#i have almost 500 followers now and i still have another one to do for the full five count of drabbles
daytaker · 3 months
Congrats on 250 followers! ^_^ Could you do the 'only one bed' trope with Lucifer?
At long last, I come bearing a drabble. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy!
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The Puppetmaster
Ship: Lucifer/Reader Genre: Humor and fluff Word Count: 825 CW: Dubcon but it's cuddling? Also (joking) mentions of peeing as a kink. I'm sorry I'm like this.
[Part of my 250 Followers Mini Event!]
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You were suspicious from the start, because it wasn’t like Lucifer not to plan ahead.
Now, you’re not even suspicious. There was no way that Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride, would be spooning you if he didn’t absolutely intend to. His brothers? You could buy any of them claiming they just grabbed onto you in their sleep, or at least accept the room for reasonable doubt. But Lucifer? Never. Not in a thousand years. This was intentional. This was premeditated. This was planned.
You should have known this was going to happen.
You did know, actually. You would have been fully prepared if not for the mind tricks of Lucifer, the all-seeing Puppetmaster.
“Unfortunately, it seems like our accommodations tonight will be lacking in one respect.” Lucifer nodded apologetically to you as you made your way to the hotel room you’d be cooped up in until morning. He unlocked the door, and the moment you stepped inside, you saw the problem: the single queen-size bed, and nary so much as a sofa to serve as a substitute.
“It’s…fine,” you’d said, trying to brush it off as insignificant, even as your instincts began whispering to you that something was amiss. “It’s just for one night, and I trust you not to pull anything weird.”
Lucifer smiled at you when you said that. Not a kind, appreciative smile. No, it was the smile of the wise man humoring the fool. It made you uneasy.
“...Lucifer,” you said in a warning tone you normally reserved for Mammon.
“Hm? What is it?” He was taking his pajamas out of his suitcase, and his voice and expression were so nonchalant—dull, even—that you started to second guess yourself on that look you thought he gave you.
“Uh… I was just going to ask to use the bathroom before you step in to change,” you said, thinking to yourself what a nice save that was. Lucifer bowed his head and politely gestured for you to proceed.
…Oh, he would gaslight you into thinking you hadn’t seen anything, all to serve his twisted, demonic ends of cuddling you when you least expected it, at a time when you’d wake up, dazed and with a full bladder and no escape in sight. In fact, he probably made that initial, wolfish expression for the exact purpose of then playing innocent so convincingly that you’d stop suspecting him. He was just playing mind games with you at this point. He was toying with you.
As the two of you climbed into bed for the night, you each kept respectfully to your own sides. After a brief and awkward goodnight, he turned off the light, and you laid awake and stared at the ceiling.
Why…was there just one bed?
The question wouldn’t stop nagging at you.
Lucifer didn’t book this room in advance. The circumstances that led you here were unexpected delays that meant you couldn’t make it home at a reasonable hour. But… But…
Would Lucifer allow this to happen if he didn’t want it to? No! Absolutely not! Lucifer normally would have taken the chance of delays into account in his travel plans. He would have been prepared for this eventuality.
More than that though. In what sane world would Lucifer allow himself to be subjected to the humiliation of sharing a bed with you for any reason that didn’t include his deliberate, conscious choice? In which case, what was he pulling right now? You didn’t really think he was going to attempt anything truly nefarious, but your unease didn’t go away.
Nor should it have.
It’s about five o’clock in the morning, you need to pee, and you’re being prevented from making a smooth escape to the bathroom by Pride himself. The Machiavellian bastard. The way he played you like a fiddle. 
Maybe you should just let it out. Maybe that would teach him. 
But what if he knows about that too? What if this is all playing into his hand? He’s not into that, is he? What if he is? What if this entire scenario was orchestrated carefully from the beginning to get you to this point, where you’re trapped in his arms and feeling spiteful enough to wet the bed?
You feel a huff of breath behind your ear, then you hear the low pitched grunt of a baritone-voiced demon waking up.
“Lucifer!” you hiss.
“Mm?” He releases you, stretching his arms over his head calmly. “Good morning. Did you rest well?”
“Why were you hugging me?” You shoot an accusatory glare at him. You know about the piss kink. You have your ammunition locked and loaded.
“Because you’re lovely and warm, and I enjoyed the proximity. I hope I didn’t offend you.” He meets your gaze with an expression of such good-natured and genuine affection that your heart almost comes unmoored.
It’s a masterstroke. You have been defeated. Red-faced and groaning, you slip out of bed and shuffle to the bathroom.
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stormhearty · 5 months
Pushed to the Edge
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Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Trigger: angst, cheating, suicide, death
Word Count: 3k
Summary: You were the official seer of Night Court for nearly 500 years. the Inner Circle had always listened to you and your visions; however, when the Archeron sisters came and Elain started to show her powers, your family started to shift their attention to her visions. When you try to voice your warnings about the death-lord’s resurrection, everyone gave you the cold shoulder, ignoring your prophesies — this included your mate.
Note: no hate to Azriel or Elain, it just helped with the plot. and Also, I know it's completely unreasonable for Azriel to not have the Truth-Teller be with him at all times, just go with it for now. And I am working on “Reach Your Voice” Series, I’m still trying to figure out how to make sure each of our boys spends quality time with the reader.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Epilogue
<Pushed to the Edge> Masterlist
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“That sounds absolutely absurd… How many times will you try to warn about something that will never happen?”
Your voiced died in your throat as you watched Rhysand look at you with apprehension before focusing on the paperwork in front of him.
You had ran into his office, waking up in cold sweat after another vision of another Death God crawling it’s way back into Prythian. You had tried to forewarn your High Lord for weeks on end ever since you first saw that vision. However, your warnings had been ignored by Rhysand. You knew that it sounded impossible, you knew that, Prythian had just finished a war — one that almost destroyed the world.
After the war with the King of Hybern, Prythian was slowly returning to its normal … well, attempting to fix what was broken by the King. The Night Court was healing, trying to rebuild itself again to its glory, helping other Courts to fix the damages that the war caused. Rhysand had been through an ordeal, losing his life to save Prythian and you knew that your High Lord was still recuperating from that tragedy. You knew that your High Lady was as well, almost losing her mate.
They didn’t need another war to happen when peace had barely returned.
But you also knew there was another reason your High Lord had been ignoring your for forewarning. You looked to the side, one where the rest of the Inner Circle was watching the confrontation. Cassian and Nesta, sitting close to each other, a glass of wine in their hands, whispering to each other, mostly likely about you and your vision. You could barely pick up with your keen Fae hearing on what they were saying.
“Do you think what she’s saying is real? That Koschei is trying to come back?”
“Elain hasn’t seen it though…”
The whisper of the middle Archeron child echoed in your ears as you looked at the Made Fae. She sat next to the window, brown eyes that seemed to sparkle like the sun rested on you before turning over to the male that she was sitting with. Your gaze followed hers to Azriel — your mate— but you can see that he didn’t bother to glance in your direction, only to focus on the delicate female next to him.
It hurt. You watched as the two of them conversed, glancing back in your direction before focusing on each other.
It was no secret, not for you, on Elain’s growing infatuation for the Shadowsinger, and in turn his own growing affections for the middle Archeron child — and in turn, losing his love for you.
You woke up in an empty bed, your mate missing from his side. You tried to talk to Cassian about how his day went, on if he would still train you with the Valkyries if he had time. You tried to converse with Rhysand and Feyre, seeing if they were healing properly after the war, wanting to make sure your High Lord and Lady were safe. You sought after you mate, wanting to spend even a second with him.
But they disregarded you so easily. Especially after they had found out that Elain had similar powers to you, one that was gifted to her by the Cauldron — one that was deemed more powerful than your own.
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Your role as the Official Seer of Night Court was granted to you after Helion had sent you as an emissary for Day Court. Helion had found you wandering around Day Court lands. You had been a wandering child, with no real attachment to any Court, abandoned in the streets by your family at the age of five when your seer powers started to come into light. Helion had taken you in when you were ten, helped you hone your powers. Being a seer had been a mystery, no one in your heritage (that you were aware of) was a seer. And it baffled Helion on why such a remarkable gift had been casted aside.
You had stayed with the Night Court, gaining their trust and friendship for five centuries, gaining your own little foothold in their family. You had been a pillar when Rhysand had been trapped Under the Mountain for nearly fifty years. You helped Mor and Armen with the official Night Court Duties, trained with Cassian to ensure you were strong enough to fight when neither he nor Azriel was there.
During your time protecting Valeris from the eyes of Amarantha, your mating bond with the Shadowsinger snapped. It had been difficult at the start, both of you were still struggling with the disappearance of your High Lord, along with the weight of protecting the very city he hidden from view. But during that time, you became each other’s pillar, each other’s comfort in such a dark time. Falling in love with Azriel wasn’t difficult.
But keeping his love, apparently, was the most difficult.
When the Archeron sister’s came into everyone’s lives, it caused a tip in the scales. You loved Feyre, you loved your High Lady. You would do anything in your power to ensure she was safe and well cared for. But for the Cauldron-Made sisters, it was difficult for you to accept them.
They were different. You couldn’t see anything about them, as if the Cauldron had masked them from you powers. It made you terrified of them. Feyre and Rhysand had tried to assure you that the Archeron sisters deemed no threat to the Night Court. And you trusted them — trusted your High Lord and Lady without a blink of an eye. And yes, while their words deemed true, you did not realize that they were a different type of threat. One that would eventually lose your foothold in the Night Court.
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You swallowed, your throat parched as you glanced from the sight of your mate and Elain speaking to one another to Rhysand and then to Feyre who had stood next to him. She gave you a worried look, wondering what you were wanting to tell them.
The air was tense, the declaration from your High Lord seeming to echo in your surroundings — he had deemed your vision to be false. And he had never done that before.
“… But…” you whispered, your voice nothing but wind in such a large room, “… I’ve seen it so many times, Rhys. Someone is trying to resurrect him. That they need a piece of something from the Cauldron — -”
“The Cauldron is with Miryam and Drakon… in Creta. There is no way that anyone would be able to use that power again,” Rhysand’s tone was taut, as if trying to drawn a line between the truth and your vision, “Your vision must be wrong, (Y/N). There is no way that Koschei can be resurrected from that lake.”
Another swallow, “But what if it doesn’t have to be the Cauldron itself. It could be something that was Made from the Cauldron.”
Rhysand’s eyes snapped up from his desk, up to you, eyes darkening at the words you were insinuating, “—- What are you trying to say, (Y/N)?”
You let out a shaky breath, eyes shifting down to your hands, fiddling with your fingernails — a habit that you’ve had ever since you were a child — one that would leave your hands raw from removing skin, ‘… Nesta and Elain were Made from the Cauldron. If it were to get word to the followers of Koschei, they… they could be in danger. The power that resides in them is the Cauldron… Nesta took something from the Cauldron and did not return it… They could be looking for that.”
It was already bad that you were trying to suggest a return of a Death God, months after a war with Hybern, but it was worse that you were even implying that the sisters were the center of being in danger again.
A dark shadow stood in front of you and you looked up to see Azriel. The golden string that connected the two of you sung, it had been weeks since Azriel went near you, but you knew that his side of the bond was shut, enshroud by shadows, completely shutting you out.
“Az—-” you said his name, as if it was a prayer, hoping he’d be the voice of reason. That he would back up you and your visions. As he always had in the past.
“How can we know that your visions are truth, (Y/N)? There are two Seers in the Night Court now, and yet you are the only one who sees this.”
Your ears rang, a high pitch noise echoing through them as disbelief shook your body. Azriel never distrusted you, never doubted your visions and your forewarnings.
The bond in you ached, as if it was burning you on the inside. Tears lined your eyes as you looked up at your mate, brows furrowing, “…How could you, Azriel?” you muttered, the pain lining your tone, “How can you not trust me?” your voice small.
“Because Elain hasn’t seen it,” was all he had to say.
Hot tears ran your cheeks, as you shakily stepped back from the male that had towered you. You glanced at Cassian and Nesta who looked at you, their eyes inattentive to the pain that you were feeling. You glanced at your High Lord, who looked at you with disinterest. You looked at your High Lady, the only person in the room that seemed to have noticed your pain and anguish, as she took a step towards you way, only to be stopped by Rhysand, his hand around her wrist.
“… So, just because the Cauldron-Made Seer hasn’t seen it, doesn’t mean that it is going to happen?” you asked, your question in the air for everyone to think, “… Just because I wasn’t a Seer Made by the Cauldron, that my visions and my words are not real? That I am a lesser of a Seer than her?”
“(Y/N)—-” Feyre, the voice of reason, called our your name.
You took a step back again, head shaking at them, “I’ve worked my life off for the Night Court. Ensuring that your city is safe, making sure that any danger would never step past the wards that you have put up. I have never hidden anything from any of you. I used my visions and my powers for all of you. And yet…” your voice shook at the end, not believing anything that was happening in front of you, “You disregard me… the moment a better Seer shows up. One that is Cauldron-Made… one that you…” eyes shifting to Azriel, “Deems more suitable for you.
“I’ve seen it. Not only in my visions but here with you all. You have decided to all turn a blind eye to it, decided not to tell me about it. Three sisters for three brothers, isn’t it, Azriel?”
Azriel’s form stiffed in front of you — he did not think that you would have heard that.
You were done, you were tired. You were tired of the lies and the deceit from whom you thought were family.
Feyre’s brows furrowed as she looked at you and then her elder sisters before the back of Azriel. Rhysand stood up as well, standing next to his High Lady at your declaration.
“… What are you talking about, (Y/N)?” Feyre asked, watching your form shake.
“Don’t you lie to me…” you muttered, glaring at your High Lady, “Don’t you dare lie that you have not seen it. Don’t you dare tell me that you have not noticed that Azriel and Elain have been together all this time. That you have turned a blind eye that a mated male would be infatuated, would fall in love with someone else that was not his Cauldron-bound mate. Don’t you dare lie to me you have not all seen it, and have ignored it and not tell me about it.
“You also have all disregarded me and my visions, ever since Elain started to show her own powers. You have all deemed, even without you telling me, that my powers are not worthy enough. That you all would listen to her cryptic visions rather than my own.”
Your words were rushed, you were hyperventilating to the point that your visions swam, but you shook your head, focusing on the scene unfolding — Feyre’s surprised look, Nesta and Cassian staring wide-eye at Elain before glancing at the Shadowsinger in front of you and your High Lord gripping the edge of the table, his violet eyes clearing as if he was in a trance, as if his mind has been cleared and he realized what he has done and what was unfolding with his family.
“No, (Y/N), that’s not what we meant…” he tried to reason, try to gain back your trust in the found family you had with them.
You scrunched your face, shaking your head as you looked at your High Lord before back at your mate, “…That’s what you have meant for the months you have been ignoring my forewarnings. Been ignoring me. Because Elain’s powers are better than mine, you have casted me aside…” Another step back, glancing at the grand door behind you before you glanced back at the family who had lost you, to the mate that had broken your entire being, “You had decided, to your own conscious, to fall in love with someone else, who is bound to someone else, just because you deemed that the Cauldron was wrong. I don’t understand what I have done to you, Azriel… when I have spent nearly five-hundred years with you, fifty years with you as your mate. And you, knowing Elain for a mere five minutes, throwing all that away…”
Azriel looked at you, his chest rising and falling quickly, his eyes staring you down. He watched as tears continued to flood down your cheeks, your form shaking even further. You couldn’t do it, you couldn’t just stand here and be the object that they throw away.
So, you ran, ran out of that room, your name echoing behind you as your dress swirled behind you. You climbed up the spiraling stairs to your shared room with Azriel, throwing up the strongest ward you can muster behind you and around you. You couldn’t handle it.
You couldn’t handle the echo of the bond in your chest, you couldn’t handle the empty stare of your mated looking at you. You couldn’t handle the thought that you were so easily replaceable. A sob escaped your lips as you rummaged through Azriel’s drawer of weapons, pulling out the one weapon that he never is without — Truth-Teller. Dark tendrils of shadow gripped your wrist as you looked around you, Azriel’s shadows surrounding you.
That was where his shadows went — they had always disappeared when he was around Elain, yet they were here with you.
Frantic knocks startled you as you grasped the weapon close to your chest, your head whipping around towards the door. You heard them — Feyre’s panicked voice, Rhysand’s apologizes, Cassian yelling your name. But you didn’t hear that one voice that you had loved — you knew Azriel wasn’t there.
That had pushed you. Gripping the weapon, you moved to the bathroom, the shadows following your every movement. As you kneeled down on the marble floor, you felt the tug of the shadows against your hand, trying to will the weapon out of your grip — attempting you to stop at a take of your life.
You had always loved the shadows that surrounded Azriel, both physically and metaphorically speaking. They had always comforted you, protected you, always had been there for both of you when times were tough. But this was one of the times that you didn’t want them protecting you, comforting you.
“Please..” you begged at them. Whether or not they would listen or sprint off to their master, they backed off, though a few tendrils stayed behind, slithering around your wrist, holding Truth-Teller, as if a reminder not to do it. But you had made your mind — you couldn’t stay and be pushed to the side. Not anymore.
And with a last breath impaled yourself with your mate’s beloved knife, the very knife he had handed Elain during the war, was the last thing you remembered. As your body fell against the marbled floor, your soul leaving your body, you felt the tendrils of shadow frantically skim over your body, as if to try to find a piece of life still clinging onto you. Eyes looked and watched as the ward was broken and your High Lord and Lady skidding towards your body as your soul left for the skies above, the cool feeling of shadow never leaving your body.
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A gasp escaped your lips, the dull ache on your chest making you rub at it.
“— - What…” you mumbled, your voice hoarse as if not used for a century.
“That Shadowsinger did not know what he had decided to let go, huh…” A voice, one so dark and so familiar echoing.
You knew that voice, that voice that haunted you in your visions for weeks — the same voice that you tried to warn your family about. Eyes opening, you were surrounded by the dark, the voice of the Death-God echoing around you.
“I should have died…” you voiced to no-one.
A laugh echoed around you, “You did, (Y/N), but you forget that I am a Death-God… And I can resurrect anyone I wish. Now, that your family has abandoned you, why don’t you join me. Show them what happens when a Seer of your capacity has been cast aside. I should have had you when that original family of yours stranded you, but that damn High Lord of Day found you first. Anyway… come child…”
You laid there, in the darkness, before you shakily reach out a hand, before spiny fingers grasped onto yours and pulled you out of that darkness.
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grandline-fics · 2 months
Shifting Focus
DESCRIPTION: The moment they began to see you differently
CHARACTERS: Shanks, Kid, Smoker | Sanji, Law
WORDS: 2,850
A/N: Another part of this in honour of reaching 500 followers. This was my first time writing for Smoker so here's hoping you all enjoy!
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Everyone knew Shanks was a flirt, a laidback charmer who always had a smile and a wink at the ready for the next pretty face he came across. No-one was meant to really take it seriously, to see anything that happened to be more than what it was, a fleeting moment of enjoyment for both sides. Serious feelings never truly came into play, it was easier that way given that he was always on the move. To let anyone believe he was the settling down type would have been cruel and he didn’t find any enjoyment in hurting people needlessly, unless they were his enemy of course. Everyone in the crew were more than used to his mannerisms, yourself included. You could understand his worldview on the matter however you never entertained him when he chose to flirt with you. Something that he finally started to notice and when he did, he couldn’t let it go. 
“Do I repulse you?” He asked suddenly one evening causing you to choke on your coffee. Your body tensed and you forced the liquid down your throat, wincing at the painful burn it caused and sharp tightness in your throat. You’d needed it to stay awake for your night shift but after that, you set the mostly untouched mug aside. Looking to your side you saw your captain staring at you intently, a small pout playing at his lips making you believe he was picking his words carefully to seem like he was keeping the conversation light. However underneath the joking you could tell there was a real question there. 
“If you repulsed me Cap, I wouldn’t have joined your crew, now would I?” You answered, looking back down to the sea chart in your hands, needing to keep track of any notable features coming into view. “What is it you really want to ask me?”
“I’ve noticed something about you.” Shanks began, scowling when you looked away from him to continue your work. You were always so task-oriented and levelheaded that even when you were joking with another member of the crew, you were still focused on what was needed to be done. Finally you looked up at Shanks again, eyebrows raised slightly to invite him to keep talking. “You don’t flirt back.” 
For a moment you had to think about what Shanks was getting at but finally you let out a laugh and lightly rolled your eyes. So he was in that kind of mood today. For a moment he almost had you by making you believe he was asking you a semi-serious question. Still smiling in amusement you shook your head and turned to go inside when a wind started to pick up. If you lost the charts in your hand it wouldn’t have been good. What you weren’t expecting was Shanks to follow you, with a sigh you settled down at your desk and sat back to stare at your captain who clearly wasn’t finished with this joke and you weren’t going to get any peace until you indulged him. “Am I being reprimanded for my lack of flirtation towards you, Cap? I’m surprised it’s affected you so much given how you’re never without company.”
“You flirt with the others on board.” Shanks pointed out, not really knowing why it was getting to him so much. Ever since he’d realised you’d joke around and tease the others on board but not him, it just kept gnawing at him. Shanks knew he shouldn’t get so irritated by it all but he just couldn’t help himself. He stepped closer until he was leaning of the edge of your desk, staring down at your calm expression. “So why not me?”
“I flirt with the others because it’s not serious and they know that.” You shrugged lightly, leaning back to regard your captain, a smile slowly pulling at your lips. “You, however are a different story, Cap.” With a breathy sigh you rose from your seat and Shanks’ earlier position meant you were now standing mere inches away from him, not quite touching but close enough for the warmth of your body to radiate into his. “If I gave in and flirted with you…I don’t think I’d be able to stop it as just a joke. I don’t have the same self-control that you do.” You murmured, tilting your head up slightly so your breath could softly dance against his skin. Satisfied that that should be enough for your Captain’s need for the joke to end you took a step back and grinned before sitting down at your desk. 
With your presence no longer engulfing his, Shanks blinked and immediately wanted more. More of that rush, that spark, more of you. However fate had other plans when Lucky Roux called for him and he had to do his duties as the Captain. Sharply letting out a huff of annoyance, Shanks reluctantly left your side to head onto the deck. When he reached the doorway, he couldn’t help but look over his shoulder and see your attention already drawn back to your work. Yeah, this was far from over.  
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There was never a dull moment on the Victoria Punk. Even on the calm days at sea, the heavy steps of the Captain and the usual tone of conversation was carried at a volume louder than some other ships were used to. But that was what you liked about it. It was only when the ship was deathly quiet outside of sleeping hours that any of you felt the need to worry. The seas were calm and laughter surrounded you all as you sat in the living quarters with plenty of drink to see you all through to morning if you wanted. 
Currently you were all playing a game with the bounty posters you’d all seemed to collect. It was a simple enough form of ‘Kiss, Marry, Kill’ by selecting three posters from the pile however each person that had to answer ended up getting drawn into a fierce debate about their answers. If you didn’t want to answer on your turn however, you had to drink. It was an empty punishment since all of you were drinking happily regardless. 
“Look I stand by my answer okay?!” Wire shouted, unable to keep the grin from his face knowing the argument was in good spirits. “I had the worst draw out of them all so far, you guys have been getting it easy.”
“Just hurry up and pick my three okay?” You grinned, sitting up from your lounged position to get a better look for your turn. Wire reached over to the pile of posters lying face down on the table and picked three at random, slowly flipping them over to reveal Blackbeard, Franky, and Bartolomelo. Grinning you sat back down into your previous position. “Kiss Bartolomelo, Marry Franky, Kill Blackbeard. Easy.”
“Not that I’d argue with the decisions, you just made up your mind so quickly…” Killer noted, a grin in his voice as his face remained hidden by his mask. You rolled your eyes and grinned. 
“Nothing to think about, Blackbeard is…ugh” you suppressed a shudder at the mere thought of the Emperor. “Franky is dependable and skilled, and fun from what we saw when we allied with them so marrying him wouldn’t be the worst thing.”
“You didn’t think about Bartolomelo as marriage material?” Kid asked with a grin and you laughed up at your Captain who you’d been leaning against for a majority of the night. 
“No way, he’s a major Strawhat fanboy. I’d be competing against that entire crew for his attention, sadly we just weren’t meant to be.”
“Yeah, you’re real heartbroken about it I see.” Kid laughed along with you and the others. The game continued for another while, some of the crew stopping from being too drunk to stay awake while others began to head for their quarters. Those remaining all agreed this would be the last round and it meant you were to deal out three posters for Kid. 
You were still far too comfortable lounging against your Captain so you quickly reached over, fumbling you flipped over the first three you could get your hands on and flopped back before even seeing who he had to choose from. From the sound of the stifled laughter you could tell his options were going to be good. With an anticipated grin you turned on your side and pushed yourself up with your elbow only to become surprised to see your bounty on the table along with Buggy the Clown and Nico Robin. You couldn’t help but become curious about what your Captain would pick about you although you supposed as long as he didn’t pick you to kill it was all fine, it was just a game after all. 
Kid suddenly felt tense and couldn’t help but look away from your printed face to the physical version of you. The you he suddenly became all too aware of. You’d been part of the crew forever and he’d never needed to see you as anything other than a valued member like the others. What if he said something that made you uncomfortable. But if he didn’t play then you could misread that too and make things worse. Fuck, why was he overthinking this? He had to finish the game and hope nothing more was said about it. “Kill the clown and kiss Robin.” He muttered quickly before looking away and draining the last of the alcohol in his mug. 
“Aww you wanna marry me?” You cooed, the smile growing wider on your face. With everyone satisfied with a good ending to the game, the crew began to clear up their drinks and the bounty posters and move to turn in for the night. You got up with a groan and stretched out your arms, finally feeling the need to rest too. With a yawn you turned to Kid who was still sitting and smiled softly. “Not heading to bed, Kid?”
“Yeah, heading soon.” He grumbled lost in his own thoughts that were now occurring to him and you tilted your head, a frown falling on your lips. Quickly Kid realised you were going to worry and he recovered enough to smirk at you. “We need our rest, right? We’ve got a wedding to plan huh?” He forced the joke out, relieved to see you laugh and leave while wishing the rest in the room goodnight. When you were gone, Kid glared at Killer who was sitting far too relaxed for his liking. “When did you add their bounty to the pile, Kil?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about and you have no way of proving it.” 
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“Vice Admiral?” You paused in the middle of the G-5 Base corridor when you spotted the base commander leaning against the wall with his office just a few feet away. At the sound of your call he made no sign that he’d heard you. It wasn’t exactly uncommon for someone of his rank to get lost in thought especially if there were certain higher ups breathing down their neck or certain pirates occupying their minds. Adjusting the documents in your hands you approached the base commander. “Vice Admiral Smoker?” You asked again and moved to lightly touch his arm to get his attention. 
At the same time, Smoker turned sharply and knocked into your hand causing you to drop your files in surprise. As the papers fluttered to the floor you kept your gaze on Smoker, concern growing in your eyes. His usual steely gaze seemed to have dimmed and you noticed the small tremor in his otherwise imposing frame. As one of the base’s medical staff your critical, scrutinising stare was pinpointing all that stood out to you. Since you were dealing with the commander himself, you felt you had to be somewhat nicer and couldn’t just order him to rest. “Are you sick?” You asked and immediately his stare sharpened at the implication. 
“I’m fine.” Smoker’s answer was gruff as to be expected but you could hear the slight shake that could have been missed had you not been listening out for it. When he saw you weren’t fooled he finally took a proper look at you and through his mind that was getting foggier by the second he managed to recognise who you were and what department you worked for on the base. Inwardly he cursed his bad luck. He’d been trying to get to the safety of his office but a dizzy spell hit him hard and he had to stop to catch his breath just mere seconds before you’d approached him. Smoker didn’t want to be babied, getting sick was a rarity for him. He just wanted to get to his room and sit there in peace until he felt a little better. No one else had noticed his state all day, why did he get cursed with bad luck like this at the final moment? He just needed to get rid of you before you tried to take a closer look at him. “Aren’t you going to pick up your documents?”
“Well since you're not sick and are partly responsible for me dropping them. You can surely help me lift them, right Vice Admiral?” Your question was so sweet and innocent but still Smoker glared at the challenge in your eyes. In any of his previous interactions with you, you’d seemed so reserved and quiet but now he could see another side to you. With a grunt, Smoker lowered himself to the floor, trying to fight the wave of dizziness and aches rolling down his body. Mentally he cursed you as you smoothly crouched down and started collecting sheets at a pace far faster than he was able to. When Smoker was focused on the task you’d given him, you struck. Your hand touched his forehead before he could react and you scowled at the man in disapproval. “You’re burning up with a fever. You’re going to your room and resting.” 
Your order left no room for disagreement and before Smoker’s mind could truly catch up, he found himself walking into his room with you. When he was lying on his bed you set about gathering what was needed to help his fever and aches before making yourself comfortable at his desk to fix the scattered documents into their right files again. From the small layer of dust gathering on the surface you could tell Smoker didn’t use it much, being a man of action over paperwork. “You don’t need to stay, I’m fine.” Smoker grumbled. 
“The second I leave, you’ll rest for an hour at most and call yourself cured. I’m not leaving until I’m happy you’re actually fine.”
“An hour is all I need.”
“Didn’t know you had a medical degree.” You noted dryly. “Do I call you Doctor Vice Admiral Smoker or Vice Admiral Doctor Smoker?” It surprised you when Smoker’s deep laugh rumbled through the air and a small smile graced your lips at the sound. Perhaps he should laugh more, it was a nice sound and it would help make him more approachable to some people. 
“You can call me whatever you want.” Smoker mumbled, it wasn’t often people stood up to him like this and he had to admit it was refreshing to see. Unable to fight it, Smoker yawned as his body was beginning to give in to its need for rest. When you heard the telltale signs of him falling asleep you let out a sigh of relief that the medicine you’d given him was started to take effect. 
In the early hours of the morning, Smoker stirred at the soft feeling of fingers lightly running through his hair. It was a comforting feeling and still under the haze of sleep that hadn’t fully left him, his mind hadn’t properly caught up so he let himself relax into the feeling. Reaching up he curled his fingers around your wrist holding your hand in place as his eyes slowly opened and met your face. 
“Your fever’s finally regulated.” You informed him gently, keeping mindful of the time and not wanting to speak too loudly. “If you promise to drink more fluids and stay in bed until at least late morning I can leave.”
“I promise, thanks Doc.” Smoker mumbled with a half-smile, stifling a small yawn and letting his eyes fall closed again but when he didn’t hear you leave he opened his eyes again to see you still standing there. “Problem?”
“Um, kinda need my hand back…or did you want me to stay?” you laughed softly, trying to hold back the grin when Smoker tensed and quickly let go of your wrist, allowing you to leave. “Remember your promise.” You reminded him as you left, smiling to yourself as you left to your room with the memory of Smoker’s blushing, embarrassed expression fresh in your mind. You had to admit it was pretty cute to see. 
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lynnielovestlou · 4 months
bodyguard! abby anderson x princess! reader (500 followers special)
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꩜ synopsis: based on the book "twisted games" by ana huang. you are next in line for the throne, and abby is your bodyguard. only one problem: you can't be with her. you have to marry someone of royal blood, and abby is not. but that won't stop you from being with her. she knows she can't have you, but she's taking you anyways.
꩜ cw: forbidden love trope , reader and abby sneak around , eventual smut (fingering, strap use, multiple orgasms, pet names, spanking, dirty talk, etc) , reader has a brother , afab! reader , fem! reader , bodyguard! abby , semi-public ,
.. ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠. ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠. ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠. ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠. ◠ . ◠ ..
it all started when your brother abdicated. he quite possibly ruined your life the day he fell in love with a flight attendant and decided he didn't want to be king anymore. but you couldn't blame him. he chose love over the throne.
in reality, you could've done the same. not a single part of your body wanted to be queen. too much responsibility and stress, and not enough time to prepare. but everything you do reflects your country, and it would look bad to back out when your brother had done the same.
your grandfather was king, but as he grew older he had to teach your brother, next in line for the throne, how to rule an entire country. he had been preparing to do so for years, but when he met mckenna, he decided he didn't want to. so now, you were next to be queen. and you only had four months to prepare.
you had a dance to attend tonight, because the board decide it would be best for you to marry before coronation. so there you were, sitting on an uncomfortable throne in a room full of men that wish to be your suitor.
"are you paying attention?" a voice to your right says.
another thing. abby fucking anderson. your buff, exponentially attractive bodyguard. you two had a fling before there was this whole drama with your brother, but it soon fizzled out at the reality of the situation. you wanted her, and she wanted you. but the only problem: you can't be with her. she's not of noble blood, so by law, you can't be together.
"i dont need to be. i don't want to marry anyone here." which is almost a lie. you don't want to marry any man here.
abby sighs through her nostrils, her broad shoulders twitching, "c'mon, princess. there's got to be at least one person here that you think is good enough to be your husband."
there wasn't. even abby knew that.
"no thank you." you say with a huff, standing up and straightening out your dress just as another suitor had approached you.
you walk away without another word, abby short on your tail, "where are you going?"
"bathroom." you answer shortly, "i'm fed up with everything and this dress is making it extremely hard not to pee myself."
you excuse yourself for the second time, walking through the marble corridors of the castle while the faint sound of chatter is left in the ballroom. the only sound heard now is the clacking of your heels on the slick floors, the shoes rubbing your feet in the most uncomfortable places.
once in the bathroom you reach behind your back, fumbling with the strings of your corset.
"need some help?" abby questions. you hadn't realized that she followed you.
"i know you're my bodyguard, ms. anderson, but you don't need to follow me in the bathroom."
she chuckles lowly, "we've fucked three times and you still refuse to call me abby, huh?"
a familiar heat rushes to your cheeks.
and somewhere else.
she doesn't wait for an answer before positioning herself behind you, untying the strings for you and giving you immediate relief on your ribs.
"you know how much i hate that i have to watch you dance with other men? how much i hate that their hands are all over you...?"
you swallow, hard, "how much?"
"so much," she begins, "that i want to bend you over that sink and spank your ass raw."
your breath catches in your throat, and you stare at her in the mirror, mouth agape. your heart is hammering against your chest, like it's trying to head-butt itself out.
"take off your dress and spread your legs." she whispers in your ear, to which you comply. you'd be an idiot not to.
once you were stripped of your clothing, the cold air hits your skin and makes you shiver. but the cold doesn't last long before abby is taking you into a sloppy kiss.
"here's what's gonna happen." she says, hands snaking around your body and settling on the plush of your ass, "i don't like seeing you dance with men. so you're going to sit here and let me fuck you like a good girl, alright?"
her fingers slide through your slit. your breath catches for a second time and your body arches towards hers.
you shudder at every word, rutting yourself against her in an attempt to feel friction. she's quick to grab your hips and stop them, pulling a whine from deep within your chest.
"how many men did you dance with?" she demands, her hot breathe hovering on your lips.
"o-only six."
"seven." she corrects you, pinching and pulling on your clit, making you squirm.
"p-please, abby..."
"please what? use your words, princess." she says softly, contradicting her harsh actions.
"please... fuck me already." you plead, bottom lip quivering. your thigh muscles are shaking, and you glance at the pile of discarded clothes on the floor opposite of the counter you're pressed against. your clothes, to be exact. abby is still dressed, but you can see her bulge through her pants. the pants that squeeze her thighs and highlight every muscle. she truly is glorious.
"you wore your strap to the ball?"
she nods her head, taking her hand off your mound and using it to unzip her trousers. you whine at the lack of warmth, the cold air of the bathroom returning to your skin and giving you goosebumps.
"dont worry, sweet girl. once i'm done with you, you'll be sweating." you smirk at this, lifting yourself onto the cold tile counter. you hiss as the temperature hits your bare ass, but abby shuts you up with another kiss, "now stay still. i need to stretch you out before giving you what you really need." she says.
"but i've taken your strap before. it's not that hard."
she laughs at this, "i know you have. but this one's not the same."
your eyebrows raise, but before you can ask what she means her pants and boxers pool around her ankles. this certainly wasn't what you were expecting.
it's much longer and much girthier than than the one she's used on you before. it's even a different color. this one a hot pink, sparkly shade that's enough to force a laugh out of you.
abby giggles in unison, "you like it?" you nod, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her towards you. she's quick to shut that down, "nuh-uh. i told you i've gotta stretch you out first. spread those pretty legs f'me."
you comply easily, spreading them further. she whistles when she sees your twitching, glistening cunt, just weeping and begging for abby to take care of it.
"shit, honey... you think this country knows how wet their queen is right now?"
"but, im not the queen yet— oh!" youre interrupted when abby's middle and ring fingers slide easily into your cunt, your warm walls welcoming her familiar skin. you look down and watch your pussy swallow her up greedily, clenching around her like you're scared she's going to pull away.
"there she is. there's my girl." abby coos, kissing your knee before increasing the speed in which her fingers pump in and out of you.
all that's heard is the sloshing of her fingers in your pussy. the heel of her palm slams against your clit, deliciously stimulating it as your legs begin to shake. abby knows what she's doing, and she loves it.
"gonna look so damn pretty with a crown on your head." she huffs as that familiar coil bubbles up in the depths of your stomach, "s' pretty baby."
a string of moans cascade from your mouth as she pulls her fingers out, letting you have your orgasm on your own. usually she's fuck you through it, but she's not done with you yet.
she grabs the base of the strap, teasing your puffy and swollen folds with it but not putting it in. you whine in protest, but she tuts you in response.
when she finally does push in, however, a strained gasp falls out of your mouth from the stretch of the strap, your hands finding abby's shoulders and squeezing them, "abby— abs— i can't-"
"shh... yes you can. you can take it." she says, letting you adjust before slowly pumping in and out of you, "you can handle being queen but you can't handle this cock?"
"not-" grunt, "queen," grunt, "yet."
she pounds harder and harder, hips slamming against you. your legs are already weak, and you can tell you're going to be bruised tomorrow.
"abby," you say in between breaths, attempting to maintain your composure, "they're going to be wondering where i am."
her hips stutter, but they don't stop. the base of the strap was hitting her clit just right. she was just as close as you are, "shh... almost done. cum with me, baby. c'mon, you can do it."
with only a few more pounds you're both spiraling. you both hope to god nobody is outside the bathroom door, otherwise they would be sure to hear your heavy breathing and tight moans.
once you come down from your high, abby is already tucking her strap back into her tight slacks, the material hugging her thighs beautifully. she helps you dress yourself again in your pretty gown (after she had cleaned you up, of course).
"sorry we have to sneak around, princess. i promise one day we won't have to." she says, pecking a sweet kiss to your temple. without another word, she walks out before you, making sure it doesn't look too suspicious that you were in there together.
you're left with your reality again. you have to go back out there and dance with men that you don't love. a so simple, yet so not, marriage of convenience, when the person that your heart really belongs too has to watch from the sidelines.
but abby was right.
she couldn't have you, but she was taking you anyways.
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kurogane2512 · 7 months
I see so many breeding fics with some family-oriented characters like Childe, Arlecchino etc but rarely ever with Signora.... Ya'll can't tell me she wouldn't be into it. Okay, granted she wouldn't want it immediately but HEAR ME OUT
I very much believe she wanted to have a perfect little family with Rostam but ofc it never happened. Then eventually her body lost the functionality (could be due to liquid fire or just ageing as she's literally 500+). Then due to all the tragedy she became completely untouchable as a Harbinger and suppressed these 'maiden' desires but.... what if she starts thinking of them again when she finds new love? UGH IDK I JUST WANNA BREED HER SDOHWOEIFHWF
Fluff + Smut below
Reader has a cock but no gender stated (I imagine g!p but others are also welcome)
It was another cold winter night at Snezhnaya when you returned home from work. You were exhausted and wanted to immediately rest, you opened to door to your room only to be met by an unexpected yet pleasant sight.
"Oh, welcome home, my love~" your partner, Signora, the 8th Harbinger of the Fatui was already back and currently undressing herself in your shared room. You watched her dress slide down her exquisite body as soon as you entered and almost became flustered despite having seen her that way plenty of times by now.
"Ah, sorry, I should have knocked...." you averted your gaze and she simply chuckled before beginning to walk towards you, a small smirk adorning her beautiful face.
"Well, you came back at the perfect time. I was just going to take a bath so...." she paused before sliding her hands down the lapel of your coat and leaning in to whisper seductively, "Care to join in?~"
All the exhaustion from before suddenly vanished as you speedily undressed and walked in the bath together with her. The tub was already filled with warm water, a scented bath wash and rose petals. Signora stepped in first and sat on one edge then pulled you inside and made you sit in her embrace, your back facing her as you comfortably rested back on her body.
You relaxed together as the warm water seeped in your skin and rejuvenated you, complimented by the feeling of your lover's presence and touch. Signora wrapped her arms around your waist and rested her chin on your shoulder followed by planting soft kisses on it, you giggled from the ticklish feeling and she only continued doing that more to tease you.
"How was your day, Rosa?"
"Mm, just the usual.... Jester still doesn't allow me to take field missions, says I need to continue resting and that others are handling them...." she sighed in dejection then cuddled into you.
"Do you feel bad?"
"Certainly, I understand why he says that but it just makes me feel worse...."
She sighed again and embraced you tighter before continuing, "But at the same time, it's not so bad. I get to come home early and spend time with you more~"
She pecked your cheek as you chuckled together. La Signora would have never said that until a few months ago, nothing mattered to her over her mission and Tsaritsa's dream. She was a ruthless and untouchable Harbinger of the Fatui, the people who had sworn their life in service of their Queen. Such frivolous moments of pleasure and indulgence were useless to her, yet she could no longer ignore the feelings rising in her recently.
She pondered about your current situation, the way you were lying in each other's arms in a warm bath with no care of the outside world. Everything felt perfect. She could never picture this scenario for a long time, she knew her life was drastically different. Yet, the bliss and relaxation of this moment caught up to her. She could picture a life with you, living together as any ordinary family even when there was nothing ordinary about you both.
Her thoughts almost scared her, how could she? How could she have these feelings again? She was supposed to have forgotten them, she was supposed to have embraced the pain she suffered and look forward to a future the Tsaritsa promised. But she could no longer ignore the beating of her heart right now as she pictured you both living together somewhere faraway in a little house of your own, with a perfect family of your own....
"Y/n, I wanted to ask something...."
"Hm, what is it?"
She remained silent for some time which caused you become worried, you sat up and turned to face her and saw a rather serious look on her face.
"Rosa? Are you okay?"
She nodded then spoke, "....Have you ever thought of having.... children with me?"
The question surprised you to no end, your eyes becoming wide in shock.
"W-Why this all of a sudden....?"
Her brows furrowed, "Just answer.... Do you want to have a family with me?"
You fumbled on your words, "I-I mean....Uh, y-yes I do but family doesn't necessarily require...c-children, you know?"
"Then.... you don't want children with me?"
"T-That's not what I meant! I-I...." you trailed off and struggled to reply, unsure of what was happening. You looked at her expression which was filled with a strange sense of longing and affection, something you had never seen on her before.
"....Ideally, yes, I would want to have a family with you, a proper family but...."
"I know it's not possible and I don't want you to blame yourself or anything, I accepted our situation long ago and am perfectly fine with the way things are...."
Signora's eye widened now; of course, how could she forget? How could she forget the limitations of her own body, one of the many prices she had to pay for her sins. How could she even for a moment think she was deserving of wanting that perfect life?
"R-Rosa, what happened? Why did you ask that?"
You became increasingly worried as she stayed silent and looked down, you had no idea why she had this thought now of all times. You were well aware of everything that had happened to her and how her current condition was, you had accepted it all the moment you fell in love and never thought of anything more. Yes, a perfect family life would indeed be ideal but you never bat an eye to it.
"I...." she finally spoke and looked up to meet your gaze, her eye filled with tears which she held back from falling then suddenly lunged forward to embrace you tightly.
"I imagined that life with you.... living together as a family, away from all these things, doing simple jobs, having children and raising them together....and much more." she confesssed her deepest desires and you were speechless.
"....Did you want all of this in the past? Before.... things turned the way they did?"
"Somewhat. I never pictured it too far but.... I suppose it was the dreams of a young maiden heart who fell in love with a knight, to gaze upon each other and think of a future together...."
Your grip almost tightened hearing that, you understood what she wanted to say.
"But I no longer think of it that way.... I hadn't had these thoughts until recently and now I think of you in them, even if it's not possible anymore...."
She cupped your face and lovingly gazed at you with a small smile before kissing your forehead, "I'm sorry for this, you don't have to brood over it. Just.... think of it as a silly little thought."
She let go of you and proceeded to step out of the tub then dry herself with a towel, you pondered for a moment then stepped out as well and suddenly hugged her from behind.
"....Let's do it then."
Signora was caught by surprise, "What? What are you saying, Y/n?"
"I'm saying let's do it. Let's have the perfect life you want."
"B-But, Y/n—"
"I know, I know what you want to say. And I mean.... let's have that experience at least, that feeling.... Even if in the end nothing would change, we can still experience the feeling a little."
Signora was shocked at your proposition but pondered over it a little before turning around to passionately kiss you, "Yes, let's do it."
The next few moments happened in the blink of an eye as you two made your way over to the bed while kissing and clawing at each other. Neither of you required any prep time, you were needy and desperate enough that she was soaking down her thighs and your cock was throbbing hard. This wasn't going to be your usual session, no matter how passionate and hardcore your previous sessions had been, this was going to be completely different.
"Do it deep and hard, Y/n. Breed me like you mean to, impregnate me like you would!"
She pleaded while holding you close, your cock rubbing against her eager folds. Hearing those words only made you want to do it more, you wanted her to feel what she wanted. You pushed inside soon after, penetrating her hot walls and sliding to her deepest parts. She arched up feeling you push so deeply, her legs dangling over your shoulders to give you the best angle.
You didn't have to be fast, you only wanted her to feel you deeply and understand how much you wanted this. Your thrusts were moderate and controlled but everytime you made an effort to push deeper than before, to explore the spots you had never touched before. Her angelic moans resounded in your ears, your hands fondled her supple breasts and you leaned down to suck her hardned nipple, causing yourself to push deeper.
She gasped at the feeling, your hard and thick member was filling her up so well. It indeed felt different than your previous sessions, perhaps it was really due to the fact that the purpose right now was different. You pushed her legs closer to her chest, folding her in a mating press as you angled even deeper and continued pistoning in and out.
"Yes! Yes! Do it, my love! Cum in me! Give it all to me!"
She chanted her sinful thoughts as if she was lovestruck, you cock splitting her open then suddenly felt a rush of hot and thick liquid fill her insides. She arched up as you filled her up with your seed, pushing in every single drop and ensuring none fell out.
"More! Y/n! Do it more! I want you inside more!"
You needn't be told twice. You flipped her to lay her on the stomach and she automatically stood on all fours and you hilted deep in one go. You moaned at the contact together, her back arching down as you began pounding deep and hard. This position was even better than before, you were deeply connected with each other and no obstacles were in your way.
"Aah!~ Yes! Right there! Yes! Mmmmm!~"
You grinned looking at her figure, she was moaning out so messily and needily, nobody could imagine her this way. You suddenly held her hands and pulled her up to make her stand on her knees and hugged her close, your face being buried in her neck as you continued thrusting. She almost whimpered feeling you inside, your right hand roamed down her abdomen and pressed on a particular spot as you slowed down your movements but still kept going deep.
"Feel it here.... Touch it, feel where I am~" you whispered, making her move her hand to the same spot as well and she could feel it, your cock was making a small buldge every time you thrusted. She couldn't describe how she felt at that, she could see how deep you were, feel the lining of your cock deep inside her as you pounded into her. She wanted this forever, she wanted this so much.
Your hands were busy playing with her breasts now, pinching on her pointed nipples. She moaned so loudly, breathless gasps leaving her lips as she couldn't take her hand away from that place. Her other hand looped around your neck and pulled you closer, giving you the chance to kiss and suck on her neck.
"Aah...I told you, Rosa.... I'll give you that feeling.... Do you like it? Mhm~ Is this what you wanted?~"
"Yes! I feel you so deep! I love you, Y/n! I love you so much, my darling! Keep going! Fill me up all night!~"
Well, if she kept being this way then you could indeed go all night. She was irressitble to you, so tempting and captivating. You let go of your hold on her and pushed her down in an arch again, roughly gripping her hips and squeezing them as you fastened your thrusts. You came another bout, thick ropes of cum painting her insides and filling her up once again. But you were far from over, and she knew that too- she wanted that.
You ended up in so many positions all night, tossing and turning each other and finding yourselves all entangled with desire. She was now on top of you, straddling your lap as you rested on the bed and she wanted control now. She aligned your hard cock with her cunt and pushed it all the way in, immediately touching her deepest part. And she wasted no time to grind and bounce on your cock, she wanted to milk it dry and have every last drop of your cum inside her.
You gripped her waist and thrusted up as well, a delicious rhythm forming of your bodies. She then leaned forward and deeply kissed you, your tongues intertwining messily before leaning back and continuing to ride you. Her walls had a deathly grip on your cock, it was evident she was going to keep you inside all night. You had lost count of your orgasms, the amount of times you came inside her but she was ready to still hold more.
"Mmmm~ Cumming, my love... Aaaah... Y/n! Together.... come on, inside me! Breed me!~"
And yet another spurt of cum deep inside her, she too came at the same time and arched back with a loud guttural moan. Your bodies were still connected, you sat up and embraced her as you breathed out together. You nuzzled into her neck and she softly caressed your hair, the feeling of your cum drip down made her feel euphoric.
"I love you so much, Y/n... Thank you for this." she whispered in a low voice and you smiled to yourself before suddenly turning over and placing her on the bed, your dick still inside.
"We aren't done yet, I still have lot more to give. You'll hold it in, right?~"
She smirked then pulled you down by your jaw, "Who do you think you are talking to? That's not even a challenge for me~"
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navybrat817 · 1 year
You just know he'll make you call him your God. Maaaybe makes you kneel at his feet, too 😏 to worship him
Oh, he will. 🔥
God and His Angel
Pairing: God the Bounty Hunter x Female Reader Summary: God takes an angel for himself. Word Count: Over 500 Warnings: Implied s/mut, implied o/ral, d/ubcon if you squint, minor character d/eath, God the Bounty Hunter (he's a warning, okay?), inappropriate use of voltage A/N: Yes, I will take less than two minutes of a character and do something with it. 😂 Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. ❤️ Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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"You're making this harder than it needs to be, angel."
"Don't call me that," you said through your teeth.
You didn't have a chance to register the small tut as he twisted his voltage ring, but the jolt between your legs was enough to force you to your knees. If he wanted to, he could knock you out with enough energy. You had half expected him to put the connecting metal disc on your neck, but the bastard had much more fun snaking a hand down the front of your pants to put in a much more intimate spot.
And right now, he wanted to play.
You weren't sure if the sound you let out was one of pain or pleasure as you felt another jolt, but he smirked at you just the same as he gripped your chin and forced your gaze on him. Warmth lingered in his touch and stare, a contrast to the cold look he gave before he shot your partner. The bounty was for him, after all, not for you.
He was business and you were pleasure.
"Why wouldn't I call you that? I'm your God and you're my new angel."
The terrifying thing about the bounty hunter was that he didn't raise his voice when he spoke to you. He didn't have to. To him, his word was law.
Like an actual god.
"Bet you're wet for me," he said in a low voice. You didn't deny it. "Should I check?"
He shrugged with one shoulder. "I'll feel just how wet you are when you take my cock."
"You think I'll do that? And what else am I supposed to do exactly?" you asked, keeping your breathing steady as you lightly trembled. "Worship you?"
"It's a start," he said, releasing you to reach for his belt. "Worship me, call me God, and you'll always be in my care."
He can't be fucking serious.
"Always in your care, huh? What about my partner?" you snapped, nodding to the dead body.
He gripped your chin again, the ring lightly digging into your skin. "My work is perfect and my ways are just," he stated as a matter of fact. You almost laughed at the audacity of his statement when you realized he believed his own words, which made him that much more horrifying. "So I'm justified in keeping you for myself."
Triumph glittered in his blue eyes because he already knew he won. It was his world. You were just a pawn in it.
Or maybe you could be an angel.
"You may need to convince me," you said.
"It won't take much, especially after I fuck you. And you'll call me 'God' when I give it to you."
Cocky bastard.
"Am I still an angel if you fuck me?" you asked, your heart racing when he smiled.
"You'll be mine and that's all that matters. Your world will start and end with me, but don't worry. You'll get yours after I get mine," he promised as he unzipped his pants. "Now open up for me."
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Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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scribbledghost · 4 months
Congrats on the 3k followers, you deserve them all and even more!! For the celebration, I'd like to request Simon + number 34. After the drabble in neighbor!AU where reader meets Ghost for the first time and it ended up being a false alarm, I'm curious to see how Simon would react to reader being put in an actual dangerous situation.
Note: (The original post in question) Thank you so much friend!! I still really love that drabble, thank you for requesting this so I can explore the concept a little more! (I know these are supposed to only be 500 words, but I got a little carried away with this one oops) 3K Follower Prompt List 34. Character In Peril
It’s several months after your initial run-in with Ghost on Simon’s military base when your house gets broken into in the middle of the night.
True to form, Simon hadn’t said much about the incident on-base other than a quick apology later that evening for having to meet Ghost in such a manner.
“Would you really have killed anyone who came through the door?” you asked softly after he apologized.
The only response he gave at the time was a kiss to your forehead and a quiet “would’ve done whatever I needed to to keep you safe, love”.
His words ring in your head once more as you drop to your knees on the direct order of the masked figure in front of you in your living room. You’ve tried to reason with him, tried to tell him to just take what he wants and leave, but you quickly realize he isn’t there purely to steal property.
He’s there to terrorize.
You aren’t quite sure how long the intruder spends kneeling in front of you and whispering vulgar threats, but your heart drops when you look up and see another figure by the front door.
However, your dread quickly turns to hope when the new man lifts a finger to his lips in a “shush” motion, drawing your gaze to his face. Or rather, what you can see of his face.
It’s Simon. You’d know those eyes anywhere. 
Actually, no. It’s not Simon. Not exactly.
Judging by the tightly-wound body language, pistol in his hand, and skull balaclava, it’s Ghost.
How he’d known you were in trouble, you're not sure. You suppose that doesn’t matter now. 
You try to not draw the man’s attention to the sudden presence behind him, and Ghost approaches whisper-quiet as he stalks through the room.
As soon as the man stands, everything seems to happen at once.
You saw Ghost on the military base. Heard his authoritative tone and witnessed his lightning-quick assessment of the situation, even though it had turned out to be a false alarm. But you didn’t see any of his combat skills.
It’s almost like he’s making up for it now.
He grabs the man by the back of the shirt, yanking him backwards and off his balance. A sharp “get down” from Ghost has you flopping forward onto the floor without a second thought, burying your face into the carpet as the sounds of struggle meet your ears. 
The rest is a blur. You can hear punches being thrown and curses ground from between teeth. Sharp gunshots coupled with pained cries and fading gurgles signal the end of the fight, but you still keep your head down. It isn’t until you feel a gentle hand on the back of your head that you flinch.
“Shh, it’s alright love,” Ghost’s deep voice calls. “‘S just me. It’s alright, he can’t hurt you.”
Your relief is palpable, but when you move to get up, a firm hand rests itself between your shoulder blades.
“No, no,” he says. “Can’t have ya gettin’ up on your own, sweetheart. Made a bit of a mess, I’m afraid. I’m gonna help you up and get you back into your bedroom, then I’m gonna make a quick call. I’ll let you know when it’s alright for you to come back out, okay?”
The adrenaline buzzing in your ears makes it difficult to do anything else but nod.
Ghost - or is he Simon again? You can’t tell, and it stirs a strange feeling in your stomach - helps you up, sliding a hand over your eyes before you have the chance to look up from the floor. He guides you to your bedroom, closes the door, and you hear heavier footsteps fade away, followed by muffled, one-sided conversation. You strain to hear what you can, but the details are vague.
“Price? Need a favor. I know it’s late. Need a cleanup. Someone broke in. No, not my house. Yeah… yeah. Next door. ‘S why I called. Need this done quickly and quietly. Yes sir. I’ll keep an eye out.”
The minutes tick by until you hear a vehicle pull up, followed by multiple quiet voices. You can’t make out what anyone is really saying, not between the overlapping talk and sounds of work being done, but there seems to be three voices in addition to Ghost's. After some time, you hear footsteps approach your door, followed by two quick knocks.
“Almost done, sweetheart,” Ghost says, then he retreats back to the living room. 
A little while later, the rest of the crowd leaves, and once again you hear another knock at your door. 
“Still with me, love? You can come out now. All clear.”
You hesitate, not sure how to approach the situation. Slowly, you open the door.
“No, lovie. It’s just me. ‘S just Simon.”
Without thinking, you throw yourself into his arms, wrapping your arms around his barrel chest. 
You don’t ask him why he smells like bleach.
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teyamloving12 · 1 year
Bbbyyyy💕💕💕👀 Neteyam fic… all imma say is Neteyam fiiicc!!! 🔥🔥🔥 God damn i almost passed out reading it, that’s how good it is
Pleaseeee write more of him, i’m even gonna beg for it ❤️
Taking what is His
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Warning: NSFW content (MDNI), cheating, arranged marriage, angst, breeding kink, angry!Neteyam, etc.
Pairing: Neteyam x Omatikaya!Reader
Synopsis: You were Neteyam's first but your parents promised you to another man. Like hell Neteyam will allow that to happen.
A/n: Your wish is my command sweetheart. Have some possessive Neteyam. 500 followers special!
You were Neteyam's but that "cunt" came in your life. Your relationship flourished beautifully before he left for the Metkayina clan. Distraught took over your soul. You mate-to-be was leaving. Would he come back to You? What if he found a woman more beautiful than you could ever be? Those were the question your younger self would ask herself.
It's been 8 years ever since that day. Probably he is living happily with a woman. No! You couldn't think about him. You had a mate. You didn't like him very much, he tries to be the carbon copy of Neteyam and continuously failing after you begged him to stop. He showed you off to his friends as you were his trophy and a prize that he won. Neteyam would never.
You went to the Tree of Souls praying your Neteyam, the man you truly love, would return to you in a safe conditions. You visited the Mountains and sat at the cliff waiting. About to give up, one day you saw ikrans flew to the west, towards the village. Your eyes widen, your Neteyam was finally back. You rushed down to the village. It was true. It was him. He looked different, tattoos were found on his stomach and face also with his arms and legs.
He was a warrior here and a warrior at sea. His handsome demeanor struck you unlike when you were with Ka'wan. He was good looking but could never compared to Neteyam. The girls beside you looked at him in awe stating how he become even more handsome. You walked away from the crowd, thinking Neteyam could never love you again. Maybe he had changed. Maybe he was not the same Neteyam 8 years ago.
Neteyam went straight to her grandmother's hut. "Where is she, grandmother? I have looked everywhere!", he asked in a panic. " She is a woman now, Neteyam. Do you still expect her to live with her parents?", she asked, making him realized what was happening. " So where is she?", he asked again.
" Do you see the hut over there?", she pointed. He nodded. "You will find her there but I warn you you may not like what you will hear.", Neteyam looked confused but heeded his grandmother's words. On his way, he saw a man exiting your hunt. Who was he?
You were cleaning up your hut until you felt a presence behind you. "Tìyawn, I have returned back to You!", he said hugging you from behind. Your Neteyam was here by your side and you smiled widely. He let you. He watched as you scanned your surroundings. "Neteyam, I'm so happy you're back but you can't stay here!", you whisper-yelled. Neteyam as angry, he was finally back yet you were pushed him away.
"What is wrong, ma syulang?", he questioned. "Neteyam I don't know how to say this but you can't call you yours anymore for I'm promised to someone.", you explained. That explained the man that walked out of your hut. He was furious, he backed you up to the hut's wall. You were scared. He grabbed you by your chin forcing you to look at him.
"So after I nearly died at the Metkayina and kept you in my heart for eight fucking years, you had the nerve, the enfrontery to mate with another man!", you trembled in his hands. Tears stung your eyes as he continued to shout at you. You tried to push him off you.
"Neteyam, please!", you begged. "It was my parents! They hoped you would come back earlier but they feared I would be lonely for the rest of my life!", you yelled back, Neteyam finally calmed down, letting up of your chin. "What! I'm the son of Toruk Makto, a mighty warrior yet they had no hope for me!", he yelled before tried to calm himself. He looked at you lovingly, backing you up towards the bed.
You fell on the bed and Neteyam crawled over you. He kissed your neck and then headed for your cheek and then your lips. "You were mine then and you are still mine now.", he said with your bottom lip touched yours. You closed your eyes and smiled remembering your sweet memories when you were teenagers in love. You loved him but Ka'wan was still a person.
"Wait! We can't do this, Neteyam. Ka'wan-", you tried to explain but you silenced you with her finger. He slowly tried your top. "You're as beautiful as I remember.", you kissed from your chest to your stomach and paused at your loincloth. He looked up at you for consent which you granted. He grabbed for his loincloth and pulled it out.
"You and I are meant to be.", he said sliding himself into you. You squealed as the pleasure of the man you truly loved was inside of you. You pulled him in for a kiss. This was meant to be. "Ma'Teyam, I'm yours.", you said. He thrusted inside of you. "You're mine, my mate, the mother of all my children!", he said as he rammed into you like a mad man. He grabbed your hips allowing him to go either further.
"I gonna make you get birth to MY children, not his!", you tried to push him. "No--ahh-- I will be a shame to my family--nnmgh-- the village people will talk!", you said through your moans. "I am future olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya, no one will have a word to say of you.", you felt your cunt giving wetter by his words. "Move your hips, tìyawn! Eywa made us for each other.", he stated with each thrust touching your womb. You grabbed the soft sheet on the bed, you closed your eyes from the pleasure overwhelming your body.
You felt your pussy clench around his cock. You came inside of you. You moaned from ecstasy. You wrapped your hand around Neteyam as he fell in your chest. "You are my woman, the mother of all my children, Tsahik !", he said. "We are meant to be, Ma'Teyam.", you whispered, not caring Ka'wan was the man you were promised to.
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sissylittlefeather · 1 month
for the 500 followers <3 // i love this photo sm
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Hi @lustnhim! Thanks for making a request! This one got dirty on me quick. I hope you enjoy it!
Exclusive Interview
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, kissing, cussing, oral sex (both), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, sex with a stranger, swallowing
"Ladies and gentlemen, the King of Rock n Roll, Mr. Elvis Presley!"
They announce him as he enters the room for his press conference. He humbly rejects the nickname they've given him and makes his way to where he's supposed to be, looking impossibly attractive in his black suit and red scarf.
You're there with the press. This is your first real assignment for the magazine and you can't believe they actually said yes when you begged for it. But none of the guys in the office wanted to take the job, so here you sit with your press badge, waiting for the opportunity to ask your questions.
The press conference starts and he takes questions from everyone. Well, almost everyone. He seems to be intentionally ignoring you, skipping over you time and time again. At first you wonder if it's your magazine he's skipping, but no, you're not from one of the trashy gossip rags and he's answering their questions. It must be you. You look over yourself to see if there's anything about you that seems particularly offensive, but there's not. You're wearing a relatively harmless pencil skirt and button down shirt with reasonable heels. You don't have on pantyhose, yours had a run in them this morning, but there's no way he would notice that from the stage or be offended enough to ignore you.
He calls on the person right next to you again, avoiding your eyes. You're starting to get frustrated. If you can't get any of your questions answered you won't be able to write much. But still, he doesn't take your questions. Finally, as the time is almost up, he calls on you.
"Mr. Presley-"
"Right, y/f/n y/l/n with-"
"Oh! Sorry. That's it folks, we have to wrap this up. Thank you for coming." The facilitator of the press conference cuts you off and you look at your watch. He's ten minutes over. No wonder they stopped you.
Still, you purse your lips in frustration, tears gathering in your eyes. You've failed your first assignment. You might never get another one. You're packing up your stuff and trying not to cry when you feel a presence. Looking up into his face, you freeze when you realize it's him. He smiles with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Honey, you didn't ask a single question, did you?" You think to yourself that it's not your fault he never called on you.
"No, I didn't."
"Well, I can't send you back to your boss empty-handed." He shakes his head and you raise your eyebrows.
"You can't?"
"Absolutely not. Let's find somewhere to talk." Your mouth pops open. He wants to give you a private interview. This is something you never expected, but you're not going to say no.
"O-okay." You stand up quickly, dropping your pen. He bends over and picks it up for you. When he hands it to you, your fingers touch and you damn near drop it again.
"C'mon." He puts his hand on the small of your back to lead you out of the room. You're ready to go with him wherever he takes you, but the elevator is about the last place you expect. As soon as the door is shut, he pushes the stop button and turns to you. "This is about the only place I can get any privacy. I can't get five minutes alone anywhere else. Now, ask your questions."
"Oh, um, Mr. Presley-"
"Elvis." He takes your hand in his rubbing small circles with his thumb. You watch him for a second and then look back at your notes to try to focus on a question.
"Can you tell me a little bit about..." He opens your hand and presses his lips to the center of your palm. "...about what..."
He kisses your wrist and then gently pulls you in closer to him.
"...what you plan to do next?" You finally get the question out, looking up into his face, which is now very close to yours, and he smiles at you.
"This." He leans in and kisses your neck.
"Mr. Presley..."
"Elvis." He whispers into your neck.
"Elvis... this seems-"
"You want me to stop?" He swirls his tongue in a circle just below your ear.
"God, no." Your mouth finds his and he dips his tongue in to dance against yours. You drop your notebook on the floor and he presses your back up against the wall of the elevator, rolling his hips into yours. He groans and you whimper as you put your arms around him and pull him into you even tighter. You tremble as he kisses you deeply and then works his way down your neck again to your cleavage.
"What's your name, honey?"
"My name?" You ask breathlessly as he presses his lips to your breasts.
"Yes. Your name."
"It's... y/n..." You're struggling to make words with how good it feels to have his mouth on you.
"Y/n..." He keeps kissing you in between words. "Can I... taste you?"
"Oh, god, yes, please." You feel him smile against your skin and then he gets on his knees, running his hands up under your skirt. He pushes it over your hips and moans softly when he sees your white cotton panties. Slipping his fingers under the waistband, he pulls them down and lets you step out of them. You notice that he tucks them into his pocket.
He makes his way back up to your center, sliding his middle finger into you and pressing his lips to you. With his other hand, he lifts your left leg up onto his shoulder and then steadies you by grabbing your ass. He pumps his finger in and out as he begins to move his tongue on your clit. You moan loudly and feel him smile again. He drags his tongue over and around your sensitive button, feeling it tighten as the blood rushes to your core. He sucks you lightly and then backs up, flicking you gently with the tip of his tongue.
"Mmmm, yes." You run your hand in his hair.
"You taste so good, baby. Cum for me." He dives in fully, licking you harder than he has so far. It has the intended effect, pushing you over the edge into the crashing waves of an intense orgasm. It starts in your center and pulsates out to your fingers and toes before you finally relax and come back down to earth. He stands up, wiping his face with his hand, and then unzips his pants. You watch as he pulls out his dick and strokes it a few times.
"You want this cock, baby?" You reach out and palm him, pumping him gently and kissing him again.
"I want anything you'll give me." He lets out a low growl and then turns you to face away from him. Holding your hip with one hand, he teases your entrance with his tip before pushing into you slowly. A soft moan escapes your lips as he fills you up, giving you time to stretch around him.
"God, you're so tight baby. It's so good." He picks up a steady rhythm of sliding in and out of you, slamming his hips into your ass and holding you steady with both hands. The relentless pounding is about to push you over the edge again as he drives into you. He fucks you with such intense passion that you could swear he was in love with you. Then, he reaches around and circles your clit with his finger and you cum hard on his dick.
"Oh, god, Elvis." You reach up over your shoulder where he's set his chin and grab his hair. He kisses your cheek and whispers.
"You like that, baby? You like it when I give it to you hard like that?"
"Yes, yes, mmmmmm!"
"That's my good girl. You take my cock so well." He grunts deep in his throat and you can tell he's getting close too as he fucks into you relentlessly. When he tenses and pulls out, you turn quickly and fall to your knees, taking him in your mouth and sucking hard.
"Oh, fucking shit!" He slams his hand on the elevator wall to steady himself as you swallow every drop of the cum he shoots into your throat. His legs shake and he drops his head back while you finish him off. You feel him relax and pull back. He looks down at you on the floor and tips your chin up with his finger to meet his eyes.
"You're incredible." You stand up and he kisses you again. Then, he looks at his watch. "Damnit, I have to go."
He helps you rearrange your skirt, but does not give your panties back, and puts himself away. You push the button to make the elevator go again while he gathers your notebook and other things from the floor. He runs his hand through his hair as the doors open back to the hallway outside the conference room. You walk off together, both of you thankful that the crowd has dispersed.
"Hey, listen. I'd like to give you that exclusive interview again sometime. How do I reach you?" You write your name and number on your notepad, tear off the page, and hand it to him. He folds it and tucks it carefully into the same pocket as your panties. "Thank you."
He looks back and forth down the hallway to make sure it's deserted. Then, he pulls you into a final kiss.
"I'll be in touch." The conference room door opens and he jumps back. It's one of his guys.
"There you are, boss. We thought we'd lost you." The man looks between the two of you and suppresses a grin. Elvis winks at you one last time and then walks back through the door with the man who found him.
"No, I was just doing an interview..."
The End
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bucky-barnes-diaries · 6 months
Day 5 — Cozy Morning
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Pairing || TFATWS!Bucky x Female!Reader
Word Count || Around 500
Contents & Warnings || Fluff, mild Smut — mild explicit content/language, implied nudity and sex.
Disclaimer || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
Advent Calendar 2023
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The December mornings were always cold, but with a raging snowstorm outside your bedroom window, it was almost freezing inside the room. Amidst the aftermath of passionate lovemaking the night before with Bucky, you had forgotten to put on extra heating, leaving you almost shivering beside him now, the comforter doing nothing to keep you warm. Bucky, still remaining peacefully asleep, seemed unaffected by the chill in the room.
Seeking refuge from the cold, you snuggled into his side, molding your body to his form. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you absorbed the warmth and comfort emanating from Bucky, your personal furnace. You planted a kiss on his shoulder, the warmth of his skin a remedy for your cold lips.
Still in a daze of slumber, Bucky began to stir, a faint smile gracing his lips as he opened his eyes to find you cuddled against him like a content cat.
In a swift and gentle movement, he pulled you on top of him, savoring the weight of your naked body against his chest.
“Mornin’, doll,” Bucky mumbled, his voice husky from sleep, sending a delicious shiver through you. His flesh arm encircled your waist, drawing you even closer. “What’s got you all cute and cuddly this morning?” He teased, nuzzling your nose with a gaze filled with adoration.
“You’re so warm and cozy,” you murmured against his lips, tracing lazy patterns on his chest. “You make the cold disappear,” you purred before sealing your sentiment with a lingering, heated kiss.
Bucky groaned in approval, deepening the kiss as he enveloped you with both arms. Swiftly, he pulled the covers over, cocooning you in a haven of warmth and intimacy. Underneath the covers, you exchanged kisses and caresses, creating a shared fortress against the cold.
Breaking the kiss, you threaded your fingers through his hair and whispered against his lips. “You’re my favorite way to stay warm, Bucky.”
He kissed you passionately, switching positions with expert ease, resting comfortably between your spread thighs. Open-mouthed kisses trailed along your jaw and neck, eliciting sweet moans.
“Let me warm you up, baby,” Bucky murmured seductively, rocking inside your heat, making your back arch and legs lock around his waist—the storm outside ragging on as you and Bucky got lost in one another with fiery passion.
After the lovemaking that was as passionate as the night before, you and he lay entwined, treasuring the newfound warmth and comfort after the bliss you and he reached together. Your fingers traced lazy patterns on his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your fingertips. Bucky’s hands, both flesh and machine, danced across your back, caressing your skin.
Breaking the comfortable silence, Bucky spoke in a gentle rumble. “What should we do today, doll?” He kissed the top of your head as he spoke the question.
You tilted your head to meet his handsome face. “How about a lazy day in? We can have a warm bath together before ordering some breakfast and start on some Christmas movies, maybe?”
Bucky’s eyes lit up, and a gorgeous smile crossed his face. “That sounds perfect, baby.”
You spent a few more moments tangled in the sheets, exchanging soft kisses and affectionate whispers, before you got up to continue your cozy morning with each other.
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Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
I don’t do taglists so please follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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latoyalestrange · 1 year
an idea for Sebastian x the MC: MC is on her period and walking with Sebastian when she has a bad cramp, one of those you can’t really ignore and need to sit down for a min and endure the pain. Sebastian’s immediate reaction is thinking she was cursed like Anne because she’s always out fighting goblins. She really doesn’t want to tell him because what teenage girl wants to talk about that with their crush but he’s so worried and won’t drop it. (side note: did teenage boys know about periods in the 1890’s? i deadass have no clue)
omg my mind juices are flowing. what a wonderful idea, anon. thank you for the free labor.
speaking of which, by the time i post this i will most likely have hit 500 followers!! ding ding ding!! why do you guys follow me? i defo do not deserve all the love you guys give me.
another question, how should we celebrate? there are no bad ideas because i have none. anyway, enjoy!
pinky promise
s. sallow x f!reader
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summary: normally you keep these things to yourself, or at least to you and your menstruating friends. but one sebastian sees you doubled over in pain, privacy goes out the window. he's so freaked out that you have no choice but to tell him the truth to ease him.
words: 0.6k
warnings: mentions of periods, cramping, angst, hurt/comfort, crying!seb, not edited!
you were just fine moments ago. you were walking with sebastian to the library to study, talking, joking, all of the normal things you would do. he didn't notice you weren't next to him at first. everything was just fine. but suddenly, everything came crashing down when he saw you clutch your side, your face twisting with anguish. he couldn't help it. he immediately saw anne in you, crying out in pain from her curse. everything slowed around him, all he could hear was his own heavy breaths as he stood helplessly in shock. a million thoughts were racing through his mind. he knew you were one to track down the remaining loyalists on your own, but how could he have missed it? you were probably in so much pain but with too much pride to admit it.
most of all, though, he was angry with himself for being unable to protect you. he'd already let it happen to his sister once, he should've taken more precautions. he should've known, he should've stopped it. without wasting another second, he raced to your side, wrapping his arm around you to support you.
"no, no, no, no, no...please don't tell me..." his voice was already breathless and trembling. with your eyes still screwed tightly shut, his words seemed distant, muffled almost. the sharp pain that suddenly surfaced in your abdomen shrouded all your other senses. you couldn't get a word out if you tried, so you just held up your hand, a weak attempt at calming him.
"no, no, i can't--" he didn't even try to hide the tears pooling in his amber eyes. he quickly dropped to his knees in front of you as you knelt over to get a better look at the expression on your face. his hand instinctively cupped your face.
"y/n, please tell me you weren't cursed, please!" he was full-on crying at this point, tears streaming down his freckled cheeks that were now flushed with worry. you were quickly brought back to reality, hearing the pain in his voice. you opened your eyes and instantly felt horrible.
you placed a comforting hand on his shoulder as you slowly started to straighten your spine as the cramp faded away. "no, sebastian, i'm fine--"
"no, you're not fine!" he was practically wailing now, gripping onto your robes hopelessly before wrapping his arms around your waist with an almost unbearable grip and hiding his dampened face in your torso. you were fast to rest your hands in his hair, gently patting it to somehow soothe him.
"sebastian, really, i'm okay, i'm just..." you continued running your fingers through his hair as you contemplated the truth. to be frank, this was something you were hoping you didn't have to talk with sebastian about. however, the lingering students in the central hall were already giving the two of you stares, you needed to calm him.
"it's...my time, sebastian." you tried to keep your voice hushed as to not draw more attention, but your wording sent him even further from relaxing.
"your time?!" he shouted incoherently, tears still streaming down his face.
you gasped, realizing your mistake, "no, no! sebastian, it's my time of the month." as if a switch had flipped in his brain, his brow softened immediately as he stared blankly at you.
"oh." he let his arms linger around your waist as he tried slowing his breathing. after a moment, he pulled you closer once more, his cheek flush with your stomach.
"please don't scare me like that again," he mumbled adorably, still holding tightly onto you.
"i--...sure, okay. i'm sorry, sebastian. i didn't mean to scare you, darling." you decided not to argue with him. in that moment, all he needed was love.
"and pinky promise no more ashwinder camps without me," he added, craning his neck to look up at you with puffy eyes. you suppressed a chuckle but still smiled down at him.
"pinky promise."
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lyingindecay · 1 month
I really loved your Thaddeus fic lol :))
So I was wondering if you could write another with this prompt.
“i bought a few pieces of lingerie. want me to model for you?”
Gnaws at the bars of my enclosure.
[Thaddeus x AFAB! Reader]
Summary: You get some lingerie from the dodgiest place, but it's okay because it's cute. You just have to show your boyfriend. Warnings: 18+ minors dni!, thigh riding, pet names, established relationship, first 'i love you's Word Count: 1.7k A/N: No pronouns used, but it is written wtih AFAB reader in mind. i love Thaddeus!!! this was supposed to be like 500 words since it's a prompt request, but this is a whole ass oneshot lmao i love writing thaddeus cause he's so failboy and sweet! hope you like this, thanks for the req!
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You are sneaking through a mall when it catches your attention. Lace and shiny silk. The horrible lighting of the mall does not help at all, but it’s still alluring. You pause to stare at the articles of clothing.
The one you want is red, a sultry red. Some dust spots, but still very beautiful. You snatch it up from the broken display and shake it out. You can’t help but wonder where it came from. It doesn’t look worn, just dirty from the world around it.
You hold it up and notice it’s a pair of lace underwear. Your smile widens. You look back down and find the bra just a few feet away. You bend down to pick it up and hear a gun click behind you. You freeze.
“What are you doing in my store?”
You groan. “Um,” Your hands, still holding the underwear, go up, “just looking around.”
“Thief!” The woman behind you shouts. You slowly turn and shake your head. “Yes, you’re trying to take my product!”
“Ma’am,” You think being polite will help. “I was unaware this was your shop! These clothes… they were laid out. Look,” You stare back at the bra on the ground. “I will pay you however many caps you want. I need this set…”
Her brow cocks. She drops her gun slightly. “Okay. One hundred caps.”
You purse your lips. “Fifty.”
“Seventy-five.” She deadpans. “Take that or bullet in your fucking head.”
You roll your eyes. “Fine.” You huff and grab your pouch of caps. “Take this.” You throw the bag at her. “You obviously need it more than me.” You mumble under your breath. She doesn’t question what you said. You grab the bra from the floor, stuffing that and the underwear into your bag, and turn back to the woman.
“Whoa!” She’s looking at the caps in what used to be your pouch, “I hope whoever you’re wearing that for fucks you nasty tonight. With this much, feel free to grab that green silk pair as well.”
Your eyes almost pop out of your head. “Thanks?” Your face contorts, but you don’t question her. You grab the other pair.
“No, thank you!” She closes the pouch. “Now, get the fuck out of here.”
You do not hesitate to listen. You rush out of the mall and back towards your place. You only hope your boyfriend has not made it back to your home yet. One, because you need to surprise him with your new clothes, and two, because you did not want him to be anxious about you not being home.
You reach the settlement and someone, one of your neighbors, walks up to you. “Uh, hey,” his face drops, his eyes move towards the left of him, and his hand motions the same way. You follow his hand and see he’s pointing to your house. “Who the fuck is that man on your porch?”
Your eyes focus and you notice someone on your porch, facing the door. His forehead is against it, his arms are by his sides. Your palm hits your forehead, and you sigh.
“He says he knows you… But won’t elaborate.”
“Yeah,” You nod. “I know him. That’s my boyfriend. I’m gonna go check on him.” You smile at your thoughtful neighbor and walk past him. “Thaddeus?” You know it’s him, but it comes out as a question. He turns around, lighting up. His forehead is red from leaning on your door. “Baby, what are you doing?”
He freezes in his tracks when you say ‘baby’. His brain seems to short circuit. His eyes widen and he smiles. A goofy smile.
“Did you just-” Thaddeus blinks a couple times. “You called me baby.”
“Well,” You walk up the steps and reach Thaddeus, “you are my boyfriend, so that seems-” Thaddeus’ color drains from his face. It’s your turn to freeze. “You are my boyfriend, aren’t you?”
He can read your panic. “I am! I’m your boyfriend!” He grabs your shoulders and pulls you into a hug. “I’m your boyfriend…” He seems to be reassuring himself. He pulls away and you give him a look of confusion.
“Um, Thaddeus, you alright, bud?” You cock a brow at him.
“Can you call me baby again?” He gives you a soft smile.
“Sweetheart,” You grab his shoulder, and your expression softens, “let’s go inside.” Thaddeus nods. You walk past him and open the door of your house. “I was out, uh, looking at some stuff.” You place your bag down and turn to Thaddeus. He nods, wanting you to continue. “I bought some… I bought a few pieces of lingerie. Want me to model them for you?”
You watch Thaddeus shift awkwardly. “Lingerie?” He seems flabbergasted. You nod at him. “You want to model it for me? Like, put it on and show me- show me what it looks like on you?”
You let out a soft laugh. “Yes, silly.”
Thaddeus nods violently. “Okay! You wanna do it now?”
You nod and turn, walking towards your room. You wave for him to follow you and he does, happily. You motion towards your bed, “Sit down, please!” As soon as he does you walk back out of your room, “I’ll be right back. Close your eyes!”
You peek over your shoulder and see if he’s following orders. He is. He always is. You grab your bag and carry it to the bathroom with you. You strip down and grab out the red lace pair first. You put them on and stare at yourself in the mirror. You suck in air and smile.
“You coming out soon?” Thaddeus sounds excited and impatient.
You open the bathroom door and walk towards your room. You lean against the door frame and clear your throat. “You can open your eyes.”
He doesn’t hesitate. Not in the slightest. His eyes hit you, they’re going up and down your body. He doesn’t know where to settle. His hands rub up and down his thighs and he swallows hard. You bite the inside of your lip and raise your brows at him. “Do you like it?”
Thaddeus nods, unsure of what to say. “Can I-” He stops. “I want to touch you.”
“Oh,” You stand up straight and saunter towards Thaddeus. His legs spread slightly, and he gently pats his thigh. You sit down, straddling his thigh and you wrap your arms around his neck. “Y’know what’d be really hot?” You raise a brow at him. He hums, the only sound he can form as he stares at your chest. “Me getting off on your thigh.”
His eyes cut up from your breasts to your face. “Oh?” He is thinking about it. “That would be really hot.” You nod slowly in agreement, your heels planting on the wood floor. You grab a hold of Thaddeus’ shoulders to steady yourself and your boyfriend watches you. You begin to grind on his thigh, slow and steady.
Thaddeus’ hands move to your hips, and he holds you. His eyes watch you closely; how your tits bounce, how focused you look. You are absolutely divine, before him like a feast. And you are all his. You lean forward and begin to kiss him. Thaddeus doesn’t hesitate to kiss back. His hands grip your hips tighter as you roll into his thigh, and you moan.
Thaddeus’ tongue darts into your mouth. You continue to rock on his thigh as Thaddeus’ tongue explores your mouth. You let out a low whine and your nails dig into his shirt, scratching at his back. Thaddeus’ mouth moves from yours and to your jaw. He places sloppy kisses down your throat.
“Thaddeus-” You mewl. “Baby,” that catches his attention. He pulls away and looks at you. Your head is rolled back and your eyes are shut. “Help me out here. I’m so close!”
He pauses. His hands bare down on your hips as you grind into his thigh. Thaddeus raises his heel, resting on his tiptoes before bringing his foot back down. You let out a strangled noise and lean into him, your chest against his. “Again! Please, do that again!”
Thaddeus is obedient, and he does as he’s told. The friction from the fabric and his thigh has you slowly unraveling. A heat is building up and your body grows tense. You push yourself up on your tiptoes, getting a better angle on his thigh and place your forehead against Thaddeus’ shoulder. You let out a soft, pleasure filled cry.
“Thaddeus!” You moan into his shoulder. “Fuck!” Your grinding picks up the pace. Your orgasm hits hard and you are tense against Thaddeus. You’re groaning and moaning against him, your movements coming to a halt. You say the first thing that comes to mind as you come down from that euphoric high. “I love you.” You whisper into his neck as you place a kiss against it.
Thaddeus tenses up. “What did you say?”
You smile against his neck, “I love you.” You say it with more confidence.
“You do?” Thaddeus seems to short circuit again. You laugh and pull away from him looking in his eyes. You nod at him. He gives you a smile. “I love you too!”
You place your forehead to his and bite the inside of your lip. “Y’know, I spent an awful lot of caps on this lingerie, and I still have another pair to show you-”
“How much did you spend?” Thaddeus’ brows knit together.
Your face drops. “Uh, enough for the vendor to tell me she hopes whoever I’m wearing it for fucks me nasty…”
Thaddeus swallows hard. “I can do that- Give you your caps worth.” He shifts, obviously hard. He palms his pants and you smirk at him.
“There’s no doubt in my mind. Do you want me to show you the other pair? Or-”
You do not get to finish. Thaddeus shakes his head ‘no’. “You can show me later, I’m about to lose my fucking mind. I need you.” You laugh, and as soon as you give the ‘okay’ Thaddeus is on you. You’re flipped onto the bed and he’s above you. “I wanna show you how much I love you.”
You know you aren’t leaving the house for the rest of the day.
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infiniteetcetera · 4 days
The recent discourse of “Cassian/Nesta don’t make sense as mates from a power standpoint” is so interesting (and true) but I also find it interesting that I don’t think there really is any other SJM world mates that parallel Cassian/Nesta?? Like there’s nothing about them that reads as mates to me. Whether you like them or not, Feysand, Rowaelin, Elucien, and Quinlar all make perfect sense to me as mates (even if it’s not in a romance sense but in like a powers/fantasy bond/parallels sense) The only SJM couple that comes close to Nessian in terms of parallels for me is (Nessian stans turn away now) Azriel/Mor.
There are actually a lot of interesting parallels here on the surface/in terms of scenes. I give you examples:
• Mor yanking her hand away from Az and Cassian yanking his hand away from Nesta, even though the action shows incredible (rare) vulnerability from Az/Nesta.
• The entire Cauldron/end of ACOMAF scene, Cassian’s reactions to Nesta being hurt and Azriel’s reactions to Mor getting hurt are the same.
• A complete lack of understanding for one another despite their connection?? Cassian and Nesta are almost never on the same page and Mor and Azriel still fail to understand each other after 500 years of friendship.
•Choosing Rhys/orders over each other, specifically when it matters most.
•The way Mor describes Azriel’s feelings of inadequacy and feeling undeserving of her are exactly how Nesta describes her feelings for Cassian and not being good enough for him (also neither Cas/Mor has ever told the other they’re wrong for feeling that way).
•Despite their own disregard of the others feelings, Cassian/Mor demonstrate a similar weird possessiveness over Nesta/Azriel, in particular i’m thinking of Cassians reaction to Neris (even though Nesta doesn’t even like Eris) and Mor’s reaction to Elriel (like you’re a Lesbian girl why do you care who Az is flirting with)
•A surface level parallel of powers that implies a subservience that isn’t normal with mating bonds (where powers are meant to compliment each other, even if one is slightly more powerful.) For example, Nesta’s power is death and Cassian is a war general (who delivers death, but is inherently subservient to it) and Mor’s power is “truth” while Azriel is an interrogator with a knife called truth teller (again sort of subservient to the idea and pursuit of truth, not equal to it)
•The implication of having no shared hobbies and one being forced into doing what the other likes (Nesta training to become more like Cas, Azriel going to Rita’s and generally putting himself out there to please Mor)
•The manipulation of emotions to force the other into doing what they want. Nesta goes from 0 to 100 in accepting the bond bc Cassian pushes this idea of being “shackled” to her and reminding her she’s inferior/not enough for him. Mor is constantly using Azriel’s feelings to force him to talk/agree to plans and just generally do what she/the IC wants
•The complete IGNORING of an implicit love confession (Az/Mor after the Autumn court debacle, Cas/Nes at the end of ACOWAR) even though ignoring it is weird and makes no sense.
WHY DO I POINT ALL THIS OUT? I think these parallels could mean some important things, especially because SJM could have chosen to ignore all the weird/bad things about Nessian and pretend they had a happily ever after following ACOSF but she didn’t. So, what are the options here?
1) I’ve seen this one a few times and I think it’s an interesting concept: there are “true” mating bonds, like those in TOG, and there are “cauldron” mating bonds, which have less to do with love/romance/compatibility and more to do with breeding and just generally creating a path the cauldron deems suitable. I think Mor/Azriel being “cauldron” mates would be a great way to explore this concept since Mor can’t love Azriel, giving Azriel a chance to be with someone purely out of choice (no matter who that is), and forcing the Archeron sisters to contemplate their mating bonds and whether they really want their mates (I focus more on Nes/Elain here, I hold true that Feysand is here to stay, though this could be an interesting contention point for Rhys)
2) This seems less likely to me but would be SO interesting: Rhys has the power to fake mating bonds to a certain degree and has been doing so when it suits him. Now let me specify one thing: Rhys did NOT fake his bond with Feyre, we do know this for certain. Based on his thoughts it’s also very likely he did NOT fake Elucien’s bond. HOWEVER i think it is totally plausible and makes sense for him to fake a bond between Mor/Azriel and Cassian/Nesta as a means of controlling Azriel and Nesta. We are told several times throughout the series Rhys doesn’t know how to control Az and the first time we see Az try to defy him (by being with Elain) what does Rhys immediately ask??? wHaT aBoUt mOr, aZ? Such a weird thing to bring up, except it’s not when you get to the basis of all Mor and Az’s interactions and why people think Az loves Mor (he does what she says and tries to make her happy, even to his own loss) except apparently when it suits Rhys. We’ve seen the SAME vibe with Nessian, and we know Rhys has been hardcore struggling to control Nesta. I think if he saw they had some mutual attraction, faking a bond there would make sense. it would also make sense they were able to avoid/ignore each other for so long (like the bond was faded) but then have an intense connection when around each other
3) These parallels mean nothing except SJM poorly wrote both of these pairings 💔
Truly, I know NOTHING for sure but I hope SJM chooses to do something interesting with these pairs rather then leaving them with weird icky damaging histories and ignoring them. Cant be too sure but I have some hope
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Welcome to the third annual Sailor Moon Rare Pair Week! The event will take place from March 24th - March 30th, 2024, but I'm announcing the themes early to give everyone plenty of time to create their fanworks.
What counts as a rare pair for this event, you ask? Any pairing that isn't Usagi/Mamoru (or any of their incarnations), pretty much! (Don’t get too hung up on the word “rare”. Just roll with it, okay?) They usually have their own week, so this event is a chance for fans to show their love for pairings other than the Miracle Romance, canon or not. You can even include poly, platonic, and cross-over ships, if you'd like! Almost anything goes, as long as you follow some simple guidelines.
Fanworks should somehow incorporate the one of the day's themes. (You can pick just one; you don't have to use both.) How you choose the interpret the theme is up to you!
A non-UsaMamo pair must be the MAIN focus of the work (although Usagi/Mamoru can appear as a side pairing or as part of a polycule).
All ratings allowed.
No smut involving underage characters, which I'm defining as under 18 years old. Otherwise, as long as the characters are portrayed as adults in the fanwork, go wild! Just please make sure to properly tag.
Pairings of all sexual/romantic orientations welcome.
Fanfics should be a minimum of 500 words. Poetry may be shorter, though. (If you would prefer to write drabbles instead, you can write five separate 100-word drabbles about the day's themes, but a day's entry should still be at least 500 words long. You have over four months until the week begins and plenty of time afterward if you don't finish in time. That's plenty of time to write 500 words. I don't think that's too much to ask.) If you're writing fanfic, I REALLY would prefer you post your fics on AO3 or Fanfiction.net and provide a link to your story, but if you must post on Tumblr itself, please make use of the "Read More" option.
Fanart should be a completed drawing. (Any fanart portraying nudity or anything of an R/NC-17 nature should be cropped if immediately visible on your Tumblr post and/or posted with the appropriate community label. You can post the full image under a "Read More" or provide a link to the image on another site.)
Graphics, image boards, playlists, cosplay photos, crafts, meta/essays, etc. are also welcome!
Comments, kudos, and reblogs are encouraged, but don't be a jerk! If you're not a fan of a pairing, please just ignore and move on.
On Tumblr, if you tag #smrarepairweek2024, I will reblog your post. I'll tag explict art and fics reblogs as #nsfw, so feel free to block that tag if you'd rather not see those posts.
Please do not post your works anywhere until the day dedicated to your chosen theme. An AO3 collection has now been set up for this year's event. (Adding your work to the collection will not be required.) If you'd like to look back at the last event's works, the 2023 collection can be found here.
And here is the 2022 collection.
Day 1: Magic/Mundane Day 2: Hugs/Kisses Day 3: Fire/Ice Day 4: Music/Silence Day 5: Birth/Death Day 6: Break-Up/Make-Up Day 7: Free
(Event Organizer: @kaleidodreams)
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kosmicdream · 6 months
.. and Nasty Red Dogs… 
And some other miscellaneous thoughts about comics, writing, and time.... AND ENDINGS...
As I’m approaching 10 years on FFAK and NRD is currently 5, I’ve been reflecting a lot on How far this journey with comics has taken me and how far I still have yet to go. For those unaware, my first webcomic was actually Eggshells, which started in 2011, but i only started posting pages publicly in 2013. It too is unfinished, but its planned for 7 chapters. (I’m currently working on chapter 5, which probably will come out early next year.) I have 9 ongoing comics I’m working on. NINE!! 3 of those are FFAK related. (FFAK, After Dinner Treat, and the prequel series “Help.”) It is so many comics though. And beyond that! I have two other stories I’ve been working on for the past few years in secret, one being Nice Blue Cats, which I might still draw as a comic someday.. As well as a series of “one shots” that is meant to be its own collection. Slugmom and “The Teacher & The Fairy” are part of these one shot collections. Which, uh, it was designed to help me practice writing short stories. Which TT&TF is now going to be three parts long, and roughly 300 pages. So I guess that’s short enough…? Ha.. laughs… Anyway, as I was saying.. Sometimes I’m sure, readers might wonder. “Do you ever feel overwhelmed, with so many projects Kosmic?” Yeah dude. I sure fucking do. I got 9 of them! That’s more than a full pokemon team of projects that are potentially a decade + of work. A couple of them already are a decade old/older at this point. (Praeymoon is actually one of my oldest-lasting projects, even tho its first chapter only finally released in 2023.. I first attempted to draw ch1 back in 2016, but was unable to finish it and scrapped the “full color” angle i was trying then. ) All my current ongoing comic projects are as follows: Feast for a King, Nasty Red Dogs, Eggshells, The Teacher & the Fairy, Replacer, The Eyes of Miasma, FFAK: After Dinner Treat, FFAK: Help, are all written. The only one which isnt fully written is Praeymoon, which I don’t mind because the way that story is organized is almost more of a sandbox-fantasy world of mini stories. I’ll be honest, if you havent heard of Replacer or The Eyes of Miasma, I don’t blame you- its not that i don’t like those stories. They just kind of are the “most neglected” comics yet I’m also kind of amazed they exist at all, like I DONT know how I found the time to draw over 100 pages for both of them. They also have fully written outlines and all things considered, are probably only going to be under 400-500 pages in length. But that’s still a decent amount of work there. Its been ten years since I more or less started making webcomics… and as I plan, and try to calculate all my projects for the next 10 years, my main priority at the moment is well.. Finishing all of these fucking stories one way or another. Its hard! I don’t know if I can as I put way too much on my plate. But at the same time like.. Whatever. I could easily drop most of them, if I felt inclined to - but I don’t. They are my library of work, and I’ve sort of made an artist oath to myself that I will see as many of them to the end as I can. I’m excited that three are very close to its end. (Nasty Red Dogs, The Teacher & the Fairy, and Eggshells.) After that well.. I’ll see what I can cross off my list next once I get there.. That’s still going to take years to get those done. But hopefully not too many. 
[Spoilers for potential LENGTHS of FFAK/NRD.. And other things.. I speak very transparently about writing and working on comics here AND including my thoughts on ENDINGS.. You’ve been warned]
I’m comfortable enough sharing that the fairy comic is 3 parts, Eggshells is 7 chapters, but when it comes to FFAK/NRD.. Its much harder to give an estimate, or if sharing those things will only be disappointing or annoying to hear about.. If you have ever been around me for more than 10 minutes, i am constantly talk about the “length left” on these projects a lot anyway. At night, i count them in my head. In the day, I write little lists as if I’ve forgotten the names of them.. They are MY LIST.
 But for those who do not know and wish to, NRD is likely going to end with 10 chapters. I have extended this in the past, so it could still change.. but it only really has gotten “longer” due to pacing of scenes rather than the actual content. And Honestly, it was paced out specifically to avoid this next chapter. Not that I didn’t want to draw it, its because i was Scared to do it.. Why? Because there’s cars I have to draw in it. And dogs. I have drawn those things before, at least once or twice. But I do not enjoy drawing cars or dogs. Dogs are okay now, but i hate that they have legs. Dont give me references, i have those. Its just how my brain is, with those fuckign legs and how there’s four of them. I know practice makes perfect. Or do-able. I have drawn amost 1000 pages of NRD, i dont remember how they bend and i’ve forgiven myself for knowing there’s just some things god cannot do, which is to give kosmic the ability to look at a dog leg and understand. Anyway. Because of this reason, somehow, finishing NRD with it only possibly being 4 more chapters, still feels harder than finishing ALL of FFAK - which (drumroll) might be .. only around 10 or 12 chapters left. Yes, you heard me- for the second AND third arc. 10 or 12 more. Will that also change? Probably!!!!!! Like, yes… its been 9 years and I’ve completed a lot more than just 10 chapters of comics in that time.. But wrapping up a story is way harder and I dont know what that’s like..yet! But i feel still confident that i will. I mean, i don’t really have any other choice than to experience it. I used to recoil and fall apart just emotionally contemplating finishing FFAK. my FUCKING baby. My joy. You mean that has to end?? NEVER. My attachment to it and the characters was incomparable to anything else I had done, and in my mind ever WILL make… (and that is still true.) But.. I’m okay with that now and I actually look forward to seeing how it could end up. Even if its bad! 
Its kind of weird to say, I just don’t really think it will be.. super good? Like.. it could be? I don’t know how readers will react. I dont even know how I feel about the whole thing.. I have felt so many feelings about this comic already, now I’m kind of.. Past it in a new stage. Zen like peace almost. There’s just.. so much that I wanted to PUT in FFAK and so much i could STILL put in. But I kind of just am okay with what i wrote, does that even make sense? The whole comic has felt like such a fluke to me, from the very start. And I managed to accidentally make so many great things in it I don’t actually understand sometimes. And my dreams for the comic has been nearly limitless. I couldn’t possibly contain all the feelings I’ve had over this story over the many years I have been making it, and all the incredible narrative outcomes I could see the characters going in.. the possibilities, the parallels.. The anime music videos..  I would NOT compare my writing style to GRRM, I haven’t read his books. but I can’t help but feel a bit like a weird baby version of him with the amount of cast members I have to push around and draw.. And I want to be clear. If FFAK was written as a book, it wouldn’t happen. I cannot write books. I do not think writing books is easier/faster than making comics, but sometimes it is hard to have to draw everyone. Point is, I understand the reality of a long-term comic project now, I have numbers and logs to prove it  and my range. And I’m fairly consistent, even in my low days. So.. in recent years my writing style has.. has changed to accommodate.. Those.. General Realities i’ve observed in myself. 
That’s why the second arc excites me. It has a lot of uhh, urgency that underlies it. You might have already noticed a change in the tone in chapter 16, which I’ve been working on for almost a year now. (I mean, I’ve been working on the written version for.. LOL.. much longer.) Maybe you haven’t! It could all just be from my own POV with how differently i feel that I delegate time to characters now. I did not start “writing” FFAK until chapter 10, and then i did not really start WRITING writing ffak until about.. Honestly, i want to say as late as 2019. It TOOK SO LONG you guys. I dont even know how many fucking thousands of pages of madness word documents I’ve got, with revision after revision and trying to list, contain, every possibly plotline… character backstory.. Blah blah blah.. Ive cut it down so much its impressive only to me. I don’t remember my lore anymore , and i love it. My readers probably know my lore better, and I don’t love it. Except when it benefits me. Then Its good. I would not describe myself as a RUTHLESS cut THROAT author, im actually too way sentimental to really let go of anyone. That’s why it took me so long to kill off Rock, but also because I wanted spoon to look really sexy and evil and that’s hard to do sometimes when I cant remember what half side he is. And when he was flipping around, I had to actually make a paper doll for him so i could TRY .. TRY to draw his arm on the correct side. Sometimes I didn’t. I just let it go if the drawing is good enough and i let it be a fun game for the readers to catch. But anyway, That’s why characters like Aeschylus are still around. Now that time has passed, I kind of regret it. Rome was right.. I dont need Aeschylus here and I’m mad he brought his friend Randall too. That being said, they’re some of my favorite characters in this arc even if they’re totally useless. In general, i have tried my best to not repeat all my writing sins and all my regrets of arc 1. I would not have been able to do this without the help of NRD to help get me to see that I can get attached and motivated to write new stories. When I hit my writing block in 2016/2017, it almost broke FFAK. FFAK still continued, but it also didn’t. But i was patient, and i worked through it.. And now I look forward to the ends of my comics, not because I want them to end but I’m very deeply excited for all the new opportunities my imagination to go to. I don’t know what that will be like. I don’t know how long it will still take me to get there, but I have it on [digital] paper and it does feel good to see that. Its affirming. I feel like i have a clear mission and I feel strong enough to really do it and commit to it. The second arc has barely started but in my heart I’ve made peace with the ending, whatever it might actually result as. 
Plus if I finish it and its so bad, I’m sure that will be inspiring in itself! People might actually write fanfics!! I think a lot of readers are NOT going to enjoy the ships, for one. The MEAN greedy part of me hopes they don’t. That’s the most ruthless part of my writing to me is the ship choices. Oh! My evil mind. I mean theres no possible way to please everyone, or even myself, but there is a possible way to displease a lot of people. Including myself. So that’s kind of the route I find myself drawn to. Why? Because it gets me out of the hole of like.. I dunno, being stuck. 
I used to write out a lot of big posts but over the years, I’ve kinda stopped. Mostly bc they were honestly really repetitive..or about lore that didn’t truly matter too much… That hasn’t really changed. This post is more or less “im still working on it, everyone! Just hang tight! Wow it’ll be a crazy wild ride” but it also is something I wanted to write to myself as words of encouragement. This has been a tough year. Like so tough that its hard to think about. But its very nice to feel like, i guess, my drive for my stories hasn’t gone anywhere. If anything, i really feel like i’ve gone through the mourning and ego death of “not being able to write a thing how you want” and now I’ve made total peace with it. Its just gonna be what it is, and I like that actually. When my life is tough, my comics at the moment serve as a place of hope for me - and assurance that I can survive through tough years. That’s the message they have ultimately given me, finished or not. And… I honestly don’t think of FFAK or NRD as my masterpieces or anything, but i know they might very well be the only stories people will know of when they think of me. If they think of me! So I wanna do a complete job with those. Rest assured, it’ll get there. I cant make big promises about all the comics I work on… even the bonus comics for FFAK, but at least those main two are my main priorities. That has not changed. THE FIRE is still in me. Even if FFAK took a like.. Mental.. 5 year hiatus its back baby. 
I’m about 30 pages in to my 50 page script for chapter 16, so I guess it’ll be around 300-400 pages more before its done. Things are picking up speed! So it could be less. I am also preparing for the monster that is the 7th nasty red dogs chapter. I cannot stress ENOUGH that this next chapter, I have put off since chapter 4. Yes, I’ve actually buffed the story out to be longer than it intended, just to avoid drawing it. I even put a horse guy in there, I never draw horses because those ALSO have legs but they’re worse than dog legs. And, its not that i didn’t want to draw this part of the comic! But I didn’t think i could do it. It intimidated me. It still does, but, I’m gonna do it already. I know chapters 8-10 will be hard too but like…eh… I know in my heart its gonna really be about 7 for me. It always has been about 7 to me.. 2024 will be a big year for my comics for sure, just because of that alone I think. Not only will I have chapter 16 done, as the first step of the 2nd arc and a new adventure of my apocalyptic wormy drama, I’ll be facing my fears of the dog variety. Its TIME. 
I’m so happy people have stuck around for my work, or shared it with others, even if they’re a strange mess. Its interesting to see, who comes and goes. I still enjoy refreshing my comments every morning when I wake up, and right before I go to bed. Its comforting.
My closing thoughts on this. I don’t HATE the ending of FFAK. I… like it! Its an ending. But I LOVE the ending to NRD. i think that ones legit good, i hope. With FFAK, part of me kinda hopes that turning up the pressure on myself of proceeding anyway will help the story. I don’t really know, or expect the ending to change though LOL…. Maybe i’ll come up with something better, but it will be too late so I cant do it or something, and then we can ALL write fanfics together of something else. Then sometimes I think about GUNNM and how the first ending was retconned but then last order was like? Basically the first ending again? I dont know actually, its hard to remember. THATS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN BTW. Also the ending is not everyone dies, even though that ending is fun and tempting. I didn’t do it, because end of evangelion already exists and its got a great song to go along with it too. YES it is also tempting to have someone go “WELL That was A FEAST.. For a KING” as the like final line, but I.. it wont wont. I prommy i take the ending seriously.
The reason I wanted to write all this, with webcomics, I think in general too people are so scared about writing their big comics that take 328523895235 years and the ending being bad. I see so many webcomics just, kinda die before the finale.. Which I totally understand, But I just.. Wanna show everyone that its much better and much more satisfying to just write the ending even if its a fucking disaster LOL. Because ultimately, its a webcomic. I don’t even know how to spell but people read mine! And so.. If theres anything I feel like i can promise and deliver to the world of the internet/my readers, is this big fucking disaster mess.. But it will end someday! And I’ll miss it. I hope readers will too, when that day comes (?) in probably another… 10 years…. idk.... BUT UNTIL THEN.. I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of chapter 16!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Kosmic Dream
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mrstsugikuni · 11 months
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"His Moonlight."
(name) kibutsuji is the daughter of muzans kibutsuji and out of all his off spring she has proven herself worthy to him. Kokushibo always saw her as distraction since muzan has actually taken a liking to her and actually loved her, he was almost always busy spoiling her and giving her his attention. Kokushibo never understood why until he finally saw what he saw his heart taking it's first beat in 500 years.
This whole story will be in kokus pov. Unless said other wise in one of the chapters!
WARNING: The story itself WILL contain suggestive scenes, and/or sexual encounters. I will put a warning before the scene so you can skip if you're not comfortable. Anyways enjoy the story lovelies 🫶
(Also I know demon don't exactly sleep but please just go with it ALSO! ⚠️ NSFW ⚠️ A wet dream at the beginning nothing too big)
Chapter 2
"K-koku~ please!~"
Her voice sounds broken, and raspy. The suns about to go down and I haven't stopped pounding her since sunrise. I've shaped her cunt to my liking. The futon covered in sweat and juices, and by the way she's squirming under me I can tell she's about to have yet another orgasm. She looks so weak under me and I love it, I love feeling powerful, having control, and making others feel weak and vulnerable.
'hm? Who was that!' I thought as I slowed my pace earning a desperate whine from the female under me.
"Kokushibo, wake up!"
'wake up? I am awake.'
I jumped from my futon, panting slightly trying to understand what exactly was going on and if I'm still dreaming or not but my thoughts vanished when I saw muzan standing in front of me.
"kokushibo, I have put my trust in you to fulfil this task for me- well more of a favor." My master had said and I knew what he was about to say. "I would like you to watch my daughter while I am out."
I sighed rubbing my nose temple before standing up and bowing to my master showing I understood. I got up from my bowing stance and began to put my clothes on since I chose to get comfy.
"[Name] darling you can come in now!" Muzans said as his daughter walked in with a suit case, she smiled happily and looked around admiring the beautiful house. "What a lovely house you have!" I bowed showing my "gratitude" when in reality I didn't care what she thought, her thoughts were a mere ant.
"I will be on my way now please take good care of her." He said to me before going over to his daughter kissing her on the forehead and telling her to be safe before disappearing.
I could tell she already missed him by the way she was acting and her small frown but smiled anyways and looked at me. "Ehe- do you perhaps have a spare bedroom." That's when it dawned upon me, I do not. My guest bedrooms are pretty much used as feasting rooms. "No, I do not." I said sweat dripping from my cheek, because even though I hate her she is still the daughter of muzan and is extremely powerful. "Oh no worries is it ok if we share a room? I'll stay in the furthest corner if you don't mind of course." She said nervously, it's always surprised me how she's muzans daughter but yet so gentle and kind. Must be her moms genes, pathetic.
"I do not mind, you may sleep in my room." I said trying to sound as nice as possible. "Ah! What lovely news thank you! Where is your room so I may set my stuff down?" She had asked and I turned to show her where my room was.
She followed me, her smile never once faltering it was disgusting, almost as of though she has more human in her than anything, her heart beats and she shows emotions it's a repulsive sight.
We made it to my room as I slid the door open allowing her access to my room and do as she pleased. Just like she said she went to the furthest corner and got all her stuff situated.
I walked off deciding I'd leave her be to do her own thing, I wandered off into the living space sitting down on one of the tatami mats.
I couldn't recall how long she was in there for but it felt like an eternity, I was starting to get hungry so I made my way back to the room to see if she was too.
Walking into the room I saw she was just sitting there on her futon not moving an inch as if she didn't exactly know what to do, it was a little awkward if I'd say so myself. "Would you like to go hunting with me?" I asked trying to get her attention and it did, she nodded excitedly as she got up from her futon. "May I get into a different outfit? this one may prevent me from moving the way I wish." She looked away awkwardly and I nodded. "If you'd like, I'll be out in the living room." I slid the door shut rolling my eyes and walking out into the living room. 'A very strange girl.'
After a few mins of waiting she finally came out wearing a loose kimono that was cut short, and under was a pair of loose pants. An outfit made to trick any opponent in battle, it's difficult to determine her next move. 'Strange and smart.'
"Ready?" I asked as I heard my stomach growl loudly once more, she looked at where the sound came from and snickered nodding her head yes and walking outside. "What... what's funny?" I questioned, she shrugged and looked at me. "Nothing really, but I guess I don't need to ask if you're ready by the sounds of it." she smiled and began walking towards the shoji door and I followed her.
It's when she acts like this that I totally forget she's even muzans daughter, her bubbly personality. the part that makes her human. The part that makes her attractive... I mentally slapped myself. I'm disappointed in myself and the way I think. but how can I not. she does something to me, she's put a spell on me, and I wish she'd undo this horrible spell. not even a spell. A curse.
The curse that sends my sins crawling up my back. the gut wrenching feeling I get when she speaks. The urge to throw up when she looks at me with her eyes. I can't stand this horrible feeling. I want nothing to do with this repulsive feeling and these throat twisting thoughts.
But now I have to watch her for god knows how long.. and i'll be stuck with the thoughts for that long.
I just hope muzan-sama comes back soon.
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