#i forget which tag i use
krash-8 · 23 days
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anybody else dealing with this problem
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transingthoseformers · 3 months
Froid during sex: ohhh Rung~
Sunder: :) who's Rung :)
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havic-fr · 1 year
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bird moments
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real-total-drama-takes · 10 months
I feel nauseous. How could you say this AGAIN. Out of all the terrible and extremely wrong Catnon takes on here, this is the only one that has made me consider blocking the tag. I could have ignored you. I had laughed at your posts. I had liked them, even, in the way that they were so fucking stupid I found them pleasant to look at. This is not the same. You have been blessed with anonymity on this blog, given the opportunity to whisper your deepest but most heartfelt true thoughts, only to bastardize and pollute everything we built together. I don’t care if it’s bait, or even ironic. I have a love for irony, an appreciation that overrules most distaste. But you cannot slaughter a man and paint “satire” in his blood. I will not block you. I will not leave yet. But I will never forget what you said. You have made an enemy, Catnon, but I find it more significant what you have made yourself into.
Also wrong+L+ratio+go fuck yourself
Mod Courtney. You are also WRONG. But that’s ok because I like you and your understand that it is not acceptable. Thank you!
Ok byeee
okay what did I do??
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feytouched · 2 years
dreamt that i hosted a huge event w my old social group and it left me feeling frazzled and ignored and disappointed as per usual and then as i was walking to my car i passed by a pack of those skinny dudes who dress like 70s rockstars on the reg and i was already like oh no but one of them was like "hi you're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen!" and i thought he was joking and that the other guys would start laughing at me any second now but he slipped a cigarette with his number on it into my pocket and left and i don't even smoke but in my dream i considered smoking just this one bc i was never gonna call the guy but maybe i could internalize the fact that i can be wanted by someone and not even as a joke or a last resort. plus a lot of chemicals. anyway twas just a dream
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theedfather · 1 year
It's actually homophobic that Deranged by Coheed & Cambria isn't on Spotify anymore
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djs-horny-blog-lmao · 2 years
the brainwashing playlist logince was delightful, thank you very much for the food
I especially liked the fact that it was Roman's idea but he forgot about it (guessing that was part of the subliminals, a+ addition) and he was happy about it afterwards
sometimes I like dubcon hypno and sometimes I like cnc hypno and it varies day by day so thank you for being a purveyor of both
- 👽
of course of course of course. like yeah i get it, there Really is a time and place for both!! it's fun when you play with the wills, but sometimes there's really nothing sexier in my fiction than enthusiastic consent!!! fr!!!
like,,, yeah yeah in my head Roman suggested it, even asked Logan for specific programming, but also they agreed to make him forget about it! for extra spice!!! they love n trust each other sooo much the kink is an extension,.. yknow?
thank u alien anon i love you im glad you liked it
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shotaumino · 2 months
Really enjoying the Taichi twitter bird content. He cares about birds, anime games and ZSJ and that's really beautiful to me.
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What the hell
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cloud-ya · 9 months
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future-supertuna · 3 months
this is very in-text but i love that zoro gets attuned to kiku from the get-go not only because of this sword wielder code that he's followed through all extremes of the practice, from brook to kin'emon -- recognizing and respecting all masters -- but because her existence is the solid evidence, the living proof that kuina was wrong
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fivewholeminutes · 3 months
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See? He grew them out.
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anistarrose · 7 months
The thing about the Heart Attack segment in Wonderland is that they put so much aromantic subtext in it. They accidentally put SO much aromantic subtext in it, on behalf of multiple characters, and I'm thinking about it constantly. Let me tell you all about it.
Magnus is dropped into a dating game and literally leads with "I cannot stress enough how uninterested I am in this." Now, it's perfectly valid to read this as due to him waiting for Julia, or just him being plain old uncomfortable with having his love life put in the spotlight. However! I cannot stress enough the exchange that happens just a minute or two after that line:
Magnus (describing his ideal date): ... and we don't see each other again, ‘cause I'm really not interested in dating. Audience: [exaggerated] Oooooh! (cheers) Griffin: The silhouette is like, fanning itself. Lydia: Playing hard to get, huh? It seems like our contestant is into that.
And I just have to say: unfortunately, this is one of the most aromantic fucking experiences I've seen represented in fiction in my life. I mean — saying you're not interested in romance, then having those words twisted on you, like they're some secret coded way of saying that you are interested in romance? Not having a single way to express your disinterest that'll actually be believed? That's some aro shit right there. God. Fuck.
As an aside, it's enough to really tell that Heart Attack is not designed to be a reprieve from the pain, even though it's the "good outcome" of Trust or Forsake. It's designed to be uncomfortable. To funnel suffering to Edward and Lydia, just like all the other games do. (More on that later, in fact.) But in summary:
Magnus is a character who can be read as uncomfortable with romance for either aro-spec reasons or unrelated reasons. But in either case, his discomfort attracts reactions that reek of amatonormativity — and therefore, resonate with aromantic experiences. (Psst, I did recently write a gray-aro Magnus fic!)
Two more analyses below the cut (and only one of them is for another Horny Boy):
Obviously the next character I need to talk about is Merle. I've found aroallo readings of his character to be compelling for a long time (having sex with plants so you don't have to worry about romantic commitment, am I right?), but the way he describes his "ideal date" is another factor:
Merle: I volunteer to drive her vehicle, and tell her it's filthy, and so we go through the uh- drive through vehicle wash and she pays for that too. Um, and then I take her to have dinner with my family, and- Magnus: Wait, like your wife and stuff? Merle: She meets my ex-wife.
Merle's probably exaggerating as a joke, continuing on about both him and his partner being miserable, but I think the fact that Merle's mind goes here is genuinely drawing from a lot of poor romantic experiences in the past. He didn't get a choice about being on Heart Attack, and his marriage with Hecuba was similarly "arranged".
It's also worth noting that at this point in time, Merle is putting in the work to be part of Mavis and Mookie's lives again, but is not interested in doing the same for Hecuba — he instead just asks Mavis how Hecuba's doing. That said, given that Magnus is the one to put the focus on Merle's ex-wife, I think it's fair to read the "family" comment as Merle actually expressing that he'd rather spend time with his kids than give any special romantic attention to his date. Moving on to the rest of the "joke":
Merle: She's having a miserable time and she's really mad, she can't wait to get outta there. I take her back to her house, and so I lean up against the door jam and say, 'Sure you don't want me to come in for a few minutes?' and she slams the door in my face.
It's possible Merle just has a more roundabout, self-deprecating way of expressing a similar thing to what Magnus did: Merle just isn't interested in dating. To me, the last line implies he might not say no to sex, if offered — but overall, it reads as if Merle is putting minimal effort in because he's looking for an excuse to get out of this relationship anyway.
It's also possible that Merle's "rejection" of a suitor being so disguised as humor could point to him still coming to terms with his disinterest in dating. Particularly, in comparison to Magnus, who is so vocal and unashamed about it, while Merle might still be figuring this all out.
(Honestly, the self-deprecation Merle turns to here is actually kind of sad, when viewed in that light — he already lets himself be the butt of jokes so often, and now he feels like the way romance doesn't click for him has to be a joke, too? Oof. Someone give him a hug and tell him he's not broken this instant!) But regardless:
Merle views dates, and perhaps romance in general, as things that will inevitably turn disastrous for him and any party involved with him, and he would rather spend time with his children than repairing a relationship with an ex, or cultivating a relationship with a new partner. This is not an experience exclusive to the aro-spec umbrella, but you can't say that an aromantic reading of his character doesn't fit him like a gardening glove...
...which he wears while fucking his plants. Because plants don't demand emotional intimacy, nor take too much time away from the platonic relationships that matter more to him. And you know what? He's fucking valid for that! Fly your flag, nasty grandpa!
But moving on: I promised you aromantic analysis of characters outside of our protagonists, and henceforth, that analysis I will provide. And not just because I admittedly see Taako as the token alloromantic (though clearly an aro ally; if he hadn't chosen Forsake we wouldn't have gotten all this incredible characterization!)
I digress. So let's go on to addressing the lich twins in the room: Edward and Lydia.
Remember my argument earlier that Heart Attack serves the purpose of collecting suffering just like the rest of Wonderland does? How it's just a subtler way of making Wonderland's victims fundamentally uncomfortable?
...Using, of all things, romance?
How the vogue twins, for whatever reason, felt inspired to make people uncomfortable with matchmaking and adoration? How, some way or another, they noticed how much potential romance had to induce suffering? Being pressured into a relationship, being told that no matter how firmly you say you're uninterested, you're not really uninterested?
...Relatedly, I have always gotten the sense that Edward and Lydia projected relentlessly onto their victims.
Edward: This resolve, this desire to do whatever it takes no matter the cost to save yourselves — do you know who you three remind me of? Magnus: No? Merle: Who? Edward: Us!
I'm even going to go a step further and say that on top of projection, they want their victims to go through things they went through. Swallowing the guilt of having fucked someone else over to survive, of course — that's basically self-admitted. But possibly also... the feeling of not being able to get back what you lost (Keats). The feeling of not being able to heal (Keats).
So, where does that leave Heart Attack?
Lydia: It was the three of us, surviving against all odds. The world against us.
Their family of three was (is) indescribably important to them. I'm not necessarily saying that societal expectations of romance, especially of romance as a priority above that of family, left a bad taste in their mouths — if not downright contributing to their trauma — but, okay, I wrote the rest of this post and now that I'm back, I can no longer deny it. I'm definitely, absolutely saying that.
At the time of the podcast, we know Edward and Lydia's own relationship is heavily strained. Until the end, they are lying to themselves and to each other about the fact that they continue to be emotionally and magically reliant on each other. After all, Lydia wouldn't say "I guess we really needed each other after all" in her dying moments with such surprise otherwise.
This is the second reason that I... well, I wouldn't quite call it a "theory," but I find it most impactful to read Edward and Lydia as characters for whom the concept of Love has baggage. And always has, from their origins as youth in a tough spot in an already amatonormative world.
Maybe the constant societal devaluing of platonic, familial bonds left them with serious emotional scars. Maybe the constant conflation of Love and morality just weighed on them and weighed on them and weighed on them until they decided: well, we don't love the way people expect us to, so we might as well give up on being the good people they expect us to be. We might as well embrace this new fuel of suffering.
...And you know, I hope this gets across what I mean when I always say I headcanon villains as aromantic to make them more sympathetic.
Edward and Lydia, textually, are already tragic villains. As twins and liches, they're also textually foil characters to several of the Seven Birds. But I also like to think that they have a lot in common with Magnus and Merle, and the possibility that tugs at my heartstrings the most is the possibility of them all falling under the aromantic umbrella.
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koivoid · 25 days
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a cackling witch (dread weight text posts part 2)
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sunnymainecoonx · 28 days
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Actually imma post this
Unsurprisingly without context because I'm too insecure for context*squints at u
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playing around with my robin designs
individuals under the cut!
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