#i had my dog with me and the poor baby didnt even care because of how hungry he was
ftcatv · 11 months
reminder to please neuter your cats because i cant realistically feed all the babies theyre leaving everywhere
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mcalhenwrites · 2 months
Shannon and being the "bad child"
Warning: This contains spoilers that haven’t been posted in the revised version. So unless you’ve read the original or don’t mind spoiling yourself, reading further will spoil you.
Vivian hated summer heat long before he had a Summer child. He grew up in a country with a cooler climate that had milder summers. One would think he’d hate the cold for as much time he spent outdoors instead of the shelter of a home, especially when food was more abundant to forage in summer than any other season, but that’s not how his temperature and aesthetic preferences worked out. (Also, he was better at stealing from storage or underneath tables than he was at scavenging.)
Then summer comes one night when he’s dreaming of better times and the hope that someday, he’ll have a home with Graham that they can fill with children.
His magic sensed his desires and granted him the wish too soon, and that same night, a little baby boy grows out of an oversized cicada shell.
He started off wanting to be a good parent, but the resentment that a situation out of his control happened started to seep into his treatment of Shannon.
This worsened as Shannon grew up. As children grow, they find their own frustrations - a lack of words to explain their feelings, an inability to express what they want, a world filled with more information than they can keep up with. Sometimes this leads to tantrums. This is fully expected of toddlers, and imagine one that might be more hungry or cold than his parents can deal with, because they struggled to provide basic necessities. (It should be worth mentioning that Shannon’s tantrums weren’t super bad, either. He was a quiet baby and more prone to sulking and going dead weight if they tried to lift him instead of screaming his little head off if he didn’t get his way.)
Vivian endured it surprisingly well at first - he didn’t lash out at this tiny child who could barely form words - but he still felt so much anger inside. Reminding himself that Shannon didn’t do this to punish him didnt’ seem to help, because he kept saying, “Yes, but I didn’t do this to Shannon. It’s not my fault his meals are too small, and I’m going hungry so he doesn’t.”
It got even worse when Shannon grew older. His personality and speech developed more, and by the time he was about five or six, Vivian started to expect more from him. That included patience and understanding about complex situations, and frankly, Shannon was still a child so that was too much to expect.
Shannon’s thoughts at the time were literally this: “My family is going through bad things I don’t understand, and Papa is mad at me but I don’t know why.”
Poor kid.
Then Papa says lots of mean things to him. Shannon gets naturally defensive. Who wouldn’t? He loves his fathers, he would never hurt them, but why is it his fault that they’re struggling? Why would Papa blame him?
Thing is, if you get blamed for something, you start to hate yourself for reasons you can’t quite understand, because… aren’t you innocent? So you resent the people blaming you, too.
Another byproduct of this is that after a while, Shannon thinks, “Fine, if I’m not considered a ‘good child’, what’s the point of trying to prove otherwise?”
Which leads to acting out. The “talking back” becomes a daily thing, because Shannon is arguing and is still too young to know that he’s arguing for his safety and love and place in the world.
All he knows is he’s hurting and Papa’s causing it. Daddy is unreliable because he’s either giving up against the force that is Vivian and fails to protect Shannon or even hurts Shannon too (even if he does apologize for it sometimes).
It hurts, and Shannon sees little point in bothering to be good when it doesn’t matter what he does.
Only… he’s not a cruel soul. He cares about his dog, he cares about his little sister when she is born, and he wants to have love and friends more fiercely than one could even imagine. Very specifically, he wants to be loved so much by Vivian finally that he clings to that too hard.
It’s heartbreaking for him.
Then he finds his magic, and two things happen: It’s not stable, but he still tries to make beautiful things with it.
He tries to grow flowers and proudly show Vivian. He struggles and struggles, the magic backfires sometimes and ends up doing damage, but eventually, he springs forth a patch of beautiful summer blooms.
He shows Vivian.
Vivian stomps them out and says it’s useless, why doesn’t he try to grow their food in the vegetable garden? No, wait, don’t do that, his summer magic can turn to fire sometimes and singe the plants.
Shannon cannot do anything to appease his father.
He wants friends, but he either makes friends and moves shortly after, or they end up bullying him. Everything good in his life is ephemeral; all the bad things in life remain.
Vivian dotes on his sister in all the ways Shannon has dreamed his father would dote on him. It’s hard to stomach. There are times he wants to blame Sophronia, but she’s just a baby and she smiles at him and calls him “Nanon” and he loves her so much he could crush her in a hug. She gives him kisses on the cheek and doesn’t hate him and for just a short window of his life, he knows what it’s like to be loved by someone.
Only Papa usually monopolizes Sophie’s time, he sees Shannon as the “bad child”, and Sophie is still twelve years younger and that age difference means they definitely don’t have much in common. (Though Shannon happily will play with her when he can.)
There’s no point in being the good child, though.
There’s no point in telling your parents that someone else hurt your dog when you blame yourself for why she got hurt in the first place. (“I shouldn’t have been swimming and left her on the shore”, “I shouldn’t have brought her with me in the first place”, “What if she was still alive and my magic didn’t just kill those boys but also her?”) Would they even believe you if you tried to defend yourself?
Vivian didn’t just shape Shannon, he forced him into categories where he didn’t fit, and Shannon had no means to defend himself.
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k-ru-h · 1 year
theres something to be said about inherent human kindness and art and all that
i had an absolute trainwreck of a day and an hour long gap between classes, so i decided to plop by the local art store thats too far away from my home but maybe a 10min walk from school. they had really good prices and i wanted to buy the pretty pastel watercolors for myself and my friend, to make the day less miserable.
the storeworker, a kind-looking old man (surely at least in his 60s), picked up all the aquarelle boxes, saying he didnt want me, a seemingly abled person, to have to kneel on the floor to look at them. and he told me how he doesnt stock all the colors but he explained to me in detail, umprompted, how to order them for myself, with or without paying him. and he told me how hes owned this store for 28 years and hasnt changed locations (despite the location being horrible) because hes genuinely attached to this one. this shitty, tiny little hole in the wall place with no AC or even proper ventilation. and he started talking about his days as an artist, and all the incredible people he met, and how stores from the capital monopolizing certain brands ruined his once proud selection of products, and how to properly use watercolor paper, how to use distilled water and stick to one paper brand and how his personal dream is to get his hands on the aquarelles created only by and for that one russian college, and he treated me, a fucking infant baby child (18) whos been doing aquarelles for like two days (4 years) as a genuine peer and worthy conversation partner. and i almost started crying from the genuine love i felt for him.
and the day after, i got hungry between classes and decided to stop by the bakery. the bakery itself is overpriced - for the same price as other ones, you get maybe half the product. and its been closed for tax fraud maybe a month ago.
and this storeworker is an elder woman - not as old as the artist, but surely near or in her 50s - and she sometimes wears the bracelet i made her. the other students call her the "empress" of the store (named "empress"). she is the only reason i go there, and i only go when shes working the shift. at first it was because of the free food shed give us. shed always toss in a few cookies, she even remembered my favorite, and shed wish you a "royal" day (pun intended). soon, we started going there outside of the rush hours, and actually talking to her. her dream has always been to be an opera singer, but this is a poor country, and she has a sickly mother and a son who lives abroad to take care of. but she told us she found her fulfilment in work through the kindness she spread - not just the free food, but the compliments and kind words. and i almost cry every time i remember she didnt know she was so loved by the students. when i told her everybody only goes there for her, she actually didnt believe me, and when i noticed she dyed her hair (we now have similar haircolors!), she put it down and posed in front of the little hanging mirror with the biggest smile ive ever seen on her.
and i havent seen this person lately, im assuming because i havent been to one of the two places she frequents and she, probably, has, but theres this wonderful woman - i cant tell if shes old or worn down by hard work and stress - who always has the most vibrant, colorful jewelry and carries a little cardboard box.
and she approached me one day, i was going to meet up with some friends to talk about lord of the rings, and she stopped me to tell me how beautiful my hand made jewelry was. and she was holding a puppy under one arm, almost cartoonishly, and told me all about how she used to have a jewlery stand right here in this street. all of the money shes ever made shes invested in taking care of stray cats and dogs. even if it meant shed go hungry, she always made sure the animals she took care of were fed and warm and happy. but the stand was closed because of tax issues, and no cop was sympathetic towards the little kitten or puppy shed always take with her, so she was forced to make ends meet however she could and beg for money or pet food donations. and this wasnt her pressuring me for money - i hadnt even brought my wallet that day, i had my phone and some tea. this was her genuinely just wanting to stop and compliment me, and being delighted to have someone to talk to, and whenever i see people treat her like dirt i want to cry.
my point is, i met a painter and a singer and a craftsman, and all of them were the kindest people ive ever met. and i don't really look approachable, i usually only get hateful looks in public, but these three people, with far more experience than me, just genuinely wanted to talk about the things they cared about, and what they create, and i think creation makes you kinder. i think painting and singing and crafting, no matter if its a life long profession, a dream, or a failed venture, makes you more than the summ of all your parts. or something cringe like that idfk
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kkusuka · 4 years
Haikyuu kinks setter eddition <33
here is the ace eddition 
here is the Middle blocker version
Includes: Kageyama Tobio, Oikawa Tooru, Sugawara Koshi, Atsumu Miya, Semi Eita, Shirabu Kenjiro, Kanji Koganegawa, Akaashi Keji, Kenma Kozume,  Yahaba Shigeru and  Keishin Ukai
Cw: pet play, degradation, humiliation, cock warming, cuckolding, bare baking, public sex, photography,   (those are the more serious one, every thing else should be fine <3) 
and here we go!
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oh he is so pretty
Kageyama Tobio
It goes both ways too
He could append the rest of his life in between your thighs and that’s that
But that would mean missing the slice of heaven you give him when you go down on him
And he doesn't think he could live without that, you're just that good 
Little secret for you : he will literally be putty in your hands if you suck his balls, it will literally send him into outer space 
Vanilla sex
He just likes to be in love with you 
It's his awkward version of love making, but he’ll burn up if you call it that
Just looking you in the eyes and softly thrusting in you 
Holding your hand 
Soft kisses and whispers of love 
AWWW he’s so soft for you.
This is really only foe when he wants to have sex
But also wants to watch old tapes of volleyball games
Normally tricks you into it, he’ll say he wants to fuck on the couch, y’all start to do it and he just stops gets you on his lap and watches
You don't like that too much
But when he harshly thrusts up everytime you whine telling you he won't let you cu for a week
Then you start to behave
But no worries he’ll eventually let you grind on him like whore, and he’ll play with your nipples until you've came
Your still not moving tho
Sensory deprivation 
This is a control tactic 
He goes all you for this
When he wants control he gets it 
The most common thing when this side of Kags comes out is having you kneel on the floor
Well kneeling with your legs tied in the position, your arms tied behind your back
with earmuffs and a blindfold
With a vibrator torturing your poor hole. 
Oh! And either a spider gag or a ball gag!
It's just you and never ending pleasure until he wants to indulge <3
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(look at him walking, he does it so well) 
Oikawa Tooru
Public sex & Humiliation
Specifically riding 
Sitting you on his lap and pretending nothing is going on, while he’s really 8 inches deep
He’ll make you reach down and folder his ball to help HIM get off, for you? Well i guess you’ll just have to bounce a bit now wont you!
Knowing that to everyone else you two just look like a regular couple enjoying a bowl of ramen makes him love defiling you in public even more. 
Aw. Are you embarrassed? You can’t be that ashamed if your fucking yourself on me
You never know how far he will take it either
One time when you were at dinner with Tooru and some of his friends, he had sat you in his lap and spread your legs for them to see
You were so embarrassed, even more when he started cooing in your ear about how much of a show whore you were
You couldn't look his friends in theirs eyes for a few hours
Gangbangs/ Cuckolding 
You already know he believes in sharing is caring!
And he sure knows how to share!
You're just too perfect to not share with Makki, Mattsun, and Iwa!
And have you seen his friends, you’d like to give it a try
And he practically begged you to do it, and you can't deny a pretty boys puppy dog eyes
No one can deny the puppy dog  eyes
He never thought anything could beat the feeling of being on the court, but seeing you trying to fit Mattun in your weeping hole and deepthroating iwa may just do the trick
Watching his friends fuck you may just be his favorite pass time
Cum eating 
H e  i s  a  w h o r e 
He tries to tell you it's to make you “clean” 
Yup, he sucks all of his friends cum out of you to make sure you're all his. 
Oh! Sometimes Iwa will cum in your mouth and make Tooru make out with you until all the cum is gone between the two of you!
This is practically in all aspects of life
But when hes fucking you he wants to hear how amazing he’s making you feel
Yeah, his dick hits that perfect spot doesn't it? 
He wants to hear it
He wants to hear EVERYTHING 
His hips feel good against your thighs? Say it and loudly too!
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Sugawara Koshi
Slight pet play
He really just wants someone to take care of
And what better way to do that then have his puppy by his side. 
And it keeps him grounded
He’ll be all frustrated then he just looks at you
On your knees looking back up at him
And all of a sudden everything is ok again. 
Body worship 
Mostly from him to you
He just thinks you are so perfect
Sometimes he just wants you to stirp so he can spend hours just exploring your body
He’ll lay you down and just tell you how beautiful you are over and over
When he’s in a caring mood everything he does will be accompanied with a sweet compliment 
Just let him do his thing <3
We saw this coming 
Suga-momma will do anything for you
Had a bad day, ok he’ll let you use his cock to get off
You’ll feel better. 
But, this is everyday life too
He sometimes helps dress you up.
He packs your lunch for work,  always with a little note expressing his love for you
He just loves to know that you are comfortable and that you feel loved by him all the time. 
Slight medical / doctor 
I just feel like he wants you to be “healthy” 
He’ll have a whole set up too
He’ll strap your legs up and “examine” his baby
And once he is sure all is well, 
He’ll just fuck you then and there
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if only he were real
Atsumu Miya
Dirty talk / Degradation 
This is literally cannon-
He calls you all the names in to book
The favorite? He can't bring himself to choose 
They all have different tones!
He does like to use “Cocksleve” more than often!
If you didnt know any better you would truly believe that he only thinks of you as a hole to fuck. 
“ yes, clench just like that Cum-rag, you're too good at this”
“God, you’re hole loves my cock, i should just keep you here and fuck you or the rest of your life, leave you dripping in my cum all day and night” 
He just LOVES doing this act
"Are you my slut?"
"Tell me you're my slut"
"I'm your slut"
"Say it again"
"I'm your slut"
He could live just hearing that everyday (not really but he says it to show how happy he is-) 
A built in ego boost
He loves seeing you messy and  begging
He doesn't even listen to what you're begging. More? Stop? 
Yeah well he doesn't listen anyway, he’ll do it until he wants to stop
Just hold your legs up, let him see your slutty hole and let him work
He’ll make you feel good, he always does :)
You just look so goddamn pretty
He literally makes you cry to get to comfort you
As in comfort i mean fuck you to sleep
He doesn't do it that often but he always makes it worth it when he does
Is it bad that he likes to have you sob on his dick?
He’s not a monster tho!
Your consent is key!
(we stan a king) 
Pet play 
He has a full leash for you
But when he feel especially cold he makes you eat on the floor 
And out of a bowl :(
But only when he’s in a seriously bad mood, but just having you listen to him so weak makes him feel so much better!
Just let him indulge in this, it makes him feel better that he’s in control 
Extra little thing for tsumu
He records you two 
He doesn't even bother to put them in a hidden folder either
They are just in between all the regular pictures
AND he screenshots your  your nudes, prints some of them out and tapes them to his wall
Samu thinks you look very nice :)
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he his the meaning of pretty
Akaashi Keji
He loves to have you rides dildo in front of him
Or he’ll have a bullet vibrator in you while grocery shopping.
He plugs you up anytime he’s not in you. 
You can bet that if he’s not fucking you you're either fucking yourself, or being fucked by a little machine
And there is a method to his madness
But he will never tell you
He does all of this to see you, he likes to watch you and all your faces
You just look so adorable clenching your eyes shut and blabbering about nothing 
He just like basking in your beauty  
Oh he is so precious (and so are you) 
Light bondage 
He really only does this to show control
He can't let you get too full of yourself now
You’re still all his.
And he’ll put you in your place any second
He gives you control, and you need to play by the rules
If not. He’ll just tie you up and not look at you for as long as he see fits
You should’ve just listened to him
Akaashi is constantly working!
Sometimes he just wants you near him when he gets his work done
You’re also a calming factor to him
Sometimes he get so stressed and can only respond to it by thrusting into you a few times and kissing hickeys into your neck
But after the first time, he fell in love with it!
Watching a movie? 
He wants to be in you
But he’ll hug you close and press you against him, and he’ll cuddle into you
You guys have even fallen asleep while doing it
(oh to fall asleep while cockwarming Akaashi) 
Again, he works so much
And sometimes he just doesn’t have the energy to fuck you :(
Well thankfully, he has a best friend who is always very pent up and ready to fuck!
He could tell you weren't sure at first but after him reassuring it was fine and being non-stop fucked for 3 hours by a professional volleyball player
He could tell you liked it. 
So, when he feels like he won't make you feel as good as he can, Bokuto is already on the phone walking out of his apartment!
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like a little potted plant
Kenma Kozume
Gamer boy wants you as close to you for as long as possible. 
Sometimes he resents that he streams because he can't have you on his dick
You also help to manage his game ginger
When you're there he doesn't yell as much or throw is controller 
Instead he places the remote down, he takes a deep breath and hugs you
He’s like a cat when he gets like this
He’ll be nestled in your neck- practically purring
Before continuing his game.. 
In simple terms 
He likes watching Kuroo fuck you
Like he REALLY likes seeing Kuroo dick you down
We all know he’s not the confrontational type, so when you’re being bad, his only opinion is to call his best friend
He cat tell you like it too because you take any chance you can to act up
But he always makes sure they you know your all his before the end of the night. 
Being someone whose life revolves around social media 
It is absolutely no surprise that he likes to have visal pieces of you to take with him wherever he goes. 
 He specifically likes mirror nudes, with those cat ear thigh highs that he got you.
You remember one time he went on a trip to another city and asked you to send him some stuff
And in return he sent a little video of him jacking off, and thus it became a tradition every time you were away from the other. 
Slight Pet play
Mostly leashes collars and pet names. 
he does not take it that far,but he likes to know his kitten listens to him.  
The worst it got was when he put a dog leash on you and walked you around the apartment when Kuroo was over
You did receive the teasing of your life but good kittens don't speak
And you oh so desperately wanted to be a good Kitten for Kenma. 
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Semi Eita
Under the influence 
You and I both know this man smokes-
And smoking just happens to make him horny
Like really horny
And if you're there next to him he’s not gonna jack off??
You guys have sex almost every time he smoke
And when you smoke? 
Oh he just cant help himself, you look so pretty eyes glazed over 
He’ll make you say so so much better. 
He has a folder on his computer
And another on his phone
And all saved to his cloud
Of what? 
Videos of you fucking
And a select few of sucking his dick
And what does he do with all of these? 
He watches them, sometimes with you in the room
Like you too are hanging out and suddenly he’s on his computer watching you bounce on his dick. 
Clearly he likes to have you naked on a screen somewhere
And when he’s in public he can't exactly start watching homemade porn
so , he has a solution!
Make you send as many nudes as you can before he has to go out!
He has no shame for it either
One of your more “artistic” photos became his lockscreen
Which you begged him to remove considering his bandmates had begun to make comments about it. 
Hair pulling 
He does it all the time
And he does it  so hard too
Every time he hits from behind
His hand is on your head and already pulling 
Or when you suck him off
I'll pull your hair up, then push your whole head back down 
And repeat. 
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oh my god i am in love with him
Shirabu Kenjiro
This man has a mouth
And a mean one 
AND a killer attitude
And he spares you none of that. 
He ridicules and demands, dehumanizes, and you love it
“Admit you’re just a whore, getting off on being a hole. Disgusting” 
Over the weekends, why you have nothing to do, he makes you stay around the house completely naked 
“You're flaunting all you have like a prostitute, that's what you want right? O be used like a street whore?” 
He’s just a mean guy :p
It just makes sense at this point
He really likes to makes you take off your panties when you wear skirts in public
Then he likes to have you bend down and grab things for him
He’ll have you sit, man spreading, but the catch is there is a huge hole in your pants, so anyone at the right angle can see everything. 
Of course none of this goes without witty comments and insults from bang boy. 
He loves having you weak in front of him
It’s a total power trip for him
Like everything the two of you do, it consist of you being a good whore and him being a big ole meanie
He’ll leave you tied up for hours with a fuck machine pounding your poor hole
Or hell have you with a spider gag in and he’ll make you grind into the floor
He’ll laugh at you 
Record you and he’s even sent videos of youtube some of his old teammates
This one time, he had you tied up to your bedpost and just left, he walked out of the room and you didn't even know how long it was until he came back. 
Pet play
You were mouthing off to him? Oh no they won't do
He pretty much uses it as leverage against you
Good pets so mouth off do they? 
No? What I thought.
Its a form of punishment mostly
Keeping you kneeling on the floor below him for hours while he studies
He makes you eat down there
And he’ll pet your head, but if you even think about leaning into it, he’ll stop 
He’s so mean :(
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bird boiiiii
Kanji Koganegawa
He’s a baby
A pretty baby, that anyone would like a chance to ruin. 
He probably didn't even know what is was and still agreed, but no he begs for it
And who are you to deny your baby? 
It was kinda hard at first considering he was so big, but you managed, and are very good at making him cum, like really really good. 
Hand kink 
He really just likes to see how much bigger his hands are 
He’ll grab your handd and thread your fingers together, your hands are just so soft, opposite of his
He also likes to stick his fingers in your mouth and likes when he gets to suck on yours. 
Ddlb / Dmlb
There is no explanation other then he’s baby
And he needs to be taken care of, before he dose something stupid 
And you love taking care of your overgrown baby :)
He’s all smiley and cute when you do!
How could you resist? 
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his grandpa is hotter but whatever 
you didnt see that.
Keishin Ukai
Public sex
In his store 
On the counter
Five Minutes before closing time 
It cannon
It's the risk factor for him, anyone can just walk in and see you fall apart on his cock
It's actually happened before, Shin wanted to do it and you agreed but didn't expect Takeda to waltz in and look directly at you. 
Yeah he immediately came then shoved you onto the floor to hide you from Ittetsu’s prying eyes
Daichi has also heard the two of you fucking in the gym storage closet, but chose not to say anything. 
It's like a primal urge to him
Condoms are annoying ang time consuming, you guys are gonna be together anyways might as well let him fill you like a good fuck toy
When he cums in you he also doesn't let you clean it out
He makes you stand there, face three inches away from your core, and watches his cum drip from you
Condoms won't let him do that, will they?
I mean he’s into fucking you in public, so this is pretty much a must at this point
He puts you in these positions so you have no choice but to be embarrassed
I mean what kind of slut like getting fucked in plain sight?
When you go out with him he makes you wear all these ridiculous outfits that practically show everything
And he makes fun of you when they look! 
Yes as in homemade porn
Why would he keep you all to himself?
Everyone deserves to experience that
And people love you!
If the thousands of comments and requests say anything about it!
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oh to do that to Maddog
Yahaba Shigeru
We all saw the scene with Maddog 
Come on, he’ll do that to anyone
I feel like he just likes seeing his hands around your neck. 
He likes how fail you are and how is ands just wrap around your neck
He knows where to squeeze too
He’ll hold your pressure point to the pint you think your gonna pass out
Light BDSM
Nothing to crazy, he likes having you tied up and ready that's all
Maybe eagle spread on the bed?
Or hell have you kneeling next to him, arms tied behind your back mouth ready and opened
The possibilities are endless
He likes his hands- 
But it's mostly about you
Seeing your hole up close
It sucking his fingers, like a good hole should
Plus he has better control with his fingers, so he hits all the good spots over and over until yout crying <3
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levworship · 4 years
Okay but I just read what the other anon requested and that was so good?? I didn’t think I had a thing for receiving oral but wtf 😭🤚could I maybe request smth if you got time?? Could it be a reunion between volleyball teams from miyagi and tokyo? So nekoma, fukorodani, seijoh, Johzenji (terushima’s tongue piercing PLS), karasuno, itachiyama You were the old manager of nekoma and was friends with literally everyone, during the talk kuroo somehow mentioned that in the nekoma reunion like 2 years ago it somehow ended with the main guys all taking turns eating you out and that pisses off the rest of the guys because that was their fantasy?? This ends up with you (with consent ofc) being sat down on kuroo’s lap as the guys also take turns eating you out (inspired by the other anon because 😩) I understand if you obviously can’t mention everyone, but pls mention terurshima, sakusa (who would only let you make a mess on his face) and bokuto if you could <3 ALSO the idea of two people eating you out at the same time, maybe bokuto and terushima?? IM NASTY OKAY BUT PLS DO THAT
Ty in advanceeee
i’m usually pretty fast but this took me a whole two days to write smh i’m sorry anon. hope you enjoy tho <3 i wanted it to be a lil longer but i’m so tired and i rlly wanted to get this out for you.
cw: group sex (like.. big group), hella sub reader, also fem reader, anal lol, oral (fem reviving), kuroo is the ringleader, humiliation ig, reader kinda into it doe, dirty talk, degrading + praise, squirting, overstimulation
summary: basically everyone wants to eat out/fuck y/n. explicitly written in here is kuroo, oikawa, sakusa, bokuto, and terushima. the rest is implied.
word count: about 1.9k
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your face was buried into kenma’s stiff shoulder, your whole body feeling hot as your group of friends continued to talk about you as if you weren’t even there. but clearly they hadn’t forgotten about you too much considering the way their eyes burned holes into you from all around so indiscreetly that you couldn’t even sit your ass still.
you weren’t quite sure how the previous conversation had shifted so suddenly, but kuroo seemed more than happy with the subject change as his signature asshole smirk never left his features. “- yeah, ‘bout two years ago i’d say. she was a good fuck too. poor thing was so eager to make us feel good that she passed out.” kuroo continued to drag his story as if to intentionally provoke the others, and the staring at you only got worse. your nerves were shot.
you looked and felt like a precious bunny being stared down by a bunch of wolves. and honestly? it was hot as fuck.
which is why you didn’t bother to argue when you were practically dragged into the locker room of the old gym, daichi hurriedly locking the door behind all of you. you couldn’t help but feel bad for just a second. ‘didnt some of these guys have girlfriends? couldve sworn i saw terushima enter with some girl.’ but how could you possibly focus on that when your clothes were being literally ripped off of you and disregarded to who knows where?
your legs felt weak, both out of shock and nervousness from being handled so roughly. “bring her here, bo. sit her down on my lap.” bokuto (for perhaps the first time in his life) was silent as he dragged you over to the other ex-captain, setting you down in his lap on his spot on the bench just as he’d requested. kuroo snickered and raised a hand to cup your cheeks, squeezing them together like you were a little baby before releasing.
“ease up, will ya? so damn tense i can feel it from here. you know we’ll take good care of you.” he spoke so lowly and reassuringly that you couldn’t help but to nod like a fool as he turned you around in his lap to fit the others. he tapped your thigh once, twice, and you quickly picked up on the hint and opened your legs for their viewing pleasure. you tried to put your face down as you were smothered in shame from just how quickly you got wet from their rough handling, but kuroo gripped onto your face once again and forced you to look up.
“look up, baby. so many big strong men dying to make you cum so fucking hard. be a little more thankful, yeah? say it.” “thank you.” he shook his head with a small laugh before releasing your face, but not before lightly tapping your face twice with soft slaps. still, you remained out of it even as oikawa settled himself between your legs, looking up at you with the same lazy smile you frequently saw him wearing around you.
“smells so damn good. finally gonna let me get a taste, cutie?” he spoke lowly as if he were to himself before diving in and holy shit. you figured he’d be pretty experienced. the guy was a literal chick magnet. but damn, this exceeded your expectations by far. your body threatened to curl over itself if it hadn’t been for kuroo’s sturdy grip on your twitching thighs. the way he sucked vigorously at your clit while swiping his tongue along your folds to capture more of your essence had you drawing nothing but blanks up there.
“haven’t even cum yet for us and already going dumb?” kuroo teased, planting a kiss just behind your ear, a shocking contrast to the way oikawa’s tongue worked against you just right.
the air around you was so thick you felt as if it could be cut with a knife. some of the guys surrounding you couldn’t figure out what to do with themselves, nervously shuffling their feet without taking your eyes off of you. others had clearly overcome any former shame, already slowly pumping their cocks in their hands as they hoped and prayed that they would get a turn soon. the whole scene made you feel so dirty— so wanted. the desire that leaked from their looks on you had your orgasm approaching faster than ever.
oikawa seemed to have noticed this, using his thumbs to spread your folds apart to make sure you felt him deep, muttering a quick “cum on my fucking mouth, princess.” the simple phrase alone made your orgasm crash down on you finally. your fingers tangled in his soft hair, which was now messy and tossed thanks to you.
you nearly passed out right there when he continued to lick you clean even as you violently shook in kuroo’s grasp, the black haired boy having to shove the other away forcefully just to separate his mouth from you. “that’s enough of that. did he make you feel good baby?” your eyes are still shut as you cling onto the leftover bliss, only offering a quiet “mhm.” “good girl. think you can give us another?” the question was clearly rhetorical, which should’ve been clear by the was he was already gesturing someone else forward. but still, you shook your little fucked out head ‘no’ and prayed upon some god that he’d have mercy on your poor quivering cunt.
but you knew better than to expect mercy from kuroo of all people. especially when it came to your body, when he kept whispering to you about how you were such a “perfect little toy,” and his “favorite doll to use.” before you knew it sakusa was diving into your pussy quickly without giving you time to do so much as muster up the energy to open your eyes again. his mouth was quick and desperate to get you off, moving with a sense of urgency as his hands busied themselves palming at his covered dick. he wasn’t nearly as precise or experienced as oikawa was, but his eagerness made up for it as he ate you out like a starved man.
your hips threatened to buck against his face wildly, cries of “please, please, please” falling from your mouth even though you didn’t even know what you were begging for. all you knew was that you needed more than what he was giving you right now. the man above you seemed to have read you like an open book once again as he released one of your thoughts to reach a hand around to your sensitive bud, pressing down on it softly. “see this?” he murmured, only receiving a small “hm.” in acknowledgement as omi continued his assault on your little hole. greedy fuck. “try touching her here. she loves that shit.” you cried out for more again, clenching tightly at the way he spoke of your body as if you weren’t even there.
the second sakusa tore himself away from your folds to wrap his lips around your clit, you were a goner for sure. there was a distant scream that you didn’t even recognize as your own until kuroo muffled them with his hand, body twitching and jerking more than it had the previous time. the room fell to a sudden silence even as you came down from your high, causing you to let out a confused hum.
kuroo’s chuckle broke the quietness, his large hand slapping your wet overstimulated mound and making you yelp. “didn’t know you were a squirter, baby. how come you didn’t do this for us the first time hm?” another rhetorical question. his hand trailed down lower, collecting some of your juices before he began to prod a finger at your other hole. “fuck- gonna let me bury myself in here again? want both of your holes fucked out?” and you couldn’t help but cry out because fuck yes! you couldn’t think of anything you’d want more. you nodded your head and panted like a sex craved mutt, and perhaps you would’ve been as humiliated as you were before if you weren’t so damn thirsty for it. every inch of you was begging to be ravished and destroyed, and you couldn’t help but grow more and more impatient as the time passed.
kuroo didn’t take his eyes off of you as he nodded towards the crowd once again, sakusa taking the hint and reluctantly scurrying off to palm at himself through his sweatpants just as he previously had. kuroo’s command must’ve been unclear though, as both of you were pulled away from your eye contact at the sound of a comical bonk followed by two grunts of “ow.” perhaps you would’ve laughed if the two aforementioned fools weren’t kneeling in front of your drenched pussy, ready to service you eagerly just as the other two had.
a chill ran up your spine as you surveyed each of their features. while both of them shared the same underlying expressions of lust and desperation, you couldn’t help but note how bokuto’s face resembled one of an excited puppy dog that perhaps would’ve been adorable in another circumstance while terushima’s was much more primal. “look at that” kuroo’s voice in your ear dragged you back out of your own head as he slowly sunk another finger into your tight ass. just because he was going to treat you like a whore didn’t mean you didn’t deserve prep. “making a fool out of themselves, all because they’re so desperate to get a taste of that perfect pussy. doesn’t that make you feel filthy?”
kuroo couldn’t do anything but shake his head at your lack of response, finally releasing your thighs for a moment to grab at both of their napes, silently demanding for you to hold them open yourself. “well? since you’re both so impatient, think you two can work together as a team? if i hear her complain even one time, i’m not letting either of you touch again.”
the two of them nodded obediently, and your eyes nearly rolled back at how demanding kuroo was being right now. it was clear that everyone knew who was truly holding the ropes here, and yet no one was complaining about the arrangement. seemingly satisfied with their responses, kuroo released their necks and his hands smacked yours away so he could replace them and hold up your thighs himself once again. “think you’re ready to take my cock now in here, y/n?” he smirked as he lined himself up. “gonna let me fuck this ass while you let both of them eat that slutty pussy? such a dirty girl. so fuckin’ good for us” he continued to spew filth at you as he lined himself up at your entrance, allowing you to sink down slowly.
you hissed at the stretch, but of course didn’t have much time to focus on the sensation because bokuto and terushima had finally decided that they’d been waiting for long enough. they worked diligently, the cool metal of teru’s tongue piercing flicking against your bud while bokuto slurped on your juices so loudly that the sound filled the room in the most embarrassing way possible.
yeah. you were in for it tonight.
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sorry for mistakes or inconsistencie. requests for bnha and haikyuu are open.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 3
a/n: yall i love seijoh so much like theyre my favorite school and my favorite boys and i know their names by heart and im just so SOFT for them !!!!!
also: yall will find out what other fandom ill be writing for in the future in this one
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
combined two anon requests:
- Could we get the boys reacting to finding out the seijoh manager is quite popular to both genders?? Maybe they over hear a confession?
- Why do I feel like half of the team would be all pouty when word comes around that a guy confessed to manager, the others would probably be annoyed/irritated. Oikawa being all bratty cause no matter what he tried,she never showed ant interest when he flirts. But now this boy comes alone ... (but like you said manager is too focused in school and the team)
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oof girl the world is ending
so basically,,,,,
the entire just magically knew about what happened earlier and yahaba’s theory of team telepathy really does work bc not even a minute after it happened, they all spammed you messages and next thing you knew, oikawa was naruto-ing down from the 3rd floor to your class in the first floor
tbh, they shouldve seen this coming yanno?
you were ridiculously pretty and you carried yourself w such elegance and grace that it just seemed to hypnotize everyone into stopping what they were doing and watched you in awe doing the most mundane things like walking or sitting
lmao couldnt be me
your confessions usually happened over letters bc either tol boys kunimi or kindaichi are usually around you at all times so theyre too scared to do anything
hence why your locker was always filled with envelopes yet no upfront public confessions
it ranged from upperclassmen and upperclasswomen who expressed their interest in you and wanted to date you and get to know you better
but tf you dont even know them and you werent about to date a whole stranger
this made the boys a little peeved because you were popular with both the boys and the gals so they were constantly on edge on who was talking to you
it was like having an oikawa 2.0 but not indulging them and pretending theyre not even there
like when you walk to class and sit down, they would flock over and offer you drinks and snacks but you either turned them down or just flat-out ignored them
maybe this was what fueled others on more
your reserved attitude and your refusals made it look like you were playing hard to get and it was almost like a game on who could win the heart of the princess of seijoh
this was proven really difficult because not only do they have your dismissals, you also had guard dogs at every corner and would bite their head off at the slight indication of an interaction
this morning,,,,
at 7:53 AM,,,,
they saw you walking down the hallway with a purple-haired boy holding your bag and you giggling at what he was saying
and ofc, the boys would immediately know even though theyre spread all over the school
it was kyoken who saw you as he was leaning against your locker and his eyes narrowed before he secretly took a picture and sent it to yahaba, asking if there was a new guy who entered the team while he was away
when he replied with a panicked, ‘NO WHO IS THAT’
kyoken was already advancing to you
yahaba-san immediately sent the picture to the team group chat, that excluded you rood, and oikawa wasted no time and even pushed some fangirls so he could go to you
‘-and she destroyed my sheets’
you laughed at the story and hitoshi stared at you with awe in his eyes
how can someone laugh so beautifully?
like a snort should be considered ugly and gross but it was like cute little squeaks from you and he thought you were like a fairy
‘oh god, i wasnt-’
you were cut off with a hand that held your arm
you came face to face with the glaring face of one of your boys and you immediately turned to him in concern, immediately grasping an arm with the other hand on his cheek to look for any cuts
he rarely comes to you on a normal basis so you thought something was wrong
‘whats wrong, kyo-san? did you get into a fight? do you need me to patch you up?’
he didnt care what you were saying, instead heatedly glaring at this new guy, and grunted a response to agreeing with you going to the nurse
just anywhere to get you away from this,,,, stranger
‘toshi i have to-’
then you were cut off again
from behind you, 5 tol looming figures were running towards you and next thing you knew, you were in the arms of your captain
‘oikawa-san! what are you doing?!’
oikawa held you tightly against his chest and had his arms tightly around your form to prevent you from being taken away
most of the volleyball team were now circling you and pointedly glaring at the poor boy who was so confused that he wasnt bothered by the death glares
‘oh, its you’
kunimi grumbled
‘kunimi, whats happening?’
hitoshi questioned
you fought away from the hold of oikawa and pushed mattsukawa and hanamaki to stand in front of shinsou hitoshi
‘so sorry about this, toshi. i’ll help you with your room later and ill text you when practice is finished, okay?’
you sheepishly smiled and he nodded, his own smile reassuring you
‘yep. ill see you later then’
you softly said and he turned to walk away
but as soon as he was out of sight, you turned around with a grim looking expression and your hands on your hips, a hard look in your eyes
‘boys, what was that?’
you gritted out
‘y/n-chan! don’t you see?! he was going to take you away! he was an intrude-OW!’
he yelped when you reached up and grabbed his ear before grabbing the other closest who was iwaizumi
they both whined and complained about the ear and slapped your hand but you didnt let up
‘he is a friend, oikawa-san. you have no right on who i can be friends and who i can hang out with because i still have a life outside the team!’
you scolded and the others hung their heads low like puppies
‘sorry, y/n-chan’
oikawa mumbled and iwaizumi also mumbled his apology so you let go of them, dusting off your hands
‘and the rest of you, hold back your captain and dont intimidate him like that!’
you sighed but ruffled their hair before turning to go to class
‘now, be good boys and dont bother others like this again’
they chorused and you nodded, satisfied
‘ill hold you to it!’
you shouted as you walked down the hallway
when you turned a corner, oikawa grabbed kunimi by the arms
‘you know him, dont you? who is he? what class? address? mother’s name? father’s name? age-’
‘oi stop it, shittykawa’
but despite that, iwaizumi looked at the younger, expecting answers as well
kunimi sighed
‘thats shinsou hitoshi from class 1-3. we have gym together’
and ‘we’ was kunimi and you since you were both in the same class so you constantly saw this shinsou boy?
nuh uh, dont think so, francisco
from the looks of it, you were still single and there was a pining from shinso’s part, maybe yours they dont know
and they were going to do everything in their power to keep you away from him
this was excused to them as protecting their manager from someone else and they werent going to let you be taken by someone else
during practice, they grilled you over your relationship with him
‘i honestly dont know why this is your business but if you must know, his adoptive father, aizawa-san, is my mother’s co-worker and i usually catsit for them. dont worry, we’re not dating. just friends, that’s all’
but they know it wasnt just a friendship type of situation
so when the 4 third years saw you being confessed to by this ‘friend’ outside, they almost toppled out the window as they tried to listen to what was being said
‘shittykawa get off my back!’
‘nuh uh! i want to see clearly!’
‘everyone needs to know that code red is happening!’
yall what
mattsun took a picture and sent it to the gc about their princess being confessed to 
no one replied, possibly too upset or too busy sulking
kyoken actually had to be excused outside bc he was glaring at everyone and everything and the teacher and students were so scared that they had to take him out of class
they were even more peeved when you just walked in like nothing happened
you didnt mention the confession to anyone else the whole day and when you entered the gym, it was very tense
the coaches even looked confused
‘did you guys fight?’
you questioned but no one answered
kunimi and kindaichi were playing with a ball and glaring at it as it hit the floor
the 2nd years yes including kyobabie were pouting to the side
the 3rd years looked annoyed and pissed off 
overall just not seijoh babie vibes
i am uncomfortable with the energy we have created in the gym today🧚✨
you gently said and walked to the captain to figure out what was going on
‘oikawa-san, what happened?’
‘are you dating him now, y/n?’
the seriousness in his voice shocked you and you took a step back in surprise
your expression made him think that you did accept the confession and he scoffed before walking away and doing a jump serve that sounded like a canon blasting
but you were actually confused and surprised that they even knew bc you were sure it was a secluded area where no one could see you
‘dating,,,? dating who?’
you asked to them and the 3rd years just knitted their eyebrows
‘dont play coy, y/n-chan’
oikawa hissed
‘no matter how many times i flirted or asked you on dates, you never said yes. never agreed or even showed a little bit of interest. on me!! your captain!!! but now!!! this little grape boy comes along and you suddenly start dating just because he has cats! what kinda bias is this?!’
he started ranting and whining and being a brat that you pinched his nose shut
‘oi, oikawa-san, are you jumping to conclusions again? first the hickey accident and now this?’
he made a whining noise for you to let go and rubbed his nose when you finally let go
you turned around to face the others and you sighed, massaging your temples
‘everyone, who spread this misunderstanding?’
no one pointed to anyone but their gazes settled on the thick eyebrow boy that you were sure wouldnt have ratted you out
a noise of surprise and betrayal escaped from you as mattsun quickly scrambled to get everyone to stop staring at him
you pointed at him and mattsun rushed forward to grab your hands before holding them close to his chest
‘y/n-chan, we just saw you when we were passing! it was makki who wanted to tell the others!’
the betrayal made iwa laugh but makki ran up to kick mattsun to the side
‘youre the one who committed the deed! i was merely suggesting it! it was iwaizumi who wanted to watch them first!’
you gasped at the normally chill third year and you didnt expect him to be the one who started it first
iwa panicked and held his hands out cautiously
‘y/n-chan, understand that i was just worried and i didnt want you to be outside by yourself after what happened, okay? i didnt know he was confessing to you’
you closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose tightly
‘again! whoever and whatever happens in my love life is my business! mine! and only mine! you cannot control it and get angry at ME because i do want a boyfriend and i do want to experience dating bc i want to know how it feels to be loved like that! so i wont let a bunch of children stop me from having that!’
the third years shared a look before they they gave up and nodded in defeat
but oikawa was the most offended
he whined and stomped his foot after crossing his arms and a pout on his face
you shook your head, not even bothering to answer that, and went to the others
‘dont be mad and be upset, okay? i refused him bc i have no time for a relationship when im too busy looking after my own boys. i really dont want to add another’
kindaichi and yahaba’s face scrunched as they rushed forward to hug you 
‘we thought you would leave us y/n-chan!’
‘stay as ours forever, okay?’
you were so relieved that they werent as aggressive as the oldests and gave each player their own favorite hugs
but you stopped in front of kyo, not really knowing how to hug him since youve never exactly showed any type of affection like that
so you were just awkwardly standing there with raised arms but he patted your head, you smiling and leaning more to his touch
‘hm, kyo-san, ya finally warming up to me?’
you teased but he scoffed, gently headbutting you with his forehead against yours
‘now, everyone! dont misunderstand and know that for as long as i will be a manager, i wont be in a relationship bc my time as a manager is too crucial since i would probably have to look after you so you dont get yourself to jail. a boyfriend is adding more boys in to that list and i dont want that. you will be my boys forever and i wont be taken from you so please trust on me and stop being so overprotective bc i wont give them the affection or wishes they want!’
oikawa teared up and was about to go trample you but he was held back
‘no! i want a hug! i want a family hug! cmon, iwa-chan!’
practice went by quickly but you demanded them to do 10 diving laps in punishment for all the misunderstandings theyve created 
but they gladly did it bc it meant that you wont be taken from them and you would be theirs forever and their cute manager is going to pay attention to them and them only
i got serious yandere vibes from this but its so heartwarming that theyre so overprotective and lowkey you got yourself a harem
after practice, they all wanted to walk home with you but you told them that shinsou’s house was the other direction
‘y/n-chan! you said you wouldn’t-’
you rolled your eyes
‘oikawa-san, just because i refused that confession doesnt mean i will stop earning money. i still have to catsit for his family and earn my money!’
they only agreed when kyo said that he was walking that way too but they were still weary and jealous bc he got to spend more time with you than them
as you were both walking, you looked up at him
‘kyo-san, what type of hug do you like?’
he looked down at you bc we short with wide eyes and flushed cheeks
you smiled and looked forward, skipping slightly
‘everyone in the team has their own special hugs. i want everyone to have one bc you all are individually special to me so-’
but he stopped walking and pulled arm before he lifted you up, making you squeak and wrap your legs around his waist
thank god you were wearing your tracksuit and not your skirt
bruh is it obv that kyoken is one of my favorite seijoh boys like bls love on him
he didnt want you to see his flustered expression bc he still has a reputation to uphold, yanno?
so he tucked it in your neck and you softly smiled before playing with the baby hairs at the base of his neck
‘you like this kind then, kyo-san? kinda aggressive but perfectly suits you, yanno?’
he just grunted and you laughed
he wasnt about to tell you that he liked holding you on his arms bc you were so tiny and so you that holding you like this makes him feel like he was protecting you and feel good about himself bc he gets to be the one who shields you from the world
yuhhhhh get it kyo
‘so yahaba-san told me that you got kicked out of class bc you scared the teacher and kids?’
you questioned and he left his spot on your neck and pulled his face back so you could clearly see his face
it was red and possibly flustered but you just snickered
he still held you by his strong arms so you were able to move your small hands to his face where he flinched at first but relaxed when you touched his cheeks
your fingers gently pulled the sides of his lips and you tilted your head to the side
‘you,,, look really handsome when you smile, kyo-san’
you whispered and he was so surprised that his tough mask fell and was replaced by wide eyes and his eyebrows rose up, the intimidating look disappearing from his eyes
‘i-i do?’
you bit your lip bc this was so different from the aggressive kyo you knew and you didnt expect this type of innocence that he just showed you
maybe he wasnt so innocent from the fights and arguments he has started or been in 
but he was so innocent to soft touches and compliments bc he wasnt exposed to it, only used to the ones that were said due to the aura he exuded or his looks
‘yep, you do. so keep smiling for me, kay? dont have to be around the others or all the time, but i,,, want to see it sometimes’
he blinked at you but quickly went back to your neck to hide the big smile that was threatening to come out
you felt his lips move and you laughed
‘noooo! kyo-san!!! i want to see your smilee!!! dont hide it!!!’
but it was cut short when a familiar shout was heard from the other side of the street that was near the school
it seemed that oikawa was worried about you walking alone with kyoken so he followed you both with the other third years
‘kyoken-chan! y/n-chan!’
he shouted in betrayal
you were about to get away from kyo’s hold but he tightened his grip and leaned in to place a kiss on your forehead, still staring straight at the captain
again, do you know what happened next?
oikawa screamed
this was actually pretty funny to write bc wowza oikawa is so oikawa and hes just so oikawa-like, yanno? and im still simping over kyoken and shinsou is my ult fave in bnha and i really love him like ugghhhh :’)
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20rubixcubes · 4 years
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enhypen as baristas
maknae line x gn!reader (comedy, fluff, mild angst)
~1.2k words ea (headcanons)
warnings: cursing
a/n: i just wrote this for funsies, please be mindful that there is heavy swearing in these headcanons (particularly in ni-ki’s part), so if that isn’t your taste, perhaps skip this one! other than that, the rest of this is pretty chill, so i hope you enjoy my shitposting. oh, and lmk if you like this enough to want part two with the hyung line 👀 just maybe i’ll do it
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was only recently employed as an afternoon shift employee and was both shocked and distressed after discovering the cafe didnt have an instagram
“what do you MEAN you dont have instagram??? how do we post selfies???” “sunoo we sell coffee” “NO ONE WANTS COFFEE JUNGWON THEY WANT CUTE BARISTAS”
starts an instagram for the cafe and takes aesthetic pictures of his latte art
his selfies get way more likes though
speaking of his latte art, he masters the skill like a week in and everyone else is incredibly jealous
their jealousy wears off when jungwon tells him that he has to start training the new apprentices
pretends he forgot how to do it for like a week but it hurts his pride so he begrudgingly agrees to train the apprentices instead
in his free time he can be found snapping pictures around the shop, eventually expanding to taking pictures of the others too
“sunghoon stop moving you look cute and i need to take a photo” “sunoo im holding hot milk” “does it look like i care beauty is pain sweetie”
other than that, he sometimes sits in the booths to snack on muffins and do his homework since he only comes in to the shop for about an hour during his school lunch break and on the weekends
you meet sunoo after applying for an apprenticeship, wanting to get a job before you finish high school and start college
seen as though jungwon looks like the boss, you approach him, nervous for your first shift
“i’m here for the apprenticeship program?” “oh yeah! one second!”
he trots off to the back room, leaving you standing awkwardly in the middle of the cafe
the yelling pauses before who you presume is sunoo stomps through the back room door, a scowl on his face
he spots you, groaning loudly “are you the apprentice?”
“yes” you say meekly, guilty for seeming to ruin his shift
he gestures you to follow him behind the counter, pulling an apron out from under the sink and shoving it to your chest
its clear that hes pissed, yanking his tools out from the cupboards as you tie your apron behind your back quietly
“have you made coffee before?” “only instant coffee” “oh fantastic”
he seems to be getting more irritated by the minute before he takes a deep breath and starts directing you around the machines
“to do the art, you angle the mug like this and draw with the milk, but it wont show until it reaches the top so dont go crazy”
as if its nothing, he demonstrates by drawing a perfect swan in the milk, setting the latte down and dusting his hands off
“wow… thats amazing” “i know right? no one here appreciates me enough” “they should! this is the best i’ve ever seen”
he grins at your compliment, nodding with satisfaction and sending a wave of relief over you as you notice he looks less angry with you now
“um… im sorry if i interrupted whatever you were doing before” “oh, that? i was just doing jay’s makeup” “you like makeup? me too! i’ve never seen a boy interested in it though, thats really cool” you smile genuinely at him as he blinks in surprise
“really? you think its cool?” “definitely!”
you watch the gears turn in his head before he smiles widely, seeming to have come to some kind of revelation as he nods
“i like you.”
your cheeks heat up immediately, but before you can say anything in return, he starts calling out for jungwon, leaning over the counter
“well thats up to them” he looks up from the table hes wiping down, adjusting his apron as he walks over to the counter
“so youre all finished with the course? i hope sunoo wasnt too much for you”
“i wasnt! anyways, youre employed, okay?” “sunoo stop theyre just an apprentice”
he groans loudly, irritated once more as he whips his head to you
“you have to work here, ok? i said so, so come back and apply or i’ll be mad!”
you laugh at his antics and smile “i’ll see what i can do”
after jungwon pries sunoo off of your arm, you return your apron and leave the shop with a wave
“YOU BETTER COME BACK!” is the last thing you hear as you step out onto the street, the bell ringing to signal your exit
a week later, you return to the shop, slightly anxious that your new friend(?) might have forgotten about you
but this is quickly washed away when you hear a high pitched squeal from the counter
you laugh as you approach the counter, a teasing tone on your voice
“are you supposed to be talking to your boss like that?” “whats he gonna do? fire me? im the only one who can make coffee in this place” “true”
soon enough, jungwon comes out of his hiding place, his hands clasped together
“im really sorry to ask this but please, you have to work here, sunoo hasnt shut up about you all week and i dont know if i can stand him anymore, i’ll even pay you extra please dear god”
you give sunoo a look, only receiving an innocent smile and puppy eyes back
“sure, i’ll take the job!”
jungwon sighs in relief as sunoo begins jumping up and down, yelling something about having his own little baby to take care around the shop as you groan, covering your blushing face
once you have your hours established (sunoo made you take the same as all of his, but you did the nights instead of the afternoons on the weekends, to his displeasure), you get straight to working
… well, sort of
it was hard to get work done with sunoo pestering you around the clock
“you think im cute right?” “yes sunoo” “even though i have bags under my eyes? “yes sunoo” “you promise?” “yes sunoo” “good”
admittedly he is slightly of help when it comes to the more fiddly parts of making coffee, but every other second of the day he seems to be flirting nonstop
“can i kiss you?” “no” “why not” “sunoo we’ve been over this” “BEING AT WORK ISNT A VALID EXCUSE”
worn down after his incessant yelling all day, you find yourself snapping faster than usual
“we’re not even dating, sunoo! why would i kiss you!? just stop playing with my feelings already!”
for the first time since you’ve known him, sunoo goes quiet
“why not?”
“what are you talking about now sunoo?” “why arent we dating”
now its your turn to go quiet
“do you not like me?” “what? no, sunoo-” before you can reason with him, you watch him quickly rush away from you around the counter, slamming the break room door behind him with tears in his eyes
cursing to yourself, you ensure there are no customers to serve before quickly darting after him
after looking around a bit, you hear sniffling from the supply closet and knock on the door quietly
“sunoo?” “leave me alone!”
you sigh, taking a step back and turning on your heel to face the opposite direction, running a hand through your hair as you think
you spot a dog bed at your feet, suddenly remembering that jake usually keeps his dog supplies covered in dog hair in the closet
“sunoo arent you allergic to dogs?”
“... *sniffle* y-yeah”
after you persuade him to come out by mentioning that his face is going to get all puffy, he steps out, eyes glued to the floor as he looks away from you in shame
placing a hand on his shoulder, you speak to him softly
“sunoo, look at me”
he does, hesitantly, his eyes red and watery and, as you said, puffy and inflamed
despite this, you smile
“i do like you back”
his eyes start watering again, your heart skipping a beat in fear that you had said something wrong
“e-even if my face is all puffy and gross?” his voice wobbles, the tears filling his eyes giving him a sense of vulnerability as you sigh
“yes, even if your face is all puffy and gross”
he smiles at that, shutting his eyes cutely as you press a kiss to his cheek
“and theres your kiss”
he whines “i was supposed to do that!”
“you can do it after we finish work, okay?” “WORK STILL ISNT A VALID EXCUSE…. but maybe today just because i need to ice my face” “yeah you really should, can you even see?” “no not at all” “great”
the previous manager left suddenly and jungwon was given a semi-forced promotion as he was the only employee with at least half of a brain cell
poor boy is stressed 24/7
doesnt get paid enough for this
goes through hell every day just to make sure the others dont burn the cafe down
is supposed to be on the morning shift but he stays until the afternoon
in his rare moments of downtime, he likes to go around and water the hanging plants around the shop
is that one vine where the mom listens to nicki minaj for the first time and screams “no” over and over whenever ni-ki gets control of the cafe music
is only 16 but acts like a 32-year-old father going through a midlife crisis
lifts boxes of supplies all day yet his joints are famously brittle
“hey jungwon did you hear glass shattering too?” “sorry jay that was my back” “you need to invest in physical therapy” “maybe if i wasnt paying for property damage every other week 😊”
you meet jungwon when you drop into the cafe for a croissant and a coffee before your class starts
usually you come at night maybe an hour before closing so you had never seen him before, but here you were watching this cute but clearly stressed boy scramble around the shop carrying boxes of supplies to the back
trying not to be creepy, you sigh, turning back to your phone after watching him for a solid five minutes straight
as you do, you hear a crash coming from what you assume is the supply closet followed by a disgruntled groan
pausing, looking around at the other customers typing away at their laptops and waiting for another staff member to go check on the boy, you stand up as you discern that he must be the only one working and hesitantly go to see if he’s okay
“hello? are you okay?” you peer through the door, your eyes widening at the sight of him rubbing his head with a wince on his features, supplies strewn around him at his feet and a box knocked over beside him
“ah… um, yes, i’m okay, sorry if i disturbed you with that noise…” he smiles bashfully, pulling himself back onto his feet
“do you need help with all of that stuff?”
he opens his mouth to protest, not wanting to have to ask for help from a customer, but after seeing the amount of crap off of the shelves, he realises that there is no way in hell he’s going to be able to clean all of it up alone before his shift ends
“um… is that okay?” his cheeks flush with embarrassment as you smile
over the next couple of hours you two establish a little system of bagging the spilt supplies and passes them to eachother to put in boxes, chatting never ceasing as you discover that you actually have a lot of things in common
“since you work here, what’s your favourite kind of coffee?” “i like lattes… i cant stand bitter things” “me too! my friend drinks espressos though” “ditch them”
you also find out that he started being homeschooled after becoming the manager as he doesnt have time to attend normal school
the both of you find yourselves laughing nonstop, having fun in eachother’s company
so much so that you end up late for school
“oh shit! i completely missed my first class”
guilty for making you late, he offers to take you
“i can take you?” “you drive?” “well….. not exactly”
once sunoo and ni-ki arrive to care for the shop, he takes you out to the car park, pulling a spare helmet out of his backpack and securing it on your head before giving your head a pat as he gets onto his scooter
“you look cute” “i look like a bug” “a cute bug”
once you get to school, face red after having to hold onto him the entire time, you hop off and pass him the helmet with a shy smile
“thanks for driving me” you mutter, brushing off imaginary dirt from your shirt as you do your best to avoid eye contact, your face still flushed and heart racing
is it possible to develop a crush on someone this quickly???
jungwon is so cute that he makes it possible, you surmise
“of course” he mirrors your nervous smile, a blush finding its way to his own cheeks
as you bow and spin on your heel to start walking inside, he stops you
“what is it?” you turn to him, your heart still thundering against your ribcage at the fond expression he has plastered on his features
“actually… can i pick you up? after school?”
when you pause, your face growing hotter and hotter, he begins to sputter
“i-i’m really sorry, its fine if not! that was way too forward, i just really like you and- oh god that was even more forward- um-” “okay” “yeah i’m sorry that was a stupid questio- wait, what?”
before he can say anything else, your smile widens
“i’ll see you later, okay? don’t be late!” you wave, skipping into the building with a fluffy feeling in your chest
with an awkward wave, jungwon watches you leave, his mouth wide open in shock before a grin replaces his expression
getting back into his seat, the lovestruck smile never leaving his face as he drives off, he begins to count down the minutes until he gets to see you again
works the afternoon shift
technically an apprentice but he gets paid and has been there forever so basically an employee at this point
or he would be if he ever actually made coffee
he sits with the work phone all morning and chooses the music
perpetually dancing to 7 rings by ariana grande (look up his cover. youre welcome in advance)
jungwon and jay scream at him to at least do the mopping to which he complies, but not without performing a whole ass concert with it
once they saw him twirl and dip the mop
eventually they just told him to go back to curating the music because he was scaring customers away and they were losing business
he was horrible at cleaning anyway
“hey jungwon i think i got window cleaner in your plant” “im firing you” “i dont even go here” “STOP QUOTING MEAN GIRLS AND FIX THE DAMAGE YOUVE CAUSED”
you meet ni-ki while youre drinking your coffee at a booth and he plays your favourite obscure indie song so you have to compliment his taste and get to talking
he plays your favourite songs whenever youre in the shop and audibly hisses at anyone who tries to change it
makes choreography to said songs at home and tries to impress you by casually belting it out by your booth
when you compliment his dancing and ask how long hes been practicing that choreography hes all like “oh hahaha it was just casual freestyle super easy peasy”
(hes been practicing for two weeks)
thought he was being super obvious by doing these things but apparently nOT because you have not caught the hint at all and hes getting impatient
asks for advice from the others begrudgingly
“give them flowers” “jay thats so boring” “do you want to use one of my dogs? everyone loves dogs” “wtf jake since when have you had more than one dog” “make them latte art with a heart on it” “sunoo ive literally never made a coffee in my life” “why dont you just ask them out like a normal perso-” “shut the fuck up grandpa thats so weird no one does that”
eventually he settles on sunoo’s idea of making you latte art and he embarks on his journey to make his first coffee
rather than focusing on the actual taste, sunoo tells him to just do whatever so that he can show him how to do the art
“why is it green ni-ki” “you said to do whatever” “and your first idea was to make poison? idk if this is the best idea if youre trying to ask this person out” “shut up and pass me the milk”
burns his hands on the steaming milk jug at least fifteen times and ends up with so many bandaids on his fingers
despite how stiff the bandages are on his hands, he eventually manages to make a sort-of legible heart
“it looks like africa” “have you ever had steamed milk poured on your eyes sunoo?”
poor ni-ki waits for you all day, his heart leaping every time the bell on the door rings only to roll his eyes when it isnt you
he even stays past his shift so youd better let him take you on a date or hes quitting
when you finally arrive he trips over the bucket at his feet he was using to clean and spills dirty water all over his pants
“omg ni-ki are you okay what happened” *five octaves higher* “NOTHING I'M COMPLETELY FINE WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT”
by the time he’s finished cleaning himself up (and by that i mean fixing his hair in the mirror for twenty minutes) he takes a deep breath and walks over to you, somewhat cold latte in hand
“um,” he clears his throat, his face growing red as he slides the mug towards you “i made this for you”
“aw thanks ni-ki! why is it green” “........its matcha?”
youre slightly suspicious but you look back to the mug and slowly realise that the “drawing” slightly resembles a heart, smiling a little bit to yourself
when you look back to him, youre a little confused as to why hes just standing there
“is something wrong?” you press the mug to your lips, taking a sip
“o-uh uh actually, i wanted to ask if… if you would uh maybe sort of go on a date with me”
you can only smile
“yes, but…”
his heart starts beating faster, watching you anxiously
you stand up, taking the notepad and pen from his apron pocket and scribbling your phone number
“only if you promise to learn how to make actual coffee” you wink, handing him the notepad and sauntering out of the shop
hes stood there dumbstruck, stars in his eyes at the slip of paper in his hand
but then he realises: he has a new mission
rushing to the back room, he slams the door open
“grandpa, i need you to teach me how to make coffee right now” “literally why do i pay you”
with your promise in mind, the others see him work more diligently at the counter than they ever have before
“wow youre actually working today?” “shut up i need to figure out how to do this butterfly before i pry my eyes out with a fork” “haha funny joke ni-” “did i stutter”
at the end of the week, he forces heeseung (the cafe’s best coffee maker) and sunoo (the cafe’s best latte artist) to judge his latte
“this is… surprisingly good” heeseung peers into the mug, smiling at the swan ni-ki created with the latte foam as sunoo grumbles “dont tell me im gonna have to start competing with this kid, it probably tastes gross” “it tastes amazing too” “im quitting”
with his coworkers’ notes in mind, he finally works up the nerve to send you a quick message telling you to come into the shop
when you arrive the next day, ni-ki greets you and immediately gets to work, making sure to stand as close as humanly possible to your booth so he can show off his newly acquired coffee making skills
with you only inches away, he does make a mistake and spill milk on his shirt after looking at you and not his hands for a second too long, but you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt when he sets the mug in front of you
“wow! this heart is perfect!”
you smile, looking up to him “did you seriously learn how to do latte art just so you could take me on a date?” “… y-yeah, and?”
you can only chuckle as you press the mug to your lips, readying yourself to drink liquid dirt…
“this is… really good!” you grin, taking another sip and putting the mug down on its saucer
“i think you’ve definitely earned yourself a date… or two”
at this news, ni-ki’s face lights up, shoving the urge to scream down his throat before nodding stiffly to try and contain his excitement with a strained “cool” escaping his lips
“are you okay ni-ki?” “yes just give me one second”
he quickly scrambles to the break room, a moment of silence wafting through the store before a shrill scream fills the air
eyes wide, you turn to jay, who had been manning the till, after hearing him burst into laughter
“what is he doing?”
“we told him the freezer was sound proof”
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jungwonsie · 4 years
not a request
warnings: maybe some cursive words or some words that are not written goof
note:hello people!!!i hope you liked my first post^^i am sorry i couldnt post for awhile but i will be more active from now on!also if you have any requests i uploaded my tellonym so yeah thanks again and enjoy<3 also i didnt look at this two times because i was in hurry but i will soon
members here <3
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you and jake have been friends since the begin and you were always there for eachother 
heeseung is always scared because you two seem to like eachother a lot but he knows that you love him and him only 
he trusts you but he cant help but feel anxious 
this night oh my-
you were hanging out with him and his members
you guys decided to watch a movie but they didnt have any snacks at home
so you decided to go and buy some
you asked heeseung to come with you but he was so tired :(
but you didnt want to go alone so you asked the others who wanted to tag along jake was the one who answered
you can see how mad heeseung is hwegfiu2eh 
he would litteraly glare at boyh of you <3
“its okay i will go with my bae you stay here”
he might or might not pushed him a lil away
cute lil baby he gets jealous so easy<3
at the end he will be mad at you but when you kissed his cheek and told him that you didnt mean anything only that you wanted him to rest i swear he blushed so much and kissed your forehead <3
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i swear i love jealous jay
you and heeseung were just friend i swear but oh my god our dear jay gets so jealous when he sees you two laughing or being a lil touchy with eachother 
but this time oh my-
you come over and hang out with them
you guys gathered and order food (pizza?or whatever you like0
as the food arrived there was some drinks that came with the food so heeseung as the oldest one there made the drinks (not alchohol)
he accidently poured some of the drink on your t-shirt
jay quickly got up and went to his closet to give you one of his hoodie/tshirt
but as he came back and saw that heeseung took of his hoodie (he was wearing a shirt underneath dw)
jealous jay mode turned on <3
he walked no he runned there and took you by your hand and hugged you tighly  “mine go away grrr” (barking<3) jkjk
he would probably whine so much so you ran to him and wore his hoodie (he felt better after that)
cuddles the entire time and many many kisses too 
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Okay so you and jay were very close with eachother 
but jake didnt mind it at all (cute baby <3)
but i swear when you decided to go shopping with jay and jake he would pout so much :(
like jau tries SO much to find the perfect clothes for you 
but jake wanted to do that :(
i believe that if he wanted he could knockout jay if he wanted to 
when he saw jay hugging you because he was so happy that he bought you clothes you could see jake he was so close to kick him <3
you said your thanks you to jay but he had to leave now (finally-jake)
you have to buy him food and he will feel better 
buys you more clothes even if you say no (rich rich bf <3)
you also drag him to a dog coffee and then you two had the time of yout life :(
after that he hugs you tighly and tells you that he was jealous (like we didnt know hihihihi)
you called him over your house and cuddle and kissed the whole night because he deserved it :(
he loved you so much please take care of him
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okay this lil ice prince 
you and sunoo were always close to eachother from the strat 
you and him will always look for make up and face masks products to use for you and sunghoon :(
you would always him if he wante to have face masks together or try putting him make up but his answer would always be no or maybe 
you would get upset but ofc sunoo is always there to save you <3 
the sunshine arrived <3
when he saw you and sunoo laughing together hebwas like
okay.its fine i am fine.=THAT SHOULD BE ME
next time you ask him he would be like “nonono i am sure sunoo will want it more than me” ofc he didnt mean that but ofc you left to go with sunoo
he would be SHOOKED his jaw was wide open hihihi
as youbwere waiting for sunoo to come with you sunghoon came before him and back hugged you 
“i wannadothisbutjustusplz” mumbles
he is so cute but he doesnt want to admit that he is jealous
he just want to be the only one you make face masks for and make up 
even though he doesnt like make up that much he wouldnt mind you do his make up :(
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you and nike were at the dance studio 
you two were very skilled dancers so you two decided to do some dances together 
maybe,maybe you and niki were a little touchy with eachother (not “dirty”)
but he might touched your waist a lot and yk having many physical touches 
and cute little baby would start pouting and corring his arms
after you are done from dancing you hugged niki and want to your lovely boyfriend that was watching you two dancing 
and he hugged you tightly and kissed your cheek so many times (he made sure that niki saw at least one)
“oh my y/n is really pretty and very talanted i have the best PARTENER”
yeah he made sure everyone in the building that you are his 
he would be mad at you when you two went at the dorms so made sure that you let him do your hair or do some face masks together 
if he isnt yet satisfied made sure to be preapared for many games or maybe watch his favorite drama together and cuddles all the time 
he might fall asleep with you in his arms so dont plan on leaving <3
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Okay so he might be the leader and he have to be mature 
but when he find out that myabe sunghoon have taken a liking in you he felt frustrating
one day when you came over to the dorms the boys wanted to play gamess
 so when you and the boys decided to play arm wrestling he hoped he would be at the same team with you 
luckily he got in the same time with you and was really excited <3
your team was jungwon ,you,heeseung and sunoo anf the others were jake ,niki,jay and sunghoon 
for you guys to find out who will play with who you played rock papres scissors shoot
you got partener with sunghoon 
he started feeling unwell 
as sunghoon hold yout hand to start the arm wrstili g he bite the inside of his cheek trying to control any emotion he had
sunghoon might went overboard with his strengh because you were really strong too and henwon but he made you hurt your hand in the table and it hurt  A LOT ouch<3
sunghoon and jungwom ran to get you some ice but sunghoon was a little bit faster and arrived faster than jungwon and gave you the ice 
jungwon mad asf and his jealous level on the MAX
he took the ice that jungjoon gave you and put the ice that he took 
he would stick his toungue out to sunghoon
make sure to give his huggies and all of your attention after that <3
he loves you a lot and he doesnt want to share you or anything :(
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niki knows how much you love hanging out with the members and he is happy that his partener is going good with his friends 
but when he saw that you and jungwon got closer he felt kinda sad :(
poor baby he dont want to share you with anyone :(
when you came over and decided to watch i-land with the others you sat in between niki and jungwon
you felt kinda cold so you snuggled close to jungwom 
nikis level of jealous 100%
it went worse when you started giving compliments to the others membe especially jungwon 
he pouted and hold your arm pulling you in his arms
“gimme compliments too plz”pouts
y/n is in love part 190298337646567478382903747578878378476645
you HAVE to pet his hair and give him forehead kisses and many compliments and he told you no more yang jungwon no more
ofc it was a joke but whenever you and jungwon went he would always tag along and always hug you infornt of him and gives you so many kisses <3
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mahvericks · 3 years
thankfully John had kept the dog food from his previous dog
- ik i commented on this already when u posted the snippet but this still gets me 😭
or simply because you trusted John to wake you up if another nightmare came to bother you.
- w!r trusting john enough to not only sleep in the house soundly but wake them up, the growth ✨
Satisfied, the dog came back to lay next to your chair while John walked to you, putting his hand on your shoulder, he slightly bent down to kiss the top of your head.
Isn’t he going to be bored here alone?
- no literally, ill be studying and thinking about my dog at home like what do they get up to 🧐
- ok but what if w!r got them registered as a service dog and then like the person (idk how this works but go w me for a sec) is like ok, whats their service? and w!r, straight faced, goes,” they stop me from killing people” /j
Me? Having a soft side? That’s insulting. I’m a lot of things but soft? No. ”
- same energy as that “are you the big/little spoon?” and w!r would totally be the person to say IM A KNIFE, with yelena yelling in from somewhere that theyre the little spoon
you weren’t even sure if someone else than Yelena could cheer you up
- soulmates your honor
“ What? Of course I do! ”
- hc that theyre used to having weapons on them cause yelena always has like a gajillion mini knives in her vest
Two weeks ago I didn’t even know I had someone out there that would care about me
- yelena punching the air rn
you’d look more professional with a suit
- if i, personally, was a target i would infinitely prefer someone not resembling an assassin than a 🕴
No. I’m not teaching you more about being a great hitman in a store
- you killed someone with a pencil john ✋🙄, practicallity is out the window
but had everything you were looking for in a coat, it had pockets
- the first thing they looked for was pockets. yelena loves pockets. in this essay i will-
You look like a pink flamingo.
- they’re sophisticated creatures john 🥸
Now you look like a pink flamingo too! ”
- no because why did this remind me of the “having kids with lisa” hc post 💀 where your daughter like made you a tinfoil hat to keep away aliens
Don’t let him catch you, y/n. You deserve your freedom
- bestie you captured their inner turmoil so well 😳, i was literally struggling like BRO ITS YOU OR THEM but like widows 🥺 BUT WE HAVE TO GET JOHN and i just had a full on animal muppet breakdown like AGHHHHHHHH
“ Will you be fine? Do you need backup? I can find a way to- ”
If I told you this yesterday, you would have gone after him
honestly feeling the betrayal in my bones as we speak🤝 but im happy that theyre getting closer 😃. so happy i finally got to read this bestie <3
bestie i’m gonna be honest i hate myself for mentioning daisy poor little puppy 🥲 the way i skip the scene every time i watch jw ✋🏻
r trusting her dad is just 🥰
john woke up telling himself it was his first day truly being a dad and i just- 🥲
me when i’m leaving home fr what my baby doing? is she inside or outside? is she sleeping? 😭😭
no no bestie you’re so right idc i’m making r registering the dog as a service dog at some point this is a genius idea 😭🥺
they do be soulmates 😭
yelena owns every different kind of knives and she takes as many as she can in her vest and i will die on this hill
ndjdnek she truly was punching the air when r said that 😭
NOT THE 🕴🏻😭😭😭😭 but true i’d rather be murdered by someone who look like they just got out of a party ✋🏻
and when john kill ppl with a pencil again and r totally fangirl over how badass it was then what
r loving and needing pockets bc yelena LOVES pockets yup
they do be sophisticated more than most humans eheheh 🦩🦩🦩
omg bestie what if, without realizing it, i got inspired by this 👁👄👁
harold, they’re lesbians 😳
he’s after yelena, and yelena is sacred we don’t touch yelena and r is out for blood bc no one hurts yelena 🔪🔪🔪
we feeling the betrayal 🔪🔪 i hope it didn’t feel too long to read and that you enjoyed it! i missed you coming in my inbox! <3
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okay so in one of your quarantine drabbles you write about peter having a sensory overload i think and nat asks "how long?" and then she finds out it isnt long for peter and basically im saying id love to see the aftermath of peter's long episodes- maybe he like walks into a movie night where the other avengers are hanging and didnt tell him to try and let him sleep or something? idk it may be stupid i just thought it might be cute
Thanks for the prompt, babe! It’s been a while since I looked at that one ^-^ I hope you like it!
Read on Ao3
Pairings: Momma and Baby Spider. We love us some platonic Avengers. 
Warnings: aftermath of sensory overload episode, other than that, hella fluffy
Word Count: 1869
Pretty much every time FRIDAY pops up a panel in her room, Natasha doesn’t pay a lot of attention because typically it’s something she knows already.
Not this time.
The window pops up as Natasha comes out of the bathroom, twisting her hair into a braid. It shows Peter sitting quietly by himself on the couch in the common room.
“FRIDAY, is Natasha in her room?”
She expects Peter to get up and start walking towards the elevator but instead, he stays on the couch, twisting his hands together.
“…do you think she’d be okay with me going over?”
He still doesn’t get up. Oh, Peter.
Natasha sighs and tosses the comb back onto the sink. Once arriving at the Complex, she’d had a feeling that this might happen. Considering how Peter had vanished into the lab within five minutes of arriving and only now, three hours later, has he emerged, it’s less of a feeling now.
“Do you—“
“Stop stalling, Peter, and go.”
Thank god for FRIDAY, hmm? She’s pretty certain if anyone else had tried to say that to him it wouldn’t’ve worked. The screen closes as Peter gets up with an: “okay, okay, I’m going.”
Natasha sits down on the bed and presses her hands together under her chin. “How bad is it?”
“Bad,” the AI summarizes helpfully.
“Okay,” she breathes, getting up and going to the closet.
She opens the doors and reaches up, looking for the thick comforter. She pulls it down. Perfect. It’s nice and soft and thanks to being up on the top shelf it’s nice and cool. Spreading it over the bed, she straightens up just in time for the soft chime of the door.
Natasha pulls on the fluffy grey cardigan and goes to answer. Peter looks so much smaller standing swamped in his pink sweater than he did on the cameras.
“Ms. Romanoff?” Oh, dear. “Are — are you busy?”
“Come in, Солнышко,” she says instead, stepping aside.
Peter smiles — or at least the corners of his mouth quirk up a little bit — and walks through the door, glancing around the room. There isn’t anything Natasha can see, which means Peter’s not alright.
Obviously, we knew that, and we didn’t need the confirmation.
“Of course,” Natasha said. She closed the door. “What’s going on, Peter?”
'I just, um, wanted to see how you were settling in for the night—“
Peter freezes. Then he looks over at Natasha, and swallows hard. “…sorry, habit.”
“I know.” Peter hides very well behind civility and the service mask. It’s the hardest one to take off, especially when it works so well.
“…are you settling in okay?” Case in point. Natasha’s about to chide him when she catches sight of Peter’s face. “Please?”
Natasha’s known Peter long enough to know what he’s really asking. “I’m just here relaxing, Peter, you’re not interrupting anything. I just got out of the shower when you arrived.”
She reaches out, offering her hand. Peter nods. She takes him lightly by the arm and tugs him toward the bed. “Now, what’s wrong, Солнышко?”
Poor Peter looks like he’s about ten seconds from falling over. He tries to stand up and Natasha’s chest clenches when he wobbles terribly.
“Easy,” she murmurs, catching him by the shoulders and sitting him back down, “talk to me.”
“…it’s…it’s been a really long day,” Peter mumbles, “and I, um…it started at school.”
“I see.” So more than three hours.
“And, um…” Peter hesitates. Then his arms go tightly around his waist. He laughs. For one second. Then it turns into a hitched gasp. It settles like a dead weight in Natasha’s chest.
“Obviously it didn’t go as well as I would’ve liked.”
“…oh, Peter, come here.”
Every single ounce of Natasha’s body is screaming at her to cuddle the poor kid until he can’t cry anymore. She tucks Peter’s head under her chin and works her hand under the iron grip the kid’s got on his own waist to rest on his lower stomach, rubbing softly to ground him.
It starts tensing under her hand and the hitching of his breaths makes Natasha curl her arms around him. Damn, she wishes she were better at this. All she does is clutch Peter closer as he begins to shake, making soothing noises.
“I didn’t know it was gonna be that bad, I wanted—I wanted to get work done today but I couldn’t and I just wanted to—“
“Shh, shh, you don’t have to explain, shh, I’ve got you.”
It takes a while, to neither of their surprises, but eventually, Peter stills and buries his face in Natasha’s neck, nuzzling into the collar of her sweater.
“…thank you for understanding, Nat,” he mumbles.
“Of course,” Natasha replies automatically, running her hand through Peter’s hair. As she feels Peter start to slump, an idea comes to her head. Something to help him fall asleep.
“Hey, listen,” she says softly, giving Peter’s head a little shake, “sometimes when it gets bad for me, I have this ritual of sorts. Can we try it?”
“Um, what is it?”
“Will you lie down on the bed for me?”
It takes a second, which she doesn’t mind at all, for Peter to move out of her arms and crawl to the middle of the bed. He tugs his sweater around him and lays down on his back.
“Perfect.” Natasha smiles and moves closer, swinging a leg to lie over Peter’s calves, still checking that it’s okay. She reaches forward to tug at the edge of Peter’s sweater. “Can I take your sweater off?”
“What are we doing?” Peter blurts out, tugging the sweater closer around himself.
Natasha smiles sadly. Sometimes she forgets that Peter’s still in so many ways just a kid. Even though he’s in so many ways the exact opposite. And right now, he looks every bit the scared kid who just needs a hug.
“I know that you said there’s a bit after one of your attacks, especially a long one,” she murmurs, “where it’s hard for you to remember where your body is.”
Natasha leans forward and runs her hand over Peter’s cheek. “In my experience, being close to someone afterward and knowing they care about you, after everything, makes me feel a little more human, a little more like I know I..have a body.”
“Is that why you help Steve with the whole once a week thing?”
“You mean having someone take care of you and make you feel safe and loved which is very important?” Natasha smirks as Peter starts to fumble with his hands and averts his gaze. “Hmm? Is that what you’re asking me?”
“Yes. Also why I help Steve with it. Apart from the fact that he’s a big blond puppy dog with you, he’s very good at being very pure in his affections and he loves you. So much. We all do.”
And she does have to smile again with Peter giving Steve a run for his money with his puppy dog eyes.
“…what am I supposed to say to that?”
“That you love us too?”
Peter’s face changes to scared almost immediately and he scrambles upwards. “Of course I do, did I — “
“Shh, Солнышко, I’m teasing. Of course, we know.” Peter relaxes and lets Natasha lie him back down. “You don’t have to say anything.”
She can see how hard it is for him to feel like he’s okay to relax if he keeps talking.
“Or talk, if you don’t want to,” she amends.
The room feels warmer with Peter here, like it’s trying to make itself into a nest. She takes the edge of the comforter and fluffs it, making it look like Peter’s sinking into the blanket. As she works, she starts murmuring softly.
“My ritual is to have someone else just stay with me for a little bit. Just to feel a little more human. So I just want to touch you. That’s it. Physical contact, safe, soft, from someone who loves you. Is that okay?”
She gets a nod, so she takes her hands and gently places them on the sides of his ribcage.
“…I want to touch your skin directly. It’ll help ground you. You can keep your stuff on if it helps. Is that okay?”
Another nod.
She starts peeling the sweater slowly away from Peter’s body, running her hands over the material, and placing one hand on the little bit of Peter’s waist that she can see under his shirt.
“I think I know where to avoid but if at any time I hurt you or make you uncomfortable you tell me,” she says sternly, “don’t just lie there and take it, alright?” Peter nods. “I’m afraid I’m gonna need a verbal agreement for this one.”
“Yes,” Peter says, “I promise.”
“Good job, Baby Spider.”
“Please don’t touch my wrists.”
“I won’t.” Peter takes the hem of his sweater and balls it up in his fist as Natasha’s hand starts rubbing small circles on his tummy. “You let me know if it gets bad again, okay?”
“I will.”
“Thank you,” she murmurs as she stretches to put Peter’s phone on the nightstand. “Do you want me to talk or stay quiet?”
“…don’t know.”
“Why don’t I start talking,” she says as she resumes rubbing little circles on Peter’s tummy, “and then if you want me to stop, you let me know.”
He nods.
So Natasha starts talking. If she’s being perfectly honest, she can’t really tell what she’s saying, she’s just kind of rambling. She’s much more focused on how her hands run softly over the scars and the marks left on Peter’s skin, and how Peter’s many masks slowly start to slip off, dozing under the warm light.
It’s somewhere in the middle of a story about something Clint did in the middle of their mission to Bucharest — not Budapest — that she notices Peter’s eyes are closed. She smiles softly and lets her voice trail off, only to frown when Peter blinks his eyes open and shifts.
“It’s okay, you can sleep. That’s part of it,” Natasha reassures, giving the upper part of his chest a little pat. Peter shifts back and his eyes close again, a sleepy little murmur quickly muffled by the comforter as Natasha tucks him in. “We love you, Солнышко. Sleep, now.”
“Good night, Natasha,” comes Peter’s little voice from the pile of blanket.
“Good night, Baby Spider. Sleep.”
Natasha continues to rub Peter’s arms softly and murmuring quiet words into the hushed room until Peter’s breathing evens out. She trails off again and this time, Peter doesn’t wake up.
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nocerealmilk · 4 years
things have changed
ok so first of all if you’re here from later, and you probably didn’t see it, that’s fine just scroll on by. i was having a bit of fun looking at the old memes i reblogged a couple years ago and i found this post i made which is honestly extremely sad and depressing. i made that post a couple of short months after i got diagnosed with severe fast-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder, which annihilated my metaphorical self with a metaphorical grenade, and the meat body i pilot nowadays was suffering pretty extremely because of it. the little note at the end, the “will update later” made me think though that over a year later... i should update later! it’s later now!
as we all know this year was a bitch and a half and i would not fault anyone including me for becoming a being of pure suffering. thankfully though i did not do that. i was going to a normal therapist, but in a night i spent languishing in my bed, desperate for anything to save me from the hell i was currently experiencing, i took 2000 dollars out of my now mostly empty bank account, contacted a therapist in my area that specialized in ocd, and attended ocd-specific therapy. it was exposure and response prevention therapy, which basically means i had to pet my dog while i held a knife and said ‘im going to kill you’ over and over to her. it was very scary and also kind of ridiculous, which is the whole point. suddenly it seemed kind of dumb i thought of myself as this ticking time bomb, who would someday, inexplicably, grab a knife and murder everyone i cared about - probably while crying and saying i didnt want to do that - and here i was, holding the knife, but just feeling a bit like a giant idiot doing something ridiculous. so many dog-knife-murderpetting situations (and similar situations) later and here i am, in total remission. for all intents and purposes, i’m cured. i do have a bad day here and there, but i handle it surprisingly well. my ocd therapist is probably the person i am the most grateful for in this life. unfortunately it is $200 a session and i couldn’t exactly call her up to thank her, because i am poor.
i do still feel like a baby deer standing up on those wobbly legs of mine and trying to mimic the life i remembered having before all of this. i also am still getting back into the habit of trusting myself, which is shockingly hard to do when it feels kind of like my brain decided it was going to do its own thing for several months, and could possibly decide to do so again at any given moment. and i do still have some fairly complex ptsd symtoms, which is honestly hilariously sad considering i mentally gave myself ptsd. yikes! what a betrayal by my brain upon my poor meat suit. and yeah, honestly getting some semblance of a normal life back while also not being able to grasp that normal life is a bit sad. but boy am i glad every day is no longer unending agony, and that it all feels like a nightmare i was lucky enough to wake up from.
thanks for reading who ever you are, especially if that person is me in the future several years later, who i am expecting to either be thinking “oh past me, she didn’t even realize how much better it would get after this” or “oh past me, she didn’t know it was going to all go back down the shitter at some point in the near future” (hope not) goodbye!
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hellreads · 5 years
For anyone who saw this, i urge u to read Right of Way. Okay io, my heart. First, as a jk stan, i feel like a several punches hit me from every direction. I'm the kind of reader who easily immersed into the character especially w the pronoun 'you' i feel like someone is reading me a story of my life, so yes i am bawling, usually it took me a few fluff or smut fic to simmer down the emotion but not this one. I went to bed with swollen eyes. I couldn't read a shit after that.
I will put all my answers under the cut because this is RoW and my emotions for this fic has no end T_T | 🍒
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❤️ Rara | 🍒 Io (I decided to answer it as if we’re just chatting and not hurting rip our weak hearts for RoW Jimin, Jungkook, and OC)
❤️ : For anyone who saw this, I urge u to read Right of Way. Okay io, my heart. First, as a jk stan, i feel like a several punches hit me from every direction. I’m the kind of reader who easily immersed into the character especially w the pronoun ‘you’ i feel like someone is reading me a story of my life, so yes i am bawling, usually it took me a few fluff or smut fic to simmer down the emotion but not this one. I went to bed with swollen eyes. I couldn’t read a shit after that.
🍒 : Rara, I feel you!!! I am the type of reader who hardcore immerses herself even if the main character gets killed or is a ghost because the best way for me to relate and feel everything to the core is to immerse, I can never read something as an outsider, okay maybe there’s a few I started out as an outsider but eventually caved in (even named OC fics lol, it’s fun to be someone else), sorry to break it to you but NO FIC CAN EVER HEAL THE DAMAGE RIGHT OF WAY HAS DONE TO YOU, NO FIC CAN MAKE YOU FORGET OF THE EVENTS, THE MISTAKES, THE REGRETS, THE PENANCE, THE ACCEPTANCE, THE WEIGHT THIS FIC WILL HAVE ON YOU IS TOO HEAVY YOU NEED A SUPPORT/SUFFER GROUP. 
❤️ : RoW jk is childish, to me. But maybe he is just naive or confused. For him to fall for oc but still care about sohee is kind of dick move to me, but someone once told me “we cannot choose who fall in love with, and we certainly cannot choose how it will happen either”. That’s their fates. I’m pretty satisfied w the ending bcs there’s no bad person in this story, just bad decisions. What saddens me is, it seems like only OC who pays the price.
🍒 : That is true that he seems like a childish one but isn’t that the beauty of being a child? loving without limits, with all your heart? no hesitations, just trusting that love will be kind, good, untainted even, he saw something in OC that’s why he opened up himself to her and fell for her even if we cannot fully understand the set-up they agreed to have, I hated him for staying with Sohee, I could never understand that part but then again have you seen how feral Sohee was for Jungkook? the girl would kill for the boy, she snaked her way to get him and she’d do anything for history to not repeat itself, but the gods said fuck you Sohee we’ll let the boy stray, he cheated once, he’ll cheat again, what makes you think you’re special hun? you’re right nobody is a bad person here since they’re all humans, something led them to commit the sins they’ve done in this lifetime…
Sohee’s Fault was stealing Jungkook from Seulgi, she was head over heels for him she didn’t think twice, she just wanted to get him at all costs even if it means karma will find her sooner or later, she lusted after him and eventually loved him so there’s no way she was letting go, hence, she carefully planned everything so she gets pregnant with his baby, sick right? but the reality is she’s not the only one who did this thing to their partner, she just didn’t fucking care as long as she keeps Jungkook.
Jimin’s Fault was trusting and loving OC too much he shrugged every sign of her infidelity under the rug, what a libra thing to do Jimin (I am a Libra and I can attest to this Libra trait especially when in love) he was too blinded by love that he gave her every benefit of the doubt whenever she skips dates, goes home late, always tired, even asking to be fucked dog style, sigh, he lost the love of his life to his best friend (well he lost his loves twice to the same boy) she was nothing but an empty shell pre-programmed to respond to him like a lover would and that fucking hurt, I think among the four characters here he received the most damage cluelessly, what a poor loving soul, my heart shattered for him, he only wanted to give her the world but she decided to run to a different planet.
Jungkook’s Fault was being weak and not opening himself up to Sohee, if he only opened up to her the way he did to OC then this wouldn’t have happened,  she’s always been there but something is still missing but he should’ve talked things with her instead of finding solace in the arms of OC, because of the secret class they shared they had to write something together which I think could’ve been written minus their drunken state but whoops this is their fate, maybe in another universe they belonged together and they’re trying it as well in this one? (coherence fucked up my mind so I keep thinking of alternate universes) also, Jungkook did nothing to stop the sins they’re doing, he’s into deep inside her in every sense and there was no going back, he was willing to ruin relationships and friendships but fate was cruel, he only had a taste of his euphoria before everything came crashing down.
OC’s Fault was thinking she was strong enough to fight her strong feelings and urges, she thought she was not capable of doing such thing, she wasn’t a bad person, maybe the stable relationship really got to her (long-term relationships can get boring and it isn’t pretty) and having a taste of something or someone new is titillating, also, it wouldn’t be bad right? because it’s the worst, just like Jungkook she gave in to lust, god their sexual chemistry and actual chemistry off-sex is something every lover should have except they aren’t lovers but sinners trying to milk each other everything they got before the world reveals their secrets, she knew it was wrong but she always kept coming back for more, as much as she tried to stay away and forget about everything she keeps spiraling down with Jungkook, it was no longer a mistake but a choice. ultimately, she had to pay the price because that was her predicament, she got the short end of the stick, everything was ruined for her, her relationship with Jimin, Sohee, and Jungkook.
❤️ : If i could wish for a different ending i would say a happy ending but that is unreal. I would want oc to end up w jk, sohee didnt ended up pregnant. (Thats the thing isn’t it, when u’re pregnant u’re bound for life, for the sake of the child). Maybe oc can end up w jimin, she will live her whole life as jimin wife and also as a liar. Point is, the ending is “this is bound to happen, someone have to take the bullet” n i think it’s necessary rather than satisfying,
🍒 : You’re absolutely right about somebody taking the bullet and that’s obviously OC, this is why it fucking hurts, you know for a fact that she didn’t do all of this on her own, it’s not like she forcefully had her way with Jungkook, I’m just so appalled because he was a fuckboy and suddenly lost all knowledge and imagination on this exact position “It’s actually pretty shimple… The girl is straddling the guy, her back facing him while her face is turned to the side so he can kiss her.” imo, he tricked her by playing dumb, maybe it’s true they’re tipsy but he constantly bugged OC after which means he remembers everything they’ve done that one sinful night…
~ the first ending I hoped for was Jimin and OC getting back together, I prayed so hard that he’ll have the heart to forgive and take her back but this the reality of cheating and getting cheated on, no matter how much you try to mend and put the pieces back together it will never fit perfectly again, edges now cracked and torn there’s no way their perfect relationship will ever be the same, as one of my favorite songs said “with each passing day the pain still stays the same” no matter how hard Jimin tries, his trust and love for her will never be the same, he will always doubt her and be reminded of her infidelity, it will not be a pleasant ride for them so it’s better that they didn’t end up being together because even if time heals all wounds the scar she gave him will always hurt like a salted fucking open wound.
~ the second one I hoped for was that Jungkook gives up everything even if Sohee was pregnant, this is brutal I know but if he truly loved OC he would keep his promise and be with her, with or without a child growing inside his girlfriend because it’ll never be the same for them but unlike Jimin, Sohee was willing to try and forget because he loves Jungkook too much, I applaud her for trying but I believe she will never be truly happy, she will be constantly reminded of stealing Jungkook from Seulgi, forcing their child into this world as a trap to keep him, and the devastating fact that Jungkook was willing to give everything up for OC, and that for a short period of time he loved her like the world was about to end, and end it did, Sohee won in this lifetime, suffering is a small price to pay to be with Jungkook ig, they can try but reality will come checking up on them once in a while and it won’t be fun, their relationship is damaged but for Hikaru their innocent angel they will try. 
~ the last and ultimate ending I prayed for was OC ending up alone, another savage wish because I love suffering, but this was the only way for her heart to be free from all the pain and guilt, she suffered long enough by keeping secrets and coming back to Jungkook’s arms, she wasn’t a bad person, she was just weak and lost the battle in holding tightly onto her morals because love is something you can’t run away from, yes, I believe that she and Jungkook fell in love it was evident in the incriminating poem he made her “the tiny islands of your birthmark leading me to your center like a happy trail” he paid attention to every part of her and you don’t do that to a random fuck, it was hard not to love the pair despite the sins they’ve done because fuck I’m crying again, my chest now heaving from too much pain ugh, they were perfect (these lines should’ve been on my second ending but whatever I’ll get to my point) if only Jimin and Sohee didn’t exist or sure let them join the picture except they’re just random friends, but they’re not, and that’s why it sucks that she had to endure all of this losing a lover, losing a friend, and losing a soulmate (because fuck the way Jungkook loved her screams soulmate to me except he’s tied to another T_T)
❤️ : My favorite moment would be when jimin found the poems, man it went down like I’m falling from a cliff straight into the coldest sea on earth. U know when u ride a rollercoaster, on the falling part, u feel like ur heart is at ur throat? That how i feel as jimin reads the poem. Now imagine being jimin. Imagine being cheated on in the worst way anyone could possibly imagine. He was ready to propose to oc, jk is his bff, she fucked jk while he was away, on the couch next to their photo…
🍒 : RARA, I FELT THAT, I RECENTLY VISITED A FAMOUS THEME PARK AND FUCK THE ROLLERCOASTER RIDE THERE TOOK MY SOUL, ALL I SHOUTED OUT WAS LOOOOOORRRRRRDDDDD AND I DIED ~ anyway, that poem part fucked me up, I was literally bawling my eyes out, I have been cheated on but if I happened to discover the affair the way Jimin did I would die, when I discovered my boyfriend of almost 8 years cheated on me my heart froze, literally fucking freezing cold and not a single tear dropped that day, the following days were hellish, that’s when I wanted to cry and release all my pain but still no tears (I knew it was coming I guess) ~ this is why the length of a relationship doesn’t really matter because it’s never an assurance that your partner will be faithful to you, maybe things got boring okay I admit to that but what I can never understand is, why stay and cheat and hurt your partner if you’re no longer happy.
no one owns anybody nor is anyone entitled to own anybody or have them as a back-up in case your mission to cheat or flirt fails, that is just fucking sick.
❤️ : I love it that I major in literature study, bcs i can keep my mind sane instead of just blaming myself (oc), i see it from each characters’ pov and god, the author deserves a standing ovation. This is so many asks hehe, i feel like i still have a lot to say but I couldn’t think straight right now, too clouded by the angst smoke, hehe p:s i love u more!
🍒 : ohhh that’s an interesting fact, my major and my profession has nothing to do with literature or anything, in fact, people who studied my major probs hate English ghasdjfghjdsagfhjsadgfjksd, I’m just used to seeing both sides of the story and trying to understand why they are like that, did something happen to them to end up in the situation they’re in? what is missing in their lives? what are they craving for? what tipped off the balance? nobody wanted to be in the predicament they’re in, Sohee, Jimin, Jungkook, and OC were victims of time and circumstance, just because things didn’t turn out the way you want them to doesn’t mean life or fate or destiny is cruel, this is the nature and balance of this universe, if they give everything to us freely even if we tried taking it in the most inappropriate or evil way there would be nothing but chaos, I just hope that somewhere out there our girl OC is happy and having the time of her life, I’m no longer wishing for Jimin to come back, I just want all of them to heal and learn from their experience, it’s sad and painful but they were just never meant to be, Jimin nor Jungkook was never meant for OC, OC wherever you are my love, I hope you’ve healed and loved yourself well and put back the pieces of your broken self together, love will find you and it will be beautiful.
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thegeminisage · 5 years
5 headcanons for Arthur, Merlin, Morgana, and Gwen
im doing these in reverse order bc i wanna save the best 4 last
i think she genuinely enjoys taking care of people. it’s a role she’s forced into a lot - she takes care of her dad, elyan, morgana, uther, even merlin and arthur once in awhile, even HUNITH - but i think she’s the kind of person who finds genuine fulfillment in doing that kind of thing (she picked FLOWERS for morgana just because), and if she hadn’t been the blacksmith’s daughter she would have made a fine apprentice to gaius herself
she’s a better rider than you. and arthur. and elyan. and morgana. and everybody
we never hear word one about gwen’s mom but i like to imagine she died just before gwen and morgana met (which i’m assuming happened shortly after morgana came to camelot) - and gwen, who had just lost a mother, could easily sympathize with morgana, who had just lost a father and was somewhere new and unfamiliar - and that’s why they became such fast friends
gwen is probably a few years older than morgana - i like to think she was morgana’s maidservant from the start, but i don’t think they would have let her be a maidservant to the king’s ward at age 10, so maybe she’s 3ish years older - not so much older she strays into big sister territory, but old enough to do the job required of her
nobody among the knights/guards really knew what to make of gwen or arthur’s feelings for gwen because she’s ??? just a serving girl ??? like they didn’t dislike her exactly and they respected arthur’s choice for the most part but they also didn’t know anything about her and couldn’t see why the fuck arthur would make such a stir over her when it would be so much easier not to. this changes 100% after gwen’s shenanigans with smuggling leon out of camelot; leon comes back singing her praises like ok ok i GET HER now y’all ain’t gonna believe how she got me outta that cell and on leon’s word (and because she’s elyan’s brother and he’s a knight now too) everybody else warms up to her too
this is practically canon but she’s a lesbian, obviously. gwen was the first girl she had a crush on
this isn’t a headcanon exactly but i wish bbc merlin had had a better budget because you know who deserved a black cat familiar? morgana. like, aithusa made a wonderful foil to merlin’s relationship w/ kilgarrah and i would not wish aithusa’s fate on any creature let alone some poor innocent cat, but also, the IMAGERY...it could have been so good
this is also sort of canon but i think she dresses expressively, hence the goth look after she goes evil. @dellesayah​ & i joke about her “evil girl eyeliner” in season 3 but honestly look the way the girl wears 100% black in s4 and s5 i think the eyeliner was her own private expression of her inner angry goth post-poisoning when she still had to be wearing those colorful dresses to fool everybody into thinking she was the same good girl morgana in s3
same age as arthur. idk why most fics have her being older - tho i admit her being older but still not being able to inherit the crown is a VALID source of her rage - but if she was born w/ magic is makes the most sense for her to have been born after the purge started, aka after arthur. i guess it depends on when you think uther cheated on his wife lol. but i never really thought of morgana and arthur as having like an older/younger sibling thing - to me they were more like twins, so definitely within a year of his age, whether it’s slightly older or younger depends on how you feel that day i guess
wintertime birthday. i think arthur has a summertime birthday (more on that below) so it makes her a nice balance to him in that way
the Most doting son ever. i imagine he had a few difficult teenage years (being a warlock and all) and that he still gets himself into trouble out of sheer stupidity sometimes but aside from that he was probably really well-behaved for the most part just because he didn’t wanna make his mama sad
autumn birthday, since we went there with morgana (to complete the quad in Balance, gwen’s would definitely have to be in the spring)
ok i know colin morgan had to like put on a nice “proper” english accent for the show because katie mcgrath didn’t have one but in my heart merlin sounds like a HICK (whatever the ye olde englishe/modern british version of hick sounds like, he’s it) and his accent only gets worse for all the time they’re at ealdor. like arthur THOUGHT it was bad he probably picked on merlin about it all the time but he had NO IDEA how bad it gets! none! and EVERYBODY in ealdor sounds like that except somehow EVEN WORSE! gwen and morgana think it’s UTTERLY charming but arthur is SO GLAD to get back to camelot and away from all that nonsense! and so then ok when they meet balinor in s2 (who speaks like a normal human being) he listens to merlin talk for 5 minutes and IMMEDIATELY knows exactly where the fuck he’s from. #hicksrepresent
merlin SAYS and BELIEVES he understands magic should only be used for great deeds blah blah blah but when he gets overworked and short on time, yeah, that armor’s gonna be polishing itself while he works on 4 other things at once - he just gets better at not being caught. it’s a great deed to keep arthur’s armor in peak condition, right? arthur says he’s a terrible servant but actually being magically aided he winds up being like...really good at his job, once he gets into the swing of it. he’s just fucking insubordinate always 24/7
*** ****** no i will not be taking constructive criticism
he knew they lied to him in 2.08. he always knew. canon evidence supports this in 4.03 he says “i lost both my parents to magic” listen to me he ALWAYS KNEW!!!
canon also semi-supports a summertime birthday - i read somewhere once that they made it a point to only show camelot in spring thru early fall so they didn’t have to explain why there wasn’t snow on the ground. arthur’s coming of age ceremony (which i assumed either followed or preceeded his birthday) was in the middle of season 1, which would have been mid or late summer, hence: arthur is a summer baby.
i really like the gay!arthur headcanon but i also think he and gwen have incredible chemistry and i really like their relationship so like...maybe gay with one genuine exception. also that boy EMBODIES internalized homophobia :( poor lad
fond of DOGS and sometimes HORSES but refuses to show it because that’s not very manly of him. he’s too into hunting to truly be an Animal Person but since you don’t hunt dogs or horses generally he has a very very secret soft spot
the writers didnt do this on purpose but in my heart i believe the reason he was willing to risk SO much to save mordred in 1.08 was because of what he did to that druid camp from 4.10......like at first yeah he tries to be hard-hearted about it & just do his fuckin job but i think once his conscience was tripped he couldn’t stand to see a druid kid die again under his watch for no good reason. he’d’ve never agreed otherwise, not even for a kid. he wouldn’t have ratted morgana out but he wouldn’t have helped her either
(send me a character & i’ll give you 5 headcanons)
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actual-disaster-bi · 5 years
Another late post but thoughts for episode 4:
Seeing everyone burn the dead was so sad, Sansa putting the Stark symbol on Theon's body made me a little bit happy tho, at least he died a Stark. I also liked the fact that they aknowleged that Lyanna Mormont was important to Jon's story, without her he wouldnt have been king. Jon's speach sounded very kinglike but i still dont think he will get the crown. I am glad they had Arya burn Berric, she might have hated him at one point but he died for her. They done the pairing well for that bit i think.
Jon and Dany were so awkward during the entire feast but i do feel bad for her because she is so isolated from everyone.
I knew Gendry would be legitamised, i suspected that Dany would do it because of allienced so that didnt surprise me. I would like to know what he wouldve said to Arya if he found hed before that happened tho.
Brienne played the drinking game! Honestly i expected Tyrion to ask if she had feelings for Jaime, not if she was a virgin.. But they were so happy and the way they all look at Brienne is pretty much how the entire fandom look at her.
God i love Tormund, he is so funny with Jon and his heartbreak over Brienne killed me. The Hound maybe wasnt the best person to go to tho for a heartfelt talk.
The Hound and Sansas reunion wasnt what i expected, he really is a good guy even if he tries to act mean. I dont like how Sansa says shes thankful for the things that happened to her but i guess she did have a point.
Then there was that scene... Im not surprised she said no but technically she didnt say no to him, just to being a lady. Im so sure that there is still hope for them, he might give up his title for her because i cant see her giving in to being a lady.
Brienne and Jamie finnaly got together!!! They two are so awkward but i love them so much, this seems to be the season for badass women losing their virginity to men they love and i love it.
Gotta admit i was kinda happy when Jon wouldnt sleep with Dany, i really dont like them together. Dany is getting too power-hungry, i get that shes been working for years for this but all she cares about is that throne, there's more important things than that. She always seems to turn sour very quickly when it comes to now getting her way.
The meeting was tense as fuck, and also why doesnt no one listen to Sansa. She seems to be the only person who cares about the people, when Dany came she thought about food for the people and she thought about letting them recover. The fact that Dany is trying to rush them into another battle without time to recover shows how power hungry she is.
Stark family meeting™ was so important, Arya agreeing with Jon and saying they did need her but now is the time to stop following her blindly. Also Bran its not really his choice when you say that out loud, im glad he did tell them because i didnt want him to start keeping secrets from hjs family.
Jaime telling Tyrion about Brienne was unexpected, I never thought Jaime would be seeking his approval. Bronn is back! I partly expected him to join them because he was closer to the boys but that scene shows how scared and desperate he has got.
My favourite duo is back! Im just waiting for The Hound to talk her into going back with Gendry cos hes the only one who can talk sense into her. I missed the two of them travelling together but i also think this scene hinted at the Hounds death. I think he will get injured and Arya will mercy kill him this tims instead of leaving him for dead.
Poor regal trying to be good dragon showing he can still fly, that was pretty cute.
Sansa and Tyrion are having more scenes together and i love it. Im still unsure what will happen between these two but i love how they genuinely trust each other now.
Jon and Tormunds goodbye hurt me so did his and Sam but JON PET THE FUCKING DOG. HE NEARLY DIED FOR YOU AND YOU CANT EVEN GIVE HIM A HUG. FUCK YOU.
Tyrion and Varys talking about Jons real identity. At least theyve realise that Dany is becoming a bit mad. Also im not sure if Tyriom was foreshadowing the ending by saying about maybe Cersei wins and kills them all.
Also Dany didnt see an entire fleet? From the air? Really? Seems like a bit of a plothole... Even if i hate him Eurons plan was still a good one and he managed to kill my poor baby.
Cersei is back! I missed that evil bitch, at least shes using her head by stealing Missandei. I am still unsure about the pregnancy, if its Jaime's or Euron's but i think it will probably be Euron's
I honestly feel bad for Dany cos she is losing everyone she loves but she still is annoying me because she needs everything to go her way.
Tyrion is trying so hard to believe that Dany is good but even he is getting to the stage where he cant deny that she is getting like her dad. Varys is fighting for the people and i respect him for that, i still believe him and Sansa will play Dany.
I refuse to belive that Jaime meant what he said and that he wanted to leave Brienne. I think he did that so she wouldnt follow him, to keep her safe. He was saying all the things he's done for Cersei but not what he's done for Brienne. He's lost his hand, fought a bear and countless other things, for brienne. I hope she realises he was lying.
Tyrion is really trying to see the best in people who are lost causes, first Dany now Cersei. Trying to appeal to her good side would never have worked but the child thing was a good try, she does care for her children.
I still cant believe that Missandei basically said to Dany go ahead and burn everyone. I didnt expect that from her even if she was dying. This is Danys last straw now, she has lost everyone that was important to her and she already felt isolated earlier so now shes just gonna rage.
Im not sure how i feel about that episode as a whole, especially for my ships cos that episode wasnt kind to them. I am looking forward to the last two epiodes.
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lipvincent · 5 years
hi im samuel i am feral and excited 2 write with u all . its been a minute since ive hopped on tumblr for a bit of the ol rp..... but ill give this lil personal rundown a shot
i live in beautiful sunny california baby....... soaking in the rays Mmmm-mmm life is good . im 20 n i like to eat plain oatmeal and prunes therefore my diet is that of a 90 yr old and i think thats very sexy of me . lip is a brute and rly doesnt deserve to b liked whatsoever...... lets get on w tha show...
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CIS-MALE — ever hear people say PHILIP GLASPY-VINCENT looks a lot like FINN COLE? I think HE is about 24, so it doesn’t really work. The HEAD OF A DEALING RING is here because HE’S LOCKED DOWN UNTIL HE CAN FIND BETTER SOURCES FOR HIS STOCK and they are from NEW JERSEY. They can be RESOLUTE, but they can also be DEPRAVED. I think LIP might be TIER 3 SHEPARD. 
phillip glaspy-vincent . heir to his gross fathers throne . ultimate douchebag and product of a bad decision gone extra wrong . half-brother to another delinquent
crimelord gangster mikey v had an affair w the wife (nora beatrice glaspy) of some hotshot politician staking out his competition fr a week in ny . big meeting of big men with national notoriety . nora took the pregnancy home n tried to pass the baby as her husbands son . worked fr a while until it didnt... around the age of three, poor sap puts the pieces together after a visit to the doc turns south . its a rough time for everyone involved
divorce comes swiftly and without mercy . tears up their marriage . the press crushes his mothers reputation and shreds her self esteem in countless records of newspaper shaming and petty broadcast reports . its humiliating n they end up moving from manhattan to a far off district in new jersey, holed up in the only apartment she can afford (and is struggling to consistently secure rent checks for) . lots of government disputes, money problems, etc
hes six when his mom takes a bath that lasts a little too long . walks in on her and shes already dead . the blade is rested on the edge of the bathtub and is collected by the police once he works up the courage to dial 911 . chides himself to this day for takin so long because he was covered in his own snot on some nicotine stained tile in the middle of who knows where…. n now his whole lifes been hollowed out to tha flippin core . he hasnt cried since then and frankly ? i dont think hes going to unless he is actually throwing a goddamn tantrum.... which he has the tendency of doing
authorities track down his only living biological parent . in comes mikey fr round two . they drop lip off like a poorly delivered fedex package…. be careful! fragile! bt none of tht shit is heeded in the slightest so does it even fcking matter? hes raised alongside his half sister n though they have varying personalities n clashing morality…. they actually get along quite well n are stable sources of support fr each othr on a daily basis
mikey is as hes expected to b . terrible guy . head of the dealing ring which lip is taking over on the downlow nowadays . hes real good at it n models after his father in being a snake oil salesman….. slowly picking up the slack n is becoming one sadistic yung man w a taste for nothing bt horrible news . he doesnt realize hes taking on characteristics of his dad and doesnt want to in the first place bc its the last thing he ever aspired to end up like . he is vry bitter abt it and by being somewhat aware of his dickish behavior it accelerates the process of becoming Even More of a Dick
he wears a lot of suits bt dresses them down….. plain t-shirts n black trousers . has two big white dogs that he walks around w sometimes and they arent vry nice & have to have muzzles on them 24/7 (nobody knows where tha fuck they go when he isnt walking them… fair to assume his buds take care of them for him) . still plays neko atsume . has buried more bodies than hell ever admit . talks to everybody like they are his absolute bitch . adores lesley gore and ballroom dancing . has driven a car into a lake on multiple occasions to show crazed dominance over the rest of his posse whom follow him around n tend to come in 3s (notable names r sweeney, klautz & don) . carries a gun w religious symbols on it…….. kinda like in leo dicaprios romeo + juliet (keeps tht sucker under his pillow tho…… fr everybodys safety) . wears ski masks most of tha time and gets attached to ppl really easily but would never admit it . hes kind of like a date? the fruit…. except a sour date with a mushy pit and the skin sticks to ur teeth when u bite into it. a date gone rotten . a rotten date :)
anyway . this is supr rushed . blease………. 
i vant all ze connections n that isnt an exaggeration in the slightest im a hongry little stinker so give em UP!!!!!!! give this post a like n ill come barreling towards u without mercy POW POW POW like that....
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tessxomarie · 6 years
Saving You - Part I
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*Hi everyone! First, I need to shoutout @hellosupernaturaldoctor​  for giving me advice and the confidence to even attempt this. This is my very first time writing any fan-fiction and the first time I’ve decided to post any of my writing some place other than a word doc. I’ve had this idea for this story since mid-season of the Mayans, and after the finale I put all my thoughts into a story. It starts off slow, but I promise what I have in store next will be worth it! PS, Any feedback is appreciated! - This story takes place a few months after the season one finale. Ez is now a newly patched in member, Alvarez is still working for Galindo; things have been quiet as of late, well for the most part.*
It’s a Friday afternoon, I’m just getting off of work. It’s hot as fuck outside – guess that’s the price you pay when you live in the desert. I lazily gather my purse from the backroom, before I step foot outside, I redo my hair. What was once a cute pony tail this morning has turned into a mangled mess. As my luck would have it, my hair tie snaps as soon as I go to wrap it around a third time. “Fuck.” I mumble to myself. I always wear an extra hair tie on my wrist, but I cannot have a naked wrist. “Fine, a mangled mane I will have. It’s fine, it’s fine.” I whisper to myself. If I don’t leave here now, I will lose all sanity I have left. Man, what a shit show day today has been, this heat must be getting to the kids. Two broken wrists, a broken arm, a no helmet incident and a random summer cold. I didn’t get puked or shit on, and no kid attempted to kick or hit, so I call today’s shit show a success. Just as I’m about to leave, one of my co-workers stops me, “Leah, good work today. You kept that broken arm kid really calm. Keep it up.” Elena tells me with a smile. “Thanks, Elena. I’m just doing my job, but I always welcome feedback, so thanks again.” I say to her as I head out the back door. It’s 4:30pm, I’ve been on the clock since 6am, one would think I deserve to simply go home and use my complex’s pool – oh one can dream. But nope, I’m still on the clock but I guess you could call this gig more of an always “on-call” service.
I pull up in my old school blacked out Jeep Grand Cherokee about twenty minutes after I leave the clinic to the Romeo Brothers Scrapyard, also known as the headquarters for the Mayans MC.  
Chucky greets me, per usual. “Greetings Nurse Aleeah.” He says to me with a big smile and a salute. I let out a giggle as I always do whenever someone says my full name…I rarely ever go by it, but around here, I hear it more than I have in years. But Chucky, oh Chucky– how does one describe a chronic masturbator who has a good heart and is part of the biker world without truly being a biker? I guess I just did, didn’t I? “Hey Chucky, how are you?” I ask as I park and exit my Jeep. “I am well, swell actually. I have no complaints today.” Chucky answers with a big smile. “Good, I’m glad to hear that.” I say as I give his arm a friendly squeeze. “The boys need your assistance, I don’t know details but clearly someone got messed up hence why you are here.” Chucky explains in typical Chucky fashion.I roll my eyes as I stand in front of the clubhouse. “It’s always something with these boys, huh?” I rhetorically ask. Chucky nods his head and heads back to the office. I walk up the steps and take a deep breath before I enter the clubhouse. This club is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the fuck you’re going to get so it’s best you just grin and bear it. Is it just a cut from a broken beer bottle? Did a fight break out and there is blood everywhere? A bullet wound? A stabbing wound? A rat bite? Like I said, you just never know. I open the doors and pray today is nothing major. “Have no fear, your favorite RN is here.” I announce as I enter the clubhouse and strike a pose in the doorway.  “Umm, isn’t it RN BSN?” Riz corrects as he stands and greets me. “Have I told you that you’re my favorite?” I reply with a playful wink and smile, it does make me truly happy that these guys acknowledge and are proud of my accomplishments. “Hola Aleeah.” Riz says to me while we greet with a warm hug, per usual. “Hey, I spy my favorite nurse!” Gilly shouts from across the room. Creeper, Hank and Taza also wave from the card table. “Greetings gentlemen, you all seem to be in one piece.” I say as I mosey around the few tables between me and the guys. “Although that pleases me, who is the one who called up 1-800-Rescue Nurse?” I sarcastically spit, which receives some laughs from the guys. “They’re in church.” Hank points towards the door. “They? Plural?” I ask looking at Riz, and he nods to confirm. “Jesus Christ.” I say palming my face. “Lee Baby!” Coco shouts from exiting church and walking over to me with open arms. “Ah, Coco Loco.” I reply with a smile and we hug. “How are you doing, Coco?” I ask after we break our embrace. “A lot better than your next two victims.” He replies, him not making much eye contact and that just gives it away – I know automatically who my victims are. “You gotta be kidding me? They got into it again?!” All Coco does is nod and look down at the floor. “How bad?” I ask. “What do you mean? How bad do they look? Or how bad is it between them?” Coco asks me. I shake my head with disgrace. I angrily take my steps towards church and I aggressively open the door. “Damn, she is pissed.” I hear Creeper’s echo as I close the door, as soon I enter the room. Looking at the table, I see them. One is at one end, the other one on the opposite end. I drop my nurse’s bag on the table and cross my arms. “You two have some damn nerve - getting into it again. Jesus. You’re fucking brothers, you are blood – blood don’t do this shit.” I yell with anger and confusion. Silence fills the air as the guys look at each other and up at me. Bishop then looks over to me and quirks an eyebrow and half smile. “Excuse my poor manners, Bish. Your boys tend to make me lose all sanity I have left at the end of a work week.” I tell him as I walk over and give him a warm embrace. “Oh Leah, you’re fine. I know this shit has been out of control recently.” Bishop pauses and looks over to the guys. He takes a deep breath. “I’ll let you handle them now. I’ll be outside if you need a referee.” Bishop exits and I just stand there, crossed arms again. Both boys refuse to look me in the eye, but instead stare each other down. “Are you just going to stand there?” Angel seethes. I let out a sarcastic laugh. “Give me one good reason as to why I should fix the both of you up? Huh? Because as I see it, this is the fourth time this month…THIS MONTH!  Angel, please, humor me and explain to me why the fuck I should tend to your wounds yet again? Maybe if I let you both be, you’ll learn these fights aren’t worth it.” I take a deep breath myself, and I run my hand through my tangled hair, which I then end up putting up in a pony tail right after, I’ll just have to remember to find another hair tie to wear on my wrist later.   “Alright, I’m sorry I went off. You two, you two just frustrate me.” I say holding my hands up mimicking a surrender. I take another breath and look between the boys. My gaze is drawn to EZ, probably because he’s the easier one out of the two. “Okay, EZ, I see that nasty cut on your cheek, oh and your hand – good going big brother.” I say as I look over to Angel. He looks away the moment I look his way. “Shocker, EZ gets to be first yet again.” Angel chirps. “Seriously?” I snap. “I’m over here fucking bleeding, I could be dying but all you and anyone ever cares about is Ezekiel.”   “Shut it Angel, just shut it, please.” I beg. I start to tend to EZ’s war wounds; some cuts, a nasty one on his cheek – I’m guessing Angel’s rings got the best of him this time around. EZ, he doesn’t say much this time I’m here. I know that he feels the same way as me – he’s tired of this back and forth shit with his brother. “EZ, no more. It’s one thing when you all call me to take a bullet out, or to give a rabies shot, but this shit – playground fights, I’m done.” I explain as I place the last bandage strip to his cheek. EZ doesn’t make eye contact, and his jaw is clenched. His knees shaking. “I know, Lee. I’m sorry you’re doing this again.” EZ tells me as he finally meets my eyes for the first time. EZ, he’s easy to read. He wears his emotions in his eyes, his eyes right now are filled with pain and sadness. This whole feud with Angel, it’s taken a toll on everyone in this club. It’s been almost eight months of this fuckery. “Remove the bandage Sunday night, it needs about 48 hours to heal. If you feel the need to remove it beforehand, clean it thoroughly. Have some of your favorite tequila tonight, and you will be good.” I tell EZ as I throw away the things I used to care for him. “Thanks, Lee.” He says as he kisses me on the cheek and walks somberly out of church. My heart aches for EZ, because the pain – physical and emotional is all over his face and body. Angel hasn’t taken his eyes off of the wall nor has he spoken. I slide my bag down the table as I slowly make my way towards him. Rubber gloves are on, and I grab his face. “Let’s see your damage.” I say, like a dog would when a human goes to check their mouth for something, Angel gives me a little tension as I touch his face. Again, no eye contact. A look of annoyance screams from his expression. I see a nasty cut on the side of his head, by his eye – a sensitive area which bleeds more than most. A black eye is also forming. “Jesus Christ, Angel.” I say examining the cut a little further. “This has to stop. I’m begging. I cannot deal with looking at you two like this, because my fear is that one day, I’m going to be too late to help any of you.” “What if it is?” He spews. I scoff, “No more.” Is all I manage to say. I take out an alcohol swab to clean out his cut. “This is going to sting, on the count of three – one, two, three.” I say as I then put the swab against the cut. A loud hiss comes from Angel and an instant reaction of mine is to grab his face and blow lightly at the cut, helping the sting not be so painful. Angel’s eyes then lock with mine, a look of shock and confusion fill his brown eyes. Angel and I, we’ve had a very interesting relationship since I first came to Santo Padre. He gave me an attitude and I gave it right back – he seemed more pissed off when I talked back than just walking away, and the more I talked back, the more tension built up between us. We started out on the wrong foot, and that’s how we have remained. He lets me care for him, depending on the time of day. Sometimes he lets his girlfriend, well I think she’s his girlfriend, Adelita, clean him up. Today, for whatever reason, he stuck around the clubhouse. I continue to blow on his wound, and I wince back in pain for him because I know it had to sting like a bitch. “Uhh, sorry. It’s a habit of mine, when I treat the kids, I have to do this; they hate it too, so that technique helps them...” I ramble and look away because I sense a bit of embarrassment, as I’ve never been “nice” to Angel. I look and reach back at the table to grab what I need next, just as I turn to face Angel again, I notice a very small smile on his face. “What?” I question, because seeing him smile legit concerns me. “It’s nothing, Leah.” He says monotone and lets me continue working on him. A few more minutes go by, and I determine that he doesn’t need any stitches, just a little butterfly work on one of his eyebrows. “Okay, that’s all. No stitches today, that cut on the side of your face, it’s a sensitive area that bleeds more than most. Your eyebrow cut, it’s an awkward cut – it’s ugly but not ugly enough for stitches. My only request is when you clean it out, could you please use both water and soap?” I emphasize. I know how these guys operate. They either use a dirty rag or tap water to clean themselves up. I turn to clean up my stuff and Angel lets out a minor laugh, which catches me off guard. I look at him and quirk an inquisitive look. Angel stands up, he turns behind his chair and lightly pounds his fist to the back of it. “You sounded just like my ma.” He tells me, in the softest voice I have ever heard Angel speak in. I offer him a small smile as I already know what that history is. Angel leaves church, and per usual no other words are spoken, no thank you’s, nothing. I stay behind a few more moments and collect my thoughts and belongings. I hear the door open, at first I’m startled but relieved it’s just Bishop. “How we doin’, sweetheart?” He asks. I let out a very deep sigh and my facial expression tells my feelings of this whole ordeal. Bishop can’t help but laugh, “I know, Lee. I know.” He tells me as he pulls me in for a hug. “I just need to go home and lay in bed and watch a trashy romcom.” I exclaim as I grab my bag. “I think you’ve deserved that, but before you go – you have a visitor.” He tells me. A look of a deer in the head-lights flashes across my face, who the hell could be visiting me? “Just come with me.” Bishop motions for me to take his hand and follow him. Nerves take over, with the Club, you never know what can happen. As I exit the room, I see the guys scattered all over the clubhouse yet all eyes are on me. “Your visitor is the biggest pain in my ass, so make it quick.” Bishop says, but I catch his playfulness I his voice and I look to the bar and I see who Bishop is talking about – Marcus Alvarez.
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