#i feel like i’m maybe getting decent at writing this kind of stuff which is awesome
lexalovesbooks · 1 year
My problem is that sharing my writing always makes me insane
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anticanonsposts · 9 months
Early flirting/relationship things
(I'm just thinking out loud)
i feel like when you first start to flirt with him he is kind of oblivious
talking to you already makes him so nervous so I think if you were intentionally being flirty he would already be so nervous that he wouldn’t notice
when you two do officially start going out…
he tends to make very prolonged eye contact when talking to you
especially when you guys go on more ‘traditional’ restaurant style dates 
like his eyes would NOT leave you 
defo from the beginning he pays for EVERYTHING 
even when he doesn’t fucking get anything
one time he invited you for coffee and pastries, you got there, and he didn’t order anything…
he said oh no I’m not hungry but like he wasn’t being rude, he wasn’t doing it for any other reason
but he still insisted on paying 
(he really just wanted an excuse to see you and used food) 
idk why but I feel like at the beginning he would be a little cautious about eating around you
i just feel like sometimes with social anxiety, eating in front of people can be more difficult
so i feel like he would eat a more ‘normal’ amount/portion instead of his normal much bigger amount
but his stomach would give him hell so usually after he took you out to lunch or something, on the drive home or wherever you were going next he’d ask if you wanted to stop somewhere for a ‘snack’ 
then he would eat a whole other meal 
he kept doing this until you were ordering at a restaurant once and you just touched his arm and said ‘is that all you want? Get more if you’re hungry babe’ 
and he realized he wasn’t as slick as he thought 
from then on he’s just your human garbage disposal 
any time you have left overs you don’t want, already taken care of 
considering he isn’t from the US (this only applies ig if y’all are living in the US) 
i always see people from the states go on vacation in other places and they lose weight because the food is better quality/better for you/less banned ingredients lol anywhere outside of the U.S.
i think the reverse would happen for König
one thing about him, guy likes to eat
so I think when he first comes here he’s a little overwhelmed by all of the snack/food options and would gain a decent amount of weight 
also regardless of where you guys live/where you are from/your heritage I think he would love learning about your cultural foods and your favorite foods, he would want to try everything 
not food related…
before moving in together, the guy would get so giddy whenever you spent the night with him
especially when you would forget or leave stuff at his house
it would brighten his day when you aren’t there and he sees something of yours, like a body care product, a perfume (which he would defo steal/hide forever), or a piece of clothing
in the most wholesome way possible, he would love being in bed with you 
just being cozy and feeling your body against his 
he would also start sleeping better the more you guys slept together 
i honestly don’t think he’s super picky about cuddle position, as long as you two are wrapped around each other in some way, he doesn’t give a fuck <3
things that i think definitely happen before you guys’ first time together…
literally googles ‘how to eat pussy’
idk if I headcanon him as a virgin or not, considering I like to write about mid 20s him, more likely??
for sure he doesn’t have much relationship experience, like bullied, then 17 joined the military, not much opportunity there
but sex, maybe he’s had sex before, but either way would be really nervous about pleasing you 
first time together he really wants you to lead the way but honestly
he gets super into it very quickly and just gets obsessed with how you feel
basically devours your face and neck with his mouth 
when he is finally able to pull himself away he eats you out for so fucking long
at least 3 orgasms with is mouth/hands because he is nervous and making you cum makes him less nervous and because let's face it….dude has a third leg
he wants to make sure you are prepped enough that he won’t cause any discomfort 
i think he would be very attentive to facial expressions and body language during sex, so when you looked a little nervous after seeing how big he was he rushed to comfort you but you just said-
‘don’t worry, I’ll make it fit’ which ngl besides the amount of concern he had for you made him even more flustered 
i also think this man is just vocal in general, but ESPECIALLY at the beginning 
partly bc he wanted you to know it felt good but also because it was just so overwhelmingly good 
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budbuddnbuddy · 9 months
Little obey me headcanons (pt4)
A/N: This probably like the second longest series of writing I’ve done fanfic wise. Lol anyway same stuff is here. Headcaons and world building, maybe once I get everything done with the masterlist I’ll show you guys my MC’s (yes I have 2 MC’s in the same verse) but I’m still not sure. Let me know what y’all think. Happy new year!!!
Everyone is super nosy about your life in the human world, some are more obvious and pushy then others but regardless they still want to know about every detail of your life, what kind of job do you have? What’s your family like? Do you live in acountryside or in City? Where’s your workplace? What’s your address? What’s your full legal name? What’s your blood type? Do you own any pets! Tell them all about it.
The Devildom and the Celestial realm have small populations. Devildom:50 million+ Celestial realm:45 million+ mainly because lots of people would rather not have kids because it would probably get in the way of what they were doing in their lives currently however it’s not uncommon to see families out and about. Nobles are the main ones who have families in the devildom.
Do you think that like a week after Diavolo was born his father did that lion king thing that Royal family does whenever they have another kid? Just basically raising him up for everyone to see? 💀
As I’ve said before Mammon has a great ass, you can’t help but grab it anytime you can, just coming up behind him and grabbing his cheek. It mainly happens in your room, both of y’all are laying in your bed with him on top of you resting his head on your chest and you’ll just unconsciously reach down and give it a squeeze. He used to loudly whine about it but he secretly loves it lmao.
When it comes to relationships and Virginity, I feel like I have a pretty decent grasp on who’s had what and who hasn’t.
Relationship+Experience: Lucifer Mammon Asmodeus Barbatos Solomon
Relationship+Virgin: Beelzebub Satan
No Relationship+ Experience: Belphegor only like twice though cuz I fucking hate him [affectionate]
Neither: Leviathan, Diavolo
Diavolo kin’s Pops from regular show unironically.
If you ever heard about the Mariko Aoki phenomenon good but if not it’s basically the need to take a crap in bookstores however if you leave before you do then the feeling goes away. Whenever you go into Satan’s room you automatically get the urge to take a shit, you haven’t told him about it the confused look on his face is too funny. 💀
Speaking of Poop. If any of the brothers can’t get into the bathrooms available on their floor/rooms they’ll come down to your room and ask if they can use your bathroom which you used to be fine with AT FIRST however you eventually banned them from coming into your bathroom because Beel took a massive shit in your toilet and it stunk up your bathroom for DAYS and Lemme tell ya, handling demon shits from GROWN ASS MEN are not for the weak.
“Phew…Thanks for letting me use your bathroom, MC.”
“No problem Beel I-“ *Turns into fucking dust*
Okay that’s not what happened but you did pass out. Beelzebub did say sorry and bought you a cupcake as compensation so I guess it’s okay for now, still not allowed to use your bathroom though.
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softxsuki · 2 years
Pairing: Mikey x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of guys ganging up on a woman, fighting, feelings of fear
Genre: Fluff
Post-Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 1.3k (almost 1.4k)
Summary: In which after training you to fight a little, Mikey walks you home, but you run into a little trouble after stopping somewhere quickly and waiting for Mikey to get back (it turns out to not be so troublesome though)
[A/N: This piece is written by one of my followers that she wanted me to post for her, so I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did! This is written by my 🕰️anon! So again, I did NOT write this. ]
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*****note N/N means nickname*****
  “Make sure your foot is aimed a little higher. See, like this.”
  You felt slightly anxious as Mikey kicked the air, his feet making a clean one-eighty degree. Did he think you could do that on your first day practicing with him?
  Mikey turned to look at you and gestured for you to copy what he just did. You groaned internally, regretting the fact that you didn’t listen to Draken and Mitsuya’s warnings to not ask Mikey to teach you self-defense. 
“Maybe let’s leave the hard stuff for later, please?” you asked, practically pleading with him to understand that you might just break your hip if you tried to pull what he just did.
  “But I could do this when I was in elementary school”, Mikey said, tilting his head to the side in confusion. 
  Of course he could! He’s the Invincible Mikey! You thought, cursing your luck. 
  Mikey wasn’t the best teacher when it came to fighting but he loved you and so, thankfully, he was as patient as he could be with you.
  After a lot of practicing, you could finally do a decent kick (though it was nowhere near as good as Mikey’s, of course).
  You spent the rest of the day talking with Mikey and Emma. Amidst the laughter and slight bickering between the siblings, you decided to head home as soon as you realized that it was getting dark.  Mikey noticed you looking outside and decided that he should walk you home.
  “Ah, (N/N), it’s getting dark. I can wa-"
  “Manjiro!! It’s getting dark! Can’t you walk your girlfriend home?!” Emma yelled at her brother who was looking flabbergasted at the fact that he lost the opportunity to be a good boyfriend. You laughed at their antics and just shrugged.
  “It’s alright. I can go home on my own- “
“Ah, great, now you’ve upset her '', Emma said, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked at Mikey disapprovingly. 
  Mikey just deadpanned at his sister before getting up and grabbing his jacket. “Come one, (N/N). Let’s get you home.”
You nodded before thanking Emma for her hospitality. Emma just smiled as she thought to herself how wonderful it would be to have someone as kind and sweet as you in the family.
  Both of you turned around quickly to see Mikey starting his motorcycle. Upon seeing the both of you staring at him, he thought he needed to clarify what he was doing.
  “Oh. I am dropping her off on the bike- “
  “Like heck you are!”
  You wouldn’t have minded it one bit but Emma didn’t like the fact that neither of you would be riding with helmets.
  “AH! You are turning into Ken-chin…”, Mikey said, causing Emma to blush as he mentioned Draken. You smiled knowingly at her which caused her to turn even more red. 
  “Oh, fine! I’m going inside!”
  The both of you watched as Emma went back inside the very beautiful house that the Sanos lived in. Mikey sighed and scratched the back of his head as he hopped off the bike. “The last thing I need is more nagging once I come back… you don’t mind walking, (N/N)?”
  “Nope!”, you said. You walked towards where Mikey was standing and took his hand in yours, causing his face to flush pink. Chuckling slightly at how adorable he looked, you both began walking back to your home. 
  Winter was soon coming and the air had a chill to it. You felt a sneeze come along and you tried your best to stifle it. Mikey saw you desperately trying not to look like you were cold and tried not to laugh at your actions. He was still in his Toman uniform after a meeting and remembering something Chifuyu taught him, he took off his jacket and placed it around your shoulders.
  He smiled in relief as he saw you fit your arms into the sleeves. You sighed as you felt the warmth now surrounding you. Though you were thankful, Mikey didn’t have another jacket and his shirt was just a thin cotton one. 
  “Wait, ‘Jiro, aren’t you cold?”
  Yes, yes he was, Desperately. He hoped you wouldn’t want to keep the jacket once you reached home. 
  “No”, he said, moments before he let out a big sneeze. You started laughing before starting to remove the jacket. But Mikey stopped you as he rubbed his nose. 
  “Keep it on. Ken-chin’s place is nearby. I’ll borrow a jacket from him.”
  As you tried to imagine Mikey wearing Draken’s jacket, you felt Mikey take your hand in his again, making you feel happy. Mikey, noticing your smile, felt even happier. 
  Soon, the both of you reached the brothel where Draken lived. You didn’t feel like going up there, so you chose to stay down while Mikey went up to see Draken. 
The minutes seemed to be passing by peacefully as you watched the slow moving traffic in front of you. But it was only a moment before some guy and his friends started to hit on you.
  “Oh, come on, darling. Just come with us, we’ll be nice”, one of them yelled, as the others chortled in response. You hated feeling this uncomfortable. As you thought of what you could do, you remembered what Mikey taught you.
  “You’ll feel scared when you think you aren’t strong enough to beat them. You don’t have to be physically stronger than them though- just make sure to show them who’s boss.”
  “So, what do you say, doll?” sneered the one who was speaking earlier. 
  “No”, you said firmly. 
“No?”, the guy repeated in disbelief, “I don’t think so, missy.”
  You panicked as you realized he was coming towards you. He grabbed your arm quickly and you tensed up not knowing what to do. Everything you learnt was disappearing from your head-
  “Remember to position your foot correctly. Then you can land the strongest kick.”
  There were no thoughts put into your actions as your instincts took over. Quickly raising your foot as high as you could, you land a hard kick right at his groin.
  The man let go of you and whimpered as he fell to the ground, his arms clutching where you had just kicked him with full force.
  “H-Hey…dude. Isn’t that a Toman uniform she’s wearing? Is she…is she from Toman!?”, someone from their group screamed and suddenly all the men who had gathered there ran away (one of them dragged away the guy who was on the floor).
  Your breaths were labored as you watched them scurry away from you. Your face felt warm and your body was still shivering from the sudden movement and from how scary the situation was. 
  You almost cried in relief when Mikey came out wearing a jacket that looked five sizes too big for him.
  His eyes widened at your disheveled state. “(Y/N)?”
  He quickly walked up to where you were standing and wrapped his arms around you. He didn’t know what had happened after he had left but he knew he needed to be there for you right now.
  “I was so scared, ‘Jiro… “
“(N/N)...what happened?”
  You told him everything that had happened and you saw his face turn angry for a second before he started laughing when you told him about how you kicked the guy right where the sun doesn’t shine. 
  “And then they all ran away after seeing the jacket cause they thought I was in Toman!”
  Mikey was chuckling even as placed a small kiss on your head. “I am sorry you had to go through that, love. But didn’t I tell you? You are strong enough to deal with anything.”
  You smiled at his words. Manjiro Sano believed in you. And slowly, you started to  believe in yourself as well.
  “And what on earth are you wearing?”
  “Um, Ken-chin’s jacket?”
  “You look like a toddler who went shopping in the adults section.”
  And that was why you had to deal with a pouty Mikey all the way to your house.
  You also shouldn’t have been surprised to see the same people who had tried to hit on you yesterday beaten up until they were black and blue. How Mikey knew it was them, we don’t know. He just does. He’s Manjiro Sano after all.
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Posted: 1/10/2023
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bengiyo · 3 months
My Love Mix Up TH Ep 2 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we began the Thai version of My Love Mix Up. Atom has a crush on his high school classmate Mudmee, admiring her nature. He borrows an eraser from her and realizes she likes the guy who sits in front of him Kongthap (based on a belief in writing your crush’s name on your eraser). Kongthap mistakes the eraser as belonging to Atom and think Atom likes him. Atom doesn’t want to embarrass Mudmee so says the eraser is his. Atom ends up jealous and competitive with Kongthap, but comes to see that he’s a decent dude. Kongthap doesn’t return Atom’s feelings, but wants some time to think about them because he doesn’t know what it means to like someone.
I am admittedly curious about the Thai version of Cinderella.
It’s always funny that a pair will be so lovey-dovey that get assigned roles for it in school plays.
Wow, an ad immediately.
Atom is a klutz in every iteration, but you can’t fall in love if you ain’t clumsy.
People recognizing each other’s kindness, and growing closer as a result, is one of my favorite romantic dynamics.
The Thai kids are always sliding across floors. What is up with this?
Okay, I’m giving Fourth a point for going for the Japanese comedic bit of tripping while standing when someone says something harsh or surprising to you. Kinda wish they hadn’t done a camera trick with it and just let Fourth carry the moment.
Welcome back, The Heart Knows.
Whoa, part 3 is under 4 minutes. I would be so pissed if we went to commercial break that quick on live TV.
I really love the costumes these kids put together for their play.
Oof, secondhand embarrassment.
I hope Fourth actually can’t wink, but this is still funny.
Of course, there’s a musical number. This is a Thai BL after all.
He is mopping the carpet.
Two songs? Get to streaming, girlies.
Aw, and here I was hoping they’d put Atom in the same getup as Mudmee.
They do like making Fourth and Gemini dance together, and they got a third song out of it.
The audience ate that fall up!
That’s right. Kick those boys out!
The Atom-Mudmee friendship remains strong in this version.
It’s really tough for this show, I think. Being on the exact same timing as the first adaptation leaves a lot of room that they have to fill with extra stuff, or they let moments go on a long time. As such, it gives the show a slower velocity that I don’t think helps the humor and makes the show a little sleepy. That being said, they are playing with the tropes in fun ways. They extended the brow wipe, and in Thai BL fashion got an ad out of shower scene with toothpaste instead. I do think I’m struggling with the “toxic masculinity” scene, because GMMTV has shown of late that they’re not that keen on dealing with queerness outside of the bubble. I don’t get why they would not have the class support Atom on the front end, and then introduce those boys, if they’re not going to deal with a queer awakening (which is part of the source material). It’s also a bit tough because Aoki doesn’t recognize how serious his own feelings are until the end of episode 2 when he gets saved by Hashimoto, but here he’s been mooning at Kongthap for the whole episode. Maybe it's the branded pair thing and I'm presuming more than has already developed, but it feels off.
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Saw your requests were open so thought i'd give it a shot for the Obey Me crew.
Depsite the game, imagine an MC that will avoid conflict, either by appeasing or avoiding, just any way to not argue or fight with anyone. What would that look like?
Thanks for the request!!! I tried my best to do your request justice, but I didn’t really know how you wanted me to write it. (ಥ _ ಥ) So, if you do ask for anymore requests, please tell me the format {I think that’s what it’s called at least.} you’d like, THANK YOU!!! {Oh! And spoilers for Obey Me.} 
If MC was like this and was actually successful, it would definitely change the whole story. Like in lesson 4 when MC was trying to find a way into the attic by taking Levi’s TSL soundtrack and giving it to Lucifer to distract him. I feel like this MC could maybe find some way to get the soundtrack without setting Levi’s demon form off and without injuring their wrist. (But at the same time that needs to happen so Levi makes a pact with MC, right?)  Although that's only if MC is actually good at avoiding conflict which I doubt considering the story. Poor MC. I also don't think MC would be able to avoid DEATH in lesson 16 since like how are you supposed to avoid that. So, in summary, MC would probably be able to get past some stuff but most things I don’t think are really avoidable.
Lucifer would definitely like this MC at the start compared to our normal MC. I mean the whole reason Lucifer didn’t like MC at first was because they were too noisy and troublesome. He probably still wouldn't really like this MC, but he'd probably like them more than our usual MC, at least a little bit.
Mammon’s feelings wouldn't really change for this MC. In my professional opinion. He’s just a simp and if your name is MC you're a victim of his simping. Just like Lucifer and most of the other brothers, he would probably like this Mc a bit more at the very start before he catches feelings but he would also think this MC is a little bit of a wimp.
As I’ve said before, if this MC could avoid the whole lesson 4 situation, Levi and MC might have a better relationship at the start but at the same time I have no idea how MC would be able to make a pact with Levi without the whole incident. (I honestly don't have much to say about Levi or Satan since I don’t really focus on him a lot, sorry Levi fans.) 
Satan would definitely get along with this MC. If MC avoids conflict, then there's less things to make Satan mad. Happy Satan = Happy times. 
With Asmo I doubt anything would really change much. I mean, this is Asmo we're talking about. There hasn't been any moments where I feel like a MC like this would change much between them. (At Least from where I’m at in the game.) He would still love MC no matter what they’re like. 
Once again with Beel I don’t think much would change….. Actually, scratch that. In lesson 4-5 MC probably would not eat Beel’s custard even under Mammon’s pressure so Beel wouldn't go demon mode on them. So, that would change the story a little bit.
Now Belphie is a special case. MC can’t avoid conflict if Belphie has any chance of getting out of the attic, so that's why I think MC would try to avoid conflict but wouldn't really be effective. And if Belphie’s is out of the attic that means MC dies, they can’t really do anything about that. So, I doubt anything would really change at all in their relationship whatsoever. MC still has to get traumatized for THE PLOT!
I kinda rushed this because I was like “OH NO!!! I still haven't done any of the requests yet! I need to finish at least one NOW!!!” So, apologies if there are spelling mistakes or it’s not the best, I tried. I also haven't really played Obey Me in a little while until recently, so I was having a hard time “capturing” the brothers' personalities...? But I hope it was at least kind of decent. And if anyone would like me to redo this with a different writing format or whatever, please tell me.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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cadybear420 · 6 months
Cadybear's Reviews- Murder at Homecoming
Welcome to the thirty-seventh official Cadybear's Reviews! Today I'll be talking about Murder at Homecoming, which I have ranked on the "Platinum Tier" at 9 stars out of a possible 10. My last and only playthrough of this was during September-December 2022.
This is definitely one of the better, if not the best release, of 2022, and it’s easily among my personal faves. 
A MC who is proactive and gets shit done, multiple LIs, highly compelling story. How can I not love that? All three of the LIs are amazing characters– and Tyler especially is just precious. I think he’s the first love interest I have ever adored nearly as much as I’ve adored Aiden. I miss when we had male LIs that are just so babygirl. 
The incorporation of mature topics and queer themes was especially excellent. MTFL, take notes! Because THIS is how you write a teen story that talks about queer sexuality and mature behaviors. Besides maybe BiBound I mean BloodBound, this is probably the first book in Choices where each LI has some degree of confirmed sexuality outside of their LI option status for the MC. 
One thing that’s especially notable is how Tyler will talk about how he used to think he was straight if you romance him as a male or enby MC. I normally don’t mind much when LIs in GOC stories are made with the “playersexual” style of writing, but these sort of little changes are a good show of effort and give Tyler more character.
But of course, it’s not without a handful of problems. 
Like COP (1), the story is incredibly linear and none of the clues or choices really affect your story. Sure, they give you a bit of extra background, but that’s about it. 
The only choices that really have any impact are the stuff related to the queer discussions, Tyler’s romance route, and how the options for how your MC can talk about their queer experience can change based on your MC’s gender and romance choices. Which is still highly praiseworthy, don’t get me wrong, but I’d have loved to see some variation in the other elements of the book too.
And as much as I did enjoy this MC and do consider them one of the more refreshing ones, they were also a bit too rigid and pre-set for me at times. I get that some MCs will need to have pre-set details about them, and to some degree that does apply to this MC, but it was a bit much at times. Like, there was especially no need to give them a default first AND last name. I do like the aspect of MC preferring to go by their middle name, but we still could have been allowed to change their first and last names too, to be honest. 
I found it really hard to feel for the loss of Perdita for this reason; the traumatic event backstory didn’t feel as well established, compared to that of ILITW and ACOR MCs. Though to be fair, I do remember there being a handful of premium scenes to see a memory with Perdita, and I do remember skipping all but two of them. 
But even then, I never felt she had quite as much importance as the writers clearly wanted her to have? Outside of being a motivator for MC to solve Gabbie’s case and allowing MC to connect with Donovan better. Maybe my opinion on this might change after I give it a replay, though. 
That being said, I’m actually fine with the story not telling us what really happened to Perdita, as much as I’d have loved a continuation for this book. MC not knowing what happened to Perdita is what motivated them to solve Gabbie’s case, and in that regard, the two cases kind of juxtapose one another. Whereas MC is able to get closure for Gabbie’s case, they don’t do that for Perdita’s case.
That makes the ending a little more nuanced in my opinion. Sometimes, we don’t always get closure for these kinds of things. While I’m still mixed on how well the story integrated Perdita, this message was handled decently and didn’t feel like it was in bad spirit. 
So if there were a continuation for this story, I wouldn’t mind it being centered around MC finding Perdita, motivated to work on that case more actively after their success with Gabbie’s case. But rather than having them solve the case, it can mostly center around them struggling between whether they should keep up that search, or leave it as a cold case and move on. 
Overall, definitely a higher-tier and very respectable story that definitely deserves a replay. 
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superfallingstars · 2 months
Ok how about a Yule ball afterparty in Gryffindor tower?
(From Remus-poopin) (why am I signing my tumblr anons like letters)
send me playlist prompts!
Me from the future after writing this whole thing: What a fun and innocuous prompt! I’m sure this will have a short and succinct answer that stays relevant to this simple yet thoughtful topic the whole time!
Ok I actually really struggled with this one! I think it’s because I rely a lot on lyrics when I make playlists, but an afterparty isn’t really the time or place for deeply introspective and relevant lyrics – it’s for CERTIFIED BANGERS ONLY. However this sent me down a super interesting rabbit hole because, out of curiosity and for inspiration (and because I’ve been obsessively watching Todd in the Shadows for months now), I started looking at the UK Singles Charts in 1994. And oh my god what an insane history lesson, because so many of these songs are honestly just bewildering. Why the fuck was Bat Out of Hell charting in 1994? Actually there’s kind of a lot of Meat Loaf on here for some reason? And then there are basically a million awful downtempo power ballads, especially from washed up rock stars like Bon Jovi and Bryan Adams... Some smoooooth synthy boy band picks from Boyzone, East 17, and Take That… Some truly insane dance songs that made me go, oh right, this is the Blue (Da Ba Dee) era (special shoutout to “Doop - dooper than doop” by Doop, which made me feel like my brain was melting right out of my skull)... There was also a decent amount of reggae, which was nearly the only tolerable stuff on the charts (Chaka Demus & Pliers’s “Twist and Shout” is a fabulous summer jam, and honorable mention to that version of “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” with a reggae beat behind it, which honestly kind of slaps. And of course there was some Britpop (tbh was expecting more of it), especially Oasis because this was their debut year
There are also some things that charted that are just completely fucking insane tho. “I Like to Move It” charted? “Cotton Eye Joe”? “Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers”? “Come On You Reds,” made famous by Manchester United? The B-52s’s “Meet The Flintstones”....? And perhaps most mind-boggling, the bizarre novelty children’s song “Mr Blobby” (?????), which I guess was like, the “Baby Shark” of 1994? Anyway I now believe Dudley sang this nonstop all summer to drive Harry insane (with Aunt Petunia being like, “Oh, what a beautiful voice you have, Duddykins! I’m sure we’ll see you on Top of the Pops someday!” and Harry’s like. Kill me).
Oh right I was supposed to make a playlist. Well I did do that. And Meat Loaf is indeed on it, and I wouldn’t have put him on here if I hadn’t listened to every top ten song on the 1994 Singles Chart, so I guess I can say my research was extremely relevant and also very much worth it
Track list:
Let’s Dance - David Bowie: banger of all time. I don’t care that it’s from the 80s it’s a classic
Blur - Girls & Boys: shockingly this iconic song did not chart (only "Parklife" did), but we love a danceable Britpop moment
Radiohead - Creep: I fully believe this happened. Like Harry gets this song. Partly because he’s literally like fourteen this is such a song for being fourteen
The London Suede - So Young: I feel like this song has a sort of whimsical dreaminess that makes it really quite magical. Maybe it’s just the “let’s chase the dragon” part
EMF - Unbelievable: again that Britpop/dance fusion is like 1000% the vibe here
ELO - Livin’ Thing: it’s like maaaagic :-)
Primal Scream - Rocks: I’m always stunned by the variety in Primal Scream’s music… They were basically the Britpop/dance blueprint, but before that they were a lovely little indie jangle pop band, and then this song is like, a stomp clap rock song (and it charted)
Mannfred Mann’s Earth Band - Blinded By The Light: If we’re putting Meat Loaf on here then this is going on here too. This is like one of The Most Gryffindor Songs Ever to me
Oasis - Whatever: I felt obligated to put at least one Oasis song on here because it was the year of Definitely Maybe and out of the three that charted I went with this one. Love the strings and the sheer bigness of it, like it really just bulldozes over you for six minutes straight. Also I could see Liam and Noel being problematic Gryffindors
Meat Loaf - I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That): The moment we’ve all been waiting for. This song was in the top ten for 14 WEEKS (!) and peaked at NUMBER FUCKING 1! But if you can buy into the bombast (the very thing that I think makes it Gryffindor to me), it kinda goes absolutely crazy.
Anyway sorry this devolved into insanity but I hope you enjoy this playlist and also that you annoy everyone in your life with Mr. Blobby. Also idk why I didn't think of it for the other asks but I'm going to tag you lol @remus-poopin
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velvetvexations · 3 months
So this is going to be kind of an insane ask to get but I don’t have anybody I can tell in my real life and you’re like the only person I follow who seems to genuinely give a shit about Ukraine still so. You can just delete it if you want to, I don’t mind. Just actually writing it out to another person will help.
I’ve been considering for the better part of 2024 joining the Ukraine volunteer army. Like, seriously considering, not just some throwaway thought. I even got my passport specifically because I was thinking about it. I know someone who did. Haven’t heard from him in a while but that’s the nature of this sort of thing, as far as I know he’s still out there. I want to also. I’ve got extended family in both Ukraine and Russia (which is more common than you’d think) but my parents are immigrants (it was long before I was born) and I’ve always been close to my extended family and people I’ve talked to from both places in my family are unhappy and everybody hates that this is happening. There’s this like chasm between both halves of my extended family now bc people can’t see each other anymore. Multiple of my extended family from Ukraine had to either run away to other countries or join the military, and I had one of my Russian cousins almost get caught immigrating to avoid being conscripted (he made it, he’s fine, he lives out of country now) and I hate being here in America watching it all happen and not able to do a damn thing about it, I donate as much as I can to a variety of Ukrainian funds and send money to family too, but I work at a fast food place and rent a shithole apartment I can barely afford, I can’t really donate much. But I’m a guy (well, not really, but I’m 0% transitioned and I’m fine with staying like this for something more important), I’m decently fit, I speak a little Ukrainian, I know how to use a gun, and from what I heard from the person I knew who went and what I’ve heard looking on forums and stuff that’s basically all they want at this point. Hell two of those things, language and experience with guns, seem to be slipping out of the requirements too because they need more people so bad. I feel like if I don’t I’m going to be crawling with regret for the rest of my life especially, ESPECIALLY, if Russia gets the upper hand and Ukraine falls. At least if I do this I could try to make a fucking minuscule sliver of a difference. But I know my parents will be really upset, especially if I just take off. My friends too but I don’t have a lot of those anyways. And obviously I know I might die, or be disabled or whatever but I just don’t care, even though I feel like I should. But I just don’t, because I feel like doing my part would be worth either of those things. Maybe I’m just crazy and blinded by how upset this entire fucking “conflict” makes me, but like your other anon said it really feels like the entire world forgot, or at least America forgot, unless you have personal connection to the region. I don’t even know how to end this ask. That’s my confession. You and maybe your followers if you do post this are the only ones who know now and that’s that
I love you, anon. I won't tell you not to but I want you to know - you can still help without volunteering. Donating helps. Spreading awareness helps. You will have nothing to be ashamed for if trying your best does not extend to sacrificing your life. You are still strong and providing desperately needed value.
I just want you to please consider that, okay? You said you don't have many friends - but even though I don't know who you are, you and your life matters to me. If you'd ever like to talk to me you can DM me for my Discord. I'd be happy to be your friend.
If not, that's okay as well. I just want you to know that your life has value, too, even if you help in other ways.
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xoxobuckybarnes · 10 months
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November 2023 Stucky Fics
Yours, Steve (Rated: G, Words: 9K)
Summary: “I’ve been writing a lot lately, y’know? Sam told me it’d do me good.” “Oh yeah? What do you write about?” Steve shrugs, suddenly self-conscious. “Stuff about him. How I feel. Stuff that I feel would help him remember, if he ever read them. It’s... weird. They’re letters, you know? Letters for him. Even though I know he’ll never read them.” “Well,” Nat says. There’s a determined glint in her eyes. “Do you want him to?” Steve blinks, dumbfounded. A smile slowly creeps across his lips. (In which Civil War never happens and Bucky makes a life for himself in Bucharest, tries to heal on his own. Steve waits for him, and writes.)
The Intelligence Nerd and The Avengers (series) by LilyInTheSnow / @lilyinthesnow
Bucky Barnes: Intelligence Nerd (Rated: E, Words: 114K) Summary: How Bucky Barnes accidently became an Avenger and married Steve Rogers. Or some shit like that.
Twitterpated (Rated: M, Words: 12K)
Summary: Steve's POV of Chapters 1-7 of Intelligence nerd. Steve's not twitterpated. Really he's not. Bucky's just a total badass and his future husband is all.
Twenty Minutes in Heaven (Rated: M, Words: 5K) Summary: Bucky's missing twenty minutes from chapter 9? of Bucky Barnes: Intelligence Nerd as told from Steve's POV. Plus a little extra. Pandamonium (Rated: M, Words: 4K) Summary: Bucky has a nightmare. It's pandamonium. xD A Small Matter (Rated: E, Words: 13k) Summary: Steve gets shrunk during a fight with Hydra, but retains everything else the serum gave him. Bucky's not quite sure how to handle Twink!Steve. In the end Twink!Steve handles Bucky. Tony, Bruce, and Doctor Strange have no idea how to fix it and Thor thinks Loki might've had something to do with it. It's fine though. Everything is perfectly fine. Probably. Or: Steve gets shrunk, fucks Bucky's brains out, and they make a trip to Jotunheimen, Norway. Steve might steal Stormbreaker from Thor and they might get chased by a mutant maneating weremoose. They also might get into a drunken snowball fight. Oh, and Loki is there too. Reading Fanfic Pays Off (Rated: E, Words: 16K) Summary: Steve and Bucky from Intelligence Nerd wind up in the Hello Future Husband verse. Barista!Bucky takes Intelligence Nerd!Bucky lingerie shopping and some other stuff happens too. Like maybe Steve gets jealous and bones Bucky against a tree.
***These fics are complete but the series is not. ***
Hello, Future Husband (Rated: E, Words: 20K) by LilyInTheSnow / @lilyinthesnow
Summary: Bucky Barnes might kind of, sort of, be desperately in love with Steve Rogers. Steve might be a little bit oblivious. Bucky might be a little bit desperate. Natasha and Clint decide to help. Kinda. Mostly they just watch and giggle, but whatever. Enter: Lace panties, super tight skinnies that may or may not be cutting off circulation to various parts of Bucky's anatomy, see-through shirts, and a small variety of now visible nipple jewelry. Nipple shields that look like Captain America's shield? Bucky's never heard of 'em. Never seen them before. How'd they get in his jewelry box?
Let me love you (Rated: T, Words: 4K) by thatgreenleaf
Summary: The Winter Soldier keeps trying to shower Steve with affection in the middle of fights. Steve keeps mistaking them for fight moves.
Fantasmic! (Rated: T, Words: 11K) by mambo / @whtaft
Summary: It's Steve's second summer working at Disney World when he meets Prince Charming (aka: Bucky Barnes, college kid from Brooklyn whose ass looks absolutely devastating in his Prince Charming slacks) and maybe starts to feel a little Disney magic in his heart.
I Held You in Gloved Hands (And I’m Not Letting Go) (Rated: E, Words: 48K) by Voylitscope_speed / @voylitscope
Summary: Bucky Barnes jumps at the chance to take a job opportunity hours from home. He's expecting a fresh start and a decent salary jump. He's not expecting to run into his childhood best friend, Steve Rogers, on his first day. The years since they last talked have been hard ones for both of them, but falling back into their friendship is shockingly easy. Despite their time apart, December in this small town might bring them closer than ever. (Or, a holiday romcom in which Bucky reads to children, Steve teaches art, new friendships are made, difficult conversations are had, cookies are baked, way too much coffee is consumed, home is found in surprising places and, eventually, feelings are confessed.)
I Feel Warm with You (Rated: G, Words: 7K) by LelsieSphinx / @kittytheroseofkirea
Summary: 5+1 winters throughout the lives of Steve and Bucky; filled with fun, kisses, wars, separation, reunions and softness.
Late Show (Rated: E) by ipoiledi & thatsmysecret
Summary: “Rogers,” Bucky says, seriously, “You wouldn’t know how to shake your ass if one of those sweet ladies herself tried to stand you up and teach you.”
Treading Water (Rated: M, Current Words: 261K) by sparkagrace / @sparkagrace & art by Dyslexic_Fetus (Reagy_Jay) / @reagy-jay
Summary: Olympic swimmer Bucky Barnes always believed that when the time came to retire, he would walk away with his medals and world records firmly in the history books and never look back. He never thought the water would leave him first. ***Part of the series Lane Lines: Lane Lines (Rated: M, Words: 132K), Lumière (Rated: M, Words: 5K), & New Traditions (Rated: M, Words: 6K)***
Lost Vocabularies that Might Express (The Memory of These Broken Impressions) (Rated: E, Current Words: 76K) by dorian_burberrycanary / @burberrycanary
Summary: The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away. How’s that for some consolation on the road? A post-The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Stucky fix-it as part of the all-American road trip, detours included. ***Part of the series A Man Takes His Sadness Down to the River (The Consolation of Philosophy): The Same River, Twice (The Man Is Still Left with His Hands) (Rated: G, words: 4K), Still Left with the River (The Paradox of Motion) (Rated: G, Words: 14K), &  Not Language by a Map (The Grammar of Sensation) (Rated: E, Words: 20K)***
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ari !! ari i hope u are doing so so amazing n vibing and living ur best life, i feel like i haven’t been interacting as much these days so i wanted to stop by n say hi!! :] and hmmm ive yet to read your best friend’s brother fic but it made me wanna think of an unrequited love between best friend!satoru and you where satoru is the one down horrendous instead (and perhaps you’re already spoken for.. mayb with sugu…. this is totally not ari-specific bait) i would love to hear your thoughts on our special little loverboy not being loved back in the ways he wants so bad )): 🫶🏼 side note if i think abt this pining bestie!gojo too much i get so sad i fear he’d never get over that crush on you even if you were already married to someone else… 💔💔💔💔
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LOGAN !!!!! ^ this is me @ you rn……. i am kissing you and biting you gently <33333
I’M DOING PRETTY WELL… flowers r starting to bloom over here which is so nice !!! i’m just kind of waiting for summer ….. i have so many fic ideas that i wanna get to but not enough time :’3 not to mention my neglected tbr………
bUT overall i’m doing well!!! i hope it’s the same for you!!!!! it’s so sweet of u to drop by sniffle…. but pls don’t ever feel pressured to !! i saw that post you made a couple days ago n pls just know there’s never any pressure or obligation for you to interact often and stuff!!!! i’m always happy to speak to you whenever, so there’s never any rush <33 (i totally get it too… i’m pretty sure i have the online status thing turned off which takes off a lot of that pressure so!! i recommend doing that if you haven’t already <33)
BUT OKOK. onto the good stuff!!!! logan…. this probably doesn’t come as too much of a surprise considering the fic i posted but . i rlly love the unrequited love trope!!! >:3 i used to be the biggest sucker for hanahaki aus…. still am……. i need to write smth on it at some point bc i think it’s one of the best things ever created (and it’s perfect for toru let’s be real… the flower symbolism)….. SO. scenarios like this are very appealing to me!! and with bestie!satoru too…….. i have many thoughts >:33 let’s see how long i manage to stay coherent hehe
FIRST OF ALL. the ari specific bait…… you little weasel (affectionate) OK BUT . the fact that it’s Suguru in Particular changes a lot i think. i’ll circle back to that later tho trust 🙏
okay so. overall!! and i’d love to know your thoughts on this logan….. i firmly believe that satoru is the type to love one single person for the rest of his life. he never moves on from them. once someone has earned his love and nestled their way into his heart they’re there to stay. (and i’d argue that it’s kinda supported by canon yk… satoru hanging on to his memories of youth/suguru no matter how much time passes :’3)… so!! yeah!!! i definitely think he’d stay in love with his bestie forever, even if he knew fully well his feelings wouldn’t be returned. that’s just my take though!!!
i thinkkkk the tricky part is just. how satoru feels about it. a part of me wants to say that he handles it decently, that he’s happy just to be around you… but i think it’s also natural for him to feel a little empty about it all. bc he truly is!! a loverboy!!! deep down he yearns so badly for intimacy :(((( satoru is just such a pro at isolating himself and i think it gets worse in this kind of scenario. he loves you but does keep a certain distance i think…. to make it easier for himself and also so he doesn’t mess anything up for you. but he can never keep himself away for too long……
ok so we’re circling back to sugu now. i think satoru would handle the situation a lot better if suguru and you were together. my stsg-infested brain just can’t imagine an au where he isn’t at least a little bit in love with suguru…. and i think seeing two people he loves and trusts with all his heart be together doesn’t bother him nearly as much as it would have if you were with a random third party. there’s this One quote i like from . um….. a voice actor. of a character. in… ohshc 👉👈 AND I JUST THINK IT FITS IN THIS SCENARIO OK…….. :’3
I think Kyoya is very much in love with Tamaki and with Haruhi. He’s very much in love with the both of them. And I think it matures to a point where he would much prefer to see the both of them together than him with either one. Because they make more sense together than he makes with anybody else.
i think that’s sort of how he’d feel!!! there’s a kind of maturity there that satoru has imo. and since he’s so close to both of you, he doesn’t have to worry about being pushed out of your life (which might be his biggest worry in a scenario where you’re together with a random third party)…… so. yeah!!! would it be angsty? yes ofc. but i rlly do see satoru as a mature character, and also often selfless!!! he just respects you and your choices so much :(((
……….. what i will say. is that if you happened to get together with someone who didn’t treat you well. he would Shut That Shit Down instantly <3333 we love angry protective satoru !!!!!!!!
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astridhoff03 · 6 months
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Iron Flame - Review
Burn. It. Down. Indeed. No, but I really enjoy the second part of the Fourth Wing Saga Even though I have to forgive Rebecca Yarros that she killed one my favorite Characters. The only thing I criticize is that the Love story is in both books to much. And there’s pointless smut also, which for me personally doesn’t feel like a real romantic-releationship more like a physical one. People will I hate me if I say that, but I don’t care about Xaden Riorson. I couldn't form an emotional connection with him because when I look at him I’m just seeing Rhysand and Darkling again. And the Darkling and Rhysand are similar but are characterwise very different, Xaden is a decent character but he doesn’t have what grabbed me when I read about Rhysand or the Darkling. But there are more things I really like then dislike, Violet for example she’s still a very good protagonist and I like the things she’s going trough trough out the book. It’s always interesting with her because she’s smart but also really caring. Some people compare her to Hiccup from httyd, I get they are similar, but I think personally that Hiccup is more complex and more relatable than Violet, don’t get me wrong she’s cool but doesn’t stick out that much, than Hiccup, Celaena, Feyre, Nesta, Zoya or Inej does. As I said before I don’t really care about her Relationship with Xaden that much, don’t get me wrong I like Love-Stories and Romantic stuff in books as in movies very much but at some points I had the feeling that Violet was over focused on Xaden. I know there life’s where attached to each other thanks to their Dragons, but even Feyre from ACTOR wasn’t that over focused on her mate or want to fuck him before a fucking War starts. Their Relationship is definitely the weakest part of the book and should be more in the background, I think that would’ve done overall great story wonders. The political stuff and the Dragon stuff is actually more interesting. Maybe the other three books will get me invested in Xadens Character, if it’s not his Perspective. Apropos Dragons I have to give credit to Tairn and Andarna, they were fantastic. I also really like that we see the see more of the releationship Violet has with her Dragons. But overall I have to confess I like the Dragons from httyd much more, they feel more real. I also really Love Violet and Sloanes relationship near the end, I just wished Violet would be more of a Mentor figure maybe some kind of a sister for Sloane when they resolved their conflict. Syrena and Cat I also liked, but Cat was a bitch until the end happen. But I like that Violet and her now accept each other. I just wish the side characters weren’t that blend. You know very little about them. The political that was going on was also very interesting, Navarre is a very fascinating Kingdom. The ending is very dramatic with Violets Mom sacrificing herself. Sorry but Idk why but I would’ve leave it with this ending instead of Xaden again and his red eyes and the whole scene with Jack. But overall I can recommend it, it’s enjoyable but I personally prefer the first book more. I also never saw so many roasting Videos on YouTube that for 2 hours straight. I mean yeah the Emperyean Series is a little overrated but it has potential and Rebecca Yarros is talented, the only thing that holds the Books a little back is the relationship between Xaden and Violet and also Xaden. But I wish Rebecca Yarros still the best, because I know writing, figuring out where the plot goes, plant Plottwits in it and at the same time make the characters complex and compelling is hard work. But if I were her, I would have waited a little longer to develop and figure more things out and get more feedback.
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vypridae · 3 months
oook IDEAS!!!!!
i was looking the e handbook this morning and it’s all pretty straightforward, not a ton of room for interpretation except for looking at the wording of a few of them
throwing things at the wall rn pretty much so shoot down as needed as i’m not very attached to these ideas👍👍
we’re already utilizing 15 which is the two murders and two victims first one committed is punished also also side idea i had for chapter three, since we already have kiyo as the second culprit. what do you think about shoving miu or himiko or angie in there?
i’m leaning more toward himiko or angie now that i think about it rather than miu just bc of the angst potential especially combined with korekiyo being the one who’s gonna survive the trial and all. with himiko we’re already experimenting with a very upset tenko and i feel considering her whole thing with men in canon [did you wanna change up the characters a little btw? forgot to ask] that’s just gonna upset her 10x more than if it was just himiko as the sole blackened.
and then with angie i’m completely fine killing her off since we’re going with the simulation idea and implies the shinounaga siblings will still live after the whole thing stops, anyways anyways that’s a whole tangent. by that point it’s about the midpoint of the game, meaning we sacrifice some interactions but they still get a decent amount of time together meaning! ohhh the survivors guilt korekiyo will be left with man that’d be fun to experiment with [once we settle some major details i definitely plan on trying to write out some stuff for this <33]
anyways back to the rules, aside from the pool one there’s another one that i don’t really remember what was for? i think it was added from the ch1 trial since it was so close to the limit everybody was pointing at monokuma for artificially starting something. “#9. monokuma will never directly commit a murder.”
at the current moment i’m not entirely sure how we could utilize that? but if it helps at all it does imply that it’s possible he will assist like provide things/information but he will never land a blow on the victim
otherwise the rules are super straightforward and otherwise all encompassing and are just “hey go kill, go to bed at this time, don’t try to kill monokuma, body discover is 3 people” etc etc
man we’re two people and even with all the unsettled details we’re already building a better story than a whole team of writers wow
ooh ideas !!! sorry this is taking so long to answer btw i just now am actually getting around to using my brain properly BAHAJSDHKA
we’re already utilizing 15 which is the two murders and two victims first one committed is punished also also side idea i had for chapter three, since we already have kiyo as the second culprit. what do you think about shoving miu or himiko or angie in there?
OOOOOH DO YOU MEAN LIKE FOR THE FIRST CULPRIT? IM NGL I KINDA REALLY LIKE THE IDEA OF THAT BEING HIMIKO ACTUALLY, then again i think that would be lowk obvious because wasn't that how the og game went? i mean. well kind of, kork was trying to frame himiko for killing tenko so ig its different still. i love that idea i think we need to use that :3 we can keep angie alive for at Least one more chapter for u
also we can change the characters up a little!! i feel like with rewrites thats kinda a necessary thing to do in part because i feel like theres always SOMETHING you get rid of when you do rewrites yk? idr all of tenkos like, lore? but i think we should at least lower her Hate For Men (i personally have a hc that she has Four (4) men she likes from the get go or at least she hates them less and those are shuichi, rantaro, gonta and kiibo so we can do something with that maybe? idk i dont remember a lot about tenkos backstory so herkgsajkdfg)
OOOHOHOHO we could have something thats like monokuma is like the uuuuuuh . accomplice? no. yeah thats the word . we coudl ahve something like that maybe?? like he isnt caoable of directly laying a hand on the students but he sure as hell can help them come up with ideas and maybe thats something that happens WEHRFGAJKDHGF
i didnt think thered be too many rules we could utilize based on phrasing and stuff so this is about all i expected EBGJKDSHFJKG not in a bad way just like . i am not good at thinking outside the box
BAHAJSHJKASH we're just so good at this actually thast what it is
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telesilla · 10 months
The following is an extended metaphor included in a ridiculously long letter I’m sending to my health care provider. I’m posting here because…idk, it’s writing and sharing it with y’all is probably more effective for my mental health than sending it will actually be.
You see, it’s been too long since I’ve seen anyone for my mental health so I need to go through a screening, presumably to discover if my disability (which has been diagnosed since 2000) is still real or something. Now mind you, this isn’t the government trying to cut my benefits, this is my healthcare provider (a company whose name rhymes with Miser) making me do this to get the healthcare I pay for. Thing is, there is only one way to access this screening, through phone. I can get a mammogram appointment through a phone call, the website, their surprisingly decent app or just fucking walking in on a slow day. Mental health care? Gotta be a phone call to get a screener appointment that will then pass me along the system.
Meanwhile my primary care doctor’s office keeps fucking nagging me about other health issues (which really fucking stresses me out since I know I should care but I can’t because I’m fucking crazy) and I’m like, I have one fucking major diagnosis with you people and yet, no one has ever once reached out to me about it. And since that diagnosis gets in the way of other health stuff, idk maybe we should nag me about that instead? So I wrote a letter to the patient advocacy folks asking them to tell my doctor’s office to lay off, but it’s really 1600+ words telling them that they suck. Nothing will change, but I guess I feel better?
Like a good number of people with mental illnesses, I have certain things that are hard for me to do. Simple things that ordinary people do without thinking, like making phone calls, can be impossible if your brain does not cooperate
As an example, please imagine you’re standing on the edge of a cliff, a really high drop, ten or more stories. There is a person next to you and they say, just step forward. You can’t do that because if you step forward, you’ll die. The person insists that the drop is the same as a regular stair, just a few inches, and that you just need to take the step and you’ll be fine. You ask if there’s a handrail, or maybe an alternate path, because you really do want to move forward, only there’s this cliff and your brain won’t let you take that step. The person insists that because it’s a simple step you don’t need handrails or an alternate route and kind of implies that you’re a little foolish for even asking. It’s just a step.
Now, stay with me on the edge of that cliff and imagine that instead of some random person who doesn’t know me, it’s someone who is supposed to care about me. It is, in fact, someone who I pay a fifth of my limited income to care about me. Someone who knows for certain that I have a condition that makes it hard for me to judge distances. But all they do is keep telling me it’s just a step, and it’s one I’ve stepped down before. And all I can remember is that the only reason I was able to step off it before was such severe mental pain that I was considering running from my home or possibly even killing myself. So when the only alternative to blowing up my whole life or even ending it was to leap off a cliff, yes, I was able to leap. However being able to jump off a cliff only because there’s a bear about to eat you is not a way to deal with everyday mental health issues.
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I am drowning in half-planned fic right now because I made the mistake of rewatching Veronica Mars (and seeing the new season) and then there was very very little of the stuff I wanted to make me feel better, so I am now writing it myself all at once??? (Yes, juggling like six AUs at once is a bad idea, no I did not do it on purpose.) And I know better than to post unfinished stuff, so give me some feedback, guys:
What are people interested in?
(Relevant information: I am here for Weevil, and I am decidedly not here for Logan. Also, these are mostly not the actual titles, I just don’t have one yet.)
Finish the short ones first!
*The long, sad, bittersweet Weevil/Jade reunion, where she runs into trouble post S4 and has no one else to call. (Pros: As a (long) oneshot, will probably be finished in the next millennium! I’ve also not only started it but made some decent progress. Has a likely sequel which is… maaaybe less sad. Kind of. Jade POV, which is, uh, scarce. Cons: Sequel is less well-planned-out and kind of self-indulgent, this is a ship that like two people are on. Also it’s sad.)
*Five Children Veronica Mars Never Had (Pros: Short enough it might get finished before the heat-death of the universe! I’ve also already started it. Takes a bit of a turn from the typical children-as-a-ship-exploration/validation these things often have (most of these children are not biologically Veronica’s). Novel canon is relevant! Some very solid V/W friendship in at least one. Cons: Tremendously, horrifically depressing; I literally just keep killing people to make the premise work. Very little shipping.)
*The Jade/Eli Chronicles (Pros: Related oneshots so, again, will probably be finished in a semi-reasonable time. Fluffy if you block S4 from your memory. Jade gets, like, lines. Cons: Not a ton of substance, only happy if you block S4 from your memory, this is a ship that two people are on.)
*Five (Or Some Number) Worlds Veronica Didn’t Grow Up In (Pros: Fun crossovers/fusions! All the chapters will be more standalone, so I might even post it serially. A BtVS where Veronica isn’t the Slayer (Lilly was). Animorphs!!! Cons: Fusions are automatically disinteresting if you don’t know the other canon. Some of them are not super well-developed yet. Also, how do you make Veronica Mars more upsetting? Cross it with Animorphs!)
I want longfic, because the literal problem is not enough V/W longfic!
*Veronica Mars, Intrepid Reporter
A Lilly lives AU where canon splits whenever Lilly (doesn’t) begin her affair with Aaron. Veronica copes with Duncan’s sudden cold shoulder by becoming an investigative high school journalist.
Pros: This is my first-concieved AU, and maybe the project I’m most proud of? (Pending completion.) Heavy focus on the death of Marisol Reyes. Features a not-irredeemably-awful high school experience for Veronica. Lilly is still flawed as per canon but she’s not evil and she loves her brother and her friends. Eventual (very eventual) Veronica/Weevil. Meg lives. Lots of Keith and Veronica’s relationship. Probably the most optimistic of all my AUs.
Cons: Spans a long time and will probably be gigantic (these things always get bigger once I’m writing them), so will take approximately forever to finish. Planned out to some extent but not started yet. Somewhat critical take on Logan (I almost put that in the ‘pros’ column but I know how the fandom is about him).
*The Lawsuit Story
An AU where Weevil doesn’t settle as soon as in canon (or maybe Lamb just panics quicker), and an attempted attack on him kills Jade instead.
Pros: Hello to the novel canon! This is probably my favourite of all the universes I’m messing around with. The Weevil/Veronica friendship is so strong with this one that I am legitimately conflicted over whether to actually even have them get together. Valentina has an extremely strong presence and I love her. It's pretty charitable to Logan, considering I wrote it. Carmen makes a few appearances. Celeste Kane goes down.
Cons: This was originally just part of ‘Five Children…’ so the long version probably won’t be written until that’s finished. May or may not contain Weevil/Veronica, but if it does, it is a loooong wait. Does contain LoVe.
*High School Revenge Story
Another Lilly lives AU, where Lilly definitely IS having an affair with Aaron. And also Weevil, but not anymore. And also, Veronica’s (post-Troy) boyfriend. Anyway, Veronica finds out about the last point and decides to get revenge/prove she’s not some virginal innocent sidekick by hooking up with Lilly’s sidepiece, who she imagines wants to piss Lilly off as much as she does.
Pros: Not only is it Veronica/Weevil, but Veronica/Weevil is, like, eighty percent of the plot. There’s definitely smut (plot- and character-advancing, even!). There’s an unexpectedly touching strangers-with-benefits relationship even before the extremely unplanned pining. This one felt the most like the show when I was planning it out, especially with the nature and timing of the twists. Lilly is not evil, she’s just a teenager in over her head who doesn’t want to admit it and coping maladaptively.
Cons: I always feel weird touting porn as a selling point when I wrote it, because I have had zero sex in my entire life (although I am thirty, and I feel like life experience and general knowledgeableness about actual human anatomy count for something here). I have not started this one yet, although it’s more or less outlined. Logan also does not come off well (this is because he is a teenager having a Very Bad Time, but his actions are still not excusable). This was originally two different AUs before I realized they should probably be one (I cannot say what the other one was, because it’s a major spoiler), so there’s the possibility of disjointedness where they meet. Also, I’m not entirely sure I have the chops to pull this one off – there’s a lot of dark stuff going on under the surface (well, there’d have to be, for the plot to work, because otherwise it’s just very OOC), and it’s not the kind of thing that’s usually my forte, but I’m going to give it a shot anyway.
*Platonic Co-parents
AU where Veronica stays at Hearst. She and Weevil have a one-night stand in her third year and end up getting a child out of it.
Pros: It’s just a lot of fun! It’ll probably end up W/V but in the meantime they’ve got a solid, supportive friendship going on, to the aggravation of everyone either of them tries to date. (“What do you mean your daughter’s father is sleeping on your couch because the hot water broke in his apartment???”) I have a later scene planned out where they go to the high school reunion separately and deliberately show everyone the same picture of Mariana to see if anyone realizes it’s the same kid, which sums up the vibe pretty well. There is Keith+Weevil awkwardness and then probably some Keith+Weevil friendship later on. Lots of time given to Weevil’s family. Also, Veronica looks into Susan Knight’s suspicious drowning. I have also (technically) started it.
Cons: Listen, I know it’s a reach for Veronica to be willing to have a child at this point in her life, but I’ve done my best to justify it and I think I did okay. Plus, you know, the entire premise is a junk food trope – it’s not evil, but it’s trite. I love it anyway.
No, I want something else/FINISH YOUR OTHER STUFF
*[Earth’s Children] The story where an adult Durc and Brun’s former clan meet the post-Ayla Lion Camp!
Pros: Ambitious dual narrative I think I’m pulling off well (time divergent; one strand moving forward from the first encounter, one from Ayla’s departure), lots of screentime for supporting characters with wasted potential (Vorn, Frebec, Ura, Brac, not to mention Durc), several chapters already written.
Cons: Extremely ambitious so it will take me forever to finish, there’s basically no one in this fandom.
*[Earth’s Children] The Echozar/Joplaya fic
Pros: Actually develops their friendship into something that makes sense, development of Echozar’s childhood and of the Lanzadonii, I’ve got a rough outline and a few pages written.
Cons: Definitely chaptered so it will take some time, there are even less people in this part of the fandom.
*[The Old Guard] Give An Inch Fall A Mile (Joe and Nicky friendship-with-benefits their way into being Joe and Nicky)
Pros: Lots of sex scenes (obviously) on which I have had positive feedback, several chapters written (probably half-finished), I'm very proud of the writing quality on this one, and I absolutely should be writing this first.
Cons: I have been stalled out on it for more than a year, it may not be finished before the new movie comes out and possibly makes it incompatible with canon.
*[Veronica Mars] The Firebird AU… crossover… fusion… thing
Post-S4, Veronica travels through alternate universes and learns that she needs to get her shit together and apologize to Weevil.
Pros: Um, the Firebird Trilogy is cool but is not required knowledge for entry, alternate universes are neat, and even though this idea is probably dumb I can’t stop thinking about it. It would probably even technically comply with canon.
Cons: Half of the universes I have up my sleeve are from the AUs mentioned above, so it probably won’t get written (if it does) until they’re finished in like ten to twenty years. The actual plot is thin; I mostly have a bunch of scenes. There is a decent chance this idea is self-gratifying and pointless, but I also just cannot stop thinking about it.
*[Veronica Mars] Zombie Apocalypse
Post-S4 zombie apocalypse lands Veronica and Keith on a stolen yacht with a bunch of Weevil’s gang, Jade and her new boyfriend, and this one other guy.
Pros: There’s a lot of compelling (I think) personal drama, which is largely not rooted in anyone being an asshole (except Veronica, but that’s canon and I can’t do anything about it except try to fix it with zombies). Weevil finds out his kid is trans and does his best to speed-run the acceptance ladder despite his personal doubts because he’s extremely concerned about being killed by zombies (and thinks he's dying for a minute) and knows this is his only chance to make them feel supported. Eventual W/V, probably.
Cons: I do not know where I’m going with this. Author is not trans herself and might fuck up.
*[Veronica Mars] The Babysitter Effect
Valentina’s babysitter is still in the truck when Weevil stops to help Celeste, and she witnesses everything.
Pros: Teenage awkwardness, but in a fun way. Weevil gets the justice he fucking deserves. Beginning already written.
Cons: I have no plans at all for what happens after the inciting incident, and even if I did I don’t know how long this would be.
Soooo... if you're not in the Silm fandom you've probably never seen my writing before, but I'm happy to back it up with excerpts! Please ask me for excerpts.
If I keep up the volume of writing I've been doing I can probably get something substantial finished by the end of the year but I need input, please weigh in even if we're complete strangers and you found this post two years from now, best-case scenario I can link you to the completed fic. :)
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Welcome toooooo
-dramatic drumrolling-
One in the morning ramblings with Z!
Brought to you by the fact that there’s lightning and thunder where I’m at but no rain.
Namely it’s making me think about how my guys would feel about this, including the Pokemon character group.
And especially how [Redacted] feels, given a certain incident during the calamity.
Anyways it’s now time for the rambling segment, here we freakin go
Niko: I feel like when they were younger (canon Niko), they didn’t like it very much, but I think my Niko as they are now actually kind of likes it. They probably can’t look at lightning directly for very long because of the eye sensitivity, and the noise could make their headaches do mean things, but I do think they would like sitting and reading while it’s thundering outside. No coding though because blackouts could mess that up
Rizu: I actually think Rizu would love thunder and lightning. She probably has tried writing a song about it before. I dunno, there’s not much to say.
Asa: I’m leaning towards Asa not really having an opinion on thunderstorms. She’s probably just someone who goes “Oh, it’s thundering.” And then she just continues on with her day. Maybe she dislikes it, but only if she’s at the hospital or in classes doing her cna stuff (I really should ask my two cna friends or my parent about what cna stuff entails…), because if a blackout happens that could be really bad.
Sage: I don’t think Sage would be a fan of lightning or thunder. She can’t see the lightning, so that doesn’t matter to her, but she has more sensitive ears then the others do, so I think the lack of warning due to not seeing the lightning combined with the loud noise of thunder would freak her out a little.
Twm: I honestly don’t know how weather would work in the simulation. I mean I assume it’s a thing but I have no idea for sure. So I think if Twm could encounter lightning in any way at all, they wouldn’t be the biggest fan. The very aggressive just booming sound of the lightning might just bring him a lot of anxiety, which is not fun for her. So I really don’t think it would like thunderstorms
[Redacted]: ah yes… the can of worms is being opened. I’ve said before how Fultein died. Split in half by a lightning strike that turned her to stone and wiped out a ton of chaos corrupt. And while Astris didn’t see it (because it’s busy pulling [Redacted] away), [Redacted] literally watched it happen. Sooooo… when your friend/mother figure dies because she struck herself with lightning, you’re not going to like it. And the loud noise is also not something that he would like, because of the same reason basically.
onto the Pokemon character group (I should really do something with them again….)
Saffron: Saffron I mentioned has Synesthesia, so sounds invoke colors and vice versa (I mean there’s more to it in her case, but this is the biggest detail for his personal feelings here), so the sound of thunder would probably result in some fun color stuff vision wise. I think he’d like thunder, but not so much lightning, because it hurts her eyes.
Rai: I’ve been thinking about this one, and I can say with a decent amount of confidence that Rai doesn’t have any thunder based trauma (just some giant light dragon related trauma, no big dealllll), so I think he would be alright with it. No super strong feelings in one way or the other, it kind of just… is.
Rosa: Thought about this one too, and I don’t think there’s any thunder based trauma she’s going to have (just some darkest day related stuff, don’t worry about it, we’ll get into that later), so I think she’d like it. Not like a crazy amount, but she probably likes to listen to it.
And this concludes the rambling with Z segment-
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