#i guess this story most of all is for the people
saphronethaleph · 3 days
The Deal
“Only through me can you achieve a power greater than any Jedi,” Palpatine said. “Learn to know the dark side of the Force, Anakin, and you will be able to save your wife from certain death.”
“What did you say?” Anakin asked.
“Use my knowledge, I beg you…” Palpatine pleaded.
“You’re a Sith Lord!” Anakin said.
He reached for his lightsaber, then paused.
“That story you told, about Darth Plagueis,” he said. “You mean – that was true? He really did discover a way to save people from death?”
“Yes, Anakin,” Palpatine agreed. “And I will-”
“So,” Anakin interrupted, frowning. “How do you know it? You said his apprentice murdered him in his sleep.”
“Because he taught everything to… his apprentice… before dying,” Palpatine explained.
“Again,” Anakin said, patiently. “How do you know it?”
“I was that apprentice!” Palpatine explained.
“So you killed your master in his sleep, and you ordered me to kill your apprentice, Dooku,” Anakin said. “You know, Chancellor, this isn’t a great job offer.”
“But think of what you have to gain, Anakin,” Palpatine said. “I can save your wife. Isn’t that what matters?”
“...yeah,” Anakin agreed, still frowning. “So when did Plagueis die?”
“About… fifteen years ago, now?” Palpatine said. “Maybe sixteen? Something like that. Why does that matter?”
“Just wanting to make sure I’ve got all the information, Chancellor,” Anakin replied. “Who have you been healing? Because I don’t actually think you’ve got any loved ones.”
He made a face. “Obi-Wan once took me aside and told me about what to look out for when an older man was going to try and touch me in the wrong way.”
“You see?” Palpatine asked. “He doesn’t trust you!”
“I see his point, though,” Anakin said. “Because you don’t have any loved ones that I can think of, like I say… so who have you been healing?”
Palpatine frowned.
“...why does that matter, Anakin?” he asked.
“Because it sounds like you learned how to do this at least fifteen years ago and you’ve never actually tried it,” Anakin clarified. “Which really sounds like you can’t do it, or even if you could before your medical license has expired.”
“I most certainly can!” Palpatine said, his patience fraying slightly. “Anakin, I am trying to help you!”
“Okay, then,” Anakin replied. “Teach me now.”
Palpatine made a face.
“If I do that, then how will I know you won’t betray me?” he said.
“...you’re saying that the only thing that would keep me from betraying you is if you don’t teach me the healing technique,” Anakin said, nodding. “So you’ve got no reason to get around to teaching me. I know how to lure an Eopie, Chancellor.”
“It will take too long to teach you, anyway,” Palpatine declared. “We can’t do it tonight. It won’t fit.”
“You’re really trying to help me, huh?” Anakin said. “Because all the visions I’ve been having about my wife dying are about it happening soon…”
He stopped.
“Actually, how do you know about that? I don’t think I ever told you.”
“Oh, please, it’s obvious that you’re married-” Palpatine said, rolling his eyes.
“I mean about the certain death bit,” Anakin explained. “It’s a bit of a guess.”
He frowned, visibly thinking. “And, uh… okay, so what you’re saying is that… you’re a Sith, you want to take direct control of the Jedi, and that’s because of the war against the Separatists, who were led by Count Dooku. Who was your apprentice… and then for me, personally, you want me to turn to the Dark Side so you can teach me a healing technique you’ve never actually used yourself, while you’ve killed the last two people who worked directly with you the moment they were no longer useful to you.”
Palpatine looked pained.
“That’s a very negative attitude, Anakin,” he said.
“I want to make sure I’ve got all this straight, is all,” Anakin replied.
Mace Windu’s commlink beeped, in a specific pattern that indicated it was a member of the Council.
“Windu here,” he said, raising the device to his ear.
“Master, I quit,” Anakin told him. “Also I married Senator Amidala at the start of the war, Palpatine was the Sith Lord, and I’d quite like to sleep for a week at some point. I’ve had a very long day.”
“...what?” Mace asked, a bit overloaded himself.
“Like, I’m pretty sure my day has had the sun go down three times so far,” Anakin went on. “Also the Chancellor exploded when I killed him. It’s okay, he was shooting lightning at me, that makes it fair.”
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sgiandubh · 15 hours
Oh, hello
The Sibyl of Tydavnet was supposedly back home, and we finally have something to speculate upon, after a week-end with no news from both of Them (go figure). So much so that it's been very, very quiet in here:
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This is, of course, a latergram, When being the important question, here. I have to say I was a bit surprised, after two hours of research (and cooking, but that is a separate story).
Let's unpack:
From 1974 to 2023, the Monaghan County Museum has been open and free to visit. Until 1981, in the old Courthouse building of Monaghan Town, then temporarily hosted by the Christian Brothers Secondary School, and since 1986 in this building on Hill Street:
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I am not inventing anything, this info comes straight from their official website:
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On May 18th, 2023 (on International Museum Day), the venue was closed and the collections were planned to be moved at the new Monaghan Peace Campus:
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The Peace Campus is a very important local initiative, funded by the City Council, the Irish Department of Rural and Community Development and the EU, via the Irish SEUPB (Special EU Programs Body - ironically, the counterpart of my new job, starting next Friday, LOL). It was inaugurated on May 10, 2024:
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Where was C, in this clip, posted today and suggesting a recent trip to Ireland?
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In the old building, of course, exactly as it was on May 18, 2023:
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Apparently taken on an extensive private tour that included the storage area, where this pic was taken:
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How do I know it? I simply combed the meager social media accounts of the Museum, that's all. See and compare for yourself, with this screenshot of the moving operations, from the old Hill Street to the new premises (posted on Facebook, on June 14th, 2024, but very likely shot slightly before):
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In April 2023, the new Peace Campus looked roughly like this. There is no way that clip would have been shot there. Not then...
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...and not later, because the new display in the new venue looks totally different:
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And it was completed around May 10th 2024, when this picture was taken, separately from the rest of the released info:
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The pic was taken by Laura Hogan, the North East Correspondent for RTE News, a subsidiary of the Irish public TV and Radio broadcasting company:
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But perhaps even more interestingly, the Museum shot several clips of people featured, like C, in the new inaugural exhibition. Such as this guy, back in June 2023, on their old premises:
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Ardal O'Hanlon, Irish stand-up comedian and actor, based in Ireland and London:
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This is a very, very, VERY late latergram. My best guess would be anytime between May 2023 and most probably around June 2023. Simply because it would be logical that the clip shooting be completed with all the people involved at the same time, for logistical reasons, and before the packing of the exhibits would have started in earnest.
As always, I could be wrong. As always, people will bitch around, especially the divas and those who know strictly nothing. But I'll be damned if C were in Ireland anytime near this last week-end!
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ham-st4r · 17 hours
honestly, don't you get tired of writing about the same old stuff?? Fwb to lovers? like can you be creative for once, you're so talented but it's such a waste seriously. Your last story was really nice with a unique plot and everything but now -
The contradiction in less than 10 words is crazy
First of all if you message me come with respect as I do with all of you
I never once stated that the ending would be them being lovers but ok
Thank you for the backhanded compliment I guess
Most of my plots are unique and you can’t even sit up here and tell me otherwise
To name a few
Nobody gets me I’ve never seen anyone write something like that before
Unholy ties again never seen someone write about that before
Wrong doings never seen that before
Cyber sex never seen that before
Angels like you never seen that before
Not saying it hasn’t been done before but if it was such the “same old stuff” seems like I would have at least seen it
To say be creative for once is a huge insult to everything I’ve written up till this point
Before I made a post asking for plots that people wanted and it would have been nice if you were there to give me some suggestions as well
My work isn’t a waste just cause it has a cliche plot
And to say “but now” like I didn’t just release coffee and cream is baffling to me
I can’t please everybody and that’s fine but next time if you message me again be more thoughtful of your choice of words
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akutasoda · 1 day
Hii! How are you? I hope you're well!
I have a request,,, Roommate with Aventurine collage au if possible? Reader recently just bought a house but can't really support themselves so they ask one of their friends if they want to move in with them with a few agreements, none of them want to since they already have a place to stay not until Aventurine comes by.. Reader close friends? Are they even friends? Wait of course they are. Aventurine tell reader he wants to move in with them. What? Well I guess there's no other opinion since reader money is tight.
Atlas Aventurine finally moved in with them, it's a bit surprising considering that he's rich.. why would he want to move in with reader anyway? Ahem thing has been great.. a little to great reader was wondering why they never received any electricity bill that they need to pay along said with water bill.. it turns out Aventurine already paid both of it without reader knowledge since he will definitely get scolded... But what is this? Aventurine? Holding them close.. huh? Confusion came to reader. Aventurine never been this so love affection, unless.. no way right?.. they never thought they might end up falling in love with Aventurine. They're just friends.. now way this can happen. Oh well.. maybe begin in relationship with Aventurine isn't bad after all.. right?
This ended up longer than I expected HELP 😭 I'm craving for angst.. but probably need to stop before I start digging my own grave 🚶 I am not ok 😇 it can be fluff, angst comfort.. or just some wholesome love story.. reader is gender natural 🫂
history hates roomates
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synopsis - you decide to room with someone you barely knew but you become very well acquainted, almost too well
includes - aventurine ft topaz + ratio
warnings - gn!reader, college/modern au, maybe ooc, fluff, slight crack, slight angst towards the end, wc - 2.7k
a/n: im doing well! hope you are aswell!
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college seemed great. you had been accepted into your ideal collage and had made some great, hopefully lifelong, friends. however, the only issue was that you needed to look for a place to stay for the rest of your course. getting to and from college was becoming more hassle than what it was worth as you didn't take up the initial offer of dorms, but now you were deeply regretting that decision. you had spent hours scrolling on the college's website looking at the dorms in hopes of someone putting out a request for a roomate but nothing ever seemed to come about.
in honesty, you were getting tired of constantly looking for places to stay that reduced the amount you needed to travel - you cursed yourself for not taking up the dorm offer when you first got accepted. a sigh escaped you as you were getting bored of searching and decided that it might be better to turn in for the the night but one listing caught you're eye. it was a decently sized house, designed for student stay as the college would sponsor some similar places, that was within a walkable range of your college, it seemed almost perfect if the pricing wasn't so steep but you were desperate at this point so you contacted the lister and showed your interest just in case someone decided to take it before you could - maybe tomorrow you could ask a friend to go halves?
even as you walked toward your first class of the day, all you could think about was who might be willing to go halves with you on the place. hopes weren't exactly high as it was quite pricey on it's own but in contrast to some of the dormitories it wasn't that bad! your brain was practically on autopilot as you walked into your class and sat down at your designated seat.
maybe if one person wouldn't be willing to go halves, you could ask two friends? however, the more reasonable part of yourself knew that most people either had dorms or were fine with how they got to college daily. you were so engrossed with thinking of a solution that it barely registered that topaz, and numby, had sat beside you.
numby caught your attention first as topaz used that opportunity to pose the question 'everything alright over there? you seemed pretty lost in thought'
to be honest, nobody knew how topaz managed to have numby by her side at all times on campus, some rumours were that she simply paid the headmaster. it was to be expected that not many people wanted to be sat next to the whitette in class with numby always being there, fortunately you weren't all that fussed with the critter - it became rather adorable after a while. so sitting next to topaz had let you become extremely close with her and eventually friends.
'well it could be better' you eventually responded 'i finally found a place near enough to the college but it's rather expensive, kind of need someone to room with'
numby perked it's head and topaz hummed in acknowledgement before adding 'i'm sure you can find someone, ask around a bit and see'
'i only found it last night so i haven't had the chance to ask yet, but i will' you paused before realising 'would you room with me?'
'as much as i would love to, i've got my own dorm here but you shouldn't have a problem finding someone else' she plastered an almost guilty smile on her face 'sorry though'
a small sigh escaped you 'no it's fine, im more at fault for not taking up a dorm originally'
the door to the class opened and you both watched as the professor walked in, topaz leaned over and whispered 'i'll come find you at lunch and we can talk about this later', you nodded and she nodded back.
your class finished slightly earlier than normal and so you decided to wait outside of topaz's class for the last couple of minutes. while you waited you decided that it might be a good idea to have another look to see what else might've been listed and double check that the lister was still holding the accomodation for you - they had been very generous so far and you didn't want to test their patience and make them wait too long for a final answer, mainly because they're probably was a handful of students also eyeing up the place.
luckily topaz hadn't made you wait too long and you three walked to the normal spot that you'd hang out at. topaz sat opposite you and immediately she demanded to see the place you were looking at.
'defiantly worth finding a roomate for this place, it looks pretty decent for it's price, as steep as it may be' she scrolled through the details to confirm and take a final look at the images, even numby was looking over her shoulder doing small jumps in agreement.
you huffed slightly 'but who would be a decent roommate? it's not like im asking for a lot but im going have to see them everyday and every night until i graduate' you wish that your situation was a bit more fortunate, that way you wouldn't have to find a roommate and just rent the property for yourself.
topaz smiled 'yeah some roommates aren't the best but again, im sure you could ask another friend who doesn't have anywhere?' she watched as your expression made you seem extremely fed up and she only laughed 'i know i know, it's not that simple'
she handed your phone back and paused before adding 'i could always put some words out in your favour, some people i know haven't got anywhere'
'like me?' both you and topaz turned your heads to the approaching blondette.
'i wouldn't wish that fate on anyone' topaz sneered at him
he feined a small laugh 'you're words hurt me but surely im not that bad?' he turned to you and smiled 'so what about it?'
you were shocked at his straight forwardness, he hadn't even seen the property yet, and how did he even know you were looking for a roommate specifically? you weren't exactly jumping at the idea to room with someone who was practically a stranger to you either.
'not to be rude, but rooming with someone i barely know is quite bold, surely you must understand that' you glanced quickly over to topaz who was practically glaring daggers at him.
'i do understand that but any friend of topaz is a friend of mine, if she can get one thing right it's a decent taste in friends' he smiled at topaz and she looked ready to punch him.
you did know that aventurine was an accomplice of topaz, you weren't to sure if they were friends or not though. in honesty, he was a safe bet for a roommate. like topaz, you knew he was quite wealthy and so he could always pay his half of the rent and on time which would be ideal but again, you barely knew him and surely he could afford his own accomodation by himself?
'look, i can see your hesitation but i promise that i'd be an ideal roomate and i could even pay more than my intended dues if you wish?' aventurine looked all too happy for you're liking but really what other choice would you have, you doubted that you could find another roomate anytime soon, it was a gamble but maybe it'd pay off?
'alright fine but surely you'd like to see the property first?' you posed and he shook his head
'im sure that you chose a great place, just send me the details later and when you plan on moving in, tomorrow's more ideal yes?' he paused and then added 'topaz can give you my number' then he simply walked away with a wave goodbye.
true to his word, you sent him the details later that night and before you knew it, you were stood outside your new accommodation the very next morning. it felt a bit like a fever dream honestly, the accommodation that seemed idyllic was now where you'd stay until graduation but at the cost of rooming with someone who you barely knew - topaz didn't exactly help with her telling you that she wouldn't room with him for all the money in the world.
aventurine arrived shortly after you did, in a car that clearly had a personal driver, he greeted you with a smile and when ypu asked him where his stuff was he assured you it was arriving later and he wanted you to have first pick on your room. it still felt rather surreal to you but you tried pushing those thoughts behind and tried to be more grateful about finally having accommodation more convenient to the college.
and even a week later he was true to his word, aventurine was an ideal roomate. almost too ideal. you were yet again hanging with topaz and numby at lunch and she was very curious as to how much longer you could fair with him as a roomate but to her surprise you could only give positives.
he was always very considerate of your space and anything you owned, he would make for surprisingly good company and was just overall, extremely easy to live beside. the only downside you could think of was that it could still be a bit awkward between you two when talking but considering that you two were practically living together, it was expected to become easier as even after a week it felt much better than before.
although, recently a concern has a risen that you may be behind on your rent and bills. nothing had arrived in the mail and it was worrying because you didn't want to be kicked out, so you reached out and asked just to be told that they'd all been paid. a split second of confusion overcame you but it quickly dissolved when you realised exactly who was paying your side of the rent and bill. it may not seem that bad but in the agreement it was made extremely clear that both parties would pay half of the overall total, no debate. you needed to talk to him about this.
'has something happened?' aventurine asked looking extremely confused, he'd barely stepped foot in the accommodation before he noticed you waiting for him with your arms crossed.
'yes, without me knowing, you answered before continuing 'i realised that i haven't received the rent and bills in a while, so i asked'-
'i know, i should've told you but surely it's not that big of a deal?' he cut you off, 'i already told you before that i wouldn't mind paying more than i needed to'
'yes but that's beside the point, i just wish that you would've asked me or told me even' it was true that it wasn't a big deal but you felt bad that he was paying more than agreed
'that's understandable, but i take it that you won't make me stop paying for them?' a smirk crawled it's way onto his face and he watched you mutter out a 'whatever' before walking toward you.
'will this suffice for an apology' he said before giving you a hug. he pulled away fairly quickly to see your shocked face and proceeded to walk past you and ruffle your hair, to which you quickly snapped around and yelled at him and he only laughed.
it had now been quite the while since you started rooming with aventurine. naturally, you two had become much more well acquainted to the point that you call him a friend. even after all this time, he still held up being an ideal roommate and this convinced you even more that this was a fever dream. it baffled you that you now sometimes hung out with him at college aswell.
he had informed you earlier today that he would be back a bit later than usual as he was joining a couple of people to an event, formal or not you didn't quite know. aventurine promised that he would try and not be a disturbance on returning but at this point you wouldn't mind if he was. but you settled to just tell him to have fun and that you don't mind when he comes back, he didn't really have to tell you either but the thought was sweet.
however you didn't expect to be woken up by the doorbell at who knows what time in the morning. you sleepily managed to get to the door and unlock it only to be greeted with two figures - one a very clearly tipsy aventurine and the other being the top student at the college, veritas ratio.
'apologies for the inconvenience but i tried warning the gambler to watch his intake, however he clearly didn't listen to me' ratio started 'again apologies but you're going have to take him now, you are his roommate afterall'
'it's fine really, i don't mind that much' you answered, brain still half clouded with a sleepy fog. ratio nodded and helped you steady aventurine against you with his arm around your shoulder before wishing you luck and leaving. you quickly tried to lock the door again so you could escort aventurine into his room.
with some difficulty, you finally managed to get him into his room. admittedly you'd never been in it before and you felt a little bad about entering but you couldn't just lay him down on the ground outside his door, well you could but that would be unfair. he'd have to deal with the fact that he was going to sleep in his current attire but you doubted that be the top of his concerns in the morning.
however you didn't anticipate aventurine to grab onto you as you tried your best to leave quietly. as you were attempting to pry yourself away you heard him mumble a simple request 'just stay a little while'
you sighed and for some reason you decided to comply, you told yourself that you would stay until he fell asleep then you'd leave and go back to your room. or atleast that was the plan before aventurine took your compliance and wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug - that's fine, it just made it harder to leave but you could manage, is what you told yourself.
unfortunately, you never managed to pry yourself from aventurine and you're sleepy state made it easier to fall asleep then and there. however, you woke up before aventurine and managed to scramble before he woke up, although he woke up not too long after and met you, rather guilty, in the kitchen.
he seemed to remember last night as he started with 'i apologise for my behaviour last night, i wasn't quite in control of myself' he barely could meet your eyes shich was very uncharacteristic for the outgoing blonde and you knew that he probably never wanted to bring this up again.
'it's fine, you were slightly tipsy and it's understandable, barely anything happened either so it's completely fine' you noticed that he still looked rather sad
'thank you' he replied for going back upstairs.
it couldn't be ignored, the somber tone that filled the house felt almost suffocating. in honesty, you found it sweet that he trusted you enough to ask you to stay with him but he was drunk, you knew aventurine wasn't that affectionate but he still seemed to hold a sense of consciousness... no, you were overthinking. you two were friends, that's it. so maybe it was bad you both wished for something more than friends...
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taglist - @little-miss-chaoss, @frankiesteinn
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moviecritc · 2 hours
Hello! Can I please request a smau with Charles Leclerc and Alexandra with the reader. Like her getting hate online because people think she coming in between them but then they found out that she and Alex were already dating before even they met Charles and he's the one who came into their relationship also could you please make it fluff at the end, thank you <3
you wonder why i'm bitter ⋆ charles leclerc, alexandra saint mleux
pairing: charles leclerc x singer!reader x alexandra saint mleux (fc: chappel roan)
summary: you and alex broke up because she suggested charles to join your relationship, and you're really mad about it
warnings: hate comments (mostly for alex, but it's just for the plot), mixed smau, arguments
a/n: i changed basically the whole plot bc i've seen this idea many times, so i wanted to do something a little different.
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yourusername just posted!
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, alexandrasaintmleux and 34,612 others
yourusername MY NEW SONG IS HEREE !!!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!! Stream Good Luck, Babe! so i can pay my hairdresser and make up artist THANK YOUU 🐽💥🌈💍
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user1 she's turning into my comfort artist guys
user2 y/n l/n for president 2024
user3 alex in the likes is LOUD
user4 and she's even early wtf girl user5 i'm new someone explain the lore user6 @/alexandrasaintmleux was y/n's gf for like four years, they were high school sweethearts and y/n wrote many songs about her. but four months ago they broke up and alexandra is now dating some formula 1 driver. literally four months later. some people say that she cheated, others that it was friendly, but idk user7 i mean after this song...
user9 'and you're NOTHING MORE THAN HIS WIFE' alexandra you're cooked
user10 FRRR she at least was something when she dated y/n. now she's just another f1 wag
user12 WE'RE SO BACK
user13 alexandra should be ashamed of walking in public after this
user14 sis casually making a diss track
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f1gossip just posted!
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liked by user14, yourusername and 1,459 others
f1gossip Charles Leclerc and Alexandra Saint Mleux out for dinner in Monaco
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user14 girl wtf
user15 they did her so dirty i love it
user16 the difference when she was out with y/n is LOUD
user17 yk i'm starting to think that charles is the problem user18 righ? alex was so comfortable with flashes around y/n and now this? wtf is this man doing user19 i think it was just a bad moment user20 maybe she didn't want to be seen after y/n's song user21 i hate men
user23 she KNOWS it's alex loss
user24 charles your gf is cleary uncomfortable why tf you're smiling
user25 he's probably happy about all the drama bc he's life is boring
user26 this is a pr relationship at a 100%
yourusername just posted a story!
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[caption: 10K streams just in the first week OMGGG, thank you thank you thank you. I love you so much guys, thank you for feeding my delusional ass 💥💥]
user27 pop people princess
user29 please PLEASE come to spain
user30 drop the tour dates nowww
alexandrasaintmleux Can we talk, please? In person, I know that you are in Paris this weekend
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Y/N had left Alexandra on read. She hadn't wanted to know anything about her since the proposal to become a throuple with that guy Leclerc, but even though she thought she hated the idea, she found herself looking at the photos Charles posted on his Instagram. He was objectively handsome, she wouldn't lie. Although the fact that he had taken her girlfriend did make him seem like the most horrible person she had ever met. But he was handsome.
Most of his photos were related to his job as a Ferrari driver. She had heard Alex talk about that sport hundreds of times; she should have guessed that she felt somewhat attracted to the most handsome driver on the grid. But there was one photo that really caught her attention; him, in his apartment, shirtless on his stationary bike. She couldn't stop looking at it, she even went into the comments to see what people thought, to make sure it wasn't weird to find him extremely attractive. Then, unintentionally, she liked it. She saw the red heart float on the screen and knew that was her end, she removed the like immediately, praying that no gossip page decided to be watching that post at the same time as her.
But it was already screwed, he was going to see her notification, he was going to tell Alex, and now they would have more reasons to meet. Everything was screwed.
A few minutes later, she received a message from Charles, which left her totally bewildered, but she opened it immediately anyway.
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user34 not the censurated name-
user35 makes a lot of sense to me actually
yourusername just posted!
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liked by laufey, alexandrasaintmleux and 342,512 others
yourusername Monaco you were LOUUUD !!!! The best city to open the leg of the tour and we had a blast together. Omw to Paris 💋🎸💐
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user31 she's so normal after exposing everything and everyone just in the first date
laufey princess of the princesses liked by author
user32 she's crazy for what she said
user33 now i want a public apology from alexandra and charles
user34 FR i can't believe they made her fell so bad
user35 yk break ups happen, it's not something bad. instead of spreading hate you should just move on girl, it's embarrasing
user36 oh shut up, she's a singer, she does drag. she's going to be dramatic user37 and we're here for it
user38 it has to be marketing bc last night was wild
user39 pretty sure it wasn't
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f1gossip just posted!
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liked by user1, user22 and 2,491 others
f1gossip Charles Leclerc and his girlfriend recently in Bali
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user40 they went the further they could bc of y/n's concert
user41 you can't convince me they're not pr
user42 0 chemistry
user43 i always see alex with her phone with charles
user44 she must be bored of him
user45 i don't think they even talk to each other
user46 i hate them so much
user47 these y/n's fans are taking f1 and i'm here for it
yourusername just posted on her story!
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[caption: favs ✨]
user48 aren't those alex's favourites?
alexandrasaintmleux beautiful pic 💞
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Alex: Hiii. Y/N, listen to me. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I fucked up in every possible way
Y/N: Yeah, you did
Alex: But I love you. You have no idea how much love I have for you, mon chéri. So much that I thought I had to share it with someone else. But I was wrong, so wrong
Y/N: Alex, you're so drunk. You're not thinking clearly
Alex: Listen to me. For once in your life, listen. I fucked up pretty much everything, and you have no idea how much I regret it. I- What are you d-?
[background noises, you hear Alex complain]
Charles: Y/N?
Y/N: Charles? Give the phone back to Alex, for the love of god.
Charles: Y/N, hear me out. Leave my girlfriend the fuck alone. You know I found you really hot at the beginning but you have to stop this shit. I have a fucking reputation out here.
Y/N: Give her phone back, dickhead.
Charles: Move on, bitch. She doesn't want you anymore, and me neither.
part 2?
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pinkandpurple360 · 24 hours
Verosikas Backstory
People are mad at me cause they think me wanting more reason for what Blitzø did to Verosika is “removing him of blame” or apologia but it’s not. I’m fully down for a story where he was fully in the wrong. It’s the Stella thing again. No I don’t want redemption, i want an actually layered story. Viv went the opposite extreme from vilifying to woobifying, again. This time for a female character so I guess we have to take what we can get.
In canon, his constant vitriolic hate toward her, thinking the relationship with her was a waste of time, being uncomfortable about the fact they dated, her hating his sister, and then everything he did to her is being explained as just because she said “love” is comically exaggerated. That’s the point it was trying to make but its really really amateurish and hyperbolic.
I would have leaned into his hate for her being rooted in misogyny, in double standards, internalised hatred of succubi, hypocrisy, entitlement, refusing to listen. Instead of him not liking being loved by her?? lol?? That’s so dumb. He is biassed against women. They were both party animals together, and maybe while he was allowed to see other people, he got mad at her just for doing the same. And while she was an alcoholic, he was an addict as well. But thinks he can lecture her about it. Thinks he can be rude about it. So he took off with all the money, thinking he was getting back at her, and that they just hate each other, when in reality he was being a bastard. Maybe she told him to fuck off and he said “fine I will” in the most over the top way. His drinking was so bad that he fell asleep, became terribly lazy in bed, and couldn’t protect her as a bodyguard, so she almost got assaulted until someone else stepped in. Hence the “Tex actually does his job well” line. All of these things are his fault and he is still to blame. Verosika isn’t perfect but she was undoubtedly the victim of him.
Is that not a more complex nuanced story than “she was so perfect to him and said the L word so he ruined her and hates her now and calls her names but actually doesn’t mean it” bleh.
Other huge opportunities that were squandered
- background with Barbie
- Loona, Blitzøs baby girl, idolising Verosika and her music before she knew Blitzø dated her. Helping change his view of her. Maybe Loona finds comfort in Verosikas healing and kindness.
- Bodyguard thing
- Alcoholism
- How Verosika became a star
- Blitzø possibly being half incubus
Verosikas début moment had countless small details and foreshadowing and all of it was squandered so Verosika could be used as an object to validate Stolas gaslighting Blitzø into thinking the casual sex stolas created was is his fault cause he can’t love. Even though simultaneously go being a stolas fangirl, her negative traits are amplified to make stolas look better. And her control in putting stolas on stage despite his “innocent discomfort” removes stolas from all accountability.
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lookforsomeoneelse · 2 days
sahsrau and the ways in which the game’s story changes pt. 1: Sigonia-IV
aventurine’s story made me sad. maybe this is my way of coping. got aventurine’s sister’s name from someone who talked about her on this app. also i’m making a lot of assumptions about how it went down, but there were roughly 10,000 avgins that were involved. also apparently the avgins are based on romani culture and I have no idea about that either soooooooooo cw for blood and severed limbs. and maybe gore. and definitely mentions of death. and probably my ignorance too.
Ecclesiastes 4:1-3
Again I looked and saw all the oppression that was taking place under the sun: I saw the tears of the oppressed-- and they have no comforter; power was on the side of their oppressors-- and they have no comforter. And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive. But better than both is he who has not yet been, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun.
Kezia knew she was going to die. It wasn’t the greatest way to go down at the hands of the bloodthirsty Katicans, but what was honorable about it was that she would meet her end in the rain.
“Kakavasha must have escaped by now,” she thought to herself, “and he will survive.” Kezia held faith in her brother and in the Mother Goddess, Gaiathra Triclops, the one whom she served.
It was now time for the festival- and so she tossed her Knot into the bonfire as a sort of goodbye to this cruel life she had lived in, and lamented on her brother’s fate- he will go through many hardships and sufferings, but she knows that the blessing of Fenge Biyos will remain with him all throughout his journey.
It was a shame she’ll never get to see him again.
She regrets not saying more before their departure.
She had heard that some of the other bastard clans had made a deal with the Interastral Peace Corporation- the people who had promised to protect them on this very day- to make sure that they were all wiped out.
She held her makeshift club in her shaky hands. She didn’t want to die. Not like this. She had wanted to get married and have a family of her own.
And, for the first time in her life, her faith cracked like a shattered mirror.
The Mother Goddess had always let her down-
When Dad fell into the quicksand,
When Mother was caught and slaughtered like an animal,
And now, while she was facing down death.
She remembers one of the workers that came during that first day- praising the Aeon of Guidance and all their works-
And so, under her breath, unsure of how to do it, she prayed for her safety, she prayed for her survival, and most of all, she prayed for the opportunity to see her dearest brother once again.
As the sky wept for the fate of her people, the Katicans arrived, howling laughter emerging from within the storm.
do not worry child
Finding the sudden strength within her, she let out a roar.
i shall be forever with you
Her club slammed into the skull of a Katican, pulverizing it into a bloody mess.
i shall give you strength
Another near her tried to avenge his fallen comrade, and she cratered their face, producing a sickening squelch.
and when you are trapped in the darkness
She didn’t count. How many had fallen at her hands? 100? 500? 1,000? 5,000? All she knew was that the sky wept blood.
i shall bring you into the light
All around her there were the corpses of Katicans, Not a drop of her blood was shed, and nothing to threaten her in her vicinity. She looked down at her hands. Red. Her hands were red, stained with the crimson of those who had tried to end her life.
Kezia wept tears of joy.
“The Avgin always return back their blood debts,” she had remembered saying to her little brother.
It looks like they had a new debt to pay.
(A/N: I have no idea what the hell I just made. I have no beta reader, so there’s that I guess. I don’t have a structure either. I just made stuff up and used the wiki for reference.)
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ancientschampionau · 3 days
RealAgeAU Drabble - Haven
I am back with my BS AGAIN :D @spotaus You know the drill friend come over :D I can not be stopped. I have grown too powerful!! (just played dnd. Checked the chapter to upload tomorrow for my main au and i wrote a bit on a new story. I AM POWERFUL!) <- says the woman who will probably crash in under an hour lmao.
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We got no beta and no editing as we just go! maybe that is why these drabbles for going so well. me just kinda going and not worrying too much about the in between bits or mistakes or grammar. I just write and say that is done.. huh... writing lesson i guess. ANYWAY! back to the family :3
Cross hums as he finishes cutting another wood board in the right size. He puts it with the others on the pile before checking the list he made before hand.
Cross nods as he looks towards the house "Got them all ready for the downstairs!" Cross grins as he takes a moment to just look at the house. Their house!
When Horror had returned with the news their new acquaintances had secured them a house they had all been sceptic at best, Dust had been downright suspicious.
But it was the truth! aparently they had managed to build up a good enough reputation that they had been trying to figure out a solution. An empty and abandoned farm and ground? That was too small for most to do anything with? hidden mostly by a forest?
Perfect for them!
They had gone to check it out and it is amazing! It is secure and easily to defend! Sure it is an old building but Cross and Horror can fix up the house easily enough! Dust had handed Nightmare over to Killer and had started looking around the house to inspect it.
long story short? He thinks he can fix most things.
With a hopeful plan they spend the inspection day also cleaning. That had been yesterday.
today? They took most of the old construction wood Crop and Straw had stored away and they got to work. Dust is cleaning and fixing what he can while Horror and Cross himself did contruction work.
Killer is on Nightmare watching duty. Mostly because Killer doesn't have nay skills in construction. Neither of them mind as they had been exploring their new area and territory together. Hoenstly it was adorable to see Killer walk by with Nightmare on his shoulders.
Horror walks out of the house as he takes the planks "Thanks. Walls?"
Cross grins proudly "All of them. Including the walls and the new banisters for the roof."
Horror blinks before grinning "great. thanks Oreo." nad he chuckles as Cross sputters.
May be because horror isn't wearing a shirt. Which kinda makes sense! Becuase horror is pulling a lot of old wood away and rebuilding stuff. the chances of him ripping his few good shirts is rather high. Still Cross is trying very hard to just focus on his face and skull. it is fine! No one notices!
Cross turns back to the pile he still has. it has been reduced quickly which sucks. He looks through it with a frown.
Crop stops by him with a knowing smile "Hey Cross!" he grins wider "Getting heated?"
Cross glares at him "Well the late autumn sun is rather warm!" and he goes back to shifting through his pile.
Crop nods "It is it is..." then the grin falls and he frowns "You guys already that low?"
Cross shifts through it more "Yeah but it is okay! I can probably use this to make the cabinets for the kitchen still..." still they will need to get more materials for everything else.
Crop frowns and must have made the same conclusion "Hopefully Straw gets back soon with more stuff."
Cross rubs his neck "You guys really didn't need to help this much... we already own you big time..."
Crop shrugs "That is how a community works Cross. We all help each other. We will eventually pay it back with helping them back." he smiles "We are only a tiny town and only have ourselves to count on. You heard how the deal with the repair service from the big city went. People are quick to think off us as dumb or naive. We gotta stuck together."
Cross shoots him a grin "We will try to ffigure something out... eventually." he groans "we don't even know what type of farm to make yet!"
Crop shrugs "You guys will have to test some stuff. See what works for you and your land..." he grins again "I don't think a diary farm fits you guys though."
Cross glares at him "Not funny. I swear Betty knew she freaked me uot."
Crop nods "Oh absolutely! Cows are really smart."
Just makes them more terrifying in Cross's opinion and he has no doubt that thought is clear on his face.
Crop laughs but a honk of a car pulls them out of their conversation. and. That is a giant truck. much bigger than Straw and Crop's truck.
Crop blinks "Dani and Ellie?" he raises to his feet and waves.
The truck stops and Ellie leans out "Hello! Your lovely neighborhood lesbians have brought you." she puts ahand under her chin and wiggles her eye brows "the wood."
Dani chuckles as she jumps out "Straw told everyone around town. Most people are grabbing their stuff but this was all stuff we were planning on giving to the community anyway." she shrugs "tree farmers after all."
Ellie grins as she waves them over "Come! lets see what you need! We have all types of trunks with us. They will still need some work and treatment but Dani is amazing with her magic!"
Dani grins as she gives a thumbs up "figure out how to treat wood with magic instead of the slow treatment. Most still want the traditional work but i figured you guys would be okay with this help."
Cross is unsure how to react. People don't just help them. People hate them and what they do. Tehy hadn't expected this much help and it is overwhelming "I... I... I don't know how to... We don't have money?" he is lost.
Dani shrugs again as Ellie smiles "Hey. We have been where you guys have been... well not exactly but people werent'exactly welcoming of us either... as soon as we graduated we grbabed my old car and just left. we foudn thsi place and people were nice enough to take a chance on us." she grins "We now pay that forwards. We are doing this!" she grins and winks "Will just have to invite us over for a prime tour of the farm once you guys are all done!"
Dani nods as she starts untying the many trunks "What Ellie said. the Danielle's are at your service. Now what do you need?"
Cross is still lost when Horror joins them curiously. no doubt hearing all the noise. He pauses as he takes in the sight before tilting his skull "What?"
Cross just kidna waves at the two "We... euh.. got help? And thinks? Do you know what we need?" his mind is in shambles at the moment.
Hroror sees it and smiles as he walks past. patting his shoulder before going over to the dog and bunny and having a short conversation. Horror hears their whole speech and smiles. he thanks them and explains what they need for what. The two woman listen closely before nodding and starting to organise the brought materials with practised ease.
Horror joins his side again and grabs Cross's lists. He takes a pencil and writes some tree names by a few of the items before handing them back "They will help prepare the materials. They are nice." and he disappears back inside.
Welp!! If Horror says that that means they are nice and most likely trustworthy! They get over to him and Cross explains the system he had and what they had calculated to need for each area. The two monsters nod and ask if they should start on the porch while cross continues preparing stuff for horror. Which Cross thanks them and agrees wiht.
They are hard at work when Killer nad Nightmare return. Killer laughs "Criss Cross! you are not going to believe this! The like east area just has a tiny field at the edge of the forest and part of that forest is still in our little area! better yet that means some of the forest animals are like right there!" then he notices the guests and grows quiet "oh... hello." His hold on Nightmare's leg tightens.
Ngihtmare tilts his tiny skull at the two monsters "Dani and Ellie... right?"
Ellie coos as Dani grins "Good memory. I can't imagine remembering all the new faces you meet only once is easy." and she finishes her spell on a piece of wood which Ellie pulls over to cut.
Nightmare shrugs as he hugs Killer's skull "good memory..."
KIller nods as he glances at Cross "Sooooo... Hello Lovely ladies!" he grins "What brings you here?"
Dani raises a piece of wood "Neighborhoodly friendliness." and she continues with her task.
Killer stares at him and Cross grins "They brough over some wood" he ignores the eye brow wigglign "after they heard from STraw that we are getting the house fixed up. aparently it is a community thing that everyone helps everyone." he shrugs at the doubting look "Don't look at me. it is new for me too. Horror said it is fine though."
Killer blinks "I mean... if Horror said it is fine..." he looks at Nightmare "What do you think tiny boss?"
Nightamre shrugs and hugs his skull.
Killer nods "notion accepted. Got it." he grins at them "We are going to look at some of the other stuff Straw and Crop brought along. See what is in there."
Cross nods "Good idea!" and he watches Killer walk off with Nightmare.
Dani chuckles and looks over "Not good at construction?"
Cross groans loudly "Killer is good at a lot of things... not construction." he shrugs "It is fine. We don't want Nightmare near this stuff anyway." he is too small to lift everything and could too easily get hurt. it doesn't matter he is technically a god he is not going to have to work. They don't agree with child labor.
Dani nods "I get that. best to have a child safe corner for them to sit in." she turns back to the next trunk and gets to work as Ellie cuts pieces.
They work for a long time and the sun is well past midday when more people come by. They deliver some older looking furniture and more tools and items for them to use.
Most don't stay for long aside from dropping things off or asking if they needed anything specific. Some brought over some premade food for them and other snacks because aparently 'breaks are important!'.
Crop and Straw, when he returned, work on clearing the road betweent eh main road and the farm and getting some clear markers on where to go.
Dani and Ellie leave later in the afternoon and by the end of the day their group of skeletons looks back at their progress. They aren't done yet but it starts to look more like a house than an actual falling apart piece of junk.
Dust is covered in ashes and when they look at him he just says 'fireplace' which probably means he found a challenge of somekind. Then again Cross thinks he spotted Dust on the roof once or twice but each time he had looked back to check he hadn't been there.
They are packing up when Killer and Nightmare return. Killer looking very proud and Ngihtmare looking a bit more nervous as he fidgets.
Horror and him share alook as Horror looks at them, now once again fully dressed "yes?"
Killer grins "Remember how we were told most farms have a name?"
Cross give shim a look "We are aware. we also agreed we would take time to think about it."
Killer grins "True. But! Nightmare thought of one and I figured it was perfect and fine!" Ngihtmare shoots him a glare and crosses his tiny arms.
Dust tils his skull "fact. Waht is the name?"
Cross wants to disagree but also if nightamre wants to clal it something specific he is fine with it. Nightmare never complains about them deciding stuff so why would they complain about this.
Nightmare mutters something but when he sees everyone looking and waiting he speaks louder "It was just an idea... Killer got excited..." still staring and he rubs his arm looking embarresed "It is silly... I thought... I figured Haven would fit. Haven Farm."
Cross stares at Nightmare and feels a bit of tears try to form as the meaning sinks in and what it implies and means. He can't stop it as he picks nightmar eup and hugs him close. Purring much too loud as he speaks "I agree it is perfect!" their home. their safe place. their hide out. their haven.
Killer grins wider and nods "Which i agreed with. So!" he pulls out a board from behind his back.
It is a name plate. It spells Haven but the letters are a bit croaked and nailed to the backboard. it are all different sizes and different colours nad Cross fucking loves it!
Killer grins "We made it together." he rolls his eye lights "don't worry i did the cutting and nailed it all together. Ngihtmare was my supervisor."
Dust looks appeased as he nods "Seems good."
Horror nods as he takes the plate and puts it by the door, too hang later "Will need a bigger one for the gate at the enterance."
Cross grins as he feels ngihtamre relax at the approval and start to purr himself. Cros sjust nuzzles the babybones.
They still have a lot of work ahead of them but that is fine. It will be all so very much worth it once it is done and they have their house to finally just be them.
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alexanderwales · 3 days
Pitchposting: Generation Ship
(Pitchposting is a way of giving away ideas that threaten to grow in my mind until they become draft documents. They are free to a good home, though there's no guarantee that I won't try to write them at some point.)
Alright, hear me out: it's a generation ship, one expected to reach its destination with an entirely new generation of people who never knew the homeland, except instead of being a scifi concept, we're doing it as mundane as possible.
I think this is one of those ideas that only appeals to me because I immediately start thinking about the logistics of it all, and there's something in the mundane, gritty realism that really appeals to me. Mostly I'm worldbuilding and problem solving, trying to get at what it would actually be like for people to have been at sea their entire lives, to have a ship that either needs to endure the waves or be rebuilt as it goes.
I was going to say that this needs to be fantasy, but I guess technically it can be an Alderson Disk or something. An Alderson Disk has a habitable circumference of approximately a billion kilometers, a sailing ship can go maybe eighty miles a day, that's a ballpark of 12.5 million days to circumnavigate the disk, which is 34,000 years. That's a hell of a lot of generations, twice as long as we've had agriculture. (But you could also just have it be a fantasy world that's larger than our own, with a generation ship that was only trying to flee to greener pastures that are a hundred years away.)
The purest version of this story is a world that's just water, to match the void of space. The ship sails, repairs are made from flotsam and jetsam and driftwood from unspecified places, rainwater is caught and put into barrels, pitch is used for patching, fish and kelp are hauled up from the ocean, birds are captured from the sky, and the ship must necessarily endure storms and swells.
I've always felt there was something compelling about constrained living situations, places where everyone knows everyone and you have to make it work because there's absolutely no way out — where you're on a knife's edge because there's only so much preparation you can do. A generation ship needs to think about absolutely all of its needs and how it will deal with the deterioration of all things over time, along with problems that might only crop up once every hundred years, or problems that won't become apparent until long after the ship has left the dock.
Let's say you have a sailing ship the size of one of the largest sailing vessels of the 19th century, a thousand people all told. The families are carefully braided to prevent accidental incest, everyone has their position in life, every master has at least one apprentice but probably more so gout or cancer don't eliminate the last person who knew how to make more pitch.
This is clearly an Idea story, one that starts with a ridiculous premise and then explores it, but one of my favorite things about idea stories is finding the characters and the conflicts within them. For a generation ship, the biggest, most obvious conflict is the conflict between generations: the old people who once knew dry land, the middle generation who will likely die before the destination is reached, and the children who will be the beneficiaries of all this travel.
We have a woman who was born to the sea, who loves the sea, who loves the travel and takes great joy in knowing that she's probably not going to see the end of it until she's ancient. We have the grizzled sailor who's nearly risen to the rank of captain and sees the whole mission as utter foolishness. A boy of thirteen who is obsessed with writing stories about the land they've set off toward and keeps his telescope on the horizon, hoping that the predictions were off, that they're somehow two decades early. A girl of sixteen who doesn't feel suited to the marriage that's planned for her, who is secretly in love with her best friend. A scientist who has been quietly advancing the state of knowledge with every new fish brought up from the deeps.
And then there's the plot, which there are so, so many options for. I would start the novel with simple sailing, a few chapters of the daily routine, the personalities, their petty fights with each other, and the stress of being in the middle of unfathomably deep waters whose depths are only glimpsed when the nets bring up something new. Then ... an island, another ship, sea creatures that have a glimmer of intelligence, a storm that makes the ship limp, spoilage that threatens starvation unless drastic action is taken, a political squabble that might bring all the plans crashing down.
Maybe it's a book about being trapped by the past, or about hanging on by what feels like a delicate thread, or about how systems are fragile and careful thinking and brave leadership are the only things that will get us through.
Mostly I think I want to be a geek about a ship that needs to survive in the ocean for a hundred years, and I do not have the time to write this novel, not when there are so many other novels to write.
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nightghoul381 · 1 day
Ellis Twilight ~ Chapter 6 - His Side Story: “A Faint Wriggling, Deep Inside My Chest”
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Disclaimer for route warnings | Masterlist
Additional Content Warnings: This is a side story from Ellis' perspective of the events of Chapter 6, as such it too contains depictions of murder and several mentions of blood.
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Villains. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
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(For me, Kate is the person I want most to be happy.)
(I’m happy that she’s been smiling more and more lately. And…)
Kate: “Please tell me about what you like, Ellis. Then I can make you happy tomorrow.”
Kate: “So, what’s your favorite food?”
Kate: “Oh,  I spread a lot of butter on the toast before it got cold.”
Kate: “Thank you, as always.”
Kate says she wants to make me happy too.
She listens to my preferences and feelings and remembers them carefully.
(Kate is a wonderful person.)
(…I don’t want to make you unhappy.)
The night I went with Jude and Kate to look for the ‘ring-leader” involved in the kidnapping incident.
I’d seen the woman who had come into contact with the ‘ring-leader’ being dragged into a back alley, and reflexively ran after her.
Reaching the back of the alley—I saw multiple men surrounding the woman and trying to restrain her by covering her mouth.
Scenes like this aren’t uncommon—What I do is the same as usual.
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Ellis: “Are you the kidnappers?”
The kidnappers were startled by the sudden voice and immediately attacked me.
I just have to deal with them one by one.
A man who looks like a kidnapper: “—Women are worth money, ‘em alive. Kill the bastard.”
Kate: “Gh…”
I heard a gasp behind me and realized that Kate had followed me.
(…it was her.)
(Kate is a hard worker who can muster courage even in times like these.)
I gently restrained Kate, who was holding a deck brush in her trembling hands.
Ellis: “Kate, stay here.”
(I’ll finish this quickly.)
I kick off the ground.
Taking a life is as easy as polishing a shoe if you know how to use the tools.
If you cut a vital point with a knife, the body will collapse to the ground as though a string has been cut.
(Just a few more.)
(I need to finish this quickly and give her peace of mind.)
Kate had been scared when she saw the men attacking the woman.
(I’ll end it right away.)
I silence the last one and let my feet settle on the ground.
Ellis: “…I guess that’s everyone.”
The timing must have been relatively good.
I looked around the alley that looks like I’ve spilled jam all over it, see there are no survivors, and look up.
Kate: “Eh…Ah.”
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Ellis: “Your face is pale… Are you okay?”
I put the knife in its sheath and reached out to Kate.
At that moment her body trembled.
Ellis: “…”
(--it was)
(From Kate’s point of view, these men and I are the same.)
I’m a ‘human being who kills people’ for his job.
(I had a feeling that Kate, was learning to trust me just a little bit… I forgot.)
I want to make her happy, though.
I’m the kind of person who scares her in the first place.
(I should’ve been more careful)
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Ellis: “…I’m sorry. You’re scared.”
Ellis: “I should have asked you to keep your eyes closed so you wouldn’t have to see it.”
Kate: “Um, what… what about the woman?”
Ellis: “Hmm, she’s fine… I think she’s just passed out.”
Jude: “Tch… Ya killed everyone?”
Ellis: “Jude. What about the store?”
Jude: “When I came in, he’d already escaped in a horse-drawn carriage from the back door. He’s quick to run.”
Jude, who was supposed to have been chasing the ‘ring-leader’ walked over to a corpse and inspected it coldly.
(…Ah, I think I’m going to be scolded.)
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Jude: “Jeez, let at least one of ‘em live. Otherwise I can’t interrogate ‘em.”
(On second thought)
Ellis: “Sorry. He said as long as we didn’t kill the commander I would be fine…Also.”
Ellis: “They were trying to harm Kate.”
Kate: “…”
Kate took a quiet breath again.
(Maybe I reminded you of what happened earlier.)
Ellis: “… It’s okay now, Kate.”
Her frozen expression never relaxed… and I felt a little sad.
(Kate, you’re still silent)
Step by step we proceed down the hallway.
I walked behind her a little ways so as not to make her even more anxious.
(Is this okay…?)
(If you’re worried, if you’re scared, I want to be by your side.)
(But with me, it might have the opposite effect.)
While I was wondering what I should do to make Kate happy, we ended up in front of her room.
Ellis: “We’re here, Kate.”
Kate raised her head and looked straight at me.
(If you look at me, it might remind you of something scary, but… you’re so kind.)
Kate: “About earlier… Thank you for protecting me, Ellis.”
Ellis: “No. It’s my job to escort you, Kate.”
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Ellis: “But, this time I failed…”
Ellis: “If you hadn’t seen that, you would be happier.”
Ellis: “I already knew you were a hard worker and that you would push yourself even if you were scared.”
Ellis: “I should have said, “You follow Jude” before going into the alley.”
Ellis: “Next time, I’ll be careful not to kill someone in front of you.”
(Even if I show you something like that…I wonder if I can make you smile again.)
(I need to think of a way.)
Thinking about this, I was about to turn on my heel, when—
Kate: “…Ellis…!”
My palm was grabbed by something warm.
Kate: “Ellis…Aren’t you having a hard time…?”
Ellis: “…”
Even though she must have been scared just a moment ago, Kate held my hand and looked straight at me.
(Why would you say that?)
I was a little surprised when Kate asked me if it wasn’t hard being the object of her fear.
Then I was convinced.
Ellis: “Ah… I see.”
Ellis: “I thought you were just scared of me.”
(Kate is a wonderful person)
She’s the kind of person who listens intently to my feelings, my happiness, and remembers things like that.
Ellis: “You were worried that I was hurt, so you made that face…”
Ellis: “…You’re so kind, Kate.”
Ellis: “If I say it like this, I might scare you again.”
Ellis: “It’s not that painful, so don’t worry.”
Kate: “…Really?”
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Ellis: “Yeah, really… See, my hands aren’t shaking like yours.”
As if to reassure her, I held up our joined palms.
--“Killing people and laughing is what the devil does.”
The words I’d once heard echoed in my head, making me feel a little sad.
(But the reason I’m smiling now is not because I’m happy.)
My heart is not moved by the idea of taking people’s lives as a part of my job.
(My desires have nothing to do with it, so I’m neither happy nor sad.)
I still hold the lid on my desires tighter and tighter.
(This time, I’ll take care of someone as wonderful as Kate.)
Kate seemed to have made up her mind and grabbed my hand tightly.
Kate: “…Hot milk.”
Ellis: “Eh…?”
Kate: “My body is cold… don’t you sleep better after drinking it?”
Ellis: “…”
I suddenly remembered drinking it on sleepless nights when I was little.
It has a sweet, relaxing, and calming taste.
(…I loved it.)
(Especially when drinking it in the middle of the night.)
Ellis: “I’d like that.”
Ellis: “In the middle of the night, I actually like hot milk with butter and sugar.”
Even though she wouldn’t know anything about my heart or the memories I had just remembered,
Kate looked happy, but somehow sad, and took my hand.
(Kate… is a bit of a troubled person.)
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(…she’s too nice.)
I want to make her happy, and that’s all I feel, but something seems to be mixed in with it.
The desire I had pushed deep inside my heart began to stir in my chest.
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Next Chapter
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lifblogs · 1 day
I feel like lately I see people wishing Hunter’s character arc with Crosshair in season 1 should have been rushed, perhaps? I see aggravation at Hunter for not knowing all the pieces, for being reluctant, for taking his time. But a great character arc DOES take time; we’ve more than seen that with Crosshair. I guess I’m trying to say a character can’t become perfect overnight. Hunter was doing his best, and what he thought was right, and I feel like because of all the factors (one factor literally being THE EMPIRE) that mistakes would be made, that decisions and changing feelings would take time. I feel like the blame falls on Hunter because he’s the leader, but when you look at the true antagonist, it all boils down to the Empire. And the show is about learning how to deal with that Empire and the vast, dark machinations that come with it. Crosshair suffered. Hunter was trying to keep as many members of his family safe as he possibly could with the information he had at the time. Crosshair believed in the Empire, and that was his decision to make, and Hunter respected that. Crosshair’s story is a tragedy for most of it, and he was purposefully written as a primary antagonist to work as the Empire’s weapon in season 1. And that angst that comes along with it was intentional. Hunter’s not a bad guy, Crosshair doesn’t believe he himself is a bad guy, but you know who is bad and the brains of the operation? The Empire. They gave us a clear protagonist (Hunter), and a clear antagonist (Crosshair), and they served their roles in the story well.
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kiragecko · 18 hours
Rating Post-Resurrection (but pre-nu52) Jason Todds
Hush(/Clayface/Jason Todd) - eh. Good instincts for drama. Good insults. You're fine, but it was easy to believe you were an imposter. Plot is ridiculous. (Personality 1) 7/10
Under the Hood/Family Reunion/Franchise/All They Do is Watch Us Kill - I mean ... yeah. You're what I think of when I think of Jason Todd. You define the character. Also, you ARE really funny with Black Mask. (Personality 2) 8/10
Life and Death (Titans Tower) - okay. YOU are not necessarily the problem here. The problem is that the author doesn't understand Tim or what happened in the comics he's referencing AT ALL, and puts the most nonsensical words into your mouth as a result. Also misunderstands the New Teen Titans. And you're drawn really ugly. Under all the retcons and nonsense there is SOME okay characterization, though! (Personality 3) 4/10
World War III - never plan on reading this.
Daedalus and Icarus (Summary of Jason's Return) - This is a recap, but it's a recap of things we haven't been shown. Recaps aren't stories, so it isn't GOOD, but it does have some puzzle pieces. (Personality 2) 3/10
Pay As You Go (Outsiders) - you try SO HARD! All you do this arc is try to help a superhero and get beaten up by Dick. Maybe a bit of standing around being awkward because you don't know how to break into the securest prison on the planet. You are being very fanon Jason this arc. (Personality 4) 5/10
Brothers in Blood (Nightwing) - you're ugly, you're mean, you're dumb, and you turn into a tentacle monster. An UGLY tentacle monster. I enjoy laughing at you! (Personality 5) 2/10
Seeing Red - this arc is SO FUN. You are unhinged, but I would have LIKED if this turned out to be who you are. You truly think that blowing up Mia's gym is HELPING!!! Delightful and silly and I like the talking ape. Go hang out with the Arrows more. (Personality 3) 8/10
Countdown - you remain my favorite post-resurrection version. Love you as an insecure, immature kid trying to impress your big brother's friend. Love how young you are. Love how emotionally fragile you are. Love all the pretending to be tough. This would have ALSO been a great version for other authours to run with! (Personality 4) 9/10
Search for a Hero - I HATE EVERY THOUGHT TIM HAS ABOUT YOU IN THIS ARC! Why does the authour think so little of you?? You are not dumb and brutish and I refuse to believe this slander. Your expressions when you see someone in your Red Robin costume, AND when Tim turns down your 'awesome' team up plan, both belong in an arc that respects you more. (Personality 3) 4/10
Robin Dies at Dawn - see, this is how people should write you interacting with Tim. I want him to take you on as a project, and everyone to recognize that this is both condescending and not healthy behaviour. I guess YOU don't actually do much, though. How is this the next issue? (Personality 3) 7/10
Battle for the Cowl - shouldn't there be editors? People to say, "this authour isn't very good and maybe these characters should act like themselves?" I want comics to be better. (Personality 4) 3/10
Revenge of the Red Hood/The Streets Run Red - I don't read Morrison, but I've seen a bunch of panels. Wrong sort of unhinged, in my opinion. I prefer you to be trying to help people, not win some sort of messed up contest with the Bats. (Personality 6) 5/10
Red Hood: The Lost Days - look, I'm not here for your thighs, your daddy issues, or your revenge fantasies. I am here for your truly unhinged attempts at bonding with others, and the sincere confusion you seem to have when they don't work. This is good, but not for me. There's not even any ridiculously large crates of kryptonite! (Personality 2) 7/10
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ganondoodle · 1 day
okay more elden ring DLC spoilers below the read more
what fucks me up the most is ....... that we never actually get to meet the real actual Radahn, hes either a rotting zombie or some constructed meat puppet with a manipulated soul of his
the most we know is from the base game stuff, his men and everything, but we never get to meet him- and now ... it undermines the whole festival, i felt like it was sorrowful goodbye and attempt to grant him an honorable death- that made me fall for him in the end, the lore around that and the whole build up and vibe of it, it felt so genuine but now you cant feel that, bc you know .... either way he will be suffering, let him rot for all eternity being a threat to friend and foe alike, as this mindless monster chowing away at corpses like a beast when he used to be a powerful respected general
or kill him but instead of giving him the death he wanted his soul is instead grafted into a meat puppet by his half brother so he can be controlled and made to agree to marry him despite rejecting it in life (as far as i understood it, he definitely did reject it though bc otherwise malenia wouldnt have tried to assassinate him to get him delivered over)-
so theres no good answer and im left wondering, did his men know of that? im gonna guess no, bc the whole point of the festival was to bring him HONOR when there was nothing of his honor left, of him left, and theres no honor in being turned into a literal marionette for your half brothers sick play
you could call it tragic, and it is, but it feels so much more ..... like just wanting to violate him even in death, just because he hasnt suffered enough, lets make it even more horrible just for sufferings sake (like i get it, i like when my favs also get to suffer, what happened to him in the base game was a part of why i love him so much- but theres a limit to that imo) it takes away from so much of the festival and everything, you are not taking part in one last final battle so Radahn can die fighting, you are handing his soul over to his half brother that wants to use him like a puppet, LITERALLY, to make a mockery of his memory, make him do things he would never have if he was himself, i cant think of anything more horrible to do to him
and his people are utterly convinced they are doing right by him, when the rot was probably better than what miquella would do to him, as horrible as that was.. and if they WERE aware then wow ....... i guess miquella really had everyone on his side huh uwu, like that sucks even more, so none of them ever felt and cared about him or were all also brainwashed YIPPIIIE
(not to mention how much interesting miquella lore gets twisted into actually he was just a scheming little creep and everyone that followed him was quite literlally brainwashed- i know the whole bewitching thing is like, his thing, but MAN- it feels like whoops it was all a dream and it never actually happened when its done bad)
(and i know Radahn is a fictional character but people are gonna pin it on him i just know it, like espeically those that dont care about lore and are just there for the fights .... like its not his fault!!! and i felt like he was already hated enough, first by his too hard boss battle in base game and now in the DLC its a repeat of that even harder (though i find the complaints a lil >_> bc i have seen people just walk right over story bosses so just ... overlevel yourself if you want to do that too, you dont have to fight a boss for three days, explore and level up?) and it was already annoying how malenia defenders AND radahn defenders kept trying to make the other into some horrible asshat, when they are both not great and thats valid, but now its??? )
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vxserii · 18 hours
idc what anybody says.
'in the woods somewhere' by hozier is a literary fucking masterpiece and deserves to go down in history along with all those famous poems that we're taught in school
it's a story of grief and mourning, showing the narrator learning to live his life again without his lover in it. it's written in a way that's easy to understand & yet it's poetic and symbolic, leaving a mark on anyone who takes the time to actually understand what this genius of a man is trying to say
"my head was warm, my skin was soaked, i called your name 'til the fever broke. when i awoke, the moon still hung, the night so black that the darkness hummed."
the first few lines paint a picture of grief as well as the sorrow that follows it. the narrator is lost and in pain because they succumbed to a fever that was caused by their own lack of care for themselves.
they wake in the middle of the night, which shows that all this misery that that've been enduring is all very small in the grand scheme of things. it's one thing to endure all this for days on end. but it's a whole separate thing to go through pain and suffering only to find out its only been a few hours.
"i raised myself, my legs were weak, i prayed my mind be good to me."
this is simply more description on how poorly they're doing. before, it was showing his health mentally. now, the song i going on to depict how this ignorance toward themself is effecting their body physically.
"an awful noise filled the air. i heard a scream, in the woods somewhere."
i feel like this bit is self explanatory. they woke in the middle of the night, tormented by memories of whoever they're mourning (the person whose name they were screaming in the beginning) and now we know that they're also in the middle of the woods ???
"a woman's voice! i quickly ran, into the trees with empty hands."
this is the big huge turning point for the narrator's character.
somebody who grief stricken would normally sleep their days away and let themselves feel nothing but the pain that they believe they deserve. clearly, the narrator is no acceptation to this. we don't know how long they've been wasting away - allowing their fever to get worse and their legs to grow weak. it's likely been a long time, though, if i were to guess.
now, they suddenly hear somebody scream in the distance. without a second thought, nor a moment of hesitation, they run directly into the woods without any weapon or means to protect themselves.
i feel like this shows how much they don't care for their health to their life at all. most people wouldn't run toward danger so impulsively. or if they were to, they'd at least bring something for defense. but the fact that our narrator didn't goes to show their lack of care for their own wellbeing, yet they still clearly care for others around them. if the way the sound of a woman's scream pushed them into action so suddenly is anything to go by.
"a fox it was. he shook, afraid, i spoke no words. no sound he made."
mic drop.
they heard a woman's scream and ran towards it despite their fever, their weak legs, and their lack of just health in general. they did all this only to learn that it's not a woman. it was a fox all along.
the two creatures stare at one another, not a single noise being made by either of them.
i like to think that the narrator is seeing themselves in the fox. the way it's staring at them with scared eyes, shaking with fear. there's no way they're looking at it without at least a little bit of recognition, knowing how it feels to be so lost and alone, seeing as they were in that same boat only moments ago.
"his bone exposed, his hind was lame. i rose a stone, to end his pain."
the narrator now sees how awful the fox's situation is. bone exposed, the song says. this means it's likely covered in blood and nearing it's death. in other words, the animal that the narrator could see themself in? it's dying.
this makes it so much more impactful when they move to end it's life as an action of mercy. they see themself in that fox; they know how it feels and they know it well.
the awareness of there similarities would normally push someone to treat the animal with kindness - to at least try and help it live. but our narrator knows better. living on when one doesn't want to is worse than simply dying, because you likely already feel dead.
the symbolism here is that them ending the fox's life is mirroring their desire to end their own.
"what caused the wound? how large the teeth? i saw new eyes were watching me."
before, the assumption that they saw the animal as a reflection of themself wasn't proven. i came to that conclusion on my own. but this verse shows that they're now not just seeing the animal as a random creature. they're pondering and wondering what hurt it and why.
then, they realize that the animal that hurt the fox isn't gone. it's watching them. this is a simple verse - wondering why the fox was hurt, then turning and seeing the animal that hurt it.
but nothing by hozier is simple, there's always an underlying message. here, i think the message is that the narrator is the new prey. they're now being put in the position that the fox was just in - parallel to how the fox is in the pained position that the narrator was just in.
"the creature lunged, i turned and ran, to save a life i didn't have."
okay. now this? THIS? this is where it's proven that the narrator is experiencing some character development.
at the beginning, they were rotting away in some random woods, not caring for their health, wellbeing, or life at all. they didn't give a single fuck whether or not they would die - hence why they're sleeping in the center of the woods with no means of protection on them.
but as soon as this allegedly meaningless life is in danger or put at stake, they now desperately want to save themselves. they're trying to save their own life. one that they weren't sure they even had to begin with.
"deer in the chase, there as i flew. forgot all prayers of joining you."
okay okay okay. bare with me here. hozier, the man that you are. they could never make me hate you.
the idea that the narrator was now the prey is confirmed here. they very blatantly compare themself to a deer - an animal that's known for being prey to those larger than it. they fled the scene like a deer. like prey. like the fox.
"forgot all prayers of joining you" is such an insanely heavy line that i cannot even try and fit it all in here. i could yap forever on it.
we already knew that they wanted to die. we already knew that they nearly killed the thing that they saw as themself [the fox]. we already knew that they were mourning someone. but here it is, laid out bare and comprehensible. the narrator had prayed to join their lover, prayed to die. but now they're fighting to live.
"i clutched my life and wished it kept. my dearest love, i'm not done yet."
them clutching their life just shows how painfully desperate they are to live. to not die. they're holding it the way they (should have) held a weapon to defend themself. but due to their previous ignorance for their own life, they now have no way to save their life. they can do naught but wish. it. kept.
the fact that they're wishing for their life to continue when we just learned that they had wished for it to end??? that's fucking unreal. like. what.
the bolded line is my absolute favorite hozier lyric to exist [it's also the line in my bio]. there's so many beautiful lyrics that andrew has written and so many that i absolutely adore & could yap about forever, but nothing compares to that line.
they're not apologizing to her, they're simply informing her that they now wish to life. we know they're addressing their lover by the way they say 'my dearest love'. that's very obvious, i feel.
but they could have said "i want to live" which would be more simple and much more easy for people to understand. they also could have said "i don't want to die" which, again, would be so much easier to comprehend.
instead, they say "i am not done yet" and i think that wording is so powerfully heavy.
"how many years i know i'll bear i found something in the woods somewhere."
they go on to say that the remaining years of their life will be a burden. they will 'bear' them. they won't live them, because they never said that they wish to be happy. they simply don't wish to die any longer than they already have felt dead.
they say that they found something that day. they found life.
also, this is irrelevant, but i love the fact that the line ended on with the title, but didn't begin with it. because their life started at the end of the song, not at the beginning.
this song means so much to me (clearly). and i want andrew's face tattooed on my forehead. i want the entire song tattooed down my back and hands and my arms and everywhere.
i'm aware that nobody will read this entire thing and that's fine, i wrote this for myself because i needed to do something with all the love i feel for this song. it's overwhelming and it needs to go somewhere, so i typed it out. how silly
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not-poignant · 10 months
Can you tell us a little about Constellations? Is it just going to be one long chapter like the end of the Ice Plague? Or multi-chaptered like the Gwyn+Augus epilogue after The Ice Plague? I'm so excited to read it either way!!
I sure can!
Constellations is a Gwyn + Efnisien multi-chapter epilogue (or sequel) set almost 10 years after Falling Falling Stars.
The first four chapters (which are already written) are from Gwyn's perspective, and it follows him as he decides he wants to meet with Efnisien again, speak to him, and get to know him as a person vs. as the person he knew.
I'm calling it a Gwyn + Efnisien epilogue, because it's not going to be about Augus, it's not going to be about Arden, and we're not going to be seeing them much except as supports specifically in the theme of Gwyn and Efnisien kind of learning how to become family again. In that sense, it's more of an epilogue rather than a true sequel, imho. But I think it will be at least 10 chapters long.
The only other add-on I've thought about seriously writing is a Dr Gary + Efnisien 'talking about Henton' epilogue, and I'm not ruling that out either. But if I do that, it will be a separate story.
It commences on September 10th on Patreon (in the $10+ tiers) and then will go to AO3 around two months later so it'll be freely available then. I can only release one chapter a month, similar to The Nascent Diplomat, since I have so many other active stories right now, but I couldn't wait any longer.
Things I can probably safely share now are:
Gwyn finally has a good therapist. He's aware that he can be toxic and abusive.
Augus also has been to decent therapy and has maybe realised he's done some shitty things to Efnisien in the past too
We'll find out what Efnisien's doing at university these days.
We'll find out what Efnisien's mature fashion sense is like!
They're still not perfect, but they're trying
It will have an extremely hopeful (and happy) ending
It's possible some chapters will be from Efnisien's perspective too, but right now I felt it was important to show Gwyn's thinking and how much it's changed (and how it hasn't).
There will be no BDSM scenes between Efnisien and Arden
There will be no therapy sessions between Efnisien and Dr Gary (though Efnisien might be seeing a different therapist now!)
There will be no BDSM scenes between Augus and Gwyn
It's definitely not a story focused on BDSM or sex, and more focused on a family relationship, rather than a romance relationship.
I'm really excited about it too, anon :D
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saltpepperbeard · 6 months
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hi everyone how are we doing i'll go first i'm doing Bad :)
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