#i have nothing else to say here. hi. here to contribute to the tag again (???)
aueua · 5 months
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jjenthusee · 19 days
Racing Hearts Pt. 4
f1!driver!jason x reporter!reader
A/N: hello my gremlins <3 i wanted to share with u guys that i successfully moved YAY so that explains the update being slightly behind and the less responses i’ve given to comments (i read them all i swear <3) BUT HERE IT IS \(^o^)/ i took way too long to edit and rewrite the way i believe the story should go, im having so much fun with this series and i want to thank all of u who are supporting it from the beginning or saw the updates as they came. ENJOY the fourth chapter of the Racing Hearts series (ALSO THERE’S 300 FOLLOWERS WOW 🥹 THANK U TO ALL THE PEOPLE THAT LIKE MY PAGE AND CONTINUE TO SUPPORT MY CRAZY SAD WRITING AND MY DRAWINGS i love reading your funny comments, unhinged reblogs, and talking about your favorite parts of the story, it really gave me the push to write and contribute to the jason todd community) and i just wanted to remind yall…i haven’t forgotten about that hurt/comfort tag :)
Check out the Racing Hearts masterlist! It shows all the updated chapters and upcoming ones <3
Tags: banter, agonizing fluff, hurt/comfort, strangers to friends to lovers, spicy if u squint, we’re hitting halfway thru the story so let me introduce what i do best…angst HAHAHA
Word Count: 4.1k
“In all of my career, I have to say that I never thought I would be standing here wearing…these.” Jason looked down to his feet.
The camera focused on the two of you standing next to one another, the lens following Jason’s stare toward the ground. The camera woman zooming in on the bright red Lightning McQueen crocs he was wearing.
You sheepishly admired the shoes, proudly smiling back up to Jason. Bewilderment plastered on his face as he couldn’t believe you actually gifted him Lightning McQueen merch, not even in private but in an interview with multiple cameras pointed at him.
What a predicament he was in. He was definitely not offended when you told him how similar the red car and he were.
“It’s a small thanks from the company for completing your third interview with us.” You smiled brightly at Jason. “Also consider it as a way for us to say ‘good luck’ for your upcoming season.”
Jason couldn’t believe it as he laughed. No matter how much time he spent with you, you always surprised him in the best ways.
“Y’know, I thought the Cars jokes were going to fade out, but you’re a bad influence on my fans.” Jason lightheartedly teased you, stomping his foot enough to let the crocs light up.
You fought a straight face, holding in laughter and trying to stay as serious as you could, but you were about to break any second. You bit the inside of your cheeks to prevent yourself from smiling, internally promising yourself that you would make sure to get a picture of him later.
You already had his new contact picture picked out.
“I couldn’t think of any other way of showing you my support.” You nodded your head proudly.
“Really? Nothing else?” Jason’s eyebrow rose, his tone sarcastic.
“You’re the best F1 driver I’ve ever interviewed.” You smirked, watching the shoes sparkle.
“I’m the only F1 driver you’ve ever interviewed.” Jason looked at you in disbelief.
“Anyway! We’re closing this as the last part of our series, I’m glad you were able to be a guest before you get busy putting on the RedBull uniform again, I know your fans will really enjoy that—” You wrapped up the finale, finalizing the last public appearance the two of you would have next to each other. A bittersweet ending.
But you always had the Jason laying with you on your couch. Feeding each other dinners, taking motorcycle rides late in the night.
“This can’t be the last time I see you. You’re my favorite interviewer.” Jason lulled his voice, rephrasing your earlier comment back at you. “After all, you gifted me something so…special.”
You paused, shocked at Jason’s forwardness with you, the timber of his voice adding an underlying flirty tone to him.
You’ve never talked to him about the public appearance about the two of you. Could you go public?
It’s for the camera. You silently told yourself.
“You have to win for me to see you again.” You smirked, quickly playing along with his attempt to fluster you.
“That’s too easy, you could try to make this a little harder for me.” Jason chuckled lowly. “It’s almost like you want to see me.”
Oh my.
“So much talk for someone who hasn’t started his comeback season.” You playfully rolled your eyes. “You also didn’t start your last season smoothly, so don’t talk so confidently.”
“But who sat at my last press conference celebrating my win? I don’t end things so easily.” Jason tilted his head as he looked down at you, tension increasing. “I’ll come back when I win, it’ll be our little secret.”
Jason winked at you, the cameras focused in on his face and your reactions.
You raised an eyebrow, trying to decipher between the RedBull Jason on camera and your Jason.
He was his playful self, the signature half smirk trying to get you to blush, but his eyes were soft when he glanced over to you.
You calmly gave in, maybe it was for the camera or maybe it was for you.
“Aw, that’s so sweet, but I don’t think I could keep that a secret.” Your polite smile opposing Jason’s mischievous one. “I don’t think you realize but,” you leaned toward Jason, pausing to eye his figure up and down, gleefully watching him pay attention to your every word. Your smile getting wider at how easily he was wrapped around your finger. “I’m a reporter, I can’t keep that beautiful face to myself.”
“But I’m really good at keeping them.” Jason stepped closer, eyes never leaving yours.
His eyes beamed a playful hue to them.
You cleared your throat, looking at the camera woman who also stared in awe.
Crap, the office was going to get suspicious.
“You should focus on winning first before you make any promises.” You coughed, diffusing the atmosphere Jason created as the film crew watched. “Then call my business number and you don’t have to keep any secrets.”
Once the camera stopped rolling, you resumed your professionalism. Saying goodbyes and getting final pictures for the website and both social medias.
All the previous interviews went well. The fans saw Jason’s personality in action, gaining more attention and love for the racer. Jason’s management team was satisfied with you and the attraction he was gaining before the season started.
It gave him the right press he needed to put him in the spotlight.
After Jason left with his management team, you finalized the video upload that his company agreed to. Your draft for a new article about Jason to be edited and reviewed for the upcoming week. It was business as usual.
Getting work done during the day, then meeting Jason for the evening.
When you got back to your desk, you organized yourself to overlook the release date for the final interview and reviewed for the next big project to tackle now that your work with Jason was finished. Multiple meetings with project managers and your team.
Work was picking up for you, managing larger projects, interacting with larger faces.
Jason lit the hallway to opportunities for you.
Your phone lit up next to your laptop, distracting you from one screen to another.
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: pick you up at 6?
You smiled to yourself. Happy, but bittersweet.
You reminded yourself that Jason’s off-season was ending. You wished time could slow down.
—— “Gosh, you’re so clumsy.” You adjusted Jason’s helmet. All the time spent with him reflected in your familiarity with the motorcycle helmet.
“Only for you.” Jason stood there, leaning down to let you reach around his head. Watching you worry about the two of you.
Jason had kept his promise to pick you up.
Most of the time he waited on you to get back from work. Sometimes pushing the boundaries and secretly meeting you for a quick lunch. Meeting him far from where your coworkers frequented.
Your first encounters were hidden behind the idea of work, finding answers to questions for interviews, or suggesting new places to eat.
It was like you couldn’t be apart from one another.
Oh, how you can change a man.
You let Jason fake his ignorance through certain tasks, giving him any reason to get you close to him.
But you gave into his every attempt. Not fighting against his clinginess.
Your roles would switch soon, he wouldn’t wait for you after tiring days of work. You would have to watch him race lap after lap on live television like the rest of the world.
He was leaving soon, you knew he would be busy, it was inevitable, but you wanted as much time before he left.
You sat behind Jason, his body warming the front of you as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
Holding onto him close, wearing the helmet he got you, feeling his solid stomach shift the motorcycle as you rode around the city. You were getting used to your new lifestyle, despite the hidden secrets you shared.
He couldn’t announce a relationship after you were waiting for the last installment of your interviews.
The timing wasn’t right and the meetings this would cause for you and Jason were going to give you a headache.
You heard the motorcycle engine interrupt your thoughts.
Jason slowing at a red light. He stopped, placing his feet on the ground to stabilize the two of you while you waited. The red glow reflected onto Jason sitting in front of you.
The streets were almost empty. Gotham barely waking to the darkness, a city that never sleeps.
“Jay.” You hesitated behind him.
“Hm?” Jason unconsciously acknowledged, resting his hand over yours around his stomach. Rubbing the fabric of his gloves onto yours.
“I want to stay with you longer.” You calmed your voice, careful in verbalizing your feelings.
“You want to drive around more? I think we can drive by—“ Jason continued to rub your wrists. Cars passing in front of him, the opposing traffic keeping you still.
“No, I don’t want to leave you tonight.”
Jason paused, his hand resting on yours, no longer moving. If the cars weren’t in front of you, crossing the intersection, you would have thought time was frozen.
Jason tilted his helmet back, to get a look at you.
You don’t know what he was looking for, your face covered by a protective helmet like his was, but he found what he needed when the light turned green.
It was green, but you stayed there, no other traffic surrounding you.
Just you and Jason.
“Want to come to my place?” Jason kept his black visor on you. “I have a killer TV to watch Cars on.”
You chuckled. Squeezing his waist a little more.
“Better have a good speaker for playing Life is a Highway.”
Jason smirked, hidden from your eyes as he watched you lean back into his warmth.
The humid air covering the two of you into summer clothing. Thinner fabrics and showing more skin.
Jason wore a simple fitted thin long-sleeve, matching the look of his helmet and gloves. It made a great view of his broad back.
A quiet exhale as he looked forward again, revving his engine to life to make a quick turn, opposite of your home.
You were racing the rain as Jason was taking you back, but after you spoke the magic words, how could he send you back home?
The dark summer rain clouds were no longer behind you, the two of you heading straight for them as you watch Jason take you down new streets, an unfamiliar path to Jason’s place.
“I don’t think you’ll make it to the living room before then.” Jason quietly spoke to the light drizzle hitting your bodies
“What did you say?” You couldn’t hear above the engine.
And he was right.
After you were soaked to the bone, fabric sticking to your form, water droplets falling down your skin. A glossy sheen from the harsh rain falling all around you.
Jason had pulled into his garage.
He was in the same state, wet clothes stuck to his skin. The water from you and the motorcycle dripping onto the concrete floor.
You pulled your helmet off, the only dry place.
Once Jason parked the bike, he took off his helmet, placing it on the nearest work table. Your body shivered as you threw your leg over to maneuver yourself off.
You looked down at your state, smiling in disbelief at being caught in the rain.
Maybe you could wear Jason’s clothes after a nice warm shower. You internally thought to yourself. Excited to enter Jason’s place. A new location unlocked.
When you put your helmet next to Jason’s, you could finally take in all of him.
Black shirt tight from the weight of the water, his hands littered with scars, free from the gloves. His hair dry, but messy.
All his muscles more prominent.
You stood in awe, your chest rising from the breaths you took. Humid air invading the inside of the garage, elevated from warm summer nights.
The sight of Jason reminded you of the professional pictures taken of him, leaving his Formula 1 car after a race. He was sweaty, running his hands through his hair with a towel in hand.
After all the time you spent together, it was your favorite photo of him. You secretly saved it because there was something about the look on his face, happy to win, alive on the track.
How attractive he looked was a definite bonus in your opinion.
Jason glanced over to you, finally realizing the state the two of you were in. He slowly looked you up and down, lost in the same visual you were in awe of once you saw him.
You suddenly remembered the last time you and Jason were enclosed in a garage, close to each other, messy from a hard day of distributing winter jackets and food to those who stopped by.
A slight warmth increasing on your face.
Jason stepped closer to you, hands grabbing for your waist to pull you in. His hands reaching under your chin to stretch your neck to adjust to his height.
Breaths mixing as your lips touched only from the movement of your lips unconsciously opening, ready to kiss him.
He waited.
Letting the pressure build as he spoke.
“There’s no volunteers to interrupt us now.” Jason lifted you, letting you sit on the surface of his work table. His arm swooping everything off as he cleared enough room for you.
You could hear objects fall, but you couldn’t care less as Jason stepped between your legs. Quickly, but carefully rubbing at your legs with his palms, his hands getting closer to the blurs of where your thighs met your waist.
Everywhere felt great that you didn’t know where to focus.
The feeling of your lips, your sides, his body between your legs?
You could only huff between the intensity he was igniting in you.
“Jay—inside—it’s cold.”
Despite your words, you didn’t bother to move. You kept touching, feeling everything before Jason lifted you again, the placement of his hands as he carried you, lifting the edges of your shirt.
The feeling of a mattress beneath you as you uncomfortably tried to peel the clothing off your body.
Jason chuckled at your frustration. You couldn’t bother to give him a snide remark as he also struggled to get your soaked clothes off.
When lifting the shirt didn’t work, you tried rolling the fabric, but it only bunched just below your sleeves.
You could only laugh as Jason desperately tried to get the shirt through your arms. Tangled in the mess you both created that you were left with a heavy shirt stuck around your biceps.
“Why is there always something stopping me from seeing all of you?” Jason laughed as he kneeled above you, his shirt completely off at some point along the way to his room.
“I don’t think a pair of wet clothes are going to stop you now.” You smiled at him, glancing up at his figure through the darkness. Only the city lights creeping through the blinds, illuminating his skin.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” Jason yanked your entire shirt off your arms.
You sucked in a breath at his desperation, memorizing the look of his face as he leaned down closer.
“I want to turn you into a mess.” He whispered into your mouth, kissing down your body.
Overwhelming gasps and breaths left your mouth the more he touched your skin.
“I want to touch you too.” You exhaled, trying to coherently express yourself.
“Next time, sweetheart. I want to focus on you. Everything I want is you.” Jason moved your hair out of your face, stuck from the sweat covering your skin.
The night filled with you repeating Jason’s name, no distractions keeping that man off of you.
After a shared warm shower, Jason gave you a nice pair of his dry clothes. You walked around his place, relaxed after Jason’s…expertise.
What you weren’t prepared for was just how normal his apartment looked. It felt like yours, but bigger, a little more luxurious like it was bought with the intention of having better quality to last longer.
You hoped he had no plans of moving anytime soon.
You stood in the kitchen in awe.
“You have a kitchen island.” You whistled in excitement. “Formula 1 money is good, huh? Maybe I need to pick up a Redbull uniform.”
Jason chuckled, hugging you from behind smelling like the same soap in your hair, his face nuzzling into your neck. You continued to speak.
“No, I can’t steal your fame.” You whispered to yourself. Jason feeling the vibration of your voice the longer he leaned into your neck.
“I’m happy you’re here.” Jason mumbled into you, ignoring everything you said.
“Me too, I’ve been curious where you live.”
“I invited you before, but I guess we’ve always gone to your place.” Jason smiled into your skin. “What do you think?”
“Its very…Jason. I like it.” You glanced around.
You more than liked it. It smelt like Jason. A smell you’ll never grow tired of.
His apartment was slightly bare, the space a little too large for the one man, but that was charming too. It felt like you were able to occupy that small empty space in his life.
When you walked around, Jason following you like a duckling, you noticed the small knick-knacks you bought with him on your dates.
Matching plushies, a book you picked randomly, a bookmark you gifted him, and a tiny paper frog you made while waiting for your table before dinner.
You felt cherished, looking at the physical representations of your memories together.
He grabbed you again, wanting the closeness. You fell back into him, the small paper frog in your hand, made from old receipt paper.
Jason resumed his prior back hug, absorbing your warmth.
He was more clingy than usual tonight.
“How was your trip to the charity today? I forgot to ask you about it at dinner, it must be hard to take a break from them to race again.” You leaned into him more.
Jason buried himself further. Not a great hiding spot since he was larger, but it was the thought that counted.
“I would love to hear about it.” You put the frog back on the shelf, letting it watch the two of you.
“It was good, I got to do one final check to make sure everything would be good when I’m gone. But…” Jason hesitated, squeezing you a little tighter.
You waited, rubbing circles on his forearm.
“I had noticed a lot of stuff come in, it’s a good thing, but it wasn’t like our usual haul. I didn’t recognize it as the stuff I brought over either.” Jason breathed, agitation filling his voice. “When I asked around about it, they said Wayne Enterprises had it delivered.”
Jason went silent. He was tense.
“I always tell that old man to fuck off. He never listens.” Jason sighed.
The last thing Jason wanted was another check from Bruce. Taking over the hard work he had volunteered for months.
Another sanctuary was being taken away from Jason’s grasp.
“I can’t stand it.” Jason whispered. His eyebrows taut.
You maneuvered your head back to kiss him on the cheek.
“I’m sorry, I know that was the last thing you wanted to happen.” You soothed.
Jason leaned in for more kisses.
“Don’t worry, I’m feeling better already.” He exhaled, his shoulders relaxing. Jason smiled into your skin, his voice returning to normal. “But looking at those damn crocs every morning makes me mad.”
You laughed as he grew bolder, pushing the topic aside as you leaned to the floor buried from Jason’s affection surge.
If he was deflecting, distracting himself from his hurt then you could let him kiss you a couple times to distract himself.
Shared kisses, lost in each other’s presence, too occupied to notice the multiple buzzing sounds from Jason’s phone.
Once the public release of the third and final interview was released to your company’s website, the usual flood of comments embraced the look at the two of you.
You lost yourself in the positive comments, ignoring the negative ones, but that was the price of social media. It was the evils of publicity.
You read comment after comment about the excitement to watch the fresh new season. Iconic racers coming back to their playing field, excited to reveal new car designs, getting the opportunity to collaborate with anyone and everyone.
As the time for Qualifying reached you, the temperature fully warmed and Jason wasn’t next to you to enjoy it.
He had conferences, practice drives, and flights to catch. Now that he was past elimination, it was time to test his fastest time.
It wasn’t even the peak of the season, but you were missing him.
You sighed into your phone, a small vibration felt in your palm. A message from Jason appeared.
It was a photo of his Lightning McQueen crocs on the plane. A big contrast to the fancy carpeting, expensive seats, and an up-to-date screen playing the children’s movie.
You smiled to yourself in your desk chair, but a small prick to your heart struck you.
The difference in your lifestyles hitting you. He was a rich racer, traveling the world in one of the most expensive suits in modern racing.
You felt…small.
The two of you hadn’t talked about what would happen once he started racing full-time again.
How far was this relationship going?
Would you follow him to his races around the world? Should you follow him?
Would you officially announce anything?
Was this an off-season romance? Only an off-season romance?
What about your job?
“Hey, we need to be there by one. Should we grab a quick lunch?” Your coworker called out to you, interrupting your pessimistic thoughts to yourself.
“Yeah, I’ll be right there. Meet you in the lobby?” You locked your computer, grabbing your key badge, ready to go out of the office.
You quickly typed out a message, taking advantage of Jason still on his phone.
You: Hey slow down try to give the other guys a chance
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: fast is the only way I go. you, especially, should know that ;)
You blushed, quickly putting away your phone to catch up with your team.
Jason’s performance during qualifying went as expected. He performed in P1, claiming and boasting as he usually did. His time seemed to be getting faster, raising the competition standards for everyone.
You only shook your head as you looked at the results on your phone, a small smile on your face.
Jason was busy going to opening days, press conferences, driving on the racetrack. His replies were becoming sparse.
You: I knew those crocs were good luck charms
No read receipt. No reply.
You kept yourself busy at work. Falling into a routine.
You checked your phone again during lunch. No messages.
Your apartment felt empty when you came home, no lovable man standing in the kitchen.
Still no reply from Jason. It would’ve made you sad if you weren’t so tired.
Your phone rang as you got ready for bed. Letting your head hit the pillow as you heard Jason’s voice in your ear.
“I just saw— paper frogs that—vendor—the street and—grab some.” Jason’s voice went in and out of your mind, fighting the urge to sleep.
His voice was too soothing.
“That’s nice, Jay.” You slurred.
“Sweetheart? Are you awake—“ His voice started to get farther and farther.
You couldn’t keep your eyes open and your dreams filled with you sitting in the stands, watching Jason race.
Wind hitting your skin, watching the flags fly in the air, engines roaring past you.
He was so far away and kept driving further away from you.
You jerked awake. Looking for your phone in the blankets.
You had fallen asleep while on your first phone call with Jason since he left.
“Shit, I wanted to hear his voice.” You shook the blanket in the air until your phone fell from it.
You looked at your call history. Apparently, it had been a video call, but you hadn’t realized after you woke up this morning.
Jason not only heard you embarrass yourself, but he saw it too. You quickly opened your messaging conversation.
You (Yesterday): I knew those crocs were good luck charms
You (Today): i’m sorry I didn’t know it was a video call
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: don’t worry about it, I got to see u when your phone fell off your face
“Nooo!” You screamed to yourself.
Your face fell in your hands as you read the messages coming in.
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: I got something out of it HAHAHA
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: let’s talk next time
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: I wanna hear your voice
You sighed.
Getting up to start your weekend, putting Jason’s live race on the TV screen.
Putting on the shirt that smelled like Jason.
Tag List: @jaybirdstreet @gallusstuff @meowkn @velvetberries @i0lovepink00 @rayaskoalaland @spidernuggets @janybabyy @deimks @yasmin-oviedo @bigraga-sk @indulgentdaydream @uhhellnogetoffpleasenowty @idontknowanythingsblog @xakilicious @livvyliv15
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firemenenthusiast · 3 months
the tag is so cute but lmk if this works cs the post is still up 💔
basicalky tho shes riding his face while hes cuffed n all, i can go into more detail if it doesnt work js lmk x
shout out to stacie for the request ! (and for waiting for a damn long time for me to write, im sorry 😭)
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sub!kai x reader
summary: based on the link above (account got suspended btw), kai is a dumbass who is easily influenced by zac who’s NOT a good person 🤯
warnings: 18+, smut, p link, sub!kai, no actual penetration, face sitting, face riding, cunnilingus, name calling (bitch & slut) 😢, cumming in pants, restraints (m! receiving)
a/n: guess who’s back LMAOOO guys uni is no joke im getting my ass beat
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hate’s maybe too strong of a word to describe your dislike towards zac but everything he does pisses you off. it’s like theres physically a bad bone in his body navigating him in making stupid and evil decisions. like telling kai to stop others from taking the blue, resulting in chaos on the ship since richard’s no longer here to keep things in line. he was also the one who thought it was a good idea to have a party, celebrating god knows what, eating and wasting every resources you guys had on the ship.
he was also the reason the ship’s data room got destroyed and everyone had to clean up after him. the ship’s up and running again now, thanks to christopher. but the reason you hate zac is because he’s such a bad influence to kai. you couldn’t blame kai for the things he’d done, he wouldn’t have done them if it wasn’t because zac told him to.
maybe he just felt like that was his calling, like he had a purpose on that ship, leading him to do everything zac told him to eventho they’re stupid. in reality he’s more than that, he’s actually really smart, and good with electricals. he’s also really nice to you, it’s just that he tends to do the stupid things zac tells him to do because he thinks he’s not good enough. he needs to feel like he’s important, which is why he never wanna leave your side. you make him feel special, and needed. between that and the lack of blue in his system, he had grown to be really clingy with you. and his needs, his certain needs, now washing over him like a big perpetual confusing wave
you hear his stalking steps behind, following you through the ominous hall connecting the working quarters to your dorms. he’s been after your back all day, and now he’s even sniffing the trail of scent you left behind. “you smell good” he starts, throwing his head back while dragging his hands down his face. he is getting ridiculous. now he’s sniffing you around like an animal ? “did you shampoo ?” he continues, making you halt your steps for a moment to take his dumb words in before continuing to walk. shaking your head in disbelief that you’re responding to his question, “they sent me the new ones to sample so yeah, earlier” you explain, telling him about the new shampoo they’ve formulated, experimenting with improved ingredients from the lab. “can you stop for a moment ? where are you going anyways ?” he hasten his steps behind you, pondering on how are you walking so fast. before you know it he manages to quickly grab your hand and intertwine his fingers with yours. now that you’re forced to stop, you turn and raise your chin to look at him, who’s grinning.
“i need to report back to them, kai”
“what ? like now ?”
“yes, now”
“they can wait”
moving the strand of hair out of your face, you sigh at him. looking up at him through your lashes, your face clearly unamused. “no kai, unlike you who clearly has nothing better to do they’re actually working and contributing to the ship” you squint your eyes as you say that, making him take a step back to scoff at you. if only he could channel this newfound energy or hormones on something else, he would’ve actually made a difference. like maybe fixing and updating your database thats turning obsolete from how ancient it is, or come out with a new security system. that would’ve made you drool over him, even reward with after a hard day of doing men’s job. instead, he’s been chasing you around the ship all day since yesterday, snooping up your ass, waiting as you do chores hoping to get in your pants. like you said, it’s the lack of blue
you gesture your hand around signalling that you’re done here if he doesn’t have anything else to say, too tired of him to even roll your eyes. he’s frustrated to say the least, confused with his own neediness, struggling to navigate the feelings. he could’ve just gone to any other girls on the ship, they’ll gladly let him into their dorms but he doesn’t want that, he doesn’t want them. what the both of you have is something sacred to him that he refuses to jeopardise. even so, you’re starting to give him blue balls, he’s wondering how can you be so composed, as you’ve also stopped taking the blue while he’s sweating and fidgeting. “go find something useful to do kai, leave me alone”. it’s not like you’re mad at him, but it hasn’t been long since the last time you gave in because of his pleas.
“why are you being such a bitch ? zac’s right, girls are fucking difficult” kai’s towering over you, letting go of your hands. he almost gave up when you start walking away before he continues his petty tantrum. “you act like you’re sooo important, always doing this and that, acting like you don’t want me” you’ve turned your heels away from him long ago, ignoring his silly words that are far from insults. you were about to block his voice out of your hearing before you hear him, “walk away all you want but we both know you were begging for my cock like a slut” you’re lucky the hallways empty or else anyone could’ve heard him easily. his last words flicked a switch inside your head, making you turn around to quickly stomp towards him. he can’t be serious.
he could’ve accepted and just walk away like a man but decided to act like a bitch instead, whining around that you wouldn’t let him get his dick wet. you reach over for his shirt, pulling him by fisting the fabric on his chest, your bodies almost colliding. you can feel his warm breath fanning over you as he falls quiet and his face drops. “you’re so fucked, kai” you say as you start dragging him by his shirt, walking across the hallway before taking a turn towards his dorm. he struggles to follow your steps with you pulling him forward, forcing him to bend a little. he almost trips over multiple times on the ship’s floor. as you stop in front of his dorm, you push him forward, he almost stumble over his feet. “unlock it” you order him, to which he quietly obeys, pressing his code into the lock display.
you push him inside quickly before locking the door behind you to avoid anyone noticing. after making sure it’s just the both of you, you step forward, making him step back before his heels hit the side of his bed in the small compound. he’s forced to sit as you settle between his legs, his head tilted upwards to look at you, too scared to look away. “im so tired of you running your mouth,” you begin, lifting your hand to cup his cheek, smoothing your thumb over his clear skin. he’s starting to regret the things he said to you, nervous anticipating what’s going to happen now that he’s pissed you off. “do you think you’re better than me ?” you ask him softly, waiting for his answer patiently as you can clearly see him keeping in his answer, his eyes trailing somewhere else. moving your fingers over his lips, you play with them, gently pulling at the bottom one. you smile at him.
“so you do think you’re better ?” before he could give you any response, you thrust your index and middle finger pass his lips, pushing down on his tongue. “you’re pretty, kai,” you say, as you thrust your fingers further. “but sometimes you can be such a bitch” your fingers are now slotted snug against his tongue, he struggles to keep himself from gagging as his eyes are becoming glossy, small tears pooling at the corners. he shuts his eyes for a moment before shaking his head, he tries to make out something but they’re mumbled because of your fingers. you coo at him before retracting them and cupping his cheek. he’s short of breath yet wastes no time, “m’sorry” you shake your head, giving him a look before firmly tapping his cheeks with your saliva covered fingers. traces of spit sticks onto his face as you push him down by his head, his hand grabbing at your wrist.
you quickly push your pants down with your free hand before quickly getting on top of him on the bed. he’s starting to smirk from seeing you sitting pant-less on him, thinking that you still gave in after all. he raises his hands to place them on your waist, before even starting to rub at your exposed thighs. you smile at him as you take his hands, guiding and placing them on your covered tits, earning a soft small moan from him. he’s happily kneading at the soft flesh as you reach over beside the bed, where there are drawers. you pull out one of them to fish out something before placing it over his hands, zip tying them together swiftly.
he was too caught up in the feeling, eyes closed and all to notice what you’re doing. he looks as if he’s panicking, trying to break the zip tie off but the friction’s hurting his wrists. “fuck- i said i was sorry ?” he lets out, his bent knees moving around and hitting the wall. you let out a sigh looking at him, as he returns a wide eyed look at you, hoping for you to take the zip tie off. “please baby ?” he tries again, before you move over him, your knees settling on each side of his head, your pussy hovering right above his face. “don’t baby me”.
you couldn’t be bothered to look at him as you run your hands through his tight curls, tugging slightly at the roots before settling all of your weight on his face, his mouth open to take your pussy. just as he flattens his tongue to lap up your juices he lets out a hummed moan, the vibration sending chills down your spine. you tighten your grab on his roots, making him hum, his tied hands behind you flailing around, tortured that he doesn’t get to feel you. one thing kai is if he’s not anything else is he’s a pussy eater, and he can so it for hours. he gets off from eating pussy, and does it like nobody’s business. but you’ve never sat on his face, though he’s begged you to before. you weren’t comfortable with the thought but you know this will shut him up.
he continues his laps against your pussy as his tongue licks at the sensitive nub, before gently sucking on it, making you whine loudly. you quickly snap out of the feeling to control your loudness, with the compound walls being thin as ever and people outside that might hear. kai doesn’t have to worry about his sounds as they’re all muffled by your pussy, so he’s moaning and whining against your folds each time his tastebud indulges your taste. his cock’s hard in his pants, begging to be let out and touched. so kai settles for the next best thing he could get right now, his tied hands cupping over his hard on and rubbing across the bulging length.
the friction of the fabric of his pants against his cock makes him feel good, he’s moaning as his hand rubs over his sensitive tip yet nothing compares to sinking inside your warm pussy. if you give him a chance right now he’s willing to kneel before you and beg for you to let him fuck, he’ll promise to do all the work while you just lay down and be a pillow princess. unfortunately his mouth is covered and pressed down against your pussy. not that he’s complaining, he gets to suck and lap the juices off your folds.
you’ve had enough of him having fun so you start grinding down, moving your hips back and forth, your pussy rubbing against his mouth and his nose. all you can see now is his eyes, glossy with long lashes staring back at you, his eyelid heavy from the pleasure. he’s moaning uncontrollably underneath you now that you’re grinding against his face, your clit nudging at his nose making you moan, your fingers tugging down at his roots. his hands are cupping his hard on, obvious bulge poking through his pants. his bent knees are flailing around from the pleasure, his hips bucking up into thin air, not quite enough to turn the restraint on his cock into pain. his waist hovers over the bed, as he speeds up his lapping against your folds. all while he’s tortured by the blood rushing to the tip of his cock, he’s overwhelmed by the sweet taste of your pussy and scent pushing down against his face. you let out a whine as you feel his lips sucking at your hole, slurping up the wetness leaking out with his tongue before fucking your hole with it.
he’s now fucking you with his tongue, sending you waves after waves of pleasure that’ll eventually come down sooner or later. “mnmgh, fu- so good kai” your praise fills him with more excitement to please you, as his slurping on your sex makes loud noises in the compound. “fuck, kai- you-you’re gonna be good after this ?” your question comes out staggered and whiny, the pleasure invading your words. he nods against your pussy, his nose nudging against your sensitive nub. “mmnhgh- oh my god, f- you’re gonna stop calling girls with that word ?” he nods rapidly, the repeated nudges of his nose making you twitch. the knot in your lower belly tightening as you pin his head down by his hair, before grinding harder against his face. you could feel his plump lips sucking on your clit. arching your back from the pleasure before looking down, you see his brown eyes already set on you, looking away just to watch your body move and writhe on top of him.
“oh my god- kai, fuck- gonna cum” you’re now borderline bouncing on his face, your hips twitching as you chase your high. he knows that you’re about to cum as he speeds up his tongue fucking into your hole. “gonna give you my cum” you hear him let out a muffled sound, as you’re busy chasing your orgasm. his hands are rubbing and squeezing down on his covered length, trying to calm the blood rushing that’s making him rock hard. you let out your final whine before moaning hard, your hips halting its movements against his face as your orgasm washes down, and you’re cumming on his mouth.
you begin to raise your hips to hover over his mouth as you immediately hear him moan, his tied hands tugging at the back of your shirt. “fuck!” curses flow out of his lips as soon as he gets to speak. his hips are bucking hard because of his twitching thighs. your breasts are heaving, trying to catch your breath and settle down. you turn your upper body to look behind you to notice the small beads of white seeping through his pants, and the bulge poking through it twitching around. your eyes go wide at the view of him cumming untouched in his pants before turning back to look at him who’s smiling at you, his eyelids droopy from being pussy drunk.
his smile is crooked and he’s seconds away from passing out. you cup your hands over your mouth for a moment before leaning down to gently kiss him, your fingers running slowly through his curls to massage his scalp. you reach again into the drawers to find a scissor, before turning behind to release his hands. he immediately reach up to wrap his arms around your waist, before you pull them away to slowly rub at his wrists. “mmhm” your gentle touch offers him some relief, making him hum in contentment. the traces of the zip tie leaving red marks as your fingers smooth over the skin.
you tsk at the obvious imprint of the restraint on his wrists, which are probably hurting like hell yet he’s too awestruck to complain. you’re still on top of him, sitting on his steady chest as he just lets you inspect his hands, too worn out to even do anything. “i love you” he mumbles out. you take his hands and place them together against your chest before leaning down again to kiss his lips. he gently returns the kiss before letting you kiss all up his cheeks, nose, eyes and forehead. “promise to be good, kai” his glossy eyes search into yours as his hands roam across your waist.
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taglist: @radioloom @r4vn @themoonchildwhofell @imjustheretoreadsmuthaha @love-me-pls @szapizzapanda @luckystrikerealness @fuckshitslover @khxna @juniperhasfallen
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purdledooturt · 6 months
WIP Wedneday
I got tagged again, and y'all... you may not know this but I basically bleed WIPs. I have nothing but WIPs. Sometimes they never become anything, and WIP Wednesdays are the only way they see the world at all. Thank you @cinnamontails-ff for freeing one of these boys from the jail.
In celebration of the announcement of the continuation of An Empirical Science, I would also like to contribute to the Holy Rolan Empire.
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The door clicked closed – then, it clicked again. Locked.
“Drop the glamour, please,” Rolan all but growled, “before I do it for you.”
Tav gasped at the commanding tone, her heart seized by cold tendrils in confusion. Immediately, she did as he had asked, dropping the disguise with an exhale. “Rolan!” Her hand flew to her chest, trying to still her pounding heart. “It’s just me!”
“Tav!” Rolan gasped back, his expression going from dark and fierce and angry to something more akin to surprise and confusion and… suspicion? With one final once-over the expression melted into something more sheepish, as his shoulders relaxed with a sigh. “I’m sorry about that. You… you had triggered some alarms, so I…” He ran a hand through his hair, letting loose a few tendrils from his normally immaculately styled half-up ‘do. “It’s good to see you, though.”
“I’m so sorry,” she said, pursing her lips together as she felt her face burn red out of embarrassment. Of course they would have security measures for disguises and seemings – she didn’t even think about it. “That was wholly my fault.”
To try and soothe the awkward air, Tav went for the first gesture she could think of: a friendly hug. Oddly, Rolan accepted – in fact, he damn near melted into it. She enjoyed his warmer body temperature, momentarily reminded of the piggy-back rides Karlach used to give her when they were racing Lae’zel. She rested her chin on his shoulder. “It’s good to see you, too.”
He pulled away from the embrace, examining her once again. “My reaction was completely unwarranted. I apologise, I didn’t mean to scare you, I just thought you… were someone else. Why were you in a disguise anyway?”
She looked down at her bag of purchases and sheepishly held them up to call his attention to them. Curiously, he peered in. “Last time I came by, Lia wouldn’t let me pay, so…”
He laughed. “You silly girl,” he said fondly, shaking his head. He gestured towards a well-lit seating area by the large floor-to-ceiling window. “Why don’t you take a seat over by the window? Let me at least get you a drink, and I’ll let Cal and Lia know you’re here so they can say hello.”
Tav marvelled at the room Rolan had claimed as his office – the walls were covered in books, from floor to ceiling, but unlike Lorroakan’s old set up it was much more organised and welcoming. Rolan had his books in shelves of polished cherry wood – she found that the desk, chairs, his drinks cabinet, and the furniture at his seating area matched, giving the room an elevated, moody, professional air. It was luxurious and neat – it was just very him.
“ I’d love a juice of some kind,” she called out over her shoulder as she settled down on the plush seat of one of the armchairs. “This place is beautiful, Rolan - you’ve outdone yourself!”
“I found the difficulty of furnishing a space is greatly made easy by having lots of money,” he said in his normal, sardonic, Rolan way, though there was markedly no bite in his tone. “I do hope this juice would do.” 
She’d turned to find him walking towards her with two glasses of wine and she laughed, leaning forward in her seat to reach for one. “That counts,” she joked, as she watched him take the other armchair across from her. She took a sip of the wine – chilled and sweet. 
Before he leaned back he reached into his pocket, pulling out a pouch which he’d tossed her way. It landed on her lap with a light jingle that betrayed its contents. “Say nothing,” he said, pre-empting her protest with a raised hand, “that should be exactly what you paid, and not a gold more.”
“One of the scrolls was on sale,” she mentioned – concern about being credited more than what actually paid oddly the first thing in her mind.
The second, she found, was amazement – the idea of Rolan just… casually calculating the cost of her purchases, just from that brief glance into her bag, just to refund her? Well, she knew he was a genius, but that was as impressive as Astarion’s one-handed lockpicking trick – it was another level entirely. “Rolan, really –”
He finally settled down in the armchair, waving her concerns away. “I’ve accounted for that, don’t worry,” he said, “just to keep the books clean for Bex.”
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Ooh - why did he react so poorly? Who was he expecting? 👀
I am super excited about this idea so I am definitely motivated to keep working on it - I just want to have it all planned out before I commit (sorry). I have a prologue whipped up that explains the whole premise from the get go, but there's a whole lot of middle to work with.
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mammalsofaction · 27 days
Cupid, Cupid Shot Me 5 Times in the Heart
Rating: T
Relationships: Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus
Add tags: Hurt/Comfort, Divine Wrath, Divine Hubris, Roman Gods, Human Perry the Platypus, ASL, pining, idiot4idiot
A/N: Dedicated to @erizumon for being a sweet cheerleader, @adhdoofenshmirtz for the awesome prompt that I couldn't resist even if it took FOREVER, and @agentlizardofowca for putting up with me complaining about proofreading
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Perry's at the point of his career–as the uncle of the Flynn-Fletcher twins, arch-nemesis of Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz as well as the best agent Danville's OWCA had to offer–that he often thinks he's really seen everything.
Heinz, in this case, often and with joyful vindication, trumps the laws Quantum metaphysics nearly every day. Sometimes accidentally. His nemesis is the one who's taught him best the boundary between realities can often be as flimsy as a blue-print, and the difference between success and failure for even the most mad of ambitions may sometimes be luck, coffee and determination.
What he's trying to say, here: Perry keeps thinking Heinz can't really surprise him anymore, scheme wise. Today, he was proven wrong once again.
The trap snaps him up upon entry; Perry finds himself hanging by a tangle of ropes hanging from the ceiling. It pulls him into a pose that was a bit on the nose, considering the date. His left leg suspended and tied close to his back, leaving him partially horizontal, and forcibly arching his back, his arms stretched out into an archer's bow.
Cupid. Right. Valentine.
The first thing he notices was the behemoth of an inator; metal molded in hearts, chrome, scarlet and pink.
The second thing he notices is the raised platform in its heart, colored bone white and curved into a ribcage.
Say what you will about Heinz, but he would always stick to a theme.
"Always a pleasure to see you again, Agent P, " the man croons, stepping out of the shadows. His sneer is a poor facade over unrepentant, almost cruel glee. It made him look more evil than he truly was, and it ratchets his blood ever hotter. Perry chitters, but Heinz barely gives him a second glance.
"I'm sure you've been made aware of what day it is." Heinz drawls as he began to pace, shooting a scathing look past the bounds of his balcony. "Neither should you be surprised I've got a grudge or two to keep.
"You see, Perry the Platypus, as is the case for everything else, my love life has only ever been a neverending trail of heartbreak and misery. Middle school crushes, high school prom dates...I've even fallen out with the mother of my daughter, and we used to be pretty good friends in college! Nothing but a trail of failure and disappointment on both our halves...but mostly on mine.
"Recently, I have found myself fallen for this, ah, another candidate." Here, Perry notices another two things; one, the deliberate, albeit curious avoidant of pronouns, and on two, how the man pointedly avoiding his eye.
Both facts which contribute to a hopeful skip to his heart rate... completely inappropriate to his circumstances. This was not the time to be daydreaming.
(Nevermind that he had never had an indication of where Hein swung, in a sense, and how some implications were really opening things up for him.)
Heinz was still monologuing, naturally. "Which might even be a case more impossible than the last. I mean, we're ideologically opposed in most, if not all our moral grounds, and he's...God, he's too good for me, too much better looking. Way out of my league, it'll be like-like shooting for the moon, except I've already done that successfully multiple times, so-what's more impossible than the moon? Mars? Maybe a distant star of another solar system, maybe the Andromeda. I don't know, one of her fast moving moon systems. It doesn't matter. What I'm trying to say is," Heinz shakes his head, trying to focus. "It's impossible. He's impossible, I've got no chance, and I'm destined for another crash and burn not too far down the line, and being reminded of this stupid holiday makes it even worse, because I don't even know if he's-he's attracted to guys like that, or if he's even single! He could be out there on the arm of some...girlfriend or wife with three kids and I'd never know! Or maybe it would be more merciful if I didn't let myself know--but it doesn't matter," Heinz says vehemently, eyes closed and fists shaking like he's once again forcibly attempting to focus, while Perry wiggles in his trap with his heart in his throat thinking loudly that he had the kids, but not the wife, on account of being apparently and decisively gay and available, if that was at all relevant to certain interested parties.
Read the rest on Ao3
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AN: Yes, I chose this particular episode on purpose and yes, I used Spike's rant. You can catch up with the previous installments here, here, and here.
Warnings: cursing, arguments, insults, angst, mentions of betrayal, violence, and injury, and spoilers for Buffy season 7.
Tagging: @rmoonstoner and @queenofthehobos.
“What is her purpose here?” Kennedy snarled at Willow, pointing at you and talking as if you weren't in the room after you, Spike, and Andrew had returned.  All you had done was ask where Buffy was.
“Back the hell off Kennedy,” Faith warned.
“No, I want to know what she contributes.”
“Right because (Name)’s been sitting up in the bedroom watching Passions and eating snacks all this time while you risk your lives.”  Spike scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“She might as well have been.  She walks around like Buffy critiquing us and doing nothing!  She disappears when we need her only to reappear when the fight’s over!”
“For the past six years, I have been keeping Ares’ forces out of Sunnydale,” you explained icily.
“And you’ve done such a great job of it!  The god has been sighted all over the place!”
“If you’ve only sighted him, it means I’m doing my job!”
“That’s just your fancy way of saying you’re sleeping with the god.”
The kitchen went deathly quiet at her words.
“I am not one to sleep with another just because of the power and influence they wield, Kennedy. Especially when I am in a relationship with someone else.”
“Perhaps we should--”
“She’s exactly the same as Buffy.  She needs to go.”
“Is that what you did?”  Spike asked venomously, “You lot conspired to push her out of her own house?”
“Let me tell you a little something about your girlfriend.  She was always on our backs and whatever we did it wasn’t good enough!”  Kennedy shouted.
“Because Buffy has been through Apocalypses before, you nit!”
“So that justifies treating us as if we don’t have any say in our destiny and not letting us have any fun?”
“Don’t you get it?  Every win for the First is a loss for you!” You exploded.  Your eyes scanned the room and you noticed Xander wearing an eyepatch that he had definitely not worn before you left.  Realising what must have happened, you spoke again with a softer tone.
“Xander.  The way you were maimed is horrible.  No one is arguing that point.  If you want to blame someone, blame Caleb.  Blame the First.  Do not blame Buffy because I know she gave you an out before you faced the First’s forces and Caleb.”
“She needs to go.”  Kennedy repeated. 
“Right now she is the only thing standing between you and Ares, you dolt.  Rupert, are you going to sit and watch this happen again?”
“He didn’t intervene then.  Why would he intervene now?”  Kennedy rebutted.  Rupert wouldn’t meet your eyes.   While you could understand that the Hellmouth amplified evil and emotions, Buffy saw Rupert as a father figure.  To hear that he had sat by and done nothing while Buffy left the only safe place she knew made your heart ache.
“You sad, sad ungrateful traitors.  Who do you think you are?!”  Spike demanded.
“We're her friends.  We just want-” Willow stammered, looking to you for help.
Spike chuckled mercilessly, “Oh that's ballsy of you!  You're her friends and you betray her like this?!”
Finally, Rupert tried to speak, “You don't understand-”
“That’s going to go over well with Spike.  You haven’t even shown a shred of concern for Buffy’s welfare or asked us about her whereabouts, Rupert.”  You thought, “How did everything fall apart so quickly?”
Spike was quick to reply to Rupert’s weak attempt at justifying their actions, “Oh, I think I do...Rupert.  You used to be the big man, didn't you?  The teacher all full of wisdom.  Now she's surpassed you, and you can't handle it.  She has saved your lives again and again.  She's died for you.  And this is how you thank her?!  This is how you thank both of them?  You sit by while Kennedy insults the woman that you supposedly love knowing full well what she’s done to protect the lot of you?!”
“We should go Spike.  Staying here and arguing with people who don’t want to admit they’ve done the wrong thing isn’t going to help us find Buffy.”
Spike said nothing but followed you to the front door.  You could feel the eyes of the potentials on you as the two of you walked out with your heads held high.  Spike sniffed the air when the two of you stood at the end of the footpath, “Got her scent.”
“This is another one of those times that I’m grateful you’re a vampire.  It’s only one of a small handful of times.”
Spike jerked his head, “We go that way.”
“Oh, my darling.  Can you see now how easily humans betray one another?”
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aheckinmess · 2 months
Terms & Conditions [Deku] (Angst)
(One-shot 17/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots posted regularly on Saturdays - and sometimes Sundays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Izuku x OC, Midoriya x OC, Deku x OC, Izuku Midoriya, Deku, Original Female Character(s), Ichijiku Aoki, Tigress, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Shouta Aizawa, Eraserhead, Papazawa, Hound Dog, UA High School, Pro Heroes in Training, OC Tends to Self-Sabotage, And Self-Sacrifice, Aizawa Calls Her Out on It, But Also Reminds Her to Take Care of Herself, She a Little Depresso Espresso, But She Gets Counseling from Hound Dog, Deku is a Proper Ray of Sunshine, And Comforts Her Afterwards
Word Count: 2,106 words
Summary: Ichijiku is called into Mr. Aizawa's office after he notices she hasn't been herself. After a brief discussion with him and Hound Dog, Ichijiku talks with Deku about how she's been feeling for the past few weeks.
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Ichijiku (Tigress)
“Aoki-san, a word in my office, please.” Mr. Aizawa says. 
“Am I in trouble, sir?” I whisper, looking up at him with a slump in my shoulders.
“No, nothing like that. Just a check in.” He reassures me, remaining quiet until we’re both in the classroom and he’s at the door, gesturing for me to leave.
As I step through the threshold and walk towards his office, I go over the possible reasons he might need to speak to me. Unlike America, homeroom teachers aren’t just there to be an extra teacher. Homeroom teachers in Japan act as your second father, and I’m sure by now Dad is grateful Aizawa is mine. 
Even I can say for myself that I’m an emotional burden for anyone to carry.
We step in and I set my bag down beside the chair opposite his desk as he shuts the door. I wait until he’s standing by his seat before I seat myself. My eyes can’t seem to meet his, though, and I use my hair as a curtain between us. Authority has always terrified me.
“You’re not in any trouble,” He begins by reassuring me again. “But I want to know if there’s anything going on that’s contributed to your unusual behavior lately.”
Anything else he says dies in my ears. My body stiffens, rigid as a board. I grip my uniform skirt over my knees and instantly combat the traitorous tears blurring my vision. That’s why he called me in here? No one’s noticed anything, not even Dad. How would Mr. Aizawa notice?! He’s trained to notice these things, Little One. You’re not in trouble. We can tell him the truth. No. No one ever listens to me, anyway. Why would he? In my ongoing mental combat, I remain stiff and unspeaking.
“Normally, my students often struggle because of their grades in my class. But yours are on par with some of your higher scoring peers. Even in math, your struggle subject, you keep stable and ask for help. So I take it that your trials are not academic in nature, right?” He goes on. I can feel his eyes trained on me.
“I don’t know what kind of unusual behavior you’re talking about.” I force my muscles to loosen as I speak, never looking up. “Can you explain that?”
“Whether or not you realize it, you’re normally a bright and optimistic personality in the classroom. You may be much quieter, but you are typically passionate about things you enjoy and kind to your peers. You often wait for your friends and make sure everyone’s cared for on and off the training fields.” All of the compliments make my sad little heart shudder with hope, even if delivered in my teacher’s monotonous drone. “For the past few months, however, you’ve grown more detached. You don’t make eye contact in class. You keep your head down. You’re often the first to leave even if your friends stay behind.”
Because no one listens to me, so why say anything at all? I think, but I know that in part that’s a lie. I just stare at my feet, loosen the tension in the rest of my muscles, and clear my throat to keep my voice steady.
“You have nothing to worry about, Sensei. I’m perfectly fine.”
“Look up at me, Aoki-san.” He orders, and I can’t stop myself from complying. He may be tired and try to play the apathetic authority figure, but we all know that our teacher is compassionate. “I know that’s a lie.”
My jaw clenches and my lip quivers, and he sees it.
Maybe he can offer some advice. It’s okay to ask for help. Asking for help just proves that I’m weak. Asking for help just proves that you’re human, Little One.
“No one listens to me.” I whisper, barely aware I’ve said it until the rest comes tumbling out. “I’m the quiet kid. Everyone listens to me when it’s convenient for them. Even my closest friends interrupt or only like talking to me whenever I agree with them.” Tears escape and I snap my head down, afraid of the scolding I’ll get for crying. You can talk to him. He is safe. “I’m only wanted when I’m useful or have something to offer. I know Bakugo’s normally aggressive, but he gets even more defensive and asserts more dominance when I have an opinion that’s opposed to his. I know that’s not surprising, but it still hurts. We’ve been good friends for a long time but it feels like when we spend more time hanging out, he expects me to share his thoughts and agree with him about everything. And if I don’t then my voice suddenly doesn’t matter anymore.”
“That is a reasonable concern, Aoki-san. But, I assume there’s more?”
“Stop knowing me!” I huff a little laugh, before wiping my eyes and continuing. “Hanoku and I are best friends, too, but sometimes it feels like she only wants me around for what I can give her…because I’m of use to her. I’m not saying everyone has to agree with me or cater to my whims. I know they have other things to do.” Better things than putting up with me… “But her…even Sayuri will often only listen to me when I have something she contributes worthy to listen to in a conversation. It just feels like everyone I talk to thinks I’m too snobbish because I’m quiet, or I say stuff they don’t like, so they don’t bother listening. I just want them to care about me…because I really care about them.” I shrug.
“You just want to be loved because you’re you, not because of a service you provide.” 
Something suddenly clicks and I look up at Mr. Aizawa, tears and all. 
“Do you feel that way sometimes, Sensei?” My heart squeezes. “Because of your quirk?”
The bad voice doubles down. Other people have problems, too. Mr. Aizawa probably puts up with this on a daily basis and he doesn’t whine about it.
“I do, sometimes.” He nods.
“I’m sorry,” And I mean it. I hide behind my hair again, hearing the seam whine under my fingers as I grip my skirt again. “You have the same feelings and I’m whining about mine. I apologize.”
“You’re allowed to hurt, Aoki-san. Especially when people you care very deeply about don’t always measure up. We may be heroes, but we’re only human.” He reminds me.
“Yeah, but you have other problems to worry about. And so do they. So I feel like talking about my problems makes me selfish,” I whimper and then mutter. “I should be grateful anyone pays attention to me at all.”
“You’re not being selfish for addressing human conditions that need attention.” Mr. Aizawa says this slowly enough that I look up at him, scared to believe such a statement. “I mean it. I’m your homeroom teacher. Any emotional or mental concerns you have are meant to be addressed here. It can be something small or something big. My job is to provide you with the tools to get through it with your head held high.”
“So I’m not,” I pause, tapping my teeth together behind closed lips. “I’m not being mean or ungrateful?” 
“Your concerns about your friends putting conditions on their affection for you is not being mean or ungrateful. It’s a concern. A valid one. You care very deeply about them, yes? And while you may sometimes want things from them, they aren’t demands. You’ll hang around them even if your requests aren’t fulfilled and their opinions are different from yours. You’re allowed to be upset because you feel like they don’t extend the same courtesy to you. You feel like they make demands of you because you think they won’t love you as much if you don’t do anything for them. Regardless of if it’s true, it hurts because you care about those people.” 
“Yeah, but…” I sniffle and pick at the fabric of my skirt. “I shouldn’t feel that way. I shouldn’t feel like I deserve anything more.”
“Why not?” 
“Because I’m just…” I shrug my shoulders. “Me.”
“And that is exactly why you deserve more than what you think.”
. . . . .
Mr. Aizawa leads me to Hound Dog for extra help on learning to work through my emotions and give them space. By the time I walk out, I’m feeling a good deal better than when I stepped in. I feel less like my friends secretly hate me and more confident that they still love me without conditions.
“Honeydoodle!” Deku’s voice breaks into my menagerie of thoughts as I give my thanks to my teachers. He gives a bow to Mr. Aizawa and Hound Dog as they leave, but his focus stays on me. “I was wondering where you went. Are you okay?” 
“Me? Yeah, I’m okay. Mr. Aizawa was checking on me and decided I could use a little help from Hound Dog.”
“Are you feeling well?”
“Just a little sad, but I’m feeling better now after talking about it.” I reassure him, pulling him into a hug.
“Aww, do you need a–oh, yeah that!” He laughs for a moment before giving me a good squeeze. When we pull back, he holds my hand and we start heading out. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“I want to be honest and talk with you about it.” I pause, chewing my lip as I weigh the consequences of being vulnerable with him. “I don’t know if I can tell you without making you sad or mad at me.”
“You can trust me, Ichan. If it becomes more than I can handle, we’ll take some time to think before we come back to it.” He assures me with a smile. “So, what’s wrong?”
The brisk wind of autumn answers him before I do, whipping his green hair around his face and haloing him like an angel as I think about how to explain what I’ve been feeling for the past several weeks.
“Lately, it feels like everyone only keeps me around because of what I can give them, not because I’m their friend.” I begin, swinging our arms as we walk off campus and down the street. “I talked with Hound Dog about it. Mr. Aizawa ratted me out and told him that I have a habit of self-sacrificing instead of taking care of myself.”
“Hehe, he’s said that about me, too.” Deku rubs the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle. “But at least that’s something we can both help each other with.”
“Yeah. We basically figured out that I’ve been feeling overwhelmed because I overexert myself for others. I expect the same from them but I don’t tell them when I need it, so…” I try to remember how Hound Dog put it, but decide on an analogy when I can’t find the right words. “He said I’ve been offering all of myself to everyone…pouring all of the water from my cup into others and hoping others will offer the same to help replenish me.”
“And,” He playfully pinches my cheek to make me look at him. “You feel like we don’t?” 
“Sometimes. But we spoke today about how I don’t get filled because I put my needs secondary. I don’t tell anyone I need help, which is why I’m trying to do better and talk to you.” I admit, glancing at him for a moment before taking a deep breath and looking at my toes instead of the approaching train station. “Because even though I’ve been acting like I’ve been fine for so long…the truth is, I’m really hurting most of the time. I get tired, same as everyone else. But I don’t want any of you to be upset, so I pretend I’m not bothered.”
Deku abruptly pulls me against his chest the second we find a spot to stand on the train. My heart stops, but I allow myself to melt against the firm warmth of his chest. I begin dozing against his shoulder before he speaks.
“You’re one of the strongest people I know, Ichijuku.” He whispers. “I’m sorry that we often take that for granted, and I can’t speak for everyone, but know that I don’t just keep you around because of what you can give me. I want you by my side because you’re one of the kindest, gentlest souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing and calling mine.”
The dull ache in my chest smooths out into an affectionate glow, pulling tears down my cheeks as the endless activity of my mind finally quiets.
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Want More Deku? Try: Below Ground Zero - Rhythm & Blues
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//Checking in on the Punch-Out!! tags for the first time in a long while and... may I make a humble request?
If folks are going to make more headcanons for Great Tiger, can they... not revolve around his magical copies (clones)? Or his turban?
I don't mind people making the same headcanons over and over again without going in-depth at all in regards to the boxers lives as non-Anglophones and grown adults, because I don't expect much from younger people who never had any experiences outside of their state, let alone their country. It's fine. It's fine. You do you. I'm not here to stomp on your fun.
It just... feels really uncomfortable when it comes to Tiger in particular. Folks won't center their headcanons on only bread and France with Glass Joe, or horseshoes and rope with Aran Ryan. No, you would go as far as giving them their favorite cereal or karaoke song or whatnot. But then I see the same exact thing for Tiger, and if it's not involving his hair, turban, rapping career, and magic (including his clothes), then it's nothing at all.
Of course probably gets it better than like Soda involving soda or Mr. Sandman having... anything at all. I'm speaking relatively. I'd like to see more material for those too.
You're free to headcanon what you want, just... I'm asking for something a little more than surface level. I feel I've done already so much and I have nothing else to contribute, and I am willing and open and happy to accept more from the newer generations of the fandom. I'm saying this to be encouraging, not discouraging.
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raayllum · 1 year
I remember starting the show because my friend told me about Callum and Rayla and how cute they were together. But after binge watching all 5 seasons, I just feel like the writers don’t really give a damn about them, in many ways, compared to other couples. But, to be fair, I have lots of issue with the writing. But, to me, the primary idea was to make Callum and Claudia a couple (no, I don’t ship them together), because they actually have a background, development, even chemistry too. So, I don’t understand why the writers changed their minds on this (please, tell me if they ever addressed this issue). I just think that him moving on from a childhood love, like that, out of nowhere to Raylla was again a bit odd and out of nowhere. Because nothing indicated that in the first 2 seasons. Same goes to Rayla too. And, in S5 they have acted more as friends than anything else. It’s just weird. What’s your opinion about this? And again, I don’t ship Callum with Claudia, it’s just my opinion after watching all seasons.
Thank you for sharing your feelings, I definitely have been in fandoms where the Big Ship (canon or fanon, in show or in fandom) have just not been things I could click or with or understand, so you have my sympathies. The crew has gone on record saying that Callum and Rayla being a couple was not originally the plan (we don't know if there were any endgames being considered for either of them as alternatives, but I lean toward no) with Janaya and Ruthari presumably being the main couples. This changed in 2x04 with the lightning flash and moment the two share on the boat, "everyone in the room saw it" (legit quote from showrunner) and they began to write and develop it. It is unknown if they went back to add or shift anything in S1 (we know the crew works on seasons simultaneously) but it wouldn't surprise me given the vibes
I definitely can't promise to change your mind (I'm obviously a big Rayllum shipper and I have been since S1, so I'm clearly coming at it from a different perspective) but I do have some metas that do address what you've brought up, I'm gonna link them below and then do a quick summary in case you understandably don't wanna read all that!
Rayllum and Loneliness (Post S3): a meta about how it is likely (now confirmed in supplementary material) that Rayla grew up pretty friendless and a deeper dive into how Rayla is/was the first person Callum had who was unequivocally his peer and his friend (as Soren bullied and Callum's crush - as well as other things - made him and Claudia have a fair amount of distance.)
Callum and Claudia: You Already Did (Post S3): On what appeal the ship has, why it may not appeal to others, and why I don't think Callum and Claudia were actually that close pre-S1, the various factors why, and why they were doomed to fall apart since 1x02.
How/Why Callum's feelings for Claudia and Rayla Were Overlapping (Post-S3): Exactly what it says on the tin, mostly because he is obsessed with Rayla lowkey in S1 (trying to get her to laugh three times in 1x05, taking a flirty tone with her when they aren't arguing in 1x06, etc) and then outright devoted in S2, trusting her over Claudia in 2x03.
Rebuttals to Rayllum Reservations (Claudia, Pacing, Etc) Post-S3: Pacing, emotional intimacy, platonic development and romantic feelings, etc. Probably the simplest meta and the most on brand for what you're (presumably) looking for, but the other metas I think uh do contribute nicely to explaining why Rayllum is what it is and som of the reasons it appeals to people.
It's also honestly not surprising to me that in S5 they just feel like Friends (hopefully best friends) given that a decent chunk of the Rayllum fandom, myself included, are on the aromantic and/or asexual spectrums, and don't really care if they're Romantic as long as they're Life Partners. (Aspec Rayllum tag here) Callum and Ezran are two of the, if not the, most important people in Rayla's life, and Rayla and Ezran are two of the most important people in Callum's life. To me, romance / devotion / whatever you want to call it intermingling makes sense. One of the things I've loved most about S4-S5 is the fact that whatever they are, they have each other's backs, and they care for and protect each other, no romance required, which hits different since they do both also have romantic feelings for each other. It's just not a pre-requisite for them and a lack of it is never something they'd hold against one another. In other words:
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Chemistry is also something that's hard to pin down sometimes - like all shipping preferences are subjective, but evaluations of chemistry tend to be in particular (for example, I don't really think Callum and Claudia have chemistry in that way, but that doesn't mean that they can't or they don't).
That said: platonic Rayllum tag here and foils Rayllum tag here, and I hope whatever parts of the show you do enjoy, well, give you joy.
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panelshowsource · 6 months
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i agree that the podcast really is so interesting — and imo it's a lot of plain gossip and tv criticism masked as "professional insight", which i live for lmao — but there are times she is really too much... she often mocks or eye-rolls things in a way that, again, doesn't feel constructive and comes off as very rude. mean girl energy. it also bothers me how she will talk at richard instead of engaging in a back and forth, and sometimes that turns into an episode in which she speaks 80% of the time. then again, as content cycles throughout the year, sometimes what's on/hot atm is just more in her wheelhouse than his, so we just have to wait for new taskmaster, new bbc comedies, new doctor who, whatever interests him, and then hopefully he'll have even more opportunities to shine... i do cherish when he gets a chance to speak lmao
but fr take a shot every time she says "a friend of mine who works at _______ told me blah blah"
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i'll work on tracking that down!! it would be fun to watch more of them 😋
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aren't they too much? i was just thinking how amazing would it be if they were a pair on pointless celebs ...........
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you know how once you notice an actor then suddenly you start to see them everywhere? (especially on uk tv which is not as big a pool as you'd think it would be...) that was me and charlotte ritchie! it was like wow this girl is everywhere!
anyways, i'm not sure what her aims are atm... she's done quite a bit of comedy but am i the only one who thinks she would body a crime series? or something like broadchurch?
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glad you got a chance to catch my response and watch some fun things! i was thinking a little more about what else to recommend, and i think if you enjoy the quirky nature of repertoire then you should check out huge davies, and if you enjoy the storytelling format like greg davies typically does then you should try out dara ó briain and russell howard (maybe the 2021 lubricant special to start) :) enjoy!!
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hahaha this is funny... it's a good question 😅 there are a few reasons... he's good bantz! he doesn't take himself too seriously, laughs at himself, can be teased, isn't mean spirited. people really appreciate that. plus, he represents a lot of people who aren't otherwise on tv — not primetime bbc, at least. there starts to be an issue when he just...doesn't try, doesn't contribute. he's fallen asleep on like three different shows? didn't he just...not show up to the second-half of his bakeoff special? often he's got nothing to say? mo really carried the convos on his talk show, his teammates carried him on bfq, and so on. he just doesn't seem to have the interest or perhaps the stamina (orrr perhaps the respect) for long records 😅
anyways, he was being pushed for a little while, but that appears to have stopped. he's hasn't been around too much lately 🤔 (tho ngl idk what he's up to!)
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yesss this is a great video and i'll link it here in case anyone wants to check it out! it reminded me that i really need to seek out his celeb hunted episodes hahaha
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when the news came out he would be playing an 'egon spengler type' i was like yep lmao
he and ed mention quite often how many auditions they go to, especially james, for big movies like wonka and ghostbusters — no surprise to me imo! especially since it seems he's focused on films over tv 🤔
can't say i saw ghostbusters tho i'm sorry 😭
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WELLLL now that it's out how have you been enjoying it? 😊🥰 where is your review, anon !!
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susie dent gifs are high on my list, working on those for this week for sure!!! it's just...how to choose...she's just too pretty....
but i love ALL of your suggestions, duly noted 😍
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themonopolyhat · 2 years
shoulder the sky au: helix whump
[ETA: this one-shot has become a round robin fic via the reblogs, but mind the tags folks!]
i have been dared by @shootingstarpilot to contribute to the helix whump “what-if” for his fantastic shoulder the sky series on ao3, so here we go.
pilot, you and i had the exact same idea on how to make helix’s life even worse than it already is -- namely, we both envisioned him on iwanaga along with obi-wan during dooku’s science project / torture spree.  this brainshare is hilarious all by itself.
(i should probably CONTENT WARN for torture, misery, and major character death right now haha)
my thoughts:
+ not sure whether dooku grabs helix on purpose or if it’s an accidental acquisition -- but since helix is along for the ride, and dooku is a bastard, dooku decides to make use of him.
+ therefore it is helix’s job to monitor vitals, update certain chart fields, and administer the antibiotics and pain meds while dooku’s minions or droids or whatever perform the experiments.
+ also because dooku is a bastard, helix has been outfitted with an explosive slave tracker right inside his skull. no escaping or even going where you’re not supposed to be on the base, pumpkin
+ so helix is in the fucking room with obi-wan when dooku questions him, and when dooku threatens him, and when the experiments begin. dooku threatens helix, too -- like shut up and do what you’re told or something real bad will happen.  obi-wan all but orders helix to comply because of course he doesn’t want anyone else to suffer on his behalf.  so helix shuts up and complies.
+ obi-wan is as quiet as he can be, quiet and straining at the restraints. it’s just another tuesday for helix, watching somebody he cares about fucking suffer while he’s unable to save them
+ helix loses his cool probably around the time that dooku proposes to drain obi-wan’s blood completely? or some other horrible thing, idk.  anyway helix responds as any horrified medic with his temperament might, and dooku has him knocked the fuck out.
+ helix wakes up in time to hear obi-wan screaming, and he gets to listen to the screams for a while before dooku wanders in like “oh yeah, if you’re not around to monitor obi-wan’s pain meds, i’m certainly not going to pick up the slack -- he’ll just suffer through the knives au naturel lol”
+ so helix goes back to work.  he gets obi-wan’s pain back under control, but of course he can’t do anything about the other sensations, or the sounds, or the smells, or the existential horror of being vivisected alive by your grandmaster who gave you tea
+ helix holds his hand, strokes his hair, tells him again and again: “look at me, look at me, don’t look down, obi-wan, you look at me”
+ they both quickly give up on apologizing for their mutual wracking sobs because they’re in this together, sweetheart
+ one night helix asks obi-wan how he can pray to the force and obi-wan (ever the teacher) haltingly talks about other force religions, the difference between praying and chanting for mindfulness, etc etc etc.  he quotes the guardians’ mantra: “i am one with the force, and the force is with me -- and i fear nothing, for all is as the force wills it.”  obi-wan seems to find it a little comforting (or maybe dissociative) to say it and hear it said, so helix bends over him and murmurs it over and over and over and over and over, even when obi-wan can’t speak the words himself. he can’t save his general but he can do this thing until his throat rips if need be
+ i don’t actually know whether sidious shows up, but if he does, he gives an Order via holo ahead of time and helix Goes Away for a little while. when he comes back to himself, obi-wan is blinded and deafened.
+ no help is coming. they can’t get out. dooku strips the skin from obi-wan’s hand and helix can only keep the meds at max, repeat the guardians’ mantra to his deaf ears, card a hand through his sweaty, grimy hair, hold his elbow, try so hard to be gentle so obi-wan knows it’s him
+ helix has had a particular intrusive thought since like day three, and he’s been shoving it aside because it’s unthinkable, but y’know, the unthinkable is becoming thinkable the longer he stays on as an accessory to the gruesome torture-murder of his general.  helix is a smart guy and figures out how to activate his explosive tracker at the time of his choosing.  useful information, under the right circumstances
+ around the time that dooku mentions breaking obi-wan’s spine for lols, helix decides he’s about had enough
+ no idea how he manages to get obi-wan alone in the lab, without dooku or droids or anybody else around, but:
+ the door is locked, the clock is ticking, they don’t have a lot of time before the window of opportunity will be lost.  helix undoes obi-wan’s restraints and climbs up on the table with him so he can prop him up in his arms and hold him close. he tucks obi-wan’s nose into his neck and rocks him for a few moments, whispering to him even though his general won’t hear, because he thinks obi-wan knows it’s him and he wants him to feel safe and loved
+ “see you soon, general,” he murmurs through his tears, and fuck, has he stopped crying even once in the past three weeks?
+ he activates the tracker
+ he saves his general
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
uhhhh any chance we can get a sequel to that fic you wrote about namor and shuri’s younger sibling 👀 it’s so….goood I need more 😭
Oh of course!! Thank you so much!!
For anyone else following, it was a follow-up for this fic here!
Author’s Note: MAJOR ANGST, major spoilers but slight twist to canon events
Tagging you @deliciousfestsalad @omgsuperstarg
Edit ✍️ tagging @historygeekqueen
Ok part 2!
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An attack was imminent upon your return, and the sleepless thoughts left you restless. You knew it better to be prepared than sorry. As soon as the warnings came with the flooding of the city, you sprang into action and aided your sister.
While Shuri tried to keep Namor away, he noticed you weren’t t with her. Eyeing the main throne room where a line craft began to dock, he made a quick escape. He knew where you were.
Reaching your mother and Riri, you sighed a breath of relief before spotting Namor by the window. Ramonda stood by you and Riri until Namor charged back again with the hydrobombs you recognized. You felt your hand slip from your mother’s as you three fell into the water.
It was cold. Dark. You felt weightless before there was nothing at all, but just for a few seconds. The adrenaline kicked in as your vision was blurred by the water. Kicking and thrashing to Riri you brought her to the surface, being pulled along by your mother as well. Exhaustion claimed you before you could be certain they were alright.
Shuri ran into the room and saw that you hadn’t yet moved. Okoye had revived the young girl, but your mother screamed for you. For a second, Namor wanted to rush by your side. The terror, regret and horror at what he had done tore through him but he couldn’t let personal feelings overtake him. He left with no words but a pitiful glare instead.
If Namor had stayed for a few seconds, he would have seen that you survived his attack. Maybe then he could breathe past the pain in his chest whenever he saw the shell and necklace graced from your one-time presence.
An attack such as this would not go unpunished, but you felt torn between siding your sister or remaining with your mother. But Ramonda knew you would be needed by Shuri when the time came.
In the midst of Wakanda launching their attack, you stood by her side. Clearing any and all who tried to get to her. Truly your sister was a sight to behold. You could have sworn you heard a strangled cry of your name before Shuri focused her attention towards Namor. He would not take you this time.
On the shore, Namor faced the possibility of his end but Shuri remembered your words. How for once you sounded hopeful about Talokan when rescued. By the side of your fellow Wakandans, you hope your sister was successful.
Once you saw the two of them address the people, you breathed a sigh of relief that had been held in for days. Namor looked at you as if you were the assurance to a second chance he wasn’t sure he deserved.
The days, weeks, and months that followed contributed pieces to the newfound alliance. There were many things you wanted to say, or do, but it would mean seeing him again. Could you be ready for that?
Would you be ready for him?
Still, you made up your mind before you regretted putting it off. Ramonda pulled you into a tight hug before you set away.
“I know you will do the right thing.”
Waiting along the shoreline, Namor emerged with a slight limp to his gait. Breath shuddering in your chest and heart beat roaring in your ears, you could barely hear your name roll flawlessly off his tongue.
“Greetings…., Namor.”
A slight head nod to acknowledge you. “Princess.”
You couldn’t bear it anymore. Walking with purpose, you strode up to him with a shove. Nowhere near enough to hurt him but enough to vent your bubbling frustration.
“How could you do—? Why would you do—?”
Dejected eyes met yours but he knew why. Namor gently caught your hands into his.
“I know.”
You tried to wring them free, but it just grew exhausting. Layers of your emotions to what happened were being shed all at once.
“To me??!! Me!! And you almost—my mother!!”
He caught you as you collapsed onto him, hot tears and ugly sobs pouring from your body.
You hated him. You admired him. You wanted to scream at him. You wanted to laugh with him. But all you could do now was cry.
“Please….forgive me. I couldn’t forgive myself if—.”
All Namor could do was just hold you. It was just you and him in this moment as the waves crashed onto the earth.
Sobs ceasing to quiet sniffles, you held onto him back.
“I am glad, though, that I get to see you. For this.”
“I know…me too.”
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punkpoemprose · 2 years
The Patient- A Kristanna Paramedic Oneshot
Universe: Modern AU/ Paramedic AU
Rating: T (13+)
Length: 2267 Words
Summary: Anna has to call 911 after a small fire breaks out in her condo. The hot blonde paramedic is the best and worst part of her day.
A/N: Day 10 of the 2022 Advent Calendar. I’ve managed to get behind again, of course, and I had to write this prone on my bedroom floor because I’ve fucked my back up, but you know what, I’m going to keep going anyway. Please ignore any factual errors about paramedics and medicine here, I did a little research, but otherwise I just wanted these two idiots to smooch under a new circumstance.
Today was, decidedly, not Anna’s day.
She sat, mortified, in the back of the ambulance with the most attractive man she’d ever met in her life, mutely checking her over for injuries.
“Really, I’m alright,” she said, then coughed, “I didn’t get burnt or anything when I was turning off the oven and using the fire extinguisher, I just couldn’t let the smoke out of my kitchen because the window was painted shut.”
She coughed again, not exactly proving her point that she was, in fact, fine. This was what she got for paying someone to renovate her condo without triple checking all their references and their work. Her detail obsessed sister would be so disappointed in her.
“Smoke inhalation is a very serious problem Ms. Arendelle.”
He was so serious in both tone and expression when he turned to his colleague to ask them to grab a mask and an oxygen canister.
She felt her face grow hot, and it had nothing to do with the fact that she maybe had inhaled a little too much smoke when her oven decided to catch fire for no good reason, other than perhaps spite. She’d just bought it and had it installed, and she wasn’t wholly convinced that the ghost of her last oven wasn’t possessing the new one because she’d only been preheating the empty appliance when the fire started inside it.
“Really, I’m fine.”
He was having none of it. He gave her a very unimpressed look, which both frustrated her and contributed to her blush. He was very attractive, but he also was clearly a hard-ass with lacking bedside manner.  
She glanced at the name tag attached to his shirt and read “K. Bjorgman”.
K? Kyle? Kameron? Karson?
No, none of those seemed quite right for Mr. Hard-ass.
“Here’s that tank Kristoff.”
Kristoff? What the hell kind of name was that? Must be short for Kristoffer.
“Are you refusing treatment?”
She looked from his nametag back to his face. He looked infuriatingly displeased and she thought about saying that she was just to bug him, but that probably wasn’t ideal for her health given that the other paramedic hadn’t argued with him about the need for oxygen.
“No, I just think this is a little overkill probably, it was just a small kitchen fire.”
“With no ventilation where your oven was burning… what exactly?”
“Itself,” she answered miserably, “Because of course it would.”
“Right, so potentially plastic, chemical surfactants and whatever else should or shouldn’t have been in there at the point of ignition.”
She threw her hands up, “Yeah, sure. Whatever you say Mr. expert.”
He seemed to smile, just a small quirk in the corner of his mouth, but it was something. She wasn’t sure whether he was just used to getting what he wanted and was happy because his gruff attitude and good looks combo was working out for him once again, or whether he actually found her funny.
She was mad that it made him somehow even more attractive and that it made her want to continue to comply.
Elsa was going to pick her up at the hospital as soon as she could get out of work, which would be… God only knew when. She was sitting crankily glaring at her cellphone screen by herself in the hospital cafeteria with her hand bandaged because she had, evidently, managed a injury… from the fire extinguisher. She didn’t remember pinching the side of her hand between the trigger mechanism and the can, she hadn’t even felt it until she was being checked out in the emergency room, where they’d discharged her for not showing any signs of serious smoke inhalation, as she’d suspected despite Mr. Kristoff “hard-ass” Bjorman Paramedic’s insistence that she be checked out.
“Glad to hear you’ve been discharged.”
The voice was unfamiliar, quiet, and warm, and she could hardly believe her eyes and ears when she turned to see who was speaking and found a somewhat muscular, smiling blonde man in a paramedic’s uniform. He was holding a cafeteria tray, looking genuinely glad to see her there. The nametag on his pocket, of course read K. Bjorgman, and she almost rubbed her eyes to confirm that she was not hallucinating the man smiling before her. It was the same man, but now he seemed not just attractive, but approachable.
God, if I feel that uniform it’ll be made of boyfriend material.
She tried to shut off the parts of her mind that were rapidly ceasing to be annoyed with him. She was still having a terrible day, and she was not about to let someone who had a role in making her day worse suddenly swoop in to make it even more upsetting by being so attractive in her vicinity that she was bound to embarrass herself.
“Yeah, they said I was fine.”
She looked back from him, down to her phone and started scrolling blindly through some social media site or another, she wasn’t paying any attention to what was passing by on her screen. She wasn’t really interested in her phone at all, she just didn’t want him to stick around and watch her make an ass of herself.
“Yeah… I’m sorry I was so pushy about encouraging you to come to the hospital by the way. It’s hard to tell how much smoke someone’s inhaled on scene and I’m always a little extra worried about it. I hope my behavior doesn’t make you pause before contacting emergency services again if you ever need it.”
She looked up from her phone and saw the genuine remorse in his expression which threw her off entirely. He really had nothing to be sorry for, he’d just been doing his job and she had honestly felt a little bit better after getting oxygen and being checked out, even if she wasn’t seriously hurt. There was peace of mind in being sure that she hadn’t accidentally scorched her airways or something.
“It’s okay… I watch too many tv dramas so I probably would have been worried that I was dying later anyway. Better to be checked out and cleared than to have my sister plan a funeral.”
“I’m glad you see it that way,” he said, looking a little less repentant and a little more appreciative, “I usually don’t get a chance to talk to people after I get them to the hospital, but you were the last call I was on for the night so I’m glad I decided on hospital food for dinner. If it’s not too awkward, maybe I could sit with you while you’re waiting for your ride?”
“Yeah, I might be here for a while, so I don’t expect you to sit with me the whole time.”
But I do want you to sit with me for some of the time, just so I can memorize the way you’re looking at me right now like you really do care.
She was so screwed.
“Your ride coming from far away?”
“No,” Anna answered honestly, shrugging her shoulders, “She’s just a workaholic, so she’ll get me when she decides to leave the office.”
He frowned then, but then quickly covered the displeasure she registered by sitting down in the empty chair across from her and smiling.
“Is it usually advisable to fraternize with a patient?”
He laughed at that, “I wouldn’t really call this fraternizing, just checking in, and you haven’t been my patient for over an hour now. If you’d like me to go though, that’s something I’d comply with, no questions asked. I don’t want to violate your right to privacy.”
She shook her head. She knew that she should tell him to go because she was just waiting for the other shoe to drop, but something told her that him being around wasn’t really a bad thing.
Maybe I’m going to choke on my water and he’s supposed to be here to give me mouth to mouth or whatever.
She was a little peeved with herself that she didn’t know whether that would an improvement or worsening of her day.
“No, you can stay. I guess I could use the company.”
He smiled at that, and Anna thought that she’d never seen anyone look more genuinely happy in her life.
Kristoff was rather pleased with himself when he dusted his hands off on his jeans and looked around at the condo around him. The new, new oven was installed and functioning and all the windows were opening and closing as they were meant to. He’d also helped Anna to fix a cabinet that wasn’t closing properly in her bathroom and touched up some badly painted crown molding, not because it was dangerous or inconvenient, but because she’d seemed annoyed by it.
“Kristoff you’re my hero!”
He snort laughed, unable to help himself.
“Not usually the context in which I hear that, but I’ll take it.”
She swatted him playfully and he’d never felt prouder of himself than he did when she smiled at him appreciatively.
He’d been nervous when he’d approached her in the hospital cafeteria a month before. He knew that it wasn’t really protocol to follow up with a transport after arriving to the hospital unless it was through the official paperwork laden path. He’d been unable to help himself when he’d seen her alone and moping the in the hospital cafeteria, knowing that he was at least in part, the cause of her frustration.
Now he was grateful to himself for taking the leap.
They’d talked for over an hour over terrible soggy French fries and coffee, and when she hadn’t heard a word from her sister, her only support system, he’d been the one to drive her home.
After that she’d asked him for his cell number, asking him if it would be alright for her to maybe text him to get a drink sometime. He’d agreed, letting the ball be firmly in her court regarding whether they would meet up again.
He’d been thrilled when she’d asked him out for drinks the next night and had let him in a little more. He’d never really been great at making friends, but when he was with Anna it had felt natural to talk about himself and listen to her talk about her own life.
Many more nights of dinner and drinks had lead them to the sort of comfortable friendship they were enjoying now.
She’d told him about her job and how she was sometimes scared that her parents wouldn’t have been proud of her being a kindergarten teacher when their family history was all about business and law. He’d told her about how his parents dying in a fire from smoke inhalation had made him want to be a paramedic like the one who had saved him with the help of firefighters when he’d been three years old.
She’d told him about how ashamed she was about her condo because she’d been almost certainly cheated by her contractor given the shoddy workmanship evident in her home, especially when compared to how much she’d paid. As soon as she’d told him about being too embarrassed to tell her workaholic sister about the situation because of her history of thinking of Anna as “flighty” and “impulsive”, and how she didn’t want to sue the contractor or hire a new one lest her sister find out, he’d offered to help her fix the issues that made it an unsafe place to live.
Helping people stay safe was his job after all.
He hadn’t told her that the offer had nothing to do with work, that nothing with her felt like work.
“Seriously Kris,” she said warmly, wrapping her arms around his waist for a surprise hug, “I don’t know how I lucked out to get you in my life.”
“Well you had a contractor who installed a recalled stove and painted your windows shut… I don’t know how lucky you were.”
She swatted his back playfully, but then slipped her hand up his back slowly.
It felt amazing.
She pulled him in a little closer and he settled his hands on her waist, hoping that she didn’t mind the contact.
“Are you sure you won’t let me pay you for the help?”
The question was genuine, he thought, but also she didn’t seem to be thinking too much about it with her eyes portraying something a little more pleasure than business.
He shook his head and then ducked his head down, just slightly, slowly, to see how she would react.
She pressed into him, any space between them now eliminated by her insistent contact.
When she went up on her tiptoes to close the distance between their faces, he let go of his worries that he may be overstepping and let her press a kiss to his lips.
“This,” he said, resting his forehead against hers after the chaste kiss, his hand working into her wavy red hair with great care “This is more than enough… just being with you is all I’ll ever need in return for all the help in the world. Being your friend Anna… that’s enough.”
She hummed appreciatively.
“What if I want to give you more than just friendship?”
His nose rubbed against the side of hers, he could feel the warmth of her cheek against his and despite the roughness of his stubble, she didn’t move away.
“Then I’ll be the lucky one.”
She kissed him again, and even with his eyes closed, he could imagine the smile on her lips, feeling it against his.
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I received one of the kindest and most sincerely honest messages this morning. I am not sure if the sender wanted/cared if I shared it but I have removed their name just in case. Thank you for taking the time to write me and more than that thank you for the sentiment of the DM itself. You made my entire month!! Not sure I even deserve it, but in regards to respecting women, supporting and promoting a spouse/partner, and raising better young men... I’m in 100% :)
“Hey you there, I'm gonna share my thoughts with you. It happens to me. I write, I post things, I expose myself and I don't have an idea of how I influence or impact people. Do you? The last male species I interacted with made me panic about men, thinking that every one of them are those assholes and behave the same way. That all of them have a fake Instagram account to stalk women or subscribe to OnlyFans - being a committed guy. Or, all of them have a Tumblr featuring sex/butts/boobs, naked women and sexist posts too, in 99,90% of their blogs. And that don't understand why sometimes they are being sexist. Or silly things like watches, cars, premium brands - but ONLY that. What's a man has inside his mind? SEX, WOMEN, WATCHES, CARS, PREMIUM BRANDS. I try not to judge what makes people happy, I like those things too, but this kind of superficiality scares me a bit. I know that they'll not be like that forever (well, actually sometimes they are), that there's a process, etc. And there's nothing wrong with sex, at all, but I was wondering that they have nothing else to say?! So I really tagged EVERY MAN with this same behavior: Men have this behavior, and that's it. Then there's YOU! I've been watching you, lately. (You know that this is not a flirt, don't you? It's a more deep discussion than that). Your texts, about relationships, about ourselves, about people, about important topics and discussions. Your art and the art that you share. Your contribution to the world, through discussions such as gender equity, feminism, toxic masculinity, raising boys (beautiful family BTW). Your dedication to interact with your followers, exposing yourself and your personal life to be a real person behind the screen. A man that respects (and praises) his wife, and that has something else to say, who inspires people and make our day better. Without a single post about the same old things... butts/boobs/blowjobs/cums etc (and I'm pretty sure you love sex and boobs and butts and woman body etc). So after all this bla bla bla my goal here was simply saying thank you, for three reasons: 1 - for being so respectful with the woman in your life - unfortunately, this is rare, but means a lot for all of us when we see it. 2 - for indirectly and without imagining, proving me wrong and changing/adjusting the way I see masculinity. 3 - for the daily inspiration feeding unquiet souls. Thank you so much for the humanity.”
Thank you again. You rock the casbah! 
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wilhelmsplaidscarf · 2 years
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I posted 30 times in 2022
That's 30 more posts than 2021!
13 posts created (43%)
17 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 26 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#young royals - 14 posts
#wilhem x simon - 4 posts
#young royals season 2 - 4 posts
#young royals analysis - 4 posts
#young royals s2 - 2 posts
#skam - 2 posts
#august - 2 posts
#young royals spoilers - 2 posts
#i love this film sm - 1 post
#as a brit im worried bro - 1 post
Longest Tag: 71 characters
#they are a very gentle soul with a boat load of experience and kindness
My Top Posts in 2022:
I need to see more of Boris the socialist icon in the new fics
16 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
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I’m so excited for S2 it’s unbelievable!! The bingo will be a fun thing to do whilst watching it!!
17 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
YR-The Confrontation Scene
Confrontation Scene YR
I just wanted to come on here after re-watching the last episode and talk about the confrontation scene. Wilhelm has just found out that it was August who leaked the video and goes straight to the gym to confront him. 
‘I trusted you’ August keeps up the front even though he knows why Wilhelm is there looking at him with a stony face. He has nothing to offer to Wilhelm other than ‘förlåt’. Wilhelm realises this and knows that this is the end of whatever friendship they had. 
The use of having them in two separate frames could be used to show that they are completely on different pages to each other. Erik died and he was pretty much the only thing that kept them together. When they are in the frame together, they are very far apart; again showing that they are two worlds apart from each other. 
Wilhelm is proving that actually he will be a great King because when he uses his power, which he rarely does, it will cut deeper. ‘Do you think Wilhelm will be a good king?’ 
August had the question that he asked Vincent answered but not in the way he was expecting. 
August doesn’t look Wilhelm in the eyes once when Wilhelm is shouting at him. He looks like a broken, hollowed shell of a person. Completely broken. I think that this must be because he knows he has messed up big time. August only meets Wilhelm’s eye when he says that August is no longer a part of the family. Is it possible for August to look even more broken and hurt? Yes. Wilhelm knows there is nothing else to say. This is the worst thing that could happen for August because he is very fixed with the titles and keeping the nobility of the upper class. He was clinging onto Årnäs and was struggling financially to keep his name. To be ‘no longer a part of this family’ would result in him being excluded from Wilhelm, the Crown’s, life. 
I am really intrigued to see what Season 2 will hold for the characters! Feel free to say your opinions, I am interested to see what other people think! :)
30 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
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Me when the trailer is released let alone the actual season
33 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
August: Realization and Revenge
I am totally obsessed with Young Royals and have been since I first watched it around mid July. I love being a part of this fandom; everyone contributes amazing content from beautiful fanfics to perspective-changing analysis. I wanted to contribute with a little bit of August analysis.
I could analyse every Young Royals scene if I could but today, I will talk about a scene that I haven’t seen anyone discuss yet (@ them if they have!)
I would like to give some credit to @starsabovetheunderground , @grizviser and @purplehoodiesimon who have done some amazing pieces of analysis that inspired me to do this.
August. Such a wonderfully complex character and there are so many moments where we can see on his face exactly what he is thinking internally. Malte Gårdinger played this conflicted character so well I felt a surge of anger every time he reappeared on screen. Whilst he is the main ‘villain’, he did a lot of bad things but is not necessarily a bad person.
Erik is dead. Wilhelm has not only lost his brother and role-model but as a result of this tragedy he is now Kronprinsen. There now is an Erik sized hole in Wilhelm’s life. 
I think that August’s first mistake is immediately offering Wilhelm Erik’s seat in The Society. Wilhelm already had to adjust to replacing Erik in every way in the public eye and I don’t think it helped when August gave him the seat that was previously Erik’s in private. Despite this however, I don’t believe that August meant any harm by doing this. In his mind it would be an honour both for August and Wilhelm for the new Kronprins to be a part of such an elite ‘club’.
They have a good time and it seems that Wilhelm forgets about his turbulent and upside-down life for a few hours. However, when outside with August (peeing) he starts to realise how much of a train wreck his life is. 
When people are drunk and/or high they tend to speak their inner thoughts more and don’t think about their actions. Wilhelm is quite clearly very drunk and high, in contrast to August who seems pretty sober, and is very vocal to August. Wilhelm is very vulnerable in this scene and August catches onto that. 
If you think back to episode 1 when Erik, Wilhelm and August are in the church talking about Felice we hear (and see on the subtitles)  August say ‘the trick is to lay the foundation whilst they’re too insecure to object’. Basically saying, achieve what you want when said person is at a weak point. August can see at this small moment in time, he is the closest person to the grieving, vulnerable future King. There is a small gleam in his eyes as he realises. He jokes about swapping places with Wilhelm but knows it will never happen. However, he could become the next closest thing.
Royal Advisors have always been a key part of the monarchy throughout history no matter which country. I believe that in this split second, August realised that he could become the closest person to Wilhelm and in turn be his Royal Advisor (if not that, someone similar). Think about it, it’s perfect. The Queen knew that he was close to Erik and Erik trusted him ‘like a brother’. August has been brought up by Royalty, he is related to The Crown after all he is second cousin to Kronprinsen. The Queen knew that August has the principles of the top part of the upper class and so he would be perfect to advise Wilhelm, who was very unstable and didn’t really want to be King. To top this off, August receives the call from the Queen to ‘look after Wilhelm’. He takes this role on but perhaps goes too far. 
All August has to do is build up the trust and form a strong friendship with Wilhelm. This can secure him a place as a close friend to Wilhelm throughout his life as Kronprinsen and eventually his reign as King of Sweden.
I have read a few theories saying that August was going to use the video for joking with Wilhelm. For example, when thinking back to episode 2, the whole ‘Wille on the table’ scenario. I think that is quite a good idea. I don’t think he had any malicious intentions when he first started recording. However, things turn sour when he realises who Wilhelm is with. Simon. They have had lots of clashes and August’s face turns. Realisation. He murmurs ‘Kronprinsen’. This is no longer a funny, jokey video. He realises just how much power he now has over not only Kronprinsen Wilhelm but also Simon. This is going to be perfect revenge. 
I will do a shorter part 2 to delve deeper into the revenge part!
If you have gotten this far, thank you for reading this essay (it is rather long!) :)
51 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gifsbysimplysonia · 8 months
In March 2023, I was tagged by @dirtytomatoedwrites HERE and again, sorry! If you wanna participate, consider yourself tagged...
slow burn or love at first sight // it honestly depends on the day / my mood. Often times, Love at First Sight DOES NOT hit for me cuz my annoying brain is like "that's unrealistic." But there are some days / moods where I start reading it - and maybe it's the way it's written or maybe it's just my hormones that day - but I'm like "No this is good and I want this." Also me being an impatient person, slow burn can often be TORTUROUS, however, if the story keeps me hooked? I will stick with it and then the pay off is SO so sweet.
fake dating or secret dating // For sure I'm about fake dating cuz there's something about secret dating that feels "dishonest" to my brain. And maybe that's cuz I'm a new Anakin Skywalker girlie and I feel like him having to hide his love contributed to his downfall lol but I'm at a phase in my life where I try to keep it 100 with folks. So if you OR I feel like we can't tell people about a RELATIONSHIP? Nah, no thanks.
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // Again, depends on the day. There's something SO incredibly sweet and endearing to me about BFs to Lovers; there's an intimacy that can't be duplicated in other relationships because a Best Friend is someone who knows you the way nobody else does. But Enemies to Lovers HITS for me, and I saw a meme somewhere online that says, "You enjoy Enemies to Lovers because the thought of someone seeing you at your worst and still wanting you is the ultimate" and I was like I FEEL VERY ATTACKED!!! These 2 tropes are INCREDIBLY SIMILAR to me in that I feel like it's a person who gets to know you at your best AND worst times and they still want you and BOTH of those are SO attractive to me for that very reason.
oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // Again, I'm an impatient person so there's an immediate payoff to me with Only One Bed. Even if it's not erotic / smutty in nature? I SO ADORE the idea of laying in the dark with someone and having an intimate conversation. For me, it's way easier to talk to someone when I don't have to look them in the face / when I don't feel them looking at me.
hurt-comfort or amnesia // So I'm not too huge on either of these cuz ANGST IS NOT MY BAG. And I feel like that is abundant in both of these, but if I HAD to choose, I would take Hurt-Comfort cuz in MY brain, it's someone patching someone else's wounds. Or someone HOLDING the other after something bothers that person. Even that scene from High Fidelity when his ex just lost her father and ASKS him to have sex with her because she just wants to feel something other than the grief and sorrow. So yeah, Hurt Comfort for me.
fantasy au or modern au // I think I'd normally take a Modern AU, but late last year, I started writing a Fantasy/Medieval AU even though I know NOTHING about the genre and I'm just into, like, that vibe RIGHT NOW.
mutual pining or domestic bliss // Both of these have their appeal. Mutual pining is great because 2 people are going through the SAME THING ... FOR EACH OTHER!!! And it's just a matter of time before they stumble onto it and get their HEA. Domestic Bliss, though, is something I don't see enough of and also love. This idea always brings to mind couples like Bob & Linda Belcher or Gomez & Morticia Addams. Let's see more people IN LOVE that actually LOVE being with each other and doing the work to make the relationship work / be enjoyable.
canon-compliant or fix-it // Most canon upsets the eff outta me, so I'm always gonna praise and be a fan of folks who do the work to fix what canon broke lol no question
reincarnation or character death // sooooooooooooo I don't think I've ever read a Reincarnation fic. And I don't like angst so I don't like Character Death so I can't choose either one of these.
one-shot or multi-chapter // Either or lol It just has to be characters I care about and a storyline that intrigues me. I will hang in on the longest fics ever if I am hooked into it, but I also love being able to start and finish something in a shorter amount of time. Applause to everyone who writes either one of these cuz they both provide the dopamine
kid fic or road trip fic // I actually cannot STAND the "accidental pregnancy" trope at this point in my life so I'm gonna go with Road Trip on this one. There are some REALLY CUTE and fluffy stories I have enjoyed when a toddler or pre-teen kid is involved and they are a conduit to help bring 2 people together, but I have such mixed feelings about a child being involved in a new relationship.
arranged marriage or accidental marriage // Accidental marriage can be fun, and always brings up the "woke up in Vegas married to my rival/enemy" trope. And that's Enemies to Lovers, so, my jam. BUT something about an Arranged Marriage and 2 people who perhaps (not always) have a duty to fulfill but get to know each other and fall in love? *swoons* LOVE that. So many of us have a preconceived notion about how romance SHOULD be or OUGHT to be, but to go through this established tradition, more than likely against your will, only to come out the other side blessed because it led you to something you weren't planning on? LOVE IT!
high school romance or middle-aged romance // I'm in my 40s, y'all, so this is a no brainer. Having just discovered writers in the last 3 or 4 years who actually write over 40 / silver fox romance was such an accident but a blessing in disguise. I like to know that there are people out there who don't think of us as "old" or "too old" for love / sex / romance. I NEVER see it here on Tumblr, so thank GAWD for the book authors I've found (love you, L.B. Dunbar) who let me know it's not too late.
time travel or isolated together // These are both good. There's a Hallmark movie that I saw that got me kind of hooked on the Time Travel trope. I like costumes and the change in language a lot. But if 2 folks are caught in a snowstorm and cabin deep in the woods? Meaning they are forced to probably talk and get to know each other and HEY, we have stuff in common? HEY, you're kind of adorable when you're not annoying? Oh yeah.
neighbors or roommates // Can do either or. Roommates is slightly more appealing because MOST of the time, it's a more intimate situation if it's a Roommate cuz they see how you live (provided it's not some weird "i only ever see them come and go at night"). But Neighbors can be someone noticing you get home from work real late every night and you've had some conversations on the stairs where you revealed that you forget to eat most nights so your neighbor leaves you Chinese take out, that favorite dish that you said to them ONCE you love. So yeah :)
sci-fi au or magic au // I'm not sure I've read either one of these but I tend to lean more towards Magic versus Sci Fi. I'm a Lord of the Rings and Star Wars gal which to me lend to Magic (I know SW should probably be classified as Sci Fi but to me, the Force is magic so lol)
body swap or gender bend // I haven't read either of these so I don't have a preferece
angst or crack // I can't stand angst most of the time and I don't think I've ever read a crack fic lol
apocalyptic or mundane // Anyone who can make beauty out of the mundane is a hero to me. It's something I aspire to for sure. Kevin Smith's Jersey movies are some of my favorites because of the focus on dialogue and what people are saying to each other and how they say it. That to me is something "mundane." But I'll take a lazy Saturday in bed drinking tea and eating pizza whilst laughing and arguing over some apocalyptic situation any day.
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