#i had so much fun in whiteboard today
ickyguts · 1 year
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Your out of context whiteboard scribbles for the day
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yvesbuprofen · 4 months
I've been regularly taking melatonin lately, and I've been having the best sleep ever, unfortunately there's also the horrors (very vivid nightmares I don't want to talk about)
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
ouhohoohh wait. sorry gender moment. changing my pronouns but it's like a werewolf transformation scene where their clothes stretch and rip and tear as i become the evil transtrender i once feared. adding it/its to my bio lol
#makes me feel like im a dog getting scratched on the head it feels affectionate and familiar and nice#which is generally the opposite of how ppl view those pronouns but hey who give a shit#it's like. idk. it's nice being treated like a creature sometimes. like the opposite of if you cant beat em join em#like on purpose dehumanization. i am detached from this shit entirely#look if im gonna feel like the Other all the time i might as well be treated like an Entity yk#kinda works for me im realizing#which is weird bc it's never really struck a chord with me. but ig i never really considered it that much before now#and i mean ig thats the fun/trouble with genderfluidity is the impermanence thing. gotta keep checking in on it#and neopronouns have never really worked for me but they isn't really great either (except for the once in a blue moon where it's perfect)#but i still need smth neutral... yeah.... yeah ok#ok!!#yeah.... gender getting weirder by the day all right!!!#not getting rid of the other pronouns im just adding to them lol#wow yeah. i feel way more seen like that rn wowza. ok#probably not an always thing bc nothing is with this godforsaken gender (affectionate in a shitty first car way)#but like. yeah :)#at least something came out of today (<- was supposed to do like 8 things and did not)#got mildly upset early on and everything just fell apart. whyyyyy im gonna fail my french exam TOMORROW#did not study hhhhhhh but whatever#i was so ready and willing too i had a fucking plan i erased the rgg guys on my whiteboard (rip) to draw a chart and everything#whateverrrrrr it's fine. augh
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a-little-unsteddie · 10 months
stuck in your throat || a/b/o
hi so today is @lexirosewrites’s birthday today and like,, idk three or so weeks ago she followed me (hi lexi <3 happy birthday <3 hope today has been fun <3) and to celebrate both of those things i started writing an omegaverse fic, and i wanted it done by today but it is grew a mind of its’ own and now it’s much bigger than i thought it’d be so instead of the full fic, have a snippet <3
again, happy birthday lexi <3
“Hello?” Steve answered, having learned to not open the call with who was answering without knowing who was calling from one too many scam calls
“Is this Steve Harrington?” A soft feminine voice asked, taking Steve by surprise.
“May I ask who’s calling?” Steve asked, not willing to concede his identity until he knew it wasn’t someone looking to sell him ‘Alpha Pills’ or something just as ridiculous.
“Of course! My name is Chrissy Cunningham, you sent in an application for being a full time nanny and tutor?” She responded with a cheerful voice. “I can’t <i>really</i> go much more in depth without an NDA being signed.”
Recognition zapped through Steve’s body and he sat up in his seat. “Oh! Yes, I’m Steve. Um. I’d be happy to sign an NDA, just may I ask why?”
“Yes, you may! My client is a big fan of privacy and only agreed to hire someone if they were under an NDA for the protection of their pup.” aaand all of Steve’s anxiety surrounding the NDA pretty much melted away. Sure, maybe it was a bit much to do, and sure, now he was dying with curiosity to know just <i>who</i> he had ended up applying to, but the knowledge that the NDA was for the protection of the pup soothed any anxiety Steve had originally felt about signing an NDA. In fact, it kind of made his omega perk up. He shook off the feeling, focusing on Chrissy.
“That’s actually really relieving to hear,” Steve said with a laugh. “When or where can I sign the NDA?” he questioned, wondering when Robin would be home so he could tell her.
“Well, first, you and I will do a preliminary interview, just like any other job interview. Then, if all goes well, I’ll send you an email containing the NDA for you to review and sign,” Chrissy explained clearly and cheerfully. “After you sign the NDA, my client will perform an in-person interview and then we’ll go from there.”
“That all seems pretty straight forward so far,” Steve replied, standing from where he had been lounging on the couch. He walked to the kitchen, where he and Robin had put up a magnetic whiteboard calendar to fill with each of their schedules and plans. He grabbed the blue marker, his color, and prepared to jot down when they’d have the interview.
“Perfect! Happy to hear it,” Chrissy said with an audible smile.
“When will the interview with you be?” Steve asked, biting his lip as he stared at the calendar, which had sparsely been marked with his blue marker, even since starting this job hunt. Robin’s plans were in red, and was much more abundant due to having three part time jobs.
“Well, as soon as possible, really. If you’re available now, we could take care of it right away.” the woman responded, sounding like she was walking into another room.
“Oh!” Steve exclaimed, recapping the marker and returning it to the pen holder. “Yes, of course. I’m available now.”
“Perfect!” Chrissy’s voice sounded from Steve’s phone as the omega walked back to the living room and sat on the couch. “So, starting off pretty easy here, what made you apply for this position?”
Steve thought back and grimaced at the reminder that it was Robin who had submitted his application to this particular job. He wasn’t about to admit that, though, and quickly found a more appropriate response.
“Well, I love taking care of pups, and I just got my teacher’s license a month ago,” Steve explained, which wasn’t a lie, so he figured it was probably as good of an answer as any. “I also saw that this job traveled, and my best friend thought that it’d be good for me.”
“Yes, that was going to be part of this conversation, too. So, you’re obviously alright with the traveling, then?” Chrissy asked and Steve heard what he thought could be pen scratching as she wrote notes. He swallowed thickly, suddenly anxious about what she was writing. He decided to ignore his anxiety, even as his scent soured around him with it.
“Oh, yes, traveling is more than okay,” Steve agreed immediately, “but it’s more important to me that I’ll be taking care of a pup, if I’m honest.”
This statement seemed to pique Chrissy’s attention, as the writing stopped for a moment. “Why is that?” she eventually asked.
Steve winced, wondering if he should be up front about it or not. If Robin were here, she would insist that he was honest. He decided on a half-truth.
“I’ve always wanted pups, and a lot of them,” Steve admitted, fidgeting with a loose piece of thread on the couch. He switched which arm was holding the phone, as he had started to get a little sore from holding it up for so long. “But I don’t have a partner, so I can’t really have my own right now. I discovered through babysitting for one of my neighbors that I have a knack for taking care of pups.”
The scratching noise was back as Chrissy listened to his responses. Steve was nervous he wasn’t doing well, but figured that it wasn’t going bad if she wasn’t suddenly calling the interview short.
“Your resume says that you’re good in high stress situations,” Chrissy said after a couple seconds of silence as she wrote down whatever notes she was taking. Steve briefly wondered if he should be doing the same thing. “I’m going to give you an example scenario, and you’re going to tell me how you’d respond.”
“Sounds simple enough,” Steve agreed, trying not to let his voice betray how anxious he was.
“For the sake of simplicity, we’ll say the pup’s name is Rosie,” she informed him before she continued to describe the scenario. “You’re taking Rosie to the park, when suddenly there is a crowd of people surrounding you and you lose sight of her. What do you do?”
Steve thought the scenario was odd, but not ‘out there’ enough to alarm him. He thought about his answer for a moment before replying.
“I would try to follow her scent, first, because that will usually lead me to any pup I’ve babysat. If that doesn’t work, I will call out for her. If the situation is bad enough, I would contact the authorities, and either you or Rosie’s father.” he paused for a second before continuing, trying to make sure he covered all of his bases. “But honestly? If Rosie is small enough, I would have rather carried her once I saw the crowd, or hold her hand, for the reason of lowering my chances of separation.”
Silence that’s only broken up by the scratching of pen against paper followed, and Steve was suddenly anxious that he answered incorrectly. He answered what he would do if it were his own pup, but what if that wasn’t right? What if he wasn’t cut out for this job?
“Alright, next scenario,” Chrissy said, moving swiftly onto the next one without commenting on his answer; Steve didn’t know if he preferred her not acknowledging it or if he would prefer to be told his answer was shitty up front. The next few scenarios were just as oddly specific, but Steve answered them exactly as he did the first one. He tried to not overthink his answers too much because between each one there would be a stretch of time that Chrissy used to presumably write his answers down.
“One last question and then we should be good to move forward.” Chrissy said a good twenty minutes of questions later. “When would you be available to start working?”
Steve’s eyebrows raised, surprised that he was seemingly, maybe being offered the job. “Um—immediately. I would need time to pack, but other than that, I’m free.”
“Wonderful,” Chrissy said cheerfully. “Alright, now it’s your turn. Do you have any questions for me?”
Steve hummed, trying to go through his usual list of questions he asked during interviews that hadn't already been answered and came up empty. “Not at the moment, but I’ll make sure to write any I think of down, if I do.”
“Perfect! So, I will consult with my client, and I have a few other applicants that are interested, but so far, you are my top pick, but I don’t make the decisions,” Chrissy laughed, as if Steve was in on the joke. He laughed with her, not knowing what else he should have done. So, maybe not a job offer, but it sounded promising anyway. “I will be in contact in a few days, three at most.”
“Sounds good, thank you so much for considering me, Chrissy,” he responded with a smile, hoping to leave one last good impression.
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felassan · 27 days
Snippets. 🐺💜
Corinne: "PC has been a priority for us! It’s heartening to see so many PC champions on the team working hard to make this a great experience" [source]
Corinne: "Enjoy shield-bashing and drop-kicking hurlocks off the ramparts! Don’t forget to toss that shield around too" [source]
User: "I love that they chose a no mage party to showcase. 😂 The two companions thing had me a little worried that I’d have to take a warrior and a mage into battle with my Rook rogue all the time." / Corinne: "We know players get attached to certain characters, so while there are benefits to having one of each class, it’s completely viable and intended that you can find synergies with a variety of party comps" [source]
Each Background has a specific last name, very much inspired by the approach in Origins [source]
Corinne: "We’ve put a lot of effort into ensuring our gameplay and customized difficulty options allow players to find something comfortable and engaging for themselves. I’m sure you’ll do great! It was one of the biggest challenges in designing the combat system, as we know the Dragon Age player-base has a wide range of motivations and expectations." [source]
Corinne mentioned to a user who said that they prefer a warrior/mage experience but without all the slash and spin of rogue attacks that they might enjoy the Warrior Reaper spec [source]
Hrungr noticed that it looks like you can hide your armor as well as your helmet [source]
Mary: "True fact: For the longest time, in the DA writers' pit, we had "It has been __ (usually 0) days since someone mentioned cannibalism" on the whiteboard." [source]
Gabe, posting the release date reveal trailer: "My friends, I have made an effort to avoid shilling too much here so that when I do, it'll be worth it. I love this game and the team that brought it to life so much." [source]
Bryce: "if I may workpost for a sec, I'm forever grateful for days like today when I get to gush about dragon age with the fans this community is so welcoming and my heart is so full today 💜" [source]
The ray-tracing NVIDIA video from earlier this week that showed mage combat was showing early-on mage combat [source]
Blair: "the achievement names include some personal career highlights for me." [source]
Trick on the podcast: "The [DA:TV game] writers were pretty tapped with other stuff at the time, sadly, but I think it came together great." [source]
Though neither option is wrong or evil, making Cole more human in DA:I leaves him sadder [source]
John: "honestly it’s a very strange feeling to go from a half decade of ‘dragon age? maaaaybe we’re making a new one? tee hee’ to actually being able to talk about it" [source]
John: "been busy all day so I just got to read some of the reactions to the DATV combat showcase. I am incredibly proud of this team and I’m thrilled to see people excited about it. even after spending every day with it for the last 5 years I still love playing it." [source]
John: "being creative director means i work with pretty much every single department and team on the project. everyone brings creativity and innovation to their roles and the project would be nothing without them (and it)" [source]
John: "am I playing our game for fun on a Friday night, I certainly am. romancing my own companion to do one last check to make sure all the conditionals work. folks it is a very strange thing" [source, two]
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lonesome-witching · 1 year
You Rule
Thank you for the prompt from @1-800-eat-shit and the tweet it was based off. I had some struggles writing this one but one of my friends said it was good so blame her if you hate it.
You can send prompts or read the previous ones I wrote.
“And another one bites the dust.” Robin pulled up her whiteboard and added another tally under the words ‘you suck’ that she had written with care. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Steve crossed his arms over his chest. “Easy for you to laugh about it. You don’t know the struggles of picking up girls.” 
Robin raised her eyebrows with a smile on her face. “Did your fragile male ego get bruised by the fact you suck?” 
“That’s it! If you know so much about flirting why don’t you do it? Next customer is all yours.” Steve grabbed his hat and threw it on the floor. 
“Maybe I don’t want to flirt with anybody.” 
“Okay, if you get the next customer’s phone number, I’ll close up for a week.” 
“But if you don’t, you get rid of that stupid whiteboard and you stop making fun of me for the rest of the summer.” Steve retrieved his hat from the floor and held it to his chest with a smirk on his face. 
“Fine.” Robin sighed as she switched places with her coworker. 
She tapped her fingers on the counter staring at the people that passed the ice cream parlor. Most of the teens were rushing to catch the matinee showing of whatever movie was playing and the few that didn’t simply didn’t pay Scoops Ahoy any attention. 
An old man shuffled toward the entrance and Robin worried he’d come up to her and ask for a waffle cone with one scoop of mint chocolate chip. Was the bet still on if it was a retired man that couldn’t walk properly anymore? What if it was Erica and her goons? They came over nearly every day and today she hadn’t seen them yet. 
The old man turned left right in front of the entrance and Robin exhaled in pure relief. Relief that was short lived when, from somewhere behind him, Nancy Wheeler walked into Scoops Ahoy with big steps. Fuck! Fuck! Shit! Fuck! 
She might be a total priss but she was also one of the prettiest girls in all of Hawkins. Scratch that, THE prettiest girl in all of Hawkins. And she was about to flirt with her. 
“Hi, can I get a waffle cone with a scoop of strawberry ice cream, please?” Nancy’s eyes were focused on the display of tastes, her finger pointing towards the bright pink ice cream. 
In a normal world Robin would simply nod and comply. She’d hand over the cone and wish for their fingertips to brush against each other as Nancy grabbed the treat. But this wasn’t a normal situation. She knew Steve was standing somewhere near the partition that separated him from this trainwreck and he must be snickering. 
“Of course, gorgeous. Anything else? Sprinkles, maybe?” Robin tried not to look at Nancy as she spoke, instead opting to focus on her ice cream scooper and the waffle cones that stood on the counter. 
“Oh uhm, no.” Nancy stammered out. When Robin looked up she saw a soft shade of pink covering her cheeks. Shit, was she making her uncomfortable. “No, I’m good.” Nancy added with a soft frown on her face. 
“Are you sure?” Robin asked, she was bent halfway into the display, her scoop in hand. 
“Huh?” Nancy replied. 
“You know what, I’m gonna give you some free sprinkles. How about that?” 
Robin poured a generous amount of rainbow sprinkles on the ice cream. “There you go.” This time she purposefully touched Nancy’s hand as she handed over the ice cream and her heart nearly beat out of her chest. “That’ll be 1.25. And perhaps your number… You know, for the sprinkles.” 
She must be as red as a tomato at this point. There was no way that prissy, perfect Nancy Wheeler would give her number. No way in hell. 
“How about I pay for the sprinkles and don’t give you my number?” Nancy searched through her purse, one hand gripped the cone. 
That sounded about right. “Oh, you are breaking my heart here, Nance.” Robin tried to play it off. She tried to not let the comment affect her as much as it did. She tapped the changes into the register, regretted it and tried to erase them. The register refused to do what she asked and she started hitting the side of it. 
“Fuck!” She shouted, startling Nancy. “No, sorry. The register just won’t… 1.25, please.” 
“And the sprinkles?” Nancy asked. 
“Those are on me, as promised.” Robin bit her bottom lip. “And I’m really sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything. That wasn’t my intention.” 
“You didn’t.” Nancy shook her head with a tightlipped smile. 
“Great.” Nancy replied before closing her eyes. She slid the money over the counter, her fingers pressing it as if she was afraid it would be blown away by her own breathing. 
Robin tried to pry the money from under Nancy’s hand but ended up simply brushing her fingers against Nancy’s. “Excuse me.” She nearly whispered, causing Nancy to pull her hand back as if it was on fire. 
“No problem. Would you like a receipt?” 
“Yes, that sounds lovely.” 
“Lovely?” Robin asked with a smile, trying to get the damned machine to print the receipt. Was it out of paper again?
“What did I say?” Nancy asked, almost sounding panicked. The ice cream in her hand was starting to melt and a bright pink drop fell onto her skin. 
“You said that it sounds lovely.” Robin’s eyes followed the drop of melted ice cream as it descended even further and collided with the counter. 
“Oh, yes. It does. It’s just that… I have a boyfriend.” 
“I don’t know what that has to do with this.” 
“Of course it has something to do with this. Because you are asking me these questions and I want to say yes but I have a boyfriend.” 
“I only asked if you wanted your receipt.” As if the machine had been waiting for its cue, it finally started printing with a buzzing noise. 
“Oh.” Nancy’s own attention drawn to register, her cheeks bright red. 
“Is there something else you want to say yes to, Miss Wheeler?” Robin leaned halfway over the counter, as close to Nancy as she could get. 
“No, of course not. You’ve just been… You called me gorgeous and you asked for my number and you are…” She looked around, making sure there was no one who could hear them before whispering: “You’re flirting with me.” 
“Am I now?” Robin placed her hand in the melted ice cream and scrunched up her face at the feeling. 
“Aren’t you?” Nancy pulled back slightly. Maybe she was about to run away? Fuck, Robin couldn’t have that. 
“No, I am! Definitely am. I was flirting for sure. I don’t just call anybody gorgeous and I definitely don’t give them free sprinkles. And… and your ice cream is melting.” 
“Oh.” Nancy looked at the half melted scoop of frozen strawberry delight, which was the official name of the flavor, and quickly licked at it. Her tongue coming out bright pink. 
“Fuck.” Robin sighed as she couldn’t help but look. 
Nancy’s lips turned into a smirk when she heard the word being uttered. “Is there something else you want to ask me, Miss Buckley?” 
“I would try for your number again but you have a boyfriend.” 
Nancy frowned. “Actually I don’t. I don’t know why I said that.” 
“So, can I perhaps, just maybe, have your phone number?” Robin asked, her eyes not meeting Nancy’s, her voice wavering with insecurity. 
“Hold this.” Nancy pushed the cone back in Robin’s hands and grabbed a pen out of her bag. She scribbled a set of numbers on the back of her receipt. “I might end up breaking your heart, Robin.” 
“I highly doubt that.”
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mabelstone · 1 year
Teachers Pet
matt stone x reader
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summary: part four of Professor Stone.
words: 2144
note: i’m not sure if this is what you wanted, but i felt like writing some angst for this one. minor warnings of explicit content. minor humiliation kink and consensual choking.
my absolute fav, mean!dom matt.
here's my masterlist for the previous chapters.
enjoy <3
The way he looked at you that lesson made you feel sick. You walked in and sat at your usual spot, your professor entering just on time as always. Instead of chirping his usual, “morning,” to the class, he dropped his things onto his desk and sighed. He glanced in your direction briefly and you smiled at him. He quickly looked away, expression not changing at all. Okay, maybe he had a bad morning? You knew he had a good night, so what changed in the last 12 hours?
“I’ll wait,” he sighed grumpily, waiting for the class’ murmurs to die down. He looked down and fiddled with his pen as you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. The class eventually got the hint, the room quickly growing silent. “Great. Today we’re revising chapter 30. Your exam is in two weeks, so I want there to be no talking, and everyone is to pay attention.”
His tone was flat and his face was expressionless. He grabbed out a whiteboard marker and began writing equations on the board. Your classmates looked at each other in confusion, raising their eyebrows, mouthing, “I don’t know?” at one another. The class listened, nobody even whispering to their friends.
You were so confused as to why he was acting this way, but you decided that you didn’t want to make it worse. Yet, on the other hand… You could have some fun with this.
“Alright. Let’s see who studied.” He mischievously smirked, turning to face the silent class. “Who can explain this equation to me?”
Some students raised their hands unconfidently, the professor pointing to a random student. They explained the equation in a voice slightly too soft for his liking.
“Speak up,” he huffed, leaning on the edge of his desk. You knew it was fucked up, but there was something so sexy about him being so pissed. The student cleared their throat before perfectly explaining the equation, you of course barely understood as your tutoring sessions didn’t consist of much tutoring.
“Good. That’s one of you that actually listens,” he chuckled to himself dryly, continuing to scribble more scenarios onto the board. Everyone nervously copied down what he was writing, but you couldn’t seem to take your eyes off him.
You sat forward on your elbows, admiring the way he used his hands a little too much when he explained things, the way he absentmindedly ran a hand through his hair or trailed his fingers over his stubble.
He rolled his eyes when he saw you were the only one not doing your work, quietly walking over to your desk. “This is why you don’t perform well,” he seethed, eyes dark and angry. He spoke only loud enough so you could hear.
“I’m sorry sir, I-“
“Save it,” he cut you off, angrily opening your book for you and roughly placing your pen in your hand. “You need to try, Y/N, or I won’t help you anymore.” He threatened as he began to walk away.
“Oh please, we both know you don’t wanna give that up.” You retorted back like a smart ass, making him stop in his tracks. You really shouldn’t have said that. He turned back to glare at you, the anger inside him only growing fiercer when he saw the cocky smirk on your lips.
He shook his head and walked back up to the front to write a new equation on the board. “Okay!” He clapped his hands together loudly, startling the entire class. “Hmmm..” He pretended to scan the class to ‘randomly’ pick a student, finger pressed to his lip. “Y/N, can you come up and complete this please?”
Your heart dropped when he fired the same cocky smirk your way, waiting expectantly for you to get out of your seat. You did, your legs nearly giving out on the short walk to the whiteboard. He handed you the marker with a deadpan stare, motioning to the board.
Your face was hot, you couldn’t believe he would do this to you. You picked the wrong day to give him attitude. You took a deep breath and uncapped the marker, shaky hands travelling to the board. You filled in the equation to the best of your ability, your professors' stare boring holes into peripheries. “I-I’m stuck,” you spoke to him hushed, giving him a pleading look.
“What was that?” He asked loudly, eyes gleaming meaner than before.
You closed your eyes and sighed before repeating yourself slightly louder, “I’m not sure what comes next.”
“Maybe you should ask a classmate,” he feigned sympathy, his lips quirking up into a condescending grin.
You turned to the class, fighting hard to not tear up from embarrassment. You opened your mouth but no words came out. The whole class felt bad for you, shocked at your professors' unprofessionalism.
He sighed for what seemed like the millionth time that lesson and turned to the other students. “Can anyone please help her?”
“I will,” one of the nice boys you’d interacted with a few times spoke up, walking up to you with apologetic eyes. He took the marker and explained to you and the class what came next and how he got the answer.
He was quite cute, bleached blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. You knew he was doing a film degree and also taking this class for the extra credits. You couldn’t remember his name for the life of you, though. He turned to you and smiled once finishing, placing the pen back in your hands.
“Thank you,” you blushed, smiling wide at his kind gesture. “That was so sweet.”
You both walked back to your seats, exchanging another smile before sitting back down. Matt’s plan to humiliate you had worked, and then backfired on him completely.
As the class ended, you grabbed your things and began heading out; a big change from staying back after every lesson. You looked back at your professor who’s eyes were locked on you, following you to the nice boy from earlier.
“Um, thank you again for that,” you smiled sweetly, gently placing your hand on his arm. “You really saved me there, I owe you one.”
“Oh, it’s no problem at all,” he chuckled, leaning in to whisper, “I don’t know why he did that, he’s an asshole.”
You laughed in agreement, unaware of the jealousy boiling in Matt’s stomach.
“If you ever need a hand with studying, I’m happy to help.” He offered with a genuine smile.
“Thank you! Here, give me your number,” you handed your phone to him, Matt’s hands balling into fists at his side. Trey was his name. You texted a smiley face to his number and thanked him again before saying your goodbyes.
Before you were able to reach the door, your professor spoke up. “Y/N.”
You turned around to face him, letting the door shut behind you. “Yes?” You grumbled, arms folding in front of you.
“Come here,” he commanded, pulling a chair up by his desk.
You cursed your legs for obediently dragging you to the front of the hall, stopping yourself in front of his desk.
“Care to explain what the fuck that was?” He growled, his stance mirroring yours but somehow... angrier?
“What do you mean,” you laughed exasperatedly, “you mad your little stunt to embarrass me didn’t work?”
“You really need to watch that mouth of yours,” he warned, stepping toward you. You felt intimidated, but tried not to show any sign of it. “It’s gonna get you in trouble some day.”
“Well maybe I’ll just get help from Trey from now on,” you spat back, legs weakening as he stepped even closer, face only inches from yours now.
“Don’t forget who marks your papers.”
You scoffed in disbelief, taking a step back from him. Amusement painted your face when you realised, “you’re jealous!”
“I’m not jealous,” he rolled his eyes, leaning back against his desk. “But I’m not gonna fuck you while somebody else is.”
As toxic as it may be, this new side of Matt turned you on like crazy. Seeing him all riled up over exchanging numbers with someone… you couldn’t imagine how he’d react if you did something actually worth being jealous over.
“Why do you even care?” You laughed in his face, trying to ignore the arousal forming between your hips. You stepped toward him again, close enough that you could feel his breath on your lips. “You act like you don’t even like me. I think you just want to fulfil your sick fantasies with me.”
He didn’t like that. He grabbed your throat and flipped you around, the back of your hips roughly slamming into the desk behind you. A strangled moan escaped your lips as he towered over you with rage.
“Don’t you dare speak to me like that,” he growled, pushing your back onto the desk and separating your legs before stepping between them.
You whimpered under his grip, wrapping your legs around his waist. You grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down to capture him in a heated kiss. “So desperate,” he tsked, pulling away.
He let go of your throat and pulled your shorts down, revealing white lace panties with a pink bow stitched into them. He prodded at the wet patch forming in the front, pulling them to the side and licking a stripe up your clit without warning. You gasped at the feeling, lifting yourself up on your elbows to watch him. He looked breathtaking. his eyelashes fluttering as he focused on making you feel good. You weren’t gonna last long, not with a sight like that. He moved his head down slightly to thrust his skilled tongue inside of you, his nose brushing your clit in just the right way. Once he added his fingers, it was over for you.
You felt your breathing pick up, your whines growing higher in pitch. “Professor,” you moaned, thighs trembling as they barricaded his skull in place. Just as you were about to finish, he removed his fingers and that godly tongue, stepping back.
You whined in frustration, on the verge of tears for the second time. He simply shushed you with a smirk, beginning to unbuckle his belt.
He pulled out his cock and you went limp. You’d been imaging how he’d feel for a while, and now you were getting impatient. He spat on his hand, stroking himself before lining his cock up with your hole, a hand forcefully gripping your hip. You roughly gripped his shoulders, begging, “please, sir, please.”
With a grin, he slowly pushed himself in, letting out a low groan at the feeling of your wet, tight entrance. He slowly thrusted for a moment, picking up his pace once you’d both adjusted.
Your eyes began rolling back, screaming obscenities. He was quick to place a hand over your lips, mouthing shut up with a stern look. You whimpered under his touch, rhythmically moving your hips with his. Hand still over your mouth, he laid his body forward, practically on top of you as he annunciated with every thrust, “don’t… you… dare… disrespect me… again.”
He was so thick, stretching you wonderfully as a tear rolled down your cheek, the ecstasy becoming overwhelming. He thought you looked beautiful like this, eyebrows knitted together, switching between wide eyed when he’d hit your g spot, and eyes screwed tightly shut when the pleasure became too intense.
He uncovered your mouth, demanding, “apologise.”
If he wasn’t balls deep in you right now, you would’ve laughed in his face and told him to shut it. But, you were too worried he’d pull out and end this pleasure train you were on.
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered through tears, nails digging deep into his biceps.
“Say it like you mean it, pretty girl,” he commanded, thrusting into you deeper, biting his finger to stop himself from cumming right then and there.
You felt the familiar heat pooling in your stomach, and you were close to losing yourself all over him.
“I’m sorry,” you cried, his hand reaching down to your clit, tracing small circles into it, pushing you over the edge. You came undone around him, your pussy pulsating hard as you continued whimpering through your orgasm, eyes screwed shut as you chanted, “I’m sorry, sir, I’m sorry.”
Without thinking, he came inside you, burrying his face into your shoulder, biting down as he did. You were both seeing stars, trying hard to steady your breathing.
He pulled out slowly, watching the mixture of his cum and your slick drip out of you deliciously.
“And that shit you said earlier,” he began, voice deep and husky, “about me not liking you,” he pulled his pants back up and redid his belt. You sat up, cheeks flushed, pulling your underwear back on. “You’ve always been my favourite.”
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vogelmeister · 4 months
Eurovision 2024: my experience as a fan
One thing about me is that I love Eurovision. I have all the winners plastered on my door at home, I can beat anyone and everyone at European geography. Each year for a week in May, I am people’s go to for anything and everything Eurovision, from explaining the big five to promoting my favourite songs. I willingly get up at 5am to tune in live, I have written two academic essays on Eurovision, and both essays have a sense of passion running through them where you can tell I love the topic- may or may not have been called out once on that. I knew so much about the topic that neither essay required much research. When I lived in the Netherlands, I attended Het Grote Songfestivalfeest, probably killing my seat neighbours with my singing and poorly articulated Dutch when De Diepte came on. As well as that, my friends and I took a trip to Rotterdam and visited where the contest was held in 2021. Having me, an Australian, alongside a Dutch person and a Greek, exploring Rotterdam highlighted to me exactly what Eurovision should be about. Unity. 
Being in a room of Eurofans gave me joy that is unexplainable. I just remember realising, ‘hey I found my people’
However, I always knew ESC 2024 was going to be a hard watch for me, even before the boycotts begun. About a year ago I went through a massive friendship breakup with one of my closest Eurovision friends, and their villianisation of me meant that watching with them wasnt an option. I didn’t want to watch alone. That’s all I will say on that. I had a year to deal with that, anyway, and even when people were boycotting the event after October 7th, I thought, theres actually no way that Israel is actually competing this year. They surely will send something too political and get dq'd, right? Most of the knowledge I have of Palestine and Israel comes from my year 12 modern history class, which as my friend and I discussed today, was taught neutrally- and it’s not in Israel’s favour. I was there when Hatari spoke out in 2019 and did the banners, and I remember the shock and understanding what a big deal this was.
I toyed with the idea of boycotting myself. I had my reasons. I auditioned for a play, which didnt work out for me, as I was too distracted by Eurovision week to care. I was less invested in Eurovision as a whole, and I would get sleep. But in the end, I decided not to. My friend (who found out I liked Eurovision after I bitched about my ex friends not enjoying that I had other interests asides from Taylor Swift) was already coming around to watch.  I decided my mental health came first, before boycotting and before being an activist. If I could save this one piece of my mental health, I would be fine. Stupid delusional me, well she had hope. I wanted to support Joost, and the other artists who were stuck in this shitshow of a year. I staunchly boycotted Isreal’s song, I have only heard it in full once, and that was against my will. I even blocked her on Spotify. 
I looked at it all positively- this all meant I was going in more blind than ever. I bought my 2024 CD, but I also broke a lot of traditions- I didnt do my predictions like I do every year on my whiteboard, I didnt film the first semi qualifications with the caption ‘im in spain’ and put it on my story, and I hardly watched the NFs. I liked Eurovision, but this year, with all going on, I felt guilty and ashamed. I have been ashamed of being a eurofan before, but not on this level. I felt like I was trapped in a glass box, kicking and screaming at the ebu but they had airpods in. The answer was so obvious. Ban Isreal, like you did with Russia. People were harassing artists for competing, especially Olly, who I realised had no choice in the matter anyways. I ended up thinking “just get through the week, soon it will be over, and you’ll have fun with your friend.” I have never wanted Eurovision week over in my life. I just wasnt excited.  Europapa basically became my ride or die, built upon my love for the Netherlands, and the genuine good vibes of the song. Joost was charismatic, and the song had a nice story. Another one of my friends, who realised I was eurofan after I posted a video on my story where you could see my Dowue Bob poster (I have my reasons for keeping it), found a watch party and it was free. She had her drivers license so she could get us there, and my other friend and I agreed. It would be fun, I would bring my Dutch flag and my orange beanie and wear my Sam Ryder shirt. 
The first semi happened. My friend came over, we slept on the couch. I enjoyed myself, the qualifiers werent shocking though and I guessed 9/10 of them. It was pretty mid, but it was fun. The only issue was Poland being robbed and the Australian commentary on SBS being dicks to Portugal, which they backtracked in the final. It was insufferable, but the worst was yet to come.  
The second semi. I was so excited to see Joost perform and bonded with my Dutch coworker over him and his song, which honestly was beautiful. If she didnt know how much I love the Netherlands before, she does now. I did notice that when Israel qualified, all the sickness in my stomach just exited the room, as the worst that could happen, happened. But sadly, I knew it would happen. Seeing the videos, however, of Palestine protesters and the booing and shouting, despite attempts to silence us, was beautiful. It showed exactly where the fandom stood, what we thought. And my mum was even happy about Israel being treated like bullshit. 
And then shit started to go down. 
The second semi press conference. The kaarija video. Joost being followed around for propaganda content by Israel. Joost’s “why not” and throwing the Dutch flag over his head.  Marina falling asleep (queen). Bambi being dehumanised by Israel’s delegation and asshole of a commentator. Zionists kept making excuses and I got a few threats on TikTok of all places for supporting a bully manchild. Well, fuck you, at least I am not suporting genocide. It was a mess. My friend asked me for my opinions on the qualification while at work and i basically told her I didn’t want to talk about it. I looked so sad on break my coworker offered me a banana. 
“Treat Eden Golan as human! She’s only 20” I wondered, how could I? How could I treat someone as human when they were basically a puppet, a face for a genocidal nation. How could I do that when that same genocidal nation was tearing apart the one thing I loved?  Her delegation certainly didn’t treat Joost Klein as human; certainly just as another tool they could use to promote their propaganda machine. I felt sick. He wasn’t the only one. I was so proud of Joost, and I will always be proud of him, I think. What he did during the press conference after semi 2 took guts.  Normally I would be pissed at a delegation getting mistreated like this, but not today. As far as I was concerned, this was good riddance. Get the fuck out, you’re not wanted here. 
On Saturday, I started to realise I had this heavy feeling in my chest and it wasn’t leaving. I felt on edge, and yet I was a world away in Australia. I listened to “I can do it with a broken heart” fifty times on my way to work that day, confident that maybe I could power through this matinee shift without cracking. My favourite thing in the whole world was falling apart before my eyes, and it was easily avoided. I felt sick at work, there were points when I was thinking “I can’t do this.” But I could. I would. I would get through this shift. I messaged one of my friends in NL asking her how she was and she said she also wasnt having a good time, to which I confessed not wanting to get out of bed that morning because I was so sick with discomfort. 
People were continually asking my thoughts, if I enjoyed the shows, the memes were sent and I had to put on a brave face because crying over a song contest is stupid and im a coward and hate being an outspoken activist.
The final straw for me was Joost Klein getting disqualified. This would have been a devastating blow for me no matter which nation it was, but it being the Netherlands, the one country I love more than anything else, the one song that was basically my ride or die in this shitshow of a year: well it felt personal. It showed the double standards of the EBU- how could an incident, hardly worth a fine, get Joost kicked out of ESC when Israel waltzed in with a smugass grin and a kill count. If it was about Joost's parents, I hope he hit them hard. the misleading information, the lack of transparency, and AVROTROS's discomfort over the whole ordeal was the cherry on the cake and really, actually showed me in full colour who the EBU were and that they didn't give two shits, bending the rules for Eden and using everyone else as scapegoats. That Joost, or any of the other artists were not allowed to have boundaries. Instantly I messaged my friend,  and went “I am not fucking going to this watch party.” She agreed with me, the vibes would be off and probably zionist. My other friend, who was staying the night, was still keen to watch ESC. Instead of going to the livestream in Hurstville, we all  came to mine at 5am and we elected to watch together.  To finish what we started. As my friend said, “it could be the last one.” 
I saw myself witnessing the death of Eurovision.  All because someone wouldnt fucking kick out a country. When I woke up in the morning, I saw that Bambi had posted a statement saying they had issues with Israel and the delegation, and even the EBU fully admitted that Israel had broken rules. Yet where was the punishment?
I will confess the 5am start time hurt more this time around. Normally I would be bounding down the stairs, box of chips in hand, and excited to see the memes. Today, it just hurt. Dancing around to Europapa didn’t hide the emptiness in my soul about the disqualification, about the double standards enacted by the EBU this year.  The interval acts were mid. Petra talking about the rules, saying shit like “it’s apolitical” stung with irony I had never felt before. I put on a brave face and I had as much fun as I could but in reality, I was sad and angry. Wishing I had gotten into that play. That I had the guts to boycott and explain to people why. That Joost wasnt disqualified for shit Eden Golan would have gotten away with. 
After the show, I felt empty. Switzerland won, and congrats to them obviously, I like The Code. But after the shitshow of this week, all I felt was free and relieved. Israel still came top 5 and it confirmed what was sickeningly true. People still support Israel. People were still pulling the “Croatia robbed” game, unaware how tone deaf that feels in the current circumstances. It didn’t matter who won, as long as it wasn’t Israel, but it never felt like Israel lost. All I wanted to do was cry. My friend was showing me Eurovision memes probably unaware that I had been through the worst Eurovision of my life, and just wanted to cry and be left alone. No hate to her obviously but I was fucking trying to hold it together all morning, but I couldn't express my emotions on the matter. I hope AVROTROS sue the shit out of the EBU. I hope Joost gets a hero’s welcome home in the Netherlands. I hope past artists speak out. I hope Isreal gets banned. 
I will be celebrating the small wins this year. I will be streaming the artists that stood up to the ebu, streaming the ones that spoke out, and of course, continuing to support Joost Klein. I will never forget watching Ukraine sail past Israel in the televote, a win of itself. I am thankful to those in the arena that spoke out against the EBU and booed both Israel and Osterdahl.  To those who smuggled in flags, to those who refused to be silent. I will get over this, I will, but seeing the outcome of this week leaves little joy. I hope this isnt the end of Eurovision, but wherever we go now, I think a part of me did die this week.
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echotoyou · 1 year
pizza and packing
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pairing: yoongi x reader (no pronouns/gendered language are used for the reader)
summary: you’re moving to a new city and packing up everything you own. It’s a little overwhelming to do by yourself, so thank goodness yoongi knocks on your door to remind you that you’re not alone (plus he brought a smoothie!).
wordcount: 2.4k
what’s inside: fluff, angsty reader quickly followed by comfort, yoongi’s hugs could solve the climate crisis, crying, some overthinking with a dash of spiraling
posted: august 2023 (also on ao3!)
beta read by @theharrowing!!! thank you for SO much i love you an incredible amount 🪿
note: wow this started off as me needing to process some things and then turned into an entire story lol. enjoy!! ALSO this is my first time writing fanfic so please please let me know what you think!!!!!
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Moving sucks.
You knew this, theoretically. People always complain that moving is too expensive, too much work, simply too hard. 
But no one warned you about the loneliness. How your home begins to echo as you pull mugs from cabinets and sweaters from drawers, stuffing it all unceremoniously into boxes. The uncomfortable chill that seeps into the newly empty spaces no longer taken up by your rug or TV. Not to forget the bare spots left by taking down the fairy lights circling the ceiling, your wall of photos and art prints, and the whiteboard calendar that still counts down the days to last month’s big celebration. 
Just this morning you cried over a crumpled note found in the back corner of your desk. Rereading your best friend’s well wishes about your new home!, a new start!, a fun adventure! made you realize you couldn’t remember the last time you had deliberately picked up the phone to dial their number.
The doorbell startles you from your thoughts as a rogue tear slips down your cheek. You swipe at it and a quick glance at your phone tells you your fourth take out order of the week isn’t supposed to be here yet. You relax back onto your couch and settle beneath your multicolored crocheted blanket, willing the cheese on your future pizza to melt just a little faster. 
Your stomach grumbles in protest at the thought and you join it, groaning when the doorbell rings a second time. Today’s packing-up-your-apartment uniform consisted of a set of well-loved pjs, with a few holes you are definitely ignoring, and tossing your unshowered hair into a top knot. In other words, you were not in the mood to chat up a solicitor. 
“I’ve already found God! Thank you!” you yell at the door from your fortress of comfort.
A familiar low chuckle paired with a rhythmic knock greets you this time, and recognition makes you roll your eyes and grin. You untangle yourself from your cozy nest of blankets before sprinting over to the door. Flinging it open, you see a familiar sight: Min Yoongi, phone in one hand, thermos in the other, and gummy smirk plastered across his features.
“I thought you were the delivery guy,” you mumble. “Why didn’t you just knock first?”
Yoongi shrugs and holds out the thermos for you to take, “This one is banana peanut butter with kale and…” he stops for a moment, shakes his head and continues, “something else, too, I don’t know. I promise it tastes good though.”
With suspicion only just hiding the smile in your eyes, you open the thermos and take a long gulp, sighing after you swallow. Oof. Had you actually eaten anything today? Yoongi, still in the doorway, laughs out loud, his expression circling between amusement and chagrin as he catches your eye.
“Cherries. It’s got cherries in it. And now your lips are very red.” He chuckles again with a sparkle in his eye and gaze lingering on your mouth for maybe a moment too long.
“Mhm” you wink at him and take an extra swig from the thermos for good measure, turning around to walk into your apartment. You freeze, suddenly seeing the disembodiment of your living room through his eyes and feel him run into your back with a soft ‘oof.’ 
“Um okay so um this doesn’t normally look like this, I–”
“Y/N, you’re moving”
“Yes, I know, but um there’s nowhere to sit and I can’t make you tea or anything, because the pot is packed, and I don’t have any food or snacks to offer, and–” 
Your word vomit dies down as you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder, the slight pressure turning you around to face him. You’re sure he can see the panic in your eyes as he hums a short positive note.
“Do you want me to leave? I wanted to make sure you ate something with greens today and I think I’ve got that checked off the box,” he gestures toward your hands where you’re still clutching his thermos with a death grip. 
With your brain still catapulting headfirst into all of the ways you are currently failing at your people-are-over-must-be-a-perfect-host duties, you purse your lips and sigh, “Yeah, maybe.”
You see something unfamiliar pass across his features, but it morphs so quickly into a sweet smile you can’t decipher it fast enough. 
“Alrighty then.” He nods, “best of luck with the rest of your packing. Let me know if you need anything else, and I’ll see you later.” He turns and walks out the door, down your front steps and disappears around the corner. 
You push the door shut and rest your forehead on the cool wood for a moment, the slight chill relieving you of your hosting concerns when the next set of concerns sidle in. 
Wait, did he want to stay? Better question, did you want company? Being alone for the past three days had been making you feel stir-crazy, but there was still so much to do, and it was exhausting directing other people. But he’s not your normal ‘other people.’ Did he drive away yet? Maybe you can still catch him. Ah shit, did you even thank him for the smoothie? 
Your thoughts tumble and jumble with the force of a second spin cycle – UGH you also still have laundry to do. Pulling yourself from the door, you give up on trying to catch him and head back to the safety of your couch. You sip from his thermos and pull out your phone to text a quick thank you. 
A few minutes later, your phone pings with the notification that your pizza has been delivered. You open the app to double check the photo the driver sent as your doorbell rings. 
You break out into laughter as you pull open the door for a second time and show the grinning man on the other side the photo on your phone: Min fucking Yoongi outside your door holding two pizza boxes with a shit eating grin on his face and giving the camera a thumbs up. 
“Someone order pizza?” 
An hour later, you’re not sure who convinced who to stay, but you’ve both been fed and watered with cheesy nonsense and warm conversation. 
Remarkably, he wasn’t bothered by the stacks of boxes and piles of items yet to be packed. The other half of your brain reminds you that he’s seen your apartment – and you – through all levels of disarray, some messes 100% yours, like when laundry day lasts a week and takes over your bedroom, the living room, and somehow the bathroom. Other messes were more of a group effort, when you would join forces to make the biggest mess in your kitchen possible while learning a new cooking technique from your subscription meal kit boxes.
Paper plates thrown into a garbage bag and half a pizza wrapped up for tomorrow’s breakfast later, you plop yourself on your carpet, back leaning against your couch, and sigh. You had been trying your darndest to separate the mountain of boxes in front of you into “give away” and “keep” before Yoongi had knocked on your door the first time, and they had now snuck from the ignorable periphery back into your sight. 
All at once, the previously easy chatter catches in your throat and you feel yourself trail off, whatever you had just been laughing about suddenly dying on your lips. 
“Hey,” a soft voice pierces through the bubble of your thoughts.
“Where did you go, just now?”
You turn to see Yoongi sitting cross legged next to you. He cocks his head at you, his voiced question clear in his soft eyes and slight frown. You avoid his eyes by looking down at your hands in your lap, and realize you are clutching your nearly empty water glass as if it was a life preserver. Raising the cup to your lips, you shrug and gesture loosely at the boxes, the white walls, the furniture marked for people who had messaged you on Facebook Marketplace. 
This room would no longer be yours in less than a week, the items in it in even less time. It was more full than it had ever been and yet you felt the emptiness of each drawer and closet echoing with something akin to grief. 
“Can I touch you?”
You nod, and immediately feel a warm hand touching yours, gently prying the cup from your clutches and setting it aside. He stands and ignores your protests as he tugs you to your feet. He wraps your arms around his waist and encircles your shoulders with his, pulling you into his chest and squeezing gently. You turn your head to the side so your cheek presses against the soft fabric of his shirt. The pressure of his chin sitting on top of your head feels overwhelming and wholly correct at the same time. Tears prick your eyes for the umpteenth time, and the comforting weight of Yoongi’s hug can’t keep them at bay.
“I just…” the words fade as you sniffle. “I just don’t know how to do this and I feel like I’m doing it all kinds of wrong.”
He hums, and his arms squeeze you a little tighter. Melting into the hug, you allow yourself to bury yourself face first in his soft tee and inhale deeply. His gentle scent of freshly laundered clothing with a hint of citrus is all it takes for your breath to turn into shorter, shuddering sobs, wracking your body.
You feel him gently rub the small of your back. Wave after wave of emotion floods your system, ping ponging between frustration and sadness and anger and fear. Each time you let yourself recognize and validate one thought, another sneaks in, bringing a new wave of tears.
One thought in particular stands as a concrete tower above the rest: you had been its architect for the past few months, placing stone after stone higher than the last until it was magnificent in its largess and painful in its stability. Ignoring it had become normal practice until now, when you looked up and realized you had built the tower around yourself.
You were choosing to leave. You chose to move thousands of miles from your family, and now you were choosing again to move hundreds of miles away from the family you had found here. There was no one to blame, no mystical forces of nature to shift the attention to. It was all just you.
A small noise breaks the paralyzing stillness of your thoughts, and you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding. The sound blankets your spiral in a layer of sweet, comforting darkness. You grab at the tuneless melody like a rope and as the rumbling within his chest begins to center you back in your living room, safe in his arms again, you realize he was humming. You squeeze his waist a little tighter and as you release, his humming trickles off.
“If it’s any consolation, no one knows what they’re doing.” He whispers into your hair. “Especially when packing up a home they’ve lived in for a while. This place is stocked with things, yes, but also memories. You’ve grown and changed a whole lot since you moved in.”
“So then why am I leaving?” your voice cracks on the last word as you hiccup it into the void.
He shrugs, “We both know I can’t answer that for you. I do hope that whatever answer you decided on when you started this process is still true, and if it’s not, then this is just one choice. And you can make a new one in the future.”
You ‘hrumph’ back at him and take another deep breath.
Your breathing soon begins to match his small, rhythmic motions, inhaling and exhaling as your brain clears. You pull back from where you had smushed your face on his shirt, grimacing at the snot left on his shirt, and wiggling to escape his embrace in search of a tissue. He seems to have a different idea as his grip strengthens and you look up to see his concerned eyes searching for yours. Suddenly, a cat-like grin breaks out across his features and out of nowhere, the man laughs.
“How could someone look so beautiful after sobbing like the Titanic was sinking?”
You groan, for likely the fiftieth time today, and swat at his chest. With another smirk, he releases you from the hug. You shiver from the immediate loss of body heat and quickly look around the room for something resembling a tissue that had not been packed yet. You hear him clear his throat, and you look back to be met with a tissue dangling right in front of your face. 
“Thank you” your voice sounds small and gravely and you blot your eyes and nose before making eye contact with the spots on his shirt again. “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry… your shirt…” your voice fades as you unconsciously reach out toward the stains, your only focus to assess the damage. He gently catches your wrist before your hand hits his chest, and places a butterfly light kiss on your knuckles.
“Don’t worry about it. This is my designated moving t-shirt, eligible for dust, stains, and tears – bonus points if you get all three in one go,” he winks, fluidly moving his hand from your wrist to your fingers, and spins you around in circles until you can’t help but give him a watery grin. Pulling you in for another hug, he gently squeezes you once more before letting go and heading toward the kitchen. You hear the squeak of the faucet before he reappears proudly brandishing your glasses now full of water. 
You accept the glass he holds out and let your eyes scan the pile of things in front of you. The boxes in the corner pull your attention again and you start to feel the overwhelm teeter you back over the edge. Taking a deep breath, you sip at the water and move to sit on the couch, seeking the comfort of your blanket once again.
“Let’s do something easy tonight, okay? No thoughts, just blankets.” 
You nod, and he plugs in the TV that you had moved into a corner for ‘safe keeping’ while you sold the table it stood on. He settles next to you on the couch and you spy a slight knowing smile on his face as he navigates to your favorite show, the one you started over to watch with him, and the one that makes you happy cry every time.
He slides his hand into yours and it doesn’t leave for the entirety of the first, second, or third episode you watch. Neither does he when you fall asleep on his shoulder.
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quirkyfries · 1 month
My concept of Dandy rebranding Gardenview to a new glory after the neglect of handlers, going back to their roots, and creating a toon with the use of research capsules.
[Mixed with your own theory of them, Dandy has a seemingly noble goal, they are just a bit evil and cause torment to the twisted and toons about it for their own satisfaction. The entitlement and audacity of a petal thinking they deserve to keep all the tapes of their history/training/making toons safety/learning videos/mlp/PSAs... you know the usual tapes you'd want to keep.] Now your theory was added, making Dandy seem more complex and interesting. Still mostly evil, BUT WHAT IF I MADE IT WORSE!!!
{A bit inspired by Sun and Moon Show <333}
... He was unable to figure out how to make an original toon, so tragic fan-child it is! Midnight Tragedy's Child (Astro x Dazzle) are they actually dating, or not. Who knows! They might not be, and that just makes it more funner(not in shipping, in the psychological torment sense <3 )
Dandy would totally family vlog, and Truman show the entire facility!!! They will compete at one point for the kid to do what challenges, and its Dandy vlogs vs Glistens lol.
I am planning on hopefully finishing chapter 1 today <3 wish I had written dopamine. I need it for my adding brain :D
Fun fact, the ideal design for the fan-child to have two-star shape'd eyes on the right of their face, was because the hands that Tron Astro uses are in his head, under his hat probably but in his brain basically.
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So at will fan-child can move their eyes around to see into people's dreams or memories or to see if they are lying, who knows, dazzle hates it when Razzles acts.
what are your thoughts on it, I can't wait to figure out Glistens relationships with rnd, vee, and Astro specifically hehe. There are rnd headcanons that they look up to glisten, and glisten get along with vee. (karaoke, or has funner lines in trivia for the viewer to keep watching than winning all the prizes)
I love canon compliments, but I adore alterations if headcanons are not canon compliments. <3
oh yeah, and some doodles I did on a whiteboard. here are some of the concept chapters:
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I'm too shy to show the last doodle with Astro and Rnd meeting up with Dandy, to figure out what their 'vacation' truly meant when they see the new toon on the bench(theirs another doodle of that on paper) I'm having so much fun with writing this, and I'm almost wondering how Dandy might become a manager. Can they ever get IDs?
... Since they got research from the twisted themselves... whose child is it really [Family drama]
Hope you like my chaotic concept, i have no ideas for the other characters, but I just gave Poppy an HC that they are not allowed to drink pop because of a commercial aftermath incident :D
Astro giving others nightmares by accident will always be funny <3
Have a wonderful day! I didn't have this beta read, so my words may not make sense hehe
OOOO Thank you so much for sharing this with me!!
Between Dandy mixing Astro + RND’s (research? ichor? Toon dna) to make a toon from scratch, said child’s ability and the surrounding drama in the form of family vlog and Truman show’d facility, I’d say you’re in for a pretty solid story!
I’m really curious about Glisten’s relationships with other toons, I haven’t been able to look at the new update yet lol. I know that fella has all the deets.
Midnight tragedy is super cute, I love their design! I wonder, since it’s ambiguous who their parents actually are, if they’d chosen a parent figure? Unless Dandy filled that role by default, or maybe it was a “it takes a village to raise a child” situation? Or did they spawn fully grown and only needed some guidance to mature emotionally.. don’t let my questions point to spoilers for your fic, I’m just wondering aloud!
10/10 concepts and art, I will be watching for that fic when it’s posted! You have a nice day too :D!
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bonpair · 1 year
Some discord whiteboard doodles
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I had a really fun time in the whiteboard with yall!! Everyones art was so good omg. I wouldve drawn a little heart next to each one, but It wouldve taken up at least 20 perfect of the page lol (exaggerating.) I didnt expect to actually draw much, but I was feeling good about it today.
Ty [Server owner name] (Idk if i can reveal the owner name lol) and mods for helping with server stuff, the community is very fun. The work yall do is amazing thank yall so much ❤️❤️❤️. I might not say much, but its very fun just listening and watching :]].
[Image descriptions:
Image 1: A digital drawing of Stanley from The Stanley Parable. He is clutching the bucket while tiny settings persons peek out from him. He is shaded in pink.
Image 2: Many digital doodles of stanley and the narrator. One doodle is of a limp Narrator while Stanley is behind him, eating yellow lines that come from The Narrators chest. Another doodle is of the narrator grappaling with a purple line, another is The Narrator hugging Stanley from behind. There is also Stanley and The Narrator in giant heart costumes with the text above, "I drew these costumes on these two on my tumblr, but never made an actual love core outfit." There is also a Settings person skipping with the text next to it, "Okay gtg eat bye."
Image 3: A digital drawing of the settings person on a computer. The computer has the text "432" on the screen.
Image 4: A digital drawing of the Narrator and Stanley but as Rainworld characters. Stanley is a light yellow slugcat perching on The narrators shoulders. The Narrator is a green toned iterator with yellow glasses and headphones. There is text next to it saying "Rainworld Stan + Nar." / .End ID.]
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strawbubbysugar · 1 year
I had so much fun on the whiteboard today! I really love your fic, and I got so excited getting to watch you draw! I just saw chapter 54 is out, and I wanted to say thank you! :D
awh I had a ton of fun too!!!! :D I loved seeing you draw as well, I love how you draw sun!!! <3
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I have a day off today, so I’m ducking in to tell y’all a little bit about how things are going!
I’ve taught my first classes! Most of them I’ve had another teacher assisting me, but yesterday I did my first solo class. It was... okay lol. One of the boys disengaged the moment I said I don’t speak Japanese so they have to speak English, and proceeded to yawn audibly through all activities and pretend to be asleep when spoken to (which I put on my lesson report form, so the regular teacher will hopefully tell him off haha).
On that note... Japanese kids really are like any other kids. Everyone said to me before I went, “ohhh I bet Japanese kids are so well-behaved and respectful!” I can assure you they are not lmao. Some are, others are little terrors.
I’ve had some really wholesome moments. The other day during one of the younger classes this one boy (~3 years old) was mostly a little terror, running around all the time and hiding in the corner. But then during story time he sat in my lap and directed me to hold him. Then later in the lesson he went and hid in the corner again, so I went over to him and asked if he was okay. And he just snuggled into me, so we spent the rest of the class like that.
So far 4-5 year-olds are my favourites to teach. You can be so fun and silly with them! Sure, they don’t want to sit down and do things, but I’ve found some useful hacks already (pro-tip: if you let them rub things off the whiteboard or draw a shape for answering questions correctly, they’ll suddenly be very, very attentive)
I enjoy this kind of teaching a LOT more than teaching on italki. The lesson prep I have to do is minimal and all time outside of teaching is my own, basically. Not to mention it’s much more active and I don’t spend my life hunched over a desk!
Speaking of free time, I spend most of it studying languages and it’s awesome!
My Japanese level is definitely improving. My speaking not so much, but my comprehension for sure. The kids do speak Japanese in class, both to each other (obviously) and to me, and I’m rapidly getting used to certain words and speech patterns.
I can also now more or less get through interactions at train stations and konbinis! I even managed to ask a police lady for directions the other day (go me being so panicked about being late for my train I didn’t even care that my Japanese was broken af. Literally like, if I don’t at least try to speak Japanese rn I’m going to miss my train and be late for my classes)
I’ve learned that despite being in the country, active studying is really important. I’ve not learned anything through pure osmosis; I’ve only learned through active studying and then having the immersion reinforce it. So yes, my level is improving because I’m in the country and surrounded by the language, but I have to put in the effort first.
Also, the general level of English in Japan is not high. I’ve been spoilt by travelling around Europe where I can usually find someone who speaks broken English well enough to help me if I’m stuck (or if not then I can communicate in broken French/German/Spanish), and coming to Japan and being lost at a train station and literally not being able to communicate is a HUGE motivation to get good at the language quick!
I LOVE Yamagata! There was a snowstorm the day after I moved in and I feel like I live in a winter wonderland. I can see the mountains almost everywhere I go in the city. It’s not a busy city, and every train ride makes me feel like I’m in a Studio Ghibli movie. I love it I love it I love it.
I also love the dialect here! It’s easy to understand and it’s kinda musical!
My personal supervisor (PS) is awesome and has been super helpful. I’m so grateful! A lot of people from my training course have said that their PSs haven’t given them much/any orientation, whereas mine helped me set up my internet and a Japanese bank account as well as went over my schedule with me and ensured I did at least a week of teaching with someone else in the classroom before I was on my own.
I’ve only met 3 of my colleagues, but they’re all nice. One of them lives in my block and we’ll teach together for two days next week. Another of them loves the snow and the cold as much as I do, and I think we’ll get on super well.
My flat is tiny. It’s basically one room! But it has loads of storage space and being as small as it is means it’s super easy to heat (which is fortunate, because it was -10ºC the other night).
The tap water tastes great! In Nagoya it tasted so fucking weird I couldn’t even drink it. But here it’s awesome.
I’m enjoying trying new things! I’m going through all the different candies/chocolate brands at konbinis and supermarkets and I’ve hardly had the same thing twice since I got here (including bento). This is super different to how I was in the UK, where I was stuck in a routine and knew what I liked and didn’t want to go out of my comfort zone.
So yeah, I went from crying and wondering if I’d made a huge mistake the first 2-3 days of being here to absolutely thriving less than a month later. I’m so happy right now, truly living my dream, finally able to flourish and grow in a way I always knew deep down I could.
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koifsssh · 1 year
Wah! Okay big post!
Beware !
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Going to start with all the Jerry's I found... (@g4l4ctical I see you! Bwaha!) (I love your piano teethed clown very much... very silly!)
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Thank you so much for those who came and drew with me!
(Even though I had some technical difficulties... believe it or not the whiteboard is still open! So don't worry if you're "late", because I think I'll stay up pretty late today... so ill see you there if thats the case!)
Regardless! It was very fun and silly!
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(And also have a Danny... I don't draw him enough... bah!)
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littlemochix17 · 9 months
Chapter 1
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Wrods: 2.3K
In the middle of the night, a little 11-year-old girl was trying to unlock the door of her small room with a playing card sneaking into the living room carefully not to wake anyone she looked at the clock on the wall to see the time 11: 58 she is just on time she walked to the window with her little bag that has everything she needs for the night and gets out of it her small whiteboard with a board eraser and a black maker she then got 3 pebbles out of her bag and opened the living room window that was in the face of the window of the Dursleys and throw one pebble and waited a bit to see two familiar emerald eyes and a bright smile she didn't waste any more time and started writing on her whiteboard
(Y/n) : Hey (≧∇≦)/
Harry: Hey, why didn't you come visit today?
It was their way to talk to one another without getting caught by the others so every day at 12: 00 o'clock they talked with the two whiteboards (Y/n) brought for the two to talk at night when they couldn't talk to each other because of the Dursleys or (Y/n)'s grandma they are now talking every day at midnight for almost 4 years
The girl wrote a reply to him quickly
(Y/n) : Oh sorry, I couldn't come over my grandma won't let me out of the house today but here I am!
The boy smiled even more he really liked her she was his only friend the only one who helped him escape the harsh life he was living she was the only person he always looked forward to seeing whenever she made his life brighter with every little thing she do to him makes his heart melt of happiness knowing that he is not alone the last 4 years of them being friends was the best 4 years in his life
Harry: Yeah, but I missed you ಥ_ಥ
(Y/n) : I missed you too, how was your day without me (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Harry: Pretty much the same as always it was really boring (-_-)
The girl laughed at her friend's response but then remembered what she really wanted to do with him today so she erased her writing and replaced it with another one showing it to her friend
(Y/n) : Can you meet me in the backyard of my house now?
Harry: Okay but why and how do I even get there the house door is locked
(Y/n) : Get out of the window be quick I will meet you there bye
And with her writing that she got up from the floor and closed the window and got out quickly but carefully not to wake anyone
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦'𝑠 𝑃𝑂𝑉 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Before I could write something back to her she closed her window and ran outside I followed her getting out of the window. good thing the window wasn't that high so I easily jumped out of it and followed her to the backyard I was surprised when I saw a white blanket laying on the ground with some Sandwiches, fruits and orange juice
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but (Y/n) was nowhere to be seen until...
"Boo!" Someone screamed in my ear making me jump back then I heard laughing while I looked back I saw (Y/n) holding her stomach laughing at my reaction I smiled and chuckled a little and then brought her into a hug which she returned almost immediately I then break the hug and looked at her
"Why did you call me here this the first time you made me sneak out of the house you know," I said waiting for my answer she just smiled and took my hand leading me to the blanket she site us down and turned to me
"Well I know that the Dursleys don't allow you to do anything fun or anything you want so I made us this picnic and made sandwiches and some snacks to enjoy and here is one more thing" She stopped talking for a moment looking at me and smiled I smiled back then without breaking eye contact she pulled something from her back I looked at it it was a cake in the shape of a cupcake but 10 times bigger
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"I know your birthday is in 6 weeks but I guess I saw that this was the best chance to surprise you," She said she took me by surprise that was the first time she had done something like that I mean yeah she would bring me gifts and we would sneak some sweets in my room and eat it together
"Happy early birthday Harry" She finished and put the cake aside giving me a small box and telling me to open it I opened it to see a framed picture of the both of us laughing together I looked up at her and hugged her tightly
"Thank (Y/n) that means a lot really," I said releasing her from my grip
"No it's ok I like seeing you happy," She said smiling at me
Petuina was banging on Harry's door to unlock
We then stayed for hours talking, eating and laughing with each other we really had fun but then we had to go back I goodbye to her and when I went back to my bedroom I put the picture (Y/n) gave me on my shelf and slept with a smile on my face
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"Up. Get up. Now" Yelled Petuina
While Harry was getting up and putting his glasses on Dudley started jumping on the stairs making the room under it sake violently shouting at the boy
"Wake up cousin we are going to the zoo!" Said Dudley running downstairs and going to the dining room but not before pushing Harry back inside the room he was coming from and slamming the door with his foot making the door hit Harry's head Harry got up again and rubbed his head entering the kitchen seeing his aunt and her son rubbing their noses together but they stopped when Harry entered looking at him with disgust
"Why don't you just start cooking breakfast and try not to burn anything" She said to him while he made his way to the kitchen
"Yes Aunt Petunia" Was all that he said
"Mum, did you ask (Y/n) and Freya to come with us to the zoo?" Asked Dudley which got Harry's attention while he was cooking breakfast
"Of course honey they should be here in a minute" Said Petuina
"I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day" Continued Petuina while covering her son's eyes and leading him to where his father was sitting
"Hurry up! bring my coffee boy" Said Vernon while glaring at the boy
"Yes Uncle Vernon," Said Harry politely
Petuina uncovered Dudley's eyes reviling his unsurprised face slowly turning to anger he then looked at his father
"How many are they!?" Asked Dudley
"36 counted them myself," Said Vernon proudly
"36 BUT LAST YEAR I GOT 37!" Shouted Dudley at his father
"Yeah, yeah well some of them are bigger than last year" Said Vernon nervously
"I DON'T CARE HOW BIG THEY ARE! " Shouted Dudley at him but Petuina put a hand on his shoulder
"No, no no this is what we were going to do he said when we go out we are going to buy you two more presents how is that pumpkin?" Said Petuina trying to calm down her son
Just then the doorbell rang Dudley ran to open the door reviling a familiar (H/c) girl holding two gifts in her hand and smiling brightly
"Happy birthday Dudley sorry Freya is sick she couldn't come over but I bought you your gifts" Said (Y/n)
After she said hi to all the Dursleys she walked outside to the car with Harry
"You look tired" Said Harry
"Well yeah I didn't get much sleep last night I was cleaning the house before my grandma came back" She said tiredly
She opened the door and got into the car waiting for the boy to come too but before he got there his uncle shut the door and pointed at him with his car keys
"I am warning you now boy any funny business at all and you won't have any meals for a week get in" He said glaring at him
Harry just got in the car as he was told (Y/n) was sitting between both of the boys she was talking with Dudley when Harry came in she looked at him and smiled sadly at him she heard what Vernon said to him and made a mental note to herself
'Make sure to bring Harry dinner every day for the next week'
"Hey are you alright" She asked
"Yeah I am fine don't worry about it" He smiled at her
They all arrived at the zoo (Y/n) was walking beside Harry before Dudley took her hand dragging her to the entrance even though Dudley was a mean, rude and spoiled boy he liked the company of the girl he and his family acted a little nicely to Harry when she is around trying to show how they are the perfect family of course.
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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦'𝑠 𝑃𝑂𝑉 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
All of us were walking until Dudley stopped in front of a snake so we all stopped there with me standing between Dudley and (Y/n). Dudley was getting impatient he wanted the snake to move
"Make it move" Said Dudley to his father without looking at him so Uncle Vernon knocked on the glass that was separating us from the snake
"Move" ordered Uncle Vernon reserving nothing from the snake now Dudley was angry and started shouting at it while banging on the glass
"Move!" He shouted which was getting on my nerves so I yelled at him
"He's asleep!"
"Boring" Replied Dudley and he turned away with his parents
I looked to my left and saw (Y/n) smiling at me and I smiled back at her then she looked back at the snake and started talking to him
"Sorry about that," She said and I continued
"Yeah sorry about him he doesn't understand what it's like lying there day after day watching press their ugly faces in on you" Then the snake winked at us and I felt (Y/n)'s hand on my shoulder I looked at her she was surprised as I am so now I know that I am not going mental or something
"Can you hear us?" I asked the snake and he nodded
I then looked at (Y/n) and she looked at me we chuckled and looked back at the snake who was now bringing his head up to look at us
"It's just we have never talked to a snake before," I said then (Y/n) asked him
"Do you only-- do you talk to people often?" She asked him but he shook his head
I looked at her while she was talking to the snake I could still hear her talk but my main focus was on her and a smile made its way to my face unconditionally
"You are from Bruma, aren't you? Was it nice there? do you miss your family?" She said and then the snake pointed with his head to something so she moved her head to my direction and held eye contact for a second then she looked at a sign beside me I looked at it and it said "Bred in captivity" Then at the snake and said
"I see, that's us as well we never meet our parents"
Then Dudley came and pushed me to the ground
When Harry looked up to see (Y/n) by his side looking for injuries
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"Are you ok, did you hurt yourself? do you have any injuries?" She asked in a worried tone
After nodding to her Harry could only look at Dudley angrily and then something unexpected happened while Dudley was putting both of his hands on the glass it disappeared and the boy fell in and the snake slowly got out the two friends gasped and looked at each other backing a little until the snake slid in front of Harry
"Thanksss~," Said the snake
Back at the Dresley's they all came in except for (Y/n) who had gone to her own home Petuina and Dudley got in then Vernon got in with Harry and grabbed his hair harshly
"Anytime" Replied Harry then the snake started sliding away scaring more people then Dudley tried to get out to where he was only to find that the glass was back he started to panic, screaming and banging on the glass from inside calling for his mother both of Harry and (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh at the scene in front of them I mean who could blame them Dudley sure deserves what happened to him but their laughs and chuckles stopped when Vernon glared at Harry
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"What happened?!" Asked Vernon angrily at Harry
"I swear I don't know!" Replied the boy
"One minute the glass was there and then it was gone it was like magic!" He continued only for Vernon to growl at him more and lock him up in the stairs room
"There is no such thing as magic" And with that Vernon closed the small window at the door and walked away
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steven1123x · 2 months
Behind The Scenes-Chapter 23: Brand New Friends
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Steven sits down, Sumo sits next to Steven, grabs some pens, and starts coloring in the letters of his name. Steven put stars around his name, Clarence put stickers around him, and Jeff left his blank.
"Akright class, my name is Miss. Amin, And I will be your teacher." She said, picking up a back Expo marker from the whiteboard and writing her name out for the class. Steven sees today's date on the board as well, written in blue Expo marker on the corner of the whiteboard.
Steven sees Miss. Amin turns around and walks to her desk. "Okay guys, this is a little worksheet to get to know your neighbors a little bit better," she said, walking around the classroom and handing them out. Steven put his name up at the top and started.
The class was finished, and Miss Amin collected the worksheets and put them on her desk.
"Alright, guys, Who will come up first?"
"I want to!" Sumo said, standing up and running towards the whiteboard. The teacher gave him his worksheet, Sumo cleared his throat and read off his worksheet.
"I am Ryan Sumouski My favorite subject is science, In school, I am good at making my friends laugh. Outside of school, I am good at drawing. Something you should know about me is. That I live with my nine brothers.
And Steven asked me if I liked space movies and I said yes, Clarence asked me if I wanted to go on vacation. And I said that I would like to go to San Diego with my two older brothers Tanner and Joseph."
"My name is Jeff Randall and My favorite subject is science too, In school I am good at school. Outside of school, I am good at organizing. Something you should know about me is. That I live with my two mothers.
And Steven asked me what is your favorite thing to do, Well. Steven, I like to have fun with you guys and draw, Clarence asked me if I want to go on vacation too. And I said that I would like to go to Florida with my mothers."
"Very good, Jeff. Now it's Steven's turn. Then I can tell you all mine."
"I am Steven Universe My favorite subject is writing, In school I am good at helping my friends and others. Outside of school, I am good at music. Something you should know about me is. That I moved here from Delaware
Clarence and Sumo asked me if I had ever been to space before and I said no, And Jeff asked me if I wanted to be an actor. And I said, yes, I want to I think that would be so much fun to star in my own cartoon."
"Ver good, Steven. I'm up." Miss Amin said, getting up and telling everyone hers.
A boy raised his hand. "Yes, Tim?"
"Where are you from, Miss. Amin?"
"I am from the country of Palestine," she said. The class gasped in wonder.
"I heard on the news your people were kicked out or something." A boy said, Steven looked at the boy who was occupied with playing his PSP.
Steven turned his head to the voice and the half-gem saw a short and chubby boy with a mop of curly brown hair. He wears a Persian red T-shirt, blue shorts, and navy shoes. He also has a unibrow and a long red nose, Steven thought that he was a character from The Muppets if he wasn't human.
Miss. Amin cleared her throat, feeling uncomfortable now. "Um… Could we please change the topic?" she asked the boy.
"Yeah, Belson! Be quiet!" Sumo said. Steven and Clarence both laugh.
"Whatever…" The boy by the name of Belson said as he went back to playing his PSP.
"Alright, settle down guys. Now, we are going into reading." She said as she grabbed some books from her desk. Steven took one and read the cover. 'The Secret Of Superhero Academy.'
Steven's eyes widened and went starry. He'd never read this book before. He'd read others but not this one.
The class had free time now, Steven was talking with one of the new kids. Gregory. "That's so cool that you play instruments. When did you learn?"
"When I was three." Greg was wide-eyed.
"Three? Woah!" he said.
"Yeah, I have a gift. My dad used to be a musician and I learn faster than any other kid because my mom learns fast." Steven says, Greg nods.
"Hey, Steven. Can you teach me how to play guitar?" he asked.
"Sure! I can bring my ukulele in tomorrow, and I'll teach you at recess." Steven said. The boy smiles and puts his hands on the table.
"So, you want to be an actor?" he asked. Steven nods.
"Heck yeah, I do!" he said.
"Wait, you're the boy who was singing on YouTube!" he said, amazed. Steven giggled and blushed. He wasn't used to getting praise like this. "You know, the CEO of Cartoon Network complimented me about that when I visited.
"Woah!" Greg asked. Steven nods and smiles.
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Steven was at lunch, Clarence, Jeff, and Sumo were all sitting at a table, Steven took out his lunch which was a substitute for fried chicken.
"What's that?" Sumo asked as Steven took out a fork and knife.
"Oh, it's a substitute for fried chicken, it's a cut-up mushroom dipped in the stuff you make breaded chicken," he explained.
"Can I try?" Clarence asked.
"Sure," Steven said, cutting off a piece and giving it to him.
At the end of the school day, They were all walking, Steven saw a girl walking across the street. Then a car speeding by, Steven sees the car inching closer The half gem dropped his backpack, Clarence, Jeff, and Sumo see it. Steven ran to the road to push the girl out of the way, causing her to fall onto the sidewalk.
"Are you okay? you were about to get hit." Steven said
"Thank you." the girl said, Steven looks at her. A young female, Steven guessed that she would be Indian, or African American with dark brown skin and a slim figure, and is slightly taller than Steven. She has a prominent nose, black eyes, thick eyebrows, and dark brown puffy hair that varies in length.
She wore a blue T-shirt and white shorts with white and red Converse.
"No problem, what's your name?" he asked.
"I'm, Connie. I moved here a few weeks ago. you're the boy with the red shirt who hangs out with the three boys." She glanced at Clarence, Jeff, and Sumo who were waiting across the street. Jeff held onto Steven's red star backpack by the strap.
"Are you in Miss. Amin's class?" Steven asked her. She nods.
"I am."
"Wait, you're the one who likes fantasy and playing the violin, right?"
"Yeah," she said. Steven smiles.
"Hey, Steven!" Clarence yells from across the street. Connie looks at the three boys.
"Oh, coming! Hey, you wanna come with us too?" he asked.
"Sure, where are we going though?" Connie asked.
"Wherever the wind takes us!" Clarence said. She smiles.
"Okay! Let's go!"
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"Mom! I'm back, and I brought some friends over!" Clarence said, coming through the back of the house by the sliding glass door. Steven sees who appears to be his mother, a curvy woman with pink skin and blonde hair. Wearing a pale yellow t-shirt and tight pink pants with dark brown boots. She also wears red lipstick.
"Oh, hello! who are they?" His mother asked, seeing both Steven and Connie.
"I'm, Steven and this is Connie. I met her while saving her from almost getting hit by a car," he said. Connie nods in approval. Steven sat on the bar stool, his hands resting on the pink-tiled countertop. Steven took out his phone and saw there were no texts from his dad or the Gems, he smiled in relief.
Pearl would've been texting him nonstop by now wondering where he was at. But, Rose did say that she was not his parent. So, that is a plus.
"Clarence, do you and your friends want some leftover sushi?"
"Yeah!" Clarence, Jeff, Sumo, and Connie said, Steven looked up.
"Um…Excuse me, do you have anything vegetarian?" the hybrid asked her.
"Mmmm, let me see what I have…" she said, looking in the fridge, rummaging through it, looking for something that he could have. She poked her head out and grabbed some celery sticks and peanut butter.
"I have this, you want this?" she asked. Steven nods.
"Uh, what's your name by the way?" he asks.
"I'm Mary," she said, Steven nods.
"Hi, Mary," he said, shaking her hand.
She smiles and proceeds to make Steven his snack.
Mary places Steven's snack in front of him, He picks one up and takes a bite. They hear the door open. A man walks into the house.
The man has a very ape-like appearance, with shoulder-length brown hair and permanent stubble. The man is very tan with big, hairy arms. He's wearing a white T-shirt and black pants.
"Hey, Chad. Your home early." Mary tells her boyfriend, as he kisses her on the cheek.
"The shop wasn't as busy, so I closed up early."
"What does he do again, Mary?" Jeff asked.
"He owns a music store in downtown LA." she reminded Jeff.
"Coool! My dad worked at a music store back home," Steven said. "But now, he's trying to look for a job."
"Oh, what happened?" Mary asked.
"His house caught fire in Delaware three days ago, so he's living here now to be closer to his family and friends," Jeff explained. She nodded as Steven ate the rest of his celery and peanut butter.
"If he's looking for a job, I can hook him up. You know, I can always use more help." Chad said, handing Steven a black business card.
"Chad's music store." Steven read off the card, the boy put it in his pocket and gave him a thumbs up towards the man.
"Bye, Steven. I'll see you tomorrow!" Clarence said Steven and Rose were going back to Misty's and Tony's house. Rose was driving Greg's van. "How was your first day of school, Steven?"
"I loved it, oh! and I have this card. Dad can work at a music store like he did back home! And I met a girl, who almost got hit by a car. I saved her though." Steven said. Rose put a hand on his curly hair.
"You are very compassionate, Steven." his mother said, Steven blushed and smiled. They arrived back at Tony and Misty's house. Steven walks in and puts his backpack by the door.
Steven walked into the bathroom with his PJ pants and a Star Wars T-shirt to take a shower.
Dinner was over, Steven was in bed, and he felt warm under the covers as he drifted to sleep.
He was surrounded by a home on fire, the smoke from the burning wood was making him cough and wheeze. Steven sees a beam fall and tries to duck out of the way, Steven's hands, arms, and legs are black from the ash.
Steven's heart raced as he knew where he was.
He was in his home in Delaware.
Steven ran into the living room, he saw Greg on the couch, limp. "Dad, Dad!" Steven yelled out, running towards him as he coughed violently as smoke filled his lungs.
Steven tried to pick him up and drag him out but couldn't. He then hears a noise. The boy lifted his head and saw a burning beam fall on both of them, Steven's mind raced with questions. How did this happen? Who would do this? and…
Where was his mother?
Steven's eyes shot open, he bolted up and started breathing heavily. Tears welled in his eyes as he wiped them with the back of his hand. He wasn't sure about waking his parents for a dumb problem like this, but…. He sighed, Steven peeled the covers back, opened the door, and went to his father's room.
Steven sees both his parents asleep while holding each other. The hybrid stepped onto the carpeted floor and shook his father's shoulder.
"Dad…" he said. Greg opens his eyes and rolls over and sees his son.
"Steven? What are you doing up?" he asked yawning, rubbing his eyes.
"Um…. I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you guys?" he asked.
Greg smiled at his son. "Of course, Buddy," he said, scooting over and letting him in. The boy went in. Immidely his body was swallowed up with his father's warmth. Steven slowly closed his eyes and went to sleep.
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A/N:Hey guys, I'm back with a new chapter! I hope you'll like this one, See you in the next one!
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