#i have friends who hate glee with a burning passion and did not know this
sscrambledmeggss · 1 year
I can always tell who hates glee but has never seen it, because they don’t know it’s a comedy 🧌
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
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twenty four hours (modern!eddie munson x fem!reader)
in which Eddie learns what it means to be honest, and you learn that some answers can only lead to more questions.
→ tropes: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, slow burn
→ warnings: strong language, smut, upside down does not exist, minors dni
→ wc: 4.7k+
→ a/n: this chapter is my enemy. that's all. all the homies hate this chapter for the hell it gave me both in writing it and posting it
spotify playlist.
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15:00 ────────ㅇ─────── 24:00
You were so caught up in your own disappointment, you never saw the flash of recognition that crossed Eddie’s face. Only the anger that followed.
“Is that the dude who stood you up?” 
His voice is weak as he asks the question, a breath that barely reaches your ears as you jump at the unexpected proximity. 
“What?” you spin around to face him, “Jesus Christ, why are you creeping over my shoulder at my phone? Trying to see who else doesn’t follow me on Instagram?” 
He cringes at your bitter tone, all the vodka you’ve turned to venom in your hurt, “You didn’t answer my question – is that him?” 
“Why do you care?” 
It’s the short version of the real questions binding you. A million different threads of confusion, and each one constricts you tighter than the last, all of them tangling together in the confusion. 
Why do you care when you dislike me so vigorously? Why do you care when you’ll only use my answer as ammunition against me? Why do you care to hurt me so badly tonight? Why do you care if Nancy and I are friends? Why do you care to point out how I don’t belong in this group-
“I don’t,” he interrupts your internal panic, pausing the restless twisting of anxious twine. 
You take a deep breath, you let your eyes wander over him, taking him in. He’s ditched the soft-spoken act, his voice coming out powerful finally. The confidence is almost overdone; he sounds as if he’s trying to make up for something not there. 
You crave for distance to be put between the two of you, but he makes no move to step away as you ask, “Then why do you keep asking me?” 
You can’t begin to understand him, completely unsure of where to ever start with the task. He’s a hollow stranger of the man you’d initially met that night in the bar. You’ve seen how he acts with the others, how he treats Nancy like royalty at times and how he’s warm with Argyle. You’ve seen him share joints and laughter alike with Jonathan. It’s hard to miss when he and Steve both begin to get overly passionate about a topic, Robin always finding a way to join in. Eddie is capable of warmth and care, of friendship and genuine love, but not when it comes to you. 
“I was just curious, sue me.” 
“If I had a good lawyer, I would,” you snap back quickly, patience wearing thin. 
It makes him grin – a damn grin. Shit-eating as ever as he replies, “I know a guy if you’d like one,” and he keeps grinning, and you don’t even notice when a line is crossed and that faux glee no longer meets his eyes as he continues,  “Speaking of knowing a guy – do you know the guy on your screen?” 
The threads are twisting again, and the friction is leaving your blood boiling. “Fucking obviously.” 
“Is he the one who stood you up?” 
“Fuck off, Eddie.” 
You can’t handle this right now. You’re drunk – not so drunk you won’t remember the night, but still damn drunk – and you’re overthinking. Letting the threads cut off circulation to your brain, letting yourself only be consumed with overthinking about your place within the group. You don’t even have the capacity to question why Eddie is so persistent in finding out about the bartender who left you looking like a fool the night before; you miss his genuine, burning curiosity and the anger that still broods in him as your anxiety bubbles up. 
Were you and Nancy friends? Maybe Instagram did matter. Surely, she followed everyone else in the group, didn’t she? 
“Why won’t you just answer the question? Why are you so damn stubb-” 
“You don’t care!” you nearly scream, throwing your hands up in defeat, slamming your phone down onto the counter beside you, “You don’t care, you’ve made that clear, so I don’t understand why you need to hear me say it so fucking badly. Why do you need to hear me admit how pathetic I am? We both know where this is going – I say yes, you use it against me, I end up looking like a fool for a second night in a row,” your chest heaves and your eyes burn, but you won’t look at him. You can’t bear witness to him watching you bleed in the middle of Steve’s kitchen, “I’m not doing it. Not tonight.” 
He looks as if you had slapped him. Stunned, aghast, taking a step back to finally give you the space you had so desperately craved. You don’t even really care about it anymore; the damage is done and you’re already spiraling, thanks to him. 
“Do you think so little of me?” 
His voice is small again. Deceptively soft, a treacherous whisper you know you can’t look into. He’s not really hurt. It’s all probably an act, a guise to get you to play into how he wants the night to go. 
“With what you’ve given me to work with?” you scoff, still blinking your eyes rapidly, trying to stave off the waterworks, “Yeah. Yeah, I am starting to think that little of you.” 
“Have you considered I was just trying to be friend-” 
You’re not sure how his sentence is going to end, whether he would claim to be trying to be friendly or trying to be friends. You’re not sure which one makes you more livid.
It’s the second one. “You just mocked me, made me doubt if I had fucking friends all because of Nancy not following me on Instagram. Don’t you dare say you were trying to be friends with me right now.” 
If you were more sober, you would have cursed yourself for blatantly revealing to him that he’d gotten to you. Your wounds were now on display for him, and you stiffened as you realized and awaited the expected handful of salt he’d be rubbing into them. 
We thought he wasn’t going to come, so we invited you instead.
The fight’s only just begun and you’ve already lost – not just this battle, but the entire war.
You know they would choose him. If your friends were given the choice between you two, they’d choose him. And it shouldn’t sting, it’s expected given how long the group has known each other, but Eddie’s animosity towards you has done nothing to soothe the ache stirred by that truth. You would never ask them to choose, you know better, but you’ve always known the answer.
It’s him, not you. 
“I was joking-” 
“No, that was not joking. It wasn’t funny. It was mean.” 
Mean, cruel, ruthless. What Eddie did rings sharply in your chest, in your brain that’s currently running on overtime to process your waves of emotions. The threads are so tight, you expect to see a puddle of blood at your feet on Steve and Robin’s kitchen floor. 
“As if you’re any better,” he sharply laughs in disbelief, shaking his head, “You want to talk about mean? Let’s talk about my date with Chrissy and you’re fucking fiasco.” 
Your stomach drops. The battlefield lurches into uneven ground, because what you did really was unfair. But you had been bitter, and you had been mean, and you had been…. 
You had been jealous. Jealous not of the romance that was honestly leaving much to be desired between him and Chrissy, but that platonic friendship. The kind you had yet to earn from him. The kind you were starting to doubt if you ever had, genuinely, with the rest of the group. 
“Sorry? Yeah, well, sorry don't make her call me back.” 
This is where, if you were speaking with anyone besides Eddie, you offer a real, genuine apology. 
But you’re speaking with Eddie. You’re burnt out from a long week, your pride still remains wounded, you’re suddenly questioning if you even have any friends, you’re drunk, and you’re speaking with Eddie. 
A genuine apology would be like terrible shards, dredged up your throat and being clung to desperately by your whining pride. You’re bleeding enough as it is without that. 
“My apologies, friend. I am so terribly sorry you weren’t able to get your dick wet.” 
You both deserved what was coming, really. You deserved it. Because suddenly, just as it always ended up between you two, hateful words were exchanged. The worst part isn’t when Eddie snarks about how at least he can get his dick wet, unlike you, nor is it when you spit out how being a slut isn’t something to be proud of. It’s a blur of sharp tongues and jabbing knives, both of you swiping for any which way to make the other bleed. 
It’s the cruelest you’ve been to each other yet, because somewhere below all of the surface-level insults, there’s real pain pulsing there. There’s your bloodied threads of anxiety, wretched thoughts and doubts as to if you should even be in this apartment tonight. There’s something more in the lines that form between Eddie’s furrowed brows as he matches your anger. His volume raises right along yours, and whenever his voice breaks over certain quick-dagger remarks, you don’t look into it. Especially not when it happens as he brings up the bartender again. All the failed dates, as he so kindly reminds you of. 
“For someone who claims to not fucking care, you sure do talk a lot about those ridiculous fucking dates,” you seethe finally. Somewhere in the argument, you’d downed the rest of your drink, leaving an empty glass beside you. 
“Because they prove my point!” he shouts in exasperation, “Because you… you… you can’t take a fucking hint.”
A final thread wraps around your throat. You feel as if you can’t breathe. 
“And what is that hint, exactly?” your tone shakes as you ask it, past anger and past heartbreak. 
Why do you still care what he thinks? Do you still care what he thinks?
The vodka says yes. 
Yet Eddie says no, shaking his head immediately.
“Oh, so now you don’t want to speak your mind?” you hate how vulnerable you are, the lilt of your voice with unshed tears and the crack in your chest that you’re sure he can hear. You want to scream, you want to pound your fists against his chest. You want to throw a proper tantrum, like an absolute child. Like a little kid on the playground who no one wanted to play with, “You had all this shit to say, and now you bite your tongue? Fuck you, Eddie.” 
“You don’t want to actually know,” he says flatly. He’s emotionless, and it burns you even further. Here you are, overflowing your cup with all your emotions, and his well has run dry. Even the tick you had managed to get out of his jaw is gone. All the anger, all the false signs of him actually caring have vanished.
You bite down on your lip, struggling to take a deep breath. Trying to even your anger, to bring yourself down to his level. You’re tired of the uneven battle ground. “I don’t? I never knew you were a mindreader.” 
“Don’t have to be a mindreader to see the way you’re about to burst into fucking tears.” 
You suddenly wish you could take the glass on the counter beside you and just toss it at him, full force. Make him physically bleed as he continues to stab at your pride, your ego, your emotions. 
You’re not even sure he’d bleed at this point. Maybe he’s a fucking robot designed to do nothing but hurt you. 
“Fuck you,” you state plainly as the first tear falls, repeating yourself with a more vindictive tone, “Fuck you. It’s not like you care about my fucking feelings, so just say it.” 
 “Fine,” he’s still so indifferent, still so emotionless, “You’re so dense, you never realize that you’re not wanted. Not by those assholes, not here-” 
It’s your final breaking point. You don’t care to hear the rest of his sentence, temper taking the reins as you reach for the glass beside you. 
You throw as hard as you can. 
You tell yourself it’s dumb luck and bad aim when the glass shatters against the wall behind Eddie and not his shocked face. Not mercy. Not the ghost of hope, evaporating with a whisper of glass shards as the final shovel full of dirt falls upon the grave. You can see it clearly, the gravestone that marks the fresh grave: Here Lies Possibility. Here Lies All That Could Have Been. 
It’s over. Eddie knows it – his emotion finally shows, but you don’t stick around to see it. 
Eddie’s wrong. For once, you see you’re not wanted, and make the choice to leave.
“It was about you. I got banned because of you.” 
You don’t know how to respond at first. Honesty hangs heavy between the two of you, suffocating in the morning light. 
You asked him for honesty. He gave you honesty.
It should be a celebration, but all it does is build a pit in the bottom of your stomach that threatens to weigh you down to the bottom of his ocean. 
When you finally respond, you enunciate each word carefully, “Eddie. What do you mean?” 
“I got banned. From the bar. Because of you.”
“No, yeah, I gathered that,” you stress, the crease between your brow deepening, “But…. I… elaborate?”
You can hear the cars on the street below, echoing honks and engines thrumming. Songbirds sing in the distance and shops are opening; the entire world surrounding you two is awakening with a long yawn and a gentle stretch. 
Your world feels as though it is coming to a full stop, but life is carrying on. 
“Which part?” he breaths out a humorless laugh, “The part where I got banned, or the part where it was because of you? Because the ban is pretty straight forward – I threw a punch at a guy, he threw a punch back, now I can’t step foot in Fat Tuesday on Mill Ave-”
“The part where it’s because of me, you idiot,” you interrupt him in exasperation, “What the hell do you mean you got banned because of me?” 
Silence. You’re met with silence. 
Maybe honesty has run dry, just like that. 
You search his face and count your luck, at least he admitted this much, before sighing, “Okay. You don’t have to tell me-” 
The honesty comes bursting out of him. The well of it is anything but dry, “It was the bartender that stood you up. He was there that night after our fight, after the party at Steve’s.” 
The bartender. 
You hadn’t thought of that guy in ages, had long since forgotten his name and face since he’d bruised your ego. 
“I…” your voice trails off, unsure and unsteady as you take tentative steps away from the balcony’s railing, “I’m… honored?” 
Honored isn’t quite the right word. You really don’t know how to feel right now. Should you be thanking him, assuming it was in your honor that he started the fight? Or should you press on, test the limits of honesty and figure out if you’re interpreting this entire confession incorrectly? 
Eddie chuckles dryly before he suddenly walks over to one of the two lounge chairs on the balcony, a small table separating them adorned with a crystal ashtray, “That’s all?”
“Should I not be?” Confusion bursts and blooms across your face, and Eddie’s only reaction to it is furrowed brows as he sits down, “I mean, you just told me you not only threw a punch, but took a punch from some dude who stood me up on a first date once. I think at the very least I should be-”
“I expected you to have more questions,” Eddie cuts you off as he taps his carton of cigarettes on the table beside you, more of a habit than a necessity. His knee is bouncing with each tap, an invisible beat you try to track and end up failing miserably before you take the other chair beside him, “You always have more questions.” 
I do, you think immediately, I have a million and one questions I can’t ask.
Each question flurries past you in a blur, and you’re sure if they’re capable of making you dizzy that there’s no way Eddie could handle them all being thrown at him. There’s also a small part of you still terrified that pressing too far will send him running; ask one wrong thing, and Eddie will retreat to his tall, defensive walls, once again separating him from you. Progress, no matter how minimal, is progress. You can’t risk backtracking. 
“Of course I do,” you repay his debt of honesty in a quiet tone, nimbly picking at the hem of his sweatshirt as it brushes your thigh. 
“Then ask them.”
“If I ask you more questions, are you going to shut me out?” 
The entire morning stills. The breeze turns stale, the sounds of the Sunday hustling and bustling seemingly pause. 
You can’t help but look into his big, brown eyes. You try to communicate with a single look, a silent plea for him to please say he isn’t. 
“I won’t shut you out,” he’s hardly louder than a whisper, but that’s enough for you.
You don’t know where to start: Did you punch him because of me? Did he say something first? Did you have an ulterior motive? Did you know about my date with him before that night? Did you guys talk about me?
The final one sparks a chill down your spine, uncomfortable at the thought of Eddie having discussed you with the bartender, having been the one to tarnish the man’s view of you enough to leave you stranded at a restaurant alone. 
Normally, you’d slowly ease him to the point of your actual question. But your patience has vanished as you look at him now, as you watch him under the promise that he won’t shut you out.
“How did you know him before the fight?” 
His lips twitch with a grin, “I was a regular, he was a bartender. Can I make it anymore obvious?” 
“Are you quoting Avril Lavigne to me right now?” you ask, flabbergasted before shaking your head in an attempt to clear your thoughts and move past this joke, “You know what? Forget I asked – so he served you often? Were you…. Were you friendly?” 
“Well, he once took me out behind the bar and kissed me, but he never got around to buying me dinner. Might have been because of my mean right hook, but who knows-”
“Eddie,” Your voice cracks in desperation, “Please, be serious. Just for one minute.” 
It kills you to say it, because part of you is convinced this is a vision of the boy you’ve been chasing after for so long. This is the boy who is best friends with Nancy. This is the boy who is always invited without hesitation to smoke with Jonathan and Argyle. This is the boy that Steve and Robin had ranted and raved about in all those classes before you’d met him. This is the boy you’d met that first night in the bar in brief passing, and had been seeking out ever since. 
A boy who felt like coming home after a long week.
It kills you to tell him to quiet down all the grins and jokes that are making your heart ache in such a terribly peculiar way.
“I’m sorry,” something in you gleams with gratuity when his grin takes it’s time fading, him throwing up his hands in faux defense, his playful tone still woven carefully. He’s not shutting you out. “I can be serious. I- Give me a second. Scout’s honor, I can stop fucking around.” 
“You better,” you jilt, caving into the joking ever so slightly. 
It’s easy to do when he looks at you this way. His eyes sparkle as if the honesty has freed him of some great weight. However he had expected you to react, it wasn’t this way. 
All at once, he has become something brand new to you. You’re in his sweatshirt, barefoot on his balcony as you can still smell his last cigarette lingering in the air, and you wonder if you’ve never considered yourself a morning person because you’ve never experienced a Sunday morning with Eddie. If you had felt his morning light like this before, even in a sleep-deprived haze, you would have certainly enjoyed the early hours sooner. 
“Okay, okay,” he takes a deep breath, forces away the grin you can still see in the crinkles beside his eyes, “To answer your question, no. We weren’t really friends, I didn’t even know his name and I’m pretty sure he didn’t know mine. He just knew my order.”
“Whiskey and coke,” you whisper, pulling a knee up to your chin, resting it and looking at Eddie with unbridled softness. Fifteen hours ago, you couldn’t have known nor cared about his go-to drink.
“Whiskey and coke,” he confirms. It’s in the pull of his lips – he’s fighting another smile, feeling just as soft as you are at the way you’ve learned something new about him, “Not that it’s hard to remember. Definitely easier than an amaretto sour.” 
“Amaretto sours are not hard to remember,” you shake your head ever so slightly, chin slipping and lips dragging across the skin of your knee. Eddie’s eyes waste no time focusing on the movement, “Okay. So you two weren’t really friends, that’s good to know. I guess my next question would be, was he working that night?” 
Eddie leans forward, elbows pressing into the tops of his thighs, “Are you asking if I’m badass enough to storm into a bar and throw a punch at the bartender on duty to defend your honor?” 
His words paint quite the picture for you. “Did you?”
“No. Lower your expectations of me, please.” 
It takes everything in you to not just throw your head back in laughter, having to settle on giggles suffocated against the skin of your knee still. You wrap your arms around your shin tightly, keeping your leg folded up into you as you shake with the soft laughter. 
“Okay, one last question - who threw the first punch?” you sigh. The image of how fearful Eddie had looked when he’d first admitted to this entire ordeal is silly now. You already know the answer to this question, he wouldn’t have been so nervous to tell you if he hadn’t been the one instigating the entire thing, but you ask it to humor the two of you. 
It’s a good distraction from the buds and blooms alike, all awakening along your vines. The vines don’t feel so constricting anymore. As a matter of fact, you think you’re able to recognize their beauty for the first time. Verdant greenery lined with splashes of reds, of violets, of yellows that are almost the same brilliant shade of gold that his eyes seemingly flash every time the sun hits them just right. 
“I did,” he answers just as you expected. He also shrinks into himself, just as you had also expected, “I just saw him there, and- actually, I don’t know if this next part is just an insult to injury but I…” he trails off, not taking a single breath as he meets your gaze. You’re sure he’s searching for anger, for repulsiveness, for hurt. He’ll find none. You only nod your head and encourage him to keep going, “Okay, he was there on a fuckin’ date, sweetheart. A date, the night after he stood you up. So I just…I just decked him. And honestly? I don’t regret it. He deserved it.” 
When he’s finally finished spilling his guts, you’re left fighting a grin and an overflowing chest of blooms. He’s flushed and nervous and goddamn it, he beat the shit out of some dude in your honor. You should scold him or be more upset, but you only start laughing again. 
“Why are you laughing?” Eddie scrunches up his face, continuing to lean forward, almost as if trying to get closer to you, “Seriously, what’s so funny about that?” 
You’ve thrown your head back in delight now, just as you had wanted to earlier, and release your hold on your leg as it falls back down from your chest, “Jesus Christ, I wish I could have seen that in person.” 
Eddie’s stunned. But you mean it – if your heartbroken self from six months ago had witnessed that, you would have considered Eddie your best friend immediately. This entire feud would have been cut six months short just from one simple punch. 
“I’m sorry,” you gasp out, desperately trying to compose yourself once more, “I really shouldn’t condone violence. I just – man, I cried over that guy. A whole month of those stupid, cheesy, ‘good-morning-beautiful’ texts, and he had just left me hanging, y’know? I mean, I’m sure he’s not a bad person-”
“No,” Eddie interrupts, smiling right along with you, “No, as far as we should be concerned, he’s a fucking asshole. Fuck defending him, we’re never going to see him again anyways.” 
 We’re never going to see him again. 
Eddie probably has no idea what he’s done, referring to the two of you as a joint unit for the first time in a future tense, but it makes you ache all over. That heartache and warmth you felt for him is no longer secluded to just your chest; you feel it from your toes all the way to your scalp, traveling and leaving kisses of goosebumps in its trail. A sudden yearning floods your entire nervous system, the entire roadmap of your heart and your veins and your arteries – you like the image of you and Eddie, Eddie and you, still being a resemblance of a pair beyond just these measly twenty four hours. You like to imagine being able to call him up out of boredom some time next week. You like the thought of him joining on bar crawls with you and the girls. You like the thought of spending every Sunday morning with him from here on out. 
Some of those are reasonable. Some of those aren’t. The yearning rushes through you all the same. 
“Yeah,” you agree softly, “We’re never going to see him again. Fuck him.” 
Eddie hums and leans back in his chair, finally beginning to relax, leaving you a moment to reflect. 
He was telling the truth, he had been honest; he had gotten banned from a bar for you. He’d seen the bartender who stood you up, and he’d decided to defend your honor. Even after that night. Even after that fight. Even after the glass you had thrown. 
Even after the cruel words he had said. 
The yearning stops in its tracks, coming to a rough halt as you glance up at him sharply. 
Even after the cruel words he had said, even after claiming you weren’t someone who was wanted, he’d defended you. 
“You know what?” he suddenly says, but your mind is still whirling and you can only hum in response, “I kind of like honesty. I sort of dig it,” you wish you could muster up more than a smile as he boyishly grins at you, “What else do you wanna know? Hit me, sweetheart.” 
Sweetheart. The yearning rushes past the floodgates, the pink strikes your cheeks, the ache rings out from the very hollows of your bones. 
You know what you really want to ask him can’t be answered right now. Because even with the change in him, the one that weakens your knees and has you wishing for things in the future, he was still once the man from that night. He still once made you bleed, made you cry. And even if he’s apologized, and you know he means it, it can’t erase that fact. 
And it worries you. Because as all the feelings swell in your chest, you’re left with yet another unanswered question. 
Why would you defend me after that fight?
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
betty [quinn fabray]
quinn fabray x fem reader
summary: the last part of my quinn fabray mini series! this takes place in the pov of quinn and her side of the story! enjoy : )
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*not my gif*
“Quinny?” my mom poked her head through the door, “You got to get ready for school.” she says softly. 
I groaned as I shoved my head into a pillow. I didn’t want to go to school today or well ever for that matter. 
And you’re probably thinking: Quinn what teenager actually wants to go to school? 
i did...once. When I didn’t fuck up the best thing that ever happened to me. Meeting her at her locker, holding her hand down the hall, singing songs to her in glee club. All of it. But that’s all faded away like a moment in time. 
“Not today.” I mumble. 
“Quinn, honey, I let you miss so much school these past couple months. I need you to go just this once.” she whispers before closing the door. 
I let out another groan as I pulled the covers off my body. Stumbling my way into the bathroom. As I look in the mirror the pit that was in my stomach continued growing. 
I hated how I looked. I hated how I felt. I fucked up. It was all on me.
And it all started at junior prom.
“Love, dance with me!” Y/N yelled over the loud music that was playing, trying to pull me out of my seat at the table I was sitting at. 
I smiled widely at her enthusiasm before raising my eyebrows at her. She knows I hate the crowds. Sure, I was popular and wanted the attention.
But there’s a difference between walking down the hall like a bad ass than being trapped in a crowd of thousands, feeling like you’re suffocating and sweating.
“This is my favorite song.” she pouted when I gave her the look. 
I pulled the hand that she had in her hand closer to me. Giving it a sweet kiss, “Next dance, I promise.”
She pouts a little before running back off to the dance floor. I sat there drinking the spiked punch, letting the alcohol burn all the way down my throat and into my stomach. Leaving a warm sensation behind. 
I watched Y/N’s every move. She wasn’t very far away from where I was planted. Jumping up and down, doing crazy dance moves, with Sam. 
I love Sam with every bone in my body, but I was always jealous of the blonde boy. He was a nice guy, funny, good looking and super close to Y/N. 
“Looks like your girlfriend is having more fun with Sam, than she is with you.” Santana says, leaning against the chair I was sitting on.
“I don’t like the crowds. She knows that. She’s just trying to enjoy her prom.” I mumble, trying to ignore her snide remarks. 
Santana hums in response before taking a sip of her own punch, “Sure, let’s keep telling yourself that. And I’ll be the one saying ‘I told you so’ when she leaves you for him.” 
That was it. That’s what started my insecurities. 
Was I good enough for Y/N? Or will she find her own non-complicated love with Sam or Finn? Was Santana right?
After procrastinating for God knows how long, I finally made it to school. 
“Quinn!” Mercedes yelled getting my attention away from locker. 
I tried forcing on my best smile, “Hey what’s up?” 
“You’re coming to Y/N’s party tonight right? Everyone’s gonna be there! I don’t want you to miss it.” Mercedes said.
I shook my head looking down at my shoes, “No. I wasn’t planning on going. I don’t think she would want me there anyway.” I mumble.
Mercedes looked at me sympathetically, “Well I want you to come. Dig yourself out of the depressing hole you’re in and come hang out with people who care about you. Think about it, okay?” 
I nod before she goes running off to talk to Kurt. I open my locker and stare at the cardigan hanging off of one of the hooks. My eyes dart around my locker to see the pictures of the two of us hanging on the walls. 
I miss her.
The bell rings and I weave my way through the somewhat crowded walls and into my anatomy class for homeroom. I take my seat next to Jacob Ben Israel and sigh softly. 
“Alright class take your seats!” Mr. Barnson yells as he walks in the door, taking his bag off.
I look at the empty stool next to me. Y/N wasn’t in here today. She must’ve stayed home. I wish I could’ve, especially after what happened yesterday. 
“Jacob, you’re going to be Ms. Fabray’s new lab partner.” he says and I watch as Jacob’s eyes lighten up.
The afro-hair kid coming to sit next to me, “Can I smell your hair?” he asks, disturbingly. 
I shutter in disgust and raise my hand, “Yes Ms. Fabray?” 
“What happened to Y/N?” I ask.
“Ah, Ms. Y/L/N switched homerooms this morning.” he says nonchalantly while looking back at his list for attendance. 
The day went on and on, dragging like a bad movie that wouldn’t end. Until finally it did. 
I walked to school today. I’ve been walking to school the past couple months. It was a nice break to just clear my head and think about everything. Sometimes it hurt to do, but it was much needed. 
I didn’t want to go straight home today. I didn’t want to go home and just lock myself in my room, curling up into a ball of nothingness. So I walked around more. 
“Quinn? Do you need a ride?” I hear a voice ask.
I turn towards the voice to see Mike and Tina in his car, “No thanks. I think I’m just gonna walk.” 
“Okay. Well we’ll see you tonight, right? We all miss hanging out with you.” he suggests.
“I don’t know.” I say looking anywhere, but them.
“You should.” Tina says before the light turns green and they drive off with a wave. 
I continued walking until I found myself at the mall need Breadstix. I hate the mall. 
I used to love going there with Santana and Brittany back during sophomore year of high school. When I was dating Finn and head Cheerio, but now it just reminds me of everything that went wrong. 
When my insecurity was at its greatest peak. 
“Hello beautiful!” I say as I answer Y/N’s phone call, walking through the mall. 
“Hi love! I miss you so much.” she whispers and I smile softly.
I hear rustling coming from her side of the phone, another girl’s voice, “I miss you more.” I say softly, “Who are you with?”
“Oh I’m with my friend Lizzie. She’s also a intern here and we’re just having dinner! She’s really cool!” Y/N said excitedly.
The rest of the conversation was about her internship and the amazing stuff she was learning and the new people she was meeting. How much she was having.
I should have been happy for her, but all I could think about what was, how much her life is better without me? What a fun life she could have without me? 
I left the mall that I was once walking in and nothing seemed good enough to buy. I was getting closer to my house as I was walking on the broken cobblestone. Just thinking about her.
How much I just want her to come back home and into my arms. How much I want her to let me know that I’m the only one she wants and that I am good enough for her.
Someone’s car came by slowing down next to me as they rolled their window down, pulling me out of my thoughts. Santana was sitting in the driver’s seat with her sunglasses on. Her usual high pony was down which revealed her curly brunette hair. 
She looked like a figment of my worst intentions. Her lips stained with a dark red lipstick and the way she was eyeing me. It just sent shivers down my spine. 
“Quinn, get in, let’s drive.” 
And those four words was all it took. Well four words and a human full of loneliness. 
A car honks shaking me from that terrible terrible memory. Leaving me with a mind and head full of thoughts. 
Should I go to the party tonight? Will she want me there? Will I regret not going? 
There’s two ways me going would play out.
1.) I would get there and she would open the door and slam it on my face. Then she would open it again just to tell me to go fuck myself. 
I shutter at the thought of the most likely scenario. The sun was setting turning the sky into a cotton candy looking sky. What a beautiful sky for a stressful decision. 
Santana laid next to me on the grassy field of my backyard. It was a cotton candy color as the orange hue blended with the dreamy blue. 
I spent the week driving around with Santana. We would go exploring the small town in Lima or just drive around singing to random songs. 
We laid there in silence just staring up at the sky. She took my hand in hers intertwining them together. And in that moment I didn’t care. I wanted to feel something, anything. 
Anything besides this pit of loneliness. 
She turned her head towards mine. And in a beat her lips were on mine. It was soft at first yet passionate. Then the next thing I knew, clothes were flying off, and hands were roaming. 
2.) Y/N opens the door and sees me standing there. I apologize for everything, she leads me to our spot in the backyard. And kiss me in front of everyone. 
Yeah like that would ever fucking happen. 
I didn’t know what I was expecting when Y/N came back from Pennsylvania. After the many nights spent with Santana, I dropped her. Or well ghosted her I should say.
I didn’t answer her calls or her texts. I knew what I did was wrong and I decided to just end it before things could get any worse. 
Was it fucked up? 
Yes, but I did what I had to try and salvage what I had left in our relationship.
I thought I could get away with it too. Until the guilt started eating me alive. The pit in my stomach wasn’t loneliness, it was guilt. 
And then Santana told Brittany. Brittany told Artie. Artie told Tina. Tina told Mike. Mike told Puck. Puck told Mercedes. Mercedes told Kurt. Kurt told Blaine. Blaine told Rachel. Rachel told Finn. Finn told Sam. Then finally, Rachel told Y/N since no one else had the heart to. 
Y/N slammed my locker shut causing me to flinch back, “Tell me she’s lying.” she whispers, her voice breaking. 
“Who’s lying love? What happened?” I say attempting to take her in my arms, but she took a step back.
“Tell me that you didn’t hook up with Santana while I was gone. And that it’s some weird vendetta against you.” she whispers staring at me. 
I couldn’t lie to her anymore. It was killing me. I didn’t want to lie anymore. I just needed to tell her. 
I just stared at her desperately trying to find an explanation. Desperately trying to apologize and explain everything to her, but no words came out.
“You did didn’t you?” Y/N asked barely in a whisper.
I nodded sadly and a sob escaped her lips. 
“Y/N please let me-” I try to say and she shakes her head.
“No. We’re done Quinn!” she yells in between sobs running off. 
I looked up and found myself in front of Y/N’s house. 
I wasn’t trying to go here. I guess my feet just carried me here. The party was in full swing and through her window I could see her just sitting there, nursing a cup. 
Her favorite song was playing and she wasn’t dancing. She was just sitting there, trying to smile, but was struggling too. 
It hurt me, knowing that I’m the reason for her pain. 
I hesitantly knocked on the door and the door flung open. Y/N was standing there and she was shocked, but her eyes softened. But it didn’t matter anymore because she covered it up with a harder shell. 
She came out and stepped onto the porch, closing the door behind her.
“Happy birthday.” I whisper.
She mumbles, “Thanks.” 
“Can we talk please?” I ask.
She was thinking about it. I could tell. Her eyes were furrowed and she was biting her lip. She looked in deep thought before nodding and leading me to the backyard garden.
There was a bench swing hanging from the trees. And we took a seat on there together. 
This is the spot. Our spot. 
We had our first kiss here. I asked her to be my girlfriend here. Everything happened right here. 
“Y/N I’m sorry. And before you say anything I know. I know sorry means nothing and it has no excuse for what I did. But I am so deeply sorry. I don’t know much and I don’t have much to say because I wasn’t expecting to come tonight But I do know that I miss you and you were the best thing that has ever happened to me.” I whisper letting all of the tears spill. 
She lets out a shaky sigh, “I know. I forgive you.” 
I smile softly and I try to lean in to kiss her, but she immediately pulls back. Leaving me embarrassed and heartbroken.
“Just because I forgive you doesn’t mean that I want to get back together. I know you know that what you did was wrong. And I trust you when you say that it wasn’t anything special. But it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. I love you Quinn Fabray, but I just can’t do this right now.” she whispers back.
She begins to wipe away the tears from my cheeks. I took in a deep breath before embracing the feeling of her touch. Y/N closes her eyes and rests her forehead on top of mine. 
I cup her cheeks into my hands. My thumb trying to memorize all of the crevasse, cheek bones, every little feature. 
“I will always love you and maybe we’ll be together one day. Just not today.” she whispers pulling away and kissing my cheek softly, “Goodbye Quinn.” 
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drarrymybeloved · 3 years
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a gift for @isamijoo​ as part of the Wheel of Drarry Mini Exchange🥰💞thank you to @curlyy-hair-dont-care​ for the beta!
wc: 1.7k | rating: G
Not All Heroes Wear Capes, But Mine Sure Does
Draco Malfoy, Editor in Chief of Witch Weekly Magazine, eyes his watch and then the stack of paperwork on his desk. He knows he should stay and get through at least half the pile before lunch, but there is also a photoshoot going on in Studio B right this very second that he wouldn’t mind overseeing. Only because the photoshoot is such an important project for the magazine. Not because of the presence of a certain someone at said photoshoot, not at all.
I’m the Editor in Chief of the damn magazine and I can go wherever I like, he decides. He nods his head as if confirming his own thoughts and exits his office to head towards the studio.
Draco had begun working at the offices of Witch Weekly soon after he finished his community service sentence. Starting as a lowly clerk, his ability to charm and enamour as needed, had him slowly but surely climbing the ranks.
Now, at twenty-five, Draco is the youngest Editor in Chief in the history of Witch Weekly. Soon after his promotion, he had recruited Pansy as a columnist and Blaise as a photographer, both of whom are involved in today’s shoot.
And what a shoot it is, Draco thinks with more than a little satisfaction. Featuring the Golden Trio, the rest of the Weasley clan minus Percy who was “just too busy to make it”, Seamus Finnegan, Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, the Patil twins, and Lavender Brown, it’s going to be printed as a special edition with all proceeds going to the War Orphan’s Trust. Incidentally, it’s also one of the most— if not the most— star-studded spread in the magazine’s history. Blaise will photograph all the volunteers in various costumes and get-ups, while Pansy will interview them on the side.
When the idea was first proposed, Draco had been sceptical. While the others were less recalcitrant, Potter was well-known for his dislike of modelling of any kind. He hated being in front of a camera, and everybody in the press corps knew it. Without Potter, the venture wouldn’t necessarily fail, but it would definitely not generate as much profit. Draco had meant to ask formally, perhaps through an official letter bearing the magazine’s seal. Instead, he found himself asking Potter at the weekly inter-house pub night, a tradition started in eighth year that— inexplicably— continued well past Hogwarts. Surprisingly, Potter had agreed with minimal fuss. He wasn’t happy about it, but he had agreed nonetheless.
Reaching the studio door, Draco takes a moment to brush non-existent dirt off his suit jacket and straighten his already straight tie, before pushing open the door. There are a fair amount of people milling around, talking and laughing. He can see Weasley, Finnegan and Thomas near the refreshments table. Charlie Weasley is talking animatedly with Luna while Longbottom listens with a bemused expression. Ginerva and George are slowly turning singular strands of Hermione’s hair purple as she talks passionately with Lavender. The Patil twins are having their makeup done, and Bill Weasley is being interviewed by Pansy.
Draco takes all this in with a cursory glance, his attention instantly drawn towards the man currently posing for the camera, like a compass finding true north.
Harry Potter stands in front of the camera, wearing a gladiator’s skirt cinched with a belt adorned with a golden lion, a red cape adorning his broad shoulders. A sheathed sword hangs at his waist. On his feet are black leather sandals, the straps of which rope around his muscular calves. Without his trademark glasses, his eyes look impossibly brighter. His bronze skin practically gleams under the lights. Presumably, someone had applied oil on him at some point. Draco hastily pushes away all thoughts of hands and oil and Potter out of his mind. Potter’s hair looks artfully tousled instead of its usual mess— a near-miraculous feat if you ask Draco. He makes a mental note to jot down the name of the hair stylist for future photoshoots. The thought is there and then gone because just then, Potter draws the sword hanging at his waist, and Merlin and Morgana, Draco was not prepared to see Harry bloody Potter looking like a hero out of a Greek legend.
Draco lets out an involuntary whimper.
“Hello, Draco.”
Draco quickly snaps his gaze away from Potter to find Hermione looking at him with an amused expression. The purple streaks are gone from her hair— she’d probably known what Ginerva and George were up to the whole time. Meanwhile, Draco had been so busy ogling Potter, he hadn’t even seen Hermione approach him. He flushes faintly and attempts to sound like the Editor in Chief of a major publication rather than what he actually feels like— a schoolboy with a pash. “Hello, Hermione. I hope everything is going smoothly?”
Hermione grins. “Yes, it’s all been rather fun actually. Reminds me a bit of Sunday lunch at the Burrow, what with so many people around.”
“Good, that’s good to hear,” Draco says distractedly, attention already straying back to Potter.
“Harry’s looking rather good, isn’t he?” Hermione asks nonchalantly, following Draco’s gaze.
“What? Oh, yes, yes of course. Now that you mention it, he is. That is, I mean, the stylists did a brilliant job. Especially with his hair, it usually looks like a bird's nest,” Draco lets out a strained chuckle, his cheeks burning. He never should have come down here. Merlin.
Hermione presses her lips together, her eyes bright with amusement. “You should tell him that yourself, he’ll like it,” she gestures behind Draco.
Draco turns, and sure enough, Potter’s coming off the set towards them. He doesn’t even stop to change into regular clothes, for fucks sake. How is one supposed to hold a conversation with him looking like that?
“I’ll leave you two to it then, got some catching up to do with Parvati,” Hermione says, grinning wickedly. Before Draco can say another word, she’s already gone.
Cursing internally, he turns to face Potter, determined to keep his attention on Potter’s face and his face only. Not that that’s not distracting enough. Pushing the unhelpful thought away, Draco opens his mouth to greet Potter. What comes out is, “That’s quite a get-up you’ve got going on.”
Oh joy, already off to an excellent start. Draco cringes internally but forces himself to smile in what he hopes is a pleasant manner.
Potter laughs sheepishly. “Yeah, I do feel pretty ridiculous in all this. They’ve even strapped a bloody sword on me. I barely know how to handle it.”
“Looked like you were doing alright, actually,” Draco says before his mind can catch up with his mouth.
“Oh, er, thanks Draco,” Potter smiles bashfully, bringing his hand up to ruffle his hair. Draco’s eyes helplessly follow the flex of his bicep.
Snapping back to attention, he grasps for something other than Potter’s sword-wielding skills to talk about.
"I have to say though, I was quite surprised when you agreed to this. It's no secret you dislike photoshoots immensely," is what he lands on. It’s something he’s been wondering about and he wouldn’t mind knowing what made Potter agree to do this.
“Yeah, I don’t much like being treated as if I’m some celebrity and I’ve never been good in front of a camera. I would have said no but well…” he trails off, looking at Draco intently. “You’re the one who asked, so,” Potter shrugs as if that clears everything up.
Draco blinks. In a dazzling display of eloquence, he says, "What?"
Potter flushes, but he looks determined. "I agreed to do this because I know this photoshoot is important to you. Not just this shoot, the magazine as a whole. I know that you’ve worked hard to make it into something much more than just another gossip rag. So, um, you know, I did it for you,” he rubs the back of his neck, his face flushed crimson. “It also helps that it’s for charity,” he adds, chuckling awkwardly.
Draco gapes. “But...why?” he manages, bewildered.
“Draco,” Potter huffs. “Because I care about you. As in, I have feelings for you. I thought you would have guessed by now, it’s not like I’m great at subtlety. Pretty much everyone else knows,” he smiles nervously.
 Oh. Oh.  
“You have feelings for— wait, everyone knows?” Draco demands. “And no one thought to tell me?” He hates his friends, really truly despises them all.
Potter’s eyes crinkle with the force of his smile. “Wait so, what are you saying?”
Draco rolls his eyes, attempting to sound cool and collected even though he feels practically giddy. “I’m saying, Potter, that I have had “feelings for you” as you put it, for an embarrassingly long time. And everyone knows,” he says, cheeks pinking. “Well, everyone except you, apparently,” he amends.
Potter laughs delightedly. “To be fair, you didn’t catch on to my feelings for you either.”
“We’re rather ridiculous, aren’t we?” Draco says, laughing ruefully.
“Well, we’re both in the know now, so how about we go for a celebratory dinner?” Potter asks, eyes bright.
“Good idea,” Draco says, attempting— and failing— to keep a straight face.
“Potter!” Pansy’s voice cuts across the room.
“Time for your interview it seems,” Draco says.
“Yeah, although I do have some questions for her myself,” Potter says, squinting at Pansy.
“Oh, I will absolutely be having words with her. And Hermione,” Draco huffs.
Potter smiles at him, and it’s such a wide, unrestrained thing, Draco’s heart misses a beat. “I’ll see you after, then?” he asks.
Draco nods, smile softening. “Pick me up at seven, you already know the address.”
Potter flashes him one last smile before walking towards Pansy’s corner.
Draco watches him go with what is most definitely a besotted smile on his face before turning around to leave. His steps falter when he sees all of their friends staring at him, expressions torn between unbridled glee and despair. He frowns— until he catches sight of Ron glumly handing over a handful of Galleons to a triumphant George.
“You absolute pillocks, did you place bets on Harry and me?” he asks in disbelief.
“It’s a lucrative business,” George winks.
“Sorry Draco,” Lavender says, not looking sorry at all as she pockets the coins Padma grudgingly hands her.
“I hate you all,” Draco informs them cheerfully as he heads towards the hallway, professionalism be damned. He hears them laughing as he steps into the hallway, but he’s too elated to be properly pissed off at their machinations. He’ll get back at all of them soon enough, but for now he has a stack of paperwork to finish— he can’t be late for his date after all.
read on ao3
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Farewell Revenge - pt. 10
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A/N: I- uh.... I didn’t mean it like this...
Your kisses were deep, agressive, passionate even. He could feel your hands tugging his hair, pulling him down a bit and causing a quiet moan escape his lips. 
It was steaming, hot even when the lust and hunger took over his control and let his arms lift your thighs and pull you up. His lips didn’t leave yours and if they did, they kept in contact with every bit of your skin, especially the neck he was exposed to before. Your hands clawed his hips and without any second thought, he threw you on his bed. 
Your eyes, completely dark and shimmering with hunger, seductively pulling him to hover above you. With only moonlinght present, its rays lightning your skin, your eyes, outlining every string of your hair on the golden pillow. 
His grey eyes smiled devilishly at you... 
Sirius jolted up from his bed, finding his drool all over the pillow and trying to find his orientation. He wiped his wet lips and looked around the darkness, finding something flying his way. 
It hit his head in the head and threw him on his back. 
“What the hell?” he mumbled, grabbing the soft golden pillow in his hands as he looked both left and right, you neither on them. 
“Fuck, mate! If you’re going to have sex dreams when we go home, you’re sleeping in the basement.” he heard James groan on the other side. 
Sirius’ cheeks flushed red, though fortunate for him the night covered it all. He looked to the other two of his friends’ bed and saw only one of them sitting up. Remus. Of course, it was Remus. Peter always slept solidly like a rock. 
Yet, Remus didn’t say a single thing. He just collapsed back in his bed and disappeared under the blankets. 
“Sorry.” Sirius appologised awkwardly and stood up from his bed. He took the clock into his hands and found number three staring back at him. 
He left the dorm anyway. 
He was awfully sweaty, his hair sticking to his forehead as his mind continued to race through raw scenes of you and him. He didn’t even bother to take slippers, only a pack of cigarettes he hid under the floor. 
Carefully stepping across the corridors, by the Hufflepuffs and sneaking into the kitchens, he grabbed himself a glass of water and chugged it all the way. His dry mouth consumed it with glee, his body cooling him off. 
He grabbed one of the waterbottles from the fridge, slamming it shut and making his way back. 
Yet, something stopped him. His eyes stared at the plastic bottle and he couldn’t hear it, he didn’t hear it... he just felt it. 
He took a turn, back to the fridge and grabbed another water bottle. He didn’t know why he had done it. He never was a water drinker but it wouldn’t hurt to have a backup, would it now? 
He felt stupid when he left. 
Two water bottles for what? For his thirsty arse? 
“Well, I’m not going back again.” he told himself and continued to walk across the courtyard and out of the castle. 
He didn’t dare to use Lumos, not when he was careless enough to forget the map. He’d have to use his instintcs on this. 
Instintcs. He shook his head, chuckling and lifting up the waterbottles. 
He walked from the stairs onto the ground but immediately jumped back up. 
He forgot his shoes. 
No. Not forgot. He didn’t take his shoes in the first place. 
He looked over the grass, dotted with white spots. 
He looked up at the sky and saw first snow faltering into to the ground. Sure this December was cold but the snow really took its time to make his first appearance. 
He beamed at the sky. He loved the first snow. The moon seemed like the biggest snowflake in the sky. 
You swung your legs along the grass, the shape of lemons, just as you would skate on the ice field when you were a kid. Every weekend when the first snow made its appearance.
You smiled to yourself as the frost hugged your shoulders, the moon, waxing gibbons, shimmering in the sky. It was a fresh breath of old memories.
‘ “I can’t stop, dad!” your six year old body would slam against the fence, the front spikes of your skates digging into the plastic edge.
He skated as any young ice-skating professional would, covered you with ice as he drifted towards you, chuckling. “Just turn the skates.” he showed you but you only stared.
“I’m scared.” ‘
Same old breath, fresh memories.
‘ High above you, drunkness in those dark eyes and a lions roar. “ YOU WON’T LEAVE US EMPTY HANDED, CHILD!”
Heavy silence yet never long.
You glared into his eyes, standing your ground no mater how much your legs shook. You stood and glared, figthing off the fear. “ They'll take you in and spit you out.” he growled, pressing his index finger to your chest. “You're only worth how much you sell and you've come too far, we both agree. Just give us what we need.” the burning evil shimmered mirrored the horrible sins this man did but the smile... the malicious smile almost cut you open. ‘
You breathed out, opening your eyes and falling forward. You fell on your knees and into the frozen grass, first snow making its appereance one more year.
You looked up at the sky, seeing snowflakes floating above you and lowering themselves to ground.
Tears gathered fast and spilled down your cheeks. “No.”
Sirius’ feet were freezing by this point. It was as if the frost on the grass was biting his toes and heel. 
He made his way to his favorite spot and threw himself on his back, lifting up his feet and groaning. “Son of a bitch.” he cursed under his breath, pulling out is wand and making a complicated wave. From the tip of his wand a jet of hot air blew against his feet and warmed them. 
He let out a breath of relief, pointing his wand at the space in front of him and making another swish movement. “Incendio.” and the frost turned into fire. 
He leaned back on the trunk and gazed over the lake. 
His mind buzzed with flashes of memories. He could see you. First time when you were in your First year, laughing and giggling with Regulus. You had a high ponytail and your robes were oversized. 
He remembered the time he would check to his brother and you would always be there next to him. Second year, Third year, Fourth year... He would watch you grow up next to his brother. Though he wasn’t aware before, he was now. He knew you. Perhaps he has never spoken to you before but he knew you. He knew how you blushed around his brother in your Third year or how you would push somebody if you were furious. Whenever you were stressed your eyes would go wide and condused. He could almost see the panic in your eyes as you would pass him by. You probably got your period in your Third year because sometimes you would snap at people for God no reason. Whenever you were mean to Regulus, which he had noticed, he would tell Regulus to cut you off. 
Regulus would only smile and shake his head. He told Sirius you were just hungry, which made Sirius mad back then but laugh today. 
First time you and Sirius talked was when you grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the wall. There was raging fire in your eyes and back then, getting lost in them would be the least believable truth. 
You and him argued all the time. All the time. Why would he then feel so much attraction to you? Why would he want to kiss you so badly, explore your body with his. 
He threw his head into his arms and huff. 
He wished he would talk to James about this but he couldn’t. He couldn’t tell James about this because you were the girl James was with. Why couldn’t James just pick Lily?
‘ Why did I hate her so much when I love her so much right now?’ he asked himself. He threw his head back and looked at the giant snowflake in the sky. 
It ate him from the inside out. His heart was throbbing from regret. He wanted you. He did! Sirius Black wanted you! - And he couldn’t have you because you were already his best friend’s. He wanted to get those eyes he dreamed of, those eyes James gets whenever he walks into the room. Eyes of adoration and love. He wanted those eyes. He wanted you but he could never have that. He could never have you because if he did anything to get you, he would be a selfish, ungrateful, traitorous man. 
All he wanted was you but all you wanted was James and now, Sirius was stuck loving you and not being able to tell anybody about it. Not you, not his best friend, not Remus (though he was pretty sure Remus knew already). 
“Ssssiriusss Black...” a hissing sound came from behind him and he bolted from the tree and onto the field, pointing his wand at the tree. 
“WHO IS THERE?!” he panicked, staggering back on his feet. 
A laughter came from the darkness and just by the sound of it, Sirius knew who it was. 
It was you; the girl he was in love with. 
Your figure came behind the trunk, your hand over your stomach as you bent over laughing. 
“Are you crazy!” he put his hands on the top of his head and screamed at the sky. “You almost gave me a heart attack!” he turned around, bending on his knees and trying not to laugh. 
You threw yourself on your bottom, right next to where he sat before. It was warm and nice. Your hand brushed against the moist grass and as you looked up at the fire, a safe, homely feeling washed over your body. 
Sirius couldn’t breathe. His heart was pounding in his chest from fright. “What are you even doing here?”
“Stalking you.” you teased and leaned back on your arms, closing one eye and keeping the other on the boy. 
“I knew it.” he played along and made his way back to you, digging his hand in his pocket and pulling out a pack of cigarettes. 
You eyed him. “You’re not actually going to light it up, right?” 
He placed the roll between his lips and lit it up. “I almost died. Give me a break.” he breathed in the nicotine, letting it travel to his brain cells, almost making him a bit dazed before breathing it out. 
Though he didn’t feel calmer. He didn’t feel what he would feel when he lit up the cigar. What he did feel were your eyes blazing into his soul. What he did feel was the urge to take you into his arms and kiss the hell out of you. Kiss you, every inch of you. 
He stared into your eyes and you stared back into his. 
He would feel the tension build between the two of you like a wall that built itself around the two of you, pushing you closer to each other. He would feel the tips of his fingers missing something underneath, his skin irritated by not getting a single touch of you. 
Forbidden fruit. You the devil, him the sinner. 
“You cried.” he blurted out after seeing the red line around your eyes. 
Your face fell back into the past memories. It was only a moment before you realized what he had said. 
How would he notice that? 
“I didn’t.” you denied.
“You’re lying.” 
“I’m not.” 
“You’re still lying.” 
There wasn’t a smirk, nor a single hint of tease. He kept himself stoic, concerened. 
“Why don’t you have shoes on?” you changed the subject, looking over the lake. 
“Lazy.” he answered. “Why are you really here?” 
You turned your head to him, running your hand through your hair. “Fresh breath.”
“Hate going home.” you kept your eyes locked with his but not for long as he turned his eyes away. 
He gazed upon the lake again, something he always did when he tried to avoid something he would regret saying later. 
He looked down to his side and found two water bottles laying there. 
He smiled. 
“Water?” he took it and offered it to you. 
“Thanks.” you smiiled and took a sip from it, placing it between the two of you. 
Now, both of you were looking at the lake; maybe both avoiding to talk or just finding the lake inevitably interesting. 
He stole glances of you.
You stole glances of him. 
He was attractive. - you thought as a mere observation but you love James. 
You love James. 
Another glance, this time catching each other and keeping the contact alive. 
Sirius would give you this look where his eyes would bore into you. He would be so close the next second and he would lean forward with your noses touching. You would feel the pulse in your veins, travelling into every inch of your body. Your view became a bit dizzy, his cologne mixed with nicotine pleasuring your lungs. 
He would look down on you, hungrily, devilishly as if he was telling you everything he wanted from you. Not a word, not when his eyes were this dangerous.
You love James. 
You love James. - you convinced yourself yet not enough. 
“I love-” 
“I don’t care.” he growled and pulled you underneath him, slamming his lips onto yours. 
Oh, how it would spin your head when his tongue slipped into your mouth, exploring it. When his body would press onto yours, his kisses consuming you whole, you could feel your soul catching on fire.
And you didn’t care. You didn’t care when he lifted his sweater off his body. You didn’t care when you could touch it and feel it under your fingertips. You didn’t care when his kisses were so addictive and obsessive that your body burnt like a bonfire underneath him. 
Oh, how you didn’t care anymore about anything when his hands would dig into your bare skin, unzipping the jacket and tearing up your shirt. Your legs wrapped themselves around his torso and as a fantasy come true, he knew at that moment, he can do whatever he wants with you. 
And like a forbidden fruit he was not allowed to touch, he growled into your ear “I’m finally taking a bite out of you.” 
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Midnight Striga: Fairy Tail/Owl House Cross Fic Episode 6 Part 6
Hello, and once again, I introduce you all, to a world of fantastic imagination! Welcome, to Midnight Striga!! Everybody Clap Your Hands!!
“Well that was a waste of time.” Amity grumbled, as she and the others broke away from their circles, disappointed at the lack of response.
“Aw, look at the bright side, Ams,” Skara said, slinging an arm over her friend’s shoulder, “At least we gave it a shot, and we’ve had a pretty great time overall, Conjuring or no!” Her peppiness was almost infectious. Scratch that, it was infectious, as a small grin fought its way onto Amity’s face.
“Please don’t call me Ams,” Amity sighed, choosing not to hide her smile. Skara just gave her a cheeky wink.
“But it suits you so well, Ams!” Skara laughed cheerfully, even as Amity gave a good-natured groan. “This is nice.” She said, a look of content on her face.
Amity nodded. “Yeah, it is.” She smiled, before a conflicted look crossed her face. She sighed. “Skara, I’m sorry.”
Skara cocked her head. “Hmm? About what?” She asked.
“That it took you getting hurt for me to start treating you like an actual friend, instead of someone my parents made me hang out with.” Amity confessed, even as the eyes of Skara and the others widened. “I let my issues with my parents define my relationship, and I can’t even begin to say how sorry I am for that. Can you forgive me?” She asked. She didn’t honestly expect to be forgiven, because what she did was nothing less than crappy.
She wasn’t expecting Skara to snort, and laugh in response. “Oh my Titan, is that why you’re always on edge around me?” She asked rhetorically. “Amity, there’s nothing to forgive. We all just got a little look at how… difficult your mom can be, and my family definitely has its own issues.” She explained, lightly pressing her hand against Amity’s shoulder. “While it may have been a lame thing to do, you owned up to it, and were there for me when I really needed you to be, and have done your best to be a real friend ever since. As far as I’m concerned, you’re a great friend.” She finished, pulling a surprised Amity into a hug, which she tightly returned, eyes misting.
“While learning that you didn’t want to be friends with us is a little painful,” Amelia added, drawing glances from Skara and Amity, “Skara’s got the right idea. You may not have been the best friend, but you did what none of us ever has,” She said, gesturing to herself, Cat, and a sheepish Bo and Selena. “You were there for her, and stood by her when she was hurting. You didn’t just walk by and ignore it. You even apologized when you were in the wrong!” She exclaimed, throwing up her arms.
“Yeah, wasn’t expecting to hear that.” Cat said, a sardonic grin on her face. Her face fell into it’s usual stern look. “We all just stood on the sidelines and let Boscha do whatever she wanted, and went along with even her worst ideas. You never did that, even when Boscha really wanted you to. You may have hung out with us, but looking back? It was pretty clear you were only there out of obligation, and you never went along with anything that had even a hint of getting you into trouble. Out of all of us, you were by and large the best.” She stated, a proud gleam in her eyes.
“You pulled Skara out of her funk, and got her to start living again. She was starting to backslide after the Covention, but then you did all this!” Bo exclaimed, gesturing to the party setup surrounding them. “I can never repay you for that.” She finished, bowing.
“I’ve always been a face in the crowd.” Selena stated, her face finally regaining some color after her prediction. “But you took a chance and let me come here. Because of that, I’ve met some really cool people, and had a lot of fun. And while I am now utterly terrified about my imminent future,” Everyone gave her an odd look at that,” for the first time, I can say that I’m living my life without regrets, and I’m going to keep doing that!” She gave a beaming grin.
The group turned, looking sheepish at the sight of Gus and Willow standing just a few feet away from them. Skara cleared her throat, blushing. “Um, sorry for ignoring you.”
Gus rolled his eyes. “It’s fine.” He sighed. “Look, Amity?” He began, causing the girl in question to go ramrod straight. “I don’t know you. Not really. I only know what I’ve seen, and some of what Willow’s been willing to tell me about you and her.” He gestured to the two of them, causing both girls to clench their fists in nervousness. “Still, you took a chance and let Willow come here and hang out with all of you. That’s never happened before. So, I’m gonna give you a chance, and while I’ll never forgive you if you mess it up, I don’t think I have to worry about that.” He finished, a half-smile on his face.
“Amity, you hurt me. Badly. In ways that any and all of Boscha’s taunts never could.” Willow said, Amity’s eyes turning to the ground at her words. “But I’ve never hated you over it.” That caused Amity to whip her head up so fast she almost felt her neck hurt. “I was sad, and lonely, and a lot of times I just wanted to scream and scream and never stop! But… I always remembered how, even after we stopped being friends, you never had a real smile. But lately, that’s changed. You’re enjoying life again. And I’m happy for you.” She finished, giving a tearful Amity an honest smile.
“I think we should go check on Luz and the others.” Skara said in a choked up voice, enthusiastic nods following her suggestion. As they walked over to the humans, they instantly took notice of the murderous look sported by Luz and the guards, and Neon’s tear-stained face. “Um, what happened?” Skara tentatively asked.
“Let’s just say that Neon’s dad is an even bigger piece of trash than I thought.” Luz bit out, cuddling Neon closer. She gave Neon a meaningful look. “Do you want me to tell them?”
Neon bit her lip, visibly conflicted, but nodded. “Yeah. If you trust them, it’s okay.”
Luz sighed, unsure if she was relieved or disappointed. Turning to the group, she gestured to Neon’s arms, exposing the heavy bruising covering them. “As you can tell by his handiwork, Mr. Nostrade had a nasty temper, and a liking for using Neon as a punching bag.” She growled, trying to resist the urge to bundle Neon up and scream at them all to leave.
The Witches felt sick. This man, whoever he was, had used his own daughter as an object to take his anger out on? Something to attack and scream at, and blame for whatever problem was plaguing him at the moment? As the sickening feeling built, so too did a surge of blistering hate. “You know,” Willow began, her voice far too casual, “I’ve always wondered how good a living body would serve as plant food.”
“That sounds pretty interesting, Willow,” Gus chimed in, his voice also way too casual, “I’ve honestly gotten invested in this one spell I found. It was apparently based on Grometheus, in that it mines a target’s memory for their deepest fears and most traumatic memories, and traps them in a labyrinth composed of those same memories and fears!”
“That’s fascinating!” Bo chipped in, a toothy grin stretching across her face. “It honestly makes me think of this one spell I read about that forces the body to heal wounds it doesn’t actually have! It’s supposed to be agonizing, ripping the flesh open as extra material and limbs forcibly claw their way out of your skin!” Cat nodded along with her words, a bloodthirsty smile on her face.
“Really? That’s super similar to this one spell I heard of that lets an Oracle summon a spirit directly into a person’s mind!” Selena added, an ominous gleam in her eyes. “It’s incredibly painful, and has a one-hundred percent rate of madness inducement.”
“Personally, I’m rather fond of the idea of using Bard Magic to extract a target’s blood through their pores, deliberately taking as little blood as possible for as long as possible. You know, to really draw the experience out!” Skara chirped, looking far too perky at the mental image.
“Mmm… I don’t know, I think I’d have to go with Willow’s plant food thing,” Amelia maliciously stated, glancing towards Amity. “What about you Ams?”
“Firstly, don’t call me Ams.” Amity said, before an absolutely remorseless grin crossed her face. “And secondly, I always wondered why my textbooks said not to use living beings as Abominations ingredients, and what better way to find out than to test it?” The Witches started cackling, tenting their fingers and rubbing their hands together in malevolent glee. Oh yeah, they would make that monster pay, big time.
“Uuuhhh… are you guys okay?” Luz asked, honestly a little weirded out at the turn the discussion had taken. The Witches blinked, surprised at her confusion, until Amity face-palmed.
“Luz, we’re talking about ways to kill Neon’s father.” Amity bluntly stated, a look of comprehension finally dawning on Luz’s face, along with Neon’s and her guards.
“Oooohhhhhhh!” Luz exclaimed, flushing in embarrassment. “I’m surprised you jumped to that so quickly, not that I disagree, really.” She stated, rubbing her head.
“It shouldn’t be that surprising. Children are precious, and one of the greatest duties a parent can have is to look after them, to care and guide them for their future.” Amity said passionately, a fierce light burning in her eyes. “Of course we aren’t going to stand for someone who treats his children as things to walk away from what he’s done. That is,” She glanced at Neon, who was watching them all with an unreadable expression, “if that’s alright with you?” She asked tentatively.
“Papa never said he loved me. Mama always did. Papa didn’t like it when Mama did that.” Neon stated hollowly, staring into the distance. “I always hoped Papa would tell me he loved me. But he didn’t. I’m never going back. If he has to d-die,” She choked briefly, before soldiering through it, “then I’ll be okay.” She finished, giving a look of gratitude to Luz.
Amity gave a considering look. “Neon, what happened to your mother?” She asked. She felt that she had an idea, but…
“Hmm,” Neon began, pressing her finger to her chin in thought. “Mama and Papa always fought a lot. Mama was always really mad that Papa kept me in my room. She used to yell about leaving. Then, one day, Mama screamed, and I ran out of my room and over to her. Papa said she fell down the stairs and hit her head really bad. I tried to kiss it better, but Papa told me not to, that it was stupid and I was stupid to try it. Mama went to sleep, and never woke up.” Neon finished, a look of sad acceptance on her face. The Witches and Humans all exchanged looks of understanding about what had REALLY happened; Neon’s father had killed his wife, either accidentally or on-purpose, made it look like an accident, and assumed total control over Neon’s life. And with that, they now had another reason to kill the bastard.
“Well then,” Amity stated, her flat tone doing nothing to hide the icy rage in her voice. “If that’s settled, I believe I have a solution for you and your guards’ residency issues.”
Neon and her guards instantly stilled. “W-what makes you think we don’t have a place to live?” Neon nervously laughed.
“I never said you didn’t have a place to live, but thank you for confirming that.” Amity’s reply instantly choked off Neon’s laugh, causing the girl to sigh in embarrassment.
Amity gave a light laugh. “Don’t worry about it too much, afterall, I have a plan.” She gave a daring grin, the type normally found on her mother’s face when she was about to take a high-payout risk. “Simply put, out of all of us here, I am the best equipped to host you and your guards, so it makes sense for you all to stay with me.” She stated, relishing the shock her offer elicited.
“You… you would do that for me?” Neon asked incredulously, a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes.
Amity nodded, now solemn. “Of course. I am the best option, logically speaking, and...” her face screwed up in frustration, “I do owe you for my mother’s conduct earlier, and can use that conduct, as well as your skills and the strength of your guards as a counter-argument for whatever risks or concerns she may use as a reason to refuse.” A calculating gleam peaked into her eyes. “This situation honestly presents a perfect opportunity for loosening some of the… restrictions my mother has placed upon my life. That is, if you aren’t upset at the thought of my offer having such a selfish motive.” She finished tentatively, only to get an annoyed eyeroll from Neon.
“I may not have a lot of ‘weal rorld’ experience, but I’m not a dummy.” Neon stated, lightly thumping her knuckles against Amity’s forehead. “You are still doing something really nice for me when you don’t actually have to. That’s all I need to know.” She pouted, getting an flushed look of reluctant acceptance from Amity.
“Well, if that’s all settled, I think it’s safe for me to share a little tidbit with you all.” Luz said, the Witches puzzled at her mischievous look.
Alador braced his arm, tightening the internals of his project, one ear carefully tuned to his wife’s frantic rantings.
“And it could be the end of it all!! The Blight name, gone for good!! We have to prepare, we have to ensure the children have all the resources they will need to survive the fallout!” Odalia shouted, a frantic look in her eyes. Alador absentmindedly nodded along; he perfectly understood where Odalia was coming from, as the thought of even a fraction of the implications of that prediction coming true being more than enough of a reason to necessitate… drastic actions. Oh for sure, if their back-up plans ever came to light, they would instantly be branded traitors, and most likely be petrified, but that was a risk they would need to take.
“Calm yourself, Odalia.” He announced, feeling a hint of satisfaction peek through as his wife forced herself to center and focus. “While the implications are certainly worrisome, we have more than enough contingencies in place to ensure the Blight name will endure and thrive… no matter who stands at the top.” He stated, an ominous note entering his voice at the last words.
Odalia sighed, forcing herself into her chair. “You’re right dear. It’s just so frustrating! I can’t believe I allowed myself to act so unbecoming in front of the future generation!! What if they tell their parents!? That Porter boy’s father is a reporter, what if they tell the media!?” She ranted, a look of anxious horror on her face. She brought her face to her palms, groaning. “Ugh, and I just know Mittens is going to use this against me somehow, I just know it! Why must she be so ungrateful for the effort we’ve expended to see her succeed?”
“Uh, it may have something to do with you making her wear that stupid Oracle Necklace and choosing her friends for her? You know, just a suggestion. Also, Edric keeps singing off-key in here, and I am THIS close to throwing him out the window!!” Emira’s voice spoke up from the panic room, irritation and amusement coloring her voice.
“~Oh, Butter Town, Like Creamy Streets of Gold!! Oh how we Love you soooo~!!!”
Alador and Odalia blinked at their daughter’s words. “Hmm… you may have a point,” Odalia conceded, before focusing on something far more pressing, “But how would you throw your brother through a window, the Panic Room is a solid block!”
“I have my ways, Mother Dear!” Emira mockingly called back.
“It’s true, she once twisted this one dude from Glandus who wouldn’t take no for an answer so that his face was inserted into his butt! I was watching, and I still don’t know how she did it!” Edric threw in, his voice colored with amusement.
Alador blinked, scratching his chin. “Hmm… that could be an interesting feature for one of my inventions.” He muttered, instantly scribbling the idea down.
“Right!?” Odalia exclaimed, just as intrigued at the idea for one of their self-defense oriented products. She frowned, considering. “Still, I’m unsure just how Mittens intends to use my… earlier indiscretion against me.”
“She could attempt to use it as leverage to allow the Nostrade girl and her entourage to stay here.”  Alador stated, calmly resuming his work on the project before him. His wife’s explanations of those… conditional spells were certainly intriguing, and if he could successfully implement it into his line? Oh, the possibilities…
“Yes, that is the most likely possibility.” Odalia conceded, tapping the table in thought. “I merely do not wish to close off alternatives.”
“Perfectly understandable.” Alador replied, lightly nodding as he resumed his work. “Still, whether she attempts it or not, we should move to offer Miss Nostrade shelter.”
Odalia smirked in understanding. “A girl with an incredible talent for prediction and a bevy of loyal guards? We would have to be fools to turn that away.” She chuckled, sipping her tea, only to grimace. It had gone cold.
“I am only understanding half of what you guys are saying, but I’m grudgingly willing to agree with you two!” Emira called out. “Having more bodies around to protect Mittens is never a bad thing!”
“Then it’s settled!” Odalia cheered, her earlier dread pushed aside for the moment. “Whether Mittens pushes for it or not, we will move to have Miss Nostrade and company stay here, under our protection.” Alador nodded in agreement, a faint smirk rising to his face.
The two paused, clapping their hands to their ears at the raging shout. Odalia blinked. “Hm, it seems the children learned something rather frustrating.”
“Really mom?” Emira asked through the door.
“Indeed, I am most familiar with such sounds, considering my own experience with making them in response to Edalyn’s childish pranks back in school.” Odalia grumbled.
“I still say you looked adorable in that butterfly costume.” Alador interjected.
“~Oh~! Tell us more!” Edric called, engaging in the conversation at the thought of parental humiliation on the part of the parents for once!
“Alador!” Odalia cried, face flushed.
Eda shouldered her way into the stand, grunting in annoyance. King skipped in after her, warily glancing around the environment. Marching up to the counter, Eda roughly hammered against the counter top with her fist. “Hey, I’m looking for a guy named Grimm Hammer for some potions! Whoever he is, he better get out here now!” She shouted, unconcerned with disturbing someone. If anyone had the guff to complain around a place like this, she’d just knock their head, or heads, off their shoulders.
“Oh, coming, coming!” A higher-than-expected voice called out. As she and King exchanged raised eyebrows, they stepped back, watching as a small, Pig-like demon climbed onto the counter, clad in a dapper little vest. He would’ve looked harmless and charming… were it not for the cold, calculating gleam in his eyes, and the naked greed that danced at the mere sight of Eda. “Oh, and what can I do for you fine individuals today?” His politeness was undercut by the almost menacing undertone, as if he’d been expecting them.
“You’re Grimm Hammer?” Eda questioned. He probably was, but getting confirmation was always best, and it would help her and King get their bearings.
“Yeah, you seem a bit different than what talk made you out to be.” King added. He was totally bluffing of course, they’d heard NOTHING about this guy beyond his name, but the more they could twist out of him, the better of a position they’d be in afterwards.
Neither missed the slight narrowing of the Piggy Creep’s eyes. “Indeed! I am Tibblet-Tibblie Grimm Hammer III, better known as Tibbles!” He explained, grin wide and welcoming, eyes cold and considering. “I must say, I never thought I’d see the day the Owl Lady herself found her way into my humble little shop!” Eda and King instantly smelled a rat; something about this wasn’t adding up, particularly in how he’d side-stepped their little bait to get him talking about himself.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s nice and all, but I’m in need of some potions, and word is you’ve got the kind I need.” Eda brusquely stated.
“Yeah, so fork ‘em over!” King chipped in, trying to make himself look bigger.
“Now, now! There’s no need for such aggressiveness!” Tibbles chuckled, ducking down to retrieve the potions in question. He popped up, a cheerful smile on his face. “And here we go! One stock of Curse-Suppression Potions!”
“Hey that’s great-! Wait a minute, how’d you know what kind of potions we needed?” King questioned, hackles raised.
Tibbles chuckled. “Considering your infamy, very few don’t know about your curse, so there are very few reasons you’d be in search of this elixir for any other reason.” He explained calmly, arching an eyebrow in mocking challenge. King growled, marching forward, only to be held back by Eda’s grip.
“That’s great, really it is. How much?” She asked bluntly, wanting to get as far from this creepshow as she could.
“A thousand snails.” Tibbles stated, an amused grin on his smug face.
“For this whole thing!?” Eda demanded incredulously, eyes panning over the box.
“No. A thousand EACH.” Tibbles grinned, relishing the look of rage building on Eda and King’s faces.
“You slimy little-!” King’s impending death threat was cut off by Eda, whose face was shifting into grave calculation, details clicking into place as she stared at the potions. Her hand whipped out, yanking one of the potions out of the box.
“Hey! You can’t just-!” Tibbles protested, only to reel back at the angered glare Eda sent his way.
“I thought this looked familiar.” She growled, eyes roving the container in her hands. “This is Mort’s work, I’d recognize it anywhere! You bought up his stock to resell at a price hike! That’s low, even by my standards.” 
“Hmph! The fool should’ve been more concerned at someone placing such a large order when his most prominent customer is the known bearer of a rather vicious curse.” Tibbles spat, yanking the potion back from Eda. He gave her a glare, grinning maliciously. “I’m honestly surprised no one has attempted this with you before.” He said slyly.
“Most people aren’t stupid enough to provoke the most powerful Wild Witch of our time.” Eda said, honest to Titan murder coating her voice. Her eyes focused on Tibbles sleeve, fixating on an image peaking through. “Hey, what’s that on your wrist?” She asked calmly, a malicious bit of satisfaction slithering to the surface at his face going pale. Before he could scuttle backwards, her arm whipped out again, lifting the little menace off his feet. She roughly yanked back the fabric, staring in hate at the familiar symbol inked into his arm. “Oroboros.”
“Why yes!” Tibbles grinned, abandoning all pretense of civility. “And you should know, this is supposed to be a trap.”
Eda and King blinked, before rapidly turning pale. Before they could respond, a massive blow slammed into Eda’s side, sending her flying. A violent chuckle echoed through the air.
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joeyglowy · 4 years
Can i request a scenario where Atsumu’s girlfriend feels lonely because he barely had time for her so he dedicates his weekend to her
No worries! Realistically, as much as I’d like Atsumu to dedicate an entire weekend, he’d still give a good portion of it to volleyball cause that’s just how he is. In any case, I still hope you enjoy the scenario I did, that explored the ‘lonely’ part and ‘spending time together’ part in equal portions.
Miya Atsumu x Fem! Reader
Although dating Atsumu was certainly a thrilling endeavour, it also happened to be a rather lonely one.
Miya Atsumu was something akin to the illustrious ‘Forbidden Fruit.’
He was a scorching red that disrupted the serenity and tranquillity of the garden. He was a pulsating, bleeding crimson heart that tantalised you from afar. He was alluring and he knew it. He burned everyone that he touched and yet he’d draw them in all the same. He was searing, he was like scalding water. If you got too close, not only would he evade you but he’d manage to singe you in the process.
Being with him was like a lucid dream.
He was elusive, too elusive.
A relationship with him was not quite the romantic comedy you had asked for. Being second to volleyball is something that was both bitter on the tongue yet mesmerising on the eyes. Atsumu’s passion, however scorching, never failed to ignite something that was reminiscent to childish glee inside of you. He brought it out of everyone. From his opponents, his teammates, the crowd, it didn’t matter, but Atsumu was what they meant when they say:
You can’t look away.
Finishing your club activities, you looked longingly at the gym and sighed as you offered a small smile to your friends who were waiting up ahead. Inarizaki was a prestigious school, one that took great pride in their sporting, particularly well known for their volleyball team. As such, their practice always extended until the skies were coloured with purple sunsets and stars.
[5:32 PM]
hey~ you free to hang out this weekend tsumu? theres a festival nearby which might be fun to go to!
[5:40 PM]
sorry babe
captains makin all the practices longer cause of nationals
- 3 -
dunno if ill be able to
[5:42 PM]
all g! you better do well then, if you get knocked out of the first round of nationals I’ll kill you
[5:45 PM]
come on babe, its me we’re talkin bout here~
breaks bout to end so ill text ya later
thnx for bein chill babe~
You couldn’t help but sigh as you let your phone fall from your vision to your side before roughly shoving it into the depths of your pockets. Your group of friends eyed you warily.
“[Name]-chan, if he never spends that much time with you, is there really a point being with him?”
It was a question your friends often asked. Never out of malice, but always out of genuine curiosity and concern whenever they see you look at your phone solemnly. Unfortunately, you’ve asked yourself that question a few times too.
It was almost unbearable, like being put on a diet. He was the taste of all chocolates, candies and lollipops that you’d snack on but was always hidden away, as if his enjoyment was a ‘one time’ thing per week. You hated the fact that it felt like your relationship was just like those candies, stowed away on the top shelf, only to come whenever he felt like it. He was tumultuous and exciting but he left you feeling cold for he always went away too soon.
It’s not as if you didn’t get it. He loved volleyball, it was his passion, it was his world and that was completely okay. You knew all that and yet… it always felt as if you clung onto the relationship a bit tighter than he did.
Even so, you had always answered that question with a shaky, but determined ‘yes.’
“I don’t really know. Nationals are coming up though so it’s natural that he’d be extra busy, he’s practicing hard so, I really can’t blame him for that, you know?”
Now, you weren’t so sure.
You smiled through the cracks on your teeth as you all continued on your way.
Atsumu choked out a strangled scream as his bottle flew out of his hands before he eventually caught it in a hurried motion saving it from plummeting to the ground, turning to give his most withering glare he could muster to the source of his near death experience before deadpanning to find an identical deadpan boring into him. Osamu, being completely immune to Atsumu’s glares only shrugged nonchalantly as he made a gesture to fill his own bottle by the taps before glancing casually up at his fuming brother.
“That sure doesn’t sound too good ta me ‘Tsumu.”
Atsumu had gone to fill his bottle at the drink taps just outside the gym but he had stumbled on the conversation you had been having with your friends by accident. Osamu had apparently followed and thought it was necessary to almost completely blow his cover by nearly shocking him into a seizure. Atsumu’s scowl deepened in spite of the guilt and concern gnawing his mind as he harrumphed angrily.
“It’s none of ya damn business ‘Samu!” he retorted stubbornly, looking away so that his brother couldn’t see the distress on his face.
Osamu snorted. Even if he couldn’t see his brother’s face, he (unfortunately) had sixteen years of experience to document Atsumu’s irrational behaviours and idiosyncrasies tucked away in a rather large folder in his mind. Osamu’s not too happy about that folder occupying as large of a space as it did but he definitely didn’t want to see it get bigger by adding a ‘heartbroken ‘tsumu’ subheading.
“If I were you bro, I’d do something about it. Last thing I want is ta deal with yer crying ass and ya eating my pudding to ease ya through the inevitable break up.”
Atsumu stilled at that word: ‘breakup.’
He didn’t think that you guys were broken, nor did it feel as if you guys were losing your feelings. Atsumu was a man of the highest calibre. He never half-assed anything and he held the same standard for everyone he was acquainted with. It was often the decider if people hated or liked him.
For you, it was a decider that you loved him. He was sure of it.
Atsumu furrowed his brows in determination. He was a man that pushed things to the limits and he most certainly did not settle for mediocrity. Whatever it is, he was going to make sure you’d both get through it.
“Fuck you ‘Samu, ya can keep yer damn pudding, just watch, I’ll—‘SAMU!”
As per usual, Osamu had left Atsumu in the middle of his epiphany. Seriously, who does that bastard think he is!?
Since you had nothing better to do, you decided to get a start on studying on the Saturday, not that you were too happy about having to spend another weekend alone.
Your solitude, however, was sourly interrupted by rapid banging on your door. Aggravated to have your rare ounce of motivation disrupted, you flung open the door with a bit more force than necessary only to be met with your boyfriend, still sweaty from practice.
“[Name]-chan!? What’re ya doing, hurry up and get ready, we have a festival to catch don’t we?” Atsumu gasped out, perhaps on a small adrenaline high after practice. You were a little taken back by his enthusiasm before you narrowed your eyes.
“I thought you couldn’t make it? You can’t just come here expecting me to hang out with you just because you’re suddenly up for it ‘Tsumu,” you say slowly, wincing to hear your words come out a little more scathing than what you’re used to. It’s not as if you had anything planned for the day but you couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed that he’d act as if he could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted.
Atsumu’s eyes flashed momentarily with guilt and he chewed the inside of his cheek before he ducked his head, looking up at you with his burning caramel eyes. “I know but, couldya give me a chance to make it up ta ya? Please [Name]-chan~” he whined pathetically, dramatically clapping his hands in front of his face as he screwed his eyes shut, pouting. You sighed, not finding the heart to ever deny him, you swore you would one day build up immunity to his puppy pouts.
“Fine, fine, just let me get dressed properly.”
His eyes suddenly snapped open, lighting up with a friendly suggestion on the tip of his tongue—
“Alone asshole.”
He grimaced to have the door slammed in his face… yeah, he probably deserved that.
“Oh my god, ‘Tsumu, you have to get me that jumbo fox plushy!”
Atsumu couldn’t hide his grin for a moment to see the way your eyes lit up at all the decorations than hung overhead on wires or ornaments on stalls as you cooed and awed at all the different ones. He realised it had been way too long since he got to see you get so excited like this, to see your eyes shimmer like diamonds and your smile crystallise like stalactites. Even if there were lights illuminating the area, he was certain that you had to be the one powering all of them.
“Eh~? Aren’tcha a little too old for plushies?” he teased gently, murmuring in a soft voice that was reserved just for your ears.
You waved him off dismissively, your eyes drawn to the golden fox that reminded you a little too much of your own cunning boyfriend. “Nonsense, you can never be too old for cute things. Besides, you’re a brat and yet I’m still dating you, aren’t I?”
Atsumu’s frowned, adamantly squawking, “I am not a brat you–” he broke himself off for a moment before his lips curled into a sleazy Cheshire grin. “Oh? So you think I’m cute, do you?”
You deadpanned, unamused. “Well you’re not good for much else other than volleyball or being an asshole, are you?”
Atsumu winced, huffing as he crossed his arms over his chest childishly, resisting the urge to further prove your point by puffing out his cheeks. “Mean! Yer so mean [Name]-chan! I finally take you out and this is the thanks I get!? Why am I even dating ya anyway!?”
The words had tactlessly slipped out in a fit of momentum and for a moment, he stiffened, like he wanted to take it back upon realising that the reason why he had done this is because your very relationship was on the brink. He suddenly stumbled over his words, getting flustered as he tried to find the best way to reword it. You blinked curiously, mulling over what could have spurred such a reaction. Briefly, you wondered if he had heard you when you were with your friends… that he had somehow known of your doubts.
“I mean, course I know why I like ya! Yer–!”
You patiently listened to Atsumu as he listed all the little things you do, all the little trivial stuff that you never even noticed about yourself to you. In less than eloquent words, he admired how assertive you were with him, how you always spoke your mind and lately you hadn’t been doing that. He was clearly growing more and more embarrassed at the sheer honesty of it all and with each stumble he made that fractured his swollen pride, it was like he put a Band-Aid on the doubts in your mind.
You suddenly brought his neck down and he lurched before his forehead was pressed to yours as you kissed the corner of his mouth, immediately putting a halt to his rather humiliating spiel of emotions.
“You’re really not good at this whole, emotional honesty thing, are you? No wonder I had to confess first.” You snickered to yourself and Atsumu cringed in chagrin, ready to rebut as his cheeks flared red before you smiled adoringly at him. “Thank you for that and for today ‘Tsumu. I’m sorry that you somehow had to figure out I was having doubts rather than me just being up front about it. But, I love you ‘Tsumu, I really do.”
You grinned, your nose brushing against his as the two of you stood in the middle of the path. People were probably staring at you but neither of you particularly cared as you beamed at him, watching his ears turn a shade darker.
“This, you, are exactly what I signed up for when I asked you out. I love your passion for volleyball, I find it hilarious that you can be an absolute dick to everyone but you can’t even properly admit to yourself when you’re genuinely moved. You’re a bit of an idiot and all asshole, but that’s exactly what I’m here for. But, please don’t think I’m being unreasonable when I say I want to see you more. I mean, that’s what relationships are for, to get laid and feel the good stuff you know.”
Atsumu had been stunned into silence, the way his scrutinising eyes laid you bare made you flush but you held your ground confidently. “Heh,” he let out, albeit breathless and trying to cover up his own mortification as he narrowed his eyes playfully. “I thought ‘getting laid’ and ‘feeling the good stuff’ were the same thing.” He laughed when you playfully smacked his chest and although the grin he sported was of the devilish variety, the warmth he held in his smouldering golden eyes was more than enough to express how touched he really was.
“Well,” he growled under his breath as his lips hovered above your ear, drawing you in close by slithering his arms around your waist. “I’d be more than happy ta listen ta any request ya have if ya put it like that.”
He suddenly felt the warmth by his neck stolen away as you slipped out of his hold by bobbing down, his teeth clamping on thin air as he whined to see you duck away from his hold with a sneaky grin.
“You still owe me dunderhead. I want that fox.”
“But ya already got a fox right ‘ere!”
“Hmm, I think I’ve forgotten what makes you the number one setter in the high school prefectures, I think I need a reminder~”
Even if the two of you were a little embarrassed to openly discuss your feelings all the time, which, more often than not, was disguised under bouts of bickering and teasing, if there’s one thing the two of you knew very well:
You both knew exactly what you were here for…
To get laid and feel the good stuff obviously.
(And to be with each other you supposed)
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lefaystrent · 5 years
Yes hi. Do you have anything on Analogince? Hcs, fics, art? I just got dragged into that hell and I plan to stay there forever
I don’t think I’ve ever writtenanything for them, but here’s some headcanons.
Also this got loooong and I still didn’twrite out all my thoughts, but it’s 1 in the morning so I’m going to cut it hereand hopefully add more later. ^_^
Roman is the one who brings themtogether as friends at first.
If it was up to Virgil and Logan,they’d stay inside all day and not socialize with the rest of the world.
So much to do, so many possible confrontationsto avoid, better to avoid the trouble.
But Roman has a way of moving people.
He throws their schedules upside downand gets them to come out of their shells in ways they didn’t know possible.
And somehow they don’t hate it.
Roman is bright, idealistic, andpassionate. Sensitive as he is strong.
He’s like a puppy ready to take onthe world.
Logan and Virgil silently agreethat they must protect the puppy. He’s cute but kinda dumb.
Logan and Virgil aren’t quite sure whyRoman’s so insistent on being around them. They think he’ll get boredeventually.
Roman never gets bored. He actually thinksthey’re really cool and he just wants to impress them.
Logan and Roman share a passion forwriting. They can sit and talk for hours about ideas and phrases and metaphors.
Roman writes his own stories. It’s a bigdeal for him to share his writing and open himself to criticism.
Roman shares his work with them.
Logan becomes the editor he never knew heneeded.
Logan has a way of correcting thelogistics of Roman’s writing without tearing him down.
Virgil doesn’t contribute much to thoseconversations, but he likes listening to them a lot.
Whenever Roman asks Virgil for storyideas, Virgil’s go to is, “Make a meteor crash down,” or something of the sort.
Virgil mostly bonds with Roman over music.
They have a lot of similar tastes andfavorite bands.
Roman’s a big musical fan, but Virgil’snever really listened to any musicals.
Roman gets Virgil into musicals. Virgildoesn’t tell him he’s succeeded at first.
Roman catches Virgil humming, “Michael inthe Bathroom,” one day and squeals loudly in glee.
“Oh my god, Be More Chill? When didthis happen? We have so much to talk about!!!”
Logan doesn’t care for most of the musicaltalk.
“So do you like it?” Roman asks, on theedge of his seat as Logan listens to some of the songs.
Logan fucking loves it.
He goes into full history rants and howwell blended the story is for a modern medium and THE LYRICS!!
It’s one of the first times the othersrealize just how passionate of a person Logan can be.
When he’s interested in something, he’sinvested with his entire soul.
In the beginning Logan held off fromshowing this side of himself, not wanting to scare off the other two.
But more and more he’ll get this excitedgleam in his eyes and just go off about a subject.
He makes even the most mundane topicssound new and worthwhile.
A lot of times he’ll cut himself off.
“Oh, my apologies. I’m probably boringyou.”
Roman and Virgil quickly shake theirheads.
“No! Please continue! You’re hot—I mean,you’re not boring us!”
Virgil especially likes listening to Logantalk.
He’s never heard a more calming tone.There’s just something incredibly safe about his voice.
Or maybe that’s just Logan in general,smart and dependable as he is.
Regardless, Virgil will close his eyessometimes while listening to Logan.
He’ll call Logan when he’s feelinganxious.
“Talk about anything,” Virgil willrequest.
After a pause, Logan will respond with, “Haveyou heard about *insert random subject here*.”
Sometimes Virgil relaxes so much that hefalls asleep listening to him.
Speaking of voices, Virgil loves Roman’svoice too.
His usual voice is okay, a bit too loudmaybe but rich and deep.
But then one day Virgil hears him sing.
Roman goes into song, and Virgil immediatelystops whatever he’s doing and stares.
Roman eventually notices the slightlystartled stare. He stops with a smirk. “Impressed, Hot Topic?”
And Virgil hasn’t regained quite enoughsense to respond with the usual banter. Instead, he just nods in wonder,looking at Roman in a newfound light.
The honest response does things to Roman.
It’s only fair. That voice does plenty toVirgil.
Virgil’s always been a sucker for prettyvoices.
But a cute guy with a voice like an angel?
Virgil is very gay and very doomed.
Virgil is the first to fall for the othersin a romantic sense.
He keeps it to himself of course. Ofcourse he couldn’t be normal and just crush on one of them. Fate was cruel anddemanded it be both of them.
And of course neither of them wouldreciprocate. Better to just repress that shit and move on like nothinghappened.
Roman was always kinda low-key into theothers, but for all that he presents himself as the romantic, he’s incredibly apprehensivewhen it comes to romance for himself.
He’s got a lot of deep-rooted insecuritiesburied in there. He doesn’t know if he’s ready to dig all that up.
So he does his best to distance hisconscious mind from going in that direction, even while his heartsubconsciously falls slowly over time.
Logan simply never pictured himself in anykind of romantic context.
He just never thought about it is all,never felt a particular want for it.
But then stuff starts happening betweenhim and the other two.
One time Virgil’s close to having a panicattack, and Logan grounds him by taking his hand.
“I want you to squeeze my hand Virgil. Don’tworry, you will not hurt me.”
And it’s enough contact to keep Virgilconnected yet small enough not to overwhelm him.
It helps immensely.
Logan sees this and starts using thismethod frequently. Not just when Virgil’s super anxious.
They’re in a somewhat crowded store andVirgil fidgets slightly? Logan holds his hand.
They’re sitting together on the couch andVirgil’s stressed trying to formulate a business email? Logan holds his hand.
Virgil is confused and gay.
Virgil does not bring attention to thehand holding, only panics internally because WHY IS LOGAN SUDDENLY HOLDING HISHAND ALL THE TIME?
Virgil doesn’t let go of his hand eitherthough.
And then with Roman, Roman is veryphysically affectionate.
Roman will often come up from behind anddrape himself over Logan.
“Speeeeecs, I’m hungry. Feed me.”
Logan thought he was annoyed by the breachin personal space at first.
But more and more Logan starts realizingthat he’s more annoyed when Roman doesn’t breach his personal space.
Roman hasn’t hugged him or thrown an armcasually over his shoulder in a while?
Logan will look at Roman more, eyessquinted, trying to figure him out and then himself out and wondering why he’sso bothered.
Logan eventually concludes that he likesbeing physically close with Roman.
When Roman takes too long to initiateaffection, Logan does it for him.
Logan will pointedly sit down right besideRoman and lean against him.
“Watchya doing, Microsoft Nerd?” Roman asks,blinking at the not-at-all subtle approach Logan’s taking.
Logan doesn’t look at him, choosing toopen a book. “I’m getting comfortable to read, isn’t it obvious?”
For some reason Roman gets a little shywhen the others initiate affection.
Roman has long since been used to havingto be the one to initiate things.
It’s kinda…really nice, not to have to askfor things.
The three of them start becoming very comfortablewith physical affection.
Roman will often lay his head in Virgil’slap, and Virgil will scratch at his hair while scrolling on his phone.
Roman melts under the touch.
It’s one of the few times he’s evercompletely silent. He’s always burning with the urge to move, to create!
In these moments, he can happily soak inthe peace.
Logan feels warm and content when he seesthe two of them like that.
Considering that in addition to all ofthese other signs, Logan has an epiphany moment.
He is attracted to the other tworomantically.
It’s a fairly shocking realization forsomeone who’s never experienced such a thing before.
Logan takes it in stride though.
He starts listing out the pros of them allbeing together.
The three of them work better togetherthan alone, he concludes.
With that in mind, Logan approaches theother two and asks them out.
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deceptive-jo · 3 years
“Oh? Really? You thought we had a future? What gave you that idea.” with your favorite ship? :O (I'm not familiar with any of the ones listed on your pinned post so I didn't know what to pick lol)
Thank you! I took the freedom to write an alternate version for my EgoSides Timeline :)
Ship: Janus Sanders x The Author
Words: 940
It must have been around 2012 when Janus discovered the door to the Ego world. Of course, he wasn't Janus back then and the door was plain brown, nearly disappearing into the wall and barely reaching his chest. But that didn't stop him from going through. There were only few Egos living in the small city yet, most notably: the Ipliers.
Deceit was used to Remus but these murderers, maniacs and demons needed some getting used to, especiallythey turned up in concerning large numbers. Why that was Deceit wasn't sure, but Remus said it was more fun. Well he must know.
Deceit made a habit of coming into the city every other week. That didn't change when he became Janus or when he revealed himself to Thomas but Remus and Virgil could have told you that there was a time in the beginning where Deceit would disappear every week for several hours each time. Some would chalk it up to his endless curiosity, others connected the sightings of two black-clad men in the woods. Those people were correct.
Janus had had about a year of getting to know the inhabitans of Egotropolis, determing who to stay clear of (in favour of staying alive) and who to connect with. So it didn't make sense for him to choose Author as an ally. But that didn't stop him from being drawn in by the writer who never showed any ill intend towards him. They spent the most time together and slowly...allies turned into friends. Sometimes the two could spend hours in a heated discussion or several rounds of chess. When Janus got in rare trouble Author was there to serve a few punches before escaping with him. When Author got stuck writing Janus made sure that he took care of himself and when he couldn't find the right words Deceit provided inspiration. Sometimes he would just sit in the window, reading a book with the scratching of the pen a comforting background noise.
And when he turned and caught Author's gaze- golden eyes reflecting the sun, jawline traced by shadows- a heat filled his chest (and no doubt his face), an affection stronger than one he could ever feel for Remus or Virgil. Out of all the people, he had to fall for the Author!
The next nights were spend sleepless as he poundered over his possibilites. He couldn't assume Author liked him the same...but had his actions not spoken for him? All the evening spend laughing, warm on the couch or in a crowded club with his hand resting on his knee. Afternoons spent reading and discussing his latest draft, something noone else got ever to see. Discussions of names, with long lists and books scattered around the living room. The trust in one another as they were fighting back-to-back in some alleyway... That had to mean something, right?
But when Janus returned the next day the cabin seemed empty and the door wouldn't open. It was the third day of checking and Janus turned away with a sigh. He was nearly out of the woods when he spotted the hooded figure. The Side's face lit up at the sight of his friend, not daring to shout his name he took some careful steps towards him. The Author's head swirled around and he made a quick kicking motion towards a lump by a tree. "Not the best time, darling", his shark-like grin was the same as ever but a certain nervousness grazed his face. "Oh really? I couldn't tell", Janus shot a pointed looked at the unconscious body, "But I'd hate to disrupt you right now." "You wanted to see me so badly?" Author teased but Janus couldn't quite bring himself to return the grin. "You weren't at the cabin yesterday." Author relaxed, baseball bat slung over his shoulders, slowly leaning forward, "Well I'm here now. What did you want to talk about?" "The future", Janus' voice trailed off as he felt Author's gaze burn into him, but the writer didn't say anything, "Our future specifically. Because I came to a realisation that...I wouldn't oppose to spending more of it to you."
Janus didn't want his gaze to wander, didn't want to admit the fear and uncertainty he was giving into right now. And then he heard the laugh. Not the deep chuckle that would sometimes escape him, but a light, piercing cackle that cut through the forest and sliced into his heart. Once it faded away and Author's eyes settled onto Janus again his eyes seemed to shine with glee. "Oh, really? You thought we had a future? What gave you that idea?!" Janus wanted to bite back but as he felt the pressure building up in his throat he didn't dare open his mouth. "Really this is adorable. Almost hysterical, really. Sorry to disappointed you, darling. But there is no future to talk about here." Janus turned on his heels and stalked away. He wouldn't give that bastard the satisfaction of seeing him in pain as tears began running down his face. How could he have been so stupid? There were only murderers and inconsiderate assholes in the Iplier family after all!
The Author followed his friend with a proud look before he dragged the body off.
The writer would be found the next day, shot dead. Suspected was a crime of passion, a possible victim trying to defend themself (Though it was unclear where they would have gotten the gun). Any other present person would have presumably suffered the same fate. Not that Janus knew that, who would only come across a certain seer nearly four years later.
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Title: Love, Maybe? {27}
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Cursing, Plot, Slow, Smoldering, Torturous Burn 😊
Word Count: 5K
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. Three years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
Note: Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought.
**Slightly Edited/Proofread**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊 ❤️  ❤️ ❤️
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Chapter 27: Boston Bound
  -One Week Later-
  You should have said no. You should have said it was way too soon for this and not felt guilty that you’d had her all to yourself for two years. You should have been selfish. If you had, then you wouldn’t be here right now; in a private jet with your parents, Nexus, Chris, Dodger, and Ella more than halfway to Boston. You certainly wouldn’t be nervous enough to shit bricks. You wouldn’t have all these thoughts and worries about what it would be like coming face to face with Chris’ family. You would be chilling in LA, or San Fran for your little girls’ birthday party.  
  “You just had to be the bigger person, huh. Had to give in to that need to make up for your actions. Uuugh, damn dummy!”
  You closed your eyes and tried to push away the voice—your voice in your head.
  “I can survive a week in Boston. I survived doing all this on my own. I survived being a new mother and opening a restaurant for the first time. I survived pregnancy while going to culinary school and working full time. I am a badass; I can survive this.”
  “How you holding up?”
  “I can survive!” Everyone in the cabin looked at you as if you were crazy. Nexus snorted as she sat across from you.
  “Relax, it’s no big deal, Vix.” You rolled your eyes.
“Nex, I am meeting his family. He’s told them about me, told them who I am and what I did.”
  “So? If he’s not trippin’ about it anymore, why should they? If he's moved on and forgiven you, why should they hold a grudge?” She had a point, but for some reason, you couldn’t get past the possibility that they would hate you.
  “They are going to love you. As sick as it is, you are beyond lovable Vix. Just own what you did, let it be known you regret it and want to move forward for the best interest of Ella. If they can’t do that, then you know they aren’t thinking about Ella or Chris.” You took a deep breath and slowly released it. “I just took a DNA test--.” Nexus began, you snorted and looked around to make sure no one was watching.
  “Turns out, I’m a hundred percent that--.”
  “Language you two.” You and Nexus giggled together, and when you looked over, Chris was watching you with a content smile on his face.
  Once you landed, everyone quickly piled into the truck, then Chris got in the driver’s seat. You weren’t surprised really you’d seen him drive before. He tipped his hat lower and looked at you. “Ready?” You nodded because words failed you, he looked so damn good. When he smiled, the butterflies in your belly took off. Quickly you looked away and tried to get a grip.
  “You can’t lose your shit now, you still have seven more days,” you whined.
  The drive was a nice one. After fifteen minutes of going through the city, Chris pointed out every sight to everyone in the car. You could tell he was a proud Bostonian; it was cute. When he passed Dodger stadium Chris pointed it out, and Ella shouted out “doder,” which made Dodger bark up a storm. Everyone laughed like it was the cutest thing in the world. It felt almost normal, and again that scared you.
  When he left the city, you fell silent and got lost in your own thoughts while everyone else fell into conversation.
  “You are never quiet pumpernickel. What’s wrong?”
  “Nothing, I’m fine. Maybe just jet-lagged,” you lied. Chris studied you for a moment before his eyes went back to the road. When everyone else fell back into their conversation he spoke.
  “If you’re feeling up to it later, there’s something I wanna show you.”
  “Something like what?” Chris smiled again, and again your belly fluttered.
  “For me to know and you to find out. Honestly, where’s your sense of adventure? I remember you used to have a huge one.” You smirked.
  “I remember you being at the top of Vegas’s version of the Eiffel tower, and you stripped right there.” You gasped loudly and covered your mouth. You couldn’t believe he just said that. You looked around to see if anyone heard him but saw no one was focused on you at all. Chris snorted and laughed just as you released yours.
  “Oh my god, how do you remember that?”
  “I told you, I’m an actor. I have a great memory.” You smiled and looked out the window again completely mortified. He probably remembered exactly what you look like naked ad remembered just what you did to each other at the top of that fake Eiffel tower. That thought sent a blazing heat down your spine. You remembered what he looked like too, you remembered very well.
  “So?” You smiled to yourself and decided just to do it.
  “Okay.” Chris smiled as if he’d won some type of award then looked back to the road, repeating the same word you just said. You smiled to yourself and watched the views of trees pass you by.
  Another fifteen minutes passed, and Chris was pulling into a long driveway that led to a house that looked like it was on a hill. It was at this moment you began to regret letting him convince you to stay at his place rather than a hotel. Everyone petitioned that it would be a better way for him and Ella to spend even more time together. You felt if you would have declined you would have come off as a bitch. So, again, you caved.
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“Wow, this is so great. This is yours, Chris?”
  “Yes. I come out here every chance I get when I’m not working.”
  “Do your parents live close?”
  “Well, they each live about twenty-five or thirty minutes away. I have a closer place that is in the city, but I thought this would be a more low key place for the princess’ birthday party.”
  You remained silent, a little amazed how normal it all sounded. It was as if three years hadn’t passed, and he’d been in her life all along. You wondered if it should have felt that natural. Shouldn’t there have been some—adjustment time, some form of awkwardness? Your family got out the car and looked around the front lawn. It was a beautiful property, and it looked well maintained. As they talked amongst themselves you walked to the back and took Ella out her car seat. Once out she planted a big wet kiss on your cheek.
  “Thank you, baby.”
  “My mama.” You smiled and kissed her all over her face. She erupted in giggles as she wiggled in her seat. Once you lifted her into your arms you turned to see Chris watching on with a soft smile on his lips. “Da-da.” His smile widened as he approached. He bent and kissed her on the forehead as you watched. Ella touched your cheek with one hand and Chris’ with her other. “Mama. Da-da.” You peeped up at Chris, who in turn did the same to you. For a few moments, the three of you stood there, no speaking just—being. You were the one to step away first.
  “I’ll show you guys around and come back for the bags,” Chris informed.
  The six of you and Dodger walked inside where Chris gave the tour of his traditional style farmhouse. It wasn’t exorbitantly decorated or even disgustingly pretentious. It was tastefully done, and it looked like it fit his personality. It looked like he could host dinner parties one night with his Hollywood friends, but the next night chill on the couch in front of the fireplace and drink a beer. It screamed him. One by one, he showed each of the members of your family their rooms until it left just you and Ella.
  “So, for you princess, I have a surprise.”
  “Prise, prise, I wuve prise. Eye-cweam?”
  Chris snorted and shook his head. “No, not ice cream.”
  “Pony.” You pinched your lips. She’d been trying to swindle a pony from you since the day she learned the word. Chris looked at you confused.
  “She wants a pony?”
  “What little girl doesn’t?” He smiled.
  “Uh—no princess, not a pony.” The three of you came to a stop in front of a closed door.
  “Mama told me how much you love unicorns, and mermaids--.” Chris began. Ella enthusiastically nodded her head, clearly excited for whatever his surprise was.
  “So, here we go.” Chris opened the door and revealed the girliest, most unicorn and mermaid filled room you’d ever seen. Ella’s face lit up, and she squealed with glee as she wriggled free from your arms. Placing her on the floor, she bounced around the room from item to item.
  “Oonicwon, mowmaid, oonicwon, mowmaid, pink!” Everything she touched, she squealed. You stood in the doorway, just looking around at all the effort he’d put into things. The walls were a pinkish, light orangish sherbert mesh. It reminded you of the softest sunset. It was a beautiful color. On one wall her name was written in cursive letters with a dainty crown right above it. You gulped down the emotion threatening to bubble over.
  “Schwing.” You looked back to her as she climbed into the swing that was off to the side of the room hanging from the ceiling. She tried to push herself and grunted when she couldn’t get as high as she wanted. As quickly as she got on she jumped off and bounded to the unicorn teepee that was set in a corner next to a beautiful window. The room was fit for a princess and absolutely breathtaking. Looking at Ella you knew she loved it. When you looked to Chris he was watching her with the biggest smile on his face.
  Ella ran to you and crashed into your legs. “Mama, ooo see?” You nodded.
  “Yes, my love, I see. It’s amazing.”
  “Mazing,” Ella repeated. You bent down to her and whispered in her ear. She smiled and ran across to Chris and crashed into his legs.
  “Uuugh, you’re going to take me down one of these days.” He lifted her into his arms just as she threw her tiny ones around his neck.
  “Ank oo.”
  “You’re welcome, princess. Do you like it?” She nodded her head while still holding him close. It melted you. Chris looked to you, and the look on his face made yet another Teflon layer of your wall crumble.
  “God damn it!”
  Ella wiggled her way free to the floor and ran out of the room and down the hall, no doubt about to tell everyone about her amazing room. You smiled and wrapped your arms around yourself. You could feel yourself drifting to him like he were some sort of magnet and you the polarized matter. Chris walked to you slowly, and you held tighter and hoped it was enough to keep you in check.
  “Is it too much?” You looked around the room again and saw for the first time a massive dollhouse-like playhouse. It was the cutest thing you’d ever seen and knew Ella would spend countless hours in there. You scoffed and shrugged.
  “Have you met your daughter? This is the child who wore head to toe pink sparkles to the park the other day. Do you remember that?” Chris laughed, and you smiled and nodded. “There is no such thing as too much.”
  You walked into the room a little more walking around him in a way that created the most distance. You stopped in front of the swing and sat, hoping to god it didn’t break under your weight. “This though—might not be the best idea. I can see her sneaking out of bed to swing and hurting herself. While she seems super advanced for her age let’s not set her up to fail.” He smiled and nodded.
  “Got it mama bear. I’ll take it down before bedtime.” You nodded and looked around again.
  “This is great though. It screams—permanence.” You looked down at the carpeted floor and shuffled your feet.
  “I mean—that’s the idea—right? Did I overstep?”
  “No, no, don’t—uuugh. I’m sorry, no, you didn’t. This is great, this—you’re great for doing this.”
  “I sense a but.” You stood and walked to him then touched his hand, hoping the action would make your words believable.
  “There is no but, you’re her father, you wanted to—.”
  “Show you that I’m taking this serious, to show you I want this, I want her, I want everything it means Vixen, all of it.”
  Biting your bottom lip, you held his gaze. You saw his pupil dilate and even felt his hand radiate with more heat than normal. Chris stepped into you and closed the appropriate space between you, and you could feel the air around you become thin and dense. Every hair on your body stood up, and then you saw his face move closer to yours.
  “Shit, he’s gonna kiss me.”
  You jumped at the sound of your mother’s voice and backed away from Chris as if you’d just been caught doing something dirty. A few seconds later, your mother appeared at the doorway. She looked between the two of you, and you walked to her. “Yeah mom.”
  “Ella found the pool and is begging to get in.” Chris laughed.
  “That was quick.” You smiled and nodded.
  “I told you, she’s a mermaid.”
  “I’ll bring up the bags,” Chris said as he walked past you and your mother. Once alone, your mother gave you the look she always did when she expected an explanation. You stood your ground and remained silent.
  “So you are forever connected to a superstar celebrity by the child you share. What do you plan on doing about it?”
  You gaped at her. She had the guts to bring this up. You expected it, hell, some part of you was waiting for it. “What do you mean do about it?”
  “Vixen, you’re a beautiful woman, you have a lot to offer. Why not take things—further?” You scoffed and shook your head.
  “Mom, wow.”
  “Tell me you haven’t thought about it. Tell me you’ve never looked at him and wanted more. He is a handsome man sweetie. Maybe this is your chance.”
  You couldn’t believe your ears. She never seemed to amaze you. She had a one-track mind, and right now, you were it. “Chance for what mom?”
  “Love, maybe?” You snorted and laughed.
  “Love? She’s insane.”
  You shook your head just as Chris walked back in with bags. “Thanks.”
  “Mama, poowl pwease.” You smiled and nodded to her.
  “Come on, let’s pick a pretty bathing suit and get you all ready little mermaid.” Ella clapped her hands and went to the bags. “If you guys would excuse us, we have a fashion montage to start.”
  “Yayyyy!” Chris and your mother smiled at each other and walked out of the room so you and Ella could begin
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Fifteen minutes later, you and Ella walked out to the backyard where the pool awaited you. She squealed with excitement, you smiled and put down the towels you held. Ella went to the edge and looked into the water. “Kristella Raelle, away from the edge, please.” She quickly backed away to a safe distance. You peeled off the t-shirt you wore and walked to the steps of the pool.
  “Ready baby?” She ran to you, and you grasped her hand to lead her into the water. Once she stepped into the water, she let loose a loud laugh. You smiled thoroughly enjoying her happiness. Once you stepped off the last step and sunk into the water you held your arms out for her.
  “Wedy mama?”
  “I’m ready, baby!” Ella squealed again and smiled, and Chris walked out, wearing a pair of swim trunks. Your eyes quickly scanned his exposed muscle and really liked what you saw. Again, the theme song for Baywatch played in your head.
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“Da-da, watoh, come.” Chris smiled and sat at the edge of the pool and watched.
  “Wook!” Ella jumped from the step into your arms, and you spun her around. Chris clapped and lowered himself into the water.
  “Want to swim to da-da?” She nodded, and you set her in front of you then let her go. She did a quick little doggy paddle to an exhilarated Chris. Once she reached his arms he scooped her up and held her in the air. Ella laughed and posed as if she were Baby from Dirty Dancing.
  “Good job, princess.” You smiled. He turned to you as if to ask if you saw her. You nodded and swam to them. The three of you swam around and enjoyed the time together.
  Ella and Chris played in the water, and he seemed to love it, every second that passed he seemed to become more of a big kid, Ella loved it. He let her ride his back like he was a seahorse, and she was the sea princess. Chris let her ride his shoulders while he swam underwater like the whale and she was a talented whale rider. He pretended to be the dolphin complete with dolphin noises while Ella played the dolphin whisperer. They even played Marco Polo once Chris explained it to her, this she loved because every time Chris rocketed from underneath the water when she screamed “maco” he wiggled like a fish diving above the waves and every time he did a belly flop right in the water. Soon they drew the attention of your entire family who sat around the pool watching with adoring looks on their faces.
  After an hour, you’d had enough of the water, and after forty minutes you’d had more than your heart could take of the cuteness. You disappeared into the house to the kitchen and examined the contents of the fridge. Soon after, you busied yourself with cooking some dinner. It took no time at all before you got lost in the chopping, mixing, measuring, layering and a plethora of other actions that allowed your brain to stop.
  You were thankful for it because if it continued you were sure you’d go insane with the constant debate; it was now a three-way fight. Your head, your body and your heart all wanted different things. Your head spoke of shoulds, your body spoke of coulds, and your heart—that traitor was the worst of all, it spoke of woulds. Where your mind and body didn’t question, your heart had plenty. They were questions you didn’t have answers to, questions you would only find the answer to from him, and you weren’t quite brave enough—yet.
  “I should have known this is where you disappeared to.” You looked up from your bending position and saw Chris standing on the other side of the island. He was still shirtless, and your eyes noticed. Slowly they traveled down his torso and took in every detail. The two tattoos on his chest looked like perfect decorations for the well-formed muscle. Your palm itched to touch him. When your eyes trailed down his abs to his oblique indentations, that urge intensified. Unintentionally you squeezed the piping bag in your hands, sending white icing oozing out the tip and right onto your face. It was all so perfectly suggestive.
  “Oh fuck!” You stood and looked around for a cloth. Chris walked around the island to you with the item in his hand.
  “Here.” He lifted his hands to your face and began wiping off the icing. After a few deliberate swipes of the cloth, his movements slowed until they stopped altogether. He was now standing before you with your jaw gently held with one hand a cloth in the other. “There, perfect again. although—you’ve been perfect since—the day—I—I—I met you.” By the time he finished his sentence he was whispering. Chris grazed his thumb along your cheek, and the soft touch sent your belly fluttering.
  “I have something to tell you,” Chris began. His Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped.
  “What?” Your voice was a breathy whisper; you couldn’t muster anything else.
  “Uh---well--,” Chris began again.
  “Vix?” You looked from Chris to Nexus, who’d entered the kitchen.
  “Yeah.” Walking to her, she looked between you and Chris. You shook your head signaling for her to let it go.
  “Ella, she missed her nap so--.”
  You sighed. “Yeah, she’ll be a grumpy mess in an hour. We’ll have dinner now and hopefully avoid the meltdown to get her in bed.” Nex nodded and slowly turned to walk out.
  “Ready, I was just--.”
  “Uh-huh, I see what you were doing.” With that, Nex walked out of the room, and you sighed before you cleared your throat.
  “If you wanna take a quick shower, dinner will be on the table in ten,” you informed. Chris slowly nodded then walked out where Nex did. Once you were alone again you sighed and finished the touches to the cake you were icing.
  After dinner, you tucked Ella into her new bed in her new room. She fell asleep quickly which left you sitting there just staring at her. You knew if you did this to any other kid it would be creepy, but she was yours; it was normal. You’d spent so many nights watching her sleep marveling at the tiny human you were blessed with. Before you knew it two hours had passed, and you were still being a creeper.
  Walking out the room and down the hall to your own you quickly stripped and took a hot shower. The steam helped de-stress you, and the hot water did wonders for your need to be comforted. You worked to keep Chris off your mind. It was hard, but no matter what, after a few minutes, he came right back into your head. It was frustrating. Nex would say it was a sign you were also on his mind. You wondered if that were true.
  Once you stepped out wrapped in a plush towel, you stared at the canopy bed and just like that you were back in Vegas again. It was like he was trolling you with little details from your time together. this was yet another similarity from your exhausting wedding night. You sat on the window seat in the room and looked out to the sea of dark trees. It was peaceful out here, and you knew why he’d chosen this spot. It had nothing in common with LA. As you lotioned your skin, you stared up at the moon and marveled at how big and bright it looked here. A spark of fire caught your eye, and you peered more closely out the window. Chris stepped out onto the grass and walked to the clearing of trees. You watched him climb into the hammock that was just out of sight. Once he was in it all you could see was the tips of his feet and occasional peeks of his head.
  Soon you saw clouds of smoke weft into the air, and you knew he was smoking, you bet it was weed. A nostalgic smile decorated your lips. He began swinging in the hammock, and every time he did, you saw him in full sight. He had a faraway look on his face, but somehow he still looked perplexed. You wondered what he was thinking about so seriously. You had the thought to go down to him and split that blunt but knew if you had weed in your system your inhibitions would soon be lowered and with it your panties.
  “That’s if you wear panties, honey.”
  You smirked and shook your head at the thought. Sometimes you wondered if you were your own worst enemy. Sighing, you looked back to the moon once last time. When you were a child, your mother always had you make a wish on the moon every night. It must have been some old hippie practice because every single night, you’d made a wish on the moon. Some came true instantly, and others took time. You glanced back down to Chris who looked to be looking up at the same moon and closed your eyes.
  Taking a deep breath, you had the perfect wish, the one your heart, head, and body all agreed on. “If it’s meant for me, let it be.”
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writersplanetarium · 5 years
Facade: Pilot (Rowaelin Actor Au)
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
“I’m so in love with you it hurts. And there’s not a moment that goes by that I don’t think of you. Not a second where I don’t imagine what it’d be like to be the one you hold at night. The one you kiss like that. The one you take on dates. The one you can’t imagine yourself ever giving up. And I know that I can never be her for you, but… I need you to know that you’re that for me. You’re the one I want and I just… I couldn’t go on this mission without telling you that, selfish as it is. I know you love her, and I know it’s hopeless for me, but… I just needed you to know.” She brushed her hand over his cheek, tears burning her eyes.
“We broke up,” he replied.
“What?” She asked, her eyes widening in surprise. He set his hand over hers, shaking his head.
“I couldn’t do it. I tried, damn it, I tried to move on from this, from you, but I couldn’t. I’ve been so in love with you for so long and I thought… I thought that I could find someone new and these feelings would go away. I thought I needed to move on because you’d never want someone like me. Someone so… broken.”
“I’d rather it be you, broken or not, than to ever be with someone else,” she said, brushing her hand back through his hair, “Besides… we’re all broken one way or another. But maybe… Maybe we can try to get better. Together.” He nodded, the movement small, but noticeable.
“Together,” he said agreed softly. His hands came to rest on her hips as he dipped down, capturing her lips with his. She pressed up into him as she brought her other hand up, wrapping it in his hair as well as she returned the kiss. Their lips moved in perfect synchronicity and their bodies moved together like two lost halves finally pieces back together. A mix of tenderness and passion and despera-
“Cut!” Aelin and Rowan quickly parted, both of them frowning. "That's a wrap for the day!"
"What did you have for lunch?" Rowan barked, a distasteful look on his face.
"Garlic bread," Aelin drawled, a smirk plastered over her lips.
"You two can't make it look so good," Lysandra said, fanning her eyes as she walked over, "It makes me emotional."
"You guys did so good!" Evangeline said from Lysandra's side, "I wish I could make myself fake cry that easily."
"All you need is one whiff of Aelin's breath and you'll be crying right away," Rowan said to the girl, patting her head as he walked off.
"Or the mortifying thought that you have to kiss a buzzard," Aelin retorted loud enough that she knew he'd hear. Lysandra put her hands over Evangeline's ears and sighed with a smile.
"Ah, sexual tension."
"Don't misuse the ear muffs to spout your bullshit," Aelin said, pulling Lysandra's hands off Evangeline's ears.
"Come on, you two totally have something," Lysandra said, elbowing her friend in the ribs. Aelin pouted, picking up Evangeline and holding her up in front of Lysandra.
"What kind of example are you setting for Evangeline? Encouraging the notion that women should love big, mean men."
"Rowan's not mean," Evangeline said, "He gave me the last slice of pizza the other day!"
"Traitor," Aelin said with a huff, setting her back down.
"Who's a traitor?" Aedion asked, strolling up in sweatpants.
"Evangeline is defending Rowan's bastardness," Aelin said. Aedion rolled his eyes at his cousin. He'd heard more than enough over the years about Rowan's bastardness. Aelin made sure of that. It was bad enough he was her neighbor, but he just had to be her co-star too. Her love interest, at that. The world was cursing her to be stuck with Rowan Whitethorn. She just hoped it didn't last forever.
"You say that as if you're any better," Aedion said.
"He started it," Aelin said with a frown. She still remembered that first day she met him. So maybe she was playing her music a bit loud, that didn't mean he couldn't just ask her to turn it down like a nice person. But not the buzzard. He came over glaring, not even throwing in a please. Aelin despised him.
"He started it, but I'm finishing it!" Evangeline said firmly, "That's what the teacher says whenever kids are fighting in class, and it means you have to stop fighting."
"Hear that? You have to stop fighting," Lysandra said to her friend, putting an emphasis on have. Aelin could see her holding back a smile.
"The only thing I have to do," Aelin said, emphasizing the same word, "Is find more garlic bread." She turned, stalking off towards the food table, the others following. They dodged between workers and cameras and actors as they made their way through to the food.
"That shot is going to make for a killer season finale," Lysandra said, "I'm so excited! The fans are going to freak. They've been rooting for you two since day one."
"They've been rooting for Daemion and Charlotte from day one," Aelin corrected, scanning over the foods absentmindedly.
"Clearly you haven't seen all the things I have," Lysandra said with a wink.
"I swear she lives on those fan pages," Aedion remarked, "We'll be in bed and I'll look at her and there it is. Another fan page. We're out to eat. Fan page. We're in the car. Fan page."
"I like interacting with the fans! That's not a crime," Lysandra said.
"The best part is when they don't know it's you," Fenrys chipped in, joining their little crew, "It's so easy to poke fun with them." He was dressed down far too much to be doing any scenes. He wasn't scheduled to be there anyway.
"Don't you have the day off?" Aelin asked.
"Yeah, but Rowan's car is in the shop, so I told him I'd take him to go get it after work," Fenrys replied. He looked at her half accusing, half teasing as he set his arm on her shoulder. "Can you believe that someone hit it and busted in the window?"
"Okay, I admitted that was an accident!" Aelin said, shoving his arm off of her.
"Only after they caught you on the security camera," Aedion pointed out.
"Well, it's partially his fault for parking like that," Aelin said, "He was more than a foot from the curb."
"Don't tell him that," Fenrys said, "He's already in a pissy mood because of it and the whole kiss thing, so we don't need you two getting thrown in jail for assaulting each other before the party tonight. You are going right?"
"When have I ever missed a party?" Aelin asked with a grin. They were throwing a party to celebrate the wrap up of filming. Season three of their show, finally done. And they'd been renewed for another two, at least, already. A story of a bunch of college kids with magic trying to save the world hooks almost everybody in. Most people assume it'll be a show just like any other, and while it has its stereotypical tropes, it works, all the same, to divert them as well. The party was going to be a welcome relief for Aelin. She had been on set a lot lately, since the end of the season focused so heavily on hers and Rowan's characters Charlotte and Daemion.
"She's telling the truth," Lysandra said, "I remember when we were in high school and she came down with a cold. She was there doing shots of cold medicine and seemed drunker than half the kids there." Aelin and Lysandra had grown up together, both under the overbearing, manipulative wings of their agent Arobynn Hamel. He'd turned the girl against each other young, pitting them against each other for the best movie parts. They'd been serious rivals until they'd both grown up and Aelin had left the business altogether for a while after she lost Sam. Now she was represented by Dorian's father. She wasn't sure he was any better, now that he was the one holding her leash, but she'd at least met Dorian and Chaol in the process, who were also in the show.
Lysandra had stayed with Arobynn a while longer and had turned from client to lover as soon as she was eighteen. Aelin hated her still until she caught them arguing at a party one night and realized that Lysandra wasn't trying to sleep her way to the top, she just didn't have a way out like Aelin did and her career was being held over her head. So when the opportunity for this show came, Aelin discreetly told Lysandra about it. Once she had a part, she had worked up the courage to get a good lawyer and leave Arobynn. It was a scandal for months, but the word on it was finally dying down and she was able to enjoy her newfound freedom. Her and Aelin ended up becoming fast friends on set, and Lysandra had even taken to Aelin's cousin, Aedion, who played her love interest on the show. They'd gotten together a year after filming had started and had been together happily ever since.
Aelin partly believes that to be why she wanted Aelin and Rowan together so badly. So they could have the shared experience of finding love through the show. But Aelin wasn't interested in love anymore. She'd tried after Sam. With Dorian. With Chaol. But they just didn't work, and Aelin was exhausted with love. Losing Sam had devastated her. She'd almost decided to never act again. But she kept going, she kept fighting, to live the dream Sam would never get to. It'd been hard, especially after Aelin lost Nehemia too, not even two years later. Aelin had just gotten the acceptance to the show a few days later. She'd almost declined, almost threw herself into a dark hole, never to come out, but then came Rowan.
Stupid Rowan.
He'd said she'd never last when he heard she got the part and the spite that filled her to prove him wrong pushed her through.
So now here she was. Still suffering, but proving him wrong every step of the way, every single day and making sure he knew it.
"Aelin and I are actually going to go shopping to get new dresses for the party after Aelin's done here," Lysandra told Fenrys.
"Can I come?" Evangeline asked, "Pretty please? I promise I'll be good."
"Well, I suppose if you're good..." Lysandra said dramatically, making the little girl laugh with glee.
"I promise!" She said, "I won't even complain once." Lysandra had taken in Evangeline when she was young after finding out the Arobynn was planning to do the same things with her as he'd done to Lysandra. Both her parents passed and Lysandra managed to get custody of the girl, now taking on the role as her guardian. Aelin knew Lysandra was tempted to get her out of the toxic atmosphere, but the girl loved acting so much that she couldn't bear to do it. Luckily enough, she was able to get Evangeline a role in the show as well and set up with a reputable agent who could really help them both.
She, Evangeline, and Aedion all lived just next door to Aelin, so Aelin often acted as an older sister type for the girl. Watching her when they were out, taking her to school or set when Lysandra or Aedion were busy. She loved her like family. And really, she was.
Unfortunately, her other neighbor was a bastard buzzard whose house she'd physically shove further from hers if she could.
"Well, you ladies enjoy," Fenrys said, "I'll see you all tonight." They bid him goodbye and Aelin watched for a moment as he headed towards Rowan's trailer.
"You grab your bread and go get changed," Lysandra said, "We're losing daylight!"
"I'm going," she retorted, grabbing the food and making her way to her own trailer.
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milk-mochi · 5 years
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title : drama club
pairing : jeongguk x reader
genre : high school! au, gender neutral! reader, fluff
word count : 2k
warnings : none
prompt : btsboulangerie’s september prompt : “wait, that was you ?”
The key to a good friendship had always escaped Jeongguk. He was bad at talking, emotional expression, being the center of attention, and anything of the sort. Being a socially awkward outcast in a high school setting was hard enough. When you added his school theatre background into the mix, it led to nothing but constant suffering. It hadn’t always been this way.
When Jeongguk was five, he entered into primary school like every other kid. Off the bat, he had an aptitude for the fine arts. He was exceptionally good at music. He was gifted. Not quite a prodigy, but talented nonetheless. Every teacher he ever been taught by had said that to his parents without fail; however, it was always followed by another sentence.
“He just doesn’t apply himself enough,” they would say. Conferences and parent meetings for fourteen years provoked the same response. It didn’t make any sense. He was an honors student with straight A grades, what else could they ask for ? They would tell him to join after school activities to make friends, or to play a sport. Nothing had ever interested him. He was athletic, but sports teams didn’t suit his fancy. He had no burning need to be on things like the math team, to be in clubs or to participate at all. He just wanted to get through school alone.
Against his wish, he met a boy on his first day of high school. Kim Taehyung, a hyper but suave puppy dog with a passion for art just like Jeongguk’s. Kim Taehyung refused to let Jeongguk be alone, despite his inability to talk to people. Which is why on the fifth day of his freshman year, Jeongguk stepped into the auditorium of his high school to attend a drama club meeting.
He fell in love with it, to put it simply. He never preferred a lead role, but rather one that kept him in the spotlight for the least possible amount of time. He did find it difficult to express himself, but the club helped him with his awkwardness. Now at seventeen, he was a full blown participator in drama activities.
You were an A-Class Theatre Nerd. You had been in every school musical since grade four, often playing lead characters. Music was your one-way ticket to being well known by the entirety of your high school. It was safe to say you took the cake for popularity, being that you could walk the hallways and students would split to let you pass. Your real friend group consisted of three boys and a friend you knew since birth. Hoseok, Jimin, and Seokjin were your clique. You had met the three of them through theatre. Ji was your best friend, and she had stuck beside you through all of your hardships.  She had joined drama club with you with the hope of breaking out of her shell.
“I just wish we could do something less boring, like the stuff they do on Broadway nowadays !” Hoseok enthused as you walked into the auditorium after school.
“Yeah, and get the entire program cancelled by administration ?” You drawled, giggling. “The stuff they do on Broadway nowadays wouldn’t be allowed here.” You set your backpack down on the ground and ran up the stairs to sit on the stage with the rest of the club. Today was the first day of drama club of your senior year. Your last chance to make high school worth something.
“Hello everyone, welcome to drama club ! This is the first meeting, so I’d like to start with a friendship-building activity. We’re going to go in a circle and introduce ourselves.” Your director smiled as she sat on the floor of the stage with the group.
“I’ll start !” You raised your hand, smiling. “I’m Y/N, and I’m a senior this year. I’ve been participating in school productions since I was a kid, and here I am.” You gave an enthusiastic wave and settled back down.
The game continued on in a circle, with Seokjin introducing himself as a wreck, and Jimin asking to use the bathroom and tripping over his own feet as he sprinted from the auditorium. You spaced out as it went on, pausing momentarily to pay attention to a kid with bright eyes and curly hair falling halfway down his face. He offered a timid smile, and his introduction came in a sort of whisper.
“I’m Jeongguk, a senior. I joined drama club my freshman year, and I really love to sing.” He paused and swallowed deeply, giving a nod as he pleaded to the director to move on. The boy next to him jumped at his opportunity to speak, giving Jeongguk time to recover.
You smirked to yourself, combing a hand through your hair. This would be a fun year after all.
It took you two weeks to approach Jeongguk. You spoke to everyone in the club aside from him. You were worried that he was beginning to think you hated him. Painting sets gave you the perfect opportunity for conversation. Every once in a while, the club would work on sets for future productions. You would all just get to work on painting. It was more of a time to relax with friends than anything, so you decided to speak to Jeongguk.
You sat down beside him. He paid you no mind, and you inhaled deeply, coughing a bit from the amount of air you took in.
“Hi,” you choked out, your face turning a bright red.
“Hey,” he responded with a bright smile, turning to face you. “Y/N, right ?”
He was calm. You were not. Your face turned deeper red, if at all possible.
“Yeah, and you're, uh, you’re Jeongguk. Aren’t you ? ‘Cause if you aren’t I’m sorry, I’m really bad with remembering-” He cut you off with a rich laugh, his voice modulated and husky.
“Yeah, I’m Jeongguk.” He was surprised at how easy the words came to mind. He wasn’t particularly good at talking to anyone, let alone people like you.
“Oh ! Yeah, I definitely knew that. I thought so, and I was right. Huh,” you said, stopping yourself before you could go any further with your useless word vomit.
You dipped your paintbrush into the can of white paint, removing it to paint a small dresser. Seokjin took the wonderful opportunity to place his hands on your shoulders, shouting a greeting in your ear. You let out a yell, flinging the paintbrush in the air and getting white paint on your black shirt. Seokjin let out a howl of glee, his eyes falling on Jeongguk as he keeled over in amusement. Your focus turned to the boy you were sitting next to, and sure enough, the paintbrush had landed in his hair. You apologized profusely, promising yourself you’d never talk to him in person ever again.
You gave Seokjin a stern talking to that night.
“He probably thinks I’m a spaz, and it’s all your fault !”
He just laughed and told you to try harder to get to know Jeongguk. You refused.
You're lookin' sharp, so let's go back to my flat and get natural.
Jeongguk read the sticky note three times over, pausing to sigh in resignation before reading it a fourth time. It was a terrible pick up line, but the person who put it in his locker had to have music knowledge, so that narrowed it down. He’d never received a note or anything of the sort before. He stared at it once again before sticking it to the inside of his locker door.
“That’s awful,” Taehyung mused, poking the sticky note with his pointer finger over Jeongguk’s shoulder. Jeongguk jumped in surprise, bumping his head into the lockers. He winced, offering yet another sigh.
Drama club that day was boring, to say the least. His gaze kept landing on Y/N. They were going over their lines with a friend, who he thought was named Ji. They both paused every few minutes to crack up in laughter. He wondered why Y/N hadn’t talked to him since the paint incident. He thought it was hilarious, but they were probably traumatized from the situation. He returned to his own lines, his mind lingering on the idea of them.
“Seriously, that’s what you put on it ?” Ji snorted, shoving your shoulder.
“I thought it was funny !” you retorted.
“Yeah, to a seven year-old maybe ! I bet he hated it.”
You stuck your tongue out at Ji in retaliation, crossing your arms. Little did she know, you had at least a hundred crumpled sticky notes at the bottom of your backpack. It had taken a long time to find the perfect line. You were going to do this until he figured out who you were.
Are you a fermata? Because I want to hold you. 
Not bad. Jeongguk let out a chuckle, sticking it next to the fifteen others on his locker door. It had been three weeks since the first, and they kept getting better. Most of the time they were music related, with an occasional dirty joke added to the mix. He appreciated it, but his mind was only focused on one thing. Y/N. He really liked seeing them during the day and in the auditorium, and they were on his mind all the time. On top of that, Y/N’s friend Ji had started talking to him. Often their conversation would drift to Y/N. It was fun to hear a different side of their personality. All he knew was the calm and composed popular kid. Despite the one time he talked to them, he always knew that they were confident. He wasn’t aware of their socially awkward side, to which he could definitely relate. Ji explained that Y/N was garbage at talking to anyone they found attractive. He wasn’t sure if that was an indication of their attraction to him, or just a slip of the mind from Ji. He convinced himself it was the latter. He wasn’t anything special.
That day during drama club, Jeongguk decided he was going to talk to Y/N. It didn’t matter what he said, he just needed to get the thought of them out of his mind. He walked into the auditorium almost in a strut. He walked towards Ji in an effort to converse with her. Ji was standing next to Y/N, and he suddenly heard something familiar come from her mouth.
“-I want to hold you ? That’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard !” Ji was heaving for breath. Jeongguk stopped dead in his tracks. He was about two feet away, but his gasp alerted the two friends.
“Wait, that was you ?” Jeongguk asked, dumbfounded. He looked down at his hands and beamed, his cheeks turning red. Of all the people he knew, he didn’t expect Y/N to be the one giving the sticky notes. He thought they were too busy, too popular, too disinterested in him. He took a moment to compose himself, and when he looked up, Y/N was in a state of shock. Their eyes were watering, presumably in fear of rejection. They made eye contact with him. They seemed fragile. Vulnerable. Jeongguk didn’t like that in reaction to him, so he took a deep breath and prepared himself. He was ready for this moment since the first note. He knew his lines this time, and he wasn’t afraid to be in the spotlight.
“Hey, I bet we’d, we’d get into some, uh, serious treble together,” He winked shyly, exhaling with relief. He still stuttered despite the practice. Oh well, at least he didn’t miss his mark.
There was a pause. A completely silent second filled with anxiety. Then a sweet noise rang through the air. He soon realized it was you. You had burst out in laughter.
“Golden. That was absolutely golden, music boy.” You grinned widely at him, winking in return. He might have been bad at social skills, but Jeon Jeongguk sure made your heart sing - pun intended.
tagged; @lofihope
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aros-sage · 4 years
Please read here on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26316922/chapters/64082197
Thank you @greentealycheejelly for your amazing art: https://rb.gy/mhthyl. , https://rb.gy/4fwxfc, https://rb.gy/9j8vh3 & Thank you to @echele-78 for your amazing beta skills!
This fic was created for the @malecdiscordserver Mini Bang 2020!
Rating: Teen & Up Warning: Non-con in a chapter (not descriptive or explicit Summary: In six months, Prince Alec Lightwood is set to become King of Idris. He’s been waiting to take the throne since his parents' unexpected death at sea eight years ago. Since then, Valentine Morgenstern has been serving as king. Needless to say, Valentine’s rules & regulations only serve Valentine and his trusted followers, with no regard for the well-being of the people of Idris, least of all the magic users. Afraid of them, he created a law to bind their magic to another. By circumstance, Alec finds himself aligned with magic user, Magnus Bane.
Chapter 1-9
“Alec! Wake up...Come on.” Izzy spoke gently as she sat on the bed beside her brother, lightly poking him in the chin. She didn’t want to bother him on a bad day, but she knew this was important. He needed to know what was happening. 
She ran her hand through his hair, brushing it off of his forehead. “Alec...it’s important.” She said, this time her voice a little sharper. She tapped his cheek as she used her hip to shift his body to the side and back. 
Making an unintelligible noise, Alec groaned as he began to blink his eyes, trying to remove the sleepiness.  
“Iz?” Alec asked, his voice rough with sleep. At the look on her face, Alec forced himself up onto his elbows. “What is it? What’s wrong?” 
“It’s Valentine…” she started, ringing her hands together in her lap. “He was finishing up collecting taxes from his...our people and then they brought him in.”
“Who? Brought who?” Izzy moved over a little to make space for Alec to properly sit up. His eyes were feverish but whenever it came to his siblings, he made himself focus on them, no matter how he was feeling. Looking behind Izzy, he saw Jace Herondale leaning against the doorframe. 
“It’s Magnus Bane. He’s been caught.” Izzy told him. 
At the familiar name, a name Alec had thanked in his sleep for many years now, he moved to the side, trying to locate his boots. Jace came over without a word, bringing the boots closer and began to help Alec into them.
“I can get my own boots on.” Alec complained obstinately. He lifted his foot anyway as Jace slid the boot underneath it. 
“Maybe, but I’d rather not have to explain why you have a bloody nose from face planting.” Jace responded to him without looking up. 
“Fair point.” Alec said back. “Where did they find him? How did they manage to stop him?” 
Izzy shook her head. “I don’t know. As soon as I saw them bringing him in, I came to get you.” She stood up so she could pace around the room. “You know how Valentine feels about his kind...but especially him. How many times did Magnus Bane prevent Valentine from finding their hideouts? Or better yet, emptying them out long before Valentine got to them? Valentine has talked at length about killing him.” 
Once his boots were laced, Alec planted his feet and stood carefully, letting the wave of nausea pass him. He walked towards the door as Jace grabbed his jacket. As the three of them walked, Alec managed to put his jacket on and fix his hair enough to be acceptable around their subjects. 
“I don’t care what Valentine’s laws are, I won’t let him kill him.” Alec said to them, a determination in his voice that came around when Alec was very passionate about something.  
“You can’t save them all, even if I wish you could.” Jace reminded him as they all felt that solemn reminder. Most of the time, Alec managed to convince the Kakos of their other option to live in this world under Valentine’s law. Unfortunately, there were times when he couldn’t convince the Kakos, or Valentine delivered and carried out the sentence immediately. 
Alec had six months to go until he would be old enough to take his rightful place as King of Idris. Valentine, his late father’s Advisor since Alec himself was 5, had taken the throne in his place for the last 8 years, since the unexpected deaths of his father and mother. They had gone on a voyage to speak of peace with the country of Edom but their ship had disappeared. They had never arrived, nor had their ship ever been recovered. Valentine blamed the King of Edom; claiming they had done something nefarious but there was no proof. All the accusation managed to do was cause more tension between the kingdoms and cost both in high taxes on traded goods. 
As the three crossed the castle, they could hear the commotion all around them. If there was one thing that the castle was bad at, it was keeping a secret of any kind. He could hear those they passed talking about Magnus. 
“He took out 20 guards before they stopped him.”  
“I heard he turned some of them into pigs.” 
“I bet he’s going to murder the king.” 
Alec ignored the words as they rounded the corner into the main chamber room. 
Once every two weeks, the people of their town would have to pay their taxes; another law Alec detested. It was too much, too soon. They often would have to pay with labor or animals or something of their trade. They once had so many horses, they had to give them away. Alec had  wanted to give the horses back to those families who had given them, but Valentine refused, claiming that everyone would expect the same treatment. 
There was still a line of folk who had not gotten their chance with the king. On the right side of the room were the items and animals that were given as payment instead of coin. On the left, was a line of folk who were signing up for the labor they would need to perform before being able to go home. If Alec wasn’t already ill, this would make him sick. He hated these days and had been thankful, for once, to be unable to be present for it. 
The main commotion was coming from the center of the room. There were 10 guards surrounding one man. He was on his knees, his head up in defiance. It looked as though his hands were bound behind his back; not that that would stop a Kakos. However they wove their magic, there was very little that could be done to prevent them from doing so. At least, not until King Valentine created the Aligned Law. Three of the guards had the tips of their swords pressed against three points of the male’s neck; each side and the back. 
Alec, Isabelle and Jace entered the room at the same time that the executioner and the papas entered on the other side. King Valentine, sitting on his throne, looked pleased. His children, Clarissa and Jonathan, sat on the left side of him. Clarissa, or Clary as her friends called her, looked upset while Jonathan looked bored. 
“Magnus Bane. You have broken the law many times over. You have denied your king and kingdom the ways of our life. When the Aligned Law passed, you did not submit yourself. Instead, you have made criminals of all the Kakos who have followed you. You alone are responsible for hundreds of premature deaths. You…” King Valentine growled, his eyes practically twinkling with the glee he was feeling. 
“I did not strike them down. That was you and your prejudice. My kind were peaceful citizens of this kingdom until you changed the law. You made us to be feared and hated when we’d done nothing but try to live quietly.” Magnus interrupted, not even flinching as the sword tip on his right side pressed into his neck, drawing blood. 
“Your kind poisoned the minds of my people. Your kind are responsible for fires and ruining of fields,” the king shot back.
Magnus rolled his eyes. “It doesn’t matter who you are born as. There will always be those who choose the wrong path. Something you should be intimately familiar with…” 
“Enough! One more word and your tongue will be fed to our dogs.” Valentine seethed. They watched as Magnus continued to glare at him but kept his mouth shut. 
Looking pleased with himself, Valentine straightened up. “For your crimes against the kingdom, I sentence you to death by burning.” He looked over towards the executioner. “Get the site ready.”
A commotion in the room began as everyone started talking excitedly. Some looked towards Magnus with sympathy while others tried to find ways to get out of their debts. 
“WAIT!” The room suddenly fell silent at the word. Valentine, Clary and Jonathan looked towards their left, watching as Alec and Isabelle came forward. Isabelle took her seat while Alec walked towards his which was situated between his sister and the king. Jace walked past Alec and Isabelle’s chairs, standing beside Alec’s personal guards.  
Valentine looked to his right as Alec took his seat. “Is there something you need Prince Alexander?” Valentine asked, clearly unhappy that the younger male was there. Alec made it difficult for Valentine to collect most debts and enforce laws because of his softer heart. A problem, if he were expected to be king someday.
“Aldertree...stand down. There will be no burning today.” Alec said. Aldertree looked from the prince and his command, to the king and back before bowing his head. 
“Alexander...he is a long time criminal. We cannot afford leniency for this one. He will bring his rebel forces down onto this kingdom. We are simply cutting off the head of the snake.” Valentine said to him with urgency. 
“It is my understanding that Magnus Bane has spent the last several years of his life defending his people. There is no log of deaths or murder by his hand. I also do not believe any of your spies have collected evidence of a mutiny. He may be breaking your law, but it is not a warrant for death.” Alec answered him, looking Valentine in the eye. 
Valentine contemplates for a moment. “I will concede to letting him live, but only if he agrees to follow the law and become aligned. If he is not aligned, he will be sentenced to death.” Valentine fumed. He turned to face the prisoner. “Magnus Bane, do you agree to be aligned? To forfeit your mystical, blasphemous abilities to those of a human.” 
Magnus looked shocked and angry. His eyes moved to look at the prince, unsure how to feel about the unexpected attempt to save his life. He raised his chin, looking back at Valentine. “I do not agree.”
Valentine, looking pleased, grinned. “Then to death it be.” He glared at Aldertree who began to leave the room once again. 
Izzy and Clary shared a look, both of them unhappy with this outcome. As soon as Izzy had left the room, Clary had been certain that Alec would be able to change her father’s mind. Or at least find a solution that didn’t include death. 
Izzy looked at Alec and could see his jaw working. She knew he was deciding something, but  what, she didn’t know. Valentine often got his way on things, despite his claim that Alec’s opinion was important and taken into consideration. There were some times when that seemed the case, but they were small decisions. 
Alec stood up, walking down the few steps towards Magnus, his personal guards following. Two of the guards moved out of the way, albeit, they stayed as close as they could, in the event that Magnus attacked the prince.
“I choose Magnus Bane as my Aligned.” Alec said, loud enough to know that Valentine could hear him with his back turned. 
Aldertree once again, froze. This time he stared at Valentine. Everyone, except Alec and Magnus, looked at the king. 
Valentine was standing, red in the face and breathing heavily. 
The silence stretched for several minutes. Alec didn’t move even though he could feel Valentine’s eyes boring holes into the back of his head.
Finally, he sat down. “Very well. Prince Alexander Lightwood’s Aligned Ceremony will commence this evening.” He looked around the room. “If you have not paid your taxes yet, you will remain to speak with the princess. Guards, take the Kakos to the pre-ceremony room and assure he is dressed appropriately. Prince Alexander will go to his quarters to prepare. Dismissed.” 
Alec watched as Magnus looked ahead as he was forced to his feet and taken out of the room.
“You should stay here until the ceremony. You can hardly stand as is.” Catarina chastised Alec as he changed into his ceremonial jacket. Catarina had been the healer of the castle for as long as Alec could remember. The older woman had always had nothing but kindness to give, even  after she had been forced to participate in the ceremony herself.
“She’s right. The ceremony is going to exhaust you completely.” Jace added as he handed Alec a glass of water.
Alec ran his hands tiredly over his face. “I need to speak to him. It’s not right to force this on  him.”
“You didn’t have to.” Catarina reminded him as she continued to mix a drink for Alec. It was something she often prepared for him when he was feeling ill. It helped him deal with the fever and gave him some energy. 
“I know but death will not pay my debt. And someday, maybe, I can change things.” Alec felt his resolve tighten. This is what he needed to do. 
After pocketing the vial from Catarina, Alec and Jace made their way towards the room he knew Magnus was being kept in. 
Over the years, Alec had seen many Kakos in the room, awaiting their fate. Many were despondent but many seemed relieved to be able to live. Alec wasn’t sure what Magnus would look like.
As he entered the room, after assuring all of the many guards and Jace that he would be fine,  he gasped.
Magnus was dressed in the jacket that made him an Aligned and on his knees once more in the center of the room. Alec felt the pressure before entering the room, only to be confirmed of a magical substance once he entered. There was a yellow haze surrounding Magnus, something he was clearly trying to break through. Magnus’ arms were at weird angles, all muscles and tendons in his neck, face and hands strained. In the corner of the room was King Valentine’s Aligned, Lorenzo, keeping the spell.
“What is this? Are you hurting him?” Alec asked, his voice accusatory. 
Lorenzo, without looking at the prince, answered. “Magnus Bane is powerful. If I do not prevent him, he will unleash his magic and he will escape.” 
Alec frowned. “Can he hear me? Can he speak to me?” 
Lorenzo nodded. “Yes...but I will not break this spell unless the king commands it.”  
Alec sighed, moving down to his knees so he could be eye to eye with Magnus. Magnus’ eyes glared at Alec through the yellow haze.
“I’m sorry.” Alec said almost immediately. “If there was any other choice, I would let it be.” 
“Death was my choice.” Magnus managed to grit out between his teeth. “I know the law.” 
Alec glanced down at the floor between them. He swallowed before looking back into Magnus’ face. “There is one way to forgo the law.” 
“And what...is that?” Magnus asked, the strain in his voice letting Alec know that, despite the yellow haze seeming harmless, it was hurting him.
“If a Royal picks their Aligned, no one else may interfere, even the one chosen.” Alec bit his lip. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like any rule that said that, just because of his birth, he had the final decision on things. 
Magnus fumed with that for a minute or so. “So you use your privilege to take away my choice?” 
“A life for a life. I will not let you die if I can prevent it.” Alec told him and Magnus really looked at him this time, recalling a memory, nearly 15 years old now. 
Isabelle, 8 years old, had come down with a sickness. There had been many, in many kingdoms who had all befallen this illness. It was something of a plague. Those who were affected had a fever and then became bedridden. Once they were bedridden, the survival rate became 10%. Isabelle had been bedridden for 2 days before Queen Maryse found Magnus. 
Alec was only 10 when it had happened. His parents had made him stay away from his sister for fear that he would catch the illness. He spent most of his time outside of her door. He would read books to her from the open doorway whenever he could.  
He was clutching his father’s waist when Magnus, following the queen, had come to their castle to see the princess. The male looked only a couple years older than Alec but he knew he was different than most. Magnus had asked for privacy but Alec had managed to sneak into the room anyway. He wanted to make sure his little sister was going to be okay; that this stranger wasn’t going to hurt her. 
He watched in awe as a blue glow came out of the young male’s hands, descending down onto his sister. Alec clenched his fists at his sides to stop himself from running over and knocking the male down. His eyes stayed on his sister’s face instead, watching as her face went from the pinched up, painful expression to relaxed. 
“She’s going to be alright.” Magnus said suddenly to the room, causing Alec to jump.
“Can’t you fix everyone?” Alec asked, curiosity more than anything causing him to ask.
Magnus shook his head. “This sickness is peculiar. Our abilities do not always heal those afflicted. We can only guess and try again and again.” 
“But you fixed Izzy, right?” Alec wondered, unable to help himself as he moved closer to her bed. 
“I believe that the queen has acted fast enough. The illness is early in its pursuit and I can remove it.” Magnus looked towards Alec this time, smiling almost shyly at him. “Your sister will be okay.” 
Alec’s face broke out into a large smile as he jumped onto the bed and wrapped his arms around his sister. Izzy began to stir, her arms automatically going around her brother.  Alec hadn’t looked up to see when Magnus had quietly left the room.
“You remember?” Alec asked as he watched Magnus’ face, lost in the past. 
Magnus’ face changed back into a scowl. “If you’re looking for a thank you, you are in the wrong place.” And with that, Magnus looked down, refusing to look at Alec again.
Alec slowly got to his feet and exited the room. He would meet Magnus soon in the ceremonial room. 
Alec sat in the library near the ceremony room as he waited to be summoned. Jace was hovering near the door, his eyes glancing anxiously towards Alec. After he caught him doing it for the 4th time, Alec rolled his eyes.
“I’m not going to fall over.” Alec told his closest friend and confidant. “You can just sit down, you know.” 
Jace huffed before coming over towards Alec to sit across from him. “Today wasn’t a good day for your health. You’re sitting up by sheer will and we both know it.” 
Alec lifted his hand to run it tiredly through his hair. “I’m tired but I feel marginally better.” Once he had entered the library, he had consumed the drink Catarina had made for him.
“The Aligned Ceremony is going to completely exhaust you but you can’t break the hold. The magic they wield can be volatile during the transition.” Jace warned him. 
“Then it’s a good thing our hands will be tied together. I won’t be able to break it by accident.” Alec was nervous about the ceremony and he knew he wasn’t in his best state but he had no  other choice. If he took back his decision, Valentine would waste no time in killing Magnus. 
“I’ll be right there for you.” Jace promised and Alec nodded, thankful for his friend. 
Jace’s parents had been lords of the land in the North. There had been feuding between them and those even further North about some of the land between them. They had gone into battle and had been killed. The land was forfeit to the victor, regardless of Jace having blood right to his family’s land. Jace, 12 years old, was sent to live in the castle with Alec and his family. Alec’s family and the Herondale’s had been friends for a long time with a positive and supportive alliance. When Alec’s parents had died, Jace had still been allowed to remain, but Valentine saw him more as Alec’s personal guard than nearly an equal. Alec swore to Jace that once he held the position of king, he would help start negotiations over Jace’s lands and to return his proper title to him.
“He’s going to hate me for as long as we’re both alive.” Alec sighed, propping up his head with his hand, elbow on the table. 
“Maybe...but maybe not. He doesn’t know your opinion on the king’s rules.” Jace whispered, knowing it wasn’t wise to speak against the king, especially inside the walls of the castle. “He’ll learn to see you for who you are. You’re a good person. Don’t forget that.” 
Alec and Jace glanced towards the door when they heard it opening, watching as Isabelle, accompanied with her Aligned, entered the room.
Already anticipating what was about to happen, Alec turned and opened his arms as a small body ran like a bolt, jumping into his waiting arms. 
Madzie was the youngest Aligned in their city, estimated to be about 7 or 8 years old. Valentine’s men had raided her village and she was captured, having been separated from her family. Alec, Izzy and Jace had been worried about what the king had done to those with magic who were too young; who had yet to understand and control their ability. The king claimed they went to an orphanage that would keep an eye on their powers and get them ready for an Alignment. Alec tasked his personal guards, Andrew Underhill and Raj Nayak to investigate discreetly. They had come back to him within days to inform him that there was no record of an orphanage and no trail of where those children had gone. The hope was that perhaps Magnus Bane and his resistance had intercepted the children but that hope was quickly diminished when a Kakos had been caught; they’d screamed at King Valentine that he’d slaughtered them. So, fortunately, when Madzie was brought before the court, because her powers seemed to be extremely strong for her age, Isabelle had been present. 
King Valentine initially refused Isabelle’s decision to make the young girl, perhaps around 5 years old at the time, her Aligned. It was already a process that was extremely taxing on both parties involved; there was no telling what it would do to someone so young. However, Isabelle insisted. She could not let this child, who in some ways reminded her of her little brother, be sent away. She had her suspicions like Alec had, that something bad happened  to those who  were sent away, even if they had no proof.
Madzie had screamed and cried the entire night. Isabelle had tried to comfort her but, considering she was part of and witness to the pain inflicted on Madzie, she only made her terrified wailing worse. 
Alec, the bleeding heart older brother, gave it a shot. He had gone to the room they’d set up for Madzie to stay with her. She had been afraid of him at first but he had been patient and eventually, she began to warm up to him. Alec had sat on the floor in the room for hours, talking softly to her. He told her about Isabelle and that they would become good friends. He told her that he would make sure she was safe. He told her about Catarina who lived here along with Iris and Lorenzo; that they were like her and would help her too. 
Alec had kept his promise over the years, making sure he had time in his schedule to spend time with Madzie. Often, she preferred to go on walks in the garden with him. She loved the flowers and the fountain that was in the center. 
“Little fish. What are you doing here?” Alec asked her now as she rested against his chest, hands grabbing for one of his larger ones. 
She tilted her head up so she could look at his face; though with the angle, she was mostly just seeing his chin. She reached up, poking him in the cheek until he looked down. She brought his hand into her lap, turning it over until it was palm up. She traced her finger on his palm. 
“I don’t want you to be hurt.” Madzie confessed as she and Alec both watched the pattern she was tracing over and over. The pattern that would be cut into his palm with a blade this evening. 
“I won’t be hurt. I have you to watch out for me, don’t I?” Alec asked her, poking her gently in her ribs with his free hand. She giggled, swatting at the offending hand. 
“Mhm.” She agreed as she looked over at Isabelle. Isabelle gave her an encouraging smile. It had taken time for Madzie to trust Isabelle but with Alec’s help, she finally did; understanding that the woman had saved her. “And then I can help Magnus.” She mused though it was more to herself. 
“He’s going to need you.” Alec agreed. He hoped Magnus wouldn’t be cruel to Madzie but they would just have to wait and see how his transition to a new life would go. 
“I wish we could be there.” Isabelle frowned as she took the seat Jace had previously been occupying. The table they were sat at only had two chairs and Jace was nothing if not polite. 
“Jace will be there. He’ll make sure it goes as well as expected.” Alec reminded her. Traditionally, only the king, the two involved in the ceremony, and the papas would be allowed in the room. Magnus was very strong so Lorenzo would be present to keep him subdued. Due to Alec’s illness, it was for the best that Jace would be there in case Alec became too weak. Alec’s illness was only known to a few trusted individuals in the court. They didn’t want their city to learn of a weakened heir to the throne.
There was a light knock on the door. Those present in the room watched as Andrew poked his head in. “Prince Alexander, it is time.” Once Alec nodded to him, he closed the door. 
As Alec stood up, Isabelle came over to him and gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around his sister,  pressing a gentle kiss into her hair. “I’ll see you soon.” He promised. 
Jace and Alec made it to the ceremonial room, surprised to see that only the papas had arrived thus far. Alec, used to towering over nearly everyone due to his height, was unnerved by the several extra inches the man had on him. He wore a billowing cloak with a hood that  covered everything from the tips of his fingers to the tip of his nose. Alec had seen the man over the years, seemingly only coming out from wherever he resided for these ceremonies. Once Valentine found a way to take the Kakos’ power from them, Alec had tried to ask how it worked but Valentine wouldn’t tell him. He explained that it was a secret laced with a curse and only the papas knew the circumstances. Apart from Valentine, the papas spoke to no other. 
The two of them made it to the far side of the room to keep out of the way. The room was bare. One side of the room held stained glass windows which were letting in what little light was left from the setting sun. A table off to the side held the items that the papas was currently setting up. Alec could see the green cloth that would wrap around their hands and what looked like the metal instrument the papas used to perform the ceremony.  On the floor was the scrawling of the ceremonial circle with candles yet to be lit. 
The pair looked up as the door opened, revealing the king, the anger in his eyes unavoidable. He seemed to glare at Jace and then Alec before forcing a smile on his face. 
“If anything, at least you have finally taken an Aligned for yourself.” the king said to Alec as he walked over, clapping him hard on the back. 
“It does not change my mind on how I feel about it.” Alec responded, knowing he could say it in the small group that was currently assembled. “This tactic, using these people, has proved well with those who support you in the nearby lands but, what of it once your enemies do the same?”
Valentine stared at Alec thoughtfully. “The only way they will be able to do the same is if they have the papas and there’s only one of him. He would not betray us.” The three of them glanced over but the papas did not pay them any mind. 
“You betray your kind by allowing this!” A voice shouted just before guards opened the door. Two more guards held Magnus by either arm as they jostled him through the doorway. Lorenzo,  coming in behind them, had his arms up, continuing the magic he had been using against Magnus earlier. Different from before, however, he was sweating profusely. 
“My king...I am weakened.” Lorenzo bit out as he forced his focus to remain on the struggling Kakos.
The guards pulled Magnus towards the circle on the floor, pushing him down onto his knees. 
“You have done well, Lorenzo. Not much longer. Do not let him escape.” Valentine ordered. “Papas, are you ready?” 
The papas finally turned, the only detail visible on his face was the glowing of his eyes in the candle light. His head turned towards Alec, waiting. 
Jace gave Alec an assuring nod as he walked towards the circle, timidly stepping inside of it. 
With a nod from Valentine, Alec saw in his peripheral as Lorenzo lifted his arms, the yellow magic turning into a darker shade. Magnus cried out as his body was lifted from kneeling to standing, his legs seemingly locked straight. 
The papas came forward, grabbing Magnus’ right hand, turning it until it was palm up. In his other hand he held the metal instrument. It looked like a small rod, something that would be used by the maids to hang cloth material. The edge of the instrument was pointed and currently being pressed into Magnus’ palm. Magnus bit his lip. Alec could only guess it was in an attempt to not show his pain. Alec wanted to look at his palm but he stared at Magnus’ face instead. He could see the anger and sadness behind those eyes. If he knew Magnus more, he would even say maybe there was some fear there too. 
“Prince.” A voice whispered, so quietly, Alec wasn’t sure it was real. Without questioning it, Alec lifted his right hand, palm up. He winced as he felt the metal cut into his palm. He could feel the sting as his blood began to trickle over the cuts and between his fingers. 
The papas moved away briefly so he could grab the silk. Alec could see in Magnus’ face the valiant strain on his body as he continued to try to fight against Lorenzo’s magic. 
“Grasp hands.” The same voice again commanded. It was almost as if the voice was inside of Alec’s head instead of coming from anyone in the room. 
Alec moved his arm between himself and Magnus and, after a last futile attempt to get away, Magnus’ arm was moved until Alec took Magnus’ hand in his. Magnus’ hand clamped tightly onto Alec’s hand painfully. The papas wasted no time as he wrapped the green silk around their joined hands. The silk wrapped round and round until it covered them from both their forearms to their hands. 
The papas lifted his arms to either side, mumbling in a language Alec wasn’t familiar with. The candles around the circle they were standing in all flared to light. Alec felt a pressure fall on his shoulders and could tell that Magnus felt it too. At the same time, Lorenzo fell to the ground, likely having run out of the last of his energy. Alec was only barely aware that Jace, the only one who seemed to care, made his way over towards Lorenzo to check on him.
As the papas spoke and walked around the circle, Alec could feel a burning sensation intensify in his palm, growing slowly up his wrist. Magnus gasped, his hand tightening impossibly more on Alec’s hand. He could feel the stickiness of their joined blood collecting and pooling around the outside of their palms. The cloth was soaking up the blood, quickly beginning to redden the once green silk. 
The papas came closer towards them, his hands grabbing both of them by the backs of their necks. His hand was like ice, causing a shiver to run down Alec’s spine. Alec’s body began to tremble and he could feel through his grasp on Magnus’ hand that he was doing the same.
Another surge of what Alec could only describe as adrenaline spiked through him and he gasped. The gasp, however, was not due to the energy coursing through him as it was to witnessing Magnus’ eyes glow. They went from their brown color to a vibrant gold and then suddenly Alec’s vision was a bright gold. 
Alec tried to stifle down any panic that was threatening to take over as he blinked rapidly, desperate to see anything; even an outline of a body would be enough but it was all gold. It was almost as if he were trying to stare into the sun. 
He felt his legs begin to wobble and weakness begin to settle in his bones. His knees began to buckle and as Alec felt himself falling, he could only think of how much he was going to ruin the ceremony. 
His momentum was suddenly stopped as he felt a hand grab underneath his right arm. Not wanting to fall, Alec reached up, his left hand grasping for purchase; finding a shoulder to hold onto. 
Alec closed his eyes, willing away the dizziness that was threatening to take over. His body was hot all over and he never felt as weak as he did in this moment. 
Blinking quickly once again, Alec was relieved to see that his vision was back to normal. What was strange however, was that he was no longer looking forward to Magnus but up.
He was unaware that he had fallen onto a knee, his other leg bent with his foot planted firmly on the ground still. He was breathing heavily, as was Magnus. Magnus was sweating and Alec wouldn’t be shocked if he was as well. Magnus was bent towards Alec, his hand loosening its hold from underneath Alec’s armpit. Alec, feeling as if his brain was playing catch up, detached his hand from Magnus’ shoulder. When he felt someone keep him from falling over completely, it never occurred to him that it might be Magnus doing it. 
“S-sorry.” Alec managed out, his mouth dry. 
Magnus didn’t say anything. He tried to straighten back up but their hands were still tied, making it difficult to try.
“Jace?” Alec asked, no longer having Jace in his sight. He did see that Lorenzo was sitting in a chair with Valentine standing next to him. 
“Right here.” His voice said softly from behind him. As Jace took a step closer and the papas didn’t react, Jace continued until he was bending down, arms going around Alec’s waist. With a quick move, Alec was standing, albeit, leaning heavily against his friend. Alec let his head drop back, resting it on his friend’s shoulder. It wasn’t very comfortable, considering Alec was taller than Jace but he didn’t care. 
The papas came closer to them, his fingers making quick work of undoing the knot that kept the silk tied around them. He walked over to his table, picking up large shears and cutting the silk in half. He reapproached them, first to Magnus, wrapping the silk around his Aligned hand. He then did the same to Alec. With a slight bow, he left the room without a word. 
Magnus, shaken out of his likely delirium of what had transpired, looked wildly around the room.  He could see guards standing outside of the now ajar door, so running wasn’t an option for escape. He considered jumping through a window, but knew that they were at a higher elevation and it would mean certain death. He glanced at Lorenzo, noting that he was making no move to subdue him anymore. 
“Your tricks can’t work on me.” Magnus growled at Valentine as he lifted his arms. He pulled his magic to the forefront of his mind and shot them forward. 
What should have been blue sparks of magic to hurt Valentine, was only a small sputter of blue that managed to crackle between the middle and forefinger of his left hand. Frowning, Magnus tried again. When he tried for the third time, he glared as he heard Valentine’s chuckle.
“It is done. Prince Alexander now controls your power.” Valentine explained to him. “Guards, take him somewhere more comfortable.” 
The last thing Alec’s blurry eyes could see was Magnus being dragged out of  the room by the guards. 
Magnus was certain he had never felt so exhausted in his entire life. His body felt as if he had sprinted from Idris to Edom and back several times without stopping all the while carrying a sack full of stones.
The bed he was currently lying on was comfortable; the most comfortable thing he’d slept on in years, truth be told. Not that he would ever admit it to anyone in this dreadful castle. 
He had gotten up earlier to see if he could leave the room but the door was locked. There was nothing in here except the bed and what he suspected to be a contraption to use the bathroom. He had seen something similar when he had been resting at a Lord’s home a couple years prior. 
Not wanting to lie down anymore, he managed to maneuver himself to sitting up and leaning against the wall. He stared down at his right hand which was still poorly bandaged with the silk from the night before. He glanced at his left hand, calling forth his magic like he had been able to do since his earliest memory. A small spark flowed out of his palm but dissipated immediately. 
He felt the burn of tears behind his eyes but he refused to let them fall. Even though he was currently alone, he would not take the chance of anyone walking in and seeing his weakness. He wouldn’t let them see that this affected him so deeply. 
There was the sound of metal hitting the metal door and Magnus closed his eyes, turning his head. He wanted nothing to do with anyone here. Hopefully, they would go away when they saw that he had no intention of moving.
“Magnus Bane.” The familiar voice said, followed by the door closing. “I expected to hear word of your demise, not that you’d be in this predicament.” 
Magnus’ eyes shot open as he stared at the woman across from him. He let his eyes study her face. She had aged since he’d last seen her but the warmth hadn’t left her face.
“Catarina.” Magnus whispered, not quite trusting his voice. “Is it really you? I thought…” But he shook his head, unable to speak just what he had thought happened to her. 
“I escaped the fire but I did not make it far.” Catarina explained to him as she placed the bowl she had been carrying down on the bed near Magnus’ thighs. She sat down next to his hip. “I must have passed out shortly after. I woke up in a dungeon here and well…” She raised her right hand, the scar of the Aligned ever present. 
Magnus lunged forward, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, pressing the side of his face against hers. Catarina chuckled softly as she returned the embrace. “It is good to see you again, Filos.” 
“Many winters have passed. How has word never gotten back to me that you’ve been here all  this time?” Magnus asked her curiously once he reluctantly let her go. 
“How many of us do you believe the king has?” Catarina asked him curiously as she reached into the bowl she had brought, pulling out a couple items.
Magnus’ instinct was to tell her that the king had an army of their kind at his disposal. If that were the case, however, he would have known. He would have been planning an escape for them. Surely he, or one of his scouts, would have seen them. 
“There’s the one who used his magic against me yesterday.” Magnus answered, bitterness in his voice. 
“Lorenzo. He is Aligned with the king.” Catarina nodded, reaching over and gently taking Magnus’ right forearm to bring his hand closer to her. 
“I’ve seen him but no one else. Where are the others?” Magnus asked, worry taking the place of bitterness. 
Catarina sighed, a sadness creeping into her facial features. “There are a couple others here. The king disperses those he deems the strongest to his allies to continue this.” She gestured vaguely to Magnus’ wrapped hand. “For those who do not fit his needs, they simply disappear.” They both could assume what that meant. “There are some who he uses as examples for the public. ‘Do not hide and you shall be spared.’ My arse.” 
“How can this kingdom and all the people allow this? It’s madness. It’s a slaughter of hundreds, perhaps thousands.” Magnus asked though it was rhetorical. His train of thought was short lived as the cold air hit his sensitive hand. 
“Lady Clarissa told me what Prince Alexander did. I must remember to thank him the next time I see him.” She said thoughtfully as she carefully dabbed a cloth against his palm, attempting to remove the dried blood smeared all over his hand. 
“The king’s daughter? Is she your…”  Magnus wasn’t sure what to call it. Jailer? 
“Yes. She is kind. She has never asked anything of me, except to help those in need of healing  when my herbs do not work and even then, it is a rarity.” Catarina kept her focus on Magnus’ hand as she cleaned it. “The king doesn’t know.” she added quietly.
“Is this talk meant for you to convince me these people are not monsters?” Magnus scoffed, giving a half-hearted attempt at pulling his hand away. Catarina tightened her hold as if she didn’t notice. 
“No. It is meant for two friends to reconnect. It is for me to tell you that you are not alone here. There are things you do not yet understand, but you will.” Catarina dropped the soiled cloth into  the bowl, pulling out small vials and white strips of cloth. 
“I will never thank him. I wanted death.” Magnus mumbled petulantly. 
“He is a good man with a good heart. I will let you be the one to discover that for yourself.” Catarina answered him as she carefully dropped the clear liquids from her vials onto his hand. Magnus gasped at the pain. “Our natural healing ability will help this. In about a week or two, it will be just a scar.” 
“And a lock without a key.” Magnus sighed.  
“That’s not true.” Catarina told him. Magnus stared at her curiously. “The prince is your key.” 
Magnus nodded, a spark of hope bursting in his chest. Catarina could tell immediately that there was a change in his demeanor. 
“Do not do anything you will come to regret.” She reached over, this time to grab the white cloth and began to wrap it carefully around his hand. “He is the heir to the throne and you are the most scandalous of us all. It is not as though you can just walk right up to him.”
“But I thought that I am now his slave to do with as he pleases.” Magnus said as he rolled his eyes. 
“You will not be treated like that by him. As angry as I have heard you were with him, he will want to gain your trust and everyone around him will have their eyes on you. If you so much as look at him with anger in your heart, the tip of a spear will be in your stomach before you can blink.” Catarina warned him. “Do not ask him to release you as that is beyond his power. It is beyond everyone’s, it seems.”  
“What do you mean?” Magnus asked her curiously, a feeling of dread now replacing the hope. 
“This is not reversible. There was another before Lorenzo. His name was Rufus. He tried to force the king to reverse it. When it was impossible, he tried to use his magic to destroy the castle. He was struck dead by a guard who had carefully made his way close enough to intervene.” Catarina had been called immediately to attempt to revive Rufus but he had been dead before he hit the ground. “Lorenzo, he would be a slave as you call it.” She reached over, placing her hand gently against the side of Magnus’ face. “This is a conversation that is not safe within these walls. Another time, somewhere else, perhaps.” 
Catarina packed up her supplies and stood up. 
Magnus, although still tired, did his best to stand up as well. “Wait! Where are you going?” 
“I must tend to the prince. The door is unlocked as you are in our quarters of the castle. The rooms on this floor are all bedrooms. Go up the spiral staircase to our library. I also use it for my tinctures and medicinal herbs. Down the staircase is the kitchen and where we eat. You’ll find another common room and the door leading to the rest of the castle.” Catarina explained to him. 
“Tend to the prince? You did not go to him first?” Magnus asked curiously. 
Catarina smiled at him as she turned to face him before walking out of the room. “He insisted I see you first.” And with that, she left him with his thoughts.
Isabelle and Clarissa slowed their horses down to a slow trot as they made their way towards the beach. They two went out for rides once a week, always managing to lose their guards as they rode. There were times where they preferred to be alone and not have eyes constantly on them.
“How’s Alec feeling?” Clary, as she was called by her friends, asked. 
Izzy, also a name only those close to her used, sighed. “I’m not sure. Jace didn’t let anyone in to see him.” She had thought to argue with Jace, knowing that her position as sister, and princess, would give her leverage but she didn’t push. If Jace was telling her it was best to leave her brother alone, she would respect his opinion. 
“Catarina told me she was going to be taking care of him today. She’ll get him back on his feet.” Clary told her, trying to soothe the worry that was on her friend’s face.
“I know and I am grateful to her.” Izzy admitted. “It’s just not fair. Why must he go through this ailment? He was having a bad day yesterday. That, on top of having to be part of the ceremony. I’m surprised he managed to walk out of the room at all.”
Both women stopped their horses near the water, taking a moment to themselves to enjoy the view. The sun was high in the cloudless sky. The bright sun glinted off of the miles of water that stretched out in front of them. The weather was warm though there was a slight chill in the air. Soon, the leaves would start changing colors. 
Izzy, having expected Clary to say something more but had yet to, glanced over. She began to frown as she saw the look on her face. “What is it?” 
Clary tried to smile for Izzy’s sake but failed, her eyes beginning to brim with tears. Clary was a tough woman and Izzy knew that, although they were alone, she wouldn’t let them fall. “My father.” She started but paused, the words mulling over in her mind.
“You can tell me.” Izzy encouraged her.
“He has decided I need to marry. And soon.” Clary let her eyes fall down to her hands which were folded on top of the saddle horn.
Izzy looked around, just in case someone had managed to find them. Seeing no one around them, she still lowered her voice. “Does Jace know?” Clary shook her head. “Who is it?” 
“Alec.” Clary whispered. 
Izzy felt the anger already stewing in her gut grow. “What? He….he can’t enforce this. Alec would never agree.” She felt sorry for her friend as well, of course, but she was his daughter; it wasn’t uncommon for daughters to be married off. 
“He’s been campaigning the need for the soon-to-be king to be married and with an heir on the way by the time of his coronation.” Clary sighed, running her hand through her hair to push it out of her face. “He’s been very quiet about it, since we have not heard of this until now.”
Izzy gasped. That was hardly any time at all for this to transpire. 
“I fear if Alec says no, that he will be pulled into a negative favor with those who believe my father is correct. That a proper king would have a queen, especially someone as young as he is.” Clary wasn’t sure when her father would discuss this with Alec but she knew she needed to talk to Jace as soon as possible.
“We will all meet, tonight. Alec and Jace must hear it from us and not from the king. It is the sensible thing to do. The details moving forward, we will figure out.” Izzy told her as she reached over, placing her hand on top of Clary’s and giving it a squeeze.
“What if I have to marry him? What if we cannot escape this fate?” Clary asked, her eyes searching Izzy’s with the hope that she would have the answer.
“You know my brother. He would be good to you. He would be kind and fair. Alec loves Jace, I’m certain he would find a way to make things right. He would not want to take you away from Jace, nor would he want to love someone who could not love him back.” Izzy said as a declaration. There was nothing that could come their way that they could not find a solution to.
“I think in my heart I could love him someday, truly. I love him as he is now, a friend. But I have already given my heart freely and I do not wish to take it back. And…” Clary hesitated this time, unsure how to voice the next part of her thoughts. She knew, however, that Izzy was trusting as she was observant, and she probably already knew. “And there will be no woman that will be given Alec’s heart.”
Izzy froze when Clary made the last statement. If anyone got wind of Alec’s proclivity, he could be hurt. A man loving another man, or a woman loving another woman was not illegal but it was frowned upon. Anyone in the village that may be of that inclination were outcast. She wasn’t sure what would happen to the future king, of all people, to be found out.
“We will figure this out. For your sake and Jace’s and Alec’s. Deal?” Izzy said instead, not wanting to press upon the thoughts of her brother's preferences.  
“Try not to move. I know that is a tall order.” Catarina said, her voice a soothing balm over Alec’s throbbing headache. 
Feeling bad the day before, on top of the ceremony, had taken the last ounce of strength Alec had. He had a fever, his body felt held down by rocks and his head was splintering. 
Catarina had placed a cool cloth over his eyes, giving him some relief from the pain and blocking the light from his now sensitive eyes. His body was trembling as goosebumps pimpled his arms and legs. He kept trying to push the heavy wools off of his body from the heat but would quickly freeze once again. 
Jace hovered by Catarina’s side, ready and willing to assist her in whatever she needed.
“He’s the worst I’ve ever seen him.” Jace admitted, his hands flexing and relaxing on repeat. 
“The ceremony should have been postponed, even if I understand the...urgency.” No one would have been able to hold Magnus down for long. He would have been able to escape with the slightest weakness in Lorenzo’s magic. Lorenzo was depleted the day before as it was; it wouldn’t have been much longer before he would have passed out from exhaustion.
“Alec, can you wiggle the fingers on your left hand?....That’s it….Okay, now the right hand….Good, good.”  Catarina instructed him quietly. She moved down to the end of the bed. Gently, she moved the blankets to the side, revealing his sock feet. She placed her hands on the tops of where his toes were with little pressure. “Alright, now wiggle your toes.” She felt regular movement in his left foot but his right foot barely moved. “Just the right now.” Same result. Catarina kept her voice neutral. “You can stop now.” 
She moved back towards his side. “Jace...could you massage his right foot? The sock can stay on. Focus pressure in the arch of his foot and gently stretch his ankle by bending his foot.” 
“Alec, I’m going to move the blankets aside but not for long. I’m also going to need to lift up your tunic just to your ribs.” Catarina informed him. Alec gave a slight nod in understanding. 
He gasped when the cold air hit his body, his arms moving to cross over his chest as he tried to  stop the worst of the shivering. 
Catarina lifted up his tunic, exposing his stomach. “Alright. We’re almost done and then I will stop prodding you. I’m going to apply pressure on your stomach with my hands. If there is any pain, you must tell me, okay?” She watched as Alec’s face reacted to her explanation. 
“Verbal answer, please.” She said evenly.
“Yes...okay.” Alec managed to get out.
Catarina gently placed one hand on his hip to steady herself, the other resting gently on his left side. Alec made a hissing noise and she paused. 
“Just...cold…” He bit out.
“I’m sorry.” She apologized. Catarina rubbed her hands together, trying to warm them up a little before trying again. She took her time gently applying pressure to various parts of his stomach. Apart from the fact that he was shivering, it didn’t seem to be bothering him. “Okay, almost done.”  
Catarina moved her hand over to his side, just below his ribs. She barely applied the same amount of pressure she had been doing to the rest of his body before he gasped and all but spasmed immediately. “Sorry..sorry.” Apologizing, she moved her fingers against his skin, pressing into a specific spot. Again he had the same reaction, although he was trying to hide it this time. “One more then I promise we’re done.” She moved her hand to his right side, mimicking what she’d just done, unsurprised to see the same result. 
Carefully, Catarina readjusted his tunic and the blankets before sitting beside him once more. Alec reached up, removing the cloth from his eyes which then caused him to blink a few times to focus his vision. There were only a couple candles burning and the sun was high in the sky so the light wasn’t as bad as it would have been in the early morning. “What is it?” Alec asked softly, worry in his eyes even if his voice sounded brave. 
“I’m not sure if this is the main cause of your ailment or a product of it but the pain you felt, that is from your kidneys. Do they hurt you normally? Do you feel uncomfortability in those areas of your body?” Catarina asked him as she gently ran her fingers through his sweaty hair. 
Alec let his eyes close, relaxing into the ministrations. 
After a minute or so of searching his memories, Alec answered her. “I am not sure. Whenever I have a bad day, everything sort of aches. I may not have noticed it before.”  
“It’s okay. This could be a step closer to finding out what’s been troubling you all these years.” Catarina assured him. “We’re going to figure this out, I promise.”
Alec let his eyes open up so he could look at her. “You are one of the kindest souls I’ve ever had the pleasure to know. We don’t deserve you.” 
Catarina smiled down at him. “I knew your parents when I was younger. They were good people and you are a good man. Good people like you don’t deserve to live with this affliction. We’ll sort it out together.” And with that she stood up but not before leaning down and kissing him gently on his forehead. “Now, I want you to drink this blend. It will help you sleep. I will tell the kitchen  to send up some broth with some herbs in it.” 
Alec shook his head. “Jace…”  Before he could finish his request, Jace was already gently lowering his foot and getting up. He stepped out of the room, spoke some words quietly to Alec’s guards and then came back in, reclaiming his spot on the end of the bed and continuing what he was doing. “Underhill is on it, Cat.”
“Continue for another five minutes and then you can stop.” Catarina told Jace who nodded his  acknowledgement. “I’ll see you boys later. Drink that so you can sleep, Alec.” She could tell he wanted to protest but would relent when her voice was stern. 
Alec drank the tea mixture that Catarina had made for him. It was just warm enough that it wasn’t boiling, but he felt the heat move down his throat and settle into his chest.
“You don’t have to do that.” Alec mumbled, his voice already beginning to get thick. He had laid back down, placing the cloth back over his eyes.  
“Catarina’s orders. I’m certainly not going to break them.” Jace answered him, watching as Alec absently picked at the new bandage wrapped around his hand. “I’d rather be on the other end of Valentine’s mood swings before having to face her wrath.” Jace smiled as he managed to get a tired chuckle out of his friend.
“You have a...point.” Alec conceded.
Alec had to admit, the massage felt good but the reasoning of why Jace was doing it troubled him. Why was he barely able to wiggle a toe on that foot? What was wrong with him?
“You’re thinking too loud.” Jace said into the quiet, giving his foot a last squeeze before settling it back onto the bed.
Alec blew out a huff of air, which had been too much, causing him to cough. Jace handed him a glass of water and helped him hold it so he wouldn’t spill it. Once he laid back down, he sighed.  “Do you think I’m dying?”
Jace bit his lip, glad that his friend couldn’t see the sadness on his face. If this were just about  anyone else, he would have lied to make them feel better. But this was Alec. He wouldn’t appreciate it, not with the severity of the question. 
“I don’t know.” Jace admitted as he took a seat in a chair near the bed. “But I believe in Catarina. I believe she will find a way to make you better, or at the very least, make it more bearable.” 
Alec bit his lip even as Jace watched his body sink more into the bed, the obvious tell that the mixture was working. “No one will want a weak king who also has a slave.”  
Jace frowned. “You’re not weak and you don’t truly feel that way. Magnus may be angry now but once he gets to know you, he’ll have to understand.” 
“His people believe this is slavery and it is, in a sense. We’ve taken what’s theirs for our own purposes.” Alec’s voice sounded grieved even as his words started to slightly slur.
“Alec...you don’t believe that. Neither do those around you who care about you and know what you’ll do once you’re king. You’re going to change the world.” Jace knew Alec had heard him by the way his jaw flexed but there was no forthcoming response as his friend drifted off to sleep.
“Are you sure it’s safe for you to be here?” Clary asked quietly as she and Jace made their way through the garden and hedge maze. “Won’t Raj and Andrew grow suspicious that you are not  with Alec?” 
Before Alec had fallen asleep, he had insisted that Jace do the same and get some rest. Jace’s room was only a few doors down the corridor, in the event that there was ever an emergency and Alec needed him.
“It’s just Raj on guard for night duty. He doesn’t ask questions.” Jace said to her with a smile. 
It wasn’t often that the two of them were able to find privacy as it was. They had to resort to sneaking around. In Clary’s case, she had to get away from her private guards. Usually, Izzy was the one that helped manufacture her trickery. Tonight, Clary was suspected to be spending time in Izzy’s chambers, so the girls could pray together. 
“Is everything alright?” Jace asked as Clary tugged his sleeve, urging him to move quicker through the maze. 
“No...I mean yes, it’s just that I have…” Clary was cut off as Jace suddenly pulled her against his chest by her waist with one arm, the opposite hand against her mouth to stop the startled noise that started to come out of her mouth. He pressed them against the side of a large hedge.
Quietly, they listened as guards patrolling the maze quietly made their way past them. It had been close. And if they’d been caught, it would have been difficult to come up with an excuse. 
“That was close.” he whispered against her ear, causing her to shiver. 
“Too close.” Clary agreed, taking a liberty to lean against him and the warmth of his body while they waited until the coast was clear. 
Jace peaked out his head and once he was satisfied, they continued their movement through the maze. There was a spot near the center, off to the right that had a worn patch in it. When they were young, all of them, including Alec and Izzy, would play hide and seek throughout the maze. Clary and Jace would hide together most times and found this spot. You had to get onto your belly to crawl through but on the other side was a completely boxed in space. It was as if whoever designed the maze had forgotten this room. There was a bench underneath an arch of flowers, which was beautiful when in bloom, that they had claimed as theirs. As far as they knew, they were the only ones who knew about it. They had even gone to the highest tower in the castle with a window facing the maze and you couldn’t see it. 
Now that they were older, it was a little more difficult to squeeze their way into their hiding spot since they were taller but they managed. 
Once they settled on their bench, Jace took Clary’s face in both of his hands and leaned over to kiss her softly on her mouth. Clary hummed in contentment as she placed her hands gently on his wrists. They shared lazy kisses for a few minutes, letting their want for one another be at the forefront of their interaction.  
Finally, needing to catch a breath, they parted. Clary grinned at him as he ran his hand through his hair. 
“You never cease to take my breath away.” Jace smiled, leaning over and pecking her on the lips once more.
Clary couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him affectionately. She reached over, gently forcing a stray tuft of his hair back into place. Her smile began to falter and Jace noticed.
“What is it? You can tell me.” Jace said to her as he grabbed her hands, holding them in her lap.
“It’s my father…” Clary began, her eyes falling to their feet on a sigh.
“He’s dying? I shall head the celebratory plans.” Jace was happy to see the corners of her lips  lift up in a small smile at his joke but it didn’t stay.
“No, nothing like that...though I fear my heart might.” Clary looked up at him. “And yours.” 
Jace could feel himself change his demeanor with that statement. “What do you mean? Are we ill? Is there a plague afoot?” 
“Jace…” She admonished half-heartedly. Clary took a deep breath, let it out, then back in and out again. “I’m to be ‘betrothed to Prince Alexander.” She did her best to impersonate the king.
Jace’s hands fell from hers in shock. “He can’t be serious. Can he do that? Truly?”
“He’s the king, Jace. He can do whatever he wants.” Clary sighed, already having decided there was no other choice. 
“Alec wouldn’t want this for you, or for himself or…” For me was left unspoken between the two. “Surely he’ll be able to do something.”
“That’s what I said when I refused but he said that Alec could maybe delay it but that it would look poorly upon him to be an unwed king. My father has already made things difficult in this kingdom and there are whispers against Alec. They don’t really know him except they think that he could do something to stop his cruelty but chooses not to.” Clary explained to him. 
“They don’t understand politics.” Jace stood up so he could pace. “Alec’s hands are tied until he’s king. Then there can be real change, fair change.” 
“Hey.” Clary stood up so she could catch Jace’s hand. He let her, not willing to pull away from her. 
“Let’s talk to Alec. I...I told Izzy earlier and we agreed that the four of us should discuss it but I couldn’t see you beforehand and not tell you. We might...Alec and I may have to play a part for some time and…” Jace watched as Clary’s eyes began to pool with tears. “I can’t do this without you in my corner.” 
Jace pulled her closer so he could put his arms around her. Clary wrapped her own tightly around his torso. “You have me.” 
A week into his confinement in this dreadful castle, Magnus wanted to rip his hair out. 
Everywhere he went, there was a guard, maybe three, following him. They kept their  distance but if he were to take a step in the wrong direction towards the wrong corridor, one of the guards would make a strange whistling noise and another guard would appear out of nowhere to stop him. He could only guess that they were the Royals’ bed chambers and possibly a war room. 
He had tried to find the dungeons out of sheer curiosity but had had no luck thus far. He always found it strange that a castle, a place that represented money and power, would bother using their storage space underneath to allow individuals to rot instead. Surely the smell would find its way up eventually, right? 
He had yet to see Alec and whenever he tried to press Catarina, she would evade him. She was damn good at it too. Often, she would lock herself in the library and no amount of protesting from the other side of the door would allow for Magnus to join her. 
The best interaction to come out of this was with the young Madzie. For the first few days, the young girl would peer around corners and through cracks in doors at him. Whenever he would catch her eye, she would giggle and run away. 
At first, Magnus had been mortified to discover that she had gone through the same ceremony as he and the rest of the Aligned. She was such a small child and apparently, had been even younger when the ceremony had commenced. It filled him with a rage, which, thankfully, Catarina had managed to calm down. She reminded him that Madzie would likely have ended up dead otherwise. 
It was around two days ago when Madzie finally came to his room. He had been sitting at the small table he asked for repeatedly until the guard relented, reading a book. His mind was elsewhere, not so much as focusing on the words as trying to will himself to be distracted by something. 
Madzie walked into the room and right up to him. Not wanting to spook her, Magnus kept his eyes on the book. She stopped when she was only a couple of inches away from him. He could easily have touched her if he wanted. Magnus slowly flipped to the next page in the book. The book was relatively close to his face so after another agonizing minute of her staring at him, he slowly lowered it so he could peer over it at her. She gave a squeak, although it was delighted and not fearful, as she ran and jumped onto his bed. 
“And what is your name?” Magnus asked her curiously as he placed the book down, even though Catarina had previously provided him with her name.
She looked at him shyly, grabbing her bottom lip with her thumb and index finger.
“Is it Lippy?” Magnus asked, earning him a smile. “It is! I’m going to call you Little Lippy. Is that okay?”
Madzie was grinning but shook her head, twisting her whole body to do so. 
“No? Hmmm.” Magnus hummed, tapping the bottom of his chin with a finger. He glanced at the dress she was wearing which had what looked like a type of fish design. “Gilly? I could call you Gilly.” He grinned wider when she giggled. “Can I have a hint?” She shook her head. 
Magnus couldn’t help but think of how cute this little one was. He was burning to ask her where she came from and where her family was but suspected that, not only would she not tell him but it may be a difficult conversation. He didn’t want to make her sad. The thought of hurting this little girl or someone hurting her simmered a fire in his chest. He knew he’d do whatever it took to protect this one from the horrors of the world.
“What about...Madzie?” Magnus asked her as he raised a brow towards her. 
Madzie’s mouth dropped open as if it didn’t occur to her that he would ever get it right. She nodded enthusiastically though her face had questions. 
“I’m just like you Madzie. I know my kind.” He said as he raised his hand. There was a small bandage around his hand though he knew in the next few days he wouldn’t need it anymore. 
She raised her own hand that held the scar, proof of the damage the king had done to her. That he’d done to all of them. One glaring observation Magnus had had up close to Catarina and now Madzie was that the scar was always prominent. It didn’t seem to naturally ever fade. It angered him. He felt the anger rising in himself but he forced it down. He didn’t want Madzie to ever feel afraid of him. 
“You know, I saw some honey biscuits in the larger kitchen this morning. What do you say about going and grabbing some for ourselves?” Magnus asked. He saw the delight in her eyes at the suggestion. She jumped down but not before grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the room. 
Magnus nearly stumbled as they ran around a corner and towards their destination. Madzie was making happy sounds and Magnus couldn’t bring himself to slow them down. 
They left their designated section of the castle and headed towards the main kitchen. Magnus had quickly managed to get the kitchen staff to warm up to him. He still had a way to go but so far they seemed to accept him. They were all slaves in a way in this castle which gave them common ground to start on. 
Although there were judgemental faces towards them and their urgency, no one seemed to care to stop or slow them down. Magnus had to admit that having a child with him helped make people relax around him. 
As they entered the kitchen, Magnus’ eyes widened as he suddenly stopped. He stopped so quickly and with Madzie’s hand still grabbing his caused her to nearly run in the air in place. She glared at him as she looked to see why he had stopped them. She pulled her hand away and searched out the room, the frown quickly changing as her eyes landed on someone different in the kitchen. 
Prince Alexander.
“Madzie!” He greeted her as he heard the door slamming open. His smile faltered slightly as a redness began to tint his cheeks when his eyes fell on Magnus. 
Madzie, oblivious of the tension suddenly filling the room ran to Alec, wrapping her arms around his legs. 
Alec chuckled, forcing his eyes to lower and focus on the young girl. He placed his palm on top of her head, wiggling his fingers and causing her to laugh.
“Are you here for the biscuits too?” Alec asked her curiously as he glanced at the cooks. They rolled their eyes with nothing but fondness as a plate of hot, fresh honey biscuits and butter were plated on the table.
Madzie nodded. “Magnus wants some too.” 
“Then I have interrupted something. I will let you two have your snack.” Alec told her as he began to take a step out of the room. Madzie grabbed his arm, doing her best to pull him back.
“Stay.” She commanded him. He could feel the tension in his guards’ shoulders, even if they knew she cared about him and didn’t understand the proper way to address and speak to a royal.  
“Only if it’s alright with Magnus.” Alec conceded.
Madzie’s large eyes on Magnus caused him to deflate marginally. “It’s alright with me.” he said, though his tone was flat.
Magnus came over towards the two, taking a seat at the furthest seat he could. He reached over to grab a biscuit so he’d have something to focus on. 
“Do you know Magnus?” Madzie asked as she casually made herself comfortable in Alec’s lap. 
Traitor, Magnus thought.
Alec nodded, glancing anxiously towards the male who was pointedly not looking back. “Yeah, we’ve met.” 
“He’s like me!” She sounded delighted and Alec couldn’t help but smile back at her as he helped her put some butter on her biscuit. 
“Magnus, Alec is my big friend. You’ll like him.” Madzie said to him matter-of-factly. 
“You think so?” Magnus asked her, keeping his voice soft even though Alec could hear the barely restrained venom. 
Madzie nodded as she looked up at him. “He’s my friend and you’re my friend so we’ll all be friends together.” 
As Alec went to hand her a cloth to wipe her face, she paused in her movements. She reached down, grasping Alec’s bandaged right hand in her hand that wasn’t holding a biscuit dripping with butter. She looked at his hand and then towards Magnus’ bandaged hand and back. 
She looked at Magnus with wide eyes before tipping her head up to look up at Alec. “You’re best friends!” 
A startled noise erupted from Magnus as he choked on the biscuit he had nearly swallowed before she made her statement. Alec poured a quick glass of water, pushing it closer to the other male who was currently pounding on his chest. 
Magnus grabbed it despite the voice in his head saying he’d rather choke to death than drink the water offered by him, but living seemed to win out.
“Are you alright?” Alec asked gently once Magnus managed to get himself under control. 
Magnus nodded. “I’ll live thanks to you.” Alec ignored the terseness of his voice. 
The three of them ate the biscuits mostly in peace. Madzie would interject here and there about something exciting she had seen in the garden or how she hates the lessons that Catarina was teaching her. Alec and Magnus would comment on it, never speaking over the other or talking to one another. 
Madzie, after eating one too many biscuits (Alec knew better but was unable to deny her), began to get sleepy, her little body resting heavily against Alec’s chest. Alec kept an arm around her side so she wouldn’t tip over. Her small fist kept a tight hold onto the front of his tunic.
“How are you….” Alec searched for the right word, knowing no matter what, it would be the wrong one, “...adjusting?” 
Magnus knew that this would happen eventually; inevitably they would have to have conversations together. It didn’t mean he liked it.
“What’s a prince doing in a lowly kitchen? Surely you have slaves to get you food at your whim.” Magnus asked instead, doing his best to look bored. 
Alec sighed. “I don’t have any slaves, nor are there any slaves here. Everyone that is under this roof earns a wage for their contributions and work. And, to answer your question, I’m fully capable of finding my own food myself.”
“Do they even eat? They’re more like statues.” Magnus inquired, pointing a finger towards Raj and Andrew who stood against the wall behind Alec.
“They eat their plenty.” Alec answered him. “We’ve been over this many times that it’s unnecessary for them to follow me everywhere I go in the castle but they won’t listen to me.” The last part of that statement, Alec allowed his voice to rise slightly. 
“Why are you kind to her?” Magnus asked, this time the question coming out more harshly, albeit quieter as to not wake her.
Alec looked up at him, meeting his eyes and holding them. “She’s a child.” 
“She’s not like you. She’s like me.” Magnus frowned, his voice taking an edge to it. It didn’t go without Magnus’ notice that the guards had taken a step closer.  
Alec did his best to prevent himself from rolling his eyes. “She’s still a child.” 
Magnus scoffed, looking away. He very much wanted to leave the room but he couldn’t bring himself to leave Madzie behind. 
“Look Magnus…” Alec began in the stretching silence.
“Don’t.” Magnus interrupted, holding a hand up.
“I’m not going to ask for your forgiveness, if that’s what you think.” Alec pressed on, especially since it seemed like Magnus wasn’t going to flee from the room. “I’m asking for a chance to prove to you that I’m not as awful as you’ve decided I am.” 
“You made sure a man carved into my palm with a knife. You’ve stolen my essence from me as though it’s something for the taking.” Magnus growled under his breath, doing his best to keep his voice down. “Imagine your arm has been cut off. That is what it feels like.” 
And Magnus, despite the anger stewing inside of him, could see in the look the prince was giving him, that he didn’t fully understand the sacrifice that came for Magnus’ people when they were forced to become Aligned. 
“Being a martyr would have been a waste of your name.” Alec answered him, his eyes still sorrowful but his voice hardening; something Magnus frankly hadn’t expected from this man based on the few interactions with him. 
“And what, do you know of my name?” Magnus asked slowly.
Alec sighed. “Apart from being the man who saved my sister?” he asked rhetorically. “A man who will take the clothes off his back to ensure someone with less will not freeze to death. A name that causes the cruel to pause and run off if he is near. A man who has helped many escape the…” he paused, glancing around the room. “the wrongness that’s plaguing our kingdom. Someone who is so stubborn that they cannot tell the difference between friend and foe anymore.” 
Alec wanted to be happy that he struck Magnus seemingly silent, but he wasn’t. He carefully stood up, arranging Madzie in his arms so he wouldn’t drop her.
“When you’re ready, I’d like to get to know the rest.” Alec said as he paused in the doorway to  turn and look at Magnus. With a small nod of his head, he left the room to take Madzie to hers. 
Magnus continued to sit there, staring at the crumbs on the table from their unexpected shared meal.
Alec forced himself to take a breath, steadying his thoughts and his body into focusing on the task at hand. The bow held taught and firm in his hands. 
The frustration threatened to boil over but he pushed it away. Letting his emotions take control while firing an arrow could not only cause him to miss the target, but it could also cause him to potentially hurt someone. Jonathan stood off to the side, waiting to collect all of the arrows for his friend. He was closer than Alec would have preferred in this state of mind, but his friend knew Alec was a good shot and would never make a mistake. 
Jace had originally wanted to join Alec but he had asked him to be busy somewhere else. Jace  had understood, though Jonathan in his place wasn’t any better. Both of them reminded him of Clary and what the king was commanding him to do. Alec didn’t even know how Jonathan knew where to find him in the first place. His damn conspiratorial friends and family, no doubt.
Releasing the last arrow, it hit the target just to the right of the center. He sighed, flexing his aching fingers. He had lost count of the hours he’d been at it. He only knew that his hands were hurting, and bleeding and Raj had switched out with Andrew at some point. He couldn’t help but  think about their weapons master, Hodge, and how disappointed he’d be that Alec wasn’t wearing protective gear on his hands.
Alec put down his bow as he walked forward to meet Jonathan halfway. 
“Tired yet?” Jonathan asked as he kept a grip on the six arrows.  
Alec shook his head as he reached for the arrows, frowning when Jonathan held them further away. 
“Talking about it might make you feel better.” Jonathan suggested with a lazy shrug.
“Did everyone know I was to be engaged to Clary except me?” Alec asked, his voice holding an accusatory tone. 
“I’m her brother. Besides, father’s not exactly quiet when he is plotting his next scheme. I’m just  uninteresting enough for him to often forget I’m in the room.” Jonathan knew his father expected nothing of him. He had been actively looking for a princess in another kingdom to ship him off to and Jonathan doubted it was for only political reasons. His father’s sun was Clary and Jonathan was nothing but a far away, burned out star.
Alec felt the anger begin to rise, then just as quickly dissipate. He knew it wasn’t fair to his friend to unleash his feelings towards him. It had only been a couple days after Clary had gotten the news for her to tell Alec. He had taken it with a calm demeanor, but he was losing that calmness.  He knew with his position, he’d have to do something like this eventually, but thought his particular situation would be unique. He was the crown prince, he would be able to decide his own fate. He did not believe that Valentine had the power to force this, but apparently he’d been wrong. Valentine had known Clary would give him a warning and had already begun spreading the word. Now, there was to be a royal wedding and how beautiful and perfect the couple would be. If he were to denounce their upcoming nuptials, it could put himself or Clary or both of them in a bad stance. 
He thought he had more time.
He thought he could choose his partner. 
He hoped, quietly and only in his mind, that he’d be able to marry for love with a man.  
“I’m sorry. I just...didn’t expect it to happen like this. At the very least, I suspected he would have had this conversation with me privately first.” Alec was highly offended to get the official word from the king’s mouth only this morning. 
Jonathan reached out, placing his hand on Alec’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “At least you’re not marrying a hag.” he tried, managing to get Alec to at least roll his eyes affectionately.  “Is it not a blessing to marry a friend? Someone you trust already?”
Alec acquiesced. “Clary is a good match but just as you have become like a brother, so has she as a sister.” Nevermind that he wasn’t attracted to any woman in a romantic sense. “You’re right though, I should be grateful, all things considered. I could have been paired with the Princess Aline.”
Jonathan laughed, turning and walking with Alec back towards his bow. “And what is wrong with Princess Aline?”
“Apart from being my cousin?” Alec’s brows rose. “I would fear her temperament would end with some stabbings in various places on my body.” 
Princess Aline Penhollow came from a fierce kingdom to their West. She trained with the guard. She had once won her own hand in an archery contest. 
“Thank you for coming out here, though I imagine you are quite bored now.” Alec assumed as he reached for his bow.
Jonathan caught him by the wrist before he could so much as graze it with his fingers. He came closer, holding Alec’s hand in his. He turned it over, observing his finger tips. He studied his hand quietly until suddenly stabbing Alec with his index finger into the space between his middle and ring finger. Alec immediately pulled his hand away with a petulant ‘Ouch.’
“You’re done for the day.” Jonathan told him as he placed the arrows back into the quiver. When Alec didn’t begin to move, Jonathan groaned. “Your hands are bleeding. Catarina is going to be angry with you.”
“Alright, alright.” Alec agreed, admitting that now that he’d gone a few minutes without being on task, that his hands were beginning to throb. 
“Come...I will fetch someone to get Catarina and another to fetch us some ale.” Alec couldn’t help but smile a little as his friend put his arm around his shoulders as they walked back towards the castle. 
Magnus had been stewing over the last couple days after his run in with the prince. He had wanted to be angry with him and shout at him, perhaps physically assault him, but little of that actually happened. 
Observing the prince of the kingdom, the heir to the throne, willingly let Madzie onto his lap, helping her with her food and taking her to her room was too much. He tried to replay that first day when he had been captured. He had been in immense pain from Lorenzo, who had since done his best to apologize but Magnus had ignored him thus far, and so it had been difficult to focus on the prince at the time.
When he tried, however, he had to admit that the prince, Alexander, his mind supplied, had looked scared. Worried. Scared and worried for Magnus’ wellbeing, nothing more. He had truly wanted to save him. Magnus would not be able to come to terms with forgiveness as far as taking his essence from him, but he relented that he was being unreasonable. 
Sighing and bored, and trying to avoid their kitchen where those maidens tried to get him to be helpful, he was surprised to find that the library door was unlocked for once at this time of day. 
Catarina was sitting at a table on the other side of the room, going through a book, various vials and herbs scattered all around. 
Magnus walked over towards her, observing the table curiously. He reached down, meaning to poke at something green that was beginning to ooze out of its bowl. Catarina, without looking up, slapped his hand away. 
“What is all of this my dear?” Magnus asked, genuinely curious.
“I have an ill patient whose diagnosis has not revealed itself to me yet. It is a mystery.” Catarina answered him as she flipped the page in her book.
“You mean Alexander?” Magnus did his best to school his features at the surprise of allowing himself to use the prince’s name, and not his title only. 
Catarina didn’t say anything but the minute twitch in her face answered for her. Before she could ask him how, he said simply, “Madzie.”
Catarina’s brow furrowed. “How would she know?” 
Magnus shrugged as he took a seat near her. “She told me she was worried about her big pretty friend. She said they were going to play the other day but that he was sleeping all day.” Magnus had mostly put it together but thought maybe it was just a small chill. Nothing serious. Seeing how Catarina’s table was laid out, perhaps it was much more.
Catarina sighed, running her hand tiredly over her forehead. “I’ve known him even before Valentine’s arrival. I helped with the Queen’s birthing of all of her children. Alec was always the healthiest one. You already know how Isabelle came down with her sickness and then there is the youngest…” 
“There’s another one?” Magnus interrupted. 
Smiling, Catarina nodded. “Yes, Maxwell. He was unexpected. He was only two when the king  and queen perished.” 
Magnus looked around, as if expecting a young boy to appear out of thin air. It meant he must be around ten now. 
“He will be arriving in a month or so. He’s been with King Penhallow and their family. They are cousins to the Lightwoods. Alec had sent him away a year ago to learn more about the region, plus, the spring and summer here is tough on him. He has difficulty breathing because of the pollen in the air.” Catarina explained to him. 
Magnus nodded in understanding. He was familiar with individuals who struggled to breathe properly depending on the state of the weather. “And now something has taken hold of the eldest?”
“Sometime after his parents were lost at sea, he came down with an illness. It didn’t last long though. Now...it comes and goes. He becomes weak and feverish. Sometimes it is weeks apart, other times it is months. There is never anything to correlate a rhyme to this reason.” She had worried Isabelle had gotten the same thing when she was young, but she had never been sick like that again. She eyed Magnus curiously.
“Why are you giving me that look?” Magnus asked, shying away from her stare.
“Maybe you could heal him.” Catarina suggested but Magnus was already shaking his head.
“You heal him. Find the one at the end of your leash.” Magnus folded his arms across his chest.
“I’ve tried.” And she had, with Clary beside her, a few times. “I can take his pain from him and help him sleep, but that is all. Lorenzo, with reluctance from the king, has tried too. Bless her, Madzie wants to but it is hard to teach someone so young how to use her essence and find time to pull Isabelle away from her duties.”
“Does every one of them collapse during their...ceremony.” He bit out the last word.
Catarina shook her head. Jace had explained to her what had happened during the ceremony. “No. It is not that invasive on their bodies. It is less straining as you felt and nothing else.” It was  exhausting but Magnus had been able to walk to his room on his own while Jace and one of  those statues that follows Alexander around helped him. 
“Then why should I be able to heal him if you cannot? You’re the better healer.” Magnus had learned from Catarina. She had years on him, literally. Magnus knew it was never polite to ask a woman how old they were, but he would guess she was at least 20 years older than him.
“Because of your lineage…” Catarina started but Magnus held up a hand to stop her as he looked around anxiously.
“Don’t.” He warned her, feeling anxiety wanting to crawl out of him. “You may very well be the only one who knows and I’d prefer to keep it that way.”
Catarina lowered her voice. “If your father knew what’s happened to you, there would be war.”
“He would kill thousands for his pride, not for me. You also know that.” Magnus said quietly, untrusting the walls in this castle. 
“What I mean to say is that you are strong Magnus. I may be a great healer, but so are you based on your strength. Maybe you can help him.” Catarina blinked a few times, seeming to refuse letting tears fall. 
She got up and walked towards the shelves and shelves of books. Magnus was going to follow but she’d moved so fast, he had no idea where she’d gone. He glanced at the book she was reading, trying to make sense of the medical jargon. 
She reappeared, dropping a large brown volume into his lap. He barely caught it before it could do any damage to his most sensitive body parts. 
“Go to the chapter on methods to reverse organ damage.” Catarina instructed him. His brows rose questioningly but she didn’t explain. He could see the tension in her body as she studiously tried to get back to her reading. 
Magnus reached over to place his hand on top of Catarina’s. “You truly care for this man.” It wasn’t a question.
“He needs to survive this.” 
Magnus bent over the book, starting to read.
“Should I be offended you’ve started without me?” Jace chastised as he walked into the North library, seeing Alec and Jonathan sprawled on the floor in front of the fire, empty bottles of ale around them. 
He had spent most of the day training with some of the guards. He was angry and heartbroken  by this turn of events and there was nothing like the adrenaline of training to help cope.
He and Clary had a plan. They would wait, for as long as it took, for Jace to reclaim his lands. And then he was going to marry Clary.  Alec was going to do that ashis second order of business: the first being the removal of the discrimination, arresting and aligning of the Kakos. Once settled, he would bargain for Jace to reclaim his rightful title and his lands. 
He didn’t care that she was the daughter of a tyrant. He would take her as far away from him as possible so they could be free. He was excited for the day that he would be able to properly share their love out loud. He had loved her since he first met her.
Alec was leaning his back against a chair, his neck bent so he was facing towards the ceiling, his eyes closed. Jonathan was lying on his back on the floor close to the fire; a couple pillows propping him up to face Alec. 
“We wouldn’t have started without you if you were here.” Jonathan responded as he lifted up his head, puckering his lips as he tried to reach the goblet in his hand.
Jace rolled his eyes as he knelt down by Alec. He looked like he was sweating slightly which Jace doubted had anything to do with the fire nearby. He plopped his hand on Alec’s forehead, not caring if it was a little harder than intended. Alec made a half-hearted attempt at swiping his hand away but the alcohol was dragging him down too much. 
“At least you two had sense enough to drink in a semi private setting.” He sighed, leaning down to get his arm underneath Alec’s shoulders and around his waist. “Come on, you’re going to have to help me out a little bit.”
Alec giggled as he got to his feet when Jace pulled, the sound pleasant even if Jace was a little annoyed with him. He didn’t care if Alec wanted to let loose every now and then, which he never did, but he knew how much he needed to take care of his body. 
“Underhill, can you help Jonathan to his chambers?” Jace asked as he ushered Alec out of the library and towards his room.
“You’re angry with me.” Alec slurred, his head rolling a moment before he righted himself. 
Jace ignored him, instead focusing on getting them to their destination. Raj had run ahead, and thankfully was opening the door to the room by the time Jace and Alec had moved up the flight of stairs and rounded the corner.
He stops when they’re standing next to the bed. Jace lets him go so he can grab the pitcher of water to get him a glass. 
Without Jace holding him up, Alec tilted, falling onto his bed. He lands on his back, his legs bent at the knee over the side of the bed.
Jace walks over, pulling Alec up by his shoulder and thrusts the glass into one of his hands. Alec spills some of it down his chin and the front of his shirt, but otherwise manages. 
Jace sits down next to him, near his head. “I’m not mad at you.” 
“You seem like it.” Alec mumbled as he let himself lie back down.
“You’re the one who sent me away earlier.” Jace reminds him gently. 
Alec huffed. “You’re right.” 
Jace reached over, placing his hand on Alec’s chest. “I know that you do not want this anymore than Clary or I do. And I know that you will be kind to her. It will be bearable because it is you.” 
Alec, feeling clarity in his mind among the haze of alcohol, forced himself to sit up. He adjusted so he was partially facing Jace. He leaned forward, resting his forehead on Jace’s shoulder. Alec wasn’t typically one to show much physical affection but Jace would attribute it to Alec’s inebriated state. 
“We may have to…” Alec cleared his throat, not wanting to say it.
“I know. You do not have to say it.” Jace said as he brought his hand up so he could run it comfortingly through Alec’s hair. “You will be gentle with her and she will be gentle with you.”
“It does not feel right.” Alec mumbled, his voice getting heavy with the exhaustion that was no doubt beginning to befall his body.
“That’s because you’re a good person and it’s not right.” He let them sit in silence for a few minutes as the tension bled out of Alec. “Now, is getting drunk going to be a regular occurrence we should worry about?” 
Alec shook his head, which had been a bad idea as his head slipped off of Jace’s shoulder and his body toppled behind Jace against his back. Although their conversation had been somber,  both of them burst into laughter.
“No...this will not become a habit. I know I should not push myself.” He admitted with a tired sigh once he recovered from laughter, flopping over onto his back, his dirty boots on top of his pillow.
Jace got up only so he could unlace his friends’ boots and remove them. Moving his friend, however, was out of the cards. Alec could sleep like this just fine for the night.
“Alright, get some sleep. I’m going to have a word with Jonathan in the morning, preferably too early for his liking.” Jace informed his friend as he began to leave the room. “Sleep well, my friend.”
Alec’s light snoring answered him.
Magnus was happily asleep in his room when someone was suddenly shaking his shoulder. Out of habit, he stretched his arm out, as if to shoo the person away from him with his magic, his half-awake brain not catching up to the present. 
Raj stood over him, hand on the hilt of his sword. For a moment, Magnus thought he was there to kill him, only to realize that he was simply reacting to Magnus’ attempt to attack. Magnus dropped his hand, a small part of him relieved he hadn’t just sent one of Alexander’s personal guards through the wall. He rubbed his hands over his face, trying to rub the sleepiness from his brain.
“May I ask why you are in my room at this godforsaken hour?” Magnus asked, trying to keep his voice neutral but knowing he wasn’t doing the best at it either. Apart from being stoic and always around Alexander, the man didn’t seem to be someone who would wake up Magnus only to murder him.
“Prince Alexander has requested your accompaniment this morning.” Raj answered him as he straightened up, hand relaxing and leaving the hilt, to Magnus’ relief. Being defenseless was not something he was used to. 
Magnus waited for him to explain further but the male instead gave him a quick bow of the head and left the room.
Yawning, Magnus got out of bed, willing himself to wakefulness. His eyes lazily looked around the room, doing a double take towards the table. On top of it was a large brown box with a cloth draped over it.
Walking over towards it, Magnus timidly reached over, jabbing at it with his finger before leaping back, just in case. What he was leaping away from, he couldn’t tell you as he didn’t know himself. 
When nothing jumped out at him or exploded, Magnus crossed the distance from the box, carefully pulling away the cloth. Inside the box, nicely folded, was a heavy, dark violet material. Magnus grabbed the item with two hands as he lifted it up just above his shoulders, letting it unfold. He was left holding a lovely cloak. It was made of a soft cotton that Magnus knew would signify rich stature. It appeared like a commoner’s garment, unless it was touched by someone. 
A piece of a parchment Magnus hadn’t noticed when he pulled it out, floated to the ground. Magnus knelt, turning it over. “Bring this with you. - Alec.” It read in an impressive script. 
Uncertain if he should be offended or not, Magnus went through his morning routine to get  ready for the day a little quicker than normal; assuming that this was not a ‘take your time’ moment. A part of him wanted to tell Raj, who he knew was casually waiting in the hall for him, to tell Alexander he wasn’t interested. He quickly chastised himself for that thought. Alexander had tried to make peace in the kitchen a few days prior, the least he could do was try too. After spending a few nights with Catarina, going over her notes and books, he couldn’t help but feel  sorry for the male. He was too young and seemingly too healthy to be dealing with this mysterious ailment. 
Getting dressed and after lacing his boots, Magnus manhandled the large cloak until it rested over his shoulders. It was comfortable. Warm but not overbearing. It would be most ideal for the cooler weather that was to come, possibly even enough for when the snow came down on them. 
Raj began walking in a gesture for Magnus to follow him. He wasn’t sure what direction they were going towards, only that they went past the front entrance and down a corridor Magnus had yet to explore. 
Staring at Raj’s back, Magnus noticed something his sleep addled brain had missed previously. “If you don’t mind me asking, Statue Number 2…”
“Why am I Number 2?” Raj cut him off as he turned his head so he could look at Magnus. 
“Because Statue Number 1 smiled at me.” Magnus answered as if it were obvious.
“Raj, if you please.” He mumbled, a gentleness masking the irritation in his voice. 
“As I was saying, Number 2…” Magnus couldn’t see his face but he assumed the male simply rolled his eyes. Magnus smirked. “Why are you not dressed in your usual drab attire? Aren’t you supposed to wear many pieces of various metals?”
Raj was dressed in a simple black tunic, with black pants and boots. He completed the outfit with a gray tunic, similar in design to the one Magnus was wearing. 
“It is so I do not stand out.” Magnus had to admit, he was surprised to get an answer out of him and grimaced to himself at that thought. There was nothing inherently menacing about Raj, except when he was in a protective mode around Alexander. He had a kind face with an intensity in his gaze that said not to underestimate him. 
“And where, pray tell, are we going?” Magnus tried, hopeful to get an answer. 
Raj took a breath as though he was going to tell him but seemed to decide against it. 
Okay then. 
Raj led him through a smaller corridor that brought them to a wall with a huge statue of which Magnus could only assume, was that of the late Lightwoods. Robert looked kind while Maryse looked fierce. The woman was strong, Magnus remembered that much.
“Is this a history lesson we’re about?” Magnus doubted it, but he found he preferred filling the silence than just standing there.
After looking around them, Raj reached behind the statue, grabbing something Magnus couldn’t see. He heard a crunching sound, like stone rubbing tiredly against stone. He watched in awe as the wall slid away, revealing what seemed to be a tunnel. Magnus couldn’t help but feel anxiety start to claw at his chest. Was this a trick?
Raj reached for a torch that was already lit inside and began to enter, pausing when he realized Magnus hadn’t followed so he could close the door. “Coming?” 
Magnus did his best to school his features, raising his chin. “Is this to be my execution?” 
The look on Raj’s face was one of such stupor, with what looked to be slight sadness, that Magnus felt guilty for putting it there. Either he genuinely didn’t like what Magnus said or he was  a very, very good actor and could consider another career if he preferred.
“Sir Bane, the prince is not permitted to leave the castle grounds without the authority from the king. Although King Valentine would likely allow it, depending on where the prince would like to go, this is one place he’s unable to visit as he wishes.” Raj explained to him. “This is one secret of the castle the king does not know of, and now a secret the prince wishes to share with you.” 
He paused, considering. “I suppose one could say it would even be a perfect escape in the night, if you so wished.” He grinned, cheekily. “And if you could lose your tail.” 
There was usually only one guard that shadowed Magnus wherever he went nowadays, unless he was in his section of the castle with the rest of his kind. Or, in an event that Raj or Andrew were there instead which explained why the one didn’t follow them as they left Magnus’ chambers.
“If you don’t kill me, I’ll consider a name change for you.” Magnus conceded. He walked towards Raj and into the dark tunnel, passing Raj. Once the other male closed the door, Magnus could barely see anything in front of him. 
“Here. It’s a straight shot.” Raj said as he carefully handled over the torch.
The heat from the fire calmed Magnus as he timidly, at first, took one step after the other towards their destination. 
They walked in companionable silence as they made their way further and further through the tunnel. It was claustrophobic, though with Magnus enabled to walk first, it didn’t seem to bother him as much. If he had been following, the cool air and musty smell would have gotten to him. He would have let his fingers trail along the old stones that precariously kept them from being crushed by the Earth. He could hear the sound of scurrying around them, glad that whatever it may be, rats likely, were minding their own business.  
As they began to approach what appeared to be a door, Magnus could see a small stream of light filtering out of a crack near the top. He moved the torch lower to find the handle, and once he did, he turned it and gave the door a hard shove.
It opened with some trouble as Magnus stepped out into a wooded area. Just a few feet in front of them were two figures facing away from them. One of them wore a cloak that matched Raj’s while the other cloak wearer wore dark brown. Magnus held out the torch for Raj to take as he gestured for it so he could put it out.
The two turned to face them, though Magnus had already assumed whose faces would be revealed: Alexander and Andrew.
“Prince Alexander…Statue Number One.” Magnus greeted them. Alec gave him a smile and a nod while Andrew scrunched his brow in confusion, his eyes glancing questioningly at Raj before back to Magnus, nodding as well. 
“You smiled at him first.” Raj answered his colleague. Andrew continued to look slightly confused but he didn’t press further.
“Thank you for coming, and please, just Alec...or Alexander.” Alec waved his arm for Magnus to start walking, Alec beside him. The other two dropping to walk together several paces behind them.
“Did I have a choice?” Magnus asked him curiously as he inhaled deeply. He had been in the garden briefly but otherwise, had been stuck inside the castle thus far. It was refreshing to smell the clean air, the grass, the flowers. 
Alec didn’t react to the slight dig, though Magnus suspected he wanted to make a retort of some kind. “Raj knew if you did not want to leave, you did not have to.”
“I admit, it was my curiosity that won out.” And the chance of the freedom he once had. 
Alec smiled. “As you may have noticed, if Raj did not explain, I am not exactly permitted to leave unbidden from the castle.” Magnus nodded. “I am not blind, nor am I deaf. I know that Valentine is not a good leader. I know that he is hurting our kingdom. I see it on their faces when they have to pay taxes that are too high. I see the weariness and the contained anger.”
“If you know, why do you not stop him?” Magnus looked at his profile curiously. He found that he did not like when Alec’s face twisted into one of sadness and frustration. Similar to that first conversation they had had before the ceremony. 
“I don’t yet have the power to change it and challenging him in front of others would show a crack in our rule. For as long as Valentine believes I am complicit and unaware of what he is doing, the better chance I have to strip him of everything once I take my place.” Alec explained to him, causing him to stop walking.
Alec had made it three steps further before he stopped and turned to face Magnus.
“You barely know me. Why are you telling me this?” Magnus inquired, his voice sounding defensive. 
Alec took a step closer to him. “I’m telling you because the only person I’ve ever hurt in my life is you and there’s nothing I can do to take that back. I was selfish and I did not allow you to choose what you wanted, even if it were to mean your death. We are now united against your will and once I can change the law, I don’t know if there is a way to reverse this.” He lifted his hand that showed the healing scar on his palm. Magnus’ looked as if it were months old, instead of nearly a month thanks to his natural healing ability.  
“Alexander…” Magnus began but Alec shook his head, one of his hands moving up through his hair in what Magnus observed to be a nervous tick. 
“And I am being selfish now.” Alec admitted. “I want to earn your trust and I will do my best to try. You now have an escape from the castle. Even if someone followed you and discovered our secret…” He glanced towards his two guards before back to Magnus. “You would at least be able to get away before anyone could properly follow you.” He sighed and Magnus held his breath, waiting for Alec to reveal to him why he feels selfish now. “If you and I can come to some sort of feeling of respect, perhaps even friendship, then we’ll be able to change the law. For the better, for everyone.”
Magnus folded his arms across his chest. “You want me to stand beside you when you talk to my people?” 
Alec let his eyes drop to the ground as he nodded his head. “Yes. If the Kakos can trust me then..”
“Kalos!” Magnus shouted in a burst of anger, causing Alec to flinch and for Raj and Andrew to suddenly come into Magnus’ peripheral. Alec held up a hand to stop them from whatever defense they were ready to do.
Alec looked at him in confusion, not fear of the outburst. 
“We are Kalos, not Kakos.” Magnus grit his teeth even as he felt the anger well up. “Once Valentine arrived, long ago, this new word, a cruel twist of our name, began to float throughout the villages. I’m only a few years older than you, so I was still a boy, when the word was spit at me from a man tending to his chickens. He was afraid of me and threw a glass bottle at me. I did not understand, for just two days before, I had come to his home to fix his broken door.” He sighed through his nose. “Valentine wanted anyone who was not like him to be feared, not an equal. With the change of a single letter, he began to poison the minds of commoners.” 
Magnus watched Alec’s face drop as he told him his story. He could see the sorrow, and the blame, in his eyes. 
“It is not your fault. You were young and Valentine hid it for many years from your parents. The word outgrew our original name. No one cared to remember it.” 
“What does it mean?” Alec asked softly.
“Kakos?” Magnus watched as Alec nodded. “Evil.” 
Alec’s eyes grew as large as saucers when he uttered the second word. “Magnus, I...I don’t know what to say.” Alec admitted. “I didn’t know.”
“Many do not, not entirely.” Magnus walked closer to Alec, surprised to see that Raj and Andrew did not also step closer. He studied Alec’s face, as much as he could considering the male was looking towards the ground.
Tentatively, Magnus reached forward, curling his fingers. He gently placed his hand underneath Alec’s chin, nudging it with the knuckle of his index finger to encourage him to lift his head. When Alec did, Magnus dropped his arm. “If you want to fix what Valentine has done, then calling us by our true name is a start.” 
Magnus watched, with delight although he would not admit to it, as a faint blush began to spread onto Alec’s cheeks. 
Alec nodded. “I will, I promise.” 
Magnus was unsure if he meant his promise to be about fixing things or simply calling them by their true name, but he didn’t push. Alexander was trying and that was worth more weight than gold.
“Now...what are we doing here?” Magnus asked, wanting to change the topic about as much as it seemed Alec did too.
Alec took a breath before moving aside so Magnus could join him to continue to walk side by side. 
“Once I am king, Valentine will resume his role as my advisor…” Alec began.
“And you want to remove him?” Magnus assumed and was rewarded with Alec nodding his head.
“I need to have proof, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is hurting our kingdom. I believe that once I speak out against him, there will be little outrage from the kingdom as a whole, but there are those who are reaping  the benefits of the unfair treatment of all of our people. There will be others in higher ranking positions who would also disagree with his removal. I need to take them out with Valentine.” Alec finished with his explanation, pausing his stride. Magnus paused too. He could hear clearly the sound of the village nearby. 
“We are here to observe something nefarious, aren’t we?” Magnus didn’t really expect an answer, this was clearly what they were doing. He still had to wrap his mind around the fact that Alec was willing to trust him this much. He would be thinking about it for a while over the course of unknown days. He wasn’t completely ignorant though; Alec gave him something he could use against him if he chose. He was giving Magnus that bit of power that he no longer possessed. 
Alec reached up so he could pull his hood over his head, securing it with a button near his neck as he did so. The hood fell just above Alec’s eyes, hiding his features from prying eyes. Everyone in the kingdom knew what the Lightwoods looked like and if he were to be honest with himself, many people knew Magnus’ face as well. He mimicked the movement, making sure to cover his face as well. He glanced behind them only to realize their shadows were gone.
“They’ll be close by, if there is a need for help.” Alec told him, knowing Raj and Andrew were great at blending in when they needed to. 
Magnus followed Alec outside of the cover of trees and onto a dirt path. He was familiar with this area. It was well outside of the castle walls. This would be one of the less fortunate villages, hidden from the busy road leading towards the city. This village would not be seen by passing merchants or travelers. They could almost live here on their own, peacefully, if it were not for the bi-yearly census. Valentine made sure there was not one person living here rent free. 
“Why here?” Magnus asked as he stepped closer to Alec for him to better hear him; their shoulders bumping together every few steps.  
“It is on good authority that Dieudonne has been making weekly visits to some of the smaller villages, who also just happen to be on a list of those who have struggled to pay their taxes.” Alec told him softly. 
“Pretty soon, that shall be the entirety of this kingdom.” Magnus couldn't help but mutter.
He knew that bothered Alec, but he wasn’t going to harass him about something he was already intimately aware of. 
“So what is the Master of Coin doing here so very often?” It was rhetorical and Magnus was glad that Alec knew it as well.  
“Whatever we see, we can only observe.” Alec explained, stopping a moment and grabbing Magnus’ arm so he would do the same. “I trust you to do this with me. We can’t jeopardize what this could help us with for the future.” 
Magnus’ gut reaction was to disagree but he knew that Alec was right. If they were caught, Magnus would certainly be punished and Alec would draw suspicion upon himself. If Alec were true to his word, and he meant it that he wanted to change things, he had to respect that.
They continued their walk, taking a sudden left that, if not for the vegetation weakened to grow where people had walked repeatedly over and over, would have been missed otherwise. In a clearing was the bustling of this small village. 
The village here only had five homes, made mostly of mud and branches of trees haphazardly tied on top of one another. Nearby, there was a field full of tomatoes which were the main income for them. They were getting closer to the cold seasons and had been doing their best to stock up for the rest of the year. Alec knew that one of the shacks was used just for that, and typically had someone guarding it at all times. If someone were to destroy or steal their stock, these families would likely parish. 
Three children sprinted by, laughing and screaming as they twirled effortlessly to avoid colliding with Magnus and Alec. Magnus couldn’t help but smile. To be a child again, ignorant of their surroundings. Ignorant of the horrors of the world.
There were two women working on what looked to be a small mountain of clothing to wash. The women themselves covered in dirt as they took turns beating at the clothes before trying to make space on their lines to hang them to dry. Magnus watched as their fingerprints remained. 
“This is awful.” Alec said quietly, his eyes darting in every direction, committing everything to memory.
“You should see the remains of where the Kalos live.” Magnus murmured.
Alec looked at him softly, guilt rising more in those honest, and if Magnus himself were being honest, stunning eyes of his.
“When the time comes to change things, you will see for yourself, as you free them from their misery.” Magnus couldn’t bear to show Alec where he could find his people, where the male could betray him and cause more pain. Not yet. Not until he knew without a doubt that Alec meant everything he had said thus far.
Alec nodded, though both of them froze as they heard the sound of hooves growing louder in the distance. 
“Over there.” Alec pointed, showing a small stall that seemed to be selling flowers. On closer inspection, they more so resembled weeds. They both hunched over, pretending to be interested, as three horses trotted by. 
Glancing casually to the side, Alec observed two of the castle guards, one in the lead and the other in the rear, with Dieudonne in the middle. Alec had had conversations with the man over the years, which was expected for the heir to the throne to learn from his elders, but he didn’t trust him. He seemed competent in his position but there was something about his character that felt wrong. When there was a smile on his lips, there was nothing in his eyes. 
The horses stopped short of the last shack. One of the guards got down, holding his arms up as if ready to catch a child in their arms. Alec held back the scoff in his throat as Dieudonne used the man to get him down. 
After a quick conversation that neither Alec nor Magnus could hear, Dieudonne nodded and the other guard went into the shack. There was a feminine scream and deeper voiced shout of protest. 
The guard reappeared, his hand wrapped tightly around a woman’s wrist, a man, likely the woman’s husband, on their heels. 
“Please, please. We gave you everything we had.” The man is pleading as he tries to reach for his wife. The other guard steps forward, hand on the hilt of his sword in warning.  
“And it was not enough.” Dieudonne answers him. The man, shocked to see the Master of Coin there, anxiously bows at him but his eyes never leave his wife. 
“Give me another day, I...I can get the rest.” The man bargained, aborting a step towards his wife as the sword was partially unsheathed.  
“If I were to give you another day, word would spread and that simply would not do. King Valentine will not be governed by the very ones he controls.”  Dieudonne rubbed his hand over his chin. “But your wife, she can pay me what you owe.” 
The wife and the husband looked at one another. The man was shaking his head while the woman’s eyes teared as she resolved to help them out of this situation.  
“Ah, so we have an agreement, well done. It would do you no good to force my hand to arrest you and thus grow your debt with the amount of food we would then need to use to feed you.” Dieudonne snapped his fingers and the guard holding the wife jerked his arm, tossing her to the ground.
“Please, not here.” The man looked around, seeing that those in their village were watching warily from the front of their homes.
“This is to remind everyone to pay on time.” 
Alec took a step towards them and Magnus grabbed his arm, holding him in place. He leaned  carefully closer, his chin on Alec’s shoulder, his lips pressing against the cloth over Alec’s ear. “Don’t. Do not be seen, remember?” 
He felt Alec let some of the tension bleed out of him after a minute, Magnus reluctantly removing his hand from Alec’s bicep. Magnus himself wanted to put a stop to this.
Both guards were now over the woman, the sack that had been a poor excuse for clothing, tossed to the side. One of the guards was pushing his pants down while the other one was knelt down, rough hands grabbing her breasts.  
They only watched for another minute, when there was proof of penetration, before they carefully took their leave without being noticed. 
As soon as they were beyond the trees, Alec turned and punched a tree trunk, cursing at the instant pain that shot up his arm.
“I knew, I knew, he was harassing our people but not like this…” Alec turned his face away from Magnus, scrubbing at his face with his sleeve. “I thought perhaps he was roughing them up, maybe taking more material possessions but…” He couldn’t say it. 
“Do you know them? The guards?” Magnus asked gently.
Alec nodded. “I do not know their names for certain, but I will. They will pay for their actions.”  He could see it on their faces, there was no remorse there. There was no fear of repercussions from Dieudonne. They wanted to be there. They did not flinch. Alec felt his knees go weak as he sank to the ground. They were close enough that they could hear the man crying and the sound of skin against skin. “They’ve done this before.”  
Magnus knelt down, bending his knees so he was level with Alec. “Men like them crave power because it allows them to get away with the unthinkable. That is why this world needs someone like you who is willing to stand up against them.”
Alec let his eyes lift to look into Magnus’. The kindness he saw in the other male’s eyes towards him caused his breath to stutter. 
“Come...we are not far from a better place.” Magnus said as he started to stand back up, hoping to encourage Alec to do the same. 
Alec gave himself a moment to get his emotions sorted before he too got back to his feet. Hearing a rustling sound, Alec glanced over to see Raj and Andrew reappearing, both faces grim with what they had also seen. 
They went back to the first road they had been walking along, going back towards the castle before taking a turn into the forest. Alec stumbled over a log and only Magnus’ arm shooting out to catch him prevented him from falling on his face. 
“Where are we going?” Alec asked him curiously, his eyes focused on the ground so he wouldn’t trip over any other stumps or twigs or even animals.  
“To a beautiful secret.” Magnus answered him, holding a large branch above his head as he ducked through, keeping hold of it for Alec. He even chose to hold it until Raj could grab it. 
Magnus was nervous to show him this place, but seeing the sorrow on his face compelled him to want to make the male smile.
They came to a clearing, showing them the side of a cliff, a river streaming lazily to the left and bushes with thorns to the right.
“This looks like a good place to set a trap.” Raj commented as the two guards came into the clearing with them. Andrew was glancing around, his expression guarded as he took in anything that could be a threat.
“If it were a trap, Number Two, I would have made sure we lost you first.” Magnus retorted without looking at him. He had walked up to the side of the cliff, placing his hands on holds in the rock.
“Are you able?” Magnus nodded his head up. 
Alec came closer, his head tilting up, the hood of the cloak dropping onto his shoulders. His eyes scanned the wall. At first glance, it was impossible to see but now, as he really looked, he could see a path to climb. There were hundreds of holds, stretches of wall where feet could comfortably rest. 
“More than.” Alec grinned, reaching up next to Magnus, and without waiting for him, hoisted himself up. 
Magnus laughed as he began to follow him. 
“My Prince, I am not sure this is the safest route for you.” Raj protested from the ground, scowling at Andrew who began to climb.
Magnus paused, hanging by only the fingers of his right hand. “Scared?” Magnus wagged his brows playfully at Raj.
Andrew and Alec chuckled hearing him. Raj said something under his breath with profanity as he followed the three.
It wasn’t as difficult a climb as it may have seemed. There were indeed many places to grab hold of, meaning very little strain on arms alone. They could pause when they needed though each man was more than capable of some physical strain. 
Halfway up, Magnus encouraged them to go towards the left, where the rock face turned to the next side. “Now..careful on the turn, but you will see where you need to go.”
Alec nodded, stretching his neck to look around the corner. He smiled, relief on his face. He brought himself up another two feet and then disappeared around the corner.
Andrew, closest to Alec, was quick to follow him with Magnus and then Raj coming around. 
On the other side was a grassy path carved into the wall. It wasn’t very wide, but it was enough for a grown man to walk comfortably. It curved up but not at a difficult incline. 
Magnus watched as Alec did his best to catch his breath, obviously trying to hide the strain on his body from the others. Andrew looked at him with concern, as did Raj.
Magnus let himself gasp, hand against his chest as he leaned against the wall. “It has been many moons since I have last climbed. I forget that I am not a child anymore with boundless energy.” 
Alec gave him an odd look, his eyes looking him over as if searching for something but there was a tilt to the corners of his mouth. 
“It was invigorating. Once I turned sixteen, I was no longer permitted to climb a tree for fear I may fall and break my neck.” Alec said once his breath was back to normal.  
“I once fell from a balcony.” Magnus confessed before he could stop himself. By his abruptness of sucking in air, it wasn’t missed by Alec.
“A balcony? Where were you falling from?” Alec asked, his question of pure curiosity rather than accusal. 
“Oh, just a simple home of a rancher in another kingdom. You know my name, but you may not know of my travels.” Magnus explained, fingers reaching for a jewel in his ear, though he dropped his arm when he remembered he no longer wore that item. 
Alec seemed like he wanted to ask more but he didn’t. “After you.” 
Magnus nodded, his eyes looking at Alec as he tried to find the safest way to move around Alec.
“Erm…” Alec noised, realizing the predicament. He turned, flatting his back against the wall and reaching up with one arm, his fingers grasping a hold to keep him still. Andrew moved closer to Alec, his hand wrapping securely around the same arm’s wrist. Magnus moved carefully, his chest facing towards the wall as he began to sidestep. 
“Wait..” Raj’s voice rang out, managing to startle Magnus. 
He felt an aborted gasp start out of his mouth as he leaned too far back, his center of gravity slipping. 
Alec and Raj both reach out at the same time, grabbing him by the front of his cloak and pulling him forward. Magnus’ body collides with Alec’s front, their noses centimeters from the others’. Magnus’ hands are holding onto Alec’s waist in his blind purchase to keep him from falling.
They fall out of their stupor, Alec giving him a small smile. Magnus turned his head, glaring at Raj. “Now you’re never going to be Number One.”
Carefully, Magnus sidestepped Alec, letting him go and straightening his back as he led them the rest of the way.
They came to the top of a cliff, tall from their vantage point but not enough to be seen from the castle. There were other sides of the cliff around them though not ones they’d be able to reach. There were small streams of water breaking them up. 
Hearing a splash of water, Magnus smiled. “Just over here.” 
Magnus walked over towards the ledge and took a seat.  
Alec timidly made his way over, glancing down first before doing the same and sitting next to the male.
Below them was a waterfall that fell from between a break in the cliff wall across from them. Below them in the vast depths of blue were a bunch of children swimming around. There were some adults meandering around the edge, seemingly enjoying the others company while one eye was kept on the children.
“Wow…” Alec  breathed as he took it all in. 
Off to the left where many of the kids who left the water congregated, was a huge tree. Alec watched as one of the kids climbed up a couple branches and reached out for a low hanging one.
“He is going to get hurt.” Alec gasped quietly.
Magnus smiled as he looked over at him. “Just watch.”
The kid, once he had both hands on the branch, leaned back before propelling himself forward, drawing his legs up. The four of them watched as the kid swung out, and once he was as far as the branch would take him, let go, letting himself fall into the water with a great splash.
“How does no one in the castle know of this place?” Alec was shocked it hadn’t been found out already.
Magnus shrugged. “Honestly? No idea. Even more honesty? I don’t even recall how I learned of it.  It has always been this secret that everyone and no one seems to know.”  He knew that was not exactly an answer Alec was looking for but it was the truth.
“It looks peaceful.” Alec admitted, squinting his eyes as he tried to look at individuals rather than the group. “They look happy.”
Magnus nodded. “They are. This is a place to escape their day to day.”
“I hope Valentine never comes to learn of it.” Alec wasn’t sure the last time he had seen a  commoner smile, least of all towards him.
“I trust you…” Magnus paused to smile at Andrew while he glared, albeit with amusement in his eyes, at Raj, “all of you, to keep it that way.”
Isabelle walked beside Alec as they made their way towards the banquet hall. 
“Where were you the other day? I could not find you until the evening and Raj insisted to let you be as you were reading up on farming techniques.” She gave him a doubtful look. “Since when do you care how a potato will grow?”
Alec ignored her first question. The four of them had gotten back much later than they had planned. Alec had hid in the garden with Andrew as Raj helped Magnus slip back into the castle without being questioned.
“It is never too late to learn a new skill. You never know if we will need to grow our own food someday and you’ll be thanking me for my excellent potatoes. They will win awards at the fairs.” Alec told her instead, having slipped into the library as quickly as possible as if he’d been in  there most of the day. “Izzy, with that look on your face, I won’t share my potatoes.”  
Izzy rolled her eyes, dropping it even though she didn’t quite believe him. “At least we know you will be a better potato farmer than a dancer.”
Alec rolled his eyes this time, followed by a groan. “Do we really need to do this? It seems inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.”
“You cannot step on Clary’s feet in front of the lords and ladies of the other lands.” Izzy reminded him as the doors to the hall were opened for them. 
Inside, Clary and Jace were already waiting for them. They stood at a respectable distance from  one another though Alec could see the longing in both of his friends’ eyes. They both smiled at the arrival of the siblings. 
“I was certain Izzy was going to be unable in getting you out of your room. We were just considering a wager…” Jace said in lieu of a greeting.
“And you were certain I would show?” Alec asked Clary.
“I did not think you’d like to step on my feet in front of everyone.” Clary said, causing both women to burst into easy laughter. Alec wanted to seem offended but he was smiling anyway.
Since the reveal of the upcoming marriage, Alec and Clary did their best to remain neutral, acting as though their lives weren’t soon to be altered against their wills. They did not want Izzy to be angry and they did not want Jace to hurt more than he already did. Talking about specific details about being married was something they vehemently avoided doing, especially around them. 
Alec was relieved that they could keep a semblance of their friendship around. He felt in his heart that, if they were to be one for the rest of their lives, he would learn to love her, properly.  She was a strong and beautiful woman. She made a great match. He knew she had concluded the same thoughts towards him; an appreciation in shared misery. They would not hurt the other; they could help the kingdom together, with Izzy, Jace and Max at their sides. With Magnus at his side.
“Hello? Are you just going to stand there?” Izzy jolted Alec out of his thoughts, which he was thankful for. Where had that last thought come from? 
“Right...sorry. Let’s get this over with.” Alec grumbled. 
“Jace?” Izzy asked as she walked over towards a machine that played music. There was a large horn on the top while a thin, round item spun in circles. It was apparently all the rage. 
“M’lady.” Jace bowed at Clary. Jace had been more than happy to volunteer in showing Alec  how he was to dance. Jace’s family had taught him the world of art, in music, in dancing, in paintings and sculpture, rather than rage and hate and hurt. Alec couldn’t help but wonder if there had been more conversations of defense and war, they might have kept their lands.
Alec and Izzy stood next to each other, her head against his shoulder as they watched the two of them dance in perfect unison. Jace’s hand gripped her waist gently but firmly with one hand, the other holding her hand in his. Clary’s eyes glittered as she looked into Jace’s, a small, easy smile on his face. It was relaxing to watch them twirling about the room. Jace was elegant and Clary pliant with his movement. 
Alec could feel the guilt wanting to rise in his gut. He was going to have to take this away from them. Izzy intertwined her arm with his.
“Don’t.” She whispered, able to read her brother’s body language. 
Alec let out a deep breath, resting his head on top of his sisters.  
When the song came to an end, it took the two a few long seconds to realize it was over and to  reluctantly let go of one another. They parted, Clary’s face flushing.
Izzy released Alec’s arm, giving him a push. She walked towards the music contraption, doing whatever it was to make it play again. 
Alec and Clary faced each other, Alec clearly unsure what to do. The music started but Alec only managed to grab her hip and fumble his hand against hers. Clary grinned, unable to help herself. “You’re enjoying my failings too much.”  
Clary let herself laugh, even if it was at his expense. “I’m not going to break.” 
Jace came into Alec’s line of sight, his hand holding onto Izzy’s as he pulled her with him. “Like this.” Jace instructed. 
The four of them spent the next couple hours laughing and smiling as they encouraged Alec to memorize the correct way to turn his feet, to sway his hips and to look up instead of down at his feet. Alec’s face flamed bright red for a while at first, but it was easy to do this with those closest to him. They would tease him but he knew it was all in jest. He knew they were right; he didn’t want to look like a fool in front of others and he certainly didn’t want to hurt Clary. At least he only stepped on her feet six times.  
Once they were done, the four of them sat on the floor, enjoying wine and a spread of fruit, cheese and bread together.  
“You’re a natural.” Izzy teased as she threw a grape at Alec. He leaned back, managing to  catch it in his mouth. “We’ll do this again once we get Clary the right shoes.” Three pairs of eyes looked at Izzy questioningly. She looked at each of them slowly. “Once Clary is in heels, you’re going to mess up. She’ll be taller and you won’t know what to do.” She shrugged innocently. Alec groaned as his friends and sister chuckled. 
“You’re enjoying this far too much, Isabelle.” Alec accused.
“More than anything.” Izzy agreed.
Hearing one of the doors to the room opening, the four turned their heads curiously to see who was entering. The only other people in the room being their personal guards, save for Jace who didn’t have any. 
The door closed and there was clearly an aggravated noise just behind it. The person tried again, managing to crack it before it heavily fell shut again. Raj walked over towards it and gave it a yank. Tumbling inside now that the door gave more easily, a small boy appeared. 
“Max!” Izzy greeted excitedly, already having gotten to her feet and began running towards the smaller boy.
The youngest Lightwood smiled as he opened his arms up as Izzy swooped down to bring him up into her arms. She twirled in a circle, causing him to laugh and eventually wiggle in an attempt to get out of her grasp. 
Alec had contemplated standing up but, knowing he’d be bending back down anyway to be at his brother’s level, remained sitting. Max sprinted over, engulfing his older brother in a tight hug. 
“You’re home early.” Alec remarked as he wrapped his arms around his brother. 
Max let go, this time giving a hug to Jace. He looked over at Clary, albeit shyly, before giving her a wave. She waved back as they all watched in amusement as he hid his face in Jace’s neck. He let go of the blond, only to sit down next to him. Max had always thought Jace held up the moon in the sky. Alec knew his little brother loved his blood related siblings too but there was just something that Jace had that they didn’t.
“Aline said I overstayed my welcome.” Max shrugged. 
“You mean you almost caught part of the castle on fire again, don’t you?” Izzy teased, causing all of them to chuckle. 
“Max, playing with fire isn’t a good idea.” Alec chastised him. 
Max rolled his eyes at his brother and sister. “I wasn’t playing...I was testing the flammability of different items around the place.” 
“You know the world flammability?” Jace asked, knocking into Max’s side, causing the boy to topple sideways. 
“I’m not a baby.” Max grumbled.
“It’s good to have you back.” Clary added, giving him a smile. Max met her eyes briefly, smiling shyly. 
“Why do you look so tired?” Max asked curiously. Four pairs of eyes turned to face Max, while his eyes were on Alec.
“I look tired to you?” Alec asked back.
Max nodded. “And skinny.” 
Alec looked around the room at the others but none of them seemed to notice whatever it was that Max seemed to be picking up on. 
“You look smaller.” Alec grinned which caused Max to scowl. 
Max settled in, leaning against Jace as the group listened to him tell them of his time away.
Aline had gotten Max a tutor, someone who Max had loathed. He complained about the pile of books he had to read and memorize. There had been many books on history, geography, languages and astronomy. Max also had training with sword and bow; something Alec and Izzy both winced at. Their little brother still had another year or two until that type of training was necessary.
“The trees were the coolest.” Max sighed, finally giving them something that wasn’t a complaint.
“The trees? Are you a bird?” Jace teased, poking him in the side. 
“No…” Max rolled his eyes. “They’re really tall, they reach the sky! There’s so many limbs.” Max explained to them ecstatically.
“Maxwell, you know you’re not supposed to climb trees. What would you do if you fell?” Alec frowned, crossing his arms over his chest.
Max frowned and crossed his own arms to match his brother. “I’m not gonna fall. I can climb anything.” 
Alec sighed. “You better hope I don’t catch you…” He started but watched as Max started to look towards Jace. “Uh uh...don’t even try. He’s not going to help you.”  
“Fine.” Max pouted as he got to his feet. “I want cake.” And with that, Max left them.  
Magnus had noticed that this new living situation of his was not a forced vacation. He could not lounge about day after day with no responsibility. He had come to learn that even the Kalos’ all had jobs in the castle. Surprisingly, they were indeed paid, albeit a lower wage than the rest of the staff. It appeared that Alexander had been truthful in that. 
It was also quite obvious that there was not enough time in the day for Catarina, Iris or Lorenzo to keep their eyes on Madzie. She needed to be tutored but with the other three working constantly, there was little consistency. 
So, here Magnus was in the courtyard outside, trying to teach Madzie numbers and counting. They would walk around the rose bushes, counting how many were still in bloom and then subtracting the ones that had fallen to the ground. Madzie was intelligent and Magnus was impressed by her studiousness. 
“You’ve almost got it. If I have 33 left and 15 on the ground, how many did I start with?” Magnus asked her patiently, smiling at her face scrunched up as she tried to count in her head. 
Madzie was concentrating on her fingers and Magnus watched as she moved her lips as she bent her fingers, counting quietly. 
“Forty…..forty-eight!” She screamed in delight. Magnus nodded and held his hand out, palm flat so she could smack it with her own. 
“You’re doing so well. Pretty soon, you’ll be able to count higher than me.”  Magnus praised her, loving how, when she smiled brightly, dimples appeared in her cheeks. He couldn’t help but wonder what had become of her parents. When the raid had taken place, had they been killed? Were they imprisoned somewhere? Were they mourning the loss of their child? 
“I wanna see Alec.” Madzie complained for the third time since they’d been together this morning. 
Magnus was surprised at the sigh that wanted to escape. “He’s a very busy man. He must handle his responsibilities first.” 
“Responsibilities?” Madzie parroted, the word slowed down as she worked on each syllable. 
“Mhm...your responsibility for today is learning more numbers. Alexander’s responsibility for today is to prepare to be king.” Magnus watched as Madzie frowned, a shudder running over her little body.
“What is it?” Magnus asked softly, kneeling down so he was at her eye level.
“The king is a bad man.” Madzie told him. “Is Alec going to be a bad man?” 
Magnus reached out, rubbing his hands comfortingly over her arms. “Alexander will always be a good man. He won’t change.” 
Madzie managed to smile at that. “Why do you call him Alexander?” 
“Well, that’s his name, isn’t it?”  Magnus replied back.
“You’re the only one that calls him that.” 
Madzie turned from him, pointing towards a row of yellow daisies. He walked slowly behind her as she pointed at them, counting loud enough for him to hear. 
“I think it sounds nice. Alexander is lovelier than just Alec.” Magnus said to her though he realized that she had apparently decided their conversation was over.
Hearing approaching shoes behind him, Magnus turned, noticing the blond that tended to almost always be around Alexander. 
Jace nodded his head in greeting. Magnus returned it.
“Can I help you with something….” Magnus trailed off, unsure of the name. 
“Jace Herondale.” Jace held out a hand, half expecting Magnus not to shake it. He was pleasantly surprised when he did. 
“Magnus Bane, though I would venture a guess that you already knew that.” Magnus stated as he let his hand drop. 
“Everyone knows your name, even before you were here.” Jace conceded as he and Magnus glanced towards Madzie who seemed unaware of the blond’s approach.
“So I’ve been told.” Magnus muttered, finding it unnerving and oddly flattering that so many knew his name. “Hopefully, you’ve only heard the good bits?” 
Jace rose a brow but smiled. “Depends on who you’re asking.” he admitted. “But I’d consider them acts of good.”
Magnus let his eyes wander over the blond. “Herondale, you said?” Jace nodded. “Was your father Lord Stephen Herondale?” 
Jace swallowed as he let his eyes fall to the ground for a moment. “The late Stephen Herondale, yes.”  
“Yes, I’m afraid I recall hearing about that. It is a coward’s move to attack someone when their back has been turned on the pretense of a truce, I’m sorry.” Hearing a sharp intake of breath, Magnus’ eyes moved back towards Jace’s face. 
“What…” Jace’s eyes were like saucers. He shook his head. “You must be mistaken, Mister Bane. They died in battle. The Blackwell’s instigated the fight for our lands and they fought to the end. There was no truce.” 
Magnus tried to recall what he had been told; what had been said in the lands of Edom. His father had tracked the fighting done in the southern lands and that was what his spies had told him. Surely they would not make up such a lie.
“Forgive me, perhaps I am mistaken.” Magnus felt bad for the male. It couldn’t have been easy to lose everything he knew in such a gruesome manner. 
Jace opened his mouth to say something but paused when shouting interrupted him instead. They both looked at each other in confusion before hearing more shouting and stern voices saying ‘GUARDS!’ 
Without saying anything, they both began to run, Magnus scooping up Madzie in his arms as the three of them ran towards the entrance to the castle.
They skidded inside, seeing a group of people rushing down a hall, the guards also sprinting that way. They followed the rush, realizing they were headed towards the exit nearest the greenhouses. 
Relieved to see them, Magnus noticed Catarina and Clary standing in a doorway together, watching as everyone ran by. He paused long enough to hand Madzie off to Catarina before catching back up with Jace. 
As they ran outside, Jace managed to push his way through the gathering crowd, it parting easily to let him through. Magnus, on his heels, managed to squeeze through before the throngs of people closed back up.
They made it as close as they could, a wall of guards stopping anyone from getting any further. 
“CLEAR THE WAY!” voices shouted behind them. The people parted, allowing the king and his royal guard to make their way to the front of the group.
Magnus and Jace looked back towards the greenhouse, both of their stomachs twisting painfully.
Being hauled out in only his tights and boots by two guards, was Statue Number 1. Magnus bit his lip as he thought that name. That wasn’t his name. It was Andrew. Andrew Underhill.
“What is the meaning of this?” King Valentine asked as he came to stop. The guards shoved Andrew onto his knees in front of Valentine. 
“Come here, boy.” one of the two guards called, wiggling his finger in the direction of the crowd.
A young man, maybe around 14 years old, timidly approached the guards and the king. 
“What did you see?” the guard asked, his voice gruff. 
The boy looked from Andrew, who was looking at the ground, to the king, his body shaking from  the nervousness. 
“Th-this man was…” He took his hat off to wring it in his hands. 
“Say it, boy.” Valentine commanded.
“He was for-forcing himself on another…” The last word was too quiet for anyone, the king included, to hear.
“On another what?” Valentine glanced towards the greenhouse. “A flower?” That elicited a chuckle from the crowd.
“No, my Lord. On...another man.” He looked towards the crowd before back towards Valentine. He gestured his hand for Valentine to get closer to him as the crowd gasped, anger and disgust whispering viciously through the crowd.
Valentine leaned down and the boy cupped his hands as he whispered into his ear.
The look of shock and rage was instant on Valentine’s face. He stood back and moved, quick  as a snake.
His fist connected with the side of Andrew’s face, the velocity and strength behind the attack so hard that Andrew toppled over. “TAKE HIM TO THE DUNGEONS! GET THIS ABOMINATION OUT OF MY SIGHT!” 
The guards hauled Andrew to his feet as they half-dragged him towards the castle. 
“All of you, dismissed! Go on!” one of Valentine’s guards began shouting, the rest of them beginning to draw their swords to threaten the people if they didn’t move. The people didn’t think twice as they busily made themselves sparse once more.
Jace looked at Magnus. “I have to find Alec. He needs to know.” Magnus nodded as he started to walk away himself towards the garden next to the greenhouse. He sat down on a bench near the fountain.
He did not know Andrew Underhill very well, barely at all honestly, but this was shocking. Could  this man, this seemingly gentle and loyal man, really force himself on someone? Magnus was no stranger to horrible people in positions of power. Hell, he had recently observed it first hand with Alexander. 
When the four of them had rested on top of the cliff days ago, Magnus had watched as Andrew watched in wonder as a butterfly landed calmly on his hand. Raj had snickered, something Number Two would definitely do, as Alexander and Magnus smiled at one another. Andrew hadn’t even realized the three of them had taken any notice. 
Magnus was lost in thought until he heard the sound of crunching metal beginning to get softer and softer. He glanced up to see the king and his guards leaving the area. Magnus wasn’t close enough to see whether or not the king was still livid. 
And what of this other person? Has anyone gone to check on him? Did they wish to leave him,  possibly hurt, on the floor in the dirt? 
Magnus was just about to stand, considering it long enough time for him to be discreet about taking a walk into the greenhouse when movement caught his eye. He leaned over, pretending to be invested in, well, blades of grass apparently as nothing of note was in front of him. He stood up fully once the movement in his peripheral continued on their way.
From the back exit of the greenhouse, if Magnus wasn’t mistaken, was the king’s own son, Jonathan. 
If looks could kill, Alec would have had several guards’ bodies at his feet by now. 
When Andrew was arrested, Alec and Isabelle had been out with Max during his horse riding lessons. When they finally returned to the castle, Jace had been waiting, and pacing, at the stables for them. 
Alec went straight away towards the dungeons and was stopped, by orders of the king, from  going to see him.
“Do you know who I am?” Alec asked, his voice hovering with barely contained rage. 
“You’re not the king.” The man had the gaul to say. 
Alec took a deep breath, forcing himself to steady. If he were to be a leader, screaming at someone like a petulant child wouldn’t get him far.
“If you do not let me see my man, I will make certain of it that you will be reassigned to the fishing docks. You will work on every night shift and you will be on every boat. I do not care if you cannot swim, nor do I care that the cold weather is fast approaching. The fishermen do not stop and neither will you. You will not understand warmth, as you will be given the worst shack available.” Alec stood at his full height which, to his benefit right now, meant he towered over the man who was currently blocking him. There were more guards behind him but they seemed to be shrinking back.
“The king will have me thrown in next to the sinner.” The man uttered, his voice not as strong as before.
Alec rolled his eyes. “Not if I’m on your side.” He looked up, making eye contact with everyone. “All of yours.”
The man seemed to be weighing the scales in his head but finally relented, nodding. He stood to the side, as did the rest of his men. 
Alec rushed down the hall that would soon begin a descent into the underground dungeons. He hated it. He hated that there was ever such a place as this. He understood that those who had done wrong deserve to be punished but shouldn’t they have the opportunity to change for the better? Was one wrong deed worth a lifetime of suffering?
“Where is he?” Alec demanded as he made it to the bottom where a lone guard was standing. He tried to ignore the moaning and groaning that came from every direction. He wasn’t sure  how many people were down here but the acoustics didn’t help. 
“End of the west hall.” The guard answered him.
Alec jogged the remaining way, his hands grasping the bars as he came to a stop.  
Slumped in the corner, with a heavy chain around an ankle, was Andrew.
“Andrew…”  Alec whispered gently, wanting to get the male’s attention.
At the sound of Alec’s voice, Andrew perked up, nearly tripping over the chain as he got to his feet and came towards the bars. 
Alec’s eyes raked over his friend in the low lighting, taking in the various places on his chest, face and arms where multiple bruises were visible. The only light coming off of a torch to Alec’s left that marked the end of this hall. 
Alec couldn’t help but shake his head. “What happened?” 
Andrew’s eyes fell to the floor. The chain around his ankle prevented him from coming completely to the bars but he was still close enough. Alec reached an arm in, glad for his height once more and his long limbs, his hand managing to rest comfortingly against his cheek. “You can tell me anything.”
Andrew’s eyes welled with tears. “You will feel shame for me.”
Alec shook his head. “Never. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.” 
Andrew drew in a shaky breath. “When I am not working, I swear Alec, I’ve never done anything when I was working.” Alec nodded his encouragement. “I...I’ve been seeing someone. It’s only been going on for a little over a year. There is not much time we have and...we’re careful, we’re always so careful.” He choked on a sob, but he remained where he was. Alec did his best to comfort him, even if it was only his palm on the side of his face. 
“We were...dammit. We were reckless today. He wanted to change things up. He said that no one is ever in the greenhouse in the early afternoon. A young man saw us. He saw me on top of him and then he ran off.” Andrew bit his lip hard enough to draw blood but doing his best to stop it from quivering. “And then the guards were there and it was so fast and he wouldn’t even look at me. He wouldn’t look at me.” Alec wiped at the tears that fell on the side of Andrew’s face that Alec could reach. His other hand tightened painfully around the metal bars. 
“The boy said I forced myself on him. If...if he doesn’t speak up…” They both know that even if the other male did, both of them would be in trouble in the eyes of the kingdom. 
“Who was it? Another guard? A cook? Musician?” Alec asked, needing to know who he would need to speak with next.  “Andrew, tell me.”
“Jonathan Morgenstern.” Andrew whispered so low, as if saying his name was enough to condemn him.
Alec couldn’t help but gasp. Alec had known Jonathan for a long time. They were friends! How had Alec never known about Jonathan’s preference in a bedroom partner?  Alec couldn’t help but feel dread pooling in his stomach. Like calls to like. Would he know about Alec? There was no way he’d figure it out. Alec was careful, he always had been. He had never been with anyone before, ever. 
“The king’s son?” Alec asked, just to be clear. 
Andrew nodded, closing his eyes. Alec rested his head against the bars. 
After a few minutes, Alec carefully reached his other arm through the bars, taking his friend’s face between both hands. “Listen to me.” Alec said calmly. Andrew opened his eyes, giving Alec his full attention. “I will take care of you, you hear me? You will not end here, nor will you end for  the entertainment of the kingdom.” They both shuddered, neither having ever enjoyed a public execution of any kind, whether or not the person deserved it. “I do not know what it will take but your duty to me is not over. You will be by my side once more. Do you understand?” Alec asked as he stared into his friend’s eyes.
Andrew nodded. “I do, my prince.” Andrew fisted his hand and held it against his heart in a gesture of solidarity. He then reached up, taking Alec’s hands in his own. He leaned down,  kissing the top of each. “My sword and my shield are yours.”  
Slowly, Alec withdrew his arms. “I will make arrangements to make you as comfortable as I can.” Alec knew it was bittersweet at best, but he’d make sure his friend was at least eating, and  would have a proper pillow and blanket. 
“What are you doing?” Andrew asked as Alec started pulling at the strings on his shirt.
“You need this more than me.” Alec answered him as if it wasn’t obvious. He managed to untie it enough so that it was loose and within seconds, he was pulling his shirt over his head and his arms out of the sleeves. He adjusted it so that it was no longer inside out and balled it up, shoving it through the bars for his friend to take.
Andrew pulled the shirt on, trying and failing to hide a wince as he lifted his arms. 
“If I am unable to come again, I will send Jace. Alright?” Alec asked, making sure his friend knew he would not be completely alone.
Andrew nodded. “Thank you. I would be a dead man without your kindness.” He was afraid that Alec would not be able to deliver on his words, but he had hope and that would be enough for now.
“Be strong.” And with that, Alec left. 
When Alec came back from the dungeons, Jace and Raj were waiting for him at the door. They looked at him curiously as they noticed Alec was no longer wearing a shirt. 
“The king is waiting for you in his war room.” Jace told him as they turned to head that way. “How is he?” 
Alec ran his hands over his face in agitation. “They roughed him up, but he’ll be okay.” He made sure he was loud enough so Raj would hear him.
Jace nodded. “What can I do to help?” 
“Grab me a shirt and meet me in the war room.” Alec suggested. Jace turned and began to jog towards Alec’s bedroom.
Alec skipped up the stairs, ignoring the whisperings around him by various servants as to why exactly, the prince was shirtless and running. 
Usually, wherever the king was, so was Jonathan. Alec had to check his anger until he spoke to his friend. He needed to hear, from his lips and with Jonathan looking him in his eyes, that Andrew forced himself on him. If they were caught in a compromising position, it made sense to make up a lie but Alec also knew Jonathan, he wouldn’t have said something so damning. He would have had the power to push this under the rug. No one, but the boy who had found them,  would have ever known.
Alec brushed past the guards at the door, bursting in without care of being polite. Valentine looked up from the map of Idris and the surrounding territories towards Alec, a grim look on his face. Alec looked at him briefly before his eyes scanned the room quickly, annoyed that Jonathan wasn’t actually there.
“Did you lose your shirt on your outing today?” Valentine asked casually, taking in Alec’s obvious agitation in his body language.
Alec ignored the question, crossing his arms over his bare chest. “Where’s Jonathan?” 
Valentine didn’t seem shocked at all that that was Alec’s question, instead of why he had been summoned here in the first place. “I have sent him away for his studies.”
Jace bounded into the room, also ignoring the guard and his protests at the door, coming to a halt behind Alec. 
Thanking him, Alec pulled on the loose undershirt Jace had grabbed for him. 
“He can go.” Valentine said with a dismissive wave towards Jace.
“He can stay.” Alec countered. 
He rarely defied Valentine but he was angry and frustrated and, considering the privacy of this meeting, he simply didn’t care. It’s not as if Valentine’s guards would tell anyone. Raj certainly wouldn’t, nor would Jace. 
“As you must know by now,” He paused to glance at Raj. “One of your trusted men attempted to sexually assault another man in the greenhouse earlier today. While we determine the sentencing for him…”  Valentine walked towards a table against the wall, grabbing a pitcher and pouring himself a generous goblet of wine. 
“It is the word of one boy against Underhill. He is a good man. He would never do something so vile. It is not in his nature.” Alec argued, biting his tongue to not reveal he’d spoken to Andrew already. Valentine would find out, but he knew there was no chance he’d have been notified yet.
“And yet the other male came forward to confirm this series of events.” Alec could hear the challenge in his voice; the conviction that he was speaking fact.
“I wish to speak with the other male. Underhill is under my charge. I deserve to investigate,” was Alec’s rebuttal. 
“I am handling the matter personally.” Valentine insisted, snapping his fingers and gesturing for someone to come closer. 
Alec opened his mouth to argue but Valentine held up his hand. “Enough. We’re not discussing this. It is my decision and you will not interfere.” 
“If Underhill is to be charged for any wrongdoing, then I will give him proper representation. He will not be charged with an allegation on word only.” Alec practically glared daggers at the king. If they were in public, Alec could have been arrested for it, regardless of his position.
“You and your desires to change the law. It will simply cost the kingdom more money and drag out the inevitable. You must spend more time going over our expenditures with Dieudonne. Do not bankrupt your kingdom. You will not survive that.” Alec could hear the threat but he didn’t care. 
“This is Emil Pangborn, he has been with the guards here for many years. I have hand selected him to replace the sodomist for your added protection.” Emil nodded once towards Alec before walking over and taking his place to stand beside Raj.
“No. I don’t need him. Jace can take Andr...Underhill’s position. Jace is trained and qualified for  the job.” Alec had selected his own guards and had planned to select Andrew’s replacement...if  there was no way to get him back to his previous position. 
“Jace is not under any official documentation to take on the role. He is your, at best, Groom of the Chamber. He cannot protect you with a sword while also pulling up your trousers.” Valentine, and surprisingly some of the guards, chuckled. 
Alec could feel the irritation rolling off of Jace but knew the male enough to know he wouldn't say anything. Later, Jace could blow off steam.
“You should be grateful to know that you have someone to protect you explicitly. With Pangborn watching over you, it will give me ease at night to know the prince is safe.” Alec did his best to prevent himself from scoffing or rolling his eyes. He couldn’t push it by defying Valentine over and over.
“Thank you for the concern.” Alec bit out. “Underhill is not to be moved or tried without me.”  
Valentine turned his back on Alec which he took as his cue to leave. He turned on his heel, leaving the room.
The walk back to Alec’s room was silent as he and Jace walked side by side, Raj and Pangborn trailing steadily behind them. 
Once they made it to Alec’s room, Jace made sure to close the door behind them. Typically, Alec kept the door cracked open until it was time to turn in for the night, but Jace could tell Alec wanted more privacy. 
“Andrew wouldn’t do this Jace, he wouldn’t.” Alec whispered as he sat down on the edge of his  bed. 
“I know, I agree.” Jace was pacing in the room, his anger from the previous meeting flowing through him. “Can we speak to the other man involved? See if the boy had seen a misunderstanding?” 
Alec brought his hand towards his lips, gnawing on his thumb nail. He knew he could trust Jace implicitly. The man would die for him and Alec would return the favor. 
He inhaled, held it and then exhaled. “Andrew claims it was Jonathan.” 
“Jonathan. Jonathan who...wait...Jonathan?!” Jace asked, his voice rising as Alec shushed him to be quiet.
“Yeah.” He paused, looking at Jace. “Did you have any idea?”
Jace shook his head. “You?”
Alec mirrored the gesture. “I had no idea. That either of them…” He dropped his hand into his lap. “He sent Jonathan away. If Valentine feels like it, he could sentence Andrew to death. It’s not right. There’s no way Andrew would have assaulted Jonathan. I cannot believe that.”
Jace paused in his pacing to face Alec. “Then what is the plan? What can we do?” 
Alec sighed. “For now? Daily checks to make sure Andrew is okay. We must keep ears to the ground. If Valentine is going to make a statement, we must be ready to intervene beforehand.”
“I can speak to the servants around the castle that do not like Valentine. They will help us.” Jace decided, continuing to pace due to his restlessness. 
“I’ll talk to Isabelle. She’ll no doubt relay the message to Clary.” Alec rubbed his temples tiredly with the pads of his fingers.  
“Let’s get some dinner, yeah? Izzy and Max are probably already there.” The three siblings had returned in time for dinner to have been prepared but Alec had been too focused on his mission after seeing Jace to consider eating. Now, however, he had to admit eating did sound like a good idea.
Feeling solemn, the two made their way out of the bedchamber and towards the dining room.
After having lunch between his studies on how the coronation should go, Alec managed to find some time away from the castle to accompany Max on another horse riding lesson. Max was old enough to ride a horse instead of a pony, but he felt better being there to make sure his brother learned how to hold on and control an animal so much larger and stronger than he.
Alec himself had learned to ride with his father. It had been a joyous occasion. He could remember how excited he had been; not only to ride a horse but to spend time with his father. It made his heart hurt, to know that Max would never have those kinds of memories of either parent. The only thing Max remembered of their parents was their mother’s laughter. Alec hoped he would never forget it. 
Disappointed that his sister was unable to join, he was glad that Jace was able to do so instead. It wasn’t as though he preferred one over the other, he just liked to have moments of sibling bonding time since it had been a while since they had been able to do so. Plus, having Jace with him meant that Max would be more likely to pay attention to what both of them would be instructing him.
“When do I get my own horse?” Max complained as he was hoisted up onto the oldest horse they had. They picked her specifically for Max because, even if she got spooked, her joints wouldn’t allow her to buck him off, nor would she go into a full speed run. She was a retired horse that they owned who spent most of her days grazing in the field. Valentine had tried to get rid of her, stating that she was taking up resources that were meant for the other horses but Alec and Izzy had fought back. She was like a pet to them, an extension of the family and there would be no losing her. The only way for that to happen would be when it was time for her to cross over. 
“You’ll get one soon. Once you’re able to ride without us in front of or behind you.” Alec told him, repeating what he’d said the last time they’d ridden together.
“You got a horse at my age.” Max sulked.
Alec turned a little so he could glance at his brother. “I did, didn’t I?” He smiled.
Max glared at him for a few seconds before his words sunk in, causing his face to light up. “I’m going to get a horse soon, aren’t I?” 
Alec and Jace both chuckled. “Only if you behave and eat Izzy's cooking.” 
Max made a gagging noise. “That’s not fair.” His sister made unflavored oatmeal seem appealing. 
“Keep being a good student and we’ll make sure to get you your horse and keep you away from Izzy’s food.” Jace said from the rear. 
The three rode in companionable silence through a trail for a while until they reached an open field. 
Alec stayed beside Max with their horses nibbling languidly at the grass while Jace and Raj, who had accompanied them, decided to race, allowing their horses to properly stretch their legs. Raj had, as always, tried to dismiss the option but, as Alec pointed out, they were safe on their grounds and there was no one around them for miles. Alec was fairly certain he would be just fine for a few minutes. 
“Izzy said you have a Kakos now.” Max said out of the blue.
“Kalos.” Alec corrected. Max turned his head, his face scrunching in confusion. 
“What?” he asked.
“Their people are called the Kalos, not Kakos. It was mean word play used against them.” Alec explained to him.
Max shrugged. “Why would someone do that? That’s not nice.”
“No, it’s not nice. I think someone wanted us to hurt them, so they started it with their words, and then their weapons.” Alec knew he was saying too much but he couldn’t help it. Hopefully, the only people his brother would inevitably parrot back these words to would be his sister and Jace. 
“But, you’re right. I am aligned with a Kalos. His name is Magnus.” Alec told him, curious if Max knew much about it. Max was never privy to important conversations as he was too young. He definitely was never around or near any of the ceremonies either.
“Do you like him?” Max asked, his gaze purely innocent but Alec felt the heat crawling up his chest anyway. 
“Of course. He is a good man. I would like to be his friend someday.” Alec managed to get out, thankful that his voice was steady.
“But do you like like him?” Max inquired which caused Alec to choke on the inhale of air he was in the middle of.
He coughed, trying in vain to stave it off but failed, having to pound his chest with his fist to get it to subside. 
“What do you mean by that?” Alec could hear the tightness in his croaked voice.
Max shrugged. “You don’t like girls the way you like boys. I thought aligned meant you were gonna marry them someday.” 
Alec could burst into tears with the innocence that was his little brother. He also wanted to  panic with questions of how his brother knew his secret. Was he that much of an open book? He needed to be even more careful, it seemed.
“Max, you can’t say those things to other people.” He knew his voice was going to a level of assertion, but he couldn’t help it.
Max rolled his eyes instead. “Yeah, I know. Aline complained about how our king is a...a…” He wrinkled his face as he tried to think of the word. “Big goat.” 
Alec looked at him in surprise before an unexpected laugh bubbled out of him. “Do you mean a bigot?” Max grinned, nodding his head. Alec forced himself to stifle the laughter. “Maybe, but you also can’t say that to anyone, except me, either.” 
Alec remained quiet for a few minutes, gazing out into the field, watching as Jace and Raj had become small dots in the distance. He weighed his thoughts heavily as he debated what to confess to his younger brother. He was young but his brother was very intelligent, more than all of them when they were his age. 
“If given the chance, I would like to know Magnus more than on the level we’ve been destined to become but I can’t. It would not be reciprocated and I have my duty to this kingdom to fulfill.”  He looked nervously towards his younger brother, which in and of itself was an odd feeling. He was not used to being the weaker one of the two. “I am to be married to Clary in a couple months.” 
Max made a face at that. “Clary? Why!” He sounded horrified almost. “That’s a really mean thing to do to Jace, you know.”
Alec felt dumbstruck. How the Hell did his little brother seem to know what Alec had assumed were the best kept secrets in their home? 
“Maxwell, how much snooping have you been doing?” Alec asked, this time there was a timbre to his voice that asked for no lies or deflections.
Max bit his lip, looking away at his brother. “I get bored sometimes...so I explore the castle and sometimes I find things or hear things.” He then glared at Alec, a look that he saw in the mirror reflected back at him sometimes. “Besides, I’m not a tattletale.” He then stuck out his tongue in defiance of Alec’s authoritative voice.
Alec, feeling petulant, stuck his tongue out in return. “I love you and I trust you.” Alec truly was weak when it came to family. He wiped his hand over the sweat on his brow. “Clary and I have been arranged. We did not decide this but we have to honor what is best for the kingdom once I become king. She will be a great partner and you will accept it, just as she…” a pause, “and Jace have.”  
“I don’t want your heart to be sad, Alec.” Max mumbled, his voice genuinely sad for his older brother.
“My heart is full Max. You’ll see. Everything is going to be alright.” Alec smiled at him and was glad to see him return it. 
“Now…” Alec started as he let their horses idle a little bit more in the field. “Why don’t you start reciting all of the Latin you’ve learned since you were gone.” Max groaned, trying and failing to get himself off of the saddle if it meant he could run away from the conversation. 
They were at it for another fifteen minutes before Alec noticed the small dots that were Jace and Raj beginning to come back towards them. Alec rubbed at his eyes, trying to will  the oncoming headache away. It had been weeks since his last episode and he dreaded the thought of one possibly coming on now. He didn’t look forward to spending the rest of his day in his bed. Max was rambling off the phrases he had managed to retain as Alec did his best to correct him but he was beginning to lose his focus. 
“What’s wrong?” Max asked as he looked over towards his brother who didn’t correct him when he pronounced ‘bonur norte’ instead of ‘bonum nocte’ for good night. Max even knew he said it wrong. Alec was busy massaging his temples with his hands. 
“Just tired is all.” Alec answered him, not noticing how his words slurred together.
“Alec?” Max whispered, his voice worried. 
“It’s s’okay Max.” Alec managed as his vision blacked out and he pitched over sideways;  unconsciousness hitting him like a brick.  
Max screamed in shock as he watched his brother’s body collapse sideways right off of the horse. Since they had been grazing, Alec had pulled his feet out of the stirrups so nothing had prevented him from doing so. 
“Alec! Alec!” Max cried as he flailed in his attempt to get off of his horse. 
He heard shouting and looked up, seeing Jace and Raj both running their horses at full speed towards them. They were so close, Max could see Jace’s blond hair and Raj’s sword both glinting in sunlight. They had seen Alec go down.
Max had tears spilling down his cheeks. It felt like an eternity for Jace and Raj to reach them. They skidded to a halt, both vaulting their bodies over the sides of their horses as they got to the brothers.
“What happened?” Raj asked Max as he checked over the young prince for any injuries while Jace fell to his knees next to Alec. Max was too overcome with his crying to manage to get anything out.
Alec had fallen onto his left shoulder, but his body had turned so he was lying on his stomach, his legs sprawled in different directions.
Carefully, Jace turned Alec over so he could see his face. It was scratched from the fall and blood trickled sluggishly from his nose; also likely from the fall. Jace placed his ear against Alec’s chest, breathing a sigh of relief that he was at least breathing, although the slow beats of Alec’s heart made his own pulse race.
“Raj...take Max back and get Catarina and Magnus to meet us for our arrival. We will also need something to carry him with.” Jace ordered, knowing that Raj would not take offense to him doing so. Raj nodded, lifting Max from his horse and quickly transferring himself and Max onto Alec’s. Jace looked up. “It’s going to be alright Max. Alec will be fine.” With that, Raj kicked and they were off.  
“Dammit Alec...why?” He leaned over, pressing his forehead against Alec’s. His body was heating up and Jace knew it must be the illness spiking in his system. It never happened so abruptly like this before. Usually, Alec had more of a warning and even still, he’d never passed out like this. 
Jace stood, slightly cursing himself for not asking for Raj’s assistance before he had taken off. Knowing it would be too difficult for them to ride with a saddle, Jace made quick work of removing the one on his horse. Then, using the adrenaline pumping through his veins, he managed to hoist Alec’s unconscious form off of the ground and folded him over the horse’s back. Jace jumped on behind him and, using one arm to keep Alec from sliding off and the other to hold the reins, Jace made quick time getting them both to the castle.
As soon as the castle came into view, Jace could see the individuals he had requested already standing near the tree line. He also was able to notice a couple of the stable boys heading the way Jace had come, no doubt going to collect the horses left behind. 
Max was clinging to Raj’s waist as the guard kept one arm protectively around the young boy with Magnus, Catarina and Clary standing in wait. There were also two other guards with a gurney on the ground that was ready to relocate Alec to the castle. 
Jace stopped the horse in front of them and allowed the guards to gently remove Alec from the horse before getting down himself. They laid him on his back on the gurney as Catarina fell to her knees, much like Jace previously had, beginning to check over Alec and his vitals. 
“What happened?” Magnus asked Jace, unsure of what to make of the situation.
Jace ran a hand through his wind blown hair that was currently sticking up in all different directions.
“Raj and I were coming towards Alec and Max and just...saw him fall sideways.” Jace answered him, his eyes flickering over towards Max. He walked over, leaning down until he was at eye level with him. “Hey...you can tell us. It might help Alec.” He hoped his voice was encouraging and not frightened.  
Max’s bottom lip wobbled as he reached up and scrubbed his arm over his eyes. “We were practicing...practicing Latin and then he just fell over. He said he was tired.” And then Max was overcome with fresh tears as he lunged forward, wrapping his arms tightly around Jace’s neck. Jace wrapped his own arms around the smaller body, wanting badly to console him. “Catarina is going to make him feel better. Don’t worry.”  
“Alexander? Come on sweet one, open those eyes for me.” Catarina cooed, not caring about  what she was saying to him with those around her. She looked up towards Clary. “Clarissa, we must try.” An unspoken agreement went between the two as Clary made her way towards Catarina and knelt down beside her.
The two clasped hands and their bodies jolted, as if electrocuted but without any signs of pain. Clary inhaled slowly while Catarina closed her eyes. 
“To heal. To soothe. To wake him gently.” Catarina said softly, as if it were a mantra.
“To heal. To soothe. To wake him gently.” Clary repeated, her voice barely a whisper, as if she did not want to interrupt anything. 
The group watched as a light blue began to glow between their joined hands. When Catarina opened her eyes, they matched the color. She released Clary’s hand and then with both palms open, placed one on Alec’s forehead and the other on his solar plexus. The blue continued to glow out of her palms; the energy sinking into Alec. If it weren’t for the trust they all had in Catarina and the care and love of her intent, they’d be worried she was trying to harm him. It was hard for Raj to stand still when his instincts screamed to stop her. He, too, trusted her but he was unused to the Kalos and their abilities. He had mostly only witnessed the negative aspect of it with what Lorenzo would be ordered to do.
Alec suddenly gasped after a little over a minute of Catarina’s work, her hands keeping him in  place as his body attempted to lift itself off of the ground. 
“It’s alright...just close your eyes and focus on breathing.” Her voice soothing as she instructed him. This wasn’t by far the first time he’d been in a similar position before but not coming from unconsciousness.  
“What...where’s Max?” Alec asked, his body having deflated as the weakness took over.
“He’s right here...he’s safe.” Catarina told him. Max, hearing his name, ripped himself out of Jace’s hold, launching himself on top of Alec. Alec managed a soft grunt as the smaller body landed painfully hard on top of his much larger one but he didn’t mind it. He used the last bit of strength he had to lift up his arm, letting it rest heavily on top of his brother.  
“It’s okay. I’m here.” He murmured, willing his eyes to open but they refused to listen to him.  “Cat?”  
“You passed out but we’re going to make you feel better.” She leaned back, looking towards the guards who were standing close by. “We need to take him back to his quarters at once.”
They nodded but paused as Max seemed to sense them, clinging even tighter to his brother.
Jace, after making eye contact with Catarina, nodded and walked calmly over. He placed his hands on Max’s shoulders. “Max...Catarina needs to make Alec feel better. You need to let go, okay?” 
Max screamed as Jace had to pry him off of Alec but he had managed to do so. Max squirmed and kicked and punched and screamed at Jace but Jace kept a tight hold of him as the guards carefully lifted the gurney.
They then rushed Alec quickly towards the castle with Clary and Raj right behind them. Jace struggled behind them as Max continued to try and fight him. 
“Cat..what am I doing here?” Magnus asked as he helped her to her feet and they sped walked behind the group. 
“Jace must have believed you could help and I think you can. His vitals are bad...I’ve never felt his life so...so low before. It is a miracle they got him to me in time.” Catarina’s eyes were watered but Magnus knew her better than to believe she would cry now. She was strong and she would hold back.  
“You believe it to be organ failure? How?” Magnus asked, recalling the book she had had him  read. 
“It must be...why else would a healthy, 25 year old man collapse? Everything else about him seems normal.” Catarina and Magnus made it to the castle, moving quickly towards Alec’s room. Magnus having Catarina lead the way as he did not know where to go. 
When they made it to the door, Raj and the new guy whose name Magnus did not care to learn based on the unwelcome look the man gave him, were there.
“This is a private matter.” The other one, Magnus decided to call slimy, since he looked as though being clean never occurred to him, said, making his way to block them.
Raj stepped up, putting a hand on the male’s shoulder. “Catarina is the healer, as you know and Magnus has been requested. They go in.” 
Pangborn glared at the two before relenting and stepping away. 
“Yeesh.” Magnus mumbled as soon as they entered the room.
Alec was settled on his bed and the guards who had brought him there were packing up the gurney, preparing to leave. Jace, Magnus guessed, had taken Max away from the situation.
Clary was sitting on the side of the bed, her hands fussing over Alec, adjusting the blanket to his hips, moving his arms so they seemed to be in a comfortable position. He seemed to barely be conscious once more.  
“What do we need to do?” Magnus asked, referring to himself and Clary.
“When these episodes happen, his body temperature struggles to regulate. I have found that, with half of him covered and his torso bare, it helps in the long run.” Clary nodded as she carefully began to pull on his shirt, his exhausted weight making it tricky. Catarina helped by lifting his upper body which made quick work of it.
After carefully lying him back down on the bed, Catarina motioned for Clary to move to the side she was sitting on. “Magnus, sit on his right and clasp your aligned hands together, like this.” Clary lifted her arm so Catarina could take her hand in hers. 
Magnus swallowed nervously as he did what he was told. A shudder worked its way down his spine as he recalled the last time they had clasped hands. He could still remember the pain from the cut, from the tightness of the silk, from the pain of a part of him leaving him. He forced those memories down, knowing this was not exactly the time for dwelling.
“Clary, we’re going to give Alec a jolt of energy. We need him to be conscious so Magnus can help him.” Clary nodded, repeating the inhale she had done last time.  
“To heal. To energy.” Catarina said and Clary repeated. 
The glowing returned and Catarina placed both of her palms on Alec’s chest, grunting as she used more effort this time to push her healing into his body. 
Alec inhaled sharply as his eyes opened wide. His free arm moving on its own, his hand grabbing onto the closest thing available, that being Clary’s forearm. She placed her hand on top of his, rubbing it gently. His eyes flew around the room, first at the ceiling, then Clary, Catarina and then finally, Magnus. He looked fearful, but not because of Magnus, because of the situation. Magnus tried to give him an encouraging smile though worried it may have come out as a grimace. 
“Alec...I need you to listen to me, okay?” Catarina said gently, trying to coax his attention towards her. “Magnus, you too.”
Alec’s eyes slowly made their way towards her voice and he managed to nod. 
“You have not had time to practice what it means to be Aligned. I can’t say it’s entirely your fault.” She cut a quick glance towards Magnus. “It is about focus and intent. Because it is Magnus’ essence and his power, he must first call upon the power that he needs. Your intent must respond in equal measure for it to work.” Magnus realized now why Rufus had been unable to use his power against the king. He would not return the intent. 
“Magnus knows where to focus his healing once he is given the chance but you need to let it happen. I need you to focus on healing.” She let her eyes look towards Magnus, glad to see that he was hanging onto every word. “You must feel it too, as if you were calling forth your power like before. You must say ‘To Heal’ and Alec, you must return the words.”  
Magnus drew in a steady breath as his eyes moved back to Alec’s face. Alec was staring back, his eyes glossy but the determination to do this, to help save his own life, was there too. 
“To heal.” Magnus nodded.
“To heal.” Alec whispered.
Magnus felt a tingle in his palm and gasped as he felt the flow of his essence swarm back into his body. He wanted to laugh and cry but he held back; he had work to do. 
He placed his palm on the left side of Alec’s torso, just below his ribs. Alec gasped, his weak body wanting to squirm away but unable to do so.
“Easy, Alexander.” Magnus couldn’t help but want the male to be at ease, even if that seemed a tall order considering he was quite possibly dying.
“Can I release his hand?” Magnus asked, turning his head to look at his friend. Clary gasped, catching Magnus’ attention. He didn’t have time to ask her what was wrong, though he could wager a guess.
“Not yet...for what I need you to do, the link should remain.” Catarina answered him, a smile on her face as she looked into his eyes. 
Magnus nodded as he breathed in as much as he could and then pushed, his power, the blue tendrils of his healing magic surging into Alec’s side.
Alec gasped once more, his body slightly arching off of the bed. 
Healing someone was always an interesting experience to Magnus. There were times where he could feel it as a bone would mend, or blood would replenish, or even muscle and skin would stitch itself together. It was an odd feeling every time. Sometimes, when it was simply an aching of the head or a bruise, he’d feel nothing. He could remember when he had healed Isabelle as a child. A plague had nearly taken her and Magnus had felt the way the affected parts of her body returned to normal. This was different than anything he had ever felt before. 
It felt as though he was removing darkness from within. Leeches attached to Alec’s insides that were holding on for dear life. Magnus could feel the strain in his body as he tensed, pushing more of his healing into Alec, and specifically, his kidney. Whatever it was that was causing his ailment had what felt like deep roots and they didn’t want to budge. 
“It is strange Cat...as if it does not want to release itself.” Magnus bit out as he allowed himself to breathe steadily. 
“You are stronger than it. You can do this.” Catarina encouraged. 
Magnus wondered if this was simply a point where their magic could not stop the inevitable. Was Alec’s kidney too weak? Would it not survive this? Magnus groaned at his own internal thoughts. He could not keep his intention if his thoughts strayed into the doubtful.
With renewed effort, Magnus used a fresh wave of his power and dug deeper inside of himself. It was almost as if he were inside Alec’s chest, observing the damage and letting his magic contort around it. Around that which wanted to hurt him. He cried out with his effort and Alec did too before taking a deep breath himself. He felt it that time. He felt the darkness, the weakness separate itself from Alec and leave the kidney, evaporating into nothing.
“Alexander?” Magnus asked, his eyes searching the male’s face.
Catarina, with a towel Magnus did not even see her grabbing, gently began dabbing at Alec’s face, cleaning off the dried blood from his nose and the dirt from his temple and cheek. Magnus had to admit, in the height of his fear for him, he hadn’t even noticed.
“Alec? Honey, how are you feeling?” Catarina asked him softly. 
Alec kept his eyes closed and Catarina cleaned it as gently as she could. He opened them only once there was a long space between cleaning where he suspected she was done.
“Much better. But tired.” he admitted. Plus, his body was beginning to ache, no doubt from the fall he’d taken. 
“Thank you for your help Clary.” Catarina said as she smiled at the young woman.
Clary returned the smile. “Anything to help.” She leaned over, kissing Alec on his hairline that just met his forehead. “I’m glad you’re alright. I’m going to go let Jace and Max know, alright?” 
Alec nodded. “Thank you Clary.”  
Catarina stood up herself, grabbing the towel. “I need to get him a drink that will help him sleep. Stay with him.”
Magnus, not one to disobey anything Catarina told him to do, nodded.
“If you wanted me in your bedroom, you didn’t need to scare everyone to make it happen.”  Magnus quipped, habitually one to make a joke whenever he was unsure of what else to say, especially in a serious situation.
Alec scoffed though it was weak and lighthearted. “You’re the one still holding my hand.”  
Magnus looked down at their joined hands. “Well, Catarina didn’t say when I could let go...besides, there is more healing to be done.”
Alec’s brow furrowed but Magnus just smiled warmly. Gently, Magnus reached up, placing his hand against the side of Alec’s face where he’d hurt himself. Magnus could feel his power still swirling inside of him.
Closing his eyes to center his focus, he waited until the moment when it began to surface, then opened them when he was ready. He watched as his palm let his magic wash over Alec’s face, the cuts and bruises that were already beginning to fade away. It was as if nothing had happened today. 
These were minor injuries which took no time at all. Alec stared at his face the entire time, the complete trust he saw there causing Magnus’s stomach to flutter. Without realizing it, his palm moved, with no more power flowing from him, to the other side of Alec’s face, caressing his cheek. 
Alec let his eyes close at the feeling, reveling in it. He had just been through an ordeal, so he felt alright with letting this happen. Magnus’ thumb smoothed over Alec’s cheek bone absently, causing Alec to sigh.
The noise, being the only one for a few minutes seemed to pull Magnus out of his trance. His whole body tensed as he realized what he had been doing. He dropped his hand, feeling a blush want to rise on his cheeks. 
“Do your eyes always look like that?” Alec asked as he opened his own, not wanting Magnus to  feel uncomfortable after the last few...minutes? Seconds? 
“Look like what?” Magnus asked, even as the question made realization dawn on him as to why Clary had unexpectedly gasped. 
“I’ve seen the others’ eyes glow depending on the color of their power. Your eyes were different, they were…” Alec paused, trying to figure out how to explain the color.
“Hideous?” Magnus offered.
Alec’s eyes grew wide. “What? Why would you think that? Heaven’s no.” Alec tried to lift himself up a little bit more but with only the one pillow, he only succeeded in collapsing back down.
“It is a mystery even to myself. I do not know why they are not normal like my people.” Magnus hoped he sounded convincing. He knew it was because of his lineage but he did not think Alec would know anything about that.
“They were like a tiger’s eye. Have you ever seen one of those gems? They’re remarkable with their different colors. They’re beautiful.” Alec explained to him, hoping he would not take offense to the comparison. 
“I admit...I have not heard that one before. I have heard ‘Demon’ though and ‘Monster’.” Magnus tried to make it come out uncaring but he knew there was a bitterness to his voice.
Alec was shaking his head, the hand still holding Magnus’ squeezing his. “No...there is nothing about you that could label you a monster.” Alec let his eyes close for a moment, exhaustion hitting him again.
“Alexander?” Magnus asked, leaning over him more to observe his face for any stress of trouble. 
Alec forced his eyes to open once more. “Just tired. I owe you my life.” 
Magnus smiled, rolling his eyes fondly. “It seems as though you are one up on me in the saving lives department.” Alec looked confused for only a moment before he realized that Magnus was referring to not only the ceremony but also when Magnus had nearly fallen from the cliff.
“I would like to promise you that this will not happen again but...I do not know when my body will betray me once more.” Alec sounded tired now and not just because he literally was. Tired of dealing with whatever this cause was that was damaging him. “It is also not your burden to bear.”
Magnus knew he was right but he felt like it was something he wanted to bear. He knew that he would not handle Alexander’s death well if it were to happen prematurely. “Catarina and I are going to figure out what is wrong, truly wrong, that causes you so much pain. We’re going to make you better.” 
Alec smiled, though it was weak from exhaustion. Magnus could feel it in the slackening of Alec’s grip and in the way his body seemed to melt into the bed. 
“Rest now, though Catarina will be back to make you drink whatever it is she is whipping up.” Magnus said, reaching back up, unable to help himself as he gently ran his fingers through Alec’s damp hair. 
That was how Catarina found them a few minutes later. Alec gently snoring while Magnus continued to soothe him with his touch, hand moving through his hair and the other hand still tangled with Alec’s. 
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onewaywardwitch · 5 years
Just A Typo (11/?)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Hacker!Reader
Summary: It was a simple challenge between a very competitive group of friends. A challenge that ended very differently than anticipated.
Warnings: A cliché trope and a lot of shouting
Word Count: 2106
A/N: I promise the gif is accurate for this part.
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“I don’t get why you can’t just ask him out,” Becca whined as she glared at me across the table. We were sitting in Angie’s apartment which was a refreshing change from the high-tech atmosphere of the tower. After begging and pleading and annoying Tony for nearly eleven hours straight, he finally agreed I could leave for a few hours, provided I was brought there and back. He didn’t seem to appreciate me persistently hanging around his lab.
We were talking about Bucky. Again. It's not as though I was the one to bring him up. Since Becca visited me in the tower last week, she’s been more determined than ever to make something happen between Bucky and I. Somehow, she managed to convince Angie to join her on her mission. So now I had to deal with the pair of them constantly inserting themselves into my love life. Or lack of.
“I can’t do that,” I scoffed. “It's Bucky. He’s not looking for anything like that. I'm just grateful he talks to me at all. He’s pretty quiet with most people.
Angie clapped her hands together. “There, you said it yourself. He doesn’t talk to many people, but he talks to you. He clearly likes your company, judging by what Becca said happened last week.”
“Oh please,” I waved her off. “Becca exaggerates everything- “
“- nothing happened. He was just curious about what I was doing on my laptop, so I showed him. What’s the big deal?”
“The big deal is that, for a very empty corridor, you both were sitting awfully close to each other,” Becca replied, smirking at my flustered face while I struggled to come up with an excuse.
“Why don’t you just focus on your own love life?”
“Oh I am, trust me.” She grinned proudly, nodding in Angie’s direction who just gave me an exhausted look.
“Becca’s decided to join my gym,” she explained. “She picked me up last week and has now fallen head over heels for another woman who goes there.”
“We’re soulmates! I can feel it,” she defended. I simply rolled my eyes. This wasn’t unusual for Becca. She caught sight of a woman in the grocery store or in the bank and promptly fell for them. It was endearing how passionate she could be, but it didn’t make it any easier when the relationship ended and Angie and I were left to help her move on.
“But for once Y/N's life is more interesting than mine so that’s my current priority.” Before I had the chance to interrupt and disagree with her, she went on. “Look, you're clearly a mess and have no idea what to do with all your feelings- “
“Oh dear God, are you about to give me the talk?”
“- so why don’t you write it down.”
I rolled my eyes at Angie who shrugged in reply, not bothering to hide it from Becca. “What?”
She grabbed my laptop from the bag I brought with me and opened it up. After a few moments of her messing around on it, she looked up at me and cooed, “Aw, you have his email.”
“What are you doing,” I questioned, trying to sneak a peek at my laptop but she moved and sat away from the pair of us.
“Ok, say we write an email to him. But we don’t actually send it, of course,” she added quickly, noticing how I was about to interject from her first statement alone. “That way you can get everything out there so you know what to do. You can practice how to ask him out.
I laughed nervously, chewing on my bottom lip and glancing at Angie for support. “I mean, it couldn’t hurt.”
“Great!” Becca clapped her hands in glee. The pure joy that was radiating off her was shocking. She loved playing matchmaker a bit too much. “We’ll start it off simply. ‘My dearest Bucky, my loins burn in your presence- “
“What the hell!” “Why would you write that!” Angie and I yelled at the same time. I stared at Becca incredulously. “I want a date with this guy, not a restraining order.”
“Then tell me what you want me to write.”
That’s how the next hour or so went; with me baring my heart and soul while Becca told me I sounded like an idiot and needed to rephrase. Angie chimed in every so often with a “Becca, shut the hell up” or a supportive “that sounds great!”
Together, we broke everything down. We went through it step by step, word by word. It wasn’t uncommon for me to start blabbering before stopping myself and telling Becca to delete everything I just said. I was surprised with how helpful I found it. Admitting to myself and my friends that there was a slight possibility there was a spark between Bucky and I was almost therapeutic. And definitely healthier than the whole ‘lock it in a box’ schtick.
“And I was wondering if you drink? Well, obviously you do. Y’know, you’d be dead if you didn’t drink water. But other drinks. With people,” I rambled on and rubbed a hand over my face. “Scratch everything I just said, that was so dumb. Just end it with ‘I’d like to get a drink with you sometime’.”
“And that’s that,” Becca announced, mockingly wiping a tear from her eye. “I'm so proud that not all of that sounded moronic.”
“Gee, thanks for your undying support,” I replied sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.
“So, all you have to do is say to him everything you said here. You’ve already done it once. The hardest part is honesty. Now you’ve been honest with yourself, you can be honest with others.”
“If I'm being honest, Angie, you need to stop reading those motivational books. You're starting to sound like you swallowed a few dozen of them,” I commented. I turned to Becca. “You can shut the laptop off now. I think I should just go talk to Bucky while I'm in the right head-space.”
She shot me a thumbs up and went to exit our work. I was putting on my jacket when I heard the ping from the laptop.
It was like a scene from the most cliché movie ever. We all turned to stare at one another at the exact same moment, mouths agape in horror. Becca was glancing from the screen and back to our alarmed faces. She did this several more times before any of us did anything.
“Wha- please, please, please tell me that was not what I think it was,” I managed to sputter out. Angie clutched her scarf as though it was the only thing tethering her to the ground. I appreciated her dramatics on my behalf.
“I am so sorry,” Becca whispered. “I thought it was the delete button.”
I rushed over to where Becca was cowering and looked at the open email that now had a little ‘sent’ button in the corner. I quickly scrolled through, hoping it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. It was worse.
“Wait, you didn’t even delete the stuff I told you to cut out!”
Oh, it was much worse.
“Maybe it's not that bad,” Angie offered.
“Well, Bucky’s gonna see that I said, ‘shall I compare thy ass to a summer’s day?’, so that’s not ideal,” I exclaimed, giving Angie a pointed look.
This was horrible.
“Don’t forget the whole ‘burning loins’ part.”
It was this moment I decided I hated my friends.
Angie sensed that I was about to throw Becca out the nearest window and rushed over, struggling to think of how to console me. “  It's going to be alright. First things first, does he check his emails often?”
I snorted. “He’s like a hundred years old. I think he forgets he has an email half the time.”
“Great. So we just hack into Bucky’s phone and delete the email. Simple,” Angie said as if it was the easiest thing in the world. Becca and I shared a look. It did sound pretty simple when she put it like that. Technically, cyber security was what I did for a living now. And this was technically a cyber threat. To my happiness. How hard could it be to delete an email?
“The only thing is, Tony set up all the tech in the tower to be much more difficult to breach ever since what happened with us. I helped him make every electronic more secure. You have to be in the building and have whatever it is you're hacking into in your possession.”
“Field trip to the tower to save your relationship. Yay,” Becca said quietly, waving her hands slightly in mock excitement. She was still hiding behind a cushion, scared that the second she came out I would attack her.
She wasn’t wrong.
We somehow managed to make it inside the tower without anyone being suspicious of our behaviour. We all seemed to realise that we would we terrible spies; we couldn’t lie for shit. At least, Becca and I couldn’t. Angie was a lot calmer, acting like her true neutral self. She was able to whisk me away from a colleague who had said hi to me and I replied with a very loud “I work here!”
It wasn’t that difficult to get Bucky’s phone. I was just glad we didn’t bump into anyone on the way to the gym. While I was distracted watching him with the weights, my ever-faithful friends snuck over to take his phone which was lying on the bench. His hair was tied up in a bun, which was a style he hadn’t tried before but damn, it was definitely working for him.
“Hey, you still don’t want that restraining order, right,” Angie hissed, snapping me out of my trance and beckoning me to leave with them.
“We should be good here,” I told them, closing over the door to Tony’s lab. We headed towards the back where we would be less likely to be seen. “Pepper’s been giving out to Tony about the lack of breaks he takes from work, so she’s dragged him away for a few hours at least. I think my nagging earlier might have had something to do with it too.”
We hooked the phone up to my laptop and, with three expert hackers working on it, we unlocked it quickly.
“That wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be,” I said, cringing as I saw the first line of that email once again while deleting it.
I could only imagine Bucky’s reaction if he had seen it. That email was unfiltered madness and I wished I could do more than just delete it. I'd rather burn it from screen. If Bucky had even got a glimpse of it, I would have been ruined. His stupidly perfect eyes would glare at me in horror while I took one of the quinjets to an uncharted planet not in our solar system.
As we were leaving the lab, we froze when we heard Bucky shouting, and nearly tripped over each other when Sam came running past us in a panic.
“He’s gone mad!” He panted, glancing over his shoulder every few seconds as he paused to speak with us. “He says he’s sick of me taking his stuff. He flexed his metal arm at me! I don’t even know what he’s taking about!”
I went to comment, but he was gone before I could help him with his unfortunate situation. Becca stifled a giggle and Angie and I turned to her with a questioning gaze.
“I slipped Bucky’s phone into Sam’s back pocket,” she cackled. I grinned at her. She was a pain in my ass half the time, but Becca really did lighten up every shitty situation.
Bucky came thundering down the hall, a murderous look on his face. The three of us just pointed in Sam’s direction. He grunted in reply and we scurried down the opposite direction.
“Y/N, can we talk for a minute.”
I felt my blood run cold as I heard Bucky’s voice. Angie and Becca’s eyes grew wide from where they were sitting on the sofa.
“And, uh, what do you want to talk about,” I asked, facing his general direction but refusing to look him in the eyes.
“Um, I got a really weird email from you…” He trailed off, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. “Something about my ‘intoxicating smell’?”
My two ‘friends’ bolted from the room before Bucky had even finished his sentence.
‘Just A Typo’ Taglist (open):
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romchomp · 5 years
The Best Romance Tropes According to Me
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What are my favorite romance tropes?
The more I thought about this question of what are my favorite romance tropes the more I noticed that my interest in different tropes often depended on whether or not the story was an original story or fan-fiction. This brings me to a trope I have confusing feelings on-
Enemies to lovers
Enemies to lovers? Great in fanfiction. You get to explore what a romantic dynamic would look like between characters that are rivals/enemies in their canon universe. Depending on the writer this could be done brilliantly and even give you a sense that the original material cheated you.
However, how many cases of enemies to lovers done well exist in canon stories? I can’t even think of any at the top of my head. I want to say I like enemies to lovers but how can I when I only like the concept and potential but can’t think of a single example where I liked it?
Rivals to lovers, this trope’s sibling, is another good trope. Probably easier to find, but even this one you’ll mostly see in fanon. Could this have to do with rivals and antagonists often being the same gender of the protagonist? Probably, but there's also a risk of toxicity being associated with any couple that forms out of this trope that I think a lot of writers want to avoid. There's also the fact that in most cases love interests and rivals/enemies are planned and established from the very beginning of a story. Odds are the rival and love interest are separate characters that both interact with the protagonist on a regular basis from the start of the story. Their purposes are different. The only way enemies to lovers will ever happen is if the author planned for that enemy to eventually become a love interest.
Does that mean more authors should consider stories where the rival/enemy eventually becomes the love interest? Maybe? This could also lead to the rivalry being toned down as a result. Bottom line, it's a complicated trope.
Love triangles
Love triangles are interesting to me because they seem to be consistently popular while also being one of the most criticized tropes even outside of the romance genre. Love triangles can be well written, gripping, and generally make a story better...but it’s hard. A good love triangle is hard to pull off and will usually have costs. Getting characters involved in love triangles will in most cases make them less likable. Which is fine. We all love-loving the bad guys. You know, so long as the story knows they’re a bad guy. Don’t try and make the audience sympathize with someone that’s stringing two people around. It. Won’t. Work. That is only one form of love triangles though. Not all of them are made up of this one person who is trying to pick between two people you often see pushed in many teen dramas. Love triangles can also take a form that goes more like A likes B, B likes C, and C likes A. What makes this form of love triangles work so much is that the characters know what they want. There's love triangles where no one involved will admit their feelings because the person they like is the same person that their friend likes. You'll grow impatient at times, but it works wonders for making the characters more empathetic. There's also the love triangles that aren't really love triangles and more of a hectic, love web.
An example of a love triangle I really like would be Toradora. The short lived love triangle in Orange is the New Black was well done. Gilmore Girls did a sort-of good job on the love triangle between Lorelei, Luke, and Christopher mostly just because Lorelei's relationships with the two paralleled and contrasted in interesting ways.  Ranma 1/2 and School Rumble would be examples of the love web I described earlier. Glee would also be a contender for good love webs, and would be an exception among teen dramas. I still have issues with most of the love triangles in all of these. Toradora is the only one that gets a complete free pass.
Childhood sweethearts
God I love this one. It has similarities to friends to lovers but I think this trope stands on it’s own as well. Often times these stories will involve a separation of sorts. So really, it’s childhood sweethearts to strangers to lovers. There’s so much character development and character change necessary here and I love it. It has a lot of campy potential despite most of these tending to end rather sadly.
You see this one in love triangles a lot too. In most cases the childhood sweetheart looses. I think this has a lot to do with the childhood sweetheart being framed as "the safe route" and the "safe" love interest never wins. I could get into how much I dislike The Passionate vs The Safe Love Interest trope, but that's a different blog post.
My Girl is kind of the go-to movie for this trope, I think. Though there won’t be a ‘to strangers to lovers' part. There’s Anohana, 5 Centimeters per Second, No. 6, and do you see what I mean about the trope being cursed with sad endings.
Not much to say on this one. It’s a solid trope with not that many exceptions to discuss.
Friends to lovers
A trope that I think is necessary to separate from Childhood Sweethearts or Childhood Friends. Friends to Lovers often has a different pacing and tone compared to childhood sweethearts and it doesn't run into bad endings nearly as often as the prior. What I really like about friends to lovers is that it works really well in both, dramas as well as romances that take themselves less seriously. It works in fanfiction really well (it’s the dream for most ships after all) as well written in canon. It’s an easier trope to do well.
When it comes to examples of Friends to lovers...the thing is that almost anything could technically count. There has to be some degree of friendship or acquaintanceship for romantic feelingss to develop from. I think the key is specifying long term friends to lovers.
Ron and Hermione. Easy. Toradora is here once again. Toradora is kind of perfect for a blog post like this since it's layered with romance tropes and still manages to be amazing because it holds substance and that's [I'm about to go on a mini tangent but I think it's worth keeping in here] what I think is most important when it comes to tropes: does the story carrying the trope have any substance? It's not the tropes or cliches that make a story bad. It's how they are used and if there is anything there besides them. However, I firmly believe that it is easier to command substance from some tropes more than others [End of tangent]. Lorelei and Luke could fit here too. There's also one of my favorite manwhas to date, 'Our Relationship is...'. In Our Relationship the trope is the very core of the story unlike the other examples I've given. Please read 'Our Relationship Is...' it's so good.
Fake Relationships
I’m just gonna come out and say it. I love fake dating stories. For one, they technically skip all the steps a usual romance takes since the chase takes a unique form. Here, the love interests are being thrown at each other’s friends and family right off the bat. They’re normally introduced to each others flaws and insecurities earlier than usual romances and if done well, do it without feeling out of place. It’s a pace I can get behind. There’s also guaranteed humor somewhere in there, which is nice.
The best part is that it’s just as entertaining to see in fanfiction as it is in canon material.
Bonus: if one of them tells their friends they’re “dating” s/o and the friends are like finally lmao, leaving the one involved having to internally question what do you mean finally we’re not even actually dating.
I just talked this trope up so much and the only good example I can think of is The Proposal. I don’t care what the ratings say, that movie is amazing. While You Were Sleeping, another Sandra Bullock movie, while I’m not the biggest fan of it personally, the movie fits the trope pretty well. There’s also...Nisekoi....I’m really not making a good argument for this trope
Return to Hometown
This isn’t a trope that only belongs to romances but man, if there isn’t something romantic about the concept. Something I really like about this one is that it puts the reader/viewer in the shoes of the main character. This trope can also be pretty broad. Do they meet a new person that moved into their small hometown while they were away and as a result, allow the main character to see the place in a new way? Are they forced to run into an old lover from their hometown, causing them to remember the things they loved but also hated about it? You can do so much with this one.
It’s campy. It’s nostalgic. It’s probably, definitely set in the fall or winter...which is the kind of atmosphere I can get into.
The only example of the trope going through my head right now is Kanon, which is a wonderful example please watch it if you haven’t. I looked up ‘return to hometown romance movies’ on google to see if something would spark my memory and the first search result was ‘hallmark movies’ so maybe there’s something in that pile of content I'm fine with avoiding for now.
Childhood Friends to Lovers
Ah. Last but not least, my absolute favorite trope, childhood friends to lovers. The best thing about childhood friends to lovers is that it can fit into almost every other trope that I've already mentioned at the same time. I know I've been saying this word a lot but I'm going to say it again: It's campy. The campy potential is so strong. This trope is also just kind of guaranteed to be a slow burn, and I love my slow burns.
The characters have a deep understanding of each other, but often realize as they get older that there were things they might of misjudged about the other because kids aren't exactly the best at empathy or understanding other people's circumstances. There's more opportunities to see character development. It shares a lot of strengths that childhood sweethearts has, the main difference being the romance comes later in this one.
Our Relationship is... fits here as well! Please read it! I'll mention Kanon once again too. Ron and Hermione...again. Okay um. Let's go with saying something I'd like to see in this genre more often: make it gay please.
That's all I got for this one guys.
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Thank you!
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Truth or Dare
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A/N: a real quick one shot about celebrating halloween with the dead poets bc I can't sleep XD Also, I didn't proofread this
I know it's not halloween anymore XD
Pairing : Neil Perry x reader
"Y/N"! You turned around quickly, almost losing your balance. It sounded urgently, almost as if someone hurt himself, but when you looked at the owner of the voice, you recognized him as Charlie Dalton, one of the first friends you'd made in Hellton, accompanied by - your heart skipped a beat and you had to swallow hard- Neil Perry, your all - time crush. You waited until they were right in front of you, trying not to pay the too much attention to Neil. "Hey you guys, what is it? ," you asked and pulled your coat tighter around you. It was October the 31th and although you loved the fall season, you despised the cold. "We thought you could come over and celebrate halloween with us?", Neil asked, smiling at you kindly. You blushed and agreed, following them back to their dormitories. Sneaking around in Hellton was always risky, but it was even more so when the sun had set since the teachers were even more cautious then. As you were quietly chatting with them and their plans for the evening, a shadow suddenly emerged from one of the walls and walked towards you. All of you stood frozen in shock, until you saw it was Mr Keating and let out a relieved breath. "And what do we have here?", he asked and added with a wink and a hushed voice:"Don't stay up too late" and left us. "He truly is nice ", Charlie whispered amazed and we stumbled the rest of the way to the room.
Once inside, you were squeezed between Neil and Todd, who was exchanging glances with a smirking Charlie. It had grown quite annoying to be honest. You had told them about your crush on Neil and since then, they tried to make you both confess. "So, what are we gonna do?", Pitts asked after lighting a cigarette. "Well, we can't really go trick or treating, can we?", Meeks asked and earned a round of laughter. "Also, the creepy stuff is hard to get", Knox stated and shuffled around on his place on the two beds. "What about a good ol'game of Truth or Dare?", Charlie asked, a gleam in his eyes you didn't quite liked. But everyone agreed and after Pitts had pulled out some snacks he "borrowed" from the kitchen and you lighted some candles, you began. "You cannot chicken out unless you want to confess to Mr Nolan that you spit on his food in seventh grade." Everyone groaned and chuckled." My turn to pick someone", Charlie continued and turned to - you, of course. You cursed him internally as he asked "Truth or Dare, Y/N?" and smiled at you innocently. "Truth", you decided, your heart beating out of your chest. "Is there someone in your life right now - as in boyfriend?" You felt Neil moving beside you a bit to look at you, setting you on fire. You swallowed. "No.", you said, making the boys gasp in disbelief. "Really?", Knox asked. "Yeah," you replied. Why did they had to make such a big deal out of it? "Todd, Truth or Dare?", you asked quickly to distract them from you.
A while of playing and hearing some embarrassing stories later, you sensed how tired you actually were. It was way past midnight now, too and when Meeks asked you, you picked Dare without even comprehending it. "Well then, Y/N, I dare you to.. Kiss Neil." You were wide awake now and your cheeks burned with embarrassment. How could they? Tears started to form in your eyes and you quickly got up from the bed, ignoring the shouts they send after you. It was freezing outside, but you didn't care. You wanted to feel numb. "Y/N?" Neil. They had ruined every chance you had with him and you hated them for it. You turned to look at him and he already was there, closer than you expected, which caused you to bump in his chest. He chuckled and somewhere in the back of your mind you recognized how his arms didn't let you go. Not daring to look up at him, you trained your gaze on his shoes. "Is - is it true?", he asked and you felt his chest vibrating. "What?", you asked. "You don't have a boyfriend?" Your pulse quickened. Why would he - "No, I don't. ", you stated flatly, still in Neil's embrace. "Well, would you mind if I -", he stopped himself and sighed. "Listen, Y/N, I - I liked you the second I met you, but I was always too - shy I guess to ask you out and I wanted to ask if- you would like to be my girlfriend?" You just stared at him dumbfounded. He sighed and started to let go of you. "I understand.." "Neil, wait." He froze, looking at you. And now you looked at him too, suddenly not shy anymore. There was a look in his eyes you had never seen before. Love. And that was all you needed to throw yourself in his arms fully again, hands going into his hair and him pulling you close by the waist. You kissed him forcefully, desperately and he responded with an unknown passion, grazing your lips gently and securing your back (which was a good thing because your knees were suddenly very weak). After an eternity, you separated for air and stared at each other, bliss and glee clearly visible in both of your glances to the other. You laughed breathlessly. "Wow. That was just wow. I -" but your words were muffled by a grinning Neil who dipped you down once again, connecting your soft lips with his. You moaned slightly, making him smirk into your skin. And yes, the dead poets stood behind a pillar, high fiving each other.
Hope you enjoyed!
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