#i had to cut this because then it would be too long 😆
bluecoolr · 2 years
For Life Or Until Fault
Alt Timeline 2.0 Darrell Todd (Odile's Darrell) Introduction
Warnings: MINORS DNI! Main character/s are slasher ocs! Themes revolving around mental turmoil, religious trauma, paranoia, demonic possession.
The letter was typewritten on cheap lightweight paper, but it sat heavy on the desk blotter. Blowing a cloud of smoke, Sister Agatha stared at it from the window. It stared back with a presence as arresting as its sender. Her gaze traveled to the ancient typewriter sitting beside it. Putting out her cigarette, Sister Agatha sat down and began to write.
My Dear Sir,
I write this letter on behalf of Mr. Darrell Todd, who served Our Lady of the Abandoned Sanatorium as groundskeeper under my supervision.
He first came to us as a patient.
She decided against it and ripped the paper out of the carriage. She began again.
We came by his services in a fortuitous manner.
He had been hauled to the sanatorium’s doorstep by authorities, with no memory of how he came to Moldova or where he had been for the past five years. Haggard, starving, and understandably distressed, he was taken to the psychiatric wing - where he was put under her care. For the first few weeks he was inconsolable, and moved between periods of reflective silence and hysteria.
During his time with us, his Romanian was sparse but became sufficient with lessons. He has greatly improved as I see from our current correspondence. His English, as you may soon tell, is distinctly American.
He was a big man. Quite young. The hospital gown they gave him barely reached his knees. The nuns averted their eyes whenever they passed him, a desperate attempt to keep their vows . His patient tag bit into his wrist. He had remembered his name, at least.
Gradually, Sister Agatha was able to nurse him back to health. They struck up a friendship of sorts, with Darrell stubbornly keeping himself at a safe distance, protecting what little he knew about himself. With time, his stability returned and he began to volunteer around the hospital. “The Devil finds work for idle hands to do, Sister,” he reasoned.
He helped with the garden work, usually saving whole plots that others had given up on, and hunted pests that frequented the property. It had taken a great deal of convincing for her superiors to let a psychiatric patient have access to a hunting rifle. When he gunned down the fox that had routinely broken into their chicken coop, however, they stopped voicing their disdain.
Mr. Todd is intelligent and very eager to learn. He is the finest hunter that has ever graced our grounds, and possesses military accuracy. He is hardworking with a gentle, quiet nature and of strong Catholic faith.
Sister Agatha was at once bombarded by memories of Darrell in vomiting fits in the churchyard, trembling in every limb whenever he was told to come to mass. For all his stay at the sanatorium, he would never set foot in the church. He would pace outside, hum along to the hymns, and kick up soil once he had calmed down.
He would also avert his eyes from any image of Christ, going so far as to remove the crucifix that hung on his bedroom wall. Sister Agatha often found it stuffed under his bed and would return it to its place. Always, she would find it missing the next day, its outline glowing like a brand on the faded wallpaper.
“Sister, I beg you. Get me an exorcist.” The request had alarmed - if not terrified - her, but she had pulled strings to grant it.
“He needs a psychiatrist, Sister,” Father Grigore insisted, “not an exorcist. Has his amnesia improved at all?”
It had not.
“I don’t think it’s good, Sister. There’s guilt there. Subconscious. Why do you suppose he fears God so?”
And yet, the board deemed him rehabilitated enough to be released. He had benefited from their care for too long. And so, one day he was sent packing. He marched, forlorn but determined, down the deserted road, and that was the last she ever saw of him.
I wish for you a successful partnership. I could not recommend a more suitable man for the job.
Yours in God,
Sister Agatha
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avocado-writing · 8 months
Okay, I've had this idea bouncing around in my head, waiting for you to reopen suggestions, haha. How do you think the Origins Companions + Halsin, Rolan, Dammon, and Zevlor would react if they found out that Tav had been hiding a very serious injury from them? The kind of injury where Tav is convinced that they're fine and they don't want to worry anyone with something they can handle on their own, especially the people they care most for, but as they try to ignore the injury it only gets worse until it's potentially life threatening and they can't keep up the facade anymore. I will leave it up to you whether or not Tav and the other individual are in a romantic relationship. I think both ways have potential for wonderful angst 😆
ooohhh noooooo! but also oh yes, LOVE this sort of angst lol. written as if you have had an infection come on from an injury. this is gonna be a long list so let's buckle up...
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really tries to hide his panic but fails miserably.
can't help but start snapping - how could you keep something like this from him?
you try to give your excuses but he waves them away, angry, but mostly because he's terrified that he might have lost you.
if he has any healing potions he helps you take them, if he doesn't he immediately... sources some from somewhere.
holds you as tight as he dares, worried that he will aggravate the injury otherwise.
as you begin to heal and drift off to sleep he spends the whole night watching you rest, making sure that you're still breathing, still safe. doesn't mind when you cuddle up to him in the night, sleepily.
curses himself for not noticing your condition. he's a wizard, damn it! he's meant to be bloody perceptive.
wishes for the first time ever that he didn't just know wizard spells. wishes he knew how to heal, too.
makes you as comfortable as he can while he finds a book about what he can do for an infected wound, probably swallowing his pride and going to Shadowheart if it's bad enough.
you manage a weak, "Gale, you don't have to--", and he cuts you off, "if you're going to insist that I don't have to look after you, I'm telling you that I do."
fixes you something to help with the pain and infection, makes sure you drink it all despite the horrid taste, then tucks you into his bedroll to let you rest.
when you go to reach out and cuddle him he slips into your arms, presses his lips to your hair, and whispers as you fall asleep about how much you scared him. about how he'd never be able to lose you.
only realises how unwell you are when you fall over mid-journey.
"tsk'va! why did you hide the extent of your injuries from me?"
hauls you onto her back and carries you back to camp, muttering about your foolishness the whole time.
makes you comfortable in her tent and uses her knowledge of githyanki medicine to help start healing you.
it isn't comfortable as she works on your infection but for the first time you feel her hands being soft rather than vicious.
"you should not have kept this from me." "I know. I'm sorry." "hm. ridiculous thing. zhak vo'n'fynh duj."
goes and intimidates the camp into being quiet so you can rest. it works. this is the nicest she's ever been to you. you could get used to it.
obviously this is not a huge problem for her, but she is still worried that it got so far without her noticing.
immediately heals you, pouring far too many spell slots into your body in order to get it up and running again.
it helps, immediately breaking the fever you've been nursing, and the touch of Shadowheart's hand to your face is cooling and reassuring.
"lady shar teaches us to embrace our pain... but not like this. you should have known better. you could have died."
her hand slips down to cup your cheek, you cover it with one of your own. she's telling you off but you can tell it's because she cares.
"I'm sorry that I scared you." "I know. don't do it again."
she smiles and the ache in your heart is lifted, too.
you collapse on day in camp and he immediately calls on the others for help, not so proud as to be unable to admit when something is out of his knowledge. he is not a healer. he needs help.
he manages to catch you in his arms as you tumble, hugging you close to his chest while magic is worked or a healer checks you over.
lets out a breath he didn't realise he was holding when you begin to stabilise.
helps you back to your tent to rest, gently chiding you but letting you know that he's glad you're alright.
when your hand weakly comes up to touch him, he indulges you in a kiss to let you know how relieved he is.
constantly watching you on the battlefield from that moment on. if he can help it, you'll never be hurt again.
another panicker.
scoops you up in her arms and holds you to her chest, running to the tent of the nearest healer in camp - or, if you're in the city, kicking down the door of a local doctor.
begging the healer to check you over, but is reluctant to let you go. if she stops holding you it's like she's relinquishing control and that scares the life out of her.
you're healed and she feels you start to stir in her arms, peppering you with kisses of relief, choking through her tears that you're never to scare her like that again.
carries you back home, even if you're totally capable of walking. she just wants to make sure you're okay.
sternly disappointed that you didn't tell him, but more annoyed that he didn't notice something was wrong himself. how could he not see how out of balance with nature you were?
squirrels you away to his tent to heal you, make you soothing and medicinal teas, his big hands over the source of the infection.
you burrow into his touch, into his chest, and you end up sitting in his lap as he heals you.
he wants to tell you off a little, but is more relieved that you're alright. encourages you to share all your burdens with him.
kisses you on the forehead, then on the mouth when he's sure you're strong enough for it not to knock you flat.
my poor boy is just a blacksmith, so though he doesn't exactly panic, he does scoop you up and try to find a healer as soon as he can.
waits quietly and nervously as you are examined, silently cursing himself for being too busy to see how you were hurt. he's meant to be better than this. he's meant to love you, how didn't he notice?
when you come to he can't stop apologising, and it takes several of your kisses to soothe him and tell him it was not his fault but yours.
he makes you promise that you'll always tell him when you're hurt. has you look into his eyes and swear it.
he can't do much on the battlefield but he can protect you where he can.
another one cursing that he doesn't know healing spells.
"you aren't meant to die, gods damn it! you're meant to be strong... what good am I if I can't keep you safe..."
rushes you to the best doctor in Baldur's Gate. pays for all the treatment that you could need. holds your hand at your bedside for your entire recovery... until you come back to consciousness, of course, at which point he just starts telling you off for being stupid enough to get into his mess in the first place.
you grab him by the collar and drag him down for a kiss. that finally shuts him up. but he never lets you forget how foolish you were.
practical but still worried about you.
you collapse in the field and he finds a safe place to hide the both of you from dangerous eyes, using his Lay on Hands ability to channel his magic into healing.
you try to apologise but a finger to your lips silences you, and all you can do is watch in quiet wonder as he burns the infection out with his Paladin's light.
when you're better he gently chides you. tells you that you have people relying on your leadership, and that a problem shared means there are more heads working on how to fix it.
when he sees how sorry you are lets you cuddle into him. when you say you'll repay him, he insists your happiness and well-being is enough for an old warrior like him.
does take the kiss you offer, though. he's been wanting to do that for a while...
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daceydeath · 13 days
I Want to Watch (part 6)
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Pairing: Wooyoung x reader x Hongjoong (feat. Jongho) Word Count: 3.3K Genre: Pure Filth 🔞 Warnings: 18+, MDNI, Explicit Content
Arguments between the members can lead to very very enjoyable outcomes provided you are up for it of course.
(for Elise @ocean-dreamer-sky-chaser please don't hate me 😆)
You were happy to lay in the warmth that Wooyoung had left behind, leaving you to continue dozing as he started getting ready, showering and then going into the kitchen to make you both breakfast. You had heard both Jongho and Hongjoong moving around but you figured since it was a late schedule you would be able to spend some time with Wooyoung before he left for his work day. Stretching you could hear the voices in the kitchen getting slightly louder, Wooyoung seemed to be bickering about something but when you heard Hongjoong’s voice cut through it you knew it was serious.
“You can not be fucking serious Wooyoung. What is wrong with you?” Hongjoong scolded heatedly “This is exactly the behavior that tarnishes companies and destroys groups”.
“It’s not like that hyung, it’s not competitive and nobody is getting hurt. I even made a set of rules that everyone agrees on before things happen” you boyfriend balked, obviously offended by the accusation. “Nothing happens without everyone agreeing”.
“It’s true hyung, I agreed and Wooyoung told me what was and wasn’t ok and nothing went wrong. We are adults. We can recognize that this isn’t a "who gets her” at all”. Jongho replied calmly, trying to explain things clearly.
“Did she agree or did you just spring this on her? Because I swear if she is only doing this for you and not really consenting…” Hongjoong trailed off furious “And what happens if it gets out that one of us has a girlfriend who we all fucking share??? We are going to be seen as filthy perverts”.
“Of course she consents hyung! I love her, I would never force her into anything” Wooyoung snapped back nastily, his voice getting louder. “She has the final say if anything happens or not if she says no we will just continue like it never happened and will never speak of it again”.
Swallowing hard and feeling anxious, you quickly slipped out of Wooyoung’s bed and into the bathroom hoping you could pretend you were showering and not eavesdropping on them all arguing. With the hot water running over your body you didn’t hear the rest of the conversation, only when Wooyoung knocked on the bathroom door did you realize he must have finished making breakfast.
“Hi baby” he smiled sweetly, his eyes traveling the length of your naked form “I made you breakfast”.
“Thank you Wooyo” you blew him a kiss as you washed the last of the soap bubbles from your body. You got yourself dressed and left the bathroom to find him sitting on the bed waiting for you coffee in hand. “You are too good for me, my love”.
“So we have four nights of filming for this music video. Will you be able to come round after?” he raised his eyebrow slightly as he watched you take a sip.
“Yeah, I can do that” you sighed “but only if Hongjoong isn’t still mad, I don’t want to ruin your career or the others reputations”.
“So you did hear that then” Wooyoung blanched slightly, his face falling “Like Jongho said we are all consenting adults, there are no feelings involved, besides the ones between us, so it shouldn’t matter. Plus the guys don’t think less of you if anything they respect you more”.
“Of course because we all know sleeping around earns women respect Woo” you rolled your eyes hard as he flushed pink. “But just tell me when the shoot is over and I’ll come back around”.
Four nights turned into four and a half nights so when your phone lit up just after midnight you expected to be met with an exhausted sounding boyfriend who just needed you to come round to cuddle after a long schedule not an over excited and smug sounding Wooyoung and an angry sounding Hongjoong in the background.
“Woo? What do you need?” you yawned having been asleep before his summons.
“Can you come round? Actually can we pick you up and take you to the dorm? We’re about 20 minutes away from your place”. Wooyoung’s honeyed voice told you everything you needed to know about what kind of night you were going to have. “Hyung wants to try something new with you”.
“Alright I’ll get ready and meet you out the front of the building” you breath coming out unevenly as scenarios flooded into your mind about what he could be proposing. Hongjoong had seemed so angry at the idea so something must have changed his mind for him to agree to pick you up on the way home. Stripping out of your pajamas you packed a clean pair into your bag and picked out a white set of mesh lingerie to wear underneath your track pants and t-shirt. 
You got downstairs just in time to watch the dark van pull over and the door slide open to reveal Hongjoong looking every part the captain of the demon line and your smirking boyfriend who quickly tugged you into the car and into the seat beside him kissing you desperately, his tongue swirling with yours in a battle for dominance.
“You are alright with this?” Hongjoong smiled slyly watching you with Wooyoung “You can say no at any time and it will be like it never happened”.
“Joongie I want this” You smirked, meeting his eyes and watching them darken in the low light of the car, the more interest he showed the more confidence you felt.
“Good, I won’t go easy on you” his voice seductive and low, his words sending sparks of heat bloom in your core, your arousal already making your underwear damp, Wooyoung soon reclaimed your mouth, his hands squeezing everywhere he could reach.
Entering the apartment you were passed between the boys Hongjoong easily taking control and pressing you against the wall by your throat his lips meeting yours only moments before his tongue invaded your mouth, whimpering you allowed him to do whatever he pleased with you as you vaguely heard Wooyoung grunt throatily as he watched you. Hongjoong’s knee pressed firmly against your crotch making you buck and squirm against his hard thigh for some friction.
“My room” Hongjoong ordered quietly, making you tremble in his grasp. Wooyoung grabbed your wrist just about dragging you down the hallway to the oldest room while Hongjoong followed his hands never leaving your body. 
“Have you ever had a safeword?” Hongjoong’s silky voice washed over you as you entered his room, his hands moving to massage your hips keeping you grounded in the moment.
“No, never” you breathed softly, your voice slightly uneven at idea.
“If you want me to stop, say red and if you are fine with what I’m doing, say green” He smiled pressing his lips to the shell of your ear while you nodded eagerly. Wooyoung was already palming himself through his jeans as he watched the older man turn you around and kiss you again this time winding his hand into your hair and tugging it hard enough to tilt your head back so he could continue his ministrations down your neck. Whimpering quietly you could feel the graze of his blunt fingernails against your scalp every time you moved.
“Be a good girl baby and let hyung play” Wooyoung cooed, his eyes already glazed with lust.
“Yes, be a good girl for me” Hongjoong teased, repeating your boyfriend’s instructions as his hand wandered down to find the bare skin of your waist. “Strip”. Following his instructions you shimmied out of your pants and pulled your hoodie over your head leaving you in just the lingerie you had picked out only half an hour before
“Such a beautiful little thing you are” Hongjoong murmured against the skin of your throat making you shiver “You will look so fucking good tied up”.
“Please Joonie” you whimpered, eyes wide as Wooyoung groaned softly from Hongjoong’s chair, his hooded eyes darkening by the second.
“Not yet” he smirked, hands moving to cup your breasts, his thumbs brushing your nipples in slow circles making you sigh softly “first your slutty desperate boyfriend is going to eat your pussy until you can't take it anymore”. Pulling away from you he moved to haul Wooyoung to his feet roughly shoving him in your direction busying himself by going to the wardrobe to pull out a large black box and putting on the bed beside you. Several different cords emerged from it along with vibrators, a riding crop, a blindfold and cuffs Hongjoong’s fingers tracing over each one as he considered his plans for you.
“Don’t just stand there” Hongjoong chuckled darkly looking at Wooyoung’s flushed face “take care of your girl”.
You stepped towards your boyfriend capturing his lips in a soft kiss which he easily deepened his tongue pushing between your lips to move with yours. Pulling you against him he stiffly began moving, his hands trailing down your sides and eventually grasping your hips to push you back towards the bed.
“You are so fucking into watching us use your precious lover but cant deal with one of us watching you?” Hongjoong’s cruel laugh cut through the silence of the room. Wooyoung stopped kissing you, his eyes narrowing in annoyance momentarily before picking you up and sitting on the bed forcing you to straddle his legs.
“If you want a show hyung you can have one” he smiled challengingly, easily unclipping your bra and throwing it towards Hongjoong’s feet. Wooyoung ran his hands over your skin one hand gripping the curve of your arse and the other holding your waist dipping his head to take a nipple into his mouth sucking and biting it gently before switching sides teasing you until you were breathily whimpering clutching his hair in your fingers. His hands encouraged you to grid on his length the rough fabric of your jeans pushing your lacy underwear to graze against your folds creating just enough friction to get you desperately whining.
“Such a needy little one” Hongjoong cooed.
“Lay back baby, let me taste how sweet you are” Wooyoung groaned, his confidence coming back from how easily you responded to him scrambling onto the sheets and slipping your underwear down your legs. Wooyoung grinned as you slowly spread your legs for him letting you take hold of your ankles and tug you down the bed to where he wanted you before over dramatically lick a long slow stripe through your drenched folds your head fell back against the mattress your breathy sounds making Wooyoung groan into your slick flesh.
“I think we should start small” Hongjoong hummed his eyes meeting yours letting you whine under Wooyoung's talented tongue Hongjoong slowly began wrapping the soft thin cord around one of your wrists making sure that it wasn't too tight or likely to slip if you pulled on it he then passed the length of it through one of the many spaces in his bed head and laid the rest of it beside you. Your brain could only half focus as your boyfriend pushed a third finger into you, the lewd squelch of your slick folds filling the room.
"How can you look so fucked out when we haven't even started yet?" Hongjoong leaned down his breath ghosting across your ear "I can't wait to see you after I've actually fucked you".
"Fuck" you whimpered your walls tightening around Wooyoung's digits as even more of your wetness leaked out of your stretched hole. Wooyoung instantly stopped lapping at your clit and stilled his fingers watching you carefully.
"She's so close, hyung want me to stop?" he asked, your essence smeared all over his lips and chin. Hongjoong nodded, gesturing for your boyfriend to stand and help him move you to the middle of the bed before he started tying the cord around your other wrist and then looping it around your other wrist so they were locked together above your head.
"Now remember green means I can continue and red means I stop, alright?" Hongjoong purred in your ear before claiming your lips, his teeth biting into your lip much harder this time making you squeak in surprise. "I want you to roll over now and show me your pretty little arse". You did as you were told able to pull your elbows under yourself to prop yourself up nerves and excitement both thundering through your body waiting for Hongjoong to act you felt the bed shift as he traced his fingers teasingly up your thigh until he met your hip before dipping between your folds to push just the tips of two of his fingers inside you making you arch your arse even further into the air as his thumb teased you sticky slit.
"Aw look at you my slutty little baby already so eager for hyung to fuck you" Wooyoung breathed heavily his pants already off leaning him in just his boxers his cock straining against the fabric.
"Want him so much Woo" you whimpered, pushing yourself back against his fingers to try to get them to slide further into you.
"Tsk don't misbehave or I'll have to punish you" Hongjoong warned the smirk on his face clear as day in his voice. You could help the tremble that ran across your skin making Hongjoong hum, slowly removing his fingers again his hand rubbed a few light circles on your left cheek before a loud smacking it down hard on your soft skin making it jiggle under his palm. You inhaled sharply your eyes wide as he repeated it, his hand stinging more the second time before he soothed it again. "Color?"
"Green" you gasped softly feeling another wave of arousal drip out of you unsure how much more turned on you could get without crying and neither of them had even fucked you yet.
"So hot" Wooyoung mumbled as Hongjoong slapped your pink stained skin again, a satisfied grumble leaving his throat as you moaned loudly.
"Such a good little thing" Hongjoong praised his hand massaging the now red skin "Wooyoung, invite Jongho in don't want him missing out on seeing what he can hear".
"Really, fuck, yeah sure" Wooyoung seemed to choke on his tongue as his eyes widened rushing out of the room to bang on Jongho's door urgently, you couldn't hear what was said or whether Jongho was even in there your ears too tuned in to the sound of a lid clicking open and cold liquid hitting your puckered arsehole.
"I'm going to fuck this juicy little pussy until you scream then I'm going to fuck your arse until you can't remember anything but my cock" Hongjoong whispered linging his tip up with your entrance and pushing in slowly. Your jaw dropped in a silent moan as he filled you every vein on his dick rubbing perfectly against your velvet walls.
"Holy shit" Jongho groaned stopping just inside the doorway of the bedroom his face flushing instantly as he watched his captain slowly fucking into you you hands tied below you.
"Move" Wooyoung grunted pushing past Jongho to return the desk chair he was watching you from "Grab a chair or get out already".
"Focus on me only on how good I'm fucking you" Hongjoong demanded his voice low as his index finger started circling the tight ring of muscle pushing and probing gently as he worked you open slowly his hips snapping hard against you as he thrust his length as far deep as you could take him.
"Yes, yes only you Joongie" you sighed the pleasure in your core slowly building as he continued to hit your g spot with each movement.
"You're really going to let hyung take her like that?" Jongho moaned, his sweats pulled down his hand already pumping his cock. Wooyoung just grunted the sound almost guttural as he pulled his cock back out of his boxers. You couldn't help the whine that left your lips the sound so needy and pathetic that once again your boyfriend groaned the sound broken in his throat by the speed of his hand.
Pushing a second finger into you Hongjoong carefully scissored his fingers to help with the stretch you were still relaxed since his cock was continuing to brush against your favorite spot that made you see fireworks but when he pushed the third finger in you tensed making him snap his hips faster forcing his tip to kiss your cervix with each movement which in turn made your head spin. Your pleasure from your core spreading and burning in your veins until your walls began tightening around him.
"Be a good girl and cum on my dick" Hongjoong ordered his voice firm, his cock continuing to pump into you deeply "Now". You almost screamed as your walls pulsed around him, your back going rigid and your legs shaking so hard you thought you were going to fall but Hongjoong kept you in place thrusting shallowly into you to prolong your high. "Such a good girl for this first part".
Pulling his fingers and his still hard cock from you Hongjoong let you collapse onto the bed breathing hard as he urged you to roll onto your side leaving you facing your boyfriend and Jongho. Hongjoong gently lifted your leg leaving your glistening and swollen pussy on full display before he filled your still quivering cunt with a vibrator which made you arch your back and cry out incoherently overstimulation making your walls pulse around the toy. Not letting you adjust he slowly pushed himself into your tight ring, the stretch from his thickness and feeling of overwhelming fullness bringing tears to your waterline.
“Color?” Hongjoong breathed hesitating before sinking himself completely inside you.
“Fuck. HongJoong. Green” you slurred feeling lightheaded as your overstimulation began to once again turn into the slow burning of pleasure.
“So fucking tight” Hongjoong cursed sinking himself in completely before pulling almost all the way out and snapping his hips back into you. Your high pitched keen filled the room as your whole body jostled with every thrust of his hips. You could hear Jongho’s heavy breathing followed by the short broken whines that your boyfriend always made as he got closer to his release. 
“Jongho get over here” Hongjoong hoarsely demanded pointing to the spot in front of you “Stick your cock in her mouth to keep her quiet”. Jongho froze, turning his gaze to Wooyoung who had tipped his head back with pleasure and didn’t even seem to register his hyung’s voice then to you. You opened your mouth letting your tongue loll out giving him all the permission he needed to kneel in front of you on the bed and begin rubbing his heavy member on your tongue slowly fucking into your throat while you gasped.
“I’m gonna… Shit” Wooyoung yelped urgently, his voice trembling as he tried to control himself. 
“Better get over here to paint your pretty girlfriend” Hongjoong rasped his hips snapped harder chasing his own need as you began almost vibrating around him your muscles taught as your own orgasm neared between Hongjoong and the vibrator in your cunt you could stop the tight coil from snapping suddenly a long muffled moan erupting from your throat around Jongho’s cock making a broken mewl fall from his lips as thick ropes of cum shot into your throat gagging you swallowed everything you could as your vision went white you eyes rolling back. Hongjoong deep depraved hiss all you could focus on as his hips stuttered and you felt his hot seed fill you and your boyfriends splatter your breasts.
“Fuck” Jongho panted swallowing hard “That was unexpected”.
“That was intense” Wooyoung sighed, his breath coming out in deep gasps “Fuck I love you baby”.
“You did so wonderful for me” Hongjoong whispered to you slowly removing the vibrator and himself from your fucked out body. You blinked at him slowly, too shattered to speak, the corners of your lips turning up. “Let me get you something to clean you up with and take care of you huh?”.
a/n: Thank you for reading lovelies I adore you all and I am so grateful for your likes, reblogs, comments and support you are amazing and I love you endlessly xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz @armystay89 @damnyouficc @roamingpolar
@tara-skyhold @bakedlilgoonie @krishastumblernow @mrsseals16 @fawnpeaks
@leeknowinggg @tanzen-ist-gold @taz-97 @ocean-dreamer-sky-chaser @everythingboutkpop @tunafishyfishylike
@londonbridges01 @bkimrose @pancake-freckle @pansexual-and-eating-pancakes
@skersey33 @jintastic-yuyu @hwxbibi @onmykneesforateez @skittyneos
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changisworld · 8 months
Can I request a roommates with chan where you’re in your room masturbating and Chris’s room is right next to yours but you don’t know that he’s home so he can hear you getting yourself off? He’d probably try not to hear but can’t help but get turned on and start masturbating while moaning a bit too loud but he doesn’t notice you hear him until he realizes that you’ve made your way into his room and he’s all embarrassed but you reassure him that’s it ok and decide to ride him so good he’s seeing stars lol 😂
OMG YES?!? THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR THIS IDEA OMFG you have no idea what this ask has done to my brain
i got a bit carried away so it’s longer than i expected but the more words the better am i right😆
i hope you enjoy it!!🫶🏼
**smut warnings under the cut**
©ANY translation, copy & paste, posting of my work is strictly forbidden for ANY posts/ writing i post.
any comments/ re blogs are deeply appreciated!!
main masterlist here
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SMUT WARNINGS; subby chan, softdom?reader, mention/ use of sex toys(dildo, R using), mention of alcohol, mention of past encounters, embarrassed chan, pet names(gorgeous, baby etc) soft sex, aftercare, BIG DICK CHANNIE TROPE, playful biting, creampie, confessing of feelings at the end :3
You have just gotten home from an extremely long tiring day at work & from getting groceries since you knew your best friend & roommate bangchan, would be far too busy at the studio to go grab some. You wouldn’t be surprised if that man had a bed built in that stupid room due to how long he spent there, you had to act like his mum at times & force him to eat because that man would constantly forget so him buying groceries was basically zero chance.
You put the groceries on the counter & stretch & sigh then just stand in silence for a second, appreciating but also quite saddened by the quietness. Truth is, you get quite lonely & down due to how much chan is away, always wanting to speak to him & watch movies with him proved to be difficult with your busy schedule & his even busier one. But one thing you’re thankful for is because he’s gone so much, you don’t need to worry about him walking in on you masterbating there’s nothing you love more than pulling an orgasm or two out of you after a long day & that would obviously prove more awkward & difficult if Chan was in the next room over, through only one thin wall separating you both.
As soon as you finish putting the groceries away you’re practically skipping up to your bedroom, practically stripping yourself along the way. you run past bangchans room on the way, only wearing your dress pants & bra at this point, holding your shirt in your hand & your shoes discarded by the front door as you came in.
As you get into your room you don’t bother to shut your bedroom door, not needing to since nobody’s home, right?
You finish getting undressed & basically leap onto your bed, grabbing your favourite vibrating dildo from your bedside drawer & your computer before logging in & going straight to your go to channel on the hub. Your favourite porn star is hot in every aspect, gorgeous rock hard abs, strong arms, a slightly large nose, gorgeous plump lips & most of all, a huge dick. As much as you don’t want to admit it, his body reminds you so much of chan, but you try push those thoughts out of your mind as you start toying with your clit with the fingers you just licked, preparing to use the dildo.
Within no longer than five minutes you are fucking yourself open with the vibrating dildo, using the balls of it as extra pleasure on your clit, you are pinching your nipples at the same time for the extra pleasure, looking over at the computer screen as best as you can since your eyes keep closing. the whines & moans leaving your mouth are u surprisingly louder than the sound of the vibrating toy currently being squeezed by your pink walls & you feel that familiar knot being built up in your stomach when the toy died.You realise you forgot to put it on charge this morning & you screamed internally. You let out a cry of desperation as you quickly try to use your fingers to fill the void but your orgasm had already failed. you get up on slightly shaky legs to go find the charger when you hear a hushed whine. You turn to look at the computer screen, still playing but you know your favourite stars noises & that definitely wasn’t him. you pause your computer & you hear another moan, a bit louder than the last. Your mind freezes in the moment, chan was HOME you quickly throw a pair of cloth shorts & a baggy shirt(that’s actually chans that he lended you) on before you go & knock on his door, panicking internally. Nobody answers the door so you think for a second, hoping chan wasn’t home but then you heard a rustling noise from inside & without thinking twice, you creak open his door, shocked but also not surprised at the sight in front of you. Across the room, at his desk is chan with his back to you but you can tell he’s jerking off. You don’t know how to react for a second but decide it’s weird that you’re just staring at him so you let out a small cough.
“You,eh, coulda told me you were home chan”
Chan instantly jumps almost out of his skin & looks at you with a red face, damp hair & blown out eyes as he starts rambling.
“fuck y/n i’m sorry! i eh, i got home earlier, i was gonna tell you i was home but then you… you know, didn’t wanna interrupt, heh.”
Chan says, not looking at you anymore, trying to tuck his dick back into his underwear.
“Well by the looks of it, i’m interrupting something now? were you… jerking off to me chan?” You raise your eyebrows slightly, quite flattered at the idea.
“goodness no y/n! i- i’d never!! promise!”
His face goes even redder in the dim lighting as he stands up to walk over to you to try plead his case.
“chan don’t sweat it, it’s hot to be honest, i mean, it’s flattering i guess, don’t you agree?” you walk over to him so you’re face to face with his gorgeous one, looking into his eyes innocently as if you have even one innocent thought in your head at the moment.
“you’re, you’re not creeped out?” Chan says, surprised. He acknowledges the lack of personal space between you both & he gets quite flustered & you can tell, you take one of his hands in your own.
“no, afterall we are best friends chan, ive seen basically every part of you over the years, you fingered me once in a random persons bathroom at a party for goodness sake, ive seen you throw up on the side of the street due to too much alcohol, nothing should embarrass you, i mean nothing embarrasses me anyway”
you laugh slightly & decide to put your hand around the back of his neck & pull him slightly closer to you & you lean into his ear & whisper; “if you want this i’m more than happy to give it to you chan, judging by how hard you still are in your pants, i think it’s safe to say you do want it, hm?”
Chan doesn’t say anything but his reddened face speaks a thousand words, before you can second guess yourself, you lean in & kiss him. It’s a lot different to what your previous drunk kisses have been like, it has more… emotion? there, you get butterflies in your stomach this time as you kiss him, more than any other time.. you’re both using tongue but it’s quite tame, not overwhelming but you are still able to taste eachother. His hands find themselves at your waist & he pulls you further into him, not breaking it.
You nor chan are completely sure when you ended up on his bed but you both did, you’re straddling his lap, his shirt now gone again showing his gorgeous abs, even more stunning & better looking than the pornstar you were “obsessed” with, you now have the real, the better version in front of you. Chan is making out with your neck as his hands are on your ass & you’re slowly grinding on him.
“As good as my shirt looks on you, it would look better off, dontcha think?”
You nod instantly & lift your arms up so he can pull it off you with ease, showing your stunning tits with your even prettier nipples, hard & reddened. Chan let’s a small whimper escape as he looks at them, his grip on your ass tightening.
“take off your shorts too y/n , please baby, fuck you’re stunning”
you blush at his words & waste no time in taking your shorts off before climbing back on top of him, but not before helping chan also take his pants & underwear off again, leaving you both nude. You notice instantly how big his dick is, atleast 7 inches you think to yourself & so so thick, your mouth waters instantly. You grind yourself along his length as he looks at you with a shiny look in his eyes, almost as shiny as his cock now that your slick has ran all over it. You grab his base & begin to line yourself up when he stops you.
“Doncha need some sort of prep y/n? don’t you want me to finger you or eat you hm?”
you smile at his words but allow yourself to slide down, really slowly.
“I already prepped myself with the dildo i was using earlier handsome, i dont need it”
you smile at him innocently, as if he isn’t stretching you out insanely, no amount of using your favourite dildo could ever compare to this.
You both let out a whimper at the fullness & warmth you are both feeling, chans noise however coming out more like a whine. You collect yourself as you begin moving up & down his length, making sure to clench to watch his face contort with pleasure. Chan looks up at you & cups your face before pulling you down to kiss him again as he uses his other hand to trail down your jaw, neck, collarbone than landing on your nipple, he pinches it & twists it which makes you let out a needy groan into his mouth & you feel his dick twitch inside you.
“y/n you’re so fucking wet, how are you this wet? fuck, you’re a goddess.”
You smile at his words before kissing him again.
The noise coming from the room is nothing short of pornographic, the sound of the clapping of skin, wetness of your pussy getting stretched open, the whines & moans coming from you both & also the sound of spit being shared between you both.
Your pace begins to slow down due to sore legs & you start to sound more desperate.
“Aww, are you tired babe? want me to do the work hm? just say the word baby, i’m all yours.” He looks at your tired expression with nothing but lust, slithering his hand down to start toying with your clit which makes your eyes shoot down & you moan even louder.
“no, i just- i wanna please you okay baby? let me.”
You gather the rest of your strength & plant your feet on the bed & start riding him as if you would die if you didn’t, you lean backwards onto his legs so he could get a clear view of your pussy as you start to feel what you were robbed of earlier in the night. “fuck y/n you’re so beautiful, nothing on earth compares to this, absolutely nothing at all.” you blush at his words but don’t…can’t think about what he’s saying for too long as you feel your insides bubbling up.
“fuck chan, you-you’re so deep ima, ima cum” you whine, looking into his eyes, your hair sticking to your face & out of breath. You sit up again & start grinding on him, using his pubic bone & trimmed pubes as friction against your clit to push you over the edge, at the same time you cup chans balls & start needing them with your fingers
“fuck beautiful, ima cum too, where can i cum baby?” Chan seems & is even more finished than you are, so why not let him completely tip over the edge?
“in, inside please baby, want it, so ba-fuck channie i’m cumin’!”
Your sentence is cut short as you cream his dick & you start spasming on top of him, unable to keep going through this burst of pleasure. the second you clench on his dick as you cum, he cums too. you feel the hot seed fill you up inside & it adds to your own pleasure. Chan throws his head back & groans so raspy & whiny,gripping your hips as hard as be can to keep you planted on him.
As you both come down from your highs, you flop forwards so you are now laying across his chest, nipples touching & you lean into his neck & kiss it softly.
“If i knew this would have been the outcome, i woulda took your dildo off charge as soon as you left for work a whole long time ago, pretty girl”
He laughs as he tilts his head to the side to get your hair out of your face to kiss your forehead
“you dick! i knew i put it on charge this morning! who says i wouldn’t have came to you a while ago if you had threw hints at me!”
you playfully hit his chest & bite his cheek.
“i did throw hints at you! i think? maybe in just a scaredy-cat so it wasn’t obvious butttt y/n i guess i eh kinda like you?”
you can’t help but blush at his words & your heart races. you sit up so you can look at him properly.
“i guess i like you too” you roll your eyes playfully when you feel chans dick twitch inside you. “You’re hard again?? you just came!” You giggle at his reaction, turning his head away from you & covering his eyes with embarrassment.
“what did you expect? my best friend & crush of YEARS just said she likes me back? if you had a dick you’d do the same trust me. anyway, do you mind getting off my dick so i can get us cleaned up?”
You squeeze his cheeks & lean down to kiss him before getting off his dick & watch him wipe his sweat off before throwing a pair of sweatpants on to go get you both water.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 11 months
9th member getting in a bad fight w skz (v v v angsty)
Hit me where it hurts.
Warning: very traumatizing, read at your own risk!
Pairing: skz x 9th member
Summary: friends fight all the time but eventually get back together right?
!not proofread so forgive me for mistakes!
You will hate me after this but I love you 😆Enjoy!
My body stumbles into the dorm rooms. A giggle leaves my mouth. My vision was blurry, no doubt there. The room was spinning but in a good way.
The scent of a good home cooked meal filled my nostrils as I sat on the floor and removed my tied shoes.
Another giggle escapes my mouth as I get up and fall down on my bum.
“Y/n? Is that you?” A voice calls that makes me jump a little. I look up to see leeknow walking into the little entrance of the dorms.
“Heyyy Oppa,” my words slur as I get up again slightly sliding but able to balance.
He looks at me examining my body. He was wearing sweatpants and a white hoodie. His glasses were on too meaning he was cooking. He stood there arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed.
“Have you been drinking again?” His voice is calm yet harsh.
“Maybe,” I simply say before giggling again and walking past him making my way to the living room.
His body turns with mine as he follows behind continuing the conversation.
“Are you fucking serious? We talked about this.” His tone was getting louder and I didn’t like it at all. I stopped and looked at him. His face a few inches away from mine.
“But Oppa I thought you said you would support me in everything I do,” I tilt my head and bite my lip. Slowly a smirk crips up. “Don’t you like seeing me happy?” I hiccup.
He takes a step back and I frown, “You’ve been coming home drunk for the past two weeks! What is wrong with you? We’ve been worried sick!” He growls quite literally. His face turning red and his arms crossed.
“Okay but what’s the big deal I had a little to drink, whatever,” I roll my eyes and turn my body to continue walking to the living room.
His hand grabs mine. I squirm a little trying to make him let go. “Let go Leeknow your hurting me,”
“Look at yourself Y/n! Just look! You’re a fucking mess!” His voice is loud now. Filled with anger and running through out the house. His towering over me. Making me feel small.
“Leeknow I said let go of me now!” I yelp but he doesn’t. His breathing is heavy and his looking at me with dark eyes. Filled with hurt and anger.
“Your killing yourself-“
I cut him off. Not even bothering to listen to the long speech he was about to give because what was the point? We had been going through this for the past week. The same old boring ass speech.
“I don’t fucking care! You didn’t care about me before now why all of a sudden you care about me now huh? Huh?! You’re a monster, you and all the boys are!” I’m now yelling at the top of my voice. His hand lets go shocked at my reaction. He steps back trying to process what I was trying to say. His eyes searching my face.
“What do you mean I didn’t care? Who was fucking there for you when you got eliminated? Who was h there for you when you broke your ankle? Who the fuck was there for you the nights you couldn’t learn a choreography? Huh? Who the fuck was there for you when your mum disowned you? Stop being a fucking little bitch about everything and running away from your problems. Face them! Face them instead of drinking them away!”
“Don’t you ever talk about my mother again leeknow,” my voice is low, anger laced all over it. It almost comes out as venom.
His stood in-front of me, his hands are in a fist. Why was his hand in a fist? Was he going to hit me? What was he trying to do?
“If you going to fucking hit me, hit me! Hit me leeknow-“
I step closer to his body. My finger poking at his chest and he clenched his jaw. The world is still spinning and the room is dim.
“Hey! What the fuck is going on?!” Hyunjin drops his phone on the ground and runs towards us. His hand automatically wrapping around my waist and pulling me away from leeknow who is huffing in anger. Trying to calm down.
“What the fuck Y/n?! Have you been drinking again?” Hyunjin asks me when he puts me down. His runs his hands through his hair as he starts to examine me. His eyes going back and forth between me and leeknow. “Please don’t tell me you haven’t,”
I go quiet but Leeknow Ofcourse had to step in.
“Yes she has been-“
“It doesn’t have to do with any of you!” I yell at him. I grab my jacket that laid on the floor and slightly stumble. Hyunjin is still processing what’s going on but leeknow still has a lot to say, I see it, I sense it.
“Yes the fuck it does because you promised you would stop! Look at the way you’re talking to leeknow! You can’t even see in a straight line for crying out loud!” Hyunjin’s outbursts caused me to snap back into reality.
“Why are you on my dick Hyunjin? Why are you alwyals in my business?! God! Ever since you came back from haitus you’ve been such a clingy bitch!” The words leave my mouth and my brain stops. I instantly regret what I had just said. I knew Hyunjin didn’t like his hiatus and it was the worst time in his life.
“Hyunjin’s I didn’t mean-“
“Are you serious? Are you serious right now y/n?” Leeknow cuts into the argument. His now walking towards both of us. His hands waving in the air as he speaks. “Why would you say such a thing to him? You know how sensitive that is!”
Hyunjin’s eyes start to shine, his lips turning into a frown then a scowl, “and ever since you were sexually assaulted you’ve been moping around like a bitch!” Hyunjin took a step away from me his hands were shaking. His voice is louder than ever. His body upward and straight.
The word hit me hard. My body starts to shake aswell. This was the biggest fight we had ever gotten into and we had just taken it on another level.
“Oh great then why don’t we all just leave eachother alone huh?!” I stumble back again, the alchohol getting to me as hard as the emotions were. “You know what? Fuck you leekmow, fuck you hyunjin!”
“That’s great because you know what?! Chan never wanted you in the group before! He just picked you cause you were a sad fucking trainee that nobody wanted in their team-“
“Hyunjin!” A voice yells and we all turn at Chan and Felix who are standing at the door. Obviously coming from outside. They were both wearing coats and beanies due to the coldness outside.
“I’m sorry! I had to say it, She’s a bitch!” He glares at me and then back at Chan “and I mean it, I can be a bitch to if I wanted too,” he spits at me.
I look at him in disbelief. My heart ached. My heart ached so much I couldn’t help but hold my chest.
“Where the fuck have you been Y/n? So you know me and Felix have been walking out in the cold for hours looking for you?!” I look up at Chan who is now in the same area as us. Leeknow still standing there pissed off trying to calm down.
“Why would you? Because I’m a sad little girl that needs saving?!” I scoff when I reply to Chan. His face falls, so does Felix’s. My Han trying to support my weight as I watch everyone in the room glaring at me.
Was this even real? Was I even real?
“Are you drunk Y/n?” He looks at me, eyes wide opened. His hands turn into a fist as well. His jaw tensed up.
“Ask your little fucking friends that you wanted,” I scoff and turn my back on them starting to walk out the door. I fall to the ground (quite literally) and put on my shoes. Then get up. The boys all watching in shock trying to figure out what to do.
“Where are you going?!” Chan yells, “running away from your problems won’t solve anything! Y/n! Stop!” His shouts are getting louder as I open the door not bothering to listening to him.
“I’m going somewhere fucking away from you and your pathetic little team! Chan leave me the fuck alone.” Everything goes quiet as I unlock the door but the glass shattering causes me to turn and look at their direction.
Pieces of glass laid in front of them. The handle of the face still in Chan’s hand.
“Good go away and don’t come back all you do is cause us problems!”
“Hyung!” Felix gasps and grabs his arm trying to calm him down. “Don’t say that! Ever-body just please calm down and let’s talk about it-“
“I didn’t want to be in the group in the first place!”
“We all didn’t want you either but look where we both are!”
“Hyung stop!” Felix puts his hand over his mouth. “That’s not true! Look at you guys.” His eyes tears up as he looks at me. My heart breaks. “Y/n just come back inside and let’s talk about it okay?”
“Let her go Felix, she’s pathetic anyway.” Hyunjin says as he turns around to walk back to his room.
I slam the front door and run up the apartments stairs. I need to get away for a moment. I needed to think. I stumble through out until I get to the roof stop.
I take a deep breath and find my legs swinging off the edge. I look down to say the busy street.
When did life get this busy? This out of control?
I had to deal with a lot. I couldn’t anymore. I wouldn’t. If the boys didn’t want me anymore then I had no one.
Hot tears run down my cheeks. The pain in my chest aching even worse than before. The wind blew on my hair as I took a deep breath in and let myself go.
“No wait! Y/n!” I hear I.N’s scream. Instant regret fills my body but it’s to late. My body falling down the different floors, gasps and screams fill the street until everything goes quiet. My mind goes quiet.
Then end.
Y’all I feel so bad omg forgive me 😭
PT 2:
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doctorprofessorsong · 4 months
Hello! I recently watched The Winchesters and had a question, which I figured you could answer/discuss?
I'm aware that the show takes place in an Alt Universe, and that Spn's John never fell into the hunting life earlier, so he never knew Carlos personally. But still, it's still him — and he is not homophobic towards Carlos who is canonically bi. It can be argued that he just does not know, like he did not know about Carlos serving the Navy, but then what about Anton? We know Lata knows, of course. But has it been explicitly stated that Mary & John know too? And it's not like Carlos hides himself; he's open about his interests and that's amazing, but John is never portrayed as a Hater, no? Not in this sense in the show.
But we, as a fandom, have concluded that John is the reason for Dean's suppression of his own feelings — in general, and about being into men — but then... Carlos.
Did Dean assume his father would never approve? Because he never does of anything that has to do with feelings; it's always hunting and more hunting and revenge, of course. Is that what happened, rather than John actually being homophobic, he was a colossal failure of a parent who "just" pushed away his son(s) emotionally to a level where potential abuse and discouragement were more realistic than anything else? Does this also mean that when Dean does come out to John he would be supportive, at least, of this?
It's just been bugging me, is all.
Hoo boy. Throwing me an easy one before coffee, huh? :)
As a fun aside, there is a scene where a Carlos is mentioned in the mothership. It's not established to be the same Carlos in SPNwin, but the SPN episode was written by Robbie and he has acknowledged they are in his mind.
That doesn't get us to an answer, but it's nice to know that Dean and Sam possibly knew a version of Carlos.
Leading with the short answer to the actual question: what you have described regarding canon is a lot of assumptions and headcanons, which are fine and can absolutely be read as "John was just different in the different universes,' but I personally find that to be the boring answer. I think this fandom tends to write John as the evil bad dad, when a complex gray John is far meatier, so I'm often inclined to go deeper.
The answer I feel works better is the possibly unpopular opinion that we don't actually know John is homophobic at all and it's very possible Dean’s relationship with his father, while fraught with expectations in any number of ways, may not actually be driving his choice to live in the closet and/or his delayed realization of his sexual orientation. It's extremely possible John isn't homophobic at all. Dean may have read him that way or he may have felt pressure from external sources. These days my preferred reading tends to actually be something else entirely: that Dean knows he is queer and simply doesn't reveal it because he is of an era and a world where queerness is often not open and obvious to outsiders.
This is gonna be a long haul so I'm gonna pop in a courtesy cut and jump in. Don't worry. There WILL be headings and bullet points. Regret asking me yet? 😆
Is John homophobic?
Canon support
There isn't a ton of canon support for the homophobic John reading. That's not saying it isn't a valid reading. It's just that it's an interpretation and not fact. Here are the things I have seen or remember:
Martin and Tara - taking these together because they are a similar pattern. Both tell Dean his dad would be disappointed in him for running around with this male shaped monster (boyfriend). The textual reading is that John wouldn't want him running around with monsters. There is a subtexual reading that John wouldn't want him to have a boyfriend which is super valid. It just doesn't tell us much about John because 1. We know he was very black and white on monsters, 2. neither of these characters knows John that well. Tara got ghosted by him. It's possible this is a reflection of the larger hunter community (though possibly not even that). The point is it's canon evidence that can be taken either way.
Lee? A lot of people write that scene as John finding in them in a compromising position and I get it because Christian Kane and Jensen Ackles looked like they were about to sneak off to the bathroom, but the actual story is "You remember that time he caught us wasted on a Hunt? Hm? He was so mad, I-I thought he was gonna have an aneurysm." We know that John is really hard on Dean and Sam specifically because he chooses preparation for monsters over all (including their mental health) so this is absolutely consistent with his character regardless of any romance between them.
The nuns - this is not technically canon, but there is a story about John sending Dean on a solo hunt on his birthday to chase after queer nuns. First and foremost, I am noting this is sketchy from a canon/non-canon evidence perspective. It is something written and endorsed by SPN in the same way as the cartoon and the upcoming graphic novel. It's not fan fiction, but I would say it's not truly canon canon. But taking the evidence for what it is, it's interesting to note that in the journal John doesn't actually say anything homophobic. He describes the hunt as "Simple salt-and-burn mission. Nuns in love with each other, then discovered. Killed themselves." There's no commentary. No slurs. They were "in love." The real meat of the homophobia here is that he sent is queer son alone on his birthday to deal with them and it could be read as a message. That doesn't mean it's intended to be one.
That's all I can think of. It's not a lot and it's not definitive. It's perfectly valid to read it as support for homophobic John AND I think there may be some writer intent in the same way that monsters are often an allegory in the show and in media for queerness.
But it's also not a smoking gun. It's more of a unloaded gun with bullets next to it. So why do people think John is this super homophobic person?
Non-canon support and factors
There's a lot that goes into the interpretation of John that lies outside of the text.
His age and upbringing - He was raised in a time and place where acceptance of queer people wasn't exactly the default and then he went into the military which is also not exactly known for being particularly great for queer acceptance.
Classism - I say this gently to the fandom, but there is this idea that people who aren't in urban areas, and especially in poor rural areas must be homophobic. This comes up a lot in the Sam went to Stanford and is educated and therefore is a better ally headcanon. It's worth considering whether that is a factor here.
He raised his kids with military precision when he was around - there is no doubt that John was a hard man who treated his children like soldiers. A lot of people group gender and sexual orientation, especially when it comes to the gender aspects of masculinity where "be a man" and "be tougher" is frequently aimed at queer men. There's a lot of masculinity reinforcement for sure in the text and subtext of the show.
He's a bad dad and we're a bunch of traumatized queers with daddy issues. I know because I'm not only the owner, I'm a member.
I'm simplifying some of this, but there are a lot of factors that contribute to this reading and they are real and valid reasons. They just aren't textual and in some cases they are absolutely based in stereotypes. That's fine! Stereotypes aren't always incorrect. But they can be and it's worth wondering whether or not they are true.
There are plenty of people like John who are either not homophobic, or of the nature of it's fine if I don't see it variety of homophobia (which would actually be fairly logical to read into given the time and place of Dean's upbringing and the risk being openly queer presented especially for John who's priority is physical safety and preparation).
Personally, I find the lack of text to be fairly compelling, especially when we look at Dean's other behaviors, but that is my interpretation. I personally think John would have a problem with a monster boyfriend because of the monster bit, but doesn't give a fuck about the boyfriend bit except to the extent it may draw danger. I don't actually think John fits the rural strict father homophobic stereotype very well. He's not particularly religious. He doesn't seem to care what his kids do as long as they are safe and in the family business. He doesn't quiz Dean about where he was or who he was with.
I grew up in the South and have known a lot of homophobic parents in my day (including my own! See above). The pattern is often a parent who wants their kid to meet a certain social standard. Don't be gay because it will reflect bad on the family and you will go to hell. John shows negative interest in that arena.
He shows some of the don't be gay because it isn't manly aspects of that type of parent, but I also think a lot of people conflate masculinity with sexual orientation in this analysis. I say this specifically nodding to the Krikpe quote about umbrellas which in no way mentions being gay, but does mention being tough hunters not scared of demons. The text of that tweet and the story the fandom tells are two very distinct things.
It's very possible that those aspects of John's personality are part of why Dean performs tough het male so hard and that would be an aspect of what you are describing. I will also say however that Dean cries a lot. He's very open with his emotions and with caring for people. He's very good with people. Hes always been openly a caretaker. So he isn't performing masculinity so hard that those pieces of him are erased or hidden.
Why is Dean Like That if it isn't the daddy issues?
Let's look at this as if John wasn't openly and particularly notably homophobic. That is to say he had the casual homophobia of the 80s and 90s combined with a friend group of hypermasculine beer and bourbon drinking dudes with guns, but he wasn't, say, abusing Dean if he caught sight of potential gayness. Just to analyze the other question which is Dean's suppression of his feelings or denial of his queerness.
The fandom is not a monolith and I think there are lots of fans with lots of differing analysis in this arena, so I just want to again reiterate, this is all interpretation and headcanon! It's fine to fall anywhere in this spectrum.
Dean is Like That because he assumes he knows how his Dad would react
It's possible John talked about this idea that he has to get to an apple pie life long enough and made assumptions about the gender of his future partner, or that he was so neglectful or abusive, or that he made enough comments about being a "man" because he was worried about Dean being a victim, that Dean assumed his father would not support him. It's possible the canon events above where never intended to send a message to Dean that he still believed and read into them. That's not a criticism. We all interpret the things that happen to us. We are the ones who put meaning to an event, and that meaning may not match with the other person's intent. It doesn't make it invalid.
As you say, it may be a failure of parenting.
Dean is Like That because he grew up in the 80s and 90s
As someone who was born between Dean and Sam, I can say with the authority of experience that the 80s and 90s were a rough time to be queer. Like a really rough time. There were a lot of cultural things happening. Not to mention Dean had a rough upbringing.
HIV/AIDS - There are greater and more knowledgeable sources than me about this topic, but growing up during this time I can say that people were absolutely fucking awful about HIV/AIDS. We had school assemblies full of misinformation. Scores of people were dying and being told they deserved it. A lot of queer kids were internalizing the idea that queerness was a death sentence. I cannot actually come up with a good comparison in modern day. It was absolutely awful for the community, and the messages being delivered to kids was: "if you choose to be gay, you will die."
Casual homophobia - Remember when Misha used the f-word and people lost their fucking minds even though he was talking about lived experiences for most of us of a certain age? Yeah, that outrage was unimaginable to me as a kid. The idea that people would ever get to a point where the use of the word in a non-slur posture would even register. Slurs were thrown around all the time. People and things were "gay" and that was bad. Dean spent time being thrown from school to school and it would have been a massively important for him to come in performing cool masculine untouchable guy who enjoys women.
Dean lives in a transient space - He's constantly alone and in charge in places where someone might take advantage of him or Sammy. Being noticed and assumed weak is dangerous.
Counterpoint: Dean's upbringing may support more comfort rather than less with queerness, but it encouraged secrecy
To fully contradict myself, Dean was in transient spaces. That means he would have been interacting with more queer people than the average suburban or rural teen. He's in truck stops and no-tell motels. That boy met queer people. But he met people who were living in the shadows. This isn't unusual for that era. Queerness to dean was cruising and truck stops and one night stands in seedy motels. Something to be done but not to be seen.
Dean's reaction to queer people in canon supports this reading. He's never disgusted, but he's often surprised specifically about open and public displays of queerness. He tends to react to openly queer people with surprise and longing, but specifically most of his oh right there are queer people faces are reactions to open displays of queerness.
Even HIV/AIDS may have hit different in the hunting community. Dean didn't expect to live to an old age. I say this mainly because the lack of blood squick.
Consider a reading that he knows
We have so many lovely coded moments of queer Dean. The bathroom he disappears into. The way he gets clocked and doesn't deny it at times. Any denials he makes can be read to be situations where he doesn't know what the other person will react like.
I think it's very possible he isn't repressed at all! He just uses the closet as a shield or he doesn't share that information with people unless he wants to/trusts them/feels it's relevant to them.
PS DM me if you want to chat more and also I may have a discord of interest.
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cvpidsb0ws · 2 years
❛LITTLE MISS NURSE.❜ | shuntaro chishiya x fem!reader
genre: FLUFF WEEWOOWEEWOOWEEWOO (enemies kind of shit)
warnings: gore and yes😆😆😆
sypnosis: after hours of waiting for shuntaro chishiya to return from a deadly game, he finally came back. with a lot of blood too. who else would patch him up if not you?
author's note: STOP I ACCIDENTALLY POSTED THIS WHEN I WAS STILL WORKING ON IT ITS SO 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 anyways men in pain r one of the hottest things ever. 😁😁😁😁 (big big big bonus if its shuntaro chishiya!!!!!!)
dedication: @emiemith <333
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the pitter-patter of your shoe was heard throughout the whole room, bouncing off the walls, for your foot has been unconsciously tapping the floor the past few hours due to nervousness. minutes turned into hours, and shuntaro chishiya still hasn't been seen. messy hair, sweaty forehead, glassy eyes, chest heaving up and down, fidgeting hands. you had it all.
what if he died?
it was a small chance, knowing he was a one of a kind. but it was still a chance that could happen at any time. no one was invincible in borderland.
but still, you held onto that rope of hope that he was still alive. he had to be.
no, you and chishiya were lovers. you were not even close at all. you were enemies, always at each other's neck, always fighting over the simplest things, and such. but there were times when you both shared your love and care for each other. in your own ways.
and as if your prayers have been answered, chishiya came through the door. but as soon as he stepped in, he immediately collapsed to the floor, coughing out blood. and you didn't waste time to rush by his side to help him.
it took a long time, but with his arm slung around your shoulders, you carried his passed out body all the way to your own room.
you let him lie down on your bed, and you scrambled to get all of the materials you needed to make him feel better.
looking down at chishiya, you tried your best to put your fears aside, and finally look at him. he was truly hurt. he had small cuts adorning his face, and you tried to take his jacket and his shirt off due to the pool of blood on his clothing. but doing so made him jolt awake.
the sound of his raspy voice made you look back up at him, and you smiled as a way to comfort him. to let him know everything was going to be okay.
"chishiya, you're awake!" you expressed, teary-eyed. you were literally on the verge of breaking down. him being hurt made you hurt. maybe even more.
"(name), you look like you're about to cry. you care about me that much, huh?" he teased you with a smirk, barely keeping his eyes open. "a few scratches won't hurt me. you don't have to patch me up, darling, just because you have a crush on me."
you forced an irritated laugh, ignoring the 'darling'. it meant nothing at all since he always called you that, knowing you got annoyed every single time. to prove a point, you slightly pressed the obvious wound beneath his shirt, and watched as he winced, throwing his head back with a groan.
you chuckled as you pulled away, turning away to grab a wet cloth to clean his wound with. with a smile, you looked at him. "now be a good boy and remove your shirt unless you want me to do it for you, shuntaro."
rolling his eyes, he carefully removed his jacket, and his shirt soon followed. you couldn't help but gawk at the sight. not because of the gash on his stomach, but because of how his body was perfectly sculpted.
you were stuck to your place, and chishiya looked up at you with a teasing smirk. "well, little miss nurse?"
you were quick to cough as a way to clear your throat, licking your lips. and you then sat down on the bed, leaning closer to clean the blood surrounding his wound.
as you were treating the gash, you could hear him trying his best to keep his whimpers and groans quiet. you stopped yourself from smiling uncontrollably after hearing such things, mentally scolding yourself.
"i didn't know you were that good with this, (last name)."
scoffing, you rolled your eyes at him, as you tightened the bandage you were currently wrapping around his stomach.
"and i didn't know you were stupid enough to get stabbed during a game. i mean, it's a shame really . . . seeing such a handsome face with cuts."
"oh, so you do find me handsome?" chishiya remarked with a devilish grin, knowing you were becoming irritated. but it's a good thing you already finished.
ignoring the question, you stood up with a victorious 'done'. he watched you, tilting his head to the side before saying
"if i knew you would be the one to patch me up after getting hurt, i would hurt myself every day."
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bakugoushotwife · 1 year
Hiiiiii coming to ask for some serotonin
Please a modern one with megumi and his s/o having a tense slightly smexy moment on a hang out with the group in a restaurant or something and his s/o being a bit funny under the table if you get what I mean heh quite the fluff one with the good old you decided it heh 😆
Broaden Your Horizons // Megumi Fushiguro x fem!reader
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a/n: yeehaw this was fun!! i kinda latched onto a whole thing here with songs and the jukebox, and it was a little angstier than i intended but nothing too serious. anyway, let me know if you hate it and i'll try again lol
cw: MINORS DNI. MATURE AND EXPLICIT CONTENT. 69 oral (M + F receiving), penetrative vaginal sex, reader is fem, rough, creampie, maybe a slight foot fetish thing kinda but not really you'll see, car sex, doggy, some exhibitionism i suppose
wc: 5037
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You were really starting to piss him off. He was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, you did drink a lot tonight. But he cut you off hours ago, so you were either pathetic with your liquor or you were trying to aggravate him. He’s been watching you hang all over one of your shared best friends, Yuji Itadori, all night long. It was a party for Itadori’s 23rd birthday, so he guesses it wasn’t completely out of line for you to give him some extra attention, but that hardly warrants the body shots and the dancing or the cup pong tournament. 
Normally, he was very secure in your relationship. He didn’t feel the need to flaunt you and he wasn’t comfortable with public affection. He knows you love him, right? I mean, sure it stings whenever people react with shock when you say that he’s your boyfriend, and maybe it bothers him that you make that same pouty face every time he turns you down for dancing or cup pong, because he knows he’s letting you down. Sometimes he wishes he could be more spontaneous and loose like the rest of his friends. Maybe if he was, his girlfriend wouldn’t grind on the birthday boy all night long and continue laying all over him and giggling in the Waffle House at 2AM.
He stared daggers at you. Surely, eventually, you would feel his death glare and cut it out. He even thought about returning the favor with Nobara, but he would feel too guilty knowingly manipulating your feelings. The booth was tight, and he hated that. You were practically sitting in Yuji’s lap and he was fuming. He’s finally reached his limit, extending his long legs to kick your shoe under the table. 
Your stupid giggling with Yuji stops. “Ow! Babe-uh!” You pout. “What was that for?” 
He’s actually going to explode. Yuji pouts too and asks if you’re okay. You nod and continue staring at your boyfriend. Your pout was immaculate, he has to give you that. Your pretty eyes are droopy and looking up at him like an abandoned puppy, sweet kissable lips puckered just to taunt him. The bright lights of the Waffle House serve as your drunken halo, and unfortunately you do look angelic. Megumi deflates, he can’t give you the silent treatment but he didn’t exactly want to admit his insecurities in front of the guy that was causing most of them. The trashy diner was tiny anyway, the other drunkards and addicts would listen in on the drama. So he just glances at your hands and then pointedly at Itadori. 
You get the message. Initially, you smirk. You find it funny that he’s so bothered by Itadori. Surely he knows you could never be with anyone but him, much less his best friend. But then you see the seriousness on his face, and you recall your attachedness to Itadori’s hip tonight. It was his birthday! You were only trying to party with your friends. Plus, you had asked Megumi to dance with you. He always turned red and turned his nose up at the offer. He wasn’t one for cup pong either, and you wouldn’t dare ask him to take a shot off you, he could hardly hold your hand in public. You’re sure you would hate to see Megumi do any of those things with anyone else…but it hurt that he wouldn’t do it with you either. He refused to leave his comfort zone, so maybe you just had to keep pushing him. 
You put your shoe over his in an effort to soothe him, giving Yuji less enthusiastic replies than before. This does improve Megumi’s attitude, though he can tell something’s still off with you. He looks around at his other two friends, casually scrolling on their phones while they wait for the food to come to the table. So he pulls out his phone and taps the ‘mrs.’ contact. 
“what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing.” You reply seconds later.
“don’t be that way angel :(“
“Ur mad at me for doing things i would prefer to do with you..it just sucks i guess, you won’t broaden ur horizons but that means i can’t have fun either.”
He clenches his jaw when he reads your text. You were right, as much as it sucked to say. He can’t expect you to sit in the corner people-watching all night long. Part of the reason he loves you so much is because of your adventurous spirit, you’re willing to try anything once and you never have any fear. It embarrasses him and he’s stubborn. Instead of admitting his faults, he doubles down on yours. 
“so you throw your ass on itadori to have fun?”
“Wow…you’re impossible sometimes, Megu. It’s harmless dancing.”
“why not dance with nobara instead?”
“I did, all three of us danced together. It’s his birthday, everyone was trying to give him a good time.”
“rest assured, i’m sure he had a wonderful time with you all over him.”
“Are you being real right now? He’s my friend too. I thought you trusted me. I thought you know how much I love you. You’re the one who shuts down at these kinds of things.” 
“yeah well if you’re so miserable you can keep itadori.”
“Fine.” You pull your shoe off of his under the table. 
He sighs. He knows he’s being unreasonable. Your hands shake as you put your phone down to start eating after the server comes to the table, putting that fight on pause. You couldn’t believe he was that worked up. He hadn’t ever been the jealous type, and you definitely thought he would understand you teaming up with your other friends for an ultimate birthday party experience. Did he really want to break up over something like this, or was he just upset? You love him more than anything and it seems like two of you have been together forever. Did he really doubt you this badly?
You were praying for something else to think about, the only sound was the buzzing of the dingy light bulbs and the scrapes of silverware against ceramic plates. You nearly sigh in relief when someone drops some coins into the jukebox, playing ‘Swim’ by Chase Atlantic. 
Megumi notices the way you keep your eyes down on your plate, gently swaying subconsciously to the music. He regrets what he said. He regretted it the moment he pressed send, and he didn’t even have the fortune of blaming alcohol for his poor decisions. So he reaches out under the table again, gently tucking his shoe on the outside of yours. He watches you for a reaction, satisfied when your eyes meet his. He smiles shyly. You tighten your lips, showing your agitation. 
He pulls out his phone again. “i’m sorry..i just hated watching you move like that on someone else, you’re right, i’m lame and a coward and i promise i will do everything you ask me to next time we party…plz forgive.”
He thinks he’s really lost you when you pick up your phone to read the message and then put it back down. Really, you’re just thinking. You didn’t mean to make him feel lame or like you could ever be interested in someone else. At the end of the day, all you wanted was for him to try new things, and he said he would do that. Your hand slides to grab your phone again, to apologize back and accept his, but the song changes and catches your attention. 
“I don’t want a friend
I want my life in two
Waiting to get there
Waiting for you” 
You grin, the song a favorite of yours and Megumi’s. He was so romantic in private it was hard to believe, and you know that he loves you immensely. Normally this song pops up on your playlist during your intimate times and he always always always took the time to follow the lyrics. 
“When I’m around slow dancing in the dark
Don’t follow me you’ll end up in my arms
You done made up your mind
I don’t no more signs.”
You decide to slip your foot out of your heel completely, knowing you would have more accessibility this way. Megumi’s face turns pink as he recognizes the melody, his brain instantly going to the times spent in his dark bedroom, hugging your naked body close to his own while slowly swaying to the music. It was always goofy and sweet, both of your faces red from a heated makeout or bodies sweaty and gross from hours of being one. Yet he never hesitated to pull you out of bed to dance to this one, whispering the words in your ear. He yearned to do it now, but he didn’t even know if you were on speaking terms at the moment. He gasped when he felt your foot against his calf, covering up the noise with a non-subtle cough. He smirked at you a little, sliding down in the seat and spreading his legs a little more. He regretted not sitting next to you whenever you were falling over Itadori, but now maybe he didn’t mind so much. 
Though, it was getting harder to keep his composure as your foot slid higher, resting on the inside of his thigh. He could feel his cheeks grow warmer, and he kept side-eyeing Kugisaki and Yuji to make sure they were still distracted with their phone and food, respectively. He’s relieved that you’re not angry with him, and embarrassedly turned on by your flirty touches. He can feel the blood rush to his cock, and he knows he’s in trouble. The space is too tight, your friends are too close by—but he doesn’t mind. This is exactly the type of thing he needed to try. He just needed to get you out of here soon, or he’d end up trying a lot more in the Waffle House.
“Give me reasons we should be complete
You should be with him I can’t compete
You looked at me like I was someone else
Can’t you see?”
You smirk back at him, knowing if you moved your foot just to the left you would feel his growth. You wondered if he could handle such a bold move in public, so close to his other friends. You wanted so badly to push him out of that tiny comfort zone of his, and if you sensed a meltdown you could always back off. So you did, sliding your foot over his bulge and back again, biting your lip to keep from laughing at the way his eyes grow wider and his cheeks burn darker. 
You were so in for it, he was already wondering how he was going to make up for his jealousy while also punishing your brazenness. 
“Here’s the check, y’all have a good night now.” Your server hums politely as she sets down the bill. Fushiguro’s hands are on it instantly, and he doesn’t even care that they’ve put all four of you on the same tab. He digs in his wallet for the cash to cover it and more for her tip, hastily getting to his feet and extending his hand to you. 
“Let’s get going guys, it’s late!” He said with a nervous chuckle, clearing his throat right after. Nobara and Itadori looked at him with arched brows. You hummed and got to your feet, slinging your purse on your shoulder. Then you did an impressive fake yawn and stretch combination. 
“I could go to bed, that food really sobered me up ‘n I don’t wanna puke.” You sigh, and the others laugh and clap you on the shoulder as you move toward the exit. Megumi’s thankful for his choice of baggy sweats, just barely concealing why he’s in such a hurry tonight. 
Nobara and Itadori take the backseat, leaving the front for the loving couple. They’re still giggly and very tipsy. You’re moderately concerned about Itadori coming down with alcohol poisoning with all the shots he consumed tonight. Nonetheless, it’s easy to reach across the console and rest your hand as close to his clothed erection as you could. He sighs and adjusts his hips under your hand, making you smirk when his new positioning puts your hand over him. 
He’s not a reckless driver, especially with such precious cargo as his girlfriend and closest friends. However, his stomach was so tight and started to burn with anticipation. He wished Nobara lived closer, thankful that Yuji would sleep off his drunkenness at her place and he wouldn’t have to make two stops. However the drive was too long for his liking. You looked beautiful all night, like you usually did, and you drove him crazy putting all of that on his best friend. Oh, and when he watched Itadori lean over to take his shot of vodka out of your belly button, his fist tightened and he considered punching the man on his birthday. Then you’re gonna start messing with him in the restaurant, god he doesn’t know what he’s going to do with you, but he cannot wait any longer. 
“Have a good night guys! Drink lots of water!” You call after the tipsy pair, helping each other up the steps and through the door of Kugisaki’s residence. You giggle to yourself, sighing happily as Megumi wordlessly puts the car back into drive and heads toward your shared apartment. 
“Y’know, I really am sorry about tonight…” You say softly, letting your head roll on the headrest so you could admire his side profile. He hadn’t really aged much, though his features had always been mature looking, sharp jaw, sharp cheekbones, and a perfectly angular nose. His eyelashes were long and dark; the green of his eyes absorbing all the shine from the headlights as he drove along. 
He turned his head to peek at you momentarily. Surely you could feel the fact he wasn’t upset anymore, though he had a certain…payback in mind for your behavior tonight. “It’s okay, you’re gonna make it up to me.” He said smugly, pulling the suv onto the shoulder of the busy highway. 
Your eyes widened, convinced he was bluffing. Your heartbeat quickened at the thought of such a risky act, in a good way. You would try anything once after all, but you knew your logical and responsible boyfriend would probably change his mind. You hear him put the car in park, you hear his seat belt unbuckle, and the sound of the radio dial going up. A guitar is being plucked quickly, and you recognize the song from your normal sex playlist. He wasn’t faltering yet. 
“I summoned you, please come to me
Don’t bury thoughts that you really want
I fill you up, drink from my cup
Within me lies what you really want
Come, lay me down”
You turn to look at him, your surprise still pretty evident. He chuckles at this, it was pretty rare to see you looking shocked, especially by something he did. He was determined to not let that be the last time tonight that he saw it. He still seems smug, maybe overcome with a certain need to prove himself worthy of you, to be daring and push himself past his limits. It’s something he’s always struggled with, but the adrenaline swirling through his body was rewarding, he must admit. He leaned over and unbuckled your seatbelt as well, resting his elbow on the console when he was finished. You watched him do this curiously, but he didn’t leave you wondering for too long. He grabbed your jaw and made you look up into his eyes, they were almost black with how big his pupils had grown and the intensity of them as they skirted over your face made you tremble. He smashed his lips on yours. 
“ ‘Cause you know this
“Cause you know this sound
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
Just call my name, I’m yours to tame
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
I’m wide awake, I crave your taste
All night long, ‘til morning comes
I’m getting what is mine
You gon’ get yours”
You close your eyes, one hand reaching up to rest on his jaw and the other moving to his bicep as the kiss grew in ferocity. He tilts his head to the side to get more of your essence, deciding to sloppily shove his fat tongue in your mouth. He always tasted so good, like peppermint, you loved it, moaning as you sucked on the appendage lewdly. His eyes rollback a little, he loves watching you do that shit. He grunts, needing more of you and quickly, it was starting to hurt. All too quickly, he lets go of you. He sits back up in his seat, making you pout and whine at the loss of his touch. He chuckles at you, cute little lips glistening with a layer of his saliva. 
“Patience is a virtue, angel.” He hums, sliding the seat back as far as it will go before he’s leaning back over to pull you by your waist onto his lap, making you gasp at his length poking your middle once your thighs are straddling him. His hands slide possessively down to your hips, pulling you down on him, shamelessly grinding into you. Once you start returning the favor, he lets his long fingers slip under your shirt, peeling it off seamlessly. Then he’s grabbing the back of your neck to force another sloppy kiss. You smile against his mouth, your own hands tangled in his hair while your hips rocked steadily against his own. Maybe he wouldn’t grind with you in public, but you’d much rather have this private show all to yourself anyway. 
“These burning flames, these crashing waves
 Wash over me like a hurricane
I captivate, you’re hypnotized
Feel powerful, but it’s me again”
He’s indecisive with his hands, constantly moving them from cupping your cheeks to sliding down your curves and groping your chest. His neediness is clear, the pink on his cheeks and his half-lidded eyes tell you everything. You gasp for air, smiling down at him. He thinks you’re so gorgeous like this. No matter how you danced in front of others, only he got to see your swollen lips and the messy hair he gave you. Only he gets to see your hardened nipples under his fingers and the face you make when he pinches them. He grins as the song changes, leaning back to remove his own shirt for you after your constant tugging on it. 
“Climb on board
We’ll go slow and high tempo
Light and Dark 
Hold me hard and mellow
I’m seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure
Nobody but you, ‘body but me
“Body but us, bodies together”
“I love you Megu.” You coo, sneakily dodging his lips in favor of placing yours all over his jawline, humming sweetly as you start down his neck. You know every sweet spot, where to bite and nibble and where to suck and place gentle kisses. He whimpers every time, and it’s a sound so sweet you can feel your panties dampen uncomfortably against your pussy, grinding against your own wetness with every collision of hips. He squeezes hard at your ass, kneading the fat in his hands like a stress toy. 
“Love you too baby girl..wanna get in the back?” He asks hopefully, extending his right arm to fold your passenger seat over so you each could easily slip into the spacious back, where the seats had already been conveniently folded down thanks to the useful button on the dash. 
You nod eagerly, sliding off of him and crawling on the back of his seats, towards the trunk to give him the most room. You slide out of your jeans and underwear for your own sake, the mess of yourself too much to bear. You watch him as he gets an idea, his normally neutral expression gleaming with mischief as he looks at you so prettily sitting on your knees. 
“I love to hold you close, tonight and always
I love to wake up next to you
I love to hold you close, tonight and always
I love to wake up next to you
So we’ll piss off the neighbors
In the place that feels the tears
The place to lose your fears
Yeah, reckless behavior 
A place that is so pure, so dirty and raw
In the bed all day, bed all day, bed all day
Fuckin in and fighting on 
It’s our paradise and it’s our warzone” 
He slides back to join you, sitting on the very edge of the seats and hastily taking off his sweatpants. He then lies flat on his back, scooting back and positioning himself right beneath your weeping pussy. You gasp at his move, giggling shortly after. He was full of surprises after all. You could hear other cars pass at high speeds, making your blood rush at the thrill of it all. His windows were tinted and it was 3AM, so there wasn’t much to worry about. His big hands grab what they can of your thighs, plunging your core on his waiting mouth. 
You moan out immediately at the sensation. He knows all of your spots too, licking up your arousal like it was the only thing keeping him alive before he sucked harshly on your clit. Your stomach lurches immediately, and you have to brace yourself on his chest, high pitched whimpers pairing with the next song on the playlist beautifully. 
“Sex ain’t the only thing that’s on my mind
But you get me so excited
Irreplaceable, tattoos from your neck that drop down to your ankle
Drop top in the Range, shawty you wanna feel good
I wanna feel good too
Don’t I make you feel good?
You get me so excited
Shawty wanna roll with a rockstar”
He loves the taste of you, his favorite flavor in the world. You’re always so sweet, he thinks, like honey or candy of some kind. He didn’t consume any alcohol tonight so he allows himself to get drunk on you instead, teeth slightly nibbling on your sensitive bud before he resumes his lewd slurps of your center, plunging his tongue inside your tight hole. He groans in a mix of pleasure and surprise when he feels your hand wrap around his length. You couldn’t just keep staring at it, his painfully hard dick with an angry red tip weeping pre from the slit. His balls were so tight, too. You knew he needed some kind of relief, he just wasn’t really the type to ask. So you lean over him slightly, still whining intermittently at the sensation of your boyfriend eating you out like this, so ravenous in nature. You grab his pretty length in your small hand, just enjoying the weight of him. He was perfectly trimmed for your convenience and his cock was the best you’ve ever seen. Cute veins running all over his shaft, a mix of purple and blue that add extra sensation to him inside you. All this led to his fat and needy tip. You slap it on your tongue a few times, giggling at the pauses in his movements as you did so. 
“Baby let’s go we can go far
Yeah, watch the stars
And go far
Shawty your body is so exciting 
I love when you get on top and you ride it
Only in your ocean, you call me Poseidon
In control of your water, you loving my trident.”
You take all of him down your throat, loving the way he speeds up in competition with you, wanting to make you feel even better. You hum, the vibrations giving him goosebumps. You wiggle your head a little to try and push his length a little further, but you gag and you can feel the tears prickle your eyes. You come back up for air for a second, sniffling and repeating your actions, slamming him to the back of your throat and bobbing along what you can swallow up. Your hand aids you in the rest, and you can feel your hips getting sloppier in their movements, the coil in your stomach burning and cracking. He’s truly relentless, fucking into your mouth without care. He continues his assault on your pussy, flicking his tongue in just the right way to make you snap. Your cry is muffled on his dick, but the way your hips stutter and your weight falls around him, he knows you’ve come. 
He knows he’ll do the same if he lets you do this much longer, making those cute noises and taking him so well. So he gently pushes your hips up so that you let him change the position.You’re compliant as always, your body is hard to resist even as he moves you gently out of his way. He smirks up at you again, petting your wild hair down as he gets back up to sitting on his own knees. He opens the door. 
“Get out and bend over the seat for me.” He says, eyes glowing with that mischievousness you noticed earlier. He really was being bold. 
You were still panting from the violent orgasm, looking up at him in disbelief. There’s that face he was hoping to see again. 
“What? I’m trying to broaden my horizons. It’s dark and there’s hardly anyone on the roads right now, beloved.” He coaxes you convincingly, extending his hand to help you step onto the street and everything. Plus, he knows the open door will serve as extra coverage. He just couldn’t let you walk around thinking he was lame or dull. He just could not get all the way back to your place after you’ve been taunting him all night long, no. No. You were going to get exactly what you wanted. 
So you take his hand and step onto the grass, nothing but the treeline behind you. You could still hear the occasional car cruise by the drivers side, but you knew they couldn’t see. He gives you another needy kiss when your face passes by his own, surprisingly excited by the prospect of fucking his girlfriend on the side of the highway. He smiles against your lips this time, his hand sliding down your back and the other on your hip. He gently turns you around with this grip, hand sliding all the way back up your spine, leaning palm laying flat in between your shoulder blades. He could never quite pick a favorite position with you, you always felt and looked amazing no matter which way he had you, but he nearly shudders at the way your hot skin feels beneath his fingers. You arch your back so perfectly for him and the moon shines on your ass like a spotlight. He can’t help but palm it and gently slap, making you squeal and giggle from inside the car. 
“Work it out, up and down 
Sweat it out, make up sex
Twerk it out, up and down
Sweat it out, make up sex
I’m tired, you’re wired
Why fight? 
It’s just the same thing
Tonight is my final love battle
Cause girl I’m hungover
Let’s just start over 
Gotta be more to love than this
We should be naughty, connect our bodies
You know I’m on it, I’m on my knee”
The cool night air slightly relieves Megumi’s searing skin, but he knows the only thing that can help is you. He pulls you to him, positioning you exactly where he needs you. You spread your legs wider to be compliant, and he rewards you with his length prodding against your gummy spot in one plunging move. You cry out and start struggling to hold yourself up already, nothing to grab onto other than the seats of his suv. 
God he wishes you knew what that did to him. Other than the noticeable twitch of his dick, he can only growl his satisfaction. “Look at you, taking it all at once, angel.” He remarks, and you can hear the smirk in his deep voice. 
If this were any other time, you would throw something snarky back, but he is in complete control of you. You couldn’t speak if you tried, the assault on your womb beginning right after his taunt. He’s not gentle or sweet tonight, but you don’t mind at all. His hands grip your hips tightly, pulling you down his shaft just as hard as he was shoving in. You can’t quiet yourself, screaming shamelessly and writhing in his hold. He can feel you clench down on him, and he knows you're close to cumming for him again. 
“That’s my girl, go ahead and give me another one. Show me how much you love me.” He commands, voice low and breathy. It was hard to stay strong with you bouncing on his cock like this, sucking him into choking walls and screaming his name like it was the only word you know. 
You let out a strangled moan, following his orders to a tee. Your knees buckled and he had to support you with the hold he had on your hips, but he felt the rush of warmth and heard the increased lubrication start to squeak and squelch between you. He shuddered, you absolutely were the death of him, your whines of sensitivity making him lightheaded. His balls ached once more before he emptied them into you, moaning brokenly at the way you felt with all of his seed coating your walls. You squeezed down on him again, humming in satisfaction. You were nearly delirious, feeling an entirely different kind of drunk. You lay against the fabric of the seat, shivering when he withdraws from you. He tugs his sweatpants on, using his underwear in an attempt to wipe you up as his load seeps down your legs. He’s satiated by the sight. He crouches down to clean you, giving you his praises as he does so. 
“Did perfect, lover. I hope you had a good time.” He says, getting back to his feet and helping you back into your clothes. You nod sleepily. It was nearing 4AM at this point and what energy you had left was consumed by this romp. 
He kisses your forehead and smiles, opening your passenger side door and closing it once you are comfortably inside. His hand is on your thigh for the drive home, the touch light and loving in contrast to his earlier possessive dominance.
He hopes he got his message across. You are all his, as always, and he’ll do whatever it takes to prove that every single time. 
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bellaxgiornata · 5 months
OMG—I wanna ask the boys for sure—what is their inner animal (respectively) that THEY think they have versus what you think for them, vs what they would assign for each other???
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If you wanted chaos with this internal dialogue, you certainly found it 😅 The moment I read this ask, two of the boys immediately started causing trouble which is why it took a bit to get this answered 😆 As always, it's below the cut because this was long.
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Bella: Welcome back to another round of ASK THE BOYS!!
Matt, muttering under his breath: Always got to yell that now, don't you?
Frank, roughly elbowing Matt on the couch: Let the lady have her fun, would ya?
Michael, ignoring the pair beside him: What's the question this time, pet?
Bella, glancing down at her phone: Looks like a multi-part question dealing with what your inner animals are.
Frank, eyes narrowing: Inner animal?
Bella: Yeah, and it looks like they want to know what I think each of you are, what you think your inner animal is, and then what you think each others’ inner animal is.
Frank, chuckling to himself: This'll be good.
Michael: Why don't ya start us off then, pet? Might need a minute to think.
Bella: Okay, well. I guess for Frank I'd say timber wolf. The Punisher gives me lone wolf vibes, but before that you used to be a part of a pack–whether it was your family or your Marine unit. And timber wolves typically mate for life, too, which screams loyal to me. I think you're a pretty loyal person–and pretty damn terrifying if someone messes with those you care about. So yeah. Wolf vibes all around.
Frank, nodding: Alright. Guess I can see that.
Bella: And for Matt, since he gives cat vibes, I'd say a leopard. Specifically a black panther. They're solitary animals, very territorial, and they're great climbers. Sort of like how you work alone, defend Hell’s Kitchen specifically despite it being such a small area, and you climb buildings like nobody's business. Plus, you know, the black suit and all.
Matt, grinning: Better than what I thought you'd pick.
Bella: And as for Mikey, well, I get grizzly bear vibes.
Michael, rolling his eyes: Is this a reference to the beard and chest hair again?
Bella, shaking her head: Not exactly, though now that you mention it–
Michael, mumbling: Figures…
Bella: No, wait! Hear me out. Grizzly bears are actually not aggressive unless provoked or caught off guard, otherwise they kind of mind their own business and want to be left alone. But obviously they'll protect their young and would savagely tear you apart if you fucked with them. I mean, we all know you don't want to be the killer your family forces you to be, you'd rather get out and live a quiet life. You just want a relationship with your daughter, Anna. But if anyone messed with her, you'd absolutely kill them without a second thought.
[Michael, running a hand across his mouth and humming thoughtfully.]
Bella, gently nudging his leg with a foot: See? There was a reason besides your glorious chest hair.
Matt, brows furrowing together: Glorious chest hair? Did you just actually say that?
Bella, waving off his comment: Okay, so why don't you guys each say what you think your inner animal is before you choose for each other next?
Frank, shrugging: I like the wolf thing. I'll go with that.
Matt, nodding: Yeah, I think I'll stick with the panther idea you had.
Bella, frowning: Seriously? You aren't even going to give it any more thought? [Looking hopefully over at Michael.] Please tell me you're not just going to say grizzly bear now?
Michael, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck: Uh, no. I s'pose…a dog? Generally don't fight unless provoked and they're usually considered friendly?
Bella, releasing a sigh: Fine. At least you put in more effort than those two. Now what do you think each others’ inner animal is?
Frank, immediately tossing a thumb at Matt: Chimpanzee. He's always climbing on buildings and making too much noise with his mouth.
Matt, frowning: It's called talking, Frank.
Frank, leaning back into the couch: More like chimpanzee noises to me. And they're territorial, too.
Michael, quietly chiming in: I'd still say stray cat for him.
Matt, frowning: Well then Frank is a hippo. Large and incredibly aggressive.
Frank, turning and shooting Matt a dirty look: The fuck you call me?
[Bella, burying her face in her hands while Frank and Matt begin to bicker on the couch.]
Michael, once more quietly chiming in: I picture him as more of a hawk. Or an eagle. Kinda stalks his prey from a distance before takin’ his shot.
Bella, glancing up at him: Well thank you for making some level of effort here while the old married couple over there just fights.
Matt, glowering: We are not an old married couple!
Frank, scowling: He's the last goddamn person I'd wanna be shackled to.
Bella, annoyed: Can we get back on track? You still need to pick an animal for Mikey.
Matt and Frank simultaneously: Dog.
Bella, throwing her hands up in defeat: Wow, really making an effort, you two. Great job.
Frank, rounding on Matt again: Look what you did, Red. You went and upset her.
Matt, eyebrows rising up onto his forehead: Me? You're the one not taking her game seriously!
[Matt and Frank return to arguing.]
Bella, focusing on Michael: You want a coffee? Cause I could use a coffee. They're making my head hurt.
Michael, nodding and rising from the couch: Yes. I'd love one.
Bella, heading to the kitchen with Michael: So what would my inner animal be?
Michael, nervously making a face: Uh…well…
Bella, shaking her head: Nevermind. Forget I asked. Let's just make some coffee.
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cherrygorilla · 2 months
Ok, so you may or may not have inspired me with your Outsiders post to interrupt my usually sparse story post schedule and indulge in my own obsession with a certain musical. And as chaotic and random as it sounds, I promise it is good haha. But even if you disagree, please just let me vent and get all this out of my brain so that I can go back to writing the next part of TMM 😂
Alright, I've loved Starlight Express ever since I saw it when I was around... 7 or 8, maybe? It used to be my favourite show for years, and (fun fact) it was actually how I found out about fanfiction haha. I never wrote anything properly for the show, just like one or two pages in a random notebook when I was, idk 11 ? But it was around that time that TBM then came out, which I was obviously more drawn to writing-wise - I suppose because it gave me more freedom with stories and characters, since this show is just...you know...about trains lol.
And from the few times I've mentioned it before, I know it probably sounds insane, but if you just suspend your disbelief and accept it for what it is (a bunch of trains singing and falling in love), it is a lot of fun hahaha. I like to think of it like a mix between Cats and Cinderella, but the basic gist of the story, so you can have at least somewhat of an idea of what's going on lol, is that Control (a little kid - I don't think they have a name, they're literally just known as Control) sneaks out of bed one night to hold this big race between all his toy trains to find out who is the best - so the story essentially takes place within his imagination, as all the trains come to life to tell the story. It's like Cats in the regard that most of the first act is everyone kind of introducing themselves in turn. There's Greaseball, the champion diesel train, Rusty, the little steam engine who wants to race with the big trains, and Electra, the electric engine of the future - and a bunch of other trains and coaches, but I won't bore you with all that (just yet 😉). So, to cut a long story short, it's basically a big competition between those three main trains to see who's fastest, with Rusty being the obvious underdog, and hence the centre of the Cinderella story element.
The plot itself is nothing groundbreaking, and neither are the songs tbh, but it's just such a fun show that I can't help but love it anyway. I mean come on, the whole thing's done on roller skates - that's pretty damn cool! And although I've loved it for years, it had taken quite a backseat for a while, but the recent revival that has recently opened in London has really reignited my obsession with it all over again 😆 Because how do you make my favourite pairing in the whole show even more iconic? ...you turn them into lesbians 😎 Plus the costumes were all reimagined by Gabriella Slade, who did the costumes for Six, and they look SO cool!
Now, a big part of why I loved your Outsiders post so much was all the story ideas/similarities for characters you included, but I can't really do that here because (once again)... they're all trains, and none of them are really that deep or serious anyway. BUT, what I did think might be fun, would be going through who I think each of our characters would be good at playing if they were (for some bizarre reason) to ever put on the show - because I do have some strong opinions about that haha. And, as a little bonus, I have written some little random one-off story snippets that are Starlight Express adjacent that I'll throw in at the end lol - more as a reward for you wading through all my nonsense than anything tbh. But they were fun to write too haha.
So yeah, welcome to the insane workings of my brain - and pull up a chair; this could take a while 😅
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Ok, I think the best place to start would be with going through the characters in the show and, like I said, matching them up with potential characters of ours I think would be good at playing them. I'll sort of elaborate on 'why' for each one too to help keep things entertaining from an outside perspective lol - and hopefully to help back up my arguments for each lmao. Because, let's face it, none of our characters have particularly...train-like characteristics. 😂
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First up we've got Rusty, who's essentially the show's main character. Most of the conflict in the show centres around him; the 'better' trains all totally disregard him, a lot of the coaches tease him, and although he loves Pearl, she's more interested in the newer, more exciting trains than boring, quiet little Rusty. BUT, as with all Cinderella stories, he comes out on top in the end; he wins the race (I would say spoiler alert, but it's also like...duh 🙄😂) and gets his dream girl. He's a really likeable underdog character throughout the story though, and he does put up a good fight to come out victorious, which I appreciate - he doesn't just lay down and let everyone walk (well, roll 😉) all over him.
Now, who do I think would be good to play Rusty? Well, as I mention later on in the one-shots, and have potentially mentioned elsewhere too, I weirdly feel like Riven would really like the show. Maybe he has some childhood nostalgia linked to it like I do - maybe his dad took him to see it when he was younger since it involves skating? I don't know all the details, but something within me tells me Riven would like this show lmao. And so, in the spin-off scenario where our characters put on this show (which is the one I'll always lead with in these things), I think he'd want to take a leading role in the directing side of it - and probably spear-headed the campaign for putting it on in the first place tbh haha. BUT, I feel like a lot of people at Camp (because yes, I think they'd do this at Camp; I don't know when else they would all want to put on a show like this lmao) would think the whole thing was an insane idea, and wouldn't want anything to do with it (because it kind of is an insane idea). SO, I think that Riven would not only end up directing most of the show, I also think he'd have to step into Rusty's skates - which wouldn't be as daunting as he initially expected since he knows the show so well already. Plus, besides the backstory element, I just think he'd be a really cute Rusty; his auburn hair is perfect for it, he's a quietly determined guy, and he's an experienced skater, so he'd have no trouble taking on such a demanding role in terms of the skating.
So yeah, Riven would be my first pick. BUT, this new revival of the show that's being performed in London is playing Rusty and Pearl (his love interest, who we'll get to in a minute) in a much more innocent, shy way - and it's freaking adorable. And I think if we were leaning into more of that version of the show, Royce would make a brilliant Rusty if Vivien could be his Pearl. I don't know how likely he'd be to take on another leading role after being thrown into Hairspray like he was in your last Camp Wanamaker story, especially one that required him to be on roller skates the entire time, but I think he'd really nail it with that more innocent, down-trodden interpretation of the character.
But if everyone was willingly getting involved in the show, and they wanted to lean more into the old-school portrayal of Rusty and Pearl, that feels a little older, and more heavily romantically driven, then I feel like Miles and Carrie make SO much sense for those parts. The whole 'chasing after a girl you think is out of your league' thing has both Miles and Rusty written all over, and I think Miles would, again, play that fluctuating determination and defeat really well. Plus, I know this doesn't really mean anything, but his struggles for money do parallel Rusty being this rundown, tattered, but persistent little steam train pretty well... 😂
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Ok, now we'll move onto Pearl. Pearl is the newest coach in the little kid's collection, and is therefore the most sought-after racing partner (since all the trains need to race with a coach - idk why, it's just part of the story I suppose lol). Sometimes she's a 'first class' coach, sometimes she's an 'observation car', it doesn't really matter - all that matters is that all the trains want to race with her, and although she has a soft spot for Rusty, who has loved her all along, she gets seduced by the flashiness of his competitors, and it takes her almost getting wrecked in the final race for her to see sense. She can be a little naive sometimes, or will sometimes just blatantly play the field (depending on how you play her), but her heart is always in the right place, which is what still makes her so likeable.
Again, for Pearl I've got multiple options for who could play her, but I'll start with Juliet. The new all-white version of Pearl's costume that they use in the current Bochum production just screams Juliet to me: that sleek sophistication and quiet confidence, but also a touch of flirty, girly charm is so her! And I think she'd make a great leading lady - which is why she's my pick for that spin-off scenario version of the show. Pearl has some great songs, which would be perfect for Juliet to show off more of her voice, with her wanting to be a singer eventually, and with you hinting at Riven and Juliet maybe having a little bit of a fling or something in your last STDP post, having them play the two leads here seems like a perfect fit for them! Rusty thinking Pearl's way out of his league, but Pearl falling for his kindness and good heart anyway - that just screams Riven and Juliet to me! Pearl also has a strong sisterhood-type friendship with the other coaches, which I think really works for Juliet too. And Pearl does try to stand up for what she thinks is right when the bigger trains start taking the competition a little too far - so I think Juliet could bring a great deal of her own strength to her portrayal of the character as well.
Now, my second choice for Pearl, links with the second choice for Rusty above, which is, obviously Vivien. I feel like the new London revival Pearl was MADE for Vivien to play; the whole space-y vibes of the show, the fact that they made her purple, and the fact that they made her this happy little ball of excitement, with a touch more innocence than previous Pearls - she's perfect for Vivien. And the awkwardly adorable, friends-to-lovers arc Rusty and Pearl have in this new revival was practically written for Royce and Vivien lmao - I just think they'd be able to play them brilliantly. And again, like with Juliet, I think Vivien's fiestiness would allow her to bring a lot of strength and determination to Pearl's character that isn't always there - she can sometimes be played quite airy and 'damsel-in-distress-like', but I think Vivien would really ground her.
And my last choice for the role is Carrie - she's not my favourite pick for the role, and I think she'd be better at other parts (as we'll see in a minute lol), but as I said earlier, if Miles is playing Rusty, I think Carrie would make an amazing Pearl opposite him. Their dynamic just fits them so well - Miles pining for her but not feeling like he's good enough, Carrie being blinded to her true feelings by other options (in this situation I feel like Eric would make a great Greaseball lol) but coming around in the end - it's just perfect! And, I truly believe that the song Pearl sings in the original London production, Only He, can only be bodied in the way it deserves to be bodied by my girl Carrie haha. I'm not a big fan of Next Time You Fall In Love, but I do quite like I Do (the replacement options for Only He), and I think Juliet and Vivien would do great renditions of them, but there's just something about the thought of Carrie singing that song that just makes so much sense. I've got an idea for her to sing it in a legitimate story too (that's how obsessed with that song I am lmao), probably linked to the heartache referenced in the little drabble I'll post below, but I feel like she needs to sing it for an actual audience too haha. It's just such a beautiful, powerful, swelling theatre ballad - she'd kill it!!
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Alright, now we're getting to the good stuff. This is Greaseball: arguably the main antagonist of the show because, although most of the characters rag on Rusty, a lot of them do so to show their support for Greaseball. They're the reigning, undefeated champion when it comes to the races, so they have quite the ego on them. They're brash, and cocky, and a little brute-ish, but they're also incredibly competitive, which often gets in the way of their better judgement, resulting in a total disregard for everyone else (including their undeservingly loyal girl, Dinah). They're a total showboat and narcissist, but they do have a dopey, lovable side that Dinah helps to bring out towards the end of the show, which does help redeem them haha.
Now, there are two ways that Greaseball can be played: the traditional way, or the new way. For the traditional way (the sort of wannabe-Elvis, old school rockstar portrayal), Butchy feels like an obvious pick. And although I don't think he's anything like Greaseball's character, you know if he had to play him he'd take to the greaser caricature like a duck to water lmao. Plus, if Mick was playing Dinah (which, you'll see in a bit, I think works perfectly for her), they'd make an adorable duo in the show, and I think they'd have a lot of fun hamming up the roles to make them even more ridiculously cartoonish. And if Mick was his Dinah, I think Butchy would do the whole 'crawling back to her with his tail between his legs' schtick soooo well - he'd just melt into a puddle for her the second he apologised for being such a brute haha. The only thing that's holding me back with Butchy is that I don't know how good he'd be at being so mean to his friends - especially if someone like Miles or Royce was playing Rusty haha; he's just too nice! Plus, I don't know how well he could roller skate lmaoo.
OR, the other way Greaseball can be played is like how they've done it in the new London revival of the show: by making her into a fiesty little lesbian. And this is the role I feel like Carrie could really excel at. I just think she'd have sooo much fun with all the showboating and playing up the bravado. It's so different to anything else she's played before that I think she'd have a great time getting to try it out too - and I think she'd really enjoy getting to lean into playing a villain as well. I'm just obsessed with everything about the London revival Greaseball - her costume is so cool, her attitude is so iconic, the way she's adapted the character I just, uh- it's brilliant! And as cool as it could be to try out a male Dinah by getting Miles into some frilly gingham (lol), I think having either Juliet or Mick be her Dinah would work really well. I'll get into why I think Juliet would be a perfect Dinah later, but her dynamic with Carrie if they were to take on these roles would just be perfect; Juliet's mild scolding of Carrie's bruteish behaviour, but her unwavering loyalty regardless, Carrie's brushing off of her affection for the sake of winning, but then realising she didn't know how good she had it with Juliet by the end - aaaah, I love them. But for the spin-off scenario, where Juliet would be playing Pearl, my pick for Dinah would have been Mick - again, I'll elaborate more on why that works so well for her in a bit, but there's something about Mick and Carrie being paired up romantically like this that just entertains me so much, and low-key kind of intrigues me too haha. In my head, the way it would have played out was that they'd approached Butchy with the offer for the role first, hoping that if they also offered Mick to be his love interest, he'd be more likely to accept it. But after he dismissed it so blatantly, and they couldn't get anyone else to convincingly fit the role, Carrie was called upon to take his place - and to get back at Butchy for not even considering the part, Mick decides to take the Dinah role anyway, but doesn't tell him. Because imagine his face when he realises that this role they'd said couldn't be played by anyone but him was not only being played by Carrie, of all people, but that his wife was playing her love interest (and was practically throwing herself at Carrie the whole show)! They'd have so much fun torturing him with it, I just know it haha. And omg Carrie would have a whale of a time with Pumping Iron lmao. Plus, her skating skills can finally come in handy for something lol; she'd be throwing in all the tricks.
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Alright, so here's where I started grouping people together because I realised I was rambling far too much about the rest lol. As cool of a character as Electra is concept-wise, I don't think I can talk about them in that much depth haha - they're just not one of my favourites! I don't feel like they have that big of an impact on the story tbh; it feels mostly Rusty/Greaseball centred to me, but it's nice to give Greaseball a bit of real competition in the races I guess haha. Their futuristic, diva-ish vibe is really interesting though, and the fact they have their own entourage is pretty iconic too. But with that all being said, I just don't think there's any of our characters that really fit their archetype, even just in terms of who'd be best at playing them - especially males, since that's what Electra has typically been played as (even though they're nonbinary in the new London revival). I thought it might have been fun to get Donny to play them in the spin-off scenario, because I like to think he's a good enough actor to pull off any role haha - and like with Carrie and Greaseball, I think he'd have a lot of fun with doing something totally different to any of his other roles. I don't quite know how it would come about that he'd ever get involved in an amateur production like this, but in my head I thought it would be cute if, besides Carrie's constant begging and pestering about how they don't have enough people to fill out the cast, he's swayed by the fact that his son's in his 'train' phase at the moment - and so he agrees purely for shits and giggles and getting to make his son excited hahaha. Plus, I think he and Carrie would have a lot of fun getting to play rivals for once instead of lovers lol. And I just know they'd really lean into the comedic side of One Rock 'N' Roll Too Many. But besides Donny, I really have no other good picks. I thought if it was maybe the situation where Butchy was playing Greaseball they could do a female Electra and cast Carrie - because she'd do a fabulous job at selling the glitzy, diva vibes and overall over-the-top dramaticness of the character, and a female Electra would be incredible - but like with Pearl, it's just not my favourite pick for her. More out of necessity than anything haha - although it would be perfect to have Butchy and Carrie playing enemies like that lol.
And then the second one on this list is Poppa/Momma McCoy, who's an old steam engine that takes part in one of the races to help encourage Rusty and prove that steam trains aren't outdated after all. The role has been played by both male and female actors, but it tends to lean more female lately. And whilst I'm sure Grandpa George would happily help the kids out with their show, I have much stronger feelings on different female characters taking on the role.
Firstly, how iconic could it be if Nonna Dawn surprised everyone who wasn't helping out with the show by rolling out to sing Momma's (Poppa's) Blues?? Because that's my main pick for the spin-off scenario and I feel like Viv's face would just be a picture lmaoo. She helped out quite a bit with the stuff in the playhouse in Camp Wanamaker too, so she obviously likes theatre, and she just has that kind of fun, mischievous charm about her, so I feel like when Riven and Carrie would approach her with the idea, she'd love it - especially with that added element of surprise for the audience. And the whole mentor/advice-giver role Momma takes on in the show would work perfectly for Dawn; she's like the embodiment of the voice of reason haha.
My second pick, if you wanted to play Momma a little younger, like the London revival has done (with her playing both Control's mum, and Momma), would be Charlie, because she took a big role in helping out at the playhouse in Camp Wanamaker, and obviously cares a lot about theatre. And she has a really close relationship to Carrie and Riven, so I feel like they'd be able to talk her around to taking part eventually. My only thing holding me back is that part of my feels as though she'd want nothing to do with the production because she'd be too scared someone was gonna get hurt since the whole thing's done on rollerskates - her pseudo-motherly instincts couldn't cope with the stress lmaooo. And if it's in the spin-off scenario, where in my head Vivien's organising a rival production (probably of The Outsiders since you're enjoying it so much atm haha), I feel like Vivien would have already snagged her to help with directing on her project.
And my last potential pick for Momma, in an AU version, and one where Royce or Miles was Rusty, would, of course, be Mrs Murphy. I don't know how she would have done with performing, but Momma obviously takes on a motherly role to Rusty, and the freight/fuel trucks too - so Mrs Murphy taking on that role opposite one of her actual sons, and helping to give them the confidence they need to succeed, just makes so much sense to me! Pretty unlikely scenario, but a fun one to consider nonetheless haha.
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Ooh ok, more of my faves again haha. Dinah used to be my all-time favourite growing up, so I have lots of opinions about her. But basically, she's another of the 4 coaches (along with Pearl), and her main role in the show is that she's Greaseball's racing partner (and therefore, essentially also their romantic partner). They have a kind of strained relationship most of the show, because Dinah's totally head-over-wheels (😉) for Greaseball, but Greaseball's also being fawned over by pretty much every other coach, and is reluctant to give in to Dinah's affection for fear of showing any weakness to their opponents - so they can be pretty mean sometimes. BUT, they do have a really cute moment when Greaseball loses in the end and goes back to Dinah to apologise, realising that they still love each other without all the glory of being champions.
She's a pretty confident character though, and is good at standing up for herself when she doesn't think something's right - but she's still able to show her softer, more vulnerable side, which makes her a really well-rounded character imo. There are a few good options for who I'd want to play her though, and although I mention later that Carrie would be a good Dinah, I only think she'd really get cast in the role if she it was an externally produced show, since she only ever lands secondary parts haha. I think she'd be a great Dinah, don't get me wrong, but I just think that if all our characters were in the show, there are better choices for her.
My first one, as mentioned earlier, would be Mick. The brunette hairstyle she's been given lately, as opposed to the blonde, works for Mick so well, and with red being her favourite colour, taking the red from the new London costume but applying it to the more traditional gingham style - aaaah, she'd look adorable. Plus, like I said above, having her play this role opposite Butchy just makes so much sense - but, having her play it opposite Carrie (like she would in my spin-off scenario) would be brilliant. I just think they'd have so much fun with it, especially knowing how weird it would make Butchy feel watching them together, and oddly, I feel like it would help their friendship grow even stronger😂 It's just such an iconic pairing, and I really think they'd do it justice. I think she'd make a really strong-willed Dinah, and as unsteady as I think she'd be on roller skates at first, I think that'd make everyone all the more impressed when they saw her racing and dancing around with everyone else haha - Riven and Carrie would work their magic with teaching her.
And with Dinah being typically played as a sort of 'Southern Belle' type, the obvious pick for Dinah, and one that also makes a ton of sense to me, would, of course, be Juliet. And if she wasn't playing Pearl, this is definitely who I'd have her play. I think she'd be able to lean into the more sensitive, emotional side of Dinah, whilst also keeping a bit of the strength that Mick would bring to her - and you just know that if Carrie was her Greaseball they'd be in their element playing lesbain lovers 👀😂 They'd peak here, I feel. This and Maureen and Joanne in Rent - they'd be untouchable.
I didn't even know whether to include CB in this or not since he's been taken out and put back into the show so many times, but I reference him in one of the one-shots so I thought it was best to. Basically, he's a caboose coach that, in the second act, reveals that he's got a little evil streak behind his oh-so innocent appearance, and that he's actually notorious for wrecking the trains he races behind. So, (although I don't think it's ever actually explained why lol) he teams up with Greaseball and Electra to trick Rusty into racing with him, only to try wrecking him in the big final race. Naturally, it doesn't work, but hey, he acts as a zany little extra antagonist, which I'm never going to complain about haha. 
Like I mention later on, I think Riven would feel kind of drawn to this role - especially because of the softer side we see with him when he comforts Dinah after Greaseball ditches her (for being too moral for their dirty racing tactics lol). Plus, there's that 'red' motif again that would work with his auburn hair - and I think he'd be able to play that coolly sly, kind of crazily sadistic twist well because of how chill he is normally. That switch would be so jarring! But, perhaps an even more jarring option, I think Bentley could also do this part really well. He'd be the perfect, innocent mask to begin with because he's so little and smiley - but then I think he'd have a lot of fun getting to flip that on its head and be the complete antithesis of his usual ball of sunshine personality to be a little crazy criminal instead. Obviously he's nothing like that normally, but acting-wise, if he felt confident enough with it, I think he could really do it justice! And it'd make an even cooler contrast if one of his brothers was playing Rusty; that betrayal would be even harsher!
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Alright, now onto the coaches. Let's try to speed through these because I already know I've wasted far too much of your time lmao. If you're still reading at this point, I'm actually pretty impressed 😂 The coaches have changed a bunch over the years, mostly for things going out of fashion (*cough cough* Ashley the smoking car lol) - but the current ones in the London revival are Belle the sleeping car and Tassita the quiet coach. Since these are smaller, more generic parts, I don't really have as much to say about them. But, for Belle I thought that Jade might be a good pick, because I know she can sing since she's in Riven's band, and idk, maybe she naps a lot? 😂 Either way, even though she's said before that she can't act to save her life, I don't think she'd have to act a great deal in this role - but she can sing and skate, and that's enough to give her the confidence to agree to help out in my book haha. And for Tassita, who's the first coach to ever be played by a male performer, which is pretty cool, I thought August might be a fun pick - you know, because he's such a quiet guy himself lol. Besides that though, I've always thought he'd be a good performer (he was originally going to have a part on Find Your Voice after all), and although, like Jade, I don't think he'd have a great deal of confidence at first - especially in a role that still appears quite feminine when he's not totally secure about his sexuality - but I think they'd be able to tweak both the part and the costume until it was something he'd feel comfortable doing. And once he started working on it, I think it'd be really good at bringing him out of his shell! Plus, I like to think he's got a really good voice hidden behind all that shyness - so this is an excuse to finally bring it out into the open hehe. 
Other coaches that could be worked in from other productions are Buffy the buffet car, Duvet the sleeper car (an alternate to Belle), Carrie the luggage car (what a coincidence lol), or, the original Belle the sleeping car, from the original London production way back in the 80s. Belle didn't really do a great deal plot-wise besides help motivate Rusty, and Dinah and the rest of the coaches in the second act when they're ditched by the trains they race with (please, Starlight Express producers, bring back the Rolling Stock reprise; it's iconic lmao) - but if for some reason they wanted to use her in the show, I think Charlie would be a great pick for her. She'd give her all the old-school glamour and girl-power she deserves haha. And I think she'd look iconic in that red costume. 
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Finally, my last category: the freight/fuel trucks. Well, actually just the fuel trucks. I thought about including the freight trucks too, but tbh, I don't really have any strong opinions on any of them, and this post is already far too long, so I just left them out lol. But, like the coaches, the fuel trucks are just more racing partner options for the trains. Some have bigger parts than others, but their main purpose is providing fuel (shocking, I know ha). They're new to the London revival though, and tbh I like them more than the freight trucks; they feel more central to the plot - even if it did make the song Freight significantly worse lmao.
And speaking of central to the plot, Hydra, the hydrogen fuel truck is the new reason why Rusty wins the final race (because before it didn't really make that much sense tbh lmao); he's now powered by hydrogen steam, which gives him the advantage over his opponents. And throughout the show, despite the other fuel trucks ragging on Hydra for being too new and dangerous in comparison to their more reliable fuel sources, he ignores them and stands by his belief in his fuel. The only pick in my mind for Hydra because of this though is Ethan - and although I have no idea if he'd ever have any remote interest in acting, especially in a musical theatre production, you know he's so loyal to his friends he'd do anything to help them out if they asked. And, I think he'd just think the idea was so weird he'd be down to participate just for the hell of it lol. But Hydra's way of not caring what anyone else thinks of him, and sticking to his own beliefs, is so Ethan to me - plus, they just have that same, chilled, laid back vibe. And, naturally, they both have that kind of green motif 😉🍃 So yeah, for me, Ethan has to be Hydra - and no matter who's playing Rusty, I feel like he'd vibe enough with all of them for him to jump at the chance to help them out like Hydra helps Rusty in the show. And it'd finally give him an excuse to use those roller skating skills I know he's hiding somewhere despite his usually terrible clumsiness ha. 
For Porter (the red coal truck) I think Zack could maybe play him? Not completely sold on that idea because I don't think he'd really vibe with musicals, but if August roped him into helping out I think he'd begrudgingly agree - and Porter basically does nothing anyway, so he couldn't really complain lol. And for Lumber (the blue timber truck) I picked Erica - not only because her blue hair would look sick with an all-blue costume like that, but also because the thought of Jade and Erica flirting as their characters during the little bickering section between the coaches and the fuel trucks in the song Freight had me weak at the knees. So if they were both in it, their characters would 100% be in love, no questions asked - I need flirty trucks and coaches hahaha. 
So then the final role I'm passionate about is Slick, the oil truck, which is the new London revival's answer to CB, since she not only takes on his main song, but also the whole concept of wanting to race with Rusty to wreck him and help out the competition. This revival also gives her a monetary aim though, which is good for giving her more of a motive, I suppose. I don't really know how trains are supposed to use money, but it's at least a reason, which is more than we had before lmao. I think Abby would be such a good pick for Slick though - I'd want to make her a little more girly, giving her some different hair (like my little reference picture, or maybe something like some fun bubble braids or something - like oil bubbles 👀) and a more feminine costume - but I think having a pretty important role like that would help bring out her confidence with performing a lot, without totally throwing her out of her comfort one with a big main role. I think she'd like the added challenge and fun that the villainous twist Slick has would bring though; it'd give her something a bit different to play with. And with Slick's colour palette mirroring Greaseball's, and her being an oil truck, makes me thing that Abby would really want to lean into making Slick a little Greaseball fangirl, who is constantly looking up to her and wanting to impress her (and hence giving her even more motivation to wreck Rusty and help Greaseball win the race) - which I think would also nicely mirror how much Abby would look up to Carrie (an established actress already) if they were to ever meet. I just think it works really well for her, and I love how the show's leaning more into mixing the genders of the coaches and the freight trucks - even if the costumes are still leaning more feminine and masculine respectively, I think our characters would have more fun tailoring them to each performer's preferences. Because come on, Abby being a pretty girly, but still menacing, little secondary villain would be so cool - she needs to let her rebellious side shine!
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Excuse the TMM spacer lol, I'm too lazy to go make a new one lmao. Anyway, if you made it through all that, you really are a true friend haha - because that was soooo much insane rambling. But, I do feel better for dumping it out of my mind and onto a page. Maybe now I can finally stop obsessing over it and get back to writing the stories I should be working on. But hopefully this was a little fun post to switch things up a bit! And hopefully you at least liked it half as much as I enjoyed your Outsiders post haha. If, for some bizarre reason, you actually are interested in the show, then just let me know because I have a slime tutorial (*wink wink*) of the new revival I'd happily send you the link to, because I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. But even if not, like I said, this was just a bit of silly fun to give all these ideas a home. It's not a complex show, and it doesn't have particularly elevated songs or characters, but the orchestrations are clever, the costumes and theatrics are amazing, and it's all done on roller skates - so it'll always have a special, fun spot in my heart hehe. I've linked a video of the megamix at the end of the new London revival for you to get a bit of a vibe of what the show's like without having to watch the whole thing too if you want hehe - at least this way you can see some of the skating and costumes in action! And, as promised, as a reward for sitting through the insanity of this post, here are two little drabbles with our characters as a reward.
The first centres around the song There's Me, and a pairing I think works particularly well for it, that I'm dying to see/write more of - it's also plucked out of that Camp Wanamaker spin-off I wanted to do that I'm not sure will ever materialise. But consider this a sneak peek into what would have gone down lol. And the second is a litle bit of what the chaos the concept of Riven and Vivien putting on rivalling productions would have brought about haha. For context, I think although Riven would have bagged Carrie for his show straight away, Vivien would have furiously retaliated by claiming everyone else in their cabin for hers - hence the competitiveness that ensues. Enjoy! Hopefully they're not too weird to not still be enjoyable anyway 😅😂
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The dusty deck creaked as a scuffed, black Converse nudged into her periphery. But her eyes never left the lake - as grey as the thick blanket of clouds overhead, and as bleak as her outlook. 
"The laundry house, really?" the voice demanded, pausing to give the girl a chance to explain herself. 
She did not. 
Sighing, the guest realised this was going to be harder than he expected. After all, he wasn't used to her being this…subdued. "You know, I just think it's a testament to our friendship that I was the only one who knew to look for you here," he offered with a playful smile…that went completely unnoticed. Frowning as the girl continued to ignore his very existence, he let out another sigh, this one as he lowered himself down and took up the space beside her, nudging the sole of her now off-white sneaker with his knee to draw her out of her thoughts. "Come on, Carrie. I'm trying here," he said. But when he leant forwards to try to get a clearer look at her face, and found her cheeks marred with glistening tracks in her foundation, and her puffy eyes speckled with remnants of her mascara, his frustration waned. "You can't hide from them forever," he gently added.
"I want to," Carrie murmured.
"You don't mean that," he tried.
"I do; at least that way I wouldn't be able to fuck things up any more than I already have," she limply insisted.
"You didn't-"
"Don't give me that, Riven; I know I did," Carrie said, cutting him off with an exasperated huff. "I shouldn't have done it, I shouldn't have yelled at them like that. But I was just in such a bad mood after that class, and I was so fed up with everything, so then to come back to all that I just…"
"...Let all those years of bottled up frustration out?" Riven offered.
"Something like that," Carrie mumbled, dropping her gaze to her lap, knowing that if she actually made eye contact with the boy her resolve would start to crumble in an instant. 
"Hmm," he began, murmuring his understanding as he took his turn to look out across the lake. "I heard it wasn't pretty."
Although Riven was no longer looking at her, he saw her dark blonde curls trembling out of the corner of his eye as she shook her head.
"I'm so embarrassed," she admitted, voice barely above a whisper. A fresh tear plopped onto her thigh as she kept her watery gaze steady, praying she'd be able to get a handle on her waterworks for once. "They hate me for sure now."
"They never hated you, Carrie," Riven promised, turning back to her again as though it would persuade her to believe him. 
But Carrie proved to be as stubborn as ever, completely bypassing the comment with a mournful smile she still couldn't bring herself to lift from the floor. "All that time I spent trying to win them over…down the drain, all because I had a shit day and lost my cool."
"I don't know, I'd still say you're pretty cool," Riven tried with a playful lopsided grin, bumping her shoulder until she turned to see it for herself.
When she did finally turn to face him though, it was with that flat, annoyed frown that always just egged him on more. "This isn't a joke," she grumbled, but Riven's little chuckle said otherwise. 
"I'm not saying it is," he countered. "I'm just letting you know it's gonna take a hell of a lot more than one dumb argument for me to stop thinking you're cool. Come on, you're Caroline Cole: entertainer extraordinaire-"
"Why are you doing this?" Carrie stopped his playful bolstering in its tracks with a weary sigh.
"Because I want to," Riven said, standing firm in his optimism. "Come on, I hate seeing you like this," he pressed on fitfully, uneasy with her uncharacteristic despondency. She was usually the life and soul of the party in that playhouse, now she had all the energy of a wet paper towel. Hoping to distract her with a little healthy competition, he added, "We should be out there crushing Erica's cabin at volleyball right now."
"Well forgive me, but I'm not really in the mood," Carrie flatly retorted.
"What are you in the mood for?" he challenged, with a primarily jovial tone, but a hint of creeping frustration. "Moping about like a kicked puppy?"
"Yes, actually," she snipped. "Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I can't be the 'smiling showgirl' 24/7…" Her frown twitched into the faintest of wistful smiles as her voice trailed off, carrying her focus back into the turmoil unfolding within her own head. "I'm allowed to have emotions, I'm just not allowed to show them," she went on to explain with a quiet, self-loathing huff. "'Cause that's when things always turn to shit."
All Riven's teasing intent slipped away, seeping into the damp wood beneath them, as it began to dawn on him that there may have been more to her dramatic disappearance than what he'd initially thought. "...This is about more than just you yelling at the boys, isn't it?" he slowly asked, treading carefully, as though to not set off a bomb.
And yet, Carrie dropped one on him anyway.  
"I think Miles and I are gonna break up, Riv."
The words hung in the muggy air between them, not daring to be believed.
Stunned, hazel eyes settled on Carrie's profile, unable to tear themselves away until she explained herself. So, she began to talk. Slowly but surely, she unravelled the tangle of thoughts in her head, laying them out before her friend, praying that his sensible, perceptive mind could help her make sense of them. "It's just…not felt right this summer. It's like he's…pulling away, or something," she started, still avoiding eye contact at all costs. At least that way she could keep a handle on her tears, even if her mouth did start to run away from her instead. "And the arguing with Royce never helps, but it's just been getting worse instead of better and I can tell he's getting frustrated with it, but I'm trying and nothing's working and I don't understand why and that's making me frustrated, which makes the bickering worse, I just-" She stopped to snatch a breath, only to blow out all her remaining self-confidence with it. "I feel like I've got no fight left anymore. I can't see it getting better. And when I know Miles would always side with his brothers, and everyone else would side with him if things went south… I don't know, it just kind of stings, I guess; one wrong move and I lose them all. No matter what I do, I'd still be left out on my own."
"Don't lump me in with that."
Startled, Carrie lost her focus and turned to the boy; she'd been so lost in her own thoughts she'd forgotten she wasn't alone anymore. But even when she searched his expression, his comment still made no sense. "What do you mean?"
"Well don't say I'd never speak to you again if things with you and Miles didn't work out," he explained as though it was the simplest thing in the world. "Which they totally will by the way, but that's beside the point," he tacked on as that playful chuckle of his started creeping back into his voice. "Of course I'd still speak to you; you can't get rid of me that easily."
"Really?" Carrie asked, wary despite the hopeful glint in her ocean eyes. 
"Yes, really, idiot," he snorted. "I'm not just friends with you 'cause you're dating Miles, you're my drama buddy," he went on to explain with a grin holding nothing but fond sincerity. "You're the only one that keeps me sane in that playhouse, and even then you're so ridiculous I can only take you seriously like 60% of the time. Plus, I did see you naked that one time-"
"I was not- it was just my top."
The frustrated tone shining through in the way she had cut him off, and the way she had hurriedly returned to avoiding his gaze, struck Riven down. "Oh my god, you didn't even laugh at the bikini story. This really is bad," he said - again, half-joking, half-genuinely-concerned. Reaching behind him, his fingers closed around glossy wood as a teasing smile started to tug at his lips. "I didn't want it to have to come to this…"
Hearing fingers start plucking at guitar strings, Carrie's bewildered frown deepened as she turned back to him. "What are you doing?"
"I can't help it, you've left me no choice," he chuckled, cheesily grinning back at her and continuing to lazily pluck out a melody. "I'm not leaving until I've cheered you up - even if that means resorting to music."
"Come on, Riv," Carrie wearily groaned, not nearly as amused by the offer as he'd hoped she would be. "Stop, I'm not in the mood. Can't you just leave me alone?"
The plucking stopped and Riven sat the guitar fully back in his lap, his own brows now starting to furrow. "They really got you this time, huh?"
Carrie sighed as she dropped her gaze to her lap again. "I don't like to show it normally 'cause I know they don't always mean it, they just want to get a rise out of me," she slowly confessed. "But it was…different last night. It's felt different since we arrived."
"I really thought you guys were getting somewhere," Riven softly mused, just as perplexed by the sudden nosedive in amiability as the others in the cabin.
"So did I," Carrie agreed, smiling painfully down at a knot in the wood. A million things she wanted to say swirled in her head, but none of her thoughts were quite able to be fit into words - nothing that could make a coherent sentence anyway. She didn't know whether to get mad, and let the rest of her pent up anger spill across the deck until she'd rid herself of it completely. She didn't know whether to just push it to the back of her mind again, put on a brave face and swan back into camp as though nothing was wrong at all. She didn't know whether to stay hidden, avoiding everyone at the cabin and all her problems at the same time. At least that way she wouldn't have to face them again, or have to try to explain herself and her inexcusable temperament to Miles. God, he was probably so mad at her right now. 
More and more thoughts flew through her mind, hitting the walls of her skull like rabid animals until her head pounded and her resolve broke down. Helpless tears started to slip from her eyes as the hopelessness of her position washed over her all over again. She felt a hand on her back that brought her back to her senses in an instant though - having forgotten, yet again, that she wasn't alone out here. She sniffed and hurriedly patted away the tears, trying to salvage what little of her makeup still remained. "Guess I'm not such a heartless bitch after all," she offered, managing a melancholy chuckle at her predicament that, although was an improvement, still did nothing to show Riven that she was feeling more like her usual self. 
In fact, he just felt more concerned than ever. Carrie was strong-willed and stubborn, bold and exuberant - not the shying, insecure, tearful shell of a girl before him. He'd already suspected that her confidence had been knocked this summer thanks to the rather personal disruption at the playhouse, but this was worse than he thought. And he couldn't stand by in good conscience and watch her fire be extinguished. 
Setting his guitar back into position, he began plucking at the strings again. Carrie shot him another questioning look, with a slightly annoyed huff, but he stuck to his guns and kept playing, offering her nothing but a cheesy, comforting grin in response. "Complain all you want," he chuckled. "But I'm not gonna stop playing." 
Although Carrie just rolled her eyes, she did manage a small, resigned laugh as she gave up on the pushback. And soon, to her surprise, lyrics began to accompany his playing - as gentle and reassuring as his own intent.
All alone, you think you're on your own You think there's no one in the world who cares for you That isn't true, there's me May not be, the one you want to see But if you need someone who's kind then look behind And then you'll find, there's me
I'll be near, standing by Never fear, you can cry But in a while, you will smile And I'll be there to see
By yourself you have to cry yourself Nobody else can cry the tears you have to cry But I will try, there's me Until then, when you're okay again You'll look around, find I'm no longer there I'll still be near somewhere You're not alone, there's me There's always me
I'll still be near somewhere You're not alone; there's me There's always me...
The soft, yet cheeky smiles Riven kept shooting the girl as he sang, paired with the meaning behind the words, and the added special meaning to them both, meant that by the time his strumming faded to silence, Carrie was finally grinning back at him. 
"You really came all the way out here to serenade me with a musical theatre song from the 80s?" she asked with a teasing chuckle, wiping away the last traces of any tears with the heel of her hand. 
"It worked, didn't it?" he teasingly fired back with a satisfied smirk. 
"Touché," she giggled, before hitting with a further pointed eyebrow raise. "But Starlight? Really?"
"Again: it worked, didn't it?" he retorted with a snort of laughter she was all too happy to reciprocate.
"You are way too attached to that show," she chuckled, teasingly bumping his arm.
"It's about roller skating trains - how can I not be attached to it?"
"I don't know, ask literally anyone else at camp," Carrie snorted back, referring to the many attempts the pair had made to try to get even just one of their friends to give the show a chance.
Knowing exactly what the blonde was talking about, Riven just shot her a grin. "They'll come around eventually, trust me."
Giving an equally confident, yet slightly more playful grin back, Carrie conceded with another giggle before continuing. "And when they do, I think you've proven you'd make an excellent CB."
Riven pressed a hand to his chest. "I think that might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me," he said with a comically dramatic earnestness that just had Carrie rolling her eyes again.
"Shut up, I compliment you all the time," she retorted, and her smile only broadened when Riven showed no signs of pushing back. "I'm serious though; if you ever manage to convince Nonna you don't need to be sectioned for suggesting we stage the show, I think you'd be great."
Biting back a laugh, Riven instead decided to lead with sincerity. "Only if you'd be my Dinah," he bargained with a fond, yet knowing grin she, again, gladly shared. But it wasn't long before he started rambling again. "But I'd sacrifice that if it meant you could be Pearl…"
With an affectionate shake of her head, Carrie playfully sighed, "I never play the lead - I can't break my streak now, you know that."
Taking his turn to roll his eyes, he retorted with. "Pearl is not the lead; the whole show's about Rusty."
"Ok well maybe you can play Rusty then, Mr Know-It-All," Carrie teasingly fired back as the pair fell back into their typical, theatre-based ramblings - idly chattering away without a care in the world as the wind pulled the clouds across the sky.
It wasn't until Carrie saw the sunlight skittering across the lake, and heard the distant chatter of counsellors start up again, that she realised her head had finally stopped pounding, and her chest no longer felt as though someone had carved a giant hole into it. Astonished, but grateful nonetheless, Carrie turned back to Riven with a smile. "Thanks for coming to find me, Riv."
Grinning contentedly back, he replied, "Well, I don't like thinking of you being sad. You're like my fun, crazy, big sister - I can't have you moping around like a sadsack."
"You really think of me like a sister?"
"Of course. We don't always understand each other, and I tease the shit out of you at every opportunity I get, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. You always make me laugh, you're insanely talented, you give the best advice, but you're honest when you need to be - you're everything I'd want in a big sister. Plus, like I said, you're my drama buddy. The shit we put up with from those campers has bonded us for life, whether you like it or not."
Unable to hold back her laughter any longer, it spilled out from her grateful smile as she reached out and wrapped him in a big hug, nestling her face into the well-worn cotton of his hoodie. 
"And you give great hugs," he playfully added, mumbling through her mane of frizzy, golden curls.
"Thanks, Riv," she murmured between giggles, letting herself melt into the comforting reassurance of his embrace.
"Any time, Care Bear."
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Sitting back, scouring his half-finished painting with an acutely analytical gaze, Bentley didn't even hear the door to the art barn open, let alone the footsteps that followed. He squinted his eyes, tilted his head from side to side, screwed up his mouth in concentration… And then his vision went dark.
Blinking, eyelashes brushed against an old t-shirt masquerading as a blindfold. But before he could try to question the ambush, a quiet voice broke through his haze of confusion.
"Alright, listen to what I say, or this is not gonna be pretty."
A chuckle couldn't help but slip from Bentley's lips, immediately relaxing as he recognised the voice. "Is that your attempt at sounding threatening?"
"I was actually trying to be reassuring," August countered with a bashful chuckle of his own.
"Oh, well then consider me reassured," Bentley laughed, still idly toying with his paintbrush. "As reassured as anyone can be when they're randomly blindfolded on a Wednesday afternoon. What are you doing anyway?"
"I need to take you somewhere, so put the brush down and get up - but don't go too fast; I've gotta make sure you don't bump into anything," August ordered, tying the old t-shirt in place before clumsily helping the blonde stand, taking him by the shoulders and leading him towards the door.
"Where the hell are we going?" Bentley asked, after they had navigated the stairs in a (somewhat) successful manner - consisting of only one giggling fit, and one almost-total-collapse - as he felt them move from the wooden deck to the uneven grass. 
"I'm not allowed to tell you, but it's nothing bad, trust me."
"Who's forcing you to kidnap me and parade me across camp like a prisoner?"
"You'll find out in a minute," August chuckled, steering him around a tree stump. "But just know that it's nothing bad."
"Well I'd hope not - I'd hate to think you'd willingly be involved in leading me to my demise," Bentley snorted, before continuing with his idle rambling. "Who's roped you into taking me captive anyway?"
"I don't know if I can say; they didn't give me much briefing, and I don't think they expected you to be this…chatty."
Bentley laughed. "Well then they should have sent a more intimidating kidnapper."
"They didn't want to scare you, they just needed you away from Vivien," August admitted, immediately falling silent for a few steps. "...I don't know if I was supposed to say that."
"Ohhh, ok then, so I'm being taken hostage by the competition?" Bentley chuckled through a smirk as he began to piece the puzzle together.
"...Maybe," August confirmed as he rounded the blonde and started to lead him up a new set of steps from the front to make sure he didn't lose his footing. "But if they ask then you figured it out on your own - you didn't hear it from me."
"Well it's not like I had many options; it was either that or some weird camp event I didn't pay attention to the announcement for," Bentley laughed to himself as he blindly stuck his foot out, almost completely missing the step until August repositioned him. "What do they need me for? Information about how our rehearsals are going? And how are you in cahoots with them anyway? Are you abandoning our show for theirs?"
"What? No, just… Hang on, gimme a second," August fumbled through his excuses, fighting to nudge the door open with his foot before carefully pulling his friend inside. "Alright, we're here. Just sit down and listen to what they've got to say, they'll explain everything," he continued, keeping his voice down as he offered the boy further reassurances he was sure he wasn't supposed to. 
Once Bentley was situated on what felt like a metal fold-out chair, August gave his shoulder one last reassuring squeeze before untying the old t-shirt and lifting it away from his eyes. Oddly though, even with the blindfold removed, Bentley could hardly see a thing; whatever cabin they were in had black-out cloths draped across the windows, leaving the room in complete darkness. Well, at least that explained why it had taken August so long to navigate him across the room. 
"Uhh… Hello?" Bentley tried, calling out into what felt like a completely empty room if the thick silence he was met with was anything to go by.
But before he could question his situation any further, a light sprang to life beside him, so bright he had to jerk his head back to save himself from temporary blindness.
Wincing, he tried to take in his now significantly more illuminated surroundings, only to find that he was sitting at a scuffed, fold-out table, occupying the very lamp that seemed to give off more light than the sun itself. Other than that, the rest of the room was swimming in darkness, creating a rather effective interrogation set-up, which he suspected the masterminds behind his kidnapping had hoped for. 
And speaking of these masterminds, just as the afterimages were finally starting to fade from his vision, a figure rolled out of the darkness and up to the table. Yes, quite literally rolled. 
They set their hands on the tabletop in front of him and presented the boy with a smug smile. "Hello, Bentley."
"What are you doing?" Bentley asked, snorting out a laugh at the surreal nature of the entire situation. 
"We have a…preposition for you," Riven slowly explained, his smug smile only broadening. 
"We?" Bentley questioned. "There are more weirdos than you tied up in this thing?"
Suddenly the lamp head was wrenched back, sending the beam of light directly at his face, once again making him jerk his head back. "And just who do you think you're calling a weirdo?"
Eyes watering from the visual assault, Bentley squinted through the brightness until he found a tanned hand clamped around the lamphead. Following it up, he found an all-too-familiar, shadowed face, framed by a mane of unruly golden curls. "Not you?" Bentley offered with a lopsided smile.
Thankfully, the gesture was enough to appease Carrie, who tilted the lamphead back into position - but not before she shot the boy a satisfied smirk in response. 
"You got any other questions? Or can we get down to business?" Riven asked. 
"Uh, yeah: what's with the kidnapping?" Bentley fired back, sporting an amused smirk of his own. "You so worried you'll lose the bet you're turning to torturing the competition?"
"What? No! We just needed you away from the boss," Riven laughed, his comically threatening act disappearing in seconds as he referenced his pint-sized figure skating partner. "Like I said, we've got a preposition for you."
"Couldn't you have just asked me in the dining hall? Or in my room or something?" Bentley went on to ask, still having to squint from the light.
"Well yeah, but where's the fun in that?" came Riven's snorted reply, to which Carrie just grinned and nodded in agreement.
Bentley shook his head at the pair, evidently equally matched in their passion for dramatising the most menial things. "This is so dumb," he breathed, fighting back a smile at the ridiculousness of their whole set-up. "What do you want then? What's this preposition thing?"
Carrie and Riven exchanged a glance, giving each other a confirmatory nod before turning back to the blonde. "…We need your help."
"With what?"
"With the show," Riven clarified.
"The show? Your show?" Bentley spluttered, eyes darting between the pair, looking for any evidence of jesting, yet finding nothing. "I don't understand," he slowly continued. "Why do you want my help? I've got no idea what I'm doing with all this theatre stuff. I'm out of my depth with Viv's show as it is. Plus, I already agreed to be in her's - I can't help out the competition."
"Why not? I am."
Bentley's ears pricked up as a new voice entered the conversation, and to his amazement, when he turned to follow it, he saw a grinning brunette emerging from the darkness on Carrie's right. 
"Mick?! You jumped ship?" Bentley asked, gawping at the grinning girl as though she'd just grown a second nose. "Does Viv know?"
"No, I didn't jump ship," Mick chuckled as she perched on the edge of the fold-out table. "I'm helping out with both."
"What? Why?"
"'Cause I wanted to," she snorted simply. "It's not like there's rules against it. This whole thing's just for fun anyway."
"Yeah, it's not actually a competition - we just both wanted to put on different shows," Riven added.
"Well could you let Viv know that? She's treating this like we're at war - we've all been sworn to secrecy," Bentley said, chuckling at his friend's competitive spirit.
"Oh we know, we already tried to get Mick to squeal but she wouldn't budge," Carrie said, sharing a knowingly playful glance with the brunette.
"And luckily, they had a cool job for me besides just being their spy," Mick cheekily added. "Or else all the effort it took to brainwash me would have been for nothing."
"Which is…?" Bentley tried.
"I'm building the stage," Mick revealed with a proud grin. 
Bentley's eyes went wide. "You guys need to build your own stage?"
Riven and Carrie shared another knowing smirk. "If we want the show to be as awesome as it deserves to be then yeah, it needs a custom stage," Riven confirmed.
"And since Butchy and Miles refused to even hear us out, Mickie stepped up to the plate to handle it all on her own," Carrie added, looping her arm through the brunette's with a fond grin. "And she's doing a way better job than either of those two bozos would have done anyway." 
"Well, I don't know about that…" Mick said with a roguish chuckle. "But I am doing a pretty damn good job."
"Does this mean you're helping with both shows too?" Bentley then asked, turning behind him to look for the friend who'd brought him here, who could do nothing but offer him a sheepish smile. 
"...Yeah," August slowly admitted, before adding a quieter: "You know I'm terrible at saying 'no' to things."
"So your solution is just doing twice the work?" Bentley asked incredulously, the information just serving more of a purpose to fuel his growing need to help August grow a backbone. 
"Well they're not big parts-" he tried to reason.
"You're actually in both of them?" Bentley demanded, his eyes practically popping out of his head when he saw the knee and elbow pads the boy was sporting. "But you don't know how to roller skate."
"They're teaching me," August chuckled, shooting Carrie and Riven a grateful smile. And when Bentley's disbelieving gaze found theirs, they just offered him smug grins and little waves, showing off their own elbow pads as they did so.
Bentley's shock jumped to a whole new level when he spotted Mick's elbow pads though. "You're in it too, Mickie?!"
"Well I didn't like how quickly Butchy dismissed them when they asked him to take part," Mick began, smirking at the very thought. "So I thought I'd teach him a lesson about not judging things at face level."
"Well, we should have known not to expect his neanderthal brain to be able to comprehend such complex concepts as 'having fun'," Carrie retorted with a cheeky dig Mick luckily started to laugh at.
"I've gotta admit, it did sound really corny at first. But once you get past the fact it's all about trains, the show is pretty fun," Mick confessed.
"Duh, of course it's fun, we're directing it," Carrie added, gesturing to the auburn-haired giant behind her, who just laughed in his approval. 
"The whole show's done on roller skates - I still don't understand how anyone could know that and not automatically think it's awesome," Riven said between his chuckles. 
But at that revelation, Bentley's eyes started to grow wide again. "Hold on, you're not expecting me to have a part in your show too, are you?" he asked, horrified at the very idea. "I barely have a handle on what I'm doing in Viv's already, and that's just one show. Plus, I can't even roller skate so-"
"No, we don't need you to be in it," Riven cut in with a chuckle before the blonde's anxious ramblings could make him run out of breath. 
"Unless you want to be in it, then we'd totally find you a part," Carrie tagged on with an encouraging grin. 
"And teach you how to skate," Riven added with a mischievous smirk. "If we can teach Mick, we can teach anyone."
And although Mick's playful whack of Riven's arm did help him relax a touch, Bentley's stance on their offer was still firm: "No thanks, I'm good." But his curiosity was still running rampant as the others giggled at his reaction. "Well if you don't need me to have a part in the show, then what did you need my help for?"
"We wanted to see if you'd be willing to help us with designing and making the costumes," Riven explained.
Bentley thought he had to have misheard him. "The costumes?"
"Yeah," Riven chuckled at the boy's expression. "What's that face for?"
"I don't know the first thing about making costumes - I've never worked with fabric in my life."
Riven and Carrie exchanged another glance. "That's kind of why we need your help," Carrie started.
But when Bentley just looked more confused than ever, Riven went on to explain. "None of the stuff in the playhouse storage bins will work because, well, they're just regular people clothes, so we need to design our own stuff. Juliet's already said she can help construct any actual clothing garments we need, but our main problem is how to actually use the outfits to make us look like trains."
Bentley's thoughts came to a screeching halt. "Wait…you guys are the trains?"
"You're acting as trains? Singing trains?" They had to be pranking him, right?
"Uh, yeah," Carrie said, sharing another quick glance with Riven.
"What did you think the show was about?" he snorted.
"I don't know, I thought you were just like people working on a railroad or something," Bentley retorted with an incredulous splutter.
"Well we're not, we're the trains," Riven chuckled.
"Yeah, why else would we need to do the whole thing on wheels?" Mick added with a playful wiggle of her skate-clad foot. 
"So what? You want me to…make you look like trains?" Bentley warily asked. "Like with big chimneys coming out of your heads and stuff?"
Fondly rolling her eyes at Bentley's poor attempts at stifling his laughter, Carrie stepped in to try to explain the proposal a little more clearly. "No - we just need to capture the vibe of trains - you don't need to shove us all in cardboard box models. We can show you the costumes of the official productions so you can get an idea of the sort of things we're looking for, but we don't have a huge budget, so we're gonna have to get creative - hence why we came to you," she finished with a proud grin. 
"All we want you to do is draw up some concepts that make us look enough like a train to sell the illusion to the audience. And as long as they're moveable enough for us to skate in, and can be constructed from stuff we've got access to, the rest of the design can be totally down to you," Riven added.
"So basically you've got free reign to make us look as ridiculous as you want," Mick tacked on with a chuckle. 
"But try to be a little nice with it," August gently offered from behind, which just set Bentley off to laugh more.
He did have to admit that the offer sounded quite tempting. After all, he'd never worked on anything like costume designs before - and from the sounds of things, this concept would let him get pretty creative with it; these weren't just average costumes - in fact, they were probably more sculpture than costume anyway. But there was something still holding him back. "I don't know, guys. I don't know if I've got the brain space to work on two shows at once-"
"Oh please, Bentley - come on," Riven pleaded. "We'll look like complete morons out there if we don't have good costumes."
"We will," Mick earnestly confirmed. "Trust me, It's not pretty."
"Well if I'm on Vivien's side then don't I want you guys to look like complete morons?" he asked with a mischievous giggle.
"Maybe, but where's the fun in a landslide victory?" Riven countered with a smirk. 
"Come on, Benny, please," came Carrie's attempt at begging. "I'll sit with you and help you learn all your lines whilst you work on the costumes."
Bentley's ears pricked up. "...Really?"
"Mhm," she confirmed with a kind nod. "And I can give you all my tips for breaking down the script into easier parts to manage; I know they can seem really daunting when you try to go through them all at once."
Now that sounded like an offer he could get behind. He'd already been toying with the idea of asking Carrie for help with the seemingly impossible task of learning his lines, but had chickened out every time. There were just so many - it was like they all blurred into one every time he'd even open a page. And he hated the thought of letting Vivien down because he couldn't get his brain to work how he wanted it to, so if Carrie could actually help him get through a scene without having to look at his script the entire time… Maybe it'd be worth giving up a few pages of his sketchbook to designing train-transformer-wannabes.
But he couldn't let them think he was that easy of a target… "I don't know guys, it just doesn't feel right going behind Viv's back like this-"
"Oh come on, Benny, please," Carrie tried again, with a touch more dramatic desperation.
"I'll do your dish duty for the rest of summer," Riven attempted to bribe.
But that just spurred on Bentley's reluctance even more. After all, he was rather curious about what else he could squeeze out of the pair to help sweeten the deal. "...I'm listening."
"You can have the rest of my pudding cups with dinner each night?" Riven offered. "And you don't have to go behind Viv's back," he added. "Don't go and tell her outright, but if she asks you about it then you're totally free to tell her. And if she's not happy about it, you can back out any time you want."
"Well, okay, but I still don't know if I'll have the time to-"
"If you say 'yes' we'll get you that rare Spiderman comic you want," Riven threw out in a moment of sheer desperation.
Bentley's heart skipped a beat. Damn, they really did want his help.. "...Seriously?" he breathed, eyes widening at the very prospect.
"Sure, Carrie'll cover it - won't you, Carrie?" Riven confirmed with a smirk as he gave the blonde's shoulder a squeeze. 
Shooting him a sharp glance, she hissed a tight: "I will?"
"Of course you will," Riven verified, his mischievous smirk only broadening as Carrie's mildly murderous glare was replaced with Bentley's whole-hearted satisfaction.
"Alright, done. Pass me a pen and some paper," he said, sealing the deal with a barked laugh and a cheesy grin before either one of them could back down on their offers again. 
"Welcome aboard, Bentley," Riven replied, shooting him a victorious smile as he reached across the table and shook the boy's hand. 
But just as Riven and the others were starting to unload all their ideas for potential costume concepts onto Bentley, with what he found to be startling levels of enthusiasm, the room's main lights flickered to life, illuminating a seething head of green hair in the doorway. Before Bentley could question the girl's sudden appearance, or could let his eyes adjust to the drastic shift in brightness though, she called out to her band partner with thunderous urgency.
"Riv, you've got a hell of a lot of explaining to do; I just looked up this 'Belle' character you want me to play - care to tell me why she's described as 'ancient' and 'peeling'?" an outraged Jade demanded. "Or why you thought I'd be so perfect to play her?"
Rolling his eyes and just laughing off the girl's anger, Riven quickly tried to appease her with a teasing: "That's not the version of her we're using, dummy. And don't you dare try to tell me you're not perfect for her - you nap all the fucking time."
As Riven and Jade broke off into their own friendly spat, and Mick and Carrie started up their own conversation about what Mick had been practising last on her skates, Bentley found himself turning to August - this time taking his turn to wear the awkwardly sheepish smile. "Why do I get the feeling I've signed up for way more than I can handle?"
"Oh come on, don't worry, it'll be fun," August reassured before offering a joke to further set him at ease. "And hey, at least you're getting a backstage job and a comic book out of it - all I'm gonna get is on-stage embarrassment and massive quads."
The guffaws spilled from Bentley's lips before he could stop them - and after glancing around to watch Carrie clumsily catching Mick (who looked as if she'd just stepped on a banana peel in an old cartoon) before she could fall, and Riven playfully bickering with Jade in the doorway, he started to think that working with them on this project might not be so bad after all. Plus, a whole costume concept all to himself? He could definitely have some fun with that…
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azsazz · 5 months
Hiii 👋 just wanted to say I adore your writing ☺️ I always get so happy when I see you’ve written something new 😁
I was curious to ask, what are some of your favourite modern AU jobs/roles for the bat boys (whether you’ve written about them or not)? Or just any ACOTAR characters?
CEO Rhys has been done a lot, but for good reason, it’s so perfect. He almost has to be effortlessly rich and/or in some position of power, like a prince, or a mafia boss.💰 I also kinda like to imagine him as a nepo baby set to take over his father’s company, but he breaks away or gets cut off, so with his very little actual job experience (as he was all set to inherit), he gets a barista job at a lil coffee shop. ☕️
Cass would definitely suit something physical, like an ice hockey player, or a firefighter, or a personal trainer. I could so see him being a gym teacher as well, imagine him coaching a kids ice hockey team. 💪🏽 He would SO volunteer to be a nude model in life drawing classes in his free time 😆 Though I hadn’t considered it before I read your stuff, I think he really fits a small town rancher too. I can so picture him in jeans, boots, and a flannel shirt, driving around in an old rusty faded red truck 👨‍🌾
Az could easily be in the FBI or something, but choosing something further away from his canon role, I seriously think he’d be an awkward computer programmer / software engineer nerd, or a twitch gamer, 👨🏻‍💻 with a secret anonymous OnlyFans or erotic audio patreon on the side. 😏 And I reckon he’d ride a motorcycle and tinker with it in his spare time, so might also enjoy working at a garage. 🏍️ I really love him in Midnight Muse, and think he suits a shy amateur artist / tattoo artist as well.
I also love the bat boy band idea I’ve seen a lot recently, where Rhys is the charismatic lead singer and guitarist, Az is the quiet songwriting bassist, and Cass is the energetic drummer. 🎶
Sorry it’s so long, I just love thinking about this stuff 😄
Hiiii!! Thank you so so much! I saw this message this morning but wanted to wait until I could give it my full attention and have my computer around, so thank you for your patience! 💙
Okay, some of my favorite AUs for the batboys? This is a wonderful question!
Rhys: Normally, I just think of Rhys as always having some sort of money/job inherited. So CEO, mafia, anything that puts him in a position of power, really, but i think it's mostly because those just reflect the books.
I do, however, love love love art school rhys. painter rhys. working at the local art supply degenerate rhys who still has wealthy parents but is trying to stick it to the man rhys. steals erasers and petty things from the art supply rhys. love him so much.
There's also something to be said about young adult rhys who's messing around with his little sister's best friend rhys. he gets me going too.
also captain of the hockey team rhys is a solid choice for him as well.
Cass: LOVE ME SOME RANCHER/COWBOY/SMALL TOWN CASSIAN. but, these are all very different. small town cass doesn't trust women, heart broken at a young age with the girl he thought was his forever. doesn't want to leave town, likes the ranch because its safe and its what he knows. cowboy cass or bull rider cassian, famous for breaking horses and backs. grumpy, gruff rancher cassian always gets me going tbh he's fucking hot as shit
i also always see him in a blue collar role like a mechanic or welder are the two i mostly attribute to him.
def something physical as well, we love hockey cass, rugby cass, wrestler (wwe lol) cass, dang i had another on my mind for sports cass but i forgot. sad. OH surfer cassian. jock type tho i can see him as. love the firefighter vibe for him too, he'd fill out the tight fire department t-shirt WELL LADIES and also volunteers for wet t-shirt contests. omg gym teach cass would be adorable as hell! oof another thought, contractor cassian ffs that would be so yummy
Az: Az i agree fits the FBI (stalker) vibes. i also like to think of him in finance or computer science too. omfg the erotic audio that's iconic and i'd def subscribe to that. hmmm what else could i see azzy doing...maybe something with music or writing...i could see him being a ghost writer of some sort and then one day his song plays on the radio and he's like hey i wrote that and literally no one believes him. something behind the scenes or where he can go unnoticed is mostly where i place him, tbh. honestly maybe even something military because he takes comfort in having a set schedule and people telling him what to do at every minute of the day. he'd fare well i think. perfect. operative because if the mission goes south and he gets captured he's not telling a soul anything.
Eris: idk why this thought came to my head but i was thinking about architecture but i think eris would be a fantastic interior designer lol. like i could see it. maybe i was just thinking about him furnishing az's new place and having a lil sparky. i could also see him as a lawyer too or something like that, something where he can be the know-it-all, smirking at them and looking down his nose at them...
Lucien: Architecture for sure. or professor. I could see him doing either of these. maybe even lawyer tbh, he would be good at that too, though i know he's immaculate at twisting stories and words so you gotta be careful of that.
Tamlin: poet? lol. professional gaslighter? jk i love tammy. maybe he installs security systems? haha just kidding just kidding. he's a tough one tho. idk why i added him but i guess also a musician but low-key soothing music, instrumental for sure...prob has a podcast where he just bullshits all day
hopefully i didn't rant for too long about this 🤭💙 this was so much fun though thank you for asking!
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courtofcrescent · 2 months
Hiiiii D ❤️
Okay get ready for a long winded one. I apologize in advance and also hope you are well btw 😇
Okaaaay sooooo. I read your marriage ask, so i have a few questions:
You mentioned if MC and Mallory are the same gender then he would need to take a concubine or would need to have that conversation late to produce an heir and also that MC may be his consort but that doesn't mean there wont be other concubines.
1. If MC is a female and they are on Mallory's route, would that change anything? Or would they still want to take on concubines?
2. if MC and Mallory are the same gender then they would likely need to produce an heir, right?
Awwwwwkwaaard conversation to have with your husband yikes 😬 😅 especially if you are on their romance route. Can't imagine it's a great image to have in your head.
3. If MC and M are not romantic and just have a friendship and MC takes on a different lover and M also has concubines how would that work. I suppose mc can't have kids with their chosen lover? But Mallory can have kids with a concubine if they don't produce one with mc?
Or did i get that mixed up? Lol, i doubt you have an idea of what I'm on about? 🤔🤣
Also realized now after pressing send i erased the i from your name when adding the heart ❤️ 🤦‍♀️😭
I'm sorry.
(Here's the marriage ask in question!)
Hiii dearest Liz!
Haha don’t apologize! I absolutely adore a long ask 😆 Also I’m doing fantastic—hope you are too! And no, you're not entirely wrong. Here’s a detailed answer under the cut!
If MC is female and on Mallory Romance Path, Mal will only take (or plan to take) concubine(s) if MC doesn’t want to have a biological child of their own. Worry not, Mal won’t have any romantic—or even platonic—feelings towards the future concubine(s)! Mallory’s heart will solely belong to MC (but he’ll still fucking the concubine in this path tho, sooo yeaa).
You’re correct! If MC and Mallory are the same gender, he’ll automatically take concubine(s) to produce an heir. But just like in the first case, Mal (if romanced) won’t have any affection for the future concubine(s)! And yes, it's still definitely not a great image to have in your head lol.
If MC is female and not on Mallory Romance Path, there will be an option to produce an heir out of duty to the crown. If you choose this option, Mal won't take any concubine because the deed will be done. If you don't choose this option, then Mal will take concubine(s).
Addendum to (3): just as MC can have opinions about Mal’s future concubine(s), Mallory will also have opinions about whom MC chooses as a lover! The dynamic may vary depending on who the MC’s lover is. Official lovers of the consort are mostly treated like concubines of the ruler, with the exception that consorts and lovers are prohibited from having children together. That’s the royal law, true. But since the founding of Luxendis thousands of years ago, do you think every past consort had a squeaky-clean record? 👀👀
Sooo if your MC meets one of the three conditions I’ve stated above—(1) if MC doesn’t want a child of their own blood with Mallory, (2) if MC and Mallory are the same gender, or (3) if MC doesn’t choose Mallory Romance Path plus combine with clause number 1—future concubine(s) will always be present in the plot. This particular MC cannot avoid this whole fiasco, I’m afraid.
The future concubine(s) plays a crucial role in producing the heir to the throne. Depending on your choices and relationship, MC can sway and influence Mallory’s decision or even have the final say on who will be chosen as the future concubine(s)! The consort has quite significant power in this matter, as only a consort can officially appoint any concubine (and only the ruler can officially appoint the consort’s lovers; I discuss this briefly here).
The future concubine’s role is vital, yes. But, what could happen once the role is fulfilled? We are at the Court after all, a lot of things can happen behind closed doors, Your Serene Highness 😉
Oh btw this whole fiasco will happen muchh laterrr in the story. The heir from the concubine may be born during the main story, but the heir from the MC will not. MC's child(ren) will only appear in the epilogue!
Pheww this is long haha! Hope this clarifies what you need 😆
Thank you for the ask! And don't worry about it, you can call me Di, D, Dee, or even :D (yes the smiley face) 🩶
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eemcintyre · 1 year
Thirty Minutes (Tom Cruise)
TW- some saucy dialogue and innuendos; some hot vampire moments ™️
Summary- You're making last-minute preparations for the Halloween gathering that you and Tom are hosting. Since you have a tendency to go overboard with these kinds of events, Tom has to remind you to have some fun.
Y'all gave me the go-ahead to post an autumn-themed one-shot in June, and who am I to deny the voice of the people? 😆 But, in honor of the fact that I've already bought my first autumn decorations of the year, here ya go and there will definitely be more where this came from 🙃
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To commemorate the upcoming Halloween and bring some life into the spacious Colorado house, Y/N had suggested to and pleaded with Tom to host a Halloween party.
Tom wasn’t as enthusiastic about the idea- not because he didn’t think it would be fun to catch up with friends for a few hours, but because he knew Y/N’s tendency to get way too wrapped up in projects like this. Events that were supposed to be lowkey could quickly turn into absolute ordeals that occupied her every thought. Then, each time, she would inevitably get overstressed, and Tom had to talk her down and provide copious amounts of Advil and tea.
He knew it was probably just the production designer in her that wanted everything to be aesthetically pleasing; his motivation and risk-taking as an actor also frequently emerged in real life. Still. He would be just as happy skipping it all for a quiet, romantic evening with Y/N alone.
He loved his wife.
And because he loved his wife, here he was, studying his costumed reflection in the bathroom mirror, outfitted in a black button-up shirt, vest and pants with a silver cross hanging by a red ribbon. His face was covered in a faint dusting of white powder, and a small amount of fake blood stained one corner of his mouth.
He opened his mouth and made a face at himself in the mirror, revealing a pair of fangs, and then shrugged, resigned to his fate. After “Interview with the Vampire,” he figured that would have been the end of his time in plastic fangs and red corn syrup. But he figured that, since he was all decked out, he might as well have some fun with it.
Tom crossed from the bathroom mirror, dotted with leaf and pumpkin-shaped window clings, into the hallway, where the accent table was decorated with an arrangement of festive knickknacks. Y/N was in the kitchen, in the middle of crafting a pumpkin pie for their guests.
He treaded silently to the kitchen entryway, watching from around the corner as she worked intently on shaping the crust. She too was sporting an elaborate vampire look, in a form-fitting black mini dress, red capelet, white powder, and dark red lips with fake blood dripping from the corners. Tom enjoyed admiring this outfit, to say the least, and for a few moments he just watched her work.
But then, he crept up behind Y/N and lunged at her with a roar, throwing his arms around her. She jumped and screamed, hands flying from the pie crust up to Tom’s arms that were looped around her shoulders. As soon as she realized it was him, she stopped screaming but continued to struggle against him.
“Fuck, Tom! You almost ruined the pie,” she said irritably. It was too close to the long-awaited party for her to put up with any kind of shenanigans.
The pie was especially important to her- she wanted it to be perfectly smooth and still warm from the oven when their guests arrived, so she was cutting it close time-wise with less than an hour to go. But Tom was not to be dismissed; he was determined to remind Y/N that this was all supposed to be fun.
“Didn’t Ashlee say she would bring a storebought pie?” he murmured, playfully swaying the two of them back and forth.
“I will purposely crash my own car before I serve a storebought pie to my guests…”
Tom chuckled and shook his head. His wife truly was an all-or-nothing kind of person, just like him. He dipped his head and brushed his fangs across her neck.
“Tom…” Y/N rolled her eyes, trying to suppress a smile. “Later, okay? I really have to hurry. Please?” She craned her head to glance back at him flirtatiously.
“How long does this thing bake for?” he inquired, gesturing to the pie dish in front of them.
“About an hour. Why?”
“An hour?” Tom exclaimed, bewildered. “Baby, we’ve pulled fast ones before that were, like, fifteen minutes...”
“I have to finish hanging the spiderwebs while the pie is baking,” Y/N pouted.
“Later?” he gazed at her hopefully and she nodded.
“Now, down, boy,” she whispered, kissing him on the nose, and his face broke into a boyish grin. “You’re going to ruin both of our makeup.”
As he let go of her and circled to the opposite side of the counter, she added “Y’know, you’re not as scary as you think you are.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Maybe not, but I can still make you scream.”
Y/N turned bright red as she tried to return her attention to the pie crust. “If you keep hanging around here, I’m going to make you help with the cooking.” She was trying so hard to look and sound serious and keep her voice from wavering into a giggle.
“Oh, I mean…” Tom was about to reply when a thought occurred to him. “Wait, now, hear me out on this… what if I hang the spiderwebs while you’re wrapping this up… I mean, that would give us at least… thirty minutes?” He shrugged, tilting his head, not breaking their intense eye contact all the while.
After some thoughtful contemplation, Y/N decided that this was indeed a good way to kill two birds with one stone- and who was she to stand in the way of efficiency and productivity? She flashed Tom a knowing smirk, giving him all the confirmation he needed to head in the direction of the living room and the bags of fake spiderwebs.
“Now, if I come in there and you just threw them all around…” she warned. “Don’t make me regret inviting you to participate in my creative process!”
“Yes, ma’am,” his voice sounded from the other room, slightly muffled by laughter, and she grinned to herself. She had never finished shaping a pie crust so quickly.
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gladdygirl18 · 8 months
Very happy with this tickle tea story this time around!
Blue me, Pink GF
This is gonna be a bit long so continue under cut
So this weekend, my GF and I were chilling in my dorm doing some work. On occasion, she would get up from the desk and poke my sides just because. At one point, when I was working on a story, she came up behind me ans started spidering her fingers up and down my arms and sides, making me giggle and squirm (i swear, her gentle tickles are so.... tickly lmaooo 😆🥰) Another time was when I sat in her lap, she started to gently glide her dull nails along my sides, but it wasn't enough to actually tickle.
"If you're trying to tickle me, you're gonna have to try harder than that."
Yeah... I said that. The guts I had to say that to my GF astonished me as well. My GF scoffed before she started squeezing and kneading my sides, making me snicker and giggle.
"Uh huh, careful what you wish for hun."
The next day (saturday evening), my GF and I were at it again working on school work and personal work. While I was reading for a class, I was struck with the most intense lee mood ever, omggg 😳😳💖 so i turned to one of my good friends here on Tumblr @giggly-squiggily told her about my dilemma. Basically, how the convo went was me very flustered and worried about asking her to wreck the shit outta me cuz while I did tell her that i liked being tickled, I was afraid with how she would react if i asked her to tickle me senseless. Squiggly had said (to sum it up), "If she loves you even after telling her you liked being tickled, how will this be any different?"
So after a few minutes of hesitation, I ended up going towards my girlfriend and sitting in her lap and hugging her (she already finished her schoolwork).
"Are you okay, hun?"
"You sure? You look like you have a lot on your mind. Talk to me, please."
"It's nothing. I'm just really stressed and..... don't really know how to get rid of it."
"Aww" *hugs me tighter* "Is there anything I can do to help?"
*hesitates and starts blushing slightly* "There is something you can do...."
"What is it?"
*groans slightly and buries face into her shoulder*
*Pulls away and stares into my eyes* (her grayish-hazel eyes are so beautiful omgggg 😳🥰💖😍)
"N-necesito sonreir...." ("I need to smile" in Spanish, context)
*Sighs and smiles before taking out my earbuds* "Alright"
She then starts kissing my neck, and omgggg i swear i got more ticklish cuz of her. When I tried to pull away, she grabs me places me in her lap and says, "Come here you!"
After she said this, she started kissing my neck again gently tickling my sides. Anytime I tried to pull away, she'd gently pull me back into her lap. She then slowed to a stop before pulling me into a hug.
"Feeling better?"
*giggles and nods*
While she didn't "wreck" me, that alone expelled all the stress I had. After this, she started playing Nexomon on my switch (really cool monster catching game, def recommend if you're a fan of those kind of games) She kept getting Mega Rares after Mega Rares as well as getting 2 Specials back-to-back. When she ran into a Mega Rare (it resembled a dog) I practically begged her not to kill it. She looks at me dead in the eyes will her Nexomon brought it down to 0HP. I tried to stop her but it was too late.
*laughing her ass off* "Why not?"
*Gets annoyed and starteds tickling her*
"Stohohohop! it had it coohohohohoming!"
She then does the same thing 3 more times after that, pissing me off and leading to more tickles (she was only doing this to piss me off but it was still fun to have a mini back and forth tickle fight with her 💖🥰)
As the night went on, we cuddled and made out (as per usual 🥰💖) and it was my turn to be the weighted blanket. While practically sitting on my GF, she smiled before gently gliding her dull nails along my sides, but again, not enough to tickle. Like I said before, "If you're trying to tickle me, you're gonna have to try harder than that."
My GF scoffed before adding a little more pressure to her tickles and started moving her fingers in a circular motion in one spot (where my ribs meet my sides) I started surpressing my smile and tried to hide my snickering in her shoulder.
"There we go~ Come on hun, just let it out~ You know you wanna~"
i was genuinely struggling to not laugh. Then this little gremling started TICKLING MY ANKLES! WHY THE FUCK ARE ANKLES SO DAMN TICKLISH!!??!? When that got more of a reaction from me, she chuckled and said, "Haha that's it, there we go~"
She then started spidering her dull nails across my socked feet and my dam finally broke. When that happened, my GF laughed before pulling me into her chest, moving back to tickle my sides, and kiss my neck!
And that's how my weekend was. So happy that all of this took place! Stay tuned for another tickle tea story! Also a big and special shoutout to @giggly-squiggily for encouraging me to ask my girlfriend for tickles (even tho I've done it before, my Lee mood made it so difficult 😅💖)
Tagging the fwends: @giggly-squiggily @cutesmokes @burningablaze @sunstone-smiles @otomiyaa @lovelymessybubbly
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ghostradiodylan · 8 months
Who among the Quarry counselors has had an emo phase?
This got lost somehow and I couldn't find it until I got on the desktop site and it was like HEY THERE'S AN ASK IN YOUR INBOX, I'm so sorry Torch! But thank you for the ask!
Obviously Ryan. Look at him. He's still in it. He's wearing a long-sleeved shirt with a short-sleeved band shirt over it! He's got the eyeliner and everything! 😆 If they had kept this concept art design with the black converse high tops with the contrasting red laces, we wouldn't even need to have this conversation because it would be so obvious!
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That right there is an emo boy. I actually have no idea what emo kids 10ish years younger than me were listening to, but based on my own experiences I'd put Ryan musically in the spot where emo, screamo, and post-hardcore intersect, so he probably liked stuff like Scary Kids Scaring Kids, The Used, Thursday, AFI, and some of the moodier Brand New albums (before they got canceled).
Miles says emo is not a phase and he is and will forever be emo (same), and while Dylan is not exactly or entirely Miles, I think he would agree. Not sure he would have adopted the outward style though, I think he was super nerdy when he was younger and wouldn't have wanted to draw attention to himself. But based on the handful of songs we get that Dylan is supposed to have chosen for the party, he probably listened to the more melodic and poppy (but still angst-riddled) side of emo, like Dashboard Confessional, Jimmy Eat World, Bright Eyes, early Weezer, and Saves The Day (before they got canceled).
And, look, Abi's the other obvious choice, right? She's got that Hot Topic aesthetic. But wouldn't it be funny if the other former emo kid was actually Emma? I HC her as into pop and top 40 rock and broadway tunes now, but Imagine middle or early high school Emma listening to early Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance and having split cherry red and black hair in kind of a scene shag cut and heavily lined eyes. I can kinda see it. she probably liked 30 Seconds to Mars too (before, say it with me now, they got soft-canceled--why are men in this scene and music industry as a whole so terrible??)
Finally, Jacob might be having his first ever emo phase right now. Remember when "Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me)" by Simple Plan became a meme? I feel like that's just Jacob during the game and post-canon. He's a sad boy. He could have a small emo phase, as a treat. It might be good for him.
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Hang in there, big guy. 🖤🖤🖤
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nerdieforpedro · 3 months
WIP Wednesday and Thursday
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So…my brain has gone horny and then too many WIP ideas (when isn’t it?!) and then starting more bullet points. This is Nerdie and her WIPs. This is their story: (Dun Dun! If you know, you know. 😆)
I was tagged by @604to647 and @secretelephanttattoo Wednesday, ran into Thursday. They touched and agreed that this is totally fine. 😀
Preview One: From my Marc Spector fic I’m writing slowly 👀
“Oh, you’re awake. Hold on, I’ll grab your glasses, carino (sweetheart).” The same velvet voice she’d heard earlier spoke to her and soon appeared above her face and slipping on her glasses. “Hey, how do you feel, Stelle? Can you move at all?” A calloused hand touches her cheek and she leans into it, sighing from relief. Happy to be touched and that Marc could still have this effect on her after not seeing him for years, Estelle shuts her eyes and tries to calm herself through her deep breaths. Marc watches her, it's transparent. Did she always react like this to him? He doesn’t remember touching her much during their service but he’s never seen her like this. She can’t think he’s her husband. Marc had found that during his search as well, about his death. This is why Khonshu was worried, how could that old bird have known?
I’ll put it on Tumblr one day. lol
Preview Two: I had a thot where an OFC is a client of Oberyn Martell as a sex worker. 🤔 For reasons.
“I’m here to give to you my queen. You have to accept it. Don’t worry about time. We have all we need. I’ll not have you leave me unsatisfied. The provocative cloth will be the last barrier between us. We should let your most cherished hole get some air, no?” Pushing Selene’s legs forward, Martell pulled her panties off and they were thrown with the other clothes. He was greeted by her glistening cunt leaking into the sheets of the mattress. “Such a vision, the temptation to drive right in is great, but I am a man of my word. Fingers first, then I’ll taste you.”
I feel like he would talk like this, I’ve only written Oberyn once and it wasn’t modern. So…here we are.
Preview Three: I blame this on a flurry of ideas that @angelofsmalldeath-codeine and I messaged about a few months ago, one stuck and now we’re here.
“Because I love you I want to put a baby in you. Maybe two or three, we’ll see how the first one goes. You know I’d take care you and our kid right? Aisha you’re one of the few good things I have besides my Kit Kats, sobriety and my robe.” He turns to lay on his side and kisses her breast then forehead. “Now if you want me to continue, that nightgown is coming off, you’re keeping your legs open wide and I’m kissing both sets of lips.” Bringing the two fingers he had inside of her, Dieter licked them slowly as she removed her nightgown and tossed it on the floor. Wordlessly, Aisha slipped a leg under Dee’s side and put her other one on his hip to flip him from his lateral laying position to on top of her.
Yeah…the smut was strong with Nerdie this week 💀💀💀
Preview Four (because this week is going hard - all puns intended): In a galaxy long, long ago @alltheglitterandtheroar asked me about a Din who was a little rough. Well…I dunno how inspiration came for this, but it can stay. It’s bullet points and dialogue- not really written out. How my notes normally look 🤣🤣🤣
Sola begins to remove her dress, but Din brandishes a knife from his boot and pulls at the neck of it, cutting down to her hip.
The dress falls to her feet and she’s exposed with her bra and thong. A shudder from the air chills her body and he sets a hand on his, staying his knife.
“I can remove the rest Mando. Will I see your body as well?”
“Not this first time. Sit.” Has her sit in the large armchair with her legs spread on each arm of the chair.
Slices her panties off. “Such a soaked cunt of the people. Were you like this after your late meeting today? Dripping at the thought of me arriving in your home?”
‘Cuz again horny reasons. Just horny hours and reasons.
Preview Five (if you’ve read this far, I love you and I give you the head pats 💖): I promised myself I was gonna be nice to Frankie, next time just give him something nice. I guess. 🤗
His baseball cap shook along with his head, “It’s fine miss. Should I put your box inside?” Hazel nodded again and showed him the counter to which he set the box down. “My name’s Frankie. I live three doors down. I was coming out to see which old man was winning chess when your scarf caught me in the face.” He snuck his hands in his pockets, contemplating asking but the worst she could say is no. “Did you want to meet some of your neighbors? If you need some rest, that’s fine too. They’re out in the common grounds most days. Only if you feel up to it.” He added that last line so she won’t feel pressured. She already has some man she doesn’t know in her apartment.
I swear nice to Frankie (I sometimes have written his PTSD) 😭😭
Last preview- Seven? No Six. I lost count 😭😭 Javi G and Sadie meet at Star Wars in Orlando. Aboard a certain vessel: also bullet points. Bad Star Wars puns are imminent!
Sadie begins flipping buttons saying it’s what she’s seen Han and Rey do in the movies. Javi tried to make a Chewbacca noise and it sounds way too much like a growl. 👀 Sadie grips one of the levers very hard and has her mouth slightly open.
“My name is Javi, what’s yours hermosa (beautiful)?” He knows that look, he was going to try and entice her after they got off the ship but The Force is with him today.
“I-It’s Sadie. Nice to meet you Javi. Is that short for Javier?” She needs to distract herself. Sexy eyes should not be made in a Millennium Falcon, even in a fake one. But he also smells like sandalwood, sweat and hints of jasmine and rose. He has no business looking good and smelling good. He’s gotta be a con artist or swindler or just a bad dude right? Those are the men she finds.
“Sí. When this ride is over? Did you want to go on another one with me?” Sadie blinks and Javi grins, “Maybe in the DeathStar. To see that one critically weak spot it has.” Her friends may dumb choices and hooks ups all the time. Hell, she couldn’t sleep in her own bed last night. He could be an axe murderer. But they smell bad and they’re bald. He’s got a full head of hair and smells like a dream so maybe not?
So silly and ridiculous 😆😆😆 I cackled when writing it.
So finally at the end, if you made it here, I’ll love you a long time, take a nap and get back at it 😘😘😘
NPT: @megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @inept-the-magnificent @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
@connectioneverywhere @lotusbxtch @avastrasposts @maggiemayhemnj @magpiepills
@westside-rot @rosecentaur1916 @djarinmuse @pedroshotwifey @tinytinymenace
@chaithetics @goodwithcheese @msjarvis @joelmillerisapunk @fhatbhabiee
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