#i go into a store and pass by the bakery and wonder what will happen to the food that doesnt get purchased
skunkes · 8 months
dpes anyone have
a weird fixation on waste. my sister got me that little macaroni plush and it came with a heart shaped box with mac and cheese flavored gummies and i ate 2 and did not like them
but not only are there many of them, they also come in packages of 2 gummies, each pair in a little plastic container, wrapped in plastic. And i keep feeling so sick about it because whether or not I eat them all or just toss them im contributing to waste in some form.
But also even if they had not been given to me the waste would have already been produced and existed. And I think abt it and feel horrible all the time forever. Especially after that whole thing abt how so little plastic is actually recycled. I know there's not rly anything I can do abt it but I work myself into horrendous guilt and worry anyway
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phthalomushroom · 7 months
The Family
pairings: modern!mafia!aemondxreader
summary: You had left Kings Landing and the Targaryen family four years ago. Now back and living with your old roommate you realize that the life you had thought you escaped had seemingly been waiting for you. But will the family really let you go? Will the people you left behind forgive you? Can you forget the past and look to the future?
warnings: language, mentions of trauma, slight panic attack
word count: 1.34k
note: first writing I’m releasing to the world - it is what it is at this point. also working on the title so it probably will not stay that.
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The train’s horn pulled you out of the stupor of your book. Your attention drew to the bustling city of King’s Landing that passed by your window. The train was pulling up to the platform and you had half a mind to stay seated until the train left for the next destination. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea, maybe you could have rejected the job your remote internship had offered and found something to do in Winterfell. 
But then you caught sight of the white dreads from the crowd, holding a “welcome home” sign and felt the nerves dissipate. You grinned, standing and grabbing your bag. After pushing through the crowd, you were finally face to face with your childhood friend.
Beala welcomed you with open arms. “Four years is too long.”
You shook your head, squeezing Beala once more before pulling away. “You act like you didn’t come to visit.” 
“Having to take a ten hour train ride to Winterfell is vastly different than a one minute walk to your room. I’m glad to have my roommate back.” 
“I’m happy to see you too.” 
You grinned linking arms with her as you both ventured to the streets of King’s Landing. You walked down the sidewalk, briefly filling Baela in on all that recently happened in Winterfell. Up the street, however, you noted the black sedan pulling around the corner, your steps faltered. On instinct you ducked into the nearest store, pulling Baela with you. Luckily, the store you found shelter in was a quaint little bakery, one that seemed new to the block.
Baela knew what you were doing as you both tried to get as deep as you could into the store, keeping an eye on the sedan that drove past the windows. 
You hadn’t done this in years, you realized. Hadn’t needed to hide in a store, hadn’t needed to look over your shoulder wondering if someone was coming to get you, wondering if someone was following you. It was too easy to slip back into old habits. 
“Can I help you with something?”
You were pulled from your thoughts, looking at the kind cashier.
You cleared your dry throat. “No, just looking.”
Baela took your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “You're okay, we’re okay.”
You nodded. You knew that. You weren’t involved with the Targaryens anymore which meant you were normal, which meant no more targets on your back. But that didn’t stop your heart from racing. That didn’t stop the nervous sweat that broke out along your skin. It certainly didn’t stop you from laying a hand over the scar on your abdomen. 
“We can go now.”
You nodded, willing your legs to follow Baela outside and along the sidewalk. If only to keep your mind from racing did you begin noting the stores you passed.
You once knew these streets like the back of your hand, now as you looked around it was so different. The shops that now littered the streets were bustling, which was usual during the evening rush but so many of the shops you had grown up with seemed to be replaced with imposters.
“What happened to Clarico's?” Your voice was dry but it gained its strength. You noticed the shop that was once a popular corner store you had frequented as a teen, was now left vacant and boarded up. 
“Uhm, there was a… situation.”
“Oh?” Baela avoided your eyes. You let out a long breath, calming your still racing heart. “So not much has changed.”
You pushed the thoughts that began to bubble in your mind, you needed to be here - with Baela. Not with him, not in the past. 
She pulled you tighter to her, like the past was gonna pull you away. “We have a lot to catch up on.”
Baela and your apartment was the same as you had left it all those years ago. The same one eared cat that perched on the concrete steps outside the building. The same broken elevator that had been a death trap since you moved in. The same creaky stairs. 
Baela hadn’t changed much of the apartment since you left either. When you walked through the door that familiar vanilla scent hit you.
There was an ongoing joke between you and Baela after her boyfriend, Jace, wondered aloud one day how it always smelled like vanilla but he never saw the candle burn. Baela and you had looked at eachother and instantly knew what had to be done. Ever since, the two of you used a plug in diffuser and kept the same vanilla candle sitting in the center of the kitchen island. It was a stupid bit that Baela seemed to have continued, even without you.
It was a strange comfort to know that even though you left and even though the city changed, you changed, Baela hadn’t. 
You went over to the living room table where a photo of Baela, Jace, her sister Rhaena, and Rhaena’s boyfriend Luce were all smiling happily at the beach. 
“You better rest up, we have dinner reservations tonight.”
Your head shot up from the photo. ���Oh, no. I can’t go out tonight.”
Baela grinned, crossing her arms across her chest. “Why not?”
“Tired?” It was a pathetic lie on your part. 
From the look on her face she wasn’t buying it. “He isn’t in the city.”
You set the photo back on the table, rubbing your finger over a groove in the wood. “Who?”
She smirked. “The person you’ve been trying to forget the last four years. Aemond.”
The name sent a shiver through you. In all honesty you had forgotten him- or at least convinced yourself you did. And you had forgotten about him on your walk with Baela, doing your best to concentrate on the now. It took you four years to try to forget the pain of Aemond Targaryen. But the last thing you wanted was to see him.
Four years didn’t seem long enough now. 
You walked over to the kitchen table, taking a seat on one of the chairs. “And who told you he’s not in the city?”
Baela joined you at the table. “Jace.”
Your brows rose. “If he knows Aemond’s business then he’s…”
“Yeah. He’s been with the family officially since you left. He’s really happy, we’re really happy.”
You nodded. “You’re okay… with all of it?” 
Everything that came with being part of the Targaryen family. 
But it was more than a family. It was a business, a business that was generations old and had its control over every aspect of this city. Some parts of the family business even had influence beyond King’s Landing. 
It’s why you went to Winterfell. It was the farthest place you could think of where a certain Targaryen couldn’t reach you. 
Baela ran her finger over a groove on the table. “I love him. He made his choice and I… I’ll stand with him.”
You saw the hesitation in her eyes, the worry. You wondered if your face reflected hers when your mother asked you a similar question all those years ago. 
Is your love strong enough for what he’ll become?
But back then you thought nothing of your mothers questions. 
That question now echoed through your mind. Kept you up late throughout the years.
At least now you know the answer to it.
“I’m happy that you’re happy.” You reached out a hand to Baela, giving her a reassuring squeeze. “I’m here now, less than a minute down the hall if you need me.”
“Thank you.” She stood shaking off the moment. She reached in her pocket pulling out a credit card. “Anyway, get ready Jace insisted he pay for dinner. As a welcome home.”
“Well, if he’s paying.” You smirked, standing up.
“Good, cause we’re going to Frederico’s. I know how much you’ve been craving their garlic bread.”
With that she turned, skipping down the hall to her room to begin getting ready.
You let out a long breath, maybe you should have stayed on the train.
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emeraldbloodcrown · 5 months
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Chapter: One - Not Easy Pairing: Poly; Tattoo Artists!141 x Baker!Female Reader Summary: Deciding to get a head start in cleaning up the bakery, you end up hitting up the hardware store and meet a handsome stranger, willing to help you out. Content/Warning: Word Count: 2.6
Days passed, with both of you crashing in your old room, switching between who got to take the too old bed and who had to make due with a mattress on the floor. All of your essentials were strewn around your old desk or were still in your backpacks while the rest of your belongings had taken temporary residency in a storage facility.
In the meantime, you had been able to call a cleaning company and get them to sweep through the shop, taking all of the items that had fallen victim to the fire and documenting the damage for insurance. The safety assessment had already happened before your grandmother had written you, so today would be the first day, you’d be able to work towards the renovation.
You were sitting on the mattress, waiting for Anna to finish in the adjacent bathroom, while scrolling on your phone. You heard her return before you saw her as every step she took was accompanied by a small sound of discomfort.
“How can that bed be more uncomfortable than the damn floor?”
Without looking up, you answered her. “Cause it wasn’t chosen for comfort but for the design.” For emphasis, you clapped twice, making the LED butterflies around the frame light up.
“Never would’ve expected a 16-year old you to be so cheesy.”
“Don’t be jealous”
Anna stretched, letting out a satisfied groan when her spine cracked back into place, and she plopped down next to you.
“So what’s on the agenda?”
“Well we have someone coming to see if our electricity is intact, as well as check our plumbing, which wasn’t necessarily hit but since we have to renovate most everything, why not that too?”
Anna hummed.
“Grandma told me that the hardware store has some sort of sale today, so we should check that out and maybe get as much of what we’re gonna need as we can get.”
“Alright, you wanna do that? I can stay and be with the workers.”
“Yeah, let’s do that.”
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Making a small detour to get yourself a quick breakfast on the way, after having to swear to your grandmother for the umpteenth time to only visit the family shops and ’not any of the fast-paced run of the mill stores that seemed to pop up everywhere’, you drove to the hardware store.
You still remembered it, having already existed for a long time before you were born but what had once been a small company with only a handful of employees, most of them related to each other, had expanded into a three story tall store.
When your grandmother had told you about needing your help with restoring her shop, you had anticipated that, until it got to the point of baking and selling, you’d be very out of your depth. Building had always been your grandfather’s thing, not something you held a lot of interest in, not that you would’ve been allowed to indulge in it if you had.
A part of you still recalled the look he had given you when you had needed a chisel for a school project and, not knowing the name for it, had just called it the ‘thing for wood stabbing’. An accurate description, you found, but he had not been amused.
So it wasn’t like you thought you would just wing it, but seeing the sheer size, and therefore implied variety in options, made you wonder if your original assessment of doing it yourself with the help of some friends and intense tutorials on YouTube wouldn’t just turn out to be very wishful thinking.
Still you decided to park your car and after minutes of circling the parking lot, you found a free spot quite a bit away out of the entrance. The sale had brought out more customers, you were sure, but you wondered just how well this shop was doing.
Grabbing a cart, you were still staring at the massive store, not watching where you were going and were suddenly taken out of your daydreaming when you stumbled into someone.
Losing your balance, you arm shot out to grab the pillar next to you to save you the landing on concrete, when at the same time the person grabbed your other arm, steadying you. Bitterly a part of you noticed, how he was completely unfazed by you bumping into him. He could’ve at least swayed a little out of politeness.
Apology and thanks already at the tip of your tongue, it remained exactly there when you took a look at the stranger.
At first glance, all you could think about was how handsome he looked, not quite sure if his rugged features was adding to that or if nothing could distract from and ruin his appearance.
He was wearing boots with dark jeans, both having seen better days, as they showed clear signs of wear and tear, as well as several paint blotches, with the jeans also having been haphazardly patched up.
Hoodie and coat were in the same condition, and you wondered if this was his usual attire for working.
Finally making it up to his face, you noticed his long hair, which peaked out underneath the beanie on top of his head, almost reaching his shoulders and curling around his neck. It seemed less of a fashion choice and more like he had just chosen to let his hair grow wild, which was only proven by the state of his beard. Full and long but also very unkempt.
Where you could see skin, he seemed to have strong feature, sharp jaw line only partially hidden but coming full force around his cheeks and brow. He looked wild, edging on dangerous but any fear his features might have caused were forgotten when you looked into his.
Stunning and deep, and so very kind. There were little stress lines around them, accompanied by the darkness and bags underneath.
All in all, he looked rough, the kind you’d be polite to but keep a safe distance to. He looked like he had been dealt some shitty cards by life lately but despite it all, you couldn’t help but stare and think how beautiful those eyes of his were.
And apparently he had also been blessed with an unfairly attractive voice.
In your daze, you only managed to reply with a dumbfounded: “Huh?”
Embarrassment flooded your system as soon as the words had left your mouth, pressing your lips into a thin line, before you tried to save some grace.
“Sorry, what was that?”
His hand on your arm tightened for a moment, only until he was sure you could keep your balance on your own, and then he let you go. You might not have noticed it, if it hadn’t been for you missing his warmth immediately, and the utter confusion at yourself that followed.
Alright. You made a mental note to check Tinder for any local hookups, if you were that touch starved that a stranger could cause such a reaction you were in more of a need for a good fuck than you had assumed.
“Was jus’ askin’ if you were alright. Didn’t get hurt?”
“I bumped into you. Should probably ask you that instead.”
The corners of his mouth lifted, making the lines around his eyes crinkle, giving his eyes a softer edge now.
“Takes a lot more than a pretty bird to send me tumblin’.”
You know it was meant to be a good-hearted joke, nothing serious but you still flushed a little and even he seemed taken aback by his words.
He cleared his throat, “So not hurt, right?”
Noticing the sudden awkwardness, you chose to simply hum in agreement and give him a little wave when you parted ways.
Except you didn’t, because as it turned out, you weren’t just heading to the same store but remaining on the same floor and even going to the same aisle. He looked over his shoulders, probably to make sure you weren’t some weird stalker but when he did, your eyes weren’t even on him.
Instead you looked up at the daunting and overwhelming variations of floor coatings, with more than half of them looking nearly indistinguishable to your very uninitiated eyes.
You looked and felt out of your depth and helpless, trying to figure out what the differences were, when your stranger took pity on you.
“First time?”
You heaved a sigh, “That obvious, huh?”
“‘fraid so. You want some help?”
You took a look at him but didn’t answer yet. Even in his kindness, he looked tired and you had a feeling that he would appreciate you rejecting his polite offer, but the chances of you faring without him were so thin, and with so many customers coming in for the sale, you doubted an employee would have enough time for you, so you couldn’t bring yourself to say no.
“My grandma will have my head for this but I fear I’m gonna need it.”
He smiled again and you found yourself thinking that you wouldn’t mind seeing it more often and making a mental note to try it for however long he was gonna help you.
“No beheading today. It’s no bother. What do you need?”
He closed the distance between you and you could feel the warmth radiating off of him. Pulling up the shopping list you had made beforehand, you turned your phone for him to see. His finger quickly scrolling over the display to see the length of the list before leading you to the first stop.
“I’m John, by the way.”
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John turned out to be a saint, patiently explaining to you what each option he presented to you for each item on your list was for and what you needed to look out for when installing it.
“Pretty big project for a beginner.”
“Not by choice. My grandpa was the handyman in our family but I can’t really ask him, and actually calling in a service has always left me with outrageous bills. ‘Course I didn’t think I could just wing it, but last I was here this shop was much smaller.”
He hummed, taking one more glance at your phone before showing you another selection to choose from.
“Lived here before?”
“Yeah, grew up here for the most part actually.”
“Glad to be back?”
“For the most part, I guess. Not too sure just yet.”
John finished by putting the final piece into your cart, giving you a polite smile.
“Well, good luck to you.”
He turned on his heel but you stopped him as just letting him leave wasn’t sitting right by you.
“I know you said, it’s no bother but let me make it up to you.”
There was a moment where you looked at each other, both of you with crossed arms over your chest, trying to gauge who would give into the other first but John must’ve seen something in your eyes because he huffed a little before answering you.
“Alright, luv. Just give me a ring and I’m all yours.” He pulled a small notepad from one of his many coat pockets and quickly scribbled his number on it before handing it to you.
After he left you, you finally allowed you to smile at the weird encounter. That definitely hadn’t been on your schedule but you couldn’t find it in yourself to mind. Taking your cart, you pushed it towards check-out, bracing yourself for the next hurdle: actually paying for the many things in it.
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There had been an easiness in John’s limbs as he got out of the shop, his lips almost humming as he got into the car and he caught himself tapping along the steering wheel but the closer he got to his destination, he felt the weight return, as if his bone marrow had turned into cement, dragging him down with every movement.
For a moment, he remained in his car after he parked, listening to the sounds around him and hoping against his better judgement to hear the familiar tunes, smell that scent of her baking, but of course there was nothing.
So he got out, grabbed his purchases and walked into his house. A house that was now solely his, despite the fact that it had been built for a family, for an ours. For her, by him.
The house was musty, needed to be aired and properly cleaned. John knew that if she could see the state it was in, she would throw a fit, tear him a new one for ever letting it come to this.
‘You gotta take care of our home’, she’d say, usually with a whisk in her hand, more often than not making her cinnamon apple buns, the very thing she brought him after their first date when he’d told he hated sweets and she’d told him, he’d love hers.
(She had been right.)
But that was just the thing. For her, their home had been their garden, the reading nook he’d built, the many pictures of their lives and all of the other finer things she had insisted on. For him, she had been his home, and with her gone, he couldn’t find it in him to care, partially hoping that the mess would call out to her and bring her back, even if he couldn’t.
Instead he had taken to disappearing in his work shed for hours on end, working on smaller and bigger projects, anything to take his mind of things. The only break of that routine was the daily phone call from Kate.
He answered her questions more on autopilot, but she hadn’t called him out for it yet so he counted his peaceful days for as long as he could, until she would inevitably drag him back to work to relieve Simon from doing his own and John’s job.
Almost, as if on cue, his phone rang, showing Kate’s number and he answered. He had the practiced replies ready for her but she finally asked him about what he had been doing, the words froze on the tip of his tongue, melted into liquid and got swallowed with saliva, as he surprised both Kate and himself by what he actually told he.
“I met someone today.”
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“So what’s the verdict?”
Anna had come outside of the shop as soon as she saw your car pull up and had helped you with bringing your purchases inside. Afterwards, you had both grabbed a quick dinner, settling down on the ground while discussing your plans for the next step, also giving you a chance to check in with the results of her day.
“Well, thankfully it’s not really a must/red light situation and more a might as well/yellow situation. Both teams said that our electricity and water is working fine but that it’s gonna need some work soon, and since we’re already doing everything else, we might wanna look into that too.”
“That can’t be cheap…”
“Nope, but we should definitely be safe for at least a month or two. I mean, we did account for a lot of repairs.”
Taking a bite, you pointed at one of the papers next to her, the bright colors a stark contrast to the white of the service bills.
“What’s that?”
Following the direction of your finger, she pulled it out and showed it to you.
It was a flyer advertising an autumn festival, promising lots of foods, a show and some dancing.
“Didn’t take you for the type to go to these.”
Anna scoffed and shook her head.
“I’m not. But lots of the town’s people will probably be there.”
“And?” You prompted her to continue, not quite getting her point.
“And, your grandmother made such a fuss about community, not just from what you told me about her but also from all the times she reminded us to go to family shops instead of any of the new coffee shops or fast food restaurant. Would be a good way to get to know the people, maybe we’ll meet someone who can help us.”
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ya-zz · 1 year
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The first half of the "200 Words A Day in May" challenge is here! Please note that I am a day ahead just in case I cannot compete a day due to uni work. Also this has not been beta read, so I apologise for any errors... final part to be uploaded at the end of the month!
Closure (pt1)
Ramattra x reader (gen) Word count: 3,200 ----
His hatred for humans was known by many… Too many, in fact. However, it never deterred you into getting to know him. You would always find him in the same places; the library, the courtyard, sometimes in his room when you passed by. He would always be doing something, whether that was reading, meditating or sparring with other omnics - he was always busy.
You never approached him though, wanting him to approach you first. Of course, whenever you two happened to cross paths you would greet him like any other. A friendly “hello” with a smile. Ramattra would barely pass a glance at you at first, but over time, he expected your greetings and that smile of yours. 
He never admitted it, but he was growing used to having you around in the Monastery. He followed his routine effortlessly, much like you did, and each morning there you would be, walking past, greeting him and going on about your day. It was the same in the afternoon and the evening. 
There was a day however that he broke the routine ever so slightly and it caught you off guard.
“Would you care to meditate with me, [y/n]?” He asked.
You look at the omnic, eyes slightly wide. 
You must’ve been staring for a lot longer than you had thought as he broke the silence, voice robotic and low.
“Well?” He cocks his head, eyes on you. 
All you could do was nod, still surprised he had asked you to meditate with him. 
Ramattra started walking without saying anything and you followed behind just as silently. His routine was back to how it was, but this time, you were in tow. 
The pair of you reached the hallway before entering a large, dimly lit room. Seven other monks were already seated and meditating. Ramattra headed for the back corner and you followed as quietly as you could, watching where you were stepping. 
The omnic sat down, crossed his legs and sat with a straight back, head down. You put a human width gap between you and him and sat down next to him, following his posture. Your hands sat on your knees as you closed your eyes. 
You could hear the soft hum of his chassis, fans slowly whirring and his chest rising and falling, imitating a humans breathing. You wondered what was going on in that head of his.
Except from the hum of robotics and your breathing, the room was silent. Of course, this was nothing new, the Monastery was always quiet, save from a few conversations between the monks. Nothing exciting was happening. It was peaceful. It was something you had grown used to ever since you had arrived, it was an escape from wherever you had come from over a year ago. 
The surrounding area was full of life, truly a place worthy of calling home. The trees were shades of pink in spring, always green in the summer, and the mountains were covered in a blanket of snow throughout the year. When it was dark, the village below would glow yellow with life. As the minutes passed by, the lights would slowly get dimmer as stores closed. The bakery would close it doors and start preparing the next days bread and cakes. The flower shop would put its display inside and then hand out some singular flowers to those who passed by before locking up for the night. 
The Monastery would glow all year round. While some residents when to their rooms, others would stay late to clean, others turn to roam the halls alone. 
The hum of Ramattra’s body got slightly louder, or maybe it had always been that loud. Your ears picked the noise up rather quickly. In the time that you had your eyes closed and opened them back up, two monks had left and one was just getting up to leave. 
They look over at you and nod gently, the rise and slow fall of their shoulders made it seem apologetic, as if he disturbed you from your meditation. 
You smile back at them, shaking your head, dismissing their worry before looking back down at your hands. You fidgeted slightly before finding some comfort on the stone floor. The footsteps of the other monk faded and it was back to near silence. It was peaceful.
Ramattra tilted his head to the side, pondering some thoughts. His optics looked up for a moment, a silent sigh leaving his body. Something caught his attention next to him. He looked over and saw you slowly bobbing your head. 
You had accidentally dozed off, truly a deep meditation. 
The omnic next to you shifted, moving to sit next to you, and it was as if you could feel something pulling you to rest on him.
Your body slumped against the omnic, instantly finding comfort. A content sigh escaped your lips as you fell deeper into sleep. 
Ramattra turned his head to you, watching the rise and fall of your chest. Something inside of him felt warm, his fans picking up speed to cool him down. He had never felt this before, and it’s with a human of all things. 
He looks ahead, eyes scanning the room. The remaining omnics were still quietly meditating, head bowed and cross legged. Ramattra straightened his back before returning to his own meditating, however he had begun thinking about your breathing, the slowness of it, how in rhythm it was.
His mind started thinking about how fragile human life was, how weak they were to him, how he could crush anyone without thinking twice. He turned and looked at you again, wondering how fragile you really were. He wondered what you thought about him and his kind, whether it was possible to coexist peacefully. 
The omnic paused in thought. You were here in the Monastery, with him, surrounded by other omnics. You had already made your choice. It brought some comfort to him and if he could smile, he would.
You shifted slightly on the floor, head resting on Ramattra’s arm. Your ears picked up the inner workings of his body, louder than they were before. It was almost soothing to you. 
Time seemed to pass slowly, but it was a comfortable speed as the two of you remained seated in the room, the lights illuminating your features with a soft, warm glow. 
The other omnics had left, and Ramattra’s personal schedule was behind as he refused to move your sleeping body. He stayed seated far longer than he had initially planned, but he didn’t want to disturb you. 
For weeks he had watched you run around the Monastery, you would always be doing something, but never really keeping a schedule apart from waking or sleeping at the same time. There were always the moments that would always be on time though, and that was when you would greet him with a smile before walking away. He would always wonder what you thought of him, if you were somewhat scared and only friendly from fear. 
He looked down at you, pondering these thoughts. The soft breaths you released were like another meditation to him. He was contempt in that moment.
Time passed by and Ramattra had refused to move. A few more omnics came and went, but the two of you remained. 
He had been keeping watch of the time, his schedule now completely out of whack. He placed his hand on your head which made your body flinch in reaction. You stirred awake, blinking slowly.
You shifted before sitting up straight, your neck was sore as you gently rubbed the back of it. 
“I suppose you were tired.” He stated, matter of factly. His head turned to you.
You look back at him, eyes widening slightly. “I… I am so sorry!” Your cheeks warm up as you realise you had fallen asleep on the omnic. 
His gaze was still on you before he stood up. 
“Perhaps, you should go to bed.” His voice was cold. “I have time to make up.” Ramattra left you in the room alone. Part of him was annoyed that he didn’t keep to his schedule, another part of him was annoyed at himself for saying what he had when he left, but another part of him was grateful for the time he had spent with you, granted you were asleep for most of it.
You slowly stand and exit the room, cheeks warm. The Monastery was quiet as you walked the empty halls to your quarters, a cold chill passing through the open windows. 
As you turn a corner, Zenyatta passes you. 
“Hello, [y/n].” His voice was quiet as he spoke, a certain charm to it. 
“Hey, Zen…” You stop to chat with him for a few minutes. 
“What seems to be troubling you?” He asks, head tilted to the side. 
You look at him for a moment before speaking. “Nothing, really. I’m just tired.”
“I see… I don’t suppose you have seen my brother around here? Ramattra?” 
“He, uhm, he left me a few minutes ago.” You look away. 
“Left you?” 
You nod. “Yeah. I fell asleep on him while we were meditating.” 
Zenyatta chuckles. “He did not mind?” 
“I don’t know… I woke up and he left, saying he had ‘time to make up’.” Your eyes widen slowly. “How long were we there?” 
“I do not know. I shall ask him when I find him. Go, rest up. You clearly need it.” Zenyatta puts a hand on your shoulder. 
With a small nod, you leave the monk, your room in sight.
Ramattra finished his duties two hours after his initial schedule had ended. He let out a low sigh as he made his way back to his quarters. 
He hummed quietly as he sat on the edge of his bed, thoughts returning to his mind about you. He wondered where you had come from, what your past was like…
Something clicked inside of him. He had seen you before, many years prior to the pair of you meeting at the Monastery. 
Back when Null Sector was rising, Ramattra and his team would gather any human that was still alive after they had attacked and transported them back to headquarters for questioning. Many died on the way, some in the middle of interrogation, others would die after one round of torture. He felt guilty remembering this, but then he remembered - you were one of those people taken . You had survived the journey, survived the countless interrogations, and multiple rounds of torture. 
You were, at the time, one of the strongest humans Ramattra had ever seen. Strong through will and by god you were strong enough to last his beatings. 
He, as much as he hated to say it, admired you back then.
As much as he tried not to, he couldn’t help but think about what he did to you;
Countless days and weeks went by, yet you still hadn’t given up and died. He would beat you, kicking and punching every part of your body. He vividly remembered your screams as you cried out in pain over each onslaught. Of course, you spat back at him any chance you had, the blood spattering on his cloak, chest or feet only angered him more. 
Despite everything he had put you through, you never gave up fighting for your own life. He admired you to the point he became lenient, offering food and water to keep you breathing. He ordered some of his men to treat your wounds before he would abuse you once more a week or so after. He tortured you to the very brink of death, and yet you somehow survived. 
Null Sector was attacked a few months after you had been captured and taken there, but nobody was searching for you. Nobody knew you were even there. You laid under the rubble until you had enough strength to pull yourself out and you ran as far as you could.
Ramattra never saw you after the attack, and he shook the feeling of you being dead away. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he missed you back then. 
Of course, it has been a year since then and he had long since tried to forget the whole ordeal and was trying to better himself. He had found peace even though somewhere deep inside of him, he still hated humans for what they did.
He slumped on his bed, head low as he thought about everything. He couldn’t shake the screaming from back then and he feared he was spiralling back into his anger. He placed his hands on his head, the metal tapping against his face plate. He let out a low growl, irritated at himself for bringing everything back up. 
When he arrived at the Monastery, his brother only said that there was a human living amongst them and that they meant no harm to him or to the others. Yet, despite Zenyatta saying this, he still believed otherwise and was cautious of you from the very first day. It took him this long to figure out that you were his prisoner all those years ago. 
Ramattra wanted nothing more than to go over to your room and apologise for what he had done, but did you even remember? Do you remember what he did to you, he thought. What if you did remember but he brings it back to the surface and traumatises you again? 
He had long since changed his ways, wanting nothing more to do with Null Sector and to find peace within himself, but there was that turmoil inside of him again that he had only just gotten rid off. 
It pained him deeply, far greater than he would like to admit. 
The omnic let out a low sigh, body deflating as he fell to the floor. Meditation was the only way to get rid of these thoughts… at least, that’s what happened last time. 
He crossed his legs, the hum of his body filling the room. 
No matter how hard he tried, the screaming returned and it only got louder, his fists tightening in response. His head tilted slightly as the red lights on his forehead flickered. 
Erasing his memory was one thing he cannot do and he hated it. All he could do was remember the past and the pain
The following day was nothing but cold and rainy. You stayed inside as much as you could, only running down to the village to pick up some books you had on hold that weren’t originally in the Monastery, and running through the garden to deliver a package to another monk. 
You shook off your jacket before hanging it up next to the door before heading to your room for a towel, however, you turned the corner and Ramattra was stood in your doorway.
“Everything ok?” You asked, approaching from behind. 
Ramattra turned to face you. “I was wondering where you were.” 
“I was out delivering a package.” You stand in front of him. “Can I?” 
He nods and moves to the side, letting you into your room. 
“Thanks.” Just as you enter, you sneeze. 
“You’ll catch a cold-”
“I know. That’s why I came to dry off.” You grab a towel from the bathroom as you dry yourself off. 
Ramattra froze when he saw the back of your neck when you turned away from him. He didn’t say a word but his mind was racing with too many thoughts and screams. 
There, scarred on the back of your neck;
“Hey!” You wave your hand in front of Ramattra’s face. “You still on?” Ramattra shifted his head down lightly, looking at you. “Yes.” 
“Ok, well, I need you to move so I can leave my room.” You step back, looking at the omnic in front of you. 
“My apologies.” He steps aside, but before you completely go past him, he grabs your arm. 
You turn and look at his hand, then up at him, your face showing no emotion. 
He knew, but he wasn’t sure if you did. 
“Your neck. What happened?” 
“I don’t know. I don’t remember.” You take your free hand and rub the back of your neck, the scar raised slightly. 
“You don’t remember?” He asks, his voice was low. 
You nod in response. “I don’t remember much before coming here. I didn’t realise I was scarred until Zen pointed it out when we were cleaning together.” 
Ramattra releases your arm, his hand falling by his side. He didn’t say anything for a moment. 
“What do you remember?” 
You completely turn and face him. “Being on a train coming here. Anything before that is fuzzy. Look, I have to go. We’ll talk more later, ok? I promise.”
He stared at you for a moment before nodding. He followed you out of your room before leaving in the opposite direction. 
Part of you wondered why he wanted to talk to you. You truly had forgotten about the past but never really questioned it. You were happy in the Monastery and didn’t want that to change. 
Zen gently tapped you on the shoulder, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Is everything ok, [y/n]?” He asked, his head cocked to the side. 
You nod. “Yeah. Ramattra noticed my neck… Seemed troubled by it.” 
“He asked if I remembered anything.” You look away.
Zenyatta just looked at you, face expressionless as always. 
“As I said to him, the last thing I really remember is being on a train coming here… Anything before that is fuzzy…” You look back at your friend, a small awkward smile on your face. 
“Would you like to remember?” 
“Would you want to remember?” He repeated. 
“I heard you.” You look at him, examining his features. 
“Talk to him.” He places a hand on your shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze before leaving.
“You know, don’t you?” You watch as he leaves. “Please, tell me!”
Zenyatta completely ignored you as he disappeared further into the Monastery. You stare in his direction with endless thoughts running through your mind. If he knew this entire time… 
You spent the rest of the day wondering what had really happened in your past and how did Zenyatta know? Why did he not tell you before? The scar on the back of your neck itched slightly which only irritated you more. 
Ramattra’s schedule was just about to end when he saw you walking by. His fans sped up slightly, the nervousness now settling in his body. 
“[Y/n].” He called out to you. He kept his nerves pushed down.
Instantly you turn and look at him, forcing a small smile before following him to his room. A slight warmth filled your cheeks. 
He sits down on the chair, leaning forward, gesturing for you to sit on the edge of his bed. He looks at you, not knowing what to say or even how to start it. 
“Zenyatta knows… Doesn’t he?” You break the silence. 
The omnic nods, tilting his head slightly. “I asked him not to say anything.” 
“You know my past too?”
Ramattra nods slowly.
“You were my prisoner…”
Part 2
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chain-draws-stuff · 8 months
Chapter 17
Steve pov:
Said that I was chosen to set them all free. Like I was someone special...I looked at the one with the black and red tainted window...it had its phantom but...where's the statue? Nevertheless, it wasn't worth finding out considering if its just another worthless phantom wondering around the void. I wasn't up to another wild goose chase, but I was still curious about the phantom on the glass weather they got out or not...I was brought back to reality when the figure called my name
The figure called
Steve:please don't call me that...it makes me very uncomfortable
????:Ahh...i understand..
????:We should be heading back to the castle before anything else happens
The figure says with there monotone and there static voice
I shook my head as we exited back through where I entered the underground structure. I flew my elytra as I began flying towards the castle
Back at the overworld...
Narrator pov:
It was another boring day. Nothing changed ever since Steve left the town for a few weeks...everything was peaceful but...something was missing
Kaite hasn't been herself in a while and hasn't been herself I mean she's just bored nowadays. She was lying down on her bed as she waits as time passed by. Time passes as Kaite lays down still bored. Kaites life hasn't changed much...considering she just bullies Steve for who knows how long, and alongside with Billy. She felt that something was missing...was it Steve? Friendship? No one could tell...but all we know is that she wasn't done with life's plans...yet..
It's now been an hour since Kaite hasn't left her room...
(Nock nock)
Billy: sissss!
Billy shouted from the other side of the door
Kaite: what is it this time! If its another one of your pranks planned for Chris I'm not up to that right now!
Billy: come on! It's going to be fun!
Billy shouts trying to get his sister to join in on another one of his pranks
But knowing Billy he was hella stubborn and knowing that this is just going nowhere as she finally opend the door 
Kaite: ugh fine...but if we get in trouble I'm blaming you for it
Billy: Awesome!
Billy exclaims excitedly, grabbing his sister by the hand leading her outside towards Chris and Austin house hiding behind one of the trees
As a few minutes passed because I'm lazy :P
As time passed Chris finally showed up and walked right into Billy's prank. Chris stepped on the pressure plate activating the Redstone contraption leading to the dispenser pouring out water on top of his head. Kaite and Billy burst out laughing from this. They both started running away from the scene.
After running back to the house Billy then got to his room watching some...(hehe I'm gonna do it >:]) Cocomelon (XDDD). As he was in his room Kaite decided to go outside to the bakery near the school, on her way there she saw lily on the sidewalk
When Kaite got to the bakery...(I'm very lazy ok???)
Kaite pov:
I got to the bakery to check on what I could buy, I saw lily entered the store so I decided to say hello...in my way
I got close where she still couldn't see me I went behind her back as I gave her a shout of hello. She jumped and scream, I laughed at her reaction.
Lily: dont- don't scare me like that!
She scolds. And punches me on the shoulder
Kaite: ow- ok I kind of deserved that
Lily: you prick! Don't do that!...
She scolds me again while I was still holding my laughter
Kaite: ok! Ok! I'm sorry
I say as I was still holding my laughter...
Lily: uhh...h-hey Kaite I- um...I wanna ask you something...
She says as she tries not to stutter
Kaite: sure what is it?
Lily: I...I- umm...[gosh why is it so hard for me to say?!] Umm...
Lily: CanyoupleasejoinmeinthesleepoverIplanned!
...(too fast? Yeah ik)
Lily: I- I mean...c-could you please come over for a sleepover?
Kaite:oh! Sure thing! I would mind at all
Lily: w- wait...really?
Kaite: yeah sure thing! I have nothing else to do after all...other than just joining Billy with whatever tomfoolery he's doing
She giggled and that was enough to make my heart beating (fast haha)
Kaite: u-umm...oh! Gotta go! See ya later lily!
I say as I exited the bakery and ran back home, my heart racing and a million questions planted in my head. I got back home went upstairs and slammed the door locked ans shut.
Oh God, oh God, oh God! I couldn't even process what i was doing back there...but as i was there...I felt the world slow down around us...I've been having this wierd feeling ever since I met her...but I couldn't recognize it at first...
A few minutes later...(again...I'm too lazy to do this shit)
Narrator pov:
As time passed it was now midnight and Kaite...she was now in front of lily's doorstep and alongside wearing her pajamas, she nocked on the door and...the door creaked open and it was lily wearing her pajamas ready for the sleepover. Everything was almost setup when lily fell off the chair she was standing on luckily I was there to catch her on time. We stared at each other for quite a questionable amount of time. And after a few more seconds Kaite finally put down lily and let her stand up on her own. But before Kaite could even say a word she was immediately grabbed by the shirt by lily pulling her into a kiss, my eyes widen and I pulled away.
Lily:i-im sorry! It's just...I couldn't help it. Y-your just really attractive and I-I really like you,...I was planning on telling you back at the bakery, and that's why I was freaking out and now I did this you probably hate me now and-
She cuts her off by pulling her back another kiss. She was shocked at first, but then she melted into it, closing her eyes weaving their way Into her hair as hers moves to my waist and out lips moved in sync.
When Kaite pulled away, we were both now staring at each other.
Kaite: I like you to...
Lily opens her eyes to see staring into hers, a soft smile on Kaites face. She smiled back
Lily: im glad you do, or else this would ended up completely awkward
She starts to laugh and she joined her soon to
Kaite: of course there's always a joke when we're having a moment
She says between laughs
Kaite:so uhh...Does this make me you girlfriend?
Lily:yes plea- I mean, yeah sure
She tries to correct herself, but the smile on her face is evident that I've wanted this for forever
Kaite: well, I guess that settles it, I, Kaite, am now officially lily's girlfriend.
She giggles a bit and pres a kiss on her forehead
Lily: your a dork
Kaite: yes but now I'm your dork
She points out and I feel butterflies in my stomach
Lily: my dork
The spent the rest of the night at lily's house, watching movies and playing games, then talking. Doing what people normally do in sleepovers, just this time lily's allowed to kiss her to distract sher from the game, so can win. Now Kaites finally happy that she met her at the park(after they broke up with Steve) because now shes dating the love of her life and she's finally happy and comfortable with herself.....
??? Pov:
'Well...isn't it that nice...it would be a shame if I did something to ruin this particular moment'
End of chapter 17...
First chapter/previous/next
THIS TOOK WAYYYYY LONGER THAN I EXPECTED. Anyways hope you enjoyed these 2 lesbians having a moment with each other now also @wendycandycute enjoy this ship :3...@caldraws where the fuck is Arnetta and Cosmic Princess
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nicsnort · 3 months
Gravita Anima (part 24)
Nightcrawler/Fem!OC/Quicksilver Long-form romance and drama fic. All chapters have been posted on Ao3.
Intro (with link to Ao3 story) First Previous
As they walked Elle explained the bus routes into the main part of the city and that he should get the quick pass. After all, even if he could teleport there might be a time he had to use the bus or train system. It was a big city. They passed by the grocery store and Elle told him about how their fresh fruits were cheapest on Mondays while vegetables were best to buy on Thursday when they arrived off the delivery truck. They passed the bakery where Elle told him that they had excellent bagels and sandwich bread but sweet baked goods were better elsewhere.
Kurt was keenly aware that their hands were still linked. He tried not to feel much about it, to talk logic to that warm bubble of happiness before it popped. She just wanted to lead him through the crowded area, he reasoned, so he wouldn’t get lost. That was all. It meant nothing else. It couldn’t mean anything else.
Kurt listened closely to Elle as she explained the transportation around the city -- just in case, he supposed, Kurt ever needed it. He made mental notes, nodded, and made sure to remark upon the information she gave him. Was he really going to come to get fruits on Monday and vegetables on Thursday? Unlikely with that German restaurant so close...but he would try. If not, what sort of X-men would he be? 
Finally, they arrived in front of her apartment. Walking around to the backside, she pointed up to her living room window. “See my apartment isn't that far. Since I'm on the 5th floor, I usually leave my curtains open anyway.”
He glanced around. “It is really close,” he confirmed, feeling a bit of comfort in this. If anything were to happen, he’d be there. “You’re sure no one ever looks in -- besides me?” He asked about the curtain being open. A glance around the city made him wonder if D.C. was anything like New York. 
 “I'm sure they might glance but I don't think they can see much beyond the window." Across the street, there was a plant store. "Let’s get something now, so you know what it looks like. We can get something for you too, liven up your apartment a bit!”
Kurt smiled, looking amused and a bit shy. “A plant would spruce of up my apartment, thank you,” he agreed. When they got there, he was pleased. “So much green in the city...I like it.” He was more than pleased actually. He started to look through some: Monsteras, elephant ears, and the like. 
Elle giggled. He didn’t intend it, she was sure but spruce up his apartment when they were looking at plants? It was a good unintentional pun.
In the store, Elle moved about looking at the plants. As she picked some up and looked over the pots she had let go of Kurt’s hand but she remained close to him. Each different type of plant was labeled with a tag that said it had a meaning. Oh! That was cool! She wondered if it would really have an influence or if it was just symbolism...probably the latter but Elle had always believed in the supernatural.
She found a series of “snake plants” and was instantly drawn to them. Something about them reminded her of Kurt. The spaded leaves of the smaller plants were just like his tail. She read over the description. ‘Cleanliness and Tenacity’ she wasn’t sure about cleanliness but something told her Kurt definitely had tenacity - it mustn’t be easy walking around in his natural form or just being an X-man in general. The card also said this was a good housewarming gift and worked well in apartments because they purified the air. It was perfect then.
Finding a medium-sized plant that would look nice by his living room window. Elle turned to Kurt. “I’m getting you this one for your apartment. Have you found anything you like?”
Kurt looked over and spotted the plant she held. It was fairly large and it looked of an interesting shape. He blinked and smiled wider. “I like it! It looks tall,” he picked up the tag and read it. Tenacity. Kurt perked up at that. “Hm..” He looked around a bit more. The place seemed so big, and if it wasn’t, then it certainly felt like it with all the plants.
His eyes landed on a little tree now too far away. He teleported next to it and picked up the plant. “This looks interesting.” Kurt glanced at the tag and read it aloud, “Bonsai - harmony, calm, and wisdom.” Kurt felt his heart sink ever so slightly. His tail lowered a bit. He would need all the calm, harmony, and wisdom he could get in the next few days, possibly weeks. Who knew how long this would last.
Turning, he smiled once again though his eyes were a bit dimmed. “I think this would make an excellent addition. What do you think, Ellie?” He teleported back next to her, leaving hints of blue, gray smoke.
“Ooh, that looked pretty,” Elle exclaimed with a smile. That’s right they still needed something for her window. Her eyes went to the succulents. She was busy a lot and she would probably forget to water her plant. Something hardy was needed. Looking at the tag she saw that they meant loyalty and endurance...and were super easy to take care of.
There was a nice tall succulent with red in its leaves. Perfect. “What do you think of this one for me? It says it means loyalty. So each time we look at it will be a reminder of who I am loyal to.”
Even as she said the words a red blush rose in Elle’s cheeks. She realized that the way she said it seemed more like an individual than a side. Anyone listening in would think she meant Kurt.
The succulent Ellie had picked out was something that Kurt had noted only in passing, mostly because of the color. It wasn’t common for the color, but the geometric shape of it looked like a flower opening up. Kurt blinked at the last bit Elle said and looked up at her. Loyalty. 
Elle was a friend to the X-Men...and to him. He practiced gratitude then and there as a reminder that he was glad, fortunate, to have Elle as a friend in his life. Even if she...well, whatever else, she was kind to him, she made him laugh and smile, and he found himself, even at the very first meeting in the tour, wanting to spend more time with her. He would accept this knowledge and treasure it.
“I...yes, I think that’s a great plant. It’s beautiful. And it’s that reminder, that little sign of...what is it...rebellion, for the X-men.” He smiled wide, oblivious, or perhaps unwilling to think beyond the purpose of this undercover mission, to what Elle likely meant. It was too good to be true if that was the case. “Let’s get all three. Do we need anything for them? Water? Food? Er...what do plants eat?” His blue brows furrowed.
“We should probably get some plant food,” Elle commented. Heading over to a much smaller section of plant care items and got what they needed for their respective plants. They went to the cashier who had been watching them suspiciously since they entered. Well, watching Kurt suspiciously. But he checked them out without issue. Still, he was rude and if he was going to be like that Elle was going to leave him feeling just a touch sad. Served him right.
It was rare for such small slights to bother Kurt anymore. People could stare, sneer, and remark coldly, but it didn’t often hit Kurt as sharp as it did in his youth. Part of it was just the fact that it was common and he adjusted. Part of it was that he had learned to take pity and show sympathy for those who were in fear or ignorance -- two of which were commonly the same thing. He only smiled at the cashier and picked up the large bag of plant food.
Elle’s arms were full again with her succulent, Kurt’s housewarming gift, and the other items she had gotten. Going back across the street paused as she realized she had no way to open the front door. “Um, Kurt could you…”
“Oh, of course, Elle.” His tail wrapped around her waist as her arms were full. Within a second, they had teleported into Ellie’s apartment -- he was grateful to have glanced into an apartment similar to it on the way into the plant store, so he could picture it as a solid, best guess. And it worked.
Elle had thought he would take the snake plant from her arms. A dark blush crossed her cheeks as she felt his tail wrap around her waist. It felt better than she thought it would. A strong comforting weight around her waist. And too quickly he removed the tail. 
He looked around, distracted. “You have a lovely place,” he complimented, his gaze flickering over to the living room and kitchen. “Where should I put this?” He held up the bag as his tail slowly unwrapped from her waist.
“Thank you,” she said, hiding her fading blush behind his snake plant under the pretense of setting it down. “You can put it on the table...you might need to move a few things.”
Across her dining table were notebooks and books. Some of the books were about United States history and others were basic language books for French, German, Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic. It was good for Elle to know some basic phrases in common languages. She spoke decently fluent Spanish and many tourists had been thrilled to have her say a few things in their native tongue. The notebooks were filled with her activist notes. Escape routes from the Washington Mall, names and numbers of organizations she was allied with and helped, and other information that was needed as a part of her side work.
Elle took her succulent and made sure it fit in the window sill. Excellent, it did. She would keep it on the coffee table when it wasn’t in the window.
As Kurt shifted a few things around on her table, slowly as he couldn’t help but take in the details and titles of the books, his brows raised a bit. There were language books and history -- of course, it made sense that she would learn as learn a basic understanding of the most common languages that visited because she was a tour guide. Still, for her to take that motivation to do it? “I’m impressed -- you know many of these languages?” He asked as he glanced over at her, placing the bag on the table to be set up with the other plants. Kurt’s eyes landed on the ‘signal’ plant and found himself feeling proud at that.
A grin of pride came over her face. “Nur grundlegende Sätze,” she told him in German. ‘Basic phrases only’. “But I am trying to learn more for all of them...maybe I should focus on German for a while.”
Elle gave him a wink. “After all, it is easier to learn with a conversational partner.”
Kurt’s tail flickered up as did his ears at hearing his native tongue spoken. “Das war gut! You have an accent,” he grinned to show his teasing, “but you pronounced it very clearly.” He took a step closer without fully being aware of it when she winked. “I can help learn...it may be useful to have a second language to speak in. Ein geheimnis -- a secret.”  
“Ein geheimnis,” she repeated with a smile. “Unser geheimnis.” Our secret.
His heart skipped a beat, but he assumed it was due to the food or the walk, or anything other than what it probably really was. ‘Unser’. ‘Our’. He felt a sharp pang at that for all the mixed emotions to it. The way that Elle had shifted in her tone didn’t bold well for him either, he thought. 
Elle’s smile grew and she took a step closer to Kurt. “I am looking forward to it...um Kurt.” She had a thought and like always Elle was one to act on her sudden thoughts, her emotions. “I just want you to know, I am a pretty good actress. So even if what happens with Pietro, with Quicksilver, and the Brotherhood seems real I promise you it isn’t. I am going to use my powers on Pietro to make him more willing to tell me things...I promise to never use my powers on you unless you want me to.”
He didn’t know what that last line truly meant. It was her vow though. A promise more to herself. She would keep the relationship between her and Kurt pure. Elle had a crush on him but she refused to influence him to like her. She couldn’t do that to him. He didn’t deserve that.
Her words were a warning, he thought, that things between her and Quicksilver were going to go exactly as he expected. Kurt inhaled slowly, trying to breathe through the feelings he had just then. Confusion, hurt, uncertainty, self-doubt. But the last bit she said made him feel a bit of warmth, of trust reminding him that she was his friend. 
“I never thought you would,” he said honestly, his smile soft and not quite as full. “But I thank you for that promise, Elle.” Gratitude, he was grateful. He had to be and he was. His tail flickered behind him lazily, slowly. He wanted more than anything to take her hand but fought the urge while focusing on his tail’s movement.
Elle’s focus shifted between his face and his tail. With a soft smile, she stepped closer to him again. “I am glad it is you that is looking over me, Kurt.”
Another step forward and gave him a warm hug. One last moment of weakness and vulnerability before the spying truly started. “I am scared but knowing that you will be there makes me feel better.”
Kurt smiled widely, pleased at her words. He was glad as well to be the one to watch over her. His tail straightened in surprise when Elle hugged him. He could feel his face turn hot and purple. With a slight tremble in his arms, he placed them around her as well. It lasted just a moment before she pulled away, and Kurt found he was severely disappointed in the loss of warmth. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to invade your personal space. I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.” Her face was bright red with embarrassment.
"No, no it's ..it's okay. You're fine." He smiled to reassure her as his tail relaxed. "I know this ...it can all be emotional. I am trained for battles and fights, but you...you will be in the enemy lines for the first time. But you'll be safe," he reassured quickly, "I just understand the...the feelings." He cleared his throat. "I suppose I should let you rest ...you have work tomorrow, ja?"
“Thank you for understanding, Kurt. And yeah, two more days of work...its been a long week.” Her smile was soft but her eyes were bright. Elle was happy. She was happy just knowing Kurt was going to be there for her. A very small part of her was looking forward to a rescue by him, Elle didn’t mind being a damsel in distress if he was the knight coming for her.
She went and fetched the snake plant. “I’ll see you on Saturday, then?”
Kurt had been holding the bonsai shortly after and took hold of the snake plant. He smiled and nodded. "Saturday it is. I'll be on the lookout." His tail waved to her as his arms were full. With that, though his heart ached a bit, he teleported just down the street to his new makeshift home. It still felt new and empty...but it became a bit fuller as he put up the two plants with fondness. He would look forward to the loyalty plant on Elle's window.
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kits-ships · 1 year
pairing: olive x ???
wc: 2,007
desc: the doctor's visits are growing more infrequent as weeks pass and olive finds herself growing lonely. it's always been hard to spend time away from the time lord, so why not flirt with the cute stranger who showed up out of the blue? after all, he reminds her of the doctor.
a/n: olive and the doctor are polyamorous btw!! she isn't just going awol by courting this handsome man i promise
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It was always hard for Olive to appreciate a beautiful, spring day when she was by herself, missing the man who occupied her every thought. It was a curse that every Sunday brought with it; especially when the Doctor left earlier than usual. Despite her disappointment, she’d been kind and understanding when the TARDIS’ monitor began to flash cryptic messages- urging the Doctor to find whoever was sending the signals- but it still hurt to watch the little, blue box dematerialize. Olive longed for the past, replaying memories of when the Doctor would stay for days at a time and help her bake or tend to the garden, but she had to wave such thoughts away. He was an ever-changing man- a Time Lord- and there was nothing to do besides watch him constantly grow and evolve as an individual. Perhaps one day they would return to having daily visits and rolling around in bed together but, for now, such thoughts would merely upset the woman further. 
To keep her mind from flooding with desires and pleas that may never be fulfilled, Olive dragged herself out of her home and down the street to where her tiny bakery sat- nestled between other small businesses that the indoor/outdoor marketplace housed. And yet, as hours passed and only a few customers passed through her shop, she found herself regretting the decision to open on one of her off days. No regulars were going to come and, since it was a Sunday, not many neighboring businesses were open either. A downside of living in the country, she huffed to herself- almost missing the hustle and bustle of her hometown, Cincinnati. Still, she didn’t blame anyone for wanting to stay home and relax; after all, that’s what she was supposed to be doing. 
With a sigh, Olive bent down below the counter to sort the cutlery and plates on the shelf there. It was always so messy, but she could never find the time to fix it. After all, it wasn’t easy to be constantly serving crabby customers- especially when her anxiety had her working at a speed her mind couldn’t follow. She was just glad that her shaking hands never knocked anything onto the wooden floor below, knowing that the five-pound box of utensils would be ruined if it touched the ground.
These silly, unimportant thoughts entertained her for a bit as she swept crumbs into her hand and tossed them into the tiny bin next to her. There was a shuffling noise somewhere in front of her booth, but Olive assumed it was another store owner leaving for the day; fed up by the lack of business that Sunday always brought. But, when the sound of a bell rang through the empty building, the girl couldn’t help but jump before peeking over the lip of the counter with a look of surprise on her face. Standing on the other side of the wooden divider was a slightly disheveled man and the brunette could feel her heart drop. She wasn’t quite sure if this apprehension was brought on by the fact that she was practically alone with this gentleman, or by the fact that he seemed to be bleeding from various scratches that decorated his face. There was a pause as she studied him; their eyes locked as a feeling of familiarity washed over her. 
His soft, rounded jaw caused her chest to flutter slightly- especially from the light trace of stubble that lined the lower half of his face. The small smile on his face wasn’t helping the dusting of pink on her cheeks either and Olive wondered if something had happened to the Doctor. Had he regenerated again? Already? With wide eyes and a timid smile, the woman rose to her feet and nodded toward the man.
“Are you alright?” her soft voice asked as she did her best to keep it from wavering. None of the wounds on his body seemed terribly deep or dangerous, but the scratches still brought out a feeling of pity within her. That, and she felt herself wanting to care for him as she cared for the Doctor.  The stranger gave her a small, lopsided grin and shrugged in response.
“You should see the other guy.” He replied- his British accent strengthening the sense of familiarity that hung around him. Just as Olive was about to question his identity, the man let out a chuckle and ran a hand through his fluffy, black hair. “The other guy is a bush, mind you.” The girl smiled, absentmindedly beginning to lock up the dessert cases that sat on either side of the register before bending down and revealing a small, zipper pouch.
“Let me clean you up.” Olive hummed, picking up her messenger bag before walking around the counter. She motioned her head towards the bistro tables scattered around the building and sat down to look through the various medical supplies she’d packed away in case of emergency. The man didn’t move at first and the brunette shot him a hopeful look, silently asking him to follow. “They aren’t deep,” she breathed out, fiddling with a pack of alcohol wipes, “but you don’t want to risk any of them getting infected. Especially if there are any thorns stuck in your skin.” Finally, he dusted off his collared shirt and joined her; hands slapping the tops of his knees as he sat. “I’m Olive, by the way.” she chuckled, noticing that his movements were just as exaggerated as her husband’s. 
“I know.” he grinned, closing his eyes as he felt a cold, wet pad being pressed against his cheeks and forehead. Olive raised an eyebrow, worried, and he let out a small laugh as if he could see her reaction. “The cashier at the 7/11 recommended your shop, but he said you wouldn’t be open today.” He opened an eye to peek up at her. “Imagine my surprise to see you crouched behind the counter! At least, I assumed you were Olive- that, or you were robbing the place and I was going to get myself roughed up even more.” The girl let out a sigh of relief and set down the alcohol swab next to its wrapper. 
“What’s your name?” she wondered out loud, doing her best to unwrap a bandage without having it stick to her own hand. There was a beat as the man watched her peel its backing off and Olive could feel her heart begin to pound. She looked down at him as she awaited his response- her blue eyes meeting his brown ones- and she cocked her head to the side. The man quickly snapped out of his trance and looked at her with wide eyes, blinking away the fog that clouded his mind. Or, at least, that’s what she figured he was doing- especially after his fiasco with a bush.
“Emil.” he finally answered, a slightly bashful look on his face as he smiled sheepishly. Olive nodded and reached out with the bandage; pressing it lightly onto his warm, brown skin. She could feel her face heating up at the proximity, but she refused to believe it had to do with how handsome this man was- no, it was because she was timid in the presence of most men, right? After all, he was a stranger that was new in town, it was all just a coincidence that he was good-looking and reminded her of her husband… right? She took a moment to study the light ring of orange in the center of his eyes and she could feel her heartbeat pick up its pace. Just as she was going to ask if she knew him from somewhere, Emil opened his mouth yet again. 
“So,” he smiled, voice lingering on the ‘o’ sound, “why don’t you sell olive bread?” The stranger teased, confusing his new acquaintance briefly. 
“Olive… loaf?” she asked, taking a few seconds to process what this handsome man had said to her. He stared at her with a spark of excitement in his eyes and nodded. Olive’s face lit up in realization and she let out a small giggle, crumpling the bandaid wrapper in her palms. “Gross.” She playfully cringed, finally putting away the rest of her medical supplies. Looking back at him, she felt silly for making such a big deal over such minor wounds, but something about him had drawn her in. Taking a moment to study his thick brows and the way his stubble faded into his sideburns, Olive could feel herself blushing further.
“Understandable.” he laughed, running a hand over his cheek to feel how she’d patched up the cuts there. Another awkward moment came and Emil took in the sight of the freckles that covered nearly every inch of her exposed skin. To say that she was sun-kissed would be an understatement, he hummed to himself- not wanting to make any uncomfortable comments about her appearance. It wasn’t that he didn’t like her freckled cheeks or shoulders, he just knew that she was already a bit weary in his presence; even if she was laughing at his jokes. The man paused and tugged at his collared shirt to pull the wrinkles out of the fabric. “Uhm,” he hesitated for a second before flashing her another smile, “would you mind showing me around one day? I know you’re rather busy with your bakery but… I don’t really know anyone in the area.” Olive nodded at his admission, head growing fuzzy as she ignored her growing crush.
“Sure.” the brunette chirped, returning his grin. “I’m my own boss, so it’s not that big of a deal.” She looked around timidly and began playing with the hem of her sweater. “Are you from Maine? Or…” a grimace came over her as she remembered his accent- “Are you visiting from somewhere?” 
“I moved from Manchester for work.” he laughed, leaning back in his chair. “I’m a history professor at Bowdoin College.” Olive nodded, watching as he adjusted his jaw as he spoke. 
“You’re awfully far from the city.” She teased, almost as if she knew he wasn’t meant to be in the area. Emil shrugged, trying to hide his smile. 
“Took the wrong bus, crossed over a couple of bridges- no big deal.” He ran a hand through his hair once again as he let out a content sigh. “I got to meet you, so it isn’t all that bad.” Olive felt her face heat up at her comments, but her bashfulness couldn’t obscure her grin. 
“I’ll have to show you the best app to use, then.” she offered, rising to her feet and stretching her spine. “It’s not a lot of fun getting lost in the backwoods of Maine.” The man laughed as he joined her. Olive then scratched the side of her cheek and turned away, trying to hide her reddening cheeks. “Under one condition though.” she hummed. Emil raised an eyebrow and walked around her- suppressing another chuckle as he tried to catch her gaze. 
“And what would that be?” he pressed, grinning when she finally faced him. 
“I’ll show you around the city, you take me to a museum.” she purred, still nervous despite her flirting. Peeking up at him, Olive watched as he nodded and straightened out his back, fidgeting with his hands as he raised a teasing eyebrow. 
“Sounds like a deal to me.” He grinned, taking out his cell phone and holding it out to the woman. Olive glanced down at the device before looking back up at him curiously- unsure of what he wanted. The man continued to beam at her and held it out further. “Mind giving me your number so you could send me that app?” he asked, trying to hide his excitement as he felt his hearts skip a beat. She nodded gently and took his phone to punch in her number. Emil couldn’t help but smirk as she tapped the screen, watching her closely.
Everything was going exactly to plan.
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musekicker · 1 year
Just a fun little drabble with Johnny, Nooshy, and Mason interacting.
The arcade was located on a busy street next to a cupcake bakery on one side and a toy store on the other. A honestly great set up for any kid or those who just enjoyed fun things in life. Though animals of all ages went to the arcade too of course.
Yes, it had seen better days and was not as big as it used to be. But it was still there. Hopefully that would be the case for more time to come.
But that wasn't what the trio who approached the place were thinking now. Johnny was the one who brought Mason and Nooshy to the place. He looked at the sign. It's various colors of red, blue, green, yellow, and orange, all those colors in giant dots and the letters of the arcade name in red and yellow, were muted by age. But even so, it still brought back fond memories for Johnny. It still made him smile at the sight of it.
"I liked to come here and waste time on the skee ball machine." Johnny said. "Just hadn't had a lot of time to get back here since joining the theater. So it's nice to get to visit."
Nooshy went ahead of Johnny and Mason, having already spotted some games from interest through the windows.
"I'm interested to see what games this place has." Nooshy said.
"Me too." Mason said. "There wasn't even a arcade in the town I grew up in."
"Then this will be a fun experience for you I hope." Johnny said.
The inside of the arcade looked a bit more kept up then the sign outside the arcade suggested. Walls were more newly painted, white with red lines and with images of items that one would find in a arcade. Game tokens, tickets. These items had fun little expressions painted on them. 
Currently there were a couple of families and a small group of teenagers sharing the arcade with them. There was a air of ease and fun that was soothing.
Another look around the arcade showed more games that were on the newer side of things. Some of them were shooter type games, a few coin pushers, and various others. So many possibilities of games they could play. Instead of rushing right to a game on first sight, Mason and Nooshy were walking around the arcade to take in the various games and decide which they would like to place first. 
Mason was looking at a target shooting game, the carnival style targets on a video screen. Something about the fun music and the bright colors from the game was drawing him in. 
On Johnny's side of things, he was trying to avoid going right to the skee ball machine. As much as he loved that game he did want to see what new games had been installed since his last time here.
Nooshy was still roaming the arcade, looking for that just right game to start with. Then Nooshy suddenly stopped, and took a few steps back. Looking right down the aisle of games she nearly passed confirmed what she thought she had saw. She then gasped and jumped on her heels in place.
"Look, look ,look!" Nooshy cried.
Mason and Johnny heard her call out and wandered over towards her. Then she grabbed the arm of the nearest friend, that happened to be Mason. Nooshy pulled Mason down the aisle to the game that had caught her eye.
The game was not like the arcade cabinet games. It did have a screen element to it. But the main component to this game seemed to be the two pads on the floor in front of the screen. Mason could see blue and yellow arrows in various directions on the pads.
"They have a Step Step! Dance Dance! machine here." Nooshy said.
Mason was looking at the machine like it was something that completely perplexed him.
"I have not seen this game before." Mason said.
Johnny by now caught up to Nooshy and Maosn. He glanced at the machine.
"I've seen it, but I've never tried it." Johnny said.
Nooshy gasped as if the two had just admitted that they had stolen from orphans.
"That's it. I must show you both the wonders of Step Step! Dance Dance!" Nooshy said.
She ran up to the machine then turned to face Mason and Johnny once more.
"Who wants to play against me first?' Nooshy asked.
Mason hesitated in answering, looking unsure. Johnny picked up on that.
"I'll go first if you don't mind, Mason." Johnny said.
Mason nodded.
"I don't mind at all. I can watch you both and understand how this game works better." Mason said.
With that decided, Johnny took his place on his dance pad. Nooshy was already on hers and was choosing the two player option. Nooshy was also the one who chose the level and the song. She had chose the beginner setting even though clearly she was much more well versed with the game and though Johnny also was a great dancer too at this point. 
Sometimes real life skill didn't translate immediately to a game. And a game had it's own rules to learn before being able to really excel at it. So beginner it was.
The game begin, with a cute voice from the game telling them to "Dance!". 
Images on the screen were many and bright, a back ground of cute characters behind the arrows coming down the screen that had to be matched on the dance pad. It could get over whelming very quick to some people. And Johnny was a little apprehensive at first. But once Johnny had a better idea of where the arrows were placed and the beat of the music, he was starting to catch up a bit to Nooshy's score. Though by the end of the song he did not quite gotten to the point where he could beat her.
"I want to try that again." Johnny said. "If that's okay
"You can take another turn." Mason said. "I'm honestly still getting the rules of this game down."
"Okay then, round two it looks like." Nooshy said.
And round two was on. This time Johnny was doing good right out of the gate, keeping up with Nooshy and time to time his score going over hers. But each time that happened it did not last long. And in the end Nooshy won once more.
"My reign stills stands!" Nooshy cried.
"Yes it does." Johnny said with a small laugh. "I have to admit it, you are the queen of this game." 
Mason, still leaning against one of the arcade cabinets spoke up once Nooshy was done celebrating. 
"I think I'm getting a better idea of how this game works now." Mason said.
"Great! Let's do this then." Nooshy said.
Mason stepped towards the game, looking ninety percent sure of himself with a ten percent allowance for performance anxiety that he so rarely got considering his job. But it did happen a bit time to time. Even then, Mason took his spot before the machine and readied himself for the surge of music and the images of arrows that were soon to appear on the screen.
Nooshy chose the game difficulty as easy again, and the same level as she had played with Johnny. And then the game was started. Because he had been watching long enough he did have a small idea of what to do. Though watching and doing were two different things.
As his rhythm got better and he started to get more arrows. Mason started smiling more and looked less like he was just trying to keep up.
"Now you're getting it!" Nooshy cried.
"I'm going to beat both your scores." Mason said.
A playful, empty boast. Mason knew that as did the other two. He was just laughing along with Nooshy and Johnny.
The results by the end of the song were the same as both rounds with Johnny.
"Dang! You win again." Mason said, admitting defeat.
Nooshy whooped, startling some other the other animals in the arcade.
"Undefeated!" she cried.
"I didn't even beat Johnny's high score I think." Mason said.
"You got close though." Johnny noted.
"I will consider that a win." Mason said.
Now that the game was done with and Nooshy had a moment, she was now understanding that she was getting a bit tired. 
"I think I need a short rest." Nooshy said.
"Well yeah, you danced three rounds in a row." Mason said.
"No regrets." Nooshy said. "But I am going to hit the snack bar for a drink." 
"After that, who wants to go up against the skee ball champ?" Johnny asked.
"Oh, so you're the champ when it comes to skee ball now?" Nooshy asked with a grin.
Johnny crossed his arms, still grinning.
"There isn't a high score screen for it. You can't prove that I'm not." Johnny said.
Mason grinned back and also crossed his arms, matching Johnny's body language.
"True. But one of use could dethrone you either way." Mason said.
"Only one way to find out." Johnny said.
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nickgerlich · 3 months
A Case Of Buyer Remorse
We have all experienced this. We go grocery shopping when we are hungry. It is the worst possible time to go shopping, because suddenly everything looks delectable, and we load up the cart. And special thanks to the supermarket for providing us with gigantic carts that can carry far more than we ever dreamed we could buy.
Or even if we are not hungry, savvy supermarkets will find ways to try to tip the scale in their favor. The layout of a store is very intentional with the bakery and fruits and vegetables close to the front, where we have to pass by them when our cart is empty. We are not thinking critically at this point, and all those healthy foods address our aspiration to start eating better.
And that bread. It is no mistake that supermarkets intentionally pump the exhaust from their ovens not just throughout the store, but also out into the parking lot, where we can be confronted with that amazing aroma before we even step foot inside. Besides, freshly baked bread has to be better than that normal store-bought stuff, right? It’s just like Grandma used to bake.
But wait, there’s more. Supermarketers pull out all the punches one last time at the check-out stand—assuming we don’t use self-check—because it is there we are typically standing waiting our turn. That’s more time to try to sell us anything, from gum and candy bars to magazines, breath mints, playing cards, and more. It works.
What about online shopping though? While some of my students have already noted this term they feel like online shopping makes it easier to practice restraint, there is growing evidence that buying things online can find us wondering later on, “Where’d that thing come from?”
I know. I am guilty of it. I graduated from e-commerce to m-commerce (that’s mobile commerce) quite a few years ago, when Amazon released a very solid app that made shopping just as easy as on a computer. It’s my go-to, and I can buy something with just a few quick taps. But I have also made purchases I stumbled across on social media.
I even saw this behavior with a colleague last week. We were in a meeting with a third colleague, for a case study we are writing about a company, I recommended an autobiographical book by the main person in the story. I noticed my colleague kind of drift off from focus. A few minutes she was playing with her phone. I knew what had just happened when she summarized it all in one word.
I replied, “You just bought it on Amazon, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, I do that all the time, too.”
A recent study finds that two-thirds of Americans think that social media are encouraging overspending, and is having a profoundly negative effect on their debt. It makes sense, because it is just too easy to tap-tap-tap. It’s painless if only for the moment.
Worse yet, of those surveyed 20% think that some of those social media pitches are scams. I concur, having seen far too many sites trying to sell cheap Hoka running shoes. I did a little digging, and found that the ads were not from Hokas, but rather shady fly-by-night dealers. No telling if they were legit Hoka shoes or just cheap knockoffs that washed up on a California beach. I didn’t buy them.
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I can understand my students saying that online shopping kept them away from the visual onslaught of tempting items in the physical realm, but done correctly in the digital arena, it can be just as dangerous, if not more. We may not be able to take possession immediately, but maybe that is what makes it so easy. Heck, those frequent deliveries by the UPS guy and the US Postal Service make it like Christmas all year long, a steady little dopamine drip of gifts just for you and me.
With sites like Facebook and Instagram featuring ads roughly every five or six items in our feeds, it means we are constantly being confronted with opportunities to spend. Having the Amazon app always at the ready to buy just one more thing, means we have to be ever vigilant in hopes of using restraint.I find it interesting how the dynamic has changed so much, yet the result—impulse spending—has not. Savvy online marketers will suggest items to go with what you just selected. You know. ”People who bought this also bought that…”
And we must also be watchful for online scams, because there are many. It’s one thing to be confronted by a steady barrage of ads from legit companies like Shein and Temu, even though they have their bad points. It’s quite another when you have never even heard of a company offering Hokas for about 25% of the normal price.
Once again, watch your billfold, and try to keep those impulses under control. Otherwise you’re going to be wondering how, when, where, why you bought all that stuff throughout your house.
Dr “Think Before You Tap” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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js-third-place · 2 years
I still don't know what's real and what's my anxiety, I'll try to relay this somewhere between how it felt in the moment and how it looks now.
The bookstore had 3 or 4 customers, which was the perfect amount. Enough that I wouldn't draw sole focus, not so many I felt anxious.
On my way to the book store I passed one of the lunch places I had in mind. The only one on the route and not requiring crossing 2 large streets in a terrible 6 way intersection. It was uncomfortably busy.
I did need to ask about the location of a book, and that involved hovering next to a woman at the register for an uncomfortably long time before she somewhat curtly handed me off. Not enough to ruin anything, but didn't feel great.
The person who helped me find the book and the person who rang me up were both wonderful. The latter made a joke about my very common name and when I responded the original, curt, woman got annoyed and left to the back. I can write it off as the owner trying to work but it actually registered a little bit that time and bummed me out.
Walking out, the weather was getting bad, I talked myself into hitting the busy bakery and just working it out.
On the walk over there was a couple walking into a business between us. He openly stared at me multiple times, including looking partly over his shoulder as he entered his destination. I was not holding eye contact or staring at him, but most of the times I glanced over, his eyes were fixed on me.
I panicked while ordering because I couldn't remember what their non coffee options were to drink and ended up having to come back a second time and buyba soda seperately. The cashier was nice enough the first time but cold the second. She walked away while I finished the order.
Two women were taking up 2 seats at a somewhat communal table so I grabbed one seat away from them. They were having a pretty personal conversation so I was trying to find another spot.
The runner came out with my sandwich, and we had the kind of interaction I have a lot. It starts totally normal, but by the end (2 quick sentences this time) they're looking at me as if they know something is wrong in my head. I have to assume it's my trouble holding eye contact but I'm not sure.
I don't know how to build enough confidence to look someone in the eye when every interaction just makes me feel like more of an outsider.
I noticed a table with a few dirty glasses but seemed abandoned. I asked a few other people and they all were nice and said they thought the people were gone so I settled in among the discarded trash.
I ate and read, and could see both people I had asked staring at me occasionally.
I need to stop here and say: before this crippling anxiety set in, I would treat any sort of long glance as evidence I looked cute that day. I can't pull up that kind of assumption anymore, not even by force.
There was a cute moment where a lady and her dog drew the attention of the entire cafe and I shared a few normal glances with other diners. That went fine.
When throwing out my garbage I initially felt like I was getting a weird look from 2 workers but I was able to convince myself they were probably just in conversation and I distracted them. I'm not entirely unable to correct my feelings as I go.
That's basically the end, but I want to call out my bad behavior on the wall back because I think it might be related. I saw a person doing nothing wrong but something about them just sent me to a very judgemental space. This happens a lot. I can notice if and condemn it, but I can't stop myself from feeling it. It's very clear I need more work on just existing around people.
Overall, I think I handled the situation well, but I do wonder if it was worth it. The money, the calories, the time and for not much benefit. Even if things had gone perfectly, I don't think it would have made me happier than just staying home.
My friend highly recommends. "Bourdain Days", where you pretend you're Anthony Bourdain wandering an area. Get a bite to eat, get a drink, talk to some people and do it all with his ease. It sounds amazing, and I do think it could work for me in other circumstances, but a snowy Chicago afternoon wasn't it. I also think you need a very specific kind of place, and the only place I know of in my neighborhood with the right vibe, hours, and menu closed during the pandemic.
It might be that simple. It might be just finding the place with the right vibe to accommodate. A little dive-y but clean, serves lunch but nothing too heavy, where you can order a beer and read your book. Just the right amount of busy.
I'll keep looking.
I have a single ticket for a comedy show tonight, Im going to try very hard to make it happen but I already can feel myself wriggling out of it
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
ML Reboot: Miraculous: Heroes of Miracles: The Dupain-Cheng Family
-So not to diss the family, with there being less focus on the Agreste family drama (it’s still there but it’s not the Main show), I figured I should add some depth to Marinette’s family. Specifically the pasts of Tom and Sabine.
-Tom Grew up in Provins. A small town in France near Paris. His father liked to keep things simple, and Paris was complicated.
-Rolland, (Tom’s dad) and Tom had a falling out when Tom was a teen.
-Rolland was very Traditional, believing in the Legacy of Bread Makers. He didn’t believe in making desserts, it was only bread. For “Bread was the foundation of life.” The Dupain family motto.
-Tom loved making bread, but he also loved Baking desserts, Cakes, cookies, macarons.
-To Rolland, Tom’s ‘hobby’ of making sweets was shameful, and unmanly. But so long as he kept it out of the store, he would let it be. Tom however planned on making desserts for his Fathers bakery when he took over. Saying it would bring new customers
-Rolland thought it an insult to the craft. Telling his son that the modern trend of sweet breads was just that, a trend. And Tradition must stand strong. The Dupain legacy was 5 generations strong.
-Tom told his father he will keep making bread, that won’t be lost. But the store is suffering, the customers that remain loyal are getting older and they haven’t attracted new customers in decades.
-Rolland told Tom that if he wanted to make bread he could stay, but if he insisted on baking cakes… he must leave.
-Tom hadn’t spoken to his father since the day he left.
-Tom’s mom, Gine heard about what happened. She tried to give Tom money, but he refused. Instead selling all of his things before heading to Paris. He managed to buy a dingy hole in the wall that needed repairs thanks to a mix of his life savings and loans.
-Tom Cleaned it up and Called it “Tom’s Bakery”
-Xia Bing Cheng (later known as Sabine) was born in Shanghai. Her parents passed away when she was 10 due to a tragic accident. Ever since, she and her sister were raised by her uncle. Helping out at his Restaurant.
-Wang was not a famous chef. He was incredibly talented, but his place was not as famous as in canon. He worked hard and long hours. Having Xia Bing and her sister do errands to help out.
-Xia Bing was fierce and independent. She felt she was trapped, forced to work for her uncle, and wanting her own life.
-Xia Bing was of course was also resentful and rebellious. Often going out late as a teen and causing trouble. She often got into trouble with the police despite that She was never caught, but a lot of her friends were. Burned a lot of bridges by leaving them out to dry.
-It broke Wang’s heart to see her go out of control. Trying to reign her in. But Xia Bing always seemed to ignore him.
-In truth, Xia Bing knew the struggles Wang dealt with, knowing some nights he would be up wondering how to provide for them. It’s why Xia would go out. Conning people and committing petty theft. So she could provide for herself and not take away from Wang and her sister.
-At 17, Xia managed to leave Shanghai and found herself bouncing from country to country until she ended up in France. She had caused a bit too much trouble and didn’t want her uncle and sister to suffer due to her own actions.
-At this time Xia was nearly broke, and her cons didn’t work so great as her charming wit was not heard due to her inability to speak French well. So she decided to find work wherever she could to take care of herself.
-Xia Bing changed her Name to Sabine, and worked at numerous places, all long hours for little pay, and often no pay as they would threaten to report her to the police.
-Sabine found herself at rock bottom, close to being evicted. She wondered how her uncle and sister were doing. She was weighing her options all of which weren’t good. She hoped they were better off. Her stomach growled and her nose caught on the smell of something sweet.
-She found herself inside a small bakery, very bare bones. Clearly still in the midst of repairs, but it was clean, and the goods smelled heavenly.
-There she saw a young man, no older than her, working behind a counter. He could tell she was hungry and got her some macarons, free of charge.
-She learned his name was Tom. She told him she would pay him back.
-“Seeing the delight you took in my dessert is pay enough for today”
-This was the first genuine act of kindness she had received from someone since coming to Paris.
-She asked if he was hiring. He told her he was looking for help, but he couldn’t pay much.
-She accepted it.
-Tom and Sabine ended up working together and thanks to their dedication, they were able to start making profit. Tom helped Sabine learn French, Sabine showed Tom tricks in cooking and baking that he had not been privy to. Having worked at her uncles restaurant and other French cafe’s, kitchens and so on.
-Tom changed the name of the bakery to “Tom and Sabine’s” as he felt she was just as much part of the bakery as he was.
-They ended up falling in love. Tom proposing and Sabine happily Accepting.
-Shortly after the bakery started getting recognition and Tom was able to really start paying back the loans he took.
-Marinette was born a year after their marriage,
-Marinette knew very much that Tom and Sabine put their heart and soul into the bakery, and figured one day she would take over, as their daughter.
-But as Marinette discovered her desire to go into fashion, she felt guilt. How could she just abandon her parents labor to pursue her own path.
-This comes to a head in season 3 where after her breakdown. She tells her father her dream. She apologizes to him, saying she knows how ungrateful she sounds tears forming in her eyes. Because she feels she is breaking his heart
-Tom hugs her.
-Because he knows the pain she is feeling, and he never wanted her to feel obligated
-Tears in his eyes, he tells her he never wanted her to feel obligated to the bakery. This bakery is not meant to be her shackles.
-“Tradition should never come before love.”
-Marinette gets to pursue her dream, the bakery would be there as a means to have her have employment should she need it, or if she decides that the bakery is where she wants to be. But that is her choice. Something both Tom and Sabine agree on wholeheartedly.
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seijorhi · 3 years
i’m (semi) back, y’all, and i come bearing a fic!! fhdjhfjdk it’s for oikawa i won’t apologise
Oikawa Tooru x female reader
TW non-con, drunk/drugged reader, forced infidelity, emotional manipulation, angst, past trauma, coercion, mild(ish?) smut, nsfw
“F-fuck, cutie! Just like – hah– just like that!”
You weren’t the clubbing type.
Not usually, at least – but exams were over and one of your friends was fresh off a bad breakup, one night letting loose wouldn’t hurt.
Walking is… difficult, your steps are sloppy – there’s an arm wrapped around your waist, your own slung over a stranger’s shoulders. Why are you outside? Where are your friends – they… they promised they wouldn’t leave you. 
“She good, dude?”
A soft, pretty laugh rumbles at your side, “Yeah, she’s gonna be just fine.”
And you remember the bar, the overpriced cocktails and the saccharine sweetness of strawberry liquor on your tongue. The dizzying lights and the bass that thumped so loudly you felt it reverberate in your chest. You knew the rules; they’d been drilled into you since you were sixteen years old.
Stick together, don’t accept drinks from strangers, and watch the one in your hand like a hawk - it doesn’t leave your sight.
A tongue between the valley of your breasts, long fingers curling up inside of you. 
“You like that, huh pretty girl? You gonna cum for me?”
They wouldn’t have just abandoned you, right? Maybe you told them to go. Maybe they thought you wanted it; to go home with the handsome stranger.
You never had the guts to ask them, never spoke about that night again. Not to anyone.
Pain. Something thrusting inside of you, splitting you open while he moans and pants atop you. It hurts so much and you want it to stop. 
Please stop. Please. Please. Please.
You’re begging, at least you think you are, but the words come out jumbled and wrong, and he just laughs, hiking up your thigh so he can fuck you deeper.
Why won’t he stop?
When you wake up, bruised and sore and all alone in your bed, it feels like a bad dream. You know it’s not – not with cum still seeping from between your thighs, the scent of the stranger’s cologne clinging to your sheets.
And you scrub your skin raw in the shower, but it isn’t enough to rid you of his touch.
It’s nothing like what they show on tv.
There’s no sympathetic detective to pat you on your shoulder while you break down, swearing that they’ll find the man who did this and you’ll get your justice.
You don’t go to the cops because you’ll know what they’ll say. You were drunk, drugged, and even if you could remember what he looked like (his eyes were brown, you think, and there’s a flash of a smirk in your head but the moment you try to focus on it it slips away like smoke) any evidence of rape washed down the drain the moment you stepped into the steaming shower.
At least… that’s what you tell yourself. It’s easier than admitting you’re terrified of judgemental eyes. 
Or worse; pitying ones.
So you pretend that nothing happened. You show up to your classes and throw yourself into studying, make the time to get coffee with your friends, you even pick up a part time job – it’s good to keep busy. 
The nightmares are just that; nightmares.
And things are fine, until they’re not.
“Baby, you’re here!!”
There’s barely time to drop your bags before she’s pulling you into a warm hug. “Hi mom,” you reply, squeezing her back.
When she draws back to take you in, one hand cupping your cheek, she frowns, “You look tired sweetheart. Have you been sleeping enough?”
“Yeah, just tired from exams and stuff.”
She looks unconvinced, but mercifully doesn’t push the issue. Of course, you don’t tell her that you missed your last two exams because you’d walked past some guy wearing that same cologne and just choked – that instead of finishing off your semester strong, you’d spent the day alternating between throwing up and crying in bed.
She doesn’t need to know that, because of that, you’ll probably fail both classes and have to retake them again next semester on top of an already full course load. It’s fine; you’ll figure it out.
For now, you work on matching her enthusiasm at having you home, grabbing your bags to bring them inside and into your old room.
“Oh, wait–”
Abruptly, you pause, gazing in confusion from the doorway of your bedroom. There’s a duffle bag lying open and empty atop your bed, a tangled jump rope, some weights, an empty bottle, a sweat towel – even what looks like a spare workout tee scattered haphazardly across the sheets.
“… I didn’t take you for a gym junkie, mom.”
She stops behind you, sighing. “It’s not mine it’s– Tooru said he was going to tidy it up, sorry sweetheart.” She sweeps past you to start tidying it up, but not before you catch sight of her wide eyed, deer in headlights expression.
And you can’t help the lone eyebrow that rises, falling back against the doorframe, arms folding across your chest. “Tooru, huh?” you grin, “And who might Tooru be?”
The flustered, almost guilty look she sends you makes you want to laugh – this is easy, comfortable, this you can do – but you restrain yourself. Just. “Tooru is… he’s– well, he’s the man I’m… seeing.”
She admits it like she’s confessing to a crime, eyes all wide and nervous; anticipating your reaction. And you suppose it’s not unwarranted. As far as you’re aware, she’s been alone ever since the day your dad walked out on you both – raising you was always the priority, or maybe the excuse. But you’re not fourteen anymore, you don’t need another father figure or every spare bit of her time and attention, and she doesn’t need your approval for this.
So you smile at her, “Is he nice?”
She lights up, her features – almost a mirror image of your own – softening as she beams, “He’s amazing, honey. I honestly don’t know how this whole thing really happened, or why he’s even interested in someone like me but… I lucked out with him.”
And so it goes, you prying little bits of information about the mysterious Tooru as the afternoon passes.
She tells you that they met a few months back, at the bakery she likes in town – and how she kept running into him; at the grocery store, and then at the park, and then on her way back from yoga that one night.
She tells you that he’s a terrible flirt, all smooth and charming with warm, pretty brown eyes, but he’s a good man beneath it all and she’s never met anyone like him. 
It strikes you, as you watch your mom animatedly talk about him, that you’ve never seen her look like this before. 
She can’t stop smiling, and when you look at her, really look, she’s almost a different person – younger somehow, a bit more care-free. It suits her, and you wonder with a slight pang in your heart how you never noticed how lonely she was before.
And she’s adamant that they’re taking things slowly, that he still has an apartment of his own in town – which to be honest, you really aren’t gonna judge her on either way – but it is kind of funny simply because whether your mom realises it or not, it’s clearly a lie.
The subtle reclaiming of your bedroom aside, there’s traces of Tooru scattered all around the house; the extra toothbrush and aftershave you’d spotted in the bathroom, the men’s  shoes and the jacket by the door, red wine in the cupboard when your mom’s only ever indulged in white.
You haven’t been into her bedroom, but at this point you’d hazard a guess that there’s at least one drawer full of Tooru’s clothes, probably half her closet cleared out for him as well.
“He’s coming for dinner, but I just wanted today to be just us,” she says, reaching across the couch to squeeze your hand. And you’re grateful for it, because you’re happy for her – you are – but you’re not so sure how you would’ve handled meeting the stranger holding your mother’s heart first thing. At least, not after the last few days.
Not when you still feel all… brittle. 
Tooru arrives a little after seven, and to say that he’s not entirely what you were expecting is kind of an understatement. 
She’d gushed about how tall and handsome he is – though personally, you think pretty’s the more accurate word, what with his soft, delicate features, perfect cupid’s bow lips and all. What she’d neglected to tell you was that the man in question, stepping through the front door with a faint smile on his face, has to be at least ten years younger than her, mid-thirties at most.
Suddenly, your mom’s initial reluctance to bring him up starts to make sense.
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” he murmurs, stopping by your mom to drop a fleeting kiss to her cheek before warm brown eyes turn to you. 
Your heart stutters.
“Sweetheart,” your mom begins, slipping an arm around his waist and relaxing into his side, “this is Tooru– Oikawa,” she corrects herself.
He smiles at you, friendly and charming, “It’s great to finally meet you, your mom’s told me so much – all good things, of course!”
You force yourself to smile in return, “Yeah, you too.” 
There’s nothing overtly wrong with Oikawa, age difference aside – your mom’s clearly head over heels in love with the guy and on a surface level he seems nice enough, but you find yourself glad for the fact that he doesn’t make a move to step closer, try to shake your hand or god forbid hug you or something like that.
He’s nothing but a gentleman as your mom steps back into the kitchen to finish off dinner, setting the table without being prompted, pouring a glass of wine for your mom and one for himself before he offers a glass to you. 
“Oh, no I’m alright, thanks.”
You don’t drink so much anymore. He shrugs, like it’s no big deal but your mom pouts at you from the kitchen. “C’mon, sweetie. We’re celebrating tonight! One drink won’t hurt.”
“We’re celebrating?” you ask.
She throws you a wink, gaze softening as she turns to glance at Oikawa, already diligently pouring you a glass, “Of course we are. It’s not every day my girl comes home, and it’s nice having you both here with me.”
Oikawa’s fingers brush against yours for a fleeting second as he passes you the glass, and you have to fight to keep yourself from ripping your hand away. It’s nothing, you just– you’re not good with strangers touching you, and as nice as he is and as much as your mom might be infatuated with him, he is still a stranger.
“Absolutely,” he agrees, a playful twinkle in his eye as he clinks his wine glass against yours. “So you’re at uni, right? What are you studying?”
Uni’s the last thing you want to be thinking about right now, but whether or not Oikawa genuinely cares, he’s obviously trying to make an effort to get to know you. For your mother’s sake, grinning innocuously in the kitchen as she adds the last little touches to dinner, you suck it up, plaster a smile across your face and ignore the twinge of discomfort in your gut.
You can handle one night of small talk.
You wake the following morning to the sound of voices carrying down the hall.  
Not your mother’s – both are too deep, and your mom left a few hours ago for work. Figuring that one of them at least is likely Oikawa, you pull on a thin, satin robe over your pajamas, tying the sash in a loose knot before you slip from the room.
Those suspicions are proven correct; you round the corner to find Oikawa sitting up at the kitchen counter, a warm cup of coffee in his hand. There’s another man, a touch shorter, but imposing with dark, spiky hair and olive green eyes standing on the other side, hands braced on the marble top, glaring at Oikawa.
They both look up at the sound of your hesitant approach, the stranger abruptly straightening up, while Oikawa merely grins.
“Ah, you’re up,” he observes cheerfully, taking a sip of his coffee.
Your eyes flicker between him and the stranger – clearly comfortable enough in your home and with Oikawa, despite the faint, lingering irritation still visible on his face – and as your cheeks warm, you find yourself wishing you’d put actual clothes on before coming out to investigate.
“I- I heard voices…” you trail off, awkwardly folding your arms over your chest. “Is mom–”
“At work,” he supplies. “Do you want some breakfast? Coffee, maybe?”
You risk another glance at the other man, watching you now with an unreadable expression, dark eyebrows furrowed. You swallow uncomfortably, shifting slightly as you shake your head. “No, I-I’m okay.”
And in an instant, a flash, something like recognition passes through those olive eyes. 
 Oikawa chuckles smoothly, finally tearing his eyes away from you to address his friend, “Iwa, stop being so rude. You’re scaring the poor thing.”
The stranger, Iwa, just scoffs. “You’re a real piece of shit, y’know?”
If he’s bothered by the scathing insult, Oikawa doesn’t show it, merely shrugging before turning his attention back to you with a smirk. “Ignore him, he’s just pissy this morning.”
You’d have to be a complete idiot not to sense the uncomfortable tension between the two of them – and now you. This is your home, but it feels like you’re intruding, like you’ve stumbled into a conversation you have no business hearing, but even if you wanted to leave your feet are rooted to the ground. 
“Besides,” Oikawa continues, “he was just leaving anyway, weren’t you, Iwa?” It’s almost a purr, the way he speaks, but even the silken words can’t entirely mask the razor sharpness that lies beneath. 
Goosebumps prickle along your arms.
Staring at you, Iwa opens his mouth like he wants to say something, but seemingly thinks better of it, snapping it shut with an audible click. He huffs, shaking his head. “Yeah, fine, whatever.”
He spares you another glance on his way out, standing frozen by the hall. For a split second he slows, his scowl softening just a fraction–
It sounds like a warning, but he only rolls his eyes and huffs again. You think he’s going to walk out without another word to either of you, but he pauses once more, lingering by the entryway.
“You look a lot like your mother, anyone ever tell you that?”
He’s out the door before you can even think to reply, letting it slam shut in his wake. And you flinch at the harsh sound, something uneasy settling into the pit of your stomach–
“Hey,” Oikawa’s there by your side, his fingers entwining with yours. You hadn’t even heard him move. “Come sit, don’t worry about Iwa. He’ll get over it.”
His voice is soothing, you don’t pay attention to the words themselves, the implications there. You forget for a moment that you’re still in your pj’s, that you really don’t know him that well either, and mindlessly follow when he leads you to the couch and sits you down, taking the seat next to you.
And while your head’s still spinning, an uncomfortable feeling gnawing in the pit of your gut, Oikawa seems entirely unbothered by the turn of events, sighing contentedly as he stretches his long legs out, one arm sliding along the back of the couch behind you.
“Do your… friends usually just drop by like that?”
You don’t know where the words come from, or why that’s the first question on your mind, but when you glance over at him, Oikawa’s just watching you, an odd little half smirk playing on his lips. “Sometimes.”
His answer does little to soothe your unease. It’s really not a big deal, you know it’s not. Officially or not, this is his home too – you’re the one out of place. And if he wants to have people over when your mom’s not around, that’s fine, he can do whatever the hell he wants, but… 
You came home for peace. To hide away for a few days and pretend that everything’s just fine and you’re not one breakdown away from shattering entirely. You wanted your mom and the comfort of your old bedroom and safety and it’s fine – great, even – that she’s found somebody who makes her happy, but this– him and the weirdness with his friend and everything is just too much, and–
You don’t realise that your leg’s bouncing until Oikawa’s hand comes to rest on your bare thigh. It’s enough to make your stomach flip, an icy chill trickling down your spine as his thumb slowly strokes across the soft, plush skin. “Relax, cutie,” he coos, chuckling softly when you visibly flinch and squeeze your eyes shut.
“P-please don’t call me that,” you choke out, fighting against the wave of nausea rising up your throat. And it’s just like last time, his cologne, notes of vanilla and cedar and spice, swirling thick and heady around you. That phantom touch, the warmth of hands gripping too tight, unwanted kisses hot and eager against your skin. 
“No?” he asks, cruel amusement dripping from his tone. “Why not? I think it suits you, cutie.”
You want him to stop, to push him away, slap him – do anything really, but you’re frozen in place, shaking as the memories you’ve fought so hard to shove down come bubbling back to the surface. You can’t think straight, not with his hand sliding between your thighs, the warmth of his body pressing too closely against yours.
“Iwa was right, you know,” Oikawa murmurs, smoldering brown eyes drinking you in as you childishly shake your head, willing him away. His other hand catches your cheek, drawing your face back to him as tears well in your eyes, stubbornly clinging to your lashes. “She does look so much like you, the same eyes even.” 
He whispers it like a secret, nuzzling his nose against yours like a lover would as he sighs sweetly, “It’s the only reason I could stand it.”
And then he’s kissing you, the tenderness of his lips belied by iron fingers digging into your jaw when you whimper and try to wrench yourself free. 
It’s not like the nightmares that startle you awake in the middle of the night, gasping for air; hazy, broken recollections that fade the moment you try to reach for them. No, every touch, every moment of his assault passes in stark clarity.
The feel of Oikawa’s mouth as it trails greedily down your neck, his hand sliding under the cotton of your sleep shorts, even his pleased little hum when he realises you’re not wearing panties. “Such a good girl for me. Fuck, I’ve missed this.”
This time there’s no drugs in your system keeping you pliant and helpless, but that doesn’t make a difference. Not when his words echo in your head, playing again and again until every awful, sickening piece falls into place.
Long, nimble fingers stroke at your folds, and you can’t help the shivery gasp that leaves you when the tip of his middle finger sweeps over your clit. 
“Please– please don’t do this,” you sniffle.
Oikawa presses another fleeting kiss to your shoulder, “Shh, none of that. Let me help you, baby.”
“N-no, I don’t, I don’t– Stop!”
Knocking away the hands that try to push him back, he hooks his fingers over the hem of your shorts and slides them down your legs, your pitifully weak struggles only making things easier for him. It’s only when Oikawa reaches for his own zipper that panic truly strikes home.
You can’t just lie here and let this happen again. You won’t.
And like a switch flipped, you start to trash like a wild thing beneath him, the scream you’ve kept buried inside of you for months ripping itself free from your throat–
Only for the fingers that had been toying with your pussy to be shoved down your throat, cutting you off with a choked gurgle. As you gag, fruitlessly try to tug yourself free, Oikawa leans in nice and close – except this time there’s no gentleness to his expression, nothing but viciousness as he grins and bares his teeth. 
“You wanna yell, pretty girl? Want the neighbours to come running, let them see me fuck you?” He grinds his hips against you, his breath shivery as he pants at the friction of his half hard cock against your side. Nausea twists at your gut, acrid and bitter – you want to be sick, to cry and beg with him to stop but with his fingers still stuffed in your mouth, his thumb digging into the soft underside of your jaw all you can manage is an unintelligible whine. He hums, kissing away the single hot tear that spills down your cheek, “You think if you cry loudly enough, mommy’ll come home and save you?”
And it’s like time stands still as he laughs, cruel eyes glinting when he presses down on your tongue, warm saliva pooling around his digits. “Such a little whore, trying to seduce her poor, innocent boyfriend the very moment her back’s turned. Tell me, cutie,” he coos, “who do you think she’d believe?”
Your breath hitches, another sob catching in your throat – even if you wanted to answer, you can’t and he knows it. “She’s in love with me, you know. It’s almost a little pathetic how easy it was to manipulate her into bed – so lonely… desperate for love, for somebody – anybody – to pay attention to her, take care of her,” he sneers, distaste curling at his lips. “Wouldn’t it just break her fragile little heart to know she’s fallen for the man who raped her baby girl?”
Another garbled cry slips past his fingers and you can only watch in frozen horror as his other hand drifts back to his zipper. “You want to protect her, don’t you?”
His grip relents just enough for you to jerk a shaky nod.
“Pretty girl, so good for me.” Another kiss pressed to your cheek as the quiet hiss of his zipper fills the air around you. “It’ll be our little secret, hmm? She doesn’t need to know just yet, let her be happy a little while longer…”
Sliding down his briefs just far enough for his cock to spring free, he strokes it for a moment with slow, leisurely movements, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he watches your eyes widen. 
And when he pulls you forward, guides your mouth towards it, pre-cum beading at the tip, withdrawing his fingers so you can quickly gasp for air, you just… let him.
The fight’s gone, as quickly as it had come. 
You let his fingers curl through your hair, use it as an anchor when your lips part to force his cock between them. And he moans, low and shivery as your tongue slides along the underside of his shaft and you try not to gag around the sudden intrusion. 
You think that there’s no room left inside of you for shame, but as his other hand creeps back between your legs, teasing at your cunt, you burn with it, clinging to the pyre of your own humiliation and disgust.
And still, you kneel on the couch, letting him fuck your mouth, letting those long, pretty fingers curl up inside of you – moaning around his cock when they stroke that perfect little spot.
“I wanted to – shit – take this slow,” he tells you as his hips jerk upwards, shuddering in breathless delight when his cock hits the back of your throat and it convulses around him. “I wanted to make you want me.”
Wet, messy, gags sound with every unwitting thrust – you’ve no choice but to swallow him down, let him fuck your throat like you’re nothing more than a toy for his pleasure. There’s saliva coating your chin, dripping down the length of his dick, pooling around his balls. You can barely breathe, a task made even harder when Oikawa decides to add his thumb into the mix, teasing your clit while he fucks you apart on his fingers.
It feels so fucking good, and you’ve never hated yourself more.
Your throat burns, hot tears stinging in the corners of your eyes, and yet he’s intent on driving you to the brink of your sanity with every calculated flick of his wrist. Something tightens in your belly, a spring coiled too tight, ready to snap, and you can’t help it when your hips chase his fingers, the needy, shameful little whimpers that leave your lips (still wrapped around his thick, twitching cock) as you search for the pleasure to temper the discomfort.
“You don’t have a clue what you do to me, do you? I could barely sleep last night–” 
You choke back a moan, your pussy clenching around his digits, sucking them deeper as white spots pepper your vision and you shudder out a moan.
“So pretty when you cum for me,” he pants, but you don’t care – can’t, not when you’re riding his fingers, tongue lolling out as he gives you a moment’s reprieve to bask in the rippling afterglow of your orgasm before everything comes crashing back down around you. 
Oikawa lets you fall back against the cushions, breathless, trembling and dazed. You’re not stupid enough to believe that’s the end of it, not when his cock’s still hard, throbbing against his toned stomach when he gives it a slow, cursory pump.
“Lie back, cutie,” he whispers, keeping his eyes fixed on you as he pushes himself up off the couch to shed the rest of his clothes.
And as you shuffle obediently downwards, heart hammering in your chest, you find you can’t tear your eyes away from him either.
Tall and handsome, she’d said, but the words truly don’t do him justice. A body corded with lean, powerful muscle, golden, sun-kissed skin, a light smattering of dark hair trailing from his navel down past the well defined V of his hips… 
“See something you like?” he teases, smirking when you squeak and childishly jerk your face away, cheeks burning. “It’s okay to look, you know. I don’t mind the attention.”
It feels too soft, too intimate for what this is. 
This isn’t how it’s supposed to go. He’s not supposed to be attractive, or to make you enjoy your own assault, and you– you’re supposed to fight it, fight him instead of just lying there and taking it… 
But when he climbs back onto the couch, easing your still trembling thighs apart to settle himself between them, his touch is nothing short of reverent, dark eyes wide and adoring as you squirm uneasily beneath him. 
With one hand braced on the cushion beside you, his cock resting just above your aching sex, he leans forward, easing your top up past your tits. “Perfect,” he murmurs.
And it’s enough to make a fresh bout of humiliated tears spring to your eyes. Your hands curl into useless fists at your side as he settles back onto his knees and takes his cock in hand, hissing in pleasure when he glides the flushed, leaking head along your slick folds.
“Fuck, cutie. I don’t think I’m gonna last,” he laughs, biting down on his bottom lip as he watches hot, fat tears slip down your cheeks. With an agonisingly slow pace, Oikawa lines himself up with your cunt and presses in – even with how wet you are, one orgasm already wrung from you, the stretch burns and you can’t stop the choked gasp that leaves you.
His eyes flutter shut, head thrown back back as inch by inch his cock sinks into your pussy until finally he bottoms out with a satisfied groan. “Perfect for me, so fucking good,” he pants, and you barely have time to drag in a breath before his hips are drawing back, another desperate, strangled mewl escaping you.
Bruising fingers dig into your waist, Oikawa cursing as your plush little cunt flutters maddeningly around him– before he eagerly slams his cock forward, stuffing you full once more.
And as you sob and whimper between every wet, obscene squelch of his dick fucking into your soaked pussy, that all too familiar, shameful heat begins to pool in your core.
“Gonna cum for me again, cutie?”
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softiejoon · 2 years
Tumblr media
i. les miserables
pairing ; namjoon x reader, ot7 x reader (platonic)
genre ; fluff, comedy
tags ; college!au, bookstore bakery!au, head baker!jin, baker!yoongi, bookstore employee!hobi, bookstore manager!namjoon, baker!jimin, bookstore employee!taehyung, baker!jungkook
warnings ; mentions of food (and bad puns), oc is having a not-so-good day, everyone being generally embarrased
summary ; it's just your luck when a storm has you rained in – making it the cherry on top of an already bad day. but the unexpected warmth of your favourite bookstore, and the people within it, provides more comfort that you could have hoped for.
word count ; 1.5k
a/n ; i hope this makes up for missing joon’s birthday <33 here’s the first part of a series i was planning to post, but wasn’t sure about whether i would continue it
if you enjoy my work, please consider supporting me ☕️
.・゜-: ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ✧ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ :-゜・.
today is an unusual day, namjoon notes, casting his gaze out the window at the brewing storm. for a number of reasons, but most notably, you.
on a usual day, namjoon hears the bell above the entrance ring on monday and wednesday mornings, along with the occasional thursday evening on your way home from class. he is used to watching your entire being glow as you step foot into the store. eyes lighting up as they scan the shelves, admiring the covers of the latest titles. your fingers run themselves along the spines and synopses as you weave through the shelves, mapping out a unique route each time – sometimes you start in contemporary and finish all the way in the back at classics; or you might skim through nonfiction before finding yourself sidling through crime and fantasy. namjoon can't help but notice the look of wonder on your face. it is the way he looks at books too. it is the way he sometimes catches himself looking at you.
today, however, that look of wonder is completely absent. namjoon throws a glance to the clock at the chime of the bell. 10 minutes till closing, on a tuesday afternoon. he frowns. worse still, you do not plot an adventurous course through the genres, nor pause to inspect the weekly staff picks. instead, you dart straight to the back, where namjoon finds you desolate on the floor next to the works of victor hugo.
"everything okay?" you startle at the voice, scrambling to your feet to meet the concerned expression of the cute bookstore employee. "you didn't happen to just finish les mis, did you?"
"uh–" you're caught off guard. "oh, no, no." you suddenly come to your senses, gaze centring on the clock behind him. "oh, you're closing, aren't you? i'll go–sorry–i didn't realise how late it was." before the words have comprehensively fallen off your tongue, you're turning your body towards the exit.
"wait!" a soft voice calls you back. "i just wanted to make sure you were okay. bad day?" he ventures.
"yeah," you sigh out. "just one of those."
the cute employee nods, sympathetic. he follows your gaze outside, where the rain comes down in torrents.
"why don't you wait out the storm here? i'm sure it will pass soon," he offers.
"no, no, i couldn't." you begin shaking your head, but the dread fills you just as fast as the huge droplets come spattering down. you grasp the distinct cavity in your bag – right where your umbrella should be. at your inward groan, the downpour seems to heighten, and you silently curse the pathetic fallacy.
he sees the crestfallen look on your face. "what's wrong?"
"it's just...nothing seems to be going right," you admit. "not even coming here could help today." you cough up a wry laugh.
the sheer spectrum of emotions you have made the cute employee of your favourite hangout witness to is almost embarrassing.
his eyes widen with an idea, a dimpled grin spreading across his face. your heart involuntarily picks up speed. "let's not give up just yet. have you tried jin's latest creation?"
he doesn't give you time to answer or object, beckoning you with fervour, "come on!"
☾ ・*˚⁺‧͙ :-゜・.
with no choice but to follow namjoon – as the badge on his sweater reads – you find yourself surrounded by the mouthwatering scent of fresh bread, entering the bakery portion of the store.
"jin!" namjoon calls out.
emerging from the back, in an apron thoroughly dusted with flour, is a handsome man with dark hair.
"what is it, joon? please don't tell me you've broken something this close to closing." his forehead creases with worry.
"no, no," namjoon laughs, shaking his head. "but it is pouring outside, so we're all stuck here for a bit. this is...oh–" he turns to you, realising in his haste he hadn't even asked for your name. a hand finds the back of his neck in embarrassment as he mumbles a soft apology, dipping his head. you refrain from smiling.
"hi, i'm y/n," you fill in. "sorry about the trouble."
"no, not at all. nice to meet you, y/n." jin grins, shaking your hand with a flour-covered one. "whoops, sorry about that." his laugh is infectious and you can't help but shake your head to indicate there's no harm done.
namjoon pipes up, remembering his original intention for leading you here. "hey, i was wondering, did we have any more of your trials from today? i think we could probably use an unbiased opinion."
jin brightens, nodding. "just did a whole tray with some slight modifications. i'd love to hear what you think," he says, turning to you.
as if suddenly remembering something, jin swivels. "excuse me." there's a perfectly pleasant smile on his face before he heads for the back, shouting, "stay out of my buns, jeon!"
☾ ・*˚⁺‧͙ :-゜・.
when jin returns, it's with a younger boy and tray full of aromatic bread in tow.
"y/n, this is jungkook – our youngest employee and resident food inhaler. jungkook, y/n. the rain has trapped us in for the mean time," he adds by explanation.
"hi." the boy gives you a shy wave, which you return.
"and this"–jin presents with a flourish–"is my latest stroke of genius: the supertuna bun!" you lean closer to inspect the creation, a soft glazed bun with a well of tuna in the centre, topped with a thin slice of egg and careful sprinkle of chives. you don't miss the fish-like shape of the garnish.
"woah," you breathe out.
jin grins. "go ahead. i'd like your honest opinion."
"really?" at his nod, you thank him and reach out to lift one off the tray. taking a slightly self-conscious bite with the three pairs of eyes on you, you nearly melt at the way the flavours sing in your mouth. the bun is perfectly balanced, savoury with just the right amount of sweetness, and cloud-soft. when you've chewed and swallowed, jin releases the question that's been threatening to spill from his lips: "well, what do you think?"
"this is amazing," you say simply, because it is.
jin's ears grow increasingly pink as you relay your review to him, causing namjoon and jungkook to snicker quietly. he pays them no mind though, hanging on to every word you say, entirely pleased with your reaction.
"you don't think the tuna flavour is too strong?" he asks for the third time.
"nope, nothing fishy about it." the quip slips past your lips before you can think to stop it.
jin pauses, his silence catching the attention of the other two men. "did you just...make a food pun?"
you wince, suddenly wishing you had risked it in the rain. before the spiral of thoughts can suck you in, jin's laugh shakes you back to the present. you're surprised to find it's not directed at you, but is instead because of you. it's difficult not to want to be the constant source of his joy.
"y/n, you have no idea how happy i am to finally meet someone with a sense of humour."
you smile, wobbly. "you're a fellow pun enthusiast then?"
"only the greatest." he lifts his chin, hitting his chest in a playful show.
"i don't know, seems like you have competition, hyung," jungkook chips in.
"what about me?" namjoon interjects.
jungkook makes little effort to suppress his chuckle. "you try, hyung," he says, giving him a pat on the shoulder, which causes all except the man in question to break out into giggles.
☾ ・*˚⁺‧͙ :-゜・.
after an hour of conversation and no shortage of dad jokes, the storm finally settles into a drizzle, light enough for you to make your way home relatively warm and dry.
"thank you again." you bow deeply to jin and namjoon in turn, unable to suppress the smile that graces your lips. "for the shelter, and helping turn this into a good day."
you're about to sink into another bow before taking your leave, when jin startles you with a proposition.
"do you want to work here?"
your head snaps up in shock. "what?" you ask dumbly.
"well, you mentioned you were recently looking for a job," jin rushes out, "so if you wanted, we'd love to have you on board." he scratches his neck, suddenly shy. "i could use a taste tester who provides useful feedback"–his gaze slides briefly to jungkook–"and someone clever to help name the rest of the creations. i'm sure joon would appreciate another pair of knowledgeable hands in the bookstore too." namjoon nods along enthusiastically.
you don't know what to say, focusing on willing the moisture from your eyes. "i...really?"
all three men express their agreement, and you make the mistake of looking into jungkook's awaiting doe eyes.
the light mist floating outside only makes this feel more like a dream, as your lips form the words in a trance.
"i'd love to."
© softiejoon | let me know what you think | support me here
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nobodyfamousposts · 3 years
Chloe's Lament Part 2
Next part of Chloe's Lament. Chloe begins to learn of the changes to reality from her Wish.
She will not be happy about this.
When Chloe woke up, the first thing that struck her was the loud banging sounds from somewhere below her.
The second thing was pain.
“I have a headache!” She called out, laying an arm over her sleep mask-covered eyes. Her butler would hear her and respond accordingly, of course. He always did.
“And get them to stop that racket down there!” She flopped on her bed with a huff, waiting for the help to return with aid.
Really, the things she dealt with!
Normally, her butler would arrive immediately, with painkillers and fruit-infused water being presented to her within a minute.
But to her growing frustration, that minute came and passed.
Then two.
Not that Chloe was counting.
Eventually, it had been five minutes and there was still no word from the man. And to make matters worse, that damn banging from below was only getting louder and increasing her suffering.
“Ugh! Do I have to do everything myself?!”
She ripped off the sleep mask, only to wince at the level of brightness in the room. She was on the top floor with the best visibility but the windows were supposed to be tinted and covered to prevent this very thing!
Once her vision cleared, several things should have stood out as odd.
But the first thing to attract her notice was the sleep mask she had just removed—some cheapo dime-store brand. She tossed the rag away with a shriek.
“Is this a prank?!” She demanded. “That is not my personalized diamond-studded satin custom made facial mask! Jean? Jean!”
There was a ruckus from below. The sound of something being dropped. Footsteps—loud and fast and getting closer. Then the opening of a door.
“Precious! Is everything okay?”
She sneered at the sound of her father’s voice.
“No! My sleep mask was stolen, it’s too bright, my head is KILLING me and no one is getting me anything to help!”
He looked confused at that. “Are you out of Efferalgan in your bathroom cabinet?”
She gave him a look. Why would she have to get up and go to the bathroom for some painkillers when there should be someone to hand them to her?
He gave her a strange look in response. Like he was confused his daughter would expect someone to do something as simple as bringing her painkillers and water.
And water.
Preferably cherry-infused.
Was that really so much to ask? Or even require asking?
“Just…hang on a moment.” He said and left her her bathroom.
With nothing to do but wait, she glanced around, noting that…this was not her room.
Not the one she knew, anyway.
The light that had blinded her before was from a central window overlooking the room that so obtrusively settled on her bed. In addition, there was a skylight placed above a nook set behind her bed, which brought more light into the room.
She vaguely recognized the room. Well, by its floor plan, at least. The layout and decor threw her off though. The furniture and items were clearly cheaper than her usual high end designer brands. But she saw aspects that were suited to her tastes. Minute indications of her own touch in the assortment of objects around her. Yellow and white as the themes. Black cushions and aesthetic.
It was…decent. But so beneath her it was embarrassing! These were cheap models! Practically plastic! The bedsheets were…ugh…cotton of all things! The lamps were dim! She was missing her boudoir! And her shoes! And her jewelry! She didn’t even want to imagine the nightmare that was her closet—it was practically a hole in the wall! There was no way it would fit everything!
“Here you are, dear!” Her father said, returning from her bathroom with a glass of water and a pill in hand.
She fought the grimace.
Was this tap water?
By his expectant look, he clearly meant for her to drink it.
With her continuing headache and no better option for fast relief, Chloe reluctantly took the proffered items. She was unable to help the slightest grimace before she downed them both.
“Well, if that’s all, I’ll be getting back to setting up for the morning rush. Come downstairs to the bakery when you’re ready.” He looked almost relieved to be leaving.
Chloe barely took notice now that she had what she needed. Instead, she took to contemplating her situation and her new surroundings.
All the furniture aside, this room looked familiar. Not really well known, because Chloe was sure she had never been in such a place before. But…like she had seen it somewhere…TV maybe?
And her Daddykins was here. That meant…wherever she was, it was apparently expected for her to be here.
But where was here?
The last thing she remembered was…
She closed her eyes, straining to think past the pain.
That’s right! Hawk Moth’s offer! The Bee! She was Miracle Queen! And she had just won! She had Ladybug beaten…
Her fists clenched.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng…
It hit her.
This was just like her room!
She had only seen it a couple of times. Once for sure when Sabrina had snuck into her room per Chloe‘s instructions for blackmail material. She happened to glimpse a picture of the room here or there from other people’s phones of times that they had spent in this room—that she had really cared. It was a small and dingy room that had nothing on her glamorous abode at the hotel, which of course, was superior in every way.
She was vaguely reminded of that one show that Marinette hadn’t stopped talking about which had also apparently shown Marinette‘s room, but Chloe honestly hadn’t been bothered enough to watch it, so she didn’t have that to go on. But with what she did know, it was a safe bet to assume that this was some knockoff of Marinette‘s room.
So why was Chloe here? Why was her dad downstairs?
She… she had made the Wish, hadn’t she?
What…is this it?
She turned up her nose at the environment around her, completely unimpressed.
Was this dinky little room with its weird setup and tacky decor what the Wish gave her? Why would she be in any copy of Dupain-Cheng’s room layout anyway?
The Wish should have changed reality, that much was clear. There was no way she would be caught dead in Dupain-Cheng’s room otherwise—much less sleeping there like it was her own room!
…unless…it was her room?
Was it?
She had found some aspects of the room to her taste, but did that mean this was hers?
It would explain why she was there. And why her Daddy had come up. He had mentioned her bathroom earlier, then had gone through the nearby door to get a tablet and water from what she could only assume was the bathroom he had spoken of.
…he had mentioned a bakery.
Eyes wide, she stumbled out of bed and to the window. Sure enough, the school was just across the way. And there was a sign out front.
“Bourgeois Bakery”
Chloe stared.
Suddenly, it clicked. The banging from downstairs. Her Daddy talking about a ‘morning rush’. And to come down to the…
…no way!
This place was a bakery! Her Daddy was operating a bakery!
And given her location, it was the same bakery that Marinette’s parents owned originally!
…did this mean she was supposed to be Marinette?
She threw her pillow in a fury.
Stupid Wish! This wasn’t at all what she wanted!
You would think all-powerful Wish-granting artifacts would do it right!
“Where are those kwamis?!” She demanded, jumping out of the bed and looking around for anywhere she would keep such important jewels. “I’m going to give them a piece of my mind!”
She had a boudoir along with the various jewelry pieces kept there ranging among a variety of gold and diamonds—all fakes, much to her disappointment. And not a single Miraculous among them.
She slammed the final drawer in with a curse.
If she had the Miraculous, shouldn’t they still be with her? Do they just disappear after being used?
Ugh! Those things really were useless! Utterly useless!
It was when she stood back to full height that she noticed the monthly calendar. There were the standard holidays, but also a weekly appointment every Friday evening with some ‘Bridgette’. What was that? A spa day?
She shot a glance to her reflection in the mirror and grimaced. She definitely needed one. She could just feel all the oils on her skin!
But more to the point, there was one day circled on the calendar.
‘Start of School’
She grabbed her phone—an older, obsolete model with a glittery but fake casing—and checked the date.
That was today.
It was the first day of school. A…
She checked the date again, and sure enough, it was a year ago!
Had the Wish taken her back in time?
She froze, realization hitting her.
This was the first day of school. The same day as the first akuma attack.
And when Ladybug first appeared.
That meant…she was sent back in time to the day Marinette would become Ladybug.
It was a year in the past. She wasn’t at the hotel. Her room was in a bakery. Her father was working as a baker. She was Marinette now.
That meant…
She giggled, feeling a giddiness rise within her.
Today was the day she becomes Ladybug!
It looks like the Wish did something right, after all!
Chloe grinned, spinning away from the mirror and to her closet.
She had to get ready! She had to prepare the perfect outfit! Something for the day she becomes a hero!
No. THE hero!
She knew how the Ladybug worked. Hell, she knew the akumas to come. With her prior knowledge and skills, she would know how to use the yoyo and how to use the Lucky Charm better than the old Ladybug ever did! She’d have every akuma in the bag!
Hell, maybe she could force the Ladybug kwami to tell her where the Guardian is so she can get the other Miraculous, too! That way, she could have both the Ladybug AND the Bee again.
And her Adrikens would be her partner! To support her! To stay by her side! Just as it should be!
She paused, something niggling at the back of her brain. There was something she was forgetting.
A glance around the room as she wondered
Of course, the full extent of the change and just what that meant didn’t really hit her until she went downstairs and actually saw her father.
The poor man was in the middle of retrieving a pan lined with croissants from the unbearably hot oven, his hair contained in…fishnet? Latex? Whatever the cafeteria cooks wore when she had no choice but to eat from the school’s lunchroom.
Gross! He looked like a lunch lady!
He didn’t seem to notice her, too busy dancing around the kitchen and checking over the…whatever pastries those were and just looking proud of himself.
Daddykins, no. You’re better than this! How could you be reduced to such a state?
He seemed to notice her staring. “Are you feeling better?” He asked, looking concerned.
“Er…yeah.” She replied. She wasn’t, really, but she couldn’t tell him that. He could try to have her stay home and how would she get to see the fruits of her labors from there?
“Ah good!” He said cheerfully. “It is the first day of the new school year, and you certainly want to…” He hesitated, “…start off on the right foot.”
A pause. He looked at her expectantly, but she had no idea what he was getting at.
He shook his head and turned away for a moment to grab a box before coming back and presenting it to her.
Clearly he wanted her to take it, so she sighed and took hold of the box. A peek inside revealed a number of macarons.
For her? Now this was what she was talking about!
“Oh, Daddykins! You shouldn’t have!”
“Yes,” he said with a nod. “I figured it would be a great way to start off the new year by sharing them with your classmates.”
Ugh. Seriously? All happy feelings vanished in an instant and she shot him a petulant look.
“Why should I have to share?” She demanded.
He hesitated.
She glared, tapping her foot in a clear indication of wanting an answer. Or preferably for him to just say they were all hers.
“It’s a new year and a new start.” Andre said, smiling nervously. “Maybe it’s time to just let bygones be bygones?“
It was a stupid question and she sure let him know it. She stared at him flatly, causing him to wilt.
Andre sighed.
“I know you don’t like her, but…” he hesitated. “Please, just try to get along?”
She blinked.
It suddenly struck her.
If she was Dupain-Cheng now…
That meant Marinette was in her shoes!
She grinned.
Marinette would be her bully! She’d be the rich bitch daughter of the Mayor and loathed by Paris while Chloe would be—
The one everyone rallied around.
The one Adrikens adored.
The one chosen as Ladybug!
She would have it all!
Part of her hoped the other girl would know about the previous reality…just so she could shove it in her face!
“Just take it slow,” he continued, unaware of her true thoughts. “And then you can report about it to Bridgette at your counseling session on Friday.”
Seeing her expression, he held up his hands in a gesture of peace.
“I know you don’t like it, but it was part of the agreement. You need to make a better impression this year, sweetie.”
“She’s the daughter of the Mayor. I’m not sure we can take another…” He trailed off before shaking his head and looking at her imploringly. “You understand, right?”
She got it!
“Of course, Daddykins!”
Clearly Dupain-Cheng was abusing her influence, just as she thought!
She had to hand it to the girl…a part of her hadn’t been quite convinced that she would go quite that far. But that just proof that Marinette Dupain-Cheng wasn’t so perfect and that even she would be the same as Chloe once in her position!
Chloe knew she would have to bear with the mistreatment for now. No matter how much it would grate her. It would suck to have to have to accept it for any period of time.
Still, it would be worth it! It just meant even more ammunition to use against her once Chloe was Ladybug!
She didn’t even notice the look of concern he gave her or his weak goodbye as she left the bakery with the box in hand. She was too wrapped up in her own thoughts. Particularly her plans.
And what plans they were!
So what if Maribrat had Chloe’s wealth? It wasn’t like she knew the first thing about status or being a symbol. No, Ladybug did that for her and she didn’t even use it right! Not like Chloe would.
She smirked to herself, imagining the future.
Well, as soon as she got the Miraculous, taking the pigtailed down a peg would be the first thing on her list. Maybe a dip in the Seine? Or ‘accidentally’ getting her hit by an akuma or two?
Why limit it to her personally? If Ladybug spoke out against the mayor, who would vote for him? From what she remembered of Marinette’s dad, that oaf had no business being in politics anyway! Then there was the hotel, which would no doubt be a mess with him in charge anyway.
And best of all, she thought with glee, with a word from Paris’s favorite hero, Dupain-Cheng could be implicated as an ally of Hawk Moth.
Who wouldn’t believe it? If Marinette was in Chloe’s place, that meant she had to be a brat despised by Paris. Everyone would likely jump at the excuse to run her out of the city!
It was slightly disappointing that the former Ladybug wouldn’t know why the new Ladybug was so against her or that she had even been replaced, but she didn’t deserve answers anyway.
For once, Chloe was getting everything she wanted. It was like the Universe itself was on her side! Chloe would be the hero with all the Miraculous and status just as she’d always deserved. And everyone would automatically see it and love her while they would already recognize Marinette as the selfish bitch Chloe always knew she was!
It was a win/win for Chloe and all her fans—which was the best kind of win for Chloe.
Sure, it meant she would have to suffer the loss of her basic comforts like a butler, the latest in fashion and accessories, and easy immediate access to a luxury spa for now…but it would be worth it in the long run.
…maybe not the luxury spa. She would kill for the hotel’s oils and masseuse. But she would just have to deal with, ugh, scheduling with a four star locale in the meantime.
It’s for the greatest good, she reminded herself, looking mournfully at her chipped nails.
And besides, she didn’t have to suffer for long.
Today was the first day of school, which signified the first appearance of Ladybug! This was the day she achieved her destiny! Once she became Ladybug, she would be back on top!
So what if her dad was a baker instead of a hotel owner this go around? Who said it had to stay that way? Just as she could use her position to defame the Dupain-Chengs and ruin Marinette, she could endorse the bakery for free publicity. Do special promotions and deals for money. Or even better! She could make the city pay her for her work!
After all, how much was her Miracle Cure worth, really? How much would the city be willing to pay for her to fix the damage caused by akuma fights? It was only what she was owed; the least they could do is compensate her for her time.
Really, it was Marinette’s own fault for not taking advantage while she could. She could’ve been an idol or the city’s star. She could have used the Miraculous to create an army. Hell, Hawk Moth should have been nothing against her! And instead, she just…wasted her potential. On things like loose zoo animals or out of control helicopters, no less!
Chloe wouldn’t make the same mistakes.
And now that Chloe was set to be the city’s hero…
Even if Marinette was rich (for now), it would be nothing compared to what Chloe would have. She would be Paris’s hero! The BEST hero! And unlike that has-been, she at least would use Ladybug’s power and status right!
She didn’t need to be the daughter of the Mayor! Her Mother was still THE Style Queen, Audrey Bourgeois. Adrien Agreste was still her best friend. She was still Chloe Bourgeois, the best thing to happen to Paris! And now as Ladybug, she would still be back on top and ruling Paris in no time!
And it would all start once she got to school.
“Get out of my way!” She exclaimed, shoving some old fart taking his sweet time walking, sending him to the ground and out of her way.
Move aside, peons!
Her destiny awaits!
Back at the intersection, Chloe never noticed the way the elderly gentleman cast her a judging stare from his position on the ground. Or his muttering.
“No, definitely not.”
“Are you okay?” Came a voice.
“Ah, yes!” He replied, accepting the offered hand and taking stock of the girl it belonged to. She was young. In college, likely. “Thank you, young lady!”
“Of course!” She smiled, handing him back his cane. “Do you need help getting home from here? That looked like quite a fall.”
“But don’t you have somewhere to be?” He asked.
“Just school, but I can spare a few minutes if you need…?”
“There is no need for that.” He shook his head. “I will be fine, thank you for your concern.”
Yes, he decided with a smile as he watched her go, this one will do.
Ugh, walking. Who invented such a thing? She couldn’t wait until she had a personal limo again. This was so not good for her!
Chloe continued plotting as she walked, magnanimously choosing to consider this as part of the reason for revenge instead of its own thing.
And speaking of revenge! Let’s see…
She scrunched her face, trying to remember the events of the first day of school.
There had been that fight with Marinette over her seat. ‘My seat now’, she realized with glee. ‘Which means I’ll be back next to Adrikens!’
Where she should be.
And if she and Dupain-Cheng were now supposed to be switched, that meant ‘the horrible bully Marinette’ would be picking on ‘poor sweet little Chloe’.
She couldn’t wait!
‘Let’s see how you handle being in my shoes, Dupain-Cheng!’
She giggled to herself, ignoring the weirded out looks she was getting from some passing students.
Or the way the other students in general seemed to give her a wide berth.
As they should for the real Queen Bee of this school!
She was already imagining how this was going to go. And with the classroom only a few feet ahead, her vindication was already so close she could taste it!
Except when she finally arrived at the class, it was immediately clear that something wasn’t right.
Dupain-Cheng was there as expected. With her same kiddie pigtails and her pink and grey ensemble with polka-dots—what kind of designer was she anyway?
What wasn’t expected, however, was that Cesaire was already was there as well.
Originally, Cesaire defended Dupain-Cheng and they became friends. If things played out the same, shouldn’t Cesaire be coming in late? Or standing up to Dupain-Cheng here? If anything, they already seemed to be friends.
Unless Cesaire was Dupain-Cheng’s tool like Sabrina had been for her?
It made sense that this new reality would swap more around, she reasoned.
Chloe frowned. Now that she was actually close enough to the classroom, she could see the classmates gathered into a sort of half circle around Dupain-Cheng and her follower. And as she reached the doorway, she could more clearly hear what they were saying.
“—at the Le Grand Paris.” Marinette said, gesturing to Alya with a smile.
“So cool!”
“That’s awesome! So you’ve just been staying at the hotel until you can get settled in?”
Alya nodded, smiling. “Yeah. At least for a little while until we could get our own apartment. Mr. Dupain-Cheng was really accommodating. Luckily, we didn’t need it for long before Mom found something. She didn’t want to take advantage of his generosity, but it’s just really amazing that he was willing to offer us room and board just to have Mom as part of his staff!”
Chloe raised a nose in disgust.
Who ever heard of such a thing?! What hotel made any profit letting people stay for free?
“We met when I was cleaning rooms and she offered to help!” Marinette explained brightly.
Chloe nearly gagged.
Marinette…actually cleaned the hotel?
Why do something that gross?
That’s what the help was for! And Sabrina.
Speaking of, where was she?
Chloe glanced around, but Sabrina was nowhere to be seen amongst the classmates.
Maybe the Wish had done more than switch her with Dupain-Cheng? Maybe Cesaire and Sabrina had been switched as well? So that meant Sabrina should be the new transfer, right?
No wait, that didn’t add up. She had just walked in on Cesaire being introduced.
Sabrina was probably just her best friend, then.
She nodded.
That was good enough, she supposed. At least if she couldn’t have her necessities from the hotel, she still had Sabrina to take care of the more mundane tasks for her.
Unaware of her thoughts, Marinette had continued talking to the others unhindered.
“—said she would be coming to Francios Dupont, and I knew I had to introduce her. She’s new, so be nice.” She instructed, giving a stare to Kim in particular. “Kim.”
The taller boy raised his hands in surrender. “Fine, fine. I’ll give her a week before any challenges.”
Alya raised an eyebrow. “Challenges? Dare I ask?”
Everyone groaned.
“No dares.” Nino begged, covering his face with his hat. “Please. Kim is bad enough every year. I still can’t look at the hotel without remembering what happened last time…”
“Yeah, your dumb dare got us banned from the hotel’s pool for a month!” Alix said, pointing at Kim, who shrugged helplessly.
“Speaking of the hotel!” Marinette cut in, pulling out her tablet. “I convinced my dad to let us do this year’s work study at the hotel.” She tapped her tablet. “I have a little bit of influence over what they’ll choose as assignments, so we can try to come up with roles everyone will like.”
“Hey yeah! That sounds awesome!”
The classmates crowded the desk, chatting excitedly.
“So where will everyone go?”
“Maybe Kim and Max in security? Or Alix and Max in security, so Kim could work the pool area.”
“As a lifeguard?” Kim asked cheerfully. “I’ve done some training, after all.”
Marinette sent him a wry look and pretended to be thinking it over. “Hmm, I don’t know. Maybe as a pool cleaner?”
Kim pouted. “No fair, Mari!”
“Hey, it would do you some good to learn the cleaning process for the pools you use so much.” Mylene said, half jokingly and half pointedly, making Kim lower his head and groan.
Marinette giggled a little. “Well at any rate, I’ve set up a list of all the different jobs at the hotel so people can mark their top preferences. Between all the options, everyone is bound to find something that’ll suit them best.”
She sent Adrien a knowing look. “And of course Adrien will be in the kitchen.”
Adrien beamed at that.
Not that Chloe noticed.
“Kitchen?!” Chloe squawked. “You’re going to make my Adrikens work in a dirty old kitchen?!”
She had known Marinette would be bad, but how dare she punish Adrikens like that? She could just see it now! Her poor Adrikens, forced to slave away in a room meant for servants like…like he was a servant! Where he could get covered in grime and burn his precious skin!
Everyone frowned at her, as if she was the one being ridiculous!
The boy in question raised his hand.
“But I want to—”
“That is a flagrant abuse of power!” Chloe shouted, slamming a hand on the desk. “She’s making Adrikens work like a maid! What if his father hears about this?!”
Adrien wilted in on himself.
“The kitchen isn’t dirty or old.” Marinette said, sounding annoyingly calm with a terseness in her tone that Chloe had heard some service workers use when dealing with particularly difficult customers—though why they used it with her was beyond her. It was as if Marinette was acting like she the reasonable one dealing with an unreasonable customer or something. “They just finished the remodeling three months ago, we clean it regularly, and all of our utensils and equipment are taken good care of.”
“That’s not the point!” Chloe shouted. “How could you use my Adrikens in such a way? Gabriel Agreste would never approve when he hears about this!”
Because he would be hearing about this! Chloe would make sure of it!
“I could just explain to Mr. Agreste that this would be for good publicity.” Marinette suggested. “I’m sure he would allow it.”
She knew it! There were really no lows she wouldn’t go to!
“You’re really pushing this! And you call yourself Adrikens’ friend!” Chloe pointed at Marinette accusingly. “Just because your Daddy’s the Mayor doesn’t mean you can treat people like they’re lesser than you!”
Marinette frowned, looking uncertain as her gaze flickered between the others.
Hah! Even in Chloe’s position, Marinette still wavered easily and she couldn’t hide her insecurities to save her life. It was why she always gave in in the end! Anyone would roll over someone showing such an obvious weakness!
Hell, she may not even need to wait to see her taken down. This was a perfect opportunity to lead everyone in rising up against her tyranny.
After a few seconds, she turned back to face Chloe, no doubt to attack her for challenging her and show her true colors—
“Chloe, are you okay?”
“My Dad just runs the Hotel. He isn’t the Mayor.”
“My Mom is. You met her at your…” She hesitated, sending the others a glance before lowering her voice, “…meeting, remember?”
She had to bite her tongue regarding the ridiculousness of Dupain-Cheng’s mother being the Mayor. Was that woman even a French citizen?
But it was the other part of Marinette’s statement that concerned her. What meeting? What was she even getting at? Why was she trying to be quiet about it.
Nevermind! She’d worry about that later!
“It doesn’t matter!” Chloe shouted, forcing Marinette to back away. “The fact is that you can’t just throw your weight around to get your way and treat people however you like! And I’m not the only one who feels that way!” She exclaimed, turning to the classmates in expectation.
…only to get a number of blank or confused stares in response.
“Um, what are you even talking about?” Alya asked incredulously.
“Yeah, dude! Marinette doesn’t treat anyone that way.” Nino added.
“The only one who pulls that sort of thing is you.” Said Nathaniel bitingly.
Since when does that loser talk?
And also, what?!
“And aren’t you supposed to be leaving Marinette alone?” Alix asked, giving Chloe a pointed look.
What even was that about?
“I thought that was the agreement.” Mylene said quietly.
Seriously?! Was everyone on her side?
They were supposed to be silent! Or judging the Mayor’s brat! That’s what they did with Chloe! Instead, they were jumping to her defense!
“Are you serious?” She demanded. “Like she doesn’t abuse her power and authority to push people around!”
“Of course not!” Marinette insisted. And then to Chloe’s rage, seemed to draw herself up even more, actually looking confident and self assured in a way Chloe herself had never felt in her place. “As the daughter of the mayor, I have to set a good example.”
What even was that?
Unaware of Chloe’s short-circuiting, she continued. “And Chloe, I wouldn’t force anyone to do a role that they don’t want. That’s why I brought the list here for the class to review first.” She gestured to her tablet. “That way everyone has a chance to pick what roles they want and we can avoid the ones no one wants to do. How is that a bad thing?”
It wasn’t, admittedly. But Marinette wasn’t supposed to be the one doing it! That was the problem!
“And who put you in charge?!” Chloe demanded of Marinette. “Why are you deciding where we’ll do the work study? What, are you using the Class Rep position to flaunt your family’s hotel?”
It would make sense. Chloe had been the Class Rep for years originally. If Marinette was her…
Marinette just gave her a strange look.
“No. I’m not Class Rep, remember?”
Chloe balked.
“Chloe, did you hit your head?” Marinette asked, sounding worried. She held a hand out in offering. “Do you need to go to the Nurse’s Office?”
Chloe jerked away from the girl’s outreached hand. Why would Dupain-Cheng still be acting…nice?
Clearly she must still be pretending!
“Nevermind that! If you aren’t the Class Rep, then who is?”
“Your benevolent dictator is here!” Came a voice. A familiar voice. The last one Chloe expected.
“Hey, Class Rep.” Marinette said, giving Chloe a pointed look while waving to the person behind her.
Chloe turned slowly. She had to force herself to move. The strain made it feel like her bones were creaking.
Behind her, Sabrina stood tall with a tablet in hand and looking…surprisingly well for a new reality as a lackey of someone other than Chloe. She almost didn’t recognize her.
Chloe stood straight, expecting the standard greeting.
To her shock, Sabrina didn’t even look at her, instead moving past her to…
“Wow, Marinette! Nice jacket!” Sabrina said first thing in greeting as she moved over to the other girl in interest.
Marinette blushed at the praise. “Thanks! My dad got me some new fabric and I was inspired to try this style!” She gave a wink. “Now this is just a test run to see how it works out.”
“It certainly looks comfortable.” Sabrina said in awe.
Were…were they ignoring her?
“I have some of the material left.” Marinette said. “I could make you your own for your birthday if you want?”
Oh gag! Why would anyone want Marinette’s tacky creations instead of the latest in season creation?
And there was Sabrina looking like that was something to be excited about!
Oh no! Without Chloe to guide her, she had lost any sense of fashion! No matter how much fuller her hair was or how she no longer looked like a strong wind could blow her away!
Clearly, her life was a tragedy without Chloe!
“And I checked like you asked.” Marinette continued, unaware of Chloe’s glare. “My Dad said we could do the work study at his hotel.”
“Thank you!” Sabrina cheered. “That’ll be one less thing to worry about.”
“Yeah, we were talking about that when you came in.” Marinette explained.
Chloe glared pointedly at the girl over the way she was blatantly ignoring that they had been in the middle of Chloe calling her out! Seriously, what was the point of getting to tell people off for their flaws if they were going to ignore you and pretend it never happened! Really! You can’t just ignore the truth like that!
“We were discussing what positions everyone wanted.” Mylene said. “Even if we can’t get the exact ones we’d like, there’ll at least be options.”
“Juleka and I can clean the ball room!” Rose exclaimed. “It will give us a chance to check the acoustics of the room. We’ve been wondering about the effects and what to expect if our band ever plays in such an area.“
Nino looked intrigued at that. “Hey, that does sound like a good idea. Maybe sign me up for that as well?” He asked, turning to Marinette before mumbling to himself about the echo effect on his beats.
Marinette gave him a nod before turning back to Rose. “I heard you guys just started, didn’t you?“
Rose nodded, beaming. “It’s so much fun!”
Marinette smiled and marked it down on her list. “Then I’ll suggest that for you.”
She paused for a moment, hesitating in clear unwillingness to continue before giving a strained smile.
“And Chloe...”
“How about trash cleanup?” Alix snarked, giving the girl a dark look.
“Excuse you?!” Chloe shouted in outrage. “Do you know who my daddy is?!”
The looks she was given were completely unimpressed.
“A baker?”
“And not even a good one.”
"Hey, his croissants are all right."
Chloe blanched, remembering that her father wasn’t the mayor in this world.
He wasn’t even rich.
He was just a baker now. A simple ordinary not even very good baker who was barely keeping his head above water trying to maintain his business and manage his teenage daughter.
And that made Chloe…
Her go to tactic now had no power.
But…but Sabrina! She realized in a flash that her minion was apparently the Class Rep! She could have her back her!
But when she spun around to look, the girl had actually just abandoned her and the gathering altogether to sit next to Mylene of all people! Mylene! And they were just…chatting! Since when did those two spend time together! And why wasn’t Sabrina there for her?!
“Chloe!” Came the only voice worth listening to.
Oh, Adrikens! Of course you would always be there for her!
She spun to him in expectation. Because of course her Adrikens would be on her side! Her savior! Her only ally against such cruel tyranny—
But he didn’t look happy. Or in any way amicable to her. “Don’t forget!” He whispered sharply to her. “You’re still on probation! You can’t start another commotion before the first class of the school year has even started!”
Chloe blinked.
“How am I on—?!”
It was impossible! She had never had a criminal record! She’d never even committed a crime! Or anything that warranted getting in trouble over!
Regardless of what Ladybug said, since she clearly had it out for her.
“Just leave Marinette alone.” Adrien whispered, turning her away from the rest of the group and…her. “Please.”
She didn’t want to. There were so many questions and so many things she wanted to demand right now. She was very well inclined to make demands regardless, because she didn’t know what was going on and she needed answers.
But it was her Adrikens asking.
And she didn’t have much chance to say anything else as Bustier had chosen that time to arrive.
“Welcome back, everyone!” The woman greeted cheerfully. Her arrival cut off all other discussion as the students made their way to their desks. “I hope everyone had a good break and that we’re all ready to start the new year.”
A chorus of affirmations followed as everyone took their seats.
Everyone except Chloe, who was glancing around the room in confusion.
None of this was right.
She had expected to fight with Marinette over her seat to get to sit behind Adrien, but he was sitting at the back next to Nathaniel. And Marinette was sitting in the mid row on the other side from him, pulling Alya to sit next to her. But if she wasn’t sitting behind Adrien, what was even the point of challenging her for her seat?
…where even was Chloe’s seat?
She would have sad next to Sabrina, but that traitor hadn’t moved from her spot next to Mylene and left no room for Chloe! And nobody else was calling Chloe over—so if someone else had taken Sabrina’s place as her best friend, she had no way of even knowing who it was!
“Chloe,” Bustier called to her, ever so gently. “Your seat is up at the front, remember? As we discussed the last time we met.” She gestured to the bench at the front.
It was across the one Chloe had sat at previously, being the front desk closest to the door. And to her frustration, there was no one sitting with her! How else was she supposed to get her assignments copied? And wasn’t that the seat that loser, Nino, had been put in because he got in trouble? Chloe wasn’t in trouble though!
Adrien’s words about probation hit her, making her wince.
…was she?
She wanted to ask. She wanted to stomp her foot and demand the answers she deserved.
But Bustier was staring at her expectantly. And she could hear some giggles and snickering from behind her the longer she waited. She glanced back to Adrikens, but…he wasn’t even looking at her! He was conversing with Nathaniel over something on his sketchbook!
How could a sketchbook be more important than his best friend?!
With little other choice, Chloe slid into the front desk, blushing furiously in humiliation and trying to ignore everyone behind her.
It didn’t matter.
None of them mattered!
None of this would matter once she got the Miraculous and put Dupain-Cheng in her place! Then everyone would know SHE was the Queen Bee!
She was sure of it!
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darkmulti · 3 years
(Yandere and non con warning)
Def not the only one who wants a 18th century h.c of possessive and controlling, husband!Jungkook x forced wife!reader. Jungkook gets jealous after witnessing another man asking you out and when you come back home at night, he breeds you. Please make it rough and non con. Thank you❤️‍🔥
-> you’re definitely not the only one. I can assure you that I’ve thought about this too many times😫
⚠️: NON CON, YANDERE!JUNGKOOK, Squirting/piss play, Physically, mental and emotional abuse, spit play,
-> sorry for any mistakes
Your parents owned a local bakery store
All the recipes were from your late grandmother
You spent almost all of your time there because you were in charge of everything
The store was under your parents’ name but you were the one running it
Sometimes, you even slept there because it’d be too late to walk home
Your dedication to the bakery made it successful
Although, you were the one doing all the work, you parents took all the credit and money
They weren’t paying you because you’re their child
They don’t need to pay you
“It’s a women’s place.” Your father said
You wanted to go back to school however, your parents laughed in your face
“School aren’t for girls, Y/N. Learn how to cook and clean. That’s all you need to know. Let the men handle everything else.”
You were tired of fighting with them and eventually stopped because they threatened to set you up in an arrange marriage
Now, it was just you and the bakery
You had many loyal customers and recently, one has been coming everyday, at the same time
He’d always buy a loaf of banana bread and if he was in a good mood, a blueberry muffin as well
Then, he’d sit in the corner table and eat two - three slices before getting up and leaving
He’d always leave a tip behind and you always kept it for yourself
One day, he didn’t come and you were surprised
For a year straight, he came and bought the same two things
Now, he hasn’t visited in 4 days
Tonight, you came back home for the first time in a while
Your parents had visited the bakery to collect “their” earnings and told you that you have to go somewhere with them that evening
After closing up and cleaning up, you went home and got ready
Your parents were taking you out for dinner as a treat for all your hard work
You were really excited because they were finally acknowledging your hard work
Once you arrived at the restaurant, your parents lead you to a table that already had three people seated
You immediately recognize one of them
It’s that guy who buys your banana loaf!
You sat in front of him while your parents greeted the two other strangers
“Oh, so this is your daughter? She’s gorgeous! Come here and give me a hug.”
You awkwardly chuckled and got up to hug the middle aged women
“Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Jeon F/N, this is my husband, Jeon F/N and this is our son, Jeon Jungkook. We’re your soon to be in laws!”
You heart dropped to the floor
“I-in laws?” You asked, confused
“Yeah, honey. Is this your first time hearing about this? We’ve been talking to your parents for a while now.”
You snapped your head towards you parents and they looked emotionless
“No, no they didn’t tell me anything.”
Dinner with them was hell
Your parents were talking about your wedding arrangements right in front of you
You didn’t know what to do
You wanted to rebel but then your parents would disown you
Just like that, you’d be homeless with little money to survive
In the end, you’d be paying the heavy price
You looked at Jungkook who was staring at you the whole time
You wondered if he knew about this
Maybe, that’s why he came to the bakery everyday
“Did you know anything about this?” You said loud enough for him to hear
“I did.”
“For how long?”
“Since last year.”
You eyes widen, in shock
You were right!
“Why didn’t you stop it?”
“Why would I stop it when I’m the one who wants it?”
You scrunch your eyebrows, in confusion
“What’re you talking about?”
“Since the first day I met you, I wanted to marry you. I told my parents and now, we’re getting married.”
Now, you were mad
You got up and stormed off, catching everyone’s attention
You walked to the bakery and locked yourself in
Here, you thought your parents were acknowledging you for first time, when they were actually setting you up for a marriage so they don’t have to take care of you
You cried yourself to sleep that night
The next couple of weeks, the bakery was closed due to your wedding
The wedding was spectacular
You would’ve love it if you weren’t being forced into a marriage
After the wedding, Jungkook took your precious virginity
He made sure to pleasure you until you passed out
He was so in love with you
Now, he was finally able to show you how much he loved you
And mark you as his
The next couple of months, he was attached to you
He took over his family’s business and you took over your family’s business
He’d visit you every day at work to check if you’re with another man
He was so paranoid about it, sometimes he’d come by 3 or 4 times to make sure you were not cheating
You thought he missed you and that’s why he kept stopping by (which is half true) however, you had no idea that he was possessive and controlling
You had to learn the hard way
Sometimes, you wouldn’t leave work until midnight
You had so much things to do like preparing for the next day, making a to-do list, making a grocery lists, and cleaning every area of the shop
It’s time consuming, so obviously you finish up pretty late
Jungkook absolutely hates that
Although you stay late in the shop once in a while, he can’t stand it
He wants you to be in his arms every night
Jungkook gets angry when you’re not
This was your fourth time staying out late in the shop and he’s had enough
He couldn’t help but feel paranoid about what you were actually doing in the shop
What if you lied and went on a date with another man?
What if you were running away from him?
Or even worse, what if you were having sex with another guy?
He raced to the bakery and banged on the door, which scared you
You saw that it was him and let him in
“W-what’s wrong?! You scared me!”
“Grab your stuff, we’re going home.”
“But I’m not done yet! I only have a couple more things to do and then I’ll come home. I told you already-”
“I don’t think you fucking heard me!” He yelled and grabbed your hair
“Grab your shit, we are leaving right now.”
He pushed you towards the counter and crossed his arms
You let your breath out in shock but scurry to get your stuff
You’ve never seen him like this and it terrified you
“I have my stuff.”
“Good, let’s go.”
He helped you lock the door and wrapped his arm around your waist
The walk home was silent
You were scared shitless
All you wanted to do was run back into your parents’ house
But he didn’t let you move an inch away from him
Once you got home, he started pushing you around and arguing some more
“Jungkook, I told you this afternoon when you came to visit! I said I have to stay late so I don’t have to stress myself out in the morning!”
“Don’t fucking lie to me! Who were you fucking seeing?!” He screamed, frightening you more
“No one! I swear, no one!” You whimpered
He corned you into your shared room and locked the door
“Jungkook, I swear! Nothing happened!”
He didn’t believe a single word coming out of your mouth
It was like you were talking to a wall
He pushed you onto the bed and stripped you naked
Jungkook pushed two fingers into your cunt and pretended to scoop out cum
“If nothing happened, why is your cunt full of cum?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about! I didn’t have sex with anyone!”
You weren’t very educated about sex, so Jungkook had an advantage
You began apologizing even though you didn’t have sex with anyone
You just wanted peace between you two
“I’m sorry! I didn’t cheat or anything, but I’m sorry if it hurt you! I really am!”
Jungkook slapped you and spat on your face
“Dirty slut. Telling me that you’re not cheating but still apologizing.”
“No! Please, I didn’t do anything!”
Jungkook pulled his cock out and shoved it in without warning
You were still new to sex so when he didn’t let you adjust, you automatically started screaming and crying
“Please, slower!” You cried, holding onto his biceps as he went faster and deeper
“Stop! Please!”
Jungkook loved the sound of his balls clapping against your ass
It honestly made him harder
All night, he was on top, fucking you hard
Your legs were spread apart, tears in your eyes and sweat dripping down your forehead
You looked like a hot mess
And he loved every second of it
“Mmh- Jungkook!”
You squirted around him and had a trembling orgasm
You couldn’t stop releasing your liquids on him and he couldn’t stop pounding you
The bed sheet was soaked by the end of it
He pushed his cock deep inside and came
After Jungkook fell asleep, you cried for while
How were you supposed to tolerate him for the rest of your life?
The next morning
You woke up in severe pain
You lower region was begging for some pain relief
But there was nothing you could do about it
Jungkook was still sleeping next to you
You decided to leave before he wakes up
After getting ready by leaning on everything, you slowly walked to town
When you arrived at the bakery, you saw a big “for sale” sign
You panicked and went inside the store, only to be greeted by your parents
“Mother, father! Why is there a “for sale” sign on the bakery?”
You parents looked at each other in disappointment
“You see, we have to explain the obvious to your daughter. Be grateful that someone willingly married your idiot daughter.” Your father said before walking out
His words did hurt but you cared about the bakery more than your father
“Why’re you selling it, mother? Can you not afford it anymore? Why-”
“Shut up, Y/N! You’re married now, you have wifely duties. You don’t have time for this bakery so the best option is to sell it.”
Your world fell apart right before your eyes
“But mother-”
“Save it. You already made your father upset. I’m warning you now, you don’t want to get on my bad side.”
You cried the whole morning
After you opened the bakery, lots of people gathered in line
All breads, cakes and muffins were going on sale
After you served the people in line, you went up to the tables and took their order
After you served them, a regular customer who was sitting alone gestured you to come over
You went over to the man and asked him if he needed anything
He told you to take a seat and accompany him
Since the crowd died down, you sat down in front of him
“You look a bit stressed and sad. What’s on your mind?”
You were touched by his words
Finally, someone cared about you
You told him you were upset about the bakery closing
He understood and even offered money to help you keep it open
You were flattered but didn’t accept the money
“Money’s not a problem, my parents just don’t want to keep this shop open.”
You talked with this guy for a couple of hours
Although this was your first time talking to him, you talked to him like he was your best friend
When closing time came around, he got up and asked you out on a date
You didn’t know what to do
You were married but you really liked this guy
You were considering saying yes when someone pulled his shoulder back and punched him across the face
“Jungkook! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“You think I didn’t see that?! I saw it all. I saw you flirting with my wife for three hours straight and then asking her out on a date!”
Jungkook beat the crap out of the guy and pushed him outside
He then came back in the store, looking at you with devil eyes
“Yesterday’s punishment clearly wasn’t enough.”
The entire way home, he was yelling at you, slapping you, spitting on you, pulling your hair, pushing you to the ground and choking you
You were crying the whole time, apologizing over and over
When you arrived home, he seriously had no mercy on you
No foreplay, no lube, no adjusting
Just a raw, thick cock being forced into you
You were begging him to let you go but tonight, nothing was going to stop him
He was moving his hips insanely fast, not giving you enough time to breathe
You were choking on your own sobs
“Jungkook, please no! I’m sorry!”
“Why did you hesitate to deny his offer? You are a married fucking women!” With each word a hard thrust followed, knocking all the air out of you
“Answer me! Is he better than me? Does he take care of you? Does he provide money for you? TELL ME!” He was yelling so loudly, it was making you cry harder
“N-no, he doesn’t. He was just the first person to care about me.” You whispered the last sentence but, Jungkook was able to make it out
“Are you saying that I don’t care about you?”
He got more aggressive and fastened his pace
“Tell me, Y/N! Do you think that I don’t care about you?!”
You couldn’t answer him because you couldn’t catch your breath
He was going too fast and you were crying so hard, you couldn’t breathe
Jungkook noticed how much you were struggling and added onto your struggle by holding your neck down
“Apologize, right now Jeon Y/N!”
You softly apologize but it wasn’t good enough for him
He lifted your legs a little, giving him better access and fucked you till you squirted
This time you sobbed your apology and begged for forgiveness
“I’m so sorry, Jungkook! It’ll never— ah! It’ll never happen again! I’m so sorry! Please for- forgive me for my dumb m-mistake. Please! I’m begging you.” You held onto the bed sheet, praying he would stop
He huskily growled and pushed his cock in deep
“For the next 9 months you’ll be swelling with my baby. Now, everyone can back off.”
He shot his hot cum right into you, filling you up to the rim
Sorry for any mistakes. It’s 3:41am 😄
735 notes · View notes
gucciwins · 3 years
The First Kiss
Harry and Y/N go on their first date...will they finally become something more?
Word count: 4814
A/N: I know how much you all love breakout room and the follow up it's your birthday. I love writing them and it's been a while but do know they are doing well. this is nothing but sweet fluff. I do mention the vaccine and wearing masks which I hope you all are doing. it's important to stay safe and truly wish nothing but the best for you all. I love you xxx
please reblog and let me know your thoughts
“Are you feeling good? I sent over a goodie basket.”
Harry giggled, loving how concerned you were. “I’m doing good, baby.” He sees you tuck your head into your sweater smiling, when he notices it’s the one he sent you in a goodie basket after you got your second shot of the vaccine.
It’s spring break, and Harry can finally say he is officially vaccinated after letting the mandated two weeks pass. It’s perfect timing, honestly, as he has been itching to finally see you in person again.
Your university let you know that they would begin to have vaccine dates open to students through an email that you quickly forwarded to Harry. You had to register to get a date for your first vaccine, and slots were filling up fast. You shot Harry multiple texts telling him what day you got and time, but you went without an answer for an hour which is weird, seeing as Harry never liked to leave you waiting more than five minutes.
By the time he got back to you, he had to wait two weeks, unlike you, who would be getting in only three days. You asked why he didn’t answer, and he said he was in class. You frowned because even then, he always answered. He then confessed he lost his phone in his apartment and didn’t have time to search for it.
You laughed about it, but he was disappointed because he wanted to see you. To give you a hug. To hold your hand.
After spending his birthday together, you both decided against meeting in person for safety even though you both wanted to, more than anything. You postponed your date to the future. Instead, you completed the group assignment through zoom meetings that led to facetime calls. After submitting the project and learning that you aced the assignment, well, you both caved in.
Harry gushed on how he always got B’s on the professor’s assignments, and to celebrate, he sent you a dozen cupcakes from the bakery that you never stop raving about located only three blocks from where you live. Then proceeded to call him over to celebrate and who was he to say no. Harry was shocked at how rich and full of flavor they were because he wasn’t aware it was vegan. Yet, it tasted better than anything he ever had. Harry realized why it was your favorite, promising to take you there in person to have your pick of favorites and not only red velvet and carrot cake because they were safe choices.
You couldn’t say you’ve been on a proper date with Harry, but you’d like to count all the zoom calls and facetime calls as dates not that you let Harry know it would only inflate his ego. You’d start a call to ask a question on assignments, and it would lead to sharing stories back and forth of what their favorite book was to where they would visit if they could go that very second. You loved how insightful he was, also liked how he used pastel highlighters to mark his annotations. Harry was a fan of how you always had a pencil in your hair or behind your ear. How you always had a snack on hand because you didn’t want to listen to professors without something to eat or you’d lose focus.
You were glad you’d be able to get together safely but also taking all the needed precautions. Safety is hot, as Harry liked to say all the time when you sent him photos of you wearing your masks.
“Yeah, like the basket?”
Harry grins, but it’s not as bright due to the lacking pixels of your laptop. He holds it up, having placed it in his lap. “I did love the bath bombs.”
You smile back at him, “Going to change your life. Self-care is important, bub. Even in the smallest ways as a bath.”
Harry nods, “I know, baby. The reason I remember to take deep breaths each morning, no longer eager to reach for my phone.”
“Proud of you.”
“And I of you, baby.”
Harry shines his dimples at you when you turn your head away at the sweet name he started calling you a few weeks ago. You adored it, honestly, but it always left you feeling flustered.
“H, please.”
“Baby, I like seeing you flustered.”
“You’re a menace.”
He shrugs, still giggling.
“How are Mitch and Sarah?”
“Wonderful, sickly in love as always. Spend their time at Sarah’s like composing together.”
“That’s sweet.” You lean in, smiling at him, “you know we should all hang out together. I get to meet Mitch properly and see Sarah again, and you’ll get to meet Amy.” You grow excited at the thought.
“Not before I get to see you.”
“H, we got to coordinate a day that works for all of us. No need to get jealous.”
“Not jealous.”
“Sure,” you reply sarcastically.
“Got to learn to share me with Amy. I cook her lunch and dinner; otherwise, she’d be nothing but a walking cadaver.”
“I want you to make me lunch and dinner,” he pouts.
“I can now that you’ve vaxxed.”
“That I am, so you are.”
“Yes,” you’re waiting for him to go on.
“Will you go on a date with me? Think we waited long enough, and if my feelings weren’t obvious enough, I like you and really want to take you out.” he rambles on.
You interrupt him knowing fully well he could go on for days, “I’d love to, Harry.”
“Yeah, baby?”
“Yes, Harry.”
“Great. Friday then.”
“I’m free.”
“I know, know your schedule by heart.”
“Creep,” you gasp at the news.
“Shush, like you don’t have my classes added to your planner.” Your turn to pout.
“I like knowing your schedule, and they overlap.”
“I do too. Look forward to your messages every day between classes.”
“So Friday? What are you planning?”
“A picnic.”
You jump up in excitement, causing your laptop to fall back on your bed before you dive to save it. Harry yelling dramatically in the background as if you just dropped him.
“H, be quiet. You’re fine.”
“Dropped me, darling.”
He mutters something in return, but you can’t hear him.
“So I’ll prepare lunch because you’ve told me once or twice that you’re hopeless in the kitchen.” Harry doesn’t even try to fight you because it’s true. “You’ll take care of drinks and desserts.”
“Seems like you’re planning the date,” he teases.
“I like picnics.”
“Well, I like you, so I’ll let you take over.”
Your smile turns soft, reaching your hand out as if you could reach in and caress him. “I like you, too. I can’t wait to give you a hug.”
“Counting down the hours.”
“Alright, you have class in ten, and you always struggle to log in.”
“Making me hang up. Not fair.” Harry frowns, debating skipping class for you.
“Don’t think about it, Styles.”
“Fine. Take care, baby.”
“Bye, H.”
A date.
You have a date with Harry.
Finally, it happened.
You were nervous.
Why were you nervous? It was just Harry.
Harry, who wanted to date you from your first meeting, who emailed you asking you out, and who has not stopped talking to you since February. Constantly reminding you of his feelings for you. You hope he knew you felt the same, in texts and sending him little gifts even as small as writing him a letter.
You got up early today to prepare lunch. You decided on sandwiches, a non-messy meal, and Harry always said he wanted to try the bakery bread you use and not the basic store-bought. It was a bit pricey but not as much anymore because you had become a regular, meaning the sweet owner began giving you a discount, especially when finding out you're a student. Still, you always remember to leave a good tip. The turkey sandwiches were finished with cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes. Looked so good that Amy had one as you were making them. You made three and packed them up in your glass reusable containers.
Staring at the sandwiches, it felt like too little food when Harry had told you many times how much he enjoys eating, so you cleaned up and got to make a second meal. You decided on vegetable rice paper rolls. A favorite and easy meal to make that you enjoyed eating. It was packed with lettuce, avocado, cabbage, bell peppers, cucumbers, noodles, and fresh herbs. This was a meal your dad made you all the time as a child with the special slightly spicy peanut sauce that you could drizzle on top.
Harry was going to enjoy this, so you hoped. He promised to make strawberry lemonade. Assured you that it would not be store-bought, and you believed him. During one of your late conversations, he shared how his sister would make him some when she returned from uni. Reminds him of home, he would say.
After packing everything away in the fridge to keep it cool it was time to get ready. You stood in front of your closet for a good five minutes before you began to swipe through the hangers. You knew you wanted to wear a dress; it was warm weather and would only get hotter as the day went on.
You searched your entire closet, there were three options once you had decided on, but you called Amy in to make the final decison for you. She decided on the one sitting in the middle of your bed, which was exactly what you were thinking.
The dress was a white button-front high slit that fit you nicely. You hadn't used it in quite some time, seeing as when you left your apartment, it would be in leggings, sweats, and the first sweater you could slip on.
You couldn't stop looking in the mirror, loving how it flowed around you when you twirled. For accessories, you slipped on a gold ring that had a little heart on it and another that was a gift shaped like a small snake as it was going to scale down your finger. A simple heart locket gifted to you by your grandparents hung right above your cleavage. You decided to leave your hair natural, liking how it air-dried after the shower you had that morning.
There was no makeup on your face, just your favorite rosebud salve lip balm that left your lips soft. Amy insisted you put some on, but you stood firm in your decision, knowing you'd be wearing a mask and didn't want anything smudging.
You looked down at the time on your phone and knew it was time to head down, Harry said twelve, and you didn't want to make him come up to your apartment only to walk down the three levels again. You grabbed the picnic basket that was sitting in the back of yours and Amy's shared doorway closet and made sure to place everything neatly, leaving room for Harry's drink and stashing a bunch of napkins in for any accidents. Basket prepared, you slipped your sunglasses in your hair, placing your lavender tote bag with tiny embroidered daisies on your shoulder that contained sunscreen, your wallet, extra face masks, and a book Harry had told he had wanted to read.
Before opening your door, you put on the white mask that you embroidered sunflowers on. It was one of your favorites, and glad it complimented your look well. You walked down the stairs slowly, not wanting to drop the basket.
You walk out the front door and find Harry getting out of the yellow mask on his face. As you get closer, you can see it's the one you made him. It has bees on it, and embroidered on the left side is 'my honey.' Harry had turned quite pink when he opened the gift he got in the mail over facetime with her. You happily screenshot his reaction, happy to have it to look back on.
As soon as you reach him, it's as if all the nerves you had disappeared. Calm washes over you as he comes to stand in front of you. You can't see the smile he has, but the crinkles by his eyes prove he's just as happy to see you.
"Hi, Harry," you say, your eyes taking him all in.
Harry doesn't hide, he's checking you out, and you're thankful for the mask at the moment, able to hide how bashful you're feeling. "Hello, baby. You look gorgeous. I'm a lucky man."
"Yeah," you swayed side to side, "gave me a reason to dress up."
"Always beautiful, but I'm so glad to see more than just your shoulders." He laughs, and you join him.
"Look pretty, H. I had not seen this cardigan." You reach out, running a finger down over the pastel yellow cardigan that looks to be well-loved. He paired it with a plain white shirt that fits him loosely with Gucci denim trousers that he told you he found a few years ago when he was thrift shopping in London with his mother.
"No, brought it out just for you. Wanted it to match my favorite mask." Although he couldn't see it, you hoped your eyes were doing their job expressing your joy. "Let's put this basket in the trunk. Got a blanket and a few pillows as well as the lemonade."
"And the dessert?"
He chuckles, "and the dessert."
You place everything in the trunk, taking a step back for Harry to close it. He walks you over to your door, opening it for you, you offer a soft thank you, but before you get in, you turn to look at him.
"What is it, baby?"
You stare down at your ribbon-tied wedges before looking up into his piercing green eyes. "Can I have a hug? I just--I'm really happy to see you."
Harry falters for a second before answering, "of course, come here." He's quick to bring you in for a hug, and it feels like home. It's comfortable, and you can't believe you haven't hugged him since February, a good two months ago, when it has honestly felt like a lifetime. "I would have earlier, but when you came out, you truly shocked me with how amazing you looked."
You just hug him tighter, enjoying feeling his strong arms around you. He looks at you smiling. "That was nice." You nod because it was, and if he'd let you, you'd stay in his arms all day.
"Well, shall we go?"
"We shall."
And with that, you were off to your first date with Harry, which would hopefully lead to more.
The drive to the park was short; you unloaded everything from the car once you got there. Harry offers to carry the basket, letting you lead to picking the spot. You walked ahead, glad he brought you to a park you recognized; it's one you liked to walk around during finals week when you were drowning in essays and exams. This was a nice break. On the other side of the park is a lake where you can rent pedal boats, but you were sure they hadn't opened up for business just yet, wanting more of the population to be vaccinated.
You led him to a secluded area laughing when he joked if you were leading him to his murder. Once you reached the clearing, one large tree with lots of shade and a few rose bushes surrounded it.
"It's beautiful here." Harry awed in amazement.
"Yeah, I found it my first year when I was trying to destress; I don't think many people know about it because it's not on the maps."
"Lucky us."
Harry grabs one end of the blanket, helping you spread it on the grass. You set your tote bag on one corner as well as setting down the pillows. As you make your way to sit down, Harry gently grabs your elbow, causing you to turn and look at him; he's holding a bouquet of tulips.
You felt your eyes well up with tears, not used to such a kind gesture; it's been a long time since you've been on a date with someone you really care about, "You got me tulips, H."
You reach forward and cradle them in your arms. "Course I did; I think you deserve all the beautiful things life has to offer."
You set the flowers on top of the basket before straightening up and pulling Harry into a hug. Your arms around his neck, his resting tightly around your waist, "including you," you whisper in his ear, causing him to squeeze you a bit tighter. Harry pulls back, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Let's eat, baby. Know you made something delicious for us to enjoy."
Harry set the food out, and you are sure to hand him the wet wipes to clean your hand before you could begin wanting to be clean and not wanting to venture out to find a restroom. He eyed the sandwiches first, then the veggie rice paper rolls.
"Couldn't decide?"
"Wasn't sure what you'd like. So I gave you two options."
"Too sweet angel." Harry leans in to kiss her cheek.
"Think we ought to take off the mask now." You giggle, sad you didn't get to feel his lips on your cheek.
"Yeah, so comfortable it doesn't really bother me wearing them. I am hungry."
You place your mask in your bag, and Harry puts his mask in his pocket. He opens up both containers and digs into the veggie rolls first. He hums after the first bite, chewing happily. "Delicious," he mutters between chews.
"Can add this peanut sauce to give it more flavor, just a tad bit spicy." He watches you as you pick up and spoon drizzle a bit on top, taking a bite. Harry follows your steps taking another bite, and his eyes go wide at the added flavor.
"Shocked, I've lived all my life without this food."
You laugh, "well, now you don't have to."
He chews happily at your response.
Lunch is filled with little conversation, both praising each other for a well-planned meal. The strawberry lemonade complimenting the food perfectly. He brought a raspberry lemon loaf cake for dessert, and you happily admit you ate two pieces. It tasted so heavily, making Harry promise you to buy more in the future for you. He agreed, stating he'd do anything to make you happy.
"It's nice going out with someone, enjoying the sweet fresh air." Harry comments.
You hum in agreement, "I adore my alone time, but with the right company, it can feel just as perfect."
Harry's cheek turns rosy pink quickly, not at all trying to hide from you. You love that he loves to show how much you affect him.
"It feels normal like we've done this hundred of times already.”
You chuckle, nudging his shoulder. "It's cause we have. Just never called any of them dates."
"So you agree, we've been dating since February," he teases.
"Yeah, I think we can say that."
"When was our first zoom call?"
"Hmm...after class a week after your birthday. Think we worked for an hour and talked about nothing for another."
You look over at Harry loving how the sun reflects off his skin; it makes him look like a gift from the Gods. Harry feels your gaze on him, flashing you a big grin, his dimples on display just for you, because of you.
"We will call February eighth our anniversary," he declares.
You laugh, not a silent one but a full-out belly gripping laugh; you can feel the tears welling up in your eyes. Harry sits there confused, not sure where the joke was.
"You alright, baby?" He asks, just a bit concerned.
"That is what you were thinking so hard about; you couldn't figure out a week from your birthday quickly. Took you a good few minutes." You shake your head, trying to catch your breath, tiny giggles still escaping you.
"Oi, no need to be rude."
"Sorry, honey."
"Never claimed to be smart."
"The pretty ones never are," you tease.
"Alright, that's it. I've had enough."
Before you can stop him, he's on top of you, his fingers tickling you from your sides to your thighs. He knows your body getting all your secret spots that make you squirm away from. You almost succeeded in getting one of his hands over your head, but he surprises you by straddling you. You've stopped laughing, but Harry keeps going.
His curls are falling over his head, his eyes shining bright, a new lightness to them. At that moment, you realize how lucky you are, and before you know it, you reach your free hand up and place it on the back of his neck, bringing him down to your lips catching him by surprise.
Harry stays frozen for a second before sinking into the kiss, responding softly, wanting to explore you as he'd been thinking about this moment for months. You love the feel of his lips against yours; you'd happily give up breathing, never wanting to part. Harry tries to pull away, but you chase his mouth, not ready to stop kissing. He smiles against your lips, humming when he places a hand on your cheek, adding more pressure; you're not sure who lets out a moan letting it out into the universe wishing for more, hoping for forever.
You don't get butterflies or fireworks. Instead, you feel the ease of calmness wash over you like when you arrive home after a long day. That's what kissing Harry is like coming home.
You pull back, laying your head on the pillow Harry was wise to bring; you don't try to contain your smile as Harry stares down at you in a look of awe. You run your thumb over his bottom lip-loving how swollen they look thanks to you. His eyes never leave yours; you gasp as he places a kiss on your thumb before taking it in his mouth, sucking it gently; a moan escapes you, surprised at how hot the teasing is getting you.
"You're filthy, honey."
Harry smirks, "just for you, baby."
"Only our first date, H. We aren't going to move fast."
"A makeout isn't too fast for you," he teases.
"Felt just right." You smile, loving the feeling of his weight on top of you as he has not moved from his position, still straddling you.
"I agree."
"Sorry, I didn't ask if I could kiss you. Consent is sexy."
Harry's smile is soft, his eyes flicker to your lips, then back to your eyes, "You hereby have permission to kiss me whenever you please, my love."
"You know all the right things to say to make me puny for you."
"Good to know. Got to keep a mental list."
"What's on there so far?"
Harry smirks, leaning down his mouth right over your mouth; you remember the taste of lemon you felt when you kissed him, and well, you don't try to stop yourself when you attach your lips against his. There's no sweeter feeling, you've decided.
He pulls back, keeping the kiss short, "Know you can't be close to me without giving me a kiss. Know your heart is racing like it might beat out of your chest, and I know you're dying to ask me to be your boyfriend."
"Guess you are smart," you whisper.
He chuckles, nudging his nose against yours, humming as he places a kiss on the top of your nose.
"You know, I was right."
"Yeah, about what, H?" You reach your hand up to run your hand through his curls, brushing them back, giggling as they fall forward again.
"That your laugh sounds better in person. Know it's cheesy but truly music to my ears."
"You nutter!"
"Oi, picking up my slang, are you?"
"Got to, especially when you called that Evan kid a wanker for dismissing my response." You snicker, remembering the moment a few classes ago when you spoke up to give your opinion only for Evan trying to mansplain how women in politics were growing already especially having a female-run as a candidate a few years back. You would have cussed him out, but Harry did it for you. He packed up all your points with his own references. Safe to say, Evan has not spoken up since then.
"Cause he is one. You're the smartest person in the class, and that tosser should not even be in this class. Clearly, hasn't learned one bit since January."
"Settle down, honey. All in the past." You pat his chest a few times, getting his focus back on you. "Got that book you've wanted to read, want to give it a read now?"
"Course, baby. Happy you had it in your collection." He's gotten back into reading now that he seemed to have more time on his hands, and they had been bouncing recommendations off of each other. You had told him to stay off Book Tok because it was the same ten books being promoted by every page. His sister told him to read The Silent Patient, but he couldn't rationalize spending fifteen dollars, and he couldn't find the free pdf. He asked you and told him Amy bought it for you as a gift for feeding her.
"Let me get it out of my bag; you can lay in my lap easier to listen to."
Harry's eyes go wide; you're going to read him. He did not expect that, but he had to make sure. "Going to read to me, darling?"
"If you don't mind." you tuck your hand into your tote bag again, "brought my kindle in case you didn't want to. Won't be sad if you don't want to."
"No, I want you to. Yeah, more than anything. Got the prettiest voice." Harry pecks your lips, pulling back giddy because that's the first time he's kissed you, and well, he has to do it again. Your lips move in sync, the kisses feeling smoother but just as passionate. You break the kiss, playfully push him away, hands-off, letting you adjust yourself before he sets one of the smaller pillows in your lap and lays his head. Your hand is quick to find a place in his hair, thankful you've mastered the one hand reading and page-flipping due to always having a book in your hand growing up.
After reading for a bit, Harry lifts his head from your lap, taking the time to admire you. You kept reading, letting him take you in from this new angle. You stopped brushing his hair instead, allowing yourself to get immersed in the book once again. You giggled, thinking back at Harry's reaction to the opening line of chapter one.
You had just flipped to a new page, ready to start chapter seven, when you saw how fidgety Harry had gotten. He clearly had something on his mind, so you wanted to give him his space; you had only read five words when he spoke, interrupting you.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Harry blurts, shifting to sit in front of you.
You don't smile, but you know he can see the gleam in your eyes at his words, "Hmmm...will you give me a cute nickname?"
Harry doesn't know what you're doing but goes along with it. "Already do, so yes."
"Will you let me make you more masks?"
"Will you knit me a sweater?"
"I'll knit you hundreds."
You nod, "then yes, I'll be your girlfriend."
"Yeah, you want me to be your boyfriend," Harry teases.
"Dork," you shove his shoulder, causing him to fall back. He gasps in shock.
You laugh, and it's music to his ears; his dramatic response is swallowed as he takes you in. Harry isn't sure where he'd be without you. He takes in the happiness displayed on your face and knows if you could look in a mirror, he'd look just as happy if not more. You are a light in his life.
These last few months have changed everything about him. Harry hadn't really understood what it meant when people said that your partner should also be your best friend. He thought it was cheesy and something to give false hope to others, but with you, he knew it was true.
Starting off as friends built a strong foundation for you both to grow together, and he is forever thankful you took a chance on him.
Harry called it fate, but you well, you think it was all thanks to the zoom gods who set you up in a random break out room not once but twice.
thank you for reading :) I adore you xx
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