#i have a math test on saturday then 2 tests on monday and 2 more on wednesday. wish me luck ig because hazbin brainrot is real
jinxedshapeshifter · 7 months
autistic bitches be apologizing for getting hyperfixated on Hazbin Hotel because they're ex-Mormon so the animation style, color palettes, religious references, and criticism of Christianity is wreaking havoc on their brain (its me I'm autistic bitches)
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frenchifries · 2 years
another standardized test annoyance was when i was in first or second grade – again, regularly scoring in the 99th percentile – and one of the math questions said something like "on monday, lucy goes to the library and checks out 1 book. on tuesday, she checks out 2 more books. on wednesday, she checks out 3 more books. if she continues this pattern, how many books will lucy have checked out by saturday?"
and i, knowing that a pattern is something that repeats, did the math of 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 and got an answer of 12. except 12 wasn't an option, so i asked the teacher what i should do if the right answer wasn't listed. she told me to just pick the closest one, which is of course an idiotic thing to suggest since that's not how math and numbers work; the "closest" number to your answer is no more correct than any other number. but i did, begrudgingly circling 13.
of course i got the question wrong because by "pattern" they meant "continued increasing the number of books by 1 per day" which i just don't think is an intuitive concept for a 6-year-old. it was just one question, and i still got a good score on the test, but i'm still mad about it on principle because the question was ambiguous and my interpretation was just as valid as the "intended" interpretation, and by my interpretation my answer was correct but i wasn't even allowed to explain myself to anyone because, you know, that's not how tests work.
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deeseelovez · 2 years
the cheerleader pt2
aged up!mike wheeler x cheerleader!reader. reader is slightly cry baby. reader can be read as any body type or race!
summary: y/n and mike are talking about their arrangement and make rules for themselves.
part one part three part four part five
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Y/n talks out into the break in the woods, it has a few picnic tables where she sees Mike. 
"Hey!" Y/n smiles at him with a wave and a jingle of her bracelets. Mike didn't wave or smile back. 
"Hey." In a monotonous voice is the only thing he said, "I want to know exactly your friend was talking about."
"Her name is Carmen." Y/n reminds him, "But, she is saying. We should fake date, so you can get the attention of Jane and I can keep cheering." 
"Why is cheering that important. All you do is be fake happy and yell things." Y/n rolls her eyes. 
"If I don't cheer, I'll loose my scholarship to my dream college." She smiles, "I have perfect grades aside from science and math isn't my strong suit but Will helps me that." 
"Why can't Will help you with this?" He asks. 
"You're his best friend and don't know he tested out of science this year." She says with an eyebrow raise. 
"Why do you know that?" Mike asks. 
"I'm friends with Will. I'm also friends with Lucas and Max. You're just not very observant." Y/n smiles at him, going up on the picnic table to sit with him. 
"I have a few rules," She tells him, "If we do agree to 'date'." She uses air quotes.  
"I have a few conditions, as well." Y/n took out a colorful notebook and she had a pink colored pen with a fluffy end.  
"Rule One," She thought for a minute, "You have to come to football games, pep rallies, parties, and things like that." 
"Rule One," She thought for a minute, "You have to come to football games, pep rallies, parties, and things like that." 
"Rule One," She thought for a minute, "You have to come to football games, pep rallies, parties, and things like that." 
"All of them?" He asks. 
"Just the home games," She says, "and the parties, just for a few minutes. I don't really like them." 
"Why did go to them?" 
"It's part of the job, Mike." She shrugs. 
"Sounds like a hard job." Y/n rolled her eyes. 
"Okay, whatever." 
"I'm okay with holding hands and kissing." Mike says and y/n nods. 
"Me too," She says, "But let's not be too crazy." She says.
"I don't want to kiss you, Y/l/n. I'm only doing this for Jane."
"I know but you are a boy, aren't you?"
"Last time I checked." He says nothing, "You have to eat lunch with me,"
"We can do a trade off, you sit with me on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I sit with yours, Mondays and Fridays." She rattles off. 
"And on Wednesday?"
"We come out here and eat together? And you can help me study." She smiles.  
"We study at my house on Sunday afternoon and if you need more help. Saturday evenings will also be open." 
"Sounds like a plan," 
"Carmen is the only person who is allowed to know aside from us." Mike says, sternly. 
"Of course." She says, "That seems like obvious one." 
"Hmm, anymore?"
"We have to go on public dates every Friday?"
"And who's going to pay for those dates?" 
"Good point." Y/n frowns, "Well, we have to post each other and just act like a couple in general."
"So that's it?"Mike says, "I just have to post a few times on my story, hold your hand in the hallway, and go to your dumb football games."
"How about, I go to a few of your D&D games with that Eddie Munson guy." It took her a second, "With Hellfire." 
"It'll sell the lie a little more, don't you think?" 
"Yeah. Did you write all of this down?"
"Yep!" She shows him the rules. 
"1. Mike has to go to Y/n's home football games, all the pep rallies, and parties and Y/n will go to Hellfire meetings. 
2. PDA is allowed 
3. We study on Sunday afternoons and if Y/n needs extra help then Saturday Evenings. 
4. Carmen is the only one who knows
5. Post each other."
"Do you agree?" Y/n looks over at him and he nods. 
"One more thing?" 
"Should I write it down?" 
"No," He shook his head, "Just don't fall in love with me."
"Wouldn't dream of it." Y/n says. . 
"Do we have a deal?" Mike asks, standing up. Hovering over her and taking out his hand. Y/n stood up on the bench. 
"Why do I feel like Ursula is going to come out singing, You Poor Unfortunate Soul."
"Like from The Little Mermaid?"
"Exactly like," Y/n says, going down to the ground, "But yes, Micheal Theodore Wheeler. We have a deal." She slapped her hand on his. 
"How-" Mike looked at her, "How did you know my middle name." 
"You're going to have work harder to know my secrets, Wheeler." 
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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The One Where Denki And Mina Think Katsuki Needs To Be A Softer, Nicer Boyfriend, And An Insecure Katsuki Agrees, But [Y/N] [L/N] Doesn't Want A Nicer Boyfriend, She Wants Him.
Requested By: @spicyhokage
Edited: 1-6-2021
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It was late when Katsuki came in through class 2-A's dormitory doors. Being his second year at UA the school was allowing students to go back into student internships. With Best Jeanist still off the streets, Katsuki wound up interning with Fatgum, using the link between Eijirou and him to get in. Katsuki hadn't expected to be out for so long, there had been a bad villain that showed up at a different agency and it was a perfect match for both his and Fatgum's abilities. Fatgum had allowed Katsuki to work on it with him, nevermind the fact that Katsuki had already planned a study date for your upcoming test Monday, he jumped at the chance to work with the heroes.
Katsuki knew, or at least he hoped, that you wouldn't be that mad or upset at him for ditching you at the very last minute. It was a leg up in the hero industry, it was a helping hand, he could make more connections and improve his skills. As a student hero, you should know how important this is. He'd want you to make the same choice if it was reversed.
Despite abandoning your date, Katsuki wasn't heartless. He bought a bouquet of hydrangeas as an apology. Apologies weren't something he was good at, but he hoped you would accept it. Katsuki was hoping you would be up waiting for him in the dormitory lounge when he came back, but he knew that one was a longshot. He'd rather have you in bed resting, or making up for the studying he promised to help with but hadn't. Katsuki was hoping he'd find you in the dormitory lounge waiting for him, but instead, he found two of his peers.
"You were out awfully late, weren't you?"
"Shut it, pink face. I need to go see [Y/N] and then head to bed, like a smart student. You and dunce face do realize that we have a big test Monday, don't you?"
Katsuki marched right past Mina and Denki, who were sitting on the couch, towards the elevator to get up to your dorm. If he was right, Mr. Aizawa would be asleep by this hour, and getting into your dorm would be no issue. Katsuki stopped walking towards the elevator when he hears Minas' voice speak out again.
"Did you really get hydrangeas for her? You ditched her for your internship and you got hydrangeas? Girls like roses Katsuki. If a guy ever brought me hydrangeas, I'd kick his butt to the door. Queens deserve better."
"What the fuck are you implying raccoon eyes?"
Katsuki turned back around to yell at Mina for implying that he wasn't good enough for you. He nearly crumpled the flowers by clenching his hand. Mina didn't know what she was talking about. He had brought you hydrangeas several times before, you never complained about it. Denki spoke up to try and intervene Katsuki from blowing up on Mina.
"I think what Mina meant to say is that we're just worried for you. You really like [Y/N], right? Take it from a guy who gets dumped by girls a lot. Pretty girls like [Y/N] don't need to sit around waiting for guys like us. While you're trying to further your career you're ditching her, not to mention, when is the last time you showed her affection?"
"For starters, dunce face, don't call my girlfriend pretty. Secondly, there are no guys like us and girls like [Y/N], there's me, her, and all of you fucking extras that need to get out of my relationship."
"Fine, don't take our advice. Just so you know, [Y/N] isn't in her dorm, she's in the kitchen."
Mina practically sings her words out, and Katsuki changes his course of route from the elevator to the kitchen. He had a scowl on his face the entire time, courtesy of Mina and Denki. He had to restrain himself from beating them with the bouquet. Katsuki reached the kitchen door and he took a minute to recompose himself from his previous anger to a calmer version of himself. He pushed the door open with a calmer smile on his face but stops after opening it halfway.
"What's the answer to number two?"
"Uhm... 6?"
"That's right! Here's your reward."
Katsuki clenched his fist, practically ruining the flowers. He ditched you and your study date, he shouldn't be getting so mad at seeing you and Deku study together. You can have friends other than him. You can be around members of the male gender other than him. Even if it is shitty Deku. You're allowed to have a life outside of Katsuki, but as Deku broke apart a cookie and threw it right into your mouth, a sweet reward for getting the question right, he was ready to toss hands with the boy.
"We're gonna ace this test Monday. Thanks for studying with me Deku. I hate studying alone and you're great at math. Usually, Katsuki helps me, but he got busy."
"It's no problem, [Y/N]. Seriously, I'm always here if you need me."
Katsuki quietly pulled the door shut instead of going in and interrupting you and dumb Deku. Maybe Mina was right. Katsuki thought about it more as he walked back to Mina and Denki. He didn't really show you affection that much, and he did spend a lot of time in the gym or at his internship. His idea of a date was training together or studying. You probably hated the flowers but chose not to speak on it. If he didn't change, change now and fast he was going to lose you to that shit-munch. He needed to show you he was the better more deserving man. As Katsuki stared at Mina and Denki he uttered the words he never wanted to say to them.
"I want your fuckin' help."
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"Bring [Y/N] roses. Girls love roses. Not a daffodil, not baby's breath, not a tulip. Roses."
Roses were Mina's first piece of advice to Katsuki. According to her, girls only cared about getting roses, and every other flower was inferior. She also said apology flowers must be paired with chocolates. Katsuki personally thought that was bullshit. He had been bringing you different breeds of flowers throughout your entire relationship and never once had you vocalized disdain for it. But Mina is a girl unlike him, so she must have had some kind of special insight. You must have just not wanted to make him feel bad for messing up. Katsuki knew he was inexperienced in the dating area, but he hadn't realized he was screwing up so badly.
Katsuki did exactly what Mina said. Saturday afternoon, Katsuki showed up at your dorm with a bouquet of yellow roses and a box of chocolates, the milk chocolate kind. According to Mina, milk chocolate was better than dark chocolate. He knocked on the door after checking his phone for the time. He knew you didn't like getting up early on the weekend, and you had been up late studying the night before. Twelve-thirty seemed like a reasonable time to stop by.
You opened the door, slippers on your feet, eyes barely opened, and a crinkled forehead as you tried to slightly open them to see who you were staring at. You had a pair of shorts on and one of Katsuki's sweatshirts. One you promised you hadn't seen and swore he must've lost in the dorms laundry facility. Katsuki smiled down at your sleepy form, you were adorable. Once you registered who it was you yawned and crossed your arms as you lazily leaned against the door frame and let a small smile cross your face.
"What're you doing here? You were out so late last night, you must be exhausted."
"I could say the same about you, you look like the epitome of tired. How late were you up?"
"No later than two. When did you get in?"
Katsuki didn't want to tell you he came in at midnight. You would've asked him why he didn't come to see you, and he didn't want to say that he saw you and Deku studying together. He didn't want to admit that he felt pained at seeing you together so close. Pained at you needing and using Deku as you would him. Katsuki held up the roses and chocolates and thrust them into your arms.
"I didn't even check the time. I brought you apology flowers and chocolate for ditching you. They're roses!"
"O-Oh, they're yellow."
You took the items he thrust into your arms and moved further into your dorm so he could come in. You set the chocolate down on the bed but kept observing the flowers. Katsuki was quite proud of the flowers he picked out. They were pretty and blooming, and he thought you'd like them. Yellow roses would look good in your dorm room. You, on the other hand, were not ecstatic with the flowers. You bit your lip and tried to make your smile bigger. Did he know what yellow roses symbolized? He had to of known, even Denki would know something this simple. Maybe you were reading into it too much, they're just flowers. It was a gift, not a death sentence to your relationship.
"I'll have to go to the kitchen and see if there's anything I can put them in."
Katsuki could sense you being standoffish. He assumed you were upset at him for ditching you the previous night. He did the flowers right, he would just have to go the extra mile to make you happy with him by serving your needs.
"I can go to the kitchen and find a vase! You just shower or get dressed, or whatever, and I'll even bring you up some lunch."
"You don't have to do that. I can get dressed and do it myself."
"I don't have to do it, I want to do it."
Katsuki cupped your cheeks and pressed a quick kiss against your lips. They were soft and sweet. Katsuki could taste the residue sugar from the cookies you had been eating the night before and he pulled back with a frown, making you frown just as much. He wasn't mad that you didn't brush your teeth, although you should have. He was upset at the reminder that Deku was with you when you were supposed to be having a study date. He was upset that Deku was the one who stayed up with you until two in the morning. He was upset that Deku was acting like a better boyfriend when he was just your friend and nothing more. Katsuki should've been doing more, he should've been doing a better job.
"I really am sorry for ditching you yesterday. If you want, we can redo the date today."
"I really missed you yesterday. I did some cramming with Deku, but I don't think he's as good of a teacher as you are."
"Of course dumb Deku isn't as good as me. I'll grab my books before I come back, we'll have a nice do-over date."
Hearing you say that Izuku wasn't as good as him made him feel good. It was slightly reassuring to Katsuki, yet he couldn't stop this budding feeling every time he thought about you and Izuku studying last night.  
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"Buy her something nice. Something nice like jewelry. I always see you buying her practical stuff, that's boring. Girls like pretty shiny gifts from their boyfriends."
Mina's second piece of advice had been to buy you some jewelry. According to Mina jewelry was an acceptable gift for a boyfriend to buy his girlfriend. Katsuki had been buying you practical and weird gifts throughout your relationship. He thought they were good, he thought they were sweet and enjoyable. He supposed he was wrong. With every piece of advice from Mina, Katsuki was getting punched in the gut. He thought he was treating you right, he thought he was doing this whole relationship thing right, but he wasn't. If he didn't fix things fast then dumb Deku would steal you away from him.  
Katsuki felt inside of his pocket for the necklace he bought you. He had Mina help him pick it out that morning. It had been sitting there in a pretty little black box with a red bow waiting to be opened. He wanted to give it to you when he gave you the flowers, but he didn't want you to view it as an apology gift, he wanted it to be viewed as a sweet, 'I was thinking of you', gift.
By the time Katsuki had gotten back to your dorm room, you were all showered and dressed in fresh clothes. You were wearing comfortable clothes, and Katsuki had to smile again. You looked simply perfect. With your hair pushed back by a headband, sweatpants, and another one of his sweaters which you practically swam in, you looked angelic to him. Katsuki put a bag containing your lunch on the small table you had in your room, he placed the vase containing your new flowers there too before pulling out your lunch. You grabbed his book bag from him with a smile and began to pull his books out and place them alongside yours in a neatly organized fashion to create a nice study space.
"What'd you find for lunch?"
"There wasn't much in the fridge to quickly grab, so I made some curry."
"I love it when you cook. It always tastes good."
You smiled at Katsuki and placed a quick peck against his cheek before taking a seat next to him. His chest swelled with pride as he watched you freely dig into the container of food. You liked his cooking, and as he watched you feast in it he knew you weren't lying. At least he did one thing right on his own. One more wrong thing and he was sure he was going to blow a casket.
"Aren't you gonna eat?"
You stared at him with half-lidded eyes and spoke with your mouth half full, barely pronouncing your words but Katsuki still knew what you were saying. He stopped staring at you and began working on his own dish. Every once and a while Katsuki noticed your eyes go from your food to his face and then to the flowers before diving back to the food. He supposed you really liked them. It felt good knowing he was doing it right. It felt good knowing you were happy and content with him for the moment.
You wiped your face off and just as you were about to clean up your lunch mess Katsuki jumped up and took care of it. He grabbed your lunch containers and closed them before tossing them back into the bag he brought them in. He took a wet wipe and wiped up your table and then proceeded to toss the dirty wipe in the trash bin.
"Ready to study?"
"Yup! You're a really good teacher, I really look forward to our study dates."
You walked over to your bed and took a seat on the ground whereas Katsuki laid across your bed in a position where he could have a book out and also easily look over the edge to see what you were doing. This was how you always did your study dates. Katsuki would work and watch to see if you were slacking off, then you would switch books and quiz each other. Slowly the clock clicked away, each passing second made Katsuki grow antsy. He wanted to give you the stupid neckless he had inside his pocket. Katsuki huffed as he slammed his book shut and pushed it off of the bed. You craned your neck back to see what Kastuki was doing before narrowing your eyes, no way did he think he could stop studying while he made you work.
"What are you doing? Are you studying up there?"
"No, c'mere."
You huffed as you pulled yourself up off of the floor and crawled onto the bed next to Katsuki. A mixture of blankets and skin touched you as he wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you so your back was flush against his chest. He let his head rest inside your neck, and you struggled to pull out of his grip.
"What are you doing? We're supposed to be studying."
"I don't wanna study right now. The test is Monday, we can still study tomorrow."
You bit your lip as you contemplated his offer. He had a point. The test was Monday morning, and it was only Saturday, not to mention that you had studied with Deku yesterday. The offer was just so out of character for Katsuki, part of you wondered if it was a trick and thought he was going to pull out a piece of rolled-up newspaper to hit you with like he did for Eijirou. You let yourself sink into his arms, you had been up to this for a while, you deserved a break.
"Okay, but only a small break. got it?"
"Mm. I got you something."
Katsuki pulled away from your body to dig in his pocket and pull out the small black box. You rolled over so you could face him and your gift with a growing smile on your face. You loved Katsuki's gifts. Whether it was intentional or not, he always got you something you needed. Whether it was you complaining about cold hands or your lack of working pens, the next day you would find gloves and a pack of pens with a note from him saying something stupid, like 'You better use these to take your shitty notes' and 'If you get arthritis in your hands you can't become a hero'. It was always a surprise and a delight. Katsuki handed over the box and you tore the bow off before opening it.
"It's a necklace!"
"Oh, it's very cute."
You tried not to frown as you looked over the necklace. You tried you're best to put a beaming smile on your face. It was still a gift and you needed to show your gratitude. It wasn't as conventional as your other gifts, but it was still pretty. Maybe it had a special meaning? Maybe he saw it and thought of you? It was just so unusual. He never bought you jewelry and the style was obviously not his.
"Did you pick it out yourself?"
You tried not to make it sound like you were fishing for an explanation as you smiled and clasped it around your neck to show how much you 'loved' it. Katsuki contemplated telling you he picked it out himself but seeing as you were friends with Mina he wasn't sure what she'd say and he didn't want to look bad.
"Well, I got a little help. Figured a female's perspective wouldn't hurt."
Suddenly you felt sick to your stomach. Not only had he given you a necklace, an unconventional and unusual gift compared to the ones he usually gave, but he let a girl pick it out. There was no special meaning, it was just pretty. Your mind went back to the flowers. The yellow roses. He bought you yellow roses. Your whole relationship he brought different breeds and types, never roses. Especially not yellow, the color that represented friendship.
"Thank you, I love it!"
You wrapped your arms around Katsuki, bringing him into a big, tight hug. Although you were with him physically, mentally you were in other places. That dark place in the back of your head was telling you why he gave you these offhanded weird gifts. The dark place in the back of your head was filling you with untrue silly thoughts, yet you couldn't help but let your head entertain them and wonder. The more you wondered, the more you wanted to rip your neckless off.
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Pop music could be heard blaring loudly from a BlueTooth speaker connected to Mina's phone as you walked into her dorm room. Without knocking you barged right in, Mina supposed there really was a reason you and Katsuki were together. You were both bluntly rude and sometimes you didn't even realize it. You flopped down at the foot of her bed and looked up at her before greeting your pink friend.
Mina didn't look up from what she was doing, she continued flicking through the pages of some fashion-forward girly magazine as she replied to you. You ran your fingers through her soft duvet as you looked around her dorm room. It looked like Claires threw up on the walls and it gave you a major headache. You and Mina had two different style sets, two sets of style very far apart.
"Did you study for the test tomorrow?"
Unlike her room, that was a subject that would give Mina a headache. Mina roughly flipped another page of the magazine she was holding as she let out an exhausted breath.
"No, and before you scold me neither did Denki. I swear Katsuki is rubbing off on you."
At the sound of his name, your hand went up and touched the necklace he got for you. You only wore it in case you saw Katsuki today, you planned to wear it for the next two weeks, then you'd pretend you lost it. You weren't a necklace kind of person, and it wasn't even sentimental. Mina tossed her magazine down on the bed and a smile played on her face as she saw the necklace between your fingers.
"That's a cute necklace? Did Katsuki get it for you?"
"Yeah, he did."
You answer Mina's questions and inquiries as you let the gem on the necklace slip out of your fingers. You couldn't help but let your face slip into a frown. You couldn't help it, the more you thought about the necklace, the further you fell into dark thoughts. It wasn't even the fact that it wasn't sentimental like all of the other gifts he gave you, it was the fact he let some girl pick it out. You weren't a controlling person, not remotely. If Katsuki wanted female friends he could have them, he did have them. While he wouldn't call Mina a friend, she was. Mina was a girl you felt comfortable with, however, you had already had a girl in mind of who you thought helped him, a girl who wasn't Mina. A girl you didn't feel comfortable with, a girl you knew you shouldn't feel comfortable with.
"Well, it's very pretty, if I had a boyfriend who brought me gifts like that I'd be over the moon. So I take it things between you and Katsuki are good then?"
"I guess, um, I just... I think Katsuki is cheating on me."
You started off in a stutter before you bluntly spoke out your words. The moment your voice hits your ears you cringe at yourself and cross your arms. It was such a ridiculous thought. A horrendous and dark thought that, lately, kept crossing your mind more often than it should be crossing and occurring.
"What? Why?!"
"He's just acting so strange and weird."
You pulled yourself up into a cross-legged sitting position on Mina's bed to talk to her. Mina moved and adjusted her own body, completely immersed in what you were saying. You played with your hand as your next words came out.
"Whenever he's out late he always, and I mean always comes to my dorm before going to bed. He didn't come to my dorm last Friday, instead, he shows up at my dorm Saturday afternoon with flowers."
"Flowers are sweet and romantic though. The fact that he bought them for you means he cares."
"Katsuki always brings me a wide variety of flowers. Hydrangeas, snapdragons, hyacinth. It's out of the ordinary and romantic, but this time he bought roses. Not just any roses, yellow roses. What kind of statement is he trying to make with that one?! Everyone knows yellow roses mean friendship and red means romance. Even Denki knows that."
Mina scratched the back of her head nervously. She supposed she should have explained to Katsuki to get red roses. Katsuki was unaware of things in the romance department. Mina needed to try and dial things back before Katsuki found out what you're thinking.
"Katsuki isn't very romantically smart, you're his first serious romantic relationship."
"Yeah, but we've been dating for nearly a year, and that's not even it. We were studying yesterday, and you know how strict Katsuki is when he's studying, you've seen him with Eijirou. Katsuki was not strict at all, he made me stop studying to cuddle. To cuddle! Can you believe that?"
"Well... Maybe he's trying to be sweeter to you, I mean look at the necklace he got you, it's so romantic."
"Don't even get me started on the necklace! Katsuki always brings me sentimental and meaningful gifts. He buys me pencil led when I'm low, and notebooks when he sees my paper is getting down to the end, he buys me gloves when he notices mine are lost or have holes. They're stupid and meaningful and I love it."
You ran your fingers through your hair distressed and upset. Yanking your hands through a few new forming snarls from laying on the bed, practically pulling some hair strands out.
"The necklace isn't meaningful, it doesn't have sentiment, and he didn't even pick it out himself! Some girl picked it out for him."
"Why, didn't he say who? It doesn't mean anything. The girl is probably a friend."
"I think I already know who the girl is. It's some stupid brunette from Shiketsu High. They met during his supplementary lessons, they met again after their internship heroes started working together regularly. She saw him when we were walking to get coffee and she just had to stop and talk to him, she was obviously flirting with him."
You had never felt more awkward at that moment. She was blatantly flirting with him, whether she knew that you were together or not, you didn't know. You didn't expect Katsuki to talk about his relationship during his internship, he was supposed to be working, but you didn't trust her. You knew from that moment the brunette was going to be trouble. She was interested in your boyfriend and that spelled out trouble to you.
"'had a little help' he says, staking her claim on what's mine I say."
"[Y/N], I don't think katsuki would cheat on you. He wouldn't do that."
Mina felt completely nervous. She hadn't realized you and she had such different opinions on romance and what was wooing and not. Katsuki was romantic, he was doing nothing wrong, she just didn't see it from your point of view. Mina had worried Katsuki for nothing and gave bad romance advice which resulted in you worrying. Katsuki was going to kill her, she needed to fix this.
"[Y/N], Katsuki loves you a lot, don't worry, okay?"
"Okay, you're probably right, I'm thinking too much. I'm going back to my dorm, try to get some studying in before the test tomorrow."
Despite the pink girl's words you still didn't feel good. As you stood up and walked to her door, you still felt a rush of negative thoughts and emotions. You still felt winded and emotional. You still felt hurt and fearful of your relationship. You felt the same as you did when you walked into her dorm.  
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You nervously tapped your leg up and down on the ground repeatedly as Mr. Ectoplasm and his copies passed out the scored math tests to the class. You supposed a quirk like that must be very useful as a teacher. You kept making little glances over at where Katsuki was sat and your heart clenched. You felt so ridiculous for suspecting he was cheating. You felt completely horrible. Mina was right, Katsuki loved you. Katsuki loved you and he would never cheat. The simple thought that he would was wrong, yet, this lingering feeling told you he was. 
Maybe you should talk to him about it. Maybe you should tell him and express your fears and worries. It was better to talk about things like this, it was better to express yourself rather than locking it up and away, where it could fester and damage your relationship. You looked back over at Katsuki, who caught your glace this time and smiled at you. The smile made you feel sick and guilty for feeling this way. You would tell him how you were feeling after class. The sooner it was out in the open the better. 
You turned back to your test sheet and frowned at the result. You got a forty. Forty. After all that studying you had received a forty. You wanted to be mad at Katsuki for not making you study harder, but you had studied with Izuku first hand. Maybe Ectoplasm would let you take a retest. Ectoplasm dismissed you all and you quickly folded up your test paper in half so no one could see your result as you exited. After you packed up your school bag you stood out in the hall and waited for Katsuki. 
The nerves in your stomach churned. You didn't want to tell Katsuki the negative thoughts that were running through you, you didn't want to tell him how you had dark thoughts and worries about him cheating, but you had to tell him. You had to put your thoughts and theories to rest. Katsuki came out in the hall with his own test papers in hand and you both began to walk to your next class. 
"What'd you score?"
"Got a ninety-two. You?"
"A forty."
You sighed as you clenched the paper in your hand. That was a D. Katsuki was on the fritz. He was trying to take Mina's advice. He wanted to be nice and softer to you like Mina told him he had to be, but he couldn't. You should've studied harder, he should've made you study harder. Katsuki gritted his teeth and took a deep breath to calm himself down before responding. 
"You'll do better next time!" 
"What is wrong with you?"
"What do you mean?"
You looked at Katsuki like he grew two heads. This wasn't your boyfriend, and you slightly wondered if Toga had infiltrated UA. He was never kind like this, he wasn't a positive person. He was supposed to yell at you. Tell you to study better. Tell you you needed to get good scores if you were going to become a hero with him. 
"It's just a bad test score, not every score can be a baller."
"I failed my test, you're supposed to yell at me. Tell me I'm stupid, tell me to study more. Tell me anything but that fake positivity shit! You are not acting like yourself, are you cheating on me? Is this guilt? Are you guilty?"
"No! Fuck, no!"
Katsuki dropped his bag and wrapped his arms around you. That wasn't how you meant to tell him about the thoughts you were having. You wanted to tell him calmly and respectfully, you hadn't meant to flat out accuse him, your thoughts just need up tumbling out that way. Katsuki's own reassuring words came stumbling out in your ear as he tightly gripped you against him.  
"You are perfect and beautiful, and so important to me. I would never cheat on you, I would never fuck up what I have with you. Why would you think that? I don't wanna make you feel that fuckin' way."   
"I know that. I know you wouldn't, but you have been acting so weird and different." 
"I need to be nice or else I'm going to lose you. I got insecure, but shit, I should be. You are so perfect, and you deserve roses and jewelry and the world. You deserve someone who cuddles you instead of studying and who doesn't make you feel like they're cheating and fuck-" 
You pull out of Katsuki's tight grip and cup his cheeks. Your fingers skimmed over his skin tenderly as you stared up at his red eyes and noticed how watery they were. Your heart broke, you thought he was unfaithful but he was really just scared of losing you.
"I don't want you to be soft and nice. You already give me the world Katsuki. You make me study because you care about me. I don't want you to get me roses and Jewelry, I hate it, and I love the stupid little gifts you get me. You don't give me affection and cuddles, but you do other things, like waiting to walk me to class and making me food." 
"You don't want me to be nicer?"
"No! Everything you do is already perfect. Everything you do shows me you care about me in your own way. I love the way you are, I don't want you to change."
Katsuki pulled you back into his arms and pressed a rough kiss against your forehead. He was doing everything right. He was better than dumb Deku, and your test score was proof of that. He wasn't going to lose you, Denki and Mina were wrong. 
"Come to my dorm tonight, you need to study better dumbass."
It didn't matter that the whole class watched the exchange between you both. It didn't matter that Mina had screwed with your relationship and felt very relieved to have gotten off scot-free, for now at least. It didn't matter because all Katsuki cared about was the fact that he was a great boyfriend, the best. He didn't have to be softer, nicer. He didn't have to change, you liked it. You loved him, the way he was. That was all that mattered.
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levihan-drabbles · 3 years
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Hey guys !!! I hope everyone in this wonderful fandom is doing amazing <3 Recently, my friend and I have come up with a very interesting and fun event that we're hoping you all would like to participate in. We haven't really seen surprise prompts and drabble weeks for Levihan before, so we decided to make one! Also a very fun contest with cool awards too.
Getting straight to the point, the reason why this event is different from an usual prompt week is because we are only going to be focusing on drabbles here. (And also because the prompts won't be predetermined and given to you beforehand)
(Note: this is also open to artists and other content creators. We will be making another post tomorrow explaining how the event works for them. Till then, the writers can continue)
✒ A drabble is a short work of fiction of precisely one hundred words in length. The purpose of the drabble is brevity, testing the author's ability to express interesting and meaningful ideas in a confined space. (YeS I stole it from google)
As a writer myself, due to the limited word limit, drabbles can be a bit of a struggle sometimes, and that is primarily the reason why this whole event is also somewhat more of a writing practice (other than the fact that we need to get those numbers on AO3 up haha)
Without wasting much time, let's get straight into the details, and how this is really going to work, what are surprise prompts and the contest and its awards of course.
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▶ How long are your entries really supposed to be? Well Google says 100 words but that's way too unfair so your fic should be = to or under 1000 words. The maximum you can go up to is 1500.
▶ Are there any certain prompts/themes these drabbles should be on? Yes, and that's what we are going to talk about next.
▶ And what are surprise prompts? Okay so remember back when in school, your annoying math teacher would take a surprise quiz out of nowhere without informing you? Yeah something like that but its not that bad. Also, its a lot more fun than math.
Basically your prompts will be given to you a day before you need to post them. so its really just a writing practice and there is no pressure, so don't think about the quality or something. This is about scribbling down something quick without a lot of planning.
The prompts are also going to be chosen from an OTP prompt generator, so they are going to be uhm interesting and fun to work.
We have a theme for each day (like angst, fluff etc) and the mods will choose 4 random prompts beforehand for each of these days. At the time of giving the prompts to the participants, we will run a machine to choose one randomly out of the 4. So even the mods don't know what the actual prompt is going to be for the day.
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The themes for each day (except Wednesdays and Thursdays, we will get to them later)
Angst Mondays
Trope Tuesdays
Fluff Fridays
Comic Saturdays (this is for the artists, so you can ignore it)
Smut Sundays
Now, here's the challenge (and probably my favorite part about the event) -- The prompts you get are not exclusively going to be in accordance with the themes for each day.
For example, you can definitely get this for Angst Mondays :
Prompt : "Levi having to rescue Hange from a pack of kittens/puppies."
Now its up to you, with the power of levihan on your side, to write an angsty drabble based on this prompt, (okay fine, the prompts probably won't be this off bat but still)
**Exception, : for trope Tuesdays, you won't be getting a prompt but a particular trope like (enemies to lovers, protective levi, caring hange etc)
▶ What time will you exactly get the prompt then? So basically, if Levihan drabble week begins on Tuesday, 25th May, you will getting your trope (prompt for the other days) around Monday afternoon-ish. And you are allowed to post until Tuesday midnight, before Wednesday begins. (Wednesday and Thursday are contest days which we will talk about later, so you don't have to worry about getting another prompt on Tuesday and finishing it on Wednesday itself)
▶How will you get your prompt? And any other details? We'll be making another post later where we will dive deep into the timezone specifics and how you will get the prompt, and what you will tag your posts with so we can see your stuff and reblog it.
You will get the prompt for fluff Friday around Thursday afternoon, and then the writers will have a break as Saturday is for artists. Friday night, you will get the prompt for smut Sunday you will have Saturday as a break in between before posting your smut on Sunday.
The same formula applies to angst Mondays.
1st June, Tuesday, last day of the week will be the prize day. We are gonna talk about the prize day in the next section.
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Wednesday and Thursdays (The contest days)
So, first of all, this is optional. If you are participating in the rest of the drabble week, its okay if you leave to opt out of the contest. Similarly, you can also just participate in the contest and not do the other days. It's up to you.
The people participating in the contest would be divided into two groups. There are going to be two winners.
Suppose we have group 1 and group 2, a random participant from each group will be chosen. This chosen participant is called the selector. Its purely luck and a machine that chooses the selector. The selector gets to choose a prompt (from a list the mods will give them) Suppose the said selector is from group 1, then the prompt they chose will be given to group two, and everyone in group two have to write on that. The selector from group two will do the same thing for group 1 members.
All of the preparation for the contest will be done beforehand, and the selectors will be informed before the week begins. The selected prompts will be given to both groups Tuesday night. By Thursday evening their works should be posted.
The word limit for Contest Drabbles can be extended to 3000 words. This is ONLY for the contest.
After all works are submitted by Thursday evening, there will be a voting period which will stretch till 1st June, Tuesday. During this period, group 1 will read group 2's stuff, and group 2 will do the same for group 1. Then they will vote for their favorite fics accordingly, the fic with the maximum votes from both groups wins. The mods will be supervising this, and reading the stuff too.
▶How do we vote? All the details related to voting will also be explained in a different post.
▶What are the awards? Okay, so one thing unique about drabble week is that there are going to be no permanent mods. We will probably have these events rather frequently, and the mods will change for each event. The mods will decide the awards so different awards for different months.
This month, the gifts are :
Well detailed and long comments on 2 chapters of a fic of your choice. These can also be two different one shots if you want.
Beta reading for a few (3-4 chapters) for any fic the winner wants (the other details can be discussed in dms)
The winners will have the opportunity/chance to become mods for the next week, next month. This is also a great way to make new friends and work with them while holding an event!
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To participate, PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM. The last date to fill in is 20th May, so do it before that. We'll be making another post for the artists soon, posting it tomorrow most likely. You will be constantly updated, so don't worry!
if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. Thank you so much, we will be looking forward for your participation! Much love.
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lightandwinged · 4 years
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Haven’t posted the bobbins in a hot minute!
The twins turn three tomorrow! I legitimately cannot believe that I’ve been doing the fulltime mom thing to twins for three whole ass years. And I have to brag a little bit about their birthday stuff because last year, Covid suddenly happening two days before their birthday derailed everything--we’d been planning to go to the aquarium in Boston and take them to a special ice cream place and just have a great time, but then plague. 
And they had a good time, but I felt bad. 
So maybe this year I went overboard JUST a bit, both (a) because we could afford it (Kyle’s new job is pretty sweet like that), and (b) because I wanted this year to make up for last year being meh. I know they’re too young to really remember but on the off chance that they do, I don’t want them to remember two miserable Covid birthdays. One is enough.
I made cupcakes, because they are tiny, and cupcakes are easier to individually theme than bigger cakes. Carrie loves unicorns, Isaac loves Mickey and Minnie, it was a fun thing to do. 
But kiddos overall. 
Sam is inching closer to SEVEN YEARS OLD WHAT, is on his third lost tooth (my favorite tooth when kids lose it because it’s the one that really makes him look like a little jack o lantern), and speaks mostly in Pokemon these days. I understand none of it, but he is OBSESSED and keeps coming up with creative ways to bring them into his day-to-day life (he’s beaten Sword about three times and is currently working his way through whatever the previous title was on the DS; his favorite vacillates day to day, but he tends to go for fire types). I’m still homeschooling him until the end of the year because everyone keeps changing their mind about when people are going back and doing what. And he’s kicking ass. Currently whizzing through very basic geometry (e.g., finding simple perimeter and area) as part of his third grade math curriculum and working on recognizing patterns in science. 
We also suspect that he’s either autistic or has ADHD (per his in-home therapists as well), but wait times for official testing are L O N G. We’re having him evaluated through the school, though, so that if he doesn’t get a diagnosis before he heads back in the fall (because I love him, but I do not love teaching him), he’ll at least have an IEP already in place and be able to get any assistance he needs. And that will most likely take the form of someone breaking tasks into smaller steps, maybe giving him fidget opportunities while he’s learning (he absorbs a LOT when he’s playing with Legos), maybe taking tests separately so that he can have someone read the questions aloud to him so that he absorbs them (because he can read, but unless he also HEARS things, he absorbs nothing). 
He’s a terrifyingly smart kid still, and I have no doubt that he’ll be on par with his fellow second graders next year academically. I just want him to not feel overwhelmed while working. 
Isaac is slowly slowly slowly gaining spoken language. I’ve said before and stand by that I don’t care if he never speaks completely fluently, but I do want him to be able to communicate his wants and needs so that he doesn’t get frustrated so much. And he does get frustrated, but his meltdowns remain rare--they usually only happen if something he loved doing ends or if someone takes his toy or won’t give him their toy or just other typical toddler stuff (which inclines me to classify them more as tantrums than meltdowns, but eh). BUT he also communicates, not just by taking someone’s hand and putting it on something he wants, but by using words. He LOVES to talk about the cats (which are his favorite thing--cats of all types, including those in the musical) (but NOT THE MOVIE DEAR JESUS), and the other day, he very meticulously directed me to draw a picture of the three cats happily sleeping on his bed, based on his memory of seeing them happily sleeping on his bed at naptime. 
He’s definitely got his drilled down special interests--cats, cars, Mickey Mouse, Daniel Tiger, and Celtic Woman (we call them his “ladies”). And he is just such an absolute sweetie. He still has the smile that basically convinces you that you would both kill and die for him (shown above), and the way he relaxes against me when he’s tired just makes me sigh and love him to absolute pieces. He’s 110% a momma’s boy, and although I hope he grows out of it when the time is right, it’s really sweet right now. 
He easily qualified for special ed preschool, which I’ll talk about more in a second. 
And then Miss Carrie, who basically read the rhyme about little girls being made of sugar and spice and all things nice and took it as gospel but ALSO realized that you can do all of those things while being a monster, beating up everyone who treats you wrong, and covering yourself in tattoos. I say of her that she’s too much, but in the best possible way: I want her to keep being too much forever, because it is absolutely delightful. She’s always giggling or twirling, singing or commanding her brothers in a game of pretend. She never just walks anywhere, she always prances or skips or dances or hops or jumps. She can be a screechy little spitfire one second and then brush away her angry tears and transform into a little cherub the next, and it’s hilarious. Everything ever must be pink and glittery (I promise, I did not try and force pink on her, she jumped to it on her own), must flounce out correctly when she twirls, must make her feel like a fairy tale princess. 
She merrily adopts all the stereotypical “girly” things in life--Barbies, princesses, My Little Pony (yep, we’re back in that phase), unicorns, mermaids, “cute” things, etc. At the same time, she’s always game for a lightsaber fight, playing “bug” with Sammy (I don’t know what “bug” is as a game, but the kids have established rules for it and play it whenever they’re not too tired after dinner), and wrestling with her dad and brothers. It’s wonderful. 
And SHE qualified for special ed preschool because her muscle tone is hilariously low (read: she flops). 
The twins are starting preschool Monday because they are turning three and thus losing early intervention services. I worry somewhat about them being in school with Covid still raging (even though I’m 50% of the way to fully vaccinated--going back for Pfizer #2 on Saturday!), but it’s a huge relief that their therapies (speech, occupational, physical) are being coordinated by the school and not by me. I’m the most organized person in this house, and anyone who’s ever seen my house knows what a statement that is (it’s gotten worse since my sciatica has settled in, because bending over is just not a thing I can do without suffering), so having that burden lifted from my shoulders? Heavenly. 
And I’m just overall proud as fuck of all three kids. They’re so resilient, and I know that the pandemic has been hard on them in a lot of ways, but they’re still kicking ass, still smiling and laughing and having fun, and that’s been a bright spot for the entire last year.
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Chapter three! I already skimmed through it and just. Holy fuck I’m falling in love with this series all over again, and this is just the opening arc, how the hell is this so good??? I’m genuinely just in awe and fuck is it making it hard to decide where to have a cut-off point for this chapter. I suppose we’ll just have to see what fate decides.
(Also, the temptation to just paste in all of the last three pages of the chapter is so incredibly strong, you don’t understand.)
[No. 3 - Entrance Exam]
We start off with some exposition: UA’s hero course is designed to give students all they need to go pro, and is the toughest and most popular hero course in the country, with only a 1 in 300 acceptance rate. Discounting the four slots that are recommendation students, that’s 36 slots a year, which is about…
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Yeah. That’s a lotta applications, and that’s just for the hero course! 
Several alumni are mentioned: All Might, who declined the people’s choice award; Endeavor, who’s stopped more crimes than anyone else in recorded history; and Best Jeanist, who’s won the Best Jeanist award eight years running. (One of these things is not like the other~ One of these things just doesn’t belong~) The exposition suggests that graduating from UA is basically a requirement for becoming a great hero - something which we’ll learn soon enough isn’t quite true.
But yeah, Endeavor with the record for crime handling, even above All Might. Quite the impressive hero, though that face…
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Not precisely reassuring.
So yeah, Izuku here mentions the date of the exam - February 26th. I figure that this has to be a Sunday, for the simple fact that Japan has a slightly different school schedule than us. Most notably: Japanese schools (some of them, anyways) have 5.5 day school weeks. Yes, that means the first half of Saturday can still be a school day. 
While I couldn’t confirm for sure whether this is more common among the higher end schools, I feel like a school like UA, with its ‘Plus Ultra’ motto, would definitely be a school to have a half-day (or even a full day) on Saturdays, and since they also have to accomodate for middle schools that have Saturday morning classes, I figure that it would make the most sense for UA to schedule this exam on a Sunday. 
The benefits of this, as we’ve already seen, is that we can then narrow down the timeline for the rest of the series, just based on that single, confirmed date. We know from the last chapter that the Sludge Villain had to happen on a Thursday or Friday of the first week of school (April 14th/15th), with the first training session two days later (the 16th/17th). But what this also gives us is when Izuku’s first year of UA starts, AND the possible years it could start on. 
Since we see the glowing baby is in a modern hospital, we can assume that’s correlated to about our times. Give it a few generations, and we can guess that we’re in the 2200s or 2300s for the current era. Based on that assumption, we get the following years that have February 26th on a Sunday:
23rd century potential years: 2204, 2209, 2215, 2226, 2232, 2237, 2243, 2254, 2260, 2265, 2271, 2282, 2288, 2293, 2299
24th century potential years: 2310, 2316, 2321, 2327, 2338, 2344, 2349, 2355, 2366, 2372, 2377, 2383, 2394, 2400
As a side note, when I got into the series, my brain weirdly latched onto the idea that this had to all be happening in the year 2317. I don’t know why I decided on that number, but that’s what I rolled with, and hilariously I could be RIGHT about the year the current manga arc is happening in, provided Izuku’s first year is in 2316. Sometimes you just know, ya know? I know at least one other friend made these calcs independently of me and chose to run with 2237, which is totally valid! Probably makes more sense to be in the 2200s, but there’s room depending on how much time one thinks has passed.
As for when Izuku’s high school school year starts, we know that Japanese schools start on the second Monday of April. Since we don’t know if this is a leap year or not, we’ll end up with two dates, but that’s fine!
Feb 26 (Sun) -> Feb 27 (Mon) -> March (6/5, 13/12, 20/19, 27/26) -> April (3/2, 10/9)
Therefore, Izuku’s first day of classes (not counting the orientation, which I’ve seen a few other timelines assume is on the Sunday before classes start) is April 10th (or the 9th if a leap year)! I know this is all in the future from this chapter, but still, I wanted to share this at some point and figured now was as good a time as always.
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Sorry, I’ve just wanted to share this math I did for a while now, I put a lot of work into it and I am very proud of it. Let’s get back to the chapter.
So Izuku lives a 40 minute train ride away from UA, and has made it just in time for the exam. Apparently, this is only the practical portion? Or well, that’s the part that gets focused on in this chapter, with no mention of the paper exam. I would imagine they’d be the same day, though? But I suppose one can do whatever they like with it.
He’s standing there looking at the school, thinking about how he didn’t have a chance to test the power, while the other students head in-
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Excuse me, Toga?? I know that hairstyle is just a bit off, but… ???
...right, anyways. Izuku is wondering whether the hair really did anything (also, it was apparently sour, which, ew.) Katsuki comes up behind him and tells him to move aside.
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Truly a flattering image. Izuku panics a bit and greets him, but Katsuki just walks by without another word or gesture, leaving Izuku confused as he watches him head on into the building. The narrative notes that since the villain incident, Katsuki hadn’t bothered Izuku, while the unnamed characters in the background apparently recognize Katsuki from the ‘sludge’ incident (well, not shocked how the fandom held onto that name). 
Izuku notes that he’s gotta stop flinching instinctively, and then tries to hype himself up, noting that it’s not like before, and think about the past ten months while taking a wobbly step forward- and then tripping over himself.
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I’m sorry Izuku just has so many fantastic faces in this chapter I am crying trying to limit myself to just a few. But yeah, that little derp as he realizes what’s happening is adorable, especially while Ochako gently sets him back on his feet. She mentions that it’s her quirk, and apologizes for using it, but that it’s a bad omen to trip and fall. (I wonder if that gets played with again during later parts of the series… will have to check to see.)
While Izuku freaks out over talking to a girl, Ochako notes that the exam is nerve-wracking, and then heads off while wishing both of them luck as Izuku stares after. 
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This fucking kid. I love him so much. His flustered excitement gets him some weird looks from the others still outside.
We transition to a new character (Present Mic) who immediately shows off his performative side by calling for a ‘hey!’ which… is met with silence from the crowd. He doesn’t let this throw him off, instead letting them know that he’ll present the guidelines for the practical, followed with a ‘YEAH!’ that gets met with an even heavier silence.
Izuku and Katsuki are seated next to each other, with Izuku descending right into excited muttering over Present Mic and how he listens to his radio show every week. Also with the assumption that all the UA teachers are pro heroes, which I mean, true, but still. Katsuki tells Izuku to shut up.
Present Mic explains the test: ten minute long ‘mock cityscape maneuvers’, with the applicants split among seven arenas, labelled ‘A’ through ‘G’. With more than 10k applicants total, that’s about…
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Yeah, more than 1500 per arena. Fucking hell, no wonder the robots deplete so quickly in only a few minutes. Also of interest:
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“Bring along whatever you want.” So technically, if Izuku were able to procure the tech and training to handle the robots, there would be nothing keeping him from getting into UA quirkless… though I imagine any kid who gets in mostly on tech probably gets side-eyed… though if said kid made their OWN tech, they might also get an offer from the Support department.
(AU where Mei accidentally took the heroics exam and got a shitload of points, but she ended up taking the offer for Support instead despite setting the record for most points in said exam. Katsuki forever wants to fight her. Izuku and her are good friends.)
Also, another thing I love is how Katsuki just told Izuku to shut up a moment ago, and then:
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He’s the one to initiate conversation on the details of the test, basically agreeing on the reasoning behind dividing up the students between arenas. Katsuki is annoyed at not being able to crush Izuku, which has Izuku awkwardly silent. 
Also mini-Mic.
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Poor, poor Mic. He just wants audience participation. Anyways, he continues on to explain the points system, with the help of cute little Mario-themed silhouettes. There are three kinds of faux villains, with different points awarded for defeating each based on their difficulty levels. Also, attacking other examinees is prohibited!
A student (cough Tenya) raises their hand to ask a question, going on to note that the handout sheet appears to have four varieties of villain, and that such a blatant error (if it is one) reflects poorly on Japan’s top academy. He then spins around and points at Izuku, calling him out for his muttering and how distracting he’s been, and that ‘if this is some sort of game to you, then please leave immediately!’ 
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Is that… Mineta seated behind Izuku? I can’t find another panel that disproves that theory, so. Whelp. If you ever for some reason want to have Izuku accidentally deal with the grape early, he’s right there. 
Anyways, Present Mic brings the convo back to the initial question/comment, noting that the fourth villain is worth zero points, and is more of an obstacle. He then brings up Super Mario Brothers, the old retro game, and compares the Zero Pointer to a thwomp. There’s one per site, serving as a gimmick that’ll rampage in close quarters. Tenya thanks Mic and apologizes for the interruption. 
And so we get our final words from Present Mic:
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??? either he's referencing the original guy (which I think would be a misquote because I doubt OG Nap ever noted anything like that) or some French hero or the like who took on the name.
Discord offered this to me while putting together the post:
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So there you have it. Tentatively confirmed.
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Those EYES man, dude’s got the Rinnegan going on.
Honestly, I have to end on this panel just because of that last line from Present Mic. Like, look me in the eyes and tell me this isn’t the exact point to end on. 
The discord’s takeaway from this:
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gladdygirl18 · 4 years
Taking the Time to Laugh
Summary: Young Peter had a rough week at school. When the weekend hits, he still pushes himself to study and stop whatever little crime he can catch. Let’s just say some certain Avengers remind him to have fun every once in a while.
Word Count: 2676
Monday, the start of another week of high school for Peter. Everything goes by smoothly; got an A+ on a physics project he got last week, stopped a bank robbery during his lunch period, and somehow was still able to make it back to school on time, nothing major.
Tuesday. Okay, it was a little harder today. Flash, of course, picked on Peter again just for fun, had 2 tests back-to-back; good thing he studied, and he stopped a jail break during his lunch period.
Wednesday. Peter was late to school because of a jewelry store robbery. Had to study for a test that was at the end of the week, and saved hundreds of lives from a train before it derailed. Seriously, Queens, give the kid a break.
Thursday. Does the city of Queens WANT Spider-Man to die? Seriously, Peter had to stop 3 bank robberies, 2 jewelry heists, and 2 thefts. On top of that, he had a history test, a math test, AND a Spanish test that day.
Friday. Finally, the week is over. Peter had a physics test that day, which he wasn’t too worried about. Got A’s on all his previous tests that week. During his lunch period, he saved a bus full of people that almost went for a swim into the Hudson.
Peter was as happy as a dog when it gets a bone. The week was finally over, which means he can spend the weekend studying and sleeping at Avengers HQ. Swinging across the buildings from his school, he soon arrived at the Avengers Facility. Walking inside, he was greeted with cold, dead silence. Letting out a sigh, Peter looked up at the ceiling.
“FRIDAY, where is everyone?” he asked.
“The Avengers are out on a mission in Switzerland. Do you want me to contact them?” she asked.
“No, no. It’s okay.”
Thanking the AI, Peter dragged his tired legs to his room. Reaching his room, Peter walked inside and threw himself on his bed.
“FRIDAY wake me up in 4 hours please. I want to study for a bit before tomorrow.” Peter said.
“Of course, Mr. Parker.” the AI said politely.
Letting out a tired sigh, the young Spider-Man was asleep in no time. After four long hours, FRIDAY woke the kid up to a very deafening alarm. Peter flipped onto the ceiling in shock like a scared cat. Remembering what he had asked the AI to do, the kid calmed down and jumped down from the ceiling.
“Hey FRIDAY, are the others back?” Peter asked, hoping that if they were back, they didn’t hear the alarm.
“No, they are still in Switzerland. Do you want me to contact them?” she asked.
“No thanks.”
Peter looked at the time and saw that it was already past 7. Shaking off the drowsiness, Peter took out his textbooks and notes, and started studying. He even asked FRIDAY to quiz him after an hour of studying in solitude. After what felt like hours, the kid finally stopped his studying and decided to go to bed.
“FRIDAY, do you know when the others are going to be back?” Peter asked.
“I do not know.” was all the AI said.
Nodding silently, the kid put on his sleepwear and was out like a light in no time. The new day dawned, and the Saturday sun spilled into Peter’s room through the closed blinds. Feeling the warm sun on his face, Peter cracked his eyes open and let out a small yawn. Sitting up, he stretched out his arms and let out another yawn.
“Come on, body... Move...” Peter said tiredly.
The kid pushed his legs off the side of the bed until he was lying in a very awkward position. Groaning in discomfort and frustration, he shot two web strands at his walls and used them to hoist himself up. Walking into his bathroom, he washed his face and brushed his teeth.
“Ugh, I’ve gotta stop with the late-night studying...” Peter reminded himself.
It was a small habit of Peter’s that he couldn’t control. Like his Aunt May always says, “Do what you NEED to do that way you can do what you WANT to do.”
“No pain, no gain, I suppose.” Peter said, to himself.
Slapping his cheeks to keep himself awake, he walked out of his room and was greeted by the sounds of voices.
“They’re back.” Peter said to himself.
Looking over the balcony from upstairs, he saw his fellow teammates relaxing in the living room. Smiling, the kid walked downstairs to join them. Hearing footsteps, a certain super soldier turned around to see the kid walking towards them.
“Afternoon kid.” Steve said.
The others that were there, Clint, Bucky, and Sam, turned to the kid and smiled.
Afternoon!? How long have I been sleeping? Peter thought.
Looking up at the clock, he saw that it was a quarter past 2.
“Hey Parker.” Clint said.
“Hey guys. How was Switzerland?” Peter asked while taking a seat next to the Hawkeye.
Sam leaned his head back and let out a frustrated groan.
“Cold. Very cold.” he said.
“We’re used to it.” said the two super soldiers.
“Why am I not surprised?” Clint asked.
The kid nodded with a fond smile. Peter leaned against the armrest of the sofa and let out a yawn.
“Hey kid. You okay?” Bucky asked.
All Peter did was nod.
“Rough morning?” Steve asked.
Peter shook his head no.
“More like a rough week.” Peter said.
“Mind telling us?” Sam asked.
Peter let out a sigh before facing the four older Avengers.
“Well, the start of the week was good, but then it all went to hell after that. Just this week alone, I had to stop 4 bank robberies, 2 thefts, 2 jewel heists, had to save hundreds of people from a train before it derailed, had to stop a jail break, and save some people on a bus before they took a swim in the Hudson. On top of that, high school is being a pain in the ass. I think I had at least 5 or 6 tests this week alone...” Peter said.
The kid looked at the Avengers and saw that they were all staring at him in shock.
“One question... How?” Sam asked.
“I don’t know, Mr. Wilson. And to make it worse, I did some really late studying for a test this upcoming week... Ugh, I just need rest...” Peter said.
His vibrating phone soon took him out of his thoughts. Checking the NEWS, he saw that there was a jewel heist downtown. Letting out a sigh, he got up from the sofa and started heading for the door.
“Whoa, hey, where are you going?” Steve asked.
“Jewel heist downtown,” Peter said.
“Nu uh. No way. Let the police handle that. You stay here and rest.” Clint said.
“I have to go because for the past week, I’ve been doing the police’s job.”
Without another word, the kid ran out of the facility and swung into action. The four older Avengers looked at each other in disbelief.
“The kid’s gonna work himself dead if he keeps this up.” Sam said.
“Preach to that notion.” Clint said.
“What are we going to do? Even if we try to force him, his honest to God pure heart won’t let innocent people die on his watch.” Steve said.
“He’s an Avenger for a reason.” Bucky said with a smile.
The other three agreed with silent nods.
“Well, what else can we do?” Clint asked.
The four of them sat in silence trying to come up with a solution. After a while, Sam snapped his fingers when he came up with an idea.
“We may not be able to stop the kid from overworking himself, but we can remind him what fun he’s missing out on if he keeps working.” Sam said.
“Care to elaborate?” Steve asked.
Sam smiled and gladly explain his plan to his friends. The kid didn’t come back until 5. While he was swinging back to the facility, he saw a back robbery and stopped it. His spidey powers are supposed to help him recover after tiresome things, such as school and crimes. They were not helping. When Peter got back to HQ, he was met with silence.
“They probably went out to Switzerland again.” Peter said, chuckling to himself.
Walking into the living room, he plopped down on the sofa and breathed out a heavy sigh. Peter then let out a loud yelp when he felt something pull him down to the floor. His attempts to fight off his attackers were short-lived when his arms were held out to the side of him. He then felt weight being added on his waist. Looking up, he let out a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Clint and Bucky.
“Guys, what are you doing?” Peter asked, stuggling in the Winter Soldier’s grip.
“Nothing too farfetched, Spidey-Boy.” Clint replied.
“Okay, then why do you have me pinned down against my will?”
Bucky couldn’t help but let a giggle escape when the kid said that.
“We’re just reminding you to have fun.” said a familiar voice.
The kid looked up and saw Sam and Steve walk in out of nowhere.
“W-What does that mean?” Peter asked nervously.
“You have nothing to fret, kid. This won’t hurt at all. Trust me.” Steve said.
Peter struggled in the Winter Soldier’s grip, but his strength and metal arm made it impossible to get loose. Plus, Hawkeye’s weight making it difficult to buck him off.
“Riddle me this, kid. Have you ever heard the phrase; laughter is the best medicine?” Bucky asked, putting emphasis on his question.
Peter’s struggling almost became twice as violent when he heard that phrase. His Uncle Ben always said that phrase when Peter was young and sad. After the phrase being proclaimed, he was reduced to a puddle of giggling mess.
“I’ll take his struggling as a yes.” Clint said.
“Well, don’t wanna keep the kid waiting, do we?” Steve asked.
Nodding to one another, they all pounced at once, their fingers raking, scribbling, and wiggling all over the kid’s defenseless body. Peter literally screamed in laughter when they all pounced at him.
“Oh my Gohohohohohohohohod! Stahahahahahahahahahahap! Plehehehehehehehease!” Peter begged.
“Stop? We only just started!” Sam said cheerfully, kneading his fingers into the kid’s ribcage.
Peter gave a small buck when he felt the weird sensation on his ribs.
“Stohohohohohohop! Thahahahahahahahat feels sohohohohoho weird!” Peter cried.
“It’s called being ticklish, kid.” Bucky said bluntly.
Steve placed a hand on the kid and vibrated his hand all over the poor kid’s belly. Peter shook his head back and forth, trying not to think about the ticklish sensations all over his body. Easier said than done if you ask me.
“Yohohohohohohou’ve hahahahahahahad your fuhuhuhuhuhuhun! Now plehehehehehehehease stohohohohohop!” Peter cried.
“We’ll stop once you say that you’ll stop overworking yourself and take time off to have fun with us.” Steve said.
Peter couldn’t even respond. His childish laughter was getting in the way of every sentence he tried to form.
“You know Parker, everyone has a weak spot. Do you have one?” Clint asked.
“Nohohohohoho!” Peter answered.
“Liar.” Bucky said.
Holding Peter’s arms down with his metal arm, Bucky scribbled his fingers right below the kid’s armpits. Peter gave a small buck and his laughter reached a new volume.
The four Avengers smiled almost menacingly down at the kid. Clint soon hiked hands upwards, inching closer and closer to the kid’s armpits.
“Sorry kid, I just gotta know.” the Hawkeye said.
Once his hands were in his target, Peter first fell limp with laughter before his struggling turned into violent thrashing.
“Looks like we struck gold.” Sam said.
“More like we struck diamond. Look at him.” Steve said.
What Captain America appeared sound. The kid’s laughter was louder than ever, and his thrashing was getting more and more violent. Not a problem for Bucky. He had Peter’s wrists locked down tight. The kid wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
“Too ticklish, Spider-Boy?” Bucky asked, grinning down at the kid’s laughing face.
Peter cracked opened one of his eyes to look at the Winter Soldier. Bad decision. They say if you look at your tickler, the tickling becomes a hundred times worse. Apparently, no one told Peter Parker this information. Bucky was grinning like the devil himself. And with his long hair blocking the light in the room, it made him look ten times scarier. Honest to God, Peter’s laughter reached a new octave and volume.
“You know what to do to make us stop. Say that you’ll stop overworking yourself and take time off to have fun with us.” Sam said.
“All I hear is excuses...” Clint groaned.
Taking a gamble, Steve started kneading Peter’s inner thigh and got a really good reaction out of it.
“What? This?” Steve asked, kneading the kid’s thighs again.
The kid’s laughter fell on deaf ears. His face was beat red, tears streaming down his shut eyes, and nothing but cute, childish was being produced.
“You have the power to stop all this, yet you refuse to do so. Why is that, Mr. Parker?” Bucky asked.
Peter couldn’t form a word; he was laughing so much.
“I think he needs more persuasion.” Bucky said.
Holding down Peter’s wrists with his knees, he slid his fingers into the kid’s sleeves and attacked his bare armpit. Peter honest to God screamed out a new stream of laughter.
“Oh, I get it.” Clint said, catching onto the Winter Soldier’s plan.
Nodding to the Falcon, the two of them snaked their hands under the kid’s shirt and teased the sensitive skin. Peter started to buck and thrash like a bull.
“Just say what we wanna hear, kid. This’ll all be over if you just say what we want you to say.” Steve said.
If they didn’t stop now, Peter was surely going to pass out from lack of oxygen.
“And?” the four Avengers inquired.
Once he said that, the four men removed their hands from the kid’s body. Peter’s chest rose and fell slowly while he took in the much needed air. His heart felt like he was going to explode.
“You good kid?” Sam asked.
Peter panted but was still able to nod towards the Falcon.
“Sorry if we overdid it a bit.” Clint said.
“A bit!? I felt like I was gonna die!” Peter cried sitting straight up.
Hawkeye shrugged with a smile. Thinking back to his rough week, he let a wide, genuine smile form.
“I guess I have been working myself to the bone lately,” he said.
“After hearing how your week was, we couldn’t feel more sympathetic for you.” Steve said.
“You may be called Spider-Man, but sometimes you gotta remember that you’re still a kid.” Bucky said.
“Yeah, a kid with a lot of responsibilities.”
Bucky looked at the kid with an annoyed smug look.
“But I get your point. I’ll try and stop working myself to the bone and try and start having fun... with my family...” the kid said.
The four men smiled at being called family.
“So, Parker, what do you want to do now?” Steve asked.
Peter thought for a while before a smiled loomed on his face.
“Well, I guess I can get my revenge on you guys...” Peter said with a malicious smile.
For the rest of the afternoon, Peter was able to exact his revenge on his family. And in truth, the Avengers were his family, in more ways than one.
Hope you enjoyed! Stay Safe, Stay Blessed!
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sparrow-flies-south · 4 years
Ten Things [2]
Fandom: Sanders Sides Pairings: Anxceit, Royality Intrulogical Summary: Ten Things I Hate About You AU When Roman Prince learns that Patton Foster isn’t allowed to date until his older brother, Virgil, is, Roman is crushed. Roman’s twin brother Remus, however, comes up with a plan: find someone who is willing to date Virgil. And who better to ask than Janus Verona, who according to rumours is willing to do anything for the right price? Taglist (ask to be added!): @someone-idk-is-here
Notes: Been awhile, so have an extra long chapter to make up for it! I want to switch to updating every Saturday now this is my main project.  I've switched to using Janus instead of Dee, so I edited the first chapter and summary to reflect that. There's no other differences to the first chapter. Also *pokes tags* there's intrulogical in this now.
AO3 Link - Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six
Roman cleared his throat and looked over the ragtag group of students he’d gathered before him.
Luc Edwards, Scott Brown, Tyler Ellis, Pete Campbell and Alex Swift. Three of Virgil’s friends, and two boys Roman knew sat next to Virgil in class. He and Remus had spent all of Monday spying, making notes of who Virgil spoke to, who he sat by, who he ate lunch with. After much debating, and a fair dose of stalking on social media, the two had come up with a shortlist.
That morning, he and Remus had both ended up late to their first class because they’d been delivering notes to each of the five, telling them to meet in one of the maths classrooms that Roman knew would be empty at this time.
“I’m sure you’re all wondering why I brought you here today,” Roman began.
“Who are you?” Alex Swift, a gangly boy with greasy hair and acne covering his face asked.
“That not important,” Roman dismissed. “What is important is that one of you is going to take Virgil Foster out on a date.”
“Who?” asked Tyler Ellis, who Roman knew ate lunch with Virgil every day.
“That weird emo kid,” Scott Brown answered.
“Why do you want one us to date Virgil?” Alex asked.
“As a part of a scheme to allow me to date his brother,” Roman replied. “But that’s not important.”
“Question,” said Luc Edwards, who, unlike the others, was perched on a table. “What’s in it for us?”
“Uh, the joy of Virgil’s company?”
Luc snorted. “Are you sure we’re talking about the same guy?”
Okay, Roman was beginning to hate everyone in the room. Weren’t they supposed to be Virgil’s friends?
“Quite sure,” he said through gritted teeth.
Luc shook his head. “He’s a freak. He never even speaks.”
“I heard him speak once,” Pete said timidly. “He asked how often the school tested the fire alarms.”
“Probably planning on burning the place down,” Scott muttered.
Roman stared at him. He knew that outsiders judged his friendships for the friendly insults he handed out like candy, but even he had limits, and talking about someone like that behind their back broke all of them. He was beginning to get the urge to defend Virgil’s honour.
“Do any of you actually like him?” Roman asked.
“He doesn’t speak,” Luc repeated. “We let him hang around with us because he doesn’t have anywhere else to go. Honestly, it’s kinda pathetic.”
Roman looked from person to person. None of them met their eyes.
Luc sighed. “Look, good luck with your search, but honestly? Don’t get your hope up.”
With that, Luc jumped down from the table and left the room. Roman looked at the four remaining boys, but his hope was dying. Luc had seemed to be the unofficial leader of Virgil’s group, commanding their attention. He’d been Roman’s favourite, though Remus had disagreed.
The other boys exchanged glances. For a moment, no one spoke.
“Sorry,” Pete said at last, “But he’s not my type.”
“He’s a loser.”
“Forget it.”
“I still don’t know who that is.”
One boy one, the boys left the classroom, until Roman was alone. He groaned, and thudded his head against the wall. So much for that idea. So much for Virgil’s shitty friends.
He sighed, and then went to find Remus.
“Maybe it’s for the best,” Logan said.
The two of them were sat at their favourite table in the library, hidden away among the stacks. In front of them was their homework, which Patton was currently face down on, bemoaning his current romantic status.
It had been the fifth time they’d had that conversation since Friday. Logan had kept track.
“Maybe,” Patton mumbled into the desk, which was an improvement on the last four conversations, when he hadn’t been willing to listen.
“It will give you more time to study,” Logan pointed out.
Patton lifted his head and pulled a face. “Okay, I get it.” He sat up fully and sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I hate French.”
“Just be glad you didn’t take Spanish,” Logan said, drily.
Mischief suddenly danced in Patton’s eyes. “Oh? Why’s that, Lo?”
“Because-“ Logan stopped himself. “No. You are not going to distract me like that.”
“Like what?” asked a new voice, and Remus Prince slid into the third seat at the table.
Patton and Logan exchanged glances, and then looked back at Remus, who looked as if sitting with them was the most normal thing in the world, even though they’d never had a conversation together.
They knew who Remus was, of course, even outside of Patton’s crush on his brother. Everyone knew who Remus was. It had taken him less than a year at Padua High to reach a level of infamy most students could only aspire to. Patton still shuddered every time he saw a duck.
Remus looked between them. “Are you guys having a stroke?”
“No,” Logan said. “We’re merely… surprised you chose to sit with us.”
Remus shrugged. “Gotta keep an eye on who my brother’s dating,” he said, and grinned at Patton like a shark.
Patton swallowed. “Roman and I aren’t dating.”
“Right,” Remus said, and then muttered something that sounded like ‘yet’. “So,” he added cheerfully. “What are we talking about?”
“Spanish,” Patton said sweetly.
Logan glared at him. “No, we’re-.”
“Ugh,” Remus threw his head back. “Spanish is the worst. Mrs Richards has no idea what she’s talking about.”
“Yes,” Logan agreed. “And her pronunciation-,”
“It’s awful!” Remus finished. “Like, has she ever seen a native speaker?”
Logan nodded, and then narrowed his eyes. “How would you know? Don’t you sleep through most Spanish classes?”
“Yeah, but it creeps into my dreams and gives me nightmares.”
“No, I mean- how do you how bad she is if you don’t pay attention to what she’s teaching.”
Remus looked at him like he was stupid. It was not a look Logan got very often. “I… speak Spanish?”
“You do?” Logan asked.
“Uh, yeah,” Remus said. “I grew up speaking it. You guys didn’t know that?”
“We don’t exactly know you,” Patton pointed out. “And you are taking it as a class.”
“Yeah, because it’s an easy A.”
“Of course,” Logan muttered.
Patton gasped and clapped his hands together, making the other two jump. He glanced around guiltily at the noise, but there was no one nearby to get annoyed.
“Remus, you speak Spanish!” Patton exclaimed.
“That’s… what we were just talking about?” Remus said.
Patton turned to Logan. “Remus can tutor you!”
“What?” Logan and Remus asked at the same time.
“Well, you’re always talking about how you wish you had someone to practise with! Here’s your chance.”
Logan and Remus looked at each other uncertainly.
“I don’t think Remus wants to do that,” Logan said.
“You don’t know what I want,” Remus protested.
Logan narrowed his eyes. Remus gave his biggest shit-eating grin.
“I wouldn’t want to presume-,”
“It’s not presuming if you just ask me.”
“I don’t have the money for a tutor.”
“I’ll do it out of the goodness of my heart!”
Logan and Remus stared at each other. Remus’s smile took on a slightly sinister nature.
“Unless,” Remus said, “There’s some reason you don’t want me to tutor you.”
It was a challenge and a game all wrapped into one. Remus was watching Logan carefully, waiting to see what he’d do, if he’d admit to not liking Remus or come up with an excuse.
Logan had never backed down from a challenge. Not when he was eleven, and his teacher had given him advanced work and not bothered to explain it because ‘other people need my time more’, which Logan had taken home and researched until he understood. Not when he was fourteen, and his teacher had asked if he’d like to teach the class instead, and Logan had snapped back ‘I’d probably do a better job than you’. Not when he was fifteen and the history teacher had dismissed his comments with ‘you don’t know more than the textbook’, so Logan had compiled a ten page list of sources that showed the textbook was wrong.
He certainly wasn’t going to back down when Remus Prince was staring at him with those infuriating brown eyes.
So he changed the game.
“In that case,” Logan said, forcing his face into a smile, “I accept your offer.”
Remus gaped at Logan, and Logan raised an eyebrow.
“Unless there’s some reason you don’t want to tutor me?”
Remus burst into laughter. “Oh, this is going to be fun.”
Patton, whose eyes had darted back and forth between them like a spectator at a tennis match, now smiled as if everything was fine. Remus suspected that Patton hadn’t understood what was happening. Logan knew better.
“What the hell are you doing in the library?” someone called, and the trio turned around.
Roman stood there with his arms crossed, looking exasperated at Remus. It was a common look on Roman’s face.
Remus raised an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, am I not allowed to be a good student?”
“Not when it means I have to search the entire school looking for you!”
Patton cleared his throat. “Is… everything okay?”
Roman jerked when he noticed Patton sitting there. “Ah, Patton! Yes, everything’s fine, I just need to borrow my brother here.”
“Smooth,” Remus commented.
Roman’s only response was to grab Remus by the arm and pull him out of the chair.
“Ow! Hey! Okay, okay, I’m going. See you later, Nerdy Wolverine!”
The librarian glared at Roman dragged Remus past her desk. Roman gave an apologetic look. Remus grinned and blew a kiss.
“You’re not very subtle,” Remus pointed out when they were standing in the corridor outside.
“Shut up,” Roman snapped.
“Ooh, grumpy! So how did the meeting go?”
Remus began walking through the halls and Roman did too.
“How do you think?”
“I think Operation: Get Virgil Foster Laid has hit a wall.”
Roman rubbed a hand over his face. “We are not calling it that.”
“But fear not!” Remus continued. “I have a solution.”
Roman narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “What solution?”
“I’m so glad you asked! See, there was one big flaw with your plan-,”
“It was your plan!”
“-And that’s that you lacked incentive! No one’s going to do things for the goodness of their hearts!”
“So what do you suggest?” Roman asked.
“Use money! What else are you going to do with it- use it to pay for dates?”
“Okay,” Roman said. “Let me get this straight-,”
“-You want me to pay someone to date Virgil Foster.”
“Not just anyone! It’s all about finding the right person.”
They had reached the cafeteria now. Remus pulled open the door with a flourish.
“Fortunately, I know exactly who that person is.”
Roman followed Remus’s gesture to a table near the back of the cafeteria, where a boy was sat wearing a black leather jacket over a yellow shirt. A hat hid most of his face, but Roman could just about make out a large burn scar from underneath his left eye to his jaw.
He sat alone, attention on the book in front of him. The crowd at the tables near him seemed electrified. Everyone was aware of his presence, but no one dared look over.
Roman shook his head. “Isn’t that Janus Verona?”
When Roman and Remus had first joined the story, Janus had become an urban legend in his absence. The boy with the strange name and scar on his face, which should have made him the perfect target for bullies, but instead he became something else. Everyone had a friend who’s sibling or cousin had messed with him, or who he just hadn’t liked, and had their lives ruined for it.
If you wanted dirt on someone, he probably already had it. If you wanted a fake ID, or alcohol, or tickets to a sold out concert, he could get it for you. He’d do anything you asked, if you had the money.
He hadn’t shown up what should have been his senior year because he was in prison for murder. Because he’d quit school and joined the mob. He was in prison, but it was extortion, not murder. The murder part was true, but he’d fled the country because of it.
Roman had wondered whether he’d even existed in the first place.
And then Janus had come back, and started his senior year one year late.
Janus had become ten times more powerful through not being there, and the school had its resident bogeyman back. Roman had seen him a handful of times in the halls, and had always kept his head down and stayed away.
Whatever the rumour were, Janus Verona was clearly trouble.
“It’s perfect,” Remus said, cutting off Roman’s thoughts. “We pay him, he takes Virgil out, you and Patton get to be together and I don’t have to listen to your whining.”
“It’s Janus Verona,” Roman hissed, because clearly Remus was not getting how insane that was.
“I know,” Remus said, starry eyed. “Isn’t he great?”
Roman did manage to resist the urge to scream, but it was a near thing.
“Look,” Remus said. “We tried it your way. It went down like the Hindenburg.”
“That doesn’t mean we should resort to hiring a criminal!”
“Got any better ideas? I’m all ears.”
Roman opened his mouth, then shut it again. He glared at Remus.
“Great!” Remus said, and dragged Roman over to Janus’s table.
Janus did not look up from his book as the two of them approached. They stood at in front of the table. Janus still didn’t look up. Roman glanced at Remus, who shrugged. He cleared his throat.
“Roman and Remus Prince,” Janus said, his eyes still on the book. “Why ever would two model citizens like you come to someone like me?”
Remus took this as an invitation to pull out a chair and throw himself into it. “I just want to say, I’m a big fan of your work.”
That was enough to get Janus to look up from his book. He had the same confused and mildly horrified look most people got upon meeting Remus. “…Thank you?”
Roman sat down. “Ignore my brother, he’s morally deficient.” Remus kicked him under the table. “We want to hire you.”
Janus hummed. “I charge extra if you want it to look like an accident.”
“What?” Roman exclaimed. “No! We don’t- are you offering to kill someone!?”
Janus met his eyes and raised an eyebrow for a moment, the most terrifying one of Roman’s life. Then he threw his head back with loud, cackling peals of laughter. Remus beamed.
“Oh,” Roman said, laughing nervously. “You were joking. You- you are joking, right?”
“Certainly,” Janus said. “You wouldn’t be able to afford my fee.”
“This is the greatest day of my life,” Remus whispered.
“So.” Janus leaned back in his chair, “What can I do for you? Don’t bother getting all embarrassed, I promise, I’ve heard it all before.”
Roman glanced at Remus, who nodded. “We’d like to hire you to date Virgil Foster,” he said.
“Okay,” Janus said after a moment’s silence. “I haven’t heard it all before. You do realise I’m not an escort, don’t you?”
“I don’t want you to have sex with him,” Roman cried, then ducked his head, blushing, when he realised everyone had probably heard that. “I just- look, I want to date Patton Foster, okay?”
“Whatever you’re about to tell me, I assure you I don’t care,” Janus drawled.
“So I asked Patton out, and he was like, ‘I’ll have to ask my dad’, but then his dad was like ‘not unless Virgil dates’, which apparently is impossible. So Remus and I came up with an idea-,”
“I came up with it,” Remus interrupted.
“So Remus came up with, and I improved upon, an idea: we find someone to date Virgil.”
“And how did that go?” Janus asked, looking mildly interested despite himself.
“Terrible,” Remus chimed in. “So we figured we’d ask you.”
Janus tilted his head, considering. “Alright,” he said at last.
Janus smiled, and spread his gloved handswide. “Who am I to get in the way of true love?”
“Well, great.” Roman was suddenly transported to a reality where Remus’s plans worked. It was not a pleasant experience. “Uh, so how’s ten dollars sound?”
Janus gasped, and placed a hand on his heart. “Roman. Are you suggested that I take a fine young man like Virgil on a date that’s worth ten dollars?”
Roman gritted his teeth. “Well, what do you want?”
“Well, let’s see,” Janus mused. “Say we go to the cinema. The tickets cost, what, fifteen dollars? And then, of course, I’ll be buying him popcorn. And then there’s the price of gas…”
“How much?”
Janus smiled. “Let’s say $75.”
Roman balked. “No way.”
Janus shrugged. “All right then. Plenty of fish in the sea, after all.”
He turned his attention back to his book, though Roman got the sense he was still watching them.
“Roman,” Remus hissed.
Roman glared. “I can’t afford seventy five dollars a date.”
“It only needs to be a couple of times,” Remus pointed out.
Roman groaned. “Fine,” he spat, and Janus looked up from his book and smiled. “But I don’t pay you until after the date.”
“Half up front, half after,” Janus said. “Otherwise there’s no deal.”
Roman considered. He didn’t seem to have much of a choice. “I’ll pay the first half once Virgil agrees to it.”
Janus nodded. “Deal.” He reached out a hand, and Roman shook it. “A pleasure doing business with you, Mr Prince. Now, if you excuse me, it appears I have a boy to seduce.”
Janus pushed away from the table, picked up his book – Kant, something he’d read before but which gave him the opportunity to watch the cafeteria without anyone noticing - and swept out of the room.
People scurried out of his way as he walked through the hallways, but their whispers and dirty looks trailed after him. He was not well liked in this school, and he knew it – had known for a long time that he would never be liked, and so he had become something else.
Janus Verona did not need to be liked to be powerful.
He arrived at his destination- a corridor that contained only a set of toilets, a supply closet, and a side door that led to a set of steps down to the parking lot, hidden behind rows of cars. For years, it had made the best spot for smoking without getting caught.
Virgil Foster did not smoke, but he did hang around with people who did.
Janus leaned against the wall of the corridor and opened his book again, pretending to read but really watching Virgil through the window in the door. He was sat on the top step with his head phones on, but he was watching the other boys, even though presumably he couldn’t hear the conversation. At the bottom of the steps Luc Edwards stood, waving his eyes as he spoke. The other boys alternated between listening to him and paying him no attention.
The group was a scattering of losers and outcasts, the kind that banded together not through any shared friendship, or even through liking each other. They were there because there was safety in numbers and nowhere else to go.
In another life, Janus might have been one of them, keeping his head turned away so no one saw his scar.
In this life, the bell rang, and the group outside got up, and started heading to class. Most of them barely glanced at Janus as they passed, safe in being too low in the hierarchy to be bothered. Luc Edwards shoulder checked him as he walked past.  
Janus narrowed his eyes at Luc, but before he could do anything, Virgil came inside, his head down, hood pulled up. Janus pushed off the wall, and fell into step with him. Virgil glanced over at the movement in the corner of his eye, then did a double take when he realised who was next to him.
“What?” Virgil asked gruffly, pushing one headphone away from his ear.
“Janus Verona,” he introduced, holding out one hand. Virgil looked at it suspiciously, but didn’t say anything.
“We have English together,” Janus explained. “Why not walk together?”
Virgil shook his head. “Why are you talking to me?”
“Is there a reason why I shouldn’t?” Janus asked.
“I can think of a few,” Virgil snapped, and sped up.
Truly, it was shocking that Roman and Remus had been so unsuccessful.
Virgil was already in his seat by the time Janus entered the classroom. He didn’t look up as Janus sat down, didn’t even glance in his direction, which meant he was putting in the effort to seem as uninviting as possible.
The teacher- Mr Williams- began his lesson as the last stragglers had taken their seats, introducing the Shakespeare module they were about to begin and handing out copies of The Taming of The Shrew. Janus payed attention only enough to know what was happening. Nothing interesting would be in this lesson, and he wanted a chance to review what he already knew about Virgil.
He’d never had much to do with Virgil, before. Virgil had been in the year below, and even if their paths had crossed, Janus had never had much reason to pay attention to the emo boy at the back of the class.
He knew that Virgil had a younger brother, Patton, and that their parents were divorced. He knew that, if Luc Edwards was anything to go by, he had terrible taste in friends.
He was also, Janus noticed when he snuck glances at Virgil, not bad looking.
“Before we get started,” Mr Williams said, “Why doesn’t everyone share their thoughts on Shakespeare’s works?”
Janus rolled his eyes at the pointless attempt to make the lesson interactive.
Mr Williams made a show of scanning the class. “Virgil Foster,” he said, announcing both names as if there was another Virgil in the school, let alone the class. “What are your thoughts?”
And that was one other thing Janus knew about Virgil: Mr Williams hated him.
Janus didn’t know whether Mr Williams had convinced himself that he was helping to bring a shy boy out of his shell, or if he admitted that he just wanted to torment someone and went for the weakest option. Janus hoped it was the latter, because it would take a lot of denial to believe that calling on him every lesson was a good thing. Either Virgil would stammer out an answer, face pale and voice shaky, or he would say nothing, and Mr Williams would tell him to pay more attention and threaten him with detention.
It made Janus’s fists clench, that a man would go through such efforts to feel like he had power over someone he already had power over.
Still, it gave Janus a chance to look at Virgil, shoulders hunched and head down.
“He’s fine,” Virgil muttered.
“Fine?” Mr Williams echoed. “William Shakespeare, the greatest poet in the English language, is fine.” A smattering of giggles, not because Mr Williams was right, but because there was someone for the class to laugh at. Virgil’s shoulders tightened. “I’m sure you can come up with something better than that.”
Virgil said nothing.
Mr Williams sighed dramatically. “We don’t have all day,” he said. “Really, you must have some original thoughts in that head.”
Virgil lifted his head, glaring fire at the teacher. “I think people should stop putting him on a pedestal,” he said. His voice was shaking but the foundation was steel. “I think there are a lot of aspects of his works that people don’t talk about.”
“Care to give an example?” Mr Williams asked.
Virgil tapped the book in front of him. “Guy abuses his wife for the whole play and he’s supposed to be the hero?”
Mr Williams hummed. “Thank you for your feedback, Virgil. I’m sure Shakespeare would be devastated to know you don’t approve of the play he wrote in the sixteenth century.”
Laughter from the class. Virgil flushed and ducked his head, shoulders tense, fists clenched.
It was obvious Virgil hated Mr Williams, but he had never done anything about it before. Somehow, the boy in the back of the class had managed to surprise Janus Verona.
Virgil stayed with his head down until the bell rang, when he was the first to dash out of the classroom, stuffing his books back into his bag as he went. Janus didn’t bother trying to catch up.
He sent a text to Roman as he walked through the halls, asking for more information on Virgil. The first response came back almost instantly, asking how Janus had his number. He ignored it, and pulled up Google while he waited for Roman to get back with something useful. Excitement rushed through him as he typed, the kind that always came in these early stages of a plan.
Virgil was more than he seemed, which meant that this was going to be interesting.
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weirdinternettrash · 5 years
how to cram and last minute study without dying
So I see a lot of studyblr tips on good study techniques and that’s great! they are tried and tested ways of getting information into your brain, without making you hate yourself and the subject you study. But what if it’s too late? what if you put off revising for too long because your demon brain wouldn’t let you focus? what if you missed a load of class for whatever reason and are really far behind and trying to catch up and it’s all too much at once and you have an exam tomorrow oH GOD? or what if your deadlines just crept up on you like little ghosties in the night? whatever your reasons for doing last minute intense studying, here’s how to do it without dying.
1) HOP TO IT: even as i write this I am putting off studying for an exam tomorrow morning. I have not studied enough for it. I need to do so much work. I am not I am here. someone tell me to stop. please. this is half advice half a callout post to myself but please for the love of all things holy you need to stop procrastinating RIGHT THE FUCK NOW and prioritise. Do a past paper. find the stuff you don’t understand and get going. your exam is tomorrow, but if you start now it’s not too late.
2) TAKE BREAKS: everyone will tell you this, but here’s where what I will tell you differs: don’t schedule them in, don’t set yourself a routine. work until you run out of focus and motivation and then take a walk. go talk to a friend. eat something.
A really effective way of regulating your time I find to be use water. I fill up a 750ml bottle of water, which i sip as I study. I then have o take regular breaks as I either run out of water and have to get up and refill my bottle, or i have to pee. Either way i have to get up and walk around and go to a different room. It has the added bonus of giving me breaks with a very defined finite time, with limited opportunity to get distracted and end up wasting lots of time. It also has the added bonus of helping me...
4) STAY HYDRATED. please. just trust me it really makes a difference. you could be running on 20mins of sleep for all i care but if you’re hydrated you will feel so much better. and while we’re talking about this, please try and avoid caffeine as much as you can. and definitely no alcohol or drugs. but please don’t have too much caffeine. it won’t help i promise. it’s so tempting but it’s also really temporary and then you just end up having more and more and suddenly you’re trying to sit an exam and your hands are shaking and your eyes are blurry and you really need to shit. it’s not a great feeling.
5) EAT FULL MEALS (and try not to snack): it’s very difficult when you’re in the throes of studying but eating full hot meals at regular times will help keep you sane. snacking is great, but try to maintain regular eating patterns and  balanced diet as much as possible. buddy up with friends/flatmates/etc to set up a rota (more on this later). but try and have a proper hot meal at least once a day.
6) TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EVERYONE: have smart friends? study with them. ask your teachers/professors/lecturers/tutors/other academic staff EVEN ONES YOU HAVEN’T MET. Make use of every textbook/youtube channel/website/etc that you can access. trust me.
7) COMBINE POINTS 5 AND 6: set up a study group. meet in the afternoon. spend a few hours working. each of you brings an ingredient for a simple meal. you all cook and eat together. after eating, do a little more studying/watch a film/tv show. this will get you to a different place, help focus you, help you answer any questions you have and also makes sure you get fed and have some social time.
8) ON THE TOPIC OF ALL NIGHTERS: I will not tell you not to pull them. it would be hypocritical of me. we all do it. but here’s how to do it and survive. Eat and stay hydrated. avoid caffiene. never more than one in a row, never more than two in a week. NOT THE NIGHT BEFORE AN EXAM, OR EVEN THE NIGHT BEFORE THAT. if your exam is on monday, you should get a full night’s sleep on sunday night and on saturday night. you do not wan to be tired in an exam. avoid all nighters at all costs. THEY ARE A LAST RESORT.
thank you for coming to my ted talk. please take on board some of this advice. i have made (and continue to make) these mistakes so that you don’t have to. please add on your tips and advice, and please look after yourselves this exam season. go outside and see daylight occasionally.stay safe. you’ve got this i believe in you. I’m no studyblr but i do study and therefore im qualified to give you this unsolicited advice. im now going to study for this bastard maths exam that i am woefully unprepared for. i love you.
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besttuitionliverpol · 3 years
Find students for tuition
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Description 1 :
 Prestige Tuition is a high school tutoring service based in Liverpool NSW and has been running for over 5 years. We specialise in HSC Mathematics, English, and Sciences, as well as providing educational support to students in Years 7-10. Our tutors are hard-working and passionate in their subject area of expertise. They have received HSC state-ranks, university scholarships, Dux awards, and are all high-achieving HSC recipients, receiving Band 6 results and ATARs of 95+. We have helped over 500 students in the past few years, providing quality education and resources to maximise student potential. Tutors provide homework sheets, lesson notes, topic tests and final exams to solidify and support learning. Our aim is to provide educational support to students whilst simultaneously transforming them into well-rounded individuals.
 Description 2 :
Prestige Tuition has been running for over 5 years, starting off as a group of private tutors helping students reach their academic goals. Currently, our tutoring business is in Liverpool CBD and has expanded drastically with 15 tutors and 4 team leaders. Our tutors impose their expertise and experience within their teaching pedagogy to maximise the quality of learning provided to all students at Prestige Tuition. Our tutors have academically excelled in their own studies, receiving HSC Band 6 results, ATARs of 95+, Dux awards, and state-ranks in their teaching field. We specialise in high school tutoring, including Year 7-10 Mathematics, Science and English, and Year 11 and 12 Mathematics, Sciences, English, Business Studies, Engineering Studies and Legal Studies. Over the years, we have helped more than 500 students to reach their learning goals and provided support within the classrooms, through tailoring lessons and teaching approaches, providing extra resources and identifying student needs.
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 Working Hours
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Sunday, 10:00 Am – 06:00 Pm
Monday, 03:30 – 09:00 Pm
Tuesday, 3:30 – 09:00 Pm
Wednesday, 3:30 – 09:00 Pm
Thursday, 3:30 – 09:00 Pm
 Service Area lists :
 Liverpool 2170,
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Mount Pritchard 2170,
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Minto 2566,
Cabramatta 2166,
Cabramatta West 2166,
Canley Vale 2166,
  Plus Code : 3WGC+4W Liverpool, New South Wales, Australia
 Business Name * : Prestige Tuition
N.A.P Details : 21-27 Memorial Ave, Liverpool NSW 2170, Australia
Business Email * :[email protected]
Business Phone * : +61478416574
Number of Employees : 10
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zukuthehero · 4 years
Schedules and the Big Three
First Chapter || Previous Chapter || Next Chapter || AO3
##  Doctor POV ##
I studied the readings on the project All for One requested.
It was a delight to get to work on such a difficult piece, the unique combination of quirks, plus its appearance demands. It’s extremely delicate still, but soon it will reach the time for the next stage.
I grinned, everything is still holding steady, looks like I can add the next quirk.
##  Aizawa POV ##
I groaned as I rearranged the papers in front of me.
Not only do I have to grade all the homework from last week, make up a full training schedule for my students, make sure they’re on top of their normal classes, and make sure they all get therapy, now I also have to be a quirk counselor for Midoriya, change his schedule around to fit the classes Nedzu was demanding for him, and deal with an obnoxious hero constantly popping in to make sure I’m no ‘overdoing it’.
This is so tedious.
Plus, I also still need to watch the press conference release, didn’t get the chance when I was in the hospital and certainly not since I got out.
I can turn it on while I finish changing Midoriya’s schedule.
Of course, that requires grabbing the remote.
I glared at the offending object, just out of reach.
Stupid bandages.
I could use my capture scarf…
I stiffened when I heard knocking on my door, turning slowly to glare at it.
Now I have to get up.
I grumbled and slowly moved over to the door, opening it and glaring more.
“Hello Aizawa-san, how are you? I brought you something to eat.” All Might in his shrunken form stood there, holding up a bag, presumably holding food.
It took all my self-control not to slam the door in his face.
“Yagi what do you want?”
“Just thought I’d check in, make sure you’re doing alright. I told Nedzu I’d help you with the grading.”
Damn it Nedzu.
I glared some more, “Fine, but we’re gonna talk about how you know Midoriya then.”
He blanched, and I hid a smirk, stepping aside to let him in.
“Ah, haha, uh, sure…” He moved inside, still stupidly tall.
I moved back to the couch, grabbing the remote and turning to the press conference (thank goodness Mic recorded it for me).
All Might awkwardly sat, pulling two bentos out of his bag.
They smell delicious damn it.
“So what are you doing right now?” All Might handed me one of the bentos as he studied the papers.
“Don’t try to change the subject.” I grumbled, taking the bento with as much grace as I could with my movements so stiff from the bandages.
I watched as the press conference started.
“Well uh,” He looked anywhere but at me.
“How do you know Midoriya?”
Nedzu started speaking.
‘Today during the first practical course for Rescue training for Class 1-A villains attacked the USJ.’
“He’s… I… Well…”
I turned to glare at him again, “Don’t give me an excuse, just tell me how you know my student.”
‘-split up around the facility by the warp villain-‘
“I must ask you to keep this top secret Aizawa-san.”
My eyes narrowed, “Alright…”
‘-fought off the villains and headed back to the entrance to rendezvous-‘
“I’m his, uh, uncle! Yes, his uncle! Uh, but you must not tell anyone. It’s top secret and all.”
I stared, “His uncle?”
‘-creature had multiple quirks and managed to take down one teacher-‘
I thought about Midoriya greeting him, seemed to stumble over it. Hmm.
“I see. You’d best not be giving him favoritism, are you related through his mom?”
“I would never do favoritism!”
‘-the students came to aid All Might, though unnecessary it was very brave of them and helped-‘
“And no, it’s uh, through his dad! Yes, his dad and me are brothers. Hehe…”
He quickly started eating.
I hummed, turning back to the screen. I’d double check with my problem child but despite his nervousness I don’t think he’s lying. Just nervous about revealing it.
‘-and the creature known as Nomu was captured, along with the majority of the villains. Unfortunately due to the nature of his quirk the warp villain was able to get away with the leader of the villains-‘
The detective is a friend of All Might’s too, so makes sense that he would know Midoriya, even if they’d never met.
‘-the students had minimal injury, only one needing medical attention which he received from Recovery Girl-‘
I dug through the papers, looking for his file.
The vagueness surrounding his dad would make sense if the number one hero was trying to protect his family, guess that answers that question.
‘-escaped and we do warn the public to be aware of this. The police are trying-‘
“Well uh, anyways… how are you?”
I frowned, glancing back at him, “Fine.”
He nodded, “Uh, any grading I can help you with?”
‘-but the public should remember to be on guard as they are still at large-‘
“Those papers need grading,” I motioned to a pile at the edge of the table I’d been saving for later.
“I’ll just… do those then.” He murmured, picking up the papers.
‘-whether sports festival will still happen is uncertain at this time but we will make an announcement when it has been-‘
All Might started working on the papers while went back to Midoriya’s schedule, putting the bento aside.
Okay so Nedzu said to toss out his strategy class entirely and put him down for Private Lessons with Nedzu instead, lovely the world will burn.
That means that he’ll have Nedzu on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday… That’s way too much Nedzu in my opinion.
The class had their first strategy class yesterday, it would’ve been just opening up the subject though, they would’ve done that last Saturday, but they had the day off.
‘-promise that we will take care of the students mental health, a schedule is being made to speak with our on-site therapist-‘
I shuffled through to check his English grade, Nedzu recommended cutting that class out and using it for quirk counseling, since it’s one of my free periods. I teach Human Theory and Communications for the upper years, so I need to make sure the class switched out works, and unfortunately English does.
I’ll have to have Problem Child test out of English, at least first year English, or he’ll have to do self-study. But if Nedzu says he’ll be fine then he probably will.
‘-setting up new security measures to insure the safety of our students-‘
Right so, I checked again and raised an eyebrow. Have him test through Geometry and stick him in Pre-Calc? Really? If he continues Maths after that he’ll have to take them with the business classes…
I sighed, well, Nedzu says to so. I marked him down for that then shuffled through the stack, he’ll be taking it with Class 3-A it looks like. Joy.
‘-are there any questions?’
Okay so the schedule looks settled, it will take a bit to adjust, Midoriya will start with Pre-Calc tomorrow so it’ll be right off the bat. I’ll have to show him to his new class just to be safe.
“What are you working on?”
‘-if it happens again?”
I looked over at All Might, “What?”
“The papers, are you grading?” He was studying the mess of papers around me curiously.
“No, right now I’m finishing Midoriya’s schedule. Nedzu is having it changed up.”
‘-excellent question. We are implementing-‘
He frowned, “Why?”
“Because he doesn’t need some classes and does need others.”
He nodded, “I see.” He shifted, marking something on the page.
“Do you know about his quirk?”
All Might broke into a coughing fit, bringing his hand up to stop the blood from getting all over the papers.
‘-being done to compensate the family of the student that was-‘
I stared, “You okay?”
“Fine, what did you say?” He wiped at his mouth.
“Do you know about his quirk? It just recently evolved apparently.”
‘-and furthermore there will be a memorial service held for him-‘
He coughed again, lighter this time, “Ah, yes, I do. I helped him train with it some. Helped him build up muscle and the like. It works a bit similar to my own so…”
I nodded, “What can you tell me about it?”
He coughed, “Uh well, I’m not certain that my advice will be much help, my quirk has never hurt me the same way so…”
I nodded, scowling. I’ll have my Problem Child give me an analysis of his own quirk, he seems pretty good at them.
Now to make a training schedule.
##  Izuku POV  ##
Aizawa-sensei just dropped me off at the pre-calc class after homeroom. How fun.
I swallowed, apparently I tested out, who knew?
I stood awkwardly to the side while Aizawa-sensei talked to Ectoplasm (who’s ability to create clones is apparently very useful since he’s also teaching Algebra for my class).
I was sent to a seat behind a blonde-haired kid with blue eyes, I swear I remember him from the sports festival I just need a minute to think about it, and beside a black haired who ducked his head.
I shifted nervously.
“Alright class, Midoriya Izuku has tested up to Pre-Calc, he’s from class 1-A. Please give him a warm welcome, he’ll be in our Pre-Calc class for the rest of the year.”
I offered a nervous smile to the class.
“I’m sure someone would be willing to catch him up on what he missed last week and on Monday. Now then, moving on.”
He started writing on the board, “Let the domain of a function be this set of values: A = {0, 1, 2, −2}”
The chalk moved across the board and I scrambled to start writing notes.
The class was stressful, I was missing some of what we’d learned, but I’d also done some of this before because Dad wanted me to. So at least I wasn’t totally behind.
Class passed almost in a blur, we had a mini quiz, but I was excused from it for this week, next week I’d have to start taking them though.
I stretched when the bell rang and started to pack things up.
I nearly jumped out of my skin, the boy in front of me had turned around.
“Um, hi?”
“I’m Mirio Togata, it’s nice to meet you Midoriya-kouhai!”
“Um,” I tugged the first part off my pen, “Nice to meet you…”
“Mirio, too bright.”
“That’s Tamaki Amajiki.”
“Hi,” I whispered.
“Hello! Are you really from Class 1-A? What was it like getting attacked by villains? Is your hair naturally green? What’s your quirk?”
I shrunk away.
“Nejire! We’re not supposed to ask about the villain attack.”
“Oh yeah, oops,” She offered me a grin, “I’m Nejire Hado!
“Midoriya Izuku,” I mumbled
“So why are you in our class now?”
I shifted, remembering the story I made plus the test I had to take, “Well uh, I tested out of the lower level math’s, um, the Principal had me take some tests, uh, my quirk… I um learned something new about my quirk which is why I took the test so…”
“Cool! We’re happy to have you! Tamaki has the best notes too so if you need any don’t hesitate to ask him!”
“Oh, um, thanks,” I peered at them shyly, “If it’s not too much trouble…”
Tamaki nodded, hiding behind Mirio. “I’ll make copies and give them to you tomorrow,” he whispered.
I smiled brightly, “Thank you.”
He blinked before hiding his face in Mirio’s shoulder, “Too bright.”
I tilted my head confused.
Nejire laughed and hooked an arm with mine, “What’s your next class?”
I straightened, glancing at the clock, “Ah! I’ve got to go, or I’ll be late!”
“Well where is it? We’ll take you just to be safe, we have English next.” Nejire dragged me out the door and Mirio grabbed my bag with a laugh.
“I have Modern Art Hero History next.” I stumbled as Nejire dragged me down the hall.
“Oh, with Midnight! How fun. I remember that class, it was so fun learning about art and how it’s changed since heroes became a thing! What’s your favorite class? Is it math? I hate math, it’s so hard! I much prefer the language classes personally, one of the options for electives is a self-study language. They used to have an actual language class, but no one took it. Now we have to do it ourselves! Isn’t that crazy? I’m also taking business now as an elective, it’s hard but useful for when I graduate. Have you considered what kind of hero you want to be? It’s important to figure it out so that you can pick your courses based on it, or just take fun ones! Tamaki is taking the painting class cause it’s calming to him, except the deadlines. Aren’t deadlines annoying? I just want to be able to do it in my own time but nooo, we have deadlines! Its so- oh look we’re here!”
I blinked, was that what it was like to talk to me? Wow.
“Um, thanks for bringing me.” I quickly bowed, “I really appreciate it.”
“No problem!” She chirped.
“Here’s your bag, see you tomorrow!” Mirio handed me my bag and the three headed off.
I stared after them for a moment, wow.
I shook my head and focused back on the door, getting inside and to my seat just as the bell rang.
“Hey Deku!” Uraraka chirped, “How was your new class?”
Kacchan scoffed in front of me.
“Um, it was good, harder but it seems fun…”
“Really? That’s great! How-“
“Alright class!” Midnight stood at the front, “Time to get to work!”
With that class started and everything was a haze.
Lit was much the same, scrambling to take notes as we were assigned our reading, all the teachers were trying to catch us up after we got the end of last week off.
Computer Tech was fun, I’ve never really worked with computers except for research purposes, I’ll see if I can’t find more for it later.
Then came lunch.
“YOUNG MIDORIYA!” All Might skidded to a stop as I exited the room, “WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE LUNCH WITH ME?”
The other students stared, I flushed.
“Ah- sure.”
I followed him to the teacher’s lounge to eat, pausing in the cafeteria to grab lunch since I only brought snacks today (pop-tarts are delicious I’ve found).
We sat down and nibbled on our food quietly for a few minutes.
All Might cleared his throat.
“Ah, I must apologize to you young Midoriya. Aizawa was questioning me on how I knew you and I panicked and told him I’m your uncle.”
I froze with my food half-way to my mouth.
“… What?”
He coughed, “Ah, yes… I’m terribly sorry, if I’d known he’d corner me like that I would’ve discussed with you what cover you would be comfortable with, he hasn’t questioned you on it yet?”
I slowly shook my head.
All Might said… said he was my uncle.
All Might said he was my uncle.
“I’m sorry if this upsets you Young Midoriya, I should’ve spoken with you first-“
“NO! I mean,” I flushed, straightening my plate from where I’d knocked it aside, “it’s okay, I don’t mind. Um… what should I say if I’m asked about you? Should I use that as the cover too?”
He relaxed, “If you want. I told him I’m your uncle on your dad’s side, if you could just not disprove that, and maybe tell me a few things about him…”
“Oh yeah sure.” My dad, wow what to say, “Um, his quirk is fire breath, he calls it dragon’s breath said it sounded cooler. Let’s see, he works in a private company, I’m not supposed to talk about his job and I’m not supposed to know it either so…”
“That’s fine! Anything that you can’t share I wouldn’t be able to either, so you don’t have to tell me anything like that.”
I nodded, relaxing. “Okay um, he likes spicy food, he had a brother? He died a long time ago though, he doesn’t talk about him much.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“No, I never knew him, just knew that dad loved him a lot even though they apparently were fighting when he died.”
“Ah, well still.”
I nodded, “Right um, he likes analyzing quirks like me, his hair is white, he’s really smart… He hasn’t been home for a long time…. He doesn’t like corrupt heroes but I don’t think anyone does. He likes books a lot, sends me a bunch and uh, his shoe size 26 shoe size, his hand writing is really neat and I have all his old letters. He’s really good at getting rare comics. He’s busy a lot, doesn’t have a lot of time to call but he tries. I don’t know, it’s been a long time since he was home.”
All Might nodded, “Thank you my boy. That should be enough to let me cover for us.”
I nodded, “Should I call you anything different?”
All Might frowned, taking a bite, “Well, in front of people who we give the cover to I suppose calling me Uncle Yagi, at least in my shrunken form works. And if you want Uncle Might when I’m in my hero form.”
I nodded, “Right.”
He sighed, “I’m going to tell my friends about the cover, they’ll go along with it, they know you’re my successor. Or at least some of them do. The one’s that don’t I’ll be telling… I’m not sure.”
“You could say, if you’re trying to keep the story as close as possible for all of them if they aren’t in the know, that you didn’t tell them about me because I was previously diagnosed as quirkless and you worried that I might get targeted for it and now that I’m in UA and my quirk has evolved to the point that I can fight with it that you feel more secure in the knowledge that I can sorta defend myself and if not I’m surrounded by pros so it should be okay… Only if you wanted too of course!” I squeaked, waving my arms.
“That’s an excellent idea young Midoriya! Though what do you mean evolved?”
“Oh! That’s the cover I’ve come up with for One for All. I’ve named it Enhancement and I’m saying that it enhanced me mentally before and that’s why I was diagnosed as quirkless, it’s basically invisible. Then the stress from the villain attack plus all the training I did after caused my quirk to evolve to enhance me physically as well!”
He blinked, “That’s…. an excellent cover. I never thought of doing something like that. The previous quirk evolving is the normal cover for the previous holders I believe, but your explanation works a lot better than the one Nana-“ He coughed, “Right, well, that’s a good explanation.”
I peered at him, who’s Nana?
“Anyways, did you have any thoughts or questions Young Midoriya?”
I considered asking about Nana but… he seems to not want to talk about them.
“Um, if I’m supposed to call you Uncle Yagi around the others you should probably call me Izuku or something… er, if you want of courseyoudon’thavetoyoucanjustignoreme-“
“No that’s true, if you don’t mind me doing so?”
“It’s fine!” I squeaked, clutching my bowl as I stared down at the Katsudon.
“Alright then… Izuku… is that too impersonal? Do your parents have a nickname for you that I should use? Or is that too much? That’s probably-“
“Dad calls me little dragon sometimes, off of his quirks name… the only other nickname I’ve had is Deku, Kacchan calls me that.”
All Might nodded, “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind. Anyways, I did want to see how you’re doing after… everything.”
I shifted nervously, reaching to take a drink from my untouched water, “Well… It’s hard? I mean, I’m doing okay! But I couldn’t do much to help. I need to get stronger, improve this quirk you gave me. I need to make it mine and get strong enough to defend everyone.”
He nodded, “I think you’re doing well so far. There’s plenty of room for improvement, but for a beginner you’re not doing bad.”
I smiled shyly, I’m glad he thinks I’m doing better. But it’s not enough, I still have to improve a lot.
“I’m able to hold it in my hands now! So that’s that at least.”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh!” I moved my bowl away, I was basically done anyways.
I focused for a moment, holding my hands out, and called the well of power up. I carefully scooped the little bit that I needed into my hand and grinned as the red lines wound over it and the green sparks brightened to a glow.
I looked up to see All Might staring wide eyed.
“Young Mid- Izuku, that’s… very impressive. I’ve never seen the quirk do that before. How are you doing that?”
I frowned, “I’m just, reaching for the power and scooping it into my hands?”
He stared, “I’m sorry, I’ve never done it that way before. And… my predecessor had it mastered long before we met so I’m unsure if… they had a similar phenomenon.”
I blinked, peering at my glowing hands, “Oh, strange. I wonder why it does that? Maybe like you said it gets stronger each time and now it’s just too much to not have a visible change? Your eyes glow blue so maybe its something like that? Maybe my eyes will start to glow? Maybe it’s that my body can’t handle the full power, so the glow and sparks are the excess? Maybe it’s how I’m visualizing the power that causes that? Maybe-“
“Woah there Youn- Izuku. We can’t know right now but do take note of the event and see if you can make it… less flashy in time. But there’s not rush yet.”
I peered up at him, “Are you doing okay? After the USJ incident…”
He sighed, “Sudden subject change, but alright. My time limit has gone down, I can stay in my strong form for about an hour a day now. A little under really. That fight did damage.”
My stomach sank, “That’s not good!”
“No, but I still have enough time and strength to train you! And to teach the students. Though I have to be careful, I have two classes to teach a day and each is three hours. I’m having to have another teacher assist me, so I’m sorry if I’m not active in your classes as much.”
“No no, it’s okay. I understand. You should take care of yourself now, recover as best as you can. You can’t help anyone if you’re not healthy!”
He smiled, “Don’t worry Young Midoriya, I’m alright.”
I nodded, faltering when the door opened and Aizawa-sensei came in.
He paused, “Yagi, Midoriya.”
“Hi Aizawa-sensei,” I murmured.
“Hello Aizawa.” All Might coughed.
“I thought you said you weren’t showing favoritism Yagi?”
I flushed.
“I’m not! I’m just having lunch with- with Izuku.”
Aizawa eyed him, “Is that so, Problem child?” He turned to look at me.
“Yes! Um, yeah, I’m just having lunch with Un-Uncle Yagi.” That was strange to say. But it was nice.
“Right, well… Problem child I’ll need you to write me a report on your quirk, what you know about it and what you hope to accomplish while I help you with quirk counseling. Have it ready by tomorrow.”
“Looks like class is about to start, you have Rescue Theory next, better head off.”
I nodded, scrambling to grab my things, “Yes Aizawa-sensei! Bye A-Uncle Yagi!”
I hurried to the door.
“Don’t forget you have lessons with Nedzu after Rescue Theory!”
“Yes sir!”
I closed the door.
“Lessons with Nedzu!?” I heard All Might cough.
I headed off to Rescue Theory.
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fluffy-lee · 4 years
My Plan
Wake up at 6:30 A.M. Drink warm lemon water and/or pre workout if I feel I need to. Fill up my 64 oz water bottle. It's a big water bottle and I try to drink the whole thing by the end of EVERY day. I just take it everywhere with me. (Except my run bc it's too big 😂)
Go for a run by 6:50. I take a route that isn't too long, but has a lot of killer steep hills in my neighborhood. It takes me about 10 minutes to run right now. I have to stop a few times, but hopefully the more I run it, the faster I will get, and will build endurance!
Leave for the gym by 7:10. If you don't have a gym membership, I highly recommend finding one you can afford, or your parents. I workout at the YMCA. Or you CAN workout from home. It's hard, but you can do it!
My focus for Monday is triceps, biceps, and cardio. I workout for one hour EVERY DAY I workout!
When I get home from my workout, let's say by 8:30am, I'll make a protein shake or smoothie. I'll take it with me for my next activity.
My cousin is one of my best friends, she has two little boys (my cousins but they are more like my nephews) ages 6 months and 3 y/o. She has two strollers and every day, or every other day (still deciding) we are going to take them to our local trails, park, or just her neighborhood, and push them in the strollers. That way we can get our exercise and spend time together, and the boys get out of the house! If they can't make it on this particular day, my brother and I will walk our dogs in our neighborhood.
After my walk, I will shower and get ready for the day.
If I'm hungry now I can make some eggs 🥚 or anything that has protein, fiber, or have some coffee (I don't put much creamer anyway so I'm not worried about sugar.)
Work on math for at least one hour every day (except Sunday). I have to improve my math skills for nursing school, and for this college entry test I have to take in July.
After math, work on anatomy for at least an hour on days where I don't have to work. (So I could study anatomy up to 5x a week)
At this point I will either hangout with my boyfriend or friends. If I do that, I will probably spend the rest of the day with them, having fun!
If I don't hangout with anybody, I have the rest of the day to write, skateboard, practice guitar, whatever I want to do. This is my reward for accomplishing the previous tasks.
Watch what I eat every day. I am going be stricter on myself, because I have to be in order to reach the goal I desire, which I want to by the end of July when I'm going on Vacation! I will eat as much as I need to, just making healthy decisions. It's not always easy, but I'm determined!
I plan to be in bed between 10:00-11:00pm every day, avoiding screen time.
Same as Mon
Same as Mon
Same as Mon
My focus for Tuesday's workout is legs! I do leg workouts to burn fat and build lean muscle.
Same as Mon
- 14. Is the same as Monday.
1-3 is the same as Monday and Tuesday
4. My focus for Wednesday's workout is back, shoulders, and abs. Burn fat, tone up, and build lean muscle.
5-14 is the same as Monday and Tuesday
Thursday through Sunday is different because these are the days where my work is open. My work schedule varies.
Same every day!
Leave for the gym by 6:50.
My focus for Thursday is legs again!
When I return from the gym, I go for my run. Mon-Wed, I run before my workout, Thurs-Sat I run after. I read this is good for weight loss.
After my workout, I'll make my smoothie/shake, and if I work at 11:45 A.M. today, I will also prepare food to bring to work with me.
I will go for the walk with my cousin around 9. If she can't, I will take the dogs for a walk unless I have to work at 11:45. If I work at 11:45, I will do math from 9-10.
Get ready for work.
Go to work at 11:45. If I don't work at 11:45. I will do math AND anatomy like normal.
If I go into work at 3:30, I have free time until then to do what I want as long as I have completed my studying. Sorry if this is confusing lol.
Be in bed by like 10:30.
1 and 2 are the same as Thursday.
3. My focus for Friday is abs, chest, and cardio.
4-10 is the same as Thursday.
Up at 6:30 A.M.
Saturdays are a little different. I have the option to go to the gym AND go on the walk with my cousin or dogs afterwards, or I can just do one. I just have to get some exercise in, and after that exercise, run my route.
I like to give my mornings some freedom on this day, as long as I get my studying done before I go into work, or before I hangout with someone! I can take some time to write in the morning, or skateboard.
If I'm scheduled, work at 11:45.
If I get off at 4:30, I can either hangout with someone, or have free time at home.
Be asleep around 11.
Up at 6:30. I have to take care of my sleeping schedule!
Sunday is my free day. I don't have to exercise or study. I can do whatever I want, as long as I'm asleep by 11:00pm! I will also try to maintain my healthy eating, but I can cheat if I want. 😊
I also might have to work on this day.
Well I did my best to explain this! If you have ANY questions about anything, shoot them in my ask box! Products, workout routines, food, anything! I am NOT a professional, but I try my best to be safe and give advice, because I have had some good experience throughout high school from my coaches, and also my mom used to be a personal trainer. Just be safe. Before quarantine I was working out 6x a week. Before I began working out, I had a check up with my doctor, talked to him, and got my heart checked. I recommend you do this!
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iliketowrite1996 · 4 years
Blind Dates part 1 sneak peek
Sneak Peek Part 5/10 of Steve Rogers x Reader saga.
Part 1:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614617294578089984/his-best-girl
Part 2: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614969499334197248/meet-the-music-teacher
Part 3: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616114724817584128/lunch-buddies
Part 4:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616328582794493952/why-not
TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- Blind dates, mentions of loved ones dying, angst, mention of death of parent
   ‘’No, DeShawn. You are not going to see any robot butlers.’’
   ‘’But he is Tony Stark. He should have robot butlers!’’
   Steve sighs and shakes his head good naturedly as he and the children wait for Pepper or Tony to come open the door.
   It’s Saturday evening, around 5 o’clock, and Steve, Jasmine and DeShawn have arrived at Tony Stark’s place or dinner while Deshawn’s mother goes on her date.
   ‘’Well, now that you mention it, I do have the blueprints for one of those in my lab.’’
   The trio turn to see none other than Tony himself behind them, carrying a bag of groceries, with Peter Parker trailing behind him.
   ‘’Y-you’re Tony Stark,’’ DeShawn gapes.
   Steve and Jasmine exchange a look and a smirk, knowing that DeShawn is meeting one of his personal heroes.
   ‘’Tony, good to see you. This is DeShawn. He’s spending the day with us while his mom goes on her date,’’ Steve explains as Tony shifts the bag to shake DeShawn’s hand.
   ‘’It’s nice to meet you, DeShawn. This is my intern, Peter Parker,’’ Tony introduces the teenage boy, who waves.
   ‘’Nice to meet you, DeShawn. Mr. Rogers, Jazzy, always good to see you. Jasmine, you’re wearing the new sweater you told me about.’’
   ‘’Mhm!,’’ Jasmine beams, examining the red and blue knit sweater beneath ehr open jacket.
   ‘’Awesome, we almost match,’’ Peter points to his red and blue sweatshirt.
   ‘’Oh,’’ DeShawn narrows his eyes a bit, ‘’So you’re Peter.’’
   ‘’Yes, Peter is my tutor,’’ Jasmine looks at DeShawn pointedly, silently reminding him about his agreement not to spoil the fact that she has a crush on Peter.
   As if Peter doesn’t already know.
   ‘’I hope you don’t mind the extra house guest,’’ Steve speaks up as Tony moves past them to get to his door, unlocking it.
   ‘’Not at all. Pepper’s on her way. And we’ll get dinner started then. I just had to run to the store, and Peter tagged along. Besides, my goddaughter will be joining us,’’ Tony insists as they enter the house.
   ‘’Ah, so this was your plan to set me up.’’
   ‘’Can’t set you up if it’s just a friendly dinner gathering,’’ Tony shrugs, the others following him to the kitchen, ‘’Jazzy and DeShawn, would you mind setting the table? Peter, can you go get the sodas out of the garage?’’
   ‘’Sure thing, Mr. Stark,’’ Peter shrugs, taking the key to unlock the garage.
   ‘’Okay, Uncle Tony. Come on, DeShawn, I’ll show you where the silverware and plates are.’’
   When Tony and Steve are left alone, Steve turns to Tony.
   ‘’You could have confirmed that she’ll be here tonight.’’
   ‘’I told you she was. You're just getting nervous. Suck it up, buttercup.’’
   ‘’Now you know who you sound like,’’ Steve chuckles,fondly removing Petra’s catch phrase.
   ‘’I know,’’ Tony grins gently, ‘’Listen. Are you really okay with me setting you up? Because if not, we can always-’’
   ‘’No, no. I’m fine. I...  I’m ready to try again. My date Thursday was awful, but that doesn’t mean that this should be, too. Jazzy understands. I actually think she’s more for me dating than I even am. But she’s a prime factor in this, you know?’’
   ‘’I understand. Listen, Sharon is great with kids. I really think you’ll like her.’’
   ‘’I don’t make promises, but I’ll try. For Jazzy’s sake at least.’’
   And Steve Rogers is a man of his word.
   ‘’Good. Now, let’s say we get dinner started so we actually don’t have to wait an hour after they get here to eat.’’
   ‘’That should be Pepper and Sharon now. She picked her up from work today,’’ Tony speaks as he places the last of the dinner on the table.
   It’s quite a spread- spaghetti and meatballs (with vegetarian sauce for DeShawn), garlic bread, salad. Wine for the adults, soda for the kids, water for everybody.
   ‘’Can I get the door, Uncle Tony,’’ Jasmine questions, springing to the front door when he nods.
   From where they are, Steve can hear her scream, ‘’Hi, Auntie Pepper!.’’
   ‘’Hey, honey! Where’s everybody at?’’
   ‘’In the dining room. DeShawn is here. It’s gonna freak him out seeing you outside of school, ‘’ Jasmine says, causing Steve, Tony and Peter to laugh as DeShawn face palms.
   ‘’Every day,’’ he sighs, shaking his head, reminding Steve of Bucky’s reactions to him when they were kids.
   Speaking of which, Jasmine’s been begging to see her uncle and aunt. He really should set up a day.
   ‘’Hello, everyone,’’ Pepper enters, ‘’Sharon’s taking off her shoes.’’
   ‘’Tell her she doesn’t have to do that,’’ Tony rolls his eyes, ‘’Nobody else does.’’
   ‘’Now, Tony. You know Aunt Peggy literally taught both of us better than that.’’
   Steve looks away from where DeShawn and Jasmine are thumb wrestling over who gets to have the biggest slice of cake to see a very familiar face.
   ‘’Hey you live across the hall from us,’’ he grins, glad to the woman who helped get into his apartment while he carried his sleeping daughter. 
   ‘’You two know each other’’ Tony states.
   ‘’We do. Well, we met very briefly. He lives across the hall from me,’’ Sharon looks to Steve, ‘’It’s nice to meet you.’’
   ‘’Well, ten, introduce yourselves,’’ Tony gently nudges Steve towards the woman, who sticks out her hand as the other guests take their seats.
   ‘’I’m Sharon Carter.’’
   ‘’Steve Rogers,’’ Steve nods towards his daughter, ‘’That’s Jasmine Allen-Rogers, my daughter. And her best friend DeShawn.’’
   ‘’Hello. Peter, always a pleasure to see you,’’ Sharon sits across from Steve and Jasmine.
   After hands are washed , prayers are said and drinks are poured, dinner conversation flows freely. Jasmine talks to Peter and DeShawn, Tony and Pepper converse amongst themselves, so Sharon and Steve are left speaking to each other.
   ‘’So, what do you do exactly,’’ Steve questions, handing her the bread basket.
   ‘’I’m a nurse,’’ Sharon informs him before thanking him, ‘’For the last seven years, eight in December. Tony tells me you’re a teacher.’’
   ‘’Yes, for over ten years now,’’ Steve speaks up, beginning to twirl some pasta on his fork, ‘’I started there about a year before Jazzy was born.’’
   ‘’And it is so nice to meet the infamous Jazzy,’’ Sharon grins brightly at the ten-year-old, ‘’Tony talks about you a lot.’’
   ‘’Uncle Tony says I’m his favorite ten-year-old,’’ Jasmine smiles.
   ‘’Tony says that you are very, very smart,’’ Sharon supplies, causing Steve to beam with pride as Jasmine thanks both Tony and Sharon.
   ‘’So you had to work today,’’ Steve questions, ‘’I mean, you obviously did. I guess I’m asking how work went.’’
   ‘’Well, I work as a nurse, so… there’s never a boring day. I imagine that I can say the same for you as a teacher?’’
   ‘’You could,’’ Steve agrees wholeheartedly, ‘’There never is a dull moment. What made you decide to become a nurse?’’
   Dinner continues with pleasant conversation and laughter. As dessert is being cut by Pepper, Sharon and Steve clear the table.
   ‘’Your daughter is beautiful. So smart and funny, too,’’ Sharon tells Steve as they place the dinner dishes in Tony’s sink.
   ‘’Thank you so much, I appreciate it.’’
   ‘’Is DeShawn your son?’’
   ‘’’Oh, no, but his mother is a good friend of mine. I’m watching DeShawn while his mother is out for the evening,’’ Steve runs hot water to make dish water, ‘’Normally Jazzy would still be with her aunt- she spends the night over there on Friday’s and comes back on Saturday. But I have her today because, well, she wasn’t going to miss a chance to see Peter. And she just really wanted to spend time with me.’’
   ‘’You seem like a good dad,’’ Sharon nods understandingly, ‘’It’s clear that you two adore each other.’’
   ‘’She’s the apple of my eye,’’ Steve runs a hand over his head, ‘’And... you now , being her only parent…’’
   ‘’Tony told me about your wife. If you ever need to talk, we can,’’  Sharon gently touches Steve’s hand, ‘’Listen, I know what Tony is trying to do. I don't want you to feel pressured. I know that you think about Jasmine first.’’
   Sharon is the first woman that has encouraged putting Jasmine first, and encourages him to do so. She’s smart, she’s kind, she’s beautiful.
   And maybe that’s why Steve finds himself driving DeShawn and Jasmine back to his apartment with a smile on his face, excited for his date with Ms. Sharon Carter next Friday.
   The next week comes, and everything goes normally. Steve makes sure that Jasmine practices for the fall concert next week, and Peter comes to tutor her on Monday and Wednesday. She gets a D on her next math test, and it's a small improvement, but Steve knows she’ll do better.
   He continues to spend time with you, balancing a friendly work relationship while also trying to choke back his ever-growing attraction to you.
   Friday, Steve finds himself closing the door to his car that he oh so rarely uses, going around to the other side so that he can drive to the restatuent.
   ‘’You look beautiful,’’ Steve tells her, glancing sideways at the long sleeved, black dress that Sharon’s waiting for in the evening.
   ‘’Thank you. You look very handsome,’’ Sharon chuckles, ‘’Stop being so generous, Steve.’’
   ‘’I just haven’t been on a date in a while that hasn’t had me regretting agreeing within the first fifteen minutes..’’
   ‘’Well, it’s only been about 9 and a half ,itunes, so let’s just see where this night takes us.’’
   Steve laughs- genuinely laughs- at this, and, for the first time, he’s not so worried about what will happen next.
   The two arrive at the restaurant, and it’s nice. Steve got the recommendation for Tony, who is friends with the chef. Now that they’re sitting at the table, Steve is lookingat the prices…
   And he’s ever so grateful for the $20 that he knows Tony tried to surreptitiously slip into his wallet last weekend.
   ‘’So, how was your week,’’ Sharon ask later after they’ve ordered and their water is being delivered, ‘’Thank you.’’
   ‘’Thank you. Uh, it went well. I mean, Jasmine’s not allowed to go to glee practice until she brings her grades up. And that’s harsh, I guess, but grades are more important and it will motivate her, I hope.’’
   ‘’She might not appreciate it now, but she will one day. My parents were hard  on me,and look how well I turn out,’’ Sharon exaggeratedly flips her hair.
   ‘’You are pretty great,’’ Steve takes her hand, squeezing gently, ‘’I am so glad that you agreed to go out with me this evening.’’
   ‘’How could I say ‘no’ to those eyes,’’ Sharon smirks, watching Steve’s face turn pink.
   ‘’Don’t do that.’’
   ‘’Why? It’s cute,’’ Sharon shrugs, and teve laughs nervously.
   ‘’Sorry. I’m trying here,’’Steve fixes huis collar, ‘’I haven’t really liked someone this much in a while.’’
   Well, okay, that’s a lie. But, as you made it clear in your conversation this week, you're busy.
   And why chase after something with you that doesn’t exist?
   ‘’And you’re doing well.  Just relax, Steve. It’s fine,’’ Sharon gently takes his hand once more, rubbing her thumb along the back of it.
   Steve does this, too…
   Even if only for a minute, Steve relaxes and allows himself to enjoy his date.
   But it’s the first time that he’s done that in over ten years.
   And maybe it’s just what he needs.
   ‘’I had a great time tonight, Steve,’’ Sharon remarks as she leans against her doorway.
   ‘’I did, too. Would you… Do you want to maybe go out next Friday?’’
   ‘’I would, but my friend asked me to go with him to the Fireman’s Ball. Saturday?’’
   ‘’Jazzy’s recital is then and I promised I’d take her out to eat afterwards. Sunday?’’
   ‘’I work a double shift. Listen… I usually go to my aunt Peggy’s for Sunday dinner but she’s visiting her grandkids. How about you and Jasmine come over for dinner?’’
   ‘’I think he’d like that. Sounds like a plan. Well, good night,’’ Steve offers a hand for her to shake.
   ‘’Good night, Steve,’’ sharon smiles a bit disappointedly, half expecting a goodnight kiss.
   ‘’Sharon, is it alright if I kiss you?’’
   So Steve leans in, Sharon’s eyes close, and…
   He kisses her on the cheek.
   And he doesn't know why, because He had every intention of kissing her on the lips. But he didn’t.
   ‘’I’m sorry, I-’’
   ‘’Don’t apologize, Steve. We can… if you decide that you’re interested, let’s take it slow. But for now, we can be just friends.’’
   ‘’Just friends. Thank you. Oh, uh, a better get into my apartment. Jazzy’s plans for the weekend fell through so I had to find a babysitter. I’ll see you on Sunday for dinner.’’
   ‘’See you Sunday, Steve. Good night.’’
   ‘’Good night.’’
   And, after calling to check on Jasmine, changing into pajamas, grading some art, brushing his teeth and heading to bed…
   Steve decides that it is.
@ashanti-notthesinger @destinio1 @afraiddreamingandloving @airis-paris14 @syreanne @chaneajoyyy @90sinspiredgirl @shemiahsmelanin @zillmonger @skysynclair19 @marvelpotterlove @constantlycravingtheunknown @imaginewhoever @wakanda-inspired @pocmarvelworks @theunsweetenedtruth @dreampovx @adrioola21 @supremethunda @thisiskayesworld @mcusocialimagines @priya212  @kumkaniudaku  @airis-paris14 @alexundefined @fonville-designs  @dramaqueenamby  @mellowjellow6 @oceanscorazon @nerd-lovely @fonville-designs @akimi-youngblood @yoyolovesbucky @fd-writes @areubeingserved-too @areubeingserved
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seokjins · 7 years
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Too Young to Fall in Love Chapter 1 (Dirt!Nikki x Reader)
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Title: Too Young to Fall in Love Chapter 1
Summary: Nikki Sixx was a hard partying musician on the strip. He never expected to fall in love with anyone, until a girl knocked on his dressing room door looking for a ride home and took his breath away. Just like everything else Nikki did; the drugs, the money, the music; Nikki went hard with love. (Y/n) Bass never expected the bassist of Motley Crue to be the one to shake her calm and calculated life up. She had a plan. Graduate school, become an epic producer, and watch from behind the scenes as her brother’s band rose to fame. Nikki and (Y/n) were perfect for each other, too bad her brother, Tommy, didn’t think so.
Series warnings: Smut (18+ Please), drug use, language, referenced miscarriage, drug overdose, mentioned attempted suicide, out of character moments for everyone in the band, the timeline might be a little screwy but it’s fanfiction!
AN: I couldn’t have done this without the help of @flamencodiva​! Go check out chapters 1, 2, and 3 on my Patreon now! I really hope you guys like this. A lot of hard work has been put into it!
“Dudes, this crowd is fucking wild!” Tommy said happily as they got ready to go out and perform. Nikki chuckled some. No matter what, Tommy still got excited looking out at the crowd. He also still hurled too. This time though, he had missed any of their shoes, which was nice. “I think my sisters and their friends might have came out tonight. Not sure.”
“Dear god, there’s more of you?” Mick asked, shaking his head.
“Yeah dudes. Athena and (Y/n). (Y/n) we’re pretty sure was an oops baby, but she’s amazing!” Tommy laughed. Mick leaned over towards Vince.
“Are we sure he’s not the oops baby?” Mick asked, making Vince laugh.
“Okay guys, we ready?” Nikki asked. The boys got ready to head out on stage. They did a couple last minute checks to make sure their hair and make up was perfect before they headed out, the crowd erupting into screams and they started playing one of their newest songs, “Shout at the Devil”.
Tommy had found Athena after the show and she had convinced him to go out for food with him. She had thought (Y/n) had headed back home for the evening, so they left the venue. Nikki was in the dressing room, taking off his makeup when there was a knock at the door.
“Yeah?” He asked, making his way to the door and opening it, and freezing for a second.
“Uh, hi,” She said, looking around. “I’m trying to find my friends. My sister cut out on me and I don’t have a way home.”
“Yeah, sorry. I’m here by myself.” He said. “The rest of the band already headed out.” He looked at her, seeing the defeated slump in her shoulders. “Hey, I’m about to head out myself. I could drop you off somewhere?”
“I...are you sure? Big rock star like you probably doesn’t want someone like me cramping your style.” She laughed. Nikki found himself staring at her. Those beautiful (e/c) eyes and the way her lips twisted into a smile when she laughed.
“It’s no problem. Really.” He laughed a little. “Probably should get your name though.”
“Oh, I’m (Y/n) Bass.” She said, offering her hand for him to shake. He laughed and took her hand, kissing the top of it.
“Nikki Sixx.” He told her. She smiled brightly.
“Yeah, I know all about you.” She smiled. “Just saw the concert. It’s amazing!”
“We’re ok,” NIkki shrugged playing it cool as he packed his bass. “I mean so far a lot of labels heads are being dicks,” he chuckled. “We might just start our own and distribute what we record and just try to find someone to manage us.”
“Well, maybe I’ll get done with school fast enough and can help that.” (Y/n) smiled at him. “That’s what I’m going to school for. Audio production, music management, things like that. I started earlier than everyone else and I’m the first person in my family to actually go to college, so they call me a geek.” She waited for him to get done taking off his makeup and get ready to leave. She was rambling and felt really nervous.
“That’s fucking sweet!” he chuckled and smiled. “I have to say… you would make one very sexy music producer.” He grabbed his things and walked up to her giving her a small smirk. “Wanna eat before I drop you off? I’m sure you’re hungry and I’m hungry… two hungry people....” he trailed off.  
“That’d be great.” She smiled. “I’m sure my par...roommate is probably asleep and probably wouldn’t appreciate me cooking this late…” She rocked on her heels.
“That’s cool, I mean one of my roommates is a human garbage disposal,” NIkki gave a short snort and looked in to her (e/c) eyes. He could feel his heart skip a beat as he closed his trunk and led her to the passenger side door. “So… any preferences as to what you want to eat?”
“Dude, diner food is some of the best,” She laughed. “So, like a burger or something?” She shrugged, blushing a little.
NIkki placed his hand over his heart feigning a sense of hurt, “A woman after my own heart.” he offered her a wink before carefully closing the door and making his way to the drivers side. “Hold on to something, I don’t do slow.”
With a devilish smirk he peeled out of the parking lot and down the road towards the diner.
“Still a better driver than my brother.” (Y/n) laughed some. “This is the first concert I’ve been too that I didn’t have to sneak into the strip for.”
“Well aren’t you a bit of a devil,” he teased as he helped her out of the car and led her inside.
They quickly sat at a booth and smiled at one another. This was weird, Nikki had never seen himself with a girl this beautiful, and he had never felt his palm get this sweaty over a chick before.
“Hey Nikki.” Doris said. “Jack and Coke?”
“You know me Doris,” he sent the sweet elderly waitress a wink. “What do you want (Y/n)?”
“Just a Coke, no Jack.” She said shyly. “I’m not a big drinker. Kinda a lightweight.” She laughed nervously.
Nikki shrugged, “I’m ok with that.” he looked to Doris and titled his head. “Change my order to just a regular coke Doris would you please?”
“You’re turning down booze? You feelin’ okay Sixx?” She went to go get their cokes. (Y/n) looked up at him.
“You didn’t have to do that.” She said softly.
“Wouldn’t be fair,” Nikki said. “Besides, I want to remember our conversation.” (Y/n) laughed and searched the menu, biting her lip as she did. She could feel Nikki’s eyes on her.
“I...am I being weird?” She asked, glancing up at him. “My siblings say I’m weird and people are gonna stare. But they like to be assholes to me because I’m the baby.”
“Huh?!” Nikki shook out of his trance. “No, you aren’t weird at all! I just.. I…” Nikki fumbled for the right words to say. (Y/n) smiled at him.
“I think I want the bacon cheeseburger.” She told him, putting her menu down. “Can’t go wrong with that and some fries.”
“No you can’t go wrong with that,” Nikki smiled. “I’m going to have the same.”
They sat there, not sure what to say to each other. (Y/n) was surprised that someone like THE Nikki Sixx wanted to talk to her, and Nikki was surprised that someone as cute as (Y/n) wanted to give him the time of day.
“First Saturday I’ve had where I haven’t had a huge test on Monday.” (Y/n) said, finally forcing the conversation. “Gets kinda annoying sometimes.”
“Huh, I was never really book smart, I was surprise I actually made it as far as I did, considering my background...” NIkki gave her a sad smile. “But it’s nice that you’re doing what you’re doing. Do you like it?”
“I love it,” She smiled. “Well, I love doing the stuff actually meant for my degree, not all that well rounded person crap.”
NIkki laughed, “What are they making you take math that you won’t use?”
“Dude, I hate numbers. They haunt me in my sleep.” (Y/n) groaned. “Why do I need to calculate the surface area of a sphere when I’m going to be working for Elektra records or something?”
“Maybe they are going to make records into spheres to fit more songs?” Nikki joked. (Y/n) laughed.
“You’re probably right. Some of the people at school said vinyl and cassettes are on the way out.” She smiled. Doris brought them their food then. “God, this smells so fucking good.”
“It is heaven,” Nikkis said but looked over at (Y/n). “You smell better though.” (Y/n) blushed and laughed.
They ate in silence. (Y/n) was starving and devoured her burger. As she ate, she noticed Nikki staring.
“I...sorry.” She said, putting her burger down. “Not being very lady like, am I?”
“Actually, I’m impressed.” Nikki took a bite of his burger. “You are probably the first girl I’ve eaten with that acts human.”
“Well, I learned to eat fast. If not, my brother tries to eat the food off my plate. Asshole.” She said, eating some of her fries. “So, any good songs in the works? I bought Too Fast For Love few weeks ago. Have it in my Walkman and I listen to it at work.”
“We got a few songs in the works for a killer album,” Nikki smiled. “Might scare some parents.”
“Oh, dangerous. I like it.” She smiled. “My best friend has been all about pop bands. I thought she was going to die when I bought your album and a Kiss album.”
Nikki gave a soft chuckle as he stuck a fry in his mouth, “I would have loved to see the look on her face.” Nikki raised his eyebrow at her. “Are you a good girl (Y/n)? Or a bad girl disguised as a good girl? Or both?” (Y/n) coughed on her drink and looked up at him.
“Take me on a few more dates and you’ll see?” She suggested. She had never been this smooth in her life.
Nikki coughed on his fry and smiled at her, “really?” usually a girl would throw themselves at him and it was ‘wham bam thank you ma’am’ but (Y/n) seemed different.  
“I mean, if you want to…” She said. “I really probably should be going.” She pushed her empty plate away from her.
“I can drop you off at your place,” Nikki said as he put a twenty dollar bill on the table and smiled at her. “Come one, we can talk about our next date on the way.” he held out his hand to her after standing up. She smiled and took his hand, walking with him out to the car.
“Do you have another show coming up?” (Y/n) asked. “I wouldn’t mind coming to see you play again?”
“Yeah, can I have your number? I’ll give you mine…” Nikki trailed of as he gently caressed her cheek. He looked away bashfully. “Sorry, I just… I want to see you again.”
“I’d love to see you again,” (Y/n) said. She took a pen from her purse and wrote her number on his palm. “Here.” She drew a heart around it. “Call me and just leave your number on my machine.” she gave him a smile and a wink.
“Ok,” Nikki leaned in, their noses grazed each other as Nikki stared into her eyes. “Would I get slapped if I kissed you?”
“Not by me you wouldn’t.” She told him. Their lips were close.
Nikki gently let his thumb graze her soft skin before leaning in closing the gap. His lips found hers in a chaste kiss at first. His heart pounding in his chest as he pulled away slowly only to feel her hand snack along the back of his neck pulling him in for another kiss. He dared himself to graze his tongue along the bottom of her lip. He was relieved when she opened her mouth letting him explore it with his tongue as her own met his. She slid closer towards him the kiss becoming heated and passionate. When they broke away, their eyes fluttered open at the same time.
“Wow,” Nikki rasped. “Keep kissing me like that and you’ll have me seeing the universe.”
“You and me both Sixx.” She said. “I’ve never been kissed that good before.” Nikki couldn’t stop the smile that spread on his face. Why was she so damn cute?
"We keep seeing each other and you might get more where that came from," Nikki groaned inwardly. He knew he sounded cheesy. But something about her made him all mushy. (Y/n) giggled a little.
“Sounds like a plan.” She smiled at him. She didn’t figure him to be a softy. Hell, she didn’t figure herself to be a flirter. With two older siblings at home who liked to scare off anyone who got within ten feet of their sister, it was hard to be flirtatious. Or have a boyfriend. Or well do anything.
"Call you later sweet girl," Nikki whispered before kissing her again.
She gave him the directions and he pulled up outside the dorms. (Y/n) got out and smiled at him. What she didn’t tell him was she was just staying the night there with her best friend from high school. In reality, she lived a few blocks over, with her parents.
“I had a fun night.” She said. “I’ll talk to you later Nikki.”
As she made her way towards the dorm, her heart was beating a mile a minute. She had never met anyone like him before. He was so sweet and charming. She wasn’t sure if it was a ploy to get in her pants, or if he was really that way. As she used her friend’s key to get in, something came to mind then that made her heart crash.
When Tommy found out, he was going to kill them both.
Forever Tags:  @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk
Motley Crue Tags: @niksixx
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