#i feel like i need to talk about the golden trio’s friendship more
delumineight · 10 months
do you ever think of the golden trio not being able to sleep alone after the battle and having to wake the others after a nightmare to check if theyre alive and using silencing charms incase they scream in their sleep
yes. yes i think of this so much. immediately after the battle they sneak off and go to sleep, all in one bed together and sprawled out all over each other. at the burrow they all sleep in ron’s room. molly doesn’t say anything or try to stop hermione from being with the boys. she somehow knows they need it (after all they were all alone together for however many months). i think when ron and mostly hermione have nightmares harry is filled with horrible guilt. he has to leave. he makes sure they’re okay and he goes downstairs and makes tea and comes back up a few hours later. he cannot stand to see others suffer for his cause, for something he feels like he did. especially his two best friends. in general i just think they’re all a bit traumabonded i don’t care if it’s “unhealthy” but it’s so true it’s just undeniable. when ron and hermione are like “hey we’re going to australia um” harry’s like… who do u think u are. anyway. side note but i think hermione’s nightmares are actually sleep paralysis because if something is wrong with a character i like i WILL make it worse!
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gaywriterthings · 7 months
i've got 3 artworks for @seemoreseymoursbay day 4 because i did nothing for tomorrow!!
Platonic Relationship Day
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first up tina and susmita!!! this one is a scene from my gene death fic, mentioned in yesterday's post.
tina needs a best friend, especially because the friends in her group really aren't great most of the time. and ever since her introduction in season nine's UFO No You Didn't, susmita seems like the PERFECT person to fulfill that role! i love their friendship and feel like susmita should be a far more prominent character than she is. gene and louise have established best friends, AND TINA DOESNT PLEASE
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i won't waste much time explaining why, i'll just drop two clips from season four's Fort Night. darryl and louise's dynamic in that episode is fucking golden and i wish they brought it back even just once
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another screenshot redraw! might be my favorite piece of the week lmao.
THIS TRIO IS SO FUCKING GOOD OKAY and the reason i love them so much is season six's Stand By Gene, the episode the screenshot is from. a year ago i compiled their scenes in that ep and posted the video right here, if you want to see why exactly im this crazy about them. (it's only a minute long and i'm mad about it) they're fucking hilarious and simply wonderful i hope they hang out like this again
not to mention that jimmy jr and jocelyn were the original ‼️ friends ‼️ before tammy came along! they were hanging out a whole season before that bitch's introduction. i like to think that even after both tammy and zeke moved to seymour's bay and became best friends with jocelyn and jimmy jr respectively, jocelyn and jimmy jr still hang out often. maybe even have some girly sleepovers together. definitely watching romcoms or hallmark movies during the holidays. and they DEFINITELY gossip and talk shit together (about tammy a lot too). she's like the sister he never had!!
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toh-tagteam-au · 2 years
Tag Team AU Synopsis – Really Small Problems + Understanding Willow
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Previous Part [Sense and Insensitivity + Adventures in the Elements + The First Day]
Next Part [Enchanting Grom Fright + Wing it Like Witches]
This is one of the big ones. The BIG ones. Big turning point episode here. All of these End Of Season 1 episodes are going to be like that. With a LOT of script screenshots.
Really Small Problems
I… didn’t have anything written for this episode, but I should mention that Tibbles hasn’t appeared in this AU because he’s actually profiting off of selling the Azura Books due to the Azura Incident and doesn’t need to do any more schemes. 
This episode wouldn’t have involved the carnival, but instead probably would have been a Willow-and-Amity-conflict centric episode and a Gus-and-Hunter friendship episode. Originally it was going to be a “Willow gets a crush on Hunter” episode that led into the pseudo-romance arc I’d been talking about for a while, but it never seemed right to me the more we saw canon Willow’s attitude towards canon Hunter in season 3. I still wanted elements of that though, since it’d be important for the Grom episode.
I’m also realizing now that I’m writing the whole synopsis that the Emerald Trio really doesn’t hang out very much in any of the episode descriptions, so I wanted to include a thing that was like “they hang out off-camera please believe me”.
Anyway, Hunter passes out at some point, which leads us into…
Understanding Willow
Which really should be called "Understanding Hunter" at this point.
The episode starts out with Hunter falling into a magical exhaustion, brought by him over-worrying about how to heal Belos. This would have assumedly been built up over the course of Really Small Problems, which I didn’t write, but somehow Amity, Willow, and Gus are there to bring him back to the Owl House. 
Amity and Willow volunteer to go into his mind and find out what is keeping him from waking up. When they’re sent in, they see that everything is extremely cluttered and all the trees are covered in notes. They hear muttering, and come across Inner Hunter, who is surrounded by paper and chalkboards. 
Hunter is surprised that they’re in there, especially when they say that he’s fallen into a magical exhaustion in the real world, and says that he feels completely fine and they can leave. Amity says that maybe the notes are what is messing with his head, and in the process of reaching out to touch them Hunter summons a wall of ice. He warns them not to touch anything – he’s almost at a breakthrough. 
Willow and Amity suggest that they help him out – the faster they figure out how to do the thing he’s researching, the sooner Hunter wakes up. Hunter agrees, and reveals he’s trying to heal someone’s curse. Not Eda’s – someone else’s.
They go through a research montage, failing multiple glyphs and exploding a few science flasks, etc, up until they start asking him questions about the curse.
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Amity asks more pointed questions, making Hunter nervously ask what she’s getting at.
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Hunter gets angry at the accusation, saying that this person isn’t doing it on purpose or faking it. Amity just says that it feels familiar. Hunter is generally pissed now, and tells them to get lost. Willow doesn’t stand for it, saying that he needs to wake up.
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Amity figures this is enough, and burns all the notes and work. She says he’s stretching himself thin to do an impossible thing, and that sometimes things can’t be fixed. 
Hunter doesn’t like that. The mindscape warps slightly as he turns into a goopy version of Hunter, Belos eyes and all (something something turning into the thing that scares you the most as a defense mechanism), and he starts attacking them. They hide in one of his memories to escape. 
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The memory they enter is in his room in the Emperor’s Castle. They hear a younger Hunter talking to someone on a bed.
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Luz is revealed, as well as her humanity AND the fact that Hunter is the other Golden Guard. They hear the Inner Hunter coming (he warps the memories with mud as he goes through them), so they escape into a different memory, this time of the fight Hunter and Luz have before they start having a better relationship (it’s the same one in the Pre-Show events post)
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They leave the memory when the coast is clear. Amity mentions that when Hunter told her to stop trying to protect the person she was hurting, back in Covention, he must have been speaking from experience. Willow asks if Amity was also speaking from her experience with their friendship when she told Inner Hunter that sometimes things can’t be fixed, and Amity says yes. 
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They’re interrupted by Hunter, who shows up to kill them, when Amity tells him to stop because he’ll destroy his memories if he’s not careful. She burns the notes on another tree, revealing the memory there of Luz and him learning the light glyph.
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Willow and Amity get out of the mindscape. Hunter wakes up, to the relief of King and Eda. 
He drags Willow, Amity, and Gus away to talk privately, and tells them the truth about being the Golden Guard. He assumes the worst, but Willow proves him wrong, saying that Hunter comes before his mask. Willow blushes here a bit.
Privately to Willow and Amity, he also expresses worry that he inadvertently outed his sister to them, and tells them not to tell anyone or her – it’s an important secret to her, and she might freak out if she finds out anyone knows. Amity doesn’t vibe with that, but agrees.
Previous Part [Sense and Insensitivity + Adventures in the Elements + The First Day]
Next Part [Enchanting Grom Fright + Wing it Like Witches]
Synopsis Masterpost Link
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Haikyu!! Season 2 Thoughts
I’ve been working on this for a while, trying to do what I did last time for the Season 1 finale, but I honestly don’t have the mental energy to give an in depth review of each character’s growth because there are so many who deserve to be talked about and I’d feel bad to leave any of them out :(
SO! Instead, I’m gonna do bullet points and cover things that way!
As always, my thoughts will be under the cut.
• I like the addition of Yachi! She fits in nicely and her friendship with Hinata is adorable!
• Tanaka is such a good big brother figure. He came running to break up the fight when Yachi asked, he got his sister to drive Hinata and Kageyama to Tokyo, he’s generally just got people’s backs, and he’s encouraging. I love him <3
• Just because it was my two favorites interacting, appreciation for Suga tutoring Noya! It was a small scene but it made me very happy.
• Training camp Arc was AWESOME!!!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! • Nekoma is pretty cool. I didn’t have any strong opinions on any of them initially but I like them more now. Kenma seems like a sweetheart, and I love Kuroo. I also like Yaku, even though he doesn’t get much screen time. • BOKUTO. THAT’S IT. JUST. BOKUTO. AAAHHH I LOVE HIM!!!!! He’s got so much golden retriever energy and he seems like such a genuinely great guy! I loved his dynamic with Kuroo and Tsukki, and also his dynamic with Hinata!
• Appreciation for Yamaguchi yelling at Tsukki! I stand by my theory of Tsukki being Yamaguchi’s safe person, and speaking from experience, it is not easy to confront your safe person about anything. • Appreciation for Tsukki actually listening to Yamaguchi!!! This is where I went from not liking him to wanting to see him grow more. Is he a jerk? Yeah. But he’s a sympathetic jerk and he’s doing some growing as a person. I want to see where he ends up!
• Appreciation for Noya teaching Hinata diving receives. Like yeah he laughed at him first but then he said “here, let me show you” and did and Hinata can do them now!! Big brother vibes honestly, in a different way from Tanaka’s, but still there.
• Appreciation for Tanaka and Noya ganging up on Hinata. And honestly just for their trio in general? Their trio is so fun and gives me warm feelings :)
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• Getting into tournament stuff now, let’s start with Hinata being ganged up on outside the bathroom. That was hilarious! XD
• WHY DO I ACTUALLY LIKE THESE OTHER TEAMS?? Like I’m over here getting emotional over the other teams trying their best and still losing! • I just want to highlight Johzenji specifically because I personally really enjoyed watching them. They were so entertaining!!! Like yeah I know all the teams love the game or they wouldn’t be playing, but Johzenji looked like they were having fun, and it was contagious. Yeah, they had to learn to take it more seriously if they wanted to go further, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with enjoying the game. They’re the only team that seems to legitimately be having fun playing, and it really set them apart. Like after Karasuno they’re probably my favorite team. Anyways, Johzenji ramble over, moving on.
• Love Hinata protecting Kiyoko! He was so scared but it was so sweet :)
• I don’t remember where exactly this happened but I’m gonna talk about it now because I can: Suga being a little gremlin. He karate-chopped Asahi in the stomach for being negative, and then when Daichi came back from the medic Suga punched him in the gut for no reason. • You might be thinking, “Crow, you always talk about how sweet Suga is and how that’s why you like him so much. Does this change anything?” The answer is no. No it does not. He’s still a sweetheart, he’s just also a gremlin and I think it’s funny.
• LET’S TALK ABOUT DAICHI!! • The other reason the Johzenji match is my favorite is because of how much Daichi got to shine. THAT SCENE OF HIM WITH THE JOHZENJI BANNER IN THE BACKGROUND!!!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! • Listen, I liked Daichi from season 1, but he was always kinda just there for me. This match changed that SO MUCH! Like the reasons he didn’t stand out (No personal struggles of his own, no obnoxious defining trait, kinda works in the background) are the same reasons that he stood out so much during the Johzenji match! To quote the banner, Daichi is “Simplicity and Fortitude”. He’s simple, in that his defining traits are being stable and hardworking (traits that don’t grab a lot of attention), and he’s fortitude, in that not only does he keep going, but he keeps the team going. AH I LOVE THAT MATCH!!!! • Also I’m gonna talk about the incident here really quick just from the perspective of why Daichi is so important. And that’s because he keeps the team together. He’s their stability. He works in the background, but he’s SO ESSENTIAL. I’m glad he’s okay and he’s back now.
• Just wanted to make sure I mentioned that I’m so proud of Ennoshita! He did a good job filling in and he’ll be an excellent captain after the third years graduate.
• Also poor Tanaka felt so bad about running into Daichi. I think my favorite thing about him is just how much he cares about his teammates. He’s a big old softie <3
• I don’t remember when exactly this happened because all the episodes run together when you binge them like I did, BUT, Noya’s libero set!!!!!! It made me so happy!!!! He did it!!! • Additional remark on this: I loved seeing him work with Suga and Asahi on it! Also him scolding Asahi for trying to make him feel better instead of telling him how to be better.
• Yamaguchi!! I would like to say that when he didn’t do his jump float serve and Ukai got mad at him my reaction was basically this:
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Like the boy has only gotten to serve in one other official match and he missed. You thought he was anxious the first time you swapped him in? GUESS WHAT! NOW HE’S GOT THE ONLY OTHER GAME HE PLAYED IN HANGING OVER HIM TOO! Oooh, I was so mad. There is no reason for Ukai to have been yelling at this boy, especially when Yamaguchi is clearly anxious already and THEN Ukai keeps swapping him in only at crucial points. That’s a lot of pressure, especially for A FIRST YEAR who spends the majority of his time ON THE BENCH. Sorry. I have a lot of feelings about this. I’m moving on now because it’s making me mad again. • Alternatively, when he did do his serve and he kept scoring!? AAAAHHHHH!!! HE DID IT!!!!!!!! I was so so so excited and so proud of him!!!!! He’s grown a lot and it’s been so delightful to watch :)
• Suga and Kageyama’s two setter move was SO COOL!!!!
I’m gonna wrap this up because there are so many things and I can’t possible cover them all. So, two more things I want to touch on:
• Seijoh. Both the match as a whole and with a focus on Oikawa. • This match was SO INTENSE. WOW. I loved it! But it was so intense. It was really amazing seeing how everyone had grown! • I think Mad Dog is the only Haikyu character I dislike. He irritated me because he’s arrogant and entitled and disrespectful. I appreciate how Seijoh managed to work with him though! Props to them. • Small pause from the Seijoh focus to appreciate that Noya’s reaction to Oikawa’s serve was a starry-eyed “I want to receive that!” • Speaking of Oikawa, I… honestly don’t quite know what to say? But I knew I wanted to talk about him some, so I guess I’m just gonna start. • I hated Oikawa through all of season 1 and most of season 2. By all rights I should still hate him for how he treated little Kageyama. So why the heck do I like him now? I can’t even explain it. I just looked at him one day and went “Stupid (/affectionate)” and that was that. • I’d like to appreciate how determined his was during those last few points. He launched himself backward with his final set, CRASHED BACK FIRST INTO A TABLE AND CHAIRS, and still got back in there. • Last thing I want to talk about is how his last set of high school was to Iwaizumi. He didn’t have to set across the whole court, but he chose to because he wanted to set to his best friend, the team’s ace, one last time. I loved that! And I loved that he hauled off and whacked Iwaizumi on the back after they lost and Iwa was breaking, because it’s what Iwa would’ve done if the roles were reversed.
Okay. Last thing I wanted to talk about was this:
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The amount of happiness this scene brings me is just… ah! I replayed it multiple times. The team already huddling up and waiting on Noya and Hinata to complete the group hug. Noya and Hinata with 0 prior communication deciding “Yes, we should jump at our teammates to hug them” and then doing it in sync. THEM TACKLE-HUGGING THE ENTIRE TEAM AND LAUGHING ABOUT IT. The way that I’m sure after the initial shock wore off the rest of the team found it endearing. The joy from winning. The camaraderie. The relief. The way it’s the ENTIRE TEAM, including everyone who was on the bench. Man. I love this scene.
Alright, that’s all I have to say about season 2. If there’s anything I didn’t talk about or something I touched on but didn’t get into and you’d like to know my thoughts, feel free to send an ask!
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greenerteacups · 1 year
The worst part is that JKR did actually admit years later that upon reflection Hermione and Ron probably wouldn't have worked out as a couple and (while I totally thought that all along) I was like.... yeah, that's why the epilogue should never have existed! So that the people who liked Hermione/ Ron could have that as the end game couple and the people (like me) who thought it would never work out, could happily imagine that they tried dating for a bit and then realised within a year that they were better off as friends... Tbh that's still my headcanon and I don't care. As far as I'm concerned, they broke up and ended up dating and marrying the kind of people they'd actually be happy with... I kinda actually ship Ron with Lavender and think a post DH war hero Ron and more mature survivor of werewolf attack Lavender would be an awesome couple (yes Lavender lives in my headcanon). And I ship Dramione so of course I'd imagine that being an epic slow burn for my girl while she works to make the wizarding world a better place!
yeah this was always what confused me about wanting to establish that they got married, because like — i'm not going to pretend i don't see the appeal, i would have gone absolutely wild if we'd timeskipped two decades and saw "Hermione Malfoy" rocking up to Platform 9 3/4, i would have rioted, i would have run down the street like it was fucking V-Day, i would have quite simply lost my shit. so i get why fans of the ships like the endgame marriages, it's a nice bow-on-the-present to have confirmation of the happy ending. but it's not necessary. and hey, after a million words and seven books, maybe she's earned the right to twiddle her thumbs a little. but it's like... man, i really do think that ending on that scene of the Golden Trio standing on the parapets of Hogwarts after Harry snaps the Elder Wand would have been amazing. that's your last scene, man. that's the whole series, right there.
i have to admit, i really dislike the extracanonical stuff where she talks about her own writing. it's like she's trying to edit a text she's already published. and especially when she made that comment about ron and hermione needing counseling, i was like... who is this for? if you like that pairing, this is awful, and you're furious that you're having your legs cut out from under you years after you thought you got a happy ending. and if you don't like the pairing, you're standing there shouting: YEAH, I TOLD YOU SO! and fuming that Rowling essentially admitted she didn't think about their long-term compatibility before she wrote them into a twenty-year relationship.
and incompatibility isn't even a problem if you believe, as many fans of other ships do, that ron and hermione are a realistic intra-friendgroup couple who get babycrushes on each other, or perhaps mistake platonic feelings for romantic ones, date for a few years, break up, and then go back to a strong and loving friendship. and if DH ended on the Battle of Hogwarts, everyone who thinks that could just go on thinking that, and the people who like the couple — well, R/H is canon and endgame, so i don't think the people who ship them would have a reason to care what other corners of the internet think about it.
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thistlecatfics · 2 years
As a peer worker/possible future therapist, I’m so excited for this therapy + HP characters idea you got!! I love your takes so far. What about Ron + post OoTP Department of Mysteries trauma? Aaaand Luna for..just about any of it. I think she might come when she’s older and focus on trauma in Malfoy Manor but would you address her mom’s death or bullying she experienced?
omg thank you! I'm having fun with it. <3 <3 <3
I was just thinking that of the golden trio, Ron would be the one I'd want to work with and the one most likely to engage with and benefit from therapy.
Yes, we could do some EMDR or focused work around the Dept of Mysteries (probably with core beliefs around safety and power -- I'm not safe, I'm in danger, I'm helpless)
I think Ron would also just really benefit from talk therapy where there is a person who is wholly focused on him and his needs and just validates the shit out of his emotions. I think having a space where his feelings could be expressed and validated and then his thoughts/beliefs considered would also be really beneficial for his friendships (and for not making a total ass of himself in book 6 lol).
I could see him going to therapy for short term stuff after the dept of mysteries but then deciding he actually does really like therapy and continues with it.
It would take forever to actually get into family stuff beyond a surface level, but that's the main thing for him I think.
Luna in her 20s was another one I was thinking about on my run today!
ok so I could see her going to therapy just as a thing to do or as part of a deal with Ginny to make Ginny go too. She's engaging in therapy, sort of, but she's like "everything is fine! how are you??" for AGES.
I'm feeling IFS with her (I think she'd love the idea of doing parts work) and really getting to know her protector parts (escapist imaginative ones) and honoring them and also seeing if it might be safe to start living more fully in reality.
And it might not be! it might be safer to live half in her imagination, and we'd also honor that.
But I'd love to get to know her exiled parts -- I'm sure she has this little angry part that she never lets out, and I think checking in with her would be really beneficial.
I also see her as someone who really lives in her head, and I'd want to slowly start to introduce somatic work with her, which I think she'd be into (what shape and color is that feeling in your stomach?) until we hit something a little too real and then she'd dissociate again so fast.
I actually don't think we'd go into specific memories all that much actually - much more about her feelings/body sensations/perceptions/thoughts/beliefs as they exist in the present. I think she'd be resistant into going into the past (the manor, carrows, bullying, her mother's death), and I think we could work with that.
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sanny-star-eyed · 2 years
So... I've been thinking about the disaster trio(charlie, grizz and condi) having already met schlatt before natural disasters.
Just think: they live in a world full of divine creatures who love tormenting mortals for fun, in a world where they are always have to fight something
But then, they meet a god, but they see he is not like the other chaotic divine entities they found, he was really chill. So they become friens :]
They start worshipping schlatt, in a kinda "wow i like this dude, he is my friend" way
And schlatt just looks at them and think "oh i like this guys <:)" and he just start protecting them and just fucking around with them.
To a point that they get very close, schlatt decides to give Charlie a gift, a golden apple necklace, in exchange for worshiping him and just being his friend :] (he gave presents to grizzly and condi too, but he felt a conection to charlie, so he was his favorite)
And well, everything is fine, everything is cool, the trio just explore the world as nomads, without feeling afraid with the protection of their new god.
But schlatt feels something weird, something that his mortal friends are not feeling, and then he spots something, a tree.
An apple tree.
He starts to feel weird, hearing whispers, but he doesn't tell his friends. He just waits for them to go sleep in the area they were camping and he comes closer to the tree.
As he gets closer, the whispers get louder, he takes one of the apples from the tree, which looked ordinary at first, but as soon as he picks the apple it turns golden.
The whispers are deafening now.
But he knows what they are saying, it wants schlatt to make the boys eat the apple.
He tries to control this urge, but he can't. He feels scared, he thought he was a powerful god, why he is getting controled by this thing?
So he sits on top of the tree, waiting for daylight. He knows what he needs to do.
And on the other day, the trio wake up and dont see schlatt at first. They look around and see him floating on top of a tree. With a golden apple on his hands.
All they hear from him is "Are you hungry?? Take this apple!" And he throws the golden apple into Charlie's hand. And then he just starts to repeat "apple. eat" again and again.
Charlie thought this was just another of Schllatt's jokes, he was always trying to scare him and his friends. So he decided to go along with it: while Condi and Grizzly look at him with curiosity, he takes a bite of the apple.
He feels good and invigorated, but those were the last moments he felt good.
Schlatt looks at him with his yellow ram like eyes and just says: "..You fucked up."
Ok, I started writing this post thinking it would be short, just talking about that schlatt and disaster trio had a friendship before the natural disasters.
But i made a freaking fanfic LMAO
Well, thats it, i just wanted to share this thought i had :D
I will bring more thoughts and headcanons about scu and about the others slimecicle characters(like dsmp!slime, mr cycle, esmp!charlie) because im unhinged about them<3
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vegabonk · 2 years
This episode did so much for the characterization of the Haptic Squad, mainly Conner, Burton and Leon (missed seeing more from Carlos, and where was Reese? Didn’t see him there at all). What do you think about their dynamics? And what about Macon showing up there to help Conner? He was so earnest... ;)
I loved episode six of the peripheral! This show has A LOT of characters, but if it bothers to introduce them in more than name, it won't leave them hanging. Most of the characters who are introduced end up being grounded in the narrative and explored as characters in their own right, either in conversation with them or about them. Thanks to this even the more extreme personalities have a rightful place in the narrative.
This episode, for me, was all about Connor and I love him so much. He's such a charming guy despite the trauma, suicidal ideation and the drinking. The actor is phenomenal in portraying him. We already knew quite a lot about him from previous episodes. We knew that he was chivalrous, wouldn't leave Flynne alone to deal with the lowlife. We knew he has a very functional rig, that gets him around, we knew that he was suicidal. When he threatened Picketts men, he did so on the grounds that he don't mind dying especially not if there's a good cause, like taking at least two out of three with him. We also knew that he needs the fight, that he goes looking for it. He also gets prickly if people pity him, which is why when Macon gets sent to help he clearly has instructions to do so while acting like he just casually came by. He adorably can't act, at all, but Connor lets him help anyway. This episode explored more of all this with a special focus on his friendship with Burton and Leon.
I love his friendship with Burton. There is so much backstory to unravel between them, and you can tell that they've been thick as thieves since forever. I also love how Burton knows that pity is the last thing Connor needs. What he apparently needs is to be teased and gentle talked to. And Leon. Threatening to sing. That whole scene was golden.
Through Connor we also got the flashback to war...in Texas?!?! And more, much needed info, on the haptics. I have two word s for you: shared trauma! Turns out that they can share not only visually but also emotionally. We already kind of knew this but showing us the vivid scene where Leon takes his pain was still an eye opener. Two souls coming together indeed. How much of a strong emotion can bleed over I wonder even when not actively sharing?
In the flashback it feelt like Burton was the squad leader, and that's the way it still feels. He's the one who delegates tasks. I wonder if this was/is official?
I also love that Flynnes been printing him legs but on the down low cause she too knows that Connor has a hard time with pity.
I can't wait to see how the trio will handle the future together. Next episode can't come fast enough!!!
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ariondevereux · 2 years
Not the other person but I would love to hear more about one of ur other Ocs. They all sound so great! Any is fine, i would love to hear some hcs u have of them if you're comfortable sharing ofc, no pressure! ❤️❤️
pls i got excited when i saw this ask skdjsks thank you!! i know you asked for some headcanons but this ended up getting so long and rambly 😭 under the cut for hcs i’ve always wanted to get out of my system <3
maya quimby from golden + her otp and brotps <3
maya grew up feeling neglected. like she’s aware her parents are important people with important jobs but for once she just wanted to be someone’s priority. she doesn’t remember the last time they put her first
i remember labelling maya as my snobby oc because of her lifestyle but over time i fleshed her out and realized she’s really not. she just grew up rich and a bit out of touch with the real world but deep down, she’s very sensitive and despite her lavishly displaying her money, she never does it to make anyone feel like she’s above them. she’s just trying to fill the void that her dad left in her life
i chose phoenix as her ro because out of the four, p always came off to me as the one who’s as rational as they are emotionally intelligent. and maya easily lets her emotions get the best of her; when she gets overwhelmed, she shuts the world out. she needs someone like phoenix who *i think* can understand what she feels but also talk some sense into her and keep her lucid before she mentally shuts down completely
also phoenix and maya are my pairing that i literally did not expect to be one of my angstier otps until mila dropped the pinterest boards and i looked at p’s and saw some pins about how they’re always choosing but never chosen and those are the same pins in maya’s board and i just went “well…. 🥲”
random maya fact to break the angst — she studies law and loves fashion design. she’s like lehsa’s elle woods hehe look up sabrina carpenter’s “sue me” mv and that’s maya <3
OKOK LESS ANGSTY HCS!!!! it actually didn’t take long for maya to develop a crush on phoenix and i don’t blame her because he’s so kind and so pretty with the sexiest brain but maya is soooooo in denial. she’s like “hmm nope. he’s just a nice guy i bet he’s nice to everyone” — in an au where my all golden ocs exist together, kaidan and maya would bond over that because friends who are in denial together stay together <333
at the same time, kaidan and maya would push each other like “dude i’m TELLING you lira’s into you! stop being so fucking blind” “fuck you take your own advice” pls i literally LOVE these two so much i would lay down my life for them (lira is my k-mancer btw)
despite kaidan not being openly affectionate, he deeply cares for maya. he’s actually the first in the team to see right through her “rich girl” front and can sense that she’s really lonely. i think that’s why their friendship works so well. kaidan doesn’t care about her money and that’s exactly what maya wants. someone who genuinely enjoys being around her regardless of her wealth and status
these pictures are the closest visual representation of kaidan and maya’s friendship
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maya also becomes close to blaze because they’re both into fashion. he’s the first member in the team she took to her fashion studio. sometimes she would show him all the best places to shop. on one of blaze’s birthdays, she designs a jacket for him 🥺
in an au where maya and my b-mancer, kirsten, coexist, maya would be the biggest blaze x kirsten shipper shdusksk fast forward to the relationship stage, phoenix x maya and blaze x kirsten go on double dates <3 — side note: phoenix is kirsten’s closest friend in the group
kaidan, blaze and maya are my chaotic three. but sometimes it’s against blaze’s will when kaidan and maya kidnap him for a night out skdjsks this trio makes phoenix get all fuzzy like “aw my girl gets along with my friends 🥹” while asher’s patience is wearing thin LMFAO
ok back to phoenix and maya — so yk how i said she’s in denial right? it’s not that she doesn’t trust him. she wants to because she really thinks he’s a good guy. she just has trust issues in general. the longer phoenix goes trying to get to know her, maya’s urge to flee just gets stronger because she’s so scared of the good thing they have going on and how good it makes her feel but at the back of her mind she knows it’s only a matter of time before it all crashes and burns
this is a tentative hc and it might change depending on how the revelation goes in the game about a and k wanting to kill mc but out of all my golden girls, maya will take it the hardest. she’s already got enough baggage to begin with then you add her finding out about her vampire bestie wanting to kill her just because. and the guy she trusts and is completely in love with kept it from her. and phoenix would probably be so desperate to console her and ask her to hear him out but maya would be so blinded by rage and betrayal at this point that even though she knows phoenix was against asher and kaidan’s choice, it would fly over her head and she’d start asking “why? what did i ever do to you?” and she’d start saying things she doesn’t mean because she’s hurt. so yeah. that shit would send her on a spiral she wouldn’t be able to keep a clear head. we need a therapist in lehsa asap
sigh. ANYWAYS enough angst — eventually, phoenix shows maya some of his earliest and messiest sketchbooks. maya points at one of his anatomy drawings and jokes “this guy would look so good in a [insert piece of clothing]” and if phoenix will let her, she’ll definitely take one of his sketchbooks just to own something that’s his
relationship stage: she definitely steals his sweaters and wears them like an oversized shirt dress. one time blaze jokes about phoenix and maya starting to look like each other and kaidan says “well you are what you eat”
i have this scenario in my head where maya tries to compliment phoenix and tells him he has beautiful eyes and phoenix just ruins the moment like “you’re flattering yourself. we have the same blue eyes” and it annoys her because she was being sincere but he’s not wrong 😭
maya’s not the best at love because she grew up thinking love hurts until phoenix turned out being her safe place. she’s still learning to not be afraid to be vulnerable but she tries her best to show him that the person he chooses this time also chooses him <3
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sourstilinski · 3 years
Are You With Me? (Draco Malfoy x y/n) Chapter 2
Read Chapter 1 HERE
Summary: Y/N is a Slytherin muggle born. She's used to her house ostracizing her due to her blood status and her friendship with the Golden Trio, especially Draco Malfoy. But during their fifth year, they discover they might need each other more than they think.
Ever since your encounter with Draco, you can't help but pay more attention to him than you did before. Why did he do that for you? You find yourself glancing at him during meal times, studying how he interacts with his friends. You watch him stalk the halls, Inquisitorial Squad badge gleaming. He's always seemed much more intelligent than the company he keeps, much more refined. He likes how others hang on his every word.
He's smart, very smart. You watch him in class, the way he acts like he's not paying attention but he's mentally committing every single thing the professor is saying to memory. He takes minimal notes but spends the rest of his evenings buried under books in the common room late at night or in his dorm room. He almost reminds you of Hermione, always studying or reading. You like to think to yourself that if the world wasn't the way it is, and if Draco wasn't so awful, him and Hermione might've ended up together.
The only times you don't watch him is when he's terrorizing others. You can't bring yourself to watch his eyes turn cold as he spews out insults towards undeserving kids. Especially towards your friends. He had grown more tame over the years but he still wouldn't pass up the chance to throw a snide comment Harry or Ron's way.
You didn't tell any of your friends about your encounter with Draco. You knew Ron would have something to say, he always did. Hermione and Harry would just tell you to be careful around him.
You're in the library again and you watch the clock as the hours tick closer to curfew. You should head back but you still have so much to do and you really don't want to go back to your dorm with your roommates around. It's not like they talked to you or anything but you could feel them judging you constantly.
You turn the page of your textbook when you see a familiar blond head pop into view. You look up to meet the piercing gray eyes of the person you wanted to see the least.
"Just can't follow the rules, can you y/l/n?" Draco smirks, hands stuffed in his pockets.
You shrug, looking back down at your work. "I need a quiet place to study. A library seems like the best place, don't you think?"
"Why can't you study in your dorm or the common room?"
"I'd rather not be around my housemates unless it's absolutely necessary."
He scoffs. "You really hate us that much?"
Now it's your turn to scoff. Does he really think that you don't know how they all talk about you? How they become silent when you walk into a room? He's basically the ringleader, he should know. "You guys hate me. I was eleven years old and thought I had finally found a place I belonged. Only to find out I still don't belong because I'm not from a rich pureblood family."
Draco didn't say anything. Deep down, he knew you were right. You had been mistreated during your time at Hogwarts and he had contributed to a lot of it. Without another word, he set his bag on the table and took the seat across from you. You stare at him quizzically.
"Well, since you have no desire to leave, I might as well do some of my own work." He starts taking out his own books and quills and parchment, arranging them in front of him.
"I didn't ask you to stay here with me," you quip. For a split second, you could've sworn you saw a look of hurt flash across his face. But it was gone as soon as you saw it, and was replaced by his signature sneer.
"I'm trying to keep you out of trouble and you're making it very difficult. You don't like to follow the rules and you seem to have a bit of an attitude problem." His eyes narrow, staring you down.
You don't lose his gaze. "Why do you care if I get in trouble or not?"
His eyes flicker up to yours for a brief moment. You swear you see a hint of...embarrassment? You're not too sure.
He shrugs his shoulders, green visible from behind his neck. "I told you, Slytherins take care of their own." He puts his quill to parchment before stopping his hand mid-sentence. "And there are much worse situations I could find myself in than studying with you." His eyes land on you, small smile tugging at his usual cold expression.
Your cheeks heat up ever so slightly when your eyes meet. You can't deny that the cold-blooded prince of Slytherin is attractive. Besides his usual less than stellar personality, you completely understand why so many girls at school fancy him.
"Awe, do I make you blush y/l/n?" His signature Malfoy smirk is back, his eyes twinkling under the dim candlelight from the library.
You scoff. Of course he made you blush but you couldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing it. "In your dreams Malfoy." You put your quill back to parchment.
For a few minutes, the only sound that can be heard is quills scratching against parchment. It's a comfortable silence, you realize. You never thought that you, a muggle born, would be studying next to Draco Malfoy, the pure blood supremacy poster child. And kind of enjoying it. His voice breaks the silence.
"I'm sorry."
Your head snaps up. Had he really just apologized to you? For what? He must've noted the confused expression on your face because he speaks again before you can utter a word.
"For the way we've treated you. I didn't know it affected you like that."
"You don't think making fun of someone every day affects them?" The words are out before you can stop them.
He blinks, opening and closing his mouth. This was not the reaction he was expecting. "I-uh, um..."
"Seriously Malfoy? You can't seriously be that dense." You're getting angrier by the second. Who does he think he is? "You don't think calling people mud bloods and putting others down because they're not as wealthy as you hurts them? Not to mention how awful you are to Harry."
As soon as you mention Harry, something in Draco snaps. He clenches his jaw, eyes narrowing. "Of course it's always about Potter, isn't it? You're just as bad as the Weasley girl, following the so-called Chosen One around!"
"This is not about Harry, this is about you. You treat everyone like they're beneath you!" You're gripping your quill in your fist now, staring him down across the table.
"Because they are! I am a Malfoy!"
It's a good thing no one was in the library. The noise the two of you were making would certainly get you kicked out by Madam Pince. You slam your textbook closed and stand up from your seat.
"No, you are a jerk. You're mean and prejudiced and think because you're a bloody 'Malfoy' you can say and do whatever you please. You're just like your father!" Without another word, you picked up your belongings and stormed out of the library, leaving him.
How could you be so stupid? You thought for a moment that Draco Malfoy might be a normal person but you were so sadly mistaken. He was just as arrogant and narrow minded as he had always been. You weren't falling for his meaningless charm, acting like he's harmless. Draco Malfoy will always be a git.
The next morning, you followed the crowd of Slytherins to the Great Hall for breakfast. You didn't spot the platinum blonde, not that you were looking for him. As far as you were concerned, you were happier never having to interact with him again. You take your usual seat towards the end of the long table. Most of the Slytherins didn't even notice you, needless to say you weren't very popular amongst your housemates.
You reach for a piece of toast when you see Malfoy enter the hall, his gang of idiots behind him. You watch as he saunters over to his usual seat at the table. His eyes falter for a split second to you but you scowl at him, begging him to say something. You know he won't. He can't be seen speaking to the mudblood after all.
After breakfast, you head towards McGonagall's classroom for Transfiguration. She's not particularly fond of Slytherins but she likes you. It definitely helps you have a great friendship with the trio, as she favors Harry. You take your seat next to Ron, turning behind you to greet Harry and Hermione as well.
"So, y/n?" Hermione clears her throat, glancing between Harry and Ron. "We heard something funny from Luna. But you know her, always seeing things that aren't there." She chuckles nervously.
"About me?" You furrow your brows. "What's she saying?"
"She said she saw you and Malfoy in the library late," Harry cut in.
"You're not seriously hanging out with that git are you?" Ron grimaces. He shoots a glare over to where Malfoy is sitting across the room. Him and Pansy Parkinson are laughing about giving a first year wrong directions earlier.
"We're not hanging out," you object. "I was in the library and he just happened to be there. We barely even spoke."
"We're not accusing you of anything," Hermione spoke carefully. "We just wanted to ask. Luna's not very reliable."
You decide to steer the conversation more towards Luna. You don't want to talk about Malfoy with them anymore, it's a terribly uncomfortable subject. It's uncomfortable for you to talk about anything related to Slytherin with them. It must look rather odd, three Gryffindors and a Slytherin roaming the castle corridors. You knew they trusted you, but you also knew they trusted each other more.
"I wish you'd be a little kinder to Luna, Hermione," you chuckle at the bushy haired girl's distaste for the unusual Ravenclaw. "She's not that bad, she's very sweet."
"Yeah, you're definitely too kind to be a Slytherin." Ron grins at you, eyes not leaving yours. "That old Sorting Hat needs to be retired."
You laugh nervously. There it is again. You don't want to have a debate about your house anymore so you're very grateful when McGonagall arrives.
"Don't worry," you whisper to Ron. "I bruised Malfoy's poor ego last night. He won't be joining me in the library anymore."
Ron grinned wider than he had all day and high-fived you under the table.
When you arrived at the library later that night, you realized how wrong you were. There was Malfoy, books and parchment spread across the table like he had been there for hours. A mysterious brown paper bag also lay in the center of the table. You stand frozen for a few seconds, unsure of what to do. You're grateful his back is to you or else he would see your internal struggle firsthand and certainly make fun of you for it.
You straighten your spine and walk over to the table. This was your spot first, he can't just come in and ruin it and run you out. You slip into the seat across from him, not even sparing him a glance. He looks up at you hesitantly. He slides the brown paper bag towards you.
You finally meet his eyes but don't touch the bag. "What's this?"
"Just take it." His voice is a bit harsh but his face is soft. He's nervously waiting for your reaction, unsure of what to do.
You slowly slide the bag towards you and open up, revealing a ton of different sweets from Honeyduke's. Your eyes widened. This was a lot of candy, way too much.
"I didn't know what your favorite was so I-"
"Bought practically all of them? Are you crazy? How'd you even get to Honeyduke's?"
He smirks in an effort to distract from the blush spreading across his cheeks. "I have my ways."
Now it's your turn to stop the blush from creeping onto your cheeks. "Thank you, you didn't have to do that."
He cast his eyes down to the table. "I wanted to." He fiddled with his quill, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm not my father, you know."
You swallow roughly. You had struck a nerve last night and possibly even hurt his feelings. You immediately feel bad. How can you feel bad for him though? After everything he's done? You can't help it. You know that he's been following in his father's footsteps. Everything he's ever known is because of his father but maybe he's starting to change.
"I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry."
He shrugs. "You were right." He bends back over his work, not looking at you anymore.
"I know what it's like you know," you say tentatively. You're trying to gage his reaction, not wanting him to blow up on you. "To try to fit into the image of what others have of you."
His eyes flicker up to yours, trying to figure out what you're saying. He doesn't say anything so you take that as your cue to continue.
"I know your father must put an awful lot of pressure on you-"
"You don't know anything," he cuts you off harshly, jaw clenching.
You sigh. You decide to start over. "I know that it sucks when everyone's made up this version of you that's not you."
You stop, waiting for a response. When he doesn't, you press on. "My parents love me, I know they do. But they will never understand what this world is like. And I know there's a part of them that wishes I would've turned out normal like them, a muggle. My older sister is pretty much perfect in their eyes, a perfect muggle."
Draco snorts at that but you ignore it.
"And here, I might be a Slytherin but I'm not accepted by the rest of you because I'm a muggle. My best friends are Gryffindors and always joke about how the Sorting Hat made a mistake. But what if it didn't? What if I'm just pretending that I'm not more Slytherin because of my friends? What if I don't belong anywhere?"
Draco is staring at you intently now. You chuckle nervously, scared he might be really angry with you.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to project my problems onto you. It's just, I don't know who I am sometimes. And there are moments where I just feel like a big fake. And I think you feel that way too. I just want you to know you're not alone." You're rambling now and he can tell. He won't let it show but he thinks it's cute.
He waits a few seconds before speaking two simple words. "Thank you."
You're taken aback. Out of all of the things Malfoy could've said, this was not the one you were expecting. "For what?"
"For talking to me like a normal person. That doesn't happen to me very often." His eyes darken slightly but light up again when his meet yours. "I'm sorry for being a jerk last night. You didn't deserve that." He pauses, his eyes glazing over like he's remembering painful memories. "You didn't deserve anything I've said to you."
Were you witnessing real change happening within the Slytherin prince? Right in front of your eyes? This version of Malfoy you could be friends with, not the version he shows to the rest of the school.
"I forgive you."
His eyes light up.
"On one condition."
His eyebrows furrow, staring at you quizzically.
"You have to help me eat this candy." You smirk up at him, trying to lighten the mood.
His face breaks out into a grin.
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smolchildlevy · 3 years
Hello luv! Can I request a hc of Obey me character (undetables + brothers) with an Mc who has a protective friends, they're trio and their friendship is like hanajima, arisa and tohru from fruba (this just came out of my mind while answering the test🤣) take care and have a great day<33
Hey heyyy darling! Hope u like <3
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Obey Me! Boys with a mc that has protective friends
Warnings: flufff
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-He’s very protective over his brothers so he sees where they would come from.
-And he honestly respects their devotion to keeping you safe.
-Meanwhile they don’t think he’s all to bad himself, since he’s well put together.
-Scared of them. That’s it.
-They barely let you around him because of his gambling and scamming tendencies.
-He just wants time alone with you but knows that with the way he can act, that might not happen-
-He does however thinks it’s nice in a way, to not have to always be there to protect you and can leave it to them.
-Another one that’s sorta spooked by them.
-He gets so nervous bc he doesn’t wanna mess up his chance with you.
-I feel like they wouldn’t have to worry all too much because of that fact.
-They would probably think that he can give good hw answers-
-But anyways, he thinks they are good people for keeping your safety in mind.
-Ngl if they like reading, they’ve got the perfect person to recommend certain ones.
-Literally lust incarnate.
-They keep their eyes on him the most.
-They barely let you talk to him without them around.
-He thinks they’re no fun, but thinks it’s sweet what they do for you.
-Is the protective friend to you.
-All of you get along though they were alarmed bc of his stature and muscles.
-They def love the fact he knows so many good places to eat.
-They keep their eyes out for him too.
-After the whole incident in the attic, they never leave your side when you go near him.
-He understands it, but thinks they’re sorta annoying?
-He just wants you alone in a good way this time-
-He’s very much nice to you, so why worry?
-They kind of think of him like a golden retriever.
-Why would he ever hurt you?
-He sees them as kind hearted.
-Doesn’t mind them, and they wouldn’t mind him.
-it’s sort of like a mutual understanding.
They do like him because he makes good food tho 👀
-Shady sorcerer, need I say more?
-There’s no way in hell (pun intended) that they would let you experiment with this man.
-He thinks that they aren’t too bad.
-He’s happy you have such good friends that will protect you.
-There’s nothing to worry about with this man so your friends probably won’t say anything bad about him.
-He’s so pure 😭 so why even think of bad things when you’re with him.
Taglist: @polly-loves-chocolate @sinnersft @milkandcookies-post @chirikoheina @angryhope
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 2 years
Thanks @sailor-blossoms for the long meta discussion it was amazing. Now I will say Agatha is one of my favourite characters but like Sailor I too can talk and talk about her, especially when it comes to her and Simon. Here is the fruit of our discussion
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I love Simon and Agathas friendship so much and I hope that now that they are in a better place they can be even better friends. The scene above happens after they have their cry together and apologize to each other. After this they have the goat hearing scene and we can feel that they are back on track to being friends again.
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Agatha may be like an exasperated older sister to Simon but she cares about him and that is very clear.
I discussed with @sailorblossoms how I think Simon took Agathas sweaters in a way because I think that Simon didn't want to be WITH Agatha he WANTS TO BE HER.
She is everything he wishes he was she (seemingly) had Bazs love, she is beautiful, she has a great family and home and she belongs in the WOM in a way he thinks that he does not.
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This isn't him going on about how hot his girlfriend is this is Simon imagining what it must feel like to BE her.
I'm not saying Simon wants to be a girl necessarily (tho that's a valid reading if someone wanted to take it there) but I do think Simon and Agatha both feel trapped in gender roles and also feel judged for occationally conforming to it. Like Agatha doesn't want to be a damsel in distress but nothing is wrong with hair care and pink. Simon may love swords and laddish things but he clearly prefers the company of girls and has no issue wearing his female friends clothes. I want to point out that Simon not wanting to wear flowers had to do with him worrying that he couldn't pull it off
“I don’t want to wear flowers,” I say. Baz is wearing flowers. His button-down shirt is grey with sprays of pink and blue lilacs. He makes it look manly somehow, with his indigo trousers and grey lace-up shoes. I’d look like a sofa."
Looking feminine isn't the concern.
We also had a great discussion about Bazs friend group compared to Simon's friend group and how within that dynamic it could hint at Simons aspec demisexual inclination (I do not think this invalidates Simons unlabeled identity, I think if anything it enriches it).
Baz and his boys who i will refer to as the Dark trio have a very laddish relationship and they make crude dirty jokes. When Simon corners Niall asking about Baz Niall repsonds with a dirty joke about Simons dick and goats in CO. Devs first line to Baz when he calls is to joke about felliatio and Baz responds in kind to Simons shock.
Compared to Simons interactions with the golden trio Agatha and Penny its suprisingly tame. Thats not to say girls can't be as crude as boys. I don't think it's a gendered thing. I think it's that Simon wouldn't pursue this sort of talk and neither would Agatha and Penny.
Baz talks about masterbating ALOT in like all three books and honestly that's fine, he's a hormonal teenaged boy shacking up with his crush who he thought hated him. But what's interesting is that Simon doesn't talk about masterbating AT All. He obviously had a huge crush on Baz from the start but even when he thought he was in love with Agatha we never hear about him masterbating at all, we don't even hear about the fact that he's not a virgin or about kissing Agatha or anything until he was forced to talk about it
We know that in AWTWB Simon clearly wants Baz in that way. But he basically says it's the first time he's ever really felt that way. It may be that before this Simon wasn't super into sex until he experienced real sexual attraction with Baz, then he became unhinged, it's like he was probably indifferent to scones until sour cherry scones and he saw the light lol. But again this is just speculation.
I really can't wait for Simon and the Dark trio to go out for drinks lol seriously we need more fics about that
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 2 years
What are your thoughts on silver trio?( ginny , Neville and luna)
I have so many things to say about this.
This is going to be a little Ginny-centric because she is the only really well-rounded character out of these three.
Ginny and Neville's friendship
The first time Ginny and Neville are properly associated as characters is with the Yule Ball situation (also known as that time Harry lost the golden opportunity of avoiding the Cho fiasco).
We know that Neville feels comfortable enough to ask Ginny to the Yule Ball but she is not his first choice, he previously asked Hermione. Now here there's a bit of speculation to do because we have no idea if Neville asked Hermione because he had a crush on her and then decided to go with a friend or maybe he was just closer in friendship terms to Hermione. But Ginny seems a bit embarrassed to be going with Neville, I'm mainly basing myself on the fact that she didn't defend him from Harry and Ron when they were making fun of him. I think many people forget that, like Harry, Ginny had her emotional growth in how she saw "the losers". Ginny and Neville seem to have bonded enough thanks to the Yule Ball and in OotP Ginny outright defends Neville, quite ironically from himself. This said, there's never a particular indication of them being close friends, in general, Neville's closeness with Harry too seems often exaggerated by the fandom.
Things supposedly change during DH, Ginny is the main leader of the rebellion at Hogwarts (I don't know why people forget this) and Neville seems to become the Hermione to her Harry. Traumatic experiences bring people together, and I bet leading an illegal group of teenagers against Death Eaters is an excellent bonding exercise. Neville also is canonically Albus's godfather and canon information at hand, including the Epilogue where it's Ginny that reminds James to say hi to Neville, I'd say that the choice of that godparent came more from Ginny than Harry.
Ginny and Luna's friendship
Some people seem to be convinced that Ginny and Luna were childhood friends, but this is not true. I think it comes from the fact that the Lovegoods live relatively near the Burrow.
At the start of OotP, it's Ginny who accidentally calls Luna "Loony Lovegood". This is not done with ill intentions, and Ginny soon corrects herself. But it shows how Ginny didn't really know Luna, and she instinctively called her the way she heard other people call the Ravenclaw girl. Then the two girls seem to become closer during this book. Yet, the relationship that is shown between them during OotP and HBP, looks more along the lines of the popular girl who defends the lonely one from bullies and takes time to talk to her and the isolated girl who because of this becomes overly attached to her. Ginny, just like Harry, seems to view Luna as this cute and funny three-legged puppy that needs to be protected. A weird little sister if you will.
As with Neville, things seem to change during DH and for the same reasons. So Luna becomes the Ron to Ginny's Harry. It's clear that Ginny trusts Luna and cares about her but this time it seems more of a genuine friendship than such an unbalanced relationship like before (Ginny's only true equal is Harry but I think I made it clear what I mean).
Ginny and Harry's third child is called after Luna, and again I think it's a safe bet to say that Ginny had more to do with that decision than Harry. I think it's a nice way to honor this kind of "girl-power" friendship and how Luna symbolized for both Ginny and Harry a growth in terms of how they perceived emarginated people.
Neville and Luna
We don't actually know anything about their relationship? But I think it's a given that they became close during DH. They also seem to have compatible interests (but it's not enough to ship them romantically, sorry folks).
The silver trio
In conclusion, these three became a proper trio during the worst of times, and isn't that how all the best friendships are born? They seem way more chill and self-aware than the golden trio and I think that because of this reason they would have a more solid friendship than the golden trio in like a muggle scenery with no wars and crazy things going around. They seem those kinds of people who would become friends at university and meet in a coffee shop at least once a week to do a summary of what's going on with their lives and they would be there for each other's important moments. I like it.
It took them more time to become friends because Luna is in a different house and Neville is in a different year, plus Ginny is very popular.
The main difference with the golden trio is that Ginny is not only the one with the leadership ability but also the glue in terms of friendship. In the golden trio, Harry is the leader but Ron is the one who keeps them together in terms of friendship and has the social skills. It's also true though, as I said before, that we don't know much about Neville and Luna's dynamic.
I have to say that this friendship is one of the reasons why Ginny reminds me so much of James Potter. James is shown as this "collector of outcasts" to whom he gives support and friendship and love. This seems what Ginny ends up doing.
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ashesandhackles · 4 years
Harry And Personal Conflict: A Meta On Evolving Dynamic With Ron and Hermione
One of my last metas on Harry was how his abuse at the Dursleys informed who he is as a person and a lot of his main personality traits. This time, I want to explore Harry's relationship with conflict, mostly in regard to his best friends - Ron and Hermione.
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First things first, because of his abusive upbringing where he is constantly in conflict with his caregivers, conflict is seen as Bad Thing when we first meet him as a 11 year old. And it informs how he reacts to both Ron and Hermione at first. He instantly relates to Ron because Ron is an underdog - a boy who feels neglected and passed over in his large and boisterous family. Harry shares his own experience of neglect with Ron and they both bond instantly.
His initial impression of Hermione is that she has a "bossy sort of voice" . The bossiness is an important characterstic to his impression of her - she reminds him of an authority figure and he does not particularly take to her as easily as he does Ron. Before the troll incident, he is frequently annoyed by her interventions because "he can't believe anyone would be so interfering". It's her vulnerability and the fact that she may be in danger that makes Harry, and by extension Ron, go after her. And she pays it back in full with a demonstration of loyalty to them in front of people she wants to impress: teachers. This sets the tone of his friendship with Ron and Hermione.
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There is sense of easiness to his friendship with Ron, especially in earlier books that he doesn't quite share with Hermione. This is a bit gendered as well, of course. His relationship with Hermione evolves as Ron's own equation with two of them changes, more specifically Ron's cognisance of his romantic feelings for Hermione. So how does this inform his relationship with personal conflict?
Let's look at it Book wise.
Book 1-4: Since Harry tends to see All Conflict As Bad, when Hermione becomes his friend, he tends to ignore traits of her that he particularly doesn't take to. Specifically her argumentativeness - which he usually leaves Ron to deal with. For example, look at when Hermione drags him off to the kitchens in GOF. When he realises what this is about, he nudges Ron, and Ron does the protesting: "Hermione, you are trying to rope us into that spew stuff again!".
Often, you can say he is amused by Ron's more ..let's say colourful.. reactions to Hermione being overbearing. So when Ron and him are not speaking and Hermione gets a Quidditch term wrong, it causes him "a pang to imagine Ron's expression of he could have heard Hermione talking about Wonky Faints". It's that deeply ingrained into the dynamic.
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While Ron acts buffer and protects Harry from stepping into a potential conflict ("skip the lecture", "don't nag" he tells her), Harry's world view remains quite the same. Part of Harry's growing up is integrating conflicting points of view and gaining nuance. For example, he can't understand why someone like Snape, who seems to hate him so much, can also save his life at the end of Philosopher's Stone. This is his first venture into trying to integrate two conflicting things about a person into nuance. Dumbledore gives him a very easily digestible story, one that appeals to his ideal of his father and Harry is sated.
Again, Harry's world view is tested when he finds out that he relates with Tom Riddle - for their "strange likenesses". He doth protest too much at Dumbledore's office: "I don't think I am like him! I am Gryffindor!". And Dumbledore offers him a wisdom nugget: "It's our choices which define who we are" (paraphrasing). Harry is uncomfortable that he empathises with Tom Riddle, his parents' murderer, at this point in the story.
In the first four books, his only proper personal conflict has been with Ron.
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It is depressing to think about in these terms - but Ron is Harry's first experience of unconditional love (we can even put Hagrid here, but he is not the one who spends most time with Harry). And when Ron and him fight, Harry is so hurt by the prospect that he proceeds to abandon Ron before Ron abandons him. (the whole chucking a "Potter stinks" badge at him and making a jab about having a scar is what he wants, or the fight in DH where he yells "then leave! Pretend you have gotten over your spattergoit and have your mummy feed you up"). It's an interesting defense mechanism and he feels "corrosive hatred" towards Ron during these times because Ron and him aren't supposed to be like this. Ron is a certainty in his life. It's also why when Ron comes back, Harry either doesn't need him to apologise (as in GOF) or quickly forgives him in DH - although I do think Harry thinks the locket bit was punishment enough. But even without the whole locket, I think Harry has trouble holding Ron accountable in general beyond few slaps on the wrist - especially if Ron and he are on good terms.
5th Book: This is the transition point for Golden Trio friendship. Harry has come back from an immensely traumatising night at the graveyard and his PTSD isolates him from his best friends. This is also the point where Ron, especially after GOF, is aware of his romantic feelings for Hermione ("the perfume is unusual Ron", Hermione tells him in this book). So in this book, we often see Ron and Hermione on one side, with Harry on the other.
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Ron is unwilling (quite like Harry in that respect) to engage him in a direct conflict, but he is also unwilling to shield him from Hermione's nagging in this book. This is why, OOTP is the book where you see Harry ignore or avoid Hermione and lie to her more than usual to avoid conflict. For example, he tells her that Snape thinks he can carry on Occlumency once he got the basics - that is categorically not what happened. Or the entire day he spends ignoring Hermione's warnings about breaking into Umbridge's office. (The description here is comical - about Hermione vehemently hissing so much that Seamus Finnigan is checking his cauldron for leaks. ) If he cannot lie to her or avoid her, at the end of the rope, he will treat her to display of his frightening temper.
Interestingly, OOTP is also the book that his world view goes through a tremendous upheaval: mainly, his ideal of his father and having empathy for Snape. It is unnerving for Harry to see Snape being the "boy who cried in the corner" when his father shouts at a cowering woman. Similarly unnerving is that his intense empathy for him - "he knew exactly what Snape felt when his father taunted him and judging by what he had seen, his father was every bit as arrogant as Snape always told him".
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While he is placated that his father grew out of it, this memory of his father being a bully is something he cannot bear to watch again in DH. Few chapters later, he grins at Ron "sweeping his hair" back to make it look more windswept, just like his father - suggesting that Harry is beginning to integrate two conflicting things he knew about his father: from the people who loved him vs the people he was cruel to.
6th Book onwards: It's interesting to me that his better appreciation for Hermione comes after OOTP (one, because she is the one who challenged the whole Ministry plan and she followed him into a trap knowing it was one anyway) but also the timing of it is in line with Harry having a more nuanced understanding of his father. He struggled to hold conflicting information about him into one cohesive person - the boy who was a bully vs the man who joins Order of Phoenix to fight a war he could very well have sat out. The pedestal crashing helped Harry gain nuance (he thinks of his father and mother with pride in HBP - of them walking into an arena with head held high). HBP also sets up his deeper understanding with Snape in DH. There is lovely meta by about this by thedreamersmusing. Read it here. HBP is also the book he feels "sorry" for Voldemort and also feels "reluctant admiration" for him - both of things he is less defensive about.
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And this nuance informs his relationship with conflicts - especially the kind he has with Hermione. He is more confrontational with her and does not lie or sneak around her as much as he did in OOTP in the Half Blood Prince. ("Finished? Or do you want to see if it does back flips?" He asks her when she takes the book from him to check if it's jinxed. Or the "I hope you enjoy yourself" he calls out irritably when she declares intention to find out who HBP is. And "do you want to rub it in Hermione? How do you think I feel now?" He tells her when she says she was right about HBP).
The fact that he is willing to be confrontational with her is a big step in his character - a step up from his unregulated outbursts in OOTP, which is a function of him not knowing how to put his anger across in normal ways. He is also more willing to stand up for her in front of Ron too - "You could say sorry" he tells Ron bluntly. This is in contrast to his more quiet standing up for her in POA: "Can't you give her a break?" Harry asked him quietly. In POA, he lets the subject drop after Ron flatly refuses. Here, he presses on more : "What did you have to imitate her for?" "She laughed at moustache!" "So did I, it's the stupidest thing I have ever seen".
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His relationship with Ron is an interesting contrast to his relationship with Hermione, which functionally teaches a very important lesson for an abused child who thought all conflicts are bad: That his friendship with her is challenging, and frustrating, filled with conflicts but their love for each other isn't disputed. It's a very important thing for brain development in general - to hold conflicting information in one space. The defense mechanism abused children do to avoid this is called splitting.
So, Ron allows Harry to be the age he is: a teenager and it's foundation for his further development, and Hermione teaches him how to be an adult, and therefore, spurs his growth. (In esoteric terms, if you look at Ron and Hermione as proxy parents - Ron is the Mother archetype, the one who offers unconditional love. Hermione is the Father archetype - one who demands best of him, and guides him).
Additional reading: Harry, Prongs and Prince - Harry's Inner Struggles For Forging An Identity. By u/metametatron4
Harry Identifies, and Reluctantly Admires Snape Even Before The Prince's Tale by thedreamersmusing
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sitp-recs · 3 years
Hi Liv! You probably got this one a million times before but could you rec some enemies to lovers fics? Without them being friends. Like not enemies to friends to lovers? Thank you <3
Also, I am curious, how do you keep so many fics and what each one of then entails in mind? Even if you bookmark them, it must be loads of work, cuz I can't even remember the fics I read last year or sometimes last month. Thank you so much for rec-ing all these wonderful fics. I think I fall more in love with Drarry as I read your recs.
Hi anon, thanks so much for the kind words! ❤️There’s no secret, really - after a year of reccing, I think my mind got the hang of it and became better at connecting title-author-theme. At this point I’ve recced most of these fics so many times that my memory became familiar with their general plot lines. I also happened to write single recs for almost all of them, which makes some details easier to remember (just don’t ask me for anything too specific please 😂)
Here are a few recs for enemies to lovers! I tend to prefer the enemies to friends to lovers trope so I’m probably forgetting a bunch here. But I’m sure my followers will jump in and add more!
Try Again, with More Conviction by FleetofShippyShips (2019, E, 3.5k)
After a mission goes sideways and they're lucky to walk away unscathed, Harry doesn't want to deal with the ensuing argument and floos home mid-angry tirade from his partner.
Hurt for the Right Reasons by @lqtraintracks (2013, E, 4.5k)
Everything was so cocked up. He just wanted this one thing. He wanted to hurt for the right reasons for once.
A Pain of Our Choosing by @lqtraintracks (2020, E, 6k)
It’s 8th year and everyone’s still a bit messed up. Harry and Draco fall into being messed up together.
Checking out the Opposition by birdsofshore (2014, E, 6k)
Harry and Draco seem quite wound up after their latest game of Quidditch.
heavy by @onbeinganangel (2021, E, 6.5k)
Potter isn’t nearly as slick as he thinks he is, is all Draco can think about through the alcohol haze and the dizzying atmosphere of the club. He really, really isn’t.
The Things They Never Say by @bixgirl1 (2017, E, 9k)
Harry and Draco don't know how to talk. So they do other things instead.
I'll never be your chosen one by @andithiel (2019, E, 15k)
Draco doesn't know what exactly he’s doing with Potter, he doesn't know how their unspoken agreement even started, and doesn't know where it will end. The only thing he knows is: he's not in love.
Trouble, My Old Friend by @tepre (2019, E, 21k)
Harry goes rogue investigating an illegal potion and ends up at Draco Malfoy's dodgy lab.
In Your Arms, Rests My World by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (2016, E, 24k)
Harry presses his mouth to Malfoy's forehead; he wants to tell him that he’ll never leave, that he wouldn’t dream of it.
This is Never Happening Again by hpleems (2018, M, 32k)
Harry and Malfoy don't get along any better than they used to, but Harry can't get enough of their secret hookups, and he can't seem to figure out anything else in his life, either.
Expecto Patronum by @writcraft (2015, E, 35k)
As Draco Malfoy negotiates his feelings for the wizarding world's brightest star, he becomes increasingly attached to Harry and unravels the secrets he keeps hidden from the rest of the world.
Like Clockwork by agentmoppet (2017, E, 39k)
Draco has never been very good at trusting others, and Potter is no exception. But if they're going to survive this, they need to accept that they're holding each other's lives in their hands, and--worst of all--they're going to have to work together.
Lumos by birdsofshore (2016, E, 41k)
Harry never expected to spend eighth year listening to Draco Malfoy wanking.
Bite Me, Hate Memes by pir8fancier (2007, E, 44k)
Draco Malfoy is incensed to realize that someone is trying to usurp his position as the premier Harry Potter hater.
Orbit by HenryMercury (2018, E, 52k)
They don't like each other. They're not friends. There's not even a ceasefire of any sort because they're fighting as much as ever—but there's definitely something different about it.
The Boy Who Only Lived Twice by lettered (2012, E, 54k)
Harry Potter is an Unspeakable. Draco Malfoy is the wizard who shagged him. Adventure! Intrigue! Secret identities, celebrities, spies! It's all right here, folks.
Harry Potter and the Future He Doesn't Really Want, Thanks. by orphan_account (2016, E, 70k)
This train existed outside of time, that was the only explanation Harry could come up with as to why Malfoy was actually having a civil conversation with him right now.
That Old Black Magic by @bixgirl1 (2019, E, 77k)
Centuries ago, marriage contracts were the norm — ready-made alliances between families, expected and complied with, without complaint.
Far From The Tree by aideomai (2020, E, 112k)
The arrival of Harry Potter’s children—snapped back in time, the children themselves guessed, twenty or so years—was the most interesting thing to happen at Hogwarts for years.
Temptation on the Warfront by alizarincrims0n (2015, E, 180k)
Draco Malfoy is forced into hiding with the Golden Trio and dragged into their search for horcruxes. What ensues is a journey of redemption, unexpected friendships and an unwanted, turbulent romance with Harry Potter.
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gemma-collins-ily · 3 years
Alina x reader with prompts 41 and 44?
Till Death Do Us Part
Alina Starkov x reader
a/n - omg yes I love Alina! So excited she was requested! Going to switch the his in the below prompt to theirs btw.
Prompt:"If the price is my life for his, I will give it."
"I have been left with nothing!"
Warnings: Injury, death, spoilers for ending of S1 Shadow and Bone
Tagged: @mrs-brekker15
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Alina was a prisoner. No one on the Skiff was actually observing her standoffish body language towards the devil himself.
The Darkling. The Black Heritic. Aleksander Morozova. Whatever you wanted to call him, he was still a demon, through and through.
Maybe he wasn't always, but now he always would be.
Coincidentally, only you, Mal and the Crows had actually noticed the chunky chain Alina was hauling around, as she spun to face the Darkling.
You, however, had absolutely no idea Mal and the Crows were on the ship. You were being held as leverage, to make sure Alina wouldn't try to resist against him.
Once more, the Crows were the singular party that had perceived the way that the Heartrender, Ivan, was standing just a little too close to your back.
Close enough, to make you extremely aware of his presence and perturb you massively. Any move you made, the shifting of your foot or the cocking of your head, Ivan would shift just a little closer.
He was practically breathing down your neck now.
Still, you stood tall, your chin held high as you fought back tears. You, Mal and Alina, your amazing Alina, went way back. When you were kids, you had ran from the testing together, always loyal to your little trio and wanting, no, needing to stay together.
Mal had always pushed you and Alina to recognise that your feelings for one another extended beyond platonic, by... Well, by a lot.
You were inseparable and of course, the twisted and corrupt General had decided he could use this. He theorised, that if his unsuspecting, prized, golden Sun Summoner had a friend on her side she'd be much more... Co-operative.
What he hadn't anticipated, was the fact that you and Alina were not just friends. Which, in turn, made her so much harder to manipulate. He couldn't pretend he cared for her in a way no one else did, because you did.
You loved Alina Starkov.
And if you were asked to admit it, you would. Gladly. You had passed the line of friendship a long, long time ago.
You never really talked with her about your relationship. It was just an unspoken thing. You went past milestones together, first kiss, first 'I love you.' and first time you'd been away from each other.
You remembered, the days you'd moped and overdramatically flopped your head into Mal's lap whilst pretending to faint, the back of your hand to your forehead. He had simply laughed and told you you'd be back with her soon.
Mal had always been an angel like that, so accepting of you and her. You had always thought it must have been strange for him, his two best friends compiling to make a couple, sometimes sneaking off without him. He must have been the third wheel so many times, but he never once complained.
You'd all been through so much, yet so little compared to what was to come, and he continously told you that you deserved happiness and he was so elated you had found it in each other.
Your union with Alina was strong and no matter what Morozova had done to try to break it, you may as well have been married already.
You were both willing to exchange vows and had already said one many times in particular.
Till Death Do Us Part.
It was a mantra you both, practically, lived by.
Ivan continued to stand in as much of your personal space as he could. You turned your head and hissed, "Rude, much? Bit up in my face, aren't you?"
As a result, all you got was the terrible pain of your heart palpitating. Yet, you did not let it hinder you.
"You should get out of it. Or you don't know what I'll do."
"Is that a threat?" He did not sound curious. It did not sound like a question: more of a statement.
"Oh no Hun," You always called people this when trying to be condescending and patronising. It seemed to work, as he seemed only more irritated.
You drew out your next breath, partly for suspense although mostly to show, you were still breathing, still alive and he could not kill you. You were still the leverage and the bait. Without you, Alina would rebel immediately.
"It's a promise."
Jesper, Kaz and Inej, who were hearing the not so civilised conversation from below, exchanged glances and even Kaz could not hide the slight raise of his eyebrows.
"What is she doing?" Jesper asked.
"Fighting fire with fire. And she's doing it damn well." Was Kaz's breathy response.
You were stalling. Well, not really. It wasn't like you could stop the Skiff but you were stalling until someone noticed.
Regardless of your efforts, the passengers remained oblivious, too focused on ogling at the Fold that they didn't hear your venemous spat.
Until the Black General's plan was put into action. Only then, did someone realise and by then, it was too late. She was good as dead.
Two seconds later, she was.
"Shame. I’ll have to give that speech again now." Aleksander said blandly. You almost scoffed. You weren't surprised she ended up dead but would it kill him to seem emotionally attached? Yes. Obviously.
You watched Alina with wide eyes as Mal choked up blood onto the decks. You snuck a fleeting glimpse at the Heartrender present behind you. But now he was focused on Mal.
You knew you could try to free him first, save him from what probably seemed an eternal pain. But that was not the practical approach. Now was your chance that chaos had given you. You had to take it.
After all, you were never one to refuse something given to you.
You lurched forward, to the chain holding Alina and scrabbled with the lock. You knew how to pick them quite easily and you had already manoeuvred a lock pick into your palm previously.
The Darkling obviously spotted you and that was expected. He waved his hand and his Heartrender got to work. You had also realised he could use his small science on several people at once but you needed to get to Alina.
You felt an agonising burn start from your heart and flow to cover your whole body. You gasped with blood dripping down your lip and nose. But you focused on the lock. You had to.
And then finally, after what seemed forever, it clicked. You wrenched the padlock open and tapped Alina's ankle twice. The General's attention was now on Mal and he hadn't seen you persevering with the lock.
He probably thought you'd give up or simply wouldn't be able to do anything with the pain but for Alina, you would do whatever it took.
During this time, Inej had told Kaz she was going to help and Jesper had gone with her. Ivan was a little surprised - he had been keeping track of the heartbeats yes, but he hadn't been doing it closely enough.
This caused him to falter and this probably made people think he would let up on the suffering he was inflicting, but it actually caused it to increase.
In panic, shit went haywire.
Aleksander saw Alina move forward, to try to reach you and tutted as he gripped her arm in a vice grip sure to leave bruises.
"Do not retaliate against me, Sun Summoner." He all but growled and you turned over onto your back and writhed as Ivan increased the pain level immensely.
Then, just as you were slipping away into unconscious, the Skiff left the Fold. Zoya had done it! She had helped. Still, you did fall into the sleep welcoming you with open arms, even if Ivan had stopped his torment.
Alina released a sob as she saw you and Mal, the two most important people in her life, sprawled with your hair fanned out and clumped as blood coated the decks in a pool.
There was more around Mal in little blotches as a result of the fact that he had moved to get to General Kirigan and trap him in the Fold, off the Skiff.
Yours was far more sickening. It was a large circle haloed around you and only kept growing.
She pelted towards you, at full speed and basically skidded onto her knees next to you. She sobbed again and her eyes flicked over to Mal. He too, was unconscious. She almost screamed in that moment but had to stay calm, for you. Until she couldn't stay calm. She shrieked in anguish. "I have been left with nothing!" The Crows were watching with sorrow filled eyes and Inej whispered, "She really loves them, doesn't she?" "Yeah. Wish I had someone like that." Was Jesper's, unusually quiet, response. "Please. Please." Alina whispered and looked upwards. If she was a supposed Saint, surely there were others.
"If the price is my life for theirs, I will give it."
"Freely." She continued when nothing seemed to happen.
She gave one last broken plea and then, Mal coughed. Blood spurted from his mouth but she couldn't care less. Once again, tears spilled over and she smiled.
Then looked at you. You weren't awake. You should be awake. She cradled your head in her lap and ran the pad of her thumb over your forehead.
After a few seconds, just when she had lost hope and was about to scream, just as she had before, your eyes blinked open.
At first, it felt like sandpaper to begin dragging open your eyelids but you carried on. Alina gasped and tilted her head back in relief.
You brought your hand upward to cup her cheek and she placed hers over yours to steady its subtle tremoring.
"Till death do us part, remember? And I'm sure as hell not dead yet." You murmured softly.
She laughed tearily just as you did a moment later.
And so, life went on. You, Alina and Mal living it together. With one particular phrase always in mind, no matter what you went through.
Till Death Do Us Part.
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