#i have so many ideas and tiktok audios saved
moondirti · 1 year
If i started a lil comic series of random moments between miguel and wraith that don’t make it into the main fic, would y’all be interested
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walpu · 3 months
I need more content about who frequently reader 'kidnaps' Aventurine for my heart. Please walpie, give us your ideas on this (because I found it such a funny and also wholesome concept)
Hi!! So sorry for the delay 😭
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notes - gn!reader, fluff, established relationship, no beta, inspire be this post
"kidnapping" Aventurine
The IPC doesn't really know what to do with you, because surely the person who keeps breaking in is supposed to be arrested.
Not only it's pretty much illegal to sneak into Pier Point and make a mess in the Marketing Development Department, but it's also illegal to kidnap one of the Ten Stonehearts, thank you very much.
The problem is, director Aventurine doesn't seem to mind? At least, he doesn't fight back? He always comes back like nothing happened and tells everyone the situation is under control but then it all repeats again after a month or so.
When asked why he doesn't fight back, he smiles mysteriously.
"You think so highly of my abilities? Thanks, I'm flattered~ But sorry to disappoint, I'm not that foolish to think I can overpower a wanted criminal".
A wanted criminal who never even threatened him or anything. They just carry him away like he's a princess.
If you ever see him willingly jumping in their arms, you saw nothing.
Aventurine cherishes every single act of "kidnapping".
He knows he can't stop you from doing it, you insist on it no matter how many times he tells you to stop endangering yourself. You can just arrange normal dates, you know.
But it's still endearing. Your sincere and innocent desire to give him a break from the IPC, to save him. It warms his heart in a way he can't describe.
Subconsciously he even waits for it to happen. It's always a surprise!
You two may have a normal conversation on the phone but suddenly you say "hey, wait a sec, need to do something" and in a few minutes he can here explosions and people panicking.
"Darling, don't tell me-" "Yeah, I'm on the floor, see you soon".
He loves acting dramatic when you "kidnap him".
That one tiktok audio "mx. kidnapper, don't hurt me~" "don't worry, I'm not gonna touch you" "why not :("
When you're safe and away from the IPC, he clings to you and keeps playfully asking what such a scary criminal as yourself would do to him and what can he do for you to let him go.
"Should I beg you, my gorgeous criminal? Kiss you all over?? I'll do anything for you to let me go unharmed~"
Play along for a while, he gets a kick out of it.
He finds it so endearing when you brag about messing with Oswaldo's documents.
"Such a naughty little criminal you are. How should I deal with you, hm?"
The answer is always kisses ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Btw he's sure that Jade and Diamond know what's going on. But you can never be sure with them. As long as they don't get in the way, you both are fine with that.
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
This is based off of that one tiktok from @sorruna where it’s the audio from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse.
Dick Grayson was a sneaky, intelligent little shit.
He was also dumb. These things are not mutually exclusive.
To this day, one of his best kept secrets- one of the many, many that he had now- was something he’d take to his grave.
Or to Jason’s grave, at least.
Dick sat down and began telling the story to ears that would never truly hear it.
Batman’s voice rumbled behind him as Dick, in his Robin suit, stood blankly on top of a roof.
“I know you snuck out last night, Robin.”
Dick froze, train of thought about his dinner derailed. Holy busted, Batman! Quick! Play dumb!
“Who’s Robin?” He asked, the years of performing in front of a large crowd coming to save his ass.
Not that dumb!
Batman sent him a dry look, reprimand already poised on his lips. Dick, however, was nothing but a good performer. Nay, a dedicated performer.
Quick! Do something out of character! He shouted at himself, panicking visibly. He stepped backwards, an idea appearing in his head. In his defense, it sounded like an amazing idea at the time. He had no idea it would blow up into a Justice League issue. If he had known… Dick would have lied better, probably. There was no way he was going to let B bench him for weeks!
“Who the fuck are you?!” He yelped. Dick apologized mentally to Alfred and his parents. Batman paused, stunned.
“That’s my question. Who are you?!” Bruce asked, immediately hostile. His son doesn’t curse. Well, not in any normal way anyways. Dick quickly backpedaled by yelling at him with a heavy Vlax dialect, missing his parents terribly as he screamed stranger danger in rudimentary Romany. After this, he was going to have to convince Bruce to get him a language tutor. He refused to forget one of the only ties he had left to his parents.
“Wait, wait- you’re my son.” Bruce replied back, in perfect Romany. He looked more convinced but still skeptical.
“My dad is a circus performer! Not a flying rat!” Dick screeched back. He couldn’t help but feel touched about Bruce seeing him like a son.
“Oy! Keep it down out there, you assholes! Some of us like our sleep, damn!” A random Gothamite screamed out of their window.
“Yo, shut the fuck up! The vigilantes are helping to keep the rent low, motherfucker!” Another Gothamite shouted back.
Needless to say, Bruce quickly brought Dick back to the cave- with precautions to make sure he didn’t figure out where the Cave was if Dick was actually someone else.
“You would have loved it, Little Wing. B was running around like a headless chicken. The memory loss protocol was actually made because of me, you know.” Dick chuckled, sniffling as he talked to the carved gravestone.
It did not reply.
The blood tests came back. Yeppers, Dick sarcastically thought, who woulda thought I’m me?
Reinforcements were called in.
Meaning, Batgirl.
“Watch him while I contact Justice League Dark.”
“You think it’s magic?” Barbara asked.
“Yes. There was no one else near our vicinity that could affect Dick like this. He has no head wounds.”
“Eesh. Okay, go. I’ll watch him.”
Bruce disappeared in his zeta tube, looking harried. So, to everyone that’s not a Bat, he looked absolutely terrifying.
“What did you get yourself into now, Boy Wonder?” Barbara sighed. Dick was careful to keep any signs of recognition out of his face.
“Stop calling me that! Where are my parents?!” He asked back. Barbara coughed and looked uncomfortably away.
That’s right, Babs. I’m pulling out the orphan card. Feel bad. Dick hid his feral grin.
“They’re… uh, busy.” Busy being dead, Barbara thought, immediately wincing at her own thoughts. Apparently, Dick thought the excuse was lame too, and he sent her an incredulous look.
“Would you like refreshments, Master Dick?”
Alfred held out some cookies on a platter, giving Babs a quelling look as she tried to reach for his share.
“Oh, wow, these are really good!” Dick said as he shoveled cookies into his mouth. He tried to replicate the reaction he had when he tried these for the first time, and from Alfred’s satisfied look, Dick nailed it.
“Robin doesn’t remember who he is.” Batman rumbled as he all but dragged Zatanna and Constantine by the scuff of their jackets towards the zeta tubes.
“Hey, wait-”
“We have no time.” Batman snarled, tossing the two magic users into the zeta. He punched in the destination.
When they got there, he glared at the two magic users until they got into the cave.
“Damn, Bats. Really living up to your name, huh?”
“Not bad,” Zatanna said as she looked around.
“Robin,” Batman- Bruce- reminded them. He did a quick glance over to check on his kids, and found them satisfactorily uninjured. Though, Barbara was looking worse for wear. Bruce quickly found out why as she stalked to him.
“You deal with him.” She muttered. “I’m going home.”
Bruce blinked and nodded. “Get home safe.”
Zatanna and Constantine followed Batman as he walked towards Robin. It was odd to see the normally laughing child frown.
“It’s you! The kidnapper! Where are my parents?!”
Bruce winced which, for him, was akin to a full body flinch and recoil. No wonder Barbara was so tired.
“Fix it.”
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist, Batsy.” Constantine grumbled.
“Well help, Batman. Though… I’m not sure if he should be doing that.”
Bruce sharply turned his head back to where Dick was. Emphasis on was. Because now, he’s halfway up the giant dinosaur the Robin had insisted they keep.
“Robin, get down from there!”
“Stranger Danger!” Dick hollered back.
Batman- Bruce Wayne- sighed.
“That’s high level magic,” Zatanna hummed. “I can’t feel anything, but I know for sure that he won’t die. Magic like that either dissipates naturally or…”
“Lasts forever,” Constantine finished.
Bruce groaned, shooting off a grappling line and swooping upwards to catch Dick as he fell from the giant dinosaur.
“I pretended to get my memories back later,” Dick chuckled. “And pretended to forget the whole thing. Bruce was so relieved that I stopped knocking things over and trying to do cartwheels in high places that he totally forgot I snuck out.”
Dick patted the headstone.
“But between you and me? I’m pretty sure Alfred knew. I think B pissed him off that week.”
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butchsophiewalten · 8 months
for character bingo (if not done already) rosemary please!!
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I really love these two.... I should draw them more, I always thoroughly enjoy it.
I'll start with Jack. I wax poetic about Jack a lot. He's a character that I find incredibly interesting, even if we don't really know particularly much about him yet. A lot of the things that I really like about him are like... interpretive? Or things that I've assumed. Hence the "not technically canon." I think a lot about "Jack Walten" as a like, a concept, within the universe of The Walten Files. Like, he was a man, who lived and had a place and a purpose within his community, but in the wake of his disappearance he's become sort of abstracted. I'm struggling to articulate this. I think of Jack as a character who has lost the ability to contextualize his own existence, and has instead become sort of an icon of himself.
I think to the community of Brighton he is a tragedy. He's a scary story. He's the memory of a man who was so well-known and so well-liked and then he up and disappeared one day and left countless rumors in his wake. And for Felix, I think he's always struggled to think of Jack as a person, and has always considered him more of a representation of his own inadequacy, and then a representation of his guilt. Felix has always kinda used Jack as a way to gauge himself. Like, Jack has always been a point of comparison. But then, Felix's relationship with Jack, to me, has also been a means for Felix to kinda improve his own self-image. I think a lot about Felix's very pleased sort of reaction to Jack's "You're a life saver, Felix." during the phone call in Bunnyfarm. I think Felix really desperately craves that sort of validation from Jack, because it makes him feel like less of a fuckup. Jack is a Good Person who has a Good Life and has his shit worked out, so if he's telling Felix he did good, he must be doing something right. That sort of dynamic where, for Felix, it's less about doing a favor for his friend, and more about chasing that dopamine hit that the validation will give him. Jack is a means to an end for him, where Felix wouldn't really care if it was Jack, or any other man who has a perceived position of success and privilege. (I have a lot more to say about this specifically, but this is turning into a Felix Analysis on my Jackmary Post, so I'm going to save it for the Felix bingo)
I got very distracted. I was trying to say that I think Jack is a person who, like, only really exists in the way the he is remembered, in the eyes of the people who remember him. Which is why Felix trying to scrub away his history with BSI is such a big deal, and why I also think it's really narratively and thematically interesting that Sophie *really struggles* to remember him. Like, she remembers him the least of anyone, almost. I think that's a really weighty sort of thing.
I don't want to talk for too long about this, because I've complained about it so many times already, but the sort of fandom perception of Jack Walten really irks me. And there's a lot of facets to his mischaracterization, I think. I could complain about the 'where the fuck are my children' TikTok audio for the millionth time, but I won't even bother. But I'm excited to see more of Jack. And I'm excited to learn more about him and to get a better idea of the sort of character he is and isn't, because I'm sure even my characterization of him is deeply flawed. Because we know so little.
ROSEMARY TIME: I love Rosemary Walten. This is another character where I think the Fandom Perception of her is so flaccid and boring. She's just Mother. She's just Woman. like so much of the time. And in fairness we don't really know very much about her, but I'm, again. very excited to learn. I like that she seems very headstrong, and I like how Martin characterizes her as being very ferociously protective of her family. I really want to know more about her relationship with Sophie during that month (and a bit) when everyone but the two of them had disappeared.
Really everything we've seen so far relating to her relationship with Sophie has been very striking to me. I'm sure this is to no-one's surprise. The "Am I still beautiful to you, Sophie?" Is still, to me, like the ultimate crescendo of the series. It's so stark. It's so fantastic. I think it's really easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of thinking about just how difficult and horrifying this character's life has been. And I'm exciting to see how this upcoming batch of episodes will continue to humanize her, and put that much more emphasis on the tragedy and horror of her death. And of her possessing a big animatronic sheep. I think a lot about Sophie hearing the a woman's dying screams through the speakers of that arcade cabinet, and recognizing it as the voice of her mother. I think that's really terrible and fantastic.
I wish I could talk more about her, like, independently, as a person, but we still know so little. So much of what I feel is assumptions. I love Rose though, I'm excited for more Rose. I'm excited for more everyone.
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starrclown · 5 months
Okay, so I remember you ask about LMK rare pair on IG. And to be honest I have no idea. Until now. What you think about Not Mayor and Wukong? IcePeach? BrokenDolls? Or whatever their ship name is.
My idea for them is Mayor try find new a purpose in life after LBD gone. At first he try to reach Bai He because he can't cope nicely and Bai He kinda look like LBD. But there is one problem and that is Wukong. *Cough* FrozenStar Duo*Cough*. So he decide to keep on eye on Wukong instade because he have nothing else to do and since Wukong always be seen with Bai He for past few week after LBD gone. He hates Wukong at first because you know Wukong is kinda the want who make him know that LBD doesn't need him. He hated that feeling. But he also feel something when fighting with Wukong. It's the warm because Wukong always warm. He can't stop thinking about that warm.
He sees Wukong as a leader, a protector, a hero but most importantly a KING. Someone who deserve to be serve. He kinda became bit obsess with Wukong after keep watching the king and staff. He decide to do something.
Even after everything he still a Mayor for some reason. So after the city fully fix in a month and half (thank you technology. They live in futuristic time so you know). He organized so call "Celebration Party" to celebrated a win against LBD. The party was open to public and invited the the Monkie Gang as special guess and also Monkey King. So like it or not they kinda have to go since the whole city expect them to there.
Save to say that Mayor plan kinda work. Wukong is there so that's perfect. He bait Wukong to the middle of party where a lot of people can see them. He ask Wukong to dance with him and Wukong couldn't say not since all eyes on them and Wukong stage fright kick in.
They dance. And Mayor could feel the warm again. Normaly he would always feel cold since that what LBD do. The cold is nice and love it for a long time even he wasn't needed he still love it because that all he ever know. But this WARM. This warm is so addicted. The more he feel the more he want. It was powerful. He wants more
"May I serve you, My King" he said kissing Wukong hand.
(dude, Stalker Tango was playing on background while they dance. It's the vibe I get for this whole thing)
4 things.
1. Hiiiii!!
2. I clicked on this and it shot to the bottom of the text and all I saw was Stalkers Tango. (I used to EAT up that song. It was all over my YouTube page like 2 years ago.)
3. Yall I saw this ship on Tiktok like 2 days ago. It was a sideshow with those two and with the audio "Do you think you'd kill for me on day? Yes, of course I will my darling." I don't know if they have like a confirmed ahipname cause like, that's a RARE rarepair right their. I call them Star-shapedIce. I thought of it cause you know those ice molds you can make diffrent shapes with? Like those!
4. There are so many parts about this I like.
Mayor just like, having nothing to do after LBD. Like it makes perfect sense cause he has spent litteraly years serving her. The idea he's just like: "Well this kid looks like her, might as well." *Spots Wukong* "Fuck not that guy."
Bro your feeling warm cause SUN WUKONG my guy 😭. I know this is saying he's getting warm cause he's catching feelings but I like the idea that he says Wukong makes him feel warm and Bai He in thr back is like, "Yeah! No duh! Your fighting SUN Wukong! Dude your on a tropical mountain with monkeys and fruit trees! You dumbas-"
This raises a good question, does Mayor still have like political power?? Like can he make decisions for the city. Do the people of the city know that their mayor was LBD's right hand man? Bro that would suck if your Wukong. This Mayor, someone you know helped LBD take over the world, is just inviting you to dance and shit and you can't say no cause you can't let the people of the city you protect down. Ya think he gets pissed after the 4th party invitation?
Say Wukong agreed to let Mayor serve him. Since we both agreed that Bai He would be with him (cause that duo is great) dude she would NOT be chill (ha ha) about him being there. Angst material right there.
Normalize this ship that no way would be healthy in the beginning. The toxic spice ✨
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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m1ckeyb3rry · 15 days
LMAOOOO yeah lowk it was still more funny than embarrassing for me catching that typo here but if I found it after I sent it to someone else I think I’d be a goner
(Also wait speaking of I forgot to mention you’re seriously a trooper for reading all of orv…I followed the comic for awhile but I have a friend whose obsessed with it and like summarized the entire novel to me in like an essay (I’m still confused as hell because I lost track of the details) but after hearing it all from them it’s truly a ride…)
NOOO I SAW!! Ofc it’s sae LMAO classic itoshi scenario…yk maybe Karasu nation will come in clutch last minute…(I’m ngl I’m kinda glad none of those characters are on there oops LMAOOO I also don’t think they’d have much to do with aiku and honestly there’s so many works of them all) Ok I still kinda feel like it’s a win tho bc Karasu and Barou in second and third???
FRRR the edits are gonna go so hard…just imagine the Barou stripping scene LMAOO (the dudebros glazing Barou are everywhere omg)
I love how “the white haired dude” is an archetype of its own it’s so funny but so real…(gotta confess Im usually in the white haired dude fan section like somehow I end up gravitating to them too)
IM CRYING THE PARENTHESES it just goes on“or fifth…sixth……15th…” LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
I’m crying your writing has made MY standards too high but honestly so real…even seabird sae is already better than like…a good majority of the population out there this is lowk sad
LMAOAO THE SELF HELP BOOKS I see the vision the purple green was also perfect for him
OOOOH I guess we’ve just gotta see what tiktok audio pops up on your fyp LOL but I’m excited I was leaning towards chigiri or Barou I was looking cooking way more for their ideas
LOL it’s ok that Nagi requester will get Nagi content from oaeu too!! I’m actually so hyped for the series
LMAO I plugged them into a generator and got Karasu!! I guess it’s the universe telling me not to stray from Karasu nation….lowk almost forgot that he’s essentially my namesake I got too desensitized to it so the generator really said remember your origins
OHHHHHHHHHH wait that’s kinda stupid on tumblrs part wdym the creator can’t see the results unless they vote??? SHDHS thats actually so annoying your rant is so valid (also just generally feel free to go wild ranting or venting it’s all good w me) im ngl if you want the next time you make a poll i can just vote early on and keep you updated on the results if you don’t wanna have that option there for people to screw with…but BRO YUKI AND OTOYA???? I know they generally still lag behind Karasu in terms of popularity s2 please save them
LMAO nah it’s perfectly reasonable and valid like some people don’t have the brain development for proper impulse control ig like damn
Ok well in the time I was writing it ig it’s over now good for you sae fans good for you (BOOO TOMATO TOMATO /j)
- Karasu anon
HAHAH our freaks are so matched i don’t even blink at 90% of your typos we truly are the same person LMAOAO
omg i LOVEDDDD orv i read it on my phone in the summer of 2023 when i had nothing else to do and it was genuinely so so good like the novel is PEAK i never read the webcomic version because i’m attached to the translations in the novel even though they’re not “official” but genuinely the novel is probably one of if not THE best things i’ve ever read like it actually changed my brain chemistry fr (it’s a long build but the ending arc is peak fiction)
SAE WON 💔 but very proud of karasu nation and barou nation for locking in and getting them so close to sae that was def unexpected!! and yeahhh that’s the vibe i was getting too like there’s no way for them to realistically be involved w aiku so it wouldn’t make sense for them to be there PLUS i don’t like them that much so i can’t cook up an idea to involve them w aiku the way i did w nagi 😰 speaking of which i think i have the idea for yukimiya HAHA basically aiku is like “okay we’re the two oldest blue lock members let’s be best friends 😄” and yukimiya is like “thanks but i already have a bestie ☺️” and ofc aiku is like WHAT and has to do some heavy recon (he probs recruits niko too LMAO atp niko is an honorary wingman just because he’s consistently aiku’s sidekick) and that’s where he finds reader which makes be like “hold on there is definitely something romantic going on here” so he tries to get yuki and reader together in order to finally have a soccer playing bff who’s also relatively normal (@ barou)
the craziest thing abt dude bros glazing barou is that he’s physically their ideal but in every other way he is NOTHING like them!! like that man respects women, cooks and cleans, is willing to accept his mistakes and work on them, hates people who are mid…he would think they’re goofy asf 😭
KDJDKSSJ i normally don’t really go for the white haired characters but nagi is an exception…my other top favs have been eren from aot (brown hair), megumi and yuta from jjk (black hair), and shinah from yotd (blue hair??) HAHA honesty karasu and rin are very in line w the kinds of characters i typically like physically but idk smth abt nagi appeals to me the most 🙂‍↕️
FBKDDNSJSN luckily it was NOT shidou!! i’m going to repost it so i’m sure you’ll know by the time you read this but i got chigiri 🤩 which honestly i can actually see but specifically his actual canon miraverse characterization NOT his overly feminized fandom self 😭 apparently they originally thought nagi which slay but they came to the same realization i did a while ago which is that as much as i love him the two of us are too similar in some ways and too different in other ways so we would actually not work out irl 😓💔 honestly chigimira wasn’t one i was necessarily expecting but it might be what i needed (idk if i could muster up a long fic idea for chigiri…maybe?? we will see #tbd)
LMAOAAO me when a man slides into my dms but he doesn’t buy me plane tickets and an expensive sandwich 😒 abt to start telling everyone i have a bf or smth HAHA because unless a man is miraverse bllk men level he’s simply not replacing nagi or karasu or sae or whoever 🥱
HELPP i’m glad the vision comes through i rlly like this cover!! i think i’m going to put the character’s name where it said “masterlist” on the masterlist so it’s easy to tell who the individual oneshot is abt 🤩 don’t want people to start reading expecting an aiku fic (at least until the last part which actually is for aiku)
i just got a barou request HAHA so it’ll def be chigiri or MAYBE bachira depending on what i feel inspired for!! agreed it’s time to open tik tok and feel the vibes out for what i want to write next…maybe watch some edits too while i’m at it for further assistance 😏
HAHA no fr stay true to your origins…i’m going to write all of them eventually anyways so it’s not that deep but i just wanted to figure out where I should start since all of them have such good premises that i can’t decide!! rip otoya and yukimiya though…hoping s2 + oaeu converts more people 😰
for now i think it should be okay like it’s nbd since so many other people do vote as well it’s just like a personal pet peeve HFKDJDSJS we all have smth that makes us tweak i suppose…i’m just in my isagi on field era 😩 i don’t do polls that often so it shouldn’t be a huge issue but expect me to have at least a paragraph in our convos crashing out over that whenever i do end up making a poll 😭
sae nation is too strong…they’re inevitable fr KFJDKD honestly proud of karasu and reo for hanging on for a bit that’s impressive 🤩 in the end though an itoshi bro is basically a guaranteed win (unless like i said kaiser or MAYBE isagi are in the running too)
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andro-dino · 2 months
ever since i got into sbr the bombermen now live in my brain..... maybe some domestic hcs for the bros and the dastardly bombers?? after the latter get redeemed im interested to know how you think they acclimated to being normal guys again
There’s so many thoughts that have just been brewing around up there for ages. One that is like a suuuuuper old thought that’s been up there for years is the idea that Green hangs out with his sisters a lot and at some point gets really into painting nails and tries to get any and all of his siblings to let him paint their nails (ignore the fact that they don’t canonically have nails rn okay lets just pretend). It’s pretty hit and miss. I like to think that Yellow would be one of the most openly receptive to it but he cannot hold still for that long so his always end up really scuffed and messed up but he still loves them anyways. Also during this era I liked pairing up Green and Red as like, particularly close, and Red despite all his usual willpower is very weak to Greens manipulation and I just think it’s so silly. I drew a lil thing of him also ages ago beating up his training dummy while holding his hands out very carefully trying not to mess up his freshly painted nails and I just think that encompasses that whole thing.
SPEAKING OF RED AND DUO DYNAMICS I LIKE WITH HIM, him and black have a very stupid rivalry and constantly butting heads with each other is something that I hold very near and dear to my heart. It was a product of all the tiktok audios that were popular at the time that I had saved for hypothetical future cosplays I think (side note I need to get back to cosplaying (my magnet wig has been staring me down recently)). Their dynamic is very similar to dan and reiki to me if that makes sense. except they’re both better and worse. idk they’re just very dear to me <3 this one interaction in sbr2 genuinely made me like scream and cry and throw up it’s all 2018 axel ever could’ve wanted.
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Another individual duo dynamic between the bros I am obsessed with is blue and pink bc I hc them as twins and they r so important to me. Blue in general I like to think of as really good at reading people (even if he doesn’t usually make that super obvious) and he tends to notice when Pink is overly stressed out and putting too much pressure on herself. When this happens, he’s usually able to bring her back down to earth by smacking her upside the head with a pillow and telling her to take a break. I like to think that if she’s stressing out abt like having to look after their other siblings or whatever, Blues like “I’ll handle it” and it’s very ominous and pink does not fully know what that entails but she does know that she really wants to take a nap so she lets him handle it. I think you give that man a monster energy or two and he could do anything.
I was also recently thinking abt the respective eldest four/youngest four quartets of the Bomberman bros and they just. mean so much to me. I like to think that they hold like their own respective council meeting to discuss the current state of affairs and stuff they’ve noticed about the other half. THEYRE JUST VERU IMPORTANT TO ME. with the older bros, again with blue being the most observant, I like to think that he tends to bring up stuff that none of the others have noticed yet and it always catches everyone off guard. The younger half are extremely silly with it. Like I don’t know how to describe it but they are the most functionally dysfunctional group imaginable and it’s both horribly chaotic but surprisingly organized. Yellow is the minutes man. he does keep track of everything in crayon. Half of the time he does get distracted drawing flowers and butterflies instead. there’s no one else they would trust with the job. Red thinks he’s the leader since he’s the oldest of the four. Aqua and Green have not broken the news to him that he is not. It’s okay he doesn’t need to know.
As for the dastardlys, I don’t have a lot of specific ideas for them as far as like, re becoming parts of society goes (though most of the ones I do have are mostly whiteplasma focused (and none of them are very coherent bc thinking about them together just makes me sob violently)), though I’ve honestly always liked the idea of them forming their own sort of ragtag sibling kind of bond. It’s very strange and weird and none of them are really fully used to it but they find comfort in each other methinks. Pretty serves as the main bridge between them and the main eight. I like to think that even after buggler n everything, she still dresses up and keeps Karaoke around as like, a sort of drag persona. It’s very important to me that for both groups, she is both very sisterly and mature but also incredibly silly to degrees unheard of. I’ve always liked the idea of her and magnet being especially close. They r. insane together. sometimes pretty is able to ground him and give him good advice and other times they bring out the worst (best) in each other and it ends about as well as you’d expect, but they r like besties in my head.
Plasma I’ve always thought of as just having a natural protective/big brother kind of instinct to him. It’s funny bc half of the dastardlies are older or roughly the same age as him but he still just like instinctually pulls out a lot of the big brother talk with them. One interaction I’ve thought abt is between him and golem where they’re kinda just hangin out and whatever and he brings up how golem and yellow are getting along and plasma’s like “it’s nice that you’re making friends I’m very happy for you” and golem (in his own vocabulary obviously) is like “yk you don’t have to talk to me like I’m a child, I am like thousands of years older than you” and plasmas like “right my b force of habit.” (I do think plasma is still like mentally older than golem iykwim but yk, golems not like green little either). It’s funny I actually used to not really like/care about plasma that much (I honestly think it was just his English voice acting like it really just does not do it for me dawg) but now I love him so dearly. His and white’s dynamic is especially important to me (if that wasn’t already clear) and like. augh. aughhh <333 they’re so incredibly similar in so many ways and just the thought of them consistently being together and training and hanging out with each other and bringing out the best in each other is so important to me. They keep up their friendly rivalry while helping each other out, white especially helping plasma and the others get reacclimated to everything and supporting them along the way (and maybe he and plasma smooch a little too idk the world is a beautiful place). I think White also gets along with Golem pretty well. mostly just bc white supervises golem and yellows hangouts/dates for a while just to make sure yellow is really fine without him keeping his eye on him all the time and in the process, grows really fond of golem.
I think as far as the other dastardlies and the bros go, I also like red and magnet together a lot just like generally. they r so incredibly silly I just think they should not be separated (even though only bad things happen when they’re together /silly). I also obviously am obsessed with phantom and blue together. extremely over dramatic guy who still thinks they have an intense rivalry x guy who goes “lol” and does not feed into it at all is the best ever in the world. Also, just bc of that one image from the sbr credits, him and black together I think would be great. They both have such a flair for the dramatics that I think it’d work. You’d think they’d be a mess just with how different their usual personalities tend to be but I think it cancels out and both of them think they just kinda get each other (they do not)(they don’t need to know that they’re happy anyways).
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kolbisneat · 2 years
MONTHLY MEDIA: January 2023
Holy cow a new year! Off to a good start and here’s all the art/media I experienced this first month of 2023.
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M3GAN (2023) Was every plotpoint and death telegraphed from moment one? Yes. Was it full of wildly bad decision making so that the movie could happen? Yes. Was it everything I wanted? Yes.
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022) Eagerly awaited this and overall, worth it. The CGI-heavy ending felt more Netflix than Knives Out. The rest of the film, as well as the mid-film twist that feels on par with the first movie, felt right at home. I’d love to watch more of these and hope A. They can drop the “Knives Out Mystery” subtitle and B. They keep it focused on character and plot instead of spectacle.
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Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022) Beautiful. The design and changes to the familiar were fantastic. Found the pacing to be a little slow in spots but I’m sure it’s impossible to cut any of the puppetry on display.
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992) Okay technically I watched this on New Year’s Eve but my December post was already out. On this rewatch I noticed each Marley kinda holds out their hands while the other is singing their verse, and what really struck me is just how full each environment feels. Muppet movies always have so many extras and details that may not be noticed but are felt. Really such a treasure.
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The Last Dance (Episode 1.01 to 1.10) Okay technically I’ve been watching this since before the start of the year but I forgot about it. Not knowing much of anything about basketball meant I was both surprised by every turn AND completely confused from all the time jumps. It makes each game seem like this is the most important game ever and because I had no idea what game we were talking about, I kept thinking it was THE game. Anyway the last 2 eps saved it for me as I really was thrilled by them winning THE game.
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TikTok: Life on the Algorithm by Errant Signal For the uninitiated, a solid introduction to TikTok as a platform. And even for those who are familiar, it touches on nuances and trends in a way that explains what felt unexplainable. VIDEO
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The Horrifying Panopticon of West Elm Caleb by Sarah Z A good companion piece to the Errant Signal video. This breaks down one viral event in TikTok and the great implications of it. And it’s not really just applicable to TikTok. VIDEO
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Circe by Madeline Miller (Complete) Despite it taking me all month to read, I loved this. It’s kinda like Forrest Gump but for Greek Mythology in that you get to see a lot of these big myths, heroes, and monsters from a different perspective. But that’s not to diminish Miller’s writing of Circe who has such natural and incredible character growth. Highly recommend.
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Old School Essentials by Necrotic Gnome (Complete) Okay so more of a rules book for running old-school role-playing games, I did read through it this month so it still counts. I’ve been keen to explore other rulesets and while this is still D&D, it’s interesting to see how this interpretation of the original rules differs from 5th Edition.
Witch Hat Atelier Volume 1 by Kamome Shirahama (Complete) Not a bad start! The characters feel a little trope-y but it’s the first volume and the art is so good that I can’t help but keep going. The magic and world is creative and there’s enough layers to the early plot that I’m looking forward to spending more time in this world.
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Love Me More by Mitski (2022) Just a really tight quartet of tracks. Big fan of Mitski’s sweeping synths but it’s fun that these are a little more energetic! Gosh I wish jazzercise was still a thing cause I’d absolutely run in place to all of these songs.
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Hades (Supergiant Games) I’m a simple man; I read a Greek mythology book I go back and play a Greek mythology game. That plus the sequel reveal has me very excited. Still such a good game.
Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) My tuesday crew is digging deeper into the politics and history of the land of Fairies but they aren’t quite done with the island of Neverland just yet! You can read more about our weekly exploits here. And the Mof1 group is amassing a variety of magic weapons and possibly planning on buying real estate in the Gnome hamlet. Always an adventure.
And that’s it. See you in February!
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 55
Malleus Maleficarum/Doomsday
“Malleus Maleficarum”
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: Oh fuck no. I’m barely surviving WATCHING.
Ew wtf…this is…one of the most stomach churning episodes I’ve ever watched. Between the lady in the opening pulling out all her teeth and bleeding out and now magic-ing maggots into this dude’s burger.
But then what killed HER? Was it the OTHER neighbor??
This is…this is a good way to get yourselves on these witches’ hit list.
People who are big shots in their neighborhoods making a big deal of their last names to complete strangers from outside their little circle baffle me
Dude…Sam. No. You don’t just…Oh. That’s that’s not an ordinary demon.
I don’t believe Ruby’s really …yeah, she wasn’t betraying the Winchesters. Because that was the most male gaze-y shit I’ve ever seen
Yo. Dean…aren’t you supposed to have a little conflict about stabbing the person the demon is possessing?? Just even a little hesitation?
I don’t remember how long we keep Ruby, but I’m gonna miss her when she goes. A demon who remembers what it’s like to be human is an interesting character
“Been On My Mind…”: Nope.
I love Mickey and the scientist pretending to know about the time war to save their lives for just a second but in the lamest way possible
You’re going to regret making that promise, Doctor.
Omg here it is. The moment I’ve been waiting for “our species are similar though your is inelegant” “daleks have no concept of elegance” “that is obvious”
“Daleks be warned, you have declared war upon the cybermen” “this is not war, this is pest control” “we have five million cybermen. How many are you?” “Four” “you would destroy the cybermen with four Daleks?” “We would destroy the cybermen with one Dalek. You are superior in only one respect” “what is that?” “You are better at dying” (someone on tiktok also used this audio clip with Shigaraki as the Dalek and the Hero Safety Commission president as the cybermen, and it was probably the most I’ve ever been into Shiggy in my life)
Note that I watched that clip like……eight times at least
Amazing. Rose sees the Doctor on screen and her heart rate rises, the Daleks point this out and Mickey’s just like “yeah, old news. Been there.”
You're not gonna catch me feeling bad or Yvonne.
Good lord there are some really good lines in this. The cybermen telling the Doctor that he’s proof emotions destroy you, and he agrees but then goes “mind you, I quite like hope. Hope’s a good emotion”
He really puts on those glasses every time he has void stuff to check out. You don't really pick up on it the first time, but it gets more and more obvious with every rewatch...
Where and when is Rose getting her hair cut??
The Doctor's so enigmatic in this scene where he meets Pete again. If I hadn't watched it so many times tonight, I'd be baffled by how swiftly he changes every few seconds. Now, I'm used to it.
Next time I watch the series (not any time soon because this episode is now CURSED for me), I want to watch out for THAT Note earlier in the series. It's ALL. OVER. this episode, but I wanna listen for it earlier.
The way Rose tells the Daleks what she did to their emperor. What a woman.
Poor Mickey. Like, yeah, the genesis ark had to be opened, but why did it have to be him who did it?? I still don't understand why the Doctor thinks of it as a good thing (but that's partly because he talks so fast I have a hard time understanding him occasionally).
The Jackie and Pete reunionnnnnn *sobs* and yet they still carve out time for levity "All those daft little ideas of mine. They worked. Made me rich" "I don't care about that...how rich?" "Very" "I don't care about that...how very?"
But then the desperation as they run toward each other and embrace uuugggghhhhhhhhh
Huh, the Daleks were right. The cymbermen ARE better at dying. It wasn't just an empty taunt.
I know it's supposed to be a scary prospect, but the way the genesis ark spins and spits out Daleks is just funny to me
The argument over who's staying and who's going to the other universe is heart wrenching. I do have my criticisms of it, but that's entirely a personal thing.
Roses really love jumping BACK INTO dangerous situations for their boyfriends, don't they? Tyler...Dewitt-Bucater (I'll look up the spelling for that if I think of it in the morning, if tumblr doesn't eat this too)
Did they have to give the Yvonne cyberman a different voice than literally every other cyberman? Was it not enough to make her say her last words again? The ones she repeated over and over before she was turned?
It must be absolutely terrifying to have to hold on long enough to allow MILLIONS of both Daleks and cybermen to go through the breach, all while it's trying to suck you in, too. And you're RIGHT THERE. And if something goes wrong (which, of course it will), you're basically powerless, and the person you're with IS powerless to help you.
NO. No...
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The way they can't even comfort her. They don't know what to do. They can't go to her, though Mickey's fighting the urge to. Because what can they even say or do??
And they way they can just ALMOST feel each other's presence across universes...it's not faaaaaaaaair
Reminder to google what the difference between a sun and a normal star is. Because...if he's burning up a SUN to talk to her...there's gotta be some space laws against that. If there are planets with life revolving around that sun?? Or is that after your first genocide, they just stop checking on if you've committed more?
I dunno if I'll ever decide if it's a mercy that he never gets to say it back. Is this an Empire Strikes Back situation? It'll hurt more if he DOES get to say it? Because it's futile? They'll never be able to be together. Also will never decide if he ran out of time or purposely ran down the clock. Which isn't to say that he's not devastated to not be able to. But he's done so much to protect her and her future and her future happiness, why would he stop now?
DONNA!!!!!!!! I love the surprise of her at the end. And she really does show up when the Doctor's at his lowest: after losing Rose, after TRULY (sort of) becoming the last of the Time Lords
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res-black · 1 year
Edit ideas with Zoe!!
An idea could be to the song Atlantis by Seafret an edit of Clint reminiscing on his friendship with the avengers and especially Natasha. Any of the lyrics from around 1.30 seconds to 2.40 seconds could be used in many different ways to make a sad edit of Clint and Natasha. The main theme could be Clint in the marvel series Hawkeye thinking back on his time with the avengers.
Lines like “now all the birds have fled, the hurt just leaves me scared, losing everything I’ve ever known,” could be used to show the one scene in Hawkeye when Clint is in the tree and the owl is there with him. It could embody the popular theory that the owl was Natasha reincarnated. The line “she said in my heart and in my head,” could have audio over it of lines that any of the important females in his life have said; whether that’s Natasha, kate, Laura etc. You could also hit people real close in the feels by using the lines “I can’t save us, my atlantis, we fall,” to show Natasha sacrificing herself.
of course this is all just for inspiration and you can take it all or just take a grain of it, it is entirely your choice but please if you did draw inspiration can you at me in the video (@res.black on tiktok) so i can see any of your creations :). if anyone has done this on tiktok please tell me so i can go watch it and so i can take down this post :)
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amongemeraldclouds · 6 months
hey lovely girl💕 for the ask game please do 3, 5, 9, 17, 24, 28 and 38 (I'm being greedy haha but I'm nosey)
hey gorgeous 💚 for you, I'm happy to answer as many as you'd like:
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
You can probably tell from most of my fics, I love rom coms and fluff:
✿ She's The Man: my sister and I watched this so much when we were younger, we even memorized the lines 💀 Early 2000s romcoms are elite. ✿ To All The Boys I Loved Before: just the first film, the second film sucked and I never ended up watching the third one. The first one though, so cute! My fic, ruin the friendship, is def inspired by it. ✿ The Princess and The Frog: my fave Disney princess film, aside from Tangled! A strong independent woman who also gets her man. Yes yes yes.
5. what made you start your blog?
I started out as a reader, liking and leaving comments on fics. Pretty sure I've left a few in some of your work. Anyway, it started with a fic idea I wanted to read but no one had done it so I took it upon myself to write stuff I wanted to read.
It's def inspired by Enzo too! Didn't see enough content of him so I exclusively write for him and Mattheo rn, might expand in the future.
9. tell a story about your childhood
My dad loved to take me and my sis to the park when we were younger. There was a little hill that we loved to roll down on, literally just lie down the grass and roll down. It's short and smooth, so definitely safe. The only thing is we'd get all gross and itchy afterwards, but we'd come back and do it all over again.
17. name 3 things that make you happy
My cats, reading, and writing! Key components for a certified cat lady.
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
Doing what's best for me even when it means making difficult decisions, choosing grief and putting myself through discomfort. It always pays off in the end.
28. do you collect anything?
I love special edition books! Especially those with designs on the edges (I'm obsessed). I have an OwlCrate subscription, so I get a signed special edition book and bookish items each month. It's my lil' monthly treat for myself.
38. fave song at the moment?
I've been obsessed with listening to Taylor Swift mashups these days. This one sounds like a movie soundtrack and this one has that popular TikTok audio ("you can hear it in the silence / Romeo save me"). So good!
Thanks for the ask! Love youuu 💚
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loudestcloud · 7 months
UGH i just had the biggest scare of my editing life ever!! So TikTok muted audios cos blah blah legal stuff n like i knew that was coming, it didn't bother me because i have backups. NOT FOR THIS EDIT, I DIDN'T! I have no idea why but i didn't send it to my back up account, no posts on anything but TikTok, not saved to my SD card or USB stick, I didn't send it to my private back up chat! NOTHING! IT WAS GONE! It was my first Owl house edit and now I will 100% be cross posting it with this context. Will it get as many likes as originally? Fuuuck no, no one cares about Toh like that anymore but I do and I love this edit! I managed to get the original audio back and will be fixing it if i can but fucking hell
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cqattmu · 7 months
internet vs information: module 5
This is a TikTok that is spreading disinformation- flat out false information. Noah Schnapp, one of the Stranger Things actors, is currently in hot water over some comments he made regarding the Israel-Palestine war going on. Since this, Schnapp has had many fake comments and posts made about him and his coworkers, one of which being this lie that the rest of the cast unfollowed him due to his recent controversy. This never happened, and therefore is an example of disinformation. (fabricated content)
“using a mask incorrectly can actually make it more dangerous.”
This, in a narrow sense, is true: using anything incorrectly can be dangerous. The broader implication, however, that wearing masks is somehow “dangerous” flies in the face of new evidence complied by Yale researchers showing that wearing face masks reduces the spread of COVID-19 and saves lives.
This article lists the dangers of misinformation in relation to Coivid-19. A great source of information the past few years, many people have taken the truth of a situation and twisted it so as to scare people and fear monger. In the above quote directly pulled from the article, we see an example of people taking a true fact and twisting it so that the idea becomes negative, and the real intention/meaning is lost. Here, the centre for disease control in Australia released a statement advising proper wearing of face masks, but some people took his statement and because of the way it was worded, used a true statement to create a lie and say wearing face masks is dangerous rather than the improper use being dangerous.
Here is yet another TikTok, except this time being an example of malformation. The video depicts an account making fun of a trans woman on a podcast, where she was also being made the punch line of a joke. The podcast hosts criticized her for her appearance, being trans and her confidence. This particular video is unfortunately one of many harassing this woman- depicted is her introducing herself but instead of the original audio the creator put a VoiceOver of Optimus prime speaking. This, in combination with the hashtags, is clearly a hateful comment on her appearance. The ridicule she faces based on her appearance and being trans is hate speech and therefore malinformation.
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 8 months
Official audios from many artists have been deleted off tiktok and now so many of my favorite edits are muted 😪 Only 74 of my 200 saved Evan tiktoks have sound now...
:( that sucks, i mean, at least the videos remain but still.. i had no idea stuff was getting deleted because i don't really go on tiktok. we're gonna have to get creative lmfao
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schleierkauz · 2 years
Cornelia Funke Q&A - 05.09.22
First of all, the audio quality was horrible this time. I tried my best to make out what Cornelia said but it was a struggle.
The Elephant in the Room/Those new Inkworld Covers
- See this post
- No, really, Cornelia hates them a lot and encourages us to complain to the publisher
The Color of Revenge
- The book is finished
- Direct quote from Cornelia:
"I admit, I'm very in love with this book. It will, in many ways, be different from the other Inkworld books since it takes places five years later and the two main characters are definitely Dustfinger and the Black Prince. 
That means there will be two story lines, two separate efforts to stop Orpheus' revenge. Dustfinger, Farid and Jehan (Dustfinger's stepson) will travel with the Strong Man. 
Meanwhile the Black Prince, along with Battista, will be with a young witch named Driope... who will... hm... probably explain why Fox has a fox pelt. So the fox will be mentioned but not- not in the way the cover seems to imply. The story will be about witches, good ones and evil ones, it will... I had so much fun finally getting more into the Prince's story, I wanted to do that since I wrote Inkspell. And now Nyame, which is his first name I hadn't revealed so far, will really be in the spotlight this time. Colors, too- are pictures more powerful than words? We will see... and I think the answer will surprise us all.
Part of the story will take place around Ombra, which looks a lot like Tuskany, where I live right now. Other parts will take place in South Tyrol, which we already know from Reckless.
I let the story surprise me. It went completely differently than how I initially imagined, that's always a good sign. There were plottwist I couldn't have predicted, I learned a lot, met characters I didn't know very well before... And I hope that I have another book in me because after this, there are still a thousand stories to tell. But that's how all my stories end, so... We'll see. I definitely wrote it with so so so much joy and I hope some of that joy will infect the readers once they have the book in their hands.
Of course (unintelligible) but there's also a lot of beauty and light... and many characters that we love."
(Translator’s note: I’m guessing she said something like “Of course the story will have dark moments”- but everyone talked over each other so I can’t hear her exact wording)
- She is preparing Reckless 5, which she calls a huge challenge
- It will involve African fairy tales and Cornelia is realising how little she knows about African history so she's been doing a lot of research. Since she explored the Black Prince's roots in TCoR, she is looking forward to see possible parallels between the Inkworld and the Mirrorworld again
The Wild Chicks
- Cornelia has recently been made aware that The Wild Chicks are trending on Tiktok. She obviously had no idea. She heard that they are seen as idols because even 30 years ago they were growing their own food, saving chickens and featured lesbians
- The idea is to do something with those characters and environmentalism because it would fit very well but there are no concrete plans yet
- Of course there are also those scripts about the characters at 30. Plans have been changed - instead of a movie, Cornelia wants to turn it into a six part TV show. This would give every character room to breathe. Of course, there would be a book to go along with this
- Cornelia wishes she was ginger. She doesn't want to dye her hair, she just wants to naturally be ginger. Maybe in the next life
- Cornelia talks about her Christmas project again. She wants all her artists to draw christmas trees which the writer's will then tell little stories about
- One of Cornelia’s next plans is to get environmentalists and artists together and come up with more hopeful narratives about the future of the planet. She is tired of apocalypse stories
- "The Green Kingdom" is finished and will be released next spring
- Cornelia's Italian is getting better and she hopes she will be able to do a few readings in Italian next year. She will be on stage in Germany next month for the first time since covid hit and is very excited about it
- If Cornelia had the chance to sit down and talk to any fictional character, she would like to choose the three musketeers or Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride
- Despite all the wonderful Italian food she's been eating, Cornelia remains loyal to the potato
- In Cornelia's experience, publishers often try to stop authors and illustrators from communicating directly because they don't want them to unionize. She encourages everyone to ignore this and talk to each other
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tender-rosiey · 3 years
hello, hope you’re okay!! i have a request and i hope you can write this (if you cant no big deal)
So i was thinking you could write about dazai & chuuya reacting to like edits of them and s/o (like badass edits about s/o or the other characters etc.) they’ve been together for a long time so there is some mutual trust between the couples. so basically they’ve been transported (kinda stupid but please bear with me) to our world, where bsd is an anime and you know that people make edits and fanfic, so i was wondering how the characters and s/o would react.
have a nice day loves ✨❤️❤️❤️
❥ Dazai and Chuuya reacting to edits of them
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ᴀ/ɴ: this is one cool of a request you got there, let’s do this; hope you like it 💕
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Dazai Osamu:
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oh wait I just noticed that says “my master”
Moving on
So Dazai knew something would happen when you touched that weird ass looking cube
However he did not expect being transported to a whole entire universe with scenes in his life playing right in front of him
“Y/N, do you have any idea where in the world are we?”
“Osamu, If I did I wouldn’t be latching to you like this.”
Suddenly a certain human totally different from what they looked like entered the room
Let it be me because self insert
“Oh my god you are Dazai Osamu and Y/N L/N FROM BUNGOU STRAY DOGS?—“
This is how real humans speech would look like btw ⬆️
“Oh my, are we well known in this area?”
“Can I please get an autograph? Literally anything—“
And so they started asking questions to know more about the shit they got themselves into
Found out they are an anime, they have edits, fanart and many many more things to appreciate them
That added to his ego cause woah people are low key obsessed about him
“Y/N, people love us a lot here, I saw something called a TikTok of a lady crying over a photo of mine.”
You were curious about more things and wanted to see more of those stuff so asked to see the edits
Mind you, you felt immense amount of pride since while everyone in this world is crying over your lover, you have him with you every day and night
And so you stole my phone and watched through all the edits of yourselves that you could find
Now onto how I think dazai would feel about this ✨
There are some REAL TALENTED people and honestly Dazai was mesmerized by a lot of them and even those who think theirs are not good enough, he appreciates the effort
Oh and btw he is going crazy over edits of you, and is slowly turning to one of your simps (as if he already wasn’t)
Welcome to the y/n simp club, dazai; would you like to be the leader
He would probably save them so he can watch them later to make up for the lack of your presence at times ;(
He adores wholeheartedly the ship edits, and keeps gushing about how you two are great couple and that you look breathtaking together
Okay so time for a soft point
You know the playdate trend?
Yeah the one with the soft scenes of the character
He saw one of you and a really small and soft smile crept up to his face
I think he would like crack edits better cause HAHAHA comedy
For example, the simp audio (if you are paying the price cause you are just being nice you are a simp, that’s how it went I believe—)
The legs audio
Anyone simping for him is considered very entertaining as well
Probably going to make an account called dazai official and compliment any and every edit he could find of him, you or both
“This looks great! Keep it up :D”
“Your talent is immaculate!”
“My belladonna looks etherial, my oh my—“
Chuuya Nakahara:
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*gently holds him* i miss you, you piece of shit
The mafia deals with a shit ton of people, and one of them didn’t like the deal the mafia proposed so they made you and your lover transfer to another world and place
You are one of the strongest units in the mafia hence you shall be gone out of their sight so they don’t face problems (they really thought they were gonna win just like wow)
And now you are in a world you have no idea about and everyone is weirdly 3D and looking like tired meat and flesh
Cue a girl who runs a blog called tender-rosiey with three tangerines in her hand entering the room
(I believe in the supremacy of tangerines)
“You know us?”
“Y-YEAH! YOU GUYS ARE REALLY FAMOUS HERE; also, how did you get here?”
“If we knew we would’ve told you trust me, right, Chuuya?”
“Yeah I guess, now tell us where we are.”
“Can I show you some things first?”
And you guys went through the fanart (cursed and non-cursed we shall not spare anyone ) and how there is an anime featuring your lives and are in other words are being stalked by people
Then we come across edits
But before that chuuya found a lot of stuff talking about how he is too pretty for his own good and how he has a godlike jawline (like have you seen him pls)
Anyways back to the edits, there are multiple edit types but he feeds his ego with the badass ones and likes when people put voiceovers of him
Made him realize how beautiful and attractive his voice is
As we know Chuuya is a loud prideful man and smug like
Once again, you felt so proud and smug cause you have the man that millions are willing to kill the world for in a blink
Back to the ginger
“Yeah, Chuuya, they make alot of them about me as well.”
“Wait let me see.”
And he is head over heels all over again and becomes even more whipped
Like, his baby looks so good and those effects?? Mesmerizing
He wholeheartedly believes that people are really talented and are doing your beauty the utmost justice
Like dazai saves a lot of them cause he needs his eyes blessed every once in a while
He was smiling all the way through the ship edits of you two like awww
But like the badass ship edits are hot too cause hell yeah you are one hell of a power couple and no one can go against you two
He would give his honest opinion about the edits, but he doesn’t know how exactly each editing app works
His comments are like
“this transition could’ve been smoother.”
“If they made a twirl instead of a slide it would’ve look more gratifying.”
And is mind blown by some other edits
“woah, babe look at this; it’s so smooth and professional.”
“They deserve more, are people blind, why don’t they like this and give it more attention?”
Unlike dazai, I don’t think he would make an account specially for this and would just admire from afar
Maybe he would make one to make haters shut the hell up
But yeah
We stan a supportive chuuya
Geology is boring to me
Biology supremacy
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