#i feel like with time we will be able to approach certain things better
bandzboy · 5 months
hi! so this isn't a hater question i promise, it's a genuine concern from someone who has been doing the kpop boycotts + other boycotts. i see the sheer number of zionists in the mainstream music industry, and how not giving them any money means boycotting practically all mainstream music, plus the fact that many pro-palestine people are likely boycotting other companies too (like the bds list + other companies with known ties to israel and zionists). and my concern is just... how can this be done in a feasible, sustainable, scalable way? if the goal is to give zero money to israel and zionists then there are a ton of companies and brands to avoid, especially since big companies tend to be ubiquitous and own a lot of smaller brands. that's hard for someone to constantly be mindful of especially on a wider scale, and i worry that it will result in a kind of consumer's paranoia over what is morally correct to support (and tbh i feel this paranoia sometimes) or some weird moral purity wars online bc, well, that's the internet ("if you're really pro-palestine why aren't you boycotting x!" at someone who is already boycotting what they can, calling their reps, donating, etc.) and i imagine that neither of these things are great for the movement's morale. sorry this got rambly but this is genuinely something that worries me
i mean my take on this is definitely that it's not easy to keep up with everything but i think it's important to be aware of these things like this is me personally but after i found out that there are truly so many zionists in the industry i haven't been the same and i can't consume music the same way and probably never again! this music industry boycott is very new and there aren't a lot of people that are aware especially on the western side and also on the kpop side so it's all still very new and we are trying to navigate this in the best way we can and assume as time goes by there will be better ways to take action and we might approach this differently at some point but i feel like as of now it's very important to bring up why the existence of these boycotts are important and why there should be pressure on labels and companies to drop eventual zionist sponsors as well ceos and etc etc the truth of the matter is that it's... all very scary and it's even bigger than we thought because these zionists connections run deep and i can see what you mean with the consumer's paranoia. in general this is all very new to me and the truth of the matter is... with the things i know i can't be indifferent to it you know? but the concerns you brought up are valid i wish i could have a smart answer for them but since this is something that people have trying recently there's still a lot of working and thinking to do when it comes to action
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adrienneleclerc · 5 months
Can You Be My Boyfriend?
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N is Ferrari’s social media manager and when one of the mechanics doesn’t take no for an answer, she pretends she’s dating a certain Ferrari driver.
Warning: grammatical and spelling errors cuz I don’t proofread
A/N: i just wanted to say thank you so much for the love y’all gave “Prince of Ferrari”, it means a lot to me as a new Charles Leclerc writer. I hope y’all like this one too, just like Olivia Rodrigo, I am so American,
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Y/N walked into Fred’s office.
“Mr. Vasseur, I had an idea for a new C2 challenge.” Y/N said.
“What did you have in mind, Y/N?” Fred asked.
“I was thinking we make dishes from each place we go to. Like Cuban food from Miami, Texas barbecue ribs, paella from Spain, and we have Charles and Carlos match the dishes to their flag. I personally think it would be fun, you know? Or we could do a video where the drivers tell us from which Grand Prix the photo was taken.” Y/N suggested.
“Those are very good ideas, Y/N, see if the boys are up to it, will you? Figure out when the best time is to film that.” Fred said.
“Yes, will do.” Y/N said and left his office. She walked to the living room (does the hospitality have a living room? I don’t know) to see Carlos and Charles chatting to away.
“There she is! Como has estado, hermosa?” Carlos asked Y/N, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek.
“Ha estado súper bien, un poquito cansada, pero nada que no se puede arreglar con un café.” Y/N said, her and Carlos laughed.
“I understand half of that.” Charles said.
“Now you know how I feel when you speak French.” Y/N said. “Anyway, as your social media manager, I had an idea for an upcoming challenge, we have to make the most of this season.” Y/N said.
“We hear you, mon ange, what’s the idea?” Charles asked.
“Can you guys guess what Grand Prix this is based off the picture?” Y/N asked, showing them a picture on her phone.
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“That’s when I won in Monza.” Charles answered.
“Good, this is your challenge, guessing Grand Prixs based off a photo.” Y/N said putting her phone away. “It’s not much, but it’s different from what you guys have done in the past. You could also match dishes to their countries.” Y/N said.
“Sounds like a fun challenge.” Carlos said.
“Good to hear. I’m gonna be with the photographer, he’s taking photos of the new livery and I need to approve them before I post them on Instagram. See ya later, okay?” Y/N said, stepping into the garage where she sees the photographer looking over the photos on his camera.
“Y/N! You’re here, tell me what you think, and be brutally honest. Do you think they came out to blurry?” The photographer, Daniel, asked. Y/N started looking them over.
“They look great, honestly, it matches Ferrari’s instagram feed, you did a good job. Can you upload them to the computer?” Y/N asked and Daniel said that he could. He left Y/N alone on the garage and that’s when one of the mechanics, Ruggero, approached her.
“Sei bellissima, a more mío.” Ruggero told her. Y/N rolled her eyes,
“Grazie, Rugge, what do you want?” Y/N asked.
“You are very hostile towards me, you know? I might be able to forgive you if you go out with me.” Ruggero said.
“Not gonna happen, Rugge, aren’t you tired of getting rejected?” Y/N asked.
“I bounce back. Come on, amore, why won’t you let me take you out? You think you’re too good for me?” Ruggero asked.
“What are you talking about? Oh my god, I don’t think I’m too good for you, where the hell did you get that from?” Y/N asked, so confused at the turn this conversation took.
“Well that’s the only thing I could think of, you come from the states, you clearly think you’re better than Europeans.” Ruggero said and Y/N had enough of this nonsense.
“I have a boyfriend! Que pesado eres, me cae.” Y/N said.
“Really, who’s the boyfriend?” Ruggero asked. Y/N saw Charles walking into the garage.
“Muñeco, there you are!” Y/N said loudly, walking up to Charles and kissed him. Charles widened his eyes in shock but kissed her back and they both pulled away, Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head against his chest and Charles rubbed her back.
“Congratulations, does Fred know?” Ruggero asked.
“It’s private right now, we’re just seeing how this goes.” Y/N replied and as soon as Ruggero left, Y/N pulled away from Charles. “I am so sorry! Ruggero wouldn’t leave me alone so I had to tell him I had a boyfriend and honestly whoever walked through that door was going to be the victim of my lie but I am glad it’s you and not Carlos, mainly because Ruggero knows Rebecca is dating him.” Y/N explained quickly but Charles was still distracted, thinking about the kiss Y/N gave him.
“I’m sorry, what?” Charles asked.
“Can you be my boyfriend?” Y/N asked.
“I Don’t think we could pull this off, Y/N. We work together.” Charles said.
“We would only have to pretend we’re dating around Ruggero, no one else has to know, I promise.” Y/N said.
“Okay fine.” Charles said, him and Y/N were walking back to the main area (I don’t know how this works) and Carlos was standing next to Fred and Ruggero with a smile.
“Congratulations, cabrón,” Carlos told charles, hugging him. “You two are adorable.” Charles turned to look at Y/N with a look that said ‘no one will know, yeah right’
“I didn’t know you two were dating.” Fred commented.
“It’s still new.” Charles replied, putting his arm around Y/N.
“As long as it doesn’t interfere with the social media posts, it should be fine.” Fred said before walking away. Ruggero smiled before going back to the garage.
“Now I know why you always called her ‘mon ange’, que coqueto saliste, eh charles.” Carlos said, leaving Y/N and Charles alone, Y/N pulled away to face Charles.
“Well so much for that plan, I really am sorry, Charles.” Y/N said.
“You know what? It’s alright, it’s okay, pretending around here should be easy enough, this can’t get worse, right?” Charles asked.
“I Don’t think it can. How about I buy you lunch for getting you into this situation? I swear I did not mean for this to happen.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, sure let’s get lunch, where do you want to go?” Charles asked.
“Well since this lunch is my treat, you choose where we should go.” Y/N said. Charles and Y/N walked to the parking lot together and Y/N was walking towards her car when Charles grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards his car. “Seriously?”
“Well what kind of boyfriend would I be if we went to lunch in different cars?” Charles asked.
“Yeah, makes sense, Ruggero is watching through the window too, let’s go.” Y/N said. Charles opened the passenger door and Y/N got in, he close the door behind her, ever there gentleman, and he got into the driver seat. He turned on the car, and gave Y/N his phone so she can choose the music.
They arrived at the restaurant and like always, there were fans recording Charles and Y/N in the car, leaving the car, eating at the restaurant, talking, laughing, within the hour, Charles and Y/N were trending on Instagram, Twitter (X), and TikTok. As they waited for the check, Y/N was scrolling on TikTok when she found a video of her and Charles in the car.
“Charles, i think our ‘relationship’ went public.” Y/N said, showing him her phone. Charles’s eyes widened.
“Cant say I’m not surprised, I just thought videos wouldn’t be posted until later, you know?” Charles said and Y/N put her phone away.
“We haven’t even been ‘dating’ two hours and now everyone knows. You have no idea how sorry I am, I feel so bad for dragging you into this.” Y/N said.
“None of this wouldn’t have happened if Ruggero understood the word ‘no’ so you are fine, I’m glad I was able to help. But what was that thing you called me? ‘Muñeco’? Why did you call me that?” Charles asked.
“So ‘muñeco’ means ‘doll’, you have a pretty face, everyone says you’re good looking, you know you’re good looking. So muñeco just suits you, okay, especially with those dimples.” Y/N said, Charles smirked a little.
“You think I have a pretty face?” Charles asked teasingly.
“Great, I boosted your ego, like your head wasn’t big enough already. You literally said in one of those C2 challenges when Carlos had your photo that if you were a woman, you would be in love with yourself.” Y/N said. The waiter came in with the check and Y/N was going to take it but Charles was faster. “Dude, I told you I was gonna pay.”
“It would look good if you paid, there are cameras everywhere apparently.” Charles said, placing his credit card with the check. The waiter took the check.
“Then I’ll Apple Pay you. You gonna train today?” Y/N asked.
“Yes actually, come with me? You could post it to my story.” Charles asked. The waiter came back with Charles’s card.
“Yeah, I can do that. But we gotta go to Scuderia Ferrari for my car.” Y/N said, getting up from the table, Charles getting up as well.
“I think it can stay there overnight.” Charles said.
“You want me to spend the entire day with you? You’re insane.” Y/N commented as they were leaving the restaurant.
“Maybe, but it is to keep up appearances.” Charles said.
“I guess, but how long do we say we’ve been dating?” Y/N asked, getting into Charles’s car, he does the same.
“4 months seems good, don’t you think?” Charles asked.
“I guess that’s plausible.” Y/N said, Charles starts the car and drives off.
“Do you miss New York?” Charles asked.
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked.
“You travel a lot with us and you moved to Monaco for work, but do you ever miss New York? Your family? I know I miss my family when I’m away for races.” Charles said.
“I miss the food in New York, I can’t get decent tacos al pastor in Monaco, I gotta wait til the Mexican Grand Prix for them.” Y/N stated. “But yeah, I do miss New York.”
“You should ask for vacation time so you could go.” Charles said.
“I Don’t think they’ll give it to me, but thanks.” Y/N said.
For a week, Y/N and Charles have been spotted together everywhere, at races obviously, with Joris, Andrea, Doni, and Victoria, even with Charles’s family. Right now Y/N was with Charles at a club in Monaco. Y/N was at a table with Charles was at the bar getting drinks. Y/N noticed a girl flirting with Charles, touching his hand, before he pulled away with two drinks for him and Y/N.
“Charles, can we talk for a second?” Y/N asked.
“Sure, what’s on your mind, mon ange?” Charles asked, the nickname still causing butterflies in Y/N’s stomach.
“If you wanted to hook up with that girl, you can. I don’t want to have you tied down for a fake relationship.” Y/N said.
“I wasn’t interested in her at all, you know.” Charles commented.
“Really? What happens when the next girl that hits on you is more your type? I don’t want to hold you back, we are friends after all.” Y/N said.
“I have a confession to make.” Charles said, Y/N nodded her head for Charles to continue. “I’ve liked you for a while. Before you kissed me, it was a little crush, I thought it would have went away, but being with you this past week made my crush grow stronger. You don’t have to feel the same way, I just wanted to get this off my chest.” Y/N was shocked. Charles usually went for Instagram models, but he actually likes her, this was her dream come true.
“I’ve liked you for a while too, I just never thought you would see me that way.” Y/N said.
“I’m going to kiss you right now, okay?” Charles whispered, getting closer to Y/N, looking at her lips then back into her eyes, Y/N nodded, leaning in until their lips touched. It was a soft, gentle kiss, until Charles gained more confidence to do more. They pulled away. “Will you be my girlfriend? For real, this time?” Charles asked.
“Yes I will.” Y/N responded, they kissed again.
The End
Was this good? I think it was good, the pacing is weird, but I had no idea where this was going, just saying. Was it just as good as “prince of Ferrari”? Probably not, but I hope y’all liked it, should I keep writing Charles Leclerc fanfics?
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h0rnyauth0r · 2 years
ghost never noticed just how much you squirm when he talks until now :)
i apologize for my break but i needed it and i should be back for now! (also this was a requested work!)
word count: 3.3k
tws: blindfolding, voice kink, unprotected sex, reader with a vagina, pussy eating, fingering, rough sex, cumming inside
ghost would like to say that he’s an observant person. he kind of has to be with his career, but when it comes to you he feels like it’s impossible to understand anything. you seem so shy around him and he doesn’t know if it’s because he did something wrong or if you’re just shy.
he’s interested in you, to say the least. you’ve been a member in the force for several months now, only speaking to him on occasions where it’s absolutely necessary. it’s certainly different from soap, who doesn’t shut the hell up.
something is definitely off though. it’s the way that you react to him sometimes. most of the time there’s only professionalism, a firm stature that screams confidence and seriousness, but other times…
he just notices the way your body shudders when he’s speaking to you. is it fear? some sort of arousal? he can’t be certain at this point in time, but he has added this observation onto his list of things he wants to learn about you.
tonight you’ll be doing training with soap, and he’s decided that he’d like to join even if it means he’s just standing there doing nothing. he wants to test your reactions to try to understand you better.
you, on the other hand, have no idea about that. you’ve been more focused on trying to get your punches down after dislocating your thumb during a mission a few weeks ago. you almost died because you didn’t punch right, so soap offered to help teach you how to throw them without injuring yourself too bad.
as you’re on your way to the training room, you can overhear soap talking with someone. it intrigues you, how whispered and rushed his words are. so you decide to stop walking to avoid confusing him as you listen in.
“are you sure about joining us? you know, she’s quite shy around you. she might not be able to learn a lot if the man who makes her stutter is around!” his voice sounds frustrated, and you feel your whole body become flushed once you process his words.
so, ghost wants to join in on the training session? that doesn’t make sense, and the worst part of it is that soap somehow noticed that you have a crush on the older man. you avoided him so much, but you figure that’s probably what made it more obvious.
you suck it up and push forward, walking down the hallway and approaching the room. most of the usual training dummies have been put away, mats placed on the floor with only one of the larger dummies placed to the left of the mats.
soap is standing in there by the dummy, ghost standing a few feet away from him with his arms crossed. you won’t back down and shy away today, you’ve decided. you’re truly hoping he doesn’t say a single word though.
soap notices you as soon as you shut the doors, waving you over with a grin on his face. “i decided that you can use the dummy and we can practice using myself as well, i just want to test out the dummy first so we can get your formation down.”
you nod, looking over to ghost to see him staring at you already. “hi, lieutenant.” you say to him, turning back to soap and getting prepared for the training session.
after a little while, you’ve gotten the basics down better than before. your issue was mainly not throwing punches properly, which led to your thumb being in the line of your shots too. soap helps you adjust accordingly, finally landing punches that only affect your knuckles rather than your thumbs.
soap announces that he has to use the restroom and excuses himself, leaving you alone with ghost. you decide to not say anything, opting to focus on punching the dummy in front of you rather than focus on him.
“you’re doing good.” his voice comes from right next to you, startling you and causing you to jump slightly as you look over at him. 
“thank you.” you say, looking down at your now seemingly bruised knuckles and rubbing them gently with your other hand. they hurt pretty bad, but you know that soap will probably ask you to keep going for a little while longer so you’re more prepared.
you notice his shadow loom over you as he gets closer, a hand reaching out and grasping onto your bruised one. “you know, this will get a lot less intense over time. the more you train, the less it’ll hurt.” his voice is right in your ear, causing your eyes to shut as you try your best to not make anything obvious.
everything about his voice just gets you going. from his accent, to how it sounds when he’s calm versus yelling. no matter what he does, his voice makes you melt and turns your panties into a sopping mess within just seconds.
his hand drops yours, causing you to open your eyes as you look at him. he’s looking at you intensely, eyes filled with emotion you can’t read. your whole face feels hot, though, and you’re almost ashamed to even look at him.
he knows what he does to you, and he’s going to be doing it on purpose now.
you opt to ignore him, waiting impatiently until soap finally comes back into the room with a fresh bottle of water and a sheepish smile on his face. he senses the tension in the room, but doesn’t mention it at all since he knows it’d be awkward.
the three of you remain in the room for some time longer, before eventually an hour has passed and it’s time to leave and focus on other things. there’s an upcoming mission you’ll be going on, so you decide to spend some time with gaz to figure out the details.
your walk in the dark is mildly terrifying. the light heading towards the building where gaz stays is limited, several areas of shadows that cause your vision to be impaired. you don't feel right, an anxiety developing that normally isn't present.
several vehicles leave gaps in between certain spots, a feeling of someone following you causing you to stop in your tracks and take a look around. 
you sigh in relief. it must be some sort of paranoia from how tired you are after training. you did break quite a sweat, which was made worse with ghost’s gleaming eyes on you for the majority of the time you had been in the room.
you decide to continue forward-
but something stops you, from the shadows. a small reflection of someone’s eyes, a large figure looming in between two large trucks. your heart begins to pound harshly, quickly trying to make a break towards the building so you can find some sort of defense against the figure.
but you’re stopped, large hand grabbing and pulling you back into the shadows. you let out a scream, adrenaline pumping as you kick and punch as hard as you can muster. a low grunt is all you hear, an ease in the way the figure carries you away.
something is put over your eyes, a blindfold perhaps? you’re shaking now, being led to who knows where in the darkness and you can’t even be sure if anyone will ever find you. you’re certain that death looms closely now, deciding to just give up because no amount of force is stopping this human wall from taking you.
you want to cry but stay strong, keeping a cold and stoic appearance (you think at least) as you’re finally let go of in what you think is a small building nearby. wouldn’t this person have locked you in a car or something? why here? you’re confused now, not understanding what’s going on.
“you don’t need to kick so hard.”
you feel embarrassed as the voice speaks. of course it’s him. but why you’re blindfolded, you still don’t understand. ghost is probably trying to prepare you for something, maybe a training on how to escape a kidnapper.
he keeps your arms pressed tightly against your back, though. not a single ounce of movement on his end, just the heat of his body near yours in the dark.
“where are we?” you ask, trying to move your arm with no luck present in him leaving you be. 
“nowhere that matters right now.”
you feel kind of nervous. this man has saved you many times before working together. you can’t help but feel in your gut that he may somehow be plotting your murder or disappearance with the way he’s acting.
not having any sights of what’s going on has led to the smallest of noises feeling so much louder, so you’re flustered when you can hear and feel his breath right at your ears.
“an annoying bird has told me that you’re interested in me. and my observations seem to have proven him right.” he whispers lowly, hotness of his breath brushing against your skin slightly.
you’d be lying if you said you weren’t turned on now. his voice makes you unbelievably wet, and you don’t understand how you’re not dreaming right now.
the heat that has developed between your thighs is almost burning, a desire bubbling up in your abdomen that has you almost shaking. “hmm, see? you’re not too great at hiding that, love.”
you clench your jaw, sucking in a deep breath. you have goosebumps along your whole body, the cool air around you making the feelings of his warmth so much more intense.
“now, i’m going to let your arms go. but if you even move a muscle i will leave you here alone and we won’t speak again. got it?” you nod hastily at his words, feeling his arms finally release the tight grip on you that makes your shoulders and arms crack lightly.
he shuffles around the room, and you can hear as he leans down and abruptly has your pants tugged down slightly. the cool air hits your panties, making you shiver. one of his hands grasps onto your thighs tightly, squeezing and slowly working its way up.
you realize he’s down on his knees in front of you when he easily slides your panties down too, now at your ankles with your pants. you’re absolutely dripping, feeling wetness leak down your thighs to where his hands are.
that’s when he lets out a soft, amused laugh. “so wet already and i haven’t even touched you? you’re desperate.” he says, a single finger pushing between your folds and gathering up wetness.
you can hear the way his fingers move, entering his mouth with a soft squelch. the way your face heats up when you realize he’s unmasked sends you reeling for more, wanting him to do anything to you now.
“you’re in luck, as i’m desperate as well.” he whispers, making you bite down on your bottom lip tightly. the heat of his words is close to your pussy now, a light blow of his breath against your clit.
you’re trying hard not to move, staying so completely still despite the shake in your bones. “please…” you whisper, wanting him to touch you or just something.
when his tongue laps right up your folds, you inhale sharply, eyes clenched shut despite the blindfold on your body. a small and quiet moan breaks through your lips when he pushes a finger in, curling it into you as he blows air onto your clit.
“please what? you want me to make you cum?” he asks, and you nod desperately as his finger stays still.
he smacks your clit with his other hand, making you cry out and tears sting at the corners of your eyes. you feel disgusting for finding that so pleasurable. “use. your. words.” his voice is quiet, and you inhale sharply.
“yes. please make me cum.” you mumble out quickly, words rushed and almost slurred. he hums in approval at that, finger moving in and out again and sending your mind straight to the gutter.
light squelching sounds turn louder once he adds two more fingers, stretching you out as his lips latch onto your clit. you’re almost in disbelief from how good it feels, eyes rolling back and legs shaking. you almost feel like you could fall over, but one of his hands remains on your hip to reassure you that you won’t.
your orgasm builds steadily, arms remaining tucked at your sides out of fear that his words were true. you can’t just let this end now, now when he’s eating you out like his life depends on it. he’s so skilled at what he’s doing that you can barely contain your composure.
you know you’re going to cum soon after he starts getting rougher, wetness becoming more and more until it’s almost so loud you can’t hear anything else. when his mouth leaves you and he starts talking again, that’s what sends you over the edge.
“such a pretty pussy. you’re so good for me, you know that?” he says quietly, thumb swiping at your clit and making your spine tingle.
“i can feel how close you are. go on. cum for me.” the raspiness in his tone has you moaning out, orgasm crashing through you as your walls clench around his fingers. you can’t think straight, mind becoming absolutely fried as he continues finger fucking you through your high.
your hips are shaking as his fingers slide out, a small dripping noise of your arousal hitting the floor below you. you hear him stand up, arms gripping your waist as he pushes your body into his.
his nose brushes up against your own, and you force the gap closed with urgency. you can’t keep away from him anymore, not now. his lips move against yours roughly, tongue forcing itself into your mouth.
you push your hips against his, feeling the rough fabric of his jeans and, more importantly, the feeling of his hard cock against you. you can even feel how big he is, and you know it’ll make you sore later. just the thought of that has you soaked again, lips leaving his for a moment for air as your heart rate picks up.
“i’m not done yet.” he whispers in your ear, pushing his lips onto yours again.
and just when you thought he couldn’t get any hotter.
as you kiss, he leads you to the wall. it’s cold, pressing into your ass hard as he leans further into you. his hips grind into your naked bottom half, the mild overstimulation making you mewl against his lips.
you’re basically heaving, barely able to breathe when his lips leave yours. “you ready?” he asks, and you mumble out ‘yes’ as he fumbles with his belt and eventually tugs his pants and boxers down.
you can’t see his cock, but you imagine it’d be nice and pretty. you can hear him stroke it a few times before it’s pressed against your folds, sliding up and down and making you bite your lip in anticipation. the tip feels big against you, just the right amount of stimulation to make you want him to fuck your brains out.
the tip presses into you, making your hips twitch from shock as your nails dig into your palms. as he slides in, your mouth falls open and you moan shakily. “fuck, you’re tighter than i thought you’d be. such a nice cunt.” he says, hips bumping into yours as he bottoms out.
tears stream down your face from the feeling of fullness, so overwhelming but you already can’t get enough of him. the tip just barely grazes your cervix, and when he slowly begins thrusting it slaps against it over and over again. it’s painful, but you love that.
he decides to lift you up by the back of your thighs, legs wrapping around him and the new angle feeling more pleasurable as he fucks you into the wall harshly. his hands are squeezing your ass, lips finding their way to your neck as he bites down on your skin roughly. 
he moves at a steady pace, cock hitting all the right places that send you closer and closer to your peak. his movements are hard, dick ramming into you in a manner that makes you finally move your hands and grip onto his hair.
“fuck.” he mutters, hips picking up speed as he kisses you again. small noises leave his mouth, muffled by your lips but still so hot to hear coming from him. he sounds so good to you, his grunts and groans causing your pussy to clench against him. 
he fucks into you harder and harder, the stimulation of his groin smacking into your clit making you feel as if you’re melting. the way your eyes have rolled back again, clit throbbing from the stimulation, you know you’ll probably cum soon.
“touch yourself for me.” he says, a small break between your kisses. you comply instantaneously, fingers reaching down and circling your clit and smacking harder against yourself from his thrusts hitting your hands.
his lips separate from yours, leaning towards your ear and biting down on your earlobe. the stimulation of that causes your fingers to start moving faster.
the feeling of your fingers is what sends you reeling, a loud moan escaping as you finally cum for a second time. “fuck, just like that. cum like the desperate slut you are.” he mumbles in your ear, making you cry out again.
his hips don’t falter for even a second as you hear him inhale sharply, small grunts leaning his mouth as his hands slap into the wall behind you. “gonna cum in you. i think you can take it.” he mutters, words making you feel like you could explode right now.
“please.” your voice cracks.
he finally cums afterwards, ropes of it warming your insides as his hips stutter into you. he rides out his high with a few more thrusts, gentle noises finally being let out again as he slowly comes to a stop.
he pulls out after a few moments, cum leaking out of you and streaming down your thighs. you stand still for a moment, not sure of what to do now.
"you can take the blindfold off now." he says, and you decide to do so.
you still can't see great once it's off, the room very dark with minimal lighting coming from the occasional light outside shining into the windows. but you glance over to ghost anyways, noticing that he still kept his mask off in front of you. while you can't see too well, you smile anyways in adoration.
"as handsome as soap always claims." you say to him, hearing him sigh out as he shakes his head. his hand smacks your ass and he pulls his pants back up, a grin forming on your face as you gather your clothes back onto yourself as well. your thighs and cunt are sore, but you feel almost floaty despite the pain.
"of course you'd think that." he mutters, noticing the way you're off balance as you pull your pants up and over your thighs. one of his arms reaches out for you to help balance you and you thank him quietly before standing upright and looking him up and down.
"so, an annoying bird?" you ask.
"quite annoying. certainly not wrong though."
as you go your separate ways that night, you can't contain your excitement. gaz can immediately tell what took you so long when he sees your messed up hair and crooked smile, but he doesn't bother to say anything. you've talked about ghost for months, he's just glad you finally got it over with.
taglist: @kovieky
(my taglist is open! send ask/dm if interested!)
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cosmicconversations · 1 month
Pick-A-Card Tarot Reading: Who Is Thinking Of You? 💭
Alright, this is my first Tarot reading here on the blog and I thought we would start off with a classic love reading topic: who is thinking of you? Who has you on their mind right now? Just know, however, that this might not be the person that you want to hear about. But, maybe it’s still a message you need to hear! There is also a chance I could get something platonic but I have the feeling that it will be romantic for a lot of you.
If you’re wanting to know more, you can head over to my Patreon to see what this person’s next move toward you will be. The link will be at the end of the reading. Just so you know, I will be posting plenty of content over there on a weekly basis, including all of my extended Tarot readings. So, I would love for you to join! If not, I am still happy you are here because I get to read for you, either way.
Now, choose the pile (or piles) that you feel most drawn to in order to see who is thinking of you.
Disclaimer: Only take what resonates. Trust your intuition. Remember that you still have the free will to choose whoever you do or don’t want to be with, regardless of what kind of soul connection you have . Also, this reading is timeless but I am also reading current energy. It is best to not worry about or obsess over the outcome of any connection. Your person also has free will and what is meant to be will be.
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Pile 1
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Pile 2
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Pile 3
Italicized = back of the deck
Pile 1
Four of Cups /// Six of Pentacles /// Four of Wands (reversed) /// The Magician (reversed)
The Hanged Man (reversed)
Okay, so this seems like someone who feels not only trapped in a certain situation but bored and unfulfilled. It could be someone who is in a relationship, possibly even married, but it’s not built on a solid foundation. They don’t feel supported in life right now and it could have something to do with their family. For some of you, this person might be having drama or conflict with certain relatives that is just making them feel even more suffocated and frustrated, especially if they live near or even with these family members.
So, why are they thinking of you? Well, because they had something good with you and they took it for granted. I don’t know why I keep getting the name Jack. That might resonate for a few of you. Also, the name Annie. My mind immediately went to the play Annie and “the sun will come out tomorrow!” You brought this person a certain joy and fulfillment. Well, they didn’t appreciate it at the time but you did. They are hoping that you may come back or grace them with your presence again. Yes, this could definitely be a separation situation. Someone you’re not speaking to. But, yeah, you were very generous with them in the past, with your time or energy or resources. Some of you may have helped them out financially. If not, they want to be able to help you out, money wise. But, they are not in the place to do so. In fact, someone may be providing for them. Possibly this partner that they are with.
I am getting this is a person with strong masculine energy but it’s a distorted masculine energy. Distorted or wounded masculine individual is very passive or lacking in initiative when their true nature is meant to be active, dynamic, providing or making things happen. Also, keep in mind that this does not have to be a man. These terms “masculine” and “feminine”, especially in a spiritual sense, are about energy and gender-neutral. But, for many of you, this will be a man. Regardless, they are letting themselves be passive in their situation when they should be taking charge of it.
I don’t think they feel good enough to approach you. I feel like they want to be in a better financial place, for sure. They want a new job or a higher paying one. I also feel like they have been highly indecisive about this connection. Overthinking it and going in circles. It’s also true if they are with someone else. They know they want to leave so they can be happy. But, they just don’t feel like they can get. Either that or they are trying to create the perfect scenario so they can leave. They are trying to control it and wait for the perfect time. But, there is no perfect time! I don’t think you’re waiting on this person and they know it. That’s what scares them. They don’t want to live with the regret of losing you but they’re already living with it. So, it’s just getting worse, regret piled on top of regret. Whatever you want to do about this situation, you are better off just minding your business and focusing on yourself. Let them come around in their own time! This person could have birth chart placements in Gemini, Virgo or Pisces.
Extended Reading for Pile 1 (What is their next move toward you?)
Pile 2
Five of Wands /// Ace of Cups (reversed) /// Page of Pentacles (reversed) /// Eight of Cups (reversed)
Knight of Pentacles (reversed)
All the reversals in this pile make me feel like this person realizes they need to turn over a new leaf. But, is it too late for that? I believe your person is thinking about their lack of growth over the years and how they want to make up for it. This could have been a really long-term relationship or someone you knew for many years. I definitely feel like there was some romantic interest or connection here in some capacity. But, they kept you stuck in a dead-end situation and they are now seeing the error of those past ways.
I think they still feel like they are that dead-end individual. But, they may just be far too hard on themselves. They feel like they are not getting where they would like to be, whether it’s with you or in life in general. Maybe they are actually stagnating and need to reassess certain things in their life. But, again, maybe they are progressing more than they think. I also feel like there’s an element here of them feeling like you would be unimpressed with how they’re living now or where they are. I don’t think you’re in contact with them and, if you are, it’s distant at best. You probably left this situation because of specific choices and behaviors of theirs and they worry about you still “disapproving” of them in this sense. They just want to be good enough for you.
There is some heavy Earth energy here: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. So, they could have chart placements in any of those signs, particularly Virgo or Capricorn. I just feel like their inner critic is very harsh and their expectations of themselves are too high. They might be surprised to learn that you may not be as hard on them as they are being on themselves, even if you once were in the past. (I am also getting the names Robert, Andrew, Peter. Take it how and if it resonates) There is this fixation here on your forgiveness or maybe your lack of forgiveness toward them. What did they do?? Whatever it is, it weighs heavily on them and they do have a lot of remorse or guilt over it.
It seems like the most important thing your person needs to do is forgive themselves for their past actions, especially if you aren’t holding a grudge. They are the ones who can’t move on and show themselves grace. And it is ironically keeping them stuck and making it harder for them to grow. That’s an important point to make: if we can’t forgive ourselves or show ourselves compassion, it becomes a lot harder to heal and evolve. You can’t because emotionally you’re still going to be stuck in the same spot.
I’m eager to see what their next move toward you will be. I think actually they are a little afraid to approach you again because they worry an argument will happen. It seems like you definitely have a fiery side they are well aware of and, well, you can rip someone a new one if you so choose. But, again, that fear of theirs may be unfounded. Maybe you would actually love to make amends and wipe the slate clean, regardless of what that leads to. But, they will have to take the step toward you to find that out. I feel like this has been a long time coming and they realize they need to just rip off the proverbial band-aid and do it already. Also, I think they are a little intimidated at the idea of you having other options. Even if you’re not seeing anyone, they still suspect they would have to compete and fight for your love (As they should because you’re awesome!) They are prepared to do so but just not certain of whether they would actually win your heart, especially given your past.
Extended Reading for Pile 2 (What is their next move toward you?)
Pile 3
Two of Pentacles /// Page of Cups /// The Devil (reversed) /// Queen of Swords
The Tower (reversed)
Okay, this may be a little trippy but stay with me. I think the person in this pile is you. Now, yes, you should be thinking of yourself and highly. Give yourself some love! However, this does not mean you’re some hopeless soul who doesn’t have a person thinking of them. You do but that’s not the point right now. The point is that you need to be focusing on yourself. Your Guides sent you to this reading to emphasize the shifts you have been making and your progress and to remind you to pour into you.
This is really interesting! And not what I was expecting. So, first off, I do think you’re going through it a little bit right now. You may not exactly be where you want to be in your life and that’s okay. You are still figuring things out. Many of you are being a little too hard on yourselves for not having achieved certain things. You might not feel like a proper adult right now and you could be using your age to shame yourself. Feeling like you should have this or be there because you’re this age. First of all, age is not necessarily indicative of character or maturity. Not to say that you’re immature. But, people make all sorts of judgments regarding age and it is more so about the age of your soul and spirit.
You are actually much farther along than you give yourself credit for but in a spiritual sense. You have grown SO much. I am getting, specifically, the period of 6 months to a year. Something within you has shifted enormously in that time. But, you are too busy feeling like you have to measure up in conventional ways. You are being called to listen more to your inner child, as they will give you a surprising amount of wisdom and direction. Some of you may have been very mature or wise as children and your inner child is a particularly powerful guide because of this.
A lot of you are being called down a more creative path. Music could be involved! You know this is what will really make you happy. Even if it’s not literal art, it’s something more creative that will bring joy and inner fulfillment to your life. It will also turn out to be financially lucrative. You have a lot of anxieties and worries about your security that you are being called to release. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that only makes things worse and creates more stress. I think you have dealt with some recent disasters regarding security and this anxiety is natural. But, trust that you will be alright.
The second thing that is standing out here is that you are releasing toxic connections from your life and your energy field. I think there is one person, in particular, who only brought you down and held you back. This reading is not about them! Your Guides really protected you in this situation and they are gently yet firmly insisting that you protect yourself when it comes to this person. You dodged a bullet by either not ending up with them or getting away from them before things got worse. Yet, you need to stay level-headed in terms of this past connection. Dua Lipa may be significant to you because I am hearing her songs New Rules and Don’t Start Now. You have to be a bit more logical about this situation and see this person for who they really are. You also need to be very clear with them, if and when they come back around, about your intentions to move forward. Without them. I think you showed them a lot of grace and empathy in the past. And while you should hold on to those traits, in general, now it’s time to do what is best for you.
This is coming up in this reading because I do think there is another person out there who is mirroring you in this way. They are having these same challenges and moving on from the same type of connection. I do think this is a very significant person that you will either be meeting or reuniting with soon. But, until then, you need to focus on getting yourself together. I think, in the extended, we will switch things up and look at what your next move will be that will allow you to manifest this divine counterpart into your life. I should also mention, for confirmation, that you could have placements in the following: the sign of Capricorn, Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) or Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Extended Reading for Pile 3 (What is your next move toward manifesting them?)
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gothhabiba · 1 year
hello, i kno close reading aint the only way to analyse a text but im trying to find other ways of doin it but google is just givin me how to do close readings in your classroom things. idk im not a booksguy really tho id like to learn how to books better. do u have any like basic resources for ways to read a text an figure out whats goin on in it that isnt doing a close reading? thanks
Close readings are mostly associated with new criticism. This school of criticism, like every other, arose in a particular time and place and can be analysed as having arisen for a particular reason. Also like every school of criticism, it has its adherents and its detractors. But considering the "work" as its own whole, self-contained aesthetic object in the way that NC does is not the only way to read.
Some other approaches, off the top of my head, & the schools of criticism they're roughly associated with:
How does the work make you feel? What are your reactions to it? What emotions and associations does it conjure up? What is your spatial or temporal experience like reading the work (like, how does the work appear to you as something that unfolds over time, as you read it? When and how are you reading it)? How do your expectations about a certain work affect how you read? [Reader-response]
What is the economic and ideological history of the genre, form, and aesthetics of the work in question? What ideological function does the work seem to serve? Does it serve to convince its readers of anything, and if so, what political implications does its viewpoint have? What ideas of oppression, history, and the forms that resistance can take does the work present or seem to advocate for? What does it make visible or invisible, what does it make seem possible or impossible? [Marxist literary criticism / Marxist aesthetics]
When, where, and by whom was the work published? What else do we know about the author's opinions on aesthetics, politics, &c., and how do we know it? How are those opinions reflected by, or in tension with, what you see in the work? Were there any problems getting the work published, and, if so, do they have to do with the author's class or gender or politics, &c.? Where and how was the author living (richly or poorly, working as a maid in another household or employing servants or a wife to free up time for intellectual pursuits) while writing?
And, doubling down on when the work was published—what were the popular or dominant discourses about science, biology, human cognition, political economy, race, gender, war, &c. &c. when and where the author wrote and published? How does the work seem to mobilise, use, subvert, echo, further, or contest those discourses? How would the work's first readers have read it in light of the popular discourses they were familiar with? [contextualism; new historicism]
What materials was the book originally published in? Where did those materials come from? Was it cheaply or expensively made? How much was it sold for? Who would have been able to afford it? What does the form of the book (any illustrations? what's the typeface and size? margin size? hardcover or paperback?) imply about who is meant to read the work, and how they're meant to read it? What effect did the state of print technology at the time of the book's publishing have on its final form (e.g., it used to be impossible to have text and an image on the same page in a mass-produced book)? Where do the objects described in the book presumably come from, and by whose labour would they have been produced and transported? What does this say about the material lives of the characters? [Material culture studies]
What are the early notices and reviews of the book like, and where do they appear? Who wrote them and where did they publish them? Is the book mentioned in diaries and letters from around the time of its publication? How did the responses to the book change over time? How did audiences in different places, or of different demographics in other ways, respond to the book? What went into making the book accessible to new audiences over time? What extra-textual stuff (“paratext”: book covers, advertisements, interviews, reviews) influence how people read the work? [Reception history; translation studies; maybe fandom studies]
Who edited the work? How much control did the publishing house, and the publishing house's readers, have over the final format of the text? Who decided what the punctuation would be like, and where the chapter breaks would go? Who decided on the spelling (was it published at a time when spelling was standardized? Did the author's manuscript contain any idiosyncratic spellings? Did the publishing house have a house style)? Are there any ideological connotations to "correcting" this author's spelling? Was the author's manuscript typed or handwritten? Were there any problems reading their handwriting? How many versions of the manuscript were there, and how did the publishing house chuse which to work from? [Editorial theory]
These associations between methods of reading and schools of criticism are mostly just to give you terms to look up to read more. Scholars don't all necessarily belong firmly to a given school, and people often mix and match various modes of reading to be able to argue what they want to argue.
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I wish women did not feel so strongly about the fact men, on average, are physically stronger than them. I feel like women have such negative feelings about this that it drives them to ridiculousness. Listen, I get it. I get it, I get it, I get it. The fact men are stronger is frightening. It’s scary to know that if a man decided to physically attack you then you are probably fucked. The USWNT, women who have spent years honing their skills on the field, lost to teenage boys who—when compared to the women—were basically just beginning to develop their talents. I understand how demeaning that can feel to every woman who hears this fact. I can imagine how demeaning it was for the USWNT. I’m sure every woman has been in a situation, playful or threatening, where they have tested their strength against a man and lost miserably. I’ve seen videos where women hit and slapped men with genuine rage and fury and the man barely even flinched. I understand how embarrassing and scary it can be to come to terms with the strength disparity between men and women, but you simply must come to terms with it. Far too many women have taken to pretending that it's not there—this is not a good approach.
Women choose to pretend it's not there because acknowledging that it's there makes them feel inferior. I ask women to remember that this world was built with the ideals of men in mind and to cater to their specific strengths. Men value strength and violence so of course the world is going to seem like those two things are all that’s valued in it. It's no coincidence that many male heroes are physically strong/easily able to cause harm—such as Naruto or John Wick or the Avengers. Of course it feels shitty, as a woman who inhabits this world, to have to acknowledge that your biology generally prevents you from being able to have the ‘can beat anyone in a fight’ type of strength that gets constantly praised.
However, I implore women to consider that men being physically stronger than them is no more of a significant fact than women being able to give birth while men cannot. Women also have biological advantages over men but when was the last time you saw a man calling himself inferior because of them? Imagine if the world was built with female advantages in mind. Imagine a world where the ability to give birth was seen as some sort of pinnacle of human worth. I mean, the ability to give birth is crazy. You are literally creating a whole new life. The female body is capable of providing the necessary tools to bring about a whole new person. Every brain that has thought of something life changing and every hand that has built something new was brought into existence by a woman’s reproductive system. Every single person that has ever so much as breathed was brought to life by a woman, but men never think women are superior for this fact.
Oh, but women couldn’t get pregnant without men, right? No. IVF exists. But even without it, the correct thing to say would be that women cannot get pregnant without sperm. A woman can get artificially inseminated. She never has to go out and find a man to have sex with. Is that not an advantage? Because, I mean, what can a man do if he wants to have a child but no woman is willing to give him one? Hire a surrogate? That comes with a list of complications, is far more intimate than artificial insemination, and is incredibly expensive. How is that not a disadvantage of being male? You may be thinking that you, as a woman, never want to become pregnant, but that is not the point!  The point is that it's arbitrary to look at biological advantages as anything other than completely neutral.
Women also survive famine better and live longer than men. Imagine a world where women held this over men’s heads? But we don’t live in that world. In this world, I’m certain a man would say that they die sooner because of being braver, taking more risks, and doing dangerous jobs. However, if it were women putting themselves in danger and dying as a result, men would not be quick to call us brave; they'd call us the opposite. Idiotic. Foolhardy. Too stupid to take the necessary precautions to keep ourselves alive.
It is just so painful to see women lamenting over the physical disparity between men and women. Let it go. Consider being neutral on the subject of biological advantage. Consider that male strength isn't something to pretend doesn't exist and isn’t something that proves women are inferior.
I understand that acknowledging vulnerability is against the survival Instinct—I get it—but come on. How can we let this get to a point where we’re saying it’s okay for males to enter female sports and beat the absolute crap out of/wipe the floor with women? Them being stronger is neutral! It does not mean anything! But it’s fact. Pretending it’s not only serves to put women in a losing position. Pretending it’s not only serves to make women into a laughing stock. Men will gladly collect medals that belong to women—they’ve been doing that forever. If there was no reason for male and female leagues then there wouldn’t be any. You cannot deny your way into something being true. I also wish it were true that the average woman was evenly matched against the average man, but it’s simply not reality. In the same way that it’s not reality that the average woman is taller than the average man.
I am begging women to think neutrally about this topic instead of being in such deep turmoil over it that they open the door for men to walk all over us.
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lizzieolseniskinda · 3 days
TOM RIDDLE - soulmates don’t exist PT. 3
SDE MASTERLIST - x FEM!reader (POC!friendly)
(requests open)
SUMMARY: everything changes for you when snape gives you a certain memory. will you be able to do the task that dumbledore has given you?
GENRE: angst-ish (but not really)
CONTENT WARNING: soulmate (soulbound) & time travel au, english is not my first language, i took names of professor in harry's time (it's easier that way)
PROOFREAD - (24 SEP. 2024)
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You were walking through the Hogwarts courtyard, bundled up in your robes as the wind carried a hint of the colder months that were coming. The sun filtered through the canopy of orange and red; it was a cold day without the sun. As you approached the Gryffindor common room after breakfast, you spotted Lucas—tall, with his messy black curls and easygoing grin—leaning casually against the wall.
“There you are!” he called out, pushing off the wall and strolling over to you. “I’ve been looking for you. Fancy coming with me to Hogsmeade? I’ve got some things to pick up, and I thought you could use a break from all the studying.”
You raised an eyebrow, interested. “And by ‘things,’ you mean what exactly?”
“Important stuff!” Lucas replied with mock seriousness. “Like sweets from Honeydukes and a new quill, since I keep losing mine. And, of course, we have to stop at Zonko’s - can’t leave without some supplies for our next prank on Maeve.”
You let out a laugh, feeling the tension of the past few years slip away. You figured you could use a shopping day - it was a Saturday after all; you could just study after. “Sounds like a plan, though I’m not sure if Maeve would be happy with another one of your ‘masterpieces’.”
“She’ll survive. Besides, I’ve got a new idea that’ll totally blow her mind; just wait and see,” Lucas nudged you playfully.
As you made your way down the long, winding path to Hogsmeade, a sleek black cat caught your eye. It seemed to be lingering just out of reach; you’d seen the cat a few times today, always trailing a few paces behind, watching you with its bright, curious green eyes. It had followed you from the common room to the courtyard, through the grounds, and now it was walking behind you and Lucas as though it belonged with the two of you.
“Look at that,” you murmured, glancing over your shoulder at the cat. “It’s been following me this entire day.”
Lucas turned around, narrowing his eyes slightly at the feline. “Huh, that’s a little weird, don’t you think? Cats don’t usually follow people around for no reason.”
You crouched down and extended a hand toward the cat. To your surprise, it didn’t hesitate. The cat padded forward and nuzzled your palm; its fluffy and soft fur was warm, despite the chill in the air. You smiled, scratching it behind the ears.
“I think it likes me,” you said, looking up at Lucas. “Maybe it's a stray. What do you think?”
Lucas crossed his arms and looked at the cat with a suspicious expression. “It's a little too good to be true, don’t you think? A mysterious black cat following you around Hogwarts. You know there are loads of horror stories about witches using cats as spies, right?”
“You're paranoid,” you rolled your eyes at him, but smiled.
“I’m cautious,” Lucas corrected, though there was a small teasing glint in his eyes. “But if you’re set on keeping it, we should make sure it’s not... I don’t know, an Animagus or something. Better safe than sorry, right?”
“You think someone’s been using this little thing to spy on me?”
Lucas shrugged, but he was already pulling out his wand. “Could be, perhaps. There’s a simple charm to check for such things; it won’t hurt the cat - you have my promise.”
You stood up and took a step back, “Okay, but I’m telling you, it’s just a normal cat.”
Lucas raised his wand, pointing it at the cat as he muttered the incantation under his breath. A faint blue light shimmered from the tip of his wand. It surrounded the cat for a moment before fading away.
You both stared at the cat in silence, holding your breath, waiting for whatever was about to happen. But the cat just blinked up at you, then licked its paw nonchalantly.
Lucas let out a breath, “Phew... what do you know? It’s just a regular old cat.”
“Told you,” you smirked, “looks like you’re now stuck with me and my new pet.”
The cat - as if it sensed your affectionate words - let out a soft purr and wound itself around your legs once more. You knelt down and scratched behind its ears again. A bond was already beginning to form. The only problem was the lice and many more things that were scattered across its fur.
"Alright, alright," Lucas said, laughing. "I suppose it shouldn’t be a problem.”
With the cat in tow, you and Lucas continued down the path to Hogsmeade. The bustling village was already alive with students and locals; shops were gleaming with fresh stock and festive decorations for upcoming festivities. As you entered Honeydukes, the warmth of the shop’s interior enveloped you, along with the sweet scent of sugar and chocolate.
“So, what’s your go-to sweet?” Lucas asked as he grabbed a basket, eyeing the chocolate frogs with heart eyes.
“Maybe the peppermint toads?” you said with a grin, grabbing a small bag from the shelf. “They’re the perfect balance of sweet and refreshing.”
Lucas pulled a face, “You’re a maniac. It’s all about the fizzing whizzbees.”
Both of you wandered through the aisles, piling your basket high with various candies - sugar quills, licorice wands, jelly slugs. At one point, Lucas tried to sneak a handful of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans into your bag, but you caught him just in time.
“You’re not tricking me into eating vomit-flavored beans again!” you narrowed your eyes at him.
Lucas laughed, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “Fine, fine. I'll save it for someone else.”
After stocking enough sweets to last almost a month, you and Lucas headed to Zonko’s. The shop was just as chaotic as expected, filled with exploding fireworks, laughing gas, and all manner of joke items. Lucas was in his element, darting from one display to the next with an excitement you hadn't seen since your first year at Hogwarts when you'd go shopping with the Weasleys.
It made you wonder if there was a Weasley in this timeline, or a Potter; surely there must—
“I’ve got it,” Lucas broke your trance, holding up a box of nose-biting teacups. “We’ll switch Maeve's regular tea with one of these. Can you imagine the look on her face?”
You shook your head, grinning, “You’re terrible.”
“Hey! You’re the one who agreed to come with me,” he replied, winking. “Makes you an accomplice.”
After spending almost an hour in Zonko’s, you finally dragged Lucas away before he bought the entire store. The two of you made your way back to Hogwarts, the pockets of your robes stuffed with sweets, joke items, and - in your case - also a black cat nestled happily in your arms.
“Already thought of a name?” Lucas asked as you strolled along the path.
You looked down at the cat, who had fallen asleep in your arms, still purring softly. “I’m not so sure yet; maybe something like ‘Shadow’?”
“Shadow,” Lucas mused, “hm, not bad; fits the whole ‘following you everywhere’ thing it’s got going on.”
You laughed, feeling the warmth of the cat’s fur against you. Despite the whirlwind of chaos that had brought you here, there was something so comforting about the small creature that had decided to be your companion.
And as you and Lucas made your way back to the castle, joking and teasing each other, you felt like things were normal, like you were just a regular student at Hogwarts, living in a time untouched by war and dark magic.
You went to sleep that day feeling better already, with the small feline curled up at the end of your bed, purring, its little collar having a little bell that you bought in a shop.
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The following morning, you made your way down the main aisle, the familiar hum of chatter and clicking of cutlery filling the air. It was officially your second week at Hogwarts, and though you were still getting used to the time period, you started to have a routine.
You reached the Gryffindor table and spotted your friends, already gathering around a platter of toast and eggs; some of them had pancakes. They waved you over and made space as you slipped onto the bench beside them.
“Morning, y/n!” Maeve greeted brightly, pushing a pitcher of pumpkin juice toward you. Her curly hair was a little wild this morning, as if she didn’t care. “Sleep well?”
You poured yourself a glass. “Pretty well, all things considered. I think I’m getting used to these weird ancient beds.”
Alicia snorted, her red hair falling into her eyes as she reached for a stack of pancakes. “Weird ancient beds? Try getting used to the weird ancient ghosts! I had Nearly Headless Nick hovering over my bed last night, telling some kind of story about jousting. I barely slept.”
“Better Nick than Peeves, though. That poltergeist kept chucking ink at me during Charms yesterday,” Maeve giggled, spreading jam on a piece of toast.
You laughed, feeling a warmth in your chest that you weren’t expecting. These girls had made everything feel… lighter. The constant worry in the back of your mind lessened. Here, in the morning sunlight with breakfast laid out before you, you almost forgot the real reason why you were here.
“Mm, speaking of Charms,” Maeve said, glancing at her timetable. “We’ve got it again this morning. Think Professor Flitwick will finally let us practice summoning spells?”
“I certainly hope so,” Lilith spoke as quietly as ever, but her eyes were sparkling with excitement. “Right? I’ve been dying to try action on something bigger. Imagine being able to summon an entire plate of pastries!” Lucas exclaimed.
“As if we need more reasons for you to get distracted during class, Luca,” Alicia rolled her eyes.
They continued to chatter about the day ahead while you found your gaze wandering around. The students were busy with their own conversations; some were studying, others were yawning over cups of tea, while some were also scribbling down last-minute notes for their morning classes. Everything felt so normal.
When your eyes landed on the Slytherin table, the illusion of normalcy shattered. You’d almost forgotten about him.
Tom Riddle. He was sitting at the center, surrounded by his usual group of admirers. He was composed, elegant even, as he buttered a piece of toast, speaking quietly to a blonde male next to him.
You looked away quickly before his group—or him—could notice you staring. “You’re awfully quiet this morning,” Maeve nudged you with her elbow.
“Everything alright?”
You gave a smile, hoping it didn’t look too strained. “Yeah, just thinking about today.”
“Don’t worry about it too much; it’s only the second week,” Lucas smiled. “Besides, you’re part of the group now. We’re in this together.”
“No backing out,” Lilith added, and for a second, you thought you’d melted.
You smiled, relaxing. You felt it reach your eyes; a sense of belonging wandered around in the back of your mind.
Breakfast continued, and so did the conversation to a more light-hearted topic: Alicia’s and Lilith’s excitement about the next Hogsmeade trip, Lucas’s plans for another elaborate prank on their dorm mate, and Maeve’s ongoing battle with Peeves. You listened, laughed, and chimed in the conversation whenever you could.
Maeve slung her bag over her shoulder and stood up. “Come on, y/n. Let’s see if we can make it to Flitwick’s class before Luca drags us to the kitchens for more pastries.”
“I resent that,” Lucas called over his shoulder, “but I do want more pastries.”
You smiled and grabbed your bag as you followed them out of the Great Hall, trying to savour the last few minutes of peace before the day truly began.
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⋆。⋆˙⟡charms class:
When you arrived at the Charms class, it was buzzing with quiet energy as tired students filed in, quills and textbooks clutched in their hands. You took a seat next to Maeve on your left side. Behind another desk with space in between you two sat another girl—Slytherin.
“Good morning, everyone! Today, we will be practicing summoning charms—Accio!” Professor Flitwick said loudly, standing on a stack of books at the front of the class as he clapped his hands to get the attention of all the students.
An exciting murmur passed through the room. You realized how, in their fifth year, they learn about summoning spells in this timeline, while in Harry’s timeline you learned more defensive spells or memory spells. The difference was huge.
Summoning charms were pretty basic, but growing up in times like you did, you almost had no time getting used to a simple spell like Accio while you could easily Obliviate someone or use the Patronus charm.
“Partner up!” Flitwick instructed. You turned to look at Maeve, who was already grinning at you.
“I’ve been practicing this all week,” Maeve said, wiggling her eyebrows. “Let’s see if I can summon a bigger thing than a quill this time.”
“Alright, but if you summon a desk by accident, you’re responsible,” you teased her, setting your wand on your desk.
Maeve pointed her wand at one of the cushions Flitwick had left for practice. “Accio cushion!” she shouted, her wand slicing through the air.
The cushion zoomed toward her, though it wobbled slightly before landing in her arms. “Not bad, right?”
You clapped lightly. “That was impressive!”
Maeve jokingly gave a little bow to you. “Your turn!”
You focused on a cushion that was lying a few feet away, envisioning it flying smoothly into your hands. After a flick of your wand, you called out,
“Accio cushion!”
The cushion shot toward you with more speed than you expected, hitting you on your chest slightly and knocking you back slightly. You laughed, catching it just in time. Maeve burst into giggles beside you.
“Well, at least it's working,” you said with a grin. Putting the cushion down, you glanced around the room and caught sight of Tom. He was practicing at the far end of the classroom. He performed the spell flawlessly, his cushion gliding into his hands with barely a flick of his wrist. His focus was intense, almost unnerving.
You quickly turned towards Maeve again, not wanting to dwell on him.
⋆。⋆˙⟡potions class:
The potion classroom in the dungeons was dark and cool; the only source of light was flickering. A mushy and earthy scent of ingredients filled the air as you sat down next to Alicia at one of the tables near the back.
“Right,” Alicia said, pulling out her ingredients. “I’ve got a good feeling about today’s potion. We’re supposed to make something simple, so there’s no way I can accidentally melt my cauldron like last week.”
You snickered. “Simple or not, I still think you have a way to make the easiest potions chaotic.”
Before Alicia could respond, Professor Slughorn’s jovial voice boomed across the room. “Today, my dear students, we will be brewing a calming draught. Quite useful for, uh, stressful situations.” He winked at the class. “-“I’m sure none of you feel stressed, though.”
You could feel the irony of the assignment, given how much stress you were actually under without anyone really knowing. You could probably use a calming draught or two just to get through the day.
Slughorn’s face was surrounded with enthusiasm as he demonstrated the first few steps, his eyes darting over the class with interest. You gathered the ingredients you needed and carefully measured out the valerian root, hellebore syrup, and the fluxweed oil.
“So, you think Slughorn’s going to invite you to one of his little parties?” Alicia asked as she ground some peppermint into powder.
You shrugged, keeping your focus on your cauldron as you stirred it clockwise. “Not very likely. I don’t really know what those parties are even about,” you lied. You went to one meeting with Hermione and decided to never go again. Simply a waste of time.
Alicia raised an eyebrow. “Well, Slughorn kinda ‘collects’ talented students. You’re smart, plus you’re new and kind. So, I’d say you're prime Slug Club material.”
You smiled at her. “We’ll see,” you said quietly. “Plus, I think Riddle is in Slug Club,” Alicia whispered.
You almost spilled the peppermint that you were trying to add into your potion. “Sorry, what?” you gaped at her. She scoffed at you and smiled. “Don’t act dumb; I always see you looking at him.”
Your potion turned to a soft blue—that was a good sign. “What??? No, I don’t…” you mumbled and glanced over at Alicia’s cauldron, which was bubbling a little too vigorously.
“Uh, Alicia... are you sure you didn’t add too much oil?” you asked her, eyeing the bubbles. “You’re not getting out of this conversation, Y/N,”Alicia said while she kept adding oil.
“No, no, I’m serious; look at those bubbles.”
“Oh, oops,” Alicia gasped and quickly turned down the heat under her cauldron. “Well, at least it’s not melting this time.”
You laughed softly, helping her adjust the potion before it boiled over. Potions was always a mix of stress and humor with Alicia. Seems like you're not as slick as you thought you were.
⋆。⋆˙⟡transfiguration class:
Dumbledore’s class, there was a different energy in the air. The room was spacious and bright; high arched windows were letting beams of sunlight in that illuminated against the desks. Dumbledore was standing at the front. “Today,” Dumbledore began, “we will attempt one of the more advanced transfigurations: turning inanimate objects into animals. Quite the leap from last week’s matchsticks to needles, wouldn’t you say?”
Maeve leaned over to you, whispering, “What if we give a four-legged animal six legs by mistake?”
You snickered quietly.
Dumbledore waved his wand, and a stack of stones appeared on each of the students’ desks. “Your task today is to transform this stone into small creatures of your choosing: a mouse, perhaps, or a bird. Be gentle and focus.”
You pointed your wand at the stone, visualising a small bird. With clear focus, you flicked your wand, saying the incantation softly.
To your surprise, the stone started shifting, wings sprouting from its sides as it transformed into a tiny sparrow. It fluttered its wings in confusion before hopping onto your desk.
“Well, aren’t you just the star pupil,” Maeve teased with a grin. She was still poking at her half-transformed stone, which looked more like a stone with some fur on it.
From the front of the class, Dumbledore’s eyes met yours briefly, and he gave a small approving nod. You continued helping Maeve when you caught a glimpse of Tom Riddle a few rows ahead. His magic was perfect—obviously. The stone in front of him had turned into a sleek, black raven that perched on his desk with eerie calm.
You sighed, forcing yourself to focus more on Maeve and her furry rock. There would be plenty of time to think about Tom later, but the time was ticking, and you knew it
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Shadow, the cat that you’d taken in, padded silently beside you as you made your way to the library. You smiled down at him; Shadow had proven to be nothing more than a sweet, lovely companion. The cat had followed you everywhere except for classes.
“You like books, don’t you?” you murmured to the cat as you entered the library, earning a few curious glances from other students. Shadow flicked his tail and trotted ahead of you, his sleek form disappearing between two towering bookshelves.
The library was quiet and warm, even after dinner. The air was thick with the scent of old parchment and dust. You loved it in the library; it felt like a sanctuary, a place where time stood still.
Wandering through the shelves, you scanned the spines of the books you passed. Every so often, you’d glance behind you to make sure Shadow was still with you. Reaching a shelf tucked in a quiet corner of the library, you found a book you'd been looking for - The Founder’s Legacy: A History of Hogwarts. It was a book you needed for your Muggle Studies.
You pulled it down and tucked it under your arm, turning to leave the aisle; but when you did, you noticed Shadow was gone. “Shadow?” you called softly, careful not to disturb the other students. The silence of the library seemed to grow louder, your eyes searching for the black fur you had grown accustomed to.
Frowning, you stepped out of the aisle, looking around for any sign of the cat. Only a few students were scattered around the tables, their heads buried in their studies. Then, out of the corner of your eye, you spotted him.
At one of the far tables, seated in his usual spot near the back of the library, was Tom Riddle.
With Shadow.
Your breath caught in your throat. The sleek black cat had made himself comfortable on the edge of Tom’s open book, his paws kneading the pages as he purred contentedly. Tom didn’t seem bothered by the interruption. In fact, he was watching the cat with an odd expression - almost as if he was amused, though his features remained calm and composed as always.
For a second, you just stood there, contemplating all your life’s choices. Seeing Shadow so comfortable made your heart race. Tom Riddle, the person you were meant to change, was casually petting the cat you had taken in, and it made your situation feel even more surreal.
But only you couldn't keep standing there forever, staring at Tom Riddle.
So, you summoned up your courage and slowly walked over to the table, forcing yourself to remain calm even though you could feel your chest preparing for a panic attack.
“Looking for this?” His voice was soft but cold as he gestured to the cat with a slight raise of his hand. Shadow meowed happily and stretched out his paws, pushing against Tom's book as if he had claimed it for himself.
Hearing Tom’s voice changed something in you; a warm feeling spread through you.
“Yes,” you said, your voice steady, trying to ignore all the feelings you were feeling at once. “I didn’t realise he’d wandered off.”
Tom’s eyes lingered on you for a moment, studying you with the same unsettling intensity you’d noticed in class. Then he looked back at the cat, one hand absently touching behind Shadow’s ear. The cat purred louder, pressing into the touch as though he had always belonged there.
“He seems to like me,” Tom observed. You had to hold back a scoff, so you forced a smile. “He’s a friendly one.”
“I can see.”
You weren’t sure how to respond to that. You cleared your throat and stepped forward, reaching for Shadow. “Well, I should get him out of your way; he’s probably disturbing your reading. Or studying, or whatever…”
Tom didn’t move at first, and for a brief second, you thought he might not let you take back your cat. But then he pulled his hand back. Shadow, oblivious to the tension, stretched lazily before hopping off the table and rubbing against your leg.
You cradled Shadow in your arms as you tried to steady your nerves.
You felt Tom’s gaze linger on you for a moment longer before he turned his attention back to his book, his expression unreadable. “Be careful,” he said, his voice low. “Not everything that follows you is harmless.”
You blinked, taken aback by the sudden shift in his tone. Was that a warning? Or something more? Before you could reply, Tom had already turned the page of his book, his focus shifting away from you as though the conversation had never happened
A chill ran down your spine as you hugged Shadow closer. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you turned around.
Tom’s cryptic words echoed in your thoughts. You were halfway to the library’s entrance when you spotted Lucas striding toward you, hands tucked in his pockets, that ever-present grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. He seemed completely at ease, as though the world was just a big joke waiting to be told.
“There you are!” he called out in a low voice, somewhat mindful of the library’s strict silence policy. He walked right up to you, his sharp blue eyes scanning your face before flicking over to the spot where Tom was sitting. “I saw you over there, chatting with Riddle.”
“Yeah... Shadow wandered over to him,” you smiled slightly, still not fully calmed down, but Lucas’s presence helped a bit.
Lucas smiled. “Look, I’m just gonna say it: I’ve seen you stare at him at times, and you look like you’ve seen a ghost. Whatever he’s said to you—”
“He said something about not everything that follows you is harmless,” you interrupted him, needing to get it off your chest.
“Okay, stop. That’s freakishly creepy,” Lucas gaped, stealing a glance at Tom. “Just... try to ignore him. Riddle’s either got everyone thinking he’s the hottest thing to walk these halls, or they think he’s bloody weird.”
Your curiosity piqued. “And what do you think?”
Lucas paused, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considered the question. His grin returned. “Both.”
You chuckled at his bluntness. “Both?”
You walked out of the library, your book long forgotten on the table you were supposed to be studying at. “Yeah, he’s good looking. I mean, objectively speaking,” Lucas said. “But there’s something about him that’s off. Like, he’s too good at... well, everything. It's unnatural; people are drawn to him, but they’re also... I don’t know, scared of him. You know? Even if they don't want to admit it.”
You nodded, thinking back to how Tom had looked at you - the way his eyes seemed to see right through you. There was definitely something unnerving about him. “He’s strange. Almost like he’s always one step ahead of everyone.”
“Exactly,” Lucas agreed. “It’s like he’s playing a game no one else knows the rules to. Trust me, best to keep your distance.”
“I wasn’t planning on making friends with him,” you said, shifting Shadow in your arms. The cat blinked lazily up at you.
“Good, I’ve got enough trouble without having to rescue you from the dark and mysterious Tom Riddle,” Lucas replied, giving you a reassuring smile.
You let out a laugh. “Thanks, Lucas. I’ll be sure to tell you first if I get in over my head.”
Lucas grinned. “I’ll be there, wand at the ready.”
The two of you started to head toward the common room together, the tension that had been knotted in your chest since your encounter with Tom slowly began to ease. Lucas had a way of making things feel lighter, like no matter how complicated the situation got, he’d find a way to make it less scary.
“Anyway,” Lucas said, slinging an arm around your shoulders as you walked, “enough about Riddle. Did you get what you came for? Or are we heading back in for round two of ‘Tom the Cat Whisperer’?”
You smirked, shaking your head. “No more rounds with him for today, thanks. I think I’ve had my fill of mysterious brooding for the time being. But I do think I might’ve left my book in there.”
Lucas laughed again, his voice carrying through the halls. “We’ll get it first thing tomorrow. And if you do like him, just don’t go falling for that whole dark-and-mysterious thing. I won’t judge you.”
You rolled your eyes, nudging him playfully. “Please. You know I prefer my friends a little less brooding and a little more… fun.”
“See? That’s the right attitude.” He gave you a wink, his smile warm and genuine. “Stick with me. I’m way more fun than some dark wizard-in-training.”
You couldn’t help but smile back. As strange and intense as things had become, Lucas was a constant source of light. Maybe, just maybe, he’d help keep you grounded as you navigated the dangerous path ahead.
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a/n: posted a bit earlier, but umm, i was thinking of naming the cat crookshanks first - so she has a reminder of hermione, harry and ron. but idk :( alsooooo, i'll probably update on sunday for this serie (loads of homework)
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352 notes · View notes
tcfactory · 8 months
A smile for the master
Okay, what if white lotus Luo Binghe and OG Shen Qingqiu body swap.
The fake cultivation manual does make Luo Binghe qi deviate. Relatively early too, he's still in his white lotus phase. This qi deviation just coincides with one of Shen Qingqiu's many, many deviations and, by some freak twist of luck, swaps their bodies.
The only people who know about this are Yue Qingyuan, Mu Qingfang and the people directly involved, because they can't let word get out about the body swap. Unlike all the regular shenanigans (amnesia, de-aging, animal transformations, etc.) Mu Qingfang has no idea how to approach fixing this. He can't even tell if it is possible to fix it or not. This is such a one-in-a-million thing that there's no precedent.
So for the time being Luo Binghe in Shen Qingqiu's body will be confined to the bamboo house, under some supervision, with the excuse that Shen Qingqiu is still under danger of another qi deviation. And Shen Qingqiu gets to go out and pretend to be Binghe.
He's meant to move into the bamboo house to 'assist his shizun in his recovery' (yeah, right, like anyone would believe that), but the first thing he does once everyone leaves them alone that evening is grab a few things in a qiankun pouch and prepares to leave.
"Where is shizun going?"
"Wipe that pathetic look off my face! I'm sleeping in the woodshed."
"But shizun doesn't have to! This disciple will sleep in the side room, I-"
"I don't care where you sleep in my house. But I'm not sleeping under the same roof as a man, and you currently qualify as such."
It's such a strange thing to say that it sticks with Binghe - does his shizun genuinely feel safer in the woodshed than in the same house with his own body??? - but he is still disoriented and in so much pain that he doesn't have it in him to argue. Mu-shishu said it was not unusual for a severe qi deviation to cause pain, but he hopes it will fade quickly.
The pain doesn't fade by morning. It stays a persistent, sharp ache in his joints that seems to sap the strength from his limbs. Binghe thinks he can cheer himself up by cooking breakfast in shizun's kitchen, but his hands shake and his fingers refuse to bend right. He still scrapes together two servings of palatable congee, which gets him an unreadable look from his returning shizun. You'd think Binghe would be able to read the man's expressions on his own face better, but all he can say for certain is that his face has never made that expression before.
"Shizun, how do you stop the shaking?" Binghe asks tentatively. Shen Qingqiu made tea and brought over a few dry biscuits that looked completely unappetizing to Binghe. He planned to pointedly ignore them in favor of his own, much better food, except he has eaten two spoonfuls of congee and he's suddenly feeling sick. Something on his face must be showing because Shen Qingqiu snatches his bowl away and pushes the biscuits to him instead.
"Eat one, slowly, with the tea. It will help you keep the food down." In Luo Binghe's body his shizun has no problem eating both portions while Binghe nibbles on the biscuit. It's bitter from the herbs, but it does help. "Haven't you learned how to channel qi to stabilize your body? Useless little beast." After a moment his eyes grow wide and he hastily holds up a hand. "Don't try it with my body! The last thing we need is for you to have another qi deviation."
"Even this useless one knows how to direct and circulate his qi, shizun." Binghe tries to pout - it has never worked on his shizun, but maybe he will be more receptive of such tactics when it's his own face - but finds that the muscles of his face are not working as they should.
"Not with my meridians you don't. I thought even the lowliest of outer disciples have heard by now that my cultivation base is ruined." He squints up at Binghe and his glare is no less formidable on a different face. "Little beast. What are you trying to do with my face?"
Binghe has, in fact, reached up and is trying to feel out why he can't move part of his face as he should. "This... is there a scar here?" He's not familiar enough with scars to be sure, but he can feel the slightly different texture of the skin with his fingers as it curves around his cheek and jaw. Strange, he's sure he would have noticed before if his shizun had such a big scar on his face.
Shen Qingqiu slaps his hand away.
"A mule kicked me in the face when I was a child. They put an ointment on it at the time, so it healed well enough that it's no longer visible."
Not visible, but still present. Later, after Shen Qingqiu leaves for Luo Binghe's classes, he stands in front of the bronze mirror to test the range of his expressions and suddenly understands why Shen Qingqiu prefers to hide the lower half of his face behind a fan. The scar tissue tugs on the muscles of his face and makes the way one corner of his mouth moves rather ghastly.
It's not the only scar he has. It takes Binghe until the afternoon to work up the courage to take a bath and he can't help to look at his shizun's body then. The history written into the man's skin is distressing to say the least. Cuts and whip marks, all etched in deep, and burns, so many burns. The most horrifying is on one of his thighs, the muscle and skin deformed where it was burned deep; Binghe has seen kitchen accidents before and this has the look of boiling oil, but it's position and size both speak of intentionality. He can't even imagine what shizun has done to be injured there, so close to an intimate area.
And the crowning jewel of all scars, the one that raises the most questions in Binghe's mind, is the slave brand. Qiu, it reads on the left side of his chest, still clearly legible despite obvious signs that someone tried to ruin it with deep cuts; the character just ate even deeper into the flesh to retain its shape.
He's standing in front of the bronze mirror, staring numbly at the brand while the water goes cold next to him, only snapping out of his stupor when the front door slams open, then closed, then his shizun calls for him. "In here, shizun!"
Shen Qingqiu is in a good mood - the body he's in is strong and healthy, despite everything, and unlike that dolt of a little beast, he knows exactly how to get out of chores - so he doesn't immediately snap at Binghe when he finds him inspecting his body. "It would have been too much of a blessing to expect you to not undress and poke at my flesh the moment you were left alone."
"I just wanted a bath." The face he currently wears doesn't lend itself to his usual tactics, so he simply... doesn't try. It makes him much more tolerable in Shen Qingqiu's eyes. "Begging shizun's forgiveness, I expected him to take longer with this disciple's daily chores."
"Unlike you, I don't have the personality of a doormat. I've done the chores for you and Yingying and then tricked one of your shixiongs into insulting Ming Fan, so he got saddled with the rest." He says it like it's the easiest thing in the world and there's a disapproving edge to it. See, little beast? His eyes say. Why don't you do it this way, it's so easy.
"I don't know what shizun expects from me," Binghe finally says, his frustrations overflowing. "I want nothing more than to cultivate in peace! I used every trick I have ever learned to make the bullies go away, but it only made things worse!" He claws at the slave mark, as if he could rip it from the skin and hand it to Shen Qingqiu. "I thought shizun to be a rich master who would not understand, but shizun has come from a background as lowly as this one's! Shizun should understand! Shizun should-!"
"Shut up. You don't know anything about me." There is no real anger in those words, but Binghe immediately shuts up. Shen Qingqiu regards him with something calculating, until he finally comes to a decision of sorts. He closes his eyes, schools his features and when he opens them again the picture of innocence looks up at Binghe, a harmless white sheep who could do no harm.
It's almost as good as when Binghe does it.
"What did you say your mother's job was?" The moment is gone and Shen Qingqiu arranges his features back into something more comfortable and Binghe, still reeling, answers on autopilot.
"This one's elderly mother was a lowly washerwoman."
"An elderly woman, of a low, but stable position, with no ambitions left in life and no power to protect her son." Shen Qingqiu exhales slowly. "She taught you to smile, hasn't she? To be good and docile to avoid trouble."
"Yes!" Finally, it feels like they are going somewhere, they have found common ground. "My mother taught me that no matter what grief or grudge settles in my heart, I should always-"
"Have a smile for the master," Shen Qingqiu finishes for him. He looks annoyed, but not angry - at least not at Binghe. "Go take that bath." He reheats the water with the touch of his hand and a careful application of qi. "This master has essays to grade."
The hot water is a blessing, but Binghe still hurries to get clean and get dressed again. Shizun, true to his word, is grading essays at the table when Binghe returns. Binghe fidgets with nothing to do while his shizun works, so eventually Shen Qingqiu chases him off to make tea so he can work in peace.
Binghe is just returning when the sect leader arrives. "Qingqiu-shidi, Luo-shizi. I hope everything is going all right so far?"
"Good timing," Shen Qingqiu looks up from the essays with a wolfish expression that makes Binghe's face look almost scary. "Qi-ge, think fast: smile for the master-"
"-Snarl for the wolves-" Yue Qingyuan answers without thinking, something sharp and dark glinting in his usually soft eyes. This minute slip in his mask scares Binghe more than the worst of his shizun's temper.
"-knife for the rivals." Unexpectedly, Shang Qinghua pops his head out from behind the wide bulk of the sect leader. "Why are we reciting the Urchins' Laws?"
Shen Qingqiu narrows his eyes at his shidi. "Where this one grew up we said rocks for the rivals, but the sentiment is the same." He gestures for Binghe, who stands frozen in Shen Qingqiu's body, to serve the tea. "What is Shang-shidi doing here?"
"I might have, ah. Overheard? Overheard the situation and I might know an herb that can remedy it. Liu Qingge is already on his way to get it, so it's only a matter of days!" He rubs the back of his neck. "I just wanted to be here when zhangmen-shixiong tells shixiong the good news."
"That's acceptable." Shen Qingqiu takes a sip from his tea, then pushes the essays away in favor of an empty sheet. "Then Shang-shidi can stay and help us remedy a serious shortcoming in disciple Luo's education. It would seem he only learned to smile and never to snarl, leaving him with the appearance of an unfortunately spineless disposition."
"I see." All three adults look at Luo Binghe with pity, even the one currently wearing his body. He takes a big gulp of his tea to get away from their staring and almost chokes from the overwhelming bitter taste.
"It's fine, shizi! I think there are no better people to teach disciple Luo these lessons, so he will learn them in no time!" Shang Qinghua hurries to reassure him.
"That's not- thanking shishu for his encouraging words! It's just this tea is unexpectedly bitter."
The lords all look puzzled. "Bitter? Has Shen-shidi acquired a new blend?"
"As if you could tell," Shen Qingqiu huffs dismissively and takes another sip of his tea. "I don't taste anything wrong with it."
They all turn to Shang Qinghua, who takes a sip and immediately makes a noise of disgust.
"It's been severely over-steeped," he declares, pushing the cup away.
"Interesting." Shen Qingqiu drinks the rest of his tea and shakes his head. "Disciple Luo can't taste bitterness, so he doesn't know when he over steeps the tea."
"This one can taste bitterness, shizun! Mu-shishu's cold medicine-"
"-doesn't count. Even zhangmen-shixiong can tell it's bitter and he has almost completely lost his sense of taste when we were children."
The sect leader has a soft, awkward look on his face and Shang Qinghua stifles a laugh behind his sleeve. "Can confirm! Yue-shixiong once drank an entire undiluted bottle of chili oil on a bet when we were disciples. Luo-shizi is in good company."
Good company indeed. It's strange and a little frightening to see the three untouchable immortal masters acting so human, but Binghe rubs the scar on his face and thinks of masks. The same way Binghe puts on the mask of a meek little lamb every morning, the peak lords put on their own masks each day.
In the fifteen days it takes for Liu-shishu to get the herbs and return, they teach Binghe how to navigate the power plays of the sect in the way only those not born into power know:
A smile for the master (be pleasant and meek and uninteresting in the face of those who can hurt you without consequence, because it's boring to bully docile and uninteresting servants. Bide your time and only plot where they can't see it).
Yue Qingyuan smiles, because he has risen above the rest. Nobody would dare to trample him, so he can wear a smile if he wants; it makes him more approachable. Luo Binghe smiles at him and the sect leader winks back; this comes the easiest to him.
A snarl for the wolves (do not let your peers trample you. You are roughly of equal standing and power, so fight for what you deserve. If someone with only slightly higher standing tries to strike against you and you can get away with it, bite the hand that struck you, so they would think twice before they try again).
Shen Qingqiu was born a wolf and will likely die one, too broken and battered to become a prized, pampered hound. He snarls at the world and wants Binghe to snarl back at him, to show him that he has the determination to make it through. (Urchins who don't learn to bare their teeth when they should all die, trampled in the dirt, and Binghe suspects that his shizun has seen it happen enough times that he has hardened his heart against it.) It comes frighteningly easy, once he tries, and he makes sure to restrain himself so he doesn't become a mirror of his bitter shizun.
A knife for the rivals (be ruthless and deadly to the outsiders who come to harm you and yours. Set aside internal strife in the face of outside threat and sharpen your fangs together; the only good enemy is a dead one).
Binghe doesn't know what to think of Shang Qinghua at first. The An Ding lord has his own flavor of pathetic (it's not quite the same as smiling, he thinks), but Binghe is not a fool. If the sect leader is the smile and his shizun the snarl, then Shang Qinghua is the knife, and his cultivated helplessness is the perfect disguise for his sharp edge.
Out of all three of them, he decides that Shang Qinghua scares him the most.
The day after they are switched back Luo Binghe returns to the bamboo house to report to his shizun.
"So early today, little beast." Shen Qingqiu doesn't look up from the novel he's reading, sprawled carelessly over the couch. Binghe knows that this crack in his shizun's peerless facade is only there for him to see because he has lived in his body for two weeks and knows exactly how much agony he is in day in day out (Binghe did some much less dignified sprawling when he was wearing that body, that's for sure), but it still makes him feel honored, in a way. He's in on a secret none of the other disciples are and it makes him feel... special.
"Ming-shixiong had an unfortunate incident with a hive of wasps and forgot to assign his shidis extra chores."
Shen Qingqiu glances at him over the edge of his book. "Where in the hells have you found wasps this time of the year?"
"I could not say. Shizun will have to ask Shang-shishu."
The set of Shen Qingqiu's mouth shifts. It's not a smile, but it's as close as the man gets and Luo Binghe's heart soars when he sees it. His shizun stands with mesmerizing feline grace and plucks a manual off from his shelf. "Catch." Binghe scrambles to catch the manual, his eyes going wide when he recognizes his shizun's calligraphy. The book is bound in an old cover to make it look used, but the pages and the contents are all brand new. "This master has noticed that disciple Luo's current manual is unsuitable for his cultivation. This one will be a better fit."
"Thank you, shizun!" He turns to walk into the side room, planning to pretend that he belongs here ('sometimes if you are confident enough, you can make others think that you belong somewhere you have no business being', Shang Qinghua said), but he stops dead when his shizun calls after him.
"Where do you think you are going, little beast?"
"To my room, shizun." He brazenly meets Shen Qingqiu's narrowed eyes and carefully gauges the man's mood. He's not angry yet. "This disciple has no place in the dorms, but he got to thinking: wouldn't it reflect badly on our peak and our peak lord if word got out that one of the Qing Jing disciples sleeps in the woodshed? This one is not a man, so he thought shizun would have no opposition against him taking the unused side room in exchange for performing extra chores around the house."
Shen Qingqiu approaches him with an aura like a fierce storm, but Luo Binghe stands his ground. The man wanted him to snarl back; it was time to test the practice of that theory.
"Luo Binghe has done a lot of thinking in the day since we last met."
"Of course. This disciple had years of thoughtlessness to make up for."
Shen Qingqiu exhales sharply; a silent laugh. "Luo Binghe might not be a man yet, but he will grow up to be one. Why should I tolerate his presence?"
"This one might become a man, but only if shizun can't mold him into something better."
"Insolent little beast!" He expects the smack with the fan. It smarts like always and it's likely going to leave a bruise. He doesn't expect the hand on his head, not petting, but... acknowledging. "Go to your room."
Binghe can't restrain the smile that spreads over his face. It earns him another smack, lighter this time, but it's worth it. He sets the new manual down on the bed and starts brewing tea for his shizun, lighting a timer talisman so he doesn't seep the leaves too long.
It took him to walk a mile in his shizun's boots in the most convoluted way possible, but he has finally done it: he found common ground with his master. It could only get better from now.
381 notes · View notes
fangirl-dot-com · 9 months
Daniel Ricciardo - Y/n.JPG
Second to last one of this series! I have been so bless to be able to write these and have enjoyed every minute of it. Now, this one might be shorter, but it’s because the title goes hand in hand with the content. Daniel and reader both bond over a shared love of photography and Danny helps her out before the Australian GP. Lots of feel good things and comfort here. 
Some posts will be from future races and thing like that! It’s not so much spoilers for future chapters, but it might have a few key details (example – Lando’s first race win, Reader’s first race win [I already hinted at that in Reader-Lore], possible teammate swaps, other driver’s wins, soft launch? Hard launch?) – we will see hehehehe 
I'm trying something new! Please let me know if y'all like this set up better for Instagram posts!
Anyway! Enjoy! 
Like always: comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and likes are always appreciated! 
You looked down at the rectangular item. Max had gotten you this as a Christmas present, but he forgot one key detail. You didn’t know how to use it. 
You had been carrying around the nice camera since Christmas, and rarely left anywhere without it. However, you knew nothing about how to take good pictures. You thought about leaving it in your apartment. That thought flew out the window once you found out how much Max had spent on the thing. A whopping 6 grand was apparently not a big deal as a Christmas present. Especially when Max had found out that you had never really celebrated the holiday properly. 
So, you carefully took it with you wherever you went. Most of the time, it stayed in your bag, not being used. 
What you didn’t realize was that a certain Aussie had accidentally taken your backpack, instead of his own. 
Daniel was currently looking down in the black backpack. The contents showed that he had definitely had taken the wrong one from the Red Bull garage. Curse Max for hurrying him. He just saw the familiar logo and went with it. 
He shrugged as he started to pull out different items, trying to find out whose backpack this was, so that he could return it. A few stuck out to him. Most were female products that he knew none of the drivers used. Well, maybe Lando would use Billie Eilish’s new perfume in travel size. But, one of the items at the bottom caught his eye.
He carefully lifted the familiar Lecia Q2 camera. It had been well protected by clothes that were strategically placed around it, as to deter things from bumping into it. 
Maybe this bag was Lando’s. 
A knock on his driver’s door took him out of his thought spiral of how he was supposed to approach Lando now knowing he used feminine perfume. There was definitely nothing wrong, but he knew how Lando got about situations that might be a bit embarrassing. 
He placed the camera in the middle of his desk so that if it did get knocked over, it wouldn’t fall off. He opened the door and was met with the sight of you, holding his backpack. 
“Hey kid,” he almost mumbled, still a bit in chock. Your face was flushed as you stared at the Aussie. It would have been better to take Lando or Oscar’s backpack, since you knew them a bit better. But no. You had to accidentally take Daniel Joseph Ricciardo’s backpack, the man who was everything to you growing up. 
“Hi,” you scratched you neck, a movement that you often did when nervous. “I think this might be yours. I apologize for taking it.” You all but shoved the backpack into his arms. Daniel’s arms flailed, trying to catch the bag. You looked as if a loud noise would spook you. 
Daniel shifted enough to show you your backpack that was lying on his chair. Your eyes lit up at the familiar bag. “I think we just got ours mixed up.” 
You nodded and stepped inside to grab your bag. You almost left after that, but your backpack felt lighter that it had been that morning. You had failed to see the camera sitting on the desk. You looked back up at Daniel before looking into the backpack that was void of you beloved camera. 
Tears welled quickly in your eyes. Daniel, who had been watching, was confused as to why you suddenly started to cry. 
“Hey, what’s the matter?” he asked, accent thick with concern. 
You unzipped the backpack a bit more to show him the empty bottom. “I think someone stole my camera. Max got it for me for Christmas, but I don’t know how to use it. I carry it everywhere and had it this morning, but now it’s gone and I don’t know what to do.” 
You were now on the verge of a breakdown. Daniel almost wanted to coo, before realizing that he was the source of your troubles. 
“Ah kid. It’s over on the table. I took it out to maybe see whose backpack it was. Thought it might have been Lando, but I don’t think he uses that kind of perfume.” 
You let out a light laugh at the idea of Lando Norris secretly using a bottle of the stuff. You wouldn’t put it past him. You looked around at Danny to see him holding the camera. It looked almost natural to see it in his hands. 
You sheepishly grinned, “I don’t know how to use it. So there aren’t any pictures on the SIM card.” 
Daniel looked over the camera, almost weighing the object and the thoughts in his head. He looked at you, face flushed and cheeks wet with leftover tears. You really looked like a kid. No wonder Max felt as though he needed to watch out for you. 
Daniel had spoken just a few words to you, but he’d do anything to make you smile. 
He raised the camera in his hands. “I can help you if you’d like? I don’t have plans for the rest of the day!” He shot you a big smile, which helped your own grow. 
You looked down shyly. “Only if you’re ok with it. I don’t have plans and Kelly is here so Max is a little occupied.” 
Don’t get it wrong, you loved it when Kelly could make it to the races to support Max. It was definitely better than his scary, angry dad who showed up too many times and reminded you too much of your own father. You wanted to shiver at the thought. 
Daniel let out a laugh, “Kid, I’m good to go! You wanna take my car? There’s a nice beach we can go to and practice.” 
You liked that idea. “I can’t remember the last time I went to a beach.” 
Daniel looked at you strangely. “But you live in Monaco? Basically an island.” 
You nodded, “Yeah, but I’m busy. And Arthur is normally with Charles on his yacht. Max is on his simulator most of the time, and when he isn’t, he’s at Kelly’s. Lando works on his Quadrant stuff a lot. I know they like to joke that I have no friends, but I legit have no friends outside of this.” 
Your hands gestured to the empty paddock where the two of you were walking. It was true. Friends would just let you down. You had enough family here. 
You continued, “And I like being alone. I’ve done it most of my life and it’d be a bit weird to not be alone sometimes.” You shrugged. 
Daniel was a bit silent before he spoke, “Well, everyone deserves to have good friends.” He smirked. “Good friends that take you to the beaches. So, I will be that friend for you.” 
The two of you stopped in front of his car. You flashed him a grin that, again like everyone says, rivaled the sun. 
You pulled yourself into the passenger seat of Danny’s car. He started it, and gave you full aux privileges. You took the opportunity to play some good country music. Daniel started to smile as the music played. 
The ride quickly passed by: the beach wasn’t very far away to begin with. 
The moment you stepped out of the car, the smell of salt water hit your nose. It was very therapeutic, along with the sounds of the waves. Daniel beckoned you to follow him down a path that had already been worn down by visitors. The sand stuck in between your toes, your feet feeling everything. 
You stepped in Daniel’s footsteps as you walked behind him. The sand was flat and a tad wet when the two of you finally stopped. You also had failed to noticed that Daniel had grabbed a towel and was placing it down near the waves. He sat down and patted the spot next to him. 
You gingerly squatted, trying not to fling sand everywhere. Once the two of you were settled, you just sat in silence, enjoying the noise from the wind and waves. 
You carefully brought the camera in between your bodies. 
You quietly spoke as to not interrupt the calming noises. “Can you help me take a picture of the ocean?” 
Daniel nodded with a fond look on his face. He quickly showed you what buttons to use and how to aim the lens. Handing it back to you, he watched as you squinted one eye to look through the view finder. The minute click of the camera let him know that you managed to take a photo. 
You handed the camera to him with a shy smile. Inwardly, you were looking for some type of praise from the man you admired throughout your childhood and teenage years. 
Daniel was surprised at the photo. To put it simply, it was amazing: much better than he might have been able to take it. 
“Well kid, you definitely have an eye for something like this. I mean, this picture is incredible.” 
Although you were looking for it, you flushed under his kind words. “Can you take a couple as well? I was thinking about making a photography account along with my main one.” You looked down at the sand. 
“Sure kid. Anything you want. You can join Lando and I’s JPG club if you want to,” he said half-mindedly, taking a couple of shots. 
What he didn’t notice was a look of excitement and content on your face. Maybe, this friendship would work out amazingly. 
You just continued to wonder to yourself. 
How many couples am I getting in replacement of my family? 
Christian and Gerri, Max and Kelly, Alex and Lily, Charles and Alex, now Daniel and Heidi?
You were set for life. 
Y/n.89 has created a new account
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March 25, 2024
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let's go to the beach, beach
tagged: daniel3.jpg
liked by landonorris, arthur_leclerc, oscarpiastri, and 13,937 others
oscarpiastri you went to the beach, without ME?!
Y/n.jpg you weren't around, you snooze you lose
y/n_updates yessss now we can see unposted photos of the grid
lando.jpg welcome to the club (I can teach you how to use the camera better than that muppet)
danielricciardo hey! this muppet is a fine teacher by the way y/n.jpg thanks lanno, but I think I got it from here :)
May 2, 2024
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Logan didn't take me fishing, so I made a seashell crown instead!
liked by maxverstappen1, kellypiquet, and 15,836 others
kellypiquet P was wondering if you could make her one the next time we go to the beach when you and maxverstappen1 get home
y/n.jpg uh, of course! tell her I say hi and that I love her! maxverstappen1 can you make me one as well?
iamred_iamyellow so this is how I find out that max, Kelly, y/n, and p are legit a family family?
y/n.lover you are so behind
logansargeant I would have taken you fishing, but you said and I quote "does the bug spray come in any different smell?" NO IT DOESN'T
y/n.jpg calm down shawty, you're Americanness is showing arthur_leclerc he's not beating those American allegations smh logansargeant maybe it's because I AM AMERICAN!?
May 20, 2024
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monaco has my heart and soul
tagged: charles_leclerc and arthur_leclerc
liked by alexalbon, arthur_leclerc, and 17,382 others
y/n_fan alright boo, I see what you did there
user2 what did she do? y/n_fan heart and soul = Charles and Arthur user3 maybe it's just that, hmmmm, she might live there? and her "adoptive family" also lives there? y/n_fan let me be delulu
maxverstappen1 w o w - love you too kid
charles_leclerc you can be first on the track, but the leclercs come first in everything else arthur_leclerc he did not mean that, sir
charles_leclerc je t'aime gosse also, maman wants to know when you're coming over for dinner again
y/n.jpg aw je t'aime charlie! tell her that I'll come over this weekend! landonorris can this invitation be open to other drivers as well?
July 1, 2024
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I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this
liked by danielricciardo, landonorris, and 25,283 others
y/n_updates uh, EXCUSE ME?!
box_box_express I have predicted things before, but I never would have thought about this
user3 does maxverstappen1 know about this?
maxverstappen1 now I do
taylorswift aww love this! two tickets headed your way for you and they <3
y/n.jpg thank you! he says thank you as well!
change-ur-f_car alright, cast your votes in, who do we think it is?
emotional-support_rivals I think its Lando! they seemed super close during the Monaco GP maxiel-lover is it bad I want to say Daniel? lastlapLando uh the age gap is TOO unsettling, plus I don't think max would like that very much y/n-lover2 I personally think that that is Arthur champagne-without-the_cham I think the delulu is really hitting hard
July 7, 2024
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this muppet got his first win! (and before me, such a misogynist)
tagged: landonorris
liked by arthur_leclerc, landonorris, carlossainz55, and 30,283 others
emotional-support_rivals this is really giving - hard launch? especially after the last post
y/n.jpg yes landonorris very well
lnfournation that's our muppet!
y/n-fans could this be y/n l/n's boyfriend?
y/n.jpg as IF he could pull me - especially when he's looking like crash from ice age (lando NORIZZ) landonorris HEY
August 20, 2024
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tagged: maxverstappen1
liked by redbullracing, oscarpiastri, and 22,901 others
user1 love to see max wearing something other than an RB polo
max_max_super kelly or y/n probs packed his suitcase y/n.jpg we did :D
landonorris pls bring me back a stroopwaffle
danielricciardo and me too oscarpiastri me three
y/n_updates her captions never fail
maxverstappen1 that is not my good angle
y/n.jpg didn't know Sid the Sloth had one?? maxverstappen1 I will leave you christianhorner please do not
redbullracing best duo is BACK
September 1, 2024
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liked by georgerussell66, redbullracing, and 59,283 others
y/n_updates and everybody liked that
landonorris she's still crying
box_box_update our girl out there making history
suderiaferrari if there was anyone else to win here, we are honored that it was you
carlossainz55 proud of you chica
maxverstappen1 words cannot express how proud I am of you kleintje landonorris keep at it bug, you're doing what you were born to do fernandoalo_oficial felicidades nina! kellypiquet can't wait to have you home honey! you drove amazingly charles_leclerc maman says that she is so proud of you and I'm so proud of you gosse danielricciardo welcome to the group of Monza winners darl' y/n-addict the amount of nicknames that she has is melting my heart
christianhorner proud to have you as one of my drivers kid
October 17, 2024
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you know what they say?
tagged: danielricciardo
liked by arthur_leclerc, ollibearman, and 45,204 others
maxverstappen1 kid take this down
y/n.jpg that's not very girl boss of you to say Maxie
georgerussell66 yeehaw
y/n-lover5 this is very suspicious
user6 if you think that beanpole russell george is her bf, you must truly be gone maxiel-lover I think this is just fueling Daniel being her boyfriend y/n_updates alright grandma, let's get you back to bed
November 23, 2023
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always bet on red and navy
liked by redbullracing, lewishamilton, tomholland and 49,294 others
box_box_updates chiillllll, y/n he and zendaya got close when they had to shadow Red Bull for Tom's upcoming F1 movie
christianhorner can't believe it's been a year since you've been with us - you're going on to do great things kids
y/n-lover what do you mean it's been a WHOLE YEAR since y/n was introduced as a driver for the 2024 lineup
maxverstappen1 kid you're diving me out a job
y/n.jpg keep up old man, the children are taking over landonorris amen to that oscarpiastri the trio are now all race winners
redbullracing what she said - after party on us
y/n.jpg please do not go over the cost cap AGAIN
change-ur-f_car I'm still patiently waiting to know who her boyfriend is
user7 that overtake on the last lap was mega, glad for her second win
December 13, 2024
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isn't it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me
tagged: arthur_leclerc
y/n_updates I was NOT ready for this to be on my page first thing this morning
emotional_support-rivals I just want to know if Max or Charles knew
maxverstappen1 oh we knew charles_leclerc how do you think they got away with it for so long??
taylorswift my favorite birthday present
max_max_super she knew what she was doing by hard launching with a Taylor Swift lyric on Taylor Swift's birthday
olliebearman parents
y/n.jpg son arthur_leclerc SON?
landonorris you're telling me I had to find out through INSTAGRAM
logansargeant I did as well oscarpiastri you're both blind if you didn't know y/n.jpg YOU KNEW?
y/nxarthur this is the best day of my life
AN: Guys this was so much fun to write!!! I hope you like it cause it took me forever! I love you all! Last chapter and Christmas chapter out soon!
Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @thefandomswhre @alwaysboredsworld @vellicora @bintuabbas @sam-is-lost @empress-kimiko @assholeinatrenchcoat @kagatinkita @glitterquadricorn @zyonsay @tsukishimawhore @ashy-kit @agent-curt-mega @julesbabey @lydialawrence @stopeatread @claudia5912 @nichmeddar @blueberry64857959 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @alessioayla @badassturtle13 @kaaale @wcnorris @cool-ultra-nerd @hockeyboysarehot @agent-curt-mega @myxticmoon @cmleitora @sam-is-lost @misartymis @boiohboii @alexander-hamilhoe @jayda12 @indesicivelyconfuzzled @fangirl125reader @itscrzy @xcharlottemikaelsonx @fionaschicken @torchbearerkyle @ineedafictionalman @loaksmuntxa @classiclitfreak @sarcasm-ismy-onlydefense @luisie @jayda12 @comfortzonequeen @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @inejghafawifesblog @treehouse-mouse @leptitlu
903 notes · View notes
(TW: Religion)
My dear lgbt+ kids, 
When we think about reconciling Christianity and our identity, then we are often automatically jumping to „re-interpreting Bible verses that are used to justify homophobia/transphobia“ or to „looking for Bible verses that can be interpreted in a lgbt-supportive way“. 
Both of that is valid and definitely has its place. And if you are someone who (or trying to discuss with someone who) believes everything in the Bible is true and to be taken literal, then looking for the most accurate interpretation of each passage is also pretty much the only thing you can do.
In that case, take comfort in knowing that there is often historical, cultural etc. context missing from conservative interpretations and learning about that context lets us see seemingly hateful verses in a much more inclusive light! 
That Bible verse that seems to be against gay sex may very well be against rape, that Bible verse that seems to be against trans people dressing the way they want to may very well be condemning old rituals that have nothing to do with modern life. I don’t think looking for these alternative (or maybe *better*) explanations is heathenish at all. God wants you to think critically, that’s why he gave you the ability to. If he gave you a book to live your life according to, then it stands to reason that he’d want you to find the most accurate meaning of his words, and that means looking past the most superficial interpretation.
But if you are (or the person you’re talking to is) open to the idea that maybe the Bible isn’t meant to be taken literal in its entirety - then it can feel tedious to dissect singular verses. 
In that case, you probably don’t feel the need to dissect other parts either and you just disregard them. For example you look at certain verses containing rules on hygiene or health, and you disregard them because you figure those were written in, and for, wildly different times and they just do not apply to modern life anymore, and you believe that one can be a good Christian while also disregarding those specific verses. 
If that’s you, then an approach that might fit you better would be to look at the bigger picture instead. Treat the Bible like you would any self-help book - look at the overall messages but don’t assume that every single line is applicable to your life or even holds meaning. 
This may seem counterintuitive or even like a “bad” thing to do, especially if you grew up in a taking-the-Bible-literal household, so I’ll give you some potential questions that may help you get into the mindset: 
Which messages are repeated often throughout the Bible? Which messages are repeated in most big religions you know? Which messages would come to your mind first if you were to teach a child about God? Which values or attributes describe God best? 
For me, and for many people, the biggest ones would be “God loves you unconditionally” and “God wants you to love others”. Another important one might be “God created you, and everyone else, because he wanted you to exist”. 
When you identified some big picture core messages, and are open to the idea that the Bible may not be meant to be taken literal in its entirety (for example because it was inspired by the Holy Spirit but written by humans and humans can make mistakes or add their own personal agenda, or also simply because it’s so old and over time some of its original teachings got mistranslated or lost), then you may be able to look at these seemingly hateful verses with new eyes - not seeking to find a more accurate explanation, but rather being able to compare them to those core messages and being able to say “this fits in with the core message” or “this doesn’t fit in with the core message”. 
With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Dad 
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badmuni · 2 years
↺ jake as a boyfriend ↻
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jake is hard to get.
there are specific things that attract him—mystery, confidence, good manners, etc.
but he only goes to what he thinks it's good for his heart
for what is secure.
so it took a while to him actually fall in love
you would know each other through mutual friends.
at first he seemed distant and uninterested, and then one day, jake became too giggly around you...
he couldn't look away from you, and even if no one laughed at your joke, he would be laughing like he was in some kind of stand-up comedy show (lol)
jake started to approach slowly. he's not the type to be extravagant so he just tried to show you parts of him he doesn't show anyone else
and he would hope you to like him for who he is
because, jake is deeper than he could be proud of.
he believes in unconditional love—you love me not just for who i appear to be, but for who i really am, even the bad parts.
he would feel like he was in heaven if you confessed to him first
in his mind there would be many questions like, “is this real? are we in love with each other? is this really reciprocal?”
jake needs demonstrations, as much as he gives
so he loves it when you—remember facts about him, talks about a future with him, look at his eyes, praises his apparency, or the way he is;
on his side it's pretty much fair—he gives you all the attention, the touches, not even caring about people around, he holds you close and cares only about how you feel;
he's a compassionate lover.
jake feels almost like dying if you have to stay away from him for too long
because he cares about you a lot
he thinks if something happens to you he has to be around
to be able to console you, calm you down, make you smile.
he values ​​the emotional connection a lot
the heart to heart thing ~
sometimes he looks at you and almost... can read your mind
it's that famous "soulmates telepathy" thing
jake just loves love you, and he wants to learn all the ways he can do this.
by the way jake is very good at balancing things
even if the situation is very chaotic, he can easily change the weather because of his good energy
he has this habit of being playful—sometimes the way he talks things sounds like he's just bluffing, even when the subject is serious
like marriage stuff, he talks about it like he's just joking about it
like when one time, you were at a wedding for some of jake's family, and he just said excitedly out of the blue, “woah y/n i'm having so much fun... give sometime and it will be us at our wedding, dancing in the middle of the hall and dying of embarrassment for it.”
sometimes you don't know if you should laugh or....
but it's not like he can't be serious
in fact he is serious about many things
so you would end up arguing several times
nothing too much, but jake really likes coming to an mutual agreement. he doesn't want to end the discussion until you've both agreed on something. he doesn't like that "one is winning" everyone has to win in the end.
so he sounds calm most of the time—in fact, very few things make him lose his temper
but if we're going to talk about jealousy, it's kind of impossible to talk about it in a partial way when it comes to him
jake...um...he's just really jealous.
and he has many fears about it
so it's like, he never lets his guard down on his jealousy
he is extremely attentive to other people's intentions towards you
to the point where he would never want to leave you alone in social gatherings
he hates it when another man (or woman) tries something on you, and he would never hesitate to respond to them
jake might even end up being daring
“can't you see they're not interested? i'm right here, and believe me, they don't need another date”
words of affirmation are NECESSARY.
(at this point, i think all enha boys needs loving words to keep going😴)
jake needs proof of love to make him feel better about all the jealousy he feels
because it's not something he can control
even if he tries, he still has certain insecurities...
he is afraid that one day you will wake up and not feel anything for him anymore
and just leave... for someone else
this seems like a lot, but it's at that level.
other than that, jake is so chill
he is always willing to do anything you want, even if you want to skydive or whatever
his love for you makes him do many things, he can't help it.
it is also necessary to emphasize how much he likes to keep the touch
you can call it clingy by the way
because it is but he doesn't care...
jake is willing to trade affections any time you want. even when he's in a bad mood, because these affections actually lift his mood. so don't think if he's feeling bad he'll want some alone time, in fact he'll want to be closer even more.
overall, jake is a sensitive, passionate and dedicated boyfriend
cares about you all the way;
attentive to your feelings and always trying to keep himself around.
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# masterlist
© badmuni | 2023
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Hi! Hello! Welcome to Tokyo debunker fandom! I just saw your post abt sharing or asking for ideas , so if it was not an ask feel free to ignore it !
My biggest frustration is MC especially the vagastorme ep (I donthqte Leo because he's Leo I hate him cause th game wouldn't let me answer to him the way I wanttt ugh)
. I get that Devs are attempting a character fits all approach (would have been better if we had more choices for types of Players but alas)
My ask is: what type of what kind of personality would each of the characters be drawn into? For current MC I think she'd be more compatible with Mido,rui , Haku ,subaru,luca ...aka guys with more patience for the more tough guys ot's eother gonna be bery slow burn as in cooking on a candle kinda slow cause she needs to be more assertive (not the stubborn , angry kinda assertive , but the stop your attitude kinda assertive ) what do you think?
Also welcome again to he fandom! May you get the characters you want (I'm still trying to get Haku but no success 😭)
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request (and the official welcome to the fandom)! I had to break this one up into a few different posts separating the characters into their houses but I'll link them all here. I hope you like the headcanons!
What's Your Type? - Frostheim Edition
Fandom: Tokyo Debunker
Characters: Jin Kamurai, Thoma Ishibashi, Lucas Errant, Kaito Fuji x gn! Reader
Frostheim | Vagastrom | Jabberwock | Sinostra | Hotarubi | Obscuary | Mortkranken
What sort of personality are the characters drawn to?
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Jin is drawn to someone with a strong enough personality that they can withstand his abrasive nature. Someone with a backbone.
At the same time, he doesn’t mind people who will do what he tells them to, no questions asked. Sometimes following orders on a dime is a matter of life and death.
He’s drawn to people who have high self esteem and good self confidence. Jin can be rough with his words sometimes and his partner needs to be able to withstand that to a certain extent.
I think he would also be drawn to someone who knows what they want in life and is willing to work for it. It would be nice if they weren’t afraid to ask for help from him on occasion as well. It makes him feel needed and wanted.
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Thoma is drawn to hard workers. He’s got a busy life himself so he needs someone who’s used to a fast paced day.
He also needs someone loyal and passionate in his life. He seems to have a lot of conflicting loyalties, including loyalty to himself so he needs to be able to trust whoever he’s in a relationship with.
I can see him being drawn to someone who is quick witted and has some degree of intelligence. Whether it’s book smarts or street smarts, he doesn’t have a preference, just so long as they’re able to demonstrate intelligence.
He would also be drawn to someone who is observant and empathetic. Someone who can recognise the signs of burnout and give him a helping hand when it's needed.
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Luca’s a tricky one. I see him as someone who falls for someone slowly based on their personality and actions rather than seeing a few things and being drawn to someone.
I do see him being drawn to loyalty and honesty. These are both traits he values highly in himself and others so it’s necessary that his romantic partner has them as well.
Luca would also be drawn to people who speak their mind. He’s not the best at social cues so being with someone who can say how they’re feeling clearly means a lot to him.
A mothering personality would also attract Luca. He’s a bit of a mum friend himself but it’s nice being on the receiving end sometimes.
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Okay, we’ve got to address the elephant in the room for this one. Kaito is definitely going to be drawn to appearance initially. If you’re conventionally attractive, he’s going to be fawning over you.
Personality wise, he’d be attracted to someone who enjoys having fun. As long as that fun’s not life threatening, he’s happy to tag along and have some fun too.
I see Kaito as someone who would also be drawn to someone who has a lot of energy. He’s got the reserves to keep up and he enjoys seeing people making the most of life.
Kindness is another thing that draws Kaito to people. If you’ve got a soft heart, he’ll find himself wanting to make sure he’s the person you think of most fondly.
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klausysworld · 1 year
Are request still open and if they are can you make a Klaus Mikaelson one shot the girl is Tyler Lockwood sister and she hates Klaus so she rejects him as her mate but at the end she accepts him so like fluff at the end
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What are you doing to me?
Finding out your mated to the all powerful original hybrid who ruined your brothers like and forced him to become half vampire while also terrorising your childhood friends and what not isn’t exactly at the top of my bucket list.
Him being a willing participant when it came to the whole ‘soulmate’ arrangement was also not meant to be in the cards.
When I realised we were mates I was 99% sure he would immediately reject me as a mate. As strong as a soulmate makes you, it will also always be your greatest weakness. I would be able to kill him far easier than anyone else and I was certain he would want to kill me first.
So him leaving me expensive gifts was…unexpected to say the least.
Detailed drawings of wolves and the full moon in the sky with a poem hand written on the back had my heart fluttering in ways that I should not have enjoyed.
But he had destroyed my brothers and the people I consider my family’s lives.
And so, despite the utter agony I was inflicting on both him and myself, I rejected him as my mate.
It’s a rare thing for wolves to reject their one, the side affects are awful in a way to force your mind into reconsidering.
The crippling pain was emotionally tormenting and physically exhausting. After the initial rejection I was barely able to leave my bed, eat, drink, I barely spoke a word and each time I fell asleep I was haunted by a similar image of Klaus.
Damon had messaged me letting me know Klaus had been out of sight for nearly 3 weeks after.
The pain lingered, never truly gone but it had dimmed. Though a sharp pain would shoot through me when he was too close, when the bond knew I was purposely ignoring him, and i could always see him wince at the same time.
The few times I didn’t shove him away, well I felt much better. He brought peace to my wolfs inner battle between soulmate and family because in reality I knew that he was both. I was just too afraid to admit it fully.
Though I couldn’t help but occasionally step a tad bit closer to him, to feel the warm buzz that ran through my bloodstream.
He was a lot less subtle though.
Often, as soon as his wolf sensed mine approaching he was all over me. Hands would be rubbing up and down my arms, his lips on my neck in a desperate instinctual need to mark me. And what was worse was that my wolf was all the more compliant and for a few wonderful seconds I could indulge in the blissful sensations. My head back, hands firmly gripping his henley and moans leaving my lips, my wolf having the desire to present myself in a truly embarrassing fashion.
Though he would always push it a tad too far, a grope to my ass, his canines about to pierce my skin, and I would be pushing him away. My wolf panting as I nearly tripped over my own two feet to get away from him while ignoring the intense feeling of my heart being squeezed unpleasantly.
I always managed to just scrape past him.
Suffering alone in my room again at the recurring torture of rejecting a mate.
His continued flow of presents didn’t help either, only made me feel worse seeing effort put into paintings of me and my wolf. He hadn’t turned into a hybrid, not yet at least, he probably knew that would be my last straw and id maim him.
But I knew he had followed my wolf on the full moons, I always woke with brand new clothes beside me, lead on a cotton blanket with a pillow under head and the snapping of twigs in the distance as he walked away.
And even though I should have said absolutely not when he personally delivered an invitation to his family’s ball, with those stupid puppy dog eyes, I couldn’t bring myself to.
“Please love, just one dance and if you don’t like it…then I’ll leave you be and accept your decision” as soon as the words left his mouth, both our souls twisted in agony making my teeth grind.
“Fine, just one” I whispered and he nodded, pulling me into a quick hug to calm down both our pain. Which it did like water on a fire, entirely putting out the flames and leaving us calm and quiet.
And then the dress arrived at my door, with matching shoes and accessories and I realised I actually had to do this.
Walking into his house sent a chill down my spine, my body felt much warmer and my wolf was howling inside me.
A hand on my shoulder had me whimpering softly making an arm wrap around my waist and pull me aside to another room.
“Shh love, we don’t want the rest of the guests hearing such lovely sounds” klaus murmured into my ear and I pressed against him, a small moan leaving my lips.
“This is too much for you isn’t it my love?” He whispered, his hand tilting my head making me look up at him.
The entire house smelt like him, I had seen parts of it in the dreams of him when he was suffering from my rejection. Which now intensified my guilt, my emotions were running haywire. I was in his home; I was in the wolf’s den.
Without thinking my hands tugged at his blazer, pushing it down his arms before my fingers began to pull his shirt open
“Woah love, it’s alright” he muttered, his hands grabbed mine and before I could blink we were outside. The cold air cooled down my boiling skin as I panted and he stroked my hair away from my face
“There we go, it’s okay” he cooed, the back of his hand pressing against my forehead.
“I hate this stupid bond” I whispered, covering my face.
“I know love…we can have our dance another time, I’ll take you home” he uttered, his tone was sad and my heart ached again.
“Stop it” I whispered “please stop it”
“Stop what love? What’s wrong?”
“Make it stop fucking hurting! I rejected you weeks, months ago! Why does it still hurt!? What are you doing to me?” I whispered, tears filling my eyes and spilling over. I looked up at him to see him in a similar state though no tears had fallen from his eyes yet.
His hand moved to cup my face and I couldn’t help but lean into it.
“It will only stop hurting us when you truly reject me. Somewhere, inside you, you still haven’t truly given up on the idea. You either have to reject the bond once and for all or accept me” he explained softly
“I would’ve been able to reject you if you left me alone. You kept sending all those things and being so kind, you did this to me” I whimpered
“I wouldn’t have done that if I couldn’t feel your soul still reaching for mine” he uttered “I would never intentionally harm you”
I let out a quiet sob as my soul pleaded for his.
I leaned forward so my head could press against his chest, my eyes closing at the content feeling that rose in me. I could feel myself giving into the bond, our souls slowly binding together. His hand held the back of my head, I could hear his heart speeding up as mine mimicked it.
His other hand moved around my waist, pulling me to him. “Good girl” he whispered “you’ll feel so much better now” he reassured “I promise I’ll make it better now sweetheart”
He kissed my head softly, his hand rubbing my back “let the bond form my love” he encouraged.
I focused on the connection trying to relight the candle.
I could feel the second it happened, my knees growing too weak to stand making him chuckle quietly and wrap both arms around me. He lifted me so my face could be right infront of his, prompting me to lean forward and press our lips together.
Our souls entwined as we did so, endless amounts of passion poured into one act.
The silent appreciation that this was real and it was only just the beginning.
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black-dragon1998 · 4 months
Lone wolf Chapter 12
Summary: Clarke and Y/N resove their fight.
Notes: Trying to get back into writing for this story.
previous chapters: part 1- part 2- part 3- part 4- part 5- part 6- part 7- part 8 - part 9- part 10-part11
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Clarke quickly approached your joined tent, hoping you were there. When she only saw Lexa and Madi, her heart sank. Lexa could see the distress on Clarke's face as she neared the tent. What had happened, and where were you?
"Clarke, hodness. What happened?" It was hard for Lexa not to run to her distressed wife, but Lexa had an image to uphold in unfriendly territory. When Clarke was inside the safety of their tent, she couldn't hold back any longer, so she pulled Clarke close to her with the arm that wasn't holding Madi. Clarke couldn't stop her tears when she felt Lexa pull her closer, missing you.
"Lexa, I did something stupid." Clarke sobbed into Lexa's shoulder.
"It's okay, Clarke, I have you. Whatever happened, I'm sure we can talk about it." Lexa tried to reassure her wife. The three of you had had your arguments before, and they were usually resolved quickly.
"no, Lexa! You don't understand. I have never seen (Y/N) look at me like that."
"Clarke, sweetheart. Tell me what happened from the beginning. Cause you aren't making any sense." Lexa said while leading Clarke toward a chair so she could sit. Madi immediately hugged Clarke the moment she sat down.
"hugs, mommy. Mama says hugs make everything better." Madi looked up at Clarke with a toothy smile. Clarke managed to give a tear-filled smile back. You had been right. Had anyone else caused this commotion, Clarke wouldn't have thought twice about your reaction.
After a couple of deep breaths, Clarke got her breathing under control. She hugged Madi tightly. Lexa, who had watched Clarke run through all the emotions, sat beside her wife as Clarke told her story through hiccups and tears. Lexa listened. It wasn't Lexa's place to choose a side. She just wanted everybody to be safe at home again.
Lexa suggested giving you some time. That way, both you and Clarke could calm down. So when you return, both of you can have a calm conversation. If there was one thing Lexa knew for certain, you loved her and Clarke.
Madi, who hadn't understood the conversation her mothers had been having, just sat there. The thing Madi did understand was that her mommy was sad and that her mama was gone. Seeing her mommy so sad made Madi want to do something about it. Maybe if she found you, you could come and give Mommy your hugs. They always made her feel better.
Sneaking outside, Madi immediately went to the three who would help her. Winter, Rain and Wood were close to the tent and got up when they noticed Madi approaching them. For them, Madi was the pack's pup and needed protection.
"We have to find mama. Mommy sad." Madi walked into the woods, surrounded by the three dire wolves. The wolves immediately tried to locate the scent of their master and started to lead Madi in that direction.
You had cooled off a little after your argument with your wife. You weren't able to go back to the tent just yet. So, you sat on a log and reviewed your emotions and thoughts. You Weren't mad at Clarke. Your feelings got the best of you after a hard couple of days. You also knew Clarke was under much stress, and your clashes with Bellamy weren't helping.
Sitting there for a few minutes, you notice someone approaching you. You ready yourself for whatever it is that comes through the clearing.
"Madi?" Hearing your voice, Madi ran toward you and flung herself at you.
"mama! Found you." You looked her over for any injury she could have gotten while walking through the woods. When you didn't see anything, you looked her in the eyes.
"what are you doing here? Do Mommy or nomon know you are here?" you knew the answer already. No way would your wives let Madi walk through the woods alone. Madi, however, seemed to be concerned about other things.
"mama! Mommy, sad. Sorry. Needs you." Madi wiggled herself out of your hold and pulled you toward the camp. When you didn't follow, Madi looked up at you with a pretty impressive glare. Clarke would be so proud.
"mama! Mommy cried." That did break your heart. Lexa nor Clarke cried easily. Meaning she must be feeling pretty big emotions. Sucking up your feelings, you pick Madi up and start walking toward the rest of your family.
When Clarke spotted you walking toward her, she flings herself at you. She was starting to apologize profusely. You let her ramble for a moment while holding her close.
"It's okay, Clarke. We were both at fault. I shouldn't have let my temper get the best of me and should also have considered your feelings. I get more territorial around certain Skaikru." You kissed Clarke on the forehead before kissing her on the lips. You feel her sag against you and hold her closer. Out of the corner of your eyes, you spot Lexa smiling. Reaching out for her, Lexa picks up Madi and joins the embrace.
"I love the three of you so much." You confess. Having this rare moment of vulnerability reserved for your family.
You and Clarke eat dinner before taking a quick bath and turning in for the night. Agreeing that you would be taking a more back-seated role in the negotiations, limiting your contact with the Skaikru. Your best warriors would still shadow Lexa and Clarke. That was the only condition you had.
part 13
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coloursflyaway · 4 months
A Little Of That Human Touch
Pairing: Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland
Rating: T
Word Count: 1.600
Read on AO3
I got this lovely little prompt from @musicismagic-writes: Charles and Edwin finish a really tough case that knocks one of their confidence (don't mind who because I'd read either), and the other spends some time lifting their spirits (pun absolutely intended!). Could be platonic but even cooler if it turns into a moment of realisation for Charles.
And we all know that there is nothing platonic about any of it.
The case had sucked, Charles doesn’t really know how else to put it, and to be honest, he doesn’t think he has the strength to even try anymore.
It’s nothing new that cases with children just grate on him in a way that might have to do more with his own past than with what actually happened, but this time, it’s even worse, because it doesn’t even feel like they helped. Because Charles knows the red tint hell gives everything around when it opens up to swallow a soul, and while they were able to help their client move on, it isn’t them Charles is still thinking about as he slumps down on the sofa, feeling so tired it’s like he still had his physical body.
Instead, it’s the teenager who had beat their client to death, who knew nothing but violence from his home and chose to spread it all around him, and God, does Charles hate it. They should have been able to save him, he knows that deep down in his bones, even if he can see in Edwin’s eyes that the best person in the world doesn’t agree with him.
“Charles”, that very best person in the world says now, and sits down next to him, close enough that their thighs touch. Edwin rarely initiates any kind of physical touch, so this means something, and Charles is glad for it, even if that something is most likely that he is being an idiot.
“You couldn’t have saved him”, Edwin tells him with a certainty that Charles sometimes wishes he could borrow. “Could’ve tried harder, couldn’t I?”
“Absolutely not.” Edwin turns around slightly to face him, and he looks like it isn’t something he believes in, but something he knows. Like that the sky is blue and the sea is deep and that Charles would bring him back from hell if he ever ended up there again, even if he had to burrow his way there with his teeth and fingernails.
He looks like someone Charles shouldn’t be allowed to call anything, least of all his best friend.
“Charles, I mean it”, Edwin insists when there is no answer, which is really sweet and Charles appreciates it, but also kind of hard to believe when Charles can close his eyes and see that poor kid’s snarl turn into fear when he heard Hell approach. “We did our best. You did.”
“Doesn’t feel like it, though.” Charles forces a smile to his lips; if there is anything he doesn’t want, it’s to worry Edwin. “And it still sucks, doesn’t it?” “That it does”, Edwin admits, but his eyes are soft and it’s enough to drive at least a bit of the exhaustion from Charles’ limbs. “Is there anything I can do to make it better?”
Charles wants to shake his head, but Edwin is faster, puts a hand on Charles’ knee and gives it a little squeeze. “Let me try”, he says, and Charles can’t do anything but nod.
“Is there anything you need?”, Edwin asks when he doesn’t get more of an answer, and Charles response is immediate.
You, he thinks, and the thought is a surprise and the most natural thing in the world at the same time. But there is no time to unpack it, even if Charles is reeling with it, even it feels like a revelation, like something he has always known.
So, he shakes his head, and Edwin tilts his head just so, as if he is trying to figure something out; for the first time in forever, Charles isn’t certain if he wants him to.
A moment passes, and then, under the breath he doesn’t need anymore, Edwin mutters, “Oh, sod it.” And he pulls Charles into a hug, which might not be a first but definitely is a rare occurrence, and Charles feels himself melt into the embrace even before his body has realised what is happening.
There is a sigh on his lips that he cannot swallow down fast enough; he breathes it out, which causes Edwin’s arms to tighten around him even further, and Charles’ head slots into the curve between Edwin’s shoulder and neck like it belongs there. The more Charles thinks about it, the more certain he is that it does.
“Thank you”, he mumbles, half into Edwin’s collar, half against his skin, making Edwin shiver in the process. “Think I needed that.” “I know you did”, Edwin answers, and his voice bears a smile, a tremble, an affection so deep it spans Earth and Heaven and Hell and anything in between. “As did I.”
And he holds Charles tighter still.
“It’s just difficult sometimes”, Charles says like he is answering a question Edwin has yet to ask, and Edwin nods next to him. “Like, I know why we do this, I am glad that we are doing it, but sometimes there’s these moments when I wish we could just… not. Do something else instead.”
“Something else?”, Edwin asks, his voice soft and almost amused and so, so close. “What would you like to do?” “I don’t know”, Charles replies, because he has never really thought about it, has he? It’s more of a vague, shadowy what-if than anything that has been given shape, more a feeling than a fantasy. “We could haunt a museum, you would like that. Or a concert venue. I would like that. Or we could just, you know. Hang out.”
A soft chuckle, and Edwin’s hand slides up along Charles’ spine, leaving a trail of pleasant, warm buzzing in its wake. It’s not quite touch, but it’s a good enough substitute. “And we would still be together?”
“Of course. I told you before, you’re stuck with me”, Charles answers, and it’s not really a decision he makes, it’s just something that happens: he presses a kiss to the side of Edwin’s jaw, short and sweet.
Edwin sucks in an unnecessary breath and then pulls away, an act that almost pains Charles, whose head is swimming, because this is not them, or at least hasn’t been them until now. “Charles…”, Edwin whispers, and he sounds fragile, like Charles could break him in half with a wrong glance, a word. It makes Charles want to hug him again, tuck him close under his chin and never let him go again.
“Of course we would do it together”, he repeats himself, almost sounding defiant to his own ears, because suddenly, he needs Edwin to know this so deeply that he never has to ask again. “I’m not letting you go, am I?”
For a moment, Edwin looks like he wants to say something, maybe just Charles’ name, maybe something else entirely, but then, seeming like he might not even be aware of it, he leans in. It’s the smallest movement, one that Charles might not even have caught if they weren’t so close, or he wasn’t this in tune with Edwin, but he does. Even if Edwin stops himself almost immediately. Almost, Charles thinks, too quickly.
A moment in which they are almost suspended in time, and then a thought appears in Charles head, cloaked in soft light and bright affection and the dimmest hint of surprise.
“Did you… do you want to kiss me?”, he asks before the thought has time to disappear again, before the courage can, and Edwin’s eyes go so wide, so helpless, so beautiful.
He stays silent for a little, while Charles just watches him: the paleness of his skin, the plush pink of his lips, the curve of his eyebrows, and the warmth of his gaze.
“Yes”, he finally whispers and it feels like he is confessing all over again, only that this time, Charles thinks he knows an answer. “Very much so.”
His heart should be beating hard and fast and overwhelming, Charles thinks, only that he has no heart left; the physical one long since rotted, the metaphorical one long since given away.
“Well, go on, then”, he tells Edwin, and watches something bloom behind those green eyes. It’s hopeful and surprised and scared, all at the same time, and Charles knows in an instant that he’ll carry that look with him for the rest of his existence.
“Are you certain?”, Edwin asks, his voice trembling, “Charles, you have to be certain. I couldn’t take it if you weren’t.”
“Of course I am. I wouldn’t do this to you, not if I wasn’t sure”, Charles replies and he didn’t know it five minutes ago, but he is. He is as sure about it as he is that the sky is blue and the sea is deep and that he would bring Edwin back from hell if he ever ended up there again, even if he had to burrow his way there with his teeth and fingernails. “You said you wanted to make me feel better, right? So, go on.”
Edwin is still watching him like he thinks Charles might disappear into thin air, so Charles quirks an eyebrow, before he reaches up to put his hand on the side of Edwin’s face, thumb caressing the soft skin there. It looks like it belongs there, feels like it, too.
And slowly, ever so slowly, Edwin leans in once more, only that this time, Charles knows to meet him halfway.
Edwin’s lips are soft and sweet and slot into place against Charles’ so easily it feels like they have done this a thousand times before; they move with the inexperience Charles expected and it’s intoxicating, it’s everything he could ask for. Softly, gently, because it still feels like he might scare Edwin away, Charles uses the hand he has on Edwin’s cheek to change the angle of their kiss, licking into his mouth and wishing desperately he could taste Edwin on his tongue, drink down his essence, fuse them together until where one begins is where the other ends.
And then Edwin half gasps, half moans against his lips and Charles presses closer, thinks that maybe not even that would be enough.
And then presses closer still.
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pinazee · 4 months
And down the stretch comes murder
I wanted to take this moment to highlight the adorable child actors they got- Liam James and Carlos McCullers II. They are so perfectly cast as Shawn and Gus and they do such an amazing job! Im so impressed by them 👏👏
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The whole spitball incident really highlights the differences between Shawn and Gus’ ethics. Shawn feels guilty for thinking he got the wrong spitter and ruined Jimmys life while Gus actually did it and feels no remorse at all. Perhaps it’s because Jimmy tortured Gus more, but it’s also come up a few other times i believe, that Gus is not above revenge nor is always willing to do the right thing if it interferes with his safety or his own code of justice, whereas with Shawn it’s like he can’t rest until he’s made things right. This, in addition to the ways he looks out for people (helping Lassie solve a case without him knowing, helping juliet find some kids without getting paid, standing between Gus and a gun), I think is why i tend to be more drawn to Shawn. I love tender-hearted morally just characters. Im not saying he’s always riding the high horse (pun intended), simply that at the end of the day you know he’s going to do the right thing. Don’t get me wrong, i love a morally ambiguous character too, and if I’m honest Gus’s outlook is certainly more realistic, but if i had to pick a favorite, i want the reliably good and wholesome over the self-serving. Not that im saying Gus is selfish at all, but of the two Shawns more our hero, even compared to his own cop father. I think Juliet is the only one who comes closest to matching that above and beyond heroism. I think the only reason she’s a step below is because Shawn simply notices others more. Thats all. If Juliet had Shawns abilities she’d be just as on top of it as him, probably more so. Actually she might get overwhelmed by seeing it all and not being able to help everyone. I think it’d be really hard for her to ignore sometimes. Which, okay I’m going down a tangent, but do you think Shawn had to learn to shut it off sometimes or like, learn to walk away? Cause i imagine day to day Shawn’s seeing people dealing with grief, abuse, or pain and with as kind as he is, it must be hard for him to ignore. Like if you’ve ever seen Daredevil, I’m imagining a less dramatic version of that haha
Henry will take any opportunity to point out Shawns failings or try to make him feel less than. Shawn tells him he’s there for a case and instead of asking him about it, Henry goes right back into you never could be a good handicapper because you lack the patience and follow-through it takes to put the time in and research. Also, the line “i let him talk to me” just doesn’t sit right with me even if the guy did turn out to be a skeeve. This kind of stuff makes me think Shawn either learned how to respect people from his mother or refused to treat people like his father. Probably both, though i hate to give her credit for anything haha
Look at his smile when he sees Lassie feed the horse. He’s so warmly amused by him. I wasn’t a Shassie shipper originally (as i just didn’t ship ppl in ye olden days) but i think I am now. I see it guys, I get it haha
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These scenes are what makes the episode for me! I love them! We get to see both Shawns interacting and how he utilizes his vast memory, taking a peak into his mind palace so to speak. Plus he literally answered that common question of if you could go back in time what would you tell your younger self? (“Think big!”) I know they never really intended for this to be like a deep scene (nor expected certain fans to overanalyze it haha) but i like how he approaches the kid version of himself with a certain degree of amusement. Like I imagine if i was seeing my young self I’d probably be rolling my eyes at my sheer stupidity, but Shawns a lot kinder to himself haha Also little Shawns line “I thought I’d be bald by 20” was fucking gold! I wish I had better words for why this works so well but all i have is that it does and its brilliant.
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Nice try Psych, your Canada is showing ;)
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Heres some completely irrelevant info. The difference between a dreamcicle and a creamcicle: both are orange flavored, but dreamsicles had an ice milk center while a creamsicle was ice cream. And dreamsicles are no longer made.
I like this addition to the background. Its so cute. (Sidenote: this screenshot makes it seem like Shawn is the babyfaced assassin)
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P.S This is the second episode ive seen him hold this frog. That is all.
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