#i got some free games and they’re awesome!
shiny-cats · 7 months
getting my own laptop ALMOST makes up for the intense gastrointestinal suffering my dinner caused me + the fact that one person outside my family remembered my birthday /j
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bao3bei4 · 6 months
why zines? how zines?
i was on a panel at fanworks con 2023 about zines today. it was a lot of fun! i decided to turn my portion of the talk into a post for my friends who couldn’t make it to the panel. 
this post includes my thoughts on: 
why make a zine
how to generate ideas for zines
how to finish your zines
how to build an audience for your zines
so why zines? what are they? [ZEENS, rhymes with beans], pronounced that way because it’s a shortened form of the word magazine, are basically just that: self published magazines. but why make a zine over, say, a blog post? or any other piece of art. 
i have basically three reasons. the first is that making little books is cool. it’s genuinely awesome to make physical zines and have the product of your labor in your hand. it’s a great feeling to finish a project and feel a concrete reward, and a lot of times we don’t get that in our lives.
the second reason is that zines give you absolute editorial control. you can put anything you want on a page. whatever layout, whatever order, whatever fold, whatever content. you name it, you can do it. this is something other venues rarely give you. for artists, it’s phenomenal. and for the rest of us, it gives us the ability to become artists for a little bit, as we lay things out.
the third reason is that zines can be absolute shit. in fact, the more shit they are, the more diy and punk they are. they have an incredible lineage of stolen copy paper and anarchist politics. all that to say, is that there are no standards. the zine ethos is say what you wanna say. it’s tremendously freeing to go fuck polish and respectability, i’m making my project.
because of these three reasons, i want to encourage you to get started making zines by describing common challenges and worries and giving you several practical tips for each on working past them. so, in order, they’re “i don’t know what to make a zine about,” “i struggle to finish projects,” and “no one will read my zines.” let’s get into it.
first up, “i don’t know what to make a zine about.” i think this one is pretty common, even for experienced zine creators. sometimes you’re in the mood to make things but you have no clue what. a lot of people suggest to just go with random words or whatever pops into your head, but i’m picky! i find that unsatisfying! so here are some tips for people in the same boat. 
ONE: what’s distracting you? work with it. because anything can be a zine, let the things you’ve already done serve as inspiration. photos you’ve taken can be formatted into a zine. is there a game sucking up your attention? make a zine about it. the song stuck in your head can turn into a lyricbook, forgotten works in progress or sketches can be resurrected, cannibalized, or even published as incomplete zines. if you’ve been busy with real life, maybe the recipes you’ve been making—even if, especially if, they’re struggle meals, can turn into zines. interview your most interesting friend. summarize a book you read recently. even if you’ve just been doomscrolling, that’s a zine too! i got a zine last weekend called bay area newsreel which was collecting recent articles about local news from leftist perspectives gathered up into a handy volume. your attention is a gift, so look at what zine fodder it’s accumulated for you naturally. 
SECOND: add a twist. sometimes i have an idea but it isn’t quite right. it just seems too straightforward. so i try to develop along a single axis of content or form. what this means is basically go against your instincts, or rather, your first impulse. that first idea is very hard to walk away from, but doing so often gives you an idea that gets you unstuck. so for content, add a different perspective. for me this is often a theoretical approach. when i was stuck on my scum villain zine, turning it into freud zine let the words start flowing. next, on form: present it differently than your first instinct is to. if my first thought is “essay,” i try to figure out how to chunk out the information into modules or how to add interactivity or what kind of illustrations to add. if my first thought is “this could be a fic or comic,” i try turning it into an essay. saying things a different way often gives you a new perspective on the content as well. 
THIRD: copy! make your take on the same thing as someone else. it’s not stealing—well, ideally it isn’t. make your original take and give credit where credit is due and ask permission if necessary. but engage with the medium!!! making zines without reading zines is the same thing as trying to write a paper without citing sources, or a novel without reading your contemporaries. that is, you can do it, but it’s hard. zines are a genre into themselves so figure out how to situate yourself in their ongoing dialogue. an example of this from my own practice is that i own a zine about queer gods and mythological creatures from chinese history. reading it i was like. why don’t they talk about this. why don’t they talk about that. and that became the basis for my own zine, guaitai the strange and the queer which focused on queer chinese history and literature instead. different zine, same inspiration. 
all of my ideas suppose you have SOMETHING going on. what if you truly have nothing. my advice? adapted from my “how to write an essay” blog post, is to read a book. read an article. read something. and then post about it. and then turn your posts into a zine. don’t start entirely from scratch — give yourself a scaffolding. so first. read something and tell someone about it. i wasn’t lying about calling myself a consummate poster. it’s a big part of my thought process. 
second up, what if “i struggle to finish projects.” i’m no stranger to having a bunch of half finished half started projects lying around. but here are some zine-specific tips i have for addressing that.
FIRST! go smaller; go shittier. reduce the scope of your projects. make one pagers, lists. once when i was feeling stymied, i made a physical zine about movies i’d watched that month, just listing them with a couple bullet points on each film. i eventually turned it into a bigger digital zine where i listed movies i’d watched over the past several months with more thoughts on them, and nicely formatted. but that was something that came out of reducing my scope from “i need to write a manifesto on a movie i’ve watched recently” to “well i can just tell people about it” to “i can say two things about it.” and something actually got finished.
SECOND. your friends are a great tool for accountability. something i like to do is zine jams with my friends. nothing fancy, it’s just we’ll sit down for an hour and go we’re going to make something in this hour. or, for a bigger scope, we might work separately but commit to making a zine that weekend. it’s nice to have community and it’s nice to feel a little bit of a friendly deadline. i recommend this even if you DON’T have problems finishing zines. it’s a good time. 
THIRD. a lot of times if the words aren’t coming easily, it’s because i’m not trying to say the right thing. keep in mind that your zines don’t have to be “content.” this little paper zine i made about movies wasn’t made to share online; in fact, it’s not available online. i didn’t make it according to what other people would see or be interested in. you can and will burn out on making “marketable” content. corollary to this: sometimes what i have to say is something i DON’T want to share online. it might not be that it’s boring, it might be that it’s too personal. and i share a lot online, i write personal essays after all. but some projects i stall on because they’re really just for me, and i’m again, focused on making content. so this piece of advice is about rejecting the tyranny of the imaginary audience. 
and the next challenge is about embracing that audience! what if no one reads your zines, something that’s entirely possible. well there’s plenty you can do about that.
FIRST. cultivate zine community. read other people’s zines! talk to them about their zines! this greatly increases the chance that they will do the same for you. don’t go in expecting reciprocity; do it for its own sake, but it’s a great place to start. try asking people at zine fests if they’d be willing to trade with you, for instance. 
SECOND. write for yourself. it’s cheesy but it’s true. you really have to. if you’re not proud and happy with what you’re making on its own merits, what’s the point. now because this is a cop out tip, i’m not counting it as a tip on its own. 
so SECOND PART TWO. make your zines more accessible. if they’re not free, make them free—yes, you deserve to be compensated for your work, but it’s up to you to decide if you want a bigger audience first. if your zines aren’t short, make them shorter. make them short enough that you can post their entirety on social media or something else easy for your audience to consume. it’s a big ask sometimes to get someone to download your pdf! if they’re physical, hand them out to people you meet. remove all the barriers to entry.
THIRD. related to this, change medium. if you’re not making physical zines, try printing them out. if you’re not making digital zines, try digitizing them. both of these offer access to new audiences and new people who might be more interested in one form than another. 
i hope these thoughts encourage you to make a zine! if you do, please let me see it. i love reading zines. 
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creepsopasta · 1 year
playing games with some pastas
includes; eyeless jack, jeff the killer, hoodie, masky, ticci toby, homicidal liu, kagekao
eyeless jack:
- bit of a sore loser. not good with games that make him rage or online games
- voice chat with him is crazy!! he is literally foaming at the mouth yelling and cursing he is so bad at games :(
- “jack it’s gonna be okay” “FUCK you”
- he is not very kind about his losses
- most likely ends up throwing the control at the tv and breaking it (bad ending)
- whenever he ends up winning he’s ecstatic he does not stop talking about it and will brag about it to you exclusively. just go with it okay he needs it for his already shattered ego
- 0/10 experience would not do again.. okay maybe he would if you talked him into it and told him how much of a great player he is
- “i AM awesome aren’t i???” “yes you are <3”
- the more you play together the more he’ll learn to calm the fuck down and just enjoy himself
- still rages a lot tho
jeff the killer:
- plays board games like candyland and twister
- he’s a fucking shark he’s got all this shit down he knows how to win
- anyone who gets paired up with him for game night is 85% guaranteed to win (unfortunately there is someone out there who’s better than him)
- gets PISSED over not winning twister fucking furious he is literally the most flexible guy in this house he can do so much with his body
- monopoly is his favorite game. he esp loves to play with the younger pastas bc they believe anything he says and he thinks it’s hilarious
- “NOOOO PLEASE DON’T TAKE MY HOUSE” “your rent is $500,000, sally… it’s my house now”
- not a very avid video game player. he never really played a lot tbh
- good at everything EXCEPT connect four. do not make him play connect four he hates it he has terrible memories of it
- mastermind strategy planner. it’s a shame he doesn’t think this much at any other time
- boasts about it big time if you lose (you will probably lose) but might even try to let you win on purpose if he feels bad or sees you’re upset
- more of an arcade game guy. if you’re looking for like pinball games or pacman or space invaders or maze games or those weird money machines (that he kind of just. steals from) then he’s like great at all of them
- has spent hours honing his skills in his free time so you’ll be grinding for a while if you wanna beat him
- all the highest scores on the arcade machines are his. no one has topped them bc they’re fucking insane
- “wow you really have nothing better to do huh” [takes out gun] “that’s enough out of you jack can’t even fuckin move the joysticks around”
- tries to act like he isn’t competitive about it but he really super is
- thinks it’s just adorable that you think you can defeat him. no he will not be humbled by his lover of all people… that would make him a weak man
- goddamn merciless. no favors for anyone he revels in the rage he causes (see jack for more)
- if you’re a beginner he’ll take it easy on you until you learn the ropes and will offer tips but as time goes on he’s gonna be looking for a fight
- if he’s ever beaten, he will take it in grace and go straight from denial to acceptance
- does not rage that often. just hardcore practices until he’s like fucking unstoppable
- card player :(
- hates go fish tho he has such bad luck with it and everyone makes fun of him bc it’s like the universe does not want him to win
- good at boring ass stuff like solitaire or blackjack and if you ask him if he can play anything funner he’ll be like “oh so like rummy or spoons :]”
- no masky not like rummy or spoons… like uno or fucking play with some goddamn pokémon cards
- he’s so enthusiastic about it though so cmon just indulge him alright.. he literally has nobody else around him who’s into cards
- “okay so i win” “what… but we just started”
- he plays chess too!!! maybe you’ll find that more interesting?? he’s not very in touch with board games or anything this is the best he’s got
- deadass makes up his own rules if you don’t know anything about the game you’re playing
- “yeah so now you have to eat a rat. sorry babe”
- is never going to make fun of you if you suck at cards it’s not like he can beat jack in video games
ticci toby:
- dnd enjoyer he loves being the dm especially
- he, you, jeff, hoodie, lj, and occasionally masky have game nights and all you guys do is sit around the kitchen table trying not to curse each other out for doing stupid shit
- “c’mon guys this is supposed to be fun :(”
- doesn’t know that most of you have no idea how to play so he makes it super difficult
- has had to REPEATEDLY glue the die back together because jeff cannot stop snapping it in half
- “why does your dumbass partner always win this is fucking favoritism” “and then jeffery fell off a building and into the ocean 🥰”
- teaches you all you need to know about the game he will sit there for hours if he needs to just talking about the complexity of the rules
- he seems to have a lot of fun with it so everyone tries their best to not break the pieces or punch masky or yell at each other or punch masky
- better with snacks and drinks and lots of breaks so everyone can calm down and at least try to find some joy in the game
- 6/10 experience. would only try again without jeff at the table
homicidal liu:
- among us player… pisses everybody off bc he’s unfortunately very good at it and always imposter
- absolutely kills it (pun intended)
- no mercy he kills everyone including his loved ones this is a battle to the death and he is going to win goddamnit
- being imposter with him is some of the easiest shit bc he will carry the team entirely
- nothing to brag about tho since it’s a little space game and it’s really easy
- always knows who the imposter is if it’s not him he’s got some kind of foresight he will go out of his way to sabotage their chances at winning
- “would you love me more… if i killed someone for you 😇😇” “but you killed ME liu” “whoops”
- will stay with you for most of the game so he has an excuse for being innocent. once you are of no use to him he will stab you in the back
- relatively tame over voice chat. unless his brother happens to be there then it’s just jeff getting pissed off bc he can’t activate the reactor
- wakes you up at 2 am, phone in hand, smile on his face, asking “do you wanna play among us?”
- “liu, shut the fuck up and go back to sleep.” “ok.. :((”
- great at those games you play in your yard like frisbee or tag or hide n seek or maybe darts
- since the bitch can fly and run really fast it’s very unfair he pretty much cheats at everything and he thinks it’s funny
- frisbee with him is a literal field day. throws it so far you can’t find it ever again you’ll just have to buy a whole ass new one
- “what the FUCK kagekao” “🤷”
- laughs and makes fun of you for just not being as skilled as him maybe if you could fly you could beat him just get off the ground dumbass
- also likes to race but we all know how that’s gonna go (hint: he wins)
- unless he’s up against candy pop or something no one else really has a chance at beating him
- might help you a little bit if you’re struggling. like that one time he carried you up into the air and then dropped you because he thought it would be funny but then he couldn’t catch you in time so you ended up falling on lj and breaking one of your arms
- wrote you a little heartfelt letter about it later with a very fancy “sorry ❤️” in calligraphy and a few drawings of flowers (it did not help. your arm was still broken)
- really bad sport does NOT like to lose he will completely shut down
- little fuckin bastard
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tuberchelsea · 1 year
Come Out to LA
Pairing: Yoongi x f!reader
Summary: What was supposed to be a simple trip to LA to visit your childhood friend turns into a weekend of a life time
Genre: idol au, smut, fluff, strangers to lovers
CW: sexual content (grinding (we in da club), oral, fingering, exhibitionism (if you squint), dom!Yoongi, sub!reader, p in v), unwarranted Kiss Cam, Yoongi is just too fuckin cute. Also, we may have some sad girl times.
A/N: I have not been in the basketball circle for a while, so my knowledge is meh (also am not a Lakers fan). Also, for somebody (me) having a JK bias, Yoongi’s been on the (my) mind lately 🥴
Title inspiration: Come Out to LA - Don Broco
“Question - how would you feel about seeing a Lakers game while you’re here?” Your friend, Becca asks over the phone.
“I mean I’m not the biggest lakers fan, but it’s been a while since I’ve watched a game - I’m down!” Why not? You’d never been to Los Angeles, so it’d be a good idea to do as much as you can in the 4 days you’re there.
“Awesome! The game is tomorrow evening! Did you want to borrow a jersey? I have plenty hanging around!” Becca asked, knowing full well what your response was going to be.
“…I’ll just wear something nice.” There’s no was you’d be caught dead wearing a Lakers jersey.
“Okay! I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon then!! Love you!!” As Becca hangs up the phone, you glance over at your half packed suitcase and the pile of rejected outfits sighing - packing shouldn’t be this hard. Looking over at your closet, you eye the new lavender pantsuit you’d bought months ago - might be time to put it to good use.
“Why do I keep punishing myself with bum-fuck early flights?” You curse to yourself as you off board your last connecting flight to LAX. You needed to find Becca - thankfully she was waiting by baggage claim.
“Girl, you look like you need caffeine.” Becca stated as she gave you a giant hug. You nodded in agreement - 4 am flights aren’t exactly your jam. Grabbing your bag off the carousel, you follow her out to the car. Not even buckled in, Becca started rambling off the schedule for the day - something that didn’t surprise you.
“So, I’m thinking we drop stuff off at the house, you can change, then we do brunch? Get coffee and eat - kill two birds with one stone.” You nodded, sending the necessary texts to your family.
“What else do we have today? Better question, when is the basketball game?” You inquired - she hadn’t really disclosed that to you.
“Oh! That’s tonight! We need to be there at least an hour before tip off, it’ll be a bit easier to get to the seats courtside, plus I-“
“Did you say courtside?” You interrupted her, looking up from your phone. She nodded, smiling mischievously. “How did you land courtside? HOW MUCH DO I OWE YOU??” You KNOW you couldn’t afford the ticket at this point, even if you didn’t go shopping.
She shakes her head and laughs, “you don’t owe me anything, hun! Besides, I got them for free bec-“
“Did you win a contest??” You interrupted again.
“No, I got them fr-“
“Oh! Gifted from work?” You interrupted once more. Becca then glared at you, reaching for her flip flop.
“Well! I! Could! Tell! You! If! You’d! Stop! Interrupting! Me!” She yelled, striking you on the thigh with each word. “Now hush!” She tossed her flip flop at you. Your eyes the size of dinner plates, you nodded obediently, rubbing your thigh to help with the sting. “Oh I didn’t hit you that hard. AS I WAS SAYING, I got the tickets because I’m dating one of the guards on the Lakers. We haven’t gone public with our relationship, so I can still enjoy sitting courtside without media in my face. I was able to get him to get another ticket tonight so I could take you to see a game - they’re actually pretty fun!” You nodded, processing the new information.
“Wow - you moving out here last year really changed you for the better.” You sigh, looking down at your hands.
She reaches over and places a hand on yours, sensing your change in mood, “how are you handling all of that, by the way?” You go silent for a moment, thinking over the events from the past year.
“I was able to have closure - his family is still on my side with everything. Nobody’s really heard from him since his family and I found out why he left me for her.” You let out a frustrated sigh. “But I’m hoping it’ll be easier for them and myself once I move away.” You look back down, fidgeting with your phone again.
“Where are you planning on moving to?”
“I’m hoping here - I’m gonna check out UCLA’s Marine Bio Grad program tomorrow. It was one highly recommended by my professors.”
“Well if everything works out, I could talk to the landlord of my apartment complex. He’s actually a pretty decent guy. Plus you’d be in a pretty decent location.” Becca shrugs, turning into the complex.
“And I’d be close to you?” giving her the side eye and a smirk.
“I mean I think that’s the best perk if anything! Now come on, grab your stuff and let’s get you changed so we can start the day! Race you to my place!” She says, already running for the door.
“Becca hold on, I need my ba - I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE TO GO!” Groaning, you grab your bags, trying not to trip over yourself as you follow suit.
“I still can’t believe you wore a pantsuit, hun. I still think you should’ve worn a jersey.” Becca shakes her head as you both enter the Staples Center.
“Well, I think it’s appropriate - it’s a tint of purple AND I wanted to look nice since we’re gonna be court side. Plus lots of people will see us, even if we’re not sitting with the celebs.” You shrug, placing the blazer to drape off your shoulders.
“Hun, you do understand that court side isn’t like the VIP lounges, right?” Becca quirks an eyebrow at you.
“Meaning?” You send her a confused look.
“Meaning we will be sitting with famous people. Like there’s only one ‘court side’, hun.”
“Well now I just hope there’s not any cute celebs.” You scoff, following Becca to the seats. She grabs her seat, pointing to her left to direct you to yours. As you take your seat, you hear a conversation to your left - one that’s not in English. Your curiosity wins and you (assumingely) nonchalantly turn to see where it was coming from. Almost immediately, you make direct eye contact with the person that’ll be sitting next to you for the night -
He gives you a small wave and smile before sitting down, you do the same to him. Once sat, you turn to Becca with a bemused look on your face, earning a small shrug from her.
“Becca, I feel I don’t deserve to sit here!!” You whisper yell through a toothy grin, earning a laugh from her.
“You’re fiiiiiiine, hun. Just enjoy the moment! Now, do you want anything to drink?”
“…Red Bull please. Flavored is preferred, but no coconut.”
“Got it!” Becca saunters off to the drink stand, leaving you alone. Already feeling warm from the arena (the anxiety wasn’t helping), you decide to slip off your blazer. You stand to drape it over the back of your seat, leaving you in a sleeveless mock turtle neck.
Suddenly, you hear a small voice from your right - one you wouldn’t have heard if they weren’t right next to you. “I’m assuming you’re a fan of The Ocean?” You look up to see Suga pointing to your right arm, sporting a sea-themed sleeve.
“Well I hope I do, seeing as I’m a Marine Biologist.” Sitting down, you instantly regret what came out of your mouth - hoping the sarcasm wouldn’t be too lost in translation.
He laughed, surprising you that he didn’t think the line was cringy. “Marine Biologist? Do you study ocean animals then?”
“Not right now - kinda hard when you live in the mid western part of the United States. Currently I’m working with more lake, river and pond life. I’m hoping to switch to more oceanic when I finish my Master’s though.”
“So you’re not from LA?” Apparently he’d caught something in your ramblings.
Shaking your head, you answer “nope, I’m visiting my friend, Becca” you pointed to her still empty seat. “I currently live in Montana.”
“Ahh okay!” He nods, “I’ve never been there, but I want to someday. I hear it’s really pretty. Also! I didn’t catch your name!” Suga gives an apologetic look as you mentally slap yourself for not introducing yourself.
“I’m y/n! I didn’t mean to come across as rude, Sug-“
“Yoongi” he interrupts. You look at him with a confused look, your brain short circuiting. “You can call me Yoongi. Also, you weren’t being rude, I was the one that caught you off guard.” He gives you a soft smile, holding out his hand to shake yours. He then introduces his manager that’s sitting off to his left. As you two finish introductions, you feel something cool press against your cheek. Grabbing the can from Becca, you thank her before you take a drink.
“Oooh! They had my favorite flavor.” Tonight may just be okay.
“How did the refs miss an obvious travel?? Like he went almost half way across the court.” It’s coming close to the end of the 2nd quarter (not period, as you were immediately corrected by both Yoongi and Becca. “Don’t mind her, she’s more of a hockey fan.” Becca leans across you to apologize, getting a smile out of him), and while you are enjoying the game, you’re also enjoying the company around you. When the three of you aren’t yelling at the refs for missing blatant calls, you would carry conversations amongst the three of you (as well as you could in a loud arena); small talk quickly turning into more personal topics. Soon, the buzzer went off; indicating the end of the quarter.
“I’m going to head to the locker room to go see my man, then grab drinks on the way back - you want another Red Bull?” Becca asks you as she’s standing up. You nod, then she heads off. At the same time, you see Yoongi’s manager leave, leaving Yoongi and yourself alone. You feel the anxiety come back to you - while you were comfortable being around Yoongi, not having Becca there to back you up was slightly intimidating. As soon as you zone out though, you’re quickly brought back by a small touch on your forearm. You look to your left to see the hand belonging to Yoongi, who was wearing a slightly concerned look. “Are you okay, y/n?”
You blink a couple times before you nod, “yes! Sorry, I tend to zone out when my anxiety gets to be a bit much.” You then let out a breath you didn’t even think you were holding.
“Is the crowd becoming a bit much for you?” He asks, hand still on your arm. You nod. He sighs, “I’m glad I’m not the only one overwhelmed.”
It’s your turn to wear the concerned look, “I’m guessing this isn’t the same as performing, is it?”
He shakes his head, “there’s a reason I’m more of a background person” he laughs nervously.
“We suffer together then?” You suggest, hating yourself again for the cringy comment. He smiles, making you feel a bit better. The announcer then comes over the arena speakers, announcing the arrival of the Laker Dancers. You both shift your attention to the dancers on the court as Mic Drop begins to play over the speakers. You see a shift in Yoongi’s demeanor, becoming more stoic, bobbing his head to the beat. When the camera spans over to him, he gives a tight smile and a wave. Once the dancers left the court, Yoongi turns back to you, going back to being relaxed. The two of you trade more conversation while waiting for the second half to start, not even noticing when Becca and his manager return to their seats.
The game is closing in on the end of the 3rd quarter. At this point, you and Yoongi aren’t paying a lot of attention to what’s going on on the court - too engrossed in your conversation. You two were so engrossed in conversation that you didn’t even notice the play stop, what was said over the speakers or Becca calling for you.
“Y/N LOOK UP!! AT THE JUMBOTRON!!” You direct your attention to the screen above you - to see yourself.
And Yoongi.
Featured on the Kiss Cam.
He must have caught it too; because if looks could kill, most of Staples Center would be gone. Instead of getting the hint that you two weren’t happy about this, the Cam stayed focused on you two for a lot longer than necessary. Becca then reached over and grabbed your face, just to plant a big kiss on your cheek. The Cam moves on, giving some much needed relief to both you and Yoongi. Once the awkwardness of the moment had passed over, both of you turned to face each other.
“I’m so sorry!!” You both blurted out at the same time.
Yoongi throws you a confused look, “why are you sorry?”
“I feel me sitting here conversing with you in The Public Eye may look questionable to those around us - I don’t want to ruin anything for you.” You quietly confessed, looking down at your hands.
Yoongi smirks, shaking his head, “if I was so worried about that, I wouldn’t have said a word to you in the first place! Besides, I was the one that started our conversation. If anything, I’m sorry you had to be put on the spot like that. I wasn’t even aware they were gonna feature me on that - not that they had a reason to anyways.”
“Well I have a small feeling somebody is gonna lose their job today.” You looked over Yoongi’s shoulder to see his Manager in a heated conversation with Lakers Staff. He looked over to his manager, then turned back to you wearing a grimace. You both began laughing, covering your mouths with your hands as an attempt to hide it.
Sometime later, the buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the game. “Do you mind waiting a bit, hun? I wanna see my man before we head out. Should only be about 15 minutes.” Becca asked, gathering her stuff. You shrug, nodding - there was no other way you would get back to her house anyways.
As she walked off, you began gathering your stuff, then turned to Yoongi. Taking a deep breath, you blurted out without thinking, “thank you for making the game a bit more enjoyable! It was really nice meeting you!” You immediately cringed at yourself, apologizing. I really need to think before I speak my dear god, you thought.
“You’re okay, y/n! I enjoyed your company too.” Yoongi gave you a small smile, causing you to smile back. There was a moment of comfortable silence between the two of you - even though the arena was still loud. “Oh! You said you were here for the weekend, are you busy tomorrow night?” Yoongi asked, breaking the silence.
“Other than I’m visiting UCLA before noon and probably going to go shopping once Becca is off work, I have nothing else planned!” Your heart began to race, you cannot believe this is happening.
“Awesome! Well we’re thinking of hitting a club downtown tomorrow evening, around 9? Would you guys want to join us? If that’s your thing, haha” Yoongi asked, looking nervous while looking for his phone.
“I would be down! Though you’d have to tell me where to go cause I no idea where that place is at.” You smile. Yoongi smiles back, looking like he let out a sigh of relief. He then hands over his phone, asking for your number.
“I’ll text you when I get back to my hotel?” He asks.
“Okay! Can you send those photos over that you took then?” You respond, Yoongi nodded in response. His manager then came back to his side, noting his departure. You two waved, sharing huge smiles. Becca soon returns to your side. “Why the big grin, hun?”
“I’ll tell you in the car!” You say, wearing a huge smile on your face, silently praying to your higher powers to not mess up this weekend.
Unknown number: Hey! It’s Yoongi! ☺️
Y/N🐙: Hey! I’m assuming you made it back to your hotel okay?
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Yes! Only had to deal with Army’s; no paps thank goodness.
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Did you make it home yet?
Y/N🐙: Yes - like we just pulled up to her apartment.
Y/N🐙: Also didn’t have to deal with paps 💁🏼
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Oh thank goodness 😮‍💨
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Attachment - 2 photos
Y/N🐙: Ooh! I like those!
Y/N🐙: Attachment - 3 photos
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Ooh these ones are cute
Y/N🐙: Cute?? 👀
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Like I said, wouldn’t have talked to you if I didn’t want to - wanted to cause I think you’re cute 🤷🏼‍♀️
Y/N🐙: …🤭
Y/N🐙: That’s as good of a flirty comeback as I can conjure at the moment cause it’s past my bedtime 🥲
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: I understand - it’s past mine too. I have a mid morning photo shoot tomorrow; I’ll text you in the morning?
Y/N🐙: Works for me! 😌
“What time are you going to the college?” Becca asked the next morning while she was feeding her dog, Vanya.
“I meet with the Head of the Post Grad Biology department at 11, so probs head out at 10. Will that be enough time for me to get there?” You asked, pulling up the subway schedules.
“It should be. But I’ve gotta go - I’ll be home around 4 and we can go shopping for outfits for tonight?” You nodded in response as your phone pinged, showing a new message. Becca leaned over to peek at your phone to see a message from Yoongi. “My dear Gods this man must like you enough to text you at 8 am on a Saturday!” She smirks as you try to hide the blush on your face.
“Get to work, loser. I’ll see you later!” You laugh as her and Vanya run out the door.
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Morning! ☺️ What time are you headed to the college this morning?
Y/N🐙: Morning!! I meet with the Department Head at 11, so I’m headed out a bit before 10!
Y/N🐙: What time is your shoot?
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: It starts at 9 - thankfully I’m not having to go far cause I’m not even awake enough to order the right coffee this morning
Y/N🐙: Speaking of, I should probs make sure my route to the college includes a coffee stop. I’m still dealing with jet lag.
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: You’re preaching to the choir, Y/N.
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Aish, my manager is calling for me, I’ll give you a call after I’m done with the shoot!
Y/N🐙: Okay! Have fun! ☺️
After finishing breakfast, you changed into a simple pair of Khakis, a hunter green blouse and white vans. Donning a simple make up look, you completed the look with a simple ballet bun. Throwing on your AirPods, you headed out the door, making your trek towards the Subway station and hopefully some coffee.
“MIss L/N, I feel you would be an excellent addition to the Master’s Marine Bio Program! We could use a new Reseaarch Lab manager as well - plus you’d get credit for working.” You’d spent the last hour with the Department Head, him chatting your ear off. You’d grown more excited about attending; the lab job making the deal more enticing. Off hand, you’d mentioned your earlier lab work with your professor; the name immediately catching the Dept Head’s ear. “I thought I’d seen you were coming from MSUB! I had the honor of working with your Animal Bio professor years ago! Still love his research on scorpions - fascinating work.” You nod, having worked on it as your first lab project. Walking back to his office, he’d asked if there were any questions you’d had.
“Yes! I’d heard that Research Diving would be added to the curriculum - when is that happening?” You’d just finished your SCUBA certification for the subject - might as well use it.
“This next school year - right when you’d be starting if you enrolled by the end of next month!” You nodded, seriously contemplating applying. He handed you a business card, mention to email him once you had enrolled - if you choose to. You place the card in your wallet, standing to shake hands. Once you were out of his office, almost out of the building, you’d decided to check your phone. You look to see 3 messages from Yoongi, 2 from Becca and the Family Group Chat flooded with messages. Ignoring the group chat, you see that Becca is stuck working a double and won’t be able to join tonight. Internally cursing, you reply that it’s okay and you’d probably see her later tonight or in the morning. You then check the messages from Yoongi; 2 of them complaining about the shoot, and one asking if you were still at the college. You decide to call him instead.
“Hey, Y/N!” Yoongi picks up after 2 rings.
“Hey, Yoongi! I just saw your text messages; I just finished the college tour! Also, sorry about the shoot being so boring.”
“It’s no problem, but I was wondering if you’d have time to do lunch right now? I’m near the college and there’s a small restaurant nearby that I frequent anytime I’m in town.”
“Sure! I’m free for the afternoon. Can you send me the address?”
“Of course! Do you need a ride there?” You hear the text notification and check the address on Maps.
“Nah, it’s a block outside the campus - I can be there in 20 max!” Thank goodness you didn’t wear heels.
“Okay! I’ll meet you there then!” Hanging up the phone and putting your AirPods in, you began the trek to the restaurant. I’m really getting my steps in today I guess, you thought.
As you approach your destination, you pull out your phone to see if Yoongi is here yet (you’d made it in 10 minutes instead of 20), when you suddenly get a text notification from him.
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: You know, that was one of my favorite songs to perform live - wish we could’ve performed it more than once.
Y/N🐙: …wut
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: UGH! It’s one of my favorites.
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Also, it’s not good to listen to your music that loud.
Y/N🐙: …you’re scaring me
You feel a tap on your shoulder, so you quickly spin around and nearly give the perp, Yoongi, The Elbow. Pulling out one of your headphones, you shout “DONT DO THAAAAAT YOU SCARED ME!” wearing a frightened look. Yoongi was wearing a mischievous smile in return, which then made you glare at him.
He laughs, “I am so sorry - I just saw an open opportunity and took it!”
“I could’ve hurt you though!!”
“I don’t think you would’ve cause that much damage - now follow me!” He quickly changes the subject and you follow him into the restaurant, which happened to be Tradtional Korean. The older lady at the host stand looked up and her face lit up as soon as she saw Yoongi.
“Yoongi!! It’s been a while! How are you doing??” Yoongi bows to her, you follow in respect.
“Hae Won-nim, hello! It has been a while! Everything is going well! You have room for two more in here?” Yoongi jokes, looking around the crowded restaurant. Hae Won chuckles, giving the two of you a huge smile.
“Of course I do! I’ll have you and your friend follow me this way.” She then glanced over at you, putting emphasis on the word ‘friend’. Following the two, you decided not to put too much thought into it. Once sitting and handed menus, Yoongi helped you order (you asked him if there was something not too spicy; or at least milk to help with the spiciness), then filed you in on how the shoot went. You updated him on your decision for college; having chosen to apply to UCLA. When the meals came out, a comfortable silence enveloped the two of you; even with a busy restaurant.
“Ooooh Becca is gonna LOVE this for her after work meal! Thank you again, Yoongi.” You beam, happily full from lunch. Yoongi and you are wandering around the neighborhood, still in-depth with the conversation you were having at lunch. As you were meandering, you’d passed by a Record Shop - Yoongi insisted you both stop in. Which it’s a good thing you did - you were able to finally get your hands on some B-Side 7-inches from Slipknot and Foo Fighters.
“I’m taking it you’re a vinyl collector?” Yoongi inquires, chuckling as you dove head first into the vinyl section.
“…yes. It’s a soft spot of mine. My ex used to complain about how many I had, so I stopped buying any for a while. Now that I don’t have to worry about his opinion, I’m going a bit crazy with it. Besides, I have a lot of catching up to do.” Fishing out your vinyl list on your phone, you show it to him.
“You were not joking. But no BTS?” Yoongi looks in surprise.
“I already have what’s available on vinyl. But it’d be cool if you’d release Map of the Soul 7. And maybe Young Forever?” Tilting your head to the side, you smile and wiggle your eyebrows.
“…I’ll see what I can do.” Yoongi repsonds, smirking as he shakes his head.
After letting time slip from the both of you, Yoongi walks you back to the subway station. “Are you still on for tonight?” He asks as you reach the station.
“Yes! Though Becca won’t be joining - apparently she’s stuck working.” You sigh.
“That’s too bad - but I’m happy you can still join. I’ll have a driver come pick you up from her place at 9 - I’ll need you to send me the address.” You nod, sending it over to him.
“Well, I had fun, Yoongi. Thank you again for lunch - and the vinyls! I’ll see you tonight!” You open your arms to hug him, and thankfully he did the same. After holding each other for what feels like forever, you both let go. You look down at his lips,he does the same. Just as the both of you were moving in closer, the subway is pulling up, screeching to a halt. The announcer calls for your destination over the intercom, signaling its your time to leave. Sighing, you gather your stuff and head for the open doors. Before you board on, you turn to Yoongi, waving and yelling “I’ll see you tonight!!”, almost tripping as you enter the car. Yoongi giggles, shaking his head with a smile.
“I need to see your ID, please”, the bouncer outside the door asks. You hand him your ID, noting to him that you’re supposed to meet somebody in the VIP area. Checking his list and your name, he confirms you, letting you in. “He’s in the third booth on the left, just so you know.” You thank him as you head up the stairs. You immediately notice Yoongi within the crowd; he must have been watching the door. You immediately rush over to him, being enveloped in a bear hug before you can say anything.
“Hey, Y/N! I was just about to grab drinks - come with me!” Yoongi weaves his arm through yours, pulling you towards the bar. Once up to the bar, he ordered a neat whiskey for himself and a blueberry Red Bull for you. “This outfit is a 180 from this afternoon!” He points out, giving your outfit a once over. You’d ditched the khaki outfit for a pleather mini skirt, black bralette, mesh top, fishnets and Dr. Martens.
“Well I wanted to go with something more…comfortable.” You smirk, moving closer to Yoongi.
“Well, I think this outfit looks amazing on you.” He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. You blush, biting your lower lip and look away. It’s Yoongi’s turn to smirk, passing you your drink. He offers his hand, which you take, and leads you over to the booth; where you’re introduced to some of his friends.
“So, did you want to go dance?” Yoongi asked, tilting his head towards the dance floor. You nod, following him out. Once you two are towards the center of the floor, Yoongi grabs your waist from behind, pulling you into his chest. As you two start dancing, all you can hear is the music and Yoongi’s soft, deep voice. One song turns into a few; simple dancing turns into sensual grinding. Yoongi is leaving small kisses and nips on the back of your neck; each one shooting sensations down to your core. You reach back, looping your arms around his neck as he pulls you flush with his front. You can feel his hard on, so you begin to tease him more, eliciting a low growl from him.
As another song ends, he pulls you back to the booth and before you can even try to sit next to him, he pulls you into his lap; your back to his chest and legs hooked around his. The implied dominance turns you on even more. As he is talking to his buddies, his gorgeous hands sit on your thighs, playing with the strings of the fish nets. While you nonchalantly carry on conversation with those around you, you shifted in his lap, eliciting another low growl. His hands begin to go higher up your legs, almost under the mini skirt. You look over your shoulder to try and catch his eye - he’s enveloped in a conversation next to you. You ‘readjust’ in his lap again, trying to catch his attention - he moves one hand dangerously close to your core. You sharply inhale, trying to pull your skirt hem down a bit. You feel Yoongi’s lips on the tip of your ear, “you best behave, baby.” Your face and ears feel like they’re on fire - his fingers brushing over your bare folds, making you inhale sharply again. He stops his movement, pulling his hand from you skirt. “Let’s go dance again.” He pulls you from his lap, then grabs your hand, dragging you across the dance floor before you can even register what’s going on.
On the other side of the dance floor, in a dark corner, sat a couple private rooms. Yoongi opened a door, made sure nobody was in there, then pulled you in. He slammed the door shut, then pinned you against the door with your hands over your head. With the hand on your thigh, he pushes your skirt up, resting his hand on your hip. He leans close to your ear again, speaking in a deep voice that made you even more wet. “First, you come here looking irresistible” his hand moves to your core. “Secondly, you feel the need to tease me” he finger slides along your slit, eliciting a small moan from you. “And the final strike, you’re not wearing panties?” He beings to play with your clit before inserting a finger into your pussy. “Y/N, I thought you were a good girl?” A second finger joins, causing you to moan even louder.
Gathering yourself for a moment, you look up at Yoongi. “I AM a good girl! Most of the time.” You smirked. Yoongi stopped his ministrations, pulling his fingers from you. The two of you lock eyes and Yoongi grabs your face, hungrily kissing you while pinning your body with his to the door. Letting out a moan, he takes the chance to explore your mouth with his tongue. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you grab his hair at the nape and slightly pull, causing him to growl and bite your bottom lip. He begins to kiss your jaw line, making his way down your neck and finally making purchase at the junction of your neck and collar bone. He sucks a mark there, drawing another moan from you. “I honestly don’t think I could ever get tired of that sound” Yoongi begins to kneel, propping a leg on his shoulder. “Now, let’s hear how you sound when I do this-“ licking a strip from the bottom of your slit to your clit, causing you to moan out his name. “Fuck, baby; you sound AND taste AMAZING.” Yoongi moans against your clit, causing you to moan as well. He dove in, lapping at your hole like a starved man. He soon moved his tongue up to your clit, inserting two fingers into your hole. You started feeling your core tightening when he found your sensitive spot, your hand immediately grabbing onto his hair.
“F-f-fuuuck, Yoongi. I’m close!” Your thighs begin to tremble, causing him to hook your other leg over his shoulder. He inserted a third finger into you, eliciting his name from your lips again.
“Baby, cum for me; let me have a taste.” As if you were a puppet under his control, your orgasm washed over you while Yoongi lapped up your cum from your pussy, not letting a drop go to waste. He kept lapping at you after you came down, causing you to pull him away due to overstimulation. Yoongi then adjusts your mini skirt, standing to meet your slightly fucked out gaze with his own. He then gently cradled your chin, kissing you softly. Breaking the kiss, he leaned his forehead against yours, releasing a deep, but content, sigh. “Would you like to continue this at my hotel room?” His eyes felt like they were looking into your soul at this point; but you couldn’t look away either. With a big smile and a glint in your eye, you say in a small voice:
“Yes. Please.”
The hotel room door isn’t even fully shut before you two were all over one another, a trail of clothing following the two of you while making your way to the bedroom. Once fully stripped, Yoongi lifted you under your thighs and placed you on the bed. As he hovered over you, he gazed down at your figure - your hair fanned over the pillow, eyes dilated and bottom lip bitten. To him, you were the most beautiful thing on earth. He leaned down, placing a chaste kiss on your lips, “baby, I don’t think I have condoms with me, I cou-“
You quickly interrupted him, “as long as you’re clean, I’m good. Had my check up a couple weeks ago and I’m in the clear, plus haven’t hooked up with anybody since my ex. Also, am on the pill religiously, so if you’re good to go, so am I.”
Yoongi looks at you with his signature gummy smile, “fuck, baby.” His lips find your sensitive spot on your neck immediately, sucking another mark there. His hands glide south gently along your curves, then onto your inner thighs, touching just enough to send sparks up your spine and to your pussy. As his fingers lightly touch your folds, his mouth begins to move to your chest, capturing a nipple with it. He then plunges two fingers into you, “still so wet for me, baby.”
“Yoongi, fuuuuck”, still slightly sensitive from the orgasm before, you feel yourself coming to the edge a bit quicker than usual. He moves from one nipple to the other, using his fingers to scissor you pussy wider. “I’m gonna cu-“ Yoongi then pulled his fingers out, leaving you on edge. Your eyes grew big and you let out a strained whine, completely astonished at what he just pulled.
“I want you to cum on my cock, can you be a good girl and do that for me?” He asks as he sticks his fingers into your mouth, having you taste yourself. You nod, then he pulls his fingers from your mouth, pumping his thick cock before he slid the tip along your pussy lips a couple times to collect some of your arousal. He wraps your legs around his waist, then began to slowly enter you. He leaned over to trap your lips and the loud moan that they would inevitably release as he filled you to the hilt.
“Fuuuuck, I already feel so full”, you moan out. Yoongi’s cock was probably the biggest you’d taken, the stretch causing a little pain, but it was immediately blocked by the immense pleasure. Just from him entering you, you already felt you were gonna cum.
“Ahhh, Y/N baby, I can already feel you clenching around me. You gonna cum already?” Thrust. “My cock feel that good, baby?” Thrust. “You even look fucked out already, can’t even answer me!” Thrust. “Cum for me, baby - now.” You then let go on command, feeling your core unravel as Yoongi continued to thrust through your comedown. He then took your legs up, pushing the back of your thighs to bring your legs down to your chest - putting you in a mating press.
As he began to pump into you again, you looked down at where you two connected. “Oh my god, right there, Yoongi. FUCK.” He was hitting that spot again, better than last time. Your brain was starting to turn cock-drunk; all you could think of was the pure pleasure Yoongi was giving you as you looked down again.
“Ohhh, you like seeing my cock split this pretty pussy, don’t you? This. Pretty. Pussy. Feels. Amazing. Like. It’s. MADE. For. Me.” He punctuated each word with a thrust, his hands pushing your legs wider so he could see more of you. “Fuck, Y/N, I’m getting close. Gonna fill this pretty pussy full of me - gonna make it mine.” He brought a thumb to you clit, drawing figure eights to bring you to his level again. You were a bumbling mess; not even able to form words or thoughts as you were getting close. Just as your orgasm hit for the third time tonight, your clenching triggered his release, painting your walls white. After a couple thrusts to get out all the semen, Yoongi then collapsed on top of you, still inside. Both of you took a moment to catch your breath, staring deep into each other. Yoongi smiled, kissing your nose, then bringing his forehead to yours. “You okay, babe?” You smile and nodded, still feeling slightly fuzzy. As he softened, he pulled out, watching some of your mixed cum leak out. Letting out a content sigh, he stood up, picking you up bridal style. “Come on - let’s get cleaned up.”
Once out of the shower; which included you being fucked on the wall from behind (his excuse: Not my fault all of you is irresistible). You got dressed in one of his shirts and a pair of his boxers, then went to grab water as he got dressed as well. As you hand him his water, Yoongi notices a glint of a worried look on your face. Putting a finger under your chin to have you make eye contact, he asks, “penny for your thoughts?” You sigh, contemplating just saying no. But you couldn’t, as it immediately bugged you.
“Do I need to have Becca pick me up? And if so, do you want her to do it soon or earlier in the morning? I mean I don’t want to cause any dra-“ Yoongi pulls you into an intense kiss, shutting you up immediately.
“Y/N, baby, you worry too much. I want you to stay the night and I’ll take you back tomorrow when we both feel like it. Maybe we’ll get brunch first or something like that. I would like to get as much time with you as I can before I leave.” You left as though a weight was off your shoulders as you smile at him. After finishing your waters, you both head to bed, lying on Yoongi’s chest. His steady heartbeat, breathing and his fingers combing your hair helped you fall asleep. Yoongi then softly cradled your cheek, placing a kiss on your head. I hope to be able to see you again, baby, he thought as he drifted off to sleep.
Waking up the next morning, you and Yoongi decide to go to a small cafe a couple blocks from his hotel. After orders are placed and juices are brought to the table, he grabs your hands with his. You look up at him and he asks, “So since you’re going to UCLA, when are you moving here?”
“I will probably move here next month, depending on when the apartment next to Becca’s is ready to go. Why?”
“Well, somebody has to help you move - that somebody being me.” he kissed your knuckles.
A/N pt 2: This legit was sitting in my drafts for almost a month because writing the not smut part was harder than it needed to be 🥴
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rius-cave · 3 months
It’s Anon 🔴☘️ again and I’d like to explain myself. I sent that ask while heavily sleep deprived so it was a mess. Heck I reread it yesterday morning and got confused. The original comment was supposed to be something like “Everyone likes Lamb!Adam but what about a plant or gardener Adam instead? He could accidentally make Eden 2.0 in Hell while Yandere!Lucifer plots to get 3/3. Sera would lose her mind.” That’s it! I have no idea why my brain added part of a 3AM crazy theory about Adam’s species, sin and the Tree of Life… Let me try again since I caused some confusion.
tldr; Adam isn’t human because he doesn’t have free will. In order to be reborn into Heaven or Hell you have to be human. In order to keep him alive in the show I found a work around using dirt. He’s now friends with Hell because of said dirt.
Here’s my Redemption Arc about dirt: The original Adam is made from clay that turns into flesh and blood. I’m assuming that’s part of HH!Adam’s origin story until Vivzie tells us otherwise. Now to me Adam sounds like a fairly advanced clay golem. In some games and literature, golems can repair themselves using the same kind of material that they’re made of. Instead of conventional healing they add what’s been subtracted. This doesn’t have to be a conscious decision and can just happen i.e a “passive ability.” Like breathing for humans.
SO! Adam either dies or is close to death after Nifty stabs him but eats dirt on accident, which turns into flesh, and he lives lol. He’d be stuck in Hell since he’s made partially out of Hell itself now. He can’t be reborn because he can’t technically sin/has no free will. Lucky guy will keep his original physical body. He’s still mostly made out of Eden.
Unfortunately no Eren Yeager epic bs like Adam’s spirit living in everyone, just Hell probably being semi sentient and fully aware that Adam has become an extention of itself. He’s become Hell’s Green Man aka Disney Princess! He doesn’t want Heaven anymore. He’s never alone now since Hell’s in his head and under his skin he’ll never be abandoned again
I can’t say anything else or else it’d be an essay. No joke. (ngl I’m still sleep deprived)
- 🔴☘️ Anon
OOOOHHHH OKAY! That does help a lot, actually! Okay okay, yeah that makes sense to me now!
The idea of Adam being like a golem is djdjfznfjsf kinda awesome ngl. That would be a cool thing to happen to him because now he is made of, as I understand it, two different kinds of dirt. Would this make him have some sort of double nature? I imagine it would, now he has two "wills" fighting against each other inside him, and I'd imagine that would cause a lot of conflict. Now he has a connections to demons that nobody can deny. I'm guessing that would make him have some existential crises along the way lmao.
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potatoetree · 3 months
Incorrect quote generator - The Seven + Nico & Will addition!?
Jason Grace
Leo Valdez
Piper McLean
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Hazel Levesque
Frank Zhang
Nico di Angelo
Will Solace
Nico: When I first met you, I thought you were weird and annoying.
Leo: And?
Nico: And you are.
Percy: Are you a cuddler?
Nico: I'm a machine of death and destruction.
Nico: ...Yeah, I'm a cuddler.
Piper: What are the hardest things to say?
Jason: I was wrong.
Leo: I need help.
Percy: Worcestershire sauce.
Leo: Why cant trees give off something important like wifi??
Jason: So fuck oxygen, I guess.
Leo: Why are your tongues purple?
Percy: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Jason: I had a red one.
Leo: oh.
Leo: OH.
Hazel: You drank each others slushies?
Hazel: Piper you can’t move in with Jason.
Piper: Why not?
Hazel: Well, um, how are you going to feel when they see you without any makeup?
Piper: I’m not wearing makeup right now.
Hazel: Holy crap, you’re beautiful.
Jason: Okay, but if your not gay then why are you always holding my hand and kissing me and telling me I’m your boyfriend?
Percy: Dude- Its satire!
Jason: Nico, I know you love Percy. I mean, we all do, they’re a very nice person and I respect them immensely.
Jason: But I think they might be a fucking idiot.
Frank: I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter “s”.
Leo: *looks over at Nico and Will* Leo: Is it “sexual tension”?
Piper: Why is Jason crying on the floor?
Frank: They took one of those 'what person are you?' quizzes.
Piper: And?
Frank: They got Percy.
Will: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat.
Percy: There’s no “I” in team, but there is one in pizza.
Jason: So, you’re not going to share?
Percy: I’m not going to share.
Annabeth: Just took a personality test and got an A+.
Nico: I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
Annabeth: Nico is at that very special age where a kid only has one thing on their mind.
Leo: Boys?
Nico: Homicide.
Annabeth: Stop setting things on fire because you're curious about what will happen. What will happen is fire.
Leo: But what if something else happens just this one time.
*Frank comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Hazel’s bedroom.*
Hazel: Babe, are you.. coming to bed?
Frank: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a girlfriend.
Frank: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep*
Hazel: ...
Percy: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Annabeth: Aww-
Percy: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Leo: Jason and I are so close we even share a toothbrush.
Jason: We what?
Nico: My stomach growled super loud in French.
Nico: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class.
Leo: Bonjour.
Will: Le growl.
Piper: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
Piper: I am convinced Leo and Percy share a brain cell.
Frank: And it's not in use very often, it seems.
Percy: I’m 80% awesome 20% water and 100% handsome.
Nico: That’s 200%.
Percy: I’m twice the man you’ll ever be.
Percy: I'm going to get myself some soup.
Annabeth: Be careful not to burn yourself, it's hot.
Percy: Pfft, I won't burn myself.
*30 seconds later*
Percy, entering the room: I burned myself.
Will: What do you three have to say for yourself?
Percy: Oops?
Nico: Honestly, I am so evil. So full of darkness. I feed of the souls of the living I strike fear into-
Will: You sleep with a teddybear.
Leo: What is wrong with you?
Nico: Loaded question. Elaborate.
Percy: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Nico!
Nico: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
*Everyone is playing a board game together*
Will: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
Frank: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Hazel: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'.
Annabeth: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'.
Percy: *flips the board*
Percy & Jason: Surprise! We're having a baby!
Nico: What?!
Percy & Jason: *pull out adoption papers* It's you!
Will: You're ignoring all your problems.
Leo: I know.
Will: You also know it's an unhealthy coping mechanism?
Leo: I'm ignoring that fact as well.
The Squad: *walking at the mall*
Jason: Hey, have any of you guys seen Nico? They’ve been gone for a while..
Hazel: Eh, nope.
Percy: No, I haven’t...
Piper: Probably ran off to McDonald’s or something.
Nico: Hey.
Jason: Ooh, there you are-
Hazel: What the fu-
Piper: I- where were you?!
Nico: Walking right behind you guys.
Piper, handing out popsicles: Which flavor do you want?
Percy: Blue flavor!
Piper: Uh, you mean Blue Raspberry?
Percy: Blue flavor! Blue flavor!
Piper: Blue is not a flavor!
Will, jumping out of Nico's closet: BOO!
Will: *makes a sad face*
Nico: Ahh! Oh my god! You scared me!
Leo: Dom or sub?
Hazel: I guess Domino's, since I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd put them in the same category though.
Annabeth: You use humor to deflect your trauma.
Leo: Awww, thanks-
Annabeth: That’s not a good thing.
Leo: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
Frank: Oh shoot!
Frank: Excuse my vulgarity.
Hazel: I’ll let it slide.
Leo: So my therapist was talking to me and she said that I really just need to break down my walls and let people in.
Leo: So I’ve decided to break the fourth wall.
Leo: *looks at camera* Hi there. I use humor as a coping mechanism.
Will: What do you three have to say for yourself?
Percy: Oops?
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makeyoumine69 · 2 years
🧁🥂 Happy 200!!!! 💞 Patrick's currently sweating and crying, he only has 100 followers.. lol, no but seriously that's really awesome for just one month and all the engagement you've gotten with everything! it's so well deserved, congrats!! ooooo and for the writing challenge ... edging x degradation ??? issa vibe 👀
◥ PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Fem!Reader
◥ SUMMARY: You'll definitely remember this visit to Broadway, especially Patrick's sneaky fingers.
◥ CW: 18+/ NSFW │fingering, dirty talk, sassy Patrick.
◥ A/N: Thank you so much for your request! This one is pretty big!😁I hope you like it!😘🥰
◥ LINKS: │Bingo Writing Challange Masterlist│ │Main Masterlist│
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One day, Patrick took you to Broadway to watch one of the most famous shows–“The Phantom of the Opera”. Honestly, you didn’t expect him to be that kind.  But you couldn’t miss this chance, especially when he said you got the best tickets.
Gershwin Theatre was very busy that evening, people kept coming inside until the performance started. Bateman wasn’t lying, you really had some decent Box Seats with an amazing view and comfortable armchairs. 
Fascinated by the atmosphere of the show, you couldn’t take your eyes off of the stage, while Patrick couldn’t stop looking at you. Leaning on the armrest, he has to bite his lip whenever your chest was rising and falling. You were so excited to be here, watching this fantastic performance that you didn’t even notice his hand traveling all around your lower body. First, he touched your knees carefully, watching your reaction and when you didn’t even move he proceeded further, petting the tender flesh of your inner thigh. Thank God, the surrounding darkness was hiding you from prying eyes.
Only then, you finally sensed his big palm, which almost reached your suddenly damp underwear.
“Patrick?” you asked, without looking at him. “Patrick, stop. Please…”
“Because we’re in the theatre!” You tried to pull his hand away, but almost immediately you had to hold back a gasp as you felt his plump lips on your neck. “Mmh, Patrick… people are looking at us.”
“No, they’re not…” he whispered into your ear, his palm still dangerously close to your pussy. “Now (Y/N), quit acting like an innocent girl.”
His low, masculine voice was flowing through your body like warm honey, it was boiling the blood in your veins and as a result, you ended up panting and trembling under his touch.
“Daddy….” You had to cling to the armrest, looking into his eyes from under your lashes. 
“I know, baby,” he got a little closer, hugging your shoulders with his free hand. “Relax, and let daddy take care of you.”
This man… how was it even possible to resist him? Patrick was barely touching you, and you already felt so lost as you didn’t know whether you wanted him to stop or to pray that it would last forever.
“If I check right now, would you be wet?”
“I… I wouldn’t. A-aw…” You were about to whimper, feeling his thumb brushing against your sensitive clit, but Patrick caught your mouth with his hot one, pulling your tongue into a sensual dance.
Inch by inch, he was moving your panties aside and then, he suddenly slipped his long fingers inside your dripping pussy with no resistance. “Such a little slutty liar,” he leaned down to your ear, pressing your head against his chest to shush your attempts of making any sounds. “Do ya want everyone here to know how nasty you are? Dont’cha, fuckdoll?”
“Pat… P-Patrick….” You convulsed, feeling his digits curling inside of you as they were hitting your sweetest spot.
Kissing the top of your head, Bateman was holding you in such a way that you were gasping near his ear and for him–it suddenly became an interesting pleasure.
“What is it?” He kept pumping your soaked cunt, twisting his fingers which were already fully covered in your slickness. 
“E-enough, please…” Begging, you tried to squeeze your legs, but it didn’t help.
“Every fucking time, you start these pretending games….” he grabbed the back of your neck, groaning in a low voice. “And every time, you turn out to be a fucking dripping mess for me. How can you justify yourself? Tell me, slut?!”
Damn Patrick, and his filthy mouth. The things he was saying, his skillful fingers stretching your inner walls so perfectly–this wicked cocktail of sensations was bringing you almost over the edge, but at the last moment, Patrick suddenly stopped, pulling his digits out of your throbbing pussy.
“D-daddy?” You nearly yelped as your voice cracked.
“Did ya really think it would be that easy?” he taunted you before he paused as the audience applauded, but the show didn’t seem to be finished, and neither did Patrick: “Open your pretty mouth. I want my obedient whore to clean up the mess she just made.”
Breathing rapidly, you obeyed and took his digits, tasting yourself on them and you couldn’t help but moan as your whole body was still tensed like a string, waiting for its release. 
When the applause stopped and his fingers were clean enough, he kissed you roughly on your lips, passionately sucking both of them one by one. And then, he rubbed your clit one more time, making you almost crest your high, but soon he broke off again… and again. He was literally torturing you, playing with your feelings and your mind, not to mention your tormented little form, which was shaking like a leaf. “Daddy,” you whimpered in a piteous tone. “P-please..”
“Please what?”
“Let me… Let me cum, please,” you wrapped his palm, leading it up to your moist entrance. “I beg you…”
“What? I don’t understand you, brat,” he smirked, petting the inner side of your thigh and winding your curl on his finger. “But I must admit, you perform even better than the actors on the stage. Such a needy little cockslut, Jesus…”
Satisfied, Patrick turned away from you, feeling smug as usual. Sobbing and fidgeting in your place, you tried to impale yourself onto his fingers, though he didn’t let you, giving your pussy a slight slap that almost made you cum, and then, he quickly pulled his hand away, breaking the contact completely.
“Uh-uh,” he warned you, fixing your underwear and putting your legs together. “Did I promise you would remember this evening?” he stroked your face, pinching your cheek and enjoying the picture of your swollen lips as you were desperately catching the air. “Oh, you will definitely remember it. So, you better behave yourself if you want to keep the ability to move.”
Your inner walls clenched around nothing just from the way he said the last words. Fucking bastard–you hated him… And still, you needed him.
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So… Genshin ships, huh?
Here’s mine.
(They’re numbered but everything past #1 gets scrambled depending on the day and the feels).
XIAOVEN. It’s my Genshin OTP. I got into the game because of these two pretty much. Individually, I adore their stories, their VAs, all their scenes, everything. And then you want to put them together?? Count me all in. (Plus, I’m grabbing onto the scraps that Xiao wants to meet Barbatos in canon 👉👈)
CYNARI. This popped up so recently but my love is growing rapidly. I love Tighnari’s sassiness. I love Cyno’s dual personality of a stoic guy with dad jokes. They have an adopted child. They have BANTER. Need I say more?
SHENJIN. Grew on me SO much. I love a stoic Shenhe and an overactive and over-thinker Yun Jin making it work. I kinda see Yun Jin as the female version of Venti, but a little more… self-aware? Self-conscious? Assertive? Just more of something. So short girl trying to pick up the tall beauty? Hell yes.
VENLUMI/LUMIVEN. All right, OTP aside, I love most ships with Venti. You could slide into my dms, say, “Hey Banter, what do you think of [random character] x Venti?” And I’d probably be A-Ok with it and start brainstorming headcanons for them (y’know, just don’t give me a child character ship). I’m so easily swayed. That being said, Lumine’s (mostly headcanoned) sassy, headstrong, and almost stoic personality mixed with a sly, teasing Venti (who gets easily flustered/vulnerable sometimes) is my absolute jam in f/m ships so you can bet this one runs in my mind rent-free. Plus, the whole “my warrior” pet name business? MMMM.
DILUVEN/ZHONGVEN. Okay, I know these are totally separate ships but I’m going to put them together because I gotta get my favorite Venti ships out of the way and explain that I do see these two on the same level, but love them for very different reasons. So, Diluven is—hot, but also just. Tragic. Mortal and immortal? Count me in. The whole business where Venti calls Diluc Master? (A translation thing and it’s just Venti being respectful but it’s still hot). Zhongven, on the other hand, has banter. Old friends. Immortal and immortal yearning. Tragedy ending, tense beginning. Lots of potential. Yeah.
And that’s pretty much it for ships I actively seek out.
But there’s some that I either want to get into more or am curious about. Let’s list a couple:
Albether—two blondes together? Very calm and gentle personalities? Aether is adorable? Interested.
Jeanlisa—witch and knight. Also, I like the potential for a mature romance from them, you know? They’re both responsible adults, so I don’t think there’d be much shyness here, just the existential questions to explore this really deep, intimate relationship and whether or not they have the capacity to put their all in it with Jean’s responsibilities and Lisa’s half-cut life. It’s really nice for it to be so. Adult.
Yanlan—Assassin and lawyer? Is Yanfei completely oblivious or does she… help? Fun, fun potential aus.
Eimiko—They’ve got banter. I really like Yae’s design and both of their personalities. I see political aus abound with these two.
Thomato—aside from the adorable name, I like the dynamics of this ship. Housekeeper and lord. Awesome.
That’s all for now. There’s others but… I’m not super invested as of now.
Though, I wish I could get into ships with Kaeya, Gorou, and Heizou, but I can’t seem to get into the ships with these three. Maybe if I actually read a good fic on them or something. Idk, recommendations for any ships listed (or new ships) are welcome!
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gaybananabread · 6 months
for the thing i saw that you were open to magnus chase potentially fierrochase with oranges and cherries? Lee alex ler magnus? You definitely dont have to just curious (for 300 fruit thing)
Fruit(s): Oranges, Cherries
I haven’t read these books in a while, but thanks for reminding me of them! I was younger when I first read these; the gay went right over my head. Also, severe LACK of tk content for this entire series! Now I can obsess over these as well (UvU). Used she/her pronouns for Alex on this one. Magnus strikes me as a shy ler, ya know? Hopefully these peeps aren’t too OOC, same with any lore or character dynamic issues (). Thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Alex
Ler: Magnus
Summary: During one of the Hotel’s fights to the death, Alex and Magnus slip away for some calm. Unfortunately for the son of Frey, Alex got geared up for the fight and is feeling antsy. He offers another kind of fight, and while it’s not what Alex had in mind, it's certainly a laugh.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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It was business as usual in Hotel Valhalla; Einherjar running around, trying to pop eachother’s balloons that were attached to their chests, various weapons flying across the playing field. Folks of all ages screamed in frustration as spears, axes, and arrows went through their balloons and hit vital organs. The usual mayhem.
Two residents managed to sneak away from the craziness, locked in a room with a nice, peaceful atrium. Magnus took a deep breath, savoring the quiet peace with his partner. The blonde spared a quick glance at her face before turning back to the trees, blushing softly. “Thanks for dipping with me, Alex. Sorry if I spoiled your fun with Mallory…”
Alex rolled her eyes, pinching the hand she was holding. “You didn’t spoil anything, dork. I’d rather relax with you than kill that loudmouth again. I’ll get her later.” Her free hand moved up to her chest, absentmindedly twisting the changing pronoun pin Magnus had got her on their last trip to the mortal world. That day, it read, “she/her/hers.” She wore it every day, though a certain blonde got punched whenever he brought it up. 
The calm sounds of nature surrounded the pair, bringing a small smile to Magnus’s face. He much preferred the quiet to the chaos, though he had to admit a few of the games were kinda fun. The son of Frey could’ve stayed there all day.
Alex, on the other hand, was really starting to get bored. She was all for supporting her boyfriend, but Gods, they’d been just sitting there for almost twenty minutes. She had no problems ditching the fight for Magnus, but it left her fidgety. The greenette wanted to move, the urge to do something like an itch on her hands she just couldn’t scratch. She tapped a quick, repeating pattern on her arm, trying to distract herself. 
It took the blonde all but four seconds to see how antsy Alex was getting; he nudged his partner’s arm, sighing. “You don’t have to stay here if you’re bored. I’m fine by myself.” The look on his face was a smile, though his eyes gave away how desperate he was for Alex to stay.
That got an eye-roll; how poor was that boy’s self-esteem? Alex wrapped an arm around Magnus’s shoulders, squeezing him a bit harder than necessary into a hug. “Maggie, listen; you’re good. I know you don’t like super loud ‘n crazy stuff, and they’re literally killing eachother while popping loud ass balloons. It’s actually refreshing that you have the sanity to not wanna do it.”
Magnus’s guilt faded, the desperation melting into adoration; what did he do to deserve someone as awesome as Alex? Well, besides saving a bunch of stuff and almost dying for it, but he didn’t count that… “Thank you, Alex. Seriously.” Still, something nagged at him to make it up to his partner. He really didn’t feel like actually fighting, though a silly idea popped into his head. One his partner might enjoy even more than revenge on Mallory.
“Hey, I know it’s not Last Einherjar Standing, but do you wanna do our own thing in here? Like…a fight, but not killing eachother?” A small blush decorated Magnus’s cheeks, making his partner hum. It sounded better than just sitting there, though she could tell there was more to it than that. “Okay…what’s the catch?”
The fact that he only got redder was very telling for the child of Loki. Another silly Magnus idea…but anything was better than nothing. “Well, we could, ya know…tickle eachother instead.” He regretted the words the moment they left his mouth; why would Alex ever wanna do that? He tried playing it off, hoping he wouldn’t get teased for it. “It’s, uh, nevermind dumb idea-”
“Eh, sure. I’m bored enough.”
Magnus was a bit stunned, to be honest. Alex actually wanted to have a tickle fight? He was shocked for a good few seconds before snapping back to reality. “Oh…alright then. You wanna count it down, or…?”
Alex rolled her eyes, seeing the shock on her boyfriend’s face. Normally, she would’ve teased the Helheim out of Magnus for even mentioning something like that. That day, though, she was feeling kind; kind enough to let Magnus have his fun. While he’d never directly expressed it, it was clear to literally everyone close to him that Magnus liked that kind of thing. Still had appearances to keep up, though. “We can count it if you want. I don't really care.”
A vibrant red hue decorated Magnus’s cheeks, a rare bout of confidence overtaking his thoughts. Things were gonna be fun; if he could win without combusting, that is. 
“Okay…uh, three, two, one…go!”
Not in a thousand years would Alex have expected Magnus to pounce like he did. I mean, she was already planning on letting the blonde win, but damn. Boy was excited. 
Magnus was quick to wrestle Alex down, his mind racing with all the possible ways the greenette could wreck him. Animal claws, bird feathers, multiple appendages… Best to get her before any of those played out. Soon, the shapeshifter’s arms were above her head, wide and slightly surprised eyes staring up at Magnus.
“Dahamn, Beantown! Didn’t think you had it in you~” Alex, ever the tease, smirked up at his boy. While there was no avoiding what was about to come, she could at least see the little flash of red across her boyfriend’s cheeks.
Predictably, the blonde blushed, his confidence faltering for a second. “Quiet…” Okay, Alex was so getting it after that. However, the doubtful thoughts wormed their way back into his head. Gods, he hated his head sometimes… “Hey, are you sure this is okay? Like, you’re fine with me ti-…uh, doing this?”
Alex rolled her eyes, a small groan escaping her. Magnus said “fight,” not feel guilty about everything; was he seriously gonna make her ask? The anticipation was honestly getting to Alex, her heterochromic eyes shining with a nervous giddiness that she would never admit. “Yes, my Gods, just do it already!”
Magnus huffed, feeling himself get a bit red at the annoyed ask. Still, he kept Alex’s arms above her head with one head, the other experimentally kneading at her hip. 
She bit her lip, squirming in his hold as she tried not to giggle. If she really wanted to, Alex could’ve just shifted into a ferret and slipped away; she could’ve won the whole fight if she wanted to. Magnus seemed down though, and while she’d never admit it, she loved the wondrous little gleam he got in his eyes when he was happy. So, for him, she endured. It wasn’t that horrible…
“Aww, c’mon Alex. You were begging me to get started, and now you’re not even gonna giggle?” He dug in, drilling his thumb into Alex’s hip. Hello, confidence! Alex’s strained focus broke, surprisingly bubbly giggles spilling past her lips. Even more of a shock: her cheeks grew red, almost matching her boyfriend’s. “Sh-shuhuhut ihit!”
Magnus was stunned for a second, his mind taking a moment to process the sound of her giggles. So cute…she’d kill him for saying it, but it was true. He had to hear more; the hand traveled upwards, curiously clawing at her ribs. He wasn’t disappointed.
“MAHAHAGNUS! F-FUHUHACK!” Alex arched her back, not expecting that spot to be so bad. She hadn’t really been tickled as a kid, and while that stuff was more common with her friends, most of them were too anxious to really try it. That was…really the first time someone had actually gotten her. She didn’t…hate it? It was a lot.
The blonde chuckled, his eyes sparkling as she laughed. Okay, new favorite sound… Alex had never sounded so carefree. “Wow Alex, such dirty language. It’s just a few little tickles; no need to get so worked up!” Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, Magnus moved his spidering fingers to her stomach.
“Y-yohohohou’re the wohohorst!” It was hard to take that “insult” seriously with all the giggling she was doing. That side of Alex was one Magnus didn’t see often, but he loved when it would show. “Am I? I mean, you did literally ask for it. I’m kinda an awesome boyfriend for giving you what you want, no?” 
Alex groaned through her giggles, mentally rolling her eyes. “Noho, you dohohork!” She wiggled in his hold, but made no real effort to get away. It still lit up her nerves, but the gentle tickling on her belly was actually kinda nice… Well, until Magnus started talking. “Wasn’t this supposed to be a tickle fight? Kinda seems like you gave up, love~”
Her cheeks went red, an indignant grunt flowing with the adorable giggles. “I- thahat’s nohot-... Ihi hahahate youhu…” Alex tried to hide her face in her shoulder, her arms still above her head. 
Magnus gasped, feigning a hurt pout. “You hate me? Wow Alex, I thought we had something…” He sighed, shooting his hand back to claw at her ribs. “Guess I can’t feel bad for doing this anymore.” 
“NAHAHAHO! MAHAGNUHUS, YOUHU AHASS!” She squealed, her face turning an even deeper, lovely and vibrant shade of red. Magnus couldn’t help but coo. “That’s actually adorable, Alex. I mean, I knew you were a shapeshifter, but I never knew your cherry impression was so good!”
“SHUHUHUT UHUHP!” Alex twisted and turned in Magnus’s grip, her face only getting hotter. She really wasn’t used to tickling, and while it was kinda fun, she was nearing her limit. While it hurt her pride to do it, she tapped out. “ENOUHUHUGH!”
The son of Frey stopped almost instantly, his arms wrapping around Alex to pull her into a hug. He was pushing it with all the affection, but he was feeling brave. “Sorry, that was kinda mean. You good? Did I go too far?”
Alex buried her face in his shoulder, giggling off the ghost tickles. “Thahat was- Gods, Mahaggie. Yeah, Ihi’m good…” She took a few deep breaths, her slightly dazed smile becoming something much more mischievous. “Uh…Alex?”
Suddenly, his partner shrank, a small ferret in her place. The fuzzy noodle zipped under his shirt, climbing up his torso and around to his back. He squeaked, squirming as her fur brushed against his poor skin. Finally, she made it to his neck, hopping out and shifting back. 
Alex wasted zero time with her plan. In seconds, Magnus was on his back, his arms stuck firmly above his head. She smirked down at him, a playful smirk on her face. “Here comes the fight, Beantown. Hope you’re ready~”
Magnus gulped, looking up at his partner with wide eyes and a wobbly smile. “Oh Gods…” The rest of the afternoon was filled with laughter, the chaos of the morning’s strange murder-game forgotten. While it wasn’t exactly what either of them had planned for the day, it was definitely the most fun they’d had in a while. Totally worth it…
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sprinklenoodles · 6 months
Alrighty, since my fav fic series won’t be updating this week, I’ll just go and talk about it on here.
Because it’s honestly awesome and it helps with the fact that I have to wait another week for a new chapter.
So, the fic series I’m talking about is the Ultimate Series by @seashellcosmos. The first fic, Ultimates (which is my fav so far) is done and the second one, The Show Starts Now, is being updated every week- most of the time.
And that’s already pretty great. Like, weekly updates?? But then there’s also the fact that every chapter is around 10k words. Yes, 10k. Like that’s just amazing.
So, we have big weekly updates. But that’s not even the best part bc the plot is immaculate. I’m not overexaggerating, it’s just really that good. I don’t want to give any spoilers, but the plot twists and what not are just so good.
Like, let’s take a look at Ultimates first since it’s the first fic and the one that’s completed. It centers around the THH cast with Makoto as the POV (though, in later chapters it sometimes somebody else) And, instead of a killing game they’re just locked in the school... They also all have superpowers.
Though, Makoto... He doesn’t. Until he does. I won’t say anything more about that though.
Then there’s the multiple mysteries going on. Makoto keeps finding letters and videos and it seems like certain people know more than they let on...
Monokuma’s also just amazing in this. He ain’t evil, just a silly little bear robot. But everybody’s characterisation is just awesome. Like, as a very big Byakuya fan, I loved how he was portrayed in it. The same goes for the other characters, but Byakuya deserves a special mention.
If you’ve read some of my other posts, you’ll also know I’m interested in another character... and this fic is a big reason for that. I won’t say who since they don’t show up until later, but despite what they did, I loved how they were portrayed in Ultimates.
Then there’s also the worldbuilding. Which is also just amazing. Like, as the fic goes on we get to know more about the world and it’s just so great. Especially the later chapters are really good at this.
Which leads me to the writing itself. As you’d could’ve guessed, it’s amazing. Like, even though the chapters are 10k, they don’t feel that big in the best way possible. I usually read each chapter twice cuz of theory potential and that’s just very easy to do. The downside is that I do sometimes spend a whole hour just making a theory or rereading, but that’s just me.
I really love writing theories (I’m a big FNAF fan) and this fic series gave me the opportunity to do that. Sometimes I’d write a comment that’s over 1000 words just cuz I was theorising. Obviously, that didn’t mean that those theories came true, but I did get a few things right! Which just leads back to how good the writing is bc you have all these puzzle pieces that just fit together in the end.
Like, in the second fic, The Show Starts Now, we just got an answer to a very big mystery and it just fit so well. Like, most people thought it would be one of two theories, but it ended up kinda being a mix of both... It’s confusing. Which just makes it wonderful.
A bit more about The Show Starts Now since it’s also just awesome.
It takes place around a few months (I think) after the events of Ultimates and it follows the V3 cast, with Shuichi being the main POV. The THH kiddos do show up, especially in later chapters!! They have a pretty significant role, so for people like me who mainly read THH fics it’s still awesome.
Shuichi’s also pretty interesting... I won’t say how though. I try to keep this as spoiler free as possible.
And, to read the Show Starts Now, you don’t really need to have read Ultimates. I recommend you do, but I know some people haven’t. Also, me and a few others did make a small recap of Ultimates in the comments cuz somebody hadn’t read it!
Then there’s the DR2 cast... who make appearances too. A bit more in The Show Starts Now, though they appeared briefly in the end of Ultimates. That’s all I say about them. Like I said before, no spoilers.
That’s all I’ll say about the fics, but there’s a bit more to discuss. Like, we somehow created a small fandom with these fics. On the fic, you’ll mostly see the same people comment and theorize. We’ll sometimes even theorize with each other!
And since Seashell is on here, it has only kinda grown. Like, they have answered so many questions from me and other people. Even my questions and ramblings about a dude who shows up for three scenes get answered and whatnot. Seashell is just that awesome.
And so are their drawings. Like I LOVE their fanart so much. It just looks sooo good and they even made some Byakuya & Chihiro fanart which I cannot thank them enough for.
I really mean it when I say that this fic series has become a part of my life and it really deserves a lot of attention. Not only is the writing perfect, but the author is an absolutely amazing person too.
So, check it out on AO3 if u want or just Seashell’s Tumblr! I can promise you it’s worth it!
That’s all I wanted to say. I just love this fic series sooo much so it was about time I talked about it on here... Especially since this is also like 1000 words already... I just like this series a lot :D
Also, to Seashellcosmos, I really hope you get better soon!! The fanfic curse is absolutely awful it seems like and has struck you again.
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star-going-supernova · 11 months
Star, sorry to keep attacking you with these fic/ficlet ideas but, you know how the bots taunt Gregory thoughout the game? What if he subconsiously answers them? You know, something along the lines of... Roxy: I bet you don't even have friends. Gregory: No, I really don't. Roxy: Wait, what? And... Roxy: You are nothing! Nobody will miss you! Gregory: That's right, I'm nothing. Everyone hates me and I won't be missed. Roxy: Hold up! I got the idea from Ao3 comment, believe it or not.
Here we go with the tumblr generated prompts, starting with number four! I modified some of the taunts for creative purposes. I also took this more in a comedic direction, aka, Gregory snaps back and I kinda poke fun at how dumbed-down the animatronics were in the game, lol. With a fluffy ending, naturally.
If You Can’t Take It, Don’t Dish It Out 
Gregory cracked open the photo booth curtain to keep an eye on the nearby elevator. He’d pressed the down button, but Roxy had joined him on the mezzanine before it arrived. He could just wait for her to wander off again. Or he could put his Fazerblaster to good use. 
Roxy prowled closer. “Give up, kid,” she snarled. The elevator dinged, and the doors began sliding open. “You’re just a loser, and no—” 
“Takes one to know one!” Gregory hollered as he leapt out of the photo booth and zapped Roxy in the eyes with his Fazerblaster. She howled and flinched back, giving him enough time to dash to the safety of the elevator. He stuck his tongue out at her as the doors closed. 
“I’m not a loser!” she screeched, muffled. There was a thump that suggested Roxy had stomped her foot.
He snickered and selected a floor. Seemed like he’d hit a nerve. 
• • •
Gregory skidded into the security office and slapped the button to close the door behind him without a moment to spare. Chica nearly slammed into it with a squawk. She scrambled at the metal for a moment before shuffling over to the window. Her creepy eyes glowed down at him.
“I’m here to help! Your family is looking for you!” Chica said, gratingly cheerful. For robots that could seem uncannily alive, sometimes they were dumber than a box of rocks. Did she think he’d forgotten how she was the one who just chased him in there? Besides…
Rolling his eyes, Gregory shot back, “That’s a pretty big change of heart, considering they’re the ones who abandoned me.” 
Chica’s head twitched. Her beak opened, then snapped shut. Shocked speechless, awesome. 
“Shoo,” Gregory said, trying to wave her away. “Go think up new stupid lines somewhere else.” 
She went, grumbling to herself. 
(To her credit, the next time they crossed paths, she tried, “I’m here to help! Freddy is looking for you!” Which—yeah. Not much better, but funny as hell. Her awareness that Freddy cared about him was at pretty ridiculous odds with how blind the animatronics were to how Freddy was helping him.
Especially since Gregory was literally climbing inside Freddy’s chest at the time. “Your friends are pretty dumb,” Gregory said as they watched Chica stop and wander off as soon as the hatch closed. 
“I—they are not…” Freddy sighed. “Yes. Yes, Gregory, they are.”) 
• • •
Gregory was feeling pretty good. He had less than two hours before he was free to go, and he’d just sent Roxy into her fourth tantrum of the night by responding to her taunt of “You are nothing!” with “I know you are but what am I?” Giving robots existential crises was turning out to be fun. 
In terms of bad one-liners, though, Monty was on a whole other level. 
“You can hide, but you can’t hide!” 
Gregory face-palmed. “And you can talk, but gosh, you really can’t talk. This is just embarrassing.” He continued along the catwalk at a leisurely pace. 
Beneath him, Monty was turning in rapid circles as he followed along across the mini-golf course, as though that was at all helpful in his quest to catch Gregory. 
“There are no thoughts in your head, are there? Just static and some crap programing.” 
He almost felt bad for the animatronics. Given that Freddy was fully capable of intelligent conversation, it seemed the rest of them had been seriously downgraded. At least, Gregory kinda hoped they weren’t usually like this. Freddy deserved to have friends who were more articulate than a pull-string talking toy. 
• • •
Way to go, superstar! Well done, Gregory! Great job, superstar! 
No matter how many times Freddy congratulated him or cheered him on or praised him for even the smallest victory—and he’d done it many times—Gregory couldn’t seem to respond. He always just ducked his head or turned away, biting back a pleased, nearly bashful smile. 
Sarcastic comments, mocking taunts, insults—they rolled off him like water off a duck’s back. And he had no trouble dishing them out in return. Same old, same old. 
It made him feel silly, then, that it was Freddy’s kindness that silenced him so thoroughly. All night, he was left stumbling over being complimented. 
But it also got easier to hear, bit by bit, the more Freddy said that sort of stuff, his beaming smile audible even if his face couldn’t quite show it. 
As the barricades began to rise, letting in the early morning sunlight, Freddy knelt down and gathered him into a hug and said with utmost sincerity, “I am proud of you, superstar.” 
Gregory, at long last, was finally able to find his voice. He pressed his forehead to his protector’s shoulder. “Thanks, Freddy,” he said quietly. “I couldn’t have done it without you.” 
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fizzigigsimmer · 1 year
Maybe it’s the flue brain but I can’t stop thinking of Harringrove as military brats growing up on base in the 80s. And in kind of a role reversal Billy is the golden boy. In the sense that he’s got the best scores and the best grades and everyone expects he’s going to go on to have an awesome career in the military. He’s popular and good at sports too so he’s got it made. But all of that is surface shit because Neil is Neil and his methods of pushing Billy to perfection are abusive AF. But Billy can’t talk to anyone about it because he knows it will just get burried and turned around on him. “Your dad only wants what’s best for you.” “Discipline is good for you, even if it doesn’t always feel good when it’s happening” toxic bullshit like that.
Steve on the other hand is the bad boy. The one who people whisper about and dads warn their daughters away from. The spoiled rebellious child of some big brass who lives to show his contempt for the system. Barely shows up to class, fails tests and drills on a whim, sneaks off base and finds all the leather bars with the cheapest booze and the fastest guys and gals, and does everything he possibly can to make sure the whole base knows that they’re all bullshit.
Billy hates Steve at first because he resents that he doesn’t try harder when Billy knows he’s got it in him, but deep down what he really really resents is how free Steve is to do it. He can be a useless sack of shit and still there will never be a hand laid on him. But then Billy is assigned to tutor Steve because he failed a subject and his dad pulled strings for him to retake the final exam at the end of summer. They get to know each other and he realizes that not all abuse is physical and they’re both being drowned under the weight of other peoples expectations. Steve is so many firsts for Billy. The first to see his bruises for what they are. The first to believe him. The first to grant him permission to be whatever he wants to be and Billy starts experimenting with his look and the interests he was always drawn to but were off limits for an all-american boy. There’s lots of sneaking around, to each others houses and to parties and clubs off base, and a shit ton of sexual tension that Billy absolutely refuses to acknowledge because he’s straight as spaghetti.
The first kiss is almost accidental. They’ve snuck off somewhere, but not to a rager. Maybe they’re just under the bleachers at school sharing the same patch of grass and a cigarette. They play these little games with each other sometimes, stupid challenges that are an echo of their past rivalry with no real prize but the satisfaction. Who can take the biggest drag and hold it in for the longest time. Of course they fight dirty. Billy says shit to try and get Steve to laugh during his turn, and when it’s Billy’s Steve’s a real asshole about it. Leans over him until his nose is pressed against Billy’s and crosses his eyes. They burst out laughing at the same time, and their lips bump together. Billy startles and they both freeze, but Steve doesn’t pull away. They’re still close enough to share breath, and Billy can hear how shallow Steve’s breathing suddenly is and the way his eyes fall back down to Billy’s lips. Steve moves slowly enough that he could stop him when he goes back in, but he doesn’t. He closes his eyes because it’s almost too much to feel it happening, let alone see it. And then Steve’s kissing him, for real this time. It’s incredible. And a little too intense as his childhood ideologies clash with this new thing that feels so right and so wrong at the same time; but he’s no coward. He grabs it with both fists, hands bunched in Steve’s shirt, and holds on tight.
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mothmanwarble · 8 months
Hey sorry I keep sending you alot of asks I just like your skylander takes anyways i wanted to ask if you had any hcs or thoughts on giants like maybe the giants themselves the arkeyans stuff like that
Aw, it’s no problem! No need to apologize. Although I don’t respond to asks as quickly as I’d like to, I really do enjoy talking about the Skylanders series!
I consider Skylanders: Giants to be my second favorite game in the franchise and the Giants themselves might just be my favorite “Gimmicklanders” altogether, so I can definitely share a few thoughts on them!
The Giants must’ve been in for one heck of a rude awakening upon returning to Skylands after their 10’000 year exile. The last thing they remembered doing before getting banished was defeating the Arkeyan King. But once they return to Skylands after 10’000 years, they find out that some random guy had not only rediscovered and reawakened a dormant Conquertron, but that same guy was also planning on reawakening all of Arkus as well. They fought so hard to end the Arkeyans’ tyranny, only for history to repeat itself once more
Adding on to that, oh boy. The Giants probably did not trust Chop Chop and Drill Sergeant for a while—Chop Chop especially. A really neat fact about Chop Chop is that during the development of SSA, his early/working name was “The Pandoran Elite.” While it may not be his canon name anymore, I really love the idea of Chop Chop having been a high-ranking Arkeyan soldier (an Arkeyan Elite) way back in the day. Maybe the Giants didn’t know Chop Chop specifically, but they probably had to have run into Arkeyan Elites in the past, which would make them very, very wary of Chop Chop for quite some time. (They’re all on very good terms now, it’s all good. By the time they meet Krypt King, the Giants are ecstatic. Another heroic Arkeyan? Awesome!)
This is more of a general thought than a headcanon but I cannot stop thinking about how suspicious it is that the Iron Fist of Arkus is built with a blinking eye on it, or how the Fist can move on its own, or how it just created the Portal that banished the Giants in the first place. Like. What does it all mean. Why is it a Portal. Why does purple mist leak out of it. Why does it have an eye. Why is this thing alive.
Arkeyans are genuinely so, so, so fascinating to me. They’re robots. They’re mummies. They’re skeletons. They’re robot-skeletons. They’re weapons. They’re people. They have souls. They’re pre-programmed. They have free-will. They lack free-will. They speak. They’re voiceless. They live to serve. They want to be free.
I think a lot about the “Elder Elementals” Story Scroll in SSA that foreshadowed the Giants, and how there’s a part that says “These giants possessed powers of light and darkness within their flesh.” Now, if I were to take this literally…gosh. It would be so cool if there were Giants of the Light and Dark Elements that we just never got to meet
bouncer’s my fave he’s cool
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islands-0f-violence · 6 months
Hey there! I just wanted to say that I love your work and look forward to updates, even if they take longer than you think they will:) I know writing is hard (as a fic writer myself) and people can get pushy about updates, so please ignore anyone who leaves complaints in comments on your fics. You’re giving us free content and they’re just being poo-poo heads :p
Anyway, I just wanted to send some encouragement your way because I was thinking of you! Have a great and wonderful awesome day/night!
Hi!!! Thank you for coming to check in on me!! I really do appreciate it :3 I didn’t even realize I had a negative comment until I saw this ask so I zoomed on over and was like really? Do they have to say this?
Fortunately, I deal with customers everyday since I’m front facing the store I work at, so this comment was more annoying than hurtful since some don’t want to consider what the author may be doing in life.
I really really really appreciate those who were sticking up for me in the comment section 🥹 Y’all are angels! I haven’t replied to them yet, and I probably will since I’m not one to stand by at nonsense spat at me.
For those following for the story, I’ve been working on it a little every day! I’ve almost got it finished and just want to work in one more scene (which might take a few pages since I have a few ideas) so the next chapter will be out before Christmas! Thank you for being patient with me so far 💖
I’ve got less than a week of school left since next week isn’t a whole one due to the holidays so I’ve been scrounging trying to finish everything before next Wednesday. Once that’s over with, I’ll have a bit more free time for myself and my hobbies again!
Before I’m done with this, I just want to add one more thing for any of you that have been following the story since day 1 when I was putting out multiple chapters a week (as this commenter clearly has been) and sometimes even in a day. I was really depressed since I lost my job and had nothing better to do. In between looking for jobs, I would just mope around with no goal. I couldn’t even bring myself to play my favorite game. I started digging through my Quotev and read the only chapter of this Demon Slayer fic. I realized then that I wanted to take it up and so it consumed my life for a while until I found another job and school started up in the summer again for me. So, I’m sorry I’ve stopped updating so frequently, and I won’t forget this story again at least until I finish it, but I am so much happier where I am right now and no comment like that will make me feel less because I’ve come so far since starting it again.
Thanks for coming to my little ramble :)
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yuisdad · 9 months
The Women Love Women Phobia in Otome games and fandom
You ever find yourself reading a summary for an otome game that you either can’t get overseas or are looking to see if you’re interested in buying said game? Does this particular game have a route where the MC can date another girl? If it happens to have one, then you might see opinions on said summaries saying “I wish it was a best friend/platonic route”, and that’s if you’re lucky to not find a game summary that doesn’t skip the wlw route entirely.
This has thankfully died down, but in the early to mid 2010’s, you’d usually see these opinions floating around, especially when it came to console otome games. Now, there are some otome game fans who don’t like wlw romance in their games (or lgbt+ romance it seems), which isn’t inherently bad, but it’s still weird how they go out of their way to say they don’t like wlw routes in otome games and wish they were platonic routes instead…which is essentially a variation of people who don’t like lgbt+ romances saying “Why can’t they stay platonic? Not everything has to be romance”. But it’s even worse when otome game fans say this rhetoric because they’re playing a ROMANCE GAME!
There is also a double standard at play since some players don’t like wlw routes…yet are fine with incest (“as long as they’re not blood-related” or whatever bs), teacher x student romances, concerning age gaps, etc, simply because they find the male love interest attractive.
There are also players who are not attracted to women, so they don’t play wlw routes…But even that doesn’t hold much water considering that you don’t need to find someone physically attractive in order to enjoy a romance, which now makes me concerned how adult players view high school love interests if they’re basing likability off of attractiveness…
This wlw phobia is also in a few otome games themselves. One example that comes to mind is Gekka Ryouran Romance, where they have a girl as a love interest since all of their routes have a forbidden romance theme…even though same sex relationships aren’t and will never be forbidden. (Oh boy, can you tell this game was made by Rejet?) Hamefura, All Routes Lead To Doom is a harem isekai anime set in an otome game where the original MC and two female friends explicitly fall in love with the protagonist, Catarina. When it got adapted into an otome game by Otomate, they not only have no routes, but any romantic attraction they had for Catarina was written out of the story. The game came out in 2022…
However, there are otome games with genuinely good wlw routes, especially in mobile otome. My awesome mutual, @lolotheparagon, has played these mobile games and has more knowledge on them then I do, but from what I’ve seen, they’re pretty well written and are given the same attention and good writing as other male routes. Some of them have marriage ends, so the ladies are winning in that department!
Validate is a recent game that not only has a ton of lgbt+ romance, but has very good POC and plus size rep. There’s also an obcure otome game called IDEA Sensen Fukoku Hen, which not only has two wlw routes and I believe a nonbinary route, but the two male love interests have the option to date each other, which is something I haven’t seen in an otome game AT ALL. Although, considering how the company writes mlm relationships, I’m a little afraid about how good the lgbt+ rep in IDEA is.
If anyone has any wlw routes they’d like to share, or just thoughts about wlw routes in otome games in general, then feel free to add to this post.
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pradnyesh1008 · 3 months
Hello hello! First of all, I want to say that I love your game— I've replayed it several times since I found the introduction post and genuinely can't put it down, trying to not miss any possible detail that my somewhat distracted self might miss. Your writing is wonderful!
Second of all, got two more questions relating to the family!
1. Is Queen Alessandra from the local (Northern Kingdom's) nobility or is she part of the foreign nobility?
2. I've noticed that both the Imperial House and the Royal House of the Northern Kingdom share a suffix in their dynastic names (Draconithorn and Glacialthorn). Is this a recent thing as King Aric became the heir to the empire or is it an old (so to speak) last name? Is the Glacialthorn Royal House a distantly related branch of the Imperial House?
Thank you for sharing your project with us!
Hello there! First off, thank you so much for your kind words and for your dedication to the game. It’s readers like you who make all the hard work worth it! 🙏
I must apologize for the late reply.
Your questions are very observant, and I must say, they’re some of my favorite ones to answer. They could be a bit spoiler-y, but I’ll do my best to answer them without giving too much away.
Queen Alessandra was indeed a princess of another kingdom. Her marriage caused quite a stir on the continent, and a war was on the brink of happening because of it. But more on that will come later in the story. 😉
Ah, the thorn in the names. This is a bit of a spoiler, but I did promise to answer your question. So, yes, the Glacialthorn Royal House is a distantly related branch of the Imperial House. About a thousand years ago, three brothers came to the continent and conquered it, extinguishing 25-27 old dynasties and 11 kingdoms in the process. The eldest brother became the emperor, and the other two brothers went to the ends of the continents to found their own dynasties and kingdoms. Now, there are only eight kingdoms left because the emperor divided them among their supporters. Many other dynasties were reduced to nobility status as a punishment. The ‘thorn’ part is where they landed on the continent. They named it ‘thorn’, and the reason will be revealed later in the story. Two brothers kept it in their new surnames, the third one didn’t because… well, that’s a spoiler. 😉
I hope this answers your questions! If you have any more, feel free to send me a raven. I’m always here to chat. 💌 Keep reading, keep exploring, and most importantly, keep being awesome! 🌟
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