#i had to research so much bunny behavior
lexsssu · 6 months
Naive (Alhaitham)
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TAGS: Alhaitham/F!Bunny!reader, friends to lovers, pining, yandere, possessive behavior, obsession, mating cycles/heats, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
“Why do we have to learn more math even if our major has nothing to do with it? At this rate, I’m going to flunk and take it again next semester…”
Alhaitham’s fingers twitched unconsciously as your pair of long ears drooped down, hanging by the sides of your face almost as if they were pigtails instead of actual appendages.
“What the heck am I going to need calculus for when I’m trying to develop improved cultivation tools and methods? It’s not like I need to find out the value of X while I’m plowing the fields or something…”
His heartbeat is delayed for a single second at the mention of ‘plowing fields,’ and he has no one else to thank other than the hormonal male Akademiya students who’d made one or two passing unsolicited remarks about Amurta’s only female beastkin student.
He made sure to memorize their faces and names for him to deal with at a later date.
“Alhaitham, help meeee…!” 
Despite being a proud descendant of the Taguel, the way you so easily beg and plead so submissively at him with large watery eyes and a pout formed by a pair of luscious lips has him wondering if you were unconsciously using some sort of secret seduction techniques passed on through your clan. Perhaps you were even secreting some sort of pheromones that made him calmer, more relaxed, and susceptible to your whims…
“Knowledge always comes at a price. I’m willing to tutor you, but you’ll owe me a single favor that you can’t refuse and which I can redeem at any time of my choosing,” bright turquoise orbs darkened as he leaned his head against his curled right fist. “Are you still willing to pursue this knowledge despite the costs?”
“Of course! I trust you, Alhaitham. So why would I be scared about the favor I’ll be owing you for this? Knowing you, you’ll probably make me do some paperwork or help with your research,” you giggle, the fluffy cotton ball of a tail you had wagging at how silly your friend was. 
Why would you ever be afraid of him when he’d been nothing but honest with you? Alhaitham wasn’t some random cur that tricked hapless maidens into his slimy grasp.
If only you knew just how depraved he truly was when it came to you. 
Then again, it is his luck that his adorable little bunny was such an innocent creature that only saw the best in him.
It’s up to him to make sure no one ever takes advantage of your kindness and naivety.
Even if it means he has to carefully plan and wait for the right time to finally express his true desires, he is willing to be patient. Especially when he knows that you are what awaited him at the end.  
You remain blissfully unaware of his thoughts and intentions, not even questioning him or thinking how odd it was for him to have you sit on his lap as he taught you your most dreaded subject.
Alhaitham is a good man and an even greater friend.
You both graduate within the same year with, as expected, flying colors, much to the joy of your respective families. It’s a solemn yet joyous affair, one that you invited him to because how could you not when it was with his help that you managed to even graduate with honors?
There is sure to be some teasing courtesy of your family once you get home, but that is the last thing on your mind as you leap into Alhaitham’s strong arms.
Even through the layers of your graduation attire, you feel the wall of solid muscle that is his body, something that always amazed you when he was one of the most brilliant scholars in Sumeru.
“Thank you, Alhaitham. I wouldn’t have been able to get this far without you always having my back,” you don’t notice the way his sandstone-colored irises seem to dilate as you curl around him, your entire body supported by a single arm around your soft waist while another hand settles upon the plushness of your bum.
Being so close to you like this allows him a whiff of your scent, a mix of soft floral and woody notes with a hint of fruity and citrus underneath. He feels his body heating up from the inside as his senses are assaulted by your voice, your body, and even your smell.
He won’t be able to last long if you keep this up.
Don’t you know how much you drive him crazy?
Rational thoughts come second to instincts when it comes to you, something your kind is very much familiar with.
If there aren’t so many people right now, he’ll throw you onto the grassy ground and mount you right here. He’ll put a whole litter of kittens in your belly and take care of you and your new family for the rest of his days—
Somehow, he manages to keep himself from making a scene by fucking you right in front of your family and the entire Amurta faculty, namely your master, Sage Naphis, whose short temper was legendary throughout the Akademiya. 
However, each day that passes and each small action you make only wears his thinning patience and self-control. It’s not a question of ‘if,’ but rather a question of ‘when,’ and only the Archons know when that will be.
“So…Acting Grand Sage, huh? I always knew you’d go on to do great things, but Sumeru’s de-facto leader? Makes me wonder why you’re even hanging out with a country bumpkin like me~” Sticking your tongue out playfully and winking at him, you miss the way he swallows seemingly nothing but air.
“Don’t be absurd. Who I associate with of my own volition is no one’s business but my own.” 
Although he may look and sound cold at first glance, you have known Alhaitham long enough to know for sure that he simply has his own ways of showing he cares. He wouldn’t let Kaveh stay at his place if he didn’t care about his friend after all. And even if the scribe wanted to be stubborn about it initially, you simply offered to house Kaveh instead, which ended up with the architect staying at Alhaitham’s in the end.
It’s honestly downright adorable how contradictory he could be at times, seemingly wanting to maintain an unbothered and uncaring attitude when you knew full well how good of a friend he was.
If only you knew that the real reason why he allowed Kaveh room and board was that he’d sooner gut the other man than let him stay in the same house as you. 
He’d gouge the architect’s eyes out if they even settled too long on you.
It’s one of the reasons you’ve come to harbor feelings for him.
He is handsome, he is brilliant, but most of all, he is kind even when you have nothing to give him in return aside from your time and friendship.
You repeatedly stamp down the warm bubbly feelings within you that try to rise to the surface, repeatedly telling yourself that there is no chance that such a fine specimen as Alhaitham would return your affections.
Archons know just how many times you’d fingered yourself to thoughts of him during your heats. How you imagined scenarios of him coming to you in the dead of night, whispering sweet nothings and promises of breeding you full, just as nature had intended.
But there’s no way that could ever happen…right?
"'m sorry…didn't know…it'd come early this…year…!" 
You are a pitiful mess as you lie on the grassy ground, your body overheating from the inside as the symptoms of your heat swiftly overtake all rational thought. According to your calendar, it wasn’t supposed to happen for another few days!
He memorized the exact dates of your cycle, so he knows full well just when you’ll be perfectly ripe and ready for the taking.
Had you not forced his hand in the first place, he’d have gladly waited for your regular heat.
“Don’t l-look at me…Haitham…!” 
How can he not look upon the stunning sight of you looking so hot and disheveled because of your need to be mated and bred? It is a sight he will commit to memory for the rest of his life.
You desperately force down the beastly instincts that urge you to submit to the nearest virile male and present your soaked cunt that begged to be bred. It is humiliating, especially because Alhaitham is forced to watch your lewd and debauched display. 
It brings him such glee at the knowledge that no one will ever get to see you like this. 
Whether it was your upperclassman Tighnari, your friend Cyno, or even Kaveh, none of them will ever have this privilege.
You don’t even want to think about how you’ll face him after this.
Because why would he ever want a mere beast like you?
It is his misfortune that he wasn’t born a beastman like you were. However, he’ll make sure to make up for what he lacked tenfold.
You sniffle, feeling small tears pricking the corners of your eyes as your body and mind fight one another. Your hands move to cover your face, unwilling to let him see any more of the pitiful sight you made.
There’s no need for you to look for a mate from the other beastkin clans.
He’d rather burn Gandharva Ville to the ground than hand you over to the likes of Tighnari. 
Just because the other male was your senior and studied under the same sage didn’t mean that he’ll let that damnable fox sink his claws into you. 
“No. I believe I have a better solution for your plight,” with one hand, he pins both your wrists above you as he settles himself in between your legs.
“Mate with me.”
His words send a shock through your body, floppy bunny ears standing ramrod straight as you gaze up at him with large eyes, heart beating like a drum as the weight of his statement registers in your mind.
“Don’t you see? It’s simply because our bodies are compatible with one another that your heat opted to arrive earlier than expected. Your body already knows what your mind has yet to even comprehend,” Alhaitham’s turquoise orbs seemed like they were almost glowing in the dark as they gazed down at you like a predator eyeing its prey.
You were always the only one meant for him, even if you didn’t realize it at first.
And yet, you don’t feel a single ounce of fear.
Rather, you want to be devoured by him.
You want him to stuff you full with his cum again and again until his seed takes root in your awaiting womb and bears fruit.
You want him and will gladly take everything he’ll give you.
“Alhaitham…mate with me, please?”
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marvelfanfics1 · 3 months
Hi! Could you do a Rafe x Little!Reader where it is the readers first time being little around Rafe and the reader is very shy and emotional and it’s just all cute and fluffy please?
I totally get it if you can’t!
Btw, I absolutely loved your Moody Princess one shot, thank you so much for writing it!
Baby's Safe Space
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Pairing: daddy!rafe x pogue!little!reader
Warnings: age regression, small mentions of past abuse, soft!rafe, fluff
A/n: Thank you lovely! I hope I made the request justice and that you like how it came out 🫣🫶🏻
It took Rafe some time to understand the aspects of regressing but after you explained it to him he started to do more research on his own, and maybe buying some stuff online he thought you would like, to show his support.
You told Rafe that regressing is just how you cope with past trauma you endured during your childhood.
He understood how important it is for your little self to feel safe and protected, knowing it's not for everyone to see and felt honored that you finally got the courage to talk about it with him. That you feel safe enough in his presence to show your most vulnerable side.
Growing up at the cut with abusive parents took quite a tool on you and as you found out about the term age regression it was clear to you it's what you needed to cope or what you deserved to have.
Rafe was beyond anxious that he somehow mess things up by saying or doing the wrong thing that it results in you being little by yourself again.
He felt bad knowing you probably were only little when he would have busy work days or a business trip.
It was a little into the afternoon and you just got out of the bathroom after doing your skincare and Rafe instantly noticed the pastel colored jammies that had little bunnies printed all over them.
He smiled at you softly, internally excited as hell to finally see that side of you and even curious as to how different your behavior is now in this state.
He noticed at the way you fiddled with the hem of your shirt that you're probably even more nervous than him right now, which is totally understandable.
It was already a hard challenge for you to even tell him about it.
Putting his phone aside he waved you over to him.
"Come here, baby. Promise I won't bite ya." He smirked and to see you smile a little was already a triumph to him.
Shyly you shuffled over to the bed, climbing your way up to snuggle into Rafe's side and grasping his shirt in one of your hands.
He wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head when suddenly he remembered what he had hidden under the bed. "Ah- wait a second..."
He reached beside under the bed to pull out a white box with a rather big red ribbon on top of it. You sat up straight when he placed it between you both. "I- uh...thought you might like it and if not that's totally fine."
You haven't even opened it yet but Rafe certainly knew you cherish absolutely anything he gifted you.
He was just afraid he would go too far with what he bought you but the sparkle in your eyes already eased his nerves a little.
You slowly took of the lid and gasped. There was a lamb stuffie, color books with crayons, and some obviously custom made pacis in your favorite colors you had been dreaming of getting for yourself for a while now.
You instantly teared up, scaring Rafe beyond belief. "Hey, hey...what's wrong kid?" He asked reaching out to cup your face in his large palms, his thumb swiping away the tears that slipped before asking. "Was it too much at once?"
You quickly shook your head which was a little hard with him holding your face. You placed your hands over his, smiling at him. "Dey are happy tears."
"Really? You don't have to say that just to-" you silenced him by leaning forward to peck his lips.
"fank you, Rafey..." You whispered and he pressed his forehead against yours.
"Not for that, baby. I'd do anything to make you happy."
After your sweet moment you only pulled out the stuffie and a paci, placing the box on the ground beside the bed and snuggled back into Rafe's side. You popped in your paci and had the lamb held snugly under your chin while he turned on the TV and looked through Netflix for a movie that suited your headspace, yet he had some difficulty.
"Can you tell me how old you're feeling right now?" He asked and you held up three fingers. After a moment of looking through the kids section he stopped when you squealed quietly and pointed your finger at the screen at seeing your favorite cartoon making Rafe chuckle slightly. "Alright, guess it's gonna be this one."
He put the cartoon on play, an arm wrapping around you to keep you close and kissing your head.
You sighed contently, mumbling sleepily from behind your paci. "Lub you Rafey..."
"I love you more, baby."
for everything:
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @fluffyblanketgecko @lovelyy-moonlight @yoruse @kissforvoid
Crossed out are the ones I somehow can't tag!
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kittyscupcakeandbunny · 6 months
18 +
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Take Me Home
Side Characters: Namjoon/doctor, Seokjin/doctor, Taehyung/Hybrid Tiger, Jungkook/Hybrid Bunny, Hoseok/Assistant medical.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of blood, sharp objects, rut, beast behavior, medical experiments, medical procedures and curse words, suicide attempt (not detailed only mentioned).
Word count: 12k
Genre: Fantasy, hybrids au, smut.
SUMMARY》 Yoongi is a black mamba hybrid one of rarest species of hybrids, who’s about to be put down due to his lack of interest in living. But everything changes after the new medical assistance (y/n) takes a liking to him. Meeting after meeting he realise his feelings for her are not the only thing growing.
< previously Final >
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Hybrids lived between us in our human society for a decade already, it was nothing new our society’s view of them had changed dramatically over this years. It wasn't something that stared out positively, at first many people thought the hybrids were some kind of alien and not so surprisingly feared them to the core. it was more of a understanding that was needed in order for us to change our view of the unknown. I was one of the few people who decided to fallow this path, i knew it wouldn't be easy but i had Jin beside me and he played a big part into the reason i became a doctor of special beings. I loved every part of my job as a doctor at the clinic. For years nothing has ever shocked me ever since i began my own work here, having spent almost my whole life working with Jin we grew up together here. No one could understand me better than him.
Shocked? That was an understatement.
To say the least i could nearly put any thought into sense. My mind seemed to still be under process after he spilled the most outrageous thing he could to me, i could feel my entire body run cold under his stare. I was hoping this was some kind of joke of his, the moment couldn't be more perfect for it - right? - but the more i searched in his eyes the more worried i became, there was no shade of entertainment on his features and it hit me like a brick in the head, he was completely serious about this.
Mouth opening and closing repeatedly as no words came out of my lips.
What was there to say?
He just claimed that the impossible had happened.
As much as i would like to believe in him, the situation just didn't make any sense. Many studies had shown how hybrids couldn't impregnate a human, one would think that as hybrids that would be a false affirmation since they were "half humans" but although they had human DNA their bodies the cell's structure that differed them to us were well… completely ‘different’, with both DNAs in their genes their animal genes "treated" the human genes almost like 'pollution' once in contact with another's "pure" human genes. Once a hybrids human DNA is a genetic modification of our DNA, for a hybrid and say a "pure" human to be able to conceive another being it was like mixing oil and water, they simply don’t mix together. I remember being disgusted at one class in medical university were that topic was first brought to me - the thought of humans searching for such possibility mean some people wanted to have such relations with the hybrids and all i could think about was the negative side of that - it was said that many exams and tests were done with hybrids to make sure they could be increased in number but after many years of research the hybrids simply didn't responded to any tests with humans, we simply didn't catch their radar to say the least.
The informations about the very first hybrid was also something no one knew about it, we just knew they are here now and have been for years already.
I had my conclusion in that moment that Jin was completely out of his mind and probably lying about this.
I could feel Jin's hands slowly began to let go of my shoulders sliding them down, he looked down before taking a step back.
- what? - I breathless said, almost not recognizing my own voice.
- I know is crazy but... - he nervously said, running his hand through his hair.
- Crazy? Jin do you have any idea what you are implying here? - i ask him completely staggered.
- I know but.... - he sighted - i found records for old experiments done...
- Jin why didn't you told me before? Why would you wait so long and just spill everything over me now out of all time? - i could feel myself getting heated, none of this was making sense and things had just gotten more complicated now.
- I'm sorry y/n.... I heard what you and Yoongi were talking about and... - his words brought heat to my face, embarrassed I looked anywhere but him - to be honest I've been noticing how you both were acting and I knew something was up.
- Jin, shit I don't even know what to tell you.
Here i thought i was being smarter when he knew everything all along, i was beginning to wonder if anyone else had notice anything going on with me and Yoongi and that thought brought Hoseok into my mind. I knew he’s been very skeptical about Yoongi and it made me question if it could’ve been because he knew about us.
- Is okay, y/n… i know what kind of person you are and i trust you wouldn’t do anything that could compromise the hybrids safety - he replied softly - I'm happy Yoongi has you by his side actually.
- Why would you be okay, though? I just broke the protocols, i.. i don’t know what I'm supposed to do to be honest Jin - i finally tell him.
- i can let this slide this time specially since i don’t have any right to judge you, when my father went against the rules I couldn't do anything to stop him before and I didn't even knew Yoongi was my... - he sighted - I didn't even knew I had a brother.
I looked up to meet his eyes feeling as the weight of the world went down over my shoulders, we both have been through so much in this past week and I couldn’t even begin to imagine what Jin must’ve been through all by himself. Finding out you have a brother who’s not even human and how your own father went overboard bad towards him for years torturing him, i can’t imagine which was worst to him and as his friend i couldn’t help but feel somewhat bad for not knowing to support him.
- Oh Jin, - i reached to hold his hand, holding it tightly before continuing - I understand you and i know you must feel like shit now but you should've told me that, you know you can always talk to me.
- I was planning on it and it definitely wasn't going to be like this but, you guys were getting intimate there and Namjoon just texted me saying he's coming to help with Yoongi - he explained softly - I thought you wouldn't want to have him find out like that.
Once he was done explaining i was the one feeling completely dumb, of course Namjoon would be coming soon. I should've thought about it before making any more decisions that could affect both Yoongi and me, my emotions got the best of me in the heat of the moment. I was once again blaming myself for being well… human, in some way i felt so weak when it came to Yoongi it was so unfair honestly how such a being like him ended up having so much power over me. I had tried so hard ever since i first meet him, it was unethical to let such feelings as “love” rise for a hybrid in a place where i was supposed to care for him, professionally.
But the heart wants what it wants, the most irrational and innocent thing a human can do is “love” and to love and be loved are things some can only experience once in a life time, some get to love and some get to be loved. To have both is a treasure.
It felt crazy to me but i no longer wanted to hide my feelings for i had no bad intentions, so unfair how my heart choose Yoongi to love.
Now this entire situation with Jin and Yoongi, I couldn't figure out what i was supposed to do.
- God this is crazy - I leaned on the wall, a long sight leaving me lips.
Nothing was making any sense anymore, I couldn't believe anything Jin was saying and i just couldn't find the background for it to make any sense in my mind. Amidst that i found the courage to ask the thing that was almost burning my head in confusion.
- how are you two... related?
Jin gave me a knowing look before taking his place beside me on the wall, after a long breath he looked up at the ceiling before talking.
- My mom once fell in love with a hybrid too.
His mom?
Jin never talked about her, i only knew what everyone else knew at the clinic. That she had left a long time ago when he was very young so he grew up with his dad, having no contact what so ever with his mom afterwards.
- Oh. I thought you didn't knew her very well, you said she left when you were younger right? - i asked.
- Yeah, but recently I've been doing some research on Yoongis case since i needed to collect proof that my dad was taking advantage of his powers at the clinic and to finally take my father away from the clinic - a sight left his lips.
I was surprised to hear that he would be taking legal action against his father, no matter what he did he was still his dad after all. I couldn't say i wasn't happy about it thought, if we keep letting things like this slip out it will only grow bigger and end in the most unfortunate ways.
- Jin... - i looked at him from my side, this whole time he seemed to be doing fine but now that i took a good look over his features, i could see the tiredness at the lines of his face the eye bags begging to form.
- I know but this has to be done, he needs to pay for what he did to my brother.
- Well I can't argue with that - i looked at the wall in front of me, the emptiness of it and no traces of color did nothing to help my overthinking - is that why you've been trying to help Yoongi this whole time?
- Yeah... I was searching for old documents since everything started years ago we had no updated data of treatment or what so ever of him and I found ... my mother's diary - he paused for a moment before a small smile filled his face turning to look at me - her story reminded me of you two. She meet a black mamba hybrid who was brought here for recovery and he hated everything and everyone too... except her.
- Well that does ring a bell or two… - I shyly looked away for a moment. Thinking of Yoongi and it seemed the grumpiness runs in the family.
- I'm sure you must be wondering how this was even possible - he said, i nodded at him finally the one million question - trust me i too have no idea.
- What? But how do you know he truly is your brother?
- I have the documents of her pregnancy with him, all the exams she took at that time… everything leads to him - he said, a dark cloud surrounding his soft features this time - she was part of the research about hybrids and humans being able to reproduce and... she succeeded, with no one knowing.
Once again i was punched with shock right in the gut, completely dumbfounded. For years I studied the same theory at university and years complimented by my colleagues how assertive my assignments on the impossibility of humans and hybrids reproducing for today, i be proven wrong.
- I couldn't find anything on the research though, it seems everything about how she was able to have Yoongi disappeared - Jin continued, i could already feel the engines on my head burst open as i took in every words coming from his mouth - i found some of my fathers old records it says that after some time she couldn't bear the child anymore and had some problems with the pregnancy and due to that she had to give birth to him too soon.
- I see, so regardless of the impossible being possible she did end up having complications to bear a hybrid - i said, the engines in my head no longer bursted open but begin to work out.
- Yes, he had to be put in a incubator - as he said that he furrowed his eyebrows a clouded expression on his tired features - I remember when i was younger she came home sick and for months she didn’t even left her bed, in that time she never told me anything but it seemed my father only found out about my brother when she was rushed to the emergency that time. When she couldn't hide anymore.
- So she was doing this and no one knew about it? - i asked shocked - it makes no sense, how could hide such thing?
- It wasn’t for long actually, a normal pregnancy would take almost a year but, she mentioned in her diary how it seemed to be moving faster then a normal human pregnancy i’m certain it was due to the hybrids advanced genes and after three months the complications begin to grow and she couldn't hide anything anymore.
Complications would be bound to happen, from years of research on that matter nothing was positive from the begging of a hybrid pregnancy and many complications were reported after the tests. We were not made to carry a hybrid being, our human bodies can only afford to give much and a hybrid requires more then a human body can offer. It goes beyond anything we know.
At the end of the day it doesn't matter how many tests and research we do, we still know very little about them.
- What happened to Yoongis father?
- He was... put down after my father found out. It truly was a miracle that mom got Yoongi and it doesn't make any sense but I have a few theories - he said, making me smile at him. That was the Jin i knew, always having a few cards under his sleeve - I have to do some research to be sure thought.
- I see.... Oh my god Jin, how have you been going through all of this alone?
- I don't know I was just hopeful. I have a brother who doesn't seem to like me much but is okay - he just brushed it off.
- That’s not true, Jin I'm sure he likes you deep down he's just .... - i paused, mind finally putting thoughts of the snake hybrid together - he feels a bit threatened, i think it might be because of me.
- Oh, that's why? I understand he must feel that way specifically since you're human and not a hybrid like him, he must duel between his feelings and instincts as you’re different then him.
I nerves once thought about it like that, I had been so caught up on my own thoughts and emotions I didn’t even thought for a moment how that situation could be affecting Yoongi. Of course things wouldn’t be exactly easy for him, he had a completely different perspective of our relationship then i did. But all I did was judge based on his hybrid personality i didn’t think for a moment he would be so considerate of me for I’m just human.
- is unusual for it to happen like that? - Jin muttered, pausing for a second as if noticing what he said - for like both sides?
- I know, we are away from being normal - i gave him a slight nudge on his side, trying to ease the tension.
- I just wanted you to know that it had happen before - he confessed.
- What exactly?
- Hybrids and humans - he said - Yoongi is proof that is okay if hybrids and humans love each other. After all they deserve it too right?
- I'm just... I don't know Jin, I've been told my whole life it wasn't normal it feels weird now but, I...i love him.
- I'm glad you feel this way about him, he never got the chance to meet mom so I'm truly happy you are the one taking care of him.
- yeah, they do.
His words brought a comfort to my heart i knew i was needing, I’ve been feeling so guilty over my feelings for Yoongi even now that i knew he felt the same way about me. Everything felt so different, like something so far away from reality it certainly does not feel like a normal day and I was sure it wouldn’t even from years from now.
Especially when you spend half your life learning about this beings and grow a career to help them, everything seemed impossible at first that a possibility was never once considered, but now even as i was in the eye of the hurricane i still couldn't believe that it was happening.
- Also, Namjoon will be here soon so you should go back in and calm Yoongi - Jin said, leaning away from the wall to stand in front of me watching me with a apologetic face - I'm afraid you guys can't go farther than a few kisses for a while.
- Shit Jin! - i exclaimed, cheeks burning in heat as i hit him in the shoulder many times - How much did you heard!?
- Don't worry. You perverted girl, he is my brother I couldn't watch that - he made a disgusted face - you should be thanking me, I was the one who turned everything off before anyone else could see it.
- Yah... oh god this is so weird now - i held my temples, trying to calm myself from more embarrassment as he just stood there laughing - but I'll go check on him.
- Maybe we should give him suppressants for a while.... - Jin contemplated.
- Yeah....
- We should talk about this later in particular - he mentioned.
- Yes, also shouldn’t we tell Namjoon? - asked him, just now i realized how Namjoon has literally been out of everything this whole time from the beginning and made me feel bad about it.
- I guess so since... I've some things in mind, it will be weird if he only finds out later - he continues.
- Yeah, wait what things? - i asked.
- I'll explain to you when we get to talk alone later.
- Oh god there's more.... - I mumble - Don't leave me out again thought!
- I won’t.
- Will you come in with me? - I sighted, looking over Yoongis door room - since... brothers?
- Oh no, for the sake of my eyes i won’t - he said lifting up his hands in defeat.
- Ya! I wasn’t- you little... - I immediately stoped as he only chuckled over my embarrassment - wait here and don’t let Namjoon enter before i make sure Yoongi is.. you know what.
- Wouldn't interrupt the love birds, you don’t have to worry.
At that i gave him once last slap on the head before turning on my heel back to Yoongis room.
I had to take a few breathes before entering the room, i had no idea how i would go from now. Things were not what they used to, i still had to process all about the new information Jin just dumped over me - Yoongi being Jin's brother. That didn't change my feelings for him though, but it brought some clarity to my thoughts and it made me realize that Jin was just trying to be there for Yoongi and despite all he still considered him his family.
I desperately wanted him to know everything but it didnt felt like it was my place to let him know Jin was his brother, that he has a family. The more I questioned that the more convinced I was that now wouldn’t be the best time to tell him, especially with everything that happened between Yoongi and his father. For now i would let that slide so Jin can be the one to tell him the truth, my only concern in that moment was how am i supposed to tell Yoongi the grumpy snake hybrid we cannot mate?
With a long sigh i entered the room, the door never felt heavier then now and i didn't know if it was all in my head but his room didn't felt as warm as usual.
- why did it took you so long...? - his voice was low and groggy sounding drunk almost.
I had to swallow hard, my body immediately responded to his presence feeling the heat embrace ever centimeter of skin under my clothes, heart racing the closer I got to him as my eyes took in his figured lying lazily over the mess of covers. It clearly did not look like that before and I felt the realization hit me in a big wave of heat. Oh, damn he was making that nest again.
- sorry, i didn't mean to... - i said, carefully approaching the hybrid.
- Hum... - he slowly sit straight at the edge of the bed, chest exposed by his opened shirt his face was slightly red, lips swollen and he looked me up with lazy eyes.
Something about his heat made him look so dreamy it was hard to concentrate on anything else when he looked like that, I tried my best to stay focused on the matter at hands which was to make him take the suppressants and cut off the mating process quickly and efficiently but, i find out that would be more difficult now that i have him in front of me then a few seconds ago before entering the room.
I continued to swallow hard, heart rate gone loose like a mad horse on an empty field. He looked so heavenly now I wanted to eat him whole, my eyes couldn't stop running to every corner of his exposed skin and his beautiful scales. The small coat of sweat over him made his skin shine even more, it was unreal how enchanting he looked. How unfair.
i didn’t know how much time i had until Namjoon got here so i kept a good distance between me and him. I'm afraid if i took another step he won't make it any easier to me - not that I would mind and that was exactly why I needed that space.
Another hard swallow from me the second he turned his head slightly to the side, eyes staring at me curiously up and down. A frown formed on his face when he realized i wasn't moving any closer, by now i was sure he knew something was going on.
- if you have something to tell me... - he began, eyes staring down at the floor between sounding almost desperate as he looked up in my eyes - come closer and do it, I can't stand you being this far away from me.
I could feel my breath burning inside my chest at his words, the second his eyes moved back to mine i was already making my way towards him. That was honestly all it took from him to have me completely at his mercy, I felt deep in myself how much I couldn’t also stay away from him. Sitting beside him carefully, I felt my body heat up even more wanting so bad to just let myself go and let his arms embrace me into his body, i nervously looked at his hands on his lap biting hard on my bottom lip as if that would bring any relief to my nervous self.
- what is it? Do you… not love me anymore? - he said, almost running out of breath on his words.
I instantly moved closer to him, taking his hands into mine.
- how could you say that…. - i assure him, breathlessly as he stole my words - I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have feelings for you, Yoongi.
- Then what is it? - he asked, face slowly softening as I called his name.
- Things have gotten a bit complicated... - i tell him, he turned completely to face me worried growing on his soft features.
- Why? That Jin director won't let you be with me? - anger showed clear over his soft features, chest moving up and down faster as he spat the words showing his clear discomfort by the other male.
If i didn’t knew they were brothers i would have view this situation differently but, now that i know everything i couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction which gain me a confused look from the snake hybrid.
- Actually... he doesn't mind at all - i tell him, seeing as how his face changed so fast at my words he looked even more confused now and it made me chuckled again.
- He doesn't? - he mumbles, blinking confused.
- Jin just wanted to let me know that...
- I don’t care what he said.
He didnt let me finished, interrupting me mid sentence. Hands holding my wrists he moved so fast i bearly had any chance to properly process what he was doing until it was too late, my hands were held above my head and he pined me down on the bed straddling my waist.
I could feel his fast breathing over my lips and just like before his skin burned over mine, i immediately felt my body gave in his touch knowingly and in complete defeat - i knew I shouldn't have gotten closer to him.
Namjoon could get here anytime now and stoping a hybrid in heat wasn't easy especially when you were caged under him and every cell in your body longes for his touch, so painfully desperate for him.
- wait... Yoongi? - i tried to call out for him but no effect at all.
I know trying to stop him would be harder even more as my will to stop him was also compromised, as he looked down at me with so much desire and wet lips brushing so closely over mine.
- I need you... - he mumbled, leaning down on my neck.
No. Not the neck.
But he knew already all my weak spot’s which made it all worse and so good at the same time, I immediately felt my body shake underneath his at the feeling of his warm wet tongue over the skin of my neck.
He groaned in pleasure holding my wrists tighter, it was getting more and more difficult to resist.
- Wait please, yoongi - i call out again, this time he stopped his movements looking back into my eyes.
- What? Did i made you uncomfortable? - he said, apologetic.
- No it's just... Namjoon is coming and he'll be here anytime soon - i explained - we can't do this now.
- I understand... but this is not something i can control y/n, you should've thought about this before coming here and bitting me - he said, letting go of my wrists.
- I know, i know... - I carefully held his face caressing his cheek with my thumbs - I'm sorry... i don't meant to hurt your feelings, i want this just as much as you do but...
- The others don't understand... - he whispers.
- They don’t.
- What do we do now.... - he murmured over my lips - how are you gonna take responsibility for doing this to me?
If it wasnt for the smirk on his lips and the playfulness in his voice, I would think he was serious in that moment but i knew it was the opposite and as much as i wanted to comply to his wishes we couldn't do nothing for now.
Not knowing if we would ever get that chance, I simply pushed my lips over his kissing him desperately as if his lips were water and I've been locked away without a single drop of it. My thirst for him was eternal.
- make sure i pay you back - i tell him, chest rising up and down against each other.
- I will.... - he promised.
He got up from above me holding a hand out for me to get up, once i did he closed his other arm around me waist. Making me look up into his eyes, he stared into mine nervously almost as if he had been caught on a lie.
I just giggled at his reaction.
- please don't tell me you'll make me suffer more by going on heat alone - he pleaded.
- What if i do? - i playfully teased, earning a serious look from him as i made my way towards the small cabinet with medical supplies.
I wouldn’t let him go through it knowing how painful it could be, for now he would be under a small dose of suppressants until we know what to do.
- if you do... - he said fallowing behind me - I'll take you now....
For the second time he had spin me around completely taken me by surprise, holding my body tightly against his. I couldn't tell before but now it seemed his heat was getting more intense as if he wasn’t before, his usual dark eyes had a more yellow color around it, his cheeks were red and his fangs were more noticeable this time.
I could tell he was getting on the edge of losing from his finger tips tightening on my waist painfully, it could be really difficult if it gets too intense.
- no matter who enters this room... - he whispered over my lips - I'll make you mine.
- I won't do anything to hurt you - I whisper back, it seemed to be enough to wake him up from the trance.
He smiled softly eyes closing slowly and opening, he was breathing through his mouth a few drops of sweat sliding down the sides off his head to his neck. Yoongi has been holding his heat for days now, i couldn’t even imagine how uncomfortable this must feel for him and it made me feel bad for starting this but the situation calls for a pause now.
Feeling his fingers slowly lessen the grip on my waist letting go of me, I turned around to get him the suppressants quickly preparing a small dose of suppressant on a syringe before turning back to him.
- this will work faster so you don’t have to suffer tonight - i explain.
- Ok... - he took off his shirt completely before I even ask, for a moment I thought he was only being helpful but the sly smirk on his lips told me otherwise
He was doing it on purpose to provoke me, knowing very well how on the edge I was.
- And you were afraid of me teasing - I mumbled, he chuckled as i inserted the needle into his arm.
- Is good to know you're affected by me - he said, I quickly disposed of the syringe before turning back to him.
- How could i not? You...
Before i can finish the door is burst opened by a nervous Namjoon and a confused Jin fallowing right behind him.
- y/n are you okay? - Namjoon rushed to me - sorry i left so quickly.
I looked over to Jin who gave me a small smile then at Namjoon who shares his stare between me and the hybrid.
- she's fine.. i didn't eat her - he said to the male, double sense dripping from his lips through his smirk as he began to dress into his shirt.
My cheeks immediately went hot a low chuckle coming from Jin which he quickly tried to cover up by looking away, the situation was somewhat different now heaving the brothers in the same room sharing the same joke.
It made me feel at ease.
- I'm fine, Yoongi is on suppressant so he didn't do anything - i tell Namjoon, earning another chuckle from Jin.
- Ok that's good, Jin told me the mating process was canceled - Namjoon said.
- Yeah, we figured is better since is what the hybrids feel more comfortable with - i tell him - don't worry Joon we’ll fill you with all the details later, right Jin?
- What? Oh, yeah, oh yes later - jin said nervously.
I only stared at him shaking my head side to side.
It felt like i was living a movie ever since i meet the snake hybrid, how could i imagine all the events that would be fallowing the moment i decided to get myself between Yoongi and the clinic. I couldn't believe everything even after we left Yoongis room so he could rest, he needed to adapt to the suppressant before we moved him back to his room so as soon as we made sure everything was fine we left to carry on our different activities. Not only he needed to adapt but i knew this would take some time before i can begin to process it, now more then every we needed to be aware of the decisions we make in this process. It did not only involve Yoongis safety but the entire clinic.
At the same time i wanted for Jin to make his father pay for his mistakes, i fear he would try to do something and make things more complicated.
Whatever may happen i was sure to be there for Jin, we still needed to sort everything out as soon as possible.
Namjoon was the most confused between us all, after all Jin had the most impact on him right after we left Yoongis room he turned to Namjoon with the more serious expression on his face as if he was on a mission.
- we have import things to discuss later.- he said with a hand on his shoulder, and the most dramatic look on his features.
- Alright...? - Namjoon was so puzzled he could bearly say anything after he left. - is everything okay with him?
- He's good… see ya?
- see ya.
I knew things were set for drama later on, but now i could tell a weight seemed to heave left Jin's shoulder - mine too now that i was sure he wasn’t bother by my feelings for Yoongi, especially since they are brothers. I was happy he was the one to know about us first, we seemed to share the same thoughts and stand together on the same page when it came to Yoongi. Jin being his only family now i was happy for him, Yoongi wasn’t alone anymore.
Things were bound to happen and secrets can't stay hidden forever, but we had each other and we have the same goal in mind.
Save Yoongi.
Not knowing my day would star with such events in the morning, i didn’t assigned much appointments for today since i would be focusing on Yoongis treatments and his mating process but now that it was all canceled the plans had changed and my schedule was more clear today, i had to make sure a day before today for any case Yoongi may need my assistance but since he was on suppressants from now i would only have to go with his normal appointments now. I found myself completely bored a few hours later after checking on my patients.
After noon i was going back to check on Yoongi when i felt my phone vibrating on my pocket assuming to be Jin and chuckling since i was right ''meeting. My office.'' It read and i could almost picture his teasing smile on his face while sending this.
Truth is ever since the situation with Yoongi was set to our care we have been so stressed and on the edge with it all, one after the other, all the worst cases possible were just being dumped on us and i knew it wasn’t going to be any easy from that point, now that Jin has opened up about his father i knew why he was so distant this whole time and so eager to get things done.
Just like me he too was going through a hard time but now that we finally talked about everything all that worry and fear seemed to be gone, i could feel how much lighter his humor seemed to be and i too felt more comfortable despite my worries for Yoongi.
I was making my way to the elevator to meet up with him when the the alarm went off and all the halls were lighted by the red color and my whole body immediately moved in alert. This was a red coded situation and different from the tiger hybrid accident last week, this one was emergency alert. Not thinking twice as i rushed through the corridors hearing the voice on the speakers requested assistance on the main entrance of the clinic - was there a hybrid making an escape? Not just any hybrid but a red code one?
Today gotta be my lucky day, right after lunch someone tried to escape? The situation couldn’t call for a better moment and i worried for all the other hybrids safety and the timing couldn’t be more perfect as it just so happened to be when the hybrids were coming back from the canteen.
Once I finally got there i was ready to assist with anything but, i found myself watching a scene that for my disappointment was exactly what i was praying wouldn’t happen.
A few doctors circle around the main entrance not moving clearly unsure of what to do as the coded red hybrid held one of our patients by the neck, rushing through the people around i stood in front of the scene feeling a breath close on my throat at the sight of the bunny hybrid i was treating being held by the neck on his knees.
For a moment I thought that this couldn’t be a hybrid who stood there holding Jungkook, i was skeptical as he didn’t show any characteristic of an animal until he looked up in my direction looking straight into my eyes. He didn’t have human eyes, they were bright orange his pupils closed on a thin line sharp enough to bring a chill to my spine. The light shined better over his face making known the golden color of what i knew very well were scales, he was a snake hybrid.
The painful groan from jungkook on the floor immediately woke up the rage inside me, if he wanted to hurt me it was fine but to go after one of my patients it was something else and before i could even think for a second I was already walking towards them, ignoring the few rushed warnings of the people around me.
Making my way towards the snake hybrid i never felt so angry before, being with Yoongi certainly raised my confidence with his kind.
Once i was one step away from the hybrid, looking straight into his sharp snake eyes he smirked at me. Tilting his head to the side as he licked his bottom lip, analyzing my face.
- let go of him - I demanded, anger spitting the words from my lips.
- I don’t want to...
This time i closed the distance.
- you don’t have a say in this, i can wait all day if i must - I demanded again, never even blinking away from his eyes - now be a good boy and let go of my patient.
This time his smile faded completely from his face into a bitter look and he slowly let go of jungkook, who almost fell on the floor over his face. I carefully lowered myself to help jungkook up holding his hands, his neck was red from the tight grip of the snake hybrid and he had tears on his eyes.
- are you okay? - i asked him. He nodded only and I quickly rushing him towards one of the doctors standing there.
- You're not like them... - the hybrid in front of me mumbles, making me turn back to him watching as his orange eyes looked me up and down before stoping over my neck.
I nervously swallowed, i know hybrids have much higher senses and from the look on his snake eyes i was sure by now he too knew about Yoongis bite on my skin still covered by a badge. Heat fallow up my face, knowing from experience he could probably smell Yoongis scent all over me and i prayed he wouldn’t say anything about it in front of every one.
- i don’t know what you mean by that - i tell him, trying my best to sound stern - now will you come with me to your room so i can get you treated or... do you want to go sedated?
He chuckled.
- lead the way doctor - he said, teasingly.
At his words the people around us seemed to have calmed down and soon one of the doctors came to my side with the hybrids documents and a collar to put on him, he looked at me worriedly but i only smiled trying to easy out the tension brought by the snake hybrid, i made sure to take the collar from him and quickly turned back to put on the hybrid.
Anger no longer seemed to be running on my system and i felt nervous once again, but i tried my best to keep my composure while closing the collar around his neck.
Closer now to him i could tell that different from Yoongi, this hybrids scales went higher up his neck stoping right under his ear, his blonde hair was bright almost white and i could pick a citrus scent on him.
I was curious to know what kind of snake hybrid he was.
- i can smell this is not your first time doctor - the snake hybrid insinuates, careful with his choice of words.
- It is not, fortunately for you I'm the one they call when hybrids like you don't have manners - i reply, which makes him smirk even more.
- Lucky me - he mumble, eyes looking up and down at me as he licked his bottom lip showing his sharp fangs.
I didn’t needed to question that he was sure a poisonous snake hybrid, I fear that differently then Yoongis bite his would actually be deadly.
Lucky me.
We didn't know if he would behave until he is all set on his room so me and another doctor were quickly to bring him there, we had to make sure to do this fast to ensure the other hybrids safety. I was glad he didn’t try make another scene but i still held my guard up, walking behind the hybrid as the other doctor took the front guiding us to his room.
Once in his room he was quick to walk up to the bed at the center of the room, sitting on the edge of it i fallowed behind o take the collar from him.
Stoping in front of him as the doctor responsible for him prepared his medication, i focused on carefully tacking the silver collar from his neck. His scales were much different then Yoongis, his had a more yellow and golden sparkle to it which made it look like he was covered in gold in contrast with his almost white hair.
With the collar off his neck he quickly held my wrist stoping me from moving away, he looked up at me, pupils fuller this time, only a small bit of orange around his full pupil told me he was calmer now, he brought my wrist up to his nose closing his eyes as he smelled.
- i smell another hybrids scent on you... - he whispered amused, the smirk never leaving his lips as he watched me - i never seen a human mate with us before..
I took my wrist from his hold harshly, feeling the heat creeping back to my face. Turning on my heel i walked back to assist the doctor, listening the snake hybrid chuckling behind me.
- what do we have? - i asked the doctor, trying to brush the emotions off my nerves.
- he is a piton snake hybrid, red coded but not by poisonous…. - he said.
- i can tell… - I murmured taking the documents from him as he prepared a sedative for the hybrid.
Usually the code red is attributed to a hybrid for one of two reasons, he is a predator which does demand a different approach before we can proceed with any further treatment or he has a history of misbehavior mostly being attempted escape or attempt to harm others, usually they only attempt in harmful behaviors.
I wasn’t surprised to find in his file that hes been assigned to our clinic for treatment after trying to kill one of the doctors on his past clinic, the list goes on and i wasn’t sure what to do.
Name: jp01301095 Male Species: Snake/Piton
Code: Red. (Destructive behaviors)
Date of admission: 13062016
Current status: to be treated for aggressive behavior and attempt to suicide.
Resume: Patient jp01301095 has shown no sign of improvement on past treatments, has been unable to socialize with his kind and the doctors responsible for his treatment. Patient didn’t show any symptoms of recovery, due to his destructive behaviors against others he is required to be isolated from anyone and to be excluded from mating process.
This would be one hell of a patient to treat, the more i read his file the more i became concerned about him. All i could think about was the words “attempt to suicide” on his file, how they never bothered to give him an actual name all made me question if the clinic he was before even cared to treat him correctly, he was the first patient i have heard off that actually tried to harm himself. No matter how many pages of his aggressive behavior towards others i read nothing was making me see him as a threat, I was afraid that just like Yoongi he too was only acting out of fear, looking up at his figure he stared at me smirking i wondered if all wasn’t just a mask he decided to wear to hide what he truly felt.
On his file i notice the dates of all the incidents involving him that, his behavior worsen after his attempt to end his own life. After treating Yoongi and finding out all the mistreatments done to him in this clinic, i was sure this snake hybrid has been gone through the same if not… worse in his past.
I turned to look at him as he stared at us amused and decided on taking matters in my own hands if needed.
- you can ask anything to me... - the hybrid said getting up and walking over to where i was.
It wasn’t like i was some kind of fearless human that i somehow always managed to get in this situations, i just felt more understanding of the hybrids pain then the others and I couldn’t ignore the fact that every time i looked at him, i saw someone who needed help even though he tried to hide it and did very well. He was the victim here but others may not be able to see it as i do, turning to the doctor I smile softly at him.
- call for Namjoon - I whispered to him and he nodded quickly.
I knew he would be the only one after me who could treat this snake hybrid, Namjoon was stronger then me and i knew better then to let myself act any recklessly with this hybrid. He was letting me go now because he wanted, from his files i knew it wouldn’t take a second before he try to hurt me. I needed someone who i could trust to care for him and that was Namjoon.
Once the doctor left i walked up to the hybrid. I knew this was dangerous but i saw what Yoongi did to the other staff and i knew this couldn't go any different if i wasn’t careful.
- well, I'm y/n I'll be taking care of you before we proceed with further treatments - i tell him.
- Please do... - he said, a smirk fallowing.
I took the sedative with me. When we go through traumas our brain tend to mask it as the opposite feelings as a safe mechanism, hybrids were no different then us when it came to that. I could tell he was using a flirting tone and a smile to mask his feelings probably also to provoke a reaction from me since he knows about Yoongi from his scent on me, i questioned if he uses that as a way to get things he wants from people - was it that how he got closer to his past females doctors?
I saw first hand how he can be when acting out on rage, but the more I looked at him now if I didn’t watched before I wouldn’t even believe he was capable of such thing. Right now he looked like a complete different hybrid then the one i read on the file, he wasn’t much taller then me, had a small figure and was covered on a gray uniform from his old facility, his white hair messily covered some of his face, his skin looked so pale it made the scales on his body shine like gold.
When he wasn’t smirking the soft features on his face made him look almost angelic, he was beautiful indeed - was it common for all snake hybrids to be this beautiful?
I quickly brushed off.
- what is your name? - i ask him.
They never once bother to give him a name, clearly no one even treated him kindly before for it. It was noticeable to me they didn’t thought of him for more then an aggressive being, only seeing him for his flaws but never trying to care for his wounds.
- I’m sure you read in the file, is jp01301095…. - he said, nonchalantly.
- yeah, but I’m sure that is not how you actually call yourself - i tell him, approaching softly - I’m asking for your real name.
He looked at me suspiciously certainly i was the only one who ever bothered to ask for his name, i could see how his mask dropped for a very short second before he smirked taking another step closer.
- you can call me Jimin…. - he said, sarcasm dripping his words - did they send me here because i misbehaved?
- Why you think that? - i asked softly, I realized the calmer i sounded the more his pupils dilated - did you do something bad?
- Humm... i hurt someone - he murmured, eyes shining brighter as if remembering exactly what he did - that's why they didn't assign any females as my doctors...
His files did mentioned a few females assistants who were unfortunate on the receiving side of his anger, it made me wonder why he prays on them more then males. Was it a women who inflicted the pain on him? Or was it that he just thought of us as being easier to hurt?
- I see... well nothing I haven't seen before - i tell him. Which brought a cold chuckle from him.
- You have some courage - he walked closer to me - is it because you stink of a snake hybrid? You think hell protect you?
- I can protect myself Jimin - i tell him.
The mention of his name did got a reaction from him as i imagined, for the second time i saw the mask fall for another split second before i took the chance to grab his wrist carefully. He didn’t fight me not did he tried to hurt me from touching him, i was surprised at that not exactly expecting him to let me guide him back to his bed. He sat down watching my every move.
- you are not here to be punished, Jimin… - i decided to call him by his name.
I took the sedative the doctor prepared, all his symptoms were under a red pen marked as dangerous on his file and everything was pointing how Jimin wasn’t physically hurt but mentally. He was unstable and so on for the first appointment he must be asleep, as much as i hate it I can’t do the opposite , he could still try to hurt someone and i was set on changing that behavior of his.
- you are here to be treated and recover - i said.
Turning to him i sat beside him taking his shirt to the side to insert the needle on his shoulder. He didn’t move or said anything while i did it. It was only when i was done that he gave me another sarcastic response.
- are you this sweet with your little snake lover too? - he said, trying to provoke another reaction.
- I'm careful with all my patients - i said, the words I chose are important. Anything could trigger a reaction from him and it was a matter of one wrong choice that could change everything.
- Oh... was he the one who did that? - he pointed at my arm covered by the white badge.
- No, he would never do anything to hurt me - i tell him - maybe you should learn some manners with him.
He scoffed.
I watched closely for his reaction at the mention of him and another hybrid like him, it didn’t seem to after him too much and that is a good thing.
The door opened revealing a worried Namjoon. I walked up to him.
- you really have no will to survive - he said to me.
- Sorry, everyone was scared so i did what i do best - i tell him, handing the file to him - i just sadeted him, he is all yours.
- Wait you won’t help me out? - he asked as i turned to leave, seeing as the hybrid as already falling over the bed due to the sedative any worry I had left in me was gone.
Everything would be fine from now.
- I have enough snake problems to resolve.
Indeed i had enough problems to resolve, after the alert was out i had to head back to all my patients and make sure they were doing fine - especially Jungkook who could've had end up hurt if i didn't show up.
Me and Namjoon were not the only ones who had assignments to deal after the alert, Jin too was called to assist the others and our meeting had to be moved to another hour later.
I just found out then how Yoongi could get even more grumpy under heat suppressants and nothing seemed to ease that grumpiness of his but i was relived to be with him in that moment regardless of his shitty humor, after the deep dive on the new snake hybrid file and uncover another series of mistreatment to another being like Yoongi my own humor had gone down bad blue and gray.
After bringing Yoongi some food i was impressed at how much he behaved like an old man when he's grumpy.
- did you eat everything? - i asked him.
- Yes boss.... - he mumbled, sucking on the red lollipop i gave him in the hopes the sugar would melt a bit of his grumpy humor. It didn't.
Instead he just looked at me bored while lying lazily on the bed, the covers were all over the floor and some were even scratched in pieces.
- were you fighting with the bed? What a mess - I commented. Hearing a grunt from him, i chuckled at his reaction - if you keep behaving like that...
- What? Will you punish me doctor y/n - he said teasingly, sitting over the edge of the bed were i stood up in front of him.
- Yes i will, i won’t give you any kisses - i tell him turning away to leave.
As I expected not a second later he pulled me back by the arm, i watched as he stared up at me much softer than before. This sly snake.
- I'm sorry... - he said, slowly massaging my wrist - i’m feeling moody because of the meds.
- I know, is okay - i gave in, carefully caressing his long hair.
- You'll still give me kisses, right?
- Of course...
I leaned down pressing our lips together in a soft kiss, feeling his smile grow against my lips tasting the sweet flavor of strawberry lollipop on his tongue. He groaned moving his hands up and down my sides slightly pulling me closer but before things got any deeper I quickly leaned back. Making my leave to carry on my assignments, leaving a now less grumpy snake hybrid behind.
We still needed to discus the matters with Jin and tell Namjoon of all that's been going on the past days, I felt bad for hiding it from him for this long but things were certainly not looking good and sometimes it is better to tell the other when you have things figured out so you don't bleed on them.
Thats what i thought at least, while making my way to get in the elevators after messaging Jin about the meeting.
When he gave me his confirmations I quickly left to head to his office.
I knew things would get better for Yoongi from now on and i was hopeful that Jin would win this one against his father, from now we had agreed on keeping an eye on all the hybrids in the clinic to make sure such thing never happens again.
Once i entered Jin's office Namjoon was already there as they shared a brief conversation. I took the seat beside Namjoon in front of Jin's desk as he looked as us both.
- well was is this all about? - Namjoon asked.
- I don't really know were to start.... - Jin said, looking a bit nervous - a few days ago we were here to discuss how you both would be taking care of Yoongis case and now, I'm here to... kinda fill you in why he won’t be put down anymore.
I know that already, but hearing for the first time right now felt more reassuring. I knew yet it felt like it was finally happening, Yoongi was free.
So on Jin begin to tell Namjoon about everything we have kept from him this whole time, how his father passed the case to him to put yoongi down, the first time we treated him and how he researched the files for Yoongi finding out all about his mistreatments.
He told us about how a few days before the mating process start he found his mothers diary and the documents for Yoongis birth, passing them to Namjoon who had the same reaction as me when i found out.
The entire time Jin was he only one talking, i wasn't sure what to expect once he was done though. As much as i was feeling positive i couldn’t ignore the anxiety i was feeling in that moment, i was hoping Namjoon would understand and maybe help us too but i couldn't force him to do that not was i expecting him to accept all of this at first.
The moment Jin told him about them being brothers our relationship was fallowed right after, Namjoon didn’t looked at me in any moment, his entire attention was still on the papers on his hands but i notice how he reacted at the mentioned of me and Yoongi.
- what? - he then said, looking up at Jin.
I swallowed nervously as Jin looked at me with the same feeling.
- i mean... i don't intend to be rude - he continued - this is the first time i heard of such thing.
- so you don't mind? - i asked.
He turned to look into my eyes.
- it's nothing that bothers me, i mean hybrids should be treated fairly like us not like some kind of savages, right?  - he added - i think if that's how you feel about him, i shouldn't judge you. We are friends too.
I was grateful for his words, so far I've been beating myself up over this matter. I couldn't help but wonder if me and Yooongi could ever have a relationship, we were far from normal and completely opposites to one another. But our feelings were mutual, a spark gluing us together.
For now i knew that my friends were together with me and that was very comforting due to our situation, i still have no idea how I'll ever manage a relationship with a hybrid in the clinic. I was sure it wouldn't be possible to maintain such a secret here and even more intimacy, wasn’t exactly comforting to be intimate with Yoongi at the same place i treated others.
It seems that no matter how many obstacles we go through, things never get easy for me and Yoongi to be together in the end something always separates us.
- is that why the mating process was canceled? - Namjoon asked.
- oh, no - Jin quickly replied - i simply don't want to force Yoongi into that, he clearly doesn't seem comfortable with it.
- i see... what will we be doing now then? - Namjoon putted - with him i mean.
- I intend to set Yoongi for adoption.
- what?
I almost gagged at my own saliva at his statement.
- that's what i wanted to discuss with you - Jin stared at me - i dont't want him to stay here any longer. Yoongi has been so much already or years i think is about time he has his own home but since the protocols for hybrids require an adoption document I'll set him for applications.
- a black mamba snake hybrid... it will be difficult to find good people interested - Namjoon comments.
I knew this would come sooner or later. Some of the hybrids here at the clinic are set for adoption application after their full recover, that is green coded hybrids. I couldn't understand why Jin would want to set Yoongi for adoption especially with him being red coded. He needed special care and time for recover to all his mistreatments, not only that but he certainly needed space to be able to have his heat which we had to interrupt for a while.
- are you planning on adopting him then? - i ask.
- oh… no - he said - i don’t think he would want to come with me and part of the process is that is a mutual thing with both sides, even though we are brothers i… wouldn’t want him to feel obligated to accept me just because of that.
- I understand but if you’re setting him for someone else, don't you think is too soon for this? - i asked Jin.
- i know what you're thinking, that's why i want you to apply for his adoption - he said. I could feel my eyeballs almost sprout open at his words.
- me?!
- it makes sense... - Namjoon muttered and i stared at him stupefied - i mean, he only likes you and you like him. Why not?
- i know this might be sudden y/n given how it has been so far but, i ask you to consider this - Jin said softly, eyes locked with mine
- yes, it is very sudden - i tell him - I'll have to think about this first, this is a lot of responsibility.
- I'll be here once you decide.
It mostly is a lot of responsibility, is not only about me but Yoongis well being as well. I can't make such decisions without thinking about this through, i know that Jin trusts me with this because of the relationship i have build with Yoongi and he being his only family is trying his best to help him but i can't do something that would possibly make Yoongi uncomfortable.
It hasn't been long since we've been together, living with one another is much different, sharing the same house together would be something he's never experienced too. I wasn't sure i would be able to meet his needs with my small apartment, certainly being a doctor at the clinic would help a lot with any medical needs he may have but what else would i be able to offer him?
Truth is I'd give him the world if i could but, i can't.
- well count me in to help guys - Namjoon said - but don't keep me out from now on.
He pointed at Jin.
- sorry bro, won't keep you out anymore - Jin said.
- y/n, don't even think about leaving me with that other Snake hybrid of yours - was his turn to point at me now.
The mention immediately reminds me of the piton snake hybrid who was admitted today, Jimin the piton hybrid's definitely seemed like a case new to me. He didn't seem to respect any boundaries and was a extremely trouble maker, from his files i read today there was many cases highlighted of his doings, doctors being hurt by him and many tries to escape that ended with not only the staff hurt but some of the hybrids.
Not only that but his mental state doesn’t seem the best either, i felt deeply concerned for him.
- what? But he is not my patient? - i tell him. I would gladly take the case if it wasn't for Yoongi, he's been very sensitive to all the smells around, i was afraid that if Jimin gets too close and leave some scent he might go off really bad.
- you mean the new snake hybrid, he’s a piton... - Jin adds - if I'm not wrong he hasn't been assigned to a specific doctor yet, if the situations seems favorable y/n would you mind taking him?
- i don't know, Jin...
- i think it could be good for Yoongi, maybe we can introduce them two and see if they can become friend - Jin continues - i think that it would be good for him.
- I understand Jin but, that is something to be discussed more in the future - i tell him - we need to move slower, Yoongi just started to adapt to a new routine and you are already thinking of putting him into adoption process. He's been through a lot, he might need more time to process all of this. He doesn't even know about you.
- oh, you are right... well then let's keep the in mind for the moment but please - Jin looked at me, a soft expression on his face - do think about what i told about his adoption, I'm sure... you are be the best suited to this.
A few days have gone ever since Jin mentioned about Yoongis adopting process, I haven't gone a single minute without considering all the pros and cons for that, as Jin asked me. I knew he wanted me to carry on that process but, i wasn't sure about it. We haven’t even told Yoongi about that, since it was still something that needed to be worked on and we were not sure how we would react to it, Jin was taking his time with it. But not only for those reasons, i was assuming he was even more busy this week then ever before. He did carry on the matters with his fathers wrong doings, but nothing much could be done besides making him step down from his position at the clinic so Jin could take his place.
Jin mentioned in a meeting about the situation with his father that, he was afraid that by exposing Yoongi and making known how there was a possibility for humans and hybrids to reproduce together would only cause future troubles for the hybrids and the last thing he wanted was for the hybrids to be put on a lab and be tested on again.
I know he only had good intentions and i trusted he did what he could in the situation he was in, for that reason we decided to delete all traces of his mother relation with the hybrid and her pregnancy. All the documents were destroyed to ensure no harm would be done to any hybrid in the future.
I didn't wanted to but, Jimin was in the end passed down for my care. The piton snake himself made the request for Jin the day after he was set in the clinic, from then i knew there was nothing i could do but at the same time i was glad he was showing good signs.
I decided it would be best to talk about it with Yoongi which only made me more nervous about it.
- he's like me? I doubt - he said that time - i don't really care though.
I was perplexed at his unbothered response at first but then I began to wonder if it was only because of the suppressants he's been taking, whatever reason it was it made possible for me to carry on Jimins treatments more closely.
The piton snake was slowly making process, so far he had no episodes of anger his only problem seemed to be he was just a brat, whenever he could he would bother Jungkook the bunny hybrid and I remember Namjoon mentioning that it was because he was a prey hybrid. Jungkook only acted annoyed at Jimins bickering at him, clearly the bunny hybrid was much bigger then the piton hybrid but I wouldn't want to bet on that matter - although i did saw some colleagues betting on them in the lunch room.
Jimins misbehaving got less serious as the days went by, he decided to be extra annoying to me though. He would always send flirting comments to me whenever he could, trying to be cute the second he realized i was seriously unbothered. It was baffling how much he just throws those comments every now and then never missing a chance, i even set him for heat examination but he came clean. He was just dirty minded but a least i knew he wasnt trying to kill anyone here like he would on his past clinics. He did improved a lot and I was glad he was doing better now, after a few days Jimin has proven to me how even code red hybrids could recover if you just give them some time and space to heal after all they too get mentally exhausted.
Jimin was constantly left on open space with other hybrids at his old clinic which to some hybrids can be very overwhelming since some still fell very territorial, i heard from him how some other hybrids would act out because of it but the clinic never did anything about it.
From then he started to open up more to me about his past, i was right about him being mistreated and that made me even more protective of the small piton hybrid. He wouldn’t talk much about himself and i notice how he would quickly brushed off with a flirty comment whenever the conversation went too serious, i was surprised to discover how much of a soft hybrid he was. But it seemed he didn’t liked when people noticed that side of him.
Little by little i would mention to him if he would like to meet with Yoongi, he would usually make some unserious comments and I understand that he wasn’t ready for that in the moment.
A week has gone by since Jins father has stepped down from his position, i could tell things were changing around the clinic evere since. Jin was giving extra attention to every case to ensure that everything was doing fine. Through that time i notice more people coming to the clinic to apply for Yoongis adoption, i was happy more people seemed to be interested in taking him in but I couldn't ignore the bitter feeling it came with it.
I grew worried about it every day that went by, usually when hybrids begin adopting process the director review the documents of the people who applied and after the review a meeting with the people is set for them and the hybrid to meet each other and ensure things go smoothly for both of them.
I was glad Jin was taking this slowly for everything that Yoongi went through and specially since he still doesn't know about this yet it could make things more difficult. The grumpy snake hybrid was still grumpy from the suppressants and we still needed to discuss about his heat, it would be good for the hybrid to hold that much longer.
I knew it would come to a moment were a meeting would be set for him and i became even more anxious, it was selfish of me to think about it this way but just the thought of Yoongi going away set a pinch to my chest so deep it was enough to drive me insane.
I was done dueling on the matter but I had to tell him about it first, before making any decision i needed to let him know his options. I felt the need to let him know that he wasn’t an accessory but a being who had a life and he could make his own choices.
After much thought i decided to tell him at his lunch, but I couldn't make out any words as i just stood there in front of him as he eat his food quietly.
- you've been too quiet - he mentions.
- ah, yes I'm just thinking about something... - nervously replied.
- is it about me? You seem... weird - he said, putting the bowl down beside him. He brushed his hair to the side, dark eyes staring deep into mine as if trying to make out my thoughts.
- i know that it might be too soon... - i begin, sitting down beside him, ignoring his eyes as i stared at the floor bitting into my lower lip - i wanna know your thoughts on... hum… adoption.
- what do you mean by that? - he asks, i feel him move beside me turning to me completely - you wanna adopt? Is it... like a pet? Or...
He didn't continued realizing by my silence exactly what i meant. I sighted.
- Jin set you for adoption a few days ago.... - I blurted out.
- he... what? - he said - why didnt you tell me before? Why am i only finding out now?
- because i... I wanted to ask you first... - i looked up at him nervously, feeling heat creeping up on my cheeks.
Seeing as his dark eyes shined angrily at mine and his eyebrows furred into a thick line, his hair was still a bit wet from his early bath, i could smell the scent of lavender coming from his skin. He grew the habit of closing only the last four bottoms of his silk shirt, exposing his beautiful skin and the scales on his sides and his neck to my eyes. Yoongi knew exactly what he was doing when he let those bottoms opened, it was on purpose and he made that clear a few days ago during one of his bath.
Even under suppressants i realized his desire was just unstoppable and unfortunately for Jin who usually entered the room right when we were sharing a heated kiss, it was not the best scene to be present.
Maybe it was the fact that so many people showed up for Yoongi that made me finally step up, i knew ever since we shared a bite on his mating room I wouldn’t be able to stay away from him anymore and having to balance our relationship in the clinic wasn't enough not was it possible anymore.
- I’ve been meaning to ask you this but i was so nervous, Yoongi... - i tell him honestly - the truth is... ever since Jin brought this up first I've been thinking about it every day...
- what are you trying to tell me y/n? - he said, leaning closer he held my hand in his. - are you trying to say goodbye?
- i.... - i stopped immediately.
How could i even put this into words to him? I was so nervous my hands were shaking, seeing how he seemed to grow sadder i felt desperate.
- i want to adopt you Yoongi.
At my words his face immediately lightens up, eyes staring into my with much surprise.
- you mean... for real? - he was breathless.
- yes, i wanna take you to my home as mine - i tell him.
He immediately pulled me into his arms and i never been held so tightly by him before, i hugged him back softly caressing his hair.
- I'm all yours then... - he murmured in my neck.
My chest was almost exploding in excitement.
The morning after…
- here -  i said handing Jin the single paper.
- oh, what is it? - he asked, before taking.
- i thought i should hand it to you personally.... - i tell him - i didn’t wanted to waste any time.
He stared at me suspiciously before reading the paper i gave him, I chuckled at his immediate surprise response eyes opening enough to almost pop out off his head then slowly fading into a knowing smile as he looked up at me.
- what took you so long? - he said.
- overthinking maybe?
We both shared a smile before he put the paper down getting into a more serious mood.
- well then... should we discuss the meeting?
- yes, the sooner the better.
I couldn't even begin to believe it. Yoongi would leave this clinic for the first time in his life and it was going to be with me.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. .
Notes: I’m sorry for any grammatical mistakes 😅😅 and the long wait, is not my best but it’s here. I hope you guys like it. See y’all 💖🙏
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mncein · 11 months
hellooo!!! can i request for newjeans hcs on how they react if they have a crush whose flirty but oblivious?
omg first req !! and yes of course !!
i really had a good time writing this while i'm wide awake at 3am 😭 i'm literally applying the saying that the brain works more efficiently during night lmao, thank you for this request anon, i hope you enjoy !!
— for minji, she's probably gonna make you stop flirting with her bc she gets really really shy AND she hides her face 'cause it will give you a hint or smth and then you might just reject her right there :( but deep inside she likes it sm that she blames her cheeks for getting red. to add that she probably has a group chat with her friends where she jokes about how oblivious you are and that she tries to flirt back with a line she got from google, excusing herself right there and then doing a 2 minute of research to find a good pick up line for you 😭 in all, she just wants to let you know how much she likes you but she can't :(
— hanni... when you flirt, this girl gives you a teasing smile and then clings to you the whole time. telling you how much she loves your jokes with making it obvious that she likes you. wonders how you not ask about her recent behaviors of how she flirts back shamelessly whenever you two are texting or talking on the phone. MADE moves showing that she likes you and does her best showing it, but she just tilts her head in confusion when you just brushed the topic off :( feeling a little sad, she just spaces off while you talk about things. then you ask her what's wrong, bunny will just stare at you with a pout :(
— this sunshine right here will just smile and say thank you in her aussie accent, and then danielle will just look down and blush, thinking of something else she should say. poor girl doesn't even know what to say when you copied her usual beaming smile, tucks some of her hair behind her ear cutely as she speaks about how she enjoyed the day with you :( so cute that you can't resist complimenting her beautiful eyes. "danielle, did you know you had such pretty eyes?" danielle will probably let out some tears of joy, and when she gets back home, she wonders if you actually knew and like her back :(
— haerin will just stare at you silently, her cheeks getting redder and redder for every word yous say. listening so carefully with a cute grin, despite how quiet she is outside, her thoughts speak louder :( her eyes sparkling when you show her a photo of you, mentally printing it on her mind, probably complimenting how you look with such tiny words that she only could hear 😭 asking her what she said, she just shakes her head and asks you to go on talking. by the time you ask her to talk about what's happening in her life, she just replies plainly on your questions. when leaving, she thanks you for a happy day and she finally gives her full smile. patting her head like she's a cat, she comes back home with the same blush as she first saw you that day and poor girl also wondering how she could show you how much she likes you :(
— hyein with her smug smile 😭 flirting back like some fifth grader, so stubborn when you tell her something nice, she tells something even nicer 🤭 finally letting her win the small complimenting competition, she just smiles and blushes. her crush being flirty with her? she wouldn't think twice and flirt back, constantly putting her arm over your shoulder, taking advantage of her height and yours. she's acting like a really cool best friend, but she actually likes you a lot :( asking for advice how she can get her crush to fall in love with her, you giving her advices but not knowing that she would do the things you said to you. you were so oblivious when she asks about your type and standards, answering her questions so honest and true. her making a super plan on how to show you that she likes you :(
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kastelixa · 9 months
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁✰ With Leon and hybrid! reader…
As much as I love a good Leon and hybrid! reader fic… there needs to be more variety! Puppies are cute and so are bunnies and kitties, but what about birds? Or deer? Fish?
Warnings?: None! Purely SFW, fluffy content.
Note:(These are all my hc’s and ideas on those specific hybrid mixes, sorta just random lol).
With Bird Hybrid! Reader…
Like, imagine Leon with a bird hybrid. He’d be absolutely mesmerized with your pretty wings. They could be a pretty brown, like a finches. Or a colorful rainbow, like a Scarlet Macaw’s.
Of course, there would be feathers everywhere. On the bed, the couch, the floor… but Leon doesn’t mind. Not one bit. In fact, he’d collect them all, keep them safe in a jar or in a drawer. All those feathers are precious to him, because they were once a part of you.
Though the cleanup certainly does take a while. And it mayyy occasionally have him huffing to himself.
you’d wake him up with your pretty chirps, the sound reaching his ears like a sweet bell. The soft, excited flapping of your wings send a light breeze, eliciting goosebumps to emerge on his skin. Such a great thing to wake up to, really. Even if he’s a little grumpy at times.
Even if it comes with the occasional grumbled: “Jeez, if I wanted a morning rooster i’d get one…”
Did I mention he loves your wings? He loves your wings. And you do too. You take great care of them. The hybrid center provides preening help; due to a lack of a beak, you have to use specialized items from the center. Such as specific oils and moisturizers, (and Leon helps on occasion too when he can! Just a simple pinch and twist and a pin feather is out whenever you go through a molt).
Having to research birds in general before retrieving you from the center, Leon had already picked up on a lot of your behavior. Your feathers fluff up on a particularly cold day? He’s immediately by your side trying to warm you up. Your pupils dilate upon seeing something interesting? He points it out and brings you closer.
Though of course, those behaviors could come from negative causes as well. Such as seeing something distressing or hearing something loud. Leon soothes you as best as he can, cooing reassurances and comforting words.
“Hey, birdie. Look at me. S’okay, yeah? Just focus on me. I got you.”
With Deer Hybrid! Reader…
I’d like to imagine that instead of retrieving you from the center, he’d find you in a forest. It’s a few days into winter and theres a light fluff of snow coating everything: the trees, the grass, and you.
He’s on his way back home from a mission, but due to how far he is he decides to stay at a cabin for the night. The sight is pretty, and despite the cold, it’s cozy.
Though, just as he’s bringing his things in, something catches his eye. It’s you, standing a few feet away, curiously mesmerized by the pretty light emitting from the cabin’s interior.
Your antlers (if masc) stand tall and proud, covered in a light layer of snow.
(If fem) Your pretty ears flicker lightly, the slow falling snow landing on them and painting them white.
Leon’s completely entranced. From your doe eyes to the tail attached to you, a light brown with a pearly white underneath. He’s heard of hybrids before, but only the typical ones. You, you’re different.
And he has to have you. So he spends several days at that cabin, more than he’d admit. Forgetting about his original goal to head home, he makes a new one.
Throughout those days, he leaves food. Attempting to coax you closer, just enough to see the pretty fur on your ears and tail. You’re so skittish, so easily spooked away. And at times it gets frustrating, but he pushes through.
Because he needs you. and he will get you. Besides, he kinda has that hunter mentality at times, doesn’t he?
(I can’t decide on if a deer hybrid would have a satyr-like appearance, since with just the ears and tail it gets boring. So, for the time being i’m going with that!)
With Fish Hybrid! Reader…
With hybrid centers, I like to think that there’s different ones that cater to whatever specific type of hybrids they have under their care.
So for aquatic hybrids, they’d have a more aquarium built center.
And when you piqué Leon’s interest, he immediately looks into proper care for aquatics online.
Oh boy, that’s a lot of money.
Not a big deal for an agent like him. So, he buys the best of the best. Though, that involves some renovations to his place of stay. After all, you need a huge tank, and lots of water.
not to mention filters and tank decorations… it’s a whole process, alright?
However, once you’re moved in— Leon finds himself rather frustrated. He’s completely hypnotized by the way you move underwater, the ethereal blue glow making the scales of your tail gain an iridescent glow. But, he can’t really touch you, now can he?
He needs air to breath, and you can’t stay out of water.
But that doesn’t stop him. Because even if his heart flutters just by seeing you, he needs more. Pressing his palm against the glass of your huge tank isn’t enough. Besides, he can swim, right?
Well, not frequently. But with you in his life, swimming has become a part of it too. Constantly, he finds himself in your tank until his skin starts to prune. Only then will he get out.
In the water, he doesn’t hesitate on touching you. His fingertips glide against your scales, feeling the smooth center of the hard shells all the way to the sharp edges. It never fails to send pleasant shivers down his spine.
“Pretty,” he’d comment in a soft murmur, eyes slowly tracing over the outline of every cycloid scale.
What type of fish are you? A multicolored Koi? A sunny goldfish? Or maybe a neon Beta? It doesn’t matter, whatever you are; Leon is absolutely smitten.
The water may be cold, but somehow, you manage to warm him up every time. He’s careful not to damage your delicate fins whenever he embraces you with his arms. He wishes he could hold you forever, wishes the elements weren’t so cruel in this case.
But for now, he’s content with what he has. For you, it’s all worth it.
(Essentially, reader’s appearance is that of a mermaid’s. But, I didn’t wanna consider it mermaid exactly cause, there’s like so much pretty fish with different forms and shapes. That’s more interesting to me than a typical mermaid, iykwim LOL).
I had to research so much y’all omg.
ANYWAYS, these were my little random ass ideas on those specific hybrid types. Most of it was bad building BUT I tried my best so. I hope you liked reading!
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bibbykins · 10 months
A/N: Sometimes I go weeks of barely writing and sometimes I sit down and write this in an hour. Two wolves inside me fr lmao. Either way, here's a fun drabble that takes place in the future of THB. Thank you all for being so patient with me. I wanted to give y'all this for my bday coming up soon, so I hope it's a good present ^^ It's con crunch time for me bc my dumbass wanted to make all my cosplays, so I should be back properly come Septemberish, but I'll be here nonetheless lurking lol
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Note: This is a drabble for  The Household’s Bunny series that takes place later in the timeline
Words: `1.4k
Pairing: Soft(ish) Yandere! BTS x Chubby! Reader
Warnings: this one's pretty tame but still- kissing, yandere tendencies/behavior, unhealthy relationship, unhealthy mindset/perception of love, possessive/obsessive yoongi being needy, everyone in his office being infatuated with MC bc it's fun lol
“He’s so cold.” Sumin, a software developer, shivered as Yoongi walked down the hall. 
Being scared of the CEO wasn’t exactly an uncommon occurrence. Even his stride demanded absolute perfection, not too fast and not too slow. Min Yoongi wasn’t unkind by any means, but he certainly didn’t go out of his way to make anyone feel at ease. It wasn’t his fault that so many people found him intimidating or his resting face angry. He didn’t need Taehyung’s happy-go-lucky smile or Jin’s expert kindness to get things done, so why would he try? 
“Why is he even down here right now?” Ara wondered next to her coworker. 
Sumin looked at her like she was crazy before he remembered, “Ah, you’re new, that’s right.” He chuckled, “Every month Mr. Min will meet his girlfriend at the door.” He nodded towards the lobby. 
Ara’s eyes bulged, “Girlfriend?! And he meets her down here?!” She blinked wildly, “Is she just as scary–” Before Ara could properly finish her question, there you were. Even if she wasn’t looking, it would be impossible to miss the fanfare of your entrance. Soyeon, the receptionist who Ara didn’t even know could smile that wide, stood from her chair as she excitedly greeted you. 
“Bunny!” She cheered, and Ara was nearly knocked flat when you beamed at the woman and squished her into a hug. 
Yoongi had to fight a pout as he watched the scene in front of him, “How many times do I have to tell you her name is–” 
“Darling.” You cut him off, eliciting a small gasp from the workers down the hall indiscreetly watching the scene, “Be nice, she can call me whatever she wants.” You smiled at Soyeon, and Ara swore the woman was about to melt– not that she could blame her. 
“Bunny?” She let slip, catching the attention of Sumin. 
“You really didn’t do much research before starting, huh?” Sumin tsked, “That’s bunnyboop, she’s like one of the highest-earning online sex workers.” He explained and Ara didn’t know her mouth could drop further as she got a better look at you dressed in a mint green mini-dress that outlined your thick curves. The necklace you wore held a crest she recognized as being on the ring Yoongi wore. 
Yoongi similarly admired your form even as you scolded him. Every day you just grew to be more beautiful to him, and it was hard to be annoyed with your kindness towards others when you wore him on your neck. Namjoon won and got to be displayed on your left ring finger, but he couldn’t be too mad about being the closest to your heart. You were unequivocally theirs, no matter how many smiles you flashed to his employees. His eyes skimmed your dress, taking extra care when raking over your plush thighs, but he was stopped short by the familiar emerald heels you were, “I thought those hurt you last time.” He fretted and you rolled your eyes at the subject change. 
“I gotta break them in somehow.” You retorted, “Don’t worry, I got band-aids on this time.” You reassured him, but it was too late. He was already making his descent. Quick as you could, your hand shot out to his shoulder to stop him from kneeling on the floor in front of everyone, “Don’t make a scene, love.” You reminded him, “Not again.” You added with a giggle. Last time you could hear a pin drop in the lively office, and you didn’t want a rerun. 
Begrudgingly he stood up straight again and you smiled before rewarding him with a kiss to his cheek. The smile he gave you filled you with warmth, “And I can’t just carry you up to my office?” He whispered in your ear, making your face heat. 
“I can walk.” You simply said with a grin before turning to Soyeon, “Sorry we always make a scene.” You giggled and she shook her head. 
“Keeps us single people in line.” She chuckled, “See you later!” She waved as Yoongi slipped his hand in yours to lead you up to his office where he already had lunch delivered. 
You could barely wave as you struggle to keep up with him, “You’re so mean.” You teased him, and Ara could feel her breath hitch the closer the two of you got to her desk. The worker thought she was going to vomit when you stopped in front of her, curious eyes on her form. 
“Good afternoon, Ms. L/n.” Sumin spoke like he was talking to a queen, and in a way, he was.
You gave the man a full and genuine smile as Yoongi had to look back and scowl, “Sumin, please, I said you can use my first name at least.” You chuckled and Ara watched on in shock before your eyes flicked to hers, “You’re the new girl, right?” You asked before thinking, “...Ara?” You said her name and her knees nearly buckled. 
“Y-Yes ma’am.” Ara squeaked out and your eyes widened. 
“No need for that!” You were obviously flustered as you waved the formality off with your free hand, “I’m always happy to meet people on Miyoung’s team, she’s so sweet, and she told me you were really good.” You gushed, and Ara could hardly believe anyone calling Miyoung sweet. Miyoung was scary, not as bad as the man trying to subtly tug you away, but still frightening.
Ara still found herself smiling, your very own was quite contagious and she could see why you were so popular, “Thank you.” She managed to say without stumbling. 
You could feel Yoongi’s eyes boring into you, so you decided to have mercy, “Till next time!” You waved to all of them, and Ara watched as everyone in the hall did the same. Now that she thought of it, everyone was acting a bit weird all day. Everyone had been cleaning their desks, fixing their hair, putting on lipstick. They were even dressed a bit nicer than usual. At first, she thought it was because they anticipated Yoongi’s arrival, but it seemed they wanted to impress his girlfriend. Subconsciously, her eyes caught onto her plain blouse and she frowned, next time she’ll wear the one with ruffles. 
The moment the elevator doors closed, you were pressed against them as Yoongi’s dark eyes glared at you, “So fussy.” You tutted. 
“You don’t need to greet every new employee you can see–” Yoongi didn’t even get to finish his scolding before your manicured nails wrapped around his tie and tugged him down to your mouth. It was the only fool-proof way to silence him when he got worked up like this. Your mouth slotted against his while he massaged your lips with his own, uncaring of the smudging of nude pink lipstick that was undoubtedly occurring. 
Your tongues intertwined until the ding of the elevator signaled your arrival to his floor. You pulled back with a smile as you soaked in his dumbstruck face, “Hungry.” You announced before making a break for it to his office. 
Giggling like a maniac, you ran as fast as you could to the meeting room he set you up in every time for lunch. However, you were slowed down by caution for your heels and his hand closed around your wrist, pulling you into him just as you passed the threshold of the room, “You’re such a brat.” He hissed into your ear as he backed you against the table, forcing you to sit on the mahogany top, “I’m hungry, but I don’t even want the food anymore.” He murmured along the skin of your neck while his fingertips slipped past the hem of your dress. 
It was tempting, and you were just about to give in until your stomach growled, breaking the tension and making both of you laugh, “You’re kidding.” You groaned as he leaned his forehead against yours with a smile, “That’s not fair, you know I get all hot and bothered when you’re eager like that.” You whined, already knowing he isn’t going to let you do anything else but eat first now. 
“Is that why you torture me so, huh?” He tested jokingly. He knew that you bewitched the whole office because that’s just how you were. You were his princess, and you acted like it. He may not like his employees being so transfixed with you, but it was hard to be that irritated when he was much worse off than they were, “Gonna make me fire this whole building.” He mumbled along your lips. You gasped, allowing him to dip his tongue in for just a moment to get a taste of you, “Kidding.” He said before pressing one long kiss on your puffy lips, “Mostly.” He winked before beginning to unpack the food. 
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
Poll analysis part 3
Well I haven't done one of these in a while because I've been focusing on the nicknames and funny tags post But we are definitely due for another one because I've definitely noticed a change and behavior. Plus we've had a lot more and fandoms requested so that might be a contributing factor.
Let's start with the unhinged trio. Think we're due for a lineup change there. It used to be JJK, Black Butler and Dorohedoro. However the latter two only go crazy over a certain character.
Jujutsu Kaisen definitely still deserves its spot There's a reason I picked them to be the first fandom to get a Nicknames and funny tags post in fact they need an update Desperately because you guys are still up to your same old unhinged antics. I've just been busy with other fandoms (one piece) that say even more outrageous crap in the comments
Now One Piece I think you guys took that nickname and funny tag post as a challenge to be as unhinged and creative with your tags as possible because every time I think you all can't possibly get any worse. Someone puts a tag that's even crazier and now I have to update that post with more tags and new characters again.
Now the third spot of the unhinged trio should probably go to Trigun because you guys can't stop talking about Wolfwood's slutty Catholic titties and Vash's snatched little slutty waist. Plus someone has sent a match up request of their weapons no less than three times even though the rules plainly state no weapons so I think we definitely qualify for unhedged trio territory.
My Hero Academia You guys only showed up for the bunny girl and I get it. She's hot. Or to crap on endeavor, that's about it.
Attack on Titan. I finally have found proof of life. The fandom might be in a coma, but at least there's a pulse I thought that fandom was dead but someone or group of people is sending in quite a few requests for that fandom.
And now on to Naruto my problem child fandom. I am not kidding You're the fandom that refuses us to send in photos, but will throw a tantrum if it's not the photo from the correct era of the anime even though I have no clue what you're talking about. Normally when people don't like the photo with any other fandom a dozen better photos of the character will randomly appear in my inbox. Not with the Naruto fandom. I get 10 hate messages saying it's from the wrong era of the anime and I should know that. But does anyone send me a better photo from the correct era of the anime? No. Well actually that's not entirely true the a few times this fandom has sent in replacement photos it's from when in the anime I know the characters are still 14 I've done way too much research into when in canon characters turn 16 and what particular character design/outfit marks that in the timeline for this particular show because of how much I feel like I can't trust this particular fandom as a whole to follow rules. So, remember people I can't read your mind and you are the only fandom that wants to throw a fit over photos like this. Plus the few times I have tried to address the issues with the photos and try to fix the problem you guys want to get combative and very aggressive in the comments. Plus I swear you all are allergic to rules because at least 70% to 80% of requests relating to your fandom have some sort of issue. Whether it's trying to bend the rules or just outright breaking them to massive formatting problems. No other fandom causes me this many headaches. So please for the sake of my sanity do better
Sorry about that. I needed to rant about my problem child fandom maybe now they will start behaving.
When it comes to formatting there is a group of about three people that made requests either everyday or every 2 to 3 days and it was the max amount of request/matchups they could do in a single day according to the rules. They did this the entire time the box was open so they had their formatting down to a science. So basically any fandom that these people requested a lot of had really good track records for formatting and not trying to blatantly break the rules. So One Piece, JoJo's, Attack on Titan and Avatar/Korra all have very good track records right now
But with most fandoms they do a pretty good job of following the rules. No one is as bad as Naruto. Now there are some common issues and major incidents I've had so I'll go ahead and list them below
The common issues are just forgetting to put the name of the show or spelling, but Google can normally figure that out so that's not a major problem or people submitting a character that is video game only and not part of the anime adaptation. Persona, pokémon and Tekken are The worst offenders when it comes to this. Other major issues that come up frequently are with character ages? But it's normally with characters that look like they're adults. So I really don't hold that against people. I'm just guessing that people didn't realize they're actually teenagers but hopefully that will not be as much of a problem but since I dropped the age down to 16.
Now recent issues I've had to address were formatting issues where it was bad enough that I couldn't make it out due to dyslexia. Trigun has tried to submit weapons no less than three times even though that is blatantly against the rules. Like I mentioned earlier Naruto likes to submit photos from when the characters are 12 to 14 that doesn't fit the rules especially when photos are available from the correct age range that do follow the rules. So those are the ones I use no matter how many times they throw temper tantrums. Dungeon Meshi has submitted a 14-year-old and Soul Eater submitted a 13-year-old and said they were 16 in the request. So they lied. Luckily someone told me so I was able to delete those polls quite quickly, but now I can't trust anyone. So if you ever wonder why it takes so long for me to empty out the request box this is why
Oh but good news, no one has submitted a request since I've closed the box I basically consider that a miracle because the last two times there have been people that have not cared that the box is closed. So let's keep it that way please. I don't mind questions, just no requests. The box is closed I still have like 150 more individual messages that have multiple poll requests on them to get through before I open it again
Well that's going to be all for this post again. And I hope at least someone found this entertaining or informative or at least something. There will probably be another one of these in the future
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 6 months
Okay... So this request might be weird and it's nothing really like dating or anything like that.
I've been having this idea like... What would X-virus do if the reader had a large pet Ascaris Nematode and takes care of huge bacteria as well?
Like, the reader would take care of the bacteria and they separate the dead bacterias into a container for the nematode's to eat. And the bacteria would be the size of a grown mans hand while the nematode is as big as a average dressor.
My oc does this and I am curious as to how other people will write about this.
This is such a cool concept i literally love this!! And for x-virus too?! Ugh, wonderful
Also I did my best with some light research, but ya boy does not know much about bacteria so i apologize if something is inaccurate <//3
Thank you so much for requesting!!
X-Virus with a pet Ascaris Nematode
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Generally, he would think your pets are really cool
(With your permission) he would love to go study and observe your pet(s)
He's never really heard of anyone taking care of bacteria like this, so he is curious to see how domestication affects the species
Even if they aren't really like other living things with consciousness, he still thinks it would be cool to study
The only times he interacts with bacteria is either for his job, or for studies
Never just to have fun with it
He will ask you to just do your thing, go about feeding your bacteria, cleaning their enclosures, etc
He will be observing, writing notes down, taking pictures and taking videos the entire time
And then, once he is satisfied, he will go back to his room and study further on his own
He will heavily cross reference behavioral things with your pet bacteria, seeing how the average kind of whatever bacteria he's studying at the moment compares with the bacteria you keep as pets
He would also like to get some hands on experience
Whatever you are comfortable with him doing, he will do
He will help feed, help clean, help organize, etc
And he will also study how the bacteria react to him versus you taking care of them
Once he is certain his study on your pets is complete, he will share his findings with you
And depending on the outcome of the studies, he may begin collecting different bacteria for himself, pushing the limits to see just how many different types of bacteria can be "domesticated"
He will keep them in his lab, though
Far away from his beloved pet bunny Jade
If the bacteria got anywhere near her, he'd freak out
He will also request for your help in studying his own pet(s)
Considering you have the experience, he finds you trustworthy enough to help him out
And then the process starts over again
He studies, he records, he cross references, etc
And every now and then, he will come visit your pets, bidding them a good morning/afternoon/night and talking to them
Those nematodes probably know his darkest secrets at this point
"yeah, i was in and out of fostercare my whole life"
"it was really stressful for me, but i found my love of science through it, so i can't be too mad"
"yeah, you get it"
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bblinkoo · 8 months
okay, so i have an almost 4 month old rabbit and i feel like i cant make any progress with bonding with her. originally she was in a very small play pen but i did my research and she now free roams my bedroom except for when im at school (im in college) and im never out all day. when im not home i keep her in her (much bigger now!) playpen with plenty of hay, water, pellets, chew toys and her bed. i try to cuddle with her when shes roaming and she wont have it. sometimes she'll be affectionate with me but then sometimes she'll become aggressive and bite and lunge at me for no reason. shes also extremely aggressive if i reach into her playpen for literally anything!! ive also tried to litter train her, i have the bumbox and am constantly cleaning up her poop and pee to try and get her to understand she needs to go in there instead, and her hay is right above her litterbox in a large hay bag. (i cant leave her hay in the litterbox because she's a digger.) in the couple months that i've had her i haven't been able to groom her or cut her nails at all because she wont let me and attacks me if i try. shes not quite old enough yet to be fixed, so im not sure what i can do about any of this behavior until i can get her spayed. i really love my bun and am not sure how i can bond with her more than this! any constructive!! criticism would be greatly appreciated, i want my bunny to love me :,(
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HOLY SH!!!TTT Kaiju AU?! I thought you weren’t going to do it?! Wow! Godzilla fans here we GO!
I don't think I said I wasn't going to do it. I said I needed to take some time to think about how to approach it plot wise so I could create a story for everyone! I was just getting a little overwhelmed with the initial asks about it, since I hadn't even had a chance to sit down and even do a bit of research beforehand or see if there was any spark or if any plot bunnies would come nibbling 😅
Granted, the Monster!AU itself is more of a feel-good fluffy silly thing and doesn't really have a plot than just shenanigans, but with this one, I wanted to do a mix of that and serious story plotline!
That's why it took me so long honestly. As much as I liked the idea of the AU when it was first brought up to me, I was worried that without prior worldbuilding or plot design guiding me through this process, it would just sputter out and I'd lose interest, which wouldn't be fun for you guys or myself. 😣
But hey, now I've got a plot with some plot points to keep me on track and you guys to help me think of things to develop this world more! Hooray!!!!
By the way, the thing that helped me actually get the kick to start planning on it was actually a kaiju game where you have to hide from them in a city by a YouTuber I follow! I even purchased a book to get some more ideas on the categories and biology and behavior so I could figure out more how to incorporate them into NRC's bunch of chaos gremlins! >:3
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enby-hawke · 1 year
Alright settle in for a story ya'll cause it's a long one.
At the beginning of the week I was dancing, singing, being helpful, just smiling. But you see I just needed to recover after my family kind of took my medicine in a forced detox and almost killed me. (previous legal post if you're curious) Now today I'm screaming at everyone and wanting to end my life over a lost tablet pen.
I got into a fight with my bf and it just was the last straw. I was like I don't want to go but take me to the mental hospital. If I get into one more fight something bad will happen.
I checked myself into the hospital and agreed to do a 5150 on the agreement they wouldn't send me to Merced California's Mary Greens. The head nurse bitch there told me if I ever came back there she would never let me leave. (My wife had to fight to get me out for 3 months).
They sent me to Santa Rose Behavioral Health Clinic. At first, the place seemed nice. I even got a pamphlet of my rights. Like the nerd I am I read it.
And realized that they were breaking the law left and right.
At the beginning, I asked for a space to worship and they led me around until they straight up told me they wouldn't. I asked every nurse I could and no one would work with me. I am a filipino pagan, and my religion was destroyed by Catholics so there are no clergy or Bibles I am just trying to recreate what I can by my research of the Gods of Visaya.
I even asked legal, a woman named Dory, and she straight up told me the facility couldn't provide it and with a straight face tried to convince me that was okay. I realized she was in the pockets of the company and ended my interview with her.
I didn't get to worship until the day I was released because my pagan case manager bought the supplies herself.
I wasn't trying to find dirt. I swear. I was just trying to get through my stay. I was supposed to be there 3 days but it turned into 5? 6? I don't know. The drugs they gave me made me so foggy and I am having a lot of pain and trouble since I went there.
I explained to them I wanted as little drugs as possible. I kept a journal that was supposed to be my medical journal too (I know nerd) and I started on 600mg of gabapentin but by the end of my stay without my consent I was upped to 1200mg of gabapentin. My wife gets seizures and the most they ever put her on was 900mg. A nurse there who eavesdropped on my conversation with my wife (also illegal) tried to convince me that it was okay for me to be on as much as 1800mg of gabapentin and they put the kids on more than me. I told him that didn't sound safe.
And worst of all nurse Allon. I thought he was cool. We were having a great conversation and his wife was a gender studies major and I was excited to know more. But then the first night with him I was able to write in the hallway. The next night I wasn't even allowed to write with a crayon in my room.
You see I have bipolar which gives me an energy bunny in my soul. I usually only need 4-6 hours of sleep. They kept trying to give me trazodone which I kept telling them would interact with my latuda and give me a manic episode but they didn't even switch it to another sleeping med.
I also told them I didn't want sleeping meds. As an Asian I would prefer preventative measures such as exercise, diet, herbs, and coping skills rather than just shoving medications down my throat. Well, guess what they did.
It is illegal for the staff to medicate a patient for their own convenience.
Nurse Allon 2 nights ago decided it wasn't okay for me to write in the hallway for whatever reason. I was upset as it was 3:30 and they expected me to do nothing but read study books (with no highlighter or anything to take notes with) for 4 hours or just sit and 'think'. I demanded my usual coping mechanism because it wasn't an unreasonable request. They refused. I asked for something to go back to sleep with. They refused. They sent me to my room.
So I cried. And then that turned into praying. And then that's when things got super shitty.
Nurse Allon called my episode a tantrum. I tried to call the patients advocate line or 988 but the phones were off. They coerced me into taking a drug to go to sleep. They claim it was seroquel. But that's not what I remember. They didn't release my information in a printed sheet they gave it to me on a sticky note. But I don't remember it sounding anything like seroquel.
I did my own research and tracked it down to two possible drugs. Clonazepen or clorazepate. I'm leaning towards clorazepate because I remember a 'cl' and 'r'.
Other things in my journal from my interviews.
They do not attend to the elderly. I had to harass them into doing their jobs. They were so understaffed and overworked that they just couldn't get their breaks in or do the basics. A woman I interviewed said she came from unit 500 and an elderly woman wasn't bathed and basically sat in her shit for 3 days and no one cared.
A homeless woman who wants to remain anonymous and is my friend is trapped there. She has been held there for 2 weeks without justifiable cause. A nurse named Nikki agreed and told us both that. This facility gets $2000 every day we stay there and more money for each drug.
That woman's drug chart is a fucking mess. She's on 1200mg of lithium. They're going to kill her or break her brain.
My dudes what do I do? What steps do I take?
My current plan is to gather more evidence. I want to go to each of the individuals that left bad reviews and explain to them I want to do a class action lawsuit not for money for myself (though I need to cover the cost of my lawyer) but that I want to sue that corporation into properly investing its funds so that we don't have paper thin blankets and the cheapest art supplies that never get updated.
I'm suing the hospital not for personal money, but to make sure the funds go back into the facility so it is properly run. the staff is properly paid and that there is enough of them for the patients care, that they do not use the cheapest materials, are not retaliatory to mentally ill episodes and are properly trained, and that everyone has the right to worship as they please. I want the rules to reflect fairness and kindness. I don't want this hierarchy of 'good patients' versus 'bad patients' and so much more. For the Gods sakes. We didn't even have windows to look outside. Why is sunshine a priviliege?
I don't really know...how to make this happen???? Any advice tumblr?
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successgeek · 9 months
Why Pets?
What makes a person want a pet and be so invested in having a furry animal? Well other than the fact that their cute, fluffy, and adorable they sure play a big role in your life! A pet whether it’s a dog, cat, bunny, or bird can give you unconditional love and help you with your stress more than anything else can. As a part of life,, we deal with a lot  of uncertainty and stress and there are days when we need a little extra love and support and a pet can provide that. Every time you are having a rough day and walk in while your pets greet you can make your day much better. For example, every time I get home from work and my dog runs up to the door it makes me happy and excited to be home because my dog is there to show me his excitement for me to be home and this makes me feel loved. Playing with your pet not only reduces stress but can actually improve your heart health! In addition to this, there has been research done on how animals can influence a child's development specifically children with autism, ADHD, and other conditions. Dogs help kids with ADHD by helping kids focus. There was a study done that kids spending a 30-minute session reading to a therapy dog tended to have better social skills and, cooperation, and tended to volunteer more. They also had fewer behavioral problems than the kids who spent their time reading to a puppet. This shows that the kids focused on the dog and the dog actually motivated them to do better. Dogs can help kids with autism because they are there as support and kids feel like they can rely on them. Also, having dogs around the house when a child has special needs can decrease their anxiety and stress because the kids can play with the dogs. Dogs love receiving attention and want to always play around so this can help a kid play around. I’m sure you have heard the saying that dogs sense their owners being sad. This is true! When a dog senses their owner being sad they don’t leave your side and they try to comfort you by cuddling up with you! There are many reasons why people choose to get pets but the most common is that their kids want a pet to play around with, people feel depression and anxiety at times so they would be fond of the idea of getting a pet for extra support or some people might get it for medical needs for their kids.
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It’s Nice to be Needed
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Let’s get the list started: Peanut, Precious, White Paws, Bootsie, Digger, Custis Lee, Bedivere, Ranger, Summer, Bunny Bun I, Bunny Bun II, Gussie, Simon, King Sparky, Duke, Chunk, Ginger, Lil’ Bit, Katie Scarlet, Cowboy Jack. I’ve owned twenty pets over my lifetime; most have been dogs, a few rabbits and a couple of goats. There have been no cats …none, the wife is allergic. Looking back, there might have been six years where I’ve not had animal companions in my family.
I’ve written on the personal feelings and reliance I have had with various of my herd members and the emotional good they provide. A positive existence could not be had without them …I’ma testify. Since leaving the teaching field, Chunk, King Sparky, Cowboy Jack and Scarlet have helped me endure the transition and loss associated with retiring; though the decision was right, it left me with a vacuum that those guys could only fill. Companionship, belonging, and especially needing and being needed were in short supply when I hung up the chalk and grade book.
Being alone quickly becomes being lonely for me; I ain’t built that way. Through thirty years of dedicated work to make a real difference in the lives of young people, being needed by the thousands of students was just as indispensable as what I tried to provide for my kids. Most young people never realize how much they mean to their teachers …and, you do. For a good part of my life, my self esteem was predicated on my interactions with the squirreliest part of our population. Why for god’s sake would I do that, you must be asking? A calling? A devotion? Yes, all that and the genuine nature of the feelings of children when they let you know they appreciate you, …they need you.
Dogs and children; but what about the billions of the adult population? Meh. It has been my personal experience that too many “grown ups” are unreliable, ambivalent at best about how they make people feel, indifferent to keeping their word and dismissive of people unless they can help them. Damn. Quite a condemnation by el professor. I reiterate: not everyone at all …just the negative experiences from an empathetic person. How’d I survive that? I had doggies.
I know how much I need my herd of canine companions to weather life’s storms; but how much do they need me? It’s nice to be needed …we all need to feel important to ..something. So, how do I know? Lately, I’ve examined this issue by researching various views on the subject from various sources …very interesting stuff. Most of the sources agreed on several types of observed behaviors, if your pup shows these to you, then you got yourself a dog buddy.
First the obvious: the dogs are excited to see you and put you second only to the dinner bowl. Your dog gives you presents …not Scarlet, too much the princess. Your dog likes to sleep with you …ah yes, snuggle and cuddle. Your dog will lean into you, this is the Cowboy Jack special. Your dog looks at you with loving eyes …they avoid eye contact with strangers, but if he looks at you and doesn’t turn away, all goodness. Your dog does not care about your appearance; thank goodness. Your dog follows you everywhere, and I mean everywhere. They are my shadows; my boon companions. Your dog likes to lay on your clothes. They love to be around your scent and your presence. Finally, they trust and love you so much, they will sleep with their back towards you.* You …give the dog peace. What an indication of good character.
They need me, me…they need me. No human will act in the fashion with such consistency. No dog will feign friendship then ignore you; it’s simply not in the dog’s psyche. Often, when looking at retiring and how to do it successfully, I’ve discussed the need to keep strong social interactions. Whether you’re at the local cigar lounge, golf course, the local pub or the gym, never just fade away be in contact with genuine friends who enjoy you. If that’s not available, might I suggest a dog?
*VCA Animal Hospitals; Affiliate of Mars Inc. 2023 | © Copyright all rights reserved.
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vigilantobserver · 4 years
My friend asked me to make this for her. I take only half the responsibility.
Warning: I have only watched the 2 first seasons of Tokyo ghoul and it was years ago so please, don’t attack me. Also this fanfic includes people with animal features and behaviors (I pity the person monitoring my search history)
Disclaimer: I do not own Tokyo ghoul or it’s characters. The only thing I do won is this fanfiction.
For those brave enough to read: please enjoy this mess of a fanfic
Mismatched colours
Mismatched. It was the only way that Touka could describe the quiet, white haired boy. You’d think that she was talking about his difference in behaviour when he was a hungry, hunting ghoul compared to when he was being a relatively normal, meek citizen, but that wasn’t quite it.
Sure, the boy was truly not made to be a ghoul and was obviously suffering under his situation. She had a feeling that if he got hit by more tragedies, he would someday lose himself completely.
 But that wasn’t what truly caught her attention. No, what actually made him so mismatched to her was his appearance. And she did not mean him being a one eyed ghoul either. It was his fur.
Kaneki was a hare with deep black ears and tail. The boys ears were big and flopped at the side of his head to lay on his shoulders (only ever standing up when he was in a fight), the white hair contrasting starkly with the deep coloured ears. Normally hybrid’s fur either matched their hair colour perfectly or there was at least some of their hair colour on their extra body parts, whether in form of stripes, intricate patterns or dots. She herself was an example of having multiple colours. Her own smaller, constantly perked up, vigilant ears where a purple at the roots that faded into the purest white.
It was an unusual sight to see, but for some reason it both fit the boy and at the same time didn’t at all. One the one hand, some people tend to look at him weird. Confused by his fur they keep their distance, like he was some diseased person. Something wrong in the world.
On the other hand, the mismatched fur was aesthetically pleasing, even almost alluring.  The strange and unique colouring bought him a lot of, most of the time unwanted, attention from women and men alike (the eyepatch really did not help here).
The perfect example for this where a group of girls giggling in one corner of the café. A Canary and a blue-Russian cat where teasing the ferret of the group, urging the red faced girl to go talk to Kaneki. It quite honestly raised her hackles. Couldn’t they see that he did not want to be bothered?
She was about ready to put a claim on him herself, to release her pheromones and invite him to chase, to dance, just so that people would finally leave the poor teen be. A bit of her scent would be enough to keep most people away. And the more persistent ones could answer to her. She wasn’t afraid to fight for her claim. Not that she truly wanted him as a mate, or anything…
Ok, that’s a lie, she kind of actually did. She just couldn’t help but be protective of him. She couldn’t help but want him. He was unique, kind and strong when the situation called for it. The perfect mate, that would be able to both make her feel needed and be there when she needed him. But many hybrids mate for live nowadays and she was not sure if she was ready to make such a decision.
Cheering broke her train of thought. She looked up from where she had been cleaning a table, for probably already way too long, and her tail raised a bit as she saw the ferret girl move towards Kaneki. To think that she would actually try her luck. Touka had to give her credit for her bravery. Or maybe it was just foolishness.
After all, Touka was not just going to let this slide. No matter how cute and small the ferret was, no matter how good she would look next to the one eyed boy, Touka would not just let her fellow bunny be seduced.
Not wanting to be caught snooping, Touka moved to clean another table closer to where Kaneki was drying glasses behind the bar. She kept her ears on attention to listen to every word. She wasn’t going to interfere immediately. It wasn’t her place after all to scare pursuers of Kaneki. In the end it is his decision who he wants to be with, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t save him if he got uncomfortable.
“Hi! My name is Misa. Can I know your name?”
Touka scoffed. The tone the ferret girl used had such a fake sweetness it made her sick.
“Ah… It’s Kaneki. Kaneki Ken.”
„Ken, huh. Such a nice name! Ah, can I call you Ken? I’d really like to.”
“Um, I’d actually prefer if you didn-“ 
“Yes? Ok, good! Say, let’s go on a date.”
Touka’s head snapped up. Did that girl really just do that? Sure, other people had been blunt before but this was a new level. It was almost offensive.
“Uh-um, I’m sorry but I don’t think-“
“Aw, come on! It’s only a date. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”
He was uncomfortable. His ears had moved from their comfortable position over his shoulders to pinned behind his head. Kaneki was extremely uncomfortable and she couldn’t blame him. The audacity of that girl! Touka watched as the hare tried to back away from the flirty brunette girl, only for her to grab onto his arm tight. (When had she moved behind the bar?)
That was the last straw. Like hell would she let that persistent bitch force him into anything. Touka took a deep breath and made her way over to the pair. Kaneki spotted her over the ferrets shoulder and his pleading, anxious, hopeful gray eye met her purple ones. She nodded her head slightly and watched as relief took over his whole being.
Touka cleared her throat loudly, catching the girls attention. Brown, annoyed eyes focused on her and a sharp mouth snapped rudely.
“What do you want? Can’t you see we are busy?!”
Touka raised an unimpressed eyebrow and crossed her arms.
“The only thing I see is you harassing my coworker, so I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
Brown eyes widened, only to immediately narrow.
“The fuck?! I’m not harassing shit! Mind your own damn business!”
Touka could feel her temper rise. She took a look around to see other customers watching the scene with anger and incredulously in their expressions. Seems like they all feel the same.
“Listen here, bitch. You are obviously not only making Kaneki but everyone here uncomfortable. So, I’m gonna give you two options: 1. You leave right now without making a fuss and never come back, or 2. I throw you out myself.”
“Ha! You and what army?”
The girl hissed this while baring her fangs and showing off her claws.
Touka bared her teeth and smirked.
“I don’t need one.”
With a grunt Touka attacked. Before the ferret could react she was in the air as Touka lifted her over to the front door by her collar. The girl began to struggle and tried to claw at Touka’s hands. But it was to no avail.
“What the hell are you doing?!”
“Taking out the trash.”
And with that Touka threw the girl outside of the café, making her land painfully on her sorry ass. She then turned to the ferrets friends.
“Yo, dumbasses! You are her friends aren’t you? Get out before I make you!”
The two girls seemed to be smarter than their friend was because they only flinched and scurried out silently.
“And don’t come back.”
Touka said decisively, slamming the door. There were a few seconds of silence before sudden loud cheering rang out. 
She turned around in surprise and smiled at what she saw. Everyone in the café was applauding her. The bunny looked towards Yoshimura, who was giving her a proud and satisfied smile. He nodded at her and indicated to Kaneki with his head and then to upstairs. Touka looked at Kaneki and saw that while his ears had moved back to their calm position, he was still ever so slightly shivering.
She nodded at her boss in thanks and moved slowly towards Kaneki, so as not to startle him. Carefully she took his hand. He flinched but didn't pull away.
Kaneki only hesitated for a moment before letting himself be pulled along. Once in her room, Touka let go of the hares hand. The one-eyed ghouls fingers twitched, as if he wanted to reclaim her hand. She bit her lip to stop from smiling. This was still serious after all.
"How are you feeling?"
Kaneki looked up from their hands with wide eyes.
"I- I'm fine. Thank you for helping me, Kirishima-san."
“It’s no problem. To be honest that girl was making me angry anyways.”
Kaneki chuckled nervously.
“She was a bit rude, wasn’t she?”
Touka scoffed.
“A bit is an understatement. She was basically sexually harassing you! Anyone could have smelled her pheromones from a mile away.”
Kaneki looked down at that, but gave a slight nod of agreement. He was obviously still bothered by what happened and Touka had a feeling there was more to it too. With a carefully controlled tone, she decided to ask something she had been meaning to ask for a while now.
“Does this happen often? I mean I’ve seen people approach you before but never like that and you are shaking.”
The hare looked up, wide eyed and startled. His ears raised just a bit.
“No, no, no! While people have tried to curt me before they usually gave up pretty fast when I didn’t react like they wanted. The only one who was ever that bold before was…”
The white haired teen trailed off, but she did not need for him to finish. She had heard of how he became a ghoul and could imagine who the other person was. Her ears lowered a bit at the thought of the betrayal and fear Kaneki must have felt. He had been honestly interested in the women after all.
Would he ever be interested in her, too? The purple and white bunny had seen his reactions to her, had been observing closely for a while now. She had seen the curiosity and a certain amount of attraction, but would that be enough? As she watched Kaneki Ken, the one eyed ghoul, the meek hare with mismatched fur who could have anyone he wanted, she decided that the only way to ever truly know was to make a move.
Touka took a deep, audible breath. Kaneki focused on her in curiosity and watched with rapt attention as she began to move. She slowly started to circle the hare who’s eyes widened in surprise as he recognized the traditional courting behaviour of their kind. The female bunny paid close attention to the one she wanted to curt and felt relief wash over her as she saw his eyes shine and ears lie back slightly in submission. With the knowledge that she wasn’t being rejected she increased her speed a bit.
Then after a while of circling she moved close and gave a playful nip to the hares right ear. Kanekis ears stood up and he moved towards her. The chase was on. 
They proceed to spent the next half an hour chasing each other playfully through the small room. Always nipping the other gently to say ‘You’re it!’ and making sure to never start circling too close. They did not want conflict. No, they were enjoying their little game of tag, their dance, their courting way too much to let it become bitter. It was exhilarating. To finally be able to act how they were supposed to, to realize that they weren’t alone, that there was someone who understood them, someone who acknowledged their boundaries and didn’t overstep.
Touka's heart swelled as she looked over her shoulder at her partner. She could tell that he was letting go of his inhibitions. He was acting on instinct and happiness. Realizing this her tail gave an involuntary flick. A single grey eye widened at the flirty move and before Touka could react was she being pressed down to the floor. She gasped at the feeling of being mounted and nipped in the back of the neck.
It wasn’t sexual. If anything it was romantic. A small chatter of happiness escaped her as she realized the full meaning her partner wanted to convey. It was a sign of possessiveness, of protectiveness. The hold wasn’t forceful and the nip gentle. This was Ken (when had he become Ken in her mind?) saying: ‘You’re mine!’. This was a claim.
The black hare moved off her to lie beside her, allowing her to lie on her side and mirroring her position. Another move that such a clear sign of closeness that it nearly brought tears to her eyes. Deciding that it was her turn to return the favor, Touka made her own move. She raised her hands and softly began grooming Kens hair and ear. Grey eye widened and locked with calm purple.
With a honestly beautiful smile the male bunny scooted closer and moved his arms to wrap around her and started to groom her windswept tail in return. Both bunnies closed their eyes in bliss and purrs of joy filled the air.
They both knew that they had a lot to talk about, but for now the ghoul bunnies decided to let themselves be swept away by their instincts and pure joy at a successful start to courting.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Trubbish for your review
(I'm just now noticing this only asks for Trubbish and not the entire line. I already researched Garbodor for this though so you're getting both)
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For some reason people tend to hold the Trubbish line up as proof that "Gamefreak is running out of good ideas" or something to that effect. Aside from the fact that that's just not true in general, it also overlooks the fact that Trubbish legitimately has a really good design and concept.
Conceptually, we have a few Pokemon based around types of pollution, but one that's just straight-up made of garbage is both original and memorable. I also like how the 'dex for these guys mentions some interesting behaviors with other Pokemon, like G. Weezing liking their fumes and Muk considering them prey.
And visually, Trubbish is really well designed. The face and general expression is delightful, and the way the garbage spills out to form little "arms" is a great touch. I also like that it has bunny ears, adding a subtle animalistic touch.
Really, I only have one complaint about the design (well two technically, but I'll save the second one for Garbodor), which is that the little ears look like the knots on a tied trash bag. Which is perfect, don't get me wrong, but they could've used a little knot at the base to make it clearer that's what they were going for. Otherwise, this is a great looking bag of trash.
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I really like how they handled the evolution--making the trash bag Pokemon overflow and burst is absolutely perfect, and it feels like a very natural continuation from Trubbish. The great expression is kept as well, which is good because I love it. I also like how the torn bag forms two "tailcoats" at the back; not sure if that was intentional, but it's fun that it has kind of a fancy touch to it.
Visually, I know some people don't like the "ears", but personally I don't mind them--they continue with Trubbish's little knots and help add a little extra variety to what's mostly just a pile of garbage. As a whole, in fact, I once again have very few critiques here.
My only major thing is the colors. When you picture a cartoon dump, it's usually green or brown; IRL trash has lots of colors, but when simplifying down the objects, it just makes sense to make it all one color. What i'm getting at is that Garbodor having these very saturated pink and teal bits in it feels out of place and makes it less "garbagey". They also don't go particularly well with the dull browns and greens already present in the design.
While I get why they might want to try to add more color, personally I wish they'd have gone the Gen 1 route of more realistic and muted colors and just made the globs a lighter brown so they look more like sludge; maybe even include some green spots where the bag tore and left a little section stuck on it. Like this, perhaps:
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Because the colors seem more like sludge, it also makes the lack of definition on the individual pieces of trash less noticeable as well. And if you really wanted to keep some brighter colors, maybe at least go instead with a yellow and blue so the colors compliment each other more. Like I said however, that's my only real criticism of an otherwise good 'mon.
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G-max Garbodor is one of the few g-max designs I actually like quite a bit. Garbodor was an absolutely ideal pick for this, given that it naturally amesses more trash over time, and the design keeps all of the good elements Garbodor already had going for it. The glowing eyes pop nicely, and the colors are more rainbow-like, making the assorted flecks seem less out of place than on the original. There's some neat Easter eggs in there as well, such as a train tail, Magikarp skeleton, and an entire masterball:
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So what doesn't work? Well first, it's weird that so much of the garbage in the front is toys. In fact, the dex claims the toys are just something the sludge forms into, which makes very little sense:
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In other words, I would've liked to see a wider variety of trash, with the implication it's just the trash already embedded into Garbodor made much bigger by the g-max. The toys also feel a little overly detailed to me, so picking simpler objects might help with this as well.
And secondly, it doesn't really change much about Garbodor's design. Which is good in the sense that it doesn't ruin it either, but all it really does is add some specific objects and change the colors a bit. While you wouldn't want to go to extremes, I feel like one or two other things could've been altered.
In particular, I feel like there was a missed opportunity to get rid of the green bag remains. Think about it: Trubbish is still mostly bag and Garbodor splits open but still has part of the bag; when it g-maxes, it effectively becomes an entire landfill. Landfills don't have giant trash bags over them, so it's a perfect time to continue with the bag reduction pattern and just drop it completely. This would add a bit of personalized flair to the g-max without altering the design too radically.
As a side note that has nothing to do with anything: g-max Garbodor has a special place in my heart because I happened to get my first (and currently only) g-max card in a random lucky draw from a booster, the first one I had bought in years. Said g-max happened to be a Garbodor card, this one specifically, and I love it:
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Anyway, the point is that the Trubbish line is great as a whole, with a solid evolution and a nice g-max form to boot. These are some unique, memorable, and well-designed 'mons, and it's just a shame that they get so much undeserved hate.
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donutloverxo · 3 years
NO BUT LIKE CONCEPT: SMUT HC where mob!steve comes back from a rough night that leaves him very much outta it and ur the only one who can help him ... in more ways than one
Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs are welcome. This blog and this story is 18+. Do not read, follow or interact if you are not 18+.
I'm making this a drabble cause I can't work with HCs. Thank you❤ Warmings -explicit sexual content, dom Steve, daddy kink, spanking, blood and wounds, bullets. Dividers by @whimsicalrogers
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You put some distance between your poor ear and your phone upon hearing your friends loud screech, excited since she saw your Instagram post of your new engagement ring.
"It is so beautiful! And so unconventional and unique too!"
"Mm-hm," you hummed, applying a second coat of your fiery red nail paint, to make it more intense, you just knew it'd look amazing against Steve's pale skin, he absolutely loved it when you scratched him and were a bit rough with him.
You never gave him any pointers on what kind of engagement ring you'd like, only thing that was a bit too obvious - which you never actually needed to say - was that you loved shiny things. So he has gotten you a ring with a huge sapphire ruby and tiny sparkly diamonds adorning the band. It was everything you needed and more.
"Makes sense because our relationship is anything but conventional." Where he had never directly said that his job involved a few things that were kind of, sort of, illegal but you weren't an idiot, it didn't take you long to figure out.
You knew he was important and rich when he asked you out, not just because he wore fancy clothes, but the way he carried himself, tall and proud and an aura that dominated any room he was in, two bodyguards always around him, and when you both started getting serious he assigned Peter, who was sort of an intern or newbie from what you gathered, to always escort you places and take care of you.
Maybe it wasn't exactly the most rational thing to do - marrying someone who was as feared as he was respected - but all you knew was that he was a good man and you had faith in him, so you stayed away from that part of his life.
"You must be planning the wedding now," she beamed over the phone.
You scoffed, blowing on your fingers, "No, he's always at work these days. It's so annoying, if it doesn't change then I'm leaving and taking the ring with me."
You looked at it sparkling on your finger, it was too beautiful to part with. Besides it became yours as soon as he gave it to you.
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"You're late, but there's nothing new about that," you puffed out your cheeks, hands crosses under your chest, as he loosened his tie and worked on taking off his shoes. He had been coming home past midnight for the last month, enough was enough!
"Doll," he groaned, looking at you and ready to tell you off and ask for some space, but then he saw you. In a satin babydoll that barely covered you, with lace trimmings that did nothing to hide your soft nipples, your toes and nails painted just the color he liked, and you were wearing those ridiculous fluffy slippers with bunny ears that he had grown to love.
His mouth opened and then shut like a damn goldfish, forgetting what he was about to tell you.
"Steven," you furrowed your brows.
He knew he was in trouble as soon as you called out his full name. "Yeah?"
"When are we going to discuss the wedding?"
"I'm sorry, doll, work has been hectic these days. But soon."
"Soon? Soon doesn't do it for me," jutting your hip and leaning against the door to your walk in closet, "I need an exact date."
"I can't give it to you right now, puppy," his jaw clenching as you rolled your eyes, "Watch yourself, sweetheart. I had a long day, you don't wanna get on my bad side today."
"You shouldn't have put a rock on it if you didn't intend on marrying me," rolling your eyes extra hard just to get on his nerves.
"I do want to marry you. But right now... you're sort of making me have second thoughts."
He regretted those words as soon as they left his mouth. Because you looked about ready to smack him.
"Fine then. I guess I'll leave and go live with my mother from now on. She would be happy for sure, she isn't too thrilled about our engage - " you stopped your rant as soon as you noticed crimson seeping through his crisp white undershirt as he took off his coat.
Your eyes as wide as saucers, your heart beating fast and hard in your chest and you could feel your eyes getting watery. You weren't handing out empty threats, you were definitely serious about leaving. Just to remind Steve of just how much he loves you.
It wouldn't be the first time. You had done it once before, when you went back to live at your apartment because he yelled at you for going out with your girlfriends without Peter. You didn't need a babysitter, especially not one who was several years younger than you. You had gathered up your things from Steve's penthouse and went home with a heavy heart. You loved him with all your heart, but there was no way you could make it work with someone who was that controlling and mean to you.
But he came to you, literally got on his knees to apologize and to beg for you to take him back. He even made you give up your apartment and got you a bigger house for you both to live in. Just so you couldn't take off ever again.
"Steve... your bleeding..." you said as you held back a sob. Any anger you had towards him was now gone.
"Oh, shit," he looked down to his side, "Must've ruptured the stitch or something..."
You walked over to him, holding onto his waist and looking up at him, trying not to look at his wound. You weren't that squimish around blood, it rarely ever bothered you, but this was your Stevie, and he was hurt. "What happened?"
"Its... It's nothing, doll. It was an accident."
"Yeah, I guess you slipped and fell on a bullet," you huffed.
"No, the bullet barely grazed me. And you know I don't like talking about those things with you."
"Why? I'm not stupid or weak, I have a right to know."
"Of course, not, puppy. You're my sweet, strong, smart girl," he cooed, bending a bit to peck your lips and then groaning. "Gotta, be careful with this," he said as your fingers worked on unbuttoning his shirt.
"If I'm so strong and smart then tell me what happened," you asked as you pushed his shirt off his shoulders. You didn't stop to marvel at his huge and perfect body like you always do, you looked at the fresh batch on stitches right over his hips.
"No, puppy. You're too good for that world, too good for me," he groaned as he sat down on the little pink couch he had put in the closet for you. Since you spent hours trying to pick outfits, he didn't want you standing too long and hurting your feet.
"Fine then don't tell me," you whimpered, rubbing your tears off with the back of your hand.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm okay. I'm right here, not going anywhere," he tried to pull you into his lap, usually he wouldn't even have to ask for you sit on it, but right now you were pulling away and refusing for some reason, "C'mere, doll," he almost whined. Not used to being told no by you anymore than you were by him.
"No, I don't wanna hurt you," you hiccuped, as your sobs started to calm down.
"You wouldn't. You could never hurt me. C'mere I wanna cuddle you and make you feel better," he tried to pull you into him again but you just shook your head.
"I should be the one making you better. Not the other way around. But I don't know how to..." you swayed from side to side, suddenly ashamed of your brash behavior from earlier. "I'm sorry, I was being such a brat earlier."
"It's okay, puppy. I forgive you. You were right, we need to fix a date and find a venue and get you a pretty dress. I wanna see you in one of those poffy gowns, like a princess."
"That's called a ballgown," you said proudly, having done your research now. You knew all about the styles of the gowns, sleeves, necklines, colors and everything. "And you're not going to be involved in dress shopping process. Grooms aren't supposed to see the dress before the wedding it's bad luck."
He hummed at that, a bit disappointed but he would eventually see it, and then take it off, so it wasn't a huge loss. "Yes, you're right. But, let's not forget, you were a bad girl."
You gasped incredulously, "Well, you were being a bad fiance!" Which earned you a swift smack to your backside, making you yelp and fall forward, holding onto his shoulders for support.
"I didn't mind you calling me out for that. I want you to be honest with me and tell me everything. But you threatened to leave me, again."
You pouted. Offended for being called out so blatantly. Yeah you always made empty threats, packed up your bags just for show, whenever you didn't get your way. Never considering his feelings when yours were hurt.
"Sorry," you mumbled.
"I forgive you. I know you didn't mean it. But I'll have to teach you your lesson. Just so you know better next time."
You nodded your head, which made him spank you once more, "Yes, daddy!"
"Good. How many do you think you deserve?"
"Um... Fifteen. Ten for threatening to leave, and five for giving you attitude."
"See, you're so smart. I'll punish you tomorrow though. I'm tired right now," he groaned as he sat back against the couch, squeezing your hips and admiring your figure, showing through the thin material of your nightie.
"Um, daddy?"
"Yes, angel?"
"Is there anyway I can make you feel better right now?"
"Yeah, you can give me a kiss. You didn't give me one this morning when I left, or when I came back."
"Okay, I'll kiss you. But I also wanted to do more..." you murmured, your face burned hot as you realised that Steve was going to make you say what you wanted to do.
"Like what?"
"Like, take your cock down my throat. Would that make you feel better? I'll try and be careful about your stitches." Truth be told you missed being intimate with him, you needed it as much as he did.
"It definitely would make me feel better. But I want to have you close to me," he stroked the inside of your thighs, hands dangerously close to your cunt, "Why don't you, come ride my cock. Just like I taught you, hm?"
"But - what if I hurt you..." you whined. But he wasn't having any of it, rolling your panties down your legs.
"You wouldn't, puppy, come on we'll be careful. Be quick."
You gave him a meek nod, unzipping him with shaky fingers, giving his glorious cock a couple of pumps before straddling his lap. You made sure to not put any pressure on his lap. Lining his cock up to your pussy with your hands wrapped around his neck, you slowly sanked down on him.
First giving him a nice and thorough kiss to make him for not kissing him goodbye or welcome home like you always do. "I feel so full," you say against his lips.
He hummed, squeezing your ass, "I was made for you, angel. As you were for me." He slid the straps of your nightie down your arms, exposing your breasts to him. He made sure to shower them with all his lips, sucking, kissing and biting and pulling with his mouth. You were making the sweetest of noises, trying to keep your moans in as he helped you bounce on his cock by holding onto your hips.
"You're doing so good. Being such a good girl for me. My sweet, best girl," he cooed, kissing your forehead, he knew how you were still vulnerable to be on top.
"Am I making you feel better, daddy?" you sniffled, his cock hiting you in all the right places, making it impossible for you to keep going and hold off your climax.
"I'm all better already, thanks to you, puppy."
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