#did you know the snake on his hat is a reference to a snake giving the forbidden fruit to adam and eve
jinxedshapeshifter · 7 months
autistic bitches be apologizing for getting hyperfixated on Hazbin Hotel because they're ex-Mormon so the animation style, color palettes, religious references, and criticism of Christianity is wreaking havoc on their brain (its me I'm autistic bitches)
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bones4thecats · 6 months
What If They Had A Family? - Hazbin Hotel (PT.1)
Type of Writing: Random Idea Name: What If They Had A Family? (PT.1) Characters: Sir Pentious and Zestial (+ Valentino and Vox LINK) Idea-Giver: Random Thoughts
A/N: The reader in this piece is specifically referred to as female since they were written to have given birth to children. But, the pronouns will still be gender-neutral since I write in that format easier. By the way, this has gone through so much editing it's insane, so I hope you guys enjoy it!
⚠️ Trigger Warnings: Minor Swearing and Death ⚠️ Spoilers for: S1 ⚠️
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Snake-Demon! Reader ; Black Mamba Snake
🐍 Sir Pentious and you met when you were children back in the 1800s
🐍 You were one of the children to a higher-ranked family in your hometown, while Pentious was under your family's thumb, much to your annoyance
🐍 He and you bonded over your love for mechanisms, especially those that have caused harm. For some weird reason, you guys would just pull a worm out of the ground and use it for an experiment, it was right there! Why not?
🐍 Due to your closeness, you and the former human had gotten married and begun to start your family quite early on in life, maybe around your early 20s of so
🐍 As you both aged, so did your children, though they sadly passed away earlier in life due to catching a then-dangerous illness, scarlet fever
🐍 Pentious had involved himself to much into his inventions afterwards that when you both had died, your envy of people's happy lives and his sins for his inventions ended up banishing you both to hell
🐍 You guys had made your way through a lot, and when he came home elated with the news that Vox had recruited him to spy on the Hotel and detect any kind of information from Alastor, you had started to get a hint angry. Why was he believing the words of a master manipulator? Who knows...
🐍 When he was found out, you were so close to going to V-Tower and ripping that moth-dick-sucking bastard a new ass
🐍 But, your husband had held you back and had asked you what you thought about redemption, you know, getting to join Heaven and maybe see your long-lost children once again
🐍 Jumping at the idea, your tiny hat on your head's eye had sparkles as Pentious' had tiny hearts as you hugged him and gave him love-filled words
🐍 It took a lot of work on your behalf, due to being a fairly aggressive person, but, when your husband had gunned it for his ship, you went right after him and hugged him tightly as he mumbled the final word you thought you'd ever hear of his; Fire.
🐍 As you awoke in a brighter land, you had looked around and noticed your husband, grabbing his hand you allowed your smoother-feeling fangs to be revealed as two angels stared in shock and glee
🐍 Wait- angels?!
" You must be redeemed souls! This is so cool! I'm Emily, one of the Seraphs of Heaven, it's so nice to meet you guys! " " Uhm- it's nice to meet you as well, my dear. I'm Y/N and this is my husband Sir Pentious. "
🐍 While Emily had taken you and Pentious away from Sera to give her some space to think, she smiled at you and you sighed when you heard the echo of a young girl's voice, your daughter's voice come out
" Y/N? Someone seems to be calling for you. "
🐍 Hearing a deflating noise and sniff coming from your dearest, you looked at him and saw he was crying as he held onto a small being, a young girl with his matching color scheme but a physical form that matched you
🐍 It was your daughter... your oldest one
" Mom/Papa! You're both here! (M/N) and (F/N) and gonna be so happy when they see you guys! Come on! "
🐍 Tears pricked your eyes as her cute slit pupils looked into your with the same sparkles as she held when she passed away so many years ago
🐍 At that moment, you fell to your knees and pulled your husband with you, hugging your daughter and him tightly as Emily squealed internally at the cute scene
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Insect-Demon! Reader ; Firefly / Lightning Bug
🕷️ Due to being from multiple dozens of years before really anyone left alive in Hell, you and Zestial had a very special bond from life; marriage
🕷️ You and him had a fairly well-received settlement when alive, and that had carried on into death
🕷️ But, there was one thing that you hadn't really thought about for a while; your children, two boys and two girls
🕷️ After you had died, all four of your children had survived until their old ages, and when they finally fell into the same plot hole that you and their father had, you graciously accepted them into your family's now shared domain in this retched land
🕷️ Your husband, Zestial, was an overlord while you had the same amount of power and just never really saw fit to use it, after all, you didn't have much to care for other than your family's safety
🕷️ Zestial could take the reins here
🕷️ One night, he had come home carrying something inside of his flesh-jacket, making you cock an eyebrow as your wings slightly shook, allowing a dimly-lit green light to emerge from your midsection and tiny 'tail'
" Mine own loveth, what doth thee has't inside of thy doublet? " " I shalt showeth thee. But, thee might not but gage to not obtaineth thy ang'r and showeth t to me. " " I crosseth mine own heart and desire to kicketh the bucket again, and I'll sticketh a partisan through mine own chest. "
🕷️ Opening the flesh-covering a small rodent-demon, specifically a chinchilla, had come outside, their large and silver-coated ears sticking to their head in slight fear at the sight of a large insect-demon such as yourself
🕷️ The antenna on your head slightly raised as you stared down at the appearing hell-born, how in the name of Satan did a child manage to get here?
" Zestial, wherefore is th're a bawbling issue standing in front of me? Prithee bid me thee didst not abuduct that gent... " " Oh marry nay. I wast just taking a stroll aft'r the latest ov'rl'rd meeting and hadst cometh across the young thing standing th're while mumbling in our tongue. I couldn't just leaveth that gent th're, yond'd beest far to malapert. "
🕷️ Smiling at your husband and kneeling down to look the child in their large black eyes, you then asked him the question that would make your family even larger than it was before;
" Wouldst thee liketh to stayeth with us, young sir? "
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Link to Valentino and Vox Post:
What Are They Like As Parents? - Hazbin Hotel
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oddballwriter · 1 year
Unexpected Addition: And then There were Four
Part One
Summary: After getting used to Steven and seeing Jake again it turns out your surprise team mission becomes a true mission that is assigned to both of you by your Gods. A hooray for you, Steven, and Jake! A boohoo for Marc. 
Warnings: Marc is still not too fond of reader. Steven's still a simp. Mentions of theft and grave robbing. There's a reference to violence with reader joking that they and Jake can "make someone talk". Reference to Layla and things that happened in show cannon.
Author’s Snip: Wow! A part 2? My first ever part 2? Look at him! He's a ✨writer✨ now! Honestly I can't wait to see where exactly this will go.
Notes: I have no idea what I'm doing I've never made a series before lol. I am both the writer and the audience. 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Steven was already so lovely to meet and be around, but nothing beat Jake, your actual boyfriend. Since you and Steven had just met, you weren't on a physical contact level yet. But Jake and you were for sure beyond that as a three years strong couple.
As soon as you opened the door of your place it was clear from the paper boy hat on his head, smirk-like smile, and affectionate gaze that it was Jake at your door. Your face twisted into a smile immediately and embraced him in a hug in the same immediacy, getting a good smell of his muskier cologne as you breathed. Jake didn't waste a second to embrace you in a hug as well.
"Hola, beba." Jake greets as he puts his face in your hair and gives you little kisses on your head. He pulls away when you do and you notice the bouquet of your favorite flowers that he's been holding the whole time. "Para ti." Jake says as he hands them to you. "To make up for surprising you with Marc and Steven instead." he jokes as you take them into your hold.
You walk back into your apartment to find a place to put your new gift, letting Jake in. You move about for a bit, getting a vase and filling it with water, placing it down on the coffee table, arranging the flowers so that they look nice in their new home. It's while you're rearranging them that Jake comes up behind you and snakes his arms around your torso and holds you again.
"I missed you." Jake mutters into your shoulder. "I missed you too, Jake." you respond as you turn your head to kiss whatever part of his head you manage to reach.
Jake raises his head from its spot, showing his usually stoic face displaying more softer emotions and feelings. "I'm sorry about Marc. I know you told Steven that it was okay and that you were expecting it. But I know he scared you a bit." Jake explained. "Maybe he did, a little." you admit. "But he's allowed to feel that way. He's still got things he needs to figure out and get used to. I'm just another thing that got thrown in." you consider to Jake.
"You're not that shocking. He's just got his panties on a twist because you and I became a thing while he and Layla were still technically married. Even though he's the one who sent the divorce papers-" Jake rants before you gently put a hand up to stop him.
"Well, he did that on his own will. Marc's been the one who calls the shots for most of his independent life. He kept tabs on Steven and fought while Steven was put out. Marc's been the one in charge of everything." you mention. "Maybe he's upset because you're someone who he can't really keep under control and does their own thing." you theorize.
"So he's a control freak?" Jake laughs. "I didn't say that" you comment, "I'm trying to say that I'm foreign to him because he didn't get to have a choice and he's used to being the one making the choice." you correct.
"Well, he's going to have to get over that because you're-" Jake says as he suddenly holds onto you tighter and picks you up, "-sticking with around as long as I'm around." he settles himself and you on the couch, continuing to hold you.
"He's outvoted anyways. Steven likes you." Jake remarks.
And Steven liked you, indeed.
Although Steven would deny it because he didn't know how to go about it considering you belonged to Jake. And the last time he went about courting a member of the system's woman, he got punched in the face.
But Steven understood why Jake was in love with you. You were a good fighter and weren't afraid to get your hands dirty with both grime and blood either. You did good at your tasks as an avatar, like Jake, and technically the rest of the system. You were also fun, and charming, and kind, and pretty, and smart, and you smelled nice. So yeah, Steven had feelings or at least an attraction towards you as well.
Marc felt slightly pissed about this since he seemed to be the only one not running head on and blindly into you. He knew you weren't a threat, you were a fellow avatar and there didn't seem to be any issues with both of your bosses. If anything Khonshu and Sekhmet didn't really seem to care as long as you did the jobs they set you out on. And maybe Marc was a little mad at Khonshu for not saying anything about you and Jake when he literally threatened to make Layla his new avatar as a means to get him in line.
But it felt like maybe the damn bird was still messing with him with what he's just demanded.
"I do not understand how you could be confused, Marc. This is another pursuit of punishing those who are meddling with power beyond themselves." Khonshu remarked.
"No. I get that. But why does she's have to come along?" Marc asked, referring to you.
"You and Sekhmet's avatar came across the first piece of this together. I see no reason in not including the other half of this." the god explains.
"I understand you are not exactly fond of her avatar. But I have seen her work on some occasions and she is skillful in both calculating plans and combat. It will aid you in your mission." Khonshu explains, "It will also help you get out of your head. The three of you in that body can't always rely on each other." is also added.
Marc sighed in defeat.
Marc knew that Khonshu couldn't care less for what Marc wanted as long as he and the system did the job and didn't make an even bigger mess, and Marc was also sure that it was the same for Sekhmet and you. So he didn't have much of a choice other than bite his tongue and go along with it like he always does. And of course the other two are all on board with spending time with you.
So he let Jake and Steven handle all the tracking and research with you. But it turns out that not even that can be spared from being an unofficial date.
"Okay." you say as you throw the manila folder onto the table, and gently setting down a cup of coffee, for you, and tea, for Steven. "I pulled an all nighter last night in order to understand what's going on and what our plan is." you say, "So forgive me if I'm not made up." you joke as you sit down and open up the folder. "Oh, don't say that. You always look nice." Steven gently laughs earning a little smile from you.
"Anyways," you say as you pull out some papers. The first couple are what look like clippings from news articles talking about some desecrated places and stolen objects. "So these places have had some run ins with people stealing their stuff. Right?" you explain before looking up at Steven. He just nods and follows your hands as they move around. "These seem like random places maybe having some disrespectful tourists until," you build up in your voice before pointing at specific parts of the clippings, the dates, "These all happened within a few months! And they all have the same MO!" you exclaim. Steven, again just nods. " "So what?" You might be thinking," you say as you glance at Steven before looking back to the papers.
"That's what I want to know." Marc sarcastically says to himself.
You take out a map with different points highlighted and some crawled words next to them.
You send time explaining the cases for each of the highlighted countries. A piece of the Stonehenges was broken off in the night and no one can find it. Some of the skulls in the French Catacombs are missing. Ivan the Terrible's grave was dug up and his coffin and body were stolen and so is Vlad the Impaler's. Mapping out that a group of weirdos have been going in a clockwise direction in a stealing spree of weird occult and dark history. "For what reason, I don't know." is the words you said when Steven asked why with a sheepish hand raise, like he was a student in a class.
Either way, it was something about them having a path but now they've stopped after you and the boys stopped them mid heist. And that they're most likely trying to figure out a course of action.
"So now what?" Steven asks as he digests everything you've told him. "We wait." you say plainly, "We wait until they either hit their next target or there's a place that gets stolen from and see if it has the same MO." you explain. "Shouldn't be hard. Not many people want spooky paranormal objects." you add.
"And what about the stuff they already stole?" Steven questions. "Well, we can follow them around, snag one of them, and have them spill the beans. We can make them talk." you answer, most likely talking about you and Jake being the one's to handle that.
"But that's for when they start moving again." you clarify. "For now it's just the four of us." You smile as you lean in and boop Steven on the nose.
Steven blushes and looks stunned at the action, making you worry that you've crossed a line and violated his personal space.
"I am so sorry. That was from habit. I do that to Jake sometimes." you apologize before Steven smiles back and laughs showing that he didn't mind one bit.
Great... you're spending more time with them than just having to run a quick errand for your god bosses.
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avocado-writing · 2 years
1. I love your writing it’s amazing!!! Ilyyy/p ❤️
2. Are your short sfw requests still open? If so are you okay with writing one for Ladybug? One where he and the reader (code name Cherry/Cherry Bomb) are both in the train during the time when it crashes and in a moment of panic they both just hug each other and hope they survive it (before they both fall together into that giant momomon plushie thing like in the movie) afterwards the reader is like: “how the fuck did we survive this?” Ladybug: “just lucky ig”
���� ilu2!
I don't really write for Ladybug (or give reader codenames, actually) so I kept this one short! Hope it hits the spot!
Rated M for Sexual References (thank u vvalliu for the gif!)
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Well, with his fucking luck, you would end up in this situation.
It’s his first job back so they paired you up together. Wanted someone to keep an eye on him because he’s been acting differently, apparently. You drew the short straw and were stuck with babysitting duty. 
“Come on, Maria. Don’t make me do it,” you’d whined down the phone. Your handler had given you a gentle tut.
“It’s one job. Be pleased it’s not with Carver.”
Admittedly, you are pleased with that. Carver is a dick. But Ladybug - at least, that’s what they’re calling him nowadays - didn’t turn out to be much better. With a stupid laid-back attitude and an even stupider hat, you’d found yourself grinding your teeth at his greeting. 
“Hey! Cherry Bomb, I’ve not seen you for ages!”
“Just CB is fine.”
“Why’d you need a nickname… when you already have a nickname?” he asked, eyebrows furrowing under those ridiculous glasses. 
“It’s a codename, not a nickname. Can we just get on the train, please?”
The old Ladybug might have bickered back and, secretly, you would have enjoyed it. But this new one just shrugs and acquiesces. 
Snatch and grab. 
Should have been easy. Of course it wasn’t. Assassins running up and down the train like no man’s business. Too many of you to be coincidental, all the while Ladybug’s bad luck dragging you deeper into the dirt. You’re sort of annoyed at him but know, realistically, that luck doesn’t exist. Doesn’t make it any easier to fight off a snake when it’s trying to bite you in the goddamn eyeball, though. 
But through it all you can’t deny you’re… looking.
He’s attractive, that’s undeniable. Always has been, even back in the old days before he got that mature suaveness. Those arms, that hair. And he’s also kind of… nice. Which is a rare thing in this business. And you feel yourself soften to his new unwitting charm, smiling more than you frown, despite the circumstances.
Then, well, the train sort of explodes. 
Which, yeah, why wouldn’t it? Why wouldn’t a train with Ladybug on it explode? And as you’re there, flying through the debris, you see him open his arms to you, as if in slow-motion. 
You let yourself fall into him, feel him pull you flush to his body, scrunch your eyes shut so hard they hurt.
In his arms? It’s not a bad way to go.
Then… something soft. It still hurts, of course, but the softness is a surprise. And when you finally get the sense to look around you’re still very much alive. In the middle of a crash site and in pain, but alive. Ladybug is on top of you, having landed with one of his knees between your legs and his body resting on yours. You might have pushed him off of you if adrenaline wasn’t coursing through your veins.
His hair flops over his face, tickling your own. He’s close. Very close.
“How did we get outta that one?” he mutters.
“Just lucky, I guess,” you breathe back, and drag him down to kiss you. He tastes like smoke and blood and fuck, if it isn’t just perfect. You press your hips up into him and watch his eyebrows skyrocket.
A gun is fired into the air behind you. The two of you look over, and spot the White Death, clinging to life, abhorrent fury on his face at the sight of the two of you choosing now to kiss.
“Can you give me like, two minutes, bro? I’ve been waiting for this forever.”
And you burst into laughter, and despite everything, he kisses you again.
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writingcold · 1 year
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Thank you goes out to @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine for creating this moodboard and the tip of the hat for using it as inspiration. This was going to be a smutty, smutty mess at first, but, alas - it's a strange, fluffy concoction. There's nothing to really warn about other than a few sexual references, a tiny amount of alcohol, but mostly just stupid shit and of course, bad language and grammar. Sorry for the typos - this is barely edited.
Pairing: Jake x fem reader insert
Word Count: approx 5700
Work had been an absolute nightmare.  Your tyrant boss had been trying to revoke the approval of your vacation time, but the HR angels sheltered you.  They were fast to point out that your vacation had already been ‘postponed’ three times in the past fourteen months.  Not to mention, you had only used a few actual sick days during that time.  The fact that the fucker paid you well was no excuse to expect you not to be a human being and actually want time off.  
      You had your bag packed and waiting by the door of your apartment.  All you had to do was shed your work clothes, shove some food in your face, send a text to Jake that you were on your way, and hit the road.  You had a three hour drive ahead of you.  Cell service was spotty in the area of the cabin, so you could only hope that he remembered to turn the booster on inside - but even then, service was iffy at best.  You put on your most favoritest playlist that will keep you awake for the drive.  Windows down, wind in your hair, and coffee at your side, you depart.
     Josh’s “traffic was a bitch” voice is pumping through your head only twenty minutes into the ride.  It seems everyone had decided to leave town all at the same time, and the scheduled summer road construction has barfed all over your route.  You are barely idling forward for miles.  You glance at your phone when you are once again at a standstill.  Jake texted to be careful. You scold yourself.  You knew you should have let him come into the city and then drive you both out the next day.  You could have had drinks at that new bar down the street and supper at the diner.  You could have caught up nicely in the quiet of your apartment.  However, it did not make sense to have him drive hours to your place when the cabin was essentially the halfway point between your home and his landing spot in Nashville.      
     You are more than an hour behind when you finally make the turn that would take you on the winding county roads that snaked up through the hills and forest.  And it was dark.  So fucking dark.  The kind of dark when you may have your brights on, but you are still straining to see.  You fight off the urge to lay into the gas pedal, despite your tardiness; despite your urgency to get to your destination.  It has been weeks since you’ve seen your mate.  He has been on the road with a tour while you toiled away at your 9-5 job.  The idea of quitting the job tickles and prickles at the back of your thoughts, but in truth, you are too independent to throw your work to the wind and give up many of the comforts that the paycheck has afforded you.
      A flash of eyes at the side and you hit the brakes just as a deer steps onto the shoulder.  The doe stares at your headlights as your heart pounds, hoping upon hope that you can bring your car to a stop before striking it.  Without a care, she strolls across, stopping every few steps like she knows you are trying to get somewhere where a very handsome man is waiting for you.  A second doe strolls out of the ditch, following her friend.
      Out of frustration, a whole conversation breaks out in your mind as the damnable beasts linger in the road, staring you down like you had nothing better to do… 
Deer 1: “Oh look, Heidi - looks like she’s on a mission.”
Deer 2: “Hmmmmmm… Booty call for sure.”  
Deer 1: “What’s the rush, sweetheart?  Oooo - look Heidi!  The paint is sooo shiny when her lights hit it.  Makes me think those mushrooms were a bit wonky…  But it looks so pretty!  So many colors…”
Deer 2: “Wow.  Never thought reflective paint could be so shimmery...”
Deer 1:  “I bet her guy’s - gender neutral of course - ass is that sparkly - but in that weird human pasty kind of way.”
    **You honk the horn in an effort to startle them away.  Frustration bubbles in your core, threatening to boil over the longer these animals are in the road.  The bigger of the two does raises her head up and looks directly at you and you can swear, the bitch is throwing sass your direction.**
Deer 1: “Bitch, please.”
Deer 2: “You know, them ferns over there looking pretty good, Frannie.”
Deer 1: “Honk that metal coffin at me…  Lord.  Maybe you shouldn’t be in such a rush to get railed.”
     **You growl.  You literally growl as the two does finally get over to the other side of the road.  You slowly ease off the break and move to press the accelerator only to have one jump back into the road.  You slam the break with a frustrated howl.**
Deer 2: “Ha!  Gotcha!”
Deer 1:  “You so funny, Heidi.  Did you see those eyes pop!  I thought they were gonna come out of her damn head.  Come on.  Whoever she’s gettin’ too probably doesn’t look much better than an ass end of a moose.”
      You are pretty sure that they are laughing at you as they trail away.  Aside from a very imaginary, snarky conversation between two deer, you regroup and ease back into a good pace.  You are totally out of coffee and water and your bladder is next to complain.  You are still ninety minutes from the cabin.  You take a side step, heading for a little country store in hopes that it did not close early.  A few miles to the east and the store comes into sight.  Most would chalk it up as too scary to stop. It may be a shack on the outside, with dim lighting across the four space parking lot, complete with a buzzing, half functioning sign that left one to wonder if anyone who went into the establishment came back out with all of their appendages; however, this was a place you knew well.  You bounce out of the car and wave at the couple behind the counter as you head straight for the restroom.  
      Relieved, you loop around to the coffee stand and fix yourself another cup of your favorite hot beverage.  You grab a water bottle before heading up to the register.  You also spot some of Jake’s favorite little treats, fresh made and smiling at you.  Exchanging pleasantries with the owners, you smile as you leave with a little wave.  You check your phone before you start the engine.  Two hours late.  A slow, shredded ‘fuck’ leaves your mouth through your teeth, past your lips and into the world.  There are three texts from Jake - all just checking in - all three cool tempered and ranging from four to twelve words each.  You text him that you are at Spencer's store and getting back on the road.  You turn on a heavier playlist in hopes of keeping your wits about you.  The next stretch was a meandering thread through curves with the woods nearly right up against both sides of the road and sheer drop off bluffs that would take you higher into the hills.  You knew it well enough, but it always was a bit off putting to know no one - nobody existed along the stretch of dense state forest.  
      The closer to the cabin you get, the more relaxed you are.  You are belting out one of your favorite songs into the void.  Jake is only forty minutes away.  Yup.  40.  You can do this.  The little spark in your core sits up as you allow yourself to picture him waiting with beer in hand, a smirk on those lush lips that would welcome you home.  You know the first few days would be an absolute frenzy of sex and closeness and more sex and more togetherness.  Yeah… it was the shit you currently lived for…
      “Son of a bitch!”  you scream out as you slam on the breaks.
      A porcupine is fucking meandering down the middle of the road in no hurry at all.  You can picture it even singing as it moves along.
Porcupine: Dooopa dooooda doooopa doooopie dooooooooOOOOoooOOoooo     You curse - out loud and loudly as the creature swerves left to right and back again completely oblivious to your existence.  You dare not roll the car forward and squish the poor beast.  What kind of a person are you for even thinking that?  Fuck.  Come on.  This is worse than the fucker with the Stop/Slow sign that is bored standing there directing traffic and decides to cause a little fuckery to brighten their day by being super fast with their power hungry sign management skills.    
Porcupine: Dooopa dooooda doooopa doooopie dooooooooOOOOoooOOoooo
    OK - this is getting ridiculous.  You are less than 40 minutes away from the sexiest man on the entire planet.  He is waiting for you.  Are you really going to let this stupid creature get in your way?
Porcupine: Dooopa dooooda doooopa doooopie dooooooooOOOOoooOOoooo
     Motherfucker.  Did that thing really just turn and cackle at you?  Maybe.  You narrow your eyes as it begins to skitter off in what may be the ditch… Nope.  Back to the center of the road.
Porcupine: Dooopa dooooda doooopa doooopie dooooooooOOOOoooOOoooo
    You are practically pounding the steering wheel with anxious fingertips.  Out of nowhere, a huge bird swoops down and nearly hits your windshield.  You scream and flinch like the damn thing is going to rip you out of the car and carry you away.  The porcupine has suddenly made a mad dash to safety; his stupid little song silenced.  Collecting yourself, you make a mental note that you are going to have the biggest, stiffest drink known to man the moment you arrive at the cabin.  No ifs.  No ands.  No fucking buts about it.  Whatever was in the damn air that was making this drive abnormally weird certainly did not have the best intentions towards you.
     Taking a sip of your once scalding hot beverage, you chance it and down it as it’s that magic temp where it only is perfect for a time window that only god and physics people can figure out but can’t create to stay that way for longer than twenty seconds.  You tuck your mug back into its spot and readjust in your seat just as a particularly lovely ditty comes on - all heavy guitars and banging lyrics.  You find yourself screeching out at the top of your lungs as you relax, foot pressed a little harder on the gas than you knew you should, but damn - you were less than thirty minutes away from your sex god demon boyfriend and you could give a shit if something…
      You pull your foot back as a shadow creeps at the edge of the road several car lengths ahead.  It is startling.  You can’t figure out what the hell it was - just big and dark, matching the midnight of the sky.  There it was again - movement. All shadowy and spooky - just on the fringe ahead…  Your eyes narrow.  Your whole focus is on that shadow as you crawl your car forward.  You hope like hell it’s not like some crazy stupid forest monster that was going to disappear your ass.  At the same time you’re too scared to actually fully stop the vehicle in the case that it is some forest cryptid that is going to eat your face off and drag you into the nether never to be seen again.  You see the shadow again, this time it’s like it’s lurking.  You pull the wheel to maneuver the car further into the on-coming lane and decide to floor it.  It’s probably just a bear, but to be safe, you just gun that damn engine and take off like a shot.  Your heart is pounding and your eyes refuse to focus on anything but the road ahead of you.  
      Finally…  FINALLY you arrive at the turn for the drive back to the cabin.  The driveway is just over three quarters of a mile, leading you back into the woods, winding up a hill that you dare not navigate during the winter.  The cabin is all lit up on the inside, sending a warm, orange glow across the soft roll of the hill and splashing through the tree trunks and ferns that made up the front yard.  You pull in next to Jake’s truck, cutting the engine off and sitting for a long moment.  Never had you ever had such a ride like the one you just experienced.  Traffic.  Possessed animals.  Or was it more like you are just being too desperate to get to this hill and your man that every little bump turned into fucking mountains that felt like you had to scale them in truly strange, horrific fashion.
      Your eyes skate over the kitchen window, hoping that perhaps he was standing waiting, watching for you.  Instead, no shadow passes the paned glass.  You grab a garbage bag and shove your remnants of the drive into it before sliding out and righting yourself under the velvet night.  The void of fellow humans fills you.  It’s all crickets and frogs and breeze through the poplars and birch and oak and pines that welcomes you home.  Yanking your bag from the backseat and tossing your garbage in the bin, you move towards the door.  Inside is small, but cozy.  The kitchen bleeds into the dining and living rooms with windows everywhere.  The soft textures meet the rough in just the right balance that makes you sigh, knowing that you are safe and warm.  
      You call out for him, but there’s no answer.  You drop your bag in the loft bedroom, a grin passing your mouth at the sight of his own stuff haphazardly tossed around and set out for the extended week to come.  You duck back downstairs, catching sight of a flicker in the backyard.  Taking a moment, you look out to see the silken amber glow and soft shadowing of a campfire dancing against the tree trunks.  You can just make out Jake’s form, sitting in one of the adirondack chairs, his guitar across his lap, leg stretched out and resting against the large stones of the fire pit.  A wave of comfort washes over you as you descend down into the basement to the walkout that would lead you directly to him.  
      Softly closing the screen door behind you, you are wrapped in the soft strumming of his playing and the pops and crackles of the fire.  He glances over his shoulder, his eyes searching for you.  The corner of his mouth tugs as you approach.  He sets the guitar to the side before standing to greet you.  Without warning, you latch onto him, pressing your body flush to his, your mouth landing against his in a sinful, needy kiss.  He is quick to wrap his arms around you, hands brushing against your waist before folding up against your back.  A deep rumble bubbles from his chest as he allows you to lean into him.  One of your hands lands against the stubble on his cheek while the other pushes into his hair.  You find yourself intoxicated instantly from his touch; his taste; his presence.  
      “Damn, I missed you,”  he whispers as he draws in a breath.  “I was starting to worry.”
      “Sure,”  you quip as your eyes continue to trace across his face, looking for anything that may have changed in the weeks of separation.  “You sure look like it.”
      He dips his chin shyly.  “Aw, I was just about to play some pretty angsty shit to see if that would help.”  
      The sound of his laughter fills you as he swings your body around against his.  His hands dig into your hips and your ass and your tummy as his touch seems to be everywhere suddenly.  You are not much better.  Your hands are already running up the front of his chopped up t-shirt, searching for skin and warmth and just…  Jake.
      “Awfully needy,”  he sighs as you practically yank and shred the fabric from his body in the not usual route of just sliding it off.  
      You growl, and you are not embarrassed by it.  After your ride, you just needed all of him and all of him in a rough, mean, sloppy way that you would never fully articulate, but he always seemed to understand what exactly you needed anyway.  His wicked chuckle as he discards the shirt away from the fire - don’t ask.  It would not have been the first time he lost a garment to the flames through your need.  
      You straighten up your back, plaster your most serious face you can muster and capture his full, shirtless attention.  “I need you to rail the shit out of me and this shitty assed drive up here.  I need you to do that now.”
      He rolls his lips in between his teeth.  His eyes are a liquid emotion that you barely register before it seems like your clothes are smoldering in their near correct places.  He clears his throat as if the depth of the expectation has been launched at his brain with full intent of harm or… is there an or, really?
       You suck in a breath across your teeth.  “I appreciate your romantic gesture here.  I do.  But…”
      He gulps a breath before you can retreat from your need.  “Okay.  Just give me a minute.  I’ll take care of this out here.  I’ll meet you inside.”
      “‘K…”  You nod as he turns you back towards the cabin with a little swat on your butt.  “I’m sorry I-”
       “Nope.  You’ve made it loud and clear what you need,”  he says as he drags the hose closer, beginning to spray the lovely fire that he had going.  “Just head on up to bed and I’ll be there in a minute.”
      For a moment, you are frozen.  Did you really demand what you think you just did… from Jake?  You sip in a breath as his dark eyes climb up your body as he’s bent down, scattering the embers of the campfire.  Oh.  Committed now and all…  
      You turn and move back towards the cabin.  Through the basement door and up the creaky stairs into the main space.  You decide a sip of courage would do you some good before he gets inside.  You pull the tequila from the cupboard and shakily pour yourself a shot into a lowball before dousing it with some ginger beer from the fridge.  You barely can carry the glass up the stairs into the bedroom.  Your brain is only being edged in speed by your heart.  Both are racing out of control.  You peek out the window, seeing his shadowed outline, giving the now blackened pit a final stir to ensure the flame is completely out.  You watch like a stalker as he bends to retrieve his guitar, beer, and finally his smokes before making his way towards the cabin.  A swallowed ‘fuck’ buries itself in your throat as you turn away.  The drink dribbles down your chin as you rush to the only bathroom.  
     Your eyes are completely blasted by the not as bright as you think lights.  You take another drink of your cocktail before dropping it down to the counter.  You hear him walking through the living room and back to the kitchen.  The sharp snaps of lightswitches being turned off sends jolts up your spine.  You drag your fingers through your hair in some kind of attempt to straighten yourself up.  You slide out of your pants and road weary shirt before you start running water to get warm in the sink.  The least you can do is freshen up and get the travel tar off your skin before whatever the hell he’s going to do to you gets done.
     Cleaned up, washed up, and nearly looking human, you reach for one of his t-shirts just as you hear his footfalls start up the stairs towards you.  You take the last sip of your tequila and ginger as he pauses to switch off the stairway lights, effectively announcing his arrival.  A shaky breath escapes your lips as you set your glass down on the dresser before turning towards him.  He stands at the head of the stairs, his hands calm at his sides.  His dark eyes are impossibly full of silk and velvet and lust and longing that you would think that it would spill out across the crest of his cheekbones and land on his pillowed mouth.  Or maybe, that is just you projecting everything that is suddenly erupting from every pore of your skin.  
     “Hey, handsome,” he says, his voice full of rasp as the corner of his mouth curls in a smile.
      “Hey, pretty,”  you whisper, unable to rip your eyes from the curve of his belly as it streams down the distinct v that drifts beneath his crumpled linen pants.
     “I’m surprised you’re still wearing clothes,”  he remarks, remaining rooted to his spot, his body giving no clues of what would happen next.
      You grin as you swirl a fingertip at the hem of the t-shirt just enough to flirt the edge to reveal the barely there panties that you are sporting.  His head tilts ever so slightly as a soft hum passes his lips.  You slowly turn your back to him, your fingers skating over the swell of your ass as your ghost the fabric up your sides in a surprisingly graceful maneuver as you dip your chin to look at him over your shoulder.  He raises an eyebrow and licks at his lip, just as a lock of your hair drifts across your brow in what you hope is an oh so sexy moment.  
      “Impressed?”  you coo as you drag the fabric up until you can bring it over your head.
      He lets out an amused laugh.  “Always,”  he sighs, still not moving.  “Get on the bed.  Lay down on your belly.”
      You comply because let’s face it - you’ve presented your need, why fight it?  You feel the tip of his callused finger trace across your ankle before skating up one calf and give a little tickle behind your knee.  Just as you’re folding your arms under your pillow to get more comfortable, he grabs you by the ankles and yanks you down.  You let out a surprised yelp, watching as he knocks off the pillows before he takes one wrist in between his fingers.
      You watch as he stretches your arms up towards the headboard, hooking your fingers to the edge of the bed.  “Both hands stay right here.  Doesn’t matter if you are on your belly or on your back.  Do you understand?”
      You feel your skin grow hot at the sound of authority in his tone.  You nod as you whisper out an affirmation.  He leans into you, planting a little kiss to your forehead with a smile.  One hand lands in the middle of your bare back and glides down the expanse of skin, stopping only for a moment before hooking into the fabric of your undies and pulling them down and off in a painfully slow fashion that allowed each of his fingers brush against the insides of your legs on their journey down.  Your breath quickens as you feel him move away from you, only to return his path on the other side of the bed, his hands passing over you like silk - teasing, touching, hovering, pressing.  Everywhere in their wake, his touch is leaving gooseflesh and a scorch of desire for more.  
      He disappears for a moment, leaving a vacuum of silence that weighs on you heavily.  The coil of anticipation begins to strangle you as the thunk of his boots hitting the floor strikes your ears, followed by the clank of his belt knocking on the top of the dresser.  You can picture him as he slowly undresses - each piece landing in a designated spot for ease of use in the morning.  A little hum slides through his lips as he grows nearer to you, his rings striking the nightstand and you turn your head to look at how he grins to himself and continues on like he didn’t have a naked you stretched across the bed like a trophy.  You listen as he steps into the bathroom.  That spring of anticipation is turning into outright frustration.  You sink your teeth into the tender flesh of your arm in hopes of summoning an ounce of patience.  
      “Look at you,”  he says, his voice rough with rasp.  “It’s like your whole body is vibrating.  Do you need this that badly?”
       “Fuck,”  you breath out.
      “What happened between home and here?”  he asks gently, while still keeping himself away.
      “I almost lost my damn vacation because of the boss,”  you start with a low grumble, the venom spilling out on the mattress beneath you.  “Can you believe that?  He literally went to HR and tried to have me fired if I didn’t show up next week.  Which I’m not.  I’m not going in.  HR insisted that I must take my time.”
      “I know you love your job, but maybe-”
      You shake your head.  “I’m not ready to go - no matter how fucked up he is.  There are still more aspects to the job that do not involve him that I love.”
      “Okay,”  he whispers as he moves in between your outstretched legs, but not yet moving onto the bed.  He ghosts his fingertips across your calves, back and forth, the pressure gaining traction with each pass until he’s literally dragging his hands up and down your legs like a massage.  “What else has you in these knots?”
       Your eyes roll under his care before you harken back to the drive.  “Ugh - it was like everyone had the same idea to leave the city all at the same moment, and the construction…”
       “Yeah,”  he agreed, pressing forward past your knees and into the tender skin of your thighs, mirroring his technique he had just given your calves.  “It’s so bad this year.”
       “It was down to one damn lane for miles and there’s always that one asshole that has to wait until last minute to merge and fuck everyone else who planned ahead,”  you continue, unable to hide the squeak as he hits a few stress knots about mid-thigh.
       He lets out a supportive hum as he moves up onto the mattress, straddling your thighs.  He continues to massage his way up your body in a delicious, albeit slow, manner.
       “It was like every animal was on the road coming up here,”  you scoff, leaning into his hands as he drags them up your hips.  “I swear there was an edict that was not going to allow me to actually get here.”
      “And yet,”  he whispers, digging the heels of his palms into the tops of your ass, “here you are, naked and lovely before me.”
      “Almost three hours late…”  you begin to grouse until his fingers dig into the tension in your low back.  You feel your eyes roll to the back of your head as a whorish moan escapes.  
      “You like that, huh,”  he whispers against your shoulder as he repeats the move to elicit the same reaction.  “Oh my.”
      You feel yourself melting into the mattress under his care.  “I just…  oh fuuuuck…”
      He drags his fingertips hard down on either side of your spine before retreating back upwards to your shoulders.  You feel his weight against the meat of your butt as he uses you to support himself.  He leans down, placing featherlight kisses against the back of your neck.  “I’ve missed you,” he whispers into your hair before he laps at the back of your ear.
     You let go of a hot gasp as he removes his proximity away.  The heels of both hands press along the ridge of your shoulders, dragging across to the mattress.  A deep, throaty groan escapes you as he repeats the move followed by gentle finger presses that drag down along your flanks.
     “I thought I would never get here,”  you sigh as his fingers rain down along your ribs on both sides.  “I did get you some of those little bars that you like from Spencer’s.”
     He hummed as he moved off your hips to one side of the bed.  “Thank you.  Maybe we can have them later.”
      He asks you to roll onto your back with a soft reminder of where to keep your hands.  You obey, feeling like a fish on a spit, but you do it anyway.  He lets out a quiet laugh as he swipes your hair that has fallen across your face.  The low light of the room bounces off his features, making him look all the more handsome.  Or maybe that was the edge of the tequila messing with you.  Either way, you don’t care.  He’s the prettiest thing your tired eyes have seen all day.  He grins as he slides away from your side.  He begins to rub at the arches of your feet.  Firm pressure strikes knots you were not aware existed are stuck and you gasp and grimace as he continues to massage along without much expression.  Those dark eyes sparkle at you as your body feels like it’s melting into the mattress under his care.  
      His fingers drift upwards and return down.  You wanted to growl out that he was the world’s biggest tease, but your mouth stretched in a yawn instead.  As he pulled his frame in between your legs once more, climbing up onto the mattress, your eyelids felt like they were fluttering in the wind as you struggled against them.
     “Sleepy, love?”  he asked, the bass of his voice rippling across your skin as he brushed his lip across the tender skin of your belly.
      He rolls those sinful eyes up across and through your cleavage, pinning your gaze and making your breathing hitch.  Once more, his palms graze across your hips, pressing upward to your flanks in a press that makes you ooze deeper into relaxation.
     “If I didn’t know better, Jakey,”  you whisper as you desperately try to stifle another yawn, “you’re trying to get me to relax so much that I go to sleep.”
      “That wouldn’t be so bad, would it?”  he chuckles as he begins to cover your body with his own.
      His heat invades every inch of you as you melt under him.  His lips pass over your mouth before landing against the bump of your chin.  Slowly, he pushes his hands against your stretched out arms, lacing his fingers with your own.  He pulled his shoulders back a bit so as to look down into your face.
     “And you want me to rail the shit out of you,”  he says as you struggle to keep your focus.  His grin tugs a little more as you cover your yawn once more.
      “Uh huh,”  you sigh as he starts to plant tender kisses against your throat.
      “You want me to do what exactly?”  he whisper asks into your skin before he presses his tongue against the hollow of your collarbone.
       The heat of his body mixed with the silk of his voice begins to tug in ways that are opposite of what you want.  Your eyes are rolling back in your head, but not with pleasure.  You gasp out, but it’s a yawn that fills the air around you.  Your skin and bones feel heavy.  But he continues to slowly kiss and lap at your skin.  He’s in no hurry to fulfill your voiced wishes.  You become mesmerized as his hands leave hot, relaxed trails up and down your sides and arms.  
      “Jake,”  you manage, voice thick with sleep and comfort.
      “Yeah, baby?”  he asks, barely shifting his weight against you.  “You ready?”
14 hours later…
       You sit up in a sun filled room - alone.  There is no luscious ache to your thighs.  There’s no love marks on your tummy.  There are no remnants of the previous night at all.  You struggle to untangle yourself from the sheets to fly into the bathroom for relief and a clean up.  The scent of coffee and cooking strikes your nose as you’re dragging a t-shirt and undies on.  You can hear soft music in the air as you fight with the zipper on your bag to at least retrieve a pair of shorts. 
      You move down the stairs to find Jake, bare chested and a steaming cup in hand while he stirs eggs in the cast iron on the cooktop.  His hair is in a sloppy tiny pony that is hanging on for dear life.  His face is content as he turns towards you, surprise in his eyes.
      “You’re alive,”  he teases as you move towards him.
      You wait for him to set his cup down and turn off the stove before moving up against him.  Your hands slide across his shoulders and to his back as he pulls you in, kissing you sweetly.
      “I can’t believe I fell asleep,”  you said, blushing and hiding your face in his neck.
      “And I was railing you so good, too, baby,”  he jabs with a laugh.
      You gasp and slap at his shoulder, even though you are still hiding your face from him.  He takes your chin in hand and maneuvers you around to see you.  There is nothing but warmth and good humor and love.  He pecks your mouth and lets you go.  You watch as he slides eggs on plates along with biscuits.  He points to the coffee and walks past you.
      “Better eat up, y/n,”  he said with a firm tone.  “You’re gonna need your strength.”
      You pour yourself a cup, fixing it how you like it before joining him at the table.  “Yeah?  Why’s that?”
      “Oh, so demanding last night and then you just…”   He grins and lets out a little laugh that fills you with a flutter as he pretends to fall asleep dramatically.  “It’s now my turn.”
Hey - I made it through my second reader insert! Whoa! Hope you liked it. Let me know. I know it's weird. 🤪🤪 If you'd like to be tagged for my work, let me know or you can join here
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novastarrart · 17 days
Banban/Devil Headcanons
Just wanna get my thoughts out there so here goes. It's a lot so, there's your warning lmao
*Note: For simplicity's sake I’ll refer to normal Banban as Uthman and the actual researcher/genome donor as Dr. Uthman*
All the mascots seem pretty tall so I hc him to be like 6'5"?
His tongue hangs out of his mouth constantly, it was done this way to make him more appealing/cute to kids.
That being said, When he's aware, he can keep his tongue in his mouth, usually to talk. But absentmindedly it just sorta lolls out.
He has a form of body dysphoria, being that he sees himself as a human, even when looking in a mirror.
This is why he hates being called Banban and not by his "true" name Uthman (or Adam if he knows you well enough).
However, he doesn't get too angry if you don't know about all that in the first place. Still, he'll correct you with some annoyance (Like he did with Bittergiggle in part V).
He has some memory problems, due to his own memories mingling with Dr. Uthman’s. Sometimes he’ll forget who another mascot is (Like when he referred to Nabnab as “That thing down there”. Or when Sir Dadadoo first appeared: “Hey is that a friend of yours?”)
The party hats hide his horns, this was partially his choice, and partially the researcher's. They were worried the horns would scare the children, so they decided to hide them with something “fun”. He doesn't mind them though, he wants to look as human as possible.
His voice is very apathetic and monotonous, he doesn't have much control over this, it's just natural at this point. Whether or not his donor, the real Dr. Uthman, spoke like this, I haven't decided on. He definitely has an accent of some sort, which he picked up from Dr. Uthman.
He's actually a lot more emotive than he is in the game! Although he does usually default to that goofy smile
He doesn't really blink! He can close his eyes, and has eyelids, but for some reason he just cannot blink. He does not realize this at all, and it unintentionally  scares others.
Thanks to his donor, he's very intelligent and can actually perform a lot of different surgeries and has a vast knowledge of medicine. He obviously uses this to his advantage to uhh open up victims.
He can consume human food and drinks, but it really doesn’t do anything for him nutritional wise, this is more than likely why he feels consistent pain near his abdomen
Hellish Banban/The Devil:
So comparing the models, bro is taller than regular Banban, so he's probably like 7ft tall
Definitely more muscular and stronger, has better endurance too
VERY FERAL. He relies on pure animalistic instinct in this form, although he is still capable of speech if he needs to speak.
Loses his "human" side and gives in to his more monstrous side. Any human memories are probably just gone at the time.
Speaking of which, If you call him Uthman, he'll probably just laugh and rip you apart. He does answer to Devil/Demon or just Hellish for simplicity's sake.
As said before, this feral side is triggered by adrenaline. Usually triggers when Uthman is about to die or is severely hurt (sorta like a Bruce Banner/Hulk sorta relationship).
His horns grow longer and sharper in this form, as well as his teeth. This is... probably pretty obvious why.
He seems to lose his pupils in this form? Uthman's eyes turn all white when he's turned or about to turn.
And that's an indicator you should start running!
Relies more so on his sense of smell, then his sight to find his prey. I like to think his tongue is like a snake which he uses to pick up scents/vibrations (another reason it hangs out).
He can DEFINITELY smell human's organs/blood/etc.
He can probably also pinpoint if something is medically wrong with their organs too (Diabetic, kidney failure, heart problems, etc.). This would be very useful, however he's not really thinking of helping you right now.
He's a lot tougher and can handle being banged/smashed around (Like that fight with Jumbo Josh). He’s VERY hard to kill.
He'll eat any organ honestly, Pancreases are just his favorite! (Maybe they're sweeter due to them producing insulin? Who knows!)
Still has some intelligence, but this is mostly overridden by adrenaline and instinct to eat and kill others. Overall, he doesn’t think correctly when in this form and will do things that are harmful to himself and others without much thought.
Aaaaand that's about it for now? Let me know what you think if you want!
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Pokemon and Hunter x Hunter as decided by my friend @doodle-storm after only seeing Hunter Exam and Zoldyck Family Arcs... Part 2!!! As always friend, add onto this post if there's any reasoning I've missed!
Netero: Medicham (I think the rationale here was that despite looking a little goofy, it's actually quite strong. I think this guy is very appropriate for Netero, for reasons I can't tell my friend yet.)
Hanzo: Greninja (It's a ninja pokemon. However, my friend laments the fact that Greninja is not bald enough, nor does it have "bedazzled eyebrows". She has therefore made an entire team for Hanzo that is purely comprised of bald and bedazzled eyebrow pokemon. She took this very seriously I'll have you know.)
Pokkle: Decidueye (An archer! She hopes Pokkle gets to finish his pokedex.)
Satotz: Omanyte (I honestly can't remember the initial reasoning but they both have mustaches and no visible mouth so that's cool.)
Menchi: Dachsbun (Bread dog. As befitting a Gourmet Hunter.)
Buhara: Snorlax (Probably needs little elaboration.)
Lippo: Rotom (Because of all the cameras in the prison and the fact that he operated from behind screens using electronics.)
Beans: Politoed (She can picture politoed in an identical suit.)
Tonpa: Trubbish (...she does not like Tonpa very much.)
Ponzu: Beedrill (Bee pokemon. She has bees in her hat.)
Bendot: Machoke (He's a fighter pokemon. Also he was going to choke Tonpa so there's that too.)
Sedokan: Litwick (It's a candle. It's also got one eye hidden.)
Majitani: Wishiwashi (We spent a long time trying to find a pokemon that sort of gives that impression of guy trying to look way more intimidating than he is... She decided on Wishiwashi because its school form is powerful but it also reverts back to weaker solo form when wounded.)
Leroute: Salazzle (I did not know there were pokemon people thirsted for and I don't think I needed to know that. Anyways, Salazzle is kind of an exotic creature and she was involved in exotic animal trafficking so. Checks out.)
Johness the Dissector: none. (She tried to think of one but really couldn't. We both kind of agreed that he probably wouldn't have any on account of... probably killing them.)
Geretta: Aromatisse (I don't know lol. I think this was just vibes.)
Agon: Galarian Farfetch'd (He appeared to have been a fencer so I think this was the closest thing. Plus eyebrows.)
Bodoro: Gallade (She was trying to think of an honourable type of pokemon. I don't think she was entirely sold on Gallade, especially since she gave Kurapika one later on, but we moved on.)
Bourbon: Seviper (Viper for the snake charmer.)
Nicholas: Abra (Abra just kind of sleeps, and though Nicholas tried to predict the Hunter Exam, he wasn't prepared for it, so I think that was the rationale here.)
Siper: Inteleon (A sniper pokemon for the sniper. I questioned why she was giving this minor character a pokemon when I'm pretty sure she didn't even have a speaking line, to which she replied, and I quote, "Yeah, but I want her to step on me.")
Sommy: Aipom (Mischievous monkey for the monkey trainer.)
Todo: Hariyama (Sumo pokemon for the sumo guy.)
Amori Brothers: Falinks (Yes, all three of them have the same pokemon. They work together for team attacks and so do the brothers. Do not separate.)
Zeno: Roaring Moon (I brought up Zeno's association with dragons. She liked the vibe of this one for him.)
Silva: Kommo-o (I think she wanted to keep the dragon theming. ...she also refers to Silva as "evil He-Man". Just thought you should know.)
Kikyo: Hatterene (She picked this one because of its elegant look... and the fact that it attacks anyone who is too loud or hostile within its home range.)
Illumi: Ferrothorn (It's absolutely perfect omg. She said it attacks using spikes and thorns, and it also "has the eyes". She also cheerfully informed me it's weak to fire. She does not like Illumi very much.)
Milluki: Forretress (Also has the eyes, and stays in a shell. It shoots things I think. She was trying to pick one that calls to mind Milluki's bombs.)
Kalluto: Kartana (I mentioned Kalluto's association with paper, so she picked this one.)
Gotoh: Meowth (For the coin association. Also she thought it'd be kind of funny if all the butlers had cat or cat-like pokemon.)
Canary: Espeon (Because it evolves based on friendship... augh... also vibes.)
Zebro: Cinccino (Zebro's kind of the janitor, and Cinccino likes to clean, if I'm remembering correctly? Also it's kind of disarmingly cute and harmless looking, which fits Zebro's "taking the key from the hapless guard" shtick.)
Seaquant: Watchog (Vibes, I'm pretty sure. hjdfkbvdshjvh)
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braxiatel · 2 years
“We Double as a Drama Troupe”
(Link to read on AO3) 
“To be, or not to be, that is the question: whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them,” Ren spoke, his voice bouncing off the crastle walls.
“To die - to sleep, no more; and by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; to sleep, perchance to dream - ay, there's the rub: for in that sleep of death what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause… Yes, Scar?”
“Question,” Scar began, leaning against the armrest of the netherite throne. “Wouldn’t it be more fitting if you were the evil king?”
Cleo and Cub groaned in unison, something they had had abundant opportunity to rehearse over the past week.
“I’m just saying,” Scar defended.
“And what exactly is it you’re saying, Sir Scar?” Ren asked testily.
“Why, that you are our most luscious of rulers, of course. Why should you have to settle for being a mere prince, when you could be a king?”
With a click and a whirring sound, the blinding stage lights went out.
“What’s happening down there?” Cub called from the balcony.  
“Just another Scar-break,” Iskall yelled back.
“Did you miss the part where he is the antagonist of the story, Scar?” Ren interrupted, ignoring the squabbling squabs. “A king as beloved as I could never pass as such a vile snake. None of my subjects would find it believable.”
“That’s a bit offensive,” Cleo pointed out, flicking her hair.
“Really? I thought it was rather apt,” Ren admitted, ceasing to project his voice throughout the throne room.
“I laughed!” Bdubs said from where he was juggling at least a dozen different hats, trying to recall which he was to wear in the next scene.
“You didn’t!” Iskall accused. “He’s standing right there, he heard that you didn’t.”
“Shut up!” Bdubs hissed.
Scar giggled.
“He said the thing!”
Cub, who had somehow appeared at the throne, glanced at his bare wrist.
“Perhaps now would be a good time for our lunch break, your majesty? Union rules, and all that. ”
Joe perked up.
“There’s a union?”
“No and no,” Ren sighed. “Come on, people. The premiere is tomorrow, and this whole thing is still a mess. Scar, you keep complaining about getting one of the biggest parts in the play. Cleo and Joe, you spend more time gossiping than you do acting.”
“Was it not the great playwright himself who said that all the world’s a stage? So technically, by that logic, are we not all of us acting at all times? Even at this very moment?” Joe posited.
His comment went completely ignored by the rest of the company, as they so often did.
“— Iskall, you forget to show up half the time, and you are still doing that voice—”
“The queen is a dignified matriarch, this is how one of those speaks,” Iskall protested.
“I think he was referring to you doing it even when you’re out of character,” Cub speculated.
“It’s called method acting!”
“Stanislavski would be rolling in his grave,” Joe sighed to an audience of no one.
“—Bdubs doesn’t know half of his lines—”
“Would be a little easier if I didn’t have to play more than half of the characters,” Bdubs grumbled, something that either went completely ignored by the king, or more likely he would hear about it later, in private.
“— and Cub, you have apparently joined a union?”
“Started it, in fact,” he grinned.
“Man, he’s really laying it on thick with this corruption arc,” Scar commented, to a collective hum of approval.
“Guys, can we please just take this seriously for one day? It would really mean a lot to me,” Ren pleaded.
The rest of the troupe shared a look, coming to an unspoken agreement that ultimately going along with Ren’s latest terrible idea was worth it to make their friend happy.
“Sure,” Iskall agreed on behalf of everyone.
“Thank you. Now, shall we get back to the scene?”
“Before we do, to get us back into the flow of things, I just thought I’d share an interesting fact about Hamlet—” Joe began, meeting a resounding groan from the rest of the company.
The bickering resumed, even Ren joining in at this point.
Cub, who had taken a seat back and was simply watching the chaos unfold, glanced at the skull sitting abandoned on the floor at downstage left.
“Alas, poor Impulse,” he murmured.
For the seventh time that day he wondered if he should actually defect to the soup group, or if selling tickets to this shitshow would ultimately price a more profitable business venture.
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hauntingjasper · 3 months
Flame is so beautiful in your art style.
Headcanons about him?
Aww thank you! Honestly FP is such a tricky character for me to draw, i'm glad you like it 😭
There's so little information about this guy it's crazy, i'm just pulling stuff out of my magic hat for this one.
1- Different backstories, you know the drill. Instead of being locked away inside a lantern, he was successfully abandoned by the Flame Queen. He was left somewhere that didn't have much to set on fire, consequently leaving no traces to be found, like a desert, perhaps. Eventually he found his way out and started wandering around the land.
2- He likes to make tiny glass statues with sand. It's one of the few nice things he can do when he's a walking fire.
3- Hear me out on Brazilian Flame Prince okay it's the last time I'll shove my Brazilian hcs on you I promise- /j Anyway the reason for this one is that Flame Prince looked like the Curupira at the beginning of Natasha Allegri’s F&C comic and I found it funny enough to make it into a headcanon. I have other reasons, such as:
» Almost making him a Maned Wolf in Jackalope Fionna's AU (he's a Will-o'-the-wisp now but the thought is still there), and Maned Wolves are considered a symbol here in Brazil.
» Another folklore reference: If Fionna's magical word had an Elementals Arc, I imagined him becoming a fire snake thing like the Boitatá instead of a salamander dragon.
» The vibes told me.
4- I don't think he has a canon birth date, so I hc that his birthday is on August 22,, , Yes, it's because it's Folklore Day here in Brazil are you seeing the pattern yet
That would also make him a Leo. And he has lions. Get it? (⁠☞゚⁠ヮ゚⁠)⁠☞
5- He's bisexual and just as unaware as Fionna. But in his defense, he wasn't taught how being gay works.
6- He likes popcorn. Not that he can eat it, he just likes to see it pop.
7- He's more water resistant. Of course, you can't throw him in a swimming pool and expect him to survive, but he seemingly can handle light rain for a while. I think he'd be so stubborn about it oml you'd tell him a million times not to go out while it's raining and he's like "It's just a drizzle let me go >:(", until his body starts giving out near the end and he needs some dry wood to recover. Just get the damn umbrella, fire boy.
8- Biggest cat person you'll know. Cats will sit around him because he's warm and he'll refuse to move. I think his human self would have many cats in his house to reference the fire kittens he has.
9- His interactions with Fionna made me so sad in the comic, the way he immediately tried to hug her when he regained consciousness oughjsuwhs That boy has never received physical affection in his life and when he finally gets it, he somehow manages to lose it again i'm not okay,, , He'd be so clingy if he ever found out about that Flame Shield spell.
10- I hc that he's trans. I've been thinking about how (biological) gender would work for fire elementals because, well... they're fire. Does fire have gender? No idea. Yet they still use gendered terms like daughter, princess, King (though Flame Princess calls herself "King"), etc... So in my mind, it's more a matter of how they're raised according to the parent's preferences and not biology. Flame Prince could've been raised to be a daughter and princess before being abandoned, but went the other direction later on after being surrounded mainly by princes, being referred to as a prince and being assumed he's a guy. He's just okay with it and wouldn't change anything, does that make sense-
At first I didn't have the intention to make him trans, but it just sounds trans so- He's trans, yippie!
11- One thing I never understood in the Fionna and Cake comic is that it says Cake made Flame Prince's outfit… but how the hell did she manage to make unburnable clothes for a fire elemental and so fast too. Right now I'm thinking that she just showed him a sketch for an outfit and he shaped his fire into “clothes”, I don't know. That's where half of his wardrobe comes from.
12- Would gasoline be the equivalent of an energy drink to him? Because I'm starting to think it would. He can drink gasoline.
13- I'm still thinking about what his actual name would be,, , Phoebus sounds okay, but I also like others like Phoenix or Felix. Apollo is also on my suggestion list, since the god himself is associated with light and music, and it fits him considering FP is also a DJ. One day I'll have that figured out.
I think this is all I have for now! Now stay with this thing because I'm still losing my mind over it
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
Sabaody Side Up
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This chapter really crept up on me. It felt flat at first, like a lot of attention paid to ground we've already tread. At the risk of sounding like a bitch, it took a sec to catch that we do have to make these undertones explicit sometime. On the surface the theme of this chapter is hammering the Sabaody callback. But it's named for Sentomaru, whose story gets another degree more intertwined with our girl. Stussy will have a great moment as well, but we had her title chapter. Another of those interesting moments where talking with a friend who waits for the official was fun, seeing someone highlight the raw potential of something you know comes up next chapter is always a boost to thinking about it. Yeah, don't skip how the crew seems to react more to Sentomaru & Stussy's sacrifices. Recall we did that beat in Wano with Kiku's arm.
Sentomaru though, he keeps spiraling into being a great inheritor of the undertone to Wano Kiku built. And you see people starting to get this theme en masse. Even our powerscaling-inclined friends are catching on. How easy it is for the followers of these great men to get screwed over for that loyalty. How authority and obedience tear earnest bonds. But of course, it's how on the nose we get here. Sento is already so on point; a sumo-themed guy with a gag about not actually being as tight-lipped as advertised. Casual reference to an old school bit of folklore (Kintaro) and now...someone who just wanted a place to belong, a regular meal. Someone who was abandoned, now overlooked. Whatever this is, it's starting to really coalesce now. Especially leading up to...
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Kizaru. Don't forget this line of Luffy & Kizaru does pass through meeting Izo back then. It really feels like Luffy is starting this one with Kizaru right where he wants him. Honestly, the stuff with the robot carrying the ship away isn't too shabby for inadvertently protecting someone who might be lying low there coordinating the Fleet for a big coup. Turning the Pacifista on the sea beast weapons certainly raises the stakes below in a way very reminiscent of the Raid on Onigashima. Tama pulls it off for the Straw Hats and fate allows Kiku to lend a hand towards preventing Queen from accomplishing the same via Ice Oni Virus. Sowing discord is extremely powerful when everyone is swinging such big weapons. But it would fit this "head of the snake" element of the arc.
But still, this fight. Luffy has Kizaru in a spot where he cannot easily make this about anything else. Gotta say though, this is an interesting tipping point. We still can't crack the dome, Lucci's decided now is the time to strike (nice quick thinking Sanji, especially since we know you'd react to Stussy being hurt) and it turned out we only had the illusion of the upper hand. Not to mention the finicky situation of not knowing the full stakes; there's a certain amount of cover you need to protect or the island just gets wiped out.
I hope this works out. The subverted Sabaody. If Luffy could have just beaten Kizaru how different would things go? I'll say this much. I was wavering on the Grand Fleet for the past couple of chapters...not so much any more. The Pacifista flipping is not an insignificant problem. I want to give Kizaru his proper due alone, since we do have such an interesting element in how we got here. See you for that tomorrow.
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opheliajupiter99 · 6 months
Once Upon a Rapture Pt. 2
A large neon sign softly flickered over a hidden nook in the depths of Skid Row. Topside, Skid Row could refer to any number of places, and in a technical sense, it could in Rapture as well, but in Rapture, Skid Row referred to the poorest area of the already poor Pauper's Drop.
Honestly, Pauper's Drop wasn't even built to hold anyone long term, just built to be simple flophouses for the crew that worked on the railway, but as the city grew more populated and the poorer folk were pushed 'out of sight', it became a little town in its own right.
The neon sign, lined in Hollywood-style lightbulbs and advertising jazz on either side, was for The Limbo Room, a small lounge which held lived jazz performances every night, and even served dinner at a remarkably cheap price.
Within, their top performer, Grace Holloway, stood at the microphone, singing a rather somber number about being 'down and out', as the man at the piano clunked away gently at key after key in tune with her graceful voice.
Being the poor, low-rate place it was, Pauper's Drop was an ideal location for crime of all kinds, any scam or snake oil scheme one could imagine. But for the first time in a very long time, the man sat in the back, with his purple silken top hat laying close by upon his table, nursing a rum in silence, wasn't thinking of any such thing.
His name was Kremy Lecroux, and he'd come down some time ago with his bodyguard and husband, Gideon Coal, to make use of his 'business skills'. Things had been going fine, amazing in fact, though admittedly there was quite a bit of competition, until Gid had found a sweet little ragamuffin simply called Twig, who had managed to run away from the Little Sisters Orphanage - a place that claimed to be a home for the unloved, but in reality, sold all of their held girls off to scientists.
Gideon quickly grew attached to the girl and took her in to live with them. Kremy was hesitant - not because he didn't like the girl, he loved her just as Gid did, but in this city, being in position of a little girl sadly painted a target on one's back. Everyone wanted ADAM, and to get ADAM, they needed Little Sisters, and to get Little Sisters, they needed little girls.
He hoped the fact most of the city was concerned with numerous other criminals rather than them would lessen the chance of Twig being taken, but in the end, she was. Kremy attempted to convince Gid not to do something stupid, but deep down he knew he would; and one day, he returned to their home to find a note left by Gideon.
'I'm leaving to find her. If I don't come back in a few days...I'm sorry. I just have to try. You'll be fine either way. I know you will."
He had indeed, not returned, and he'd seen or heard no sign of him since that letter. Part of him tried to push it aside; getting wrapped up in his emotions wouldn't bring Gid back, and he knew Gid wouldn't want him to give up. But he was finding it very hard to focus on any kind of work, and he kept finding himself looking across the table, expecting him to be there.
He was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of the front door swinging open rather harshly; even with the music playing, the lounge was small enough to hear it from this distance.
A thin, almost boney looking man with disheveled black and white hair and clad in a long, green scholar robe stumbled through the door and practically fell into one of the barstools, startling the people already sat at said bar, as well as the bartender herself.
This man never went by his real name anymore, simply going under the nickname 'Frost'. He'd been brought down to Rapture for his vast intellect, bringing alongside him his assistant Gricko and his daughter, who was lovingly nicknamed 'Hootsie'. At first, things went much as they went on the surface, cozily tucked away in a vast library, being supported ever-loyally by his assistant, and the man's daughter treating him like an uncle.
But he always craved more knowledge, and deep inside, never truly felt like he knew enough, and of course, in the beginning of ADAM's distribution, it's addictive and mutating nature were conveniently not addressed, so he began to splice, especially focusing on the Gene Tonic Brain Boost, and the Plasmid Telekinesis.
His mind opening farther than he could've ever imagined was a miracle at first, but he quickly found himself spiraling down wild trains of thought, pondering equations that no longer followed logic, and researching in a mad fever for an entire day straight, Gricko being about the only reason he still ate and drank properly.
All of that was terrible, but he perhaps could've made it through - if it wasn't for Hootsie's disappearance. Much like Twig, the mad doctors that worked tirelessly to keep ADAM production up and running snatched Hootsie the first chance they got, rapidly sending her father into a spiral of depression, before he too went off in search of his daughter, and hadn't been seen since.
Since then, lost in his own deep depression, he spliced even more than before, his once pure black hair now streaked with white, his cheeks sunken in and dark circles under his eyes, and hands that shook enough to struggle lifting the glass of water he received from the bartender to his lips. He knew he couldn't get either of them back, at least not on his own - if there was even anything to get back at this point - so all he had left was his mind and his ADAM...and he felt soon, with the wild thoughts that danced through his head, he wouldn't have his mind for much longer either.
Kremy eventually exited the lounge area, as Grace finished up her performance, the last twinkles of the piano fading as the small gathering before the stage clapped in approval, his gaze falling to the disheveled man, his frazzled black and white hair hiding most of his face as he rested his head against the counter. One of his eyes was barely visible amongst the hair, and it peered up to look at Kremy in return.
The pair stared at each other for a moment in silence, before Kremy frowned, and cleared his throat. "Ya alright there, fella?" Normally, he would've walked right past the man and gone on about his business, but since Gid's disappearance, the wall that normally stood sturdy around his heart had cracked quite a bit.
Frost grumbled softly, turning his head slightly so his face was more visible, now resting his cheek upon the counter rather than his nose. "No.." He said weakly. "But it doesn't matter. I'll likely be gone soon anyway. I doubt even my books will miss me."
Kremy's brow furrowed a bit, moving to sit beside the ragged fellow. "Hey, don't talk like that fella. What's wrong? Ah don't got anywhere to be tonight, ya can tell me." After a moment of thought, Frost shrugged, figuring there wasn't any harm in it; or even if there was, what did it matter?
So, Frost regaled his tale, and as he did, Kremy's heart sunk further, knowing how eerily similar it was to his own. At that particular moment, neither was sure what to do - but Kremy knew, he had to do something.
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rhywhitefang · 2 years
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Last Hour References Part 1
Poor Lighton, disoriented, confused, and doesn't even have a shirt on his back </3 At first, I pictured our boy as blond but at this point, I do think the dark hair suits him in a different way :)
My favorite thing about Heliogabs outfit is the rubber boots :) And of course I had to feature the hook since they're putting it to such diligent use
I like Aiden's freckles, they make him look so cute. And how could I deny him his signature bow? Getting ready to shoot! The glass blower outfit. In the beginning the sleeves were just as poofy as his trousers but that looked quite ridiculous. Also ever since Phi pointed it out to me, I can't unsee that the pockets on his apron form a fucking smiley face. You're welcome.
I had a very clear vision for Caviens outfit from the beginning, with the one exception that I only added the pattern for his coat at the last minute though. I like that I did that though because I think it pulls the look together and makes it seem just a bit more fancy for our mayor here.
If you talked to me at all it's been pretty clear that I like Tesla a lot and I think that's evident from the way I draw him.
Honestly, I really like Lithos overalls, he looks adorable. I was a bit sloppy with the plaid pattern but I think you can still tell what it's supposed to be.
Diego's whole get up was super clear to me from the beginning, and it was one of the ones that already had a design before I did any of the others. The feather cape isn't even that much of a pain to draw and I think it really fits the whole vibe. It was the mask that I designed fresh for these, and I'm happy with it, I think it's the most "Venecian" mask out of all of them.
Speaking of masked dancers, I really wanted to emphasise the whole insect theme with Cas. This is why he has like, this almost armor-like body suit. You know, like an exoskeleton. With every body part being partitioned in its own section. Originally, I had the wings at his shoulders like a cape, but I like the look of this better, more ornamental at his hips. His mask has a pretty clear and detailed description in the story so I didn't have to interpret too much.
Fun fact! Joule is the only person in this arena wearing a dress! I even gave her a corset for it, and - sorry to gush - I think she looks just to die for. With her role, I thought it made sense to give her something-coat like, but I wanted to be cute, so I give her a little coat dress. She even gets a silly little hat^^
I've been told that Silvins snake theme isn't quite as obvious as I'd like it to be with his costume, which uh.... fair enough. I mean, he does have a snakeskin texture through his jacket and the flaps around his hood are supposed to be reminiscient of a cobra, but I can see how that doesn't totally come through. His mask is also the one that I'm not 100% satisfied with... it doesn't look very wearable ^^'
Tiffany's outfit is another one that's pretty clearly described, so I didn't have to add all that much. The fun is in picking the coloro f her headwrap.
I have an entire folder full of tattoos for Mateo^^ He's got a lot of them and only some of them are specifically described. Although I don't think I'll be drawing him shirtless any time soon for this exact reason.
I think Tave's outfit is the one that gets the most thorough description of all them in the story, so I honestly just drew what was described. My only addition is the off-the-shoulder cape. I just think it looks cool^^
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Watching the owl house
Spoilers idk how to do a cut on mobile
This BETTER be another dream fake out
I’m crying
The collector trying to fix her
Babies first experience with mortality
She turned into light glyphs I’m sobbing
Everyone knows what happened
“She’s really gone”
Yeah kiddo she’s in the ink realm now
ok I need those pj pants
He’s just watchin tv like the rest of us
Wait but why is hooty his eye
- is hooty literally his eye in the sky
I’m sobbing why didn’t this get a longer run
Someone save the puppets
- wait wait what is the magic run out?
If I know my daughter she wont let dying stop her
I thought he was talking about his TEARS
God damnit this snake is so stupid I still hate it so much
Why???? She look like that. Tiktok is going to have a feild day with this cosplay material
I’ve rewatched those 12 times
Also this remix slaps
No not skelly crumbling
- Camilla just drawing them out like a badass
Did that motherFUCKER JUST BARK
Oh EW I did not expect the boiling isles to literally look that gorey
Yay fun magic adventure to go stab kings dads heart to dead
- they remind me too much of my partner if they croak I’m I’m going to loose it
Why does Luz’s hat have a little light bubble on it
wait don’t fucjing monologue babe just kill him
That was a good fucking frame
Adopt the baby plz you guys can each get one hit on him but after that everyone be friends like in the mark comics
WHERES LUZ ok there she is
Yes the rain
Oh ew what
He is NOT human
-is she not human anymore
Is that what he wanted to say to him
She is… not going to be able to go back to the human realm and be normal
Also was like, the boiling isle only one fucjing wacko island that the rest of the demon realm like didn’t touch bc belos? Like the post apocalyptic America of this universe
darius father of the year award
SYNTH HELL YEAH I’m going to listen to that on repeat for years
Who the FUCK was that third guy
Hey I’m so gay wtf eda making raine a NEST
When ur aunt has a kid and ur cousin is the most annoying and dangerous 9 year old on the planet
No Titan magic?? I’m crying
-can she do magic now? From her staff I guess?
Oh wait this is going to be a Vee fake out
Oh worm that IS vee??
Wait did they go back to the human realm? Why is hooty interacting with a person
Mmmmm is that a twilight baseball reference or am I just brain dead
I want that snake shirt so bad
Also two ear piercings slay
“It’ll be nice to finally see everyone again” so DID she go to regular or magic highschool tell us
I’m making those tshirts
- imagine hearing that everytime you come in
The animation
I’m sobbing
HEY YOU FUCKKNG COWARDS WHY CAN YOU NO CONSISTENTLY DRAW FAT PEOPle I saw Willow flying and went fuck yeah but then she walks around and they skinny washed her again
Hunter palisman carver adorable
Ok I appreciate the animation but was it important to make that huntlow scene so beautiful and yet STILL NO KISS
Liliths plans I’m screaming “disco maybe”
That’s what I wanna look like
ok that girl playing the harp I know we know her name but smash smash love the new hair
Professor dog boy for life
We’re going to see a high uptake in patch based fashion this year thanks Dana
Also raine hello smashsmashsmashsmash
SHORT HAIR GIRL TWIN where’s the brother
Oh there he is and he looks no different but I’m glad he’s vibing
Wait wait the basilisks I’m crying
The bat babies hanging upside down got me
They sounded ALOT less haunted than our birthdays FUCKING MOOD BUDDY
Ok that dress goes HARD
Spider cake Steve has my heart
Noooo kings glyphs have horns I’m crying
Ok gtg cry before rehearsal I’ll see you all in therapy
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
Okay so *sigh* I know I keep saying this about all our boys but I love heem
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𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐋. ☥ 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥!𝐏𝐮𝐧𝐳
pairing: rebel!Punz x fm!reader
word count: ~ 3500
warnings: smut (18+), pure filth basically, language, blood, fighting, illegal activities, degradation, praise, domination, spanking, etc.
playlists: Rebel!Punz, EDGERS
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The basement was only accessible through one door which was stationed at the back of Techno’s motorcycle shop. The door was bolted from the inside, only to be unlocked after the murmuring of a password known by word of mouth.
Behind the door was a flight of stairs going downward. The walls are reminiscent of walking through a damp tunnel, the air hanging thick, smelling of rotting soil and burning leaves. A man stationed on one of the landings would open the door at the end of the staircase and then move back upstairs as one would continue through the dark hallway, faintly hearing the sounds of men shouting. Finally, the last entryway and the gateway into a different universe: two double doors made of decaying wood.
The hinges always creaked when pried opened, giving the illusion that the basement was nothing more than storage, yet through those doors laid a bustling room of cockroaches and their bookies. Men in all shapes and sizes, in suits and sweatpants, with elaborate hairstyles and hats clustered around a giant roped-off area in the center of the basement.
Ritual followers of the activities referred to it as the Ring.
The dingy atmosphere of expensive cologne and cigar smoke was a trip back in the twenties when similar tactics were just for the high of living. Underground matches are like alcohol during the prohibition and the Ring was the modern-day speakeasy.
And that’s where you were, swimming in the stale fog of cigar smoke and sweaty bodies as you scored percentages into your small notebook, taking the bribes as cash was handed to you. The men with the expensive appearances always flaunted their exaggerated statistics, testing your knowledge about the Ring as if they weren’t facilitating some kind of kill match. They treated you as if you were the equivalent of a cigarette girl when in reality, you held their fortunes in your hand and controlled the fate of the fight.
You were Techno’s eyes, ears, and author. He would observe from afar, crossing his arms over his chest as you eyed Punz, telling him which way to fix the fight to make Techno the most money. Punz was completely attuned to you, his light eyes trained to search for your mild quirks and subtle hints as you pretended to add up the odds. Regretfully, it was a losing night against an outside competitor.
Punz drew in a sharp breath as you chewed the inside of your cheek, barely instructing him. You flashed him four of your fingers, knowing full-well that Techno was guaranteed at least a $10,000 payout if Punz let the competitor wail on him for that long. You always preferred the nights when you could nod for him to flatten the challenger in under two rounds, but nights like tonight left your stomach in knots.
You rolled the sleeves of your white button-up shirt, your suit jacket hanging on a fold-out chair nearest to Techno as you continued to work the floor. As you walked the perimeter, your gaze glued to Punz, who was wrapping white tape around his knuckles and watching you. You knew that his heavy-handed approach in the first few rounds would leave the protection in nothing but white tatters, peeling away from his butchered skin.
His lip was still busted from the match a few days prior, cheekbone tinted with a purple hue and eyes set tired to avoid giving away the adrenaline you knew was pulsing through his body. His hand flexed against the tape, giving him more motion. Your sights settled on the healing cut that divided his eyebrow, the memory of seeing Dream’s ring cut into Punz’s face making your blood boil.
You liked to stand on the opposite end of the make-shift ring from Punz. There were days when you wished you weren’t some kind of conductor for the underground matches, mainly so you could cheer on your lover like the rest of the spectators.
But alas, you were the puppeteer and Punz was your obedient marionette.
The fight began with the ringing of an ancient-looking shift bell, Punz stepping back on the balls of his feet as his opponent remained defensive. Punz rolled his eyes, sights flashing to you before moving to land the first blow; a heavy shot to the man’s side. You crossed your arms, nodding as if to tell him he only needed to lose by a hair.
At your direction the fight became bloodier, knuckles cracking against bone and rib cages, drawing the crimson streams of life from their bodies. In an ideal world where Punz was fighting for his own mercy and not the money bags of his boss, Punz would have wasted the opposing man, smiling as he did so.
Punz always seemed to gain stamina the more he was battered, thriving off of the blood pooling in his teeth or streaming down the side of his head. In bare-knuckle matches, he was almost unrecognizable in his blood lust.
The bell chimed again, the rounds moving quicker as Punz pretended to be worn out from the weaker jabs of his competitor. You chuckled to yourself, a smirk settling on your lips as he rolled his shoulders. His expression tilted towards you, seemingly noticing your amusement as he fought not to grin himself.
Punz launched his fist into his opponent’s face, blood gushing instantly from the man’s nose as Punz hammered another blow into his torso. The man retaliated by driving his elbow into Punz’s stomach before throwing his knuckles into Punz’s jaw. Punz’s t-shirt clung to his sweat-drenched body, the thought of peeling him out of those clothes later in the night made your skin prickle with goosebumps. His messy hair and concentrated eyes were allusions of unadulterated sin as he brushed the back of his hand over his mouth, wiping away the thread of blood trickling down his chin from his re-busted lip.
Punz knew to wear down, letting the man knock him against the ropes, Punz’s light eyes looking up at you with nearly a breath between the two of you. “Good boy,” you stated, only loud enough for him to hear. His eyebrow quirked at your words to combat the cocky grin wanting to break through his tough façade with your praise. He stood up straighter and submitted to losing as his competitor landed another punch.
After the fight, you indulged in the sound of your heels clicking against the staircase as you moved back up to the shop, the area quiet and desolate after the cockroaches had scampered away back into their crevices. You turned, starting down the long hallway towards the locker room, grabbing the First Aid kit off the wall on your way. The envelope of money felt heavy in your hand, its manilla coloring almost too obvious against your suited attire.
You pushed the door open with your foot, peering down one of the rows of lockers before spotting Punz, yawning slightly as he pulled off his shirt, revealing various old-style tattoos that matched the ones painted across his knuckles. Whenever you saw him in this state, you silently thanked George for his hours of work and steady hand.
Punz’s eyes perked up as you entered the room; the familiar sight of you ready to patch up his wounds brought a content smile to his bruised features. “How’d I do, dove?” He coaxed looking up at you as he sat on the dividing bench. His voice was raspy and deep from exhaustion.
You gave him a small smile, tossing your jacket on the other side of him and taking his face in your hand, pressing your lips against his briefly. Your nose brushed his as you placed a kiss on his cheek. “So good,” you hummed. He moved to straddle the bench as you sat in front of him, digging into the aid kit.
Before you could even start in on his wounds, his hands were snaking up your legs to grip your thighs, pulling you closer to him on the bench. You propped your knee against his, taking one of his hands and dabbing away the dried blood on his knuckles as he dug his face into the crook of your neck. His breath was warm against your skin as he took in your scent, his lips pressing against your neck before he unclasped the top few buttons of your shirt. His other hand moved to press against your freshly exposed skin, teeth nibbling at your ear lobe.
You let out a quiet giggle at his antics, moving your head to brush against his cheek and shrug him off. “Cut it out. You’ll distract me,” you muttered, stifling the obvious grin in your tone.
He let out a low chuckle, moving your hair out of the way before settling in the crook of your neck again, hand moving to wrap around your waist and draw you closer. “There’s no way. You’re too stubborn,” he jested, his stubble tickling your chest as he nibbled at the sensitive skin on your throat.
Once you finished with his hands, you moved onto his face, tending to the small cuts and scrapes. Punz continued his own form of clean-up as he pressed his lips against the inside of your wrist. You knew he was coming off of his fight high and you were waiting on him to rag you about wincing during some of the harder hits. He got off on the idea that your calm and indifferent surface cracked when it came to him.
His hands hooked around the back of your knees, tugging you practically into his lap as you rolled your eyes. His fingers untucked your shirt, slipping between the material and your skin as his lips traveled the length of your jaw. His blunt nails raked down your back, his neediness unmasked by the slight roll of his hips against yours.
You dropped what you were working on, running your fingers into his blond hair as he moaned against your skin. You moved your legs to wrap around his waist, letting him grip onto your hips and press you against his body. He sealed his lips against yours, hungrily kissing you with a groan. You tugged on his hair, his tongue slipping into your mouth.
His fingers unbuttoned the rest of your shirt, slipping it off your shoulders as your teeth moved to dig into his shoulder. His hands moved to tug your pants down your thighs. You pushed him back against the bench, balancing yourself on his lap as you settled his hands on your thighs, leaning down to kiss him again.
He gripped onto your hips, driving you to grind against him, a moan of his hand slipping through your lips in praise. Your fingers raked down his chest as you ground your hips against him, making him bite his lips to keep himself quiet.
He pushed himself into you, making you groan as you adjusted to his size, hungry for more friction. As you rolled your hips, his hands moved to your chest. You pulled his arm towards you, pressing your lips to the tattoo across his wrist in your handwriting. "You did so well tonight, baby," you cooed, earning a moan from him at your praise. "I'm so proud of you."
You leaned down, swallowing his lustful noises and you pressing your lips against his as you thrust against him. The tension from the night and the sight of him submitting to you completely.
His head tipped back against the wood, his hips swirling against yours as his mouth opened with a slight whimper. You clenched around him, feeling him throb inside of you. You bit back a smile, watching how easy it was to get him off as his cheeks flushed, a lazy grin on his face as you moved on top of him. "Fuck look how much you want me," you mocked, his hands moving to dig into your hips.
His brows furrowed as he mumbled your name, making you pick up your pace. "Shit, don't stop," he nearly begged.
You curled your hips, leaning down to press your lips to his neck. "You deserve it, my good boy," you husked, tongue flattening against his collarbone as he moaned at the feeling.
He pushed himself to sit up, giving you a new angle as you drove him deeper into you, thrusting against his body and tugging at his hair. He dug his face into the crook of your neck, quietly pleading out your name as if he were confessing his sins to you.
His coarse hands dug into your back, his teeth sinking into your shoulder as your head fell back, moaning about how good he was making you feel.
It didn't take long for him to finish, his hot seed spreading between your legs as he groaned darkly in your ear. You combed your fingers through his hair, letting him roll his hips against yours and ride out his high.
Dream kicked his feet up on Techno’s desk, popping a few jelly beans in his mouth from his position on the other side of Sapnap, the bone tattoos on his fingers making you slightly grateful for Punz's ink choices. Sapnap leaned his head back against the edge of his chair, closing his eyes tiredly as you crossed your legs, flipping through one of the magazines that Techno had stacked in the corner of his office. Punz flexed his hands, still sore from the previous night’s fight, as he watched your skirt ride up your thighs a few centimeters.
The office was silent between the four of you, waiting for the man in charge after he’d called all of you in for an “emergency meeting.” Punz looked over your shoulder at what you were reading and you angled yourself to share the magazine with him, trying to ignore the tension he was building between the two of you as his thigh brushed yours.
The bag of jelly beans in Dream’s pocket made shuffling noises as he moved closer to whisper something to Sapnap, making him chuckle softly. The door swung open, sending the four of you on your feet as Techno’s secretary rattled off what was on his docket for the day. He ran his fingers through his short pink hair, eyes zoning out slightly as he took a seat behind his desk before thanking the woman and sending her on her way. He motioned for all of you to sit.
“My anxiety is through the roof, I just need to know if I’m in trouble first, Tech,” Dream started in, making Punz’s eyes roll and you to let out a small laugh.
Techno began to feather through some of the papers on his desk, pulling on his glasses. His t-shirt flexed against his muscular arms. You were surprised to see him in casual clothes in the middle of the week, but you figured he had plans with Sapnap after the meeting. “No, you’re fine, Dream.”
Dream chewed on one of the jelly beans. “Are you sure, because I can’t figure out why I’d be in here. Like, I’m just,” he paused, leaning forward to look at you before snapping his fingers a few times searching for a word. “What do you call it?”
You scoffed. “A floater. Snap at me again and I’ll break your dick off,” you bit, making Punz subtly cover his mouth to conceal his grin.
Dream winked at you. “Sounds like one hell of a handjob,” he quipped back without missing a beat.
“Dream, shut the fuck up,” Sapnap sighed, looking at Techno as if to urge him to continue. Dream snickered at Sapnap.
Techno cleared his throat. “Okay, now that that’s out of our system,” he pulled a page from the stack. “Dream, I’m giving you more matches to take some of the weight off of Punz.”
You tilted your head. “What?” Techno’s gaze shifted to you as if commanding you to elaborate. “Punz makes you the most money out of all of them. You’re losing profit with Dream.” You weren’t going to sit idly by and let your lover get knocked down a peg. Especially, not for Dream to step up in his place.
Techno nodded. “It looks bad on my part if one of my fighters dies in the middle of a match though, doesn’t it?”
“It’s illegal underground fighting. He knows the risks-” Punz reached over to cover your mouth.
He sighed. “That sounds fine. No less than three a week, though.”
Dream let out a low whistle. “Damn, she let you borrow your balls just for this?”
Punz turned his head to him, tongue pressing against the inside of his cheek. “Hmmm. What does that bracelet say, sweet boy?” Sapnap laughed at Punz’s comment, making Dream punch his arm. Techno shook his head at all of you, settling his glasses on top of his head, pushing his bangs out of his eyes.
“You guys are all simps,” Techno murmured to end the discussion. “Sapnap, I have a new model I want you to test out. Punz, I’m leaving the shop to the two of you while I’m gone.” He gestured between you and Punz before tilting his head to Dream. “I mean this with the utmost respect but, go mutilate your body or something at George’s. I don’t trust you and Punz in the same room for more than ten minutes.”
You snorted and Dream shrugged at his words. As you all stood to leave, Sapnap and Techno began to discuss his new car modifications. “Hey, Dream. Can you get my name?” You teased and he pinched your cheek.
“Right above my ass because I know you’ll be staring at it anyway,” he jested. Punz moved to stand behind Techno’s desk, flipping through his account book. His knuckle tattoos flexed as his fingers searched for a specific tab.
You sighed. “Finally, I’ll have something to look at,” you countered, biting back a smirk. Dream mocked a pained expression before heading out the door. You turned back to Punz, walking behind Techno’s desk as well, your hands running along his black jacket. “You’re quiet today,” you muttered, fingers looping through his thin silver chain to draw it from beneath his shirt. You’d bought it for him for your anniversary a few years prior.
He turned towards you, his deadpan look sending shivers down your spine as his hand wrapped around your wrist. “You think I can’t defend myself?” He dared, eyes flickering with lust and heat as he looked at you. His hand moved to hold your chin, your breath hitching as his lips threatened to brush against yours. “I have half a mind to teach you a lesson for that.” His voice was mellow and low as he spoke to you, making your ears burn red.
His thumb moved to brush against your lip, your mouth opening to take his digit between your teeth almost instinctively. There was no way any of the guys would take you seriously if they knew how whipped you actually were for Punz, which was most of the reason why he let you lead when you were around them.
The other half of him liked when you were scary and in charge.
Punz knocked you against the desk, your torso hitting the wood as you bit back a giggle, gripping onto the edge of the wood as he kicked your legs apart. “Speaking for me like you’re my master,” he jabbed, pushing your skirt further up your waist and grinding against you. He tsked as you moaned, pressing your cheek to the grain, shoving Techno’s pen display to the side.
He gripped the collar of your shirt, snapping a few of your buttons. “Christ, Luke,” you moaned, voice uneven and out of breath. “I’m gonna run out of shirts,” you barely whined.
His lips pressed against your shoulder, nose moving to brush against behind your ear. “Are you complaining, pet?” He hissed, hand settling on the edge beside your own, grinding his hips against yours. You shook your head violently, making him lean off you. The sound of his belt dropping to the floor behind you made your head spin, your knees weak.
His hand brushed over your waistband, dipping below your skirt and smacking the curve of your ass. You whimpered at the impact, heart racing as your body throbbed for his attention. "Filthy slut. You like when I punish you, don't you?" Punz chided, pressing his knee between your legs and knotting his fingers into your hair. You rolled back against his thigh almost as if by instinct, hungry for his antics.
His palm smacked you again, gripping onto the sensitive, burning skin with his strong hand as if it were a trophy for him. Truth be told, you were his trophy, especially when you gave in like you were.
As you heard his zipper, your face flushed, gripping onto the wood as you readied yourself, submitting to Punz's mercy with a grin on your face.
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Punz Tag List: (to join, please follow this link :))
@more-like-reyna @froggyy06 @drunkpumpkincake @aroyaldarknessblr @camerondiaz48104 @madsbbg @alm334 @acidluvs @bbigbbrainn @generallysleepdeprived @froggerrrr @ribbitsworld @bunnylotl @thegirlwhowritesawksh-t @bobbyftmydad @twist3dtinkerbell @book-of-anarchy
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kirishimaswife2819 · 4 years
Them With a S/o That Owns a Snake || Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Kaminari
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Pairings: Izuku Midoriya x Reader, Katsuki Bakugou x Reader, Eijiro Kirishima x Reader, Shoto Todoroki x Reader, and Denki Kaminari x Reader
Requested by Anonymous: hello lovely! i read the headcanons about the s/o having a rabbit but what about some headcanons with the boys wherein their s/o has a snake? 👀 thank you so much and i hope you have a wonderful day!
Word Count: 800
A/n: Ignore me expressing my love for snakes wearing hats, by adding it to Izuku’s headcanons, I couldn’t help myself. I don’t know crap about owning a snake, so I hope I did okay! Thanks for requesting! -Danielle <3
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Izuku Midoriya:
“You have a WHAT!?”
He was absolutely freaked out at first, I have no doubt that Izuku was told as a kid that snakes were scary and he never really grew out of his fear until he met you and your pet snake
It took him a while of getting used to it, but eventually he fell in love with your little pet
You know those photos of snakes that they have on google with like little hats? Yeah, he takes and uploads a lot of those photos
This man made a separate account on like a bunch of social media, just to post about making little hats for your snake
He’s Tik Tok famous for his little hat making, this man even started selling them, he got so addicted
He spends so long making them too and they always end up turning out so cute
The photos he takes are so good quality too
But he also makes sure he doesn’t do it too often, so he doesn’t irritate your snake too much or bother it
He loves helping you take care of it, and he frequently asks if you need any help with it, and if it’s anything that he can help
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Katsuki Bakugou:
“Why the hell would you want a weird thing with no arms or legs as a pet? It’s ugly as fuck.”
“Shut up, you’re ugly as fuck.”
“You take that back, you little shit!”
He pretends to hate your snake at first, and will constantly throw insults at it, as if it’s going to understand him
He won’t physically harm it though, Bakugou can be a hothead but he wouldn’t hurt a pet, let alone an animal that isn’t attacking him or causing any harm to anything
I don’t think he’ll ever really become a huge fan of it, the most you’ll get out of him is him tolerating the snake and not insulting it every five seconds
Still thinks it’s creepy and won’t hesitate to tell you his thoughts on it
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Eijiro Kirishima:
“That’s so cool! Snakes are so manly!”
He loves your snake
He thinks it’s the most precious and cool thing in the whole world
The first time your snake slithered onto him, he looked like a little kid on Christmas, he was over there refraining from bouncing up and down and he was going on like, “Look, Y/n! Look! Look! S/n is slithering on me! Oh it’s so manly! Does this mean it likes me!?”
Loves posting photos of him and your snake together online, and he loves when people ask about it, and ask him what kind it is and all of that
He treats it as if it’s his own child, and he also refers to it as your guy’s child
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Shoto Todoroki:
“Oh, people keep those as pets? Don’t they bite or something like that?”
He had no idea that people could keep those as pets, and he’s honestly pretty amazed by your snake
He never got a pet growing up, and he had met dogs and cats before, but never a snake, and he was absolutely fascinated by it
He loves listening to you go on about how to take care of the snake, as he’s staring at it, and watching as it slithers over various surfaces, and don’t worry, he’s paying attention to everything that you say
Shoto really enjoys playing with your snake, as well as caring for it, after you explained everything to him
He also did a ton of research on your snake and the specific breed, after learning that you had one, so he could just learn more about it in general
But he loves spoiling your snake and buying it different kinds of toys to try and giving it everything that it’s little snake heart could ever desire
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Denki Kaminari:
“Wait, but won’t it like try to kill you?”
Denki thinks it’s kind of cool that you have something like that as a pet, but at the same time he’s scared of snakes
Not to the point where he like screams like a little girl and runs from it, it just creeps him out a little and he might flinch and freak out a little if he tries to hold it
He does get used to it eventually, but it takes a bit of work for him to not get freaked out around it
Once he gets used to it, and your snake gets used to him, the two of them are amazing friends though
He’s not really amazed by your snake, all that much, sure he thinks it’s sort of cool, but it’s just another animal, why should he act like it’s special?
He betrays his own thoughts by constantly taking photos of him with it and posting them to his Instagram and some of his other social media
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chazukekani · 4 years
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Summary for Code:04 is here!
Please notice that this is just a summary so not every single detail is included!
Stormbringer Summary 5
Code 04: Grantors of disgrace, you need not wake me again
Recap: N and Verlaine escaped from the laboratory.
The chapter begins with an excerpt of Rimbaud's diary. He wrote that there was once an anti-government movement 'May Revolution', and the leaders were called 'The Fauns'. They created a secret weapon which was named 'No.12 of Darkness' that can control gravity freely. Once Rimbaud acquired this weapon, he was ordered to educate him and trained this weapon to become a spy, and its name was Paul Verlaine.
-  Unbelievable. The Secret of the Gentle Forest was decoded. Here it lies the most fierce beast, and Verlaine...
Rimbaud wrote in his diary.
Verlaine and N were at the top of a tower crane. Verlaine had N here because he wanted to know why N knew the Secret. However, N claimed that the last 6 pages of the Secret was erased by Rimbaud himself so he couldn't tell much. Verlaine couldn't believe that's actually Rimbaud who altered the information.
He was strong, Verlaine referred to Rimbaud. He is the only one who was capable of battling with Verlaine in his organisation, and they were partners. Not only this, Rimbaud also called Verlaine his friend, but Verlaine just felt like he couldn't like Rimbaud.
Verlaine left N on the tower crane alone and left.
It was a night with a clear sky, a train was moving on the railway and Mori was sleeping inside. At once, a human showed up on the railway, and stopped the train. The train was derailed as a result of mass shock.  Verlaine went inside the train and searched for something, and he believed no one inside the train was able to survive after the shock.
Verlaine found the body of Mori, and he approached to confirm the breath. But that wasn't Mori. It was a man who wore the outfit of his, but was not Mori himself. Turns out it was Mori's double, Hirotsu. A tiny person also appeared afterwards, and that's Dazai.
Suddenly, there was light in the dark, and that was flame. By the mountain near the railway, there were 50 and more sniper bullets aimed and shotted Verlaine, and the target was in utter pain.
'Don't think these little rocks could kill me...' Verlaine was trying to use the woods beside him to attack the snipers who were hiding in the mountain, but he stopped
'Hoho- You really look like my subordinate when I take a closer look' said an elegant lady, Kouyou. She summoned Golden Demon and launched offense towards Verlaine.
'You can't beat me alone,' Verlaine said.
'Who said I am alone?' Verlaine then felt his whole body sinking down to the ground, and turned into multiple snakes that were about to swallow him. That was the Lieutenant's ability (reference to Dead Apple manga, former Port Mafia executive), that could manipulate the state of objects.
'Ability organisations are stronger than ability users,' Dazai observed and smiled. Various ability users from the Port Mafia were launching all kinds of attacks towards him, such as the ability of slowing the time and freezing. In fact, Dazai sent 420 Mafia members which included 28 ability users to the scene to defeat Verlaine.
'I will mourn you,' Dazai said to Verlaine, and took out Rimbaud's diary from his pocket.
The next moment, a black wave inflated and spreaded to the whole field.
'-- You hatreds, your dumb torpors, your weaknessses,
And your brutalisation suffered long ago,
You give back, O Night, like an excess,
Un-malevolent, of blood, each month or so, (extract from The Sisters of Charity, by Arthur Rimbaud)' Verlaine said the spell.
The wind calmed, the buzz on the ground vanished as if escaping from something. The invisible waves were flooded in the atmosphere.
'The door was opened,' Dazai observed. A black object appeared far far away in the forest. Right after, where Verlaine were, ejected a form of dark energy. The car that was hit by this energy was completely deformed with half of it vanished and the remains were just like a wrapped paper.
On the mountain, there was a monster who controlled a dark sphere. When people touched the sphere, they died.
No.3 Forces, annihilated; No.5 forces, all dead, No.8 forces, no response, as reported from Dazai's walkie talkie. The mountained was eliminated, and the ground was distorted. All the mafia members were screaming and suffering.
'It's all in the plan, we will win if the next attack succeeds,' said Dazai.
Up in the sky of Yokohama, Chuuya and Adam were inside a helicopter and they jumped off from it due to the attack from the monster. Adam was able to fly in the sky because his body allowed him to transform himself into a flying machine.
Similar to Chuuya, Verlaine was also intolerant to poison despite having ample physical strength, so actually it was their plan to approach Verlaine closely, so that they can inject poison into Verlaine's body. It was notable that Adam mixed this poison pill.
It was very difficult to get closer to Verlaine because he had activated his corruption, which he lost his consciousness and attacked the surroundings without rationality.
Nonetheless, Chuuya did put a toxic pill into Verlaine's mouth, which he has his conscious back. Yet Verlaine splitted out the pills right after.
'You always surprise me, Chuuya,' Verlaine spoke. He told Chuuya that once he said the spell, he would have his human personality unlocked and become a mad beast that generated ability singularity. However, that is Rimbaud who thought about adding a spell on Verlaine, which enabled him to get back to a rational form after using his corruption.
'He always thinks about what he could do for me,' said Verlaine.
'But you betrayed him,' Chuuya replied
'Because I wanted to save you,' Verlaine answered.
Suddenly, a finger touched Verlaine's face.
'What an unexpected offense. I bet no one could foresee this. What a joke,' said Chuuya
Verlaine turned back, and realised that was Adam's finger.
'Do you wanna hear an android joke?' Adam's finger was installed with a tiny syringe, and this enabled poison to be injected into Verlaine's body.
'Seems like a child's trick can defeat the king of assassins. Thanks for listening to my android joke.'
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It returns to another section of Rimbaud's diary. Rimbaud was thinking about what presents he should give to Verlaine on his birthday. He came up to a conclusion: a black hat. That was not an ordinary hat. The materials used inside the hat consists of 10% platinum, 10% titanium and the rest were made with rainbow-coloured ability metal which was installed with the ability of the Fauns inside. By wearing this hat, it enabled Verlaine to act on his own will and less interfered by external instructions and interruption. In other words, Verlaine was a step closer to a man with free will by having this hat.
Rimbaud gave the hat to Verlaine on his birthday, and he did not look surprised or happy either way.
'Just take it,' Rimbaud told Verlaine, and there was no response. They drank some wine that night and said goodnight to each other.
The battle was so called ended, but the field was left with gravity waves and the forest was completely destroyed. Verlained passed out, but still alive. Dazai told Adam and Chuuya that N was rescued from the tower crane, but disappeared during transportation.
'I can't die here...' said N. The car that he was taking bumped into a utility pole because he injected some form of medicine to the driver. He took out an old style flare gun and shooted.
'Is this some mistake made by the offense team?' Chuuya noticed the shot far away.
'Shit...' Dazai's eyes were in despair.
The shot that shooted from N's flare gun was exploded with colourful metal pieces floating in the air like snow, and even accompanied with some music. Verlaine suddenly yelled painfully. His eyes were filled with blood and the blood stream was clear on his face and grabbed his chest hardly.
'That was not the effect of my pill!' Adam shouted, 'The gravitational field was unusual here!'
The space was deformed, and Verlaine was flooded inside his own gravity wave.
'The world ends here...' Verlained whispered just like an old man who's dying 'Run, Chuuya.' Verlaine smiled sorrowfully.
The sky was divided, the thunder was coming and the atmosphere was expanding. N saw the ability form of Verlaine. It was a black beast, the opposite of god, and original demon -- Guivre the Beast. The monster annihilated all the aircrafts incoming and was about to proceed to the city center.
'See that Verlaine! That's your end!' N laughed, almost screamed. 'An unique being like you will die because of such a boring creature like me! HAHAHAHA DIE VERLAINE!'
Here comes a flashback during the night of Rimbaud and Verlaine's mission of stealing Arahabaki.
'Don't give this kid to the French,' Verlaine was holding the young Chuuya on his arm.
'What?' Rimbaud was confused.
'Don't hand him over to anyone, and don't let him go back to the lab. Grow this kid in a farm and just never let him know about his truth.'
'What are you talking about?' Rimbaud asked once again.
'Think about it Rimbaud,' Verlaine's voice was tense and hostile at the same time, 'If someone tells you you're not a human, how impactful it will be. You are not born with god's blessing but just a programme, how hurtful it is. You cannot see the moon and live in darkness forever without any hope, and no one will come save you. Even such a feeling of despair is designed by someone else!'
'We have this conversation countless times, Paul,' Rimbaud stepped forward, 'You are a human, everyone sees that. Instead of thinking how you were made, isn't it better to think what you should be as a being?'
'Paul...' 'Don't get close.'
'I am sorry. Anyways, should we go back and have a chat?' Rimbaud stepped forward again.
'No, it's too late.'
A huge fight between the spies broke out.
Adam had an idea to stop the destruction of Guivre. Almost at the end of the Great War, Britain had developed something that was currently the energy source of Adam's machines. However, the initial usage of Adam's energy source was a mass destruction weapon. Adam smiled and continued. If they used Adam's weapon inside him, they could burn and melt the Guivre.
So they put this in practise. Adam asked Chuuya to tie Adam's own arm to an electric cable. However, Adam pushed Chuuya away when he was about to trigger the weapon. He explained to Chuuya that the weapon inside him was called the Shell (55 minutes reference). It can burn down the surroundings of 22 yard radius, and the internal temperature could reach 6000 degree celsius, and that is almost the temperature of the sun surface. This was sufficient to destroy the Guivre.
'Don't do this!' Chuuya cried
'Don't you have your dream! To build an investigation organisation purely ran by machines right!'
Adam silenced for two seconds.
'My dream is to protect humans,' Adam replied, 'and my dream comes true now.'
A gigantic fireball. It burned the woods, and boiled the land, and altogether evaporated. The Guivre moaned miserably and decomposed in the air. Adam sacrificed himself and the monster was destroyed.
However, the tail of the beast in front of Chuuya and Dazai was forming into something. That piece of tail suddenly grew a face out of it, something like a reptile. It then turned into a huge form of creature. Its head was pretty much the head of the former Guivre, but the number of eyes were different, and it had red eyes.
'Don't look at it, Chuuya,' Dazai warned, 'He was sensitive to emotion, so don't let him see you.'
'I know how to defeat this ability singularity,' said Chuuya, 'I recalled from my memory.'
'Let's brief me that,' Dazai smiled.
They figured out how to open Chuuya's door. In order to activate Chuuya's corruption, he needs to say the spell 'Grantors of disgrace, you need not wake me again'. Together with the hat gifted by Rimbaud, Chuuya could control the door with his own consciousness. However, there's a problem. Once Chuuya said the spell, the log inside his programme will altogether be erased, which means Chuuya could no longer find out whether he was human or not via the programme.
Chuuya was flying in the sky. He grabbed his hat tightly and recalled his friend's word
-- I am satisfied that I can protect you.
And he said 'Grantors of disgrace, you need not wake me again.'
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The battle between the gigantic beast and a tiny Arakami (God of Arahabaki) began. Dazai was directing the forces to launch offense towards the beast. Meanwhile Chuuya's physical body could no longer tolerate the power inside his body. He was bleeding severely. Finally, Chuuya created an enormous fireball that was as if the second sun in the night. Finally, the beast disappeared and Dazai nullified corruption.
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