I'm honestly just hanging around home a bunch," you shrugged.
"What, you didn't want to travel or anything?" She said as she continued to work on the cutting board at her fingertips.
"You know me, Ms. Maximoff, I love home just a little too much." You smiled and looked at your feet.
"Wanda, dear." She stopped her chopping and looked directly at you. "I was Ms. Maximoff to you because I was your teacher, but we've been over this, darling. Wanda, please."
You sighed. "It just... feels weird!"
"Ok, well you know what we do when things feel weird, Y/N?"
You looked at her questioningly.
"We practice, dear." She stepped around the kitchen island to lean on the counter across from you, and your thoughts started to get louder. "Say it. Say my name." She openly challenged you, so you had to accept.
"W- Wanda?" Your insides were burning.
"With confidence, dear."
You took a breath. "Wanda." You exclaimed, meeting her gaze from a few feet away.
"Good girl. Now use it in a sentence."
You blushed, knowing she saw it, but hoping she assumed it was from your discomfort. "Like... what?"
"Well, I don't know! A compliment, a question, a simple statement? I don't care, just say something. Anything." She commanded as your heart was pounding in your chest.
"I think your eyes are gorgeous, Wanda." Fuck. That wasn't supposed to come out. The woman across from you seemed to freeze briefly. "I mean- your eyes, Tommy and Billy's eyes... you all have the same eyes. I think... I think they're pretty. Wanda." FUCK.
Wanda still hadn't moved, her gaze digging into your soul. She finally took a breath, leaving a long pause in the conversation.
"What do you think of me, Y/N?"
"What?" Disbelief dripping from your reply as the intonation behind her question became lost on you.
"How do you process my image? My persona?" Wanda playfully smirked. "It must at least be slightly askew since I was your teacher, but what role do I play in your life?" She moved some cooking items away from the edge of the counter, proving to you that you had her full attention.
"Do you want me to be honest or uncomfortably honest?"
"I want to know why you chose me. Why you always turned in my homework but nobody else's. Why you wrote me thank you notes and asked me to write your college recommendation letters... why you confide in me and why you respect me so much..."
You stood in shock, feeling your body start to shake from the nerves. Your shoes all of a sudden became really interesting.
"Uncomfortably honest it is, then." You gave a long sigh and glanced back up to see her eyebrows raise in anticipation.
"It was one of the first lectures you gave me in 11th grade. I had started to realize that I was more introverted than I wanted to be, so I challenged myself to break out of that shell. I started doing that by speaking up in class. You had asked a question about our summer reading, and because I already knew you through Tommy, I felt comfortable to answer.
"To my surprise, you started a debate with me... and I didn't back down... and then you applauded me for standing up for something I believed in. That made me want to pay a lot more attention to you." You paused to take a breath, making sure the other woman was still paying attention. Wanda nodded in acknowledgement, but stayed silent to let you continue. "I started to listen to every word that came out of your mouth. I memorized every piece of information you shared, I watched what candy you picked out of the bag first, I payed attention to what music you were listening to, what books you were reading." You paused. "And so I started to notice things.
"You work to understand every single story in the room. You want to help as many people as possible, and you don't let their faults get in your way. You have a passion for what you teach and you want to share it with the world. You have good and bad days just like the rest of us, and you allowed me to see that. You are kind, empathetic, beautiful, and I have a great deal of respect for the way you carry yourself, Wanda."
Your heart raced as the two of you stared at each other for what felt like minutes. You had just poured your heart out to the one person who was never supposed to know anything. Wanda was speechless, which made you nervous. You continued to ramble.
"And- and its tricky because Tommy is genuinely my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without him... but if you're wondering what I think of you, I don't know what I'd do without you either. This family has made me who I am today. And it's all very complicated and confusing and difficult to navigate."
Wanda's eyes still stood stagnant, but you couldn't bear the silence anymore.
"Why do you ask?" You quietly gulped, praying some sound would exit her mouth.
"Would you like to stay for dinner? Billy is with friends tonight and Tommy is with Ruby, as you know, so I fear I have nobody to eat with." Wanda returned her attention to the preparations. The change of subject caught you off guard, but the opportunity to spend time with her was never something you wanted to turn down.
"Uh... sure! Let me just tell my mom I won't be home for our frozen pizza dinner." You made a goofy face that Wanda found hilarious after you commented on your other dinner option.
"Wonderful." A beautiful smile spread across her face as she pulled another plate out of the cupboard and set it on the dining table. "Would you care for a glass of wine?" The offer felt odd coming from the older woman, but it's easy to forget that you're legally allowed to accept alcoholic beverages now.
"That would be nice." You gave her a soft smile.
"I can't believe you're old enough to drink now... better for me so I won't be drinking alone," You both laughed. "Red or white, darling?"
"Whatever you're having." Wanda practically waltzed around the kitchen. "Is there anything I can do to help you prepare?" You asked as she handed you a glass of red.
Wanda paused her movements and looked at you with a silly yet impressed smile. "Well... have you ever made paprikash darling?" She asked and you shook your head. "Would you like to learn?"
"Absolutley." You grinned and Wanda took a sip of her wine.
"Wonderful." She held out her hand for you to join her at the cutting board. "We've got to dice two onions, one tomato and one pepper, as well as mince two cloves of garlic." She placed the kitchen knife in front of you. "I like to use four cloves of garlic though," she nearly whispered in your ear.
"Do you know your way around a cutting board?"
"Uhh... not really?"
"A teaching opportunity then! You can never get away from me, can you?" Wanda's words were spinning in your head even though you knew they were not intended to be. The older woman stepped behind you, moving the knife to your left hand.
"How did you know I was left handed?"
"I pay attention, dear." She casually replied. "Now curl your fingers on your right hand like this-" She placed her palm on top of the back of your hand. "And hold the knife like..." She adjusted the positioning of your thumb and pointer finger. "Good. This is the best way to avoid chopping an extremity off." Your eyes widened, thankful Wanda couldn't see the fear written on your face.
"All that's left to do is slice." She grabbed the readied onion and placed it in the center of the board. Before you knew it, she was guiding your hand through the vegetable while pressing you into the counter from behind. "Wonderful!" She exclaimed as the slice of onion fell onto the board. "Now you keep going!" She stepped out behind you and you tried your hardest to not sulk at her absence.
You missed Wanda's warmth, but nevertheless, you continued slicing and she continued watching.
"Good girl." She spoke the words again, nearly making you loose focus with a dangerous object in your hand. "Now you cut in the opposite direction. I was never good with onions so as long as the pieces look somewhat like cubes, you will have done a wonderful job." That made you laugh and you continued working.
"So tell me more about college! I love having you here but we never get one-on-one time like this. How is your degree path, your teachers, friends? Are you seeing anyone?" The last question was delivered in a goofy, sultry manner as Wanda pulled raw chicken out of the fridge.
You giggled and rolled your eyes. "To get the most pressing question out of the way, I am not seeing anyone. I was slightly interested in a graduate student but we decided it would be better to stay friends. Plus, who gets lucky enough to date a graduate student?"
"A graduate student, eh? How did the two of y'all meet anyways?"
"Well she used to live in the rental where I am now, so I received some old mail of hers. Who woulda thought that the nearly outdated postal service of America almost brought two women together?"
Your joke made Wanda cackle as she turned on the stove to heat the pot.
"Well, at least you have the opportunity to date women on campus, dear. That would have been so much more complicated in my day." She stirred the melting butter in the pan.
"Oh Wanda, don't say 'in my day', that makes you sound like a dinosaur!" You laughed.
"Well, honey, I am a dinosaur!"
"Oh shut up, no you're not. I am shocked every day that there aren't sad little high school boys making rude comments to your face or handsome men on your tail." The room oddly fell silent and you immediately started reflecting on what you had said. You put down the knife even though you were nearly done with the tomato. "When you made the comment about back in your day... - did you... do you wish you had the opportunity to date women?"
An all-telling silence came from Wanda.
"You'd rather have beautiful women on your tail? Is that it?" You smiled at her a little bit, just to make sure she knew that you understood.
"Well... I guess so. The whole 'men' thing only did me one good and that is my boys. Their dad, Vision, was just a good friend and it took me a really long time to realize that."
"That makes perfect sense Wanda." You almost hesitate with your next question, but it feels natural to ask. "Is there any woman that you've ever been particularly curious about?"
Immediately, you could tell Wanda had an answer, but her various facial expressions made it difficult to decipher if she was going to tell you or not. Finally, a glimmer of playfulness lit in her eye.
"Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not even Tommy."
"So we both know this person then! She must be from school!" You exclaimed, getting excited.
"SHHH!" She looked at you seriously. "I always wondered how I really felt about Carol but she got herself a partner back in May."
It took you a moment to figure out who Wanda was talking about. "Wait- Carol as in Ms. Danvers Carol Danvers?!?" Wanda sheepishly nodded and you smiled wide. "Wanda, I can't blame you at all. Carol was hot at hell." You returned to your tomato, smirking.
"Excuse me!" Wanda was shocked at your remark.
"Oh, c'mon, Wanda. You must know that students talk about a few teachers. Mostly the boys... but they still talk. Danvers was a popular topic in my graduating class! Even I added a comment occaisonally..." You mumbled as you watched Wanda return her eyes to the stove with a scoff.
"Unbelievable." Fake disgust dripped from Wanda's voice as you held back your laugh. She pulled the chicken out of the pot and grabbed the onions from your board, tossing them into the oil. "You said a few teachers..." She whipped back around. "Who else was on the hot commodity list?"
You playfully scoffed. "Well there was coach Wilson amongst the girls and also Ms. Hill with the guys."
"Oh, and of course we can't forget you."
You let out an outrageous burst of laughter. "What?! All of the students fangirl over how nice you are if they aren't upset with their grades in your class! The boys love how mysterious and alluring you are and the girls think you're extremely personable, which is true."
Wanda let a brief silence fall on the conversation. "And you?"
You paused. "I already told you what I think of you Wanda." You smiled and handed her the rest of the chopped veggies. "Here you go." A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as Wanda continued to work, claiming there was nothing else for you to do at the moment. Eventually, she covered the pot she had been focusing on and turned the kitchen timer on.
"We've got about thirty minutes of waiting before there will be anything else to do," she spoke as she finally poured more wine into the both of your empty glasses. "I hope you liked this red, darling. I don't know how experienced you are with alcohol yet... although i'm assuming it's more so than you should be for your age."
You giggled. "I have maybe had my fair share of underage drinking, just like any decent college kid might," you replied as you accepted the glass from Wanda and followed her to the nearby couch. You both got comfortable and you watched as the older woman pulled a blanket across her thighs. The absence of conversation began to feel a little overwhelming, but you weren't expecting Wanda to break it with the next sentence she spoke.
"You're actually the first person i've told about liking women," she began. You raised your eyebrows in shock. Not that she hasn't told anyone before, just that the first person she wants to confide in is you.
"Wow." You began. "I don't know if I'm the most appropriate person to offer this, but do you have any questions? I am comfortable answering anything as long as you are comfortable asking." You stared at Wanda as you sipped your wine, watching the gears turn in her head.
"Yes I-" Her hesitations finally diminished. "Have you ever dated a man?" You were not expecting that.
"Yes, I tried. I was in a similar situation where he was my best friend. This was in 9th grade, that is, but I still knew that I was supposed to feel more."
"How is it different?"
"Than women?" You watched as Wanda nodded. "Well there is an objective answer and a personal answer. The objective one goes to say that it comes down to the person and how you connect with them. How your life experiences tie together and whatnot. Objectively, I can't say that much because every individual is unique. Personally though, women are infinitely better."
This made Wanda laugh, which you were quickly realizing you would give anything to hear more and more of.
"They better understand your life experiences and how to navigate emotional situations, especially the mature ones. The way they display affection is usually more personable and caring, too. They also are more attentive to details, both mentally and physically."
"How so?"
You could feel the alcohol beginning to stir, making it harder for some thoughts and words to stay away from your brain. "Well mentally, women tend to catch onto social cues faster, like when their partner needs a break or needs to eat or needs cuddles or space. Physically, they pay more attention to how your lips move and how you like to be kissed, not just where." You noticed Wanda's eyes following the path of your lips and jawline, making you stammer for a moment.
"What else?"
You gulped, beginning to realize you had no idea how far this conversation would go. "Well, The body parts that they work to please are also the same parts they touch in their free time. They know how moving on something feels different than something moving on it... and so on."
Wanda tried to verbally confirm that she understood but you could tell she was a little lost in her head. She took a big sip of wine. And another.
"I was reading something the other day..." Wanda drew out and took a big breath. "Her tongue was on the...- and she had two fingers in-" Wanda stared at her hands, oblivious to the glaze over your eyes as your listened to your former teacher talk about fucking another woman. "Is that even possible?"
"Uh- um- yea- yes. It is. It takes a little bit of practice to figure out how to do it comfortably but - yes."
It was now your turn to take a big sip of wine.
"Oh I see."
"Do you have any other questions?" You know you shouldn't, but you wanted her to say yes. Your heart was racing and you could feel a velvety slick form in your pants.
"How are your classes going?" Her tone changed but she was still focused on her hands.
You let out a big gust of air from the tension you were feeling, semi relieved that the conversation had changed but also slightly confused. "Uh, classes are good. I've got most of the hard ones out of the way, so it's really just the fun ones left."
"Like what?"
"Well I have a science elective left so I'm taking intro to geology which is supposed to be wonderful. I've also signed up for a Shakespeare lecture that should be phenomenal too. It's being taught by my favorite professor, so I can't wait to have her again."
Wanda's eyes glanced up at that. "Again?"
"Yeah, I had her for my ethics class in freshman year and she was excellent. One of those teachers whose work I actually enjoyed doing. She really understood the students and designed her class structure to fit our interests."
Wanda didn't want to address the confusion that she was experiencing... almost jealousy, but the next question did not hesitate to fall from her lips.
"Do you have a picture?"
This caught you off guard. "Uh, yeah, I bet I could find her Linked-In or something." You pulled out your phone for a quick internet search. "Here she is on the school website."
You moved your phone in front of Wanda, not realizing until now how similar the two of them looked. Wanda also took notice.
"Was she on the list?" Wanda asked. "The list of teachers that students would talk about?"
"Oh, ha, no she wasn't." This line of questioning was risky, but you continued producing a response. "She was only part time and besides, that's more of a hormonal high school thing."
A brief pause entered the conversation. "Well, would she have been?" Wanda was speaking softly.
"Well, you were in high school once. What do you think?"
"Me?" Wanda's eyes widened and you nodded. "I think she would have been," the older woman drew out.
"I think you're right, Ms. Maximoff." You smirked as you took your phone back.
The two of you spent the rest of the half hour dancing around dangerous conversation, the mood lightening a little bit. You gained some insight into how the high school was holding up, and even heard some gossip about the faculty which made you really excited. You told Wanda more about what you were studying and what your plans were for after university, as well as how your summer was.
When dinner was finally ready, Wanda topped off the wine and the two of you sat down together to eat. The food was phenomenal and the company even better. The two of you went back and forth sharing memories from high school, true feelings about teachers and students being poured out. Wanda also got to know you more as you shared what books you had been reading and shows you had been watching.
Eventually, the room had quieted down as the two of you were focused on finishing the rest of your food.
"The food was astounding, thank you so much Wanda." You smiled as you set down your utensils and the older woman took her last bite.
"Mhm..." She swallowed, covering her mouth. "I would say 'you're welcome' but you helped me cook, dear, so I should really be saying thank you."
Your eyes met as the two of you stared, an odd silence threatening the conversation.
"So, clean up! What can I do to help?" You asked, standing up from the table with your plate.
"Oh, no, dear, please let me take care of it!" Before you knew it, Wanda had snatched your plate out of your hands.
"Are you-"
"Yes, yes, just sit down honey." She smiled at you as she moved around the kitchen, swiftly cleaning the mess from dinner. "So what has been your favorite class so far?" She asked as she worked. "Besides- besides that class with that teacher you like." The comment unintentionally sounded bitter, and the idea of Wanda being jealous entertained you.
"Well, besides ethics, I actually really liked my required fitness class. The semester I dedicated to the credit was a popular fitness semester, so finding an open section was hard, but I was able to get a seat in ballroom dance."
"Interesting! I didn't take you for much of a dancer." Wanda looked up at you from the sink, smiling.
"Neither did I, Wanda." You heard her lovely laugh again. "And I was not the star student in the class either, but I think I liked it the most."
"Oh yeah? What was your favorite dance?"
"The tango," you replied as you smiled, some bout of confidence overcoming you. "Would you like to learn?"
Wanda paused what she was doing then looked up at you with a smile. "Bold of you to assume to I don't already know it, but you would also be right. I would be open to it." She replied and you giggled, pulling out your phone for some music.
"Oh, now?!" Wanda watched as you stood up. "Honey, I-"
"No better time like the present!" You held out your hand for her to join you, the alcohol adding to your charm and boldness.
"Ok..." Wanda mumbled, wiping her hands off on the closest rag. She joined you in the open space, placing her hand in yours and you guiding it into place.
"Now the tango is a walking dance, so it is perfect to take it slow and steady. There are 5 basic steps, but i'll keep it simple and teach you two." Wanda nodded as you pressed play on your phone. "Now, screw traditional roles, but for the sake of simplicity, I will be the man and you the woman." You locked eyes with Wanda as she smiled, but you could see the looming intimacy behind her eyes. You could feel it too, standing this close to her body as you placed your hand on her back.
Teaching the first step was easy - Wanda was more inclined to the movements than you thought she would be. All you two were doing was striding in a circle, but every step you took became lighter and relaxing into each other was easier. Her nose tilted further towards you and yours towards hers - and for a moment, nothing else existed in the world.
Wanda was staring into yours eyes and you could barely breathe. Staring back was difficult - you kept averting your gaze to the floor or elsewhere in the house, desperately trying to comprehend the situation. But it was magical. Once you discovered though, that Wanda's piercing green eyes were the most relaxing thing to focus on, you were stuck.
And then you stepped on her toe.
"Fuck!" You exclaimed, tripping as Wanda struggled to keep you from falling.
"Are you alright?" She asked as you composed yourself.
"I should be asking you that! I'm sorry."
Wanda laughed. "I'm perfectly alright darling. Now what's this about a second step?"
You blushed, Wanda essentially admitting she was enjoying this and wanted to continue. This was bizarre.
"Uh, it's pretty much the same for me. You get to shake it up a little bit."
"Oh?" She smiled and held her hands back out, awaiting the comfort of your return. You stepped into her grasp. "I can't wait," She winked.
This woman was going to be the death of you.
"Uh-m... - good!" You swallowed. "This is essentially the same as the last one, except now you're pivoting into me instead of pacing." You returned your hands to their proper placements.
"Like this?" She attempted a few steps with you.
"Almost. You don't need so much power to twist. Try again?" The two of you resumed stepping together.
"How's this?"
She almost had it, her knees just weren't getting the proper guidance. You dropped your hands down to her hips.
"Oh-" You froze. "May I?" Your hands were softly touching her jeans. You found Wanda staring, eventually returning a nod. Gently, you applied more pressure onto her joints and resumed stepping. Now, you could easily move her hips, and she quickly picked up the proper motion. "There you go." You looked back up at her eyes. "You're doing so well, Wanda."
She was speechless as you moved your hands back up to their proper position, rarely letting your fingertips leave her surface. It was easy to assume that a lot was going on behind her eyes... the step became mindless to her as she continuously scanned over your facial features.
She snapped out of it and ended the dance just as the song ended. "Thank you for teaching me, darling." She smiled softly. "That was wonderful." She returned to the kitchen in silence, leaving you alone.
"You were able to pick it up rather quickly. I was surprised." You said, following her to the kitchen and leaning against a counter. You could tell though that there were still gears turning in her head, so you let her be the one to talk next.
This allowed for a moment of quiet as you watched her finish cleaning the pot from dinner. Her back was to you as she washed and rinsed, softly humming the song from the tango.
When she was done, she still hesitated to turn around.
"Y/N?" She finally spoke, still away from you.
"When I asked you what you thought of me, you said...- you said you thought I was beautiful."
You quietly laughed. "Out of all that I said, that's what you took away?"
"Darling, I-" she hesitated again. "Did you mean it?"
You did not wait to conjure up a response. "I meant every word of what I said. I mean... I have practiced telling you all of that nonsense for so long even though I never thought it would happen. I just want you to know that... that I care about you. And I do think you're beautiful, Wanda Maximoff. Without a doubt."
"You think I'm beautiful?" She tried not to choke on her words.
You took a deep breath, having done all possible damage already. "Yes, yes I do." You hesitated before speaking again. "I think that you are beautiful. Inside and out."
Wanda finally turned around, and her response was something you couldn't have predicted in a million years.
"I... I think that you are beautiful too."
You stared at her in disbelief.
"You do?"
"In every single way, you are beautiful." She paused. "The way that you carry yourself... the way you smile, the way you laugh. The moments you hold onto and the memories you make. The way your eyes shine when you're proud of something... all of it is beautiful."
She pushed off the counter and walked towards you as a tear formed in your eye. Her hand reached up to brush it away as it rolled down your cheek, but instead of placing it back at her side, her hand stayed cradling the side of your face. Your eyes raced as you traced every line and mark on her skin, noticing how her green glazed stare wouldn't look away.
The two of you stayed like that, simply staring at each other, hearts racing.
"Y/N?" Her eyes didn't leave yours.
"I'm going to do something really stupid."
For the first time in what felt like hours, her eyes left yours, and instead went to your lips. She met your gaze one more time before slowly leaning in, closing the distance between you.
You couldn't believe what was happening as everything in your body burned. She used her hand to tilt your lips in her direction, and before you knew it, her mouth was on yours.
You initially didn't return the kiss, but before long, her sensation became addicting and you needed to know what more felt like.
Your lips were now pushing back on hers with curiosity and interest, slowly working through the feelings coursing through your entire body. Her mouth only briefly left yours before you were returning to another delicate kiss, delighted to see that it was being reciprocated with the small swipe of a tongue.
You let her into your mouth, eager to know what it felt like.
And whatever she was doing... well... it rocked your world. You caught yourself about to moan, which quickly brought you to your senses as you pushed her away.
"Oh my god." You took a deep breath and stared at the floor.
"You kissed me." You looked up and found her gaze full of lust; dark eyes roaming your body unapologetically. You couldn't believe that look was real, but the excitement consumed you.
"You kissed me back." She said, finding your stare again. The only thing worse than her intense gaze was the fact that she was right.
You were finding it very difficult not to pull her back on top of you. "Shit."
"Did you- were you ok with that?" Wanda asked nervously. She seems as nervous as you were, almost as if she couldn't believe what was happening either. Neither of you knew that you wanted this, but everything feels right now that it's there.
"Fuck, yes." You rubbed your face in frustration, struggling to function in the current situation. The nerves, heat and alcohol were all mixing together and before you knew it, the real uncomfortable truth slipped out.
"I'm fucking obsessed with you, Ms. Maximoff." You held your breath after messing up on her name, but instead of correcting you, her jaw slightly dropped at your desperation.
Out of some bout of confidence, you stepped into her space, backed her into the counter and dismissed every reason why the two of you should not happen. Her eyes stared you down with anticipation and desire. You brought your hands up to her head and wove your fingers into her hair, craving to feel her again.
"It's my turn to do something really stupid now, ok?"
She nodded slowly, afraid to avert her gaze.
As you leaned in towards her mouth, she took a deep breath and shuttered. Her hands moved to hold your hips just before your lips met, and this time, it was her turn to freeze once your mouth touched hers. You immediately began to panic, but just as you pulled away, she pulled your hips into hers and met your mouth with haste.
Immediately melting into her touch, a soft moan quickly escaped your lips as you tugged on her fiery locks. She gasped in return, giving you the chance to slide your tongue into her mouth and elicit a sound off of her shaky breath.
After all of your longing and pining and secrecy and wishful thinking, she was yours. Right now, as her fingertips were feeling your body for the first time and her sensation was consuming, you were struggling to believe that everything was real.
But the warm skin touching your side was undeniable. The wet tongue that was gently exploring your mouth was unquestionable, and the moans that were escaping the woman in front of you were unlike anything you could conjure in a dream.
One of your hands shakily released its grasp on Wanda's hair and made its way around her neck, giving it a gentle squeeze. When your action resulted in a smooth moan from the other woman, you smirked, not expecting that in a million years. You brought that hand down to her waist so you could hold her body as close as possible.
"You liked that, Ms. Maximoff?" You breathed into her mouth, knowing she could sense your heated grin.
"Shut up and do it again."
You lightly laughed at her begging, but you were desperate to please her. Leaning in to kiss her again, you pushed your hand on her waist from her belly button back up to her neck, this time squeezing harder. She threw her head back from the pleasuring pain, which you saw as an opportunity to turn your mouth's attention to her neck. As your warm lips met her skin and your hands went to roam her curves, she audibly gasped, and you were soaking up every reaction that you could drag out of her.
Wanda's hands found the back of your head as she encouraged your sucking and biting, careless of how aggressive you were being. Your own fingertips began to entertain the rim of her jeans, testing the waters as you caressed her lower back. You were itching to move lower, but every aspect of the current situation was territory that you never imagined you would be in before.
"Where can I touch you?" You whispered under her ear.
She laughed, followed by a soft moan as you bit her lobe. "Oh, detka, we've moved way past that line of consent," She replied as she grabbed one of your hands and moved it to her ass. "I want to feel you. All of you."
"Yes ma'am," You smirked and returned your kisses to her neck, placing both hands on her ass and pulling her hips into you. A groan reached your ears as your tongue met the base of her collar bone.
With your mouth now at the top of her shirt, your hands traced her sides as you bent your knees to meet her clothed belly button. Grasping and lifting the bottom of her shirt with your fingers, you began to stand back up, slowly kissing and licking a straight line up her front to where her bra connected in the center.
"Wait," She said as you were about to teethe the fabric, immediately dropping the shirt and standing all the way back up. Your heart was racing, unable to predict what she was about to say. She looked as if she was genuinely questioning the situation, and you were terrified. "Bedroom. Now."
Before you could process the sense of relief that washed over your body, Wanda was dragging you towards the hallway that led to her room. Even though you'd been in her space several times, the idea of fucking her in her own bed was driving you mad.
Before either of you could make it two steps into the room, you shut the door and placed her up against the wood. For a moment, all you could do was stare into her eyes, and all she could do was stare back. This was crazy. Her hand twitched on your back, and you lost control.
You immediately pressed your lips back onto hers, lifting her wrists up and holding them against the door. She groaned as your tongue explored her mouth, your hands eventually finding their way back to the rim of her shirt. Now wasting no time, you lifted the article of clothing off of her body as she gladly held her arms above her head.
After tossing the shirt aside, you found yourself taken aback by her body. Her simple, red bra complimented her soft skin, hugging her gently. The stretch marks that remained from her pregnancy were like highlights of the moon reflecting off of the ocean, and the way her breasts moved with her heavy breathing had you in a trance.
"Holy shit," you whispered, slowly moving your mouth towards her sternum, beginning to place soft kisses in a line.
"What?" Wanda asked.
"You're breathtaking."
"Well, I'm not what I used to be."
Your hands roamed her back as you continued your delicate kisses on her breasts.
"I don't want what you used to be, Wanda. I think you're perfect the way you are now." You said as you unclipped her bra, slipping the straps off of her shoulders. The two of you locked eyes as you slid the article down her arms. Her swollen lips and wondrous gaze were stuck on your being as your lungs seemed to be missing air.
To your surprise, Wanda's next move was to lunge at you, forcing you to walk backwards as her tongue explored your mouth and her hands worked to remove your shirt. You jumped when the backs of your knees met the bed, but Wanda didn't seem to notice as she pushed you back and climbed on top. Distracted by the feeling of being in her bed and her tongue beginning to explore your chest, you tangled your fingers into her hair and tugged.
"Fuck," She moaned, looking up at you, and you froze. A pair of of desperate green eyes and wet, swollen lips were staring up at you, and your english teacher had just moaned a curse word. You felt like you were on another planet.
"Shit, you're attractive." You mumbled and the older woman blushed. "Tugging hair, choking... this is only the beginning, Wanda." You smirked at her from under her body, and her only response was kissing you deeply.
You used this moment as an opportunity to push her on her back, quickly mounting her before she could protest, although you don't think she would have. You took the moment to drag your fingertips down her front and run each nipple over with your thumbs.
"Oh, Fuck, babygirl, you're driving me-" You eagerly latched your mouth onto a breast, receiving a heavy gasp from the woman below you. You continued on with your work, playing with the free nipple in one hand and stroking a thigh with the other. Her fingers were dancing across your back, eventually making their way to unclasp your bra.
The moment you felt the relief, you gently bit down on her delicate nipple, causing Wanda to arch upwards and rake her nails down your back. The pain caught you by surprise as you leaned into her and moaned into her ear. You could feel her smirk against your skin.
"Shut up." You groaned.
"Make me." She replied, trying to tug your bra down your arms.
You sat up to fully remove the article of clothing, entertained by the hands that were running up your side to cup your breasts. You rested for a moment, enjoying the feeling of Wanda's massaging.
"Is this what you wanted from me, detka? Is this what you picture when you think of me?"
"To be honest, I never let myself consider it. But I always wondered what it would be like..." You smirked and placed your hands on her stomach. "Why? Is this something you've fantasized about? Having me on top of you, topless and moaning?" You leaned back over her body, your hands moving to massage her breasts and your breath teasing her other nipple.
"Oh honey," She laughed and moved her touches to and down your back. "I've thought about all of this. What your mouth on my tits would be like, how your fingers would feel inside of me..." Your movements stopped as you stared at her. "How hard would you fuck me and with how many fingers and how much tongue. How much would you edge me and make me crazy. What you would look like in-between my legs with my cum dripping from your lips? I'm simply curious, darling." Her hands cupped your ass as you worked up a response.
"Well aren't you lucky, Ms. Maximoff," You began with a shakey voice, one hand holding you up and the other teasing her stomach. "Cause you get to find out." You moved your fingers to the top her jeans and you popped the button open. "Have you ever pictured me rubbing out your cunt?" Wanda simply stared. "Well, we should probably start there." You slid your hands into her jeans and started making circles over her clothed pussy, watching as she took a deep breath and opened her mouth. You could feel her slickness in the fabric.
"Fuck, Wanda, you're already drenched." You groaned as you finally placed your lips on her other breast. Her wet cunt was already coating your fingers and you realized that you were so close to tasting her. "You're so wet for me, I've hardly done anything."
"Darling, you've done more for me than anyone else ever has." She groaned.
"Do you want me to do more?"
"Baby, please."
You immediately took your hand out of her jeans and turned your attention to taking them off entirely. You could hardly contain yourself as she lifted her hips and helped you slide the denim off of her skin, her now drenched panties completely visible.
"Wow," You whispered, crawling back on top of her body, bringing your face up to hers so your noses could meet again.
"Hi," She smiled sheepishly, and you gave her a loving kiss.
"Gods, you're stunning. I can't wait to be inside you." You kissed her again.
"I want to touch you too, babygirl." Wanda whispered and you smiled.
"Touch anything you'd like, Ms. Maximoff."
Wanda's eyes scanned your body. "I also want these off." She pulled at the hem of your pants then dragged her fingernails up and down your sides.
Shivering, you dismounted Wanda and stood up, putting on a show of you taking off your pants.
"You mean these old things?" You bent over so Wanda could see the fabric sliding down your ass, taking your time even though it was painful.
"Detka, you're killing me." Wanda sat up to watch as the hem dragged down your legs, revealing your most flattering panties. The attention she was giving you was lighting you on fire. You heard her audibly gasp when you started to pull at the final piece of clothing, but you instead let go of your panties and turned back around, smirking.
"Now, Ms. Maximoff, I can't do all of the work for you." You waltzed back over to the bed, remounting the older woman. You watched as her eyes followed the dark spot on your only remaining article. Grinning, you leaned into her ear. "Ill touch yours if you touch mine."
"Please, baby." She whispered. You sat up so she could see all of you again, this time reaching a hand down to where your panties covered your pussy. Making sure she was watching, you pulled the fabric aside.
"Go on, Wanda, it's all yours."
She slowly reached a hand to your slickness, and the moment you finally felt contact, you took a deep breath. At first, she just held one finger there, but eventually, small movements began to circle your clit. You moaned. "Good job, M- Ms. Maxi- mo--" She slipped a finger into you. "FUCK. You feel so good. You're doing so good." You noticed Wanda's eyes were glued to her finger moving in and out of you, trying to fill in the picture that was still hidden by the thin fabric.
You opened your eyes just in time to see her pull out her finger and bring it up to her lips, sensually sucking you off and whining at your taste. Excitedly, you let go of your panties and leaned down to taste yourself on her tongue.
"How did that feel, Wanda?" You smirk, coming out of the deep kiss and pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. 
"God- babygirl... you- you're driving me crazy." Her hips softly rolled under you as she pulled your head back down for another aching kiss. You ran the hand that wasn't supporting your weight over her breasts and down her body, scratching at the skin below her belly button. "Please, honey... I..." She mumbled in-between kisses, you hardly giving her a chance to speak. When you finally pulled away a few inches, no more words were leaving her lips as her chest heaved for air. 
"What is it, Ms. Maximoff?" You smirked, playing with the elastic around her waist. 
"I need you to touch me." 
"Yes ma'am." You watched her facial expressions as your hand finally dove into her panties, the moisture immediately apparent. Her eyes widened when your pointer finger found the velvety slick and you immediately knew you would do anything in your power to make sure she knew how good another woman could make her feel. Your digit slowly started exploring the rest of the area, soft moans escaping the older woman as you glazed over her clit and entrance. 
"Have you ever been touched like this, Wanda?" You whispered into her ear, making a few nips at her lobe.
"N-no..." She sighed as you began intentionally circling her clit. 
"Nobody to notice what you like... what you want. This wet, pretty pussy wasted on cheap condoms and a quick fuck."
A sinful moan left her body as your lips once again returned to her neck, you quickly learning where her sensitive spots were. "Shit, baby." Her nails were digging into your shoulder blades. 
"Nobody to know how warm and soft you are," You said, shoving a finger into her entrance, groaning as she gasped. "And it's a damn shame, cause you feel so perfect, Ms. Maximoff." You met her eyes when you could see the surprise on her face at your last statement. Your finger started moving slowly in and out, trying to map out every dip and line you could feel. "So perfect." 
You once again reattached your lips to hers, feeling the vibrations from her moans on your tongue. You could stay like this forever, you felt. But Wanda did not. 
"Detka, I need more. Please." Her slight accent slipping through, reaching down to your core. 
You pulled your finger out of her and she whined, fearing her pleading made you step back. Little did she know, but she would be getting exactly what she asked for. 
"I would love to give you more, but these are gonna need to come off." You dragged your soaked finger down her stomach to grab at her panties and she frantically nodded.
"Yeh- yes please. I want to feel all of you." 
You smirked, moving back to finally drag the rest of the fabric down her legs. When you finally brought yourself to look at the painting between her legs though, you could hardly breathe. Her folds were swollen and soaked with her wetness, slightly moving with her body as her chest rose and fell. You felt so divided, debating consuming her immediately or taking your time to work her up. 
You realized while the first option was so tempting, the second would give her the full experience. You slowly reached your fingertips to graze over her thigh, small whimpers coming from the older woman. 
"Oh, Wanda, you are divine." You muttered, now dragging both palms up her waist and down the sides of her ass as you repositioned yourself closer to her core. Eyes dragging up and down her person when you spotted the wetness that you had left on her stomach earlier. You leaned down to clean it all up, finally getting to taste her tanginess on your tongue. You moaned into her skin.
"Detka..." She gasped as you moved your mouth down to her inner thighs and you hands to grip her waist. Her smell was driving you crazy as her taste lingered in your throat. You began to slowly suck at the warm soft terrain, finding it easy to pull the skin between your teeth. A hand was placed on your head, pulling on your hair in a desperate attempt to get you closer to her core. You simply laughed, leaving red spots everywhere in-between her thighs.
Despite your grip on her hips, she still found some movements, directing your attention to the quiet sticky sounds coming from her pussy. You watched in a daze as her small twitches pushed around the slick, begging to be touched again.
You couldn't take it anymore, fully embracing her wetness with a torturous lick up her core. The groan that escaped Wanda was heavenly as she tried to tug you back onto her. You complied, picking up a slow routine of collecting her mess into your mouth. You dug your fingers deeper into her sides, addicted to her pain response. 
"Oh, good girl, baby. That, wow." She said as you began to suckle on her clit, striving for every reaction you could get out of her. "Holy fuck."
You smirked, finally sliding a finger back into her dripping hole and continuing to work on her clit with your mouth. You knew this pace you were making would not be enough, but you wanted the older woman to beg for it. You could tell she already wanted to as your hair only got tugged harder and finger nails started scratching at your arms. 
After only a short time, you decided to amp up the teasing with another finger into her entrance, but you would not change your pace. You took breaks on her clit when you felt she was building up too many knots, paying attention to her audible sighs as if she was taking a cold plunge and making sure her lungs were still working. 
"Darling, please... oh-"
You blew on her clit as you watched how your fingers slid in and out of her, collecting up her slick.
"Baby please make me cum. You feel s-so good but you're destroying me Y/N/N."
"You want me that bad, Ms. Maximoff?" You grinned. 
"Darling, its not a want. It's a need. Now. Please."
"Ok, as long as you look at me as I fuck you clean. I want you to know what good love feels and looks like." You smirked as she pulled a pillow under your head, elated when she gasped at the image before her... your chin soaked, eyes hungry and smile cruel. You kept eye contact with her as you sunk back down to her core, living in the light of her stare. You began to continue the licks and pumps, but she let her eyes roll back, which you hadn't told her to do. 
"Eyes on me, Ms. Maximoff. I'm in charge right now." You couldn't believe those words had just rolled off of your tongue, but clearly she hadn't either as your gazes reconnected. 
"You little sl-" She went speechless as you started a more aggressive pace, ensuring her green glare was on you. Once you had decided she would stay like that, you moved all of your attention to her pussy, finally tying all the knots together in her core. Her moans and whimpers were everything to you, even when you noticed her upper body was becoming too weak. You decided to let her finish, knowing she more than deserved it. 
"Detka, I think I'm gonna cum- I" 
"The stage is yours" You mumbled into her, internally grinning. You pumped a few more times and the next thing you know, Wanda has thrown her head down and arched off the bed. You could feel her cum as you watched the sight before you, the older woman unable to control her high. 
You stared in awe as your fingers worked her off her high, chest heaving and hands rubbing her eyes. You slowly pulled your fingers out of her twitchy hole, making sure her eyes were back on you as you raised your digits to your lips. 
"Wow, babygirl, that was... amazing." She pulled you over for a kiss, adjusting to her taste on your tongue. "Thank you."
You giggled. "You know, Wanda, another nice thing about women is that they have the stamina to make you cum more than once in a night... if you're interested." You smirked.
Her jaw slightly dropped. "More than once?"
Thanks for reading!
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milliesfishes · 25 days
Hi!! First of all, I love your work, so much!!
Is there any chance I could request another pregnancy imagine with Billy the kid? You can have a free hand with this one, I just love seeing Billy so protective and loving with his partner so she doesn't need to lift a finger! ❤️❤️
thank you so much!! <3
⋆౨ৎ𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓰𝓷𝓪𝓷𝓽⋆౨ৎ 𝓯𝓮𝓶 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓭
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"Billy!" you exclaimed as he swooped you up in his arms, boots clomping on the hardwood as he carried you to the sofa, where a patch of sunlight was warming the cushions. "What on earth-“
"You should be restin' he insisted, depositing you directly in the sunlight and retrieving a blanket and unfolding it on your lap. He smoothed a strand of hair from your face, letting his hand fall to your rounded belly. "You comfy? Don't gotta be wearin' that dress 'round here when it's just us."
"You want me naked?" You tilted your head, giggling lightly and smoothing your skirt down.
Billy gave you a fond look. "I was thinkin' you could wear one 'f my shirts, but I wouldn't mind that either..."
With a real laugh, you brushed your hair behind your shoulder. "I think I'd take the shirt."
"Right away, sweetheart." Billy tweaked your nose and got to his feet, footsteps heavy all the way to the bedroom. You heard a drawer being pulled out, and then he was back in an instant, holding up the long-sleeved collared shirt with blue stripes you so adored on him. "This work?"
"Uh huh." You smiled happily, beginning to tug at the buttons of your bodice. He resumed his place at your side, holding the shirt open for you once you'd gotten the dress over your head. When you began to hook these buttons to their loopholes, he reached out, batting your hands away and doing them up himself.
You smiled at his insistence, lips parting slightly when he left the bottom half undone and let your belly poke between the folds. "Missed a few buttons, handsome."
"Mmm, I like it this way," he hummed playfully, letting his warm palm smooth over your stomach. "You're cute as a button with a tummy fulla baby."
"I'd hope so," you giggled. "You're the one who made me this way."
"And had fun doin' it, baby," he said contentedly, kissing your temple. It was quiet for a moment, just blissful silence filling the air as he held you close, a hand on your stomach. You enjoyed moments like these, where no words were needed and his presence filled your heart fully. He was always there, but when he was this close...it was all you could think of.
Suddenly he sat up straight. "You've gotta eat somethin'."
"Billy," you giggled, tugging on his sleeve. "You're babying me."
"Well you've got my baby in you so that feels right, don't it?" Billy chucked you under the chin lightly. "C'mon, the doctor said you've gotta keep your tummy full. Of food, too."
Exhaling in sweet exasperation, you shifted forward to stand up. "Alright, let me-"
"Ah ah ah," Billy gently leaned you back again, dragging the blanket over your lap. "No movin'. I'll get somethin' for you."
"I'm allowed to move," you tried, but he shook his head firmly, bending forward and kissing your forehead with a smack.
"I can get my girl somethin' to eat." He thumbed your cheek. trailing off into the kitchen. You shook your head, though a smile remained on your face as the sounds of things clattering around in the cabinets emanated from the space.
Watching him walk away reminded you of exactly how the baby had gotten into you, and you enjoyed the view, sighing and leaning back. Billy had been more than generous with how insatiable you'd been due to your hormones- an interesting side effect of your pregnancy.
When Billy returned with a bowl of fresh strawberries you were delighted, reaching out with grabby hands. He laughed, sitting beside you and balancing the bowl on your belly. "Sweet berries for my sweet girl."
When he sat beside you, you steadied a hand on his cheek, tilting back and pressing a kiss to his jaw. "Thank you, my love."
"You're very welcome, honey," he murmured, holding to you and pressing a kiss to your hair. "Gotta make sure you 'n baby're happy."
"We're very happy," you smiled, lifting a berry to your lips and relishing the taste. Sweet and tangy, just what you'd wanted, even without you knowing it. Billy really did know you inside and out.
He secured his arms around you, chin finding a place on your shoulder as he nosed into your neck. "You look so pretty."
"I'm fat now," you pouted, letting the bowl rest against your chest atop your stomach. It was a handy feature, but it only emphasized your new state.
"Aww, not in the slightest, darlin'." Billy pulled you to sit across his thighs, cheek pressed to your hair. "Pregnant looks damn good on you."
"Hmm." You leaned against his chest, enjoying the last of your strawberries as the sun sank warmed you both right up, feeling your child flutter in your belly as if excited by the love of its parents.
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glimmerlofsea · 5 months
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warning : I don't know how to write it but the reader's father is very abusive, so a bit of violent? Kissing part (ehehe) but not too hot.
WC; 2,7k
#TALKISSA; Where Billy is attracted to you, who is a nerd but still maintains your title of popularity because of your intelligence and genius. You don't like the new kid, he always taunts you with your bookishness, until when he wants to irritating you he realizes that your face is puffy.
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You are always the student with the title of 'the smartest' in class, but that doesn't mean that a bunch of girls there can bully you, in fact you have your own interests which actually make you more attractive when all the nerds in school are bullied. You feel bad for them, you try your best to help them.
You're in gym class, your clothes are wet and you're wearing shorts for gym class, because your clothes are wet from sweat—I know it's gross, believe me—you decide to take off your clothes at the gym, luckily that day you were wearing a white tank top.
Because you felt yourself being watched, you looked in a direction that supported your instincts, that's where you saw the new kid who was looking at you with a sly smile, you always hated him, how he acted bossily and all his arrogant attitudes. You fake a smile and throw up your middle finger before going to get your backpack.
You still felt his gaze, but you didn't care, because gym class was the last subject in your class. You decided to take a shower when you got home.
When you get home you get ready to go with your father, mother and brother for a family dinner at a restaurant not far from your house, where your extended family visits Hawkins for the holidays, even though that is a bad choice for enjoying their holiday.
Your father isn't always abusive, maybe there will come a time when he will punish you when you get bad grades, you think it's normal since you don't achieve what he wants, but slowly you feel like it's out of bounds, you push yourself to get greater in your academic achievements.
Because you are the only girl when many of your cousins ​​are boys, you want to prove to them that you are not just a joke as they say. But unfortunately, at dinner, your aunt, your cousin, and even your uncle tried to bring up the topic of you getting bad grades.
You feel uncomfortable but try to smile,
"Let it go, Y/N. And Frank, aren't you pushing your daughter too much? C'mon, man, you know women can't be anything." Your uncle, Tom, said to your father, you looked at your uncle sarcastically, he looks down on women too much, isn't that right? You haven't liked Uncle Tom for a long time, he always looks down on you.
"And Y/N," Tom said then shook his head while chuckling, "What are you actually trying to achieve? Look at John, he's not even trying but is already being targeted by several big CEOs in Atlanta."
John smiled proudly at you who was showing your flat face, oh, John, if he knew how much you wanted to punch him in the face.
"That's what differentiates me from John, Uncle Tom. What I'm trying to achieve is my real effort, not John with zero effort and then proudly showing his fucking smile." You said without the slightest smile, Tom looked surprised by your words, while Aunt Mary clenched her jaw and held her son's chest so he wouldn't get hurt hearing your words.
"Y/N." Your father warned you.
You looked at him, "What? I'm just telling the truth."
"Apologize." Press your father.
You chuckled, "Why am I sorry? I didn't—" Your father who sit right next to you immediately slapped you, a gasp came from many family members including your older brother who initially didn't pay attention, "I didn't raise you to being a disrespectful bitch."
You held your cheeks and looked at your father with your lips quivering, "Do you understand, Y/N Y/L/N?" You hesitate to answer, but you nod slowly, “Yes, Father.”
You tried to hold back your tears, you didn't want to be embarrassed again, especially by your own father,
You looked at Uncle Tom, Aunt Mary, and John, looking at them in turn, "I am sorry for my impudence."
"You better be, kid." Uncle Tom replied.
The rest of dinner didn't go well, things became tense when you guys saw an atmosphere where your father slapped you, your mother was there, but she really didn't do her job as a mother. All she thinks about is the money from your father's work, she wasn't even there when your first period came.
You are just silent, you feel like no one is on your side, or even support you.
Landon, your brother? He is second to none with John who immediately got the job without looking at his grades.
You hate being yourself who is thought to be incapable of anything and can't be anything. They should clear their minds, aren't even your aunt and mother furious when the men in their family degrade women like that?
You hated your father, but at least he wanted you to be something to be proud of, just to be proud of, not to be raised with the love and sincerity you need.
You spent the whole night crying, your father didn't forget to teach you a lesson, usually he would lock you in the basement all day without food and drink because of your rude words like a child not being taught, but this time it was different, because when you're having a family dinner that night he was quite drunk, he slapped you several times on your cheek. Leaves redness that will last until morning.
Your mother? She went out with her friends with the money your father gave her, Landon just stayed in his room playing games without thinking one bit about his future.
Sometimes you think Uncle Tom was right, why are you doing all this? If in the end you can't achieve anything or can't become anything.
Since that night things got chaos, you kept getting distracted while taking a test.
“Miss Y/L/N.”
You heard a teacher calling you, you turned and caught Mr. Cravil walked towards you, with all the energy you had you tried to smile, your energy was almost drained from crying all night, "Yes?"
"What happened? Several teachers complained that your grades had dropped drastically. And even I, as your homeroom teacher as a Mathematics teacher, was surprised by the change in your grades." Obviously Mr. Cravil when you pay close attention to his words.
You sighed, you knew you messed up, you really had no motivation, “Sorry, Mr. Cravil.”
"No, no, don't apologize. I'm just reflecting this drastic change, you know? You can always tell me at any time."
It wasn't like the teacher's request was lewd, but Mr. Cravil is sincere, he really concerned you, not only you, he really cares about his students.
You weakly smiled, "Thank you, Mr. Cravil."
After that you go to the bathroom.
You look in the mirror, staring blankly at yourself then you wash your face with water, all the make up comes off, the cuts caused by your father starts to show, he really gets maniacally mad when he hears that your grades have dropped. Of course he already knew since he said he had a stalker to monitor developments at your school.
You couldn't hold it in anymore, you shed tears, looked at yourself in the mirror and uncontrollably punched the mirror with your bare hands. You wouldn't have thought that the mirror would crack in one punch from yourself who you feel is getting weaker every day. But you are relieved, even though the blood is dripping from the bones of your hand.
You took a breath and covered your face with your hoodie, then you grabbed your backpack to rush home. Or wherever you felt safe since 'home' doesn't feel safe anymore.
In the corridor you hear some gossip from the girls at school,
"I heard she's pregnant..."
"She's pregnant so her grades have dropped..."
"She's a mess."
You closed your eyes and took your headset from your trouser pocket to not hear the words that haunted your mind, you don't need it, you really don't need it right now.
When you come out of the school corridor, you think it's over, but someone appears in front of you, Billy Hargrove with his trademark smile that makes all the girls crazy but you,
Someone pulls your hoodie that covering your head, you try to control your anger,
You looked at Billy, at first he smiled like a psychopath, but seeing your face which had several cuts made him lose his smile, "Hey, Tommy, hook me up with a fresh cig."
"What? Come on, Billy, I thought we were gonna hassle this girl—"
"Just bounce, dude. Quick." Billy replied.
You still had your locks on Billy, “Fuck off.” You were about to leave but he held your hand, you winced a little when he accidentally touched your bleeding hand bone, Billy, who realized that his hand had traces of blood, immediately lifted your hand, after he saw it, you immediately pulled your hand back and pulled up your hoodie.
"Fuck. Off." Press you once again then leave in front of him.
He really isn't holding you back, why? Because he was trying to understand what happened. What happened? A perfect girl experiences something like that in her life? And oh, how he hated the cuts that dimmed your face.
He always pays attention to you, always, when you flash the biggest smile he's ever seen, when you don't hesitate to defend a nerd who is being bullied by Tommy, or when you smile proudly in class when you get the right answer and get a plus. What he thinks when he sees you is the only light that brings beauty and happiness to this city full of cows.
But when he saw your condition just a few minutes ago? His world seemed to be turning upside down and his brain not too immersed in thinking.
You decide to go to the supermarket to treat your wounds, followed by going anywhere that at least brings you peace.
You return home at night, of course your mother won't be there, she always goes and comes back as she pleases. You thought your father was asleep, but it turned out that when he entered the house he was holding an alcohol bottle in his hand, he slammed it hard, making the glass bounce onto your leg, making your leg scratch and you wince.
Your father grabbed you and dragged you, "You ungrateful child, this is the first and last time i saw you come home at night, understand?! You have to learn, bitch! Don't be a whore as you like!"
"Father, please! It hurts. It's—" You cried, no matter how tight your father's grip was, maybe a few strands of hair would fall out the next day, "Please, I'm not being a whore or even a slut out there."
Your father threw you harshly into your room, "Crap. Have I ever exposed you to lies, Lady? I raised you well so that you wouldn't be like your mother who only knows about money and becomes a prostitute every night!" Your father cupped your chin and held it tightly, making you sob, "But you're no different from her."
You were still struggling with your breath, when your father locked your room you knew it was going to be a hard and bad week.
You leaned yourself on the edge of the mattress and hid your head in the knees of your feet, crying uncontrollably, you hated your life. Why bother living if throughout your life you are not treated as a human being? Not even once in your life.
While you were crying, you heard a sound from your window, you looked at the window and saw Billy appear at your window and enter your room. With you looking towards the door, hopefully your father didn't hear it. You stood up with all your strength, but were still unsteady on your legs, which were injured by scratches from the alcohol bottle.
Billy approaches you,
"What are you doing? Billy, get out." You said frantically as you wiped your face and tucked your hair behind your ear which was sticky to your face from your tears.
“I know this sounds stupid but I'm worried about you, Y/L/N.” You closed your eyes in frustration, this was simply an unwise and downright stupid choice.
"Y/N, tell me what's wrong. You're a complete mess and—"
"Exactly!" You screamed and whispered at the same time, you caught your breath and held back your tears, "Exactly, Billy. I look really messed up and with you here? It's really going to be even more messed up. Please, leave. Before my father realizes you're even here."
Billy touched your cheek without your permission, but his hand was warm, making you relax for a moment because your body had been freezing all day, "Is this because of your father?"
You looked at him and nodded slowly.
"Y/N, who is that? Are you talking to someone!? Fucking brat, I'm going to kill you."
You panicked when you heard your father scream, you let go of Billy's grip and pushed his body slowly towards the window, "Leave. Now."
"Oh God, please, Billy!" You said in frustration, you really depended your life on him, "Please,"
Billy had heard the word 'please' a thousand times in his life while fucking girls in Hawkins, but this time? This sounds different. As if a girl's life depended on him.
"Okay..." Billy finally said it, "Just call me? Make sure I know you're okay. I wrote my number in your biology book."
You nodded quickly, feeling panicked because the sound of the door lock had started to beep. When Billy started to go get his profit, your father didn't catch anyone, so you were safe and he didn't leave any scars behind.
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Several weeks have passed, things are still the same but better. Since that night you could say you spent more time with Billy, nothing romantic, but you just touched when Billy said that he would protect you, you were flattered and laughed a little at his stupidity in saying it.
And he always says he will always be beside you, will always dry your tears when they wet your face, and he will even risk his life just to take away the darkness that is in your life. You really wish you could do the opposite for him too.
You both share the same experience, an abusive father and feeling unwanted. But it feels like you need someone like Billy, he's not that bad actually.
And here you are, you are sitting on the hood of Billy's car while he is lying on the hood of his car, believe me, you are the only girl he lets sit on the hood of his car. He feels like you are another part of him, and you are truly like a treasure to be protected, at all times. You sometimes feel that Billy is your real father, not Frank.
You were sucking on the ice cream Billy had bought you moments before, you two were just spending time staring at the stars at night.
Billy woke up from his sleep, and you looking at his direction, you quickly finished your ice cream so you could rest your head on his shoulder. It was silly but Billy secretly loved it when you depended on him.
"I like midnight." You said.
You nod.
"Especially when spending it with me, right?" Billy asked with a smile that made you laugh and pull your head from his shoulder.
"Oh, that smile. I really want to keep it in my pocket." Billy said, you smiled, "Then keep it."
"Can I?"
You nodded, "On condition that you buy me another ice cream."
Billy rolled his eyes, "That's your third ice cream, Princess." He always calls you princess since right now you are the most valuable thing he has.
Now you roll your eyes, "There are not enough words for ice cream."
Billy chuckled, "There's something on your lips."
You looked up at him and traced your lips, "Really? Where?"
"Let me wipe it." He replied with a crooked smile.
Before finishing your words he kissed you right on the lips, hell, what a really nice move. When he felt you didn't reject him he started to deepen the kiss and placed his hand on your thigh while his other hand landed on the back of your neck. You ran your fingers down his chest.
When you broke the kiss you chuckled, “So sneaky.”
Billy smiled and kissed your forehead, “I guess that's my new title, isn't it?” You just roll your eyes.
He got off the hood of the car, then offered his hand for you to reach as you got off the hood, and you gladly accepted, "Let's go back, okay?"
You nod.
With him, all you feel is sincerity and love, what you need most to live are these two things. With him, no one is pressuring you to get good grades, and you really need a 'Billy' figure in your life, at least occasionally in your life. You were happy that night he admitted to your room. And you hope Billy feels otherwise.
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Author Note : I don't know but when I wrote this I was too immersed and became emotional... while listening to the song it was as if I really got into the character... maybe a little out of context from Billy's attitude, but let me play with my own imagination. I hope you guys like it!
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weird-an · 1 year
Jim is pretty sure that he's not qualified for whatever this.
He is a father though, once again - rather unexpectedly. Maybe it's that what makes him drag Billy Hargrove's ass from behind the Camaro's wheel when he's obviously wasted as fuck or it's too cold to sleep at the quarry. Because while the Hargrove kid doesn't admit it, Hopper has seen the ratty blanket and the fucking school books on the backseat.
"Hargrove," he grunts and can almost hear Joyce telling him that using his last name probably isn't helping.
"Billy," he corrects himself. "Do you need a place to stay?"
"I live at Cherry Lane. You know that." Billy chips a bit of black nail polish off his fingernails. "I'm not some hobo."
"Chief," he adds after a heartbeat, shooting Jim a calculating glance like he's trying to make a run for it. It wouldn't be the first time that happened.
"That's not what I'm asking," Jim grunts. He knows his tone is too rough, so he shoves a cup of watery hot chocolate towards Billy.
He wishes he had more patience, but he's just so angry. At himself, mostly and at Billy's dad. Because at first, he bought the whole "Billy needs a firm hand" act. He fucking fell for it. He drove Billy home several times and Neil Hargrove promised to take care of it. He gave a disapproving head shake towards Billy and gave Jim a long speech about America's youth and their queer antics and lack of manners. He has no prove, because Billy doesn't talk, it's just a hunch, but that kid needs help.
"I can stay at Harrington's," Billy mumbles. "When it gets too bad."
He takes the cup and gulps the chocolate down. Jim wonders if he's hungry, nervous or thirsty. Or all of it.
"Then why did I have to pick you up at the quarry again?"
"You don't have to do shit," Billy sneers. He sits up, hand crushing the paper cup. "I didn't fucking ask you to."
"Of course I have to," Jim barks. Billy has the talent to rile him up with ease. It's like he wants Jim to explode. "Every goddamn night I wonder if you're the next dead kid they'll find at the lake and I don't want to let this happen."
"I don't get you," Billy shouts back. "I don't get you ... or Steve .. What do you want? Why are you being so fucking nice? Why does he even like me?"
Jim blinks. Why should he know anything about Steve Harrington?
"Are you sleeping outside..." he asks slowly. "...because Harrington likes you and you don't know how to deal with that?"
Billy rubs the bridge of his nose. His voice grows smaller with each word. "He always... wants to talk and to cuddle and shit."
"Cuddle? That's sounds fucking qu-"
Billy flinches, eyes wide, like a rabbit about to bolt.
Hopper's mouth snaps shut. In his mind Joyce is already berating him softly to choose his words wisely.
"Do you want to cuddle with Harrington?" he asks. God, police school didn't brace him for whatever the fuck is happening right now.
"What?" Billy croaks. He looks as confused as Jim feels.
"Jesus," Jim sighs. "Let's go."
"What?" Billy repeats like a broken record.
"I'll drive you to Harrington's." Jim clears his throat. "So that you can... cuddle." He finishes lamely.
"What?" Billy seems to have forgotten any other words.
Hopper gets up. "Let's go."
He has no idea what he's doing. Maybe Steve and him can work together to make sure Billy is kinda safe.
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falling-star-cygnus · 2 months
Can you do a Billy Kid story where he catches a computer virus that causes him to simulate the symptoms of the common cold?
YES I CAN <333
@purplewillowsofthemist had a similar request, so I hope this is to both your tastes!!
Why do my limbs feel so heavy...?
The waking world came like a flashbang to his senses, with all the colors stabbing through his video processors like needles. Did someone mess with his settings again..? Turn them up too high?
It hurt to think.
And yet... it seemed to be the only thing that Billy was capable of at the moment. The effort it was taking to come back online scared him a little- a lot, actually. Was his battery dying? Was he dying!?
What happened? Where am I..? Wasn't I.. on a mission?
The mission!
Bits and pieces of his last waking hours begin to filter through, each snapshot sending painful waves through his circuits like one of Nicole's scolding hits.
Entering the Hollow with their client..
The Ethereals being easier to fight off for some reason.
Celebrating... suspicion..
Anby's swords fizzling out..
P a i n.
"...e.. omin- line?" …they sounded familiar. Worried, though, they shouldn't sound worried. None of his friends should sound like that ever.
"...ot su..."
Small, cold hands gently touched his face. Familiar hands, with chewed fingernails and callouses.
"Ther- ..aw.. low!"
This time, Billy could vaguely feel clawed fingertips clutching onto his jacket. It still hurt to even consider fighting through the static that seemed intent on blanketing him..
But if his friends were worried...
"Bi-..y!" "...-ly!" "Billy?"
The final nail in his coffin of awareness comes in the form of a manicured hand threading through synthetic hair and guiding his aching head up on something soft, "Billy ...-ake up, right now!"
He finally manages to crack his eyes open, and keep them open, as he takes in the blurry forms around him.
Nekomata was clutching at his arm, probably causing little tears in the leather of his jacket- not that he minded too much, it could be fixed- Anby was practically nose to nose with him, her amber eyes tracking... something.. and Nicole was...
Letting him rest on her lap?
Oh Starlight Knights, he really was dying, wasn't he?
The manicured hand in his hair smacks him- but, gently. More like a tap, if anything.
"Don't even joke about that! You're not dying, Billy."
Oh! That was nice to know. Boss wouldn't lie to him.
"...he's really out of it, huh? Meow.."
Those calloused hands on his face pat his forehead consolingly and Billy's foggy brain finally connects them to Anby. It was sort of nice to be touched like this, actually, even if he was in pain. It'd been a while since he'd had a hug.
The hands on him twitch slightly, like a flinch, before pressing closer. More solidly establishing their presence.
Was he talking out loud?
"Oh... yeah, yeah you are, Billy." Oh. Wait- Manager!?
The static in his head spikes suddenly, and it makes it impossible to catch any of the following conversation. He can barely even question when Phaethon had shown up. Or- the siblings went by a different name now, didn't they?
"-r... t's- ourse."
It was getting harder to catch words, again..
"...recover.. f- ..ays."
Something cold presses against his forehead, the too bright too hazy surroundings dim. Was he powering off again..? He didn't want to be alone...
"It's ok... " It was?
"We'll be- ..ere.. wh- ..wake up."
ok... Billy's eyes slip shut.
The Boss wouldn't lie to him, after all.
lmk if you liked it!! and what should i do next :D
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runningfrom2am · 25 days
michigan cherry // part six
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summary: walking into a saloon in a nowhere town, billy meets a singer who he just can't get off his mind after she slips through his fingers; onto another town, another show- following nothing but the stars in her path. until he sees her again. another nowhere town and equally dusty saloon, but this time, the band of kids who made up her family is nowhere to be found. he's running away from something, and she is storming full speed toward something else, and tangling into each other's lives may just get both of them exactly where they want to be.
pairing: william h. bonney x fem!reader
wc: 2.4k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: singer!reader (she’s giving very much lucy gray), probably a little bit ooc billy but hey i tried- anyway he’s a sweetheart, use of guns and violence, murder and violence but i try to keep it non-descript, oh also she’s an orphan sorry (once again, lucy gray vibes), strangers to friends to lovers trope eee. also not thoroughly proofread oops
the songs in this chapter are: "scared of my guitar" by Olivia Rodrigo, "Michigan Cherry" by River Whyless, "Traveling Song" by Ryn Weaver, "Slim Pickins" by Sabrina Carpenter, and "Adore You - Acoustic" by Maisie Peters !!
a/n: ahhh hi it's my birthday! super excited to share this with you guys even though it isn't all that special or exciting but i'm just happy to be back :). last year for my birthday i posted in this life or the next and i wanted to finally get part 3 of that up today but that just wasn't going to happen BUT for everyone asking i am working on it. i swear. i'm not giving up on it!!
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // pinterest board // playlist
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You thought that you might have heard somewhere that music is to the soul as opium is to a stubborn cough.
Or, maybe you dreamt that. Regardless, you knew for certain now that it was bullshit. But, with nowhere else to place your heartache, you found yourself sitting by a fire nearly every night with your guitar in your lap, humming soft words under your breath and plucking the strings as gently as you could.
It was for work, yes, but like opium, you had long since become addicted to the routine. Billy had too.
"You can play a little louder, y'know." He hums, tossing a broken twig into the campfire that separates you. "I was promised music in exchange for my services."
"And you get your music." You chuckle, hand pressed over the strings to stop their hum. "You haven't missed a show in almost two months, that ain't enough?"
"Sure, I'm just sayin' don't hold back your practice on my account. I'm happy to listen again." He answers with a soft smile, the yellow glow from the flames warming his features and bathing him in light.
You can't help the matching twitch of your lips to return his, feeling the slight burn in your cheeks that you can't confidently attribute to either the fire or your own blushing. "Well, it ain't much to listen to yet. Not finished."
"Ah, somethin' new?" Billy asks, leaning back on his palms and watching you expectantly as you give him a slight nod.
You're leaning over your guitar to scribble in that little notebook of yours, the pencil almost nothing more than a little nub in your hands and the pages of the book almost filled to the brim with words and notes. The temptation he faces every day to just grab it while you're sleeping or out away from the camp on a little walk has become an almost unbearable curiosity.
Because yes, he loves the songs you do sing, but what he wouldn't give to hear the ones you don't.
Billy would dive at any opportunity to see just a little more into your beautiful mind.
"Yeah, kinda." You hum in response, distracted again by the strings of your guitar effectively wrapping around your heart and your fingers and dragging your attention back to it.
"Okay, then, let me hear what you have so far."
You hate doing that, normally. You would hardly even play incomplete songs for your family when they were around- that awkward moment where you just have to trail off and go "Um, that's all I have..." and try to laugh but not too awkwardly was something painful.
But, this was Billy. Something about him compelled you to agree.
The problem was, the song you were currently meddling with the idea of may or may not be about him. You'd like to confirm with yourself that no, it is not about Billy, but damnit- he's the only person in your life. What else were you meant to write about?
You look down at the pages next to you, narrowed eyes reading over your own writing.
'Perfect, easy, so good to me. So why's there a pit in my gut, in the shape of you'-
Nope, nope, no. He's not hearing that.
You could deny all you wanted that the unfinished song was about him, try and claim to yourself that it was about Max- but deep down you knew the direction it was going.
You flick through the most recent pages, trying to spark your memory of something safer.
'Tart and sweet like a wild berry Tart and sweet your words to me Dark and red like a Michigan cherry Dark and red as the Iliad sea Here we lie in the deep night ready Here we lie, our skin is bare'-
That's definitely not going to work either. Your cheeks get somehow hotter and you clear your throat, flipping the page again.
Okay, this is much better.
"Like I said, it ain't done, so... not much to it yet, but..." You say, clearing your throat and avoiding his eyes as you quickly scan the new page again and position your fingers over the guitar strings.
Billy gives you a steeled nod, sitting up a little straighter ready to listen as if he would be a judge of the quality of your music. It was a joke, you both knew it. He knew he couldn't come up with a critiquing word toward your music if he was held at gunpoint and forced to try.
"Nobody knows where they are going Oh, how we try to wrap our minds Over the edge of all our knowings Be it a bang or the divine Tip of my iceberg blues are showing I've never been one for goodbyes So, 'til I meet you there, I'm singing A traveling song to ease the ride And so you know, everywhere I roam I'll see you on the road."
Your voice is steady, focussed on getting it out rather than dwelling on the meaning of the words and Billy could tell.
"So farewell to my friend, He who taught me to love like a beast And to feast like the queen that he fed turtle soup Little boy from Paris to the States, check the facts That was Magical Max He was black sheep and mischief and love for his craft..."
His heart leaps at the little laugh that falls from your lips at the memory of your friend, your fingers slowing their strum to a steady halt. He doesn't expect you to continue, but you do, your smile quickly fading again back into an attempt at indifferent focus.
"Then he told me that I was starlights that shine On that very last day, he said "Shoot for your dreams, little girl, to the stars" Well, I'm taking you with me Now this one is ours and I know what you'd say you'd say "On with the show!" So on we go."
How embarrassing it is to almost cry singing a song that isn't done, for your best friend who would never live to hear it. Whose memory deserved to be shared. It wouldn't get very far if you couldn't even share it with one person; if you couldn't even stomach finishing it.
"Um, so... I'm not sure about chording for that last bit, or honestly the lyrics. I think it feels better without the guitar, but..." You say quickly, focussing yourself on your book and pretending to scribble something in it just so you wouldn't have to look at the boy sitting across the fire from you.
"I think it's perfect." Billy tells you, a softness to his tone you only had the pleasure of hearing once in a blue moon.
What he meant to say was that it's beautiful, that it's a flawlessly fitting tribute that he felt lucky to hear, that when sung by an angel's voice like yours he didn't doubt for a second that your friend Max had heard it from beyond the veil and loved it too. Even unfinished.
None of that was what came out though, essentially awestruck the way he always was at your shows- but this time he was able to actually speak to you after hearing it instead of just clapping, whistling, or if he was lucky, catching your gaze with a smile and a corny thumbs up that told you he thought you were doing great. Not that you needed it.
"Thanks." Your sweet voice replies, watching him for a moment you determine to be too long before your focus is back on the notebook next to you. "Anyway, um, if you want to hear something else unfinished, this one I think is going to be kind of funny."
"Show me what you've got, then."
Billy simply couldn't resist anymore.
Sitting absentmindedly on a hay bale in a barn where a local owner was gracious enough to let the two of you stay, that damned notebook seems to be glowing right in his face from the sunlight streaming through some bullet holes in the wood paneling that made up the side of the stable.
It's taunting him, he's sure of it.
This stare-down has been going on for about ten minutes since you left it out on the ground next to your guitar to go use the homeowner's washbasin to clean up when his wife offered- you weren't going to turn down a bath that wasn't in a creek.
That would probably take you a while though, you'd likely savour it, so he could just take a look. You'd sing him pretty much anything asked, and what could possibly be more vulnerable than that song you wrote about Max that you shared with him a couple of weeks ago? Surely you wouldn't mind all that much. On the off chance you ever found out. Which, of course, you wouldn't- because he would put it right back where it was after just skimming it.
It's not Billy's fault your handwriting just looks so pretty and you're a poet without publication privileges- it would just be a waste if no one ever read your pretty musings written oftentimes to no one.
And still, he convinces himself again, that you would never know.
He gets up and studies the book to make sure he could put it back down at the right angle before picking it up, hands gentler than they have ever been- like he was touching his mother's precious crystal vase, a wedding gift that had been long lost to time in several moves across the sea and then the country.
He opens the notebook and immediately he can see how you've grown since this book was first picked up by your delicate hands. How your print has changed from beginning to almost end, the pages all wrinkled from spills and humidity and time.
How lucky, he thinks, to be chosen by you for this journey of your life. Why does he feel so much camaraderie for a book?
He skims the pages, delighted to see that it isn't just full of words but drawings too; the sweetest most delicate doodles of little things like your guitar or a flower here and there squeezed in amongst the words on the pages. The amount of talent one young woman could possess astounded him, it's shocking that it doesn't drip out of your every pore in the very black ink that you use to write. 
He can't help smiling a little to himself as he reads the scrawled titles and lyrics to songs he recognizes and he can practically hear your beautiful voice singing every word he's already heard.
'A boy who's nice that breathes- I swear, he's nowhere to be seen.'
That was the funnier song you sang to him those odd weeks ago, and just remembering the small laugh that fell from your lips as you sang the words makes him chuckle too as he reads it.
You had told him you wrote it with Sarah, and he could tell- based on the two distinctive styles of handwriting squeezed onto the small page.
He begins to realize as he flips through the pages of the small tattered notebook resting in his lap, that you had been dating the pages. Finished songs had dates of beginning and completion going back a little over a year, and he figures this must not be the first one you've gone through.
Billy comes to the near back of the notebook, as much as he would love to spend all day reading every word you'd ever translated turning your life into poetry or ballads of melodic storytelling, he knew his time was limited.
One song in particular catches his attention, though.
'So high that I am floating, So good that I'm out of my head. So low baby I was hurting, you made it better again.
Oh, we got caught in a moment, and I'll lay with you all night. So good that now I'm hoping you'll hold me down for life.
I adore, I adore, I adore you.'
The corners of his lips twitch up in a smile as he reads the words, scribbled out and rewritten several times in some places.
It's unfinished, but dated to have been started a couple of weeks ago. He remembers you had asked him what the date was that day, and saw you write it down as he answered- your hair falling over your face and brushing your shoulders as it shielded the book from his view.
A couple weeks ago.
And the drawing- oh, how his heart flutters in his chest so quickly it feels like his ribs have transformed into a sparrow's cage.
To Billy, it looked like him. He knew he must be thinking crazy, after all, it had been a while since he had had a proper look in a mirror, but it sure felt like he was right now- down to the little feathers on his hat and the shape of his cupid's bow. You had given yourself away with the scope of your artistic faith.
"What are you doing?"
At the sound of your voice, slightly hesitant as you stand in the entrance to the barn, he slams the book shut and jumps just about a foot in the air; a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
"N-nothing! I just, it just- um..." It was still clutched in his hands, already weary of parting with the precious object of your affections. "It, um... It fell, and I- I just picked it up, and-"
When he looks up at you, you look mildly horrified; cheeks burning the same way his are and eyes blown wide like you had been the one who was caught doing something wrong.
Neither of you move, both frozen on the spot, terrified of the next words that might fall from the lips of the other.
You weren't about to incriminate yourself by asking in a shaky voice if he had read or looked at any of it, knowing he did, and he wasn't going to ask if that song or any others he skimmed (and wish he took more care reading) were about him like he hoped they were.
After a moment of staring at each other like both of you were hostages with guns to your head respectively, you both decide to make the first move at the exact same time. He quickly holds the book out to you at the very moment you reach out to take it, and the awkward exchange makes you want to curl up under the hay bale you were meant to sleep on and rot there.
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no taglist this time around!! my fics usually get over a hundred requests to be added to the taglist so instead i made a library! follow me over on @runningfrom2am-library and turn on notifs to get updates when i post new parts!!
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terrence-silver · 6 months
If Terrys beloved is a single mum would he still pursue her and would he be a good step parent and father.
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The agenda is quite simple, really:
Claim what he wants; namely, beloved.
They so happen to come in tow with a child from a previous relationship?
Alright then...change of plan. Adapt and overcome.
Ensure that kid loves, admires and adores him far more than they ever would their actual biological dad (and even the biological dad's extended family) through a combination of everything including expensive gift giving, subtle manipulations, enabling, love bombing, sweet talking and utilizing the means of whatever conditioning tool proves most fruitful given the situation. Beloved's his now. They belong to him. By extension, their kid will belong to him too and so will everything pertaining to beloved because he doesn't suffer competition behind that saintly facade he puts on. What's best, they'll never even realize what's happening because he won't let them realize.
Impress, draw further in and endear beloved further through just how much their child warmed up to him, making distancing oneself, as if though that was ever an option on the table in the first place, only the more difficult with each passing day, because you wouldn't break Billy's heart by putting a wedge between us now, would you? And if an attempt is ever made, of course the kid in question will naturally rebel on their own, as kids often do, making Terry's job easy for him, because beloved would not only be taking away a dad figure once, she will be doing so for a second time and Terry knows and anticipates this as a plan B. Terry will only effortlessly end up seeming like even more of a hero if beloved ever tried wiggling out.
So, really, Terry makes himself absolutely necessary. Irreplaceable. Number one.
Next on the agenda; ensure the actual biological dad is entirely erased from the game due to the fact that they'll never measure up to Terry Silver; the stepfather who does Karate, who's been in the military, who gives the coolest advice at just the right time, who owns a dojo, who employs a waiting staff, runs a company, wears amazing suits, so happens to live in a mansion and collects dozens of sports cars. He's, almost stereotypically speaking, literally almost every child's dream come true parent; another thing he is entirely aware of and plays into like there's no tomorrow. Biological father? Who on earth is that punk schmuck anyway?
What's worse, Terry won't even have to eliminate the man personally. Won't have to lift a finger or even open his mouth to besmirch and sabotage the guy; if anything, he'll tactically defend him to seem like the 'good cop' in comparison, further adding to the mystique that he's as humble as the salt of the earth and just as kind. Sooner or later, beloved and beloved's kid will distance themselves from the man on their own because Terry will prove to be a father figure like no other; someone nobody can measure up to and what's the point of anyone ever even trying (a grace Terry rejects with a fake sense of being humble). I mean, he defends beloved's ex and speaks of about equity! Consideration! Fair play! Can you believe!?
By the end of it, beloved and the child will be the ones feeling grateful due to Terry Silver coming into their lives in the first place and internally, he'll laugh and laugh and laugh until the end of time because he's won just like he always knew he would.
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crookedteethed · 7 months
STORM’S be heavy soon (1) Billy the kid
Pairing: Billy the kid x Rich girl reader
Summary: Billy is hired to be the bratty Y/N Bristow guard on a five-day trip to Macon, GA; who knows what may happen on the long trail?
WARNINGS: Original characters, Cursing, reader's last name is "Bristow", mentions of guns, gun usage, reader is snotty, Eventual smut , (gonna add more warnings as I go)
Authors note: Typically I don't write for this show, but this idea popped into my head a few nights ago. Also, I haven't watched this show in months, so I'm just going off my imagination/what I remember. Enjoy!! <3
Word count: 2k
Divider cred → @saradika-graphics
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New Mexico, 1881
On Ovid Bristow's hand-crafted cherry wood desk lies the sand color sack of silver dollar coins he'd just offered Billy.
The sack had been plopped on the desk and sat there untouched for a whopping two minutes, two minutes in which Billy been debating if he should take Bristow's offer.
Surely, Billy wanted the money. He could use a new rifle--ou--two new rifles, afford a new pair of boots, and maybe even a new horse--a quarter horse since quarter horses were the best for ridin'.
However, Billy had a sinking suspicion of immorality towards Ovid Bristow a sinking suspicion that boils in the pits of his stomach whenever he sees the aging, gray haired man with a deceitful smile on his face (Billy always smiles back, though). A sinking suspicion that's been brewing in his stomach for a while now.
But to mention this "sinking suspicion" Billy had wasn't suspicion at all; everyone knew Ovid Bristow was cruel; Bristow himself knew he was a cruel man, so he couldn't blame his wrongdoing on his ignorance.
It was just last week Billy had been playing cards with Ovid, along with several other aging gray-haired potbelly men, inside Ovid's new Saloon and Brothel (it used to be the old church house, but Ovid paid the church house's landlord twice as much as Pastor David did to own the building.)
Normando something (Billy had forgotten the man's last name, but it doesn't matter now since he's dead.) claimed he won the game, showing all the men his hand. A royal flush, he had one 10, one Jack, one King, one Queen, and an ace of spades.
Poor Normando; if he hadn't been smiling so hard and gloating about his win, he would've seen it when Ovid drew the gun from his holster. And then that was the end of Normando something, shot in the head by a colt revolver. Ovid said Normando had been cheating; he saw the stash of cards underneath the table.
No one doubted this, as you don't want to provoke the man with a gun in his hand.
In the present moment, Billy thought of this: how cold Ovid had been to murder someone over a card game (a card game?!). Billy imagined what Ovid would do to him--how worse his punishment would be if he: "Lost sight or let anything happen to his darlin'."
And that's where Billy resides in the place of dubiety.
"What? Did ole' Ovid Bristow scare you?" Bristow laughs, a flock of seagull-type laugh; when Billy doesn't join in on the laughter, Ovid suddenly becomes serious.
"Look," Bristow says, standing up from his desk, now face to face with Billy. "I'll give you some more money if that makes you feel any better."
He goes into his left breast jacket pocket, pulling out a rolled-up wad of cash. Bristow tosses the wad of money onto the sack of coins.
"1,500 in total." He says. "It's all there, you can count it."
As callous Ovid been, Billy knew he wasn't a liar. He believed that the sack of coins and the wad of cash had amounted to 1,500.
Billy stayed silent, as silence is the loudest response.
"C'mon, Billy, I wouldn't be asking this of you if I didn't trust you, you're one of the only men I trust, let alone trust you being around my darlin'."
Ovid sits on the edge of his desk with disdain, his stare not particularly on Billy but just above Billy's head.
"I see how those bastards look at my little Y/n at the Saloon, they look at her like she's one of those harlots at the whore house." He spats. "How I wish I can put a bullet through every one of those no good lookers head."
Ovid stands to his feet again.
"But you Billy, you don't stare at my daughter like she's a piece of meat, to you Billy my daughter ceases to exist. I like that about you."
Billy seemed calmed on the outside, but in the inside, he heard the bells ringing in his head.
Of course he looked at you, every man looked at you when you walked by. You were enchanting, the most beautiful woman Billy had ever saw.
Billy did most of his staring when you or your father hadn't been looking. Most of his staring had been from the corner of his eyes or below his hat.
The first thing Billy noticed about you was your bright eyes. They were a pretty shade of (your eye color) that matched your pretty crimson-colored lips and rosy cheeks. You were light on the makeup, which Billy had liked. You'd done your makeup in a way that almost seemed like you weren't wearing makeup at all; Billy liked that about you too. He also liked your elegant collarbones that sat right before your cleavage.
What Billy liked the most about you was that you were educated. You were going to college soon, the first woman Billy had known to do something like that--hell, the first person.
But if it weren't for you getting accepted into Wesleyan College in Macon, GA, Billy wouldn't have been asked to escort you there.
"It's only a week there and week back." Ovid told him at the beginning of the conversation; then Billy had his mindset that he wouldn't take you.
But now, thinking about you--thinking about anyone but himself taking you to Georgia, one of those no-good lookers Ovid described somewhat infuriated Billy.
What if one of them were to take advantage you? Or try to harm you? What if one of them were to kidnap you, take you to one of the many enemies Ovid Bristow have made and hold you for ransom?
Ovid had said it himself, he trusted Billy, so if the job was to be done, Billy was the one to do it.
So as Billy left Ovid Bristow's office, he had the 1,500 stuffed down in his pockets.
Walking Billy to the door, Ovid had his arm snaked around Billy's neck, with a wide smile on his face.
"I knew you wouldn't let ole' Ovid down." He says. Ovid then instructs Billy to arrive at his manor tomorrow by a quarter till seven and pack lightly, as the rest of the wagon is reserved for his "sweet darlin'. "
Leaving Ovid's office, Billy thought he might've seen you inside the waiting room, but it was just that harlot--the one that works at the Brothel that looks like you.
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It was 6:45--a quarter till seven when Billy arrived at the Bristow's manor.
Ovid Bristow's riches had been by pure luck. He used to work in the fields, digging holes to plant crops, and one day, he accidentally struck oil. The best kind of accident that could happen to a man.
Ovid Bristow was the Rockefeller of New Mexico.
Approaching the manor, Billy was greeted by a heap of men and women, all housekeepers, butlers, maids, and landscapers, all of whom had been waiting to give Y/n Bristow a farewell. Plus there been a marching band of all men standing at ease.
He didn't know if he could go inside the manor to tell Ovid he'd been here right at a quarter till seven and was lightly packed, because the doors had been locked shut.
So Billy waited with the rest of them, alongside the coachmen who was to take you and him to Georgia. He slips his sack into the back of the wagon.
"Warner." The man introduces himself as, he was a fellow old enough to be Billy's grandfather, Billy questioned Warner's ability to ride for five days straight day and night.
Your entrance was rather grand, ostentatious.
As soon as the white and gold doors flung open, the marching band began to blow their trumpets and bang their drums.
You stood in the doorway, a demure smile on your face, until the marching band's song (which sounded like a bunch of commotion) ended.
"Farewell, my good people, as this is yours truly last day on Bristow's Manor." You spoke dramatically. "Goodbye Nettie, I'll never forget that day you yelled at me for breaking that vase, and then I nearly gotten you fired for raising your voice at me." You waved to an older woman in a maid's uniform, who looked like she was suppressing an eye roll. "Goodbye housekeepers, whom I've never learned the names of, Goodbye Landscapers who kept planting thorn bushes even after I pricked my finger on one when I was five, Goodbye…"
As you continued saying your goodbyes the word "Shallow" was on the tip of Billy's tongue, but he hadn't want to make his judgement. Though he saw you around town, normally accompanied by your father, he hadn't spoken to you yet.
He'd been too scared he'd get shot or beaten by Ovid for simply saying a "Hello" to you.
Ovid had been beside you as you said your goodbyes, carrying a round pink leather suitcase, presumably yours. Behind the both of you were two butlers carrying the rest of your luggage—ten suitcases in counting, all pink, some round, some rectangular.
"Jesus Christ." Billy mutters to himself.
"Goodbye--" you stop in front of Billy, scanning his face--those dark curls and dark blue eyes--wondering what was his occupation on the manor. He'd look familiar to you, but then again he didn't.
Trashman? The stableman? Daddies assistant? No, he was to ruffian like to be Daddies assistant.
Then you suddenly remember--yes, that's who he is.
"Farewell, stablehand, I don't have any memories of you, but I shall wish you the best of luck cleaning shit for the rest of your life at Daddies stable." You smile.
A scowl had formed on Billy's lip.
That shallow bit-
His thinking is cut off by Ovid's laughter. "My sweet darlin, this isn't the stablehand, this is Billy. Billy here's a gunslinger. I hired him to keep you safe on the trail to Georgia."
You hum, a slight smirk on your lips. You raised your dainty hand to Billy and introduce yourself.
Billy puts his rough hands in your warm, smooth ones. You feel a jolt run through body, you wonder if Billy felt the jolt too.
It wasn't like you didn't know his name now, so Billy just tipped his hat and called you “Misses.”
"Fantastic," Ovid says with a deceiving smile. "Darlin', why don't you make yourself comfortable inside the wagon while Billy and I exchange a few words," Ovid tells you. "And gentlemen, why don't you start loading up darlin's luggage," Ovid instructs the butlers.
As you get onto the wagon (with the help of Warner) and the butlers start loading your things, Ovid pulls Billy to the side by the scruff of his neck.
"Now, remember yesterday I said I trust you, Billy. Darlin's all I got, Billy, it be a shame if something were to happen to her while she's in your care… It be even more of a shame what'll happen to you." Ovid says in a calm voice.
"Promise me that you'll take good care of her during those five days, promise me that Billy."
"I promise, sir." Billy says, looking at you from afar, you yell at the butlers for "manhandling" your "valuables."
Ovid catches Billy staring. "Also, Billy hear this, I know my daughters a pretty girl--she gets her looks from her late mama--god rest her soul, but I swear if you even must lay a finger on her with the intent of lust; I'll have you castrated, you got that boy?"
Billy thought about it , walking around town without his manhood, be known as the man without a cock.
"Y-yes sir." he sweats.
"Good!" Ovid exclaimed, letting Billy go.
"Daddy!" You yelled "I'm not getting any younger here!" You say impatiently.
Then, as you, Billy, and old man Warner left the gates of Bristow Manor, the marching band played another loud commotion. The blaring drums and tubas still ranged in Billy's ears as you all were 2-3 miles down the road.
Billy looked at you, cocking his head--you'd been filing your nails.
A Rose thorn bush, Billy labeled you--so amusing to look at, tempting to touch; when he felt the courage to touch it, he'd realize he gotten pricked and was starting to draw blood.
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*I plan on making this a two part series*
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An Altar For Our Sins
Part 7 // Masterlist
Demon!Billy Russo x Female Reader
Warnings: so much where do I start, Smut (18+), tail fucking, fingering, oral sex, come drunkness, an attempt at penetrative sex which stops due to pain, restraints, a little display of tail choking, jealousy, thigh fucking.
Happy New Year babes!
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Two men sit, facing each other angrily. One has devoted himself to his religion, prides himself on the strength of his morality, the other, has killed more people than this church can hold.
"I could kill you right now without batting an eye." Billy says easily from his spot beside you.
"He's not going to kill you, I promise." You speak up, trying to deescalate the tension in the room.
Matt turns his head to face you, giving you a sweet smile which you can't help but return even if he can't see it.
"We just want some answers." You say, trying to keep your tone nice and soft and airy enough to keep the peace.
"Ask away." Matt permits.
"How'd you lose your eyesight?" Billy asks invasively.
Matt grins.
"It's fine. I was in an accident when I was a kid, some really toxic chemicals got into my eyes. I'm not totally blind though, I do have partial eyesight... but it's just mostly shapes."
"Oh, I'm sorry." You say, sympathising with such a traumatic event.
"It's really okay, losing my sight sharpened my other senses and helped me develop a sixth." Matt turns his head to Billy, the smile dropping from his face, "I bet that answers your next question."
Billy rolls his eyes.
You try not to laugh at both men clearly despising each other.
Matt had initially been skeptical about speaking with Billy in the first place. But after pleading with him, he'd allowed you both the opportunity to ask questions in his office, pertaining to his ability to recognise you.
You saw Matt as an asset, possibly even a friend, Billy saw him as a stain, to be wiped out.
"Mistress," Billy says to you, "It would take me a minute to make his death look like an accident."
"No, Billy." You emphasise.
Matt gives Billy a smug smile.
"Down boy." He taunts.
Billy's out of his chair almost immediately, striding angrily to Matt, sitting on the other side of his desk.
You move too, sliding between the desk and your angry demon, a calming hand on his chest.
"Hey," you whisper to him, and his red eyes meet yours, "Please? We just need some answers and we'll be done soon."
Billy takes a deep breath, eyes reverting to brown, he nods before taking a step back.
You turn to Matt a little angry at his disrespect.
"He doesn't have to be bound to me. He could kill me just to get to you."
At the same time, both men speak.
"He wouldn't do that."
"I would never do that."
You swallow, glancing back at Billy, a little perplexed by his overall reaction to Matt. Why did this one priest make him so angry?
You turn to Matt next.
"How do you know that?" You ask softly.
Matt takes a moment, before extending his hand to you, palm up for you to take.
You hear Billy let out some type of low growl as you place your gand in Matt's, but you're unable to pay him any mind, too focused on what Matt could possibly be sensing. Something deep inside you calls out to let him go, to step back and spit in his face and you frown at the irrational thoughts.
"Whatever chance Billy had to get rid of you is long gone. There's so much of his energy wrapped around you that killing you would kill a part of him."
Your lips part in shock.
"What? How?" You ask.
"The longer you stayed bonded, the stronger the bond grew. It would have cost him nothing to kill you when you first met? Now? It'll take a part of him too." Matt explains.
You turn to look at Billy, his eyes are on the floor, doesn't meet yours at all.
He knew, and he still kept you alive.
"What if I die?" You whisper, and you feel a sharp pain move through the space between your lungs at the thought.
"Depending on how strong the bond gets, it could kill him too."
The thought squeezes your throat till you can't breathe, and still Billy won't meet your eyes.
"It's unbreakable right?"
"Yes... but... distance and time apart can weaken it some."
To Billy, you whisper softly.
"When I'm close to death we can try that? So part of you won't have to die with me."
Those words finally make him look up angrily, with irises turning red.
"You expect me to leave you before you die? I don't care if part of me dies with you, I'm not leaving your side."
You open your mouth to protest and he shakes his head.
"Even if I could, it would put us both in an unquantifiable amount of pain to be apart."
You close your mouth, turning back to Matt.
"Is that it?" You ask softly.
"I can also sense that he wants to corrupt you."
You swallow at the thought.
"What demon doesn't?" You ask rhetorically, and instead of waiting for Matt to release your hand, you pull it away.
You sigh, rubbing where Matt was touching to wash away the sensation of his hold, you avoid Billy's gaze.
"Thanks, Matt." You say, appreciating the difficulty of the situation you'd put him in.
"Anytime... and you can always come to me if you need help." You turn to look at him, "You... not him." He emphasises.
"I understand," you say with a smile, bidding him goodbye as you exit his office with your demon trailing behind.
There's something of a tense silence between you, something you hate because it makes everything feel awkward between you and you didn't like it one bit.
"Mistress." Billy finally calls.
You pause, looking back at him in the church aisle.
"I'm sorry." he finally says.
"This entire thing. I'm sorry it happened."
You swallow, nodding.
"I'm sorry too." You supply.
The corner of his mouth twitches, his hands are deep in his pockets and his shoulders are hunched and you think this is the first time he's let himself be this vulnerable.
"What could you possibly be sorry for?" He asks in amusement.
"Everything," You answer, "We've just been dealt really shitty hands by the universe and I'm sorry for that."
He smiles sadly, stepping forward, he wraps his arms around you. You eagerly return the hug.
"It's less shitty with you." He finally whispers into your hair. Your arms squeeze him tighter in agreement.
"Maybe I was jealous." Billy murmurs, opening one of the kitchen cupboards to peer inside.
You pause your examination of the countertops.
You'd been searching for a new apartment ever since you found out that the people that had tried to kill you knew where you lived. In true Billy style, he'd narrowed the search down to some very upscale apartments that he felt were the safest, and now you just had to pick one from his carefully curated list.
"Jealous? Billy... there's no need to be jealous of Matt. It's not like- I mean- I doubt I'm even his type." You say, crossing your arms to look at him. The conversation you were having right now had come up after he'd made a displeased comment that this apartment was only a couple of blocks away from Matt's church... to Billy's dismay.
He closes the cupboard door to look at you.
You make an exasperated sound at the back of your throat.
"Circumstances aside, he'd never go for me anyway, I doubt I'm the type he goes for." After a few seconds of contemplation, you speak again, "Hell, I doubt I'm the type you'd go for."
"And what does that mean?"
You throw your arms up in exasperation.
"Do I have to spell it out for you? I'm weird and awkward and... and ugly!" You heave in air, turning away from him.
"Wanna know why I'm a girl well into my twenties and still a virgin? Well it's cause no one I like wants to fuck me. Obviously."
Before he can say anything, the realtor, who'd been in the other room taking a call, steps in.
"How is everything going? Are we feeling good about this one?" She asks with a voice that's way too excited for the embarrassed way you feel.
"Alice." Billy says her name, in a calm way and you keep your eyes fixed on the floor length windows.
"Um, yes?" She responds.
" I'll give you double if you give me the keys right now and go home."
You swallow, finally turning to look at him in surprise.
Alice, who's brain has just caught up to the profit she stands to gain from accepting, speaks up.
"Consider it done, I'll be back tomorrow with contracts and payment plans drawn up." She pulls the key from her pocket and hands it over to him.
"Sounds great. Have a nice day." Billy says, accepting the keys.
Alice pauses for a second, before nodding her head and grabbing her purse to walk out the door.
You have so many questions coming to mind as you hear the door shut. There was no way that renting or buying such a high end apartment had been so easy. No way.
But while you had been waiting to speak, Billy had had a lot more in mind. He's striding up to you angrily as the front door shuts.
His body against yours, you gasp as he grips your shoulder tightly to keep you from backing away from him, not that you could as he traps your body between his and the kitchen counter.
"Let's get one thing clear," he murmurs angrily, his eyes going red swiftly, his tail wrapping around your hips to press your body tightly to his.
"I have yearned to fuck you from the minute I laid my eyes on you." He says hotly, and you can't help swallowing as pure, unadulterated heat flushes through your body.
"Every night, I think about being inside you, when you're fast asleep beside me, curled into me, dreaming your pretty little dreams," His lips graze the shell of your ear, "I think about how badly I want you, how much I need every clench of your cunt, every drop of your wetness, to be because of me."
You're not sure you're breathing anymore.
"And I know how irrational that is. Not even you have control over who you get wet for, and yet I ache for it anyway."
You breathe a sigh of his name, aroused right now because of his words.
"Be realistic," you try to protest, "You would have never even looked my way if we weren't bonded." The truth of the words almost choke you, you can hardly meet his eyes.
Billy lets out a rough sound of frustration. He presses further against you, burying his face snugly against your neck, holding you as tight as possible to his body as he can. He dwarfs you in size, his large frame enveloping yours easily.
"You're wrong," You gasp in surprise as his fingers find the button of your jeans, undoing them easily and pushing them down your thighs, "You're so wrong."
He strips your bottom half, and you don't even think to deny him, your body's memory of the pleasure he can give is too potent for resistance.
You shiver with delight when he lifts you, sitting you on the edge of the countertop and spreading your legs.
Once again, he looks between your open thighs for a long time before he licks his lips, a hot, languid feeling spreading through you like molten lava.
"I can't remember the last time I wanted something as bad as I want you." Billy whispers finally, before he drops his head to seal his lips around your clit.
You moan in surprise and delight.
You can barely hold your body up as you feel his tongue begin to work over you.
A blissful moan leaves your mouth at the eager way he licks over you. Your nails scratch at the countertops, willing some level of destruction onto the cold marble, trying to unravel something the way he unravels you.
You swear, and you plead, and you don't even understand what you're asking for because he's already giving it to you.
The worst thing is that he moans, enjoying the way you taste, and the way he makes you feel. Briefly, your brain reminds you that he can feel this, he can feel the pleasure swimming in your veins, and he knows exactly what he's doing to you and it makes you almost feral to be as close to him as physically possible.
It's almost too much for your body to handle. The way you feel for him, and the pleasure he wrings from you and the sensastion of his rough, slippery tongue exploring every inch of your most sensitive parts like he owns you wholly and your pleasure is his and only his to do with it whatever he pleases and the pressure builds in your head and it builds and builds and spills from your mouth and curls your toes and still it's all Billy and the power he wields over you.
Your entire body shakes when your orgasm hits. With the force of a tsunami, the brilliance of lightning coursing through your veins, aftershocks that don't slow down until he manages to pull his tongue away from your dripping center.
You gasp, heaving in air, unable to focus, or think with that much bliss drunkening your every nerve.
He leans up, an insistent hand cupping the back of your neck so that he can push the taste of your release into your own mouth. Like a doll, you accept it, limbs too pliant to stop him, mind too hazy to even consider denial.
You hum against his lips, eager for anything he has to give you.
"So," he whispers softly, his tail trailing over your thigh, "I don't wanna hear you say a bad thing about yourself ever again. Understood?"
You pout.
He laughs, pressing his forehead against yours.
"Dont give me that. Be a good mistress and do as I say."
"But I'm the one in charge," you whisper hoarsely, "you need to do what I say."
Something dangerous sparks in his eyes.
"Really?" He challenges, and the next thing you know he's lifting you off the counter, grinning at your sound of surprise.
You curl against him, content with wherever he's taking you.
"You're my demon," you murmur cheekily, "not the other way around."
"Am I?" he inquires, dropping you onto the soft black leather couches of the living room.
"Mhmmm." You hum an affirmative, letting him turn your body however he likes, until you're almost bent over the back of the couch, facing the magnificent floor length windows that overlook the city.
You gasp in surprise when he tears your shirt in two, tugging your bra off as well, until you're naked and dishevelled before him.
You don't get a chance to turn and look at him, before you feel his front cover your back, skin on skin, telling you that he's shed his clothes as well.
His tail wraps around your midsection, you hum in appreciation at his gentle caresses.
You gasp when you feel him spread your thighs, and you tense when he manages to slip his cock between them.
He lets out a blissful sigh of relief, one that goes right to your head and sinks down to your core. You can feel his cock, using your arousal as a lubricant to slide between your thighs. The head of his cock even reaches so far that it bumps your clit, and you find yourself fisting the soft leather of the couch.
His hands on your hips, his stature behind you is large and imposing, trapping you against the couch so that he can fuck your thighs however he pleases.
"I think about fucking you like this all the time." He whispers in your ear, and your eyes flutter shut, clenching as his cock slides along the outside of your cunt.
"I could do anything I want to you right now," To prove his point, he pulls his tail away from your midsection, and wraps it around your neck. You open your eyes in surprise, titling your head up to look at him when he pulls your back flush against his chest.
You let out a small cry when his fingertips meet your stiff nipples, aching for his attention. 
"So while you may be my mistress," he bends his head till his lips meet your ear, "Don't forget who's in charge."
When you orgasm this time, it's completely unintentional. His words are directly responsible, and you whimper and cry as wave after wave of bliss overtakes you, more of your arousal soaking his cock.
When you can breathe without being overwhelmed with pleasure, emarrassment overtakes you.
"S-sorry." you murmur.
Billy grabs your jaw, keeping you face turned towards him so that he can lay a harsh kiss on your lips.
"For. Fucking. What? Being so sensitive for me that your pretty body can't handle it? Making me fucking ache to be inside you so bad?"
Your stomach tingles at his words, he presses his forehead to yours. Your eyes are closed, you reach for him in your head, surprised to feel your warm affection returned.
"I can't believe I have this much self control. I want you so bad I can't stop thinking about it. But I know you're not ready, and I'm not trying to force you. I'm happy with whatever you want to give me, and I'd love to be your first if you'd have me. I've thought about that too."
You're not even sure that he's still talking to you, and not just rambling thoughts that spring to mind.
"You have?" you ask, hoping not to break him from whatever trance he was in.
"Of course I have, of course. It wouldn't be like this," He murmurs, most likely indicating to the position he currently had you in, pressed between the couch and his body, your back to his warm front.
"What would it be like?" You ask, "Show me."
He pulls his forehead away from yours, blinking down at you.
"Show me... how you'd take me the first time."
He shudders out a breath.
"Sure?" he asks.
"Yes." You confirm.
"Well it wouldn't be here." He says with determination in his voice, leaning away to turn you around, wrapping your legs around his hips, his hands sliding under your behind before he picks you up. You wrap your arms around his neck to hold on, pressing your head to his collarbone with a little giggle of surprise.
"I'd do it on a bed, so that you're relaxed and comfortable and open for me."
He walks you into the bedroom, that you didn't have a chance to look at before he'd decided to take the apartment.
It's beautiful, with black walls and dark bedsheets and blackout curtains that satisfy a hidden craving within you. The only lighting is below the bed, and behind the mirrors in the room, making everything awash with a soft glow instead of a harsh, direct light.
Even the headboard is backlit, and it soothes you, reminds you of the devilish man holding you, placing you gently onto the dark sheets and making you feel like a person about to be thoroughly worshipped.
His eyes glow in the darkened room, taking slow, deep breaths in what you think is his attempt to calm himself.
"What next?" you whisper softly, wondering how far you're willing to let this go.
"Next, I'd get you comfortable, make you come on my tongue a couple of times." He murmurs, crawling towards your parted legs.
You stop him with a foot on his shoulder, making him pause his preadory pursuit to look up at you.
"What if I'm already comfortable?" you ask, hoping he understands.
Predictably, he does understand, and he smiles, moving your foot away so that he can crawl up your body instead.
He hovers over you, red irises meeting yours, you can't help shiver at the sight of his large frame and defined muscle.
"Then, if you're nice and comfortable, I'd start you on my fingers. Would you like that?"
"Yes please." you murmur on a breath.
A small smile on his face as you feel his hand trail over your skin. Over your hip, he swirls a couple of circular patterns before cupping your mound.
You can't help gasping, sensitive to the sensations he gives you.
You part your thighs, to give him more space, and he smiles in approval of your actions.
"I'd start slow, with just one finger." As he speaks, he carries out the action, pressing a single finger to your dripping entrance.
Pleasure sparks within you as your body accepts his lone finger easily, pumping until your leg begins to twitch, before he's withdrawing from you to add a second finger.
You hiss in surprise, the smallest hints of discomfort at first before the absolute pleasure of fullness.
You sigh blissfully, body sinking deeper and deeper into the soft sheets, gasping in surprise as he draws his tail up to wriggle gently against your clit. You clench around his fingers helplessly.
"I'd tell you how good you're being for me, mistress, so eager and ready to give me your wet little cunt. How happy that makes me. How badly I want to please you."
You groan.
"Want a third?" He asks easily, and nothing could ever hope to stop you from nodding yes.
"Breathe for me." He guides, and you try to do as he says while he works a third finger into you.
He does it well, moving in and out slowly, letting your arousal coat his fingers before he continues, pumping in slow little motions that cause pleasure to overshadow the uncomfortable stretch.
He leans down, his tongue extending to lick over your breast.
You gasp, clenching around him, his tail on your clit and his fingers inside you and suddenly you begin to burn with the too little stimulation.
"Need to cum, Billy, please, 's too much I-" You gasp, unable to finish the sentence.
He understands, he always does.
Everything increases.
The speed of his fingers and the movements of his tail and even his tongue hastens its licking on your breast until you're shaking once more and you can't stop youself and you don't want to.
One of your hands reaches into his hair to grip it harshly, a low cry as he plays you like an instrument, fiddling with your body until you have no choice but to orgasm, back bowed, body shaking, vision going black in the bliss.
It's so amazingly good, it's all you can feel, pure euphoria, a loss of your faculties as he lays claim to your body and your pleasure.
When you come to, it feels like you've sunk even deeper into the sheets, gasping as his face comes in to focus.
He cups your face, and he waits patiently for the tremors to subside, his fingers petting along your cheek in a subtle attempt to bring your reality back into focus.
You can hardly believe that this is your existence. Here, below a breathtaking demon who caters to your every need, who makes you feel safe and protected and appreciated like no one else before.
It almost feels like a perfctly magnificent dream- until you remember the circumstances of your meeting, something that reminds you that this is indeed real, and this demon hovering over you, that holds you while you sleep and eases your aches, wants to be here.
In a small voice, you speak.
"What happens next?"
A sharp grin and a kiss to your nose and he's sliding his cock between your thighs once more.
"Next, I'd press my cock against your needy little cunt. I'll use my tail this time to show you."
Though it's not phrased as a question, he waits until you nod to begin working his tail against your entrance.
You sigh in bliss as his tail works its way into you, like a familiar feeling with brand new pleasure, not stretching you as wide as his three fingers were just doing moments before.
There's a little pinch of soreness from the overuse of your body, but it's easily ignored by looking into his crimson eyes.
"I'm sorry I'm so big," Billy murmurs above you, moving his hips in time with his tail, grinding his cock between your thighs to give you a realistic simulation, "no matter how much I stretch you, our first time together is still going to hurt a little."
"It's okay," you gasp, though, in reality, you weren't complety sure it was, "I'll learn to take you." There's a determination in your voice that you hope he hears.
His tail goes in a little deeper at the sound of your words, causing you to cry out sharply in pleasure.
"Do you mean that, mistress? You'd learn to take me? All of me?" His hands smooth over your thighs, touching your skin, tracing it with his fingers before leaning in to kiss you eagerly.
It was some type of torment, to have his cock so close and yearn for it to be inside of you with no hope or possibility of getting him there- at least not tonight. His warm skin pressed to yours, his tail taking its time, working in a steady, mindbreaking rhythm inside you.
When he pulls away from the kiss, you get your chance to speak.
"I mean it," you try to speak between waves of pleasure, "I want your cock, Billy, want you to teach me how to take you."
He pressed his forehead to yours and groans.
His pace increases, until his hips are slapping against yours, the vibration adding to the pleasure of his tail inside you, adjusting his angle just right until your toes are curling and his name is leaving your lips more than normal breaths.
Your walls clamp down around him, thighs shaking as liquid fire burns through your body, an orgasm that sends cascading shockwaves down your spine. Your nails sink into his back and bicep, no fear of hurting his rigid from with your little fingers. You thrash below him, tears spilling from your eyes when your body choses pleasure above breathing and leaves you floating for a moment before you're dragged back into consciousness.
He's kissing at your cheek, something so soft and gentle, body enveloping yours as though he hopes to protect your from any external forces.
His beard scratches along your face and something inside of you snaps.
"Billy." You whisper, and you find that your voice is hoarse though you barely remember screaming.
"Mistress?" he calls, and you clench around his tail, that hasn't left you yet.
"I need your cock. Now."
A moment of hestation.
"-I need you to at least try." You say, cutting him off, "Please, please, please, please, please." You emphasize, wiggling your hips.
Still Billy tries to resist.
"I don't want to hurt you."
"Just try? Please? For me?"
You hear him take a breath.
"For you," he agrees, "Promise to tell me if you want to stop?"
You nod eagerly.
He pulls his tail slowly out of you, and immediately adjusts his hips so that the head of his cock is pressed to your entrance.
"Fuck." He swears.
His cock slips from your entrance, and he moves a hand down to guide himself back.
Then, he's pressing in.
You take a deep breath, mewling as the head of his cock notches into you. You gasp, blinking, trying to come to terms with the incredible stretch you're experiencing.
He's inside of you, and it's the greatest sensation, until he tries to press in more, and encounters resistance.
Suddenly there's a lot more pain, and you gasp, trying to breathe. Billy's eyes locked on you, his jaw clenched tight, eyes a dark red that you've never seen before.
He pauses, waiting for your okay to continue.
You nod your head, taking a slow breath.
When he tries to push in more, the pain overwhelms the pleasure, and your body shuts down. You squeeze your eyes shut.
"Stop- I- I can't." You cry, unaccustomed to pain so sharp in that region of your body.
For a moment, he doesn't move, and you have to peek your eye open to meet his.
His eyes have gone all black, and the unfamiliarity of the situation has fear scraping at your insides. You try to back away, and he grips your hip in warning.
"Easy," he whispers so softly that it makes you relax, reminding you that this was your demon hovering over you, and not some untamed beast that he had managed to look like in the moment.
He takes his time, easing out of you so that he doesn't hurt you too much, and you sigh in relief when he's out, your core throbbing from overuse.
Billy's eyes are still black, when he reaches a hand down to begin stroking his cock.
"I need to cum, please. Can I?" He begs, fucking his fist knelt between your thighs.
Your mouth parts in shock at his desperation. His shoulders tremble, his abdomen tightens, his teeth glint in the light like they never have before. A snarling, raging beast all because he'd been inside of you for a short time.
"Mistress." He growls, bringing your focus back to his question his need to have his own orgasm.
Your head spins with thoughts.
Where was he going to cum? On your pussy and thighs? What a waste of cum that would be.
"In my mouth." You rush out, springing up and readjusting your body so that you're on your hands and knees in front of him.
Billy groans, watching you bring your mouth closer to the head of his cock, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on his tip. Tentatively, you suck the smooth head of his cock into your mouth, moaning at the delectable taste of his precum and something extra- a tart taste of you.
"Fuck!" he gasps, and you take him as deep into your mouth as you can, swallowing as he comes.
You close your eyes, listening to his harsh breaths as he releases into your mouth, he tastes the same as last time, something that is not a favourite, but has the potential to be an acquired taste.
You enjoy each drop of his release, and it doesn't take long before your head begins swimming with haziness.
You suck him as best as you can, making sure he has no more to give, before pulling off of him and looking up with grateful eyes.
"Couldn't let you waste your cum," you try to explain, "when it's one of my favourite things."
Billy lets out a harsh breath, the darkness of his eyes slowly retreating into his pupil.
You hold his gaze, blinking slowly as inebriation overcomes you.
You crawl your way up, wrapping your shaky arms around his neck, rubbing your cheek against his chest.
"Smooth." you appreciate.
He grips your chin, and you mewl in protest when he tilts your head up to examine your eyes.
"You're cum drunk again." he says.
You giggle.
"I'm Billy drunk." you correct, swaying in his arms, after a moment you frown.
"I'm sorry I- that I made you-"
"Don't apologise for that. Ever. I never want to hurt you."
You wrap your arms around him, squeezing him as tight as physically possible.
"You're unreal." you murmur, rubbing your cheek against his chest.
"What's unreal, is how badly I need to taste you again."
You can't help laughing, thinking that he was joking.
"Something funny, mistress?"
"You are, Russo. Don't men need a break after they come?" You begin to turn away from him, mind already hazily reminding you that the bathroom was a good idea.
You don't get a chance to move too far away from him, before he's grabbing your wrist, turning you back to him and pushing you flat onto the bed.
Your head hits the pillow, a sound of surprise leaving your lips, eyes widening.
"I'm no ordinary man." He whispers against your lips, before giving you a cheeky smile and moving his way down your body.
It's poitively mind-blowing. You lose all sense of time and location, drifting throught the darkness behind your eyes while he uses his tongue on you, delving where he pleases, almost uncaring in the way he easily manipulates you into each orgasm. When you try to push him away, your skin hot and flushed with the overabundance of pleasure, he uses his influence to bind your hands above your head.
You become something unfamiliar. Something wanton, that thrives on his tongue, yearns for the way his fingers hold to your hips, keeping you steady amongst your wriggling. He makes you his, he makes himself yours.
His cum in your system does you no favours, it heightens your senses, increases the sensation of his touch, until you're trembling, until you're pulling at his restraints, begging for him  to consume you whole and leave nothing behind.
When he's done, he holds you tightly, to his warm chest, little puffs of air disturbing your hair while you drift easily into sleep, his tail wrapped securely around your thigh, reminding you that there's nowhere on earth you can go, where he cannot find you.
It's the best feeling in the world.
When he wakes up in the morning, he's eager to make the apartment yours. He uses his influence to move all your things over from your old apartment, he even cleans and replaces any furniture he doesn't think you'd like. Perhaps it would be a good idea to go shopping too, to get anything extra you'd like.
Billy finds himself smiling while he whisks eggs.
"Mistress," Billy murmurs in your ear, his hands snaking over your hips, your amusement and affection increasing, "I can tell how much you like it. Please let me buy that lamp."
You study the blue stained glass lamp a second time.
"It's just too much Billy I couldn't possibly-"
He groans, spinning you on your heel to pinch your chin and bring you in for a kiss.
You sigh, happily, uncaring about the public space you were in, too caught up in your delectable demon to care. You throw your arms over his shoulders, standing on your toes, you feel the way he delights in rubbing his tongue against yours.
"Life is too shitty for you to deny yourself the things that you want." He says when he breaks the kiss.
You laugh, wondering idly how you let him convince you to leave the apartment for long enough to get anything done.
Your eyes crinkle, bumping your nose against his. Yup, you definitely wanted to take him somewhere secluded so you could jump him.
He groans again, catching the general idea of what you were thinking.
"I meant the lamp." He tries to clarify.
"Of course you did." You tease.
he rolls his eyes, pulls away from you to find a sales clerk.
Somehow, even after buying so many things, you don't even have to haul it out of the store, Billy handles everything, from paying to delivery arrangements, he gets it done, and all you had to do was pont at items and they were yours.
Ours, you think, turning to look at him, busy writing something down.
Because as insane as it might sound, you wanted to share your life with him, permanently.
You only wonder if that's something he wanted too.
While he's giving the woman at the counter payment and delivery instructions, you begin to turn in boredom to look around, accidentally bumping into someone as you move.
You smile, murmuring apologies, and they do the same politely before walking off.
A vaguely familiar masculine voice calls your name in surprise, and you turn, your stomach dropping as you catch sight of your ex- best friend.
The taste in your mouth sours as Dimitri approaches, the last interaction you had together springs to mind as if it's just happened, as if it was just yesterday he was calling you a 'spiteful bitch' because you wouldn't have sex with him.
Distaste shivers down your spine as he smiles at you. You take a shallow breath, mouth forming into an abrasive smile in hopes of warding him away.
It doesn't work, he only gets closer.
You freeze when he moves to hug you, pulling up short as his eyes make contact with something- or rather someone behind you.
"Who's this?" he asks casually, referring to the six-foot demon man ready to rip him limb from limb if he tried to touch you again.
You swallow nervously.
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mrsnancywheeler · 5 months
Okay there was definitely a time where Billy and muse were broken up for a short period (whether it be a week to a month or two) and during that time she’d be with Eddie, the two just hooking up and hanging out the entire time. It’d be when the band is on a break, so Eddie wouldn’t have to record or anything and would be free to devote his time to muse. They’d be laying in bed one day, naked under the sheets just talking and then he’d be looking at you and just say “I love you.” And he can see you not really believing it after everything Billy’s done after saying he loves you but he fully explains his love saying like, “No, I’m serious. I mean, you’re it for me. I look in my future and I see you. You’re all I want to see.” And she just panics and leaves.
I've been thinking about this nonstop since you sent it bc you cooked so good
he's just made you see stars for the billionth time and you're laying there in the sheets, smiling at him, hand tracing up and down his collar bone, and he needs to tell you this is really it for him. endless time with you. "I love you."
and at first to you it's natural to say it back because you do love him, not just as your friend. your love is hard to explain, you love him, love him like a lover, like someone you always want to be with, but it's not the same way you love billy. billy is all consuming, his spark is your spark. with eddie it's calming, hazy, laying in the hammock on a warm summer evening. billy is like thrilling, exhilarating, like when the party is at the top of it's energy and you're dancing on top of the table with adrenaline pumping through you as you keep doing shots and screaming. right before the lull hits and you ache to go home. billy can also be the feeling of being cared for after the lull, your energy being given back, only after the cycle has done it's course though.
so it's not a lie when you say, "I love you too." back to eddie but he knows it's not the way he intends it to be. because why wouldn't you want to be with someone who you love and gives you the life of calm?
"I mean the type of love where I look ahead and it's your and me. forever. in our own house with kids, maybe, and just us forever. you're it for me. my whole life, my future, all I see is you."
(sidetrack, but this is giving for no one by the beatles "you want her, you need her, and yet you don't believer her when she says her love is dead, you think she needs you")
and youer stomach has a pit in it because you've told him since the beginning it'll never be him, but you feel so guilty and pity him. tears welling up, "eddie-"
"I know what you're going to say, but that's not who billy dunne is, that's not how it's gonna end up with him. I love you, there's no one else for me." you're sliding out of the bed, searching for clothes.
"eddie, I love him." and he knows exactly what you mean which makes him so angry that there's seemingly nothing he can do to escape the influence of billy dunne in your life.
"he's never going to pick you in the end, you know that right? he's gonna get sick of the push and pull, not going to call back because he did what he said he would. and found some other girl's tits to-"
"what the hell is wrong with you? eddie, it as never going to be you." you've paused, pants in hand as you stare at his shrinking figure.
"do you think that's any different to how billy feels about you?"
and it hurts because maybe he's right, maybe billy will get sick of you and not come crawling back, but you can't let thar idea fester. "eddie, I don't owe you anything." and you've got your pants on when he's climbed out of bed and is in front of you.
"I'm not always going to be around, waiting for you to come back when he doesn't want you." and the sick part of you doesn't believe him, because in your imagination he's always there for better and worse. you know it's not fair that eddie is to you is just always going to be around and wait for you, it's probably because you ache to feel wanted that bad, but you also when it comes down to it you don't really care.
"he'll want me, I love him."
"I love you." and you're gone with the wind, basically rushing out of the house as fast as possible while he's stimbli after.
"it's your house, you can't just leave!"
and you've barely rushed out a tearful, "I'm sorry" before you're slamming your car door and speeding out of the driveway. either to drive to the beach or to daisy's, only the night knows. leaving eddie to figure out what the hell he's supposed to do or how to leave.
you don't see him for a while (and because this has given me the perfect opportunity to discuss another layer) the next time you do is when billy has taken you back and you're at the studio. eddie just so happens to be with his new girlfriend, and you know it shouldn't make you upset, but it does. because like you're a concept to eddie, he's one to you, the devoted lover, the one who pines, not the one who has someone else. billy already has other girls. at first, it was fine when eddie had girlfriends, you encouraged him too, he was just your best friend, but this deep in, it started to feel like a betrayal.
and your sour mood isn't lost on billy, who has no idea what's wrong and swings from trying to figure it out to complete annoyance. daisy figured it out very fast, so did karen, but they say nothing. well, daisy does make some off-putting comments to eddie's new girlfriend.
and eddie totally did want to make you jealous, but he didn't want to make you upset with him which is exactly what's happened. all you do is make a spectacle about disagreeing with him, radiate anger, you don't laugh at any of his jokes, you've nearly gone through a whole pack of cigarettes. at one point you storm off for some air not long after she starts giggling and playing with eddie's hair.
and billy's so frustrated that he calls a break and does goes to take some lines, so eddie excuses himself to follow after you. "hey, what's up with you today?"
and you turn around, stare for a while in disbelief and anger, but then suddenly your lips are on his and he's just pulling you closer. and you keep going until neither of you can breath. eddie wants to rant about how you just expect him to always be there for you when you're not with him, but this feels like a win and also the look in your eyes makes his heart hurt. "don't leave me"
"never." and you're kissing him again, you end up pilli him inside just far enough to find a small room with a lock on the door to hook up in. and he loses the new girlfriend as quickly as possible.
of course this tactic doesn't work for you everytime but that's a story for another time
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stranger-rants · 1 year
I'm a little sensitive because I got into another car accident (I am okay. It wasn't bad, but considering I almost died in a much worse wreck, it did bring up some very unhappy feelings in me), but I absolutely hate the way this fandom talks about the car crash scene between Steve and Billy. They're completely insensitive and cruel about it, and I was much more sensitive about it then than I am now because that episode aired like a year after my own wreck.
But stick with me.
The scene itself was set up to make the "heroes" look cool and badass, but it doesn't actually feel heroic. At all. There's this season long failure to recognize and respect that there's a person trapped inside the possessed body the heroes are fighting, and as such they don't care what happens to that body. They would not have acted the way they did with Billy if it had been one of their friends that got flayed. So, that in itself makes everything feel less heroic. It actually makes me feel worse about these characters that I am "supposed" to love.
...but add onto that, people portray Steve slamming into Billy's car with a car that has no value to him as this "triumph over evil" scene. Worse, there are Anti posts with hundreds of notes either praising him or saying he should have finished the job. That doesn't vibe with the set up of the scene, and it treats Billy as the villain because it was his body in that car. The fandom also strives to portray Steve as someone who wouldn't hesitate to murder someone, as if he had the opportunity to really think about it before crashing into Billy. That's not the reality of it.
Billy would have never wanted to intentionally crash his car or seriously use it as a weapon. He may drive recklessly and he may have joked about hitting a few kids once, but that doesn't mean he wanted to hurt anyone especially while he was possessed. There's ample evidence that he didn't want to do any of it. He said The Mindflayer made him do bad things (kill people) which obviously traumatized him, and then there was ample evidence that he continued to fight against the possession.
The car was one of the few things Billy had that represented his freedom away from his abusive home, and that gets totalled in a scene that fans get downright gleeful about and for what? What does it really say about their favorite characters or even about Billy? Billy sat there in the car revving his engine with his lights on, crying. The Mindflayer took everything from him. This was just one more thing. What's so triumphant or heroic about any of it? As soon as the cars collided, The Mindflayer had full control again and Billy was marching towards his death.
Not only that, but the scene of Billy passed out in his car in flames just screams tragedy to me. I know how painful a car wreck can be physically and emotionally. I couldn't move on my own after my wreck without excruciating pain, so I know how much his body was screaming at him to stop even though The Mindflayer wouldn't let him. It's an extremely upsetting, tragic scene to me because I know he's feeling everything while having control over very little. That's what car accidents feel like. You don't have control, and it feels horrible.
I just can't comprehend why that scene in particular is the height of fun entertainment for so many when it's so painful to me, and maybe it's because I take it more personally but maybe it's also because Billy isn't treated like a person who deserved better than the horrific amount of torture and pain he went through.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Hello, I am resubmitting my order. And I want to say that I'm sorry for these horrible comments that you are receiving without meaning, people have to understand that everyone has their time and deserves to live their life in the best way possible.
-> I have a pretty cute request I think? 😂 like, I'm a pretty whiny person when it comes to getting vaccinated. You can make it like it's Maximoff family day to go for the annual vaccines, Wanda and the kids get it with no problems, but Reader is a crybaby and gets all sensitive just wanting Wanda's cuddles afterward, which is funny because Reader is the strongest in the family, but at needle time she gets all whiny. I hope you can write because I really need a hug after getting vaccinated 😖
[ sorry if my english sucks, that's not my first language, but I hope you understand ]
I want you to feel free to do this or not. 😊
Vaccination Day
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: The yearly vaccinations updates brings out a whole new side of you.
Fluff | Mentions of Needles | They/Them pronouns |  0.9K | 
AC: I HATE needs! I used to donate blood just fine thou lmao! I hope this helps, I’m sorry it took a while!  
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"Well done Billy, you're all done! Just sit for a few moments then you can help yourself to a lollypop" the nurse smiled as she placed a Band-Aid on Billy's arm. "Thank you!" The boy smiled before he looked at you and Wanda as he swung his legs back and forth. 
"My turn!!" Tommy rolled up his sleeve to his shoulder as the nurse prepared the next vaccination. 
You hated to show it but you couldn't control how your hands where shaky and your eyes tightly closed when you saw the needle. "Something the matter baby?" Wanda whispered without taking her eyes off the twins. "You'll laugh at me" you replied in the same softened tone. Wanda slowly turned her head to look at you, she raised a brow slightly at your reply. 
"Laugh at you? Darling, are you scared of needles?" she asked with a now amused look. 
"Is that a question?" Wanda chuckled. 
"I told you; you would laugh!" you pouted before your eyes shifted to Tommy who sat perfectly still for the nurse, not even a flinch came from either of your boys as the needle pinched their skin. "Oh honey, if the boys can do without making a huss, so can you" Wanda's amused look didn't budge, you looked at her and sighed, "I'm being serious Wands, I hate needles! More than I hate spiders" you whispered so the twins wouldn't hear. 
"Your turn Ma!" Billy stood up and reached for a lollypop out of the nurse's jar. "It's okay buddy, Mom wants to get hers done first" you nervously smiled at your son before your eyes traveled to Wanda who just tilted her head slightly at you and shook her head.
You watched Wanda get her vaccinations with your nerves getting the better of you causing you to excuse yourself from the room. "Is Ma okay?" The boys turned to Wanda with a worried look. "They are fine, they just don't like needles" she explained trying her best not to let her amusement get the better of her. 
"But they don't even hurt" Tommy commented with a confused frown, "I know love but even though we are strong and can take a vaccine, doesn't mean Ma isn't strong either. Do you boys remember when Sparky ran away? Do you remember how scared you boys were and worried that we might not find him?" 
The twins nodded, "Well, that's how Ma is feeling right now. This is a little scary to them" Wanda added as the nurse placed a band-aid on her arm, "don't worry, I've seen plenty of adults get scared over needles, it's normal" the nurse pitched in. "Really?" the twins asked the young nurse, "of course" she smiled as she began to prepare the next vaccine. "Ma doesn't have to be scared!" Billy looked at Wanda who smiled softly at him, "Yeah, let's go find them" Tommy suggested.
"How about you boys wait here and I'll go find Ma" Wanda suggested before looking at the nurse, "is that okay? I'm sorry, I know you're busy" she added. "Oh, it's fine" the nurse smiled. 
Wanda stepped out of the room to find you sitting in the waiting room with your right knee bouncing to distract you from your nerves. She smiled softly to herself before she walked over to you and took a seat beside you, placing a hand over your bouncing knee. "Honey, it's okay" her thumb stroked your knee, "tell me what you need" she added as you looked at her. 
"Will you hold my hand?" you asked in a soft and quiet tone, "I mean, so I can squeeze it when the nurse pricks me with the needle" you added. Wanda couldn't help by chuckle, "yes my love, I'll hold your hand and after we can take the boys for ice cream before we go home" Her thumb continued to stroke your knee. 
"I'm not getting it done in front of the boys"
"Don't worry baby, they already know Ma is a little scared of needles" she chuckled before placing a kiss on your cheek, "come on love, lets get his over with so I can give you all the cuddles you want when we get home" she added. 
"I'd like that" you smiled softly. 
Wanda held your hand as the twins held your other has the nurse gave you the vaccination, light tears filled your eyes at the prick feeling from the needle. Even though you were seen as the strongest member of the family, the boys promised that from now on that they would hold your hand next year and make it a little tradition that Ma gets to pick a treat for after. 
Ice cream definitely helped take your mind off the events of the day, Wanda kept you close to her and showered you with kisses and praises to make you feel better. Although she couldn't help herself and made a couple of jokes which did actually cause you to giggle. After dinner and when the twins were tucked into bed, Wanda continued to shower you with love and affection, giving you the biggest and warmest cuddles as you fell asleep in her arms while watching your favorite movie. 
Even though you didn't feel so tough and strong today, Wanda didn't look at you any differently, you were still the strongest member of the family in her eyes and the twins.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz  | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @wandsmxmff | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @lizzieslcver | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @marvel-madnessx | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | 
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milliesfishes · 2 months
𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚𝓕𝓪𝓲𝓻𝔂𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓼𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚
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[fem reader] contains: fluff <3 pairing: billy the kid x fem reader summary: princess reader x billy the kid author’s note: enjoy! I had a lot of fun writing this one <3 might do more pending interest :) Pinterest Board Spotify Playlist
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Moonlight was your lantern as you rested your cheek against the stone of the window. Stars freckled the skin of the sky and you traced them with your eyes, creating imaginary constellations with pretty names. The delicate scent of roses wafted through your window, making you sigh.
Collapsing your upper half over the windowsill, you stretched your arms out, letting your hair fall over you. You'd just brushed it out, all smooth and silky so it flowed between your fingers. Normally your lady's maid would have helped you prepare for bed, but tonight you'd given her the evening off, determined to do it yourself.
All dolled up in a pretty nightdress, you were practically hanging out the window, eyes roving past the rose-crawled palace walls for any sign. For most of the night you'd paced your pretty pink room, running and pressing your nose against the glass. Eventually you'd unlatched it and pushed it open, letting the fresh air breath into your space.
It was late now. Later than you should have been up. To bode the time you'd tried to distract yourself, organizing your vanity and playing with the ribbons on your sleeves.
A letter laid opened beside you on the pink cushion of the window seat, wax seal broken, paper wrinkled as if the receiver had been clenching it. The words were ingrained in your mind now, you'd read it so many times. It was a comforting thing, imagining his hand toiling over the page, brow creasing as he thought of the perfect thing to say.
Reaching for a strand of your hair, you trailed your fingers down it, anxiously wondering if he was coming at all. He'd never failed to show when he sent word. Had he changed his mind?
You laid back so your head rested on the hard plane of the windowsill, feet on the ground, hair tumbling down the stone wall like a character in one of your storybooks. Closing your eyes, you gave up, one of your hands resting on the letter beside you.
Hoofbeats. Sitting up, you turned your body, nearly falling through the window in anticipation, knees digging into the tiny expanse between the seat and the edge. Though the night was dark, it was clear, and you could see the shadow of a man on a horse, dismounting and wedging his foot into the stone of the garden wall, hoisting himself up over the edge.
You sprung up, racing across your room and flinging the door open. Hair streaming behind you, your feet carried you down the stairs through the secret passage behind the library. Nobody was awake, and the guards were all stationed outside. It was thrilling running through the empty halls alone, skirt grasped in your fingers so you wouldn't trip. The last thing you needed was a bruise on your rosy cheek.
The door only creaked slightly as you snuck through it, creeping under the ivy leaves that kept it hidden. Your footsteps were soft as you padded through the garden. Sneaking behind the pink rosebushes and pushing aside the leaves of the willow tree, your eyes brightened as you saw him, waiting there on the white stone bench. His head was bent, hat pulled low over his eyes as he studied something hidden by his fingers.
When he caught wind of your presence he stood, tucking it into his shirt pocket and sweeping the hat off his head, lowering himself into a deep bow. Voice raspy and low, he murmured, "Princess."
Your feet pattered across the grass as you pushed him to stand up straight, jumping into his arms and burying your face in his neck. He was warm, heating you through your thin nightdress. "Don't do that," you whispered, fingers playing with the curls at the nape of his neck. "It makes me feel unworthy."
Billy was smiling into you- you could feel it. One of his big hands stroked your hair, smoothing it from your journey downstairs. "My love, you're worthy of everythin'."
Pulling your head back, you stood on tiptoes, tilting your chin up and knocking his hat off. He smiled fondly and lifted you up off your feet with arms around your waist, dipping his head to kiss you soft and sweet. Nudging your nose against his, you murmured against his lips, "I thought you weren't coming."
"'m sorry, sweetheart," he whispered, lips trailing across your cheeks as he peppered kisses over your face. "Had a lawman tailing me for a few miles...had t' lose 'im 'fore I could come...'m sorry."
"It's okay." You tried to get in a few kisses of your own, but he was determined. This was a ritual every time he saw you; he had to kiss you all over for the same reason churchgoers had to do the sign of the cross in the doorway. "I'm happy for any time with you."
He sat in the grass and pulled you to sit across his knees, not wanting the green to stain your pretty nightdress. Billy held you tight to him, chin resting on your shoulder as he slightly rocked you back and forth. It was soothing even when you had no need of being soothed.
You played with one of his hands splayed over your tummy, memorizing the details of his fingers. Here was your own tradition where his was kisses. Somehow you'd convinced yourself if you didn't know every detail of him, he'd disappear before your very eyes, leaving you sprawled on the ground alone.
"I missed you," you said plainly, careful to keep your voice low. Though the guards were stationed far away, you knew they weren't above investigating any strange noises that pierced the night.
"Missed you too, baby," he cooed into your neck, lips nudging the spot. "All those nights without my sweetheart...coulda run right through the front gates 'n climbed through your window."
"Oh my darling," you murmured lovingly, turning and putting your arms back around his neck. "I rode out over the hills a few times hoping to see you."
"That's dangerous," he breathed, kissing your nose. "Honey. There's bandits in those woods."
"You're in those woods," you protested lightly, shifting on his lap.
Billy sighed softly, shaking his head and smiling softly. "'xactly. Lotsa scary stuff in there."
"You aren't scary." Nuzzling your cheek against his jaw, you clasped his hand in yours. The feel of his scratchy stubble against your smooth skin was one you adored.
He chuckled, rubbing your back. "'m an outlaw darlin'."
"But you're different," you insisted, and he tucked your hair behind your ear. "You don't keep what you take."
"'s the least I can do," he murmured, a lost look shadowing his eyes. "Don't want less fortunate folk to hafta do what I do t' survive."
Heart warming, you kissed his nose with the gentlest of touches. "That's what makes you different. You're a better person than you've ever given yourself credit for."
Billy smiled in a tired sort of way. He said nothing, just framed your face with his hands, nose bumping against your cheek as his lips found yours. He kissed you lazily for a moment, and you lost yourself in it, the scent of the roses acting as a sort of aphrodisiac. "I love you."
"I love you," you breathed, and he got a tender look on his face, thumbing the side of your cheek. Billy always reacted this way, like he couldn't believe you meant it.
He captured your lips once again, holding you so close that you were nearly melded into one person. The way he touched you was sacred, like you were a china doll he was afraid would break under his rough fingers.
Oftentimes you would daydream that Billy was your knight, like in the storybooks lining your shelves. He would appear before you in the court, gallantly sweeping you off your feet and carrying you away from the restrictions and traditions of your life as it was.
He was everything you'd ever dreamed of, handsome and solid and good. You held him tight whenever you could, wary of the forces threatening to tear you apart. Heaven only knew what the king would do if he discovered your secret. Banish you to marry a prince from a foreign land, maybe. Or worse...send Billy to the hangman's noose.
You held him closer at the thought. He pecked your lips twice, softly bringing you down from the kiss. Big hands smoothed your waist over your nightdress, ghosting the soft fabric. He smiled, leaning back slightly to take you in. "Ya wear this just for me, sweet girl? 's pretty."
Nodding enthusiastically, your hands going to the handkerchief around his neck and playing with it. "And I can see you cleaned up."
"Only the best f' my girl," he grinned, touching his lips to the tip of your nose. "Knew I was meetin' the princess. Course I tried t' look my best."
"I think you're handsome any way," you promised. Billy's fingers fiddled with the lace edging on your sleeves, tickling the ribbon. He looked at it fascinatedly, making you giggle. "Shall I wear this next time we meet?"
"Yeah." The word was out of his mouth instantly, and you laughed softly. Billy trailed his fingers up and down your waist. "You're so pretty, baby. Like an angel." Pulling a rose seemingly from thin air, he tucked it behind your ear.
"You make me feel pretty," you smiled, reaching up to touch the flower. He always had.
"I wish I could do more for you, sweet girl," he murmured, adjusting the rose.
"I have your letters," you kissed his cheek. "And my time with you. What more could I ask for?"
Billy just watched you affectionately for a moment. His hand was under your jaw, tipping your face up to meet his eyes. The blue of them were an icy chasm you longed to throw yourself into. It was those eyes that whispered their way into your fantasies, appeared in your dreams. You could lose yourself in them forever and not mind one bit.
Reaching into his shirt pocket, he pushed your hair behind your shoulders, telling you to close your eyes. Something cold touched your collarbone, and your hand flew up to hold it. There was the sensation of a chain touching your neck, and he carefully pulled your hair up and over it.
You only opened your eyes when he told you to, looking down at yourself. A little silver heart rested there on your skin, and you gasped in delight. "Oh, Billy..."
"You like it, baby?" he brushed a strand of hair behind your flower-less ear. The other arm wrapped around your middle and squeezed your back to his chest.
"Love it," you whispered joyfully, leaning your head back against his shoulder. Now that he had access, Billy brought his mouth to your neck, silently kissing the space. His hand rubbed your side absentmindedly. "Who did you take it from?"
His words were muffled against your skin. "Countess of Rothshire."
Fingering the chain, you said, "She was mean to me at last fortnight's ball."
"I know," he mumbled, lifting his head to glide his lips over the space behind your ear. "Thought it'd look better on you."
You giggled in delight. "My hero. Avenging my honor."
"Ain't no hard thing," he insisted, pulling back and settling one hand on top of your head, thumb brushing your hairline. Billy kissed your temple soundly, leaning his head against yours. "The least I can do, honey. You're my princess, too."
Looking at him with his earnest eyes and loving heart, you knew he was forever yours. Even if you became a spinster and only was ever able to meet him behind the leaves of the willow trees, he would come back to you over and over. Your soft, lace trimmed world was brighter when he held you this close, kissed you this sweet.
"Only the best for my sweetheart," he breathed, the stars in his eyes alike to the ones in the darkened heavens above. "I'm only one of many men before you."
With that he laid back in the grass, pulling you to rest on top of him. He kissed you tenderly until the sun broke through the leaves of the trees, alerting the princess and outlaw that it was the time of day when he was forbidden to touch you anymore.
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Who Was The Best Ghostface?
Ranking all Ghostface killers from the "Scream" movies in order of who was the best at being Ghostface, in my opinion. Taking into account a few factors; who had the better motives, how much they contributed to the attacks/killings, how far they got in their plan and how well they executed it and possibly some other factors. Some might out way the others but I'll try to explain my thoughts as best I can. So let's get started. 13. Jason Carvey: while his motive was fine, it wasn't one of the better ones. It was just a continuation of Amber and Richie's pretty much. However, since he was one of the opening kills it makes sense why they wouldn't waste a good motive on him and Greg. The fact he was found out and killed so quickly proves he's the worst Ghostface so far though.
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12. Richie Kirsch: this really depends on how you watch and analyze "Scream V" but from my point of view, Richie didn't kill anyone. The only confirmed attacks to be him were Sam and Mindy which both failed. The directors have already said in interviews that he barley did any of the work and Sam even mentions in "Scream VI" that "he made his girlfriend do all the killing." Like many fans of the franchise, you may be thinking "how could she possibly know that?" It's not that hard to figure out when for most of the movie/attacks Richie was with Sam or close by and with Gale's investigation instincts she could've easily found out where Amber and Richie were most of the time. Example: going to the hotel Richie was at and asking when he arrived there and if he left would help figure out if he actually participated in the killing of Judy and Wes. He basically let someone much younger than him do all the dirty work and pull the strings while thinking he was in charge the whole time. It would've been different if he betrayed her in the end like a couple of other who made it higher on this list but he never even got the chance. His motive was good though but not good enough to save him from being this low on my list.
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11. Stu Macher: okay, I know this is going to piss people off because he's one of the originals and a fan favorite so everyone hold him up on a pedestal along with Billy but again, like Richie, I guess it really depends on how you view the movie. Stu does the least amount of work and on top of all that he makes the mistake of trusting his partner and by doing so is almost killed and betrayed by him. Roman even mentions in "Scream 3" that he suggested Billy get a partner to frame in case he's caught. I have no doubt in my mind if they were successful that Stu would've ended up dead or in jail anyway.
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10. Quinn Bailey: she was a pretty decent Ghostface but honestly, I don't know how far she would've gotten if her father wasn't a detective or helping her. Faking her death was smart because not only does it take her off the suspect list but it allows her to do kills while her father and brother get alibis but again, without her father being a detective it would've made it much harder executing her fake death so because of that she still pretty low on my list but higher then they others because she actually did a decent amount of the dirty work and wasn't betrayed by her partners. Although it's widely disliked in this fandom, I actually liked their motive and the fact that it was a family seeking revenge, not just a parent or sibling.
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9. Ethan Landry: I decided to put Ethan a place higher than his sister because he seemed more aggressive and willing to me. He killed Quinn's hookup and then proceeded to take on three people (Sam, Mindy and Anika) at once and wounding two of them and then killing one of them. While not factual, I think he would have made it further without his father's help than Quinn did because while Wayne was the brains behind it I feel like he didn't help Ethan quite as much as Quinn.
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8. Wayne Bailey: since he was the mastermind and brains behind these attacks I think it's fair to place him above his kids. Being a detective put him at a higher advantage as well. Not only was he an aggressive Ghostface but I think his plan was well thought through and executed fairly well and as already mentioned, I actually really like their motive even if it's just another version of Nancy's motive from "Scream 2."
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7. Billy Loomis: his motive was to kill Maureen because she was sleeping his his father causing his mother to abandoned them. Which would've been okay if it stopped there but he kept going. It would've made sense if he tortured Sidney while Maureen was still alive. Since she's dead, what's the point? Sidney didn't do anything. At this point their just doing it for fun, I guess? Which is fine, I guess. I can look past that. What puts him kind of low on my list is that he and Stu start stabbing each other to paint themselves as victims before they kill Sidney and Neil. He was carrying out his plan pretty well before that. He killed Maureen, framed Cotton and got away with it for a whole year which is why I let him be a little higher on my list than I originally wanted him to be.
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6. Charlie Walker: this is another one that kind of depends on how you view and analyze the movie but in my opinion, Charlie kills everyone in "Scream 4" besides Trevor. With that, he's already a great Ghostface but what knocks him down to seventh place for me is that he was so blinded by his infatuation for Jill that he trusted her to wound him instead of doing it himself, leading to her betraying him and ultimately resulting to his death.
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5. Mickey Altieri: I'm putting Mickey right before Charlie because they're situations are very similar. While Nancy helped Mickey more than Jill helped Charlie, I think Mickey still did most of the dirty work but mostly because he wanted to since it's implied he was already a serial killer prior to the event of "Scream 2." Like Charlie he was betrayed by his partner but unlike Charlie it wasn't due to him being blinded by love or anything like that. It was rather sudden and caught him off guard. Ultimately, trusting a stranger and it leading to him being betrayed and almost murdered instead of staying on guard and killing her first loses him points. Plus, his motive was stupid and I didn't like it at all.
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4. Nancy Loomis: her motive is rather simple but it's one of the better ones: good old fashioned revenge. She was also smart enough to get someone on the inside (Mickey) because she obviously couldn't been seen by Sidney. She was also partnered with someone who was already a serial killer so it was smart of her to kill him before he could turn on her. Plus, his motive would've more than likely fucked her over which she was very much aware of.
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3. Amber Freeman: as I already mentioned when talking about Richie, I believe Amber did all the killing (or at the very least, most.) The directors/writes have basically confirmed in on and off screen that she was the mastermind but let Richie believe he was in charge and did most of the work. She wasn't manipulated into doing the killing, she wanted to and you can see that with how excited she gets after her reveal. She was the one who informed Richie Sam was the daughter of Billy Loomis and she more than likely told him to take Tara's inhaler because the spare one was at her house and she knew Tara would have to go there to get it (Richie literally says "I can't believe this worked" as if he doubted Amber.) Amber also killed a legacy character and wounded the other two. She took on Sidney and Gale, two full grown women, at the same time and even though she ultimately ended up dying she did some damage. Her motive was 10/10 for me. I don't know why people hate it because they literally sound like Amber and Richie complaining about it. She was a child carrying a full grown man. That's embarrassing, which is why Richie is so low but it's iconic for Amber to accomplish so much for being so young.
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2. Roman Bridger: he was the only Ghostface to go solo which means he did all the work. He deserves the recognition doing it all himself and getting as close as he did. He also technically started it all by convincing Billy to kill Maureen. I know a lot of people, including the cast, thought it was random for Roman to be Sidney's brother but I think it makes so much sense and I think they executed it well. The storyline wasn't anymore random than Billy having a daughter that no one knew about for years but Amber found out like nothing.
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1. Jill Roberts: in my opinion, she is the smartest Ghostface and quite frankly the best when it comes to planning and getting away with it. Sure, she made Charlie do all the Ghostface killings and kills only Trevor and her partner but that's the genius part. Her goal was to become the new Sidney so she had to keep her hands clean as much as possible. She was the only one smart enough to not let her partner wound her and instead betrayed him before he could her. She killed everyone (or so she thought) before beating the shit out of herself and making herself look like the victim. She's the one who got the closest to killing Sidney and getting away with it and shes the only Ghostface to not scream like a maniac when she “comes back” after being seemingly killed. Her motive was 10/10. I remember watching "Scream 4" for the first time and thinking how relevant it was at the time and it's only gotten more relevant with time.
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