#i go a few days only listening to music out loud on low volume and then suddenly pull out the headphones and its like im ASCENDING
sickmachete · 1 year
why sre you as a man named william. so it can be shortened to willie? because you like cock?
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seospicybin · 1 year
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Hyunjin x reader x Felix. (s,f,a)
Synopsis: Your best friend, Felix, is in a rock band and he takes you to join him on tour as the band’s photographer. On the road, you learn how to deal with his bandmate, Hyunjin, who’s not very welcoming of you. (15,4k words)
Author's note: So sorry for the delay and thank you for liking On Tour! It's been fun you guys, see you on next tour :)
Click here for ON TOUR playlist.
Content warning: A tad bit of angst?
It was a pleasant Sunday afternoon when Felix visited Hyunjin's apartment.
The band only started writing music together, for a few months to be exact. That day's rehearsal was canceled because Han couldn't come, he was sick with a cold even though it was spring, and the weather had been nothing but warm.
Felix spent so much time looking around his place, getting to know his personality through the things he has in his apartment, the pile of books on the coffee table, his record collections, the photos stuck to the door of the fridge, the notebook he kept close to him everywhere he goes that he saw was sitting on the bedside table.
No matter how much he wanted to know what Hyunjin wrote in it, Felix resisted the urge to take a look at it, at least not without Hyunjin's permission.
Hyunjin made him a cup of coffee with a lot of sugar for him, knowing that he is not a fan of the bitter taste of coffee.
Then Hyunjin sat on the single sofa across from him, playing with his guitar and plugging it into the amp, setting the volume low.
"My neighbor has a toddler," Hyunjin shortly explained.
Felix only responded with a nod and took a sip of coffee that still tasted a bit bitter for him but he drank it anyway.
When Hyunjin began playing his guitar, Felix leaned back on the couch and listened to the combination of chords that makes such melodic tunes filling the space.
It was always a mesmerizing thing to see Hyunjin plays guitar, Felix intently listened to the strings buzzing as the metal vibrates underneath his fingers.
Felix knew that he admires Hyunjin, that was what he could easily conclude from what he felt inside him as he sat there across from him.
As softly gust of spring breeze came slipping through the crack of the window that Hyunjin left open, he recognized something else deep down his chest and that amplifies the longer Felix watched Hyunjin plays guitar.
It was when Felix accidentally fell asleep on his couch he knew what it is. He felt comfortable and safe.
When Hyunjin brought him a blanket, Felix pulled it to cover up his face and there, he felt it.
Felix loves Hyunjin.
He would say it but saying it out loud is hard, so hard that he decided not to say anything at all.
Felix thought that once he left his place, the feeling would stay there, not following him, haunting him to this day.
But saying it out loud? No.
Words are futile devices.
The after-party is canceled.
Everyone stays in their room until the night ends and it's time to go back home. Felix doesn't mean to make things uncomfortable for everyone, especially those who have no involvement whatsoever in it.
Felix comes to your room, knocking on the door when he's still not sure what to say and do. He even doubts you'll open the door for him.
"I'm sorry," Lou says the first thing he opens the door for him.
He licks his lips before continues speaking, "She left last night."
What makes him think that you would stay after what happened? He feels something stirring inside and making a way out of him.
"But you don't have to worry. I drove her to the airport myself," Lou assures him knowing that Felix might have worried about him.
Felix looks down and turns away, saying nothing else but learn that you left him again, this time, you didn't even say goodbye to him.
Isn't this punishment enough for him?
Hyunjin avoids looking him in the eyes as he enters the plane and sits at the far back, away from him.
Felix is once again surrounded by silence and it makes him lonely, it makes him hear the sound of his heart breaking into a million pieces.
Felix not only has lost his chance at love but also his friendship. He loses both his love and happiness.
Here you are, back at your small apartment and to your ordinary life.
You've been staying at your mom's for a few days and wanted to get away from things while mopping about how you hurt not one, but two people's hearts at once.
You hate yourself for that. You will never, ever be able to forgive yourself for that.
But how long will you stay like this? Not doing anything, refusing to move on from things.
You've been staring at your suitcases, too afraid to unpack things that would bring back many memories that you're not ready to recall.
But God! It's been days and you still owe Vin some photos, a lawsuit is probably on its way to your mailbox for contract violation.
For the sake of professionalism, you grab two canned beers from the fridge and sit on the floor. With a deep, deep breath, you slowly unzip your suitcase and open it.
It certainly unlocked a lot of things, not just memories but also the musty smell of the dirty laundry you keep inside a bag.
You hurl the bag of dirty laundry to the corner of the room and start to unpack more things, mementos you took from every stop of the tour. They're all random things, from postcards, fridge magnets, keychains, then all of the passes and wristbands you keep from the concerts and festivals.
You put them together into one Ziploc bag for you to figure out what to do with them later and unpack more things out of the suitcase.
Once you do it, it isn't that hard, it's like taking the bandaid off in one go. It hurts but it's relieving.
Now that everything is back in its place, you move on to the next thing which is your camera bag. Unpacking it while waiting for your laptop to load. You take out everything and carefully lay the camera and lenses on the table, ready to see the accumulated dirt at the bottom of it.
You find a lot of memory cards as you turn the bag upside down and put them in the tray along with the others to check what's the content. You found another thing, a piece of solid plastic with the name Ssick written on it, you believe it's a guitar pick.
How did it get there? You can't recall but it certainly reminds you of someone.
Your heart aches even though no one is saying his name but deep down you're addressing him as his face flashes in the back of your head.
And you miss him, a lot.
You drop the guitar pick on the little tray where you keep all of your memory cards and resist the urge to break down once again, no, you have to do things and keep moving.
Also, you have to stop a lawsuit from happening.
You start by opening your emails and found several of them asking for photos in urgency. It's such a sore thing to see but the only way now is through.
Gritting your teeth, you start working through the night and are glad that it helps take your mind off of things, by the time you're done, you're too tired to even think.
In other words, you get to sleep without crying tonight.
It takes everything in you to get out of the apartment and it's not like everyone going to know what you've done, right? You're not Yoko Ono.
You can do the laundry at home but you choose to do it at the laundromat. Opening the lid to one of the washing machines, you dump everything from the laundry bag inside, not having any energy left to sort it first.
After making sure it's working just fine, you get yourself a cup of coffee from the vending machine, then sit on the bench with headphones on.
You bring your laptop with you to check if you get new work emails or if the lawsuit goes to your spam folder. Who knows?
To find something to do, you sort out your work folders and named them based on the stop of the tour. There's a separate folder that you know why it's there.
The song that is playing through your headphones seems to sense that you yearn for someone's presence. Your finger clicked open the folder without you intending to, inside of it is something you promised to make and gift to someone.
You scroll down and see all the memories frozen in pictures, reminiscing the times you took them with or without him knowing.
These photos represent how he looked through your eyes, cool and poised, but underneath that exterior, he's kind and lovely, you feel warm whenever you see his smile. He's the sunshine that brightens your day. He's your best friend and you love him.
You miss him, terribly.
"How I wish, how I wish you were here..."
It's unfortunate that you and he have to go through this thing again. First, it was the distance but time has brought you back together and now, you're not sure that you'll be able to be a good friend to him anymore.
You lied, you betrayed him, you said something that you shouldn't have because it wasn't your place to tell, you broke not just his heart but also the friendship.
You can't bear to see that he will not be in your life anymore, but deep down you're undeserved of being a friend to him.
There's a lump growing in your throat the more you think about him but God, you wish he was here.
"Wish you were here..."
It should be good news that the band is having an encore show next month.
There should be cheering sounds and happy smiles and flooding the room with enthusiasm, this means the fans want the band back and to have another show.
Instead of all that, the room remains quiet, no one says anything but nods, to let everyone in the room knows that they heard.
Felix would be excited if only his head wasn't all over the place, his heart wasn't in smithereens and he could tell someone all about it but that someone never picked up his calls.
Felix never meant to mix his personal affair with work but unfortunately, his bandmate is involved in it too. He doesn't mean for things to go this way.
When he glances at Han, he too, doesn't look as enthusiastic. He probably if he wasn't in the middle of his two bandmates who hasn't spoken to each other for weeks.
It frustrates him too.
There are so many things left unsaid, but he can't say things without being mistaken or misunderstood. For this once, Felix wishes that Hyunjin could read his mind so he knows that he's just as hurt, just as sad, just as... confused about himself.
As the band manager dismissed the short and unmeaningful meeting, Hyunjin who didn't even glance his way once, rushes to get out of the room.
The first thought that crosses Felix's head is does Hyunjin hates him that much? That much that he can't stay in the same room with for too long?
Han appears behind him and gently squeezes Felix's shoulder, "just give him time," he says.
They said time heals, then why Felix is suffering? Why do things remain broken?
Time is not the only thing Felix has given him, he's given him space and distance and silence. All he needed to know is how long he and Hyunjin have to continue living like this.
Whenever he sees him, Hyunjin doesn't try to catch his eyes like he usually does, doesn't even register a smile.
The man who once knew him now feels like Hyunjin sees through him.
Felix admits that he was wrong to think of him as more than just a friend but oh... the feeling.
And It's sad that after all they had, they act like they had never met, but Felix can't just turn his feelings off like a light switch.
The heart might be part of the human body, but somehow it's always out of our control.
Felix comes down from the meeting room a while after everyone has left for their respective activities. He doesn't have anything much to do today but to check on his wrist for he had accidentally sprained it once during the tour.
When he arrives at the lobby of the agency, he's surprised to see Lou there. His bleached blond hair turn dark and longer now and he smiles when he sees him.
"I thought you left already," Lou says.
Felix comes up to him as he sits on the square sofa, "what are you doing here?"
"Why? I can't come to visit the agency?"
Felix shyly laughs, he only realized then that his question sounded so unwelcoming when the truth is he was just slightly taken aback.
Lou is a friend of Han and always seems to linger by his side, to see him waiting for him piqued his curiosity as to why?
"Sorry, I mean, Han has left for the studio," Felix stammers.
Lou chuckles in response, "I know," he shortly replies.
"I waited for you because I have something for you," he says, grabbing a paper bag sitting next to him.
Something for him? First, he waited for him and now he's about to give him something. Felix takes the paper bag from him, "are you sure it's for me?"
He nods, "hate to tell you that it isn't from me."
Felix glances up after taking a little peek inside the bag, "Oh?" His voice curls into a little disappointment.
"Are you that sad that it's not from me?" Lou asks between his chuckles.
Felix shakes his head, "No, I mean..." he gets embarrassed that he doesn't know what to say.
"I'm just the messenger," Lou says with that nonchalant shrug of his.
Felix can't know for sure what's inside because he only sees a big gift box and nothing else. He can't wait to take it home and find out.
But before that, he looks at Lou and it's the first time he feels good seeing someone in a while, one that doesn't get affected by what happened, one who treats him just the same.
"Thank you," Felix sincerely mutters his gratitude.
"No problem," he replies.
Lou picks up his bag from the floor and slings the strap across his shoulder, "You have to thank the real sender," he adds.
Listening to what Lou said, Felix is getting more curious about the person who sent him this.
"Are you going to the studio?" He asks, somehow feeling a little sad that the meeting was short.
"No," Lou answers, "I'm helping a friend with his gallery opening."
"Oh?" Felix lowly exclaims in both awe and surprise.
It baffles him that he knew Lou for two years now but knows so little about him. He heard only a few things about Lou from you, that he can skate, he can DJ, he plays ice hockey, he once helped you trim your hair on tour and so much more.
Felix heard so many good things about Lou yet he only reached to him when he needed help to do something, never once properly treated him like a friend.
However, it's never too late to start.
"Thank you, Lou!" Felix says with utmost sincerity.
Lou softly smiles like he always does and Felix wishes that it will forever stay like that, never changing.
Perhaps, Lou can see in Felix's eyes that he is thanking him for him, then with an open heart, accepts his gratitude.
"See you later?" Lou asks.
Felix smiles at him, "See you later!"
It's right in front of him.
Felix takes the gift box out of the paper bag the first thing he got to his apartment, put it on the table in front of him, and stares at it for a minute.
It's unclear what he expects to happen by staring at it.
Deep down, Felix can tell who it is from and he hesitates to open it because he knows he'll be hit by a wave of emotions that, once again, he has no power to control.
Taking a deep breath, Felix lifts the lid and looks inside.
There's a Polaroid camera and boxes of films to fill it. He puts them aside on the table, then pulls out something from the bottom of the box.
He tears through the brown wrapper, revealing a photo album inside. It must be the special gift you promised him.
He's not prepared for it but at the same time, can't wait to discover what lies inside. Flipping the album open, he reads the words written on the first page.
"Our adventure."
It says and he recognized that handwriting and that little curl at the end of every letter resembles the curl of your smile.
Felix flips to the next page and sees the photos of you and him, from your shared teen years. His fingers trail the glossy surface of the photo and wishes that he can feel your warm smile under his fingertips.
He swears he almost heard the sound of your laugh when his finger hovers to the other photo where the two of you are laughing together.
Every time Felix recalls the memory each photo holds, his heart aches for he longed for the times when everything was much simpler, much easier, and happier with you.
Then he comes to a different part, it says.
"My adventure."
For this part, the pages are of your photos from when you were studying abroad, doing various things from cooking to going on a hike, mostly of beautiful places you visit and food you ate.
He guesses that you want to share it with him, all these pretty sceneries with its pretty skies. You're filling in the part when you were absent in his life.
Instead of being sad that he wasn't in this part of your life, he's grateful to know that you were happy and didn't stop yourself from living in the moment.
Simply put, he'll always be happy as long as you're happy. He turns to the next part and finds another piece of writing.
"Our adventure."
You add a little scribble under the words and wrote, "Part 2!"
These are the photos you took during the tour, most of them were goofy ones. There's a photo of him sleeping, eating a cup of noodles, napping with his hands under his chin, of his messy bedhead and so much more snapshots you took without him knowing.
Also, more photos of you together, having slurpees and snacks at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. He misses these little things he did with you, the random conversation talked in between sips and laughs in between words.
Even the most ordinary things feel special when he does it with you.
He opens to the next part of the album that says.
"Your adventure."
As he turns the page, they're all blank, then he realizes why it was sent with a camera. It's useless now that he has no idea what to do with it.
The only adventure he wants to do is with you.
It's strange to have a lot of space.
You're so used to living in a small apartment, everything is within reach and you can see everything in one frame.
But now, after moving into a new apartment and it's much bigger than the previous one, you feel a little desolate.
Isn't it a dream to finally have a studio of your own?
It's not big but it's enough, you can pin all of your favorite photographs on one side of the wall and stare at it as much as you want.
You do most things on the first floor because that's where everything is, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room blurred into one with the studio. The second floor is strictly private, it's your bedroom and it has ceiling-to-floor windows which is your favorite part of your new apartment.
Another good news is you're booked now, not as in you're fully booked until the end of the year but you received a job offer from here and there.
Today, you got to do a photo shoot with a band for a music magazine. Well, they're not Ssick and not as big, but you heard of their name, not sure when or where, but it's a familiar one.
As you try to recall when was the first time you heard the band's name, you heard footsteps coming from behind you. You haven't had time to meet any of your neighbors, so you turn on your feet to greet them and perhaps, get to introduce yourself to them.
"Hi, hello, I'm your new—"
Your mouth stays open but words stop coming out of it. The one you're seeing is not your neighbor, that you know for sure.
Felix is standing there, exactly like that night when the two of you met again after years.
"Hey," he says.
It takes everything in you not to cry right there, you're happy and sad at the same time but on top of all that, it makes you ask yourself how did you break his heart like that?
You push the lump growing in your throat down and manage to put on a smile for him.
"Hey," you say back even though that isn't supposed to be the first word you should say to him.
It should be "I'm sorry", "I can't apologize enough", or "Please forgive me" and you have the chance to say that but it's not easy.
Instead of that, you ask, "Want to come in?"
He sheepishly smiles and says, "Yes, please!"
Felix comes at a bad time.
Not only that your apartment is still a mess, you haven't bought groceries yet. What you have in your fridge right now are bottles of water and some leftover dinner from last night.
"It's a nice place," Felix's deep voice echoing that it startles you.
You turn around and smile, "Yeah, I think so too," you respond and aware of how stupid that sounded.
Coffee is not an option since Felix doesn't like it that much, you turn to look inside the kitchen cabinet and find a box of teabags, "tea?" You hastily offer.
"Sounds nice," he says.
The two of you are sitting on the same sofa not saying anything but watching the curl of the steam coming from the two mugs of hot tea on the coffee table.
Weeks without speaking to each other and now it feels like the two of you are ex-lovers who have gone through a nasty break-up.
Oh well, it's close to something like that.
"I guess you knew from my mom?" You decide to be the first to shatter the dead air hanging between you and him.
"Your new apartment?"
You nod.
"Well, I asked my mom to ask your mom and..." he stops explaining, then chuckles.
"I know," you say.
Before the silence resides once again, you think of something else to ask him, "So, how are you doing?"
It's natural for him to always seek closeness, and intimacy when he's talking to you that you find him slowly closing the space between you and him.
"Good," he shortly replies.
You slightly turn your body to face him but look anywhere else but his eyes, "I saw that you guys are having an encore show," you say.
"Yes," he sighs like it's a piece of bad news.
You reach for your tea but pause as Felix asks you the same thing, "How are you doing?"
You hook your fingers around the handle of the mug, "I'm okay," you answer with an easy smile.
Felix glances at your studio and stares at the photos stuck to the wall, "must be exciting moving into a new apartment!"
You bravely glance his way for a second to see his impressed smile then look away before he notices.
"I saw the ad you did," he says, calmly feeling the upholstery of the sofa and aimlessly drawing lazy circles on it.
"They're amazing. Guess you're fully booked now, huh?" he teases with a low chuckle.
One thing about Felix is he always talks with utmost sincerity, everything that comes out of his mouth contained warmth and purity, and he talks with all of his heart.
Which only reminds you what kind of person you are for breaking that heart. You wrap your hand around the mug and absorb the heat with your palm, it burns but it's nothing compared to what you've been through.
"Actually, Felix..."
He turns his head at you, "Yeah?"
You stare down at your lap for a while before continuing to speak, "I'm not okay at all."
Tears start to pool in your eyes because that's what happens when you start speaking your heart out.
"I feel horrible," your voice begins to quiver as tears roll down your face, "I feel horrible for what I am, of what have I become."
You press your eyes with the heels of your hands to stop the tears despite knowing that it's useless, "I hate myself for what I did, for being a horrible friend to you, for telling things I don't even have the rights to tell, for—"
You're unable to finish your sentence as tears caught in your throat.
It's natural for him to always answer your distress call. He quickly grabs your hand to provide comfort.
"So, no, I'm not okay at all. I broke your heart, I broke our friendship, I broke us," your hands flew to cover your face as your cries turn into sobbing.
Felix doesn't say anything but holds you, holds you so tight as if he's trying to assure you that he's right there with you, despite what you've just said to him.
"I'm sorry," you sob into his chest as your body shakes in his embrace.
Felix suddenly pulls away and holds you by the shoulders. Then you see that his eyes are red and teary, he's crying too.
"Did you really think I was mad at you over someone?"
You can't answer with you keep constantly hiccuping from holding your sobs in.
"I'm indeed mad," he says.
Your eyes are blurry with tears but you can see that Felix is crestfallen, not mad.
"I am mad because years ago you didn't tell me that you were going to study abroad and you left just like that when you promised that we'd be staying together," he explains.
He takes a deep breath to continue talking, "And you did it again!"
You can sense the anger and the disappointment in his voice despite he was trying to fight the tears from falling down his face.
"You broke your promise, you left me again and you didn't even say goodbye to me this time."
Felix looks away for a moment to not lose it to his emotions, to calm himself down. He breathes through his mouth and turns to look at you again, "I'm also mad because I couldn't be a better friend for you—"
You stop him from talking by grabbing a fistful of his shirt and shaking your head, "No, no, it's not you, it's me."
He pulls you close and lets your head falls onto his shoulder, resting his hand on the back of your head, he puts his head on top of yours.
Sorry wouldn't be enough to make up for what you did but then again, you have nothing else to say but sorry.
"I'm sorry," you can barely finish your words without crying. Your hand clutching at the front of his top already soaked with your tears.
He hastily kisses the top of your head and keeps his head close to you, "You are my best friend. I love you more than..." he pauses.
Taking a deep breath, Felix can finally continue speaking, "I rather lose my chance at love than lose you."
Even after all that happened, he still chooses you who lied, was disloyal, and broke his heart. Not to mention, you did it twice yet he still welcomed you with an open heart, letting you in and willingly putting his heart at risk once more.
People would call him a fool for that but for you, that's just Felix.
He's beautiful and kind and has a big, big heart that even if you broke it, his heart still overflows with love and making you ask yourself is it okay to receive it this much from him?
There's one thing you can do now, try to return it to him with the same amount even though you know he'll always have more for you.
The two of you stay like that, pouring out all of your hearts and bleeding together, consoling and seeking comfort from each other, letting the bad out so you both have room for something new and hopefully, better things.
The two of you have always been criers so it's no surprise that it takes an hour for you to finally calm down. You both laughed seeing each other's face from crying, swollen eyes, and runny nose.
The teas are cold by the time you reach for it to have a sip, "don't drink it. It's terrible," you tell him.
Felix looks at his tea and cringe, "I don't even drink tea," he says.
"I know."
"Then why did you?" He asks with an annoyed glare.
You chuckle and put down your mug again to grab more tissues to blow your nose.
"Want to go and grab some meals?"
"Looking like this?" He asks in disbelief, pointing at his swollen face from crying.
You laugh again and take the mugs back to the kitchen, putting them in the sink.
"Well, there's always drive-thru," you simply resolve with a smile.
When you thought Felix is ordering that much food for both of you, he sits back down in his seat and asks you, "What do you want?"
You got into a little fight because you insist on paying this time and once you got your order, you parked the car in the empty part of the parking lot, facing the busy main street.
It's not an ideal place to eat and talk about things in between, catching up on all the lost time and enlightening him about some misunderstandings.
"I didn't mean to not tell you about studying abroad because I did, I just..." you pause to sip your soda through a straw.
You recall how you decided not to tell him that you were going to leave him to study something that he didn't even know you have a passion for.
"You were always so excited about music and how you wanted to do it with me," you continue.
You turn to look at him in the dark of the car with the only source of light coming from the streetlight, "I didn't want to ruin that for you."
Felix puts down the piece of fry he's holding and sighs, "I understand," he says.
He wipes his hand with a napkin, "I was mad and heartbroken but now, after hearing that, I'm glad that you took it, glad that I didn't force you to stay," he sincerely says.
It's a relief that Felix finally knows the truth and that it was just a misunderstanding, but there's another thing that he should know.
"You know I got homesick all the time," you confess.
Felix drinks his soda by gulping it instead of using a straw.
"And it wasn't a place or a thing, or... the food," you gleefully chuckle.
"It was you. I missed you when I was away."
There's a crease formed a questioning expression on his face, "Only when you were away?"
You break into laughter and nod, "yeah, only when we're far away from each other," you confirm.
Felix takes a moment to process this newfound fact then nods, "Okay, I can accept that."
The food wrappers mount in the front seat of the car and you shove everything into the plastic bag while Felix is connecting his phone to the car stereo so he can play some music.
You hand him his cup of ice cream then you pick up your own, opening the lid to dig into it with a spoon. Maybe it's because both of you are full and both staring out at the windshield, the silence taking over the space but it's the comfortable kind.
It creates this safe space where Felix finally found the comfort to speak his heart out. He puts down his cup and sighs as he reclines in his seat.
"I wasn't even sure it is love," he begins.
You keep eating the melted ice cream in silence while intently listening to him.
"I just thought that I only admire him because he's so cool, you know?" He says with a foolish smile.
You nod in agreement and that's not because you're biased, it's a widely known and proven fact.
"So I allow myself to admire him more, getting to know him more and he let me."
Felix stares up at the car ceiling, not sure what he's seeing at it then continues talking, "But he makes me feel seen, he always acknowledging my presence, he's so involved in my life that the next thing I know, I'm in it. I'm in love."
He closes his eyes and lets out a long sigh. Those words are louder than the music playing in the car, he lets those words hang in the air and echo in the small space, in the hope that it will help him find the answer.
Felix gets nothing but the quiet of the night with the constant buzzing of the streetlight looming over the car.
"I know I couldn't just tell him that and he'd reciprocate it," he says with a snide laugh.
"So I hold it in because it's better to not say it than risk losing everything by saying it out loud," his voice turns lower the more he speaks.
He then turns his head and looks at you, "I couldn't tell you because..." he stops in the middle of the sentence and you can't tell if he's running out of breath or losing his thoughts.
He looks away then shakes his head, "I honestly don't know. I just feel like..."
He stops again and he closes his eyes as if what he's going to say next pains him.
"I fear that you would change around me," he mutters.
You feel something dropping onto your lap and only realized it then that you're crying. Somehow you're not mad about his decision to not tell you about it, it's normal for him to be scared to open up a part of himself and the judgments he'll get from it.
Rather than being mad, you feel bad for not being there for him when he needs you the most.
"You know I love you," you tell him with your tears rolling down your cheeks.
You gently put your hand on his and hold it, "I love you no matter what," you assure him while staring into his glassy eyes.
Felix sniffles as he fights the urge to cry and puts his other hand on you.
"That's not the only thing that makes you, Felix. I've known you for years and you better believe me when I tell you that you're of so many things," you tell him.
You swallow air to not let your cry get in the way while you're talking, "You're of so many lovely things. You are beautiful and kind, you're a good person, you have a good heart, you never think ill of anyone, you're thoughtful and passionate about what you do, you—"
You squeeze his hand to emphasize the words you're going to say to him, "you deserve everything and more."
Felix retracts his hand to wipe his eyes with the back of his hand and takes a deep breath. He looks at you with a sad smile on his face, "Thank you," he says with a hoarse voice.
"You are very welcome," you tell him.
You grab the clean napkins from your lap and hand them to him, taking one for you too.
"Oh, great! We're crying again!" You complain while dabbing your teary eyes with it.
Felix laughs as he also wipes his cheeks with the napkin, laughing at each other's faces again for the second time that day.
It reminds you of that song and how the two of you fit in those lyrics: "We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fears. Wish you were here."
There's no need to wish now because he's right here.
Always being the good friend he is, Felix refuses your offer to drive him home.
You walk out of the apartment building together to get a taxi for him. The night is getting cold as it's the beginning of fall.
"I'll send you tickets for our encore shows," he says with a jeering smile.
"No, thanks, I'll buy it myself like anyone else," you kindly refuse.
He covers your mouth with his hand and shakes his head no, "I'll send you tickets for both days so you have no excuse to not come to at least one of them," he insists.
Since you can't say anything with his hand over your mouth, you give in with an annoyed glare.
Felix triumphantly smiles and puts his hand down, he stares at you, he has that look when he hesitates to ask something.
"What is it?"
He licks his lips before speaking, "Have you two talked?"
Your smile wavers even though you have expected this question, "Felix, I don't think I—"
"Why? Are you afraid that I'll be jealous?"
You take a step back but he closes the space again, "or are you afraid that he'll choose me?" He jokingly asks.
He puts his hand on your shoulder and gently squeezes at it, "it takes no genius to know that he likes you very much," he says.
"Do you like him too? That I don't know."
You scoff and look down at your feet, not sure if you're avoiding Felix and his questions or anything related to Hyunjin altogether.
"But like you said, we've known each other for years and I know you like him back," he concludes that you know is true and there's no use to deny it, Felix would know when you're lying.
"And..." he cups your face with both hands and makes you look at him, "I'm not getting in the way of my friends' happiness."
He leans in close enough that you can feel the warmth of his breath on your face, "I'm happy if you're happy, remember?"
There's no way that there's another Felix in this world, he's special, one of a kind and you're lucky that he's your best friend.
"No, it's just... not going to work. He's..." you try to avoid saying his name but it comes to a moment where you can't describe him in another way.
"Hyunjin..." and saying his name unlocks the memories and the emotions that come with it.
You take Felix's hands and put them down, "And I am just... me."
Not giving up yet, he holds your hands and warmly smiles at you, "and you're of so many things. You're smart, you're funny, you're a great photographer, you're beautiful, you're a great friend, a great person."
You can't help but smile when he compliments you the same way you did to him.
"And you deserve to be happy," he adds in the end.
You so badly want to believe that but having your friendship back is already more than you deserve, how come you still want more?
You shake your head and refuse to be greedy, shaking your head to convince yourself that this is not what you want. You already have what you want and he's right in front of you, "Felix, I don't want to—"
The only hard thing to do is say no to Felix, you look away and see a taxi coming your way.
"There's a taxi," You run to the side of the street while hailing for it.
Felix sighs knowing that you choose to leave the conversation instead of going through it with him. He walks over as you open the taxi door for him.
"I take it that you're promised to come to our shows," he says, not accepting any other answer from you.
You nod and smile.
He pulls you into a hug and holds you tightly, "thank you for tonight," he murmurs.
You hug him back and absorb the heat of his body that always puts you in comfort, "thank you for tonight," you murmur back.
He pulls away just enough to look at you, smiling so brightly to finally land a kiss on your cheek, "I'll see you soon!"
"See you soon," you repeat and to surprise him, kiss him back on the cheek.
He gets taken aback for a while and blinks his eyes at you. While holding his cheek he says, "I like that," he innocently says.
You laugh and push him into the backseat of the taxi, "Goodnight! Be careful!"
Felix rolls down the window to wave his hand at you, "It's cold! Get inside!"
You give him the thumb up while taking a few steps back to watch his taxi drives further away from you.
As you're making your way back inside, you convince yourself that this is enough. You got your friendship back therefore you shouldn't be thinking that you can have love too.
It's time for Felix to fix the other friendship.
He knows it would be just as hard but it's for the good of both his friendship and the band. They can't continue to treat each other like this but at the same time think as if nothing happened.
Before the band rehearsal starts, he comes up to Hyunjin as he's tuning his guitar inside the studio. He gulps air and gathers his guts to ask him, "Hey, can we talk?"
Hyunjin glances up to see him and he seems to have expected this, he puts his guitar away, then says, "Alright."
Han puts his bass down as he notices that they need privacy so he leaves the studio, then closes the door behind him.
It's a good thing that they're talking in a soundproofed room, Felix can easily talk without fearing that someone could hear them. But when it comes to talking, he doesn't know where to begin.
"You know everything by now," Felix nervously starts.
He wipes his palms down his jeans even though they're not sweaty, "I always have my eyes on you but obviously, now, you have your eyes on someone else," he awkwardly chuckles.
It's making him nervous as Hyunjin remains quiet, he would be grateful if Hyunjin is yelling at him instead of staying silent.
"I'm sorry," Felix hurriedly concludes before he starts aimlessly rambling on and on.
"I didn't mean for you to find out about this. I was going to keep it all in—"
"For how long?" Hyunjin cuts through his words with eyes intensely staring at him.
"W-what do you mean?" Felix stutters as it's the first time Hyunjin snapped at him like this.
Hyunjin gets up from his chair and stands right in front of him, face to face and giving him no way out but going through it with him.
"How long did you plan to keep it a secret?" He asks again.
Felix takes a step back and reorganizes his breathing.
"Why do you like me?" Hyunjin bluntly asks.
It's getting harder for Felix to breathe he feels like his lungs are collapsing, "I didn't mean to. I-I..."
Felix doesn't know how to explain it. One day he came to the realization that he has feelings for Hyunjin.
"It just happened. I don't know," he explains. He's just as clueless as Hyunjin about everything.
"Why, Felix? Why?"
"I don't know," Felix replies with a desperate sigh.
"I said I don't know," this time Felix cuts him off with an aggressive answer.
Hyunjin searches for his eyes and forces him to look back at him, "Why did you apologize?"
Felix sees that Hyunjin's gaze softens and he's no longer mad, he's rather sad, it's a heartbreaking sight to see.
Hyunjin licks his lips and brushes his hair to the back, "you have feelings for me but I know it can't be helped," he says.
He puts his hand on Felix's shoulder and looks deeper into his eyes, "I should be the one apologizing to you."
Felix has everything planned in his hand but this is not part of that, he got speechless the table is turned.
"For being such an asshole, for being insensitive and a lousy friend," he softly speaks while keeps looking into Felix's eyes.
Hyunjin puts his other hand on Felix's shoulder and lets out a long, shaky air. It seems like he's struggling to let out what he's going to say next.
"Felix, I appreciate you so much because I know that I'll never find another one like you and I would give you everything you wanted in the world," he explains.
He drops his head for a second before looking at his face again with an even sadder expression on his face, "That I am I deeply apologize for," his eyes are heavy with sadness that it's tugging Felix's heart and weighing him down.
"I cannot give you what you want," he says with a defeated sigh.
The lump in Felix's throat feels like a hot coal that burns him from the inside the longer he keeps himself from crying and so far he's been doing a great job at it.
"But will you stay beside me even though I can't give you what you want?" Hyunjin asks.
Felix knows that Hyunjin is not just asking. This question determines everything, this is where their path branches out and they have to choose where to go.
It means that Felix has to deal with the fact that Hyunjin can't accept his love and it's not like he has a chance in the first place.
Felix clears his throat before giving his final answer, "To always have you beside me is enough for me," he puts on a smile at the end of the sentence.
A smile finally rises on Hyunjin's face after a long time and it warms his heart to see it. He pulls Felix into a hug and pats his back as he eases into his arms, "thank you," he murmurs.
"Thank you," Felix says back and he can't tell him what he's grateful for, but Felix believes Hyunjin knows what he's grateful for as their hearts are the closest they have been to each other in years with mere flesh and bones in between, beating as one.
Han soon comes into the studio and hugs both of them, smiling and seeing his friends making up, making the band whole again.
"I told you guys not to fight over me," He jokes as he puts his arms around them.
Other than himself, Felix is aware that he must have been putting the band in distress, but he's glad that they give him the space and time, and patience as he picks things up at his pace. 
They're part of who he is now because everyone around him helped him grow, they're there whenever he has to decide and affects the decision he takes. They hold a part of him as he has parts of them in him, they're one, and they're going on an adventure together.
Hyunjin pulls him into the middle and squeezes him together with Felix.
"I think we all should kiss and make up," Han playfully suggests.
Hyunjin, repulsed by what he said, doesn't waste time to groan, "EW!!!"
While Felix, as the personification of love touch, endearingly kisses him on the cheek. Han grimaces but not moving until Felix pulls away.
"Now we make out," Felix jokes.
Han screams in panic, "No, I said make up not make out!"
As Hyunjin holds him by his waist, Felix grabs Han's face and angles it to him, laughing as he's witnessing everything.
"I'm pretty sure I heard make out!"
Felix jokingly leans in closer while Han's scream is getting louder and louder. 
This is going to be one Ssick adventure.
It brings back memories as you enter the concert venue except that tonight, you'll be watching from the front and among the crowd.
Felix texted you a few times asking if you came or not, you feel bad for not replying. For this one night, you want to experience their show like everyone else and not through the camera like you always do.
Indeed, it feels different now that you're a part of the crowd and get to watch the show, singing to every song at the top of your lungs and not worrying about anything else but having fun.
Sure, your heart hurts seeing him but with this euphoric feeling of the thumping music and loud cheers, it helps to dull the pain.
As for the band, they're getting bigger and bigger each day, literally and figuratively, they're not stopping, if anything, they're speeding on their way to the top.
You're proud of them and proud that you've been a part of it despite having just a small role in it. You're proud to be a part of their history.
Ssick, the greatest band to ever exist.
"Are you sure it's taken?"
Felix has been asking staff if someone has taken the seat he reserved for you. He has no other choice since you didn't reply to any of his texts.
"Yes, it says the ticket is scanned," the staff replies.
He's pacing back and forth while wiping his sweat with a towel, ignoring that he's tired from the show. The others are anxiously seeing him and Han gets curious as to what he's so antsy about.
"Are you waiting for someone?" He asks.
Felix looks around the room to find Hyunjin, he's nowhere so he must be showering right now. However, he smiles at Han and shakes his head, "Nothing."
He takes his phone and furiously types a new text message to send you.
Lou comes barging into the green room with a loud banging sound of the door opening, "I found this loitering outside, should we take it or...?"
Felix gets a Deja Vu, he once heard those same words before. He spun around to find Lou grinning while pulling someone behind him.
"Can you stop texting me already?" You complain while showing your phone buzzing with a new one he just sent you.
Felix squints his eyes at you, slightly annoyed that you ruin his plan to surprise everyone with your presence.
He walks toward you, scolding and pointing his finger at you, "You! Why didn't you—"
Someone cuts into the line and gets to you first, "What are you doing here? You're fired, remember?" Vin jokes.
You roll your eyes at him and give him a quick hug, "I am not fired," you persist through your gritted teeth.
Vin laughs then takes a good look at you, "What's that on your face? Is that makeup?"
You groan and stop his hand from touching your face. He's probably used to seeing your bare face with only a few layers of sunscreen and your eyes always look tired.
"Where's your camera? Don't you have photos to retouch?" He jokes again.
"Excuse me, I'm not working for you anymore," you say with a sly smile.
"You!" Vin is a second away from scolding you.
It's weird to say you miss being scolded by him but you do. You hurriedly linked your arm with him and grinned at him, "Please don't hesitate to hire me again!"
Felix doesn't want to wait any longer, he comes to hug you, "You didn't reply to my texts," he continuously nagging you.
"Oh, my God! I'm here now!" You mumble as you hug him back.
Han appears behind Felix, shouting, "Look at that! Our girl is back!"
He takes his turn to give you a quick hug, "Why didn't you come by before the show starts?"
You shrug, "It was a great show by the way and I got to fully enjoy every bit of it without having to worry someone about to scold me for not getting any great photos," you uneasily glance at Vin and giggle.
"Put you on the blacklist," he jokingly says.
You turn at Han again then at Felix, you do realize that someone else missing from this scene. You swallow air before continuing, "But seriously! Amazing, amazing show!"
It's nothing new to them that you're bad at conveying your thoughts into words, two thumbs up are enough to emphasize those words and assure them that you meant every word you said.
Just like it was timed, Hyunjin comes out of the other room while drying his hair with a towel, sucking a bottle of water. It's like time stops and you and him are the only ones existing in this moment, eyes met with so many words left unsaid.
He's so close yet so far, he's within your grasp but out of your touch. He's like a dream that you don't want to wake up to but you can't stay asleep forever. You have to face the truth that you can't have him in your wake.
You look away and turn at Felix, "Love your solo today!" You awkwardly compliment him.
"How about me?" Han asks, feeling competitive over silly things.
"You're great as always!" You say while patting his head.
Lou pulls Han back and keeps him in his place, "will you also come for tomorrow's show?"
"Not sure. I have work tomorrow," you reply.
"At least come to the after-party," Lou whines like a toddler.
You softly chuckle, "I'll try."
Felix notices that you avoid looking in Hyunjin's direction as he stands across the room, quietly opening a new can of drink.
It's sad if you have to lose your chance at love too, not when he knows that Hyunjin is in love with you and you're just as in love with him.
He doesn't want to be that person who stops his friends from their happiness.
"For tonight, I'll let you guys rest and it was truly a great show. I had so much fun!" You tell them once again.
Felix grabs your elbow, "you're leaving already?"
"Yeah," you simply answer.
You take his hand and hold it, "I'll see you again."
"Tomorrow?" He guesses.
You only answer with a chuckle and that doesn't put him at ease.
"It's nice seeing you guys! Good luck for tomorrow!" You say for the last time.
Waving your hands at them by the doorway, Felix catches your sad smile a second before you turn away to leave.
There's no way he's doing nothing when he knows his best friend deserves a happy ending.
To say that he's happy to see you would be an understatement.
Hyunjin is ecstatic, elated, delirious with happiness and that's just from looking at you. What would it be if he could do more than just look?
He wants to touch you, hug you, and kiss you, he's yearning for you, missing you like he's losing a limb of his body. He's alive but he's barely breathing.
Why can't you do this? Why can't you love him back? Why can't you at least try for him? Why?
That question lingers in his head until Felix stops him from entering the van. Hyunjin looks at him with eyes widening, "what's wrong?"
"Exactly!" Felix says back at him.
He grips the strap of his bag so hard that his knuckle turns white, "what is wrong with you?"
Hyunjin is not in the mood to talk, especially when he's tired and heartbroken still. He takes a step back to prevent himself from doing things he doesn't intend to.
"I'm tired," he shortly responds, then tries to walk past him to enter the van.
Felix once again stops him by putting his hand against his chest, "so that's it?"
"What do you want? Really?" Hyunjin may have raised his voice louder.
"You're not going to chase after her and try to fix it?" Felix raises his voice even louder at him.
Han pops his head out from inside the van, "guys, please?" He pleads, scared that they might lose it this time.
Hyunjin unclenches his jaws and instantly regretted snapping at him, "She said she doesn't want to do this," he meekly says.
"Then try to convince her!" Felix simply resolves.
He takes a deep breath to calm himself down and lowers his voice this time, "If you really love her, then prove it to her! Go to her!"
As much as Hyunjin wanted to be with you, he thinks of Felix. Hyunjin has gone through the same thing, so he knows how it feels to be in that position, to keep both sides happy he has to sacrifice his happiness.
Hyunjin drops his bag to the floor and sighs, "what if—"
Felix takes his bag from him and tosses it into the van in which Lou grabs it in time. He then takes his phone out of his jeans pocket. 
"Don't think!" He says.
Hyunjin's phone buzzes from inside his jacket pocket and opens the text Felix just sent him. It's an address.
"Just do it!" Felix adds.
But does this mean Felix is on his team?
Felix grabs Hyunjin's shoulder and shakes it, "what are you waiting for?"
While holding Hyunjin's bag, Lou says, "I'll cover for you. Go!"
Hyunjin looks at Felix and there are so many things he wanted to say to him. Among apologies, he wants to say how grateful he is for him, to be existing at the same time with him and being his friend.
All that comes out of his mouth is, "Thank you."
Hyunjin's heart is pitter-patter. He feels like it's going to jump out of his chest at any moment as he arrived in your apartment building.
He takes the stairs as if his heart rate isn't high enough, taking two stairs at a time until he gets there, right in front of your door.
There are a few things he would say that he has prepared for the moment you open the door. He takes a deep breath and knocks on the door. His excitement gradually fades as every knock on your door is left unanswered.
"It's me," he says just in case you wonder who's knocking in the middle of the night.
He knocks again but there's still no answer. Getting hopeless, he leans close to the door and talks loud enough for you to hear.
"Can you please open the door for me?"
He closes his eyes and lets out a desperate sigh, "Please?"
This is what he fears the most, not the rejection but not getting the chance to explain and make things right. At least, he can go home now knowing he has tried his best.
With a heavy heart, Hyunjin turns around his feet and heads for the stairs, bumping into a person and knocking things down.
"Oh no! The eggs!" You sadly mumble as you pick up the plastic bag from the floor.
"I'm sorry!" Hyunjin mutters without thinking.
Without having to check, Hyunjin is pretty sure that he broke all the eggs as the content filled the plastic bag.
You don't even look surprised to see him, annoyed is more like it. Everything that Hyunjin has planned to say evaporated from his head. He bursts out anything that crosses his head at that moment.
"Why aren't you home?"
You look inside the plastic bag once again and sigh, "I was out to buy eggs and milk for breakfast tomorrow."
"I've been knocking at your door for an hour!"
You jerk your head back, unamused, "And I can't have eggs for my breakfast tomorrow because of you!" You scold back.
"Well, you still have the milk," he nonchalantly says then shrugs.
Hyunjin is aware of how he keeps talking without thinking and just saying everything he wants, he looks at you and you look back at him.
At the same time, you break into laughter. The hilarity lasts as long as each of you keeps breaking into another series of laughter.
When the laughs died down, he clears his throat and says, "I'm sorry."
"For what?" You ask.
"For the eggs."
"Anything else?" You ask with an eyebrow raised higher than the other.
"For coming here just now," he adds.
You nod and warmly smile at him, "Want to come in?"
Hyunjin definitely wants to come in and hopefully, will never leave.
While you're busy disposing of your broken eggs into the bin, Hyunjin walks around your new apartment and looks at each photo on the wall.
Places, sceneries, and moments captured in pictures. Looking at them, Hyunjin feels like he's looking at the world through your eyes.
"Here," you hand him a can of soda.
"These are beautiful," he compliments the photos on the wall.
"Thank you," you shortly reply.
Hyunjin opens it and takes a long gulp of it before putting it down on your desk. That's when he sees it.
"I'm offended by how you treat my token of love for you," he says.
You look around and see what he called a token of love on your desk. You guess it's the guitar pick inside the small tray full of memory cards.
You pick it up and show it to him, "this is a token of love?"
"It's my first guitar pick I used for the tour, it's meaningful, it's a token of love," he explains.
The only thing it reminds you of is how he flicked this thing at your head at the first concert, "you threw it at my head," you say with eyes widened.
"You're supposed to catch it!"
"How do I know that you want me to catch it?" You argue back.
He tips his head to the side and glares at you, "That's me telling you I like you!"
"Hyunjin, that's not how you give someone a token of love," you tell him with a snide smile.
He puts a hand on the desk to support him, "I thought you'd get it," he meekly says.
You come up to him and also put your hand on the desk, "Now you know why I thought you hated me, huh?"
It all makes sense now. He realizes he has a very unusual way to show his affection. Hyunjin sheepishly laughs and slips his hand under your arm, "Can we... hmm..."
He laughs again the moment he looks at your slyly smiling at him. Pulling you close, he asks, "Can we skip this embarrassing part and goes straight to making up then we can kiss after?"
Just having a whiff of his scent gets you intoxicated already, putting you under his spell, making you submit to his wishes, and those lips are just... incredibly tempting.
You notice that he's looking down at your lips too.
"Why don't we kiss already?" You offer a better idea.
With your permission, he doesn't waste another second to lean in and kisses you, so softly at first, and turns hungrier after a few kisses.
He still likes biting at your lower lip before pulling away, tugging it between his teeth, and making you moan as he kisses you whole, taking your breath away.
"I miss you so much," he murmurs close to your ear.
You turn your head to look at him but he captures you in a rapturous kiss, making you giggle against his lips.
"I miss you too," you murmur back the second he lets go of the kiss.
Using your finger, you trail the frame of his small, beautiful face. You admire the facial features that you believe are meticulously sculpted by God himself.
You look into his eyes as he looks back at you as if your eyes hold the universe in them, "I miss you too much."
Hyunjin sits on the edge of the desk so he can be at the same eye level as you and pulls you close, that way he can stare into your eyes and dives into them, never to come out of the surface.
"Let's do this, yeah?"
The hands that are resting on your waist, he glides them up until they are wrapped around your neck, cupping your face with both hands, he places a soft kiss on your lips.
"I think we can do anything if we're together," he says, resting his forehead against yours, "don't you think?"
Something about him that always makes you believe that you're worth more than you think, makes you believe that you can fly higher with your little wings and ride in the wind.
You open your mouth to say your answer, but he uses the opportunity to kiss your open mouth.
"I'll not take no for an answer," he mutters as his sweet smile puts you under the spell again.
You stare into his eyes, seeking the answer from his spellbinding eyes. All you have to do is put your trust in this relationship.
Just like Hyunjin said, no one has a say in this relationship, he trusts you therefore you only have to trust him back.
You nod, "Okay."
A smile blooms on Hyunjin's face, he expressed his happiness by giving you a long, lingering kiss, one of many more kisses to come. A token of love that lasts time and age. Miraculously, his kisses always leave you wanting more and more.
His body calls to your answer as he hoists you up against his body, lifting your legs and hooking them around his waist.
"You don't want to carry me to the bedroom," you mutter against his lips.
"Huh? Why?"
"It's upstairs."
He raises his eyebrow at you, "you think I'm not strong enough to carry you there?"
You didn't mean to stroke his ego but it's amusing to see his flabbergasted face.
"Okay then, tough guy. Take me there!" You dare him.
"Hang on tight then!" He warns you.
Putting your hands around his neck, you watch over his shoulder as he takes the stairs one step at a time. The veins on his neck are bulging through his milky skin as he uses all of his strength to climb the rest of the stairs.
"Almost there!" You tease by whispering into his ear.
Without warning, he spins you around once he arrives in your bedroom, and keeps spinning until your body hits the mattress.
You're still laughing as he places his body on top of you, putting the stray hair covering your face to the side.
He places sweet little kisses all over your face and tenderly kisses your closed eyelids before putting his lips on yours again. His hand is busy undressing you, seamlessly removing each piece of clothing without taking his lips off of you.
He whimpers as he freely roams his hand around your body, "I almost forgot how soft you are," he dreamily sighs.
You roll over on the bed and have him under you, hovering above him as your hand is working open the buttons of his shirt. You don't know how he undressed you without looking, it's certainly not easy.
You part it open after successfully unbuttoning his shirt, touching and trailing his taut muscles with your fingertips.
Hyunjin snakes his hand around and under you, tracing the curve of your rear, kneading on the flesh with his fingers teasing the fabric of your underwear.
Before you can say anything he crashes his lips at you again, kissing you harder and deeper with teeth and tongues clashing in your mouth.
With his lips glistening wet and red, words falling out of it like a waterfall.
"I love you," he softly mutters.
It's a liberating feeling to know that you don't have to hide, not have to worry about people coming, knocking at your door, and interrupting you. Other than that, you're no longer shackled by the fear of being seen with him.
With that, you slowly let go of all your worries and insecurities that stopping you from enjoying the moment. From now on, you allow yourself to have him and him to have you, wholly and completely, with all of your heart.
"I love you too," you mutter back.
That being said, you also letting go of the fears around you and replacing them with excitement about your future together.
It's so dangerous.
When Hyunjin thinks that you're the cutest when you're shy around him, that's because he hasn't you being bold and confident.
Your hand moves down to undo the button of his jeans and it's only a matter of time now, he gets to feel your hand wrapped around his length.
Bet you know how much he wanted you right now as you slowly pull it out of its confine and slowly stroke it.
What are you trying to do? He wonders.
You hover above him and kiss him deep that he has a hard time catching up with it, losing the air in his lungs and gasping for air the moment you let go. With your face merely inches away from him, you shot him a sly, seductive smile as if telling him what's coming for him and he wonders...
You start making a long trail of kisses down his body, neck, chest, ribs, stomach, and abdomen. He knows where are you heading next and he's not going to stop you despite his heart beating so fast at an abnormal rate.
The hair that sweeps his skin, tickles him, sending tingles inside and down there. It's nothing compares to when you slowly take his length in your mouth, little by little.
Propping an elbow against the mattress, Hyunjin looks at how your lips wrapped around his cock and uses a hand to compensate for the rest that you can't take.
"Oh fu—" he stops himself from cursing and reaches for your head, tangling his hand in your hair.
Mesmerized by watching you, he snaps out of his daze when you pull away and ask, "Good?"
Hyunjin, unable to provide a verbal answer, awkwardly nods.
You pull his jeans down his legs while Hyunjin shakes his shirt hanging on his shoulders, and tosses it away. Shifts his attention back to you, snaking his hand to your back to unclasp your bra and take it off of you.
Can't help himself, he buries his head in your neck, placing kisses down to your chest with his hand cupping your breast.
Drunk with the scent of your body, using both hands, he uses them to pull your underwear down your legs and gets it out of the way so he can put his hand to feel that delicate flesh under his touch.
Hyunjin thinks about you a lot, asleep or awake. However, the reality is always out of his expectations, in the best way. Sitting on the bed with you with both your hands stimulating each other at the same time. Nothing can be sexier than this.
Hyunjin was too haste to say that because the next thing you say is the sexiest thing he ever heard.
"Can I do what I want with you?"
That gets him slightly terrified but mostly excited, he doesn't know what you're going to do with him but he knows that it's going to be a thrill ride. He nods without even thinking.
Putting your hand on his chest, you lay him down on the bed and put your body on top, kissing him, making him forget the excitement that drives him almost crazy.
The next thing he knows you're rubbing up your wetness on his erect shaft, pulsating with desire.
Before his senses slip further away from him, he calls for you, "Baby?"
"Condoms?" He reminds you.
You give him a quick peck on the lips, "do you mind if we're doing it without?"
Hyunjin needs time to process it so that he doesn't say anything for a good minute.
You kiss his open mouth, "why are you so tense?"
"I-is it okay with you?" He stammers.
"That's why I asked."
"I don't want to pressure you to do things you don't want."
You subtly roll your eyes at him, "I initiated it. What makes you think that I don't want to do this?"
This is not what he expects to happen, bickering in the middle of sex. The second your eyes meet, you collapse onto his body and chuckle into his chest.
"We don't match well," Hyunjin mumbles.
"Well, we hated each other from the first time we met," you say.
He lifts your head and glares at you, "Huh? I never hated you."
You pout and shrug, "But it showed."
Hyunjin lets out a dramatic sigh out loud, "Yeah, well, what do you even know?"
You smile as you land a kiss on his lips, "what do you even know?" You repeat.
It's dangerous seeing you taking over his body, pleasing him by moving your hips back and forth and he gets to watch while comfortably lying on his back.
Yeah, it's cute to see you keep avoiding his eyes during sex but it's a whole different thing when you fiercely look down at him, then into his eyes while continuously moving.
Hyunjin almost forgot that he can still use his hands to admire your body, holding your breasts as they move along with every movement you make.
"Good?" You ask as you change your move and slowly roll your hips in circular motions.
Hyunjin's eyes are fluttering shut, overwhelmed.
"Too good, baby," he breathlessly replies.
He glides his hand to touch your lips only for you to suck on his thumb which reminds him of what your mouth feels like around his cock.
"Too good," he says again.
He brushes your hair to the side and looks at your pretty face, "you should stop staring at me with those eyes?"
That only sends you lean in close and stare deeply into your eyes, "or what?"
He groans as he feels you clenching around him and you enjoy doing it to him from that sly smile on your face.
"I'm going to cum too fast," he admits, he's been holding it for far too long now. It's actually a surprise that he didn't cum the moment he fully entered you.
"So what's the problem with that?" You simply ask.
Hyunjin doesn't want to cum before you, that's the problem.
You put your hand against the mattress and caress his face, "you don't want to cum inside me?" you boldly ask with an innocent pout on your face.
A stifled moan escapes his mouth as you grab the headboard of the bed for support and pick up the pace of your movements, driving him to his limit.
Hyunjin can't stop himself from grunting from under you, his nails dug into your flesh as he gripped your waist. His eyes screwed shut and his grunts turned into breathless whimpers then...
You slow down the pace knowing that he just climaxing but keep moving nonetheless, lowly moaning feeling his cock twitching inside you.
The moment he opens his eyes, you are looking at him with a smile on your face, "Hi, baby," you softly speak as if you didn't just make him cum inside you.
"Hi," he weakly says back, bringing your face close to kiss you.
Slowly, he pulls you to lay next to him on the bed to cuddle you and kisses you more. He places more kisses on any skin he can put his lips on and you let him have it.
As he lays there with you next to him, basking in love and bliss, he wonders if is it okay for him to feel this much.
The only thing Hyunjin knows for certain is who he should thank.
The coffee machine has started pouring coffee into the pot when you hear Hyunjin calling for you from upstairs.
He's not going to stop unless you come and show yourself to him. Half running to your bedroom, you find him still laying on the bed with his upper body exposed, basking in the warm morning sun.
"I was making coffee," you tell him as you walk to the bed and crawl over to him.
"Who needs coffee when I have you?" He wraps his hands around you and holds you close.
Without warning, he turns you over on the bed and pinned you under him, intensely gazing into your eyes with his warm brown eyes.
"Now that we're together, I was hoping I get to finally wake up next to you," he says.
You rest your hand on the back of his neck, raking his dark locks with your fingers, "we did."
"No, I woke up to an empty bed," he corrects you.
The way he sulks is adorable, his lower lip jutting out and a crease formed between his eyebrows. You don't think he would be fussing this much about waking up alone when he knows he's staying over at your place.
As an apology, you softly kiss him on the lips, "I'm sorry."
He smiles after hearing your apology, "Apology accepted."
He nods.
"Then we should go downstairs. The coffee is ready," you tell him.
He stops you from trying to get up and takes both of your hands to pin them above your head. Shaking his head, he says, "Not yet."
You sense mischief and you can see it in his eyes, filled with wild glints. You can't do much with him pinning your hands against the mattress.
Hyunjin kisses you, hard and deep, his tongue invades your mouth with teeth faintly biting on your lips.
A moan spills out of you as he starts gently kissing, sucking the skin on your neck. There's no need to guess, it's obvious that he wants to return the favor to you.
With the knowledge that you know what he can do with every part of his body and puts it to good use, you lay back and let him please you as he wants.
Hyunjin puts the duvet away, exposing both of your bodies to the sunlight flooding the room as the day gets brighter. His skin is glowing and warm, he's scintillating like the sun itself.
The way he slowly thrusts into you without looking away from your eyes, not even for a second feels like it's not just physical pursuit.
"Look at you," he says.
He cups your jaw in one hand, "You dare to look back at me now."
That makes you aware that you've been staring back into his eyes and instantly looking away from him. Hyunjin chuckles as he kisses your cheek.
"You feel so good, baby," he whispers into your ear.
You hook your legs around him, sending him deeper into you.
"But last night... oh..." he sighs as he hastily kisses your neck.
"You fuck me so good last night I don't think I'll ever forget it," he adds.
With those beautiful lips, he can say provocative words and makes them sound like poems, making you extremely aroused and deeply in love at once.
Sending you close to your high that you gripping his shoulders from the sensation that keeps building up.
"Close, mmh?" His lips brush yours as he speaks.
You nod with your eyes closed.
"Cum whenever you want, beautiful," he murmurs before planting his lips on yours again.
His lips which keep latching on yours, contained your loud moans as you get your release. The knot inside you tightens and loosens, waves of pleasure washing over you again and again.
With your eyes still closed, you search for his lips to kiss and when you finally did, you say, "Thanks to you, we can't have eggs for breakfast."
"Are holding a grudge against me?" Hyunjin asks in disbelief.
Sadly, this heavenly moment has to eventually end. You have a job to do and Hyunjin has to go back for a soundcheck, Vin has been calling him non-stop since he gets into the bathroom to shower.
"You'll come, right?" He asks as he walks around the room, picking up his clothes from the floor and putting them on.
"I don't know how long I'll be working," you honestly tell him.
He stops moving and sulks again, "You have to come!"
You softly laugh and sip your coffee before answering, "I may be late but I'll come, yes."
It's all he wants, he wants you to come no matter what but that's what you can promise him. His phone is buzzing again and you see that it's Lou.
You pick it up for him, "yes, he's putting on his shirt right now."
Lou laughs hearing your voice, "Hope the bed is alright."
"It's alright. I just have to wash the sheet," you jokingly say.
"Ugh!" He groans in disgust.
"Tell him I'm waiting outside," Lou adds.
"Okay, I'll tell him," you confirm and hang up the phone.
Hyunjin knows even before you say anything, but still, you tell him, "Lou is waiting."
You head downstairs, finishing your cup of coffee right on time as Hyunjin lands on the base of the stairs. You come running to hug him and he catches you on time.
"I'll be waiting for you," he says, pecking your lips after.
"I'll be late," you remind him again.
"That's okay," he says.
He kisses your lips again and not letting go until you're running out of breath.
"But know that I'll be waiting for you," he says with a playful glare.
You laugh and kiss him back, "Don't make Lou wait too long!"
With another long kiss on the lips and the last one on the top of your head, Hyunjin finally lets go with a smile on his face. And as much as you are reluctant to do the same, you slowly let him go, selflessly sharing him with the rest of the world.
The first thing Hyunjin hears by the time he steps into the green room is Han's whistle, eyes squinting at him with a malicious smile drawn on his face.
"Ooo... look at that glow on you, Hwang Hyunjin!" Han teases.
Hyunjin hates it when someone calls him by his full name and Han uses it exactly to annoy him. He picks up a towel from a stack provided on the desk and throws it at him.
"Shut up!"
That only amuses Han more as he's laughing on the sofa. Ignoring him, Hyunjin comes up to Felix who's having his lunch by himself.
Hyunjin picks a pack of lunch for him and sits next to him.
"She's coming tonight, right?" Felix asks.
Hyunjin puts down his chopsticks next to his lunch, "yes, but she has to do a job first so she'll be late," he explains.
Felix nods and continues eating, holding his phone in one hand as he scrolls down his social media.
There's something that should be said in this moment and Hyunjin knows what to say but doesn't know how to begin.
He turns his head at him, "Yeah?"
Hyunjin scratches the back of his head, "I... uh... we're thankful that—"
Felix's deep laughter startles him, "Why thanking me? You're the one who successfully got her back."
That confuses Hyunjin too but he knows for sure that he has to thank Felix for encouraging him to fight for you.
Felix takes a sip of his water and swallows it, "I'm happy seeing my friends happy. That's enough for me."
Hyunjin scoffs and not in a sarcastic way. It just baffled him how there's someone as kindhearted as Felix existed in this world. When he thinks that Felix has done speaking, he turns at Hyunjin again, "But Hyunjin..."
"If you ever had a change of heart," he says as he gazes into his eyes, "just kindly tell her."
Hyunjin nods.
"Don't hurt her," Felix finishes.
Hyunjin knows that behind that tender gaze, he's warning him that he's ready to go against him if he ever caught him breaking your heart.
Hyunjin thinks that you're lucky to have a friend like him which reminds him that he's just as lucky to have a precious friend. That inexplicably urges Hyunjin to protect him more because a person like Felix belongs in a fairytale, not in this cruel, cruel world.
"Come on! Come on!"
Lou hurries you to run and get to his pace as he leads the way to the stage. You're late and Lou can't leave his post too long, he's risking his job as we speak.
Learned from experience, you're slowing down when it comes to climbing the stairs in the dark since Lou doesn't have time to turn on the flashlight on his phone.
The band is in the middle of playing the song when you finally take the spot on the side of the stage and exchange a quick hug with Vin to finally enjoy the show.
It's certainly nostalgic to be there. A few things changed but some remain the same. It's bittersweet but you only want to focus on the latter part.
It's when the band finished the song, Hyunjin sees that you're here. He looks rather elated to see you, he wants to come but hesitates to do so.
You wave your hand at him instead and mouthed, "Told you I'm coming."
He foolishly smiles and eventually caves in, walking to the side of the stage, handing Lou his guitar before grabbing you by the waist and kissing you.
"Hi, you," he mutters.
"Hi," you say back then gets cut off as he kisses you again.
Lou, in an annoyed tone, says, "Okay, lovebird, time to get back to the stage."
You gently push him away as the band is about to play another song.
Hyunjin grabs his guitar back from Lou and slung the strap around his shoulder, "I love you," he mouthed.
You cup your hands around your mouth and mouth it back to him, "I love you."
Oblivious to the fact that Lou is witnessing everything and looking disgusted, horrified, not amused. You respond with what he always gives you, a nonchalant shrug.
Turn your attention elsewhere, you wave your hand at Felix as he's passionately drumming, busy using both hands and feet to keep the rhythm going.
"Felix, the greatest drummer in the world!" You shout at him, sending him grinning and almost losing his focus.
For the last song, Lou puts his arm around you to dance and jump together, ignoring your lungs burning from running out of air.
You cheer loudly as the band takes their final bow at the end of the show and gets ready to welcome them at the back of the stage.
A grin rises on your face at the sight of Felix, you come up to him and give him the hug when it's usually his job to do so.
"Why are you so cool, huh?" you aggressively ask while patting his back.
You keep hugging him, long enough until it emptied the emotions in your chest, "I am so proud of you!" You sincerely tell him.
He kisses your cheek, "Thank you, babe!"
Aware that someone else is waiting for his turn to hug you, Felix reluctantly lets you go. You see Hyunjin appears behind him, ignoring the exhaustion and sweat rolling down his face, he's slipping his hands under and holding you close.
"You're not going to say anything nice to me?" He asks.
You pretend to think and stalls from answering, "Uhm... no," you joke.
With his hand on the back of your head, he angles your head to kiss you again, deeper than before.
"You taste salty," you comment.
He looks down at his t-shirt soaked in sweat but instead of pulling away, he pulls your hands tighter around him, leaving you no option but to let his sweat seep into your clothes as well.
Hyunjin leans in to kiss you but someone holds him back from doing it, "It's my turn now," Han says.
Han looks at you, "I'm getting a kiss too, right?"
Hyunjin pushes him away and possessively puts his arm around you, "Not a chance!"
However Hyunjin can't linger around you for long and you sneak a kiss on Han's cheek when he's not looking, "There you go!"
Han is looking taken aback by the kiss as he touches his cheek, wide eyes and dazed.
Hyunjin turns around to take your hand, "Come, baby!"
You look over your shoulder at Han and gesture to him to zip his lips, keeping it a secret between you two.
Han confirmed with a wink shot at you.
You look down at your clasped hands and then at him as he brushes all of his hair to the back, "Hyunjin?"
He pulls you close to his side, "yes?"
"Does it mean I can have you for myself again?" You ask.
He smiles hearing that and nods, "I'm all yours now."
Felix may have not gotten his love but he surely gets his happiness, double, triple even.
He's happy to see you happy, to still have this precious friendship with you, and remains best of friends. A friend that he can always call in both good times and bad times. A friend he can freely be himself and not be afraid of being judged.
And as he looks at you sitting with Hyunjin, whispering words to each other, looking so in love and happy. He's happy about that too.
Happy that both of his friends found love and are happy with each other and he wishes it stays like that for a long, long time.
At last, Felix is happy for his band, especially after successfully finishing the tour. In this after-party, he can see that this happiness belongs to everyone who takes part in making each show happen.
It's happiness after happiness after happiness. His heart is overflowing with nothing but happiness.
What everyone doesn't know is that behind that happiness, there's that drop of pain.
Felix still needs time to finally let go of his love, it's not easy considering that his object of affection is always around him.
Even a drop, it still stings and constantly prickles at his heart.
Felix consoles himself with a glass of drink in his hand as he looks at the night sky, he likes to think that the crescent shape is the moon smiling down at him.
"What are you doing out here alone?" Lou asks, shattering the intimate moment Felix is having with the moon.
Felix sheepishly smiles, "nothing. Just drinking," he says, showing him the lukewarm whiskey in his glass.
Lou nods and stands next to him, also looking up at the night sky and looking at the same moon. A gust of cold wind blowing his way but Felix wants to stay here longer.
"It'll pass," Lou suddenly says.
That makes Felix's head turn, "Pardon?"
Lou looks at him and says it again, firmly this time.
"It'll pass."
Felix doesn't know he needed to hear it until he did and that inexplicably rejuvenated his spirit. An ending is an opportunity for another beginning.
"You're right," Felix agrees.
"Of course I'm right," Lou boldly remarks, holding out his drink at him.
Felix clinked his glass together with him for a toast, feeling eager to begin again.
As for Lou, he's finally standing right in front of him for the first time, seeing him eye to eye, perhaps, Felix can see him now and knows that he's been there all along.
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italianhomosexuality · 7 months
rant to me (i like the sound, i like your voice) on ao3
“Nico! You're finally here!”
The ever too-chipper voice took Nico out of his thoughts. He had plans that consisted of brooding and staring, but it seems like Will Solace didn't think that behavior is appropriate for a party.
If whatever it is that's happening can even be considered a party; the Apollo cabin and some other campers decided to get together near the lake, with some soda cans, Doritos bags, and sour gummy worms. There's some music playing and chatter going around, but Nico's foam earplugs do a great job at keeping the volume low enough so that it's not overwhelming. He plays with his fingers, practicing the alphabet in sign language. Tatiana, a daughter of Nemesis, was hard of hearing. Nico became close to her since both of them would usually sit in the shadows, a few feet away from the crowds. It was easy to be around her, and he was making an effort to learn sign.
Will's voice was a little muffled by the earplugs, but taking them out would be much worse. Nico just gestured towards him, pointing in a general direction that is a little further from the noise and confusion. Will understood, because of course he did. They walked a few steps in silence, and Nico didn't bother correcting Will that he'd been here for a few good minutes now, he just didn't want to interrupt Will's conversation with Connor.
He wasn't wearing his usual orange shirt; the blue fabric suits his eyes and looks nice under the moonlight. Nico knew he's clad in cargo shorts and flip-flops without even having to look down—that's what he wears all the time, even when Nico thinks about him before going to sleep, when he thinks of the two of them under the soft orange of a sunset, sharing McDonald's fries, maybe making jokes, hands just one or two millimeters away from each other, itching to touch, aching to be intertwined…
He couldn't afford to think about that right now.
As they reached a tree, Nico offered Will a sweet smile. They were far from the crowd, watching from a distance so that they could hold a conversation even with the earplugs. It's the little things Will does; the accommodations, the giving, the gifting, the understanding, the treating him as an equal that makes Nico have some thoughts that he'd rather keep to himself.
(“Nico, I've noticed you wince and flinch when it gets too loud. What do you think of trying some earplugs? They might help. I wear them sometimes.”)
(“Nico, can you come body double me? I need to clean the infirmary and I can't do it if I'm just there by myself.”)
(“Nico, I have bad days too.”)
(“Nico, would you mind hanging around for just a little longer? I had to treat a head injury today. I don't think I'll ever get over it.”)
“Have you been having fun?” Nico asked, feeling the deep rumble of his voice in his chest. He only now noticed how Will's eyelids and cheekbones seemed to sparkle and glimmer under the moonlight. Lou Ellen must have been experimenting with makeup again.
“Yes! It's been good.” Will raised his voice just enough so Nico could still hear him through the earplugs. It's the little things, Nico's brain supplied.
“How was your day?”
After a lot of practicing with other campers, Nico realized that he enjoyed asking questions. They were an easy way of navigating a conversation and he had a premade list of questions to use in any social setting. For the most part, he asked and listened, keeping only a few bits of information, glancing at the other person's forehead and nose bridge occasionally to mimic eye contact. With Will, however, he didn't have to overthink. He'd ask, but because he actually wanted to know. He'd look at the ground while paying the most attention he's ever paid. He'd fidget and fiddle with his necklace, humming and nodding, while storing every single bit of Will's stories, stitching guides, camp rules, and so much more.
“It wasn't that great, if I'm being honest,” Will said, picking at his fingernails, “but I've been managing. It was just… hard. At the infirmary. Being by myself.”
“You could have asked me for help,” Nico said, swinging back and forth on his ankles. “I didn't do much today. I could have at least been around. Make you feel less lonely.”
Ever since Will started opening up about his mental health and struggles with himself, Nico found it easier to do so, too. Some campers thought of the Head Counselor of the Apollo cabin as this perfect, do-no-wrong, ever-happy, feel-good Care Bear. Will played the part really well, having fooled Nico at the start, but then he understood. He saw the insecurities, the blood—Will's own—pooling and drying around his fingernails, the teeth marks on the bottom lip, the nervous ticks that would come out after an especially long day. Sometimes, though their wounds were far from equal, Nico felt as if he was looking into a mirror. Maybe not a mirror, but a murky reflection on a lake. A resemblance, something similar enough to his own, but with different shapes and jagged edges.
So, as Will listed his fears and how he wished so, so badly he could be someone else, Nico felt comfortable enough, for the first time in his life, to revisit his self-hatred and coax it out for a walk. Will took it and acknowledged it, but didn't yell at it or scare it away. It was almost as if he said, “Hey, I have that, too,” and Nico finally understood the many meanings of the word gratitude.
Nico never thought he'd be able to help someone feel less lonely. He'd also never thought he'd withstand a party—a get-together—just to catch a glimpse of blonde, defined curls and butterfly-blue eyes.
It's the little things.
“I know what you will say, but…” Will caught himself, stopping mid-sentence. “I didn't want to be a bother. A hypocrite, I know, but this happens sometimes. I'll try to not let it happen again.”
“Good.” Nico smiled, feeling the warmth from inside.
It was warm enough that he'd ditched the aviator jacket, but he still kept the jeans. The breeze coming from the lake was a nice touch to the night. He looked down, finding a spot dry enough for both of them to sit, and reached out to tug at Will's hand.
He couldn't pinpoint when he had gotten so… used to physical contact. When he had started to initiate it, even. But then again, he couldn't pinpoint when Will had become Will.
Will took the hint and sat down right beside Nico, scooting closer to him so that the skin on his calf touched the black denim. It was a common position to them. Comfortable. Nico's back didn't hurt as much and he didn't feel pressured to maintain eye contact. Will got to relax his posture and relax his legs from standing all day.
“Do you want to talk about what happened today?” Nico initiated, fingers tapping on his knee. “About what made you not have such a great day.”
No one had ever ranted to Nico. They were always afraid he wouldn't care or that they would be putting too much on him, as if he were a thin, fragile table, built to break at any point. Will didn't.
So Will said, “Yeah, I think that will help,” and started.
Nico listened.
He made sure to store every tidbit of information in his Will Solace-shaped mental drawer. He would remember, in the future, that the infirmary had a shortage of darker-colored band-aids, and he would point it out next time he and Will went supply shopping. He would remember, in the future, that Kayla had offered Will coffee with hazelnut creamer and he drank it all so as to not dismiss her, but he actually hated that flavor.
(Nico already knew that. If he wasn't having his coffee black, french vanilla was the go-to.)
He would remember how Will's fingers flexed as he told Nico how he had to patch up this new camper, almost as if he was going through the motions again. He would remember how Cecil's comment about his off-tune singing while washing his hands post-procedure made Will's heart sting, though he was used to the mockery, but it just hadn't been a good day. He would remember that Will hadn't slept well that day because the sheets had been recently washed and someone had used fabric softener on them, causing the texture to be plastic-like and that it made Will's skin itch. He would remember, and he would fight against every part of his brain that forced him to forget.
Once Will deemed his rant finished, Nico finally looked at him. He looked… pretty. The golden hue that came from the sun was perfect for Will's features, but the silver complimented him. It was the missing part. It hit his skin and bounced right back, catching on the glitter on his eyelids, cheekbones, and cupid's bow, making the chapstick on his lips shine a little more, exposing the chipped pink nail polish on his fingernails.
Nico didn't think boys were supposed to be considered pretty, but most common rules made no sense to him, anyway. Will was pretty. Accepting that fact had been complicated enough. He would not put up a fight against his thoughts.
“I like hearing you talk,” Nico confessed, straightforward as always. “The sound of your voice is very calming, like a stream of water. Constant.”
“That was a very sweet compliment, Nico,” Will replied, smiling wide. “Thank you.”
“You're welcome.”
In the background, the party was still happening. Nico could hear laughter, cans being opened, fire crackling, stomping, soft tones and chords. But Will was next to him, seemingly not wanting to go back to the crowd, so he just settled into his makeshift seat a little more.
Maybe, in the future, Nico could ask Will if he liked him back. For now, he'd rather keep making a list of the little things. Little by little, he could have Will. He just needed some time to build up courage. Maybe, in the future, Will would slip out his ideal love confession or first date.
Nico would remember.
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baruque-ya · 1 year
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Post-Traumatic Stress
Characters: Simon 'Ghost' Riley And König
Contains: PSTD, Post War Stress, Anguish, (Maybe trigger in some??)
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Ghost has been her husband for three years, after serving in the army for years, Simon finally retired from everything, so no wars/missions or only staying home for three days and then going back to business, he was free! Well, at least physically.
After a few months with Simon being more present in your life, you noticed that sometimes he behaved strangely, such as: looking around or at people suspiciously every time he left the house, not liking to use headphones or listen to very loud music, watching TV at a very low volume that was very difficult to hear, getting tense when hearing certain words of yours and not liking sleeping in a dark, locked room alone.
Today was another normal weekend at your house, you were getting ready to make some snacks for the two of you to eat while watching some comedy movie, Simon was slowly going downstairs while you took the frozen snacks out of the package, you So you put it on to fry and when you went to pick up the iron spoon to stir the oil, you accidentally hit your hand and dropped it on the floor making a very loud noise.
"Shit!" You whisper and bend down picking it up, when you get up you see Simon standing staring at the ground with his face contorted as if in pain, both of his hands clenched into fists tightly, making his knuckles turn white.
"Love?" You called and the man grunted with his eyes still closed.
You then slowly approached him.
"Simon? Honey, are you okay? Are you..." You then locked in place as you realized what was happening, once again he was having a panic attack, what made this happen? damn, probably the noise
Loud that spoon made! he has become quite sensitive to any kind of very loud sounds since he came back.
"Simon, my love...it's okay, it was just the spoon that I dropped, I'm sorry..." You said and came close touching his arm, as you did so, Simon opened his eyes and grabbed your shoulders, pushing you towards him. the wall while breathing heavily.
"Hide!" He said in a low but authoritative voice.
"What?" You asked confused and he said it again.
"Hide, the Russians are...." He stopped talking as he looked around, the blonde looked at the room
Illuminated by the sun and with the calm environment, the man then sighed.
"Y/n?" The man called in a whisper as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Come here Simon, everything's okay now, okay?" You whispered and hugged the man tightly who cried lightly on his shoulder.
"I thought they were here, they were going to kill you-"
"Shh Simon, it's okay, there's no one...it's just you and me, it's okay now." You spoke, stroking the hair of the man who was hugging you tightly and shaking his shoulders slightly.
"Thank you..." He whispered, regulating his breathing.
"There's no need to thank you, Simon, I love you, okay? It's okay now" You murmured, caressing the back of the taller man's head.
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König had retired and stopped serving in the army and KorTac at the age of 38, he finally returned home to the arms of his wife and baby.
König was always very sweet to you, since the age of 22 he hasn't changed anything, he was just cold sometimes without realizing it, but he quickly apologized, when he was serving in the army, whenever he was very soft-hearted they caught his attention, So the training was hard and he had to contain his emotions, but to his happiness König knew how to differentiate the army from his own family, so whenever he came to visit you he treated you and the baby sweetly, he is simply a great husband.
But for a few months now, you see that König was physically affected by any kind of thing, such as: You waking up in the morning and seeing him looking at you suspiciously and with a serious face, he only "returned to normal" when you spoke with him and he heard your voice, He was a very light sleeper and was very defensive, like the day you went to wake him up for dinner, when you approached the sofa and reached out your hand to stroke his shoulder König woke up instantly and slapped your hand, you looked at him confused...you didn't feel any pain after all it wasn't that strong, and he apologized right after.
Well, on this particular night, you were going to stay late at work and only return in the early hours of the morning, and when it was finally time for you to leave the place... you walked calmly through the streets, it was quite cold in Austria and you weren't so used to it.
When you got home, you turned the doorknob and saw that it was locked, shrugging your shoulders without really caring, you searched your bag and found the spare key, you then hummed a happy little song as you turned the key in the lock.
When you opened the door you left your heels on the carpet next to you and walked down the corridor in just socks, making your steps almost silent, when you arrived in the living room you looked ahead and your body shook quickly with fright, it was König standing holding your baby son with one arm, he slept peacefully, but when he looked at König..... his look was different, his eyes were wide and he was wearing the hood he wore in the barracks.
You were going to say something but you froze when you heard the sound of a gun being cocked, you ran your fingers along the wall to find the switch, and when it turned on... you saw König pointing a gun at you, he was breathing almost heavily while the baby slept peacefully on his left arm.
"Liebling? (Dear?)" You said in a whisper, the man took light steps towards you and you walked away raising your hands in surrender.
"Wie bist du hier reingekommen?" (How did you get in here?)
"König, it's me, y/n...your wife, please...put it down" You spoke in a low voice as you raised your hands in the air, maybe then he would lower it.
The man's light blue eyes were dark...too dark, he approached and you took a few steps back, hitting your back against the wall.
"Liebe (Love) it's me, y/n, you're at home...ok? it's okay, you have your son in your arms...you don't serve in the army anymore, so put it down" You said firmly and He furrowed his eyebrows and pointed to the sofa
"Hinsetzen (Sit)" He ordered with a firm voice.
You sat down on the couch slowly and he pointed the gun at you, you closed your watery eyes.
"Mein Gott, bitte (My God, please...)" You murmured, until the gun fell into your lap, you opened your eyes and saw König with his hand empty, the pistol in your lap and his eyes wide. .
The man then started to fall back and you quickly got up, taking the baby from his arms, he then fell to the ground with a loud thud, breathing erratically and coughing a lot, he placed his hand on his chest almost as if he was in pain.
"You placed the baby on the couch who had woken up and was looking at you confused, and then you went to König, removing his hood and holding his face.
"König? König.....it's me, shh, breathe mein schatz (my dear)" The man looked at you with watery eyes and thin tears fell in the corners of his eyes.
"Y/n...?" He called as he held your hand and closed his eyes.
"Shh love, focus on breathing..." You said and he sat up breathing softly now, you then took the baby in your arms again and got close to König.
"You're home love, look at our son Hmm? Isn't he beautiful?"
"Yes....Yes he is, I'm sorry, for anything I did just now...I didn't realize, I swear-"
"It's okay, it's not your fault, I understand....let's take care of this together, okay? I love you..." You murmured, hugging him, the baby laughing happily between the two of you.
"Ich liebe dich auch (I love you too)."
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I hope this one turned out good 🤏😞🫂
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jmdbjk · 1 year
[...aggressively posts the thoughts of boss man of JIMIN FANCLUB...]
There he is! Yes, it is Chief Executive/Chief Hypeman (not to be confused with Hybe... puh-lease)/Chief ball-juggler/the one and only Jeon Jungkook... [applause APPLAUSE applause] thank you, thank you very much.
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[also aggressively crops out the weverse logo]
Some of us were reticent to speak out loud about whether JK would do a live (because Jimin left the country) for fear of being called delulu... but when we all came online... lo and behold... everyone else had the same thoughts... As everyone is saying... two is a coincidence but three times? It's a thing y'all.
It's also not a coincidence that he was playing a Muni Long song in his underwear folding live last month. We should all learn by now, when it comes to Jimin and Jungkook, there are no coincidences.
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I love the way he mangled the rap parts! He's one of us!
Is it just me or does that ray of light traveling up the side of his head give Like Crazy MV vibes?
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He sang and hummed Angel Pt. 1 intermittently between other songs and chatting throughout this live.
I noticed a few changes in Kook's surroundings and I wonder, since the stalker food delivery scare, I wonder if they've come up with some new guidelines for broadcasting lives from their homes? Use an opaque drink container; point the camera away from areas that show personal affects; keep the volume low enough that you don't disturb your neighbors (this makes me laugh because he has been notorious for potentially disturbing the peace for YEARS!). He received a "semi" complaint. Semi...
Imagine having the retched luck of buying/renting an expensive and very nice apartment in a very nice part of the city... and your punk neighbor is constantly playing loud music/singing in the wee hours of the morning? (have no fear neighbor, he won't be living there forever).
Not a coincidence when Jimin was cautious about being too loud in his own apartment during his #1 BB100 live at 3:30 a.m. Why? He knew that JK received this semi-complaint. If they aren't together, they are surely up in each other's DMs all day. I digress.
I wonder if Kookie is finally listening and following a few of these guidelines? We won't call them rules because I think to Kookie they are just "strongly recommended suggestions" quote/unquote. But perhaps its time he heeds some of these suggestions. I know Hobi would be proud.
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Except he was belting out Taeyang's song so he forgot he was supposed to be keeping the volume low hahahahaha.
Kookie cooking a lot lately, gaining weight, no big deal, he can just lose the weight (after all he's a 25 year old male with a mesomorph body type). He says he is back to working out and having to "kind of" have to go back to maintaining his body. His right shoulder is giving him a little issue with tightness but it needs to get better quickly because.... he didn't say.
He reminds us he's not on that old dusty boring Instagram app anymore but he looks at weird and wild TikTok these days (lord help us). But is probably where he saw the Jimin Summoning challenge.
He saw a comment "We're so sorry"... does this mean Weverse Armys finally got the memo about being total dumbasses in the comments in the past and are cleaning up their act now?
Songs he listened to/sang today: Charlie Puth x Dan+Shay: That's Not How This Works; Imase: Night Dancer (JK made a comment that they needed to make songs like this); Taeyang: Seed (In Your Heart); Seventeen: Son Wukong; Taeyang: Shoong!; TWICE: Cupid; Seventeen: Let's Fight.
This made me laugh (turn up the volume):
He mentions Hobi finishing his basic training...
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He let out a decidedly resigned sigh and said:
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And then he did an military marching chant... and it just occurred to me... JK would make a good drill leader. If that's even a thing?
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Right, Kookie... we'll never notice... we'll just be bawling our eyes out every time we see it get shorter and shorter knowing what's coming.
Overall, he looked upbeat and in a very good mood, no low points or withdrawn moments. A lot has happened between the last time we saw him live and now. It seems like he's in a very good and positive frame of mind. He said he would be back soon.
I will leave you with Kookie butt-wiggling in his chair:
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final-girl96 · 3 months
Ageless Secrets Chapter Three
May 2010
Joel and I were on the way to some neighborhood that had the population of two people. I was honestly surprised when Tess asked me to go for her since something came up with another person they trade with. She had been talking to some guy on the radio named Frank. He and his husband Bill lived a few hours away from the Boston QZ by car. I was more surprised when Joel didn't protest about me going with them. He's been ignoring me for damn near a year now.
He only speaks to me in short clipped words. It's been like that since that one night he had come to check in on her and they were drinking and listening to music. Since she was dancing in his lap with his hands on her hips. Tommy had interrupted them when he knocked on the door. After that shit had shifted so damn much. Tommy went off and joined the fireflies. The fireflies were some stupid resistance, they were against FEDRA.
And look, FEDRA fucking sucks. If you're found guilty of anything you're hung in front of everyone. They think they can do and have whatever and whoever they want. I've had the same FEDRA asshole hitting on me every time he sees me since the day we got to the QZ. Joel and Tess kept growing closer and closer; they had more in common. According to Tommy, Joel had lost his daughter, Sarah, on the first day of the outbreak. So they had that in common, losing a child.
They knew each other's pain. They were both hard asses too. Tess spent more time at Joel's place than she did ours. It drove me crazy thinking about what they were doing, even though I didn't want to think about what that could be. I thought maybe Joel had been starting to loosen up more around me that one night. I thought maybe he would get past the age gap when his hands found my hips. I had felt just how much he wanted me before Tommy ruined it all. Now Joel barely looked at me.
I had my headphones on as we walked through the destroyed city, listening to Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) by Eurythmics. I had the right side pushed back off my ear and had the volume really low so I could still hear. After seven years the city was a total disaster zone. In the beginning when the infected got out of control FEDRA bombed the city to try and help contain them. Builds were leaning to the side, almost touching each other. Part of the streets were completely gone and we had to go around.
I was doing more dancing than walking. I had decided that it was better to just be myself and give very few fucks if any at all. Just because the world changed and Somehow even more shitty than it was before doesn't mean I can't enjoy life. I made sure to watch my steps and where I was going. Made sure that I wasn't too loud. I had a knife and my gun on my belt. We were out of the city; there wasn't anything around us.
I had rewound my tape to play Sweet Dreams over again. It just gave me energy and motivation. I turned the volume up just a little bit; not too loud. I could still hear what was going on around me. I heard Joel let out a frustrated sigh. He was definitely annoyed by my high energy. “Will you knock it the hell off!” He hissed.
I turned around, walking backwards, raised my arms out in front of me and held up both my middle fingers while singing along to the song. “Live a little, Joel! Maybe then you would have such a gigantic tree trunk shoved up your ass!” I gave him a curt smile and turned back around. “You're going to get yourself killed one day!” He said from behind me. I just shrugged, “Everyone dies, Joel!” Just then Pour Some Sugar On Me came on. Of course it did, I had my mixtape I took forever to make in my player.
I pulled my headphones fully on my ears and turned the volume up more. I turned my head to look at Joel and gave him a wicked smile. He had his usual bitch face on. Jaw set and brows narrowed inwards. Then I started to sing. We were in the middle of an empty street so I had all the freedom to dance all I wanted.
I twisted my body, swinging my hips, and running my hands up my sides, barely touching my body with my finger tips. I could hear Joel let out a low growl of annoyance. That only made me smile wider. There was nothing more that I loved doing than pissing him off. He was always so up tight, and although I understood why, I just couldn't stand it. He brought my damn mood down and I just wanted to enjoy life as long as possible.
When we got close to the neighborhood where Frank and Bill lived we stopped at least fifty-feet away. “Damn, a whole town to themselves. And look at this security!” I said. I pulled my headphones down to hang around my neck and turned the music off. A man with a gray beard and dark brown hair came walking towards the gate with a smile on his face. “Joel?” He asked, walking to put the code into the gate. Joel nodded his head, “Yeah, that's me.”
“I'm Frank. I talked to Tess over the radio. You must be her sister, yn. She told me you would be coming instead.” Another man followed behind him going on about, “You can't just assume these people are who they say they are.” Frank just rolled his eyes and shook his head. “This is Bill. Please excuse him, he's not much of a people person.” I hummed, “Sounds like someone I know,” I said, giving Joel a pointed look. Frank opened the gate and let us in.
Frank had showed us around the town while Bill worked on making lunch. “It was so nice meeting someone over the radio. Tess seems really nice. We could use some friends,” Frank said. “Is it just the two of you?” I asked. He nodded with a small hum. “Yeah, Bill took me in a few years ago. I fell into one of his traps.” He smiles fondly at the memory. “Well, this place is fucking amazing. It must be nice not having to have FEDRA telling you what to do all the time. Following your own rules.”
“It can get lonely. But we find things to do. We have the whole town so if there is anything you need just ask and we can trade for it. I'm sure there are things we can get you that you can't get or don't have and vice versa. But how about we head back. I'm sure lunch is ready and Joel, you and Bill can talk.”
We went back to the house where a small round table was set up. Whennwe sat down Bill had his gun out and on the table pointing towards Joel. Joel didn't seem bothered by it at all, he just made eye contact with Bill. “Will you please put that away. Yn and Joel are our guests.” Bill looked over at Frank, who gave him a stern look. Bill let out a heavy sigh and took it off the table. “This is really good. Thank you for having us,” I said to try and lighten the mood. “Thank you, yn.”
When we were getting ready to leave, Frank suggested an idea to me. “I was thinking that we could have a secret code for certain things. “I was thinking we could communicate through music.” I loved that idea, so I agreed right away. “Oh, my gosh, yes! I love music so that's perfect!” I said. Frank smiled and handed me a piece of paper. “I thought we could go with the sixties, seventies, and eighties.”
60s - Nothing New
70s - New Stalk
80s - X
“The sixties will be for if we haven't got anything new, seventies if we do, and the eighties if we're in trouble.” I nodded, taking the piece of paper, folding It, and putting it to the front pocket of my pack. “That's perfect. So easily hidden.” After we said our goodbyes and that we would talk soon, Joel and I headed back to the QZ.
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mouwrites · 11 months
Heyy so I was wondering if u could write a story about katsuki bakugou x reader if yes then it’s basically that she is new and he tries to tell her he’s the boss but she doesn’t care and then at some point they meet alone in the park or school idk and she has like separatet parents and it’s really difficult for her so that’s why she’s so cold(persenality) so he tells her about his parents and Val bla bla they like go like each other and talk in school often but they tease each other and then they meet at home and cuddle together
Idk if it makes any sense but here it is :)
First BNHA post on here!! :D
Word count: 898
BNHA/MHA - Bakugou With a Cold Classmate With Separated Parents
“Hey, fresh meat,” a gravelly voice, obnoxiously loud for its close proximity, came from in front of you. You looked up from your phone to see a boy burning holes in your skull with a dangerous glare. Judging from his uniform (quite disheveled, you noted, as if he didn’t know how to dress himself properly), he was a classmate of yours.
“Are you talking to me?” You deadpanned.
He blinked dumbly, as if he wasn’t expecting such a bland response. But the fire in his eyes only extinguished for a moment. He slammed his hands on your desk, his glare somehow even more powerful than before.
“Don’t get mouthy with me,” he snapped. “I’m the boss around here. Bakugou. Me. Ya hear?”
You looked him up and down, marking again his shoddy appearance. One of your eyebrows perked up for half a second judgmentally. You just shrugged, sighing as you turned back to your phone.
“You think you can just ignore me?!” You didn’t think his voice could get any louder, but apparently you were wrong. You flinched at the noise, but you didn’t bother to look up at him; instead, you pulled out your headphones and cranked the volume.
You could hear him yelling some more, but your music was too loud for you to discern what he was actually saying. Eventually you saw him leave your periphery, which you correctly assumed was a sign that class was starting.
You had forgotten the encounter as soon as it ended, but the boy didn’t. While you focused on jotting down notes and asking questions, he was sending furtive glances your way, both outraged and baffled at your treatment of him. You were a puzzle, that was for sure, but not one that he wanted to solve. No, he was much more interested in championing you. You’d be bending at his will just like the others, he told himself, in no time at all.
After classes were done for the day, Bakugou was walking the grounds, lost in thought. He was trying to determine the best way to get through to you. He’d need to push you, yes, but how? He chewed his cheek thoughtfully, tossing a few ideas around.
A smirk came to his lips when he noticed a familiar figure perched on a low wall along the walkway. It was as if fate wanted this. 
“Yo, fresh meat,” he growled, trying to keep the sadistic pleasure out of his voice.
You turned around, your blank expression unchanging. That irked him. Why weren’t you afraid of him? He had to try harder.
“Why are you sitting all alone? Are you an outcast already?”
You shrugged, turning off your phone and putting it in your pocket. “I sure hope not. I’m just trying to get a moment of peace.”
He was caught off guard again by your nonchalance. “From what?”
“My parents. They’re separated,” you sighed, shoulders slumping. “They fight a lot. It’s… I dunno. It’s just hard.”
The need to dominate wavered. Without thinking, Bakugou spoke in a normal volume. “Yours too, huh? My parents suck ass.”
He wasn’t sure what made him say that. Nor what made him take a seat next to you, letting you vent while he listened patiently.
It was after that strange, spontaneous encounter that you became friends. Bakugou reluctantly abandoned his original goal, telling himself that you were enough of a loser already that he didn’t need to conquer you. Of course, he teased you about this relentlessly, and secretly took satisfaction in your teasing back. 
One day, you were engaged in your usual banter in the dormitory common room, bouncing between creatively insulting each other and solving math problems. When your homework was done, you were able to focus your full attention on teasing.
“No way a girl would ever even go near you,” you snorted.
“Girls without spines, maybe. I’m only interested in ballsy girls anyway.”
“And what about me? Do I have balls?”
“I don’t know, do you?”
Taking this as an invitation, you stood up from the armchair you were sitting in and plopped yourself down right next to Bakugou, so close that your shoulders were pressed together.
Amused by the subtle pinkness that came to his cheeks, you leaned against him. Taking this as a challenge (he had a tendency to make everything a competition, you noticed), he wrapped both of his arms around you and reclined on the couch. You were laying on top of him, your chin planted on his chest as you looked up at him. The mischievous glint in your eye was met with an equally sly look in Bakugou’s eyes.
“Well? Am I ‘ballsy’?”
“Shut up,” Bakugou guffawed, pulling your head so you were laying properly against him. 
You sighed, finding the position rather comforting, especially after all that homework. The way his sinewy arms seemed to fit perfectly around your waist brought a little smile to your (and Bakugou’s, though you couldn’t see it) face. The faint smell of his cologne filled your nose, and you closed your eyes to hone in on the scent. 
Bakugou stared at the top of your head. He could feel your chest expanding and deflating languidly as you relaxed, and he found himself following your example. With a little smirk he closed his eyes, grateful that he had chosen to befriend and not break you.
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Thanks for this request, and thank you for reading!! Take care sweeties <33
(divider by saradika)
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starchild0985 · 1 year
Okay, I'm not really sure what this is, lol. This is the first time I've written for a television series in about twenty years. I'm still feeling my way into this universe, and I'm also old enough to be Ellie's mom, so worried about having her voice right. I loved writing this, though, and it was inspired by my love of Chris Cornell and how I thought Ellie would like Soundgarden.
Looking California, Feeling Minnesota
Rating: E
Word Count: 1343
Some Joel-Ellie familial bonding. Joel's gift helps Ellie make a bridge between her life before and in Jackson.
It wasn’t as if Ellie wanted to stick out; not really. 
When she looked at the other teenagers at the dining hall, those first few days when they had re-settled in Jackson, they didn’t really look so different. She sized them up with the eye of one practiced, and they were more rounded, not having grown up without food, and clumsy in a way she had never had the freedom be. 
Here in Jackson, mistakes were no longer a matter of reduced rations or death. 
Still, she tried to reason, her logical mind tenaciously, perhaps paradoxically, defending quixotic hope, that they were like her, still trying to learn, still trying to figure out what chances existed in a world like this. 
 When she looked at her own hands, though, they seemed rougher, a chimera of her, Ellie, and the specter-self she had left behind in the shadows of Silver Lake. 
The softness Joel bestowed upon her—a tenderness Ellie dared not to name, for fear it would shrivel like leaves in a campfire—sheltered a tiny spark of hope that this could be a fresh start. A new her. 
Watching the girls laughing in a knot together, though, that ideal seemed impossible to attain. 
Joel came back from his first overnight patrol bearing gifts—two sketchbooks, only slightly wrinkled from previous moisture, and a new cassette tape. 
Having accepted the sketchbooks with an enthusiastic “bitchin!”, trying out a slang term she’d picked up from one of the women who worked at the stables, Ellie turned the cassette over in her hand.  
“Found this in a busted-out old station wagon in the woods. Thought you’d like it, kiddo.” 
“Sounds like old people music, so it’s perfect for you.” 
Joel got the look Ellie loved, when something she said made him want to laugh, but he pursed his lips to try to hide it. 
“That sure ain’t what my parents thought when Tommy was playing it. Course, he blew out my pa’s car speakers with it, so can’t say I blame them.” 
She stuck her pinkie finger in one of the cassette’s holes, remembered another life, when Riley had fixed her Pearl Jam tape when Bethany had pulled the fragile innards out. 
“’S loud?” 
“Sure is, so mind the volume when you play it, ‘less you want to be as deaf as me.”  
Joel tugged on her ponytail, the affectionate gesture erasing any harshness that could be perceived in his words. 
It WAS loud, and to Ellie’s surprise, the intense thrum of the guitar and the singer’s range, purring low one moment and screaming the next, grounded her. She listened to the tape twice that first night, falling asleep near the end of the B side. 
She peppered Joel with questions about the band at breakfast, trying to figure out what the musicians looked like. Joel scratched his head, taking a sip of chicory root coffee. 
“Well, they were more Tommy’s thing, mind you, but the singer was a fella named Chris. He had real long hair, and he didn’t have a shirt on in his videos sometimes.” 
“Gross.” She tapped her nail on the Walkman, sitting by her breakfast plate. “I like his voice, though.” 
A month passed, and Ellie sat in Joel’s garage workshop, his hand covering hers easily as he showed her how to sand the tabletop he was working on. 
“Easy, now. Go with the grain, see? There you go.” 
Ellie sat back and admired her handiwork, then remembered the thought that had been tugging at her brain as she slipped into her dreams last night.  
“Hey, Joel? Can you ask me a question about one of the songs on the tape you got me?” 
This was another Joel expression that never failed to make Ellie laugh, the way his eyebrows would shift when he was worried she was going to ask something, as he put it, “inappropriate.” They’d clawed their way through hell and back, but he still tried to raise her the same way he had the girl she secretly considered a big sister. 
It made her feel achingly, almost, equal.  
“Now, Ellie, you know not to repeat those if there’s anything...raunchy...” 
She rolled her eyes. 
“Raunchy. Okay, grandpa.” 
He looked at her, head tilted in a question, and the teasing evaporated from her lips as she got back on topic. 
“What does ‘looking California, feeling Minnesota’ mean? Because I don’t think I even know where Minnesota is, and I just saw California in a movie once.” 
“Well, now, I reckon that’s him trying to say he the way he looks and the way he feels are two different things, but he said it like that as a, you know....” 
The look of pride on Joel’s face was enough to make Ellie feel like the neighborhood cat basking in a beam of light. 
“That’s the one. It’s a metaphor. He’s saying he don’t feel like he belongs where is, even if he looks it.” 
Ellie looked down at the tabletop again, pushing the sandpaper across the section in front of her. 
“I thought you didn’t feel that way anymore when you grew up.”  
She could feel Joel fidgeting next to her in the pause that followed. 
“Babygirl, I feel that way all the time.” 
Even now, it was hard not to look for signs he was humoring her. Making fun of her. The things adults do with kids. She saw, instead, pure earnestness in his eyes. She gave him a moment to gather thoughts like he needed, the way he always gave her time to finish. 
“Tommy was always the more talkative of us brothers, but now, I gotta remember we’re in a safe place where I can know someone’s full name, give them mine. Feels like no one else here has that problem. But I struggle with it every time.” 
“And...And Sarah--” 
There were still days where it was hard for him to say Sarah’s name, but he did it more around her than anyone else, and she held her breath, hoping he’d continue. 
“Well, Sarah didn’t go through what you have, but her mama left us when Sarah was a baby, and she felt like everyone could tell.” 
Connection sparkled across all the years, the thoughts of a girl wondering why her mother didn’t want her finding one who had, decades later, come to learn her mother’s lie was what saved her life. The connection, purple and green, over and over, forged by the weary man in flannel who would have risked it all for him for both of them. 
Ellie laid a hand on his forearm and squeezed, and he bent over to press a grateful kiss on the top of her head. 
“’Course, Sarah was always real tall for her age, too, and she used to hate she couldn’t fit into the clothes her friends could. Now, you could’ve, but, well, you ain’t that girly, and she would have respected that.” 
“I’d have liked that.” Ellie thought back on the song. “Do you think the guy who sang it felt that way?” 
“That’s why he wrote it, baby. I always liked music for that. Says a lot when you’re not real great with words.” 
The next time Ellie went to the dining hall, her Walkman in her pocket, and looked at the kids, she was still scared. She still felt Minnesota. 
But she thought about Joel, how the toughest man she’d ever known was scared to put his guard down, even after weeks, even for an instant, and no one knew. 
She thought of how Sarah, who she thought must have had a perfect life, having Joel before the world went to hell, had her silent hurts. 
Ellie wondered if, in the crowd of faces, they all had their own stories. Their own pain. 
Her eyes met those of the dark-haired girl who’d watched her all that ago, when Ellie had first come to Jackson. Dina, she thought her name was. 
This time, when Dina looked, Ellie smiled. 
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purplesurveys · 1 year
This time last year, what was happening in your life? Life was a little uneventful at the time. But if anything, I had a completely different set of clients – a more stressful roster at that, so in hindsight I’m glad that part of my life is over. It had also only been a month from Kimi’s passing so my mental health had been more tumultous; it was also the time I was coming to terms with the fact that I might be experiencing another bout of depression, so I would go out every weekend and have some quiet time to myself at coffee shops or at my favorite comfort places, like my university.
Did you/will you have coffee or some other form of caffeine today? I already have a mug of coffee next to me.
Who did you last have a text conversation with and what was it about? Just quick exchanges for work.
Are there regular trains in and out of your town/city? Yes.
Do you bathe your pets regularly? Just once every few months.
Do you have a mailbox or do you collect your mail from the post office? We have mail and packages sent directly to our house, but we don’t have a mailbox - not really common here. Instead, envelopes are squeezed into our door; then for larger packages, riders would directly ring the doorbell so we can receive them.
What was the last animal you saw, and was it a pet? Our two dogs. Yes, pets.
Have you ever had an ear infection? Kind of? It didn’t happen inside my ear, but on my earlobe. I got a nasty infection from my piercing (which I never took off since getting pierced as a baby) and the only way around it was to stop wearing earrings altogether. To this day I haven’t worn earrings since and stick with clip-ons.
If you could watch any TV series right now, what would it be? I’d love to get started on Ted Lasso. And get my ass back on Better Call Saul.
Would you have any clue when your best friend last got their hair cut? No idea...must be a few months ago.
Someone messages you just as you’re about to go to sleep. Do you reply? Depends on the person and the nature of their message. The only person I’d make an exception for is probably Angela, or my dad.
Do you grind your teeth, and if so, why do you do it? I don’t do it in my sleep if this is what you mean. My sister does and very aggressively, so to be honest I try not to fall asleep in the same room as her. The sound is very...it drives me mad, lol.
Have you ever been hospitalized due to dehydration? I haven’t been hospitalized but I’ve definitely fainted from it.
Is there anything you need to remember to do before the day ends? I technically have more work to do beyond the shit I already did yesterday, but I’m on the fence about doing it or just leaving it off for tomorrow. I already worked on a Saturday...the thought of working on a Sunday too is just raising my stress level through the roof lol. I WANT TO HAVE A WEEKEND TOO.
When you listen to music with headphones, do you keep the volume low enough to hear surrounding noise faintly, or do you blast it? Well, it depends where I am and how quiet it is. The sound seeps out-ish from my headphones if the volume is too loud, so I’ll only have it on max volume if I’m somewhere the sound can be drowned out, like in the office or at a busy coffee shop. But if I’m in a Grab where it’s just me and the driver, I’d tone it down.
What’s your favorite online radio site? Idk if it counts but I’ll occasionally use Stationhead to help boost song streams.
Do your parents have any authority over who you date? As much as possible, I wouldn’t let them. At the end of the day it’s my decision and even if I turned out wrong and stupid, it shouldn’t be their problem to fix because the only way it should be is a lesson for me to learn from.
How many different shades of nail polish do you have? Zero. I never apply nail polish because 100% I’ll have the urge to chip it off.
What did you have for breakfast this morning? I had a scrambled egg sandwich.
Are you lucky enough to have an ice maker in your refrigerator door? We don’t have one, but I don’t feel unlucky about it either lmao.
Are you the type to wake up before the sun has even risen? Not at all. As someone who works a 9-6, I value my sleep and would hate to be up earlier than the sun. 
Have you ever watched an anime series, start to finish? Nah. I’m not into anime.
Do you feel the need to rant about anything right now? If so, go for it. I’m desperate for 4-day work weeks to be a thing. I’ll experience it occasionally due to public holidays, and it’s truly fascinating to feel the difference between a 4-day work week and 5-day work week (even if they differ by only a day!). I tend to feel incredibly recharged with the former, while the latter brutally exhausts me beyond words. Anyway, it’s Sunday evening now and I’m dreading to start the cycle all over again, and I just can’t wait to reach Friday.
Do you have a favorite towel? What color is it? I don’t have a favorite towel. They all do the same thing.
Have you seen any films with Judy Garland in them?: I actually haven’t. Most of her well-known films are musicals which I’m not really into, so that’s a big reason why I haven’t checked her works out.
How did you feel when you woke up today? Why? Rattled. I woke up at around 9:20 AM today when we usually leave at around 9:45 to attend mass, so I had to prepare at 2x speed haha.
Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? My group chat with Angela and Reena.
When was the last time you saw them? A month ago when we landed back from Bangkok.
Do you have a friend named Nick? What’s his favourite food? No, I don’t have a friend named Nick.
What are you listening to? I have a BTS vlog playing in the background. I usually have a string of these playing on Sunday nights; it helps calm my nerves before the week starts.
What year are you/did you graduate? I graduated high school in 2016, then college in 2020.
Are you obsessed with anything? BTS.
Do you prefer waffles or pancakes? Waffles.
Do you prefer non-diet or diet soda? No soda.
Do you like seafood? It’s the best thing in the world.
Are you craving anything right now? I’d love a cheeseburger from McDonald’s, but I’ll live.
Do you dress appropriately for your age? Uh, I guess. What exactly constitutes an appropriate outfit when you’re 25 years old anyway? Hahaha.
If McDonald’s sold hot dogs, would you buy them? No.
How long is your hair? It’s a bit past my shoulders, but not long enough that it reaches my waist.
Do you like your neighbors? They’re fine and don’t make a fuss and aren’t Karens. That’s all I’d ask for.
What’s your school motto? Honor and excellence.
Has a bird ever flown into your window? Nope.
Which word did you say first, mama or dada? No idea what my first word was and I don’t think my parents monitored it too.
How old were you when you learned to walk? I also have no clue. Thanks for the idea, I’ll go ahead and ask my parents this when I can :)
What was your first pet’s name? Goldy...because I had a goldfish...very creative...
How many kids were in your class in kindergarten? We were around 15 in Kinder 1. By the time I got to Kinder 2 and Prep, the classes grew to 30.
Who was your best friend in elementary? Angela.
Who was the best athlete in your freshman class? I won’t say their name anymore but it was someone from the basketball team. She wasn’t only good at the sport but was exceptionally tall too, so she definitely stood out.
What teacher did all the high school boys/girls have a crush on? I don’t think there was anyone we’d consider THE school crush. We had several male teachers and I observed that the students would just have little crushes depending on their own type.
Where do you see yourself in a year? I have no idea. I keep saying ‘maybe in a new job’ but it never fucking happens so I don’t wanna keep guessing anymore haha.
If you were able to change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I wish I was less uptight. Especially with work. Bea usually talks me down because I freak out over the smallest things that can be resolved easily if I just calm the fuck down and not see them as the end of the world.
Are you content just blending in with the crowd? For the most part, but I want to make some sort of impact too. I wouldn’t be okay with just going with the flow for the rest of my life.
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superannuatedseeker · 6 months
Tumblr intro post 2024 Edition
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Oh hello.  I am Ren.  Cishet, she/her.  This is my tumblr.  It goes all the way back to 2012, but I haven’t really been active on it for several years now.  So time to reintroduce myself to the tumblrverse, I guess, and see if I can generate some social interactions.
So, I turn 61 in a couple of months.  I know, that’s ancient in tumblr years, but I also know there are a few other Gen Xers out there.  I always identify myself as a Mom before anything, even though my daughter @missr3n3 is a grown-ass adult and awesome creator, so check her out.  But I am also Mom by nature, taking care of others, nurturing and encouraging them. Oh!  And I’m a cat-mom to a female ginger named Starlord.
Since the pandemic, I work from home, which is essential since during the dumpster fire of 2020 I suffered a (mild)traumatic brain injury (yeah, mild, she gently shook her head disbelievingly) and if I had to go back to my pre-pandemic routine, well, I couldn’t and I’d be living a very different life.  So let’s get the brain injury out of the way.  It’s one of those invisible disabilities, and I’m quite functional most of the time, but it is still there and it is a bitch.  It limits the amount of energy I have in a day, limits what I can do, where I can go, and even after learning to skillfully manage my life around it for more than three years, I am one bright light or loud sound away from spending a day or more in bed.  Some things can’t be anticipated or worked around, and therefore, have to be endured.  All that said, I try to stay focused on more positive things and not let this become my entire identity.
So what do I do, and why might you, fellow tumblor, be interested in following this here little blog thing?
Crochet – after a nearly three-year break, I have been able to pick up my hook again, and while it can be frustrating and slow-going, I’m quite happy to have it back in my life. This is a pattern by BonnieBayCrochet on Youtube.
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Diamond Painting – instead of focusing on things I can’t do any more, I sought to find something I could do and diamond painting is one of these things, so I guess I’ll be posting about those projects, though again they move slowly.
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Acrylic Painting – something else I had to take a break from that is still a frustratingly slow process for me.  I am hoping I can build some accountability into this blog by posting any progress I make with it. This is a painting I finished awhile ago. Based on the work of Yobanka Art Paint on Youtube.
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And this is the unfinished painting that has been staring me down for the past year. From a tutorial by The Art Sherpa on Youtube.
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Television/streaming – I am a fan of Asian dramas, though good ones can be hard to find and subtitles do soak up my available brain juice.  I wish I was enjoying “Mysterious Lotus Casebook” more than I am, given that I finally broke down and I gave iQiYi my $8.99 to see it.  However, I got “War of Faith” in the bargain and after a couple of episodes I’m enjoying it.  I find most American media too much for my brain to take, but there are plenty of vintage dramas on the free streaming platforms.  I am currently working my way through “Have Gun Will Travel” and the original “Dynasty.”
Reading – I used to read – a lot – but I don’t have the concentration for it anymore.  However, when I could, I read a lot of books and I’m happy to comment on them.
Music – this is the thing my brain injury truly robbed me of and the hardest adjustment to make.  I love everything from classical to kpop, though the only group I continue to follow, just to see how my boys are doing, is VIXX.  For now, when I can, I listen to classical guitar pieces played on very low volume, with occasional visits to vintage country music (Waylon Jennings anyone?), when my brain has the capacity.  Favorites have always included Ian Hunter and Van Halen, but rock and pop tend to do my head in, so that is more from memory these days.
Other interests are Buddhist philosophy, cooking, cleaning channels on Youtube, and other people.  That means you!  Yes, you!  I would love to know about your life, your interests, your ups and downs, hopes and dreams.  Unless you’re a bot, or your only interest is porn, or you need my credit card information, or you are a horny old man who thinks this is a dating site.  But I’m a glass-half-full kinda old cat lady, so I prefer to think there are plenty of people out here in Tumbland who are interested in sharing this journey, with a slice of cake and a cup of tea, of course.
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ellinox · 1 year
Statement of Joe Knottim regarding an …
Statement Begins.
I suppose this all started sometime after I had found that old gramophone. I run the antique store in town, you see, and it’s basically my job description to collect odd and old unused things that I think I can turn a profit on, and give a second life to. And the gramophone was exactly that!
I spotted it peeking out from behind a dumpster on third street, while I was out on my break. I run the store alone, you see, so I could afford to take my sweet time walking back. It was caked in dust a smelling more than a little worse for wear, which wasn’t that unusual for the items I usually procure, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it still seemed like it could fully function, no broken pieces or nothing!
I took it back with me to the shop, and cleaned it up. To my delight, it worked pretty dang great for something that was on its way to the dump, so I immediately made room for it on one of my shelves.
It sat there for, what, couldn’t have been more than a week, before I started noticing something was wrong.
At the stroke of 2pm, without fail, the gramophone would creak into tune, softly playing whatever classical record I had shoved on it when I’d first procured it. Every day, for about an hour, warbling out the same melodies as the day before, at such a low volume that I initially thought it was just my new neighbours having a go at me.
It wasn’t necessarily bothersome in anyway, but I did find it rather strange how on-the-dot it was with its repetition, especially considering I hadn’t left it plugged in… But, like I said, it wasn’t a bother so I just let it be.
That is, until it started screaming.
I remember it vividly. I was half asleep at the counter, as I’d had a strange bout of insomnia the night before, when the soothing lull of the quiet music halted abruptly. I only had a few seconds of stifled confusion when the silence was rapidly interrupted by an unbearable high pitched screeching. It was as though the delicate needle was scraping against some brittle glass, the high pitched whine nearly leaving me doubled over clutching my head as though I could will the loudness away.
I think I passed out not long after that, because when I came to, the sun had been substantially further along in the sky then when I had last looked.
Now, as you know, this town’s always been a bit kooky. Always dredging up things that have no reason to be dredged up. But this wasn’t the normal everyday kind of wacky. Y’hear?
I had left the stinking thing well alone after that, allowing it to continue its clockwork serenade that I had grown accustomed to. It’s just that, from that point forward, I had also purchased some ear wax to block out the occasional screaming. Because it did continue to do that. Every once in a while, with more and more frequency until that Big Day happened.
And it wasn’t just incoherent whines anymore, either! The pained keening was still there, sure, but so was the new addition of what I can only describe as really poor stage whispering. It was like listening to children try and keep a secret from you, all sly giggles and loud chitters. In truth, I probably would have been more freaked out if I could’ve understood what they were saying… but, as it stands, it was like hearing complete nonsensical gibberish.
Besides, by the time an even began registering the voices as… voices, I suppose- I already had bigger fish to fry.
On the floor, right behind the sales counter, was a crack.
It ran from the baseboard of the wall, along its length, before veering sharply into the walkway between the wall and counter. Normally, this wouldn’t be a big concern for me, as I had done my fair share of repair work in my own home, but something was different with this crack… For one, there was nothing that could have really caused it to appear in the first place, and two…. Well. It kept getting bigger.
I ignored it for as long as I could, but, when the crack widened into enough of a hole, it was rather unavoidable.
Which is to say, I didn’t really avoid it at all after that. Having accidentally stepped through it and nearly injuring myself in the process.
That’s the part that got me the most during that first tumble- the sudden weightless sensation of free fall as my foot cleared the entire floor.
For some clarification, my shop is on the ground level. There really wasn’t a floor available for my foot to have been able clear… yet, it still did. As I was sat there, I found I was able to completely swing my leg around, as though there was open space there. And once I had dragged my leg out of the deceptively deep hole, I took it upon myself to look down into it…
Initially, all I could see was only blackness- a sheer lack of light so pure I thought that, perhaps if I were to slip inside, it would be as though I had never existed in the light at all.
Evidently, I did not do that.
Anyhow, after that, I mostly stayed away from that part of the walkway, drifting further along the counter as the hole widened and followed… I had started to notice strange flashes of light and colour from deep within its bowels, from the times I’d glance over to see how much further I’d need to move away… And, at one point, I swear I even saw that flashing darkness bulge over the edges of the hole, as though trying to break free from the confines of the ground…
Yeah, I took to spending far more time outside the shop once that incident occurred. Procuring goods for my almost inevitable return to the shop, and the gaping map that was slowly swallowing it whole.
It was actually through these day trips out on the town that I started to fully notice how odd things had been getting lately. I had my little invasive hole in the floor, sure, but during that week leading up to The Big One, it was as though a roulette of random chance was spun at rapid speed, and it was a race to see what strange malady would occur the fastest. In that week alone, I was privy to the likes of chocolate rain, singing toadstools (they are so much worse than you think), spontaneous rampaging kittens, and fog so thick you could literally eat it (it wasn’t very good, it just tasted of burnt up ozone).
All those weird events leading up to the explosion… Really, I should have seen it coming!
Luckily for me, I was out of the shop the morning it had happened. Out on another stroll, pretending as though I hadn’t taken to doing business whilst sat atop my counter like a toddler.
I think everyone had HEARD the explosion, regardless of where they were in town at the time it happened. And, it’s funny, in retrospect, how loud it was for something that hadn’t even resulted in basically any injuries.
From what I gathered from my former neighbours, the explosion occurred at about 9am. It was a shock of dark, like an eclipse contained to second, and a wave of pure colour and light…
My shop didn’t make it, but somehow, the rest of the block did.
No one was hurt… which was possibly an even stranger turn of events than the pit that was left from the explosion… and that involved a whole smattering colourful and crystalline debris perfectly lining the bottom of what was once my show floor!
No one was harmed, and other than my prospects, things turned out fairly okay, I think.
We’re rebuilding the shop now, same location and everything. Turns out, when your lease explodes from under your feet, and you gain the potential to sue the everlasting hell out of the Town Council, said Council will feel enough pity and fear to just gift you the plot of land.
I heard their research team mention some further studies they wanted to do, so maybe they just want to appeal to my good graces or something… Not that I’m particularly inclined to go poking around what they dubbed as “The Rift”. Apparently this whole thing was a spatial anomaly of sorts- or, that’s the running theory at least. Still… it’s unfortunate that the anomaly took away the shop… and shockingly I find that I’m also missing that old gramophone of mine. I was just starting to get used to all the canary call shrieking.
Statement Ends.
Canary Notes:
⁃ is it possible that something like this is what is happening now?
⁃ I think I recall hearing about Glass Tinker’s floor acting up again recently… but they said it was just plumbing issue?
⁃ A spatial anomaly or rift… sounds sort of ludicrous, but is probably accurate the more I think about it…
⁃ How do you stop a hole in reality though? Perhaps more pressingly… why is this happening again?
0 notes
sukirichi · 4 years
Breakfast for Choso with ingredients #17 and 34 with #2 sugar? Wine is optional.
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— Nothing is ever easy with Choso, but for him, you’d push through hell and back.
meal order: breakfast + 17, 34 (fake dating, rentboy au) + 2 (enemies to lovers) + biting, scratching, choso eating reader out, sex on the beach
warnings: mature content, unedited fic, choso is mean and harsh when he’s angry
notes: thank you so much for this anon! I really enjoyed writing this and this totally made my day. I hope you like it!
word count: 10k+ LOL CHOSO BRAIN ROT
check out the fanart @tigressnej-chan made, it s so beautiful HURRR
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Your day was absolutely ruined. Dark, deep bags covered your under eyes as you stormed through the convenience store downstairs your apartment, body clad in an oversized hoodie and socks visible through slippers, hair greasy and lips chapped. You’re aware you look like a mess, but did you care?
Absolutely not, especially when you haven’t been sleeping well the moment you moved into this cursed apartment because of a certain fucker.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. That specific fucker – the cause of your ruin and the devil who prevented you from living a good life – waltzed inside the store, the small bell chiming to signal his presence. You scoffed at his confident, suave walk, further irritated because he just had to be insanely attractive – in an alternative, laid-back kind of way.
He wasn’t even your type; you preferred more refined men who wore pressed suits and leather shoes, but you had to admit this man was insanely attractive.
With deep, sunken eyes, a dark tattoo across the bridge of his nose and dark hair twisted into twin ponytails, large, muscular body covered in a black sweatshirt and a red scarf – he looked very much like a former member of a gang who retired because their barbaric ways wasn’t his thing. It was an odd theory, and you sat there at the corner of the store, glaring at the man who tiredly pressed the coffee maker machine for a dark roast.
As if feeling eyes on him, his lazy eyes slid over to yours, and almost automatically, one corner of his lips tilted up in humor. This fucker knew how much he annoyed you, and he only further pushed your buttons by walking over to you, the steam of his coffee nearly blocking your gaze.
“Good morning,” he greeted sarcastically, well aware that it definitely not a good morning for you.
“Have fun last night, neighbor?”
“Jeez, you won’t even bother denying it?”
“I see no point in it,” he invited himself by sitting next to you, long legs crossed over his muscular thigh. You found yourself staring at how he seemed so firm even in loose sweatpants, averting your gaze and staring at your soggy ramen noodle cup instead.  “And you’re not trying to hide the fact you’re listening, either.”
“I wasn’t listening!” you slammed your fist down the table – he didn’t even flinch, only continuing to sip his coffee as if you weren’t burning in anger beside him – as you hissed, “The walls are too damn thin and you’re so fucking loud.”
“No, I wasn’t. She was loud, though.”
Scoffing, you crossed your arms against your chest. He really was shameless. You already knew this man didn’t have enough shame in his body, but you didn’t think he’d have absolutely nothing.
Upon witnessing your stupefied state, he reached over to knock at your skull. “Still there, princess?” you cringed at his nickname for you; you didn’t even know this guy’s name, for pete’s sake! “Or are you still too bothered by the fact I got some good fucking last night?”
You flicked his arm away from you, nearly seething in your seat. “God, you’re insufferable. I should move out.”
“Yes, I think that would be for the best too,” he nodded to himself as he stared at his now empty coffee cup. Had it been that long already? Apparently, it was, because your noodles turned cold and your neighbor was already leaving your seat, dipping for a mocking bow. “Have a nice day, neighbor. Don’t think of my cock too much,” he teased, even going as far as winking until your jaw dropped.
You watched as he threw the paper cup in the proper bin, a little surprised he was decent enough to do mundane tasks like that. Sometimes, it was so easy to forget your neighbor was also a decent human being, but whatever.
You absolutely, utterly hated him, and you kept mumbling to yourself of the different ways you’d get your revenge on him as he walked out the door, his annoyingly gorgeous ass in view. “Yeah, right,” you scowled to yourself, “As if I can get that image out my mind now.”
He would not be an easy feat.
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Despite your constant pleas for him to at least be silent during the weekdays to give you enough peace of mind to study for the finals, he didn’t stop. Hours just after the sun sets, you’d hear giggles and sloppy kisses on the hallway.
No matter how much you pressed your hands into your ears and set your music on full volume to block out the noise, you could always hear them.
Your neighbor was undeniably a fuckboy. 
Every night, he’d have a different girl dangling in his arms. You knew, because the voices squealing his name while he fucked them right next door were always different. Some days, it was deep and throaty, and on other days it’d be high-pitched and nearly scraping at your ears. They all said the same thing though, such as fuck, right there, you feel so good or harder, harder, please, I’m so close!
To say you were traumatized was an understatement. You never wanted to hear such things again, but alas, your neighbor apparently couldn’t give a single shit because he was fucking someone again.
As if things couldn’t get worse, the person he brought home this time around just had to have the most fucking annoying voice ever. Or maybe it sounded like the others, but you were in the middle of memorizing veins and brain chemicals in alphabetical harder when you heard the headboard of his bed slam against your wall, the sound hard and loud enough you dropped your book in surprise.
They didn’t stop. If anything, he kept going harder until nothing but his low sexy groans and his partner’s screaming – that was right, she was fucking screaming – like she was having her insides rearranged.
You didn’t doubt the possibility that maybe she really was. Your neighbor was such a huge, attractive guy, after all, it would make sense he was capable of such. Before you knew it, you could no longer understand the words in your textbook. You kept rereading the same line over and over again, but nothing registered into your mind. You were so close to screaming at them to stop and shut the fuck up because it was three in the morning and they were still going at it, but you weren’t that mean.
Yes, you hated him, but you weren’t going to blue ball someone or make sex awkward. Sex with your ex was always awkward, so you knew how painful it was to live with that memory. No matter how much you hated your neighbor, you wouldn’t go that far.
So you trudged all the way up to the building’s public balcony, bringing a blanket with you to survive the chilly bite of the night.
You used your phone’s flashlight to read all over the textbooks, keeping your little note cards organized and color coded beside you. Finally, you could make sense of things a little bit more, and you chugged at your Red Bull to keep you awake. Time passed by so fast whenever you were lost with your nose stuck in a book, and your attention was only ripped away when the balcony door swung open, revealing your neighbor with messed up hair and bruised lips.
He looked totally fucked out.
“Oh, fuck, no – what are you doing here?”
“This balcony is for all tenants,” your neighbor barely blinked as he walked closer to you, but instead of joining you on the table, he leaned against the railings and stared into the night sky. He seemed so placid, a little approachable despite his intimidating face even, and for a moment, you were studying his sharp, masculine features before he turned your way with a passive face. “Last time I checked, I’m a tenant, therefore I have the rights to be here.”
“I don’t care,” you retorted childishly, pulling your books closer to you as if he wanted to steal it. He only raised a brow at your actions, the large muscles of his arms bulging up from where he stood.
It felt so hard to not salivate at the sight, but for the sake of your pride, you had to push those thoughts down and remind yourself why you hated him so much. “I evoke your rights. You’re not welcome here.”
“You’re awfully harsh to a stranger.”
“You’re not a stranger, you’re my neighbor who brings girls in his home every night and I can never get a wink of sleep because all I can hear is them moaning and the sound of balls slapping!”
“Vulgar,” he smirked, and he had no business looking so attractive with that arrogant smirk on his face that it took all energy you had in you to not whack him with your book.
“I think I deserve an apology.”
“I think you should mind your business.”
You stood up with a scowl, nearly shoving the book right in his chest. “Bro, I’m this close to slapping this book right in your pretty face. You see how thick this is? I’m not kidding, this will hurt. Listen, I’ve got a final exam and a suture practice this weekend. All I’m asking for is just a few hours of sleep – that’s all. I just don’t get why you always seem to be balls deep in someone at every god forsaken hour; I can’t focus on my work when the noises are so distracting. At this point, I remember their begging more than I’m familiar with nerves. I need to study, okay? I really want to graduate.”
He fell silent at your sudden rant, then, he tilted his head to the side, a small smile on his lips. “You think I have a pretty face?”
“After everything I said, that’s all you remember?”
“It’s kind of hard to listen to every word when I’m distracted by your eyes.”
His comment caught you off-guard, and your eyes widened, arm coming up to hide your face that soon began to felt warm. He only chuckled at your reaction, the sound deep and throaty that it went right straight into the pools of your belly. “My eyes – what are you talking about? Seriously, what’s wrong with you? You’re so creepy!”
“Hmm,” he snickered, “That’s the first time I’ve heard that.”
“What, no one tells you you’re creepy?”
“No, people always say I’m handsome,” he said it with such a straight face that you gave him an are you serious look, and he raised one shoulder to shrug. “I’m surprised you’re not attracted to me, to be honest.”
“Wow,” you drawled out, shaking your head with a laugh as you plopped down back to your seat in defeat. “Aren’t you full of surprises? First, I get a really horny man as my next door neighbor who keeps me up at night with his shenanigans, and now he’s got the audacity to ask me why I’m not attracted to him?”
“I mean,” he scrunched his nose cutely, a huge contrast to his domineering stature. “Why aren’t you?”
“Yeah, I give up. I’m just gonna crash at my friends tonight,” you mumbled to yourself while gathering your things, leaving your neighbor all by himself. As you reached the door, you called out to him one more time, “Oh, and by the way, you reek of pussy. Go shower or something.”
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“So how’s your exams going?”
“They’re fine,” you lied through gritted teeth, slicing through the fish a lot harsher than you intended. The knife scraped against the plate and you winced at the sound, ignoring your father’s loud munching. “Not too much of a big deal. My professors are nice and my classmates are nice too. I’m fitting in really well and I think I’ll even come out on top of my class this time if it weren’t for that stupid little bastard…” your last words ended up as a whisper, eyes glazing to the side as you glared at nothing in particular.
“Stupid little what?”
“Nothing, nothing,” you waved your hand in the air, “Someone’s just distracting me from my studies, is all.”
At the mention of someone distracting your usually composed and unbothered self, your father straightened up in his seat, a large smile on his face that made him look younger than he really was. “Is it a guy? Do you finally have a boyfriend?”
“Ugh, dad, really, you’re the only father who’s so eager for his daughter to have a boyfriend. Shouldn’t you be more proud that, I don’t know, I’m pretty and smart? I don’t need a boyfriend or anything.”
Your father nodded, “True, you don’t need them, but trust me when I say life is going to get pretty lonely when you grow old and you’re all by yourself. It’s still better – and life is a lot happier – when you’ve got a stable supporting and loving figure in your life.”
“I have you for that.”
“And you always will,” he patted your hand gently across the table, “But a parent won’t always be there for their child, and if you’re still not prepared for the future or ready to stand on your own two feet, then that means I didn’t do a great job at raising you; that means I’ve failed as a parent. Tell me, have I failed? Have I raised my wonderful daughter to be so repulsed by the idea of love that she’s willingly closing her doors and locking herself away in isolation?”
“I didn’t think so,” he grinned to himself, and you watched with a frown as his eyes crinkled in happiness. Your father was such the complete opposite of you; he was always so loving and open to everyone, while you were mopey and afraid of attachment.
“Don’t be too afraid to love, child. It’s one of the most wonderful things in this world – it’s a blessing – the absolute core of our being. Why do we exist if not to love?”
“Not everyone is a romantic like you, dad,” you sighed, “Plus…how is it so easy for you to finally find someone after Mom died? Isn’t she your soul mate?” you questioned, putting your fork and knife down as you looked your father in the eye. “I just can’t believe you’re getting married again.”
“It’s already been years since she passed away, Y/N. And yes, she is my soul mate, but that doesn’t mean I’m incapable of loving someone again. Our hearts aren’t limited like that, and your mother wouldn’t want me to keep mourning her when she’s resting in peace,” he gestured to the both of you after swallowing his food, “She would’ve wanted the both of us to be happy.”
At the mention of your passed mother, your shoulders deflated, and your eyes watered at the thought of her kind smile. You wished you could see that again.
“I miss her…”
“I know, child, I know,” your father smiled encouragingly, “I also know the reason you’re so afraid to love is because you’re scared they’ll end up leaving you too, like how your mom just slipped past our fingers like that, but it’s only her body that withered. She’s still with us, right in our hearts and in our memories.”
“You really do sound like a lovesick fool.”
“That’s because I am,” your father laughed with a slap to his knees. When his phone buzzed for his alarm, he quickly dabbed a towel on his lips, standing up to excuse himself. “Now, this lunch was lovely and I dearly missed you, but I need to go back to work. We doctors just never get a break. This is a life you have to prepare for if you want to follow my footsteps.”
“I won’t follow your footsteps – I’ll surpass you.”
“I’ll be waiting for that to happen then,” he announced proudly; pride bursting in his chest at how determined his daughter was. “Oh, and Y/N?”
“Yes?” You squinted at the mischievous look in his eyes, wary of what your cunning father had in mind this time.
“You won’t outsmart me. You better bring a boyfriend or at least introduce someone to me on the wedding – or else I’m pulling you out of the university hospital.”
“Wha – Dad, that’s not fair!”
“All is fair in love and war, child, you’ll learn soon.”
“Oh, I just hate men!”
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You really did hate men.
Your final exam was tomorrow already and you’d lost count of the coffee and Red Bull you’ve inhaled today, all so you could study one last time for the test, but no, something – or rather someone – just had to get in your way.
“I’ve had enough,” you announced before slamming your door open; not hesitating as your fists came banging down on your neighbor’s door. “Hey! Keep it the fuck down – someone’s trying to study here! Seriously, man, is it really that hard for you to keep it in your pants for one night? This is what, the sixth woman you’ve had around the past four days? Don’t you get tired? Because I sure as hell am very tired of you!”
The moans and the sounds of bed creaking stopped. For a moment, you almost smirked to yourself when they fell silent.
If only you knew it would be that easy to shut them up, you would’ve done so long ago. You were about to turn back into your room when his door swung open, and you were met by his sweaty and muscular chest heaving up and down – either in anger or from his previous activities – you couldn’t tell.
Your throat felt dry as you peered at him under your lashes, almost afraid of the way he loomed over you. Thank goodness he found the time to wear pants, though, because had he been baby naked, you would’ve run for the hills already.
His dark eyes cut through yours as he seethed, “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m the one who wants to ask you that,” you were surprised to find your voice despite the way your pussy actually ached just by the sight of his chiseled body, but when you did, you forced yourself to stand up taller, refusing to back down from his gaze. “It’s literally three in the morning and you’re about to fuck a hole through my wall!”
“I thought you said you’d be crashing at your friends. What are you doing here?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know I had to have your permission to come back home. Next time, I’ll give you a heads-up, good sir. And for your information, unlike you, I actually don’t like bothering the people around me so I came home. Now would you please kick her out and shut the fuck up for once?”
“Babe, are you coming back here or what?”
Red acrylic nails wound from his body out of nowhere, and your mouth fell open as you watched the naked woman press kisses on the blades of his shoulder. You were conflicted, torn between feeling jealous that she got to touch him like that because damn was he fine, but you also felt appalled your neighbor would be this type of person.
“Babe?” you repeated with a sarcastic laugh.
Stepping away from your neighbor’s tempting pecs, you waved to the stunning woman behind him. “Hi, I’m his neighbor, I don’t mean to be a cock block or anything but I’ve been a witness to his fuckboy ways for months now. If you think you’re special to him, I assure you, you’re not. Yesterday he was just banging two girls until the sunrise. If you’re really as sane as I hope you are, I suggest you skedaddle before this man feeds you with more lies. You’re not special, hun, he’s just going to fuck everything that walks on two legs.”
“Is that true?”
“Nadia, you know how this works—”
“I was literally just on the phone with you last night!” the woman named Nadia pushed him away, but because he was bigger, he didn’t budge. Nadia turned to you, her lipstick smudged and a suspicious white stain on the edge of her lips. You couldn’t even bring yourself to look down her head, and you and your neighbor both watched as she got dressed and left, hands up in the air. “Thank you for this. I should’ve known better than to waste time and money on him.”
You snickered as Nadia pressed on the elevator buttons, a scowl sent his way. Turning to him with pride swelling up in your chest, you smirked, “How does it feel—”
“Happy now?” he growled, his eyes so dark and slit into tiny cuts you took a step back, your heart pumping frantically for different reasons. You never thought he’d be this bothered for not being able to bust a nut. “Satisfied now, Y/N? Do you even realize what you’ve just done?”
“Uhm, yes,” you scoffed, matching his tone. “I just saved that poor girl’s life. Who else knows what you would’ve done and said to her. We don’t deserve to be looked down on and treated like this, you know.”
“Neither did I. I’m just doing my job.”
“Job? You don’t even have a job! You don’t even go to university for fuck’s sake – your apartment is rundown and smells like sour cunt and feet! Maybe you should even thank me because I’m trying to give you ideas on better things to do!”
“Yeah, and be like you?” he snapped, tugging at the strings of your hoodie until you fell a step forward. “Dressed in loose shirts to hide the fact you’ve got no tits and your ass is flatter than your back? Lying to her neighbor that she’ll crash somewhere but ends up waddling back home anyway because she’s always cooped up in her apartment studying to prove that she’s not as worthless as she is and that she doesn’t have a life or friends to begin with?” tears pooled at your eyes at his words, and you knew it hurt because it was true, but did he really have to say it that way?
However, his anger got the best of him, and he didn’t stop there. “I don’t want to be like you. I don’t want to skip meals and lose sleep studying for something I don’t care about because I don’t know anything else other than following daddy’s footsteps so he’d notice me more than his new bride. I’m happy with my life.”
“How did—”
“Like you said, the walls are thin. You’re not exactly so quiet to yourself, neighbor. It’s kind of pathetic you talk to the walls when you think I’m asleep because you’ve got no one else to talk to.”
Hands balled into fists at your side, you stood on your tiptoes to spit the words out. “You’re a terrible human being,” no matter how much you tried to exert dominance over him, your lips still quivered as you fought back the urge to cry. “Go fuck yourself.”
“You’re the one who needs to go fuck yourself and get laid,” he didn’t let you have another word as he slammed the door in your face, but you still heard him through the door anyway. “Uptight bitch.”
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You were wrong.
Your neighbor wasn’t just difficult – he was completely impossible.
[Dad:] Don’t forget your date!
[You:] Dad…don’t push it.
[Dad:] I find it hard to believe my beautiful daughter can’t have one. Go out there and make some friends, Y/N, I know you isolate yourself too much. It doesn’t even have to be a boyfriend. You could date a girl for all I care. I just don’t want you to be too bored at the wedding. Bring a friend.
[You:] Fine, fine, okay.
[Dad:] But a boyfriend would still be better. Your old man isn’t getting any younger and I want grandkids in the future.
[You:] Dad!
[Dad:] love ya kid !
And so it was the turn of your events that had you groaning in your swiveling chair, the grip on your phone so tight you wouldn’t be surprised if you ended up breaking it. As if your week couldn’t get any more horrible with your neighbor’s hurtful words still living at the back of your mind, your father hadn’t stopped talking about you to his co-workers and his equally crazy mother that your grandmother didn’t waste time in calling you.
You loved your nan, you really did, but more often than not, she was much more of a pain in the ass than your father was. The old woman was ruthless, shooting you question by question on why her pretty granddaughter was still single, then came the demeaning comments of how you “weren’t living life to the fullest.”
Frustration eating away at you, you let out a silent scream.
The escort site blinked back at you mockingly, temptingly, as if to remind you that your problems could easily be solved with just a click. You chastised yourself for always having the need to solve problems fast and as easily as you could, because before you even realized what you were doing, your heart started beating a mile a minute as the other line kept ringing.
You ended up lying to your grandmother that yes, nan, I have a boyfriend, can I study for my exams now please, to which the pressing woman responded with, oh, finally! well, I won’t bother you anymore. study well, my dear, I can’t wait to see him!
Just thinking about how she would react if you came alone at your father’s wedding had you breaking out in a sweat, and you chewed at your nails while waiting for the site to pick up.
You were truly desperate now, so much so that you were actually calling a rental boy site.
“Good afternoon, thank you for calling Kamo Escorts! I’m Ijichi, here to assist you. What can I help you with?”
You held back a really painful cringe, biting the insides of your cheek as you got your heart to calm down. “Uhm, yeah…so this is like my first time c-calling a site like this and I don’t know what to do but…yeah.”
“I see, we get new callers too. Would you like a guide?”
“Yes, please, that’d be great thank you.”
“Kamo Escorts is all about, well, as you can see on our webpage – we have men and even women you can hire to escort you on special events. We mostly cater to clients who only need a pretty face to dangle off their arm for social company or even care, or whatever reasons the client may have and the relationship is purely business and professional, but in some cases, the escorts may have sex with the client too under the condition they are paid more.”
The gasp that left your lips was barely stifled, and you furrowed your brows at the implication. “Wh-what, so that’s like a real thing? Isn’t this…?”
Ijichi chuckled from the other line, almost as if he’d been asked this question many times before. “In a way, it is, which is why Kamo Escorts is commercially advertised for purely social company only. You may, however, negotiate with your escort if you would like more services, but we do require that you keep our escorts’ dignity and not look down on them. The service we provide may not be your typical honorable one, but we are dedicated and equally eager to be of service to this society. Should we find that you’re dehumanizing or harassing our escort, we won’t hesitate to…take some action,” the light warning of his tone didn’t go unnoticed by you, and Ijichi took note of your hesitant silence. “Would you still like to proceed?”
“Ye-yeah, I didn’t want the sex anyway.”
“Very well, then. What event are we looking for?”
“It’s for a relative’s wedding,” you supplied, “I need a date.”
“Any preference in escorts? Male, female, tall, short, sociable or introverted?”
Your eyes widened, your back flattening against your chair. “Oh, wow, so this is like a Build-A-Bear, okay, wait,” you chewed your nails again, racking up on your mind on who or what exactly you liked. “My ideal guy is…someone tall, and has pretty broad shoulders…I think I prefer a more introverted one too because people with too much energy sort of drains me…and someone caring and attentive, yes. Handsome too – but if that’s too much to ask for then—”
“It’s okay, Miss. I assure you all our escorts are definitely blessed in the gene department.”
At his confidence, you scrunched your nose and made yourself small on your chair. “Okay, but now that you say it, if he’s too handsome then I’m going to look like a potato next to him.”
“We’ll find someone compatible for you; we always never fail to please our clients. We’ll be able to match you with a more suitable escort if you’re more descriptive with what you want.”
“Okay, okay,” you continued, “Oh, and I like guys with long hair too, but really, anything is fine. I just want someone to effortlessly pretend they’re enamored after just one date and that they’re very glad to be there with me on the wedding. It’s even better if they’re introverted but can communicate well and isn’t shy at all. My relatives are kind of…freaky.”
Freaky couldn’t even begin to describe the chaos of your relatives.
In fact, had you not been paying for this service, you would’ve almost felt bad for the guy. He had no idea what he had coming for him – but then again, neither did you.
“I think we’ve got just the perfect guy for you,” Ijichi answered after a beat, “May I ask when is this event and how long you’d like to book the escort service for?”
“The event is in two weeks. I don’t need to meet him before the wedding because I’m very busy with exams, so I hope this guy can just act really well. As for the duration…I think just one day is enough. After the wedding, I’m coming right back home.”
“Convenient then,” he mused to himself, and you heard slight clicking from his side. “Let’s see…someone introverted and able to communicate well…definitely not Satoru, and his entirely booked by sugar mommies too…” Ijichi whispered to himself, followed by a slight humorous snort. “One last question: would you like someone older, younger, or the same age as you?”
“I’m in uni – I’d be more comfortable if they were closer to my age.”
“Oh, perfect, his schedule is oddly open for the whole month. Wonder what happened, he’s barely had free slots before…” the man was speaking to himself again, and you sat there pouting, even more dumbfounded at how this whole process worked.
Ijichi talked about this escort service and guided you so easily you almost couldn’t believe that it was as…simple as that. You didn’t know what you were expecting, but deep down in your mind, you were waiting for something fishy or weird to happen.
“I found someone for you. He’s one of our best escorts and I believe he’ll be great for this event. However, due to privacy issues, the disclosure of contacts and personal information can only happen once the escort agrees to this service. We’ll shortly get back to you if he’s up for the job. If not, I’ll find you another one quickly; you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“Okay, thank you so much!”
“It’s our pleasure. Thank you for contacting Kamo Escorts – we hope to see you again!”
Once the call ended, you fell back on your bed with a sigh. Your neighbor wasn’t around the whole day, leaving you in peace and silence, and you took advantage of the rare quietness by pulling out a book. Hours passed, and you were nearly finished with half the textbook, fingers slightly numb from practicing sutures over and over again when your phone lit up with a text.
It came from an unknown number, but the words were loud and clear. Hey, this is Choso, I’ll be your escort for the wedding. Please text me here for the details and what else you expect from my service. I’m only a text and call away, please don’t hesitate to ask me for anything else.
You blinked at your phone, unsure of how to process the whole thing.
So it was official now – you rented an escort and you had a date for the event. Quite frankly, you were kind of expecting that escorts would be a lot more…flirtatious or even eager to please, but this Choso guy sounded too formal for you to picture yourself having this stranger be a good company for your event. Ijichi sounded so sure though that you no longer questioned it; smiling instead now that you’ve finally solved one of your problems.
Life felt a lot easier.
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At around four in the morning, you were too worn out to keep going. Your exam was in the afternoon so you still had plenty of time to sleep, your stomach grumbled, prompting you to leave your unit to get some snacks.
Keys in hand and feet cold in your socks, you locked your door, halting in your steps when you saw your neighbor. Different from his usual comfortable clothing, he was dressed in a formal white shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his large, masculine hands coming up to loosen his tie. He wasn’t aware of your presence, almost blindly walking to his door and sighing. You didn’t miss the fact his shoulders were slumped, and he looked absolutely worn out.
For a moment, you actually felt worried, until you remembered what he said to you.
“What, no pussy to fuck tonight?”
He froze in front of his door for a moment, slightly tilting back to see your aggravated stance. Upon seeing it was just you, he shook his head and turned back to unlock his door. “No thanks to you.”
“Aw, did I ruin your reputation?” you mocked sarcastically, “I’m surprised people aren’t smart enough to pick up the smell of women’s perfume on you already. Seriously, are people that desperate for touch?” It was ironic; you’d never admit it, but you weren’t any better than them. You were equally desperate to be touched despite your aversion to romantic relationships, but he didn’t need to know that.
“It’s normal when you’re someone people are naturally attracted to. Not that you’d get it, of course, because it’s clear you don’t get some.”
“At least my apartment doesn’t smell like pussy.”
“At least I don’t masturbate every night then pass out after one weak orgasm.”
Your cheeks burned at his offhanded comment, and even with his back turned to you, you could see the slight smile tugging at his cheeks. He must’ve felt so cocky, thinking that he’d defeated you, so you blurted out the most intelligent thing possible: “How dare you!” while grabbing onto his shoulders to make him face you. “Look me in the eye and take that back!”
“Whatever you’re planning,” he crooned, head tilted to the side and making strands of his bangs fall over his eyes. He looked absolutely handsome under the flickering lights of the hallway in that moment, and you hated how you weren’t able to take your hands off of his strong shoulders, his masculine and spicy perfume clouding your mind. “It’s not going to work. Surprise surprise, but you’re not as cute as you think you are.”
Your eyes burned with fire, the nerves in your body so closing to popping. He infuriated you so much. “And you’re not as sexy as you believe you are!”
“Oh, yeah?” The positions are suddenly switched as he cornered you beside his doorframe, both of his arms planted beside your head. Because he was taller, he had to lean down to look you in the eye, his warm, minty breath brushing over your lips. You stared at him with wide eyes, fingers raking over the wall in a silent attempt to flee. Upon seeing your pursed lips, he laughed.
“Then why are you so shaky? Do I make you nervous?” his head dipped down, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. “Say…you only pretend to hate me, but you actually wish it was you I’m fucking every night, don’t you? Tell me…do you touch yourself when you hear me eating someone out?”
“I-I’m not—”
Before you could combust under his gaze, he pulled himself away from you, a satisfied smirk on his face at your flustered state. He chuckled lowly, keys spinning on his thick finger. “I was just teasing you, princess. No need to get so worked up.”
“I never want you near me again!”
He raised both brows as if to challenge you, and you knew from the glint in his eyes he was up to no good. “Princess, you jumped on me first.”
“I didn’t!” You shouted, immediately slapping your palm over your lips after realizing people were sleeping. He snickered at your reactions, and you pushed past him back to your unit, suddenly losing the appetite to get your precious snacks. “God, I hate you so much.”
“Believe me, the feeling is mutual.”
Difficult. Unbelievable. Complicated. Idiotic. Nothing was ever easy with him.
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“Would you stop fidgeting?” your father scolded from his chair, his body barely moving as the stylists fixed his hair and makeup, but his eyes glared at you from the mirror. “You’re a lot more nervous than I am, and it’s my wedding.”
“Sorry, I can’t help it.”
Your father sighed to himself, standing up after they were done with him. He checked his appearance in the mirror for a while, nodding to himself in satisfaction. It was still a little surreal that he was going to get married again, to a woman half his age of all people, but he was happy, and his bride seemed to really love him too, so you no longer questioned your father’s decisions. He was an adult, anyway, he could make his own decisions.
“You’re waiting for your boyfriend, you say?”
“What’s he like?”
You stiffened at the question. Not wanting your sharp-eyed father to pick up on the smallest cues, you lied through your teeth despite not having any idea on who or what kind of person the escort was.
Other than discussing details of how you two supposedly met, conversations had been crisp and short. You were lucky that the escort seemed to be nice and smart enough to not always ask you to explain everything, and he was crisp and curt in his texts too. No flirty or suggestive messages, not even a single emoji. He seemed a little stiff, and while you worried if you could fake chemistry with someone who seemed like a wall, you were also assured by the fact he wasn’t some creep.
“Nice. He’s sweet. You’ll like him.”
“And when did you meet him?”
“Dad, do I have to tell this story all over again?” you groaned, “We met after exams, he goes to a different uni and he studies law—”
“Law. Impressive.”
“Of course you’re impressed,” you rolled your eyes. Coming from a family of doctors and engineers, your father, and pretty much everyone else in the family, also expected that you’d date someone who was equally intelligent and had enough connections in different industries at least. It just so happened you were really lucky your escort also really did study law for a bit before he became an escort; a detail you never got enough explanation for. “He’ll be here anytime soon. Just you wait.”
In reality, you were the one who couldn’t wait.
You were excited and nervous at the same time to see this mysterious escort, and you were in the middle of talking to your father and his bride when someone called you.
You turned around with a bright grin. That must be him! You clasped at the hems of your dress so you could meet this mysterious, rigid man properly, but the moment your eyes met his equally startled gaze, you choked on your own breath. “Y-you—”
Choso stood before you; handsome as ever in his suit and tie, his iconic twin tails still there. How ever would your father believe you now that he was a lawyer, especially with his messy hair and face tattoo? You loved it and found it sexy on him, no denying that, but your father was a little bit more traditional. But that aside, it was Choso?!
His professionalism arose and he regained his composure quicker than you did, the smile on his face so natural and alluring even you almost fell for it.
Choso wrapped an arm around your waist before kissing you on the cheek, and the skin felt extremely hot under his lips. You couldn’t move, couldn’t even speak, because Choso was pressed flush against you, and he looked at you with stars shining in his eyes you didn’t know whether to be flattered or afraid.
Maybe a fucked up mix of both.
“I’m sorry I’m late. Traffic was bad,” he explained with a small smile on his lips, and he looked so handsome and smelled so good in that moment you were left gaping at him as he bowed to your father, arm politely extended. “You must be Y/N’s father. It’s very nice to meet you sir. I’m her boyfriend, Choso.”
To your surprise, your father eagerly shook his hand with the brightest grin he’d worn the whole night before he faced you with a laugh. “No way,” he beamed, gesturing to Choso. “He’s your boyfriend? You managed to snag this fine man?”
“Dad!” your ears burned with embarrassment. Choso only laughed; making you painfully aware of his large, warm hand resting at the small of your back.
“I heard you’re a lawyer, son?”
“Yes, sir.”
Your father nodded in approval, the two exchanging over words about what his plans were for the future and how his studies were going. You stood there with a pounding heart, fearful that Choso could fuck up any moment, but he was so effortless and easy going. Had you not been the one paying him, you would’ve been fooled too.
So this was the life of an escort.
“So how much did my daughter pay you?”
“Dad, I didn’t—”
“I mean, there’s no way she actually charmed you with her non-existent social skills. My daughter here can’t even talk to someone and look them in the eye, much less ask someone out, so how did this happen?”
Choso laughed at your father’s lighthearted comment, saving the day for what seemed like the hundredth time already. “I approached her first, sir. We were both eating in this small diner and it was cramped, so we shared tables and started conversation,” Suddenly, his grip tightened on you as he pulled you closer, your ear now resting above the lulling and steady beating of his heart. How was he so calm?
He lightly squeezed your hip and it had you freezing under his touch, stiffening even more when he looked down at you so adoringly. “Guess it went downhill from there.” God, you had no idea who this man was.
“Really? What did you guys talk about?”
Choso opened his mouth to speak, but it was there, that damned glint on those dark eyes again that you clutched at his bicep. He may be damn good at this job, but knowing Choso, he was enjoying this way too much.
Anything you couldn’t predict or control properly was a huge no in your game, and you pulled Choso away before he could say something downright humiliating.
“Dad, just go focus on your wedding. I want to spend time with my boyfriend, okay?” You couldn’t even begin to fathom the inward cringe upon your words, the feeling only worsening when Choso fought back a laugh masked with a cough. Before your father could say anything else, you dragged Choso rather harshly, but he didn’t mind; he followed you obediently. “Come with me. I need to talk to you,” You didn’t stop until you were both alone in a desolated corner, and finally, you hissed at him. “What are you doing here?!”
“I should be asking you the same thing – but it turns out you’re my client.”
“Client? So you really are my escort?”
“Yes, I am.”
“So those women…”
“All my clients,” he confirmed your thoughts. “I assure you they knew what they were getting into. In fact, they were the ones who asked for that special service that caused you to lose your sleep every night. That woman the other day was just pissed because she booked me for three days, but I lied that I was available until the duration she wanted when I wasn’t.”
“You mean you were still working an escort for somebody else?”
He shrugged. “Pretty much.”
“Why did you lie then?”
“It’s more money,” Choso stared down at his hands before his eyes flitted back up to yours, his face unreadable. “I’m saving up so I can move somewhere else. Our apartment isn’t exactly the most ideal considering my profession. I need to find someplace quieter with thicker walls this time,” he smiled, “That way, I’ll no longer bother my sweet neighbor,” your lips felt dry at his words, your tongue darting out to lick at them while Choso scrutinized you under his gaze.
“I have to admit though – you asking for escort service is the last thing I’d ever imagine you doing. Not that I’m complaining since it’s still money in my pocket, but you’re not the most pleasing company to be with.”
“Oh, you bet, Choso. Had I known you were going to be my escort, I would’ve declined long ago,” you groaned, your head dropping in your hands. “What was Ijichi thinking when he said I would be compatible with you?”
“You’re not,” he stated, “But I am compatible with you – as I am with pretty much everyone else. I’m one of the best escorts, and soon you’ll see why.”
You didn’t understand what he meant by then, but it seemed Choso was quite eager to show his skills off when he dragged you back inside the reception event. The whole time, you couldn’t pay attention to anything or anyone else other than Choso. It still felt hard to believe that the whole time, he really was doing his job, and upon seeing how easily he had people believing you two were an item despite you just standing silently beside him, you felt guilty that you disrupted his “work” like that.
Guilt gnawed at you as Choso made everyone laugh, and soon your relatives were cooing, praising you and congratulating you that you were “happy” now.
Back then, you always looked down on him and even called him a mere fuckboy, but Choso was so much more than that. He was intelligent; his past as a lawyer proved that, and whatever happened that caused him to work in this industry kept lingering in your mind.
There was no denying it now.
You respected this man – admired him even.
“And now it’s time to join the newly married couple on the dance floor! Come on, people, bring your dates up here for a twirl!”
You remained planted in your seat, too comfortable with Choso’s jacket draped around your bare shoulders. You’d lost count of how many times your head ducked down for the lack of sleep, and as much as you loved your dad, you wanted nothing more than to go home and rest.
Choso offered his hand to yours, a teasing smile on his face. He wriggled his eyebrows up and down, and he looked so utterly ridiculous that you couldn’t believe the boring man you were texting was the same infuriating yet undeniably attractive bastard who was your neighbor was the same fun. The world is very small, it seemed, and you weren’t sure whether you were brave enough to venture these strange places and feelings.
“Uh-uh. No. I’m not dancing.”
“Two left feet?”
“No, I’m wearing heels. My feet hurts.”
“Then take it off.”
“And get my feet dirty?” you scoffed. As if to prove your point, you snuggled deeper into his jacket that smelled heavenly like him, closing your eyes as you pretended to sleep. “Sitting here isn’t so bad. Plus, look at them, all staring at each other with goo-goo eyes. It’s revolting,” you shuddered.
Through the sickeningly romantic music playing in the background, Choso fell silent. You cracked an eye open, frowning when Choso studied each of your features carefully. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You seem to hate the idea of love.”
“Because it’s pointless.”
Choso narrowed his eyes at your answer, brows bunching up at the way your shoulders squared to keep yourself away. Then, he stood up and sighed, offering his hand to you once more.
“I won’t really ask you to explain why, because frankly, I don’t care,” you stared at his large palms for a few seconds. There must be a ghost possessing your body because you looped your fingers through his and allowed him to guide you on the dance floor despite your mind’s protests, and soon, Choso’s eyes were all over you. “But if you don’t want your money to go down the drain and you really want to convince everyone, I suggest you forget about that mindset for just a few more hours,” his voice dropped down to a low whisper, his forehead pressed to yours. His eyes turned solemn, his hand on your waist gentle. “Dance with me. Let’s show them how madly in love we are with each other.”
“We met just last week, remember?”
“Love at first sight, princess,” Choso kissed your forehead, sending your heart thumping and running to another dimension. Oddly enough, you didn’t mind, and your hands travelled from his strong arms to his broad shoulders instinctively. “Take your heels off. You can step on my feet and I’ll dance for us both. Just put your arms around my neck – yes just like that,” he nodded with a smile when your fingertips nervously played with his hair, and Choso began to dance you both in time with the music. “Are you good?”
“I don’t like this lack of space between us.”
Choso smirked, “Why, do I get you all hot and bothered?”
“Jesus, Choso, you can’t be serious for a minute, huh?”
“It’s kind of hard to be serious when you’re so flustered and adorable right now,” you pulled at his hair in response, but of course, he wasn’t really hurt.
“Look at me,” he demanded, but you refused, keeping your gaze planted on your bare feet on top of his again. “Hey. I said look at me,” he tilted your chin up until you’re forced to be like prey under his gaze, his breath tickling the bow of your lips. “I am your escort for tonight – and I humbly ask that you do your part as my client so I can perform my job well. I need you to look into my eyes and pretend you’re in love with me.”
“I don’t want to fall in love with anyone,” you suddenly admitted, “I’m scared.”
“You don’t have to be,” he replied, softly this time, and his hands ran down tenderly to your hips to pull you closer to him. “I’ll be there to catch you.”
You couldn’t remember who leaned in first. The only thing you remembered was that the music faded in the background when you kissed him – or maybe he kissed you – fuck, you didn’t really remember. Eventually, the kiss grew too heated, his hands squeezing your waist while you moan at the taste of chocolate and wine on his expert tongue.
Choso easily read your mind and swooped you away from the crowd, the both of you stumbling until you made it out to the venue and onto the beach.
The salty air kissed your skin while Choso carried you bridal style, arms looped around his neck while he kept moving his lips above yours. He was laughing through the kiss with how messy and eager you were, tugging at his shirt to encourage him to unbutton it. Choso set you both down on the darker, isolated part of the beach where nothing but the sound of waves lapping against one another could be heard with your breathless pants and his chuckles.
You were lying on his jacket, dress bunched up to your chest while your legs were spread wide open for him. “Ch-Choso,” you choked out when his tongue ran flat across your slick folds, his hands keeping your hips pinned down to the sand. “I-I, please.”
“I got you, princess,” was all he said before he completely dived into your heat, his sharp nose brushing into your cunt.
It didn’t take long until you were spasming in his hold, legs closing around his head. Choso groaned into your pussy, a finger working its way inside your sopping cunt while he licks and slurps your arousal like it was fucking water. Now you understood why those girls always lost their mind – Choso was a fucking expert when it came to worshipping pussy.
Choso pulled his fingers out of you, making you whine at the sudden emptiness, but he was kind, eager to please you that he immediately replaced it with his tongue.
You cried out when you felt his tongue entering your hole, one thumb pulling the hood of your lips up to reveal your sensitive pearl. Choso rubbed your clit fervently, his other hand reaching up to squeeze and tug at your breasts while he drank your juices dripping down his tongue as if you would be his last meal – and he honestly wished you were, because you tasted like heaven on him and he wanted more.
Once he felt you clamping down on his tongue so tightly he struggled to retrieve his warm muscle back, he helped you reach your high by pinching your clit. You moaned out his name, the sound sending blood straight down his cock, and he groaned into your pussy the moment you grinded on his face as you relaxed from your orgasm.
Choso didn’t give you the chance to recover from your orgasm, pulling you up to his lap before he’s kissing you again. You moaned when you tasted yourself on his tongue, his face and cheeks sweet from your arousal and cum.
You should be ashamed, but you couldn’t find a single bone in your body that felt shy right now. Choso was right – there was no point in being shameful when it came to your pleasure.
The kiss was sloppy, more tongue than lips and teeth clashing onto another. Choso grinded you on his hardened erection in search of your heat that would bring him relief, but he slowed down and pulled away from you, a string of saliva connected from your lips. He wanted you – wanted to fuck you so badly – so he searched your eyes for the answer when you aligned the tip of his cock to your entrance. “Is this okay? Are you sure with this?”
“Yeah,” you gritted your teeth when his tip entered your tight cunt, your walls sucking him in greedily already. Choso’s head dropped down to your shoulder, his teeth sinking down to your shoulder. You slowly sat down on his thick length, but then froze before he could bottom out. “Wait, no, I’m broke! I can’t pay for your extra services!”
“It’s free for you, princess,” he rasped out, “Now sit on my lap so I can feel you around me already.”
“Do you always have to be so vulgar?”
Through the pleasure that had his abs rippling, Choso managed a laugh. “You might want to get used to it.”
“Why would I?” you breathed out, eyes shutting tight once he fully slid into you. He allowed you to get used to the sudden stretch; it had been too long since you’ve been touched this way that you were impossibly tight around him right now. Your chest rose and fall with each faltering breath, your nails running down his back when Choso gave a deep, experimental thrust that immediately hits your sweet spot.
You moaned, cheek resting on his shoulder as Choso set the pace, squeezing your ass as he bounced you up and down his cock. “You’re gone after this. Once this contract is over, you’re moving away and I won’t get to see you anymore. I-I won’t lose sleep anymore after hearing you fuck all those women and gosh, I hate you so much, you know that?”
“I hated you too,” he groaned through your skin, “Or at least, that’s what I told myself so I wouldn’t get hurt.”
“Hurt? I would never hurt you,” Really, you praised yourself for still being able to form coherent sentences even after Choso kept fucking into you.
“I’m an escort, princess, I’m everybody’s and nobody’s at the same time,” he explained almost angrily, and his lips zealously sucked love bites to the sensitive flesh of your neck, “Even if you won’t hurt me, we’re bound to crash and burn at some point. This is why we’re not allowed to get attached to anyone,” his lips brushed over her collarbone, his canines dragging along to make red marks. “Why we’re not allowed to fall,” he squeezed her breast in the palm of his hand, twisting the peaked nipple until you whined, hips bucking deeper into his cock. “Why we’re not allowed to love.”
“I-I don’t understand.”
“I’ve always liked you,” he laughed through the pleasure, holding your hips down so he could drive his cock deeper into you. Yes, he was selfish, yes, he was frustrated – and his feelings burst through the way Choso powered into you. You fell limp in his arms and he easily caught you like he always did, his eyes blown wide as he stared right into your eyes, his dick still pummeling through your gummy walls.
Choso inhaled sharply when you clenched down on him, an elongated moan spilling past your lips. “I liked you the moment you moved in and you fell flat on your face before you could greet me.”
“Shut up, don’t remind me of that!” you raked your nails down his back hard enough to draw blood, and Choso concealed the pain with light chuckle, the pain only prompting him to absolutely use you. “You’re seriously bringing it up now when you’re – ah, fuck – b-buried in me?”
Choso tugged at one of your legs and wrapped it around his waist, the sudden change of angle had you pressing down deeper into him. It felt like you were sinking closer and closer to his cock, the tip of his dick kissing your cervix until you’re crying out in his arms, scratches evident on his back.
“For now,” he breathed out, “I want to at least be selfish enough to want you now, just for now if fate won’t still allow it.”
“W-we can try,” you said in your lust-filled gaze, lips crashing down messily to his while you bounced on him, your hips slamming down at the same to meet his thrusts. “It’s not going to be easy, but we can try, right?” You cupped his face, surprised with the sudden vulnerability from his hooded eyes, looking so innocent and beautiful as if he wasn’t painting your insides white.
“Okay,” he nodded, brows pinching together. And that was all the both of you needed before Choso sank his fangs down the column of your neck to hold on his low groans; your head thrown back as you both drown in the pleasure of being with one another.
In the blink of an eye, all tenderness is Choso’s touches replaced by the hunger in his eyes and the power of his lust-filled thrusts. You were a moaning mess by the time your hips sit flat on his pelvic bone and his balls brush on your ass from how deep he was hitting you, and you felt his teeth nibble at the side of your breasts again as he warned, “But for now, I’m not going to go easy on you – not when I’ve wanted you for so long and I’ve been so hard for you these all time.”
And you allowed him. Because nothing was ever easy with Choso, but for him, you’d try pushing through hell and back.
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90stvshowgoth · 4 years
—ch.1 —ch.2
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summary: dabi is on the run from the cops when you just happened to leave your window open.
tags: drunk sex, creampie, overstimulation, dubcon but not really,
wc: 6729
a/n: this is my first dabi fanfic so i’m worried i might’ve made him a bit too ooc but tbh i don’t care. soft dabi is what i want and soft dabi is what i will get. huge thanks by the way to @a-monsters-love who beta read this story and made it a lot less sucky!
my requests are open by the way!
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What woke you wasn’t the explosions or the screams, but the sirens. The mechanical moans echoed through the streets of Musutafu, and that sound pulled you up out of bed, looking out your window in a bleary state of half-asleep fear.
‘What was going on?’ Goosebumps ran up your arms as you peered out your alleyway view window, overlooking the fire escape to the siren that had recently been installed in your neighborhood a few months back. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes as you tried to recall when the Pro Hero Association had brought it, and that same chill sank to your bones as you remembered just what they were for.
A villain had attacked the prefecture. A dangerous one.
You tried to calm your breathing, slowly walking backwards from the window to think rationally about the situation.
‘There’s no reason for somebody to attack a random apartment building, they’re off fighting heroes,’ The reasonable side of your brain said.
Despite that the siren was still wailing across town and it began to set you on edge. You certainly weren’t falling back asleep any time soon. If you couldn’t go back to bed you thought you’d might as well make some tea to calm your frigid nerves. You smiled when you saw your well-loved cardigan hanging next to the door and hugged it close, otherwise wearing nothing but your bra and leggings.
When you stepped into the main room you breathed in the warm scent of the candle that you’d accidentally left burning. Cursing yourself for your lack of fire safety, you shrugged and used the wick to light your path to the counter. After filling up the kettle under the sink you left it under the lit stove to boil, taking a moment to admire how the burner’s low flames were almost purely blue.
From here you could see the small television beside the couch and with a press of a button it came to life before you. The harsh glare made your eyes wince before they adjusted to the unfriendly light.
You were drawn to the red index near the corner that blinked the words ‘breaking news.’ This made your sleep-addled brain finally connect the dots between the sirens and the reporter. The screen cut to a newsman outside of what used to be a ten-story building when all that remained was a smoking husk. Hesitantly, you increased the volume to hear what happened.
“—before fleeing the scene. We have reports that say the hero fighting him was put into critical condition following the attack, and is currently being taken to the hospital. A video was taken by a nearby woman who sent it to the authorities. We believe this clip to be of the suspects,” the journalist paused, and a low-quality film began to play. Whoever was recording had badly shaking hands so It was difficult to make out. Your eyes widened at the sight of the building you walked by every day for work, the Shishido hero agency, razed by a torrent of blue wildfire.
Escaping from the crumbling building were four or so figures, too far away to see with any accuracy, but each had an unmistakeable silhouette. The League of Villains.
They were something of a modern socratic dialogue. Whenever someone brought up their name or the hero killer Stain’s it was always just to be a contrarian towards whoever was on the opposing side. Fanatical opinions would spark heated arguments online but you tried to keep your thoughts to yourself.
Although, if you’d have to pick a side, you would choose the League’s. After Stain’s video had spread through Japan you dug deeper into the shady histories of some of the Commission’s most well-respected heroes. Whatever standard you held those pros to crumbled into dust under miles of ‘collateral damage,’ and omitted crimes that were swept under the rug by police. So when the faces of the league went up on the screen you couldn’t help but smile at their victory.
The whistle of the kettle pulled you from the television. You rushed to take it off the stove before it could get any louder, and routinely began to fix the tea just the way you like it. You hummed, smiling as the first sip of the warm brew spread down your body, fending off the cold.
You threw the remote onto the couch that sat across from the small kitchen. Moving back to your bedroom and getting cozy with the tea, you reveled in the way that the mug loosened the frozen joints of your fingers. But before you could relax and block out the sirens with some music, you noticed another chill rush through the small room. Groaning over-dramatically, you set the tea down to retrieve another blanket from your pile; but your eyes widened when you tracked down the source of the cold.
Your window was open.
That caught you off guard. You were absolutely sure you closed it before bed knowing how low the temperatures would drop, though with growing panic you noticed how you specifically don’t remember locking it. There’s only two ways it could’ve been open now. Either you simply misremembered earlier that night and forgot to close it...
Or someone else broke in.
The tea’s warmth was long forgotten as you reached shaking hands to close the window. But before you could slide the panel shut a calloused hand clawed itself around your mouth so you couldn’t scream.
Fear gripped your lungs as you struggled to breathe, thrashing desperately against the second arm your assailant had snaked over your waist to keep you still. Your leg banged painfully on the side of the windowsill as you struggled but it didn’t deter you from opening your mouth wide enough to bite down on the attacker’s hand.
“Fuck!” He cursed when your teeth drew blood around his thumb and practically threw you to the ground. As you were about to use your newfound freedom to scream for help, the man lunged towards you with one outstretched hand.
His flesh was suddenly engulfed in a hissing blue fire and you winced at the wave of heat that flared so close to your face. From here you could easily make out the assailant’s features from the illuminating glow of his flames.
He had deep scars circled under his eyes using what looked like piercings to hold the tattered skin together. His lips quirked after realizing he’d caught you for good, making his charred skin pull against the metal in his cheekbones. Panic hadn’t altered your memory, you knew exactly who was standing over you. Dabi of the League of Villains.
Before either of you could make another move someone banged on the front door. You turned to look towards the sound but the heat close to your reddening throat kept you from doing anything stupid.
“Ma’am this is the police, open the door.” You and Dabi stared at each other from the implications and you could already see a plan forming behind his eyes.
He leaned far too close, keeping his lit hand still hovering over your neck as he whispered his words into your ear, “Listen to me nice and close, doll,” you couldn’t bring yourself to breathe underneath the searing tension. “You’re gonna answer that door. You’re gonna smile and say that nobody’s home. And if you give away fuckin’ anything,” Dabi’s flames somehow stoked themselves, the heat so intense that your teardrops evaporated before they could leave your eyes, “I’ll set your hair on fire first. So you can feel your brain cooking.” He spoke with a dripping malice that made your blood run cold despite the flames creeping up his arm. You nodded, too terrified to form words as he pushed forward; telling you to get up.
The brief walk from your bedroom to the front door had never felt so long. Your legs felt like the static emanating from the television, all shaky and unstable. Once your hands curled around the handle you decided not to spare a glance back.
‘What do I do?’ You didn’t want to die, at least not by immolation of all things, so you’d have to play along. You cupped your feverish face in your hands and took an unsteady breath. ‘As long as I can fool these cops, I’ll be fine. I can do this,’ At least, you hoped.
Opening the door caused the hallway’s lights to flood through your darkened doorway. Once your eyes flinched with discomfort you saw the unmistakeable uniforms of two police officers, both middle-aged and looking much more disinterested than you would’ve thought.
“Is there a problem?” You could lie smoothly enough but your voice was still feeble from Dabi’s strain on your neck.
The one who had called out earlier answered your question, “A member of the League of Villains was seen climbing in through a window to this apartment building, but the witness didn’t remember exactly which floor or room. Is anyone else with you?”
You feigned confusion, going so far with the act as to tilt your head slightly to the side. “No, I’m sure I’m alone, sir.”
At that moment a painfully loud squeak echoed from your bedroom and your eyes widened at the audible gap in your story. There was a loose floorboard right beside your bookshelf that creaked under even the slightest weight. You’ve learned to avoid it over time but Dabi had no idea.
That bored expression on the cop’s face shifted and you scrambled to come up with a explanation. “I thought you said you lived alone?”
An idea popped straight from your brain to your mouth, “My cat! His name is—“ you thought of the old, lovable house-cat your family had kept while growing up, “Byron. He like to get into my plants.”
“...Alright then, Ma’am, just keep yourself safe.” It seemed to just barely convince them.
You almost couldn’t fight back the elation as you waved off the oblivious pair, heeding their words by locking the door behind them in a rush. Pressing your back against the wood, you tried to settle the adrenaline pounding through your chest. Unfortunately as soon as you started to calm down, Dabi strode from the bedroom with a curious look in his eyes.
“Not bad, lady. Didn’t think you’d give it your all like that,” he must’ve kicked himself for making that noise and thought you would’ve used it as a way to give him up, “especially for a villain like me.”
The tension in the air had noticeably lessened, and you started to think you had a good shot at surviving the night. “I mean, I didn’t want them to find you either.”
Dabi paced around the living room, turning on one of your floor lights in his path towards the couch, “And why’s that?” He asked, flopping unceremoniously onto the secondhand loveseat.
Sure, you were still half pissed at the guy for breaking into your apartment and threatening to kill you, but it was clear that everything he did wasn’t personal. He just needed to escape from the police, but since they were gone what would happen now?
“Because...” you wanted to find the right words to convince him, “because I hate heroes too.”
Under the dim glow of the lamp you caught a glimpse of a half-handsome smile from that answer. Now that there was none of the malice from before you could appreciate just what he looked like under the warm lighting. Especially his eyes, which turned out to be a truly stunning shade of blue.
He kicked his feet onto your coffee table and patted the seat next to him. You’d have to deal with whatever dirt or soot he’d tracked inside tomorrow morning, but for now you found yourself accepting his invitation.
“Lucky me, huh?” Dabi asked rhetorically, and you found yourself almost smiling back at him. The couch was still cold underneath you but you painfully realized that Dabi was emanating heat like a goddamn generator.
‘It must’ve been from his quirk.’ you thought bitterly, shivering despite yourself.
Dabi drew a pack of Newports from his coat pocket and slid a cigarette out with his teeth. Instead of using a lighter a thin blue flame ignited on his index finger. He held it to the tip and drew in a deep lungful of smoke.
“So, what’s your deal, anyways? You got a thing for villains or something?” He wondered out-loud, teasing another blush onto your face as you shook your head.
“No, I just— I mean not like that,” From the look on his grafted face you could tell he wasn’t convinced. “The Hero Commission is corrupt, I agree with the league on that at least. Stain’s video kinda affected me, you know?”
Another small grin graced his lips and a small part of you decided that you wanted to see that expression more often, “What’s your name, doll?”
The question put you at ease; When he repeated it back, rolling the syllables over his tongue, you couldn’t wait to hear him say it again. Wordlessly, he extended his hand towards you, offering the lit cigarette between his fingers. When you took it all you could focus on was how warm his hands felt against yours for those brief seconds.
Wisps of smoke danced in the air as you inhaled, coughing a bit after the dry tang started to sting the back of your mouth. He smirked at your reaction before taking the cheap cigar from your fingertips.
Dabi saw the remote you left laying on the couch and mindlessly turned on the TV across from you. The news station was once again playing, this time an interview with one of the heroes who fought at the scene. This hero in particular was an older man with a receding hairline and an honestly ridiculous outfit that looked somewhere between a scuba diver and a 70s golden-age comic book character.
Beside you, Dabi groaned at the sight of him, “This fuckin’ guy...”
“Were you the one that fought him?” He nodded without breaking his attention from the screen.
“His quirk was such a pain to deal with. He controlled all the oxygen in the room— made it hard to set his ass on fire.”
There were a surprising lack of injuries on Dabi as far as you could see, aside from a few scrapes alongside the bruised scars that crawled below his loose shirt. You couldn’t help but wonder how far down they went, but quickly turned your attention back to the screen to ignore those ideas. The hero he fought looked far worse for wear, skin marred with fresh burns that singed holes into the costume; His legs shaking similarly to how yours were just fifteen minutes ago. Dabi seemed to have that effect on people.
Before you could ask him how he’d won his fight he was off the couch and walking towards the kitchen. He casually searched through your apartment with a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips.
You sighed, a bit annoyed at how he helped himself to your fridge, “Dabi, if you’d tell me what you’re looking for I could show you.”
“Nah, already found what I wanted.” He dug open one of the drawers and smirked as he pulled a chill bottle of wine from the fridge.
Dabi tracked down two nearby glasses and a corkscrew before returning to your side and started to twist the metal tip into the pliant seal. It pulled loose with a soft pop and he filled each of your cups with the cherry wine you had been saving for a special occasion.
As you raised the rim to your lips and breathed in the fermented smell you paused. Were you really about to drink wine with a villain? A wanted criminal who broke into your apartment? His hand had been around your throat as he whispered about how he would burn you alive less than half an hour ago. There had to be something wrong with you to even consider it. Beside you he nearly emptied half the glass in his first sip before going back to enjoying his cigarette and you found your resolve crumbling at his lazy half-smile. Making possibly one of the dumbest mistakes of your life, you followed his lead and took a long swig from the bittersweet drink, intent on letting the alcohol relax your nerves.
The effects were slow to come, it was only wine after all, but as the night carried on and the two of you kept drinking you started to notice the effects taking hold. At the very least, conversation between you flowed easily, trading questions about each other that never grew too inquisitive. He didn’t try to pry too deeply, he didn’t even ask for your last name, and you were sure to never bring up his scars. You talked for what must’ve been hours, and as the bottle emptied, the space between the two of you grew smaller.
Dabi could handle his alcohol, but you couldn’t, clearly. To be fair, he was tipsy, but the way you unashamedly leaned your head on his shoulder when you grew tired was anything but sober.
“So, doll, got a boyfriend or something?” He asked, testing the waters. You leaned up and sighed at the question.
“No, nothin’ like that... I haven’t had the time.” You tipped your glass back but the wine never reached your lips. You groaned at the sight of the empty cup and leaned up to grab the bottle from the table. Unfortunately, Dabi’s hand held onto yours before you could reach the vice; You felt him pull you back towards the couch by your wrist until you lost your balance, falling back against his shoulder. If he minded he didn’t show it as his arm rested around your hip.
“I think you’ve had enough for tonight,” The condescending tone in his voice was annoying but it wasn’t enough to make you move from his comfortable grasp.
You scoffed, messing with your hair to avoid looking at his face, “God, who are you, my dad?”
A shit-eating grin stretched across his face, “Oh, so you’re into that Daddy shit, huh?”
The comment took you so off-guard that you broke into a fit of giggles that did nothing to temper the blush returning to your face. Dabi loved how much of an effect he had on you; the simplest words turning you into a flustered mess.
“Nah, not my thing-“ ‘Unless you’re into it,’ You barely kept yourself from saying that second part out loud. From this angle Dabi had the perfect view of your tits pressing against his chest and he stared shamelessly. You barely noticed, too focused on how warm he was while holding you close to his side. It almost looked like something a boyfriend would do, but you knew better.
It was a strange feeling, to be so under Dabi’s influence. Every lingering touch, every heated stare... It was driving you crazy. And he knew it. He was toying with you and you couldn’t believe how much you loved it.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a chill running down your spine, only realizing that you were so caught up in your time spent with Dabi that you forgot to close the very window he had snuck through. As the night carried on it somehow got colder and you cursed the thin cardigan you found yourself wearing that did nothing to shield away the biting air.
“You cold, doll?” Dabi was surprisingly perceptive, noticing the trail of goosebumps that ran down your arms. Although, perhaps it was the sensation of his hand trailing over your skin that caused it rather than the wind.
Nodding hesitantly, he wasted no time in wrapping his hands around your waist, pulling you onto his lap. You couldn’t have held back the relieved sigh that left your lips if you tried. Because when Dabi wrapped his arms around your back, pulling you to his chest, it felt like heaven to your frigid bones.
As you curled into the embrace he couldn’t ignore how you felt on top of him. The pressure of your ass sitting on his dick drove him crazy, and it took damn near everything in him to not push you down face first and take you then and there.
“Dabi, you feel amazing,” His eyes widened, your slurred words almost making him lightheaded, “so warm...” You trailed your hands up and threaded them through his coarse dark hair. The faintest of groans left his lips as you got comfortable and accidentally dragged yourself down the front of his jeans.
All at once he took hold of the skin of your thighs, stopping you from moving and damn near shaking with effort to keep still. “Doll... cause’ you’re drunk, I’ll ask you this one time—“
“—Please, Dabi,” You didn’t budge under his bruising grasp or struggle like before, instead holding eye-contact, resolve heavy in your voice, “I want this- want you so bad,” It was enough for him, and he didn’t hold back.
He was ravenous when he finally pressed his lips to yours, leaving you tongue-tied and moaning into his mouth. The alcohol only added fuel to your desire, easing the tension on your clit by grinding against him. He broke the kiss in a choked gasp, his hands cupping you around your ass and fondling you through the thin material. When he stood up from the couch gravity somehow felt heavier, but it must’ve been from the wine. His hands still held you by your thighs and while he backed the both of you towards the bedroom his lips never left yours, even when he went to rip your cardigan off your shoulders, leaving it behind along with his coat, you in only your bra and leggings.
The loud bang from Dabi kicking the door open startling a squeak out of you and he chuckled into the kiss, running a stapled hand through your bedhead and pulling hard enough to make you keen into his touch. Rather unceremoniously he threw you onto the bed, briefly disorientating before you could make out Dabi’s alluring figure ridding himself of his clothes. Once he pulled over his shirt you saw his maimed chest covered in taught muscles and scars. As he broke your gaze to turn his attention to his jeans, fumbling with the cheap zipper, you couldn’t help from crawling towards him slowly on your knees before whispering, “No—“ He looked up from his trance, wondering if you’d changed your mind before you quickly perished the thought by pulling him towards you by the loops on his jeans. He raised an eyebrow at your show but didn’t make a move to interrupt the adorable way you took care of him.
So you began, looking into his eyes as you kissed down his deformed chest. It seemed a miracle he was even standing before you, with haphazard staples barely holding him together. You couldn’t resist giving the seams of his wounds special attention, pressing light kisses to the metal as you made your way down.
You unhooked his jeans easily, eagerly reaching to feel him through his boxers. His nails dug into your scalp when you finally eased his shorts off, breaking your eyes away to look between his legs and—
You couldn’t’ve stopped the needy moan from your lips if you tried, too attracted and nervous about the shiny bridges of metal through his dick. “Fuck, Dabi...” he had the most cat-that-ate-the-canary grin on his face as he watched you salivate over him.
“What’s wrong, baby? Never had a guy with piercings before?” You didn’t even hear him, instead responding with a dazed shake of your head; far too tipsy on the sight of him towering over you, reddened head leaking against his stomach.
He pretended to come to a decision, “Guess I’ll have to take my time with you before fucking that cute pussy,” his words sent heat straight to your core, slick pooling in your ruined panties, “but then why am I the only one naked? You’re gonna make me embarrassed you know.” The amused look on his face put you at ease and you laughed a bit at the idea.
“You? You’re the most shameless person I’ve ever met.” The smile he brought out was enough to ease the nerves that came with being so vulnerable to a man like Dabi.
The foe-offended look on his face wasn’t any less ironic, “You wound me, doll,” when his attention fell back to your clothes he didn’t hesitate to snake his hand below your arched back and unclasp your bra. Before you could think of covering yourself he’d already raised your arms up and thrown the lace material into some corner of your room.
He was on you in an instant, biting and sucking on the plush skin of your tits with abandon, enjoying every small tremor it brought from your shaking lips. To him your body was a blank canvas just begging for him to bruise, and he would take his sweet time carving teeth marks into your chest.
But while he had his fun you had yours, running your hand along his collarbones and carefully worrying the stapled hem of skin. You weren’t sure how the stitches would hold up otherwise. But before you could worry about it too much you felt him pull away, a deep hickey left in his wake.
“You don’t have to be gentle with them,” he looked up at you with an unexpected sincerity.
With that there was nothing to hold you back from dragging your nails down his chest, the villain groaning as you felt his solid stomach beneath you. From a distance he looked like a patched rag-doll that was barely holding itself together but up close the wiry muscles that clung to his calloused body couldn’t be ignored. Dabi practically hissed when he felt your soft fingers wrap around his cock, only spurring you on further. The piercings weren’t as rigid as they appeared but they were scalding to the touch.
His breathing stuttered around you as you picked up your pace, the heat of his breath pulsing on your cheek as you took in every sinful expression on his face. He cried out, squeezing his eyes shut at the pleasure. You stared unabashedly, taking note of how peaceful he looked above you. Like for the first time that night his body wasn’t wrought with chronic pain.
When you pulled your hand away his eyes shot open. “I didn’t tell you to fuckin’ stop.” He sounded pissed but before you could lose confidence you shifted your weight to the side, locking your arms together behind his to roll him over, leaving you on top.
“I wanna make you feel good, Dabi,” Thankfully he seemed to be curious as to what you had planned, letting you stay on top for now. You crawled down his body until you reached his painful hard-on. Wrapping your hand back around him you gave him the most doe eyed gaze you could manage before taking him into your mouth.
“God, that’s fuckin’ good,” He cradled your head and set his own pace, not too rough but far from gentle as you fought the urge to cough. The metal of his piercings were hot against your tongue, the heat unlike any other experience you’ve had before. Wrapping your tongue around him you intentionally hummed, the keening moan it brought from him more than worth the burn. Tears crowded near your eyelashes as he chased his own pleasure, breaking his gaze to crane his head back in ecstasy. His neck bobbed with the effort and the sight made you almost proud.
It was over far too soon and once he pulled away you almost missed the weight of him in your mouth. “I’m gonna fucking ruin you, hear me?” His words made you all too aware of how badly you needed him, but he continued to run his mouth as he pushed you up the sheets and took his place back on top of you, “Gonna fill you so good, babydoll,” He caged you beneath him and you whined at the feeling of his slick cock heavy against your thighs.
His hand cupped your jaw, forcing you to look at him. “Tell me, which do you want?” His blue eyes looked black in the feint light, staring at you with such an amused intensity that you didn’t even register what he said.
Dabi tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before leaning closer and whispering, “My mouth? Or my fingers?”
You normally wouldn’t have been able to look him in the eye after he said that but liquid courage still ran through your veins and you leaned forward until you could nestle into the crook of his neck.
“Your fingers, Dabi,” You groaned as you felt his grip around your jawline move until his left hand curled around your neck and his right tore off your leggings before slipping below the waistband of your underwear. As soon as he touched you his eyes widened, a feral glint in his eyes.
“Fuck— Doll, you’re so fucking wet,” He squeezed your neck experimentally and the rush of endorphins sent to your head felt divine. It wasn’t to be outdone when you felt him circle your clit with his thumb, rushing into such a fast pace from the get-go. The onslaught of pleasure made a scratchy cry slip from under the grip of his hand. Wrapping your hands around his shoulders, you were almost thankful for the immovable grip around your neck. It served almost like an anchor to ground you underneath him.
He pulled a startled squeak from your throat when his two fingers pushed their way inside. It barely hurt, but the maddening feeling of his long fingers curling and stretching your walls was one you wouldn’t forget. Dabi shushed your eager cries with an endless stream of filth whispered into your ear, “Can’t wait to fuck my cum into you, dollface. You want that? You gonna be my good fucking slut?” He was downright mean as he took his time stringing you like a bow. “You wanna feel me drip out of you like a street whore?”
“Yes, Dabi, I’ll be good, I promise just please—” You were too far gone at that point, grabbing fist fulls of dark hair to yank him to your mouth, the kiss muffling his groan from you pulling on your hair. His index finger curled so slightly into you, the pace on your clit turning soft once he added his third finger. The sound he brought out of you was somewhere between a dying choke and euphoric moan, each sensation coaxing you into his touch. Feeling him move so easily within you was almost enough to bring you over, your whimpers increasing against his lips, only for all of it to be taken away.
Dabi left you grasping around nothing when he took his hands away, no doubt enjoying the desperate way you tried to rock yourself back onto him. Only when you did, you were met with something far bigger than his fingers.
“Come on...” When he called you by your name it brought you back to earth for a minute, “I want you to beg for me,” looking to see his heavy length pressed against you as he rubbed the glistening tip onto your clit. “You’re gonna beg for a villain to fuck you,” The promise of pleasure was so enticing that it was worth lying to the cops, worth risking your safety, and enough to toss your pride out the open window.
Grabbing him by his hair, you forced him to look at you. “Dabi, please, I need you... Need you in me ‘til you cum,” desperation and lust coated every sinful word you said, but Dabi wasn’t satisfied. “I wanna be good for you, Dabi, want you to fuck me, fill me up, ple-“ your words were cut off by the intense stretch of your walls trying to take him in. You’d never screamed someone’s name so loudly before in your life.
“Oh, fuck-! Shit... your pussy’s so fuckin’ tight,” As each inch sunk deeper you couldn’t speak or even breathe.
He wasn’t wasting any time, mercifully toying with your clit as he filled you. The air felt thin in your bedroom, like you were hundreds of feet from the ground, drawing short, shallow gasps beneath him.
“Da-bi!” His hips ground slowly against yours and you were suddenly thankful for his prepping, unable to come to grips with just how full you felt.
An overwhelmed laugh fell from his burnt lips as he slowly pulled himself from your dripping sex, “What’sa matter, babe? Can’t take it?”
The pout on your face only made him grin, the childish indignity adorable to him. But his teasing was starting to push you to your limits. He might’ve been a powerful villain and you a civilian, but it didn’t mean he had to treat you like glass. Hooking your legs around his waist you forced him forward. Dabi’s eyes shot open and both of you choked at the sharp friction. Any trace of playfulness died then and there, his knuckles turning white from the grip on your hips.
He kept your legs tight around him as he surged forward, your mouth caught open in a daze. You weren’t sure what his piercings would’ve felt like inside of you but god, was it good. The metal spokes impressed into your body with fervor, constantly dragging against your sensitive walls.
Tomorrow you might say that the wine was what drove you so crazy for him, but you knew you’d be lying to yourself. He was by far the most intoxicating libation you’d ever tried. The sound of skin against skin was almost deafening, only broken by the dulcet groans from the man above you and the siren that still echoed outside your widow like white noise. In the back of your mind you wondered if they were still searching for him.
Dabi leaned his head into the crook of your neck, revisiting the marks he’d already made. His teeth bit down your chest all the while abusing your aching clit. It was all too much. You couldn’t help clawing at his broad shoulders, leaving inflamed tracks in your wake. When your nails made contact with the scorched seam on his back Dabi moaned, the loud whine in his voice got you to realize something crucial. The motherfucker got off on pain.
His touch turned ravenous after that, pulling you tight against him until there wasn’t any space between your bodies. The rough texture of his skin-graphs and the blistering heat of their staples pushing against your breasts just made his brutal pace feel more intense.
Your voice was higher pitched than you’d ever thought you could manage, squeaking out small moans with every quick pulse of his hips. Your ankles were sore and locked together— he couldn’t have pulled out if he tried. The legs that were still wrapped around him twitched involuntarily as you felt the string inside your core about to snap.
“Fa.. fuck, Da—bi I’m—“ you stuttered against him, crying into his shoulder when you felt his pelvis grinding so perfectly onto your clit while he railed you, screaming his name one more time as he pulled you overboard, being sure to scratch at his back as you thrashed futilely against him.
All at once his teeth were buried into your throat, digging in so hard that you mistook his spit for blood; his bite only sharpening the orgasm that sent waves of heat coursing through you. Against your dented skin he groaned and cursed, his voice coarse but dripping with pleasure as he cursed expletives onto your shining skin. The wetness of your climax dripped down your legs, making him somehow push faster against you, but despite the blinding orgasm he’d thrown you into he couldn’t stop until he’d finished and the overstimulation burned white hot through your entire body. Just as the drive of his cock bordered on painful, Dabi shoved you down onto him, stilling above you and choking on a groan.
Twitching inside your cashmere walls you felt the warm rush of his cum paint your insides as his hips jerked into yours. His heart beat wildly against his chest— you could feel it over yours, his eyes still glazed with pleasure. Dabi was sure to pull out slowly, through the dim glow of your room he could see his cum seep out of your glistening pussy, and he couldn’t help but push his fingers inside you one last time. He might’ve liked pain, but he was an asshole who enjoyed the uncomfortable keen it brought from your trembling lips.
Thin moonlight shone through your window, illuminating the maze of blemishes that razed against his alabaster skin. It might’ve been because of the bleary tears that still half-clung to your eyelashes, but above you, with a winded smile on his torn-up face, he looked half a corpse and half a god.
“Still with me, baby?” He noticed your staring, teasing you by waving his hand in front of your face.
You felt almost high, all drowsy symptoms included, only responding to his question with a feint grin. The wine and the rough sex both made you exhausted in more ways than one, but before you could complain Dabi had shifted his weight off the bed.
“Nooo...” Admittedly you felt a little childish but you couldn’t help but pout as he grabbed his briefs and went to leave your bedroom.
Through the open doorway he’d said, “Just getting a towel, stay put.”
His absence gave you a second to think, staring up at the ceiling with a thousand opposing thoughts bidding for your attention. You just slept with a villain— a murderer. You might side with what he stands for but Dabi was still dangerous. He could’ve killed you tonight, after all. And yet, the only thing you could wonder was what was taking him so long.
Soon he returned wearing his boxers, carrying a heavy towel that he ran under the sink with warm water and took to cleaning the dribbling mess between your thighs. You cooed at his touch, the afterglow of your orgasm cleaned away until Dabi read the alarm clock on your bedside table. 4am.
“You know I can’t stay, right?” He asked bluntly, and you nodded, trying not to let the disappointment show too badly on your face.
“Villain stuff, huh?” You shrugged, curling up into your pillow. Dabi had to continue hunting down the rest of his shed clothes while he mumbled some kind of agreement.
He flashed you a grin while he zipped up his tattered jeans, “Doesn’t mean I won’t break in some other time, doll.” Relief spread through your fingertips once he said that, the weight disappearing from your shoulders.
Your content smile followed him as he threw that thick coat around his shoulders, walking up to your bedside and leaning low. You grinned, leaning forward and trying to catch him for one more kiss, only to be interrupted by the sound of something below you.
Looking down, you saw Dabi slapping a handful of crumpled bills on your end-table, that smug grin from earlier evident on his face. Without bidding you some kind of goodbye kiss he made his way to the open window, sparing you a glance before saying, “Buy some plan B, alright?”
You hadn’t even thought of it, grinning and waving him off as he swung himself onto the fire escape. The sounds of metal clanging against his boots faded away into the distant echoes of the city, and you brought your hand to your throat. Softly you traced the deep blemish his teeth had left behind, your smile turning giddy as you thought about his promise of another visit, but unfortunately the wine was still simmering through you and without Dabi to keep you awake your eyelids started to feel heavy.
Under your plush covers, you continued to cup your hand over the mark he left as you faded off into sleep, the siren that still echoed through the streets acting almost like a lullaby.
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calumxkisses · 3 years
Dancing In The Sky | a.i.
pairing: ashton irwin x reader
genre: fluff to angst
warnings: death (not main characters)
summary: request - Hi!!! It’s very morbid but, I really want one with ash or cal, where they’re in one of the boys house just the boys and their girls, and then the reader receive a call in the middle of the conversation telling someone in her family is dead and she just in shock and she tells them, and the he hugs her and she breaks!!! Thanks
a/n: recently my granny had to be rushed to the hospital and i thought i was going to lose her - luckly it didn't happen. i felt this request particularly close. i always say 'i love you' to my grandma before hunging up on the phone (we live pretty far away from each other) and i thought about what would happen if i forgot to say it, not knowing it would be for the last time. i'm sorry to anyone of you if this triggers you. i love you.
you should read this imagine while listening to: before you go
The light coming in from the window on your right illuminates the whole room, it’s late afternoon but the sun shines almost as if it were noon. The scorching heat has now passed, there is a breeze that cools the air and spreads the scent of the grill in the garden, alternating the scent of grilled vegetables and steaks throughout the house. The pool water is still moving, the inflatable flamingo is wedged near the pool stairs and you can still see the tracks of Michael's wet feet near the diving board.
Halsey's songs are repeated at a low volume, but the guys sing them out loud and a smile forms on your face as you see how they are always ready to support their friends, not only publicly with tweets or instagram stories, but also in private, enjoying music like normal people do.
You hold onto the sweatshirt Ashton gave you as you grab your cell phone from the sofa and put it in your shorts pocket. Your hair is still wet from the shower you just took and it’s leaking few drops of water as you head outside, where your friends are starting to set the table for dinner.
You don't know how it happened, you have vague memories, but you feel grateful to have them around you, to have the opportunity to consider them as a second family, to be able to hug them and to be able to laugh with them. It is a fortune that not everyone has and you make sure you don't waste this opportunity.
“Honey!” Ashton yells, shaking his hand up and looking at you with an amused look. A few tufts of hair fall in front of his face and with one hand he tries to move them back, only to find them in front of his eyes again. His swimsuit is now dry, his chest is red from staying under the sun all day but his tattoos still manage to stand out in the tan and a huge smile covers his face.
Seeing him so happy, confident, at peace with his mind and in love with life, warms your heart and you almost feel like crying of joy in seeing him like this.
You wiped his tears, hugged him under the covers and held him a million times as his demons took over, when mirrors became enemies and food scared him.
You turned off his cell phone every time he read comments about his body and spent sleepless nights keeping him company while he vented his frustration by playing the drums.
You held out your hand to him while accompanying him in his battle against himself, you kissed him as he went through hell and his joy was worth every single tear.
You are proud of him, of the way he went back to wearing his favorite t-shirts and of the way he has come to love all his flaws, even though you're still sure he doesn't even have one.
As you leave the house, a cool breeze passes through your hair and you instinctively close your eyes to be able to appreciate the moment of coolness in the terrible heat of the last few days.
When you open your eyes, amazement takes over your body: the sky is not simply blue like the water in the pool you've been in all afternoon, but pink and orange clouds cover it completely; the sun hides behind them, tinges the sky with more intense colors and you feel your soul leave your body at the sight of so much beauty.
The sunset is so mesmerizing that you don't even feel the need to pick up your phone and take a picture of it, it's so beautiful that you're sure not even the best cameras would be able to capture such a marvel.
It’s a pink and orange sunset, bigger clouds are the backdrop to smaller more intense colors and the skyline of the city is slowly tinged with black, the lights of the buildings begin to see each other more and the world slows down as it prepares for the quietest hours.
The sunset arouses familiar, nostalgic, certainly not typical emotions in you; it’s so beautiful that you feel like you are living a dream, you pinch your arm lightly to make sure you are awake but Ashton's laugh reminds you that it is reality and, with that melody in the background, you understand that the difference between dream and reality is not that big.
And even if it were a dream, you know that dreaming never hurt anybody.
As the sunset surrounds you in a warm hug, a small white butterfly begins to flutter around you, spinning around and bringing a smile to your lips. The insect is small, but in the orange sky it stands out in an important way, making you feel like a Disney princess. You stretch your hand up, raising your forefinger and inviting the little butterfly to lean on it and, without fear, it leans on it, resting its wings and showing itself even more beautiful than you thought.
It’s white but at the corners of its wings it has black spots, its gaze seems to be directed towards you as its antennae move delicately. A sense of awe and wonder makes its way inside of you and you slowly bring the butterfly closer to you so you can admire it better, noticing how safe it continues to feel with you.
“Is everything alright?” Sierra asks as she sets the plates on the table, she's too busy to notice how you seem to be in symbiosis with the butterfly.
“Yeah.” You whisper while the insect continues to stay on your finger, motionless, leading you to feel a sense of peace in the moment you are living.
Suddenly, while the blue sky is giving its space to the dark night, the butterfly takes off and, after making another turn around you, heads towards the sky and merges with the lights of the stars.
You walk back to your friends, still confused about what just happened, and you see Michael trying to move the fire bowl to the corner of the pool. “Mike, if I were you I'd be more careful, you're not the luckiest person when it comes to fire.” You smile and you hear your friends laughing out loud as a grin appears on Michael's face.
“Don't worry, Crystal has seen enough tv shows about doctors to know what to do if I get burned again.” He replies looking at his girlfriend and laughing.
“Shut up and come here,” Crystal responds by pretending to be offended. “Dinner’s ready.” her lips try to hold back the smile that is forming on her face.
You sit on your boyfriend's lap while Luke sets the meat on the plates and Sierra pours the beer into your glass. Ashton pushes your hair to the side and kisses you on the neck, giving you goosebumps and getting winks from his friends.
“You’re terrible.” he replies while looking at them and squeezing his hands on your lap, his head resting on your back while he rolls his eyes and smiles. Everyone burst out laughing and the sound of their laughter still feels like the most beautiful melody to you.
As you are about to take your first bite, your phone starts ringing and vibrating inside the pocket of your shorts. You put your fork down and stand up, being careful not to trip over Ashton's feet as he gives you a questioning look. You give him a kiss on his head and you go away slightly from your group so you can hear better.
Your mother's voice is low as you bring the phone to your ear, a smile forms on your face to hear the sound of her voice but the world collapses on you a few seconds later, when her words become understandable while she cries.
The conversation is short-lived, it is mostly made up of your mother's sobs and words you never wanted to hear. Your mouth opens slightly and your heart seems to stop. And when she closes the call, you have a hard time figuring out if you are having a nightmare or if you are still in reality.
“Was that your lover on the phone?” Calum smiles as you stare at your phone screen as soon as you hang up the call. You look up and see everyone's gaze on you as your eyes start to pinch.
“It was my mother,” you take a deep sigh as you try to find the courage to speak. “My grandmother died a couple of hours ago. She's gone and-” and the words die in your mouth.
Your friends' smiles quickly transform as their brows rise and their eyes lose their light. Crystal is the first to hug you, in less than a second her arms are around you but it's all so surreal that you can't even find the strength to move your body. You hear whispers, but your ears are muffled as Ashton takes the place of your best friend and holds you close to his chest, kissing your hair and whispering words of comfort.
It all happens so fast that you struggle to metabolize, it seems to you that the whole world has stopped or is going too fast, it is hard to try to understand as your mind repeats your mother's words all over again.
You talked to your grandmother the day before, you described to her the weather and you told her all the projects you had in mind, including going to see her as soon as possible. She had told you some stories from her past because she knew how much you loved hearing stories from other times and then you said goodbye to her in a hurry because someone had rang the doorbell.
You didn't tell her you loved her and your heart breaks even more at the realization that she left without knowing the affection you felt for her.
Did she know you loved her? Did she know that she was the most important person to you? Did she know you were grateful for all the sacrifices she had made to make you happy? Did she know you were proud of her? Did she know you loved the way she kissed your hands? Did she know how much you cared about her? Or did she pass wondering if you loved her?
If that were the case, you would never forgive yourself.
Part of you, however, is aware that behind those wrinkles and trembling hands, there were years of wisdom and intelligence and that, even when she was sick, she knew that you loved her unconditionally.
You still remember how she was the one who taught you to ride a bike when your parents were too busy working, how her hunched back bent even more as she pushed you along the street outside your childhood house, letting you go on your own when you learned, while still lying to you about how her hands were attached to the bike, to make you feel protected.
You certainly still remember the way she bragged about you, how she proudly used to tell all the ladies at the grocery store that you were her niece, her greatest joy and the best gift she ever received.
And, if you close your eyes and focus, you can still feel the warmth of the old fireplace in her home, of her hands holding yours while your face was resting on her shoulder. You can still hear the sound of burning wood, of her sweet voice singing melodies belonging to past eras while, between one verse and another, her lips kissed your head and whispered words of love.
Most of all, you have memories of how her arms wrapped around your little body when there was a thunderstorm, when the screams inside your house got too loud and when you saw her again after weeks, with your hearts coming back to beat in unison and your lungs beginning to breathe again.
Now that she is gone, who would be by your side? Who would teach you to cook and sew?
You would no longer hear her heart beating when you leaned against her chest, you would no longer hear the sound of her breaths when you slept next to her, you would no longer wake up with the smell of the flowers she grew and, above all, her dry, wrinkled lips would no longer whisper “I love you” to you.
All the fights, all the moments when you were bothered by her calls and all your snorting about the boredom of being with her bring a pang to your heart that tastes of guilt and arrogance, of shame and wasted moments that won't come back.
She was now gone, her heart had beaten for the last time and her eyes had stopped shining and the more time passes, the more her absence starts to hurt.
While your friends are around you to not leave you alone and Ashton hugs you tightly while caressing your hair, everything seems to start to make sense: the butterfly that just moments before had leaned on your hand, the sunset so beautiful and intense - she was there, she was giving you her last goodbye with all the delicacy possible.
She was reassuring you that she will always be there for you, that she will be in the sunsets under which you will fall asleep and that she will be the butterflies that will fly around in the sky, to reassure you that everything’s gonna be alright.
And with this new certainty and a weight in your chest that will slowly go away, you let yourself go, the tears begin to roll down your face and the sobs echo in the silence of the evening, as the stars light up the sky and God gains a new angel.
Ashton knows it won't be easy, that it will be months before that pain will become more bearable and that family lunches and dinners will be harder, that that empty chair around the table will be a stab in the heart every time.
But he also knows that you are strong, that you will be able to overcome everything, that sadness will turn into a smile when you’ll remember her and that, whatever happens, in a way or another, he will always be there next to you, just like your grandma used to be.
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etherealeeknow · 3 years
vocal lesson
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• rated m for mature, slight angst
• pairing: vocal coach!seungmin x fem!reader
• wc: 2.3k (confession: writing long fics isn’t my forte)
• tw: underlying toxic relationship, masturbation (m), grinding, groping, unprotected vaginal sex, explicit language, creampie- i think that’s all, please do tell me if you find more c:
• note: i have a love hate relationship with this fic. i have a few goals i’d like to achieve from this fic and whether or not i’ll succeed is based on your feedbacks 🥺 so please don’t hesitate to drop them! also, enjoy!
• tag list: @es-kay-zee @formidxble @bobateastay @vogueinnie @sailorhyunjinz // leave a comment, dm, or an ask to be tagged! thank you ♡
seungmin despises the way his heart dropped when he sees your name flashing on his phone screen instead of you flashing upon his eyes. by this time, he’s fully aware that a chatty girl like you isn’t the type to text. in fact, you only do it on one occasion, which is when you’d like to cancel the class. just like what he has expected, the text says you won’t be able to make it that day and that you’re sorry; but he knows you’re not sorry. he knows you’re doing this on purpose—to torture him—and it’s working perfectly.
honestly, the suffocating pain in his chest isn’t because he has been losing sleep, tossing and turning in his king size bed for hours over the thought of you being all dolled up in the baby blue dress he has gifted you; neither is it because he missed his favorite orchestra playback this morning just so he could find the most perfect white shirt out of his collection of other white shirts just so he can appear pleasant for you, but because you’ve been cancelling the lesson for three times in a row. if your mother ever finds out about this, she would definitely fire him. to prevent that from happening, seungmin has been silencing your maids with credits, but he knows too well they’d soon go for more if you keep this up. 
fiddling with the handkerchief that you had purposely left for him a few weeks back, seungmin gloomily shoves it into his pocket before dragging himself to the grand piano to warm his throat up. the first few notes started off slow and stable according to the piano keys, but with constant fear running on his mind, his fingers slipped and pressed the wrong one. the awry sound makes him cringe and shuts his eyes in annoyance. he hates it, mistakes, he hates it to the fullest, yet he has managed to keep up with it all this time just because he adores you more than anything, even when your cracked voice sometimes haunts him at night. see, seungmin’s giving his all to you,
but why are you doing this to me? where are you? i miss you.
“heh, pathetic,” he mutters to himself as he slowly lies down onto the piano bench, facing the chandelier which lights would usually illuminate you when sitting on the same bench while waiting for him to get to the music room, running your delicate fingers along the black and white wood. your side profile’s exactly like a goddess—breathtaking.
sighing over the imagery of you, he begins unbuckling his belt; eyes closing momentarily when he slips a hand into his unbuttoned pants and starts palming his clothed member. three weeks. it’s been three weeks since he last got off, since he last felt your touch, and he’s been trying his best to hold back because he believes you’ll eventually come around. he believes you won’t leave him just like that, yet you aren’t here again today, and he’s dying to release his pent-out frustration.
a heavy sigh escapes his lips when he takes out his dick, the tip leaking from precum and it makes him let out another sigh when he begins pumping it; another one follows, then another one, and it carries on as seungmin’s hand goes faster by each second. even in the peak of his pleasure, all he can think of is you. oh, how heavenly it would’ve been to have both your soft hand and pretty lips around him instead. his free hand is quick to slip into his pocket, snatching your handkerchief. despite only briefly smothering himself with it, your lingering scent alone is enough to make his head spin. with the sateen now wrapping around his throbbing cock, it feels as if you’re there, skin to skin with him.
“fuck!” he hisses, but eyes widening right away over his own volume as he quickly raises his head to check on the slightly opened door.
he’s so close and pausing in the middle just to lock the damned door would ruin everything. should he just bet on his luck today? it’s not like any of his well trained maids would rudely barge into his music room, right? but who knows?
screw it.
his back automatically arches when he feels the increasing tension in his pelvis, and it pushes him to fasten his hand move—pumping his dick rapidly to release. with eyes rolling to the back of his head, seungmin begins chanting your name desperately and that’s your last straw. the moment seungmin ejaculates is the moment you slam the door open and run towards him. the poor guy who’s barely riding out his high jumps on the bench as he sits up.
“shut up,” you cut him off and crash both of your lips and body together, causing him to fall back down onto the bench, and creating a somewhat deafening screech on the floor, but it’s nothing compared to his loud moan in between the kiss.
the feeling of you straddling his lap instantly makes him hard again; the feeling of his warm hands running wild all over you and the stickiness on your inner thigh coming from your ruined handkerchief has you wetting your already damped panties—the effect of rubbing yourself when peeping on his little show. as the kiss deepens, so does your hunger for each other. of course, there’s no way you’ve gotten over what he did, and he’s surely still upset for being ghosted too, but for now, lust is winning. one squeeze on your thigh is all it needs for you to throw your baby blue dress across the room.
“you’re always so hot when you do that,” says the now naked seungmin who gets back onto the same position, looking at you with his half lidded eyes as his arms stretch out to fondle your breasts, his favorite part.
“the only time you’d compliment me is when we have sex,” you scoff before going back down on him, slowly yet easily pushing his cock inside of you, and both of you grunt in unison.
“y/n, ah— shit! i told you it’s because i know you can do better.”
snorting, you call him a liar before grinding mindlessly, movement starting off slow just like how your breathy moans starting off low. as much as seungmin enjoys being taken care of, patience doesn’t exist in his dictionary today. his hands leave your chest for your hips, guiding you to slip in and out of him at a faster pace. but that’s still not enough—he needs more. in a blink of an eye, you go from being on top of him to under him. seungmin bangs you down loudly on the grand piano, your buttcheeks and hands hitting the keys and filling the entire room with jumbled notes while you yourself are filled by him to the fullest, right at your g-spot.
“seung— fuck!” 
“louder,” he commands while thrusting into you, hips moving in a rhythm, and strong hands bringing your legs up to rest on his shoulders before holding onto your ass, supporting you from slipping down—multitasking is indeed his second best talent besides singing.
“what’s the p— point?” you breathe out, trying your best to sound coherent while maintaining eye contact, “so you’ll compliment karina instead again? pat her on the head and caress her cheek again?”
“you know i only did that to motivate you.”
if seungmin has to name anything you can do best, it’ll definitely be your ability to drive him crazy—disobeying him. again, he believes he has been going all in, keeping up with your lack of talent and bullshit for the past half a year; the way you’d fight, then fuck him, and fight again only to fuck him again, and the cycle continues. whenever he tries to talk things out, be it about your vocal lesson or your tangled relationship, you wouldn’t give a damn. today, that has to change.
“and i’m the one to blame? karina always listens to me,” he replies, slowing his thrust as he can feel your walls clenching around him even more and more.
“i said louder, y/n. tear your mouth wide open,” he grunts, thrusting into you so strongly that you jump and land back on the piano, creating such messy harmonies.
“seungmin, faster!” you yelp, voice raspy yet a little louder this time with your hands finding their way on his shoulders, and it makes him sneer as he leans in to kiss you, biting your lower lip before he lets go, and stop dead on track.
“hoarse voice, dry lips. don’t i always tell you to stay hydrated?”
you find it unfair. seungmin’s energy doesn’t make sense. the fact that he still has the power to put up with fucking while carrying you even after his solo session is unfair. and the way he has the audacity to give you a vocal lesson in the middle of everything, then stopping just because you aren’t complying is way too cruel, but perhaps, this is what you deserve.
“i’ll never cancel our lessons again. i’ll— i’m sorry. i will really listen to you,” you beg desperately, almost sobbing as you grind on him, refusing to let the tingling sensation on your core die down.
seungmin shakes his head. he knows you too well. normally, seeing you surrender like this softens him and makes him think that perhaps, he’s being way too demanding, or maybe, he should be even more understanding.
“that’s not what i asked for, love.” is what he says before resuming, putting all the remaining pressure he has left to snap his dick deeper into you.
that’s when his name falls out of your lips ever so gracefully, followed by endless ah’s, jaw hanging open. this is the loudest and clearest you’ve ever been—no holding back, no hitching breaths, no cracking—pure perfection. 
seungmin doesn’t even need to ask for more because you’re already repeating it on your own.
“fuck yes. just like that. such a good girl,” he grunts right beside your ear, picking up his pace.
it only takes a few moments till you feel the familiar knot in your abdomen coming back along with him twitching inside of you, and this time, you make sure to hold onto him so tight, afraid he’d pull the same stunt again.
“shit— please let me cum. please cum with me, come inside me, please, please, please,” you blabber, voice turns husky once more, but seungmin couldn’t care less, there’s always another chance for another vocal lesson. right now, all he wants is to,
the two of you reach together. name chanting, legs shaking, fingers digging, and body fluids mixing into each other—drenching not only your lower bodies, but also the extravagant bösendorfer piano seungmin shipped all the way from austria. but that’s another thing to worry about. right now, he can barely keep his eyes open while you can barely feel your stiff spread legs across his shoulders. once he’s made sure you’re over your high, seungmin gently pulls out and lets you down. he sits himself first on the bench before pulling you by the waist to seat you on his lap, and the two of you let silence take over for a little while.
“i know you’ve been bribing my maids,” you start off, “they have a big pay, but it’s impossible for their designer bags to double up in just a week, you know,” you continue while pushing his damp hair aside, revealing the remaining half of his sweaty forehead.
“they were gonna snitch on you to your mom,” he replies, pausing in the middle to mirror your action, pushing strands of hair to the back of your ear before averting his gaze back on your eyes.
even with your smudged eye makeup and cracked lipstick, you’re still as shining, dilating his pupil.
“and she’s gonna fire me.”
“isn’t that what i should worry about? you’re a world winning award soprano. there are hundreds of talented people waiting in line to be your students. money isn’t the problem. plus, i know you hate my voice. i also never listen to you, never call you sir, and am ninety nine percent horny throughout our lessons. in short, i’m a bratty and disrespectful pain in the ass.”
your punchline makes him snort and he can’t help but to pull you into a hug, closing the already small space in between so he can indulge in your body heat and feel your chest beating calmly alongside his.
but what happened to changing things? don’t you wanna be in charge? you can’t just let her have everything she wants. 
despite hearing the faint voices in his head, mocking him for having the weakest heart for you, seungmin doesn’t care. for all he knows, he was a train wreck earlier this day; he surely didn’t expect he would go from reminiscing the memory of you under the chandelier to it actually coming true. 
“this is real, you’re here.”
“it is. i am.”
“and you’re gonna—“ pausing, he breaks the hug to cup your cheeks, “you have to stay.”
“what for? for you? for the vocal lessons? for… what?” you question, unconsciously tilting your head as you place a hand over his, slightly squeezing it, hoping he wouldn’t let go.
“i might be a bitch, but i’m not dumb. it isn’t about money and it isn’t about sex either. so what is it, seungmin?” you ask, eyes searching for an answer before adding, “i bring no good to you.”
you’re right. his best friends have said the same thing. they can’t seem to wrap their heads around how a collected person like him can break so easily over a random, spoiled, daddy’s little princess. it doesn’t make sense, he knows—i know. he’s been trying to figure it out, only to meet the same dead end.
“i’m a mistake.”
yes—yes you are, and seungmin hates it, mistakes, he hates it to the fullest, yet he has managed to keep up with it all this time just because,
“you’re the only mistake in my life that i can take, y/n.”
gen’s masterlist
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sooniesspot · 3 years
Coming Down | myg
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Okay, so here's the second installment of my BADLANDS Series. This is loosely based around Coming Down by Halsey. I realise I haven't really done them in a specific order, just the one I am pulled to next to write.
Warnings: Dom!Yoongi, Sub!Reader, mentions of slight work stress and societal pressures of being a woman, you know. All that good stuff.
Reader is a F E M I N I S T and proudly so. Loose mention of not wanting kids (which is fine btw) this is just a whole load of smut, not much fluff as it's FWB but.
Okay so, oral, f & m receiving, face fucking, fingering, multiple orgasms, rough sex, light spanking, choking (for like a milisecond) use of ties, slight sensory deprivation, slight body worship, overstimulation. Slight name-calling?? Yoongs says kitten ironically. Use of safe word/safe signal. Yoongles has a Sir Kink. (I can only apologise) Reader has a hand kink (obvs) just wants to get off and relieve stress, Yoongi is happy to be their relief.
word count: 9.8k 👀🐸☕ don't @ me
'I found God, I found him in a lover'
It was a normal Thursday evening, you'd finished work at 6pm on the dot and took the bus home. Fishing for your keys as you approached the front door of your apartment. Key in the lock, turn. Open. Silence. Walking into your hallway, slippers not quite on the rack by the front door as you rushed out of them into your heels this morning. Just where you left them. Sliding off your heels with a sigh as you trudged into your slippers, immediately comforted by the soft memory foam that supported your tiresome toes. Returning your heels to the rack. Shrugging off your bag and long coat, reaching nearly 2 feet above you on your tiptoes to hang your bag and coat on the coat rack. Muttering to yourself like you did every day. 'Coat and bag, then heels. Won't have to stretch so much.' Venturing into the living room. Magazine on the coffee table infront of the sofa where you had left it last night.
Empty. Not that you expected anyone to be home. No one making you dinner you didn't want, or taking up the whole sofa, or hogging the remote. You lived alone, and you liked it. Sure, for a pretty young girl in her mid twenties you often had looks and questions.
'When are you going to find the one?'
'When will you settle down and have a family?'
And truth be told, you didn't want to settle down. You had told your mother from a young age that you didn't want children, whether that would change over time or not you weren't sure. It hadn't changed. You still wanted your independence and that was okay. Women were not put on this earth just to bear children and you were the firmest believer in that. You liked your life just the way it was. A job you loved that you worked hard for, an apartment you were proud of and nearly every night you got to sleep in your own bed, alone, no one to whine at when they snored or your body being used as a warmer for their cold feet. The few nights you were away from your bed came from your once in a while rendezvous with an acquaintance of yours. Although you knew eachother more than mere acquaintances should.
You met at a bar some time ago. Lights flashed, sure to give you a migraine and music so loud your eardrums could burst at any given moment. You were dragged out to this stingy bar by your bestfriend in her attempt to finally get noticed by that one guy. Even in her twenties she was still as smitten as when you were both back at school. You wore a simple black dress with a low cut front, skirt just above the knee and plain black heels. Hair not much different to your everyday, maybe a few waves here and there and some more mascara than your normal work volume. Trying your best to blend in but still having the ornate ability to have eyes on you in any setting.
You spent a lot of time on the dance floor until your friend had found her prey and you circled around the bar. Much rather wanting to stay at home with a tub of ice cream and your cat watching some terrible reality show about Cabin Crew on a cruise ship. Shouting at the TV to throw the nasty woman overboard; waving your spoon at the screen as your cat looked on in understanding almost. But here you were, slumped against a sticky varnished oak bar, propped up on an old velvet stool, twisting your straw in your glass, nonchalantly spinning the steadily melting ice as you listened to your friend talking to her guy. Suddenly feeling a hot hand against your lower back and someone lean over the bar between you and your otherwise occupied friend. Looking up at a pale man to your left.
" Whiskey on the rocks. " came his order to the bar tender; sharp, leaving no room for anything blasé.
Catching his eye, he looked you over once with a subtle bite of his lip and the flick of his tongue at the seam of his mouth; eyebrow raised with a lingering smirk before he vanished into the sea of people again with his drink.
Dumbfounded, you sat there, staring at the now empty spot where he had been mere seconds ago, the now cool expanse of your lower back where his large hand once was, fizzing. Swinging round on your stool, propping your elbow on the bar behind you, your eyes scanned the room. It wasn't the biggest bar. It wouldn't take long to find him.
Soon you caught eyes with him across the dance floor, stood with his taller, tanned friends as he held the whiskey glass firm in his hand; talking amongst themselves. Dark Brown, almost black hair feathered across his forehead, just above his twinkling chocolate eyes. Thin upper lip pressing to his plumper bottom lip before perfect white teeth graced your vision in an endearing gummy smile. Eyes still not catching you between the bodies of people dancing. Several silver hoop earrings in each ear. He wore a long black sweatshirt, black ripped jeans and boots. A couple of silver rings adorned his strong fingers.
You took a sip of your drink, gaze intermittently fluttering in his direction as you scanned the room, your friend had left to go and dance. Eyes found her and you nodded, knowing she was fine. As your stare focused back on the man before you he finally looked up, catching your eye with his, dark and mysterious. His lips pulling into a smirk again as he gazed at you. Heat bubbling in your chest from his wandering eyes on your body through the gap in people on the dance floor. He eventually made his way over to you and whispered a few words into your ear. Cool and calm.
" Come back to my hotel. "
And so you did. One slightly drunk, intense one night stand later and here you were, 6 months down the line sleeping with eachother whenever he was in town. A classic Friends With Benefits situation, although you weren't really friends.
You walked into your kitchen, greeting your ginger tabby cat with a kiss as she meowed at you in greeting. Grabbing yourself a glass for water and pouring kibble into her bowl on the floor, your routine monotonous but you didn't mind. Your cat tucking into her dinner as you filled up your glass, taking a sip. Looking at delivery menus on your fridge under old magnets from previous travels, deciding on Chinese; plucking the menu from the fridge, you had a training day for other colleagues at work tomorrow which meant a day off for you. No needing to cook dinner and get an early night tonight. Placing your glass and the menu on the coffee table in the living room, you switched on the tv, chucking any random show on then bumbling along to your room, opening the door. Greeted by quiet and serenity. No dirty pants on the floor or unmade bed. You smiled with contentment, unzipping your dress to pool at your feet before tossing it into your wash basket. You looked at yourself in the mirror, your most dependable black bra and panty set glaring back at you as you fixed your hair into a ponytail and wiped off your makeup. Throwing on a sweatshirt and some leggings. A short while later you plopped yourself down on the sofa and switched on the tv, greeting your cat with a scratch under her chin as she sauntered into the room, hopping up on the sofa with you.
Zoning out to the world around you as a terrible drama played on in the background as you glanced over the menu, not really paying attention to anything in particular. You had been a little stressed over the past couple of weeks, mounting pressures of a new senior in your department threatening to change everything you had sculpted into a balanced working environment over the last 3 years. Societal pressures and backhanded compliments from your mother's 'garden party' friends concerning whether or not you were defective in choosing a man. Or having one choose you. But in reality, the truth is, you had a stable relationship previously, unfortunately he was a dick and you're not stupid. So the single life had been your rather quiet reality for the last 18 months. No one to answer to or to worry about. Just you and your cat.
Your mothers friends never seemed to understand that, always too engrossed in whether or not you had a man on top of you every night to see that their husbands had found other, much younger women to be on top of. All of this filtering through the crack in your hardened shell, filling your mind with alternate realities until you got a text coming through. Cutting through all the fuzz that piqued in your brain. Picking up your phone, you saw who it was. Him.
'I'm in town, come over?' 
Your reply was short and sweet.
'Sure, be over in 20.'
Snapping out of your previous thoughts and placing the menu back on the coffee table you sat and pondered for a minute. This was fine. This was what you needed. To let off some steam, in a judgement free setting. No cold glances your way, or harsh words uttered, unless it was you being tied to the headboard again like you had been convinced to try last time with his unadulterated gaze looking down at you writhing underneath him. The thought alone had your hair standing on end and a shiver running through you as you stood from the sofa, heading to your room.
Sifting through your wardrobe to pull on some old trainers, checking yourself in the mirror not really knowing why. In your hallway you made sure the lights in the apartment were off and your cat was happy, tucked up in the corner of the sofa snoozing away. Making sure you had your keys and phone in your bag, you left, key in the lock, turn. Locked. Walking down the hallway and down to the ground floor, heading out of the building to head right. The hotel he always stayed at was only a block or so away so the walk was relatively short. The sun was setting now as it hid behind the skyscrapers that canopied the city. Passers by making their way home or even to work. Still lots of cars on the road and bicycles that weaved in and out of traffic. The breeze was light and cherry blossoms danced in the air, separating from a tree as you passed a nearby park. The air was cool, as it would be in early May. Not too hot. Reminded of your journey, that first night.
'When his hair falls in his face and his hands so cold they shake'
You had left swiftly after his original proposition, making up some story about your cat or an early work meeting or something. Anything to get you out of there and with him. His hand returned to the small of your back as you left the bar, being ushered into an awaiting taxi outside. Shuffling all the way over to the other side, he slid in next to you blurting out the address to the hotel at the driver. Hair falling in his face. Eyes wild as they sparkled from the reflection of the dim streetlights. Smirking at you as the same powerful hand you had grown accustomed to on your back, made a home on your knee, slightly tucked under the skirt of your dress. It was now cold to the touch. Strong and intimidating as the taxi started to drive away. Not being able to take his eyes off you he leant forward and whispered in your ear.
" You look so delicious. " His voice low that reverberated through you, straight to your core as he squeezed your knee. Uttering the last syllable with a kitten lock to the shell of your ear.
To this you bit your lip and shifted uncomfortably in your seat. His hand, in turn sliding further up under your dress to the wider expanse of your thigh. The material of your dress pressing his hand taught against your skin.
He swooped down to your ear again, pressing an open mouthed kiss under your ear before he whispered " can't wait to taste you. "
You keened away from his grasp to no avail. He knew what he was doing to you, breath shallow and flighty in your chest as his teeth tugged at your earlobe.
"Please " You breathed, the first word you uttered to him.
Not really sure what you were pleading him for but the fire in your chest and the dampness of your panties flourished an urgency within you that was incorrigible. He smirked again at this, eyes dancing like Fireflies in the night. The hand that was to his side while the other hid between your thighs came up to cup your cheek, turning your face towards him.
"Soon. " He chuckled before biting your lip.
Drawn back to reality, passing people and cars. Your trainers pulling you towards your destination as your head had an argument with your feet. Was this a good idea? You didn't want to get yourself into a situation where either of you caught feelings. You were a pro at being a cold hearted bitch now but the odd sincere glance your way, especially from him seemed to melt your resolve, even just a little. Recounting the previous times you had taken this walk and what it would lead to.
After your first night with him, it was like a drug. You always wanted more. To say he was good in the bedroom was a complete cop out. He was...He was something. Made you feel things you'd never felt before and noises you'd never in your wildest dreams imagine yourself making. At decibels only a dog could hear. So once the addiction started, you started seeing one another everytime he was in town. Sometimes a couple of times in a week. That went on for a solid 4 months and as work pressures mounted, you fell distant. Always busy catching up with work or having some alone time with your thoughts and your cat. He also got busy, having to travel more for work. You didn't really know much about except it was important and you felt based on the guitar he always packed with him, propped up against the wall in the corner of the room, it was something to do with music.
'I found a devil, I found him in a lover'
The last time you had seen eachother had been a little over 2 weeks ago. That night you'd stayed, which didn't come easily. You were adamant you would leave as soon as you'd cleaned up, even telling him so as he helped you wash in the bathroom, almost requesting a second round when he looked at you through the mirror with those sparkling brown eyes like the devil, but you had been so wound up and pushed to your limits that you felt sleep take you as soon as your body hit the mattress again. Memories of restraints, dark water colours that created the murky palette of his hotel room and the low thumping of your heart, even as you entered the apartment, seeing him there, a tie in hand and a coy smirk. That night he had called you. He never called.
" You busy? " He sounded gruff like he'd just finished working out - which you knew not to be the case.
"When am I ever busy? " You rebuttled with a laugh.
He joined you, then you could hear him grin down the phone. A different sort of grin. A devious one.
"I wanted to try something. "
There was quiet, you wished him to continue silently.
"Something I can't stop thinking about doing to you. " He whispered lowly.
Your ears on fire and furiously red in the face you hung up. Chucking a quick 'omw' text to him in return. That night had been the best sex you'd ever had. That's why you'd stayed. For fear of walking into oncoming traffic at 2am because of your disorientated state.
Your heart skipped a beat at the anticipation of what was to come once you knocked on the door and it sent a thrill through you. Rounding the corner you were met with a bleak grey concrete block of apartments that made up the hotel with a black sign. Crossing the street after looking both ways you jogged up the steps as you saw the door beginning to close after a couple just exited. Sliding in you headed straight for the elevator.
He always had the same hotel room which avoided any confusion. You ran to the elevator that had just opened and pressed the 7th floor. Alone again your mind wandered to your first night here, in this lift.
You'd both stumbled out of the taxi and shuffled over to the lift, he pressed the elevator button furiously as he got impatient; leaning against eachother. As soon as the lift doors were closed he pressed you against the wall, face millimetres from yours as his nose skimmed over yours. Both of your breathing, laboured and slow. His large hands roamed your body; your waist, up and down your thighs. Gripping at the flesh as if he owned it. You wanted him to. God you wanted him to own all of you in that moment. Gaze intense and unwavering as the mysterious glint in his eye grew. His hands slid around the curve of your ass which made you stutter, giving it a harsh squeeze that made you lose your breath.
"I'm gonna ruin you." He whispered devilishly in your ear as he bit the shell.
Pulled out of your reverie as the elevator doors dinged open, signalling you had reached your floor, face burning as you stepped out of the lift, cold fingers pressed to your cheeks to try and cool them. Preparing yourself for what man would greet you at the door. You never knew which one you would get. Sometimes he was ravenous and you never made it to the bed, lipstick smeared and tights ripped as he never had time to waste when he felt such a desperate need for you. Or you would get the cool calm and collected man that caught your eye that night all those months ago. That was, until he got you here. Alone with him.
Walking down the corridor to his room now, counting the doors as they seemed to go on for miles, dark in wood with numbers etched in gold with golden handles. Your breath starting to slip away from you as you imagined as soon as you opened that door you wouldn't be able to breathe steadily again for a while. Room 93. (Shoutout to Halsey's first EP) There it was. You slowed to a stop, almost nervous to knock. 'Just knock' You muttered to yourself. Rolling your eyes as you fidgeted on the spot, sighing as you raised your hand to knock on the door. Knock. Wait. Silence.
You were waiting for a little while which was unlike any other time. Checking your watch and the door number. You waited a little longer and you were just about to walk away when the door opened slowly. You turned; met with the same dancing brown eyes you caught in yours all those months ago, although slightly sunken, maybe he hadn't been sleeping well? His lean frame propped up against the door. Arms folded over his broader chest. Hair fluffed over his forehead, slightly damp. Pale skin flawless and glowing against the dark background of his hotel room and the darkness of his simple black tee and sweatpants. Silver hoops still adorned his ears and rings still glistened on his beautiful hands. Eyes unwavering as they honed in on you. Smirk playing on his thin lips.
"You're early." He mumbled all knowingly, looking at the rings that adorned his knuckles, as if he were about to connect them with a wall.
You stuttered, heart in your mouth as you gawked at the man. Feeling like a naughty school girl that was about to get a ruler spanked across her a-. You stopped the thought for fear of collapsing in the hallway. His eyes still on you, looking you up and down. You mentally slapped yourself for your attire. Sweatshirt and leggings. Not sexy in the slightest. Anyway. Why did you care? Not like you wanted to impress him, right? After another beat his strong arm pulled you in the room by the collar of your sweatshirt, closing the door swiftly behind you and pinning you up against it.
"Just means I have more time." He whispered against your lips.
Sweeping strands of hair out of your face delicately, tucking his fingers behind your ears. He smiled at you, his gummy smile. You never thought that smile would be directed at you. Let alone in this setting.
'With his lips like tangerines, and his colour-coded speak'
His lips moulded to yours with a sudden urgency. Teeth and tongue caressing your lips with power and want. Heavy breaths exchanged as you dropped your bag; hands trying to find purchase somewhere sturdy and stable. Deciding upon the strength of his arms. Eyes closing as you were swept away in the moment of teeth and tongue and pent up tension and wanton need for eachother. His fingers pulling out your hairband so your hair pooled around your face. His fingers lacing through the soft locks as he grinned against your lips. Always having an ornate infatuation with how silky your hair was. How good it felt wrapped around his fist as he fucked you into the mattress. How it spread out behind you like waves across the crisp white bedsheets, framing your face perfectly as you slept.
He missed this. Maybe he missed you. Jolted back from his sweet thoughts, hearing you start to mumble against his lips as he continued to pin you up against the door, your head firmly in his hands.
"Yoongi." You murmured again, slurring the word slightly; drunk off the potent lust he cradled you with.
He never let up from your lips, intent on breathing you in. Hands untangling themselves from your hair as his cool calm hands landed on your shoulders, moving you away from the door to pin you to a wall, nearer to the bed. An eventual destination set in his mind. He couldn't get enough of you. Your hands travelled to cup his cheeks. His lips dry against yours gaining moisture from the saliva rolling around in your mouths as your tongues fought. Small whimpers beginning to swim their way into the air. Music to his ears. Of all the music he'd ever had a hand in creating, he wished he could emulate your tiny whimpers. Your cries for more of him. All of him. Wanting to devour him whole.
"Fuck" He exclaimed, finally pulling away from you, heavy breathing as his forehead was against yours.
Not even giving you time to breath he reached for the hem of your sweatshirt, pulling it over your head to reveal your gorgeous body to his hungry eyes. Knowing now that hiding from his gaze would be futile. An attempt at covering up would leave your ass raw and marks all over every single inch of your body. God's above. He made you feel like the only girl in the world, to him you practically were. He never sought out for any other attention or company from other women. The taste of you as often as he could have you was more than enough to satiate his heart.
He made quick work of your bra before throwing his own shirt off onto the growing pile on the floor. His hands, rough against your soft, plush breasts as his thumbs circled around your pebbling nipples. His teeth latching onto your bottom lip, humming as he looked into your steadily closing eyes. Teeth venturing south along your jaw to your neck and collarbone as he began to grab at the skin of your waist after he finished moulding your breasts; as if trying to memorise the feeling of them in his hands. The weighted comfort he had grown to adore about your chest. Teeth sinking in, enticing low gasps and the tiniest of squeaks as he would bite too hard on already sensitive flesh, intent on getting every inch of your skin covered in small indentations from his teeth. Tongue lascivious against the contours of your neck and collarbones, sickly sweet taste of your skin that drove him wild.
'Now we're lost somewhere in outer space, in a hotel room where demons play'
All you could do was pant and mule against him, your hands in his steadily drying locks. Suddenly pulling away as he untied the drawstring of his pants.
"Knees, now." He whispered authoritively and you happily obeyed.
Flicking your hair off your shoulder you sank down onto your knees. Eyes ignited with a fire he practically stoked out of you. You admired his body on the journey down. Body lithe and pale, defined arms and chest with a flat stomach, no six pack or defined v lines that led to the promising tent that you saw in your line of sight. Just a small happy trail of hair from below his belly button sneaking into the hem of his sweatpants. Swiftly taking them down and off you were greeted with black boxers, looking tight around his cock cased within. You licked your lips in anticipation as his fingers forked through the hair on your scalp. Looking up to his face as he gazed down at you with a stern look in his own eyes; burning into your already flushed skin.
"Someone looks like they've missed this." He smirked as your hand rose to palm him through his boxers.
He released a low hum at the feeling of your hand cupping his balls. You knew that he was very sensitive there, from past experiences.
"Does the slut want my cock?" He asked, a feather of a chuckle rumbled in his chest at your immediate nod as you ran your tongue over the seem of your lips.
Your fingers delved underneath the fabric as you began to pull them down. Sudden slap to your hands had you shying away from him.
"Hungry sluts have to wait don't they, kitten?" His eyes zeroing in on your reaction to the pet name.
You gritted your teeth in vague annoyance at the name, after the first night, you told him you had to be home for your cat. Finding it oddly adorable you were a cat lady he called you kitten ironically, now it's stuck. Your eyes looking away from him, turning your head slightly towards the large window that showed the rest of the city. Twinkling lights now shining in the moonlight. His hand gripped your chin, pulling your attention back to him, forcing you to look up into his devious eyes.
"I don't think you answered me, slut." He snarled; releasing your chin from his grasp.
Your heart jumped in your chest.  "Y-yes, sir."
He smirked again, feeling triumphant he patted your head, thumb smoothing over your hair line with ghost like touches before running it along the seem of your mouth, popping his thumb in, flat against your tongue. Closing your lips around him, beginning to suck, big eyes gazing up at him.
"Good girl." He whispered before removing his thumb from your mouth and yanking his boxers down and stepping out of them.
His fingers danced through his damp hair as his cock sprung up against his stomach, a muted groan as the cool air touched his reddened and straining cock. Your eyes widened, never getting used to the sight of his cock, inches away from your salivating mouth, making your panties pool with a carnal need for him to be inside you. Your hands began to rub up and down your jeans clad thighs, waiting with baited breath for him to give you the command. This man and the things you'd do for him would have others question if you were a feminist or not. How a strong single woman with a steady career and bustling social life could want to be so utterly defiled by a man and be at his every whim really flipped your ideology on its head. But a drug was a drug, and you were high on him like cocaine.
"Alright, stop giving me those bedroom eyes." He gushed, dominating voice faltering as he gazed down at you, waiting and ready for him to let you begin.
You fluttered your eyelashes at him, big and bold. Biting your lip as your hands rubbed along your thighs again.
"Fuck, just get over here." He laughed, holding the base of his cock in his hand as your hands slunk up his sturdy pale thighs.
Fingertips sending sparks through his body. Your lips reaching his tip, you looked up at him again as you kitten licked his bulbous tip, testing it. Like testing a car. He hissed to which you smirked. You took your tongue to lick the underside of his cock lightly, teasing his frenulum before swirling your tongue round his tip several times. He puffed out a harsh breath but never said a word, fingers beginning to weave into your hair with a softness you were unfamiliar with. Surrounding the tip with your lips as you slowly sunk the head into your waiting mouth. Giving kitten links to the underside again as you sucked on his tip for a moment. Yoongis breath was heavy, you could tell by his chest moving, half lidded eyes looking down at you as you took more of him in slowly. Tongue still licking everywhere you could. Your other hand still positioned on his thigh as you rubbed small circles in it with your thumb.
Starting to take him deeper in your mouth and pulling him back out for breath had him seeing double. His vision was blurred as he could feel your heavenly lips wrap around his strained cock, precum and spit starting to pool at the corners of your mouth; threatening to spill as you bobbed your head back and forth on his dick. Setting up a rhythm you plunged him in deep so your nose touched his abdomen and he threw his head back with a grunt; gritting his teeth.
"Uh, fuck. Your mouth is so good" He whispered into the air.
'I've got a lover and I'm unforgiven, I'm such a fool to pay this price'
Your mouth worked on him as well as it could. You would take a lot of him in and proceed to gag which made him grunt. As your hand began to work at the base of his shaft. Giving him your all. Making up for lost time.
"Fuck, I'm not gonna last." He hissed. His hands in spearing through your hair as his thumbs rubbed at your scalp.
"I should've kept my hands to myself... Always impatient." He chuckled menacingly to himself; shaking his head.
Your breath was heaving as you pulled back from him. Hands gripping his thighs tight as you looked up at the man towering above you.
"What do you say, will you let me fuck your mouth like a good pet?"  He asked, hands still in your hair.
"Make me cum, then it's your turn? How about it, kitten?"
No hesitation in your eyes as you gazed up at him as if he had hand painted all of the stars in the sky. You nodded profusely and he grinned at you; swiping the spit away from the corner of your mouth with his thumb.
"Good girl, remember your safe signal?"  He asked, almost sweet in his tone.
You tapped the back of his thigh 3 times with your finger and he nodded. Feathering his fingers through your hair again, your hand still at the base of his dick lining him up to your waiting mouth. You gave him the go ahead as he thrusted shallowly into your mouth at first. Finally in your mouth his hands speared through your hair behind your ears to hold you still as he began to move his hips back and forth. You had done this before. Let him do this. But this time was so raw and so needy you honestly couldn't fathom how much you needed this. And it wasn't even your turn. He began to set up a rhythm working his length deeper with every thrust; starting to make you gag as you tried your best to relax. He breathed in sharply, his head thrown back as he pumped in and out. His shaft gliding smoothly across your tongue and beginning to slip down your throat as you sputtered around him. Hands firmly gripping the back of his thighs, the same way he was gripping your hair.
"Fuck, fuck. Your mouth. Kills me." He mumbled to himself; thinking you couldn't hear.
You looked up at him, a picture of bliss. Arms locked in place, keeping you still as he slid in and out of your mouth, picking up speed now. The veins in his neck; protruding under a velvet blanket of Frosted skin. Teeth gritted and brows furrowed. He looked down to see you already watching him. To this he groaned deep within his chest at the sight of you so willing and ready for him. Setting his nerves alight he could feel his orgasm approaching. Gripping your hair even tighter as he gave you a moment to breath before jackhammering into your mouth with a low whine.
"Fuck. Holy shit." He whispered before you felt his cock twitch deep in your throat and thick ropes of cum travel down it as he came; hips jerking at weird angles as you noticed sweat beading across his neck and collarbones; reaching up to his hairline.
After he had composed himself he pulled out of your mouth and you swallowed everything still left in your mouth before opening your mouth to show it was empty. He ran a solid hand through his own hair before he pulled you to your feet; planting a heavy kiss to your lips as he walked you back towards the bed. Practically pushing you back on it with a soft bounce. He suddenly rounded to the other side of the hotel room rummaging through a suitcase. Soon returning with several black ties in hand. Giving you a knowing smirk. You felt your stomach sink at the memory of your last adventure with this man. In this hotel room. With those ties. But judging by the look on his face and the fact his previously lifeless cock had begun to spring to life again; you knew it was different.
'I found a martyr, he told me that I'd never'
He began to move you up the bed to where he saw fit. Nodding when he had got you where he wanted. Straddling your waist he grabbed an arm tying the tie around your wrist to then loop it around the headboard. He soon did the same to the other one. Then finally you saw him gazing down at you from above before he slipped a soft silk tie over your eyes fastening it behind your head. Everything went black, but you could hear him; feel him. All around you. Feeling weight either side of your head you suddenly felt breath over your nipple; squirming at the sensation and your clothed pussy clenching around nothing. You felt him kitten lock his way along your breast before landing an unexpected bite against your neck, causing you to pull against the restraints with a sharp intake of breath.
"Remember your safe word, kitten?" He whispered in your ear.
You nodded. "Seesaw."
He sat back on his heels; still straddling you. Crossing his arms with a nod.
"Why is it Seesaw, again?" You ask, a grin sliding onto your face.
He chuckled at this before you felt weight lifted from the bed. You skin crawling with goosebumps as you waited with anticipation. Suddenly feeling deft fingers pulling your leggings and panties down in one swift movement. A beat of silence. Feeling like forever until you felt the same fingers, calloused but oh so soft against the skin of your collarbone.
"You don't remember?" He whispered into the darkness.
You shook your head no as your body began to squirm. Feeling his finger trail delicately down to your chest, followed by his other pointer finger on his left. Circling your nipples in precise motions. You sucked in a breath and your back arched as you felt him blow cool air onto the perking bud.
"Oh kitten, it was the bar where we first met" You could hear the smirk evident in his voice as his fingers trailed underneath the curve of your breasts.
"The night I took you home and ate you so good you nearly passed out." A dry chuckle left his lips at the gasp that left your own.
He began to drag his sturdy fingers slowly; tantalisingly, in soft motions towards your belly button where he would branch out with delicate touch; placing more fingers on your skin as they circled your hipbones. Finally sloping down to your thighs where his grip became firm and he pryed your legs apart to expose you to him. Heat flashing across your face as you whimpered at the action. Oh god. The things he made you feel. You felt electricity surge through your body, bouncing off your bones as you heard him hum.
"Mmmm. So wet, just from sucking my cock, kitten?"
You bit your lip with a whine; nodding profusely. Blush creeping across your cheeks. He seemed to like this as you heard a deep rumbled in his chest in approval. You could feel the bed dip slightly due to transferred weight. Right between your legs. Shit. If only you could see him. What was he doing? Was he pleased? Oh fuck, you didn't shave your le- your thoughts were far removed as you felt lips across the inside of your thigh; just above your knee.
"Shit, I can't wait to taste you." He whispered; sending cool air rushing up to your core.
Feeling his lips drag effortlessly along your thigh to where you wanted him most; needed him. He was tender; savouring the moment. He had missed this, giving you what you wanted. Watching you underneath him. Tasting you; devouring you. That's why he was so quick to cum the first time around. Too excited by the thought of having you again he had started to touch himself in the shower. Thinking of your soft, sweet body; Bending to his every whim. Your mouth stuffed full of his cock. Your enticing wet pussy that always made you blush at the sounds it would make, as he would fuck you. Hard and rough. He groaned at the thought before his face was level with your heat. Soft breaths that made your body wriggle; desperate to escape and want more; all at once. He hooked your knees over his elbows as he held your legs down. blowing against your exposed clit and watching your pussy clench around nothing; glistening with your essence he hungered for.
'With his educated eyes, and his head between my thighs'
"Mmmm. Sweet pussy baby girl." He kissed the apex of your thigh watching you writhe against the restraints. He hadn't even started yet. You were in for a long night.
You didn't seem to notice the name at first. It wasn't what he had called you any of the times before. But as the air thinned out around you; feeling the silence weighted around the room like a thick curtain and nothing was corrected, it almost felt affectionate; coming from his sinful lips that had just attached themselves to your-
"Fuck." Your breath caught as you threw your head back against the mattress.
Feeling lips suckling against your clit with vigor. He knew what you liked and knew how to get you where he wanted you. His tongue began lapping at your clit as his lips sucked where they could. Your breathing was heavy and you tried to pull against the restraints; your legs restless as the odd whimper left parted lips. His eyes although you couldn't see him, were focused on you. Watching every bite of your lip, every salacious moan or whimper; every gasp. You began rocking your hips in a rhythm against his tongue and he moaned at the pressure you posed against him. Trying to feel some friction as his throbbing cock had sprung to life from your first whimper; sandwiched between his abdomen and the mattress.
"God, this pussy is so good." He moaned; muffled by your legs trying so hard to clamp around his head as he continued his ministrations.
Soon enough you could feel the familiar rope spread throughout your body, begin to coil; tight as a spring before you felt a nip to your clit and you unravelled underneath him. Feeling weightless and weighted all at once. Stars beneath the blanket of the silk tie; delicate against your eyes. Head thrashing around as arms pulled with all their might against the restraints. Your back arched as you moaned loudly; legs starting to shake at the force of your orgasm. But that wasn't the end.  He flicked his tongue against your swollen clit with more intent. Determined to push you through another orgasm before he even started using his fingers. God his fingers. Your lower body began to lift off the bed as his grip on your legs only got tighter.
"Fuck, fuck Yoongi. Oh my fucking g-"
You heard an animalistic growl as you felt another nip to your clit; yelping at the sudden spark of pain amongst your pleasure.
"Sir. Stick to the rules." He punctuated with a slap to your clit. Back arching for a moment as you felt a pulse throughout your body.
"Or I'll keep biting." He mumbled the last part.
You pouted. "Yes sir." You could feel your orgasm beginning to ebb away as he took longer to return to your clit.
You whined and you felt breath on your clit again as he chuckled. Although your predicament was purely casual. Wanting to get off essentially was your main goal. Neither of you ever rushed. Enjoying one another's company. Feeling his slick, swift tongue dancing along your clit again you moaned; trying so hard to keep quiet out of respect for neighbours as you tried resting your mouth against your arm to muffle your high pitched moans. His tongue retracted until you felt the tip of his tongue tease the edge of your entrance before dipping his tonulgue in for a moment. Your hips bolted you forward at the intrusion before settling back down on the bed. His tongue running up and down from your entrance to your clit in long strokes. Quickly settling his tongue back against your throbbing clit. You yelped as he applied more pressure.
"Fuck, I love this cunt."
Slurping noises ensued as he dove in deeper. You orgasm building again and again, holding on for dear life. Holding onto your sanity. His tongue swirling around the pulsing bud as you continued your previous rhythm rocking against his face. Your knuckles were turning white at the sheer grip you had on the ties; feeling yourself drift away.
"Fuck, please, yoo-"
He pressed his face even further into your heat as you cried out in pleasure. Tongue flicking mercilessly over your engorged clit. Reaching the summit again to fall all the way down into the abyss. He never let up from you as his tongue lapped at your juices spilling from your entrance. Nerves alight and pulsing throughout your body. A thin layer of sweat was evident against your face, collarbones; the whole of your body. Sweat beaded from his own forehead and he wiped the back of his hand over his mouth as he watched you regain your breath. Stilted in the silence. Only your chest rising and falling as your lungs gasped for air.
He loosened his right arms hold around your leg and brought his fingers forward to your sensitive pussy. Humming to himself as he gathered the Juices on the tip of his fingers and spreading it all over your pussy as it glistened in the dim hotel light. Knowing how much you lost your collective shit over his hands he couldn't help but watch his hands tip toe up to your breast; squeezing the flesh roughly in his hand before slinking it over to massage your neck for a second. Only to grab it a moment later. Your breath caught quite literally as you could feel the bed move from where he was sitting up. He could feel the pressure against your soft skin and the way your breath constricted; only for a moment as he loosened his grip. His fingers still flush against the skin. His veined hand looked like it belonged around your neck. He thought to himself before sliding his thumb into your mouth again; which you accepted with enthusiasm.
'I found a saviour, I don't think he remembers'
"One more from you, kitten. Then I'll fuck you. Okay?" He hummed.
Your reply was noncommittal as you nodded vehemently; still sucking on his thumb. He looked down at you with a certain adoration. Laying there, naked for him. Tied up and blindfolded. If he'd have thought this would be the case after that first night, he would have laughed. But here you both were.
His fingers began to trace the outline of your entrance; whisper like touches that made you clench around nothing. He began experimentally pushing his long slender middle finger inside you a little; chuckling lowly as you let out a whine. Your pussy trying to suck him in further. Wanting to feel him. All of him.
"Sir. Please." You murmured, legs that were now free from his grasp allowing you to rotate your hips.
He wanted to tease. God. He wanted to tease you until the sun came up. But he was desperate and so were you. He removed his finger earning a cry from you. Until he slid in two fingers to your shock and set a brutal pace. Feeling those godly fingers of his curl into you. Moulding you perfectly to him. Tapping against that sweet spot inside. He used his other hand to press your hips to the bed; preventing movement as you felt a touch of sensitivity kicking in. But you put it to the back of your mind; focussing on the way his fingers were drilling into you at an inhuman pace now.
Your senses heightened due to his silk tie that blocked your view. Oh how you wished you could watch his fingers sliding in and out of you like you had done countless times before. Acquiring quite the affinity with the mans hands. Pale, veiny; strong in their ability to hold you but soft when he caressed your cheek, wiping the spit away from the corner of your mouth or the pad of his thumb sweeping away tears from overstimulation. God you loved them.
"Fuck. I'm so close." You cried out, to someone. Anyone who could hear you as he continued his ministrations.
"Yeah? The slut loves my fingers doesn't she?" Yoongi spat; his voice laced with venom.
"Loves my fingers fucking her, huh?"
All you could do was mewl as you could feel your body going into overdrive. Your head slamming against the pillow as you could feel yourself near the edge. Just needing one final push.
"But you love it best when my hand's around your throat. Isn't that right? Slut?"
You hadn't felt his hand move. Too lost in the pleasure he was giving you. Until you felt it grip your throat. Not hard. But just enough. Squeezing when he said slut. Sparks flew and your fingers and toes felt as if they were set to a light simmer. Your body going numb at the feeling and your pussy throbbing as you came. A high pitched moan of his name left your bitten lips as he continued thrusting his fingers in and out of you. Body moving in time with your spasming cunt as you began to feel the overstimulation kicking in, rearing its ugly head once more. The pain was excruciating as he continued but the pleasure washed over you again as your entrance continued to clench around his fingers. Silence as a moan caught in your throat. This had to be the biggest orgasm you had ever had. Nerves set alight with matches and turning into a forest fire that exploded like gasoline until it set to a simmer when Yoongi slowed his fingers down ever so slightly. Enamoured by your head thrown back and your mouth in the perfect shape of an O. He would've cum right there, just at the sight of you convulsing beneath him.
"Cause he's off to pay his crimes, and he's got no time for mine'
"Fuck, me." He breathed, shaky breaths too.
Quickly flipping you onto your front, your still tied arms now crossed over one another. Propping your legs up so you were on your knees. A sharp smack to your ass sent you reeling into another sobbing mess. Beginning to plead with him. For something; anything.
Soon enough you felt his hands returning to your hips and ass, caressing them carefully. Your ass flinching at the contact of his lips on your lower back, you could hear a slight slapping sound behind you, assuming he had started to touch himself again. You whimpered at the thought of not being able to watch his veiny hand slide up and down his equally veiny cock. Fuck.
His lips still against your skin as he whispered "I nearly came just like that, watching you cum all over my fingers baby."
There it was again. Baby. Nothing more nothing less. There was a pregnant pause before he sighed, beginning to speak again.
"You're so fucking hot" a groan sounded as the pace of his hand quickened against his length. The slapping sound intensified.
You whimpered, beginning to move your ass up and down, wiggling it at him to invite him in.
"Yoongi, just fuck me already." You whined.
A sharp slap sounded against your ass, reverberating through the room. You winced at the pain, taking in a quick breath before a hand returned to your ass kneading it in his palm.
"Slut is so impatient today. I'll fuck you, don't worry." His words were menacing.
'Now we're lost somewhere in outer space, in a hotel room where demons play'
His hand continued to knead at your reddening cheek before pulling it aside with his thumb, showing your dripping, waiting entrance for him. He almost lost it. Almost. Deciding that you had both waited long enough he lined his throbbing condom clad cock up with your entrance and pushed in with great speed. Hissing at the feeling of your tight wet walls surrounding him.
"Oh god." You managed a strangled whimper into the mattress.
Breath caught in your throat as you could feel his dick beginning to move swiftly inside you. His hips slapping against your ass that was sure to bruise tomorrow, your wrists were aching, your body going numb to every other feeling apart from the feeling of him ploughing into you. Your vision was starry eyed and you hated it. But you loved it. Sobs began to rack through your body as he spanked you once again, sending waves of pain and pleasure through you.
His pace continued as all you could do was lie there with your hands tied, begging for anything he was willing to give you. But also feeling the familiar sting of too much. But it was never too much. You willed your body to continue on. To not give up the ghost yet. You prayed for your body to fight on. To take every thrust he battered into your throbbing, weeping pussy.
The coil you had almost forgotten existed now in the plains of numb, vacant ability to even string a sentence together, began to tighten again, expecting a fraying spent body, not one this eager for your umpteenth orgasm this evening. Your pussy clenched as he continued, hollow groans you imagine him with his head back as he thrusted into you, licking his perfect lips with that sinful tongue. God, he made you crazy.
"Yoongiiiiii, fuck I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, please" your tone indescribable as you panted for breath that escaped you with every thrust as his skin continued to slap against yours.
Suddenly feeling him pull out which almost made you weep but being turned back over onto your back, the tie being ripped from off your head. You were greeted by a furiously sweating Yoongi. Sweat dripping from his dark chocolatey hair just above his eyes. His lips swollen pink from where he had probably been biting on them so much, not to mention when he had used the same lips to devour you not 20 minutes prior. His chest was heaving and lips parted as he gazed at you for a moment.
"I'm seeing that gorgeous face when you cum, no way I'm missing that." He stifled a laugh as he lined himself up with your entrance again after wrapping your legs around his torso.
'They run around beneath our feet, we roll around beneath these sheets'
Sliding in once more you rattled your wrists against the silk tie restraints as you cocked your head back in pleasure. You let out a high pitch moan, almost exasperated in tone, your back arching up into him before slumping back on the bed in defeat. Yoongi almost reading your mind whilst still thrusting inside of you began to untie the ties that bound your wrists. You thanked heaven for your saving grace. You could run your hands through his hair now, feel his sweaty skin beneath your fingertips. And soon after your hands were free he laced them in his own. This also being new to you. You knew the drill when having sex with him. He laid down the ground rules early on. No kissing. No cuddling. No hand holding. So what he did next really sent you through a loop.
"Fuck I'm close." He sighed before leaning down to kiss you.
His lips were salty, battered and bruised much like your own but you didn't care, you kissed back with all your might as he continued to thrust away inside you. Feeling his cock hit that sweet spot again you mewled, breaking the kiss with your head thrown back.
"Here kitten?" He asked, smirk evident in his voice.
You whimpered with a nod as he continued to thrust in the right place, hitting your spot so deliciously you couldn't help cry out when his pace turned rampant and he held your hips in his bone crushing hands, sure to bruise tomorrow. The punishing pace was set as his hips bucked into you and you tried to grab at anything you could, finding no sturdy comfort in the crisp white hotel sheets beneath you. Your breathing was erratic, you hadn't realised you'd been sweating until now, although not as much as the man above you. You watched in distracted awe at the sweat running down his broad chest, along his stomach and down to where his cock was pummelling into you.
You could feel it again, serious this time. Your orgasm creeping up on you faster than any bullet. Your legs tingled and your toes curled. Your knees felt like they would break and your arms felt detached from the rest of your body. In the last moments you saw him gazing down at you, exasperated, fucked out beyond belief. But smiling. You reached up at the nape of his neck and pulled him down to you, pressing your lips against his as you succumbed to the pleasure that wreaked havoc throughout your body. A heart wrenching shout came from your lips. In every moment, a glitch of your body as it spasmed with unruly disregard and poor timing. Your pussy clenched repeatedly on his cock while he continued to thrust inside of you.
"Oh fuuuck, I'm coming." He groaned into your neck as he used hard, purposeful thrusts as he came in the condom.
'He's coming down, coming down'
The sweat that accumulated on both your bodies cemented you together for moments after. All pretence and notions suspended as you both caught your breath back. Heaving. Breathing one another in. Soon Yoongi peeled himself off of you and went to remove the condom. You lay there, staring up at the ceiling. Stars still there. You weren't imagining it in the end. Scraping your hair from off your face as you wiped the sweat from your brow. Soon he returned, bouncing onto the bed next to you, looking up at you in adoration almost. A nervous smile present on his lips as if he didn't just drag you to the 7th layer of hell with him. Or was it heaven? You could never be sure.
You looked over at him with heavy lids, inquisitive look on your face as he swept hair from your shoulder. Looking down at you with that same smile. Before -
"You fancy going on a date, some time?"
© sunnysidejoon - 2021 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
NOW Mr Min is usually not my main man but i can't help it, just, shit okay Min Yoongi.
I realise I'm probably going to hell for this but we joon
Hope you guys enjoyed, working on the next installment as we speak 🤪 if you want to be added to a taglist let me know 🥴
Love Always
Mac 🧡💜
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