#i got fruit punch at the store today
high-toaster · 7 months
first post... furina de fontaine...
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fluffiematcha · 1 month
“hoon, which one is the best?” you ask jihoon, showing him two hoodies, one is black with a white heart pattern embroidered on the side of the heart which looks like it would fit you perfectly, and the other a dark gray oversize one, printed.
jihoon takes both hoodies in his hands and examines them. finally, he lingers on the gray. “this one would be good on you.”
“okay.” you thank him with a smile. you put the black one back in its place. you guys leave the store after paying and make a few trips to the supermarket to buy some vegetables and fruit then return home.
— a week later.
“babe? have you seen my new hoodie?” you search for the item of clothing in question, practically making a mess of your closet.
“which one?” jihoon just came out of the bathroom, still drying his hair. they just finished filming god of music choreography video today and jihoon went straight home afterward.
“the gray one, the one we bought together last week.”
this isn't the first time you've lost one of your hoodies. they always end up disappearing mysteriously and you never see them again. you sigh in frustration.
“i don't know. maybe you put it in the washing machine.”
“impossible. i washed it as soon as we got home that day and i've barely had time to put it on since.” you resign yourself to cleaning out your closet, not having found the slightest trace of your hoodie.
you sigh in defeat and flop onto the bed, you give up. you will never find it again, just like its 8 predecessors.
— three days later.
jihoon can hear their new music, god of music playing through the house speakers from his home studio.
“LEE JIHOON!!!” he then hears you scream his name in anger from the living room.
“oops.” he gets up from his chair at the speed of light and double-locks the door to his studio. closing his eyes, he prepares himself for the hurricane that will soon break over it.
“open this door!!!” you punch aggressively non-aggressively the door while jihoon leans against it, on the verge of bursting out laughing. he knows he's in trouble and even more so if he decides to leave his studio.
the reason of your anger: while watching the choreography video, you noticed that jihoon was wearing a hoodie that was a little too familiar to you.
turns out he was the mysterious hoodie thief.
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this is just something quick, i don't know if it's good enough, my brain is a little fried due to lack of sleep.
take good care of yourselves lovelies!
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professional-yapper · 8 months
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Lo'ak x Tayrangi! Reader
Warnings: mistaken identity kind of, teens having fun, arranged marriage, fighting/arguments, how they meet is very 101 Dalmatians and i love it, they're both oblivious asf
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Neytiri sent Lo'ak to go collect fruits from the grove near the other end of the Omaticaya territory. Normally he'd complain about extra chores, but not today. It was one of the better tasks to be landed with, anyway, even if it would consume his whole day.
But then Jake said Lo'ak could take his ikran, and that would cut the journey in half at least. Maybe more, since Lo'ak, like every other teenager, was all too fond of letting his ikran set the pace. Which, more often than not, simply meant break-neck speed, especially since Lo'ak's ikran was as young as himself in ikran years, according to Neytiri, and just as headstrong.
Lo'ak's ikran, named Spitfire by Jake in one of his rare moments of fatherly affection, was raring to go, practically launching himself into the air the second Lo'ak settled on his back and made the bond.
Kiri had, at one point, taken to calling the ikran Spitty, resulting in Lo'ak pitching a fit and pulling her hair, which then meant days of not speaking to each other. Lo'ak still got sulky every time he remembered the undignified name.
Lo'ak whooped, punching his fist in the air, gripping tightly with his thighs and trusting Spitfire not to let him fall, or at least to catch him if he did. The wind whistled past him, snatching at his braids, whipping a brisk flush into his face.
It was a good day. The sun was already high in the sky, warm on his back despite the wind. The air was heady with the scent of flowers coaxed into bloom by the warm weather, even at this height.
Spitfire, after a little urging from Lo'ak, evened out, gliding smoothly through the sky, occasionally letting out a screech of contentment. Lo'ak settled back, keeping one hand on the handle and feeling for the pouch strapped across his hips Neytiri had given to him to store the fruits in, making sure it was strapped on securely.
It wouldn't take him long to gather enough fruits to satisfy Neytiri. Maybe a few hours.
Maybe more if he decided to take a nap. Lo'ak loved naps, especially deep in the forest amidst the undergrowth, where he could burrow himself into the sun-warm grass and no one would bother him for hours. He probably liked them so much because they restored all the energy he burned living up to Jake's expectations. Very high expectations.
Yeah, he could use a nap. It was just that kind of day.
And it would give him time to think, too. About what his parents had told him a few days ago. About how, since Neteyam had mated with the youngest child of the Olangi olo'eyktan, Lo'ak would do the same, but with the only child of the Tayrangi olo'eykte.
It would benefit the Omaticaya, Neytiri had soothed him, smoothing a hand over his braids. These kinds of unions would prevent any conflict and better the relationships with other tribes. Jake, on the other hand, had told him there was no wriggling out of it, and he'd be mating with this stranger before the end of the year whether he liked it or not.
Comforting, right?
Neteyam had tried to comfort him over it. It was easy for Neteyam. He and his mate were arranged too, but they were crazy about each other, and Neteyam had always wanted to settle down and have a mate of his own and a family anyway. It was why he'd bent so easily to their parents' decision.
And it was easy for Kiri too. She was their dad's favourite, his babygirl. She wouldn't get married off to Aonung or some other guy if she didn't want to. Lucky shit.
Tuk was... well, she didn't have to worry about marriage for a good while yet.
But Lo'ak did. He didn't care about maintaining good relationships with other tribes, or having a mate of his own and settling down. He didn't care about any of that shit. He just wanted his freedom, and the freedom to choose who he mated with. Was that too much to ask?
Apparently so.
Spitfire shrieked, and a ripple of confusion and panic hit Lo'ak through the bond, right as something large and colourful shot past them like a flash of lightning.
Lo'ak caught a glimpse of a face with an equally panicked expression, then swore as Spitfire reared and shrieked again. Though this time, instead of confusion in the bond, all Lo'ak felt was a sudden burst of childish joy, right before Spitfire dived after the other ikran.
Lo'ak yelled in exhilaration as both ikrans went into a nosedive, and crouched low over Spitfire's back, knuckles going white as he tightened his grip. It was dangerous, and if his parents found out, he'd never hear the end of it, but they weren't here now and Lo'ak found this was too much fun for him to care.
He whooped, and heard an answering cry from the rider of the other ikran below, you, which made something in his heart twist with further excitement.
Spitfire was uncontrollable with the excitement of having what was probably another young ikran to play with, and Lo'ak let him have his head, content to just go along for the ride.
The other ikran straightened out before it hit the canopy, and Spitfire followed, flying alongside, steadying himself with a few flaps.
"Sorry," you called, face flushed and apologetic, but then began laughing breathlessly. "Great Mother, I am so sorry! Kikorangi- my ikran- saw you down below and he just took off-"
"It's okay," Lo'ak shouted back, smiling uncontrollably at you. You were probably the most attractive person he'd ever seen, so one couldn't exactly blame him for being so quick to forgive you for the scare. "But I've never seen you before. You're not Omaticaya, are you?"
He didn't have to ask. He knew you weren't. You looked like a young warrior from another tribe, like him. Your skin was covered in a pearly white paint, in swirling patterns. It was mesmerising.
"What?" you called, then raised your eyes skyward, laughing again. "I can't hear you. Wait there."
Lo'ak blinked, confused, as you steered your ikran up and over his head, flying along above him. He tilted his head back, looking up, trying to see what you were doing, only to nearly smack heads with you. You were performing some risky manoeuvre, sliding around to the underbelly of your ikran, gripping on with only your thighs, swinging upside down and smiling at Lo'ak, eyes bright and beautiful, nose nearly brushing against his.
You chuckled at his stunned expression, then righted yourself and leapt down onto Spitfire, breaking the bond with your own ikran. Spitfire jerked at the foreign addition to his cargo, and tilted his head, shooting you a baleful look.
Lo'ak stiffened as you seated yourself behind him, one arm loosely around his stomach, making his abs tense beneath your warm skin, your thighs pressing against his own. "Sorry, what were you saying?" you asked airily, mouth next to his twitching ear, like this wasn't the most intimate position he'd ever been in.
Words failed him. He could only hold very still, in the hopes you wouldn't become uncomfortable and move away. He liked having you there, the weight of your body against his back comforting.
But you shifted back, away from him, laughing again, and the sound rang through his mind, etching itself into the walls of his skull. "Sorry," you apologised for a third time. "I didn't mean to freak you out."
"It's okay," Lo'ak replied almost robotically, words feeling clumsy and foreign on his tongue. Great Mother, get it together! he told himself firmly. There's a beautiful warrior cuddling up to you, wanting to talk and all you can say is it's okay?!
He forced himself to relax, turning his head and smiling crookedly at you over his shoulder.
Your face was like the sun. You seemed to be lit with a golden, gleaming warmth from the inside out, and it honestly made him a little dizzy.
"I was just asking what tribe you're from," he repeated.
"Tayrangi," you answered blithely. "You must be Omaticaya, I guess."
Lo'ak nodded, noting that you were from the same tribe as his future mate. He didn't want to bring that up, though, figuring if he was to have any chance with you he shouldn't bring up his imminent union.
Even though he wouldn't be able to pursue you because of said union... What the tribes didn't know couldn't hurt them, right?
"That's sick," Lo'ak said, smiling that same lopsided smile at you. "Never met any from the Tayrangi before."
"Never met an Omaticaya before either," you grinned back, leaning back on your hands.
"Am I living up to your expectations?" he teased, gathering all his courage to do so, ears drooping slightly in apprehension of your response.
"Who said I had any expectations?" you teased back, nudging the back of his thigh with your knee, sending hot flames of want up his spine.
Lo'ak rolled his eyes, but couldn't hide his delight at finding someone who could match him blow for verbal blow. "Oh, come on!" he scoffed. "You came all the way here, you must've thought about what we'd be like at some point!"
"Maybe I did," you agreed, and the glint in your eyes told him you were being purposefully elusive.
"Go on, then," he encouraged. "Am I everything you hoped?"
You pretended to think, finger pressing into your chin, eyes fixed on the clouds above. Then you smiled again. "Nope."
Lo'ak scoffed again, preparing to fire back some surely witty retort, before you inched forward again, leaning on his back, arm tightening around his middle again, pressing your lips to his ear decisively.
"You're better."
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Woohoo done! Proud of this one tbh everyone enjoy x
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silvergolddraco28 · 10 months
Done For- Roleplay with @sanityisinthemusic
Chapter 2 God of Life
There was a loud knocking early the next morning. "Hey, wake up. I brought breakfast, and I'm supposed to take the cub back with me," a bossy woman's voice called through the door.
Wukong scowled as he got up from the floor having woken up late in the night unable to sleep and decided to simply meditate. He carefully picked up the cub sleeping on the bed and wrapped him up in the Scarlet red scarf once more as a makeshift swaddle. Wukong opened the door partly glad the seal he had used still allowed for those outside to make themselves known after knocking.
A bird demoness was holding a tray of bruised, misshapen, wrinkly fruits and a glass of water. "Open the door already."
“I did,” Wukong replied, taking the tray with ease by his tail while the demoness huffed, taking the cub from his arms with force and carrying the little cub like he was disease-infested.
“Needs a bath before Our Lord sees it.” she huffed. “You are a stable hand today so eat then find the horses you can't miss their stench you smell just like it.”
Wukong scowled. "Don't put him in any kind of deep water. If anything happens to him, you're first." He shut the door, tail wrapping around his leg anxiously. He sighed, picking through to find the least bad fruit and sniffing the water before tentatively sipping it. 'At least this is clean enough. Guess they don't keep bad water around.'
Finishing what little he could, he begrudgingly puts on the stable clothes and walks out to try to find the stables. And take his time doing so.
Eventually, he found his way to the stables taking note of how there was just one stable hand waiting with a pile of tools and a bin. The stable boy grinned. “Well well well if it isn't the Race Traitor finally getting Karma for killing his kind. These are your tools ‘top quality’ for you. You’ll have a full run of the place as the rest of the hands have the day off and our Lord was gracious enough to attach a watching shadow to keep an eye on you.” the stable boy grinned as he explained things.
"I have to do it all myself?" Wukong looked around the stables, frowning. It wasn't small. And with the collar on, he couldn't afford to make clones to help him. "Who decided nobody else was working?"
“Need to know and you are not the one that needs to know. Have a good day cleaning Dirty Monkey.” the demon waved his hand walking past the insulted and slurred at Wukong.
He grits his teeth but ignores the urge to punch the jerk and grab a shovel. Today was going to be a long, long day.
‘White, black, brown, mixed repeat.’ Wukong thought as he moved each horse methodically out of their stalls to a small pasture to wait while he cleaned out the old straw and any manure. He was able to get through about twenty horses until a shadow clone of the Shadow Lord popped up from the closet shadow with a fussy and hungry Cub.
"How is your first day on the job, Stable Boy?" The Shadow Lord approached, doing his best to hold the squirming little cub in his arms without squeezing too hard. "Afraid you're going to need to take a break so you can do your second job."
“Peachy. Twenty-five horses down.” Wukong replied heading over to a buck of clean water and washing off his hands before returning to collect the fussy cup opening part of his uniform up to allow Mk access to his breast.
"Fo think you were capable of labor. Wonder how you'll handle the rest of the jobs that were lined up for you?" The Lord mused, smirking.
“I’ll see what is in store if today is going to be on repeat for the remainder of my stay.” Wukong flatly stated. “Whose idea was it to send all the stable hands away and leave just me alone?”
"Oh come now, you're the Great Monkey King! Great Sage, Loyal Pet of Heaven." The Lord spread his arms wide, a mocking tone in his voice. "You shouldn't need the help of demons for a few basic chores."
Wukong scowled but didn't comment on the slander of his titles. “Fine if that's how it will be then surely the Lord of Shadows can manage to feed the young Cub on his own. You have your milk.”
"Oh dear, I didn't think the Great Monkey King would even abandon his cub." The Lord sighed dramatically before stepping forward, hands reaching for the cub. "Well give him here then, I'll just raise him myself."
Wukong turned his body away with a small growl. “Over my corpse.”
"That can be arranged." Shadows shot out from under Wukong, wrapping around his legs and dragging him to his knees. Macaqur grabbed his hair and pulled it back as he knelt behind him. "Don't say things you don't mean, you're not in any position to be uncooperative."
Wukong grits his teeth as the cub finishes, getting taken by the Shadow Lord and disappearing into the shadows with Wukong being released. “Shit…” Wukong cursed to himself while golden tears pooled in his eyes and dropped to the ground.
Wukong hissed as he stretched himself out from the grueling week of labor and acted as the Lord’s personal messenger bird when he had accidentally shifted into a hawk after breathing in too much dust and sneezing one of the minor and annoying side effects of his powers.
Today was the day he would be ‘training’ with the guards and he already knew they had something rather bold planned from their smirks whenever he passed a guard over the past week.
‘Something worse than just labor will happen today… I just know it.’ Wukong thought as he dressed in the training garb.
"Hey, let's get going already. Can't train without the punching bag." Someone laughed outside of the room after banging on the door. "Or what, the Great Sage just scared to fight without his powers?"
Wukong scowled at the insult as he opened the door getting grabbed by the shoulders and held in a rather tight headlock that was making him see spots as air was denied to his lungs.
"Wow, you're as weak as everyone's been saying, huh traitor?" The wolf demon growled out in amusement as he started dragging the Sage toward the training yard like that. "Training's gonna be fun."
“We got to put him in armor first! It should be coming right out of the forge any second piping hot and ready to be molded right into the Traitor’s skin.” Another pipped up grinning.
"Let's not bother with the training weapons today. We need more practice with the real thing, right?" Another piped up.
“Get the good ones that can even cut through Dragon scales.”
"Enough, all of you!" The bear demon whom Wukong had met on his first day roared. The field went silent, and the knights all straightened. "I understand you're all looking forward to today, but keep in mind this is still training. Focus!"
Wukong managed to break from the grasp around his neck rubbing at the dark and ugly bruise rapidly forming under the thin fur from the last week of pure stress and labor.
"Heads up." Was the only warning the big bear gave before tossing a wooden staff at Wukong. "I expect you to put your all in today. Your combat skills are well known and I want my troops to be ready for if real threat like you get in traitor." He pointed a finger toward a pile of armor. "That should be about as much armor as you normally wear. You don't stop today until I tell you to stop, got it?"
“Yes Sir,” Wukong replied neutrally heading over to the pile of old and weak armor. None of it would give him any protection at all so he sighed and turned away from the armor testing the training staff in his hands. ‘This will break if I try to hit anyone with it with my full strength.’ Wukong grimaced at how all the odds were stacked against him.
"Alright everyone, warmups are over. We're starting with one on one spare and then groups can try their hand. Everyone line up, I'll be choosing who's going when." The large bear called from in front of a ring of packed dirt, flattened out from hundreds, maybe thousands of sparring matches. He looked at Wukong and pointed to the circle. "Get ready traitor. My soldiers don't hold back."
“I don't expect them to,” Wukong replied as he entered the center of the circle and took a relaxed stance with the wooden staff angled against his side and back.
One after another, the bear sends in warriors for Wukong to fight. The moment one is knocked down, another fight starts. The bear just keeps calling out names.
This keeps going until one soldier gets a lucky hit… a sword right into Wukong’s gut spilling bright golden blood onto the dirt and making it shake and crack as thick greenery sprang to life sucking up the blood as Nature reacted to one of its being harmed.
You dare harm a Sage of Nature’s Chosen Vessel! The earth seemed to rumble with waves of angry energy rippling up from deep underground.
"HALT!" The bear demon roared as the demon who'd successfully stabbed Sun Wukong staggered backward, leaving his sword behind. Several others had been rushing forward when the command froze them in place. The bear lifted his great head. "My Lord! Your presence is needed at the training grounds!"
A neat instant later the shadow of the bear darkened, seeming to open. The bear stayed perfectly still as the Shadow Lord Macaque stepped out of his portal.
He only took a moment to take in the scene before he strode forward and ripped the sword from the King's stomach, using his shadows to block the wound. "Call for the medics, we'll need to treat him." At his calm order, the knights rushed to action. Macaque knelt on one knee in front of the wounded king, ignoring the blood soaking into his robes. "You'll be treated. Now calm the Earth's magic."
“Careful there… don't get that on your skin or risk being immortal,” Wukong warned with a weak smirk as he placed his hand on the gold blood-soaked ground causing his skin and fur to shift into magma-like stone with golden veins and bright gold-tinted bronze fur up towards his elbow while his eyes turned a solid green-tinted gold.
:I’m fine, Old One. Just paying back old dues for my reckless youth and being judged by a Vessel of Shades.: Wukong ‘spoke’ to the earth ignoring the pain coming from the shackle on his other wrist while the wound on his stomach knit closed with not a trace behind.
Macaque hummed. "I'll keep that in mind." He stood, his robes still tinted gold. "Once the medical team has checked you over and you've had some time, we need to talk."
“I'm fine. I don't need a healer and I can come with you now to talk without making you wait.” Wukong stated.
"More worried about what a healer might find, or what I might say to others?" Macaque raised an eyebrow.
“Bad experiences with healers in the past,” Wukong stated with a voice devoid of emotion.
"Very well then, your loss." Macaque looked at his warriors. "Clean this place up and get back to training." He ordered. The Bear demon nodded shapely and started shouting orders.
Macaque dropped them through a portal into his living quarters, where a shadow clone was rocking a sleeping cub. "Sit down wherever you'd like." Macaque walked over to the clone, gently taking the cub from it as it disappeared.
Wukong simply took a seat in a comfy-looking chair curling up in his soft fabric and plush feeling material that soothed some of his aches and pains. “What is it you wish to speak to me about unless it's just because of that minor accident in the training field,” Wukong questioned.
"I wouldn't call that minor, personally." Macaque takes a seat on the couch opposite Wukong, leaning back to let the child rest more comfortably on his chest. "What exactly are you, Sun Wukong?"
“What everyone thinks I am. A fool of a monkey that takes any and every blame without question and fulfills the tasks of righting the blame.” Wukong shrugged. “That is my life. If you want the real answer I suggest you use a nine-ring privacy seal. Not many know beyond Life and Nature.”
Macaque frowned slightly before sighing. "That will take a moment, though within my domain it feels excessive. I would know if anyone was listening." Still, the Shadow rises to his feet and approaches the King. "Are you in any shape to hold the cub, or will another of my shadow clones be required? He only tolerates them for so long."
“I can hold him,” Wukong assured taking the cub with a soft and happy rumble from his chest while his tail wagged in joy.
Macaque nodded, leaving the King with his cub as he began the arduous process of creating such an intensive seal. He used his magic to cover everything throughout the room, taking great care in the process. When he'd finally finished the setup, he called upon his shadow magic that was within the runes. They flared a bright purple. "Done." He went back to his seat. "Are you satisfied with this? Will you answer the question now?"
“Tell me what you know and I will fill in the rest.”
He hummed. "You have a strong connection to the earth. It seemed to react to your blood. It almost felt as though the earth wanted to swallow the training grounds. Your blood also has the power to turn someone immortal purely by being absorbed into the skin, which I've never heard of. And that sort of golden blood I believe to be associated with the highest levels of divinity, which is odd when you were a demon last I checked."
“I might be called a demon because of my eyes but I fall neither under the realm of demon nor celestial. I'm the Primordial Monkey of Stone one of four beings that fall outside of the natural order of the world.” Wukong stated.
"So you are the Stone Monkey." Macaque tilted his head studying him for a moment. Then he placed his hand on his chest. "I am also one of the primordial beings, the Six-Eared Macaque who can hear past, present, and future. But my blood does not flow gold or have such power as yours does, so that does not answer my question."
“The title of Sage comes with the connections to the natural elements especially when one like myself has spent a long time alone in on an island cut off from human interference. As for why my blood is as good as my fur? The result of eating an orchard’s worth of immortal peaches several barrels of immortal wine and a few bottles of immortal pills that were then cooked inside of me over nearly fifty celestial days. My blood didn't fully change until several years after I finished my task from Bubhha. Numa then claimed me as a Vessel of Life and her blood child.”
"So your connection to the earth is similar to my connection with the wind. I can understand that much at least. I'm impressed you kept much of this quiet enough that even the winds didn't pick up on it to share with me." He leaned back further onto the couch, crossing his legs. "I can see why you'd worry about this getting out. If the wrong people managed to capture you the way I have, they'd do far worse than what's happened to you during your stay here."
“That’s just the tip of the ice. While my blood can turn someone immortal it has to be pure blood otherwise it's a very powerful healing ‘potion’ when mixed with anything else and consumed. My blood also creates fruit-bearing trees of immortality when intentionally spilled on the soil. My blood can also be used as a substitute for runic ink.” Wukong listed off.
"You're comfortable telling your captor all of this?" Macaque asked, raising an eyebrow at the stone monkey.
“The Wind has been listening since the start. They control information the best and if you are their interpreter then it would only be a matter of time before you had found out on your own.” Wukong replied as he habitually brought his wrist up to his mouth and bit down drinking his blood to supplement the missed lunch and breakfast and to wake himself up from falling into a healing slumber.
Macaque raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"
“Eating. Most of my food has been rotten or already eaten by the time it gets to me so I need to get creative. Even an immortal has natural limits they can't ignore for long.” Wukong replied.
Macaque hummed, glancing from Wukong to the cub in his arms. "And you're still able to produce enough milk off of little more than blood?"
“More or less.” Wukong shrugged.
Macaque sighed. "I'll have a word with the kitchen staff about at least keeping you well enough fed that the cub isn't at risk. I doubt it will do anything for the rumors they try so hard to hide from me, but there's little that can be done about that."
“What like the Dirty Monkey and the Mud Monkey insults or the whore and prostitute slurs? I nearly punched someone for slapping my ass while cleaning the palace and nearly castrated another for trying to order me into their bed.” Wukong vented looking a bit flush in the face.
"You're close with the second one," He admitted, but I doubt you'd hear this one with how quietly they whisper it. They're convinced your cub in mind and that you came to demand what I did in protecting you and 'our' cub from your many enemies." He paused. "Though that is where a lot of the rumors are of you being an easy lay."
Wukong snorted at that. “I’d castrate anyone before they dared to have me in bed and even then I've punted many that tried to take my hand by force,” Wukong stated as he nuzzled Mk his tail curling around him while his eyes grew rather heavy. He didn't last much longer as he finally crashed curled up in the soft chair and deep sleep while holding Mk close in a protective yet gentle hold while a gentle yet heavy lavender-smelling breeze played with his mane.
Macaque studied the god sleeping in his sitting room. "By the 10 Kings, I've captured a god." He couldn't say if this was worth the trouble, but they'd need to be a bit more careful with him from now on. He couldn't afford for anyone else to realize the truth.
Macaque stood from his seat and dismissed the barrier. He silently opened the large window in his sitting area, letting the wind rush in and take th secret so the day back out with it, snippets of the conversation he'd just had rushing past his ears, lightening the heavy atmosphere. "My friend, you've been keeping secrets from me again. So send my secrets high, higher than any bird could ever hope to fly, and never bring it back down." The wind fluttered his hair, pushed past his ears, and then it passed.
He turned back around, leaning against the window frame as he studied his captive and the cub tucked in his arms that seemed to share their attributes somehow. "Now, what to do with the two of you."
The wind flowed back into the room with soft giggling echoing in the wind as it whispered of things yet to come.
”Baba! Put me down!” a child’s voice laughed.
“Moon you're going to make Mk too hyper to put to bed on time.” the amused voice of Wukong chuckled. “Why don't you put on a shadow play about how you became a God of Souls to balance my status as a God of Life?”
Macaque sucked in a sharp breath, eyes widening as he continued to stare at the two others in the room. "What?" He walked over to the two, kneeling in front of them. "But that's not possible..."
It's not as though he couldn't admit the Monkey King was handsome, but he had few friends, particularly within his territory. He frowned, eyeing the cub. Slowly, he reached out and ran his fingers over the little one's ears. 'If what Wukong said I'd true, that future is likely to change if they leave the island.' Having Wukong as his partner would bring too much danger to his kingdom. It would be a huge risk.
The wind swirled around him again bringing another set of whispers.
”Put him down, Azure! This is between you and me leave my Cub out of this! You got what you wanted now let Mihou out of that Soul Lantern!” Wukong’s voice seemed to ring with protective rage. While a cub’s cries rung in the background.
“You know I can't do that Brother. Not if I intend to make you my Empress and keep the competition away. Pitty how you found a monkey just like yourself in power to join you on the mountain yet so uninformed of your proper potential.”
A low growl rumbled in his throat. 'Azure... Azure Lion? I've heard the name, did he crawl out of the Diyu after Wukong killed him? They were in that brotherhood together.' He took his hand back and began to pace. He'd never allow someone to lay a hand on his lantern. He'd sooner kill Azure on sight. 'But why would I leave my home for Flower Fruit Mountain?' He froze, going back to the window. "I won't allow them to destroy my island. Come for me if you dare Azure Lion, or whoever else might be coming. I'll rip you to shreds." He vowed to the wind.
This place of too small for you. Your growth has stunted. You’ll grow far more and far stronger out beyond this barrier with the Vessel of Life. The wind soothingly ‘spoke’ to the black monkey. This Kingdom has stilted. It's arrogance has been shown. They call the Vessel of Life a traitor when the Vessel was tortured to turn against those who would not understand his bleeding heart nor hear his grief and suffering. The Gods judged him, the demons damn him and the mortals respect him… but none love him.
Macaque hummed, tail flicking uncertainty. The wind has always advised him toward what was best for him. But this was asking a lot of him. "You ask Mr to give up everything I've built for myself, for the sake of the one being in the three realms with no allies, only admirers, and a long list of bitter enemies." He sighed. "We shall see how things go. I trust your council, but if I take a mate it will be because I respect them, not for power." He smiled at nothing. "You have been good to me already in that department."
He closed the window, ending the conversation for now before turning back to the pair. His eyes softened as they landed on the little monkey. He sighed, approaching Wukong to take the cub from his sleeping form. A blanket fell through a portal, resting over the Sage's sleeping form as the dark monkey cradled the cub that shouldn't look so much like him. "Rest, God King, your cub is safe with me." He went to sit, and as an afterthought, he sent a shadow to collect him some sort of lunch. Enough for two.
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roses-red-and-pink · 2 years
72 hr kit run down
I went through them today and figured I’d show what I keep in our backpacks. We have 2, one for each of us. I use an old backpack and an old shoulder bag and we keep them in a convenient location in the closet so that we can grab them in case of emergency.
Each bag gets the following:
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A change of clothes/underwear (socks, pants, shirt. Choose something that fits but you never wear)
Garbage bag
First aid kit
Spoon, fork, knife
3 days worth of Extra medication (my meds for me, his for him)
6 tea light candles
Glow stick
Pencil and notepad
Bag of toiletries (toothbrush, travel toothpaste, baby wipes, pads/tampons, travel size lotion and hand sanitizer)
And bottles of water (not pictured)
We have some items that we only have one of, so we share between the bags.
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Metal bowl and mug
Extra pair of my glasses (old pair)
Foldable rain poncho
Emergency shelter (got this at the dollar store like most things in here)
Whistle/compass combo
Phone charger
Bag of cash in small bills (American and Canadian)
Pocket knife
Emergency blanket (the ones that look like tinfoil haha)
Ok now for the food. You want things that require minimal to no heating. All these things can be eaten as is or just by adding to hot water.
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Dehydrated fruit
Instant rice
Instant ramen
Dehydrated beans (my mom gave me this from her food storage, you just add to water. Don’t know if you can find them at grocery stores though)
Apple sauce cups
Instant oatmeal packets
Plain oatmeal
Salt and pepper
Chili powder (for flavour, because it packs a punch in a small amount)
Granola bars
Canned soup
Canned turkey/chicken flakes
Packets of emergen-C (given to us by grandma for some reason? It’s like an orange flavoured drink packet with high vitamin C)
Packets of chicken broth
Small hard candies
Beef jerky.
Can opener (if you have canned food do NOT forget this)
I divide the food between the bags as evenly as possible. It can be hard to find food that is filling, stores light, and requires no cooking. The dollar store is pretty good for some of this stuff though. While I’m not going to be eating instant rice every day, the fact it can be cooked in the bag just by placing it in hot water makes it ideal for this sort of thing. Don’t over cram your bags with canned food, it’s heavy. Just try for 3 days of food.
Here are other canned items I keep on hand for emergency. If we were stuck home with no electricity, I would use these. If we had to evacuate and had longer than 5 min, they are Kept in a bin in my pantry so I could pick it up and put it in the car easily.
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Canned chili, soup, meat sauce, and vegetables. I try to choose soups with meat like chicken noodle. But I’ve also just got soup that’s been given to me or something so it’s in there too, and still provides good nourishment.
Anyways feel free to ask me questions. I hope someone finds this interesting.
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hey Пчёлка! (sorry for the unoriginality but it's literally 3am 😅)
IT SNOWED TODAY!!!! not a lot but i'm still excited :D
I gotta answer the favourite ice cream flavour question from the ask game first because I've found out something very interesting.
Ok so i'm about to say something very weird and apparently very Canadian, but my favourite ice cream flavour is tiger tail(tiger tiger, tiger, tiger stripe. I've seen many variations) ANYway this is gonna sound like a weird combo if you haven't tried it but it's basically orange ice cream with black licorice ice cream swirled throughout it (weird ik) but while I was looking up the actual proper name of the ice cream I found out it's a Canadian only thing, not only that but it's a regional flavour so only certain parts of Canada has it???
anyway I fell down a loop hole and now need to know what you call the metal shopping carts at the store, knitted caps that you wear during winter, and also what do you call you 1 dollar coins? (buggy, tuque, and loonie for me)
November kinda sucked but it's the last week (were'd all the time go?) I started a new job this week which is really exciting
DUDE I WAS JUST ABOUT TO START PRIORY OT THE ORANGE TREE! it's been sitting on my bookshelf for way too long
I finally seen legally blonde and it was sooooo good, I watched in with a group so i'll probably need to re-watch it later, oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
IT isn't actually that scary unless you don't like clowns, in which case it might not be your piece of cake
man weather is so weird. one time at the end of august I remember it started to snow while we were driving home not for very long but still strange. I had you use the converter thingy to understand 70°F but 21°C IS UNREASONABLE FOR FALL! THAT SOUNDS TERRIBLE. Right now its -1°C with the low for tomorrow(today now) at -13°C which i'm kinda dreading.
it's not really important but I did want to say when I started talking to you I was using she/they(i think i was?) but now i'm using they/them so that's cool I guess 👍
regale me with your random LOTR facts I only knew 2 of the last facts so if you have more i'd love to hear them!
I also liked to mix up spices when cooking as a kid. Most of the time it didn't work well but one time I found out that if you're making a sweet carrot cake (or cakes like that) and you're making cream cheese frosting, adding a bit of garam masala to the frosting adds a bit of a kick and cuts the sweetness in a non overpowering way!
i'm so glad I can further continue my 'everyone I talk to must listen to alvvays' agenda. I don't think I have a favourite song on the album but I do love Pressed and Belinda Says. Also turns out that Blue Rev is a Canadian only drink made Ontario.
y'know what's homophobic to me specifically? Both my favourite bands have only 1 show here and it's in Toronto (very far from me) IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER. Toronto winters aren't particularly nice.
Music thoughts from the last couple of days are really old french songs (the classics from like Lucienne Boyer and Edith Piaf, that kind of music) they all kinda remind me of the comforting orange of street lamps in the dark and drawing before going to bed
signed someone who's literally so close to falling asleep
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Hello my darlin’ El!! My favorite Canadian! My favorite anon!
Nothing to apologize for, my dear. That nickname is probably my favorite ever, I’ll never get tired of it
SNOW, that’s so cool!!! We actually got a little bit here in the last couple weeks too! Barely any, but something!! Just a ✨dusting✨
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Okay so that sounds so strange and I HAVE to try it. If I ever visit Canada, I am searching this out 👀 Idk if it’s regional, but we have a snow cone flavor called tiger’s blood! It’s kind of like a fruit punch sort of flavor. I was more of a cotton candy kid. Or the weirdo who got banana flavor
Regional dialects are so fucking cool!!! For us, it’s shopping cart, beanie, and penny!idk what it is but tuque is just such a fun word. Very pleasing to say, feels nice, idk. Maybe I’m just a weirdo LMAO. I’m trying to think of some of the weirder regional words, but my brain is so empty right now.
Oh congrats on the new job!!! How is it going?? I’m sorry your November was rough, I hope December treated you more kindly! It’s been a rollercoaster for me, but I have a feeling 2023 will be a good year for me. I’m being stubbornly optimistic 🫡
Speaking of!!! Happy new year! Do you have any resolutions??
Did you start Priory? If you have, what do you think?? It’s high on my list, but I recently got One Last Stop and Gideon the Ninth, so I bumped it down. I’ve GOT to read OLS so I can read the Ronance au, and Gideon the Ninth is just,,, lesbian necromancers in space and I’ve been obsessed with it despite not reading it ever
Oklahoma weather my beloathed! She’s a wicked she-devil!! We’ve gone from a pleasant 21°C to -29°C wind chills in the span of a week!! I love it soooooooo much!!! (Kill me please.) I hope your weather has been tamer and you’re staying warm up north!!
Oh that’s so cool dude!! Good to know!! I’ll make sure I remember <33 They/them pronouns kinda hit different man. I’ve swapped mine officially from she/they to they/she. Not a huge difference but something in my chest feels so much lighter with they 🥰 Gender fuckery is fun
More silly LOTR facts, eh? Well, J*ke G*llenhall auditioned for the role of Frodo Baggins! Supposedly it was one of the worst auditions! Christopher Lee, Saruman, is the only actor to have met JRR Tolkien himself! Believe it or not, Nicolas Cage was the original pick to play Aragorn! I still think Viggo Mortensen is one of the best casting choices of all time tho, sorry Nick
Oh I’ve never heard of that! I’m writing it down for future baking purposes 🫡 I have recently discovered that garlic powder and onion powder are my best friends and I will put that shit on everything
Incredible choices! I need to give the album another listen. Maybe I can Ronanceify a song in your honor <33
That’s terrible!!! I am so very sorry <33 I get the feeling man, even a lot of US tours just,,, skip over Oklahoma. I’m sooooooooo bitter about Noah Kahan not stopping by somewhere I can see him. The closest show is a state away, 4 hour drive with current gas and hotel prices? YIKES. But! I got Paramore tickets and I WILL lose my entire shit that day
Definitely will check those out! Personal music thoughts for me,, still obsessing over the entire Stick Season album, but The View Between Villages especially. Been really into the hot gay girl shit/lesbian villain arc kind of genre. Devil Is A Woman by Cloudy June? Incredible
With warmth and sincere apologies for the weight,
- Max/Lo
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eglectic · 2 years
December 26 — Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Current weight: ?
Why? Because it has been way tooo dang cold here in the keys for me not to sleep in hoodies and pants! Yeah, it’s only like 50F/15C, but we live in a humid place with no heating! So I’ve been bundling up and hibernating while this cold front passes. And I want my weight to be taken with minimal clothing. I’m not afraid of the number at all, truly.
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Saturday, December 24:
Cold brew x2
Dinner — chicken, pork, 2 shrimp skewers, coconut rice, Caesar salad no croutons, 4 chocolate covered pretzels, 1 cupcake, 1 sugar cookie, 1 espresso martini
Late night snacks when I got home — this popcorn I bought myself recently, the rest of my divine brussel sprouts, celery and hummus, 1 Rice Krispie bar, the rest of my pistachios
I allowed myself to enjoy the holiday party at my work. It was a planned exception. I overate after the party with the food at home, which I think mostly happened because I had smoked weed. A big reason I quit smoking frequently back in October is because it increases my chances of overeating and decreases my chances of following through in my promises to myself in any area of life. This was the third and final time this month that I smoked. I’m undecided if I want to smoke next month at all. I find that if I do do it, I generally prefer to be in a chill/intimate setting or even alone and listen to music, maybe meditate or make art or journal. I don’t see myself smoking on my birthday though.
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Sunday, December 25:
Cold brew
Lunch — 15 (yes!) Rice Krispie bars, caramel pecan protein bar, caramel Frappuccino bottle, a pint of caramel cookie crunch gelato
Dinner — bag of white fudge covered pretzels
Yeah I planned to eat all this the night before! I loved it. Stayed on the couch all day and watched the new season of Emily in Paris. I was actually going to cook dinner for myself on top of the pretzels, but I was too full from all the food earlier in the day and it was too cold for me to want to move. I haven’t planned my week this week yet either because of the temperature. I’m just planning day by day right now until it’s warm enough again. 🥶
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Monday, December 26:
Brunch — iced coffee, blackened chicken with sweet potato fries, fruit punch
Dinner — big ass pan filled with: literally an entire sweet potato, an entire onion, half a clove of garlic, 1/3 of a can of chickpeas, carrots, a bit of ginger, 2 pieces of celery, about 5 large shrimp, later added that same buffalo sauce from before
Also planned except for the fruit punch! I was going to have salad instead of the chicken and yam fries, but it was too fucking cold at work today. I had to get something warm, my soul needed it. And chicken & sweet potato fries is an acceptable alternative in my book.
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Anyway, most of what I ate over Christmas was planned, with the consequences of the foods I eat in mind. I’m ok with my weight being in the mid to high 190s again. 🤷🏼‍♀️ However, one result of all this that I didn’t anticipate is that I’ve had many strong urges to eat even more! When I got home from work today, I had the urge to go to the store and get pistachios or chocolate or whatever. I’m glad I simply allowed it and continued with my plan.
It might be fun this week to allow myself more sweets, just relax and enjoy food for a week, but my birthday is coming up. I don’t want to have acne in all my birthday photos. I might still have a pimple or two pop up tomorrow from all the sugar I ate yesterday, which I knew might happen when I chose to put those foods in my meal plan. But that’s ok. I’m gonna keep chugging water, practicing my skin care, and hope for the best.
Otherwise, it’s back to business as usual. I’m glad that through the experiences this week, I have rediscovered the worksheets available to me. Another one I want to check out and fill out is the upsetting event worksheet. I think the challenges I’ve been dealing with in my living situation have helped me grow a lot. I usually get along with people pretty easily, so learning how to be stressed at home is good training for me to release any lingering attachments to food. And also it’s a great growth opportunity for me in relationships and how I want to show up.
It’s been two weeks since I last evaluated my protocol. Here’s what I’m thinking for the next two — macadamia nuts & pistachios are off my allowed food list for now. I use them to buffer, so they can only be eaten as part of my joy eats. I’m not going to buy any more fruit for the next two weeks. I have some dried goji berries, which I might toss into my veggie dishes or on a salad from work, but the fruit & nut bowls aren’t going to be part of my cuisine. I only really started eating them because I want to eat chia seeds, which are so healthy and good for digestion. Instead I think I’ll just have them with my water. Those are the parameters for now. I still want to get better at portions, too, and ceasing eating when I’m satiated instead of stuffed.
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mrtmdpro · 2 years
Head’s high on you
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I just found out this very good anime. I’ve been talking to you about it all the time. Cyberpunk Edgerunners. Some real emotional things. 
The story is about David, a kid, who after many continuous traumas, started modifying his body. He dies at the end. But that’s not what I’m writing about today.
The girl is Lucy. She randomly met him on a train and show him a whole new world. You know what that reminds me of? You.
I am a changed man. I’m more opened to the younger’s stuffs, the words that you use, the lifestyle that people are after. I changed my goals from living in the woods to being successful in a growing city, just because of you. I want to be that perfect guy for you. 
Because of you, I declined my previous commitment to anti-capitalism and its products. I’m more hooked to “bullshits” stuffs now than before. 
I’m drifting too far away from my initial point. 
Today is the day you go to do a body modification. A thing that you have done many times before. Not big of a deal to you. But to me, yeah it is.
I have never attempted such a thing. I mean, the idea itself terrifies me. I have been consuming too many cyberpunk materials, you may think. I do, true, but not just that.
I’m afraid you will lose your soul.
That is what happens to people who gets too hyped on their own beauty, and started doing too many modifications to change themselves, you know.
I know this might sound stupid to you. “I’m just poking a hole in my ear, what’s the big deal? Stop being so fucking lame” yeah you can think so. I don’t know what to think of that. Maybe I’m really just that lame ass guy who dislikes changes.
Anyways. The point goes on.
You did not care about me today. That is what I am afraid of. You don’t need any reasons for it, you did.
I told you I wanted to throw up, and I was very nauseous. You replied with a video of yourself, beautiful as usual. Yeah, I’m happy when I see you, true, but I also wanted to be cared for. You know, just a “How is it going baby? Is it okay if I call you?” or something like that would have done me good. But no, you were with your friends, and all you wanted was poking the whole for some earrings. Fuck me I guess. I sat there, contemplating my life for a while. I really wanted to puke, so I got out of the gym and straight to the store nearby where I can drink some electrolytes and eat some fruits. 
It pains me a bit to know that you don’t give a shit about my status, you know.
Or maybe I’m just overthinking.
I trained myself hard today. Lost some weights. Kicked harder, punched stronger. I do all that for you. I want to be that ultimate guy who can provides for his girl, who is physically strong, who has the perfect look. I want to be that guy. 
But yeah. It’s sad today that you didn’t care.
Real fucking painful.
I’m off to see the endocrinologist now. Funny how I cannot spell that word out still. But if anything, it’s also gonna be a body modification, you know. Same thing as what you are doing right now.
I don’t hope you can read those lines early. But whatever, most probably you’re not gonna care all that much.
See you, love.
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Mariners 6 - Mets 0
so gym bro had a doctor's appt., but that's okay. we're going to reschedule to some time, but i'm not sure when. i just don't have a lot of time for myself and my passions. the 9 to 5 robs me of life, and then the days that i'm off i am always bombarded with some trifles that prevent me from self-fulfilment. i nearly cried at the thought of my dad's plans preventing me from going out on my own to this street with vintages and bookshops. it was pretty pathetic but also i'm just so tired of this life i think that's what it is.
i got a lot of nice books though. there were no clothes that i really wanted, however. but i was just walking down those streets by myself and i was just ... fulfilled. i walked into two random like sari sari type stores as well and i bought a can of like fruit punch drink and there was like no gap between the soda tab and the can that like i fucked up my nail highkey popping it open.
also i was walking down this suburban street and there was a flight of stairs but there wasn't a house... i walked up it and it was just an empty lot of land yet my hand instinctively began to reach for a door. like subconsciously i wanted open really badly something that wasn't there. i think it'd make a good plot for a book like:
a couple spends time shopping on a street. im undecided on the vibes of this moment, like if there should be some unspoken tensity or like it's unreciprocated. anyways, they come upon an empty plot of land like the one i found after walking up a flight of stairs and one of them also instinctively reaches for the door. and then the couple dance to "i found a reason" by the velvet underground. one of the two sing it to the other first and then they sing the "pa pa papa" part and they do the counterpoint and i make a big deal about how it's not harmonizing but counterpoint and the two lines could almost be different songs entirely, and then this leads to a big climactic moment.
i've been down that street i was on with so many people, i've lived so many different lives on this same street and the street is the same. it was especially poignant when i went back to the pier that i would go to every week with my ex, not because i love my ex but rather because it was so simple. i don't think i could ever be able to love a woman with sincerity ever again, and i certainly don't think i could love her ever again, but at the same time i feel like i'd give the world to relive that.
and there was something so deep that happened today that i know of and that i still feel so intensely, but i was too late to writing it down for you here and i've already forgotten it.
I want so badly to be a woman. It isn't even tolerable anymore. I just wish I could be a woman and I could be loved. Maybe that was the sentiment that was destroying me. I want to be loved. I was like thinging with these two women at the candy store and I wasn't being very serious about it, just letting it happen. This retelling is going to be so embarrassing because I feel like I have no ability to perceive platonic-ness. Like fuck man some people just are kind for no gain of their own. Not everyone wants to fuck you. Anyways they asked for my instagram and I gave it to them and I took it to be flirtatious and I went with it anyways but as I was leaving the door I was like why the fuck did I just do that. I don't want them. And when I was watching some of the sexy men on the train I was fucking shaking in desire for them. But maybe I was just being theatric.
I just want to be a woman that is loved by a man. i want to look in the mirror and think that i am pretty. I look in the mirror and feel nothing sometimes. But also there are other days where I just love being a man. I just love being a man and the idea of being touched by a man impacts me so passionately that I need it more than anything in the world. My heart is racing and my hands are shaking just now as I think of it.
My life was somewhat happy today.
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psychicdragoncoffee · 6 months
tl;dr Been going to lots of different places since Thurday. So I've been either busy or tired. Thursday involved getting goldfish crackers and chocolate. Friday getting a toilet. Yesterday I saw a move and got coloring books after eating at a BBQ place. Eating out for lunch today.
So, I've been a bit inactive during most of the weekend since I've been kept busy most of the time. Then whenever I wasn't too busy I've mostly just been sitting and listening to music.
Thursday [28] Today was something I've been looking forward to for over a month. It's a trip to a town that is a bit far from home so we could visit a few stores we don't have closer. I worked by budget so where I was able to get a decent amount from these stores. Luckily, I didn't need as much as I thought since Mom covered some of what I got.
The stores, the first being a Pepperidge Farm outlet shop where you could get things from that brand for super cheap. I had gotten 11 items there for less than $20. [Four flavors blasted, four regular cheddar, one pouch of cookies, and two backs full of tiny cheddar boxes. Each back has 6 mini boxes.]
[I had gotten candy and soda from another location before we reached the place but I didn't count it. But I also wanted to mention it since the stuff was unique. A fruit punch soda and Shirly Temple soda. The candy includes Dr Pepper jelly beans, Regal Crown sour cherry, and strawberry Milka bar.]
There was a bit of a sidetrack to a thrift store because Aunt wanted to want a watch. She wasn't able to find one but I did happen to find a tiny fridge I was thinking of buying. It was the exact same type and color I've been wanting to buy. It was much cheaper than I would have paid normally. I just need a replacement plus, but that won't be hard. In fact, if I really want to use it now I could use the plug from my CD player.
The second main shop we were planning on doing was a Lindt store. The main goal is their truffle balls. They had a deal in which I was able to get 100 for around 30. On top of someone else paying for the chocolate, the order included a free tote. It was cute.
Had bubble tea after that. I had matcha with strawberry bubbles.
Though it wasn't part of the original plan we stopped by a Target and I was able to find the exfoliating cleanser I like. I used to get it from Ulta, but Target was cheaper.
Friday [29]
Today I was quite tired. I went along with my aunt in her quest to find a watch. She also wanted to find colored pencils while there. I think there was a place we went to before that. But for some reason, I don't remember it. [Though I did remember it was a Sketchers store because she wanted new shoes. I went along to see if I could find something I liked to buy later. I have a single pair that is getting old and worn. Though I don't need a new pair I thought it would be nice for the sake of having a selection.] Del Taco after for fries.
The one thing I wasn't looking for was assisting in getting a toilet. While there I ended up getting pencils I didn't need.
Saturday [30] Yesterday as of writing this.
I wasn't as tired yesterday. But was still out of the house most of the day. We started the day by seeing a movie. It was Ghost Busters. Had a cherry vanilla cola with a bit of creme soda added in.
Went for dinner at a BBQ place after that. After a trip to 5 Below Mom wanted to get some coloring books. I thought I'd check that they had. I got some surprise keychains. Two there were a My Melody Kuromi set and the other two were Five Nights at Freddy's. With the My Melody Kuromi set I got two of the same Kuromi. Though I had been hoping for Kuromi it sucked they were both the same. Aunt got the extra. For FNAF I got a one of Monty and one of Roxy.
For a coloring book, I found one themed after Astoigy. Mom got me two more. Succulents and nature.
Sunday [31]
Since it's still morning we have quite a bit planned. Not as much but still might be out of the house for a good portion of the day.
The first would be Easer lunch. Mom got reservations at a banquet hall. Later we would pick up Grandma. [The trip on Thursday also involved dropping her off to spend time with another aunt. We're probably picking her up later today or tomorrow. Most likely today. I don't know for sure.]
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autumnmoonsurveys · 8 months
SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 2024 3:08 PM
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Do you have the right time set on your microwave?:
Do you have any old newspaper articles? Why?:
Clipping of my daughter’s birth announcement, the report about my friend who died in a car accident (first time I experienced a death of a friend), and my father’s obituary. I also have the article about how my dad won the breast cancer charity fundraiser to sing with Chicago. It was cut out and framed in a neat musical frame. It belonged to him so I kept it.
Do you have a flat screen tv or just a regular box?:
All of our TVs are flat screens.
Do you have a radar detector for your car?:
Have you ever been arrested? For what?:
Do you know how to change the oil in your car?:
I’d need a refresher, but I have done that before.
Have you taken your shower yet?:
Do you like Tootsie Rolls?:
Only the lime and vanilla Fruit Chews.
Do you have a printer? What kind?:
An all-in-one HP OfficeJet Pro.
Are you seeing anybody currently?:
I’m married.
Do you or have you ever smoked cigarettes?:
Do you like it when it snows?:
I do.
Are your ears pierced?:
Yep, but I need to locate my earrings.
Where do you do most of your shopping?:
Probably Target, but it depends.
Who do you live with?:
My husband and our four kids.
What is your most expensive bill?:
Do you have a big yard?:
Do you live in the country or the city?:
Do you sleep alone or with someone every night?:
Usually with my husband, but sometimes alone because our son likes to sleep with him and it’s too crowded for all three of us to sleep comfortably.
Did you have a treehouse as a child?:
I wished!
At what age did you obtain your driver license?:
Right away — 16½.
Do you look in the newspaper for coupons?:
No, I don’t pay for the newspaper.
Did you get a big tax refund from last year?:
Do you like Slim Jim’s?:
I love Slim Jim’s, although I don’t eat them often.
Is there someone you would love to punch right now?:
Not right now.
Did you grow up fast?:
On track, I’d say. I mean, as a young adult I grew up faster than my peers because I was pregnant at 18 and delivered my daughter at 19.
What are you favorite kind of chips?:
Lime Tostitos with salsa.
Have you taken any medicine recently? For what?:
I take prescription medication daily for underactive thyroid, high blood pressure, and anxiety.
What have you eaten today?:
Macaroni salad that was super sweet so I added celery salt to it, a slice of hot pepper cheese, and 3 blueberry BelVita breakfast biscuits (I gave the fourth to my son to try.)
Did you or are you going to wash your hair today?:
Does the water in your shower take a long time to get warm?:
Where did you go today?:
Just to the corner store.
Are you sleepy right now?:
What color is your mousepad?:
Brown leather.
Should you be doing something else at the moment?:
Always, truly.
Do you like your neighbors?:
Yeah, sure.
Do you have bedroom shoes?:
I have Ariat Snuggle Appaloosa slippers that my husband got me for Christmas.
Do you get your eyebrows waxed?:
Yes, but it’s been almost an entire year! 😫 I use an electric eyebrow trimmer, but it’s not the same.
Has anyone given you flowers recently?:
Do you work Monday thru Friday?:
Is there anything you are looking forward to tomorrow?:
Sure, but nothing specific.
How many miles does your car have on it?:
Chevy has 120K+ and Dodge has 140K+.
Is your alarm clock set to radio or beep?:
I use my phone for my alarm and it’s just the default iPhone “radar” sound.
Do you like to go fishing?:
I do.
Has anyone you know been arrested recently?:
Do you have more than 1 email address?:
I only use one.
Do you think you will have the same job 2 years from now?:
I will probably be working, but who knows.
Do you have central heating and air?:
Do you speed while driving?:
Is there someplace you would rather be right now?:
Did you build the computer you are using?:
I’m using my phone.
Do you have good computer speakers?:
🤷‍♀️ I suppose.
Are you waiting on anything at the moment?:
Not really.
Where is your favorite person?:
The Other Side.
Do you keep track of your debit purchases?:
Do you ever shop at Harris Teeter?
Never heard of it. Maybe I have, but there’s definitely not one close by and I don’t know what it is anyway.
Do you like to burn incense?:
No, just candles.
Are there any plants in your house?:
Only a bunch of artificial ones.
How long does it take you to get to work?:
0 notes
returntosaturn271995 · 11 months
Sunday, October 22nd: Erin vs. Depressive Episode - battle at Whole Foods
This Sunday in numbers:
2:44 - Time I was able to get out of bed, despite having been non-stop productive the day before
116: dollars I spent at Warwicks as I anticipate the ending of "Really, Good, Actually." and general craving for physical books lately.
97: alarming amount of dollars spent at Whole Foods, ironically because I am trying to save money by going to the grocery store
0: overnight oats eaten, will have them for breakfast tomorrow like a productive person
7: minutes meditating on how mood follows behavior. Essentially, "start, and then your brain will jump in to help." This mentality was on full display as I pushed suicidal thoughts to the side and drove around La Jolla spending too much money on chores.
17: Minutes spent doing yoga, my body is sore from what I feel is not an insane amount of activity.
Over 20: texts sent and exchanged with Nate about Halloween.
5: minutes spent sitting on the floor of the shower, happy I'm alive and tired and a little scared
0: cups of coffee or alcohol consumed this weekend
Was today as flawless as yesterday? Nope! But there were some good moments. I'm proud I tried. I'm happy I love to read and can theoretically afford Whole Foods. I wore a gorgeous rose and black lace top with leather pants and boots. I didn't eat enough and I'm replenishing my hydration right now, with something called "Local Weather", pretty damn yummy, actually. Is fruit punch still a thing in adulthood?
My heart doesn't feel full or empty per se. There's just a hollowness to everything, a layer of exhaustion and restlessness. Hunger. Lack of connection. A mild headache.
But I got outside. Did some things. Breathed from my stomach. Mildly wanted to die in traffic, but still. This kind of depressive episode feels more liminal than tragic.
And I can handle it without substances. Don't even want to. I didn't call out sick from life. Side note: the Grammarly app is part of my tools, and the little tone indicator for this entry is a sad face that keeps following my writing down the page. Absurdly funny in its own way. Can only imagine if Vladamir Nabokov wrote "Lolita" like this.
Later update: ate some expensive mac and cheese and drank some more fluids and my mood skyrocketed upward. I'm not sure (pretty sure) if I was just under-fueled today but there's some cross-over between a low mood making me feel like I'm not hungry and hunger making me feel like I'm emotionally sad.
Either that or Whole Foods really is superior to the point of emotional uplift.
Or it was the aforementioned 17 minutes of yoga that I am unreasonably proud of. Kicking in 6 hours later.
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derealfeelz · 1 year
Favorite Drinks (Kodoku's Lilacs, The Life of a Flowstar, No. 19)
So this is the alternative for yesterday's post. Unlike foods, I'm not much of a picky drinker, although I don't drink anything bad like alcohol, I'm safe from that. Right now, I just had me some nice juice that was tasty, it was red but I forgot what it actually was lol (I think it was fruit punch flavored). Anyways, without furthered ado, let's talk about some drinks I like.
So the drinks I usually like are sodas, juices, and water. You probably are wondering tho, how do I like water? I honestly would ask the opposite for you if that were the case lol, water is not exactly like a drink with good taste, but it's not a bad taste either. Usually, when I drink water, it's usually out of a bottle or if I don't have any and I have to sneak out at 3AM to the bathroom, from the sink. Apparently, water is healthy and good for you, but hey, if you don't like the actual water itself, there's always those packets that you pour in the water and shake up with to get that good taste (and I think nutrients).
Juices have a pretty nice taste to them, at least ones that I usually taste. I remember when I was younger, we had caprisun juice boxes since I couldn't pour my own drink (like 9 years old or younger), I don't think that's the exact reason, but I like caprisuns. I also like Juicy Juice, or those kinda drinks, they're pretty good too and I remember always having them in cups if at were to use one then. My favorite juice in my opinion, it's not exactly a company, but it's cranberry grape juice flavors. Those seem to have the most satisfying tastes in my opinion, plus the fact that they are healthy, I ca drink those any day with how tasty they are.
Usually, when I have sodas, it's always in a can, unless we go to restaurants where they serve them in cups. The sodas I like that I can remember atm are Mountain Dew and orange sodas (in other words, Crush or Fanta). Lately, if you remember the hospital story I told, I unfortunately had to slow down on sodas, because they may have contributed to whatever happen there, although we aren't exactly sure what caused that. With the orange sodas, I don't exactly choose a flavor that is other than orange sodas, because well, look what they are lol. But with Mountain Dews, I tend to drink a bunch of flavors, including those pink ones, red ones, blue ones, and more flavors that I can't exactly remember.
I guess to end this off, I'd like to talk about one more drink, and it's slushies. I remember there was a store near our old house that had slushies, and it had multiple flavors on it, but unfortunately, we can't seem to find that store where we are now, although there is another place with slushies. I miss that store with those flavors, but it's okay, I still got the drinks I love today. I hope yall have a goodnight, and stay safe, don't drink and drive!
Sincerely, Kodoku.
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keen-umbreon · 2 years
yall i am craving some of the foods that my old partner from team plasma made me all the time and i am so tempted to try calling all his phone numbers and visiting his old haunts. he grew all his ingredients in this wonderful green house that he technically-illegally owned off the side of a route. so it wouldnt be the same from a store, i know cuz ive tried ones from stores or from other people.
i miss: his crispy fried soy curls with nutritional yeast and veggie seasoning. his black-bean brownies. his apricorn smoothies with spinach and bananas and lovingly picked berry combos. his home-made-go-meals of buns filled with seitan sausage and cheese substitute or my favorite berry chunks that he'd always have on days where we'd have a raid on a breeding mill. his little candies that he would shape almost like pokemon but theyd always be lopsided. the way he'd always be able to find some form of food that would work great with whatever tea id bring and wed have a short picnic before we got yelled at for absconding for too long. how hed laugh at my jokes even when they were drier than the desert resort and his laugh was this quiet chuckle but it made my world. his roast potatoes with a thick garlic-and-brown-sugar glaze. how we'd both work so well together like the faces of a klink. his little sitrus-and-pecha buns that hed give me to take home the days after we got into fights with each other over different opinions as an apology. how hed love everything i cooked for him back, teas and breads and over-dried fruit leather. how i eventually learned how to read his blank facial expressions clearer than anything and ive never been able to read a human face but i could read his. he understood me and i understood him.
i wonder if he'd hate me now. if he would punch me in the face like he did that one counter-protester at that gym rally. hed probably do worse to me. i wonder if he got out. as part of my parole, i cant contact anyone from plasma. i miss him so much, i feel like im half empty. he wouldnt recognize me, hed see me only as the enemy that we fought against for so long. i dont even recognize myself today. my hairs the wrong color, wrong length, my facial expressions all different, the way i interact with others all wrong, other people are all wrong, trainers and pokemon all wrong, food tastes wrong, im all wrong. im going to bed. maybe everything will feel right in the morning light. i miss feeling right. i miss the certainty. i miss him. damnit alum.
#ooc all the food is from meals ive made or have been made for me and i legit miss those foods but i can never make them right anymore
#ooc so i put that feeling into this and also the feeling of missing someone important and of not recognizing yourself in the mirror anymore
#ooc this is a recovery story similar to mine but hes still in the early stages in some ways
#ooc i had so many nights where id miss something little and then id miss something like the feeling of closeness and shared bond
#ooc and then id go from missing the friendly hugs to full blown wishing i could go back to it
#ooc its the worst feeling to realize that you cant EVER go back to how you were before
#ooc but i wouldnt change my current happiness for that bond ever im a lot better of a person and a lot happier without them
0 notes
jaesvelvet · 3 years
muse — watanabe haruto
warnings: lowercase,grammartical error,spelling error
pairing: haruto + fem! reader
words: 2.3k words
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目が合う 目が合う
ほど美しい my muse
my muse is so beautiful
that i can't breath
just by meeting her eyes
haruto widens his eyes when you stand not so close beside him. your presence could make haruto cloud nine. your laugh could make haruto smile like a fool and your lips, if the world free from any rules, he would like to put his lips onto yours.
as you felt someone watching you, you turn around only to see some male's back, walking away from you. haruto fastens his pace to go to the dance practice room with hands full of snacks, he doesn't want you to think of him like a creeper, staring at someone without any particular reason.
"oi, what takes you so long?" mashiho asked the younger
haruto smile, he gives the oldest snacks that he bought from yg's convenience store. he gave all of the members snacks and water that he bought with his own money as punishment for losing rock paper scissors.
they all minded their own business, felt too tired of having chat with each other, they have gotten no rest since morning, practicing for their upcoming debut. all they could think now is their comfortable bed. but as much as they want to rest, they need to get this choreo neat and perfect to amaze the audience.
but haruto, his mind could think of you. you with silky hair and always wear your favorite white converse whenever you came to the company. it's unbelievable how you made him go crazy about you since he never felt falling in love with anyone. but when you step in the dance practice room and greeted them with a big smile on your face, that's the time where haruto felt you are so cute and making his heart fluttered
knowing your personality, haruto felt you are his type, he is completely head over heels for you, and he hates how he can't speak even a single word towards you when he realized his feelings. he felt so stupid.
"you guys!!" you entered the dance practice room with your infamous smile. behind you, lee youngsang, your father followed you into the dance practice room and put his belonging on the couch.
"i give you all 5 more minutes and shows me your result" said lee yongsang, or treasure's dance teacher or your dad more specifically.
as the leaders of the group, jihoon, and hyunsuk yelled out a 'yes teacher!' as a response, but once again haruto felt the cloud nine in his body, seeing the person he likes talking to doyoung, you always laugh whenever doyoung make the dad jokes, although haruto and the others find it not funny and lame, you being the easily laugh person, always laugh at doyoung's joke and it successfully made haruto smile like an idiot.
"who are you smiling at?" haruto flinched, truly shocked by asahi sudden appearance.
"no one, i remember when jeongwoo fell the other day, it's still funny till now" he answered coolly asahi can't know his big secret although he closes with asahi.
asahi nodded and left haruto alone, haruto sigh, relieved as the oldest trust his little lie.
"ruto ya" you called him
"i watched t-map yesterday, and i heard you like collecting butterfly necklaces"
"um yeah, that butterfly necklace is cool you know" haruto's heart flutter when you said you watched t-map, it means you knew how loud he is, a bit embarrassing but felt happy when you knew what he likes through t-map.
"you know– your style is cool and your fashion sense too, what about you wear something cute?"
"um yeah, that butterfly necklace is cool you know" haruto's flutter when you said you watched t-map, it means you knew how loud he is, a bit embarrassing but felt happy when you knew what he likes through t-map.
"why don't you try to wear something cute?" you asked
haruto scrunched his face. wear something cute? like what? like doyoung's all-red outfit? or junkyu's koala pajama?
"wear this. i made it myself, i made for you cause i remember you said you like collecting butterfly necklace" you handed it him a white pink bead necklace with a butterfly locket
haruto smile widely and couldn't help but chuckled at your cuteness. oh, how he wishes he could hug you right now
"thank you y/n, i'm gonna wear this," he said and wear the necklace on the spot, seeing you laugh happily made him happy. love turns someone crazy.
"okay guys that's enough of a break" the teacher yelled, making all of the 12 treasure members turn to their positions. haruto smile as he saw you mouthing 'fighting' to him.
haruto stares at the bead necklace with love in his eyes, he smiles when he thought you made this while thinking about him who loves collecting a butterfly necklace. he felt appreciated for the moment.
suddenly the door open, showing junkyu with his koala pajamas, entered the room with a towel on his shoulder and wet hair.
"i felt like i could sleep till next week" the older groaned, throwing himself to his bed, ready to sleep.
haruto didn't reply, he also felt tired from all day practicing, he turns his body facing the wall, ready to sleep but junkyu's question made him awake.
"do you like y/n, ruto ya?"
"what are you talking about hyung?"
"we all know"
haruto gulped
who we?
treasure members?
if yes, he is doomed.
"no, how can i—"
"you guys could make a cute couple"
"go to sleep hyung, we got to get up early tomorrow" haruto said, not want to continue this topic.
junkyu let him off, he also wants to sleep right now.
today is the day, where they need to record their debut song, but in the japanese version. when haruto turns to record his part, you enter the studio with your favorite potato snack.
you smiled at haruto who's now in the recording room, haruto returns your smile and starts practicing his rap before record it as he wants everything to go perfectly.
you still smiling at haruto, secretly adoring how cool he is while working, noticing jihoon looking at you with a smirk on his face, you quickly change your focus to the snack you bought
you don't want anyone to know your crush on haruto because they're gonna debut soon, and rookies can't date. you felt butterflies whenever haruto talks to you or smile at you, although you're the one who always starts the conversation, yet haruto never failed to make your day better
you noticed how haruto always awkward whenever you guys having a conversation and it made him cuter! thinking he must be awkward with a person besides his members
"ready, haruto?" the producer asked through the mic
haruto gives thumbs up, showing he ready to show off his skill to you although you know how good he in rap through ygtb.
he starts rapping in his native language, making you surprised, amazed at how his voice got so much deeper than rapping in korean.
"y/n cover your mouth, i'm afraid if fly flew into your mouth" jihoon joked, making all of the members laugh at you, you frowned at him but of course jihoon, being jihoon,  he keeps teasing you more and more.
"it's cute how you flirt with haruto with the bead necklace"
"i wasn't flirting!" you backup yourself
the members gave a sly smile at the youngest, obviously didn't trust all the words that come out from your mouth.
"yeah, but your dad said you took the class for the necklace, and you hate beads since they're so small and hard to do anything with it" said jihoon
you sighed as you can't think of another reply, because all of jihoon said is true.
"am i being obvious?" you finally being your true self towards the olders
hyunsuk nodded
"we can already tell you like haruto— the way you talk, see, and smile to him is different whenever you with us beside you only do bead necklace for him only," hyunsuk said, faking his tear at the fact you didn't give them your handmade bead necklace.
"haruto must know about this too, right?"
"nah he doesn't" junkyu replied
"why are you so sure?" you asked
"i was his roommate and i can tell he clearly in love with you, he slept with your necklace yesterday and we all notice how he smiling like an idiot whenever you around"
you couldn't help but smile at junkyu's statement
"you know y/n,his part in 'boy' he wrote himself. and guess who is the lyrics dedicated to?" yoshi asked
"to you of course," mashiho replied
"seriously?" you turn your head, facing haruto who now rapping to his part.
"what does that mean?" she asked
"it means, my muse is so beautiful that i can't breathe just by meeting her eyes" asahi spoke, grinning at the youngest
the members start teasing you, making you turn all red. you cover your red ears when haruto gets out of the recording room. haruto frowned when he saw you covered your ears, did his rap didn't impress you?
jihoon and hyunsuk who sit in front of you could only smirk when they saw how fluttered you are.
as usual, you only sit on the couch looking at the twelve boys practicing so hard for their debut, your dad keeps correcting their choreo and makes sure they all dancing in synchronize or they need to repeat all over again.
you felt pity for them, but they need to practice for a good result. you keep your eyes on haruto, ah, how charming is he? the way he laughs whenever the others making a joke.
"okay, take 5," said the coach, making them all lay on the floor, catching their breath. you smiled as you take fruit juice from your bag pocket to give to haruto but your dad snatches it away from you and innocently drinks the juice.
"how thoughtful my daughter is? brought juice for her dad" said your dad, continue drinking the juice. you scrunched your face, you want to yell at your father but you decided to not make a scene, instead of doing what you have in your mind- which is throwing a punch on your dad's arm, you push him and leave the dance practice room with a frowned face.
jihoon and hyunsuk laughing, knowing their coach purposely doing that to tease his daughter. meanwhile haruto just finds you sulking is cute(not fully knowing what happen), he just wants to squish that tiny girl.
hours later, you come back to the practice room after wandering around the company. you surprised that they still practice although it's 8 pm. they should head home, right?
as you want to ask your dad when will they go home, a groan, making everyone froze and look at haruto who already lie down, holding his ankle. you quickly go to him and check his ankle
"i think he sprained his ankle," you said and help haruto to stand–with the help of the other of course. haruto winced as the sprained feet touch the floor, without saying anything you took off haruto's shoes and socks, taking ice packs from junghwan who go to the store when hyunsuk ordered him to buy ice packs
"wait, i get the first aid," you said and left making all of the members, including your dad to look at haruto
"what?" haruto asked
"i know you like my daughter kid, just confess i'm tired of answering her about you every day," he said
haruto widen his eyes
"just confess ruto, i'm 100% sure y/n accept you," hyunsuk said
"if you still not sure, please take a look how fast y/n go to you when you sprained your ankle and the fact she only made beads necklace only for you" jihoon added
hearing their words making haruto smile shyly, she likes him back...?
seeing haruto smiling like an idiot, they all left the practice room as you arrived with first aid in your hands. you ignored the sly smile on others face, haruto's ankle is now more important
you kneel in front of him carefully bandaging his ankle
"you need to rest, no practice, walking making a late recovery," you said
haruto smile
"thank you y/n, i appreciate it" he said
you nod as you can't think any of response, you worried about haruto's injury, their debut only a month away
"i like you" his sudden words making you froze, slowly you look up, facing haruto
"what did you—"
"i like you" he cut you off
you pin the bandage and stand, making haruto look up at you. your smile making haruto's nervousness faded away.
"that is so sudden? i thought you could make it more romantic?"
haruto froze, feeling regret confessing to you without anything special. he needs to give a good impression as a boyfriend! - you could do better haruto! he thought. he apologizes to you in which you reply with your beautiful giggle.
"i'm just playing with you" you said and take a seat beside haruto, taking a brave move, you rest your head on his broad shoulder.
"but really, i'm sorry for confessing unromantically"
"ruto, the rap in your debut album is amazing, and that's the most romantic thing someone ever done to me. thank you" you said while smiling, thinking about his rap.
haruto scoffs, he knows so well yoshi said this to you because yoshi is the one who knew the rap is meant for someone he loves.  however, he also wants to hug the older as he 'helps' his feelings towards you.
"let's go home, you need plenty of rest" you said, helping the boy to stand up
"can you come to my dorm? i need someone to take care of me, i can't walk it will cause a late recovery someone said" haruto said in a teasing way making you slap his arm, laughing at his words
"i will make sure dad send me there tomorrow"
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Spencer the Grouch
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Summary: Your only question to Spencer is “What made you such an arrogant, rude prick?”
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content/Warning: swearing, bickering, Spencer Reid being a bitch, mentions of Diana’s schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s, fluff
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: this is the final of my 3 fics for me and @samuel-de-champagne-problems 500 follower co-celebration!!! our prompts today were: Enemies to Lovers, Going to a library/bookstore, “You deserve so much more”. to see all of our fics, click here!
You were scowering the shelves of the bookstore for a copy of Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Your daughter spilled fruit punch on her copy and needed a new copy to finish her book report.
You spotted it on the top shelf, you were on your tippy-toes trying to jump up and grab it.
A young man came over and reached up for the book you were trying to get.
“Oh, thank you very much,” you sighed in relief when he brought the book back down, thinking he was helping you out.
But then, he proceeded to walk away.
“Um, excuse me, sir?” you chased after him and tapped his back.
“That’s my book,” you pointed down to the book in his huge stack.
“No, it’s not,” he quirked an eyebrow.
“You clearly saw me reaching for it before you swooped in. My daughter has her book report due tomorrow and she ruined her first copy. Please,” you begged.
“Not my fault that your daughter ruined her copy. My godson needs this book to start his and it’s due tomorrow,” he stated.
“Well, it’s not my fault that your godson waits to do things until the last minute. My daughter just spilled her drink on it by accident. It’s a 300 page book, how are you expecting him to finish it all in one night?” you crossed your arms.
“I’m a fast reader.”
“Oh so you’re doing the project for him? How do you expect him to learn? You know as a teacher, I highly discourage that.”
“I’m a doctor and a professor so I think I’ll be quite alright without your opinion,” he snarked.
“What made you such an arrogant, rude prick? Whatever, I’ll just go to another store,” you huffed, storming out of the shop.
You had managed to find another copy after going to three other bookstores.
Valerie had to pull an all-nighter to finish up something that she could have finished before her bedtime if you got the book from the first store.
You taught 3rd grade next door to Valerie’s 4th grade classroom so right at dismissal time, you loaded your class up on the bus and went to go pick up your daughter.
“Mom, I’m so sleepy,” she whined as you took her backpack from her cubby.
“Aw, I know, baby. Let’s get you home and we can both take a nap,” you grabbed her hand.
As you were walking towards the door, you saw the man from the bookstore yesterday enter.
“See right there, Val,” you pointed to him, not even trying to keep your voice down, “That’s the rude man from yesterday I was telling you about. You don’t ever want to be like him. Remember why?”
“We don’t belittle other people’s professions. We treat people with kindness. We always help each other out and use our manners,” Valerie repeated your lesson to her from yesterday.
“Good job, baby,” you smiled.
“Y/N,” Mrs. Jensen spoke, “Would you be interested in one of the parent volunteer opportunities coming up?”
“Sure! Sign me up for whatever needs help,” you waved goodbye.
You told Mrs. Jensen to just have all the other bake sale people come to your house to bake and help prep. However, she told you that it was just one other person so you two would just have to do a lot more work. Valerie even offered her assistance.
A knock sounded at the door.
“That must be them, Val,” you put on a friendly smile as you opened the door, revealing the mean bookstore man once again.
“What are you doing here?” you frowned.
He checked the folded up piece of paper in his pocket again, “I was supposed to report here for helping with the bake sale?”
“You know what? We’re actually fine. Your help is no longer needed. Thanks,” you tried to shut the door.
“But Mrs. Jensen said there was only one other person,” he stuck his foot in the door.
“I’d rather do it all by myself than work with you.”
“Will you at least let me apologize for how I acted at the bookstore? I got some pretty bad news and I know that’s not an excuse but I realize now that lashing out at everyone around me was wrong. Also, teaching kids is a very admirable career and I’m sorry if I gave the impression that I didn’t think it was.”
“Fine,” you sighed, opening the door.
“Mom, who is it,” Valerie asked, coming down the stairs.
“Oh,” she frowned when she caught a glimpse of Spencer, “Oscar the grouch.”
You tried to stifle a laugh at the nickname you and Valerie had given the man.
“It’s actually Spencer the grouch but point taken,” he nodded, slightly amused.
“Val, he’s going to help us so be nice,” you told her.
She reluctantly nodded and headed to the kitchen.
“Sift the flour and cocoa into this bowl,” Valerie instructed him.
“Um fair warning I’m not very good at baking,” Spencer admitted.
“Then why did you sign up for the bake sale?” you questioned.
“I just signed up where they needed help.”
“While it’s very admirable, why are you volunteering at all? You don’t have a kid, right?” you asked.
“I have a godson, Henry. No, I don’t have any kids of my own but I hope to someday. I just haven’t found someone to have one with yet.”
“You could foster or adopt,” you suggested.
“I may in a year or two,” Spencer nodded.
As Spencer sifted the flour, he hit the sifter a little too hard one time and a huge cloud of white powder flew up into his face.
Valerie laughed as you handed Spencer a wet paper towel.
“I told you I wasn’t very skilled,” Spencer grinned, wiping his face off.
“We need music, Mom,” Valerie stated.
“Say no more, my dear,” you connected your phone to the bluetooth speaker and played your playlist consisting mainly of Taylor Swift and One Direction.
You and Valerie sang and danced between steps of the recipe. You even got Spencer to dance for a moment but he was very reluctant.
By the time you slid the pans of brownie batter into the oven, you all were thoroughly exhausted.
“Alright, bedtime for you, Val,” you hugged her goodnight.
Once Valerie was in bed, you sat down on the couch with Spencer, waiting for the brownies to finish baking.
“You know you don’t have to wait, right? I can manage to take the pans out of the oven and cut them into pieces by myself,” you told him.
“I know but I wanted to apologize again for how I treated you at the bookstore. It was rude, unfair, disrespectful, and so many other horrible words and I hope you can believe me when I say that’s not the real me. I was just in a really bad place but that’s not an excuse to treat others poorly,” Spencer apologized.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked, picking your legs up off the ground and turning to face him, criss-cross on the couch.
“My mom was just diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in addition to her schizophrenia. So, I have one more inherited genetic condition to worry about. And I don’t even know how much longer she is going to remember me for,” Spencer teared up, “She’s all the family I have.”
You pulled Spencer in for a hug as he sobbed into your chest. You rubbed his back soothingly.
“I mean yes I have my team which is kind of like my family but they have all their separate families that they go home to at night or during the holidays. I have no one except a mom who doesn’t even remember me most of the time,” Spencer cried.
You cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look up at you, “Spencer, even seeing your worst side, I can confidently say, you deserve so much more. You and your mom are welcome here any time for the holidays with me and Val.”
“Really?” he sniffled.
“Absolutely. I always make way too much food anyways,” you grinned.
Spencer looked at you with pure adoration in his eyes as he leaned forward ever so slowly. You found yourself doing the same until your lips met. Spencer grabbed a hold of the back of your head to keep you as close as possible.
You didn’t pull away until you heard a loud “EWWW.”
You and Spencer turned to see Valerie standing there with a bag of chips in one hand and shielding her eyes with the other.
“I thought I told you to go to bed,” you spoke.
“I tried but then my stomach started growling and you know I can’t sleep when I’m hungry,” she crossed her arms, “What happened to hating him?”
“He is forgiven,” you replied with a soft smile.
“Ugh, you’re gonna become Mrs. Grouch and then our whole family will be the Grouchs,” she whined, storming back up the stairs.
“Where were we?” you asked Spencer with a smirk.
Spencer pressed his lips up against yours once again.
taglist (just ask to be added or removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @rem-ariiana @hoodpankow @mochionly @spencerreid-187
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