#i hate that trope
immortal-enemies · 1 year
Istg if the whole First Heir prophecy plot does that annoying 'you decide your own destiny' trope and it doesn't come true I'mma riot
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byfulcrums · 1 year
To be fair, after t he porcupine incident, wallinda’s next adventure (I believe, or at least one of them) was Linda getting possessed by a welsh wizard and then, busting a cult that was taking advantage of people’s grief. So like, they are disasters.
There is also that one time where Linda, by all accounts snuck into Wally’s mom wedding to her new boyfriend, wearing WHITE to hang out and hit on wally. Like a fucking QUUEEEN
I fucking love Linda
Also hers and Wally's relationship is amazing because it's not the typical “the guy is stupid and the girl is done with him” trope media tends to associate man-woman relationships with. They're both equally chaotic and they would never make each other feel dumb for being that way
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likely-lowkey-loki · 8 months
the 3x repetition thing on this show is really stressing me out
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mellowmoonballoon · 10 months
i need a thai bl or its fanfic where the guy who keeps making sour face when his partner tries to be intimate with him realizes one day that said partner has just stopped trying. "you clearly hate sex and all physical intimacy, i'm ok with that, we don't ever have to do anything again, i love you." and then for the foreseeable future he has to be the one initiating.
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clonerightsagenda · 2 years
I said I wouldn’t be mad about Nona spoilers and I’m not mad about seeing spoilers, per se, but I am seeing hints about one thing potentially happening and if the thing I think is happening is happening, it better not be
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thornsnvultures · 2 years
I wanna babygirlify Eddie and write a fic where he borrows my shirt and it's big on him
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cleric-will · 2 months
ohh i think i could never get into that duology because of my distaste towards buff/stoic/aggressive types of will characterization in general (not that the fics are like that the whole time and have reason for it). like i tried! but ultimately over time i couldn't do it anymore personally anshnds. it's definitely fandom history though for still being read by people seasons later!
Yeah, I totally get you, I also hate how people characterise Will that way with a burning passion (buff byers, my beloathed), but I don't know. Something about the red envelope duology is different? It's definitely a very DIFFERENT characterisation of Will, but I feel like the writing explains and justifies it really well, and I find it very compelling. I don't know if I'd call him stoic persay, but he's definitely a lot less outwardly expressive than I've seen him portrayed in other fics, which he kind of is in canon? And he's still sweet and caring, even if he doesn't do the whole put-literally-every-one-else-before-myself thing as much.
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ghost-in-a-cup · 7 months
How is hanahaki as a trope different from people who threaten suicide when you tell them you want to break up?
Like it is offloading the responsibility for your emotions onto someone else.
Idk man I just fucking hate it
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imrockbottom · 7 months
If someone tell me I'd be better without glasses I'll straight up block them
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tragedykery · 1 year
I ❤️ self-loathing characters, characters who struggle with monstrosity (either fearing or embracing it), characters who are so lonely, who have a gaping hole in their chest, who bottle up & repress their feelings, who claw their way up & have ambitions, who fall down & lose everything, who search for identity & purpose yet can’t see themselves outside of what others want from or expect of them, who are hurt & hurt others, who long & grieve, who lie & pretend. characters who are messy & flawed & human
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bethanydelleman · 3 months
I'm really tired of the "woman sad about her arranged marriage" trope, especially if that woman is royalty.
I am sure that many women across time were sad about their arranged marriages, but I'm sure a lot of others were excited, ambivalent, or resigned. Again, especially if you were royalty! I am sure if you were born a princess, you were trained from birth that your whole purpose in life was to marry someone important to solidify the power of the person on the throne. And honestly, it's an important job, if it wasn't, they wouldn't have tried so hard to do it.
That woman isn't just marrying another king or prince, she's going to be an ambassador of her country. She's supposed to be there promoting good relations. She isn't just a woman being sold off, she has a job! Also, if she is marrying the reigning monarch (or the heir), she may well end up running the country if the king is off at war or he dies when the heir is really young. That happened a lot throughout history! (or maybe she marries the third son and helps him find his way to the throne. Good for her)
It just feels like a modern sentiment being projected back. In Romeo and Juliet, when Juliet's mother first brings up marrying her to Paris, Juliet's basically cool with it and says she'll try to like him. She would have known this was going to happen because that is what rich women do, they marry into another family so their two families can be buddies. What else would she even be expecting?
It wouldn't bother me so much except that it's all we see! Give me a story about a woman who is like, "Cool, I shall give it my all!" Or she's like rolling up her sleeves and planning how she's going to get the court on her side and rule France, power behind the throne style (these women are mostly portrayed as villains, but who is to say the king would do a better job?). And also, have a little faith in women's fathers? You think men in the past didn't occasionally consider the happiness of their daughters? Not even a little bit?
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elainiisms · 1 year
y'all are always complaining about how gay rep has to be perfect and unproblematic like speak for yourself i personally love it when they try to murder each other
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thenixkat · 11 months
Like it makes complete sense to me that the MC is able to stave off his horror hunger cravings by binge eating McDonalds big macs. What doesn’t make sense to me is him not being able to satisfy his craving anymore with burgers after accidentally snapping and eating his human friend’s arm. Like, meat is meat, if cooked burgers aren’t hitting anymore after you had some raw meat.... try raw ground beef?
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hannikin-grahamkin · 1 year
He's not my enemy. He is my homoerotic rival and if anybody but me ever tries to hurt him I will promptly kill them.
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Harry: And why shouldn’t I blame Spiderman for your injuries?? He calls himself a hero, protecting civilians like you should be his priority! Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kick his ass for letting you get hurt!!
Peter: Because-
Newscaster on the tv next to Harry: In this footage you can see Peter Parker, known freelance photographer for the Daily Bugle, actually shove Dr. Doom out of his way while yelling “move it or lose it,” as he runs with his camera, presumably to capture more pictures of the vigilante known as “Spiderman”
Peter: -I’m a dumbass.
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phatburd · 1 year
Mind the tags, part 1.
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