#i have some complaints but also i try to keep positive until everything is wrapped up
thefirstknife · 2 years
I've emerged. Did the whole campaign and some side stuff, haven't had time to touch the season but I will do so shortly.
Overall, I really like it. Visually absolutely stunning. I adore Nimbus to death. Love the extent of involvement from Osiris and that we and our Ghost got to speak so much. The whole campaign feels much more Guardian-centric than any other before.
I played on normal mode because I do not want to think about difficulty and to sweat when I'm just trying to get through the story for the first time so difficulty wise, normal mode is fine to me. Didn't experience any issues with that or with new mod system or anything.
Full spoilers under (Deterministic Chaos mission as well) and because it's a long post:
Despite loving it, I feel like some stuff was rushed. One of my major issues is that we did not really have any meaningful explanation about the main point of the story, which is the Veil. I feel like we should've known exactly what it is in order to understand why we're protecting it outside of the whole "the Veil powers Neomuna so if it gets destroyed, people will die." That's understandable enough, but we have no idea what it is. I think we should've known that.
Without knowing what it is, we can't really understand what happened at the end. It's a really shocking, unbelievable and stunning ending, but also confusing. We do not know what happened. Zavala and Ikora both spoke as if the Traveler disappeared which got me confused until I read Ikora's summary in text:
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And ofc, until I saw the view in destinations and from the HELM:
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From Zavala's speech, I genuinely thought that the Traveler just disappeared entirely, despite us not seeing anything in the cutscene after the Witness entered it. Only this line from Ikora's summary explains that the Traveler isn't gone or destroyed or dead, just kinda... Shut down. I guess.
Which again, we simply do not understand. I love when things are mysterious and we can speculate, but in this case there is nothing to even speculate about. We simply do not know what happened or why. We have no idea what the Witness wants or what it did.
Some of it might get explained in the raid, but I believe that the main campaign plot point should be explained in the campaign. There was a brief possibility that some stuff would be explained in the exotic mission for the machine gun, Deterministic Chaos, but instead of clarifying the Veil, it just made it even more confusing.
Basically, the mission explains that the Vex tried making a copy of the Veil, but the copy was not successful entirely. The copy? The Black Heart in the Black Garden. It obviously didn't pan out for the Vex, but it's unfathomable to me why an object of Light would turn into the Black Heart, even as a failed copy. Not to mention that the Vex can't handle paracausality. Perhaps that is why they failed? There's a lot of text involved in the mission, but it does not explain anything further and it ends with us getting a core from a Vex mind that has yet to be researched.
This might possibly all make clear sense in the future, and I don't mind waiting at all. But I do feel like we could've easily gotten more substantial information during the campaign. The Veil was an entirely new thing introduced here and the whole campaign has us chasing after it, but we have no information about what it is. And the information we do have is wildly conflicting. It's tied to the Light and it's an object of the Traveler, but it's also able to be copied as the Black Heart and can be used to slice open the Traveler? Like, on one hand it's obviously Light based, but on the other it's highly dangerous and helpful to Darkness.
We'll probably find out eventually so I'm not too bothered, I just think we should've found out during the campaign. It's definitely going to be a sore point for everyone, since we literally do not know what we were doing.
On another note, we're finally fully done with Nezarec! A thing I am glad to be wrong and overly cautious about. I had huge dread over hyping myself up for something like that and only for it to not pan out so I advised caution. Luckily, it is panning out!
However, I have some issues with that as well and it mostly stems from the past year of Nezarec simply not being set up sufficiently enough. He got set up as a past disciple and then as having died ages ago and then as having several of his body parts ground into dust and also as a "traitor." Assumed traitor to the Witness since he was a disciple. Then suddenly he's still on the Witness' side. For ... reasons? I guess raid lore will clarify.
I liked the fact that he's shown as "stuck" in a prison of being in between life and death (his lines in the strike), since that fits with where he would be given that he died. And was turned into tea. But we know that he can still speak from his remains so that's cool! I also like how he sounds utterly silly evil. Like in a good way silly. He just sounds evil, which is sometimes refreshing given that all our villains get expanded to the point where I feel sorry for them. I hope he stays like this.
Another thing that bothers me is, again, the whole nightmare thing. It's reiterated once more that he's tied to nightmares, but Lightfall CE specifically untied nightmares from the Lunar Pyramid and Nezarec. Which falls with my issues with him not being set up properly; we should've known about his powers unambiguously when he was introduced in Plunder, or earlier. Again, this might be explained in the raid lore, but I feel like it's something that should've been explained as a part of the setup. I already made the suggestion that Nezarec may have made the nightmares and has nightmare powers and that he distributed that power to other Pyramid ships which would explain why the others have them. I hope this gets addressed or it'll bother me forever because Collector's Edition lore stuff is usually crucial to understanding the new expansion and characters so the contradiction is currently odd. Until we get an explanation ofc.
Another thing I like is how some Tormentors are named! And when they're named, they're also called "Imprints of Nezarec." Suggesting that they're either controlled by him or made by/from him. Or modelled. Not sure which word to use here but they're definitely tied to him. It's an interesting little tidbit. Would explain how they look half Rhulk and half.... something else. That something else, as I've speculated, might be Nezarec and it might explain why the Witness wanted his body parts (though this is then an issue yet again with Plunder because we prevented it from having those body parts. So if the Witness acquired some other body parts regardless, then what was the point of Plunder. I digress).
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Also the first Tormentor we see is the only one with a different title:
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Hoping for more info about them! Possibly through the raid!
I read all lore tabs that are available and I loved those! Some really cool stuff in some of them. These are all available for reading right away in collections! Seasonal gauntlets have really sweet lore with Saint-14, Caretaker sword actually made me cry with lore about Drifter helping the Eliksni and specifically Eliksni kids. Guardian's Angel Ghost shell killed me dead with lore about Mara being concerned for Crow and Crow accepting her help. Tech Witch Ghost shell mentions Sjur Eido!!!!
From the campaign lore stuff and little details, I really love the lore book Last Days which is about Neomuna citizens preparing for cryo. Some really sweet interactions and information. There's another gay couple in there! And a really neat concept of how the Neomuna citizens choose different appearance for themselves when they're in virtual reality which consists of choosing an avatar and gender (!) and they can change that any time.
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Absolutely thrilled that Maya Sundaresh and Chioma Esi, aka Golden Age science wives, were revealed to have been among the founders of Neomuna. They even have areas named after them!
Also super excited to do some side missions like the ones in the Archive about other Cloud Striders. The leader of the Archive, a lady called Quinn sounds really cool and she's voiced in the quests and in patrols, as well as some other really cool characters. Quinn is also super neat because of the lore of the exotic ship Tropopause in which she speaks to Ikora and manages to completely stun Ikora in what interpret as Ikora's wlw impulse. This can be read immediately in collections.
Also, Calus is finally dead and gone! Good riddance bitch! Also super chilling cutscene with him pissing off the Witness. What a bad move, Calus. But I love to see the difference between Calus and Rhulk in how they treat the Witness. Super interesting.
Our Ghost... Man. My boy needs a break. If I see anyone slandering him for anything, I will personally end them. He literally cannot stop being taken over. It's super concerning (and also not fully explained why the Witness can just do that). On the upside, my Ghost shell (catboy) was super funny in those scenes:
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Kitty Witness real.
Overall, I liked it and I feel like the story and the new setting and everything adjacent to it has a lot of potential and I'm excited to play more and get more information as we get through the year. I really do think that we'll get everything explained eventually, but it's definitely slightly disappointing that no questions were answered. As a matter of fact, we just got more questions. Things that we never knew existed were brought up only to not be elaborated on at all, but they were treated like the most important thing in the world and crucial aspects of the story. Even if you know that we'll find out eventually, it can feel strange to follow a self-contained expansion story and not get any clarifications as to why we're doing the things we're doing.
Looking forward to seeing more though! Exploring the world is definitely a blast and there's a lot of stuff to do. Strand is also incredibly cool to use and I can't wait to get all upgrades.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Jungkook x Reader/ Yoongi x Jimin
𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓣𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓱 [Teaser]
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Yoongi and Jimin are each proud owners of hybrids, and these days, slowly falling in love with one another. And everything could be so perfect- if it wasn't for you absolutely resenting Jungkook- for no reason?
Tags/Warnings: Human!Yoongi, Human!Jimin, Rottweiler hybrid!Jungkook, Cat hybrid!Reader, Enemies to friends to lovers, mentions of past traume, some Yoonmin here and there oops, Main story focus are MC and Kook though
Length: ~850 words
Read Here!
"But she hates me!" Jungkook complaints, as he stands in the cabin Yoongi is currently unloading the groceries in. "There's no way she'll sleep in the same room as me." He huffs, and Yoongi sighs.
"Well, she has to learn. I already talked to Jimin about it-" He says, putting everything into a box that doesn't have to be stored in the fridge. "-and he agrees that he's spoiled her quite a bit until now. She needs to learn to be a bit more independent." He explains calmly, though he's internally very well aware of your distaste for his dog hybrid. He knows exactly why- but he also respects Jimin's decision to not tell Jungkook anything about your past trauma, claiming that that's something you need to tell, no one else.
And Yoongi agrees with that- but he also feels for Jungkook, who's been really trying to make you warm up to him. He already struggles to find friends due to his intimidating hybrid side and sometimes rather chaotic personality. Seeing you so defensive against him does clearly hurt, no matter ho much Jungkook tries to play it off.
But for once, Yoongi also wants to be a little selfish. He wants to spend time with Jimin, alone time away from you both, just to properly figure out where he truly wants this to go from here on out. It's why he's organized this trip in the first place. To find out if this could truly work out.
And he fears, deep down, that it won't. Because if you and Jungkook don't get along, there's no way Yoongi can ever be happy with Jimin.
A few hours away from the Cabin Yoongi and Jungkook are already setting up, you're pouting next to Jimin in the car, slumped down and with your arms crossed. "Making that face won't make me turn around, princess." Jimin says, voice light- but inside, he's torn. This is going to be tough for you, considering that you're gonna have to stay with Jungkook during the night- and the poor dog hybrid has no idea that you don't actually hate him. You don't hate at all, in fact.
Your defense mechanism when confronted with something you fear however, is to lash out. And that is most of the time taken out of context, making you appear rude and arrogant, when in reality you're just trying not to seem weak or vulnerable.
Because in the past, that would immediately make you the perfect target. Pushed aside and scolded for everything that wasn't ever your fault in your first home, used as a punching bag for other hybrids in the shelter later on, you had to somehow make up a tough façade so you wouldn't end up in those positions ever again. You learned to keep yourself safe by being the one who bites first- and it took Jimin years to truly gain your full trust.
He fears that that's all you can do though. That he's going to forever stay the only person of comfort for you.
And that's an issue. While he himself had been a bit defensive about his treatment of you with Yoongi, he knows that the older man is right. Jimin has been wrapping you in layers of bubble wrap, has spoiled you and nursed your bad habits into what they are today simply because he always saw the scared, shaking hybrid back at the shelter.
But that's not you anymore. You technically have no reason to be scared of anything anymore- but Jimin understands now, after talking numerous times about it with Yoongi, that he's partially at fault for your lack of social skills.
Jungkook had come from a good household- had been raised well, so Yoongi had never really experienced anything like Jimin did with you, but nonetheless, his advice still counts, and is still valid.
You need to learn at some point. You have to realize that there's nothing to fear anymore- and that Jungkook isn't an enemy ready to eat you alive in your sleep.
"Come on, stop pouting now, hm?" He tries, running a hand over your head once at a red light. You just look out the window. "Is Jungkookie that scary?" He asks, and you shake your head.
"He's dumb." You deny, putting your legs up and onto the seat.
"Hey.!" He scolds gently. "Jungkook isn't dumb. He's trying hard, okay? You could be at least civil with him, sugar." He tells you, and you sigh at that, leaning against the door.
"I don't want to." You say defensively, tail angrily flopping around. "You just say that because you wanna be with Yoongi." You huff.
"Partially, I admit that." Jimin nods. "But I also agree with him that you need to be nicer. Jungkookie is really trying to be friends with you, you know?" He sighs.
"I don't care.." You mumble to yourself, angrily looking out the window. You know that Jungkook isn't a threat- but he's still scary to you. He's tall, and a lot of muscle, and he's loud, and energetic, and just.. scary. Intimidating. Potentially dangerous. And that potential alone is enough to make you feel threatened.
Jungkook and Yoongi are currently ruining your perfect life you had with Jimin. So you've got enough reason to be absolutely pissed.
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Until you are safe
Warning: Vision Hunt Decree still in effect, kidnapped themes, reader grabbed by hair (Thoma), possessive themes (scara)
Character X GN Reader | Anthology 
Includes: Albedo, Scara, Thoma, Zhongli
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The frosty chill of the mountain side was more than you could bear. Every time you thought you gained warmth it was ripped from your body by icy hands threatening to drive you insane. You shivered and wrapped your coat further around your body while you scowled against the frigid cold. 
Ahead of you stood Albedo who seemed indifferent to the temperature and while you were impressed that he knew how to handle this without any complaints, you were also irritated by the fact. He was barely wearing anything and here you were shivering under countless layers of cloth. 
He turned to tell you something but with the turbulent winds and nibbling frost against your ears, you didn’t understand a single word he said. Quickly, you forced your legs to move as you made your way to his side.
“W-w-what di-did you s-say?” Your chattering teeth made it hard, and painful, to speak but you did your best anyway. 
“We are nearly there, can you keep going?” He narrowed his eyes at you but you knew that was a common thing he did. It was unlikely to have any additional meaning behind it. 
“H-how f-f-f-ar?” 
“Just around the bend.” He rested the back of his hand against your cheek and somehow that made you shiver even more than the touch of frost. When you nodded and began to walk forward, he took up position behind you and directed you toward the camp. 
With the cave blocking out the wind, and several warming mechanisms already glowing, you stumbled your way in between them an the fire. Trembling hands extended toward the orange and yellow light while you watched the snow drip from your clothes. 
“I always h-hat-te this p-p-part.” You complained, shaking your head and shoulders to warm up the muscles. This wasn’t the first time you traveled to Dragonspine with Albedo, but each time you braved the conditions you recalled the promise you made yourself last time. Never again, well ... I guess that promise was made to be broken. 
“Here, this will help warm you.” He handed you a cup and immediately you caught the scent of fresh and soothing tea. The aroma itself perked you up and even though your fingers were still stiff, you graciously took the offering. Warmth seeped into your throat as the liquid carved a path down your esophagus and into the pit of your baron stomach. With a refreshing hum you smiled through the steam.  
“P-p-perfect. Thank-k y-you.” Another sip warmed your lips and tickled your nose but you didn’t dare stop. 
“This trip should be less strenuous than last time.” Albedo began, his back turned to you as he rummaged through the stacks of books. “Where did I place that ... perhaps it got caught in the wind, that would be unfortunate.” 
You giggled, eyes watching him meander and speak to himself all at the same time. He had a habit of doing it but it never bothered you, in fact it was comforting to hear his voice, stabilizing, grounding. 
“You ca-can head out. I’ll b-be fine here after I w-warm up-p.” The shivering had eased, but you still succumbed to the residual affects as your body began to shift from frozen to thawed. 
“No need, I can wait here for a while.” 
“Haha, that’s silly, g-go on ahead.” You took another sip of the cup and found yourself sad at the emptiness of it. That’s when a hand entered your field of vision and you watched Albedo walk toward a table, refill your drink, and return to your side. He offered it to you and when your fingers found the circumference his nestled against them.
“Until I know you are safe, I will be here.” His eyes held your own for a while as if waiting for your reaction, your response, and when you nodded he mimicked your action before slipping back toward the bookshelves and research table. 
You were glad he left you, because if he hadn’t you were sure the only way to cool down was to step beyond the barrier of the cave and into the never-ending snowstorm that protected Dragonspine. 
Being at the side of a Harbinger had it’s own trials. If it wasn’t the constant movement between assignments or the threats against your life, it was the loneliness which creeped in every single day. There were some Harbingers who left the life of love far outside of their reach: Signora, who vowed to never love again and instead put all her attention into fulfilling her duty, Childe, found love a difficult thing to ignore and did his best to keep what he cherished hidden behind closed doors. 
Scara, he never understood the meaning of the word until it crashed around him like a house crumbles into itself, and the way he kept his belongings safe was to have them near him at all times. It was far better to be under the watchful eyes of his competence than leave something so valuable in the hands of another. So, here you were, following him around and staying hidden until he called for you. 
The room was empty, absent of all the things you would have normally kept to make this place more homey. If you could get away with it, you’d have made some changes to the décor, but the problem with never settling in one place for long made this desire of yours difficult to accomplish. It wasn’t feasible, you thought to yourself  but that didn’t stop you from adding a bit of comfort when you could. 
The night came and went without issue and after you prepared yourself for bed you wondered where your lover was. Was he succeeding, was he accomplishing his goals, would he return to you tonight or would you wake up alone yet again. Luckily for you, you had learn to be patient. 
Your dreams kept you occupied but there seemed to be something about them that pulled you toward consciousness, a subtle wish drifting across your imagines to wake up. 
Something brushed across your cheek, but was it the dream or reality, you couldn’t tell. Gravity pulled you close to something sturdy, but was it a creation of your imagination or the real thing - why was this so challenging. When your eyes finally opened and adjusted to the light of the room, you realized what had been calling to you. 
“Scara?” You pulled your hand down from behind the pillow, the muscles tense from being locked into that position for so long. “What has-” 
“Go back to sleep.” He spoke and the sound of his voice pulled you closer to him. 
“Is everything okay?” You continued your question as if what he said was never uttered, your eyes trying to find the outline of his frame while your skin adjusted to his touch. 
“Nothing to concern yourself with, just sleep.” 
“But, why are you here?
“I don’t recall needing your permission to do anything.” His words may have been direct, but you could sense there was something else behind them. 
“... would you ... like to come to bed?” 
“I can’t.” He adjusted and you felt the warmth of the blankets cover more of your exposed skin. The chill of the evening became blocked by the sheets and you hummed in response. You were confused, but the feeling of his hand running along your neck, your jaw, and into your hair made all the questions you had disappear. Moments like these brought out something completely different in the Harbinger and you wondered why he treated you so differently. 
With a yawn, you turned into his touch, lips finding the palm of his hand easily and placing a tender kiss against his skin. “You don’t need to stay if you have work to do. I’ll be fine.” You hummed again as he thumb ran over your lips and the gentle pull of sleep began to find you. It was quiet for a while and you focused on the warmth, the closeness, the comfort he provided until you practically melted into the bed. 
“I can’t do that either.” Scara whispered, hand pressing into the mattress as he leaned closer to your face. “Not until you are safe,” He breathed in your scent, gazing down at your trusting form beneath him. “Even from me.” He spoke as his fingers curled into the sheets and before he lost himself in you, he slipped from your bedroom and made his way down the hall. 
He ran so fast as soon as the news reached him. The weight of his feet as he dashed through the countryside grew with every passing second but there was nothing more painful than his clenching heart and anxious thoughts. 
What have they done, am I to late, please don’t be too late. He wracked his brain over and over again, blamed himself for the stupidity of leaving you. If he had been there would the outcome be different? If he had stayed, would he have been able to fend off their attack enough to get you to safety. How foolish of him for thinking they wouldn’t use dirty tricks like this to accomplish their goals. 
Rumors and intel began to swirl like wildfire and at this point he couldn’t differentiate the accuracy of it all. There was one thing he knew for certain, the vision hunters had you and he was going to get you back. 
Their campsite was simple and you wondered if they would really be able to escort all of these prisoners back to the city on their own. They were intimidating enough to keep most insurrection at bay, but you were not about to let them get away with this. After a quick analysis of your surroundings, you found a few potential options worth trying, now it was only a matter of timing. 
“You won’t get away with this!” Someone shouted next to you and you patiently waited for an opportunity. 
“Shut up.” A soldier barked, his dismissive attitude apparent from the lack of eye contact and the wave of his hand. 
“This is wrong and you know it! Do you think you’re immune to the decree, when the day come to hand over your vision will you?!” 
The soldier turned and made his way through the trembling captured, you used the scuffling of those trying to get out of his way as an excuse to move closer to your escape. The dirt scraped against your bound hands and pulled at your clothes, but you didn’t care because each inch you gained the closer you got to freedom. 
You watched the soldier lift the woman from the ground, his impressive height apparent as she dangled above the well worn soil. “I will do what is necessary for the Raiden Shogun. I am bound by honor, unlike the resistance.” 
“Honor! You know nothing of it. Put me down you brute.” She spat in his face and he reacted in kind. You hated the fact that you were using her as your distraction, but hopefully if this all worked out in the end freedom would be enough compensation for her bruised face. Your fingers brushed against a metal handle, the sword you were aiming for had been reached and you quickly worked to get yourself free from the bindings.
The loosening rope told you of your success but when your hand wrapped around the hilt of the weapon and you moved to stand, a sudden pain against your head made your vision go blurry. 
“What do you think you are doing?!” Shouted a voice near your ear. They were so loud that you shrunk away from it only to be yanked right back. “You think you could take on all of us? Are you stupid.” 
“I didn’t think so.” You wheezed, blinking harshly to try and bring your vision back to clarity. 
“Well let me help you understand.” He drug you away from the group but before you could take but a few steps, an intense groan blasted it’s way near you and the hand that held your hair fell away in an instant. 
“Are you alright?” A familiar voice asked, hands finding your waist to steady you. It was like your eyes snapped back on because as soon as you turned your head, you found Thoma standing their with an expression you’d never seen before: fury. 
“I’m - ouch - okay.” You whispered and then you realized the implications of him being there. Turning, you pressed your hands against his chest and pushed against him, your voice turned tense as you shouted. “Ge-get out of here! What if they catch you!?” 
“I’m not leaving.” 
He looked down at you, his arm tightening around you and you swore the world shifted red and the screaming soldiers shouts became muffled. “Until I know you are safe, I’m not leaving.” He looked forward and the glint of his polearm caught your attention. “Now hold on, okay.” 
The dry landscape turned into a wildfire until only what Thoma wanted to remain, remained. 
“This is very kind of you, Zhongli. To walk me home.” You chuckled, gazing up at him as you made your way down the path and toward the city. It wasn’t uncommon for Zhongli to escort you from place to place, but tonight you would have assumed he would stay on the Pearl and continue his lively conversation. 
“It is no trouble at all, to allow you to walk by yourself would not sit well with me.” Zhongli commented matter-of-factly, his eyes closing as he nodded his head and gazed up toward the stars. 
“You were having such a nice time, know that I didn’t mean to bring that too a close.” You scratched your forehead and adjusted your clothes after climbing the stairs from the docks. It was a rather pleasant night, but it usually was in Liyue this time of year. 
“I would never insinuate you had ill intentions. I made this decision on my own, to escort you is no trouble at all.” 
“Yes, well, that’s very kind of you Zhongli.” The lights of the festival swayed in the wind. To you they looked like fireflies in the sky, but that was such a silly thought you kept it to yourself. “I think I can manage on my own, if you want to go back?” 
“Nonsense, I will stay until I know you are safe.” He glanced down at you and offered you a smile, one that spoke true and gave you the impression of ‘I will not be swayed.’ 
“Well, thank you.” You turned away from him in hopes that he wouldn’t notice the embarrassment you were sure shined in your eyes and flashed across your expression. How can someone so regal find your company enjoyable at all - but Zhongli was so kind to anyone you fought against your better judgement to believe this gesture was more than common courtesy of a gentleman.
“It is my pleasure. Did you have an enjoyable time?” He asked, head examining the city streets and decorations as you had earlier. 
“Oh yes! Thank you for inviting me, I’ve never attended something so high class.” You fussed at your outfit again, it was apparent you weren’t used to wearing something like this but you did your best to fit in and not insult the guest who invited you to join him. 
“I am delighted to hear. It is far better to enjoy ones time when in company you relish, don’t you agree?” 
“Absolutely!” For a while, the two of you discussed the highlights and lowlights of the gathering. The sound of your laughter and excitement caught the attention of late night patrons, but you didn’t mind because it also caught the attention of the one you wanted the most. 
It wasn’t until you neared your home that the conversation began to drift. Your heart was sad that the night was coming to a close but responsibilities held you to a tight schedule, even if you felt the itch to break them. 
“Thank you again, Zhongli. This night will be one I remember for a while.” Your nails had received a break all evening, but, now that you were about to be alone, they felt the dig of your nervous habits once again. 
“It was my pleasure, it is always a gift to spend the evening with you.” He bowed, his long hair slipping over his shoulder at the motion. 
“I tend to agree with you.” Chuckling, you moved to unlock your door and when you looked back to Zhongli, his face was illuminated by the sparkling lanterns and yellow glow of the city. No matter what he did he radiated colors you’d never fully understand. 
“Liyue has many festivals,” He began, his tone wistful, “though I must say the ones where lanterns adorn the city are my favorite. Do you not think they look like fireflies in the distance?” He asked, gazing up at a few that dangled across the bridges and walkways that lined the city. 
“Yeah, actually I do.” You whispered as your eyes fell onto the man you loved so much it hurt to look at him, but, if it meant you could capture even a hint of his existence in your memory, you would happily suffer this pain. 
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lepusrufus · 3 years
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Sometimes the girls butt heads, sometimes they tear each other to shreds. This got kinda long so im breaking it into two parts since i have two sketches for it anyways. Enjoy the gory angst under the cut my lovelies (and the sketch although kinda messy)
(Also in case there’s any confusion, here’s my hc on how the daughter’s mutations work. Just in case anyone looks at this and thinks why tf does she have weird bat wings)
Butting heads part 1 (p2)
“Shut up, Bela! Shut the fuck up!”
The shout, bordering on a howl, could be heard all throughout the lower levels of the castle. Cassandra was pinned to the wall by her older sister, an arm pressed firmly against her throat. She was thrashing wildly, talon tipped fingers ripping at anything they could reach. But Bela was more focused on the elongating sharp fangs snapping in her direction. 
“Cassandra calm down-”
“No. You don’t know shit! Fuck you!”
Her skin was starting to turn ashy and thick, dark blood was dripping from her nose and mouth, some of it splattering on Bela’s face. The mutation was even causing her flies to destabilize, part of the swarm buzzing frantically around them, unable to find its place. 
The situation was escalating quickly and Bela’s calm was cracking under her sister's talons. Too focused on keeping Cassandra in place, she couldn’t will her flies to break apart and reform when long claws were slashing at her arms. She could feel her own blood coating her skin and soaking her dress. 
Even on a good day, Cassandra was physically the strongest. What she may have lacked in speed she made up for in sheer brute force. And that was when she looked like a semi normal human.
Daniela was well aware of this, so when she approached the two to help, Bela’s head quickly snapped in her direction. 
“No, Dani stay ba-”
The small distraction was all Cassandra needed to push herself off the brick wall and come crashing down on top of her sister. Her hand was pushing down with all her weight crushing bone and muscle. A choked yelp escaped Bela’s lips when her sister suddenly bit down on her midsection, close to the bottom of her ribcage, and yanked her head back, pulling apart the blood soaked skin. 
Then everything went black.
Bela could faintly hear a fourth voice drowned out by frantic buzzing. Were the flies hers or Cassandra’s? The heavy weight on top of her was lifted and all she could do was curl up and groan in pain. She instinctively tried to cover her abdomen but when her hand came in contact with exposed and torn muscle, pain shot through her entire body like a bullet. Her right arm also seemed to not obey her, pain joining in on the agony party each time she tried to lift it off the dirty floor. The floor had been clean before. Why did it feel so grimy under her body now? The only explanation that her hazy mind could come up with was that she was laying in a puddle of blood. Whether it was hers, Cassandra’s or both was up to debate. 
A series of strangled growls reached her ears accompanied by a rushed exchange of words and the buzzing was starting to feel like static and everything was so goddamn loud. 
She was somewhat snapped out of her haze when a pair of arms lifted her along with a gentle voice.
“Hey, hey, you’re good I got you”
Her youngest sister’s face came slowly into focus after realizing that her inability to see was caused by keeping her eyes tightly shut. She wouldn't normally allow such vulnerability but right now she was tired and the entirety of her upper body hurt and each breath was painfully ragged. So she defeatedly leaned on her sister’s shoulder and allowed herself to be carried to what she assumed was the infirmary. 
A couple hallways away, Alcina was carrying her thrashing and growling middle daughter. Without another body to claw at, Cassandra resorted to sinking her talons into her own flesh, clearly in pain now. Her mother quickened her pace and finally ducked into a bedroom. It was one of the more barren rooms of the castle, with only a couple pieces of furniture and a large bed inside. It had no decoration that could be crashed into and cause her child any more injuries. 
Cassandra was gingerly lowered on the soft sheets, Alcinas tenderness a stark contrast to her daughter’s violent shaking and clawing at the fabric on the bed. 
Cassandra had yet to regain any semblance of conscious thought. All Alcina could do for her was sit beside her and wait for hunger to take over enough for her body to be too weak to exist in that state. She tried gentle strokes, but each touch, no matter how gentle, broke the skin into a small frantic swarm that seemed to struggle to find its place again. It felt like hours before Cassandra stopped spasming, but with how fast hunger settled in when the girls mutated it couldn’t have been more than ten minutes. 
“Mom?” Her voice came out raspy and choked, probably due to the blood stuck in her throat.
“I’m here little one.” 
Alcina tentatively stroked her daughter’s damp hair. When her form remained whole, she gently pulled her head in her lap.
“It hurts-” 
Her complaint was cut short with a groan at the searing pain caused by hunger. She wrapped her arms around her midsection in an useless attempt to ease her own suffering. 
Alcina winced at how Cassandra was dipping her talons into the skin of her abdomen, too delirious to realize that was only causing more pain. So she grabbed her hands and held them still.
Cassandra started to shake again, mumbling under her breath.
“We were-...were hunting and I” she interrupted herself with a sob “messed up. Bela an…. ‘m sorry-”
“Shh, it’s okay love. You need to focus on going back to normal now darling,” Alcina cooed.
 Cassandra scrunched her nose and shut her eyes. She did her best to focus on the flies that formed her body, willing them to set back in their rightful place and to stop shifting and breaking apart. She had mild success and now the big frantic swarm was reduced to a smaller group of flies still buzzing about the room. The hunger and pain were still present as ever though, her bones and muscles breaking and tearing apart from the mutation’s effects. 
Alcina praised her for regaining some semblance of control and told her something that fell on deaf ears. The next thing the brunette knew was that she was being shifted off her mother’s lap and out of instinct she grabbed the white dress in order to keep her near.
“Darling, did you hear me?” Alcina’s voice was soft and she waited until her daughter’s eyes were focused on her to continue. “I’m going to bring you something to eat. I’ll be back in 5 minutes.”
Cassandra only groaned in response, the mere mention of food worsening the pain in her abdomen. She nodded slowly and curled back into herself, allowing her mother to exit the room in a rush. 
Left alone, she kept trying to fight against her own body. She could feel the sickening cracks of her bones placing themselves back in position. Her muscles felt like writhing parasites under her skin, shifting and twisting and occasionally falling apart into flies to reposition themselves. The hunger was the perfect cherry on top of the agony cake she was feeling.
It felt like an eternity before the door finally opened and her mother approached the bed with a big plate of fresh raw meat. Cassandra started to dig in the moment it was within her reach. She didn’t know exactly what body part she was chewing on at the moment but she didn’t care in the slightest. It took her no more than five minutes to finish everything, almost choking a couple of times.
She sighed in relief and let her head fall back on the now stained sheets. The pain was still present, but it felt more like a dull ache rather than jolts shaking her entire body. The comforting circles that her mother was rubbing on her back were also helping. 
“How are you feeling, little one?” 
Alcina smiled fondly at her daughter, leaning down to place a soft kiss on the top of her head. 
“Will you be alright on your own for a bit? I need to check on Bela-”
The brunette’s head snapped up, eyes wide. She had forgotten how this mess started in the first place and now that she remembered, guilt started to gnaw at her like the ache in her bones. 
“I’ll come with y-”
“Ah ah ah, you will do no such thing. Rest for now, I’m sure she’s fine,” she lied. The image of Bela laying on the floor in a puddle of her own blood and her upper body almost torn to shreds was seared in her mind. The only comfort right now came from the fact that Daniela was taking care of her and, while unpredictable, her youngest cared deeply about her sisters and was more than capable of patching wounds.
Alcina planted another kiss on Cassandra's head and placed a blanket on top of her. She left her side with the promise of coming back shortly and exited the room, door left just slightly ajar so she could hear if her daughter called for her.
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Save You
Din Djarin x gn!reader
Word count: 3k
Warnings: hurt/comfort, injury, blood, mild canon-typical violence, protective!Din, blindfolds, feelingssssss, my love of Pedro Pascal’s nose really shines through here
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It was nothing new for you to follow the Mandalorian headfirst into danger. It was part of life as his partner, and though you had many scars and bruises from your chosen life, you had no complaints. You grew to care greatly for the bounty hunter and when the little green child joined, you quickly became attached to him as well. And you knew that Mando did too, though he was more reserved with his emotions and feelings. 
He protected both you and the child, and he taught you how to better defend yourself as well. That way you could take care of yourself should anything happen. Mando wanted you to become more capable, especially now, since the child was around. You liked that he had that much respect for you to treat you as an equal, and you gladly accepted the risks of life with him.
You and the Mandalorian found yourself in a damp, dark planet on the trail of another bounty. He led the way through a series of tunnels of what looked like an old mine. You stayed close behind him with the child securely strapped to your chest for safety. You had your blaster ready in your head should anything jump out from around the corner, but so far the only movement was from you and Mando.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” you whispered as you listened to the steady beep of the tracking fob in Mando’s hand.
“Just stay close,” was all he offered in reply. Truthfully, he wasn’t completely confident either, but he didn’t want to alarm you. Ever since you and the child entered his life, his number one priority was to keep you both safe.
Just as you were about to say something, the tracking fob grew louder and the beeps became more rapid; you were close. Mando nodded to you and you raised your weapon as you stayed at his side. The tunnel was dark, but the light in his hand illuminated the way. You vaguely wondered who would hide down here where it was so dark and dusty. But then again, it provided the perfect cover for someone who didn’t want to be found.
The tunnel seemed to come to an end, and although the fob beeped wildly, there was no sign of anyone else around. You met Mando’s gaze for a moment before you both looked around to investigate. You were in a mostly empty space. It was clear that the crew who had been in this cave had quickly left their digging. The area was littered with abandoned tools and boxes, but there wasn’t a soul around.
You stepped towards a larger box that had material piled on top to get a better look when you noticed something odd. There seemed to be a small light at the top of the pile, and it looked like it had been placed there more recently. Something was off, and the Mandalorian sensed that as well. The child cooed inquisitively and you gently pat his head to keep him quiet. 
“Hey Mando…” your voice was muted to not draw attention in case anyone lurked in the shadows.
He stepped up closer to you for a better look at what caught your attention. He cocked his head to the side but said nothing as he watched you reach out to investigate. Carefully, you poked at the source of the little light, but the moment your hand grazed the material the two of you froze as you both realized what it was.
It was a bomb. This was a trap.
Mando reacted quickly as he grabbed your hand and yanked you back. “Run.” The urgency in his voice was clear as he moved with haste to get you and the child out of danger.
Everything happened in a blur. You and Mando started to run, but you didn’t get too far before the explosive went off. There was enough space so you were not in direct line of fire, but it wasn’t far enough that you wouldn’t be severely hurt. The cavern lit up around you before you heard the explosion and by the time you turned around, it was too late.
But the Mandalorian was faster, and without a second thought, he jumped in front of you to shield you and the child from the brunt of the explosion. You ducked your head down and wrapped your arms around the child to try to protect him as best you could. Despite your best attempt, you were knocked off your feet from the force of the blast.
Luckily for you all, it was not a particularly strong detonator. However, you were still close enough for it to do some damage. You hit the ground with a loud grunt, and you had enough forethought to land yourself on your side to not hurt the child. He cried out, but was completely unhurt. Mando landed right next to you with a harder thunk, and you knew right away that was not a good sign. He laid on his back, and you saw that his chest barely moved.
“Din? Din!” In your panic you used his real name as you crawled over to him and shook his shoulder. You heard a soft groan through his modulator, but he stayed still.
A rustle of movement caught your attention, and you acted on instinct and shot the intruder without hesitation. In the low light, you vaguely made out the features of the bounty you both had been after, but that was the last thing on your mind right now.
With a heavy exhale, you lowered your blaster and looked down to check on the child. With a sigh of relief that he was ok, you pat the top of his head. “I need your help, little guy,” you choked back tears as you knew you had to be fast. “We need to get him back to the ship and I can’t carry him by myself.”
The child looked up at you with his big eyes and blinked once before he turned to look down at his father-figure. He seemed to understand and he lifted his little hand and closed his eyes on concentration. You watched with bated breath as Din’s body slowly rose up from the ground. Once he was more upright, you wrapped one arm around his waist and positioned one of his arms over your shoulders. Together, you and the child managed to get the Mandalorian back to the ship.
Luckily, the quarry seemed to be alone, and you didn’t encounter anyone else on the agonizing trek back to the Crest. You locked up the cargo bay behind you and carefully set Din down on the floor against the back wall in the main hull. The child slumped back against your body in exhaustion as you unfastened him from your chest and set him down in his pram.
“You ok?” you asked the child in a soft voice as you caressed his face. When he cooed at you, you smiled down at him. “Thanks for your help. I’ll take care of him. I promise.” You tried to hide the fear in your voice for the baby’s sake. 
He seemed content with your words and slumped back into the pram and watched quietly as you hurried back to Din. You rummaged through your things until you found the med kit. You rushed back and sat down at his side as you checked over his injuries. Thankfully, the beskar seemed to shield his body well enough for the most part, but because you were so close to the detonator, some shrapnel got lodged underneath.
With trembling hands, you took off Din’s armor piece by piece and pushed the shredded fabric to the side to work on healing his injuries. Blood soaked his clothing, and you fought to keep your breathing steady while you worked. Din leaned back against the wall and watched you work through his visor. The helmet hid the fond expression he wore though half lidded eyes as you frantically raced against time to help him.
Your own hands stained red with his blood, but you didn’t care. You just kept whispering to him as you kept your eyes trained on the wounds. 
“Hang on, Din.”
“You’re going to be alright.”
“I can’t lose you… Please…”
“Just one more bacta patch should do it.”
With a heavy sigh, you finally sat back and took in his slumped over form in front of you. Din barely moved since you set him down, and though you managed to close most of his wounds, you could tell his breathing still was labored. Fear ran through your veins as you noticed that blood dripped down his neck and realized there must be an injury underneath his helmet as well. Your hands rested on his chest as tears formed in your eyes.
Din must have read your thoughts, because he slowly rested his hands over yours and whispered your name in a weak voice.
“I know, I know,” you couldn’t hide the way your voice trembled. You looked around the hull as you tried to come up with a plan. As much as you couldn’t lose the man in front of you, you also knew how important his creed was to him and you would never ask him to break it. “There has to be a way…”
Din took in a breath to say something, but you unknowingly cut him off with an exclamation. His hand twitched on top of yours as he slightly tilted his head to the side in a questioning glance. “What is it?”
You met his visor with a newfound fire in your eyes, “I have an idea. But I need you to trust me.”
His grip on your hand tightened ever so slightly, “I trust you,” he said your name and you could feel the confidence in his voice, however weak it was.
With a nod, you broke away from him and reached out for a piece of medical wrap from the med kit. From the far corner of the room, the child cooed inquisitively; he had watched you from his pram the entire time, but was too tired from using his powers to be of much help. You looked over and met his gaze before you crossed the space to address him. 
“I need you to keep this on, buddy. Ok?” You spoke in a soft voice as you tore off a smaller piece of cloth and hovered it over his eyes. You dropped it for a moment to give him your pinky instead. The child seemed to understand and he reached out and wrapped his little hand around your finger as he cooed softly in response. You gave him a smile as you tied the fabric securely around his eyes. “I’m trusting you here.”
The child started to reach up but he didn’t touch the fabric around his eyes. You watched him for a moment, and only when you were satisfied that he wouldn’t remove the cloth did you turn back to Din. You settled in front of him again as you secured your own makeshift blindfold. The Mandalorian watched with bated breath as he realized what your plan was. He made no attempt to move as you slowly reached out for his helmet once you took away your sight.
You held your breath as you rested your hands on either side of his helmet, “Din,” your voice was barely audible as you waited for him to make the final call. A gasp escaped your throat when you felt his own hands over yours again and together you slowly lifted his helmet off.
There was a tense silence in the room as Din took a deep breath of fresh air for the first time. You let go of the helmet and brought your hands back to yourself as you waited for him to set it down. When you heard the soft thud, you broke the silence, “I’m going to need you to guide my hands.”
Din let out a heavy breath of his own, “Alright,” he didn’t trust himself to say anything more, and the sound of his raw voice took you both by surprise.
Carefully, Din took your hands in his own as he led them to the med kit. Slowly, the two of you worked together to set bacta on the wounds that bled at the back of his head. You knew your lips trembled, and you figured he noticed, but he never said anything. Din hissed in pain when you put some bacta cream on the back of his head, and you whispered a soft apology in response.
When Din was sure there was enough to cover the last injury, he let go of your hands. But, instead of letting go, your hands lingered against him. You couldn’t resist the temptation, and you still had adrenaline pulsing through your system, so you ran your hands through his hair. It was damp from sweat and blood, but it was still surprisingly soft. You were careful and tender with your movements. You kept your touch light so you wouldn’t hurt him and he could lift your hand away if he wanted to.
But Din found that he didn’t want to, and he let you run your hands through his hair a few times. He sighed softly as your hands came to the front of his face and you brushed a lock of his hair off his forehead. Your fingertips traced over his face as if you tried to figure out what he looked like from touch. Din closed his eyes as you cupped his jaw with one hand while the other trailed down his nose.
You couldn’t help but smile at the feel of his skin under your hands. And though you didn’t voice it out loud, you were already fond of the shape of his nose. The hand that roamed over his face came to rest on the side of his jaw as you cupped Din’s head in your hands. You bit your lip as you tranced your thumb across his cheek, and you didn’t even realize how close your finger came to his lips until you felt his breath against your skin.
“I’m sorry,” you gasped suddenly as you started to pull your hands away, “That was overstepping. I….” 
Just as you started to move your hands away, Din reached out and grabbed onto you gently. Your mouth fell open as a small gasp escaped your lips, and you tensed when you felt him place your hands back on his face.
“You didn’t overstep,” his voice was soft, and you felt his breath on your hands.
Din rested one hand over yours to keep you in place while he reached out for you with the other. His hand cupped your chin, which startled you. He was just as slow and careful with his movements as he brought you in close to his body. You fumbled, more clumsy without your sight, but you settled yourself in his lap as you faced him and you froze when you realized how intimate the position was.
The child, who stayed quiet the entire time, perked his ears up and cooed softly. He seemed to sense the growing tension in the room and he reached over and blindly searched for the button on the front of his pram. He slumped back to lay down as the top cover closed and gave you and Din more privacy. Din noticed the action out of the corner of his eyes, and he smiled slightly before he turned his attention back to you.
He felt you tremble in his grasp, and the nerves that radiated from your body were almost palpable. “It’s alright,” Din whispered as his lips hovered over yours.
“Din…” your voice was so hushed that he barely even heard you.
The Mandalorian’s eyes dropped down to your lips for a brief moment before he closed the gap between your bodies. The kiss was soft and light at first; he just tested the waters for now. But when you sighed and leaned into his touch, Din wrapped one of his arms around you and pulled you so that you were flush against him. You moaned into his mouth as you deepened the kiss. One of your hands stayed on his jaw while the other dropped down to clutch at his shoulder.
Din winced slightly at the touch, but it was nothing compared to the pain he felt before you patched him up. Besides, he would rather feel a slight sting if it meant you stayed connected to him. Din wasn’t ready to let you go just yet, not when he finally felt your touch for the first time. It was a feeling unlike any other, and he was already addicted to you.
You smiled into the kiss as you felt the warmth and security from Din’s grasp. If you were honest with yourself, you wanted this for so long, but you kept your feelings buried. But now that you had it, you never wanted to let it go. You never wanted to let him go.
“Thank you.” Din finally spoke as he broke away just enough to breathe.
“For what?” you furrowed your brows.
“For saving my life,” you could hear the grin in his voice as his thumb brushed over your skin.
You leaned in for another kiss before you smiled against him and spoke in a hushed voice that held so much emotion, “Thank you for saving mine.” A muffled coo from the corner of the room called your attention and you let out a short laugh, “Our lives,” you corrected yourself.
Din smiled against your face and made sure you felt it, “Of course,” he kept his response short and left it unsaid that he would do anything to keep you and the child safe. You both meant more to him than anything in the galaxy and there wasn’t anything Din wouldn’t do for you both. But for now, he was content to be safe in the hull of the Crest with you both, and for him to feel you against his bare skin was more than he could ever have asked for.
Notes: I love me some good hurt/comfort with Din so much and this idea just came to me randomly and I had to write it! As always, taglists are open so let me know if you’d like to be added :) And let me know what you think of this one too!
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animeomegas · 4 years
Pregnant!Omega!Sasuke Headcanons
Anon:  How about omega Sasuke being pregnant with an over protective mate?
@hakunamatatayqueen​:  Ooh ooh could I request some fluffy pregnant omega sasuke headcanons?👀 this baby deserves so much love and happiness omg pLz I love him so much- AND GOOD LUCK WITH UR WORK DARLING I’m in the same situation😔 so take your time and no worries🖤
(Sasuke is so popular on this blog haha! I thought I would combine these requests because they work so well together <3 Also, yes, I just want good things for Sasuke. He was screwed over so much throughout his life and I just want to make it better :( Thank you for the well wishes on my work, it’s not been fun to start university during a pandemic haha. I still haven’t met any classmates or teachers in person rip. I hope your work goes well too! I decided to write this because I already had a lot written already haha. Enjoy!!)
Warnings: Mpreg, swearing, mental breakdown, morning sickness mention ((and non-graphic description) I talked around it because I’m emetophobic haha)
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There is very little in the world that Sasuke hates more than being pregnant. 
He doesn’t just find the experience unpleasant, he hates it.
He feels trapped and uncomfortable all the time.
Too hot and too cold constantly.
He feels weak and useless and at the mercy of his instincts.
And that’s not even mentioning the horrible morning sickness, paranoia and mood swings.
He wanted to revive his family so badly, but the realities had him regretting his decision more than once, even if he was happy in the end.
This is the time in Sasuke’s life that he needs the support of his alpha the most.
Sasuke will refuse to get pregnant a second time. No exceptions.
He would get sterilised as soon as was safe after he had given birth.
During his first trimester, Sasuke tries his hardest to carry on as normal. 
I cannot tell you how many times you have to stop him from training so he doesn’t hurt himself or your pup.
He was also miserable when he was banned from taking any more missions.
He’s pretty good about going to his doctor’s appointments though and has no problem going to them alone if you’re busy.
He suffers from morning sickness during this time. An omega’s morning sickness can be helped with the scent of their alpha, so you end up spending lots of time scenting him when he feels awful.
Sasuke doesn’t tell many people that he’s pregnant and doesn’t like other people cooing over him. You get permission but he’ll act like he doesn’t enjoy it.
Sasuke has a very strong nesting urge from day 1, and he never thinks his nest is good enough. He spends a lot of time buying new materials for his nest, rearranging things and scenting everything. You are very lucky that Sasuke was the sole inheritor of all the Uchiha wealth with how many nesting supplies he buys. 
You hovered uncomfortably outside the bathroom door, listening to your mate be violently ill in the early hours of the morning. He didn’t want you in there with him but your alpha was running in circles, desperate to help your mate somehow.
Eventually the sounds from the bathroom ceased. You waited for a moment before hesitantly knocking on the door. 
“Sasuke?” You called out. “Can I come in?”
You heard a grunt that you decided to take as a positive response.
Swinging open the door, you let out a sigh and a quiet whine. 
Sasuke was slouched on the floor, draped part way over the toilet. He looked pale and exhausted. 
“Oh, baby.” You sighed, moving towards his shivering form.
“Go away.” He grumbled, resting his head on his arms. “It’s gross.”
You ignored him, crouching down to sit on the floor and shifting to sit behind him. You sat flush against his back, wrapping your arms gently around his waist. You started to release a gentle scent to help him with the nausea.
Sasuke took a few deep breaths before slumping back against you.
You cradled him as gently as you could, wiping his hair back from his sweat soaked forehead. 
“Feeling better?” You whispered into his ear, rubbing soothing circles on his small baby bump. 
Sasuke hummed, eyes already closed, nuzzling into your neck. He lifted a hand and latched onto the sleeve of your shirt, seemingly unaware of what he was doing. 
You looked down at his exhausted form, clinging onto you in ways he would never normally let himself do, and you made a decision. 
“I’m not going into work today.” 
Sasuke’s eyes flew open at your words.
“No.” He scoffed. “You don’t need to stay here for me, I’m absolutely fine.”
He started trying to get up but you pulled him back against you, raising an eyebrow at his words.
“I want to stay, Sasuke.” You scented him some more, just in case any nausea still remained. “Think you can move back to bed?”
Sasuke hesitated. You waited patiently for his answer, rubbing small circles on his hips.
“I want...” Sasuke started, blushing. “I think I want to go to my nest.”
“That sounds like an excellent idea, omega. Do you want me to join you?”
“Please.” He whispered, embarrassed. 
You helped him stand up from the bathroom floor and went to spend the rest of the day cuddled up in his nest.
During trimester 2 Sasuke begins to show. He doesn’t get many stretch marks because his stomach is pretty small (but still healthy).
His mood swings start to get pretty extreme from this point.
Sasuke is very clingy and he gets frustrated when you have to leave him for too long. When you do leave him he gets cold or angry and always kicks you out of his nest for a day.
Sasuke starts to leave the house less and less in his second trimester. This is for many reasons. Firstly, he hates the attention he gets and doesn’t want to risk running into anyone he knows. He just doesn’t want to deal with it. Secondly, he gets a little paranoid about someone hurting his pup. You’re not really sure when those feelings start because he keeps them to himself, but when you find out you’re very worried.
To deal with it, you convince him to go on walks and dates with you outside the house. With you there, his anxiety is lessened, and it helps him cope with the paranoia.
Sasuke starts to develop cravings during this period. No one is surprised that he now wants tomatoes for every meal and snack. Every market day, you bring a huge bag and just clear out every tomato there. Sasuke refuses to cook when he’s pregnant so you end up cutting so many tomatoes over the duration of his pregnancy. 
Finally, during his second trimester, Sasuke starts to be satisfied with his nest. And then subsequently spends every moment he can buried inside it. His nest is his safe space and putting him in there is a fool proof strategy to calm him down or ease discomfort.
You sat with Sasuke in his nest, watching him fuss over some pillows in the corner. He was wearing an oversized shirt, but you could still see his pregnant tummy pressing against the fabric when he moved in a certain way. You couldn’t resist.
Leaning over to him, you pushed up his shirt and uncovered his bump. You nuzzled into his stomach, pressing kisses into his skin as you went. You giggled against him when he froze.
Sasuke stiffened and then pushed your face away firmly. You fell backwards gently, knocking over a blanket that Sasuke had pinned to the wall. You both looked at each other in silence for a moment before Sasuke huffed in displeasure.
“You ruin everything in here, I don’t know why I let you in.” He growled, moving over to that corner to try and fix it. 
You looked at him, playfully betrayed.
“You pushed me!”
“Because you deserved it, idiot.” Sasuke scoffed.
You pouted at him in reply, watching as he easily reattached the blanket.
“Are you mad at me?” You fake whined, opening your arms out for a hug.
“Tch,” He blushed, accepting your embrace. “Just don’t do it again.”
“I won’t.” You crooned, nuzzling him furiously. Sasuke accepted the affection with no complaint. He must be more tired than you thought.
You both dozed peacefully in each others embrace, basking in the comfort of Sasuke’s nest and the pleasant mingling of your scents.
Until Sasuke swore suddenly, pulling himself out of your arms and scaring you half to death. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?” You panicked, hands flailing in an attempt to figure out what was wrong with him. 
“Foot cramp.” Sasuke grunted between clenched teeth, hands starting to massage at his foot awkwardly. He couldn’t reach comfortably around his bump. 
“Here, let me.” You quickly moved to sit at his feet, gently massaging while Sasuke let out pained hisses. You kept going until Sasuke had fully relaxed back into the pillows of his nest. 
“Fucking foot cramps.” Sasuke sighed, pulling you back towards him, and trying to position you both back into your original position. Scarcely a few moments had passed before Sasuke groaned again. 
“Now they decides to wake up.” He grumbles, shifting to lift up his shirt.
You watched in awe as your pup began to kick. 
“This never gets old.” You whispered. “I can’t believe that’s our pup in there.”
“I wish they’d let me sleep.” Sasuke grumbled, a fond smile on his face nevertheless. 
“Get comfortable and I’ll try to soothe the pup. Try to get some sleep, omega, you deserve it.”
This is where Sasuke’s mental state starts to decline. 
He has a very strong flight reflex when he gets overwhelmed, but obviously he can’t run away from being pregnant, so this just makes him more distressed. 
Sasuke is a very light sleeper generally, and being pregnant means he is rarely comfortable enough to sleep properly, and sleep deprivation makes everything worse.
Sasuke ends up having so many breakdowns that he needs someone with him at all times to make sure he won’t accidentally hurt himself or the pup when he’s not in a good headspace.
Sasuke ends up being induced early to end the severe mental strain he is under.
You watched sadly as Sasuke sobbed pitifully on your bed. You had tried to help, but he threw a fit when you tried to touch him. 
“I don’t want this anymore.” He sobbed. “I can’t-I can’t sleep, I’m too hot, everything hurts, I’m useless!” His hands started to shake.
“No, no, no, sweetheart.” You rushed over to him. “You’re okay, we’ll make it okay.”
“I want to get them out!” His hands started to twitch.
You intervened immediately, shifting his hands away from his stomach, just in case. Sasuke started to sob into your arms.
“Shh, omega.” You scented him, desperate to calm him down. You felt so powerless. “Do you want to come with me to your nest? Would that help?”
Sasuke shook his head desperately. “Too hot.”
You had an idea. 
“A bath then? A nice cool one. I’ll join you and wash your hair for you, yes?”
Sasuke didn’t respond, but you made the decision for him.
Ten minutes later, you were lowering him into a cool bath, and climbing in behind him. Sasuke slumped against you, exhausted after his breakdown. You welcomed him into your embrace, running cool fingers up and down his arms.
“Better?” You whispered.
“Yeah.” He croaked back. “Sorry.”
“S’alright, my love. Just relax.”
You tenderly washed his hair for him, careful to keep shampoo out of his eyes. You smiled when Sasuke started to purr as you massaged his head, relieved that he was feeling better.
You then wiped him down with a cool flannel. When Sasuke began to shiver, you pulled the plug and helped him out of the bath. You dried his hair for him and fetched him an oversized shirt to wear. It was when you were entering back into the room that you suddenly remembered something.
“Oh, I totally forgot.” You leant down and pulled a long, thin pillow out from under your bed. “I bought this today.” You held it up for him to see. “It’s supposed to help you sleep when you’re pregnant.”
Sasuke took the pillow. 
“How does it work?”
You laid him down and helped position the pillow, making sure to wrap it under his bump to support him. When you were done, it was immediately obvious that Sasuke was comfortable. He went boneless against the pillow, eyes already drooping, the dark circles under his eyes suddenly more apparent.
You slid into bed beside him, careful not to crowd and overheat him. Instead, you took his hand in yours, rubbing the back with your thumb.
“We’ll go to the hospital tomorrow.” You began. “See if they can induce you early.”
“’kay.” He replied, half-asleep.
You pressed a gentle kiss against his mating mark.
“Sleep tight, my omega.”
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otptings · 3 years
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-Idol ~ Kun
-Genre ~ Sick Fic, Smut, Fluff
-Warnings ~ insomnia, lack of appetite & weight loss, pillow princess by force, oral (f receiving), passionate fucking, dry humping? (she's half naked but he's fully dressed), daddy kink, rough sex, choking, degradation,
-Word Count ~ 2.9k+
-Synopsis ~ Sleeping never comes easy to. You've tried everything from exercising, to warm milk. Maybe the one thing you've been missing is some late night loving?
-A/n ~ loosely inspired by sky Insomnia, the rose insomnia, and dreamcatcher sleep-walking. best to listen to any of those songs as you read it, might help set the mood even though those are all break up songs lmfao. I also have my ko-fi link in my bio help raise more money to help me buy essentials for my emotional support animal, I cannot work at the minute because of my treatment for type 1 bipolar disorder, and door dash doesn't allow me to save up abundantly enough, if you could even only share it I would greatly appreciate it. anyway hope you enjoy this and thank you for reading
Sleep and you have always had a complicated relationship. Fighting sleep as a kid, climbing out of your bed after your parents tucked you in, playing with your toys until you passed out among us. At sleepovers you were always the one who stayed up all night, too excited to actually get tired.
As a teenager spending nights before school desperately trying to finish homework, staying up until the early morning hours, quickly taking a shower before running to the bus. If you had no assignments your crush at the time would distract you, joking and blushing until it was time to leave for school, bags under your eyes prominent, but the loss of sleep was worth it.
Now the only thing you wanted was to sleep.
Insomnia took over your life. Staying up sometimes days at a time, struggling to calm your racing thoughts that were determined to keep you up at night. They won most nights. Laying in your bed, struggling to get comfortable or staring up at the ceiling, willing sleep to overtake you. Even with the medication from the doctor you struggled to get more than 3 hours a night.
You tried other remedies too. Drinking warm milk with cinnamon and vanilla, the warm concoction soothing but never tiring you out. Exercising before bed that truly made you feel amazing but never worked to tire you out, only forcing you to feel the soreness in your body as you laid in bed. No electronics before bed helped you finish multiple books series that you had wanted to start but never had time for, but didn't work.
Everything you tried was in vain. Sleep continued to evade you, and it only took a higher toll on your physical body.
Your appetite started to lessen, your weight slowly declined. The bags under your eyes only got deeper and darker. Concerns about your physical state came form your friends, their worries growing as you continued to get worst and worst. It came to a peak when you almost passed out at an outing, shaky from the constant stream of caffeine that you were consuming in order to function properly, your eyes fluttering close as you collapsed into their arms. Concern was properly covering their face, and they rushed you to the hospital, you were too weak to even try and decline them.
At the hospital they gave you strict instructions to stay home and rest, with someone watching you over to make sure that you were properly taken care of. Along with instructions you got even stronger medication, 20 mgs stronger than what you were currently taking.
Kun being the thoughtful person he is offered to watch you while you were on bedrest. He was the best candidate out of your friends, the others practically pushing you to accept him.
Kun has been the best assistant? nurse? friend that you could ask for. Constantly at your beck and call making sure that you were drinking plenty of water, cooking you fresh homemade meals, and making sure your medication was taken on time. Along with that he also did the awkward task of helping you to the bathroom, since you were still shaky and weak at times.
He did this all without complaint, catering to you everyday and making sure that you were cared for. Sometimes when he wasn't busy with his own work he would sit and watch a drama with you, or just engage in conversation telling you about his day, and the funny things he did and heard.
Having him helping you 24/7 for 2 weeks straight, had caused some unwelcome feelings. Your friends weren't surprised at that, having been part of the reason why they suggested he did it, knowing your past feelings for him. With only a week left of your bedrest you were saddened at the thought that he was leaving, going back to only talking to him once or twice a week whenever the friend group hung out.
Kun had actually been the one who surprised you. Seeing that you were still up one night, thoughts of him running through your mind when he entered your room. Upon seeing you awake he sat on your bed, holding your hand as you asked what's up. You weren't truthful. Who would be truthful in that scenario? 'Hey actually I was up thinking about my crush on you and the desire that I constantly have to kiss you."
You were positive that wouldn't have gone through well.
Kun rubbed your hand soothingly, listening patiently to you as you lied about what you were thinking about, fake worries and complaints about going back to work. Offering you advice was always Kun's strong suit so you were ready for some good advice despite your lies.
That's what got you in this peculiar position.
Lip tucked tightly between your teeth, the taste of copper on your tongue. One hand grasping at the pillow behind you squeezing it tightly between your fingers, the other intertwined with dark blue hair as you tried not to pull too hard.
Kun thought the best thing to clear your mind was sex, and who were you to deny his generous offer.
You felt your hips jerking as tongue pressed his tongue against your hole, shallowly fucking into you. His free hand rubbed up your thigh, the sensation combining with him eating you out causing your mind to start to go blurry. His hand continued to glide up, before pressing down on your hips, forcing them down on the bed.
Without the ability to move you could only lie there as he continued to tongue fuck you. The fire in your stomach increasing, and Kun seemed to know it as he kissed your clit before sucking on it aggressively, causing your first orgasm to rip through your body.
Kun continued his ministrations, licking up your cum causing the fire to come back threefold. Kun sucked on your clit, flicking his tongue over it as you wriggled from the sensitivity. He seemed to be made for this, the way his tongue knew the perfect ways to fuck you open, and he hadn't even involved his fingers or cock yet.
Pulling away from your cunt you saw your juices covering Kun's mouth leaking down his chin. His hair was sticking every which way how you were messing, and pulling on it. Kun looked like all of your wet dreams had happened to come through.
"So pretty." A laugh let his mouth, a smiling spreading over his lips.
"Wish you could see yourself," Kun slid his hand up and down your thigh, rubbing it soothingly, "You're gorgeous. I've been wanting to do this for so long."
Kun changed the positions so that you were on top, straddling his thighs. You could feel his cock straining against his jeans, rubbing over your oversensitive clit in the best way possible. A whimper left your mouth as you started to rock on him, but Kun stilled your hips. His hand slid to your chin, rubbing his thumb along the side of your jaw.
"Can I kiss you?" You didn't bother answering, meeting him halfway. His chapped lips moved against your own as if you've done it before, there was a familiarity to it that made you wrap your arms around his neck pulling him flush against your chest. Sliding his hands up and down your body, lips moving in sync against yours. You nipped at his lip, causing a loud groan to leave his mouth as he opened it for you. Sliding your tongue into his mouth you reveled in the feeling of him taking dominance. His hands gripping your ass tightly, his tongue roughly dancing with yours.
You pulled away, placing your hips on his shoulders as you continued to grind against him. Another groan leaving his mouth as he moved you against him, forcing you to press down harder and faster against him.
"God baby." He leaned back as he looked at you, admiring the way you moved against him, needy and wanting to cum again. "You're so need baby. Who's got you like this hm?" You dropped your head back, continuing to rock your hips against his. Kun felt his cock twitching in his pants at the sight, grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you close to him, placing kisses along your neck and collarbones.
"Kun I need you." You tried to sound strict but it came breathy, a moan following it as he kisses over your jugular, nipping at it before listening to your 'command'. Flipping you over he gave you a peck, before pulling away to take off his clothes. You decided to join him stripping out of your shirt and throwing it across the room.
Kun crawled back over you, but he stopped just taking the time to stare at you.
"I need to say this before. I'm not just fucking you because of your insomnia, I'm not just fucking you to fuck you." Kun intertwined your fingers, "I really like you. I don't want this to just not mean anything to you, when I really like you. Even thought we're doing this backward I hope you can at least think of going on a date with me." You felt your face heat up, and the familiar feeling of fluttering in your stomach at his confession. Placing your hand on his cheek you leaned up, placing a quick kiss on his lips.
"I like you too Kun. More than I can put words to." A big smile spread across his face as he leaned down, showering your face with kisses. "But if you don't put your dick in me right now, you might not ever get that date." A laugh left his mouth as he placed one last kiss against your check, before grabbing the base of his cock and rubbing it up and down your cunt. Collecting some of your juices over his tips he looked down as he pressed into you, muttering a fuck at the sight of you taking him in so well. You threw your head back feeling the fuzziness come back, feeling how well he slid into you.
When Kun bottomed out he placed your still intertwined hands on the pillow beside you, his other hand sliding back to your hip.
"Fuck you feel so good." He growled as he waited for you to adjust, feeling your tight walls practically sucking him in.
"Please move. Please I need you." Kun placed a gentle kiss on your pouty lips before pulling. Thrusting back into you he set a slow pace, being gentle with you not forgetting that you were still on bed rest. Your other arm wrapped around his neck, pulling you closer to him. Feeling skin against skin as he continued to slowly fuck you, enjoying the feeling of him being close to you.
It was more intimate than it should've been, being the first time that you two were having sex but with Kun it felt right. This was more love making than casual fucking and you wouldn't have it any other way. The coil in your stomach started to tighten, Kun's groans helping greatly to push you towards the edge, but the pace he had set wasn't doing it for you.
"Kun." He slowed down, hearing the desperation in your voice and not wanting to hurt you.
"Yes baby? Am I hurting you?" You could hear the slight panic in his voice and shook your head, before meeting his eyes.
"Faster please. I need you rougher." Kun pushed your hair back, before cupping your cheek.
"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you, you were just hospitalized."
"Please fuck me harder. I need you to ruin me daddy." At your words Kun's eyes darkened and without warning he thrust into you hard, causing a punched out moan to leave your mouth.
The mood changed just the way you needed it to, instead of being slow love sex Kun was fucking you. Hips meeting during every perfectly timed thrust, hitting deep within you as the sound of his balls smacking against your ass filled the room. He let go of your hand, instead opting to grab your waist and pulled you to meet him halfway on every thrust.
Ceaseless moans leaving your lips at the feeling of him fucking into you so beautifully, filling every inch of you. Opening your eyes that hadn't even realized had closed you were met by the sight of Kun, sweat glistening over his abs and dripping down his face. His hair plastered to his forehead, as he bit his lip harshly trying to hold back his groans. Your neighbors should really thank him for having some self control.
Kun slowed down as he lifted your legs up, pushing them towards your chest, folding you in half as he continued his rough pace. This new position causing you to feel him in your chest, the feeling of fullness completely overtaking you as you orgasmed for the second time. He fucked you through your orgasm, the tingly feeling spreading towards your hips as overstimulation set in. Even though his cock was dragging against your walls beautifully, blunt tip pressing into your g spot it started to get painful.
The feeling of it being too much, but not enough at the same time. Tears welling up in your eyes, as Kun pressed against your legs pushing them back further and forcing his cock impossibly deeper.
"F-fuck daddy please." You didn't even know what you were begging for anyway, him effectively fucking you dumb, his hands gripping your thighs tightly to the point where you knew you'd have bruises the next day.
"So tight around me, your pussy is sucking me in even after two orgasms? What's wrong baby? Two isn't enough, you need me to milk another one out of you?" You couldn't respond to him, only listened to him as he spoke, groans leaving his mouth harmonizing with your moans almost.
"Poor baby is fucked dumb," A cruel laugh left his mouth as he stuffed two fingers into your mouth. You sucked on his fingers, twirling your tongue around them. "Can't even speak, only babble and suck on my fingers huh? Lucky you're so cute. You liked being called dumb huh? Can feel the way you're pussy clenched around me? Must be close again." You could only let out a muted moan, Kun's fingers still pressed against your tongue, gagging you effectively.
Pulling his fingers out of your mouth he slid his hand around your throat, tapping his too soaked fingers on the side of your neck.
"So close baby. So. fucking. close." Punctuating his words with an extra hard thrust in between you had lost the ability to think, his hand gently around your neck, more like an accessory but just at the thought of him choking you felt yourself drooling, his thrusts still reaching that spot inside of you that was so deep it'd never been touched before.
As if hearing your thoughts, Kun's hand tightened around your throat, pressing you against the mattress. You came at that moment, Kun's tip hitting your g spot perfectly. Your eyes rolled back as you felt like you had exploded, all of your energy draining out of you with your third orgasm of the night.
At the feeling of you clenching around him so tightly, practically holding you in place Kun pulled out and quickly jerked himself off, cumming over your lower stomach. Kun marveled at the sight of you laid out below him, lips swollen from biting them, hair frizzy from rubbing against the pillow, his white cum painting your stomach, a light red mark around your neck from his hand.
Kun let you sit for a couple minutes before carrying you to the bathroom for a well needed shower. Setting you on the toilet, he let you pee while he started the warm. When you were finished and the water was warm enough Kun helped you into the shower, letting you lean against him as he started to clean the cum from your body.
"Are you okay?" You looked up at Kun, basking in the feeling of the warm water running down your body as Kun rubbed the soapy loofa over your body.
"Never felt better." A crooked smile spread across your face, too tired to even continue the conversation. Kun kissed you on your temple , seemingly sensing it and helped you rinse out. After getting you redressed and back into your bed with clean sheets, Kun went to go to the living room until you grabbed his arm.
"Can you stay?" Even after having sex Kun was still nervous to sleep in the bed with you, but he obliged hearing your soft, sleepy voice. Climbing into bed with you he pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you.
"Thank you." Kun hummed, the vibration spreading through his chest and making you giggle.
"Taking care of me." Kun placed another kiss on your head.
"You don't have to thank me. I wanted to care for you. Now get some sleep." Cuddling further into Kun, the beat of his heart along with the rise and fall of his chest lulled you to sleep.
For the first time in years, you slept like a baby.
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antigoneidk · 3 years
can't help falling in love|t.h.
summary: when words can't speak enough, songs will do
pairing: tom holland × reader
words: 2k
a/n: well I think we all fell in love with this Tom right? I mean who wouldn't??? Wish more of that content cause I'm a sucker for him..
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"Over yours tonight?"
"Yes. Bring your guitar too."
"We're about to have fun tonight."
"As we always do!"
And when it was just the two of you, you always had a great time. The chemistry that had been developed between you and Tom was indescribable and everyone seemed jealous of what you have created. It was amazing how much two people can connect, two different souls in such a little period.
You loved your little secret "rendezvous" as you liked to call them. He'd come to your place, or you'd go to his, sip wine and talk for hours and hours about everything. From how the world was created, to how your nail broke, or the way some theories of very famous scientists may be wrong, or how his brothers crashed his car without him knowing, even analyze the way social media work, or begging him to show you videos of the set for his upcoming film. Maybe you'd complain about how early you have to wake up the next day and he'd make fun of you before he realizes that he's going to wake up as early as you. And you'd beg him to stay, or the opposite. 
And after that, you'd grab your guitars and play until you fall asleep on the couch.
He looked so handsome concentrated on not losing any chord, not ruin the melody. His brown eyes focusing on the strings, his fingers following the sound in his mind, his body relaxed, and his ears longing for your voice.
How he adored listening to your angelic voice. He couldn't explain the way his heart melted with the sweet sound of yours, his stomach filling with butterflies, his mind following the heart on this chaotic, exciting, endless road. He didn't know if he was in love or not. It was confusing inside his head. He never knew what falling in love means, the symptoms are different from one person to another. But he was only looking forward to the time he'd have to spend with you, the feeling of enthusiasm getting stronger as the day went by. He knew that you were the only one that could bring the peace he searched for, it was you that brought those feelings that he wanted to see for himself. He admitted once that he wished you'd be more than just his close friend to himself. Yet, the fear of losing you was massive and your presence in his life was more important than his feelings. So the only way was to push them to the side.
You knocked on his doorbell and fixed your guitar on your shoulder while waiting for the door to open. You looked down at your shoes noticing how dirty they got but as you were about to somehow clean them with your hand, you heard the door open and your eyes met his.
"Hi," you said cheerfully leaving the guitar to your side and wrapping your hands around his shoulder. His familiar scent came to your nose, your eyes closing for a moment enjoying his smell, but also the sensation of his arms tightening around your waist.
"Hey, beautiful" he mumbled softly and let go of you. "How are you?" he asked grabbing your guitar and closing the door behind you. 
"Now that I am here I'm so much better" you confessed. "Oh, you didn't wait for me to help"  you complained seeing that everything was already prepared for you.
"Why would I need help?" he asked.
"Because...I am your friend and you don't have to do all of these for me"
"But what happens if I want to do all of these for you?"
You stared back at him without any answer to his question. You tried to read his face, understand if he was joking or not. If he was playing with your feelings or if he was just completely clueless. His puppy eyes nearly convincing your heart that everything was true, your mind shouting to not believe this. It was a battle happening right in front of you, however, you stood still and did nothing.
"I'm pretty sure you do not so stop saying things you don't mean and let's go drink"
"But she fell in love with him Tom. She was happier than ever. She was willing to be there for him  for the rest of her life, she stood by his side through everything, his madness, his anger, his sadness, his happiness-"
"He was suffering y/n-"
"If he loved her enough-"
"Do you know how is it feel to be stuck on a chair and not move even a single finger? No matter how big your love is for someone, sometimes you're losing the fight" Tom sipped his last drop of wine and looked back at you.
"If we were in this position, would you die just like him? Even if you loved me more than anything?" you questioned.
"I seriously have no idea y/n"
"I'd live for you Tom" normally you wouldn't admit this, the wine gave you the courage though to do so. "If I was William in that stupid chair, I would want to live with you for the rest of eternity" you glanced at him meaning every word you just said. Your love for him was like no other and for sure knew that you were more than willing to move every mountain to be with him forever.
"Stop saying things you don't mean y/n" he copied your words and grabbed your guitar from the floor, unsure if he should play it cool or say something more.
"You are not romantic babe" you played it off resting your hand on the couch and placing your head at the top of it while waiting for Tom to tune the guitar. "Also I was thinking of something today while I was working"
"You were thinking again?" he asked sarcastically.
"You piece of...give me that" you laughed and took the guitar in your hands."So, as I was saying, I was thinking that maybe today you should sing with me"
"Are you drunk?" Tom asked you disagreeing already with the idea you had in mind.
"You know that I can't sing and even if it wasn't for that I would never sing with you"
"Why?" it felt kinda offending hearing those words as you didn't know why he felt that way.
"You have the voice of an angel y/n. I'm never gonna sing with you 'cause you'll hear how bad I sound and we don't want this trust me" he pulled his guitar close to him and smiled in your direction.
"I heard you singing before and you sound incredible so cut the excuses and follow me okay?" you didn't wait for any of his complaints. You started playing the song you imagined singing with him all day. The first reason being the fact that it was an easy song to play and sing. The second reason was the lyrics of it.
"Wise men say
Only fools rush in.." you began singing.
"Come on Tom..but I can't help falling in love with you" you continued hearing only whispers.
"Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin... I can't hear you
If I can't help falling in love with you"
Tom gained some courage and started singing louder. He didn't want to be unable to hear you, it was the thing his heart desired. But your expression, your eyes wide open begging him to join you. He could resist to them ever.
And the lyrics.
"Like a river flows
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be.."
You both stared at each other as you kept going. It felt more than just a song, more than just a famous melody. Those were words that none of you had the strength to say, not even dared to try. The fear of loss, the shyness of the last minute. You were saying to yourself that his teasing was just for fun, nothing more. Tom was doing the same. It wasn't complicated at all, but both your minds trapped in this maze, wouldn't detect the way out that was right in front of your eyes.
"Take my hand, 
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you..
For I can't help falling in love with you" 
You bit your lip and positioned the guitar to your legs keeping eye contact with him. The silence in the room was comforting, calming.  It definitely could say more than words.
Fuck it.
"I wish I could kiss you right now" Tom whispered under his breath, loud enough for you to listen. It was shocking. You blinked quite a few times doubtfully, assured that this was only a prank. But he was there looking at you, waiting for a reply. You were confused and he saw it too. His palms started sweating and his heartbeat increased in the blink of an eye. The voice inside him would stop yelling 'you screwed it' and his feeling got hurt quickly. He was ready to listen to you making fun of him, the plan that would break his heart in two. But your silence was currently the only thing he didn't want to. He searched for any signal on your face, even your body language but you were standing still as time had stopped.
"Then do it" 
He didn't hesitate for long. He was dreaming after all. Because this wasn't the reality he lived for sure. 
Fireworks, fireworks, fireworks.
He swore he heard them. The moment his lips captured yours he could hear those fireworks in his heart and ears. Bells were ringing and angels singing. Damn, I'm kissing one of them he thought. His right hand touched your neck deepening the kiss he was yearning for. Your lips in sync warm against his skin. His tongue over yours exploring your taste. Your perfume fueling his nose and brain, the butterflies dancing in their music now. 
It was magical. The goosebumps all over your skin making it even more real. Heart about to explode, all of the happiness hitting throughout your body. It was happening and still, it seemed like a fantasy. You slowly touched his chest and moved upwards to his shoulders making sure that you were really touching him and not any of your pillows. The sensation of his lips in yours was so much better than your imagination. Perfectly made for kissing you and only you.
You broke the kiss and the brightest smile he ever saw was on your lips. The lips HE was kissing.
"Y/n you have no idea how bad I wanted this to happen" he touched your forehead and with his thumb started to draw small circles. A tear rolled from your eye and dropped to his hand.
"Why did it take you so long?" you asked and closed your eyes feeling his breath hitting the skin of your face and hands.
"Baby don't cry. Please" he murmured.
"I'm just happy you know. It's no longer a fantasy or a dream. It's real" you admitted with your shaky breaths making your work hard. But you couldn't care less at that moment.
"I was afraid of losing you y/n. What if you didn't feel the same way? How was I supposed to know?"
"You wouldn't lose me okay? I'm feeling the same way Tom" you carefully brought your fingers at the top of his lips and touched them as you dreamed to. "I'm yours. I'll always be yours."
**the movie mentioned was me before you
**the song they were singing was can't help falling in love by Elvis Presley
Thank you for reading❤
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ssscentral · 4 years
Devil like you
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Summary: Your boyfriend has a revelation about who - or what - he really is as he invites over a friend to have some earth-shattering, toe-curling, out of this world fun with you. 
Pairing : Demon!Namjoon x Reader x Demon! Jimin
Genre : Smut. Pure filth. It be dirty.
Warnings : Threesome, Demon summoning, Overstimulation, Swearing, Restraints, Surprise your boyfriend is a demon, Dom!Namjoon, Dom!Jimin, Sub!Reader, Light Edging, Dirty Talking, Oral Sex (f and m), Fingering
WC : 5.5k
Member : Duda || @biaswreckme​​
A/N : Hope you enjoy reading this, i’m quite proud of it :v It’s my first AU for BTS, so be gentle T.T This fic is the second part of the group prompt “Hell of a Ride”, each part with our own interpretation, so stay tuned because there is more to come! Any similarities with Supernatural are not coincidental, thank you Spn wikis for the words in Latin and the inspiration for some of the abilities of these demons. And thanks so much @fluffy-fluffu​ for being the beta ♥
taglist: @sugasbabiie​
You thought you should have known. You thought you should have seen the signs – and there were quite a few, thinking back on your relationship. It should not have surprised you like this. It should not have affected you like this. It should not make you wish for more, waiting for the next time it would happen. It should not… you should not… you should not want this as much as you did, right?
You should have seen it coming. It should not have caught you off guard like that, after all, who teaches this language with this much ease and what seems like almost natural and native knowledge? That should have been the first sign to strike your attention. He was not the first Latin professor in the language department at this university, but he was the best. But this department has a lot of languages, and Latin is part of the curriculum for some of the other languages. It was not weird to have a Latin professor. It was weird to have someone as hot as Namjoon teaching Latin. Hot, gods, you sound like a teenager again talking about boys and crushes. But yes, Kim Namjoon, one of the hottest teachers in the university – and it is a big one – teaches a dead language.
So when he asked you, the English teacher – not the only one in the department and you did not consider yourself to be one of the best-looking teachers there – out on a date, you said yes. It had been a while for you, issues with an ex left you being cautious about entering new relationships. It made you pay more attention to certain red flags, but there were none with Namjoon, at least not like those from before.
Kim Namjoon was considerate. Kim Namjoon was creative with his dates. Kim Namjoon was a romantic man, one that had you indeed feeling like a teenager dating for the first time, sneaking around the empty halls and classrooms, the butterflies in your stomach wild and making you giggle at the mere thought of him. Kim Namjoon paid attention to you and your problems. Kim Namjoon listened. And Kim Namjoon was great when it came to sex. Great actually did not really translate how incredible and mind-blowing sex with him was. He knew how to do things to your body like no one ever could before. He suggested some things – some kinky, oh, very kinky things indeed – to spice up the sex that you had only fantasized about but never had the courage to ask for, and he did not judge anything. It was almost as if his mission in bed was to give you utmost pleasure, even if it hurt sometimes – but it always hurt so good. Kim Namjoon was the perfect boyfriend. Maybe too perfect, so you think to yourself that you had ought to know better. No one could be this perfect. There had to be an explanation. And there was. You just never would have imagined that it would be this explanation.
The day had started just like any other, there was nothing special about it, at least to your knowledge. So why, oh, why did it have to be on this day? (Maybe you could ask them later.) You woke up to your alarm, as usual. You love your job, but you always found it difficult to get up this early in the mornings, so you always made sure to set more than one alarm. You got up, had breakfast – “breakfast” is a very general word, but you do eat a piece of toast while the coffee machine warms up. You had a shower, just a quick one to truly wake you up and get you going before getting dressed in your usual teaching outfit. Namjoon would be coming over later, so you would have time to shower again and get dressed up for date night after getting back from the university. You grab a travel mug on the way out, pouring the hot coffee in it, the smell invading your apartment just as you like it.
The classes go on without any issue; a slight problem with the projector in the beginning but nothing out of the ordinary and that would strike one’s attention, especially if one was used to dealing with the projectors in that older building the languages and literature department was stuck with. You crossed paths with Namjoon once the entire day, walking down the hallways of the old building; you were getting out of an English literature class, Joon going to teach his Latin II group. As your bodies got closer, both of you nodded in acknowledgment as if you were any other professor, but your hands discreetly touched in passing, just a small sign you had agreed on to let the other know everything is okay, have a good class, I love you, I will be waiting for you later. You knew he was going out on a field trip with an advanced class and he would have to leave during lunch, so you ate a sandwich in your office, watching some comedy series to relax and get energized for the rest of the day – of course, the hot and new cup of coffee helps -, every once in a while, pausing to chat with the other professor who chose to do something similar. The afternoon is not really that different from other Friday afternoons; no one usually comes during office hours, so no one came on this day. You spent your time alternating between counting the minutes on the ticking clock to be able to go home and get ready for the date and responding to some emails, starting the term report, and downloading some articles to read. You were alone in the office, so you have some music going to help distract you and try to make the time go by faster.
When you finally got home the first thing you did was hop on the shower again, but now taking some time for yourself, phone blasting your favorite songs as you washed the day away from your body, cleaning, shaving what you wanted, moisturizing with some shower oils Namjoon gave you and that you know he loved the scent of. You spent some time choosing your outfit for the evening, knowing it had to be good. You opted for a white lace and silk playsuit, the new lingerie that Namjoon had recently given you, and you knew it had to be expensive from the brand – expensive and fancy lingerie was a guilty pleasure you had that somehow Namjoon was able to indulge, and you had no complaints about it. It gave you an almost innocent look under the black dress, and you were curious to see Namjoon’s reaction. You did not do much for hair and makeup, choosing instead to keep it quite simple and natural – it was only going to be ruined later on anyways.
Soon you heard the bell ring and you looked at the small monitor near the door, letting him in. His hair was slicked back, giving him an edge that was not present in day-to-day life at university. He had his earrings on and paired up with his silver-rimmed glasses and that black blazer made him look unbelievably hot and so different from the pristine almost clumsy-like image of Professor Kim. He kissed you, murmuring a hi in the kiss, letting his hands roam over your dress. He paused and stepped back enough to look at you.
“Are you wearing the new gift?”
It only took a nod from you to have him pressing you against the wall, hitching your leg up and around his waist. His hands took advantage of the position and touched your skin, going up your thighs and bunching up your dress in the way, giving him access to feel the lace and silk on your body.
“Fuck,” he paused, almost breathless, “fuck the reservation, right? I need you now.”
You nodded in affirmation, almost as out of breath as him, “Fuck the reservation, fuck me instead.”
He didn’t need anything else to press you even harder against the wall, hoisting both of your legs; you wrapped them around his body, and he pushed his hips into yours, you could feel how hard he already was. You moaned into the kiss, his hardness was right against where you needed it the most, and when he started slightly moving his hips into yours, it made his length deliciously drag against your clit. The feeling was also enhanced by the lingerie; every time Namjoon canted his hips up, it made the lingerie move up together and tug on your skin, and it did not take long until it was snugged between your nether lips and you were certain you were staining the front of Namjoon’s pants with your wetness as he started nibbling on your earlobe, sucking and kissing your neck, the skin caught between his teeth to make sure it would leave bruises. And then he let you go, dropping your legs from around his body.
“Do you trust me?” He looked into your eyes, seeming unsure, which was unlike him. You could swear that his eyes got darker for a brief moment – and not in the way writers usually describe, with eyes darkening with pleasure or something akin to that. No, it seemed that they physically turned darker, almost black, but you thought you must be imagining things. It could not be humanly possible.
“I trust you, Joon.” You said without any hesitation, fingers entangling with his and taking him in the direction of your bedroom.
He started by taking off his glasses and carefully putting them on the wooden nightstand, taking a minute to take off his blazer and carefully drape it over the piece of furniture. He then turned to you and you felt nervous, his walk almost predatory towards you. He gripped your shoulders, taking the straps of your dress into his hands, and it felt like he was considering just ripping the piece out of your body and your breath faltered. So this was the mood today. But he must have thought better and let his hands caress the front of your body, squeezing your breasts, his fingers then gliding over your clothed nipples, feeling them harder under his touch. His hands moved down, grabbing the edge of your dress in his fists and then lifted it up and off your body, and then you were there, standing in front of him, the white lace and silk that covered your skin seemed almost virginal when contrasted with the current mood. You bit your lip, looking at Namjoon, gaging his reaction, and you saw his eyes widen, a smirk crossing his lips, his tongue unconsciously poking out to lick his top lip. There was a different look in his eyes, one that you did not recognize at all, and you were getting slightly more nervous now. What did he have in store for you this time? You tried to think back to conversations you had, discussing ideas in between cuddles and kisses on the bed, after one of the times you had some passionate lovemaking, his eyes glued to yours the entire time, his body encompassing yours, protecting you. Not every time was kinky, but there was no doubt tonight was going to be. You took a deep breath and stepped forward, your fingers going to the buttons of his shirt, undoing them one by one, slowly, your fingers shaking in anticipation.
“Remember when we were talking about maybe having another person in the bedroom with us?”
His question took you by surprise, your fingers stopping mid-action, and you looked at him. “Yes?”
“You are going to learn some things about me tonight, Y/n, but you don’t need to be scared.” He grabbed your hands, intertwining your fingers and kissing them while looking into your eyes. “I promise everything will be okay, and I’ll answer all your questions later. Now I just want you to enjoy yourself.”
And ok, now you were worried, and he could see that in your face, so he brought you closer to his body, hugging you, and your arms tightened around his body.
“You don’t have to be scared, love. It can be scary, but have I ever hurt you?”
“Well…” you started, giggling at the double possibilities to answer his question.
“I’m talking about real harm, Y/n. And might I remind you, who asked to be spanked again?” He chuckled, shaking his head, the mood getting a little lighter. “I can’t promise it’s not going to frighten you at first but keep an open mind. You have your safeword, you can stop this at any time, no matter what.”
“Ok. I can’t promise I won’t fear whatever it is… because you are scaring me a little bit, Joon. But I trust you. I know you won’t hurt me like that.” You raised your head from where it was resting on his chest, looking into his eyes again, and this time you could not be mistaken. They were black. Like black black; you could not see any of the previous colors in his irises, even the sclera was taken over by the color, and it hit you. You took a quick step back, letting go of his body, shocked. Was… was this real?
“I’m still me,” his voice was soft and his hands raised by his sides in that universal sign of I’m not going to hurt you. “It’s always been me.”
“So you’re not… possessed?” you laughed in disbelief.
“No. It’s always been me,” he repeated, taking one step closer to you with one of his hands reaching out, and hesitantly you grabbed it. “Let me show you. I promise you will have a good time.”
Your body was still shaking with fear when you let yourself get closer to him, but his words were starting to reassure you, calm you. If he had always been like this and never harmed you, you would be okay, right? The fear and worry were slowly starting to give way to curiosity and some slight confusion when he started muttering some words under his breath. Now, you did not understand Latin – it was a dead language, come on –, but you were able to pick up that he was almost chanting in it, words like te invoco, spiritus, infernalis, and daemon being spoken with more intensity. He finished saying it and kissed you deeply, his arms encircling your body and pulling you to him, when you suddenly felt another presence behind you, a second body pressing against you, feeling a hard chest pressing you into Namjoon even more. You stopped the kiss, looking over your shoulder, and your eyes stumbled upon another black-eyed figure. This man, this demon, was shorter than Namjoon, but with the way the front of his body was glued to your back, you could feel he was just as muscular, maybe even more, from what you were feeling from his thighs. There were no words for his face. You thought Namjoon was handsome, but this man’s face was on a whole other level of beauty, with those rounded full lips that would give Namjoon’s a run for their money. If it were not for his black eyes you would dare say his face was angelic even, with his light-colored hair parted in the middle. But something about the smirk and raised eyebrows let you know that there was nothing angelic about him.
“Damn, Namjoon. You’ve been hiding her this entire time?” He almost growled, shifting his hips, and you felt the hardness in his pants. “If I’d known, I’d have come sooner.”
“And this is Jimin, Y/n,” he started, scoffing at his… friend? “Now close your eyes and let us take care of you.”
He did not wait for an answer from you, and at the same time his lips found yours, you felt Jimin’s lips on your neck and his hands on your waist, and you could only sigh, close your eyes, and give into these new sensations. The two pairs of hands were roaming your body; the contrast of their clothed bodies against yours, almost naked, was heightening the sensation of your powerlessness, and you had to press your thighs together in an attempt to bring some pressure to your center and relieve some of the aching. You could feel their smirks when you did it, and then Jimin’s hand traveled downwards and on the front of your body, his fingers sneaking under the lingerie to feel your wetness.
“Fuck,” his voice was almost strained, “she’s dripping, Namjoon.” His fingers went all over your mound spreading your wetness around, careful to not touch you for too long to tease you.
“Is this right, Y/n?” Namjoon asked against your lips, then tilted his head back to look at you, his hand joining Jimin’s. “I know you get wet for me, but if I had known you would be dripping like this, I would have brought Jimin much sooner.” He stated as his fingers toyed with the straps of your playsuit, slowly lowering them. “And you are wearing this, today of all days… all in white…”
Namjoon’s fingers teased your nipples lightly at first, just caressing them while Jimin slowly lowered the lingerie down your body, giving open-mouthed kisses to your back and lower and he went down on his knees behind you. You closed your eyes, letting your head fall back and grabbing Namjoon’s biceps for balance when Jimin lifted your left feet first then the right, letting the playsuit fall to the ground off your body. You felt a pinch to your nipples, and you sighed, and shortly after you felt his tongue circling it, then his mouth sucking on it, tugging lightly with his teeth. You clenched your legs again, only for Jimin to spread them. You felt Jimin’s breath on your backside, and his hands made you arch your back so he could see you better from behind, but you felt nothing else but his warm breath very close to your center, his hands gripping your thighs from the inside to stop you from closing them. When Namjoon used the fatal combination of pinching down on a nipple harder and biting the other and sucking on it, Jimin chuckled.
“Do that again, Namjoon. She liked it, she just clenched down on nothing so hard.” His mouth was so close to you yet doing nothing, and to worsen the situation, he used his hands to help you spread your legs more. “Tilt your ass towards me, Y/n, I want to see you clench like that again.”
You did so without hesitation, arching your back more so he could see you better, and when Namjoon did it again, inverting touch and bite to the other nipple, you clenched again, needing their touch, needing something. And he combined pulling your nipple with his teeth with his other hand entangling in your hair and pulling it down hard, increasing your arch. You heard Jimin chuckle softly again and then his mouth was pressed to your inner thigh, licking upwards as he moaned, probably tasting the wetness that had started dripping. Namjoon was not being gentle anymore, using the amount of pressure and strength he knew you loved, much rougher than when you were making love, your nipples becoming more sensitive and abused under his ministrations. This moment, with his lips around your nipples, his teeth worrying them, while Jimin licked your thighs, was pure and unadulterated passion and desire. You let one of your hands fall to grab Jimin’s hair to try and direct him, but he let one of your thighs go to wrap his fingers around your wrist while he bit down on your thigh. You moaned in pain, but you loved it.
Your other hand moved from Namjoon’s biceps to the front of his shirt to undo the few buttons that were left, and he paused what he was doing to help you. When you went to unbutton his pants, you felt your arm being pinned to your back by the demon between your legs. You looked back and down, seeing Jimin licking his lips again while he got up. He pulled you against his body, murmuring that tonight was about you and not to worry about them. As he said these words, Namjoon’s long fingers undid his own pants, hooking them under his underwear to take them off at the same time. His erection slapped softly against his stomach, his cock long and thick, the bulbous head already a little wet with precum. He stepped out of his pants, his strong thighs flexing, and he came closer to kiss you again, letting you feel his hardness against your belly. He started to pull you towards the bed, turning your bodies so you could fall against the mattress with him on top, but he did not stay long. He got up, looking at Jimin, and raised his eyebrows.
“You look so innocent like this, wide-eyed looking at us about to devour you,” Jimin started, unbuttoning his shirt slowly, putting on a show for you.
The dark shirt Jimin was wearing opened to reveal toned muscles beneath, ones you had already felt against your back. His light purple hair was slightly messy from your attempt to grab it; his lips were turned up into a corner smile observing the way you were watching him. He let his hands caress down his body, feeling his own muscles, his luscious lips open now. One of his hands went to the button of his pants and the other grabbed his crotch, showing you the outline of his erection, and then he took the black garment off, and he was wearing no underwear. His hand went to his erection again, stroking himself up and down slowly, showing you his body and how proud he seemed of it. His cock was just as beautiful as the rest of him, the head a light pink color, and while he was thinner than Namjoon, he was just as long and curved upwards, and it made you wonder if he could hit that spot without much effort.
“We are going to destroy you, and you will take it all. You will be lying there on the bed, ruined, a sinner, and in the end, you will be begging for me to come back again and wreck you.” Jimin’s voice was deeper, his black eyes shining under the lights and the promise. And then he looked at Namjoon. “Have you done it yet?”
You looked confused for a moment, especially when Namjoon answered a no and Jimin chuckled. And then you understood. Jimin snapped his fingers and your arms were suddenly above your head, pressed on the pillow. You tried moving them but to no avail. Oh. Your chest went up and down quickly, your breath faster, but you smiled.
“Oh, this is new. Can you do it too, Joon?” You needed to know. Had he been hiding this from you this whole time? He licked his lips and snapped his fingers, and then your legs were up, an invisible force holding them up and wide open, spread apart for them. You bit your lip and clenched down on nothing, moaning softly, your head thrown back into the pillow. “This is fun.”
You smiled at them and saw them looking at each other smiling as well, but you could not even imagine what was going through their minds. Could they communicate like that? You had so many questions to ask Joon later, but before your mind could wander any further, your body was being dragged to the edge of the bed by Jimin, who was kneeling on the floor in front of it. You had never felt so exposed before and so without control, although you knew all you had to say was that one word and everything would end.
“She tastes delicious, Jimin. You’re going to love it.” Namjoon sat by you on the bed, looking down at the other man, and lowered his head to whisper in your ear, “you want to know another thing I’ve been hiding? We don’t get tired.”
Namjoon bit your earlobe at the same time that Jimin licked you where you needed the most, from bottom to top. You could only moan loudly and arch your back, your fingers closing into tight a fist and your thighs clenching, but you could not move them. You thought he would make you beg for it, considering all the teasing from before, but he wasted no time and started applying pressure to your clit with his soft tongue, short circular movements alternated with longer licks while his fingers kept your lower lips spread open for him. Unable to move, all you could do was take it, the pleasure intensified by your inability to move your legs; there was no escape from Jimin’s tongue on the underside of your clit, its hood up, leaving it exposed and so sensitive to his probing. While Jimin was doing this, Namjoon began playing with your nipples again. They were already hard and a little red from before, more sensitive, so when he started pinching them again the pain seemed to go straight down to your clit, enhancing your pleasure, and he seemed to know this. He became relentless in teasing them, pinching harder, lowering his body beside you to bite at them, tugging on your nipples and pulling them, letting his teeth scrape against the sensitive skin. Jimin’s tongue was also relentless on your clit, and the first time he felt you getting close to your orgasm, he stopped and looked at you.
“Please, please…” you sobbed and moaned; the desperation clear in your voice as Namjoon did not stop.
“Should we see if she can cum only by teasing her nipples?” Jimin’s voice was playful.
“No, please, please, no, please,” you begged.
“Oh, Namjoon, she begs so beautifully. But is it a no or is it a please, do it?” His tongue was between his teeth, his smile wider now, the look on his face pure teasing. You shook your head negatively, a sob caught in your throat, but he continued, “You’re clenching again, Y/n. I think you can do this. But maybe another day,” you let out a sigh in relief, “another day, when we will tease you for hours, edge you until even our breath will make you cum, how about that?”
Jimin wasted no more time and got back to licking you, making out with your pussy, encompassing it entirely with his mouth, and the moment his lips closed around your clit to suck it, you lost it. It took you by surprise; the sensation usually begins with a slight tingle on your belly, and then it spreads to your fingers, but this time your whole body clenched as pleasure overtook you, his tongue continuing to press on your clit while he sucked to prolong your orgasm. You did not know what sounds came out of your mouth, as your ears seemed to be ringing, numb to sounds. You could barely murmur out a weak stop, but he ignored it – which also relieved you, you did not really want to stop–, choosing to insert a finger and then two into you, moving them in and out at first and then pressing them upwards, looking for the spot inside you that made you see stars. You were about to say you were too sensitive for him to continue when he found it, and as you moaned loudly you heard Namjoon say something to him, but you couldn’t understand what it was, but Jimin’s response was to increase the pressure of his fingers and let your clit go. You were confused for a second but you soon understood when you felt one of Namjoon’s hands moving down, his fingers then making quick movements on your clit, knowing it was what you needed to get you there fast again. This time you felt the sensation growing, a tingling on the tips of your fingers, your toes, as it grew and permeated your entire body again. You thought they would relent, and then you remembered what Namjoon had said. They did not get tired.
You lost count after the fifth orgasm, or so you thought it was the fifth; your voice was hoarse from moaning and your clit was so sensitive from all of the overstimulation, and they did not seem like they wanted to stop anytime soon. You could feel the tears that had escaped your eyes wetting your cheeks, and every once in a while, one of them would lick them away while the other continued his assault on your clit, the pleasure relentlessly taking over you again and again. You did not know anymore when one orgasm ended and the other began, the tingling sensation a constant on your entire body. And then, finally, they snapped their fingers again, releasing your body from the invisible restraints.
You could barely move, but they helped shift and turn your body until you were on your hands and knees, Namjoon’s body behind you. You heard the sound of a small foil packet being opened, and then he was pressing inside you, his cock stretching you even though they had used their fingers before. It was always a stretch, Namjoon going in slowly, giving you time to adjust to his size before starting to thrust his hips into you. On his first thrust forward, you opened your mouth on a moan and Jimin took advantage of the opportunity to press his cock into your lips, holding your hair with one of his hands while the other was at the base of his cock, holding and moving it to go over your lips. You licked around his engorged head and then opened your mouth wider, taking him inside and sucking. You could barely keep your body upright, so soon your hands faltered, and you fell to your elbows, the dip in your spine changing the angle slightly and it had Namjoon pressing into that one spot that had you almost screaming. Jimin lowered his body, sitting down with his legs open to fit you between them, inclining his body backward, bending his elbows to have a good view of you, and it made it easier for you to suck him. His view was nice, your body bent forward, your ass being held by Namjoon’s hands while he pounded into you, but your view was not bad at all.
Jimin’s muscly thighs flexed each time he pressed his hips up, fucking into your mouth, his abs clenching, and his face… his face, dark black eyes half-closed, mouth open in a sly smile, licking his full lips still wet with your taste. You maintained eye contact while you sucked him, bobbing your head up and down, sucking hard when his head was about to leave your mouth, and when you went down, you let your tongue lick the underside. It was sloppy, saliva leaving your mouth, making him wetter and easier for your hand to help whatever did not fit your mouth. You were moaning around him, figuring he would like it as much as Namjoon did, and you were rewarded with high pitched moans from Jimin, his head now thrown back. On a hard suck downwards you felt his thighs clench and his release spill on your mouth at the same time Namjoon played with your clit, and you screamed and soon saw nothing else.
You did not know how long you were out, but when you came to your senses again you were lying on your front, covered by your blanket, and Jimin was nowhere in sight. You heard footsteps entering the room just when you raised your head and saw Namjoon with a cold bottle of water and pants on. He smiled tentatively at you, sitting by your side on the bed. He helped you sit, propped up against him, and you took the bottle from his hands, feeling thirsty.
“Hey,” his voice was almost shy, so different from before and from the usual Namjoon. Well, the Namjoon you thought you knew. “Are you ok?”
You nodded, smiling softly at him between sips. You looked around and then looked at him, the question clear in your eyes.
“Hm, Jimin’s gone now. He helped clean you up and left, we… we did not know if you wanted him here for the after. Or if at all. Or… if you still wanted me.”
It was strange, seeing this difference in him. Namjoon was so confident, especially in the bedroom, and after finding out the truth about him, you could not imagine he would ever be this timid.
“I still want you, Joon,” you could barely speak, but you wanted to reassure him, hugging him tightly. He needed you at this moment as much as you needed him. “I just have some questions, but I still love you.”
“I love you too, Y/n. And I’ll answer whatever you want.” He was eager to respond, his relief apparent in his voice.
“The first question is… can we have fun with Jimin again another time?”
398 notes · View notes
imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
kinktober - day sixteen
osamu miya - hungry 
kinktober faq  kinktober prompt list
NSFW warning featuring: service top osamu, oral sex (reader receiving), fingerng, motivated by jealousy, he wants u bad, no aftercare other tags: osamu is very jealous, reader is a Player, their relationship is confusing and is never openly explained lol, months of osamu pining over u, mentions of reader using other men to make osamu jealous, potential ooc osamu but i dont care  fem reader
word count: 3377
p.s thank u @closetedweeb01 for beta reading the beginning and helping me get this story in the right direction it was so helpful<3! and thank u @natsuonii for helping me basically the entire time i was writing this fic up until like ten minutes ago LMAO ily thank u sm sophie muah thank u <33 and also to everyone else who reached out to help or gave advice :) much appreciate
“Look up.” 
Osamu did, and you grinned, laughed in disbelief as you stood over him. 
“What?” he asked, squinting eyes dark with intent to stay looking at yours until you asked otherwise. 
“You listened.” 
“I already told you,” he started, and even as your hand moved to hold his face, even as you squatted down to straddle his lap, he didn’t break that eye contact and his baritone voice didn’t falter, “I would do anything you told me to do.” 
Osamu knew that you were testing him, but this was a game he was always ready to play. “Anything.” 
“Why’s that?” you asked, only teasing - you already knew his answer. “You got so jealous at the bar earlier, watching me dancing with Hinata. You know… you don’t own me, Osamu.” 
His only response, “I’m better than him,” and all you could do was laugh. 
The look in his eyes was all too familiar - seeing it was almost comforting. That hunger he only had for you was burning hotter than ever, now mixed with competitive passion and a need to win. 
“Shoyo’s pretty fit,” you hummed, a playfulness laced through your voice in a way that Osamu didn’t like. “I think he’d be a good time… I’m still waiting for him to text back.” 
With his hands on your hips Osaumu pulled you closer, slotting right between your legs, the center of you perfectly aligned with the peak in his jeans. 
“I’m better,” he repeated, and still, his voice was strong. As if you couldn’t break him no matter how hard you tried. 
But this teasing would only be fun for so long, and although Osamu could take it for as long as you’d give it, you were growing tired. You hadn’t given him so much as a crumb and still he was waiting for you to hand him a full meal - somehow his interest in you had only grown despite your snide teasing and better-than attitude. 
You were sure he would have lost interest by now, and yet he still acts as if the two of you hadn’t been in this exact position dozens of times before. Your plans to make him jealous never fall through even though everything he’s jealous of isn’t his, but he never fails to remind you that he’s the one you run back to. 
And he does do everything you say. He listens and complies and obeys and yet he’s never seemed as submissive as moments ago when two words had him looking up at you like a begging dog. 
You thrived on it. 
“Kiss me.” 
At any moment he could turn this around on you. He could leave you wanting, needing, begging; he could deny what you were asking of him and make you feel how he’s felt. And yet, he doesn’t. You told him to kiss you and so he kissed you, and he wouldn’t stop until you pulled away and gave him more instruction. 
It wasn’t like him to be so behaved, to exist by someone else’s word, but, really, he was only doing what he wanted to do; the gratification he felt from doing as you told him was unmatched, and the look of pride in your eyes despite any taunting words you’d say was addictive. 
And he’d take any chance he would get to show you how much he thrived on it. 
He was being eager and you liked it. His hips were rocking up against you in minutes; both of his hands were holding your face and keeping you in place so he could kiss you as long as he wanted. 
Maybe you were letting him get away with too much, and maybe this was going to go much faster than you ever intended, but he was finally showing you just how deeply hungry for you he was - and maybe you couldn’t get enough of it. 
You matched his rocking with a thrust of your own and you felt him shiver, and you pulled out of the kiss to take this chance to tease. 
“Too much?” 
“Not enough,” he groaned, chasing your lips for more. You only gave him a short taste before pushing him back again, and he hit the back of the couch with a thud. 
“God, you’re so fucking desperate,” you taunted. “Already this hard from one kiss?” 
“All for you,” he admitted, throwing his head back as he wondered why the hell he let himself do this with you. How many times had he watched you dancing and flirting with another man all while your eyes were on him? How many nights had you left him with nothing to do but fuck his fist while trying to remember the way your lips tasted? How much longer before he’d finally have enough? 
What was it about you that he was so addicted to, anyway? What did you give him that everybody else lacked? Maybe it was just the chase of it all - maybe when he finally got a piece of you he’d be able to get past the wave of emotions you send over him any time you were around. 
But he knew he’d never get enough. Even if all of you was only his, he wouldn’t be satisfied. 
“What do you want, Osamu?” 
“Whatever you’ll give me,” he answered without looking up. 
You eyed the expanse of his neck before latching your lips onto his skin, pulling a reaction out of him that had you shivering this time. 
“That’s not a good enough answer,” you hummed. “Tell me what you want.” 
Like he’d come to the end of his rope and had no other option but to blurt out the truth, he said, “I want to fuck you,” and he had to swallow another moan before he could think of continuing. “Wanna stuff you with my cock and fuck my cum into you and show you how much fucking better I am than anyone else who’s ever tried to make you feel as good as I can - fuck, stop moving your hips like that, baby.” 
While he was mumbling descriptions of daydreams, sounding like he was making a wish to some god or star above, you were left wondering how far you would take this. You always knew you’d eventually come to this point, and yet the answer isn’t as clear as you once thought it would be. 
What happens when you give Osamu what he wants? Your fun with him would end, this cat and mouse game would be over. He’d get a taste of what he’s needed and maybe he would realize you weren’t all that. And he’d be off chasing someone else while you were left looking behind, waiting to see his needy eyes on you. 
Still - perfect moments like these don’t come often. And you were done toying with him, weren’t you? 
“You think you can make me feel good, ‘Samu?” 
“I know I could.” 
“Better than Shoyo could?” 
Every time you think you’re pushing just the right buttons, Osamu’s patience shows out. He should have thrown you onto the couch and had his way with you by now - you’d have no complaints if that’s how it panned out - but he held back. Even though his eyes said everything he was thinking, he stopped himself. He waited for your exact word before making any decision. 
He was avoiding your eyes and you didn’t like it. “Look at me, Osamu.” He did.
“You’re gonna stop saying anyone else’s name, sweetheart - it’s not as cute as you think it is.” 
Your next two words, “Make me,” were punctuated with a dramatic shift in your position - he pushed your body onto the couch and came towering over you, just like you’d been expecting him to do. 
“That’s all I needed to hear - I will.” 
You watched in awe as the man finally seemed to crack; he pulled his shirt off and the mask he seemed to be wearing all this time came off with it. His pristine control was thrown across the room, and all that was left was a hungry man tearing your clothes off like he was preparing his last meal. 
“Are you finally gonna have your way with me?” 
He grinned and said, “No,” and for a second you naively thought he was giving you a taste of your own medicine. He’d never dream of doing that, though. “I’m gonna take you how you deserve, baby - gonna show you how to feel good.” He kissed you without permission this time, too sweet to be so short, and followed it with the biting whisper, “I’m yours to use - tell me what to do and I’ll do it. Use me.” 
You’ve always had this much control over him, but it was never this apparent. And you had never used it for much benefit, because you really never knew how tight of a hold you had on him. You could tighten his collar until he couldn’t breathe and he’d let you; he would take any pain you inflicted as long as you kissed him better afterwards. 
And he was begging you to tell him what to do, waiting patiently and staying eager, and only now were you realizing how badly you needed to be served by no one but him. 
Maybe that realization is what had your act of confidence dissolving; maybe that’s why you could hardly wrap your tongue around your next words, “Your mouth, Osamu,” because just the thought of getting what you wanted had your stomach fluttering and your underwear soaked. You’d spent so long pushing him to the edge that you ended up right there with him, teasing yourself more than you ever teased him. 
He asked, “Where?” with a daring flirting edge posed to be a genuine question, like he was trying to see how commanding you would be. 
You pushed his shoulders down and said, “You know where,” and as he finally moved lower down your body, you stripped yourself of the clothes he’d left behind. 
He watched in desired awe as your pretty bra fell to the floor; seeing you bare underneath him for the first time felt like a bigger test of temptation than any time you had ever teased him on purpose. 
But he knew where you wanted him, even if you wouldn’t say it, even if it’s not where he wanted to be yet, even if he couldn’t take his eyes off of your neck or chest or stomach - there was no need for him to do anything you didn’t ask for. 
You’d already kicked your pants off and all Osamu had to do was take off your underwear, which he noted weren’t a match to your bra, and he’d add that to his list of endearing things about you. It was something so normal that nobody else would notice while he’d remember forever, something he’d tease you for later, something he’d stroke himself to the thought of. 
It’d go to the back of his mind for now, though, as he pulled your underwear down your shaking legs while you watched him. 
And he was convinced he was going to wake up any second now, so he rushed to make himself comfortable between your legs before his alarm clock woke him up - because there was no way this could actually, finally be happening. “God, you’re a dream.” 
He could’ve listened, but he had to treat you right - this was only worth doing if he took his time. 
“Just relax,” he told you as he left kisses along your hip, “can’t rush these things.” 
“I would have came three times by now, if Sho - shit!” 
You were cut off with a rough spank to your thigh as well as Osamu’s tongue just barely tracing your clit, and it was enough to have your words stick to your throat. 
“What was that?” His voice sounded as dark as the look in his eyes, and it showed you that you’d finally found a button you shouldn’t press.  
“Go on - finish that sentence. I dare you to.” And he smacked your thigh again, just to prove his point. “You think anybody else would take their time with you? Would anyone else give this pretty pussy the attention it deserves, baby? Or do you know I’m the only one?” 
You had to swallow any excess pride just so you could voice a shaky reply, “I don’t know - show me.” 
Instead of voicing a response, he knew the only thing he had to do was what you asked. But he was sure if you pulled another stunt like that he’d end up leaving bruises with how brutally he’d show his ownership of you - that was one thing he wouldn’t let you get away with. 
But in that moment all he had to do was hook his arms around your thighs, hold you against his face, and devour you like he’d been dying to do for months now. So that’s what he did, and he watched as you threw your head back, listened as you moaned out for him, held you down as you rocked your hips against his face - and that was it. He felt like he’d just gotten a ticket into heaven. 
“That’s it,” he hummed, and you hardly noticed he’d pulled his mouth off of you because he didn’t break for long. He left with his teeth barely grazing your clit before he let himself speak again, and you had to reach down and grab his hand just to keep yourself grounded. “Just come undone for me, baby.” 
He groaned loud into you when you got a hold of his hair, and you felt those vibrations from his throat to your toes. 
And he needed you; he had his name on your lips and your legs around his head and his tongue inside you and still, still it wasn’t enough. He wanted more even though he had it all, and he wanted to push you further even though you were right where he needed you to be. 
But you kept pulling his hair and squeezing his hand and moaning his name - you were begging for him in every way you could and Osamu could hardly keep going without completely devouring you. 
You seemed to be getting close and he was filled to the brim with pride, but he had to stop to see just how much control you had slipped into his grasp. 
“Look down.” 
You did; for the first time, to Osamu’s recollection, you listened to him. 
You opened your eyes and saw him looking up at you, with the same look in his eyes as when you gave him that instruction, messy hair and flushed cheeks making him look as fucked out as you felt. 
Finally, suddenly, eagerly, he gave you more than just his mouth, his fingers exploring until he sunk two of them into you, and your head fell back. 
“Look at me,” he demanded, the sharpness of his voice matching the bite he left inside your thigh. “Don’t look away, or you’ll finish yourself off. And you’ll be moaning my name when you do, I’m sure.”
“Osamu, please.” 
“Just like that,” and he was laughing at you, grinning and happy to be the one teasing. “What is it, sweetheart? You wanna cum for me?” 
You pulled his hair and forced his mouth onto you, “Please, ‘Samu,” and he let you take the reins again because, despite how much he loved toying with you, all he really wanted to do was give you what you wanted.  “Fuck, just let me cum.” 
The curl of his fingers pumping into you and the warmth of his tongue lapping your clit and the obscene moans coming from his throat, with the look in his eyes and how tightly he was holding your hand and the way he was listening to your every command - it was all too much. It was all the realization of what you’d been missing, teasing, and leaving; it was something you didn’t know if you’d have again but you sure as hell couldn’t go without. 
He could see the way your body reacted to every single touch, and maybe that’s why he was giving it to you exactly how you liked. And he wanted to cause a scene; you were moaning loud enough for the neighbors to hear and still not loud enough for Osamu - he was pleasuring you like he had an audience watching him and he’d be damned if he disappointed. 
He was made for this, you were sure - he was right where he belonged and both of you were loving it. 
“Come on, baby,” he taunted, “wanna see you cum for me, sweetheart, wanna feel this tight cunt cumming around my fingers - I know you’re holding back, just let it go.” 
He tried pulling his hand from yours but you only tightened your hold and pulled his mouth back down to your clit rather than giving him his free hand or a moment to breathe. So he squeezed your hand, endeared at the feeling of you holding on to him. 
Osamu felt it as you started to do as he told you and let go - he watched as your world started to amplify as you chased for more of him, begged to reach that peak, focused on getting there. Your eyes squeezed shut and Osamu just didn’t have it in him to punish you for it, especially when you looked so pretty being absolutely unraveled. 
Teasing words were caught in the back of his throat but he couldn’t stop tasting you long enough to say them. Your thighs were shaking and your moans were screams and he could hardly keep pumping his fingers with how tight your walls were pulsing around them and that was it - Osamu was close to cumming himself just at the sight of you cumming for him, and the ache in his pants was more apparent now than ever before. 
But he couldn’t care about his own pleasure, not while he was so absolutely focused on you and yours. You were the only thing on his mind and he could only hope you were thinking about solely him. 
“So fucking hot,” he said, not even thinking anymore as he kept you cumming with his fingers. “My good fucking girl - that was all for me, wasn’t it? Look at you, making a fucking mess, all for me. All mine, aren’t you?” 
He couldn’t stop, he wanted to draw this out and take you there again, he wanted to push you farther. He didn’t want you to catch your breath or take a break, he only wanted you to keep moaning, begging, cumming for him. 
But, as he was ready to add a third finger inside of you, “Too much, ‘Samu.” 
“Not enough,” he reminded you. “You’ve got one more for me, sweetheart, try for me.” 
But you pulled on his hand you’d been holding, trying to pull him up to you, and he had to give in. After pulling his fingers out of you, careful and slow and too attentive to the way your body seemed to resist, he let you tug him up. 
You clinged to him, your legs coming to wrap around his waist and your hand holding his jaw to bring him down for a kiss. 
“You’re a mess,” you said with a laugh upon noticing his glossy lips and soaked chin, all caused by you. 
“It’s your fault,” he said. “I’ll go clean up - you need anything?” 
You shook your head, “Stay,” and hooked your legs together across his back, as if to lock him into place. 
“Look who the clingy one is now,” he remarked, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t love it. 
He didn’t know what all of it meant. He didn’t know how you had gone from dancing with another man mere hours ago to clinging onto Osamu like he was the only thing keeping you sane, but it didn’t matter. He had you and you were his, at least for the night, and he’d gotten a more than good enough taste of you. That was all he needed to know it’d never get better than you - and he’d keep waiting for more. 
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“Why do you even have that?”
Sasha looks up from her laptop to give Jon a quizzical look. They’ve been deep in a research hole for hours now, Jon with his files spread out before him like a buffet and Sasha picking her way through line after line of code to access things that she really shouldn’t be able to access - although, the government should have better security if it didn’t want to get hacked so she tried not to feel too badly about it. Jon’s not looking at his files now though, his gaze appears to be drawn to her shoe-box sized kitchen.
“Why do I have what?” She asks, “A kitchen?”
“No, the--” He flicks his fingers in a vague gesture to the counter, and his eyebrows pull together in a fetching little wrinkle that Sasha desperately wants to smooth away with her thumb, “the absolutely massive thing you have taking up half your kitchen.”
“Oh!” Sasha says, and then starts to laugh.
The stand mixer is large, honestly, too big to store in the meagre storage space of her cabinets and taking up half the countertop next to the stove. It’s also a garish bright red, loud against the backdrop of beige walls and a white lino countertop. She wonders why on earth Jon’s bringing this up now, they’ve been working for hours now and this certainly isn’t the first time he’s visited her flat, and decides the answer to simply be that ‘it’s Jon, he’s probably just never noticed.’
He’s fully scowling at her now, in a way she knows is defensive. He probably thinks she’s making fun of him. He can be so sensitive. “Sorry,” She says when she stops laughing long enough to speak, “I think you just caught me off guard. It was cute.”
“Cute?” Jon starts to sputter, the tips of his ears darkening and his nose wrinkling.
He is cute, Sasha thinks.
She waves it off. “It was a wedding present. That’s one of the big ones, I think, for most people. First thing I added to the registry.”
Jon couldn’t look more blind-sided if he’d been hit by a lorry. He even drops his pen, staring at her with wide eyes. “You’re married?”
Sasha snorts. “Don’t be daft. Does it look like I’m living with someone?”
Jon looks around anyway like he’s looking for evidence. “Divorced?”
“Nope.” She says, popping the ‘p’ with extra emphasis and grinning at the helpless confusion radiating from her friend.
“Then--” Jon trails off. He looks at the stand mixer again, like maybe it holds the answers he’s seeking. He looks back at her, and then down at his files. Suddenly his head jerks up and he says, “Wait, have you ever even been engaged?” He says this so seriously it tugs at Sasha’s heart. His eyes narrow like he’s caught her in some kind of trap, as though that wasn’t what she was expecting.
Sasha grins. “No.”
Jon looks at her incredulously, like he’s fitting together a bunch of puzzle pieces in his mind. It’s fun. Jon is so fun. “Sasha, did you fake an engagement just to get a stand mixer?”
“Yes!” Sasha slams her laptop shut and points at Jon, “But do not tell my great aunt that, do you understand? It took me years of work to get that stand mixer, Jon!”
Jon stares at her silently for just a moment, absolutely bewildered, before he dissolves into laughter, curling in on himself and digging his fingers into his sides. It shakes his shoulders and Sasha swears there’s tears in his eyes and before she knows it she’s laughing too, hard enough it hurts her chest and blurs her vision. To an outside viewer they must look positively loony. It takes ages for them to stop and gather themselves back together. Jon takes off his glasses to wipe tears away from his eyes while Sasha rubs at her face and tries to stop the giggles that keep bubbling up when she looks at Jon.
“God,” Jon says at last, “I haven’t laughed like that in--” he clears his throat, “anyway.”
“Yes,” Sasha agrees, “anyway.”
She looks at the clock and is both shocked and completely unsurprised that it’s after midnight.
Jon must follow her gaze because she hears him utter a quiet, “good lord.”
She’s dangerously close to laughing again.
Jon starts to shuffle his files away back into their folders. “Later than I thought.” He says.
Sasha hums in agreement, putting her laptop away and sorting her notes into neat piles. “No use trying to get home this late, you might as well just stay the night.”
“Ah,” Jon’s nose does that cute wrinkle thing again, and Sasha’s lips twitch, “that’s quite alright. I’m sure I can just find a cab.”
“Could do,” Sasha agrees, “but it’d be easier if you stayed. I’ve got an extra toothbrush and everything. Plus, tomorrow is Saturday so it’s not like we have to rush back to work or anything.”
Jon’s got all his things put back in his messenger bag, a solid olive green canvas affair that Sasha privately thinks is dreadful looking. “Wouldn’t want to spoil your weekend. I’m sure you have plans.” He’s stalling, looking for a reason not to go. Sasha wishes he’d just tell her what he wants.
She smiles, because Jon isn’t easy but she knows him and she likes him anyway, “Well, I was going to put that stand mixer to work and make myself some bread. But other than that--” She shrugs.
Jon’s eyes go once more to that bright red piece of kitchen equipment. “You make your own bread?”
“Sure. It’s cheaper and it tastes better.”
Jon makes a thoughtful noise. “Well, I suppose… that is, if it’s not too much trouble.”
“Lovely,” Sasha beams, and then adds slyly, “I’ve even got some of Tim’s things you can sleep in.”
Jon goes properly red at that and buries his face in his hands with a groan.
Sasha busies herself with getting her ingredients together while Jon wakes up. Before they’d become friends she’d always just kind of assumed he’d be a morning person. He had that air about him at work, sharp and alert even when she was still trying to get her head on. The truth is that while Jon has difficulties getting to sleep, he would happily sleep until mid-afternoon if she let him, so she makes sure to wake him at a decent hour and then goes back to check and make sure he hasn’t fallen back asleep. Since her flat is basically a glorified closet, and Jon sleeps on the sofa, this is not a hard task to keep an eye on.
It takes a good twenty minutes before Jon comes and sits himself down at what she generously calls a kitchen table. His hair hangs in curls around his shoulders and he impatiently pushes a hand through it where it covers his face. He’s still sleepy-eyed, the sleeves of Tim’s jumper she’d let him borrow pooling around his hands.
“Good morning.” She says with amusement.
He grunts, flopping into a rickety chair. “Coffee?” He asks.
“All out. Tea alright?”
He nods.
“Great. Kettle is over there.” She gestures vaguely to the area next to the fridge, “Tea is top cabinet.”
Jon sighs, like it’s a great effort for him to make his own tea, but offers no further complaint as he retrieves the kettle and fills it with water.
With Jon out of the way Sasha appropriates the table for more space to set out her scale and bowls. She won’t need anything too fancy today so it doesn’t take long to get set up. She hears the kettle and turns around just in time to see Jon half-way climbing onto the counter. “Jon!” She scolds, similar to the way she would her cat when she was a child.
He freezes and gives her a sheepish grin. “You said top cabinet.”
She did, and she hadn’t thought about the almost foot of height she had on Jon. She snorts and waves him down. “Grab the mugs, I’ll get the tea then.”
He grumbles something about doing it himself but obliges, plucking two mugs from the drying rack.
“Green tea alright?”
Jon makes a dismissive noise. “Black?”
“I’m taking you shopping after this, Sasha James, this is downright unacceptable.”
“Yeah, sure.”
She hands him the box of tea bags and he rolls his eyes at her, muttering as he fills their mugs with water.
“Do you at least have milk?”
“Thank god.”
Sasha rolls her eyes and gets back to her scale, weighing out her dry ingredients.
“Why are you doing it like that?”
“By weight?”
Jon hums.
“It’s more accurate by weight than by volume, typically.”
“You can’t just, I don’t know, eye-ball it?”
“Jonathan Sims have you ever baked anything in your entire life?”
She takes the jerky shrug he gives in response as a no. She shakes her head and dumps her flour and yeast into the mixing bowl of her stand mixer. Jon hovers there at her shoulder, watching, so close she can almost feel his breath.
It gives her a wicked idea.
She reaches a hand up, like she’s checking something, and then flicks the mixer on high.
Flour explodes from the mixing bowl in a cloud of white, covering her and Jon and the countertop.
The little shriek Jon gives will stay with her for a very long time.
“Why?” He asks, mouth agape and positively covered in flour.
“Because I knew it would be funny.” Sasha says, laughing. There’s flour in her hair, and she’ll definitely need to wash her clothes, but the look in Jon’s wide eyes and the slowly blooming smile on his face is worth it.
It takes less time than she thinks to get everything clean again, and the second time she even allows Jon to help her measure ingredients and start the mixer. He’s very serious about the whole thing, watching the scale with a grim kind of determination like it would mean death if he added just a bit too much yeast to the dough, but it’s the most fun Sasha’s had in forever. By the end of the day she has enough bread to wrap a loaf up for Jon to take home, and he looks at her like she’s just given him the greatest gift he’s ever received.
“Same time next week?” She asks as she wraps his scarf around his neck.
“I suppose.” He says, ducking his head to avoid the kiss she tries to plant on his cheek. “If you’re amenable.”
“I’m amenable.” She says, and kisses the top of his head anyway.
Sasha watches him leave and Jon turns back at the end of the hallway to wave, before disappearing into the stairwell. She laughs, bright and happy, and closes the door.
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ughhheragain · 4 years
Hi!! I just came across your blog and love it! Could I request something where you get hurt by a rivaling gang and Tommy freaks out?
stolen | t.s.
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Business wasn’t going as great as usual lately and Thomas could feel himself slowly slipping on the edge of insanity. A rival gang was apparently intending to take over Birmingham which, until then, had always been Shelby’s territory and even if he would never admit it, the man was loosing confidence regarding his positions.
However, he had sworn himself that he would never put you in the confidence in fear to worry you even more that you already were, no matter how bad things could get. But, one thing he had apparently failed to remember was that the easiest way to get to a man’s head wasn’t to attack him directly - but instead, hurt his dearest ones.
And so, that’s what the irish rival gang meticulously planned to do. In fact, you had uknowingly been spied on all week, from the minute you left the house to go run some errands to the moment you came home after a night out at the Garrisson with some friends. They had even managed to do it without raising any suspicion among the coppers Tommy had hired to protect you in his absence.
They wanted every single little thing the Shelby’s owned but also, to have the pleasure to ruin the infamous Thomas Shelby’s reputation. It had been such a shame that his wedding had been shown in the medias because then, they knew exactly who to aim at in order to get to the man’s head.
One night, you had informed your husband that you wouldn’t be home given that Ada had invited you to join her and Lizzie at the pub for a girls night and he hadn’t said anything since he too, had a business meeting planned.
An hour later, you walked down the stairs under Tommy’s attentive gaze and walked up to him. "I’m going to be even more hated on that I already am with you walking around the town looking like that, doll," he complimented you jokingly, as he took one of your hand in order to make you spin to show off your dress to him. "Well, well. I’d better not keep you from going partying, hadn’t I?"
You smiled and tilted your head to the side as you slid your hand to the back of his head, "Don’t worry honey, you’ll meet me later and have me all to yourself then."
"Mmh, mmh," he mumbled, satisfied before you could go to kiss him softly.
You had now been dancing for more than two hours with your friends when you felt like it had been enough and that it was time to come home to Tommy.
"Alright girls, I think I’ve done my part, I’m exhausted," you shouted loud enough for Lizzie and Ada to hear, who were by then drunk and still eager to dance some more. Ignoring Ada’s complaints and attempts to make you stay a bit longer, you grabbed her by the waist and kissed her cheek before doing the same to Lizzie. "Keep an eye on her and make sure that she doesn’t bring anyone home along with her," you asked her lightly while glancing at your drunk sister-in-law who was dangerously eyeing a gentleman in the distance.
Giving one last encouraging smile to Lizzie, you turned on your heels and exited the loud pub. You figured that some fresh air wouldn’t hurt you given that you had been breathing cigar smoke all night long.
After a few minutes of walking in the cold and dark streets of Birmingham, you felt a presence behind you which you decided to brush off at first, blaming it on the alcohol you had consumed in not so reasonable quantities. But, time was passing by and the presence wouldn’t disappear. Worse, you could hear footsteps which confirmed that you were being followed. Your heart was now beating faster as you were trying your best to remain calm but also find a way to get home as soon and safely as possible.
Hurrying a bit, you threw and eye behind yourself. Mistake.
"Tss, tss. Your husband never told you to not walk the streets alone at night? Didn’t he tell you that someone might take you?" the voice took you off guard and made you jump slightly. Unfortunately, it also made you freeze which gave the man enough time to wrap his arms around you in full force and drag you down an alley, where a car was parked.
Next thing you knew, a cloth was wrapped around your head to cover your eyes and another around your mouth to keep you from screaming for help any longer, "Enough, enough, God I hate it when you women scream." That remark alone brought anger in you which hadn’t resurfaced in a long time but this wasn’t the main focus at the moment. "There. Now you’ll shut up."
You then felt the car start moving to an unknown location and hoped that by now, Tommy had been noticed of your disappearance.
Indeed, a man who had worked for Tommy in the past had seen you get dragged into the alley and thought that it would be best for his life to notice his former boss.
"Whisky?" The business man asked Tommy who was still reading a twelve pages long contract, "Mh, sure but that’ll be my last, I’ve got someone to come home too and I doubt she’ll be pleased-"
"Tommy! They took her," stormed in Arthur which made the man miss the glass by an inch and spill the liquid on some papers. Tommy didn’t think twice and immediately got up.
He walked out of the office in no time, making his way to his car but Arthur stopped him. "Tommy, wait!"
"What?" his brother snapped loudly as he turned to face him. "They saw her get dragged in a car but don’t know where they headed," Arthur tried to explain as clearly as possible as to not frighten his brother any more. Tommy looked straight in Arthur’s eyes, unable to form a coherent sentence. He clenched his jaw as to keep himself from lashing out on his innocent brother and took one deep breath. "Start from the beginning, would ya?"
Arthur then proceeded to repeat every information he had been told and made sure to not forget any. In the meantime, the men who took you had brought you to a basement which smelled like mold and humidity. You could hear them almost celebrating in advance but also preparing their actions once Tommy and his men would come to your rescue. "Do you know that Tommy will blow you brains out the second he comes in, right?"
Of course, you had to open your pretty mouth, you thought right after receiving a harsh smack on your cheek which did, bring some sense back in your brain at last. By the next hour, a dark red would surely paint this side of your face and take such an annoying amount of time to cover up.
You were ready to insult the man’s entire bloodline but got cut off by gunshots which made you scream in shock, since your eyes were covered and therefore prevented you from seeing anyone coming.
You didn’t know who had shot, who was now laying lifeless on the ground nor if whether it was good news for you or not. But, your worries faded away the second you felt two familiar hands holding the side of your face - which made you wince in pain - and a cigarette-scented breath you knew oh-so-very-well.
"Thank God you’re okay," Tommy hushed as he hurrily took the cloths out of your mouth and away from your eyes. "Tommy," you let out in relief.
"I got so fucking worried. I’m sorry you had to be-" excuses were flowing out of his mouth as quickly as they could, surely as a way to cope with everything he was feeling at that moment but you cut him, saying "I love you." This made him come back to his senses and soften up, "So do I," he whispered before leaning in to plant a kiss on your cold lips.
He stayed kneeling on the ground for another minute as he examined your face to see how badly the men had hurt you. "I should’ve tortured this son of a bitch," Tommy grunted as he glanced at the man he had just shot a few moments ago and whose blood was progressively painting the floor a dark red.
But, you grabbed his face with both hands to force him to look at you. His hands came to hold your waist tightly. "Babe, I’m okay now. You already shot him, the man’s dead and so are the others so let’s just leave, please? I don’t want to spend another minute in this shithole."
Tommy chuckled, exhausted but also amused to see that even after what had just happened to you, you still found a way to be whiny about it. "Alright, - he said as he tapped your hips before getting up -, let’s get you home and cleaned up."
"Yes, please."
okay so this was my first one-shot in a very first time.. i really hope that you guys liked it :/
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Home (M)
Summary: Home is anywhere you are
AN: I just finished a story that I've been trying to finish for over two months
it's been a long time since the last time I wrote Smut, and I was very embarrassed to post it, but today I translated and edited it, and here it is :) no plot, just fluff and smut
AO3 or read bellow the cut
Harry was exhausted. He couldn't take any more training, listening to any complaints from Robards, let alone having to deal with co-workers.
When he joined the Aurors, no one said that everything would be so full of paperwork and bureaucracy to sort out, and that there would always be someone to test how far you went without freaking out. Harry felt almost cheated.
Sometimes, fighting Voldemort was less stressful than having to deal with the Auror Department bureaucracy that seemed to go on and on.
He thought all day about the time he was going to go home, from the moment he had to leave the bed warm and comfortable next to Ginny who slept what seemed like the best sleep of life. He thought about going home when Robards yelled at him, when he had to read ten pages of a Law just to come to the conclusion that the document was wrong, thought when he missed lunch and had to make do with pumpkin juice that Hermione had forgotten in his office, and thought about leaving when he received a letter from Ginny informing him that she would be arriving a little later.
He could plan something romantic for them, he could have made that fish stuffed with farofa that she likes so much, bought her favorite wine ... But no. Harry was stuck in the same office where Robards and Theo decided to fight and take out the anger on all the younger ones.
Harry snorted impatiently in the waiting line at Flu, completely ignoring politeness and ignoring anyone who wanted to talk to him, just wanting to get to his home, where there would be no angry boss, exhausting training and paperwork. Where there would be his girlfriend, silence and his bed for the next 3 days.
Training today hadn't even been the worst part, if it was true. Of course, Theo made them sweat a lot more than usual, and Harry even thought he would end up dying in the middle, but it was better to keep quiet and feel the pain in the muscles later than to complain and need to listen to Theo talking for hours and hours on how to train was important.
Harry just wanted to go home.
Ginny was so beautiful sleeping in his T-shirt, her hair all messed up and her cheeks red, mumbling a few words when he kissed her and said goodbye to go to work. He felt stuck with that image all day, meditating that he would have 2 days of it on the weekend, waking up next to his girlfriend and wasting hours just lying with her, completely ignoring the outside world, without caring about responsibilities or with eating. Harry would live happily with just Ginny in his arms, and that was what made him sane.
At the end of the day she would be there, with him, making him laugh at some thing that happened in the Harpy's locker rooms, and commenting on how much better he looks with his beard.
Harry hoped that Ginny didn't want to do something that involved leaving the house, honestly, Harry barely wanted to have to wear pants this weekend, let alone see other people. But as far as he knew the woman he lived with, Ginny was just as exhausted as he was, and was probably lying to keep them from going to some fancy and boring party, or some meeting of colleagues at the bar.
When he was finally able to use the Flu, Harry heard his name being called from afar by the Minister of Sport, accompanied by something that sounded like ''Mr Potter, we have great news.'' which made him hurry even further to travel to home security, because nothing would be good news from the guy who was in the Aurors' office all day complaining about drug use in the locker rooms - even after they went over three times the "clues" that Joe insisted he had.
The man more than quickly entered the Flu, throwing the dust and going to home right after, seeing nothing more than a blur of Joe and his frog face, falling safely in his own fireplace, seeing the decoration of the apartment that he and Ginny had chosen together.
‘Home sweet home.’ He said to himself, wiping the soot from his shoulders and taking off his cloak and shoes, ready to take a bath and prepare to make dinner. Harry knew that Ginny would still be late, the clock still indicated that she was at work, which gave him some time to think of some food that would be quick and easy.
But just from being at home, Harry was already happier.
Going up the stairs wearing only his underwear - he levitated the filthy clothes for the laundry - he started to prepare the bath.
He started doing that for Ginny, after training and with pain in her arms, he always prepared a good bath for her and gave her a massage, but then, he started to feel a lot of pain and tiredness, and started to benefit from the various salts and soaps that they contained. It was always very relaxing to lie there in the hot water covered by the bubbles and the feeling of peace that reached him, relaxing even the most tense of muscles.
The bathtub was not always used to relax, now and then Ginny and he would warm the weather there, intertwined, after drinking a little wine and talking a little about each other's day. Ginny would climb onto Harry's lap and kiss him until none had more breath, kissing him provocatively as he squeezed her waist, ass and breasts, traveling his hand to all her curves, delighting in the strong body she came from acquiring on account of training.
When his tired foot touched the warm water, Harry almost groaned in satisfaction, entering the water even before the bath was completely filled, the salts all mixed together to form bubbles and scent the bathroom. His shoulder blades hurt, as did his biceps, triceps and abdomen, thinking how much repetition they had to do in strength and endurance training, and how his palms had become callused from hanging on the iron bar
Ginny always said that she loved watching Harry train. They trained together a few mornings at the gym on the corner where they lived, and every time Harry lifted weights, Ginny stopped doing whatever she was doing to watch him for a few minutes - and he always tried hard to look attractive, even though he was feeling like he was going to die.
He also loved watching her train. Ginny was almost as strong as Harry, and watching her lift weights and do squats was one of his pleasures, always ready to help her straighten her spine and get a privileged view of her ass.
‘You are a bastard,’ she would say, as they walked back to their home. ‘I saw how you looked at me.’
‘Ginny, of course I looked.’ Harry would respond, sweating like never before, wanting to miss work just to enjoy his free time with his girlfriend. ‘Seeing you lifting weights is the sexiest thing I’ve ever witnessed.’
‘One day I’ll end up getting stronger than you, if you just keep looking at me and don’t train as you should.’ She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, opening the front door of the apartment and taking off the hood of the sweatshirt she wore.
‘And I’ll come in my pants.’ He would slap her ass and smile, ready for a shower and a quickie with her, before he had to face the paperwork that was waiting for him at work.
The Harry of now, immersed up to his neck in the bathtub with hot, fragrant water, sighed, smiling at the memories, thinking how it was possible for someone to love as much as someone as he loved Ginny. He just wanted her to get home soon so they could get lost in the hours and rest together.
Thinking about it, Harry also remembered the diamond ring he saw at the jewelry store near the Ministry, shining in the window as if it were the most expensive jewel - it wasn't, but the most expensive was too ugly - and making him wonder how it would fit perfectly on Ginny's long, thin fingers. Was it the right time to do it? And did it have the right time for that? Harry didn't know, but he thought that if there was, they might be close.
'Starting without me?' A voice woke him from the sleep that was already taking him, making him open his eyes and see a smiling Ginny with her arms crossed leaning on the door, barefoot, with the tank top she used to train in and her shorts black, looking, as always, beautiful. ‘I thought you were going to wait for me.’ She said, starting to undress.
‘I thought it would take longer.’ Harry splashed water on his face, trying to wake up and go back to Earth, not even remembering how he managed to sleep in such an uncomfortable position. 'Hi.'
‘Hello.’ Ginny smiled, stepping into the bathtub and already going to his lap, laying her warm and slightly sweaty body on top of Harry’s, who was much more rested than he was minutes ago. ‘It took me a while, but I think you dozed off while you waited for me.’
‘Sorry, it was a rough day.’ He wrapped his arms around her waist, keeping them close enough for him to feel every bit of her, looking into the brown eyes he liked so much, feeling a lot more awake now. 'I missed you.'
'Me too,' Ginny kissed him, seeming to taste him as if it were one of the lollipops she usually kept in her mouth, playing with his tongue and making a point of brushing her naked body with Harry's, which was beginning to show signs. ‘I thought all day about what we were going to do for our weekend’’ She rocked her hips on top of his, delightfully making him feel her on his dick.
'What was the conclusion?' Harry grabbed her hair with his free hand and pulled back, forcing Ginny to let go of his mouth and let him stroll around her delicious neck, traveling through that sea of ​​freckles and reddish skin that made Harry delirious. The smell, the softness, her reaction, everything was the meaning of perfection in his eyes.
The sound of her moaning as she leaned back, raising her pink breasts from the hot water and brushing their pelvis even closer together, made Harry squeeze his hand on her hip and bend his toes to avoid lifting his hip and succumb to her teasing.
‘I thought we would enjoy it a little, after so many days that we barely managed to spend more than ten minutes together.’ Her red nails marked the skin on Harry's shoulder when he kissed that exact spot that Ginny liked, just below the ear, smiling when he heard her almost purring on his lap, moving her hips back and forth without even seeming to feel.
Harry needed a lot of strength to keep his stil, knowing that he would not be able to resist much temptation after he felt her fully under his member.
‘It really has been a bad day.’ He released his hand from her soft hair, feeling her shiver where he was passing, reaching his hand to her breasts and lowering his mouth to one of them, feeling drunk by the perfume that Ginny exhaled. Harry would never know how to punctuate the exact smell, but it was a mixture of flowers, something sweet and Ginny, which didn't make much sense, but it was what Harry felt. That had been the smell of his Amortentia for years now.
Her thighs tensed next to Harry's hip when he started kissing her nipples, and it seemed like it wasn't that important anymore to talk about the weekend's plans or how they hadn't had much time, not when Ginny she started pulling his hair and arching under him as she always did when she started to get excited.
Using all his willpower, Harry let go of her breasts and pinned her even more in his lap, groaning at the sensation of being completely touching, then rising from the bathtub. Ginny's scream of fright made him laugh, her arms wrapping around his neck to keep her balance and her beautiful brown eyes even darker, staring at him.
‘Someone trained well today.’ She smiled, not even caring about the trail of water left behind, the pink body of the hot water getting goosebumps with the temperature, and Harry almost dropped them when he saw her nipples reacting too.
‘Theo made us sweat today.’
‘Now I understand why the bathtub.’ Harry nodded, taking the wand just enough to dry them superficially before dropping that tantalizingly beautiful redhead in the middle of their bed.
It was like facing one of those works of art about Aphrodite that they had seen in the Muggle Museum they visited; the red hair, the dark eyes shining with excitement, the naughty smile he loved so much, that sculptural body that literally put Harry on his knees on the floor, all naked on the bed. But Aphrodite wouldn't be able to be as beautiful as Ginny was.
At that moment, Harry thought it was a good time to propose.
He did not imagine himself seeing anyone there but her, he did not imagine himself waking up or going to sleep with someone else, and besides, he did not want anyone else. It was she, and only she, that Harry wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Seeing her wear white, imagining their children in the future, thinking about what their house would be like, family vacations, everything... It had always been, and always would be, with her.
‘Never seen a naked woman before, Potter?’ She joked, poking him in the waist with her foot, looking even more tempting that way. The silky leg stretched out and invited him to come even closer.
‘All I thought about today was you naked.’ He smiled, grabbing her foot and bending down to kiss all the way he reached; her foot, her ankle, her calf, everything he was capable of kissing, Harry kissed, numb with pleasure. ‘I couldn’t help thinking about coming home just to see you.’
'This is very romantic.' Ginny pulled him so that he lay on her, then immediately turned them over and stood on top, in one of the positions that the two liked the most. ‘I really like when you’re romantic.’ She ran a hand through her red hair and naturally, pinned it in a bun, her eyes dark with pleasure. ‘I also thought about you during the day.’
'Yes? What was I doing in your thoughts?' His hands almost automatically went to her hips, trying hard to keep his eyes on hers, but the middle of her legs was getting closer and closer and Harry didn't have much control over himself in those moments.
‘Oh, a lot, we would waste a lot of time just for me to list everything, and we don't want that, right?’ Ginny would come closer and he could do what he loved to do so much. ‘My eyes are up here.’
‘I know,’ Harry shifted on the bed, a little uncomfortable with the erection that hurt between his legs. ‘Let me make some of your fantasies come true, then.’ He squeezed his hands again on her hips, pulling her into his face, ready to take on that position he liked so much. Fortunately, Ginny was willing.
Harry was happy that he had been doing it for some time to know exactly how to do it and how to make her squirm in that specific way, which he always thought he was away from her for a few days.
It was almost like a drug, he felt a little sick when he or Ginny traveled and needed to stay away from each other, because it was always something that left him looking forward to having her in his arms again. Not only sexually, Harry obviously also missed the simple moments, like lying on the couch and talking to her while they drink good wine, or watching a muggle movie, knowing that she will sleep in less than half an hour, hugging him like a sloth on the tree trunk.
Harry loved her with all his heart.
The first moan filled him with joy, needing to use his free hand to try to relieve the pressure he already felt, dedicating himself to getting her lost in emotions, as Ginny always did with him.
All the stress of the day felt like nothing now, nothing being more important than Ginny's pussy on his face, her thick, strong thighs squeezing him in place and almost suffocating him. It would be a delightful death.
Her hands, so delicate and small, tugged at his hair as if trying to break his head in two, moaning louder and louder and moving her hips almost automatically, seeming to lose her balance as she trembled.
It was a real paradise, he could do that for hours, it was almost as good as when she was kneeling in front of him. Almost. But still, seeing her on her knees would always make him shiver.
Harry increased the pressure of his thumb on her clitoris, knowing that Ginny didn't seem to be able to hold on much longer, straddling his face as if it were going to make her live, and it was he who almost came when he opened his eyes and saw her. Head to the sky, hands resting on his chest, while she moved her hips furiously and arrived in that state where she was quite noisy, almost worrying him that maybe the neighbors would complain. As they did a few months ago.
It didn't take long for him to hear his name coming out as a plea, her face falling and looking him in the eye as she came, mouth open but no noise coming out, looking like a Goddess, a little disheveled and sweaty. It was one of the most beautiful views of all time.
‘Fuck.’ She fell on the bed next to him, her head close to his thigh, her eyes closed and her legs stretched out. ‘You’re good at this, Potter.’
‘I’ve improved my technique.’ Harry smiled, wiping the traces of her arousal from his chin, a little lost too, it was always hard not to come along with Ginny at those times. ‘Was that what you were thinking during the day?’
‘Don’t touch me!’ Ginny patted his hand when Harry tried to caress her leg, with no ulterior motives, just because he liked the softness. ‘And yes, that was it, but you always outdo yourself.’
‘Thanks, I try.’
‘Great, I don’t mind being used as an experiment.’ She sighed, her freckled, red chest rising and falling, her breasts still pointing upwards gloriously. 'You said you had a hard day...' Ginny opened her eyes, her delicate hand resting on Harry's thigh, dangerously close to his dick.
‘I did, and all I could do was think about you.’
‘Have I said I love it when you’re romantic?’ She blushed, smiling lovingly and winking at him, which made Harry laugh and feel at peace, nodding.
'You say every now and then.' He kept his hands away from her body, even though Ginny's fingers drummed on the inside of his thigh and almost made him sweat with desire. Merlin, all he wanted to do was come, it was almost stressful and painful.
‘You didn’t specify your thoughts for me.’ Like a sly cat she was, Ginny moved, returning to his lap, but this time, sitting on his thighs.
'You know, the same old thing, you and me naked and a creaking bed, nothing much--' Harry swallowed the words, closing his eyes and arching against the bed, feeling in the clouds when her hand came around his penis.
It was a delicious sensation, her palm warm and soft, rising and falling slowly as if she wanted to kill him, while the other massaged his balls in the way that Ginny knew was driving him crazy.
Harry didn't even have to look to know what was coming next, but he wanted to have the privileged vision of seeing her putting him inside her mouth. And the redhead seemed to guess, smirking and winking as she moved to slide down his legs, making Harry move to sit more on the edge of the bed, almost coming when he saw her kneeling, as in the various erotic dreams he had when he was a teenager, but much better.
‘I’ll take care of you, babe,’ Ginny whispered, hands surrounding him and then putting him inside her mouth, causing him to fall from heaven to hell.
There were no words to describe the sensations he felt, losing strength in his forearms and falling on the bed, one hand gripping the sheet tightly while the other was on Ginny's head, which went up and down at a tortuous speed. The feel of her cheeks and tongue around him, the low moans she made, the moans he made, were all Harry needed.
The tension in his body was no longer because he needed to worry about paperwork, training, or reporters who were invasive, the tension now was because Harry was holding himself back from coming like a teenager who never got a blowjob, feeling the sweat settling on the base of the spine, Ginny's speed gradually increasing and how much she swallowed from him too. Harry was ready to die.
If the sight of her coming was beautiful, he didn't even know what to feel when he saw her with her eyes closed, concentrated, her cheeks drawn in while his cock disappeared and appeared inside her delicate mouth.
‘If you want to continue with this,’ He said, after a lot of effort. ‘Stop now before I ruin our night.’ Ginny opened her eyes, smiling as she could, slowly taking his dick out of her mouth, seeming to admire how much it affected him.
‘Are you so needy?’ Her brown eyes mesmerized him, as well as her fingers wiping the corners of her pink mouth.
'You have no idea'
'Would you marry me?' Harry asked, lying face down on the bed, tired, still a little damp from the bath they had taken, feeling his muscles relaxed on top of the soft mattress.
'Is it a propose?' Ginny smiled, also looking tired, her eyes almost closing, but still trying to stay awake.
'No, just a question.' He said. 'I never asked you if you wanted to get married.'
'Of course I want.' Ginny approached, wrapping an arm around Harry's back and sticking them together as she could, noses almost touching, and her floral scent filled his nostrils like a drug, cradling him even more to sleep, making him feel at peace.
'With me?' Harry asked just to hear her laugh, which worked, her smile flashed on her face.
'Who else would it be with?' They stared at each other, it was almost a total gloom if it weren't for the side of the curtain that let in a yellow street light, illuminating one side of Gin's face and the wall beside the bed. Harry could see her brown eyes sparkle, her red eyebrows rising, and her lips curl in that mischievous smile that she always gave when she was trying to keep from laughing.
'You have a long line of admirers.' Harry shrugged, raising his hand to undo her bun and stroke the red hair.
'You also have a long line,' she said, but she didn't look jealous, just amused.
'But it's you I want to marry,' said Harry, kissing her nose, smiling like a fool.
'Great, because you are my chosen one.' Ginny gave him a quick peck, the smile still on her face. 'And only mine.'
'Only yours.' He nodded, closing his eyes, feeling at peace.
'Not that I had any doubts, I mean, you grabbed me in the middle of a room with 50 people, and you don't even like attention.' They both laughed, the memory making him feel a little more silly in love with her.
'It is your effect on me. I already said, for you I would declare myself in front of a crowd.’
'And I already told you not to do that.' Ginny kissed him again, this time, taking a little longer. 'I love you.'
'I love you, too.' He sighed, feeling at home with her in his arms.
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You Don’t Have To
Happy Birthday @screennamealreadyused !! Your birthday gift is a damijon ficlet. I get the feeling you like overdramatic, soap-opera-y fics based on the kinda stuff you come up with in the server, so hopefully that came across. 
What Jon didn’t think other people realized was that Damian, if comfortable enough, enjoyed talking. Of course, the subjects he was interested in were a tad limited, and he mentioned decapitation too often for Jon’s liking, but he enjoyed it. Barring Nightwing, Jon doubted anyone had ever taken the time to sit and listen to what Damian had to say, but Nightwing was his own adult superhero with his own adult life. And despite the fact that Damian was prickly and rude, his holier-than-thou attitude absolutely infuriating, his tendency to just drag Jon wherever he wanted despite the fact that Jon could technically crush him with one foot, despite all of that, Jon decided he wanted to be Damian’s friend. He was interesting, loud and abrasive in a way Smallville never boasted. 
Today it was cows. Ma Kent had let Damian milk some of the cows, and now, sitting on the roof of the barn, licking melting ice cream drops off their hands, Damian was telling Jon the story of a couple bulls Ra’s had bought.
“You ever think about going to go visit them?” Jon asked.
“Jon,” Damian said dryly. “Grandfather killed the bulls a long time ago.”
“Also,” Damian’s voice had dropped, going quiet in a purposefully shy way that Jon had never heard before, “I’m not even sure I would be welcomed back.”
“What?” Jon said, almost on instinct. “That’s nuts! I mean, I know your Grandad is a crazy assassin or something, but your mom...she loves you right?”
“She does,” Damian said, then added, “sort of.”
“You can’t only sort of love someone,” Jon said, because Mom was sharp and pointy, her lips turned up in a smirk as she chased down a story, her fingernails tapping on a paper pad. But she tried to make Jon cookies even though she always burnt them and called Kon over so they could do their nails together and told Jon bedtime stories and she loved him.
Damian hesitated, as if trying to find the right words. “My mother wanted a perfect son. One she could use to reclaim her supposed place by Father’s side, one that would take over Batman title.”
“But...” Jon urged on.
“But I don’t think Batman was ever meant to be a legacy, not the way Robin or Batgirl were. And,” Damian paused, growing so quiet Jon had to use his superhearing to make out what Damian mumbled. “I don’t really want to be Batman.”
Damian cringed, as if expecting Jon to say something cutting, something admonishing. Jon just said the first thing that came into his head.
“You don’t have to.”
Startled, Damian looked up. “What?”
“You don’t have to,” Jon repeated. “You don’t have to be Batman if you don’t want to. You can be some other hero, or even make your own name.”
“I can’t just do that!”
“Sure you can,” Jon said. “What’s stopping you?”
“My mother, I think. Also, I suppose it’s just expected of me.”
“Nah,” Jon said, finishing off the last of his ice cream. “No one’s expecting you are forcing you to do anything. If you don’t want to be Batman, you don’t have to be Batman.”
Damian eyed him suspiciously. “I don’t think it’s that simple.”
“Maybe not,” Jon shrugged. “But I’ll back you up.”
“She wants me to come back,” Damian whispered, his voice drowned out by the chirping of crickets outside, the sunset approaching. 
“What?” Jon asked, scrambling to sit up. His limbs move awkwardly on the bed, moving with the exact opposite of grace, the way most teenagers were known for. But as Damian pulled himself into a seated position, curling up his legs, Jon saw nothing but control and elegance. “Who wants you to come back?”
“My mother.”
“Woah, your mother?,” Jon bounced over to sit next to Damian. “And she wants you to come back to...what? The League of Assassins.”
“You can’t be serious,” Jon poured every ounce of incredulity he could muster into his voice. “You’re a hero. You’re not an assassin anymore.” 
Damian shrugged, limbs taught and face stony.
“Hold on. Damian. You’re not actually thinking of going with her, right?”
“She’s my mother,” Damian said helplessly. “And though she hasn’t always been the best one, she seemed sincere the last time she asked.”
“Let’s go back to the part where you said she hasn’t always been the best mother, because she hasn’t, at all.”
“What do you want me to say, Kent?” Damian demanded. “By blood, she is my mother. By blood, I am an al Ghul!”
“You don’t have to be.”
“It’s not about being, Jonathan. You cannot change what you are.”
“No,” Jon said thoughtfully. “You can’t change Talia being your mom. But you don’t have to be an al Ghul.” 
“That’s what her being my mother means, moron.”
“Well by that logic, Dick’s not your brother,” Jon pointed out.
“He’s a Grayson. He was never adopted by Bruce, and he never changed his name either. By blood, he’s a Grayson, and he can’t change who he is.” 
Damian was silent, and Jon felt a little surge of pride at being able to render Damian speechless. But there was a time for gloating, and this wasn’t it. “See? Just because you were born an al Ghul doesn’t mean you have to be one of them. You can be a Wayne, with your dad! Or a Grayson. Or maybe even a Pennyworth!”
“Being a Pennyworth does seem like rather intriguing idea,” Damian said, and he was agreeing with Jon, but drawing closer into himself, huddling up into a little ball. So Jon scooted a little closer and, projecting his movements, wrapped his arms around Damian. Damian didn’t relax into it, but made no move to stop Jon or shift away, so Jon kept holding on.
“Just stick with being Damian for now,” Jon said. “You can figure everything else out later.”
Damian hummed in acknowledgement and slowly, oh so slowly, leaned into Jon’s hug. Privately, Jon didn’t know what he’d do if Damian ever decided to leave and become an assassin. You’d think someone like him would have tons of friends, but Jon’s terrible attempts at secrecy and the way he tried to distance himself in order to keep his powers in check turned most people away. That and being miles ahead of everyone else in class due to Damian’s tutoring (I will not stand to have an associate who is of such low intellectual level) led to Damian being the best of his few friends. He would not handle Damian leaving very well at all.
But he knew that was the last thing Damian wanted to hear. So Jon simply hugged him for a little while, until Mom called them down to dinner.
Jon tried and failed to track Damian’s movements, eyes latching onto his best friend. Exercising to work off anger was apparently a saying Damian took to heart, because Damian had shown up at his house in the middle of the day and, after avoiding Jon’s questions, had paced around the living room, somehow angrily done a backflip and scoffed, saying how he was just as capable of acrobatics to a very confused Jon, and was now doing push-ups.
And the view was—the view was really nice if Jon was being honest with himself, but he was sick of Damian ignoring him. So, he sighed and walked over to Damian, plopping down on his back and folding his legs.
“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s going on,” Jon said.
Damian had been startled into pausing when Jon first made his way over, but soon restarted his reps, and snarled, “I don’t need your help, Kent.”
“Well clearly you do, since you showed up at my house on a weekend seething mad.”
“I’m not seething mad.”
“You’re doing anger push-ups.”
“I am not doing anger push-ups. Those aren’t even a thing.”
“Then what exactly are you doing right now?”
Damian was silent.
Jon made an exasperated noise. He’d sworn to break through Damian’s emotional constipation a long time back, but it clearly wasn’t working. “Damian,” Jon said, stressing each syllable. “Tell me why you’re mad.”
For a minute, Jon thought Damian was going to ignore him entirely. Then, all at once, Damian burst out, “She wants Robin!”
“Who?” Jon asked, though there could only be one candidate.
It was like a dam broke. “Mar’i. She wants Robin. It’s not like she hasn’t been training for it, and I was someone who helped with her training.”
“But you’re not ready to give it up.”
“No,” Damian said quietly. “I didn’t realize how much I relied on the role. I have to be Robin.”
“You don’t. You don’t have to be Robin.”
“Yeah,” Damian sighed. “And I want to give it to her, I really do. I want to pass down Robin so Mar’i looks up to me like right now, instead of ending up with a relationship between their replacements like my brothers. And I don’t even want to imagine how Grayson will feel about it if there’s a fight.”
“You don’t need it, Damian. You’re just scared.”
“Robin was the thing that gave me purpose outside my old life. It’s what made me a hero instead of a villain.”
“Giving it up won’t turn you into a villain either,” Jon hopped off Damian’s back. Holding a hand out, Jon said, “Come on. I think an early patrol will help the both of us. You don’t have to be Robin, and I’m gonna show you that you can still be a hero without it.”
Jon wasn’t exactly sure when the title of “Official Damian Wayne Translator” switched from Dick to him. Granted, the two of them spent a lot of time together, and he knew Damian better than himself.
Then again, that was the problem, wasn’t it. 
A bunch of random heroes will just show up in Jon’s dorm room and demand Jon talk some sense into Damian, or work through his problems, or do something to make him less unbearable. And usually, Jon did it.
He listened to Damian’s complaints without hesitation, talked through his struggles and worries attentively. And he never once asked for anything in return.
He knew how hopelessly gone he was. Damian was his best friend, Damian trusted him like no one else. It made Jon feel special, though it really shouldn’t. Because Damian sure didn’t think he was special.
Some small, spiteful part of himself wanted to say something the next time Damian came over with a set of problems for Jon to solve. To say sorry, he had an important assignment due and he had to finish. To say he really didn’t have the time, maybe Damian could come back later. To say he was sick and tired of Damian taking him for granted, for believing Jon would always be there to support him no matter what.
But one look at those eyes filled to the brim with trust and Jon’s resolve crumbed. There were very few people in the world Damian trusted, and Jon would do anything to make sure he never fell off that list.
So he sucked it up, stayed quiet, stayed kind, stayed helpful.
Until Damian came to him one day asking him how to ask a guy out.
“Stop,” Jon whispered, feeling something inside him crack. “Just stop.”
“You have no right being so cruel.”
Damian stared at him, a hint of apprehensiveness in his face. “What are you talking about?”
“As if you don’t know, Damian. Your family is full of detectives, there’s no way you don’t know.” Oh no, Jon’s voice was starting to waver, but he couldn’t stop it. Couldn’t control it, couldn’t pull himself together long enough to tell Damian this one thing. “And I was okay with it, because you didn’t really like anyone. But apparently that’s not true. You just don’t like me.”
Jon looked up at Damian and saw nothing but shock in those green eyes.
“But you need to stop,” Jon continued. “Stop always assuming I’ll be there for you, stop treating me like your personal therapist or whatever, stop taking me for granted.”
“I don’t—” Damian tried to whisper, but Jon cut him off.
“Because I don’t think I can take it anymore,” Jon said, and his voice was entirely too raw for his comfort, so he took a breath to gain some semblance of control. “I’m sorry. I really can’t help you with that. But I can still be your friend.”
There was silence, a thick, heavy silence. Jon opted to stare at the floor, watching his feet fidget nervously. 
Then, “You don’t have to.”
“You don’t have to. Be just my friend, I mean,” Damian clarified.
“You...you really—what?”
“I didn’t know, Jon,” Damian said, sounding almost ashamed. “I swear I didn’t. If I had, well,” Damian trailed off, stepping closer and looking up at Jon, his face filled with pain. 
He tugged Jon down into a kiss, and Jon could barely process what was happening, but Damian was kissing him, so he responded mindlessly. When Damian pulled back, though, he realized the other boy was saying something, over and over and over.
“I’m sorry,” Damian breathed. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
It was like a slap to the face. Damian never said sorry. He fixed the problem, sometimes avoided it outright, or gave a halfhearted, forced excuse. All those years with the Bats had done little to his pride. But here he was, gripping Jon’s arms and apologizing, asking for Jon’s forgiveness like he meant it.
“I never meant to make you feel like that,” Damian “I would never, I swear. You’re my best friend, and I thought that meant being able to talk to you about anything.”
“You can, you always can,” Jon was quick to reassure him.
Damian shook his head. “But I never offered you the same in return. And that was awful of me and I’m sorry. I’ll,” Damian’s voice faltered. “I’ll apologize as many times as I need if it means I still have you.”
“You don’t have to,” Jon assured him. “It’s okay, you mean it, I can tell.” Then, he leaned down to kiss Damian once more, and mumbled against his lips, “You’ll always have me.”
tag list: @woahjaybird @birdy-bat-writes @elles-shitposts-personified @subtleappreciation @screennamealreadyused @pricetagofficial @catxsnow @yesboopityboop @dangerduckjpeg @iconbicon
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A03 Link
Thank you to @edupunkn00b for helping me beta this story!
Words: 4222
Pairing: Roceit (Platonic Demus)
TW: None that I know of, feel free to inform me.
Summary: Janus decides to play "prince."
Inspired by @aidensm8's work in the request they filled for me. Also loosely inspired by some of the drawings @reddstardust made in response to aiden's work as well.
Link to post.
Ah HAH! I found it! Link to original ask.
The darkside’s corridor had been quiet recently, annoyingly so in Remus’ opinion. It’d been quiet in general since Virgil left and the terrible trio became a dinky duo, but now that Janus split his time between the sides, Remus had found himself increasingly uno. It was usually fine, he had the entire imagination to keep him busy and entertained, after all. He could make sides if he wanted to. But… it wasn’t quite the same. That was probably the only reason he had bothered to hang around at all when Janus went on another tirade about how insufferable and brainwashed the lightsides were, how Roman was being pushed, blah blah blah. After the last video release, the dialogged had temporarily shifted. That had gotten Remus’ attention. It seemed that Roman had rejected Janus, not just chosen someone else’ way over the deceitful side’s own, but outright stood against Janus even when the others folded around him. It would be funny, if it weren’t so sad.
All of Janus’ plans had been for Roman’s sake.
And in three miscalculated moves, Janus had managed to push away the one side he sought the approval of.
“Do you think this will work?” Janus asked, tugging at the yellow sash hanging off his shoulder again.
“Oh, definitely not,” Remus said flatly, flipping through an upside down fairytale book on the couch with a bored expression on his face. The duke had been forced to hear about Janus’ plans to woo—“reconcile” with Roman for days and at this point it was honestly slightly obnoxious how invested Janus was. “But it’s just the right side of disgustingly cheesy that Roman’s sure to love it even when you inevitably fall on your face.”
“I will!” Janus “I- I mean I won’t!  I mean-!“ Janus shoved his face in his hands with a groan.
Remus quirked an eyebrow in the snake’s direction, watching the self-proclaimed “Lord of Lies” try and compose himself. Thankfully, Remus did know what he meant, even when Janus wasn’t sure of it himself. It was one of his special skills as the bestfriend™.
“Look, J, I’m going to tell you this very clearly and carefully, as your friend,” Remus said, pushing up into a sitting position from his previous sprawl across the couch. “Your plans suck.”
"Excuse you?!" Janus nearly shrieked in retaliation to Remus' brand of hard truths. “They do!… not!”
Remus couldn't have stopped the subsequent string of chuckles if he wanted to. That was the biggest lie he'd ever heard Jan tell and Remus had heard plenty over the years given how rarely the two were ever apart. The darkside pair just meshed well. Janus was the liar, sure, but Remus was the secret keeper. Even if Roman struggled to understand Janus, Remus never had. The snake couldn't hide from him, even when he wanted to. It came with Remus' position as the holder of intrusive thoughts; he got a front row seat to every dirty little secret the others tried to lock away and bury in their little shame closets. What they didn't realize however, was that Remus had the master key. Remus quite literally was the little hint of truth behind every one of Janus' lies. The truths that Janus tried to tug and weave and bend around the others to get his way.
Remus was the keeper of the blatant, harsh, and often downright uncomfortable truths, not just what the sides tried to hide from Thomas, but also what they tried to hide from each other. It was a lot like the story The Giver. Someone had to hold all of the knowledge the little utopia unit tried to hide from and Remus had been designated. Though, he usually thought of himself more of a receiver than anything. Roman was the giver of the pair. The giver of dreams, wishes, and fantasies. Remus was more like a radio with the dial gummed up and stuck on where the power switch had broken off ages ago. Not that all of the secrets were so bad to tune into, some were sweet, some were shy, and a few were even downright adorable, but more often than not, secrets were kept that way for a reason and the Deceitful side had the most secrets of all.
They worked because Janus could never ever keep a secret from Remus and likewise, Remus would never ever tell.
The Deceitful side trusted him, was the only one to trust him and Remus was adamant to keep that trust. Remus locked it in a little box and kept it close, in the few little hideaways he had. In his pockets, within little small nooks of the imagination, and under the bed on the nights when Thomas’ thoughts turned up to an 11 and even Remus started to wonder what he still had left to give.
He had that.
A tiny little secret of his own.
Most of the time, it was enough.
"Your. Plans. Suck." Remus emphasized, slowly, pushing up from the ratty sofa Janus had sewn back up after Remus’ countless escapades over the years. Janus complained about it every time. He cited everything from the loose springs, and flattened stuffing, to the threadbare upholstery and warped base. He always told Remus just to replace the broken thing, but that never stopped careful fingers in yellow-clad gloves from systematically putting the thing back together again each time, always working away at it before Remus could even consider replacing the old lump.
That was his friend’s best and worst trait after all. Janus could not let things go. He wrapped and coiled and held on to any little scrap that he could get a hold of. His problem was that when he panicked, that coil became a death grip.
That's how they lost Virgil.
And that's how Janus was currently losing Roman.
"My plans are ama--mph--" Janus glared at Remus with fury striking like lightning in his eyes after Remus willed a zipper to appear across Janus' lips to force them shut, fully closing even the snake side.
Even best friends needed a taste of their own medicine every now and again, lest they forget how bitter it can be.
"Ah, ah, ah my sweet snoot," Remus nearly sang as he skipped over to his favorite danger noodle and reached out to boop Janus' nose. "It's my turn to talk now.
“You went in and pretend to be Patton, just to have him show up on you and made Thomas want to tell the truth more. Even then, you had almost had Roman on your side, but got so focused on semantics, you missed the actual benefits. You reviewed, revised, and waited to try again after deciding Logan and his facts were the problem, right?
“Then—“ Remus started, holding his mace up threateningly as Janus made some displeased, but muffled noises from behind the zipper, likely some kind of litany of curses. Had Remus not been prepared with his mace, the other side likely would have already tried to strong arm him into getting rid of the bound. “You tried to play Logan and just… ugh, Janny you are not allowed to act anymore. That was a terrible performance. Anyway! The trial starts and you get into it and try to defend what Roman wants, right?”
Janus’ incomprehensible complaints cease, only for him to squint at Remus suspiciously and give a slow nod.
“Wrong!” Remus proclaimed, swinging his mace toward the snake and stopping so close to his face, the metal spikes brushed some of the bangs hanging over the bridge of Janus’ nose. “Instead, you got carried away again. You got caught up in semantics and made it about who Thomas is as a person rather than what would be the better choice to make.
“In short, you made it all about you. Again,”  Remus said, letting his morning star drop as the energy was sucked out of him with his rant. “Sure, you won the argument, but you lost what you actually wanted.”
Remus wasn’t usually one to insert his opinions on things, that was more Janus’ thing and, gosh it was exhausting. How did the snake even keep up with just… caring so much about everything?
It seemed Remus wasn’t the only one suddenly exhausted though, because after rubbing some of the strain out of his own eyes, the duke watched Janus slowly slump backwards until he was all but sitting on the arm of their scrap couch. He wasn’t fighting the zipper any longer, his extra arms were tucked away and his normal pair were laid listlessly on his lap now as he stared down at his own yellow gloves.
“How was my brother meant to make any other decision when you put what Thomas wanted, against who he wanted to be? I wouldn’t care, indulgence is my territory. But Roman’s job is to be the dream, the ideal. You should know that.”
When Janus finally looked up at Remus, he just looked sad.
He looked pale, his eyes were shiny, and all the regality he tried to hold himself with in that dupe prince costume just fell away from him as he pressed his palms to his temples.
Remus finally let the zipper fall away into nonexistence.
He wasn’t done yet.
“Look J, I know you had good intentions.”
“But?” a slightly rough voice asked from a newly freed mouth as a yellow glove brushed the remaining ghosting sensations of the enclosure away.
Remus sighed, already imagining the hoard of grotesque creatures he’d be battling through in the imagination after this “talk.” He needed something to balance out all of the gross feelings and shit.
“But I don’t think Roman or Thomas would have chosen the wedding if you hadn’t gotten side tracked. You tried to prove you’re ugh ‘goodness’ by arguing you’re a part of Thomas. Your whole argument backfired and made him question if he’s any good. What else did you expect but for him to try and prove he is? Not to mention the after incident.”
“That was meant to be an apology,” Janus murmured miserably. “I had taken Logan’s place with the intention of leading Roman to work out his own mistreatment.”
“But you showboated.”
“I-“ Janus started, clearly ready to argue again, but stopped himself with a single look from Remus. “…I did what I thought was necessary.”
“Did you now?” Remus snorted. “Sure, going and pretending to be the nerd I get, but why change went Patton went full kaiju? You could have kept up the act and stood alongside Roman. It would have been an all around win for the lightsides as everyone would think Roman and Logan worked together to reign in one of their own.”
“I… I just wanted….”
“You wanted to be accepted. You saw an opportunity to be the hero and you took it, not caring who you hurt along the way. First you took Patton’s role as morality, then you took Logan’s role as logic, and to round it all out, you took Roman’s role as Thomas hero. That’s your problem.”
“Is wanting a place at the discussion table so bad?” Janus asked with a sigh, folding his arms in his lap.
“No, but taking it is,” Remus said, tugging the tiny chain that typically held Janus’ cape to his shoulders. It was currently re-purposed to secure the cape into a makeshift sash.
“Because that’s not a hypocritical statement at all, coming from you,” Janus replied swatting at Remus’ hands that still fiddled with his sash. “It’s not as if you, oh I dunno, knocked out Roman and took his spot during your entrance or anything.”
“True, but when I did it, I made Robro their hero.” Remus said, letting himself fall back onto the couch lazily as Remus saw the first sign of real recognition budding within his friend’s heterocromatic eyes.
“He is their hero.”
“Does he know that?”
“He wouldn’t believe me if I told him so.”
“So, what are you going to do?”
Roman groaned and carefully maneuvered his skirt from the grasp of yet another birch tree. It was fair to say that the photo shoot wasn’t exactly going how he had pictured it when he had chosen a full gown paired with an outdoor setting. He knew there must have been a reason why the others had all chosen knee length skirts and stayed indoors. Instead of just taking a picture, Roman had to build a scene. He had to wow his audience and every part of the image had to be carefully designed. He just… hadn’t exactly thought everything through. Roman had imagined something more along the lines of sweeping gracefully through the forest as the gown swished around him as his every movement was made even more graceful by the gentle sway of the fabric.
He hadn’t accounted for how often his outfit would catch on the branches and foliage around him.
It wasn’t fair.
Disney princesses usually seemed to magically get along with the flora and fauna around them, long skirts or not, unless they were being trailed by some evildoer of course, but that didn’t count. Roman was by himself at the moment. On break from getting frustrated one too many times as his own outfit betrayed him during the photo shoot. The photographer and set designer needed some time to reevaluate the next set and Roman needed some time to clear away his current frustration.
So, into the woods he went. He carefully lifted his skirt to protect it against nearly ripping for the fourth or fifth time today as he gingerly stepped around branches, dearly missing his boots as stray twigs tried to impale themselves into his sandled feet. At least his hair wasn’t so long that it would get unexpectedly tangled in the branches above, but he did have to pick some burrs off of his bolero already after he had tried to catch himself on a bush during an unfortunate stumble. The maneuver saved his outfit from getting muddy, but he didn’t make it unscathed.
Roman had dreamed of being on the cover of magazines his whole life. Though, in those dreams it was usually due to a movie deal but he had never been opposed to the idea of modeling like some of the other sides were. Logan found the idea of it mindless, Virgil was anxious about the attention, and Patton wasn’t fond of the rumored cutthroat environment. Still, Roman had thought it seemed so glamorous. However, he hadn’t taken into account how much work it was.
Sure, it seemed simple. Pose and shoot, right? In reality though, it was tedious work as the photographer rapidly took hundreds of pictures at just slightly different angles so they could all be evaluated later for the “best” ones. That meant not just holding a pose, but also holding an expression. Roman felt like his acting skills were being put to fill use as he tried to strike the idea of power into each click of the camera.
Absolutely nothing about this had been simple though.
Roman found himself sighing and leaned against one of the scattered trees for moral and physical support after carefully maneuvering his gown around it. He would be fine. He was royalty after all and the first rule was to never let them see you cry. It would all be okay once he took a chance to catch his metaphorical breath. Though, the literal sense wasn’t a bad idea either. He imagined the breathing exercises that Virgil had gone through with him when the prince accidentally shown up at Virgil’s door in a less than royal state after the whole wedding debauchery and name reveal sham. The near panic attacking pulling him there unwittingly.
It was… it was nice. Roman and Virgil had been getting along better than ever after his own acceptance video, but it was like a new wall had broken down around the pair. Virgil had stationed himself as Roman’s personal bodyguard since the events that need not be named and… it was nice. A little lonely, but he appreciated everything that the anxious side was doing for him and especially appreciated how he kept between him and the-side-who-probably-lied-about-his-name-anyway.
Roman didn’t think he was ready to open up that can of snakes quite yet.
Hey Princey, it’s going to be okay, yeah? You’re better than this… and him.
The words rang around Roman’s skull once, twice, and then he straightened his shoulders. Even when Virgil wasn’t around, he was right. The prince could practically feel the anxious side aiming a smirk his way from somewhere in the incomprehensible distance. Still, it was good to remember.
He was better than this.
He was going to march right back to that photo-shoot, take some fabulous as fuck photos, and then march home with his head hell high because he was going to look damn good in the final set!
Hiking up his skirt again, Roman prepared himself for the trudge back, feeling ready to take on the world once again, except—
—except something caught his eye.
Well… there was a well… a literal one out in the distance. It was old looking, some of the bricks were broken or even just missing, and there seemed to be this misty haze that hung around it, a little thinner than full fog, but something about it felt slightly… otherworldly? With only a moment of hesitation, Roman found himself taking a step towards it and then another, and then another…
…the others would be fine without him for just a few minutes longer, right?
It was such an oddly beautiful scene, broken down and uncared for, but there was still something just so striking about it. Plus, how many chances would be get to interact with a real life well? This could be a great location to take some shots and he’d be remiss if he didn’t take advantage of it!
There was also one other advantage to it as well. It wasn’t often after all that real settings lended themselves so pefectly to the Disney aesthetic. Mind you, Snow White was by no means his favorite movie. The plot-line was a bit... outdated. Still, he admired the film for everything it represented as the first Disney classic of the golden age, the film that really started it all! Snow White was a marvel of animation for its time and the well song was the sound engineers of the time showing off.
He could respect that.
Roman crept closer, one careful step at a time until his toes of his sandles nearly touched the stone. He, ever so gently, let himself kneel down slowly, until his knees began to rest upon the well’s edge. He carefully let his shoulders relax as he watched the light reflecting in the water’s slightly cloudy surface. It was just for a tiny bit longer, after all. He let his hands slowly unclench from around the skirt as the velvety material draped and flowed around him. It was nice to have something else bear the weight of the heavy material for a little while.
“Make a wish into the well,” Roman whispered, letting his fingers trace over the loose stones circling the murky opening. To be fair, it was the tiniest bit more decrepit then the one pictured in the film. He sighed and slowly let his form drape across the layered bricks as he let one hand hang over the side as his fingertips danced across the water’s surface. “That’s all I have to do, huh?”
“And if you hear it echoing, your wish will soon come true~”
The sweet bell chime of Snow’s voice only sang the next line within Roman’s own mind, but it was enough to spur his continuance.
“I’m wishing~” Roman quietly sang, trying not to feel too silly as his voice carried to no one at all. At least Snow had some animals to sing to. He had nothing but the ripples of a moss covered and slightly over-flooded well that had certainly acted as a catch all drainage for the recent string of storms.
Roman tried not to empathize with the stacked pile of rocks.
He wasn’t sure if it was the well or his own internal imagination still remembering the movie, but he could almost hear an echo reply back with, “I’m wishing”
“For the one I love, to find me,”
“To find me”
“Todaaaaay~” came a smooth voice behind Roman’s back, causing the royal side to literally jump up and onto their feet from their previous position lounged across the well edge.
“Deceit,” Roman glowered, hiking up the lengthy gown to take a couple cautionary steps backwards. He wasn’t sure what to make of what he was seeing. There Janus was, decked out in an outfit modeled after his own typical princely gear, right down to the sash that was—wait—was that his cape?
“Not today,” Janus said simply, taking slow steps forward until the fake prince came nearly nose to nose with the real one. “Today, my darling, I thought I’d try something new, just for you.”
And then the humming started.
“Now that I’ve found you, hear what I have to saaay~”  Janus started, singing along to the familiar tune. “One song,~”
“~Ever entreating, constant but true~”
A gloved hand tried to weave its way between Roman’s fingers as the other hovered just to Roman’s side and would have been only a moment away from resting against his hip, had he not jerked away the moment those gloves touched him.
“There’s nothing ‘true’ about you!” Roman yelled, not caring anymore that the edges of his skirt swept the soil beneath him as he pulled away.
Roman had planned a second round of photos after his break, but couldn’t stand the thought anymore. No, Janus had ruined this for him, just like everything else he had systematically ruined in Roman’s life recently.
Roman was about to start again, blaming the Deceitful side for this, for mercilessly pushing and shoving his way into Roman’s space, his things, his life, except—
—expect he had this look on his face. Big, mismatched eyes stared back at Roman, wide, and shimmery and open. Roman had to remind himself that the hurt shining his way was probably just another trick, just another ploy to manipulate the prince again.
...Okay, not even Roman totally believed it.
“What do you want from me?” Roman whispered, he didn’t know if he was asking the other side or himself from how quietly his voice whispered the words.
“I just want one.”
One what?
“One chance,” Janus said, taking a slow step forward toward the prince. “One opportunity to apologize properly.”
As Janus moved forward, one of Roman’s feet took a preparatory step backwards for balance, ready to move, ready to defend or flee. But Roman stayed rooted in place as the snake in princely garb moved closer.
“One day, that I can pretend that my actions and intentions had aligned, my dear,” Janus said, only stopping once his chest nearly brushed against Roman’s own. “One day, to pretend that I was your savior.”
“I don’t under—“ Roman muttered, before he could curse himself for engaging with this at all. His brain was just the smallest bit frazzled from the proximity and Janus had no shortage of charm in the way he could deliver a line.
“Shhhhh,” Janus hushed gently, tugging the yellow gloves from his hand before he reached up to trace his thumb against Roman’s cheekbone. “Can’t we just  have a fantasy for a little while my prince? Just this once?”
Roman swallowed as Janus leaned further into his space.
“Fantasy is my specialty, I suppose,” Roman muttered, clinging to the fact that the sweet talk was simply to get him to conjure some kind of indulgent daydream rather than trying to lead Roman to some other kind of nefarious goal. “What kind of fantasy were you looking to dive into?”
“I want one where I gave you your happy ending in the way I intended Roman.”
Roman just stared, his jaw dropping slightly at those words.
Janus didn’t flinch, didn’t throw his voice, or quirk his eyebrows, or any of number of little tells that the Deceitful side expected the others to pick up on in conversation. No he just met Roman’s stare with something heavy behind those heterochromatic eyes.
“Please Roman? I know it’s selfish to ask, but we both know selfish is what I am. Just let me be one today. Can’t we pretend for just one day?”
“What ‘one’ do you even mean?” Roman huffed half-heartedly. Even he could feel the fire slowly extinguishing in his chest as the conversation continued. “Who are you today then? The liar or the saint?”
Janus paused a moment, his gaze unwavering from Roman’s own face. Roman watched the scales on his neck glimmer in the sunlight as he swallowed, before taking the last final step into the prince’s space as a gloveless hand sat itself on Roman’s hip.
“Neither today my dearest,” Janus said with a cocky smile as he used his free hand to brush Roman’s fluffy bangs from his eyes.
“Today, I simply want to be the one in your fantasy.”
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myhaikyuuthings · 4 years
Bf Hc's for Kageyama bokuto and iwaizumi?
oh my babies, yes ofc!
Boyfriend Headcanons
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very shy when you first start dating
you’re most likely his first relationship so he has no idea what he’s doing
will leave milk on your desk for you, share his milk and even buy your own whenever he buys himself one
would l o v e for you to come to his practices and games
bonus points if you help him practice
spending time helping him practice is the quickest way to get him to open up, fall harder for you And you get more time with him
it’s really a win win to help him out
he loves you 50.1% and volleyball 49.9%
does he love you 100%? yes of course but he also loves volleyball and if you ask him to choose between the two of you? he will have a very very hard time 
i feel like he’s the type to absolutely lose himself in a kiss
hes not huge on PDA but if you kiss him in public, he literally can’t help himself
he thinks he’s addicted to your kisses
doesn’t show affection much in the start he doesn’t know how
but once he gets comfortable with you and you start showing him more affection? he wants it Constantly
hold his hand, please
if you’re cuddling his head is either on your chest while you play with his hair, or you’re laying with your foreheads touching just enjoying being with each other
not the noticeably jealous type but he definitely has his tipping point
he tries not to step in if you’re talking to someone or someone’s flirting with you, he trusts you fully
but if he thinks for one second he Could lose you to that person or you look uncomfortable he will step in and not feel bad about it
a lot of your dates are volleyball related tbh
going to watch games together, practicing together etc
but he likes quiet dates too, take him to a park or a coffee shop and he’s thriving 
actually really good at communication tbh
if he has an issue with you, he comes directly to you about it almost immediately
he doesn’t like having to overthink if he’s got something to be upset about or not he’d rather confront the problem together
expects the same from you, but understands if sometimes you just Can’t bring up what’s bothering you
will wait impatiently for you to come to him
he just really loves you and wants to make you happy, whatever that is for you 
12/10 boyfriend
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i’m in love with him so this is a little biased I’m sorry
upfront about everything
he’s upset? you will know and you’ll know why within seconds
really bad at hiding his emotions as we know
but you appreciate that! never have to play the guessing game with this boy
he is so so so affectionate 
from day one, his hand is practically glued to yours as long as you’re okay with that
we love a respectful king
he needs constant validation tbh and he deserves the praise so it balances out
doubts whether or not he’s good enough  for you sometimes
he just thinks you’re the epitome of perfection, so he can’t wrap his head around why you would want to be with him of all people
lowkey insecure and idk if thats an unpopular hc but i stand by it
you get promoted to #1 Bokuto wrangler when he’s having an episode
go to his games, his practices everything
when you’re there  he’s at the top of his game, his spikes? unstoppable. his blocks? unbreakable
if you happen to miss a game or practice they might as well not even put him on the court
hes so sad omg
he understands Why you couldn’t come, doesn’t help that he’s missing you
the type to want to be around you 24/7
if you have classes together he will hold your hand throughout the entire class, usually leaving his dominant hand useless because he doesn’t want to mess up Your notes
will 100% ask to borrow your notes
study dates! you rarely get anything done but if you promise him a kiss for every question he gets right you have his attention for a solid hour
after that he gets distracted by your kisses
loves loves loves kissing you
if you don’t like kisses on the lips? no problem he will pepper your cheeks with kisses
gets jealous very easily
won’t approach you about it though
just goes directly into ‘emo mode’ 
takes a little bit to get him out of it tbh
usually a simple “you know you’re the only person I want right? I love you, you’re my person” and a kiss to his forehead and he’ll perk back up
kuroo flirts with you just to throw Bokuto off his game when they play against each other
if you’re ever uncomfortable with anything, he will remove you from that situation
has thrown you over his shoulder to get you out of situations before with no issue
loves to work out with you! if you’re not into working out he will beg you to let him lift you instead of weights
doesn’t matter what you weigh, he can and will lift you
constantly reassures you that you are the most beautiful, intelligent, caring person he’s ever met
you’re sad? not on his watch. he will listen to whatever is upsetting you and if he can fix it he Will, if not? he’s doing everything in his power to cheer you up
cuddling him is a mess. you don’t have a set position you two cuddle in
the most common is you laying your head on his thick thighs while he runs his hands through your hair and vice versa
big spoon, little spoon, he doesn’t care as long as he can touch you
when it’s too hot to cuddle, he Must at the very least have a pinky touching you or he gets restless
15/10 respectful, funny, kind, talented boyfriend. marry him seriously  he will marry you with zero hesitation
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  you two roast Oikawa together #couplegoals
he’s big on taking care of yourself, proper sleep a good diet lots of water
if you’re forgetful like me and don’t always take care of yourself properly he will text you every few hours to remind you to drink water and eat something
not huge on pda, mainly because of Oikawa, he doesn’t want to hear his mouth
but if you love pda, he’ll compromise, just try to keep it to a minimum around the captain
no shame in his love for you though
if you tell him you don’t feel the love he is doing a full 180
will full on make out with you in front of Oikawa if that’s what it takes for you to realize how important you are to him
come to his games. he won’t ask you to nor does he expect you to but it really helps him
knowing that  you’re out in the crowd cheering for him, it’s his biggest motivation
bonus points if you’re louder than Oikawa’s fanclub
loves going on dates with you
the type to pick you up at random times for impromptu dates just because he misses you
not super clingy but definitely likes having you around, he knows you both have your own life and he respects that but if you can spend time together he wants to
will leave practice early if you tell him you’re sad or miss him
super cuddly in the privacy of your own home
wrap yourself around him like a koala and he is in heaven
honestly just loves feeling like he can protect you, even if you can protect yourself
will 100% help you study, and is super nice about it
you were skeptical after hearing the horror stories from Oikawa but honestly he has a ton of patience with you and will go over the same question for an hour until you understand it if necessary
just wants you to succeed 
another one who loves your kisses
he likes making out and everything but the small kisses mean more to him
when you kiss his cheek before a game, or press a kiss to the back of his hand while you’re walking together woooo
he just feels so loved and knows you have no other motive
with make outs theres always the chance the other person is just horny, but these? they’re so innocent and he can feel how much you care about him with them
not the greatest at expressing himself at first but not terrible either, you make do
once he fully opens up though, you know he loves you
won’t let you stay sad, if you’re upset for whatever reason hes just
“let’s go bully shittykawa that always makes me feel better”
if by some miracle that doesn’t help you, time for cuddles movies and calming tea
gives the b  e s t massages with no complaint
just a really good boyfriend 11/10 caring, funny, protective 
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