#i have a nemisis
crowberri · 8 months
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[In Stars and Time] good game... made me very emotional
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(I was bored in class lol
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-> more sketches under the cut, contains spoilers from act 4 and onwards
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too lazy to clean the mal du pays sketch aeaeaea orz
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In an au where your soulmate’s name is on one wrist, your soulnemesis is on the other, Luo Binghe has Shen Qingqiu on both. Too bad he can’t tell that it’s two different people with the same name!!
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elegy-if · 7 months
actually i have something for you all that i've been meaning to post. here's a board of RO aesthetics!
playlists will come... eventually. im super particular about the playlists i make so they always take me forever
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vehicon3529 · 27 days
Is wanting to throw yourself down a flight of stairs weird?
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vampiricicarus · 1 year
Academic Rivals:
*put in the same work group* "Hmmm. (Formal first name). (Formal first name). *stares at each other disapprovingly for ten seconds and everyone else in the group is uncomfortable*
"So, who's smarter?" "Definitely (other one)" "I'm not sure about that, you certainly won (last unnecessary competition)" "Oh, but your math scores are so much better" "Mm, yes an A is so different from an A+." This can and will go on forever, only ending in a duel, or an annoyed look from a teacher
Another rival much better than both, who does not know that they mutually think he is the greatest man alive and the bane of both of their existence.
"Orange, do you have a girlfriend?" "No." *later, making fun of purple* "(Jokingly) See, this is why you don't have a girlfriend" *Stuttering for a good comeback without romantic implications* The bell rings and purple leaves, laughing before orange can get a grip.
"You're so dramatic, you should join forensics with me." "I'm not allowed to do extracurriculars that don't pertain to my future career." "That's stupid, plan to be a lawyer so you can join forensics."
Haha you've been tricked, these are not cute story prompts, and are infact interactions I have had today. It is not even 11 o'clock yet. I will be adding more as they come up, and you can't stop me.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
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byanyan · 1 year
ironic how the nemesis bingo lowkey also kinda works as a friendship bingo
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samjesswinchester · 1 year
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore & Dean Winchester, Castiel & Jessica Moore, Sam Winchester & Everyone, Jessica Moore & Everyone Characters: Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Cas - Character, Bobby Singer, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Original Supernatural (TV) Character(s), Real Tyson Brady, Demon Possessing Tyson Brady, Luis (Supernatural: Pilot) Additional Tags: Love at First Sight, season one, Supernatural - Freeform, Stanford Era, Jessica Moore Lives, Hurt/Comfort, emotional af, sappy af, soulmate, Angst and Fluff and Smut Series: Part 2 of What Never Was But Should Have Been Summary:
It's early in the morning on November 2nd and, with Sam Winchester's *slightly* enhanced physic abilities, he knows he and his brother need to get back to Stanford before his nightmare comes true. Even with getting there in time, learning to navigate the newly exposed family secret and it's inevitable trauma will test Sam and Jess more than ever before.
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friendofthecrows · 2 years
Hahah "hate ask". You are the one who started attacking me. And you're also the one contradicting yourself. You say being bad is about actions not intention yet excuse psychopaths cause "they can't help it". So which is it? Also there are people who consciously make mistakes and regret it and do better. It doesn't make them bad. Not wanting to change and not feeling bad for making mistakes is pretty close to the definition of "badness".
You took that from the bit where I was literally talking about what you said
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"In fact it's debatable what pushed a person to be bad and if a person can be considered "bad" if they can't help the way they are. Psychopaths may choose to do bad but that's because their brains are wired to disregard others and only think for themselves."
-you, 2023
Prospective worstie, you came onto my blog and started sending angry asks about it, so yeah, hate asks. I tag most negative asks I get with that so that followers who don't want to see them don't have to.
"Also there are people who consciously make mistakes and regret it and do better. It doesn't make them bad." I AGREE WITH THIS. I EXPLICITLY SAID I AGREE WITH THIS
I would just also posit that, not feeling bad about something doesn't make you a bad person. And by the way, you cannot feel remorse but still change your behavior. I did. I know many other people who did as well.
I "excuse" people with antisocial personality disorder because they are not as a whole bad. You keep forgetting you're debating with someone who has aspd and has studied it extensively in college psychology classes. Unless you're going to rip off your clown mask to reveal a psychiatrist, I think I know better than you on this topic.
I would just like to repeat again that I HAVE ASPD and DID NOT SAY that psychopaths should be excused bc they can't help it. In my initial response, I explicitly said that the destructive/harmful behavior that often accompanies aspd, like all behaviors, can be worked on and changed through practice and appropriate coping mechanisms for the impulsivity and poor emotional regulation most people with aspd experience. Actions are a better measure of morality than remorse because you can change your behavior. Just like the good person who makes a mistake in your example!
I have a feeling that you're a traumatized individual, just like me, but you happened to go a different direction with it. You are very resistant to the idea that someone without empathy/remorse can be a decent person, or else you wouldn't still be finding reasons to argue with me. I understand, I get it. Obviously, I can't assume to know your past, but you can't continue deflecting your hurt feelings onto an entire group of people. If I'm wrong about you, fair enough. Continue sending hate asks if you want. Otherwise, DM me if you want to talk.
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elegy-if · 1 year
Will we see characters that have been mainly infected by other deities besides Sullyr?
most likely! i have some spots where im already planning to throw some deity infected characters in so long as it works 👀 i love my freak gods so much i can't help it
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aqueenpriestess · 2 years
{Justice, Cursing and What I've Learned}
●•.A Curse to bring my abuser to justice.•●
* ● • . ♤ . • ● *
Many practioners have the idea that cursing is evil and that cursing is the sign of an immature magical practioner. I have found this to be wildly toxic positivity and have been re-educated to under stand that these feelings I have, the anger, the need for justice, is a normal natural part of the world and those who look down upon it are abusing themselves by not allowing healthy anger caused by one's abuse.
Today I am personally bringing myself justice by cursing my ex step mother.
This woman mentally, emotionally and it some ways physically abused me for 12+ years. She married my then father when I was 13 and after his death 3 years later she became an evil narcissistic monster who, by the end of my time there, had nearly starved me to death while actively lying to everyone in my life about it. I was painted as the abuser despite the fact I was a child and everyone believed her because she lied that I had been diagnosed as a compulsive liar but I wasn't. She invited her sister over, a child therapist, and said "she shows signs of it right?" And her sister said, without knowing me mind you she's going off the lies my step mother told her. She says "yeah sure she does"
That was all it took and she lied all the way to the bank and the idiots around me all believed her.
I was a child. At every level of my life this bitch abused, lied, and again NEARLY STARVED ME TO DEATH.
And so my curse:
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"Your wealth and money are always bleeding with no bandage in sight. Misfortune is married to your evil vile soul. Sickness is your only friend. Chains of pain hold you down and bring you to justice."
"Before the Lady Goddess Nemisis I lay my heart and all its wounds. My shame, my doubt and all of my pain. She protects me from you and those who would interfere with my justice. She protects me from curses thrown back at me and returns them to the wretches from whence they came."
"The stars shall turn their gaze and ignore your pain. Death will not take you, for it has no pity or mercy for you. No one can or will protect you, for if they do, Lady Nemisis shall be their punishment."
So I have said it, so shall it be. Thank you stars above for turning your heads to allow justice for my heart and soul. Thank you death who has loved and cherished me for turning your gaze so that I may see justice done. Thank you Lady Nemesis for her justice and love. For your protection and strength.
I offer up all of my pain, all of my doubts, all off my sorrows and shame. These things that have hurt me shall now set me free with all love and gratitude to the Goddesses, Spirits and Stars above.
So I have spoken so now does this end.
Blessings and love.
* ● • . ♡ . • ● *
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sukunasstarlight · 2 months
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gaylos-lobos · 4 months
it needs to be studied how every tng movie is bad
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frog-with-no-therapy · 5 months
That villain scientist peter parker au won't leave my head
Worst of all is that it's evolving to something more, much more, and there are some twists?? And character development?? Found family that may end up tragically??
Also somehow Felicia Hardy, Johnny Storm, and Miles Morales become something of a main characters themselves in this, and their interaction with peter is sweet, funny, a bit tragic, and found family vibes over all
And listen I love this a lot but I also know that if I let this be any deeper I may start taking things into my own hands, and I absolutely can't afford nor the time nor the effort for that so please for the love of god someone take this off my hand and write something for it please
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lyman-garfiel · 8 months
i think evreyone should have a nemisis, like just one person you absolutley hate and talk to people you like about how much you hate that person
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 10 months
Dick froze halfway across a rooftop, the lights and gunshots of Bludhaven disappearing in an instant. A scowl flashed across his face, teeth clenched and bared, before he forced it back. His face smoothed back out and his voice took on a pleasant, amused tone. "Slade. How did you get this frequency?"
"Nevermind that," Slade scolded. "We have more important things that need discussing, and information to be revealed."
"Is this about Constantinople?" He asked with a lilt, propping one hand on his hip. "Because I thought I told you, those geese totally counted as villains and deserved arrest--"
"I found a child vigilante. What do I do with it?"
"Ex-cuse me?" His fist clenched. "Is this a trick question?"
"What do you mean, 'what do I do with it?' You know what to do with it; you become its nemisis when their 15 and haunted them for the next decade." His voice was thinly-veiled rage. He couldn't stop himself from shaking. That poor kid, Slade has his sights set on them. He's going to torture that kid, or worse, and now I have to track Slade's trail back to wherever he found this kid--
"I can't do that! He's only eight years old!"
"There's this eight year old meta brat running around a Mid-West town in his pajamas while adults shoot at him. There isn't a mentor in sight, and one of the kid's rogues has threatened to skin him. What. Do. I. Do?"
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