#i guess technically this ended up more than an expression xD
theramblingsofadork · 2 months
⭐️ (About the expression chart) I dunno why but River is giving MAJOORR B2 energy (for the first chart)
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“You have the intel for me?”
— Honestly, this is probably Rivet during The War/Downfall arc, since she does go through a pretty rough patch. The vibes make sense. XD
(Shadowless one included below the cut too since I like it better ^^)
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2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 and 24 for the ask game
2. Is there a least favorite character or title you dislike writing for?
My least favorite character would be Kabuto to write. I don't want to write him at all. But eh, have to write him because bro is quite important for a while. More than Sasuke I want to get rid of him.
3. Name a fanfic/story you are particularly proud of writing.
I've written a lot of stuff, but one fic I'm extremely proud of is Unbreakable Ties. I loved writing it and all the right emotions I could convey through my words. It'll always be close to my heart for its rawness and angst and the feels. Also because I wrote a fic for a large fandom, which was quite challenging for me initially too.
4. Where did you get your inspiration from?
I just like to explore the possibilities and different ways the characters feel and to explore those emotions. That's my inspiration. Sometimes reading does help too.
5. Where do you find your motivation?
I'll say it's discipline. I don't rely on motivation as much. There are days I can't get a lot of work done, but I do try to write some words before I go to bed.
6. What would you say your strongest genre to write for is?
I love adventure, Gothic fiction, and magical realism to write. But i guess magical realism is what I would be most comfortable in writing.
7. What would you say your weakest genre to write for is?
Action. Ugh. I cannot write fight scenes.
8. How many WIP do you currently have?
Only one. I can't have more than one WIPs or it'll be too distracting.
9. (I already answered it)
10. What frustrates you the most as a writer?
Among many other things, I sometimes feel my sentences are terrible. And I sometimes can't recall the most basic words. And of course, typos.
11. What’s something you have learned as a writer?
A lot of things. But mostly, I've learned to be expressive and more empathetic towards people. As a writer you get into the skin of the characters and feel the emotions they feel very deeply, and that is bound to affect you as a person too. It's what happened with me.
12. Do you enjoy receiving feedback?
Oh, yes. All writers do.
13. Already answered.
14. What’s one thing you dislike about your blog?
Ah, there's nothing I dislike about my blog. It's one of the very few places on the internet I like to be. xD
15. What made you start to write fanfiction/stories?
A TV show in my country. It was loosely based on Wuthering Heights, and I fell in love with it. So I loved exploring its main characters (who were ill-treated in canon because its writers were not interested in telling the story).
16. Any ideas you wanted to write about, but never did?
A fic based on the show I mentioned above. It was my dream project and could be my magnum opus with 150+ chapters, but for all the effort I put in it, there were no readers whatsoever. After 30 chapters I abandoned it in 2018. But I think I wasn't mature enough to handle all the themes back then. Still.
17. Already answered.
18. Are there any topics you find difficult to write for?
There's nothing in particular, but here and there, there will always be some topics that will be tough to write. But more for the technical reasons instead of personal ones.
19. What is something your readers don’t know that you do?
I might have mentioned it here, but no one knows I tend to have breakdowns writing some parts of my fics. Not just with Itachi and Sasuke centric stories, but for my fics I wrote previously, I'll end up crying a lot because some moments were like that. Itachi and Sasuke just take that angst to some other level, so I'm left wounded writing some of their moment.
20. What’s one thing you want your readers to know about you?
I love you, guys. If you read my works there must be some kind of bonding between us. Whether you're the silent reader of my stories or leave comments/kudos there it makes me feel seen and heard in a good way. So, thank you for that.
21. What’s your favorite writing advice to share?
There are a lot of pieces of advice that I follow, but one thing that I absolutely love as a reader is concise writing and avoiding the "-ly words." And you don't need too many synonyms of "said." Just use said and switch to other words occasionally. That, in my opinion, leaves more impact than writing the synonym for said with every dialogue.
22. Care to share any future WIP ideas you have lined up?
Ah, yes. There are three more ideas I'm considering to work on. One is inspired by Cormac Mc Carthy's The Road. The other is a post-war story with inter-dimemsional travel with a twist. And the other is set in the Land of the Waves arc. All the fics are Uchiha brothers centric. This is the only info I can give right now.
23. Most memorable review/comment on a fic?
Okay, so this is going to sound like I'm bragging, but here it is. One of my friends I keep in a very high regard because he's been writing for years and has published many of his poems too, read one of my fics, and said "Your writing reminded me of Emily Brontë's" and I cried tears of happiness. ;_;
24. What future fics/events can we expect to see?
It's the same as answer to #22. I'll try to finish The Everlasting Love by the end of this month and might start the next one right away.
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Summary of April:
Was away at the beginning of the month and then when I got back got really unmotivated. I joined a Discord study check-in chat two weeks ago which helped get me back on track - hoping that my extreme competitiveness will help me at least get through the DAB stuff without giving up. I was really off track for finishing stuff, but I managed to pull it together in the end, and I think I actually managed to finish more of my monthly goals than I have in a really long time!
My drawing skill is kinda all over the place atm, which I'm hoping means it's going to consolidate itself into something better soon xD
Plan from April:
3x 100 comp ✗ forgot to do two of these AGAIN
5x scared ✓ didn't technically do 5 but they were longer than 5min anyway
DAB Lesson 7 - 2 vehicles ✓ YEAHHHH
Proko - shoulder bones ✓
DrawThis - 2x 2h videos ✓
Rough sketches for all 5 FEH alt ideas ✗
1x background sketch/screencap study (1h timer) ✓ well I drew over a bunch of rooms and discovered that I can't do it in an hour
1x simple form studies (1h timer) ✗ did do some form studies though not 1h
Look at how FEH artists handle small details/trims with lineart ✓
May plan:
at least one day/week playing games (not art but important to relax with)
Draw May 4th/5th pieces
Rough (pose) sketches for all 4 FEH alt ideas and finish current one before 8th
10x scared
4x 100 comp
Proko - review notes + watch shoulder critiques
Proko - pecs and breasts I guess
4x Ges Draw Party
DAB Lesson 7 - 4 vehicles
1x master study - comic background or screencap study with perspective
notes and improvements from finished stuff:
USE PHOTO REFERENCE FOR EXPRESSIONS and try more open mouths ✗ did expressions but not referenced, do more hair studies ✗, use photo reference to figure out stylised ¾ eyes AND NOSE ✓, push unhorizontalness ✓, see how other (FEH) artists handle trims ✓
5MIN SCARED IDEAS: find good hair examples and trace ✗, find ¾ photos and trace eyes/nose ✓, trace torsos for gesture ✗, review/learn leg muscles ✗, trace thigh high boot opening contours from actual photos ✓
knoll: not detailed enough (did a drawover to add details which made a BIG difference), hand unintentionally too wide, browbone doesn't go in to lead into cheekbone
h/ux: not enough ribcage space, crop looks like his forearm is just really thin, eyes aren't in perspective (not lined up + eye area is a bit too wide and flat), hand wasn't referenced and it shows
elan: values too close, REALLY BAD HAND, antennae shouldn't be that swivelled, folds don't make any sense
t/ana: tried to do too much of a dynamic pose and made an unnatural twist between upper + lower halves, eyes aren't looking at viewer, arm holding bouquet/shoulder/underarm area is flat and too far off to the side, lighting not consistent + shading on skirt too conservative (should have pushed the back of it way further into shadow to bring out the roundness), sash thing has no texture and is placed really awkwardly because I realised during the colouring phase that the entire skirt was off-centre, value contrast too low (not engaging to look at). HOWEVER I did try to clean up my lines AND shading at the end, and also used a much smaller brush (doubled canvas size to A4 and used a 3px/1px brush) so it looks a lot neater overall
ACTIONABLES: USE PHOTO REFERENCE FOR EXPRESSIONS!!!!! JUST DO IT, do hair studies, decide whether majority of piece is going to be dark or light and base contrast around that, draw out ribcages (+ shoulder bones) for every sketch, use photo/RL reference for EVERY HAND - even doodles, do a separate detail pass the day after 'finishing' something, use photo reference for folds
5MIN SCARED IDEAS: find good hair examples and trace, trace torsos for gesture, review/learn leg muscles, draw one hand, identify fold type in clothing photos
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michaelmilligan · 2 years
Dare I ask about catboy Cas?
You've dared. I'm not sure you want to know but here we go. XD
So, this is a Destiel A/B/O thing, with Dean as an Alpha and Cas as am Omega. It's basically arranged marriage, except they have some modicum of say in who they will marry.
Cas is a 'catboy' in the sense that there are a few people (generally Omegas) in the world who for some reason have cat ears and a tail. (Yes, I watched too much anime in my life. Sorry, not sorry.) Those 'cat Omegas' are treated even worse than regular Omegas.
Anyway, this is mostly about Dean and Cas meeting and doing the whole marriage thing because they're both pressured into it by their parents. Cas was married before and has a kid from that relationship (kid Jack my beloved). There's no mpreg in this story, Cas cannot bear children as a cis man.
The whole thing takes place in a modern setting (pretty much our current time). Dean and John are hunters in the sense that they're hired to capture dangerous criminals (kind of like the Huntercorp universe except without monsters). Sam lives in California, studying to become a lawyer.
So yeah, the focus of the story is Dean and Cas and how they learn more about each other and about how to live with each other, with some side characters thrown into the mix (unfortunately including John, who needs to get punched by Cas at least once I think, but also Bobby, Gadreel, Charlie, Benny and others).
I don't know if anyone would ever want to read this, but have a snippet anyway (under the cut):
Suddenly, a child's voice broke through the constant buzz of the lobby below. It was just loud enough for them to make out the words: “Daddy, daddy!” Dean spotted a small child standing by the door, waving at them.
Castiel's face lit up so much Dean was surprised it didn't blind him instantly. Then Castiel's expression turned so soft it made Dean's heart melt.
“Jack?” Dean guessed, and Castiel turned to him, obviously trying to school his face.
“Yes. He... I'm sorry, he shouldn't be here yet.”
“Well, now that he is...” Dean gestured down to the lobby. “You don't wanna go and say hi?”
Castiel hesitated, looking between the stairs and Dean. “That would be rude. We're still...” He motioned towards the meeting room.
“Pretty sure they ain't missing us in there.” Dean shrugged and started walking towards the stairs. It didn't take long until Castiel followed him.
“Are you sure it's okay?”
“Come on. He's your son, you can't just let him stand there.” Dean knew from experience what it was like to be ignored by your own father in favour of some strangers, and he wasn't going to be the reason that the kid would feel like that.
“Daddyyyy,” Jack squealed, coming up towards them on the stairs. It was only now that Dean realized there was someone with the kid, a tall guy dressed in pretty formal clothes who seemed torn between holding the kid back and letting him get to his dad. It also took Dean a moment to realize that like his dad, Jack also had cat ears and a tail, though both in the same brown that his hair was.
In the end, Jack got his will and clutched at his dad's leg.
“Hello, Jack.” Castiel was smiling radiantly again, and he picked the child up in his arms, then carried him back down the stairs.
Dean was impressed. The kid was five, according to what Naomi had said, so he couldn't exactly have been light.
“I'm sorry, sir. We got here earlier than expected and he really wanted to go into the building,” the tall guy explained, glancing at Dean shortly before concentrating back on Castiel. “I thought you would still be in the meeting room...”
“It's okay, Gadreel. Technically, we still are in the meeting. This is... you know. His name is Dean.” Castiel set Jack down and crouched in front of him. “Did you want to see me, Jack?”
“Yes, daddy.” The kid's expression turned sheepish. “Gadreel said that if I was patient, I could have some nougat. But I wasn't patient.”
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jacepens · 3 years
okay, so I was reading through some of your posts, and I definetly need to hear more about the "flirting-through-their-wives" thing tho...
yes yes indeed!
Thank you msrandomstuff! I shall do my best to provide:) <3
Let me start first with Lafayette's letter to Washington and this lovely little passage here: June 12-13, 1779. Laf to GW.
"Be so kind, My dear General, as to present My Best Respects to Your lady, and tell her how happy I would feel to present them Myself to her, at her own house—I have a Wife, My dear General, who is in love with you, and affection for you Seems to Me So well justified that I Can’t oppose Myself to that Sentiment of her’s—She Begs you would Receive her Compliments, and Make them acceptable to Mrs Washington—"
Now, this is just my biased speculations but- Lafayette says Adrienne (although should I take into consideration the extra playful nature here when he just names her as "a Wife"? Rather than my wife or Adrienne? Is it suspicious or regular Laf behavior? One could look at that and say, right or wrong, "a Wife" may not actually be Adrienne...if you catch my drift.) is very in love with Washington and Lafayette feels just as strongly as she does! But if we are flirting through our wives, let me add that my wife continues to compliment yours and actually, let me praise and compliment you twice, George. Because Laf did start this letter by expressing his concern for Washington's safety. Romance aside, I could see Lafayette playfully doubly begging George to keep himself safe and remember his Marquis loves him.
But it's Washington's response that really gets me, and it gets the little cogs in my head turning.
Sept 30, 1779. GW to Laf
"Tell her [Adrienne] (if you have not made a mistake, & offered your own love instead of hers to me) that I have a heart susceptable of the tenderest passion, & that it is already so strongly impressed with the most favourable ideas of her, that she must be cautious of putting loves torch to it; as you must be in fanning the flame. But here again methinks I hear you say, I am not apprehensive of danger—My wife is young—you are growing old & the atlantic is between you—All this is true, but know my good friend that no distance can keep anxious lovers long asunder, and that the Wonders of former ages may be revived in this—But alas! will you not remark that amidst all the wonders recorded in holy writ no instance can be produced where a young Woman from real inclination has prefered an old Man—This is so much against me that I shall not be able I fear to contest the prize with you—yet, under the encouragement you have given me I shall enter the list for so inestimable a jewell."
Washington has immediately caught Lafayette! hehe. (On a historian-rambly note, I just love how human and playful the line: if you have not made a mistake, and offered your own love instead of hers to me is) And it seems that Washington very enthusiastically receives Lafayette's double compliment! He even confesses to having a heart susceptible to the tenderest passion, you know, the only kind of passion Lafayette has for Washington. (It could be nothing. But. I find it interesting that it is passion, singular rather than passions, plural. I honestly read it as passions but nope...just one passion. Could be normal, might not be.)
But please please I need to talk about the second half. George continues to assure Laf (I mean his "wife"-) that he is so favorable of her (him) that he must be careful to...put love's torch to the flame of George's fondness. I actually find this part extra fascinating and while my first thought is, how cute!! I can't help but read into it the longer I look at it.
So, hear me out. George is afraid of falling in love with Lafayette or vice versa or naming what they share as love love. Again, this is more heavy speculation and just one way to read it, but this sentence just really stands out to me.
But, it sounds like this is a conversation they've had before, so often in fact, that George knows exactly what Lafayette would say in response. Lafayette does not mind the danger. Mind the danger. (not apprehensive of the danger) Do you- do you see what I see? (what's more dangerous than being in love love with a man?) But but then I hear some sadness from George. There can be no real danger when they are separated by the ocean and even their age? A fire cannot burn them down from such distance. (Now I'm just talking...)
But no fear!:) We will be reunited, (I'm having an epiphany, Laf was anxious of George at the beginning of his first letter. That's probably a giant leap to make but I'm making it anyway lol). Ps can someone smarter than me tell me what the Wonder of former ages is? xD I can take some guesses, but I'm not too sure. Maybe it's nothing fancy at all.
But but please. The way it ends. George seems to go a little back and forth between sad, self-deprecating and hopeful and loving, but he ends on the cute cuuuute fact that Lafayette encourages his pursuit and love:) George will enter the list so the inestimable jewel of Lafayette's..."wife". (Lafayette)
Cute. Too cute. Am I digging too far into things that have no meaning? Perhaps. Is this still just...flirting with each other through their wives? (platonic or romantic) Yes oh my god yes.
But I'm not done. (Same letter from GW to Laf)
"It only remains for me now, to beg the favour of you to present my respectful compliments to your (but have I not a right, as you say she has made a tender of her love to me—to call her my) amiable & lovely Marchioness—& to assure you that with every sentiment of the most perfect regard, & personal attachmt I have the honr to be My Dear Marquis Yr Most Obedt & affect. Servt"
Please. please. Pleeease. Come oonnnnn. The emphasis on "your" (I checked Laf's full letter that he wrote the above passage in. He never once calls Adrienne "my" just, "a wife". Technically, "a Wife" could be anyone. I rest my case. (or it could be the differences in French and English for all I know. I don't know French, but I'm assuming Laf knows the difference between a and my at this point. Maybe a bold assumption, maybe not.)) only to very cheekily add again, George caught Laf's double compliments of him through his wife. George knows he's writing this to (my) Lafayette. And then of course, he calls Lafayette My (My!!) Dear Marquis (no abbreviations this time here folks). Obviously, I know George calling Laf My Dear Marquis is nothing out of the ordinary, but in this context, it seems worth nothing, does it not?
And. This quote still keeps me up at night. It's not a full flirting-through-wives, but what does it meeean?
From Laf to GW. 5-10 January 1779. (Right before Laf left for France during the war, same year as those letters above)
"I hope you will quietly enjoy the pleasure of being with Mrs Washington, without any disturbance from the ennemy till I join you again;"
I could again spend way too much time looking at all the different angles of this. It- it's just the "till I join you again" that really gets me.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this?? I hope it was sensible, but really, thank you so so much for giving me an excuse to ramble about this. I feel like there are still so many different ways this could be interpreted and if I had more time, I would love to find the photocopies of these letters to potentially analyze even what was crossed out or what looked rewritten vs very natural and not edited. (Washington claimed he didn't edit his letter much, but how true is that I wonder? lol)
Also, not that I think you would, but don't take anything I've said as fact except for the quotes themselves:) Like I said, this is all my (biased) speculations and interpretations but it's honestly not built on a lot of background on how they communicated with other people. (Again, if I had more time, I'd love to see if I could find if these things were standard for them to say or rare).
But really, on an aside, can historians stop assuming everyone as straight? I want lgbtq+ until proven differently xD. Because when you think about it, the lgbt spectrum is a vast number of identities and straight is just one. (Not that people who aren't alive to label themselves should officially have modern labels put on them, but in that same thought, why then call them all straight?)
Ok ok you've listened to me talk enough.
Thank you!! <3 I hope this satisfies:) (ps anyone is free to add to this)
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anon-rebel-writes · 3 years
Picking Out A Date
This is for @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers Sprint Challenge! I almost didn’t finish thing, but then I did! So I’m proud of myself! This came out very short, but it’s also very cute (imo), so I’mma take that as a win!
I hope you all enjoy this piece! It was definitely a struggle to try and find how to start and continue and end it XD The prompt I choose (yet didn’t exactly follow lol) was “But you’re so tall! Can you please come apple picking with me?”
The story begins under the cut, thank you for reading! <3 Ao3 Link
‘Okay. This shouldn’t be hard. It’s a simple question. What’s the worst that could happen?’
Marinette’s hands were slightly shaking as she tried to calm her thoughts. In theory, asking someone out shouldn’t be hard. But when the person you want to ask out is anything like Luka, the idea becomes much more intense.
They sat in her room, keeping themselves busy. Luka laid out across her lounge, softly strumming his guitar with his eyes closed, he seemed completely calm. Marinette, on the other hand, was anything but calm.
If her trembling hands around her pencil weren’t a dead giveaway, her flickering gaze from her sketchbook over to the serene boy were. Marinette was sure that it was obvious how tense she was, but if Luka realized it, he didn’t say anything.
‘How should I start? What do I ask? Do you wanna go to the movies? No, that’s too lame. Wanna go ice-skating? Actually, that might bring up some… interesting memories…’
A loud groan left her as she hid her face in her hands. Why were her awkward teen years so awkward? “You okay, Mel’?”
Her head sprung up and met his eyes. He stopped playing and turned his full attention to her. Marinette immediately shot out of her chair, leaving half her art supplies flung across the floor, and moved over to the lounge to lay with him. “No! I mean- yes! You’re fine- I mean! It’s fine! Or actually, I’m fine. Well, I don’t know.”
Luka moved his guitar back to its case and nestled into her. “Y’know I’d never force you to talk to me, but I’d love to help if I can.”
‘Of course he has to be all nice and junk! This boy’s gonna kill me!’
“Well… it’s kinda weird.”
Luka gently chuckled and moved his hand to hold hers. “Well I’m pretty used to being weird, so that won’t bother me.” She joined his chuckling and interlaced their fingers together. Marinette wasn’t sure when their relationship grew into, whatever this was. They felt closer than friends, but seeing her track record, she was pretty bad when it came to that judgement.
“It’s um… kinda a request?”
Luka stared at the ceiling and made a small noise in acknowledgement. ‘Okay, this is your chance! Be suave and smooth!’ Marinette closed her eyes tightly and tried to steady her breathing.
“Do you wanna come apple picking with me?!”.
‘Did I just ask him to go apple picking?! Why apple picking of all things? Why couldn’t I have said something normal like a walk in the park?!'
After having a few more moments of silence, Marinette keeped her eyes shut in hopes of trying to prolong the inevitable rejection. “-It’s just-! I mean- You’re so tall! And tall people are good with picking apples! My Papa took Maman to pick apples before he proposed- not that you’re gonna propose! We’d just be going! Alone. Together. To uh- pick apples…”
Eventually Marinette opened her eyes to assess the damage she just caused, but was surprised to see Luka staring straight back at her. However, looking across his face, she saw no anger or confusion. Honestly it was pretty hard to tell what was going through his mind.
She barely noticed the death grip she had on his hand until his other hand had to slowly pry her fingers off.
‘Oh no, that’s a bad sign, right? No hand-holding?! He’s never gonna talk to you again. He’ll grab his guitar and get on his bike and drive away and never see you again and marry some punk rock girl and they’ll get a pet hamster and have three children and you’ll be dying alone in Paris forever and-!’
“If I say yes, would that technically make you the apple of my eye?”
Marinette’s mind came to a complete stop, well more like it crashed and burned on the way to a stop. Did Luka just make a pun? And did he or did he not have the largest grin on his face?
“Um- I have no idea how to respond to that…”
Luka’s grin went away and he nervously picked at the strings of his hoodie. “Oh, well. Weren’t you asking me out? I was just- I don’t know, trying to lighten the mood? Sorry I guess my humor is a bit… dry.”
His eyes scanned around the room, everywhere but her. Honestly, Marinette found it a bit endearing that he wanted to make a joke to ease her tension. But another part of her wanted to call his whole thing off because that dumb guitar-loving idiot just gave me that biggest heart attack and it was all for a stupid pun!
Luka took a deep breath and closed his eyes, “So… apple picking?”
“Luka, I just had the biggest fit of anxiety I’ve had in a while and your response was to make a pun. I’m honestly not sure whether I want to kiss you or slap you.”
Luka’s eyes reopened and a sly grin appeared back on his face. “Well it might be hard to slap me since, what’d you say? ‘Tall people are good at picking apples’? I think you might need me for our ‘Apple-Picking Date’.”
Marinette rolled her eyes and moved her hand into his again. “As long as you don’t propose to me during our ‘Apple-Picking Date’, then fine, I won’t slap you.”
“I don’t know, Melody. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for one of us to make the first move? Honestly this ‘Apple-Picking Date’ might become an ‘Apple-Picking Wedding’.”
While Marinette did give him a playful slap to his arm for that, she followed it up by giving him a small kiss to his cheek. “You do know that we don’t actually have to pick apples right? I kinda just said it and didn’t really think about it. Honestly it’s kinda a strange first date…”
Luka stared at the ceiling again and silently contemplated something for a moment before a wicked grin took over his expression. “Well you are kinda a strange girl, so it makes sense.”
Marinette could say with complete and utter certainty that Luka definitely deserved a slap to his arm that time. But as long as she gave him an apologetic cheek kiss afterwards, he didn’t seem to mind too much.
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
🎁💢🍑💗 for Rel, Nisha or both if you feel inspired 😘
Twins asks for you, coming right up! :D <3
🎁— What kind of gifts do they like to give? What do they like receiving?
If you're particularly close to either of them, you might be lucky enough to get writing of some sort as a gift. Nisha gives either very heartfelt letters or poetry as more personal gifts, and Rel writes songs for his favorite people. Aside from that, Nisha tends to give small things that are both practical and personal somehow, and Rel tends to hand-make whatever he gives to people (usually some form of jewelry, or maybe buttons).
As for receiving, they're both pretty open to anything--Nisha prefers to receive small things as well as give them, but xe'll be good with larger things if they're practical; and, Rel will find a spot and use for anything someone gives him.
💢— What are some habits of theirs that would take some getting used to?
First of all, neither of them are morning people. Though they're not technically part of a Cycle as non-Pale-Tree-born sylvari, they would both be born right smack in the middle of the Cycle of Dusk and the Cycle of Night. Because of their relative jobs, they are very capable of waking up early, but they will be very sleepy at first and maybe slightly grumpy.
Rel does not sleep enough and drinks way too much coffee. When he does fall asleep, about half the time it'll be in weird places (though the percentage of time he actually falls asleep in bed increases once that means being with Trahearne xD). He's also likely to leave lights on/lanterns burning for longer than he should. (This luckily hasn't caused any fires yet, but he'd be very capable of putting one out should it happen--he's an elementalist, and water's the element he's strongest with.)
Nisha works on lots of miniature engineering projects, and often (xe and Cio are alike in that way). It might not be something big, but there's going to be a tiny technological device and/or weapon being tinkered with during a decent amount of free time with xem around. Probably the most disruptive part of this is just the occasional tendency to find a stray gear on the floor, or under a couch, or somehow inside a cabinet xD Engineering hazards, I guess!
🍑— Random intimate headcanon
Rel and Trahearne are comfortable with casual touching/physical contact long before they actually get together (it's built up over time, and Rel is a naturally touchy--if that's how you say it?--person with people he's close to regardless, so it doesn't make their pining any more obvious than it already was, but still, ye), but he starts doing little teasing touches afterwards. Just tiny stuff, trying to make his partner flustered, and usually not stuff people would notice in public unless they were looking super closely (or they know Trahearne particularly well).
As for Nisha, in xyr trio, none of the three of them are particularly shy, but it's worth noting that Nisha is the least shy. If you're looking for the person in the trio most likely to do some sort of dramatic greeting upon reuniting with their partners, or mention said partners offhand the most often when they're not around, or find a way to kiss one/both of them during a battle or political meeting or something, that's Nisha.
💗— Do they noticeably change once they’re in love? Is it easy to notice or just something their partner would pick up on?
Rel is probably, again, the more subtle of the twins in this department. It's easier to pick up if you know him well, but you'll get a few things of the longing-stare variety. The most obvious bit here would be his music--he uses that as self-expression, so if you're paying attention to what music he plays/hums to himself, you'll hear a significantly larger amount of romantic songs in there.
Nisha, when xe realized xe had a crush on/was falling in love with xyr current partners, tried so hard not to be obvious that it ended up being pretty obvious--but obvious specifically to xyr brother. Nisha only has a Dream connection with xyr brother, and since xyr reaction to these emotions was to basically wall them off until xe could deal with them, he was the one in the best position to notice (via the absence of usual emotions). Behavior-wise, you might notice more glowing than usual, as well as more awkwardness.
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drarryruinedme7 · 4 years
kinktober, day 8. medical kink
To @rockmarina 💓 I’m sorry, this is nothing like you wanted (I don’t know why it’s so fluffy xD), but I couldn’t resist! If you dislike doctor/patient dynamic, well, you’re warned. Happy reading! thanks @malenkayacherepakha for the beta. 
“Healer Malfoy?” Kutch enters Draco’s office without even knocking. Typical.
Technically, he’s Draco’s boss so he can do whatever he wants to. But still. 
“Yes, boss?” They both hate it when Draco calls him that. It makes Draco say it even more.
“I have a special patient for you. Look, I wouldn’t have sent him to you, ever.” He accompanies the words with a scowl. “But it looks fairly important and—” Kutch takes a deep breath. “You’re the most qualified at the moment.” 
Draco rolls his eyes. “Was it really that hard to say?”
“Yes,” Kutch quickly replies. “He’ll come in with a disguise. Call me only if extremely necessary, I’m needed elsewhere. And Malfoy?”
Draco only barely resists the temptation to sneer. 
“Treat him well.”
With that, Kutch exits Draco’s office and Draco can finally let out all the very elegant expletives he was thinking. Treat him well. As if, after more than ten years of service, Draco would still need such advice. 
“Err, excuse me?” 
Draco looks up from his desk to see a medium-height bloke, green eyes, sharp jaw. Draco vaguely registers that there’s something familiar about him.
“Hello, please come in and close the door,” Draco says, professional voice and polite smile in place. He can be kind, thank you very much. 
The bloke enters Draco’s office, carefully sitting on the chair in front of him. Draco keeps smiling, hoping it will reassure him. 
“Feel free to drop your glamour when you feel like it. What should I call you?”
“Er.” The bloke shifts on the chair, looks around with clipped movements. “Gods, I can’t. It’s too weird. You’re weird, too polite.”
Draco blinks. “Excuse me, you don’t want me to be polite?”
“It would surely make this look more normal.” The man sighs, scratches at the back of his neck. “Well, I guess…” He waves a hand and his glamour starts to dissipate.
Ill-mannered and a show-off. What, only because the guy can wordlessly and wandlessly control his magic—
“Potter!?” Draco blurts out before regaining control of himself.
Potter grimaces, eyes apologetic. “When they told me you were the best I almost laughed in their faces. But… I really need help, and this is the first time I—”
With a grunt, Potter breaks off, bending over at the waist, head clunking on Draco’s desk. He convulses violently, and his hands disappear into his lap, clutching at it desperately. 
“What...? Potter, can you hear me?” Draco stands up to quickly reach Potter’s side, touching his shoulder lightly. 
Potter’s breathing has sped up like crazy and he keeps making these small sounds… Draco feels heat rush to his cheeks. The sounds Potter’s making are all too similar to mewls, to the sounds someone should make when sprawled on a bed, getting the best fuck of their life.
“Potter?” Draco asks again, voice rough. He straightens, taking his hand off Potter’s shoulder. He can’t believe he’s letting himself be this unprofessional, never mind with Potter of all people.
“Christ,” Potter murmurs, straightening. His face is flushed, eyes dazed. He does look as if he’s just been shagged. 
Damn it.
“‘m sorry,” he continues. He’s not looking at Draco and his hands still haven’t left his lap. “You can laugh at me. I… have these episodes. It’s been two months already, I’ve stopped going out, practically secluded myself in my house, because, err…”
“I’ll never laugh at one of my patients, P— Harry,” Draco says, leaning against his desk. “Can you describe to me what you feel during these episodes?”
Potter bites on his bottom lip, looking at Draco’s eyes briefly before dropping his gaze. “I— it’s… I orgasm.” 
There’s a tense silence as Draco registers Potter’s words. He internally shouts, struggling to maintain composure externally. “You...” Draco takes a deep breath. “Are you telling me you have spontaneous orgasms?”
He’s never once in his medical career, come across such a case. Of course, it would happen with Potter and of course, Draco couldn’t just let go of his stupid school crush on him and had kept wanking to thoughts of him over the years.
This will make his work all so much easier. Great.
Potter sighs, then nods. Draco shakes his head. He has to treat him like any other patient. 
“Alright,” he says. “Alright. Can you tell me how often you have these… episodes?” 
“Per day?” He asks, furrowing his brows. 
“You have them daily? Wait, you have them more than once a day?!” Draco’s sure his voice has gotten several octaves higher, and that this is the exact opposite of ‘professional’ and ‘treat him well’, but fuck. Fuck!
Potter winces. 
“I’m sorry,” Draco quickly amends. “Really, I don’t... It’s just a new case for me too. Please, go on.” 
Potter scrunches his nose up at him but takes a deep breath as he starts biting his lips again. “At first it was only, like, maybe a couple of times a week? Mostly at evenings or nights, that’s why I brushed them off. I thought, I don’t know… late-blooming, or something.” He scratches at his nape. “Err, but then they increased. I’d say I have them, like, six to seven—”
Potter’s hands fly to the armrests of the chair, gripping them for dear life. He shuts his eyes and his entire body goes rigid. Draco should really, really avert his eyes right now but he finds himself frozen on the spot, watching as Potter’s lips open in moans and his hips stutter as he comes. Again. 
When he opens his eyes this time, they’re even more glazed, perspiration all over his face. “See,” he says with a small voice and Draco’s chest constricts. He has a patient, an embarrassed patient, who’s struggling in front of him and all Draco can do is get steadily harder. “That’s why I stopped going out or working. It’s just so random and it keeps happening without no warning, I’m…” He inhales deeply. “I’m so exhausted, all the time. All my muscles ache.” 
Draco nods, clearing his throat. “I agree, you need to regain control over your life. If you feel comfortable, I’d ask you to lie on that stretcher.” 
Potter hums, standing to reach the stretcher. He lies down, eyes glossed with tears. 
“Look, if you need someone else or you aren’t comfortable—”
“Nothing like that,” Potter says. His voice is thick, but he smiles. “It’s just… the other Healers I saw, they laughed at me and told me I was crazy to want to get rid of such a pleasurable condition. I’m just happy you’re taking it seriously.”
Draco’s cock is aching with how hard it is but he smiles, hoping the scrubs will hide it. This is seriously messed up. 
“I’m sorry you had to go through that. I really want to help you. I’ll run some tests now, okay? Just tell me when it tingles, tickles or hurts.”
Draco takes out his wand. “Ready?” 
When Potter nods Draco starts casting diagnostic spells of all kinds. He has to stop another three times before he can finally understand what’s happening.
By the end of it, Potter’s not the only one who’s panting. Draco’s cock is crying for release, keeps twitching and pulsing, balls tight as he watches Potter’s face scrunch up in pleasure and his mouth open in bliss. 
It’s all too erotic. “Okay, Harry,” Draco says finally. Potter must have felt Draco’s arousal because he turns to look at him with wide eyes, just that little more focused at Draco’s rough voice. Draco clears his throat. “Erm. I’m 99% sure I know what’s wrong.”
Potter blinks, brings a hand to his hair, trying to adjust it. It only looks messier. Fuck, the level of testosterone in the room must be so high Draco’s not sure he’s not intoxicated. 
“Right,” he says when Potter smiles. He looks entirely too hot for his own good. “It’s in your nervous system. Some nerves are damaged so that when you brush the wrong spots in your body they send the wrong message to your brain.”
The expression on Potter’s face is pure confusion. Draco sighs and tries again. “Think of it as a Quidditch game. Seekers must look for the Snitch; Keepers must guard the goalposts and so on. Your neurons have specific functions, but what happens if a Seeker suddenly stops looking for the Snitch and starts throwing Quaffles around, instead?”
Potter’s face clears. “A fucking mess.”
“Indeed,” Draco says. A smile forms on his face against his will. 
“Is it curable?” Potter asks. His chest is still heaving heavily up and down. 
Draco nods. “Yes, but it will take quite some time. In the meantime, I can prescribe you some potions that will help diminish your episodes.”
Potter practically jumps off the stretcher, throwing his arms around Draco’s neck. “Bloody hell, that’s amazing! Thank you, Draco, thank you!” 
Draco laughs and returns the hug, remembering a tad too late he’s as hard as he could ever get. 
“Er.” Potter pulls back, raising an eyebrow. “Well, maybe… someone could show me what real pleasure is again. I kinda forgot it.” 
Draco’s kissing Potter before he can double-think it, whispering between kisses, “I’ll make you cry harder than you ever have.” 
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fleetofshippyships · 4 years
Managed to write a little something through the brain fog and pain today, some junior shenanigans for an old ask game prompt in my inbox (’stomped’). 
Technically, no ships I guess, or implied Zhuiling, or implied Zhuizhen, or implied Lingyi, or implied Zhuiyi...let’s face it, I ship the poly junior quartet so hard every time I write them them it tends to end up that way so read it how you like in terms of ships or no ships at all and just ‘what’s some spooning between good friends?’
Another round of laughter, barely muffled through the walls, and Jin Ling decided enough was enough. It really was intolerable. And irresponsible.
He threw off his blankets and stomped out of his room at the inn. It was only after he was down the hall and throwing open the door to the others’ room that he realised he was only in his under-robe.
Heat rushed to his face, but was swiftly forgotten as the others cheered his sudden appearance, waving around cups and sloshing wine everywhere.
“Would you all shut up and sleep already!” Jin Ling snapped, somehow managing to remember his purpose even when faced with the shocking state they were in.
Ouyang Zizhen’s hair was...something. It looked like some attempt at the arrangement that was currently fashionable for weddings, but it was executed awfully, looking more like the nest of some sort of small animal.
Lan Jingyi was scandalously underdressed, a light under-robe barely covering him as it threatened to come untied at his waist, one leg sticking out in the awkward way he was sprawled on his side, one shoulder of the robe wet with what was probably wine.
Lan Sizhui was...red faced and missing his forehead ribbon.
The sight of his naked forehead sent Jin Ling’s thoughts skittering away from his desperate need for sleep after the nightmare their earlier hunt had been. He didn’t dare look around for where the forehead ribbon had ended up, and yet, he desperately needed to know for no accountable reason.
“Jin Liiiing!” Lan Jingyi cried. “You changed your mind about sharing a room with us!”
“Come, have a drink, have a drink,” Lan Sizhui said, beckoning him with a hand and sloppily pouring wine into a fourth cup that seemed to have been left out just for him.
“Jingyi, you should do his hair next,” Ouyang Zizhen said, lifting a hand to pat at his hair, a wistful look on his face that clearly said he hadn’t looked in a mirror yet.
Lan Jingyi perked up, pulling himself upright and nodding so vigorously his robe slipped off one shoulder.
Jin Ling hardly knew where to look, but the angry bruises across the bared side of Lan Jingyi’s chest caught his attention.
“What are you idiots doing? You’re keeping the whole inn awake!” he snapped, belatedly closing the door behind him even though he knew it was doing a poor job of dampening their noise. “You should be resting!”
Perhaps he should have agreed to share a cramped room with them instead of purchasing his own, he might have been able to stop them from such ridiculousness.
Then again, he was finding himself utterly defenceless when Lan Sizhui asked him to do...anything lately. And with the way Lan Sizhui was holding out a cup of wine with an eager and inviting expression, Jin Ling realised he probably would have been talked into it.
Even now, he was tempted, if only because he found it so oddly difficult to deny Lan Sizhui anything when he looked at him like that.
But the hour was so late, and they had all fought so hard during the hunt. Lan Jingyi wasn’t the only one covered in bruises and cuts and needing rest.
“What would Hanguang-Jun say if he saw you behaving this way instead of resting and caring for your wounds?”
It was a low blow, but that offered drink in Lan Sizhui’s hand was very tempting, even if he had no desire to embarrass himself in the way they were behaving. He’d die of shame if word reached his sect, or worse, his uncle. He had to stop them quickly.
In unison, they gasped and looked around, as if Hanguang-Jun might be summoned to the room just from Jin Ling speaking his name.
If the circumstances were different, if he wasn’t so exhausted and battered from the hunt, if they weren’t at a public inn, he might have joined them with little fuss and probably enjoyed himself, even if it was hard to fathom looking at the state they were in now, but they were at a public inn.
He rather thought it should be Lan Sizhui being the responsible one, but he hauled them up one by one, awkwardly trying to avoid touching Lan Jingyi’s very exposed skin, and pushed them towards their beds.
The room they’d purchased was so small that it only had two beds, and Lan Sihzhui and Ouyang Zizhen shared one while Lan Jingyi sprawled shamelessly over the other.
Jin Ling stood over him for a moment, eyeing his bruises and wondering if he should apply more salve to them. He didn’t trust the idiot to have done the job properly the first time, and he didn’t want to listen to him whining about how sore he was all the way back to Gusu.
It was usually Lan Sizhui who fussed over them, and it felt odd to find himself playing that part, and especially for an idiot like Lan Jingyi, who would shortly injure himself again in some stupid, embarrassing manner, but he was already reaching for the salve before he thought that he should maybe leave Lan Jingyi to his fate.
But he never managed to get the salve.
Lan Jingyi, with a ridiculously loud groan, pulled himself up and reached over until he managed to grab Jin Ling by his waist and yank him forwards.
Jin Ling toppled onto the bed and, while frantically trying to get away, found himself swiftly manoeuvred until his back was against Lan Jingyi’s chest and he was firmly trapped by his deceptively strong arms.
The position was so utterly unfamiliar that he froze instead of fighting to get free.
Across the room, Ouyang Zizhen was already snoring softly, and Jin Ling could see they were in a similar position, with Lan Sizhui nestled against Ouyang Zizhen. He had seen Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi sleeping huddled together many times out on hunts, but out in the wild felt somehow very different to in bed at an inn.
Head flooded his face when he remembered the way Lan Jingyi’s under-robe was all but falling off him.
“See, isn’t this better than a lonely room on your own?” Lan Jingyi mumbled, holding him, if anything, even tighter.
Protests rose to Jin Ling’s lips but he bit down on them. As strange and constricting as the position was, it wasn’t unpleasant. He had wondered before, seeing Lan Jingyi and Lan Sizhui sleep this way on hunts, what it would feel like to be held close by someone else.
Although he had never considered it would be Lan Jingyi who would do it.
There was no point trying to escape. He’d learned long ago that he was no match for Lan Jingyi and Lan Sizhui’s ridiculous upper body strength.
And...he wasn’t entirely sure he did want to escape, now that Lan Jingyi was relaxing his hold just a little and shifting into a more comfortable position.
“Shut up and sleep,” he muttered belatedly.
Lan Jingyi merely hummed dismissively into his hair, and Jin Ling decided that no matter how nice it was starting to feel to lie there in Lan Jingyi’s arms, he would still wake early and make them all suffer for keeping him awake so long.
I’m not really sure how Jin Ling wound up the responsible one in this...but anyway, I wrote a thing and that’s miraculous on its own so I don’t really care if it’s out of character XD
Please excuse errors, I didn’t have the spoons to edit it, and I’m really rusty writing, but I’ve been so inactive I just wanted to post something new here for now, maybe tidy it up later for AO3 if I find the spoons for editing and summary and title and all the hard stuff about posting fic XD
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punkranger · 2 years
You asked for it now here it is 😈 The Steps for OC matchups! (Feel free to leave Cyrus out because he is the Very Bad, No Good Problematic Child)
Look, Cyrus may be a bastard but so is Densil so they can be problematic together <3 also i just went with the steps cuz that just seemed right, shared backgrounds and all is certainly helpful, esp for such secretive and prickly ppl^^
Cyrus: Densil would, because he has terrible taste and because they are similar: aka two awful ppl who don’t care about each other and are only together because they have something to gain, also while probably trying to screw each other over.. I guess technically Cyrus would come out on top of that since he genuinely doesn’t care, while Densil more like revels in making his own life as miserable as possible.
Dana: Nicholas would definitely be interested in them, but it’d be a 100k slowburn between those two I’m sure, between them both being demi and anxious some outside influence would probably be required! Anyway, just two messy coffee addict anarchists, what could go wrong?^^
Rene would also go for Dana and it would be a similar story, except 1000k slowburn xD also I think Rene would be better at making sure Dana took care of themself (though Nic can also be a mother-hen, they tend to forget about things such as eating regularly and sleeping)
Luca: Densil might, at least during Rebirth before they go completely off the rails. At that time she’d definitely be drawn to someone who seems so carefree, someone who seems to just do whatever they feel like. I think the two of them could work well together, helping each other express those emotions they usually repress!
Antoine could also go for Luca, they’re very similar after all^^ Which probably works well at first, they’re just a couple of guys who like to have a good time - might cause problems too though, being too similar so there’d be no counter-balance
Mallory: Nic could also go for Mallory, even if he might be a bit wary of her, he’d also be interested because of her intelligence and ofc they are both romantics so they’d probably have the same idea on what a good date means (staring into each others’ eyes while some important government building is blown up in the background?)
Su Yang: Antoine, and let's be honest his first thought is just "strongk 👀". Anyway, they meet in the illegal fighting pits every friday, that counts as flirting right? He’d probably annoy her to no end, but I’m sure she’d be more than capable paying back^^ Drawback would be they both have bad kitchen habits and neither of them should probably not be allowed in a kitchen ever
Rene would also be interested, she’d be a bit torn because she’d think Su Yang is intimidating and maybe too ruthless at times, but also impressed by her ability to actually go through with things. Would definitely not dare to initiate anything ever though!
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fagundescamila · 4 years
Power Couple (Severus Snape x Reader)
As odd as it may seem, I like the idea of imagining how Lily and James would react to Severus finding someone and how they would “behave” about it, so it’s an AU where the Potters survive... I mean to write and add more parts to this, if you want me to do so, just let me know! I might do it anyways, though hahahhaha As always, english is not my native language, so please, be kind xD Hope you like it! 
Severus walked into the kitchen with Dumbledore only to hear the end of a conversation held by the other members. The one who was speaking was Y/N, the new member, who worked at the Ministry and graduated from Hogwarts just a couple of years after the rest of them. Snape didn’t really know her yet, but Dumbledore was thrilled by the fact that she was joining the Order.
“...I mean, I felt genuinely ashamed for the guy. I don’t think of myself as an expert, I really don’t. In all honesty, my skills as a potion maker go as far as a decent beginner… In a good day, at the best of my performance, I could pass as a poor intermediate. And I swear to god, I could have done better than him. The man is a total and complete disaster.” That got his attention, absolutely, but he wasn’t sure of the subject they were discussing. 
“Don’t you think you’re being too harsh on him?” Lily asked with a fond smile.
“Oh no… I’m being kind to him.” Y/N stated as she drank another sip from her coffee. “There were so much better essays that could have been published instead of his. I’m telling you, some of the researchers were really on the verge of having a brilliant book released by the Ministry’s publishing company. But all those stupid people voted on Lockhart’s poor attempt of a fairy tale.” 
“Auch. I guess that was a big insult for a nerd, right?” James asked trying to make fun of Y/N’s annoyance. 
“Oh yeah, we - nerds - tend to take our fairy tales very seriously.” Y/N said rolling her eyes at his joke. “But that was it. I had to go to that event nonetheless and pretend to be proud of the result of the voting. Absolutely ridiculous.” 
“I’m sorry to intrude, but what was it all about?” Dumbledore asked with an interested grin. Also, he could tell Snape was also interest but would never summon the will to ask about it. 
“My god, you’re gonna make us all hear that again?” James asked before Y/N could say anything. 
“I’m just expressing my loathing of Lockhart’s last achievement, that’s all.” Y/N answered rolling her eyes again and pretending that James never interrupted. 
“You mean that essay the Ministry published today?” Severus asked. Dumbledore was quite surprised by his sudden participation. 
“‘Poor attempt of a fairy tale’, I believe was the actual term, Sevy.” James teased with a grin. 
“Yeah, the essay those ignorants chose to publish.” Y/N confirmed, again ignoring James’ remarks. “It actually got me feeling bad about being a member of the voting staff.”
“It was odd that it actually got as far as being submitted to voting.” Severus said sitting by the table, in a corner far from the others. 
“Precisely! Thank you very much.” Y/N said finally happy that someone would agree to everything she was saying just moments ago.
“What were the other researches submitted to voting?” Severus asked.
“Oh god, no.” James said and gained a small slap from Lily. “What?” She stared at him, trying to make him shut up with just a look.
“We received lots of abstracts, but actual researches came down to five. There was Lockhart’s, which… Well, you read it. Then there was an essay written by a Beauxbatons’ substitute teacher about the issues of the legal uses of Amortentia, which was terrific from an ethical point of view, but didn’t get my vote, ‘cause well… It didn’t quite fit the requisites. There was a research on a new ingredient cataloging method… Can’t remember the author, though… It was interesting, but if you’re presuming to propose a new method of doing anything, it at least…”
“Should be better than the one that is currently being used.” Severus completed. 
“Yeah! My point, exactly.” She confirmed with a smile. “Then there was this really technical one about stirring processes and its effects. Kinda boring, actually…”
“Oh, don’t say! How come boring? I can’t believe it!” James exclaimed feigning surprise and gaining another slap from Lily. 
“And the one that got my vote, which was a research from that potion master of Castelobruxo, you must have heard of her, the woman is a genius.” Severus confirmed with a nod and a discreet smile. “She described this brazilian herb which is already largely commercialized and the possibility of using it to substitute almost 50% of the ingredients used on calming draughts and other potions of the sort. She showed the maths of it, which quite frankly I could only partially absorb, but it seemed accurate. And her writing was so brilliant it could be a potions’ essay or poetry, I can’t really tell.”
“You seem very passionate about the subject, Y/N.” Dumbledore stated, looking forward to hear Severus’ remarks on it later.
“Well, not really…” She said with a chuckle. “As James so thoughtfully stated, I’m a nerd.” She shrugged. “Potions is not exactly my forté, but I do find it interesting. And when you get to vote on the next publishings of the Ministry, the least you can do is really take some time to study. Otherwise you could vote for Lockhart’s awful excuse of work.” 
“I see…” Dumbledore smiled. 
“Do you still have access to those other essays?” Severus asked. 
“I guess so, yes… I must still have them on my office.” Y/N said. “They are not meant to be read yet, but I won’t tell if you don’t.” She chuckled and Severus smiled just a bit wider than before. “We can go to my office after this meeting and I lend it to you.” 
“Fine.” Severus confirmed. 
“Okay, it’s a date! Now can we please get started with this meeting? I swear to god, if I hear one more word from the nerd power couple, I’m out.” James asked and Lily slapped him again. This time actually chuckling a bit at his joke.
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fishylife · 3 years
Street Dance of China, Season 4, Episode 8
- I don’t remember if I’ve said this before, but Poppin’C seems like such a chill guy. He always seems very optimistic, very open-minded, very friendly. I was just reminded when he was talking about what he thought of the first freestyle battle challenge. The thought it was difficult, but he wasn’t like, bitter about it or anything. He just takes the challenges as they come. But even from episodes past, we see that he’s very non-judgmental of stuff and things in general. Side note, the Chinese subtitles always call him Christian (which I assume is his given name).
- Henry’s outfit here is cute.
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- The relay freestyle dance challenge got really fun as we got through more rounds, and got dancers of different styles dancing to the same music.
- In the relay freestyle dance battle, you could tell who the versatile dancers are. We already knew Bouboo had range, but what I think is interesting is that his stage presence is so strong is that his dancing ends up overshadowing the song. It’s not bad, it’s just an observation, because a lot of his performances, even with very different music, sometimes have more of a similar feel, because his dance style is so strong. On the other hand, some dancers like Rochka or even Xiao Jie (even though he didn’t get to battle much) seem to fit themselves to the music, which makes them very entertaining to watch. It feels like I’m watching a different dancer when I see them dance to different sorts of music.
- The dancers praising Yixing for earning two points in the relay battle 🥰🥰
- This panel made me laugh because just as Rochka was going up against Yang Kai and very in the zone, someone shouted “Rochka’s really cute!” I mean, he is, but in this moment, I think he was going for cool.
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- My boy MT-Pop!!! I think this is the first time we’ve seen him actually freestyle (most of his previous performances were a prepared performance or a group performance) and I love how he maintains that creativity in his movements! Bouboo’s response to his challenge was pretty cool too, I loved that Bouboo matched MT-Pop in terms of having really interesting movements and weird body placements.
- Yixing being the first team to win 7 points, and MT-Pop and Yixing each getting 2 points 🥰🥰 Sorry but I am biased. During the battle, Yixing did mention that he and his teammates tried come up with an order that would be to their benefit (i.e. in terms of using music against their opponents). So the strategizing worked.
- You did so good dude!
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- Our little meowmeow was telling his team how he used all of his power on his first dance off and by the second battle he was already out of ideas lol. Except on his second battle against San’er he did have some good ideas!!
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- Poppin’C said Yixing’s krumping was so shuai :P
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- Is that Yixing running to grab the water bottles in the background?
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- I did like Ibuki’s performances over Nelson’s in their second place dance off. Like Judge Philip said, she had a lot of variety in her dance moves. Especially during the popping music, Ibuki did some popping (?) moves that I had not expected from her. In the first episodes, I thought she was all about waacking so I love seeing her expand her repertoire.
- Lmao Yuwan called Ibuki “全村的希望” which is something like “the hope of the village” XD
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- What’s also cute is that Yuwan called Ibuki 小吹, Xiaochui, because Weichui is the Chinese reading of the kanji for Ibuki.
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- And then he called her 村花, “Village Flower,” which is something akin to the village beauty.
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- MT-Pop and Poppin’C battled so many times together, and I had fun every time they did! The fact that they have so many routines is impressive. But I also just love how happy and cheerful they look every time. It makes their performances that much more interesting to watch.
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- Not gonna lie, seeing Ma Xialong dance hip hop was really fun haha. I think Han Geng’s team didn’t really have some “general” hip hop specialists, so that was why they had to ask Eleven and Ma Xiaolong to go forth, but I think they at least delivered a product that was fun to watch. If anything, they have swag.
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- Omg Xiaoji and Xiao Jie team for maximum entertainment
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- Rochka and Boris are so interesting to watch, because they are both such big boys, and it’s like, how do they move their arms and legs that fast when they’re so long??
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- It seems to me that the lockers always have very pleasant expressions, as in, they never forget to smile, which makes their performances very enjoyable to watch.
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- Chika and Han Yu are such a cute duo.
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- Okay but Han Geng? Sir? This fit? Old man team ftw.
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- You were wearing two pairs of sunglasses the whole time????
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- Han-xiansheng.....excuse me.....sir.....
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- Dianmen and Rei-san from Gogo Brothers was such an interesting combo because Dianmen is a popper and Rei-san is a locker, and this music is rather slow compared to normal locking music.
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- Ibuki and Eleven was pretty hype, even if they did lose their battle.
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- Judge Tam was praising MT-Pop and Poppin’C :3 She basically said that they technically aren’t similar dancers, but they have cool chemistry and fun ideas.
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- Yibo got a lot of praise in this challenge, because he danced three styles of battle (popping, locking, hip hop), which showed that he’s flexible, and as Judge Phillip said, it also means he has a good memory because he had to remember all those routines :P
- Poppin’C truly the realest dude ever. He was like we were happy that we were first, but can’t let your foot off the gas either, because Yibo’s team is going to be challenging them from second place.
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- Henry’s team is lowest in points right now, and Rochka was saying how Henry was being very encouraging and motivating.
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- Just a small note, Momo speaks in a combination of Japanese and English and it’s cute :P I remember Junna did that on the show too, but I think this is the first I’ve seen it in the interview section. Most of the Japanese dancers speak in Japanese even if their English is alright (e.g. Ibuki), though Momo more often speaks in English than Japanese from what I’ve observed.
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- The 5 person performance from Yixing’s team was cute! It wasn’t the most explosive, but it was very cute and quirky. I can see all of the influences of the different choreographers though. The parts when the dancers were in a V shape (more hip hop) were probably choreographed by Kenken, the parts relating to the table were probably choreographed by Bunta, and I think Huang Xiao did more of the choreography for himself and Qiao Zhi, who were supposed to represent the Chinese chefs. And actually I MT-Pop might’ve had a hand in choreographing the part when he and Kenken burst through the table (the quirky eccentric stuff). But like Li Bingbing said, they were focusing a lot on the story part of the performance, so that’s why they couldn’t plan as many cool dance moves that were just cool from an aesthetic point of view, and not necessarily related to the story.
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- Han Geng’s team’s performance was abstract and artistic. I think the wind as a prop was really interesting. Technically we can’t even see it, but the wind changes the “direction” of the dance. All of the moves revolve around the fact that the wind is coming from that angle. So it acts as both a prop to alter the “perspective” of the dance, as well as a prop for the story.
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- The performance from Yibo’s team was more of what I’d expected out of this challenge, something that was just aesthetically cool from all angles. Like Ye Yin said, it wasn’t advantageous to compete from a storytelling perspective, so they might as well just focus on the visuals.
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- After this performance, Rochka told Henry not to worry. He was like “psst Henry! 一劉 team? We’re great!” The captaon says 暖心卡寳. 暖心 means warm hearted, alluding to the fact that Henry might’ve gotten worried since other teams had such strong performances and they were behind in points and Rochka wanted to reassure him. 卡 is “ka” as in “Kaka” as in “Rochka.” 寳 means treasure, but it is also the “bao” in “baobei,” and it’s also something you can just add at the end of someone’s name to make it a cute nickname. So basically the caption is saying that Rochka is a warm hearted baby.
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- Henry’s team had a cyberbullying theme going on. I thought this performance was cool because it was both visually very cool and it told an interesting story compared to how minimalist their props were (just masks). Basically the dance covered themes of online bullying, and how social media can be just as isolating as it is connecting. I was surprised that Judge Phillip said that the theme kind of lost him because he thought it might not be clear to everyone who was watching. But I guess it’s also because Henry mentioned that there was a cyberbullying theme so I wasn’t as confused as someone might be if they were going in blind.
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- Han Geng came over to cheer on Henry’s team before the final battle.
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- This was the first freestyle battle that Kenken did and can I just say, his dance style is just so hype. Kenken was up against Nelson though, who is tough to beat. Yixing said that he’d wanted Kenken, Bunta, and Huang Xiao to join in on the battle to at least have some fun, but he hadn’t expected him to run into Nelson ^^;;
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- Yibo’s team won 6 points in a row and everybody was like “who’s gonna challenge them? who’s gonna dethrone them?” OUR MEOWMEOW KING IS!!!!!! Yixing stopped Yibo’s team’s streak lol. Yixing’s team went on to say how he inspired such confidence in them, that he was their hero haha.
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- Henry tried to challenge next. He challenged Dianmen. But alas, Dianmen got the point. At this point, I feel super bad for Henry. He probably feels a bit powerless to help his team v.v Ahhh I hope some good luck comes his way!!!!! He deserves it!!!!
- In this last battle, where teams can change their challengers however they want, we see how important it is to win the point, because once you’re on the defence, you get an opportunity to get a point every battle, whereas for each of the challenger teams, if you lose, you have to wait another round for your turn.
- Lmao as San’er was going to challenge, Chunlin just started yelling “AHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Guess that’s his way of motivating his teammates XD
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- Yibo’s team won the final challenged in the end. Here’s our boy Poppin’C being all “shucks, but we’ll get them next time!”
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- 23 points wasn’t shabby for Yixing’s team.
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- Yixing started singing Billie Jean but the subtitles are not right at all lmao
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- Yixing’s team said that through the challenges, they felt like they’d grown closer as a team :3
- Han Geng being encouraging to his team. In typical dad fashion he was like “no matter what happens, let’s have fun, don’t think about winning or losing!”
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- Henry’s team members were talking about how it kind of hurt to see that they had the lowest score by far :(
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- Oh no :(
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- Rochka explained that he had asthma, so after the first round, he was quite tired, so he felt very sad that he couldn’t help his team in the later battles. The words on the side say that Rochka stayed on scene after he got medical help, but Henry didn’t want to let him battle. Later on, Rochka was available to dance again, but Henry moved him to the back of their queue (probably so he’d have more time to rest), but as we saw in the challenge, it took a while for them to get their turn and thus Rochka didn’t end up dancing.
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- Rochka kept apologizing and saying he had no excuses and Henry comes up being like “what are you talking about bro?”
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- That’s right! Give him a hug!!!!
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- These two really take every opportunity to flirt huh. Well it’s more like Henry issuing the flirt challenge and Rochka accepting the flirt challenge by returning with equally flirty behaviour.
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- The way Huang Xiao described the competition was very cool. He said that the world cannot stop your radiance, but you also are not able to cover up someone else’s light.
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- Nelson announced to the show that he had to leave, to go back to France to handle some issues about custody over his son. I had heard that he had left the show, I just didn’t realize it would be so soon. But like everybody else, family is important, so we can’t be mad for someone wanting to return home for personal reasons. After all, this is just a competition, just a game.
- Poppin’C patting Yixing’s shoulder. Iunno, I just thought it was fun :P
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- This round did not end with eliminations, but I suspect that as the winner, Yibo will earn some sort of perk later on.
- Finally, all of the figures in a row!
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- I know the hot pot show is now no longer members only, but I don’t think I have the time to watch it. Maybe I’ll just download it now and save it for later, maybe after I’m done SDOC, but I probably won’t watch it as I’m watching the main SDOC show.
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americana-gothic · 3 years
Okay I’m just going to fucking say it. The show Loki...sucks.
I really want to like the show, I really think the main plot is good, certain characters of the show is good but overall the show is fucking BORING. I really like Loki and Tom Hiddleston. He rocks the role as Loki God of Mischief... but...where the fuck is the mischief?
So here I go.
First off, MCU did  a good even pace of giving Loki the character growth he deserved. Nothing wrong with making a character a (villain) dynamic. 
But we also know this. Current Loki is right after the First Avengers film so all that real, year enduring character growth is technically out the window and we’re suppose to believe a character wheel/montage is going to trigger all that years in growth in a couple of days? Nah, not buying it. 
Two Loki went to Boss Level ( Avengers One Threat) to a freaking recruitable character. And that feels like a big disservice to Loki as a whole. I get we know after the Infinity War that there are bigger fish but come on! It’s a show about Loki it’s suppose to be his time to shine! 
It doesn’t even feel like he’s the main character on his own show. It’s like they side-lined him to comic relief. The show is about him he’s suppose to shine through out most of the show, the show is suppose to be about him! 
Speaking of being side-lined, why is it he sometimes remembers his powers and abilities and other’s he’s like “Uhhhh”?!  It’s so inconsistent.
Currently Sylvie is suppose to be considered Loki but if they’re going to reveal that she’s not. Well then why has so much screen time and dialogue?! If the big reveal she’s not actually a real Loki and if that’s what they’re going for well >_>. I guess that also makes it somewhat acceptable that Sylvie’s character is unlikable? I mean if she is really Loki then fem Loki should be just as bad ass, entertaining, and likable. If she’s not well then why does she has so much screen time? It feels like anything you can do I can do better!? Battle of the sexes and it’s fucking dumb.
I get that feeling that the ending is going for that in the end Loki was just “low key” and is going to outsmart everyone. Though the whole idea of Loki saving the day also seems very out of character. He’s suppose to be a villain,  if the series ends with Loki fucking more shit up than yeah at least that’s in character and would be believable Loki thing to do.
Speaking of out of character, Loki seems mostly out of character. Even if he is playing along trying to get people to underestimate him, it’s done pretty fucking crappy. Like they’re trying SO HARD, so hard to throw the audience off for a plot twist and big reveal that’s a bit insulting to the fans. 
The budget is good, the effects and scenery awesome, the main plot is decent, the lack of action scenes in a comic show is a put off. I caught myself zoning out on a few talking scenes. The show is lacking and even the ratings prove it. 
You can be a fan of the character and still have the right to critique and express your concerns. 
I better fucking add this because this is Tumblr and I know someone is going to comment about this. No this has nothing to do with idea that Loki is bi. To be honest, Loki is such an arrogant narcissistic ass the idea of hitting himself is believable. The only one worth romancing is... me. It’s a wicked, crazy, self love but okay...XD.
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 5x22 Only You
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Does that mean Storybrooke’s magic is gone now that Rumple has tethered it to the crystal?
Well, I guess he can’t have taken all of it or Regina wouldn’t have been able to teleport etc.
Henry’s relationship with magic is like a freaking rollercoaster. At first, he thinks it’s the best thing in the world, then he hates it so much he wants to destroy it, then it’s the best thing in the world, then he tries to destroy it, then it’s the best thing in the world! But that’s kids for you, I guess! I’m sure I was like that and still can be. Come to think of it, would putting dynamite in the well in season 2 have destroyed magic?
Is that needle that’s put dozens of people under a sleeping curse the same one Maleficent used on Aurora?
Henry’s literally so powerful. I wish he could use his author powers more.
How is taking the crystal out of SB gonna destroy magic in SB?
Oh, so Rumple tethered the magic but didn’t technically absorb it from the town, so they can still use it.
Why can’t Regina text Henry to say that destroying magic would destroy SB? 
Guess they can go over the town line now, for the first time in like forever. But I guess Emma & Regina & Henry could already cross the threshold, possibly Violet too as she didn’t come over with the first curse. And then the others are brought to New York by a portal. 
Oh! So that’s why they can use magic in the lwom? Because Henry brought the crystal aka all the magic of Storybrooke there.
Aww. Henry and Violet are cute. I just wouldn’t recommend reading the Henry and Violet book if you appreciate their relationship in the show.
Oh, thank God. Zelena does promise to bring baby Robin to visit her brother Roland! I need them to have known each other growing up! I bet they’re really close. And Roland is just as sweet as ever and has to stop his sister being reckless. The Hufflepuff to her Slytherin (+ Gryffindor tendencies), if you will. And I need fics where Roland doesn’t grow up to be vengeful and angry. Once a Hufflepuff cupcake, always a Hufflepuff cupcake.
Did Regina agree to Roland going back to Sherwood Forest? I’m surprised she didn’t adopt him. It must have been the Merry Men’s decision because no way would they take orders from Zelena. 
Aww! Roly kissing his baby sis!! I’m gonna miss you Roly!! Literally the most adorable kid! Aww and Granny kisses him on the head too! I die!!
Look at his little mittens!!
I’m guessing he doesn’t know she killed his mama but maybe he knows that she posed as her and in a strange way enjoyed his time with her? I mean, I guess you can say that as Marian Zelena did, at least, take care of Roland and bond with him. Maybe she always wanted to be a mother? Still doesn’t excuse her killing Marian and posing as her. Just trying to make sense of this hug. Maybe Roland is just super forgiving! And you can say it’s cause he’s a child but let me tell you, I was so much less willing to forgive really terrible things as a child than I am now. 
Omg. They all fell so hard through that portal! Ow!
Emma’s genuinely worried Regina’s gonna put a sleeping curse on her.
Baelfire was trying to destroy magic in New York?
Ron used sellotape to try to fix his wand, so why not?
Omg Davis Bloom, love of my life! Well, it’s Hyde but this guy loves to play literal monsters! Listen, before Once Upon a Time, Smallville was my hardcore special interest show. I rewatched it so many times since I was 9! Anyway, Chloe was my favourite character and I’d always been a Chloe x Clark shipper and then Davis came along and Chlavis became my otp. He loved her so much! He gave her the love and attention she deserved! Yes it was messed up but that’s what 12-year-old me was and is here for! My mum and I were so excited when we found out the actor was gonna be in Ouat! I loved Davis to bits and ngl, was highly attracted to him (as was my mama), so excuse me as I continue to be thirsty over Hyde.
Back to the rewatch!
Hyde strangling people is my jam lol.
Snow, my girl, you really can’t keep a secret. She darn told Hyde about the Dark One’s love being pregnant! Oh well, love her anyway. And also, she was 10.
I’ll never forget, I once cut my eye and it legit looked like one of Hyde’s but scarier. It was so frightening to look at and really uncomfortable, but it healed eventually. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it. But it looks cool and sexy on Hyde xD. 
Is that the same book Tilly finds at Henry’s place in 7x14?
Regina: “like with Hook, my first impulse was to rip his throat out.” Jesus Regina! You’re saying that to the woman who just went to the Underworld for Hook and thought she’d lost him forever. He’s someone she loves. That’s intense! As someone who’s been told by a loved one, threateningly, that they are (completely seriously) going to violently kill another loved one, several times, that is so not cool. Luckily no one was killed though, it’s okay. 
I recently read a really interesting meta about Regina’s motivation for redemption being intellectual. Like she says here, she doesn’t want to do good. She hates doing good but she knows that villainous acts won’t get her her happy ending and so she reasons that in order for things to go less awful for her, she must to good. She doesn’t do it because of empathy, guilt or regret, she does it because she figures it’s what the heroes are doing and things are going right for them and because if she goes back to her evil ways she knows she’ll lose Henry and her new and only support network. I think the same can be said for Zelena’s motivations to do good. No shade, just an analysis.
Well at least she’s using the word “I” to express that she did those things. But, she seems more concerned about those things hanging over her than for what she did to her victims and how they felt and suffered.  She even seems more upset at the fact that she has lost a love again than the fact that Robin lost his life and his kids have lost their father.
Hmm. Interesting. She seems to suggest here that before she didn’t know the difference between good and evil. You know what, that could be true because she didn’t really get why people called her the ‘Evil Queen’ and then there’s the fact she was raised by Cora and Henry Sr. Cora probably warped her perception of good and evil and her father positively reinforced a lot of the evil Regina did and didn’t explain to her why the things Cora did and the lessons she taught were wrong.
Why are all those stories in the library? That makes no sense. 
There’s a problem. If the grail is the origin of all magic and Merlin found it around 1500 years before the present (apparently Merlin was a runaway slave too. Of course he flipping was!), how comes Gothel and Seraphina had magic thousands of years ago? I mean, I suppose they were from another land (that Gothel killed almost all the inhabitants of), so I guess people just don’t know magic didn’t originate from the grail. I mean, since the God’s had magic before the grail, and nymphs possibly have relations to gods, I suppose it makes sense that Gothel had magic but then, what about Seraphina? How does she have magic and how did she live so long? Did Gothel cast a spell on her that made her practically immortal or was she already immortal?
Well, that was easy for Rumple lol.
Transforming looks really painful.
The thing is. They shouldn’t have separated Jekyll from Hyde. I think it would have been cooler if they hadn’t. Sure, they can make Jekyll the true villain but why not have the heroes try to save Jekyll as Hyde thwarts their plans at every turn to the point where they have to agonize over hurting Jekyll to defeat Hyde. The same can be said for Regina. Don’t split them up! Just have Regina transform into the Evil Queen so you can’t tell when she’s Regina and when she’s the EQ working on her evil plan. That would’ve been really fun to watch and to try to figure out which persona she was and when! Also, they should have just made Jekyll transform when emotionally compromised rather than when taking the potion because without an assistant Jekyll could have easily lived without Hyde ever returning. 
I hate the look of that wand.
Hydes theme sounds so awesome!
Also, it would have been really cool to explore the Land of Untold Stories. It looks so rad!
How can Hyde summon the portal? Don’t you have to have enough dark magic?! I guess maybe his strength and durability are enhanced by dark magic?
Rumple, I don’t think Belle can here you in that box.
Can I marry Hyde now? I want to marry Hyde. 
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kinkyacademia · 4 years
Could I request a scenario or even headcanons (whichever is easier) with Overhaul of how he would be with fem s/o and she just so happens to have a erasure-like quirk.... (I’m sorry it’s so vague I can elaborate if necessary) thank you so much!
So the thing is it is 3:30AM and my dog is alseep next to me, hands not working, I want to write sex.Okay I ended up rewriting and finishing the request, but the fact that my intro was so dumb still makes me laugh XD
-Mod Pasta🍜🍝
💊You had met Overhaul when he was just starting the Shie Hassaikai, you being fresh out of a mediocre Hero Course and still struggling to find your place in the world.You were always told that hero life suited you, but that it would be hard to find work because of your quirk. Why did it have to be hard? Why were everyone’s compliments so backhanded? You wanted to do good, but it felt like the government didn’t care.
💊He pulled you out of that mess and depression, telling you that you were incredible, your quirk was a blessing, wrapping his arm around you without flinching. Without flinching. One of the first things he said to you was, “You’re clean, you may have a quirk, but it’s clean.”
💊That was about a year ago. Overhaul sometimes asked for you assistance with Eri’s “temper tantrums,” Or to teach certain members a lesson, or just to make himself feel temporarily clean. The more skin-to-skin contact he had with you, the better his mood would get that day. There were many parts to his business that you opposed, especially the use of Eri, but you didn’t want to be useless and deny him your service. This wasn’t the easy route you had to remind yourself. You were helping.
💊More contact meant less clothes, and despite his adverseness to germs, the closest he could get to you was sex. He was infatuated with you, and for the first time in his life, he opened his being to someone. It was all on his own terms, of course, but you were more than happy to oblige. You were helping a man achieve his dreams after all, and what was more desirable that a driven person?
💊You had to admit that Kurono throwing you at Chisaki like a happy pill was a bit annoying, but you also felt important. You were this important to one person, especially a very important man - this was what you wanted. You wanted to help others, and this did the job just fine despite the obvious drawbacks. Overhaul made it very clear that you could return to the hero world whenever you wanted, but reminded you of what would happen: You would be shunned for leaving for so long, you would never find work, you would fall into a pit of despair and never be recognized.
💊Technically you only needed to touch someone once to cancel their quirk for a couple minutes, but Overhaul obviously enjoyed your continued use.
On one particular bad day, you were drinking tea in the backyard when you heard footsteps approaching, blocking the sun from reaching you and casting a shadow, “Yes?”
“You’re needed (L/N),” It was short and sweet, but you knew what Kurono meant. His voice was strained, and you pushed yourself up slowly, giving him an apologetic smile.
“Is he okay?”
“Not exactly,” He nodded to the back door, and you felt a prick of annoyance at his rushed tone, but proceeded inside nonetheless. You went down a staircase, down a few winding stone halls, then found Kendo Rappa standing outside of Overhaul’s room, arms crossed in front of him as he pouted, glaring at you. You looked away, hoping he wouldn’t confront you.
As you passed him, reaching for the doorknob, he spoke up with a crackly tone, indicating how his conversation with the masked man went, “You’re going in? He’s pretty pissed,” he chuckled, reaching for your hand.
“That’s okay,” You giggled, waving him off, “Thank you though.”
“I warned yah,” He shrugged, looking up and down the hall before leaving you, throwing one last sentence over his shoulder, “We should fight!”
“Right,” You muttered, rolling your eyes. It was like his departing phrase: fight me, give me a battle, see you next round, etc. You pushed his warnings out of your head, taking a deep breath before opening knocking with one hand and pushing the door open, “It’s me.”
“Close the door,” Just as you were got inside, you were ordered around. You had to swallowed your pride and not state that that was exactly what you were going to do. Usually he praised the ground you walked on, but Kurono and Rappa were right: this was a particularly bad day, likely because of Rappa.
You sat in front of him while he looked over a set of papers, “Did Chronostasis send you?” He hummed, turning a page. You nodded.
“Yeah,” Your eyes traveled to a few books that had fallen from his shelves. The fact that they weren’t picked up made your nerves stand on end. The clean-freak himself wasn’t cleaning.
You got up to clean the books up, and he didn’t stop you. Once everything looked orderly, you turned to him, approaching him now from behind his desk, “I guess today was hard?”
“Correct,” He mumbled, getting to the last page, “I would rather my subordinates do what I ask of them without question, but some need motivation,” He clicked his tongue, rubbing his fingers over the paper delicately. It looked like he was trying not to crinkle it, but his anger caused the edge of the paper to turn in. He stared at it for a second, then slowly placed the paper on top of the stack, shaking his head with a groan of disappointment.
You smiled, gingerly placing a hand on his shoulder to provide the much-needed relief he craved, “They’ve fought before, but last time their reasons were jaded. You provide a clear goal: Maybe that’s what’s important to them,” You gave him an experimental squeeze. He didn’t respond, his eyes closed as he thought. A moment passed, and you began to feel an awkward silence brewing. Suddenly he pushed his chair back, reaching up to grab your wrist and pull you down to eye level.
“I’m their boss. You,” His eyes travelled to your chest, then back up, causing your cheeks to flare, “You’re too perfect to give trash like them excuses.”
“Oh,” You whispered, heart pounding. Your surroundings became sharp and in better focus as adrenaline surged through your veins, “Thank you.”
He let go of your hand, and you crouched in front of him awkwardly, awaiting his word. You found trouble thinking for yourself these days: it was just so easy to let Overhaul make the decisions. He pulled his gloves off, putting them in his jacket pocket before removing the coat and placing it on the back of his chair. You knew what was coming, and it excited you to no end.
“You should be ready,” He started working on his mask, and you eyed the awkward man before reaching under your skirt and hooking a finger around your shorts and panties. You stepped out of them, looking around. You ended up placing them on the ground next to his seat, turning back to him. He was staring at your chest, and you instinctively went to cover your breasts.
“Leave the skirt,” He continued to stare with hungry eyes, “I enjoy all of you, (F/N),” He raised a hand up to form the come here sign. You obliged, and he reached a hand out to your legs. You too the cue to climb onto his seat, straddling him and sitting on his knees, “You’re a pure form of human.”
“I think you underestimate your own worth, you’re just as amazing as me,” Your hand came up to his neck, resting against it as your quirk took hold once again. His mask was on the desk now, but a black one underneath had taken its place. You rarely got to kiss him, but he seemed to enjoy the contact of the kiss rather than the emotions behind it. He was better at expressing those through speech and touch.
“We’re powerful together,” He settled that, “But that’s not important now… Tell me about your day,” You chuckled- he was quite monotonous when it came to casual talk. His bare hands went to your shirt, pulling it off of you. He wasn’t one to hold back - the moment your shirt was off, he went to your bra. Skilled with his hands, it dropped immediately and they went to your breasts.
“It was-” You had to pause when he took your shirt off, “Good! I went and made lunch for Eri. She’s so big now,” You hummed with content, then was cut off by his roaming fingers, “You’re cold,” You whispered with a laugh. He stopped for a second, then nodded slowly.
“You’re warm,” He stroked your breasts downward, his fingers reaching your skirt. His eyes flickered up to your own, “You know I enjoy watching you.”“Yeah,” Excitement bubbled within you as you looked down at his lap. Your boyfriend could even be labelled as nice after sex, having been as intimate as possible with the girl who gave him the relief of being “clean.”
He started to seem impatient, leaning closed to you. Your stomach did flips, and you reached for his belt buckle, undoing it and pulling it off. You placed it on the ground, then undid the button and zipper to his pants, pulling them down a bit. All that was left was his boxers, and this was where the leader-type man would usually take the reigns. You were given them for today, however, and you had some feeling of pride in it
You pulled the hem down, enough for his semi-erection to spring loose. You gently gripped it in your hand, enjoying the veins and texture. The rest of his body had a smooth, flawless feeling, likely due to using his quirk on himself. He hadn’t done the same to his member, and the contrast was a strange, but interesting aspect of the man. His breath caught for a second, and your eyes flickered to his own. They seemed expectant. You gave an experimental pump, and he took a short, sharp breath. You felt your own core aching - you had never been with someone other than Overhaul. The Hero Course strictly forbid fraternizing, and everyone was too good two shoes to try anything serious. Overhaul’s style, the way he ordered you, the way he pleased you - it was all you knew, and you knew you liked it a lot. He always left you satisfied, if not yearning for another round.
You raised your hand to your mouth, licking it before going back down to lubricate him. You bit your bottom lip, seeing he was fully erect and ready. Your heavy-lidded eyes met his own, and his hands made their way under your thighs, lifting you up slightly, “I’m growing impatient.”
“Sorry,” You chuckled, pushing yourself up on the arms of his chair and scooting forward. You reached down and position himself at your wet entrance, already remembering the intoxicating pleasure. Overhaul was a scientist after all, and he took data in so he could improve results. Sex never got old with him. You slowly sat, and your sigh of pleasure mixed with his sigh of relief.
“You’re just… perfect, you know?” You smiled, taking a few seconds to adjust to how deep he already was inside of you. His hands returned to your ass under the skirt, his hands still cold against you.
“I am clean, never perfect,” He shook his head, and you pushed yourself up a bit, then sat back down on his member. You gasped at the deep feeling, rolling your hips forward to relish it. You could see his jaw clenched and you reached up to rub it.
“You’re perfect for me, I never want anyone else,” Your hero side showed a bit, and you raised yourself up again, starting to find a rhythm. You weren’t used to riding, but you learned quickly. You were finding out what felt deeper and oh god what made your head spin.
“I feel the same to you,” He squeezed your ass, and you yelped, then laughed, a small sigh of content escaping your lips. You were starting to like pleasing yourself on him, and you knew he liked being inside of you, so it was a win-win. As you used his shoulders to support your bouncing, you got a surprise when his hips instinctively bucked up into you. He swallowed hard, and you realized he was holding back for your own sake.
“Ah… Fuck…” You moaned, rolling your hips into his own. His hands shifted to wrap around your waist, using his small thrusts to get even deep than your bouncing. With the joint effort, both of you felt pleased. Even Overhaul was groaning, his teeth grit. Your head fell next to his own on the side of the chair, your breathing heavy. You knew you were close, and he was as well.
“Overhaul!” You both were startled by a loud shout from behind his door. You pulled back to look at him with dazed confusion, and when there was a bang on the door, he leaned over and grabbed your shirt off the ground. You pulled it on, but the moment you did, a very angry Rappa entered the room. Your blood ran cold - Overhaul was still inside of you!
Overhaul was much better at handling the situation than you. He whispered for you to grab your phone and just play on it until this was over. After a lengthy conversation about the politics of the Yakuza and where Rappa stood, he finally calmed down. You had to use all your might not to react, looking away from Rappa and hiding yourself in the crook of Overhaul’s neck, looking at your phone mindlessly.
Rappa finally left, slamming the door as he did so. Once he was gone, you both waited a moment before you pulled back with a laugh, placing your phone on his desk and then turning to him, “That was close, good thing I kept my skirt-” When you saw how intense his eyes were, you had to do a double take. He’d really been holding back all of those emotions this whole time?
His hands slid under your ass, and he suddenly stood up, taking a step forward to place you across his desk, “It certainly was (F/N).”
“D-Do we get t-to finish?” You tried to play dumb, but your heart was racing, face flushed as his hands slid to your thighs. He grabbed them and pulled back, then snapped his hips forward. You were yet again at his mercy.
“Wait, I thought I was-” You began to whine, then was interrupted by another snap of his hips. A small gasp escaped your lips.
“I still own over you,” He reminded you, “I own over your perfect existence,” He immediately started at a fast pace, already riled up from being edged before. You had to grab the edge of the desk, back arching. You choked back a cry of surprise and pleasure.
“Ah-yes!” You exclaimed, legs wrapping around his back and keeping him close. You were both still aroused and stimulated from before, so you felt your orgasm coming quicker than expected.
“You’re perfect in every way,” He was barely panting, while your breathing was hot and heavy. You whined, gasped, and moaned, pitiful at best against his expertise when it came to your body. Each of his thrusts hit you in a pleasurable place, and you couldn’t hold back for long. Riding him was nothing like this - he was the master of pleasuring you.
“Fuck…” You quickly reached your climax, and once you did, you cried out and pulled him close to you, toes curling and muscles taught. He stayed buried inside of you, then once you were finished, you felt his own orgasm fill you with warmth. His level of control over his own body still surprised you.
After calming down and him pulling out of you, he set to cleaning up the mess with wipes and his quirk. You got your clothes back on, making sure he was better now. His mood was vastly improved, “Should I stay?”
“You may if you would like to,” He shrugged, wiping his chair down. You happily did so, sitting on his chair once he had moved onto the desk. He gave you a temporary glare, and you just giggled childishly. He rolled his eyes.
“I’ve got to say, that was a pretty silly situation.”
“It was,” He agreed, but you still wanted a laugh from him. You dramatically pouted.
“Aw, but you never laugh! Everybody laughs,” You whined, kicking your legs out.
“I’m not everyone,” He commented, then glanced at you once again, “I laugh. I laughed last night at dinner.”
“Chuckled,” You pointed at him, and he nodded slowly.
“That’s laughing,” He paused for a second, then nodded to himself as if to confirm his own belief. This left you laughing as well: he was just so odd.
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mr-face-both-ways · 4 years
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Stex Appreciation Month: CB!
Can’t trust anyone these days, remember I can face both ways!
Ah yes, my url’s namesake, i finally had time to finish and post something lol i’ll post the others soon
Questions answered under the cut! This is extra long because he is my Fave and im Biased 
Fave song: There’s Me hands down, the whole scene including That Was Unfair is just so good in establishing CB’s, Greaseball and Dinah’s characters so well, plus the melody is just*chef’s kiss* and the fact that its technically a villain song?? Love that, plus the parallels of him finding Dinah alone and upset and comforting and supporting her and lending her a hand up and sending her on her way after she’s cheered up, with post race 3 where he’s the reason Rusty’s alone and hurt on the floor, kicking him when he tries to get up (looking at you 1991 boot) and mocks and insults him, leaving him alone with his confidence broken as he leaves laughing. What an absolute bastard!! But when There’s Me is taken out, you don’t properly see his two sides, both the bad and good sides are important to his character! He’s a contrary dude but that’s just him! Plus the actual song has one of my fave melodies of the show, I can and do listen to the intro from the ost on repeat, plus that lil bit in the japan vid?? So cute?? And the contrasting styles to that and Wide Smile?? Amazing, love it
Fave actor: Once again my fave actor list is gonna be like 5 people lol, the great thing about C.B’s material is that his attitude and demeanour can change based on his inflection, movement etc so! Michael Staniforth is a given, his Wide Smile really demonstrates his range which imo not many others have been quite as good, plus what extremely little footage and photos there are of him he was extremely expressive and just fun to watch! I’ll also go with Peter Rees, Andrew Prosser, Hans Johansson, Oliver Rhoe Thornton (and what the heck let’s also go for early Kapa Kitchen and Daniel Ellison)
Fave ship: Ohh boy this is super self indulgent but CBGB honestly (has the fandom given it a nickname? Greaseboose?? idk) I love that in the older scripts him and GB high five (that us boot where cb does a lil jump to hit GB’s high five?? Adorable) and actually talk like friends?? Like Greaseball is a jerk to pretty much everyone and for him to be friendly with him is just sweet. Not to mention its Greaseball who tells his gang that CB’s a “mean machine”, is always calling out to CB in the races and a recent thing that clicked in my brain is that when CB says “what a race, what a team!” and GB’s like “shhh! ohhh you mean me and dinah?” like did he just think that CB was about to out that they were working together during the race to crash the other engines in front of Dinah so he shushed him, then realised he was talking about GB and Dinah?? then just the whole exchange after sabotaging Rusty?? Duet One Rock and Roll? That GB just lifts him up like its nothing then they just kinda sit on eachother?? Those two are in cahoots I tell you!! Plus to me i get the vibe that they’ve been working together for years?? I just love their dynamic haha (and CB’s the only one i think who calls him GB that’s so cute) oh and platonic CB/Dinah is top tier, I feel like Dinah’s a very emotionally honest person so CB would feel like he could actually trust her?? And thanks to the new megamix Canoose/Elektra can have one right, as a treat
Fave thing about him: His independence! All the other characters are very much driven by either winning the races or finding love (or both), and C.B. just...doesn’t care. What you “are” is a big deal in Stex, like the engines, coaches and freight all have their identities shaped by their titles, and that can influence how they feel about the above two subjects “nobody can do it like a steam train”, etc and looking at when C.B. does participate in the races him and his partner tend to take the lead so he is good at racing!! But he chooses not to in order to make his own fun (at the expense of pretty much everyone else). He also seems to have a level of self-awareness, take his verse in Freight for example, he knows that as a brakevan he has to essentially serve the freight train, perceptually at the back of the train. But instead he uses his “purpose” aka his brakes to not do what he’s been told and to disrupt the train, and gets away with it by presenting himself as the innocent helpful brakevan! He’s just doing his own thing, (poor Rusty but,,) good for him!! And of course I have to say again, his two sides, and the ambiguity of it?? Like is he good, bad?? He’s both and neither?? An absolute force of chaos, but it only really works when both sides are present. Plus he a cutie tehe
Random headcanon: I think he’s unnervingly observant, even moreso than Pearl, and has amazing peripheral vision. That and taking notice of things like vibrations on the rails he’s very good at telling whose around before they’ve fully come into vision. He’s always watching everything around him, and isn’t necessarily being creepy, he’s just trying to get as much info on the current situation as possible. I think he likes to have some control and be on top of things?? I also really like the ex-boxcar theory (I first saw this theory on the old bellesdomain forums, rip) and I think that maybe when he was converted it was very difficult for him, having to deal with people, and having the CB radio to control what he hears helps ground him and keep his thoughts less cluttered?? He might’ve also forgotten a lot of his boxcar days, so when he says “you know I’m to blame but you don’t know my name” maybe he doesn’t even remember his original name?? And never got a new one as just the Red Caboose, so he clung onto the CB radio to give himself a sense of identity when his previous identity was stripped from him?? IDK
Unpopular opinion: This wagon can hold so many spicy takes he’s not a murderer lol but at the same time i can see where people can think that considering the lyrics reference several real-life train crashes even if they don’t make sense for CB to be there which tbh I put down to Stilgoe going tehe railway incident reference! I think he’s travelled around a lot and done a lot of questionable things, and maybe he was responsible for those crashes in the stex universe?? or maybe he’s just lying?? he’s definitely responsible for some shit, but considering he crashes 5 (!!!) engines during that one race night and being publicly humiliated after race 4 he doesn’t get in trouble and besides, all those engines are back for light at the end of the tunnel, they’re fine lol. Another thing is that I haaaate how CB has like no agency anymore in the current version like everything he does is for money, he’s basically a henchman for the engines (and everyone knows what his deal is and he isn’t in train jail?? what??) and they got rid of the pre-race 4 bit “just for me, I’m in this just for me” (in that slightly twisted there’s me melody) and Electra desperately pleading “help me caboose, help me caboose” to just the generic “I’ll help you win” at the end and not really its own little bit anymore like he barely has his own motivations anymore, it actually makes me really sad :( it really just doesn’t feel like CB anymore, though his character has been really disjointed since like 2007 when they got rid of there’s me. He’s just kinda bland now, like before he instigated a lot of the conflict, now others tell him to do something and he does it. I could like him more if he had an ounce more depth, like why is he so motivated by money? Maybe go into that old vs new tech theme and bring up that now that there’s new tech that can do the job of a brakevan he’s now antiquated and has to go into crime to get by?? Idk just please give me something, I think CB’s always been a bit of a fan favourite because he had multiple layers to his personality but new boose just has a whole lotta nothing :/ 
Anyway let’s end on a positive note at least we got pride lighting and a solo in the megamix so that’s something I guess XD 
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