#i have no idea how i managed to remember how to say and pronounce shit
toshidou · 2 years
decided to start learning german again (for... no particular reason...), and to say that the last time i was really practising was mid high school, i'm genuinely shocked at how much information i've retained
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allylikethecat · 1 year
if you’re still doing the kiss prompts, i woild love 9/19 for gatty ♥️
also wanted to say ive read p mi h everything in the gatty tag and think you have probably the most unique writer’s voice ive seen yet your characters feel 100% true ♥️ truly amazing
First, thank you so much for your kind words about my writing! There are so many incredibly talented writers in this fandom and I am so honored to be included in the tag with them! I have a lot of fun writing about the misadventures of Matty and George and I'm so happy that you're enjoying reading about them! (Eventually, one day, I'll update one of my fics on AO3 - for now I've been having too much fun working on these prompts!)
For the kiss prompts - I ended up combining these two, 9. Kiss…in public and 19. Kiss…for luck. I hope that was okay! If not let me know and I'll write you two new ones 😊 Regardless of if you wanted them combined or two separate ones, I hope that you enjoyed this fill!
9. Kiss…in public & 19. Kiss…for luck 
Matty felt like he was going to throw up. The spliff he had smoked, what he hoped was stealthily in the bathroom, standing carefully balanced on the toilet seat to exhale directly into the vent fan, George laughing with his hands on his hips to keep him steady, had done absolutely nothing to calm his nerves. If anything, it had only made him more anxious, made him paranoid that everyone could tell he was stoned. Even after rehearsing all week, after playing these songs for months, after writing them himself, he still couldn’t manage to pronounce “thinking this through” properly, the words slurring together in such a way that it had become a meme on TikTok. He was about to fuck up the words to his own song on live broadcast television and then get ridiculed on the internet for having a speech impediment despite all the years of speech pathology he had attended as a child to lose his lisp. 
He knew, rationally, they had been on bigger stages before. He knew rationally, the slur of the line was attributed to his Manchester accent and not his childhood speech impediment. He knew rationally, that even if he didn’t remember it, they had played SNL before. Maybe that’s why he was so nervous, maybe that’s why his stomach was churning ominously, leaving him wondering if he was going to puke or shit himself with nerves, or if he was really lucky, maybe a combination of the two.
He had seen the videos of their SNL performance in 2016, he had seen the articles condemning his “weird” stage presence. He had been high as shit on heroin, drunk as hell on red wine and it was truly a miracle that he had managed the performance at all. He had hazy memories of waking up in the back of the car taking them to the hotel, having fallen asleep with his heavy head on George’s shoulder as soon as they were in the moving vehicle, to hear murmurs of how they probably weren’t ever going to be invited back. The track marks on his arm had itched and shame burned in his chest. At the time, he hadn’t even been sure what they weren’t being invited back to. 
But here they were, seven years later, invited back. Their fifth album was doing better than they could have ever hoped, their sold out North American tour had been met with critical acclaim. They were nominated for another Brit award and Jack had even accidentally on purpose let slip that their name was being tossed around as actual Grammy contenders. And they had been invited back. To play SNL, even though seven years ago Matty had blacked out and then apparently thrown up just off to the side of the stage, barely out of view of the audience. It was time for his redemption arc, time for him to show NBC that he was Matty Fucking Healy, and Matty Fucking Healy was no longer a liability. 
Even though he kind of felt like a liability, standing with his guitar in the green room, trying to remember why he thought being a rockstar was a good idea to begin with. 
The rest of the guys, and their backing band, where sprawled out on the leather couches, fiddling with their instruments, laughing with excitement as Matty paced, strumming a few cords as he did so, trying desperately to calm himself, to remind himself that he was Matty Fucking Healy. Worst case scenario had already happened last time they played SNL, so really he should be relaxed, it could only go up from here. His stomach lurched and he found himself scrambling over to the bar sink in the corner, leaning heavily on the counter, banging his guitar on the cabinet as he moved. He took a deep breath, and swallowed hard. False alarm. He was fine. Everything was fine.
“You guys are up,” said a PA poking his head into the green room, Matty looked up, seeing the look of concern and judgment that PA was giving him. He looked too young to have been around for their first performance on the show, but Matty was willing to bet he had heard about it when it was announced they had been booked. Keep an eye on the little curly one, Matty was sure some senior up stage hand had said. Last time he did heroin in the bathroom then threw up everywhere. 
Matty swallowed hard. It was show time. It was just another show he told himself. Just another show. If he was losing it in front of a crowd of 300 he had no idea how he was going to handle Finsbury that summer- they were expecting 50,000. He knew it wasn’t the size of the live audience. It was the live broadcast and what it represented.
“Hey,” George said, catching his arm just as they were about to step onto the stage, and step into the shine of the lights. He could hear Jenna introducing them, though it sounded far away, like his head underwater, which was surreal enough in itself Matty thought hysterically. “Good luck.” 
He wrapped one of his large hands around Matty’s lower back, skimming the top curve of his arse. He pressed his mouth to Matty’s, in a chaste kiss that Matty found himself melting into, trying to deepen, chasing George’s lips, even as he pulled back. 
“You’re going to be brilliant.” 
The crowd started screaming and Matty looked over his shoulder, realizing with detachment that they hadn’t been as hidden, hadn’t been as off to the side as they had thought, the studio audience had a direct view, a front row seat to George kissing him. 
His next thought was the Taylor Swift song, has anyone ever kissed you in a crowded room. Followed quickly by this meant that the audience did in fact probably see him throw up last time. A hysterical bubble of laughter pulled itself from his chest and he rested his forehead against George’s chest. 
George gave the crowd a sheepish wave before pressing another kiss to the crown of Matty’s head, before stepping back and making his way to his drum kit. Matty spun around and waved at the audience, moving into the spotlight to take his place at center stage, grinning to himself as they played the opening notes of Looking for Somebody (To Love). He already had found somebody to love.
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spaceumbredoggos · 7 months
So much For Stardust Chapter Six.
No content warnings. Just Filler. I wrote this in a day. The next chapter is gonna be spicy. Not porn spicy, just drama spicy. But this fic is for mature audiences, so expect a sex scene or two in this fic (but like a tv sex scene where it’s screened over. Not those passionate porno sex scenes on AO3. Also, none of those are in this chapter.)
I got in the car and sat down in the front seat, panting from exhaustion.
“You know what Kenz needs?”
“I don’t need any—“
Loona burst out laughing before I could finish that statement. “You totally look like you could use a Starbucks.”
“Believe me. I don’t. Caffeine would just make me pass out.”
“Exactly.” Ford smiled, turning into the Starbucks parking lot. “And when’s the last time you’ve actually eaten?”
“There’s food at home.” But Wendy and Loona were chanting “Starbucks! Starbucks!” at the top of their lungs and punching the roof of Ford’s car, causing him to snicker as he turned into the drive through.
“I guess I’m outvoted.”
“Trust me, Kenz. You don’t want Ford to start cooking.”
“I can cook just fine, Wendy.” Ford retorted, but was cut off by Loona laughing out loud. “You burnt the water once trying to make toast.”
“SHUT UP!!!”
“How does one bloody burn the water after making toast?” I remembered when Gran told the story of when my mother almost burned down the house making toast. “At least you don’t get hair in the pancakes like Stan or glitter in the coffee like Mabel.”
“That’s not glitter she puts in the coffee, Kenz.” Loona chuckled as if she couldn’t believe how naive I am. “It’s not? But it’s so sparkly.”
“It’s smile dip.”
“What’s that?” This made Loona laugh harder, to which Ford had to explain. “Back in the 70’s, laws about candy were looser about what could be put in it. Smile dip contains a mild hallucinogen. It was banned with Regan’s whole ‘War on Drugs’ in the 80’s, but the locals of Gravity Falls are such hippies with drugs that it stayed around in convenience stores. Whatever you do, don’t snort it.” He pulled up to the speaker in the drive through. On the speaker was a bunch of crashing and a few chickens clucking. “What the fuck?”
“It’s just normal Gravity Falls Weirdness.”
“What do you mean?” Wendy burst out laughing. “Kenz, you have no idea what you’re about to be getting into by staying into this town.”
“And by the way. That clucking noise? That’s not a chicken. That’s the local cockatrice.”
“Should we go in there and make sure the employees aren’t turned to stone or set on fire?”
“I think they deal with this shit all the time.” Loona pulled up the Starbucks app on her phone and started putting in an order. “What do you want, Kenz?”
“I uh…” Just as I was about to say “I shouldn’t,” my stomach snarled with the intensity of a pack of wolves and my mouth was parched like the Sahara desert. “I’ll take a Trenta Strawberry assayee (Side note: I know it’s açaí, but I can’t pronounce it like that because I never quite learned to and it’s funnier to pronounce it assayee. Whenever Kenz mispronounces things, whether by accident or on purpose, I spell it how it’s pronounced because you can’t really show how a character pronounces something in fanfiction or written media like you can in scripted media like film and animation. By the way, if one of you idiots manage to animate this, Kenz’s voice is a bad moonkitti (the warrior cats YouTuber) impression done by me. However, their singing voice should they ever sing is my normal singing voice. Okay bye.) and a double smoked bacon cheddar and egg and… ooh… maybe a brownie—“
“You’re getting a brownie. There’s no maybe in this.”
“Says who?” Loona burst out laughing again. “Says me. Now don’t say you’re gaining weight because god knows that you were in a coma for five weeks and you barely ate shit!!! You tend to lose weight really quickly because you were 150 pounds before the coma and are now about 90. Billion fucked with your metabolism—“
“How the fuck do you know this?” To which Ford interjected, “It’s not rocket science. That much weight loss can be fatal. I don’t know how Bill managed to restore your ability to walk. He’s known to manipulate the biology of his victims. I think the way those wound appeared was that he—“
“Booo!!! I didn’t ask to go to school today!!!”
“Nerd!!!” Wendy and Loona flipped off Ford as I glared daggers at them. “I find Ford’s description of how I almost died very vital for my future survival aspect and somehow very interesting, thank you very much.”
“That’s not the first time I’ve been called that, Loona.” I flipped her off back as Ford almost had to stop the car laughing so hard.
“Kenz, you need to learn to live a little. Like have you ever snuck out?” Wendy was very adamant about this.
“Uh… No?”
“Have you ever dated or made out with someone your parents didn’t like just because it made your parent mad?”
“Does kissing a boy in first grade but not with tongue on the lips count?” Loona and Wendy exchanged amused glances. “Lame.”
“Wait, you’re still a virgin?” Loona started to laugh. “How can someone who’s the senior football star’s firstborn child not have even been to a party with drugs in it?”
“Does alcohol and cigarettes count?” Even Ford couldn’t believe how dense I was being, considering how he had to hold himself still trying to get the drinks and food from the drive thru window. “Even I have been to a party with drugs. Quite a few parties with drugs.”
“Multiversal parties don’t count—“
“I was dragged along to those parties by Stanley when we were in high school.”
“And they let you two in?” Loona scoffed, to which Ford replied with a nod. “Stanley knew how to supply the drugs. Most people used him for his ADHD.”
“Okay. That’s sad.”
“Not as sad as having to spend your high school years in an independent study program during and after a global pandemic and not being able to party outside of family barbecues.”
I opened my mouth to reply, but instead took a bite of my sandwich and a sip of my drink. “Touché.” I finished the sandwich swiftly and moved onto the brownie.
“If even Ford has been to a high school rager, then you, my friend, need to get out.” Loona booped my nose. “By the way, your face is covered in chocolate.”
I licked the chocolate off my face. “Was saving that for later.” Loona burst out laughing as Wendy patted my head. “You know what? I like you. You would have fit right in with the band and theatre kids, yet not in an annoying way. Like, how should I put this, Loona?”
“Like those weirdly hot kids—“
“Excuse me?” I hid into my shirt and blushed. “Take it as a complement.” Loona laughed.
“Oh dear.” Ford sighed, reaching to bat my back, but then retracted his hand as he remembered that I was touch aversive.
“You know what Kenz needs Ford?” Wendy took a sip of her iced caramel macchiato. “Kenz needs to go out. Let loose. Be with other young adults that actually do things instead of rot and play Pokémon.”
Ford paused for a moment. “Kenz needs a bad influence. I doubt they’ve ever done a shitty decision in their life.” Loona was practically screaming in agreement.
“I don’t need a bad influence. Bills been a bad enough influence on me, thank you very much. And I just go into town—“
“You’re coming to this party whether you like it or not, Kenz.”
“And Grandpa Ford isn’t going. He’s a lame drunk and an even lamer stoner.”
“I can’t argue with that, according to kids these days standards. Just don’t drag my grandneice and nephew into your shenanigans. They’ve made enough bad decisions.”
“I’ve made bad decisions. I got into a psych ward on my eighteenth birthday. That’s practically prison.”
“That’s just sad.” Loona started texting on her phone. “Ford?”
“Im gonna agree on the girls with this one. That is really sad. Also, you were kinda voluntarily admitted for a plan—“
“Why do they even want to hang out with me if I’m so lame anyways? I thought I was too nerdy with all my weird bug facts and emotional baggage…”
Loona and Wendy burst out laughing. “Kenz, you don’t know it, but you’re the opposite of lame.”
“You don’t know me. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I can barely handle caffeine without taking a nap. And also, I can’t drive because my ADHD is just… That way. So I can’t be a designated driver.”
“But you’re hilarious.”
“No I’m not. Im grumpy and grouchy and… and… Darkness. Darkness danger and death. We literally just met. You don’t know what I’m like. Any of you.”
“Maybe we don’t. Maybe we just wanna get to know you better. To get to know you besides the shitty hand you were dealt. And by the way, you can listen to Emo music all you want, but you’ll never truly be a hardcore Emo kid. I’ve seen you around animals. You talk to them like they’re your friends. It will never not be adorable.”
“Wendy, I’m not—“
“Kenz, look. That kid has a lab!”
“What? Labbydor? Where? Where pupper?!” The car burst out laughing as I grumbled. “Ha ha. It says gullible on the ceiling and I dropped my pocket and shit.”
“At least you’re honest.” Loona smiled. “You guys don’t think it’s creepy when I talk to snakes like they’re dogs, or when I catch a weevil and let it crawl on my arm for hours shouting ‘WEEVIL TIME’ at the top of my lungs?”
“You make it hilarious. That’s part of your charm.”
“Someone has to be able to handle spiders and creepy crawlies.” Loona started to speak in an Australian accent. “You’re like Steve Irwin, mate.”
“I’ve seen your art on tumblr and your tiktoks. They’re hilarious. And you’re an excellent drawer. Also, props to you for putting AI in its place.” Wendy smiled and put her phone down.
Ford pulled up at the shack as I sat down on the couch. “What are you doing?”
“Getting ready to go to sleep.” Loona shook her head and lifted me up. “Come on!!! I’m exhausted!! The party’s tomorrow!!!”
“Slumber party!!!”
“Loona, be careful using that word around here. Because if Mabel hears you have a slumber party with Kenz, then Candy and Grenda are gonna be milleseconds away. And that will be too much intensity for them to take.”
“Why don’t we drag them to your place? They don’t even have a room here, yet.” Loona carried me fireman style to Wendy’s house. “We’re doing this? We’re seriously doing this?”
0 notes
7official7moose7 · 3 years
Some Bruno hcs that live rent free in my head:
Has these little green reading glasses that he uses to read (obviously)
They have a chain attached to them that Mirabel made when she was like 3 or 4 (yknow like the little glasses chain that loops around so you can take the glasses off and have them hang around your neck)
Can hear his visions sometimes—like if it's a vision of someone talking to someone else he can hear the conversation (though it's very rare; when it does happen though, it takes a lot out of him)
Can feel most of his involuntary visions coming up to an hour before they happen
It starts as a fuzzy pressure behind his eyes like a tension headache and the intensity increases until it finally shows itself
His involuntary visions can also be very sudden; one second he's talking to his sisters or making coffee and the next his eyes go wide and start glowing as green images flash in his sight and when he comes back he's lightheaded and a bit confused but ultimately unfazed (albeit annoyed)
It scares the shit out of most, but Pepa and Julieta are pretty much used to it by now and they make sure he doesn't faint on the spot when he comes to
Speaking of—when they happen, Bruno can't see anything other than the vision; so from the outside, they can see his eyes glowing as he looks around frantically, but he's still aware of his surroundings so he can still hear and feel them outside of his vision, but it's somewhat difficult to respond when he's not doing a prophecy and it's just an inv. one
Has a severe sweet tooth (will eat any candy EXCEPT licorice, but dark chocolate is his most favorite and everyone disagrees except for Julieta)
Bruno: it's better than milk chocolate
Pepa: take it back. Take it back rIGHT NOW OR ISTG-
Rarely ever drinks, but when he does he's a spacey drunk (and a fuckn lightweight)
Like he'll just sit there staring at the floor while Agustín and Félix are joking around and Julieta will come in and be like "wait are you. Are you drunk?" And Bruno will look up at her, deadpan, and go "heheh. yeah"
Is emotionally attached to his ruana and if he loses it he loses his shit and is very anxious and upset until he finds it again
Camilo got the :3 smile from Bruno
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Camilo's is more pronounced but Bruno's is still there :3
Has a funky ass high-pitched scream and is v embarrassed abt it (this is basically canon tho bc his sCREECH WHERE MIRABEL DROPPED HIM I- PFFHSHSHHAHSHSSH)
Is probably aro/ace (I understand that some people are going a bit too far with the lgbt hcs, I just wanna say that is not what I am doing here; I know the movie is about family relationships, Colombia, generational trauma and finding self-worth!! I promise I'm not trying to take away from the main theme, it's just a lil idea in my head, that's all <'3)
Definitely a sneezes-in-threes guy (they used to be super loud but now he sneezes like a mouse (or a rat hahsgdakgjgd))
When Bruno is sick/very VERY tired, his powers get wack (as does the other Madrigal's)
Constant visions, left and right, about things that will either happen the second he stops seeing it or things that won't happen until like 100 years later; his eyes won't stop glowing even when he's not seeing the future; one sneeze causes either a plethora of sudden visions or fastforwards time by like a couple seconds, leaving everyone in the Encanto confused as to how they were just getting up to go get a snack to already looking in the pantry
Has visions in his sleep but usually can't remember them until they happen
If he manages to sleep at all that is
He's a very light sleeper, the smallest creak leaves him wide awake
Doesn't snore. Like at all. Unlike Pepa who sounds like a friggin freight train
Has very quiet footsteps, sneaks up on everyone unintentionally (one time Pepa was reading a book and she looked up and he was just standing there in the doorway staring at her and she was like "HOW TF DID I NOT HEAR YOU"
The last 3 above are all probably either just how he is or because of him hiding in the walls
Has surprisingly great hygiene
Cares a LOT about the rats and was overjoyed to be able to communicate with them when Antonio offered to translate
Bruno doesn't consider the rats his rats; "they just kinda adopted me, I guess" he told Mirabel and Camilo when they asked about it
Used to be mistaken for a little girl sometimes when he was a kid once his hair started growing out
This prompted Julieta and Pepa to dress him up like a sister all the time, and he honestly didn't mind it; his "sister name" was "brunilda"
Sometimes his visions give him nosebleeds or sore eyes (his sight gets kinda fuzzy for a few days but it's nothing terrible)
When he's not nervous or stressed, Bruno is a pretty laid-back chill kind of guy, might have been a little troublemaker in his early years
Is really good with kids; Hernando and Jorge used to be his imaginary friends but he brought them back for his sister's kids
Basically he's That One Uncle That Everyone Thinks Is On Drugs Or Has Done Drugs But He's Really Just Naturally Like That™
I'll add more when I'm not about to pass out from lack of sleep 😭👍
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
DIWK - Chapter one: "Yes, I'm a genius"
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Word count: 10,5 K
Warnings: Cursing, but it's mostly a fluffy nerdy start to our story.  Mentions of the L.D.S.K episode (Season 1, E06) and A real Rain (Season 1, E17).
Summary: Spencer meets the BAU new member, a young S.S.A. who happens to be just as nerdy as he is. (Y/N) is excited to join her dream job finally, but she is decided to create an imaginary barrier between her personal life and her job 'cos she doesn't want to make the same mistakes her father had done.
A/N: It's happening!!! I'm so excited!! I'm sorry it's gonna be long, so I hope you enjoy the ride 💕. Let me know what you think!  
Series Masterlist
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen | 
Spencer's point of view
I remember everything that happened the day (Y/N) first arrived at the BAU. It was Monday, November 7th, 2005. Morgan had teased me for a whole week already, as soon as Hotch told us a new member of the team had been selected.
I first saw her when she had her last interview with Aaron and Gideon. My eyes were glued to her from the moment she stepped into the bullpen, and of course, Derek saw me.
- "What caught your eye, kid?"- he asked, walking to my desk. He sat on it and cut me one of his smirks, telling me he knew something was going on. I cleared my throat, trying to turn to my pile of paperwork, going through the papers, and narrowing my eyes, pretending to read.
- "What?"- I know I couldn't fool him, but at least I tried.
- "Do you know her?"
- "Who?"- Morgan looked at me in silence. He knew I knew what he was talking about- "The... no, Hotch is talking with someone..."
I was completely flustered.
- "That I can see, do you know her?"
- "No..."- I whispered and looked over again, this time staring at the scene inside the office, trying to figure out what they were talking about.
I could see (Y/N) smiling at Hotch, and he... smiled back, which still surprises me. Our Unit Chief never smiles in the office, and somehow, (Y/N) always manages to make him grin and express tenderness. I guess that's one of the things about her I love, the way she always manages- somehow, I still don't know how- to make everybody around her happy. Especially me. I had never been as happy as I've been since I met her.
- "Hey, Hotch!"- Morgan waited until she was into the elevator to call Aaron and start asking questions- Who is she?
- "That's Supervisory Special Agent (Y/F/N) (Y/S/N) (Y/L/N), and she is going to be part of the team, starting next week."
My heart stopped. (Y/N) was gonna work with me. I was never going to have another intelligible thought or idea if she was going to be around. Of that, I was sure.
Derek turned to me with a grimace of taunt as I tried my best to look away and hide my red blushed cheeks. Damn it. I hate it when he makes me feel like a kid. He did that then, and he still manages to do it now, even when I'm already thirty years old.
- "Did you hear that, pretty boy?"- I was so glad it was just him and Hotch. I didn't want anyone else to listen to that conversation- "You are going to get many chances to talk with that pretty girl."
- "We are going to have to go through the fraternization policy then."- Hotch joked. Yes, he joked and smiled as he walked away.
I could barely talk or even look at her during her whole first day. I was so embarrassed that week 'cos I had just failed my firearm qualification, and I knew everybody was judging me. At least that's how I felt. It didn't work that Morgan welcomed me that morning with a freaking whistle. I felt like the mockery of a Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI, and of all days, (Y/N) had to arrive that morning.
We had a long briefing that day, JJ catching (Y/N) up with a few cases we were reviewing, and Hotch gave her the proper induction to the team. Penelope loved her. It was friendship at first sight.
- "I'm so happy you are here to stay! There aren't enough girls here at the BAU!"- she nearly squeaked as soon as we left the meeting room- "I want to know everything about you! We are going to be best friends. I can feel it!"- (Y/N) smiled at Garcia and nodded.
- "If you are a cat lover and a sucker for nerdy things, then I guess we are already family."
Her answer made Penelope shriek in excitement as I walked back to my desk quickly. I knew Derek wasn't going to waste the chance to embarrass me in front of her, and I needed to avoid it no matter what.
- "Considering it's your first day, and so far we haven't got a case, I say we should all have lunch together. There's a small place nearby"- Morgan smiled sweetly at (Y/N), and she nodded.
- "I'd love to."
- "Spencer here was just telling me how he wanted to know how you got to the BAU so young; he is excited not to be the team's baby anymore"- I turned to Morgan slowly. I swear he could feel the daggers from my eyes.
- "How old are you?"- she asked, and her smile left me speechless. I tried to answer, but I couldn't make any sound but an awkward stutter.
- "He's twenty-four"- Elle had to answer for me, 'cos I had literally lost all my verbal abilities- "His birthday was a few weeks ago."
- "Congratulations! I'm twenty-four too! I'm so happy I'm not the youngest! My brother teased me about it for the last couple of days and got me all freaked out."
She looked so happy to be there. When you spend day after day surrounded by the worst of humankind, you seem to enjoy and appreciate the little gentle things in life. Her excitement was one of those. It was refreshing.
- "That's..."- it was so hard to pronounce any word at that moment. I was flustered and mortified 'cos I was making a fool out of myself.
- "That's great."
That was all I managed to say. Then, I looked down at the papers on my desk, doing my best to avoid any conversation. JJ and Elle talked to her for a few more minutes before returning to their duties, and Derek tapped my back as he walked to his desk.
- "Way to go, Romeo."
- "Shut up."
We never made it for lunch that day, 'cos we were called for a case in Illinois, and I was embarrassed in front of (Y/N) for the very first time. The first of many.
(Y/N)'s point of view
I could never forget the day I met Spencer. We were just kids. We were both twenty-four, and that was the first thing that caught everybody's attention on my first day at the BAU. We were the youngest, though he was a genius. I was an average kid who graduated high school at sixteen, got good grades at college, and got into the academy at twenty. Somehow I managed to kick ass until I got the position of my dreams in the Behavioral Analysis Unit. I felt too young and inexperienced to be there, but seeing Reid's face made me feel a little better.
Hotch introduced me to everybody: Morgan, JJ, Elle, Penelope, Gideon -the legend- and Doctor Spencer Reid. He didn't shake my hand, explaining he has a "germs thing." I waved and said I understood him because I've always had a "hug thing," so we are both on the same page.
- "I don't like people touching me if we are not close friends or family."- I explained, and he smiled right away. That smile. It lit up my days for years to come.
- "Me neither, so don't worry, I'm not gonna try to touch you"- I bit my lips as I nodded, and his cheeks turned blood red with embarrassment immediately
- "Sorry, I mean, I'm not going to do anything that might bother you, like hugging you or..."
- "Don't worry, Dr. Reid, I understood what you were trying to say"- he kept nodding and excusing himself, and I tried not to laugh. He seemed to be so nervous it was endearing.
- "You... you can call me Spencer, or Reid"- he added- "You don't need to call me doctor."
- "You can call me (Y/N)"- and he nodded again, looking like a ten years old kid.
I remember clearly that second, right away, I thought he could be my new best friend. There was something about him that made me want to get closer to him.
- "Great! Now we've got two weird kids."- Morgan quickly said, chuckling, and I frowned at his words. I wanted to give him the snarkiest answer, but I remembered it was my first day, and I was still trying to give a good impression to my new coworkers, so I just stared.
- "You know, treating them like kids won't make you look wiser."- Elle whispered, though I heard her perfectly, as Hotch called to the briefing room.
- "I'm just joking with them! Don't you get a joke?"
I thought it was rude to joke around with someone you had just met, but soon after that, I realized Derek Morgan meant no harm. He was like that. And soon, he became the older brother I never thought I was going to need at work. After all, it was my first official job, and it was a very stressful one.
My first case was nerve-wracking. Gideon snapped in front of me, and I felt I wasn't helping at all catching the sniper. We are not supposed to use that word, but fuck it. Besides, Spencer and Hotch were kept hostage by the unsub. And Aaron had to beat the shit out of Reid to save all the hostages. Reid was so embarrassed, and I was so scared.
Scared of looking weak in front of my team. Afraid of not deserve being at the BAU.
I remember Elle brought me a coffee on the jet on our way back and said the words that resonated in my head when she left.
- "No one expects you to be perfect at what you do. We just need someone who gives the best every day."
I looked into her eyes and nodded. That was one of the few intimate conversations we had. Elle wasn't the one to open her heart and share her feelings. But she was always someone who could tell you the truth and support you when you needed it.
- "Hey! Reid!"- I waved at him from my car as I stopped next to him outside the BAU. It was already two in the morning, and he was outside the main building waiting for a cab.
- "Hey (Y/N)."- he whispered as I rolled up the window and looked at him.
- "Do you need a ride?"
- "No... no, thank you"- he hesitated and waved- "I already called a cab."
- "Are you sure? it's gonna start raining any minute now."
And just as I predicted, a few seconds later, Spencer's glasses were covered with tiny drops of water. He smiled and took a step closer to the car, opened the door, and got in.
- "Th... thank you"- he whispered as I smiled
- "It's ok, I couldn't let you there, on your own, waiting for a cab, not after coming back from a case."
- "I'm ok..."- maybe he thought I was implying the beating he got from Aaron earlier that day, so I did my best to tell him otherwise.
- "I bet you are, but it's fucking freezing, and we are all tired. There's no way you are waiting for a cab if I can drive you over... what about your car, by the way?"
- "I'm not a fan of driving; I take the subway to work every day."
- "Really? Why not?"- I was surprised by his answer, but I was way more surprised we were talking, finally.
- "I don't know, I don't feel comfortable driving... the guys say I'm weird."
I turned to him, raising an eyebrow. He looked so nervous it made me feel bad. Maybe I had done something that had bothered him and never noticed it.
- "That's not weird"- my voice was soft, trying to calm him down. Spencer looked like a scared kitten sitting on my car's passenger seat.
- "If you don't like driving, that's ok... I don't like talking on the phone with people. It makes me anxious for no reason."- I confessed, keeping my eyes on the road. But I know he turned to me and nodded.
- "That's completely normal. It's called "telephone phobia" or "phone phobia," which refers to the irrational fear or discomfort with speaking over the phone. Psychologists believe that this condition is related to social anxiety, which causes a person to avoid situations where they will need to act. Making a call is essentially a performance, and some people dread making a mistake, freezing up, being ridiculed, or not being able to perform in front of an audience."
- "Really?"- he just nodded and kept his eyes on the road- "I didn't know it had a name! My insurance should cover it."
And he finally laughed, which made me feel he was maybe a little more relaxed around me.
- "This is me."- he announced, and I parked outside his building. It was a nice place, and conveniently, it was very close to my house.
- "Great! I live just a few blocks away. I can give you a ride to work whenever you want"- I might have sounded a little more excited than I should have, but I wanted to be friends with him. He was the closest in age with me at work, and he looked so shy and friendly. He was a magnet. Spencer Reid was calling for my friendship. I could feel it.
- "Th.. thanks"- he stuttered and nodded as he opened the door and step out of the car- "Thank you, again."
- "You are very welcome!"- I answered with a big smile. He stared at me for another second and waved before turning around, basically running into the building.
I wish I could go back in time to those days. Everything was more uncomplicated, we were getting to know each other, and everything was brand new: Reid's rambling, my bad jokes. I miss that. I miss us.
It wasn't easy to get close to Spencer. It wasn't easy to get close to the team, probably 'cos I was overthinking every single thing I did. In my first couple of weeks, I was as friendly as I have ever been and made my best to be the (Y/N) I had to be as an FBI Agent. I was making a tremendous effort to fit it. I was nervous and walking on eggshells the whole time. Every time Hotch talked to me, I was sure he would tell me I was fired. When Gideon looked at me, I was sure he thought I was the dumbest agent he had ever met. And every time I spoke at the morning briefings, I just could feel Spencer thinking I was stupid.
- "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! I was looking for you!"- Penelope ran into me outside the lady's room and jumped on my face, making me scream- "Sorry!"
- "It's ok, you just almost killed me of a heart attack, but that's ok... I'll survive."- I joked as I kept feeling my heart jumping in my chest.
- "Sorry, I'm just excited 'cos everybody is in for a little gathering tonight at my house. I need to give you a proper welcome! You've already been here for nearly a month, and we still don't get to know much of you."
Hanging out with my coworkers outside the office was strange. Not that I didn't want to get to meet them, it's just that... they were FBI agents. Sure, so was I, but it was my first official Supervisory Special Agent job, and I was only twenty-four. There were so many of my teenage days I still wasn't ready to let go. And so much of it, I didn't want them to know.
- "Sure!"- I replied and smiled at her face lighting up. You could tell Penelope was excited to host a party at her house.
- "Great! Tonight! my place! I'll text you the address! you have to be there!"
- "I will, I swear!"
Spencer's point of view
Oh, man! The first time I actually talked to (Y/N) was on a get-together Penelope organized at her apartment a few weeks after (Y/N) joined the team. Garcia made an effort to make her feel welcome, she even invited Elle, and we all knew those two weren't incredibly close.
Derek drove Elle and me to Penelope's, and I was mortified every minute I spent in that car. He wouldn't stop teasing me, and Elle asked over and over if I had a crush on (Y/N).
- "No! I don't have a crush on her! can you knock it off?!"- I finally snapped as I got off the car outside Garcia's building.
- "Just because she is my age doesn't mean I have or should have a crush on her! she is our new colleague! so please! Stop!"
I slammed the door and walked inside. Did I make an unnecessary scene? Yes, but I couldn't handle anything better at that moment. They were driving me crazy.
- "Welcome! Welcome!"- Penelope opened the door and invited us in. (Y/N), and JJ were already there, holding a beer and laughing. I stared at the two of them and knew I wasn't going to say a word the whole evening.
Back then, I still had a small crush on JJ. We had a terrible date after Gideon gave me tickets for a football game with her favorite team. That was his way to encourage me to ask her out, which I did... but apparently, I sucked at it, 'cos she never got it was a date and invited Penelope to come along. Worst date of my life. But still, I got flustered around her, and my mind kept coming back to her from time to time.
- "So, pretty girl, why did you want to be part of the FBI?"- Morgan asked her after a while of small talk. She was sitting on Garcia's coach, next to our host and JJ. I turned to look at her from my chair, and I swear I felt Elle's eyes on me for a few seconds.
- "Do you usually call girls names?"- (Y/N) answered the questions with another question and frowned at Morgan. He just wide opened his eyes and smiled, surprised.
- "He calls everybody names."- JJ replied, chuckling
- "Hey! he calls me sweet names! Just me!"- Penelope got all jealous and possessive right away.
- "Did you know according to some studies, the reason people in relationships use pet names for their partners is that they're harking back to their own childhood experience and their first love, which usually relates to their mother"- facts came out of my mouth faster than I noticed. I didn't have a chance to stop myself.
Derek frowned right away and (Y/N) bit her lips, trying not to laugh. Elle lost that fight and let out a burst of loud laughter along with JJ.
- "Are you trying to tell me I've got mommy issues, Reid?"
- "No, no, of course not!"- my voice was agitated as I shook my head and hands frenetically. If there's one thing I never want to do is get Morgan mad. He is scary when he is crossed, and back then, we weren't as close as we are now. Let's say I was a little afraid I might say the wrong thing. I always said the wrong thing... I don't know when to stop.
- "I call people pet-names too, once I get to know them, so don't worry"- (Y/N) smiled at turned to Derek with a smile- "And to answer your question, why did I join the FBI? I guess I tried to follow dad's steps. He is chief of police here at Quantico... and my older brother is a detective at NYPD, so... I guess I never really thought about it. I knew where I wanted to be."
- "I bet they are proud"- JJ smiled at her, and I held my breath for a second. I don't know why I did it; I just remember feeling overwhelmed all of a sudden. Not because of JJ, but because I wanted to learn more about (Y/N). I wanted to know everything, but I had no idea how to ask her anything.
- "Well, my brother is very jealous since I joined the BAU"- she chuckled with a playful smile- "Now I'm dad's favorite."
She told us about her academy experience, and we all told her a little bit about ourselves. Morgan was nice enough to tell her everything about my degrees and IQ because, well, my IQ dropped to twenty when it was my turn to talk to her.
I found out she has a MA in Linguistics and was considering doing the DA, which she did. That's when I managed to speak, and we talked about our college experiences for a while.
- "Oh, no! I wasn't popular at all. When your dad is a cop, kids usually don't wanna talk to you or invite you to parties."- she explained as we stood at one side of the room. Talking to her on our own was a little bit easier than doing it with everybody else watching. I don't know why. So I took my opportunity when Derek was out getting more beer with Elle, and JJ and Garcia were in the kitchen.
- "Being fourteen and riding my bike to college didn't make me very popular either."- I confessed, and she chuckled
- "Sorry."
- "Don't be"- I smiled and looked down at my shoes- "I guess at a certain point in our lives, we have to start laughing about some of the bad things that happened to us"- her cellphone rang that second, and she looked at the screen with a small smile.
- "Sorry, I have to answer this, it's my boyfriend."
Boyfriend. I should have seen it coming.
I walked to the kitchen, defeated, and sighed. I left my empty can of Coke and looked at my friends.
- "I think I'm gonna go home."
- "What? No! It's too early, Spence!!"- JJ argued right away- "You never want to hang out with us outside work!"
- "Yeah!! Don't you want to have fun with us?"- Garcia begged and pouted. I wasn't sure I wanted to be there. I was very uncomfortable 'cos social gatherings weren't my thing (they are still not my thing anyway) until I heard her voice.
- "So, what are you guys doing?"- (Y/N) walked over and stood next to me
- "Who were you talking to?"- Penelope asked right away with a wink.
- "My boyfriend"- she was joyful, I could feel the happiness in her voice- "He just wanted to know if I was ok."
- "Boyfriend?"- JJ smiled, and I could feel her eyes glance over me.
- "I need to know everything!"- and Penelope hyperventilated right away- "How long have you been dating? Are you getting married soon? Is he the love of your life?"
- "Who's getting married?"- Morgan walked in and wide opened his eyes as he questioned the room.
- "(Y/N) is getting married!!"- Penelope nearly shrieked as (Y/N) shook her head laughing.
- "I'm not getting married! Paul and I started dating just a month ago; it's nothing serious."
I took a sip of the beer Elle gave me and sighed, staring at the bottle. I made my best not to look at Derek for the rest of the night. I didn't want him to give me any sorry glance or anything that might make anyone believe something that wasn't real.
It was a fun night, after all. After my beer, we talked; I felt a little looser and managed to ask (Y/N) about herself and told her I had overheard her telling Garcia she was a sucker for all nerd things.
- "Yeah, I'm a huge nerd"- her cheeks blushed with her confession.
- "I bet you can't beat baby genius here"- Morgan chuckled and tapped in my back, making everybody laugh... at me.
- "I've got the feeling I can top him... you have no idea the kind of geek I am"- she looked straight at me- "How many Star Wars conventions have you been to this year?"
- "Just one, you?"- I raised an eyebrow and watched her chuckle.
- "Five... last two I was in make-up and custom"- I wide opened my eyes as she bit her lips nervously.
- "And Doctor Who conventions?"- I asked her, way more intrigued than I had been about her before.
- "Only two this year, the academy and school got in the way of most of my fun..."
- "Do you have a favorite doctor?"- I had to ask
- "From the new series, ten, the classic Doctor who I have to say four."
- "Tom Baker is by far my favorite doctor of the whole series."
- "But you can't overlook the fantastic job David Tennant has done! He is the one who managed to charm a whole new generation with the show!"
- "Yeah, he is excellent! but he ain't no Baker"- I loved that conversation
- "Baker's popularity is 80% because he had Sara Jane, who is by far one of the best companions the doctor has ever had. She made him human and relatable"- she had a point, but I needed to argue with her. I opened my mouth to answer, but I couldn't because Morgan's voice was louder than my thoughts.
- "Ok, geeks, you can ramble about your tv shows and nerd things some other time, now let's make a toast. To our newest member, we hope you feel welcome working with us, 'cos you are gonna see us way more than you see your boyfriend"- she chuckled at those words and nodded.
- "Thank you, guys. You have been so nice to me these couple of weeks. I've got the feeling we are gonna get along."
- "Do you need a ride?"- (Y/N) turned to me as I grabbed my satchel, and she put on her coat.
- "Thanks, but Morgan is gonna take me home."- I whispered, scared to be alone with her again.
- "Actually, kid, I was planning to hit the club right now, it's still early, and we don't get many free nights, so..."- he looked at us and shrugged.
- "You don't mind?"- I asked her, and she gave me the warmest smile.
- "I just offered to do it, of course, I don't mind at all."
- "Thank you."
I didn't know if I wanted to kill Morgan or thank him. Either way, (Y/N) waved goodbye to everybody and walked out of Garcia's with me, after thanking everybody for the hundredth time for everything.
- "Are you tired?"- she asked me as we both sat in her car. She started it, and the music that came from the radio was so loud, I nearly covered my ears- "Sorry! Sorry! I was rocking my favorite album on my way over."
She quickly turned off the radio and gave me a guilty smile
- "It happens when you drive alone a lot."
- "Did you know listening to loud music helps you liberate stress?"- I started rambling- "There is a direct connection between your inner ear and the pleasure centers in the brain. Shortly explained, when you listen to loud music, endorphins are released, that act on the opiate receptors in our brains, they reduce pain and boost pleasure, resulting in a feeling of well-being."
If I was going to work with her, I had to find a way to talk to her. Even if that way was to ramble facts over and over again. Anything was better than silences, I guess.
- "Yeah! and it also works like a stimulant, which I needed after the week we just had..."- I chuckled, and she looked at me for a second- "By the way, I noticed you have a problem with coffee and sugar"
- "I don't have a problem with coffee!"- I felt nearly judged by her statement.
- "And sugar!"- she added and snickered
- "You know you shouldn't profile other profilers"- I made my best to make a joke, and I guess I nailed it, 'cos she chuckled.
- "That's hardly profiling, Reid! that's just watching you prepare your coffee every morning"
- "Have you been spying on me?"- I could help but to chuckle at that conversation. I was having fun.
- "No way on earth! I just happen to like to drink coffee too, which leads us to the question I wanted to ask, it's still early; Morgan was right, do you want to have a coffee or something... I'm in the mood for something sweet."
- "And you were judging me for my coffee with extra sugar!"
- "I'm not judging you! I'm just pointing out that I noticed what you are doing and wondering how many cavities you already have."
I laughed. An honest, real, pure laughter. She has always made me laugh as I've never had. Like there are no problems, no worries, no traumas. Nothing bad.
- "I have no cavities, thank you very much!"
- "Fine! and are you in the mood for a late coffee and cupcake with me?"- I stayed quiet and looked at her- Don't feel pushed to do it just because I'm giving you a drive
- "No, no, it's not that. I just don't wanna bother you"
- "If I am inviting you, Reid, it's because I want to do it, not because I'm feeling forced to do it"- she kept her eyes on the road, but her voice was so reassuring I couldn't doubt a word.
- "Wouldn't your boyfriend get mad or something?"- I whispered the question 'cos I was scared of the answer.
- "Why should he?"- she looked shocked by the questions- "If he gets jealous, then he is not the guy for me."
I cut her a short smile and nodded. Her personality was so different from mine. It was exciting to have her around.
- "I could eat a donut"- and she clapped at my answer, thrilled with the plan.
- "That's the spirit! I know just the place!"
We talked until four in the morning that night. I don't know how I managed to do it, not because I was tired, but because I was very nervous. Well, I was at the beginning, but talking with (Y/N) has always come easy to me, somehow. To the guy who was never able to speak in public or with any girl, spending three hours in a cafeteria talking, eating donuts, and drinking coffee in the middle of the night was the most significant achievement.
(Y/N)'s point of view
- "How do you know a place open at this hour?"- Spencer asked me the very first time we were out together for coffee. It was already close to four in the morning, and I had started yawning, 'cos even with all the sugar and caffeine I had consumed that night, I was weary.
- "Sorry to break the news, doctor, but are not the only one with a sugar problem"- I licked a little frosting from my finger and grinned- "Sometimes after classes, or when I was too stressed studying, I would come here, get a coffee, a cupcake and just... do nothing for a while, just to let my brain rest I guess"
- "That makes total sense. The brain needs free time to process new information and turn it into something more permanent. Though the amount of time a mind needs to construct a durable memory probably varies from one person to the next, it also depends on the complexity of what that person is trying to learn"
- "Well, believe me, it felt like I needed two weeks to process all the information, but I only had half an hour if I was lucky"
- "Then you are already trained for this work. We don't have much time to do anything when we are on a case"
- "That's what I've seen so far... but at least you all get along. It would suck to be stuck in a team that fight egos and divisions."
- "Yeah, you are right, we are lucky to have very nice people working with us... everybody brings something different to the team"- I nodded at his words and looked down at my fingers as I tried to wipe the leftover sticky glazed with a napkin.
I had been working there for four weeks already, and I still felt like I didn't belong. Honestly, it was such hard work being there, not because they weren't a great team, but because it was more challenging than I ever imagined. Profiling and traveling all over the nation catching serial killers was... stressing, to say the least.
- "You bring a completely different point of view in every case"- he continued speaking and looked down at his cup- "And your knowledge in Linguistics adds more information to the profiles, which helps working faster and better."
I held my breath at his words. I knew he was just polite, just trying to make me feel better about my job performance these weeks.
- "I can assure you, you have been an incredible addition to the team"- he stayed quiet for a second, still just staring at his cup.
- "Thank you."
- "It's true; I'm not telling you this 'cos I think you need to hear it. I wanted you to know 'cos that's how we all feel."
I know I was blushing. I don't know how to take a compliment. Not that I get many, but it's always weird to hear someone telling you so nice things about your work.
- "Thank you, Spencer"- he finally looked at me and nodded. We stayed in silence for a few minutes. I didn't know what else to say, and he seemed to be embarrassed.
- "Thank you, actually"- he finally whispered.
- "Why? I didn't do anything"- I was confused, but he was earnest about his words.
- "Thank you, 'cos you have been very nice to me, even though I am a barely tolerable person."
- "What? Barely tolerable? What the hell are you saying?"
- "I mean, I know I drive people crazy 'cos I am always rambling and giving unnecessary facts all the time"- I narrowed my eyebrows, not getting why he was saying those things.
- "You do not do that."
- "Maybe you haven't been here long enough to realize I am always giving facts, and..."- he was honest. He actually believed people were annoyed by him. It hurt me to know that's what he thought of himself.
- "I realized that within the first three hours into the job, but I think that's amazing."
- "People would always say it's annoying."
- "Why would they say that?"
- "Because... I know they do."
- "Well, whoever says or thinks that are assholes, I like your rambling."
Reid snorted, and I hit his arm with my knuckles softly. I really felt bad he was so insecure, and most of all, he thought everybody hated him.
- "I mean it, Spencer, I wish I knew half the things you know, and if being with you means having to listen to your rambling, I think it's incredible, 'cos it gives me the chance to soak some of that knowledge."
The way he smiled, it was like his whole face lit up. He blushed, obviously embarrassed, and it also blushed me, 'cos he was gorgeous when he smiled.
- "So please, don't stop the facts, not with me"- he nodded and sipped what was left of his coffee.
After another few minutes, we left, and I drove him home. We were in a small sugar rush; we were too tired to have a full effect. I knew all I wanted was my bed and sleep the whole weekend.
- "I had a great time tonight"- I parked my car outside his building and smiled- "At Penelope's and with you"
I was so excited we had finally talked and gotten closer. I wanted to be friends with him so badly. Why? I don't know. I just knew I needed him in my life, from that minute on.
- "I had a great time too"- he smiled and held his satchel- "See you Monday"
- "Yeah! See ya!"
- "Drive safe!"
- "I will!"
I got home that night and laid on my bed, fully dressed. I barely took off my shoes and fell asleep right away. I was too tired to think, too tired even to put on my pajamas. But I wasn't too tired to remember Spencer's smile while he ate donuts. His dorky glasses, the way he gesticulated everything he said when he was excited about a subject. I was glad I had finally gotten to talk to him for once. And I couldn't wait to do it again.
Back then, Paul and I had just started dating. I wasn't in love with him, but he was a nice, funny guy I loved spending time with. I met Paul a couple of months ago at a friend's party. He was fun to be with, and we had a lot of things in common. We were both into music. He had a band, I didn't back then, but eventually got mine over time. He was like me, nothing like my friends at the BAU.
I thought that was cool, 'cos he represented a part of me I didn't want to lose working at the FBI. I was terrified I was going to lose myself in my new job. I saw how it affected dad's and my brother's life, how they were consumed by it in almost every single way. It was why my parents got divorced. It was why my brother couldn't keep a girlfriend for longer than a few months. 'Cos work was first, and their job was everything. The crazy hours, having to answer every call, no matter how busy you were. I thought it was sick how work could be your whole life. I was decided not to let it happen.
Yeah. I had no idea what I was getting into.
Soon after I joined the BAU, the nightmares began. I guess nothing prepares you to see so many people die. And nothing prepares you to kill someone, no matter if that someone is a child abuser.
I took the shoot, didn't even hesitate. It went right between his eyes. It was him or me, I know that. He was going to kill me. But still, it was hard.
Derek turned to me as I stayed still, in shock. It took me a few seconds to even breathe. I had just killed a person. It wasn't just some random thing.
- "(Y/N), are you ok?"- he landed a hand on my shoulder, and I quickly nodded.
- "Yeah, I'm ok... that was fast"- it was all I could say and turned to him. He gave me a short warm smile and wrapped an arm around me. I flinched at his touch right away and held my breath again. I don't know if he felt it, but still, he didn't let me go.
Derek has that thing when he doesn't care if you want it or no; he will give you his love and friendship when he feels you deserve it. I guess I'm lucky to call him my friend. And he really pushed that hug thing I still have.
- "Are you ok?- Spencer's voice was a sweet whisper. He sat carefully next to me in the jet and gave me a warm cup of tea- "I made you the one you like"
Of course, he had noticed my favorite brand, 'cos that's what Spencer does, he takes mental notes of everything and never, ever forgets. I wonder if that's a good thing or not. I guess it depends on what you remember.
- "Yeah, just tired"- working at the BAU, you can hide any kind of feeling behind the "I'm so tired" excuse. Mostly because we are indeed tired the whole time.
- "It was an extreme case"- I sipped my cup of tea and nodded at his words- "Do you..."
- "No, I'm ok, I don't wanna talk about it"- he bit his lips as he smiled. We both stayed quiet for a while. He read (somehow, at a relative normal peace), and I drank my tea. I couldn't concentrate on anything, so I just looked outside and tried not to think about the unsub's face and how he looked when I killed him.
- "How was your first time?"- I finally asked him, and I think my question caught him by surprise, 'cos he nearly jumped on his seat- "Not your first time in the sack, the first time you had to..."
- "No, I got it, I got it"- he was already blushing, it was adorable- "My first time was actually the first time you drove me home"
- "Really?"
- "Yeah"- he made a pause and gathered his thoughts, I guess- "I didn't really go out to the field a lot before 'cos I didn't have my firearm qualification"
And suddenly I remembered how embarrassed he was about it on my first day at the BAU. Derek made sure everybody knew about it 'cos he thought it was hilarious. And I thought he was a jerk for making fun of him.
- "And did it affect you?"- it was a stupid question. I knew Spencer was a sensitive person; of course, killing someone was going to affect him in many ways- "I mean, how did it affect you?"
- "I couldn't feel anything at first"
- "Shock?"- he nodded and sighed- "Gideon said that maybe I didn't know what I felt and that's why I thought I didn't feel a thing, but that wasn't it, it was like I was numbed inside... but then when it hits you"- he murmured- "And you can't stop thinking about it"
- "I think it hit me sooner than I thought"- I closed my eyes and sighed, but even then, I could feel those empty dead eyes staring at me.
- "Wanna know what helped me?"- Spencer's voice was velvety and soothing. It felt relaxing talking to him.
- "What?"- I whispered and turned to look at him
- "Remember two things: you did what you had to do"- I sighed at that with a small smile. It didn't sound like something I could believe at that moment.
- "And the second?"
- "A lot of kids are alive and safe because of you"
Now, that made me feel a lot better. Reid was right. I did what I had to do to help people. That guy wasn't going to stop.
- "Thanks"- I managed to give him a slight smile, and he did the same.
- "I'm here to talk if you want to"
It felt like he was really making an effort to say those words. I didn't know why it was still so hard for him to talk to me. Maybe it was still a sensitive subject for him, so I did what I do best: I joked about it.
- "Thank you... I'll try to avoid the issue as much as I can, but when I collapse under the pressure, I promise I'll come to you"- he chuckled at my answer and nodded right away.
- "Great plan."
And a few days later, I couldn't sleep anymore. I kept waking up to those eyes. I kept feeling guilty for killing a child abuser who was trying to kill me. I relived in my mind that moment over and over again.
- "Babe, come back to bed"- Paul found me sitting by the kitchen island staring at a herbal teacup at two am. It was my third insomnia night.
- "Yeah, I'll be right there"- he turned to walk back to the room but hesitated and looked at me again.
- "Do you want to talk about it?"- I shook my head, still not taking my eyes from the cup. He slowly walked to me and held my hand - "Come on, babe, everything looks worse at two am."
And he was right. Everything seemed to be worse when it came to my mind in the middle of the night. But it didn't get any better during the day either. He cuddled with me in my bed and fell asleep soon after. I just stayed there, feeling his chest moving softly with his soft breathing, thinking I had killed someone, and it wasn't going to be the last time I was going to face something like this.
Spencer's point of you
Do you want to know something sad? I was excited we had an unsub in New York 'cos I had never been there. Back then, I didn't know my colleagues were going to tease me about it. I didn't give it too much thought. I honestly wasn't good at leaving my house when we weren't in a case. Most of my traveling had been due to work, and other than La Vegas and Pasadena, I hadn't been to many cities just to sightsee.
Why am I thinking about that right now? 'cos we were in New York the day (Y/N) gave me her first gift.
Everybody had made fun of me during dinner because I didn't know how to eat with chopsticks. JJ tried to teach me, which also caused hours of Morgan's teasing for the rest of the trip. Thankfully, they dropped the jokes when we went back to the police station to take one last look at the profile after we got a call out unsub had killed a cop this time.
But after two hours of thinking, neither of us was honestly able to give any new idea to the case. Hotch insisted we head back to the hotel to have some rest. (Y/N) was one of the last ones to leave, along with Gideon and me.
- "Stop looking at the board"- she said, standing by my side, bag in hand- "Let's go. Your big brain needs to rest."
- "I won't be able to sleep knowing I'm missing something"- I answered, not taking my eyes from the board
- "Come on"- (Y/N) playfully hit my arm- "You need your eight hours of sleep to be a fully functional genius"
- "You should try to get a full night's sleep as well"- I turned to her and watched her eyes widen- "What? Do you think I didn't notice you haven't been sleeping?"
- "No, but I thought you were going to wait until I had a mental breakdown to force me to talk about it; that was the plan, right?"
I tried not to laugh, but it was hard; she is so funny, though I knew that was a sensitive subject, it had been weeks since the incident, and it was clear (Y/N) wasn't processing everything right. If anything, her jokes were a coping mechanism to avoid talking or even thinking about what had happened.
- "We can also talk about it, just... talk"
- "I know what happens with me, Reid"- she whispered and looked around. Gideon was outside, no way near us, but still, she kept her voice low. It made me see she was scared he would hear her, 'cos she didn't want him to think she was weak.
- "I guess I just have to make peace with it. It was gonna happen, and it will happen again, it's my job, it's part of what I do, end of it."
I looked at her and nodded in silence. There was so much I wanted to tell her, but I couldn't shake the thought she was going to laugh at me.
- "Do you want to?"- I made a pause and took a deep breath. Yes, I was very nervous- "Do you want to walk back to the hotel? it's just a few blocks and maybe... fresh air can help you relax?"
I didn't mean to hesitate so much, but it was scary for me to ask her to spend time on our own. I don't know why. It wasn't just with her; it happened with everybody at that point in my life. I was sure no one wanted to spend time with me. Why would they?
- "Can we have a midnight cupcake?"- she asked and smiled. I bit my lips and pretended to give the idea a lot of thinking, though I was craving donuts ever since we didn't have time for dessert at dinner.
- "Just one, and no coffee"
- "What are you? The sleeping police?"- she teased me and led the way. We waved at Gideon and walked outside the police station.
For a rainy night, it was freezing. But I didn't care much. I was too busy looking around, it was technically my first night out in New York, and though I was just leaving work and walking back to the hotel, it was the biggest adventure I have had there so far.
For the first couple of minutes, we walked in silence. (Y/N) looked at her feet, hands stuffed in her pocket as I walked next to her, holding my umbrella for the two of us. I tried to take in everything that was going on around us. It was exciting, being there, alone. I was a twenty-four-year-old Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI, and I was excited to walk with a friend in the New York city streets. No wonder why Morgan called me "kid."
- "Did you know more than 800 languages are spoken in New York City? that makes it the most linguistically diverse city in the world"- I had to start rambling facts after a while because I guess I couldn't help it.
- "Vraiment?"- she answered, and I chuckled. Of course, Master in Linguistics.
- "Oui"- I thought we could have a whole conversation in french; it would have been fun and fascinating, but my French was very rusty, and I didn't know if she was fluent or just learned a few things.
- "When I was a kid, I dreamt about living in New York. I was obsessed with it"- she kept looking down at her feet as she spoke, and I turned to look at her for a second. She looked sad somehow, or that's what I read from her. I've always done my best not to profile profilers. It's harder than you imagine.
- "Why?"- she chuckled at her thoughts and kept her eyes on her shoes.
- "You know how they always make you feel no matter how weird you might be, you are still going to fit in New York?"
- "You are not weird"- I couldn't help but frown and look at her- "You are..."
- "I am weird, we are all weird, that's what makes us great"
I loved that thought. That's why I've never forgotten it. Lie, I can't forget. I remember everything we've said to each other because I want to, not because I have an eidetic memory.
- "But when you are in school, everybody is trying to fit it and be normal, and that wasn't me at all..."
I didn't see that coming, and I have to admit it, I loved it. I often felt I was an outsider at the BAU. Hotch, Gideon, Morgan, Elle, JJ, they all fit in everywhere we'd go. Meanwhile, everybody looked at me, wondering what the hell am I doing there. I could read it on their faces. The fact the team had to introduce me as "Doctor Spencer Reid" is a sign they are making an effort to make me look older and more experienced. Reliable, even.
- "Why would you say you are weird?"- I had to ask- "You look very normal to me, I mean it"- she raised an eyebrow and didn't say a word. She just pulled my jacket and dragged me to a coffee shop.
- "Cupcakes, Reid, you can't expect me to tell you embarrassing facts about my life without a cup of coffee and a mountain of sugar."
JJ always said I ate like a kid, too many pastries and candy, no salad. Meanwhile, (Y/N) kept pushing sugar into my body. I liked that. They were both so different. JJ treated me like I didn't know how to deal with life. (Y/N) treated me like I could help her deal with life. JJ wanted to help me grow up. I could feel (Y/N) wanted to be my friend, and I loved that. I had never felt someone longing for my company. It was always the opposite. I usually felt people were stuck with me.
For months I kept comparing the two of them in my head. JJ had such condescending manners, it sometimes made me think she might actually have feelings for me. Other times, Morgan would call her my mom, which took all the hopes from my mind.
- "What do you do in your free time, Reid?"- (Y/N) sat in front of me in a booth. Right in between us, a table with two coffees, a red velvet cupcake, and a chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles.
- "I read, study..."- I didn't give much thought to my answers- "I also write a letter to my mom every day"
- "That's so cute"- I felt how my cheeks turned blood red, and she smiled at me sweetly.
- "Thanks..."- I sipped my hot cappuccino and winced as the coffee burned my tongue, and she chuckled.
- "Slowly, doc, or are you in a hurry?"
- "Definitely not, I have no other plan, I mean, I could sleep, but I know I won't, and, and I know you won't sleep either, so"- the words left my mouth at such a fast pace, not even I got them all. (Y/N) nodded and started taking apart her cupcake, little by little.
- "That's awesome, 'cos I like hanging out with you, and I don't feel like hanging out with Elle tonight. We are sharing rooms."
- "You don't like her?"- now that was breaking news- "I thought you two got along"
- "Don't get me wrong, I like her. I just don't feel like being the version of myself I am when I'm with her"
I looked at her, not sure of where she was going. She took a piece of cake and ate it slowly.
- "You lost me"- (Y/N) sighed and ran a finger around the edge of her cup.
- "Are you really you the whole time when you are at work, Reid?"
- "Well, yes?"- I wasn't sure that was the answer she wanted, but it was the only one I had- "I don't know how to be anybody else"
That was the whole truth. That's still the truth. Maybe that's why I have never been popular. People say I have no empathy, that I can't read any social cues. If I knew how to be someone else, I would probably try to change that and be a Spencer that's entirely sympathetic and social, like everybody else. But I can't force myself to act differently.
She stared at me, and I could feel the frustration piling behind her small smile.
- "Do you want to know something weird?"- her eyes shone as she stared into mines asking the question
- "Always"
- "You are the only person at the BAU I feel I can be myself with"- she whispered and sipped her coffee again.
- "Thanks?"- I was confused- "But... you are not that different with me than you are with the rest of the team"
- "Well, I am... I don't share who I really am at work because I am afraid"
- "Why? What scares you?"- she sighed and laid back on the seat. I kept my eyes fixated on her until she furrowed her brows, staring back at me
- "Are you trying to profile me, Spencer? 'cos we are not supposed to profile each other. I'm pretty sure it was in the contract I signed"- I smiled, busted, and nodded.
- "If it makes you feel any better, you are hard to read"
- "I'm a good liar, don't tell anyone"
She was proud of her answer, and I guess she should have been. You have to be an excellent liar to catch unsubs, get in their head, play with them when you have to make them talk. I guess she was ahead of me in that area.
- "Well, If it makes you feel better, I feel more comfortable around you than most of the team"
I closed my eyes as I spoke, and I knew my voice had been so low and soft, it hadn't been surprising if she hadn't been able to hear me, but she did.
- "Is it because I don't like touching people either?"- she joked, and a small smile stretched across my lips
- "It is because you"- I stopped and rearranged my thoughts. You could tell she was eager to hear the rest of my answer, and I was making sure not to make a fool out of myself.
- "It's because it feels you don't judge me for being me"
- "That's exactly how I feel, Spencer"- her smile was so big it made mine grow bigger as well.
- "But, why can't you be you with everybody?"- (Y/N) took a big bite of her cupcake, feeling more confident about our conversation and nodding.
- "Mmm, this is so damn good, you should try it, Reid"
- "Answer the question, (Y/N)"- I ignored her random comment and asked again- "Why can't you just be you?"
- "There are two answers to that question, and both of them are real"- she finally confessed and bit her lips, playing again with a little piece of cake on the dish.
- "I'm waiting"
- "You know, for someone who said has all the night off, you are indeed in a hurry now!"- she snickered and stuck out her tongue at me.
- "Fine, here's the truth: I don't want to share my whole real me at work because I am scared people will judge me and think I'm weird and too immature for the job, but at the same time, and this is the second reason, I don't wanna show my whole me at work 'cos I am afraid I'll lose it along the way, I am worried the FBI will take that weird part of me and will turn me into an SSA."
- "You are an S.S.A., (Y/N)"
- "I know, but I'm afraid I might end up being an ASS, Reid"
Her joke made me laugh so hard, tears fell down my cheeks. And she looked pleased to see me laughing.
- "See? That's me, the girl telling weird jokes the whole time 'cos can't stand a serious "grown-up" conversation. Can you imagine this (Y/N) talking with Hotch? Seriously, Reid, can you imagine?"
- "No, I can't"- I shook my head, still chuckling, and took a bit of my donut- "But I would definitely love to."
- "Do you want to know what I do in my free time?"- my mouth was still full, so I just nodded, feeling a little guilty I hadn't asked about her when she had asked about my hobbies.
- "I ride my longboard and play bass, do you think an SAA should be doing that? Do you think Elle does it? JJ? they are the perfect fit for the role. I am that kid at the back of the class who got a stroke of luck and managed to hang out with the cool kids"
- "Am I one of the cool kids?"- I had to ask
- "Yes, Reid, why?"
- "I've never been one of the cool kids before"- she gave me a severe look and sipped her coffee.
- "Here I am, pouring my heart and soul out for you, and all you care about is being one of the popular kids. That's being a lousy friend, Reid."
She was joking, and we both chuckled, but my chest tightened at her words, and the smile on my lips grew wider. She called me her friend for the first time that night.
- "I think you are overthinking this whole thing, (Y/N)"- she sighed at my words and finished her coffee- "We are all weird, you said it yourself"
- "Some on us more than other"
- "Yes, but that's what makes us great and unique. I told you, your vision brings a whole new point of view to the profiles, and I know what it's like to feel insecure people will judge you for being too young"
- "I know, that's why I'm glad you are here"
I am sure I was blushing, and I am absolutely certain she noticed because I heard her giggle as I looked down at my empty dish and fidgeted with my cup.
- "And... are"- I stuttered and narrowed my eyes. I knew I had to stop being so nervous around her; she was my friend, she had said it herself- "Are you ready to talk about your nightmares?"
- "Are you profiling I have nightmares?"- she raised an eyebrow and questioned my question
- "I am staring at the back rings under your eyes. It's clear you haven't been sleeping and considering we both know you went through a traumatic incident, to call it that way, you are clearly going through night terrors or nightmares"
- "Did you go through the same?"
- "Yes, I did"
- "And how did you overcome it?"
- "I haven't. I just made my peace with it"- you could read the deception on her face. That wasn't the answer she was waiting for.
- "They will be more sporadically, I promise, (Y/N)"
- "That's what's scares me too"
- "What?"
- "That one day I won't have the nightmares 'cos I'll be used to seeing the darkness and horror around me."
When we left the cafeteria, it was two in the morning, and the night was freezing. It was no longer raining, and the cold wind could freeze your skin in a second. (Y/N) looked at me as I shivered and opened her bag.
- "Here, put this on"- it was a purple scarf.
- "Thank you"- I was so cold I didn't hesitate. The wool was warm, soft, and it smelled like her- "It's pretty"- I felt I had to compliment it, 'cos she was too nice with me.
- "I made it myself"- you could tell she was proud. I tightened it around my neck and continued our way back to the hotel.
I hadn't felt I could count on someone at the FBI as I did with her. She wouldn't think I'm a kid; she wouldn't be forced to hang out with me. It felt pretty good to have a friend again. Ethan had been the last one I had lost. I always lose the people I love.
- "Thank you"- we were standing outside (Y/N)'s room back at the hotel. I took off the scarf and tried to give it back to her, but she didn't let me.
- "Keep, it's a present for being my first and best BAU friend"- I felt profoundly flattered, and I'm pretty sure I giggled, blushing- "Besides, purple looks good on you"
- "It's my favorite color"- I confessed- "And I'm not saying it just to make you feel good"
- "Then you have to keep it. It was made for you even when I didn't know it"- she smiled one more time and opened the door- "Good night, Reid."
- "Good night, (Y/N)."
Series Masterlist
Chapter two
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docholligay · 2 years
You're going to call me a baby, but how do you keep yourself accountable without feeling like you're worthless all the time? When I think of my flaws, all I do is fixate on them until I hate myself. It made me feel better to think about how my upbringing and stuff made me act in these ways, for a long time. But I'm starting to feel like it's just an excuse. But I don't want to spend all my time hating myself! What do, Doctor?
I’m not gonna call you a baby, firstly because you already did it yourself so I don’t have to, and secondly--you’re not hiding out under anything. You are, at this moment, not trying to squirm out of anything. You’re having a problem but taking the bull by the horns. That’s not weakness, and that’s not being a baby. Having trouble’s not a fireable offense.
Anyway, I know I give the impression sometimes that I think I’m great all the time, because I absolutely am, but in truth, I do also sometimes manage to draw up long lists of things I hate about myself, things I struggle to change. Sometimes I get so angry with myself, because I’ll say or do something patently stupid or hurtful or annoying. I sometimes worry that the people I care about will hate me because they’re tired of my argumentative nature, my messiness, my stubbornness.
But like, item one, it takes a lot of different flowers to make a garden interesting. I love roses, but I’ve been to the Portland Rose Garden and let me tell you: It is boring as shit. So I’m annoyingly argumentative, and maybe you’re a fucking doormat, but we makethe world a more richly textured place. I remind myself of that. The ways in which I am annoying and twitchy and weird are part of what make me, even if they could Use Improvement. A peony bush may need to be pruned pretty badly, but that doesn’t make it a bad bush until it is. Right?
So what I do, first off, is when I’m feeling rough about myself, I have to counter that genuine flaw, I don’t deny it or try to justify it, but I answer it, with a thing about me that I think is genuinely good or neat.
I’m painfully argumentative, sometimes for no fucking reason! Sometimes even when I KNOW I’m wrong as soon as it comes out of my mouth! But also, I am impulsively generous and thoughtful. I love to send little gifts and notes, I love to tell people why I think they’re so interesting and smart, I make things I know people love for no reason but I think it will make them happy.
I am absolutely ass-stubborn, even when I need to be folding the cards, cause I’ve lost. But also, I am deeply loyal! Once I have decided you fit in the friend zone, I’ll back you play and do whatever I can for you.
I am SO messy and disorganized, jesus fuck if I could wave a wand and fix that, I would. But also! I am very creative, and thinking of new ideas all the time, and an empty desktop just isn’t going to be a part of that.
I think forcing yourself to say, “Yes, and,” when it comes to yourself helps. I think it’s good. That doesn’t mean you give up on trying to improve yourself: Every year, I try to be more patient, slower to respond, quicker to let shit go. I have never reached the metric I like. But I try.
Remember King David fucked up so bad he literally sent a man to slaughter to fuck his wife, and he’s one of the great heroes of Judaism. You can’t be the worst thing you ever did. That’s not how it works. You can be better, day by day, in tiny small ways that are meaningful to you. If I feel bad about something, it’s worth looking at, but remember that you can look at yourself and say, “I don’t want to do that anymore” without having to fucking pronounce sentence on old you. We’re all works in progress.
You can be and do better, and honestly? Sitting around hating yourself is a useless action. It fixes nothing. It doesn’t improve you or the world. In a sense, it’s self-centeredness of the highest order. I get frustrated with myself, all the time. CONSTANTLY. But I am more than my worst habits. When you restore a house, you don’t look at the fact that the floor is scratched to high heaven and low hell, or that banister is falling out of the wall. Those are things that need fixing, but they aren’t what you see. You never fix something because you hate it. You see wide plank oak floors and originally stained glass. You see the beauty, and that makes the fixing worth it. You’re no different.
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Follow My Lead
Happy late birthday @dani-dandelino 💖💖 I love you so much it isn’t even real!!! I cant wait to squish you and give you the best tall person hug I possibly can! (i wrote this while blasting taylor in your honor)
Warnings: they drinkin, seeing old exes, cheating exes, accidental-ish love confessions, mutual pining, fake dating, and they were roommates 👀
“Oh shit, I’m too drunk for this,” Jaskier scrambled to pull Geralt into a darker corner of the bar they’d descended upon for Lambert’s birthday, “I can’t see her here. Fuck.”
Geralt rather tactlessly looked over his shoulder at Jaskier’s ex, now ordering a drink and sitting at the bar with what looked like a date. 
“Don’t look Geralt! She knows you’re my roommate,” Jaskier hissed and dragged Geralt around a corner so he wouldn’t blow his cover. Their breakup had been… rough. Olivia had cheated, then told Jaskier he’d never find someone like her. For three months he’d managed to avoid the venomous woman who lived just two blocks over from him and Geralt’s apartment. And now she was right fucking there and he wanted to cry.
“Jask, take a breath. You don’t have to talk to her if you don’t want to,” Geralt held him by the shoulders and tried to get him to make eye contact. He was far too preoccupied with watching the corner for an incoming ex. 
“I’ll tell her I’m dating a doctor. Uhm… and they’re not here because…. Doctors Without Borders! Ha! See?! I’m fine Geralt, why are you looking at me like that?”
Geralt rolled his eyes, “I have a better idea. Follow my lead.” 
Stumbling and barely saving his cocktail from sloshing everywhere, Jaskier trotted after Geralt. To his horror, he realised they were headed straight for Olivia’s spot at the counter. Geralt didn’t skip a beat, linking arms with Jaskier and winking at him.
Well that didn't help at all. Jaskier’s stomach did a little backflip, even as he clung to Geralt, the alcohol swirling in his veins making it much easier to lean on him. He was momentarily distracted by how nice it was to lean his temple on Geralt’s shoulder, even if it was an awkward angle, and he went a little weak in the knees when Geralt leaned against the bar and pulled him close while they waited for the bartender to get to them. 
Jaskier whispered, “What are you-”
Only to be interrupted by Olivia, “Jullian! Hi! How are you darling?”
He felt Geralt’s grip around him tighten just a bit as she spoke and something deep in his chest purred at the protective gesture as he plastered a blindingly fake smile over his features, “Absolutely lovely, dear! How are you?”
“Good! I’m just here with Valdo,” she gestured over to the man sitting next to her at the bar. He looked like the black haired, greaseball version of Jaskier and it took everything in his liquor addled brain to keep from scoffing. Then it hit him. 
“Oh! The Valdo! Well it’s good to put a face to the name,” Jaskier barely kept from gritting his teeth. 
Geralt hugged him tighter, leaning down to stage-whisper in his ear, “We can go if you want. Lambert can go without birthday shots, love.”
Fuck, Geralt never called him Love. Not even at their drunkest, highest, or most deliriously tired. It had him scrambling for a moment, just looking up over his shoulder at Geralt in absolute wonder and… and probably a little too much affection.
“No! Lambert needs his birthday shot of cheap tequila. Thank you though, sweetheart.” 
The pet name rolled off his tongue far too easily. Normally he kept the pet names to a minimum for Geralt. He’d noticed a bit of bristling early on so he just- held back. Now it felt sinfully indulgent to call him that when he wanted… fuck what did he want?
Luckily they were rescued from the awkward introduction by the bartender asking for their order. 
“Eight shots of Casamigos please! And one lemonade chaser and a shot glass of grenadine please!” Jaskier piped up, whipping his credit card out of his pocket too fast for Geralt to stop him. 
“I thought you said cheap?” Valdo scoffed. 
Geralt frowned, half stepping between him and Jaskier, “It is? It’s no Barrique de Ponciano?”
Jaskier was really trying not to laugh now. They’d n e v e r bought something that fancy, nor would they ever. But they’d been googling the most expensive bottles of different alcohols the other night and Geralt had drunkenly tried for a whole half hour to pronounce the name of this particular tequila. 
The look on Valdo’s face was magnificent. Olivia’s eyebrows disappeared behind her betty bangs and Jaskier felt the purring beast in his chest get louder. 
He reached up to pat Geralt’s cheek, “No need to spoil me tonight.” 
Olivia leveled them with a piercing stare, doing that annoying ‘creating suspense’ thing she liked to do before she said something she was proud of, “I’m glad you two finally got together. I think you’ll be good for each other.”
Geralt did the remainder of the talking while Jaskier stared at him in shock. Unfortunately that was exactly what he wanted. He wanted to sink into Geralt’s embrace like this all the damn time and hear his nearly imperceptible huff of annoyance at comments people made. Nothing would please him more than feeling Geralt’s stubble pressed against his temple when he pressed a kiss to his hairline every day and he did his best in his drunken state to memorize it in case it never happened again. 
He came back from his dazed fantasy to Geralt guiding his hand down to his belt and it took him a panicked moment to realize he was meant to hold on while Geralt lead them back to the party carrying the shots. 
Jaskier offered a quick “Toodles,” and flipped Valdo off with his free hand when Olivia turned her back, but they were soon lost in the sea of people. Without really thinking, he took his shot with the group and dumped the grenadine into his lemonade. Well he was thinking.
And he didn’t stop thinking, staring off into space until Geralt nudged him with his elbow, giving him a concerned look. 
“What the fuck was that?!”
“It worked, didn’t it?” Geralt shrugged, popping a mozzarella stick in his mouth and speaking around it, “And you didn't have to lie your ass off.”
How Geralt was still so calm was beyond Jaskier. Well, it wasn’t, he’d been sure his roommate had absolutely no feelings for him whatsoever, but part of him had held out for a sliver of hope and that part was the dominant part right then. 
“Are you- mad? I thought it would help sell it…” Geralt rested a hand on his elbow to guide him away from the group.
Jaskier knocked back what had been left of his cocktail before the shots and could feel the regret in advance. It was never a good idea to talk about important things either drunk or hungover but here he was, about to flip shit on Geralt for… being a good friend?
“I’m not fucking angry, I’m yearning!”
The second, much more intense, wave of regret hit him when Geralt’s eyes went wide and his hand dropped from Jaskier’s arm.
“Oh don’t look at me like that,” Jaskier snapped, wiping a hand over his face, “And don’t remind me about this in the morning if I forget.”
Before he could make his escape with his tail between his legs, Geralt gripped him by the shoulders and trapped him in a kiss so frantic and needy his head was spinning when they parted. 
“Hm?” He had to remember to open his eyes, lost in the tingling ghost of Geralt’s lips on his and the firm grip still holding him close. 
The grin Geralt was sporting was far too cheeky to be allowed much longer but Jaskier refrained from kissing him again to hear what he had to say, “Can I remind you of that in the morning?”
“Oh, fuck yeah,” Jaskier mumbled as he wrapped his arms around Geralt’s neck and pulled him into another kiss, this one much softer but no less satisfying than the first. 
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unabashegirl · 4 years
Pax Romana; Part I
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Author’s note: Hey everyone, here is the first part of this mini-series. I hope you like it! Let me know if you want to be on the tag list. Also, REQUESTS ARE OPEN only for H. 
DISCLAIMER; I DONT KNOW ITALIAN! (only English, French and Spanish) I clearly used a translator. I am aware their translations are SHIT sometimes. Therefore I am sorry if I butcher it! I didn’t mean to!
Harry Styles, can still recall the first day he was enthralled by her conspicuous beauty. At first, he reckoned he had done the unavoidable. He had moved to Italy for the summer, and he had managed to fall in love with an Italian girl; that he had never spoken to. He had only observed her from afar — too shy to ever think of approaching her. Nonetheless, the young woman was a sight to behold.  He promised himself that he would only watch from afar. It felt forbidden and somewhat illegal. The feeling that bubbled within him was enough reason to continue his study of her.
After his first visit to Italy, he had fallen in love with the country. Hence, why he had rented out a house in a coastal town. The country’s natural and effortless beauty inspired him to write new music for his upcoming album. The beautiful sunsets, the sunny mornings, the art, and the food brought peace and tranquility to him. It was the perfect place for him to hide — for a while.  It was on one of his morning runs; he first noticed her. 
She wore a bright yellow bikini that exposed most of her olive skin to the sun rays. She sat on a striped towel that she had laid out on the hot sand.  Her hair was slicked back and wet after she had dipped in the ocean to refresh her body. 
Of course, she never caught sight of his dilated pupils or the way he had leaned forward — lured by her beauty.  Her attention was preoccupied with a hardcover of Pride and Prejudice; that she had brought along as a source of entertainment for the day.  The young woman appeared too indulged in the printed words to notice his existence. 
He watched her for a few hours. Now and then he would remind himself of the hundred reasons why he shouldn’t approach. He had even managed to take a few steps towards her. Harry eventually removed himself as soon as it became too much. He had beaten the temptation. 
The first time he spoke to her was at a local restaurant. Harry had taken himself out on a late lunch date. He had dressed up nicely and had walked to the bistro. He noticed her presence after taking his first sip out of his freshly served Chardonnay. She sat on the table across from him. This time she wasn't submerged in a book. He could finally admire her natural beauty up close. The fullness of the apples of her cheeks, her long dark eyelashes, her red-tinted lips, and of course light sunburn on her upper cheeks and across the bridge of her nose. 
A few minutes later, her order had arrived. It was ricotta and mushroom stuffed ravioli in a black truffle sauce. She was stuffing her face when they made eye contact. Harry’s lips curved upwards creating a lopsided smile as she scrambled to clean the creamy sauce off her face. He hadn't said anything to her, but she already felt embarrassed. 
”Sono deliziosa?” He had done it. He couldn’t just watch her and pray she’d take the first step. It was time to put his Italian to the test. He had been practicing his Italian and even though he already had a few weeks on the Amalfi coast; he still struggled to comprehend. Harry only hoped she would be able to understand him.
”E molto deliziosa” She smiled at him for the first time. She beamed, radiating an intoxicating wave of warmth and happiness towards him. Her lips parted open for a split second but before she could utter a word the waiter approached. 
“Hai bisogno di qualcos’ altro?”  He was asking her if she needed anything else. She understood what he was asking, but she couldn’t remember how to say cheese.
“Fuck” she said under her breath. “Queso. Fromage. Cheese” She had forgotten how to speak. All her languages had mixed in one and the wires had crossed. “How do you say it?” She whispered under her breath, her cheeks warmed in embarrassment as the waiter tried to comprehend. 
“Formaggio. Ha bisogno di formaggio parmigiano, per favore” Harry interrupted, noticing her uneasiness and her inevitable embarrassment. He knew that it wasn’t his business and he shouldn’t have been listening to the conversation, but he had to help her. 
The waiter turned his attention to the young celebrity. He was also a bit surprised that Harry had spoken for her. He had seen that Harry kept to himself. He usually attended dinner on his own and hardly even bothered to use his phone. “Inmediatamente”. 
“Thank you” She thanked Harry as soon as the waiter had left in search of the parmesan cheese that she so craved. Harry’s excessive focus on watching the server carrying out her request had prevented him from realizing that she spoke perfect English. He had to stop himself from gasping when processed her delicate voice. She had an accent. Slight. Gentle. Barely-there and it wasn’t Italian. He would later learn that her R’s made it more prominent. 
“It’s alright. It happens” She instantly recognized who he was. Her heart raced for a minute or two, but she restrained herself from making a huge scene. After all, it was Harry Styles. Whom she considered, the most stylish man of her generation. The man could wear a curtain and still pull it off. “I am Harry” He rises a bit from his seat, extending his right hand. 
“Catalina” She shakes his hand with a smile. “So, what brings you here?” Even her name was attractive — he wondered. 
“Is’not obvious?” 
“Not really. Enlighten me” The stranger gives him a small smirk while placing her napkin over her lap after crossing her legs under the table. Harry purges his lips as he uses his index finger and thumb to slightly tug on his bottom lip. 
His whole plan to stay away from her had failed. Did he regret it?. Hell no! He just hoped he had chosen wisely. 
“The art” He reveals as he watches her cut one of her ravioli before putting it in her mouth. She responds by only nodding; too indulged in the explosion of flavors within her mouth. 
“Music?” She hums as she brings the glass of wine up to her mouth. “ I thought you were more of a  dolce far niente type of man” her mouth curved into a smile. Dolce far niente means pleasant relaxation in carefree idleness. Harry instantly identified the phrase from Julia Roberts's famous movie — Eat, Pray, Love. She remembered reading somewhere that he was a rom-com fan. 
“Are you?” He shot back. There was no doubt that he was intrigued by her. 
“Si” She shrugged as she pushed around some ravioli. 
“Then we have more in common than I thought, Catalina” Her name rolled off his tongue without any strain. It was as if he had been practicing for months. She had never heard her name sound so attractively. Sure, he had an accent, but it was still beautifully pronounced. 
Harry’s order arrived moments later. He had ordered the classic spaghetti bolognese. He grabbed his fork and knife and right before digging into the plate, he looked up at her. Catalina had been watching him since silence had fallen upon them. His smirk grew into a soft chuckle as their eyes met. She giggled at him and first noticed his dimples. She now understood everyone's obsession with his smile. 
“Would you join me?” Catalina spluttered after a few minutes of mentally debating with herself. She felt her heart beating in her throat and her hands dripping with sweat as other parts of her body. It was all very hot. 
Catalina wasn’t the type of woman to initiate conversation. She rarely even texts first!. Her excuse is usually that she doesn’t want to bother or interrupt. In reality, she is scared shitless to make a fool out of herself. Therefore, she was quite surprised by herself to have asked him to have dinner together. 
Harry cocked his head with his lips pursed. To her, he looked very pensive as if he was making a big decision. She didn’t blame him. He was on vacation and the last thing he wanted was to be photographed with a random girl and for questions to be asked. Although, he had already agreed in his mind. He just couldn’t come across as desperate. Even though he was. Harry wanted to know more. 
His fingers tucked his clothed napkin into the collar of his shirt. A chuckle left his lips as he pushed his seat back and raised on his feet. He held his plate and utensils with one hand while his glass of wine with the other. 
“So, where are you from?” Harry was first to ask, as he twisted his spaghetti around his folk. Catalina leaned back on her seat, her fingers clenching around her wine glass as she finished swallowing. “I am English” he laughs as if his accent didn’t give it away. 
“Really? Bet my life you were Italian” Catalina bantered 
“What gave it away?” 
“The facial hair and the good head of locks” Harry grinned covering his face with his hands, feeling his cheeks heating up. He felt ridiculous for blushing at such a minuscule compliment. “But anyway, I was born in South America, but raised in Spain by my aunt”. She revealed playing with the small droplets around the cup of ice water that had been forgotten. 
“And what are you doing here?” 
“I study here” She had just finished her first semester. “Well not here, but in Rome. I am majoring in art history”.
The not so strangers sat for hours and indulged in one more bottle of wine. Harry encouraged her to pick but she politely refused. She said that she hadn’t spent enough time in Italy to know what was best. 
She told him about her parents. Her father had walked out on her mother after she had told him that she was expecting. Catalina also shared with him how she felt after losing her mother to cancer when she was only ten. She was quite surprised at herself. She had never shared so much with anyone. Let alone, someone she had met that same night. Harry brought her some kind of comfort that she had no idea she needed. 
Harry listened to her. She hadn’t finished speaking and answering his previous question and he already had another one formulated. He liked hearing her speak. She allowed him to pick at her brain and he liked what he saw. She was driven, independent, somewhat lonely, but incredibly smart. Catalina was also unbelievably wise for her age. 
“What about you? Is fame all you thought it would be?” Catalina asked moments after they had been kicked out of the restaurant. They eventually had to close. Harry held what was left of the bottle as they walked down the isolated streets. 
“That’s a heavily loaded question” He chuckled, “It’s way more complicated and difficult. I think I expected to never feel lonely by the continuous abundance of people around me. But in reality, sometimes it feels lonelier than when I was just Harry” Harry shrugged, masking the pain that the vulnerability that he suddenly felt.
“I get it. The screams and faces don’t match the number of people close to you” Catalina was not famous but she could understand where he was coming from. Sure, her aunt had raised her, but she had felt lonely for most of her life. Her mother's death had felt a gaping hole in her life that no one has ever been able to fulfill. 
“M’not ungrateful for my friends but I do feel lonely. I guess I haven't found what I am looking for” Harry flashed her a reassuring smile as they walked down to the main road. “Let me help yeh” He had seen her struggling to walk over the cobblestone streets. She wore low heel sandals that complemented the white satin dress that she has opted for. Unfortunately, the heels were thin enough to slip through the stones making her overly cautious where she stepped. 
Harry switched the bottle to his other hand and offered his hand for her to take. She stopped momentarily and stared at his massive hands. They were bare. His famous rings were missing as if they had gone on a vacation too. She took his hand and was slightly surprised at their softness. She had expected them to be rough but they were quite the opposite. 
“Thank you” 
“No problem” He wanted to spend more time with her. He wished that the night wasn’t ending. “I would invite you for some gelato, but it’s quite late. I doubt there is any place opened” 
“How long are you staying?” Catalina asked as she noticed them approaching the entrance of her hotel. 
“A few more weeks” the splendor of the lights of the entrance of the hotel illuminated her features. Harry couldn’t help thinking how lovely she looked. 
“I’ve had a lovely time. Will I see you tomorrow?” 
“M’not planning on goin anywhere” Catalina reached up, resting a delicate hand on his shoulder, she kissed his cheek. 
“I’ll see you around then” She gave him a little wave as she walked her way through the doors. She would later realize that she hadn’t only kissed him because it was part of her culture and tradition but because he managed to ignite a flame within her — that one had ever done before. 
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buck compton bby ;)
It was during Luz’s birthday that you realized that you were in trouble.
Everyone was a bit drunker than they should’ve been, the encroaching inevitability of what was to come weighing heavily on everyone’s shoulders despite the refusal to allow it to dampen anyone’s mood. You’d shown up in a dress and lipstick and been teased mercilessly for it, the attention you received more that of a group of obnoxious brothers rather than the borderline sexual harassment you’d once experienced all those years ago.
Tonight was all about Luz, and you liked that you’d stopped being such a distracting commodity so George could be the (well deserved) center of attention- something you all had seemed to unanimously agree upon without exception.
Well, there was one exception.
One set of eyes that you could feel tickling the hairs on the back of your neck like an electric current, one set of eyes that you had to remind yourself belonged to your friend and nothing more.
Clearly, Buck was struggling to remember that boundary as well.
You decided to blame it on alcohol, the idea of it being anything more too much for you to deal with.
After dancing with Luz once or twice you’d parked yourself at the corner table of the pub the lot of you had taken over, your feet hurting but your mood still giddy enough to stay.
Buck joining you wasn’t unexpected, and him putting his arm around the back of the bench you sat on hadn’t given you any reason to think the night was going to go the way it was going to go.
As you let your head roll back in an effort to loosen your tight muscles, Buck’s hand curled around the back of your neck and dug his fingertips into the tender pressure points that had been causing you pain.
“Shit, Sweetheart,” his slightly slurred voice was like warm butter, the sound of it giving you a warm feeling at the base of your spine. “What’ve you been doing to yourself? You're all knotted up...”
You sigh, letting your eyes slip closed as he holds the weight of your head in his strong hand. “I’ve been chasing you idiots around. You wouldn’t believe how exhausting it is….”
Your attempt at sarcasm rings hollow, and you feel heat creep up your cheeks as he uses his hold on your head to turn you to face him.
You let your eyes open and take him in.
He really is handsome, you think to yourself as you allow your eyes to trail over the slopes and planes of his face. The dim light of the bar casts shadows around his more pronounced features, making him look like a Rembrandt painting.
Buck’s mouth had always caught your attention, mostly due to the obnoxious comments that usually came out of it. But right now, his lips just looked soft and inviting and as they parted with his intake of breath you wanted nothing more than to touch them with your fingertips.
When you see those lips form your name you force yourself to meet his gaze, breath catching in your throat at the heady look in his eyes.
“Yeah?” you mumble, your voice so quiet you would be surprised if he’d managed to hear it.
“Can I tell you something?”
As you nod your head, you watch as he slides closer to you, the touch of his other hand on your cheek making your mouth feel dry.
His pale brows furrow, and you can’t stop yourself from bringing your hand up to smooth your thumb over the crease. Buck catches your hand as you lower it, working his jaw a few times before tilting your head so his lips are at your ear.
“It’s becoming hard….being just your friend.”
The confession steals the breath from your lungs, and you can hear the hitch in his own breathing when you gently guide the hand holding yours to rest on your thigh.
“Okay,” you sigh, inhaling sharply as you watch his eyes flicker down to look at your lap while he pinches some of the material of your dress between his fingers and rubs it consideringly.
He’s asking a million and one questions at once, you know it and you understand that this is the last moment you have to back out.
You lift your head from his hand and bring your face close to his, so close you can feel his breath on your lips.
“You’re not really that great of a friend anyway—mmh!”
The plush of his lips against yours is achingly sweet, the very touch of his mouth to yours filling you with more life and enthusiasm for it than you’d felt in the past year. Your cheeks burn with a fresh rush of blood and you are only slightly embarrassed by the whimper that you release into his mouth.
You grip his wrist as the hand on your thigh slips up, quickly finding the elastic of your underwear and petting at your wet sex. He groans somewhere deep in his throat, his greedy fingers wasting no time acquainting themselves with the petals of your most intimate heat.
"Oh," you coo, having to turn your face away to take a breath and inhaling sharply as he quickly begins to kiss at the hinge of your jaw. "Buck—"
"I'm here, Y/N....I'm right here."
it doesn't take long for a light sheen of sweat to gather on your brow, and the next time you say his name he pulls back to met your gaze, pupils blown with lust and his breath washing over your face in soft pants.
"Not here," you murmur. "I don't want you to stop, but I don't want this here—"
he nods, carefully removing his fingers from you and bringing them to his mouth to suck them clean. Your eyes widen and you can only gape as he smirks and offers you a wink.
Taking your hand, he gently coaxes you from the booth and on shaky legs you follow him towards the front of the bar.
It's only later, naked and sated in Buck's bed that you realize that neither of you bothered to say goodbye to your friends.
"Don't sweat it, Honey," Buck grumbled from the crook of your neck when you brought it up. "Pretty sure Bull saw us going at it back there and got the memo that we weren't staying much longer."
As Buck fell back to sleep, you stared at the ceiling. Horrified.
Uh oh, you thought to yourself as mortification seeped into your bones. I'm never going to hear the end of this one.
(you never did. it came up three times in the best men speeches on your wedding day)
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deansawthetvglow · 3 years
FINALLY someone talking abt how shit 15x16 was like i was soooo confused like first of all a filler ep this far into the final season??? wtf?? also like if it's a flashback maybe flashback to something that's idk important? but they introduced this idea of their first ever case together and these characters we were just supposed to accept they knew and still remembered....?? also just as the local russian person i gotta say they really mishandled the baba yaga lore (and don't even get me started on how americans pronounce baba yaga jfc like it's BAba yaGA what's so difficutl abt it. anyways.) like she's a witch who you can defeat by trapping into being hospitable to you and all she does is eats young men. she should have been like a counselor for a camp or a manager at an orphanage. and it should have been a Relevant episode like maybe still a flashback addressing how shit john was but still having jack and cas in it and talking abt just fathers in general. esp following 15x15 it would have been so good.
i think its grace period is over. #1, i did not need to see dean seeing a pile of dead bodies to know this life has been hard for him. we literally already know that without this over explanation. 15x16 treated us like we didnt know sam or dean or their brotherhood. it gave us no new information, only more sad stories to apply to our knowledge. the lore was shoddy, esp for a S15 episode. it was a filler ep when there was no room for one. imagine them deleting that episode, they would have had a whole extra episode for a reunion!! or an epilogue !!! SOMETHING BETTER !!! the potential for the episode was WASTED.
the night it aired, it was before resentment was really accepted fully in the fandom, so i remember just dropping followers like flies because i said that it was shitty and boring. but post finale, i dont think anyone’s really revisited how unnecessary of an episode it was.
anyways yeah i just felt like getting mad abt something and i dont remember this episode literally besides vague snapshots so if i rant abt it i cant be held accountable <3
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lovenhlboys · 4 years
From a Distance (E.Pettersson X Reader)
Chapter 1
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A/n: hello peoples!! I’m so excited to FINALLY post the first chapter of this fic!!! I’ve been working on it for a long time, and after a few unpleasant delays, it’s finally happening 😁. While this isn’t my first fic, this is my first NHL fic, and the first fic I’m posting on Tumblr, so I’m a little nervous. This first chapter is mostly the set up to the main story, this is reader’s side of things with a flashback story. Chapter two will be mostly from Elias’s point of view. The rest of the chapters will switch back and fourth between the two.
CREDIT: Finally, before we get started I have to shout out my proofreaders. Y’all put up with me and my insanity: @siriushxney @iateyourdonuts @petey-patty @hufflepuff-girlx @cherrylita @immmbabyyygraceee @💕💕And specifically @imagines-r-s ASH!!! Babes, you have been the best and most supportive friend I could’ve asked for during this. You boosted my confidence about this fic and I have no idea what I’d do without you 😁😁
Without further ado, let’s get started shall we!! (Sorry for the long A/N, it’ll only be for this first chapter)
Paring: Elias Pettersson X Fem!Reader
Warnings: lots of cursing, friends with benefits but like...just cuddling???, references to iCarly, mentions of One Tree Hill.
Genere: enemies-ish —>friends —> lovers
Legend: (i suggest having these ready before you read)
Y/C/N/N= your cute nick name, only Markstrom calls you it (you’ll see why) this can be either a pet name you like, or a nick name you already have.
Y/N/N= your nick name, Brock, Quinn, and a few others call you this, it’s more of a playful name. Again, this can be a nickname you already have (if you don’t have one I suggest something stupid (sounds like something Stech or Brock would come up with)
Y/N= this is your first name, only Elias calls you this unless it’s a serious situation, or you’re in trouble, or Brock is being an ass. (If it wasn’t clear before...your last name is Boeser)
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: you have a hardcore crush on your brothers best friend, who also happens to barely speak to you...it’s a slight predicament.
(This is set in the 2021 season, however, because of my denial, Marky and Stech are still in Vancouver and were never traded... also no Covid. however the season was still delayed just to make it easier to follow.)
Present (Feb. 2021)
You’ve always been best friends with your older brother, you never had any real issues when you were younger and you were inseparable. So much so in fact, that once you graduated early a little less than two years ago (June 2019), he asked you to move to Vancouver and live with him. He was always so protective of you and you appreciated everything he has done in your life. One of the best parts about Brock being your older brother was the people he introduced to you. You aren’t very social and god knows how much of a people person your brother is. Once you had moved in, Brock quickly introduced you to the team. And with your double major in Statistics: Data Sciences and Sports Management, you were able to secure a job with the team. Quickly, you found yourself with a second family, one with many members.
Quinn Hughes is your best friend. when you met him about a year and a half ago, you hit it off immediately. With both of you being the same age and not very social, there was an obvious connection there. When Brock and The boys  go out, it is you and Quinn who stay in and watch shows on the couch (your favorite being New Girl). Huggy Bear is so sweet and you tell him EVERYTHING, even things you’d never tell your brother. You are still thanking the draft lottery every day that the Canucks received the 7th overall pick that gave you your bestie.
Thatcher Demko AKA Dems AKA Thatch AKA baby goalie is the sweetest and most hilarious guy you know. He is always looking after you just like Brock, but he is also one of the most annoying guys you know. When you’d first met you had the biggest crush on him. You told Quinn as much and he gave you so much shit for it. That crush was short-lived though, once you found out how obnoxious he could be. You still love him, just as a friend. Though Quinn never forgets to remind you of the crush that once was.
Bo Horvat is like another big brother to you. Sure you have Brock, but he’s your best friend. Bo, however, is the person you go to when you needed advice. Holly is one of the only WAGs you’ve become close with. She and you consistently have wine and gossip nights, of which Quinn is sometimes in attendance. Plus, you and Quinn are an amazing babysitting team for Gunnar if you have anything to say about it. 
Troy Stecher is the annoying older brother you never had. He always makes fun of you, calls you names, and bullies you in the loving way brothers do. And he never hesitates to come to you if he ever needs girl advice, which seems to happen a lot.
JT was just like Bo, except he is waaay more protective of you, maybe even a bit more than brock. He doesn’t have a sister and when you met, he made it his job to never see you get hurt. Seriously, one day a guy was bugging you at the bar, and both Brock and Bo were struggling to hold him back when he saw him slap you on the ass as you walked away. 
Jacob Markstrom, AKA Marky, AKA Giraffe (pronounced like it is in one of your favorite vines), AKA your cuddle buddy for the past few seasons. Both being single, you felt lonely sometimes and Quinn wasn’t much of a hugger (despite what the nickname might have you believe). Thatcher had offered but Marky, though just as social, is much more laid back. It also helps that he is 6’6 putting him over a foot taller than you. So during movie nights, or late nights at the bar, he is the side you lean on. Of course, you made it abundantly clear to most of the boys and yourselves that you were just friends. As sweet as he was and as great of a boyfriend as he would’ve been, he wasn’t quite your type and your personalities clashed.
Then there was Elias Pettersson, the tall, skinny, Swedish guy you knew as Petey. The guy who looked at you often and barely spoke a word directed towards you. He was Brock's best friend and he came over all the time, you didn’t have an issue with him, and you couldn’t deny he was funny, and from what you’ve heard he is a very kind person. So naturally, he was exactly your type. You’ve had a massive crush on him for a while now, somehow despite the lack of conversation. And the few times he has talked to you, he’s seemed so perfect, but there are only a few times you can remember. 
Right now, as you're on your way to the Canuck’s break room your brother texted you to meet him in, you try to recall those few times, specifically the one where your crush on him truly developed.
FLASHBACK (some time in January, 2020)
You, Quinn, and Jacob were laying on the L-shaped couch in ‘The Boeser apartment’, you were cuddled under the blanket with Jacob, laying on the section perpendicular to the TV, your heads at the corner. Quinn was on the other side of the couch, his head right next to yours. it was about 7 o’clock and the episode of One Tree Hill you were watching had just ended and you three had not eaten dinner yet. As the countdown for the next episode started, your stomach growled and you got a look from Quinn and a giggle from Jacob. 
“You hungry Y/C/N/N?” Jacob asked.
You looked up at him and giggled, “maybe just a little bit.”
“Y/N/N, you know what sounds amazing?” Quinn asked, you could hear the smirk in his voice.
You turned to each other and you both smirked knowing you were thinking the same thing.
“Spaghetti tacos!!” You both said. 
Ever since you were about 10 and you watched iCarly on TV, you had always wanted to try them. It had become an inside joke between you and Quinn for quite some time as he had the same desire as you to see how good they actually were.
“We should totally try them tonight!!” Quinn was quite excited.
“I’m so confused right now,” Jacob chimed in.
“They’re from a show! They take spaghetti and put it in taco shells,” you explained.
“Ahh, hence the name.” he nodded.
“Exactly,” Quinn said.
You jumped up from the couch excitedly and ran straight to your kitchen.
“Ok, we have spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, ground beef, taco shells, aaaand..... by chance do either of you know how to make good meatballs?”
“You’re asking the Swedish guy if he knows how to make meatballs?” Jacob replied.
“Not Swedish meatballs, Italian, stupid Giraffe,” you retorted. 
“Gross,” he said with a disgusted look.
“Ooo my mom made the best Italian meatballs, let me call her to see if she can send me the recipe!” Quinn said with a big smile.
Quinn exited the kitchen and ran to your room to call his mom. 
“You know, I’ve never seen him so excited about anything,” Marky said with a laugh. 
“Quinn loves his food,” you replied.
“Are Brock and Thatch having dinner with us ?”
“I’ll ask.”
You started boiling the water for the pasta, and you cooked part of the ground beef for the meat sauce. Then you texted Brock:
Y/N/N: hey, you want me to make you dinner
Brock: Yeah, who all is there?
Y/N/N: the usual
Brock: Huggy and Marky?
Y/N/N: yep, so do you want some?
Brock: Yeah, and make enough for another person too
Y/N/N: ok
You figured it was Dems since that’s who he went to hang out with when he left 5 hours ago. 
You continued to cook when Quinn came in and grabbed a bunch of stuff from the pantry and cabinets. “Did your mom tell you how to make them?” you questioned your frantic best friend.
“Yes she did and she sent me the recipe too.”
“Coolio,” you reply.
You were almost done cooking, the pasta was done, Quinn had put his meatballs in the oven and there were only 5 minutes left on the timer. And the sauce had about 2 minutes to simmer.
“Oh my gosh, I forgot what to do when they're almost done, she does this thing, I have to call her,” Quinn said with a panicked look on his face. He ran back to your room.
The front door to your apartment opened quickly, both boys laughing, “ahh, shit,  my brother’s calling me,” Brock said as he ran back to his room.
“Why does everyone feel the need to exit the room for phone calls?” you asked Jacob.
He shrugged with a giggle, “I don't know, maybe they don’t trust us,” he said in a sarcastically dramatic tone grasping his chest.
The door closed slowly and you glanced at the doorway where you thought you’d see the ever adorable goalie, Thatcher Demko, instead, you saw the adorable, slender, tall blonde you’d seen all the time, but never had a one on one interaction with... except the first time you met, when he told you that you looked pretty.
“Hi, Petey!” Jacob said as he slipped behind you to watch you mix the sauce, he stood over you looking at the sauce and put his hand on your waist.
“Hi,” he replied, his smile from before had faded.
“Looks so good Y/C/N/N,” Jacob said with a kiss on your cheek, a regular action. 
“Thanks, Giraffe, can you grab the taco shells?”
He grabbed them easily from the top shelf (tall ass bitch -_-), and moved behind you, placing his hands on your waist yet again, to move you to the side. “I've gotta run to the bathroom, but I’ll be right back”
“Ok, you have fun with that,” you said with a wink.
Suddenly, was only you and Elias in the room, and the silence was deafening.
“So what are we eating?” he said, pulling your attention to his bright blue eyes.
“Um, spaghetti tacos, they're from a tv sho-”
“Like from iCarly?” he interrupted.
“...Uh yeah? How'd you know?” you couldnt pull your attention away from his eyes, ‘they are just so beautiful,’ you thought somehow you hadnt noticed this within the on and a half years you’d known him.
“We also get Nickelodeon, you know,” he said while throwing you a smirk that made your stomach flip. 
“Oh, I didn't know that,” you replied, feeling just a little embarrassed. 
“iCarly was my favorite, actually.” 
“Yeah, it was mine too,” you said, smiling back, looking at the way he just lit up your kitchen with his presence.
You both stood there for a second just looking at the other, “So how long have-,” he started.
“OKAY,” Quinn unknowingly interrupted, “so she told me what to do, turns out I have to put sauce over them for the last 2 minutes, so Y/N/N can you just put a tablespoon of sauce on each ball then put them back in for two minutes?” 
“Yeah of course. Elias, you were saying?” you looked back at the Swede.
“Oh it's nothing,” he looked down at his shoes. 
“Ok, Y/N/N you need to call mom and tell her we’re fine and that she doesn't need to worry about us please, Paul says she’s stressing,” Brock said as he entered the room.
“When is she not stressing about us? I’ll call her after dinner, how's dad?”
“Doin’ good, nothing has changed or progressed or whatever since we were home last,” Brock moved and sat on the couch letting out a big sigh.
“That’s good,” you let out a sigh.
“Petey, come here, we’re watching Gossip Girl” Brock shouted at the Swede.
“Ooo what episode are you guys on?” you asked. Brock had mentioned how he was making him watch the show you two had watched about 5 times together. 
“Just after Chuck gets Dan kidnapped at Yale.” 
“Oh so you still hate Chuck?” you asked Elias.
“Ew, yeah...wait is that gonna change?” Petey said with a scoff.
“Uh....,” you stalled.
“Y/N shut up, don't spoil it,” Brock interrupted before you could make it worse.
“Ok well, dinner is ready so just start the show after and we can all watch it together.”
“Oh my god, these are actually amazing,” Quinn said with his mouth full.
“I know, I did not think this was gonna taste good,” Jacob added.
“Hey!” you said, offended.
“Y/C/N/N, you know I love your cooking, it was the idea of the meal that I doubted,” Jacob said leaning into your side and putting his arm around your shoulder.
“Mmmhmm, suuure,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Hallå Marky, ni två är söta (hey Marky, you two are cute),” Petey said, confusing you, Quinn and Brock with the sudden change in language.
Jacob, being oblivious to what Petey was implying, just said, “tack broder (thanks, bro).”
Little did you know what was going on in Elias’s head.
Before that night, you never really thought of Elias in a romantic way. You'd been around him quite a lot, seeing as how, seemingly, is in your apartment more than his own. Sure, you knew he was cute and very sweet from what you'd seen, but up until that point, you'd never had a one-on-one interaction with him. That interaction, however small, was the beginning of an obsessive crush. Quinn was the first to point it out, you started listening closely any time he talked, attempting to converse with him, and thinking about him on a daily basis even when you didn't see him. And due to your stubbornness, no matter how unrequited your crush seemed, it never faltered. You had always thought he hated you, or maybe he just tolerated you because you were Brock’s sister, and you were always around. 
However, that couldn't be farther from the truth.
Tag list: @calgarycanuck @suffering-canucks-fan
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pinoyrella · 4 years
Inarizaki Giving You A Red Envelope on Lunar New Years
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Inarizaki x Manager Reader
FT: Kita Shinsuke, Ren Omimi, Ojiro Aran, Michinari Akagi, Ginjima Hitoshi, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou
TW: Language 
Genre: headcanons + crack + fluff???
Word Count: 1,720 (They’re all rlly short! Like me)
had another crack convo w my bb @babydontstoop abt atsumu and red envelopes after seeing a funny tiktok 
a/n: i mainly went off from chinese/vietnamese tradition with the hóngbāos/ and lì xìs for these headcanons bc i celebrate with my chinese + viet relatives growing up, im not familiar with the other traditions, i’m sorry! also 1 week kinda late but technically lunar new years goes on for about 2 weeks sooooo-
FYI: i’m going off of u.s currency for this asdhfkjk just an fyi.
ALSO: all images are taken off of google search, none of them belong to me!
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Kita Shinsuke:
- He would give a kinda subtle yet pretty envelope
- With an ox on it (bc year of ox)
- It also has that coin u kno the coin, commemorative coin(?)
- He is very VERY generous
- Gives u $100, all in 20′s babbeyy 🙈
- He hands it to you with both hands like he’s ur ah ma / bà nội 
- He’s so kind and gentle please 🥺
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Practice had just ended and you were helping the team clean out the gym, before packing and heading out to go home.
“Excuse me Y/n” You hear a soft and calm voice calling from behind you. Turning your head you make eye contact with Kita who barely a few feet away from you
“Kita-san! ” You turn to face him, your hands grabbing onto the straps of your backpack. “May I help you?” You ask giving a sincere smile.
“I’m fine, but there is something I want to give you before you leave” He lifts his left hand from his back, now using his right to connect and grab the envelope with both hands.
“Happy Chinese New Year” He wishes as he extends and offers you the red envelope.
Blushing furiously, you accept it with both your hands and give him your most heartfelt thanks.
Arriving home, you open the red envelope curious. Your soul leaves your body the moment you see good old Benjamin Franklin on the $100 note.
“Kita-san holy fuck.” You cry in shock. Thinking of how you’re gonna thank him.
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Ren Omimi:
- Envelope’s square shaped and plain af
- it’s just red with “lucky money” in gold or sum
- He too is very generous
- Gives u $50
- Also hands it to you with both hands
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You sit in the gym with your clip board in hand, taking notes of the other players until you feel a presence approach you from your left side.
“Y/n” The deep voice says. You turn to see Omimi’s shadow towering over you, jesus christ this man’s so goddamn tall. “Yes Omimi?” You greet him cheerfully.
The man says not a word, but pulls out a red envelope, handing it to you with both hands.
Your brain short circuits, confused before he gives a nod. Sudden realization takes place, it’s for you. “Omimi!” You cry, setting down the clip board and taking the red envelope from his hands. Thanking him endlessly before he leaves to get back to practice.
As he turns to walk away, you grab your clip board again, shielding yourself opening the red envelope curious. ‘50$?!’ You scream internally. 
Running after Omimi, you tackle him from behind giving him a hug, your face buried into his shirt. “Xiexie” You muffled into his jersey.
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Aran Ojiro:
- gets you a very fancy envelope
- Like the ones that isn’t sold in packs when u go to the chinese market
- Specifically the ones made from silk and has a jade ring attached
- He gets u ONE LIKE O N E THAT ONE SPECIFIC DESIGN (pls i sound crazy i’ll just attache the image so u kno what im talking abt)
- He wasnt sure how much to put inside so he gives u $40
- He tries to remember how to say happy new year to you and pronounces it perfectly
- No seriously like PERFECTLY like better than me.
- also take this man home right now to meet your parents i fken swear
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“Y/N!” You hear someone yell from behind you as you were walking home. Turning you see Aran running to you, trying to catch up.
“Aran?” You run to meet him halfway.
Aran pauses and takes a few breathes before grabbing his backpack and grabbing something from inside.
He pulls out a beautifully crafted silk red envelope pouch with a tassel and jade ring tied to the front.
You stand there completely flustered and frozen.
He looks down, the envelope in both his hands offering it out to you.
“恭喜發財 (gōng xǐ fā cái)” He says perfectly, the sunset hitting his face. 
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Akagi Michinari:
- Cute bb would give u the cutest fucking envelope
- Probably w hello kitty on it
- He gives you a $2 bill
- Shiiiii he knows whats up, that shit lucky and rare
- He’d hand it to u while giving u a back hug
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“Y/n!!!” Before you can turn around, a heavy weight drags you down from behind. “A-Akagi-san?!” You yelp in surprise.
He stays cling onto you from behind as you try to gain balance. Hearing him let out a soft chuckle. “Here you go!” He says, his arms going around your shoulders to shove the super cute Hello Kitty li xi in your face.
You take a second to process what he had just given you to face. “AKAGI!!” You take it as he hops off your back. Then turning around to smother him into a hug. Giving him little cheek kisses.
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- I love him, he would give u a cute envelope too
- Like with a little cartoon ox character on it
- With like lil horns sticking out
- U get the idea
- Gives u $10 but in $2 bills
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You sit with the Miya twins and Suna during lunch, scanning around the cafeteria trying to find Ginjima, usually he’d be with you guys.
As you were about to ask-speak of the devil.
“Y/n-chan” He immediately sits beside you, placing his tray of food down.
“This is for you” He reveals the cutest red envelope with a cartoon cow on it, handing it to you flustered. His cheeks bursting red.
You sit and stare for a second, you start to blush feeling embarrassed. Slowly taking it from his hands, you give him a quiet ‘thank you’ before returning to your meal.
Unsure of what to do, before going back into your meal, you quickly turn your head planting a kiss to his cheek.
Osamu, Suna and Atsumu watched, their jaw dropped as Ginjima begins to turn into his own red envelope. Before you quickly place your face in your palms.
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Atsumu Miya:
- This mfer would give the flashiest one
- Like you kno the ones that are so colorful and has like
- W those shitty knock-off characters from cartoons
- Hes broke as fuck so its p empty
- He would put a coin inside.
- Not the fortune coin
- Literally a coin like a quarter or somethin
- Hed slap it against ur table while giving it to u
- He tries to say happy new year but fucking butchers it
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You sit at your desk, it’s so early in the morning and your parents had woken you up early to help prepare some cooking essentials for tonight’s dinner. 
As you were about to doze off to sleep, you hear a CLACK against your desk, immediately waking you up and having you face up.
Just inches away was Atsumu’s face, that lil smirk oh how you just wanna-
You look down seeing the red envelope he placed on your desk. 
“CHUC MUNG NAM MOIIIIIII” he greets dragging out the “i” it’s like he didn’t even try to pronounce the greeting correctly. He ruffles your hair and gives another warm smile. 
You look back up to him, blushing before greeting back. “Ah, chúc mừng năm mới ‘Tsumu.”
Atsumu quirks his eyebrow staring back down at you. “I’m pretty sure you said it wrong.” He says before walking off to his desk.
You sit there fucking flabbergasted. ‘What the fuck?’ You blink and turn your attention back down to your desk. Looking at the envelope you cringe. ‘It’s so bright...’ you internally think.
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Osamu Miya:
- He gives you the basic basic red envelope 
- He was running late and didnt have time to stop by the bank, he wanted to be extra and give you $20 in $2 bills.
- So he just gives you a $20 bill.
- When he hands it to u, u notice its all bumpy
- Ur feeling around the envelope and theirs something else inside than just money
- U open and theres lucky candy stuffed inside
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“Good-morningggggg” You turn to look up from your desk, seeing the younger twin walk in after his brother. He looks down at you, then to your desk seeing the red envelope his brother gave you. 
He cringes with you, before pulling out another, handing it to you.
“Happy Tết cutie” He greets. You thank him and greet him back as you take the envelope, you realize how bumpy and lumpy it is. 
You look back up to Osamu, he’s waiting for you to open it. You open it and out drops like 7 pieces of lucky candy. 
You look back up to him in confusion before he swoops in and takes back the 7 pieces, unwrapping them all at once and shoving them into his mouth.
Chewing, he winks at you before walking away to his seat. You can hear the audible crunch coming from the hard as fuck candy as he walks away.
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Suna Rintarou:
- My guy doesnt even give you a red envelope
- He straight up just gives you cash
- Drops it on your desk and leaves
- Im jk he would come back and be like “sike u thought”
- Pulls out a red envelope, cute but has one of the most stupidest fucking design 
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You listen to the crunching of Osamu’s poor teeth grinding against the lucky candy before-
“Yo” Before having the time to look up, you hear a slap against your desk as Suna begins to turn to walk away. You look down to see a $50 bill on your desk.
You turn to look at him, he stares at you for a second before walking away.
He comes back to you after settling his bag down.
He takes the $50 on your desk and slips it into the red envelope now in his hands. After sliding it in he brings the envelope to his mouth and begins to lick the ends as he seductively looks at you before folding the paper in. 
You watch him in disgust suna baby you don’t have to lick the ends of the red envelope that’s not how they work. He sets the red envelope back on your desk, his head coming closer to yours, enough for you to feel his breath against you.
He brings his mouth over to your ear before whispering in a husky voice “Happy Lunar New Year đẹp gái qua~” Before pulling away and walking to his desk like nothing happened.
You sit there absolutely shaken, until you look down to see the red envelope he left. Jesus fuck what the hell is that thing.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
White Carnation
Ex!Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader
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a/n: iwa-chan being your ex is so painful and numbing
huhuhu angst isnt my forte but this is an exception bc chi is my sista
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anon request: ex-boyfriend/childhood friend iwaizumi would be super angsty but i have no idea what they’d fight about ,, now imagine if after being kitaichi’s manager/medic, reader becomes karasuno’s medic/temporary manager (until kiyoko got recruited),, then she couldn’t come to the seijoh practice match so she has no idea her team fought her ex,,, only to find out during inter-high and everyone’s like wtf??? that spiky haired ace is your ex?? meanwhile kageyama’s like “yall didn’t know?” — chi
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ong this finna be painful
its always been the three of you
with living across the oikawas came great perks
even way before you could remember, you were always with the 2 other boys: your neighbor across your house, tooru, and his best friend who practically lived there, hajime
hajime first saw you when you were covered in dirt after you were trying to catch a butterfly for tooru at the back and oikawa pushed you out of the way into a puddle of mud when he saw a bug
iwa stared at you then immediately said ‘my name is iwaijumi hajime. i think youre really pretty’
yep thats really how it went
and poor babie didnt know how to pronounce his ‘z’s yet so it sounds like ‘j’s :(
while tooru liked you because you werent like other girls who stayed inside and played dolls instead playing outside
you played with him at his back yard with the volleyball he owned and always made him laugh and have fun
iwa liked you because you didnt shy away from bugs, instead you were braver than tooru and even helped iwa look for any beetles and caught them for him to keep as pets
they liked you because you were like them
you were like one of the bois
but that kinda hurt you in the future
as you all grew up, you started going through yanno teenager things
like you started to have crushes
specifically on your best friend, iwaizumi hajime
thankfully tooru didnt see you like that and still saw you as one of the bois and saw you as that annoying twin sister
but unfortunately, iwa did too
every time you made an effort to do something to emphasize that you were, hello, a girl, he would laugh and tease you
‘hehe i didnt think you even knew what a dress was!’
was his comment when you came over wearing a yellow sundress with flats
tooru, who you shared these secrets with, gave you a worried glance but you smiled, covering up the hurt
‘meh. my mom forgot to dry my clothes so i had to wear these old clothes’
no, they werent old
they were just bought yesterday with the intention of finally being recognized as girl and complimented
but the person it was for, couldnt even be bothered to remember that you werent just one of the boys and that you possibly wanted to be told that you were pretty or cute
your other best friend noticed your quietness and he stood up from his crouching position and placed a hand on your shoulder, making you look at him
your teary eyes made him sigh but he grinned at you
‘its really pretty, y/n-chan! you should wear it more often! pretty things deserve to be seen and complimented’
god why couldnt you have a crush on oikawa tooru instead
why did it have to be towards the boy who was too caught up with catching bugs and playing ball to ever see you differently and has never said a single praise towards you?
‘what do you think, iwa-chan? isnt she pretty?’
oikawa hinted but hajime remained his eyes on the tv as the players hit the ball, too distracted to even be bothered to look at you
‘she looks the same’
he mumbled and your nose stung and eyes watered, looking down to hide the wobbling of your lips
‘its okay, kawa-chan. can i wear your clothes for now? i dont like this dress thats why i never wore it’
oikawa tried to stop you but you were already straight up the stairs and towards his room
he angrily stomped over to iwa and slapped his arm, startling the other boy and him snarling in pain
‘what the-’
‘youre so dumb. youre so mean. i wonder where she went wrong and what she saw. seriously’
he ranted and moved to sit back on the floor but not before kicking iwaizumi, making him fall on his side
‘so whos winning?’
your voice interrupted iwa’s mid-scream and he looked up from the floor to see you wearing an alien hoodie and a pair of basketball shorts that were a little too loose so they drooped by your knees
your originally curled and elegantly braided hair was now pulled up into a bun by a scrunchie that you left around the house from years ago
there was a bit of redness around your eyes and iwa scrambled up to check if you were okay since your face looked swollen
‘oi, did you eat something weird? your face is all red so youre probably having a reaction’
he fretted and you watched as his hands glided across your face and held you by the shoulders to take a closer look
‘yea, a reaction from a bad reaction’
thankfully iwa was too busy checking to hear oikawa snarkily whisper and you sent him a glare that made him quiet down
‘haji-kun, im fine’
you dismissed and side stepped to go sit next to oikawa, completely brushing him off
now iwa was confused
you would usually smile up at him, say ‘aw~ are you worried about me, haji-kun?’ then skip over 
not frown and act so coldly
‘oi, y/n, what-’
‘lets go to the bakery! theres a sale going on there!’
oikawa shouted which made you jolt in surprise
he knew of his best friend’s beginning interrogation but he knew you were too upset to be bothered by hajime’s questions
‘they have a buy one get one sale on milk bread! and those-those treats you like! theyre on sale too!’
omg oikawa is a real one 🥺
oikawa blinked harshly at you to go along with the act and you stuttered and nodded
‘uh-eung! yea!’
that was probably the moment that iwaizumi started noticing
except he thought it was a pining between his best friends rather than you towards him
ofc iwa was a loyal friend
he thought that you and oikawa were two people who were crushing on each other yet too afraid to say anything
tbh he shouldve seen this coming because duh you were an incredibly pretty girl and oikawa was the handsomest guy in the whole area!
it was almost,,, natural for you both to gravitate towards each other
maybe thats why,,,
he started to distance himself to give you both the space and want without him in between
maybe thats why,,,
he started to feel these feelings of,, jealousy?? like he started to feel a little scared and honestly he wasnt sure who to be jealous of bc he knew once you started dating, you’d both be too busy to hang out with him
maybe thats why,,,
he was no longer your friend 
iwaizumi hajime became a simple stranger you would just pass by in the hall
it happened around the 2nd year of middle school
you and oikawa were still close friends but you have drifted away into not being as close while you and iwaizumi became,,,, distant
basically strangers
the boy you used to dream about when you were 8 and dreamt of marrying once you were old enough
he was no longer him
before, you and iwa were actually really close without oikawa
like you would hang out when oikawa was too busy with takeru
you both would go to the arcade and play games with no fear of oikawa whining and complaining to take turns
you had a lot of fun together and yet, all of a sudden, everything stopped
because iwa knew how,,, possessive oikawa was
he thought that if he were to continue being friends with you, he would risk losing his best friend out of jealousy or misunderstandings and he didnt want that precious bond to be ruined by a girl
even if that girl,,,
was you
thats why it was so awkward when you came over to oikawa’s house after so long and seeing him there, eating breakfast in the kitchen
your best friend didnt want to tell you that iwa spent the night bc quite frankly, oikawa was already fed up with this
you think he didnt know?
you think he didnt know that iwa distanced himself due to an unknown misunderstanding?
you think he didnt know that you also distanced yourself due to being hurt as he casted you aside?
and oikawa was also worried
he didnt want to ever bring up your name with iwa bc to be honest, he didnt think iwa even liked you all that much
he thought that iwa only tolerated you for so long bc you were the only girl who wasnt in love with oikawa and knew you long enough to be comfortable w you
but babie oiks is misunderstood that :(
he didnt want to ever bring up his name with you bc he knew how sensitive it was for you and how sad and pained you were when he suddenly stopped even replying to your texts
one time when you cornered him, he looked angry and gently pushed you back and quickly walked away 
no he was scared that oikawa could see you both and misunderstand
‘just,,, stay away from me, okay? its better this way’
god you wanted to scream at him and shout at him and punch him but he kept silent and refused to answer your questions and refused to acknowledge your existence
you were so confused and you were just so hurt and eventually, you became indifferent to him and treated him the same way
you stepped into the house, not even bothering to shout your arrival and quickly wandered through the hallway before turning the corner to go to the kitchen 
but you stopped, seeing the familiar hair with olive eyes eating breakfast on the kitchen island, also stopping with his chopsticks halfway to his mouth at the sight of you
your gazes clashed and you blinked before your lips formed into a thin line, turning and going to the fridge and look for food
iwa wasnt surprised
he figured you were both getting closer to dating and you were already basically living in his house
it all makes sense
‘h-how are you’
he mumbled, trying to fix the awkward silence while cursing inside of how long oikawa was taking to shit
you hummed, taking a water bottle and slamming the fridge door shut, harder than necessary
‘oh, now you see me?’
you really didnt mean for it to be a snarky comment but it came out before you even realized what you said
he winced
‘listen, im-’
‘oh? youre here, y/n-chan!’
oikawa’s voice cut him off and he returned back to his bowl of rice, leaving you standing there furrowing your brows
you shrugged, already knowing that hajime was like this, so you turned to look at oikawa with a wrinkled nose at the sound of the toilet flushing
‘tooru, did you drink straight milk again? you know how it makes your stomach upset’
you chided and tooru turned red at the implication of his dookie
‘o-oi! y/n-chan! of course id know if i was lactose intolerant!’
i just think how funny it would be like the irony of his love for milk bread yet being lactose intolerant at the same time 
he huffed and you nodded but not exactly believing him
‘kay kay’
you teased and walked to the living room but oikawa caught you in a headlock and he ruffled your hair while you complained and whined to let you go
you were giggling as tooru was giving you noogies, feeling the tension leave your body
all while iwa was watching
maybe it was because he stopped hanging out with you and havent seen you like this for almost  a year
so carefree and so happy as you scored higher than him at the hoop game and he would begrudgingly let you hug him when he managed to win you a doll from the claw machine
but yea he definitely forgot your smile
he forgot how it looked like bc the last time you met gazes, you sent him a hurt glance and looked away and he knew he deserved that
god he hated it
but no, he was doing this for tooru
he was doing this because his best friend liked someone who actually deserved him
but dear god why did it hurt
iwa was starting to wonder if he made the right choice
he could easily handle you two dating
maybe that was when iwa started to realize,,, he was starting to feel different towards you
the time apart definitely made him remember why he was friends with you
you weren’t like those girls he saw in tv or outside with the frilly clothes and the makeup and the fancy hair
no that wasnt you
you were different
you were too lazy to even pick out a cute outfit, opting for comfort with one of their sweatshirts and sweatpants
you preferred to chase after butterflies rather than sitting inside bc hajime’s adventurous spirit latched itself on to you too
you would usually climb the tree to get the volleyball that got stuck up in the branches bc tooru was too scared of heights and you wanted to prove your strength and capability
god you were so different
what if you liked him instead?
iwa startled himself with that thought in the middle of eating and caused him to choke on his rice
tooru noticed him coughing violently so he grabbed the water bottle from your hand and threw it straight towards the boy
iwa snapped the cap open,not caring where that water came from, and chugged it down before sighing in relief after the quite scary situation
you then realized what happened and you turned red, speedwalking into the living room
oiks totally didnt do that on purpose and he was doing the lenny face at you before switching masks and wearing a worried one for iwa
‘iwa-chan! you need to slow down!’
he chided and iwaizumi yelled at him to be quiet, completely clueless to the fact that he just shared an indirect kiss with you
but you did and lordie did you hate it
from then on,,,
iwa was just seeing you everywhere
iwa saw you from his classroom when you would go hang out with your new friends outside 
he noticed you not even being too loud, only speaking up when asked while the others opted to continue talking about nonsense you probably gave no care about with how you secretly rolled your eyes
those moments made him laugh
the next time you both ran into each other was during his morning practice
oikawa phoned you in the morning while you were getting ready, saying he accidentally left his knee pads at home and he was already at school but you werent so he wanted you to bring them to him
you knew damn well that iwaizumi hajime would be there but you didnt care because youre not even friends anymore after he just dropped you like that
so thats why you found yourself pushing the metal gym door open at 6 in the morning and shouting oikawa’s name
his eyes brightened at your voice and he dropped the ball to run towards you by the door
‘oh my god thank you so much, y/n-chan!’
he shouted and hugged you out of excitement while you cringed and hit him to get off of you
‘ew dont touch me trashykawa’
you mumbled and he whined, finally stepping away with a pout
iwa was watching you both from the side and he blinked, wondering if you were trying a new hairstyle
if not, then you changed something bc currently, you practically glowing to him
he watched you scold oikawa for being forgetful and him begging for forgiveness but also thanking you before he was scoldede again by the coach
but the coach was relieved that he could finally play with the proper equipment and not risk anymore injuries
oikawa was already bidding you good bye and you were about to turn to leave when you finally met the many gazes of iwaizumi hajime
your eyebrows unconsciously furrowed together and your lips turned to a frown then you sharply turned and walked through the doors
unbeknownst to him, oikawa watched as his best friend’s face turned hurt at your expression and remained staring at the door you just went out of even when you were already gone
‘iwa-chan, lets get to practice’
after that 
iwa has concluded god has decided to be mean to him
bc who was giving him these weird heart attacks and tummy aches at the simple sight of you?
literally he ignored you for a good time yet now hes noticing you again?
what kinda unfairness-
but you proved to accept his previous behavior by not even giving him a single glance anymore
that made him sad so iwa would sometimes stop doing what hes doing so he could freely stare at you laugh at something a classmate said during class
thats totally not creepy iwa lol
he doesnt even know hes doing it sometimes bc hes so absorbed on trying to figure out the answers of his questions
but the worst was when he got caught
you sat at the very front and oikawa and iwa sat at the back 
it was lunchtime and you were eating with a few girls and a guy from another class and yall were laughing and talking together
iwa had oikawa and these other guys makki and matsukawa from the class next door to eat lunch with
can i please just dream that our third year seijoh boys were actually friends since the very beginning like pls and thanks
oikawa was rambling about how some girl giving him cookies the other day when he noticed iwa not listening but staring at you while moving his chopsticks around
poor iwa-chan was confused as to how even with messy hair, you still looked beautiful?
like no matter what angle or how you turned, the light always seemed to hit you perfectly to accent out your features
how was that possible?
‘-and she just-iwa-chan? iwaizumi?’
he called out and said boy jolted, eyes widening at the confused, bored, and knowing eyes
‘oh? were you looking at y/n-chan?’
oikawa teased and the gojira fanboy waved his hands around to deny that statement
but makki chuckled and leaned in
‘hm, wouldnt blame ya. shes really pretty you know? some guy in our class saw the girls ranking and shes in the top 5′
okay iwa was angry
was it because everyone else noticed how pretty you are?
was it because you were part of this list?
was it because his own friend said you were pretty?
why did he even care anyways?!
oikawa smirked at the clenched fist under the table and decided to poke fun even more
‘oh really? well, it doesnt really matter because its always the girl’s decision right? but most of the time, their choice is utter trash’
the meme duo shared a confused look
‘hah? what are you going on about, oikawa’
oikawa internally apologized to you after what hes about to do because hes so tired and exhausted of having to be so careful and walking on eggshells between you two
so he did an oikawa move
‘yanno how y/n-chan and i have been friends since we were little ducklings right? so ages ago, like ages ago, little y/n-chan had a crush on this brute bc for some reason she thought he was brave or something and apparently thats appealing to girls rather than the nice and gentlemanly type. but of course, yanno how this goes, he pooped up and now hes stuck on doing this weird stalking staring thing. right, iwa-chan~?’
okay im sorry i take it back oikawa is a bitch
iwa shook
you,,, had a what on who?!
a crush on him?!
is he the brute?!
so it wasnt oikawa?
it was to him?
then why did you act like that?
why did you both act like that?
iwaizumi mumbled and he met oikawa’s pointed gaze
‘hmm,,,, you dont have to worry about it anymore though since theyre not even friends anymore. but listen to me and listen well, makki, mattsun, if you hurt a girl even once, theyre never going to forget it. my sister said that apparently theres this little voice in their head that tells them that theyre going to get hurt again and thats where their trust issues begin to develop and--IWA-CHAN WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!’
iwa was already out of his seat and straight walking towards you and your group before stopping beside your chair
your friends quieted down at the sight of the known boy and you blinked then turned your head to see him, your eyes instantly turning dark and looking away immediately
‘what the hell do you want’
you hissed and natsu almost choked on his rice ball if it wasnt for another girl patting his back
‘it was me, right? all along, not oikawa, but me?’
his meek voice made you look up in confusion
‘what are you talking-’
‘you chose me instead him’
then it was like a click that you realized what he said
‘how did you know’
he stuttered but was cut off when the teacher finally arrived to announce the end of lunch and iwa was forced to go back to his seat
the whole class time, you would sneak glances back and iwa would be staring at his paper while oikawa would wink at you and give you smirks
after class you stomped up to the brunette haired boy 
‘how could you?! why did you tell-’
‘lets talk, y/n? please?’
iwa was holding your arm and you glared at him before turning away and walking away
oikawa patted him on the shoulder in good luck and whispered,
‘get your girl’
the rooftop ledge looked really delicious right now
no words were exchanged so you were both just silent with you staring at him while he was looking off to the side
‘so what? now you know and so what do you want?’
you spoke first and iwa guiltily met your eyes
‘everything was,,, a mess. i misunderstood and i didnt communicate and i,,, messed up’
he mumbled the last part but you caught it perfectly causing you to scoff
‘damn right you did. so now you know and then youre going to do the cliche thing they do in those dramas where you magically profess your love for me and-’
‘hey y/n lets date’
you froze and looked at him shocked with wide eyes and jaw dropped
‘excuse me? who are you to say that?!’
you shrieked
‘first you think i have some big crush on tooru and this caused you to basically drop me like a damn pencil and second youre asking me to date you? iwaizumi hajime i thought you were always the smarter one. what the hell are you spouting you damn imbecile-’
iwa did the only thing he thought of
he quickly leaned forward and pecked your lips
he saw some guy do it in a telenovela that his mom watched a week ago and that was how the girl got silent so iwa thought it would be smart to shut you up that way
and it worked
bc you were so conflicted: angry, confused, sad, happy
you was the whole range of emotions in one second
‘i was stupid. and i was dumb. i wanted to give you and shittykawa space because i thought he liked you and he would be mad and misunderstand if we continued hanging out without him. but you shouldve told me you liked me, baka. maybe i wouldve come to like you back’
iwa rambled but your eyes watered and you huffed, slapping him across the face but pulled his collar to kiss him again
tbh iwa was shook bc he got 2 kisses in a row today and hes never been kissed before and its from this really pretty girl
‘how dare you kiss me and still not like me’
you seethed when you pulled away
but iwa held your hands
‘im starting to come to. give me time and i’ll accept your confession’
and give him time you did bc you finally were able to try and mend that friendship again and soon, you were already starting to fall back in love with him 
but iwa also
during the end of your 2nd year, iwa nervously tugged you to the rooftop and you smirked
‘what? you gonna profess your love for me haji-kun?’
you teased and expected him to laugh and smack you gently but he didnt
he turned red and he looked down at his shoes as he magically produced a flower out of nowhere
‘please accept me, y/n!’
he shouted while holding out the single white carnation
your eyebrows scrunched and you grabbed the flower from his hands before punching him weakly
‘stupid! stupid haji-kun! i already accepted you! since we were five! how could you not see my feelings’
you whimpered, trying to hide the blush on your face but he smothered you to a hug, making you both topple over in the process
you had the cliched term of ‘summer love’
of course you still hung out with tooru but you both would hang out other days just you both
like you and iwa liked going over to some old playground by your house and you both would watch the sky on top of the slide assembly while talking about stupid stuff and the future
‘haji-kun, do you know what you want to be when youre old?’
you asked and he turned his head to look at you but you were focused on the stars
he simply replied and you giggled, reaching over to hit his chest
‘baka. you cant be gojira-san’
iwa found himself giggling with you before he reached down to softly interwine your fingers and hold them up to look at them
‘hm, i dont really know. maybe a volleyball player. or someone in the volleyball team, i dont know’
you hummed, knowing him and tooru’s shared love for the sport
‘i wanna be a doctor. i want to save lives and help people and make money too! my mothers friend offered to intern me but apparently im still too young’
you pouted
iwa listened to you but then a lightbulb rang in his head
‘oi, y/n’
he started and you looked at him
‘you can be our manager. or medic. or doctor person. that bastard is going to push himself even harder because naoki-senpai gave him that damn position and he might kill himself trying to beat that farmer dude. besides, shittykawa is going to be the captain next year and i’ll be vice so youd easily get it anyways. so you in?’
you blinked at him before breaking out to a smile
‘eung! i wanna see my baby play what he loves!’
iwa’s face contorted to disgust
‘bABy?! iM nOt a BABY! im A mAn!! mAN!!’
‘mhm, okay. my mans, haji bara arms is my mans’
your relationship is very balanced with the perfect ratio of crackhead and seriousness and understanding bc as we ALL KNOW EVERYTHING STARTED W A MISUNDERSTANDING
like if he accidentally said something that hurt your feelings like that dress incident from years ago btw you brought it up to him and told him you were practically traumatized by that and he kept on apologizing and appearing at your doorstep with a white carnation in apology you would gently tell him bc communication is K E Y and he would tell you sorry and you guys would understand and make up
you guys were so lovey dovey that ltr oikawa would fake gag and throw up to the side when he catches you guys even doing things like holding hands
like bls he sees that flesh to flesh contact and he wretches his breakfast
‘ew, its the settling down for me’
‘its the flatness of the ass for me’
you stuck your tongue out while he pouted and iwa looked so proud like oml
you guys were still at the honeymoon phase where everything was peaches and rainbows and it continued until your 3rd year
as mentioned above, iwa basically gave you the managerial position
like yall were walking to school during the first day talking about how worried yall were at passing your classes when suddenly he was all like ‘ill see you in the gym later?’
you smiled and blinked confusingly
‘hm? you want a cheerleader there, baby?’
he flushed red at the nickname and furrowed his eyebrows
‘baka, stop calling me that’
you giggled and dodged his gentle smack but he grabbed your hand and pulled you close to his chest
‘i thought we already agreed that you would be our medic slash manager? i mean, it could give you experience for the future right?’
you rested your chin on his front to look up at him and your face held a teasing smirk
‘hmmm~~~ haji-kun just admit it. you want me to be there to cheer you on~’
you teased and nuzzled your cheek on him
iwa scoffed but he couldnt help a soft smile appearing
‘i mean-yea, but its for the future so ill help you every way i can’
‘oya? the future? will you marry me in the future, haji-kun?’
sure enough you were at the gym after school
the coaches knew you werent a fangirl of oikawa bc hes seen you since the very beginning and oikawa clears you are actually a sister to him and you were fit for the job
ofc hes captain and someone as good as oikawa was going to get what he wants
the gym was full of newbies and recruits hoping to get into the powerhouse team and your eyes scanned to find those ridiculously pretty olive eyes that belonged to your beloved-
you waved and shouted loudly, gaining his and everyone else’s attention as well
the underclassmen cooed and awed at you bc their senpai who was famous for being really pretty was in the building
‘waaaa its l/n-senpai’
‘shes so pretty’
‘oMG shes righT iN FroNT oF me!!’
yea you get the gist
the poor ‘haji-kun’ was shrinking under the attention and was growling at oikawa’s teasing look but he begrudgingly held his arms out for you to run into them and snuggle into him
‘hmmm i missed you, haji-kun. im really sad we’re in different classes this year. but then again! i can be here with you!’
you pouted and he ruffled your hair affectionately
‘why else do you think i offered it brat’
oikawa rolled his eyes and gagged before taking your arm to the coach so he could sort you out
‘honestly! not in front of the children, okay?!’
but everything was quickly resolved and you were finally officially their manager/medic
you did managerial duties and you were the go-to when someone falls harshly or gets hurt in any way
in between homework, school, reading medical books, and practice, you and iwa havent spent a lot of time together and tbh that was quite straining your relationship??
like it was something that you saw coming and you both even had a talk about it but you still feel like you didnt prepare enough when it did come
one day, it was monday and there was no practice so you and iwa were walking home together
he squeezed your hand occassionally and you would sing and hum while walking
and omg his heart would balloon up when you would smile up at him and giggle when you would catch him staring
he honestly thought youd both hang out and just lay on the couch, snuggle, yanno the routine
but once you pulled out your textbooks, notebooks, and pens, he was confused
like he even held your hands and stopped you from pulling anything else out
‘y/n? i thought we were,, watching a movie or something?’
you blinked and shook your head
‘i need to study for a test and i still need to memorize how to treat a sprain, haji-kun. there’s more important things to do right now. maybe later?’
more important things?!
more important than showering you with love?
more important than even spending a second with him?
now, dont get him wrong, iwaizumi hajime was by no means a clingy and possessive boyfriend
he understood the boundaries and he understood the priorities
but dear god its been WEEKS since he even hung out w you since your entire schedule seemed to throw him out of loop and acted as if he didnt exist
and now, he was aggrivated and irritated and he wanted nothing but to just cuddle his girlfriend
you noticed his huff and pout but he remained silent
you quirked an eyebrow and placed your pen down
‘haji? whats wrong?’
his eyes snapped to you and you knew now he was angry
‘oh? were you able to spare a few seconds for dear old me?’
you were taken aback and you knew there was a fight brewing so you hid your growing irritation and calmly put your things aside
‘hajime, what are you on about?’
you pried and he looked shocked, almost offended
‘what am i on about? what am i on about? y/n, do you know the last time i even came over? the last time i held you and just talked?’
his voice got louder by every word and you quickly stood up 
‘dont you dare raise your voice at me, hajime. if we have a problem, we talked over it calmly. we dont yell or shout, nothing gets resolved. we talked about this’
but he scoffed
‘talked? when was that? when did we actually just talk? hm? because I sure as hell dont remember it’
youve only seen hajime angry once and it was when you lied to him to go spend time with oikawa
okay in your defense, oikawa was having a panic attack and he begged you not to tell iwa because he didnt want to be scolded by iwa even though you kept telling him that iwa wasnt like that
and theres a reason as to why its only been a one-time thing because iwa was known to have patience that was as long as the damn nile river
except for oikawa bc it seems oikawa just cuts that patience by a million
and when he finally snaps, its when he couldnt take it anymore and he finally gets loose
when iwaizumi hajime was angry,  you really done it
you didnt really know how you handled that anger so you were at a loss and you were feeling conflicted and pained at the way he looked at you
you started and he looked at you expectantly
‘well? when did we last actually talk outside the school premises y/n?’
there was that inner witty voice of yours that wanted to say ‘right now?’ but you held it in bc he was completely serious
‘hajime, please understand. i-i dont want to let anyone down! my grades! the team! i-’
‘but what about me, y/n?’
he tiredly asked
‘do those things-those people- matter more than me? and i really really dont want to ask that but im so so confused y/n’
despite sounding manipulative, you knew iwa was feeling defeated and he couldnt help but ask those questions and sound so desperate
so you scrambled to sit next to him on the couch and held him against you
‘of course you matter to me-haji you mean everything to me, you understand? god, if an adult hears me theyd think im crazy but i love you, hajime. i love you and im so sorry if i ever made you feel that way because i really didnt mean to, okay? im so sorry’
you sobbed and he turned to fully envelop you into his arms and he sighed contently, remembering how good it felt to have you right there
‘no, im sorry, doll. i was being clingy and i didnt mean to lash out, i-’
you slightly let go and cupped his face
‘nonono you were perfectly valid. what you felt was perfectly reasonable. i havent been a good girlfriend lately, huh?’
you sadly smiled but he kissed you, holding you even closer
‘youre always a good one to me. always. just with a not good schedule but we can fix that, right?’
tbh that was really your only big fight
even when you guys graduated middle school, you both were still quite happy and you both worked hard to make time for each other
when high school arrived, you both had chosen an extremely hard decision
you chose to go to karasuno while oikawa and iwa went to seijoh
which was a,,,, hard and difficult decision
in fact, you both didnt have a fight per se, just a disagreement that ended in like 30 minutes lmao
tbh its so scary and concerning of how rarely you both have bad times and how quickly it gets resolved
you were busy with karasuno and you were actually taking college courses since you wanted to have a good record if you ever wanted to get into a medical field
that meant you had a lot of homework and most of your time was spent with schoolwork or interning for that family friend mentioned earlier
and you were also a manager for the volleyball team bc karasuno is a butt and they require you to have an after school club
so that meant,,,
no time for iwa
and fate just so happens to hate you bc the days you did have off, he would be busy with volleyball and he wouldnt be able to spend time with you
even weekends were like that
eventually, you both went for 2 months with no contact, just a few text messages and calls
and that strained your former strong relationship
and you knew that iwa was getting angry again with how he even typed his responses
‘want me to bring over snacks for the team?’
‘its okay. wouldnt want you to waste time or anything’
like that type of bull
you were getting increasingly worried because you havent had a good proper time to talk to him about it and you didnt want to fight over the phone
your best friend, kiyoko, noticed your anxious ticks and she snapped you out of your current daydream
‘hey? y/n? you okay?’
she gently asked and you blinked before nodding
‘mhm. just,,, thinking’
but she didnt buy that lie because you went back to chewing your lips and eyes even watering
‘i can revise your notes for you, y/n. and the team isnt doing anything big so i can handle it. you just go see him after school bc i cant handle you being sad anymore’
kiyoko gently smiled and you almost cried bc finally! you were able to clear your schedule enough to go visit your boyfriend
at the end of the school day, you bolted out of there and you were running and huffing all the way to seijoh bc you really wanted to talk to him as soon as possible
the gym was clear in view and you smiled, looking forward to seeing your beloved boy, when you saw him and oikawa being surrounded by girls
now keep in mind, youve suffered through middle school with oikawa and you were his best friend and has known him since you were a toddler
so you know of his looks and the attraction it brought him from all the females
so that didnt really bother you 
but what bothered you was the horde of girls that stuck on to your boyfriend and he didnt even look bothered
just,,, blank
not even pushing away or feeding into their actions
just,,, standing there
you called out and as if he had a built-in sensor for you, his ears twitched and he swiveled to look at you
he breathed out and you smiled gently
iwa quickly moved away from the girls and he grabbed your hand so you both could go somewhere else to talk privately
the back of the gym was quiet and you leaned against the wall, iwa joining you shortly
‘how-how are you?’
you asked and he scoffed, totally surprising you
‘is this how we are y/n? asking each other questions as if we’re friends who are meeting for the first time in a while? wait--actually we are arent we?’
you grimaced and looked to the side, knowing he starts his stages of anger with being passive aggressive
‘haji,, please understand’
you pleaded and swiveled to stand in front of him
iwa didnt meet your eyes, instead shoving his hands in his pants pockets and eyes trained to his shoes as he kicked rocks
‘y/n, ive been trying,, for months ive been understanding. please dont ask me to understand anymore’
he snipped and you sniffed
‘im doing this because-because my grades are starting to matter! my future is resting on these years! i have to-’
‘dont you think i know that?!’
he cut you off harshly
your eyes were shaking at his attempt to calm himself down and his trembling hands
‘dont you think i know that you are doing this for that? because ive known you since i was five y/n and i know you would push everything-everyone- else aside to reach a damn goal of yours. no matter the cost, as long as you get it, right? well youve always been like that and somehow i still accepted that yet years later here we are’
iwa waved his arms around to accentuate his point and hurt was bubbling inside your chest at a subtle jab at your flaw
‘well im sorry mr. volleyball ace player! im not talented in any area so i have to depend on my studies to get me a future! so fck me for trying to survive and create a life for us!’
‘us?! how is this for us?! y/n we cant even last a single year being apart and youre already thinking ahead of the future?!’
‘im doing this for you! for us! just wait hajime! we will be happy-’
you shrieked
he huffed and harshly wiped away tears that fell
your lips trembled, hands shakingly reaching out to grasp his arms
‘ha-hajime,, don-’
‘should we break up?’
was he asking you this right now? 
you whispered and he finally looked up to let you see his pained eyes
‘y/n do you know what day it was yesterday?’
he asked and you blinked, looking everywhere as you tried to remember any important events
that seemed to snap his patience 
with an angry grunt, he turned to punch the wall and crouch to hide his face in his hands
‘damn it, y/n’
he whimpered and your heart broke as you could hear his cries
then it clicked
it was your 2nd anniversary
and you completely missed it
completely forgotten
you shrunk back and let out a cry before placing a hand over your mouth to muffle your cries
you sniffled and you tried to go closer to him but he wiped his eyes and stood back up
‘y/n lets break up’
iwa requested with a cracked smile
your eyes widened and you ran to his chest, wrapping your arms around him as if you let go, he would disappear
‘haji, we can talk about this! we cant-please dont do this-i can fix this-’
‘we will only hurt ourselves even more if we continue this. i dont want us to hurt anymore y/n. so please, for once, listen to me’
your heart shattering cries filled your space and he didnt think it was this hard until he finally said it
it was a decision that he has been hanging around for a while and even consulted oikawa about it
‘iwa-chan, if you love y/n so much, its best to let her go. dont make you both suffer anymore’
‘i cant-hajime youre it for me-please dont leave-’
you hiccuped and continued to sob
but iwa remained a pillar and squeezed you tightly against him
‘darling i believe we were meant to be. but we just did it all wrong. when the time is right, lets start over again’
he whispered, finally breaking down with you in his arms
iwaizumi hajime became a taboo word for you
even with oikawa, he swore and vowed to never say either of your names and made sure that you would not be around the area when iwa would come over
like even when he knew iwa would just stay inside, he would be constantly on the lookout to make sure you both didnt see each other
the last time was when you both saw each other in the morning as you exited your house to walk to school
it must’ve been a few months after the breakup and even oikawa felt the raw pain hovering in the air
it was suffocating and oikawa had to motion you to walk because if you both stayed even a second, someone-or both- would start crying
you continued like that for years until you reached your third year
you continued being part of the volleyball team as the medic while kiyoko was the manager
the new recruits were causing up a storm and you were particularly fond of your kita kouhai kageyama tobio
‘kageyama? kageyama tobio?’
you asked once you caught sight of the familiar looking blueberry
he looked up and recognized you as his former manager
he shouted and you ran up to give the boy a hug
‘gosh! youre so tall now! i remembered when you were wee tall!’
you teased and ruffled his hair
‘uh-you know him, y/n?’
suga asked and you nodded
‘eung! we went to the same middle school and i was a manager there’
‘she was friends with iwa-’
something flashed in your eyes 
kiyoko knew that name bc of how you were so depressed about it for 2 years and she started shouting random nonsense, scaring the 2nd and first years
‘y/n! we got new medical tape!’
she sang out and you perked up
‘finally?! we dont have to use duct tape anymore?!’
you excitedly ran over and everyone was both shook that kiyoko was loud and two, you were actually excited over medical tape
kageyama shrugged and continued on training
he kinda figured something happened so he never said anything or asked you anything in fear of upsetting you
and when it was announced that you were going to a practice match with seijoh, kiyoko actually told you she would cover it to make sure you dont see him there
‘its fine, y/n, i got you’
but ofc, you couldnt skip inter high
ltr an event when anyone in the team could get injured so you forced yourself to just ignore it and go
you did a good job of hiding whenever he was in view until the time they actually faced each other
you were walking alongside kiyoko and settling some things down at the bench when you felt his stare
you grimaced at his intense stare and the entire team mistakenly took it as him being interested in you
noya growled
ofc hinata echoed
the 3 seijoh third years exchanged looks of unease when iwa sighed and looked away
‘oi! dont do that, boke!’
kageyama chided and hit the orange boy with a water bottle at the head
hinata whined and glared at him
‘that porcupine was looking at l/n-senpai! he wants to steal her!’
‘doesnt matter anyways. we broke up ages ago’
you tried to say it jokingly but they couldnt miss the crack in your voice
‘hah?! he broke up with you?! you?! goddess l/n-san?!’
tanaka raged and noya had his own face of shock
the famous seijoh ace dated you?!
this handsome bara arms muscle buff man had the priviledge to date you and yet broke up with you?!
‘yall didnt know that?’
kageyama questioned and everyone glared at him
‘how do you know’
‘i just did. i didnt want to say anything for this same reason that you guys didnt know and she wouldnt want her business out there’
he simply replied and continued filing his nails
you looked up and smiled
‘it doesnt matter anymore. it was years ago so its fine’
the three stooges swore and you smiled softly, ruffling each boy’s hair
‘then go out there and make me proud’
but we know how this goes
they lost and you were so devastated for the others and you dropped your bag to go and comfort a crying hinata
‘sshh, dont cry dont cry. im right here’
you cooed and he accepted your embrace, hugging you tightly
once he finally calmed down, you were able to get him to a good enough condition to walk to the bus to go home
you went back to get your bag when you found something on top of it
a single white carnation
and a small ripped piece of paper that said,
‘my name is iwaizumi hajime. i think youre really pretty’
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a/n: iknowiknowiknow i died but im not back to life and this request was lowkey difficult and i dont think i did a good job w it because angst always gets too angsty for me but i couldnt resist giving this a sad ending like bls!!! and uwu im still working on that oikawa route bc ya girl cant decide how angsty she wants it to beeee and i have like 4 different versions of the route in my drafts hehehe,,,, but i hope yall liked this and uwu ive never been in a serious relationship before so i wouldnt know what to fight about and came up with this:(
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i-need-air · 4 years
Your blog makes my heart explode, it turned in the place i go to whenever I want to feel butterflies and uwu!!! I was wondering, how would a relationship with Bakugo be with a foreigner, like would he embrace their culture or would he see a future with that someone? I saw this study that japanese men find foreign women attractive but just for fooling around and not marriage stuff and my mind went there idk maybe it sounds weird. Fell free to ignore this if it's weird heh
Appreciate your words! You're absolutely adorable and now I'm the one feeling butterflies! 💖💗💖💗💖💗🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
And wow, that's interesting to say at least and I googled it myself to see; I'm not gonna lie, it's not surprising and it points out that the cultural difference could be a problem in long term relationships that's why they're more reclutant about marriage. Japan is very traditional so that's why I said I'm not surprised and honestly it's an issue in multicultural couples everywhere. Been there, felt that...
That being said, let's talk about Bakugou:
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× i 100% stand by this: Bakugou dates to marry.
× could definitely leave the ask like this and feel good about myself bc i trust those words.
× one thing about this man is that if he likes you, he likes you
× it's a matter of attitude, not origin, not heritage, not quirk related, not looks, but your personality
× even before dating he will research about your home country and traditions as the curious man he is [ thinks it's not a big deal, he just wants to know where your dumbass came from, like whateverrr who caressss ok but what did you say your birth city was called? how do you spell— 💀]
× and if you are still learning about japanese ones, he will teach you about it in his own way because of two points.
he genuinely wants you to like Japan; it's is homecountry, his origins, he grew up with those traditions and would like to enjoy them with you
it's an excuse to spend time with you; he might act a little indifferent about it [ as he avoids being aggressive with you ] but he likes your company and the small smiles he sends you give him away
× if you're still trying to learn japanese, don't worry, he's a nerd so he knows English but will point out mistakes in grammar or pronunciation; don't mind it, again, he won't mock you, he actually respects you for actively trying to learn another language and mastering it
× even if he did read about your country, he won't ask about it much before dating and it will take him some time to ask afterwards too; absolutely does not mind if you do start talking about your country on your own though since he's learning new things about it and about you, which he then adds to his mental PowerPoint about you
× why doesn't he ask, you say? at first he's interested in your personality and once he's sure he's into you, he'll then slowly think about having a future together, and this guy, this guy is a thinker so he goes through all scenarios; another thing is this dumb pomeranian wants to keep his indifferent act;;
× he does think about cultural differences but doesn't see them as a problem. if you managed to catch his attention and got him to think about a future with you? he's gonna embrace your culture altogether; you already won him, congrats
× food will connect you two and i feel he'll use cooking time to bond together
× he will teach you how to cook japanese food so maybe teach him recipes from your culture? if you don't know, pull some recipes from google and make a disaster together, he doesn't mind much; istg he's gonna cook better than a local grandma after a couple of tries 💀[ specially if you're homesick and enjoyed his other tries, Chef Bakugou will basically do it for u bby ]
× traditions are a big thing too, so whenever you celebrate something he will pay close attention and definitely butt in and ask; the difference from before is that he doesn't have to pry to find out, it comes naturally and that saves him some blushes and the conversation can be more natural while keeping that indifferent pomeranian act i told you about before [ as you bond closer he will get over this issue, don't worry ]
× "So what's it about?" says in a bored tone but his eyes give him away, curiosity getting to him
× just tell him but please, tell him about your past and memories related to those traditions
× language, you say? if your mother language is english he will perfect it bc of you and if it's not;;; ok look, he's a lil shit, ok? so guess who learns how to call you a dumbass in your own mf mother language? ye, that's right
× this is a whole fluff hc but he's extra at doing things, right? when he knows he loves you and tells you the first time, he will tell you in your language
× bc your face is priceless and that's his shit; legit cocky grin and snickers in your face
× tell him "I love you" back and watch him turn into a stuttering tomato
× it will become common between you to say it in your language, it's like a secret only you two share
× by secret i mean everyone knows he's a simp but now ✨international✨
× once Bakugou knows it's time to meet your family, he will actively learn it though, at first without your help; he still has this dumb idea that he has to be the best at everything without seeking help but once you find out and he sees how absolutely enamored you are by his actions, you'll become his tutor [ full time job and you get paid with food and sneaky forehead kisses ]
× he can't pronounce something? gets angry and tries until he does; he ain't a quitter 💅
× makes you repeat the words a lot though, he likes watching your lips move and the way you speak? y e s
× one thing that is make or break in the relationship is where you decide to live long term so pretty early in the relationship you'll know he's not moving away from Japan
× he has his goals and dreams and definitely wants you in them but moving away is something i feel he wouldn't do
× yet he's all up for vacations twice a year or so; remember he wants to be a hero so he won't have time to go more than, but he will want to explore your country with you by his side, also to meet your family and put to test those tutoring classes he got from you;
× once you're married and have kids [ yeah, he wants the whole package ] know for a fact those kids will take part in both cultures; loves your heritage and wants to pass it to the future generations; imagine multilingual mini-Bakugous, i—💖💗💖
× his parents! the Bakugou household is pretty modern and they wouldn't have a problem at all with you being a foreigner; they'd be very interested in learning about your culture too and honestly, they don't mind where you are from as long as you love their son [ they feel blessed someone can handle his dumb ass but ok ]
× fashion designers as they are, they gonna be interested in your traditional clothing; seriously, they'd love to know everything about the topic and even implement them in some of their designs if there's no issue from your side
× overall once Bakugou knows he wants to pursue you, he will go all in for you
× bc he a simp and genuinely appreciates everything about you 💕
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Never a Gull Moment
Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Pairing: Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes Rating: T Word Count: 3523
For @yavannie, who wanted Sam to either gain new powers or carry Bucky through the air. Spoiler, I went with both. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: Sam’s had an intense first week as Captain America. The perfect opportunity for a break arises when Joaquín contacts him, offering new programming for his suit. All he needs to test the tech are the beach, birds, and one uncooperative bonehead Sam didn’t manage to leave behind in New York.
If there’s one skill Sam’s hoping to adopt from his predecessor—Steve, not Walker (sweet Jesus, not Walker)—it’s the ability to end a conversation with a humble handwave before it can even begin. Steve always had that in the bag. Leading with the wrist in a flick of the hand that came across as both sheepish and respectful. Like he’d love to stop and talk with that fan or this journalist but he was just too busy. And not rude busy, busy with a quiet nobility. Anyway, it all came across in the wave.
Sam hasn’t nailed the wave.
Four days after the GRC vote-that-wasn’t, he’s still in New York, bouncing between TV appearances; everybody wants a piece of the new Cap. Sam wishes they asked a little more about his opinions on compassion for the displaced, as well as those who survived the Snap to form new, functional communities, and less about the look of his new suit, but isn’t it always a battle between style and substance? At least people are listening. To everything except the look Sam knows he has in his eyes, the one that says this debut has been a lot and he’s longing for home.
He knows he has to nail this aspect of being Captain America too. Unfortunately, chuckling amiably with morning show hosts isn’t doing a hell of a lot to distract him from what it took to get him here. There are seconds where his attention wavers—he’ll be nodding along to whatever someone’s saying, or letting his gaze follow a bike courier down the street instead of staying trained on the camera the roving reporter has set up on the sidewalk—and that’s when Karli hurtles into his mind. He feels her desperate blows vibrating the shield, the weight of her body in his arms, in her death.
He can’t keep sitting behind desks or posing impressively and trying to answer the hard questions (on the rare occasion they’re asked) after he’s told people he’s not the expert. When Torres calls up, it’s the close-enough-to-official reason Sam’s been waiting for to step back and do something that actually feels useful.
Bucky, who’s been skulking behind the scenes, somehow never pulled into interviews (if he knows the deferring wave and he’s been doing it just outside Sam’s sightline all week, Sam’s gonna kill him), sticks with him. They head south to meet Torres, and at least that feels like the right direction. Homeward bound. Of course, they stop a handful of states before Louisiana and hug the east coast, but it’s an improvement. They meet Torres at… the beach.
He’s got his foot propped in the open doorframe of a Humvee, giving Sam and Bucky a big, eager, whole-arm wave as they pull up. Not like they’re gonna miss him; Torres is in the only vehicle parked halfway down an unpaved road. Sand dunes climb steep and high just feet from his front bumper, an informal path cutting between the dunes and leading to the water, though Sam can’t see that from this vantage.
Torres’s hand is somehow already grasping Sam’s in a pumping, congratulatory shake before he’s fully out of the car. Sam hears Bucky’s soft snort of suppressed laughter and shoots him a look across the seats. Bucky raises his palms, but Sam spots his smirk before they’re both slamming their doors and stretching their legs after the drive.
“Traffic?” Torres asks brightly.
“Nah,” Bucky answers, coming around the back of their ride. “Sam just drives slower than my grandmother and she—”
“Died on the Titanic?” Sam guesses dryly.
Bucky’s flat stare could be saying a lot of things, or nothing. Sam feels as if he’s been a student of the language of Bucky’s stare for a while now, but his comprehension is still rudimentary. Pop that asshole in a sanctuary for rehabilitated brain-washees, have somebody study his behaviour like Jane Goodall studies chimpanzees, and they might get some answers. The idea starts as something funny Sam almost shares, but then he imagines handfeeding Bucky a banana and it gets weird. He keeps his mouth shut.
“Or she got the cryo treatment too and she’s kickin’ around someplace, speakin’ Russian and makin’ headshots.”
“Come on, man, Hydra jokes about your own grandmother?” Sam scoffs. “That’s not even a little bit funny.”
Torres’s expression is like a kid watching a wrestling match on TV—awed, alarmed, reluctant to question what’s real because he’s just enjoying the show.
Bucky cracks a slow smile and Sam rolls his eyes, slapping Torres’s shoulder to get him to head towards the Humvee and the reason they’re here.
“Nana woulda thought it was funny,” Bucky assures them.
“Lemme guess… You called your aunt ‘TT,’ so your grandmother’s probably… ‘GG,’ am I right?”
Sam glares at him (because his guess is correct and he’s a pain in the ass) and turns fully to Torres as he opens the back, revealing a large case.
“You were vague on the phone,” Sam recalls, watching Torres tug the case close before undoing the clasps. Bucky leans against the vehicle as he observes, dark pants picking up a swipe of road dust from the dirty taillight. “Something about an update for the suit?”
“Right,” Torres agrees.
He throws the case open to reveal the wings Sam gifted him. They’ve been repaired and Sam automatically strokes a hand over the gleaming, extended metal. If Torres did this himself, he sure worked fast.
“That duffle bag wasn’t good enough for you?” Sam asks jokingly, remembering his gear broken and jumbled, fit to be dragged out with the trash.
“They’re kind my prized possession,” Torres admits. “I thought they deserved to be kept nice.”
“You might even wanna put ’em on sometime.”
“I’m working up to that.” Torres laughs. “I wanted to make sure they were in working order before I jumped off a building.”
“Or out of the back of a plane without a parachute, right, Buck?” Sam asks, smacking the back of his hand into Bucky’s chest.
“I was fine,” Bucky insists.
“Sure you were. We can watch the footage again. I’m up for that.”
“Just let the man finish.”
Torres grants Bucky a wide smile in thanks.
“Yeah,” he picks up, “so I was fixing them, working on the wiring, and when I got the electronics running smoothly again, I started thinking about Redwing—”
“May he rest in pieces,” Bucky contributes.
“Uncalled for,” Sam complains.
“I replaced it, didn’t I?”
“The Wakandans replaced it.”
“As a favour to me.”
Torres’s gaze dances between them until Sam motions for him to continue.
“About Redwing,” Torres goes on enthusiastically. “The sophistication of the relationship between you, how intuitive the tech was. How Redwing understood not just simply-stated commands, but a more conversational approach, interpreting your intentions.”
“Finally, a little Redwing appreciation,” Sam says. He crosses his arms and gives Bucky a meaningful look.
“But what if it was a real bird?” Torres blurts.
Most of a minute passes as Sam stares at Torres’s excited expression.
“I think I might get where Torres is going with this,” Bucky says.
Sam holds up a hand to pause him. He could make a guess at it too, but there’s no need for that. They have the source of whatever alterations have been made right here.
“In your own words, Joaquín,” Sam encourages.
“Well,” he begins, one palm braced in the bed of the Humvee as he leans over the case with unconscious protectiveness, “you know I’ve kinda been itching to get my hands on the wings for a long time.”
“Yeah.” Sam laughs, remembering having to practically slap Torres’s hands away from the jetpack in Tunisia.
“Since you gave them to me a couple weeks ago, I’ve been tinkering, like I said, and I had this idea. Now,” he warns, raising both hands in caution, “this might be either really obvious or really disrespectful to the whole concept of the Falcon, but I started wondering if it’d be possible for the person wearing the wings to talk to nearby birds. Use them like a resource, like with Redwing.”
“Black Panther dresses like a cat with Vibranium claws.”
“Spider-Man has webs,” Bucky adds.
“Right,” Sam agrees, nodding to him before looking back to Torres. “I don’t think it’s disrespectful to lean into the gimmick if it’s amplifying your abilities.”
“Awesome,” Torres pronounces.
“I assume you went further than just wondering about it?”
Torres gives them a modest shrug.
“I know a guy who knows an ornithologist.”
“Bird scientist,” Bucky translates.
Turning his head, Sam glances at Bucky with a no shit look.
“Thanks,” he says insincerely.
“You’re welcome.”
“Long story short,” Torres pipes up, “she got me access to a catalogue of bird calls and the scientific consensus on what they all mean. I patched that info into the suit and, hopefully, it’s something that could be used, uh, on the fly. Sorry, I was trying to think of another way to say that.”
“So my suit would be able to communicate with birds?” Sam checks. “Automatically?”
“Yeah, it would assess your surroundings the same way Redwing does already, but scanning for birds, identifying what kind they are, and having the interpretation of their calls at the ready if needed.”
“What sort of information would I be gaining with this tech?”
“Stuff like… are they feeling threatened or disturbed? Does something feel off about their environment that has something to do with somebody you’re maybe chasing?”
“Mating rituals,” Bucky says.
“How is being able to recognize mating rituals going to help me?” Sam demands.
“You never know.”
“You brought your suit, right?” Torres wants to know. Apparently, he’s not going to bother engaging with Bucky’s nonsense. “It won’t take long for me to install the new software.”
“It’s in the back,” Sam assures him, jerking a thumb towards the other vehicle.
“But just the bird calls. This suit is brand new. No tinkering.”
“No tinkering,” Torres swears.
He sets up his impromptu workshop in the back seat, next to the suit. Sam has to admit to himself that Torres’s reverential expression as he handles the Captain America suit is pretty flattering. He watches the progress until Torres sits back, stating it’ll just be a few minutes for the new programming to be assimilated.
“Why the beach?” Sam asks while they wait.
“I was inspired by some shaky, far-away footage of you in New York. You did, uh, kind of a nosedive into the river there, so I thought maybe you’d be interested in testing your suit’s maneuverability in water at the same time as we did a trial with the bird calls.”
“Are we running a drill or something?” Bucky wonders.
“That’s a good idea,” Torres says immediately. “A scenario to use both the calls and the water.”
“You got something in mind?”
Sam isn’t the one who asks because he can see from Torres’s face that he does. Fortunately, he is the one who gets to laugh when the Lieutenant squints consideringly at Bucky and asks, “How long can you hold your breath?”
The last Sam sees of Bucky, he’s taking off his shirt.
“Oh, entire jacket this time?” Torres asked when Bucky took that off first.
After that, it was his shoes and socks, then his t-shirt, and this whole Bucky stripping thing isn’t so much a last look as something that Sam has to stand there witnessing for a while. He’s already in the Cap suit and, seriously, Bucky could’ve changed at the same time. Then, he would’ve been ready to go without making Sam and Torres wait around. But Sam wouldn’t have gotten to see him undress.
“Hurry it up, man.” His voice is a little off because, at the same time, he’s thinking, Please don’t take your pants off.
“If you’re making me play a drowning victim, I can at least not be getting weighed down,” Bucky argues. “This is to help you, right? Quit complaining.”
Finally, he stalks away, mounting the dune in black jeans and a half-assed scowl and disappearing over the top. The plan is for him to swim out, then duck under the water when Torres tells him to (the guy’s brought along waterproof earpieces for the purpose). Next, Sam will fly up and search for the ‘victim,’ relying solely on input from the seagulls wheeling lazily overhead. It’s a good exercise Torres has cooked up.
Sam hands the shield off to Torres for safekeeping before the Lieutenant heads to the beach. The shield won’t be necessary for this and there’s no way in hell Sam’s leaving it in the car. Besides, it’s kinda funny how wide Torres’s eyes go when Sam offers it up. Even bigger reaction than leaving him the wings, though this he doesn’t get to keep.
“On my signal,” Torres restates.
Sam gives him a sharp nod.
Once he’s alone, he paces between the vehicles, eager to kick off the ground. He hasn’t had an opportunity to just enjoy himself in the new suit yet. Leading up to the confrontation with the Flag-Smashers (and Georges Batroc, that fists-of-steel bastard), he was in training mode, focused and determined. In the media-heavy days that followed, he conceded to a few stunts for the camera. Those hadn’t been purely fun though; they were actually something Sam had to think quick and hard about, ultimately deciding that it wasn’t just performing on command but rather giving the public a lighthearted look at their new Captain America. Testing new tech with Bucky, Torres, and a bunch of seagulls? That seems like it’ll actually be a good time.
The instant Torres’s voice in Sam’s ear says, “Bucky’s under,” he unfurls the wings and sails up over the crest of the dune.
It’s not the warmest day and the greenish-blue water’s choppy near the shore, but there is a surprising smattering of people along a quarter mile of beach. Must be locals, Sam guesses, trekking down to the water from nearby houses. That would explain the lack of other cars where he parked. The people aren’t that close or that bothered by his sudden appearance overhead. Startled, sure, but after they’ve identified him (he sees a few hands lifted to foreheads to block out the sun so they can get a good look), he gets to return a couple big waves. Besides that, nobody’s getting to their feet to pound sand and swarm Torres, who’s conspicuously there with Sam—he is holding the shield, after all. Pretty typical. The bigger the crowd, the greater the chance of people scrambling for his attention and/or whipping out their phones to film him. This group seems satisfied with watching Captain America hanging out at their beach on his downtime and Sam appreciates them for that.
“No scanning the water,” Torres says in his ear. Sam laughs.
“I’m not, just assessing our audience here.”
“Is this a bad spot? I didn’t think anybody’d be around when I sent you my location, but—”
“It’s fine. Don’t worry. Did anybody ask you what was up when Bucky waded out into the water?”
“Nah. If they were wondering, they probably aren’t anymore.”
“Glad I won’t have to compete with a lifeguard to rescue him,” Sam jokes.
He hears Torres’s short laugh of agreement before focusing. Not on the water at all, but the birds. Those down on the sand are squawking for food, comfortable enough with these people to complain loudly in the hopes of being fed.
Sam’s sudden swoops scatter the gulls in the air, so he tries easier circles, mimicking their movements to hover high above the beach. Soon enough—these guys either have bad short-term memories or no patience—they start communicating with each other. The new programming Torres has uploaded to his suit signals to Sam that the birds are aware of a disturbance in the water. He gets a target on his goggles’ imaging and dives.
Sucking in a deep breath, Sam crashes into the murky water no more than a hundred yards out. The drop-off is dramatic enough for him to not complete a faceplant into a shallow bottom. Bucky’s treading water a couple body-lengths down, but he wrecks his form to offer Sam a raised middle finger in greeting. Sam’s wings retract as he grabs Bucky’s wrist to haul him to the surface.
They breathe, bobbing in place.
“Thought you’d be faster,” Bucky says.
“You didn’t drown, did you?” Sam points out. “Come on.”
He catches hold of Bucky’s hand and shoots out of the water, wings opening in the air to carry him once the thruster’s done its work. But Bucky squirms below him, their wet grip twisting precariously. Water runs from his sopping jeans.
“What the hell are you doing?” Sam asks.
“I don’t want to be carried to shore!”
“Because dangling this high above the ground feels a little weird to me! Not all of us do this every day!”
“I guess we could run the exercise again.”
“Fine. Let’s do that. Just drop me.”
Sam rewards Bucky’s melodrama by abruptly releasing his grip. Hey, that’s what the idiot asked for, and if he can fall out of a plane to the forest floor, he can plunge into water. It’s not like Sam’s up at aircraft cruising altitude, just high enough to make Torres look like a little action figure army man, standing on the sand in his fatigues.
“Running it again?” Torres wants to know.
“Yep,” Sam tells him, accelerating away from the shore. “Just giving that dumbass time to swim to a new spot.”
“Even though he can’t reply while he’s underwater… you know he can hear you in the comms, right?”
“Oh yeah.”
When Torres lets him know that Bucky’s gone under a second time, they start the drill again. Once more, Sam does a gliding approach to the seagulls. Once more, they go quiet before filling the air with their screaming, overlapping calls. Once more, Sam finds Bucky. He knows he’s quicker this time, so he’s expecting an acknowledgement of that when he contracts the wings, straightens his body, and plummets into the water feetfirst next to where Bucky’s floating below the surface.
Instead of an appreciative nod, an outstretched hand, or even a thumbs up, Bucky darts away from him. Is he trying not to get rescued? Now he’s just fucking up the exercise. Only, Sam can’t even berate him, because he’s still under too, holding his breath as he swims after Bucky. He uses the jetpack for assistance, but Bucky’s a fast swimmer, legs kicking just ahead of Sam. Goddamn human shark.
Because he is not an idiot, Sam surfaces to catch his breath, leaving Bucky somewhere below.
“There a problem?” Torres asks.
“Only with Bucky’s idea of teamwork.”
“Get him like a bird would!”
“Is that a real suggestion?” Sam asks, rising and falling as a small wave swells under him, rolling towards the shore.
“Really, Sam! You know, like how birds hunt fish.” Back on the beach, he makes a sharp, downward gesture with his arm that has Sam chuckling. He gets what Torres means though.
Sam goes from water to air, then, alerted by a trio of seagulls taking annoyed flight from the surface of the water, goes into a steep dive. Nabbing the swimmer from above is the trick, he learns, when the swimmer is being intentionally uncooperative with the rescue attempt. Bucky might be quick when he knows Sam’s behind him, but when he drops down on him, there’s nowhere Bucky can go. Sam wraps his arms around Bucky’s bare chest from behind and lugs him up for air.
The first thing Bucky says is, “You took even longer that time.”
Frustrated, Sam splashes the back of his head, but when Bucky strokes his arms out, rotating to face him, he’s smiling.
“You messed it up,” Sam accuses. He rubs a hand across his goggles to smear the water droplets off.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t have fun.”
Sam narrows his eyes before a laugh bursts out of him. He can’t help it; it’s the pressure he’s been under, so much internal conflict, suddenly drawn out with the current. Yeah, Bucky was slightly uncooperative, but that’s nothing unusual. Swimming ahead like he was going for a gold medal or forcing Sam to plunge deep after him, the two of them suspended like the goddamn Shape of Water before Sam towed him to the surface—either way, Bucky definitely gave him distinct scenarios to work with. Sam can’t say he doesn’t feel more comfortable now that he’s had some practice. More comfortable with his wings in the water, with working with his feathered allies. With Bucky.
“Still don’t want a lift?” Sam checks.
Bucky’s expression hardens and Sam backs off with a laugh.
“See you on the shore,” Bucky states firmly.
“Alright. Get doggy-paddlin’, White Wolf.”
Sam feels Bucky’s hand shoot out to seize his ankle in retaliation as he launches out of the water, but he’s too slow. Sam’s wings fan wide as he flies up, up, up with the birds.
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babymetaldoll · 4 years
The morning after (Spilling drinks on my settee part 2) Spencer Reid/Reader
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Requested: Yes! it’s my first request! thank you, anon!! 
Prompt: Hungover Spencer has to face Reader after she caught him drunk, puking outside her house. He also has to face Morgan’s teasing after he confessed he was in love with Reader.
Pairing: Spencer/Reader 
Warnings: none 
Category: Fluff
Word count: 1,9K 
Part one here
If it had been up to Spencer, he would have never left his bed that day. As soon as he opened his eyes, the headache that hit him made him realize that was going to be a long day. A long and shitty day. 
He sat on his bed slowly ‘cos the whole room was spinning. He was still fully dressed, why? There was puke on his shoes and pants… and a Gatorade on his nightstand? He was confused, he didn’t leave that there, right? no… maybe? he didn’t really remember. Why was he still dressed? he didn’t remember. How did he get home? he didn’t remember
- “Shit!”
Until he did. 
There was a flash of embarrassment, guilt, and nausea on his face, suddenly it was all coming back. 
- “Shit!”
That was the only word Spencer could use. He had gotten drunk, confessed to Morgan he was in love with (Y/N), he had actually tried to…
- “Shit!”
Maybe alcohol had managed to unplug a part of Reid’s brain, ‘cos apparently, “shit” was the only thing he was able to pronounce, at least for a few minutes.  
All the embarrassing memories of the night before kept coming back to his mind, they were fragments of someone else’s life he was watching from outside. It was all too humiliating. (Y/N) saw him puking outside her house. He was outside her house ‘cos he wanted to know why she had been out on a date with a guy from a dating website. He had told Morgan he loved her, and nearly cried. 
Spencer Walter Reid was doomed, and he knew it. It was going to take a lot of courage, patience, and Gatorade to go through that day. 
His cellphone kept buzzing, but once he realized it wasn’t a case, but (Y/N) and Morgan trying to reach him, he ignored it the whole subway ride to work. He couldn’t even read, his brain wasn’t working, he couldn’t concentrate at all. He just wanted to disappear forever. What had he done? how could he ever face (Y/N) after what happened? And what if Morgan had already told everyone what happened? of course he had, Reid thought, and his red cheeks were now purple. 
Humiliation was written across his face and his stomach tightened as he set foot into the bullpen. He took a quick look around and sighed relieved. Apparently, there was no one else there yet, the whole place seemed empty, although there was a fresh cup of coffee with extra sugar on his desk, a grilled cheese sandwich, and a chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles. 
That could only mean one thing. 
- “Hey, how are you feeling this morning?”- Spencer froze in panic and turned around very, very slowly. His heart was beating so fast, he was sure (Y/N) could listen to it. She was waving at him with a shy smile on her face. She didn’t look mad, or uncomfortable. She looked… worried. 
- “H… he… hey, (Y/N)-” he stuttered and waved. He knew he had to say something- anything- but nothing seemed to come to mind. He was literally speechless. 
- “How are you feeling?”
- “G… g… good, I’m good, I’m ok”- Spencer wanted to slap himself. He was humiliated already, but his behavior wasn’t making it any better. He had to put his shit together somehow.
- “I’m glad”- she sighed relieved, rubbing his arm sweetly, and her touch made him shiver right away. He tried to smile at her, but he was left speechless again. It was a painful scene to see. 
- “I was worried sick, you didn’t pick up your phone earlier”- Reid just nodded and looked down.
- “I got you the best recipe to cure your hangover, coffee of course, and I filled half the cup with sugar, just the way you like it”- the way (Y/N) stuck out her tongue and giggled, hypnotized him.
- “I made you a grilled cheese sandwich, I don't know how many times you've woken up feeling like shit after a party, but I'm pretty sure I’ve got a lot more experience than you, and greasy food always helps me coming back to life.”
Spencer nodded, trying to follow the conversation, but his brain was still malfunctioning and his head was pounding sharp and heavy. 
- “And your favorite donut 'cos you need extra sugar”
- “Thanks”- his voice was a sweet whisper. (Y/N) looked at him worried and rubbed a hand on his arm gently again.
- “Are you gonna tell me what the fuck happened last night?”- the painful grimace on Spencer's face was enough.
- “I'm just worried something bad happened to you “
- “No, no, no”- he shook his head frenetically and regretted the movement immediately. His head was killing him- “I just couldn't handle my drinks, that's all.”
- “Are you sure?”- lying to profilers could be the hardest thing on earth.
- “Yeah, yeah”
- “Good, I was worried you were going to call in sick…”- there was a short silence between them, they just stared at each other and sighed. 
(Y/N) couldn’t stop thinking he had called her “Buttercup” and didn’t know how to ask him to do it again, and again, every day. And Reid had no idea what to do next. So he just said the first thing that came to mind.  
- “Did you know hangovers are estimated to cost $148 billion each year due to hangover individuals calling in sick to work or performing poorly on the job.”  
- “Pretty boy!!”
Derek’s voice walking over them made Spencer’s heart stop in fear, he just waved at his friend with his less expressive smile - the one (Y/N) called “frog face”- and just prayed to whatever god that might exist, that Morgan wouldn’t embarrass him more than he was already. 
- “How are you feeling today, kid?”
- “I’m ok, thanks” 
- “You are lucky there’s no case, yet”- Dr. Reid nodded and looked around, trying to find a way to run away from Morgan and (Y/N). 
- “Nice breakfast”
- “I thought he was going to need extra energy today”- the young woman smiled proudly- “And when are you going to explain to me what happened last night? why did you let him get that drunk?”
Morgan knew (Y/N) was going to be mad at him, so he just looked at Spencer and waited to see if he had made up any lie already 
- “I… I told you, I just couldn’t keep up with Derek”
- “Yeah”- his friend immediately supported his lie. Which wasn’t a complete lie- “I pushed Reid to drink at my pace, and I guess pretty boy ain’t ready to drink like a man.”
On a regular day, Spencer would have hated that last comment, ‘cos he was sick and tired of his friend treating him like a toddler. But under those circumstances, he just nodded and tried to stay calm. 
- “And why were you outside my house?” 
- “We were looking for a cab, started walking… and Reid remembered you live close to the bar”- Spencer’s eyes opened wide at those words- “And he wanted to stop by.”
- “No I didn’t”- Reid knew he would lose in a fight with Derek, but he was willing to give it a try and punch him if that successfully stopped him from talking.  
- “Kid, you were drunk, you don’t remember, but you wanted to stop by and see (Y/N)”- the girl looked at Reid and bit her lips
- “Is that so? you got drunk and started thinking of me?”
Spencer couldn’t speak. He felt his hands shaking, so he hid them in his pockets and tried to come up with anything, literally anything to say. But he had nothing.  
- “Yes, pretty boy wanted to see you…”- Morgan just smiled, tapped on Spencer’s back, and walked away chuckling. He knew Reid needed a push to open up to (Y/N). Maybe this was what he needed. 
- “Why did you think of me?”- (Y/N) was now intrigued and excited. Drunk Reid was a whole new side of her friend, and the fact he had dragged Derek to her house when he was intoxicated gave her a little hope. Maybe he liked her too, the way she was head over feet for him.
- “I…”- Spencer was chocking with words, he turned around, grabbed the coffee, and took a sip of it. 
- “You?”
- “I don’t remember”- disappointment was written all over (Y/N)’s face. They just stared. Spencer drank his coffee and the girl simply sighed. 
- “I see”- he could read there was something there, but he didn’t want to get his hopes high. He was sure (Y/N) could never feel the same way he did. Right?
- “Can I ask you something?”- he whispered- “Why didn’t you tell me about the dating website?”
Now (Y/N) was embarrassed. She couldn’t take her eyes from her friend’s as she kept thinking about what to say. How to lie? 
- “It wasn’t important, Prentiss forced me, I didn’t want to do it”- she simply confessed and smiled- “Why?” 
- “I don’t know, it was weird, I thought… well…”
- “You know I tell you everything important”- (Y/N) wanted to make sure Spencer understood that the date had meant nothing. 
- “And… are you planning to do it again?”
- “Never”- the smile on her lips was so honest, Spencer’s heart was relieved- “So, tomorrow’s Saturday, got any plan?”- those words, they were music for his ears. 
- “Actually, there is a Russian horror movie festival tomorrow night, they’ll be showing Solaris, Viy, and Lyumi”
- “Original Russian, I presume”
- “But this time I’m pretty sure there will be subtitles”- (Y/N) pouted disappointed.
- “Bummer, I like when you have to translate the whole movie for me”- and she meant it, having Reid whispering every word in her ear for two hours was the closest she had been to heaven in her entire life. The young doctor chuckled with a huge grin and turned to his desk again. 
- “Usually, translation doesn’t represent the intention behind the dialog…”- Reid was full of it and he knew it, but he had nothing to lose and lot to win- “So if you want, I can still whisper the English version for you”.
Those last words left his lips as quickly as possible, ‘cos he was embarrassed. 
- “Then it’s a date”- her smile was bigger than imagined when she turned around and started walking to her desk. 
Was it a date? why did she say that? Reid tried to stay cool and not overthink everything, but it was Reid, which meant it was hard, nearly impossible. Overthinking was his thing. 
He wanted to go out on a date with (Y/N), but… was that actually a date? what if he brought flowers for her and she didn’t mean “date” as a date but just as two friends going out together? that would be mortifying. 
(Y/N) didn’t know if Spencer had thought she wanted it to be a real date. She did, she just didn’t know if she was asking or if he had or… 
Yes, they were both excellent overthinkers. 
- “Hey, honey”- if she was already embarrassed and anxious about using the word “date”, she could always make it worst.
Spencer turned to look at her he took a bite of his sandwich. 
- “It was really sweet last night when you called me Buttercup”- Reid nearly choked. He had completely forgotten about it, and suddenly he felt the urge to run and hide. But he couldn’t even move. He couldn’t even swallow the food he was chewing 
- “You had never called me by a nickname before…”- she bit her lips and took a deep breath- “I loved it… in case you want to use it again.”
Spencer nodded and watched his best friend walk away to get herself a coffee. He could feel someone else’s eyes on him from across the office. Morgan winked at him and nodded. 
- “Nice, kid”
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