#i forgot how to word
disasterlia · 2 years
Drabble : Insecure + deaf Steve
Was it on twitter first ? Why yes. 
I’m jumping onto the “ Steve after too many concussion loose his hearing” and I’m adding a pinch of angst and insecurities.
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It’s not a secret anymore, after too many encounters with the Upside Down, with various fists and walls, Steve can’t hear anymore. He didn’t even know it was a possibility. Getting concussed enough that you fuck up your hearing like a looser. 
Still, it was fine. He was alive. More importantly, the kids were alive. Vecna was dead. The gates were closed ( hopefully for good this time). Max recovery was a slow process, but she was alive and not alone, never alone. Eddie was out of the hospital, finally. 
What if Steve couldn’t hear anything anymore ? He was learning ASL , was learning how to get by now. And he wasn’t alone in his recovery either. 
He was slowly forgetting the kids voices. It was less fine. But Steve was stupid and confident enough to adapt, to survive. 
He would never hear Eddie’s music. He would never hear the words the other whispered against his skin in the obscurity of their rooms. It was fine. More or less. 
He wasn’t alone. He was adapting. It was fine. 
The thing is, he couldn’t hear himself anymore either. It had been fine too at first. Robin admitted his voice was a little different. She would tap her arm when he was too loud. But she never complained. 
It was fine. Until it wasn’t. 
Steve couldn’t even remember what made him laugh. But he was, so hard that his stomach was cramping, that he was feeling that sweet rush. 
“ What the hell ! Steve ! What do you laugh like that ? Steve ? It’s so weird !! Oh god you’re sound so stupid it’s perfect.” 
Steve was not the best at lip reading, especially with Dustin. ( and Mr Munson, his moustache was his worst nightmare but he would rather DIE than admit any difficulty to Eddie’s uncle.)
 But he understood. He understood enough. 
It was no voluntarily mean. Dustin was like that loud, and too franc, often rude without meaning to. It hurt. And the hurt borrowed deep. It changed him.
And no one seemed to notice. But, they rarely noticed Steve. No truly. 
He began to held back. He took the habit to hide, behind his hands, biting his lips, muffling any sound that would betray him. Ridicule him further. He spoke more with his hands than with his voice. And he never laugh. No out loud. Never again. Self-conscious. Hurt. Ashamed.
No one noticed.
It was fine, Steve was handling it. Until, Eddie. Eddie, always at his side, always touching him, bumping his shoulder, stroking the inside of his wrist to get his attention. Seeking his attention, his approval all the times. Eddie pushed, and pushed, always asking for more of him. His eyes always on him, watching, considering.
Steve felt seen. Naked.
Until, finally, head resting against his palm, Eddie asked. “ …you rarely speak anymore, Stevie, why’s that? I can’t even remember the last time I heard your voice. Hell, Erica’s joke was good, but you didn’t laugh. Why?”
At least, he waited for them to be alone to attack him. Because it felt like an assault, a personal one.
Eddie always craved more and he wanted to hear him laugh.
It was not the first time he asked. And Steve always shrugged, found a way to change the subject, to smile like it was nothing. All denial and escape.
“ I’m fine. It’s fine.”
And those dark eyes on him, always watching him, careful. “ No, no it’s not. But you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, sweetheart.”
Eddie was always watching him and recently, he was also making Steve blush way too often.
When it happens, when he relapses, Steve didn’t even notice at first. 
His cheeks were warm, his heart heavy with way too much feelings, way too much Eddie.
And Eddie was silent. Eddie who always teased, who could never let a silence stretch too laugh, wasn’t saying anything. He was only watching Steve, with the weirdest, softest smile. “ There you are, Stevie… There you are.”
And Steve startled under the brush of his hand against his smile, like a lover caress.
“…knew you could laugh. I wish you would laugh  more often, Sweetheart, you're so pretty when you laugh.”
“ What ? No, Eddie. It’s fine. Don’t be…like, that. It’s fine. I know I sound like a damn goat.” Steve could only offer an embarrassed smile, that looked more like a grimace. His cheeks were burning. “ m’ sorry you had to hear it.”
It’s a whiplash the way Eddie’s eyes darken, his mouth turned down. “ The fuck Stevie ? What the- Would told you that ?”
“ It’s fine. Really.” Steve tried to plead with his own eyes, to make Eddie understand, that really, he understood. The other man didn’t have to get all outraged for him. That it was fine.
“ No, no it’s not. That’s why you don’t…Steve. Don’t tell me you feel like you have to hide your own laugh?”
A flinch he didn’t manage to contain. His skin was on fire. If a small gate could open, at this right moment, Steve would jump in head first.  “…It’s fine.”
He watched, as Eddie worried his hair. “ Fuck, Steve…That’s not okay. Steve, listen.” He grimaced. “ Sorry.”
But Steve could never be upset with him. Especially now that his was cradling his hand between his own and watching him with the most troubling expression.
“ Look, Stevie. I love your laugh. It’s beautiful, pretty like you. You don’t have to be ashamed. It’s a little loud but fuck, that…the point ! If I knew who put this stupid idea into your heard, sweetheart, I would make him eat his words. Trust me.”
“…You…you think I’m pretty?”
And Eddie startled expression, his eyes oh so big, staring at him, as it was his turn to blush, made everything a little more okay.
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ebonyheartnet · 5 months
-Recording begins-
Spider-Man: Hi folks! I’d like to give a PSA to my usual villains, and anyone else with ideas for the next two months.
Spider-Man: *holds up a brick sized lump of metal* See this? It’s titanium!
Spider-Man: *starts flattening it out and shaping it*
Spider-Man: See, we all know that I’m crazy strong, but I never wanna really hurt anybody right? Right. While that hasn’t changed, something very important does right around this time of year.
Spider-Man: *pulls off a glove and pulls a chunk into a long stem with his nails carving lines for added texture*
Spider-Man: See, this is what we like to call exam season. Anybody who knows anything about college can tell you that it drives people up the wall, and I already climb mine when I’m antsy.
Spider-Man: *starts winding the thin sheet around the stem, delicately crimping petals in place*
Spider-Man: I do wanna be clear that this isn’t a threat, okay? I’m still not interested in crossing the line, which brings me to my point.
Spider-Man: *throws the titanium rose at the brick wall behind him, stem first, and embeds it all the way through*
Spider-Man: /That/ was restrained because I could focus enough to have full control. If I’m extremely tired or otherwise distracted, there’s just as much risk of me slipping up as someone operating heavy machinery. I’m probably not going to remember what sleep is for two whole months, so remember!
Spider-Man: *pulls out a brick and snaps it like a cookie*
Peter fucking Parker: Don’t.
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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fake to real relationship speedrun record
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nightmaretour · 1 year
Anti-technology people who insist they're not ableist crack me up. What about people who rely on machines to breathe, eat, keep their heart functioning, or otherwise stay alive? "Well not that technology, obviously!" Ok what about AAC users, people who use hearing aids, or otherwise use technology to interact with the world in ways they otherwise couldn't? "Not that technology, obviously." Okay, my mobile phone is my memory, my sense of time, my sense of direction when I get lost, my ability to contact someone when I need help. It is my personal freedom because without it I would need full time care and supervision. But yes, that technology, right?
I hate how technology is made and utilised under capitalism as much as the next guy, but to pretend that technology doesn't greatly improve the lives of countless people, or even allow them to continue being alive, is to be willfully ignorant to the existence of disabled people. A world without technology is a world where a lot of disabled people don't get to survive. Capitalism is the problem, not the technology. Technology can (and should) exist just fine without capitalism.
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qaiou · 1 year
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ohitslen · 5 months
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Happy birthday TRIGUN STAMPEDE!! 🎉
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Were starving for Barnaby x Howdy father...were starving for it/hj
here is some food child.... you're safe now....
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green-star17 · 3 months
Saw a picture on Twitter (apparently it’s ai? idk) and instantly thought of Kon. Had to use what limited art skills I have to create this
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‘Original’ image here
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Bonus : Screenshot of when I was tracing the S shield and used the first pic in my photos I could found
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dollsuguru · 19 days
me overhauling my pinned links instead of writing fics and rb things in my drafts
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heyhollow · 1 month
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Save me glammike
Glammike save me
Ver without words under cut, click for better quality
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My Favorite Micheal design to draw
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t1oui · 2 months
@jegulus-microfic | april 27th | diplomacy | 296 words | cw: mentions of walburga black's a+ parenting, internalized transphobia
When Regulus was little, he and Sirius were always told to be on their best behavior around guests.
It never mattered who the guests were. As long as there was company at their house, the boys were expected to be stoic, perfect, the utmost example of diplomacy. For Sirius, this meant putting away his smirk. Doing his hair so it looked groomed even when he refused a haircut. Putting on his best dress robes. For Regulus, it meant hiding his whole identity.
He remembers screaming as his mother forced him into a dress when he was five, and he remembers knowing not to make a noise of protest by the age of seven. He remembers seeing Sirius watching him from the doorway, trying to figure out what was so wrong with looking nice for tea with their cousins.
Now, as James pulls him through the department store, Regulus can't help the way his eyes dart around. Can't help his confusion when James keeps pulling him towards the back. He stops, and James turns to him.
"Reg? You alright?"
Regulus shuffles his feet. He most definitely is not alright, and he knows that James is very aware of that fact. "The dresses are back here," he says quietly, looking towards the ground.
"I didn't think you wanted a dress," James says, sounding a bit surprised. "But if you want to look back here, we can -"
"Want?" Regulus asks, eyes flashing up to James as if he's never heard the word before. James stares at him, concern evident in his features before his expression shifts into a soft smile.
"Yeah, love," he says, sliding his fingers between Regulus's again. "You can get whatever you want."
Regulus practically runs towards the suits, James laughing as he trails behind him.
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 8 months
Twice bitten
Why is my dream to be a housewife? I’m handy okay I have a wild amount of skills I swear I’d be an amazing housewife
Pairing: Buck x Eddie x reader
Word count: ….s’all in da notes app. But I did it okay 🥹🥹🥹 I wrote a longer one it’s a miracle
Notes: I didn’t realize how desperate I was for these two until I tried finding fics for them. Whoever writes them I love you, thank you. Ps, I don’t edit shit I’m sorry
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⭐️Day 16: Double Penetration⭐️
It was normal on certain days of the week for Buck to rush home, the guys teased him for it but he just laughed it off claiming he was excited to just pass out after the long day they’d had.
It was normal for Eddie to crash at Bucks place on certain days.
Why no one noticed these days coincided with each other neither man was sure, but they sure as hell weren’t going to point it out.
Everyone knew you were Bucks longtime girlfriend, you’d met after the neighbors in your apartment burnt down their own home and half of yours. There was nowhere to go that night as you sat in the back of an ambulance, an oxygen mask over your face. Buck approached you first after the fire was out, he had been watching you for a little bit and you hadn’t moved in the last 45 minutes. He looked around, uneasy at first because he knew this was stupid. But you just looked so helpless… and your house had literally just burnt down.
“I uh- I promise I’m not a serial killer” Buck joked as he approached you, you looked at him- your eyes red-rimmed and puffy.
“Okay? Cool?” Your voice was a bit hoarse from the smoke, and Buck inwardly cursed himself. That was weird as hell
“I just- you- you don’t have anywhere to go and okay I know this is weird and my boss would kill me for this… but I have a bed! And oh my god that’s not what I mean I swear it’s just-“
“Are you asking me to stay at your place?” You look up at him and his heart breaks all over again for you.
“Yeah I am” he sighs quietly “I have an overnight shift tonight and won’t be home. So, I can take you there. I’ll just say I need to change or something, just. Consider it? Please?” He handed you a piece of paper with his number on it and the rest was history. Buck could remember the night Bobby had found out he’d done that for you, he was on dish duty for two months after that.
Four months after the fire, you still hadn’t found a place to live. It was weird at first, Buck gave up almost everything for your own comfort, often crashing on a coworkers couch. But one night he came home, and you’d made dinner for him as a surprise. The moment he walked through the door you knew something was off, he let his bag fall to the floor as he kicked off his shoes and went straight to his bed, crashing on it and putting a pillow over his head.
“Buck?” You asked softly, but he continued to ignore you. You sat at the edge of the bed and lifted the pillow a bit.
“Evan?” You whispered, and he reached out, pulling you down with him and nuzzling his face in your neck.
That was the night you and Buck had gotten together.
Two months after that, Eddie showed up at the apartment to drop something off and found you there, he knew Buck was seeing someone but he didn’t know it was you he was seeing. The conversation was light and awkward but very flirty and you found yourself comfortable around him immediately. He came around more often for “just hanging out” purposes but Buck knew there was an ulterior motive.
“Do you like my girlfriend?”
Buck cornered Eddie behind the fire truck one day as they were taking a breather, getting drinks from a corner store.
“I’m sorry, what??” Eddie wiped his mouth as he nearly spit his drink out, he coughed a couple times and looked up at him “Do I like who?!”
Buck crossed his arms over his chest “My girlfriend. Y/N? Do you like her?”
Eddie’s cheeks reddened as he tried to hide it behind the bottle. He shook his head as he took another sip. “ I mean- I- she’s cool yeah I like her she’s a nice girl!”
“You know that’s not what I’m asking you” Buck rolled his eyes.
Eddie sighed as he leaned against the truck, he looked down at his hands for a moment “Yeah” he said softly “Yeah I like her”
“So just tell her”
That night Eddie came over to Bucks house and asked you to be his girlfriend too. Buck had been suspicious for a little while before he started asking you questions and the truth came out. You did like Buck… but you just happened to also like Eddie. The immense guilt you’d been feeling went away very quickly when Buck laid back on his bed, his hands behind his head
“Yeah he’s kinda hot isn’t he”
you both laughed as you laid your head on his chest and just talked about Eddie, like two school girls with a secret crush. That was also the night Buck and Eddie decided it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing if they both found each other attractive.
This brought all three of you to today. Buck got home first, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you like he hadn’t seen you in months, he was stuck at work and then crashing at Eddie’s place for the last six days in a row.
“I missed you so much pretty girl” he breathed against your neck as he kissed it, inhaling your sweet perfume.
“I missed you too babe” you laughed as he pushed you against the counter and lifted you onto it.
“My gorgeous sweet toy” He whispers. His hands slide up your side and go to take off your shirt when the door starts to unlock. Eddie walks in, looking equally as exhausted. He slowly puts his keys into his pocket as he raises an eyebrow.
“Am I interrupting something?” He asks as he sets his bag down by Bucks, and leans against the closed door
“Not if you wanted to join us.” Bucks eyes sparkle as he smiles widely. Your mouth drops as Eddie shakes his head chuckling. He removes his jacket and sets it on the hook.
“You sure she’s ready for that?” He walks over and gently turns your head to him, giving you a dizzying kiss. Buck and Eddie had been toying with the idea of talking to you about sleeping with the both of them together. It had just been taking turns or one of them watching the other with you, never all three of you at once.
“Yeah I think she might be” He starts kissing your neck again, easing your shirt over your head.
“R-ready for what?” You ask as Eddie keeps kissing you. You feel Bucks hands slide between your thighs as he leaves kisses down your neck.
“We were wondering, if you’d be up for having us both.” Eddie asks as he pulls away for a minute, smirking at the dazed look in your eyes.
“You can definitely say no and if you say yes you can absolutely use your safe word.” Buck says as he pulls away as well.
“What do you mean by ‘having you both?’” You ask as Eddie picks you up and takes you over to Bucks bed. Buck pulls off shirt as he follows and as soon as Eddie sets you down he eases you onto your back, pulling off your bra and sucking your nipple into his mouth. His hand comes up and massages your other breast as he moans softly.
“We both want to be inside you, Y/N” Eddie says as he pulls off his shirt and starts kissing you, he picks you up and puts you on top of Buck, Buck goes to your other nipple, biting and sucking at it. You moan as you tangle your fingers in Bucks hair, pulling his face up to make out with him. You lightly grind against him and Eddie smirks as he watches your body. He pulls your shorts down and leans forward, giving your cotton panties a sweet kiss.
“What do you think Y/N?” Buck asks between kisses. You reach down and unbutton his pants and Eddie helps pull them off.
“We won’t be upset if you say no, you have full control baby.” Eddie reassures you as he starts to rubs your clit through your underwear. Your hips stutter as you grind against his hand and Bucks cock through his boxers.
“Y-yeah I want to try it.” You pant as Eddie pulls your panties to the side and easily slips his fingers in your soaked cunt.
“Fuck I’m into you” Buck laughs breathlessly as you agree to it. Eddie pulls off his pants and grabs your hips, pulling you a bit closer to him. He pulls his fingers out and you whine, angling your hips towards him.
“Shhhh mi vida it’s okay” He starts to grind his cock against your ass, pushing you against Buck. Buck groans loudly as he starts to grind back. Your gasps and moans come sharper from the pressure of both of them.
Eddie finally pulls off your panties, and your legs start shaking a bit. He chuckles and helps Buck pull off his boxers.
“You ready for this pretty girl?” Buck asks as he wraps his arms around you, kissing you softly. Eddie reaches over to the bedside table and pulls out a small bottle of lube and puts some in his hand, stroking his cock and then rubbing it between your ass. This wasn’t the first time you’d done anal but it sure was the first time with the two of them. He reaches down and lifts your hips a little grabbing Bucks cock and coating it too.
“I-I’m ready” you’re a bit nervous, Eddie rubs your back lovingly.
“Remember you can stop us if you need to but we know you can take it.” Eddie lines Buck up first and he pushes into you easily, your eyes roll back in your head as you moan together, Buck can’t help the way he pumps into you immediately. Eddie chuckles and holds his hips
“You’re both so eager”
He teases your tight hole with his cock a bit and you gulp, you angle your hips a bit and bury your head in Bucks neck. He chuckles and reaches his hands down, spreading your cheeks open for Eddie.
Eddie taps your hole again and pushes in slowly. Your body jerks a bit as he fills you, he pours a bit more lube on his cock and pushes in more. You hold onto Bucks body tightly as they both fill you, your cunt squeezes tightly around Buck and he groans, fighting to keep his hips down for you. Eddie throws his head back as he moans loudly, his grip on your hips tighter and bruising.
“Fuck that’s good, fuck” he leans forward with his head on your back as he waits for you to adjust. Your body is trembling as you lay between the two of them, filled to the brim and trying to adjust to being completely filled.
“Oh my god” your voice is high pitched as Bucks hips snap and he finally loses it, thrusting into you and holding onto Eddie’s arms above you. Eddie groans as he starts thrusting too and you feel like you’re being torn apart in the best way possible. They take turns thrusting in and out of you as you cling to Buck, gasping and crying out their names.
“Ah ah fuck Y/N shit you’re so tight” Bucks mouth covers your moans as he kisses you, it’s messy with the way they’re both pumping in and out of you but it feels good. Eddie wraps his hand around your hair and tugs it back gently, pulling you up to him and starts kissing your neck, his hands slide up your sides and cup your tits as they bounce in his hands, he reaches down and starts rubbing your clit.
“Fuck you better cum pretty girl, make a mess in Bucks lap.”
You lay your head on his shoulder, whimpering and whining as Buck grabs your hips now slamming you down on them. You scream their names, babbling incoherently as you cum all over their cocks. Bucks mouth drops in awe as he watches you squirting all over them both. Your body jerks as Buck holds you down on their cocks, they both hold onto you tightly as they come together inside you. Bucks hips stutter as he pushes his cum deep inside you. Eddie pushes his cock in to the hilt and squeezes your tits, pushing every last drop inside you. He pulls out and lets you fall forward into Bucks chest, his cum drips down your pussy and over Bucks balls.
“Fucking hell man” Eddie laughs as he pants, he turns to Buck and grabs his face, kissing him softly. “You both did amazing. Especially you mi amour” he reaches for you and Buck pulls out, handing you over. Your body is shocked and exhausted as you cuddle between the two of them.
“Promise me we’ll do that again when I can feel my body again?” You ask sleepy and both Buck and Eddie chuckle as they kiss your cheeks.
“Yeah we promise we can do that again.”
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transmascutena · 3 months
something that really stands out to me is that the two times utena brings up the concept of eternity is when she wants to die as a child and when she's being raped. literally only in the absolute worst fucking moments of her life, and it's so viscerally upsetting both times. the show really does not want you to have positive associations with the concept of eternity, which is of course the point. but at the same time, utena clearly does. when she's in the coffin, she laments that nothing eternal exists, implying that she wishes it does. and "something eternal" is what gets her out of there, she just also learns that eternity isn't a good thing. i've always been less sure about what it means that she asks akio what eternity is in episode 33. it tells us she's forgotten what she saw as a kid, that she still might be clinging to the idea that eternity is something that could save her, and like i said, it draws a parallel to when she was in the coffin. eternity is also something akio offers her during his proposal in episode 38. it's the illusion of a kind of happily ever after. i suppose that in that moment when she asks him, utena is trying to believe in that illusion, because facing the reality of the situation is too painful. it's like anthy looking at the projections rather than the real stars. maybe. i'm not sure.
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rox-of-iu · 10 months
ayo guys guess what time it is again :)) 💜💜
spoiler warning for cultivate ch 41-46
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hehe finally scrambled brain enough to be able to catch up and cultivate makes me go 🥰🥰😌🤗😊😊
cultivate of course by @neonghostcat beloved
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potatounicoorn · 3 months
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Ninjago but it's Wu getting grayer hair because Lloyd is a supernatural 9y prat (like father like son <3)
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paint-it-dead · 5 months
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-"Start Here" by Caitlyn Siehl
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