#i get so excited but then i just cant get the words properly and people get bored and annoyed of listening to me jumble everything up
mysticficti0n · 9 months
hey girlie I have a question!
sooo I rlly rlly love ur writing and literally I read most ur stuff every night 🤭 but I was wondering maybe if you could write one about Colby Brock.... and just any idea but like I rlly want to see what you could do
I do not mind one bit! I grew up watching Sam and Colby so ofc!! For this I am gonna make up a place because I feel like it heheheh but this is my first Colby fic so don't judge pretty please <3 Ive tried my best and checked for mistakes and hopefully there's none (or very little)
Haunted house
warnings- ColbyBrockxFem/Reader, swearing, mentions of death, death of children, fire, hanging, fluff/teasing, Y/H/T= your home town, smut!! kissing, smut, P in V, no protection,
words- 10k (sorry ☹︎)
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"sooooo are you gonna come tomorrow?" Sam asked me over the phone, it's Halloween tomorrow and he, Colby and some friends had been working really hard the whole of October and decided on the 31st they wanted to do a haunted house sleepover, and this house was in the middle of fucking nowhere, 4 hours away, and miles from the nearest town "because we need to leave like... 9am ish tomorrow to get there in time to meet the owners" I waited a few seconds mentally reviewing my life and really asking myself I wanted to do this
"umm- yeah okay" I agreed and already regretted it "I'll walk to yours and be there for like 8-8:30?" Sam made a noise as if he was talking to someone else then made a huh sound to me "I said I'll walk to yours-"
"ohh- Colby said he can grab you but you'll have to go to the store with him"
"okay no problem, what time though?" Sam said 8am so I set my alarm for 6:30, enough time for a shower, get ready, pack then get in the car with Colby, our conversation continued until another voice interrupted telling the boy he needs to get ready "alright then, see you tomorrow"
"Bye-Bye" he sung and the phone cut. Tomorrow was about to be very interesting...
I opened my eyes to find my room dark, and my phone reading 6:30am "ughhh" I groaned rolling out the warm covers and slowly made my way into my bathroom, I switched the light on and then put the shower on, turning the heat to the warmest it could be, sleepily I pulled my clothes off and jumped into the shower humming as the water washed over my skin. My morning went quick, at one point it was 7am and I need to still pack and now its 8am and my front door is being knocked because Colby is already here "shit shit shit" I chanted quickly stuffing chargers, torches, batteries and whatever else I could quickly grab before I sprinted to the door "morning!" I panted
"good morning, you okay?" he laughed putting a hand on my shoulder
"fi-fine yeah" I smiled standing to look at him properly "you good?" he nodded walking in "I've just gotta put a few last things in my bag, wanna come sit in my room?"
"oooh" he cooed, I slapped his arm as we made our way to my room, he walked in and quickly jumped onto the bed that was freshly made and crumpled the sheets which I made a face to, a cheeky smirk painted the tatted mans face as he shuffled creating a larger mess "you excited?"
"oh yeah- cant wait" I sarcastically answered grabbing my card "how like- bad is it?" I asked which I probably shouldn't have with the wide smile that crept onto the mans face
"well its known to have had 6 people hang themselves in the attic, two of those were children like 10 years old" my stomach sank, eyes widened "i'm kidding! only one 10 year old was hung" I sighed again regretting agreeing to going to this place and mentally slapping myself
"you're not helping the nerves I have right now" he laughed lying himself back, grabbing a pillow to go under his head "what are you grabbing from the shop?"
"water, snacks, any like little bits we need, plus were not filming it so we don't need much, oh and Amanda is coming, you guys will get on great" I smiled, I had seen Amanda in a few videos with the guys before and she seems really fun and interesting to work with as she's a medium
"okay well I'm ready now" with a breath he stood, fixing my bed and giving the pillow a slap to make it 'comfy', I pulled my little suitcase of the bed and onto the floor to follow me
"you'll love It once were there" Colby spoke grabbing my bag off me, carrying it down the stairs and walked to his car to put it in his trunk as I locked my door
"I've been told that one to many times" we shared a look before a laugh spilled from both of us
The shopping was done, some water, crisps, and some lollipops, I sat myself in the front and waited patiently for Colby to get back in "oh another thing- one of the spirits at this place has a thing for touching girls backs and leaving like little bruises"
"great! gonna get molested by a ghost man" I grinned sarcastically looking to the dark haired boy "as long as I don't get like pushed down stairs or something I'm good-ish"
"ugh" Colby laughed starting the car, sending me a quick smirk before we drove back to his house. It was a quiet drive, only the radio playing some songs, and the noises of traffic around us, It was defiantly the calm before the storm tonight.
We arrived at the house and went inside, I saw Sam and a blonde sat on the sofa talking but quickly stopping as we entered "Ayyyy she's here!" the man called holding his hands in the air "Amanda this is Y/n, Y/n this is Amanda" I looked to the girl
"hey how are you!" she asked sending me a warm smile, she was really pretty, dressed in a white knitted jumper, blue skinny jeans
"hi i'm great, how're you?" she looked a little taken-back but still with a smile
"Oh you're British?" I nodded "ohh- where are you from?"
"Y/H/T (if you're not from England just chose somewhere to be from), grew up there then moved to Kansas when I was like 14" she smiled and looked back to Sam, I turned to Colby who was stood leaning up the door way staring back to me "what?" I mouthed and he shook his head with a smile
"right guys, we need to leave like in 5 minuets, it's a 4 hour drive- and I have to drive" he groaned "who's sitting in the front with me?" I watched as Amanda quickly placed a finger onto her nose "Amanda is sat with me then!" she grinned grabbing her bag
"Looks like were together then" I said looking to the dark headed man still behind me, he giggled before quickly hurrying away to the stairs and went up, he's so weird sometimes "okay before we go ima go for a piss" Sam threw me a thumbs up and I went to the bathroom. I finished and washed my hands, I looked into the mirror and stared at my make-up, I hadn't put much on but my lips looked slightly chapped so I pulled out my lip gloss and swiped it onto my lips, with one last look I walked out and was met with the blue eye gaze of Colby
"that for me?" he looked to my lips and back up
"of course" I smiled, biting my lip jokingly, I walked past hitting his shoulder slightly, but the feeling of his grip on me pulled me back to be in front of him, I turned to look to his face but he nodded to his free hand, the one not still holding my other hand that was gently drawing circles on with his thumb, I looked to his hands and saw him holding something "whats that?" he opened his palm and revealed two cross necklaces
"one for me and this one is for you" I smiled at the gesture taking mine from his hand and putting it into my pocket, but that made me think- how bad will this place be if I need to wear a cross...
"right come on were going!" Sam called and hurriedly I grabbed my bags to now put in his Tesla, we didn't all have that much, just some extra clothes, food, drinks, and equipment for the investigations we'd be doing, everything was in and I climbed into the left side of the car, fastened my belt and took off my shoes getting comfy, Amanda got in after me and turned to me passing me a bag of something
"try one!" she offered, my hand dipped into the purple bag and pulled out a yellow boiled sweet "mango and passionfruit" my eyes widened at the tase, it was great
"holy shit" I laughed "please tell me you have another bag?"
"I have three- they're my favourite sweet in literal world" we high-fived in agreement and she sat back into her seat, the boys joined us, Sam in the front, Colby with me. As the car turned on some random song began to play which Colby let a huff out, throwing his head back in some sort of protest
"Dude put something good on" he complained "put- Christina Aguilera on" Sam flicked his head back to his best friend who just shrugged
"why her?" he asked with a confused grin
"first name that came to mind" Soon the sweet voice Christina came on and our journey began, I went into my pocket pulling out my phone, flicked onto snapchat and quickly felt my phone pulled from my hands and Colby turned the screen to him "pose bitch" he yelped, I quickly sat forward putting my hand on his shoulder and my head rested next to his, he thew up a peace sign and the picture was taken "I look so sexy"
"sure you do" I sat back feeling the gaze of him fall on me, crossing my legs and letting my head fall back "so whats up with this place? I asked this dickhead and he told me basically people hung themselves and me and Amanda might get touched by a ghosty man" the group laughed before the girl in front turned to me
"okay so the house is called Elgor Manor House, it was passed through around like six generations of the Sails family, the one of the last known member of the house walked out to find a women stood at the gates, she said she had red-ish eyes, very boney and long dark hair yelling it was on fire, and when she turned around she saw smoke and flames eating the house, she ran in to try find her children and they were found in the hall crying pointing to the attic, she supposedly ran up and found the attic door open and matches up there- her husband Charles Sails had done it" I nodded taking in all the information "Charles was known to have some mental issues... so assumed, but she said when she saw him, his eyes were black, skin very white, and his shirt was ripped open and where his heart was a huge red mark was there, like as if he'd been clawed. Cherrie, the mom then just ran out with her children but sadly- 3 out the 5 died but when she got out the women wasn't there but Cherrie believed it was a saviour as without that women she would've been able to save the children she did despite her appearance being quite devil like- thats what she told the newspaper anyways, and then she died about a year later; Charles was never seen again so he was told to be dead, and then the 2 children she escaped with both were mysteriously shot two days apart the day after their mothers death" my jaw dropped "all under 18 years old too" I couldn't believe what I herd, and Amanda just nodded
"fuck- when did that all happen?"
"1926, but thats not even the weirdest bit, Charles' great granddad, Stephan Sails was told to always let the children start fires around the land as if they got out of hand many times it resulted in some servant dying and never landed back on him, there's still a tree there thats all ashy, but anyways, the way he died was getting into the attic, and then there was a fire, and when they found his body- even though he was so badly burnt- there was a huge red mark over where his heart was" Sam added, pulling to a stop at a light "the odd thing is though, so many people died in that attic, Charles, Stephan, the other 4 and then one of those were a girl named Marlie, from what we know she was about 10 and was Stephans Grandmothers sister, and she was found hanging off the 6th rafter with a rope, wrapped 6 times on her neck, and 6 of her toys surrounding her, and one of those toys still remain in the house after the fires and over about 200 years" I sat astonished, no words able to leave my mouth
"so 6th rafters, 6 times around her neck and 6 toys around her? could this mean something maybe... took over her? because well 666 is the devils number" Amanda agreed sending me a knowing look "holy shit" I breathed
"anyone hungry?" Sam asked looking back at everyone "there's a McDonald's over there" we all agreed to go grab something to eat, we still had a while to go till we got to the house anyways, the blonde pulled into the car park and all got out. The four of us walked in and went straight to the touch screens
"whats everyone having?" Colby asked, Sam quickly chose his food and Colby went after him, Amanda went next then me "ooh they have ice cream" he hummed in a childish tone, clapping his hands excitingly
"shall we all get one?" I asked and everyone nodded, so I added 4. I grabbed the receipt, me and Amanda stood waiting at the counter for the food while the other two went to find a table
"so how did you get to know the boys?" she asked
"oh I joined there school when I was 14, so... freshman year? because I had just moved from Y/H/T to Kansas because my mom got a job there, and I was in a few lessons with Colby but I was mostly with Sam, and they knew each other because of band that they were forced to do, then we started talking more and more until I found out we didn't live that far apart, started going to Sam's more, Colby was there a lot and then yeah, just stayed being their friends and we all moved here together but I bought a little place like 5 minuets away" she nodded, grabbing the one bag of food while I grabbed the two trays of drinks and ice cream
"to be completely honest when I first herd about you it was through Colby and I thought you guys were together from how he was saying it, he kept smiling while thinking of things to tell me and showed me photos of you, even blushed when I said you were pretty but I can see you two are just like really good friends" we laughed as I shut down the allegations, we were just best friends, every best friend sometimes have little flirty games together right?. We found the guys sat in a window seat laughing over something and me and Amanda sat across from them
"Whats funny?" I asked passing out the drinks
"just watching you two gossip like girls at school" Sam giggled red faced, him and Colby began impersonating us with high pitch squeals, I looked to the girl next to me and we just sighed ignoring them.
We all finished and got back into the car, I flicked my shoes off again and placed my legs over Colby who gave a stare to which I just smiled, placing my hoodie behind my head and laying back "really?"
"mhm" I yawned closing my eyes "feel free to give me a massage" he pretend heaved, but still placed his arms over my legs leaning back himself, the feeling of his rings felt cold against my skin, even through my jeans as he softly rubbed my legs. Slowly my body began to feel lighter, and the chatter and music became quieter.
"Y/n.... Y/n/n" my eyes fluttered opened to the smiling face of Colby "we're here" he sung pulling me up, I turned to look out the window and saw the sign, a concrete block engraved with 'Elgor Manor' and soon the house came into sight. Sam parked the car and we all got out, a chill ran down my spine despite the warmth of the day. The exterior of the house seemed to loom over us, casting an eerie shadow across the grounds. The structure, though grand, appeared worn and weathered, as if the weight of centuries pressed upon its dark, aged wooden frame.
Massive, gnarled trees surrounded the property, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers, seemingly trying to grasp onto the last remnants of life. The overgrown bushes and tangled ivy obscured much of the house, adding to its air of neglect and foreboding. The windows, adorned with tattered, moth-eaten curtains. Despite the expanse of land stretching out around the manor, it felt suffocatingly claustrophobic, The overall appearance was not shabby but uncannily surreal, as if the passage of time had twisted the reality of the place. It was as though I had stepped into a realm where the laws of nature and perception bent in unsettling ways.
"woah" I sighed "this is....creepy but beautiful" I spoke looking back to the group, they nodded staring back to the home, soon the noise off tires scraping along the rubble drive appeared behind us, we all turned and were greeted with two people, one walked up, a grin put across his thin lips covered by a white beard, his matching long hair tied into a pony tail, the next to come out was a women, black hair, freckles, and bright red lipstick painted on her lips, with a pearly white beaming smile.
"Hey there!" the man greeted shaking all our hands "I'm Jack, this is my wife Mary and welcome to Elgor Manor" his wife came over shaking our hands again then finding a spot next to her husband "so Elgor Manor, is a very very old house, built around 1798 from what we know, past through many generations of the Sails family but nobody has lived here since 1940's, We found out in about 2020, our friend, Timothy, is actually a distant relative of this family, he was Charles Sails fourth great-grandchild and his great-aunt was the last to own the house-which is now a great new fact we can tell you all" he laughed
"yeah we've herd so much about this place its crazy the history behind it." Colby spoke to the two "We herd about Charles and Stephan"
"Oh oh- they're just the start of it all, its when you hear Marlie's story and her mother Carol-Anne" we all went quiet "you haven't herd about her have you?" we all shook our head no "you'll learn" I gulped, a cold feeling running through me "what're all your names by the way?" Mary asked
"Sam" she smiled nodding
"so Y/n, Amanda- you being girls need to be careful tonight, if you go into the back dining room or sometimes in one of the bedrooms there's a man there, his name is Christopher Sails- he was very well known around here for being quiet the player, a playboy you may say in the late 1800" Me and Amanda shared a look, one of slight fear "he's known for touching girls back, leaving marks, and sometimes you may feel your cheeks get warm but then in the middle cold- thats him giving you a kiss... but he is... nice... just be- careful" she sounded slight unsure, I gave a look to Sam who sent me a small unsettled thin lip smile
"well we will get to the tour -we are going to quickly unlock the doors but anyways after that we can take you round!" Jack smiled walking away with his wife, Sam and Amanda went back to the car to grab different bags and I turned back to Colby
"I am terrified" he laughed wrapping an arm around me, giving me a slight squeeze "if I get fucked by a ghost or some shit I'm going home"
"eh don't worry- a ghost wont fuck you" I looked up to the man who smiled back
"who will then?" I hummed walking away from him feeling his eyes follow my moves
It was time to go into the house, Colby and Amanda went in first and me and Sam followed behind, we walked into the hall and it was grand, gold accents everywhere, two huge mirrors, little objects protected by glass coverings "this part has been restored to how it would've been in 1910's, as you can see lots of gold and dark oak, this rug you see here has been here since 1890 and has been seen to move or make noise like its being slapped against the floor which is what the maids would've done" The couple went into another room, one with green-washed walls, plaster pulling from the walls, two sofas, wooden details decorating the outline, and a TV, we were told about the objects that have been told to move, especially one called Jessies Glass, it was a piece of glass with some spikes coming out
"so this is Jessies glass, so you see all the spikes- this was used agaisnst misbehaving children and staff, either they would stand on It or it was pushed into their backs" Mary commented making all of us do a collective groan "we've had experiences of people hearing screams by children and mostly maids as the heads of the house would usually punish those who didn't do their job right"
We carried on the tour around the house till we reached the last door on the third floor, it was shut, locked and had a sign reading 'Do not enter' I didn't even have a handle "so this is the staircase upto the attic. Obviously where Charles, Stephan, Marlie and others died" we nodded looking back to the ominous door "just- don't go up" we all nodded again and followed the guides down the stairs back to the last room
"think they'll know if we go up?" I hushed Colby who had a playful smirk twitching the sides of his lips "I know we all thought it" he whispered as we walked
We all walked into the dining room and stood around the grand oak table "so see that rocking chair in the corner, thats Christopher's, he's not here right now but That'll start rocking when he's in. He usually -in the day visits the yard, sits in the swinging sofa" all our eyes cast a gaze outside to the yard "mh doesn't seem to be out there either- odd" Mary spoke "well, thats everything, please call if you need anything, keys on the table so yes, just be careful, and respectful"
"thank you" Amanda spoke, the couple said a quick goodbye before leaving us in the house, we went back to our car pulling out all our things: EMF reader, music box, tap torches, spirt box and cat balls, then our things "Y/n wanna stay in one of the rooms up stairs or down here?"
"I think we need to sleep upstairs"
She agreed and the two of us ended up running up two the second floor "which room, Yellow or blue do you think?"
"oh defiantly blue!" as I spoke I herd a dismissive noise from below "what was that?"
"we want the blue room!" Sam yelled coming up the stairs "it's literally the most active, you herd what Jack said- we want it"
"we've already dibbed it" I sassed looking to the blonde
"fuck you" he pouted walking back down the staircase "Colby they're having the blue room"
"NU UH!" the other groaned as a smile crept on mine and Amanda's faces as we placed our things on the bed
"tonight it going to be amazing, do you see anything yet?" I spoke out of interest as I pulled on my hoodie
"no not yet, not even had any feelings either- might just have to wait a bit" I hummed listening to her explanation "why don't we go into the garden, see if Christopher is out there?" quickly we made our way down the stairs and into the kitchen to get to the garden, we stepped out and the warm air hit us, my eyes looked to the swinging seat, it was still.
"maybe we should try sitting there" I spoke making my own way to the cushioned seat, I sat back looking round while Amanda came over, I swayed gently on the swinging bench, my gaze wanders across the garden, taking in the peculiar blend of beauty and eerie ambiance that surrounds me. The garden appears deceptively tranquil at first glance, with an abundance of vibrant flowers in full bloom. Lush, colourful petals dance in the gentle breeze, painting a picturesque scene that should be serene.
The fragrance of the flowers hangs thick in the air, a delightful mixture of sweet scents that should evoke joy, yet there's an underlying sense of foreboding. It's as if the very essence of the garden is intertwined with an unspoken mystery, a silent narrative woven between the petals and leaves. Then I see a pond, the pond, nestled amidst the blossoms, reflects the azure sky above, mirroring the beauty of the day. Yet, despite the shimmering water's surface, there's a certain depth that seems to hold secrets, as if it conceals more than just fish and lily pads beneath.
"its really nice for a place thats meant to be extremely haunted" the girl spoke next to me "maybe... maybe it wont be bad" I hummed relaxing more into the seat
The time ticked away, 2pm, 5pm and then the time finally hit 9pm "nothings even happened" Sam groaned "we've been around the whole house with all the equipment and nothing this is so stupid" The four of us had sat In the living room, Amanda in the arm chair, Sam, and Colby on the two seater and I sat on the floor flicking through channels on the TV "I mean even you haven't seen anything" he argued, I finally settled on some random sitcom and sat back leaning against Colby's leg for support
"it might just take some time" the brunette behind spoke
"fuck it taking time- we've been here since fucking 1:30 and nothing, I'm calling bullshit" Sam got up from his place and stormed into the kitchen grabbing a water bottle and basically gulping the whole thing muttering some words, I looked back to Colby who gave me a smirk then looked back to the TV
"well I'm gonna go change" Amanda said standing "come?" she gave her hand to me, pulling me up to meet her height, still in hand we began to go up the stairs, running like children to our room "Sam is so pissed off"
"I know, I've never seen him like this" I laughed pulling off my jumper "like he's never this angr-" I was cut my a creaking sound, then a thump "fuck was that?"
"probably the guys?" she spoke walking to the door "Sam?! Colby?!" she called, no response, then another bang- above us
"that was upstairs..." quickly I pulled my hoody back over me and walked out the room up the small crooked staircase, I looked down the hall, Amanda stood close behind me "nothings moved-"
"Y/n- there's a little girl, ran into the door down there" the blondes voice was small "red hair, blue bows, light blue dress" I looked to where she was gesturing to
"that...no- that fucking door is open" my heart sank "we need to grab the guys" the two of us hurried down the first flight of stairs then the second "the doors open!"
"what door?" Colby asked sitting up
"the door with no shitting handle and the don't enter sign" we all shared a look before they quickly came up past us running to the door, I quickly grabbed the Rempod and followed, switching it on so It was ready when we got to the door. I crept up the steps and was met with the back of Colby, I let my arm creep around his waist
"FU-fucking hell Y/n" he breathed turning to look at me, I gave him a quick sorry smile before squeezing past with the Rempod, I walked past the other two and went face to face with the door "be careful" he warned
"If there is anyone here... please touch this antenna" I spoke stopping the conversation between the two blondes , I took a few steps back looking at the machine intensely "we're not here to cause any stress, harm, anything negative- just want to talk" I spoke again. the box began to beep, red light flashing, I took a glance back to the group who's faces lightened "who are we talking to, erm can you touch once for a child, twice for adult" and there again it beeped once
"she's back- behind the door" I looked up facing the door, slowly I went to my knees, holding a warm smile on my face
"hi" I whispered and the box buzzed again "are you Marlie?" everyone went quiet "Marlie Sails?" the Rempod beeped again, I tried to not seem terrified and kept my stance, hands shaking by my sides
"She's gone... I'm guessing up the stairs" I stood going to take a step through the door
"wait" a hand gripped my forearm, I felt all the cold rings press against my skin, the same familiar feeling from earlier in the car "be careful- have you got your cross?" I nodded going into my pocket and pulling out, Colby took the necklace from my grip and gently moved my hair to the side, lifting the dainty metal over my head and clipped it around my neck "okay" I looked back seeing a tent pushed into his cheek, eyes low looking to me, sending me an unspoken message, Slowly, I pulled the door open more listening as it creaked, revealing deformed, water-damaged steps that ascended steeply to the attic. Each step groaned and protested beneath my weight, as if the old wooden structure itself was begging me to turn back.
With each step, the protest of the wood grew louder, a cacophony of distress that reverberated through the dimly lit corridor. The air felt heavy and suffocating, as if the very walls were watching, waiting for my next move.
Reaching the top, a chill slithered down my spine, instantly sending shivers across my skin. The attic lay engulfed in darkness, besides the faint glimmer of moonlight that seeped through a small window, casting elongated shadows that danced along the floor.
I squinted into the darkness, my eyes adjusting slowly. Shapes emerged, barely visible in the dim light, and among them, the faint outlines of rafters became visible. Counting softly, my voice barely audible in the oppressive silence, "One, two, three, four, five... six." My gaze fixed on the sixth rafter to my right, the very beam from which Marlie's life had been stolen. As I extended my hand to touch the wood, a shiver of uncertainty coursed through me. "You were so young," my voice quivered, barely louder than a whisper. "Why?" The words hung in the air, swallowed by the quietness of the attic.
A sudden change in the atmosphere sent a wave of warmth around me, a stark contrast to the chilling aura just moments before. My hair prickled on the back of my neck, standing as if trying to flee the unseen force that enveloped me. "Is... is that you, Marlie?" I stammered, my voice faltering as the air grew thicker, charged with an otherworldly energy.
"Y/n? everything okay?" Amanda called, I turned my head to look down the staircase where her voice was coming from
"can you come up?" I asked and herd the quiet steps coming up the stairs and then the face of the blonde girl appeared, her smile quickly dropped "what?"
"the little girl is down there- by the window" I turned my head looking to the window, it seemed blurred unlike before "she's looking directly at you"
"H-hi Marlie" I spoke "how are you?" I felt my stomach flip, my head going misty "does she look- happy?" I asked and Amanda looked back her eyes flicking around the girl
"she seems- okay? not happy but not anything else, almost emotionless, I...oh" my head went back to Amanda who seemed worried herself "she's gone"
I felt a cold chill run through my body as if something walked through me "shit" I spoke feeling my body quiver "shall we go back down?" I asked seeing Amanda's shadow nod, we began back down the staircase, we left the last step and looked to the two boys who stood silent looking to us "she was up there"
"I've never seen something like that- so....so clear" Amanda breathed scratching her head
"Marlie?" Sam asked and we nodded "woah- maybe we should take the spirtbox up, or at least stand here and do it, maybe she could speak?" we all agreed, Sam hurried down the stairs to the first room grabbing the things
"I need a drink before we do this" Amanda spoke looking to us "you guys want one?"
"please" I spoke looking back to the door, the girls footsteps wondered away leaving me and Colby again "this is crazy"
"Are you alright?" His words were barely audible, whispered with a gentle concern that wrapped around me like a comforting embrace. His arm extended slowly, encircling my waist and drawing me closer. I hummed softly, shifting my gaze toward him "you had me worried going up there" and a wave of reassurance washed over me as I met his eyes. There, I found a small but warm grin gracing his lips, instantly soothing my unease and bringing a sense of safety and care. Our eyes met, his piercing blue ones looking into my Y/C/E, Our breaths seemed to halt as we watched each other, our faces inching closer and closer, my heart stopped, falling but in the best way possible "can I-"
"Y/n grabbed you a water" hurriedly we pulled away, turning to see Amanda holding three waters, and Sam not far behind "have you felt anything since?" she asked handing my the bottle, I couldn't tell her the hot feeling that ran through my body was because I was close to kissing my best friend of 13 years
"er- no, nothing" I answered quietly pulling away from the man next to me to grab the bottle
"mh strange" she spoke
The four of us now sat in a small circle as the clock struck 3:30am, little tea lights surrounding us, the spirit box in the middle "anyone wanna do the Estes method?" Sam asked
"can I try?" I wondered seeing everyones eyes flick to mine
"are you sure?" Colby said, I nodded picking up the blind fold and bringing it to my eyes, I held it behind me and faced my back to the brunette boy, he took the silky material out my hand, slowly he tied the knot and it tightened to my head "okay here are the headphones" he put the pair in my hands and I put them on, the static noises filling my ears almost defining me, I kept listening waiting for some words
"up..........tight..........sick..........momma..........help me..........waiting..........Rosa..........Dining room..........blue..........you..........Samual..........ten..........no care..........duck..........help..........kill..........he did..........made me..........devil man..........father..........fire" My breath began to pick up, chest heaving up and down, my body rocking trying to catch breath, 'he made us die' voices breathed into my ear I ripped the headphones from my head, pulled the material from my eyes "fuck that" I shuffled back from my place clutching the sofa behind me
"what what happened?" Sam looked to me with slight panic in his eyes
"something- something whispered 'he made us die' in only the left ear- and it was like multiple voices said it" I cried, eyes filling with tears "like a little girl and loads of others too but I could hear her the most"
"we do think it was Marlie we were talking to a lot" Amanda said gently, my lip kept quivering, I couldn't stop it was all to real "I saw her twice, peaking around the door" I smiled weakly
"need a break?" Colby spoke, I nodded I really needed some air, I got up walking to the front door and stepping out onto the porch, I let myself hang over the railing catching my breath while wiping away the tears that kept falling down my cheeks, I looked out into the pitch black landscape "drink?" I freaked turning to see the tatted man holding my water bottle
"thanks" I breathed taking a sip "that was terrifying" the warm feeling of his hand cupped my back, standing closely behind me, comforting me after the fright. I sucked another breath and leaned into him resting my head on his shoulder
"every question we asked got answered you know- but at one point you started rocking and...eh doesn't matter" I looked up to him, questioning him with my eyes "I was gonna grab you but didn't wanna ruin the experiment... yeah the experiment " he answered avoiding my gaze
"mh, maybe you should next time" I followed looking back to the darkness
"only if you let me" he whispered into the shell of my ear making my body go from freezing to burning
"maybe I will" I teased, I turned to meet his gaze, a smile teasing the corners of my lips. "So, what were you going to ask me earlier, upstairs?" I inquired, leaning in slightly, feeling a rush of excitement as Colby's head fell closer to mine, our breaths meeting in the air between us. Our lips were tantalisingly close, the anticipation crackling like electricity, a teasing tension building with each passing moment.
"you really wanna know?" I hummed, nodding my head gently "I was wondering if maybe I could-" before he finished his sentence another person walked out
"oh should I" Sam coughed, we tore apart going away from the sides of each other "erm me and Amanda are gonna go to bed its like 4 am so" I pulled my jumper straight and gave the blonde boy a quick smile
"yeah I'll go up- night guys" I said quickening my pace back into the house and up to mine and Amanda's room "hey" I called walking in
"hi- feeling better?" she asked settling into the sheets
"much" I grinned going to the bed and pulling my side open "first day meeting and already in bed together" I joked hearing a laugh come from the girl "anyways goodnight" I smiled one last time before I turned my lamp off and closed my eyes
"Y/n....Y/n" I heard a whisper shout in my ear "wake up.... Y/n please" my eyes flickered open "someones in here" her voice was small
"what..who?" I asked sitting up, the room was pitch black, I grabbed my phone turning on the flashlight "one of the guys?"
"no...well its a man, he's In the corner watching" I turned my head to the corner of the room, shining my light there and there it was again a hazy mist "Y/n I see things like this but he seems different- I cant get anything from him, he seems.. I don't even know"
"shall we leave?" I asked pushing the covers off my body
"yeah- erm let me just grab my paper quickly" rapidly I left the bed, grabbing my jumper I seemed to have taken off and waited for Amanda to come to me, she followed me as we left the room and went next door, I pushed opened the door to reveal the two sleeping boys tucked untidily in the sheets "should we wake them up?"
"yeah- Sam, Colby" I called seeing neither of them shift, I went over to the bed shaking Sam by his shoulder and his eyes opened
"what the fuck Y/n- what?" his whispered, voice full of sleep "its like- 6 in the morning" the covers on the other side shifted and a murmur came from the boys mouth
"Amanda saw a man in our room" I spoke being quieter, I turned back to see the girl sat In the small desk chair looking to her notepad
"what do you mean? a real man?" Colby spoke up, the covers fell from him showing his toned body
"no- it was an older guy, green robe, little hair, and like I kept getting the words like 'ladies' 'kiss' and 'beauty'" Amanda told with a breath
"sounds like that Christopher guy" I shook my head feeling my cheek go hot then cold in the middle "Y/n whats wrong"
"I think you're right" I answered "he kissed me, like I felt what Mary or whatever told us" I sat myself on the bed setting back onto the frame "my cheek felt hot then ice cold In the middle"
"why has he followed you guys into here though? he must really like you" as soon as Sam finished a huge bang rattled the house "fuck was that" he called
"did you follow the girls in here Christopher?" Colby asked "Knock once for no, knock twice for yes" we all went quiet listening to the two thumps that filled the room
"you have no right to touch us- don't ever do that again" Amanda warned, her tone slick with anger "its wrong to follow girls like that- or anyone for that matter. Never do that again you hear me Christopher" the sound of footsteps rattled through and soon faded down the stairs, he left thankfully
"fucking hate this so much" I muttered looking to my phone, I unlocked it I switched onto snapchat, soon the dark outline of Sam Colby appeared on my screen "smile" I voiced, trying to take my mind from everything thats happened seeing the two sleepily posed and I pressed the button snapping a picture, it loaded back onto my screen and I went to look "no- fucking - way!"
"what?!" the three asked scrambling over to see, I pointed to in-between the two "is that a face?" Sam yelled, hands gripping to his hair, and there it was two eyes, nose and mouth "who is that?"
"let me see" Amanda said taking my phone "it looks like...Carol-Anne? like the painting in the living room, thats gotta be her"
"we never learnt anything about her" I spoke "is that you, Carol-Anne?" I felt a nudge next to me "oh" I called looking over my shoulder "is that a yes?" I felt the push again "Okay- erm why don't we get the spirt box out again" I said
"yeah but no Estes this time" Sam answered going into his bag and pulling at the box switching it on, the static taking me back to only a few hours earlier
"what happened to you?" I asked
"daddy" we all looked to each other
"your dad did something?"
"he pushed you? where did he push you?" Amanda asked grabbing her note book again writing something dow
"pushed you into the woods?"
"where in the woods did it happen?" I questioned
"holy shit was she buried alive?" I turned to Colby who's jaw was open
"OH MY GOD" we all called horrified by the response
"Naughty baby" it answered
"naughty baby? maybe she was looking after the baby and it did something?"
"did you hurt it by accident?"
"poorly head" my eyes widened "speak no more" it finished and the static got louder and louder
"fucking hell" I sighed "well thank you" Sam reached over turning off he box
"well I'm not sleeping anymore" we all laughed "and why dod everything touch me!" I called flopping down into the bed
the time ticked by until it reached 9am, we all decided to get ready for the day and wait down stairs until Jack and Mary returned, Me and Sam sat slouched in the living room looking around at the different history in the room "did we ever check if that other door closed? the one in the attic?" I asked looking up the the blonde
"me and Col checked- its closed and I couldn't even pull it back open.. do we tell the owners it opened?"
"maybe but just don't say me and Amanda went up" I told sitting back up "speaking of I think they're here" together we got up, watched as their range drover pulled onto the gravel drive
"Hi guys" Jack called walking into the house with Mary in hand, we all greeted the pair again before they led us to sit in the dining room. I pulled a chair between Amanda and Colby, across from the couple
"So what happened?" Mary spoke crossing her hands
"well nothing happened till about 9pm, erm me and Manda went to change or something up stairs and then we herd a massive noise from the third floor... we went up to see and you know the do not enter door?"
"did- did it open?" Jack asked with a worried tone
"mhm and we promise we did nothing to it, we hadn't touched it or anything, we put the Rempod there and it beeped, and I saw a little girl, red hair, blue bows..."
"Marlie- she doesn't come round much" Mary smiled "did she speak to you? she's often very shy" we all nodded telling her what we knew "was there anyone else?"
"we had Marlie, Christopher and Carol-Anne" Colby answered "can you tell us what actually happened with her before we tell you what she said?"
"sure, so she was the mother of Marlie, Kelsie-Rose, Robert and a toddler we believe the name was Marcus or Marc, one day while looking after the children she was struggling and Marcus kept misbehaving and while in her arms and she dropped him and he passed out but her father caught it happen, bare in mind she was 20 with 4 children, and her father was so angry he made the servants of the house dig a grave in the woods and she was buried alive because of it on January 9th, but the wood was chopped away for the garden and her grave is actually in the pond" my heart skipped- I knew there was something wrong with that pond
"thats what she told us" I said, my voice barely above a whisper
"its a horrible story- poor girl" Mary told looking down "when did she tell you?"
"this morning, around 6ish"
"thats when it happened, 6am she was buried, we found it in a diary that was brought up from the old basement- obviously that basement is gone now though" the group as a whole let out a breath, one of pure shock
"fuck" Sam groaned
Soon it was time to go, we all went up grabbing our stuff saying our good byes to the house, Jack and Mary too, we all went out to Sam's car, putting all our things into the back. I opened my door getting into my back seat and looked to the floor, the same sweets from the day before, I picked up the pack tipping a few into my lap.
"guys were going to do no stops so if you need a piss then fuck it" Sam called staring his car
Soon everyone was settled in and the trip began again, Colby looked over to me sending a quick smile my way as I toyed with the sweet pack in my lap , I handed him a sweet and he happily opened it putting it into his mouth
"good?" he nodded letting his head fall back leaning onto the window "I'm so tired" I jawed, Colby looked over to me again, patting his lap "you sure?" he nodded not sharing any words but turning himself to be comfier for me, I leant down letting my head rest on Colby's thigh "goodnight" I joked, I closed my eyes feeling a soothing warmth come over me, subtly I felt Colbys hand stroke down my arm, stopping near my wrist and his other going to my scalp drawing small circles around my head, slowly I felt myself become lighter and soon I was fast asleep
"look at them" someone spoke "they're gonna laugh at this when they're awake" someone else said, my eyes flittered open to the two smiling, staring faces of the two blondes "hello" Sam cooed
"mor-morning" I hummed stretching slightly, my hand hit something and I looked up to see the other sleeping face of Colby above me, I couldn't stop the shy smile from appearing on my face "Col" I called shaking him slightly
"no babe I'm tired" he muttered turning away, my heart stopped 'babe'? he was asleep, he didn't know he said it.. but everyone else herd
"he's gonna regret saying that" Sam sinisterly grinned with a wicked laugh
finally we all got out, Colby sleepily shuffled inside the house, scratching his hair out his face "that went fast" he huffed falling onto the sofa
"indeed it did babe" Sam giggled looking to me and back to Colby
"what?" he spoke looking to us
"nothing- anyways I've gotta take Amanda to the airport" I looked to the blonde girl who pouted coming over to me, I wrapped my arms around her
"thanks for the last day it was so cool, and it was great meeting you, we'll, have to hang out again" I grinned coming away
"absolutely! I loved this so much, see you soon Colby" the boy stood hugging her too and we both waved goodbye as Sam and her pulled away, we both walked back into the living room flopping into the couch with a sigh
"gonna come to the next haunted place?" he spoke looking over to me
"hm maybe- just don't wanna be kissed by a random ghosty man again though" I giggled facing Colby again, I hadn't noticed how close we were, our shoulders grazing against each others, faces inches away
"maybe you could get kissed by someone else?" he questioned, eyes falling to my lips then back up to me "...can I tell you what I tried to tell you this morning?" I nodded, no words able to leave my mouth "I was wondering if maybe I could...if I could kiss you?" I looked to the boy, paralysed by his words
"yes please" I answered, it came out my breathy then I imagined but the smile that crept onto the boys face made me realise it wasn't a bad thing. Gently Colby's hand slithered up to my jaw, cupping my face pulling me in lightly
His breath hitched, a low, deep moan escaping as our lips melded. It was a soft collision, yet every touch carried an electric charge, as though our mouths were destined to be together. Each motion felt instinctual, a choreographed dance of desire. Sensing Colby's longing, his tongue traced a path along my lips, a silent plea for entry that I welcomed eagerly. The kiss intensified, a symphony of heat and passion, a growing ache in my stomach got so much needier.
My actions became thoughtless, almost instinctive as I straddled him, our connection unbroken. ''God, you're incredible'' he murmured, his hands finding their place on my waist, his voice a deep, gravelly whisper that sent shivers down my spine. The air crackled with an intoxicating blend of desire and appreciation, his lips moved from my lips to my jaw and then my neck
"Mhmm Co-Colby" I whined as he reached the sweet spot, hearing my sigh he kept going, sucking deeper and harder "agh fuck" my hands gripped his shoulders, scrunching into his shirt, my back arching making me come away from his lips
"if you keep acting like this we might need to go somewhere else" I smiled looking down to the boy "my room?" he spoke and I just nodded jumping from his lap watching him intently as he stood grabbing me again, lifting me to meet his lips, I curled my arms around his neck pulling him as close as I could.
We began climbing the stairs, Colby's hands keeping me steady around his waist until we reached the top, he set me down softly and my hands went quickly down to his waist, fingers curling around his his shirt lifting it above his head and threw it to the floor, his actioned mirrored mine, my shirt quickly being on top if his crumpled on the floor, his hands quickly found the underneath of my thighs again and lifted me up carrying to his room.
"you're so beautiful" he whispered, as he set me on his bed, my fingers went to my jeans, pushing the button out the hole and soon down my legs and onto the floor, as soon as they were off Colby crawled above me, eyes eating every inch of me "look at you" he cooed, hand drawing up the side of me until it met my bra
"take it off?" I teased, a playful glint sparkling in my eyes as I curved a seductive smile on my lips. A subtle nod from him and I propped myself up, stealing a swift kiss before turning around. I could feel the warmth of his gentle fingers as they skillfully unhooked my bra, his lips tracing a tantalizing path against my bare skin, sending shivers down my spine. I turned to meet his gaze again, a coy expression playing on my face, silently inviting him to continue
"holy shit" He gazed in awe, his eyes tracing down my body as his head dipped closer. With a delicate motion, his lips caressed my breast, the tantalizing touch of his tongue flicking along my nipple sent shivers cascading down my spine, igniting a thrilling sensation that lingered
"fuck fuck fuck" I sang as he sucked harder his hand massaging the other "Colby- please fuck I need you" I cried, hand wrapping into his hair pulling him up "please" I begged, I pulled his hand from my waist to my heat letting him feel my need, his pricing eyes glared into mine with the most lustful grin play along his lips
"shit" he smirked, quickly he stood pulling down his cargos revealing the tent that had formed in his boxers that were tightly pulled on his skin, he sat back onto the bed and I couldn't help but crawl onto him again, my heat meeting his bulge, my lips went to his jaw, sucking as sweet mumbles fell from his lips. Unintentionally I let my hips grind against his, I couldn't help but create some sort of friction "fuck doll" his head lulled back, his body hitting the mattress moments after, my hand lay against his abs keeping me up while I pushed harder onto his tent
"Colby?" I asked seeing him look to him again "I really need you" my voice was shaky, needy. My finger traced a path from his v-line to his boxer strap, toying with the underneath begging for entrance
"fuck- need to be in you" he spoke, as he sat on his elbows, I grinned taking that as a yes to pull off the restraint from his cock "ughh" he quivered as it sprung to his stomach
"fuck me" I breathed, it seemed to light a fire in the boy, I felt our position switch, Colby towered above me, his arms reached above my head
"let me take care of you Y/n" he asked, peppering my face with small kisses, I nodded feeling his fingers go to my hips pulling my panties from my skin, the cold air hitting my burning core.
his fingers sweep my entrance "unnngh" I sighed eyes clamping closed, I reopened my eyes to watch the boy stick his slick fingers into his mouth, sucking off the reminiscences of me off
"you're so sweet baby girl-just like those fucking sweets" Colby looked to me, and without any words shared my mouth opened, and his two digits entered my mouth "mm"
It was enough teasing, we knew we couldn't keep teasing each other, it was torturous, his hand grabbed his cock slipping it gently between my folds "Col-Colby please" before I could even finish my pleas his tip pushed in me "aghhh" I called, my finger tips dug into the sheets, slowly he pushed deeper, incoherent noises fell from my lips, he stopped, our bodies meeting as he bottomed out
"shi-shi-shit Y/n... fuck" slowly the brunette pulled back achingly slow, feeling every inch of my inside before plowing back in, moans, groans, yelps of pleasure started to seep from us as he found a fast pace, the sound of sex filling the room, Colbys hands gently groping the skin
"Colby- Colby" I chanted, I grabbed one of his hands leading it to my neck, delicately his hand held me, not restricting my breathing but enough to make me want more of him, I traced sharp lines against his skin until my grasp fixed to his hair, every time his tip brushed my core my body shivered and pulled a tuft of his brown locks
"thats it Y/n- Take it take it take it!" Colby growled, his cock disappearing into my body "shit-" he swallowed
"Deeper Col- Fuck- Dee-deeper" I cried as I curled my hands around his head. Colby's eyes snapped to mine, those god damn blue eyes- the ones I stared at for years but never got to see them like this before, half shut but open enough to see his pupils growing larger with every hit
"say my name-" he moaned, I took one last gasp of air before the name 'Colby' flowed from my mouth sending rhythmic shivers down his back "ugh- Y/n I need you to keep doing that for me" for the first time since we began the pace slowed, his cock barely coming out of me "Fuck Y/n/n I'm so close" he whimpered sending a chill through my burning body "are you?" I nodded, no words escaping my mouth, our eyes locked, his eyes seeming to be darker and more lust filled than before, his hands moved from being around my neck to caging around my face "I cant hold it any longer babe" he moaned, his hips stuttered each time hitting my g-spot
"Co-Colby I'm going to- fuck- I'm gonna cum" I purred, hands scratching into his skin making him hiss in pleasure, soon we both groaned, his head falling into the crook of my neck
"ffffuuucckk" he cried as he pumped his load into me, I rolled my hips against him gently, riding out my high before I felt myself come down to the soothing feeling of lips against my face
"fuck you were so good sweetheart" Colby breathed, looking at my face checking I was okay
"I... I cant even speak" I smiled, hands holding onto his face, tracing his features
"fucked you that good?" he smirked jokily, slowly he pulled out, his hand rubbing over my stomach
"shut up" I grinned. The two of us lay there quietly for a moment, his arms coming around keeping me embraced to his side.
"you wont believe how long I've waned to do this with you" he soothed, pressing a kiss to the corner of my lip
"I always thought it was just me" I spoke
"wanna go grab a drink?" I nodded standing going to grab my panties off the floor "need a shirt?"
"yeah I think someone through mine onto the floor"
"Oh who was that?" I shook my head taking the t-shirt the boy handed me, I slipped it over my body taking in the cent of him, I went to take a step by my body felt shaky "you okay?" he laughed, hands gripping my arms
"mhm- just need a second" I giggled standing myself back up, soon we made it down stairs walking to go in the kitchen, my view was full with a blonde giving the most evil look, but not evil in a bad way, the way were straight away I knew the both of us were in for it
"so?" he spoke cocking his eyebrow up
"when did you get back?" Colby asked, pulling the fridge open and getting two bottles of something out
"about 10 minuets" I sighed, closing my eyes trying to ignore the blush from burning a hole in my face
"I called it years ago" Sam grinned coming from his place and hitting the back of the other boy before walking away
"aha don't go all shy Y/n- it's fine" the hands of Colby wrapped around my waist pulling me into a hug "you know he's only playing- but he isn't wrong, he called that we'd be together one day"
"Together?" I asked looking up to meet the eyes of the boy
"well- that was my next question" he sighed, lips pressing against mine "what do you think?"
"mh- I think its a good idea" my arms wound around his neck, pulling him to kiss my lips again "what do you think?"
"I think calling you mine sounds perfect"
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ugly-pickle · 9 months
wait!- ☆ scara
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CHARACTERS: idol!scara x gn!reader
SYNOPSIS: scara had always promised you that he will always love you and will always have time for you, but he never confirmed that hes a man of his word…
GENRE: angst 🦢 (comfort from another at the end)
W/C: 1.3k
C/W: cheating, moaning, hinting of intoxication, kissing, toxicity, and cussing (if theres anything that i missed let me know!)
A/N: a lot of people liked my previous post so it motivated me to make another! im still new at this so please keep that in mind if a few bits are off (IT’S REALLY REALLY REALLY CRINGY). most grammatical errors are also intentional!
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your boyfriend, scara, has a performance today and youre really excited. you received flowers, theyre beautiful. maybe this is an apology for the lack of affection and being more grumpy towards you lately, i mean to be an idol certainly is tiring, isnt it? so it makes perfect sense why he’s acting like this… right?
as always, he gave you tickets to his concert. you couldnt get the chance to say goodbye to him because he left so early in the morning, so youll make it up to him when you meet him backstage.
you got dressed and headed out the door, youre excited to see your beloved scara preform, because he looked happy while doing his job, you were excited to see his smile because… well, he doesnt smile at you anymore… but you quickly brush it off, i mean, being an idol is very stressful.
youve arrived, you tried to enter backstage but some bodyguard stopped you, “hey! what do you think youre doing missy?” you sigh, he must be new, “scara is my lover, i just want to see him,” you try to explain but the bodyguard cuts you off and says “thats what they all say,” he rolls his eyes. “no! really, i am!” you show the bodyguard a picture of you and scara together kissing, “oh” the bodyguard grunts, “so youll let me in?” you look up at him, he looks a bit uncomfortable, “well uhm… ive been given specific orders to not let you in… im sorry,”
you heard him loud and clear, the world around you begins to spin, but you quickly ground yourself by comforting yourself with false hopes. maybe hes just planning a surprise for you back there, i mean, it might explain why you got flowers, yea! that must be the reason… you hope.
you found your spot, perfect timing too! the concert begins, you see scara. you melt when you see a smile on his lips, he looks so happy. the crowd screams, theyre chanting 5wirl (the name of their group). venti, xiao, kazuha, heizou, and scara is greeting the audience with warms smiles and kind words.
after a while, the performance ends, it was quite long actually, but it felt so short, time does fly when youre having fun. you head to the backstage doors, hoping that the bodyguard lets you in this time. as you make your way to the backstage doors you see scara’s back in your peripheral vision. hes in a secluded place, he looks like hes trying to be hidden from the crowd, makes sense. you decide to scare him, as you get closer you can see a beautiful lady’s lips pressed against scara’s. you hear the sounds of kissing and soft moaning coming from them.
your heart shatters into a million pieces, it broke so bad that you swore you heard it make a shattering sound. tears fall down your face, youre so stunned that you cant even form words, instead, a pathetic whimpering sound escapes your lips. scara turns around to see where the strange sound is coming from.
his eyes widen a bit, but he immediately regains his composure. “stop crying like a baby and get over it, youre just a nuisance in my life,” now scara was just stomping all over your already broken heart. these simple actions somehow drained all of your energy, just standing was exhausting, not wanting to waste time or energy you give him an “ok,” and you turn around and leave.
you arrive at your shared apartment and decide to eat and rest for a little, so when he comes back you can properly confront him. but, he comes back the next day, hes wasted and the smell of sex is clinging onto him. he walks past you and immediately collapses on the couch and knocks out cold.
when he finally wakes up, youre making dinner. he remembers the encounter from last night. his eyes wander, wanting to look at anything but you. something in the trashcan catches his eye, the flowers. theyre pretty but it didnt come from him.
youve finished cooking, you see scara sitting at the table. you sit down, and placed your meal in front of you and you start to eat. “…what about mine?” scara asks you with a quiet voice. “oh wow, youre initiating a conversation with the nuisance. well, if you must know, that having to take care of you is quite tiring and ive realized that youre quite troublesome and it would be better if you werent in my life. so, kunikuzushi, im breaking up with you.”
hes taken aback when you use his birth name, “h-hey y/n, i didnt mean what i said yesterday… i regret it, it was just the heat of the moment,” he says, his voice trembling a bit. you sigh, “that still doesnt change the fact that you cheated on me, pack your bags and leave, this is my apartment after all,”
the two of you are now yelling. “WELL, BEING AN IDOL IS TIRING, AND BEING BOUND TO ONLY YOU IS TIRING. ANEMO RESEMBLES FREEDOM, I CANT JUST BE BOUND TO YOU. A-AND SHE LOVES ME FOR WHO I AM” youre hurt, you stop yelling, “she loves you for who you are today, but will she when you have nothing?” “NO ONE LOVED ME WHEN I HAD NOTHING, WHEN I WAS NOTHING-“ “I FUCKING DID”
your voice begins to break, “i loved you when you had nothing, i was the one who helped you get back on your feet,” you sigh, hot tears now spilling down your face, “im gonna take a walk, and when i come back your things better be packed.” you leave the apartment, “you didnt even get to enjoy your meal,” he mumbles to himself. he begins to pack his things.
youre walking towards the park, youre tears making your cheeks glisten in the sunlight. you spot kazuha admiring the scenery, hes sitting down on a bench with a pen and notebook in hand, you assume he was making song lyrics or a haiku. you walk up to kazuha and wipe away your tears, “u-uhm hey kazu,” you sit down beside him. “oh hey y/n! nice seeing you here!” his voice is warm and comforting.
“im surprised that you arent swarmed by paparazzi yet,” you giggle, “me too, the quiet is very relaxing. my day has become better now that youre here. wheres scara?” you can feel your eyes watering up “we broke up… he cheated on me,” kazuha hugs you, patting your back, tears are now falling down your face. “you dont deserve that, you really dont, youre one of the most amazing people that i know.”
tip tap tip tap tip tap
you hear the sound of footsteps running, it’s probably someone jogging. kazuha tucks your hair behind your ear while looking you in the eyes.
kazuha presses a gentle kiss on your forehead. you turn your head to see who had just called out, it was scara, he was standing there in shock, tears slipping down his face. “YOU BITCH KAZUHA,” scara yells at him. the bouquet of flowers you threw out earlier was now in his hands. “YOU LIKE Y/N, DONT YOU? YOU HAVE HER THESE FLOWERS, RIGHT?” scara scoffs, “and what if i do? theres no harm in having a crush, unlike cheating on your lover. and, i did give those flowers to her, so what?”
scara turns to you “b-baby you still love me right? a-and not this bastard, right?” his voice seems desperate, “kunikuzushi i-”
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(ngl i wanna make a part 2 because the ending was so messy ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º· )
TAGLIST @justaxiaosimp @mommykukki @xdrin @midnight-pluto @boomie-123 @scaramochies @dnsuhwr874y @hopefulceladon @yukinenikora @akusiapaakudimana @mai-yay @uhfhfhfhf
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lindszeppelin · 2 years
Sweet Oblivion
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Pairing: Austin Butler x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Austin books you two lovebirds a romantic getaway in a cozy cabin. You revel in each others company, and clothes will definitely be left on the floor by the end of the night.
Rating: Mature, 18+. Minors i'm sorry but this ain't for you!
Warnings: fluff (there's so much fluff in here you could make PB&Fluff sammies), smut, swearing, oral (f receiving)
Word Count: 9.2k
a/n: Hey beautiful people! This is my second Austin oneshot, and i wanted this one to be different than my first. Since it's autumn and it's my favorite time of year, i wanted to explore what it would be like for Y/N and Austin to spend some sickeningly sweet romantic time together. The smut will be smutty (obviously) but it's more on the tender love making side of smut. So if that's your cup of tea then read more! (and also it's nearly 4am as i post this and i cant look at it anymore Lol. so here you go!)
extra: a song for the vibes
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It was a gorgeous autumnal day in the best month of the year, October. There was something about New York in the fall season that made your heart soar. But you didn't have to look too far to see the remembrances of why. The leaves on the trees have fully morphed into their warm hues of red, orange, and yellow. That crisp cool air was refreshing, and made you clutch at your scarf a little tighter. The spicy effervescent of cinnamon made your mouth water. It was simply spectacular.
Life couldn't be any more picture perfect even if you tried. Somehow your vivid fantasies that are allocated to your dreams have bled their way into reality, causing you to sigh in delight.
After you allowed your mind to wander for a few minutes you slowly shift your focus back into your body. Here you were, driving down a winding country road with your amazing boyfriend Austin Butler at the wheel of your 1970s Jeep Grand Wagoneer.
It wasn't all that often that you and Austin are able to get away on vacations, what with his very busy schedule keeping him away from you for much longer than you'd like to be okay with. But, you support him wholeheartedly with his acting career. Eventually when he was done with his projects and you two were back into each others arms the distance faded away like an afterthought in the breeze. The cheesy phrase definitely was true - your hearts had grown fonder the longer the miles that separate you two encroached the sanctity of your relationship.
The filming of his upcoming film Dune 2 had just wrapped up in Budapest, and when he came back home to your shared Manhattan loft he swept you into a warm embrace and surprised you with a perfect getaway vacation in a cozy cabin upstate, far away from the prying eyes of the general public and the vultures that are the paparazzi. No particular reason was given for this dream vacation other than he wanted to pamper you properly like you deserved to be.
He was so cute with how he planned this whole thing. He wanted it to be as romantic as ever, and he scrutinized over every detail - obviously. The Cabin he had actually got a good offer on from one of his friends, and he rented it out for an entire week. Of course he refused to tell you how much he paid out of pocket for it, but a knot churns in your stomach at even the slightest thought of Austin shelling out big money on you. It never is an easy thing to get used to when he spends his hard earned dollars on your behalf. But he saves his paychecks for these specific reasons. Why would he not treat his girl? Nothing is to expensive for you.
The second detail of this vacation was the Wagoneer, which he was honestly even more excited about securing than the cabin. He somehow managed to find this car, again for an assumed price that leaves a rather large lump in your throat, that he purchased just for this week. There was obviously no need for a car in the bustle of the city, and parking was astronomically high as it was. So this one time purchase was the very first in your relationship where he went all out for a vehicle for the two of you to keep.
You had to admit, it was very sentimental that he splurged on you. The cabin and this car was like something out of a vintage travel guide magazine for the most aesthetically gorgeous autumn destination holiday ever.
The Wagoneer was a vintage cream color with contrasting wood panels. It came complete with crank windows, weathered black leather seats that were still comfortable enough, and the dashboard was accented simply with beautiful radio that Austin had dialed in to a local soft rock station. Van Morrison's "Brown Eyed Girl" was filtering through the old car speakers and gave you both a soundtrack to your wonderful journey.
You felt the car jolt as Austin shifted gears with the clutch to gain speed as you drove around a wide bend. As his large hand flexed over the gear shift and settled back on the steering wheel you couldn't help but ogle at him like he was your most cherished possession.
He looked positively exquisite as he effortlessly drove the classy motor through large piles of fallen leaves that crunched under the cars tires. You took in the full sight of him, totally unashamed that you were full on staring at him.
Austin was wearing a cream cable knit sweater underneath one of his vintage black leather jackets he picked up at a consignment store in the lower east side, and his long legs were clad in stiff blue jeans that he wore all the time and suited his frame deliciously. On his feet were broken in combat boots that looked like they've been through hell and back, but he was not one to throw things away just because they didn't look pristine. His sandy blonde hair was tousled back off of his face and held in place by his favorite pair of aviators that were placed atop his head. He was scrumptious, and sometimes you had to pinch yourself to make sure this wasn't some kind of wonderful dream - that here you were, dating the most beautiful man you had ever seen in your life, and he was whisking you away to be wined and dined. Men wanted to be him and jealous omen wanted to be in your shoes. If it was a dream, you certainly didn't want to rouse from slumber.
Out of his peripheral vision, Austin felt the heat of your stare on him from the passenger seat and chuckled.
"You know Y/N, haven't you heard the age old saying that it's rude to stare?" He bemused playfully, not at all intending to be harsh with his comment. He just enjoys riling you up.
"Nope, I must have missed that lesson in school." You retorted with sarcasm.
"Well, instead of eye-fucking me from the sidelines you should take a picture because, as another ancient saying goes, it'll last longer." He quipped back, dripping with just as much sass in equal measure.
"Okay Butler, maybe I will..." Fully playing his bluff, you meander through your purse that's sitting on your lap and pull out your phone.
He momentarily glanced down at the phone in your hands but kept his focus back on the road, biting his lip and stifling a laugh that wanted to come out.
"Smile baby, give me one of your many sexy model poses." You hold the phone up, maneuvering the lens to get the perfect angle to compose your shot. Since Austin was a photographer and he took that hobby very seriously, he taught you a thing or two about how to take the best pictures. And now it was coming round to bite him in the ass.
"You're fucking crazy you know that?" Austin shook his head in amusement.
"Don't be shy now Aus, let me see that smolder you know I love so much." You teased.
He gripped the steering wheel firmer in his hands as his vision was transfixed on the desolate road ahead of him. He had let you coax him into this back and forth play of flirtation until he sighed and relented into your request.
Austin made sure that there wasn't any oncoming obstacles in the road before he took his eyes off the pathway and gave his signature sultry stare down the lens of your camera. His eyes narrowed slightly and his lips curled upwards into a thin coy smile that spread across his handsome face. He was a pro at turning on the charm for the cameras when needed for his job, even though he was shy and clammed up when getting his picture taken. But with you, he would let his walls down and it was easier for him to get comfortable.
Your thighs clenched together as you felt a zing of pleasure roll through your body like you were hit by a bolt of lighting. How he managed to turn you on with just this simple pose was utterly beguiling. You gained enough composure to steady your shaking hands and take the picture. If you were on social media this would definitely be the shot that would garner thousands of likes and heart eye emojis from Austin's fans. But it was more than enough that the picture would be allocated to your screen saver and kept in your personal collection of physical photo albums. And that's the way you and Austin both liked it.
After the camera made it's shutter noise alerting him that the picture had been captured, Austin's face effortlessly switched back into his normal demeanor and gave you a crooked wink before giving his full attention back to driving.
"Satisfied, baby?" He asked sweetly.
"Always, Aus. Thank you." You spoke demurely.
"You're welcome." He replied affectionately, smiling warmly.
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You weren't sure how many minutes had past since taking Austin's picture. It was just so easy to lose track of time when you're in his presence. Not every moment had to be filled with conversation between the two of you. Nothing gave you ultimate peace in your soul like being in his delightful company. You hadn't even noticed that the radio station was now playing America's "Ventura Highway" until you heard Austin's raspy voice break the silence.
"If i'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure where we wanna be is right around the corner."
Sure enough, he was right. You perch yourself a little higher in your seat, leaning forward and peering out the windshield to get a better view of what was to come. This cabin was literally in the middle of no-man's-land. Pine trees were condensed so tightly together that you couldn't even see anymore than a few yards in either direction. The narrow gravel road you were travelling on curved one final bend, and then you saw it in all it's glory - Yours and Austin's cabin.
The sight before you was like something out of one of your childhood fables. You weren't even aware that you were holding your breath until the strong smell of granny smith apples had wafted through your nose. This was ethereal. The cabin was quaint. It had a wrap around porch that lead out to a walking trail down through the other side of the woods. The shingles on the roof bounced back the sunlight, and the large chimney was just waiting to be used for a toasty fire.
Austin slowed the car to a gentle rolling stop and put it in park, turning off the ignition. Finally your week long romantic vacation could begin.
He flashed you an excited knowing smile before he got out of the car, sauntering over to your side of the vehicle and opening the door for you. As he swung open your passenger door he offered you his hand to help escort you out. You gave him a peck on the cheek as a non-verbal thank you.
"Here we are, honey. Home sweet home. What do you think of the place so far?"
Words had failed you. You couldn't even respond right away, you were still trying to soak it all in. Truly tou've never seen anything like this in person. It was a picture perfect dreamscape come to life before your eyes.
"Austin this is...wow." You sighed dreamily.
"I did good, huh?" He asked, satisfied at your inability to answer. Of course he knew he did good, he planned the whole thing. He just wanted to hear your praise. Though, leaving you speechless was one of his many talents.
Austin walked around to the trunk and turned the key to unlock it, gathering both of your suitcases and placing them on the ground.
"You did very good." You finally replied.
"That's what I like to hear." He cooed. You help him carry your belongings as you both walk up a flight of stairs that brings you right to the front entrance. Austin settles his bags on the floor and rifles through his pants pocket for the keys to unlock the large burgundy door.
No word of a lie, as soon as he pushed the door open you nearly felt the wind get nocked out of you. Okay seriously...this place is amazing. The layout of the house was open concept, so you had a nice view of the living room and kitchen from the foyer. Whoever owned this place really knows about interior decorating, that's for sure.
There were large windows framing the perimeter that made the place look even bigger. Rays of sunshine cascaded over the expensive furniture that you were a little scared to touch. In the living room you took note of the massive black leather couch that was perched in front of an even larger tv. Off to the side was where you took notice of the antique fireplace that was already set with fresh firewood for your convenience. Glass chandeliers hung in the middle of the living room and one over the imposing rustic dining table off to the opposite side of the room that were dimly lit, the crystals twinkling as they gently swayed to and fro. And there were unused candles strewn about the place, sitting pretty in their candelabras.
Your attention then turned towards the expanse of the kitchen. There weren't a lot of modern appliances, which you assumed was to keep up with the vintage aesthetic. The fridge and cabinets were made of mahogany wood, and the linoleum floors were a nice accent. Enchanting didn't even begin to describe this place. Austin really did chose perfectly.
You stood there in a daze taking it all in as Austin brought in his bags and locked the front door shut behind you. No one in your life had ever done something this chivalrous for you. It almost was a little overwhelming actually being here. Throughout your relationship. Austin catered to you and showed you just how much he loved you. Doing something as simple as booking a getaway vacation sounds mundane to maybe the average person. But in this circumstance it only reminded you to never take anything for granted with him. You were going to soak up every single bit of this week long stay and commit it to memory.
Ever so slowly you felt Austin's long arms wrap around your waist from behind, pulling you back into his chest.
"I can't wait to devote all of my time and attention to you - to us - right here and now. We're gonna make some great memories in this place I just know it." He softly spoke against your ear. You hummed in contentment as he gently allowed his lips to caress your cheek.
You turned your face to the side and watched as his azure orbs glaze over with adoration. "Thank you for doing this, Aus. Really, this went above and beyond all of my expectations. I love you so much."
"I love you too, baby." The space between you shrank as his lips collided with yours in a tender dance of affection. Never in your life will you ever tire of the way his soft voluptuous mouth works over yours in harmony. Even the lightest of touches sends a chill down your spine.
Austin pulls away from your kiss and pecks your button nose. "Come on, i'll show you around.". He takes your hand in his and gives you a tour of the whole cabin.
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As the sun sets over the lush hills and day fades into night, you and Austin have done your fair share of wandering around the cabin and relaxing on the couch. The rumbling in your stomachs was the obvious indication that you both needed food, and pronto. What delighted you about Austin was how much he loved being in the kitchen. This was a joint effort, and he wanted to offer his help in any way he could. Plus he was actually a superb cook.
Tonight you both settled on something totally simple yet hearty and classic - spaghetti with homemade sauce. You've spent years perfecting your sauce recipe that you know it down to a science, and Austin inserts his own elements from his experience in the kitchen to make this meal a special one. And to top if all off, once you've plated this meal for two, Austin pulls out a cabaret from the wine cupboard and poured each of you a full glass.
Before you could shove a fork full of the delicious pasta into your expecting mouth, Austin raises his glass and cradles your hand in his, proposing an impromptu toast.
He cleared his throat. "Cheers to the first of many fantastic vacations we'll have together. I'll always do right by you, Y/N. I'm constantly enamored by your beautiful womanly charms, and how you manage to put up with me being away so often. But this I swear to you baby - I will always make sure you're completely happy and satisfied like you deserve to be. You know I'm a man of my word, and my word is my bond."
A solitary tear nearly fell down your face at his lovely proclamation. But you managed to bite back the tickle in your throat that signified crying, and you raise your glass with him.
"Cheers to the beautiful life we're creating as one. I love you Austin to the moon and back. Salut."
Your glasses clink.
"Salut." Austin squeezes your hand as you both take a swig of your wine. The bite from the red is quite palpable, as you're not really one to like the stuff all that much. But this is a special occasion. You're celebrating the two of you embarking on this journey of devotion and unconditional love for each other in this crazy uncertain world. No doubt it's been an emotional whirlwind for you, having to deal with everything that comes with dating a famous actor in the limelight. But you know you're protected by Austin's commitment to bring you into the fold and simultaneously shield you from the scrutiny of voyeurs.
A comfortable silence falls over you both as the sounds of clanking forks and knives scrape against the ceramic plates.
After a few minutes, Austin speaks in his delicious low baritone register. "I meant what I said, you know. I really do hope that I make you happy. I know its not always the ideal situation to not spend a lot of time together like we want, but I'll always strive to meet your needs in whatever way I can."
Your brow furrows, concerned about where this moment of insecurity is coming from. It endeared you even more to Austin that he was open with you about what he was thinking and feeling. Your fork rests on the plate and you place your delicate hand on his forearm. "I know, baby. You make me so happy, I hope you realize that. Yeah it's not exactly like how we want it to be all of the time. But what we've cultivated means everything to me."
"It means everything to me as well. You're the best thing that's come into my life in...honestly I can't really remember the last time someone made me this happy." He exasperates, spilling his vulnerable heart to you.
"Well good that makes two of us." You smiled reassuringly.
Your heart thumped in your chest as Austin flashes you a million dollar grin. Picking up your hand from it's resting position on his arm, he kisses your knuckles sweetly. "God you're just everything a man could ever want."
"And you, Austin Robert Butler, are everything a woman could ever hope for and then some. You're perfect."
He tuts and bows his head shyly, an embarrassed flush rises to his chiseled cheeks. "I beg to differ but i'll the the compliment, baby." He peers up at you through his long lashes and kisses your hand again. For now you quelled his momentary bout of insecurity, and you feel proud that you were able to have that real conversation with him. He's only a man after all, he's not made of stone regardless of his celebrity status. His shy nature is one of the things you love about him.
The two of you savor your spaghetti dinner and clean up the kitchen before heading back into the living room. You weren't quite sure what the exact time was, but the chill in the air and the watercolor of the sunset in the sky was now fading into shades of navy. In the middle of the woods amongst nature you could see the twilight of the night sky so much clearer compared to the smog of Manhattan. It was simply exquisite.
As an autumn chill ran through your body, you remembered that there was an enticing wood burning stove just sitting there totally untouched. That had to be remedied. "I kind of want to give the fireplace a whirl, what do you think, Austin?"
"I think that's a great idea. Let's see what I can do here." He clasped his hands together nervously, his thinking cap was now officially put on as he figured out how to work the fireplace. All the gears in his head were spinning at once. He didn't want to let on that he's never lit a fire in an actual antique fireplace before. But he was going to try his damndest to figure it out, that's for sure. And it anything was certain, he was going to look cute doing it.
Austin got down to it's level and inspected the fireplace very carefully. A pang of anxiety swelled in his stomach. This can't be that complicated, but you were expectantly waiting for him to get this going which made him nervous. Not wanting to offset the romance by fiddling awkwardly with the fire, he motioned his head back towards your general direction.
"How's about I get a roaring fire going, and you can get settled for the night, baby. Sound good?"
Oh, this was actually perfect timing. While Austin was working on things here in the living room, you had other plans you wanted to attend to by yourself. Little did he know what you had up your sleeve for him this evening. A wicked grin spread across your face.
"Yeah, that sounds good to me! Um, before I go and...get settled...pick a color between red, black, and blue."
As Austin finally managed to get the process of lighting this fire, you saw him stop in his tracks at your puzzling question. He had no idea what you even meant by that, you totally caught him off guard. So, without thinking too hard about it, he simply replied "Red."
"Okay, red it is."
With a quick turn of your heels, you saunter off towards your shared master bedroom, leaving him just as confused without explaining yourself at all. But for what you had in mind, you didn't need to explain. Showing would suffice.
Walking around the edge of the bed, you pull out your suitcase and pop the top off to reveal your clothes still neatly packed in there. You honestly just didn't have the wherewithal to hang your clothes in the closet you were so caught up in the moment with Austin. Everything was probably wrinkled to oblivion. But what you were looking for didn't need to be hung up.
The answer to your question to Austin lied at the bottom of the bag. The contents of which are of the most scandalous quality. Within your hands you hold three beautiful lingerie sets - one red, one black, and one blue. Each set was different in their general cut and accessories, but the components were the same. The red one which he ambiguously chose features an all lace ensemble comprising of a balconette bra that lifted your perky breasts into beautiful mounds atop your chest, a pair of matching red lace panties that laid high on your hips in a way that compliments your curves. And then the final touch were sheer red stockings that held up on their own, high on your thighs.
You thanked your past self for buying this skimpy little number a while ago when you and Austin first started dating. Funny enough though, this was the first time you were going to wear it for him. He's seen you in plenty of other lingerie sets, but this one was special. It made you feel more like a sophisticated sexy woman rather than a demure sex kitten. If one thing was certain, his jaw was going to hit the floor the moment he sets his sights on you.
So you take your time in primping yourself and putting on the items with care to make sure you looked perfect. With a few fluffs of your hair and a sheer reapplication of your lipstick, you were ready. Its not or never. Butterflies filled the cavern of your stomach. This was the moment, there was no turning back.
With one final check in the full length mirror, you slowly swayed your hips as you floated on cloud 9 back into the living room. To your surprise Austin actually got the fire going like he said he would. The heat was definitely welcomed as you felt goosebumps rise on your flesh - partly due to the nerves you were feeling.
Your man was standing in the middle of the room, unaware of your presence, as he fiddled around with his phone as he connected his spotify to the cabin's bluetooth speakers. A little mood music never hurt anyone. He hummed in delight as he found the song he was looking for and pressed play. The sensual tenor of Otis Redding filled your ears.
These arms of mine, they are lonely Lonely and feeling blue
If there was ever a right moment for him to notice you it would be now. You don't have any drink in hand to give you a bit of liquid courage, but you pull the strength from within you. Rolling your shoulders back and head hung high, you make the move.
"Austin..." you purred, beckoning him to look at you with your enchanting voice dripping with sex.
The look that Austin gave you when he finally turned around to catch your gaze was something you'll never forget. Seeing him already unraveling at just the sight of you was the ego boost of the century. His eyes nearly fell of out their sockets, and he swallowed a rather large lump that was forming in the back of his throat. His lips parted, quivering with a building need for you.
These arms of mine, they are yearning Yearning from wanting you
"Holy shit Y/N..." His wandering eye traveled all the way from the top of your head, to your ample bust line, the small of your waist, your clothed core, and your long legs adorned in the most beautiful red stockings. He placed one of his hand over his heart to steady himself. A heart attack was impending, he just knew it.
With a bat of your fluttery lashes you make another bold move. "You chose right, Aus. I think red is my color." Placing one dainty foot in front of the other, you walk your way over to where he's standing, exaggerating the sway of your hips just a little as put on a show for his greedy eyes. The newfound confidence you have in yourself is exhilarating, and you were riding off the back of this wave as you strut over to Austin.
He did most of the work for you though. "I'll say..." He spoke huskily. With his long legs he closed the distance between you with a few brisk strides.
These arms of mine, they are burning Burning from wanting you
In a flash, your bodies were pressed tantalizingly close together. The electricity vibrating between you two was intense. Now that you were right here with him looking down at you like he wants to swallow you whole, the reality of your flirtation sets in. A bright flush rises to your cheeks. It's the perfect accessory to your scantily clad figure.
"Hi." You said breathlessly, peering up at him with a suddenly shy demeanor.
"Hey." He replied barely above a whisper, licking his lips and swallowing to clear his salivating mouth. He was sure it was plain as day that he was literally drooling over you. It was obscene the way in which his body radiated such strong sexual desire. While he was a man that fell weak at the knees for his woman and would absolutely fuck you without hesitation on every conceivable surface in this cabin, the man before you was overcome with demure boyish intentions. He was just as shy in this moment as you were. Almost afraid to touch you for fear of you disappearing.
You both stood there, shaking with anticipation, not sure who should be the one to dare to make the next move. Even though you've been with Austin for so long, in this moment it felt like the first time. Two young lovers being in each others company, both nervous for the night ahead of them, unsure of what to say or do. But you fumble your way into each others arms nonetheless.
Your hand seemed to have a mind of it's own as it rests gently on Austin's chest, feeling him rise and fall with shallow breaths under the soft wool of his sweater. And he returned the touch by wrapping one of his hands around your waist, drawing you closer to his personal sphere, and his other hand went to cradle your face. The intoxicating aroma of his cologne mixed with his pheromones drove you wild, and you shook harder under his embrace. Austin's eyes darted between the desire behind your eyes and full pout of your lips, which were succulent and begging for his attention.
Come on, come on, baby Just be my little woman Just be my lover
As you planted yourself in front of his tall stature you took all of him in. The warm contrast of the fire beside you set a cast of golden shadows across his face, making his blonde waves sparkle and his tanned skin radiate a soft honey tone. His half-lidded ocean eyes stirred into a stormy whirlpool of eagerness dripped with intense lust.
Like a moth to a flame, you slowly allow your lips to be drawn to his, and his to yours, in a losing battle of self control over the powerful magnetism you shared for each other. This first meeting of your mouths was not a hungry one, but rather it was gentle and exploratory. Almost as if all previous sexual experiences had gone out the window and you had to re-learn the motions of one another's natural current.
Hot breaths passed between your lips as you moved together, pressing feather light kisses upon each other. The racing of your heartbeat was increasing tenfold as the adrenaline was coursing through your veins. You needed him all at once or not at all. His thumb rubbed tiny circles on your cheek as the tenacity in which he kissed your pliable lips hastened.
The tips of your toes stood to attention on the hardwood floor as you craned your body upwards to sink even further into him. The warmth from his strong arm around your waist pressed you closer to his body.
He gruffly rumbled into your mouth, his tongue reaching out to part your lips and deepening the kiss even further. And you happily let him inside without thinking twice. His wet muscle danced effortlessly against you, your tongues rolling in tandem for assured dominance. Needing more of him, your hand found purchase in his sandy locks as your deft fingers clutched onto his silky strands. And the other hand found a home on his toned bicep, firmly gripping onto him for dear life as he flexed beneath you. The realization of how wet you are for him hits you like a freight train, and through his jeans you can feel the formation of his hardened erection press into your lower stomach.
Austin knows you well and he can sense the arousal oozing from your pores. He wasn't sure where the final destination for tonight was going to be, but his feet moved from under him as he walked you backwards into the nearest possibility - the leather sofa. The cool fabric stuck to the backs of your thighs as he leaned forward and sat you down gently on the side of the steady armrest.
Reluctantly, he pulled away from your addictive mouth - but he soon enough replaced his lips on your jawline, leaving a wet trail of kisses down your delicate neck. From this new position you wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him closer to where you needed him.
"Austin..." You sighed at the feel of his plush mouth sucking and licking at your neck. His skillful lips trailed their way down your collarbone as his long fingers slipped underneath the straps of your bra and pushed them down the slope of your shoulders.
"Y/N..." Austin hoarsely moaned. As he strained down to keep planting kisses on your goosepimpled flesh, he adjusted himself to a much more comfortable position with one knee planted on the ground . This gave him easy access to explore every single inch of your gorgeous physique in whatever way he saw fit. Your legs unraveled from his hips, instead falling either side of his shoulders, spreading them wide and revealing your soaked lace core to his hungry eyes.
All the synapses in your brain were firing frantically. You had Austin ensnared in like an enchantress, he was literally on his knees for you completely at your every command. The power was thrilling.
"Tell me what you want, baby." Austin cooed from below. His hands stroked the smooth silk of your stockings wrapped around your calves. The tender sensation sent a pool of wetness gushing out from your hot core, trapped by the restrictions of your panties. But you couldn't hide that from him, he was dangerously close to your pussy and he licked his lips in instinctual preparation for taking care of you.
As much as you craved for him to take you right here and now, you weren't sure if the side of the couch was the most practical spot. You have to stifle the moan that wanted to escape your lips at the sight of your man on the floor waiting for your order. It took a hell of a lot of strength to not give into him.
"How about maybe we move over there first?" Your gestured over to a wide open space on the floor in front of the fireplace. That sounded romantic and he seemed to mirror your sentiments, smiling brightly up at you.
"Your wish is my command, darlin'." Austin rose from his feet, planting a chaste kiss on your lips before he moved over to the fireplace.
The cogs in his brain were kicking into high gear yet again, as he thought about how to make this as comfortable for the both of you as possible. Being sore from a romp in the sheets was par for the course, but not from something as silly as fucking on the hardwood floors with no cushion.
He snapped his fingers as a bright idea overtook him. Turning his attention back to the sofa, he scooped up a couple of random cushions and plopped them at the floor beneath his feet. And finally, he grabbed the heavy throw blanket that looked cozy and spread it out, creating a make-shift bed that will do just fine for tonight's rendezvous. He crouched down and made sure to fluff the cushions as best he could in preparation for your head to lay. You must admit, this looked so inviting.
When he was finally satisfied with his handiwork, Austin stood back up and proudly displayed his hands on his hips. "And, voila. What my lady wants, my lady gets."
You crinkled your nose adorably. "That's even better than what I imagined in my head."
He giggled. "Well, I do aim to please," Austin might have been momentarily distracted, but he could no longer ignore his cock straining through his jeans. From where you were sitting you could see the imposing member begging for release from it's denim prison.
He took note of your obvious staring and drew his bottom lip into his mouth. "Now, where were we?" Seduction dripped from his vocal chords.
Two broad steps was all it took for Austin to make his way back to you. With one arm around your waist and the other snaking underneath your legs, he cradled you as he gently lifted you into his arms. In one smooth motion like he's done this hundreds of times before, he knelt down and gingerly lowered you onto the blanket, making sure your head was comfortably in place on the cushions that he lovingly fixed for you.
Austin rested his hands on his knee as he just simply looked at you, his goddess reincarnate, batting your long lashes at him innocently. Oxygen depleted his lungs as he sat there, mouth agape and turned on as all hell at the vision of you. It was in pauses like these where the reality of his unconditional love for you was accented tenfold.
You faintly uttered, "C'mere," as you reached out your hands, beckoning him to join you. He didn't need to be persuaded any further. With a coy grin, he nested himself on top of you as your legs opened for him, inviting his body to melt with yours once more.
His soft lips were back on yours, but this time he wasn't delicate about it. Immediately his tongue was back home in your mouth, dancing inside of you with every swipe. While his lips were occupied he let his hand roam your supple curves - groping and kneading at your breasts that he expertly removed from your bra. He sure was sly because you don't recall him unclasping it behind you. Tossing the garment off to the side without a care, he took his salivating lips and dragged them back down your neck.
The warmth of his breath against your sensitive nipples made you gasp. Once he took your pert bud into his mouth your eyes rolled back into your head so far you thought you may lose sight.
"Austin," You moaned, egging him on. The pleasure he was lavishing on your breasts sent a shockwave directly to your clit, throbbing strongly for him in every conceivable way. Your greedy hands clutched the hem of his sweater, signaling to him that it had to go.
Releasing your nipple with a wet plop, he sat up on his knees and pulled the sweater over his head and threw it into the abyss to keep company with your bra. In this lighting by the fire, Austin looked like a work of fine art. The contours of his toned chest and abs glistened with a thin layer of sweat that were calling for your touch. And you obliged, letting your fingertips trace over each and every curvature of his chest.
Austin smiled sweetly as he let you map out every single muscle your hands could conceivably reach. These kinds of things would usually make him shrink away into his shell, shy to the ogling of others at his body. But with you it was different. He took pride in how viscerally attracted you were to him, in an almost carnal way. Like you needed to touch him to make sure this wasn't all a beautiful dream.
Grasping your hands in his, he places barely there kisses on each of them and crept his way inch by inch down further on your hourglass figure. Your stomach was peppered with wet licks and nibbles, driving you crazy as he neared the one place you craved him to be.
But alas, he was determined to keep you on edge just a little bit longer. He purposefully skipped over your sopping wet desire and made his way to your thighs. The secure straps that were holding your stockings to your thighs snapped back against you roughly as he toyed with the fabric, testing their durability.
"As much as I want these on you, they're unfortunately in my way. We can't have that, now can we?" He asked half rhetorical and half expecting you to answer, if you could even muster a response. All you could manage was a shaking 'no' of your head.
"Hmm, that's what I thought." Never daring to break eye contact with you, he caught hold of your stockings and rolled them off your feet. With one leg free, he kept on teasing you like it was his job. He started at your ankle, his velvet lips making contact with the newly exposed skin. Soon enough he doted your calf, your knee, and up the soft flesh of your inner thigh. This was enough to send you careening over the edge, you threw your head back and let out an exasperated moan. He was so close yet so far and he was thoroughly enjoying making a full meal of you.
With both stockings now out of his way, he repeated the same movements on your other leg, still never looking away from your yearning doe eyes that were screaming for him.
"Aus, please stop teasing me." You whined.
Austin chuckled against your thigh. "Someone is eager." You nearly yelped when he tauntingly nipped gently at your thigh. You swear if he kept this up and denied you what you really wanted you would evaporate right here and now. You rose your hips off of the floor and into his face in a not so subtle hint to direct his attention where you wanted.
His tongue licked over the bite mark he left behind on your thigh. "I know baby, I just like taking my time with you."
At this point he couldn't even deny himself the joys of your pussy any longer. In one swoop he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties and quickly discarded them into the clothes heap.
Here you were, now fully exposed and waiting wantonly for Austin's next move. He couldn't help but groan lowly as he gazed at your swollen flushed pussy, dripping all for him. His cock bobbed in his jeans at the sight, but he would ignore his primal urges to take care of the ache in his pants to be the gentleman and satisfy you - like always. His mouth was watering to taste you.
"You are so fucking beautiful, baby." He expressed sincerely.
It was your turn now to get shy, as you covered your face in your hands to hide the tinge of rose to your cheeks. But he was quick, he batted them away.
He tisked at your actions. "I'll have none of that. I want you to look at me as I eat your pussy."
A strangled moan crept past your lips at his command. You knew you'd be a goner if you were forced to watch him go down on you, but you had to oblige him. How could you not? He was so fucking hot when he took what was his.
The orbs of his azure iris's were totally blown out. The storm that once befell them minutes ago were black, glossed over with desire. And now that he's made himself clear what his intentions were, there was no stopping him.
Your soul nearly left your body when you felt the very first broad stroke of his tongue lap against your folds. An ungodly, desperate groan fell from your lips and reverberated off the walls and into Austin's ears as he took his time in devouring you.
Your juices covered his strong muscle as he licked at your wetness, parting your lips even further for him to explore. He moaned at the sweet taste of you, never breaking eye contact as he wrapped his lips around your pussy.
"Fuck, Aus..." You choked out.
He spread your legs wider with his large hands dominating your thighs, forcing them even more to the side so he could have as much access to your glistening folds as possible. The grit of his 5 o'clock shadow rubbed against your skin, making you hiss at the burning sensation that felt so goddamn good.
Your pussy was being ravaged with long swipes of his tongue, setting a steady pace that made you rock yourself onto his face. And just when you thought you couldn't get enough, he ghosted the very tip of his tongue over your severely aching clit. You nearly closed your eyes as you moaned loudly at the sensation, but you were a good girl and you made sure to keep eye contact like he asked for.
Your hands flew to his blonde tendrils, drawing him further into your pussy for more amazing friction. Groaning against you core, he went back down to your sopping hole and brought along a trail of your wetness and his saliva back to your clit.
He masterfully flicked your sensitive bud until there were tears in your eyes. The overstimulation will be the beautiful death of you, and he knows this all too well. But he needed more of you. He was insatiable. He ate your pussy like it was his last meal on this Earth. If there was one thing he could do for the rest of his life, it would be his tongue buried deep in your needy cunt for all eternity.
"Yes baby, that feels so fucking good." You mewled, coaxing him on even more determined to get you to the apex of your release. Vibrations from his mouth as he moans into your juices added to the intense pleasure he was giving you.
His pace was unrelenting on you now. He ground your hips down harder on his face, working your pussy into a frenzy as his tongue worked hungry circles over your clit and lapped back down at your folds. He was breathing heavy with exertion, but he was nowhere near finished with you.
He brought one of his hands into the mix as it left your thigh. And with a husky growl he plunged two long fingers into your gushing pussy while he focused all his efforts with his tongue on your clit. Your walls clenched around his digits as he finger fucked you into sweet oblivion.
"Austin!" You screamed. As the pads of his fingers massaged your g-spot deep within you and your clit was getting assaulted by his mouth, your climax was reaching it's peak. You grasped even tighter to his hair and your toes curled as you bounced yourself back onto his fingers. With one last moan of his name you came hard and fast around him. You did so well with keeping your eyes open for him, but this orgasm rippled through your body so strongly that it overtook you and brought you to another dimension. You squeezed your eyes shut as your head lolled back roughly against the cushions, riding the wave of your release.
With one last swipe of your clit, Austin removed both his tongue and his fingers from your pussy. He admired how your slick coated them as he withdrew his digits from the vice grip of your walls, wanting him to stay there.
He looked positively fucked out of his mind with your juices running down his face as he rose from his laying position and hovered over you. He made sure you looked him square in the eye as he brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean and savoring one last time the taste of your cunt.
No words were shared between you two, and no words would suffice in the heat of the moment. All that mattered now was freeing his strained member from his pants and having another part of his body back inside the confines of your warm pussy. And now.
In record time, he unzipped his jeans and pulled them down his legs along with his boxer briefs. All the blood rushed to the red tip of his thick cock where you saw a bead of precum drip into the floor beneath him. You got wet all over again just from the sight of him.
Quickly stepping out of both garments, he tossed them aside and made his way back to you, snugly climbing the expanse of your body. Still shaking from your powerful climax, you ground yourself back into reality by anchoring your jell-o legs around his sturdy hips for support.
He aligned himself with your entrance, leaving no time wasted as he slipped his cock between your slippery folds. You both moaned at the intrusion, absolutely sure that any signs of life in the general vicinity would definitely hear your combined cries of lust. But you didn't give a damn. You would scream to the high heavens and let the entire world know that Austin Butler was fucking you so good.
"So goddamn tight for me." He gritted through his clenched jaw as he relished in the way your walls squeezed around him.
He let you get accustomed to his girth for a brief moment before plunging himself further into you, filling you to the hilt.
"Oh fuck." You mewled, your nails dug roughly into his back as he snapped his hips and began his assault on your pussy. You clenched hard around his cock, drawing him even deeper inside.
Soon enough the sound of juices sloshing around him echoed loudly and drowned out any of the mood music that was playing over the loud speakers.
His bangs hung down his face and tickled your forehead as he steadily moved his dick in and out of your soft cunt. The slick from your last orgasm and new pools of desire enveloped him fully in the most delicious way.
"You take my cock so well baby. What a good girl you are for me." He moaned against your ear, his gravelly voice speaking these dirty things to you made your walls clamp down around him, earning you another sexy groan from his lips.
The heels of your feet pressed into his backside, encouraging him to fuck you deeper and harder. Who was he to not accept the invitation? He did you one even better. While he hastened his pace, snapping his hips feverishly against your core, he took one of your legs and threw it over his shoulder. The new angle made his massive cock plough into your pussy in ways you never thought he could. He was hitting every single aching spot inside you with expertise.
Your brow knitted together and your mouth hung open, your breath caught in your throat. Luckily you were flexible and could accommodate such positions with ease. Austin watched from above as he plunged his dick in and out of your cunt, your juices dripping down your thighs, and your tits bouncing right in his face as he fucked you into the stratosphere. He throbbed violently inside of you, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth as he focused intently on this heaven on earth.
"Aus, " You squealed, "I-I think i'm g-gonna..." you warned him, unable to say anymore.
He captured your lips in a rough kiss that was all tongue, you could taste the faint hint of your essence lingering in his mouth which was so erotic. That alone nearly sent you to the precipice. But Austin somehow fucked you even faster now, your pussy getting completely beaten up by his engorged cock. His repeated blows to your cervix had you bent backwards in ecstasy. You were so close to another earthshattering orgasm.
The rise of your voice, the quivering of your walls milking his cock, and urgency in your moans alerted him of your impending climax. If you came now he was done for. Which he was grateful for, as he too was dangerously close to spilling every ounce of hot cum inside of your pussy.
"That's it," He coaxed, "That's it, baby. Let go. Come for me." The ending of his command trailed off into a whisper as he was getting lost in the throws of passion.
Your lungs ballooned twice their size and propelled out of your body a blood curdling scream of the most divine nature as you crash-landed hard around him. You came just as hard this second time, and your entire body shivered as you rode through the tidal wave of your climax.
Austin wasn't far behind you. Each and every sloppy thrust sent him over the edge. The quivering of your walls milking him for everything he's got put him in a tailspin. Your pussy was hungrily drawing out his own orgasm, and his cock would give in.
"Fuck Y/N, I'm gonna c--". Before he can even finish, Austin roared as his come coated every inch of your walls, thickly. His hips thrashed with each and every spurt of his seed that skyrockets into your pussy, marking his territory.
You moaned a sweet sing-song of his name as you felt your insides fill with the warm sticky fluid. Your pussy gulped down every single drop he had to offer you.
He tried his hardest to not collapse on top of you and smother you to death with his body weight, but his arms were giving way. Neither of you wanted his dick to leave the comforting residence of your pussy. So you both remained there with his semi hard cock stuffed full to the hilt before he begrudgingly withdrew and rolled over next to you with a thud.
As you both laid there laboriously catching your breaths, the euphoria of your orgasms hit you and Austin at the same time. You shuddered and he followed suit. Was this real life?
"Goddamn." He roused softly. "That was..."
"Incredible." You finished his sentence for him, turning over on your side and slotting your body perfectly to his side.
He chuckled under his breath, lifting his tired arm and dangling it over the small of your back. "I was going to say ''fucking incredible'', but yeah."
You were both a sweaty pile of limbs on the floor, but you didn't care. He lifted your chin with his free hand up to his face and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. One of your legs wrapped around his side as you snuggle up closer to him.
The roaring fire beside you that once was is now a low tumbling flame, but it still managed to keep you both toasty in the aftermath of your marathon sexcapade. Austin brings one corner of the blanket up and over your bodies, lulling you into serene comfort in his embrace.
If this was just the start of your vacation, you couldn't wait for what was in store.
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tags: @powerofelvis @headfullofpresley @2lekk @sapphirescripts @karamelcoveredolicity @blurredcolour @ggwritesstuff @bisexualwvtson
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wednesdaynn · 1 year
for everyone to see
a/n: i haven't written for women (properly) in so long, neither on tumblr so i hope i do this a bit justice, this fandom is lacking sm on the women department in general, but god, there are no fics on here. so here i am, spoiling myself a bit with my own fantasy! also this was supposed to be more porn than plot tbh but i needed a good intro... so do with that what you will.
also happy KINKTOBER, even though i won't be participating i cant wait to read all these smutty things after watching too many horror movies.
summary: marlene invites you, her girlfriend, on her stream for the first time and her fans couldn't be more fond over misty marls' sweet girl
warning: sex (duh) oral (i guess fem receiving doesn't work in this context) visual pornography.
pairing: camgirl!marlene mckinnon x fem!reader
word count: 2412
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you see her walk towards the camera tripod snapping the camera into the cage and attaching it. She checks the screen to make sure both of your body's are in perfect view and the light is correct, smiling in satisfaction when everything works out.
you lean back on your hands, rolling your shoulders back and taking a deep breath. The nerves are getting worse with the minute and you can't seem to snuff them out. you hope marlene doesn't notice your hesitance because you know she'd call this stream off immediately if she knew you were even slightly tense about this situation. and it's not that you don't want to do this with her, it's just, this is all new to you, and it's making you nervous. you've been planning this for weeks, and have been excited for weeks. The thought of it alone made butterflies go around in your belly.
Marlene turns on the camera and walks back over to you, settling next to you. She grabs her laptop and makes sure the camera is connected to the bluetooth. going to the streaming platform and clicking on the live+ button, checking the camera one last time, turning towards you to make sure you're alright to start. but when she turns, instead of meeting your excited eyes, she is met with hesitance. she frowns and turns her full body towards you, grabbing your hands and rubbing her thumb over your knuckles.
"talk to me, what's going through your head?" she asks and you shrug. you feel embarrassed to tell her what you're thinking. you look up to meet her eyes and squeeze her hand affectionately.
" ’ave got some nerves, good nerves I think." you give her a small smile as to reassure her she casts another glance over your face to make sure you're not lying just to please her, but finds no tell-tale sign of a lie. she leans over and kisses your lips.
"so, am I good to start?" you nod and she gets up from her spot and turns on the stream, looking at the screen and seeing both of your body's on the big screen and the flashing red light in the corner. you slowly start to see her subscribers flood in and the comments all talking about how excited they are about the new stream.
Marlene turns back to you and shoots you a wink before sliding behind you and maneuvering your body to face the camera. she puts her hands on your waist and slowly massages the skin there, her lips on your neck, kissing and softly nipping at your skin. you roll your shoulders back and lean into her. there's a soft ping from the laptop and you see the first tip come in, you smile softly, it calms your nerves slightly.
her hands make their way downwards towards the hem of your shirt and slowly lift up the hem and tug it off of you. revealing the lacy bra that barely covers anything. She places her hands on your shoulders, kneading out the little knots and glides them over your clavicle bones and hooks her fingers underneath your bra strap, trying to make all her actions seem as sensual as possible to her viewers.
And it's working, her comments flood with people leaving messages about how sweet you look, and how much they wish they could be Marlene right now. it gives you a certain confidence boost. you lean back into marlene, and she lets out a soft giggle. you know she does this mostly for show, but it's working for you as well.
She lets go of your bra strap and reaches between you two to get to the clasp on your back, unhooking it and brushing the straps off of your shoulders, revealing your breasts to the camera. The cold breeze makes your nipples harden.
she shuffles around and moves in front of you, sitting up on her knees. she leans over and kisses you, at first it was very soft and sweet. open mouth kisses with little pecks in between when you both need to get some air. but it turns more heated once she puts her hands on your boobs and starts kneading them between her hands, your nipples catching between her fingers where she occasionally pinches them.
you let out a breathy moan, which she swallows with her own mouth. licking your lips and sliding her tongue between. your kiss turns filthy very fast, all tongue and spit, teeth clashing and it's slightly uncomfortable but you imagine it'll put on one hell of a show.
her lips make their way downwards, resuming her past administrations by nipping at your jaw and downwards, leaving behind tiny little marks, which the camera just barely picks up. you lean your head back and let out little sighs.
she pushes your shoulders, your back hitting the mattress and her lips re-attach themselves to your skin, this time on your breasts. sucking tiny bruises on them and sucking softly on your left nipple. her teeth scrape slightly before she bites on them, making you hiss out in pain. she soothes it quickly by licking your sore nipple. she makes her way over to your right breast giving it the same treatment, leaving you breathless.
her hands find the button on your trousers and make quick work of unbuttoning them and pulling the zipper down. she reaches for the hem and you lips your hips so she can take them and your panties off in one move. she kisses the marks left by your trousers on your legs as she makes her way back up your body again. leaving a little trail of kisses up your inner thigh and bites into your skin, right where your thigh meets your mound.
blowing cold air right above where you want her the most. you lean up and rest on your elbows, looking down at what marlene is doing. she meets your gaze and you flush slightly. you look over at the laptop and see a couple thousand tips already in the inbox.
"That's all for you, baby. they're excited to see you." Marlene says. you humn and bring your hand to her head, letting yourself fall back on to her mattress, threading your fingers through her hair and giving a soft push to get her to where you need her. she huffs, acting as if she's annoyed by the gesture, but you can see the smirk adorning her face.
she licks a stripe from your hole up to your clit where she licks around it, teasing you until she wraps her lips around the bud and sucks on it. you let out a gasp followed by a low moan. her thumbs spread your lips apart. revealing more of you to her. she moves her face to the side, leaning it against your inner thigh, her tongue circling your hole. The camera can now see everything, your glistening cunt, her lips and chin wet with your slick and the way your stomach goes up and down in fast movements.
marlene's tongue pushes into you and and you keen, your hips rut up and your hand pushes her head even further. your other hand glides up your stomach and makes a line from your belly button to the valley between your breasts. you palm your boob in your hand and give a slight pinch to your nipple, heightening the feeling in your stomach.
Marlene is good at giving head. she prides herself on it, she uses it as a form of foreplay, just to tease before actually doing what she wants. but right now, she intends to make you cum, a lot. so her right hand collects your slick on her fingers and she pushes her ring finger into you, her tongue going back to torture your clit. she quickly adds another, when she notices your breaths getting heavier and moans becoming more sporadic. she pumps her fingers in and out of you and curls them in just the right way, making you arch your back and retreat your hand from her head.
you grab onto the bed sheets next you, knowing it won't be long until your impending orgasm hits you. she sucks, and licks and nips on your clit. her face fully covered in you. The sounds coming from her mouth are downright filthy. and the continued pumping of her fingers in and out of your hole doesn't make it any less dirty.
and when she curls her finger just right and sucks hard on your clit, you're a goner. your orgasm comes in hard and your mouth falls open with a silent moan. your legs start shaking and your hips buck into marlene's face who is letting you ride out your orgasm.
she comes back up and leans over you. she kisses you and your hands pull on the hem of her shirt and marlene gets up in a sitting position beckoning you to do the same. you lean on your knees, following her movements and putting your hands to good use by hooking your arms around her waist and pulling down the zipper at the back of her skirt. Marlene pulls off her own shirt and unhooks her bra, throwing both of them somewhere on the floor next to the bed. 
she grabs your face in her hands and starts kissing you again. from this side the camera can pick up on everything that is happening where it faces both of your almost naked bodies. you quickly push her skirt  and panties down and she tries her best to get them off without falling. when she sits back down with her legs spread wide open you assume she wants you to go down on her. but instead she makes a come hither motion with her finger and you lean over where she whispers in your ear. 
you nod your head and bite your lip, lean back in the same way as her. legs slightly bent and spread wide. she shuffles closer and watches the screen to make sure you’re both in perfect view of what’s about to happen. her legs intertwined with yours, her left leg pushes underneath your right one, her other leg hooks over your left leg.she moves towards you and shifts her hips, both of your cunts barely touch each other and it sends a shock up your spine when it rubs touches your clit. 
she lowers both of your legs that are in front of the camera making sure that the camera records your bare pussy’s. she makes an experimental grind against you, and you let out a small gasp. she shifts her hips just slightly, making sure your clit’s are rubbing together. hitting the right angle she starts out slowly. grinding on you slowly getting a feel for it and building up your pleasure. She knows you stay sensitive after an orgasm for a while, and normally she wouldn’t mind making your legs shake from oversensitivity, but this is the first time on camera for you and she doesn’t want to make it too overwhelming. 
 she throws her head back for show and leans back on her hands, making it easier for her to grind upon you. she speeds up and starts chasing after her own orgasm. but the angle isn’t right, it’s too slippery and you have barely any control. you can both feel it and marlene’s eyes move up your body and lock them in with yours. She moves her legs slightly, but to no avail. it makes no difference on the way it feels. you can barely reach the point of having an orgasm, and that’s with the sensitivity that you still have from your first, you can’t imagine how unsatisfying it must feel for her. 
the initial pleasure you got from this position has worn itself out. your hands push themselves upwards and and move forward the little amount you still can and sit up straighter making you practically ride her pussy. she lets out a loud gasp, surprised by your actions and leans back onto her elbows unabashedly checking you out. you graze your hand up her leg and grab onto her waist, giving you more hold to move faster and more deliberate. marlene reaches one of her hands, practicing a balancing act on her other elbow. her fingers put your hair behind your shoulder, getting it out of your face and you roll your head backwards. 
you speed up your hips, getting closer to your orgasm. “Get it baby, get what you need.” she lets out a soft laugh at seeing you get so desperate. her eyes wander to the laptop perched next to the bed, checking if the camera is still picking up the right angles and people are still putting in tips, and good lord… you make her so proud. It's been flooded with excited comments from viewers and the tips are going crazy. 
“Are you close too? marls… wanna cum with you.” your whine and your hands slips from her waist and to the bed next to her, your other hand mimicking. you lean over her and start kissing her. you can feel her nod her head and push your hair out of your face again letting everyone see your faces connecting. The kiss is more panting and moaning into each other's mouths, but it doesn’t matter to the both of you. it’s getting you closer and just being near her is enough for you. marlene starts letting out heavier moans, disconnecting from your lips and leans her forehead against yours. 
she shuts her eyes and releases a few heavy breaths before letting her head drop back and let out a silent scream, her orgasm hitting with force. You ride her until she’s too sensitive and slowly move off of her, accidentally bumping her clit and she shakes slightly, letting out a giggle. you’re both huffing and puffing from exhaustion. 
"You didn’t cum?” marlene says, pout on her face, but you shake your head. exhausted with a pleased look on your face. “It's alright, I would've continued if I needed to.” you wink at her and she leans over and kisses you softly, small laughs coming from you both. She bites her lip and looks over at the camera. she crawls over to turn it off and you throw in a little smile before the stream shuts off.
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cowboybrunch · 27 days
writerblr interview tag!
thank you for the tags @tragedycoded (here) @sableglass (here) and @saturnine-saturneight (here) <3 ive been meaning to get to this one for a minute sooo let's get into it
Short stories, novels, or poems?
i started with poetry, so it has a special place in my heart. all of my short stories turn into beasts. is it a cop out answer to say all of the above?
What genre do you prefer reading?
it'd be easier to list what genres i don't like. when i say ill read anything, i mean ill read anything. lately i've been on a sci fi kick (thanks Pierce Brown) but i love a good modern trashy romance as much as the next guy (i read the booktok sludge so you dont have to!) im not really a nonfiction guy but hey, if anyone has some recs, ill give em a shot
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
def NOT a planner. usually when i start writing i have a vague idea of where we start and where we need to end up, but what happens along the way is a surprise for everyone involved
What music do you listen to while writing?
SILENCE. sometimes white noise. i cant focus with music, brain gets jumbled
Favorite books/movies?
of all time? oh god for books, probably This Is How You Lose the Time War or The Song of Achilles but The Locked Tomb series is def up there. not a novel but i've read Bluets by Maggie Nelson so many times i probably have it memorized by now favorite movie is Zoolander, easy answer. that movie owns. i can watch it on repeat and ill never get sick of it
Any current WIPs?
Dust to Dust is still alive but im taking a bit of a hiatus before hopping into the final bit (tag is here if you wanna see me ramble about it) Felix Wonder is the fun time brain break WIP of choice currently and im working on draft 3 of Burden of the Reluctant Death (we will get to the ending this time. we will)
Create a character description of yourself: 
Elusive, or pretends to be. Too much energy in too small a body. Refuses to sit properly in a chair. Prone to fits of melancholy remedied by sunlight. Easily excitable, but fussy. Same outfit every day: big sweater, little pants, fuzzy socks. Nails bitten bloody but at least her hair is clean (if a bit too long for summer)
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
i could say no but that would make me a liar
Are you kill happy with your characters?
i was gonna make a joke but it would be spoilers soo. i write about grief. no way everyone makes it out alive
Coffee or Tea while writing?
coffee. i dont like tea (sorry sorry!)
Slow or fast writer?
im very much a burst writer so. flood or drought, no in between. lately i'd say SLOW but im just waiting for that spark u get me?
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
this really isnt fantasy but i feel like i was destined to be the kind, slightly off-putting maintenance man in a haunted apartment building that says cryptic things like "don't take the east elevator on a full moon" and "the air conditioning has made that noise since the fire in 12B"
Most fav book cliche:
yea there's only one bed and ill eat it up every single time!!! also: "i didnt know where else to go" or basically any overdone romance trope you can think of. im here for it
Least favorite cliche:
if there's a cliche that i dont like, i havent found it yet
Favorite scene to write?
confession scenes of any kind! scenes where the big tough character breaks down. any kind of emotional revelation, positive or negative
Reason for writing?
words in head, need words out of head ok ok fine, serious answer. i feel like writing is both asking and answering the question, "have you felt like this before? has anyone ever felt like this before? am i alone?" and it's proof that you're not the first and only person to ever experience the things you're experiencing. even this made up guy in this pretend world understands rage and despair and joy and grief and love. the source is different but the result is the same. human connection, man. love it and! it's fun. im having fun
@knightinbatteredarmor @friendlesscat @tildeathiwillwrite @glassonthewall @illarian-rambling
@mysticstarlightduck @dyrewrites @sarandipitywrites @oliolioxenfreewrites @xenascribbles
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hayatoseyepatch · 23 days
Sam!!! Congrats on the milestone again, this is so exciting! I hope you’ve been enjoying your time on the blr writing and interacting because you are a joy 💚
So matchups, hm? I’m curious about a match from either wbk OR tokyo rev (just one, and you choose!) just whatever comes to your head first 😅
She/they pronouns, an introvert disguised as an extrovert I think. I can be super outgoing, but it drains me, and my idea of a fun time is definitely sitting at home with my favorite coloring app and Law&Order: SVU. I usually have music playing at any given time, and my top artists are Hozier and Sleep Token. I wear a lot of leggings and hoodies and depending on how cool I wanna look I’m either in my Birks or Docs lol. When I’m not being a homebody, I like bookstores, dungeons and dragons, and concerts. Oh, and I don’t want kids, like, at all. So my partner has to be okay with that.
My favorite tropes are friends to lovers and Coffeeshop AUs (also a big fan of Only One Bed cause who isn’t?)
I like guys taller than me (not hard since I’m 5’2” lol) who have a darker aesthetic. Gotta be smart, usually very serious on the outside with a goofy side that not everyone sees. I admire people with hobbies, something they’re really passionate about.
My favorites from wbk are hiragi (obviously), ume, togame, and arima, and my faves from Tokyo rev are akkun, takemichi, mitsuya, and kisaki.
I don’t really have any characters that I loathe from either fandom, though I can’t see myself ever being with someone who’s, like, super crazy peppy and outgoing all the time.
Again, just pick either fandom! I figured I’d give you options cause I have a lot of love for both series 💚 congrats again!
Melonnn!! 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。♡ Thank you so much for your kind words and for participating! You're literally so sweet and I’m so lucky to be moots with such an angel ♡ On to your matchup my love!
I Match you up with Toma Hiragi from Wind Breaker!
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⤜♡→ Come on now I cant be expected not to appreciate the actual best couple in the entire world. Satoru Nii and me are besties we literally just got off the phone and he was like “Yeah ofc RagiMel is canon.” I just think you guys are such a good match for eachother. Your personalities just suit each other so well. I am a firm supporter of things are boring if you are the exact same personality wise and I feel like your differences and similarities attract you to one another.
⤜♡→ Hiragi would much rather sit at home with you, his head perched on your lap as you explain the plot to one of your shows to him. Is he a little worried you’d be able to dispose of his boy too well with the amount of Law and Order episodes you both have binged? Sure. But its always nice to keep them on their toes, yk?
⤜♡→ Hiragi was the first to confess, but he took his sweet time doing it, poor man was so nervous. He was more than ready to take out Umemiya for not so subtly pointing out his (very obvious) crush on you. I feel like he isn’t the best at hiding his feelings. Being openly stern and even aggressive with the others but always kind and gentle when it came to you. His favoritism was just so blatantly obvious.
⤜♡→ This may be a hot take but I feel like Hiragi is more than okay with not having kids. I know a lot of people look at him and are like “ahh, yeah he’s totally a guy who wants a family.” But hear me out here. Hiragi has had his fair share of being an older brother almost fatherly figure to those like Sako, Kaji, and Sakura. He’s done his fair share and he is more than happy to just spend the rest of his life loving you and maybe even getting a pet or two. Your love is more than enough for him. You and Bofurin are his family, and that’s all he could ever ask for.
He pulls over into a clearing putting the car in park, getting out to properly set up the bed of the truck with pillows and blankets, humming to himself. He approaches our door after a moment opening it and offering you his hand, helping you out of the vehicle and walking you to the back. Grinning he allows his large hands to cup your waist, leaning down to slot his lips against yours. It didn’t matter how long you had both been together, every time kissing Hiragi felt like the first time. The all-encompassing love he slipped into every kiss still had you weak in the knees. Pulling away from you, he looks into your eyes, his own soft and lidded with adoration. Pressing his forehead against your own, his breaths fanning your face as he speaks. “I love you darling, more than you could ever possibly know.” With one more love-stricken smile he lifts you, helping you into the bed of the truck. Climbing in after you he settles you both against the blankets, lying down next to you.
He hums in contentment as you lie your head against his chest. He had taken you here many times before, the calm of the area where you could both just enjoy each others presence while looking up at the night sky, gazing at the array of stars. He craved these moments with you, where it was just the two of you, where nothing else mattered but holding you in his arms. He smiles, arms squeezing you tightly to him, smile adorning his features. One hand carding his fingers through your hair. “We haven’t been able to come here in a while, we have so many good memories here.” He hums, pulling you closer to him, recalling the very first time he brought you here. “This is where I told you I loved you for the first time, remember?”
His heart soars when he hears you laugh, recalling the memory, him taking his medicine to qualm his aching stomach from nerves. The way he felt as if his face would melt with the heat from his red cheeks. His words came out nervously, surging in to capture your lips with his own when you reciprocated his confession. His teeth clashing with your own in the kiss, so much so that he had punctured your lip. “How could I forget?” Your voice pulled him from his thoughts, his smile aimed at you once more. As he felt the weight of the velvet box that weighed down his pocket, he just hoped you could make yet another memory in your special place.
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viktoriakomova · 6 months
i want to make this a separate post instead of tacking it onto the last post i reblogged, because a) i feel like its getting way too far away from the point of the OP and as someone who has been in that position several times on my main blog its annoying as shit, and b) i dont want it to feel like anybody is ganging up on OP or "dragging" them or whatever, i dont think what they said was mean spirited or came from a place of bad faith etc etc etc. (if i did i would have been a whole fucking lot meaner in replying lmfao) and i also dont think anything it said was Wrong tbh.
okay all that being said!
i will put my tags of my last reblog in the main text here, because this is something i want to expand on:
not to get too Deep about it but. the colonizing countries literally have more wealth and resources and opportunity *because* th#*they stole so much from the global south. they have the $ and the stability to develop ‘frivolous’ things like gym#at the direct expense of the colonies who are left penniless and in perpetual chaos and upheaval
(for context this is re: children of immigrants in diaspora and their connections to their parents'/grandparents' homelands and culture, and maintaining those ties when the reason they came to the global north are for increased opportunity for success and upward mobility etc.)
i wont turn this into a treatise on economic exploitation and its consequences like i alluded to in the tags (i would if i had like 3 glasses of wine tho lol) but the following is something i really do want to underscore:
i love nemour for a lot of reasons. the gymnastics itself, yes of course. i know i snark and make jokes all the time about her shitting on the FFG every time she does anything great under the 🇩🇿 flag. but sincerely, what she is doing for gymnastics in algeria, in north africa in general (hell even in africa overall given the attention that african champs got because of her), is truly something special. i will admit that i dont stay on top of algerian sports media lol but i do speak french and what ive seen, just what has come across my radar, in the francophone algerian press (both in france and in algeria) is drumming up major excitement about her. this is the kind of attention that gets people who otherwise wouldnt give a shit emotionally invested in the sport. the social and historical baggage of the treatment of algeria and algerians in france, and the olympics being in paris, is just the icing on the cake.
its not exactly the same dynamic, especially not in terms of the Discourse about resources and access in diaspora, but i cant help but to be reminded of daiane dos santos, who famously started the sport at the age of 12. and only 8 years later she became a world champion on floor. she was the first world champion in WAG from brazil, south america entirely in fact, ever!!!! rebeca andrade mentions her all the time as an inspiration for her as a little girl. rebe went out of her way (i mean that figuratively as well as very literally, we all know the story about her brothers escorting her through the favela to the gym and back) to do the sport, because she saw dos santos do great things and looked up to her. and now shes REBECA FUCKING ANDRADE. would we have Rebe™ if it hadnt been for daiane? no probably not!
i guess it just..... not "upsets" me, thats not the word im looking for, but maybe gives me pause when i see anybody say (about any of the aforementioned US-born gymnasts representing other countries, not just in this case with nemour) that its opportunistic or undeserved to be competing under the flag of a country your parent(s) came from but you've never properly lived in. because...... isnt that the whole purpose of the multi-generational Narrative Arc? dont they pick up their whole lives and move to "wealthy" countries to pursue better lives for themselves, and more importantly, for their children? and then their children do take advantage of those opportunities they would not have gotten back "home" and reach the highest levels of a (very expensive and, until very recently, highly "inaccessible") sport. and then there's a chorus of "well it isn't like she's FROM from there and came up from the ranks within that country." i mean you're not wrong but thats.... kinda the point!!! she couldnt have done it at "home," shes a clear example of how much talent there is in places that are torn apart and dirt fucking poor and how if you give those people the opportunity, they can be really fucking good at this! world class, even!
she is, in a very REAL sense, "representing" algeria. if she does well in paris (🧿🧿🧿🧿 *furiously knocking on every wooden surface in my apt*) she will become an emblematic iconic sports star for algeria. she will be the reason a ton of little girls in algeria (and even franco-algériennes in france) will want to sign up for gymnastics! she will have (and has already had, by the looks of it) a tangible impact on the popularity and the future of the sport in algeria. it cannot be overstated how fucking much that means.
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mushyposts · 3 months
New ocs 👀
Or is just pov and I am confused 🤔
Either way I am so excited to see!!!!!
I also am kinda wondering what are you fire Nation laws?(Everyone has different ones)
not a new OC! Som very special people are getting POV's in the next chapter hehehe... Im not too sure what you mean by laws, so im gonna take it as a general "What are the major laws thatll effect the fic" kind of thing! The Fire Nation has legal banishment for everyone, which I mentioned offhandedly in the fic. You can send a document to the Fire Lord, but usually its seen by his representatives for that area, to get someone you are legally in charge of (your children, adopted or not, anyone ur the legal guardian of, OR if they've committed treason under the military branch ur in control of! although that can sometimes open u up to speculation, why are so many in ur command questioning our great nation??? What are you teaching them?) banished, this can be conditional (like Zuko's was) or it can be permanent. Sexuality isnt spoken about, theres technically no laws around homosexuality as it isnt even given as an OPTION, the only law that mentions it is that any relationship not mentioned by Agni's words, is not permitted and is seen as a crime against Agni, and is punishable by conditional banishment or even death in some spaces. Since Sozin removed any mention of homosexuality, polyamory, or honestly any relationship/gender outside the cishet binary, this means that without even MENTIONING the idea of homosexuality, as they did not want to even give a name to it as name is power, they've made it functionally illegal. Agni Kai MUST be fought between the parties who initiated it. The one who asks, the one who accepts, unless the Fire Lord says otherwise. This includes him taking the place of, or even permitting (read: Forcing) others to take place for either party. This is meant to be used to protect members who may be unable to properly fight, but still need to have their honour protected. It is. NOT used in that way, usually used as a way for two people engaged in an Agni Kai to try get as better fighter as they can OR Ozai may swap strong benders for weaker one where he wishes another party to win. There arent many laws around women or men's roles. Its more so centric around bender or non-bender. If you can bend, you're expected to do military service on the battle grounds. If you cant, then youre expected to do compulsory military service as a desk worker or something of the sorts. very low ranking, but still something. Very rare for non-benders to climb up the ranks, this got more prevalent during Ozai's rule. I think for the most part the Fire Nation would rule through the unsaid, the inexplicit. Propaganda, subtle laws, technicalities. Keeping their nation as in the dark as they can, lack of proper education/severely distorted education (This is displayed in canon too when Aang goes to the fire nation school.) and it was done slowly, subtly over the years of the war, through twisted narratives. I do believe in explicit laws being present, of course, but I also think sometimes the most dangerous of things said, is what is left unsaid. Lack of explicit, direct legislation, also would give Ozai the opportunity to use loopholes, or consistently falling on Agni's word seeing as he is Agni's will on earth, he can do whatever TF he wants. Less explicit, the better for him in the long run. UH! Thats all I can think of at this point hehe. Also to be clear I havent actually watched LOK, nor have I read all the comics, so this is all based on my own world building after years of obsession w ATLA and atp im too attached to it to let the other stuff change my mind i am SORRY... I also just dont have time ot read all the comics and watch LOK.
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changbinsboobs · 8 days
why we cant be anonymous anymore🥲
Hi, i think i did a post about that recently but i can't remember which one -
So basically im getting a lot of requests which are more conversation-like, or lots that follow up on one another and its often very hard and confusing for me to guess which ones belong together and are from one train of thought. I feel like i can't properly answer to a lot of them because i just don't know what they're talking about and i feel kinda bad for answering with just a few short sentences or words when that person has written 3 paragraphs.
Also another small note is that sometimes it feels a bit one sided for me, like im leading 3 different conversations at once, but i have no idea who's who and who's talking right now and i have noting to relate it to, its like im just talking to a "wall". So yeah if some still want to have a conversation or a debate on something and just share your thoughts you can dm me and we can chat about it if you're not comfortable with the not-anon inbox.
The other reason is because for the past few weeks I've been getting quite a few unnecessarily mean "requests" and i think if i shut off the anonymous feature those will become significantly lesser and even if not then i'll know who's doing that and will just block them. I've noticed that my interactions with my actual followers isn't as easy and pleasant as it was in the beginning cuz im constantly wondering if im not interracting with a hater right now or if the ask isn't meant in a passive aggressive way, and its been taking the fun out of it recently.
Also theres a lot of great and genuine people here and i don't want them to get unfair treatment/responses from me that aren't as warm as they would've been if i knew they were genuine and not a hater. So i'd like to keep the feature on for a while until things settle down a bit, i get my "spark" or excitement back and get a bit of a rough idea who's who and who im interracting with so later on i can differentiate it better than now. Cuz yk, you all know me but i know none of you, even if we're constantly interracting...🥺
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enigmaticdiary · 6 months
and so i have been thinking thoughts...
elicited from the new trailer. copy and pasted from my discord cause i do all my thinkin there n_n;;
claudia + louis
when i think back to the book and the movie claudia was obviously an extremely important turning point in louis' life but it never felt like she was... the center of it you know? despite the fact that she was that glue that kept louis tethered to anything human in him.
but the book felt like he was just telling his story to be a. Sad pathetic man thing for the sake of it. cause he had no purpose to exist alone. to exist without claudia or lestat (or armand but their dynamic is. different and dicier) but after claudia is killed something about her presence and the years she spent with louis while alive felt... shrugged off in a way? and its likely because she didn't really have much of an identity outside of him and lestat which is understandable because she was significantly more vulnerable in the book than in the show, so she lacked that autonomy to have that choice to exist outside of them.
and when madeleine was brought into the picture for her to get that autonomy it was unfortunately already too late...
~~[mild separation of thoughts because i left to take a shower]~~
theres a few things i want to mention. just thoughts in my head. claudia dies fighting HARD for her autonomy as a person and a vampire. in comparison to louis who in all honesty has (DEBATABLY) lived without a shred of having his own autonomy. with lestat, lestats love (as claudia very smartly puts it) keeps him in a box. louis is financially dependent on him as a black man in the jim crow era once he loses the azalea, hes cut off from his family, he has NO ONE.
the brief time of just him and claudia is a good moment in time for both of them , trying to discover vampiric history together(tho in the show it looks like before they get to paris its gonna be absolute dogshit in comparison to the book), but in louis' case i feel like its guided by guilt and some form of obligation, because if he didnt go with claudia–who was already set to do this traveling alone before lestat dragged her back–where WOULD he have gone? stayed in new orleans with lestat in the dump just waiting to crawl out? i think he would sooner kill himself if he was left alone like that.
with armand…………… loumand is definitely better than loustat in extremely complex ways that i cant put into words right now but simultaneously even worse because of HOW armand preys on louis. there is absolutely love between them and i wont deny it but armand is so INSANELY dependent on the love of others to give meaning to his existence that he leverages louis' weaknesses and frailities to ensure that they will spend an eternity together. like he was plotting from the second he met louis and claudia. he kills claudia and madeleine, which then makes louis kill all the other vampires of the coven, so that there is no one left, NO ONE for louis to be able to turn to for solace.
i think that him remembering what actually happened to him up until the present is so important to him because he'll finally be able to realize that he hasnt been allowed to properly exist for himself the entire duration of him being a vampire. and maybe he can decide what he wants to do, for himself.
devil's minion... (in the present)
[these thoughts are referring to a tweet that wonders if armand is going to end up alone in the end. note: i am not versed in devil's minion lore. i'm getting there but as of this post i have not reached it]
saw this [the tweet] and audibly exclaimed GOOD
i love armand but the guy is genuinely evil and has wronged every single character hes come across including lestat which i find is hard to do
I know ppl are excited for armandaniel and devils minion but Im not..going to lie ive been REALLY skeptical of it and how it would be explored in the context of the show without severely wronging louis and doing him EXTREMELY dirty.
people are allowed to like it in the bubble of the books but theres a really big shift in dynamic for the show in the fact that ... armand has definitely done... Something to daniel and louis, of what i cant say. but with the way that things are going, an ending in which daniel sides with armand after finding out exactly what armand did to louis and claudia in paris does NOT sit well with me?
and i love loumand but I am so uneasy about the inevitable breakup in regards to whats gonna happen AFTER it. I feel like daniel now is wise enough to not chase after a guy who is diabolically selfish and broken and leave louis behind to live out the vampire fantasy dreams of his youth. and in the trailer too im getting. Loudaniel vibes in terms of reconciling their past with the previous interview. And Heres my theory for Devils minion BUT ITS LOUDANIEL INSTEAD OF ARMANDANIEL (1/689)
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you like podcasts, right?
do you have any recommendations? so far i've been listening to all vampires are gay and it's pretty cool but you have a great taste in Things so i thought you might have some suggestions :D
i love you <3
Okay.......... *composes myself, adjusts blazer and tie, pulls out a briefcase and begins*
Hmm this post got a lil out of hand so here's a read break for anyone who doesn't want to hear me talk for *copies and pastes into google docs to count the words* 800 words about fiction podcasts :DDDD
Sooo! I have not listened to all vampires are gay, but have read the podcast description so I know a little about what you are looking for....
Audio dramas (In order of how similar to AVAG I think they probably are):
Where The Stars Fell is a dark supernatural podcast (I had to stop listening bc it got too dark....) that seems very similar? I don't remember much and didnt listen enough to get a proper feel for it.... check it out and see!!
I listened to a like 20 episodes of Welcome to Night Vale before that one got too dark - but it is very popular on this website and each ep is kinda like a news report. Its set in a weird town where lots of supernatural things happen and almost every conspiracy theory is true there.
The Unseen Podcast has a *very* cool format. Each episode is kinda a monologue from a different person each week. It talks about their individual experiences in a fantasy world and it has SUCH a cool magic system!! Please listen to this/do more research..... I've spent like 45 mins on this post at this point (I haven't written it in order, this is one of the last parts im writing) and I'm tired so can't really explain it properly.... Sorry!!! But I loved the non-dark episodes of that!!! (they had content warnings so I only listened to the ones with reasonable content warnings)
Civilised is an improvised science fiction dark comedy show about a ship stranded on a planet and strange things ensue. I listened to the first few series but then from what I remember it got a little too dark for me. (my threshold is very low fyi). I listened to that one a while ago so don't have much else to say, check out the first few eps if it sounds interesting!!
We Fix Space junk is again a dark comedy sci fi show (also a dystopia kind of) about scavengers in space! Again, listened to it ages ago so I don't remember much....
The amelia project is kind of a surreal (maybe?) show about a company that fakes people's deaths. Each episode is framed as an interveiw. So far it has 72 episodes, and it has just come to the end of the 2nd part of the 5th series! The first series is very much a collection of semi-unrelated stories but the plot begins to unfold in S2, and *lots* of things start to happen in S3 onwards!! My personal favourite!!!
Wooden Overcoats is a comedy podcast about a funeral home run by Rudyard and Antigone Funn, two probably autistic, probably a-spec, characters. Eric Chapman opens another funeral home and its kinda about their rivalry but also how they kinda cant live without each other and if any of that sounds even remotely interesting please please please listen because it is truly hilarious and excellently written and produced!!!!! It is finished with 4 seasons. My other favourite!!!!
Alba Salix is a fantasy show that is very very fun!! Again, I listened to it a while ago so I don't have much to say bc I can't remember, but it has quite a similar feel to BBC Merlin I think? With more fairies and magic though. I remember loving it very much. I should probably relisten soon!! This is from the website:
"Farloria’s Royal Physician has her work cut out for her. As head witch and the only regular staff member at the new House of Healing, Alba’s got an endless lineup of patients and a bickering King and Queen to please. Fortunately, help is on the way. Unfortunately, that help is from Magnus, a troublesome young ex-monk and aspiring surgeon, and Holly, an accident-prone fairy herbalist."
Forgive Me is a comedy about a father (the religous type, not a parental figure) who runs a church and each episode is framed as a confession in the catholic church. It's not very religous-y and does point out some of the problems with religion etc. Its quite lighthearted from what I remember? The amelia project did a crossover episode with them!
WOW this post got very long! I will put a read break to shorten it........ oops!! I like podcasts very very much.... heheeeee
These are all the fiction podcasts I have listened to (I think? there are probably more that I have forgotten about....) but if you want any non-fiction ones I have a lot more to talk about heheee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you too Echo!!! And thank you for inadvertently letting me infodump about a special interest for this long!!!!!!!!!!!!
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prettyboykatsuki · 9 months
Hii plz just ignore this if you’re uncomfortable or reply to it if you'd like to reply I really would appreciate it but I just need to get some stuff out of my chest
I feel so so bad I just cant see whats the point in my life anymore I feel as if Im just consuming and not giving anything in return I feel useless I dont know how to take a joke or how to make one I dont know how to express my feelings and emotions properly and people keep getting the wrong ideas and Im tired of explaining anything to anyone and I feel as if all of my friends aren’t really there like Im just a passing person on their life I keep losing people and I keep leaving people afraid of them leaving me sometimes and I dont get what the hell is wrong with me sometimes I wish I was never born or if I were someone else but then again I wish I had the power to keep moving and make my life better but I cant even do that I study day and night and I dont get the grade that I want while some people I knew spends their whole life on social media and they are getting full grades literally I feel like Im useless in every aspect of life and I know I shouldn’t be complaining and there are people who have it worse but I really needed to get that out of my chest and I can’t trust anyone of the people I know to tell them all of this also Im going through exams and shit so I just feel really pressured and all
Anyway thank you if you wasted your time reading this or not it doesn’t matter but I really enjoy your writings as well they make me feel alive so thank you for existing🩵
i thought for a long time today on how to reply to this. or if i should. get asks like this that are triggering can be very tricky to navigate, because on one had it is hard for me. and on the other, i care and have sympathy for you. and i think sometimes, it is easier to reach out to stranger about how you feel than people you love. so i would never blame you for that, or want to make you feel worse.
mostly, i want to say i am unqualified to help you completely. because im just a person who's live a vague concept of a life. take my words with a grain of salt.
i think the most important thing for you to remember is that everything you are experiencing is temporary. and i dont say that to dismiss you, but because i think it worth examining everything in your life and thinking that when it gets to be too much. you are worrying about so much at once, but you'll disillusion yourself in that process.
suffering, pain, excitement, joy. these are all very temporary things to feel, even when they seem like they'll go on forever. they are big, abstract concepts that will torment you near relentless if you let them. the only thing that you have with you concretely, is what you are able to do right now.
i wont tell you that life will immediately get better because to make a life that doesn't make you suffer takes so much time. it is so much work to build a good life and it is constant work - but never impossible. but i think it will quell the pain a little to take a deep breath and slow down to process what you're experiencing, which is a big brush of hopelessness that is so encompassing.
everything feels hopeless because you trying to tackle everything all at once. to me, it doesn't sound like you want to die. it sounds like you want it to be easier. it sounds like you want to burden the lessen, which ultimately means you desire a life. and you sound like you're trying very hard to do that all while worrying about everything else at the same time.
i dont know if i have any advice for you. any good advice, but if i could urge you do anything - it would be to take a deep breath and remember it will pass. it always does. and after that, sort your problems out one by one. and once you've done it, pick the thing that is most urgent that you can change, and start to work towards it. do it slowly and try to keep everything else out of your mind.
if you fail, forgive yourself. you have to forgive yourself. sometimes, the only thing you are able to do is live. or try to live. that doesn't make you useless. no human beings worth is measured by what they can and cannot do. you wouldn't love someone based on what they do but who they are.
and maybe you don't like who you are. maybe your friends aren't the right fit. maybe it will be lonely for a while. you can change it. you can find something new or maybe it will teach you to like your own company. it will pass and you will come out of the other side. but the only way to change those things is to try, and sometimes fail, and to forgive yourself after that and then try more. the world is not ending you just have to take it one day at a time.
it will be fine because everything passes unwillingly. and eventually this will just be another bad day. you're not useless. give yourself some grace for trying. and i hope it gets easier.
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year
cbmthy 5 is so good, you never fail. i'm so happy to see reader fight with eris word for word i just wish she did the same with azriel. if she hit azriel with that "not everyone wants to waste their life being miserable and bitter" he would probably cry lmao. no but he's actually starting to get me mad because he did good in coming to talk to her after the shit show but then i realized he wasn't even going to apologize, it was just to try to know more. are you planning on writing anything from azriel's perspective at all? i just feel like at this point him being so dismissive of her feelings is weird since i feel like in the books azriel is a good listener and he understands other's feelings well (we can tell by how he saw nesta in acosf) so it would make sense that he's not trying to be mean here but just keeps saying the wrong things unintentionally, it would also help him to not come across as irredeemable tbh because right now (and i cant believe im saying this) eris is being better with her than azriel. though i think part of that is that she doesn't like eris like she does azriel so she just doesn't care about what he has to say much.
i think it's also a testament of how azriel jusr doesn't really take notice of her that he thinks she can't comprehend why eris is dangerous or whatever, like he genuinely never paid attention to her to know she's actually smart and since he has shadows and all that to tell him these things, he really just never gave it a thought lol she should slap him like she did eris
i hope we get to see her more with the ic though, like i like the eris thing she has going on and it would be fun to see them more but if the endgame is for her to stay in the night court i hope we get to see her more with them, especially with the last part where she doesn't even like saying they're her family (even if it's partly because of her wanting to sit on azriel's face). i think it would be good to see her ask feyre or even rhys the same question she did eris, or other things she doesn't understand well and i dont know what you're doing with her powers but i wish she'd show them instead of them finding out because i can see how they would feel a little betrayed that eris knows but not them and at some point her not telling them makes it feel like she doesn't trust them and like i said if she's supposed to stay in the night court i hope they're good to her. speaking of powers i can't believe eris' bitchass figured it out and didn't tell her (yes i can, the little asshole) but im so excited to see what they are. she glows like starfall and eris connected the dots when she was talking about the mother 🤔
it's also interesting how you bring up the science being a blasphemy thing into it because i never even thought of it since for us science is the real thing and there's no proof god is real but for them the mother is definitely real so i get that science could rub some people the wrong way. it would be fun to see her with helion since there's so many scholars in day court and it's something she likes but i feel like we're more focused on eris here
Sorry for taking so long to answer this 🫠
I’m completely with on you anticipating the beginning of reader managing to stand up for herself! Also getting to see how Azriel will respond when she starts vocalising her emotions, because at the moment she really doesn’t know how to even start on that when it comes to him 😬😞
Her communication skills really 📉 when Azriel.
With Azriel not really taking notice of her, I suppose it is partly that he was more focused on Elain in the past, but reader definitely has some reclusive tendencies (she really loves her books—though at the expense of social interaction, sometimes😭) that I’m not sure I’ve properly highlighted, so I’ll work on that because it’s an important part :)
Honestly the Az pov is a really good idea, since it would help clarify why he’s acting so strangely in Reader’s pov, so thank you for that!
‘(even if it's partly because of her wanting to sit on azriel's face)’
😭😭😭 no you didn’t—
For real though, she’s a bit confused about her sexuality and the idea of being a woman, give her a moment to figure herself out—human society wasn’t exactly encouraging about women enjoying themselves or having any agency/autonomy 😞
Definitely agree about having more IC content since the most they’ve been in CBMTHY is the bday part where their image was a little conflictive? I think it’s important to show how various misunderstandings have happened over the years, and how strange behaviour kind of slipped by because that’s the only way they’ve known her :/
We’ve already seen in acotar that attitudes toward women differ depending on where you are, so I don’t think it’s unreasonable that in places like the Night and Day Courts that attitudes toward science would be more modern, whereas Autumn’s pretty set in its ways 🍁
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santaclaushohoho1 · 1 year
episode 5 of santa's writing blog: the frustrations of time, space, and technology:
no swear word in the title to grab attention?! YEAH! I RAN OUT! anyway
i hate technology, i say on a website on my computer
i tried making a map and i simply couldn't, i wanted to do it on paper
and i have the paper but i need to use a whole ass table to draw it properly and i have to do that at night and that is just kinda a little bit annoying so i am mad and will not do it (will be doing it tomorrow night)
now to the good stuff to fuel that ego and make me feel real gooood
first off, i have been planning out some races and some cultures and some cities, like with all things when planning and worldbuilding, i am basing these off of images that appear in my mind, a group of people carrying entire towns on the backs of gigantic creatures in a herd in an otherwise empty desert, a tundra filled with walled cities, and a pine forest littered with dead bodies and humanoids barely distinguishable from wolves picking at them
and oh boy have i made plot progress
still, nothing is written down but this shit is getting longer and longer and longer, main characters keep getting added to the point where i might have to (vague and kinda mild spoilers for The Stand) pull a stand and kill a bunch off either now in my mind or later in the story after they have served their purpose (but they keep getting more important as i plan more) (spoilers over) i am very excited for how this will turn out. the magic system has not been forming so i will need to do some critical thinking soon. i am making vast amounts of progress and i genuinely think writing (and these longer updates, simply because i will be doing less) is going to start soon, and that is the hardest part
see you tomorrow interest strangers (and the irl mutuals, love you guys 💚(is green platonic, i cant remember))
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elldraws · 1 year
Hi! Can I ask, how are Caelid and Lazurus with each other? More sweet/comforting? Playful? C=
The two of them are actually fairly new to each other, only knowing each other for about a few weeks.
Lazarus is calm and slow to anger making it so that he tries to understand people, and Caelid is a bit hot tempered and quick to throw out harsh words.
Lazarus is nice and playful towards Caelid for the most part but will bring him back to earth is he gets too in over his head, or too rude. He also tends to hover a bit over Caelid because he did die when they broke out of the prison ran by a vampire (Lazarus found a scroll of resurrection and brought him back by making a goblin read it to resurrect Caelid because he cant read) so he's worried about him dying again.
Caelid bully's Lazarus a little but he thinks its a little funny. They ALSO have a shared braincell from what it feels like sometimes. But they tend to work REALLY well together in combat.
They are just now starting to properly bond from what it feels like because they found a Leonberger (dog) that they named Rolf that they both really like, and im VERY excited to see these two bond and get closer because Lazarus sees the potential to be a good man in Caelid even if he's a bit much right now.
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Heres a silly little doodle I did for you
Rolf ref (he has a red bandana)
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v-anrouge · 1 year
On friendship scape I give you 9.9/10!! You’re very comforting and easy to talk to and always indulgent to rambles or vents, the only reason I took of .1 is because I feel we don’t talk as often as we could, and I while appreciate you always making sure I feel safe enough to infodump or talk about life, I get the feeling that you don’t really feel comfortable enough to do the same with me? (Though i’d never force you to, let’s be honest) other than that, I’d say over all you’re amazing to interact with and your excitement and feral-ness is HIGHLY contagious^^ also I have most definitely subconsciously yoinked a few words you often use in speech and now I cannot stop using them. I had to edit this like 3 times because I kept putting them in lol
(It’s probably incredibly easy to figure out who this is haha)
THAYS SUCH A HIGH SCORE PLEASE 😿😿 thank u for being honest nonnie, i really apologize for making you feel like i don't trust you, i promise that im not doing it on purpose but i think that i might know why i give off that feeling, i don't like to burden people with my vents because i feel guilty and normally just vent to people when i feel connected to them to the point my intrusive thoughts won't speak louder than my need to vent, recently one of the people that i felt incredibly connected to really hurt me and that definitely had an impact on how much i trust people, this always happens tbh i trust someone too much they leave and then i stop venting to people and being as vulnerable for a bit, i actually can't rlly tell who this is so i tried to word this very carefully because although i love all my friends i do trust some more than others so like i don't want to make a friend i trust completely and feel very connected to think they don't matter to me as much as they thought but i don't think i did a good job at that lskdjwjd
id rlly appreciate if you could call me on dms and talk to me so i can express my feelings properly tho if u don't feel comfortable to do so then its okay. it's very hard to express my feelings ngl this text is a mess 😭😭 but i promise im not acting like this on purpose /srs
im honestly very honored you like me to the point you started to talk like me???? like that genuinely made me so so happy😭😭 i love u nonnie im rlly sorry that i cant recognize you and express my feelings properly but yeah if u feel comfortable then plz call me so we can talk!
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