#i guess you can borrow her for your tv show
kindacts · 2 months
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She's Sun. The sun of the universe.
23.5 องศาที่โลกเอียง (2024), eps. one to six
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dragonydreams · 2 months
No Crisis, Only Calm (Redux) - Buck & May
Title: No Crisis, Only Calm (Redux) Fandom: 9-1-1 Rating: General Audience Pairings/Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley & May Grant Tags: mentions Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinard, Coming Out, TV show recs, pseudo sibling bonding Summary: May shares with Buck the magic of Heartstopper after Buck tells her about his date with Tommy. Timeline: post 7x05 Word Count: 1,633 Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over these characters. I am merely borrowing them from Reamworks, Brad Falchuk Teley-Vision, Ryan Murphy Television, and 20th Century Fox Television. Betas: Thank you to @medieshanachie for looking this over for me. Author's Note: This idea popped into my head after seeing an article about Heartstopper S3.
Author's Note 2: I wasn't satisfied with the first version of this story so I reformatted it and expanded it. I'm much happier with this now and hope you enjoy it too.
Read on AO3
Are you on shift?
The text popped up on Buck's phone and he couldn't help smiling at it. He didn't hear from May as much since she'd started college, but she has been checking in more since the lightning.
Not today, Buck responded. What's up?
His phone lit up with May's face as he was alerted that he had an incoming video call. He immediately accepted. 
"Why were you being weird Saturday night?" May asked before he could even say hello.
Buck did a wonderful impression of a fish as he stared wide-eyed at May. He nervously licked his lips before he asked, "What do you know about Saturday night?"
"Eddie texted me to ask if I knew why you were acting weird."
"Why would he ask you that?"
"That's what I said!" May exclaimed. 
"And it took you a week to follow up with me?"
May rolled her eyes. "I had classes.  And study groups. And homework. So much homework."
"Well, Eddie and I have talked since then and he now knows why I was acting weird," Buck said, hoping to end this conversation. It wasn't that he didn't want May to know about Tommy. He actually kinda wanted to shout from the roof to tell everyone about him.
"...and?" she prompted. 
Buck took a moment to decide if he wanted to tell her. He hadn't told Bobby yet, but he could trust May not to gossip. If he asked her not to, at least.
He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before answering. "When I saw Eddie, I was on a date. With a man. But I was caught off guard and reacted badly."
"Since when do you date men?" May asked. 
"Since Saturday," Buck said, wincing slightly.
"OMG, was he your bi-awakening?" May squealed, excitedly.
"I suppose you could call it that," Buck admitted. "He kissed me the Thursday before our date and it felt like the whole world came into focus." He could feel himself grinning like an idiot as he remembered the kiss.
"How far down the research hole did you fall after?" 
"Not very, if you can believe it."
"I'm having trouble believing that," May teased.
"I know, it's very not me. Then again, so is being into men." He paused to think about what he'd just said. "Although, I guess that is me, now."
While he'd been speaking, May was obviously looking something up on her phone. 
"In that case, go watch this," a text with a link popped up for a trailer, "and then call me back."
Buck clicked on the link after May hung up on him and watched the clip about two teenage boys in England falling for each other - one was gay and the other was bi. Apparently it was based on a graphic novel. 
As soon as Buck finished watching he called May back. "How did I not know about this?"
"Because you weren't seeking out queer YA shows?" May suggested. "But you should watch. The episodes are only like half an hour each."
"I guess I know how I'm spending the rest of my day."
Buck watched May look away briefly and bit her lip before meeting his eyes again. "Want some company while you watch?"
Buck blinked back the sudden moisture in his eyes. 
"Yeah, I think I'd like that."
"I can be there in an hour. With ice cream," she said.
"I'll be here."
"I'll see you soon," May said before ending the call.
Buck stared at the phone for a minute, moved by May's offer to share this show, which she obviously enjoyed, with him.
Buck was sitting at the kitchen table when there was a knock on the door 58 minutes after he'd hung up with May. Now that May was going to introduce him to this show about a bi-awakening, as she'd called it, he was curious about what else was out there. 
He'd found the expected "Could I be gay?" quizzes, but he already knew the answer to that question. He still loved women, but he was also definitely attracted to men. Which made him bisexual, or pan, but he thought bisexual was the right word for him.
He went to open the door and May was grinning at him as she held up the bag with ice cream in it. 
"You know, I don't think I've ever actually been here before," May said as Buck held the door open for her. "This is nice."
Buck blinked as he closed the door and realized that she was right. "Well then, it's about time. It's a loft so the tour will be quick. This is the kitchen, bathroom is over there," he pointed to a closed door next to the stairs, "bedroom is in the loft, and living room is this way." He led her through to the room in question.
May took the ice cream out of the bag and noticed that Buck had already set out a couple of spoons and glasses of water. The show was pulled up on the TV, just waiting for them.
As she made herself at home on the couch with one of the pints of ice cream, May said, "So, tell me more about this guy that turned your world upside down."
Buck felt his cheeks heating up as he settled next to her with the other pint. "Well, Tommy's a firefighter with Harbor. A pilot. He's actually the one that flew us to rescue your mom and Bobby."
"Hold up," May said, sitting up from her slouch and holding out her hand. "You don't mean Tommy Kinard?" 
"Uh, yeah," Buck confirmed. 
"Damn, Buckley. He's fine," May said. "I mean, he's old enough to be my dad, but damn."
Buck felt his face flush again as he couldn't help but agree. "Yeah, he is." 
"So how did you go from him helping to rescue Mom and Bobby to him kissing you?" May asked as she settled back.
"Well, uh, I guess both Eddie and I wanted to get to know Tommy better after he helped with the rescue. Those two started spending a lot of time together and I guess I got kinda jealous. Like Eddie was replacing me? But also because he was spending all this time with Tommy. Things got a little out of hand at this pickup basketball game and I got Eddie hurt. Later that night Tommy came over to tell me that he wasn't trying to come between me and Eddie and I told him that I just really wanted to get to know him better. That trying to get his attention was exhausting and then he kissed me." 
Buck took a big bit of ice cream after he finished word vomiting all over May. 
"Wow," she said. "That was a lot."
"Oh, and after making sure I was okay with the kiss he asked me out for Saturday."
"And you didn't spiral after that kiss?" May asked. "That seems like something that would cause you to spiral."
"Yeah, I was kinda surprised about that myself," Buck admitted. "But it was more like a puzzle piece finally turning the right way to fit in a hole in a larger puzzle. Everything just felt right. Settled in a way that I've never been in my life before." 
"That sounds wonderful," May said, in awe.
"It is. Of course then Eddie and Marisol showed up at the restaurant Tommy took us to on Saturday and I was so surprised that I went all dudebro and told Eddie we were just two guys hanging out and were gonna go pick up some hot chicks later."
"You. Did. Not."
"Oh, I did. Tommy was not amused and instead of going to a movie after dinner he got an Uber home by himself. Just left me in front of the restaurant."
"Can't say I really blame him," May said. 
"Neither could I. But I told Eddie and he convinced me to call Tommy. Luckily he agreed to meet me for coffee and I invited him to be my date at Maddie's wedding."
May's eyes widened. "You're bringing him as your date to your sister's wedding? Way to come out to everyone at once."
Buck shrugged. "This is who I am. It shouldn't matter if I want to bring a man as my date instead of a woman. I'm happy and that's all that should matter. If anyone has a problem with that, that's on them, not me."
"I am loving this attitude," May said. "And you're right. It doesn't matter."
"Just, uh, I haven't told Bobby yet, so for now can you not say anything? I'd rather he find out with everyone else."
"Of course. So just me and Eddie know?"
"Maddie knows, too. It was kind of an accident, but she does know. I let the pronoun slip when I was talking about my interrupted date to her."
"How'd she take the news?"
"You know Maddie, she was totally supportive. Surprised, but supportive. Eddie, too."
"And now me," May said. "Thank you for sharing this with me."
"Thank you for sharing this," he gestured to the television, "with me."
"Is that your way of telling me you're talked out?" May teased.
"Yes, but I also want to see this show," Buck said.
"Then let's watch. It's been a while since I did a re-watch," May said. 
"How many times have you seen it?" Buck asked.
"A couple," May answered. "It's a really sweet story. Lots of good queer representation."
"Is this your way of trying to tell me something?" Buck tentatively asked.
"No, I just like watching all kinds of love stories, not just heterosexual ones," May said. "But thank you for asking."
"Anytime," Buck said. 
He grabbed the remote and hit play.
Link to trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrK4xPy4ahg
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Previous Husband, Pt 6
((Content warning for abuse, violence))
The rest of the afternoon passes in relative quiet. At some point, the tv turns on and they let an hgtv rerun play in the background, only half-watched. Dinner is sandwiches, simple and far below Lena's usual fare these days, Kara considers. But when Lena only nibbles at the crust, Kara knows it's a symptom of something other than disgust for peasant food.
"What's on your mind?" Kara asks quietly.
Lena blinks from her reverie. "Nothing," she says quickly. Then she sighs. "Everything. I don't know. My mind's a mess right now."
Silence settles over then once more, before Lena speaks again a few minutes later. "Tell me about you," she prompts.
Kara ducks her head. "Oh, I'm sure you don't want to hear--"
"I do!" Lena declares, shifting forward intently. "Of course I do. I-- I know I did a horrible job showing it, but I never stopped thinking about you."
The words fill Kara with a warmth she hasn't felt in a long, long time. Her hope creeps higher when Lena finishes with, "I want to hear everything."
Kara finally melts into a smile. "Well, I got that piece on city hall a while back..."
"I read it! It was amazing..."
It's easy, to slip back into old habits. Words and laughter flow from Kara, despite the circumstances, and as she rambles on, she watches Lena relax, settling into the posture Kara remembers well: legs curled under her, elbow propped on the back cushion of the couch as she listens, riveted, as though Kara were the only thing in the room that mattered.
Under Lena's full attention, Kara finds herself starting to believe Lena's claim: that Lena's affection for her never changed, only circumstances got in the way. It doesn't heal the hurt, not entirely, but it helps ease the ache, assuages the accusations she'd been holding in her heart. Finally, all of Kara's displaced pieces clicked home.
As the sun goes down and their conversation dwindles when the hour grows late, Kara announces it's time for bed.
"Come on," she says, urging Lena up. She sees the small overnight bag that had been dropped by the front door. "Did you bring pjs? You can borrow some of mine if not."
"I did," Lena starts, voice soft, "but..."
"But what?"
"Could I borrow one of your sweatshirts? I was in such a rush--"
Kara smiles. "Of course! That's no problem. C'mere."
She bequeaths her National City hoodie, oversized even on her, and Lena positively swims in it. Its bottom hem hangs low beyond the bottom of her sleep shorts, leaving Kara to desperately think about anything other than the fact if she didn't know any better, it almost looked as though Lena were naked in that hoodie.
When their teeth are brushed and they'd both cleaned up for the night, Lena moved towards the living room.
"Where are you going?" Kara asks in concern.
Lena blinks at her. She jabs a thumb over her shoulder. "The couch?"
With a scoff, Kara throws a pillow at her face, which Lena manages to intercept before impact. "Don't be ridiculous," she says. "Get over here."
When Lena hesitates, Kara remembers herself.
"Oh, unless you're-- if you're not comfortable with that, I can stay on the couch..."
"No, I-- I guess I'm just surprised you're comfortable with it."
Kara hesitates, then with a huff of decision, she rounds the bed and grasps Lena by the arms.
"Let's just-- pretend the last few months didn't happen, okay? We'll start fresh. So you don't have to tiptoe around me, okay? I'm glad you're here, and I want you to be comfortable with me. And with our friendship."
Lena's eyes shine with sudden tears. She nods. "Okay," she says in a strangled whisper. "I get the left side."
Kara beams. "As always."
They've shared a bed a few times, before. Movie nights gone late had led to the occasional sleepover. But where those nights had led to quietly whispered conversations held nose to nose, tonight saw them curled on opposite sides of the bed, stiff and quiet despite Kara's offer of a clean slate.
The tension is palpable. It keeps Kara up for hours, until eventually her mind and body finally gives up and relaxes into sleep. When she wakes a few hours later, the room is still dark and silent, but is distinctly missing the body she'd fallen asleep next to.
She finds Lena on the couch, her chin turned to rest on the back rest as she gazes out the darkened windows. Her features are pensive, and a pen rests between the fingers of her right hand, which in turn rests on a pad of paper, already filled with hastily scribbled notes.
"Hey," Kara issues softly. Her voice pulls Lena back in, and she turns to gaze at Kara with fathomless eyes. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah," comes the automatic response, only to be countered a moment later. "No." Lena sighs. "I couldn't sleep."
Kara sits next to her, giving the pad in Lena's lap a tap with one finger. "What's this?"
Lena shrugs. "I figured if I was going to go crazy picking apart every interaction I had with Tom in the past nine months, I should at least write them down."
"Is it helping?"
"No." Then, "yes. Kind of." Lena swallows thickly. "It's definitely opened my eyes to a lot of what I either ignored or rationalized away. There were so many signs, and-- I just didn't want to see it."
"Boiled frogs, and all that?" Kara says it lightly enough to be a joke, but Lena nods somberly.
"I always thought myself too smart to find myself in situation like this. That I'd see it coming and walk away before it ever came to this point. I just-- I just feel so stupid."
Kara straightens in her seat. "Stop it. You're not stupid."
"Fuck the signs. This could happen to anyone, okay? Anyone."
Lena remains pointedly silent. Kara scowls.
"Do you want to know what matters the most?" she asks. She doesn't give Lena a chance to deny her. "When you finally did notice it? You left. You did what you needed to protect yourself, and I'm so proud of you for that."
"I shouldn't have let it--"
"A lot of people shouldn't have done a lot of things. I won't let you speak down on yourself for this. This is not on you, Lena. It's on him. He did everything he could to keep you from making the decision to leave, and you still did. That's amazing."
Lena releases a trembling sigh. "I don't feel very amazing right now."
Kara scootches closer, wrapping an arm around Lena's shoulders and pulling her close. "Then I'll keep telling you until you do."
Leaning against her, Lena is warm and solid. The tension that had slowly bled away during the previous evening is back, making her stiff. But she doesn't say anything else on the matter. In fact, she changes the subject entirely.
"What do you need, Kara?" Lena asks quietly.
Startled by the question, Kara frowns in consternation. "What do you mean?"
"I know you said clean slate. As much as I'd love that, it isn't fair to you. I know I hurt you. You deserved better, especially from a friend. Especially from me."
Kara's heart clenches at the subtle confirmation that Lena isn't just a simple friend-- that their relationship is somehow something more.
"So tell me," Lena continues softly. "What do you need from me?"
Kara doesn't respond immediately. She runs through the list of all the things she's longed for in Lena's absence. An apology-- she's received plenty now, and Lena's lingering guilt is proof enough of the honesty behind them. A reason, too: she's received that in spades, even if she's not certain Lena has realized it yet. Lena isn't the only one to see the signs retroactively-- the way Tom had packed Lena's schedule in those early days leading to their falling out, and the likelihood that such a falling out had only worked in his favor.
Truly, there's only one other thing Kara has ever wanted.
She turns her head to press a kiss to Lena's cheek. "You," she says simply. "I just want you, here."
Lena turns to meet her gaze, then leans her head against Kara's arm. "I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere."
The implication behind her words is clear. Lena made a mistake letting them drift apart, and she has no intention of letting it happen again.
Kara accepts it with small, but genuine smile.
"Then that's enough for me."
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sunflowergirl522 · 1 year
New Years Eve
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Superstitious!Reader
Summary: It’s New Years Eve and Robins bringing her cousin to Steve’s party.
Word Count: 4406
Eddie Masterlist
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“Are you sure you don’t mind me bringing Y/n to the party?” Robin asks Steve for what feels like the millionth time to him.
“Yes Robin I’m sure. I’ve only told you I don’t care everyday for the past week.” He’s laughing while he speaks, tossing some more popcorn in his mouth.
“Who’s Y/n?” Nancy comes back in from making another bowl of popcorn, this one for her and Jonathan, and Eddie points her way to show he’s wondering the same thing.
“She’s my cousin, she’s a little bit older than Steve but she was homeschooled and was basically raised to be a shut-in or something so there’s no way you guys have ever met her. I’m shocked her mom’s even letting her out  for this but she asked if she’d be able to tag along with whatever New Years plans I had. So you’ll all meet her tomorrow night. Fair warning though, she’s a bit of a whackjob. It’s how she was raised though and if I hear any of you call her that we’ll fight.”
“Don’t worry, Robin whack jobs are my specialty.” Eddie points to himself with his thumb while leaning forward. “What kind of whack job are we talking here, ditzy, space invader, total weirdo?”
“She’s a little ditzy I guess. Mainly she’s just extremely superstitious.”
“That’s like witchy stuff right?” Steve speaks through a mouthful and barely pulls his attention away from the movie on the tv.
“No it’s like believing that black cats are evil and stuff like that.” Jonathan comes back from the bathroom just in time to correct Steve before Robin can hit him on the back of the head for being stupid. “My mom believes in a few superstitions like crossing your fingers and broken mirrors.”
“Why does believing a few superstitions make her a whack job Robs?”
“It’s not a few or a handful even Nance, she lives by them. Like she didn’t go to public school because she was an extremely clumsy child and her mom believes that tripping over something on your way somewhere means you have to turn back and go home and she didn’t trust that when she was younger she’d listen to it. So homeschool her whole life was somehow the answer.”
“Seems like a lonely childhood.”
“Yeah, she saw me a lot growing up but not much of anyone else.”
“What’s in the bags Y/n?” Robin asks as you get in the car she borrowed from her parents excited for your first party. 
“Oh grapes and noisemakers. Mom and I went out to get them today in case there wouldn’t be any there. Where are we going again?”
“Right. Remember I told you about my friend Steve?” You nod. “He’s throwing a party for our group of friends and a few people that he only barely knows through like Eddie and Nancy.”
“Okay.” It’s quiet in the car after that and Robin glances your way to see you playing with the hem of your dress where it rests on your thighs.
“Are you okay? Do you wanna just go to my place and we’ll have our own party just me and you?” As much as Robin wants to spend the night with her friends her love for you outweighs it and she’d rather you be comfortable.
“No! I’m just a little nervous I guess. I mean this is my first party and what if your friends don’t like me or think I’m too weird? And what if I didn’t bring enough grapes for everyone?”
“They’ll love you! You’re literally the sweetest person I know, I mean who worries about bringing enough grapes for people they don’t even know? Besides, we're all a bunch of weirdos. Jonathan is a total loser in the best way, Eddie is so weird that the whole town thought he was a satanist, Steve’s just a complete idiot and like all of his friends are kids. The most normal one out of us is Nancy but even she’s a little odd. And the kids are like drawn to oddballs, not that they themselves aren’t odd but they feel right at home with others and I’m sure you will too. Besides you look cute the boys will-” Your laughter cuts her off and she looks at you. “What?”
“You’re rambling Robs. But thank you I do feel a little less nervous.”
You were still nervous though of course. The only person you’re going to know will be Robin and as excited as you are to meet her friends and hopefully make some friends of your own finally you can’t help but think about how you and your mom don’t even go to family gatherings anymore because of how often family members would try to get you to be ‘normal’ and not believe in her superstitions. Your dad's side of the family was the worst when it came to it and you used to get bullied by your cousins so you stopped going to those long before your mom’s. Thankfully Robin's mom and dad were more understanding because if you didn’t have Robin who knows what kind of a sad hermit you would be.
“I’m glad to help. Really though they’re gonna love you, don't stress about it. And I’ll be right there next to you most of the night.” Robin parks the car in front of Steve’s house and turns to you squeezing your knee in support. “Do you need help with those bags?”
“Could you just take the noisemaker bag? I’ve got the grapes.” She nods and takes the bag you hold out for her before getting out of the car. You’re quick to follow her holding the bags in one hand while the other smooths down your dress that got all bunched up in the car.
“Guess who’s here dingus!” Robin yells out as she bursts into the house ushering you in behind her.
“You’re late Robin, even Eddie beat you here.” Steve rounds the corner and pauses when he sports the two girls in the entranceway bags in hand. “What’s all this?”
“Steve, this is my cousin Y/n. Y/n, Steve.”
“Hi! I hope you don’t mind but I brought noisemakers and grapes.” You wave and hold the bags in your hands up. “I hope I brought enough for everyone to have twelve at midnight.”
“I’m sure you did. You can uh put them in the fridge or something, Eddie will help you figure it out he’s in the kitchen now. It’s just down that hallway to the left.”
“Okay.” You cast a glance towards Robin who nods reassuringly at you before leaving her side. There goes your plan to follow her like a shadow.
“Where do you want the noisemakers?” Steve’s response is low as you make your way down the hallway he pointed to and you don’t hear it. When you turn into the kitchen there’s just one guy in there with his back facing you dumping chips into bowls.
“Stupid Harrington putting me on goddamn snack duty.” Eddie mumbles to himself not sensing a presence behind him.
“Um, excuse me?” He jumps at your voice and whirls around. His eyes go wide as he takes in your form wrapped in a white dress with small light blue polka dots adorned on it. “You’re Eddie right? Steve said you’d help me.” 
“That’s uh, that’s me.” He stumbles over his words as he fights with himself to make his eyes move to your face instead of where they’re fixated on how snug the top of your dress is. When his eyes meet your own your breath actually hitches at how pretty he is. “What do you need help with darlin'?”
“I brought grapes and Steve said to put them in here somewhere. Like the fridge or something like that.” 
“Well then I guess I’m the man for the job. Harrington put me on snack duty even though it’s his house and his party. So who are you?” 
“I’m Y/n. The grapes aren’t-” You take a few steps closer to where he’s searching the cabinets for another bowl.
“Robin's cousin right?” He perks up at recognizing your name and smiles when he sees a small one form on your own face.
“And you’re superstitious right?” Oh boy, you think to yourself, this is where the teasing will start. “Is that what the grapes are for, or did you just really have a hankering for them?” His response is so unexpected that you can’t help but start laughing partially out of relief and the other part at how he said it. The way he looks at you like he’s genuinely interested keeps the smile on your face as you answer. 
“You’re supposed to eat twelve grapes at midnight to bring luck into the new year. Each grape stands for a month.”
“Huh.” Eddie hums as he brings a bowl down. “That must be why I’m so unlucky all the time. I only eat grapes by the handful if I need a snack on my way out of the trailer. We should probably take them off the stems right?” He looks between the grapes now on the counter and you who’s now right next to him. 
“We can, it’ll make it easier for everyone to grab some.”
“Then let’s get to work.” He moves the bowl in between the two of you and grabs one of the bundles from a bag. You both work in silence for barely two minutes before he’s talking again. Eddies never really been good with silence; it's why he’s talking all the time or always listening to music. “Is it rude to ask why you believe it or if there’s any truth behind it?”
“Oh, I don’t think so. I was just sorta raised with it. My mom says that she used to peel and mash them up before feeding them to me as a baby. As for the truth behind it, I'm not sure if there actually is but once when I was younger my dad miscounted his and only ate eleven, his dad then died later in the year.”
“Shit really?”
“Ya, but he was pretty old and sick anyway.” You shrug. “He didn’t like blame himself or anything because of that. And between you and me my dad never really believed the stuff the way my mom did. He just did it all because it meant so much to her. But that really solidified it for me.”
“Are there any other new years things I should be following?” Your eyes narrow at him not able to tell if he’s genuine or not in his curiosity. 
“Are you messing with me?” He gasps as if it’s the most outrageous thing and his hand flies to his chest. 
“You wound me, do I really seem so awful that I’d do that?” He then drops the act of being hurt to assure you even more. “This stuff is just genuinely interesting to me.”
“So you actually want to know about other new years superstitions?” The hope in your voice nearly breaks Eddie’s heart because he can just tell it means people have gotten your hope up in the past.
“Really I’d like to know about more than just those specific ones but ya. Wanna just start with the new years ones since that’s what today is?”
“Okay!” You bounce slightly as you start ripping grapes from the stems and Eddie finds it absolutely adorable. “Well there’s the twelve grapes one, um then there’s one about making noise at midnight to scare evil spirits away. I brought noisemakers for that too. That’s actually probably why people set off fireworks and stuff each year.” Eddie nods to show he’s listening and continuously looks over at you as he fills the bowl up. “My outfit is actually all superstition based.”
“Oh yeah?” His eyes rake over the dress again hoping you don’t catch him in the act.
“Mmhm, the white is for good luck, the polka dots are to bring wealth, abundance, and success, and red underwear is to bring luck and help you find your soulmate.” Eddie chokes on his spit at your last comment.
“You still good in here Y/n?” Robin comes into the kitchen and pulls your worried look away from a still coughing Eddie to her.
“Yeah I was just helping Eddie with the grapes.”
“How about we leave Eds here to do it and I’ll introduce you to everyone else?” You look back at Eddie and he clears his throat, nodding.
“Go meet the crew, I'll be out of here and joining the party in no time.” You basically skip over to Robin in your excitement to meet everyone else after seeing how nice Eddie, the supposed satanist, is.
Steve comes into the kitchen soon after the two of you leave and crouches to dig through his lower cabinet.
“Did you come to take me off snack duty?”
“Nope, Dustin’s demanding I find something to put the cookies his mom made on other than the tupperware he brought them in. So I need to find one of my mom's nice pie plates or something. Did you meet Y/n? She’s cute huh?” His voice is muffled as he shoves his head and shoulders inside to find the one he’s looking for.
“Yeah, she’s sweet. Told me the color of her underwear.” 
“What?!” Steve bangs his head against the top as he tries to rush out and look at his friend in bewilderment. “Eddie, even I know not to ask someone what color their panties are.”
“I didn’t ask!” His hands go up in defense before quickly going back to dealing with the grapes so he can finally join the party. “I just asked about other new years superstitions and it came out of her like it was the most normal thing to talk about with a stranger.”
“Huh, I guess Robin did say she was sorta odd. So what’s the thing with the grapes, did you ask?” Steve also lets out a little ‘aha’ once he finds the plate he was looking for and stands after he speaks.
“We’re supposed to eat twelve at midnight for luck next year. Each one is a month.”
“I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t that.” Steve rubs the back of his head grimacing as he does so. “It’s nice of her to think of everyone to bring enough.” He starts helping taking over the bundle that you left behind.
“Yeah, it seems like sharing this stuff with others makes her happy.” Eddie smiles as he thinks about how you lit up like how the sky will be tonight as you told him about the different superstitions you believed in.
You’ve been talking with Jonathan about the superstitions his mom believes in for the past fifteen minutes. You could barely contain your excitement when he told you his mom believed in some so he knew about a few of them. You had immediately started asking questions about it while Robin chatted with Nancy. She was nice and Robin was right she did seem like the most normal one, though you haven’t really met the kids yet you were brought over to Nancy and Jonathan first.
“Who wants snacks?” Eddie sings out as he makes his way into the big living room. One of the kids goes straight to him and takes a bowl of pretzels right out of his arms before rejoining the group on the couches. Eddie rolls his eyes before moving to put the rest of the bowls on the fold out table set up in the corner opposite where you’re all standing before crossing the room to join the group. “What’s going on over here?”
“Letting Y/n get to know these two before moving onto the nightmare that is the kids.”
“I’m sure they’re not that bad.”
“They’re annoying little shits.” Eddie chuckles into his can of beer as he speaks. “Dustin’s the worst of them!” He says it loud enough for his friend to hear him and is awarded with a pretzel flying at his head.
“Henderson, what have I said about throwing food in my house?” Steve comes in just in time to see the pretzel land on the floor. He holds his hand out to you once he joins the group. “We didn’t get to meet properly before, I’m Steve and Robin has told me a lot about you.”
“Y/n, Robin’s told me a lot about you too.” You take his hand and he covers yours with his other one as he shakes it.
“All good things I hope.” You nod with a polite smile. “Is your band coming Eddie?”
“Nah, they decided to go to Gareth’s place like we normally would. I was over there for a bit before coming here.”
“You’re in a band?” There’s a sort of awe in your voice that has Eddie bristling with pride even though you’ve never heard of them before. He feels like as long as you keep looking at him like that he doesn’t need to be a rockstar. 
“Yeah Corroded Coffin, we play at the Hideout once a week.”
“That’s so cool! I’ve always wanted to see live music but I never know where I should go and I don’t really have anyone to go to concerts with.” You’re a little embarrassed mentioning just how little people you know but you remind yourself that that’s why Robin’s helping you branch out.
“Well maybe you could come watch us at some point.”
“That would be great!” 
Robin watches the two of you interact with a smile on her face. You’d think she’d be upset with Eddie taking such a liking to you already but she’s just happy that you look right at home with the metal head. She knew that her friends would be accepting of you in a way that she knows you’ve never really had before. She didn’t realize how quickly you would bond with Jonathan or get Eddie basically wrapped around your finger so soon after meeting him though. She should’ve, you’re a sweetheart and have such a warmness about you that she’s always shocked when you tell her about how some people treat you. 
“Eddie’s getting pretty cozy with your cousin there Robs.”
“Yeah.” She answers Nancy with a smile on her face turning her attention back to her group of friends. 
“Why are you so happy about it?” 
“I think they’re gonna be good for eachother, whether that be them just being friends or it leading to more. I mean Eddie’s still dealing with the chaos of people still not quite believing he’s innocent for killing Chrissy and Y/n deals with being labeled as a loon basically on the daily since most of the town knows her mom or at least who she is. I think they’ll be able to relate to one another on a level none of us really will.”
“Huh, when’d you become deep?” She rolls her eyes at Steve’s words.
“I just know who they are. Are your newspaper friends coming Nance?”
“Yeah, they should be here around nine.”
“Argyle will probably be here closer to ten. Thanks again Steve for letting me invite him.” Argyle had moved to Indiana right after graduating and he and Jonathan got an apartment together soon after.
“Yeah no problem, just make sure he doesn’t smoke in the house. I don’t want the living room to reek of weed again.”
“Do you have any new year's resolutions?” You and Eddie sit in the corner of the dining room while the others who are there and have shown up play drinking games or talk to each other. The kids are still taking up the couches in the living room but now they’re watching Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin’ Eve to entertain themselves while everyone else drinks around them.
“I want to make some friends because I can’t just depend on Robin to be there for me all the time. Not that she wouldn’t be, I just don’t want to put all of that on her. Besides, I’m gonna be twenty one next year. I should have more than just one friend who’s my cousin.” You take another sip of the mixed drink you’ve been nursing for the last twenty minutes and Eddie smiles at how you sort of ramble the same way Robin will sometimes. “Do you have any resolutions?”
“I didn’t really, but now I think it’s become your new best friend. Before you know it I’ll be taking Robin’s place.”
“I’d like that.” You beam at him. “But you should know that no one can take her place.”
“Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I need to steal her away for a bit.” Robin comes up next to you and pulls you out of your seat.
“Because you’ve been hogging her all night Eddie and I’d like to introduce her to the kids before the new year rings in.”
“Wait, what time is it?”
“Eleven thirty eight.”
“We have to start explaining the grapes and bring them out then.”
“I’ll do that darlin’ you go meet the menaces in the living room. I’ll meet up with you in a bit.” You nod at Eddie extremely thankful and a little shocked that he’d do that for you before letting Robin pull you into the next room.
By the time Eddie joins you in the living room bowl of grapes halfway gone in hand there’s five minutes till midnight. He had enlisted Nancy’s and Steve’s help with putting grapes into smaller bowls twelve in each to hand out to people as they explain what it’s for.  He didn’t bother separating the rest once everyone other than the kids, you and Robin had some. He figured you could explain it to the group and he trusted them enough to grab the right amount.
“My mom believes in the breaking a mirror and opening an umbrella inside ones. So I tend to follow them too.” Eddie sits next to you on the couch to catch the middle of a conversation between you and Will.
“So you’re Jonathan's brother right? We were talking a little bit about what superstitions he knew earlier.” Will nods and before anyone can say anything else Eddie chimes in.
“Speaking of superstitions, have you explained the grapes to them yet?”
“Not yet, I find it easier to do with the grapes.”
“Alright.” He nods but keeps speaking before you can explain it yourself, his attention going to the eyes looking his way. “You’re gonna eat twelve grapes at midnight to bring you good luck each month of next year. I’m not missing anything am I?” You’re in awe at how he remembered after you mentioned it once hours ago so all you can do is shake your head no, your lips parted slightly. Normally people would choose to forget about it because they didn’t find it important or they thought it was just some silly thing you did. 
“Now all of you just take twelve.” He hands the bowl to Max to start the passing around.
“Did you bring the grapes yourself or did Steve happen to have them in the fridge?” Dustin asks while taking the bowl from Lucas and counting out his grapes.
“I brought them, I really hope there’s enough for everyone though.” You go to look around the room at all the others to see if they got any but get distracted when Eddie places his warm hand on your bare knee.
“Don’t worry we handed everyone else some before I came over here. There should even be some left over after everyone has twelve.”
Everyone starts to trickle into the living room as it gets closer to midnight for the count down. With each pass of the bowl more and more enter the space and by the time it’s your turn to grab the grapes everyone is there. Eddie takes his grapes just as the countdown and ball drop starts on the screen.
“Will you be my New Year's eve kiss?” You rush out between fifty nine and fifty eight.
“What?” Eddie asks in response, confused at fifty seven.
“It’s a superstition I forgot to mention before, a kiss at midnight wards off a year of loneliness and I’ve never had one before. And I’m just so sick of having years of loneliness.” You explain it as simply as you can between fifty six and forty three.
“So do we eat the grapes before or after the kiss then?” Eddie tries to get it right before giving you an answer between forty two and thirty eight.
“Mom and dad always did it after the kiss but I’ve always just had the grapes so I’m not sure about the right way to do it. I’m pretty sure the two superstitions aren’t normally combined though.” You answer and think back on all the previous years you had watched your mom and dad do it between thirty seven and twenty six.
“Oh, okay.” It takes him a second to answer as he ponders it between twenty five and twenty. “I’ve never had the grapes and I don’t normally have a kiss so I can’t be of any help with this.” He continues on between nineteen and twelve.
“Eddie!” You get his attention back to you at eleven just before people around you start to chant down from ten. “Can I kiss you?” You ask again between ten and seven.
“Yeah, yeah of course.” He finally answers between six and four. You let out a relieved sigh at three and beam up at him at two. As everyone screams happy new year you’re connecting your lips to his own in quite possibly the sweetest kiss he’s ever had. It doesn’t last long before you’re pulling away to start popping grapes in your mouth. He follows your lead and makes sure you have a noisemaker in your hand once the grapes are gone because he remembered what you told him about evil spirits earlier.
You and Robin leave shortly after that since you wanted to be with your mom for a little bit to celebrate too but you make sure to give Eddie your number with a wink telling him to give you a call if he wanted to know more about your other superstitions.
Eddie Taglist(Closed): @sadbitchfangirl​​ @notbeforelong​​​ @munsonswhore86​​​ @navs-bhat​​ @emotionaldreamer​​ ​​​ @magicalchocolatecheesecake​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ ​​ @fangirling-4-ever​​  @gaysludge​​ @audhd-dragonaut​​ ​​ @eddiethesexy​​​ @mazerunnerrose​​ @tvserie-s-world​​ @midnightsgetawaycar  @goldylions​  @spacedoutdaydreamer​ @livslifeonline​ @mushroomelephant​ @hb8301​ @ginnupp​ @saramelaniemoon​ @kaylshunter​ @nojamsonmytoast​ @vintagehellfire​ @esoltis280​ @cole22ann @spikedhe4rt​ @let-love-bleeds-red​ @siriuslysmoking​ @ladybug0095​ @toobsessedsstuff​ @3rriberri​ @alana4610​ @gretavanfleas​ @sparkletash​ @herejustforjj​ @aactuaaltraash​ @gloryekaterina​ @quixscentsposts​ @wormm-mom​ @eddiemuns0nl0ver​ @spookyemorockbabe​
Everything Taglist: @bejeweledmastermind​ @matchamunson​​ @bubsonnobx​​ @practicalghost​​ @katsukis1wife​ @crustyowos​ @yourfavdummy​ @protecteddiemunson4vr​
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jackiequick · 10 months
Meet The Wells - Harry Wells Fic
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Tv Show: The Flash
Setting: Season 4
Pairing: Harrison ‘Harry’ Wells x Leanna ‘Lea’ O’Conner
Featuring: One of the best characters on the show, Cisco Ramon!
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The morning everything pretty well. Team Flash was doing their usual work at S.T.A.R LABS. Discussing lunch breaks, new metas they possibly discovered, new experiments to create and plans for the weekend. That was until Harry mentioned friends.
Cisco sat up, “No he’s delusional. That’s because the lack of sleep he’s has been having. Uh, Harry friends are in here!”
Caitlin looked at Barry, who stood there confused, guessing that he’s being sarcastic.
“I got friends other than you guys! You will meet them.” Harry respond, siping his morning coffee.
Cisco gave his second girl a look and asked, “Lea help.”
“I-i know nothing about this.” Lea admitted with her hands up in defense.
“Ramon, believes i don’t got any friends. When i clearly do.” Harry yelled and sighed, typing away on his keyboard, “You told me to go make some friends, right?”
Cisco yelled back, “Yeah but last time i checked, you don’t have any friends besides us!”
Leanna who was tinkering with her tools looked up and nodded, “Yup! I did tell you that. Actually I’m curious to meet your friends, but I gotta hand some paperwork over to Joe first.”
She stood up, giving her boyfriend of 3 years now, a quick kiss on the cheek, in which Harry wraps his hand around her waist pulling her in for one more starling kiss. Clearly he was excited for today.
Cisco and Harry were in the speed lab being introduced to their scientific ragtag team of friends. But it wasn’t what Cisco suspected Harry’s friends to be. One of them even practically threw Cisco Ramon out of the speed lab for being annoyed and offended. Lea walked in, confused onto why her best friend ran out of there but her confusion came to a pause after what she see saw.
There stood right in front of her brown eyes the doppelgängers of Harrison Wells. Not 1, not 2, but 3 Harrison Wells in the speed lab. And if add Harry, that makes 4! In total stood 4 very different variants of Harrison Wells, going from one with gray hair and a turtleneck to one with war general uniform like he just lost an eyeball for God’s sakes.
She didn’t know to laugh at how insane this is or internally whine about this little endeavor being oddly weird for her. But at the same time she was very much integrated into this new situation. She met versions of Wells beforehand but this was completely different. Before she can even say a word or pull together another set of thoughts, when a voice called out to her. More or less a catcall followed by a cheeky whistle.
“Who is this little beauty queen? She’s finer than a flower on a summer morning!” Yelled out a rusty almost burnt blonde Wells in a red rode and slippers.
Lea didn’t realize they were staring at her that moment, quickly fixing her dark gray shirt with tiny daisies scattered all over and dark jacket she borrowed from her friend, Caitlin Snow, earlier that week. She firstly mouth a small “What the fuck?” to Harry as he jogged over swiftly taking her hand with ease. The man was clearly excited about this.
“Honey, come meet my new friend!” He exclaimed holding a grin, returning back to earlier spot but this time with her next to him, “This is Harrison Wolfgang Wells, H. Lothario Wells and Wells 2.0. Men, this is Leanna O’Conner.”
All 3 of them smiled at the lady. Wolfgang Wells stayed wondering his eyes at the brunette, as if he trying to pin point something in particular.
Lea had to just smile politically for the 3 idiots to go sight seeing on her, if allowed. Without a second later the women dragging Harry out into the hallway for a quick chat.
“Harry, honey, what the hell?!” She whispered yelled.
“What the hell? What do you mean ‘what the hell?’?” He whispered yell back.
“Are you out of your mind? Have you officially lost your marbles?!”
“You asked me to make some friends and that’s exactly what I did!”
“When I told you to make friends, I didn’t mean with yourself!”
“They’re technically NOT me! They’re my double hitting doppelgängers from other earths and one of the biggest baddest brightest mind out there.”
“Again! There’s literally 3 of you in that room, all three of them ready to make goo goo eyes at me and oh yeah, one of you is enough but a friend group of Wells that’s just—”
“Sweetie I can handle this. There is nothing to worry about, they’re just charming and intelligent people with different kinds of backgrounds. It’s gonna go great. I promise.”
“You promise? Cause—”
“Lea it’s fine! I got this.”
Once the couple walked back in, Lea announced the plan with Harry, but the second they all heard her voice they looked at her like 3 somewhat trained dogs. Harry had to scuff down a laugh, snorting a smidge.
Sandy hair blonde Wells aka H. Lothario Wells, grinned at her. He found her pretty and said, “Say, gorgeous you got any sisters? Or are you free this Sunday night?”
She blushed chuckling as she shook her head ‘No’ as Harry face them with a glare saying that Lea was HIS girlfriend. So hands off fellas!
Wells 2.0 spoke up, “I had a Lana on my earth…”
“Really? How was I like?” Lea asked, her eyes perked up curious about the answer.
“I wouldn’t know, she died or was it that she left the country? Oh well, i don’t remember! Ladies on my earth aren’t as nice looking as you.”
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The four of them kept talking, mainly Harry and his doubles, Lea just stayed sitting back writing on her iPad a few notes on an old equipment and equations. She listened every once in a awhile to their conversation, walking in and out of the lab to other part of the building or heading down to Jitters for some java.
Blowing a kiss to all 3 copies of Wells as she left. All of them stayed with a loopy and cheeky smiles after that. Harry Wells was the lucky one, he actually got a kiss of the cheek.
Returning with a coffee for her boyfriend, after handing one to Caitlin and Cisco she heard it. “Annie..” said the voice. It belongs to Wolfgang Wells, who staying eyeing her for the moment due stepped into the room in the first place. She rarely heard that nickname tossed around but it been said plenty of times beforehand. Only Cisco or Barry will throw that nickname out.
“That’s Leanna, not Annie, can you believe this guy fellas?” Replied Sandy Wells with a chuckling, figuring his doppelgänger was nuts in the head or something.
“No, Annie O’Conner..” Wolfgang Wells said once again with curiosity and confidence in his tone.
“Yeah he’s right.” Lea confirmed his wording, “Did you know a version of me, on your Earth?”
“My wife.”
“We’re married?”
Harry’s eyes darted towards them, mumbling, “You married a verison of her? When?”
“Yeah but I left her. Too much of a handful.” Wolfgang said with a shrug.
Lea gasped, “HANDFUL? I will have you know that I’m not a handful, you guys are. No offense, Harry..”
Wolfgang snickered, “You sound like her too! I left her cause we fell out of love, she was too uptight and I was too busy to care.”
“But I think still love her very much. Still, love is love. I think we all got a verison of this lady on our earths, right?”
Sandy Wells chuckled, “Mhmmmm! I do. She’s my 2 A.M bootycall. Speaking of which…”
Just like that, blondie wells was gone saying he got business to take care of. Leanna jaw dropped, meanwhile Harry held back a little smile, grabbing everyone’s attention back to the matter at hand.
All 3 men went back to work. But the looks Wolfgang and 2.0 didn’t go unnoticed, glancing at the half Asian brunette every once in a while. Both men saw something in her, and they liked it. Harry had to snap their towards himself instead and looping a hand on his girlfriend’s waist to signify that once again she’s taken!
The men were talking over one another and bickering more often than not about the topic. Honestly it was kinda hilarious.
Cisco walked in soon enough with a smile, “Soo Council Of Wells, how are we doing? Any progress or we just chitchatting about who’s smarter?” 
Leanna chuckled at the last part, because half of it was true.
Harry on the other hand groaned in annoyance, “It’s not going anywhere! We can’t even agree on what method to use.”
“What? You had an entire day.”
“I know! I know!”
“Is it cause Lana is distracting them?”
This time Lea spoke up, “HEY! Right here you know?! First we’re complimenting me, then you’re treating me like a diamond in the rough and now you’re insulting me?! What is it? Leanna Day and I didn’t get the memo?!”
“Well welcome to my life, girlfriend! Theses guys love to do the same thing to me! Ain’t so easy, isn’t it?” Cisco repiled back, tossing her a glare.
“Ohhh, so this is the way your framing this, huh?”
“I guess so, Annie!”
“Cisco I swear—!”
“What?” Harry asked.
“Isn’t there a 3rd one? Isn’t there 3 of—”
He pointed out there was only 2 Wells standing there, not the original 3 from the beginning of the day. Harry was about to say something about it but as if on cue, Sandy haired Wells reappeared with a cheeky grin blabbing on about something.
Sandy turned toward the trio with a smile, “Oh sorry! Had to take care of some off camera business—”
“OHH MY GOD!” Cisco shouted holding a hand, covering whatever it was he didn’t want to see.
This Wells had his pants down, showing everything his mother gave him. Harry tried to looked away, his face accidentally saw it. Leanna just blinked, gasping as she turned around burying his face in her boyfriend’s black shirt.
“What?” Asked Sandy Wells softly , confused.
“I can see your Frank and beans.” Said Wolfgang, looking rather uncomfortable.
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“Come on, now. Do my best thinkin' commando,” Sandy defends himself with a shrug, “Plus, it ain't like we all haven't seen it before. Especially, you little missy.”
“I haven’t seen it!” Cisco yelled, sounding funny and offended by the fact.
He shoots a wink Leanna’s way and she feel like she can’t help but peek her face towards all the men in the room. She saw so much more than clearly expected today! Like Jesus Christ! She rested her head, still sorta hiding her face in her boyfriends shirt.
She didn’t look confident or heroic in that moment.
Harry placed a comforting hand on her head, holding his lady while smiling at her embraced blushing and embarrassment.
Cisco held back a couple of laughs, “Aww! You’re traumatizing the poor girl! But seriously, dude put that away..please.”
Wolfgang agreed with Cisco for once.
“Ah, you Earth Folks. You are so uptight.” Sandy replied pulling up his pants.
“Ah, alright! Can we get back to the take at hand? We need answers.”
Suddenly all men started throwing out suggestions left and right, speaking over one another not allowing Cisco nor Harry to keep a full sentence in.
Lea’s ears were ringing loudly and she groaned in annoyance, “Okay! That’s enough!”
“Enough? We’re just getting started!” Add 2.0 Wells, in which causing another explosion of words being thrown around.
Clearly Harry was losing it having enough of this shit and yelled, “Guys! Guys! Ga—gentlemen!” Grabbing all their attention he continued, “Clearly this isn’t working. And just for the record, it’s not me, it’s you.”
With a simple push of a button, all three holograms disappeared, leaving the trio to themselves.
“This, was a bad idea.” Harry said walking back, placing his hands on his girlfriend’s shoulders whispering, “You okay?”
“It’s like your junk was burnt into my brain.” Cisco answered instead.
“Your welcome.”
Leanna did not answer or add into the previous statement, just walking out with a hand covering her ears silently. Harry and Cisco shared a tired look, figuring something bothered her..
Him and Cisco were talking for a bit, the genius still grumbling about what happened. That he needed to accept the facts and himself, since they are technically his doppelgängers but still. He didn’t truly like it too much.
Until he found her.
Harry found his girlfriend in his lab, scribbling in a notebook wearing her noise canceling headphones, that both him and Cisco carefully crafted her due to her meta human abilities, and playing with her bangs.
He sighed, knowing she was flashed today and practically felt just as insulted as he was. But because Leanna was more of a sensitive soul in the relationship, rather busy lately with Iris’s wedding planning, and helping the team with their issues. Along with the overheating bickering wasn’t probably too pleasant to her ears.
He winced, taking a marker to the whiteboard and tapping it against the clear sided screen. Harry walked over to her, tapping her shoulder and simply asked, “Hey, are you alright?”
“Hm?” She asked, removing her headphone registering what he said and chuckled, “Oh! Yeah honey I’m fine.”
“Isn’t that my line? Lea, honey, what happened? You kinda snapped at them.”
“Yeah well, so did you!…I, uh, umm wasn’t expecting today. Part of me knew something was gonna happen! I felt like I was being pulled left and right. I mean 4 Wells in one room, that’s overwhelmingly surprising and kinda chaotic..no offense.”
“None taken! They are just huge self minded, idiots. Uptight, roughly insulting, snooty and just jerks. I—I didn’t think it would go like that! Hell they flashed you and choose to make eyes at you the whole time. Treated you like you were an prize to be won and be thrown away…no one was paying attention to anything and just talking over one another! Jesus…”
Leanna stayed quiet hearing him rant about how he felt about the situation and the protection his mind created, recognizing things she didn’t notice until now. It made her feel better, knowing that she got the best Wells in the multiverse. All he wanted was to make some more friends and figure out a way to help with his teammates issues.
But instead, he realized that rather became a host and solid choice for a complete conversation than the other guys. He also felt sorta good about himself being one to unlock the door to an O’Conner’s heart unlike his counterpart.
“I uh, don’t take you for granted, you know?” Harry said, with a soft grin.
“I figured as much. You stayed.” She replied with a tired smile.
“Wolfgang had a version of you then lost you, 2.0 Wells was just gah not—the best thing with women and uh, Lothario was something else where uh, you know!”
Lea chuckled and nodded, “Oh I know! I..I know!”
Harry couldn’t help but laugh, “But in all seriousness, Leanna I love you and I’m so sorry you had to deal with that—us, today.”
“I’ve been part of Team Flash for so long, where something like that shouldn’t surprise me but it did. It was chaotic chapter for the books, but I really hope that doesn’t happen again!”
“It better not! I can’t take another moment with those guys. They’re one of the most annoying minds of the multiverse!”
“Harry, honey..”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
She stood up from her chair, wrapped her arms around his middle and looked up at the man gently grinning. He looked down at her, placing a hand on the small of her back, smiled softly confused since she left her second line incomplete.
“For being you! You came to this Earth and took it as it is, trying to help it. And those idiots, didn’t have to FaceTime us but they did. Because you would’ve done the same thing.” She added.
“Of course I’ve would’ve, I kinda like you guys. Especially you and Dr. Snow.” Harry admitted.
“Most importantly, you fell for me. All those other versions of Lea and Wells don’t know what they’re missing.”
“Well, technically, this wasn’t planned. I came to another earth for one goal. But we sorta happened.”
“Do you regret it?”
He leaned down, cupping her cheek a bit, “No.”
“Why’s that?” She asked, leaning in.
“Because it proves my multiverse theory. Every version of you or me, ends up being with an such interesting partner.”
“I love that theory.”
“I know you do.”
Harry closed the space between them, tossing in a few solid pecks of Lea’s waiting lips. A couple of sweet nothings and laughs were thrown into the mix, chatting about getting Big Belly Burger later.
When suddenly..
“Oh come on!”
Came Cisco’s voice, standing at the door with his hands on his hips.
“Seriously? Y’all didn’t need my help making her feel better.” Cisco said.
Lea snorted and smiled, as Harry tossed his friend a playful grin, only ever reserved for Cisco Ramon. 
“We’re heading to Big Belly Burger later, you coming?” asked Lea.
“Oh hell yes!” He replied, replacing the frown with a smile, snatched up his friend from Harry into his arms for a hug and yelling, “She was mine first.”
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story ⚡️
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Tags: @yetanotherwells @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @mandylove1000 @msrochelleromanofffelton @hanlueluver @topgun-imagines @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @rooster-84 @bisexual-watermelons @withakindheartx @blackheart-beauty @blueboirick and etc.
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supernatural-hunter1 · 3 months
“Me and the LOV” Part 2
I wake up to the little ray of morning light shining through the window, of my room I set up yawning and stretching after getting out bed, I walk down the hallway to the room where the others were, I look over and see Dabi sitting on the couch drinking his coffee, while Shigaraki was sitting on the floor playing a video game, “Morning Shigaraki, Morning Dabi.” I greeted them with a smile. Dabi said good morning to me, and Shigaraki also said good morning without looking away from his game.
I catch a scent of food that was cooking so I walked into the kitchen as I stand by the entrance I see Mr. Compress cooking breakfast and on the other side of the kitchen, Spinner is standing by the coffee maker, and pours himself a cup of coffee And I greeted them both. “Morning Mr. Compress, Morning Spinner.” I said, as I entered the kitchen “Morning Y/n how do you like your coffee?” Spinner asked. “Cream with no sugar please.” I said sweetly, and I turned over to Mr. Compress “would you like my assistance with the breakfast Mr. Compress?” I asked. And he shakes his head, “I appreciate the kind offer Y/n but I got it from here.” he said. As he turned his head giving me a knowing smile. Sometime after breakfast, I helped Compress with the dishes and complemented him on how good breakfast was, as Shigaraki was done playing his game. He goes over to turn off the game console, the news channel came on.
I poked my head through the entrance to the kitchen, as I entered the common room, they were talking about me and some hero who goes by the name ‘Demming’ as they were talking about my ‘tragic death’ My eyes narrowed as I started to growl “Why that Son Of A Bitch!” I shot in a deep ‘Dean Winchester’ like tone, which made both Toga and Twice jump in surprise Dabi chuckles at their scared expression he heard a thud beside him, he looks over and sees me sitting on the other side of the couch with my elbow resting on my knees and my hands covering my face as I let out a grunt of frustration. Shigaraki was standing by the TV looking at the hero and then looking back at me “So, that’s the hero you mentioned to us yesterday?” he asked. I nod “Yep.”
I move my hands from my face, Pulling down on the sleeves to look at the bandages that’s wrapped around both my arms, “So what are you going to do now?” He said, I look up at him as he’s standing in front of me. “Well, for starters, he took away my quirk, And now he’s got everybody convinced that I am dead, so I guess all I can do now is lay low for a bit until I can come up with something? and besides how can I go out there and get back at that bastard looking like ‘The Mummy’” I scuffed as I showed him the bandages “Fair enough.” he shrugged. As he walked away. I hear Dabi clearing his throat. My attention is now on him, and he still sitting on the other side of me. “What?” “Here let me see your arms?” he said. I gave him a light nod. And reached my arms out to him.
He sets up And slightly moves a bit closer to me, he reaches over and grabs my hand and pulling it towards him, my arms are a bit shaky, and I flinch The minute his fingers touched the inside of my wrist “Sorry, I guess I’m still a little bit sensitive.” I said nervously. He looked up at me, “you were banged up pretty good when we found you, so I don’t blame you, I get it.” he said, as he gently unravel the bandage around one of my arms, as the bandage falls to the ground some of the bruises have died down, and some of the scratches Are slowly starting to heal Dabi gently moves his index finger over the scratches and the bruises.
“Well, I see the bruises are going away but, I say give it about a week for the scratches to heal themselves.” he said, I nodded at his word he reaches down to pick up the following bandages and gets up to walk away. I look over to Toga As she walks by I ask her if she had any other clothing that I could borrow since I lost most of my things, her eyes lit up like a little glimmering Stars with the big smile on her face, she grabbed my hand, pulling me up from the couch and dragged me to her room. She pulled out some clothes and laid them all out on her bed for me to try on, I picked out a light blue high waisted denim jeans, A tan color floral print off shoulder ruffle trim crop top blouse, And dirt brown leather cowgirl boots with pine leaf designs drawn on them, and I put on a (color) bandanna that I wrapped around my hair.
Of course, the top pulls up a bit revealing just a tiny bit of my pudgy skin “OMG! Y/n you look soooo cute!” She goshies, i chuckle “Why thank you Toga, but good luck trying to pry this off of me, if you want these back?” I said jokingly. Toga shrugs, “go ahead and keep them. I was gonna get rid of them anyways, As cute as they are it’s not really much of my style anyways. But good thing I didn’t because they so totally look much cuter on you than they on would me.” I thanked her as the two of us walked out of her room. And headed back to the common room to meet with the others, as we entered the room Twice and Compress were the first to comment on my outfit and I thanked them, but the other three on the other hand? I noticed that Shigaraki, Dabi and Spinner had jaw-dropping expressions on their face and I giggled a bit.
Mr. Compress was the first person to complement me and I kindly thank him for it, i walked over to Shigaraki who is sitting at the table looking over a map of the city. “Let me guess? you’re working on a plan to take down the hero society?” I asked as I approached him, and he nodded as he explains some parts to whatever plan he had, and he points to the location on where they’re going next? I gently placed my finger on the map, and I slowly run it down the lines of the drawn out roads As it comes to a stop a gently, my finger on one of the lines. “have you ever tried to use the backroads?” I asked, he looks up at me, his eyes narrow and uncertain? “Backroads?” He says a bit confused.
“depending on the location of the area if anybody catches on about what you’re doing they would probably block off some of the main exits to try and stop you? But….. If you take one of the back roads or back exits, that have less people around then you make a clean easy getaway if that makes sense?” I explain. “Hmm…. I never thought about that before, but than again it doesn’t even cross my mind now that I think about it?” he said he takes a closer look at the map looking through the area and the roads around it, then he glares back at me. “i’ve been a villain sidekick since I was 13 whatever boss I had, they would always use back roads whenever the heroes ever catch on to what we were doing back where I’m from.” I shrugged. he leans back in his chair with his arms crossed as he was looking up at me and the two of us talked for a while.
After that I was just about to Go to the kitchen to get myself a drink when I heard Spinner call my name “Hey Y/n there you are, I’ve been looking for you?” He said, I turned to him as he was approaching me “what’s up Spinner? I was just about to head into the kitchen to get a drink.” I said, with the soft smile as he approached me, “Well, good thing I caught you in a perfect time i… um….” I can tell in his tone of voice that he was a little bit shy and nervous and to be honest, I thought it was kinda cute, considering with him having a mutant gecko quirk 
he pulled out a cell phone from his pocket and handed it to me it was my cell phone that I thought I lost during the fight with the hero ‘Demming’ “here, Compress picked it up after it fell off of one of your pockets when i carried you back with us.” he said, I noticed there are some little blush that is starting to appear on his green scaly cheeks I tried my best to hold in a giggle, because of how cute he looked all blushy, so I just gave him a sweet smile and thanked him as I gently take the phone back. As the two of us walked in to the kitchen, I waved at Mr. Compress who was the leaning against one of the counters taking a sip of his tea. I set my phone down on the island counter and walk over to one of the cabinets and grabbed a cup, and then stepped over to the sink to get a drink of water and then walk back over and picked up my phone to turn it on, Spinner also told me that he charged it to see if it might still work. (he’s a sweet boy, a heart 🥰)
As I pushed the on button on my phone Shigaraki called for Compress and Spinner to leave for a mission and I followed them out even though I lost my quirk Doesn’t mean that I can’t handle myself (which I can totally handle myself😅) I followed everyone out the door so I can bid them all goodbye. “Don’t worry I’ll hold down the fort until you guys get back, Bye, good luck, have fun, be careful out there, And if you see any heroes punch them, in the face and make him cry for me, come back safe,” I shout as I waved goodbye “Bye Y/n we will, we’ll be back soon.” Toga yells as she waved back before getting in the vehicle and just like that they’re gone, I turned and walk back into the safe house I heard The notification on my phone going off like crazy? as I walk over and picked up the phone, my eyes go wide they were all text messages, and missed phone calls, and voicemails, from friends and family members from back home I sighed and shook my head, I’ll deal with all that later. But for right now I turned on the Spotify app and played some music while I clean up the place until the others get back.
(that’s it for now come back for part three of the Me and the LOV series. Hope you all enjoyed?😁)

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betterbooktitles · 4 months
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Standing in a kitchen in Vermont, I spun the wheel on my black iPod and pressed down the fat, metallic button to select The Beatles’ Revolver from my long list of albums. “Taxman” came through the living room speakers. NPR had been echoing through the house for days in the TV-less room. The song’s opening guitar riff felt like watching fireworks.
My girlfriend’s dad, taking a break from DIY weatherproofing his home, a large open-concept cabin heated by a single wood-burning stove, said the words that always make me jealous: “I remember the day this came out.” 
He had run home from the record store after school with the album in tow, sat alone in his bedroom, and along with a bunch of kids his age in their respective rooms, heard Revolver for the first time. 
“Wow. What a day.” He said wistfully. 
“I remember it too.” My girlfriend said and tried to join in the reminiscing.
Her dad raised an eyebrow and looked at me.
“You mean you remember the first time you heard it?” I asked. 
“No I-” and her forehead wrinkled, and in her acid-addled brain, she tried to sort out for maybe 30 seconds how it was possible that she wasn’t alive in 1966 nor had she genetically inherited a memory from her parents of hearing Revolver the day it came out. “Yeah, I meant I can remember hearing it in this room for the first time, I guess.”
We listened to the rest of the album in classic Vermont style. That is, talking about how good the music is over the music you are currently listening to.
I don’t begrudge anyone wishing so hard they had been somewhere when they weren’t that they form an imaginary memory for something they never experienced. Only about 450,000 people were at Woodstock but millions claim they were there. Gen Z kids have mall nostalgia thanks to shows like Stranger Things showing them what a mall once was through rose-tinted glasses. I felt it most recently when my dad described using a reel-to-reel at the library and recording tapes of new albums before anyone else could borrow them.
As jealous as I feel toward every boomer or Gen Xer whose day revolved around getting out of school, buying a record, and hearing the needle drop the same day everyone else did, I know there is no equivalent for music for me, even though I can remember having nearly the same experiences with the radio and CDs. For instance, I remember our neighbor Kristen walking over to meet me and a big group of neighborhood kids at sunset one summer evening on our tree lawn (Cleveland suburbs term, the strip of grass between the street and the sidewalk outside your actual lawn that was technically the town’s responsibility but you still mowed). She had brought her battery-powered black boombox and (I swear) The Cranberries’ “Dreams” was playing. In my mind, I can see the final crane shot of a movie set in the 90s, the credits rolling as Dolores O’Riordan softly sings “Oh, my life…” It was the first of a million times I heard the song. This image is so on the nose, I can’t tell if it’s a real memory or a false one that’s been implanted in my brain like a replicant in Blade Runner.
Another music memory is attached to Kristen. A group of us were playing rummy in her basement, complete with an unused bar, the side of which was made of those thick borderline-opaque glass cubes. A light from behind behind the glass cast a greenish hue on the linoleum floor. I stared at it while she turned up a radio that looked like it was made in the ‘70s and said “I love this song!” She forced us all to pause the game and hear the 70s-style guitar tone of a 90s song complaining about “what the hell happened to the peace and love we knew so well in the 60s?” I was hearing a pre-Shrek-soundtrack Smash Mouth. I was spellbound. Surely, that was my ‘90s version of hearing Revolver the day it came out.
I have been forcing a feeling of nostalgia for times in which I did not exist my whole life, likely because the 60s/70s weren’t all that different from the 90s. Chuck Klosterman in his book The Nineties explores the topic in a chapter about That 70s Show:
“The kids on That ’70s Show hung out in basements and killed time by driving the family car around in circles, but those pastimes were not bygone pursuits—teenagers in the nineties were still hanging out in basements and still aimlessly cruising around. This was not some portal into an alien unknown. That ’70s Show could have instantly been remade as That ’80s Show or That ’90s Show if the references were changed and the fashions were updated. The characters and the conflicts were not entrenched in the seventies but ubiquitous to the entire last quarter of the twentieth century.”  -Klosterman, Chuck. The Nineties (p. 105). Penguin Publishing Group.
Klosterman is correct. The gap between my generation and my parents’ seems smaller than the one that exists between mine and a generation born after the iPhone, but I’ve always felt there was one big separation, one my parents’ generation never understood. I could pretend that sitting in the basement practicing drum solos and driving around town was as fun as it seemed on That 70s Show, but there was something else that haunted every hour of my adolescence and now pervades my adulthood. I could act like I’ve always been hip and young enough to understand each social media app as they entered the world, that the defining feature of my existence was LiveJournal, then Myspace, then Facebook…but no. The media that defines my life (besides 24-hour cable news incessantly reporting on terrorism and school shootings) is video games.
Read the rest here
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anxresi · 1 year
NEWSFLASH: Pink-Streaked Plot Device Confesses Crush To Equally ‘Perfect’ Protagonist. A Nation Of Undemanding Fans Weep.
May I offer a few stray observations?
1. Zoe is not ‘Amazing’, Marinette. She’s just written that way. (Bonus points if you can catch the movie reference there) 
She’s obviously SUPPOSED to be because she has so many friends and loved ones, can do everything she puts her mind to SO well and hasn’t got a single fault in her oh-so-sweet personality. 
The problem with being so gosh-darn flawless though, is that you’re straight-out BORING... especially when put into the confines of a TV show where we expect the characters to be more than just insipid one-dimensional goodie-two-shoes. 
If only they had someone better to replace her, like a rebellious anti-hero... with many layers to their character and plenty of scope for growth and change... yes, that would be MUCH more interesting than a perpetually shilled Creator’s Pet...
Oops, they already got rid of her. So sorry, my mistake.
2. People should be honored to be ‘loved’ by Zoe? 
Not really. She probably ‘loves’ everyone, due to her single-note ‘nicey nice’ persona excluding her from expressing any mild distaste about anyone. Including her own newly-psychotic sister, who’s probably told her she despises her for years.
 She’d probably skip merrily into whatever-bullshit-name-Hawkmoth-has-these-days’ lair in a yellow sundress and a basket full of oatmeal cookies, give him a little kiss on the cheek before prancing out singing ‘Tomorrow’ from Annie, leaving a trail of fluffy bunny wabbits and freshly-bloomed daisies in her wake. 
Aaawww! *Retch*
3. “Adrien’s not the one I’m in love with...” OOOH HERE IT COMES! BRACE YOURSELVES...
4. ...AAANND like a deflated balloon, a broken swing and a show running out of ideas so quickly it shoves in these ‘serious’ moments that’ll never be referenced again, Zoe never explicitly says those three magic words (Alakazam, abracadabra and hocus pocus, right?)
I guess she wanted to be ‘special friends’ with Marinette the same way Rose and Juleka are. A more hopelessly unsubtle, pandering load of nonsense would be impossible to find... but it won’t stop a certain percentage of the audience from instantly shipping these two and finding this moment both ‘inspirational’ and ‘emotional’ (I can just see the hyperbolic tweets now: OMG I WEPT BUCKETS! I CAN RELATE SSSSOOOO MUCH etc)
Sorry, but I can’t get on board. I would say this was badly done whatever the sexuality of the couple, so you can kindly burn your placards screaming ‘BIGOT’ right now. The fact it’s so cynically aimed at a demographic that are often sadly overlooked in animation until recently (and naturally, afraid of some kind of Moral Panic the writers STILL can only hint at gay relationships instead of announcing them out loud) just makes the whole shameless manipulative process even worse, IMHO.
To all those who aren’t catered to by an often very heterosexual-focused cartoon industry, watch The Owl House. Give She-Ra a try. Just anything, instead of this pathetic... what was that term I heard the other day... Gaybaiting?
Yeah, that sounds about right.
(N.B If you get something positive out of this episode I am not seeking to devalue your experience or ruin your enjoyment... I am just saying, I think this is badly-done, poorly written tripe designed to earn the show brownie points when frankly it deserves none. A great example of virtue-signalling, to borrow a tired right-wing trope. You might disagree, and feel free to argue your case, but please respect my opinion by not calling me a bunch of profane names in response. Thank you.)
5. The short scene ends with Marinette letting the supposedly lovestruck Zoe down gently, with a hug and a silent promise to never speak of this again (believe me, they won’t).
 It’s a good moment for both of these favorite, endlessly-hyped characters of Thomas... Marinette gets to show her ‘human’ side and improve her already sterling reputation, whereas a lovesick Zoe takes her rejection surprisingly well.
 No tears, raised voices or even mucus bubbles... the entire emotional catharsis is over in less than 40 seconds. Guess they were too busy with more important stuff in the episode like Cheesy Chat puns, Hawkmoth’s Ham’n’Cheese and Marinette getting spotted panties from her Lucky Charm (I wish I was kidding... but I’m not. I’ve READ the leaks... *Shudder*)
So, to sum up then: another throwaway moment in an increasingly stupid show that could’ve been something special or left a lasting impact... of course, it does neither of those things. 
I mean, what were you expecting at this stage? The people who produce it are clearly not making any serious effort whatsoever, whether that be in the writing department or stopping MASSIVE spoilers from getting out and ruining the plot (although, I think they already did a pretty good job of that even before this latest round of security breaches).
So if they don’t care, why should anyone else? At least it’s fun to vent about... but time for a break now, to watch something with a bit of actual quality. Hmm... *Decides to see the Amphibia finale for like the trillionth time.*
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elvisabutler · 2 years
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you read your lines so cleverly and never missed a cue series masterlist
pairing: austin butler x priscilla actress reader, nicknamed little dove/dove
rating: overall m for content surrounding the couple
summary: cast opposite one another to play priscilla and elvis presley you and austin butler embark on a romance complete with dominance and submission, character bleed, an eerily similar age difference to elvis and priscilla and more love than you both could have thought possible. what ensues is- complicated.
fic: one , two, and three and your guess is as good as mine on how many more.
headcanons: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve and whatever more
crumbs: on the vogue shoot. on jealousy. on something borrowed. on weddings.
blurbs ( not all are necessarily fully "canon" ): we built this town on shaky ground. suddenly we're writing out the same old lie. if i knew then what i know now. any way you want me that's how i'll be, i never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love.
questions answered:
on why priscilla is concerned about dove and austin's relationship. on why lisa doesn't like dove. on whether or not lisa can keep it professional. on dove's career post elvis. on dove's shows/what she would do post elvis on dove's career starting out on dove's opinion/reaction to the oscars if austin didn't win on dove's social media presence during pregnancy pt. 1, social media during pregnancy pt. 2 on what books/movies/tv shows her and austin watch on how she feels about her body during pregnancy on being firmly team boy during her first pregnancy while austin is team girl.
little dove's partners pre austin, a list/a primer
last updated: 05/24/2023.
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ectojester · 6 months
End of the year tag game from @cheriboms. Ignore the fact that it's technically the 1st.
1. How many times would you guess you watched the first back to the future movie?
Probably at least 5
2. Did you get any sweet bttf merch? If so, what!
Yeah! I got a patch for my jacket, Marty in his DEVO radiation suit with the caption "Darth Vader. I am an extraterrestrial from the planet Vulcan!"
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3. How many cans of Pepsi Free did you chug this year?
Zero. Tbh I didnt know they still made them
4. What was a favorite bttf fanfic you read this year?
Probably little stuff (the sweet and the sour) wherein Linda notices some similarities between Marty and her parents' high school friend.
5. A favorite bttf fanart you saw this year?
Either this awesome comic by @future-boi or this painting by @slowmotionmovesme that I have saved to my notes and just stare at sometimes.
6. Did you create any bttf fanart or fanfic? If you did which one are you proudest of?
Aside from doodles on my school assignments, no
7. How many times were you late for school this year?
Probably like 3 times :)
8. Did you watch any other movies/tv shows with BTTF actors in them?
Clue, Who Framed Rodger Rabbit, Addams Family, Anastasia (Christopher Lloyd is in a lot of stuff), Family Ties, Elf, and Freaky Friday
9. Was there a memorable moment you heard a Huey Lewis song this year?
One day while cleaning I just decided to listen to Back in Time on loop
10. How many times did you fall down this year?
Oh idk like 20 at the very least. I went on a night hike in the snow last month. It was steep and my boots were not great.
11. Did you see BTTF the Musical? What was your experience like?
No :( I did seriously consider buying tickets to go to London, but I'd have to borrow the money for it lol. One day...
12. How many times did your mom retell the story of how she and your father met?
None, that I know of. Don't really know what she gets up to these days 🤔 I think my dad mentioned it once or twice though.
13. If you could describe your year in a BTTF quote, which one would it be?
"Say whatever's natural, the first thing that comes into your mind."
"Nothing's coming to my mind!"
Mood, George. If ever there was a year for no thoughts, head empty, it was this one.
14. ⚡️LIGHTNING ROUND⚡️ Did you get to: go on any trains, skate on a skateboard, ride a horse, drive a Delorean, run in the rain, go to a dance, hang up a clock, play the guitar, pull an all-nighter, read science fiction, or drive thru Burger King this year?
15. Your future is whatever you make it! So what are you going to make of this coming year?
Some good grades hopefully. Better study habits, improved hobbies, and cherishing small moments. Should probably work on my people skills too. I will make Good Adult Decisions.
Sorry to be That Person but in my defense the year is also over, so I won't tag anyone. If you want to play, though, go for it!
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Broly movie semi-liveblog because of reasons
I only ever watched the original Broly movie once or twice cus of the suuuper long fight scene ending (and I think it came out, or we borrowed it from Blockbuster, around the time I was losing interest in DBZ)…which is great cus watching it now after the reboot movie has me going in almost totally fresh
Krillin’s puppy song (and how he just pauses then keeps singing after the ship lands X’D so you just hear him wailing in the background during Paragus’ big speech)
Paragus: I’m starting a new planet and I want you to be king Vegeta: :/ Paragus: Uhh…there’s also this big strong bad guy and only YOU can stop him! Vegeta: :/ Trunks: Dad, don’t go with him Vegeta: DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! *goes out of spite*
Vegeta gets to the planet, gets his ear talked off by Paragus, sees Paragus’ whole army, doesn’t react to anything, but takes one look at the big buff shirtless dude covered in jewelry and decides “I want to be alone with that guy for a while” (Trunks: “DAD NO” Vegeta: “DON’T KINKSHAME ME”)
Son “cat trying to convince you it didn’t just eat five minutes ago” Goku
“Golly, who could the Legendary Super Saiyan be?” *shows a whole flashback of Broly being the Legendary Super Saiyan and names the movie “Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan”*
Still gets me that the fan-favorite His Power Is Maximum villain’s weakness is that he flips out at the sight of the guy who cried in the crib next to him when they were babies
I’d still fight Master Roshi if I could risk getting within ten feet of him but thanks man for deflating the tension every time it gets serious here. And more importantly, giving my boy Oolong an actual reason to be here (designated driver). Which kinky freak on staff came up with that sequence of the two of them in bed together though?? XD
Realizing I haven’t seen the old DBZ movies since before my dad got his giant TV, and watching this thing in HD on a huge screen with surround sound blasting the doofy 2000s grunge rock songs shoehorned into the soundtrack just feels so wrong X’D
With Paragus’ whole thing being about trapping Vegeta on this planet so a comet can smush him, how much funnier would it have been if Goku had just shown up and immediately IT’d everyone back to Earth
This version of Broly is SO annoying, OMFG. Hulked-out glowing guy cackling about how he was gonna kill a child, “What do you expect from a true freak?! Wahaha~” Like 100% one of those guys who saw The Dark Knight and went “the Joker’s so dark and edgy, I wanna be just like him” Shut up already
Actually Broly’s fixation on hurting Gohan to upset Goku plus the Trunks-Vegeta dynamic could’ve made for an interesting subplot about father-son relationships, but nope I guess. Gohan and Trunks aren’t even in the reboot movie where they really dig into Paragus’ abuse of Broly (just a brief scene of Goten and Trunks calling Bulma for two seconds to tell her plot stuff)
Piccolo dragging Vegeta to the battle by his hair
I also actually love sad scared Vegeta because it makes him so much more interesting. Goku’s an excitable child whose relationship with martial arts is basically like a good work ethic, so he hears about someone stronger than him and gets all excited cus he wants to test his strength by fighting them. Vegeta’s an arrogant jerk generally used to getting his own way, so he hears about someone stronger than him and his first instinct is to go “pff, no way,” then when it’s clear the person IS much stronger he just shuts down. Probably a remnant of being terrorized and probably physically beaten by Frieza or his minions as a kid, cus you KNOW he wasn’t gonna just start taking orders from some guy who isn’t even his king dad
The classic DBZ squeaky foot noise when Broly walks...bless
“I’m the prince of all Saiyans, even you, Broly” “Then please try your best to make me kneel before you” Get a ROOM
“Did he really think I would die just because this planet is about to explode?”
*gives you my power, but in a tsundere way*
I’d been wanting to watch the first bunch of movies for a while since they use clips from em in the Ocean dub opening, but wound up with the 2nd movie set cus I found a good deal and the Broly reboot made me curious to revisit the original…now I’m torn between going on to Return Of Cooler & Super Android 13 my dumb funny beloveds, or going back to the 1st movie set and working my way up to truly Earn them XD
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Butter Sales
Today's update is kind of a journey, but it's all leading to a super important update, so just stick with me. No real better way to get into it than to get into it, so... let's! 
Butter Base
Okay, so you know my friend, Ricky, right? Ricky? He's like... yay tall? Face like a meerkat? Yeah, him. Rrrrricky. Rickeeee. That's my boy. 
If you somehow don't know my friend Ricky, here's what you need to know. He's always coming up with these crazy schemes. Like, one time, Ricky... put flowers in a pot. Not like he y'know, planted a plant and flowers grew out of some beautifully sculpted terracotta. Nah, my boy Ricky, he bought some flowers for his mom but forgot to give them to her, so they were just like wilting in his house, so he put them in his big pasta pot. It was wild, but maybe you had to be there. 
Oh, that's the other thing you need to know. He has this big pasta pot because his mom, the one he bought flowers for, she's really good at making pasta. So she bought him a big pot so he could be good at making pasta, but I've tasted both of their pastas and Ricky's mom's pasta is where it's at and Ricky's pasta isn't very good at all. I guess there's more to pasta than a big pot. 
Ricky's New Gig
Alright, so one time, Ricky went to the store and they had a lot of butter. Like, how he first told it, it sounded like the store only had butter. But I asked and he said they had other stuff too, so, don't imagine quite as much butter as I did. Anyway, so he's at the store and they've just got all this butter. Ricky said it was like 50 times as much butter as a store should have. Just shelves of the stuff. And Ricky, you know him, he sees something like that and he starts cooking up these wacky ideas. So Ricky bought some butter. 
Now my boy is a butter salesman. He just goes around selling butter. And it seems like he's making bank. I know because he showed me this fat wad of cash he was carrying. He said he had to carry it around because his bank's really lame and wouldn't trade him non-buttery bills for buttery ones. 
He told me a trade secret, that I'm going to pass on to you. The sweet spot is the third house. The first two, the butter's like nice and cool and firm in your pocket, but it means you gotta find a knife to cut a pat off so people can taste test. But some people treat you really weird when you come up to their door and say that you need to borrow their knife so that you can sell them butter. The third house though, the butter's started to soften up, so you can just sort of scoop some out and let them lick it off your finger. People really like that. But for houses four and more, that gets a little tricky because the butter starts picking up like lint or money or whatever else you have in your pocket. 
My New Gig 
Ricky offered to get me a job working as a butter salesman, like him, and I took it. That's my big announcement. I'm leaving comics to go sell butter. Sorry! 
Don't tell Ricky this, but I also think I figured out a way to make even more in butter sales. I'm going to keep my butter pocket, my lint pocket, and my cash pocket separate. Like, duh. 
So next time you see me, tell me where your house is so I can come sell you some butter. 
Much love, David Butter Salesman 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Honkai Impact (Video game), Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (Anime), The Circle (Trash TV), When Harry Met Sally (Movie), Logan Lucky (Movie), my friend Chloe Brailsford gave me a sneak peek of something they've been working on and it's very good. Keep an eye out for more from her! I haven't played it yet, but I'm very excited for The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. You may've seen that Min Ho Kim, one of our artists over at IDW, worked on the character art! It's clearly a labor of love by everyone involved and that's really cool. WonderCon was nice. Glad I got to see some folks I haven't seen in a while. I did catch con crud (and tested and came back negative for Covid, it's just a head cold), so if I missed you or we only had a pretty quick, limited interaction, maybe it's for the best! Speaking of both friends giving me comics and WonderCon, Matthew Palacios gave me an ashcan of his book Metal Skin and it was a lot of fun! I've also been playing a bunch of pranks over on my Twitter (2 whole pranks)! So, no, I still haven't seen ALF and I did not expect other people to send me pictures of my cat. Those were goofs. Lastly, yesterday was Transgender Day of Visibility. I posted a couple times about a fundraising effort that was going for Point of Pride and saw they ultimately ended up making twice their initial goal, $2 Million, to help out thousands of trans folks with gender-affirming care. There are also a ton of cool people who were sharing themselves yesterday in a time when that's a very scary thing to do. 
New Releases this week (3/29/2023): Nothing from me, sorry! 
New Releases next week (4/5/2023):  Sonic the Hedgehog #1 5th Anniversary Edition (Editor--A new version of the first IDW Sonic comic, with a bunch of bonus content including a new comic short!)
Final Order Cutoff - Let your shops know to order these books by Monday (4/3/2023):  Sonic the Hedgehog #60 (Editor) Godzilla Rivals: Biollante vs. Destoroyah (Editor)
At the moment, I don't have any new appearances until San Diego Comic-Con! But, that's subject to change! And I may have other announcements coming to this space soon, so keep an eye out! 
Oh, just because, uhh... I know we're all convinced Twitter's just going to collapse any day now. I've tried various other social medias and a lot of them don't really work for me. The best ways to keep up are obviously my website, my Tumblr, my newsletter, or my Instagram. I am still on a few other things, but don't really use them. If you're on Tumblr or Insta, please do follow me there so I can follow you back and make sure we're staying in touch! 
I will plug in my usual Becca corner, their website's up and should all be working. There was a bug with shipping, but that should be fixed! Maybe buy yourself or someone in your life something nice! And I believe they're still on for streaming tonight at 7 PST on Twitch, assuming voices are still holding up as we get over the last of this con crud! 
Pic of the Week: Major shoutout to KEM Cosplay! We met at WaifuExpo at the beginning of last month (you can see a picture of her in a previous blog as Dr. Eggman) and ran into each other again at WonderCon over the weekend where she was wearing her BIG THE CAT COSPLAY! 
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Hi! I don’t know if you take asks but just in case.
I’m curious about your view on gentleman jack s02, and why you find it wasn’t as good as s01, and why you find it inconsistent : is it in comparison to what AL wrote in her diaries or just a general vibe of watching the show? Also, what do you find is inconsistent?
I hope you don’t find my question to be annoying, I’m curious because I don’t necessarily watch TV shows and analyse them, especially queer content (I’m just happy it exists).
Hi! I’m the anon who asked why you thought the 2nd season was inconsistent; saw your lasted reblog. Thanks for the beginning of that answer and take your time for the rest! If anything it’s making me more interested in your point of view, so thank you for taking the time to answer me. Cheers!
I apologize for taking a while before answering you, because I too anon don't do TV show analysis anymore, whatever I feel, I usually tag rant about it and reblog stuff from people who are better equipped and far more eloquent at breaking down and analysing scenes and episodes. I will have a go at it I guess since you asked and I do want to actually try and figure out what exactly kept bothering me through out this season.(it’s long and rambly so rest is under the cut)
I will not go episode by episode cause I am not up for a rewatch of s2. I did rewatch s1 but not recently so it's not exactly fresh in my mind but I do feel I have a good grasp on it because I did watch it several times after it aired, I was absolutely enthralled with Season 1. I feel It was beautifully written and masterfully executed and that's why I got instantly attached to the show and the characters. So whatever I speak off in this reply please understand I do have my biases and I am not doing an objective analysis . I am just giving my opinion.
Season 2 was very different from Season 1 and not in a good way tbh, at least for me. Personally I felt the pacing of this season to be very jarring. And that's a general vibe and not because of the diaries, because to be honest I have not deleved much in the source material myself, I have read the transcribed works in parts and have listened to talks from both the show's creator and crew and people who have done research on AL, but that's like a second hand account therefore obviously those are essentially interpretations and how someone reads it might differ from how I would interpret it if I was directly interacting with the source material.  For me the show is the source material with which I've directly interacted right…so I am solely trying to focus on the show and the storylines that gets explored by it.
So when I speak of inconsistency, it's obviously not just one thing, the inconsistency was there in the way the show was scripted for this season, the way it was directed , the editing, all of it just felt off. I have read some analysis from iredreamer and natglee and they both nailed it and I've reblogged those posts they are under my gj meta tag if you want to give those a read.
But borrowing their sentiments let's talk about the storylines first- I too didn't like the dry, clinical approach that they took this season. We see the characters talking about things but they don't really take any actions to resolve that. It's like a pressure cooker situation you know. There's build up with no pay off. Also because they don't expand on certain aspects ,be it the social hierarchy or the political opinions or the personal worldviews of the characters, most of the time you draw only negative inference.
I am going to use a food analogy cause that's what came to mind while I tried analysing it. So you have all these ingredients, now it needs to be properly measured and added together in a cohesive manner, marinated and rested before you can cook so as to have tasty food otherwise it will taste bland. This happened with the show, a multitude of things were brought up, be it the individual character insecurities, the social constraints, the obvious homophobia and the ostracization that follows, the class discrimination, add to that the central relationship between Anne and Ann also was fraught with so many issues that of financial and familial legacy, desire for children and needing it to solidfy a marriage(contextually), Anne's fear of the relationship falling apart in absence of it, Anne's infidelity, Ann's constant struggle with depression and anxiety compounded by internalized homophobia, and general sense of feeling powerless in face of a overbearing family.
So many threads and none got the breathing space or the nuanced exploration that they deserved. And it's baffling to me cause season 1 explored heavy topics and did it so well, it never felt like a cliff's note version, we were allowed to experience and empathize with the characters. That's what made them believeable and relatable despite it being a period drama(and in my case even geographically it's removed from my experience and yet it was relatable!)
Also the amount of dropped plotliness makes you feel like wtf was the point of wasting time on them if nothing was to come out of it?the Sowden storyline(well no complaints there but still!), The kids accidentally witnessing the Ann(e)s being intimate, The Priestley's appearance….that one random dude threatening Anne Lister during the townhall!!!?! Umm what is happening here!
Also storywise there was a lot of rehash of the same topics that we already saw them discuss in season 1 . One might say, well it's because of the influence of the diaries, but at the end of the day this is still a TV show and the narrative needs to move forward, going round and round doesn't really help in engaging me as the audience.
Also the chronology was confusing! I noticed it mostly in episode 6 where Ann speaks of not wanting to go back to that shop where she felt humiliated, but that incident happened actually in episode 7 instead. And even in episode 8 the entire emotinal back and forth between them felt weirdly off!
SJ said in an interview, I am paraphrasing here,- this season is about seeing Anne learning to love in a different way and we will fall in love with Ann Walker as she does too-(I am in love with Ann Walker from day 1 so let's put that aside) but for the characters did it really happen that way?I don't even know. It all was left quite ambiguous …atleast that's what it seemed to me(even tho I don't know why we need to explore the did she love her or not aspect cause season 1 already happened…she can have doubts about it, but from the get go going on and on about whether she is just fond of her or whether she is actually in love…my gods what is going on here?!)
I mean all through this season in almost all of their intimate scenes(barring a couple) the conversation was so weird, was it a way to show how incompatible they are or something?! what is happening?
I mean it started off well, the first fight they had in s2 and the following conversation felt genuine and touching to me and you see that they are communicating and trying to be open about their issues and not bottling it up but it stopped happening as we moved forward into the season. I don't know what was the catalyst for that…maybe it deteriorated after Anne's infidelity? I can't quite remember but yeah even if that's the case what I am trying to say is that in the finale it all doesn't come to head and yet they somehow reconciled…like they are telling me that they understand and accept each other with big fancy dialogues, but there's not much happening onscreen to support that resolution. Cause firstly it took almost 8 episodes for Ann Walker to finally confront Anne Lister and that too she deflected! And now suddenly Ann is back to being ok with it all?! what is HAPPENING?
Another thing that confused and irked me, the conversation of not having a child and Anne's declaration of them and their relationship mattering irrespective of that and it shouldn't have to hinge upon a piece of paper or a having a child to make it legitimate and yet in the finale apparently she has definitely changed her mind about it all so much so that she says as such to Vere, who is (much like me) so taken aback by what Anne's saying that it’s mindboggling! again WHAT IS HAPPENING?!
I seriously failed to grasp the motivations behind the characters and their actions in these regards. where is the exploration to show me how the characters are dealing with difficult situations and coming to their inferences whatever it might be, it’s not that the actors are not capable of pulling off those performances or that writing cannot accomodate for that, cause they did it fine in S1... instead of just telling me! Isn't that suppose to be the advantage of the visual medium?! 
I know the storybeats already and if I want to know more I can read up on the transcribed works if need be. What I wanted from the show was an exploration of those issues, of how they dealt with it, how it impacted them! Am I asking for too much? I don't think so!
The direction and editing too was off putting to me. We lost the intimate gaze, before the camera never felt like an intrusion, rather it felt like Anne's way of communicating and sharing her experiences, we were a part of the journey, not just mere observers. But now it feels voyeuristic again(like in most other shows). it's so harsh and removed and frankly sterile. Not something I would’ve expected coming right from season 1 and I don't believe in that class of thought where hard hitting reality needs to be depicted through these kind of detached direction/editing . Then they would not have managed to tackle issues of blatant homophobia, sexual abuse, physical assaults, mental illness etc. in season 1. But they did and it never felt like exploitation for the sake of drama.
At this point I am just disappointed, the more I try to analyse it, the more visible are the discrepancies and shortcomings in this season. It's very hard for me to criticize this show because it brought a lot of value to me, both personally and creatively.
I understand the difficult situations in which this season was made. I am in no way trying to demean people's hardwork. I myself work in the entertainment industry and when people criticizes the amount of hard work one puts into making a project like this it feels disheartening but at the same time we do read up on reviews and criticisms so that we can follow through and deliver quality content to the people. And I am not saying Season 2 was bad TV or anything, it was just not upto my expectations and if they get renewed I would hope that the coming seasons would fare better with their exploration and execution(fingers crossed).
Sorry if it’s confusing as I did went off on tangents and basically it’s a rant, so it might still lack clarity, anon. But maybe I am able to atleast address some of it and I hope you get some understanding as to where I am coming from, thanks for being so patient with me.
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frizzle-tales · 2 years
“He did?” However, Jiyeon wasn’t even sure why she was surprised - of course Taehyung wouldn’t give her the opportunity to have a day off and just chat with his friend. There was always something that rained down her parade. “Yes, that is fine…” She tried her hardest to not show any disappointment.
At Namjoon’s comment, Jiyeon looked down at her plate. “I… I guess Taehyung is just worried, me being here, in a rural home, by myself…” She lied, starting to get better at telling them.
After the breakfast, she cleared the table and went to work on the tasks Taehyung had left for her. The first task was to dust and vacuum the whole home, including attic, so Jiyeon started from there.
“Wow.” She whispered at the sight of the part of Taehyung’s home that she didn’t get to see yet - after walking up the stairs she found three medium sized bedrooms, along with one large bathroom.
It was obvious that these rooms haven’t been used in a long time. Why did Taehyung live in such a large family oriented home by himself? Jiyeon didn’t really have time to think about these things, not wanting to waste any time. So she dusted and vacuumed, before following with mopping.
It was easily at least a few hours later when Jiyeon emptied the bucket and placed the broom back in its place, before she continued on the other things.
But as time passed by, Jiyeon started to feel anxiety build up in her chest - what if Namjoon wouldn’t come over again to babysit? What if this was an one time thing and they would never have the opportunity again to be alone? What if this was her only chance of getting out?
“To my understanding, the shipment should be arriving around seven. If not, there is probably some sort of delay, however, if it still didn’t arrive in an hour, don’t go looking for it. It might’ve been intercepted.” Namjoon spoke, noticing how the girl seemed to linger at the doorway. “Call me if anything else is up, goodbye.” Namjoon hung up, glancing over at Jiyeon.
“Jiyeon? You wouldn’t be eavesdropping, would you now?” Namjoon chuckled, half-joking.
“N-no!” Jiyeon stammered. “No, no, it’s not that…” She took a deep breath, before stepping forward, growing nervous with every step that she took forward.
How was she going to break the news to Namjoon? That Taehyung was a psychopath, who had murdered people and kidnapped her… It would be too much to take in, so she knew she had to choose her words carefully.
“Your phone… Could I please borrow it?” Jiyeon started, shifting on her feet. “I… I need to make a call.” She wondered if this was a good idea at all, but she was already too far to backpedal now. “Theres… there is something I know about Taehyung, and I think he needs help, he isn’t who you think he is. I know you have been friends for a while… but he has some dark secrets and… and, he needs help, to stop, we can help him, if we call the police right now.”
— 🎙
"Why do you want my phone?" Namjoon cocked his head to the side, playing along. Finally, it was happening. Jiyeon was disobeying his dear friend's rules. "What's wrong with Taehyung? Jiyeon, if he really needs help, you have to tell me."
The man didn’t hand his phone to her. Instead he slipped it into his back pocket, waiting for the young woman’s answer to his questions, hopefully containing his amusement. 
“Is he in trouble?” Namjoon took a step closer. “Has he done something terrible?”
Meanwhile, Taehyung was able to wiggle himself out of work nearly an hour early. He was close to driving straight home, having an overwhelming urge to see her again. To hear the sweet sound of her voice. 
Although, as he drove down the city’s streets and noticed a few boutique shops, he compelled himself to pull over. 
At last, the door to Taehyung’s come crept open and he walked inside. 
For a minute, something felt.. strange. It was unexpectedly quite. He anticipated the TV to be playing, or perhaps some music, but there was none of that.
The man peeled off his jacket, putting it in the closet along with something else before venturing further into his home. There, he noticed the pair he left behind idling in the living room.
“What’s this?” Taehyung grinned, crossing his arms. “Why do you look so tense, Jiyeonnie? Did you not finish the list I made for you? Tsk, I’m disappointed.. You had 8 whole hours.” He walked further into the room, catching a certain look in his friend’s eyes. 
“Or ... Did you perhaps fuck up another way, hm?” He looked to the man he had acting as a babysitter. “Namjoon?”
Finally, the guest spoke up, letting his sadistic smirk grow on his lips for the first time since meeting the young woman. “Oh, don’t I have something to tell you. Isn’t that right, Jiyeon?”
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
What is your Starbucks order? or any coffee shop order? (: A white chocolate mocha, a peppermint white chocolate mocha, caramel macchiato, and seasonal drinks. What is your dream vacation? A private beach resort where I can rent those nice beds and just lie out on the beach and have food and drinks brought to me, haha. Would you ever go on a game show? Which one? I reallyyyy doubt it, but if any I’d say Family Feud. What TV show character do you relate to most? Hmm. I don’t know. If you had to choose to be an animal, what would you be and why? A doggo. I could just chill, play, eat, and sleep, haha. 
When was the last time you wore a dress/suit? Like 6 years ago.  Have you ever been to Tennessee, USA? No. Do you prefer more mellow music or loud? Mellow. Do you get along well with your family? Yes. When was the last time you played in the snow, if ever? Like ten years ago. :( Are you clumsy? I have my moments. Does anyone you know have a birthday coming up soon? Me. Do you ever go bowling? Nah. It’s been well over a decade now since the last time I went bowling. I’ve only gone less than a handful of times, so it was never a big thing for me.
Have you ever worn a wig? Yes. I recently bought two in different colors. And I’ve worn wigs for Halloween costumes as well in the past. Do you enjoy musicals? Some. What shoes did you wear today? I didn’t wear any. Do you enjoy 60's music? Some, yeah. Do you know anyone who is a great drummer? No. Would you rather watch or play sports? Neither. Does your name have a meaning behind it? Stephanie means “to be crowned.”  Do you have a certain brand you are very loyal to? Adidas. Are you too short for the sun visor in the car to work properly for you? Yes. Do you have a favorite planet? Earth is just fine for me. How often do you spend time on Bzoink? I’ve been getting majority of my surveys from there now.  What did you last have to drink? Pepsi.  What type of movies are you most amused by? I like romantic comedies. What is your sense of humor like? Like, punny, cheesy, dad-joke humor I guess. Are you materialistic? I like to splurge on some things, like my laptop and phone. I don’t care about fancy bags or clothes. My most expensive brand is Adidas, which is pricy and cool, but it’s not hundreds or thousands of dollars. Do you listen more with your heart, mind, or stomach? My emotions have taken control the past few years even though I knew better about some things logically. I just didn’t want to see or hear it. My fears and stubbornness clouded my decisions, unfortunately, and I’m really paying the price for it now. What are some thing that fascinate you? How certain things work or came to be, psychology, animals, etc. Do you suffer from any diseases? I have chronic illnesses and a few other health issues going on currently. Have you ever broken a bed? No. Have you ever worked in retail? No. What's the strangest food combination you've seen someone eat? I know I’ve seen some combos I thought were weird or gross, but I’m blanking at the moment. Do you pick up on others feelings easily? Yes. What is your current mood? Not doing well at the moment. Do you prefer shopping online or in store? Online for the most part. I’ve done a lot of it the past few years. What did you last remember dreaming about? Something weird and random as per usual. What's your favorite condiment? Ranch. What is the last thing you borrowed? My mom’s iPad, her headphones, and my brother’s laptop. When was the last time you took a group picture? I don’t recall. Name the first person who pops in your head whose name starts with T. My grandpa, Thomas. Is there a song or songs you can rap all the lyrics to? Yeah, several. Have you hugged anyone today? No. What did you last watch on TV? As for what I last watched on an actual TV it was Family Feud earlier, but I also watched The Bear on Hulu before that on my laptop and currently I’m watching YouTube videos.  If your last words were the last message you received, what would they be? “Are you keeping this?” Ha, uh what an interesting thing to say. Are you good at keeping secrets? Yes. What last disappointed you? Myself. And with how some things are going currently. It’s like I’ll start to do better and then something happens and I’m set back. I don’t understand why this happening and it scares me. If you could see a concert of any celebrity who has passed away.. who would you like to see? I would love to see a Linkin Park concert with Chester. How many blankets do you own? Several. What was your favorite food as a child? Stuff like ramen, chicken nuggets, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pizza, Lunchables, chips and other junk food. Do you like denim shorts? I don’t wear them. What was the last picture you looked at? One my mom sent me a bit ago of something in my room. She’s going through some stuff and asked if I wanted to keep it. What's the main thing you use the internet for? I spend the most amount of time on Tumblr and YouTube. I’ve also been using it a lot for my streaming services. How many questions do you prefer in a survey? I like at least 20-25. Longer than that is cool, too. If it’s more than 100 It doesn’t mean I won’t do it, I like those as well,but it might take me a little longer. I might space it out a bit. It just depends on my mood. Have you ever made someone cry unintentionally? Yes.  Is it easy to offend you? No, I wouldn’t say that. When did you last wear a hat? A couple months ago. Do you work well under pressure? I’m a major procrastinator so I did a lot of my schoolwork under pressure and to be honest I didn’t well. Not that I’d recommend it. I put myself under so much unnecessary stress. What is something that is or was hard to let go of? I have a hard time letting go of a lot of things.  What colors do you normally use to decorate with? Uhh, it really just depends what I’m decorating. Have you ever bruised one of your ribs? Yeah. Have you ever burned yourself on a candle? The tips of my hair when blowing out birthday candles once. :X It was put out quick and I didn’t lose any hair, but I was left scared and the smell of burnt hair lol. What is one of your toxic traits? My stubbornness.  Have you ever found a skeleton while outside? Nooo.  What time is it currently? 10:48PM. How many mirrors do you have in your bedroom? One. What is something you cannot get enough of? Beach trips.
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 10x03 Soul Survivor
“Some TV show or what?” “Doctor.” “Why are we stealing blood for him? To make the demon feel human or something?” “what the hell” pimp mobile
“I feel like that car could use some suspension work. Seems kinda clapped out” “So if getting your cheeks clapped means boning, does a clapped out thing mean its pussy done blown out?” “What did he ask Sam not to go after him or something?” “Wait. It’s the guy they killed” “Oh he’s teaching the guy to do a demon deal” “What’s up with all the voice processing?” “Oh he was the one who made that deal.” “So Dean killed the guy instead of the wife, and the demon would’ve gotten his soul in 10 years, right?” “What’s up with Sam swallowing all the time? Does he have a saliva problem? He’d be terrible in Vegas. That throat thing is weird” “Finger” laughter “Jesus Christ” “If you have your own grace, can’t you regenerate it? Couldn’t he borrow some of Hannah’s grace and she regenerate it?” “Leaving anything unlocked ever is a bad idea” “hell yeah brother” “He did the Oh no she didn’t chin” “Wouldn’t that give you one hell of a headache? Because your blood pressure continues to increase? I guess idk but it seems kinda bad” “Where do demons go when they die?” We don’t know yet
“When we do find out, what is it called?” The Empty
“That was really hot fire. Was it supposed to be holy oil or something?” “Super premium” Cas is saying we can’t be boyfriend/girlfriend
“Oh are they?” No, but Hannah wants to be
“I guess I didn’t pick up on that before or now” “Can’t they heal themselves?” They’re fighting angels so it’s harder
“I guess” “Hmm” laughter
“It’s got a skull. It’s funny. I like it” “Fkn playing hide-and-seek in the dungeon now?” “Terrible haircut” “It’s somehow slightly improved from the previous episodes but jeez” “Let’s be sneaky and make a shit load of rattling noise” “What does a hammer have over a cleaver?” laughter “isn’t that bullshit though? He was reminiscing while sitting on his throne or whatever” “When was the bunker made? 1950s?” “I like how they did the audio in this one, but the alarm would be so much louder than talking volume. So I appreciate it, but it’s not realistic” “What is this fkn accent dude?” “What was he looking for?” “I don’t even remember what Sam grabbed I guess. I’m terrible at this” I don’t know what he grabbed
“But that’s what Dean was checking for, I assume” “Oh, the demon blade thing” “In this very specific scenario, the hammer is the right choice” “oh yeah. As he swipes his hair or whatever the fuck” “So what did Castiel do? That doesn’t make sense” “there’s no secondary test? It’s just this big oh shit” “Can the holy water ever become unholy?” No
“What?” “At least he’s honest” “Got my cross. Got my gun” laughter
“What the fuck” laughter
“Screenshot. Look at that lighting on this shit. How is this a TV show? It’s fucked” WHy do you think I look at so many images on my phone? “Is everything OK in Oklahoma?” “Motherfucker” “First time we see her right?”
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