#i forgot jenny’s name tbh
hoss-bonaventure · 2 months
i think it’s so ridiculous how they basically coded trevor and mike’s relationship to be like they’re scorned lovers of sorts and have harvey act like capulet-ian about their relationship ONLY to have him end up with jenny like wtf is that about???
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nthflower · 1 year
I love Apollo and midnighter a lot. I read many authority issues without understanding any shit for them last year this is a big thing I will do for a character I love. They are great for me.
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nortism · 3 months
doctor who liveblog pt 39
s7 ep13 nightmare in silver
- classic heads poking out the door one by one
- i’ve not seen classic who but that guy looks the amalgamation of all their doctors
- always the fucking cybermen
- hello warwick davis
- obviously they’re gonna wander off
- uh oh cyberman
- uh oh cyberbugs
- uh oh the cyberman got the little kid
- no blowing up this planet is good advice tbh
- uh oh half cybermen.
- uh oh he got cybered
- they really need a new companion handbook so clara can get how serious cybermen are
- oh that is quite a few cybermen
- oh no the most thing didn’t work
- porridge is the emperor?!
- i think i would have taken him on up on the marriage proposal
s7 ep14 the name of the doctor
- ayyy gallifrey
- oh the first doctor hello
- omg all the classic doctors
- impossible girl lets go
- RIVER!! i’ve been wondering where she got to
- trenzalore sounds like an anti depressant
- JENNY?!!?!::)/£ NOOOOOO
- oh i don’t like these guys
- what do u mean an ex, u guys just got married??
- uh oh he’s crying, this is unsettling
- oh shit we’re going to the doctor’s grave
- the tardis always the most sensible person around
- oh giant tardis
- hello river
- yay jenny
- oh this fucking guy again
- this is not good
- strax omg
- omg clara no
- oh she said the line
- goodbye river
- ohhh the leaf
- this whole name business feels very much like a trans allegory
- hello john hurt as the doctor
mini episode - the night of the doctor
- i’ve been told there’s other mini episodes but this is the one that’s on iplayer
- not sure i got that but crazy stuff
the day of the doctor
- ooh the old intro
- she’s a teacher now??
- also hello david tennant or whatever
- hello billie piper??
- is this meant to be rose?!
- wait she’s the conscience??
- ohhhhhh
- i forgot he married elizabeth i
- oh hello painted david tennant
- david what has happen to your hair?!?
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- this is so silly
- uh oh zygons
- jack harkness mention!!
- yes then clara !!
- that’s a lot of dead children
- ofc the door was unlocked
- oh this is hype as hell
- ohhh the war doctor turning into nine
- i think i supposed to know who the curator is but i don’t
- that was a crazy crossover, i loved it. i just wish eccelston didn’t hate being the doctor bc i would have liked it if all three of them showed up
the time of the doctor
- oh yes fake dating subplot
- ohhh gallifrey
- oh great the silence
- the tardis should work by remote
- oh great the wall crack
- shitttt trenzalore
- oh he pulled a the parting of ways on clara
- how has he aged??
- oh he’s only got a finite number of lives, like a cat
- not again, poor clara
- oh he’s old old
- oh bonus regeneration power
- that’s not peter capaldi??
- oh he’s still cooking
- aww amelia
- AMY 😭😭
- oh the bow tie
- PETER CAPALDI!! i hope he treats clara better bc my girl has been through the wars
- tragic we didn’t get to see him looking awkward in the bow tie, that’s always my favourite part of each regeneration
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redrose-arrow · 1 year
RedRose Reads: TRR6, Arazan’s Wolves
also known as the book i swore i wouldn’t bingeread and then, well, ended up bingereading
- i know i should feel for these farmers boys but i just want will and maddie
- maddie istg i love your stubbornness so much omg
- will’s absolutely going to SHOW maddie who’s boss
- not will being proud that maddie cheated 💀
- okok jokes aside, genuinely HOW GOOD is will if he noticed the cheating and still hit the target within literal tens of seconds ???
- i forgot how much i loved him
- “what brings you to redmont?” if he doesn’t answer “jenny” i’m throwing hands
- not tricking gilan because he’s the commandant??? nah, not tricking gilan because he’s a babe. i said what i said.
- “it would appear your mother had some strange parenting habits” ALSKDJDHS I CANT
- the tiny reference to will’s last time in celtica has my heart
- okay BIGGER reference, still has my heart
- page 21, two inconsistencies. i shall ignore them.
- i love how jenny is canonically more important than halt and pauline
- please gilan i am literally begging you to move your headquarters to redmont
- all jokes aside, cassandra would not mind tbh
- george bestie i can’t wait to see you
- george you are a mood a legend an icon and i love you
- YOURE TELLING ME WILL IS SORT OF ADMITTING HIS TRAUMA???? i am nothing short of a mess
- the constant references to b2 are just *chef’s kiss*
- will being called greybeard???? i cannot breathe
- i am literally short of breath right now i absolutely can’t
- why and how did i miss morgarath’s name so much lmao
- the damn reference to macindaw, i just—- this book DELIVERS
- more about will and evanlyn in celtica and i will cry. i will.
- fear being normalised is something i hold so dear
- tug i am begging you not to attack another wolf
- “hahahaha yea let’s just walk into the trap” screw you, will, for playing with my feelings like that
- not the damn fissure
- will should honestly stop comparing people to his animals akskfjdjs
- if anyone ships will and eveningstar i’m gonna throw hands
- there’s something about the parallels that has me obsessed
- maddie falling in will’s arms is a detail i didn’t know i needed
- how are they capable of bantering right now, i would be scared as fuck
- “does tug talk to you?” oh here - we - go
- if will’s gonna do magic i’m gonna cheer him on
- “great shot” “not just a pretty face” akskdjdhd yes you go girl
- last time will had a plan maddie didn’t like, he almost got burned to death. sure as hell hope this won’t be like old times
- “i will give you what you most desire” we all thought of alyss, don’t lie to me
- “very very tired” ain’t that a whole ass mood
- next time????? please no
- i won’t lie i laughed when the bowstring snapped. it’s nerves. six pages left and I DONT KNOW WHATS HAPPENING
- oh it’s, it’s over
- owh
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turtlehell · 11 months
wahhhh i love 80s karai tell me more abt her...(like how do shredder and krang interact with her?)
80s karai… its been years since ive heard that name
tbh i forgot that i came up with the idea since @officialshredder did so much art for it that i thought they came up with it 😅
but lets see… i think the dynamic with karai shredder and krang is pretty sitcom standard. like there will be little disagreements and arguments but they dont usually have a lot of weight to them (unless its a very special episode). but its also very clear that theyre both very proud of karai and love her a lot at the end of the day
she’s their little prodigy. shredder will teach her ninja stuff which comes pretty naturally to her and then krang will teach her about science things which is a little harder but karai has some interest in it so she’s willing to put the work in
she’s definitely more competent at villainy than krang and shredder but her motivations are still very teenage in nature so she’s doing it in order to be the first one to play a new game at the arcade or to win the contest channel 6 is having where you get to shadow a reporter all day (the contest doesn’t specify which reporter and it turns out to be vern instead of april, much to karai’s disappointment)
shredder and krang aren’t jealous that karai is better at villainy than them but they do wish that she would help out more often. she’ll often refuse to participate if she thinks the plan is dumb and suddenly has interest in the reading she’s been putting off all week or in cleaning up her room
karai is homeschooled in the technodrone but i think there would be an episode where she decides she wants to make real teenage friends that are human and her own age and shredder and krang think that means she wants to go to school but she ends up joining a club instead and making a few friends (maybe an 80s jenny and shini (2012) 🤔)
ok thats all ive got
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besidesitstoowarm · 10 months
"Human Nature" thoughts
welcome back paul cornell!
these episodes are soooo good. i love a good historical, i love a good three-piece suit. pinstripes. i'm acting up. thomas brodie-sangster and harry lloyd are great as always. harry lloyd was also in robin hood bbc which paul cornell also wrote a few episodes for. i just learned that right now on wikipedia
the concept here is so interesting. who is the doctor when he's not the doctor? without those 900 years of time and space, without the tardis, without the memories of gallifrey, who is he? kind of a tool tbh. i respect his interest in an age-appropriate woman tho
i think this episode more than any so far really suffers from the "i don't see color" mid-00s shit. it's hard to overstate how dangerous and demeaning this is for martha! the mental toll of being a literal servant experiencing severe racism from the students AND FROM THE DOCTOR?? when she tries to tell him the truth and he says "cultural differences" and condescends to her about the difference between truth and fiction, i almost got up and walked away, i forgot how awful it is. unmeasurable respect to martha for not throwing hands every single day. i'm certainly not saying the show needs to be a deep treatise on race or that a companion of color's story needs to be about race, but seeing martha in this role just has a different impact then like, rose. it was really hard to watch, more so even than intended
i do like the moment where she's like "it's hard here when i'm..." and the other servant is like "oh, from london?" that was cute and fun. i liked her relationship with jenny, and the doctor's relationship with joan was cute too. i know this story was written in 1995 but i think it's funny that the doctor keeps falling for women with plant names (rose, redfern)
the scene where the boys are learning to fire machine guns (and told to pretend they're indigenous...) was really effective for me. weird to see ten being pro-gun and pro-beating. joan saying it reminds her of her husband being shot and killed, on the eve of the great war (as she knows from the journal), it did a lot to feel authentic to the time period, it really sold me
okay onto part 2!
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tears-of-boredom · 11 months
it is so funny to me to watch gabriels redemption cuz tbh i dont know whether kennie didnt care to explain the plot of the other movies, or i just didnt pay attention, but i have like no fucking idea who these people are. that villain girl just like enacted her plan and gabriel better fucking talk to uhh jenny? i forgot her name again but he better tell his wife about the villain cuz literally she would probably understand that he had to go to her hotel room. like she wouldnt like it of course but i feel like she'd understand, and most of all: if it ends up so you have to sleep with her(villain), she(his wife) will definetly feel less betrayed!! like oh my god i fucking know he wont do that because this is clearly a set up for conflict but just,, the solution is right there, nay, the prevention is right there!! its just the obvious thing to do in this situation! but oh my god i know that it wont happen! oh and her name is julianne. they just announced it. some uhh announcer did. at the lecture. yeah. the hot villains are something tbh. and bisexual too? damn.
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crystalsoobin-m · 3 years
hello! can u do a hermione x reader inspired by the song 'jenny' by studio killers :DD i luv your writing btw <33
lovers instead || h.g.
a/n: at first i had to search up the song lmao bc i forgot it was called that but i think it’s a great idea! also i’m pretty sure the singer is female. Lately, I’ve been watching romance anime so that’s why this is kinda intense lmao. tbh, this could’ve turned into smut, but i didn’t want to make it that long so… maybe ill write one if you guys want. You can lmk in the comments. Also thank you sm for the compliment. <33 I really liked this imagine/story its very… how do i say it, like it keeps your attention i guess idrk lol
pairing: hermione x fem!reader
summary: y/n finally tells her best friend that she loves her.
warnings: steaminess ig (it’s kinda intense) kinda dom!reader (if you that makes sense cus there’s no smut) heated kissing/making out, french kissing, fluff at the end.
<based on the song ‘Jenny’ by Studio Killers.>
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Y/n has had feelings for her best friend for 2 years. It started in year 3 when they were at Hogsmeade. Hermione had laughed at one of y/n’s jokes, causing an eruption of butterflies. She beamed every time she hears Hermione’s name. She had never felt like that about Hermione before. It took months to figure out what she was feeling, and once she did she couldn’t help but feel sad, knowing the girl she had a crush on had eyes for a certain Weasley.
But last year Cedric died in the tournament. He was y/n’s friend. And from that, she realized that she couldn’t waste any time. Any on of her friends could die at any moment. She had to tell Hermione this year.
Then, the opportunity arose. Her and Hermione were alone in the common room. Hermione was studying and y/n was reading. She kept getting distracted by Hermione’s presence. Blood rushed to her face as she studied Hermione’s features. Her furrowed eyebrows, her slightly pursed lips, the way her eyes shined under the light of the fire. It was all too much. She couldn’t contain herself.
She stood up from the couch, slowly walking behind Hermione. Y/n sat down behind her, Hermione oblivious to the whole thing. Y/n placed her hands on the base of Hermione’s neck and started to massage the girl’s shoulders. “You need a break from studying ‘Mione. We already know everything that hag’s teaching us, especially you.” She said sweetly.
Hermione stiffened slightly as her hands moved slightly down to the upper part of her chest. “Y/n, what are you doing?” Hermione’s face flushed as y/n leaned close to her ear, her thumbs still working her neck.
“You need to destress. Doesn’t this feel nice?” She whispered. Hermione stayed silent and relaxed into y/n’s touch. Y/n took the opportunity to try and sneakily move her hands down the valley of Hermione’s chest. Hermione blushed even more, and stiffened slightly.
“Y/n-” She turned around to face y/n. She didn’t understand what suddenly influenced her best friends behaviour. “What-?” Y/n grabbed Hermione’s chin with her index finger and thumb.
“Hermione, darling…” she smirked at Hermione’s speechless figure. She started to feel excited at Hermione’s reaction. She always thought Hermione was into Ron. Maybe she still is. But y/n’s too motivated by Hermione’s lack of reaction to care.
“Y-yeah?” Hermione asked quietly.
“You’re my best friend. But- there’s a few things that you don’t know of.” Y/n started, bringing Hermione’s face slightly closer. She hummed in response staring in to y/n’s eyes. “Why I borrow your lipstick so often… I’m using your shirt as a pillow case…” Y/n suddenly let go of Hermione’s face but it stayed in it’s place. “I wanna ruin our friendship.” Y/n said, a smirk still on her face. Hermione frowned and slightly backed away, feeling hurt. Was y/n just teasing her before ‘dumping her’?
Y/n didn’t even know what was making her say all this. Before Hermione could get away any further, y/n grabbed her face again and leaned next to her ear, their cheeks touching. Hermione flushed again, as well as y/n. “We should be lovers instead.” she whispered. Hermione’s eyes widened for a second. She softly pushed y/n away and stared at her smiling face.
“Y/n…” Hermione’s eyes flickered down to y/n’s lips for a split second. “I-I didn’t know you felt like this… but I like Ron-”
“No you don’t.”
“What? What do you mean I don’t?” Hermione asked slightly offended.
“Your body language is a big tell.” Hermione still looked unamused so y/n elaborated, “Your flushed face,” she pressed a hand to Hermione’s face and passed her thumb over the girl’s red cheek. “Your speechless expression,” y/n’s smirk widened at Hermione’s still wide eyes from when she felt y/n’s hand on her cheek. “The way your eyes flickered to my lips a few moments ago.”
“I-” Hermione tried.
“Ron doesn’t make you feel this way, does he?” Y/n leaned closer to Hermione’s face. Hermione slightly shook her head, following y/n’s lead. After what felt like forever, their lips connected. What started as soft became passionate and desperate.
Y/n was right, Hermione had never felt this way about Ron. She had become too engrossed in the idea of a goofy, kind boyfriend to realize that she beamed every time y/n laughed, flushed at every touch of her hand, mentioned her in every conversation.
Hermione wrapped her arms around y/n’s neck and pulled her closer. Y/n, captivated by the kiss, slipped her tongue into Hermione’s mouth. Hermione hummed desperately at the action and tangled her hands in y/n’s hair, tugging at it. It went on for minutes more, feeling like hours, until finally, they pulled away breathing heavily.
“Wow…” Hermione said breathlessly. Y/n smiled and pushed Hermione’s hair behind her ear.
“I’m in love with you, Hermione.” Hermione beamed,
“I think I am too.” Y/n raised an eyebrow,
“You’re in love with yourself?” She said jokingly. Hermione chuckled.
“No, I mean- I’m in love with you too.” Y/n pressed her forehead against Hermione’s and placed her hand on her face, the bushy-haired girl doing the same.
“Well, good for me, then.”
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jeonjk1998 · 4 years
Be Mine | Jungkook
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: college!au jock!au goldenboy!au quarterback!au piercing!au fluff!au smut!au angst!au
Wordcount: 3886 words
Summary: Jungkook has always been the confident famous hot jock in your school but everything stared to change when he met you
Notes: I know my English sucks pls bare with me! Anyways I hope this could turn into a real fic someday lol and it would be an honour if anyone is willing to take the idea to write this and if you do so PLS TAG ME
Jeon Jungkook, the famous starplayer aka the quarterback
Not to mention, the sexy hot jock that every girl would drop their panties for
And let’s not talk about his well-built muscular body and that perfectly good looks of his
Has a shit tons of friends, he can easily befriend with literally everybody, lot’s of admirers as well
Also, he is not that typical kind of a fuckboy who sleeps around and he definitely wasn’t trying to get his dick wet at any possible chance
You cannot imagine how crowded the stadium would be because of the people who went to see him play whenever he has a game
You, however was the opposite, you love books and quiet places
Ngl, you are incredibly beautiful but you tend to keep a low profile at the most possible ways
Sure, you have always heard about the famous Jeon Jungkook here and there ever since you stepped foot in this campus
The guy’s name was literally everywhere, it’s like wherever you go, you could hear people talking about him, especially the girls
For instance, like how good is he in bed and how big his dick is or how hot he is
You’d admit, the guy is very attractive but you just don’t like the attention too much
Well, back at your previous High School, you were quite the famous girl and honestly? You don’t like the attention that much
Sure, everyone loves you but you always feel much better alone so you decided to have a fresh start at your new school
Not to mention, you could never really get used to how much your friends was OBSESSED with Jungkook
All the gossips and dirt, like who he slept with during the party or which Cheerleaders has he hooked up with during the game
It was funny to you because you sure have never seen them so hyped up before
And there’s also one thing you never realize up until now is that you actually have quite a number of close friends that were also in Jungkook’s friends group
Like Jennie, you guys met back in your previous High School when you were dating this guy who also is one of her friends and you guys then just get along very well
As for Jimin, who is one of the jocks in Jungkook’s group which you met while taking French classes
Well, you guys practically hang out after every class because why not? He’s fun and he loves hanging out with you
Also Namjoon, you met the guy when you first started to work at the library
Honestly? He might look quite terrifying when he’s not smiling but you swear once you started to get to know to him, he really is just a total sweetheart and also clumsy
You love spending time and sharing your interests with him because you guys literally have so many things in common
It’s not a surprise that you can get along with people easily because you were quite sociable back then
You have always been a very sweet and kind person and that’s the reason why you are so loved in your previous High School
It all started one day when Jungkook went to the library which he has never once stepped foot in to meet up with his friends
And the moment when he saw you, YOU, he swears that he feels like his world has been brightened up
He has never seen such a beautiful smile in his entire life before, and so he was lovestruck
The guy who was once full of self-confidence was gone
It usually wasn’t that hard for him to approach girls but everything was different when it comes to you
He was so nervous and afraid that he’d make a bad impression if he’d just use his pick-up line to flirt with you like he did to all the girls
So from that day onwards, he would always go to the library when he doesn’t have his practice just to see you or maybe talk to you one day
Oh god, he even volunteered himself for Namjoon to let him work at the library so he could make an excuse and talk to you
But no way Namjoon is letting him off the hook so easily because he knew that Jungkook doesn’t have the time for stuff like these
Not to mention, he even tried to get Jennie to hook you up with him
You remember there was this one time when you were at the class hall, ready to have your biology class and out of your surprised, you saw Jungkook sat down beside you and you swear he did not have to major in biology?
What’s worse is that the class hall then started to fill up with lots of people and you swear you have never seen the place so crowded before
The teacher was even surprised but more impressed because of the situation “I do hope all of you came for my class because you wanted to, not because of any other reasons”
What’s weird is that you have been seeing Jungkook around more than usual because honestly, you never really saw the guy before
But now? He’s like everywhere, especially the library and all thanks to him the place became crowded in just a few days
Ngl, your friends were all like “Oh my god! you’re so lucky!” “You should’ve told us!” “He’s super hot isn’t he?”
It was kinda funny the way they were exaggerating because honestly? You didn’t really care that much
I mean obviously, a guy like him is way out of your league so you never really pay much attention to him
On the other hand, Jungkook practically begged Jimin to introduce you to him when he saw both of you were talking and laughing at the cafeteria
Tbh, he was a little jealous because of how close you and Jimin are but he knew there was nothing going on between the both of you
And FINALLY, after 8492736 years, Jungkook was finally been able to meet you officially when Jimin decided to bring you along with him to meet his friends
Well, you already knew Namjoon, Jimin and Jennie so it wasn’t hard for you to get along with all of them
Jungkook, especially was a total sweetheart and flirty too
You never knew the guy was actually fun to hang around because of your stupid stereotypes of his
And now, Jungkook finally has an excuse to go to the library to see you “Honestly, I hate books, I literally rent everything in the library just so I could talk to you”
And whenever you came over to the field? Jungkook would get all tensed up and try to impress you
Like purposely doing extra push-ups or one-arm pushups to get your attention, showing you he has been working out
It obviously made you look at him by all the screaming you heard from the girls
Or he’d suddenly get all serious during practice even though most of the time he would fool around with the guys
He wanted to impress you with a more manly side of him
It worked honestly, he’s Jeon Jungkook, who wouldn’t fall for his charms?
Ever since you started to hang out with his friends, he has gotten so much teasing whenever you’re around
But it just made him wanted to be more confident and loose around you
Honestly, the guy is such a dream, you never knew you could be attracted to him so easily
After all, you could never get sick of his stupid cheesy pick-up line and gosh, it made you flutter so much
“There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can’t take them off you”
“Sorry, but you owe me a drink because when I looked at you, I dropped mine”
“Do you believe in love at first sight or should I pass by again?”
You swear you have never gotten so attracted to anyone like that before and you knew you fucked up
It's not easy to have a crush someone like him because of how different the both of you are
It’s obvious that Jungkook has lots of admirers and pretty girls hanging around him and you’re just you
It makes you feel so stupid that sometimes you’d catch yourself getting upset when he’s hanging out with the girls from Cheerleading
You feel so guilty feeling this way because he’s just hanging around with his friends, it’s not like he’s your boyfriend or something
And then there was this girl, Yooa from the Cheerleading team who always clings herself onto Jungkook whenever he’s around
What makes it worse is that you knew she has slept with Jungkook for a few times
She’s pretty and hot which most of the guys in the school were crazy about her
What you don’t know is that Jungkook stops sleeping around ever since the both of you started hanging out
And God, you have no idea how crazy the guy is for you
He literally talks about you ALL THE TIME
His friends would always tease him whenever he started to talk about you “Damn bro, you’re so whipped for her” “Man, she totally got you wrapped around her little finger”
Whenever you’re around, it would simply brighten up his days
He’d have that goofy lovestruck smile hanging on his face whenever he talks about you “I guess I found the girl of my dreams”
And everyone around him knew he was damned
He wanted to make you his so bad but he’s afraid you’ll reject him
His friends would hype him up and tell him that he doesn’t have to worry about a thing because they know for sure that you wouldn’t reject him
After so many bro talks, he decides to confess to you and GOD, he swears he’s never been this nervous before, not even before a game
He told you to meet him after his practice and he almost forgot to get you the roses that he has ordered a week before he wanted to confess to you and so he quickly ran out and went to pick it up
The moment he saw you standing there, he knew he couldn’t wait any much longer
You’re like the most perfect girl he’s ever seen
“Y/N, I like you, I can’t hold back my feelings for you any much longer now, you have no idea how much you’re affecting me now, you made me feel so many things that I have never felt before and I love the way you make me feel when I’m around you and it’s crazy because when I first met you, I’d never known that I could fell so hard for you. Will you be mine?”
You were blushing so hard that you swear your heart was snatched away for a second, you were just so nervous that you can’t even speak
But it was so obvious that you look so fluttered and wanted to say yes
Jungkook then chuckles when he saw how cute you were “So that’s a yes?”
Ever since you and Jungkook started dating, he has been the sweetest and most loving boyfriend ever
He’d give you all of his attention whenever you ask for him
He would look at you like you’re the only girl that exists in this world, there was just so much affection in his eyes
You love the way he makes you feel like you’re out of this world “If I had a star for every time you’ve brightened my day, I’ll be holding up a galaxy”
You absolutely LOVE it when he wrapped his muscular arm around you with his huge body topping over you
Honestly, it felt safe to be in his arms and you love the way he smells
The guy is so whipped for you that he couldn’t stop touching you whenever you’re around him
He would always grab the opportunity to kiss you when he got the chance
He knew you don’t like the attention so he would try his best to behave himself
And GOD, he absolutely loves the feeling of your lips on his
He could literally make out with you all-day
He doesn’t even care if anyone would saw the two of you almost fuck each other in school
He couldn’t care less as long as you’re with him
Ngl, the guy loves leaving hickeys on your neck because he told you he wanted to let people know that you only belonged to him
And he would get so upset whenever you try to cover it up
What’s more embarrassed is that he would show off his hickey to literally all of his friends after you guys make out
And not to mention that he gets dirtier with his stupid pick up line which you find it hard to resist
“For some reason, I was feeling a little off today, but when you came along, you definitely turned me on”
“Are you an elevator? Because I’ll go up and down on you”
“Are your legs made of Nutella? Because I’d love to spread them”
Sex with Jungkook was in another level
GOD, that man really knows what he’s doing, his stamina was no joke at all
It turns you on so much when he talks dirty to you
“Fuck, I want you so bad”
“God, you’re so sexy, it's hard to believe you're mine sometimes.”
“You like that cock deep inside of you?”
You have no idea how much it turns him on just seeing the look on your face when he was cock deep inside of you
There are so many times when he wanted to tell you that he loves you but he’s just too afraid to ruin what you guys already have
Despite all of that, it sometimes would still bother you whenever you saw girls drooling over your boyfriend, especially the girls from Cheerleading
You’d always heard them talks about Jungkook in a way it actually disgusts you and it made you feel so uncomfortable about it
Jungkook knew something was up, he tries to talk to you about it but you wouldn’t say anything which made him worried
When you decide to tell him about it, he’d just stare at you with the goofiest smile ever and it just made you so confused
“What is it so funny?” “Nothing, I just like how protective you are about me”
He wanted to give you his jersey for as long as he could remember and now, he finally has the excuse to give it to you
He told you to wear it whenever you came to see him so people would stop talking about him when you’re around
The first time when he saw you wearing his jersey, he couldn’t stop smiling while he was at the practice
You swear his coach almost asked you to leave because of how much you’re distracting Jungkook
Honestly, he loves to see you wearing his jersey, it would help in boosting his ego and make him feel more confident about himself
He would even purposely hurt himself just so he could hang out with you when he saw you came over to see him practice
He would be such a baby asking for your kisses, saying it would heal him “Baby, pls kiss it better, one kiss, that’s all it takes”
Even though he’s a tough guy, he’s just desperate for your attention
You remember when you brought Jungkook back on Christmas, everyone was so hyped up about you finally having a boyfriend
You couldn’t even forget how your big your sister’s eye grew when she first saw Jungkook as she mouthed a big WOW and HE’S SO HOT to you
Your mum even ask where did you even find such a handsome young man in your school
Even your Dad adores him, he’d tell you about how great the guy is
Honestly, you have no idea what did Jungkook told your Dad to make him like him so much
Most of the guy you brought back, your Dad was never fond of any one of them
“Seriously, what did you do?” Every time you asked Jungkook about it, he would just laugh it off and say that it’s because no one can resist his charms
Talk about the first time you met Jungkook’s parent, you were so nervous and you were so scared to mess it up
And it turns out that you actually have nothing to be worried about
Both of them are so sweet and kind, you really enjoyed talking to them, especially with Jungkook’s Mom
She was so nice and fun, sometimes she would even call you and ask if you’re doing okay or when are you free so she could have a mother-daughter time with you
You even remember there was this time when Jungkook’s 5 years old cousin came over
He would be so excited to see you and tell you about his day and about how Jungkook would bully him when you’re not around
It still makes you laugh when you think about it, Jungkook got so fed up whenever he came over, especially when you’re around
He knew the little guy has a crush on you and he would even sometimes threaten Jungkook that he’ll marry you when he grows up
Jungkook doesn’t really want you to come over when the kid was around because there was this one time when he saw Jungkook was hugging you, it made him cry so bad that it made Jungkook’s Mum got mad at him
“I swear if he cries one more time, I’m gonna throw him into the trash” You swear Jungkook looks so cute when he was pissed and it made you wanted to kiss him
But boy was you so wrong, one kiss and you’re already naked under him
You remember so well there was this one night when you came over to Jungkook’s apartment
You guys were supposed to watch a movie together but ended up eating each other’s out on the couch
And then it happened, he told you he loves you
You didn’t know what to do so you left him
You were so scared and confused, you like him, you do, but it all just happened so fast
But all you can think of is that guys just dated and you really don’t want to ruin anything the both of you have right now
Jungkook could literally feel his heart was torn into pieces the moment you left him
There’s so much going on in his mind right now, he doesn’t understand why would you leave him like that?
He doesn’t need you to say it back, he loves you and that’s all that matters
The way you reacted, how you just left him feeling like a fool made him got really mad
God, you feel so bad and you wanted to make it up to him the next day to find out that he’s ignoring you
You even try to talk to your friends about it and they were all mad at you “Y/N! Why you’d runway like that!” “C’mon, the guy is obviously head over heels for you!” “You’re crazy”
After getting so many scolding from your friend, you then head to the field to see if Jungkook is there, ready to apologise to him
You then decided to wait for him at the bleachers when you saw he was at the field doing laps
He definitely saw you but he didn’t come over to you like he used to
There was literally no emotion on his face when he saw you, it breaks your heart to see him like that
You’ve been waiting for an hour and you knew he wasn’t going to come up until you left
You then decided that you’d just come another time when he’s ready to talk to you
When you were about to leave, you heard some of the juniors from the soccer team were mumbling something about Jungkook hasn’t been performing well these days
You were worried about him which you decided to head over the locker room and talk to the guys
They told you about how fucked up Jungkook has been for the past few days and that he’s been slacking off on the field pretty much all the time
They say that he hasn’t been his best lately
Jungkook didn’t rest for days, he kept going to the gym or doing laps on the field or continue to practice even when coach is not around
He never told the guys what happened between you guys so they’d just assume that the both of you had broken up
Usually, all of them would wait for Jungkook because they are all worried sick of him
But since you’re here, they decided to leave and let the both of you talk
You’ve been waiting in the locker room for god knows how long, it’s almost midnight and he’s not even back yet
You were about to go and check on him when you heard the door slam open
You didn’t know what to do so you went around the locker and hide yourself
You swear you feel like slapping the shit out of yourself
Why are you hiding? You wanted to talk to him but why are you hiding?
That’s when you heard Jungkook ruffles something from his locker
He then sat down on the bench and took his phone out
You then saw your name appear on his phone screen and he was just staring at it
He wanted to call you so bad but he was afraid to face you, what if you rejected him? He wasn’t ready to take that risk at all
That’s the reason why he was avoiding you
You then heard he was sobbing?
God, it breaks your heart to see him cry, he looks so vulnerable right now and you don’t even know what should you do anymore
You then took your phone out and you decided to call him
He immediately answered his phone the moment he saw you calling
“Jungkook, turn around...”
When he saw you his eyes softened, he missed you and god you have no idea how much he has missed you
You can’t help yourself and tears started to roll down your cheeks as you rush to hug him
You keep apologising to him and tell him how sorry you are
“Baby please don’t cry, at least not for me”
You were crying so much that you can’t even speak properly “No! I-It’s my fault! It’s all my fault and I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to just run off like that, I-” He then shush you up and places a kiss on top of your head
“Hey, it’s okay, you don’t have to say it back, I just wanted to let you know that I love you and that’s all that matters, you’re all that matters to me, alright?” He said and kisses the palm of your hand
And that’s when you realise you have fallen in love with this guy standing in front of you way before he told you he loves you
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thats-a-real-mood · 4 years
1.)Supernatural cast interviews
2.)Supernatural 15x20 live blogging
Start here for #1
The road so far.. sad and so many memories
So far a giant recap with the actor past and present.
Wow Mary’s death
Dads on a hunting trip...and he hasn’t been home in a few days
So far 3 min and it’s one of the promos and the starting point.
The Winchester brothers
The Junkyard dog
Bobby was there dad in all but blood.
The brotherly love
So far I was correct about the first half was just a interviews things with the actors and not part of the actual episode.
I wish it really would have been a true 2 hour episode. They could have keep the interviews as an extra or as a 3rd hour.
Earth angels
Here is Anna
“You can have angels, just make them dicks.”
Monster moments
King of the Crosswords
“Making our enemy’s our friends”
“Crowleys the creepy uncle you avoid at thanksgiving.”
Angel in disguise
“He is the third brother.” -Jensen
“Finding love and acceptance in a human family” -Misha
The Power of Myth
Brought up French mistake
Changing channels
Heart & soul
Distinguished Guests
The Voice of God
The Greater Good
Rising son
Courage under Fire
Last supper
I fucking hate John Winchester
So far nothing about destiel has been mentions and this first part is almost over. So either they are gonna give us more in the actual episode or nothing.
Team Free Will
The Final episode
Misha hoping we feel satisfied with this episode.
“The people we really have to satisfy is us, the writers, and these characters.”
This makes me worried for our destiel finale
Everyone is making things feeling satisfing and making me feel guilty. If we don’t get the ending we want, they at least want to know how hard they worked but we still are very iffy with this.
2 mins this the episode.
Start here for #2 (episode time)
-Back of the car shot and the end shot of previous episodes. Love that.
-dean got a dog and has at least 5 bottles of alcohol in his room.
Sam have a run. Being domestic and stuff (trying to keep going with everything and not think about it?)
Sam kicking the washer for the noise
>okay so the montage was very domestic and nice but underwhelming tbh
Title card-
Okay driving up and dean crying. This is his “destiny.....”
Pie feast
He’s crying and Sam is sad at seeing a happy family.
Here’s the pie promo
Cas,Jack (first mention) chick flick moment
Sam puts pie in deans face and background guy laughs
Oh shit. Shadow in window. First five minutes of supernatural. Ooo nvm he dead
Face mask guys
Creepy mask dude
Kids gonna get pulled out from under the bed
Yep I was right
-singer and kripke were the alias’s
Tree scene
Vamp mimes... wow dean
Oh shit again
Damn dean just off with the head. No checking. And Sam just shot the dude. Knee and assuming the head.
Headshot so it is a vamp?
Wow I forgot how psychopathic these brothers are. Hunting knife or a head chop?
We are now at the barn.
Aw let dean have this throwing star
This does not look like the barn that cas come to in season 4
2 vs 4 they gonna lose. Wow there’s that promo shot.
>Almost twenty minutes in and only one mention of cas. We did have that blue tie of cas’s that dean wore but like? Does that actually count?
>This seems like it’s just gonna be another filler episode that supernatural does.
Kool machete fight
Wow a chick vamp?
Jenny? That “vamp” they saved? Gonna have to research her again? Wasn’t she the one that they tried to keep from vamping?
Shit I saw that stab thing being out of the wall and then dean got pushed onto it.
Dean is gonna die. Are you kidding me?! Your gonna leave Sam all alone after EVERY THING THEY JUST WENT THROUGH?!
Please don’t do this. No dean don’t.
>30 more minutes and ????
Saving people, hunting things
Please mention cas, please
Proud big brother Dean Winchester
Come on, dean. Aw man mentioning the Woman in White
He was so scared of being told to leave or die by Sam.
Man come on. Your pulling a jack now. First cas, then jack and now dean is gone.
Wow you get a great morning and then bam
He’s gone.
>No mention of cas? Thirty/twenty minutes left? How are they ending this?
>I don’t understand. They said there wasn’t gonna be any ambiguity about their love..? I’m Confused.
>did I miss something?
Sam is giving dean his hunter funeral with deans dog..
Wow this is so different compared to this earlier morning montage
The table shot with the carved names
Sam wandering to deans room..
Who is calling dean?
Agent bonjovie?
Oh another case.
Life goes on? He’s just gonna take the case? Werewolf?
>twenty minutes left and we just saw the lights go off in the bunker...
Okay wtf deans alive?
Omfg jack saved Bobby?????
Akejeijwebwj this is what I wanted!! The hunters and eveyone dean loves being together in heaven. Ash and Pamela, the ROADHOUSE, cas??? What? How did cas help? What?
Almost perfect? Sam? Coming up here? To heaven? Cas? Whooo??
Everything u want or could ever dream? Find cas? Ride in baby?
>10 minutes
Carry on is playing
Sam had a child and named him dean..?
He got out of the life!
Sam with his child....
>You did Sam dirty making him look old like that. Wth kind of wig is that????
>Did they even bother with some makeup to make him look older? It’s literally Jared in a grey wig that remind me of spirit Halloween or Walmart Halloween wigs.
Sams child with the demon tattoo. Does his child know of monsters or just cause his dad has it did Sam do it as a precaution?
“Dean. It’s okay. You can go now”
“Dad. It’s okay. You can go now.”
Carry on my wayward son cover is beautiful
>come on please give us something of destiel? A bridge scene? A confession here? Please??
Sams in heaven now and literally cas and jack was only mentioned twice.
>extremely disappointed but not surprised tbh.
>the thank you at the end is nice.
>why was I expecting and hoping and wanting for this for so long and I’m honestly so tired that they couldn’t give us this small thing. This could have gone down in tv history if they have given a resiprical confession from dean but they just.... couldn’t.
So last episode: a good heaven for dean, with Sam got to love old and got o and named his child dean. aTLEAST IT WASNT CAS. Total of TWO mentions to Cas And jack.
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dourtrent81144 · 3 years
Hey heres a list of my chill and bizarre crushes I had from 4th grade to now in the order that I can remember cuz I just had late night thoughts and memories
4th grade-Raggedy Andy(Raggedy Anne's brother)
Either 4th or 5th grade-The Romeo seal and Juliet seal from that weird and hard to find(but nicely animated) kid's movie about the story of Romeo and Juliet except everybody is a seal and/or sea creature and it's kid friendly but has oddly sexual moments
4th grade-Nani from Lilo and Stitch(she was cute as hell)
4th grade-Michelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles(the one that was on Nickelodeon)
5th grade-the blue haired male fairy from that wannabe Winx Club show Pop Pixie(I think his name was Fixxit)
5th grade:Peter Pan(he was cute okay???)
5th grade-Jenny Wakeman from my life as a teenage robot(i mean...am I wrong?)
5th grade-Beastboy and Starfire from teen titans(they're cute aight)
5th grade-Squidgirl(from that anime about the girl who was part squid)
5th grade-Chi from Chobits(y'all remember that?)
5th grade-Roxanne from the Goofy movie(tbh i dont remember much from that movie but she was cute)
5th and 6th grade-Foxy from Five Nights at Freddy's and Rebornica's version of the security guard Michael(shut up yall had these phases)
Either 5th or 6th grade-those anime girl versions of the creeper and endermen from Minecraft
Either 5th or 6th grade-Anime Minecraft Steve from these Minecraft comics I use to read(i forgot who drew the comics but I loved how they made steve look)
6th grade-Bipper from Gravity Falls(Dipper possessed by Bill) and Giffany(that anime girl)
6th grade-the genderswapped versions of the mane 6 from My little Pony(mainly butterscotch and rainbowblitz)
6th grade-Peta from the Hunger games(he was a cute bread boy)
6th grade-Elsa and Jack Frost(I used to ship them till i realized Elsa was a grown adult and jack was an actual teenager so ew)
7th grade-Sans(shut the fuck up y'all had this phase too)
7th grade-Leo from Percy Jackson(I never fully finished the percy jackson series but i need to)
7th grade-Sirius Black from Harry Potter(I didnt know or care about what he looked like,i just liked him)
7th grade-Fluttershy from My Little Pony(HUSH)
Either 6th or 7th grade-Jason Vorhees and the ring girl(yeah...i dont regret it at all)
8th grade-Levi Ackerman(he was like...my first male anime crush who was actually from an anime lol.I developed a crush on Mikasa a bit later)
8th grade-Link from Zelda(he's pretty)
8th grade-Darkiplier(shhhhhuuuut up i was edgy okay)
8th grade-The batter from Off(evil man...but him cute)
8th grade-Yoonbum from Killing Stalking(problematic i know)
9th grade-Rose Quartz(mainly her but probably many other Steven Universe characters i cant remember right now)
9th grade-Guzma and Olivia from Pokemon sun and moon(okay these are normal)
9th grade-Ichimatsu from Osomatsu San(i still think he cute)
9th grade-2b and 9s from Nier Automata(listen...sexy robots fam)
9th grade-the girls from Attack on Titan
9th grade-Venom(now listen...)
9th grade-some overwatch characters i cant really remember
10th grade-Haida from Aggretsuko(cute boy)
10th grade-Reigen Arataka(i cant believe I liked this con man)
10th grade-Legosi and Haru(and most Beastars characters I can't remember rn)
I probably forgot so many but that's all that i can remember now.What does this say about me lmao
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frostbytetherebel · 4 years
Obey Me! Brothers as songs from BLACKPINK’S ‘The Album’
I’ve been listening to the album on loop since its release. All the songs SLAPS. Eventually I came up with this so yeah let’s get started. 
(All English lyrics are taken from genius.com)
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Lucifer: How You Like That 
This one is pretty obvious. 
First single from the album, first track, multiple records hit upon its release - idk sounds pretty much like “the mighty first-born” to me 
The song is basically about escaping a toxic relationship. You know who else has a toxic relationship? That’s right, Mr. Godly Daddy Issues. He literally started a war against his dad.
“Again in such a dark place, light up the sky” & “In such a darker place, shine like the stars” is literally the Morningstar himself in Devildom and no one can change my mind on this. Fact. 
Pridey McPrideface moment: “Look at you, now look at me”
There’s this line in the lyrics: “The day I went down with my wings lost/ Those dark days when I was trapped”, which I think fully represents his fall from heaven. Also queen Roseanne Park NAILED this scene in the MV: 
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Yep. That’s the fall of an Archangel for me. 
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Mammon: You Never Know 
Tbh I’ve had a hard time deciding on Mammon’s song. 
But then these lyrics hit me: “The words that everyone said so easily/ Maybe you can hear it soon/ I've heard enough I've heard enough/ Of the things that I'm not”
Mammon is constantly harassed by his brothers for being stupid. Sure, he might lack common sense, but it doesn’t give the brothers the full authority to shame him like that. 
“But you'll never know unless you walk in my shoеs/ You'll never know, my tangled strings/ 'Causе everybody sees what they wanna see/ It's easier to judge me than to believe” That’s our classic misunderstood tsundere right there. 
He’s probably the one who’s gonna stick with MC until the very end (y’all know how clingy he can be). “Even if the whole world changes/ I'm still the same”
Also remember during the Lamp event, he was the first one to say that he’d rather be with MC instead of ruling the world? Yeah, the line hits right there. 
At the same time, his feelings for MC? Y O U N E V E R K N O W
(But everyone does eventually) 
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Leviathan: Love To Hate Me
“Kinda sad that you always been like that/ See me making waves and you don't like that” Levi usually gets emotional because of mangas/animes/video games (and I wouldn’t be surprised if he would actually flood the House Of Lamentation). And how many times do we see the brothers complain about that throughout the storyline? Countless. 
“Only thing I think about is big stacks” except the stacks are Ruri-chan goods. 
Notice how Levi is the one who gets involved in family drama the least (unless his video games are the direct cause for them)? Sounds a lot like “I keep it light/ No, no, no drama in my life”. 
Classic introvert line: “I need you? Nah, I been good lately/ Blowin' up, workin' busy” because who the fuck needs people when you can binge watch animes and blow shits up in video games all day? 
Poor boy keeps chasing Mammon because of the debt. “I'm takin' back what you've taken from me” yeah you go boy.  
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Satan: Pretty Savage. 
The song title speaks for itself. 
Satan is definitely a pretty boy (fight me, I dare you). He shows off a friendly smile way too often that people sometimes forget that he’s the Avatar Of Wrath. 
And yeah, he can be pretty savage. 
He HATES being compared to Lucifer. “It seems similar, but we are different from the core”. He loathes it even more if people start calling him by his bRoThEr’s name. “If you get our name wrong, ddu-du-ddu-du hit” aka prepare for the wrath of kitty boyo.
Did I mention how he loves messing up Lucifer’s life? That’s exactly what “Yeah, we some bitches you can't manage/ I make this difficult thing again” means. 
When he gets angry, well “You better run, run, run”. 
This whole song just fits him perfectly. 
Well, except for the “I wore something similar to you, but it looks better on me” part because this man has absolutely no fashion sense. 
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Asmodeus: Bet You Wanna
“MC I know you want meeeeee” 
Horny song for a horny demon boyo. 
Asmodeus is beautiful and he knows it. He’s undeniably the most confident demon in Devildom. He knows his looks are on another level. “Uh, I'm gonna make you go blind/ Every time I walk, my hips, they don't lie”
He’s also a party animal full of energy. Anywhere he goes, he’s gonna make sure all eyes are on him. “You wanna run with my love, I know you wanna/ From the club to the tub, you said you wanna/ Give me an all night hug, I bet you wanna”
And of course, the song screams his signature trait: his lust. “Let's do what we both desire/ On God, like I'm in the choir/ I bet you if you make me sweat, I'll still be on fire” Yeah mister, thank you for announcing your desire to have such intense sex that you’ll moan like a whole choir. Totally useful information. 
Also imagine Asmo singing along to this with Cardi B. 
The S A S S tho. 
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Beelzebub: Ice Cream 
Another obvious one. 
“Wow, a food-themed song! Totally fits the Avatar Of Gluttony perfectly!” 
That’s what you think, right? Well, there’s actually more to that. 
At first glance, we all think that Ice Cream is just another summer song with cheerful and light-hearted beats, right? But haha SIKE BITCH it’s actually a horny song. 
It’s even more horny than Bet You Wanna. See the lyrics for yourself. 
And Beel, he may appear as a totally friendly demon who craves food 24/7 at first. 
But as we go deeper into the storyline, we realise that he’s actually not nice and naive like we thought. 
His personality has darker aspects (aka depressing memories) along with a needy side. 
How many times were MC asked to feed him (and then given the option to have a passionate kiss with him) during the storyline? Idk, I lost count already. 
Also I’m sure that 80% of this fandom wouldn’t mind being a hoe for him. 
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Belphegor: Crazy For You 
Oh boy, here comes the yandere vibes. 
Belphie’s love is extremely obsessive. “If you're my (hu)man, I want you to myself”. 
When he was trapped in the attic, he knew he needed a plan to get out. And he knew that plan would eventually trigger Lucifer so much. But he proceeded anyway and approached MC first, because all he needed then was their attention. “I know I'll have enemies long as you're into me/ But I don't care 'cause I got what I need”
Being the natural cunning demon he is, he knows how to manipulate MC into helping him. “I saw you/ And knew what I was trying to do/ I had to play it rеal, real smooth/ And once I finally made my move/ I went crazy over you”
Remember what he did to MC after lesson 16? Cow boyo began pining to us like crazy. That part was so smooth I almost forgot he choked us to death. (Admit it, some of you actually forgot about it.) 
Like Jennie sang, “Feels wrong but it's right, right?”
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Ⓐⓣⓣⓐⓒⓚ ⓞⓝ Ⓣⓘⓣⓐⓝ
this is a fan cast for the anime attack on titan or shingeki no kyojin. you guys know i love doing fancasts especially with fandoms i’m so strong about and love so much this is one of them. i love attack on titan so much and tbh i get a lil crazy for it...oops. but with some i do agree on in fancasts i thought why not make my own and show you guys what i think. this would be my dream cast and like (i know this never will) but if they did makes this real i prob would cry so hard my boogies would come out. now you don’t have to agree on me with this this is just what i think. hopefully you guys likes and maybe agree...if you do i love you!
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eren yeager or jeager idk : rob raco (i’ve read that eren’s character is supposed to be tan or tanner skin so i thought rob would be perfect. i know him from riverdale and he’s just perfect with the skin color and eye color and he has that capability of long hair for future eren JUST SAYIN. eren is one of my fav characters in aot/snk) 
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aredn cho : mikasa ackerman (such a beauty and strong character. i loved arden in teen wolf and think she is so cute and beautiful. funny thing i say mikasa kinda hispanic because mi casa su casa you know so i say it wrong but i’m gonna try to say it right.) 
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hart denton : armin artlert (arm out hahah im srry i hate myself) (i know this is another dude from riverdale its so funny bc i swear i dont even watch or really care about the show. i guess i think whelp i need young actors so either go to riverdale or 13 reasons why. but he is so beautiful and adorable and that jawline.) 
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gregg sulkin : jean kirschtein / kirstein (okokok i had a hugeeeee crush on this actor when i was young and i think he’s pretty bomb on runaways the marvel show and he’s really cute and that chin is like jean and to me this is perfect!) 
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charlie rowe : connie springer (i mean c’mon guys they look basically like twins although i do like dylan for connie i feel charlie looks more like connie) 
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historia reiss / krista / christa lenz : kiernan shipka 
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isabella gomez : sasha blouse (i love sasha so much she is very mood and i just love my precious bean and who better than to get someone that is super funny i mean c’mon)
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anthony ramos : marco bodt (i’m john laurens in the place to be two pints of sam adams but im workin on threeeeee. i love anthony especially his singing hes so frickin cute just like my bby rip marco. freckles 4 dayz)
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oona chaplin : ymir 
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saoirse ronana : annie leonhart
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alexander ludwig : reiner braun (reiner is my favorite character in aot/snk. his past and life makes me feel sad and just in a way kinda feel bad for him even tho i don’t want to. i love him and yes read many fanfics of him and many other characters of aot/snk.)
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chuku modu : bertholdt hoover (first off chuku’s voice is like butter and it makes me feel some type of way and second the man is 6′4 ladies just like mr. hoover. its just glorious!!!)
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dane dehaan : levi ackerman (you knew, you knew, you knew why you actin all surprised. i mean this man will forever be real levi.) 
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sonam kapoor : hange / hanji zoe (both beauties!)
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chris evans : erwin smith (again you knew! i feel like chris + anything to do with military soldier stuff = captain america OR ERWIN SMITH LIKE BRUH PLS DO NOT FIGHT ME ON THIS IT IS FATE AND TRUTH NOT OPINION FAM)
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johnny simmons : moblit berner 
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karen gillian : petra ral 
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hunter parrish : oluo bozado
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marco ilso : eld jin / jinn / gin (marco is a snack yallllll)
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martin sensmeier : gunther schultz 
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alexander skarsgard : mike zacharias (yes lord!)
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carey mulligan : nanaba 
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evan peters : marlowe freudenberg (dang what a last name srry) 
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camren bicondova : hitch dreyse 
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patrick stewart with a mustache : dot pixis (wait i forgot his first name was dot)
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jeff bridges : dhalis zachary
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will smith : keith shadis (idk why i really like this one but keith’s story is sad like he wanted to be a hero and remebered and just praised for one thing in his life but don’t worry keith *cries* I SEE U!)
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rashida jones : carla yeager / jeager 
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ALEXANDER HAMILTON i mean lin-manuel miranda : grisha yeaher / jeager (yes i did it...i made grisha alexander hamilton...its funny when i was watching the episodes with my sister i said grisha looks a lot like alexander hamilton so i felt it needed to be done and they look basically alike so i can rest knowing i did my deed)
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charlie hunnam : zeke yeager / jeager (i know pply are pretty iffy about this one but i for one love it i think they look identical and i dont care what anyone says. we are all entitled to our opinion and shouldnt get mad at each other. also i love charlie and have such a crush on him its not even funny)
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jeffrey dean morgan : kenny ackerman (woo hot diggity dang jeffrey is a fineee species, he is super *cough* daddy and makes me wonder do i want a way older dude????)
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jenny slate : pieck (i love jenny she is so funny i cannot but the pic of pieck is fan art so it is not mine but i really liked how it looks a lot like the anime so well job to the creator) 
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ben hardy : porco galliard (i fell in love w ben when i watched bohemian rhapsody if you havent watched that like what are you doing w your life! also porco’s pic is fan art as well since i wanted color to match with the rest of the pics and not manga no color) 
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akira akbar : gabi braun (gabi is i think manga but colored idk if it is fanart but its not mine)
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jacob tremblay : falco grice (the pic of falco is not mine! i do not own!)
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drunklander · 4 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 503
Oh, Outlander. Le sigh.
On one hand, this episode gave me everything I’ve been wanting for 84 years a long time: Jamie and Claire, together, working as a team as the center of the episode. On the other hand, this very much did *not* feel like an episode of Outlander.
Bottle episodes are fine. The Garrison Commander, The Wedding and A. Malcolm were all basically bottle episodes. Two of those three are a couple of my favorite episodes of the whole series. This episode was like if the times the show decided to cosplay as a different genre (horror this time, rather than the political drama and military drama we’ve seen them attempt in the past) was dialed up to the point it no longer resembled an episode of the same show. From the music to the directing to p much everything.
This episode made me think that like if Outlander was a Venn diagram it would have Claire and Jamie working together as a team, them in the bulk of the episode, and a Good Episode™ of Outlander. You could have two but never all three.
(Also I hate horror movies. They’re just aggressively not jam.)
Ok but now that Marsali is Claire’s apprentice, can we have her and Fergus find out about time travel this season? Because in the books it’s like vaguely implied in MOBY but we never actually get to see that convo.
Also, yes, Marsali, Boston’s pretty rad. Not that I’m biased or anything. In addition to apparently “discovering” penicillin, we also invented Amurrica.
Shorter Claire’s VO: Idgaf about the timeline anymore. Don’t see how that can go wrong.
So was the blurry af title card Marsali practicing suturing? Why did they shoot it like that. It looks more like how they shot Mr. Beardsley’s POV rather than through the moldy bread covers or whatever it was through.
That whole intro part felt like it came from a different episode and was just tacked on to remind us that mold shenanigans are still a thing that is happening.
I do love Marsali, and her with Claire, though, but still.
Ok so Jamie is only gonna do another cross burning when he calls his dudes to fight the English, right? Because he did the whole big thing like “I won’t light the flaming dildo again until we’re going to war” and now he’s raising the militia but not doing the fire part when they showed the new wicker dildo right there up high on the Ridge. So like, because that whole bit was about the men being loyal to him, he’s only gonna light it for freedom, right?
So Fergus using Claire’s list of medical tips as his note for the printer is def not going to come back to bite anyone in the ass. Nope. Def not.
Also I love that the whisky thing is Fergus’ thing in the show.
How many pigs is Marsali gonna butcher to practice her skillz? Also is Deadguy McWhatshisface still in the cellar somewhere?
Mr. Trouble! I love Germain a lot and would love more of him with Grannie and Grandda, pls and thx.
Also, would *love* some Bree and Marsali time. Maybe next episode while the bros are in Brownsville and they’re at the Ridge by themselves? Pretty please?
Ah yes, plantation jokes. In the time when those exist. And you’ve stayed at one. Come on, Bree.
Oh look, Jamie and Claire not keeping secrets from each other. Good. Well done, kids.
But they’re keeping it from Bree. Who, as the grown-ass woman at the center of the Bonnet bullshit, fucking deserves to know. So fuck y’all for not telling her.
She knows, I know that, but they think she doesn’t sooo, do better.
Lots of callback references from Jamie this season. The thing about his scars last week, Black Jack, the brand Claire cut off and his dad’s stroke this week. Ngl, the show is so different now that those references don’t even seem like they’re from the same series.
Gonna take this twin bit as an opportunity to remind everyone to watch Orphan Black.
Kezzie leaves-his-pants-for-the-kittens Beardsley, too good for this world. Too pure.
You come across a creepy fucking cabin in the woods, that you know is the home of a physically abusive fuckwad, and you immediately split up? Claire. Girl. You’ve seen horror movies.
I fucking hate jump scares. Like I knew her face was gonna be in the window when Jamie turned back around, because this episode is the most trope-y horror short ever, but still. I fucking do not like horror movies, y’all, and jump scares are cheap.
Jamie on the other hand has never seen a horror movie and clearly doesn’t know that you DO NOT GO INTO THE CREEPY CABIN WITH THE CREEPY JUMP SCARE LADY.
Omfg with the banging door, it’s like they were like ok let’s read Making Horror Movies for Dummies and then put in ALL THE TROPES.
Also, this might be the one instance where the book name was better. Why the fuck would you name the goat Billy when Hiram is *clearly* a superior goat name.
Oh, hey, another jump scare. I’m both bored and annoyed.
Like we finally get an episode that is centered on Jamie and Claire. Together. Team Fraser. And it’s this nonsense.
I cannot with this show, tbh.
“Poor men bleed for rich men’s gold.” Two hundred and fifty fucking years later and it’s still true, Mrs. Findlay.
Did they borrow zombie noises from The Walking Dead for this episode? I swear to fuck every time Mr. Beardsley makes a noise I’m like uhhh, what show am I watching again?
“What you must have done to deserve this.” Yeah, like don’t @ me. I know abuse is fucking wrong. But you know what? This is fucked-up-past-times. Fanny’s out here by herself with no rights and no help. Go for it, girl. Fuck that fucker up.
This season on AHS: Beardsley Farm, the dulcet sounds of afterbirth squelching.
Here I was, all pleased that we were spared Breast Milk and Periodpalooza in the premiere. I should have known better. And yes, I know it’s natural and a part of childbirth, yada yada. I watch Call the Midwife and even *they* don’t fucking squelch it like that.
The subtitles spell Baltimore “Baltimoe” and now I have Another Op’nin’, Another Show from Kiss Me, Kate stuck in my head.
Is it too much to ask that the show find some way to demonstrate the past being The Worst™ that isn’t women and children getting abused or raped or murdered by shitty men? We already know men are shitty. Men are still shitty.
Like seriously, who the fuck does Mr. Beardsley think he is, murdering all his wives for not having babies, Henry VIII?!
“Having a baby doesn’t make me a mother.” Yuppppp. You do what’s best for you, Fanny.
“And your name is Sassenach.” And she’s not even like and “that’s a weird ass name.” I lowkey love Fanny Beardsley?
I still wish they skipped this whole thing though.
Omfg Jamie. BuT tHeY wOn’T bE wItH tHeIr FaMiLy. YOU *HAVE* TO KNOW CLAIRE’S RIGHT. YOU CAN’T BE THAT FUCKING THICK. NO SHIT THE FUTURE IS SAFER. Also, they’re fucking adults. They are their own family. You left Jenny. Young Ian stayed with the Mohawk. PEOPLE GROW UP AND LEAVE AND IT’S OK.
“Maybe she’s gone to find help.” Apparently Jamie *is* that thick. Really, bro? She left to find help? Really? Fucking dumbass.
“And we’ll seek Mrs. Beardsley as we travel.” “We won’t find her.” That’s a nice way of phrasing “You’re a fucking dumbass, she’s gone and claimed her freedom for the first time in her life. Let her have that, you fuckwit.”
The shot of the leaves blowing is literally like straight out of The Walking Dead.
Also loool at the birds.
Oh hey, next week we get all the dumb Brownsville stuff! And probs little to no Claire and Jamie. Exciting times.
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kinglegolas · 4 years
Dig a little deeper
tagged by @gcralts (tysm liibby! 💞✨💗)
1. do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? black
2. would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? city
3. if you could learn a new skill, what would it be? piano! or learn some new languages. also improve my guitar playing
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? tea - no, coffee - yes if it’s just instant, but i usually get caramel lattes when i’m out so no need for more sugar!
5. what was your favorite book as a child? when i was really little i had one of those lift-the-flap books called where’s my kitten? and i LOVED it
6. do you prefer baths or showers? i do love a bath but i always end making them too hot and i start sweating lol so showers
7. if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? a witch babey!
8. paper or electronic books? paper 100%! electronic books hurt my eyes
9. what is your favorite item of clothing? i have a really nice blue cable knit jumper that i love! also just love a good hoodie!
10. do you like your name? would you like to change it? not really. i think i would like it more if i could go by stevie but everyone has called me steph my whole life so it’d be weird to change. but if i could fully change my name i’d change it to alice bc it was my nana’s middle name and i just think it’s a nice name!
11. who is a mentor to you? i can’t really think of anyone tbh? i think there are quite a few people that seem to really have their life together and i’m just like wow could never be me but i admire them a lot, like one of my best friends is just fully living her best life and i want that lol
12. would you like to be famous? if so, what for? yes but also no lmao, i think it would suck a lot of the time in terms of like zero privacy and constantly being critiqued for literally everything. but like low key i’m always like i wish i could be an actress lmao. never gonna happen tho bc i have zero confidence anyways but whatever.
13. are you a restless sleeper? i mean i take AGES to fall asleep and it SUCKS and i can’t sleep if there are too many noises or there’s too much light and like, everything wakes me up so i guess lol
14. do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? i probably am but haven’t had a chance to find out for real lol
15. which element best represents you? earth i guess?
16. who do you want to be closer to? my brother tbh
17. do you miss someone at the moment? my family
18. tell us about an early childhood memory. playing video games with my brother (which essentially was just me watching him play grand theft auto and gran turismo and him sometimes letting me play but i sucked at driving lmao)
19. what is the strangest thing you have eaten? i can’t think of anything
20. what are you most thankful for? my friends and family
21. do you like spicy food? it depends lol
22. have you ever met someone famous? yes, i met ed sheeran for like 2 seconds outside a radio station and got a pic with him; i met karen gillan at armaggedon (basically the nz equivalent of a low-budget comic-con); and i met niall horan at a m&g before his show
23. do you keep a diary or journal? nope. i’ve tried in the past but i always forgot to write in it lol
24. do you prefer to use pen or pencil? pen
25. what is your star sign? gemini
26. do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? crunchy! i hate when my cereal gets soggy!
27. what would you want your legacy to be? i can’t answer this bc i have no idea what i’m doing with my life and thinking too much about it is depressing lol
28. do you like reading? What was the last book you read? hell yes! i just finished always and forever, lara jean by jenny han and i’m currently reading sapphire blue by kerstin gier
29. how do you show someone you love them? letting them know i’m here for them, sending them links to stuff i think they’d like/find funny
30. do you like ice in your drinks? sometimes, as long as it’s not like, basically the entire drink
31. what are you afraid of? spiders, dying, being alone forever (lookin’ highly likely lol)
32. what is your favorite scent? vanilla, lavender, the smell of rain
33. do you address older people by their name or surname? first name mostly i think?
34. if money was not a factor, how would you live your life? a LOT of travelling!!! also buying stuff for other people
35. do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? neither bc i can’t swim lol
36. what would you do if you found $50 in the ground? Depends on the context. If I found $50 on the ground but I know that someone has lost it, I give the money back to the person. If I don’t know whose money is that, I keep it to myself. (keeping this answer bc same)
37. have you ever seen a shooting star? did you make a wish? yes and yes
38. what is one thing you would want to teach your children? don’t every be afraid to express your emotions, let them out. whatever you’re feeling is valid (keeping this bc same)
39. if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? i want to get a daisy tattoo, either on my wrist or below my inner elbow
40. what can you hear now? well i’m listening to the wallows so that
41. where do you feel the safest? home
42. what is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? honestly i just want to find out what i’m supposed to do with my life lol
43. if you could travel back to any era, what would it be? idek either some time in like the 19th century or just like, the 70s or 80s lol
44. what is your most used emoji? “🥺”
45. describe yourself using one word. kind
46. what do you regret the most? god, a lot of things lol
47. last movie you saw? at the movies it was knives out (which was NOVEMBER LAST YEAR WTF), but not at the movies was to all the boys i’ve loved before
48. last tv show you watched? survivor lmao my flat mates and i are OBSESSED
49. invent a word and its meaning. i’ve not got the energy to be creative enough to do this rn lmao 
tagging: @obiliviate @impractical-matters @poscidon @padmeamdala @euphcme @captleia @grayson-dick @ewangmcgregor + anyone else who wants to do this (feel free to ignore! x)
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hollyberry06 · 4 years
Oh my goodness I got tagged by my wizardess heart tumblr superiors this is crazy and amazing (Thank you so much @fayemichaels​ and @explosiveglitterqueen​ for the tags! I hope I don’t screw this up!)
Rule: Name your favourite character from ten different fandoms and then tag ten people
SO! My list is as follows:
1) Wizardess Heart- Joel Crawford He’s my best boy, he had to be here. Enough said.
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2) Destiny Ninja 2- Ran (I’m sentimental, okay! He was my favourite and I’m sad about what happened to the game -_- , but I still love him)
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3) RWBY- Lie Ren TBH this was a tough choice because I love everyone in Team JNPR XD
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4) Howl’s Moving Castle (Book)- Sophie Hatter I got the art here, hope the link works! This is book Sophie, not film Sophie!
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5) Atlantis: The Lost Empire- Milo Thatch He’s my absolute favourite Disney character ever, and that’s impressive :)
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6) Harry Potter- Fred and George I can’t decide which one, sorry! They’re both my favourite so I had to include both
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7) Legend of Korra- Lin Beifong I loved both Avatar and Legend of Korra but I had to put Lin at the top because she’s a queen
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8) Barbie: Princess and the Pauper- Tie between Erika and Preminger Sorry I really, really couldn’t decide which was my favourite!
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9) My Little Pony- Rarity She’s dramatic, classy and she was my absolute favourite as a kid and even now
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10) Kiki’s Delivery Service- Jiji I only recently got around to watching this movie, but I just loved Jiji so much
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Tags (Sorry if I tag anyone who’s been tagged before or doesn’t want to, I tried my best to tag 10 people but I only got 7 I just don’t want to bother people I’m sorry!): @sigurdcurtisholdsmegentle​ @romancenerd​ @stephdaninja​ @dark-wizardess​ @lovelovetangle​ @youkaiangel​ @thedeputyunicornleon​ @jenny-moo​
EDIT! Right, so it’s been a couple of hours since I posted this and you’ll have to forgive me but I’m losing brain cells by the hour and I completely forgot about this best girl from Inuyasha, so (Sorry, I’m breaking the rules today!), as honourable mention number 11...
11) Inuyasha- Sango My favourite character from Inuyasha and one of my absolute favourite female characters ever, I can’t believe I forgot to add her!
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