#i feel totally normal about this show obviously
qveerthe0ry · 2 days
Naked in Manhattan
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Summary: Marcus has never slept with a man, Dieter's willing to remedy that - written for @romanarose Pride Event Week 3: Sex/kissing Word Count: 7,730 Pairing: (college aged) Marcus Pike x Dieter Bravo Rating: 18+ mdni Warnings: coming out, discussions of sexuality, brief mentions of homophobia, oral sex(m), (lots of) hickeys, frottage, cum eating, armpit stuff Betas: OBVIOUSLY @for-a-longlongtime and @perotovar the loves of my life 💖A/N: I highly suggest listening to Naked in Manhattan by Chappell Roan before/while reading this. Totally got the vibes of this entire fic by listening to it on a walk one day
Dieter’s learned a lot in his five and a half years of college. Not really much about statistics or geology, but about people. He’s been around long enough to know that the sad little guy on his front porch steps, avoiding the party, and chain smoking cigarettes is having a rough go of it. 
“Hey buddy,” Dieter says, quietly, as not to startle the slumped figure. 
Marcus looks up at him through misty eyes and a cloud of stale Winston smoke.
He’s not crying, but he’s definitely crying for help.
“You okay?” 
Dieter takes a seat on the step below him.
“Yeah, fine. Just needed air.”
Marcus gestures with the cigarette in his hand, then huffs out a laugh at the irony. 
“You’ve been getting drunk a lot lately.”
Maybe Dieter shouldn’t pry. It’s not unusual for his rented house to be filled with students coming and going at all hours of the day, between classes on weekdays or all day on the weekends. The cheap beer just shows up, as does the weed, and he doesn’t usually question it. 
But he’s closer to Marcus. So he notices more. He usually only sees him here on weekends. During the week he’s commonly found in the library or the student union, books sprawled out in front of him. He’s driven, pre-law, and has a better head on his shoulders than most people he hangs with. 
But Marcus has been at his place every night this week, either stumbling home in the wee hours of the morning or sleeping late on his couch or floor. It concerns Dieter in a way that surprises him. 
Usually it’s none of his business. 
“I haven’t had a sip,” Marcus tells him. 
And his voice doesn’t have that sharp, defensive tone Dieter was expecting. It’s more defeated than anything. 
“Yeah but what about last night?” 
Marcus shrugs. 
“And the night before? And every other night this week?”
“Just having fun,” Marcus mumbles through another drag of his cigarette. 
Dieterlooks around at his empty porch.
“Are you?” 
Then Marcus laughs. It bubbles up out of him in an almost terrifying way, and damn near immediately turns into sobs hidden behind his hands. 
“Fuck, dude, are you tripping?”
Marcus shakes his head. Dieter didn’t think so. He’s strictly an alcohol guy, won’t even touch weed. Something about the FBI and polygraph tests. Dieter finds it charming if not a bit manic. 
He keeps crying though, so hard he has to flick his cigarette out onto the dimly lit street so he can rub at his eyes. 
Dieter’s not sure what to do. Normally he’d offer someone drugs, but that won’t work. 
His hand hovers over Marcus’ shaking back for a few moments before he rests a heavy palm between his shoulder blades. 
He can feel the way Marcus’ breath shudders out of him, and tells him to start taking slow breaths. When it works, Dieter’s kind of amazed at how great he is at damage control. 
“That’s it man, just breathe.” 
Marcus nods, finally removes his hands from his face. He’s always been pretty in a very preppy way, with his perfect hair and teeth and his little dimples. He looks even prettier now, as much as Dieter kicks himself for that thought. His face is red and wet and his brown eyes are wider than they’ve ever been before. 
A few deep breaths in through his nose and out his mouth later, Marcus is sufficiently calm enough to speak. 
“I’m sorry.”
Dieter waves him off. 
“Don’t be. Looks like it felt good, I might have a cry later too.”
Marcus lets out a wet chuckle and shuts his eyes as one last salty little droplet brushes past his long eyelashes. 
“Everything okay at home? You’re not failing a class, are you?”
“No, no, nothing like that. It’s stupid.” 
“Girl problems?” 
Marcus laughs again, and Dieter startles a little, afraid he’s going to start back up sobbing at any moment. 
He doesn’t though. He’s quiet and avoiding Dieter’s gaze as he frantically gets another cigarette from his pack and lights it up. 
Dieter thinks he’s hit the nail on the head until Marcus takes a long drag of his cigarette and exhales. 
“I’m fucking gay.” 
Dieter opens his mouth in shock, or understanding, or maybe to try and say something, but Marcus continues. 
“This whole time I’ve been gay. I don’t even— I’ve had so many girlfriends. I think they’re just nice. I’ve never— I fucking hated sleeping with them. I thought it was because it was awkward, and we’re all inexperienced? It sucked, Dieter. And I thought all guys were curious about other guys, you know? They all talk about their dicks with each other, since middle school. I just thought— and then there’s this guy… in my intro to psych class. And he’s so nice and handsome and I just always want to hang out with him. And I didn’t know why. But I want to kiss him. And I never felt that way about any of my girlfriends. And now I realize I’ve just— I’ve just been gay this whole time.”
He’s out of breath when he quits talking, but he sucks down more of his cigarette anyway. Dieter isn’t quite sure what to say to him. Usually when someone comes out to him, it’s in a less… frantic manner, more proud than anything. But this poor freshman has been on a gay crisis bender all week and is more than a little traumatized by all of it, and it’s just different with Marcus. 
“That’s um… Sounds like you’ve been going through a rough time with it.” 
Marcus sniffles and nods. 
“Been through all five or whatever stages of grief already. It’s been a long week.” 
“Are you… Upset? That you’re gay?” 
Marcus’ head lolls back to thump against the porch railing. 
“No… I’m more upset that I didn't figure it out until now.” 
“You’re still plenty young, Marcus. You’re what— nineteen?”
“Eighteen. Skipped a grade.”
Jesus. Dieter feels even worse now about thinking he’s pretty when he cries. 
“See? You’re a spring chicken, dude. You figured it out plenty quick.” 
“When did you know?” 
Dieter chews on his lip, considers lying just for Marcus’ sake, but decides against it. 
“I pretty much always knew, honestly. But I mean— I was weird anyway, you know? Never really fit in or felt I had to play a certain part or be a certain way. It just made sense. Also, my dad always said I was as queer as a three dollar bill so… that helped.” 
Dieter steals the cigarette between Marcus’ fingers to take a drag himself. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“Nothing to be sorry for, man,” Dieter tells him. 
Marcus stares at where Dieter’s lips wrap around his cigarette for a bit too long, and Dieter hands it back, if only to try and stop whatever it is that’s bound to happen next. 
But Marcus takes another drag himself, and his tongue peeks out to wet his bottom lip, and Dieter has never been called strong-willed. 
“What’s it like?” 
“To be with a guy? What’s it like?” 
Dieter shrugs. 
“Depends on the guy.” 
Marcus sighs. 
“Are you uh— how do you like… it?” 
“Are you asking if I’m a top or a bottom?” 
Marcus’s face flushes a cute color in the yellow of the porch lights. 
“Both,” Dieter shrugs, “but I haven’t really done that with a lot of guys. Kind of a hassle, you know?” 
Marcus nods, but then his brow quirks up in question. 
“What do you mean? What do you— what do you do, then?” 
Dieter chuckles. 
“All kinds of things, babe.” 
He watches Marcus’ breath catch, the little stutter of his chest. 
“Would you show me?” 
Dieter rolls his eyes to distract them both from the fact that he really, really wants to. 
“C’mon, man. You don’t wanna fool around with me. I’m a loser. Go find a pretty finance boy to shack up with.” 
Maybe he’s less weak-willed than he thought. 
Marcus’ shoulders slump again, and christ, though, is he supposed to just let him leave like a kicked puppy? 
“There’s no intro to psych guy.”
It’s quiet, mumbled around his cigarette, and his eyes won’t leave his feet. 
“It’s you, okay? You’re my— gay awakening, or whatever. Why do you think I’ve been here all week?”
Dieter’s heart is hammering against his chest at that admission. This was not how he figured his Friday night would go.
“Free beer?” 
His joke doesn’t land. Marcus rolls his eyes. 
“It’s not like… I’m not like in love with you or anything. I just… always wanna see you. And you’re— well, you know. You’re hot. And you’re really nice to everyone. And I get this… I feel so weird when I’m around you, like, nauseous. Fuck, I’m sorry.” 
Marcus flicks yet another cigarette to the curb and makes to get up, but before Dieter can think better of it, he grips him on the shoulder to keep him seated. 
“That’s… actually really sweet, Marcus.” 
He scoffs, hides his face in his hands, and it’s so cute Dieter can’t help but smile. 
“Really— Usually people just want to fuck me, or use me for drugs.” 
Marcus groans a little, mortified, and his hands run back to mess up his pristinely styled hair. 
“Buddy, I’m serious. You’re a little charmer.”
Marcus looks up from his lap at that, scratching that neatly buzzed hair on the back of his neck, and his eyes are a little less embarrassed and a little more twinkly.
“You’re just saying that.”
Dieter shakes his head grinning. 
“No, it’s cute. Being genuine is never a bad thing.”
And the thing is, Dieter’s not lying. It’s possibly the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to him. But he’s toeing a very very fine line here, with himself. Because Marcus is so pretty, and so smart, and he’s soft and kind and he’s real but he’s young. 
And Dieter’s just a Super Super Senior, a total burnout, on his way to holding the world record for The Longest College Career. He’s 23 and he’s still undecided and he probably won’t even get  a college degree after all is said and done. 
But Marcus is looking at him with those big brown eyes, watching, calculating. 
“I just— I feel like you wouldn’t judge me. If I did the wrong thing. You know?”
“I wouldn’t. Anyone who would isn’t worth your time.”
Marcus huffs. Maybe Dieter can still save this. 
“Would you… tell me? What you’d do? What I should do?”
And just like that, Dieter is hopping right over that line with both feet. 
“Kiss me.”
Marcus’ eyes grow even bigger.
“Like, right now? Here?” 
“If you want to. That’s what I’d want you to do, to kiss me right here, like you couldn’t help yourself.”
And Dieter will be damned if he doesn’t do just that, surging forward to grab the sides of his face and press their lips together. 
His lips are so soft, and his face is smooth, and he’s eager, a bit too much, but it only adds to that coincidental charm. Dieter’s left to catch up, as Marcus swipes his tongue along the seam of his mouth and groans. 
Dieter pulls away. Marcus’ mouth gapes open, and his shoulders heave with his fast breaths. 
“You’re so… scruffy.”
Dieter chuckles, wipes Marcus’ spit from his lips and straightens out his mustache. 
“Not good?”
“No, god no, it’s really good.”
And then Marcus smashes their lips together again as a pathetic little sound escapes his throat. Dieter opens his mouth this time, lets Marcus slide his tongue around, a little violent, and this is all a bit too much for some front porch steps, isn’t it?
“Hey,” Dieter says softly, pulling away. 
Marcus’ brows draw up in confusion. 
“Sorry. I’m not a good kisser, am I?”
Dieter sighs, grabs one of Marcus’ hands on his face to link their fingers together. 
“It’s not that,” he says. 
He turns his face to kiss the center of Marcus’ palm and smiles when his breath hitches. 
“You really wanna do this with me?” 
Marcus is nodding before Dieter even finishes speaking. 
“Only if you really want it, too.”
Dieter squeezes his hand. 
“I do, really.”
Marcus smiles the sweetest little smile, and they both stand up, and Dieter doesn’t let his hand go. 
There’s music on in the house, and it smells like weed, and a few people are playing Nintendo in the living room. They don’t pay any mind as Dieter pulls Marcus up to the second floor, down the hall, and into his dimly lit bedroom. 
At least he’s kept it semi-tidy, he thinks, as Marcus looks around while he shuts and locks the door. His bed isn’t made. He’s sure Marcus makes his bed every morning before class. He hopes he doesn’t mind. 
He seems like he’s too nervous to mind, a jittery little thing standing next to his bed. He’s fiddling with the hem of his shirt, staring holes into the stained carpet, when Dieter moves to stand in front of him. 
“Are you nervous?” 
“No. Maybe. I don’t know.”
Dieter grabs both of his hands, and Marcus finally meets his gaze. 
“It’s okay to be nervous. As long as it’s good nervous.” 
He smiles and nods, but the worry in his brow is still there. 
“We won’t do anything you don’t wanna do, okay?”
That seems to soothe him more. 
“Can we kiss again?”
Dieter chuckles. 
“Of course we can.”
Marcus tips over into him, landing at the side of his mouth but quickly correcting course. He licks, but Dieter keeps his mouth shut, goading him to calm down. And he does, slotting his lips around Dieter's bottom one, and everything else slips into place with a soft, satisfied noise from his own chest. 
He lets go of Marcus’ sweaty hands to grab his hips instead, lithe and a little bony. He twitches at the touch, sighs, and presses his lips harder into Dieter’s. His hands search around frantically, jostling them both, until he finds the hem of Dieter’s sweatshirt and gets his hands underneath. 
“Slow,” Dieter mumbles. 
“Not a race, Marcus. Take your time. Enjoy it.” 
Marcus nods, but gapes at him, like he’s not quite sure what to do next. 
“You wanna get comfy? Take your shoes off, sit down?”
Marcus nods again, but with a little direction, takes his shoes off and sits on the bed, criss-cross applesauce like the cutest fucking thing Dieter’s ever seen. 
“I want this to be— I want you to have a good time, feel good. So tell me if you don’t feel good… or if there’s anything you wanna try. Communication is like, super sexy, right?”
Dieter sheds his shoes and his hoodie as he speaks, thinks he catches Marcus’ eyes staring at the spot between his signature pajama pants and his shirt where it rides up. 
“Yeah… like, dirty talk?”
Dieter huffs out a laugh as he sits facing Marcus, crossing his legs, mirroring him to make him as comfortable as possible.
“Could be dirty talk, yeah. But just normal talk, too. It can be hot to talk about things like… how do you like to be touched? Where?” 
Marcus clears his throat and scratches the back of his head with a puzzled look on his face. 
“My— my dick?”
Dieter wants to laugh, but he can’t blame the guy. It sounds like the only experience he’s had so far is rushed fucks with high school sweethearts. 
“Okay, yeah, that’s a good start. So, for me, I like being kissed. Everywhere. I like feeling lips on my jaw and my neck and especially my nipples. You can bite, too.”
Marcus’ eyebrows raise, his plush lips forming a circular shape that Dieter tries and fails not to focus on. 
“Oh, yeah, okay. I— I like that too. I like when it’s… sloppy.”
Dieter hums, smiles, and nods.
“Anything else you like?” 
He watches Marcus bite his bottom lip and trace shapes on the bedsheets between them. 
“I don’t really know.” 
“That’s okay. Maybe we can figure it out together, yeah?”
His long eyelashes flutter as he blinks real slow, and he smiles. 
“Yeah. Thank you.” 
Dieter does chuckle then. 
“You don’t need to thank me. I’m gonna have a lot of fun with you.”
Christ, Dieter thinks, if his face gets any more red he might burst into flames. 
He kisses him, to save him from a fiery death. It’s a little awkward, with both of their legs crossed in front of them, but it’s easier to take their time like this. 
Marcus keeps it slow, so Dieter can finally lead. He licks into his mouth to feel his hard palate, and the way he whimpers and shivers in response is so delicious that Dieter can’t help but to do it again and again. 
He feels long fingers grip his thighs, soft at first, but squeezing harder when Marcus returns the favor and scrapes his tastebuds along Dieter’s sharp canines. 
There’s twin sighs when Marcus pulls away, only a little, eyes still shut. 
“You’re really fucking good at this,” he mumbles. 
Dieter hums and pecks his lips again, soft and wet. 
“Could kiss you all night.”
It’s true, even though there’s also a million other things he wants to do with Marcus. He tries to push those wants down by kissing him again, getting that plump bottom lip between his teeth and nibbling on it. The noise Marcus makes has his cock filling steadily with blood, and he knows it’s very obvious in his pajama pants, and he hopes Marcus doesn’t freak out.
Like he’s reading Dieter’s mind, Marcus’ hands slide so fucking slowly up his thighs. The movements are jerky, and he hesitates when just the tip of his finger brushes his cock. His inhale is audible, but his curious touch proceeds, just the lightest ghosting across his shaft. 
But then he’s pulling away, and Dieter feels on edge, bracing himself for the worst. 
“Can I touch it?”
Dieter exhales his relief.
“You can… Are you open to suggestions, though?”
Marcus nods, his slick mouth hanging open. 
“You could get on top of me, let me feel how much you like this, too. Drag it out, make me really want it.” 
He smirks as Marcus curses, closing his eyes and pressing his palm to the front of his jeans. But he nods, and uncrosses his legs, so Dieter does the same. 
And then, he’s got a lapful of Marcus, and he’s staring up into his glassy, beautiful eyes. 
“Like this?”
His hips shift, and his pert little ass grinds against Dieter’s cock while his own presses against his belly. 
“Just like that. Is this still okay?” 
Marcus doesn’t answer him, just devours his lips again as he rocks his hips and supplies them both with heady friction. His little whimpers are muffled, and his teeth are sinking into Dieter’s lip a little too hard, but in a way that makes his cock throb and pulse against the tight ass against it. 
Dieter’s hands find those lithe hips again, this time under his shirt. His skin is scalding to the touch and so fucking smooth. He digs his thumbs into his hip bones, drags little circles into them that make his hips jolt and stutter. 
Fuck. He likes this a lot. Maybe too much. He pulls himself away to reel it in a bit, maybe to check and make sure this is still alright—
“I’m so fucking hard,” Marcus breathes, “I’ve never felt like this.” 
And as he speaks, he’s ripping his t-shirt over his head and flinging it elsewhere. 
He’s gorgeous. A little scrawny but smooth, everywhere, just miles of tan skin that’s paler here where it gets no sun. Dieter wants to bite, and kiss, and suckle on every fucking inch of it. 
For now, Dieter uses all of his brain power to mumble a distracted ‘me too,’ as his hands moved upward to splay across all that hairless skin. 
Marcus’ stomach tenses and relaxes under his hands, and his chest heaves as Dieter cradles his ribs and brushes his thumbs over his nipples. 
“Does this feel good?” 
He circles them, flicks them a little bit, and wants to curl up and live in that little gasp Marcus makes. 
His head is leaning back between his shoulders, all raised and on-edge. That’s not what Dieter wants. He wants him relaxed, wants him all gooey and loose. 
Slowly, gently, Dieter tips him over, a hand on the back of his head until it lands on the pillows. The look in his eyes gets a little squirrely, and his breath picks up, and his nails scrabble at Dieter’s bicep. 
“Is this still okay?” 
Marcus nods quickly, but he’s slower with the verbal response. 
“I think so… just nervous.” 
“Still good nervous?” 
As if to prove it, he cants his hips up into Dieter and he’s rock hard against his thigh. 
“Still good nervous.”
Dieter’s own prick throbs and twitches as he hums. He lowers himself even more over Marcus, finds his racing pulse point and plants a hot, wet kiss there. 
“Can I kiss you here?” he whispers. 
His chin brushes Dieter’s cheek when he nods, and Marcus relocates his hands to reach up the back of his shirt. His palms are sweaty and hot as Dieter trails a wet line of kisses down to his prominent collar bone. 
His skin is so salty, and the heat from his body is making his cheap cologne smell even stronger, and Dieter feels high even though he hasn’t smoked in hours. 
“How about here, Marcus?”
He looks up at the younger man as he hovers his mouth above one tiny, pebbled nipple. He watches as his adam’s apple bobs in his throat, and smiles and impish grin when Marcus nods again. 
The groan he receives when he closes his mouth around it has him pressing his hips to the mattress for relief. One of Marcus’ hands finds Dieter’s hair and grips.
“Ah fuck.”
Just like that, the fingers loosen and leave his head and Dieter actually whines at the loss. 
“No, no, that was a good fuck. Love getting my hair pulled.”
Dieter glances back up at Marcus and watches as his wheels turn. 
“Oh… really?”
He chuckles as he places a sloppy kiss on his sternum, delighted at the way the muscles twitch under his lips. 
Marcus sighs as Dieter finds his other nipple.  
“My ex-girlfriend hated it.” 
Dieter nips at the hard bud in his mouth and smirks when Marcus’ hips jolt up. 
“I like a little pain with my pleasure,” he explains. 
“I— can you bite me again?”
Dieter curses and obliges immediately, sinking his teeth into the meat of his pec this time. 
“God, I like that.”
He even earns another tug at his hair, and Dieter knows there’s gotta be a damp spot on the front of his pajamas. 
“That’s so good, Marcus. Keep telling me what you like.” 
Marcus squirms under him as he alternates a string of kisses and licks and bites down his torso. His nails scratch Dieter’s scalp in between tugging on his hair, and this is the most fun Dieter’s had in the bedroom in a long while. 
Marcus has a tiny bit of hair below his belly button, and it’s so fucking cute and whispy when Dieter runs his tongue along the path. But before Dieter can get the fly of his jeans unfastened, Marcus holds a hand over his. 
“Can I try on you now?” 
Dieter’s gaze flickers up to his face, and he looks so sweet, pleading with his big puppy eyes. 
“Yeah, yes, of course you can.”
Marcus smiles, and it’s sure, like he’s finally settled into this, and it makes Dieter’s apprehension fall away. 
It also makes him that much more horny, hard as ever when he lies down with his head on the pillows. He reaches down to readjust and watches Marcus clock the movement with a heady look.
“This is good for you, too?” 
His voice is breathy when he asks, when his hand slips under Dieter’s t-shirt. 
“Marcus, I’m loving this. I feel like a sexy experiment. Poke and prod me, babe.” 
And through all of this newness and anxiety and apprehension, Marcus laughs. It’s music to Dieter’s ears, watching his eyes light up as he chuckles. 
“Take this off then,” he instructs through his laughter. 
“Yes sir,” Dieter purrs, “bossing me around also does it for me. You’re a natural already.” 
“Y-yeah? I don’t— I’ve never been like that.”
Dieter fumbles to back track at the way Marcus’ confidence falls away. 
“It’s okay, that’s an advanced lesson. My bad. Just— Just do what you want with me. Explore. I’m all yours.” 
He talks as he sheds his shirt, and when the damned thing finally pulls free, he feels a little scrutinized under Marcus’s wide eyes. And he kinda really likes it. 
He settles back against the mattress, one arm above his head while the other reaches out to encourage Marcus to come closer. He does, only a little timid as his gaze rakes over every inch of his body. 
He settles between Dieter’s spread legs, one hand dipping the mattress next to him while the other lands hesitantly on his flank. His warm, sweaty palm feels the skin there, draws upward toward his chest, but takes a completely unconventional detour to his armpit. 
Dieter’s cock throbs. This is so fucking weird and so fucking hot. 
Marcus’ jaw drops slack as his fingers card through all of his armpit hair, and it tickles a little bit, but mostly it just makes Dieter’s arousal grow heavy in his groin, burning. 
Before Dieter can really assess what’s going on, or encourage him, or tell him how fucking hard he’s making him, Marcus leans down to capture his lips in his own. 
Dieter groans and scrabbles to grip his waist, arching his hips for any relief and finding it against the front of Marcus’ jeans, a hard line wrapped in denim that twitches against his own. He moans, low and long, as he twirls the thick hair between his finger and thumb. 
And then his hand is gone, and Dieter’s quite disappointed, but he can’t just say that, can he? He weighs the pros and cons of telling Marcus not to stop as the other man trails his lips down the patchy stubble on his jaw, and bites the sensitive skin on his neck. 
Maybe he should tell him. That’s a good lesson, right? How to take feedback, good or bad. But ‘hey keep stroking my armpit hair’ is a bit startling, isn’t it? 
He’s so distracted by the inner turmoil that he doesn’t realize the path Marcus’ has taken until hot breath ghosts that bit of fat between his tit and armpit and then he sniffs, and groans, and licks up all the hair while he presses his cock down into Dieter’s own and Jesus Fuck—
He quickly finds purchase in Marcus’ hair and curses, grinds his hips back up into him with what he hopes is encouraging words. But forgive him if his brain is a little bit completely scrambled. 
Marcus bites just under his patch of armpit hair, burying his nose in it once more, and these primal sounds he makes are vibrating through Dieter’s chest. All he can do at this point is lie back and take it and succumb to the fact that this is definitely altering his brain chemistry for the rest of his life. 
It all stops rather abruptly, though, and two hot hands grab Dieter’s hips hard, pushes them down into the mattress as Marcus arches away from him. 
“I might— I might come.”
Dieter blinks his bleary eyes open to look at the panicked man, who’s squeezing his eyes shut and biting his lip. 
“It’s okay if you do. You can have me all night.” 
“Fuck— Shut up, Jesus Christ.”
Dieter huffs, scratches at his wet armpit, and patiently waits for Marcus to settle down. He could probably come that way too, to be honest, with that pretty boy’s tongue lapping at his underarm and their cocks grinding together. 
Marcus’ eyelashes flutter open, and Dieter smiles at him softly, careful not to move or touch. He looks like a hair trigger, sweaty and panting already, with a really fucking hot damp patch soaking through the crotch of his jeans. 
“Sorry. I think I’m good— wait, sorry, was that weird?”
Dieter allows himself to place one of his hands on Marcus’ own, where it’s still gripping tight to his hip bone. 
“It was weird in the hottest way possible.” 
Marcus shakes his head at himself and closes his eyes again. 
“I’m dead serious. I didn’t know how sensitive I was there. You’re teaching me things. That’s super hot.”
Marcus sighs. 
“It’s just… I like the hair. And your deodorant smells nice.”
He pries his eyes open, like he expects Dieter to be disgusted, but his confession only makes his cock jump very prominently in his pajamas. 
“Doesn’t taste very good, though.” 
And now Dieter is laughing, and tugging Marcus back down, mumbling ‘prove it’ and shoving his tongue into his offensively chemical-flavored mouth. 
It’s okay though, he just licks and licks until the taste has dissipated and Marcus is letting go of the death grip on his sides. His mouth follows a much more predictable route, this time, and Dieter watches his every move as those pretty lips wrap around his nipples, one and then the other, until he’s biting and Dieter is whimpering and asking for more. 
“You can leave marks. I like ‘em.” 
Marcus curses against his sternum and obeys, so fucking obedient, suckling Dieter’s skin and rolling it between his teeth. Looking up at him, his eyes look so determined, all dark and heavy, especially when he pulls away to admire the bruise he’s left. 
“More. Want to see you all over me in the morning.” 
“Fuck, Dieter. How’d you get so good at— at talking like that?” 
Dieter chuckles, then hisses when Marcus sucks the skin on his belly into the sharp edges of his teeth. He’s looking up with an expectant quirk of his brow.
“I just say what’s on my mind,” he answers.
Marcus hums, and Dieter places his hand on his jaw to feel it working, a third mark blooming bright red on his hip. 
“What’s on your mind?” He asks. 
A fourth mark, this one deeper than the rest, right above the waistband of his pants, as Marcus thinks. 
“I want your cock in my mouth.”
Said cock jerks wildly, disrupting the tent in his pajamas, and Marcus has the audacity to smirk. Dieter lets his thumb trace that wet, swollen bottom lip and doesn’t miss the little whine that Marcus tries to hide. 
“Will you teach me?” 
It’s now that Dieter realizes he’s created an absolute monster, with Marcus looking up at him all wide-eyed, batting those long eyelashes. He knows what he’s doing, and it just makes it all so much worse. Or better. Both, really. 
He clears his throat to try to gather his bearings before he speaks. 
“Yeah, I’ll teach you. Pull it out for me.” 
Dieter watches as his breath hitches, and he eyes the tent in Dieter’s pants with an array of emotions washing over his features. There’s hesitation for sure, as he toys with his waistband. But he’s licking his lips, and taking a big deep breath as he tugs them down Dieter’s thighs. 
And then he’s staring at his cock, swaying in the breeze, and Dieter thinks this would be much less intense if penises weren’t so offensive and in your face. 
“Pretty,” Marcus mumbles, and it makes him giggle. 
“Yeah, it’s— I like it.” 
“Thank you. That’s very sweet.” 
Marcus rolls his eyes but smiles. 
“I can touch it?”
“Yeah, of course. Anything you want. Go at your own pace.”
Maybe it’s cliche, but as soon as Marcus’ hand wraps around his cock, Dieter is done for. Fuck, it feels so good, the way his movements are gentle and calculated, the way he’s being so attentive for his first time, exploratory. His free hand cradles Dieter’s sac, his thumb tracing the seam, and it’s alarming how close this is getting him. It’s so intimate, and genuine, and it’s so hot that he gets to be here for Marcus’ first time. 
Marcus squeezes him tight and strokes, once, from base to tip. He thumbs at his frenulum, slippery with pre come, then lifts that to his lips. It’s like slow motion when he watches him poke his tongue out to taste, and he closes his eyes and hums. 
“Better than the deodorant, for sure.” 
And Dieter’s cock bobs as he laughs. 
“That’s a relief.” 
“I’ve never tasted my own before,” Marcus says. 
“Mm-mm. Seemed… gay.” 
And he laughs at himself, but his face inches closer, and in an instant his tongue is flicking out to lap up more of it, straight from the source. 
Dieter gasps at the contact, so sudden. His taste buds are rough against his slit, in a good way, and he has to cradle Marcus’ neck to reel himself in. 
“That’s so good,” he whispers, “keep doing that.” 
And he does, little kitten licks to the sensitive head of his cock, looking up at him from under those long eyelashes. Dieter groans and closes his eyes because if Marcus keeps looking at him like that, he will come before he can have any fun with him. 
Then, in an instant, he’s completely enveloped by warmth and wetness, too fast, and he opens his eyes at the same time Marcus gags and coughs and pulls off of him. 
“Jesus, Marcus, take it slow.” 
He coughs more, with brow all furrowed and frustrated, and Dieter smooths his hair off of his forehead. 
“Are you alright?” 
Marcus clears his throat as he nods. 
“Yeah, sorry, I can’t— I thought that would be easier.”
Dieter huffs, sits up a bit and leans on his elbow so he can see him better. His eyes are watery and not in a sexy way this time. He pets Marcus’ hair a bit, hoping to soothe him, but the redness doesn’t fade from his cheeks. 
“You don’t have to take it all, that’s no fun, choking like that,” he says, “are you sure you’re okay? We can stop.” 
“No! No— I don’t wanna stop. I’m just embarrassed.”
God, he’s so fucking sweet. 
“Don’t be embarrassed. We’ve all been there. I threw up on the first dick I sucked.” 
“Gross, dude.”
“I’m just saying, it could be way worse. Nothing to even be embarrassed about.” 
Marcus sighs and hides his face in the crease of Dieter’s hip. 
“Seriously, I’m still so hard I could shatter diamonds. You’re so fucking hot, it doesn’t matter if you choke a little.” 
He feels Marcus’ teeth on the skin of his hip before he sees his jaw moving. He bites and sucks and it’s another beautiful piece of him he’ll get to take from this experience. 
“That’s it. It’s all about the recovery. Fuck, Marcus, your mouth feels so good on me. Everywhere.” 
Dieter lifts his hips up to encourage him to bite more, mark him up all over. He follows eagerly, until there’s little love bites scattered across the thin skin over his hip bone and his cock is weeping for attention. 
Marcus looks up at him, finally, as he hovers just above his prick.
“Can I try again?”
Dieter hums and cards his fingers through his thick brown hair. 
“Play until you win, babe.” 
He’s much more careful, this time. He takes the head into his mouth and sucks, lets his tongue lather and swirl around it as his hand keeps his dick in place. He’s gorgeous, with his cheeks hollowed out and his eyes shut in concentration. 
“Yeah, just like that, fucking perfect.”
Marcus whimpers around his cock, and drool is starting to leak from the corners of his mouth and drip down Dieter’s shaft. 
“Move your hand a bit, jerk me off while you suck on it.”
He follows the direction so well, letting his hand draw up to meet his lips, then back down, over and over, and Dieter can feel his gut growing hot and tight. His tongue is working him relentlessly, and he’s never really had a partner use theirs so much, but the frantic swirling and flicking has his head spinning. 
“You’re amazing,” Dieter breathes, “making me feel so good.”
At the encouragement, Marcus braves another inch of his cock. He starts to bob his head up and down, following his lips with his fist, and the breaths through his nose get heavier. Dieter babbles a bit, just encouraging words as Marcus works him dutifully, trying with all his might not to thrust up into his hot, sloppy mouth. 
But then Marcus looks up at him with his pretty brown eyes and groans around the cock in his mouth and it’s too much. 
“Fuck— fuck, Marcus, let me go.” 
Marcus does, as quickly as he can, panting when his mouth is finally free. 
“What’s wrong?” 
Dieter huffs. 
“Nothing, you’re perfect, gorgeous, beautiful. I just don’t wanna come yet.” 
The little cock drunk smile he gets is too cute, and Dieter tugs lightly on his hair to get him to crawl back up for a kiss. He tastes like pre-cum, and his nails bite into the heated skin of Marcus’ back for purchase. 
“How are you feeling? Still gay?” 
Marcus laughs against his lips. 
“The gayest I’ve ever been.” 
Dieter collapses back on the pillows to look up at him. 
“Really though, are you still into this?” 
Marcus nods, presses his hips into Dieter’s thigh to swipe away any last remaining doubt. 
“Alright, next and final lesson. Get those tight little jeans off.”
He’s so quick to obey, and Dieter tries not to gawk at how much bigger that wet spot has grown just below his fly. He shakes himself out of it and gets his pajama pants completely off his legs. 
Marcus is so fucking hot, jesus, Dieter feels like he’s pushing his luck having him here in his bed. So lean and long, and his cock is uncut and curves a bit to the left, and he’s still so hard. 
“Get beside me, face me.”
And Marcus looks right at home like this, laid out in his bed, with his bicep bulging from propping his head up on his hand. 
“What’s the lesson?” 
Dieter smirks at the eagerness. 
“I’m gonna jerk us off together.”
Marcus raises his brow. 
“Like, at the same time?”
Dieter hums his affirmative, reaches a tentative hand out to cup Marcus’ pert little asscheek, and chuckles when he twitches. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll save that for another time. If you want.” 
“Shit, yeah, okay.”
And isn’t that gonna be fun? The thought makes Dieter’s cock throb and jerk and he shuffles to close the distance so their pricks line up together. 
“Is this okay? Like this?” 
He looks up from their cocks to watch Marcus’ jaw go slack. 
“Oh god, ‘m not gonna last at all.”
Even as he says it, he’s wrapping his own hand around both of them and squeezing, groaning at the feeling and bucking his hips so they slide together. 
“I don’t want you to last, I want you to feel good.” 
Dieter lets his hand join the fun, covering what Marcus can’t, and his cock jumps in their combined hold when Marcus whines.
“I do, I— fuck, I really do.” 
“Kiss me?”
He’s cut off by Marcus’ lips, all swollen and hot against his own. Marcus moans as soon as their tongues meet, and he starts shaking like a leaf. His hand squeezes harder around their pricks, works them faster, and Dieter can feel each and every twitch of his dripping cock. 
He’s so frantic with it. His breathing whistles fast through his nose, panting into his mouth, and every other exhale is a desperate little noise. It only takes a few dozen strokes for Marcus to fall apart.
“Gonna come— I’m coming, Dieter—”
He gasps as it washes over him. Dieter feels his hot, sticky cum splash over his own hand and his cock and his stomach. Marcus hides his face in the crook of Dieter’s neck and bites as it courses through him. It sends a hot white spark down his spine, and what little filter he’d maintained throughout the night completely short-circuits.
“Shit, that’s it. So fucking good, coming all over me— Fuck, Marcus, you’re hot when you come. You feel so fucking good.”
Marcus whimpers through his aftershocks as Dieter fills his ears with whatever filth he can muster. When it’s too much, and Marcus has to slide his spent cock from their joined hands, he doesn’t let go of Dieter. He helps, with the slick aid of his cum, and Dieter topples over the edge with a growl and Marcus sucks another mark into his overheated skin. 
It’s blinding, it’s his favorite orgasm he’s ever had for sure. Marcus gasps when the first streak of his spend shoots all over his smooth stomach. 
“Fuck yes,” he sighs, exerted but intrigued as Dieter fucks their fists. 
His cum mixes with the stains Marcus already left on his blanket, slowing to a trickle just as Marcus’ grasp loosens. Even when he’s empty, Dieter can still feel the orgasm buzzing through his body as he tries to regain his breath. 
Marcus finally looks up from the scene of the crime and Dieter wants to take a picture of the fucked-out look on his face, his messy hair, his spit-slick lips and flushed face. But he can’t, so he kisses him instead, closing his eyes so maybe he can burn that image into his memory for eternity. 
It’s lazy, so much slower and softer than the way Marcus kissed when he was all keyed up. 
Dieter’s in for it. He’s always had an addictive personality, and having Marcus in his bed has been stronger than any fucking drug he’s tried before. 
He whimpers when Marcus pulls away, chasing his lips just for a moment before he reels himself back in. 
He looks down at the mess he’s going to promptly ignore, thinks about how far away the bathroom closet is with all the towels. But then one slender finger is swiping through the cum puddle between them, and lifting to his face, and Dieter devours. 
Marcus chuckles at the desperate noise Dieter makes as he swirls his tongue around to lick up every last drop. 
“How do we taste together?” 
Goddamn, Marcus is much more suave after an orgasm. 
“Like we were made for each other.” 
Christ, he needs to get himself together. His brain is just so fucking fuzzy and light.
Marcus doesn’t run for the hills, though. He giggles, and dips that same finger into their mess again. He brings it up to his own lips this time, sucking it inside his mouth and pulling it out clean. 
There’s a slight grimace as he rolls it around in his mouth. 
“Not as sweet as you were earlier.” 
And Dieter laughs, brushes his two cleanest knuckles against the skin of Marcus’ hip. 
“It’s an acquired taste.” 
Marcus nods, and looks down between them, and some of that lightness in his features fizzles out. 
“Hang on— here, use these.”
Dieter hands him his discarded pajama pants, and they use one leg each to tidy up their hands and stomachs and cocks. Then Dieter balls them up to swipe at his sticky blanket as best as he can. And it’s all so quiet, as their breathing has evened out, and fuck, what if Marcus has some crazy post-nut clarity after this… heavy situation? 
He’s staring at the bedroom door when Dieter looks up to face him. 
“Should I uh… go… now?” 
Dieter sighs and finally gets his freshly wiped hand on Marcus’ skin, colder now where all the sweat has cooled. 
“Personally, I would like it if you stayed. Cuddling after sex is… well, I like it a lot. Some people don’t… it’s okay if you don’t. Whatever you’re comfortable with. This was probably a lot for y—”
Marcus cuts off his rambling— thank god— by burrowing his face in Dieter’s chest and tangling their naked legs together. They both release two huge twin sighs, and Dieter’s instantly soothed by the weight against him, and the lithe fingers stroking his back. 
Dieter can’t help it, he tucks his chin and plants a kiss to the crown of Marcus’ head. He drowns in the scent of sweat and cheap shampoo and feels so grounded for the first time in a very long time. 
Marcus hums, and Dieter pulls him in tighter, swipes his palm over the curve of his tiny asscheek. 
He clears his throat. 
“I don’t have any plans tomorrow…” 
Marcus lifts his head, and he looks so sleepy but so satisfied. 
“So we can stay up all night? You can— could you show me more things?” 
Dieter chuckles and kisses his lips to hide how relieved he feels. 
“Was gonna see if you wanted to catch a movie or something. But I think I like your idea better.” 
“Oh— a movie sounds good! I mean, it would be chill.” 
Dieter huffs. 
“Split the difference, we’ll watch a movie here while I eat your cute little ass?” 
Dieter actually feels his limp cock twitch against his thigh, and tries to hold back a self-satisfied smirk. 
“Yep. Yeah, let’s do that instead.” 
Dieter kisses him, this time just because he can. 
“Get some sleep first, okay? I’ll be right here.” 
The look of comfort on Marcus’ face makes his chest burn and ache. His droopy eyelids close as he smiles, and his head drops to Dieter’s splayed out arm. 
He just watches, for a little while. Lets himself count the deep, even breaths Marcus takes and feels them on the skin of his bicep. 
His arm is gonna go numb in about two minutes tops, and he’ll cherish every pinprick until he drifts off.
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
i finished the campaign.
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goldentigerfestival · 24 days
Using this as an audio reference for the posts I'm making, but to summarize:
Yuri starts out mad.
Yuri tries to calm himself down with a deep breath to ask for details instead of going through it angry.
Flynn doesn't say "like a good knight" in the sense of putting himself down. He simply says "as a knight" (the tl here doesn't use that, but with that included it's basically along the lines of "even though I had doubts, as a knight, I was determined to follow my orders").
Once Yuri has answers he calms down significantly.
Yuri uses " 'ttaku", which is a shortened down version of "mattaku" (Yuri often shortens words and speaks very casually), which in this particular situation basically would mean "geez", or "good grief". In this manner, it's expressive of exasperation/frustration/etc.
Yuri never mentions that "Flynn told him what to do" like the dub does (because in fact Flynn did not ever tell Yuri what to do. He only gave Sodia and his other knights orders. He expressed his own desire to take responsibility, but never told Yuri and his friends what to do).
At this point you can tell the anger has gone out of him and that he's calmed down, now that Flynn is approaching this with admission and responsibility.
Sodia is asking that Flynn returns as soon as possible (I believe this was a general translation error).
Flynn's thank you to Yuri is tonally much more heartfelt.
Yuri's response and gratefulness at Flynn coming back to himself is tonally much more heartfelt, relieved and sincere.
#GTF Vesperia Clips#basically the dub version is littered with errors /and/ your regular resident angry dub Yuri#just to be clear on mattaku it can also mean ''completely'' ''totally'' ''seriously'' etc. it depends on the context#''yare yare'' is also used for ''geez'' and ''good grief'' but in a more sarcastic/casual way#''mattaku'' or in this case '' 'ttaku'' is more of a quiet expression of exasperation rather than smth you'd yell/shout when aggravated#it CAN sometimes be used like damn as a minor expletive but tbh I personally I wouldn't put it in this situation#bc his aggravation is lessening and they're getting to the point so I'd argue it's more just exhausted of the whole thing#but the dub took it a step further and used it as fuel against Flynn as they do mcfuckin' do#I'd say it's more ''damn it'' at the whole situation bc there's absolutely no reason at this point to say ''damn it Flynn''#esp bc that led into the dub having Yuri go at him accusing him of telling them what to do when he... literally did not#and did not even imply he was going to. it was just pulled from their asses and/bc Yuri never even said Flynn's name there#it's stuff like this where they add remove and change things always in stark opposite of Flynn's favor that riles me up :/#what I mean is that the dub changed Yuri's overall exasperation into smth accusatory when rly Yuri is like#stop trying to do this by yourself. it was never about oh woe is me how dare you tell us what to do#if he was directing a ''damn it'' at Flynn it STILL would not be bc ''he told them what to do''#it would STILL BE because Flynn was trying to take this responsibility fully onto himself#it's so irritating bc the dub will be spot on right on point with everything but then AS SOON as it's abt Flynn it's like#they start messing around with things and the tl is changed and yadda yadda until around late arc 2#it like lowkey comes across as enemy to ally instead of ally with a whole character arc#and the reason I legit feel like they did it on purpose is BECAUSE they can obviously tl correctly based on other areas of the game#but when Flynn is involved they tweak things if not just outright change the context (remember my Nordopolica post? yeahhhh)#how is that not on purpose? how is it that everything can be spot on for a chunk all at once#but then a certain char shows up and it's repeatedly inaccurate? repeatedly geared in a negative light that originally didn't even EXIST?#and then ofc they almost always use Yuri himself to reflect that negativity against Flynn which is a WHOLE other story/issue for me#it's like... say I wrote a neutral statement. someone comes along and tls with negative sounding additions. it's sort of like that#I'm not that good at explaining things/how I feel abt things but yeah I hope that makes sense#it's just like... I KNOW they can tl spot on so when I keep seeing them stick in all these things with/against Flynn it upsets me sm#it feels like they tl normally and then see Flynn and go oh hold on let's change that bc it's Flynn#and that's why it's so frustrating for me :/
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sometimes I still think about the good old days before the go*d ome*s tv show came out
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0dotexe · 11 months
I drafted a post like three times, deleting it each time, seething about an issue beyond my control and now that the dust has settled I don't give an iota of a shit what I was going to rant about.
Family's a funny thing, btw.
0 notes
s1m0nth3swag · 3 months
Francis Mosses x GN!Reader
AUTHORS NOTE; Haven't written in a while, but thanks to Arlo, a friend (Hi Arlo, I know you're reading this), Inspiration about Francis Mosses struck (he bought me That's not my neighbor and then continued to freak out about Francis with me) so I wrote this. I have so many thoughts about Francis, so... tell me if you want more because i will deliver ngl. Enjoy (or don't, I don't dictate your feelings)
WARNINGS/ CONTENT INFO; Porn with little to no plot, Submissive Francis, a little non-consensual at the start (but not in a super weird way, imo?), Gender neutral reader (no pronouns used, tried to write as GN as possible with the compliments and thoughts about Readers appearance), not proofread nor have I thought about this much, more a drabble than an actual thoughtful story (not apologising because I had such a long break from writing anything and obviously it's gonna suck a little when I come back)
The first time Francis had realised that he hadn't gotten any touch from another human being was when someone brushed up against him on his way home from work. He had felt like a creep afterwards because he hadn't stopped thinking about what could've happened if the person hadn't moved away and had just stayed pressed against him. That was a week before you started your job as a doorman.
The second time Francis had noticed was when a friend of his had spoken to him on the phone, talking about his new girlfriend. Said friend gave too much intel on their sex life. Francis had wondered if he could have someone the way his friend explained - he quickly brushed the thought off. That was two days before you started working as a doorman.
The third time, he noticed when you had smiled at him. It was your first day, and he was tired from work. You had repeated his name after reading it off of his ID, and he had looked at you for the first time since his eyes kept falling closed, and you smiled so brightly. You had told him his name was nice, and you said it again. Francis swore that the way his name rolled off your tongue was the most beautiful thing he's ever heard. Not even an angel could sound more wonderful. Suddenly, he was a lot more energised. Totally not thanks to the fact that he had immediately grown hard the second he had seen your smile. He had gone to his apartment that night and had jerked off for the first time in probably months. He had always been too tired to previously, but now he couldn't stop thinking about how you'd sound moaning his name. Maybe you were more of a groaner, or you'd whimper and whine. He came as he imagined how you'd look sucking his dick.
Since then, Francis has always looked forward to entry checks. What had normally kept him away from his bed and a good night's sleep was now the best experience of his day. He loved the way you spoke to him even though he was too nervous to respond. Sometimes, he deliberately didn't show his ID at first, just so you'd ask about it, and he could listen to you talk a little more. He felt guilty about it. He knew you had never agreed to feed into this weird little obsession of his. It was awful of him to do this - have you talk to him enough to give him more scenarios to think about that night.
A few weeks after all this had started, Francis had built up the courage to finally ask you out. Just something simple, dinner at his place. He had to cook for himself all the time. Cooking for you as well wouldn't be too different, right?
Francis was wrong. He was anxious that the food wouldn't taste good and kept tasting it just so he could make sure it hadn't mysteriously switched tastes in the last 20 seconds. When you knocked on his door, he took a minute to make sure he didn't look like a mess - though you wouldn't mind either way since he always looked like a mess when he came through during your shifts.
You looked so good when he opened the door. Your hair fell perfectly, your lips looked a little too kissable, and Francis had to stop his train of thought just so he wouldn't embarrass himself by having yet another boner caused by just the way you looked. You were a little shorter than him, smiling up as he let you inside.
"You look good." He mumbled, his cheeks flushing. He seriously had to lay off thinking like a high-schooler. His nervousness and awkwardness were getting really annoying - to him, at least. You grinned, chuckling softly as you took off your shoes. "Thank you. You do as well." His heart for sure burst at that - he knew something else would burst as well if he didn't stop thinking right this second.
Throughout the evening, ignoring his thoughts came easier and easier. The two of you had eaten, you had told him he was a good cook, he had almost excused himself to the bathroom because of it. Now you were sitting on the couch, drinking wine and talking casually.
"You know, when you first walked through, I swore I would die." You giggled, looking at him with a mischievous look. Francis was confused by that statement. "How come?" He asked, tilting his head at you in question. "I was sure you were a doppelganger. You looked too handsome to be real." You cheekily answered, cheeks slightly flushed as you downed your wine. Francis blushed heavily, looked away from you, and thought about your words for a moment. The silence was loud as he wondered what to answer. "..you think I'm handsome?" He questioned while looking at the floor. If he had looked at you, he'd have seen the way you stared at him, your own cheeks coloured a deep red. "Extremely." You muttered. It took him a minute before he could look at you, but when he did, his lips pressed against yours in a desperate kiss.
When you reciprocated, Francis groaned and pulled you closer until you sat on his lap. He was just a tiny bit embarrassed when you gasped and felt his dick press against you. In all honesty, he had held back the entire night, and he was allowed a little selfishness. "Sorry. Can't help it." He muttered between kisses. You just grinned against his lips before grinding against him. A whimper fell from his lips - that was the moment he was actually embarrassed. "That's cute.." You had mumbled, a cheeky grin on your face as you started placing kisses against his jaw and neck. One of your hands trailed down his body to rest right over his crotch, Francis unconsciously bucked his hips up against your hand, whining. He didn't notice anything else as you caught the skin of his neck with your teeth carefully, leaving the softest bite mark on him. He shuddered at the feeling and gasped before realising that you had meanwhile unzipped his pants. A groan slipped from his lips as you ran a finger over his dick, still hidden from sight by his boxers, but god knows he would cum the second you'd touch it without. "Is this okay?" You asked him, and he nodded faster than he even knew he could. "Yes. God, yes. Please, please continue.." he muttered, his breathing heavy as he watched you slide off his lap, settling in front of him and between his legs. His dick twitched at the sight, and he let out a heavy sigh. Minutes later, his pants and boxers were discarded, and the way you looked up at him, his dick so close to your face, made Francis feel the way his orgasm was approaching way too quick. The second you wrapped your hand around him he whined pathetically, bucked up into your hand and knew that he'd definitely cum too soon. Your hand was so soft, cool against his hot flesh, and you worked his dick so good he almost thought you were a professional. He looked down at you through lidded eyes, watched the way you bit your lip, and grinned knowingly. "Such a pretty boy, huh?" You chuckled, and that definitely sealed the deal for Francis. He came, probably ruining his shirt as he dirtied both it and your hand. His heart stopped for a second when you licked your hand while looking up at him. "You didn't give me enough time to taste you properly. Don't look at me like that." You huffed, rolling your eyes at him. "You should probably take off your shirt so you can clean it later." You then winked. He swiftly shed the piece of clothing, entranced by your voice and the way you looked. "Sorry, didn't mean to cum that fast.." he mutters, his voice out of breath. "Jus'.. unused to... this.." he added, clearing his throat awkwardly. You laughed and shook your head. "Don't worry about it. We have all the time in the world to make you last longer. I'm gonna give you a real reason to be tired tomorrow." You winked.
Francis didn't even mind that he was in for a long night.
Your honour I am gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.
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lnlightning81 · 1 month
Positive P2 [LN4]
Summary : Surprising Lando after a race with the results to your pregnancy test
Pairing/s: Lando Norris x Reader
Word Count:
Warning/s: Pregnancy, Talk of not being able to have kids
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Watching Lando with kids has always been a beautiful sight. However, watching Lando with Mila and Athena was a totally different experience. There was a different connection watching the two of them. Normally, kids cried when they saw Lando because their hero was right in front of them, but with Mila and Athena, he was just ‘Lala’ and not Lando Norris. 
The video of Lando playing with Mila when she was just a little baby throwing his phone about the place had started to circulate your social media; it only made your baby fever start to grow.
You were due to meet Lando at the paddock as he had gone a little early for the media and you just wanted to lie in but it wasn’t until you felt ill that you messaged Lando asking if he had time to quickly come back to the hotel after stopping at the shop for something. To which he replied obviously still in that state of life where you could ask him to murder someone, and he would. 
There was very little chance you could actually be pregnant with not only you and Lando being extremely careful but with you being told that there was little chance of you ever getting pregnant throughout your life but with your baby fever and how you were feeling everything pointed towards that actually maybe coming true. 
Lando had wanted to wait and see the results but you knew that he couldn’t or he’d get fined so you forced him out of the hotel room telling him that he’d be the first person to know. Except he wouldn’t be. If the test came back positive, you had the perfect way to tell him. 
But when you saw that positive result that’s when you panicked, you never thought you’d actually see the day when that test actually came back positive after many years of being told it would never happen. 
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Now, standing in the Mclaren motorhome, you still hadn't told Lando the results. You didn’t want to stress him out before a race. Never mind a race when he was starting on the front row with the chance of winning but you did tell Zak knowing the perfect way to tell him after a good or bad race and hopefully he’d be happy with the news. 
Lando finished P2 just as he started. No one was getting past Max Verstappen any time soon, so it was basically a win for him, and you knew he’d say that when asked about it. Zak waved you over, and you walked over to the pit wall standing behind him as he placed his headphones over your ears and pressed the radio button for Lando’s car. Nodding to you with a smile 
“Hey baby. That’s a positive P2” You hummed, hoping he’d catch on to what you were saying without Sky or F1TV or any other showings catching it. 
“Positive?” He asked with a frown. You could hear the frown on his face
“Wait? What are you doing on the radio?” Now very confused as to everything 
“Yep. Positive P2” You smiled
“Zak let me tell you your position for the day” You looked at Zak, who was smiling at you 
“Oh my god, Y/N. This is brilliant. I love you so much!” He exclaimed 
“I’ll see you at the podium baby” You gave Zak his headphones back 
“Got a podium to get to. Let’s go” He smiled, and you walked with him. Zak’s more than just the CEO to you and Lando. He was always a phone call away if anything went wrong or if you didn’t travel out to a race and couldn’t get a hold of Lando the next best person to call was Zak because he’d always answer. 
Zak would invite you, Lando, Oscar, and Lily out for food whenever he got the chance or would send you little gifts during Christmas or your birthday. He was kinda like a father figure to you both. Standing watching the podium next to Zak, you could see how big the smile on Lando’s face was compared to normal. 
Meeting Lando back in his driving room, you were instantly wrapped in a hug with his hands landing on your stomach as he kissed your neck from behind 
“I can’t believe it, baby. You’re serious, right? We’re going to have a baby? I got the message, right?” He asked, and you nodded 
“I’m very serious. We're going to have a baby. I’m so glad you got that message, though. I was a little worried you wouldn’t understand what I was saying” You smiled, turning in his arms as he kissed you properly this time. 
“Oh my god, a little baby. Oh love you’re parent’s. They’re gonna be so happy they’re getting a grandbaby” Lando was very excited as he basically jumped around the room like a little kid in a sweet shop. 
“If it’s okay with you, I don’t want to tell anyone for a few months” you whispered, sitting down on the couch in his driver's room. Lando looked over at you
“Whatever you want” He smiled, and you nodded 
“After being told I probably would never have kids, I don’t want to tell people. There’s a risk that everything might go wrong and I don’t want to tell everyone we’re having a kid to be reminded that actually we aren’t” You explained quietly and he wrapped you in a hug 
“Whatever you want to do we will do darling but I do know that I love you very much and whatever happens will never change my mind but we’ll do it together” He smiled kissing you around your face causing you to giggle from his stubble tickling your skin 
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cozage · 8 months
First of all, love the way you write the characters and stories!! They’re so fun to read and always is a huge moodbooster!
May I request Law or the monster trio finding reader after finishing up a huge battle? (Like where the reader is too exhausted to move)
Please remember to take care of yourself so to not end up like overworked reader!! You’re always allowed and deserving of rest 🫶
Characters: gn reader x Law, Luffy, Sanji, Zoro Cw: post-battle exhaustion  Total word count: 800
Post Battle
Law would be pissed that you spent all of your energy to fight a battle. Especially a battle that he started.
He would be more scared than anything, and he would also blame himself for putting you in this situation. He just wants you safe, and it’s not fair that you ended up like this because of him.  
He would probably scold you and warn you not to take things too far again (“your body can’t take much more of this y/n-ya. You know better”)
But he doesn’t want to lose you. That thought is the scariest thing in the world for him. He can’t live without you. 
And the fear of losing you comes out in the form of anger. But his fear will quickly extinguish, and he will quickly become the soft, loving man you know in secret. 
He’ll pick you up and shambles you both away to safety, where you are priority number one. He cares to your wounds and caters to anything you possibly need (even if he does fake-grumble about it, he really does love it)
In the future, he promises himself that he will do better and he will never put you in a position like that again. 
Sanji didn’t even want you to fight. He’s angry that you put yourself in harm's way. Someone should’ve been there to protect you. He should’ve been there. 
Not that you can’t handle yourself. He trusts you to get the job done. He’s just mad at himself for leaving you in the first place and putting you in a situation where you had to fight. 
When he whispers your name and coos in your ear, promising you that you’ll be okay.
He calls for Chopper and he wipes your hair out of your face. He doesn’t want to move you in case he ends up hurting you further. He’s trying his best to stay calm. 
He wants to panic, and every bone in his body is screaming in agony seeing you like this, but he doesn’t want you to panic, so he tries his best to act normal (he's not super great at it tbh he is so obviously scared for you)
He keeps saying stupid things like “no no don’t talk, save your strength” or “you look so beautiful everything is going to be okay” and you have to remind him that everything WILL be okay. You’re not dying, you're just tired. 
While you're recovering he makes so. much. food. You have to pawn some off to Luffy when Sanji isn’t looking because there’s no way you can eat so much. 
Luffy would be proud. SO so proud. 
Covering you in kisses and cheering and showing you off to the world proud. 
He trusts you to handle whatever battle you’re in. And he knows you’ll hold up your part of the deal. You’ve never let him down before. 
He keeps you close though. He takes a post-battle nap with you, intertwined with your body. 
He feels safe with you next to him like that. He swears your body has magical healing properties, because he always wakes up 200% better after sleeping next to you (you feel better too, though you can’t explain why).
He keeps you next to him through the feast and the party, and he examines your new cuts, bruises, and scars. He only admires them, which helps you feel a little less insecure about them. 
Sometimes you all have matching cuts or bruises, to which Luffy celebrates with another round of booze and another plate of meat. 
Zoro is also insanely proud of you. 
He never doubted you, but he knew it would be a hard battle. It was for everyone. But of course you got it finished. You were a person of your word and you would do what you said. 
He tries to be casual about it. He won’t admit that he was a little worried about how you would end up, but he’s so relieved to find you mostly okay. 
He doesn’t admit how his pace quickened when he saw you crumpled on the ground. How just for a moment, he found himself considering a quick prayer to some random god to make sure you were okay. 
But you were just tired. And he knows how to fix that. He gently picks you up and carries you back to safety. 
He lets you sleep while he runs his fingers through your hair and across your skin, so so thankful that all you need is a little nap to be okay. 
And to be honest, he could use a nap too. He’ll blame you for needing a nap, but he always sleeps easier with you around, especially after a battle.
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summary: the types of kisses the demons like to give and receive
pairings: demon brothers :: barbatos x gn! reader
warnings: i totally never play favourites ever
obey me! masterlist || similar post: hold me close
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Lucifer takes great pride in being able to make your heart soar and head spin. And what better way to do that than stealing all air from you with a passionate kiss to the lips? But he also has his softer moments filled with only praise for you and he can’t stop himself from holding your jaw between his fingers and pressing a sweet peck to your forehead.
He is frankly a little awkward with receiving affection, being more used to facing either admiration, fear or annoyance. Yet, he cannot suppress the warmth spreading through his chest if you try to pull him away from work with a kiss to his temple and a hushed whisper to come to bed. Although Lucifer may not admit it, when you lean in to flutter a kiss to his closed eyelids it symbolises the ultimate trust to him.
You already know, this snowy-haired tsundere will absolutely deny enjoying your affection. Pfft, you really think he needs some human’s love and care? (Yes, he does. And everyone knows it too.) Mammon would kill for a sliver of your tender affection, only to curl up on your lap and bask in your touch; he thrives with your attention on him and only him. Normally pretty chill and laid back, he’ll get really pissed if someone interrupts your one-on-one quality time.
Mammon, being the Avatar of Greed, obviously wants all of your kisses! Give him all your love and affection, human! There is, however, a comfort that comes with pressing a lingering kiss to the crown of your head while he has you wrapped up in his arms (and wings on occasion). Not only can he hide his glowing cheeks from you but he also feels like he’s protecting you and keeping you safe.
Your kisses? Again, he wants them all! Of course you want to kiss the Great Mammon, ya can’t seem to get enough of him, ain’t that right? Kiss the area peeking out from the collar of his shirt where his neck meets his collarbones, that’ll shut him right up. And lord help him if you ever kiss the marks on his chest when he’s in his demon form… Please pretend not to notice his reddened face or ears.
Leviathan is… freaking out, to put it lightly. His heart and mind are racing!! Not only do you want to hang out with him, no you also like like him. Him!! Not one of his stupid brothers!! Is he back in the Celestial Realm? It takes a while for him to show affection at all and not immediately self-deprecate afterwards if you don’t initiate it. But after enough reassurance from you, he learns that you really are okay with having him touch you. 
He’s still a shy baby though and something so bold as a kiss to your cheek or lips is way too high-level normie stuff (although he really wants to kiss you)!! The genius solution? Kissing the palm of your hand!! Whether you’re watching anime or you’re sitting in his lap watching him game, chances are Levi’s fiddling with your fingers anyway once his hands are free. (Jealous Levi is a different kind of monster though…)
If you ever kiss his cheek, Levi.exe will stop working; a kiss to the lips would take him straight out. Whether it’s just because you want to be cute or if it’s a little thank you or you’re excited he won a game, it doesn’t matter and you can basically see the blood rush to his face. If he’s ever in his demon form with you, consider giving some love to his non-human traits too; he’s very insecure about them and it’ll help him greatly.
Satan is a true romantic at heart. Whether it’s all the romance novels he absorbed, if he’s just naturally like this or if he’s trying to cover his reputation as the Avatar of Wrath, he is a gentleman either way. And a gentleman kisses the beloved’s hand right? As cute as the basic is, Satan prefers pressing his lips to the inside of your wrist. It feels way more intimate and the trust you have in him, one of the most dangerous demons, to let him so close to a sensitive area of your body sends his mind reeling. 
Your every kiss will bring a fond smile to his face, so he’s not picky. That being said, there’s a special place in his heart for the times you lean in to place a kiss to the tip of his nose. It’s playful and endearing and the spark in your eyes so close to his captivates his whole being.
When it comes to affection, Asmo might as well be the Avatar of Greed. Give him all of your love, he deserves it! In turn, he will smother you in as much attention as you can take. It’s no secret that Asmo is as shameless as a demon can be when it comes to sneaking a kiss here and there, and he’s not picky about the place. Whether it’s all over your face, up your thighs and to your hips or a cheeky little kiss to the back of your hand, Asmo is the demon to fulfil whatever your heart desires. 
If he were to pick his personal favourite though, it would be your spine. Not only is he delighted to see your bare back, he can also watch you shiver as the ghost of his fingers grazes your skin. For him, the space between his shoulder blades is very sensitive as it sits right where his wings sprout. So to see you expose such a vulnerable spot to him makes his heart beat faster and head spin if he thinks too long about it. You do funny things to him, you know that, darling?
Again, Asmo being Asmo, he welcomes all your kisses gladly, but not equally. Sure, connecting your lips is delightful and the way you sensually move to his neck makes him all giddy. Yet, in a very un-asmo-esque fashion, what excites him most are the most innocent of gestures. Case and point, the blush that settles on his perfect skin when you kiss the back of his hand. Do it after he finishes a manicure, when your hands are interlocked or just casually when you see him. This demon is all yours now.
Beel loves you very much and he shows it pretty openly, no beating around the bush here. It might not be as refined as writing a poem or what the films always show but he shares his food with you, which is a dead giveaway about how serious he is. Consequently, he’s very concerned about your health and making sure you’re taking care of yourself. So if he presses soft kisses to your stomach when you cuddle after a meal, not only can he express his affection but he can also make sure you’re eating regularly.
Every time you kiss the corner of his lips, Beel’s absolutely stunned for a few seconds, eyes adorably wide as his brain catches up. Not only is he happy you are initiating affection but when you get so close he can pick up on your scent so effortlessly. Not to mention, the fact you didn’t quite meet his lips leaves him wanting more and there’s a high chance he pulls you back in for a real taste a second later. You know, suddenly he’s hungry again…
Belphie might not be as over the top with his affections as some of his brothers but there’s no doubt to be had that he is absolutely smitten with you. To outsiders it might not be as obvious but to those who know him, it’s clear as day, really. The way he’s trying to hide his blush, subtly show off or try to stay awake for you really gives him away. Plus, he’ll put up with any of your nonsense and will also put in the effort to care about and for you.
On that note, finding you two together isn’t always as easy though because Belphie will steal you away for a nap at any given time of day. No matter how long you’ve been in the Devildom already, Belphie is still insistent that he has to make up for lost time.
Whether you’re just his favourite pillow or if you are wrapped up in his arms, he wants to be as close to you as possible for a good night’s (or day’s) sleep. Whatever the case, the youngest is a lot more likely to press a half-asleep kiss to whatever part of skin he can reach while curled up next to you. If he could choose one, it would have to be kissing your neck while holding you from behind. Not only does he get to hear your pulse, he can also get a rise out of his brothers if he accidentally happens to bite down just a little…
Good thing Belphie is lying down most of the time because whenever you kiss his forehead, his knees go weak. Your hand gently pushing his hair out of his face before your lips flutter against his skin in the softest of touches could send him straight back to dreamland with how much comfort it provides. It doesn’t even matter when you do it. Whether it’s to wake him up, give him a good night’s kiss or to display how proud you are and how much you love him, Belphie could never get enough of your kisses. 
Barbatos lives to serve and there’s nobody he likes to please more than you. Life can get tough, especially since you do so much for the people around you, so Barbatos would love nothing more than to be a place of comfort for you. Besides making tea for you and listening intently to what troubles you, Barbatos would also like to alleviate some of the physical strains. And what would be better suited for that than a massage provided by your partner?
As skilled fingers knead away the knots and stress of your everyday life, Barbatos will sneak in a few affections just for you. Whether it’s the small of your back, your shoulder blades or the back of your neck, expect them to be lavished in the gentlest attention as you melt into his touch. But your demon is always very keen on pressing soft kisses along the skin of your shoulders, from the moment he slips your clothes off for the massage to the moment he helps adjust them again. Also, if you ever find yourself in a situation where Barbatos has some free time to step away from his job for a while and just be himself, he’ll take every chance he gets to slip the collar of your top out of the way and indulge a little.
There’s no doubt that you are Barbatos’ favourite way to wind down. Just being with you recharges his energy fully and reminds him he’s more than just his job. That’s why it means so much to him when you carefully work off his gloves like he’s a delicate porcelain cup and place a lingering kiss to each pad of his fingers. The first time you do it, he’s very much taken by surprise but after recovering from his shock he’s already fond of the gesture. Even after he slips his gloves back on, he feels as if your touch still tingles underneath the material, the urge to feel your skin on his again burning bright under his composed façade. 
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ecoterrorist-katara · 4 months
Zutara, romance novels, and the female gaze
Okay so I’ve been thinking about the female gaze a LOT so I checked out a subreddit about romance novels, despite never having read one. I came across this meme (which was initially a Tumblr post and then got posted to Instagram and then to Reddit and I’m now bringing back to Tumblr — Internet telephone, pls never change):
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And…what is The Southern Raiders, if not a platonic grovel? Katara’s pain is central to the episode. It’s central to Zuko. Zuko asks Katara what he can do to make up for his betrayal; she demands the impossible. He reads between the lines, cockblocks her brother to get the necessary information, and then waits outside her door overnight (which he also did for Iroh, the one person we know for sure he loves). He basically makes himself a receptacle for her rage, and he holds space for her by coming with her on her revenge quest and carrying their bags and not saying a damn thing about what she should and should not do beyond like…asking her to rest. And obviously the grovel works! She forgives him and then they’re thick as thieves, bantering and fighting and saving each other’s lives, etc.
On a different note, I’ve been told that enemies to lovers is one of the biggest tropes in romance novels, similar to YA lit and fanfic. Here’s something else I found in the romance novel discourse:
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And…yeah. In TSR, Katara really does show Zuko her worst self, because she doesn’t feel the need to perform for him. She doesn’t feel the need to perform moral perfection OR cold blooded vengeance. She bloodbends in front of him and he just goes with it. She doesn’t kill Yon Rha and he just goes with it. He doesn’t treat her any differently afterwards. Maybe they talk about it off screen, but I kind of like the idea that they don’t, because Katara doesn’t need to explain anything. And it’s so interesting, because some people in the ATLA fandom have a totally different read on TSR. They think Zuko was encouraging Katara to get revenge (by what, keeping his mouth shut?), and that Aang is the one who acts as her moral compass. I believe that either Bryan or Mike said in the DVD commentary that Aang is the angel on her shoulder the entire time. And this interpretation does make sense if you see it from the male gaze, where Katara as an object of affection is acting in an angry, irrational, threatening way. But if you see it from the female gaze, you recognize that actually it’s probably the most emotionally taxing experience Katara has to go through, and she doesn’t owe it to be nice or perfect to anybody. Katara’s formative trauma literally comes to a head, and she has to make a decision — no, a discovery — about who she is in relation to the tragedy that defines her life and even her identity (as a waterbender, as a parentified child who becomes the mom friend, as a genocide victim), and she’s accompanied by someone who trusts her judgement and validates her feelings.
I’m not saying TSR is explicitly romantically coded, but when it conforms so well to romance novel tropes…is it any wonder that so many people thought “yes this is her man?” And then he takes lightning in the heart for her and reaches for her when he’s literally dying, I will never be normal about that either
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kachowden · 1 year
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Yandere Jock x Reader
You did not want to be here.
The seats were cold. Your butt hurt. It was loud. And the smell of sweaty feet and gym shorts was nothing short of a headache this early in the morning.
You knew you were being dramatic. Nobody liked gym class. Well. Nobody except maybe Loren. The campus “wonder boy”.
You guess you understood the hype. I mean the guy was a star player for your colleges team. Not to mention, insanely athletic, and good at about, well, just about anything. Except for y’know. His studies.
Which y’know gotta have that little cliche in their right? Who doesn’t love a big dumb jock huh?
And of course he was otherworldly pretty. Because obviously.
Okay maybe you were being a little hard on the guy. You didn’t hate him. Hell you hadn’t even talked to him!
A small part of you was willing to admit it might’ve been a slight case of jealousy
But only slight! The guy had everything practically handed to him and here you were busting your ass!
It sucked yknow? I mean what’s someone gotta do around here to get a helping hand-
“Hey! Watch out!-“
Suddenly the sound of rubber against skin boomed in your ears. A sudden shadow blocked your sight, and it took a moment for the sound of your own heart beat to settle, for you to realize what had just happened.
“Hey, you okay?”
The shadow moved, revealing a large hand, firmly grasping a stray volleyball. A volleyball that would’ve smacked you straight in the face because you were too busy monologuing to-
Oh right
You hesitantly moved your eyes upwards, and nearly groaned out loud.
Wonder boy. Of course.
Time to embarrass yourself with your poor social skills!
“Oh shoot, hey, sorry-uhm..thanks for totally saving me back there! I mean, saving might be a stretch cuz the worse that could’ve happened might’ve been a bruise or on the very slim chance a concussion- but still I appreciate-“
Mother fucker did not just
Loren must’ve noticed your sudden change in mood, because he quickly coughed into his empty fist with a shy smile. His brown eyes were twinkling obnoxiously in your opinion, from the reflection of the faux lights.
“Sorry- sorry…I just uh…you’re kinda dorky”
This bitch.
A scowl quickly took residence on your face, a snarl being on the verge of pouring out.
“Right. Well I said thanks so, I think I’ll be on my way now. Thank you, again for the save. Or whatever.” The last part came out as more of a grumble than anything, and yeah you might’ve been a little petty for it, but come on who says that to someone you just met??
As if realizing his mistake, Loren’s grin fell agape, and with slow reaction time, unusual for someone like him, he moved to follow after you towards the door way.
“Hey wait no! I meant it in-“
The door closed with a thunderous slam.
“-a cute..way.”
A hand perched itself on Lorens broad shoulder.
“Hey man! Who you talkin to?”
A fellow player chirped at the brunette, who’s lips had settled into a troubled frown before he snapped his eyes towards the other player.
He didn’t know his name.
There was a brief moment where the player swore he was being glared at by the Star member, but it was gone so fast he figured it to be a trick of the artificial light.
“Don’t worry about it. Let’s get back to the group yeah?”
God what a long day
Loren sighed for what felt like the umpteenth time that hour, sweat pouring from his brow as he roamed the mostly barren halls.
It was fairly late in the evening.
There was the occasional straggler, most of who greeted him enthusiastically.
“Hey Loren! Can’t wait for the game this week!”
“Loren! You goin to the BMZ’s party tomorrow?”
He responded the way he normally would. Smiles, “hell yeahs”, and high fives. Though at this point he was just going through the motion. He didn’t really feel the need to show up to the parties. But he decided he’d wait to see how he felt by tomorrow.
Right now, he just wanted to get home and relax.
“Stupid- fucking professor! Couldnt wait till I- goddammit!”
Maybe home could wait a while longer
Loren peeked around the corner, and swore he almost did a backflip at the sight of you slouched against an empty classroom door.
The moment your eyes drifted to his he swore he almost forgot how to breathe. You were way too cute.
But the frown on your kissable lips was disheartening to say the least.
“What do you want?”
Okay that hurt a little, but he kept his easy going grin as he strode to stand above you,
a visual he found…almost unnatural really.
It felt weird. Wrong, to be standing above you like that. But he disregarded the feeling for now. No matter how strong the desire to drop to his knees was.
“Need a hand?”
He heard you scoff
“Right..the professors gone so unless you have a key to the city than-“
He wanted to laugh at the stunned look on your pretty face. But that didn’t go well last time so he settled for a smile.
You looked less amused than he had hoped, with the way your head whipped back and forth before you carefully stepped in.
“Why the hell do you have a key that opens this classroom?”
“When you’re the “School Pride” you get a few extra privileges sometimes.”
You mumbled something at that, but he was unfortunately stood too far away to hear what you said clearly. He figured it was a jab at him. Not that he minded.
With quick, but still obviously cautious steps, you peddled on over to one of the front desks, where a lonely bag sat.
Quickly and nimbly you scooped it over your shoulder and made your way back to the brunette, who stood guard at the doors entrance. Almost dutifully.
Loren had to beg the universe that you didn’t hear his thundering heart and stuttering breath when you stopped directly infront of him.
Fuck you were so fucken cute up close what the fuck
“Huh?- Oh! Yeah of course anythingforyou”
You eyed him suspiciously for a moment, before seeming to sigh in resignation.
Moving out from the doorway, and away from him, you paused outside where you had previously had your little breakdown.
“Anyway. Thanks again. For the double save and stuff.” You almost looked pained saying that if he was being honest. But he’s take what he could get for now. “See you around. Or something.”
Wait what?
You were leaving again? Already? He barely even had time to stare at you!
I mean. Talk to you. And make up for embarrassing you earlier!
You paused, almost irritatedly but seemed to ultimately decide to be civil and hear him out. Probably because you liked him now.
(No you were just tired.)
“How about you come to my game this week yeah? It’s on Thursday.”
“Because i want you to. And I wanna make up for this morning.”
Loren watched anxiously as you seemed to weigh your options.
Again, you sighed, before turning around and beginning to stalk off down the hall.
“I’ll think about it. I guess I owe you anyway.”
Loren waited for you to turn the corner
He jumped up excitedly, “yes yes yes! Hell yeah!” clenching his fist with a enthusiastic grin, eyes practically shooting beams of excitement with how bright they were.
This was it. This was the beginning.
Fuck yeah! He was so pumped now!
You could consider this Thursday’s win dedicated to you.
A/N: this ask/story was so fun to read and write about! I love getting asks so don’t worry about sending too many btw <3 thank you so much! Perhaps we’ll see more of Loren in the future? Hope you like my take <3
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bangchansnudes · 3 months
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just thoughts about fwb(to-lovers)!minho. god damn.
he’s cocky. so, so fucking cocky. but rightfully so because just look at him 😩 he’ll always be bragging about how he could get anyone he wanted (and he really could) and that you were soooo lucky to be his fuck buddy because he’s so hot and is good at what he does.
and of course he’d constantly remind you that he absolutely wanted no strings attached.
blah blah.
he’s the one always showing up at your place, like he lived there. even after fucking, he’d self invite himself to stay over, saying he was too lazy to go home but really, he just secretly wanted to spend time with you. he just wanted to cuddle with you, to shower with you, to wake up to you in his arms. 
he’s so obviously attached, smitten for you but he’s just in denial about it. the man thinking it’s just a spur of the moment kind of feeling and sweeps it riiiiiight under the rug. 
as time passes, the flashing of minho’s name on your phone screen no longer meant a call just for sex. the man would occasionally ask to hang out, to have dinner or even just a drive. at this point you guys were no longer JUST friends with benefits but you’d both keep quiet about it. cliché lol.
and then he sees you with other guys and oh god, lee minho will flip. the man will be raging with jealousy over the slightest things. like you hugging your guy friends, laughing at their jokes etc etc. he wanted to storm over, to pull you away but... he had no right. because you guys were fucking, something minho had to remind himself of everyday.
so after getting so fed up with your popularity with the male population and his own pent up feelings, minho finally cracks and confesses to you but it’s not a normal confession. 
no of course not.
he’ll be screaming and insulting you the whole time, totally confusing you at what the hell was even happening. until he finally says, “YOU ARE SO ANNOYING BUT I FUCKING LIKE YOU!”. you’ll end up laughing at this, telling the boy that you liked him too and he’ll reply with something along the lines of “YEAH WELL GOOD FOR YOU.”.
then you live happily ever after 😂
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daisyblog · 2 months
Zane Lowe
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN is mentioned in Harry’s interview with Zane Lowe.
Based on this request.
“Nice nails” Zane compliments Harry who’s sitting in the seat opposite.
“Thanks” Harry politely replies as he glances down at his turquoise nails sitting on his lap. “Thanks for having me”.
After discussing Pleasing and he loved the idea of It, Zane asked “What made you want to do that?”.
“I think for me like…a big part of it is…like I really like making stuff and I really like..kind of coming up with ideas and collaborating with other…especially YN who again is very creative…I feel like I’m really lucky with people around me both personally and professionally that I get to work with are really fun to work with and…you know working’s like my favourite thing to do so..based on the fact that I think obviously it begins as a hobby so then like getting to make stuff for work I feel like is a real gift. I think if I didn’t think about it too much I would be making music and putting out music constantly…but I’m also aware that I’m a total control freak and I want everything to be perfect..so the idea of like oh I made these four songs I’m just going to put out an EP…It’s just not how I think of it”.
“You're faced with a time when you can’t do that…and the great leveller of like it doesn’t matter how much money you have, doesn’t matter where you live, doesn’t matter this doesn’t matter that…you can’t travel you can’t do this, you can’t go outside your house..It’s like suddenly you’re forced to not be this musician guy, you’re forced to be like a boyfriend, brother and a son…and all of those things..and actually I feel like I..you know kind of had a little bit of a chance to focus on that at least for a moment..umm and just stop and kind of take in a lot of stuff and…remember things, you’re kind of gifted this stolen time” Harry explained his view on the world pandemic.
“You mentioned being all these roles…you mentioned being a boyfriend, what was it like during these times?” Zane quizzed. “Because I imagine you got a taste of what it’s like being a “normal” couple”.
Twisting and playing with his rings on his fingers, Harry explains “Umm…YN has always been my comfort you know and I’d like to think I’m hers too…she’s been a big part of my life and…we’ve been through so much tougher…that it was kind of nice to just stop and take that in.” Zane nodded, an indication for Harry to continue “So when the pandemic hit..we isolated in LA for a while..I saw it as a time for us to be just us…but YN did find it hard because she has such a big family…and umm she just wanted to be closer to them…especially her grandparents and siblings”.
“Yeah I can imagine that being hard..being so far away” Zane sympathised “I don’t mean to pry into your personal life but what do you mean by time for just you two?”
“Like..we’ve never known anything other than travelling..or just being surrounded by other people and just having to plan everything in so much detail..to like not be seen you know…so we kind of got to see what a normal like would be like, whatever a normal life is..if that makes sense?”. 
“Yeah it makes total sense”. Zane agreed and could see that Harry craved a little normality in his personal life. 
“I suppose..I’m just like really lucky..because YN just gets it. She got put into the limelight the same as us..you know..so yeah she just gets it and I’m just so lucky” Harry continued with a slight giggle as he repeated how lucky he was. “I think what I’m trying to say is…I hit gold when it came to YN…she really is my best friend too and yeah…it was nice to be just a couple without the added pressures.”. 
“We have to acknowledge this because..you know we at one point we were going to this in the United Kingdom”. Harry nodded in agreement “But there’s something wonderful about being in this afterglow of Palm Springs..which is I'm sure is how you feel a little bit after these two amazing headline shows…you seem so chilled you know” Zane laughed but continue “There must have been a relief that you did it?”.
“I just..you know I knew I was going to put something out…whether it’s a show or an album or a song I want it to be perfect..and umm…I think like that’s why I take so much stress on I think around something like Coachella..cause I feel like I want it to be good..like if it’s not going to be good I’d rather not do it..so you know in that kind of setting, no matter what it is kind of…you know the dust or the wind or however many things, it's like so many things can go wrong in that situation..and it's not your show and it's my first festival so…you know I’m kind of going out to the crowd and I like knowing what I’m stepping out to” Harry rambled with a nervous chuckle at the end.
Harry continued “and that was really terrifying”.
“What was your instinct when they asked you to do it?” Zane interrupted.
“That’s too scary and I’m gonna say no” Harry laughed “But..uh YN was like you need to say yes and was just so encouraging and supportive..you know…plus she’s like my biggest fan so of course she wanted me to do it!”. 
“So..would you say YN helps with the nerves?” Zane asked curiously.
“I was so nervous..like so nervous..and I remember YN being on facetime to Louis before the show..and them both saying just to be myself and to enjoy…and when I was out there I just focused on being me and nothing else”. Harry spoke freely. “Their advice definitely helped…’cause I had the best time!”. 
“Late Night Talking?” Zane stated.
Harry let out a shy chuckle “Uhh…yeah” Harry leans his head on his hand to try and hide is cheeky smile “It’s about YN…well I don’t think it’s a shock to anyone”.
“So…would you say the whole album is about YN?” Zane asked confidently.
“Uhh..most of it..yeah pretty much” Harry smiled “She’s just been a constant in my life..since like we were what..sixteen or seventeen..you know..she’s my life..and I don’t have to pretend to be anyone other than myself around her you know…it’s just easy and I love that about our relationship.” Harry explained.
“Matilda really shows emotional intelligence and how you were thinking about someone at that time.”. Zane begins to talk about the middle song on Harry’s album. 
“Uh…yeah…I actually didn’t write Matilda”. Harry revealed, causing Zane to looked shocked. “YN had this conversation with someone…and she was getting to know them…and they opened up to her and she was like that’s not normal…so she was almost like writing down what she wanted to say to them…and I was like how many people could relate to this you know…and we agreed that it would make a beautiful song for those who needed to hear it”.
“Waw! It holds a real powerful message and I think even if people don’t feel those things…I think it definitely makes them feel something.”. Zane spoke with passion in his voice. 
“It definitely does….and it was just about saying I was listening….that was YN’s purpose to it”. 
“Boyfriends” Zane began “It is a great song..It’s from a male perspective, it’s a very knowing song..and It’s a very self-aware song..you have to have some self-awareness to write from that perspective surely”.
Harry answered immediately “Yeah for sure…Boyfriends was written right at the end of Fine Line” Harry explained “Boyfriends is about like…we’re all flawed you know..and I think pretending like we’re not, I just don’t get it..It’s acknowledging my own behaviour, it’s looking at the behaviour I’ve witnessed..I grew up with a sister so it’s like watching her date people and watching friends…but at the same time admitting I’ve not been a perfect boyfriend either”.
“Love of My Life..I’d always wanted to write a song about like home and loving England…and all of that kind of stuff..and it’s kind of hard to do that you know”
“So Love of Love My Life is about home and England?” Zane asked with a slight smirk on his face.
“As I started making them album…I realised it wasn’t about the kind of geographical location…it was more of an internal thing” Harry tried to hide his bashful smile by rubbing his finger under his nose.
“Do I see Harry Styles blushing?” Zane began to tease Harry.
Harry lets out a loud chuckle and tries to hide his face in his hands “You know..I’ll admit that I blush sometimes…especially when it comes to YN!”. 
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fairuzfan · 7 months
hello!! I don't know if this is appropriate (pls do not feel obligated to answer) but i was wondering what were ur thoughts on the israeli grass-roots movement Standing Together. I first found out abt them through a tumblr post that shared this substack article (https://theconnector.substack.com/p/if-its-not-helping-then-shut-the). the article immediately put an extremely bad taste in my mouth towards the movement and its founders, but i dont know if i'm being overly-critical of them.
Hey thanks for sending this in. No worries, it's totally ok. I was actually debating whether or not to publish this, mostly because I was afraid this would distract from Gaza, but I decided that it's imperative to stop normalizers from squeezing their way into the movement. Remember, the demands of the Palestinian people begin and end with liberation. Everything else is irrelevant and pointless to the cause.
So first off — I don't think you're being overly-critical of them at all. The first red flag of both this article and the group themselves is that they often exchange "Palestinian" with "Arab" and "Israeli" with "Jewish." That right off the bat shows me they have no respect for Palestinians and see Jewish people and Palestinians as mutually exclusive categories. I've spoken on this blog before about how racist it is to assume no Palestinian is Jewish and vice versa and this group really illustrates the forced division they imagine within their own goals and wording.
The article itself is quite anti-Palestinian in its erasure — it talks about avoiding words like "genocide," and "apartheid," and "ethnic cleansing" because "they are serious people trying to actually get something done." I really don't understand why not using those words makes you a serious person. If anything, it erases a description of how to define what it happening to Palestinians.
The whole redefinition of "peace" in this article and group is just calmness. These people are not advocating for peace in which families are reunited and land is given back — they are advocating for a muted version of the status quo of the current political system, just with less obviously fanatical governments. Peace cannot be attained when the people directly affected cannot have a say in defining it. They won't even say the word "apartheid." It's not some scholarly word with no meaning — it has actual consequences and effects on people (click). Palestinians are tried in military court. Their movement is monitored and restricted. It means that there are different legal systems for different people (click)! If you reject that this exists, then you're not interested in making the lives of Palestinians better — you're only interested in making your own life more comfortable.
As soon as you remove our ability to say words like "genocide" and "apartheid", you remove our ability to determine what happens specifically to Palestinians based on racism. By only saying "Palestinians are getting killed" an Israeli can come in and say "well so am I, by Hamas! Let's work together to end the killing" when it ignores that this is a systematic effort to completely wipe out all trace of Palestinians from the world.
It's like saying, "Don't say you have arthritis, say your joints hurt. And well, that happens to everyone, so let's just find a way to stop all our joints from hurting!" Then you work with people who fundamentally don't understand your pain and symptoms, oversimplifying your situation to the point of malicious universality. Sure, everyone's joints hurt, but my joints are hurting because my immune system is attacking them, not because of old age. You can't help my arthritis the same way you can wear a heat/cold patch to sooth your joints — there are other problems you're ignoring that all work together to cause me systematic pain and might cause bigger problems in the future if left untreated properly.
Similar symptoms don't mean similar causes and ignoring that is fundamentally ignoring the root issue and attempting to trivialize Palestinian's suffering. As soon as you take away the words to describe our situation, it doesn't sound so bad, does it?
Now, basically, the... weirdest part of the article is this excerpt:
People like him in Israel are very aware of how the left here is talking about them, and it’s not helping. “You can call me a colonizer or a settler,” he declared, “but I’m not going anywhere. And neither are the Palestinians.” When people chant, “Palestine will be free,” he said, “we Israelis hear, ‘without you.’ In the same way that a lot of Palestinians hear the ministers in Bibi’s government speak and think they want to do the same thing to them.” The problem as they both see it is that we are caught between two polar opposites. “Hamas believes in Greater Palestine,” Green said. “And on the other side we have people who believe in the idea of Greater Israel.” Indeed, that concept is in the charter of Netanyahu’s Likud Party. “Both sides have very problematic governing bodies,” he added. And the status quo of maintaining the occupation and managing the conflict has been exploded now.
Well, first off, Hamas is not the only one who believes in "Greater Palestine." Palestinians around the globe have been fighting for that since 1948. Second off, it's quite odd that you would center yourself in the wake of the ongoing slaughter of 10,000 people, with no end in sight. Right now, I would assume you'd be advocating for an end to the mass killings first and foremost, but you seem to be more worried about your right to stolen land.
Third, this completely erases the violence done to Palestinians the past 75+ years in favor for a "peace" that will only allow citizens of Israel comfort in their lives. Sure Palestinian citizens of Israel might have more comfortable lives, maybe (although I doubt it). But what about Gaza, which has been ravaged by Israel? What about the people in the Occupied Territories, whose economy depends on Israel, which controls it? What about the millions of refugees around the world who can't so much as see the place where they grew up because they've been exiled? The colonization of Palestine by Israel is not so old — there are people STILL ALIVE who participated in the massacres of Palestinians in 1948 and 1967 and walk around without facing any real consequences for that. My great-grandmother had seen both and she only passed away a couple of years ago. Where is the "peace" for her? Where is the "peace" for millions like her who still dream of going back to their childhood home?
This group AND the article tries to cloud your view into illustrating two opposing groups with equal power. They aren't. Palestinians, unfortunately, endure systematic oppression both within Gaza and throughout Palestine. Each and every time they try to resist peacefully, they've been shot, abducted, or imprisoned. The Great March of Return is one such example. BDS is also an example, yet that has constantly been outlawed by American governments. There have been a plethora of Palestinian artists, writers, and filmmakers who have been silenced or killed for advocating for a Free Palestine. Most recently, this included Heba Abu-Nada who was an award winning poet and writer who was martyred on October 20th after getting shelled by an Israeli missile. Ghassan Kanafani also was assassinated last century. The list goes on. Palestinians have no hope of "changing the system from within" because that internal change will always depend on the mercy of the Israelis that pretend to ally themselves with the Palestinians. Someone in Gaza cannot leave their refugee camp and go back to their ancestral home because no one in this group is advocating for that — and remember, the right of return is an essential part of the demands of the Palestinian people and we cannot ignore that for a forced "peace" that favors calmness over actual justice.
Now as we examine the group themselves, here is their mission statement/goal:
Standing Together is a progressive grassroots movement mobilizing Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel against the occupation and for peace, equality, and social justice. We know that the majority have far more in common than that which sets us apart and only a tiny minority benefits from the status quo. The future that we want-peace and independence for Israelis and Palestinians, full equality for everyone in this land, and true social, economic, and environmental justice — is possible. To achieve this future, we must stand together as a united front: Jewish and Palestinian, secular and religious, Mizrahi and Ashkenazi, rural and urban, and people of all genders and sexual orientations. As the largest Jewish-Arab grassroots movement in Israel, we are committed to creating an alternative to our existing reality and building the political strength to make this transformation possible.
Yet again, they are separating "Palestinian" and "Jewish," reinforcing this dichotomy that's so harmful. AND they're interchanging "Palestinian" and "Arab," which erases the diversity within Palestinian society. A group that makes the distinction between "Palestinian" and "Jewish" shows that they are not interested in the restitution of Palestinians but rather solidifying their own position within society by emphasizing a false dichotomy between "Palestinians" and "Jews" with no potential for overlap.
They mention "true justice" but "true justice" doesn't exist if there are no reparations towards the people who have been exiled and displaced, murdered, and tortured the past 75+ years. Justice is not an abstract concept — it is adhering to the demands of the people most impacted by systematic oppression, which is the Palestinians.
Looking at their leadership, there are only a couple of Palestinians with the vast majority of them being non-Palestinian. Sorry, but I'm wholly uninterested in "peace" and "equality" movements that are not made up of majority Palestinians. It's only common sense that you would expect such a movement to be led by Palestinians themselves — but this group seems to use Sally Abed as a token Palestinian who furthers their narrative of wanting "peace" in Israeli society. And even looking at their action items, you can see they make a point about emphasizing safety for the *Israeli* citizens above all else, stating that their far right government does nothing to serve the citizens of Israel. They claim it will also bring safety for Gazans, but how? You can advocate for a change in the government, yes, but if the people in Gaza are subject to getting their rights taken away based on the whims of whoever happens to be in power then no amount of "internal" activism in Israeli society will help them. They will always be at the mercy of the people who have a vested interest in erasing the people of Gaza and the West Bank so that they may take over their land.
Please remember, the civil rights movement of the 60s and the BLM Movement of this century were led by and FOR Black people of the United States because they were the ones making the demands for a change in their circumstances. Because at the end of the day, the people who are the most oppressed deserve the right to decide how their future appears and should not be dictated by the oppressor in any way.
This group tries to make a separation between the "Israeli people" and the "Israeli government." Right away, I have to laugh. They act as if the colonization of Palestine is too old for anyone to remember its origins — no. I had family living in Palestine as recently as '67. Maybe *this* generation didn't choose to settle in Palestine, but the previous generation did. And the generations before that. Before 1948, Israel didn't even exist. Hell, before a couple hundred years ago, BORDERS didn't exist. Not to mention, mandatory conscription means that most civilians will have been directly part of the suppressing forces, making them liable for the material effects of colonization. Why are people so resistant to the idea of undoing colonialism and its effects? I cannot think of any other reason than because they have a vested interest in keeping those borders up, in emphasizing nationality because they're one of the groups of people that is benefited from the establishment of a "Jewish State."
So in that, unless you call for an end to the idea of the "Jewish State" in Palestine, then I cannot think of you as a sincere advocate for Palestinian rights — this group especially plays at normalization of a muted version of the status quo rather than actual justice and reparations. The "Israeli advocates" within this group will benefit first and foremost in their own activism — therefore it's hard for me to view them in a positive light.
All activism for Palestinians should center around giving Palestinians reparations, as well as giving reparations to all indigenous victims of colonization. I think this group only tries to muddy the waters to make people forget what they're fighting for. I honestly do not understand why liberation scares you, if it means that no nation-state will have complete and total power over you and your family.
"Free Palestine" is an anti-colonial movement. Such a thing is possible — but you have to try to make it possible. Those against the unending liberation of all people are one of those who have the most to benefit from the continuation of colonization.
Right now, your main concern should be the people of Gaza and the people of the West Bank, and ensuring their safety and longevity in the face on continued erasure. "Peace" is all well and good but who exactly gets to define that? Who gets to benefit most from it? Unless you can unequivocally answer "ALL Palestinians," then you're not an ally — you're only interested in helping yourselves.
Remember — the fact that we even had to fight for our rights is itself an injustice. At the very least, ask the people who are most affected what they want before you listen to Israelis who have a vested interest in keeping the state of Israel alive.
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signedmio · 4 months
Hi 👋,
If you're still taking requests, I absolutely loved the most recent one you did with Lucifer, Adam and Vox proposing and marrying their s/o.
If possible could you do one similar to that but for Husk and Alastor?
If not, it's totally cool and I'm loving your work 😊
hellooo, dw i’m still taking requests haha, yeah i can do that for you!! the first part was undeniably fun to write so obviously i’ll do it again for ya haha
Warnings: None(?)
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Alastor Proposal + Wedding Headcanons
Alastor never really knew what love truly felt like, until he met you, from that alone — he knew you were the one
His proposal was simple, but still very gentlemanly, his shadows were his band, playing some of your shared favorite songs, and Alastor stood in a different suit than the one he normally wears, a black version with a red streak instead of the white line that goes down the collar
He stood in the center of your room in the hotel, awaiting for you to get back from work, with a bouquet of spider lilies in his hands and a ring box in his pocket.
When you arrive, he has a soft and gentle smile on his face, in contrast to the big grin he usually shows, he didn’t feel vulnerable or at risk with you, so he could wind down with you
He hands you the bouquet and gets down on one knee, taking your ring out of the box, holding it to you, as his other hand takes yours in his and kisses the back of it
“My dearest and truest love, you have made me feel more alive than I ever have, even in my years on Earth.” He started, his radio affect softer than you’ve ever heard it, it’s unlike him, given he usually has a more cheery tone.
“You have showed me what love truly feels like, what in feels like in here —” He said, putting a hand to his heart, “That being said, would you make me the happiest man in Hell and be my lawfully wedded spouse?”
You and Alastor have a wedding almost immediately, thanks to his magic staff.
The ceremony is like any other, other than the fact your soon-to-be husband has a massive fucking grin on his face that did not falter the whole time, other than when you came down the isle, and it seemed to inch up his face more.
When it came to the kiss, he does turn you both around as he does not enjoy displaying affection infront of others, but he also won’t break tradition, so…
The reception is nowhere near boring, he knows how to have a good time, there’s excitable jazz music that has a good chunk of guests swaying and moving their feet
He also may or may not freak out some family members of yours…but that’s okay!
He also does not wish to be in wedding photos, due to his opinions on modern cameras and tech, but will for you, and either way, he knows his grin fucks up the photos in contrast to your beauty so he doesn’t really see the point tbh — but he’ll most likely make you guys use an old camera for effect
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Husk Proposal + Wedding
Husk genuinely did not care to get married, well, he would be fine if you did, but he was content the way you both were, but he knew how much of a romantic you were so…
Quite frankly, he probably had the laziest proposal out of everyone I’ve written for for this, while you guys were laying in bed, bitch asked you if you would ever wanna get married and proceeded to basically chuck the ring box at you.
You and Husk were in your shared bed. It was late, you were just about to doze off for the night, until you heard Husk’s gruff voice pipe up.
“I have a question for ya.” He said, staring at the ceiling with you on his furry chest. “And that is?” you ask, popping your head up in curiosity,
“Would you ever wanna get married?” He asked, looking down at you, a soft and subtle smirked played on his lips. “Oh!- Uh, probably!” You answered, a bit thrown off by the question.
“‘Kay, great.” Husk muttered, plopping the ring box in between you two. “Husk, what the fu-”
Yeah before you could finish he was already asleep 😛
Husk mainly leaves wedding planning to you, not cause he’s a dick, but it’s just not his thing, he will help out when need be though
At the ceremony, Husk is holding back a couple tears, only a few though!
He never saw himself as the sentimental type, and he knows he didn’t really have the desire to do this in the first place, but now? He knows he made the right choice, even if it was at 2 in the morning.
The reception is chill, it’s kinda just sitting around and chatting, and yes there’s a bar, and Husk is pissed he can’t work it.
There’s chill jazz music in the back, but it’s not like Alastor’s where it had people swaying, it was more soothing, and it wasn’t like Adam’s where people were absolutely bopping to music either
You guys still don’t know if you’re having a honeymoon, Husk is still way too tired and way too hungover to make that decision.
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mountttmase · 1 year
a mason imagine where you’re pregnant with your second child and you tell your first child so you can surprise mason together, but one day he catches your first daughter drawing a family picture of you all and includes the second baby by accident and mason founds out you’re pregnant due to the drawing! super fluffy of course ☺️💗
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Mummy’s Got One Growing Too
Note - so this fic obviously mentions pregnancy which if that’s not your thing then I totally get it but I absolutely loved writing this 🙊 would love to hear what you all think 💙
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 4k
Warnings - fluffy fluff
Feeling dizzy and sick like you had been for the past few days wasn’t something you felt regularly. living with Mason meant you pretty much always made sure the pair of you were eating correctly, drinking enough and generally taking care of yourselves but you knew something had been off the past few weeks.
You were tired beyond belief, everything ached and you were loosing your appetite a bit but you’d put all this down to stress. Life in the Mount household had been far from perfect lately what with Masons injury and the current mess that was Chelsea football club. Looking after Mason whilst also trying to look after your four year old little boy at the same time was proving to be a lot to handle and it was seeming starting to show it’s self in physical symptoms.
The dizziness was new though and had only come on in the last few days. You kept it to yourself as not to add anything else onto Masons plate but it was growing harder to keep from him and only getting worse. That night you sat in bed whilst Mason was putting Ollie to sleep, promising to make yourself a doctors appointment in the morning.
‘Do you know where I put that new bottle of aftershave?’ Mason questioned as he walked into your room and you were quick to jump up to help him find it.
‘Yeah it should be-‘ you started but were quickly stopping. Holding onto your forehead as you grabbed onto whatever you could, which turned out to the mattress as you fell forward, legs turning to jelly as your head spun and a loud whooshing noise ran between your ears.
‘Baby?’ You faintly heard and you felt Masons hands on your thighs, turning your body around so you were sat on the bed properly but he let you come to on your own as not to push you too much but you could tell he was frightened about what he’d just seen. ‘Are you okay, love?’
‘Yeah, sorry’ you giggled, looking up at him once you felt somewhat normal, hoping to reassure him it was just a blip and you were alright. ‘Just lost my bearings a bit’
‘You sure?’ I haven’t seen you that dizzy since before Ollie was born’ he laughed and it was like everything clicked into place for you.
Could it be? Could you really be pregnant again?the pair of you had never exactly been careful but another baby wasn’t in your plans right now, and you were unsure if Mason wanted another one what with everything going on. You felt like it would be more stress to add onto his plate but you couldnt get to far ahead of yourself as Mason was standing back up.
‘Stay there, just tell me where it is and I’ll get it’ he chuckled and you gave him a soft smile before letting him know you’d put it in one of the drawers of his wardrobe. You left him to rummage around whilst you thought over what to do, thinking back to when your last period was but you were so panicky that you couldn’t think of when it was. What about tests, did you have any in the house? Would they even be in date and fine to use? ‘Are you sure you’re alright, love? You look white a sheet’ Mason spoke, interrupting you out of your crazed thoughts.
‘Yeah sorry, it’s just been a bit of a long day’ you chuckled, moving back in the bed so you could lay down before he slid in next to you.
‘Yeah? I know things have been a bit tense lately but you would tell me if something was wrong wouldn’t you?’
‘Of course’
‘Cause I love you a lot. Even if I haven’t been great at telling you or showing you how much lately’
‘Mase it’s-‘
‘Don’t say it’s fine. It’s not fine’ he told you, cupping your jaw as you stared back at him with glassy eyes. ‘I can’t even remember the last time I held you like this. You’re my girl and we’re supposed to be a team but youve been pulling most of the weight. I feel like I haven’t taken a proper look at you in weeks and you look exhausted’ he told you softly and you finally let a few tears escape your eyes that he kissed away softly. ‘I’m really sorry, baby’ he whispered, making you nuzzle into his neck so he didn’t see you cry anymore. ‘Let’s get some sleep yeah? How about you turn your alarm off and I’ll get Ollie up tomorrow. I’ve got a shoot in the afternoon that I can take him to and then after I can take him over to stay with lewis for the evening. He’s already said yes so it’s fine. We can just chill out yeah? Spend some time just the two of us’
‘I’d like that’ you whispered before he kissed your forehead and snuggled down. ‘I love you too, Mase. A lot’
You felt him press a heavy kiss to your lips before settling back down, holding you tightly in his arms and he stroked you back to help you drift off whilst placing feather light kisses to your hairline. You thought it might of been a struggle to get to sleep tonight with all the thoughts rushing around your head and what ifs, but Mason always knew how to settle you and you knew everything would be fine whatever the outcome.
Mason kept to his promise and got Ollie up and ready giving you a much needed lie in until he had to go to cobham for some rehabilitation sessions, leaving you alone with the little one and your racing thoughts. Would it be worth waiting to take a test? Would it be worth taking one at all? You didn’t feel like you could be pregnant but you never knew. Maybe it would be worth taking one just to settle your mind? In the end you told yourself you couldn’t wait anymore and you needed to get out of the house for your own sanity and grab a test to calm your mind.
‘Hey Ollie? How do you fancy going out for lunch today? We can go for a walk and look round the shops after?’ You asked him and he was up running about to get his shoes on before he’d even answered you properly, but you were grateful as you couldn’t stand another second in the house without knowing if there was a little human growing inside you or not, so after a quick trip to Ollie’s favourite coffee shop you made a trip into the pharmacy to pick up a few tests before a trip to the toy shop where he picked out some new crayons and a colouring book.
‘I’m just going to have a look for something in the other room okay? You stay here I won’t be long’ you told him with a kiss on his head before you made you way to the downstairs loo that was just across the hall. Sitting and waiting for those two minutes felt like a lifetime but soon enough you were turning the stick over to read the one little word that carried so much weight.
You gasped before choking out a sob. You hands started shaking as you placed the test down on the sink, no longer able to read the word as your eyes filled with tears. You couldn’t believe it and you couldn’t believe how long it had taken you to realise this was the cause of all your issues. There was a mini mix of Mason and you growing and had been for over two months according to the test.
A knock on the door pulled you from your thoughts before your little boy opened the door. His face full of concern as he looked at you crying on toilet floor.
‘Mummy? What’s wrong?’
You didn’t want to frighten him so you sent him a smile, opening your arms for him to run into. Giving him a massive squeeze before rubbing your eyes to clear the tears away.
‘Nothings wrong baby I promise’
‘You’re crying’
‘I know but they’re happy tears’ you laughed before letting him go, leading him back into the living room before sitting him on your lap. You felt like you were about to burst as you needed to tell someone and you figured it was no harm in telling him before you let Mason know later as you knew Ollie would pester you until he knew what was happening. ‘If I tell you a secret do you promise not to tell anyone? Not even daddy?’
‘I promise’ he nodded excitedly, pretending to zip his lips and you chuckled at his cheekiness. It was times like this he looked like Mason the most which made your heart hurt. You wished he was here so you could all share this moment together but it gave you a little bit of time to think of a way to tell him so you gave Ollie a quick kiss on the forehead before carrying on.
‘You remember when baby Mila was growing in auntie Jaz’s tummy?’ You asked him and he nodded his head, glancing down to your tummy and placing a gentle hand there which made you laugh. ‘Yes baby, mummy’s got one growing too now. And in a little while you’ll have your own brother or sister to play with. How does that sound?’
Ollie’s hand’s clenched into fists as he did a little excited dance on your lap, letting you know he was happy about it and you hugged him to you tightly as fresh tears welled up in your eyes. But you were soon knocked out of your trance but the front door opening Masons voice booming through the house.
‘Hello? I’m home. Is Ollie ready to go? I just need to get changed and I’ll take him’
The sudden realisation that a positive pregnancy test was still sitting on your downstairs bathroom sink made you jump up, dragging Ollie with you but thankfully he was already halfway up the stairs and nowhere near it but you caught the confused look he gave you both when you emerged. The test hidden in your back pocket
‘What are you doing?’ He laughed but you just brushed him off with a shake of your head.
‘Nothing. Ollie’s ready so be quick’ you laughed and he rolled his eyes before continuing on. You crouched down so you were Ollie’s level, holding him by his chubby cheeks so he’d look at you properly before you started placing little kisses all over his face, making him giggle adorably. ‘Remember baby. Not a word to anyone, yeah? Our secret until tomorrow’
‘Yes mummy’ he laughed, holding up his little finger for you link yours with which you did with a laugh before pulling him in for a big hug.
‘And you be good for uncle Lew yeah?’ You told him, his head nodding up and down furiously as you stood to grab his coat and bag. ‘Why don’t you go grab your new colouring things so you’ve got something to do at daddy’s shoot?’ You told him as Mason was making his way back down the stairs.
‘You alright?’ He asked, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. You wanted to blurt it out there and then but you knew the timing wasn’t right. You wanted to tell him when you had time, just the two of you so you just nodded before he kissed you again. This time slowly and gently, filling your tummy with butterflies just like he always did.
‘I’m ready’ Ollie shouted, running towards you both and hugging Masons legs so he could pick him up. Once he was both your heights you gave him a kiss on the cheek and a little tickle of his tummy, making him laugh.
‘Have a nice time. And remember, be a good boy’ you told him, kissing his cheek before turning to face Mason. ‘You be a good boy too’ you laughed, reaching up to kiss him gently as he chuckled.
‘I’m always a good boy. Come on then mate, let’s get going. Say bye to mummy’
‘Bye mummy’ Ollie sung, giving you a hug and kissing you on the cheek before Mason put him on the floor so he could go and get in the car, leaving you and Mason alone for him to pull you into a big hug.
‘I’ll see you later yeah?’ He whispered and you nodded into his neck before pulling away to give him a quick kiss. ‘Take it easy’ he winked and with one final kiss he was gone.
You knew you needed to nip back out to the shops to get a few things for dinner and on the way you thought over some ways that you could tell Mason about the sprog in your belly, scrolling through Pinterest before eventually picking up everything you needed and returning home.
You were antsy about his arrival, trying to distract yourself by making a start on dinner and when you heard the front door open, you felt your heart in your throat and you tried to swallow down the nervous lump. You had t thought about what part of the night would be best to tell him it if you could could even keep it in for much longer.
‘Baby?’ He bellowed, trying to locate you and you let out a nervous laugh, slightly apprehensive about how the night would go.
‘Kitchen’ you replied, hearing him making his way to you, his smiley face coming into view not long after before he made his way over to plant a kiss on you cheek.
‘You okay? How was your afternoon?’
‘Yeah fine thanks. How was your shoot?’
‘Yeah same old same old’ he told you, rolling his eyes with a smile. ‘Ollie seems to really like his new colouring stuff. In fact he drew us a really nice picture but I’m a little bit confused by it’ he laughed, pulling out a folded up piece of paper from his pocket that he flattened out. ‘You wanna have a look?’ He asked, placing it down in front of you before settling his hands on your hips as he looked over your shoulder to tell you about it.
‘What’s this?’ You laughed, eyes glancing over the page of what you assumed was Ollie’s depiction of your family and your heart warmed at the fact that was what he wanted to draw out of everything else in the world.
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‘Well this is you apparently, and that’s one’s me’ Mason pointed, his lips by your ear as he described everything to you. ‘That one there with the ball is Ollie and that’s our dog Buster that apparently I have to get him. Not so sure when I agreed to that though’ he laughed before he pointed at the the other figure drawn to the right hand side next to the dog. ‘And this person here, this is his little sister that you’re apparently growing in your belly at the moment, but he’s not allowed to tell me anymore cause it’s a secret?’ he told you quietly and your whole body stiffened at his words, you blood running cold at the fact that he knew before you could tell him.
Your eyes began to fill up as he pulled back and turned you to face him, not sure what sort of expression you were expecting to meet but when he tilted you chin up to look at him, his kind glossy eyes and heartwarming smile settled you instantly and you felt stupid for even worrying about telling him.
‘Is it true? Are you pregnant?’
‘Yes’ you sobbed, throwing your arms around his shoulders and holding him as tightly as you could. ‘I found out this afternoon, I was gonna tell you tonight, I’m sorry’ you cried as he held you close you him, swaying you from side to side and he tried to calm your sobs down.
‘Hey, it’s okay. Come on love, just breathe for me yeah? You’re okay i promise’ he whispered, letting you get yourself together before you pulled back to take him in.
He looked so happy, his bright smile making you smile back at him just as hard before he held you by your face, pressing little kisses all over it before making his way to your lips, kissing you gently but pouring himself into you. Letting you know how loved and appreciated you were by his lips alone and you felt yourself turn to jelly as he grabbed you by your thighs and lifted you to sit on the counter. Slotting himself in between your legs as he came back to stroke your cheeks gently.
‘Are you okay? Are you feeling alright? I knew something was up but I never thought it could be this’ he laughed and you nodded at him whilst wiping your eyes as his soon spilled over with tears.
‘I’m alright. I didn’t know either like I’ve been feeling a bit rough but when you said you hadn’t seen me dizzy since before Ollie it all sort of clicked into place and I took a test earlier. It says I’m two months plus but I’ll have to make an appointment soon to get everything checked’
‘Well let me know I wanna be there’ he laughed, gently pulling up the bottom of your top so he could press kisses onto the bare skin of your tummy. ‘Hello baby, it’s your daddy. I love you so so much you have no idea’ he spoke to your belly and you laughed as you brushed you fingers through his hair. ‘And you’re gonna love your brother and your mummy too. Just like I do’
‘Oh yeah?’ You laughed ‘You sure you’re still gonna love me when I’m all fat again?’ And he looked back up to give you a soft loving stare.
‘You gave me my best friend in the world and you’re about to give me another one. I couldn’t be more in love with you if I tried’ he whispered making you shiver and your heart race at his sweet words. ‘You, and this little family we’re building mean absolutely everything to me, like more than I could ever tell you. I know I’ve been caught up in myself lately and I need to do better but I will, I promise’ he told you, tears still falling from his eyes and you brushed them away gently.
‘Thank you’ you whispered, pulling him in for a much needed kiss as you could tell you both needed some comfort. He held you at your waist gently, his thumb seeming to automatically stroke over your tummy softly like he was letting the baby know he was there and everything was okay.
‘No, thank you. You’re making me a dad again and it’s my favourite thing in the whole world like I could never repay you for any of this’ he uttered, the emotion taking over his voice before you held him close to you.
‘Would you like your present?’ You laughed and he looked at you in confusion before you passed him a small white box that had a doughnut inside and a handwritten message on the inside of the lid.
Eat me! Mummy doesn’t want to be the only one with a belly 💛
Mason laughed, picking it up to take a bite before you could stop him, rolling your eyes in annoyance as you tried to grab it but he was halfway across the kitchen in a flash.
‘Mase, you’ll ruin your dinner’ you laughed, gently getting down from the counter so you could take it off of him and he pouted but gave it up straight away.
‘Go sit down, I can finish dinner off. You need to be resting’ he told you. ‘I know us Mounts can be exhausting’
‘You can say that again’ you laughed, popping yourself down on the stool at the kitchen island. ‘I tell you what, I’m never telling Ollie any secrets again. He promised not to blab’ you smiled and he laughed loudly.
‘He’s was so excited though. I think he really wants a sister’ he laughed ‘which I think would be nice. You know, complete the set? I think I’d make a pretty good girl dad’
‘You’d make the best girl dad’ you smiled as he kissed your forehead gently.
‘Well you’re already the best mum and I’ve learnt everything I know from you’ he winked. ‘We’ll keep this between the three of us for now yeah? Maybe four if Ollie can’t keep his mouth shut around Lewis’ Mason laughed, picking his phone up to give him a quick call to see if he’d blabbed yet. ‘Nah apparently he’s promised he’s not said anything and Lewis seems none the wiser so I think we’re safe’ he told you, giving you a disapproving look as you were dishing the food up and not sat where he’d left you. ‘Come on then you two, let’s eat so we can have a cuddle’ he laughed and you felt your face flush at the fact he’d referred to you as a pair.
‘Can I see the test?’ Mason asked after dinner and you quickly retrieved it from your bedside drawer so he could read the words for himself as you cuddled up together on the sofa, you practically sitting in his lap as he rested his chin on your shoulder. ‘Two months, when was two months ago?’ He asked and you both counted back to the middle of January, your face flushing when you realised what date it must of been, his own face a look of shock when he realised when it could potentially be. ‘You don’t think it was mine and Decs birthday party do you? You know when we-
‘Had drunk sex in Decs summer house in his garden?’ You laughed ‘I mean the dates match up’
‘He’s gonna murder me when he finds out, he’ll make us name the baby after him and everything. Even if it is a little girl we’ll have to call it Declan’ he teased.
‘I’m not calling my baby Declan just cause you couldn’t keep it in your pants’ you laughed bringing him in for a kiss. ‘What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him’ you reasoned and he agreed before resting his head on your shoulder, his hand resting on your tummy just like he did when you were pregnant with Ollie, making you look back at him with a smile. ‘I love you so much, Mase’
‘I love you too, gorgeous. More than anything’ he whispered. ‘How are you feeling about it all?’
‘Scared’ you laughed, your own hand brushing up against his on your tummy and you felt him link your fingers together, making a safe little barrier to protect the tiny life inside you. ‘I’m not really sure it’s sunk in yet. How are you feeling?’
‘Excited’ he smiled, kissing your neck gently as he tried calm you. ‘You don’t need to be scared, love. I’m here for you. Anything you need I’ve got you yeah? I’m gonna take such good care of you. Both of you’ he reassured you
‘I know you will’ you whispered, eyes filling up for the millionth time that day as he kissed you gently and you knew you were in safe hands.
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