#i have been trudging around a field all day and this was all i could think about
fatedtruths · 1 year
please enjoy this ridiculously long meta about That Pool Scene and my canon .
so this jim , the one in the designer suits and the undying confidence is the one that is the truest to who he is , the one he is the most when no one is looking , he is still ACTING , to a degree , but it is also the most EMOTIONAL that he gets.
he's grieving , he's angry and he's frustrated . and he's acting
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frustrated because sherlock took so much effort to get with the programme and find out who he was , find out what he did . mycroft had approached him ! mycroft had tired to get him to come to the table for years ! but sherlock? he's been skirting around him since he was a child and never quite connected the dots. it's upsetting really , the amount of things he had to throw in his face for the consulting detective to even understand what was going on under his nose .
i've cut lose all those people, all those little problems, even thirty million quid just to get you to come out and play
(sherlock : I will stop you. ) No you wont.
these two quotes give away his frustration at sherlock the most , that sherlock couldn't just connect the dots in the first place, that he had to go to the elaborate scheme of the pips and the bombs just to get him to pay attention . the fact that sherlock thinks this is a power play that can be stopped or won rather than what it actually is ( REVENGE ) jim is already set on stopping himself , eventually , he already knows he's building to that. no you wont , mr holmes , no you wont .
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the angry grief is actually painfully clear and is often written across his face both when he snaps and when he talks more quietly. the apathy at certain points is a clear sign that he is tring to get what he is feeling under control and , truthfully , jim thought he did a really bad job at hiding his emotions . he thought his grief and his anger was really clear , it felt very clear to him . he didn't feel like he hid it well at all .
( sherlock : people have died. ) that's what people do ! i can see why you enjoy having him around , people do get so sentimental about their pets , they're so touchingly loyal
this also feeds into his frustration later, he is telling sherlock why he is doing this ( people get so sentimental about their pets /// i will burn the heart out of you ) he's telling him and in his mind shouting from the rooftops why he is doing this and no one seems to understand , no one seems to get it ( sebastian would've got it ) but these damn holmes brothers are in such emotional denial that they can't beleieve even for a moment , they can't even entertain the idea , that this might actually be personal.
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in fact his threat towards the end of the scene hints to his endgame .
take this as a friendly warning, my dear, back off do you know what happens if you dont leave me alone sherlock, do you ?( sherlock : oh let me guess, i get killed. ) kill you ? oh no dont be obvious, i mean im going to kill you anyway , someday. i dont want to rush it though. i'm saving it up for something special. no no no , if you dont stop prying i will burn you, i will burn the heart out of you.
he says here how sherlock isn't the primary target , sure he's going to kill him but that's part of the plan , the plan to rip the heart out of mycroft holmes . ( so mycroft knows what it feels like ) but he's saying here that if sherlock keeps trying to stop him then he will also turns his sights on john , molly and lestrade as well . in this moment he's weighing up whether that would be worth it . whether sherlock being sad would be enough to hurt mycroft initially . in this moment , it's an option but it's not part of the plan .
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between the emotinal outburts ( for him ) jim lays the foundations for sherlock to keep pestering him , just in case he does want to target sherlock's friends too , to keep going after him like a dog with a bone which jim knows will only serve to stress and worry mycroft more.
no one ever gets to me . . . and no one ever will ( sherlock : I did ) you've come the closest and now you're in my way
initially he just plays to sherlock's ego ----sherlock who is practically the kid at the back of the class demanding attention , making everyone listen to how clever he is , jim is tempted to pat him on the head ---- tells him he was the one who came the closest to getting to him except he wasn't . he isn't. he isn't remotely close to that.
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then right at the end we see the extent of his grief and his anger . he leaves , decides to plan something bigger , to take sherlock out later and he changes his mind. he has sherlock in his sights , and he knows mycroft will know it was him . . . more than that , with mycroft being the one putting sherlock on the missile plans case he might even blame himself for it . so he comes back in , he changes his mind , he's going to take him out now . he wants his revenge . now.
sorry boys! im so changeable [...] you can't be allowed to continue , you just cant
and then his phone rings . . .
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alchemistc · 16 days
"Any plans for your days off, Buck?"
Buck knows his grin is a little feral, but he's kind of hoping that'll throw them off the trail. It's barely been a year, and in that time they've had three natural disasters, one copter crash, a boss intent on making Buck's life a living hell, and two almost break-ups.
It's too soon, to know for sure, except Athena and Bobby had known, and Hen and Karen had known even if they were too scared to admit it at first, and Chim and Maddie may have taken a little longer to get there but they'd known.
And Buck knows. He knows he's never felt like this about anyone before. Knows no one has ever had the ability to infuriate him and calm his fears quite like Tommy Kinard can. Knows they could have done this like they joked about six months ago and they wouldn't have regretted it.
Hen is making a face like she's trying to decide if she wants to know whatever head-tilt-cheek-bite sexual innuendo Buck's got in the barrel, because she only appreciates that about half of the time and Buck's praying she decides on no because he's a terrible fucking liar and he doesn't like keeping things from people. But it's sort of a secret, for the next 48 hours, and Buck also wants to bask in it, wants to enjoy keeping it to himself for just a little while.
"Our Buckaroo is all grown up and refusing to over share about his sex life, praise be," Chim chips in, and Buck tucks his chin to his chest and hopes his pink cheeks read as embarrassed.
His phone buzzes in his pocket, and around him lockers slam and voices drift over him. He's only got eyes for the text that just came through.
Bird's ready, suits are pressed, room is paid up. You wanna go to Adele, after? I think I know one of her people.
You know everyone, stop bragging, I'm already impressed
I'm always gonna try to impress you. You still at the station?
Yeah but not for long. I'll see you in like forty
"--right Buck?"
Buck blinks, hums, stares across at Chim.
"Please tell me you're not sexting at work right now."
"Technically, we are off the clock."
"I'll remind Clipboard Buck of that next time he shows up."
He's zipping up his bag when his phone buzzes again.
See you soon, baby.
He's pretty sure he's gonna get away with it - Hen and Chim are arguing about some reality show as they all trudge toward the open bay doors, and though he can hear their voices further back, Eddie and Bobby still seem to be deep in conversation.
Ravi comes out of left field, because of course he does, just finished inventory still clutched in his hand as he rounds the engine closest to Buck. "Hey, Buck, you and Tommy wanna catch that movie tomorrow night? I picked up a shift but I've got like twelve off in between."
Buck winces. Damn, so close. "Sorry, bud, we actually won't be in town."
Which he's realizing now is pretty uncharacteristic of the both of them, and Hen and Chim have clocked it, so he's gonna have to make a run for it, but he catches sight of raised brows and questioning expressions and he can't give them nothing.
"Tommy's taking me to Vegas, we might see Adele, okay bye!"
They absolutely let him make a break for it, let him scramble into the Jeep, let him send them all a quick wave before he peels out of his parking spot, and Buck spends the drive to Harbor viscously ignoring the steady buzzing from his phone.
Tommy snags the backpack from his shoulder before he's fully out the door, and tugs a belt loop to pull him close. Buck is pretty sure he'll never get over how much he likes being manhandled, just a bit.
"You wanna tell me why Chim and Hen both wished us a good flight?"
"Ravi ambushed me on my way out the door. Technically, they don't know anything about anything, except maybe Adele."
Tommy's fond smile makes Buck feel all warm and tingly inside, and he basks in the glow as Tommy nudges a knee between the open bow of Buck's legs.
Tommy's expression morphs, a bit, lips dropping as he tilts his head. "You having second thoughts? We don't have to-."
"No. No second thoughts."
"Evan, I know how close you are to your family. If you want to wait, make this something you can share with them, we can hold off."
He's so goddamn charmed by this man - by how he cares, by how well he knows Buck, by a million and one tiny things that Buck gleefully hoards his knowledge of like a dragon over his caverns of treasure.
"I kinda don't want to share you, for this." It's the first time since Tommy's brought it back up that Buck's been able to express exactly why the prospect makes him so giddy, but there it is. Possessive jealous Buck rears his ugly head again, only Tommy has always been a little charmed by that. At least when Buck expressed it in a healthy way.
"The moment they know, it's gonna be a spectacle," Tommy agrees, fingers curling over Buck's side.
"Exactly. So. Take me to Vegas and wife me up before one of them shows up trying to tag along."
He expects the dramatic eye roll, and Tommy's fingers digging into his sides. He doesn't expect the ear-ringing whistle echoing through the bay door to their left, or the smirk on Lucy Donato's face when she lets her looped thumb and pointer finger drop from her lips.
"We should definitely go before any of them remembers to hit her up for more details."
"Why would she -."
"Yeah she caught a look at the manifest and snooped until she found the rings."
"So you're actually worse at keeping a secret than I am."
"They're all gonna know before we land back home."
"Hen's gonna break like thirty bylaws trying to decorate a county owned chopper."
"Evan, seriously, we can still -."
Buck only knows one sure-fire way of stopping Tommy from spiraling too much - he uses the little bit of leverage he has plastered to the open door of his Jeep to catch Tommy's lips, and the resulting pleased hum shivers down his spine. Evan takes a moment to be pleased that Tommy hadn't shaved this morning like he'd threatened, and then he's tilting his head for a better angle and losing himself in it long enough that a few more wolf-whistles make their way across the tarmac -- Wendell and York, most likely, but when Buck finally breaks the kiss to dart a look over Tommy's shoulder, everyone has made themselves scarce.
"You gonna marry me or not, Kinard?"
It's a rare thing, but sometimes, when Buck makes him a little extra wild, Tommy does this growling thing that Buck always feels down to his toes. Tommy kisses him breathless again when Buck responds to this growl with a satisfied smirk.
"How much you wanna bet Hen convinces you to do a vow renewal within six months."
Buck's busy nipping at a spot of flesh just above Tommy's transverse abdominis, so it takes a second for his brain to catch up with the words.
"It's gonna be Maddie, and she's gonna rope you into it before you realize what's happening."
Tommy hums, pleased, not denying it, and runs a hand through Buck's hair, palm curling over his crown. It takes Buck a moment to figure out why it doesn't feel quite as familiar as it always does, and then he's reaching for it with a hand of his own, the tips of two fingers sliding along the smooth metal surface of Tommy's ring.
The smile he shoots up from the general area of Tommy's groin is all puppy-dog grin, and he basks in the soft, warm grin Tommy sends back. Buck tracks the crinkle of Tommy's eyes like a lifeline.
"I'm gonna lord it over everyone's head that we didn't get married because of, during, or after a health scare or a natural disaster."
"You asked me two days after we made up because of a flash flood we both thought we were gonna lose each other to, but okay."
Tommy's smile is soft. The fingers that slide around his scalp to brush reverently over his birthmark are even softer. "That time doesn't count, because we didn't follow through. You thought I was joking."
He had, honestly, at first, because they'd technically still been broken up at the time and the adrenaline and the terror at nearly losing one another had still been close. It'd taken him three days and Tommy angrily re-ringing his house key back onto Buck's keychain to realize Tommy maybe hadn't actually been joking about hopping in the chopper the next time they both had 24 off.
He's glad they'd taken the extra time, though. Glad they'd had time to drive halfway across the state in search of a ring shop they could be sure they wouldn't run into anyone at, glad they'd had the time to get new suits tailored, glad he'd had time to fuss over vows he'd still cried about while he was saying them, glad they'd done it without an Elvis impersonator standing just off to the side.
"You're stuck with me now," Buck tells him, and Buck knows Tommy's delighted bark of laughter will keep him warm for years.
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tulipsforvin · 8 months
Hello,can I request headcanon about how moriarty brothers will act as bf or s/o pls?
How would The Moriarty Brothers Act As a Significant Other/Bf?
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Characters: Albert James Moriarty, William James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty.
Format: Headcannons.
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Albert J. Moriarty
Affluent, rich and successful in almost all aspects to live a luxuriously comfortable life. What else could one ask for?
His gaze follow you anytime you look at something that catches your eye. Perhaps you didn't tell him you wanted it because you felt shy or nervous? He'd keep it a secret - his awareness of you finding something you like.
The next day you'd find it on your bedside table when you wake up, all nicely wrapped.
I reckon he leaves love notes as well ranging from short 'Good morning'(s) to professing his love for you.
Very playful with you. Always, always joking around with you. He loves listening to the sound of your laughter.
Protective. I think he's a fairly jealous man. Definitely not the pouting, sulking type but more like the 'show-them-you're-his' kind of type.
What a gentleman. And I mean, WHAT A GENTLEMAN. Back of the hand kisses, kissing your face, tying your shoelace, opening the door for you..I could go on and on.
He loves to use his money on you.
He knows what he's doing. Although he probably hasn't been in a relationship before, his experience with noble ladies absolutely fangirling over him has probably made him an expert in that field already.
If something gets overwhelming for you, for example a function, he'll shift the spotlight away from you to him so you can have a break. Just like how he does the same thing with William and Louis. Only further proves his protective tendencies.
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William J. Moriarty
To be able to get into a relationship with him in the first place implies that you would need to have to break down through several walls that he built to shield himself and go through several obstacles (probably orchestrated by himself☠️).
But once you do, there's a certain comfortness he'll find in your presence. He'll be very vulnerable and turn emotional with you. Shocker. He's also really attentive.
Gets you out of predicaments with ease and can put up with your stubbornness.
He's very sweet and knows how to take care of you. Like, stroking a thumb over your lips if there's milk or something else that you didn't know was there when you just finished eating/drinking something.
Subtle, cute acts that make you swoon.
I'm so, so vey sure he writes love letters.
He's posessive, I'm sure. Contrary to the gentle exterior he has and even though he's quite soft with you, he's posessive. Proof is him going on and on about how Moran was his like a weirdo. Who says he can't do the same with you?
Not very experienced in the field of romance, but he would love to try out new things for you. There's also his intellect. This man probably does research on everything and anything relationship related to please you.
Your personal encyclopedia on all subjects. Don't know about a particular topic? There's nothing to worry about. William, of all people is your boyfriend after all.
Neck kisses. There's something he loves bout intimacy. Like, not just cheek kisses, though they are fine too but I think he loves to explore crevices of your body no one has explored before. Once again, makes him feel like you're his and only his.
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Louis J. Moriarty
He likes to bake and cook for you. Anything you want to eat or drink at like, 3 in the morning? He'll trudge out of bed and go make it for you.
He's the more snuggly type. He likes to get warm and cozy with you, especially if it's cold outside.
He's protective like Albert but unlike Albert's more discreet way of acting protective, he's more direct. More agressive with his ways. Just as he is with Sherlock whenever he gets close to William.
NOT EXPERIENCED AT ALL !! He's very clumsy. He probably hasn't even interacted much with ladies before but he tries so, so very hard for you. That's so endearing.
Lots and lots of forehead and nose kisses for sure.
He's not one to talk unless it requires for him to speak so he's pretty satisfied just hearing your voice and nodding his head. A wonderful combination if you like to go on and on about all kinds of random topics.
The type to get easily jealous. He, most likely, has not had alot of meaningful relationships in his life except the Moriarty group, so when he's in a relationship - he's very territorial and gets jealous even though he seems like a sweetheart. Which he is, ofcourse - but just for a selected few.
He gets bashful in the early stages of his relationship or if the two of you are trying out something new. He also likes to bury his face in your chest and neck.
A sucker for intimacy like his older brother.
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Sending hugs as always!!!! Soooo, another request with no rush intended. Not sure if you are familiar with “Cool.” Gwen Stefani song and video. Love lost but no love lost. Rainy days and nights. He sees you with your “new” love. All the memories come rushing back, and he has to have you!!!! Dripping wet in his fit!! Maybe he tries to sneak away with you?! You’re the genius!! Still loving your Fluff and Stories on AO3. Thanks always!! ❤️💜
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hey babe!! love this ask. sorry for the wait! <3 <3 trying to get out chapter 2 of bear price before the weekend, but this one just wouldn't leave my WIP station, so i had to get it done. very cool premise. hope this comes close to what you wanted!!
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Cloudy, with a Chance
John Price was not having a good day. He’d had worse days, to be sure, but as he trudged through yet another puddle, soaked through with this torrential rain, freezing to his bones, he thought it had turned out pretty bloody bad. 
For one, he couldn’t get you out of his mind. Your laugh and the stuttering hello of your voicemail greeting were taunting him like a vicious demon, and every time he brought himself to pleasure, it was your sweet moans that flooded through his mind. He’d also come back from the field to find his truck broken into and his storage unit payment almost three months overdue. Getting all of his belongings back in order had been a real fucking drag. None of this would’ve happened if you were still there.
But, you weren’t. 
You’d left him before his last tour, and that was almost six months ago. He could still hear your complaints in his mind, clear and orderly, like a list of commandments:
I’m tired of being left alone, John!
I can’t keep wondering if every phone call is about to tell me you’ve died.
You promised you’d be here for me, and you’re not. 
I’m not stitching up another bullet hole. I can’t.
How much more of yourself are you going to give them? They don’t deserve you.
What if I need you? 
It had been a rough tour. He’d called you a few times, and when you’d answered, the guilt rent through his heart like a stake. 
“John? What’s happened? Are you alright?”
“Aye, I’m fine. Lads are fine. Just… I needed to hear your voice.”
“It’s alright, John. I’m here.”
And you had been. You were still there for him. Sometimes, when he got your voicemail, he thought he’d reached the end of your generosity, but that wasn’t the hardest part. No, the worst thing was coming home to empty drawers and his toothbrush, lonely in its glass, all by itself. 
As he sheltered under the awning of a Nero’s coffee shop, he tried to get his bearings, deciding whether or not to wait out the storm. It was only by chance that he glanced into the window at Capello’s, and it was only by chance that the waiter had sat you and your date in the window seat. 
His breath caught in his chest when he realized it was you, and his shock turned from yearning to sadness to rage in the blink of an eye. Who was that muppet with his bloody fuckin’ hands all over you? You were his. 
Except you weren’t his. Not anymore. 
No, fuck that. 
He marched across the street, paying no mind to the honking traffic. A brief argument with the maître d' and he was through to the dining room. 
“John?” Your voice had an edge of panic, and your eyes were focused on him as he dripped his way across the carpet.
In fact, all eyes were on him, but he didn’t care. 
Your date looked more than a little put out, but when he started to stand up, Price grabbed his shoulder with no small amount of cruelty and shoved him back into his seat. 
“What’re you doin’ here, love? You fuckin’ hate Capello’s.”
“I don’t…” You looked around, lowering your voice, trying to get him to match your volume, “I’m on a date, Jonathan.”
“Don’t be stupid. You need to come home. I can’t do this without you. I can’t do anything without you, and I don’t care who bloody knows it. I need you, love. Please.”
“You can’t keep doing this! I deserve to have someone who is there for me when I need them to be,” you raised your voice again, frustrated by his words. 
Good. He liked it when you got all worked up.
“And you think this muppet can do more than me? Please.”
John rolled his eyes. The muppet tried to protest, moving to stand up again, only to be shoved back into position. 
You took a deep breath, and you tried not to notice just how small your date was compared to your ex-boyfriend. John towered over him, and his thigh was more than twice the size of this guy’s bicep. Seeing John’s huge hand covering this man’s frail-looking shoulder kind of gave you the ick for your date. 
You also tried to ignore your captain’s field-hardened body. He always came home so much more muscular, and so much larger, than he looked when he left. He was still soaking wet from the rain, drenched in his hoodie and tac-jacket. His canvas pants clung to his skin, leaving almost nothing to the imagination. But, that didn’t matter. You were imagining it anyway. 
What you couldn’t ignore was that cold, blue hunger in his eyes. His beard had grown out, and the scruff combined with his long hair, all raked back under that disgusting boonie hat, were doing things to you that made you clench your legs together, becoming acutely aware of how every piece of fabric felt as it touched your body, and you knew exactly how it would feel when he ripped it off of you. 
“Uh, hey. Listen, mate —” The date tried to protest weakly. 
“Shut up,” you and John spat at your date at the same time. 
John smiled at that, warming himself in your fire,
“C’mon, love. We’re leaving.”
He tossed a few wet hundred pound notes down on the table, not giving a shit if it was enough or not, and lifted the open bottle of wine from the ice bucket. His gaze fell to your date for a fleeting second, and he said, 
“Cheers, mate.”
His hand grabbed yours and helped you from your seat, leading you outside. Once he had you back in your coat, he took you out into the rain, keeping his warm palm planted on the small of your back, and he didn’t say one single word to you until you were back in the foyer of his flat, dripping onto the marble tiles, panting and breathless in the quiet entrance, listening to his keys jingle in the lock. 
“Let’s get you dry, love. Then,” he was breathless from the rain and from something else, “We’ll get your things. Put them back where they go, yeah?”
You nodded dumbly, shivering from the cold,
“Yeah. Okay, John.”
“Get inside, love. That a new dress?”
“Mmhm,” you let him towel you dry in the entrance, feeling how strong he was even though you knew he was trying to be gentle with you. 
“Take it off.”
His voice had a tone that made the hair on the back of your neck stand on its end. You followed his command almost immediately, feeling your body rush with shock and excitement. 
John caught you by your arms and shoved you against the wall in the foyer, his eyes bearing down into you with a fiery intensity you’d never seen. He spoke through his teeth, gravelly and dark, full of warning,
“You belong here with me. I don’t want any more dates. I want you to be mine, and I bloody well want to be yours. Let me.”
“Alright, John,” you whispered, holding your breath, nervous and waiting.
“Don’t,” he pressed his forehead against yours like he had a fever, “Don’t say yes unless you mean it, love.”
You pushed his head back with yours just enough to reach his cheek. You kissed it as softly as you could, moving down his jaw and onto his neck, feeling his blood rush through his veins warming his skin beneath your lips. 
His hands fell away from your arms and you grabbed his hands, holding them in yours, still speaking to him in a low whisper, not wanting to break his spell,
“I’m yours, John. You’re all I have thought about for six months, and I don’t want to be without you. I don’t know what I was saying…”
He grabbed you on either side of your face and kissed you deeply, pushing his body into yours, grinding his wet clothes into you, and not caring a bit about the puddle on the floor,
“Shh. You’re mine. That’s all I need to hear.”
You looked into each others’ eyes and got lost for a moment. The blues of his irises were icy and sharp, tracking your every movement, your every breath. His sudden command pulled you out of your trance, 
“Take off your dress.”
John watched you as you slipped the straps off your shoulders, revealing your bare breasts to him, your nipples pebbled from the cold, damp cloth. It fell, cascading down your body, showing off the black lace panties you wore underneath. Your strappy heels kicked the gown away from you, and you squirmed under his scrutiny,
“Were you gonna show him these?” John’s fingertips grazed the panties right above your clit, making little petting strokes with the back of his hand. 
“Yeah,” you lifted your chin, challenging him, willing to face his jealous wrath. 
“Yeah?” John growled, taking your bait, fisting your dripping hair in his hand and forcing your head back, baring your smooth neck to him, “On a first date? You must have been hungry for it, love.” He taunted you, touching your lips through the lace. 
“Second date…” You flashed your eyes up at him, knowing he would snarl, and he did. 
“Second… Mm,” John grabbed the panties by the front fabric and ripped them from your hips with one cruel tug. You gasped, and he caught your mouth with his, kissing you as his fingers found a different kind of wetness pooling between your legs, “My poor darling. You know he wouldn’t be enough for you. You’d have been so… fucking… disappointed...”
With every word of his last phrase, he thrust his fingers inside of you to their knuckle, lifting your body as he did so, his strength fully apparent. 
“Did you miss me?” He asked you quietly. All the anger was gone from his tone, and a somber desperation was back. 
“Yes, my love. I did,” you kissed him as sweetly as you could, telling him the truth. 
“Fuck,” he grimaced, “I missed you.”
Suddenly, you were airborne, lifted into his arms and being carried into the adjacent kitchen. He sat you on the counter, shoving stacks of unread mail and keys onto the floor. You helped him strip off his wet clothes, pulling his hoodie and his jacket from his back, watching with admiration as he tugged off his undershirt, revealing his damp, furry chest, all of his dark hair laying matted against his skin. He was tanned and burned from the desert sun in odd tan lines, proof of his work, and your hands felt his sculpted form with joy, exploring all of him with abandon. 
You knocked off his boonie hat and watched him rake his hair back again, trying to keep it out of his face. It was straight in the front, but it began to curl when it reached his ears, wild and unkempt. 
Then, you heard the buckle jingle, and that familiar tool of his fell from the open folds of his pants. It was just as you had dreamt it, heavy and large, throbbing and flushed, excited to see you. He dipped the head of it into your lips, rubbing himself back and forth through your wetness, making you moan. 
“Oh, fuck… There you are. My girl. Needed you. Fuck, I needed you.” He wasn’t talking to you. Not really. He was sort of lamenting aloud, lost in his selfish thrusting, slicking himself in the softness of your body, bumping your clit on the way up and teasing your hole on the way down. 
Finally, he positioned himself at your center, carefully aligned with your tight opening, and he commanded you once more, 
“Spread your legs for me. Show me. I wanna see you… that’s it. So damn pretty.”
“John, please…” You begged, touching yourself, trying to show him how ready you were. 
He chuckled, pressing just the tip of his head into you, making you writhe,
“Whose pussy is this?”
“Yours…” You whispered, feeling particularly naughty about this call and response. 
“Whose!” He got in your face, close enough to kiss you but holding himself back, his voice louder and more forceful. 
“Yours! It’s yours. Please, fuck me, John,” you pleaded, gasping from being so near to your release and not being able to reach it. 
“Mine,” he thrust himself into you and watched you fall apart, feeling you pulse around him uncontrollably, “My fuckin’ pussy. All mine.”
He found a rhythm, but it was punishing. You had orgasm after orgasm pulled from you cruelly. There was no lovemaking. He was claiming you. You were familiar with his need after his tour, especially if it had been particularly difficult, but six months of not knowing if he’d ever see you again had made him rabid. Each thrust was like the touch of a glowing brand, marking you as his, reminding you of where you found your pleasure. 
You were not in control, not anymore. Any of your goading or teasing was immediately quashed by his dominance. You were just  a mixture of screaming bliss and sopping, milking noises, made by his effort between your legs. 
Frustrated that he couldn’t fuck you deeper, he pulled you from the countertop and down onto the cold tile floor. You were crawling onto the soft kitchen mat on your hands and knees, trying to catch your bearings when you felt him position himself behind you.
He grabbed your hair and pulled you into a high arch, shoving his fat cock back into you, sighing with relief as he did so, praising you in muttered, grunting words. 
He began to slam himself back into you, somehow feeling harder and thicker than before, filling you up to your limit. 
“Fuck!” You moaned, “Fuck…”
“Is that what you needed, love? Hm?” He leaned his body over yours like a hound, whispering into your neck.
“Yes, yes, yes yes…” You could barely breathe. 
“Needed your man, didn’t ya?”
“Yes, please…” Whatever words came to mind, you said them. You didn’t care. You could barely put a coherent thought together much less a full sentence. 
“I’m gonna fuck you like this until you can’t even remember his goddamn name.”
You smiled, cock-drunk and high from your repeated pleasure, peeking at him over your shoulder,
“Whose name?”
He laughed like a demon, fucking you faster, chasing his end,
“That’s my girl.”
When he lost his steady, pumping rhythm, he began to let out a barking shout, and you felt his come begin to drip from his body and into yours, heating you up in your core. He pushed his cock through it, frothing it inside of you, letting it drip down his shaft and coat his hair. 
He fell out of you, sitting back on his knees, pulling you into his lap with his last ounce of strength, and leaned against the kitchen cabinets, legs spread, holding you to his chest. John was breathing hard, his eyes shut. You reached up and touched his bottom lip, earning your fingertips a soft kiss. 
John opened his eyes and looked down at you, holding you close, begging you,
“Don’t leave me, baby. Please. Don’t leave me alone.”
“I’m not going anywhere, John. I’m right here,” you told him, petting his chest in comforting strokes, breathing hard with him.
“Stay,” he whispered, so low you almost couldn’t hear him, “Please, stay.”
You kissed his neck and whispered back, 
“I’ll stay. Forever. I promise.”
Your tired captain pulled you tighter into him, leaning a sweaty cheek against your forehead, smiling slightly, finally at some kind of peace.
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flem17ng · 6 months
would love love love a jessie x dancer!r pls & thankyou 💖 ps I love your work
strength and grace: Jflem x dancer!reader
note: This was so fun to write anon! Thanks for the prompt x
summary: jessie passes the same dance studio every day on her walk and admires the dancers. It never occurred to her that one of them was admiring her back. 
word count: 2.7k
The snow was thick on the pavement that morning and jessie thanked the poor bastard who’d taken the time to salt the path the night before. The snow made banks in both sides as she trudged onward. Her hands were shoved deep in her pockets and she hid her face in the collar of her jumper. Training never stopped, even in winter when the wind was sub zero and the field had to be heated. She was passing a small row of shops when gentle music made her pause. It echoed strangely through the empty street. It came from a stone building with large windows. She’d seen it before but had never taken the time to admire the dancers within. 
The glass was almost frosted over, but she leaned up to see inside. 
A lone figure stood in the warm light dressed in a half zipped hoodie and sweatpants. Her hair was in a messy bun that seemed to be slipping from the hair-tie. The woman moved to the music like water: graceful and fluid. every so often she paused, pressed a button on her phone and started the dance again. 
Jessie could have stayed there for hours watching that girl dance. But eventually her fingers started going numb and she was rudely reminded that she had to get to the training ground. 
She loved being back home in Canada, loved it even more when she was home for winter. Everything was so quiet and cold. The hockey season was kicking off, the ski fields opened up. Unfortunately it did mean training her ass off in freezing rain most mornings and today was no different. the raindrops started falling heavily as she pulled herself away from the dance studio window and she wished, randomly, that she was in there with that strange dancer instead of out in the cold. 
No matter how many times you practiced the move, you couldn’t pin it down. The studio was empty that morning because you had come in so early. You’d had to hype yourself up to get out of the house because of all the snow on the road. You have never been so grateful for the studios heating system. 
“fuck” you groaned. One second off the beat! Maybe you were being a perfectionist but it needed to be perfect. You pressed play again. The music filled the room in waves: piano, strange vocals, guitar. 
You lifted your hands above your head and moved. The dance wasn’t for a competition or anything, more of a passion project. You danced to get out emotions, to release. You moved to the music fluidly, feeling it, understanding. The tricky part was coming up again and you scrunched your eyebrows, focusing. 
“ugh” you groaned again and rubbed your eyes. you psyched yourself out again. You looked around the empty studio and caught movement in the corner of your eye: a woman walking past the window, bundled up in the cold. For a second you thought your eyes met but she kept walking. maybe she was watching you dance, you thought and smiled. 
Jessie stood with her teammates as they made their lap of the stadium. The game had gone well and the energy was always fantastic during a home game. It was extra special for her because the game was so close to home. The crowd was full of family and friends. Fans who traveled to be there held large signs and decorated themselves with maple leaves and red paint. 
It was no small secret that you were a big fan of women’s soccer. Specifically that you were a big fan of Jessie Fleming. You first watched her play in the olympics a few years ago and from then on went to as many games as possible. Your friends often teased you about it, and sure, maybe it was a little silly. The truth was you just loved to watch her move. The way she ran across the pitch, the way her legs seemed to go wherever she needed to be. her muscles stretched and contracted and  her arms- Ok so maybe it wasn’t just about her soccer skills. 
The game had been a good one, you’d managed to get tickets right at the front and now the whole team was standing just a few metres away waving to the crowd. 
“omg Y/n i think that player you like is looking at you” your friend whispered with a smirk. You scanned the team and sure enough Jessie Fleming was watching you. She had a strange expression on her face, as if she was looking for someone she knew. Her cheeks were red and her hair was messy from the game. Dispite the cold air, she had pushed up her sleeves to sit above her shoulders making you blush.
She kept looking at you before shaking her head and giving you a grin. 
“what was that about” your friend laughed and slapped your arm. You would have replied but at that moment you were far too busy reminding your heart how to beat properly. 
Down on the field Jessie was tugged away by Quinn. they were talking about something, ball movement or something along that line but jessie was still thinking about the girl in the crowd. Maybe she was being crazy but she could have sworn that was the dancer from the studio in her town. The way You had smiled at her left her feeling a little dizzy. 
“hello Jeffy? are you listening at all?” Quinn laughed giving Jessie a small shove. 
“What of course I am! Ball something right?” 
Quinn shook their head with a smile. 
“You’ve been out of it since i caught you staring all gooey eyed at that lady in the stands! Do you know her?”
“I was not gooey eyed! also no one says that anymore. I don’t know i think she’s from my town.” jessie explained with a humph. 
“well i’m pretty sure she was wearing your jersey. Must be a fan” Jessie blushed but brushed them off. She was a grown woman! she wasn’t getting ‘gooey eyed’ over a pretty stranger who happened to dance like an angel. 
The next day Jessie made her way up the street to the studio with a purpose. She needed to see you. Even if she didn’t know you, even if she didn’t speak to you, She wanted to see you, To make sure it really was you at the game. 
When she reached the window she didn’t hesitate to lean into the glass and look into the warmly lit room. Instead of an empty room like a few day before, there where lots of young children in tiny too-toos. The music was light and bouncing and the kids laughed and screamed as they pointed their toes and spun around. It was a moment before the instructor came into view and, just as jessie had thought, it was you. You stood at the front of the room in a  skirt that matched the children’s, a glowing grin covered your face as you corrected the movements of a few stray kids. 
Jessie couldn’t help but smile as she watched you dance around the group, movements just as fluid as before but playful, full of joy, childish. 
She blinked and you disappeared, the class still dancing to the music inside. 
“excuse me? can i help you” You asked, head sticking out the door into the frosty air. Jessie turned, startled, only to watch your face change into a similar look of surprise. 
“I’m so sorry! I walk by here to get to my work and i usually stop to watch you dance! I didn’t want to interfere.” Jessie squeaked, feeling suddenly guilty. 
“no no! don’t worry i just- I’m sorry I’m y/n.” You smiled and stepped onto the front step, your breath making clouds in the air. 
“I’m jessie” she grinned and held out a hand for you to shake. You blushed and took it. 
“Jessie…” you breathed. “well Jessie, I wish i could chat for a while but these kids might light something on fire if i’m gone too long!” You began to turn back inside when she touched your arm to stop you. 
“i’m sorry this is so unusual but… Did you go to a football game last night by any chance?” Jessie questioned, wondering if there really was any way to ask this in a not creepy way. 
“i did yes. My uh, My favourite player was playing” you grinned and turned back inside. Jessie stood there on the step for a minute after you closed the door. It was you she had seen in the crowd, and you had a favourite player… Jessie wasn’t sure why that made her stomach flip. She wanted to be your favourite player. The thought hit her like a tone of bricks. She barely knew you for christs sake! yet here she was, standing in the snow outside your studio thinking of every way she could make you like her. 
The next match came faster than expected. It was a friendly up in toronto and the team was buzzing. Jessie had spent the past few travel days planning how she could impress you. Honestly this wasn’t her thing and maybe she was being crazy but that didn’t stop her. The day of the game was cold, the pitch was hard and the game itself even harder. 
It was second half when the penalty was given to canada: the wall was set up and jessie (the designated kicker) was lining up the shot. 
The crowd roared and she spared a glance at the stands. It was then that she spotted you, sitting right by the goal in a thick Canada jumper. 
The whistle blew and jessie kicked. The ball sailed through the air, spinning and spinning. The crowd had already begun the rise when it slipped past the goalies fingers and slammed into the back of the net. 
Jessie ran forward towards the crowd and lifted her hands above her head, arching up into her toes and lifting her head to the sky mimicking the movement of a ballet dancer. At the last second, before the team ran into her, she looked at you, making sure you had seen the celebration. Sure enough, you stood in your seat, grin plastered across your face giving jessie a thumbs up. It was pretty easy to say that was the best game all season. 
The damn heating system had broken down. On the plus side, the kids classes had been canceled that morning because of the snow, on the down side: You now had an extra hour of empty studio time in the freezing Canada cold.  You switched the music on, adjusted your jumper and started to dance. You had finally finished the number, ironed out the kinks and gotten past the tricky timing. The movement flowed easily and you let your muscles relax and you danced. You were so engrossed in the music that you didn’t hear the door open or the footsteps on the floorboards. Only after the dance ended did your intruder announce herself. 
“sorry i didn’t know your coffee order so i just got hot chocolate” You wizzed around at the sound of her voice and saw her leaning against the mirror with to steaming cups and a sheepish smile. 
“Jesus Jessie! you scared me!” You tried to look angry but couldn’t, instead breaking into a grin and grabbing a cup from her outstretched hand. The drink warmed up your hands and you took a moment to let the heat seep through your bones. 
“you look so peaceful when you dance” Jessie all but whispered, looking down at her own cup. 
“oh… Thank you. I use dance to… center myself i think.” You leant against the mirror next to her and watched her watch you for a moment. “Nice goal the other day by the way. Very impressive. The celebration was a nice touch even if your form was a little off” 
Jessie blushed and rolled her eyes at herself, still in disbelief that she had done that. 
“well, I needed something to get your attention didn’t i?” she muttered. 
“you already had all my attention. I told you i was there to see my favourite player didn’t I?” You unzipped your number and turned around showing her the large “17” on your back. Jessie opened her mouth into a little ‘o’. 
“oh! I’m your favourite?” She smiled with wide eyes. You just laughed and shook your head.
“of course you are!” 
jessie grinned and ducked her head, embarrassed. Here she was making a fool out of herself for a pretty girl who already liked her. 
When she looked up she found you watching her with warm eyes. You admired her for a moment: Even in the cold of the audio Jessie seemed to radiate a warmth, a cozy energy. Her cheeks were pink (from blush or cold you couldn’t tell) and her eyes sparkled in the warm light. 
“I love hot chocolate by the way” you stated, holding up the cup. 
“oh yeah? Lucky guess i suppose.” Jessie took a large gulp of her own drink leaving a fine line of chocolate froth of her top lip. 
“oh wait you have- let me” Before you could think, you leant forward and wiped the foam from her top lip with your thump. Jessie let out a sharp breath making you pause, thumb still resting near her mouth. you looked at each-other for a long moment, your hand not moving, your eyes traveling from jessie’s eyes to her lips and back again. 
The door opened with a bang causing you both to jump apart. 
“Y/n!! we need to get the bloody heater working before tomorrow or i will freeze!” One of the other dancers yelled before noticing the awkward air in the room. “oh i’m sorry i didn’t know you had a… guest?”
Jessie coughed and stepped back. “no that’s ok I was just leaving” she turning and walked towards the door quickly. 
“wait jessie-“
“see you later y/n” jessie gave you a wave and a lopsided smile before stepping outside and out of view.
You couldn’t make it to the next game because it was in another province but you watched on TV. Jessie was glowing the whole game: running like lightning, tackling the opposition seamlessly. When she made an epic assist you stood on your sofa and cheered. And when the ball hit the net and the whole Canada team copied Jessie’s celebration from the other night (arms up, toes pointed like a squad of muscly ballerinas) you couldn’t help but gasp and slap a hand over your mouth. She knew you would be watching, Of course she did. 
Maybe it was this elation that possessed you to walk to the training center in the small hours of the morning on the day the team was set to arrive back. Maybe the thought of jessie smiling as she pretended to dance on the field was the thing that had you waiting for the bus to pull up and the doors to open. Whatever it was, there you were: the sun not yet risen, freezing in your ‘Fleming’ jersey in sub zero temperatures as jessie, looking tired and sore, got off the bus with her team. 
You waited no time running towards her, pausing only a second so she could drop her bags and open her arms. When you hugged her, all of a sudden you felt like no music or dance in the world could explain your feelings. 
“Jessie- I saw on TV! Did you ask them to do that with you? I saw-“
Jessie cut you off, placing a hand on your neck and finally putting her lips of yours. Her lips were cold and yours tasted like lip balm but you didn’t care. You pulled her closer and kissed her. Vaguely you could hear the team cheering but you paid it no mind, holding your girl close. 
This was all you needed. She was all you needed.
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livlaughloveluke · 3 months
hi! could u do something with luke castellan x daughter of hades!reader? maybe something abt them training together?
𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - 𝐥.𝐜 🦐
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daughter of ares! reader x luke castellan ⚔️
summary- two competitive rivals are placed in the same arena for an intense sword fight.. what could go wrong?
warnings- daddy issues ! , readers lowkey a bitch but for a reason, ares is also a bitch
[a/n]- is this cliche? maybe. do i care? no.
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The harsh sun beat down on Camp Half-Blood, creating an unwanted stench of sweat and a wave of exhausted campers. Its fiery touch left a red glow on the paler campers and the overheating of others. The heatwaves of mid-June had been expected, but that didn’t mean it hurt less to spend hours outside.
The flowers crisped up, and the lake overflowed with mucky children. Apollo’s choice of weather even caused Chiron to cancel activities, the infirmary becoming overcrowded with patients who had passed out from the unbearable temperatures.
However, while most campers and counselors enjoyed the cooling, fresh water, one remained absent from the day off. Leader of Ares Cabin, you have been missing all day. Everyone shrugged it off, the heat leaving them in a fatigued daze that removed all efforts to find you.
Instead of shedding your clothes and going for a swim, you took this moment to train in the amphitheater. Your camp shirt clung to your dewy skin as you swung your sword at a practice dummy. The unbearable sun only added to your determination.
‘Why would someone torture themselves by working in the dog days of summer?’ You may be asking. The answer was quite simple, really. Luke Castellan.
Camp liked to refer to him as ‘The Golden Boy’ for his friendly attitude and seemingly charming personality. He was the greatest swordsman to roam the property in three hundred years; his skills with the weapon were almost unmatchable.
You were first in the fighting industry for a while, until Luke decided to stumble in. You watched from afar as his fourteen-year-old self picked up the blade, slicing his opponents with ease. Your blood boiled upon seeing the sight, anger flooding your brain at his effortless talents. 
You had dedicated your whole camp experience to sword fighting, and now you were watching everything crumple with the arrival of a lousy new camper. Although your skills were displayed when you defeated him as a young teenager, he's improved since then. 
And that’s the reason he conquered you in battle a few months ago. It sent you into a fit of rage, a typical reaction for the children of Ares. Campers watched as you stomped away from the arena, breathing heavy as you carelessly tossed your armor onto the sandy floor.
What you hid from the crowd were the tears shedded into your pillow later that night. A mix of hatred towards Luke and disappointment bestowed upon yourself caused salty droplets to stream down your cheeks and into the fabric of your pillow. What would your father think of such a failure?
Ever since then, there has been none-stop resentment directed at the Hermes boy from you. Despite the fact that arguments were mainly caused by you, your interactions often left you pissed. But how were you supposed to ignore the way he constantly cracked his knuckles or the way he was always late to training who Chiron assigned you and Luke to lead?
While everyone was enjoying themselves and relaxing for the day, including Luke, you took it as a gift from the gods. No people in the arena meant a perfect solo training session, with no kids whispering in your ears about your loss to the counselor.
So here you were, sweating under 30 pounds of heavy armor and sticky clothes, working on your stance. Unfortunately for you, Luke had noticed your absence, and after asking around a little, he headed to find you. 
He came up empty-handed upon searching your cabin, then the fields, then the forges. Running out of hope and patience, he trudged along to the amphitheater. And there you were, looking heavenly as you swung your blade at a fake person. 
He saw as you furrowed your brows in frustration at every flaw you performed. You were so harsh on yourself, grunting in anger at nearly anything. He could tell you had been outside for a while by the way salty sweat dripped down your forehead. 
“You know training was canceled today, right?” He alerted you, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.
“Yeah. Thanks, Castellan. You can go now.” You glanced over at him before turning back to continue your practice. All you wanted was a little peace, and with Luke here, you were sure to lash out. 
“Why are you out here then?” He persisted, ignoring your comment about leaving. You let out a heavy sigh, and this conversation became a large distraction.
“So I can practice. By myself.” You respond, not breaking to glare at him. For a moment, you thought he had left based on the silence in the arena. However, a few seconds later, he chirped back in.
“Go against me?” He offered, catching you off guard. You immediately turned to him, confused and slightly mad due to his presence.
“Redeem your title of number one sword fighter. Without the pressure of anyone watching.” He said, sweetly smiling at you. You rolled your eyes, although in reality, this deal didn’t seem so upsetting. 
He perked up after hearing your approval, lightly jogging to the equipment station with a pep in his step. He strapped on all of the metal gear and grabbed his signature sword.
You watched as he walked back, slightly bouncing with joy. You fought back a smile while witnessing his positive energy, trying to keep up your usual hatred towards him. 
The sight of his sword snapped you back to reality, and you cracked your knuckles while narrowing your eyes. His small grin made it really difficult to remain tough, but you put in a large effort to remain unfazed.
You both got into the starting position, staring at him with a fierce gaze. He remained calm, holding his sword up. Time seemed to stand still as you both waited for someone to make the first move. Originally, your plan was to play defense, with a perfect strategy to ensure your win. 
But your dreams fell apart the moment he sent you a smug smile, rage distracting you and sending you lunging forward. You sliced at his arm, clashing with the steel of his armor. He easily rebutted, nicking your thigh with his blade. The seeping red dripping down your leg caused a gasp of shock from you; your normal skills were slightly fractured due to his sudden offense.
You were able to mainly recover, your moves converting into some with rhythm and precision. Until he began to swipe with such power, one move sent you stumbling to the floor. As he held the blade to your throat, signaling your defeat, you muttered out a quick “I surrender” and slid the cold metal off. 
He retracted his weapon, offering you a hand to help lift you. You fiddled with your breast plate before sliding it off and chucking it onto the dusty ground, trying to blink away the water forming in your eyes. 
“I hate you, Castellan!” You yelled, your voice shaky, as you picked yourself up and stormed off. Unable to control your emotions, tears began to flood down your face. Your skin felt hot, partly irritated by the beaming sun, and partly flushed with embarrassment from your sobs.
Luke rushed behind you as you trailed to a secluded spot behind the building, throwing his gear down. When he finally caught up, you were sitting against the wall, your head buried between your arms as you weeped.
“Hey, hey. Are you okay?” He comforted you, watching your back rise and fall unsteadily, matching the pace of your breaths. 
“Go away. Please. And don’t tell anyone you saw me.” You mumbled, not bothering to look up. He slid down next to you, sitting on the sharp sticks and dirty floor.
“Why are you so bothered by losing? I promise you, the world won’t end because you lost one lousy match.” He whispered. 
“You don’t know my dad. I’m lucky he’s forgiven me for my last loss.” You replied, messily inhaling through tears. Your dad expected so much of you, constantly reminding you of your mistakes instead of your accomplishments.
“Forgiven you? For what? You did nothing to him.” He mentioned it, and you rolled your eyes. Why were you even conversing with your enemy? Maybe he wanted dirt on you—something new to make fun of you for. 
“Never mind. You don’t get it.” You said, voice still muffled as you spoke into your arm.
“Cmon, tell me.” He insisted.
“Forgive me for being such a disappointment.” You responded, going silent after. You felt his judgmental stare and realized you shouldn't have said anything, now awaiting a snarky comment about your confession. Instead, you ended up surprised by his next words. 
“Don’t say that. Your dedication is amazing. He’s just a god who only sees your mistakes. Don’t let that define you.”
His hand rested on your back, drawing shapes on your skin. Raising your head, your eyes met his. It was then that you realized how one-sided your feelings were. How he never started any arguments with you, or how he was the only one who noticed you were gone from the lake and set out to find you. 
Not to mention, he was cute. Really cute. His brown curls draped over his forehead, and his dark orbs stared into yours with such passion. It's like he put a spell on you; the moment you made eye contact, you felt the need to apologize. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being so awful to you all these years, and for-" Luke cut off your rambling.
“All is forgiven. You know, you don’t have to be what they want you to be. You don’t have to hide your tears.” His sweet and genuine words caused you to grin for the first time in what felt like forever.
“Or your smile, either. You’re gorgeous.” He finished. The both of you silently leaned in until your faces were only centimeters apart.
“Can I..” He whispered.
“Please.” You responded, lifting up your hand to bring his head closer. He cusped your cheek, and within moments, his lips were on yours. Fireworks erupted in your stomach as you kissed for the first time, his dry lips getting coated in your spit. He pulled away, not wanting to creep you out so soon. 
"Would you want to, uh, maybe go out with me?" Luke whispered, nervously scratching the back of his neck.
"I'd like that."
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[luke masterlist] ★ [request here] ★ [ares moodboard]
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stqrbxy · 8 months
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please call my name. [中也] chuuya nakahara.
he's there for you, no matter the day or time, he'll be at your beck and call; even if you don't ask for it.
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t.w :  depression? burning out, vulgur language, just reader being tired of living.
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Another excruciating day to get through, it's definitely not like you don't have enough weight on your back anyway. As a groaned muffle nuzzles against the comforting warmth the pillow provided you for your nights at your apartment, you had to abandon it for the day.
What a pain.
The scents of sweet dreams coaxed back to you, begging you back on its field of roses, but your body subconsciously moved to try — to prove their worth, to do their job, what's the point of their job if they don't even do it right?
Lazily, you trudge over to the sink, slowly squeezing out the toothpaste from its container onto the toothbrush; lethargically brushing your teeth and attempting to brush your hair in a way at least presentable.
You were a fashionable one, but today you weren't feeling like it, so you just slipped on the first outfit you found okay-ish in your wardrobe.
All actions are done in a half-asleep manner, no one — not even you, would be surprised if you didn't look as neat as the mirror reflected with blurry eyes gazing at it.
Exiting your bedroom, you are met with the sight of a short ginger lounging on your living room sofa. The one you're so very familiar with. How could you not? You could recognise those bleu céleste eyes even if you were on your last breath.
Speaking of the one and only Chuuya, he seemed to make himself at home, one leg over the other whilst sitting on your couch, the faintest sound of the television casting a romcom in it in the background as his eyes travelled over you. Frowning subtly when he saw the eyebags underneath your eyes, and how you didn't look even remarkably close to the enthusiastic person he knew you were.
Wait, how'd he even get into your house? Ah right, you gave him a spare key, but that brings another question to your mind —
" Chuu'? Don't you have work today? "
The words leave your lips almost without your own will, the blank look on your face causing Chuuya to dryly chuckle.
" No, not anymore at least. You've been clearly down for the past few weeks, overworked, not showing up to our dates — even more, because you're over the moon at the smallest amount of time you spend with me, "
The words weren't meant to be cocky or arrogant, it was the truth. Considering how busy both of you are, you both are equally elated whenever you two get to spend time together, no matter what you're doing.
" So, I've decided to take a day off for my doll, we can stay home, do whatever the fuck ya' want, just spend time. Would you like that? "
Chuuya asked, but both of you knew there was no other way out, he was a man of his word after all. A smile, which seemed rare after its long-term disappearance, appeared on your lips. A sigh escapes your body, treading over to your boyfriend as he smiles marginally at your submission. He wraps his arms around his beloved's body, whispering coos in his low voice as he brings you to sit on his lap.
Oh right, you had work, and you still didn't tell them that you wouldn't go at least. Either way, the exhaustion caught up to you, and you failed to argue any further, letting Chuuya carry you around for the rest of the day, treating you as a princex to be cared for.
With him around, you can let your insecurities loose and worries dissipate.
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author’s note : back from the dead back from the dead I'm back from the dead back from the dead /lyr /ref with that out of the way... hope you all are doing great! I've been through a shit ton for the past few months, that's no excuse to slack off though. so, i hope to supply you with more fanfics of sorts; this fanfic is rather ahaha.. self-indulgent, hope some people can find a tinge of comfort in it.
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teamatsumu · 6 months
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was i meant to love you? (part two)
pairing: miya osamu x reader
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summary: the kanji on your arm says miya atsumu’s name, but every fiber of your being is in love with his twin brother.
word count: 3314
warnings: fem!reader, soulmate au, friends to lovers, some non canon events, swearing, angst if you squint, atsumu x reader, cheating trope (you have been warned), suggestive sexual content but nothing explicit
taglist: @hadukada @utopiamiroh @angstylittleb1tch @sassycheesecake
previous part // series masterlist
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The thud of volleyballs and squeaking of shoes was quickly dissipating as members of the Inarizaki Boys’ Volleyball Team slowly cleared out of the gym. Everyone had done their share of cleaning, but your captain, Kita Shinsuke, was meticulous as ever, making sure the wet mops were clean so they didn’t stink up the storage room and all the balls were accounted for. As usual, he insisted you head out, saying it was already very late and he wasn’t comfortable with the idea of you still being out of the house at this time and in this weather.
The cold air stung you when you stepped out, choosing to forego changing back into your school uniform and instead walking home in your volleyball team tracksuit. Your wool scarf did plenty to warm you up, but it couldn’t substitute for the heat of your blankets or bed, so you hurriedly trudged on.
Your phone buzzed in your jacket pocket.
Samu: where are u? walk home together?
You frowned and sighed at the message. Osamu offering to walk you home meant Atumu would be there too. And you really didn’t want to be around him, not after your newly realized feelings. Or lack thereof, actually. You weren’t in the mood to once again be confronted by the fact that your soulmate didn’t make your heart burst with love like he should.
Your phone buzzed again, shaking you from your thoughts.
Samu: ur not at the gym?? its just kita here
You scowled, slowing to a stop. Where the hell was Osamu? You tapped on the little receiver icon, lifting the phone to your ear. Once the line connected, you heard his breaths on the other end.
“Why are you at the gym? You should’ve been home twenty minutes ago.” You asked, shivering. The twins had left after practice, knowing you often stayed late to tie up loose ends.
“I sat down at the store around the corner for a bit. I came back to check if ya were done. Where are ya?”
Before you could answer, heavy footsteps sounded behind you, making you cut the line when Osamu entered your field of vision. You felt your lips tug up, waving at him as he hung up and reached you, shoulders hunched to protect his neck from the cold.
“You’re gonna get sick.” You frowned as you watched him.
“Hello to you too.” He rolled his eyes and childishly stuck out his tongue, both of you falling in step as you trekked the way back to your neighborhood.
The walk was relatively silent, with Osamu offering you a packet of jelly beans. You popped one in your mouth, trying to rid yourself of the relief you felt when you saw that Atsumu wasn’t with him. It wasn’t something you were proud of, avoiding your own soulmate, but it helped that Atsumu was so focused on volleyball most days that he didn’t really care either.
You wondered if you should tell Osamu about it, but dismissed the thought quickly. Osamu didn’t even have a soulmate. If you complained about your own soulmate problems, it would make you feel like a monster.
Maybe you were a monster. An ungrateful one at that.
“Where’s Tsumu?” You asked, biting the inside of your cheek. Your guilt had spurred your question, and all it did was double the horrible feeling inside you.
Osamu shrugged. “He didn’t wanna wait at the store. Somethin’ about wanting to pee real bad.”
“Charming.” You deadpanned, before frowning at the boy next to you. “Wait, you were waiting? What for? Me to be done?”
Osamu only nodded, focused a little too much on his jelly beans. Your scowled deepened as did your confusion.
Osamu shrugged, still avoiding your eyes. “It’s colder than usual. And with the wind blowing like this, it might rain or storm. What if ya got stuck in it?”
Your heart skipped, mouth going dry as words failed you. You watched Osamu’s profile, the way his gray hair fell over his forehead, some strands catching his eyelids. His profile was all straight lines, the jut of his jaw prominent as he chewed.
Unexpectedly, tears were pricking at your eyes. You choked out a surprised sob, your feet stopping as months worth of suppressed emotions overwhelmed you.
“What the-” Osamu’s wide eyes snapped towards you, crushing the empty snack wrapper and shoving it into his backpack before he turned to you. “Why are ya cryin’? What did I say?”
You shook your head a bit harder than necessary, trying to convey that no part of your fucked up, guilt ridden, fearful brain was caused by him. You waved your hands a bit, trying to say anything at all that wasn’t pathetic crying noises. Osamu softened a bit.
“Is this about Tsumu?” His voice was more muted now, and you almost didn’t hear it over the sound of the wind whooshing in your ears. You stared at him with wide eyes. Did…. he know?
Osamu gave you a sad smile and a shrug. “It’s pretty obvious. Yer avoidin’ him. Didja guys get in a fight?”
You shook your head, looking closely at Osamu. His face was blank, but open. He stared right back, and his eyes were so calm that it stopped your own flowing tears. Something in your mind was made up.
“Samu, can I confess something to you?”
He gave you an encouraging little smile. “Always.”
That did it. Your rant started there, on the sidewalk outside a closed down bookstore, and ended at your house, on your bed, both of you out of your outdoor wear and with steaming hot cocoa mugs between the two of you. Osamu had not only listened, but he had guided you all the way home while you lost yourself in your words. And he made you a hot beverage along the way too.
Silence stretched over you both when you finished, staring down at the mug before you. Your cheeks were warm, half from how heated you got as you spilled your heart out and half from being out of the stormy weather. Osamu had been smart to return to your house instead of his, so you could talk without fear of Atsumu listening. You stared at him when you finished, but when he didn’t say anything, you tacked on one more sentence.
“I don’t know what to do.”
The cry for help was clear in your voice, and it made him look up at you.
“I…. don’t know that either.” He confessed. “I wish I could tell you.”
He shuffled a bit closer to you, directly in front of you, and gave you the softest smile. Your heart skipped again, that same funny feeling you got when he told you he waited for you. And you felt, once more, the urge to hug him tight.
“I don’t….. really know how this soulmate thing goes.” He muttered, and you listened with bated breath. For the first time ever, Osamu was talking about his own lack of soulmate. “But I do know one thing. You and Tsumu have known each other forever. Whatever this thing is, it will pass. And the universe put ya two together, of course yer meant ta be. Don’t worry yer little head about it, okay?”
You felt your heart settle as you looked into Osamu’s eyes. So calm, so unlike your muddled thoughts. But his words inspired little comfort, but in his close proximity, you ignored it entirely. Your cheeks heated up, and you felt the urge to close the gap between you two even more. So you did.
Osamu wrapped you up in his arms when you pressed closer to him, not hesitating in hugging you tight. You felt your heart race faster, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. If anything, it made your nerves quietly buzz, a soft thrumming that felt so nice you nearly cried.
You didn’t even realize when you fell asleep, too exhausted from having spilled your whole heart out. So you definitely didn’t notice the wet sheen in Osamu’s eyes, or how he rapidly blinked his tears away to make sure they didn’t fall on you, his hold on your body gently tightening.
Something changed after that night. Somehow, Osamu being the only one who knew your shameful secret brought you even closer together. While you didn’t talk about it again, Osamu subtly encouraged you to get closer to Atsumu, to spend more time with him and “mend” your failing relationship. To Atsumu’s credit, you two did end up spending an awesome night out together, which could technically be classified as a date but felt more like hanging out with your best friend. You giggled and laughed with him all night, like you used to, and some of the fear in your head melted away. Maybe Osamu was right. Maybe everything would be okay.
When Atsumu kissed you goodnight at your front door, you didn’t feel anything. But you weren’t worried. This would fix itself too. Just as everything else had fixed itself.
You entered your third year of high school with your boyfriend and best friend by your side, ready to crush senior year and then move onto adult life. Atsumu went to Youth Camp again, now being seriously looked at as a candidate for the pro leagues. You were ecstatic for him, and you trusted completely that he would crush it. Osamu was looking into culinary school, and you were looking into university as well in your own preferred field.
Graduation was an emotional affair, especially with the realization that you were splitting up from the Twins soon. You had been accepted into a university in Tokyo, while Osamu was staying in Hyogo. Atsumu was already trying out for the V League, and it had him bouncing from place to place.
Your mother was vehemently against you and Atsumu not staying together, which annoyed you. The idea of staying glued to his ass was not appealing. You wanted to carve your own path. It was only when you convinced your mother that Atsumu’s endless traveling would have him in Tokyo quite often did she feel satisfied enough, and so life as an adult began filled with a promise for new adventures.
It was away at university that you first experienced just how much you depended on the Twins. Especially Osamu.
Emotionally, Osamu had been your rock. He was always the one you went to with every rant, every problem, every worry. While Atsumu was helpful at times too, he was more of a talker than a listener. But Osamu always gave you his full attention. He would sit and listen to you for hours if you asked, chiming in at all the right places and really making you feel heard. When you started life at a new place, you were hit with the nasty, all encompassing feeling of missing him down to your very bones.
You texted him, you video called, you watched as the gray dye slowly faded from his hair, leaving him with his natural dark brown. He talked to you about culinary school, excited to share what new dish or flavor he had learned or created, and you watched as his face fleshed out more, losing almost all his remaining childhood fat and leaving him looking older. You supposed you changed in the same way, but Osamu never commented on it. He always talked to you the same, like you had never left.
You missed him terribly.
Your university friends were overly in awe that your soulmate was a pro volleyball player, and often thought you were on the phone with him when it was actually Osamu. It did hit you with a pang of guilt slightly, because while you also talked to Atsumu daily, it was never very long drawn out like it was with Osamu. You knew everything going on in his life, but you weren’t invested like you were in Osamu’s life.
And that little skip of your heartbeat never went away. In fact, it became more frequent. Whenever Osamu’s voice would first ring through your phone, your heart would jump, and your smile was automatic. His laugh would make you grin, and talking to him settled your nerves in a way no other person could.
It didn’t surprise you when a certain worry started sitting in your chest. A gnawing voice, low pitched but annoying, muttering in your head about how this was wrong, you should be feeling this way for your soulmate and not his fucking twin brother. You weren’t dense. You knew what a crush was. And you knew that these feelings were definitely indicating a crush. But you dismissed it as just Osamu being Atsumu’s twin. They were identical looking. So it was natural for you to like Osamu because he was so closely reminding you of your soulmate.
You tried to ignore the fact that your actual soulmate never made you feel this way.
Atsumu visited you often, maybe one weekend every month, which he would spend in your apartment. Your roommates would wiggle their eyebrows and make lewd, suggestive comments, saying something about how they should clear out for the weekend since you two would be getting loud and rowdy. It made you flush furiously, but you couldn’t exactly tell them nothing would happen.
You and Atsumu had yet to go all the way. The most you did was a makeout session that felt cold and distant. It was worrisome, it was a huge concern, but it was something neither of you talked about. You were comfortable with Atsumu. You would pig out on junk food, talk shit about old high school folks you both knew, he would whine about his teammates and you would fill him up on your share of university gossip, and then you two would fall asleep cuddled under your blankets. It was comforting, a slice of home, and so what if the thought of sex with Atsumu made you kind of uncomfortable and grossed out? It would pass. You were still young.
But then you would feel the butterflies burst to life in your stomach when Osamu called, you would watch his eyes through your phone screen, how every passing month made him look more like a man and less like a boy. His dark eyes, just as calm as they were when you were kids, but now….. sultrier. More dreamy. Sometimes he would send you a morning selfie, still in bed, just above the neck but you could tell he was shirtless, and you would imagine waking up like that, with his shirtless body next to you. And you would wonder what his skin would feel like under your fingertips.
This was bad. This was so, so bad. But you couldn’t control it. All you could do was deny the existence of these feelings. Waking up every morning and convincing yourself that the man in your dreams was not him, but Atsumu. Though you knew. Deep down, you knew.
You didn’t go back to Hyogo after your first year. Your parents had traveled down to Tokyo and you spent a wonderful two weeks with them before the new term started, and while Osamu groaned and complained about how bad he wanted to see you, you were relieved. You couldn’t see him, not when your head was messed up with thoughts of him. Thoughts you should never, ever have. You wondered, now very often, what you would do if you saw him in your current state. How badly you would want to kiss him.
No. God. No.
Once Atsumu became a starter for the MSBY Black Jackals, he and Osamu decided to get an apartment together in Osaka, the team’s hometown. Osamu had freshly graduated, while you still had one year left. And as per her nature, your mother started hounding you to complete your final year in Osaka. She wanted you to move in with the Twins, and for the first time in a long time, you were on board with one of her wishes.
You had missed them both so much. And you yearned for the time you spent every single day with them. The thought of sharing a living space with them was extremely exciting, so when you ironed out the details of your university transfer, you were on the first train to Osaka.
Halfway through your ride, Atsumu texted that he couldn’t make it to the station (since your train had been delayed and he had an event for later that night), and you tried to digest the implication of his untimely absence.
Osamu would be picking you up.
You felt anxiety creep up on you at the thought, fiddling with your hands and biting severely at your bottom lip. Shockingly, you had not seen Osamu since graduation. Your parents had moved to Tokyo after your first term, since nothing was holding them in Hyogo anymore, so you spent your breaks with them. And between Osamu opening his own Onigiri Place and working on his uni courses, he never got the time to come down and visit you.
Fresh in your twenties, you were a different person now. Tokyo had truly changed you, given you new experiences, new friends, new opportunities. For a brief second, you worried how your reunion with Osamu would go. You two had talked nearly every day for three years, but surely seeing him in person would be different, right?
You were right.
You found him standing next to a pillar in the crowded station, trying to stay out of everybody’s way. It wasn’t hard to spot him, since he was so tall. He had grown, which was a given. You should’ve known, because Atsumu had grown too. But you didn’t expect it. And you also didn’t expect him to have…. bulked up so much.
You knew he hadn’t really played volleyball after high school, so he had decided to start going to a gym instead. Your mouth went dry as you saw the results of it now. Osamu was wearing a tight compression shirt that hugged him in all the right places, broad shoulders, bulging biceps, down to his slim waist. His hair, now dark, looked softer than ever before, and you felt the urge to feel it between your fingers. His focus was on his phone screen, so he didn’t notice your distant gawking. God, he was…. a specimen. Was he always like this? Had you never noticed?
You felt your knees wobble like a baby deer as you walked closer to him, watching as he finally looked up and his eyes met yours. Something zipped through you like hot current, and you felt your ears buzz.
“Hi.” You sounded breathless.
“Hey.” He replied, and you saw, in real time, his eyes run over you from head to toe, before quickly snapping back up to your face. You saw his ears warm at the thought of you catching him as he looked you over, and you felt something liquid hot churn in your stomach.
When you hugged him, you experienced the true change in his strength. His arms were steady, torso firm but warm, and he smelled so good. You shivered when you felt his face find home in the crook of your neck, and you feared he would feel your heart as it jumped around frantically in your chest, trying to beat out of your ribcage.
He pulled back just enough to look into your eyes, and you were met up close with the wonderful, calm slate gray. You watched as his lips tilted up at the corners, as his cheeks twitched with that same, lazy smile.
“Missed ya.” He whispered.
“I-” Your eyes flickered, and you finally gave into your overwhelming urge, leaning forward only a few inches so your lips pressed firmly against his.
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malleusthehammer · 10 months
Hii, could I please request Sasaki, Heracles, Adam and Hades react if child! reader asked for a piggyback ride? I honestly think that would be so cute and wholesome 😭, reader and the character are very close, and I was thinking of reader kinda looking at them as a parental/brotherly figure? (Brotherly for Heracles, because we all know he would be the best brother ever), thank you if you have time to do my request!
AWEEWS YES YES YES THIS IS SO CUTE IM GONNA BAWL OMFG!! this idea is absolutely amazing
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Getting a piggyback ride from Sasaki, Hercules, Adam, and Hades!
Warnings: None!! pure fluff :3
Type: Headcanons and drabble
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⚔️ Sasaki
You just always thought he was cool!
so of course, you just followed him around
He loves playing with you!
Tag, hide n seek, you name it!
he’s oddly good at hide n seek
This man has taught you so many terms and words you shouldn’t know but ya know
When you ask for a piggyback ride, he absolutely agrees!
You and Sasaki were sitting in a field as usual, resting after a fun-filled day. Sasaki was gently rested against the large oak tree, his eyes closed. The gentle breeze pushed his hair, the grass around him following suit.
His eyes fluttered open as you stood up from your sitting position, standing infront of him in the sun. Your eyes were wide and full of playfulness.
“Mister Sasaki..! Wake up!”
He smiled, sitting up.
“I’m up kid, i’m up.. Are you ready to head back home?”
He watched as you grabbed his hands, trying to pull him off the ground.
“Yes yes! I want a piggyback ride!”
“A piggyback ride? Oh lord, kid..”
He chuckled and stood up, walking over to you. He soon squatted down, waiting for you to hop on his back. He and you laughed and laughed as you rode on his back all the way back home.
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💪 Hercules
Demi god jungle gym
just let’s you hang from his arms on a daily basis
Hercules was busy walking down the halls of Valhalla, his weapon resting gently on his shoulder. The only noise breaking the silence was the sound of feet hitting tile in a fast manner.
“Herc!! Hercules!!”
The large Demi god stopped in his tracks, looking over his shoulder to see you running towards him. Your bright smile and small legs hurdling towards him. He was quick to turn around, squatting down to your level.
“Hey kid!”
He opened his arms wide, pulling you into a tight hug. Hercules stood up, spinning you around in a circle before setting you down.
“What’re you doin’ here?”
“Miss Hilde told me where to find you!! I haven’t seen you ALL DAY and i miss you!”
He chuckled at your antics, your slugged down, rolling your eyes about how long it had been since you had seen the god. You quickly made ‘up oy’ hands towards Hercules.
“I wanna be with you! Can have a piggy back ride?”
He smiled and nodded, grabbing you swiftly and setting you on his shoulder.
“I know this ain’t a piggyback ride, but it’s just as cool!”
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🍎 Adam
Hes already carrying you around
you help him pick fruits!!!
Eve loves you sm omg
Adam walked around Eden with you, you both holding baskets of fruits. You both had been roaming around, feeding animals and having fun in Eden. Adam noticed you getting tired over time, slowly trudging behind him in the fields.
“Hey, you okay little one?”
He looked down at you as you slowly trudged up the hill, your forehead covered in sweat.
“Mhm.. i’m.. im okay..”
Adam waited patiently for you to catch up to him, his hair swaying in the wind. As you met him at the top of the hill, you sat the basket in your hands down. You took a deep breath, sitting down in the grass.
“It’s so hot..”
He blinked at you a couple times, before squatting down next to you.
“We only have a bit longer til we see Eve. Can you make it?”
You slowly looked up at him, your eyes heavy and exhausted. You shook your head, wiping sweat from your brow.
“Can.. Can i have a piggyback ride Mr Adam..?”
He stared at you slightly before obliging. He sat you snugly on his back, carrying you the rest of the way back to the house.
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☠️ Hades
Not amused
at all
like he likes you
but he’s not amused by your antics
You had been following Hades around for hours now. Brünhilde had shewed you off, leaving you to wander the halls of Valhalla til you found Hades. He had been ignoring you for the whole time. But he has kept a keen eye on you, always steering away from the gods that may cause you trouble.
After another hour or so, he could see you slowing down behind him.
“Mister… Mister slow down..”
He heard your pleas, his feet stopping completely. He turned to face you, his eyes looking down on you.
“Mm.. as you wish, small one.”
He waited patiently as you caught up with him.
“Hades. Just Hades.”
He cut you off, kneeling down to match your height.
“Mister Hades- can.. can i have a piggy back ride?”
His brows furrowed slightly, before he slowly nodded. He helped you on his back, then proceed through the halls to helheim.
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blumisiu · 24 days
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I wish I was with you
written by blumisiu. published: 29 May 2024
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❀ 1.1k words. lisa frankenstein!au. undead!taesan bf headcanons. mentions of severed genitals lolz, death, murder, groping, and kissing. fancy a different story? જ⁀➴ the library is this way!
❀ authors note — i finally watched lisa frankenstein and it’s literally been on replay ever since (seen it 8 times in a row). such a good film if you haven’t seen it already GO watch it!! n e ways it got me thinking about Emo Kitty Boy and how he’d just fit perfectly into this kinda story. maybe this will be a longer thing in the future but for now enjoy some headcanons!! happy reading my fairies ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ♡︎
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• accidentally bringing a dead man back to life definitely wasn’t something you thought could happen.. like, ever. but here you are!
• such a pretty boy :( has the sweetest, saddest eyes you’ve ever seen. walks around with his head down most of the time.
• his hair is always a mess, ruffled and sticking up in different directions, but you adore it. you love playing with it and manoeuvring it in a way so he has two little kitten ears.
• he outwardly hates it, always grunting and pulling away from you but on the inside? it’s his favourite thing. he gets to sit really close to you and stare at your pretty face.
• he’s still A Bit Confused about the modern world, but you’re always by his side to help him figure out new things (and keep him away from danger)
• you take him on roller rink dates every saturday night (his favourite). he’s so clumsy but has the time of his life. you take him on drive-in theatre, ice cream parlour and library dates too!!
• at the library, you show him all the popular authors nowadays and your favourite books. often times you both decide on a book to check out. then, go out to the field in your neighbourhood and sit on the cute little bench overlooking the forest whilst his head is in your lap and you read to him.
• is such a huge enjoyer of rock music. the first time you took him to the record store, he randomly chose a Kiss vinyl to try out at home and he LOVED it.
• you could not stop laughing. his eyes lit up so much. you don’t think you’ve ever seen him smile so wide. :’) you guys had a major rager that night
• practiced driving so much just to be able to take you places. he loves bringing you to the local diner so you two can “share” a milkshake. he just sort of sits with his lips on the straw, but at least you can share a cute moment together!
• insists on feeding you, fries specifically. he’s just weird like that.
• he’s still not much of a talker, so he shows his love through lots of physical touch and acts of service.
• when he’s feeling really sappy and romantic, he’ll trudge over to the radio and start playing The Cure. has specific songs that remind him of you, so he plays those to communicate how he feels.
• will absolutely drag you off the sofa and make you dance with him. clumsily spins you around and dips you like in those old movies.
• can genuinely read you like a book. he’s so empathetic and in tune with your feelings. he understands you so deeply. he knows all your interests, your dislikes and everything you love.
• whenever you’re feeling sad he’ll carry you bridal style to your bed, pepper your face with kisses then bring you your favourite food and candies.
• he’ll also go traverse the neighbourhood for a rose bush. cuts the prettiest ones just for you, then spray paints them black and ties them in a little bouquet. you have about fifteen of them hanging on the wall above your bed
• worships the ground you walk on. literally yearns for you day and night. he’d kill for you.
• and he does.
• anyone who is mean to you, purposefully goes out of their way to make your life miserable, and/or harms you is dead :)
• it’s quite funny cause he looks so shy and nervous most of the time that nobody would think he’d be capable of murder. but he is :P
• it’s sort of really romantic.
• you know, as he’s dead, only the Really Important bits of him are in one piece… so! he killed that slimy little dirtbag that groped you at that terrible party one night. then cut his dick off ^_^
• presents it to you with such a sweet smile. is like •ᴗ•
• you freak out!!!!! because what!!! and then he’s sad and miserably grunts, which you interpret as “im sorry, i thought it would make you happy” he’s literally frowning and tears are forming in his eyes so you have no choice but to hug him
• you kiss him all over as a thank you
• (and yes, you attach it to him. sorta poorly but because he’s smart he suggests using electricity to really make sure it’s on there and give it…. feeling again? your sister has a faulty tanning bed so….you give it a try! it works ;)
• he’s so gentle with you. cuddling is his #1 favourite activity to do with you. always follows you everywhere with his arm around your waist. clingy bf <33
• if you’re cooking something he’ll just latch onto you like a little baby kitten and rest his head on your shoulder.
• his favourite places to kiss you are your neck and lips. he loves to leave hickeys on you and then watch you get all flustered and blushy when you discover them later
• you’re not bothered to cover them though so if you’re going somewhere that day… oh well! <3
• and he loves to kiss your lips because he gets to taste you. a messy kisser for sure but it’s really hot.
• sometimes, you play the Chapstick Guessing Game where you put on all your different chapsticks and make him guess each flavour. he totally abuses the game and guesses the wrong answer on purpose :| it always ends in a make out session anyways so you let it slide
• you always tell him about your day before you go to bed, and he’ll hmmph and grpph back to you. when he’s feeling really energised, he’ll write what happened to him during the day so you can read it :D
• snuggles up to you realllyyy close and plays with your hair. hums is favourite songs (both classical and rock) to you. he actually has a lovely voice, albeit a little croaky.
• he loves tracing your features. they’re just so gorgeous and his absolute favourite thing to look at; plus it relaxes you. double win!
• kisses your forehead before turning off the lights (will steal a long, passionate kiss or two in the dark…maybe more if you’re okay with it).
• you tell him everything. he tells you everything. he feels so safe with you. you’re his home. and he makes you feel real and not crazy and he doesn’t look at you like some puzzle to figure out. he sees you as a person. and a person he wants to spend eternity with at that <3
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☁️ taglist — @luv-y0urself
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silv3rswirls · 1 year
I'm not human at all
Summary: Something seems rotten in him, gross and morbid, and it’s starting to spread.
Note: I really like the setting of this one? Idk how well it came across in the fic but the forest, middle of nowhere, swampy, flooded kinda deal, good vibes to me
Warnings: Stepbrother Jungkook, yandere, descriptions of violence, angsty, disturbing thoughts
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“I wish I hated you.” 
The water sloshing around your head slowly calms. Your floating hair tickles your face, your clothes cling to your body, and your wrist remains tightly bound in Jungkook’s hand. He’s too close, with you pinned under him. The flooded field was silent, too silent for the struggle that had ensued just seconds ago.
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When a new family moved into town, it was known by everyone. It was such a small, rural place that everyone knew everyone, and word traveled fast. When a widowed mother moved to town, a daughter at his side that matched his age; Jungkook had been intrigued. Granted, he had never imagined that woman joining his family. But of course, his father had to take interest in the mysterious, and your mother seemed to like the outsiders of town.
You moved in not even a year into their relationship and they married not long after. It was a big house, outside of town, secluded near the forests and downhill, so when it rained the yard would flood and so would the floorboards inside. It was a distant home life, Jungkook was already used to it as you struggled to grow accustomed. Children in his house were forgotten, and the day your mother moved in it seemed she lived by that rule. Living life alone, with no one's eyes on you other than your new stepbrother’s.
Jungkook had always been odd. He hardly spoke to you and kept to his own. Even when you grew older and the silly trivializations of childhood were lost, he still held you at a distance. But you had to admit, there was a fond curiosity that came with calling yourself part of his family. One that leads you to trail after him slowly while walking into town, pretending not to care but always finding your eyes on him. You’d follow him into the woods, a silent puppy pawing after him as he seemed to genuinely enjoy exploring the thick brush. You could never tell if it annoyed him or not, and if it did he hardly said anything about it. 
But somethings, when he looked back at you struggling to keep up and swatting bugs away, your eyes would catch his. The forest would quiet down and so would your footsteps. In those moments a thick tension could be felt, an odd one, that seemed to come out of thin air. 
He kind of liked it.
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You only ever saw Jungkook cry once, as he trudged through the flooded field with something clutched in his hand. He held it out to you, a wood carving he had spent days on just for you. But your excited smile never came, your lips parted in concern at the gash across his palm. You took him inside and sewed the gash closed with a needle and thread. Going into town for something like that wasn’t something your parents went for, so it slowly became your job to care for any ailments. Jungkook shivered at the feeling of your gentle hands holding his, and he hugged you for the first time afterward.
He thought about pulling his makeshift stitches out just to have you take care of him again.
It started after that day. You would appear in his dreams and he’d wake with a swarm of butterflies in his stomach. Sweat coated his body as he thought of you. He’d roll over and stare at the wall your rooms shared. Where you lay sound asleep. His eyes would flutter closed, imagining you cuddled beside him. And hours after, still unable to sleep he would roll onto his back, imaging you above him. Your thighs pressed at either side of his hips, hands entangled in his own.
His attitude shifted after that.
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“Let me see”
“I’m fine, it’s just a cut” you wince, the stinging sensation of blood dripping down your finger. Jungkook had taken your wrist to inspect it, dark eyes bearing to the sight of crimson seeping out. He took your finger into his mouth, sucking the blood. His eyes flicked up to yours, holding contact as he stopped; your put resting against his lip, and blood began to bead down his chin. “I couldn’t help it,” he smiled.
“Jungkook?” You asked, waiting for him to hum in return as he looked around for a band-aid. “Why are we different?”
“What do you mean?”
“Everyone thinks we’re weird, that's all I hear when I go into town.” You hesitated, “your dad said I was…weird” you chose, not able to repeat the nastiness you had heard from the man.
He scoffed, “what does it matter if they think we’re weird?” He looked at you with a hard frown, “it doesn’t matter, do you want to leave?” He asked, “because if you care so much, why don’t you just leave?”
He’s waiting for your answer, he’d rather take you dead than gone.
“I don’t want to leave you” you muttered, shoulders falling and voice shrinking. “I just wish they’d stop saying such awful things about you.”
His grip on your hand loosens a bit, if only you knew the truth behind rumors. Rumors that whispered of his fondness of you being too much. Or ones that gossiped of how disturbed he was, how he liked to collect dead bugs and picked pieces of butterflies' wings from the road and pocket them. How he had never loved anyone but you, not even his parents.
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“I went into town today, and met this guy while shopping.”
Jungkook’s breathing had hitched the moment you said those words to him. 
“Did you?” He asked with pointed words. His eyes glared hard, your back turned to him as you cooked. His fingers pressed into the dining table hard, the splintering wood pricking his skin. “I thought we decided to always go into town together?” “That was so long ago” you smiled, fondly looking back on childhood promises. “We’re grown now, I don’t need you to watch over me all the time.”
You turned when he abruptly stood up, chair scratching the floor and nearly tipping over. He left the room with a scowl, slamming and locking his door. 
He sat on his bed with his stomach in knots, sick to his stomach at the thought of anyone else being around you, trying to emulate the affection he should be giving. He exhaled, rubbing his hands on his jeans and watching them shake in anger. He needed to calm down, he didn’t want to be angry with you. To tip over the edge and start yelling, fighting you on his. He shook his head, almost laughing at himself as he felt tears begin to emerge. He supposed, he had never thought of you taking interest in anyone but him. Not when you lived such secluded lives like this. Somewhere in his mind, he had already thought of the two of you together, unspoken between little glances he swore you have him. 
You had to feel the same, you looked at him the same he looked at you. He could feel it. He laughed at himself again, sniffling and harshly scrubbing the tears from his face. Or maybe he was just sick, crazy, and too good at making things up and believing them. 
There was a jar sitting on his bedside table, where he had kept a caterpillar he caught a time ago. He had cocooned and blossomed into a butterfly, a rather plain looking one. But it had been fluttering around the jar for nearly a week now, hitting the sides and anxiously trying to get out and fly away. 
He didn’t want it to go; he didn’t want you to go.
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It had rained all night and morning, the sun was finally starting to part the clouds and you were excitedly getting ready for a walk into town. Jungkook hadn’t spoken to you since the night you mentioned another guy. You felt a bit of a hold in your stomach as you pulled on your rain boots. While you were curious to keep meeting and talking with your new friend, you felt a cold loneliness around with Jungkook ignoring you. Part of you wondered if it was worth it, to keep Jungkook worked up and distant, you weren’t sure of what to do. “He’s not my boyfriend” you reminded yourself with stiff words and pursed lips. “It shouldn’t bother me or Jungkook this much.”
Outside, per usual, the stretch of yard and field was flooded. Near to your ankles as you trudged through, huffing in annoyance at a flood when the sun was beginning to beam and nature's noises came back. Chirping birds and billowing insects chimed along with the squish of flooded earth and sloshes of water. 
Jungkook’s hurried steps were much louder and disturbed your peaceful walk as he approached fast. You turned, a bit concerned to find your stepbrother racing towards you after nearly a week of the cold shoulder. “I’ll kill him” he spat, “I really will, I’ll kill him if you don’t stop seeing him.”
You stumbled in your steps, turned around, and nearly fell over as you looked at Jungkook with eyes blown wide. “J-Jungkook calm down, you can’t just say that because you're upset-”
“I’ve thought about just how I’ll do it, I can’t stop thinking about it.”
He reaches for you, grabbing your wrist tight and yanking you over. You stumbled into him, feel his hand under your jaw as he brings your face to his and kisses you. For a moment his hold loosens and you go tumbling back in shock, water splashing violently around you as you fall. He’s there on the ground with you in seconds, over you with eyes part in concern and part still in anger. The water sloshing around your head slowly calms. Your floating hair tickles your face, your clothes cling to your body, and your wrist remains tightly bound in Jungkook’s hand. He’s too close, with you pinned under him. The flooded field was silent, too silent for the struggle that had ensued just seconds ago. 
“I wish I hated you” he began, “when we first met I did, but I don’t know what happened, I just love you so much.” You listen to him with averted eyes and half a frown. 
“Don’t you love me?” You look at him for a moment, “come on, angel” he smiles as he says it, “don’t be scared, it's just been driving me crazy all week. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I do love you” you murmur, thinking of all the things people said about you and him through the years trapped in this patch of woods. “It’s just-”
“No” he hums, “don’t even worry about anything else, just worry about me and you.”
He smiles, he feels like he’s finally been driven off the cliff. Sick, contagious as he coaxes your worries away, “you don’t need anyone but me, you never have and never will.”
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“Angel” he’d purr, his hands cupping your face and turning his gaze to him. “Were they giving you trouble again? I’ll make them stop.”
 His favored nickname for you, but when he called you that your looks of adoration slowly began to turn. You would get this odd look in your eye, disgust maybe? Disbelief? Guilty love? Your lips would curve down, shoulders tense ever slightly; but he always noticed. Your gaze turned shameful as if your eyes were telling- no begging him to cut off your wings and strip you of that title. You’d beg him not to call you that, but he would only tilt his head with this intense look and ask who made you feel undeserving of being his angel.
He imagined himself as some big bad wolf, long fangs dripping with anxious saliva; slowly sinking into your feathers and tearing your wings apart. His personal angel, flightless and unable to leave; desired only by him. He could tell, he’s rotted your brain. Human no more, with fangs and growing horns. He could finally feel it, what it had meant all his life as people whispered behind his back.
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Taglist: @aris-ink
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sumsumstrashbin · 9 months
Hiya! I have another request. May I request one for James where the reader is in a different house (Preferably Hufflepuff cause that's mine, but if you prefer to keep the reader's house neutral (like it can be any of the other 3) idm either) where she's on the Quidditch team, and they beat Gryffindor, making James really sad cause it means the Gryffindor lost the Quidditch Cup that year (they're in 7th year in my head) and a few days later, Sirius comes up to her after a class and asks what she did to James, and Sirius explains that he's been really sad since the match, and the reader takes it upon herself to cheer James up, Sirius having 'accidentally' mentioned that James has a massive crush on the reader... I just have a lot of Marauders' oneshots.... sorry if the plot is quite specific.
𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭 ~ 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐡𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐟𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭!
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 𝟕𝟖𝟎
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐠𝐫𝐲𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐜𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐮𝐩𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐞?
──���──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
The stands of the Quidditch pitch were roaring with life as you dove down on your broom, catching the snitch and ending the last match of the year. The Hufflepuff crowd cheered and waved banners around in excitement, while the Gryffindor spectators groaned and accepted their disappointing defeat. As your team was announced the victors of this year’s Quidditch Cup, you soared down to the field with the rest of your teammates to celebrate.
Amid the celebrations, you couldn’t help but glance over at the Gryffindor team, who was mourning their loss. James, your supposed “rival” looked completely disheartened, his dismay evident on his face. You exchanged a glance, and offered him a sympathetic smile as a truce, but he couldn’t return favour.
He trudged off the field with the rest of his team, and you shrugged off his reaction, continuing to celebrate with your friends.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
A few days had passed since the last game, and the parties were finally beginning to die down. However, your housemates insisted on one last bash to end off the year together before most of you graduated.
You were on your way back to your dorm after dinner to get ready for the party when you bumped into Sirius in the hall. You hadn’t seen him or any of the other Marauders since the Quidditch cup, though you hadn’t noticed that until now.
“Oi, Y/n. I need to talk to you.” Sirius spoke, putting his hands on his hips.
“What about?” You questioned, folding your arms.
“What have you done to James?”
You stared at him in confusion, racking your brain. “What do you mean? I haven’t done anything to him.”
“Merlin, I’ve never seen him so down before. All he does is mope around our dorm.”
“He can’t seriously still be so upset about the match.” You replied in disbelief.
“Maybe if we had lost to Slytherin he’d be less glum, but of course he had to lose to you.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean? What’s the difference?” You asked defensively.
“How could he not be upset when he fancies you as much as he does?” His eyes widened at his own statement, and he smacked a hand over his mouth. “Forget I said anything. Enjoy your party.” He rushed off without giving you time to react, leaving you absolutely dumbfounded in the corridor.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
As you got ready for the party, you couldn’t stop thinking about what Sirius said. Did James really have a crush on you? How had you not noticed? You thought this whole time that his playful banter with you during matches was just team rivalry.
You decided to confirm whether or not what Sirius said was true, grabbing your broom on the way out of your dorm.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
James was busy laying in bed and sulking when he heard a knock on his dorm window. He walked over, inspecting the source of the sound. As he looked out, he spotted you, sitting on your broom and hovering right next to the glass.
“What in Merlin’s name are you doing?” He questioned as he opened the window.
“I’m here to get you off your ass.” As you spoke, you flew right through the window and into his room, hopping off of your broom.
“You’re bloody insane, you know that?” He said, fighting back the smile that was curling the corners of his lips upward.
“You’re the insane one. You’re so upset about losing that you haven’t had the courage to face me since the match. That’s not very “big brave Gryffindor” of you, James.”
He scoffed, rolling his eyes. “That’s easy for you to say. You’re the one that won.”
“Sirius might’ve let it slip that you fancy me. Is that true?”
Surprise and panic flashed across his face, though he tried to play it cool. “What? That’s not true in the slightest.”
“Is that so? Because I’ve never seen you so deeply upset about losing before.”
“So you admit that you watch me?”
“I never said that. I’m just saying, it’s hard to not notice.” You shrugged. “But anyway. I came to invite you to the Hufflepuff party tonight. Like, right now.”
“And why would I be interested in attending this party?” 
“Oh, shut up and get dressed.” You quipped. “I’ll be waiting outside of your common room.”
“Fine.” He said with false reluctance, grabbing some clothes out of his trunk.
You mounted your broom, flying out the window but remaining near the opening. 
“Oh, and James?”
“Yeah?” He turned to look at you.
“Dress nicer than that. It’s a date.”
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
𝐚/𝐧: 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨…?
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cherr-22 · 6 months
“For this reconnaissance, we will investigate further. With the new demonic beast’s appearance recently, we must be more careful.”
“Yes sir!”
The knights answered in unison. It was so loud that even I, who was leisurely enjoying a sunbathing session while lying on the sawdust, could hear it.
‘Already another reconnaissance.’
It has been about a month since the previous one.
―Squeak squeak. Squeak. (But why hasn’t he told me about going on this one?)
I rubbed my stomach after stuffing myself with the almond, macadamia, and strawberry that Kyle had brought. I must’ve gained more weight, because it was getting harder to breathe. Just a little bit.
Anyways, it would be a good idea to follow along this time too. If another accident occurs, it’d be good if I were there.
I crawled to a corner and just when I was about to use ‘Summon’―.
“Wait a moment.”
Kyle opened the door and came into the study.
I took back my hand from the system window and slid back to the center of the hamster house.
Kyle’s soft voice called for me. I pretended I wasn’t doing anything and made a gesture that said, “You’re here?”.
Then he lifted me up and naturally started kissing me.
―Squeak……. (Alright…….)
Of course. If he didn't do this, he wouldn’t be Kyle Blake.
I received his kiss and waved my hand in goodbye. Hurry up and leave.
Kyle only left after glancing back at me twice at the study door. I quickly used ‘Summon’ and wore my clothes.
Really! At this point, shouldn’t I be able to automatically wear clothes? This is so inefficient!
……I’m not saying it’s your fault. It’s not like we could do anything about it. I’m just complaining out loud…
I comforted the sullen system and walked down the hallway at a brisk pace. I diligently headed out of the castle, greeting the workers carrying laundry baskets and brooms along the way.
When I pushed the tightly closed door, a light so bright that it hurt my eyes poured in. I stepped outside, feeling the cool air surrounding me.
Now, Kyle. Take me with you. Look at this perfect timing I appear before you when you need me.
“Your Highness! ……Huh?”
I looked at the empty field in front of the castle with a dumbfounded face.
He’s not here.
There’s nothing here. Even though this is the front gate?  Surely they would’ve reorganized their ranks here before going up the mountain?
I hurriedly searched the surrounding area. The flower beds, bushes, pillars… I looked closely everywhere, but I couldn’t find a single one of his familiar footprints.
“Just where exactly did you go!”
I shouted at the sky in frustration and a passing worker flinched.
“H-his Highness Kyle went to the back gate.”
“He said someone fearless may try to follow him…….”
I stood in place with a dumbfounded expression. The employee, seeing my reaction, quickly bowed his head and disappeared.
Then, does this mean…….
“He’s avoiding me?”
I went back into the castle and thought for a while. There weren’t any other demonic beast specialists within the castle so why would he go without me?
No, I knew why even without having to think. It was because I fell off the cliff last time.
It must’ve been a shock to see the person he promised to protect to fall into danger right before his eyes. What if it happens again? Would I be able to grab onto him properly this time? I could imagine him worrying about it all night long.
“It’s only right to keep the person you want to protect by your side.”
As I trudged down the hallway, I felt an inexplicable sense of loneliness. I must’ve gotten used to spending my time with Kyle.
I wandered around for a while before arriving at the kitchen to eat two freshly made sandwiches, scones, and cookies with black tea and then returned to my room to cancel ‘Summon’.
―Squeak. (Sigh.)
I laid down and stared at the dark ceiling of the study room.
There was no time to get lost in sentiment. I spent the entire day walking around and thinking about Kyle, but my heart felt heavier than it did before.
‘……Why do I feel so heavy?’
I grunted as I turned over. However, I couldn’t get up. I was only able to stand after grasping the floor with my paws.
―Squeak squeak. (……Just how much weight did I gain?)
Now, I could no longer deny it. At this rate, I may become an obese hamster and would have to survive on just chicory and lettuce.
I suddenly felt a sense of crisis and started walking on the hamster wheel. And here I thought I’d never have to ride this horrendous thing again!
Alright. Let’s do some morning dieting.
To the point where Kyle will be so surprised upon seeing me again.
Reconnaissance usually takes about four to five days. They said they would go further this time, so it should take about a week. Today was the first day of the week.
During this time, I was quite busy as both a human and a hamster.
During my time as a hamster, I worked on my squishy belly by running on the hamster wheel, and when I was human, I helped around.
Mass production of the quilted clothes have begun, because they thought it would be good to distribute them to the residents of the territory. The remaining knights in the castle also spent their days hunting.
I, of course, helped with sewing and teaching the kitchen staff various other healthy recipes. The most delicious recipe was the one made with the fish beast.
There was a pond to the south of the castle that was frozen all year long, so people often went ice fishing and hunting there.
They would gather together and light a bonfire to have a feast.
The grilled fish grilled with an even coat of spice and sauce…… it was tastier than any other seafood I’ve eaten.
As a result, the people greatly enjoyed the fish. And best of all, the fish would break through the ice on their own if there were a lot of them.
Anyways, it was hectic and busy. Thanks to that, my Miracle Value went up to 24 percent. It was a huge increase despite Kyle not being here.
In other words.
‘The people here has accepted me.’
Although, I did benefit a bit from the ‘passive effect’ of gaining favor with the Northerners.
When I walk across the hallways in the castle, the workers greet me and the knights sometimes look for me with monsters they caught in their hands. When I go to the kitchen, I’m gifted with freshly baked bread and some cookies. Yesterday, I even received the tart that the youngest worker of the castle baked.
‘……But we are still a little awkward with each other.’
It was definitely not a bad feeling though.
I cleared my throat and glanced at the clock. It was ticking just past noon.
―Squeak squeak. Squeak squeak squeak. (Kyle, just when exactly is he going to come back? The weather is fine so he should be back pretty soon.)
While mumbling to myself, the system window blinked.
That’s not it. Don’t look at me like I’m a wife waiting for their husband to return home. We’re not in that sort of relationship.
I kicked the system window and it flashed again on the opposite side of me.
I frantically kicked hard at the moving system window. I was so absorbed that I didn’t even hear the study door open.
“So you also knew how to dance.”
A soft voice came from above my head.
I paused and turned my head up. Kyle was looking down at me with a very disheveled appearance.
“Sorry for being gone for so long. I rushed back, because I was worried about you, but it seems like I could’ve washed up first. I can’t hold you with my hands dirty like this.”
Kyle mumbled while holding his hands caked in dirt and blood. My eyes naturally went to his hands.
―Squeeeak! (Hey! What’s with your hands!)
I stuck myself to the transparent wall and squeaked towards Kyle.
Kyle must’ve thought I was glad to see him after a long time, so he looked at me sweetly and left the study, saying that he would come back soon.
I pounded my chest in frustration and used ‘Summon’.
It’s a good thing I didn’t use it earlier in the day today. How could I hold in after seeing him like that? I must take a closer look myself to see if the body I cherish has any injuries.
“I think right now is good.”
I hung around in front of Kyle’s room for a while before knocking the door. Then, I heard a voice from inside telling me to come in.
Upon opening the door, I saw Kyle with a robe draped over his shoulders, drying his hair with a towel.
I quickly scanned him from head to toe. No injuries on his arms. Not a single scratch on his chest. He just looked a bit messy.
I sighed in relief and walked over to him.
“It took you a while this time.”
“I thought it would be good to go the longer route after encountering the new demonic beast before.”
“You didn’t tell me to go together this time.”
“There is no need for you to accompany me on every reconnaissance. Besides, didn’t you say you were busy?”
I crossed my arms and puffed. You could hide all you want, but I know you better than yourself.
“Not because you are afraid I might die?”
Kyle stared at me silently. It seems I got it right.
I reached out and gently grabbed both ends of the towel covering Kyle’s head to help dry his hair. He obediently lowered his head to narrow the distance between me and him.
“Teach me how to use the bow tomorrow. I learn quickly, so it’ll be worthwhile for you to teach me.”
Kyle’s brows narrowed, and then he relaxed with a short sigh.
As if he missed me for the week he was gone, he wrapped my waist with his strong arms and pulled me in. I entrusted myself to him. With his familiar body scent reaching the tip of my nose, I felt at ease.
I let go of the towel and placed my arms around his neck. I smiled as I heard him saying that he would teach me and that he’s glad to be back home.
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whatthetumblfck · 2 years
For As Long As You Need Me
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(This is my first ever fanfic. I hope you enjoy!)
- Over 6K words
Content: swearing, hurt/comfort, fluff, OC (Y/N), Bucky Barnes
Summary: A recent mission turns out some unexpected results, and you end up a little (alot) worse for wear.  
**Please do not repost my work**
You reluctantly trudged into the meeting room of the Avenger’s compound for yet another briefing on yet another mission. You loved being an Avenger, but you were tired. You had literally just gotten off the Quinjet from your last mission and were still wearing your tac suit. Your last mission was supposed to be an easy extraction. A simple grab-and-go of a HYDRA operative for intel. The “one day” mission turned into a week and ended with enemy blood on your suit and seaweed in your boots, among other places. You weren’t normally one to complain, but damnit, you could use a shower and a decent meal.
Haphazardly, you flopped into one of the chairs, propped your elbow on the table and rested your chin in your hand. You puffed out your cheeks and forcefully exhaled, as if, somehow, that would lessen your fatigue. At the head of the table, Steve smiled politely as he waited for you to settle. Across from you, however, Bucky stared at you, unimpressed with your apparent tardiness. Your stare shifted awkwardly between super-soldiers as you tried to rub the soreness out of your neck.
“So nice of you to join us,” Bucky remarked sarcastically.
You glared back at him, clearly not in the mood for his bullshit right now. And you sure as hell don’t have the energy to entertain it with a comeback.
“So, now that we’re all here…” Steve began formally, “we received intel on an abandoned HYDRA base that we believe house the files we’ve been looking for—”
“What about the asshole I just grabbed?” You interrupted, “I’m sure he can provide whatever information you need. And besides, I just got back. I’m tired and I’m dying for a sho—”
“Y/N, we need this. No one else is available.” Steve was using his Captain America voice now. “It’ll be a quick in-and-out, but we need to move now before they realize their info was leaked.”
You stared into Steve’s hardened gaze for a moment, searching for any sign that he might budge on this. Unfortunately, you found nothing.
You sighed. “Ok. Fine. When do we leave?”
“Meet Bucky on the jet in 20.” And with that, Steve left the room, leaving you with your thoughts.
Fuck. Maybe if you hurry, you’ll have time to shower and change your suit.  You stood up suddenly, not even noticing how Bucky was already standing by the door, scowling at you.
“You better hurry, princess. Don’t expect me to wait around for you again.”
“What the fuck is your problem, Barnes?” You spat at him.
“Me? I don’t have a problem.” He feigned indifference.
“Then why are you acting like a dick?!”  This isn’t the first time you and Bucky had been at each other’s throats. You were relatively new to the Avengers team, but you were far from incompetent. You trained hard, maybe even harder than everyone else, because you knew you needed to, to keep up with super soldiers, highly trained assassins, and expert marksmen. You feel you have proved yourself time and time again in the field, yet it never seemed good enough for Bucky Barnes.
Bucky was in your face now, mere inches away, and he was pissed. Oh shit. Maybe you went a little too far with the ‘dick’ comment.
“Maybe I wouldn’t act like a dick if you weren’t such a stuck-up, self-entitled bitch!”
Nope. No. You didn’t take it too far. You regret nothing now. You could feel your blood start to boil, your fists clenching at your sides. You know better than to try to take on a super soldier and, truth be told, you didn’t want to fight Bucky, not really. You liked him, probably more than you should. Even if you didn’t want to admit that to yourself. But, damn, he was really pissing you off today.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean? I work my ass off and I don’t ask for anything from anyone!” You huffed, chest heaving with anger.
Clearly, he had struck a nerve and as he seemed to notice this, a devilish grin spread across his face. He leaned in even closer and suddenly you were anxious, the anger in your features fading into unease. Is he doing this on purpose, trying to make you nervous? You stare relentlessly into his pale blue eyes, daring yourself to hold your ground, when all you wanted to do was melt into a puddle. Damn it, Y/N! Focus! He is an asshole and you are angry. Don’t look at his lips, don’t look at his lips, don’t look at his l—FUCK! You looked at his lips. You know he noticed; he misses nothing.  You averted your eyes and abruptly turned towards the door, your back turned to Bucky, desperately trying to find the rage that was long gone at this point.
Bucky straightened his posture and exaggeratedly inhaled, flaring his nostrils.
“Oh, and Y/N? You fucking stink.” His features twisted, resembling something close to disgust. “Maybe take a shower once in a while.”
Ah, there it is. You welcomed back the rage with open arms. It helped you focus.
You whipped your head around, irritation seeping from your pores. You scowled at him with the intention to kill, if looks could do it. But as much as you wanted to punch that stupid smirk off his ridiculously beautiful face, you didn’t have the time.
“Fuck you, Barnes!” And with that, you stormed out of the conference room to prepare for the mission.
Bucky watched as you angrily marched to your room, his eyes lit with a sense of accomplish, before slowly settling into a haze of uncertainty.
  Fueled by the rage brought on by your less than pleasant interaction with Bucky, you showered quickly, silently cursing the steel-blue eyed super-soldier and his fucking attitude. You started to feel small hints of insecurities formed by Bucky’s words, but quickly pushed them aside. You weren’t going to allow yourself to spiral like that. Not right now. By the time you had donned a clean tac suit and gathered your weapons of choice, you had resolved to not let his comments bother you. After all, you were far too tired to waste the energy on this any longer. Your plan was to sit as far away from Bucky as you could on the jet, read the file and, if you had time, squeeze in a quick nap before you land. You tightened your thigh holster and slipped the blade into place before sprinting to the jet.
As you climbed up the ramp, you glanced at your watch. One minute to spare. Ha! Take that, tin man! Of course, Bucky was already at the controls, adjusting the coordinates for auto-pilot. Without sparing another glance in his direction, you grabbed a file from the bench and tucked yourself into a corner. You started to skim through the information, but fatigue hit you full force and you felt your eyelids grow heavy. You didn’t realize that you fell asleep until you were startled awake by the sound of the file you were holding crashing to the ground. Your eyes shot open wide and you leaned over to pick up the folder, looking over at Bucky, who was now sitting across from you a few seats down. You sighed, waiting for the inevitable smart-ass remark Bucky was sure to make, but nothing was ever spoken. He simply looked at you in a way you’re not sure you’ve ever seen before. What was it? Was it concern, maybe? Compassion? Curiosity? After a second, you tore your tired eyes away from him and looked at your watch. It had only been 30 minutes. You still have a few hours of the flight left. With that thought, you placed the file on the floor and slid down on your side, nestling into the seat. In a matter of seconds, you were asleep.
 You were awoken by the sensation of the jet descending to land. Your head felt foggy, and your mouth was dryer than the Sahara.  You winced as you attempted to swallow, feeling like your throat was lined with razor blades. You sat up slowly, your head spinning from the change in position. Fuck. Fucking fuck. You knew exactly what this was. This was Karma coming back to bite you in the ass for that time you put salt in Bucky’s lemonade instead of sugar. It was hilarious at the time. You took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to gather yourself and align your thoughts with the mission. It’s just a two mile walk to the car. Easy. Then a 40-minute drive to the base. Break in, find the files, get out and get back to the jet. With a final jolt, the jet landed, and Bucky appeared from the cockpit.  You stood up quickly, briefly using the wall to steady yourself, and began gathering your things. You didn’t want Bucky to catch on to the fact that you were getting sick. You can practically hear him making some comment about slowing him down or expecting special treatment and you weren’t having any of it. You always work hard, pulling your own weight and you weren’t about to let a little cold stop you from doing your job.
You threw your bag over your shoulder and headed for the ramp, trying to avoid looking at Bucky. You were still kind of pissed about what he said earlier and—oh no- --aahh choo! You sneezed: not once, not twice, but three times. You froze, turning your head slightly to the side to catch a glimpse of Bucky, feeling like you’d been made. He was staring at you impassively. You paused, trying to decide if you should say something, attempt to maintain the illusion of perfect health, but your sass came out instead.
“What? No smartass comment?” You prompted, sounding congested. Damnit, Y/N. Should’ve kept your mouth shut.
A crooked smile crept onto his face. “No, not at all. I was going to ask if you were allergic to hard work, but we didn’t actually do anything yet so…”
You narrowed your eyes at him, debating on throwing one of your knives at his head, but he would just deflect it. Suddenly, malaise hit you like a freight train, and you lost your resolve, really starting to feel like shit. Your eyes fluttered shut for a moment, trying to push the feeling aside, but you couldn’t shake it. No longer wanting to linger around Bucky, you turned to slowly walk down the ramp, trying to reserve whatever energy had left. You didn’t even look behind you to see if Bucky was following you as began walking in the direction of the car that was waiting a couple miles away. One step at time. Just get to the car.
Bucky followed you down the ramp, taking note of the sudden drop in your mood. He stayed in step with your pace, realizing you were walking much slower than normal, especially for being angry. Although, he had noticed the fire leave your eyes back on the ramp. “Hey,” he gently called out to you. You didn’t answer him. “Y/N,” a little louder. Still no answer. He quickened his stride to stand in front of you, putting his hands on your shoulders, stopping you from moving forward. You widened your eyes at the abrupt halt, an obvious look of surprise on your face. Confused, you looked down at his hand on your left shoulder and he quickly dropped his hands, worried he may have a crossed a boundary. You looked back up to his face, taking in his furrowed brow, his sincere eyes, before moving down to his perfectly plump lips. His mouth was moving, but you didn’t hear what he said.
“What?” you asked, seemingly dumbfounded.
“I’ve been calling your name. You didn’t answer me. Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? We can take a break if you—”
“NO! No..I said I’m fine, Barnes. Let’s go.” There was no way you were going to show any sign of weakness, especially in front of Bucky. You’d never hear the end of it. He let out a sigh as you pushed past him and kept walking.
When you reached the car, Bucky grabbed the key from under the wheel well as you dropped down into the passenger seat. Bucky was surprised when you didn’t insist on driving. You normally would and then make some comment about chauvinism. He smiled at the thought. As he approached the driver’s side door, he paused and leaned down into the window to look at you. You were leaning back on the head rest and your eyes were closed. Bucky studied your form for a moment, admiring your toned legs, evident even through your tac suit, trailing up to your smooth belly, smiling at your delicate hands, fingers meshed as they rested in your lap. His eyes were slowly traveling upwards when you suddenly let out a small whine, quickly drawing his attention to your face. It was then he noticed how flush your face was. Your cheeks were a striking scarlet and harsh against your paling complexion.
He opened the car door, startling you. You straightened up and kept your eyes trained out the windshield. Your hand gingerly rubbed the back of your neck, desperate to be rid of the soreness from your previous mission. After a moment, you realized Bucky was looking at you, but you were afraid to turn towards him. It was getting harder and harder to keep up this charade. You just wanted to get this mission over with and get back home to your warm, comfy bed.
“Y/N. Look at me.”
You closed your eyes, put on your best poker face, and shifted in your seat to face him. When you opened your eyes again, you saw nothing but concern etched on his face. Of course. He’s worried you’re going to screw up this mission. He picked up on the fact that you’re a little under the weather and now he must think you can’t get the job done.
“Are you okay?”
“Barnes- will you stop asking me that? I’m fine.”
“Your cheeks are red.” He reached his flesh hand up towards your forehead, but you instinctually leaned back, avoiding his touch, afraid to let your guard down and reveal how terrible you were actually feeling. He frowned and dropped his hand.
“Yeah, well. It’s cold and windy.”
“Not that cold.” He challenged you, voice saturated with unease.
“Says the super-soldier.”
His eyes searched your face, willing you to open up to him. After a moment, he resigned, turning his eyes to the road and starting the car. Feeling temporarily off the hook, you let out a shaky breath you didn’t realize you were holding. You looked out the window, your mind trying to make sense of how differently Bucky was acting. He had never really acted like he cared before and you weren’t sure what it all meant. Fatigue eventually won you over and you drifted off to sleep. Bucky glanced over at you as he drove, noticing the change in your breathing, signaling you had fallen asleep. He fought the urge to reach out and touch you, thinking about how you avoided his touch earlier. He was worried about you. Something is clearly going on with you, though he can’t really blame you for not confiding in him. He’s been an absolute dick, especially lately. He doesn’t understand why he acts this way. He doesn’t hate you, not at all. But acting like he hates you is easier than dealing with his real feelings towards you.
Bucky parks the car a few hundred yards from the abandoned HYDRA base and looks you over once more. Your cheeks are still red, dark circles hung under your eyes and he now noticed small beads of sweat collecting on your forehead. He softly called your name and gently nudged your arm with his elbow to wake you.
You slowly opened your eyes and tried to reorient yourself. You looked at Bucky. He gave you a small smile and slight nod before exiting the car to gather his gear. You took note of the headache now throbbing behind your eyes and the new tightness in your chest. Something about this just didn’t feel right. You’ve never gotten this sick this quickly before. What the hell is going on? You carefully stepped out of the car and leaned against it, fighting off the dizziness and wave of nausea that followed. Thankfully, Bucky didn’t notice. Except that he did. You didn’t realize he was watching you as you paused to regain your bearings. You gathered your strength and joined Bucky at the trunk of the car to grab your weapons, just in case.
After checking your pistol, you holstered it and quickly pulled your hair back into a ponytail. Bucky’s eyes widened as they immediately land on the back of your neck.
“What the hell is that? Are you hurt?” He urged, stepping closer to you.
“What?” You asked, completely oblivious to what he was asking.
“Your neck.” He moved even closer to you, reaching his arms out to the collar of your suit. You turned to face him, feeling self-conscious, not wanting to expose any part of yourself, but he wasn’t going to drop this. “Just…. let me look. Please.”
You stared into his pale blue eyes, laced with trepidation. Bucky is normally so calm and collected. It unnerved you to see this degree of concern. You turned around, giving him permission. He gently pulled your collar down further to reveal a large circular bruise, varying shades of purple and black sitting right above the base of your neck. And in the middle of the circle, a small drop of dried blood.
“Y/N, what the hell happened on your last mission?”
“What do you mean? What is it?” The worry inside you starting to grow.
“There’s a huge bruise…and blood. What happened?”
“I---” You thought hard. “I don’t know. We went to grab some HYDRA douchebag at one of their medical facilities. There were more guards than what we anticipated. I mean, I got hit, but it wasn’t that bad- didn’t even knock me down.” You turned to face Bucky again. “What’s going on?”
Bucky’s face relaxed slightly. Either he wasn’t that worried after all or he was putting on a mask for your benefit. “You’re sure you’re feeling okay?” He pressed once again.
“Yeah….let’s get the damn files already.” The desperation to get home was beginning to overwhelm you. You started heading for the base, but Bucky grabbed your arm.
“You would tell me if something was bothering you, right? If something was wrong?”
You locked eyes with him again. You didn’t want to lie to him, but you didn’t want to look incompetent and weak either. “Yeah, of course, Barnes. Let’s go.” A look lingered on his face that told you he didn’t believe you. You pushed forward anyway.
The abandoned base was not so abandoned, but it wasn’t anything you and Bucky couldn’t handle. The base wasn’t huge, but you insisted on splitting up to get out of there faster. Bucky took the hallway to the left and you took the right. After taking down your sixth guard, you felt winded and your chest tightened even further. You pressed your hand to the center of your chest, trying to calm your breathing. What the fuck. This wasn’t like you at all, but here you were, struggling to keep up with the onslaught of HYDRA trash. You jogged down the hall and after a few minutes, stumbled upon a computer room.
“I think I found it,” you breathlessly muttered into the comms.
“I’ll be right there.” You heard the sound of gunshots echoing through the hall.
You pulled the flash drive out of your front pocket and inserted it into the computer. You tried to bypass their firewalls, but your head was pounding and you could barely concentrate. Something is very wrong here. Before you could put any more thought into it, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You jumped and pulled your knife from your thigh holster. Thankfully, it was just Bucky. You had no idea he had entered the room and you internally reprimanded yourself for not noticing. Bucky raised his eyebrows at you in disbelief as you put your knife away. He quickly looked you over for injuries, noticing that you were drenched in sweat as you ran your sleeve across your forehead. You blinked your eyes several times, refocused yourself and began uploading the content onto the drive, while Bucky paced the room, keeping a lookout.
“Got it.” The files finally finished uploading and you pulled the drive and placed it back into your pocket.  You followed Bucky into the hallway and pulled your gun from the holster, preparing for any remaining HYDRA agents. You searched and cleared each room and were almost out of the building when a sudden chill ran up your spine making you shiver. You unwillingly slowed your pace, and your hands began to shake. You looked down at your hands and back up at Bucky who was now several steps ahead of you. A devastating surge of dizziness overpowered you and you stumbled, falling into the wall in an effort to keep yourself standing. Oh shit. Oh shit. Shit. Your vision blurred and blackness began to creep into the edges.
“Bucky…..” you called out weakly, barely managing a whisper. You couldn’t see him clearly. You didn’t know if he heard you or if he even realized you had stopped. “Bucky?” you said a little louder, desperation coating your voice.
Bucky turned to see you, several feet back, leaning against a wall, the color drained from your face. “Y/N? Fuck!” He ran back, reaching you just as you fell to your hands and knees. He cupped your face in his hands, guiding you to look at him, as you tried to lean your back against the wall.
“Talk to me, doll. What’s going on? Are you hurt?” He frantically ran his eyes over you, fearing he missed something before.
You squeezed your eyes shut and shook your head. “I- I don’t know.” Your breathing was uneven and shakey now. “I haven’t felt right since I got back from that mission. I thought it was just a cold or something, but this is worse. So much worse. I’ve never felt this bad before.” Your eyes stung with tears, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care anymore. To hell with being strong, you felt like you were dying. You opened your eyes, tears spilling over and running down your cheeks. You fisted your hands in your hair, feeling like your head was about to split open. Your lungs burned with every breath, your arms and legs ached down to the bone, feeling heavier and weaker by the minute. A sob broke out from your chest. Bucky ran his hand over your forehead and rested it on the back of your neck. You were burning up. Then Bucky remembered the strange circular bruise he saw on your earlier.
Immediately, Bucky pulled out his phone. You tried to remain calm, slow your breathing and clear your vision, but it wasn’t working, and you were so tired. You just wanted to close your eyes and sleep. The sound of Bucky’s worried voice broke through your thoughts.
“Steve? We have a problem. There’s something wrong with Y/N……I don’t know! She’s sick-- it happened fast—her last mission, what was it?.......Fuck! Why didn’t you tell her?!.........Steve, I think-I think they injected her with something. There’s a mark on her neck…..Fuck! Okay…..got it.” He put his phone away and looked down at your face again. Your eyes were closed and your head drifted down. “Hey, hey- open your eyes! Sweetheart, you gotta look at me.” He gently tapped your cheek and lifted your chin. You painfully lifted your eyelids, just enough to comply with his command. “We gotta go. Stay awake.”  
He slid his arms underneath your shoulders and thighs with ease, gently hugging you to his chest to steady you as he took off down the hall and out of the building. Before you could even register what was happening, Bucky was placing you into the passenger side of the car.
“Bucky…..what’s…..what’s going on?” You were so confused and tired.
“We think you were injected with something on your last mission. Some kind of biological weapon HYDRA was working on. That’s why you were sent to grab that scientist, to find out what they were doing.”
You could feel tears gathering in your eyes again.  “Why didn’t they tell me?”
“They didn’t know, not until they interrogated the scientist you brought in.”
A small whimper escaped your lips as you brought your knees up to your chest, curling in yourself. You were sweating profusely but felt like you were sitting in ice as you began to shake violently from the chills racking your body. Bucky reached out to you, this time without hesitation, and placed his hand on your back to rub comforting circles.
“You’re gonna be okay. Just hang on, doll. We’re almost to the jet.” Bucky tried to stay calm for your sake, but inside, he was screaming. They didn’t know what this was or if there was anything they could do to stop it. He was afraid of losing you.
Bucky drove and parked the car closer to the jet than he should have but fuck the plan and fuck protocol. No one was following you and he needed to get you back to the compound as soon as possible. You managed to stay awake and opened the car door, attempting to stand on shaking legs. You took a step forward but didn’t have the strength to remain standing. Your knees buckled underneath you and you fell, crashing into Bucky’s chest as he rounded the car to help you.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled weakly.
“Don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
He scooped you up into his arms again and carried you onto the jet, laying you down on the seat.  He disappeared into the cockpit and set the controls, before returning to your trembling figure. Silent tears slid down your cheek and vanished into your hair. You curled in on yourself even further. You squirmed in the seat and let out a small whimper; you were in so much pain. Your muscles spasmed painfully as chills continued to rack your body. Your breaths came short and fast, your chest feeling more constricted. Through all this you could feel your energy dwindling, Bucky’s heart was breaking, watching you suffer so immensely and not being able to do anything about it. He sat down beside you and lifted your head to lay it in his lap. He stroked your hair, brushing strands out of your face as you continued to shake.
You hadn’t spoken in a while. Bucky could tell that you were losing strength. You were giving up. He needed to keep you focused on something, anything.
“Doll, I—” then his phone rang. He stood slowly, gently placing your head back on the seat before answering.
“Steve?.......she’s, uh…..she’s not good, man……she’s burning up and she can’t stop shaking. I….” He turned his back to you, whispering now. “I think she’s giving up……okay…we’ll land in 20 minutes…… Right.” He ended the call. With his back still turned to you, Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose and blinked back tears that were threatening his eyes.
Bucky whipped his head around, surprised to see you sitting up, but you looked worse. Your expression was blank, eyes vacant, and you began to sway. You didn’t feel right, but this was different. Your head was spinning, and you swallowed thickly, trying to keep yourself from getting sick.  
“I don’t --”
Bucky took a hurried step toward you and your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you collapsed onto the floor of the jet.
“Y/N! Y/N!” Bucky was on his knees at your side, rolling you onto your back. He tried to shake you awake, but you weren’t responding. He watched your chest, relieved to see you were still breathing, though your shallow breaths were barely visible. He placed his fingers to your neck, finding a weak pulse.
“Come on, doll! I need you to wake up. Come on.” He pleaded with you, but you couldn’t hear him.  He stayed with you, only leaving your side to land the jet. He carried you down the ramp, running to the medical team that was waiting just outside, placing you on the gurney. Steve was waiting there too.
“What happened?” Steve demanded information as he and Bucky followed the medical team rushing you into the compound.
“I don’t know. She was acting different. She didn’t look well, kept falling asleep. I saw that bruise on her neck.” Bucky nervously ran his fingers through his hair. “Then we were leaving the base and she got dizzy, couldn’t walk, and started shaking. She was shaking so bad.” Steve could tell Bucky was struggling to keep it together and rested his hand on his shoulder. “She passed out right before we landed. I couldn’t get her to wake up…I- I should have said something sooner. I should have called off the mission the second I knew something wasn’t right.” Bucky took a deep breath and rubbed his palms into his eyes.
“It’s okay, pal. You couldn’t have known. You got her here. The doctors will figure it out.” Steve patted Bucky’s shoulder.
Bucky sat in the chair beside your bed, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on the back of your hand. You were still unconscious. You wore an oxygen mask and IVs in both arms. As much as it pained Bucky to see you this way, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. After intense persuasion from Captain America, the HYDRA scientist had revealed an antiviral treatment. They started the treatment a few hours after you had arrived back at the compound. That was a couple days ago, and you had yet to wake up. The doctors had told Bucky your fever was dangerously high, and they weren’t sure how it was going to affect your brain. A tear ran down his cheek as guilt continued to consume him. He knew something was wrong at the start of the mission and because he had acted like a dick and said such mean things to you, you didn’t feel like you could confide in him. Now, you were laying in this hospital bed with the potential to never recover.
On the third day, you opened your eyes. Bucky was resting his head on the side of your bed. You reached your hand up, trying to grasp the oxygen mask that rested over your face. This startled Bucky and he jumped up, gently wrapping his hands around your wrists and bringing them to your sides.
“Hey- hey. You gotta leave that on, doll.” A huge smile spread across his face. He thought he would never see your beautiful eyes again.  As quickly as his smile came, it faded, as he registered the lingering confusion on your face. He realized that you might not be the same person you were a few days ago. The doctor’s words swirled in his head. Potential brain damage. Memory issues. Physical disabilities. The truth is, they just didn’t know and now that you were awake, Bucky was facing the harsh reality of the situation. Your breaths came in short and rushed. Bucky saw the confusion in your eyes morph into fear, a few tears escaping the brims.
“Bucky….” Your voice cracked.
He breathed a huge sigh of relief. You knew him. He sat back down, holding your hands in his.
“You’re okay, sweetheart.” He brushed your tears away with his thumb before taking your hand back in his. “Do you remember what happened?”
Your eyes darted back and forth, looking for memories that weren’t coming. You shook your head faintly.
Bucky swallowed hard, preparing himself to recount the events of the past few days.
“We were on a mission and….you got sick.  HYDRA had injected you with a new virus. Something they designed. You got hit on a previous mission but didn’t realize what they had done. None of us did. But we found out about a treatment and you’re okay now. You’re safe.”
The memories suddenly flooded back to you, realization casting a shadow on your face.
“I thought I was going to die…” you remembered.
“Y/N, I am so sorry. I knew something wasn’t right from the beginning and I should have ended the mission right then. Maybe if I had, it wouldn’t have been so bad. “
You looked up at him with incredulity. “Bucky, it’s okay. This isn’t your fault. I should have said something, but I was too stubborn. I didn’t want you to think I couldn’t handle it, that I was weak.”
“Because I was being such an asshole.”
“Yeah, you were” the corner of your mouth curved up into a half smile and Bucky chuckled. You still had your spark. “….but why?”
Bucky was silent for several moments. “Because I like you. But I don’t deserve to have someone like you. I thought if I said enough hateful things, it would help me keep my distance, convince myself that I don’t have these feelings.”
You were silent, unsure of how to respond. Then you realized that Bucky was holding your hands, as he brought the back of your hand up to place a gentle kiss there.
“Bucky….” You began and he chuckled. “What?”
“You always called me Barnes. You never called me Bucky until….you got sick.”
“Oh.” You hadn’t realized you had dropped the façade. “I guess I just got tired of pretending that….that I don’t like you. But I do…..like you….A LOT.” You felt your cheeks growing red with embarrassment. There’s no going back now.
You hesitantly looked at Bucky and couldn’t help but smile. He wore the biggest smile you have ever seen.
The next day, you had recovered enough to be discharged from the medical wing. You insisted you could walk back to your room, waving away the nurse when he brought a wheelchair. You sat on the edge of your hospital bed, struggling to pull on your shoes. You had already managed your sweatpants, t-shirt, and socks, but even just that left you exhausted. You were feeling much better, but your body still ached, and fatigue seemed to find you quickly with even the smallest of tasks. Fuck it. You don’t need shoes. You huffed in frustration, weakly throwing your sneakers across the room. When you looked up, you noticed Bucky entering your room, twisting slightly to dodge the footwear assault.
He raised his eyebrows at you in surprise before realization settled onto his face. “You okay?” He asked gently before picking your sneakers up off the floor.  He calmly kneeled in front of you, slipping your shoes on each foot, with ease. At first, you couldn’t answer, your eyes avoiding him and the situation.
“I just hate this….I can’t even put on my damn shoes.” You felt defeated. And tired. Really fucking tired.
Bucky, still kneeling in front of you, lifted your chin with one finger, so your eyes were level with his.
“Y/N, you almost died a few days ago. Cut yourself some slack. Your strength will return, and you’ll be kicking ass again in no time.” His mouth curved into a soothing smile. You nodded your head, still feeling displeased with yourself. “You ready?” he continued, offering his hand.
You took his hand, gripping tightly as he helped you stand. The walk back to your private room in the compound was slow and tortuous. You had to take several breaks, but Bucky was more than patient. He was understanding and compassionate. You wished you had the chance to know this Bucky long before now. He was being sweet, and you were really enjoying it.
You were extremely relieved when your bed came into view. Bucky helped you into it, seeing the exhaustion taking over. He left the bedroom without saying a word, and you felt the panic rise in your chest. For the first time, you really felt his absence. You didn’t want to be alone. You felt tears prick at your eyes and you settled back against your pillow, trying to keep your tears at bay. Then you heard the closing of a cupboard door and Bucky reappeared, holding a glass of water and some Tylenol.  Bucky looked you over, settling on your glassy eyes.  
His eyes narrowed. “Hey, what’s wrong? Does something hurt?” He moved to place the glass and pills on the nightstand next your bed. He brought his hand up to brush a few strands of hair out of your face as he sat on the edge of your bed.
You softly shook your head. “I thought you left.” You admitted.
He stayed quiet, considering what you said, his hand coming to rest behind your head. “Did you want me to leave?” He looked heartbroken.
You didn’t want him to leave, ever.  But you weren’t sure how to say that without sounding completely pathetic. You always tried to keep up with your tough exterior and you were uncomfortable with all this vulnerability you had been showing lately. When you didn’t say anything, Bucky stood and headed for the door.
“Bucky- wait!” You panicked at the thought of actually being alone this time. “I don’t want to be alone. Please…will you stay with me?”
Bucky stopped in his tracks and turned to look at you.
The genuine smile on his face, warmed you in a way you had never felt before. You moved over in the bed, pulling back the cover, inviting Bucky to lay with you. He pulled off his boots and slid into the bed behind you, wrapping his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder. You had never felt safer than you had at this moment. It almost surprised you with ‘at home’ you feel in his arms.
“Bucky?” you whispered. “Thank you for being there for me.” You weren’t just talking about today.
“Of course, doll.” He placed a gentle kiss to the top of your head. “For as long as you need me.”
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gojos-fr-bae · 5 months
Liar pt.5
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Pairing: Gojo x fem!eader
Warnings: Angsty Angst, Fluffy Fluff (tee hee), Cussing (lemme know if i missesd anything
Word Count: 977
A/N: heyy, I said i would release this ike two days ago and yet here we are. Also, this one is pretty small but I think It works, Yk? Hope you Enjoy tho! (p.s i'm workin on re-writing What lovers do so watch out for that.) This was a tad bit too happy for my liking so you best bet pt.6 is goin to be depressing as HECK.
(Requests open)
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You were sitting on your bed, looking at your son resting in his crib, deep in dreamland. You were trying so hard to force yourself to get up and face the man waiting outside the threshold of your room but you seemingly couldn’t get your legs to move no matter how hard you tried.
You knew he was outside because you could still sense his cursed energy and knew that no matter how hard you tried to hide.
You slowly trudged towards the door, shaky hand going up towards the handle, and pulling the door open.
You stepped out and turned, your gaze falling on Satoru who was sitting on the floor with his knees brought up to his chest, his hands holding them tightly.
He looks up at you, eyes widening before he quickly pushes himself to his feet. You don't miss how his body sways back and forth, stumbling slightly, but you chose to rule it off as the product of him jumping to his feet so quickly.
“Gojo…hi,” you gently breathed out.
“H-Hi, Lov- Y/N’ You don’t miss the hesitation in his voice. “Do you wanna maybe, g-go for a walk?
His head was downcast and he was only gazing up at you for a few seconds before shooting them back to the ground.
“Sure,” You responded before turning around and slowly walking down the hallway
You walked out into the field you spent days lying around, sitting down while leaning against the large sakura tree at its center. You watched as Satoru leaned against the tree before slumping down roughly, his eyes permanently locked on the ground.
“So, how ar-”
“Why did you leave,” his voice cracked, interrupting you mid-sentence.
“Gojo, please,”
“I’m sorry, i-i’m s-s-so, so, s-o fucking sorry I-,” he croaked, you turned to face him, noticing the tears that were steadily cascading down his face, reflecting in the moonlight. 
He was trying so, so hard to hold everything in because to him, he didn't deserve to be sad. He was the one who forced you to deal with so much shit to the extent that you no longer. In his mind, he was the most disgusting thing to have ever existed and the fact that he was feeling even remotely sad was absolutely blasphemous. 
And you could tell.
“P-please, don’t call me that.’
“Satoru,” you sighed, “You don’t have to be sorry, you did absolutely nothing wrong, it’s not your fault I left,”
“But If I was strong enough not to be sealed then this would’ve never happened-”
“Because you are human! You can’t always be perfect and that’s okay. What happened probably happened for a reason, I mean I’ve been doing pretty well and Kaito…” you stopped yourself because you weren’t ready to dive into the conversation of your son, karma’s a bitch tho so…
“You named him Kaito?!” he said with a sad but slightly excited tone.
While you were pregnant, you and Satoru had been mulling around what you would name your child.
“How about we make a bet,” you said softly as he snuggled his face into your neck while you laid together all snug in bed, “If it’s a boy, we HAAVE to name him Kaito.” 
“And why is that?”he chuckled before fluttering kisses against your neck, jaw and cheek.
“Because you know, the sky is blue.. Your eyes are blue.. Oh my days it would be the most adorable thing in the world Satoru pleeeaase!”
“You know, If I knew you were this obsessed with me I would’ve gotten you pregnant ages ago,”
“SATORU!”  you squeaked as he laughed at your flustered state, Gosh he loves you so much.
He couldn’t believe that you genuinely went through with naming your son Kaito considering he thought you hated his guts.
“Well, I mean, I said I would love to name him after you in some way, and your matching eyes are just the best bonus ever.
For the first time since he left for the mission, the faintest smile spread across his face for the slightest fraction of a second, and if he knew any better, he would say he actually felt happy.
“What’s he like?”
“He is the sweetest baby boy on earth,” you said, smiling at the thought of your precious angel, “He’s really shy tho so I guess he didn’t take after you much in that sense, then again he looks like an absolute carbon copy of you so you win some you lose some,”
Gojo could only imagine what the boy was like, and it pained him to no ends to know that he wasn’t there to watch the small boy go through his first two years of life but there was really nothing he could do about it.
“Satoru, he’s going to need his father as he grows up, and it's only a matter of time before he starts to wonder why he doesn’t have one. I’m not saying we should get back together,” You could literally hear his already broken heart put itself together just so it could break again, “But he’s still extremely young so it’s not too late. I have only ever wanted the best for Kaito and that includes having his father in his life, so as long as you are willing to co-parent I’m sure we could find a way to work this out.”
He for the first time since the conversation began looked deep into your eyes and could no longer hold his emotions in, a sob ripping from his chest.
“I-I wou- would like that a l-l-l-ot, please-”he said through soft sobs and sniffles, wiping his tears away as quickly as possible. 
For the first time in two years, he didn’t cry himself to sleep. He, for the first time in two years, went to sleep sober.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Yeah, wayy to happy, mentally prepare for pt.6 ( watch me say this and find that pt.6 isn't even all that😭
@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller , @havens-not-here
© gojos-fr-bae
124 notes · View notes
littlemisslipbalm · 10 months
Demonology: Me & My Dog
Series Summary: A new demon has come to Nashville. Josh and Jake's ways of life have been thrown off by her arrival. The angel and demon have lived with an understanding of one another, but with Y/N stirring up trouble and asking questions, they're forced to work out a new normal. And why is she so powerful for a human turned demon anyway, that's unusual, right?
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Jake Kiszka x f!reader and Josh Kiszka x f!reader
A/N: This will be at least three parts! This first part is more about Josh and the reader, the second will be more Jake and then we will see with part 3 what is to happen. Please let me know what you think with comments and reblogs and messages to my inbox!! I want to talk about this bc I have been so excited to share it!!
Word Count: 5.4k | Warnings: alcohol consumption, strong language, allusions to sex - minor descriptions of sex but not descriptive smut (still 18+!!), dubious comprehension of angel/demon mythology, like this is fiction fr so if it does not make sense i am sorry but idc (but am also open to suggestions thx)
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Part 1: My & My Dog
When being told to stir up some trouble on Earth, Y/N was more annoyed that she had to go back at all than excited that she was moving up in the ranks. Afterall, she’d only died 50 years ago. It was already time to go back? She thought she had eternity down here. 
From what she’d heard from other members of the underworld, it’d just gotten worse since she’d left. Prior to 1976 had been a riot for her (1976 was not her favorite, but dying usually wasn’t in people’s top ten greatest moments), but now it sounds worse than Hell itself.  
Still, like a good little demon soldier, she trudged through the dim back rooms to find the dull office that would provide her with the necessary documents to take a corporeal form and inhabit the physical sphere for an extended period of time. 
“Can I bring my dog?” She asks, kicking at a piece of garbage on the floor. It littered the entire ground around her feet. 
“Dog?” The servant of hell inquired. 
“Chupacabra,” She corrects.
“Sure,” Their eyes raise from filling out the paperwork to the little animal beside her. “Extra form you need to both sign. Says he’ll suck the blood of at least five animals per earthly week while he’s there. We don’t do ESAs here.”  
“Fab,” She sighed in relief and scratched behind the ears of her dog that she had re-encountered shortly after arriving in Hell. 
The chupacabra placed his paw in some mysterious blood that had formed in the pewter catch-all dish sitting beside the papers and then pushed it onto the form. Signed, sealed and soon to be delivered. They were getting out of Hell. 
When she materialized on Earth, she wasn’t sure where she was exactly. The home office didn’t give that information, you just had to figure it out yourself. She had been hoping for her hometown of Los Angeles or another major city center she’d never been to before. Maybe London or Tokyo would be a fun change of pace. 
After walking what felt like 20 miles, but was probably half of that given that she wasn’t used to physical legs anymore, she came upon a sign as to where she was. A mural to be exact. 
It had only been woods and fields for the first half, but then there were more buildings. Coffee shops, bagel shops and something that was called a ‘Vape’ shops. Everything advertised themselves as historic music sites. But it wasn’t until 1504 Demonbreun St. that she fully ascertained she was in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee. 
“Welcome to Nashville”
“Fuck yeah,” She smiled. A friend back in the day had been from here and told her about it a few times. It wasn’t a major capital city or home, but it was a city alright. And where there was nightlife, she was sure there could be trouble. 
She spent the rest of the day checking around her surroundings. Finding the place Hell had given her to lodge in. It wasn’t much but she remembered earthly delights and planned to spruce it up, give it a vibe. She wrote a note on the wall with a deep red pen she had brought with her a list of items she needed. Couch, rug, bed, posters, an electric guitar and lots of wine and clothes. The ink dripped down the wall and she smiled, swiping at it and placing it to her lips. 
She passed the rest of the daylight hours with great displeasure for the living people around her who barely seemed to notice her. Not that she looked any different than them, but it just bothered her that no one was as friendly as when she’d last been here. No one bothered to say ‘hello’, all they did was stare or talk into their rectangular devices she had realized were portable telephones half way through the day. 
Broadway St. seemed to be the place Y/N thought she’d find the most possible trouble. It was lit up like the Sunset and if it weren’t for all the horribly dressed people surrounding her, she would’ve felt right at home. 
At one of the bars, she got free shots from the bartender with a flash of her eyes. From the regular dark brown iris, they flashed an entire eternal glassy black. He smiled dreamily in the abyss and walked away after she winked at him. She swung back the shots and made her way to the dance floor. 
Raising her hands above her head, she began to dance. Her black lace dress hugged her curves and shifted with her. Her silver jewelry glinted dangerously as she moved. The lights in the bar shifted to stay red instead of the flashing multi-colors that had bothered her when she entered. She moved her hips to the music and slowly it transformed from a poppy song she didn’t know to Led Zeppelin. 
Robert Plant’s voice got everyone dancing the way they should and the vapes transformed into cigarettes and she smiled to herself feeling alive for the first time in a long time. Maybe being back wasn’t so bad. She drank more and danced more and saw people getting drunk and making out in corners and thought debauchery worked as trouble. Job done for the day. 
She relaxed into the sway of the music, writhing around like a snake as her skin grew dewey with perspiration. A tug at her arm brought her out of her euphoric state. All night she had made sure no one would bother her, but whoever this was didn’t seem to follow her rules. 
She opened her eyes, fully black once more as she stared at who was holding her wrist. She tugged back but his hold was secure. He pulled her to the side of the dancefloor, a space conveniently opening up. 
“Get your hands off me! What the fuck, man?”
“You can’t be here,” He spoke calmly. 
She narrowed her eyes at him. He had on a white plain t-shirt and light wash jeans, with opalescent beads hanging around his neck. His eyes were an oddly familiar light brown. His hair was shaved on the sides, creating a sort of mullet that she mildly appreciated if he hadn’t been so rude as to pull her away from her fun. That mullet exposed the golden earrings in his pointy ears. 
There was something different about him. None of it was in his physical form but she felt it, vibrating and extending around him. As if he had invisible light passing around and through him even in the dark dingy bar lighting. 
“Says who?” She finally tugged her arm free from his hold and crossed her arms across her chest, pressing her breasts up in the process. 
His eyes flicker to the movement before pressing his lips into a thin line “Says me.” 
She rolled her eyes, unimpressed. “And you are?” 
“Joshua. I protect this town," he says. He wrings his hands around the gold bracelets on his wrists. “You can’t come into these bars and just mess with everything about them. It’s wrong.” 
“Yes I can, Josh,” She smirks. “I’m a demon as you clearly already can tell. I can do whatever I want.” 
“Oh my God,” Josh sighs, exasperated already. “There’s already a demon here.” He knew the other one quite well and was at least able to keep him in check. A newcomer would mean more work. 
She shrugged. “Not my problem, angel. Hell sent me up here, guess they’re not happy with the other one’s performance.” 
She moved to go back to the bar for another drink when Josh looked like he was a million miles away. He’d really killed her buzz. Josh’s mentioning of another demon made her stop and ask as an afterthought: “What’s this other demon’s name?” 
“Jacob–er, uh, Jake,” Josh corrects himself. He hadn’t gone by Jacob since, well, since before, even if Josh wished he could just call him Jacob. 
“Groovy.” Her smile is wicked, her lips painted a red so deep it resembled dried blood. “Displeasure meeting you, angel. Come find me if you ever want to have a real good time.” She kissed his cheek before disappearing behind a group of people. 
Two weeks later, Y/N was seated on a bench in the park with her legs kicked up. She looked like she was a dead body–which more or less, she was, but the way she was sitting was unusual for someone who was supposedly alive. Her dog was perched unnaturally along the backrest, soaking in the sun he had missed. They looked out of place. 
She had come out in the midday to see if she could start any fights in the park. She’d quickly learned that malfunctions with their little handheld phones really upset the modern humans so she liked to mess with wifi and electrical connections every odd day or so just to keep up the no-good work. 
Her black RayBans covered her eyes as they surveyed the green grass for potential targets for a bit of a row. She sat as far away from the people as possible, so she had enhanced her vision as if using a zoom function. But soon something white blocked her vision. 
“Angel,” She practically growled. Her dog actually growled, sitting up. 
“Mind if I sit,” Josh asks pleasantly, eyeing the dog with caution. It looked like a normal dog, but a clip in his right ear and a strange red shimmer in his eyes made Josh think there might be something hellish about him. 
She took her feet off the bench and pushed her sunglasses up off of her face. “Finally want a taste of what you’re missing?” 
“No,” he states flatly. His eyes were still wandering between the creature and the demon. She was dressed in all black, typical. The dog was between cream and the lightest brown he’d ever seen, atypical. “Is this your dog?” 
“Yeah.” She smiles softly for the first time. Her hand goes to pet him between his ears and down his small snout. “He was waiting for me in Hell back’n the day. They made him a chupacabra for me as a ‘Welcome to Hell’ present.” 
Josh’s eyes widened in surprise. What had she done in life to receive a present in Hell? “They like you down there?” 
“Eh…I think I’m just a descendant of many a troublemaker. They knew I’d be an asset, especially when I arrived so early.” 
Her dog slipped into her lap. For a moment, he shifted as he stared at Josh. Big ruby eyes glowered at him, all his hair was gone, leaving something more resembling a pale soft dog-rat. Disturbing and wretched, nonetheless. He wrinkled his nose at Josh. 
Josh tried to smile, feeling awkward. Jake had insisted he find this demon Josh had encountered, needing more information about whether he was really in trouble or if it was procedural. Why Jake wouldn’t do it himself, Josh never got as many answers as questions he asked. 
“Do either of you have names?” 
She grinned. “Is this twenty questions? Why so interested in me?” 
“Just want to get to know my opposition,” Josh says lightly, praying for her to feel extra kind today. Afterall, she was a demon who was originally human and it was only a little while ago from what she seemed to like. He was pretty sure she’d only been down in Hell for 50-60 years, that was barely a human lifetime—and yet it was longer than hers. Far less than Jake. Maybe he could neutralize her, get her to see the bright side. 
“His name is Rune, now, but it used to be Rori.” She rubs over the dog’s hair, happy that he was softer on Earth. “He responds to both–for me. Not sure what he should be called now we’re back.” 
Josh waited patiently. The breeze was cooler than usual and looking at her, he had to assume it was her as well. She seemed far too powerful for a run-of-the-mill demon who used to be human. But she also seemed extremely unlikely to answer his questions if he got too personal. 
With her eyes uncovered, Josh watched them move around as she thought about something. It was almost like she was tracking something or doing some long form math equation in her head. Like she didn’t know what her name was and was looking for the answer. 
“Mine…well, now you can call me Sal.” She winks and Josh straightens in his seat, feeling strange. “Gonna write about me in your diary now, Joshua?” 
Josh pretends to laugh with a clipped “ha ha.” She smirked again, sliding closer to Josh on the bench. Rori grew annoyed and hopped off her lap, slinking off to climb a tree in hopes of finding a squirrel. Sal extended a delicate hand to Josh’s shoulder, beginning to play with the fabric of his shirt. He smiled tightly, not having anywhere to go if he wanted more answers. 
“You said you arrived early?” Josh’s voice is high as he feels her touch moving down his arm. Thankfully, being an angel kept him from feeling her entire influence, but her physical touch was enough to feel something…unholy. He didn’t want to imagine her abilities on mortals. “What did you mean?” 
“You’re fun,” She beamed. “If I show you some tricks I picked up in Hell, will you show me something?” 
“It depends what you want to see,” Josh tries to be diplomatic. 
Her head throws back in laughter. “Not that. No, I want you to want me to see that.” Her hand wanders to his wrist and toys with the bracelet before slinking to his thigh. Her voice was low and sultry, lips pressed to his ear. “Desperately.” 
Josh was starting to feel like he might have to leave. His breathing had turned shallow and he couldn’t stop staring at the carnelian stone hanging between her breasts. Her hand’s touch left him and she laughed again bringing him out of his reverie. 
“Hell, you’re pretty cute…I was a 27 club member.” She shrugged, turning away from Josh to stare out at the people again. “Had my heyday in the late 60s/early 70s and went out the same way I lived. Fast.” 
Josh thought about the 60s and the 70s. He’d admit those decades were a bit of a guilty pleasure for him. Nashville had been fun, not as crowded. He watched her again, seeing her eyes narrow looking at the couples and the groups of friends. 
“You weren’t from here?” 
“LA. Broadway’s kinda like the Sunset Strip, just a bit more loser-y…NashVegas, just like Liv said.” 
Josh was about to protest, but refrained, letting her reminisce. She did miss her friends from back then. They’d gotten up to so much trouble. Sometimes too much. 
“Best of times, worst of times kind of thing y’a dig?” She tapped the heel of her boot like she was trying to shake off something unpleasant. “Just glad I had my dog for most of the time. He followed me everywhere and everyone’d let ‘im in because he was such a doll. Died ‘bout three years ‘fore me.”
The more she spoke the more her accent of a bygone era of California popped up. Josh couldn’t deny how sweet she sounded when she spoke about that thing, demonic as the pair of them were. 
“How long’ve you’ve been up–er, down here?” She asked, barely realizing she had to correct for him. 
Josh cast his eyes to the sky, thinking. “Since the beginning. That’s like, 8000 human years, I believe.” 
“Get the fuck outta town!” She exclaimed, jumping in her seat to face him. Her eyes were alight with hellfire. “You’re a proper angel then?” 
Josh chuckled. “They don’t really take new hires upstairs, I’m afraid. Only very special occasions. It doesn’t happen much these days.” 
She regarded him for a moment, inventorizing him again now that she deemed him far more interesting than before. “Yeah, I was on a special list when I came down. Only a few others in my line, everyone else had to wait in this huge waiting room. It was…repulsive and I’ve been in the alley behind the Whisky.” 
Josh tilted his head, looking over her once more. He felt like he should know her, but he couldn’t understand from where. She looked so familiar. Her hair seemed to shift every so often and he couldn’t be sure if it was the light or mood dependent. He didn’t prod at her mentioning the special treatment in Hell, didn’t want to alert her to the fact, that from what he knew, that was extremely rare.
“Have you told your demon friend about me yet?” She asked.
“He’s not my friend,” Josh responds automatically. 
Her eyebrows raise as she turns her head back to him, scanning him for understanding. A killer upon its prey. 
“Secret lover?” She guesses. 
Josh can’t hide his face of disgust. “Jesus! No!”
“Homophobic?” She asks with a look of distaste. Not being for the gays was so not groovy. Half the musicians she hung out with back in the day were gay. And she wasn’t one for choosing when it came to sexuality. 
“No!” Josh cries. “I am more than an ally to that cause, not that angels really have sexualities…it’s just.” He sighs, rubbing at his neck confusion. “He was, is–I don’t know, my twin.” 
“Oh!” She beams, eyes once again lighting up in intrigue. She enjoyed learning things, it helped for using it against people at the end of the day. “So he’s also a proper demon. Fell and all that.” 
“Yeah, don’t remind me.” He sounded pained, as if he was reliving the entire thing. 
“Wow…” She blows out a breath. “That must be funky.” 
She continued when Josh said nothing. “Y’know ‘cause he’s your brother but also he’s–” She finished her statement by sticking her pointer fingers through her hair and wiggling them around. 
“Yes, I am aware.” Josh shakes his head. 
She stood up and stretched her arms over her head, revealing her stomach below the flowy lace top she was wearing. “Great catch up, I guess, angel. Wanna trade tricks later? I’ve already worked through most of the main bars here and I’m getting bored.” Nothing was keeping her interest, since every place she had to transform into her liking. 
“You want to hang out with me? You want to hang out with an angel?” 
She grinned, turning around herself once before dropping her arms and stalking back towards Josh, standing directly in front of him. She leaned over him, watching him straighten his neck and swallow thickly. His eyes flickered from her face to the carnelian again. 
“Everyone else is too easy around here. I need a challenge.” Her lips were right in front of his. “You seem like the perfect remedy for a wayward soul like me.” 
Josh wasn’t exactly sure why he agreed to meet the demon at some speakeasy she said she needed to try. He wasn’t fully sold on calling her ‘Sal’, something about it felt off to him. She didn’t even really seem to care for it either. Jake, he knew, was vehement that he wished to be called Jake. 
Jake was probably why he had come to the back door of a pizza joint that was actually the door to the underground speakeasy. He’d asked for more information on her. When Josh had inquired why Jake couldn’t just do it himself, his twin finally fessed up that he was actually not currently in Nashville at all. Leaving the heavy lifting to Josh, like always. 
Begrudgingly, Josh entered another bar with plans to meet a demon. Heaven forgive him. It was smokey inside the brick-walled cavern. Small candles lit the tabletops and narrow bar top. A small dance floor was packed as people danced slowly to a jazz band. In the corner of the room, he saw her hair almost glowing in the dark and he made his way over. 
She was dressed in a black pantsuit, with no undershirt, just a black lace bra and her same necklace. Rori wasn’t present, from what Josh could see, but based on their conversation earlier he had a feeling the demon dog was around, lurking. 
She groaned when she saw what Josh was wearing. 
“Angel, man, do you have any other clothes besides that?” She shook her head in disappointment. 
“Of course I do,” Josh huffed, looking down at his clothes not understanding what was wrong with them. 
“I can’t perform miracles just to change my outfit. That’s wrong.” 
“That’s wrong, it’s wrong,” She parrots what she thought was becoming Josh’s mantra. “God, Heaven sounds so stifling.” She rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers with impatience.
In an instant, Josh was dressed in a red velvet jumpsuit with sequins around the neckline. His arms were on full display, muscles bulging while the velvet hugged his torso and lengthened his height. He smooths at his hair and feels something come off his skin. On his hand, he sees glitter. He looks at her again and then down at his new clothes. She was eyeing the bulge veering to his right thigh. 
“Much better.” She grins. 
Josh rolls his hand in front of him quickly, almost like a benediction, and once again his outfit has changed. Now, he was in a cream and grey jumpsuit that was far less flashy of his own with his favorite sigil emblazoned on the chest. He left the glitter and sat down. 
Her unamused look makes Josh feel a little hot with shame. 
“A little miracle to make sure I don’t look like a demon can be forgiven.” 
“You looked foxy but whatever.” She rolls her eyes and flicks a hand at the table, producing a bottle of red wine for both of them. “You drink, surely. C’mon, don’t act like your demon brother hasn’t corrupted a few of those precious angel feathers.” 
Josh can’t help the smile that falls over his face. Not sure what was so endearing about her at this moment. The romantic jazz might have something to do with it. He loved jazz. He takes the drink gratefully and they sip in companionable silence. She was subdued. 
With one bottle down, they start a second and this is when she offers to show Josh a trick if he’ll show her something again. He shrugs in compliance, feeling well on his way to drunk. 
“But won’t the other people in here see?” He adds. 
“No, they all know to mind their own business. Plus, it’s dark in here.” She winks and suddenly Josh is staring at only her head. 
He can seriously only see her head and neck. She moves closer to him and now Josh is certain, she’s made her body disappear. She was a dishonest-to-god floating head. Her head glowed gold for a moment as she twirled in a complete 360 to really show herself off. Josh’s eyes were as wide as possible trying not to cry out in amazement. Then the rest of her body reappeared, straddling Josh’s lap. With her arms draped over his shoulder, her all black soulless eyes gazed into Josh’s, practically paralyzing him with her fiery warmth and intensity. 
“So what do you think, angel?” 
“I, uh,” Josh stuttered. He placed his hands firmly on her hips and moved her off of him. “That’s impressive. What’s it good for?” 
“S just fun,” She shrugged, undetered by Josh removing her from his lap. “Let’s dance and then you can show me your wings or something.” 
Josh didn’t have time to protest, as she grabbed his wrist with one hand and their second bottle of pinot noir in the other. 
She took a swig before letting it float in the air beside them. Her body swiveled around the dance floor, placing herself in Josh’s arms as he swayed respectfully. She sighed and sunk into the movement, drinking from the bottle every so often. When the song changed, she turned to face Josh, handing the wine to him. He drank obediently, which she felt was a triumph. 
Hands draped over his shoulders again, she pressed her body against his. He was strong, she could feel his toned stomach. Her regular eyes met his and she tipped her nose against his. He looked stoicly back at her, determined to be friendly but not fall into the trap she was so clearly laying for him. 
“You’ve got so many defenses up,” She whispers. “Why not do what you want for once? Loosen up. Indulge.” 
Josh smiles down at her and moves his lips to her ear. Polite as ever, he speaks soothingly. “I am having a lovely time with you, Sal.”
She groans, pressing his hands to her hips again, where the curve of her ass was. “I can gaurantee you’ve never had what I’m offering you…” 
Josh smiles knowingly, unconvinced. “I’m afraid I’m above your temptations. Is seduction your main area of expertise?” 
She glares at him, but there’s a glint in her eye. She loved the chase. The difficulty. 
“Debauchery in general, but with how many people wanted to have sex with me in my first life I have a specialization in seduction and desire.” 
He shrugs, moving his hands to a respectful place on her waist. His touch is light, but she feels the pressure of his thumbs pushing at the exposed skin. She smirks and snakes her lips up to his ear. 
The gold hoop glints and she flicks her tongue over it. “I could just show you what you’re missing. If you’d allow me to put it in your mind, we wouldn’t actually do it. You’d be in complete control. Halo intact. C’mon just a few images…it’ll be informative.” 
Josh sighs as the tug of her teeth on his earring. She was bad. Terribly good at her job. He understood why she was here. Jake wasn’t even in town. Damn him. If he did his job a little better, Josh wouldn’t be contemplating allowing a demon into even a small recess of his mind. But, Jesus, did he want to just see it. If it wasn’t real, it wasn’t really a sin to indulge. 
She stares at him, waiting for his response. Her hands run over his shoulders and chest. The music swells and Josh’s hands tighten on her waist as he looks up to the ceiling, praying for forgiveness. 
“For educational purposes,” He starts and she grins. “I will allow you to show me how you do your job. So that I may be able to thwart your wrongdoings better.” 
“It’s just a little sex,” She licks her lips. “Igniting passion in people makes more babies for you to teach heavenly values or whatever. God likes sex, Josh.” Her voice is sickening, it was like she was dripping in a delicious scent that Josh can’t get out of his head. Twisting his values and her intentions into something evil that somehow made wicked sense.
He’s been careful to only open up a small piece he knows he can close, but he almost loses his footing when he finally feels her stinging lips on his. She licks into his mouth and he’s about to protest before the images begin to flow through his mind. 
‘Good thing your brother doesn’t have to transfer information like this, huh?’ Sal says within Josh’s mind. 
Guiltily, he feels himself laughing. Though his physical body is still locking lips with her. 
The room she brings him to in his mind is dark, a red lamp in the corner where two bodies are rolling around. Sighs of ecstasy filling his ears. The smell of sex hanging in his nose.
‘You’re really missing out, angel. Could show you the best thing life, and death, has to offer.’ Her voice is softer in his mind. 
The scene changes. He’s staring up at her above him. Her hips are working over him steadily as her naked breasts bounce in front of him, her necklace is the glowing light now. Her voice is sinful as she moans praises for Josh. How good he feels, how big he is, how strong he is. The scene changes and he’s driving into her with her legs over his shoulders, she’s smiling sweetly up at him with her mouth open, repeating his name like a prayer. It shifts and she’s pressed face down in the grey silk pillows, her body spread out for him as he grunts and growls, thrusting ceremoniously into her as she screams for him to keep going. It’s melodic, every bodily sound and the scene of their physical bodies uniting is hypnotic. Like it was pre-ordained that he would fit so well inside her. He feels euphoric as it shifts once more. She is back on top, his hips press up into her as she grinds down. Their faces are pressed together as Josh holds her body close to him. Arms enveloping her fragile frame. The room is quiet as they are pressed skin to skin, her lips meeting his gently. Sharp gasps escape their trembling lips.
‘Okay, enough,’ Josh pushes away from the scene, feeling both aroused and confused. 
In the speakeasy, she pulls back from the kiss with a wipe of her lips. She runs her hands through her hair as she watches Josh. She had shown him every one of his fantasies, placing herself at the center of them. They weren’t particularly raunchy, it was all about connection to him and for once she didn’t tease. 
“I like you, Joshua,” She says, truthfully, allowing him to pull their bodies a little apart. 
He was flustered and confused and embarrassed, but he also didn’t want to run. She had kept her word, shown him a few things and left. He didn’t fully understand the words she had just spoken.
He shakes his head, an awkward smile on his lips there on accident, and she stares at him wistfully. 
“I haven’t had someone in my mind in a very long time.” 
“It’s okay,” She soothes. “You really are an angel. Maybe on this earthly plane for too long since you clearly have carnal desires, but they were sweet. Every man’s mind I’ve looked into had vile and cruel desires…” She paused, looking past Josh. “Even in my first life, all the men I knew wanted to hurt the women they supposedly loved.” 
Josh’s eyebrows shot up in shock. 
“The closest you got to dirty was having me in do–”
“Okay!” Josh cut her off. “I think it’s time to call it a night.” He turned and walked swiftly through the crowd, parting easily for him–definitely not a misuse of his miracles. 
“Fine,” She grinned wickedly and whistled for Rori, sauntering after Josh. 
Back on the street, it could’ve been daytime with all the lights compared to the speakeasy. She squinted her eyes in distaste, thriving in the dark and wishing she had brought her sunglasses.
Josh was turned away from her so she tapped on his shoulder, wanting his attention. Wanting to see him again. He turned slowly and the look on his cherubic face was troubled. She frowned, about to ask what got his wings in a twist. 
A shadow stepped into Josh’s light. His hair was long and messy, in need of a wash. His silver jewelry shined heavy on his tanned chest. His black button up was almost completely open exposing his torso and he held a wide-brimmed black hat loosely in one hand and a guitar case more carefully in the other. His eyes flashed yellow when he spotted Y/N.  
She straightened her posture under his gaze and gave him a defiant look. Rori growled, but stayed behind her legs. 
Jake ran his tongue over his bottom lip, taking in the woman shaped devil before him. “You must be the new demon in town.” 
She tilted her head at him and looked between Josh and Jake. “And you must be your brother’s keeper.” 
He took a menacing step closer, narrowing his eyes at his angel of a brother before returning his gaze to her. “Something like that. Now, farewell…or don’t, I don’t care.”
She opened her mouth to speak again but no sound came out. 
His eyes flashed again as he turned on his heel and said tersely, a command, “Josh.”
The pair disappeared into fog that had appeared as suddenly as the older demon along the nighttime sidewalk and then she watched it dissipate moments later, leaving no trace of the creatures. The men. The angel and the demon.
to be continued... join the taglist
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