#i have a ​grandma body at 22
bealikethebug · 8 months
i’m trying to do the chronic illness egot where i get every scan possible one one part of my body
current stats:
(✓) MRI
(✓ )ultrasound
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 22
Y’know how sometimes you have something that you need to do or something that you know is going to happen but you just keep…putting it off? Like you know at some point it is going to happen but you put it off over and over and over and over again? You’re getting increasingly anxious every time you put it off because you know it has to get done but you also know that the longer you wait the worse it is going to get. Finally, FINALLY, the anxiety is just a little too much and you end up having to deal with it.
You finally deal with it and the whole ordeal takes maybe five minutes tops and it was in no way shape or form worth the level of anxiety that you put yourself through. Like you worried about this for a good and long while and it wasn’t even that bad?
That is currently how FF feels about being stabbed by Andrew Minyard.
This is what he was so worried about that he had lost sleep, had nightmares, had lost weight, and had exacerbated his stress ulcers over.
Getting stabbed wasn’t anywhere near as bad as he had thought it was going to be. Maybe it was the fact that it was just a single stab wound instead of the Psycho levels that he had been imagining (Wow, showers were going to be so much less stressful now that he didn’t have to confirm Andrew Minyard’s location before triple checking the lock). Maybe it was the fact that he is PUMPED full of adrenaline from his fights against Jackson and Romero but the stab wound didn’t even really hurt at the moment.
This isn’t even the worse thing that had happened to him this year!
That honor still goes to the joint winners of when his Step Family and mother found out that he had a full-ride to Palmetto and when he had tripped up the same step on the stairs at school three times in a row as people watched and laughed.
(Maybe also the solitary congratulations from his Grandma in regards to his graduation but FF doesn’t let himself think about that, won’t think about it.)
He wouldn’t necessarily call being in a state of ‘stabbed’ a pleasant time but Andrew was being so NICE about it.
“Stop trying to sit up you fucking idiot!” Andrew shouts at him.
Well….Andrew’s version of nice.
(This is the same version of nice that he had misunderstood for months at this point. Maybe FF is just enough in shock from the stab wound in his stomach that he’s starting to grasp the basics in the difficult language of Andrew Minyard’s niceness.)
Andrew had gotten off the phone with 911 and then started pulling off his own jacket before draping it over FF’s upper body, wedging his phone between his shoulder and his ear, and then Andrew started to apply pressure to his stomach wound.
That is not a great feeling. This stabbing may eke out past the great triple trip of March 2010.
“No, take back your jacket. You’ll get cold if you don’t have it on.” FF argues because his own jacket is barely doing the job. Maybe it’s the cold pavement of the alley, maybe it’s the blood loss, or maybe it’s the cooling sweat he’d worked up but he is shivering pretty badly.
A thought occurs to him as he feels the weird wet stickiness of his own blood sticking to Nicky’s shirt. “Can you help me get my jacket off?” He asks looking pleadingly at Andrew, “It’s my dad’s. I don’t wanna mess it up with my blood.” He clarifies when Andrew looks at him like he’s a lunatic.
Except his second call must connect right then because Andrew’s answer is non-sensical to what FF had asked, “Neil, let Roland know the police and ambulances are en route.” There’s a brief pause and the pressure against his stomach increases as a muscle in Andrew’s jaw jumps. “Smith got stabbed.” He says and he looks angry, angrier than FF had ever seen Andrew when he’s talking to Captain Neil. There is another pause, more than likely Neil saying something or asking a question, “No, it wasn’t them.” Andrew grits out and the pressure on FF’s stomach hurts, “Just get out here, I need help with smith and making sure these two assholes don’t go anywhere before the police come and grab them.” He says before he pulls one hand away from Smith’s stomach (wow he really is bleeding isn’t he?) to hang up the phone.
Andrew’s gaze turns back to him fully, “You’re not moving an inch Smith, your jacket can be cleaned.” He hisses. “Now stay still and don’t fall asleep.” He orders.
Andrew seems stressed so FF complies. He can’t help but notice how Andrew’s hands seem to be shaking as the press down on his stomach. He kind of wishes he had a pillow or something for his head because he’s starting to feel a little dizzy. Andrew’s jacket would be safer from his blood if it was a pillow instead of a blanket. Still, FF would sooner die than spit on any of Andrew’s current efforts to make him more comfortable.
He looks at the knife sticking out of his stomach. Well, he might die regardless of whether or not he spits on Andrew’s efforts.
He needs to take his mind off this.
“Should we take it out and pretend the Dundee knife stabbed me instead??” FF asks letting his mind go to the first thought in his head so that he could be distracted from his own mortality. “I think it’s still under the dumpster over there.” He moves to point one of his hands towards where the knife had remained throughout this entire ordeal.
Andrew’s knee pinned his arm before he could move it, “Stop moving Smith.” Andrew reminded him before moving his knee. “We have to leave the knife in. You’ll bleed to death otherwise.” Andrew reminds.
“I guess that’s true, so do we just say that Romero got a handle on your knife and stabbed me?” He asks fighting his own shivers since he’s a little worried that any shaking on his part would just make the stab wound worse.
“I stabbed you Smith.” Andrew says looking at him with a furrowed brow.
“Yeah, I know,” FF agrees, “but we’re not going to say THAT to the cops.” He says and shock really is one HELL of a drug because he thinks he might have actually given Andrew Minyard an incredulous look with his atrophied face muscles. It’s either Shock or the knowledge that even if he irritates Andrew, what’s Andrew going to do about it?
“You’re going to lie to the cops?” Andrew asks, “I STABBED you Smith.” Andrew repeats.
“Yeah, I know!” FF repeats back, “You stabbed me on ACCIDENT.” FF makes sure to use the same intonation that Andrew had used to emphasize the word Stabbed. “Jackson wanted to stab me on PURPOSE. You saw that knife Andrew.” He tries to gesture towards the knife again but again Andrew’s knee pinned his hand.
He could use his other one but the reminder to stay still is enough.
“I still stabbed you.” Andrew says removing his knee again when it’s clear that FF wasn’t going to try and gesture again.
“Well, if I was going to get stabbed by anyone, I guess I’m glad my first time was with you.” Andrew let’s out a bark of a laugh that sounds more like it was punched out of him than anything, “Honestly, I don’t think Jackson would have given me his jacket afterwards or try and help me keep my blood in my body.” He says and it feels like a victory (not a both hands in the air victory cry level victory but it was close) when Andrew’s face settled into one of faint amusement.
“Probably not.” Andrew agreed, “He doesn’t seem big on Aftercare.” He says.
FF doesn’t know what that means but nods like he does, “So, Romero got a hold of your knife during our tussle and he’s the one who stabbed me. Okay? That’s the story I’m going to stick with no matter who asks me.” He looks Andrew in the eye.
“Alright Smith,” one of Andrew’s hands leaves his stomach and clasps around his shoulder and FF can’t help but notice how neither of Andrew’s hands are shaking anymore. “We can lie to the police.” He squeezes FF’s shoulder.
“Nice.” He says and lets his head fall back onto the concrete. He hears a siren in the distance and hopes it’s coming for him.
They sit in silence for maybe 30 seconds before the door slams open and only Andrew’s hands on his stomach and shoulder keep him from shooting straight up in a panic. Captain Neil seemed to take in the scene at lightning speed but it was Andrew who spoke first, “You left Aaron and Nicky with Roland?” He asks.
“Yeah I did,” Captain Neil confirms and FF can see the moment that his eyes land on the knife handle jutting out of FF’s stomach, “Andrew, what are we going to tell the police?” Captain Neil asks and FF could already see Neil crafting a lie to cover Andrew. That’s one of the things that FF likes about Captain Neil and Andrew’s relationship. He thinks it’s nice that both of them have someone who no matter the circumstances would be there with a shovel to help bury a body. He even thought it was nice when he thought it’d be his body!
“The second guy stabbed me.” The lie comes out smoothly which is good because he is planning on committing to it and Captain Neil blinks and looks at him, “He got hold of Andrew’s knife during the tussle.” He adds.
Captain Neil looks to Andrew, “You said it wasn’t-“
“I guess Smith can lie to a liar.” Andrew interrupts.
Captain Neil’s eyes widen before a wicked grin spread across his face that made FF just a little uncomfortable but only because Andrew’s grip on his shoulder suddenly tightened and his nostrils flared the way they did before the two usually started speaking in Russian.
He can handle being stabbed, he cannot handle being in shock and pretending that he doesn’t know what the two of them are saying to one another.
“Can you tell Nicky I’m sorry I got blood on his clothes?” He asks and both Captain Neil and Andrew’s gaze snap away from eye-fucking each other. He looks down and the clothes are black and they haven’t moved the knife so the wound is plugged still but yeah there’s definitely blood seeping into the shirt, not to mention the hole. “Could you tell him I’m sorry about that?” He asks.
“You are going to tell him yourself Smith.” Andrew hisses, “You are going to be fine. Do you understand me?” He asks before turning to Neil, “Can you bunch your jacket under his legs, it’s better to keep them higher than his head and heart?” He asks.
Andrew is just so nice.
He can’t BELIEVE he thought Andrew wanted to hunt him for sport.
He’d apologize for thinking that but he thinks it’d be better to just let that particular misunderstanding go unmentioned.
Captain Neil bunches his jacket up and puts it under FF’s legs before he goes over to check on Romero and Jackson. In the corner of his eye he sees Captain Neil pause at the sight of Romero before moving over to Jackson.
“Why is he in these?!” Neil asks baffled.
“It’s a weird sex alley Captain Neil! I don’t know WHAT to tell you!” Yeah he’s definitely going into shock. The sirens are getting closer though so he’ll probably be okay.
The cops all have a bit of a laugh about Jackson’s cuffs until Neil tells them exactly who they are taking into custody. Neil could admit that he’s a little irritated with Andrew that at no point did the man clarify that the people who FF and Andrew were dealing with were Romero and Jackson.
Those are his father’s goons.
“They were here for me.” Neil says to the police officer and Andrew’s hand tightens in his, “They tried to take Smith because he’s my friend.”
They had decided on their story before the cops came. FF had no idea who any of these people were and was just defending himself. He’d gone out to catch his breath in the alley when Jackson had shown up. Neil had asked how in the world FF had handled Jackson on his own but FF must have been getting kind of loopy from blood loss because all he said was, “He told me to sing so I did.”
Neil can find out the full story later.
The important part is.
“Jackson went after Smith but Smith won the fight.” Neil says looking at where the cops are trying to decide how to get the fuzzy pink handcuffs off of Jackson to get him in the far more secure police issued handcuffs.
“Your friend said that you and he took out Romero together. That Romero is the one who stabbed him with your knife.” He says.
“Yes.” Andrew answers simply and Neil squeezes his hand as a reminder, “I went out to grab a smoke and Romero followed after me. Romero got hold of one of my knives in the struggle and stabbed Smith.” Andrew says with his usual deadpan affect.
“Yeah that’s what your friend Smith was saying too.” The officer says. “Well, I’m sure the FBI will want to talk to you all further but for now it’s a pretty clear cut case of self defense and no one but your friend has any serious injuries.” The officer pats Neil on the shoulder and Neil manages not to shirk away from the touch. The officer retracts his hand, “You guys are free to go tonight.” He says and turns back towards the car where a dazed Romero is in the back seat.
“Where did they take Smith?” Andrew asks since they’d been shepherded away from Smith the moment the ambulance had come. They hadn’t been able to ask which hospital Smith was going to be taken to so they could go and get updates.
“Lexington.” The cop answers, “Go on and see your friend. He seemed pretty loopy he kept talking about some beauty contest thing when he was getting loaded into the ambulance. I’m sure he’ll be a riot on painkillers.” The cop goes for a joke but it twists something in Neil’s stomach to think of FF so out of it that he’s talking nonsensically.
He feels Andrew’s hand stiffen in his and knows he’s not alone.
“Thanks.” Neil says before they head towards the front of the club. The club had been emptied out when the cops had come so Roland was babysitting Aaron and Nicky for them while they talked to the cops and FF was loaded out to the hospital.
In a way it’s almost a blessing that Nicky and Aaron are both so blasted that they aren’t comprehending any of what’s going on. They’ll have to drop them off back at the house before they go to the hospital. They’ll beat Wymack there easily even after the interrogation and drop off.
FF had asked them to call Wymack to let him know what was going on “I gave him the rights to make health care decisions for me if I’m incapacitated.” FF had said so Neil texts Wymack the hospital and the address after Andrew rattles it off for him.
“I don’t like that you hid it from me.” Neil says in the car.
“They wanted to kill you.” Andrew won’t apologize.
They still hold hands on the drive back to the Columbia house.
Andrew takes care of getting Aaron into bed while Neil helps Nicky.
Nicky who looks at Neil with a loopy smile and Neil hurts knowing that tomorrow when Nicky finds out about tonight and how he was too blasted to do anything to help FF.
Andrew and Neil reconvene in the Maserati and make their way to the hospital before either of them realize the issue.
“What is the name of the patient you’re looking for an update on?” The receptionist asks.
Both Andrew and Neil freeze.
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pro-logue-epi-logue · 11 months
Devil's Night-
Some things people forgets or pay less attention to:
1. Michael was also abused by his father.
2. Rika lost her father to accident but her mother to drugs and depression( she didn't die but she was not fine at all).
3. Banks mother made her steal things before she lived with the torrance's.
4. Banks mother SOLD her to damon when she was 12.
5. Damon saved Winter from an abusive family.
6. Damon saw all kinds of horror by the age of 11 in his house.
7. Only person who cared about winter is damon.
8. Winter gets left behind because of being blind, by her own family and even by the "found family" gang.
9. In the entire series only Emory pushed Will to do better and be better.
10. Will would have dies by 30 if Emory would not have came in the picture again.
11. Emory's parents died when she was 11.
Her brother who was fun suddenly became the thing of her nightmares.
She was abused financially, emotionally, physically and mentally for years.
12. Emory's abuse started when she was 11 and did not stop until she was 18 all of her formative years revolved around abuse.
13. Everytime Martin used to hit emory and she was brused or bleeding NO ONE used to put medication on her, NO ONE.
14. 11 years old Emory used to go to school with bleeding wounds or bruised body.😭😭
15. Emory only used to get hugs from her grandma even that stopped when she was 14.
16. Emory Scott lived a hellish life of abuse, got out of that house, got a better education and then became an ARCHITECT but it was always overlooked.
17. Emory was probably alone at her college graduation.
18. Emory fell in love with Will when she was 16 but had to let him go because she knew he would never understand her trauma( he didn't even when he was 26) and she would only bring him pain.
19. Emory always considered Alex as a friend but Alex was never a friend to Emory.
20. When Emory was getting rape threats( more than 4, yes i kept a count), was bleeding and getting brused, aydin was playing with her mind and rory wanted her to die, while not knowing anything about those boys, Alex was hiding safely in blackchurch, knowing what aydin can do, how taylor was a vile rapist and rory was a serial killer, and she called herself a "friend" of Emory.
21. Alex could have easily found 2 minutes to show herself the first day Emory arrived at blackchurch and explain everything, but she didn't, until she realized Aydin liked Emory, and she was jealous.
22. Alex was not planning to take Emory back to Thunderbay with them, hence not telling anyone about her from her satellite phone.
23. Alex was neither a good friend to Will nor to Emory.( she came to blackchurch for aydin, told a legit addict how she preferred him drunk, don't even get me started on how bitch she was to Emory example hitting a abuse survior even completelybeing aware of emmy's abuse).
24. Alex was always jealous of Emory and hated her all throughout Nightfall for no reason. (Will was literally in love with her since emory was 13,
Aydin whom Alex loved ignored her and never respected her in 7 years but respected Emory in 1 day and was a friend to emmy in blackchurch.
Micah and Rory were acting like brothers to emory within knowing her for only 1 day.
Will wasn't giving Alex time of the day in blackchurch and thinking of emmy
Emory faced life of difficulties but made something of her, architect, but alex hated what she did.
Emory had no one with her but was still standing strong but alex had the support of the friends and would be nothing without them
Emmy didn't need anyone but alex did
Every single boy in blackchurch respected and wanted to be close to emmy and save her but Everyone was ignoring alex, literally micah and rory didn't even gave her 1 look).
25. Alex was in love with Will and wanted to marry him.
26. The friend Will was to Alex he was never to Emory.
27. Will never understood Emory and her abuse.
28. Alex hated Emory but was fake acting as a friend and always looked down on Emory's and never leaft a chance to show her down( everyday she was visible in blackchurch,
Everytime aydin looked at emmy,
The entire train ride,
And even after the train ride in some scenes).
29. Alex COMPARING her difficulty life to Emory a literal surivor of child abuse and trauma was the most Shittiest thing.
( i get it alex had seen bad times butttttttt alex was thrown out of college when she was 18, started working as a luxury escort at 19,
But emmy lost her parents at 11,
Got brutally abused EVERYDAY from 11 to 18,
Lost the love of her life at 16,
Had to take care of her grandma since she was a child herself,
Had to make all adult decisions as a child.)
30. Alex thought Will was in love with her too.
31. Emory was more like Damon than anyone. Literally they are the 2 sides of same coin.
32. Emory at 16 always thought she will bring will down with her problems and he deserves to always smile so she let him go.
33. When emmy saw damon bury a body her first instinct was not to run but asked him if Will had anything to do with it.
34. Alex was going to use Will as plan B and marry him to make aydin jealous and make him feel less.
35. Emory was abused financially, emotionally, physically and mentally for years.
36. Emory had no one to lean on since she was 11 to she was 25, thats 14 YEARS!
37. Banks was the knly girl in a house full of gangsters and criminals.
38. Both Emmy's and Will's reaction after seeing a dead body is to dump it in ocean.
39. Will thought of Emory the first time he drowned and the second time too just like he did the third time.
40. Will was never in love with Alex.
41. Aydin had to fight his entire abusive family for Alex but when he came back She acted as if she was the only victim( as always).
42. Aydin was someone else's boyfriend when Alex wanted him and Alex was her friend, just like she wanted Will knowing full well Will and Emmy have a thing and just like she was Emmy's "friend".
43. Emory don't remember her parents.
44. Rika and Alex wanted the horseman validation. Seriously they were drooling for it.
45. Emory and Banks has no respect for The horseman. (Okay we all know this).
46. Kai got the biggest daddy issues.
47. Pd's decision to insert Alex in Nightfall was completely stupid, it ruined the book. WILLEMMY'S BOOK SHOULD HAVE BEEN THEIR ONLY!
48. Rika and Alex are not girls girl.
49. Rika knew Damon wanted to hurt Winter still didn't do anything.
50. Emmy was the only person someone can rely on.
51. Will knows how to tattoo someone and he tattooed most of his tattoos himself when he was in jail.
52. Both best friends Damon and Will are stalker they both stalked their Love interests. I mean guys Damon was is Winter's house and Will... this guy knew EVERYTHING about Emmy, on Saturday she works all day at gazebo, she gies to school, gazebo and her house not other places, her with her grandma.
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sunofpandora · 1 year
So I watched avatar 1 with my native mother.
As goofy as this sounded it really was a heart warming experience…
Because it's really amazing go watch someone fall in love with Pandora for the first time.
And she was very skeptical, claiming she “didn’t like sci-fi”
But, she ended up loving it.
Here were some of the things she thought:
1. She said that Na’vi culture has many parallels to actual native and ancient culture, including the belief that our hair actually is an extension of our body and nervous system, (which is why my mother, who believes that her hair is a symbol of her strength, and spirit, doesn't ever cut her hair)
2. She kept calling Mo’at the “alpha female”
3. Was IN LOVE with Eytukan’s design and and outfit.
4. Called Jake Sully “the white boy who didn’t get enough love from his grandma”
5. Was APPALLED at the way they held a bow and arrow.
6. Was super happy when Jake finally learned how to ride a dire horse.
7. Was also laughing when he fell off the direhorse.
8. Every time Jake and Tsu’tey came on screen she said “those two are always having a pissing race”
9. Called Quaritch, and Selfridge “colonizer 1, and colonizer 2”
10. Thought Jake looked “cute” with his little braids he had for the movie before the final battle.
11. Gasped and started squealing happily when she saw an Ikran for the first time
12. Everytime Quaritch came on screen it was “can someone shoot this guy already?”
13. Cried when hometree was destroyed.
14. Kept asking me “do they win?”
15. Said “he's so elegant” when he was falling to his death after claiming his I ran on the first flight.
16. I thought it was interesting when she said “RDA is less or a reflection of the military, and more of corporate America”
17. When Jake got captured in the beginning where we first see Tsu’tey, when the warriors arrive on their horses, she said “oh shit. He brought the whole fam with him”
18. Was a but freaked out by the 4 fingers.
19. Was screaming when Trudy was fighting alongside the na’vi
20. Cried when Trudy died
21. They entire concept of the RDA using guns on the na’vi and forcing them out of their home made her say “Now, where have we seen this before?”
22. Was freaked out by the size difference.
23. When jake got lost in the forest, she said,
“It's like loosing a kid on a field trip.”
All in all, rated it a 12/10 and I'm watching the second one with her on Thursday ❤️
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allamericanb-tch · 9 months
taylor swift songs that aren’t about her exes
mean - regarding people saying she doesn’t write her own songs 
long live - dedicated to her band and her fans
never grow up - dedicated to her younger self
you are in love - written for jack antanoff and his partner
blank space - satirical song written about the media painting her as a serial dater and insane woman
shake it off - ignore the haters
a place in this world - feelings regarding fitting in 
mary’s song - falling in love and settling down (not personal experience)
fifteen - dedicated to 15 year old taylor and abigail
change - bringing change to the world
the best day - about her love to her family
epiphany - dedicated to her grandfather
closure - feud with her old label
marjorie - dedicated to her grandma
miss americana & the heartbreak prince - uses the metaphor of high school to represent the american political situation
me! - just a fun song
the archer - anxiety (represent by the lack of a beat drop)
the man - double standards and misogyny 
tied together with a smile - her friends eating disorder
forever winter - about her friend who overdosed
ronan - dedicated to a little boy who died from cancer
22 - a fun party song
champagne problems - mental health
no body no crime - fun murder mystery song
the lucky one - fame and the struggles that come with it
starlight - dedicated to ethel kennedy
nothing new - insecurities and feeling unwanted
cardigan - made up love triangle from betty’s perspective
betty - james perspective
august - augustine’s perspective
mad woman - female anger / when women are angry they’re painted as “crazy” by society
mirrorball - changing yourself to fit in
this is me trying - burnout
dorothea - presumably about selena gomez
ivy - a story of unrequited love
exile - a story for folklore
cowboy like me - story for evermore
tolerate it - unappreciated love
look what you made me do - feud with the kardashians/jenners
this is why we can’t have nice things - kardashians/jenner feud backstabbing
i did something bad - feud
seven - childhood friends
you belong with me - friend in a toxic relationship but with a romantic twist
hey stephen - a fun love song she wrote as a kid
enchanted - about developing a crush on the guy from owl city
the other side of the door - not about her own love life
willow - casual love song
gold rush - crushing on someone everyone is crushing on and romanticizing them and the idea of a relationship and then ultimately realizing it’s just a fantasy and it fading away
happiness - looking forward to happiness even if there isn’t any right now
evermore - mental health
right where you left me - story for evermore
it’s time to go - encouraging people to leave toxic situations
you need to calm down - gay rights
it’s nice to have a friend - having a friend
the 1 - story
my tears ricochet - leaving her old label and breaking ties with scott borchetta
illicit affairs - aNoThEr story
invisible string - story
hoax - possibly about her old label
the lakes - want to leave the toxicity of social media and run away/escape
superstar - being starstruck
jump then fall - having a crush 
untouchable - cover
love story - romeo and juliet but happy ending
ready for it
i wish you would
bad blood - feud with katy perry
how you get the girl - tutorial basically
clean - parallels between coming clean and leaving a toxic relationship
new romantics - fun song / youth experience
innocent - kanye / response to his song about her (“i made that b**** famous”)
i’m only me when i’m with you - dedicated to friends and family
christmas tree farm - childhood
call it what you want - reputation
new year’s day
only the young - used for political campaign for democrats
today was a fairytale - for a movie
sweeter than fiction - for a movie
both of us
beautiful ghosts - for a movie
renegade - hurting someone when they try to help you
breathe - growing apart from friends
eyes open - for a movie
safe and sound - for a movie
crazier - for a movie
the last great american dynasty - rebekah harkness (previous owner of her rhode island home)
i don’t wanna live forever - for a movie
the way i loved you - inspired by the notebook
teardrops on my guitar - about a crush
better than revenge
speak now - story
everything has changed
better man - wrote for little big town
wildest dreams
message in a bottle
death by a thousand cuts - based on a movie (someone great)
soon you’ll get better - moms cancer
dancing with our hands tied - about how she didn’t want to put joe through the harassment she gets from the media but him refusing to break up with her
carolina - for a movie
lavender haze - addressing public opinions and rumors about her relationship with joe
you’re on your own kid - takes you through her life
karma - scooter braun
bejeweled — confidence
dear reader — advice
sweeter than fiction - written for a movie
only the young — political injustice
when emma falls in love — emma (stone)
castles crumbling — september 2009 vma’s 
timeless — written about her grandmas first love
clara bow
i hate it here
thanK you aIMee
the bolter
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gschamig · 1 month
your ideas of sexuality, sensuality, and relationships are very open and accepting. i have learned many new things from following you all these years. if i may ask, how did you come to these ideas and ideals? are they common where you grew up?
This has got to be in my top 3 favourite and most meaningful compliments. Thank you so much!! 🥺🥹❤️❤️❤️ I think social media or the internet plays the biggest role in this- but my mom certainly paved the way as well, as she made it fairly easy to talk about sex etc. (even if she wasn't someone who'd bring up the topic herself). I recall her buying me a magazine with a condom for a school trip when I was idk 11 years old… mostly as a joke, but I guess she's got to be an open minded person to even joke about such things. The magazines are a good point as well, condoms as a little gift weren't uncommon a decade ago and there's a famous teen magazine with a few pages dedicated to love, friendship and all things sex. Kids and teens were able to send in questions and doctors, psychologists and possibly sexologists answered their questions & offered advice. Idk if things have changed by now, but back then those pages were followed up by nude images of real life people, who then were asked about their sexualities, sex life and body. I honestly don't know if all of them were adults, if I had to guess- probably not, I'm assuming they might've been between the ages of idk 16 and 22, which obv isn't something I'd encourage now, but to some degree it normalised things back then. But yeah as I said social media and the internet played a huge role in all of this. While my mom taught me her views on jealousy and self worth in that context (there's no need to be jealous, if a potential partner doesn't value you, it's their loss) and I was raised by 2 strong women in general (my mom and grandma), who then as a result gave me the tools and the desire to not restrict myself- it was the internet who taught me about different sexualities, relationshipforms and gave me proper terms to identify myself.
In school (tho a catholic school) I was only taught about hetero- and homosexuality, so for the longest time (up until I was 16 I believe) I identified as straight, because I knew I wasn't strictly homosexual and didn't have the right vocabulary and information to explore things further, despite having had crushes on boys and girls. Back then I also had multiple crushes at a time, but polyamory was even less of a possibility or term back then. So are my views or values common here? No, there are bits and pieces that make it seem as tho we're heading in the right direction (marriage between non-heterosexual people of various genders wasn't legalised because we voted for it or the politicans voted for it but because 2 women sued the city I believe and the highest court ruled in their favour and decided them not being allowed to marry was a discrimination. That makes it a bit more stable I believe and more sustainable with the rightwing uprising). But other than that it's still a very close minded, catholic country without laws to genuinely protect minorities (there's a protection against discrimination in the workfield, but I believe no law in any other field.), where homosexuality is still very much associated with p*dophilia etc.
The key for me - is being radicalised and building myvery own radical and queer bubble lol. There's not a single woman in my circle of friends who's straight for example & if it wasn't for gschamig I wouldn't have any straight friends at all haha. I also find myself surrounded by more and more poly people.
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The Aftermath
Severus Snape x OC
Genre: angst
June of Doom, Day 22: "What's the bad news?", "Bedridden" ( @juneofdoom )
CW: mentions of death, mentions of bodily harm, blood
A/N: this one-shot can be read as a second part to this. Enjoy!
Rhianna can't help but bounce her leg nervously as she waits for Poppy to return. She should be out there helping the students and their families right now, give a hand to anyone that needs it, but she can't bring herself to step away from the infirmary's door. Not when she knows Severus is in there, fighting for his life. Dionisia did good, swooping in right at the last moment to get him stable enough to bring him to the school's medical wing... but Severus' wounds were still quite severe and... the blood, Merlin, the blood. There was so much of it. Thinking about it now makes her shudder and her vision turns blurry with unshed tears.
Suddenly she realizes how quiet it is here. Wasn't Dionisia with her? Rhianna immediately looks around in a panic, but relaxes almost immediately when she does, in fact, find the student sitting by her side. She was being so silent that for a moment the teacher thought she might've lost her somewhere. The usually rambunctious and energetic girl now sits in silence with her back slumped and her gaze unfocused. An alarming sight to say the least.
“You did very well... I am sure Poppy can help him.” She places a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to try and reassure her. All Dionisia does is nod weakly, barely even glancing at her. “...Dionisia..?”
“They killed my grandfather.” She whispers in a pitiful voice, one single tear finally dropping from her long lashes, and Rhianna freezes on the spot. “My grandma, she...” Dionisia drops her head in her hands with a shaky sigh. “I know I should be with her right now but I... I can't. If I leave and he dies...” The sentiment has little logic to it, but Rhianna can understand it perfectly. If something has to happen then she wants to be present until the very end. Perhaps she couldn't do the same for her grandfather. Although, when Dionisia's words really sink in, Rhianna gulps as a new wave of cold fear washes over her. If he dies...
She instinctively places a hand on her belly.
She doesn't want to have to do this on her own.
Before she can say anything else, the door to the infirmary finally opens, and Poppy walks out with a heavy sigh. Her sleeves are all bloodied...
Rhianna and Dionisia are both immediately on their feet, staring at the nurse with apprehension. Both teetering on the edge between relief and despair. “Is... is he..?”
The woman shakes her head and for a moment Rhianna's heart drops to the floor. “He is unconscious right now, but he is alive.” Dionisia puts a hand on Rhianna's arm as if to hold herself up and even the teacher feels like she might collapse at any moment. “Oh... oh thank the stars...” She rubs her hands on her face with a shaky exhale, but despite the relief that just washed over her, she sees that Poppy's expression is still rather grim. She really doesn't want to ask, but she must.
“What's the bad news, Poppy?” She can barely recognize her own voice with how meek and trembly it is. The nurse sighs and she puts her hands on her hips, clearly tired. So many people needed medical assistance today... and many more still do.
“He lost a lot of blood, Rhianna. Luckily, whatever the young lady has given him managed to stop the bleeding, but that doesn't change the fact that this all took a toll on his body. I patched him up as well as I could, and he seems stable, but...”
Rhianna can hear the beating of her own heart rumbling loudly in her ears, and Dionisia's grip on her tightens. “For God's sake, Poppy, out with it already!” She squeaks out.
“There is no guarantee he will pull through, Rhianna, that's what I am trying to say. He is alive right now, but it may very well be that he won't wake up. And if he does pull through then it won't be an easy recovery, and I need you to be prepared for that.” She explains slowly, trying to measure her words carefully.
Rhianna swallows thickly. “What do you mean by that...?” She can feel Dionisia's hand slip into hers now. She wants to show appreciation for the gesture, she really does, but all she can focus on right now is Poppy's words.
“Well...” sighs the nurse. “I mean that the wounds were quite deep and I am unsure of the extent of the damage. He could have difficulty speaking, maybe even breathing... and the recovery will be overall very painful and draining. I did my best with what I had, but I can't tell you he will go back to normal.”
“Oh...” murmurs Rhianna, bringing a hand up to her chest. She can feel her heart squeeze painfully. Her mind wanders once more to her discovery from a few weeks prior, and fear courses through her again. How will he react once she tells him? If he wakes up at all...! Can they do this? Can she do this? Questions and what ifs swirl in her mind, making the cold grip of anxiety tighten even more around her poor heart. That's when she feels another squeeze of her hand.
Dionisia, who has been silent all the way up until this point, finally speaks up. “Well... but he is alive for now. I know you want us to be cautious with our optimism, but he is alive and breathing. Most people probably wouldn't have even gotten this far, but he did.” She shakes her head. “He doesn't want to leave us, he's told me, remember?” She looks up at her teacher with stubborn tears in her eyes. “This sucks, it's going to suck even if... when he wakes up, but at least he is going to be alive and he is going to be with us. He is going to recover, and that's that.” And with that said, the young girl enters the infirmary to go stay by her father's side, barely able to hide her sniffles and hiccups.
Poppy turns to look at Rhianna with an apologetic look in her eyes, and the professor gives her a grateful nod before following Dionisia into the room. It's so quiet in here... terribly still considering the chaos and ruin going on just outside. Right at the end of the room, she sees him, laying silently in a bed as he sleeps. She can barely hold back a trembling whimper at the sight.
His neck is all bandaged up, the thick, white gauze slightly dotted with blood, and his face is terribly pale. He looks much older than he really is... but he seems peaceful. She can't resist reaching out and gently brushing a hand over his black hair. “Oh, Severus...” she whispers softly with a quivering lip. It is way too easy to imagine him in a casket when he looks like this, and it shatters her heart into pieces.
As if she was able to read her thoughts, Dionisia speaks up once more, quiet anger and resolution in her unsteady voice.“He is going to be okay.” She states again, her hand already wrapped around Severus'. “We are all going to be okay...” she adds a moment later, much more quietly than before.
Rhianna can barely wrap her head around how it is even possible for this girl to keep her positive outlook after all that's happened today... but then again it could all be a desperate attempt at keeping herself together when she is clearly falling apart at the seams. She used to do that too when she was her same age, didn't she? And she did it time and time again when Severus was the one ready to fall apart in front of her. Can she still do it, even this time around? She can hardly think so... but she will have to find the will to do it, because any other option is far too painful.
After a few moments of silence, Rhianna sits down by Dionisia's side and she grabs her free hand, while cradling her belly with her other.
“Yes we are.” However true that statement is, she doesn't want to know yet.
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frances-baby-houseman · 8 months
I know this has been said a lot but I deeply do not care how 22 year olds think I should dress. I do not care if they think skinny jeans are dumb. Like Don Draper, I do not think of them at all. The great joy of being in your thirties and beyond is not having to care quite so much, and also the pleasure of getting to like what you like for the sake of liking it. Do they think they will somehow escape looking old and dumb in twenty years? who cares!
Like, Millennials don't know what to wear IS an interesting idea, bc there is less and less space between what young people wear and what older people wear, and professional clothes versus weekend clothes vs workout clothes vs lounge clothes, but I absolutely do not want a 22 year old to solve this problem for me! Those dumb twins on Instagram who are "fixing" millennials outfits are just making them look good to 22 year olds but not to actual middle aged people.
Also, I find this pretty rich from a group of people so obsessed with being on camera that they start doing skincare routines when they're 12 and use their makeup to paint their faces like an instagram filter--
Kendall Hoyt, 25, a digital creator who has three older millennial sisters, said many millennials were “traumatized” by the diet culture of the early 2000s. “A lot of people are scared to show their body or scared to dress too young,” she said. “Those are really limiting beliefs.”
Thank you for your beautiful thoughts, Kendall. We showed our bodies plenty when we were young, including a beautiful body part that seems to no longer exist called a "muffin top." We just showed our bodies differently.
Ugh leave me out of this! Young people have always thought old people looked stupid, and old people always have thought young people looked stupid, we just didn't have to hear them shouting at us on Instagram (well, tiktoks imported to instagram, I'm old!) about it! My grandma was FREE to use her hairspray. Stop saying that J.Lo is the same age as Blanche Devereaux! Blanche looked great and fucked a new man EVERY WEEK!
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artist-ladychelsea · 8 months
Redemptionshipping adult life headcanons
So I've been thinking about Kris and Silver a lot lately and I wanna share some headcanons I have for them.
The two of them get married at age 22(Kris) and 23(Silver) after dating as teens
Kris works as the boss of the Battle Tower and Silver as the gym leader of Olivine, he often joins her for lunch at the top of the tower
Despite working in Olivine, they live in New Bark
Kris and Silver have their first kid at age 25/26, a girl they name Solana (Ranger series)
Kris worked the day up until she gave birth
Silver decides to be a stay at home dad so Kris can keep her position at the Battle Tower
Silver is a very hands on dad, determined to be there for his daughter in a way his dad (and mom) never was for him
Silver picks up gardening to grow their own veggies/berries and has an affinity for grass type pokemon (he was a grass type gym leader)
Lance is asked to be Solana's godfather (which he happily accepts)
Solana takes after her mom in looks (body type/hair type and color), but has her grandma's eyes (Ariana)
When Solana is five, Kris and Silver decide to move to the Galar region because the Sinnoh style Battle Frontier is imported to Johto and the Battle Tower is scheduled for demolition
In Galar, Kris takes up work as a field researcher while Silver decides to apply for a gym leader position again
At age 32/33 they have their second child, Penny (Scarlet and Violet)
Penny takes after her dad in looks (body type/hair type, mix of mom and dad's colors) while having her grandpa's eyes (Giovanni)
Kris worked all the way through her pregnancy again, actually going into labor on location (Silver was with her during the tail end of her pregnancy because she is too stubborn for bed rest)
Kris decides to be a stay at home mom for their second child so Silver doesn't have to give up his gym leader position
When Solana turns 14 she travels to Fiore to be a pokemon ranger
Penny eventually goes to school in Padea
The two go on walk dates often, Kris has wishing star collection
They are close friends with Leon (he reminds them of Lance) and Raihan (is very excited they know Lance)
Kris often teases the idea of taking the gym challenge, but doesn't do it because she values her free time with Silver
They take trips back to Johto for the holidays to see Kris' mom and Lance
might add more later
definitely want to try drawing some of these but don't get your hopes up
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nemaliwrites · 7 months
Ooh, are you doing separate fics for Angstpril this year instead of one long one? Can we see some of the ideas?
Yup! Figured it would be a good opportunity to finish up some of the ideas in my drafts.
And YES you can indeed see some of the ideas! These are all working summaries btw which is why they're....Like That lol. As always, if any of these appeal to you, I am always happy to provide excerpts and/or expand on these ideas!
Fandoms: Danganronpa (v3 and Thh), Avatar, Persona 5, Miraculous, Paranormasight, Ace Attorney, Persona 4, Vampire Diaries, Wind Waker, Animal Crossing, JJBA, Age of Mythology
1. homesick | danganronpa thh
The survivors take a road trip after the end of the world.
2. frozen | avatar the last airbender
outsider pov, Yue being touched by the moon spirit manifests in strange ways.
3. broken-hearted | persona 5
Akira and Shiho get together. Ryuji and Ann deal the only way they know how (hooking up)
4. longing | miraculous
Zoé is used to loving people who don't love her back.
5. rise from the ashes | paranormasight
Ayame and the men in her life (derogatory)
6. this isn’t going to work | ace attorney
Dahlia is poison. This is not a good thing.
7. bad dreams | miraculous
falling in love with your sleep paralysis demon (mariblanc)
8. lost battle | miraculous
They say snakes can't feel love. Luka wishes this were true.
9. trust issues | ace attorney
Two children visit Lamiroir in the hospital, and they say they are hers. She doesn't believe them.
10. phantom pain | miraculous
Adrien and Marinette are body swapped; but why is she unable to resist any order Gabriel gives her as Adrien? Suspicious....
11. no way out | ace attorney
Mia promises to take Maya away from Aunt Morgan. It's a promise she never fulfills.
12. a little too late | persona 4
Yosuke starts training with Chie after Saki's death. It doesn't help.
13. learning the truth | ace attorney
Godot finds Morgan's letter to Pearl hidden in Kurain.
14. surrender | vampire diaries
Caroline/Tom Avery - they're both never anyone's first choice.
15. confrontation | ace attorney
Miles is a Fey. This changes things.
16. cry for help | new danganronpa v3
Miu doesn't have a soul mark. She definitely doesn't care.
17. last chance | persona 4
The fog's closing in, but they'll save Yukiko in time...right?
18. left behind | wind waker
Grandma's always wanted to be a hero.
19. trembling | miraculous
Masochism as a character study - Claw Noir Cataclysms Shadybug, but only after she asks him to.
20. broken | ace attorney
Phoenix offers poison; Kristoph takes it willingly.
21. faking a smile | animal crossing
Your friend is not the same; you pretend you see nothing.
22. drained | ace attorney
A children’s book author and a blind singer walk into a bar.
23. swept away | vampire diaries
Lexi and Alaric finally meet - but they're trapped together in the 1994 prison world.
24. the ghost of you | jjba
Shinobu and her husband swap bodies - whoever is in her now seems far too used to controlling a body that's not theirs.
25. cold shoulder | age of mythology
Kastor asks Arkantos for help. But the gods do not answer, and Arkantos is a god before he is a father.
26. grief | paranormasight and ace attorney
Harue travels to Kurain Village.
27. panicked | miraculous
Shadybug has the same mark for her soulmate and her greatest enemy.
28. never see you again | danganronpa thh
Outsider POV of the survivors after the killing game - but they think they're not alone.
29. betrayal | vampire diaries
It's far too easy for Jeremy to trust someone with his sister's face.
30. the last time | ace attorney
Thalassa forms a triangle; Zak and Valant are the other two points.
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thealmightyemprex · 6 months
Reading Ted Newsome and John Brancato's Spiderman script part 2
Part 1
21.Theres a scene where Peter calls pison control to ask about gaining superpowers,and they try to get him to call a psychiatric hospital ,and thats a good bit
22.OK for the record this script is pretty good....But this is the most dated and goofy part.Like OK in the comics Spidey's debut is in a wrestling match against Crusher Hogan,this is a key part of the orgin and the Sam Raimi film even kept it changing the wrestler to Bonesaw McGraw played by a scene stealing Randy Savage .....Well in this script they keep the scene....AND HAVE SPIDEY FACTUAL REAL WRESTLER HULK HOGAN.I dunno if they had Hogan premission or if he was working for the Canon group at the time .And no I dunno why I can accept a man crawling on walls fighting an octopus man but Hulk Hogan is a step to far but it is
23.Like that Petey is wearing a fly mask
24.Hulk Hogan gives Peter solid life advice of being a good guy.....I dont follow wrestling or no much abot Hulk Hogan so I dunno if this scene has aged poorly or not
25.So Peter gets the suit custom made.Neat
26.So Peters a Tony Bennet fan ......He has the same taste in music as my grandma
27.Doc OCk is very Body Horrorish here,the tentacles fused with his flesh
28.So Doc Ocks motives......Are the exact same ones he has in Sam Raimis Spider Man 2.Demeanors diffrent ,no Rosie here ,but the obsession over completing an experiment is the same
29.I cant picture Peter Cushing saying "Out on your ass "
30.Annnnd Thorkel fires Doc Ock ,only to be killed by his tentacles,which is actually something standard in Superhero movies,the boss who is mean to the villain becoming a victim of them
31.Ah they include Doc Ocks green and yellow costume,here a jogging suit .....Confession time Ive never liked the green and yellow outfit for Doc Ock ,but fun way to include it,though pairing it with an overcoat like in the script could work
32.The Human Spider is used as Petes initial name ....Which the Raimi film also used .Weird
33.Harry is kicked out of the university and is drunk.Honestly feel bad for him
34.Its very belivable that this Doc Ock is a murderer .Very broody and misanthropic
35.Basketball scene that is very similar to Amazing Spider Man
36.I like that Doc Ock begins his crime spree BEFORE Spidey becomes a hero.In fact I like that Otto and Peters stories are parallel
37.So Spidey is a guest on David Letterman..... Letterman and Spiderman-.....Cue clip
38.SpiderMan:What do I look like Charles Bronson
THAT I know is a self refrence to Canons out put
39.So a woman wants to bang Spider Man and tells him to keep the mask on.Didnt expect script to get horny but hey its Canon
40.This version keeps it was a break in where Ben was killed
To be continued
@the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @piterelizabethdevries @princesssarisa @filmcityworld1 @countesspetofi @ariel-seagull-wings
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kai-ninjago · 6 months
for the ask game you just reblogged
all of them
every question
First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH this is literally a dream come true I love talking abt myself
1) phones Lock Screen: a drawing of myself and one of my main F/Os :3 art by @4i-i0v3-y0u!! One of my best friends here on tumblr :0
Tumblr media
2) cheese or chocolate: cheese!! I love cheese soooo much
3) nicknames: just from my math teacher, which is kind of embarrassing— he calls me Kai Guy
4) last song: love me, normally
5) have I ever written fanfiction: yes! I have written LOTS of fanfiction. I even have a fanfiction request blog, @randoms-fandoms!
6) discord: nope! Not on discord. It’s kind of a not fun subject to talk about actually— not for any bad reason, I just got so heavily excluded by all my irl friends on there that I decided to leave
7) piercings: nope :0
8) what says the most about a person: compassion and patience for others.
9) cookie: cherry 🍒
10) dog person!
11) headphones!
12) last thing I said out loud: “we’ll go on an adventure later,” because I was going to take my dog out to get French fries with me but I called ahead and the cook was out for another thirty minutes, so we’re waiting now.
13) a weird fact that I know: horses can move their skin independently from their body, to an extent
14) I am a night owl
15) favorite place to nap: my moms bed lol
16) are you queer: yes, rn I ID as trans, arospec, achillean, and bisexual
17) three words I would use to describe myself are: thoughtful, caring, and morose
18) sweat pants!
19) whatever seasonal drink they have— like lemonade or cocoa :) I don’t drink coffee
20) a color I can’t stand is gray
21) prized possession: just a silly little stuffed animal I got as a gift from my mom
22) tea!
23) aquatic dinosaurs— i dont know which one but I like them all!
24) I’ve been on tumblr for six years :)
25) desert island item: I’ll chose another one this time— a comfortable bed :)
26) my aesthetic kind of varies depending on my mood— but generally i like a subtle lovecore academia vibe, if that makes sense? When I’m manic I like kidcore though
27) dream job: in home caretaker or nurse for a nursing home
28) relationship status: single, but I’m having fun (selfships)
29) my favorite outfit is when it’s wintertime and I can wear my cute pink terry cloth sweatpants and a sweater— along with my cow hat of coarse, and a scarf because I get coooold 🥶
30) a song I know all the lyrics to is Bennys Dispatch from in the heights— my favorite theatrical production!
31) my hair is brown, but since I’ve been on T it’s actually darkened to almost black
32) I do talk to myself— mostly people ignore me because they know what I’m doing, but recently I was on a camping trip with my school and my teachers kept overhearing and responding to me, so that was kind of embarrassing
33) I do not wear makeup
34) best compliment ever? Probably just my grandma telling me that I’m the best at taking care of her
35) my favorite blog— outside of friends, it’s got to be @earththings! I love scrolling through their blog whenever I feel stressed or sad, it always cheers me up ❤️ (sorry for the random tag btw)
Thanks for the ask miles, I feel like you already know me so well bc I really do love answering questions haha
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omegaversetheory · 9 days
I saw your one ask/post about Omegas looking young and I took that and ran with it into my project: Omegas are those 50 year olds that look like 22-26. They age WELL.
Sure some other ranks can age just as wonderfully, but Omegas probably have more collagen or something so they just look incredibly young in comparison because of fantastic genetics.
(shout out to those families where grandma looks as lovely as her daughter and her granddaughter because that's the vibe! Aging like wine!)
love it!
Does the appearance of youth extend to their bodies internally giving them superiour health and longevity or is it only cosmetic and/or internal?
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chrissyblr · 3 months
Writeblr Intro!
Heya, I'm Chrissy and I'm finally making a sideblog to house my writing/reading stuff! Here you can find updates on my current writing projects, book reviews, and general thoughts on writing/books/literature etc.
A little about me: 25. She/her. I have a degree in history with a minor in archaeology. I love knitting, baking, crosswords, long walks, and other such grandma activities. :)
Fave Books: Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, Emma by Jane Austen, The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood, Red Dragon by Thomas Harris, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins, Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
General Reading Interests: westerns, horror, weird 90s sci-fi, romance, historical fiction, character driven stories
The Imposters - sci-fi/romance set in the 90s, third draft, editing
Daphne Floros knows that the truth is out there, she just needs proof. After moving into her grandmother's house in an idyllic neighborhood, alien obsessed writer Daphne knows that this is the place where she can turn her lifelong dream of becoming an author into a reality. But navigating her new home comes with fresh challenges. Nosy neighbors? No problem. A childhood friend turned aerospace engineer that lives down the street? Sounds too good to be true. A possum in the bathroom? Grab the net. But when her nearly finished manuscript goes missing, Daphne discovers that otherworldly forces might have made a home here too. To protect herself and her new neighbors (and finally finish that damn book), she needs to get to the bottom of what exactly is going on next door.
Rabid Rabbit - western, outlined
Felicity James is knocked off her pedestal of privilege and puts her life in the hands of a horse thief to get back to her home in Georgia. But along the way she discovers a freedom that she's never known in life and doesn't want to give it up so easily.
Cerulean - crime/thriller, planning
The town of Cerulean thought that the Salt River Killer retired years ago after his last victim managed to escape with his life, but when a body turns up in the river, residents fear that he might be back to finish what he started. A housewife and a police deputy are tied together by a deadly secret. A hairstylist turned ghost hunter wants to capture proof of spirits. A high school swim team star hatches a risky plan to protect her younger sister. And a fresh faced officer vows to stop the Salt River Killer once and for all. Though not everything is as it seems from the outside.
I also have a ton of projects in the brainstorming phase that aren't fleshed out enough to give a ton of details on.
Come on over to chat about books or writing! You can also follow my main @cutemothman where i post about the x files, my farmers market successes, rdr2, and anything else that strikes my fancy.
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alizjay · 25 days
For crying out loud…
Why did my parents always say that…when they hadn’t tolerated me crying out loud since the day I was born? And even then, it may have only been because my grandma was there in the delivery room.
For crying out loud…crying out loud was never even allowed!
So…my young brain began to leave my body. Then I mastered the skill of sobbing hard so silently. And by the time I started seventh grade, the crying just stopped…then the emotions were soon to follow and I no longer had a heart…
The only thing keeping my soul from completely leaving was reacting to other's pain. I felt it as my own. From my high school days til I was 34 years grown…the only tears I cried were for others, just a temporary loan…because crying out loud just wasn't allowed…back in my childhood home!
Then several years ago, enough happened in my soul…to let the tears freely flow…while I watched a real sad show.
Then last night at the age of 36 years…and 8 months and 22 days…I cried out loud while being held by my love…cause I finally felt safe enough to cry - out - loud!!!
For crying out loud, it took me that fucking long…to let my body wail and shake like the day that I was born.
For crying out loud!! I'm finally crying out loud!
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suckitsurveys · 1 month
1. First thing you touched this morning? Boyfriend./ Husband.
2. Last thing you yelled at? I’ve been saying things loudly all day I’m so hyper right now. And that sentence makes it sound like I am a 15 year old oops. / Someone who wouldn’t get out of my way on the expressway lol. 3. Is your car a piece of crap? Ahhh my favorite 14 year old piece of crap. / My car is actually in really good shape aside from the fact that it fucking leaks gas and they can’t find a replacement fuel tank so now I have to probably buy a new car.
4. What’s something you’re looking forward to in the next 7 days? Being with babe and getting hella paid next Friday. / Celebrating my niece’s 11th birthday and getting sushi twice in the same week when I go out with my friends for my birthday lol.
5. What’s annoying you right now? I feel weird but not weird. / Honestly how this survey formatted when I pasted it in here and now I have to fix every answer.
6. When is the last time you looked in the mirror? Earlier when I went to the bathroom. / This morning.
7. Would you have a long distance relationship with the person you are with now? We kind of have one now but not really? I mean he lives an hour away from me but we see each other pretty often. Like most of the week. / I mean we are married now so a long distance relationship would suck, especially after living together for almost 8 years now.
8. Who was the last person to make you really mad? My sister. / Actually, my sister, haha.
9. Where is the last place you had sex? In Mark’s new bed! Well. In my old bed, which is now his bed. / In our bed.
10. Who is the last person you had sex with? Mark! / Mark!
11. Do you enjoy watching porn? I do. / Sometimes.
12. What’s your favorite drinking game? Circle of Death! / I still like Circle of Death but I never play drinking games anymore.
13. Do you cry often? Ehh.  / Yes.I have been an emotional nightmare the past year hahahahahaahahaaaaaaaaaaaa.
14. Do you think someone is thinking of you right now? “Hey babe are you thinking of me right now?” “Always and forever.” / He’s still asleep so not yet.
15. Choose one to have (beer, cigs, or weed)? WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED. / Weed.
16. Do you wish on stars? Naw. / Not really.
17. Are you a big flirt? Nah. / Nope.
18. What is the most disgusting prank you’ve ever done? – / I don’t do pranks.
19. What would you do if you became pregnant? Get an abortion. / Get an abortion.
20. When did you last make out with someone? Was it good? Yesterday, and yes. / A couple of days ago, and yes.
21. Do you like your body? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. / Right now no.
22. Are you a likeable person? Fuck yeah I am amazing. / I don’t know, ask the people who claim to like me.
24. Who did you dream of last night? I don’t remember. / I had a dream Longfellow quit SNL but it was because he got the lead role in a movie franchise hahaha.
25. Whose body do you wish you had? My own but 30lbs lighter. / My own but 50lbs lighter.
26. What is the first thing you are going to do when you get home? Probably shower and get ready for my Grandma’s 89th birthday. I’m going home Sunday morning for that. / Put all my shit away and change into comfy clothes.
27. When is the last time you saw your mom? Alive? July 18, 2013. / July 18, 2013.
28. Have you ever been so in love, you wanted to get married? Like right now, yeah. / Yup, and I did.
29. Did you get lucky on prom night? I went with my best friend from Boston. So yeah that was pretty lucky. / In the sexual sense, no.
30. Is there a song that makes you cry? Oh god yes. / Yes, several.
31. Are you normally a horny person? Yeah. / Yeah.
32. Where is your self-esteem from 1 (low) to 10 (high)? Like an 8 right now. / 2.
33. What color are your eyes? Greeeeeen. / Green.
34. Plans for tonight? About to go swimming with babe. Then we might get pizza and wine and chill tonight. / Going to my sister’s so I can take my niece’s birthday pictures and maybe tell her she’s going to see Billie Eilish in November. Then I’m gunna go home and eat dinner with Mark.
35. Plans for the weekend? Well tomorrow I’ll still be here and Sunday is my grandma’s birthday. So that. / Tomorrow is my niece’s birthday and we’re having a family party for her. Then Sunday I’m planning on taking her to lunch and the mall to pick out a few things.
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